#fukuchi whos that
jodefrostwallart · 1 year
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Hunting Dogs Doodles
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sensitiveheartless · 9 months
Ok, so Muppet AU! Every ability user in canon is a muppet, except for Dazai, who nullifies both abilities and the physical state of being a muppet!
Now that that’s established:
Bram is already kind of a muppet, right?
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(Whenever Bram spreads the vampirism, the newly infected muppet just gains a pair of glued-in fangs)
Corruption is just muppet-Chuuya on a string, being swung wildly about like the killer rabbit from Monty Python and the Holy Grail
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Imagine you are a muppet for as long as you can remember, and then one weird human pokes you, and suddenly you are also human for the first time alsksjdjf
Oh and the best part of this AU is Ranpo!!! Because if Fukuzawa convinced Ranpo that he had an ability when he was fifteen, then that means that Fukuzawa simultaneously had to convince a human boy that he was a muppet.
And Ranpo believes this for years.
Ranpo, a human man: “Haha, I have the best ability in the agency! >:D”
Atsushi, a tiger-muppet who has just learned how all this works:
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daz4i · 1 year
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fulfilling my monthly doa memes quota 🫡
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credensjustitiam · 15 days
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i edited termina sprites as doa out of boredom, sorry no serious art for now as i am a little busy
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juriyuki · 9 months
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Choose your fighter
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barelyevenalive · 9 months
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yk what that old man yaoi budget was put to good use
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neo--queen--serenity · 4 months
I’m personally devastated that Mori and Fukuchi never got to meet. Not only would it be THE pettiest bitch-off the world has ever seen, poor Fukuzawa would be just sitting there in between them with no expression whatsoever as the Hunting Dogs, PM, and ADA just watched them with growing horror, unable to look away.
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lovereadandwrite · 2 months
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Happy Easter from Nikolai & his DOA chicks🐣🐰🪺
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zukkaoru · 3 months
i do think there's a fascinating parallel between teruko and fukuzawa here. fukuzawa can't do what needs to be done because of his love for fukuchi; teruko does what she has to despite her love for fukuchi.
fukuzawa doesn't have the military mindset that teruko does. his one wish was to be able to protect those he cared about. fukuzawa is a good person, but there are certain people he values above the rest of the world, and when he's forced to make the choice between saving someone he cares about and saving the world, he can't do it. there's a reason he doesn't like organizations and a reason he refused to join the army with fukuchi; he's literally not cut out for it. and because of this, he really isn't cut out to lead the army of mankind either. if he can't kill fukuchi, who nearly destroyed the world, why should he be given the one order?
teruko, on the other hand, can put her feelings aside and make the hard choice and do what has to be done. arguably, she would be far more suited to lead the army of mankind because of this. fukuchi needed fukuzawa to kill him to fully prove himself capable of using the one order and leading the world's army. but he didn't. he didn't want that anyway, and it's not a role he's cut out for, even though fukuchi so desperately wanted him to be. fukuchi was banking on the fact that fukuzawa would be worthy of the role he gave him. and teruko knows that. teruko knows fukuzawa needed to be the one to kill fukuchi. and she knew that he couldn't do it, but she could, and she could give him the credit so they are the only two who know the truth. so the rest of the world will follow fukuchi's plan out after his death and decide fukuzawa is capable and worthy of a role he never wanted, and a role he shouldn't have
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I have some funfact
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I don't know if anyone remember this but I was rereading some of the chapter and I see this note
And yup like the note say is was quite ironic for them to be like this
I think other than the two fukus they really should put fukufuku too but it a note so meh
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koiwynn · 1 month
fyozai fukuku volume cover eats i fear
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skkpaws · 10 days
looking back at every teruko scene just hurts now. all those times she was praised for being a badass or girlboss she was just a child. she held the title “the queen of bloody thorns” as a 12 year old. she was taught how to shoot a gun before she was taught how to count or tie her shoes. she was in love with violence and tortue likely because that’s all she’s know since BIRTH and was able to find purpose and family through it.
she also likely confused her admiration for fukuchi for romantic attraction because she never got to learn what love was in all its different forms. she mentally had the maturity for it but none of the experience. she felt Strong feelings and didn’t have the life experience to explain what they were.
she deserved to be a child :( i’m glad the other hunting dogs allowed her the opportunity when they could :(
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rosalinesurvived · 2 months
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I said I don't care what you think
As long as it's about me
The best of us can find happiness in misery
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sskk-manifesto · 9 months
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fyodorkitkat · 1 year
If the PM had somehow been the primary target of all of these plots instead of the ADA I firmly believe half of the situations could have been solved with Kajii. I understand he isn't popular but listen there is a reason he is who they pull out first with a hat trick when shit gets real.
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kyouka-supremacy · 8 months
Extremely unpopular opinion but I LOVE Fukuchi through chapters 84-88. I love how he's always “I'm too old for this shit”, I love how he deliberately gives time for Atsushi and Akutagawa to reorganize their plan of action without running after them but rather waiting for them, I love how he gives them genuine advices to improve even if it's ultimately pointless since they'll be both dead by the end of the fight, I love the “you have my blessing”, I love how he's one step ahead all the time because he has decades of experience more of them and it shows, I love him calling them “boys”, I love how he's genuinely trying to recommend Akutagawa for a job??? unprompted????????, I love how he'd take a very risky route by letting one of them live and not kill the other with his own hands just because he's tired of killing, I love the “well done” he last directs to Akutagawa making it the last thing he hears. Truly he would have had a wholesome grandpa dynamic in a perfect world.
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