#i love aradia so much
spontaneouspluto 2 months
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HUMANSTUCK ARADONG andddd some sketches (also sorry for the shit quality yeah 馃馃馃)
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glitchy-rat 2 years
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insufferablemod 2 months
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her smile 鉂わ笍
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degenerateflesh 7 months
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scary girls
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karkatbug 9 months
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hs2 update has me giddy
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sleepyruney 3 months
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MsPaint again, the process is always weirdly therapeutic
Ft. The one and only Aries troll
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cupid-tune 2 years
Sollux x Aradia or Mituna x Latula
Your art is absolute eye candy by the way
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Double Captor love!!
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thatnununguy 3 months
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davepeta (the CEO of creamsicles) post
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theepicvivian 1 year
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ARADIA MEGIDO !!!! Happy 413 homestuck day 0u0
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chrisrin 1 year
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more gemstuck doodles from today!
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eridude 9 months
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mistrex-silly 4 months
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WOAH ANOTHER SILLY GUY BATCH?! (Mix and match next one sometime soon smiles)
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falseflea 10 months
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recent doodles !
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erohon17 4 months
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g0lb3tty 2 days
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Maid of time 鉂わ笍
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insufferablemod 3 days
thinking about the differences and similarities between aradia and dave and their doomed selves.......................... dave walking on a constant tightrope to keep himself and his friends on the alpha timeline, doing everything he can, giving up his personhood, walking over his own corpse time and time again, aware that one wrong move dooms them all meanwhile i know aradia was also aware of this but doesn't seem to care, partially cus of being a dead robot sure but also maybe because their doomed selves function in different ways. dave's act as a warning and safety net for the alpha timeline, they show him what he has to do to keep the alpha timeline safe aradia's are a tool, a weapon, the more of them there are the stronger she is which makes me think its likely that unlike dave, during the trolls session aradia didn't try and stop any doomed timeline offshoots. i don't think shes the type to have Encouraged them, actively dooming timelines, but it was a necessary part of her role. for them to win, they needed an army both aradia and dave also view the end result as the only important factor, the end justifies the means aradia talking to dead dave about how dave needs to be prepared to die a thousand deaths to complete their quest dave not telling jade that shes about to pump him full of lead both use it as an excuse/justification to do what they want in a way, ghost aradia wrecking random shit, but its fine, there's probably a reason for it, and if there's not, one more doomed timeline is just another doomed self to join the final battle dave's thing about being mad that no one else seems mad n how this way he at least gets to try n go for jack, even knowing hell die, he saw it happen so hes allowed to be reckless, hes allowed to let go the freedom and captivity of time you both have no control over anything, forced to follow the whims of The Alpha timeline if you want to survive, but it also absolves you of responsibility, it Had to happen this way we'd all have been doomed if it hadn't.
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