#i love basil aesthetics
daikonghost143 · 6 months
Im bored take a moodboard for the silly guy
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Vincent Price, Peter Lorre, Boris Karloff and Basil Rathbone singing a tune behind the scenes of The Comedy of Terrors (1963)
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sea-bunniez · 2 months
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basil moodboard 人⁠ ✿。⁠◕
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I recently got back a work I did of The Picture Of Dorian Gray and thought I would share. It’s mixed media- oil marker, water based marker, acrylic paint and coloured pencils. My goal was to make a two part “before and after” that kept Dorian the same as he remains un-aging, but also displaying the inner corruption of the portrait. Art is, after all, at once surface and symbol.
Here it is put together:
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Aaaand some close ups:
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And the isolated first “frame”:
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Also, Basil does deserve better. I’m obsessed with sad dark haired painter blorbos with golden muses.
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greensartblog · 3 months
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cupofsoju · 2 years
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versin-surfin · 7 months
Novel muses tag dump
#{the things i do for love: jaime lannister\\ canon verse}#{the things i do for love: jaime lannister \\ military verse}#{the things i do for love: jaime lannister\\ mafia verse}#{the things i do for love: jaime lannister\\ answers}#{the things i do for love: jaime lannister\\ shitpost}#{the things i do for love: jaime lannister\\ quotes and aesthetics}#{fear has two meanings: dan torrance\\ child verse}#{fear has two meanings: dan torrance\\ steam}#{fear has two meanings: dan torrance\\ there are other worlds than these}#{fear has two meanings: dan torrance\\ answers}#{fear has two meanings: dan torrance\\ shitpost}#{fear has two meanings: dan torrance\\ quotes and aesthetics}#{a portrait is worth a thousand years: basil hallward\\ canon verse}#{a portrait is worth a thousand years: basil hallward\\ penny dreadful verse}#{a portrait is worth a thousand years: basil hallward\\ spirit verse}#{a portrait is worth a thousand years: basil hallward\\ answers}#{a portrait is worth a thousand years: basil hallward\\ shitpost}#{a portrait is worth a thousand years: basil hallward\\ quotes and aesthetics}#{she's human toxic waste! marla\\ canon verse}#{she's human toxic waste! marla\\ post canon verse}#{she's human toxic waste! marla\\ no more clubs}#{she's human toxic waste! marla\\ answers}#{she's human toxic waste! marla\\ shitpost}#{she's human toxic waste! marla\\ quotes and aesthetics}#{here's some advice. stay alive: haymitch\\ fire is catching}#{here's some advice. stay alive: haymitch\\ how rebellion dies}#{here's some advice. stay alive: haymitch\\ after the rebellion}#{here's some advice. stay alive: haymitch\\ reaped}#{here's some advice. stay alive: haymitch\\ answers}#{here's some advice. stay alive: haymitch\\ shitpost}
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libbyfandom · 5 months
Soft Modern!Mizu Headcanons
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Loves ASMR. Likes Japanese soft spoken ASMR. There’s a nice older woman ASMRtist on Youtube that reminds her of how her mom would speak when she was little.
Has a plague doctor plushie.
Very much into the cottagecore aesthetic. Loves the idea of having a quiet little stone cottage with ivy growing up the side, shutter windows, and a little garden behind.
Speaking of gardening, her adoptive father taught her how to garden when she was small. He’d raised her on the smell of wet soil and the feeling of digging her little hands through to pull up the vegetables. She doesn’t have room for a garden in her little college apartment, but she does have a windowsill planter where she grows basil and rosemary for cooking.
Curls up in fetal position when napping.
Uses scrunchies to tie her hair up. Blue and black are the most common colors.
Mizu follows hopecore stuff on every social media platform and saves her favorite quotes and videos to a folder in her phone.
Mizu’s first sleepover is in college with you and Akemi. Akemi got all of you matching pajamas but in different colors and ya’ll made cookies and watched childhood movies Mizu’s never seen like Barbie. And I mean the CLASSIC Barbie movies like "Rapunzel" and "Princess and the Pauper". She makes lighthearted, snarky comments the first half of the movies but by the end you see how her eyes are bright as she sits in front of the TV.
Ringo taught her about wishing on dandelions. If she doesn’t pick them to use herself when she sees them, she saves them for you or her friends.
She’ll doodle on your arm with pen when she’s bored in the one class you share together.
She’s not the baby of her friend group, she’s the second youngest, right before Akemi. But she’s the baby of the group. It’s just, no one outright tells her so she doesn’t get defensive. Akemi will braid her hair for her before kenjutsu practice, because she never learned how. Ringo will always keeps snacks in his bag for her, and pulls them out when he sees her holding her stomach with the slight pinching of her eyes hinting that she’s upset and pained. Taigen and her are, you know, but when he sees her in a four v one fight against upperclassman he jumps at one of the guys, swinging without hesitation.
Mikio never got her flowers. But when roses show up on her kitchen table with a note in your handwriting, she has a moment where her heart is fluttering. Her eyes close as she brings one close and inhales its floral perfume with a soft smile.
Mizu drinking a milkshake.
She hung fairy lights on the ceiling of her room.
One time for a college event Akemi absolutely doused her hair with silvery spray on glitter. Her raven hair ended up sparkling like the night sky and she got so many compliments she started getting flustered. She'd hide behind Ringo and Taigen when she would see groups of girls walking by that would gasp at how pretty her hair looked and come closer to either compliment her or ask her where she got the glitter.
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hotvintagepoll · 4 months
I am adoring all of these polls and gif sets and just being fed so many hot vintage people. As someone who really hasn’t watched very many classics, are there any movies you’d recommend for someone just starting to dip their toes in older media but unsure where to start?
Sure! I don't want to sway any voting, but I'll put an incomplete list of favorites that involve hot men not still in the bracket below the cut.
Something to note that applies to most of these old movies—older movies have different pacing than modern movies, so some of these might seem really slow or weird to start. There are also different ways of framing gender and agency, for better and for worse. I've italicized the ones that I think are the best for starting with, but go with whatever genre/aesthetic sounds best.
The Court Jester (Danny Kaye, Basil Rathbone)—a circus performer working for a quasi-Robin Hood infiltrates the royal court. Fun comedy that's incredibly accessible and still so light on its feet. Swordfighting, glamorous medieval costumes, court intrigues, and silly accents.
Singin' in the Rain (Gene Kelly)—fun polyamorous musical comedy. The dancing is incredible, but so is the sense of joy and camaraderie between Gene Kelly, Donald O'Connor, and Debbie Reynolds. Genuinely captures the feeling of hanging out with your best friends. 1920s Hollywood, big movie studios, backstage drama, goofy hijinks.
The Adventures of Robin Hood (Errol Flynn, Basil Rathbone)—classic swashbuckler/romance. It could read a little slow to modern tastes but the action scenes are absolutely killer, as is the sentiment of seeing little guys pull down big capitalists evil monarchs. Swashbuckling, labor activists merry men hanging out in the woods, hot men in tights, social commentary swords, a Maid Marian who really holds her own and falls in love with the socialist
Charade (Cary Grant)—thriller/romantic comedy. Audrey Hepburn's husband dies and leaves her a hidden inheritance, and she's racing some skeevy characters to find it. A little bit scary but mostly charming and gorgeous, and you can find it high quality virtually anywhere because they fucked up the copyright trademark in the opening credits. Romance, murders, Paris, 1960s fashion, chases in the night.
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (Dick Van Dyke)—this movie is divisive for some reason—I personally like peace, love, and joy, so it makes the list. This is a James Bond movie if James Bond had two kids, lived in a windmill in the south of England, and was into cottagecore inventions more than martinis and racism. This is very much a kids' movie so go in with that expectation, but enjoy the gorgeous production design, the wonderfully silly performances, and Lionel Jeffries pulling out every stop as an insane old man. Dick Van Dyke has excellent DILF energy. Magical cars, big musical vibes, fun inventions, and romantic fantasy.
To Be Or Not To Be (Jack Benny)—comedy/drama. A ragtag Warsaw theatre troupe stands off against the Gestapo after the invasion of Poland. TW for Nazis, obviously, but overall this is a comedy with some heft, and kind of shocking to be this ballsy about fucking hating Hitler's guts in the 1940s. Hambone actors, Shakespeare, spies, 1930s gowns. It's been a minute since I watched it so I don't think there are any TWs here, but go forth with caution.
Witness for the Prosecution (Tyrone Power)—mystery/legal drama based off an Agatha Christie story. The performances are campy fun and the twist would be at home in something like Knives Out. Big dramatics, hambones, lots of talking, a bit of a mindbender.
The Lady Vanishes (Michael Redgrave)—mystery/suspense/romantic comedy. It's a little slow to start but roll with it—once the action moves to the train the pacing really picks up. This gets slotted as a thriller sometimes but it's much funnier and gentler than that. There's some period-typical snarkiness directed at anyone Foreign™ by some of the British characters; the British characters are also made fun of. Trains, British people, international shenanigans, mystery, and humor.
All About Eve (absolutely none of these hot men, lots of hot women though)—a legendary actress fights for her life against the rising star who supplants her. Big drama, big performances, lots of gasp! and dahling! and vicious little quips. New York, theatre pronounced theahhtah, drama queens and plotting.
The Philadelphia Story (James Stewart, Cary Grant)—talk-heavy comedy, lots of quick banter and period transatlantic accent fun. It's a bit shouty and conflict-heavy at times, but I don't think James or Cary have ever been hotter, and Katherine Hepburn is just wow. Very funny dialogue, relatable characters, incredibly hot across the board. There is one instance of a racial slur (not directed at anyone but still there) and one shove. Some people won't like the discussion of Hepburn's character's choices as a daughter and a wife. With all of these movies you'll see a a range of how female characters are presented and treated, and while some period movies fall hard for sexist tropes, I personally think the performances, direction, and subtext of many of these films actually prioritizes the experiences of the female characters and shows them as living, breathing people, even if they're not framed the way they would be today.
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liljakonvalj · 11 months
I watched the Great Mouse Detective tonight and as someone who loves this movie, here's some of my thoughts:
First of all and this cannot be overstated: Best. Sherlock. Holmes. Adaptation.
I was today years old when i discovered that Olivia and her dad are Scottish (which explains her father talking about catching a train at the end of the movie)
(I grew up with the swedish vhs and watched it in english for the first time today. in swedish none of the character's have any particular dialect )
The aesthetic of Victorian human London but with mice having a miniature society mirroring it?? Love that!!
Despite Basil being the titular character and being the main character in so far that he's the one going on a personal journey and change through the movie- Dawson is the POV character for most of the movie which I find interesting
The transitions when Basil tells them about Ratigan and then showing the audience what he's up to and then back to Basil's apartment are stellar
All the songs are sung in universe - I think this is the only disney movie to do this??
And two of them sung by the villain?! Outstanding move
(It should be mentioned that the remaining song was sung by sexy, stripper mice in a bar)
The heroes drink alcohol, get drugged, enjoy a strip tease and accidentaly causes a bar fight all in the same scene
Yes, the toy store was both entrancing and scary to me as a child. The first doll they see when they enter? That doll whose face smashes and nearly kills Basil and Watson? The toys from which Fidget steals the mechanics? All super terrifying
Ratigan is the only character to have a human-like five-fingered hand, all the others have standard animated four-fingered hands
Ratigan mention a that he thought basil would be 15 minutes quicker to find his lair - which he uses to taunt his enemy but it also means he cannot be there to observe his machine killing his captives. That gives them the opportunity to escape unseen. If Basil and Dawson hadn't been late they probably wouldn't have survived, just saying
The clock tower sequence!! I actually clapped when it started
The cogwheels were computer animated while the mice were drawn by hand - which makes for a really dynamic moving camera
(The man who talked about this in the extras were so enthusiastic about this. Love that for him)
Speaking of moving camera - I greatly enjoyed the camera movement when Rattigan jumped over the citizens to reach the balcony with Olivia and the bat after his plan had been foiled at Buckingham palace. It was really fluent and full of angles
Back to the clocktower: when Ratigan snaps and you can see the angry pen strokes?? They simply don't make movies like this anymore
That was of course very scary too as a child
The final battle outside on the clock hands? Give this movie all awards !!
When Basil comes cycling on that little propeller thing? Link in Tears of the kingdom wishes he could do that
In the extras someone mentioned that they'd made extensive backstories of all the characters: why Rattigan became evil, how it was for Basil to grow up so smart etc. And i desperately want to read that
I know no one cares about the swedish voice actors but I found the different performances of both Basil and Rattigan interesting. I know Vincent Price is much beloved as Ratigan (justly so) but idk if it is nostalgia speaking but I think swedish Ratigan really held up. There were actually some lines that I knew by heart in swedish where the delivery was preferable to the English one for me. After looking it up i saw that the swedish VA is an opera singer (base) which really isn't a surprise given his performance. Basil's voices were really similar normally (so similar I didn't hear the change when I switched between languages - which i did one time to freshen up the swedish voices) but the VA in swedish goes up in falsetto quite often which gives a quite manic impression. Swedish!Basil's sanity is hung by a thread in his restless pursuit of his arch nemesis - which makes his devastation when Ratigan bests him more believable imo. English!Basil is much more a proper, brittish gentleman throughout. All performances were great, I just found the differences interesting.
I have some Core visuals from this movie living rent free in my mind since childhood which are: when Basil compares the two bullets, the closeups as Fidget jumps out at the audience, when Dawson pulls out the glass door with his finger, Ratigan squishing Olivia's doll, Basils machine when analyzing the paper, when Toby makes a stair out of his ear, that flag/balloon/matchbox contraption they used to chase Ratigan at the end, the end fight on the clock arms.
Did i miss your favourite part of the movie? Any core memories from this movie for you?
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girlfromthecrypt · 1 month
Uno Reverse--how do you think our ROs would get along?? :3
This may be a bit harder to answer because I haven't met all of your characters yet, but I'll definitely try going off of what I know! I just hope I got the right feel for them. Also I might be biased since I read yours first… anyway!
Basil would actually “get along with Croft’s grumpy ass” as you put it, I think!! He sees grumpy people as a challenge. Whether or not that's a good thing depends on the situation lol. At the very least he'd love to annoy Croft a bit, playing the clown to see if he can't get a smile out of them. Basil also loves a fellow easy-going, humorous person, so there's no way he wouldn't like Yasmin. I think they'd click. Besides, they both appreciate the cozy aesthetic and probably have similar interior design tastes.
Edit: I realize now that Basil would also like Jay.
Flo would get along best with Perri and Croft, I think, given he gravitates to other neurodivergent people. And between Croft's horror writing, Perri’s podcast and Flo’s love for monsters they'd have much to discuss. Also, Flo wouldn’t realize Perri's initial awkwardness bc well… he's too awkward himself.
Reem would appreciate Beck's adrenaline junkie qualities. They could leave all the high Fearful stat people in the dust lol. Aside from that, Reem would probably try to “adopt” Perri bc their awkwardness reminds her of Flo and she develops instantaneous big-sister-instincts for anyone like that. Reem and Jay are the most similar out of all of them I think, so it's likely they'd get along. She'd be side-eyeing Ravi tho, like “what's going on with you?” in a “if creepy, why friend-shaped” kind of way. She'd be curious.
Anita… would think everyone is really hot ngl haha. Especially Croft, Jay and Ravi (Ravi bc he's mysterious and cool and let's be real it's Anita). But out of all, she'd be most drawn to Yasmin for the librariancore! Anita would just love that vibe. She'd probably stick to Jay in any social situation, though.
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giggly-toybox · 5 months
now that you're writing for One Piece, if you don't mind, u could share some general tickling thoughts/headcanons on the series? (hcs of characters, scenarios between them etc) if this is too broad u can feel free to ignore, thanks!
HI OKAY SO!!!! I was literally so excited to make this bc this show has absolutely taken over my brain AAAAA
But here we go! For now, we’ll only be doing MY personal favorite characters! If you want a character that isn’t on here, let me know when requests open up again!
Also note: I am in the middle of the Marineford arc (and might have cried a little bit) meaning I am nowhere near up to date with some of the newer stuff!
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Basil Hawkins:
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EASILY my favorite character. Me and my mutual have been rambling about him for days. So far he’s only had like eight minutes of screen time so don’t know why I like him so much, I just do. My silly babygirl. My borblo Right off the bat, he’s feather ticklish
Like, really. Feathers affect him more than actual fingers
I think he has a very gentle and soft laugh most of the time, but it can get loud if you hit a bad spot
I think his worst spots are his belly, neck, and chin
If you use a feather on any of those spots he will die
EXTREMELY squirmy. He will buck, kick, shove, squirm, whatever he has to do to get away
He’s a really gentle ler most of the time
He’ll just hold you close with an arm while he mindlessly traces his finger on your belly, reading his cards like nothings happening
If you want to get away he’ll let you
But if you tickle him first, that gentleness is thrown out the window and he immediately targets your death spots, scribbling his gloved fingers all over your squirming figure
He doesn’t do it for long tho, and he’s nice enough to get you some water afterwards :)
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MY GIRLLLL! I love her so so much she’s easily my favorite female character! I just love her style sm, I need her outfit! I love her little ghosts and her aesthetic as a whole, she’s just so pretty!
Persona just oozes sister vibes, both big and little. So I would say she’s an even 50/50 switch
She’s probably ticklish all over, but I would say her worst spot is her belly, specifically her belly button
She doesn’t shut up when being tickled. She’ll scream, beg, plead, complain, or try to distract you
Either that or she’ll send her ghosts to make you depressed
She would be such a brat after being tickled tbh 😭
She would pout and scold you before eventually moving on and floating away
She only tickles things she deems cute, so if you’re not cute in her book, you’re safe
But once she has you in her sights, she’ll playfully tackle you and absolutely wreck you
She likes your cute laugher :3
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My boy Crocodile! Gosh he’s just so cool. I didn’t like him too much in the Alabasta arc, but he got a lot better in Impel Down and Marineford! I just really love the way he looks, and his sand powers :3
Yeah…In all honesty I don’t think this guys really ticklish at all
As much as it pains me to admit
The only spot that could really make him laugh is his neck
Even then all you would get are a few chuckles
He’s not sensitive enough to wreck sorry 😔
He doesn’t really participate in tickling either
He thinks it’s childish
Nico Robin:
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The best Strawhat. I do not take criticism. She is my girl and I love her so much. Her “I want to live” made my heart ache! And she easily has my favorite devil fruit
We love a canon ler
Gosh her ability is so well for tickling as we’ve seen in the show twice!
Like she can summon two arms to hold yours and then two to tickle you silly
She’s a nice ler most of the time tho, she won’t torture you for too long
As a lee I think she’s one of those people that are ticklish on most of their body, but not too ticklish
Like no matter where you tickle her, tummy, neck, feet, she’ll giggle but that’s about it
As I’ve said before I think her worst spot are her sides so that’s where you’ll get the most reaction
She’s a bit louder but other than that there’s not really a lot of difference
She had a lovely laugh though <3
Jewelry Bonney:
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Another supernova! I really like Bonney, I find her devil fruit really interesting! I can’t wait to see more of her Ticklish thighs. I don’t take criticism she’s definitely weak there
She also has pretty sensitive armpits, but her thighs are a bit worse
Her laugher is kinda rough, and she definitely snorts
If you’re really close to her, she doesn’t mind being ticked by you
But if not you’re getting kicked in the face
Since she’s a big foodie, I see her favorite tickling methods to be things like nibbling or raspberries
I would say licking too but I’m super uncomfortable with licking tickles
X Drake:
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X Drake! I love him so much, my dinosaur boy. He easily has the best animal devil fruit so far (I forget what the type is called)
While I do think he’s ticklish, I think he has a lot of tolerance for those kind of things
I mean he used to be a rear admiral he definitely has some endurance
He doesn’t actually squirm around that much. He’ll flinch and shove a bit, maybe kick his legs a few times, but for the most part he just takes it
But he does have one weakness: raspberries
If you blow one right on his belly, like on the middle of the bottom of the huge X on his torso, he’ll laugh louder then the sea
He’s definitely more of a ler. I see him tickling people in his dinosaur form
Like he’s carrying them like a doll and tickling them all over
Or holding them by the ankles and wrecking their soles
Human or dinosaur form, if he’s tickling you you’re not escaping until he lets you go
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br0-k3n-sch00lb01 · 2 months
A proper intro!
Hi hi! I’m Basil/ BSB/ Br0ken! (anything along those lines is oki w me haha)
uhhhh i’m very gay! And androgynous :3
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aesthetics are cutecore, cutegore, scenemo, grunge, weirdcore/dreamcore, kidcore/clowncore!! (last four are basically the same tbh)
Fandoms i’m in:
Madoka Magica, OMORI, PJO, WoF, WC, Sanrio, Sailor Moon, Saiki K, uhhh probably lots more (ddlc+fnf as well!)
I have a few omori AU’s, the main ones include:
Sage AU (Basil’s Headspace! Main AU currently.)
and the Runaways AU! (They run away, woah)
I’m an artist! I love drawing but especially appreciate when people give fanart! it makes me really happy haha :3
I um… i ship sunflower (which ik is a huge problem to a lot of people but don’t harass me about it ok? theyre just silly)
I also do tons of cosplays! So yeah :D
I am romantically in love with the flower child no joke he is my angel from heaven (whoops haha accidentally gave him trauma)
I have an omori shrine in my room it just keeps growing please help
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Starflight is the superior Nightwing btw
Darkstalker is the silliest guy ever and i love him (not a simp, don’t even try me)
I do in fact have a massive list of characters i simp for (courtesy of my irl bff!) so that’s a whole thing
not much else? Thanks for reading if u did
Yes my name is charlie. Heartstopper fans, go crazy in the comments idrc
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Hey I was wondering what I could put in my water that would be low in calories? I have a really hard time drinking water just by it’s self 😭
Omg same. I hate plain water at room temperature with burning passion, literally makes me wanna puke lol.
Here's what you can do:
You can add slices or juice of citrus fruits like lemon, lime, orange or grapefruit; fresh herbs like mint leaves (so good for summertime), basil, rosemary, thyme; honey, ginger, cucumber slices for a better taste; fruits like berries (I personally love slices of strawberries, they look so pretty!), pineapple, mango, kiwi, peach, whatever you like really (you can crush it a little for stronger taste). You can find some very interesting combos on tiktok or pinterest!
You can keep your water in the fridge or add ice cubes. Personally, I find it so much easier to drink water when it's cold. Bonus: your body uses more energy to raise it's temperature. It's not much, but if you drink it cold all the time then it's like 80 calories burned in a day extra.
You might find drinking sparkling water easier. Still no calories, but may be more fun to drink.
Make your drink aesthetically pleasing - you might find it easier to drink your water if it looks pretty! For example: Keep it in a pretty water bottle / glass / glass jug / cup. Add some of the stuff mentioned above. You can even add edible flowers to make it look prettier. You can make your ice cubes pretty too! Some examples: Get ice cube trays in shapes that you like, could be hearts, butterflies, balls, stars etc. You can use food coloring so you end up with pink ice cubes or whatever color that you like (: You can also just use a smoothie to make some pretty and tasty ice cubes. Just pour your smoothie into ice cube tray and freeze it. You can add tiny pieces of food mentioned above to your ice cubes too! Just throw them into ice cube tray first and fill it up with water.
Have fun~!
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boomermania · 14 days
no but why does every IPC member so far have a pet / animal/s associated to them.
T.opaz - N.umby
A.venturine - Peacocks, The Cat Cakes (i love them im going to eat them)
J.ade - Her mcfucking snake
R.atio - two actually = He got the owl aesthetic and the rubber ducky as shown on his LC.
For the Racht Fam:
Devona - Bugs.
Basil - Dog. Fish.
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How do you do solarpunk aesthetic week when you live in a tiny apartment with no outside access? I always want to participate but I feel like most stuff y'all post is geared towards people who live in houses...
Hey, thanks for sending in the ask!
We put our heads together and came up with a few ideas for you!
Grow plants indoors! You could grow a few houseplants to green up your space, or even try growing some vegetables and/or herbs indoors! I've heard people have lots of luck with basil indoors, and my freshman year of college I grew cherry tomatoes and peppers in my dorm room! Maybe check out information on semi or full-hydroponic setups? You can also propagate a lot with a few cuttings and a glass of water! If you have a balcony with your apartment, that could also be a good place to grow flowers or vegetables--depending on the season and temps where you are, it might be a bit cold to start things out there right now, but you could always start planning!
Crafting could be another fun idea! You could try your hand at mending clothes, or making your own clothes from scratch! I (Ani) am learning crochet, if you wanna join me in spirit and pick it up as well! Kala/Fennopunk (who lives in a small apartment 👀) also knows a lot about crocheting, its a pretty nice winter craft! You could also try embroidery, so you can add unique designs onto your clothes! Other options are things like knitting, sewing, leatherwork, jewelrymaking, soap making, and maybe even woodworking or soldering if that interests you!
Learning how to repair tech would be cool! Honestly, learning how to repair anything sounds super cool and is pretty solarpunk! This can also kinda go hand-in-hand with learning how to build your own things (one of my friends knows how to repair and build computers, for example). Try finding some information on something you're interested in and going wild!
Decorate your home in a way that feels Solarpunk to you! Even if you don't get it all done during the event week, I think its definitely a nice way to bring joy! Look into ways your apartment can change with the seasons, ways to keep yourself cozy and warm in winter but cool and bright during the summer! If you get started, feel free to send in progress images, we'd love to see!
Guerrilla gardening! Winter's a great time to scatter wildflower seeds (at least here in the states for me) as it gives the seeds time to acclimate to weather conditions! if you want flowers in spring, you plant seeds in winter! Maybe find a place you wanna target if you go out, think about what seeds you want to plant, and start planning? Or if you have seeds on hand already, you know what to do! Honestly, I also kinda view picking up litter as hand-in-hand with guerrilla gardening, if you've got the vibes for that at all.
Build community with your neighbors! Even if its just saying hi, or talking about what you're up to!
Maybe guerrilla art as well? Moss graffiti, spray painting, or even plastering a couple of stickers up counts as solarpunk! I will give a general warning that doing stuff seen as illegal probably shouldn't be posted online, but hey, you can participate in the week without telling us what you do!
Speaking of art! Maybe you could make art at home! Whether you use chalk, or pastels, or paint, or pencils, or if you've got a tablet you can use--find some inspiration and draw! I've seen lots of people draw solarpunk fashion ideas, solarpunk building concepts, or just general vibe art!
You could also take a crack at writing! You could write a short story, or get started on a longer project idea! You could even just write worldbuilding-type stuff, like examples of event listings or building histories you imagine a solarpunk society would have, or ideas for holidays and festivals!
Learning an instrument feels pretty solarpunk to me! I (Ani) say this as someone who has 2 guitars around and has forgotten 80% of the stuff she learned in her lessons back in high school. Just in general, picking up an old hobby you miss, or starting a new one works great for this event honestly!
You can also check out the Apartment Solarpunk tag on the Practical Solarpunk blog, it may have more ideas for you!
We hope this helps! Either way, I hope you enjoy the event week!
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