#i love byakko
ssaraexposs · 1 month
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Our favourite cat boy TIGER BOY
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hesbianyaoi · 6 months
i like when people give atsushi cat-like traits like purring or having sharper-than-average canines and i think we should take it a step further and just keep adding onto it. atsushi should chuff. he scratches on walls and his desk until there's obvious nail marks digging into the wood. he rubs against the others to mark them as his territory. there has to be a meeting held because he won't stop shedding and there's white hair everywhere so a good portion of the agency's budget goes into getting everyone lint rollers. he freaks people out at night because of his tapetum lucidum. and he does all of this subconsciously so if you tell him he does any of these things he'd be absolutely mortified
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cewwart · 8 months
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a perspective experiment (without a reference) with sleepy atsushi and byakko plushie!!!
coloring/lighting inspired by @kokoasci !!!
a soft piece with soft colors (*´∀`*)
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rainartcloud · 3 months
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Dtiys for @j11nko ; congrats on 2k!!
Line work:
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one thing that never gets old is yusuke losing his shit over kuwabara dying just to realize he's actually fine and then beat his ass over making him so worried in the first place
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adanaac · 2 months
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love to do wiki work. hate doing it. love hating it. hate loving it.
(my fun little js project that im way too proud of. i love to click buttons)
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I have come to the conclusion that I find the characters with long dark hair the prettiest ones in yohaji, this based on the fact that I spent watching Byakko, Ranmaru and Ebisu's panels a much longer amount of time than necessary
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shinyasimp · 1 year
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rosysins · 4 months
continue from here | @deathfavor
♣ Gekkouin.
Ah, Gekkouin would look down momentarily surprised, before threading his hand through the white hair. "Sorry, it's nothing, I didn't mean to wake you." It was rare for the two of them to find time to relax like this, it'd be a shame to worry the overgrown cat endlessly over ... trivial matters.
'Weird dreams' wasn't the most accurate term for the kind of dreams he had. It was more of... unusual dreams. Gekkouin recalls seeing Byakkomaru in those dreams and... he was missing his stripes and tiger ears, and Gekkouin was missing his own horns and face markings too. He can never recall what they did in those dreams, but whenever he woke up from such dreams, a longing nostalgic feeling would linger in his chest. These dreams were also the reason why he's been seeking Byakkomaru out so much these days, a futile attempt to relieve that longing.
When the large tiger began moving them around, Gekkouin would frown displeased at his comfortable position being changed. He would be faced to face with Byakkomaru's sharp eyes and he would let out a huff. "You're making this into a bigger deal than it is. It's just a passing a comment, nothing more." Honestly, was he always so anxious? No different than a regular fat house cat then. "If you're not going back to sleep, I'm gonna go play games. Get off."
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lilbittymonster · 11 months
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Got some new killing sticks
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alys--xiv · 1 year
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Absolutely obsessed with this concept that's been going around and this shot We're going to ignore the insane amount of clipping going on in this shot, I threw it together so fast
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mama-dogo-bear · 1 year
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“I thought I could be with you forever.”
-chapter 90 pg. 1
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deathfavor · 4 months
ngl in the years writing Byakkomaru I've very rarely written him mad, much less absolutely berserk with rage, but it's so fun.... bc he's an absolute monster when it comes to strength. But also something abt the calm one gone completely feral with rage...
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wicclan · 1 year
it is soo funny that the Four Lords indebted themselves to Hancock just to get a meeting with the WoL when my WoL literally lives in Shirogane
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storms-path · 2 years
Day 26 - Break a Leg
Not for the first time, Arashi deeply regretted regaling the Wandering Minstrel of her various exploits and adventures. True, this was hardly the worst of his… escalations of her battles, but it was one of the few that was playing in the largest theatre in all of Kugane to a rapt audience of locals and tourists both. It was also playing to one Arashi Washi, Sanda Washi, Fareena Hagen and Stalwart Mountain, all unified for once in their discomfort as they cringed together.
It wasn’t that the play was bad, exactly, it was just so… inaccurate. There were flashes of truth sprinkled in, such as the incident with Soroban and the box recovered from the Swallow’s Compass. But then there were the… embellishments. Byakko was most certainly not made up of five separate tigers combined together into some sort of super-tiger. Suzaku was not the sun made manifest, nor did she bare nearly so much skin. And Seiryu most certainly did not have a katana that would put Susano’s mighty blade to shame.
The crowd adored it, though, hooting and hollering like wild animals, roaring with approval and gasping in terror at every twist and turn. From what Arashi had heard, such participation was a rare thing indeed. Typically Kugane’s plays were a much stuffier affair, met with polite applause only at clearly marked moments. The copious amounts of sake being distributed certainly helped the atmosphere, though. Fareena was on her third cup, as if it would help numb the pain. Stalwart was on cup number five. It was a wonder she was as lucid as she was, really. Arashi and Sanda remained painfully sober. A silent pact made to witness the travesty to the bitter end, to remember every awful detail. Someone had to.
Mercifully, the climax was approaching. The four lords were gathered and the seals keeping Koryu at bay were shattering. Dimly Arashi noted the surprisingly good effects and lighting as the seals burst apart with a flash of light. The costume, on the other hand… Well, it was certainly horse-like. But the original Koryu most certainly did not have a human top half, nor did it have any rippling muscles to speak of. As for the resulting clash, Arashi remembered it being a good deal more one-sided until Tenzen’s arrival. But that hardly stopped the stunningly beautiful actor that was playing the famed Warrior of Light from engaging in a one-on-one duel with the half-man, half-horse thing.
(Several moons later, Arashi would face down the amalgamation of man and horse that was Eden’s Ramuh and wonder dimly just how much of that form was inspired by that godsawful play. These thoughts would be quickly put to one side by the literal thundering hooves galloping towards her.)
It took a further five minutes for the battle to finally end, Tenzen himself reduced to a disembodied voice telling the glorious, gleaming Warrior to “search inside herself for the strength to succeed.” Whatever that was supposed to mean. Still, apparently it was enough to bring forth some hidden power to smite down the dreadful man-horse, sending it screeching back into its stone, seal and all. This, of course, led to all the four lords claiming their undying devotion to the magnificent Warrior of Light who saved them all. And, in Suzaku’s case, a not-so-subtle offer of quite a bit more. Arashi found she couldn’t sink any further into her seat as the audience made appropriately scandalised noises. Then, blessedly, it was over. The actors took to the stage for a final bow, the crowds began to file out, and Arashi and Sanda were left to deal with the drunken mess that were their friends.
Thankfully the bracing night air of Kugane was enough to bring Fareena back to some semblance of lucidity. They only stumbled a few times on their way across the grand bridge to the Bokairo Inn. Fareena had admittedly been complaining loudly the whole way there that the actor claiming her part wasn’t nearly attractive enough for the job, but she’d likely have done that while sober anyway. Still, even she made no complaint as she was bundled hastily into her room, allowing the Sanda sisters to finally put the ordeal behind them and get some night air.
Even at night the city shone brilliantly, paper lanterns blowing merrily in the wind and scattering their light all over. The city itself was unusually empty of people, however, eerily quiet even for the late night that it was. Arashi had no complaints. Peace and quiet was all she needed. One glance in Sanda’s direction told her it was all her sister needed as well. Alas, a polite cough broke through the tranquillity, causing both sisters to turn towards the source of the disturbance.
“Terribly sorry to disturb,” rumbled a massive, bulky man dressed in a snow-white robe. “We were hoping you might be able to provide us with some directions.” The giant man was joined by a tall, slender woman in a burning orange kimono and a rail-thin man garbed in what looked a good deal like geomancy robes. All three wore matching masks. “You see, we’re rather new to this city, and we wished to experience the outdoor bath-house after that magnificent performance.”
Several things clicked into place at once. Firstly, Arashi knew that voice. Secondly, there was a prominent white tail swishing behind the hulking man. And thirdly, three of the four lords had just borne witness to a travesty of their darkest moments. Arashi turned her head just enough to look at Sanda out of the corner of her eye. She looked as if she were ready to throw herself into the mercy of the sea and swim back to Eorzea. Arashi was strongly considering the same.
A silvery laugh broke through the mounting horror. “Oh, don’t worry! We found the whole thing quite amusing, really. What better way to immortalise your battles than in play?” The woman, who Arashi was strongly trying not to identify as Suzaku, laughed again. “And really, you did cut quite the dashing figure on that stage, oh Warrior of Light!”
Sanda clamped a hand around Arashi’s wrist before she could make good on her thoughts of escape. The beanpole man shook his head at his compatriots. “Really now, you’ve gone and embarrassed them. And I thought we were trying to be subtle around mortals.”
The hulking man rumbled out a laugh of his own. “Now where has this newfound wisdom sprung from, my old friend? But you’re right, we’ve bothered these two long enough already. Come, my friends! We had best return home, lest Soroban and Genbu worry themselves sick!” Putting an arm around the other two, he led them towards the docks of Kugane. Arashi and Sanda let out breath they didn’t realise they had been holding onto as the trio disappeared from view.
“Stalwart and Fareena must never hear of this,” Sanda muttered. Her eyes were full of deadly focus. “They’d never let us live it down.”
“Agreed. This is one secret we take to our graves.” Now they just had to figure out how to buy the silence of the four lords.
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nvrcmplt · 2 years
Ship Tags 4.
#[ Ship Tags ]#» | × | Qilbym&Akainu || Rough Seas Make The Best Sailors ||#» | × | Renji&Artem || I Thought I Was On My Own But We Are Howling :: I Love You So ||#» | × | Renji&Skeris || Begging Let Me Be Your Taste Test. ||#» | × | Ryan&Mason || We Found Love In A Dog Filled Place ||#» | × | Sasaharu&Isshin || We Wake In Lonely Beds In Different Cities Stay This Time ||#» | × | Shane&Hideki || Come Out Of Hiding ; I’m Right Here Beside You ||#» | × | Sobek&Ramses || Gather Your Men & Grant Them Weaponry To Protect Their Young ||#» | × | Sojobo&Souji || Yume No Ikebana-Ya Maihime ||#» | × | Sophia&Koda || Love Story Of The Gothicclover ||#» | × | Star&Wren || Never Again Will You Fear The Dark. ||#» | × | Sven&Howards || I Feel At Home With You So Afraid Of An Empty Nest ||#» | × | Sven&Souji || A Delicate Affection ||#» | × | Tatzel&Aiden || Rough Fucks In The Open. Carpet Burns On My Elbows - Bitemarks On Your Neck. ||#» | × | Teito&Greaves || Do Not Let The Roles You Play In Life Make You Forget Who You Are ||#» | × | Teresa&Nnoitra || A Shared Life Is A Perfect Graveyard Of Buried Hopes ||#» | × | Toby&Logan || Lets Do It Doggy Style So We Can Both Watch Xfiles ||#» | × | Tsuru&Nezumi || I Want To Spend The Rest Of My Sunsets With You ||#» | × | Tsuyoshi&Souji || Byakko's Chosen :: Mother Of Tigers ||#» | × | Tyler&Kian || Whispering Candle Smoke Caresses The Starry Night Sky ||#» | × | Tyler&Kousuke || A Sweaty Summertime Tangle Of Lips ||#» | × | Uekawa&Mayuri || Sweet & Sour Brainstorm ||#» | × | Valentin&Julien || Of All The Things My Hands Have Held You Are The Best ||#» | × | Valentin&Takeshi || Fucked Around And Got Attached To You ||#» | × | Vincenzo&Hector || A Love That Is Not Easily Buried ||#» | × | Voryva&Icarla || Skeletal Dancers Of Decayed Fae Rings ||#» | × | Vuir&Jirou || You Were Wrong For Trusting Me ||#» | × | Weissager&Nanami || Spoken Words Like Moonlight ; You’re The Voice That I Like ||#» | × | Widow&Hien || It’s Been So Long Since I Touched A Wanting Hand ||#» | × | Woojin&Souji || Wholesome Friendship In Artistic Bursts ||
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