#i love emu shes so silly
homogremlin · 5 months
HELP i just said it was "very wonderhoy" when my partner flirts with me
(they thought it was funny but why am i like this?)
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heartorbit · 1 year
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a new world together
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chacolatepocky · 7 months
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cure-stars · 15 days
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starshine-valley · 1 year
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razzmothazz · 8 months
hell yeah .
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i can elaborate on anything here btw :3 they will meet others later on and stuff but for now its this
btw this is going by pre-3rd anniversary classes, they both go to kamiyama hehe >:3
template under cut for anyone that might want it
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i didnt make it myself, if anyone knows who made the og pls let me know!!! i saw it reposted so much that i have no idea who made it...
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cerealmonster15 · 1 year
I see you’ve taken a liking to wxs :>
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HEHEHEEHHEHEEHEE yea :3 thats the group story i got when i first started so theyre the only story ive played so farjkdlsfjs my friend downloaded the game with me and we just did a buncha songs in co op so now i have a ton of story unlocked to read... later....!!!! but ive been looking at the little chibi people around town and i get all giggly over the silly carnival people bickering with each other. they are so fun i love them
i have this screenshot from yesterday
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hes so silly. whats wrong with him LOL
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random silly PJSK headcanons
- Shizuku reads ALL the terms and conditions (i did too about the first ten times, it's alright, queen </3) and sometimes she does not completely understand or agree to one or two of them so just refuses to click the "i agree with blah blah blah" and gives up
- Emu is so good at maths that she does worksheets with ridiculously long and complicated questions for FUN (there was a girl like that at school and honestly wish i were her)
- Saki is really popular at school but does not realise it, like people scramble for a chance to talk to her and she's just like wowie!! everyone here is so nice :D (it's a bit because she was the hashtag New Girl for a while, a bit because there's probably a few W x S fans there that like Tsukasa (yes, i know, they have no taste) but mainly because she's Saki Tenma and who does not love Saki Tenma)
- Ichika found out about how Rui used to fix and modify Nene's dolls during one of her cute little chats with her, then went and commissioned Rui to build a little singing Miku doll which is now her most prized possession
- Mizuki and Nene are online friends through a game but didn't know each other's identities at first, they find out when one of them tells a highly specific funny story about Rui and the other is like "that literally CANNOT be anyone else, you must know Rui Kamishiro, i bet we know each other"
- Ena once tried to PAINT Akito's hair a different colour in his sleep when they were younger because she'd had ENOUGH of the sight of him (i would too)
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nanamivnemesis · 3 months
WxS on a road trip headcanons:
•Driving Priority order:
(Rui and tsukasa can be switched)
-emu is not usualy the one to drive, she’s definitely capable of it and has her license but the group is terrified she’s going to zone out and they will cruise into a ditch when she’s unmedicated. (I believe theirs is thoughts of war behind those big void eyes and therefore she’s the second most dangerous behind rui)
-Nene can drive and usually doesbut she much rather play games and nonverbaly observe conversation, if the others get to tired she’s fine with taking over for a bit, and when she’s down rui usually takes over for her
-Tsukasa can drive and is the third choice driver , boasts about being so good at driving(he failed his driving test twice) then procedes to miss the exit,twice. Rui has to read off the driving app.
-Rui is the second trusted driver of the group ,but his psychopathic ideas make others fear if he is going to stop his impulse of seeing how the airbags work.(hence why tsukasa goes before him) He’s overall good at keeping himself in check tho.
•Seating arrangements and behavior
-•passenger princess priority in accordance to driving priority:
-emu(literally princess I love her so much :D)
-Rui(reads driving instructions to tsukasa otherwise he will miss the exit again)
-Tsukasa (holds onto the celling handle thing the whole time)
-Nene(keeps an eye on emu) (if rui was with emu while driving the chances of their collective thoughts of war increase,nene prevents that)
•when in back row together:
-emu and tsukasa
- read off bill boards and tourism ads and then beg rui/nene to go see them. If rui is driving they are more likely to pull over. Nene will pull over if she decides it’s interesting enough and worth it.
-the WOAHHH!!! WHATS THAT OMG CAN WE GO or like making jokes about weird ass signs
-ba da ba ba ba when the McDonald’s sign
-emu and nene
- are usually playing games together on Nenes phone or switch.Emu loves to watch nene play rhythm games,animal crossing or stardew valley.
-nene listens to emu as she fixates of her favorite villagers and island decor.
-Nene will sometimes share her headphones with emu.
-when they try to get out of the car at stops, 500 different stuff animals they both own start to pour out the car.
-Rui and Nene
Idk if this is already canon but rui made a mini nene bot that is safely buckled in the middle seat. Rui sometimes brings out silly hats to put on it(emu made some of them)
-nene also plays splatoon when he’s in the back
-you can’t convince me rui isn’t playing fnaf or granny for shits and giggles, you cannot
-then nerds out of the stupid ways you can break these games
-emu and rui
Thoughts of war and things that are illegal to construct on stages, these 2 are a dangerous combination without any balance from nene or tsukasa
-elaborately contsructing pranks to pull on tsukasa
-otherwise they are nerding out over over silly shit and having a wholesome time
-if emu sees something cool rui is already on board with trying to convince whos driving to pull over to see the thing.
-Rui and tsukasa
-Rui ,if he decides to take a nap, will kick his daddy long legs on tsukasa lap and there is nothing tsukasa can do to stop him
-“Aw look at that cool car right there I wonder if it would survive the blast radius of a nuclear strike “”RUI WHAT-“
-Rui keep’s proposing increasingly worse and dangerous ideas for shows is tsukasa is like “WHAT” and dumbfounded
-scrolling together through TikTok to see those Reddit stories but they only look at the cool craft videos in the background and don’t care about the story
-tsukasa and nene
-(my apologies this duo I think about the least so my head-canons won’t be as good)
-insult battle where they keep trying to one up the other in more increasingly insane ways, (I think nene wins)
-she isn’t sharing her music or her games with him
-tsukasa sneezes so loud, nene records it so that whenever he annoys her or says something stupid she will play it on repeat
-“Omg look at that””rejected””I didn’t even say what it was yet-“
-if they both see/hear something weird af on the road or on a bill board they just 👀
-tsukasa will try to make jokes to make her smile and she will rate them critically (it’s all fun and games tho)
-nene has threatened to crash the car when the shits gotten to silly
-Emu keeps pulling out snacks from her pockets in unrealistic ways
-Rui brings bags of like candy rocks or candy dice and just eats the em infront of tsukasa and freaks him out at first but then he’s like WOAH and then they are both eating rocks.(don’t mention the chocolate crickets to tsukasa)
-rui has definitely shoplifted at gas stations with nene
-nene handles finding sleeping arrangements
-tsukasa got sick from a gas station hotdog once and he can’t handle takis
-underneath the stuff animals nene is rotting in, there are 17 crushed monster energies and coffee drink cans
-rui is looked to when there is car issues
-nene is basically keeping the other three on a leash at all times but she can’t keep them still and gets dragged along
-the amount of times tsukasa and emu have gotten lost in a gas station is impressive, sometimes rui moves the car while there inside to make them think they were left behind.
{Feel free to request headcannon ideas on my special interests! I’m not the most knowledgeable in other pjsk units tho!}
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theeniebeanie · 3 months
project sekai characters and if I think they are cat or dog coded
Virtual Singer:
Miku: Dog, but like, one of those silly ones with the floppy ears.
Rin: Kitten, specifically one about 8-10 weeks old that's curious and explores.
Len: Puppy. Excitable guy.
Luka: Cat. She's wise and cunning, I think. Cat-coded.
Meiko: Cat, but more in the sense that she's in control of the situation, like a cat that's lived in a house for ten years. Not mean or dominant, but you know she's in charge.
Kaito: Dog. Meiko's dog, specifically.
Ichika: Puppy. Like one of those cautious baby dogs that's still curious about the world.
Saki: Kitten, in the excitable sense.
Honami: Dog. Specifically, like, a twelve-year-old cocker spaniel - gentle and quiet, but still loving.
Shiho: Cat. Behaves like one.
Minori: Kitten. She's easily startled, but is full of curiosity and wonder.
Haruka: Cat. Just gives me cat energy. Plus that one card with the ears and tail.
Airi: Cat, absolutely. She's even got the little fang. She should have a :3 face I will say this until the day I die.
Shizuku: Cat, specifically an elderly cat. Not a mean one, but a cat that's lived a good life and is visibly happy simply to be alive.
Kohane: Kitten. Easy to startle, still very brave and is trying so hard.
An: Dog. She acts jumpy and excitable, golden retriever.
Akito: Dog, similar to An but more along the lines of a black Labrador rather than a retriever. Still bouncy and excitable, but less so and it's expressed in a different manner.
Toya: Cat. He just is.
Tsukasa: Dog. He acts like one, specifically one of those loud, hyper, huge dogs. Can be calm when needed, but is usually loud and bouncy.
Emu: Puppy. Not just a dog, but a puppy. Extremely hyper, loud, bouncy, loves people.
Nene: Kitten. Nervous and can be territorial, but is still loving when around people she likes.
Rui: Cat. I don't even need to explain, look at him.
Nightcord at 25:00:
Kanade: Puppy, but more specifically a docile puppy that's so sleepy. A young puppy, maybe 3-4 weeks old.
Mafuyu: Dog. If I were assigning other animals, I'd assign her as a lizard, probably a bearded dragon or something of the sort, but I'm not. Dog.
Ena: Dog. I don't actually know why. Just vibes.
Mizuki: Cat. Behaves like a cat.
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shiraishi--kanade · 5 months
Subjectively rating everyone's instrument match ups from this official art for Sekai Symphony 2024
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Without individual pictures because I'm on mobile.
Ichika (electric guitar): sigh... Girl why are you like this. Unfathomable. I'll let it slide because it's Ichika. Rating: electic guitar/10.
Saki (violin): Saki does not give me violin vibes at all but I'm sure she'll kill it if she actually wanted to learn. 5/10
Honami (oboe): I'm deeply offended Honami isn't in the percussion section. 2/10
Shiho (trombone): the most non-brass player brass player known to world. I don't see how it fits her. 1/10
Overall rating: they don't get you like I do girls I'm so sorry
More More Jump:
Minori (trumpet): absolutely incredible. Yes she's a trumpet girlie. I can totally see that. 10/10
Haruka (flute): yes. Oh my god yes. She is so flute-coded she can rival only Mafuyu. 10/10
Airi (viola): very mean. Let her in the violin section. That said I can already see at least three interesting story lines connected to that. Carry on. 10/10
Shizuku (harp): need I say more? 10/10
Overall rating: they would carry the entire orchestra on their backs, 10/10
Vivid Bad Squad:
Kohane (saxophone): the mental image is hilarious and I can totally see Kohane falling in love with the sax but she gets points taken away from her because saxophone is so not a protagonist instrument. 8/10
An (double bass): ...well someone needed to be a bass player but An is not that someone. She's not even tall enough. Free her. 3/10 because at least she looks like she's having fun.
Touya (trombone): hehe funky slide go brrr. Yeah I can see that. 8/10
Akito (violin): I've told you he has violin vibes. I told you so. Absolutely perfect pick. I think Akito would be a good concertmaster as well. 10/10
Overall rating: decent picks but An was done dirty and should have been a cellist. 7/10
Wonderlands x Showtime:
Tsukasa (cymbals): my condolences to all the percussion section but also yeah that makes sense. 10/10
Nene (cello): itty bitty cellist her instrument is almost as tall as she is. I definitely see the image though. 10/10
Emu (tambourine): she will insure her part will he heard. That said I think she'd do better at the marimba or other percussion instruments. At least it's not a triangle? 7/10
Rui (viola): I did not consider that option before and now I'm considering it. I'm considering it so hard. Incredible. 9/10
Overall rating: they're thriving. 9/10
Nightcord at 25 am:
Kanade (viola): yes. Yes. I can see that. Go forth my child. Make the viola gang proud. 10/10
Mafuyu (flute): that's a flute player if I've ever seen one. 10/10
Ena (violin): oh her having the same instrument as Akito would destroy both of them and me in the process. I could write a novel about it. 10/10
Mizuki (trumpet): they're just having fun and being silly. 10/10
Overall rating: truly Sega's favourite child. 10/10
No VS rating because they have different enough personalities between units that I have no idea how to rate them! Sorry!
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heartorbit · 1 year
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we get a little silly
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nogenderbee · 6 months
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝕀 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦- ℕ𝕆 𝕎𝔸𝕀𝕋 ₊˚ˑ༄
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ @nenes-numberonefan request: HELLOOO
ima request the same thing i requested @/mizu-nights but i’m a silly goose and i wanna see everyone’s style of writing
basically can i request rui, nene and tsukasa x reader (separate) and they have a platonic relationship with our beloved y/n but then they accidentally confess their love to the reader, sort of like the verse “the time is right your perfume fills my head the stars are red and oh the nights so blue, and then i go and spoil it all by saying something stupid like i love you ❤️” from the song something stupid. thank youuu xxxxxx love youuuuuu 😍😍😍🥶😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍(very hyper rn)
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ HIIII!! Yeah absolutely! I don't tho songfics normally tho, so I just based on your description and hopefully that's gonna be good enough!
But omg, the moment I saw this, I wanted to run to mizu-nights and read it because I apparently missed this fic- but NOPE I didn't wanted to accidentally write the same thing sooo I held myself back ^^
I totally did not copy lines from event for Tsukasa part-
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ fluff
Affiliation with @virtualbookstore
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You've agreed to help Tsukasa with practicing for his upcoming performance, Romeo&Julia. He got the role of Romeo while his other friend from troupe got Julia. He just wanted someone to help him get that feeling of saying it right to soemone's face and... maybe he had planned something more too?
"O Juliet! Sun of my life! I beg of you, allow me your fair hand in marriage!!"
He was now on his one knee, holding your hand like pure gentleman with his left hand. This made you both happy and regretful for agreeing to help him... it's obviously very sweet to see him like this but it's also not helping your feelings for him... and you could swear you're blushing...
"Sweet Y/N...!"
But then he said your name... and you finally looked at him just to see him clearly in state of daydreaming, not stopping reciting next lines, so you had to stop him before he gives more hints than you can handle!
"Wait, wait... wasn't the second main character's name Juliet? Why did you say my name...?"
His face immidietly gained red hue and his hand didn't stop holding your gently. His eyes still looked focused on yours as if he haven't woke up from his dreamland, but his words told you his state was something completely else than you imagined...
"Y-Yes I know..."
You could only stare at him in slight shock... you didn't knew what to say and so did he. He was barely holding himself from turning it into a play someway... but he repeated one sentence in his head, "go big or go home", if he blurted it out, might as well go along?
"O Y/N, sun of my life, I beg of you, allow me to take you on a date!"
@bleachtheidiot @akitosheart @bad-the-an-enjoyer @yulikesminori @alicewinterway18 @nenes-numberonefan - come get your future star!
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You and Nene were hanging out on a rooftop at Kamiyama. Even if you're from Miyamasuzaka, let's say Emu teached you a trick or two~ So either way, you can enjoy your time with your dear friend!
You leaned in, wanting to see what she's playing and for once, instead of seeing shooting or rhythm game, you found her playing some... visual novel? Or was it otome game?
"Hey Nene? Are you playing... otome game?"
"Mhm, yeah."
She responded, clearly way into the game to process what she's saying. But that never was a problem for you since she still responded and was honest if anything when she was in this state.
"Look, you can even name your love interest~"
You looked at the screen with even more interest and saw 2 names... "Nene" and "Y/N". You get why her name would be here but yours? Were you... no way, right?
"Is... is Y/N the name of your... ingame love interest?"
"Yeah, real love interest too."
She finally looked up from her phone right at you with this soft and charming smile, when she saw your blush she was even confused for a second! Untill she realized... she just blurted it out, didn't she?
"Oh- uh- I mean... not like... Like..."
Now it was her blushing like crazy not knowing what to say... she was clearly between 2 thoguhts and had no idea which to choose... oh did you know it was all about if she should tell you the truth or a lie...
"Am I actually~?"
You couldn't help but encourage her a bit, hoping to hear the truth. If she actually saw YOU as the love interest, the real one! Or... if it's just a misunderstanding...
And luckily, you didn't had to wait for long because right after your question, she gave you a little nod, easy to miss if you blinked... but her blushing face and the way she looked away would tell you it either way~
@bleachtheidiot @akitosheart @bl4cktourmaline @nenes-numberonefan - come get your shy gamer~
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Rui has texted you he forgot his coat from his house. And you as good friend, agreed to bring it to Pheonix Wonderland. He made sure you get a free ticket after all! So how could you say no to free fun at amusement park AND helping out your dear friend?
When you finally arrived at the Wonder Stage, you saw him tinkering with the robot, untill he heard someone's footsteps... his mood immidietly lighting up once he saw it's you!
"You're finally here! And I see you got my coat with you~ I can't express how glad I am for your help~"
"Don't mention it! You offered me a free ticket for that so how could I've said now?!"
He chuckled and finally came over to get his coat back, which you gave him back. And in another second, he had it on!
"But still, you're a great person for bringing it to me at THIS HOUR."
"Awh~ Don't you melt here or I'm gonna melt too!"
You couldn't brush off how sweet it was and opened your arms for quick friendly hug, since you clearly had a bit of appreciation moment going on.
"No, I mean it... you're such a sweetheart... I really couldn't avoid falling for you~"
"Huh-? What?"
After your questioning, he finally got a hang of himself pulling away with faint blush, clearly not knowing what to do. But his first reflex was to lie...
"I-I mean..."
But he seemed to stop himself... he realized lying would only make it last longer... so he decided to pull himself together, take big breath in and take the risk.
"Yes... I'm really sorry. I'm aware this is probably gonna break our friendship but... I indeed did fell for you..."
@bleachtheidiot @akitosheart @yulikesminori @toyaswif3y @bl4cktourmaline @r4wrclwz @superstar-ethereal - come get your crazy inventor~
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tomatosoupandpasta · 3 months
Sooooo I saw a post where @bobcross1010 was yapping about their au AND THAT MADE AN OLD SORTA AU FLESH OUT
(It's sorcervalier, but like.... not angsty??? Don't get me wrong I LIVE for sorcervalier angst and absolutely bonkers insane wild angst but like... too much bad media is harmful for you yk? [Idk what I'm yapping about])
So, Tsukasa has great aspirations to be a knight (he's sorta rich but at the same time his parents don't have a noble status), Emu wants to be on stage (she's a princess because yes), Rui loves magic (I turned everyone's favorite engineering kid into a wizard teehee), and Nene wants to be a songstress
ANYWAYS, Tsukasa is all like "when I'm a knight, I'll never hurt anyone that doesn't deserve it!" And they're all like "SICK❗️❗️❗️❗️🔥🔥🔥🔥"
Flash forward and Tsukasa and Rui are dating yipee!!!
Flash forward some MORE and Rui is a criminal because he might've indirectly caused a nobles death due to being manipulated???? (Like DAWG 💀💀)
And you'd think "Oh, but tsukasa doesn't know that! He's going to go back on his promise and put his boyfriendin jail :(" nerp, he knows that Rui didn't do it but because he is tasked with bringing the "Mad Sorcerer" to jail
BUT HE KNOWS RUI DIDN'T DO IT YK????? So it's basically a bunch of shenanigans where Tsukasa has to constantly pretend he was SO close to catching Rui. Like "DANG! I was this close yk???" and some people think "is he just a bad knight????" But NO he isn't so people are just convinced that the Mad Sorcerer is just INSANELY powerful
But in reality it's a lot of Tsukasa shoving Rui under a table and being like "Oh, darn, General! I was so close to catching him! Better luck next time hahaha!"
But here's the thing, they have TRIED to get Mizuki and Akito to try and catch the sorcerer instead but Mizuki is all like "yooooo!!!! I knew this guy I'm middle school!!!!!" and akito is all like "no thanks." And just leaves because he doesn't like Rui or smth idk, he just can't be bothered.
And you may think, "Oh he has to be caught someday! Insert the angst!" like nerp. Emu is the princess remember? She'll just be like "Oh Tsukasa-kun! Come bring Rui- AHEM AHEM AHEM, I mean, this dude to the dungeon." And Tsukasa's all like "Ooohhhh, sorry, he escaped while I blinked." As Nene got him out of the dungeon through an open window.
Also everyone knows that tsukasa and rui are dating but they think that Rui "betrayed" Tsukasa so they give him some leniency when he fails to catch him but in actuality he's just shoving his boyfriend in the worst hiding spots™ and he never gets caught.
Overall just a silly little sorcervalier au where Tsukasa is making sure his boyfriend doesn't go to jail and Rui does whatever he pleases
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projectsekaitakes · 1 month
I get the preference over some vocals, but I personally enjoy how it sounds like they're not just singing but interpreting a character as well.
Mafuyu has one of my favorite vocals in game and I love her covers. I understand that some people dislike how she sounds in bug, phony and other covers on she might sound like she's holding tears but that's what I find more appealing. Same with Tsukasa, he's my least favorite among the male cast if we focus on vocals and it took me some time to get used to it, but some of his covers became my favorite eventually. He sounds so silly and whimsy despite having such a deep voice, and in his latest covers I feel like he sounds more mature as well, which makes sense for his character.
It makes it quite enjoyable to hear the VAs covers outside the game and in other roles and notice how different they can sound.
While Emu has one of my least favorite vocals tbh, I still like her voice. It's just so fitting for her and even if I'm not a fan of high-pitched singing I get why she sounds like that. She's silly and very excited most of the time, and that's reflected in her comms and covers. Ig I find her voice more fun than anything and that's enough for me to enjoy it.
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d0enti · 6 months
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PJSEKAI—“We can only learn to love by loving.”
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➵Summary:Writing love notes with them
➵A/N:day 7 of fluffpril you can find the masterlist here
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⎯ 〈Tsukasa〉
Tsukasa honestly likes the idea, I mean imagine waking up and seeing a love letter or love note from your partner is just adorable so when you offered to spend time with him and write love notes with him he got excited and agreed on it, straightforward he tries his best to draw stars around the little note sometimes they look amazing sometimes they don't it's funny really, when signing the note he refers to himself as "your future star" or sometimes just "your star"
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⎯ 〈Emu〉
To think Emu doesn't already leave you small love notes is actually funny, she thinks it's the cutest thing ever if you go to school with her(and you are a girl obviously) she always leaves one on your desk inviting you to her practice, but if you hanging out with Emu she definitely doesn't mind writing love notes with you she just draws silly things around it for example cats, as to how she signs herself it's either her name or "the smiley" people called her that a few times and she likes it so why not.
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⎯ 〈Nene〉
Nene writes them for you secretly, she is honestly embarrassed to tell you about writing them(Emu gave her that idea) but if you ask her to write love notes together she will agree but will sign herself as Nene or Kusanagi,but when Nene writes it alone she signs herself as "your dearest anon" when she's writing with you she won't draw that much maybe a fish once in a while, but privately she will draw silly fishes and jellyfish just so you won't notice it's her.
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⎯ 〈Rui〉
Similar to Nene though Rui does tell you it was him writing it,I mean why wouldn't he? You are his beloved of course he will and just for joke purposes he will sign himself as "your vegetable hater" no matter if he's writing them with you or not he will draw robonene somewhere on the paper(maybe even a robo-you) Rui probably gave you the idea to write the love notes together since it's a calm activity you can do together.
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