#i love everyone's interpretations of wifey!
localplaguenurse · 1 year
Spoilers for the end of As Gold as the Ginkgo Trees but because E anon requested it, this is a rough family tree for reader’s family
I would’ve made an actual diagram but I just... Didn’t feel like it atm, I’ve been pretty tired all day. Also the colour coordination is just for funsies and to sorta differentiate.
So first and foremost, we have Jin Hua (wifey's mom who passed during childbirth), and then we have Huang Xing (wifey's dad who passed when they were twelve). There is also our absolute beloved Li Lei who was helping raise wifey as they grew up, and then fully took them under her wing after dad passed away.
Wifey and Zhongli are self explanatory
Children birth order + mini descriptions (sorta, most of them are personal interpretation, but all of them have amber/gold eyes and are around or just under six feet tall)
Yánjiāng: P much looks like Zhongli except he doesn’t have the ponytail
Lihua: Also looks very similar to Zhongli, VERY long hair in a half updo with a lotus hairpin, she’s also trans
Zhusha: She pretty much looks like however you think reader looks
Yaling and Feng (twins): Also look very similar to reader but with subtle differences, Yaling has glasses and she is shorter despite Feng being the younger twin
I don’t go into specifics on grandkids or the spouses of the children because that’s a lot of babies and names (why did I do this) but: Yánjiāng has three kids and one grandchild, Lihua has adopted three children, Zhusha has none, Yaling has one child, and Feng has two children (Heng and Mei, the two kids in the mooncake scene)
Shoutout also Li Lei's gf Lin Xiu
If Cheng Gho wasn't a wretched woman she could've been wifey's grandma but NO she had to be a massive c***
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vividwritinglove · 1 year
Hiiii!! A request for freaky f1 Friday<3
Carlos Sainz + corruption kink🫣
Tbh - I had to google that kind of kink, because I had no idea at all what was meant by it..
The explanation of it is very elastic and can be interpreted widely. I hope I hit it a little according to expectations - if not enlighten me and teach me better (don't let me die a fool!).
Anyways - Enjoy!
Carlos can't take his eyes off you. He watches you closely as you stand in the kitchen with his mother, motivated and ready to help, preparing dinner for tonight. His parents love you. His sisters love you. Just everyone loves you. You are the perfect daughter-in-law and if it were up to his mother, he should have married you on the spot already. You're caring, accommodating and completely gracious. Pure wifey material.
You always dress chic and appropriately. Like today. An innocent summer dress with a flower pattern. There are no scandals around you. Even if the press would like them, however, they love you anyway. Your relationship is absolutely perfect, not only for him but also for the outside world. Oh if they only knew that there is this dark side. The side that is only for Carlos and that he brought you to it. You are so obedient and willing to experiment.
Your good girl behavior turns him on so much. And it turns him on even more, when he will later tie you up naked with ropes while you sit so innocently on your knees on the floor in front of him. Your hands strapped behind your back so he can fuck your mouth without any resistance. He especially likes that about you. Carlos licks his lips at the thought of you being defenseless against him. He will take you several times, so that you will be all sore. Afterwards he will take care of you, maybe with a cozy bubble bath or a sensual massage. The idea that your skin will be covered with welts from the ropes makes him hard. Fortunately, no one at the table could see that he was already so aroused.
You look up from the kitchen countertop and your eyes meet his immediately. You see from his large pupils that he is already undressing you in his mind. You like the fact that he desires you so much, at any time of the day. You smile sweetly at him and can hardly wait until you are back in your apartment to be his good girl and let him do all these dirty things to you.
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wildfangz · 6 months
Lil (long) simblr gratitude day post
I wanted to make a post shouting out some of my favorite creators, storytellers, and just general simmers from over the last year, mainly focused on ts4 since that's where my attention has been the most. Long post ahead so it's going under a cut. If you're not tagged please know I did wake up late today so it's not as complete of a list as I wanted it to be!!
@adelarsims - You are an essential in my mods folder!! I love how much realism and/or character your cc adds to sims, from things like the piercing holes to the wonky glasses to the mechanic overlay... Just so many little things that I can't imagine not having in my game or on certain characters now. Speaking of characters, your sims both original and premade are always so gorgeous, and I really enjoy your interpretations of wg and jeb. & Thank you for being WCIF friendly, I know it takes time to get that info but it's so appreciated, u've help me find some very beloved pieces of CC. Also the level of dedication u have to organizing your mods folder is incredible and you've inspired me a lot to get my folder's act together finally!! Which is SUCH a QoL improvement
@bearphase - I adore the bright legacy and I admire all the little details and effort you put into your posts, like fixing clipping issues, making icons and templates for custom careers or story events, ur creativity really shines through. You've also reminded me how fun NSB can be and inspired me to get back to it and my human enough gameplay and I can't thank u for that enough, it's got me sooo excited for future simming endeavors
@daisydezem - You've been a welcome addition on my dash back since POSE, which was a fantastic first community experience for me and so much fun, & I love your gameplay & love how much work u put into rainbowsin! (I adore Venus so much btw!!) I hope you're healing well and that u have a lovely new year!!
@divinedionym - CLAIRE!!! I was SO happy to see you dipping your toes back in the community I missed you on my dash! and while I adored ur vatores and their story and ur an incredible storyteller, I'm glad you've been able to pivot into something more enjoyable for u. I hope you have lots of fun in the coming year and I can't wait to see what Aspen gets up to… or into… especially with his vampire BF. Aside from that idk if you'll ever wanna run another sims server, but I did want to give you a late shoutout and props for that bc I know from experience it can be difficult and I really loved how you ran yours! I could just be an anxious bitch but I feel like its so hard to find comfortable servers.... and esp the storytellers one was so cozy and helpful, and ur management of it was *chefs kiss* I've also really enjoyed it every time we've talked, tho I'm sorry I'm so shy 😭😭
@earthmoonz - LONG TIME MUTUAL ALERT ….. ur sims are always so gorgeous. Love the Devereauxs and... Max and Lena… WOO. I support womens and nonbinary rights. and wrongs. Wifey has been SO good and I'm pumped to see where the rest of the story goes. U have a natural talent for storytelling and I really appreciate how much care u put into your characters. Everyone read wifey today rn
@hauntedtrait - Another mutual I enjoy every time I see you on my dash!! Your Lilith is drop dead gorgeous but honestly so many of your sims are. I love ur premade makeovers and Dakota is sooo pretty I'm obsessed. I can't wait 2 see who he ends up with! :]
@horusmenhosetix - I love seeing u on my dash and every time we've talked has been so lovely!! There's been so many times you've made me want to jump back into my projects for ts2 or even go back to ts3 once I have the space to download it. I love your s2cc and god ur sims …. its been a year but I still smile whenever I think about the vatore siblings you shared jhskfdh they're so perfect its got me inspired to throw together an s4 save whenever I get my mods folder sorted. & I'm so excited to go thru ur downloads tag and fill that baby UP with ur stuff next time I work on that !!!!!!!!
@myshunosun - One of my favorite CC creators, pretty sure my folder has all of your stuff in it bc I couldn't help myself. Always impressed with the quality and I love the variety. Thank u for sharing such incredible work with us!
@nucrests - I downloaded a lot of ur cc more recently but MY BOYS!!! U'VE CLOTHED MY BOYS!!! You make such good quality content and I'm always a huge fan of those that help me give my male sims some flair and style, thank u! :')
@oshinsimblr - Long 1 incoming... While I've never been a sims 4 hater, like a lot of people I've still struggled with the gameplay aspect of this iteration, so it's been really inspiring to watch how you go about your game and immerse yourself in it, see all the care you put into your sims. I have to thank you for the videos you've made on it, like the one on how to make sims you connect to, season 1 of Lovesick where you went basically vanilla with the specific intent to show people how much you can do with imagination and what that looks like in gameplay! It's been literally game-changing for me lol and helped me to have more fun with my saves, even if they're not one of the rare few that starts out off the rails, I get more enjoyment playing it out until things do start happening outside of my control. & YOUR CC RECS!! I've downloaded so many of the mods you've recommended and I love how much they fill out the game. On the topic of Lovesick, I have not been able 2 get enough!! I'm so hooked lmao. Watching this series has really taken me back to the days when I was a teen reading like those particularly juicy drama-filled sims 3 stories you can't help but to keep clicking "next page" on, except Lovesick is so solid writing-wise. SO excited to see where Lizbeth is going in her life!!
@simandy - Your hairs have been an essential in my CAS folder for so long, and I've been so impressed with the evolution of your creations over the years. I've always liked your work but GODDAMN the quality always blows me away these days!! & I really, really adore and appreciate the variety! @squea - ANOTHER SORT OF LONG ONE BUT ... Your sims just POP!!! SO much character, and your edits and art r phenomenal. Corn is one of my favorite little digital guys I've had the pleasure of experiencing on line in all my years in the sims community reading stories and gameplay. If Cornelius has a million fans I am one of them. If Cornelius has ten fans I am one of them. If Cornelius has no fans I am no longer on the earth. If world against Cornelius, I am against the world. So on and so forth TBH you've also helped me have a lot more fun with the sims 4 talking about how you enjoy your game, and have a healthier mindset about my place in the community and connect back with the reason I made this blog in the first place, which was just to have fun and archive something I love, regardless of whether it got any attention or not! I started going MIA a bit post 2019 after really getting involved in the community, for Life Happens reasons, and naturally the lack of consistent posting for a while meant less eyes on whatever I came back to share. For a while I let that discourage me esp when a lot of effort was put into something, but after you posted about just genuinely enjoying ur game and loving what you made regardless of notes it made me realize what I was doing and helped me get back to that state of mind. Now whatever I make gets to matter simply because it matters to me, even if I post it at like 3am bc I'm so excited and no one ever sees it bc of that DHKDHKHSD. & I feel like I have u to thank for that!! U turned da lightbulb on
@thefoxburyinstitute - I could not make a gratitude post without forgetting to include the foxbury institute!! I've been messing around more with making CC the last couple of months and your blog has been so incredibly helpful, and I highly recommend everyone interested in creating or just wanting to maintenance and mend their mods folder a bit check them out!
@tricoufamily - YOUR RENDERS ARE SO GORGEOUSSS and I love your take on the Villareals. I never ran into the original story so I'm really excited tbh to see whats up ur sleeve... also I love everything you've shared about two headed lamb so far, so eerie and offputting in the best way. Also everyone read this is the fall here
@void-imp I know we just followed each other a few days ago but ur trio is SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!! I love Jab's design so much and I rlly enjoy what I've read about aleksey so far. :-)
@warwickroyals - Ok so first off your clothing is a STAPLE in my folder for my more wealthy and/or fashion-oriented sims! And as for the Warwick Legacy? One of my absolute favorite simblr stories I've read. I still remember when I started it, it was pretty late at night so I was just planning on reading a handful of posts and then picking it back up the next day. That did not happen I could not stop. Straight up stayed up the entire night bingeing all the way to the latest post (which was the Big Phillip Thing. I had to get up from my computer to pace I was having a Moment LOL) I've got some catching up to do but so far I think that's been my favorite arc. Aside from that your editing is beautiful, and I've always been a character enjoyer so I'm in love with how much thought you've put into all of yours, and the fact we get to learn so much about them. I think you do a really good job of balancing the cast and I really dig your storytelling style in general.
@whimsyalien I know u post moreso on twitter but since u ARE technically also on simblr... I just wanna say I love the polaris legacy and thank you so much for all the poses and templates you share!!!
@windbrook THANK YOU for making so many fantastic builds and for sharing your saves, it's one of my absolute favorites. Also all the original sims u post are so striking, and ur cartoon-ish makeovers were so much fun!! Loving the recent builds/world pics u shared as well, and looking forward to whatever you create whether its in sims 4 or a previous game in the series!
@yooniesim Your cc is a more recent addition to my folder but there's so many things you've made and I'm sure will make that are essentials there now, like the teeth and body hair and god that necklace set for men is a necessity, but outside of that I love a lot of the other CAS CC you make you have some of the cutest hairs and I really adore the accessories! Thank you also for speaking out on certain issues within the community.
To My Followers: thank u all for sticking with me even as I've been a biiit flaky over the years. My healths doing a lot better tho and I have so much passion for the game and I'm so excited for what I have to share with u all next, and I hope it can brighten ur dash up a bit, pull the heartstrings when appropriate, etc!! I also have a lil milestone coming up so im planning on doing some sim requests soon as a thank you when that hits. c:
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jils-things · 4 months
thinkin about how red and steven celebrates their jaide's birthdays aweuoo + valentine's
red would buy a lot of things for her 😭 i saw this in a post somewhere but red would also be competitive in seeing who can gift her the most presents (well its usually just... one gift right) and red just gets so many 😭 he's competitive in spirit you can't take that away from him. i think his gifts consists of her favorite food and shit jaide stares at in shop displays because red took note of the stuff she likes (it would probably be like. pkmn trainer gear that she likes very much. new running shoes? bags? yeah) and she'd be so surprised 🥺
red buys her chocolate for valentine's day ofc. and he dresses up pipino in a widdle bow and holds a rose. waits for jaide to come back to this surprise hehehe he's not the best at romance but he really tries because man his gf deserves nicey things
steven ... ough boy i love reading steven fics and one of them interprets him giving a fuckton of cash (probably putting a ribbon on it too lmao) because hes rich 😭 knowing jaide stone being humble she would be so against this at first but he continues to insist that she deserves to have pretty things for da pretty wifey weee. (i think he would even personally escort her to kalos branded boutiques like ugh this man wtf man 💚) he gets a nice expensive cake. of course he does. it's cheesecake flavored it's my her favorite. mr stone also sends his regards by giving her earrings or something‼️i think ruby woulda tried to give her a makeover because he wants her to be pretty too (ha like father like son HA) in other words everyone in the stone family BUT her isn't cheap and they will spoil her to moon and back
for valentine's i think jaide suggested to ruby that they should learn how to make chocolate together so that steven can come home to a nice greeting since he's probably working 💚 runs a whole sequence of them making the chocolate and messing it up. mumu the swampert being ruby's assistant and trying its best to make sure he doesn't get dirty (because he will COMPLAIN about it) but it all goes well in the end ...
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officialgleamstar · 2 months
Hi wifey! 💚💜
unpopular fandom opinions <3
💚: What does everyone else get wrong about your favorite character?
i HAVE to answer this for jodie because everyone knows i have VERY strong opinions about his character. i wouldnt say theres anything that people like, universally agree on? but somehow thats worse than having a popular fanon interpretation. like. i never have ANY clue what a fic with him in will be like. some fics will have him be super weirdly aggro manly aggressive which... no. absolutely not. some fics will have him be really nice (which tbh i feel like i fall into sometimes. guilty!) which is also just not true. and some fics will have him straight up be transphobic like NO HE IS NOOOTTTT SHUT UP. STOP IT.
💜: Which character is way hotter than everyone else seems to think?
i cant answer jodie again, can i? i just feel like you want me to say him so i cannot. head in hands. anyways bill close is so much hotter than people want to admit and i will stand by this until the end of time. i love that dumb fucking deadbeat dad with every beat of my heart
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exitpursuedbyavulcan · 6 months
Hi, hello! *shuffles awkwardly*
So, I’ve read and re-read the Silver Dragon and What is Broken and I love them!! The silver dragon is refreshing for me because it paints team black and green in a different light. I’m neither (Team Ewan lol) but I think the tv series wants to portray the blacks as the clear protagonist and it is really refreshing and for some reason, satisfying for me to read about Alicent not being a stiff c*nt as she’s often portrayed in fics. I feel as if all is right in the world lol.
What is broken is by far my most anticipated one yet. I’ve read fics that mention Alys in varying accounts; most of them —the affair and Alys is depicted off-screen OR OC is a maid and Alys was already with Aemond so there’s no cheating. But this was addressed head on so I am foaming at the mouth.
I also think it’s interesting to see interpretations of their relationship portrayed in fanfiction because Aemond is known for being much more controlled than Aegon in terms of physical relations and when he does find someone, he’s largely committed. And I’m not sure the extent of his feelings for Alys canonically, but what makes it so intriguing for me is that through fiction by virtue of OC/reader insert, we see firsthand what that dynamic is like. And maybe I am a masochist but it is one of those things that you know hurts you but at the same time; you can’t look away because, what is it about her that makes him so drawn to her? And this is me going through OC’s head, but does he love her like me? Does he love her more? What does she have that I don’t? Those sort of questions.
And if anything, I’ve learned most of us are hungry for Aemond (Ewan Mitchell what have you done lol). But yeah, I hope this made sense; it’s morning here, I’ve just woken up and haven’t had coffee. Byee!!
Thank you so much!
I definitely agree that the show is more Team Black leaning, which bothers me because the whole point of the Dance was that everyone was bad. So, I wanted to try and humanize the Greens more in The Silver Dragon, since those were the people my POV characters knew more about and felt closer. However, this means that the Blacks (especially Daemon) appear to have less depth because of the POV characters' views of them. But for the purposes of the fic, I'm okay with that.
There's going to be an announcement about The Silver Dragon coming either today or tomorrow, so stay tuned for that!
As for What is Broken, I'm so glad you've been enjoying my take! The relationship between Alys and Aemond in the book is so weird because it seems so out of nowhere for Aemond to be so infatuated with Alys. Especially with his portrayal in the show, it's so interesting to consider what makes him change his priorities like that.
You are asking exactly the same questions as Wifey! The answers to which will be coming soon...
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solosoulscene · 2 years
The love of your life should never make you feel any less than.
To be fair, there’s internal things we all struggle w/ that no one can either confirm or deny for us. We are the only ones that can make that sensation right, and create peace within ourselves.
The love of your life should NEVER MAKE YOU FEEL LESS THAN.
Less than:
Less than the love of their life.
We do not put our hands on the one(s) we love. We do not neglect the one(s) we love. We do not allow the one(s) we love to feel less than self (interpreted in two ways their self/yourself).
When certain boundaries are crossed, you have to accept that they’re simply not meant for you in that capacity. Don’t waste your own time. Life at the end of the day is a journey of self. Don’t get encapsulated by someone else’s journey. Release. I used to be really good at that, moving my Solo Soul alonggg. Thank you for the memories but there can be no new ones formed w/ you. I tried to manually sculpt my soul into something diff when I should’ve just let it guide me. Release control. I began to think that was a lack of empathy, or fear of commitment. Nah, I was happiest in those days looking back. Release.
No one attached to me, just me, myself, and I. All the leeches that tried to grip me, I pulled off & plucked away… Respectfully 😎.
Getting back to that.
There are a lot of situations in my life currently that are “tangled”, let’s just say. A lot of miscommunications, hurt, disappointment, etc. All due to me not standing strong on what I feel.
I love hard. I will not apologize for that. I want to teach all the ppl around me. I will not apologize for that. I am divinely crafted baby. Unapologetically. I folded. For good reason tho, I had to rebuild after 2020… Another one of those stories for another time 😅. Basically, I was stripped of my ability to communicate totally & fully. Stripped. I like that word bc it denotes vulnerability. That’s exactly how I felt, stripped of my voice, my control, my spirit. Stripped of self.
It’s easy to fall into false love when you’re vulnerable. Hence, my post a few down from here. Go look, the one w/ the girl MURDERING that spoken word w/ just two bars. I’ll continue in a diff color so you can find your place when you come back. I’ll continue in the color of vulnerability…
Sex=vulnerability. When you’re not vibrating at your highest due to internal or external turmoil, you’re vulnerable. You lack the capacity to differentiate your path from what I call “the toxic circle”. BREAK THAT shit. You do that by making sure you are whole or at least whole enough, to give your energy to another before invite them in your space. That’s exactly why I’m here, alone. With you. No one else gets an invitation to My Space rn. However, like I said, if you find it, welcome. In due time, I’d love for anyone and everyone to indulge in my space but not right now. I’m tryna be whole enough for myself so I can be whole enough for my family, my wife I’m currently attracting
(wherever she may be, prob on a girls trip across the world visiting somewhere exotic, doing shrooms, skinny dipping on a public beach, cackling, and enjoying life 🥲. & I want that for her, don’t touch her either dawg (I may be writing in pink but a Nigga is far from puss). Be ready for me Wifey, bc when I come in your life, that’s exactly where our journey will pick up Baby. Alone, with you. You & I, alone together. I’m such a fkn Lover Girl, that’s why this Dolo/getting back to self journey is so difficult to me. I am my happiest in love. Now, I have to just fall in love w/ myself 💕. I had to separate this passage bc I got side-tracked OD & I don’t want it to take away from the original passage lol. To put simply, if you peep my wife, protect her, and let her know I’m getting right for her. Pass “GO” and proceed 😅.),
for everyone that believes in me, my future kids, anyone I encounter worthy of sharing My Space.
Below, ladies in purple, fellas in blue… Read what you want though, just forewarning.
Baby, come sit on my lap & let me speak life into you; into us.
*Right knee on my left hip, left knee on my right hip, lay forward, don’t bend, extend… your back forward, open your arms, wrap them around my neck in embrace, squeezing until that burst of “love energy” is out.*
End Scene
Let’s see how well you listen Baby.
Because that’s truly all I need from you.
Tonight’s all abt guidance, let me guide you, while you dance on my d***. 😈
Teamwork. Soulwork.
I’m tryna teach you.
Daddy’s here ♥️.
Come on man, don’t let ppls preconceived notions of you turn you to a monster or shell of your former self. If you lead in love, you will always win King 👑 . I promise you that. Define your boundaries & never lie, unless your punk ass is scared of something. If it’s anything that makes you less than a man, a coward, etc, it’s folding on how you feel inside. That’s why a lot of boys never transform into men, you were never given the blueprint on how to decipher your insides. Guess what? We weren’t given the blueprint either so stop bitchin & do the work. If you need it, ASK for help, but make sure you’re asking the right ppl. On top of that, lick your thumb & press on her clit while you fckn her dude. *Cum*,
thank me later.
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yashashveeroy · 3 years
Heyyy, im a libra sun, cap moon and scorpio rising, what does that mean?
Thank you :)
Hello!! @kiwi-iam Here’s my interpretation of your placements!🥰💜
Please read the newly added Rules regarding “Asks” here before reading this interpretation.
Libra Sun:
Sandro Botticelli is what came to my mind first when I looked at your placements. Specifically his painting “The Birth of Venus”. I’m in fact doing an assignment about his work ! Such perfect timing haha🥰 We all know Venus rules Libra, it’s romantic, playful, charming and full of life at it’s best. At it’s worst it’s self-indulgent, materialistic and flaky. Oh, I myself had fallen in love with one back in the day, he was amazing and god!!! THOSE SHOULDERS🥵🤤!! Lmao enough about me haha! To me Libras have always been very appealing when it comes to certain talents that they have. For example: Any musical talents, Fine arts, dancing, theatrical arts or anything to do with emotional expression. Photography being one of the main according to me. This placement often has this thing about following an aesthetic. These aesthetics could range from renaissance to anime or even gothic themed. There just has to be one. Colours for this placement could range from antique gold, true gold, flesh tones, grays, taupes, mauves or browns. Libra suns have this ability to attract an audience in whatever they do. Be it on social media or in reality. Everyone will always have something to say about a libra sun. It’s a guarantee. Fame and Fortune is a special advantage because of Venus here. Aesthetics, sex, charms and luxury (Venus) meets Grandeur (Sun) is what having a Libra sun is to me. Everything is grand and glamorous. You are unstoppable in the dating field. Many want you but cannot have you. You come with your own set of standards that you seek in a partnership. Sometimes looks don’t matter as long as you catch hold of the right personality. You can be highly rebellious and reckless when you don’t have your way. This needs to be worked on. You can play with hearts when you’re heartbroken, bored or just for the fun of it, which is why, one may call you a “player”. You have to come to terms with your inner child’s wounds.
Capricorn Moon:
Showing Physical touch and acts of service your way of showing love to your close ones. When a libra sun is paired with a Capricorn moon, it’s very nurturing, parental, grounded and loving. Heavenly sex and passionate kissing is what comes with this combination🥵. It’s currently 4:44 am while I’m writing this, this angel number brings stable and well grounded relationships when associated with romance! How cute to be getting a confirmation from the universe while I’m writing this 💖 It’s ‘secrecy and patience (Saturn) meets pleasure (Venus)’ with the libra and Capricorn combination. So while Venus may want to roam in her world of fantasies, Saturn will bring her reality and discipline. Natives with this placement will be very much in tune with their home environment. This could also make someone wifey or hubby material ahaha! A Homebody, I swear. Very much into DIYs or traditional things. Cottage vibes. The biggest problem with a Capricorn moon is that it won’t always show emotions, especially if underdeveloped. You might bury yourself in something so that you don’t have the time to come face to face with your emotions. Please don’t do that🥺. Excellent management and executive skills when paired with libra sun. People will actually listen to you properly and you will automatically have an upper hand on them. But don’t take advantage of it! Use it wisely and get work done.
Scorpio Rising:
Ahhhh this is one of the main reasons why I got excited to do your interpretation!! Greetings, fellow Scorpio rising!!💜🥰
Now forget Venus for a moment and think of Persephone. Think of Persephone as the ruler of your libra sun for a moment. Hades is the ruler of Pluto as it is which is represented by your Scorpio rising. Think of their romance. Hades= Ruler of death and underworld. Persephone= Ruler of spring and nature. Hades loved Persephone so much from the moment he saw her. The moment she was abducted by him, her role changed from being the Goddess of spring and vegetation to becoming the Goddess/Queen of Rebirth. She spent her adult and married life with Hades doing exactly that with the earth’s seasons. It’s the reason why we have the four seasons. Similarly, here it’s the same with your Libra sun and Scorpio rising combination. The themes of love, sex, death and rebirth are heavily romanticised and harmonised together. Your libra sun will always see something beautiful in the dark and mysterious ways of your Scorpio rising. Behind the mask of suspicion and inflexibility lies a nature full of charm, love and passion. This is what Hades’ and Persephone’s relationship became over time. They were intimidating to the world together but loving to each other when in private. Nothing dark will ever scare you. In fact, you will fall in love with it and will want to dive deeper into it. A lot of people will be fascinated with your innocent yet mature, childish yet sexual aura. Jealousy will be a trait that you will have to learn to tame. Blessed with the ability to love and destroy, you will feel like god. You can be a mediator in misunderstandings. No bullshit tolerated when you’re around. Tough love. You could have perfect manners and behaviour according to the settings of your environment. With your charm and seduction, you can be highly persuasive😏. Blessed will be the person who will have Sex with you. Amen.🥵
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I really hope this interpretation resonated with you! Don’t forget to leave your feedback in the comments of this post!!🥰💜
Love, Roy.
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leejungchans · 3 years
— wifey.
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word count: 1.7k
warning(s): none!!
genre: fluff, humour
notes: obviously i don’t know what went on backstage at the sma/award shows in general, especially with the special arrangements of award shows in the past two years due to you-know-what, so this is mainly based on my own interpretation/imagination!!
set during january 31, 2021
summary: juliet tells one of her closest friends her secret backstage at the seoul music awards.
juliet’s masterlist | ask game
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ryujinnie 🙄💖 [19:16] do you wanna stop by and chat? 🥺
juliet 🤍 [19:17] didn’t we just talk on the phone yesterday? i didn’t know you wanted to see me this much 😼
ryujinnie 🙄💖 [19:17] ...never mind 🚪🚶🏻‍♀️
juliet 🤍 [19:17] no wait i’m joking come back wifey 🥺🥺🥺🥺 what number is your dressing room?
“Unnie,” Juliet calls out to her manager, “can I go see Ryujin at ITZY’s dressing room? I won’t be long.”
Despite wearing a mask, Juliet can tell that the older woman is smiling from the way her eyes curve up into crescents. “Sure, I don’t think you guys have to be on stage for a while. I’ll text you if something comes up and you need to be back here.”
“Okay! Thanks, unnie!” Juliet says before grabbing her phone and putting on her mask. She passes by San on her way to the door and takes the opportunity to pat him on the head.
He looks up from his phone to find the maknae grinning down at him. “Who are you off to bother now?” he jokes.
She gasps, feigning offence as she places a hand over her heart. “Excuse you! It’s not my fault people want to see me!”
San rolls his eyes. “Okay, Miss Popular, I’m not going to hold you back any longer then. Be careful!”
“Careful is my middle name.”
“Says the person who almost tripped on the red carpet earlier.”
“...Definitely Wooyoungie-oppa’s fault.”
An indignant squawk comes from somewhere else in the room. “No, it wasn’t and you know it!”
San groans playfully. “I hate our family.”
“No, you don’t.”
“No, I don’t.”
Giggling at their banter, Juliet heads out into the hallway of the venue, bowing to the various passing staff members as she looks for ITZY’s dressing room.
She doesn’t miss the screens located on the walls showing SEVENTEEN receiving their bonsang, and she stops momentarily to watch their speech while smiling to herself, heart swelling at how happy she is for them (and specifically, her boyfriend).
When Juliet finally finds her friend in an empty hallway, leaning against the wall next to a door which she assumes leads to ITZY’s room, she immediately runs to tackle the rapper in a back hug.
“Guess who?”
“My worst nightmare.”
Juliet pouts even though Ryujin isn’t able to see it. “You’re no fun, Jinnie.”
“And you’re very cute.”
“Damn, and I’m going to forgive you just like that,” Juliet laughs. “Nice outfit, by the way.” She takes Ryujin’s hand to spin her around as she admires the ITZY member’s all-white suit. “Very fitting for the boss that you are.”
“I knew you were in love with me!” Ryujin teases, which immediately earns her a light smack on the arm. “So, how’ve you been?”
Juliet gives her a flat stare. “We literally talked yesterday.”
“Something could’ve happened since then!” Ryujin defends. “Plus, I just like hearing from you.”
Despite feeling warm and fuzzy from her friend’s sweet words, Juliet plays along by faking a cough. “Whipped. But to answer your question, not much has happened, unless you count almost falling asleep when getting my makeup done at the shop something exciting.”
That was partly a lie. Admittedly, she had been texting Chan nonstop during the day knowing they’d be seeing each other here, but she doesn’t know how to approach the topic with Ryujin. They’re as close as can be, but how do you break the news?
“‘Hey, I’m dating someone. I don’t know if you’ve heard of his group though, it’s not like his group is a million-seller or anything!’ Like this?” she wonders aloud that morning in the dorm.
“Uh, yeah, that’s exactly how you tell someone,” Jongho deadpans from where he’s making coffee in the kitchen. “Well, maybe except the last part. Just say, ‘Hi, insert friend’s name, just wanted to share with you that I’m dating Dino from SEVENTEEN.’ Why are you being weird about this?”
“Did you seriously say ‘insert friend’s name’?”
“Yes, now answer my question.”
Juliet sluggishly rolls off the sofa to lie on the floor in a starfish position. “I don’t know...do people in our industry even tell their friends that they’re dating someone? Or do they, like, let their friends find out along with the rest of the world? Is it pretentious to tell someone just like that? Am I not being careful enough if I do that?”
Jongho frowns, sliding a mug of coffee across the counter for her to drink later before padding over to her. “I think mornings make you overthink more,” he says softly as he crouches next to the starfi—the maknae.
“Of course it wouldn’t be wise to grab a megaphone and run down the street broadcasting it, even though that wouldn’t be the stupidest thing you’ve done.” Juliet raises a leg to kick him lightly as he cackles. “But if you know that person can be trusted—wait, who exactly are you planning to tell?”
“Ryujinnie if I see her later at the award show,” Juliet replies, flailing her limbs around. “Maybe Felix? If I happen to also run into him.”
Jongho moves to sit on the floor. “Why didn’t you tell Ryujin-ssi yesterday over the phone then?”
“I don’t know...” she admits, “the topic never came up, and this doesn’t feel like news to tell over the phone.”
He flicks her head playfully. “You’re acting like you’re getting married or something.”
“Shut up, Jongho,” Juliet mutters, a faint tinge of pink forming on her cheeks.
“Anyways, both of them are people you trust, so I think it’s okay to tell them. They probably saw it coming like us and will likely be just as supportive, you don’t have to be weird about it, though that can be hard for someone like you,” he jokes.
“I will strangle you.” There’s no way he’s taking her seriously, not with one of her cheeks squished adorably against the floor.
“You can’t even crush an apple with your hands, but sure.”
At that moment, Seonghwa walks into the living room to find the two youngest members sprawled on the cold tiles. “What are you two doing down there?” he scolds, “you’re going to catch a cold!”
“Earth to Juliet!”
Juliet snaps out of her daze quick enough to register Ryujin waving a hand in front of her face. “Oh, sorry, I spaced out,” she says sheepishly.
Ryujin giggles. “I figured that, is everything okay?”
Juliet is about to respond when there is a commotion at the end of the hallway. Then she hears a familiar voice, more specifically, one belonging to a certain Boo Seungkwan.
Both girls turn their necks to find the members of SEVENTEEN walking in their direction, likely returning to their own dressing room. Before Juliet can think of a way to dig a hole to hide in, the members recognise her instantly, promptly exchanging knowing glances and letting out aye’s.
Ryujin blinks confusedly. Why are her seniors chuckling amongst themselves at the sight of the two girls chatting in the hallway? And why is her friend suddenly acting so strangely and avoiding eye contact with everyone and everything but the ground?
Her bewilderment increases tenfold as SEVENTEEN draws closer, with Juliet still looking down even when they bow to their seniors and murmur quiet greetings.
What is going on?
The answer to her question comes when the group quickens their pace and walks past the girls, laughing and sneaking glances over their shoulders as they disappear around the corner. All of them, but one.
Ryujin shuffles, awkwardly bowing to the youngest SEVENTEEN member which he returns along with a quiet “hello”. She watches in part shock and part amusement as Chan turns to her friend.
Despite their masks, anyone could tell they were both smiling widely, and judging from her friend’s sparkly eyes and pink ears, Ryujin had no doubt that their relationship goes beyond a simple friendship.
“Congratulations,” Juliet tells him shyly, “I’ll be looking out for your performance later.”
The corners of Chan’s eyes crinkle even more. “Thanks, I’ll be cheering ATEEZ on too, of course. Stop by later if you have time? Seungkwannie-hyung said he misses you and Wooyoung,” he says the last part with a playful roll of his eyes.
Juliet laughs. “Okay, I’ll bring him with me later,” she promises.
Ryujin and Juliet watch Chan jog down the hallway, presumably to catch up with his members, before the former turns to her friend and clears her throat dramatically.
“Miss Juliet, is there something you want to tell me?” Ryujin asks with a wriggle of her eyebrows. “I’ve heard you mention that you’re friends with Dino-sunbaenim, but I didn’t know you two were this close?”
Juliet bites the inside of her cheek. “Promise you won’t tell?”
Sensing the serious tone in her voice, Ryujin nods solemnly. “Promise.”
Juliet leans down to whisper in the shorter girl’s ear. “We’re dating,” she says quickly before pulling away.
“Oh my God, really?”
“Shh! Not that loud! But yeah... we are.”
“I mean, that kinda crossed my mind when I witnessed your exchange just now,” Ryujin says upon looking down both ends of the hallway to ensure no one else is there. “But I thought maybe you just had a crush on him. Since when?”
“The beginning of this month.”
Ryujin nods again. “Did you tell your company?”
“Yeah. So far, only our families, members and companies know, you’re the first person I’ve told.”
The rapper’s eyes soften as she pulls Juliet into a hug. “Thank you trusting me. You two are really cute together, but I will only support this relationship on one condition.”
Juliet giggles, knowing her friend is simply joking. “Shoot.”
“Please don’t make me third-wheel you guys ever again,” Ryujin pleads. “I felt so awkward standing there while you two flirted with each other.”
“Okay, okay, I promise!”
“Now, I’d tell you to tell me everything, but it seems like there’s somewhere else you need to be,” Ryujin hints cheekily. “So you will call me tonight instead.”
Juliet beams, feeling very lucky to have such an incredible friend. “You know I will.”
“One more question—are you still my wifey, or did Dino-sunbaenim already steal you away from me?”
Juliet can’t help but laugh at how wronged Ryujin sounded before taking her friend’s hand in hers. “Don’t worry, Jinnie, you’ll always be my wifey.”
“Good to know. Now, give me your phone. There’s something I need to do.”
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— bonus!!
Chan reaches the door to SEVENTEEN’s dressing room, already bracing himself for his members’ teasing that will no doubt ensue the moment he steps foot into the room.
As he reaches for the door handle, his phone lights up with a notification.
minnie 🐭❤️ [19:43] hello sunbaenim, i just wanted to let you know that she’s still my wifey 😺 please take good care of her! she can be a huge mess sometimes but you probably already knew that 😔 congratulations on the bonsang! - shin ryujin
minnie 🐭❤️ [19:43] aHa anyways 🤡 see you later!! i may be a mess but i’m your mess right 🥺🥺 also please tell seungkwannie-oppa i miss him too!!
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a/n: we stan two besties 🥺🥺 please consider leaving feedback whether it’s a reblog, a reply or an ask, it would mean the absolute world to me as feedback really motivates and supports creators 🥺 and feel free to chat with me about juliet or anything else through my asks!! thank you for reading, remember i’m here for you and have a good day 💕
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tillthelandslide · 4 years
The Perfect Trio: Henry Cavill / Anya Chalotra Fake Instagram
A/N: Hi everyone, this is a little bit of a different fake instagram post that I’ve made. I hope you like it.
Tag List: @harrysthiccthighss @thereisa8ella @magdelen69 @henrythickcavill @hc-geralt-23 @kissthatlifeaway @darkbooksarwin @august-w-princess @speakerforthedead0 @pixie1484 @constip8merm8 @tigerbroadwaybaby @agniavateira @summersong69 @aestheticallywinchester @stephartrave @al-wiisa @henrycavillfanpage @intenselikes @anat2507 @ellixthea @aguspalazzo @1ookatthestars00 @wintersoldierslut @michelehansel @cavill-sass @thecavillstache @xelizabethvalentinex @sesamepancakes @tumblnewby @thefangirlsblog @sugarmelonwater @madbaddic7ed  @bakika @abundanceofsoph @noisymist @mis-lil-red @runawayolives @kellbell44
(if you would like to be added to my tag list, feel free to message me,    if you are new to my blog then I post Henry Cavill fanfics and make   Henry Cavill fake Instagram posts, my requests are open so feel free to request anything and I will try my best to make your vision come to  life. Edit: requests are still open but there might be a delay as I am working my way through the current ones and all other stories I am  writing)  
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your_username This was the moment Henry found out that the Witcher got picked up for another season! Beyond proud of you @henrycavill and also excited for everyone, I know it’ll be amazing. The Witcher Season 1 is now out on Netflix and I highly recommend you watch it, you’ll get to see the amazing work @laurenhissrich has done and the amazing characters that @henrycavill @anyachalotra @freyaallan and @joeybateyofficial and many more have brought to life
Liked by henrycavill, laurenhissrich, freyaallan, joeybateyofficial and 329,928 others
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henrycavill So excited!!
    ↳ your_username me too baby!!
anyachalotra Thank you so much for all of your support and love, so glad to have a friend like you
freyaallan Thank you! ALSO this is so cute
fan8 The way he’s squeezing her, adorable... literal definition of a bear hug
joeybateyofficial This is sweet
laurenhissrich woohoo!
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your_username Happy Anniversary @anyachalotra you absolute beauty. No we are not dating to those who do not know us 😂. But exactly one year ago today, I met you on the set of the Witcher... Henry had told me all about his amazing co-stars and about how lucky he felt to be working with such talented and upcoming actors. I met you and my life changed, you became my best friend quicker than anything else. I am so lucky to have a friend like you and I am so grateful to my love @henrycavill for introducing us
Liked by anyachalotra, henrycavill and 376,419 others
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anyachalotra I love you so much. Thank you @henrycavill
  ↳ henrycavill You're welcome, but please don't take her from me
  ↳ anyachalotra No promises
henrycavill I love you
  ↳ your_username Love you more
freyaallan Beautiful 😍 happy anniversary 😂😘 @anyachalotra @your_username
  ↳ your_username Love you 💙 @freyaallan
  ↳ anyachalotra Love you 💜 @freyaallan
user902 This friendship is so stupid wtf. Who would want to become best friend with someone their boyfriend kisses ??
  ↳ user1 I 100% agree, so stupid, I dont like her anyway, would rather anya and henry get together
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anyachalotra Today marks one year of knowing the absolute beautiful, wonderful, amazing, phenomenally talented and caring @your_username. The Witcher truly changed my life, I not only got the opportunity of a lifetime to play such a fantastic role, but I met some of the best people I have ever met. Working with Henry was an absolute joy but when he introduced me to you (whom he loves very much🥺) I knew I had met a lifelong best friend💕
Liked by henrycavill, your_username, freyaallan and 432,117 others
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your_username So glad I met you 💕 also I love this picture 💕
    ↳ anyachalotra Me too 💕 best wrap party ever
Fan8 There friendship is cute don't get me wrong... But how can Yn be okay with Henry having to kiss her (now) best friend
    ↳ your_username I trust them both very much and its there job 💕
    ↳ hoeforhenry We stan a trusting queen
lovehenryandyn SO SO cute
user902 not really... so weird... bet henry is cheating on her with anya
   ↳ lovehenryandyn this is so rude, they trust each other, stop hating on them
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anyachalotra two peas in a pod. @your_username forced Henry to take this 😂
Liked by freyaallan, your_username, henrycavill and 872,782 others
View all 679,891 comments
your_username My wife 💕
     ↳ henrycavill excuse me?
     ↳ your_username metaphorically speaking. You're my one and only Hen💕 sorry @anyachalotra (you're my wifey still dw)
     ↳ anyachalotra Jealous much @henrycavill 😂
     ↳ henrycavill I mean yeah? Have you seen her? Met her? She's the best
henrycavill You're welcome @anyachalotra
     ↳ anyachalotra For the photo or for introducing me to the @your_username
     ↳ henrycavill Both
     ↳ your_username @henrycavill you're the best
freyaallan So cute. Wish I was there with you guys 💕
     ↳ your_username Me too 💕 we love you and miss you
henrycavill :
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henrycavill As you all know, there are certain things in my life that I like to keep private. One of those things has always been my relationships. But then I met @your_username and I wanted everyone to know her, I wanted all of my fans to see how amazing she was. I wanted everyone I worked with to know that I was the lucky guy that got to call her my partner. One of the things I love most about her is her laugh and her smile. This week I haven't seen much of that smile because some people have left her, the love of my life, some truly awful messages. This is my Yn, she is beautiful, loving, caring, talented, a good friend, truly supportive and the most important person in my life. Please love her as much as I do and stop the nasty comments. Yn has taught me that everyone can be a little kinder 💕
Liked by joeybateyofficial, anyachalotra and 1,128,837 others
View all 121,738 comments
truefan The fact he had to post this in the first place, breaks my heart. I don't think people understand that by hurting his loved ones, you're hurting him
     ↳ fan19 Why did she get hate?
     ↳ truefan Not 100% sure. I know some of it was about her and anyas friendship. Some people were hating on her for being with Henry and being best friends with anya which is so stupid.
anyachalotra The best person around 💕 @your_username
joeybateyofficial The kindest person I had ever met. You're a lucky man and she deserves to smile like that everyday
 henrycavill thanks man 💙
freyaallan Will never forget the day I met you, you were so supportive, kind and sweet and not a single day goes by when you are anything but that 😘💕
hoeforhenry Makes me so sad to see this post. And then you look at the amazing comments and Yn hasn't replied to any of them, probably because she's too upset to come on here now. Wishing you the best ❤️
     ↳ henrycavill She's taking a little break. Appreciate the support though 👍🏼 and so does Yn
laurenhissrich I will always remember when I met Yn, we spoke about her obsession with the Witcher books and games and she told me that she was beyond excited for the show to come out. She said that from what Henry had told her she knew she was going to love it and love our interpretation of it. Since that day she has showed me and everyone working on this project, nothing but support and love, she is always the first to be complimentary and honest and she deserves the very best 💜🤗
fanofhenry These comments are so adorable. Everyone just telling there own stories of her 💜 the haters can f off
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My wonderful Henry and my amazing best friend Anya. Nobody will make me feel bad for having these two gems in my life. Thank you everyone who sent me lovely messages and comments. The support means the world to me and I’ll never forget it
Liked by henrycavill, anyachalotra and 653,271 others
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henrycavill Proud of you my love
anyachalotra Stay positive and remember you are the best
fan8 So glad she’s back on here now, the haters are rude and nasty and their comments are ridiculous. This is the perfect trio right here
  your_username Glad to be back! Thanks for this sweet comment
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lunafeather · 4 years
Post S3 and Ideas from your WIP basket!
Post S3
When season 3 ended, I had this idea for this awesome post season multi-chapter fic. It probably would have been like 12-15 chapters, and was full of UST>RST>UST and angst and fluff. A kind of fix it fic, you know? It was inspired by this idea that Beth would gradually forget about the hitman because he is ignoring her, and that the final conflict is the hitman finally showing up to do the job she paid him to do, after her and Rio had worked through their shit and were on good terms/kind of in a relationship. It spiraled into something much bigger and more complex, to the point where even that final hook was on the chopping block. I think I ended up wanting the ultimate goal of the fic to be them finally teaming up and being head of their own departments. Kind of my “how I want this show to end” thing.
There was Beth finally losing her shit on Rio and Dean! Finally kicking the latter out! Demanding equal claim to her work from the former! Rio/Annie/Ruby fun! Rival gangs! One or both of them saving/taking care of each other! Them getting into an argument and finally just talking (yelling) about everything that’s happened between them! Honesty! Pain! Vulnerability! Beth bossing up for real! Outsmarting and possibly poaching Phoebe to the dark side! Being disgustingly horny around Mick until he flees! 
I researched Spa and Pool businesses for hours, y’all. I know so much about that shit now.
The WIP document is 2100 words of just planning and outlining. I think I have snippets of scenes and story hooks, but I was going all in on structuring this thing. It was a huge project.
Unfortunately, I lost a lot of steam re: writing and the fandom, so I abandoned everything. The little thing I posted last night is the first time I’ve written anything since May, when I was planning this fic. Depression/Anxiety/Pandemics are tough, you know?
But honestly lately I can’t stop thinking about Brio, and I miss reading my flavor of fics (mostly fluff with a little angst, UST, slow burns, tropes galore!) and the number of fics posted daily has slowed, so I want to contribute! And I’m writing for myself now more than ever. So maybe I’ll pick this back up at some point?
A couple snippets:
"I've been protectin' you, keepin' you from other guys' radar. Not everyone is as nice as me, Elizabeth."
She scoffs at 'nice'. "I can handle myself. When Gil tried to take advantage of me, I flipped it back in my favor. And I shot you, didn't I? Took you out of the game for a while."
His dark eyes deepen to black, long, thick eyelashes framing them in a way that makes him beautiful but absolutely dangerous. He crowds into her space, staring her down, and sneers, "Cept you didn't finish the job, huh? And you won't even touch a gun now."
Beth's mouth pulls into a sharp line. "There are other ways to protect myself."
Discussions with Rio about output numbers, she should be making more fake cash as she has the capacity for it, except the paper porcupine presses can't keep up with demand, Rio wonders why she can't bring more presses into the warehouse, they argue about Dean not knowing and thinking it's legit, how it's hindering the operation. Rio offers a guy or two, since he knows they're trustworthy --
Trustworthy to you
He just smiles
So I have three ideas broken down in this document that I really like and was pretty dedicated to writing at some point, but that point was very nebulous haha all of them would still be fun to explore, even with the events of Season 3 unfolding! All of them would take place before the Season 2 finale though. I prefer to pretend that didn’t happen whenever I can.
So first idea is: Jane did disappear, and Dean orchestrated it in an attempt to frame Rio and his gang in order to convince Beth that Rio is evil and to remove him from her life. She goes to Rio and he helps her figure out what happened/find Jane. Honestly I just want to mess with Dean being like.... an actual psycho lol and this fic would be in that Dubby sweet spot that I love so very, very much!
2nd Idea: Dean threatens to get Rio killed, destroy Beth’s life, and take their kids away forever if she doesn’t walk away from him. Instead of folding, Beth goes to Rio and together they work out a plan to frame Dean in the FBI’s investigation. Beth pretends to be the perfect non-criming wifey while seeing Rio in secret; their relationship gets more and more serious until they are sleeping/being romantic together regularly. Just when they are about to finish their con, Dean starts cottoning on and buys a gun to confront Rio with, and stumbles on the pair in the middle of some sexy times. Accidentally fires (cause he’s scared as shit and an idiot) and Beth takes the bullet instead. Aaaaand all the aftermath of that. AGAIN that Dubby sweet spot!
3rd Idea: Te Amoooooo! Teeth rotting fluff and established relationship goodness, I don’t give a fuck if it’s a little OOC, I want to write it so I can read it. Basically, Beth doesn’t sleep naked with Rio because she’s self conscious, Rio is hurt by it because he interprets it as her not trusting him. Slowly she wears less and less until she finally doesn’t dress after sex, Rio is sated and half asleep and deliriously happy and accidentally whispers te amo into her hair (thinking she’s asleep) then freezes and gets super awkward and distant when he realizes what he said. She asks about it the next morning, if he acted funny because she slept naked and he’s like no no uhhh I said something and she’s like, oh that? What’s the big deal? You’ve said I love you before and he has to explain why it’s such a huge deal.
Te Amo is the one I want to work on the most, I need the fluff, okay??? Also the idea is a collab with @johnisntevendead (ConvolutedConcussions), so like it’s got that friend enabling thing going for it haha
Thank you for sending me this! I wasn’t expecting many of these, and I have been so pleasantly surprised!!
Send me a title from my list of WIPs that you’d like to know more about!
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angeliccynthious · 4 years
Yeah imma talk more about PK and WL today just-- uhh-- a fair warning, because the fandom all have different opinions on these two, please don’t get angry or upset with my sorta interpretations of em. I try my best, so if you don’t see them as ever ya know- like- ever wanting to change things and being more acceptable n all, its best if you do not read ahead. This mostly has PK stuff because there’s not much I can write about WL. Either way,, onto big writings yes-- - WL at first struggled to understand Hollow, because for one they weren’t the most responsive. In the past, she was purposely distant from Hollow due to the fact she did yearn to be a mother, but seeing what they were, apparently emotionless and ‘hollow’ and full of void, she just didn’t want to upset herself. It is no excuse of hers, so that’s why she’s more affectionate nowadays, knowing her children are.. actually her children and want their mothers attention. She had it more easy being a parent to these kids. - But PK.. oh god.. the guy struggled. He too tried to distance himself from his children, Hollow and Hornet, because I don’t think he ever saw himself being a father, not even a good one at that. But he was the one primarily with Hollow, which formed the attachment and love they had for their father. Either way now, he’s just really full of guilt seeing how full of emotion Hollow is, and seeing that yeah his daughter kinda really fucking hates him. Oh and there’s the fact Ghost is here, another one of his kids, who he thought would of died in the abyss but nope they’re here. Plus they’re a full on god so- - But yeah he still remains a bit distant until WL convinces him to at least try talking to his children more. Hollow and Ghost are slowly but surely learning sign language (from who... I am unsure.. someone help me on this lmao) so PK will eventually have a way to understand them properly. But with Hornet, his kid who can actually talk, its more difficult since of course she dislikes him g re a t l y. But slowly and surely she’ll come around. It’ll take a long time lmao- - Now that I have come to the conclusion that Hornet indeed takes over all of Hallownest (Deepnest may be a tricky thing to figure out because I wonder if they will let her rule there too and join Hallownest..ehh idk). PK allows this, and hence why he gives her some advice when she is finally queen. But eventually she strays from wanting his advice because some of it can be pure sh i t- - PK overall is content staying in Queens Gardens with his wifey. - Hornet may too ask for advice from WL for what to do on occasions, since she was queen once and she had duties of her own, right? certainly. I think this woman has better advice than smol wyrm man over there. - When PK hears about the fact Radiance is around, probably from Grimmchild tbh sometimes she doesn’t shut up, he’s quite angry. Very angry. Ghost would probably have to explain that she won’t cause any harm because she kinda cant.. bitch is basically mostly mortal now so no harm to be done. PK still doesn’t have any trust in her. The two haven’t seen one another at all through all of this but boy- if they did- - When the two suddenly decide to have another kid and just- boom random egg everyone is p surprised. They do not explain their actions, they just probably wanted another child.. but a child who is.. not void? - PK is actually a better father this time around and man is protective. WL is more chill with Lil Lady when shes older, but still PK manages to be a protective tiny bastard. Hollows a bit protective too but-- yeah. And, there yall go. Enjoy enjoy,,
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frostbitten-written · 4 years
Pass the happy! 🌻 When you receive this, list 5 things that make you happy and send this to 10 of the last people in your notifications!
Thank you for sending this ask in! I appreciate it!
Cats. I love cats. They are adorable, yet vicious, furballs of joy that deserve all the love in the world and more. 🐾
Tom Hiddleston. He’s literally perfect and I hate and love him for it. He’s a phenomenal role model and I sincerely admire his intelligence. 🎭
Writing/Art. Nothing beats writing for me. All you need is your mind and the possibilities are endless. The same could be said for art! 🖋🎨
Sex. Now I don’t just mean sex for the filthy pleasure, that’s great too, but there’s so much more to sex, than just sex. I love the intimacy, the fundamentality of it. It can be understood. I love how versatile it is. Anyone (of legal age and consent) can do it, but not everyone has to. It’s a lovely choice of nature that can be compreheded, interpretted and enjoyed. 💋
@poetic-fiasco . I love my wifey. She makes my day, as always. 🌹
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joanofarchetype · 5 years
A Connecticut Yankee...a kid...that's all well and good but we really don't talk enough about the werewolf in King Arthur's court
This is not a shitpost — in Le Morte D'Arthur, Sir Thomas Malory makes mention of "Sir Marrok, the good knight that was betrayed with his wyf, for she made hym seven yere a wer-wolf". Of course, Malory lifted the tale of the werewolf knight straight outta "Bisclavret," which is one of the Twelve Lais of Marie de France. And it is...wild. There's also "Melion," an anonymous Breton lai which along with "Biclarel" is believed to have evolved from the same source as "Bisclavret". In this post we're gonna refer to the protagonist as the "knight" or the "wolf-knight" and tell a somewhat composite tale.
(A note: this takes place well before commonly established werewolf lore, which crystallized thanks to Universal's The Wolf Man. Curt Siodmak wrote all that stuff about the full moon and silver bullets in 1941 so well that our common imagination accepted it as ancient fact.)
So anyway our guy is a knight who disappears for a couple nights a week and his wife is like ?????? dude ??????? where ??? do you ???? go ??????
And my dude is like "babe I love you but I can't tell you because you won't look at me the same" and she's like "I am your wIFE you better tell me right quick or otherwise have a good nose for almonds in your oatmeal" (jk she doesn't say that because if she did he might've gotten a little foreshadowing of her treachery, but alas, our man was a sucker)
So the knight tells her he's a werewolf, and on the nights he disappears he's wolfing around the countryside and his wife is like !!!!!!!!!! on the inside but makes sure her face is only 🤔 on the outside
(Mind you, Marie de France goes into how the wife is grossed out because she shared her marriage bed with a beast, which has some interesting implications but we'll get to those later)
She starts digging about his transformation until he explains how in order to return to his human shape, he *needs* to put his human clothes back on or else he'll be stuck as a wolf, at which point wifey is 👀👀👀👀
Wifey's like, "but if ur in wolf form, how do u remember where u put ur clothes lol" and the knight's like, "no no, I retain my human mind even in wolf form and besides, I always put them under this one rock outside this cave"
now bear in mind he's never been able to talk about this to anyone so he's pouring his heart out about his deepest secret which he kept even from his wife & I know we're all pretty used to medieval repression but imagine how it must have felt to share this secret at long last 😥
So to recap:
knight: 🤵🏻🛡🐾🌕🐺🤫😅😍♥️💐 wifey: 👰🏼💭🤢🤔👀🧐💡💡👔💍🔪🔪🔪
Our knight is like "yeah so I was born this way and it's just a part of who I am and whew it's kind of a relief to finally be talking about it with someone"
Wifey nods along 🤔🤔🤔 because she's had a💡moment and is 🍳 up a plan...
so the knight has unleashed (pun intended) his secret for the first time in this life and is feeling just dandy, but what he doesn't know is his wife is already plotting his downfall with her...LOVER (dun dun dunnn)
wifey & her secret lover steal the knight's clothes when he's transformed, essentially trapping him in wolf form, get him declared dead in absentia, marry each other & take over his lands
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and the royal court goes for this because at this point the whole kingdom knows about the knight's habit of disappearing for days at a time (because medieval nobles are messy gossipy bitches who live for that drama) so they just assume he abandoned her
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*~*ONE YEAR LATER*~* (or if you're Malory, *~*SEVEN YEARS LATER*~*)
the king & hunting party corner the wolf-knight in the woods. knight is overwhelmed at the sight of his monarch & runs up to what for all he knows might be his oblivion to kiss king's feet at which point king's like, "THAT'S NO ORDINARY WOLF. HE SHALL JOIN MY COURT IMMEDIATELY."
the wolf-knight goes to live at court where he's basically regarded as a knight (so the takeaway from this part of the lai is that a literal wild animal had a better chance of becoming a knight in ye olden days than a peasant or a woman but I digress)
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anyway so there's a celebration at court and who comes to the party but the ex-wifey's new husband, now a baron. understandably, the wolf-knight does NOT react well and attacks him, and the reaction of everyone at court at this near-mauling isn't to say "whoa whoa maybe bringing a wolf to court was a bad idea" but rather "huh, this wolf has never been hostile towards a human before so obviously this guy must've personally wronged him." which is...progressive.
so the new husband/baron/co-conspirator is all "wtf keep it away from me" and the king is like "idk man, what were you wearing? maybe you smelled like royal beef jerky at the time. seems like you were asking for it"
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king & the other barons take wolf-knight to the new baron's property. they just need to figure out what's going on because they're not ready to take sir wolf to his final veterinary visit, u feel? they're attached. now get ready for this next part because it's a doozy.
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ex-wifey hears about the king's visit so she's waiting with gifts & cakes & shit. the wolf-knight sees her & immediately BITES OFF HER NOSE & he bites it so good her progeny can feel it & henceforth all her descendants are — I SHIT YOU NOT — born noseless. talk about losing face.
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under questioning (*cough cough* torture *cough*) the wife admits to her crimes & yields the stolen clothing, which they put in front of the wolf & he just stares at them until they realize "wow yeah sorry dude our bad" and leave the room to give him privacy
when they see the wolf-knight again he's in his human form and in Marie de France's "Bisclavret" it's expressly written that the king embraces him in the bedchamber and gives him "many kisses" (hashtag heterosexual friends doing heterosexual things)
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the king restores the wolf-knight's lands and ex-wifey has to live with her ex-baron in exile, forever marked for her betrayal. some real Mark of Cain shit. (obviously this lai has a lot to say about spousal dissatisfaction but that’s another day’s dissertation)
the wolf-knight (Bisclavret, or Melion, or Marrok, or Sir Wolf or whatever you fancy calling him) not only regains his good name, but also the support of a court which now knows his secret dual nature.
something to be hated or feared, only understood and accepted. no one at court shuns him once the secret's out & no one tries to change or "heal" him of his lycanthropy.
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remember when I said we'd come back to the wife's reaction? in "Bisclavret" Marie de France specifically states that upon finding out his secret, the wife no longer wishes to "lie beside him." let's unpack that a bit by exploring similar themes across folklore.
the marriage bed serves as a common motif in tales of animal transformation. ex: in "Beauty and the Beast," the protagonist has to overcome her revulsion towards her suitor's ostensible monstrosity before she can accept his marriage proposal. traditionally these stories with mysterious, beastly husbands who are secretly a true catch serve as an allegory for arranged marriage, designed to help young women process their anxieties about being passed from their father's house to that of a strange new husband.
(we should differentiate these tales from those of an ostensibly appropriate groom who turns out to be a monster in disguise such as "Bluebeard," "Mr. Fox," and "The Robber-Bridegroom," as those deserve a detailed thread of their own but also provide good thematic contrast here)
more often the Beast is kind, patient & gives Beauty the time she needs to the detriment of his own freedom from the curse. once the protagonist gets over her anxiety, she ceases to perceive her groom as just a hulking hairy beast and he can take the shape of a prince at last.
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circling back to wolves! in most lore both ancient and modern, werewolves represent something uncontrollable; an animalistic second nature which threatens to literally tear through our well-mannered social façade. "Bisclavret" and its various incarnations don't do that.
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if you read "Bisclavret" under a queer critical lens, you can interpret the knight as bisexual; a husband has a secret duality to his nature which he is unable to express in their current social order. significantly, he is born with his lycanthropy rather than being afflicted by the sudden, violent means through which most fictional werewolves are afflicted. it's a part of who he is, and it requires no further explanation or cure.
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the wolf-knight finds freedom rather than shame in his lycanthropy, and as a result maintains both honor and control while in wolf form. unlike other famous werewolves, he doesn't function as an expression of tension between the id and the superego.
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considering how often wolves are used to imply sexual violence (see also: "Little Red Riding Hood" or its medieval predecessor, "The Grandmother's Tale") this would be a fairly positive portrayal of a bisexual man.
however, his wife doesn't see it that way and is repulsed at the thought of sleeping with him again, so she commits adultery and conspires against him. so really, the crimes in "Bisclavret" have a lot to do with sex, just not sexual violence.
the king's attachment to the wolf & the way he embraces the knight can easily be read as homoerotic. there's absolutely an argument to be made about the normalization of homosocial behavior & male kinship across eras but...two things can be true. either interpretation is valid.
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so what we have is a werewolf protagonist — not a villain or tortured anti-hero but an honorable man who isn't made to shed his lycanthropy at the end of the tale (tail). rather, he is accepted by his contemporaries and given a place in society to live as he truly is/ROLL CREDITS
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okay this is my last post I know I'm being very annoying and I hate to clog the tag but I just have to scream into the void for a while if you disagree or you're annoyed with me please just scroll past this rant thank you
- the hitman plot. god. we all hate that shit. what I realllllly hate is how long and drawn out it is. should've been one episode tops, like when dean tried it. I want to say, that obviously it's not gonna work bcz it would be stupid to kill off the character carrying the entire show, but at this point maybe they are gonna kill him off??? idfk. maybe it's a punishment for all the people (everyone) who like him. truthfully the whole "murder is our only way out of this" attitude is disappointing and seemingly out of character for all of the girls. Boomer attacked annie and they let him fuckin live. They knew he was a fuckin rapist piece of shit, and a regular piece of shit too, but couldn't kill someone. But apparently killing someone beth, at one point, felt some typa way about...smh..apparently that is A ok and they don't even explore other options or feel the least bit guilty?? even when they "mourned" boomer it was more about marion than him. But rio and his whole ass innocent child are not a thought at all??? Wild. Truly. Also....what do they think will happen?? If I were a gang leader's right hand the first person I would check upon seeing my boss get murdered would probably be the person who tried to murder him last time lmao. Do they really think they would get away with it? Even if they didnt get caught, they wouldnt be off the hook. Surely mick would just keep things going, with even less leeway. And what happens when their illegal activities bite them in the ass when Rio is gone? Who are they gonna blame everything on? Who is gonna clean up their mess? No one. And this whole "I'm not doing it, wait yes I am, wait no I'm not, wait I'm gonna do it" thing the hitman is doing is...not it. I'm assuming were gonna get an explanation about how he knew that this was a crime of passion (lol)
-beth beth beth......you know there is a theory floating around that she has serious ptsd and I actually would love to see that explored but that shit ain't happening lol. I'm tired of feeling like I'm analyzing her character. At what point is it too much. She's hard to read but I think it has crossed the line over complex and ventured into poor characterization. She's gotten chances and chances and I'm tired. And dean. God I'm tired. I feel like all season I've been watching beth do the same thing, play good wifey, risk her (and Annie's and Ruby's) life by doing stupid shit..and that's basically it. Face some fckn consequences for your actions please. Take some responsibility. I feel like the show is showing us inklings of...something...bubbling underneath the surface but it's not our job to fill in the blanks or interpret shit. I do not work for nbc. I'm not getting paid for this. What is this girl thinking trying to get rio to invest in hot tubs (bless her calling dean an idiot. fuck this show for making him suddenly a good salesman) while trying to kill him. Does she think he dies and suddenly she owns it?? Makes zero sense. Also unpopular opinion i dont like that she caused a scene with the pool ball. Like....of course he isnt listening to you....you shot him...3 times....then stole from him....and have been screwing him over repeatedly.
-dean just....no. I understand that beth has so much going on in her life right now that divorce isn't exactly on her mind and dean is the last trace she has left of a normal life so shes holding onto it for dear life.....actually no. I do not know if any of that is actually true or if I'm just interpreting wrong. Because the subtext and editing and parallels and all that would be fine and dandy but not when that's all the show is at this point. If dean cheating yet again is not gonna make beth leave him, nothing will. I want his screentime to be 30 seconds and nothing more.
-im just not invested in the boland children. Annie and ruby have both struggled real bad, but beth, the one in the deepest, has 4 children who are somehow unaffected by this?? Not to mention the whole divorce, wait never mind, oh look a gang leader hanging out with mommy again, oh look our house is empty, type stuff happening. Beth's kids should be going through it but for some reason they arent? Maybe it's because child labor laws or something lol.
- rio. At this point I'm rooting for him for than anything. But I genuinely do not know why he hasnt killed beth. She's proven herself to be more of a liability than an asset and I just cannot understand why he hasnt killed her. Unless it's the whole "feelings" route, which wouldve made him look dumb, but made sense based on what we were given. This is actually the direction I thought the season was going but now it just seems like he is a bad businessman lol. Obviously she cant die for the sake of the show, but its like they didnt even try to make it make sense. He definitely knows about the hitman btw. I dont really blame him for anything he's done with beth so far. He robbed her in retaliation. He had to cut her off when she started acting shady. 🤷‍♀️ he let's her get away with too much tbh. It's a shame that this character isnt being utilized. Its like they are banking on this mysterious aura to keep working, but we are 3 seasons in and it's a little old now. I personally think that they just don't know what to do with him now. Also can I point out how dumb he looks showing beth that he is doing business at the carwash, why would he give her more information than she needs when he is suspicious of her? I cant tell if I was happy with how unphased he looked about her outburst or if I wish he checked her.
-mick. Did his side plot with beth die? How does it seem like this show simultaneously moves through plots every episode but is also stuck in the same one for the entire season? I also think mick is not being utilized. As funny as it is for him to be a built in 3rd wheel all the time, they could do so much more. Like can you imagine if beth mouthed off or fucked up and mick checked her? The possible ways a plot like that could go...untapped potential.
-ruby. Ah...I remember when I thought her and stan's fight was dragging for too long. Miss those days. See even tho ruby and stan seem to have the same issue over and over it's not the same story. Pen cap, new job, sarah stealing, all the same fight, but with different stories. And it really seems like Ruby's always going through it but I appreciate the variety. Stan's storyline has been interesting but I dont know how much it relates to the central plot. Sarah....great. that actress is so talented and even tho shes an attitude machine (what preteen is not) i just love her scenes. Harry seems to be missing a lot. The hills are the only part I seem to enjoy anymore. Really wish the show would explore why ruby seems to be the one who keeps getting caught up with the law...I wonder what it could be....what is different about her..hm...
- annie. Backtracked so much. Wish she had a single plot that didnt revolve around men. Now shes trying to cheat on her GED. Where's the snark? Where's the wit? It seems like all she is now is a codependent insecure mess. And I'm tired of this fuckass therapist. I thought her study montage was gonna end in a "she didnt need anyone but family (:" lesson but it did not for whatever reason. I thought by bringing a therapist into the show it was gonna give us more of a look at Annie's and Beth's upbringing and relationship. Or help annie work through her issues, the boomer thing too. Or maybe lead to Beth's ptsd diagnosis. Therapy could've helped move the plot forward or help the characters grow, but it's doing the opposite of that. If its not contributing to the main plot, what is its purpose? To give annie yet another terrible love interest?
To summarize....I hate it here.
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universal-kitty · 5 years
Oooo,"I’m not going to stop poking you until you give me some attention.” with Wrench for the ask prompts?? (CanineCalamity)
Affection Prompts!
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   Wrench could be a pest. In fact, a lot of the time, he was a pest to everyone that knew him. He chose to do it, loved to do it, and despite the fact he could be annoying as all getout if he put his mind to it, DedSec still loved him regardless. After all, he’s still a pretty great guy when not annoying everyone…and you’d never find another demolition expert and wielder of all kinds of weaponry like him.
   If you want an area cleared the fuck out? You go to Wrench.
   Now, Kat had largely avoided the most annoying sides to Wrench’s personality thus far. Maybe a bit of sampling here and there (that fork incident being one of them), but him being full on, no holds barred, grating?? Not yet… Well, until today.
   After all, there’s no greater pest than a Wrench who needs attention, and needs it now.
   “Kaaaaaattt…. Kitty Kat. Kitten. Baaaaby. Hey, pssst, babe? Ahem… Excuuuusssseeee me, Prin-”
   “Wrench…. What??” Kat’s held flopped back onto the armrest, wincing a moment at the pain that bloomed in their skull, but proceeded to glare at the ever-persistent Wrench looming above their head. He was smiling as brightly as the sun, eyes nearly matching the cloudy gray outside.
   San Fran was foggy yet again (surprise, surprise), and with things currently on the down-low as plans were being made, that left the couple to do whatever they pleased for the day. Kat wanted a productive day with code being poured into the screen. Something for work, something for fun. (Hopefully a virus so terrible, it could fry circuits like a popcorn machine!)
   Wrench, on the other hand? Code was boring, Marcus was busy (“But you’re NEVER busy!!” // “Am today, man! Later.” Wrench was still pouting about it), and so with nothing else to do… He hovered, and dedicated his day to being as annoying as possible to his wifey. Why? ….Why not?
   “I want you to loooovvvveeee me,” he whined, sinking down to his knees now that Kat’s attention was finally on him. He pulled those brows up and together, doing his best interpretation of puppy eyes. “It’s so boring around here when you’re working…”
   “I know…and I do love you.” They at least spare a kiss to his cheek (and another to his lips, when he turns his head and whines; something he learned from Kat) and give him a sympathetic look. “But I also wanna work right now, especially while I’m still in the mood to.”
   “Well, get out of that mood and into a more fun one,” he replies, pouty tone seeping into his voice. He tries sticking out his bottom lip. Maybe that will be more tempting? Their eyes glance at it, but all he gets is a brow raise.
   “I know you want attention…but I want to work. Give me a little more time, Reg. You hog me 24/7 anyways; let my work get a little love, too.” With one last peck, Kat goes right back to typing away at code and giving it edits….and Wrench is left on the sidelines yet again.
   Fine, then. See if he cares… There HAS to be something he can do to take up his time. Then Kat will miss him! Haha, yeah!! A perfect plan by DedSec’s finest! Now just what to do…?
   About two hours later, Wrench trudges into the living room, defeated. He tried to read, but it didn’t work out. Looking through all of Kat’s old sketchbooks? Done and done. Not even the notebooks were safe from him. He tried to watch some funny videos, viral videos on his phone… Still no luck.
   Everything is boring and he only has more cat videos to show his own Kat to show for it.
   He stands over the back of the couch, pouting like a child who had to admit wrongdoing to his parent…and with how serious and focused Kat looked, they really looked every part of the stern parent who’d scold him for eating too much chocolate at once…
   …Wait, hadn’t they actually done that?? Ugh, go figure.
   He stared down at them intently, trying to figure out SOMETHING that would make them stop working. This was too much. All work, no play makes this Wrench a dull boy, so… What could be done to inhibit their work? His eyes roam over, from face to body to- Wait a minute.
   His eyes lock on those sides, fingers twitching. Oho… Why hadn’t he thought of that earlier?!? This would be a perfect way to get Kat to stop AND have their attention, all at once! So he’d casually walk around the couch, crouching down right beside them. One last chance to pause work and give him attention.
   When they stayed intently focused on their work- not a glance spared- Wrench poked their side.
   “Reg!!!” The reaction was immediate, jumping up a little, hands grabbing the sides of their laptop and staring at him, wide-eyed. “What was that for?!”
   “I want attention,” he said casually, giving a little shrug.
   “I-I know, but… Please, I need to focus on my work…” Another poke; another squawk and jump from Kat. “Wrench!!!”
   “I’m not going to stop poking you until you give me some attention.” The final warning before the storm…poking them rapidly anywhere he could reach, mindful of the laptop. The screech of surprise was normal, so was the flailing and attempting to stop his hands while balancing their laptop.
   “R-Reg!! S-St-STOOOOOPPPP!!!!” They wailed, laughter bubbling up and squirming at his every little jab. “M-My laptop-!!” Without missing a beat, he moved it off of them (giving a poke to their left side in warning), placed it on the table, and then went right back to poke-tickling them. Though with the laptop gone, he could climb up and over them, now! Which he put to use as quickly as possible. (And just as carefully; Kat was well known to give injuries when tickled due to lashing out… Sometimes, his jaw still ached from that accidental knee to the face he got while trying to tickle their feet….. Funny, but painful times.)
   “Do I get my attention now~?” He hummed, grinning at the tears in their eyes.
   “Y-Y-Yessss!! Just st-stop tickling me!!!!” He hummed in thought…then relented, leaning back to let his spouse catch their breath. Hair all messed up, face flushed from laughing, lashes wet from laughing tears, belly showing a little where their shirt had ridden up… Glasses slightly askew. It made him happy to see, grinning a little wider at the sight. “Ugh… You’re so mean…. I would’ve given you attention when I was done…”
   “Yeah, but you’ve been working since you woke up. I’m bored with nothing to do…and I already looked at your sketchbooks and tried to read.” He carefully climbed over them, humming in amusement when they flinched (cautiously prepared for more tickling), and laid over them, staring up at Kat in affectionate wonder.
   “What about your music?”
   “Eh, not feeling it today.”
   “…Okay, fair enough,” they muttered, sighing. Wrench hummed in pleasure the second their hands went up to his hair, stroking the buzzed sides and lightly brushing out his longer hair atop his head. “…We really got to get you addicted to video games.”
   “Mm-mm, no way,” he mumbled, cuddling closer and holding onto them. “I want to spend more time with you. Don’t need some dumb video games for that.”
   “…Even if they’re multiplayer?” His eyes- once closed in contentment- opened at that, looking up at Kat curiously.
   “Hmm…” He honestly considered that a moment, looking down and away in thought. “…Alright, I’m a little bit interested. But that requires you pulling away from your work!!” Kat laughed at that, nodding.
   “Alright, a’right…. Fair enough. I’m distracted from my work anyways, so… Cuddle time, is it?”
   “You sound like Yoda,” Wrench grumbled, rolling his eyes playfully. “But yes, yes it is.” Kat could only shrug, holding onto him a little tighter and relaxing into the couch slowly, but surely. Within no time, the two would likely be passed out on the couch (not the first time, nor the last) and…maybe if they’re lucky, it’ll be raining by the time they both woke up.
   One could hope, no?
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