#i love hemmer i can't help it
unknownfaceless-ds9 · 5 months
☄️ Your headcanon/s about a favourite character ?
(your headcanon.s about Tysess of course! 😏)
Alright, let's get it started. Because this ain't only gonna be Tysess XD (still, not all characters, because otherwise this would take too long)
(mentioned some or referenced some in my story, but still gonna keep them here)
He's a soft lover, I'm sorry, but he is. As stubborn and stoic and stern he can be and has quick tempered he definetly will be, he melts around his s/o and will do anything for them. Anything. Either in the andorian way, or any other way, whatever is more comfortable for them.. However duty is duty and duty comes first. He struggles a bit at first but he'll get the hang of it (Though he would definetely declare ushaan if somebody, especially an andorian, disrespects his s/o. And he'll win)
He enjoys cooking. He may not be a chef but cooking gives him the relaxation he needs after an exhausting day. And it's really good, like, Pike-level good.
Tysess is a really good singer. If he hadn't joined Starfleet you maybe would've been able to see him on the andorian Broadway.
He's on the ace spectrum. Maybe demi, maybe grey, but he's on there. Got that from you :)
Hemmer sometimes helps in the arboretum in the science division. He loves flora and was really excited when coming to other planets and finding new, not dangerous, flora. (There was this one accident where one of his new plants tried to eat Spock, but that's not important right now....)
Uhura forced him to come to Karaoke night one time. He killed it, maybe a bit off, but he killed it. There are rumours, that even Spock smiled.
He's got a little niece that he loves more than everything in this galaxy. And while having three siblings, he is her favourite uncle.
He's got tattoos, that you not only can see, but feel. I also wrote something for that scenario. Thanks again for that one @nichestartrekkie0-0
He secretely loves children. Yes, he's grumpy and really awkward, but he really loves those weird little beings, that are definetly not capable of living alone at the moment. He just can't say no to them. He may pretend at first, however in the end, the'll always get him around. There is a group of kids on Ds9 that has spends an hour a week playing hide and seek with him. He never misses it.
He really enjoys Jazz. He doesn't know why, but he does. Odo once thought about learning Saxophone, but decided against it. (Though it was tempting, because it would definetely piss Quark off)
When he's stressed he turns on some sort of Techno music or music with a heavy beat and lays down on the music box to feel the vibrations
Though he presents himself as male/ prefers to be addressed as he/him, he does not care if he's addressed as they/them or she/her. Gender is a weird thing.
When he was solid, he expirienced heavy body disphoria. Not only because of his gender though, but also because he was not used of being stuck in one form
thanks again for asking :)
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nichestartrekkie0-0 · 6 months
What movies do Aenar/Andorians like? Do they absolutely despise any genres?
Absolutely! Hehe thanks for the ask! :3 media time!!!
Canny speak for the andorians, but for my Aenar headcanons there are certainly genres they hate and love.
more beneath the cut- this is gonna be long :))
Media in general: Aenar can't see, so what do they do to entertain themselves/ what is art? Movies aren't really a thing since they incorporate visual effects, so I think audiobooks/dramas would be more popular (like radio dramas in the 1930s-40s) Instead of movies where you experience the story, they'd play out more like stories with a narrator- as it's easier to conceptualize rather than visualize. Scripts, music, and lighting effects could make a decent play, but as for a media that can be consumed anywhere- I'd say audiobook/drama format would make more sense.
Genres: There are many genres that the Aenar like: adventure, romance, drama, and mystery are the top hitters! However...anything with violence isn't considered necessary and is also definitely not for kids! Of course, some stories have violence in them, but it's not a common theme. Usually, there is no 'big bad' in these stories. The characters have to find themselves and their place in the universe without defining themselves through their enemies. (An Aenar philosophy)
So, the top genres they hate are : horror, thriller, war/action movies. Anything with gore and death! There is a huge absence of death in Aenar media, as the general belief around purpose is (I headcanon) that people only die when they fulfill their purpose...if they don't die via violence. People who die in gory or horrifying ways get reborn. (Aenar religion...oof) So there's barely any death in the Aenar media sphere. Especially not horrifying or gory death.
Headcanons: Hemmer had no idea what a horror movie was until he got to the academy. His friends turned one on, and he completely lost his shit because some woman was screaming bloody murder- and he thought someone was actually dying. (He still cries during death scenes in movies after his academy days although he'd never admit that)
The Aenar are incredibly emotional (Their emotions are directly connected to their tear ducts haha), and thus incredibly sensitive, and can be disturbed by gory scenes and audio. Since they're so empathetic, making an Aenar watch a horror movie will just make them cry. Again, they're a communal society, which means if someone gets hurt then everyone helps them out. Making an Aenar watch/listen to something where someone is in pain and they can't help-- even if it's fake-- is like torture and incredibly cruel.
All of this is to say that yes! They hate horror and gore and love the mushy stuff! (Of course this varies by person as well)
...Poor Hemmer. Between the human habit of emotional repression and horror movies, he probably got a mega-dose of culture shock.
Thanks for the ask!! :3
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mylittleredgirl · 1 year
i have now seen strange new worlds 1x3 "ghosts of illyria"! as expected, i am enjoying this show a lot :) i know una is the big headline here and i'm working up to it but:
i loved every scene with pike and spock! my guys <3
spock was really note perfect in this. ethan peck doing mister nimoy proud with that "fascinating"
hair and makeup crew on the other hand not making mister westmore proud with spock's worm on a string sideburns. those are not starfleet issue!!
uhura and kyle are both just kind of There but i am extremely happy every second they are
having to turn every light off on the ship while having a blind engineer and not doing anything with that seems like a miss
hemmer and la'an are the craziest people on that ship. like a warp core explosion and beaming up something that's ten thousand degrees are the MOST extra possible ways to resolve a problem that could probably have been handled by cranking the dial up on a tanning bed, but that's a very good thing to know about both of them
speaking of la'an. girl.
i get that they're trying to make her off-putting and kind of unlikable as a character starting point, and that they have to work REALLY HARD to do that because whenever christina chong frowns she looks like a sad kitten santa claus left on your doorstep, but babe. after the space racism and almost blowing up the ship, i feel like you could maybe work up a lukewarm apology, if genuine compassion is off the table
i do like what it says about them that la'an didn't lie to una about how she really feels, it just Ain't About You right now
una would have been making you an accessory to a federal space crime and endangered the commission she helped you to get!!! i feel like the "why didn't you tell me" goes unsaid here
let's talk about how i am IN LOVEEEEEEEE with m'benga
(i really warmed up to spunky chapel too!! they are great together)
how is he so hot and also so competent and kind
and a good dad???? are you kidding me
i am. really into him right now.
for the hero of the hour....
una is truly great and i trust her with my life
and thank god i do because y'all really love her, and i wasn't sold on her in her discovery and short trek appearances, so i was really holding out hope that i would see the light and BOY HAVE I
it's fascinating to me how little of the Una In Command episode took place on the bridge. like who's got time for that with all the new sets to explore, i get it, but i wonder about that moment when she seemed so hesitant to sit in the big chair??
she kicks so much ass and pike likes to endanger himself on the regular so this can't be a rare occurrence
OHHHHHH maybe it's because she's having Am I Worthy Of This Uniform When I Lied To Get It thoughts. ok. i get it now.
anyway. oh to be fireman carried by una for a long hero shot down an empty hallway
and yeah i WILL be replicating that manicure as soon as humanly possible
her phasering hemmer was so great i fuckin love when problems get solved that way. Just Stun That Guy
okay here me out on this one though: i am really torn about the ending, but this is more of a story choice than a character choice
so many people know about una's illyrianity now that it would be pretty impossible to keep that from pike without a conspiracy endangering the careers of multiple officers, so her telling him personally and him accepting it is the way the episode had to end, and it was a good moment for both of them
(even though? all those officers are actually STILL probably on the hook for this, come to think of it)
pike would absolutely want to know regardless, and una knows him well enough to know that he would
BUT i would REALLY have loved for this to be resolved with somehow only una and m'benga knowing, so they could keep each others' most important secrets for a while
i do realize this unravels some of the episode and takes out chapel and la'an's moments but go with me
picture m'benga saying he won't tell anyone, or "here's my medical log on what happened" and it's not that, after una has just offered him the same deal
because she IS endangering pike's captaincy by bringing him into this secret, because she must also know him well enough to know that he won't really arrest her
MOSTLY una and m'benga were fantastic together in every scene. they are both extremely competent and mature, and to have them share this... i just think it would have been potent and cool, especially if they let these threads drop for a while before giving other characters a reason to suspect
last thought: illyrians are so cool as a concept though?? terraforming yourselves? DANG how did it take us 600 hours of star trek to come up with that one!!
last last thought: are we just going to like. leave the screaming disembodied illyrian ghost friends there tho. without even trying to communicate and see if they need help. after they saved your lives????? i guess so!
deleted scenes:
hmm, i think it would have improved the episode to include the rundown on who the augments were up front, and specifying that the illyrians are a separate deal who didn't start out as humans (OR DID THEY???? like una saying "illyrians are their own people" seems to imply that they did not, but it seems kind of wild that una is an actual alien and NO ONE EVER NOTICED?)
but that guy clowned about it too hard so i see why they cut it. it could have worked well with a little more dispassionate starfleet othering and superiority though.
that said, it would have been HILARIOUS exactly as written if that guy were kevin thomas riley
imagine if they had created a canon where kevin thomas riley was on the enterprise for a wholeass decade, never getting promoted because he sucks but never sucking enough to get full on fired
upon further consideration:
OKAY I WATCHED THE UNA AND LA'AN STRAWBERRY SCENE AGAIN and it's pretty sweet actually. i can get behind this. i can ship it, i can friend-ship it, i'm in. keeping my eyes on this one.
not seeing the sexy pikeuna chemistry quite yet but i'm keeping my eye on that too
who else should i be 👀??
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alysonwolf-blog · 6 months
Love Across Reality Masterlist
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icepixie · 1 year
SNW 2x06
Soooo...are we going to get individual episodes of all the ladies being helped by Nicest of Guys James Kirk? Because I'm worried this is going to start feeling like an excuse to showcase this dude I don't particularly care about rather than the show about these particular characters I do care about.
I mean, it wasn't a bad story. But like the episode with La'an, it would have been better had one of the other characters we know and love played Kirk's role.
That said, structurally I liked this one more than La'an and Kirk's Excellent Toronto Adventure, since the story was, you know, set in space, in the future, and the other characters appeared for more than a few minutes. The idea of aliens in the deuterium communicating through hallucinations was cool. It was certainly apropos for Uhura! I loved Captain Dad Pike being ever so supportive and dad-ish to Uhura. (In present-day reality, someone at the same place on the totem pole Uhura is would...not get believed that easily, that's for sure. And even if they were, profit motive would almost certainly lead to no one caring about aliens who can't be seen or heard except by one woman. Sometimes Starfleet is indeed utopic.)
I kind of wish they hadn't reduced the Una/Pelia friction to her still missing Hemmer and only disliking Pelia because she was the replacement. Because I actually LOVED Pelia calling Una out about being ticked she isn't the smartest in the room anymore! That is so ACCURATE! Yes, yes, sloppy vs. orderly odd couple as well, but the root of their conflict is absolutely Una not taking well to competition.
...I want to stick them in an elevator together like Londo and G'Kar so badly right now.
I hope the Spock/Chapel scene indicates that will be over soon, but I fear it does not. Christine bitching about how everyone ignores the "orders" part of "doctor's orders" was funny, though.
To end on a positive note, Chris saying that the "gas station" (heh) needed Una's particular managerial style, or whatever it was, was amazing. I love me a frighteningly competent character whose boss recognizes it.
6 or 7 out of 10. Would have been improved without Kirk, but not bad on its own.
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dukeofriven · 1 year
The Mercy of Quality: SNW Season 1 Finale in Review
Finally saw the S1 finale of Strange New Worlds, and other than not liking the actor who played James Kirk[1], it's probably one of the handful of episodes from the season that I'd say is genuinely firing on all cylinders. I didn't much like the previous Aliens riff episode—it's a bad fit for Star Trek (you just had a whole episode about not killing kids but now its okay to kill these kids because they're aggressive and violent and not cute and having adorable line reads of technobabble? The Devil in the Dark is right there, you guys), and killing Hemmer is just the most breathtakingly bone-headed decision possible (let's kill off our only disabled actor!)—but the actual script, from a craft standpoint, is really good. Other than a very awkward reference to station wagons early in the episode[2], it avoids the pitfalls of so many previous scripts, with its too-contemporary dialogue and over-reliance on Whedonesque quippery: the script treats the circumstances with the gravity they deserve without ever dragging it too far into Grim and Gritty Serious Prestige TV tripe (see: Discovery Season 1), and the finale continues that trend. Everyone is allowed to act like a grown-up and a professional: Ortegas especially gets to shine this episode because Melissa Navia's exclamations are sharp and on-point: she's not just cracking jokes on the bridge like the class clown who can't help themselves, she's got worthwhile things to say, and it makes sense for her character in the moment to be unable to keep herself from saying them. Equally, when Pike rightly slaps her down for it—this is not the time and place, lieutenant—it restores to him a sense of authority NuTrek has often undermined: in trying to make him the nicest, most genial, easy-going captain in Starfleet he often fails to get the chance to look and sound like a captain, someone who, when the chips are down, can take command. Anson Mount gets to show qualities other than charm or brooding-on-the-future frowning: he sings this episode, it's great.
Not every SNW episode should be serious—arguable the best episode of the season was Spock Amok—but every episode should sound and feel like the 23rd century, and this episode brought a level of professionalism and—for lack of a better word—dignity back to the cast. It lets them be and sound like the Starfleet officers they are, without sacrificing the personalities the show has done so much to shape over the course of the season—the dynamic, funny, interesting people we know them to be (in fact this is where the fairly-flat Kirk… well, mostly falls flat)/[3] It didn't have moments that took me out of the script, and I got all sorts of gushy over Future Pike's hybrid-alt-future-semi-TWK uniform. (The TWK-TUC uniforms are still Trek’s classiest, along with the Insurrection-onwards white dress uniforms I so adore).
Also, more importantly, I’ve already written at-length about SNW's inability to pick a lane when it comes to canon: too loose with canon for the fans who love that sort of thing, not loose enough to not feel crushed by the weight of it. Additionally, in some sense the S1 finale is just a retread of plot points that felt solved already: Pike coming to terms with his future. We- we did this already. We solved it. But that doesn’t really bother me, because this episode does it better than those episodes before it: for the first time, SNW meaningfully makes a case for why SNW-one-day-becoming-TOS matters, why it shouldn’t drop canon and run off and do its own thing like I often feel it should. Why it’s a good thing that Pike not change his fate. Without ever placing us in TOS, it reminds us repeatedly that the stories told in TOS have value, that there’s more than just cardboard sets and dated hair. That’s there’s more to caring about TOS than just blind fan nostalgia for a thing they like and remember fondly. That Balance of Terror isn't just a TV show with member berries in it: it has a message worth hearing—that, no matter Pike’s qualities as a person, the universe is better with a reality where Kirk makes that fateful rendezvous. That the universe is better with a Spock who goes on to mind-meld with V’ger and the space whales, so that one day there will be a universe for the TNG crew to run around in, Voyager to soar over ice planets, and Deep Space Nine to ask the difficult questions about paradise. In its own way its a gentle rebuke to Abrams’s Kelvinverse’s central conceit: yes, you can take the TOS cast and send them down a whole new path in life, changing their fates±but maybe that’s not worth doing. Maybe their original fates, warts and all, are worth preserving, even if that means that Pike has a countdown timer over his head. Certain aspects of what is to come are avoidable, but shouldn’t be avoided.
I don’t know if I fully agree with it: as I’ve said elsewhere, knowing the flatter, one-dimensional characters Uhura and Chapel become in TOS isn’t great. The TOS ‘future’ is deeply flawed for some of these people it ways far more ignoble than Pike’s heroic sacrifice.
But I appreciate it. I like it. And it really made the case for what SNW can be at its best—it made me want to watch SNW season 2, because I know what the show can be at its best, and hope and pray it will be.
(Also, as addendum, the ending really drove home something someone else noted: Rebecca Romijn’s performance as Number One was one of few good things to emerge from the tattered corpse of Disco Season 2. She also has a truly excellent Short Trek: I was so excited to see her in SNW. And yet she’s barely in it? She sits out whole episodes, all-but cameos in others, has no presence in the finale until the last scene. Where the hell was she? Was there some Covid problems like Tis Notara on Discovery? It was so bizarre - where the heck was the cold, unemotional, controlled Number One of one of the best Short Treks? WHERE DID SHE GO?}
[1] hard shoes to fill, mind, but he really lacks any kind of strong screen presence—he's just kind of some guy, y'know? He's not bad, but he's just… a guy. If you don't feel like your actor playing Kirk counted lines so that he had the most, if you don't feel like he did everything to get all the camera time, steal every scene, it just doesn't feel right. I'm not even joking, it's an attitude - 'I am always the most important person in the scene' and the actor doesn't bring that.
[2] I don't care how folksy and old-fashioned Pike is supposed to be, it's like if I said of a group outing ''welp, time to get the chaise and four'—I'd be being deliberately, obnoxiously abstruse, and 'piling the kids in the station wagon' is a phrase that's already feels extinct in 2023, along with the station wagon. It beggars belief that this phrase is going to survive into the 23rd century. No. No! The writer's just making Pike into their own dad - they're getting 'cute'. Stop that.
[3] To commend the season as a whole, the show did marvelous work in really, truly building an ensemble. Imagine trying to do that fantasy episode with the Disco cast: you don't have enough named crewmemebers with pre-established personalities to make it work. Heck, they visit the mirror universe multiple times and you're left going, 'oh no, not evil that guy! And that girl is evil too, huh. So is that person. And is… is that someone we know, or just a background extra. Who is Bryce? Do we know a Bryce? Sounds like he should be running a surf shop, not serving in Evil Starfleet.'
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confusedlamp · 2 years
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While you are in your dead Hemmer rages, I am sitting here fully confident that he is still alive like:
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69 notes - Posted July 3, 2022
So do you think when Trip works really hard in engineering he eventually gets all tuckered out?
74 notes - Posted November 15, 2022
The absolute irony of american conservatives going on for years about how we shouldn't give students contents warnings for anything, we should just deal with it, and how we are "oversensitive snowflakes" NOW turning around trying to ban books, prevent the mention of the existence of lgbtq people to minors, and ban the teaching of accurate american history because it might upset white students is just.... something.
149 notes - Posted April 13, 2022
PSA: Please get the updated bivalent covid shot and the flu shot!
In the US, only 12.5% of people over 5 have gotten the new covid vaccine which protects against omicron. If you remember from 2020 and 2021, winter will bring likely surge of cases. The more people who are vaccinated, the less severe cases and deaths, and the less likely our already overwhelmed healthcare system is to get completely swamped. If you haven't already, please go get the vaccine and protect yourself and community.
Also, get your flu shot! Flu cases are already looking to be very high this year (about 18.1% positive testing rate as of November 28th, as opposed 3.6% from a normal year, as listed in the Vox article). Flu can always be a serious illness, but it's especially important this year to get vaccinated.
There are people who can't get vaccinated and they are often the people most at risk of serious illness from both covid and the flu. Please help lower their risk by getting vaccinated.
325 notes - Posted December 1, 2022
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Anybody else just really love pigeons? They make the sweetest noise and are genuinely very pretty. I know they're super common but I just think they're great.
540 notes - Posted October 27, 2022
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treksickfic · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Hemmer (Star Trek), Nyota Uhura Additional Tags: Sickfic, Mentor/Protégé, Fluff Summary:
Cadet Uhura has been wary around Chief Engineer Hemmer ever since their disastrous first meeting. On an away mission, and confined to the same quarters as Hemmer while an unknown viral illness makes the rounds, Uhura must come to terms with her misgivings. What she discovers comes as a surprise.
Written for Sicktember 2022, Day One: "Do you know how to take care of a sick person?"
Oh, my sickfic friends, it’s good to be back! It’s been a long nine months since I’ve written and posted anything. My new story is short and I hope it’s sweet but I’m out of practice. The gears are turning, making a lot of noise and smoke but I have to start somewhere I guess.  Thanks to Hemmer, my cranky little chief engineer meow-meow, my poor blorbo done wrong, I was inspired to write again. All my love to @zitronenfaltertochter who kept me company and encouraged me during our writing sessions.
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fiadorable · 2 years
78 Great Things in Ghosts of Illyria (Part 2)
Strange New Worlds | Children of the Comet | Ghosts of Illyria Part 1 & Part 2 | Memento Mori | Spock Amok | Lift Us Where Suffering Cannot Reach | Serene Squall | The Elysian Kingdom | All Those Who Wander | A Quality of Mercy
Part One
40. And there's the first concrete clue about Number One's background and the fact that it is very secret - she does the wipe all cookies maneuver when she leaves the room
Enterprise hallways are NEVER empty which makes Number One's walk down to the transporter room extra creepy
i want to feel the radiance on my skin 😎
Hemmer, my man, what in the actual fuck. The planet's CORE?! Oh my god. Between him La'an 😂
Convenient plot phaser on the transporter console is convenient
Number One's badass walk down the hallway with Hemmer slung over her shoulder like a sack of Andorian potatoes
"I am arming us with knowledge."
Plasma Illyrian Circle of Friendship is the quickest way to ride out an ion storm in an insufficiently shielded library
Number One revealing her secret to M'Benga and Chapel is such a great scene. I love how M'Benga is initially suspicious and frustrated and sympathetic all at once and Chapel just takes it in stride and is like how do we make this work and Number One is crestfallen that she can't help her crewmates
Also Chapel being like how dare you suggest I quote Starfleet regulations at you, sir, in the middle of a medical crisis
La'An rising up from the biobed behind Chapel is so eerie - I feel like she would be the type to wake up during surgery
"You're a Starfleet doctor. There's always something."
"Starfleet is right about a lot of things, but not all of them. Not about us." 😭
The look of shame on her face when M'Benga is talking about prejudices and how she can't help but he would beg her if she could 😭😭😭
The ship recommending the warp containment field be reactivated. Like if anyone has time. Probably a good idea. If you want to, you know.
Number One being like ffs when the computer alerts about the containment field
Holy shit the first officer and chief of security are having a knockdown drag out in Engineering and they are both FEROCIOUS damn no thank you I will not be sparring with either of them
Gosh just A+ acting when La'An confronts Number One about being Illyrian
Number One's genetic modification CURES RADIATION AND CAN PASS ON TO ANOTHER PERSON 👀👀👀 (who else do I know who will be subjected to a large dose of radiation in the future?)
Creepy Illyrian library is creepy when another archive tube pops out at just the right moment
"La'An tried to jump into the warp core while the containment field was down," she said, like it was no big deal. 😂
Chapel being EXCELLENT at her job 😁
Ugh, that moment when Number One enters the ten forward room but before she reaches La'An's table she pauses and you can see she's visibly nervous and a little scared, but then by the time she sits down with La'An she's got the professional work shield and the professional friend shield back up
The lighting in this scene is also fantastic with the storm outside the window and the light from the center of the table illuminating their faces as they have one of the hardest conversations they've ever had as friends
Man, I really get the sense that Number One misses home as she's talking about how her people are different from Earth's augments.
"All I ever wanted, since I first saw the stars, was to join Starfleet"
Strawberries are their comfort food ♥
The mildly concerned but mostly curious look on Pike's face as Number One is confessing in the ready room. They're both so formal here at the beginning, with his hands on the desk and her standing at attention.
The way Pike's body language changes after she admits she is an Illyrian. He leans back, like he's disengaging from her, putting distance between them, (augment, monster), but it's actually because he's no longer worried about what she might say, he can stand down
The utter sincerity in her voice as she asks for her desire to join Starfleet be considered when going before the disciplinary panel
"I don't care where you come from. You're the best first officer in the fleet."
And here Pike leans forward again, but not back into the formal hands clasped on the table. He's got like his elbows on his knees and is looking up at her as she's looking down on him as he's like you're amazing, don't worry about anything and she's like I broke seven Federation laws just by waking up this morning, you walnut and it's great, that's the relationship
okay but her little pleased but don't show him how pleased she is at his defense of her smile
Bahahaha when Pike says before you go and she whips around with this look on her face like I knew it or maybe something else but it's just like, let's not forget to get that bug patched in the transporters and then she just slips back into command mode and is like yes, sir, that is absolutely a Thing I Can Handle
And now it's M'Benga's turn to confess to a stone cold Number One, and ugh, man, is that a whopper of a confession. And the parallel between their situations is really nice, too. They both admit to breaking regulations and both are told by their superior officers to screw regulations. Great acting.
M'Benga and Rukiya are so cute together. He's trying to so hard to walk the line between being a good dad and a good doctor.
Number One's happy little smile when she talks about Pike defending her and then the crushing fear that if she wasn't "one of the good ones" he wouldn't have been so quick to defend her, if he and Spock had returned to the ship to find everyone except her dead or incapacitated, would he still like her for being her? And she's right. She was right back in the ready room, too, when she said she was just doing her job because that's 100% true. But Pike is also right to an extent because according to the Federation in general it's implied they don't think an Illyrian would have just done their job in that crisis.
"Computer, delete log entry." Say it with me, kids, personal logs (cough blogs, social media cough) are not truly private.
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ifdragonscouldtalk · 2 years
Snw ep 9 spoiler
(In case you dont know how to read tags this is a spoiler post) so uh anyway uh. i normally wait a few days to make sure i know the plot of the episode before i watch it in case it'll take more emotional energy than i have, but i was super duper excited for this weeks episode because i really love the show, so i watched ep 9 of snw without any further information than the blurb
in case you also dissociate horribly with major character death, im going to warn you all now. HEMMER DIES IN EPISODE NINE. it is incredibly explicit, beautifully done, but i feel so extremely hollow and gutted right now and honestly, if i were in a worse place mentally, i would not be doing as okay as i am.
i am going to dissociate for the rest of the day. i want to spare you guys that which is why i am making this post. hemmer dies in episode nine. if you aren't prepared to see that, don't watch it. the only other plot-necessary aspect is la'an asks to take a leave of absence, and spock allows rage and pain to take over and now feels out of control (there's a sweet hug between him and chapel). also sam is incredibly xenophobic towards spock the entire episode even though he's a xenoanthropologist. there's some great scenes in the episode, but overall it's not necessary to watch if you feel you can't watch hemmer die. i hope this post helps a few people.
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green5quirrel · 2 years
Star Trek SNW Headcannons
This is some of my Star Trek Strange New Worlds bullshit. Feel free to scroll, followers. Scroll like the wind!
So far Star Trek: SNW has been the most Heterosexual Star Trek in YEARS. Granted, we're just a bit past halfway through the first season. There's been queer shit mentioned-ish. But compared to DISCO, this series has embraced being the gayest straight show since TOS.
I like it. Don't me wrong. The nostalgia is ON FIRE with this show. I'm just eating it up like a turtle and a strawberry. (Om...nom...fucking nom...)
But my thirst to see my queer fam represented (as well as myself) on screen has lead my brain to turn into a neon rainbow cloud of electricity with one mission: gay everyone. Gay as verb, mind you. I want to gay EVERYONE.
Now, I won't. In my headcannons I'm sure they'll be a token straight character, so don't you worry my little allies.
But I need more queer.
Get ready your hate comments, my sweet lampreys, because I'm about to RUIN some stuff.
Pike: I'm about to start ruining right now. Pike is our token hetero. He's a tried and true ally, but he has a thing for powerful feminine energy. He wants to be RULED. (But what about Spock?? You leave Kirk's bitch out of this!)
Una: Bi. Lusting over La'an. Knowing the chain of command, tho, so not wanting to do anything about it. Probably has had a previous romantic life. Perhaps has a child/children.
La'an: Lusting over Una. Follows the damn rules so same as Una. Repressed emotionally enough to have only had unsuccessful flings. Is too intimidating for most, even the butchest among them. Loves women but doesn't need your fucking labels because she's so out of touch with her romantic side that she doesn't even think about it.
Ortegas: Ace/Demi (that's right, AT ME). She is passionate as hell. She is friend. She is queer platonic with Chapel. She is loving some garlic bread and cake. She is tired of your bullshit.
Spock: Pan. I mean, if he's gonna be bi (which he totally is) it would be just as logical to be pan because there are so many expressions of gender and spectrums of anatomical and genetic sexual characteristics...why limit? Fascinating. He also has a crush on everyone all the time. Polyam as well because ¿Por qué no dos?
Chapel: Thinks she needs a man but really she just needs a family. She's in so many queer platonics she has trading cards. She likes sex. If anything she is pan. But she thinks she wants to settle down. Pines for one person while not realizing she actually wants everyone. Also has a kink for aliens. Would never tell anyone she's sweet on Hemmer. But who wouldn't be?
M'Benga: Complicated. His love is focused on his daughter currently. His energy is taken by figuring out how to save her. No time for relationships other than the platonic family ones he's making with the crew or professional specialists he's working with to treat her. He's a sweet cinnamon roll and I hope they give him happiness. I'd want him on my side. Fierce love, that one.
Hemmer: My love! Hemmer! Hello, dear! He's super gay. Has an Andorian low-key partner he connects with daily on another starship (Shran story influence). They joke about how Starfleet tries to spread the aliens out to every ship and that's why they've never been assigned together. They're casual because neither have the emotional resources to dedicate to each other in a committed way. But neither one are too invested in seeking out other partners either. Both have traumatic backstories where they are rejected by their family units. I even have his partner's name. Etnar. Also, Etnar's a botanist.
Uhura: Super into other cultures, she is super pan. Everything is open to her. She wants to know. She has compassion. Her relationships have been strong and passionate. But she is still wandering before settling down. She is focused on what's in front of her, not the future. Crushes? Oh yeah. Like Christine she can't help but find everyone so attractive but also so interesting. She doesn't know if she'll ever feel like she truly belongs but she wants to make the MOST of her time! I just can't wait to see where they take her. And unlike the other characters, I really don't need to see her in a relationship. She is a such a full character already. I just want to see what she accomplishes!
Kirk: You think I'd pass up Sammy? Nah. He's curious. He'll try anything once. He defies labels. He just does things for the sake of doing them. He gets hurt. He gets up. He tries someone else. Ends up in a surprisingly stable relationship. Probably with an androgynous alien without the definitions of sex and gender that we have. They're very happy together.
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the-lady-general · 2 years
i’m intrigued by “You’re Living in the Golden Years.” if you don’t mind me asking, what’s it about? what was the inspiration for it?
@rubyjean-jacket-blog Thank you for the ask! Accessing the actual writing for it is turning out to be a bit of a mission (where did I put that damn monitor cable that I know for a fact I had two days ago) so, uh. Yeah. Conspiracy theorist "stay on target" planning board under the cut. Beware of heavy spoilers for SNW Ghosts of Illyria, the Elysian Kingdom, All Those Who Wander and A Quality of Mercy.
The inspiration was Elysian Kingdom ending with Hemmer literally waking up in M'Benga's quarters with no idea how he got there and M'Benga in obvious emotional turmoil while also trying to hide something, and also that "let me help" that he can't remember sure sounded a lot like "I love you". The other inspiration was that obviously, he survived All Those Who Wander. I mean, on a scale of Ishka to Spock, I quite like how Hemms died, but obviously Joseph "stick it in the transporter buffer until we can figure it out" M'Benga has a trick up his sleeve. The other other inspiration was that Una's arrest is utter crap and I need to fix that too and I love heists. So why not combine all three?
Unfortunately I get sidetracked super easily. Somehow I don't think I'll fit my treatise on the Andorian endocrine system in there.
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So this is to help me keep things straight in my head and not lose more ideas than I already have and also not to put in more ideas than I already have, with plotting tips from tumblr users muffinlance and lorcaswhisky (who writes brilliant space heists here) and twitter user sonic sledgehammer doing his best to remind me there's a forest somewhere near all those trees.
The title is a placeholder; I was listening to Metallica when I named my draft folder
Thank you again for letting me ramble!
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fiadorable · 2 years
50 Great Things in Children of the Comet
Strange New Worlds | Children of the Comet | Ghosts of Illyria Part 1 & Part 2 | Memento Mori | Spock Amok | Lift Us Where Suffering Cannot Reach | Serene Squall | The Elysian Kingdom | All Those Who Wander | A Quality of Mercy
Strange New Worlds season one, episode two let's gooooo...
There's a system named Persephone!
Disclaimer: Hazing is bad. But dinner in the captain's cabin is a really great introduction to Uhura's character. We get to see how she acts under pressure before the stakes are MUCH higher later in the episode
Ortegas' off duty attire is always so on point. Love it. More officers in their civvies, please
First mention of Enterprise Bingo (although wearing your dress uniform to a casual gathering is not one of the items on the list in the current iteration of the game seen in episode five - I'm guessing the rules change as new waves of cadets/yeomen/ensigns are stationed on the ship with a few fan favorites like singing the Scorch probably carry over)
Captain's dinner sounds like such a great opportunity for the lower decks to mingle and get to know the senior officers in a less formal setting. Plus, all the senior officers are also helping to make dinner which is an additional low-stress way to work in some team-building. A+
"My father like to say that I was unburdened by conversational boundaries." "So this will be fun for you, then." 😂
Ortegas immediately gets drafted to help refill drinks because she's senior staff, leaving Uhura without her wingman and man did I feel that moment of panic as she's left standing alone at the door
The captain is making enough ribs to feed an entire deck of people jfc lol
Hemmer and Uhura, as we will see, are always great together. And who can resist a character introduction where each side underestimates the other and ends up taking everyone down a peg.
Number One in the background casually listening in and ready with a glass of wine for Uhura after she tells Spock and Hemmer to get a life 😂
Spock trying to figure out when it's okay to laugh at someone else's misfortune is endearing
Uhura is IMPRESSIVE. Thirty-seven languages. T h i r t y - s e v e n. I can't even name 37 languages off the top of my head. And not just speaking those languages, but studying the linguistics of those languages as well which is a whole other animal. Damn girl.
Number One watching Pike as he chokes on the where do you want to be in 10 years question 🥺
Uhura being unsure of whether she belongs in Starfleet is relatable and refreshing to see! Also nice that her grandmother's stories inspired her to join - and nice to know some people really do get to retire from Starfleet and live, presumably, happy, quiet lives
Number One staying behind to wash dishes by herself so she can check on Pike and Pike being all I have to do this and her being all the future isn't written, I refuse to believe there isn't another way
Bridge troubleshooting!
Pike stage whispering "I love this job!" to Number One and then her s m i l e
This crew has the best WTF expressions
Guys we are just at the credits now
Ready Room troubleshooting!
Uhura's expressions is the correct expression for when one realizes their first away mission will be to a chunk of rock hurtling toward impact with a planet instead of like, a mission to make contact with a new alien species that looks like giant bunnies or something #ignoreme
La'An, be nice to Kirk and Uhura, they don't have balls of steel like you do. But nice continuity from the first episode as they receive the painful anti-cosmic ray hypos
Chapel flirting with oblivious Spock
And Kirk is immediately zapped by the space egg - but love the tricorder defibrillator and the fact that the Starfleet insignia on the exosuit is the point where the shock is delivered
The Deneb character designs are really beautiful - I would love to check back in with them post-planetary climate adjustment
Bridge troubleshooting II!
Spock being offended at Uhura's joke about him and Chapen is amazing, as is his insistence that logic is better suited for situation such as these (okay Mary Bennett)
The Shepherd ship is cool but excuse me where the eff were they hiding this whole time??
I am digging the alien designs this season. But why are they all blue except for the Gorn?
Oof, great example of the slide between religious observer (this is our sacred holy comet, pronouns are he/him, please stop shooting photon torpedo casings at him) and zealot (our sacred things are more important and sacred than anyone else's, even life itself, and therefore it does not matter what the consequences are, M'hanit will not be stopped).
Spock's pep talk on the comet
Spock realizing his earlier criticism of Uhura's motives and presence on the Enterprise after the captain's dinner was too harsh, contributing to her spiral into self-doubt, and then trying to fix it by saying that "Today, quite simply [she is] the only person for the job. Will you rise to see it through?"
The holy sparkling cave is muuuuuusical 😍
SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME what position on the bridge does Number One even have? She just sits at whatever station she wants to, I guess? Even if there's already a crew member stationed there? Isn't she supposed to be the helmsman but she has never once actually driven the ship?? Help, I don't know how TOS-era bridge crews work #UnaNeedsADesignatedChair
Musical comet troubleshooting!
La'An claiming she can't sing and leaving Spock out to dry 😂
Spock and Uhura singing together and then the cave resonating the same tonal sequence gives me chills every time... and the way her face lights up when the egg opens! "So the right time for genius."
Star Trek impact falls are the best
Escape pattern April-Omega-3
Crazy space monks
Pike knowing about Ortegas bragging during the Academy is gold and I bet he picked her for the ship because of that energy
Evasive pattern Ortegas-Gamma-1
I like the way the shields aren't a bubble around the ship, more like an electric skin around the hull with luminescence when hit
Also, seeing actual evasive maneuvers on a ship larger than a shuttlecraft is exciting
The plan to move M'hanit is cool... the most epic game of "I'm not touching you" ever
Spock laughing
The space monks were right?! Still zealots
The completely unironic way Number One suggests that Spock's Ice Shuttle Adventure was foretold
Spock rescinding his criticism of Uhura, changing his opinion to be favorable toward her and acknowledging the strengths she brings regardless of how she has come to join their crew (A+ growth, Pike would be proud)
Number One and Pike sharing a drink in the ready room and having another heart to heart
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