#i love how it makes me feel like im a quest giver
grassintheclouds · 8 months
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goatpaste · 4 years
opinions on. fack it. all da fo4 companions.
Its been dhsjjf a few years since I touched f4 and still haven't finished it so I straight up had to look up the list
I have over 120+ hours in that game and I still haven't met nick valentine properly
Preston Garvey: 10/10
The most perfect man!!! My 120 hours of game play have been lovingly traveling and building settlements with my husband preston Garvey.
I love him very very much and the way the Fandom and game treated him was a fucking crime. The fact that everyone reduced him to that one meme sucks because then NO ONE talked about his very nice in depth character thats really compelling and sweet. Then the game itself should known better than to make your fucking companion the minuteman quest giver! Or at least change how it worked! Or just give to a minuteman at the castle so you would have a reason to go there after the quest
Not to mention how fucking scummy the nuka cola dlc is to him with making him one of the biggest victims to what you have to do to play that dlc
Hancock: 9/10
Big fan I think he's very very funny and also my husband. Its very fun to have mods that let me travel with both him and preston. They don't psychically talk to each other but their general comments are very funny to hear next to each other.
But hancock a good man I care him and his whole like outlook and deal.
Sometimes I feel his story is a lil idk I think there's more personal shit we could do with him. But again its been a few years so I maybe im misremembering
Cait: 6/10
Iv never traveled with cait myself and she's probably one of the companions i know the least about
But from what I do know
Shes my daughter and love to fight and I love that
BuT iv heard some like mixed opinions on how caits drug addiction is written and yeah iv heard mostly its kinda not great!
But I care her shes my daughter a solid 7/10!
Codsworth: 4.5/10
truely no offence to codsworth, but i really just dont care djgh about him. like no reaL strong opinions. and this comes from me! someone who had a bIG robot interest! 
i think codsworth is my friend but more or less just kinda blends into the background for me so much i forget he’s a companion
Curie: 4/10
i also havent traveled or even met curie this is based again on what i know from reading about her
but man fallout 4 sure said were gonna have some real fun robots in the mechanist DLC but all the main story robots are gonna be just not that good
and curie, man i really really dont like her becoming a totally human looking synth. idk her whole deal with doing that but djksg i hate it become i like robot not human skin waman. 
curie seems like she could be a friend but just weird tiddy boob robot horny
Paladin Danse: 3/10
i rEALLY dont get the hype on Danse. i SEE where danse can be a lot more interesting but its not actually there as far as i know. again iv met danse but didnt travel with him because i didnt care about BOS stuff but i know with f4 you kinda have to do that
the other half of danse stans i see just think he’s hot buT LIKE he loOKS like the generic fallout 4 man model! there cuter men in fo4 Danse just looks like the base player character when you start the game. he looks like sturges and every other man 
i do not care about him
i care more about the rest of the BOS if they were written how I wanted them to be written
Deacon: 6/10
iv never met or traveled with deacon, he is probably one of the companions i know the least about in Fo4
he seems fine, i realLY dont have a feel for his character to give a solid opinion beyond im glad he seems like a goober and like a good person. aND his disguise shit is a very fun game mechanic i do love that and wish id known about it sooner i went so many places he apparently is without knowing he does that
Dogmeat: 10/10
thats a good boy! 
Maccready: 8/10
i havent traveled with maccready but im an avid Fo3 lover so i know his deal p well. i love him that is mY SON
i kill for Fo4 to have more intertwining Fo3 characters for a lot of reasons but im happy Maccready is there he is my terrible son who is grounded grounded grounded
as far as i can tell tho like his character seems so contained to Fo4 and almost feels like they dont want any Fo3 characters who were put in Fo4 to ?? like acKNowledge the Fo3 events?? its so weird to me
Piper Wright: 4/10
this is probably a huge unpopular opinion but i sdjkgh dont care for piper. she seems like a good person and everything but i think she is kinda a lot to deal with sjkgh. she just kinda isnt in my wheel house of like characters i enjoy!
also i literally have no idea what her companion quest is beyond how weirdly interested she is in the player character. i couldnt guess what her companion quest is to save my life, i havent traveled with her but i also like feel iv heard NO one talk about her goals and only that shit she mentions having done sounds p neat, wish i could be there
Strong: 6/10
not bad, i like strong he is my friend. but also i very much see the big issues that come with the bad super mutant writing
and i was spoiled with Fawkes and Lily i just love them so much and it just feels like Strong took the most obvious and boring route with a super mutant companion 
X6: 6/10
have not met or traveled with X6 and i have heard a loT of like differing opinions on him
i like him! i think he seems sweet and i like the potential he could be
but he isnt! his character story and writing is just bad because the institute writing is so bad
Ada: 10/10
I LOVE YOU MISS ADA! underrated companion. i know she is a dlc companion but i actually like the mechanist DLC and ada is a sweetheart she is my friend
Porter Gage: 1/10
listen, i havent played nuka world and really dont have full interest in it so im limited to fan interpretations of gage and what i know from the wiki and ect
but he seems like?? a shit head?? like just another raider bastard? like not even a complex multi dimensional raider with opinions, he just seems to be a raider? idk what im missing but i dont get the hype and why i see more art of him drawn than of preston garvey :///
and im not gonna do longfellow because im gonna be real cheif, no idea. i couldnt even start to know shit about him
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silvermuffins · 3 years
NieR:Automata: Do the extra capital letters in YoRHa stand for Rabbit Hole?
Today we descend into a giant-ass hole (not to be confused with a giant asshole, though that may also apply). (update: no descent into hole this post) And also attempt to complete some sidequests. AAaaaaaaaa
- And on the way back to Pascal's village we encounter ANOTHER sidequest. That was a weird one.
- Time to actually handle Jean-Paul.
- Amber told me the story about why he's bleeped out in 9S's voiced lines
- Wow yeah this dude's a jerk
- this game taunts me. machine, looking out behind me, says the view is excellent, but it's one of those sections where I can't turn the camera. actually this was a little bit ago BUT STILL.
- a stamp card quest.....cute.
- a machine just said "accept my love!" and gave me a bracelet. does...he have a crush on 2B......like, valid, but also why tho
- why are all these stamp machines like this..... like the revved-up one was cool, he was what i'd expect. but now we have angry and crying, and a creepy one,...
- the peaceful machines in the amusement park and village are both capable of speech but the village machines seem more....refined and conscious?
- how the fuck do i open all these locked boxes
- amber obtained teehee <3
- uhhhhh zombies?
- play zombies. plaaaaaayyyyyns.
- these things are level 20-something and i just hit level 15. I am underleveled, aren't I?
- here is where I am glad for the sidescroll-y bits because it makes it real fuckin' easy to bottleneck these jerks
- that......was not the most inaccurate version of Romeo and Juliet possible.
- "it doesn't really matter. though I'm sure you realize that by now." dang receptionist dropping better philosophy than jean-paul
- oh goddamnt hat actually was a good reward
- uhhhh my dude tf are you on about, world full of love and all that.....
- guarding a parade....fuuuuuuck escort mission ain't it. might as well try it.
- oh shit these machines are level 30-something
- we will try that again later I can't kill them fast enough
- everything around the city ruins is hostile now, too....
- I fell down the hole trying to get to the resistance camp. there are snakey things down here. hm.
- okay THESE things are level 13, maybe I'm not underleveled?
- there must be some way out of here said the joker to the thief
- found the remains of the goliath
- ah there's the way back to camp
- black box is a fusion reactor inside YoRHa units, made of a mysterious material. resistance members don't know jack shit about them.
- should I have been to the forest by now???
- ah i can go into the back to complete this other quest now
- oh. a classic box-pushing puzzle. RPGs still do these?
- sure are a lot of things marked on my map. are those ??? points sidequests? I may need to go back to the factory.
- that's deserters dealt with.... I do not feel good about this
- collects sidequests like gnomes collect gnames
- found the kid! this is now an escort mission huh. Great.
- finally got the kid home
- disconnect from the network? is that what's up with the friendly machines?
- i still have SO MUCH to do jesus will i ever be out of sidequest hell
- also i feel like....these ruins don't look millennia old.....like could easily just be a choice that was made but i feel like nature reclaims shit faster than this?
- hm i am wandering around the factory looking for what im pretty sure is a sidequest-giver but im not sure this is the way. i think the marker may be underground. oh well, moneys.
- seriously though what do i gotta do to open the locked shit
- gonna.....not hand these chips over until i learn what's going on here
- okay i didn't really learn what was up but this dude wants to introduce me to his family now
- ummmm the deserter YoRHas didnt steal shit.....and our operator can't access the data......commander wtf
- so many of these sidequests seem to carry important details
- stubbornly attempts to gymnastics my way onto this roof
- i get there and my guy IMMEDIATELY attacks me in a cagematch dude LIVE IT
- hopefully i already have everything this dude will want as payment i don't wanna jump up here again
- og fuck he makes me come back later anyway
- at least i know how to get here now
- found the missing resistance guy! this android has beef.....
- and also has like 20 levels on me
- okay more like 12 but STILL.....I AM FIGHTING P HARD HERE......
- thank good ness i don't need to worry about keeping 9S alive
- i feel like that is going to change
- 9S is such a sweet boy....
- the truest testament to 2B's power is her ability to run in heels.......in sand
- i am not sure i can get out to the part of the desert where the photo was taken yet? i remember exploring pretty thoroughly and getting sandstorm, before
- ummmm i found a tank
- "glory to machine life-forms"???? hey don't copy our salute!
- wtf i can barely scratch these things
- i lured the little one away from where the tank is shooting at me
- im looking at the intel enemy data and 22B stands out for the bright red hair? Don't YoRHa always have white???
- seriously this gold machine hit hard and has some fuckin armor
- idk that i can beat this thing rn, not without sacrificing the whole day
- a google search tells me i am not achieving this without patience i do not have today
- it's still coming after me i may need to beat the shit out of it the slow way
- this is going to use up like all my healing items isnt it
- jesus fuck i think im halfway done
- uses my chip setup where all i need to do is attack and 2b dodges everything forever
- nearly there now
- GOT HIM. ....why isnt he exploding?
- whatever i got him off my tail
- wait now i can't talk to anyone bc theres still an enemy in the area but not really....
- apparently i need to leave the area and return....hopefully out into the desert a ways was far enough
- okay neat he respawned and i got 2B's same dialogue line upon spotting the tank and i know NOT to fight them this time
- but i can beat up father servo again
- okay let's maybe actually be significantly leveled up before i do that again
- i do not feel good about telling this resistance member the truth about her friend
- there's a bunch of sidequests that determine which ending you get arent there. fuck,
- man i wish there was fast travel so i didnt keep having to bounce between areas on foot
- oh i can already check on her-- oh fuck she's gone
- oh fuck she decided to do a Felix Fraldarius as per his non-Blions Sylvain ending didn't she
- if you didn't get that don't worry about it,
- shoves more money at the inventor dude
- annnnnd my game crashed. maybe telling me i should eat something....fuck when was my last save
- it was after reporting to but before checking on the lady. not that long ago. nevertheless, we are taking a break.
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sisterlelianas · 6 years
all lady companions from da games (except for Leliana 'cause that's obvious) for the ask meme ;)
hehe i love u DAOmorriganlooks: somewhat attractive | eh | not really my type | pretty | handsome | beautiful | stud | gorgeous | SWEET LORD MERCY - morrigan in dao wasn’t really my thing cause she was almost like… ancient looking bc the game is old and i couldn’t find good mods for her but da: i morrigan? oofdo i relate to this character on a personal level?: no | not really | somewhat | yes | they are me - i can relate to how aloof she is. i am friendly to most people but if i don’t personally know them or dislike them then i won’t hide my disapproval jsjsj also i relate to her mommy issues even though i don’t have them myself and i uh don’t want someone to kill my mother!!!would i date/be friends with this character in real life if they were real?: total bros | friends | best friends | date | become their steady girlfriend | neither | i don’t know - i really like morrigan but if i met her during her dao phase then we would certainly not be friends. like i said, i am, generally speaking, a friendly person and do not enjoy rudeness!! if i found myself around a group of people i had to socialize with then i would do my best to make friends/allies/connections BUT if i met her during her late 30s then i’d def date her. she’s more grounded and kind even so we LOVE character development 
(the rest is under the cut bc it’s long)–> give me a character (video games) in my ask and I’ll ratethem!
wynnelooks: somewhat attractive | eh | not really my type | pretty | handsome | beautiful | stud | gorgeous | SWEET LORD MERCY - to be fair, this isn’t wynne’s fault. bioware made her look like an 80 year old woman when she was only 47… do i relate to this character on a personal level?: no | not really | somewhat | yes | they are me - if i lived in the dragon age universe i wouldn’t be as tame as her regarding mage issues AND i wouldn’t be pro-templar. HOWEVER, the fact that she joined the warden even when she knew she was living on borrowed time is extremely brave and a noble act, which i can relate to. also, i’d probably be the mom friend in the group as well sjsjsjsjwould i date/be friends with this character in real life if they were real?: total bros | friends | best friends | date | become their steady girlfriend | neither | i don’t know - overall i like her as a character and i think i’d look up to her given the situation that she’s in. i’d take her advice and life lessons to heart as well so yeah, we’d be friends!shalelooks: somewhat attractive | eh | not really my type | pretty | handsome | beautiful | stud | gorgeous | SWEET LORD MERCY - i love my rock gfdo i relate to this character on a personal level?: no | not really | somewhat | yes | they are me - i, too, hate pigeonswould i date/be friends with this character in real life if they were real?: total bros | friends | best friends | date | become their steady girlfriend | neither | i don’t know - go big or go home, ladsDA2isabelalooks: somewhat attractive | eh | not really my type | pretty | handsome | beautiful | stud | gorgeous | SWEET LORD MERCY - …. yes… that’s all i have to say… just. yes.do i relate to this character on a personal level?: no | not really | somewhat | yes | they are me - not to sound cheesy but i’m definitely not too comfortable with the thought of someone having romantic feelings towards me/actually caring about me jsjsj but you didn’t hear that from me!!would i date/be friends with this character in real life if they were real?: total bros | friends | best friends | date | become their steady girlfriend | neither | i don’t know - i would be best friends w her and would only be in a relationship if she wanted to settle down, if she wouldn’t want that then we’d just stay friends (im saying this bc in da: i a romanced hawke apparently says they don’t know where she is or something? i may be mistaken but i hate that idea)!merrilllooks: somewhat attractive | eh | not really my type | pretty | handsome | beautiful | stud | gorgeous | SWEET LORD MERCY - i’m sorry, merrill stans, but that’s all i can give you. she looks/sounds like a young teen to me which makes me a little uncomfortable jsjsjsdo i relate to this character on a personal level?:no | not really | somewhat | yes | they are me - i like merrill as a character but there’s also a lot that she did that i did not agree with, during her personal quests, i mean, so… no would i date/be friends with this character in real life if they were real?: total bros | friends | best friends | date | become their steady girlfriend | neither | i don’t know - i’d be her mom friend and i’d punch anyone just to keep her safe and unharmed, but no, i wouldn’t date her because of what i said above!!avelinelooks: somewhat attractive | eh | not really my type | pretty | handsome | beautiful | stud | gorgeous | SWEET LORD MERCY - ARMS… SHE COULD BENCH PRESS ME AND I LOVE THATdo i relate to this character on a personal level?: no | not really | somewhat | yes | they are me - um, first of all the way she treats isabela makes me uncomfortable and i’d never speak to another woman like that… i guess the only way i can possibly relate to her is bc she cares for her friends and i can respect that but other than that i’m proud to say HARD PASSwould i date/be friends with this character in real life if they were real?: total bros | friends | best friends | date | become their steady girlfriend | neither | i don’t know - this is hard bc i’d def tap that at least onCE in my lifetime but like. as isabela’s best friend? NO JSJSJSJS i wouldn’t be her friend bc she sounds like she would bully ppl at school and slut shame every girl who was different than her rip also she said shemlen is an elvhen slur for human,,,, a SLUR… OK bethanylooks: somewhat attractive | eh | not really my type | pretty | handsome | beautiful | stud | gorgeous | SWEET LORD MERCY - bethany is like… an angel but she could like also get it you know? she’s so beautiful we love a mage queendo i relate to this character on a personal level?: no | not really | somewhat | yes | they are me - besides leliana, viv and josie she is probably like one of the only da ladies that i can actually be like “oh…. that’s me”. i hate conflicts and i prefer to be kind to people whenever possible and i also care about my family a lot. also, if i was a dragon age character i’d be pro-mage and anti-templar as wellwould i date/be friends with this character in real life if they were real?: total bros | friends | best friends | date | become their steady girlfriend | neither | i don’t know - what can i say.. she has my heart but like in a soft way and i would love to take care of her i really would.. we’d be unstoppable togetherDAIcassandralooks: somewhat attractive | eh | not really my type | pretty | handsome | beautiful | stud | gorgeous | SWEET LORD MERCY - dark eyes… sharp jawline.. good eyebrows…good cheekbones and muscles? yesdo i relate to this character on a personal level?: no | not really | somewhat | yes | they are me - i don’t think i do? the only thing that we have in common is that we’re both romantics but other than that, no, nothingwould i date/be friends with this character in real life if they were real?: total bros | friends | best friends | date | become their steady girlfriend | neither | i don’t know - oh we would become best friends alright, and also.. since i am a giver she would DEFINITELY be perfect for me. i’d court her to hell and back and then we’d get married, the apocalypse has been delayed and solas needs to sit tf downseralooks: somewhat attractive | eh | not really my type | pretty | handsome | beautiful | stud | gorgeous | SWEET LORD MERCY - i feel like this is mean but i prefer to look at sera in dragon age fanart..  she’s not ugly or unattractive, she’s beautiful and i love my daughter but she’s just not really my type, you get me?do i relate to this character on a personal level?: no | not really | somewhat | yes | they are me: i am grounded, i make no rash decisions and i always try to be one step ahead which is… Not what sera does sjsjsjs i like her as a character but she is too chaotic, also, i really do not relate to how disconnected she is from her people, sowould i date/be friends with this character in real life if they were real?: total bros | friends | best friends | date | become their steady girlfriend | neither | i don’t know - like i said above, sera is too chaotic for me. i love how silly she is but i don’t really like childishness in a relationship and while i know she loves the inquisitor, no matter how horribly written that romance was, all the fooling around would really turn me off jsjsjs but yeah as friends we would hit it off right away even if we disagreed on some topics viviennelooks: somewhat attractive | eh | not really my type | pretty | handsome | beautiful | stud | gorgeous | SWEET LORD MERCY - no you don’t understand, vivienne is LITERALLY what i would want in someone… she’s got it ALLdo i relate to this character on a personal level?: no | not really | somewhat | yes | they are me: vivienne is at a disadvantage with the court for being a mage. the tables could turn at any moment if she was not be able to get things under control and, even though i am not a mage jsjsjs, as a closeted lesbian who is trying to become a politician, i can see where she’s coming from and i can understand why she does what she does and says what she says. “a leash can be pulled from either end”… i’ll never forget thatwould i date/be friends with this character in real life if they were real?: total bros | friends | best friends | date | become their steady girlfriend | neither | i don’t know - we would spoil each other rotten and everyone would WISH THEY HAD WHAT WE HAVE… THAT’S IT. also, as i’ve said before.. we are similar, personality wise, so i think we would really hit it off and understand each other and communicate rather easily.. so yeah my marriage has been scheduled 
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I find it really funny how the hoods and helmets of this world have these little special make ear socks attached
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also i finally found clothes
me laying of the floor thinking about how child labor is legal in uldah. (i mean... and slaves, but child labor hits hard given the current circumstances) like you got kids working in the mines...  there's also prostitution and implied sexual assault in the game. me too when the main quest giver started asking my character about how much dick she was getting, like no momodi I don't want to know about your sex life. they were sure pushing that T rating
So I met alphinaud and alisae ans on one hand what the hell are you 2 wearing, but on the other hand their character designs tickle my aesthetic sense i kinda like the designs. So I went and spoiled myself on google images and wow yeah all of alphinaud's designs are just my aesthetic. White, silver, and navy... did the designers look into my brain or something?? alphinaud totally stole my aesthetic! also love the song that plays when those two show up
How much time is passing in this game anyways. months? weeks?
I've become a lumberjack. Wewd
... the leather harness and subligar are back in ffxiv because I'm leveling up puglist. I keep dying...
I found the song! Its called canticle! First time it played and the flute started everything ground to a halt it was that impactful.
what are the U tribe wearing. is that really the best thing to wear in a desert
Au Ra don't have external ears. they have no ear flaps. i just realized this. wait. every character can wear earrings, where to the aura's go?
there's also brain eating zombies in this game. that enjoy sitting around the campfire and snarking at me
ffxiv is making me do stealth missions to obtain the power of music honestly pretty surprised there isn't like a sniper job or something i mean arcanist has branching jobs why not archer. good thing im a level 45 miner. the teacher dude is like your classic hippie. realized he was working a dead end office job had a midlife crises and ran off into the woods where he had a spiritual awakening and now thinks everything is 5 levels deep. love him
uuuuuggg so they canonically wrote in a harem fantasy style patriachy and... I'm throwing that out the window. My worldbuilding now. My canon now. real disappointed in the writers
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If there's such a focus of being nunh. You'd expect new clans to be popping up constantly especially after several hundreds of years. Like I'd be really chaotic with people constantly moving between clans. and yet new clan formation is supposedly rare? I don’t like this. my canon now. catgirl harems are OUT. interesting worldbuilding and societal implications IN.
i got a second chocobo. I named her chrysanthemum
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an acceptable break from reality
wow ffxiv is on a very regular schedule. every 2 years like clockwork
... I jsut delievered somone’s used underwear...
I’m glad K’lyhia is living her best life but I was not expecting the arcanist quests to get that dark
so uhhhhh I tried to use resurrection of someone but they stayed at 0 hp. So I have to be a certain distance or what???? I clicked the name in the top left corner and then i clicked the res button, am I doing this wrong????
what is a macro???????
i still dont understand how swiftcast works
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ahahaha my poor boy! that hat looks so stupid and its on 2 of his classes right now
dude. what does your teacher being a fraud have to do with smuggling deadly drugs
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... just thinking about how noraxia knows about the concept of fancy embroidered underwear but not the concept of pants
so i still don’t know what I’m doing so i went and looked up with black mage rotation and now all i feel is fear.
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sigurdjarlson · 7 years
Replies! Woo! super late i know
highpriestessbriyanna said: This is always my reaction. Like “yes. keep talking. Wait.. did you just PUN at me again.. IMA KNIOCK THAT FUCKER OFF A CLIFF” 
IM 99.9% sure someone has knocked khadgar off a cliff before and there’s an 80% chance it was because of a pun
owmyeyeballs said: You ok, friendbeast?
just tired and in a bit of a slump but i’ll be okay. thank you <3
owmyeyeballs said: Know that feel…
my poor girl! hasn’t she been through enough.. (*evil brain sounds*) 
skullkind said: congrats!
Thank you!! It was the shitty demon hunter boots but it’s better than nothin! 
lovesdaryl said: Feel better soon. *hugs*
thank you <3 *hugs*
skullkind said: me with illidan like once a week
same tbh
casterlycosplay said: Very relatable content
i wish i could say its the first time i’ve teared up while thinking about khadgar..but its not
apaladinfailure said: this is the most relatable thing you’ve ever posted
Khadgar..such a tearjerker huheuheuh he cries while he wanks 
anzareveange said: im giving him all my love.
same. i want blizz to let me hug him so bad like PLEASE
skullkind said: hey !! im skull and ive been following you for a while and think youre super chill! i llove ur wow posting ! you dont need to follow back but i would love to chat sometime or stuff ^^ 
hello!!1 :D thank you for following. I’m glad you enjoy them. Feel free to contact me anytime! I’d love to chat
shadowphoenixrider said: Yeah, I remember her sneaking around the Twilight Highlands in Cata.
That sounds like her <3
ship-garbage-pile said: ^^ yeah she’s one of the quest givers order hall
I need to level my rogue..
lovesdaryl said: I might have mentioned this, but we went to ZG before it was patched out and I actually won the tiger and gave it to my husband as a gift. He looks magnificent on it. :-)
this is honestly the sweetest thing ever
anzareveange said: sleeping with the enemy…
Khadgar and Gul’dan have some serious unresolved sexual tension lbr
owmyeyeballs said: I love reading your responses to these. Thanks for putting up with my nonsense! XD
I love answering them <3
a-little-squirrely-sunshine said: My cat is named David Bowie, and depending on how I phrase things I get the best odd looks from my friends.
That’s great like i cna just imagine..DAVID BOWIE WHAT DO YOU  HAVE IN YOUR MOUTH sdkgkdfh
owmyeyeballs said: These two just keep on breaking my heart…
they break mine too ugh. My poor babies
shadowphoenixrider said: I’d vote, but I like quite a few and I don’t think they’d all fit in this text box. I might…steal one idea though.
Steal as many as you’d like and I’d still love to hear which ones you think i should write! 
doitsuki said: yes genn is lower in the hierarchy
he’s..the omega
ghoulghoulneighbor said: But they said no homo while they did it……….
blizzard could make a cinemeatic where khadgar and medivh have explicit sex and they’d still be like.. “no homo tho” 
shadowphoenixrider said: Eggs-llecent idea, Archmage.
anzareveange said: take all my dollars blizzard! hire him for the movie!
I won’t accept anyone else as old khadgar now. Someone get me into contact with George
owmyeyeballs said: i love them!!!!
My fierce saber queens <3
apaladinfailure said: omg that it so sweet im crying
i cried a lil while writing it so don’t feel bad hehheh
owmyeyeballs said: Oh dear lord, that was adorable and sad… someone protect these sweethearts!
protect Khadgar and Jaina 2k17
shadowphoenixrider said: Ow my heart! If you’ll excuse me, I’ll just lie down…right here…
i had to do the same after writing it tbh
owmyeyeballs said: Sweet, precious babies!
i just want to hold them both
shadowphoenixrider said: *chinhands* These are lovely, you know.
thank you so much!! 
shadowphoenixrider said: I’m not quite sure my heart should be hurting this much in the morning, but it is! 
Hohoho there’s a lot more where that came from!
ghoulghoulneighbor said: How dare u. This is some 10/10 pain, would cry again.
Same tbh. I made their parents and I was like shit..i love them  
ghoulghoulneighbor said: I knew Illidan was the daddy kink type, I just knew it
ghoulghoulneighbor said: what have I started.
*points at medivh* Medaddy.
*points at Gul’dan* Gul’daddy
anzareveange said: Many races dont have orphans or child models. i want to see a tauren child, or a dwarf or a gnome child.
there are nightborne children models so blizz really doesn’t have an excuse anymore. I want children models for all the races, blizz. Give me this now
shadowphoenixrider said: I’d like to inform you that Khadgar is introduced in the book Tides of Darkness with a youngster in one arm and holding the hand of another. We don’t call him Dadgar for nothing! ^^
OH NO!!! This is so sweet I really need to read Tides of Darkness...and Beyond the Dark Portal
anzareveange said: “Put that thing back where it came from” no, it can be really painfull, also the mother is dead, so no.
maybe illidan doesn’t know where babies come from 
ghoulghoulneighbor said: you’d think his hunters would be expecting this kind of thing by now tho
very true. new recruits learn very quickly not to stand behind Illidaddy. He’s very dramatic and very passionate. when he gets excited he can’t control his wings
shadowphoenixrider said: I’d like to add that if you put a pet bed down, it’ll attempt to ‘sit’ in it. Reduced my bf to wheezing laughter when he saw it.
FDHDfhd I KNOW ISN’T IT GREAT. You make him jump through the flaming hoop too. 
It catches on fire sometimes and runs away...oops 
shalar0s said: I’m dying over the “well that’s new.” Oh my god I can’t breathe.
nothing surprises Moroes anymore. Nothing. 
unidentified-starman said: see, kids? this is what happens when you party (& clean up the library) too much
Ben!Khadgar? Before Medivh.
Game!Khadgar? After Medivh.
Medivh is a helluva drug
spicymulligan said: Boy howdy ur gonna LOVE Glee then
this is the worst thing you’ve ever said to me
ghoulghoulneighbor said: The ONLY way to treat your giant fuzzy murdercat
she loves her giant fuzzy murdercats <33
owmyeyeballs said: I want to hug Dilly too!
She needs a hug tbh
apaladinfailure said: this is entirely possible with genn greymane
SOMEONE DREW THAT!! I don’t know where it is but it was his wife riding on his back into battle
derp-mage said: It would have been glorious and now I’m mad he didn’t go full on worgen run
blizzard let us ride Malfurion in his regular form
owmyeyeballs said: KHADGAR DO NOT FUCK THE SKULL
too late. he hurt himself rip
unidentified-starman said: it’ll look even more ridiculous when he appears in the warcraft movie sequel or smth (i hope it gets made sometime). he’ll probably be at least half cgi (or a man flapping his arms in a motion capture suit). look at cgi malfurion go
I am excited and dreading the day they add Malfurion to the films. Because he’s either going to look awesome or fuckin terribly hilarious (more likely tbh) and I can’t wait. (SHIT...motion capture behind the scene shit is so great) 
shadowphoenixrider said: pffft that second one. AFAIK Khadgar asplodes everyone in Kilrogg’s vision, but I don’t think it’s Mythic difficulty? Could be wrong.
hmm i just did the Kilrogg fight on mythic on both Diily and Alaluria and didn’t get any visions. Is there something I have to do to trigger it? (i will cry)
ghoulghoulneighbor said: Your tag said wing burrito and I thought of a burrito stuffed with chicken wings, with the horns and blindfold. …I’ll see myself out.
*muffled sobbing from the bathroom* I was not prepared for these burritos..
shadowphoenixrider said: Don’t apologise, I love hearing these.
you’re an angel. thank you <3
carlyrosk said: That’s how I am too oh my god. That cinematic crushed both me and my Deathlord! I can’t wait to hear your thoughts on Genn! He’s been through SO much, and he’s just snapped with Varian’s death.
Genn’s reaction to Varian’s death in the cinematic kills me every time. Genn kills me. My poor old wolf man </3
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