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#591 by @a-little-squirrely-sunshine
"I really wished that instead of the Borg we could've had the Pah'Wraiths in season 3 of Picard. I mean, it made sense how they laid it out, but a DS9 connection would have been neat. Even if we couldn't have gotten Avery Brooks back. "
Personal note: I accidentally made two queued posts, one without the user name. This is supposed to be the correct one. I plead an oopsie daisy.
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Merry Month of Cohen, 2024
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Now the angel's got a fiddle, the devil's got a harp Every soul is like a minnow, every mind is like a shark May have broken every window, but the house The house is dark, I care but very little What happens to the heart ~ L. Cohen
May 1-15: Get caught in the darkness for another year.  
Welcome to the sixth Cohen-based Star Trek fandom event, carrying on the tradition begun with Leonard Cohen and the Merry Month of May, organized by the incomparable @mia-cooper in 2019. I have the honor of organizing this year's event.
This year’s twist: Never the same again - some how the character(s) are fundamentally altered by their experience.
You know the drill (the same procedure as every year):
1. Pick a Leonard Cohen song, or multiples of. Any Cohen lyrics as long as they sing dark and angsty thoughts to you.
2. Pick a date in the first fortnight of May only (Wed 1st May – Wed 15th May). If there is an avalanche of fanworks coming this way, we’ll double up on the day.
3. Pick a Star Trek fandom, or a mash-up of ST fandoms. Mix DS9 and Picard if you so wish, but no crossovers with non-Star-Trek fandoms.
4. Message this blog with your chosen date, the Star Trek fandom(s) you’ve picked, and the type of fanwork you’ll be producing. View Sign Ups here!
5. Message this blog for any questions / changes etc…
6. Post your angst-filled fanwork on your chosen date.
7. Message this blog with the details of where your fanwork is posted, and tag your Tumblr post with #what-happens-to-the-heart
8. If posting on AO3, add your fanwork to the collection: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/What_Happens_to_the_Heart
9. Follow this blog for updates.
Tagging all the creators from the last years. No obligation to participate this year of course, but please reblog to others: @caladeniablue, @theredheadedcaptain, @70thousandlightyearsfromhome, @marymoss1971, @seemaunbound, @pc-corner, @hauntedmoonchaos, @grissomesque, @cnrothtrek, @lipstickonmylabcoat, @madamairlock, @littleobsessions90, @mia-cooper​, @whathappenstotheheart, @regionalpancake, @a-little-squirrely-sunshine
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sparklyslug · 8 months
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(Listen on Spotify)
@steddiebang fic by @sparklyslug With illustrations by @ahhrenata & @boiiko
Posting starts December 29!
Music for 1998, Chicago in the fall, something special waiting for you in your inbox, unexpected reappearances, untraceable IP addresses, a mystery man who knows your heart even if he doesn’t know your name, and knifing up an extra-dimensional monster or two.
Steve is alphabetizing the discount records pile. It’s Thursday, and Steve is alphabetizing the discount records pile, and Lilith has her Angry Piano Lady record of the day at a suitably loud wail. Steve would never say this to her, because any such confession would have her reeling back and clutching her four (or five, depending on the day) rosaries to her chest in horror, but: he fucking loves her Angry Piano Lady days. 
Somedays, especially on grimly gloomy Thursdays, especially when he’s alphabetizing the discount records, especially when Dustin has been weird and squirrely– somedays Steve suspects he is, at heart, an Angry Piano Lady. 
“Permission to come aboard?” a now familiar-for-all-its-strangeness voice comes from behind him. He turns to see Eddie, leaning against the banister of the four-step stairs that connect the secondhand section to the new music section. Lilith is leaning out over the counter, almost fully horizontal in her attempts to get a look at Eddie. Which is more interest than he thought her shriveled and cynical teenaged heart could manage in anything, but–it was a long time ago, sure, but he remembers the effect Eddie Munson could have on a shriveled, cynical teen heart. 
He wonders for a second if the effect would be lessened if she could see Eddie as he was then. Not so suave and in his all-black business ghoul getup, dark curls carefully maintained and pushed back off his forehead. The gleam of sunglasses tucked into his collar, dragging the fabric of his black t-shirt down, exposing collarbone and what might be a tendril of tattoo ink. 
Steve personally finds this glossy, reserved, polished version of the kid he used to know a hell of a fucking turnoff, but. Maybe it works for angry record store goth chicks. He wouldn’t know. 
“Granted,” Steve says finally. 
“Oh,” Eddie grins, faking a little shudder at Steve’s tone. “Maybe I won’t. Might be a little too chilly for me up there.”
“Don’t come up, then,” Steve turns back to his records. 
He hears the squeak of the top step, and Eddie’s voice comes a little closer.
“Come on, Steve,” Eddie says plaintively. “Play ball. At least a little.”
More sincere, though who can trust that. He had sounded sincere in that creepy theater closet too. 
“Ball, huh?” Steve addresses the Ds, runs his finger over the top of a Sunshine Superman, where it’s been torn a little. He loves shit like that. Devalues the record, sure, but he likes to think it’s because someone was once too excited to get the album out of its sleeve and into their ears to bother being careful about it. Loved it too much, and wasn't afraid of that love leaving a mark. “So we’re playing a game?”
There’s a pause. “Uh. We could be,” Eddie says slowly, and Steve can feel his ears going a little pink before he’s even consciously processed Eddie’s actual words, reacting purely to that shift in his tone. The way, when Eddie speaks again, it sounds like he’s even closer, close enough for Steve to imagine he can feel the warmth of him at his back. “What’s my prize?”
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Here are the brave souls who have already signed up for their month of angst! There are still spots to fill! Be brave!
So far:
1: Caladenia @caladeniablue VOY
2: 70thousandlightyearsfromhome @70thousandlightyearsfromhome VOY
3: marymoss1917 @marymoss1971 PIC
4: seemaunbound @seemaunbound VOY or PIC
5: CAMIR @pc-corner VOY
6: hauntedmoonchaos @hauntedmoonchaos VOY
7: Servalan VOY or PIC
8: grissomesque @grissomesque VOY
9: cnroth @cnrothtrek VOY
10: lipstickonmylabcoat @lipstickonmylabcoat VOY, SNW or LD
11: madameairlock @madamairlock VOY
12: littleobsessions @littleobsessions90 VOY
13: whathappenstotheheart @whathappenstotheheart TNG
14: regionalpancake @regionalpancake PIC
15: a little squirrely sunshine @a-little-squirrely-sunshine TNG
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Studio Blues
Sam x Reader
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Word count: 1281
“Jake, you’re a fucking idiot! I told you a thousand times that you were playing the wrong cord and you keep doing it!” You snapped your head to look at your heated boyfriend. Your eyes widened at his harsh tone towards his brother, who happened to be sitting beside you. Jake let out a big sigh and put his head in his hands, obviously frustrated. You put your hand on your best friends back and gave him a little pat. “Sammy, you guys have been here all day. Why don’t you call it a night. It’s almost midnight.” You suggested.
“I don’t know why you’re comforting him when he’s the one fucking up. Also, if you don’t want to be here then you can go the fuck home.” He snapped at you. You were taken aback by his response so you sat there stunned. “Samuel that’s enough! You have no reason in talking to either of them like that, especially her.” Josh stepped in. “She is right. We need to call it for the night and we can come back tomorrow. If you want to stay then that’s your choice.” Josh said grabbing his bag. Sam rolled his eyes as he waved off his band members, going back to what he was doing on his bass. Jake stood up and put his guitar on its stand, he turned to you asked “Do you want me to take you home sunshine?” The nickname he came up for you years ago still made you smile. You shook your head no but stood up along with him. “I appreciate you Jakey but I think I will stay with him, I will walk you guys out though.”
You walked out to the front of the studio with the twins and let out a sigh you didn’t realize you were holding in. “Don’t let him get to you flower, he’s just being a dick right now.” Josh said as he pulled you into a hug and kissed your cheek. You hugged him tightly back and jokingly messed with his hair. “Hey now! Not the hair!” He acted offended. You stuck your tongue out at him and went to hug the other twin. You saw Jakes exhausted face and gave him a sympathetic smile. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him in gently. “Go get some rest, you did good today. I’ll deal with his cranky ass later.” You said into his hair. He pulled back and kissed your forehead. “If I need to come beat his ass, you have my number.” You rolled your eyes at his comment. “I will see you guys bright and squirrely tomorrow, breakfast on me. Tell Danny I hope he feels better.” Both twins nodded their heads. “Love you Sunshine.” “Love you Flower.” They both said at the same time. You giggled and gave them an ‘love you’ back.
You watched as they each walked to their separate cars, making sure they both started and watched them drive off. You were thankful to have such a close relationship with each boy, especially Jake. He understands you more than the other two, besides Sam of course.
Sam has his frustrating moments where he can’t control his tongue. Mainly when it comes to his music. They have two more songs to finish for their new album, this specific song Sam helped write the majority of it, hence his large frustration to it not being absolutely perfect to his standards. You know he doesn’t mean any of his anger to be taken out on you, but it doesn’t make it hurt any less. Sam is the first and only man to treat you the way you deserved. He is the best partner you could ever ask for. He has provided so much love and light into your life. He has given you three best friends that you can go to anytime you need. He has given you a new perspective of love and what it should look like. He is very kind natured and gentle, so it’s always a shock when he gets like this.
You walk back into the studio and decide to sit back down on the couch you were sitting on previously, not saying anything to Sam to give him some space. You watched his calloused hands do their magic on his bass. His fingers plucking the strings. You bit your lip as you scanned over the veins on his hands, quickly shaking your head to get those lustful thoughts out of your head. Your eyes traveled up to his face, it was full of deep concentration. His eyebrows were furrowed and his lip between his teeth. His eyes were reading the sheets of music laying in front of him. He is the most beautiful man you’ve ever laid eyes on. His tanned complexion, his deep coffee brown eyes. His world stopping smile. His beautiful, shiny long hair. You truly have no idea how you ended up with him. But you were thankful every day for him.
You must have been too deep into thought to realize he is now sitting beside you on the small couch. You shyly look over at him, him staring at you with sorry filled eyes. “I’m sorry lovebug. I should have never spoke to you like that. All this frustration built up and I popped. I didn’t even realize I did it until I saw your face. I feel like a fucking ass for it and I’m so so so sorry. Just a day full of studio blues.” He spilled. His eyes became watery and his lip quivered. “I’ve just been so worried about this ya know? This song means so much to me and I need it to be perfect. It’s a representation of you and your love, your light. You are perfect. So it needs to be perfect.” Your heart instantly shattered at the sight of tears in his eyes. You gave him a forgiving smile and put your hand on his cheek, which he leaned into. “Don’t cry baby, I know you didn’t mean it towards me. But you gotta start cutting yourself some slack. You’ve worked hard. You still have months to finish these. You have time to perfect it, it doesn’t need to be done tonight. You have barley slept in a week. You are exhausted.” You spoke softly. He looked down at his lap and nodded in understanding.
You stood up from your spot and sat on his lap, curling into his chest. He let out a relieving sigh and wrapped his arms around you, kissing the top of your head. “After tomorrow, let’s take a break from the studio for a few days. We can go to the lake house and just relax. How does that sound?” He mumbled into your hair. You looked up at him with a big smile on your face. “I would absolutely love that Sammy.” He kissed your nose and put your foreheads together. “You have to apologize to Jakey, ya know.” You said with a big yawn. It caused Sam to yawn his response “I’ll think about it.” You rolled your eyes at his stubbornness, it’s the Aries in him.
“I love you, lovebug.” “I love you too Sammy.” The both of you sat there for a while, just embracing each other in the quietness of the empty studio. The rise and fall of Sams chest causing you to become more tired than you already were. You giggled to yourself as you heard a light snore come from Sam. You decided to let him rest, it being deeply needed. You eventually falling asleep with the man you loved most.
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25daysofvoyager · 2 years
Sign Ups Close on 12/1
Check below to make sure we’ve signed you up on the correct days. We welcome multiple sign ups per day so if you think you’d like to create a fanwork - reach out by ask, reply, reblog, or by DMing the fest coordinators @elephant-in-the-pride-parade and @gijane-7702. We know December is a busy month so don't stress - belated submissions for the day(s) you sign up for are accepted.
Who’s Signed up for the 25 Days of Voyager:
@i-belong-to-too-many-fadoms / @divinemissem13
@katlovefanfic / @maliciousalice
@pixiedane / @madamairlock
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female-fogbank · 11 months
@a-little-squirrely-sunshine, thank you for the prompt 'on the scorch' Pikeuna. It was a fun write and I hope you enjoy: 'Sex on The Scorch' and also be read on AO3 here
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Sex on The Scorch
“This is amazing,” Chris said as he stood on the hull of the Enterprise in the middle of space with no space suit on. The view was absolutely breathtaking as he was reminded of why he loved Space.
“I know, it was so magnificent the day that La’an and I did it. We watched as a solar ship sailed right above us,” Una said. She smiled softly at the memory of that day. It was why she wanted to bring him up here like this. It was a special place and the crew needed just a little more time to get things ready for Chris' surprise birthday party.
“The forcefield held?" Chris asked teasingly, they both knew it did as they were standing in the proof of her ingenuity. 
“It did, this forcefield is an improved version of that one," Una said smugly, she swished the skirt of her maxi dress for fun. It was different being up here with Chris especially as they were dressed in their civilian clothing. They slowed as they reached the scorch, the oldest piece of Enterprise's hull. 
“Wow, look at it, I can’t believe it’s still here,” Chris said in reverence as he knelt down and touched the metal plate. His fingers gently glided over all the names of personnel past and present. Memories of them all, the ones who stayed, the ones who moved onto other posts, the bittersweet of the ones who died. They all left a small piece of themselves in the ship and his memories.
“Oldest piece of the enterprise besides you,” Una teased as she sat down on the hull next to him.
“You’re hysterical but you know Pelia is the oldest crewmember on the ship,” Chris reminded her.
“Not mentally speaking,” she replied with tongue in cheek.
“This is truly special, thank you,” he told her before he cupped the side of her face and kissed her.
“Well, I wanted us to do something special for your birthday,” Una told him.
“This is amazing, truly.” Chris said, “You know, there is something I’ve always wanted to do up here,” he said innocently, Una lifted an eyebrow as she knew he'd already signed the scorch years ago.
“Hmm, what’s that?” Una asked, she watched as Chris gaze turned from innocent to a playful yet predatory look in his eyes.
“Make love on the hull of the enterprise under the stars,” he told her.
“You want to- here?” Una asked for clarification.
“Why not? We’re surrounded by the stars, no one can see us.” he said, he wriggled his eyebrows in a suggestive manner. Una looked around them as the idea had merit. She was grateful to be wearing a maxi dress as it allowed for some flexibility in the matter. She smiled as she quickly shimmied out of her knickers.
“Not that I am aware- We doing it?” he asked excitedly as he watched her slip her knickers into the pocket of her dress.
“If we’re quick,” Una replied, Chris didn’t need any further encouragement as he unzipped his pants and pulled them down. His erection sprang free, like a good ol' boy scout he was always ready for action.
Una giggled as he eagerly motioned for her. She grabbed onto his shoulders, his hands snaked under dress as she lowered down. His glorious muscles flexed, his eyes heated with desire as he held onto her hips. Una felt the head of his cock probe against her slick pussy. The naughty excitement and danger of being caught paired with the dark needy look in Chris’ eyes turned her on. 
Una tossed her hair over her shoulder, she reached between them and guided his cock to her entrance, eased down slightly. Pike groaned and tightened his grip, he lowered her onto him nice and easy. Una revelled in the delicious stretch as she filled herself completely with him.
“Fuck, so good,” Chris murmured, he wrapped his arms around her and held her close. He buried his face in her beautiful breasts as Una started to slowly ride him. Stroking him with her body, she cupped his face with her hands and pulled his head back. they locked eyes, she could see he was fully focussed on her.
“Don’t forget the view,” Una teased before she whimpered, the pleasure building between them.
“Trust me, I haven't,” Chris promised as he only had eyes for her. Una was utterly gorgeous as she rode him with the stars sparkling in the background. This moment would fuel his thoughts for months, as he memorised it all. Una picked up her pace, she was moving faster now, and he tried to slow her down as he wanted it to last longer.
“No, fast,” she pleaded, not just because she was chasing her own pleasure.
“I know, the surprise party but they can wait,” Chris told her, Una gasped in surprise.
“Who told you?” she demanded, she didn’t slow her pace, her ability to multitask was breathtaking as it was annoying. Chris could barely think as he tried to stave off his own orgasm. 
“It doesn’t - ah fuck- matter. I’ll pretend to be surprised,” He promised before he pulled her down on top of him and kissed her frantically, fighting for his tenuous control. He wiggled a hand between them and zeroed in on her clit and furiously strummed it.
Una broke the kiss for air, Chris loved the deliciously ragged moans of her pleasure. Within seconds, he felt the first waves of her release. Una cried out his name but didn’t stop fucking him. She rode out her orgasm, Chris thrust his hips up to meet hers and as her movements fragmented, he kept pounding into her in sure thrusts.
The orgasm Chris had miraculously held at bay rushed through him like a huge wave. “Oh fuck,” he rasped. His hand fisted in her hair. He hungrily kissed her as he came hard gasping into her mouth as he filled her with his warm release.
They clung to each other, breathless in the aftermath. Una quivered in his arms as Chris anchored her hips to his, not ready to let her go even as he softened within her. 
“Best Birthday ever,” Chris declared before he brushed a soft kiss to her shoulder.
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augment-techs · 1 year
Accidentally bleaches all of his black shirts so they look like beach clothes. Accidentally dries both pants and shirts so they’re two sizes smaller. Accidentally runs out of hair gel, and misplaces earrings, and bandana. Accidentally forgets boots are at the repair shop over the weekend. Accidentally forgets where his leather jackets are after cleaning the house once spring arrives.  Skull has to show up to school with hair much fluffier than usual, a shirt that looks more like a spotty tank-top, blue linen pants that barely tie at his hips so his belly is on full display; slip on shoes that make him look like a kindergarten teacher, and a jean jacket he had to borrow from his brother’s closet that is three sizes too big so it keeps sliding down his shoulders. Bulk promises he looks fine, but it’s hard for Skull to believe that when every time he looks up from his school work or over his shoulder he finds Billy, Matt, Kim, Tommy, and those new kids from Stone Canyon just...staring at him. Interestingly enough, though, he does not notice people like Marleau approach him from the rear to make snide comments because Kim, Aisha, and Tommy all rush in to divert her attention. He doesn’t notice Ms. Appleby about to make his embarrassment a million times worse by actually complimenting him, because Adam and Rocky dive in to ask her questions about homework assignments for projects. He also doesn’t notice Brady loading his own water balloons, camera at the ready with his other squirrely friends as he takes aim from the parking lot, only to have to run for his life because Matt and Billy swooped in, popped the balloons on all of them, with Matt confiscating their camera and Billy basically turning into a demon whispering deadly low so neither Bulk or Skull could hear him, “I will fucking kill you.” He does perk up a little at the Juice Bar when he takes a seat and Ernie just smiles, handing the punks their usual smoothies and telling Skull, “You look nice. Trying out Sunshine-grunge or cottagecore?”
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guylinerandswans · 6 years
a-little-squirrely-sunshine replied to your post: Can’t wait to watch OUAT’s five-minute-long series...
Is that tonight?
I think it’s in 2 or 3 weeks, I’m not sure.
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katieamnesiaandrews · 6 years
Oh god dude I LOVE Flynn and Eve. I do. But seriously, I expected growth, and I get that he's upset and ran, but ENOUGH. Like, I needed it addressed and it was a LITTLE, but he's DAMAGING her by doing this and it PISSES ME OFF.
Yeah man like I don’t wanna piss in anyone’s cornflakes yknow, like if you love evlynn more power to you. But I think if you love the characters as individuals you have to admit at SOME POINT that maybe they’re not the best for each other. I mean really, if you think about it, Flynn is the one who gets most of the benefits form their relationship, e.g. someone to ground him, someone that remembers what he would consider unimportant pleasantries/details, someone who’s reconnected him to an empathetic view of the world, that allows him to see individuals instead of simply the broad do-gooder universalism he had before that left him isolated, etc. etc. 
Whereas Eve gets the encouragement to loosen up a little bit, to allow her more feminine side to come out to play, but also gains the responsibility of providing all those things for Flynn, while also dealing with him continually running away form her. And even on some occasions, her opinion being completely disregarded. (This got better at the end of season 3, but it still pops up sometimes and they play it off as a joke, like “ohoho look at silly Flynn talking over Eve’s strategy or common sense again he’s such an airhead ahhah” but it’s. not. fucking. funny.) 
This is, again, why I loved James for her so much, because while their moral compasses are differently tuned, I think they both fall under the Lawful designation, and therefore think and feel in similar fashions. He’s definitely more self-centered and self-focused, but unlike Flynn, he has a central, prominent longing to belong to a group. I think, instead of running, like Flynn is oft to do, he would try his utmost to deserve, not only Eve, but deserve to be trusted by the Librarians; Ezekiel, Cassandra, and Jake. (And personally, I don’t think Flynn has shown as much interest in engaging with the other Librarians as he should have done. We mostly see him in relation to Eve.) 
So yeah, overall, I like Flynn, I lovveeee Eve, and I don’t hate evlynn, but I just wish more people could acknowledge that Flynn needed to give a hell of a lot more in their dynamic, and that his change needed to be permanent. His character arc is honestly more like a rocky mountain range: up.... down..... up....... down........
And this time--- that shit hit rock bottom.
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whencallstheheart · 6 years
a-little-squirrely-sunshine replied to your post: “Given everything that’s been going on with the show (on screen and...”:
I admit to not really knowing what's going on off-screen. I mean, I only really know a few casting things- like, one. But I can try to think of questions!
Any help is appreciated!  
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austennerdita2533 · 6 years
a-little-squirrely-sunshine replied to your post “You watch When Calls the Heart?! So far I don't know anyone else that...”
Oh god I love pretty much all of this.
Yayyy! That makes me so happy! I love finding other people who enjoy similar books/shows as I do. :)
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ckerouac · 7 years
a-little-squirrely-sunshine replied to your post: So here’s the thing:  I really fucking enjoyed the...
I’m totally pissed- I’ve used this for a free trial before so I can’t again because I don’t have another card. :/ It’s annoying, and they aren’t giving it a fair shot this way. Ugh.
They really aren’t.  And I know the thought process was ‘this will drive traffic to All Access and we’ll get subscription money!!1!’ and I know they’re trying to make it a thing that will happen but they are up against a lot of barriers for making it a thing that would happen.  It’s not a service that people are used to paying for (Netflix, Hulu, HBO and other movie channels), so they’re expecting that people will pay for something new.  They’re making it available on more traditional streaming channels in other countries, so the US is the only one where this is an issues.  It’s Star Trek, yes, but it’s not ‘appointment tv’ the same way that say Game of Thrones is, which even then there are still more downloads than people who watch it on HBO.
I really wonder what the numbers were for ‘The Good Fight’ which was their first attempt at first running something on All Access.  Were the numbers so good that they figure this is worth it too, or were the numbers so poor that they’re trying again with something that might have a different audience?  And did anyone even think of The Good Fight after the first ep aired and it went to All Access?  I didn’t, until I was typing this post.  
And if it doesn’t succeed on All Access are they going to blame putting it on an untested streaming site in their biggest market, or are they doing to blame it on ‘I guess people weren’t ready for a ladies of color in space’.  Hmm...
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All slots are taken!
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Congrats and thanks for anyone signing up, we have all the slots filled! Awesome, this May will be glorious. For all of those late to the party: Have no fear to sign up even if slots are full, we can do double! Alright folks, hit your keyboards and torture your characters!
Here are all the brave people who have taken the endeavour to write this year. Looking forward to your brillant writing everyone!
1: Caladenia @caladeniablue VOY and @theredheadedcaptain​ VOY
2: 70thousandlightyearsfromhome @70thousandlightyearsfromhome VOY
3: marymoss1917 @marymoss1971 PIC
4: seemaunbound @seemaunbound VOY or PIC
5: CAMIR @pc-corner VOY
6: hauntedmoonchaos @hauntedmoonchaos VOY
7: Servalan VOY or PIC
8: grissomesque @grissomesque VOY
9: cnroth @cnrothtrek VOY
10: lipstickonmylabcoat @lipstickonmylabcoat VOY, SNW or LD
11: madameairlock @madamairlock VOY
12: littleobsessions @littleobsessions90 VOY and @mia-cooper​ VOY
13: whathappenstotheheart @whathappenstotheheart TNG
14: regionalpancake @regionalpancake PIC and Anonymous (cannot access the message anymore) DS9
15: a little squirrely sunshine @a-little-squirrely-sunshine TNG and BlackVelvet VOY
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sigurdjarlson · 7 years
Replies! Woo! super late i know
highpriestessbriyanna said: This is always my reaction. Like “yes. keep talking. Wait.. did you just PUN at me again.. IMA KNIOCK THAT FUCKER OFF A CLIFF” 
IM 99.9% sure someone has knocked khadgar off a cliff before and there’s an 80% chance it was because of a pun
owmyeyeballs said: You ok, friendbeast?
just tired and in a bit of a slump but i’ll be okay. thank you <3
owmyeyeballs said: Know that feel…
my poor girl! hasn’t she been through enough.. (*evil brain sounds*) 
skullkind said: congrats!
Thank you!! It was the shitty demon hunter boots but it’s better than nothin! 
lovesdaryl said: Feel better soon. *hugs*
thank you <3 *hugs*
skullkind said: me with illidan like once a week
same tbh
casterlycosplay said: Very relatable content
i wish i could say its the first time i’ve teared up while thinking about khadgar..but its not
apaladinfailure said: this is the most relatable thing you’ve ever posted
Khadgar..such a tearjerker huheuheuh he cries while he wanks 
anzareveange said: im giving him all my love.
same. i want blizz to let me hug him so bad like PLEASE
skullkind said: hey !! im skull and ive been following you for a while and think youre super chill! i llove ur wow posting ! you dont need to follow back but i would love to chat sometime or stuff ^^ 
hello!!1 :D thank you for following. I’m glad you enjoy them. Feel free to contact me anytime! I’d love to chat
shadowphoenixrider said: Yeah, I remember her sneaking around the Twilight Highlands in Cata.
That sounds like her <3
ship-garbage-pile said: ^^ yeah she’s one of the quest givers order hall
I need to level my rogue..
lovesdaryl said: I might have mentioned this, but we went to ZG before it was patched out and I actually won the tiger and gave it to my husband as a gift. He looks magnificent on it. :-)
this is honestly the sweetest thing ever
anzareveange said: sleeping with the enemy…
Khadgar and Gul’dan have some serious unresolved sexual tension lbr
owmyeyeballs said: I love reading your responses to these. Thanks for putting up with my nonsense! XD
I love answering them <3
a-little-squirrely-sunshine said: My cat is named David Bowie, and depending on how I phrase things I get the best odd looks from my friends.
That’s great like i cna just imagine..DAVID BOWIE WHAT DO YOU  HAVE IN YOUR MOUTH sdkgkdfh
owmyeyeballs said: These two just keep on breaking my heart…
they break mine too ugh. My poor babies
shadowphoenixrider said: I’d vote, but I like quite a few and I don’t think they’d all fit in this text box. I might…steal one idea though.
Steal as many as you’d like and I’d still love to hear which ones you think i should write! 
doitsuki said: yes genn is lower in the hierarchy
he’s..the omega
ghoulghoulneighbor said: But they said no homo while they did it……….
blizzard could make a cinemeatic where khadgar and medivh have explicit sex and they’d still be like.. “no homo tho” 
shadowphoenixrider said: Eggs-llecent idea, Archmage.
anzareveange said: take all my dollars blizzard! hire him for the movie!
I won’t accept anyone else as old khadgar now. Someone get me into contact with George
owmyeyeballs said: i love them!!!!
My fierce saber queens <3
apaladinfailure said: omg that it so sweet im crying
i cried a lil while writing it so don’t feel bad hehheh
owmyeyeballs said: Oh dear lord, that was adorable and sad… someone protect these sweethearts!
protect Khadgar and Jaina 2k17
shadowphoenixrider said: Ow my heart! If you’ll excuse me, I’ll just lie down…right here…
i had to do the same after writing it tbh
owmyeyeballs said: Sweet, precious babies!
i just want to hold them both
shadowphoenixrider said: *chinhands* These are lovely, you know.
thank you so much!! 
shadowphoenixrider said: I’m not quite sure my heart should be hurting this much in the morning, but it is! 
Hohoho there’s a lot more where that came from!
ghoulghoulneighbor said: How dare u. This is some 10/10 pain, would cry again.
Same tbh. I made their parents and I was like shit..i love them  
ghoulghoulneighbor said: I knew Illidan was the daddy kink type, I just knew it
ghoulghoulneighbor said: what have I started.
*points at medivh* Medaddy.
*points at Gul’dan* Gul’daddy
anzareveange said: Many races dont have orphans or child models. i want to see a tauren child, or a dwarf or a gnome child.
there are nightborne children models so blizz really doesn’t have an excuse anymore. I want children models for all the races, blizz. Give me this now
shadowphoenixrider said: I’d like to inform you that Khadgar is introduced in the book Tides of Darkness with a youngster in one arm and holding the hand of another. We don’t call him Dadgar for nothing! ^^
OH NO!!! This is so sweet I really need to read Tides of Darkness...and Beyond the Dark Portal
anzareveange said: “Put that thing back where it came from” no, it can be really painfull, also the mother is dead, so no.
maybe illidan doesn’t know where babies come from 
ghoulghoulneighbor said: you’d think his hunters would be expecting this kind of thing by now tho
very true. new recruits learn very quickly not to stand behind Illidaddy. He’s very dramatic and very passionate. when he gets excited he can’t control his wings
shadowphoenixrider said: I’d like to add that if you put a pet bed down, it’ll attempt to ‘sit’ in it. Reduced my bf to wheezing laughter when he saw it.
FDHDfhd I KNOW ISN’T IT GREAT. You make him jump through the flaming hoop too. 
It catches on fire sometimes and runs away...oops 
shalar0s said: I’m dying over the “well that’s new.” Oh my god I can’t breathe.
nothing surprises Moroes anymore. Nothing. 
unidentified-starman said: see, kids? this is what happens when you party (& clean up the library) too much
Ben!Khadgar? Before Medivh.
Game!Khadgar? After Medivh.
Medivh is a helluva drug
spicymulligan said: Boy howdy ur gonna LOVE Glee then
this is the worst thing you’ve ever said to me
ghoulghoulneighbor said: The ONLY way to treat your giant fuzzy murdercat
she loves her giant fuzzy murdercats <33
owmyeyeballs said: I want to hug Dilly too!
She needs a hug tbh
apaladinfailure said: this is entirely possible with genn greymane
SOMEONE DREW THAT!! I don’t know where it is but it was his wife riding on his back into battle
derp-mage said: It would have been glorious and now I’m mad he didn’t go full on worgen run
blizzard let us ride Malfurion in his regular form
owmyeyeballs said: KHADGAR DO NOT FUCK THE SKULL
too late. he hurt himself rip
unidentified-starman said: it’ll look even more ridiculous when he appears in the warcraft movie sequel or smth (i hope it gets made sometime). he’ll probably be at least half cgi (or a man flapping his arms in a motion capture suit). look at cgi malfurion go
I am excited and dreading the day they add Malfurion to the films. Because he’s either going to look awesome or fuckin terribly hilarious (more likely tbh) and I can’t wait. (SHIT...motion capture behind the scene shit is so great) 
shadowphoenixrider said: pffft that second one. AFAIK Khadgar asplodes everyone in Kilrogg’s vision, but I don’t think it’s Mythic difficulty? Could be wrong.
hmm i just did the Kilrogg fight on mythic on both Diily and Alaluria and didn’t get any visions. Is there something I have to do to trigger it? (i will cry)
ghoulghoulneighbor said: Your tag said wing burrito and I thought of a burrito stuffed with chicken wings, with the horns and blindfold. …I’ll see myself out.
*muffled sobbing from the bathroom* I was not prepared for these burritos..
shadowphoenixrider said: Don’t apologise, I love hearing these.
you’re an angel. thank you <3
carlyrosk said: That’s how I am too oh my god. That cinematic crushed both me and my Deathlord! I can’t wait to hear your thoughts on Genn! He’s been through SO much, and he’s just snapped with Varian’s death.
Genn’s reaction to Varian’s death in the cinematic kills me every time. Genn kills me. My poor old wolf man </3
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a-little-squirrely-sunshine replied to your post “So Ive been wanting a tattoo for a while now, but I can never decide...”
One of my favorite tattoos is from Smallville, so I understand. It's not silly at all, if it means something to you!
I’m also hesitant, I think, because I’m afraid that like one day I’ll regret it? Like get to a point where I’m like “it was just a ship, why did i do this?” IDK I have commitment issues lol
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