#i love how it is so satisfying i dont feel the need to equip more items
grassintheclouds · 8 months
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yandere-daydreams · 1 year
Just went through all your genshin android doll au and now I'm. Thinking.
A reader who works with young kids in some capacity, maybe a teacher. Buys a second hand Albedo bot (because lord knows they dont make enough for a brand new one) with some bugs. It's not quite "isolate you from friends and family" levels and more... Clinginess. Anxiety when you need to leave for an errand. But he needs to stay home while you're still fixing him up with YouTube how to videos, just in case.
He has many quirks still remaining by the time hes able to join the classroom, but they're completely harmless. His tendency to make too much or too little eye contact, trailing after you like a duckling for the first few weeks, rocking and clicking his tounge(? Voice box?). But these are all traits you've seen before in your own kids, and his body language isn't something that needs to be fixed. It's helpful for some of your students to open up and express themselves, when they see an adult figure like them.
But of course, he still gets rather lonely. He wants to take care of you when your home, it's how he keeps your attention. He gets irritable if he's idle for too long. So you pick up a Klee model since he gets along so well with kids, and they're both models approved to used in classrooms. She's more then energetic enough to keep him busy, and they get along like bread and butter. Or a house on fire. You still have to buy second hand after all, and Klee came with some fixations. But thats nothing an equipped science bot can't handle, Albedo keeps her satisfied with science experiments. You buy another fire extinguisher just to be safe.
It isn't until you're fixing up a Albedo you got at a steal (free99) from the seller who gave you Albedo and Klee that you realize you've become somewhat of a hobbyist. This one will probably be your last permenant bot, considering his higher needs, but you've gotten quite good at fixing up quirky models. This Albedo reverted to his beta personality that had been left in some forgotten folder, and no one could quite get him to go back. But thats not your goal.
You patch some of the more... Aggressive tendancies and bugs, and leave the personality itself in tact. This gains you quite a bit of favour with your new companion, and he's quick to fall into your daily life. He exhibits some... Jealous habits with your original Albedo, picking on him and trying to one up him any chance he has. But thankfully Klee and the classroom is something they can both agree on, so it rarely extends past an (usually) innocent rivalry.
Sorry for the surprisingly long ask, but androids are one of my favorite tropes!! And Albedo (and his double) are one of my favorite characters... Please enjoy my ramblings
tw - unhealthy relationships, obsessive behavior, all albedos ini this scenario are extremely questionable.
dkljfdkdjksdjfksfsdjfsj i have not touched the sex doll au in a hot minute but i think albedo's 'beta' personality would probably have been developed and refined as an attempt to give one of the child-friend robots a bit of an edgier personality before immediately realizing that that's,,, just not a great idea and mellowing him down into our current and well-loved albedo. needless to say, when you get him in the same room as his replacement, he's less than pleased - as is your first albedo, your original companion, as he's intent on reminding you as often as he can. still, you're his precious master, and he's fond enough of klee, so he bares with the unwanted company, makes-nice with your first albedo droid, helps around your classroom, tries to prove that he can help you the way he's supposed to, too, even after the dozenth time you turn him down. you say you just doesn't feel right to sleep with the same android you bring to work everyday, but he has a feeling it might have something to do with the rip-off you keep so close to your side, the flawed copy who can't seem to go a minute without your attention. you refuse to believe him, but he swears that he's seen his copy drop that innocent mask, spare a smirk over your shoulder as you compliment him on another day of keeping your classroom relatively un-wrecked by grade-schoolers, slip into your room tonight after klee's powered down for the night. clearly, he's not the companion you deserve. clearly, teyvat made a few mistakes when they took his programming and butchered it.
and, while you might be too oblivious to see it, it's clear to him that your little family could do without a duplicate.
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sang8262 · 4 months
i said i'd rant later but waiting for akuma release amd patch notes is destroying me so:
WT's boss fight and why i dont like how they wrote it:
First let me be clear, I love World Tour. And that is why I see how it could have been better and wanted so much more from it. But alas, they tried to make a whole stand alone, single player rpg game ... but it's only got the resources of side content to a fighting game.
To start, the story as a whole is paced ehhh, not so ideally. It feels both rushed *and* tedious at times, because of certain quests or maps.
Overall, we don't get to know Bosch too well to develop as STRONG of a bond the game wants the players to imagine: because we never get to spend much time getting to know him at the start of the game. So this "friendship bond" is ham-fisted through cheesy cutscenes, which feel fake and hollow because we ate pizza and bought a silly hat like, Once. This is to say: Bosch's sacrifice also feels hollow, because while we understand the weight of his actions, it isn't very personal. If they rather MADE Bosch the main character, the story would have been much much stronger. And also a completely different game.
WT needed to have custom player avatars, for Battle Hub, and because their vision was "players learning martial arts from the characters in the roster! interacting with them as student and master!". That's the fantasy they wanted to make, and so WT is pulled in two different directions. One that wants to sell the fantasy of meeting the game's characters, training under them, and becoming the champion yourself.
Then another about the world of SF6: Nayshall and Metro City; Bosch and the Resistance versus Shadaloo; the new generation of fighters who have their own ideals, clashing with the old. But now NEITHER has enough room to be the best version of itself, because they must compromise each other to exist in the same story/game mode space as the other.
In short, they wanted to do so much with WT that it ended up feeling half-baked across the board.
JP too, doesn't feel like the main villain until waaaay too late in the story. That is, unless you read the comics. But even then, he's introduced into the story so late that you aren't even thinking about him as a character until that point. There's nothing to establish that JP is "pretending" to be nice, and therefore, no satisfying -reveal- that JP was evil all along when we finally do get to fight him. I think his whole character fantasy is the deceiver, the schemer, and we REALLY don't see evidence of this through WT at all.
In fact, what we do have of JP in WT is honestly not great!! And now I'm just going to be complaining:
After Bosch gets blown up by the belt, why would JP gloat to the avatar about everything?? A bomb just blew up and not only is he someone important, he was standing right there: logically, he should've acted panicked and afraid for his safety, and have fled immediately. Instead, he casually saunters over TO Bosch and the avatar, then villain monologues. He even takes a jab at how Bosch's sacrifice was 'a small bit of entertainment', which is NOT what someone trying to act innocent would say ever??
Also, this was during the award ceremony. Y'know, the event that's being streamed and filmed and seen by thousands of people. Even if the explosion caused that huge fire and damaged equipment, there's no guarantee that people aren't filming this. And knowing how up to date with technology this game is (Footube influencers, crypto, AI deepfakes.. JP's whole philosophy is that people value entertainment over the truth even), there MUST be people risking their safety to film everything. Which is to say, JP should've known better than to RISK being caught FIGHING one of the contestants immediately after an "alleged" terrorist bombing.
He even uses Psycho Power?!? Like he's okay with just putting all that and his face out there for a whole audience to see and record??? I don't think he'd have done that had he NOT been forced to be a boss fight.
Even after we fight him, there's no good explanation for what happens afterwards. He just, concedes and collapses on the arena floor...?? And then what? We just let him go? We also pass out??? He teleports away? What did he just fight us for anyway when he could have teleported to escape then???
He's entirely right about the fight and our victory meaning nothing because the fight was very meaningless, and so of course defeating him has no meaningful satisfaction either. The whole fight only happened because the game demands we have boss fight, but they did a poor job of making that fight actually good at all.
Do I have any fixes for the issues I have with WT? Somewhat. Definitely shorten the quest fluff in the mid-game to give more time with Bosch, BEFORE he gets kidnapped and given Psycho Power off screen. We spend more time chasing after him and fighting him after he's been experimented on. Make us care about him as a character more so we care about his motivations. Hell, have us meet Yua and learn more about her. We get barely anything about her as a character beyond "Bosch's sister who worries about him" so, the stakes are superficial and implied ("it's his sister! you should care!").
The fact that she's one of the dancers for the tournament feels also significant: she's relative to one of the Resistance members (Bosch), and clearly knows about what they're fighting for. Even if you suggest she's part of the tournament to relay information, as informant or spy, that doesn't make sense as she would be risking her safety, something she doesn't believe in and something the other members would not have allowed. What if you instead have it so JP intentionally made Yua one of the tournament's dancers, as a bargaining chip against Bosch? On the surface, it might look like JP (or his association) is supporting their sponsored fighter, giving his sister the chance to perform for everyone on such an honored tradition! But in reality, it's to keep Yua close under Shadaloo's watch. Idk, just something to explain why Bosch's sister just so HAPPENS to be a dancer in the very tournament he's fighting to end.
Have more scenes showing JP lying to everyone. Show us him being interviewed on TV about his support for the upcoming tournament, have him express his sympathies for the Resistance movement. Like in the comics, show us how JP actually knows a lot about Nayshall's history and culture, and how he uses that to feign admiration and care-- but importantly, show how those around him are charmed by his act.
THEN, follow up by showing us Luke conflicted and uncomfortable about seeing JP on TV. How he doesn't want to talk about his past association with him, or what happened with Ken. Show us Bosch being angered by JP's lies, being frustrated that he can't do anything the way he is right now, and how he doesn't want to get the avatar involved in what he feels is 'his' duty.
If I wanted to even go a step further, in respect to my own bias and wants, I'd have thrown in some sort of dinner or conference scene with all the fighters and tournament staff, before the big event day. Show us the contestants talking about why they want to win, why they fight, as part of the game's narrative focus on "the reason we want to become stronger". Show us how JP puts on his public 'CEO of the NGO' persona in front of others, and how likeable he is, as Rashid notices. Show how JP lies about why Bosch isn't at the event (he's too much of a risk to have at the event being interviewed. And probably not stable enough from the Psycho Power destroying him anyway).
But JP might say how much he respects the sponsored fighter, for training even now to prepare for the tournament! How he sincerely hopes Bosch succeeds, and that we too, may find what we're fighting for. All the while us KNOWING he's exactly the reason why Bosch is suffering. Does he suspect us after what happened in the trophy room? Is Bosch really okay? Make it so that the avatar and player are also confused by his words.
And of course, this is a public event with bystanders. We can't fight him now, and we can't just start calling him out in front of everyone, less we ruin the plan. So what else can we do but grit our teeth and play along.
This kind of struggle would have made for greater tension, and thus, greater pay off when we DO get to throw down with him and beat him into the ground later. It would have shown how manipulative JP is in the game, just as he was in the comics, in a more direct manner.
What about the actual boss fight itself? I think JP running away and the avatar chasing after him would've made more sense. I get the arena on fire is a hype stage, and it was really cool true. But it just doesn't fit JP as a character. He's not someone to choose violence or direct confrontation unless absolutely necessary, and much less so in such an open space, that was being STREAMED to the internet. And the boss fight as is just... doesn't feel so 'necessary' that he had 'no choice' but to fight then and there.
So instead, I'd have him run underground. The underground hallway with all the locker rooms and the trophy room, is mirrored on the opposite end of the arena: but this part of the map isn't currently used at all. So, have him run there, with the avatar chasing, through the panicked crowd, trying not to lose track of him. And because the whole arena is built into the mountain ruins, it's easy to add some sort of hidden cavern or unfinished construction space as the 'stage'. Hell, the Resistance headquarters is exactly this. They also have a hidden cavern that's connected to the arena's main stage, so this isn't even farfetched of an idea.
The setting of 'secret cave away from everyone's eyes' is also much better of a circumstance that JP would CHOOSE to fight in, if he HAD to as a boss fight. This doesn't redeem his spiel at the end, of how the victory is meaningless, or how he escapes at all. The next bet suggestion is having the room (still in construction) about to cave in, cause you broke some support beams during the fight or whatever. He can still give you the spiel, but have him teleport away as the room is caving in, and the avatar has to let him go to get out to save themselves too.
Could imagine that the avatar is shocked to see JP still alive after that, post game, and demands more answers about his abilities that helped him in the fight, but also to escape. It's more of an incentive for the avatar to want to learn under him, despite him LOSING and also being the enemy. It never made sense to me why the avatar would try to learn from him, when last we see him, he just... collapses on the floor of the arena and laughs about how he lost?? Having to cut the fight short, even evading death using Psycho Power, that's a much better look for the 'villain' and someone the avatar would begrudgingly agree to train under.
Anyway, this got way longer than I intended, and it's all over the place;; But I don't have time to edit it through so, it shall have to be. Thanks for being interested enough to read it, if you did, and as always I'd love to hear others' thoughts on this if anyone wants to share!!
Now back to waiting for Akuma..........
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papers4me · 3 years
Fruits Basket Manga Review (ch 90-91)
Since I discussed the first few pages of ch-90 that contains kyo & tohru in my previous preview, this one will only be kyoko’s story.
Kyoko’s story brilliantly explores the effects of unhealthy domestic environment on children without the use of the zodiac curse as a metaphor for abuse. My first-reaction of kyoko’s story is the following:
I really enjoyed how kyoko’s descend into darkness was explored & how the psychologically-informed writing of her behavior was depicted.
I was troubled by how Katsuya was presented as the magical solution to all her problems. Kyoko was saved by romantic love in a more basic writing than machi. Both girls just needed a guy to listen to them vent abt their family issues once & tada~ they’re in love.
Kyoko’s story made me realize that Arisa is just a more modern & healthier kyoko.. The only difference is that Kureno didn’t save Arisa. She herself changed gradually due to kyoko & tohru’s influence.
1) Kyoko’s descend into Darkness:
Kyokyo told kyo that she was already “out of control delinquent before she got to middle school”, “ fell into the wrong crowd”, “ enjoyed beating innocent ppl”. subtly citing the influence of “delinquent peers” & the innate desire be noticed at home. I’m bad, notice me! love me, listen to me!
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There are some elements in her story that faintly reminds me of yuki & strongly reminds me of kyo:
Kyoko’s parents gave her a treatment similar to “ yuki’s parents”: cold, neglect & devoid of love. Her dad, similar to kyo’s dad, felt ashamed & disgraced by her.
Kyoko similarly to kyo was angry, full of self-loath & self-destruction. However, kyo was never violent like she was. I believe kyo’d have turned like her if he didn’t have Kazuma to discipline him with love, care & attention. Hence, we saw kyo carry on a code of “ not beating girls, or ppl who aren’t hurting them, or don’t know martial arts”, like Arisa or the student council guy whop loves yuki.
Kyoko’s mom similarly of kyo’s mom talked abt the dad venting his anger on her after being pissed off with kyoko. So, a hint of domestic violence between husband & wife.
Kyoko described herself as “ made of shattered glass”. Tohru once said both kyo & yuki are very sensitive. yuki blocks the world behind the prince mask & kyo puts on the annoyed attitude to push ppl away from hurting him.
Society thinks that “delinquent/bad ppl” are always happy with what they’ve become. Satisfied with their destructive choices. When in most of the times... they’re as bewildered & confused as the community around them..
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I really don’t blame the teachers for being defensive. Teachers aren’t supposed to be “life-coaches” or “saviors of students”. That’s sth the educators with their research gush abt & what society demands & what families wish for. The fixer-teacher!!!! Teachers are ppl teaching a subject, doing a specific job, underpaid & overworked most of the times, also, they come from various backgrounds, beliefs, & sometimes even if they meant good & wanted to “ save” a student, they aren’t equipped with the suitable psychological training. Yeah, there are ppl for that in schools, but so many students with lots of issues. Also, let’s be real, we love kyoko cuz she’s the “epic mother of tohru, we grew on her teachings thro out 3 seasons” but if you meet a loud, delinquent, gangster head, violent chair throwing student who rarely comes anyway, would you wanna deal with them?
2- Katsuya “ the magical savior”:
so, why did teacher katsuya helped a screaming delinquent? cuz he IS interested in kyoko. He said so. He approached her, talked & tried to help cuz he intended to “never let her go since he saw her honesty” ~ romantic? maybe to some.. I find it weird & creepy. him eyeing her & getting interested & approaching her & earning her trust. It is true that he has no intention of hurting her or forcing her & he DID save her in more ways than one. But why is this all wrapped in romance. He DID flirt with her intentionally many times from the moment he saw her until then.
If Im being honest, had he not be her teacher (trainee or not), & had she not be very veeeeery young! I’d be enjoying his flirting so much. He’s so smooth, playful & cool (not looking head over heels in love) which is normally such a fun dynamics. She was so head over heels, tho. Finally found someone who noticed her tiny efforts “ drawing eyebrows”, someone who listened & someone who didn’t forced her to do her “duties”. She tells him (her teacher) that she is ditching classes & he’s okay with that~ not lecturing, not urging. why? cuz He only wants HER. she comes to see him in the lunch break everyday. school? classes? that’s her choice~ not his business~ In a way, Katsuya is intentionally made not morally correct. Why? cuz a good moral adult wouldn’t be in love with a middle schooler & would care for her future as an independent person from him. He must be written with intentional desire to NOT care for morals or right or the likes. Yes, he later helps her to study & graduate but ONLY when that is HER choice & she made it ONLY to catch up with him. To cleanse herself & be “ like the other girls” . Kyoko deemed katsuya “ good person” &  herself “ bad person”. That’s why she was motivated to be good to catch up with him since she can NO LONGER see him everyday in lunch break. He fixed that. How? teach her in the weekends & provide better chances to flirt since he’s no longer a teacher & she’s his student. The issue is not teacher-student love... it is adult-kid love!! but hey~ they’re cute (they’re written to be, so they are) so it’s cool ( it isn’t at all..eww).. oh the dilemma that is Takaya-san’s love for weird big age gaps where one is an underage teenager...
Furuba’s has this big theme of “ love doesn’t heal or save”. yuki took tohru’s love & grew up by himself. Kyo’s love for tohru didn’t save tohru, she was scared to be in love & forget her mom. Tohru made the decision to be free from her past, herself.  Tohru’s love to kyo made his trauma 10 times more complicated & he acted based on his love for her & decided to leave her. It wasnt until he decided to face his trauma, past & bio dad by himself, that he accepted tohru’s love. Only two characters were totally saved by love:
Machi: has the excuse of being solely created to be yuki’s reward for acknowledging platonic love for tohru & everything abt her is rushed & made as a lighter copy of all yuki’s issues to quickly create shared grounds for them to connect. Machi needed to vent her issues to yuki once & all her issues were never brought back to the service again. She was happier, calmer & healed.
I expected more for kyoko. She IS a bigger character than half of the zodiacs! but she just needed katsuya to listen to her & she was in love & her issues solved.
I don’t deny that it IS true that sometimes all we need is someone to listen to us. Tohru herself said so & even yuki said it to kyo. But Even if someone listen to us & we love them, the issues that troubled us dont magically disappear until we face them or do sth abt them aided by those who love us. Kyo’s issues remained even with his love until he faced them, tohru’s too!
had off-screen issues with expressing himself. He said that he loved kyoko cuz she was “honest abt her ugly feelings” while he pretended to “humor & please his dad”. He gave a wonderful speech to her parents abt the expectations of parents on their kids & the refusal of their “human weakness” again furuba’s main vision. Unfortunately, this was followed with confessing, marriage proposal & kissing her on the lips all while the whole issue is abt kids/ parents exceptions of middle schooler/ neglect & his own acknowledgement that she’s minor while he was “in love”.
Like the author wants to tie kyoko’s issues & katsuya’s issues so bad & present him as her ONLY chance for normal life. Kyoko was just repenting & understanding that her actions got consequences which is an epic moment! but romance triumphant & saved the day~ yay~! marriage!
The story would’ve been better romantically if it was given time for kyoko to “ grow up” just like katsuya himself said when they were at the beach. He said “ grow up, middle school is not the world”. He continued meeting her but never confessed & never crossed the line despite the flirting. But he KNEW what he was doing “ i never planned to let you go since I saw you”. He was cementing his place as the ONLY one in her world.
Had kyoko grew up, saw the real world, kept taps with katsuya, he helped her broaden her world, then they’ll marry without needing her dad to sign papers, then that would be a better love story than this.
Side Notes:
The writer didn’t shy away from confessing that pairing Katsuya & kyoko is problematic & stated it in canon (kyoko called katsuya “pedo”). She did the same with Arisa & kureno (Arisa thought the age gap is big & hana questioned if kureno is a married man). However, making the story acknowledge that as an issues doesn’t make it less uncomfortable, but at least, I respect when writers do what they plan to do regardless of fans. even if I dont agree with the writer. It’s way better than when writer becoming fans toy/ fans pleaser.
Still, couldn’t the author state that kyoko was held back few years in jmiddle school & failed & repeated school years? like make her i duno 17 or sth... this would at least lessen the big age gap... but no~~~ kyoko is what? 14? ... -_-’.
You bet this won’t change a bit in the upcoming anime spinoff abt kyoko. Just this year an anime abt an adult man & his high school love interest that he pursued stubbornly was highly popular & my real life friends were gushing abt “ him finally winning her/ being respectful & only kissing her lips once or sth/waiting for her to “catch up” with him”/ consent age differ in X & Y countries..I’m not dictating my beliefs on anybody or any country or saying my way of thinking is the just way. I’m saying, Personally, I think, there are better romantic stories than adults & kids couples.. The fact that this trope of (adults & kids romance) is still popular even today is sad~~
I dont mind HUGE age gaps as long as BOTH characters are adults. If any of them makes a crime, they’ll be held responsible by the law. & sometimes the younger adult is the one dominating the relationship. but “kids or teenagers” can’t. They’re easily groomed & manipulated, so it bothers me when a love story between an adult & a kid is portrayed as  “equal”. it isn’t.
I’m not judging whoever loves such trope in “ fiction”. it IS fiction, & as long as you don't pursue a real kid/teenager in real life, you can like whatever in fiction. moving on~
kyoko’s delinquent life is well-written & if done right, would send a powerful message of being able to start over. But the romantic love aspect will steal the spotlight by (a) directing uncomfortable hate/disgust towards the story & hence all the discussions will abt the “pedo” aspect. (which is fair). (b) Perceived as so lovable romance since katsuya is the prince who to saved the neglected princess which is a trope that has stood thro time garnering lots of support & attention always, so all the discussion would be abt their “cute romance”. (which is fair since the author weaved elements that endeared their romance, such as: cute nicknames “miss no-eyebrows”, him giving her space, home & respect, saving her from the streets & poverty & having the most endearing tohru”. So, yeah, the romance will be the center of attention regardless.
I like katsuya’s character type in fiction generally: the flirty, mischievous & a bit cool guy who is so aware he’s wrong most times & plays his cards smart to not get caught red-handed. He’s a cooler version of shigure. It’s just the blatant fact that he’s been planning to “get” a middle schooler from the first glance & that she is wayyyy young for this, that is bothering me so so much~~ T_T.
I wont expect the anime to change their age gap cuz it is the essence of their story that she’s a lost kid with no protection against the world & he’s the savior providing everything at once!~ Remember kyoko went on to be the savior of an entire clan tho tohru~ So in a way, katsuya saved the sohmas by saving kyoko....
“ i’m like a stray cat that he looked after instead of chasing away”. kyoko with katsuya is like kyo with kazuma! >_<!. When kyo met tohru, he wasn’t a stray cat, most of how he dealt with her was cuz he already knew her & was tormented by remembering kyoko’s death & feeling guilty towards tohru’s constant pain. That’s why when kyo started falling in love with tohru, he unconsciously stopped pushing her away little by little & just wanted to be with her until akito said “ i’ll hurt her” that’s when he totally gave up.
the way katsiya appeared in the right moment to save kyoko from her dad~ oh the drama. XD
Hospital Discharge & chase. like mom like daughter~ but thank God the kids got a more balanced love story.
Comparing kyoko/katsuya to Arisa/kureno in the broad writing of their romance without diving into details: (a) I hate the age gap in both but at least Arisa is older & nothing happened until she graduates & become an official adult. (b) Kyoko/katsuya are more fleshed out & if you forget the age gap,m their dynamic is so cute & endearing. (c) the love at first glance, never meeting afterwards yet still sickly in love to the extinct of screaming made Arisa/kureno shallower. (d) now that I saw teenage kyoko, Arisa is really just her clone! I hate that this steals from Arisa’s uniqueness. (e) both couples ate ramen in their first meeting/first unofficial date signalling their blooming love.
I’ve said this more than once, but I was the high-schooler that fancied adult independent men growing up, I never pursued anyone tho cuz I understood it was a crush even tho I’m pretty sure my “ *_*” face was clear to one or two, but I’m definitely lucky none of them tried to woo me or influence me. Now that I’m a grown woman, I think back & laugh at my self. I fancied them cuz they were independent & mature compared to the silly high school boys, which is what those men are supposed to be (adults) & what those boys are supposed to be (living their young age). lol. Still, I wish I found someone somehow to be my life’s partner since then, it would’ve made my life less lonely~ T_T.
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nekowriteshaikyuu · 4 years
never getting a break from all the teasing. 
pairing : kuroo x reader
warnings : nsfw(ish)
summary : it’s to no suprise you’d fall for him for his teasing, but was he genuine from all those tease?
a/n: i actually wanted to upload a angsty bokuto x reader but i kept rewriting over and over because it wasn’t self-satisfactory. im sorry TmT, instead here’s another thirsty kuroo writeup fufufu.
(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ kuroo tetsurou ♥
everytime he’s around, you could hear your heart beat so aggresively. everything about him was absolutely stunning. his biceps, his thighs, his smirk...his tease. it was to no surprise you’d fall for kuroo tetsurou just from his daily flirts. his whispers to your ear, his hand over your shoulder, him teasing about the height difference, and it goes on and on. 
but you started feeling more skeptical after noticing that he practically does the same thing to other girls. it felt like you were just being used to satisfy his needs. but there’s no turning back, you’re deadly in love with that rooster-hair bastard. you tried every way to get over him. not acknowledging to his flirts, pushing his hand when it rests on your shoulder, ignoring him during class and practice and just- treating him as if he doesn’t even exist anymore. but no matter how many times you try to shrug him off, he always finds a way to get your attention. be it untying the knots of your shoes, pulling out your hair tie and standing up so you can’t reach it, or just sending winks when he caught you glancing his direction.
you hated it. you hated it all. but part of you wants more, you want more of his attention. the way he smirks, the way he purposely pushes his body closer to yours, and you can smell his strong cologne. but the fact he does it to every girl, it’s just absurd. you want it all to yourself, and no one else can experience it.
“see ya, y/n !” lev exclaimed before getting his butt kicked by yaku.
“yup, see you !!” you waved goodbye before turning back to your clipboard. you sighed a relief before placing it on the floor and keeping all the equipment back to the storage room. 
you were pushing the basket of volleyballs when the wheel caught up with the door and it tumbled over, the volleyballs rolling around. you sighed heavily before painstakingly picking up the balls and placing it back into the basket. you were about to reach the ball that was rolling out to storage room when a tall figure came and picked it up, twirling it in his hands. you looked up to see kuroo, staring back down at you with a smirk.
“aww, someone’s having trouble?” and the teasing began. you scoffed before snatching the ball out of his hands and throwing it back to the basket.
“don’t have to be so angry~” he cooed. he stood by the door and watched you organize the storage room, staring at your back and to the nekoma’s jacket you were wearing.
“say, you look really really hot in that jacket-”
“oh would you please give me a break !” you cut him off. he was silent and surprised by your sudden outburst. you turned to him, your brows furrowed and your hands balled up in a fist.
“don’t you ever get tiring of teasing me? look i get it ! you’re hot ! that doesn’t mean you can just- just- play with my feelings !” you stuttered. your eyes were getting blurry and you felt a tear fell. you opened your mouth once more, but there was no words coming out. you felt like your heart stopped. you heaved out a sigh before relaxing your tensed up muscles.
“look, if it doesn’t mean anything to you, just sto-” 
“doesn’t mean anything, to me?” his tone was deep, serious, and very intimidating. you looked up slowly and kuroo was already making his way towards you, holding onto your shoulders to pushing your back towards the wall.
pinning you down , he blocked your sides with his hand to avoid you from escaping. it was a moment of silence before he spoke.
“y/n, look at me.” you refuse to obliged. you continue to stare down to the ground, avoiding eye contact. his hand then cupped your cheeks, and forcing it to face him. before you knew it, kuroo smashed his lips to yours. you flinched from his sudden actions, but the kiss drived you crazy. his soft lips just hovering over yours, the soft moans he makes, and how he pushed his whole body against yours to kiss you deeper. you couldn’t help but wrapped your arms around his neck, and slightly gaping your mouth for entrance. both your tongues fought for dominance, and kuroo clearly won. you felt his arm snaked around your waist, while the other groped your ass cheeks, squeezing it from time to time. 
the kiss was really heaty. you won’t deny the fact that it could have escalated if you weren’t on school grounds. you both were just tasting each other, a string of saliva stretching out whenever you broke the kiss to gasp air before smashing your lips back to his. the kiss started to get more sloppy, and that was when you both broke it off, panting for air as you both stared into each other’s eyes. kuroo giggled slightly before tucking the hair that was falling over your face.
“if it meant nothing, i wouldn’t have kiss you.” you felt your cheeks flushed red. you covered your face with your hands from embarrassment before you felt two strong arms detaching it from your face.
“if it’s not obvious yet, i love you, y/n. only you. non of the girls matter, but you.” he pecked your cheek before pulling you into a tight hug, stroking your hair as you bury your face onto his chest.
“i..i love you too..” you whispered before wrapping your arms around his waist.
“by the way, you were a really good kisser. wasn’t that your first? where have you been learning, porn?” he couldn’t help but annoy you still, even at a moment like this.
“shut up before i rip your hair out <3″ 
------𝕜𝕦𝕣𝕠𝕠 𝕥𝕖𝕥𝕤𝕦𝕣𝕠𝕦 ------
a/n: im finally free from tests akskaks, it won’t be long until my exams come up but at least i’m free for now hhhh. i’ll try to write more but my brain is deteriorating so it may take a while TmT.  my ask box is still open until further notice, so feel free to send requests or just slap me some questions i dont mind aksksk.
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heccshrecc · 4 years
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bro like pls my eye so mudafukin tired. I REALLY FEEL THE URGE TO CUT AGAIN SPWOKXNQND I - PLEASE i want to sleep and i’m very fucking tired and my one side of my eyes is like blinking slower. also sorry that i long timeno
update. I’ve just been lazy to journal lolz. also i hate my. That’s it. i hate my.
it’s u know- i’m. how now la cb. my intrusive thoughts are back. Time for incest porn. fml. Not @ me thinking about harming myself and people i cherish. :D i’m terrified. omaolaoya. Oh and kimchi so good. EVEN THOUGH IT MAKES MY BREATH SMELL LIKE SOUR DOG SHIT. but no cap shits good.
i also don’t think scratching out ur loved ones face is very normal. I know it’s not normal BUT WAHT DA FAWK AM I AUPPOSED TO DO. IM JUST
rip. my knife mad rusty so i scared the rust will like kena infecriom or some shit . but jesus fucking did it make shit feel slightly better. i really was clean for the past sixmonths. And now i am d i r t y. honestly why am i like this.
stop making me aroused to incest porn da fawk. i d w to fuck step dads. i only want step washing machine .
so anyways i really don’t understand why i so toksik la tbh. No excuse for it legit. i’m feel so bad. i feel like a person as dysfunctional and unhealthy and disgostang as me shouldn’t be with someone so... normal and healthy ig. Yo can’t ever imagine having supportive parents yo yo ... where can i sign up please take me. Like please he’s trying his best and ima be horse shit. He’s going to be tired of me and it’s gonna fucking hurt so bad purr. and ima have to find shit to fill the void. but if he leaves me, he wins. literally. nobody deserves to get with me, like nobody should have to suffer with me.
it’s just difficult. I’m sorry but i might accidentally unbag several experiences of my childhood trauma.
sorry gurlie 💆🏻‍♀️✂️ but i’m just mad that my mom didn’t just CHOKE ME HARDER. probably why i so into choking la deng , kinks are formed so as to reenact traumatic experiences under a controlled and somewhat ‘safe’ environment where you are the one in charge. also tip: put fingers around back and like idk how explain but yeah anyways, i’m mad at my mom for being toxic. and i’m more mad at her for not being toxic enuf to kill me.
why didn’t u just kill me why didn’t u just kill why didn’t u just jul me why didn’t u just kill me aozkwkkxkwks i hate everybody i hate everybody die die die dude i want to die I WANT TO DIE I WANT TO DIE I WANT TO DIE PLEASE FUCKING KILL ME PLEWSE PLEASE I WANT TO DIE I WANT TO SOE NOTHING IS EVER ENOUGH LZLWODOWKKDKS
i’m . maybe i’m gonna get better. i got through 2014,2015. It gon be cool. Just kinda hate it la when ppl compare toxic relationships LOL at least ur mother din take out knife because u don’t know 加減乘除 loh deng.
but rn i kinda mad she dint stab me la. and wow why my dad so hamsap. sometimes i’m scared to dress up. i’ll probably never forget that time. pls stop scratching ur dick lol it’s more traumatising than funny :D.
i just wish a car fucking bangs 9 me and kills. air will be the best bang of my life BABAHAHAHA. sohai i damn funny sia.kekekekekelek
ok la hope i die in my naps or something. and like hope ev realises his worth and that he shouldn’t stoop so low. He’s just too innocent for all this man. i’m thinking about selling my soul to capitalism and working my ass off just to be placed at a value of THE bare minimum.
You don’t need to worry about what you have to do in the future and work to get out of this ass country. WE ARE NOT THE SAME.
ok srs bye liao . i need to like scroll tiktok before i think about some blood and killing and the time we were at china and i thought about this big drill thing that had spikes all over it shaped like an ice cream cone then i imagined it jabbed onto my ... birthgiver. It felt scary yet satisfying.
i swear i not murderer tumblr pls dun block me ah. I AM LIKE 30% EQUIPPED WITH HEALTHY MINDSET. i am cognitively empathetic . ig idk la i go scroll timtok liao so idt about shit...
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This story takes place during the Sanders Asides Are There Healthy Distractions Episodes, suggested by @heavy-metal-papillon . The idea comes from Logan voicing Deciets line when he pops up to grab his hat from Logan, so in this story Deciet and Logan switched places in the episode.
Switching Sides
Summary: Logan wants some time to himself and Janus wants to enjoy a movie with the other sides in peace. They support and respect eachothers wants and needs, agreeing to switch places for movie night. In doing so, they both gained a bit more than they bargained for.
Warnings: none, but if you see any just say something!
Ships: platonic Lociet, past platonic Anciet
WC: 2, 305
Janus adjusted the his tie one final time, giving himself a once over in the mirror. His hair was combed back smartly, hat tucked away safely in his room for the time being. He had gotten the type right this time, and the white embroidered brain logo stood out against the plain black polo. The stiff dark Jean's were a little uncomfortable but the dress shoes fit nicely so he couldn't complain too much. This had to be perfect, even if it was a somewhat casual setting, he couldn't afford to-
"You know you could've just asked."
Yelping, he whirled around to face the real logical side currently sizing him up with a less than impressed expression. "We aren't discussing anything important today, why are you replacing me again?"
Janus sputtered. "I wasn't!"
Logan's eyebrow raised even more. "So my choice of clothing is just that comfortable, right down to the glasses?"
The deceitful side snapped his head up to glare at the other. "Not so loud! You dont know if one of the others would hear!"
Logan cleared his throat. "No one is left in the mind scape currently except us. Even Remus is currently hiding behind the couch. I assure you no one will overhear us, though of course I will call you Deciet if that would make you more comfortable."
Narrowing his eyes, Janus took a careful step back. "Why aren't you angry at me?"
Logan shrugged. "Why are you disguising yourself to simply watch a movie?"
"Because I-well in case...just in case something comes up that....hes using this to distract himself and that's sort of like lying to yourself so it stands to reason i would want to be there." Satisfied with jus excuse he glared at the other, daring him to argue.
But Logan simply nodded. "I've been meaning to get more work done anyway and would rather do that than watch Roman rig the vote multiple times only to complain about the plot of the movie he picked out. Straighten the tie and be careful."
"Just...just like that? You don't even care?"
"I require time to....gather my thoughts, after the more recent dilemmas Thomas seems insistant on making harder than they should be. Peace and quiet would be nice right now and if you're willing to take my place then I wont argue." Nodding more to himself, Logan reached out to hand him a thermos. "Caffiene helps stave off the inevitable headache. I highly recommend it."
Dumbfounded, Janjs could only clutch the thermos go his chest as he watched the logical trait walk back to his room and quietly shut the door behind him. Something he couldn't quite identify tugged in his chest but he brushed it off quickly and sunk down to the apartment below.
Patton was the first to notice him as he settled down stiffly on the couch, waving excitedly and almost spilling what looked like cocoa all over the floor in the process. Nodding he looked up as Roman began to speak.
"Finally! Now that we have our resident nerd here we can vote." Janus watched curiously as little slips of paper were passed around, narrowing his eyes at the clump that Roman hid in his sleeve but decided not to say anything. He looked over as Thomas cleared his throat, taking the paper offered to him with an excited smile which he quickly dropped in favor of Logans usual impassive expression. He didnt expect to win the vote, but maybe since it was movie night they'd watch all the suggested films to make it fair. He didnt really know how this was supposed to work, Remus and....well, nobody ever watched movies together in the part of the mind he resided in.
Quickly jotting down his selection he waited rather impatiently for the rest to finish, gripping the paper tightly as a hat was passed around.
He could only stare as the collection hat got to him. How had they gotten his hat? When did they even get it?....How often did they sneak into his room without him knowing? He wanted so badly to yell, take his hat and sink out, but that wasnt who he was right now.
"Hey L, you good?"
His head snapped up so fast he felt his neck creak. Virgil had never....not for a long time....that tone of voice wasn't for him. Virgil stayed with the "light sides" now, he only showed concern for them. Swallowing around the lump in his throat he reluctantly handed the hat back to Thomas to give back to Roman.
"I'm adequate thank you."
His hand shook slightly as he raised the thermos of coffee to his lips, but if Virgil noticed he didn't say anything.
Swinging his attention back to the current conversation he caught Pattons response to whatever had been said. "...voted for Frozen Roman but I'm still rooting for-"
"Oh my gosh! One hundred percent of the votes went to Frozen!"
He scowled as Patton cheered. "No, fu - falsehood, I did not vote for Frozen!"
"You didn't get a vote because you didnt wear a onesie!"
Taking a preemptive swig of coffee, he mumbled out, "I don't wear those anymore, they're too childish."
"No onesie, no vote, like our founding fathers believed!"
Janus snorted quietly, covering it up with an exasperated sigh as he settled more into couch. While the movie was being set up he glared again at the stolen hat on the floor, bringing out his phone discreetly.
Dee: I know I don't have much right to ask you this, but might I request a favor?
Logan: I assure you it's fine. What do you need?
Surprised at the quick response he continued to type, glancing up every now and again to be sure no one noticed his silence.
Dee: Roman stole my hat somehow, I was wondering if it would be possible cor you to get it back? I know you don't like shifting but I'm not sure how discreet it would be for me to try and get it as you.
Logan: It isn't that I don't like it, I'm just not equipped to be good at it. It does not make logical sense to disguise oneself, therefore I am at a disadvantage when it comes to such things. However, I can replicate your scales if I may have permission to 'raid your wardrobe' so to speak. Only with your permission of course.
Dee: Thank you and it's fine. Just dont go snooping around. You may not like what you find.
Logan: I will not. I have no reason to do anything other than procur clothing and so that is all I will do.
Sighing in relief, Janus settled back somewhat comfortably to watch the movie, letting the other sides' idle chatter wash over him.
"Fear will be your enemy."
Janus snuck a glance at Virgil at this line, glancing back away quickly at the look of panic that flashed across the anxious sides face. He wondered if Virgil would ever open up about his true nature....though perhaps until things truly calmed down it was for the best he remained determined to be closed off.
He nearly jumped out of his skin as Remus popped up suddenly behind him, clapping his hands at the prospect of Anna and Elsa's parents dying at sea, seemingly completely naked and comfortable enough to showcase go the entire living room. Janus shot him a warning look as Remus peered at him curiously, thanking God that for once Remus seemed content to keep his mouth shut.
"Wait, Hans is tricking Anna making her believe hes in love with her, but shes not around...why make that face?" He had watched the movie before of course but now that he had people to discuss it with that weren't making sexual innuendos every other sentence he felt much more comfortable speaking out.
"Yeah your right...."
Janus promptly turned out the rest of Roman's sentence, discreetly entering the date into his phone that Roman had admitted he was right in something, even if he didnt know who he was speaking to.
"Do you think this place has a lavatory?"
"Ice toilet!" Patton giggled.
"Or a bed?" Roman countered.
"Ice bed!"
"This place sounds awful." His nature made his blood run colder than normal anyway and the thought of sleeping on a freezing cold bed on top of a mountain surrounded by walls of ice made him very much wish he had in fact worn his onesie.
Janus chugged another mouthful of coffee in irritation. "You meddled with the vote to ensure we would watch this and yet you're the one constantly making fun of it."
"Look, this is how I show my love!"
Janus rolled his eyes and settled back into the couch wondering if Roman showed his love this way with the others just as much as he did with his beloved disney films.
Janus watched as Virgil voiced his thoughts on the matter that had made them all plan this movie night in the first place. A familiar kind of second hand hurt tugged in his chest while the others' thoughts spiraled further and further, unconsciously blanketing the room with an ever more suffocating blanket of anxiety. He watched as Roman grimaced from across the room, Patton fidgeting in place and gripping his mug ever harder and Thomas dragging fingers through messy hair as Virgil only continued talking faster and faster, becoming more and more worked up as the literal word vomit consumed any rational thoughts left in the room.
"Thomas, Virgil?" He waited calmly as Thomas peeked out from his hands and Virgils panicked face snapped towards him. Pushing down the old familiarity he continued on. "Please do me a favor and name me five things that you can see."
"Staircase." Thomas sighed.
"Impending doom." Virgil quickly countered.
"A future without friends."
"Now four things you can feel."
"A bad feeling."
"The couch."
"Three you can hear." He smiled in relief as Virgil began to participate more, visibly calming as his mind was brought back to the present.
"The fan."
"The ice machine for some reason."
Thomas really needed to fix his appliances. "Two things can smell."
"Clean shirt."
"The deodorant Thomas put on because....he was gonna go out tonight."
"And one thing you can taste."
"A sour taste in my mouth probably leftover from those reheated tai noodle leftovers."
Both variably more calm, Janus tried gently explaining the technique he had used, though he knew they both already knew it seemed like a good idea to remind them that they were allowed to use the technique whenever they needed it.
"Thank you, Logan." Thomas breathed out as he leaned forward tiredly.
Janus smiled, going to take another swig of his dwindling coffee when he caught site of a figure dressed in black and yellow on the stairs, nobody having noticed his presence yet.
Allowing himself a smirk behind the thermos, he responded. "No problem. Just your cool teacher being his cool self."
He smiled slightly wider as he heard a quiet scoff from the figure, just loud enough that he could hear it. He hoped Logan didn't think he was making fun of him, this was a rare day where he hadn't lied once around the others.
Logan settled quietly on the stairs til the end of the movie, seeming content to join them quietly until Roman brought Janus' hat back out.
After they had discussed the movie's ending, with Virgils anxious thoughts still persisting, he realized they needed to do something else that more actively distracted them all from the situation. As Roman brought out his hat to vote on another activity Logan stepped in quickly, Virgil hissing at him much to Janus' amusement while Logan snatched his hat back without a glance in his direction.
"I was looking for this! Don't touch my shit!" Janus bit his lip hard to keep from busting out laughing at the reality of Logan swearing at Roman for him, a warm feeling enveloping him as the others continued with whatever conversgion they had moved on to. His focus came back as the ending of some kind of Frozen fix it fanfiction was being discussed, making it very hard not to feel smug as his suggested was acted upon and Thomas definitely seemed happier than he had previously. Not being needed for whatever ridiculous story was sure go come out he sunk back down into the mind scape, startling slightly when he appeared right next to Logan who was currently fixing a spare tie as he left Janus' room.
"Ah, you're back. I left your hat on the bedside where I assume it was taken in the first place. I'm the future know that with a little concentration we are able to keep certain sides out of our rooms. I would suggest you utilize this to prevent future thievery."
Janus shook off his disguise and held out the stolen tie. "Thank you...for letting me, well you didn't have to allow me to ho in your stead. I....appreciate the trust."
"Keep it." Logan gestured to the tie before turning away. "Just in case."
Janjs watched in confusion as Logan returned to his room to lock himself away again, finally sighing and turning to his own. Smiling a little he laid the tie carefully in a drawer before plunking his hat back on his head, shoulders sagging in relief at the familiarity.
It was nice to pretend to be someone else and talk with fake friends. But maybe, in allowing himself vulnerability, he had found himself another real one.
This work is also available on AO3!
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goodnightallwhites · 4 years
Loving couples descent this time with interracial By Skiddely
Loving couples descent this time with interracial 
By Skiddely 
Submitted: March 7, 2020 Updated: March 7, 2020 
Its the same story as "A loving couples descent into cuckolding." Except this one has a specific focus on interracial relationships. I know most people dont like this stuff so i decided to make an alternative version of the story. This should make both sides happy. Or mad. Who knows. 
Provided by Hentai Foundry.
Chapter 1 - Little Talks 2 
Chapter 2 - Buying toys 5 
Chapter 3 - I cant think of any chapter names 12 
Chapter 4 - Not like anyone cares about chapter names either 
Chapter 5 - Interracial gloryhole fun Part 1 22 
Chapter 6 - Interracial gloryhole fun Part 2 28 
1 - Little Talks 
“Listen, we gotta talk. No, no its nothing serious I just want to talk. Come on baby take a seat.” Your girlfriend, well fiancée if you want to be specific, usually wasn’t into the whole “serious talk thing”. She was easy going, never bringing drama into your relationship, always ready for a new adventure. Nothing could stop her from expending her energy. And she does have a lot of energy. Energy she usually spends with rigorous exercise. Hitting the gym, cardio, kickboxing, dancing and so much more, anything she could do to properly tire her out and to truly satisfy her need to feel truly exhausted. Once things for sure, her need for exercise definitely showed. Her squats had made her butt and thighs massive. Her muscles were made of steel, but even despite the cardio she still retained a nice and comfortable layer of fat that kept her warrior body from becoming uncomfortably hard. Burying your head in her thigs, getting a lap pillow, there’s nothing more comfortable than that. Luckily she had good fortune in the DNA department, seeing as how her fat deposits hit just the right spots. Soft where it counts with banging abs any man would drool over. An ass that wont quit is one thing, her ample D-cups another. Unmistakably perky and perfectly shaped her breasts drew the attention of both men and women. What they didn’t get to see though were her nipples. Well neither did you. Or she. She was a bit self-conscious about them, seeing as how her innies were usually hidden from the world. It took a bit of coaxing and gentle sucking to expose them to the world, but it was worth it. Sensitive, stiff pink nipples that could make her scream in pleasure with just the slightest bit of stimulation. Any man could see that with a body like her she was simply born to pleasure black guys. She was made for them. Inferior white boys wouldn’t even be able to get past her cheeks! It really was her destiny to be black bred. 
Of course her body wasn’t everything she had going for her. Her body made their heads turn, but her face shifted their attention. It was a sensual face, sculpted by the god of love himself. Plush pink lips made men and women wish for her kisses, a delicate nose adorned her face, Icey blue eyes could see deep into men’s souls and a pair of sharp eyebrows that gave her look a slightly dangerous appeal. Whenever she was mad at you, which only happened rarely, she set those eyes on you, melting your heart quicker than an icecube in the sun. Seeing her pout was also quite nice. She could change her look in seconds, going from sensual to cute to mature in a moments notice, all while remaining perfectly genuine. She wasn’t an actress, no her emotions were written plainly on her face, something she was very aware of. When she was mad she usually hides her face under her hair, a messy look that only works when she untangles the blonde ponytail she usually keeps at almost hip length. Her silky hair was definitely another strong point of her. Ponytail, messy bun, twin tails, doesn’t matter she could rock it all. Her hair was made to be grabbed, to be pulled by a black alpha male thug who could really give her what she needed. She was undeniably cute, the object of many men’s desire to be sure, but then again so were you. Its certainly surprising that she’s not in a relationship with a musclebound black hunk with a 10 inch BBC, settling down with you instead. You on the other hand were not exactly the posterchild for traditional masculinity. You were smaller than her, had less muscle and had a noticeably feminine build. Wide hips a cute face that many girls would kill for, small shoulders, delicate hands and feet, thighs for days, everything a girl (or hunk) could ask for really. The only exceptional part about you would probably be how unexceptional your private parts were. 12cm (4,7inches) erect puts your clearly under the national average and your walnut sized testicles that only produce small amounts of watery seed were nothing to 
write home about either. 
And yet you two were together. Have been together since primary school really. Your parents knew each other, you were always together, playing house, dress up, cops and robbers, everything that children do together. This didn’t change as you got older. You were always together and when you eventually got into puberty and started to develop interest in the opposite sex it was inevitable that you two would get together. You haven’t been apart since then. Well there was that one period in time when you made her mad and she broke up with you for a month. She did go out with this black guy she met on a city trip to detroit during that time, but that was all just an attempt at making you jealous, right? Regardless, you’re living a perfect life now. You’re both young and attractive, you have a well paying job, your wife stays at home and greets you with a homecooked meal every day in your nice penthouse apartment. She had proposed to you a while ago, getting down on one knee in that expensive restaurant that oversees the whole city. It was perfect really. And now your fiancée has been talking about children and pregnancy. How much better can it get? So what could she possibly want to talk about now? 
“Come here baby lets give you a smooch... you really are so incredibly cute when you blush like that. Just lay back, I know how much you like it when I let you use my thighs as a pillow. Now listen, we have to talk about something. I want you to promise me that you’ll listen to me to the end without interrupting, can you do that? Good boy. Well you see, I was fixing up your office yesterday, cleaning some of the dust and getting your stuff back in order. You really can be so unorganized. Anyways, as I was saying, I was cleaning your office and I happened to move your mouse as I was dusting off your desk and well... I accidentally clicked on your internet browser and it seems as though it didn’t shut off properly last time you used it and well... It opened up your browser from that evening. Now I’ve always wanted whats best for you. That’s why I always ask what you’d like to do in the bedroom. The cosplay and the... the buttstuff you like... and the facesitting... I just want you to be satisfied and happy when we’re together you know... so I was a little bit shocked when I saw your browser. I really couldn’t stop myself from looking through everything. Black on white cuckolding. Small white penis humiliation. Rimming black men. Pegging. Enforced whiteboi chastity. Cum eating. Cock and ball torture and even mandatory castration for all tiny pricked whiteboys? I’d be lying if I said that I wasn’t a bit shocked. All those videos of white boys being humiliated, unable to get off as their girlfriends are getting pleasured by superior blackmen with their big black cocks? So many videos of fertile white women eating ass on BlackedRaw? At first I was horrified and was thinking about finding therapy for you. I heard there’s a Doctor Ziegler in town, she’s apparently specialized in this kind of stuff, but eventually I started to understand. I looked up information on the internet, stories from people that experienced this kind of stuff, the cuckolding stuff, getting BLACKED, professional domes talking about getting paid to trample men’s testicles, how male chastity actually benefits a relationship, all of that. It really began to intrigue me. I actually found some very interesting infographs on why exactly white women prefer black cock. How black cock hits our sweet spots just right, melaning receptors in the vagina, alpha male stuff. You know me, I’m straight forward like that. Its why I decided to get it all out on the table here and now. I was going to ask you if this was just a fantasy you want to keep for yourself, but looking at that wet spot in your pants and that tiny little tent you’re pitching, I can tell that you’re really enjoying this, aren’t you baby?” Her chuckles were always a great way to cheer you up. Hearing her chuckle about your small erection in your pants was new though. She had never made fun of your feminine physique, unlike that guys back at school she always supported you. Having her betray that confidence and understanding was something you never had expected. And whats worse is that you’d never have expected it to be this arousing. With one hand she caresses your head, going through your hair, massaging your scalp gently. 
With the other she pleasantly begins to rub your little cock through your pants. 
“Well I also have a little confession. I didn’t want to hurt your feelings so I never talked about it, but I think you’re able to take it now. Maybe you’ll even enjoy it a little huh baby? Well here goes. The reason why I always tire myself out exercising is because I’ve never been tired out in the bedroom. We’ve been together for years now and you haven’t properly satisfied me during that entire time. No its alright baby don’t be mad. Its just that you don’t have the right equipment down there. I know you eat pussy like a champ and I really enjoy that, but sometimes a gal needs something a little different. Something big to really stir her up from the inside, make her feel like a real woman. Sometimes women just need to be messed up, have their hair pulled as a thick cock forces its way inside of her. Having her head pushed down into the sheets to stop her from moaning, getting choked by muscle bound black thug until she’s barely even conscious anymore and the only thing she can think of is his fat black cock getting her addicted. You know, just girl things.” You’re a little bit shocked, but the sensation of getting your tiny white cocklet rubbed by her hands is enough to drown out everything else. You need to please her so she can please you so you can please her. Making her happy is what your life is all about after all. “I really like these fantasies. They got me thinking, why don’t we try roleplaying some of them? We’ll buy ourselves some toys and reenact some of your fantasies. Have a little fun together. We could sit down and watch some of your favorite little smut movies while we masturbate. We could look up some of those infographics I was talking about. They’re great at explaining why women cant be satisfied by anything under 8 inches. That should help you understand why exactly you’ve never sexually satisfied me. What do you think, doesn’t that sound fun?” She had increased her rhythmic strokes over your pants, the sensation of her warmth through the fabric causing you to dribble out even more of your precum. Watching cuckold porn with your girlfriend, hearing her talk about how much thicker and better their big black cocks are and how you couldn’t possibly compare to them? Letting her squeeze your testicles to release the pent up rage of an unsatisfied sex life? It sounds like heaven. Even if she wasn’t coercing you with an over the clothes handjob you would’ve said yes immediately. Hearing you whisper your consent caused her to pick up the pace even further, focusing more on your foreskin covered glans. With two of her fingers she twirls your cocklet around, using both the fabric of your pants aswell as your foreskin to stimulate it. With just those two fingers she finishes you off, applying more pressure than before, twisting and turning her fingers around your glans until you finally hit the crescendo and the warm watery jizz stains your pants completely. 
“I’m really happy you’re into this as much as I am. I was afraid you’d be freaked out by the whole thing. Lets go out shopping for some toys tomorrow, its your day off isn’t it? Perfect. We’ll look for some toys in that store my friend works at. She’ll give us some great advice, I just know it. And after that we’ll come back home, set up some candles, drink a little bit of wine and settle down right here on the sofa to look at our favourite movies!” 
2 - Buying toys 
“Alright I’ll be the first one to say it: I’m excited. I’m really really excited. I told Mia we were coming and she sounded just as excited it about as me. We were both squeeling on the phone when I told her we’d come buy to do some shopping. I’m glad you weren’t there to hear it. Embarrassing stuff. There it is, that one on the corner. The big one.” This was less of a sextoy shop and more of a sex toy mekkah. There were at least 3 floors of toys, movies and more XXX NSFW work stuff in that shop. At least that what it looks like from the outside. And apparently this Mia lady was the owner of the whole thing. Seems like she made it big with stocks or something and now she’s just doing this whole sexshop thing for the hell of it. That would also explain how she could afford this place. Just from the outside anyone could tell that this isn’t some raunchy run of the mill sex shed. The automatic doors open up to provide a nice retreat from the summer heat. Your girlfriend was wearing a nice airy summer dress, but even despite that, the sweat was pooling between her breasts, dripping down from her thighs. It wasn’t much easier for you. Thanks to your girly appearance, your girlfriend used to enjoy dressing you up when you were both a bit younger. That hasn’t changed too much. Your girlfriend really enjoys to dress you up in girly clothes, pretending you’re just another cute friend of hers as you’re out on the town. At first you were against it, but crossdressing has become a guilty pleasure long ago. So here you are, wearing your red and black checkered skirt and a white shirt that is already almost see through on account of your sweat. The only thing that’s different from the usual is the fact that she’s also making you wear women underwear. This is certainly a new development, but as it turns out, her jetblack panties are actually quite comfortable. The bra though? Who even makes a bra like this? It’s a bra for people that don’t need a bra. And leaving the nipples exposed? That just defeats the point of a bra! Its no wonder that your nipples are hard the entire time, rubbing against the fabric of your shirt. 
Thankfully the place was completely air conditioned. And surprisingly full besides. There were couples and single women in every aisle browsing the wares. It looks like the ground floor wasn’t really dedicated to the more extreme side of carnal pleasure. The entire ground floor seems to be dedicated to exotic lingerie, dessous, erotic costumes for exotic roleplay, cosplay and just all around normal, yet high class underwear. Its not exactly what you expected. It’s a lot nicer than what you expected, that’s for sure. Another thing that you didn’t expect was Mia. Having not taken 3 steps into the interior of the place you were already detected. And assaulted. Never before have you seen a woman go for a running jump-hug with your girlfriend. Its not something that normally happens to you, but it seems like she was already expecting, consider how easily she catches the woman in her arms, spinning her around and around and around before letting her down gently. She wasn’t exactly what you had imagined when she told you about Mia. About 5’4, hair a shade of black tied up in a neat bun, a nice plump rear with fairly small breasts all tucked into a neat jeans and shirt combo. What’s unexpected about her would be the piercings she flaunted. Her ears were just covered in bling, a ring adorned her left eyebrow, snakebites in her lower lip and a little stud in her nose took all the attention away from the barbell nipple piercings anyone could see as they print through her shirt. A small tattoo adorned her face, just below the left eye. It was small enough to be covered up by a Band-Aid if need be. A black ace of spades with a Q in the middle. The woman was undeniably attractive, but the ornaments in her face gave her a lingering sense of danger. One that instantly 
dissipates as she begins to speak. 
“Oh my god! Its been so long since I’ve last seen you! Look at you, strutting your stuff like that. You’re looking even finer than last time I saw you. Just take a look at those thighs. Just delicious. I’d like to take another peek at what’s between them if you don’t mind. Haha just kidding just kidding. It really is great to see you though. And who is this cute little girl by your side? Just kidding, I can tell you’re mister boyfriend from the way you’re squirming. She’s making you wear panties isn’t she? I already knew your woman was a genuine pervert, but its good to see that she has found someone else to share her kinks. Lets go somewhere a little less crowded and a little more comfortable. I want to hear all about you two. I’ll make sure both of you come out of here entirely satisfied. With a sly grin she gestures both of you to follow her. In a quiet corner on the second floor she had a nice little couch corner set up. One of her employees was bringing you coffee and tea as you sat down in the comfy little part of her toy store. The second floor seems to be what most people would consider to be a “proper” sextoy store. Dildos, vibrators, bondage gear, rope, masturbation sleeves and even stranger things were on display here. “So tell me, what are you looking for today? You already told me a little bit, but didn’t go into any details. Your cute little boyfriend isn’t packing the heat you need and now you’re looking for something to get your rocks off?” She hadn’t said it with malice and yet, knowing that your wife shared your tiny little secret with her friend still stung. Your cheeks flush red with embarrassment over your humiliation. 
“Aww baby don’t be mad. We have to be honest here, that’s the whole point! Mia is not only a very good friend, she’s also the worlds best sex toy expert. Now let me explain. A few days ago I accidentally stumbled on over his web browser and got a look at his search history and of course I was shocked at the start, but I’ve come to realize that we love each other and that we should our lovemaking to the next level. So now we’re here. We’re looking for some fun toys that we can use, maybe some we could use together? See my boyfriend is into a lot of different kinks. He likes to have his anus stimulated for example. Gets him hard and, with a tiny bit of handy help, squirting in an instant. I only used one finger so far, but it I could tell he was just begging for more. What else. Well he enjoys this thing called SPH. Its short for “small penis humiliation”. I don’t know if there are any toys for that but we should keep that in mind while we’re looking. Oh yes cock and ball torture. That’s a big one. There were a lot of videos of women squeezing men’s testicles, putting them in vices, beating them, electroshocking, all of that. There’s got to be a big department for that right? Last but not least: He’s really into cuckolding. Well the fantasy of me getting breed by handsome black men really. We havent tried it, but it does sound very exciting, don’t you think?” With every word your girlfriend said you could see Mia’s eyes light up further. She was already going through a mental list of every toy in her store to see just what would fit you both. 
“You’re in luck. This store has everything you could ever want and more. There’s really no need to be embarrassed. You see my boytoy, really more like my slave, he’s also into all of those kinks. Well not into SPH, he has a 9 incher, but everything else he’s totally into. He’s still a whiteboy so I wouldn’t ever let him get some You should meet him, maybe a double date? We’re actually thinking about getting pregnant but even if I wanted a whiteboy to impregnate me, ugh, I know right, he can’t even produce any swimmers anymore with all this casual testicle torture I put him under. I actually had his sperm checked out a while ago. We did some kinky shit together and I wanted to know if he was even able to produce sperm still. After that one time where I ruptured both of his testicles by stomping on them I felt like having a little laugh and decided to get his semen checked out. What can I say, another whiteboy leaves the DNA pool. What else is new? Anyways, we decided that I 
should just black bred while he watches and holds my hands. Its nice to indulge ourselves. What were we talking about? Ah right, sextoys. Toystore. Yup. Why don’t we start with some of the simple stuff. We’ll find you a nice little toy to stuff your snatch with. That should be a good way to ease you guys into this.” Having completed your tea time, the three of you go on your journey through the second floor. You passed some crazy stuff on the way. Dildo’s so big they could kill a man, dildos shaped like animal penises, horsecocks and dogcocks, buttplugs that could double as traffic cones, you even found some of those hentai bullet vibes you always though didn’t even exist. Eventually you hit the dildo isle that was made with humans in mind. Mia doesn’t need to look for too long before she finds what she’s looking for. 
“This baby right here. Its our best seller and I have to say, for beginners this is definetly the best choice. I mean you clearly havent been stretched out properly lately, not since we were going wild in uni atleast.” Wait what? Sure, your girlfriend attended uni without you, but you were still together during that time. You were the only successful long distance relationship in the world! “Haha look at you squirm mister boyfriend. I was just kidding. Anyways, this one is a nice 8 incher, all of it insertable, with a 5 inch girth. Its actually almost 3 inches longer and half an inch thicker than the average penis out there. Its not the sizequeens choice, but it’ll get you there in time. This one isn’t a real BBC, way too small so it actually comes in different colours but we don’t actually stock those here. This place is black only if you catch my drift.” Your girlfriend is quite happy with what she has, suggesting instead, that the three of you look for something for something you can enjoy. 
“Alright just follow me over here. Now I know you’re still new to anal, one finger in is just like third base, so you’re still a virgin. With anal you gotta start slow. So I’d recommend training your way up. This right here is a set of buttplugs that are great as a starting toy. They come in 3 different sizes. That way you have something to look forward to every time you manage to take one in. Now this right here is our intermediate toy. The missing link between those plugs and your girlfriends new lover. Its more average, only 5 inches insertable length. Nothing a woman would actually feel, but for anal it should be good enough. Once you got this one you can try taking hers. And while we’re at that topic... here you go. It’s a harness. You can put a dildo right there and fuck your partner with it. There’s nothing quite like a relaxing pegging session to reward your sub. Having him impale himself on your massive girlcock. It’s a classic.” With each new item in the bag, the entire thing becomes more real and also more exciting. Just the thought of actually using these toys makes your heart beat so much faster. After purchasing copious amounts of lube, some of it the classic water based liquid lube, some of it a king of butter like lube that’s often used for fisting, as well as a bunch of condoms (gotta keep those toys clean of course), you’re once again back at the sofa corner drinking some tea together. “Thank you so much Ami. Really, this is fantastic. There’s just so many choices! I really do feel like a kid in a toy store. I just wanted to ask, since we’re already here... what about some of the more... special stuff? You know the CBT stuff? I was also wondering if you guys made like... uhm... you know chastity cages and stuff?” Once again your girlfriend surprises you. You hadn’t even talked about chastity at all. You were only supposed to buy some toys so you could masturbate together... “There’s nothing to be ashamed of! Say it loud and proud. Chastity cage. Cock and ball torture. See, the world is still standing. Some people like more exotic stuff, no big deal! Now to answer your question, 
yes we do have chastity and CBT toys. They’re up on the third floor. We actually have some glory holes up there as well, so if your boyfriend ever wanted to get himself a little bit of extra cash, boyholes are in high demand at the moment. He’d have to train a little bit considering how many customers we get every day, but once you get the hang of it, its really a lot of fun. If you’re lucky you can actually get your ass plowed by 7 or 8 cocks on the same day! Imagine having 8 niggers mix and stir their nutbutter inside of your asshole with their thick fuckpoles. Gets a gal wet just thinking about. We’re actually fixing your toys in the wall for their shift so their whole butt sticks out along with their cock. Their hands and feet are also exposed to give our clients the feeling that they’re actually fucking a person, not just a fleshlight on the other side of the wall. So if you’re ever in need of cash, just let me know and I’ll arrange something for you.” Her smile was genuinely heartwarming and if it hadn’t been for the fact that you were an anal virgin boy with a girlfriend and a job, you might have even taken her up on that offer. You take the elevator up to the third floor. While the first floor was bustling, the second fairly full, this one was just plain empty. And it was pretty clear why. This place only the serious fetish stuff. Pins and needles, vices and rubber hammers, urethral dilators and even gear for animal castration. This place was heavy metal. 
Mia led you to another corner of the store, this one bathed in sunlight from the windows right next to it. Infront of the three of you there’s a counter which, according to the sign hanging above it was for “custom made chastity”. Behind the corner a bored youth was busy chewing gum and reading an old vintage bondage magazine. Mia clears her throat to catch the young womans attention. 
“wuh. OH SHIT! I was busy uh... researching. Yup researching into my craft. Dude you know what they say, you gotta start with the greeks and these vintage porn mags are basically the greeks of bondage. Are you convinced yet?” Mia was not. 
“Jade, say hello to my dear friends. You’ll fix them the perfect piece of chastity and then you’ll be coming with me for some... performance reviews.” As she finishes her sentence, Mia bites her lower lip sensually, clearly indicating that these would be some very special performance reviews. The prospect of which got the young lady on her best behavior however. She was quite the beauty herself. Not like Mia or your girlfriend, but she certainly had a charm to her. Her Long black hair was died with poison green highlights all the way down to the tips which were died completely. Unlike your other female companions, Jade was a lot taller, approaching the 190cm (6,2 feet) mark. She was thinner than the other women and her posture was worse, slightly hunched over. This gave her the look of a lanky gal that wasn’t quite certain what to do with her stature. She had the potential to be beautiful in a conventional way if she put on some weight, some muscle and fixed that posture of hers, but convention clearly wasn’t much of a concern to her. Just like Mia, her ears were pierced, not as heavily, but enough to draw attention. Coupled with the pink contact lenses and the two heart shaped pink piercings under her eye, as well as the two poison green piercing on her nose she definetly stood out amongst the crowd. Her studded leather choker, elbow long fingerless gloves and fishnet stockings coupled with some very very short jean shorts made her stand out even further. And those tattoo’s. She had vines adorned with black spades running up and down her thighs and arms, a spade tattoo with a Q on her cheek similar to the one Mia has, A black heart with a little picture of a bunny on her arm and a tramp stamp that read “Snowbunny”. 
“Alright boss! Don’t worry Boss! Dude i’ll like fix them the best belts this place has ever seen. Now like which one of you fine looking ladies is the domme and which one’s the sub? Dude, If I had to guess you’d be the sub little skirt lady. I’m so glad we get more lesbian couples that are into chastity. Its so rare lesbians to really experience their kinky side.” Both Mia and your girlfriend burst out laughing at her nice, but ultimately futile attempts at kink small talk. Jade could hardly believe your girlfriend when she told her who, or rather what you really were. Only when she flipped up your skirt and revealed the small bulge in your panties did she concede defeat. “Dude. I’ve got to say, I’ve seen a lot of guys in my time. A lot of those girly trap types coming in with black masters. Like A lot of cute looking femdudes, but you definitely take the cake. You are, without a single doubt, the cutest man I’ve ever had the pleasure of serving here. Just like come over here and take a seat in the backroom, I’ll have to measure you properly to see what dimensions your cage should have.” What other choice do you have at this point? I didn’t come as a surprise that your girlfriend as well as Mia decided to join you on your little cruise to humiliation central. Having a complete stranger measure you for a cage that’s made to keep your small penis from getting erect? What could possibly be more humiliating. The backroom had an impressive setup. A chair that wouldn’t be the least bit out of place in a gynecologists office dominated the center of the room. Of course the seat of honor was reserved for you. Jade asks you to remove your panties, seeing as how they would block her view of the goods. Without any underwear you take a seat in the chair. With a few nimble movements you’re lying on your back, legs spread out, up and to the side to reveal your small manhood to the three, very attractive women in the room. You really cant be blamed for popping a boner. 
“Aww look at that. Don’t worry babe its only natural for a whiteboy.” “I thought it would be intimidated by us honestly.” Mia said. “Well dude, lets get this measuring started then. I don’t like really need an erect measurement. You are erect right? Just checking since... dude well its not very big. Well let me just check here with the tape. 11,5cm (4,5inch) erect.” Wait a minute. That’s half a centimeter smaller than last time your girlfriend measured you. And you’re definitely fully aroused, there’s no way your cock is going to get any harder than that. 
“That’s half a centimeter less than last time I measured him. Maybe those hormones I started mixing into your food actually started working. Haha no baby I’m just kidding. I’d never do that without asking you first.” “I have to get a flaccid measurement now. Why do guys always do this? Any time I start measuring they always pop a boner. Even the gay guys. Its just so weird. Give me a second I’ll just get some ice to cool this thing down a bit.” “If I may interject for a second.” The question wasn’t directed at Jade, but rather your girlfriend. With a knowing smile she merely nodded at Mia. Having gotten consent from the only person that matters, she swiftly steps between your legs. With one hand she grabs your exposed nutsack and starts squeezing, finger nails digging deep into your scrotum, right into your testicle. The pain is immense and you cant help but screaming. A scream muffled by your girlfriends hand firmly closing your mouth and noise, cutting of your air supply entirely. 
“Shh baby it’ll be over in just a second. I’m here for you baby.” She was right. In just a few seconds that felt like an agonizing eternity, Mia had managed to reduce your erection to a sad little drooping cocklet once again. 
“Dude, I’m not like a specialist on dicks right? But uh you know. I think you got phimosis bro. You got so much foreskin there man, your dick shouldn’t really be covered by it when you’re erect. Just saying. Lets see here. So flaccid you’re like 6cm (2,3inch) long. Let me just get your circumference and the circumference behind the testic- hey stop squirming. I wont hurt you man I swear. As I was saying, the circumference behind testicles and shaft aaaaaaand voila. All done. So this will take a while and, depending on which features you want, I’ll have to adjust your waiting time a little bit. There’s a ton of neat little custom additions to the cage I can make if you want me to. Look at this one here. So this one has a threaded exit right? You can like, put in a little thing that goes into his urethra so he cant weasel his way out of his cage. This one has threaded holes all over so you can like thread in this sharp little screws. Hurts like a bitch when he gets a stiffy. Or so I’ve been told. Alright now this one dude? This one is high tech. The thing itself is electric. You can shock his cock whenever you want. And if you get these pads you can put them on his nuts and shock him right then and there! What will they think of next dude!?” Your wife was a perfectionist. There was no way she would ever settle for second best. Your new cage would come with the full range of custom additions. More ways to torture a mans cock and balls than anyone could ever ask for. Not only that, but she also gave you a freebie as well. A brand new “Sissy in Pink” silicone chastity cage for you to wear while she was busy crafting your new penis prison. 
Last stop of your journey was a very special department. Tools for cock and ball torture were lining the shelves and Mia took great pleasure in explaining and presenting every single one with a little penis replica. It must’ve been the only white dildo in the whole store. The only one that was relegated to display different forms of cock and ball torture. “This one is called “The Humbler”. It traps the testicles in a way that only allows the sub to crawl very slowly as it tugs on his jewels. This one right here is a must have. Its so incredibly versatile. It’s a ball crusher, also called a nutcracker or testicle crusher. You see its very simple. These plates right here, you can get them in wood, plastic or steel, they trap his testicles and with these screws you can adjust how tightly you want the plates to flatten his nuts. We also have attachments with spikes on them, for a little bit of extra fun. Now this one is a little tricky to use. The “cock crimper” is CBT and chastity combined. You put his cock through that big hole and pull his glans through the small one. It angles his cock almost 90° upwards. Getting erect in that is extremely painful. This last one I’d recommend as a duo buy. These hegre dilator rods have a little orb at the end of them so you can insert them into his urethra without having to worry about losing them inside. And this thing right here is for e-stim. Electro stimulation. You can put these pads on his cock, his balls, his ass, the urethral plug, anywhere you want and then you can freely adjust how much electricity you want to run through. It can feel like a pleasurable massage or some harsh kicks to the balls. Its perfectly safe of course, no way to permanently hurt him.” As you turn to leave the aisle your girlfriend comes across some items neither of you had seen before on your internet searches. Curiosity gets the better of her and she asks for guidance from her sextoy mentor. 
“Oh yeah don’t start with those. Those are expert tools. Scalpels, knives, needles and nails. They’re for advanced users only. You know how I told you about my slave and how I had to get him checked out? Well we like to do skewering play. Basically I insert needles right into his testicles. If you know what you’re doing you can actually take these sharpened iron sticks and skewer both testicles on one without permanently damaging them. Well like I said, its crazy fetish stuff and nothing for beginners. I actually have a bunch of ladies lined up for a workshop on how to do it properly without damaging their sub. We had to blow it off since I cant use my slaves testicles as pincushions anymore. Say you wouldn’t be 
interested in making a little money on the side? Hey just asking.” Going shopping with your girlfriend is torture. Literally. Of course she bought all the toys. She didn’t mean to try them out necessarily, but since you’re already there you might as well get them, right? Good thing you get a very good offer due to your friendship with the owner. You feel as though you had gotten to know her fairly well during your little shopping spree and you were almost a little sad to leave her behind as you approach the automatic door to the exit. You both turn to hug her goodbye as your wife notices a peculiar store on the other side of the street, directly opposite of the toy shop. It has the words “Fertility Clinic” emblazoned above the large entrance and you could see happy couples occasionally enter and leave. 
“They call it a fertility clinic yeah, but not in the way that you might think. Its to ensure that the man in the relationship remains as infertile as he can. Really, it’s a hardcore fetish store, for white couples with black masters if you ask me. Sterilization by injection, vasectomy and that kind of stuff they do sure, but the real kicker for most is that they allow the women to castrate their subs themselves. Right there with only local anesthesia while they’re still awake. Castarting their slaves while they get railed by their nigger masters. I always wanted to try it out. Eh maybe one day when the whole getting kids thing has worked out. Anyways guys, have a wonderful evening. Oh and keep me in the loop on your sexcapades won’t you?” 
With that you turn back home, leaving the toystore and the fertility clinic behind. On the way home you incidentally pass by a tattoo parlor. “You know baby, we should get some tattoo’s to celebrate. I’ll get a big Queen of spades tattoo right on my cheek and you get beta of spades tattoo’d above your cock. What do you think?” You look at her for a few seconds before she bursts out laughing at how ridiculous that would be. Yeah ridiculous. As you’re gushing precum from your weak cock, you notice that you left her panties back at the store. Oh well. 
3 - I cant think of any chapter names 
“I don’t know about you baby, but I’m E X C I T E D! Waiting was definitely worth, my panties are completely sticky just thinking about it. No seriously, I’m SO wet right now. Getting all giddy here. Just thinking about having some fun. Just us. You and me. And this beautiful black dildo all greased up. Now let’s see here, what should we start with? “BLACKED RAW: Fashion Week BBC” maybe? I just looooove Haley Reed. I mean just look at her, she is THE perfect snowbunny. Watching her eat this big black thugs ass, getting her pretty pink pussy completely destroyed by his fat black cock and then just hearing her BEG for that creampie? Hhng i just wish it were me... but let’s look at the other options. “Beta bitch gets utterly cucked by BBC” it’s a short one, but I’m always down for amateur porn. I mean professional porn is nice and all, but in the end its just women taking dick for money. I mean sure, they all fuck black men in private while their white beta cuck boyfriends provide for them, but don’t you think it’s just soooo much hotter when it’s an amateur couple doing it? Fair enough, let’s keep looking. “Cuck creampie compilation”, ooh look at that, “cuck clean up compilation” that sounds fund, don’t you think?” Nestled on the sofa, you naked as your name day, her wearing some of her finest lingerie, black satin panties, delightfully see through except for the parts that really count, a wonderful black bra that contrasts beautifully with her pale skin and a pair of black kneesocks with those two cute white accents going around the sock just above the knee, encircling her thighs. Needless to say, she wasn’t just cute. She was an arousing sight that made your little weeny twitch every time you took a glimpse at her figure. Back at the toy store your girlfriend had desperately searched for some BLACKED brand lingerie, a new thong and sportsbra combo specifically, but Mia just had to shoot her down. They’re always gone so quickly they hardly manage to resupply in time. The downside of popularity is what she said... 
Well, to be fair, while she was dressed in her finest underwear, you weren’t exactly completely nude either. When you came back from the toy store, you didn’t quite know where to actually put all the stuff you bought. Your apartment was big, thanks to your substantial salary, you did not however have the luxury of just leaving your toys out and about. Twice a week your maid would come, cleaning and cooking, making the place more presentable for the occasional friend and business partner that came to visit. Not only was she thorough, she was easy on the eyes as well. A young Latina working hard to support her family. One of the best parts however would be the fact that she didn’t mind you stealing a glance at her ass in that uniform of hers. To be fair, it was a mutual agreement, seeing how you never mentioned her stealing glances at your girlfriends ass either. Or those times where she got a little bit handsy with your girlfriend, feeling her up after another hard gym session, cupping her breasts with those tanned hands of hers, squeezing her ass with both hands as they looked deep into each other’s eyes. Sometimes you could see your girlfriend biting her lower lip as she watches your Maid is bent over, cleaning the dust of the lowest shelves. It’s a miracle she didn’t sue you when your wife gave her a little smack on the ass the last time she shuffled past to vacuum the floor. She didn’t really seem to mind at all really. Strange stuff. 
Anyways, there was no way you could just leave all your new toys out in the open, agreeing instead on just stuffing all of it in your bedroom closet. The two of you would only leave out the stuff you would actually need in the very near future. Condoms, copious amounts of lube, her brand new dildo that 
dwarfed your cocklet with its intimidating height and girth and a set of beginner buttplugs for either of you. The rest you bundled together and crammed into the closet. It was tight fit. Really it was a miracle that only one item fell busted out of that unstable pile of sextoys. 
“Baby look. This has got to be a sign don’t you think? I know we didn’t even plan on buying this cute little chastity cage, but the way it fell out just now... I mean it’s the only thing that fell out, so that has GOT to be a sign don’t you think so baby? Aww baby I know, I know. It’s just mean to put your tiny little peepee into a cage, but just think about how hot it’ll be when you get out! Imagine, next week we’ll sit down together, I’ll remove your cage and your mighty strong erection will be able to give it to me like a real man would give it to me! Doesn’t that just sound incredibly romantic? Having you all backed up for an entire week only to release it all for me? Aww please baby, do it for me... I love you baby you’re just THE best! Come here, let me give you a whole bunch of kisses!” Her soft lips connecting with yours was enough to get your hard again which made putting on the cage just that much harder. While it was hardly an impressive erection by any standard, it wasn’t possible to put on the cage with one. The cage was small enough to keep even you contained if put on properly. Her excitement quickly turned into frustration, something that is all too common with her. 
“Baybyyyyyyy you can’t just get your little buddy all stiff like that! I can’t put your cute little cage on if you stay like that. Oh I know! Stay right here, I’ll get some ice.” She returned as quickly as she left, this time with two ice cubes melting in her hand. Sitting Infront of her on the ground, legs crossed, your little stiffy peeks out between your legs, hairless testicles dangling below it. Without so much as a word she pinches your sack with her thumb and index finger, pulling it up enough to allow easy access. With her other hand she quickly maneuvers her other hand below your sack, dipping it into the cold ice, wrinkly skin exposed to the frozen cubes. The sudden shock sends shivers through your body, a quick gasp escapes your lips. Of course your body is quick to respond, pulling up your testicles back into your body to protect them from the cold, leaving behind only your wrinkly sack. Or at least that’s what it had wanted to do. Naturally your girlfriend had gotten ahead of you, switching her grip from simply pinching your sack, to firmly grasping it right below your penis, making any attempts for your testicles to escape a futile endeavor. 
“There’s no escaping lil ones. I’m sorry but I’ll have to freeze you properly or this teeny weeny white boy erection won’t go away...” Having her talk to your testicles seemed to have made the situation a little bit easier, considering how your erection has died down again, leaving your limp cocklet dripping with just the tiniest amount of precum. “There we go baby, you did so well! And it didn’t seem like your little buddy hated it all that much either don’t you think? Now let’s get your little cagie on.” With that said, she once again grabbed your testicles, pulling them through the pink ring one by one. Humming along to an unheard tune she also pinched your cock by the foreskin, pulling it through the tight hole, smiling to herself as she does it. With your dick all small and limp, offering no resistance to her advances, it was an easy thing for her to gently slide the cage on. It felt a bit small and the plastic was cutting into your skin at a few spots. The cost of a cheap cage. With a small *click* the lock closes. “Its soooooo cute! Honestly we should’ve done this WAY sooner, because that thing is just perfect for you. You were always a little bit on the girly side, I mean I know girls that would kill for your bubblebutt. Or those dick sucking lips of yours. Haha no baby I’m just messing with you. But seriously, you really are just the cutest and this little pink cage just makes you that much cuter. Have you considered growing 
your hair out? You should start wearing some of my old clothes as well. Anyways, I hope you’re comfortable! I’ll let you out every day so you can clean yourself, but aside from that its one whole week of not playing with yourself. Can you do that for me baby? I knew it, you really are the best.” The one week was bad. The two that followed were agony. Your girlfriend has a way with words, using her feminine charms in such a way that she always gets what she wants. And just like always, she managed to convince you to stay in your cage for just a little bit longer. Of course she’s right, the longer you wait the better the release is going to feel. If she’ll ever release you... 
Ever other day you two took a shower together, the sight of her gorgeous nude body covered in soapy bubbles, water running down her body, over her nipples, dripping down between her legs... 
Seeing her rub the soap bar over body, running it between her breasts, sandwiching it between those voluptuous cheeks of hers, all of it was enough to drive a man wild. Being this close to her naked form had you straining against your cage every single time. As soon as she bowed down in front of you, offering you a nice view over her smooth back, right at that massive butt of hers you knew it was inevitable. As soon as she unlocked you and removed the cage she was greeted by your stiff cock bouncing in face, something that got a little giggle out of her every time she saw it. 
Just the sight of your frustrated cocklet bouncing up and down in the hot shower, looking for any possible way to get off, each droplet of water was enough stimulation to keep you hard indefinitely. Despite the amazing sights and feeling of temporary freedom, you knew this was strictly business, just a way to ensure that you’ll stay healthy despite the poor conditions set upon your penis by its warden. She did it the same way every time. With two fingers, more than enough for your size, she fixated your penis Infront of her, keeping it at eye level. The perfect height to inspect her toy, making sure its fine and healthy. With the other hand she slowly, gently peels back the foreskin, millimeter by millimeter. Your pale foreskin has always been a bit too tight to fit over the glans but she’s been working hard to fix it. Every little movement further up your penis feels as uncomfortable as it is embarrassing. She knows by instinct just how far she can pull back without hurting you, just enough to have you squirm in her grasp, reassuring her dominance over you. To top of your cleaning she lubes up her index finger with her spit, putting it in her mouth, sucking it, making it glisten with her juices. Gently she moves her finger under your foreskin, stretching it as it moves across your glans in a circular motion. Once, twice and thrice she moves her finger around your glans, making sure to lap up everything you’ve been hiding under your foreskin. The complimentary taste test is a given of course. Her index fingers moves back into her mouth, plush wet lips parting to let it inside, tongue eagerly lapping up all the dirt and grime you’ve been hiding, tasting the sweet and salty taste of years of precum and cockspunk in her mouth, saturating her taste buds with the heavenly taste. 
“Mmh delicious as always baby. You must’ve been leaking bad yesterday huh? Don’t worry it won’t be much longer, I promise. Once you’re back out of this tight little cage we’ll have sooo much fun together. It’ll be about time to give you a real break soon anyways. You know, this might just be me, but don’t you think you’ve... you know... gotten a bit smaller since last week? I mean you were never on the uh... larger side, but lately I feel like maybe your little cock has become accustomed to the cage? Oh well, I’m sure that It’s just temporary.” And so the days continued. Every other day she’d hit the gym hard, exhausting herself with that new personal trainer of hers. You had picked him out for her when she first mentioned the gym coach thing. He had fantastic reviews, exhausting training sessions which would leave YOUR trophy wife panting, yearning for more. Hard exercise aimed at training her in all manner of positions and ways, working on 
her stamina and flexibility. He was great and seeing the sweat drip down his chiseled dark abs just told you that he knew what he was doing. Obviously it was a bit weird that they didn’t allow the boyfriend to participate or even watch their workouts, but seeing her come home, sweating and wet, both of you hitting the shower together to clean her sculpted body and to free you, temporarily, from your cage? It was all worth it. 
4 - Not like anyone cares about chapter names either 
Your cock was straining hard against your cage, the sight of her in those black kneesocks, delicious thighs exposed, her panties barely hiding her slit, their back buried in those massive cheeks of hers, all of it was too much to bear. She had been teasing you for weeks and you were already on the brink. It had gotten so bad you had tried so desperately to reach an orgasm that you resorted to rubbing your puffy nipples, teasing them with your fingers, pinching and lightly twisting them in an attempt to get off, all of it to no avail. All this time without getting off has really begun to wear on you. Before all this you’ve been jerking off a whole 5 minutes a day to big black men giving rough dickings to white bimbo thots, their fat asses jiggly as they pump up and down on the fat meat rods that are stirring up their wet holes. With your current bout of abstinence, your tastes seem to have changed a bit however. Now you try desperately to get off while watching burly black guys plowing the pretty pink buttholes of white trappy fembois in chastity just like you. Watching them twerk on those BBCs, their own erections straining against their pretty cages until they finally erupt, ropes of semen bursting out of their prison as gooey jizz erupts inside of their rectum. Just thinking of these cute sissy bois getting to orgasm by only having their anus and nipples stimulated was enough to get you curious. How good would it feel if you surrendered yourself to black cock like they did? Getting your prostate pounded by thick meaty cocks instead of sitting there, helplessly tugging at your cage, praying that rubbing your nipples could get you to finally get off. Seeing their faces filled with bliss as their assholes are clutching those fat nigger cocks made you wonder, maybe if you would just surrender yourself to the pleasure you could get off just like them? No, no you’re not gay like that. You’re just desperate for relief! And it looks like you’re not the only one that has noticed your desperation. 
“Look at you, getting all excited! I know baby I kept you in there for a little bit longer than we had planned, but its all worth it, believe me. It’s just you, me and all the pornography the internet has to offer! Now lets see what we have here... do you have anything specific in mind? I’m just gonna scroll through the recommendations here... mmh lookie here! “Horny Teenage Slut Eating Black Ass for Free” the description says these videos are made by a couple. Hey they both look pretty cute. Apparently she’s just really into rimming random black guys while he films her. Can you imagine us doing that? Me going out in the street holding up a sign that says “Free Rimjobs for Black Kings <3”, finding some dirty looking guy black hobo and taking him in some alleyway. Unzipping his pants and getting on my knees behind him, seeing his hairy ass and his beautiful asshole. Grabbing his butt with both hands, spreading his cheeks and finally getting my first face full of ass, feeling his butt on my cheeks, planting kisses and more kisses on his anus and all over his rim, making out with his asshole and his hairy cheeks, covering them with lipstick marks to show just where my slutty little mouth has gone. Finally putting my lips on his tight little asshole, tongue going past his sphincter into his rectum, pleasuring him from the inside, getting him completely wet, drenching his insides with my spit. I can just imagine it, sucking his cute anus while pleasuring his cock with my hands, giving him a reach around and fingering his dick with my delicate hands, waiting for him to deposit his spunk all over the alleyway, only to give him one last little kiss on the rim before we leave. Of course I wouldn’t forget about you, my handsome little camera man. You’d get a big smooch in return for your fantastic work, just like this one...” Having your beautiful girlfriend plant a kiss on you while a cute girl buries her face in the ass of an black man on the flatscreen Infront of you was a bizarre, yet highly arousing feeling. Shame about the fact that your girlfriend has decided not to let you out of your cage quite yet. 
“Aww baby I just didn’t want you to cum in the first 3 minutes like you usually do... I haven’t even gotten started yet. Speaking of...” From the desk in front of your rather opulent sofa she retrieves the object of her desire. In a black satin bag she stored her new favorite toy, the fleshy, black 8 inch lust monster the two of you had purchased at Mia’s sextoy emporium. Seeing it there in her hands, the difference in size between this toy and your own little penis becomes clear as day. Even one of her hands was more than enough to handle you, for this ebony lovemaker she needed both of them though. Handling it would be harder than either of you had expected. Your girlfriend was tight, years of exercise strengthening her pelvic muscles to allow for a grip that could actively milk the cum out of any cock that had the good fortune to enter her hot, wet slit. The fact that you didn’t have the equipment required to actually stretch her out yourself might have also contributed. It appears as though your girlfriend was intent on changing that however. Tentatively she moved the toy to her face, inspecting it with the awe of a woman that had never dreamed that cocks could actually be this size. Cautiously, as if she was afraid the toy would come alive, she put the dildo to her lips, wrapping them around the glans, letting her lip flick over and across her toy, getting a feel for its size and girth. Deeper she inserted it, letting her tongue run around the toys girth, letting it hang out, copious amounts of saliva running down the shaft of her dildo. Apparently that was enough lube for her, either that or she simply couldn’t stop herself anymore. With her hands hooked into her panties she slid them off, slowly running them down her powerful thighs, down her legs, until they only hung on to her by one ankle. It was enough for her. Her panties were drenched with her juices, her wet pussy craving stimulation from her new companion. Gently she began to rub it over her slit, stimulating her labia with its length, teasing her clit with ever slide across her wet lips. It was more than she could take. With her saliva and juices as lube she gently set the tip of her toy against her vagina, gently prodding it, parting her labia, savoring the feeling of the toys girth against her insides. Each little movement coaxed another moan out of her, making her writhe in the pleasure of finally getting stretched properly. 
“mmh baby this is... ugh this is great... oh I gotta stop, I gotta stop! Oh wew, I gotta take it out, it’s too much, its just too much. Oooooh there we go. Jeez I swear, this was sooooo worth it. I’m really glad you’re so open to this. Despite being a shrimp dick whiteboy I really do love you honey, I really do. Let me take off that cage and we can see if we can’t have a little fun together.” With a click she removed the cage, your little erection aiming right at her. As always she can’t help but let out a small giggle as she’s watching you squirm, hips bucking trying to fuck the air in front of you. 
“I can see someone is ready to go. Now baby, you know how you’re a bit of a problem with cumming too early? I still haven’t gotten off yet and I want us both to enjoy this together so I’m not going to start pumping your little peepee just yet. Here, let me just rub right there, I promise it’ll feel really good. But before I start, you have to promise not to cum without my permission, okay? Good boy.” With only her index finger she slowly, gently begins to stimulate the frenulum through your foreskin. Just the light touch of her finger gliding gently, round and round at that very small point, occasionally feeling her finger brush against your glans, is enough for your penis to produce a steady flow of precum. Keeping your dick in control with just one finger seems to be easier for her than you might’ve expected, seeing as how she’s already back to browsing for a new video. A few clicks later and she’s back to teasing her clit with her massive toy. She had pulled up a new amateur video on Pornhub. A burly black hunk of a man is busy giving it to a much smaller snowbunny. His entire weight is pushing down on her as he plunges his fat cock into her pussy over and over again, sloppy wet sounds of his dick kissing her womb and the smacking sound of their hips grinding against each other almost drowning out her gasps and moans. Both her legs were in 
the air, toes curling and spasming in sync with each thrust. This petite white girl taking a fat black cock that’s half the size of her, splitting her tight pussy open with its massive girth seemed to be exactly what your girlfriend wanted to see. With more fervor she began to plunge the black silicone dick into her wet slit, biting her lower lips, focused entirely on the musclebound black man rocking this snowbunnies world. Each thrust he took inside of that cute girl was matched by your girlfriend. Thrust for thrust she plunged the cock deeper inside of her, grinding it against her wet walls, rubbing it over her clit only to plunge it back inside even deeper than before. 
It wasn’t long before he reached his climax. With one last thrust he delivered his hot spunk inside of her, shifting all his weight on top of her, pushing her down with his big manly hands, pinning her on to the bed so there would be no escape. He was an alpha male and he would breed her fertile whitegirl womb, whether she wanted to or not, there was no way this little white girl would be able to resist the power of his cock. With his entire length inserted he deposited his spunk, shooting hot ropes of gooey jizz into her womb, one after the other until his nut was running out of her hole, pushing past his cock. With one swift motion he pulled out, leaving a gaping, properly bred sluthole behind. With his desires sated he clearly had stopped caring about the disposable fuckhole still laying on the bed, panting from the rough fucking she had just received. As one character leaves the scene, another enters. Another girl had entered the scene, her brown sidebraid swinging with each step she took closer to the bed. She was another cutie, just as slim and small as the girl that was laying on the bed. Her breasts were smaller with cute puffy nipples, both of them pierce with little metal barbells, her butt was even jucier though, a set of comfortably soft buns with a cute bleached butthole and a sissy of spades tattoo to top it off. Even her face looked like that of a girl. If it hadn’t been for the jetblack chastity cage between her legs, no one could have ever assumed that it was actually a boy that was now laying on the bed, head buried between her legs, tongue lapping up his strong alpha male seed from her gaping pussy, tasting the salty gift this breeding stallion had given the other girl. The stimulation of watching this little lady get BLACKED, coupled with the sensation of your girlfriend gently rubbing your penis was enough to send you over the edge. Just one more second and you’d dribble your seed all over her finger. It didn’t come to pass however, as your girlfriend seemed to have sensed just how close you actually were to orgasm. With her finger gone all that’s left for you is to pathetically hump the air in a desperate attempt to finally cum after those 3 weeks of abstinence. 
“Cumming is not allowed baby. Not without my permission. Aww I know, watching that big handsome black man pound that white girls pussy into submission was probably too much for you. I have to say, I’m a bit jealous of her myself. Having some savage nigger on top of you, only caring about breeding your fertile white womb, tearing you apart, each thrust hitting your womb, his hot cum blasting past your cervix into your deepest parts... mmh... oh don’t worry baby its just a fantasy! Anyways, I think a little bit of punishment is in order. Oh don’t worry I wont hurt you. But I wont help you either. You’re not allowed to stroke yourself at all while we watch this next video. When I saw your search history I noticed some more... extreme videos... beta white boys getting removed from the gene pool, getting their white boy balls, are you really into this cock and ball torture stuff? You’re such a perv! Alright you’re not allowed to touch yourself at all while we watch this one. It’s a punishment so you’re not allowed to enjoy this one, okay?” She had put on another amateur video. It actually looks like it was recorded by the same couple as the video before. You couldn’t see faces, only his lower body and her breasts in that loose t-shirt. He was lying on his back legs spread apart, chained to the bedpost, she was sitting between them, with free access to his genitals, his bindings leaving him no way to resist her torture. 
“Look baby, they have the same vice that we bought at Mias place! No wait, it’s a bit different. Well how different can two pieces of clear plastic really be? Oooooh so that’s how you use it, that’s good to know. So you take the dick, loop it through the hole and just tighten the screws as much as you want? Aww look at the poor little guy all tied up like that. He can’t resists her at all, she could just grind his poor balls to a fine paste with that thing!” And that’s what she did. Almost. Slowly, gently, she turned each of the four screws. One rotation at a time. Slowly but surely his once round testicles became flatter and flatter, getting squished by the vice like genital torture device. Despite his erection, as small as it was, it was clear that he was in quite a bit of pain, as each new turn of the screws caused him to moan and shake his pelvis in a futile attempt to get away from her painful control of his nuts. She seemed to enjoy his struggling however. To muffle his moaning she had decided to switch positions, moving from her sport between his legs over to his face, planting her plump butt right on his face, smothering him with her soft cheeks. “Stop moaning you little bitch! We both know there’s nothing you want more than for me fuck up your nuts. You want me to smash them don’t you? Ruin your little marbels and beat the shit out of your clit dick you little whore? Yeah keep eating my ass you dumb piece of fuckmeat, there should be plenty of fresh cum in there for you, the difference between beta bitch whitebois like you and these big black alpha males is that they just take what they want. They just picked me up and fucked on all over the house, they didn’t even give me a single break, just fat black cocks destroying my tight holes one after the other, completely ignoring my crying and whimpering. If you’re a good girl I might just ask my bull to take your tight little asshole for a spin.” 
It’s hard to say which hurt and aroused him more, her cutting remarks or the steady increase of pressure in his balls. Despite their already impressive flatness, she kept on turning the screws, grinding his nuts down even tighter. It’s hard to say if it was the pain or her ass smothering that caused the guy to pass out, but either way that’s how the video ended. “Well that was... unexpected? This might sound a little bit weird, but don’t those two kinda remind you of... you know... us? I don’t know the guy has your build. Cute face, very cute and also very large butt with a girlfriend that loves him very much? Just really reminded me of us. Well this was supposed to be a punishment for you, but the video was so weird that I actually stopped masturbating myself hehe. Alright this is the one baby. Last video and we both get to climax. You and me together.” It seems as though she had taken a liking to this couple. She kept browsing through their videos, astonished by just how many of them they had actually uploaded and in all those categories too. Most of it cuckold related, her getting spitroasted by black thugs while her boytoy watches, her tormenting his genitals in some sort of CBT roulette game, him eating a thick juicy load out of her abused asshole and finally a bunch of videos of her alone. Seems like she’s a bit of an anal addict considering that all her videos are of her, bouncing up and down on big black, fake cocks, both at home as well as in some... less secluded spaces. Your girlfriend decided to put on another kinky one of her taking her newest toy for a spin in a public toilet, her thick black toy fixed to the toilet seat with its suction cup so she could comfortably bounce up and down on the fake dick, spreading her cheeks and stretching her asshole for her silicone lover. 
“Look at that bubble butt on her. I wouldn’t mind having that sit on my face for a bit huh baby? Oh don’t worry I’m just joking around, I’d never go into a public bathroom to hook up with a complete stranger, having her force me down on my knees, planting her butt on my face, pushing my head against the wall and suffocating me with that fat ass... look at you bucking your hips like that. Are you trying to impregnate the air sweetie? Haha let me actually start the video and I’ll give your little penis some strokies, sound good? Oh my god look at that she’s licking the toilet seat! What a slu- wait a second. That’s not a 
queen of spades tattoo on his ass. That’s a sissy of spades tattoo! That’s not the girl!” She was right, the cute girl down on her knees, running her tongue over the dirty toilet seat, polishing it with her mouth, lips kissing it, worshipping it, wasn’t actually a girl at all. What both of you had mistaken for the woman from the other videos was actually her boytoy all along. It was hard to tell from the thumbnails and previews since they only showed his fat bubble but bouncing on that beautiful black girthy cock, loose asshole sucking it in and grinding it against his prostate. In the video he was wearing one of those black medical masks partially hiding his face which made discerning his gender even more difficult. Seeing him pull the mask over his eyes to worship the seat of a public toilet with his mouth was an arousing sight nonetheless. He hadn’t even taken out his big black silicone toy, but your girlfriend was already back to pleasuring herself. She clearly wasn’t bothered by the bait and switch. Having secured the dildo on the toilet seat with the large suction cup at its bottom, the cute femboi began to fellate the toy, his lips running over the fake cock, teasing the glans, his tongue running down the shaft, pleasuring the fake testicles at the bottom of the toy, the entire dildo covered in his spit, only a single string of saliva connecting his extended tongue to the fat cock in front of him. Your girlfriend was entranced by this display of sissy faggotry, her hands busy pumping her own sextoy deep into her wet hole, plunging it into her deepest parts, its girth and thickness stimulating her walls causing her to moan out in primal pleasure. She had completely forgotten about your cock, instead focusing on her own pleasure and the fat bottomed twink on the screen in front of you both. 
“Look at him taking that fat black dick like a good little whiteboi faggot . I cant believe he only used spit to lube this monster up. Mmh look at him tearing that fucking ass apart baby, there’s no way he can go back to little dicks after this. He must’ve trained really hard to get to that level, stretching his boipussy like that that, I bet it must feel amazing to get his prostate pumped like that, rubbing his little faggot spot with that fat thing. What kind of an absolute buttslut do you have to be to take a fat black cock in a public bathroom. Don’t you think you’d look good bouncing on a cock like that baby? Just think about it baby, if you could cum with your cute butt like him you would never have to leave your cage ever again!” With those haunting words in the air she grabbed your cock between her thumb and index finger. Just her two fingers she began to jerk your little cock, your precum the perfect lube, making her delicate fingers glide smoothly across your dicklet. 
“I’m almost there baby. This fat dick is stirring up my pussy like crazy, every time I ram it in I can feel it pounding against my cervix, agh its hitting all the spots baby. I know how much of a premature ejaculator you are baby, but I really want us to share this high. I’ll count down baby and then we’ll cum together, okay?” 
Just once she glides her fingers up and down your cock, pulling back the skin just a little bit, her gentle touch already enough stimulation to almost make you burst then and there. 
She increased her speed as well, plunging that fat cock into her pussy harder and harder with each thrust, twisting it as she rams it in only to quickly pull back again to prepare for the next savage attack on her womb. 
The third pump almost put you over the edge, the little stimulation of her fingers almost causing your small phimotic premature cock to erupt then and there. 
“2”With a scream she rams the dildo into her pussy one last time, forcing its entire length inside, grinding it against her walls as her thumb circles around her clit in an attempt to draw her orgasmic high out as much as possible. You can hardly hear the 
Through her screams. One last time her fingers pump up and down your cock, gripping it more tightly, almost pinching your little cocklet between her fingers, the pressure of her grip and the pumping motion causing you to go right to the edge. Just a little bit more and you’re there... just before the orgasm hits you, she lets go, using her other hand to rub on her clit as she fucks herself even harder with her dildo. She shudders as wave after wave of orgasm hit her, completely ignoring you for her own selfish pleasure, leaving your cock dribbling your weak watery seed like a faucet, completely unsatisfied from the ruined orgasm you had just experienced. It took her a little while and a few more screaming orgasms to get back to a somewhat clear state of mind. Bliss was written in her face, having finally experienced the mind melting power of a cock of real size and girth. 
“Oh jesus that was great. Oh I just came, I don’t know, atleast 5 times with this beautiful thing. This video... you know baby... watching this cute white boy getting off like that from getting his butt stuffed with fat black cock made me feel a bit bad for you. I got to experience my first orgasm since we started living together and he obviously had fun with a big black dildo like that. What if we started to train your butt just like him? You could have all the fun we just had if we just trained you a little bit. What do you think baby, will you do it for me? Will you let me play with your cute little anus while I keep your dicklet in chastity? I knew it, you really are the best baby! I loooooooove you so much baby!” 
And so began your training to become a sissy white boi buttslut just like the femboi in the video. 
5 - Interracial gloryhole fun Part 1 
“... she really sounded desperate on the phone. I mean can you believe that? Two of her girls just getting sick out of the blue is putting her in such a bind? You’d think she had have some more backup. I guess the second girl was the backup of the first? She’s always been a good friend to me, so I really feel like I ought to help her out here. You should come with me, maybe we can both help out.” Mia did sound quite desperate on the phone. Apparently a few people called in sick and now she’s unable to man a part of her store. Of course your girlfriend was enthusiastic to help her good friend, even if it meant spending one of those hot and heavy summer evenings in a well ventilated store with air conditioning. It was a sacrifice the both of you were willing to make. It was a good way to distract yourself as well. Ever since your girlfriend had allowed your dicklet to dribble its watery cum over her fingers, you hadn’t been permitted to get off, keeping you caged and frustrated instead. Your predicament hadn’t stopped her though. She spent most of her free time either at the gym or at home with her fat black dildo, buried deep inside of her snowbunny pussy, ramming it inside of her, feeling it knock against her cervix with each savage thrust while you sit on the floor in front of her like a good little whiteboi, massaging the fatigue out of her aching thighs, her juices running down her legs as you strain against your cage, precum dripping pathetically through the hole of your pretty pink prison. 
She did take pity on your in a way however. Whenever she wasn’t exhausting herself at the gym accompanied by her gymbunny friends and well acquainted black personal trainers, or pleasuring herself with the beautiful silicone cock she was so obsessed with, she would make time for your pleasure. It wasn’t the pleasure of a man however, not the pleasure of a long, hard, black cock stirring up a fertile, young, white pussy, bestowing upon her womb the gift of his virile dark seed, glazing her face with his sticky cum or having her worship that fat dick and those juicy dangling balls to coax out his hot and sticky gift. No, it was the pleasure entirely unlike that, focusing instead on your soft breasts, twisting and licking your hard pink nipples, letting her tongue run over them until they’re all stiff and begging for more. It was the female pleasure of having your hungry cockhole teased by her fingers, running them along the rim of your anus, pulling on its sides to turn the once round anus into the beautiful pink slit of a real whiteboipussy fuckhole. Feeling a slender finger invade your tight puckered butt, stirring it up to feel the heat of your desire and to rub along all those tender spots that cause you to let out one girly moan after the other, all of these are pleasures reserved only for women and the sissy boytoys that follow them. 
It didn’t take long until just one finger stopped being enough. A real BBC was much, much larger of course. Instead of directly pleasuring your prostate with her middle finger, she had decided it would be more fun to stretch you out and to hopefully let you experience the pleasure she received each time she climaxed. With two fingers she spread your sphincter, stretching it as much as her gentle fingers as possible until she could finally move on to those other toys you bought. Watery lubricant helped the buttplug in its advances, helping it glide as it strained against your tight sphincter. It was hard to relax properly, but with your head on her lap, her whispering soft encouragement into your ear as she played with your nipple was enough to get you to ease up. With her one free she gently pushed the plug into you rectum, the thickest part of it stretching you out until it finally slipped in, a comfortable feeling of fullness now taking its place in your ass. Since then she made you spend all of your time caged and 
most of it plugged as well. Even if you haven’t managed to work up to the medium sized plug, your girlfriend was still proud of her little buttslut. 
And so the two of you, her wearing her jeanshorts cut close enough to show both pockets peeking out of the fabric straining against her smooth thighs and a loose tanktop that hardly contained her breasts, straining against their size only to drop down limply below them. Her long blonde hair was tied down as a ponytail due to the heat which she was quite sensitive to. Sweat was dripping down her arms from her smooth pits, dripping down her face and boobs, pooling between them, absorbed by the tight fabric, colouring it a shade darker with its wetness. She had already gotten a nice tan on this summer and she was set on keeping it for as long as possible by basking her glorious body in the sun whenever possible. Your outfit was intent on doing quite the opposite. A light summer dress coupled with a wide brimmed hat would keep your sensitive pale skin from being damaged by the harsh rays of the sun. This was hardly the real reason why your girlfriend had suggested wearing such feminine clothes however. No matter which pants you had put on, all of them made you feel exposed, made you feel the buttplug stretching your anus, straining against the cloth. Despite her assurances that it couldn’t be seen on account of your bubblebutt, you had decided against those constricting pants and had instead gone for your girlfriends dress suggestion. While it managed to hide any signs of the foreign object in your rectum, it did however make your cage print against the fabric on account of your lack of underwear. Your girlfriend had insisted on this little detail, saying that underwear would simply destroy the lock by shining through the light fabric. It was pointless to argue against her so you had simply accepted her advice as your truth. With her looking like a PAWG, hot and ready and you like her petite girlfriend, both of you were subject to the stares of several groups of young black men. While you were uncomfortable and downright scared of them overpowering both of you, their physique was far outmatching yours after all, your girlfriend enjoyed the attention from the handsome urban youths clutching their fat black cocks through their pants, shouting and whistling as you pass by them. 
Across the opulent adult entertainment palace that Mia, your fiancés good friend, can proudly say is her own, the so called “fertility clinic” is bustling with business. Despite the evening heat, couples could be seen entering and leaving the clinic, some of them going in alone, just a white boytoy provider and snowbunny girlfriend on a stroll to get him snipped, some of them accompanied by a second, much stronger black male. It wasn’t hard to see what he was there for. Dribbling the last bit of their impotent loser semen to their girlfriends and wives getting destroyed by their strong black bulls as any remnant of masculinity and virility is taken from them by either an attractive nurse, a cute doctor or even their own girlfriend, must be a feeling of pure bliss that even the heat cant detract from. Feeling the cold air on your skin was a welcome respite and clearly one of many reasons why the adult toy store was once again bustling with business. It seemed as though your girlfriend was also enjoying the cold air quite a bit, her hard nipples poking through the thin fabric of her tanktop, which drew quite a few stares from men and women alike. It was quite unlike her to leave her bra behind, as it made carrying those heavy milk tanks around would be even more of a burden then it already was. It didn’t take long for Mia to find the two of you, either because your girlfriend called ahead, or because she has security cameras covering every inch of the place. One is about as likely as the other you’ve come to find. 
With the light of the sun setting, Mia’s various piercings, all denouncing her as a slut for black cock, a breeder and racetraitor, a queen of spades snowbunny and worshipper of the church of nigger cock, 
sparkled in the rays of light, their brightness beautifully contrasting her dark hair. Her change from a neat bun to a single braid running down her pale shoulder, coupled with her street wear, a black skirt reaching about halfway down her thighs and a simple black strapless top which only barely hid several vine like tattoos featuring spades instead of leaves. They gave her a more casual look than the last time you had seen her. If the air affected her in a similar way to your girlfriend, she certainly wasn’t showing it, her dark top clinging tightly to her smooth breasts, not a nipple to be seen. Sure, she they weren’t as big as most girls, but it added a certain charm to her appearance, pulling the view more to her picturesque face and hefty butt instead. 
“I’m soooooo glad you guys came! This whole situation got me into a bit of a pickle, I mean who could’ve expected them both to get knocked up in the same month? I keep telling them: Use protection, we can sell the semen later! Semen popsicles, semen sauce, nutbutter for your coffee, etc. all of it ready to be sold to willing snowbunnies, but noooooo, they just had to get themselves rawdogged and creampied by those handsome darksinned thugs. Sure, there’s just something about mindblowing anonymous sex with Black kings, letting them use you however they like, load after load of superior black semen mixed together in your womb... Where was I? Your job, right. No worries, I just need you to fill in for them for one of their small shifts so i can get a replacement for them, should be a one time thing. Let’s just get going and I’ll explain you what you have to do once we’re actually there.” So the three of you went off into the elevator leading to the third floor. The same third floor where Mia keeps the especially kinky gear and sextoys of the weirdest shapes, sizes and uses. Once again your journey took you between shelves of bondage gear, dildos too big to realistically fit into any orifice and devices of torture, genital or otherwise. There wasn’t a soul to be seen here, well except for Jade, the resident specialist in all matters chastity related. You could see her once as you passed between shelves, sitting behind her counter not even pretending to be actually hard at work. 
After a short while you ended up in another corner of the store, behind a doorway sheltered by black satin curtains lays another, slightly different section of the store. “Here we are. Gloryhole alley. Your new home for the next few hours. And again, I’m really glad you agreed to helping out, not a lot of people would suck off complete strangers, servicing their cock and balls while their boyfriend watches... you really are the best friend a gal could hope for. Let me show you around. As you can see, there’s a few doors left and right, these are for different kinds of gloryholes and different “settings” so to say. Sure, a gloryhole is a pretty voyeuristic thing in its essence, but we wanted to accommodate all kinds of people look for quick, easy, anonymous sex, not just the more outgoing ones. So in the end we decided to provide our customers with different sections. Over there you got stalls, each with only one hole, leaving you in complete privacy. Over there you have a specialty of this place: Imagine a room in a room. And now imagine this room had cock sized holes on all 4 sides. And now imagine there’s a pretty girl in there ready to take your fat, backed up loads into her slutty holes while you high five your bros next to you. Amazing don’t you think? All of this is voluntary of course, I pay the girls a good bit of money so they can in turn make a good load of money for me. There’s one exception though, something which is unique to our store. I made a special deal with prisons all over the country and they agreed to send me their cutest boys and girls so they don’t have to care for them themselves. They’re allowed to serve their sentence in our gloryholes instead of actual prison. It’s still meant as a punishment however, which is why you can be a bit rougher with them. Anything goes as long as it doesn’t leave lasting damage or breaks the skin, etc. So if a black man ever wanted to roughly pound a tight white ass into submission with only spit as lube 
while spanking their ass until their bright red handprint remains as a cute reminder of their savage fucking, then they’ve come to the right place. Look here, these are a for our more traditional customers.” In the wall to your left you could see some of Mia’s employees. Or rather certain parts of them. One could only see their hands, feet and a large part of their butt as well as some thigh, jutting out of the hole in the wall. 
The first one, a girl ginger girl from the picture displayed above her butt, was completely and utterly covered in semen, her already pale white skin, glazed with the milky white jizz from ass to toe. Her feet and hands were glistening with seed, while a steady flow of cum oozed out of her abused holes, dripping down her butt and thigs on to the floor she’s hanging over. “That’s Ginger. Its not her real name, but the name came easily. As you can see she doesn’t do the whole condom thing. We have several well hung black men coming every day just to blow several loads over her toes and fingers. Then again we also have enough people that enjoy actually fucking her sloppy holes. This one’s for people that are really into sloppy seconds. You can actually feel your cock pushing the semen deeper into her hole all the way to her womb as you slide in and out of here. Or so I’ve been told. Good thing is that we don’t need to waste money on lube, the cum is great at letting you glide in and out of her ass and it gets more slippery with each deposited load.” The girl next to her proved to be the polar opposite. Both her holes were clean of semen, the only thing dripping being the fluid from her wet pussy. Instead of semen, she was adorned by filled condoms of all colours and load sizes. They were tied to every single one of her fingers and toes and in her hands she held several condoms filled with copious amounts of nutbutter. There were some more stowed away on the ground below her and on a belt that hung around her fat ass. 
“Yeah she’s really into the whole “safe sex” thing, which is fine since some of the customers really dig it. Sometimes they have competitions to see who can dish out the biggest load. The best thing is when they stuff the filled condoms deep in her pussy or ass and some unknowing guys cock is met with a filled condom instead of her cervix. Funniest shit you’ve ever seen.” The last occupied spot was a bit special as it was reserved not for a woman, but a femboi instead. His small cock was hanging limply between his fat ass and the wall Infront of it. His tiny, atrophied whiteboi cock was complemented well by the gaping fuckhole between his ample white cheeks which was also oozing semen, running down his ass and over his balls until it dripped down on the floor. Unlike the girls before, this hole had a special device hanging next to it. A buttplug the size of a small fist was hanging down next to him, a chain affixing it to the wall. With a sigh Mia took the plug and, after coating it in a bit of the dripping semen, shoved it back into the boys stretched asshole. A faint moan could be heard from the other side of the wall. “I keep telling these dumb monkeys, “Put the plug back in when you’re done!” but do they listen? I should put up a sign. If he’s not plugged he won’t be able to take their cocks properly and then no one gets to have fun with him. I mean what do they expect? Women were born to be fucked by fat cocks, they were made to be pushed down and abused by strong men, but this faggot? Sissy whiteboys are made. Sure, they were born weak, not like real men at all, but to become a semen slurping faggot fucktoy? For that they really have to be molded by cocks. The first one usually isn’t enough either, it has to be BBC after BBC after BBC until they simply cant live without them anymore. But even then, practice makes perfect, use it or lose it. And even a permagaped fuckhole like him needs to be stretched and warmed up properly before use. Well then, here we are. Like I said, this is for beginners so you don’t have to worry about those cumdumps out there.” 
Leaving her workers behind, the three of you make your way to your girlfriends new workplace. After a few more twists and turns and several more used up gloryhole sluts, Mia finally led you into the place destined for the two of you. It wasn’t a very big room, enough for the three of you to sit and stand in comfortably, but without any furniture. There were only two defining features to this room: The Flatscreen TV that covered the walls (which exclusively played videos of gloryhole sluts getting fucked by gorgeous looking, thick cocks, gooey semen splattering over their faces and baby batter fucked deep into their whorish holes) and the holes this place was known for. There were several of them on the unoccupied walls, usually on different heights, perfect for gloryhole snowbunnies of all sizes to comfortably suck and fuck without having to worry about awkward angles and exhaustion from strained fucksessions. “And here we are. Now before we get started, there’s just a few small details we have to address before you start. First of all, put this on. This is a special choker only available at our stores. It’s as high quality as it can get and you won’t be able to find one as great as this anywhere else. Go ahead, put it on!” It was a tight fit. The dark material the choker consisted of was a great contrast to your girlfriends pale skin however and the way it subtly dug into her throat, constricting it just the tiniest bit, slightly digging into her beautiful skin, it was a sight to behold. Each movement made the spade wrought out of dark steel reflect the light duly. “There we go and now put on this lipstick. I know you have gorgeous lips even without it, but believe me, its important.” Purple lipstick was a new thing for her. She had the puffy lips that seemed to signal to any black man just how nice they’d feel, wrapped around their big black cock, plush DSLs worshipping them, her nimble tongue just another part of her cockmilking suckslut mouth. With her purple lips she got a bit of a goth vibe, creating a bit of a dissonance between them and her otherwise blonde hair and blue eyes, a dissonance which practically shouted that this lipstick was for a special fetish, a way to seek the attention of any fat cocks in her vicinity. Like a call to arms that screamed: FUCK MY MOUTH I’M A SLUT FOR NIGGER COCK! 
“Perfect. You really are beautiful. Have you ever thought about getting some piercings? Or a tattoo? You know Ami is actually a great artist and she can just whip you up a quick little piece of bling or ink. We even offer a black breeder barcode that lets people see your pregnancy and ownership status with their smartphones. Where was I? Oh yeah right. So this is important. The choker is part of our daily competition system. If a guy’s cock is powerful enough to bulge out your throat in a way that causes your choker to snap off, he gets a fantastic reward from the store! It’s an incentive for black guys to come back to the store. There are enough gals out there willing to pay just to worship a fat black cock and a pair of deliciously large testicles you know. We’re just trying to find the right guys for the job and this is a great way to do it. You know mister boyfriend, if you’re interested you could try it out yourself. Haha I’m just kidding, we all know what kind of little surprise you’re packing. Compared to the kinds of cocks your girlfriend gets to service today, it might as well be a clitty. Whats the lipstick for? Oh right, yes that’s also important. Our customers like it when they can see just how hard you’ve worked for them. Before every cock I want you to apply a generous amount of lipstick. They want to see your lips mark their cocks and I want to see it too. Speaking of seeing it. Mister boyfriend, this right here is your job. I need you to film the entire thing. We’re using it as promotional material for the store. Huh? Of course this won’t go on the internet. No this is just for the store. You worry too much bitch boy, your girlfriends chastity is assured. Just do as I say or I’ll make sure she’ll 
never let you out of that cage again... Haha just kidding, don’t be so serious!” 
With that Mia was gone and the two of you were left alone, her looking like a pseudo goth whore and you as the camera man of a very special porn movie. 
6 - Interracial gloryhole fun Part 2 
Both of you were a bit uncomfortable. Mia never said anything about your girlfriend cleaning black cocks for the whole day. Both of you had assumed it was maybe a cashier job? Something less... lewd at least. There’s no way that your girlfriend knew of this deal after all. No way at all. She would never have agreed if she had known, right? As if to break the atmosphere, the first cock appeared through one of the gloryholes. It was safe to say that both of you were in a bit of a shock. And in awe. It was a magnificent example of a beautiful, fat, veiny, uncut black cock. A pair of fat dark balls were swinging below it, both of them waiting to be serviced by your girlfriends eager mouth. As if unsure how to proceed, your girlfriend awkwardly approached the slab of dark man meat in front of her. Gingerly, insecure, she examined the monster in front of her. She was raping it with her eyes, fondling his fat balls and glans with her stares. She was a mere inch away from it, her ragged breath hitting the dick in front of her face. As if surprised, her new lover jumped up a bit, clearly enjoying the sensation of her cockhungry breath on its skin. 
It was the push that your girlfriend needed. With all her courage she planted a shy kiss on the strangers tip, still covered by a strained bit of foreskin. Again he jumped and again your girlfriend began her advances, getting more bold with each move. With her hands she began to feel up his manhood, moving them up and down his mighty shaft as she gently moved her tongue over his glans. She could sense how much her new lover was enjoying her gentle touch, the tongue that was supposed to be only for you now stimulating the head of his veiny cock. Her hands were now slowly jerking him off, gliding over his shaft from the balls to the glans, her tiny mouth filled completely by the massive cock in front of her. It was as if she was trying to milk his virile black semen right out of him, milking it right into her eager mouth, hot and ready for the salty load he was sure to gift her. With each stroke and each flick of her tongue across his glans he got more and more erect, the already impressive meatrod getting even bigger inside of her wet mouth. It gave her the confidence she needed. Any trace of restraint went away as she tried to take him inside of her, deep down into her throat. It would have been impossible for a normal woman to throat such a massive piece of cockmeat and yet, like a true snowbunny, your girlfriend managed to take almost half of him inside of her, her throat bulging from the mass as she was getting squeezed between her tight choker and the fat cock. It clearly wasn’t enough to snap her newest accessory however. Even has she slowly bobbed her head on his cock, massaging it with her throat, her entire cock getting massaged with each swallow, even with her help it wasn’t enough to snap her choker. It didn’t take long for him to finish. A fat salty load of cum shooting directly into her throat down into her stomach. Only the spit connecting his cock and her lips was an indicator of the tender deepthroat you had just caught on camera. 
It was clear she was enjoying herself. It was her first time sucking off a real cock after all. Even if you had tried to talk to her, she wouldn’t have heard you. She was busy removing her pants, revealing a dripping wet spot in her panties. A pair of panties that was quickly discarded as she began furiously rubbing her wet pussy. She would have brought herself to climax, rubbing her swollen clit with her thumb as she fucked herself with another three fingers, if there hadn’t been a new client. Neither of you had expected them to come and go this quickly but here he was, a new cock hanging 
inside of the room. This one was different from the one before. Where the first cock was nice, big and clean, this big black nigger cock was clearly in need of a tongue bath. He was larger than the cock before, but this one had foreskin covering him completely and the musky smell of ballsweat and cum was permeating from it. Mia had mentioned something about a special cock cleaning deal that only the more degenerate customers would take advantage off. Some of them wouldn’t wash their cock for a whole month, only to have it cleaned by the mouth of a pretty young white girl, her tongue lapping up all the cockgrime that had collected. This was clearly one of them. As she peeled back his ample foreskin, she was greeted by a month’s worth of stale semen, smegma and a stray pube, all of them adding to his manly, musky cock scent served to put her brain into the state of a cockhungry suckslut. The sheer manliness of his smell was enough to put her into a state of arousal that you had never seen before. Where she was simply wet before, she was now gushing with her feminine juices, her pheromones mixing in the air with his manly scent. The smell itself was intoxicating, turning your fit fiancées mouth into a fuckhole for his dirty, smelly BBC wouldn’t be very hard for him. Already her mouth was agape in shock and arousal, her tongue lolling out getting closer and closer to him as though her mind was possessed by the thought of cleaning his nasty nigger dick. This time she was less gentle, less restrained. Pulling his foreskin back as much as possible she revealed all of the nasty cockspunk he had saved for her. It was impossible, she had to taste him, she had to get a taste of his smegma loaded glans and the backed up load he was keeping in those fat balls of his, there was no way she could ever pull back now. 
With the enthusiasm of a true cock cleaning whore she went ahead and circled her tongue around his glans, taking in all the smegma and old, stinky semen in one fell swoop, depositing it all on her pretty pink tongue. It didn’t seem as though she was aware of you or the video you couldn’t help but take of her unbridled cock lust, yet still she acted as though she truly was the star actress in her own porn movie. Like a true professional whore she held out her tongue, displaying his nasty spunk on it for the camera, before pulling it back, savoring it in her mouth, coating her taste buds with the unique, salty taste of his unwashed cock. She dipped her tongue into his nigger nut one last time before swallowing all of it in one go. He couldn’t see her display of wanton hedonism, a pretty young girl enjoying the taste of his month old cockspunk, yet still his cock was rock hard, harder and much bigger than yours ever was or could be. He was even bigger than the guy from before! You weren’t the only one that had noticed his size. Your girlfriend had already swallowed his smegma and was now busying herself with his fat cock. With the glans cleaned, she moved on to worship the rest of his cock, dragging her tongue across his length, up and down, tasting the sweat on his skin as she pleasured him. Her spit was beginning to coat his entire length, making her tongue glide across his man meat down to his balls. With his cock glistening with her saliva, she moved on to his heavy balls, kissing them, worshipping them with her mouth, sucking one of them in, holding it inside the warmth of her mouth. It filled her mouth to the brim, yet she somehow managed to glide her tongue across it, sandwiching it between the fat testicle and her plush lips. She quickly switched to the other testicle, sucking it in and giving it the same treatment, licking every fold of his heavy scrotum, sucking in his ballsweat, truly worshipping his heavy dangling testicles with her mouth. It was as if hundreds of years of oppression were being rectified in this very moment. A fertile young white girl down on her knees, practically begging to clean the cock of her black master as her white boyfriend watches. 
Not just his smell is intoxicating. Tasting his cockspunk and heavy, wrinkled ballsack in her mouth just 
made her pussy gush all the more. She needed to feel him in her mouth, feel his lengthy and thick shaft pulsating in her mouth as he gushes rope after rope of thick smelly semen into her hot belly. Neither of you were sure whether the head of his enormous cock would even fit into her mouth, but she sure was going to try. She nearly had to unhook her jaw to truly take his girth into her hot, greedy mouth, but it was certainly worth it. She stretched her lips, her mouth, her jaw to accommodate his size inside of her, getting more comfortable with the man meat in her mouth with each second. It was already glistening with the saliva she had so liberally applied to his shaft with her tongue, but it wasn’t enough spitlube for her to pleasure him with her throat. She needed to feel him though, push past her tongue deep into her, to be used as nothing more than a pocket pussy for his superior cock. Once again she began to prep his meaty glans, covering them in her saliva, her tongue circling around his entire girth, or at least the part she had managed to get inside of her cute little mouth. There seemed to be no back and forth for her as she had resigned to lube him up properly with her spit, he however had other plans. Suddenly he pulled back, almost freeing his cockhead from her greedy mouth. As she rocked her head forth to take him back, to fill the void his cock had left in her mouth, he bucked his hips forward forcefully, ramming it past her mouth, deep into her throat. Her eyes opened in shock and awe at the thick sensation inside of her throat. He had proven to her that she was able to take him, that all the deepthroating she had done on her favorite dildo had worked, that her gag reflex really was gone for good. All of these thought would have ran through her head if she hadn’t been busy gagging on his massive black meatstick. 
Unable to grasp her head, unable to force her into servicing him as a thug like him would usually do, he could only stand back and let her take her pleasure out on him. With new enthusiasm she began to service him, bobbing her head back and forth, throating him ever deeper with each movement, gagging herself on his length. Her wet, hot throat constricted around him as she swallowed, wringing his cock with the slimy muscles of her throat and oesophagus. Her throat was bulging more and more the deeper she gagged herself on his thick cock. Her choker had already been strained by her fist customers cock, but this one truly knocked it out of the park. Each movement, each time she pulled back and throated his meaty dick her throat bulged out until it finally happened. With a *rip* her choker snapped off of her throat, tumbling down her back. She hadn’t even noticed as she was still busying herself with his man meat. Without the tightness of the choker constricting her throat, she was free to service his cock properly. She took his length in its entirety, forcing it down her tight, wet throat inch by inch until his balls hit her chin, the deepest part of his cock already cutting of her air supply. She did not back off however. With him all the way inside of her she proceeded to milk his balls dry with her mouth. With each swallow her oesophagus constricted, massaging the entire length of his cock, enveloping it in her warm wetness. Slowly she bobbed her head back and forth, intent on stimulating his glans with the very end of her throat. Her eyes were beginning to tear up, reddening from their lack of oxygen and the rough throatfucking she was forcing upon herself. The camera took it in perfectly, every single pixel taking in her blissful face, mascara running down her cheeks, saliva running down her lips, dropping down from her chin. 
With one last bob of her head he erupted. Thick ropes of nigger jizz were shooting down her throat into her aching belly. A month’s worth of smelly semen was gushing out of his cock, the jelly like seed clogging up her throat forcing her to swallow or drown in his nut. She had no choice but to choke herself on rope after rope of his nut, each shot heavier and more virile than the last flowing down her oesophagus. She did her best to swallow all of it, but even she was unable to take it all in, her cheeks bulging out as his never ending loads of semen pushed past the cock lodged deep in her throat. You could be proud of your girlfriend. Despite gallons of cum now gushing in her mouth, she didn’t let a 
single drop spill during this time, opting instead to swallow as much of his gift as she possibly could. Again and again his cock pulsated until finally he was done, his balls spent and her belly knocked up with gallons of his semen. Slowly she pulled her head back, making sure the tight seal of her lips gripping to his cock wasn’t broken, making sure not a single sperm would leave her mouth while his cock was still inside of her. Gently she pulled back again, lips pursed as she pulled the massive, semen stained, slimy cock out of her mouth. Quickly she planted one last kiss on his tips, her cheeks still bulging from the mass of semen he had deposited. Clearly he was satisfied, pulling out of the gloryhole had had previously occupied, his cock still messy with his semen and her spit, looking as though he had just finished nutting deep inside the womb of another snowbunny who had thrown herself at him, begged him to please please please breed her black. It wouldn’t have been the first time for him. With his cock out of the picture her attention shifted back to you. Well not you, the camera was the real focus of her attention. Gently she opened her mouth, parting her lips to let his potent semen dribble down her lower lip, the sheer mass of jizz still in her mouth slowly flowing down her chin, staining the expensive top you bought her some time before with his gooey seed. Her face was an absolute mess, covered in spit and semen, the little amount of makeup she wore smeared all over her face from the harsh deepthroating session she had just forced upon herself. 
She serviced several more men that day, each less impressive than the monster cock that had snapped her choker. Each still more than double your size. Her belly was filled to the brim with the superior seed she had received earlier, feeling is slushing around inside of her, making her feel as though she was about to burst. She had opted to not swallow any more semen that day, getting facial after facial instead, until she was glazed from top to bottom with the thick semen of several well hung strangers. It didn’t feel as though a lot of time had passed, but eventually Mia came back in to signal the end of this special shift. 
“Looks like someone had fun. You’re absolutely covered in cum you know that? It actually looks good on you. Reminds me of the good old times. Hey boyfriend, did you get some good footage? Let me take a look at that... Wow I must say, you have an eye for this, these are actually really good. No shacky nonsense, just all the action perfectly encapsulated and preserved on film. Man look at that choker pop off, that’s just beautiful. You should try working for BLACKED. Well BLACKED RAW would fit your style more I think. Now I have to say I never expected anyone to actually break your choker, but this is a special circumstance. You see usually when someone manages to break one of our girls chokers they win an All-You-Can-Breed 24h black breeding session with the girl they broke in. It’s a no holds barred, everything’s allowed, no condom, no pill, lube and sextoys supplied by the store kind of fuckfest. White privilege and white identity erased by the big black bull cock pumping his semen into her fertile whitegirl womb... But that’d be a bit unfair considering you’re just here to help me out today and I wouldn’t want to force anything on you. Plus that guy that broke you in today? Yeah he actually works for the store in the ladies section. Women actually come here to gag themselves on his fat cock. He shouldn’t even be allowed to fuck here, but he probably thought he could just take advantage of my poor newbie friend and her defenseless loser husband. His thoughts, not mine obviously. So don’t worry, I wont force you to do anything you don’t want to do. I wouldn’t want mister boyfriend here to watch you get plowed for a whole day after all. What kind of boyfriend would even allow their woman to get bred by some random guy, am I right?” 
Of course you expected your girlfriend to say no. Sure the idea of her having sex with black men had 
been on both of your minds and you had talked about it before. It’s the whole reason you went to this store in the first place. But she wouldn’t just go ahead and do it without getting your okay first. She was clearly conflicted. Her bare pussy was still drenched, her own wetness having mixed with the seed that had dripped down her body, the combination of her juices and the strangers cum creating a thick lube she had used to rub her aching clit. She needed to get dicked down. Hard. But she persisted. Of course she wouldn’t do such a thing to the boyfriend she loved so dearly. Instead she would go back home to her favourite black dildo, using it to ravage herself, to knock on her cervix with the massive piece of silicone as the two of you watch the video of her gagging on black cocks together. She put her panties and shorts back on. Turning to you again, she planted a big kiss on your mouth, her tongue pushing past your lips and meeting yours. Her semen stained kiss tasted salty. It tasted sweeter than anything else. 
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mistymark · 5 years
the one with all the ajax.
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na jaemin x reader // 4.5k words // masterlist // send requests here
summary; in which y/n needs to clean her apartment and she finds a lot more than cleaning products in the apartment above her own
warnings: none its just fluff, they swear like twice
requested; no but u all requested jaemin so here's some jaemin !!
notes; this is a recreation of a Jimin fic I wrote,, so dont freak out if u recognise it,, I didn't steal it
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“Yes, Mom, I know,” you spun in your chair mindlessly as you listened to your mother over the phone, the face of Ryan Reynolds frozen rather unattractively on your TV screen and your current course assignment staring blankly at you from your laptop. “Yes, of course I remembered! You wrote it on my calendar the last time you visited! Okay, Mom, I’ll see you tomorrow… tell Dad I said hi, okay? Okay, okay, yes, okay, uhuh, I know, okay, bye! I love you!”
Hanging up, you groaned, tossing your phone to the empty couch and glancing at your apartment. The sink was overflowing with dirty dishes, the oven and stove looked as if they had been set on fire at least twice, the couch was littered in crumbs of food you’d ordered from takeout stores, and their wrappers, boxes and containers lay empty on the coffee table. Movies and video games were sprawled across the floor, your desk was buried in paper, and your bedroom floor was barely visible beneath the catastrophe that was your current wardrobe and the boxes you hadn’t bothered to unpack since your parents had last visited you. Generally, you considered yourself a rather clean and tidy person, but in the past few weeks leading up to exams and your assignments, you may have prioritized other things over your apartment’s cleanliness.
You glanced at the clock, calculating how much time you had to get your place in order before your parents visited. You had just under 22 hours, but subtracting time to sleep, eat, your afternoon class and your evening work shift… you had about two hours. You clapped your hands together, walking to your kitchen sink and opening the cupboard doors underneath it, planning on using all your cleaning supplies to make the job as easy as possible.
As you bent down and peered under the sink, you groaned in annoyance at the meagre remains of your cleaning supplies; a few tile wipes and a mostly empty bottle of dish soap, which, when you tipped it up, seemed solidly attached to the base of the bottle.
You grabbed your phone from the couch, praying your best friend loved you enough to help you in this time of distress, and dialled his number. After three rings and Yangyang’s voice letting out a cheery “leave me a message!”, you sighed and put your phone back down. It was at times like these that you wished you lived in one of the college’s normal dormitories, rather than a random apartment block two streets away; your neighbours were mostly disapproving elderly women or drunk, potbellied men in their 30s who would flirt with you in the elevator.
You grabbed your keys in preparation to make a quick dash to the store, before realising that there was one other option. The two boys who lived above you, from whom you had the honour of receiving brief smiles and polite ‘hello’s on the way to and from your apartment, sounded like they were home. Taking the stairs two at a time, you knocked eagerly on the door of the apartment above your own, smiling at the little fish-eyed hole in the door. You prayed your innocent, smiling figure would be taken pity on.
“It’s probably the pizza!” A muffled voice could be heard through the door, and you weren’t sure if it was from the thick door or from food being stuffed into the boy’s mouth that made it so difficult to understand.
The door opened abruptly, and a boy around your age blinked at you in surprise, before a lazy smile stretched across his face at the sight of you.
“Um, hi, I’m Y/n,” you hastily stated, waving awkwardly, “We haven’t officially met. I live in the apartment below you and I was wondering if I could borrow some cleaning supplies? It’s kind of an emergency.”
“Jaems! Who is it?” A deep voice called from within the apartment, and you recognised it as the boy who had yelled about the pizza delivery beforehand.
The boy in front of you – Jaems – raised his eyebrows in surprise, but nodded as he stepped aside slightly. “Yeah, um, okay,” he quickly turned to face his apartment, gesturing to the inside, where two other boys were situated on the couch in front of the TV. “I’m, uh, Jaemin. Come in, come in. This is Jeno and Donghyuck; Jeno’s my roommate and Donghyuck doesn’t actually live here, but he’s the one that makes the most noise.”
“Hey!” One of the boys on the couch, presumably Donghyuck, threw a potato chip at Jaemin, and you could hear Jeno scolding him as you shifted your attention back to the boy in front of you.
Jaemin walked towards the kitchen and you followed, noticing, rather abruptly, that the apartment you were standing in was pretty much exactly like your own. The layout was the same, and though the decorations and the furniture were different to yours, they were arranged very similarly. The boys on the couch, Jeno and Donghyuck, were so focussed on their game that they didn’t even look at you, shouting to Jaemin to bring them more snacks.
“So… if you don’t mind me asking, what’s the emergency that requires all these cleaning supplies?” Jaemin opens a cupboard in the kitchen, revealing a much more sensible-looking collection of spray bottles, wipes, paper towels and bottles. Jaemin gestures to them dismissively, in a take-whatever-you-need way.
You smile gratefully at him as you squat down and begin to rummage through the collection. “Well,” you speak into the cupboard as he leans against the kitchen counter casually, “my parents are coming to visit me tomorrow morning, and, um, I guess you could say my apartment doesn’t exactly entice guests at the moment.” You look over your shoulder at him, and you can see that he has a very amused smirk on his face, and the way he looks at you suddenly makes you feel as though you’ve been friends for a while, or at least properly met before.
“I’ve seen you around,” he states, as if he’s just been able to place you. “Mail room and stuff.”
“You were at the New Year’s Eve Party next door, right?” You ask, remembering seeing him on the roof of the building next door, where the residents threw parties on the roof at every opportunity. You were almost certain he was there.
He laughed, “Oh yeah! Didn’t someone try to jump into the pool?”
“Nah, they got him down in the end. He was way too drunk to think straight.” You look back at him briefly, and you notice the way his eyebrows are furrowed slightly in thought.
Satisfied, you stand up, your arms filled with the equipment you’re positive you’ll need and smile at him thankfully, “Again, thank you so much for this, I feel like our first proper meeting should have been a little bit more traditional and I promise I don’t normally ask strangers for favours.” You laugh and you’re glad he does, too, before he raises an eyebrow at the number of things you’re holding.
“Okay, I have to see how messy your apartment is for you to need two – wait, no, three bottles of Ajax,” he snorts, counting out loud the number of other things you have in your arms.
Without realising he’s teasing you, you reassure him, “I promise I’ll replace everything in a few days, I just really needed these before tomorrow and I didn’t want to waste time running - literally running, I don’t have a car - to the store.”
He waves his hand at you, smiling good-naturedly. His smile felt reassuring and you felt yourself smiling back, “No, no, don’t worry about it. The only payment I require is seeing this apartment.” He pushes past you into the hallway, outstretching his arm to hold the door open for you.
As you both trot down the stairs, you nudge him with your elbow, “So, why do you have so many cleaning supplies, anyway? Who’s the neat freak?”
Instantly, his smile drops slightly and you realise your mistake. Hurriedly, you try to cover yourself, “I just mean, who’s the one that clea-”
His laugh cuts you off and you realise he was only teasing you, “You should’ve seen your face, oh, God,” he continues to laugh. “No, one of the counsellors, like those ‘big-brother’ students at our college - do you have one? - his name is Taeyong, he’s a real… neat freak, as you put it.” He glances at you from the corner of his eye to watch as you make yourself smaller, blushing, ashamed. The tiniest of smiles crosses his face as he shoves his hands into his pockets and continues, “Anyway, after our first year was over, and the program ended, he made us buy like ten bottles of everything so we wouldn’t run out and just never buy them again.”
You laughed, “Aw, that’s sweet.” As you arrived at your doorstep, you turned on him, lowering your voice in what you hoped to be a morbidly warning voice, “Okay, I’m warning you, what you’re about to see will most likely disturb you. Enter at your own risk.” You unlocked the door and walked into your apartment, dumping your weapons on the table and turning around slowly, attempting to figure out the most strategic attack.
You heard Jaemin gasp in shock and then begin to laugh so hard that he fell to the floor, “Y-you said that it was r-really bad but I,” he laughed between most of his words and what he said came out in gasps, “I didn’t think it would be this bad! Y/n, you’re really screwed.” He walked to the kitchen and picked up a half-eaten apple and what looked to be a hairy potato on a paper plate, “Forget cleaning supplies, you need a dump truck, holy shit.”
You pouted at him, “Hey, I have over an hour to make this place spotless! I’ll be fine!” You began to put on a pair of rubber gloves you had taken from Jaemin’s apartment and remove all the filthy dishes from the sink to fill it with hot water. “I really do appreciate you letting me borrow all this, and I promise to return and replace everything.”
You heard rubber gloves snapping behind you and you turned around to see Jaemin pulling another pair on, grabbing the dishwasher fluid and tossing it to you. “There is no way that you are going to be able to clean this mess in an hour, so I’m going to help you. But, I need to arm myself first.” You let out a laugh as he grabbed an apron from beside your fridge that read ‘kiss the cook’ in pink stitching, tugging the rubber gloves further down his hands and placing a mask over his nose and mouth, before quickly ditching the latter.
“Do you want a shower cap, too?” You teased, pointing a clean knife at him from your spot by the sink.
“Do you have one?” He answered, his eyes wide in mock hope, pausing what he was doing: trying to get the apron’s straps to loosen around his neck, before tying it behind his slim waist. With his waist accentuated, you couldn’t help but notice the perfect shape of his body, that you had gone unnoticed as it was hidden by the white t-shirt he was wearing.
In response, you stuck your tongue out at him in an all-too-mature way, before straightening, “Seriously, you don’t have to do this. I mean, we did just meet like… ten minutes ago.”
He shrugged as he pulled out a bin bag from your haul on the counter, “What better way to get to know the cute next door neighbour?” You stopped washing for a moment and you were glad that you weren’t facing him, for you were fairly sure the blush on your cheeks was rather obvious. Besides, he could be talking about you getting to know him, not the other way round.
He began to walk around your apartment, firstly binning your apple, furry potato and plate, then the takeout boxes, and the leftover banana peel on your desk. He hung the bag off a chair for future use and then appeared beside you again, mindlessly tapping on the counter as he spoke, “So what’re your parents like?”
As you continued to clean, he grabbed a rag from somewhere in the kitchen and began drying your dishes. “Well, you know, they’re parents,” you shrugged, “I guess we’ve always been kind of close, I miss them like crazy now that I’ve moved out, even if I hated living with them. They’re kind of strict, real neat freaks,” you glanced sideways at him and caught the left side of his mouth hitching up in a smile, “but, I mean, they’re my parents and I love them. They worry about me sometimes,” you gestured around the room, “but I guess it’s warranted.”
You laughed with him, and he looked at you quickly before focusing back down on the plate, asking about what you were studying and the conversation quickly drifting to your hobbies, places you’d visited, things you still wanted to do… Conversation with Jaemin was easy and simple, and you hoped this wasn’t going to be the last time you saw him.
You passed him a bowl and turned to him, grinning, as you allowed the dirty water to run from the sink down the drain, having finally finished the dishes, “We should put on music. Make this a little more fun, you know?”
He pouted jokingly as he dried the bowl, “You’re not having fun?”
You laughed as you hit his chest lightly and walked over to the small speaker buried under piles of paper and bills on the small side table by your front door, and then dancing over to Jaemin in the kitchen. He laughed at your dorky dance moves, throwing his head back as he put the bowl down and joined you, swivelling his hips and squatting awkwardly as he danced.
You continued dancing as you finished the job; he danced as he wiped down your counter, you danced as you put the freshly dried dishes away, he danced as he vacuumed your couch of all the crumbs, and you danced as you put all the movies away underneath the TV. You learned he was actually a really good dancer, and it made you feel a little bit more nervous and self-conscious, until he started to bust out his own choreography, making you laugh until your insides hurt.
You made him take a break and offered him a drink, telling him to help himself to anything in the fridge as you quickly tidied your bathroom.
“Oh my God, Y/n!”
You quickly rushed into the main room and found Jaemin staring into your fridge, “What? What is it?”
He turned to face you, a look of amused bewilderment on his face, “You have nothing in your fridge but mustard, pickles and coconut water! How are you even alive right now?” His eyes were wide as he looked at you teasingly.
You rolled your eyes and retreated back into the bathroom to wipe down the now almost empty counter, making a comment about how you were doing perfectly fine surviving off of ramen and takeout, before Jaemin appeared in the doorway, “Seriously, though, if your parents see that, they’re really going to worry about you. Come on, we’ve got half an hour left, we’ll go to the supermarket, get a bunch of food to stock your fridge and then you can go to class.”
You sighed as you looked around at your bathroom, “I still have to wipe down all the windows and the shower, and my room is still a bit of a mess…”
He looked around, “If we’re quick, we’ll have enough time to wipe everything down. Your room… you can probably get away with that if everything else is tidy. I mean, your parents wont be going in there anyway, right? Come on.” He held out his hand and smiled as you pulled off your gloves to grab it.
He tugged your arm, attempting to pull you out of the bathroom, but he miscalculated where exactly the wall was and ended up slamming his back into the wall and pulling you into him, causing you to stumble and crash against him. You felt blood rush to your cheeks as you looked at his shocked face; his eyes were wide in surprise but you didn’t miss the small smile he had tugging at the left side of his mouth.
You couldn’t move as he held your gaze, and you watched as his eyes briefly glanced down to your lips before he turned his head to the sink mirror, “Um, should we get going?”
You felt your free hand clench into a fist in an invisible cringe and you looked down, noticing how close your bodies were, “Y-yeah, we probably should.”
You stepped back and went to grab your keys and purse, purposely keeping your back to him. You scolded yourself for even thinking about kissing him. Despite his attractiveness, intelligence, kindness and humour, you couldn’t let yourself get involved with someone you had just met, though it felt like you’d grown quite fond of each other in the past two hours.
He walked by your side to the store a few streets away and grabbed a trolley, guiding you to the fruits and vegetables section. You groaned and followed him. As he was picking from the apples, he glanced upwards to look at you, standing on the other side of the fruit boxes, puffing your cheeks out in boredom. He quickly returned his gaze to the fruit, his face a darker shade of pink, his ears burning a bright red.
You began walking around the vegetables section, before noticing the cookies in the aisle beside them. I mean, who was going to pass up the opportunity to buy cookies? Certainly not you.
From between the shelves, you had a perfect view of Jaemin, and for the first time since you’d been introduced, you allowed yourself to stare. Am I being really creepy right now?you thought, holding a box of Oreos. It’s warranted, you assured yourself. I mean, look at him.You watched him look up from the next box of fruit, pears, and a look of surprise crossed his face as he realised you weren’t standing across from him.
He turned around, scanning the area for you, before placing the pears into the trolley, and then pushing it towards your aisle. You quickly ducked and walked speedily to the other end of the aisle, laughing to yourself as you childishly ran from him.
Jaemin immediately recognised your coat disappearing behind the corner of the shelves, and a grin instantly broke out on his face as he ran down the aisle, pushing himself up and over the trolley in pursuit, gliding easily down the aisle. You thought he hadn’t seen you, and you stood at the end of the aisle, carefully leaning forward to peer into the fresh produce section, assuming he’d come from that direction. You jumped in surprise as a trolley rolled up to you, “Hey, stranger, you need help looking for something?”
You turned around, a smile covering your face shyly and you briefly recognised how attractive he looked at that moment, an eyebrow lifted in playful challenge and a beautiful smirk, his eyes slightly creasing at the corners and the black jacket he’d grabbed from his apartment before you’d left. You weren’t going to lie, that jacket was a very nice jacket; it made his shoulders look broad and accentuated his slightly thinner-than-expected waist.
You shrugged playfully, “I don’t know, where do they keep all the… what’re they called? Oh, that’s right, notfruitandvegetables?”
He laughed, his head dropping down in mock disappointment as he walked down the aisle with you, dismissing all the things your parents were more likely to disapprove of, or just any parents really. “Really, Y/n, I don’t think they’d be ecstatic over seven boxes of Oreos.”
“BUT THEY’RE ALL DIFFERENT FLAVOURS,” you protested, before mumbling, “and besides, shouldn’t I at least be buying food I can actually eat?”
He cracked a grin at that, throwing an arm around your shoulders as you took over the trolley, “Aw, poor Y/n, can’t buy all the flavours.” He pouted at you and he poked your cheek with a grin. “But…” he began, “I’m sure one box couldnt hurt, right?”
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The next day you were bombarded with your parents an hour earlier than expected, but luckily you were only making a few final adjustments to the cleanliness of your bedroom when they arrived.
You spent the day with your parents, showcasing your apartment, assuring them you were eating and washing When you left for lunch, you realised you forgot to bring your father’s birthday gift with you, and quickly ducked back upstairs to retrieve it. On your way down the stairs, rushing to catch up with your parents, you passed Jaemin and Jeno on their way up, bags of groceries in their arms, determination on their faces as they tried to carry all their groceries at once in order to not waste another trip up and down the multiple flights of stairs.
Jaemin winked at you as you passed, and you managed to catch up to your parents quickly. “I didn’t know there were other students living in your building, Y/n,” you mother commented, sliding her sunglasses up her nose as you stepped onto the sidewalk.
“They’re new,” you stated. “They’ve only been here for a couple of months, I think.”
“The tall one is pretty cute,” she nudged you with her elbow, teasing you.
“Sure, Mom. Jeno is ‘pretty cute’,” you rolled your eyes at her, sliding into the Uber you’d ordered.
She looked surprised at your tone, “What? You don’t agree.” She hesitated, before a wry smile made its way onto her face, “Ah, I see. You like the other one. What’s his name?”
“Jaemin,” you mumbled, suddenly feeling like you were twelve years old and not an adult, currently living away from home.
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You waved to your parents from the door to your apartment block as they got in the taxi. You crossed your arms in front of yourself and watched as the car disappeared behind a corner.
After checking you had your wallet in your pocket, you made your way to the supermarket, a small smile on your face as you remembered walking the same way just the day before, but with Jaemin. Quickly grabbing a few products you remember having stolen and used from the boys’ apartment, you paid and made your way back home.
You ran up the stairs to your apartment, stopping briefly at your apartment to return your purse and wallet, before turning back to the staircase and moving to the floor above, grocery bag filled with cleaning supplies. You knocked on the door quietly, wondering if he even expected you to repay him for his things.
You prepared yourself, feeling your heart beating heavily against your chest, and heard the identifiable click of the lock on the door sliding out from its cradle on the doorframe. The door opened about halfway and you tried not to let your breath escape defeatedly. Jeno stood in the doorway, smiling in welcome.
“Hey, Y/n,” he greeted happily, controller in hand. “Jaemin’s in his room.” He nodded his head in the direction of the younger boy’s bedroom and opened the door a little wider to allow you in. He went back to the couch in the living room, where Donghyuck and another boy sat, patiently waiting for Jeno’s return with their controllers, whatever game they had been playing was paused. Donghyuck raised his hand in greeting and the other boy shot you a smile as you passed. “Thanks for those, by the way,” Jeno jutted his chin out at the bag of cleaning supplies that you haphazardly placed on the kitchen counter as he sat down on the couch again, reaching for the remote on the table in front of him.
You nodded at them and walked to Jaemin’s room, the only door that was closed in the tiny hallway. You knocked, sucking in a breath.
“Yeah, I know, I’ll be out in a sec! Just start without me,” Jaemin called from behind the door.
You coughed awkwardly, “Um, no, it’s, uh, me. Y/n.” In your mind, you were facepalming yourself, but part of you began to panic because what the fuck were you going to say to him? Why didn’t you just dump the products and leave? Or send a note? Why were you showing up at his bedroom door?
The door opened abruptly and you stood face-to-chest with Jaemin. Your eyes widened as you were met with his bare chest and you quickly shifted your gaze up to look at his face, which proved to be a feat a lot more difficult than it sounds.
“Hey,” he breathed, his arm still holding the door open. He stared at you and it was if he could see inside you, scrutinising every little part of your face, reading your mind.
You rocked back and forth on your heels, your smile rather awkward, “Hi.” You watched in slight awe as the corners of his mouth lifted up. A mere reaction that had your heart thrumming loudly against your ribcage.
“Um-,” you were immediately cut off as his head ducked down to kiss you, his lips pressing against yours suddenly. His hands found their to your sides as your arms lifted up to rest on his shoulders. You prayed he couldn’t hear your heart hammering in your chest as you smiled into the kiss.
When he pulled back, you didn’t take your arms away from around his neck, but he didn’t seem to mind, grinning back at you and then dropping his head to laugh to himself. For a moment, you were worried that this had all been some kind of joke and you felt your stomach drop in shame and embarrassment. You began to retract your arms, but his hands caught yours and placed them back on his shoulders, smiling at you widely, “I’ve wanted to do that since New Year’s.”
You cocked your head in confusion, so he cleared his throat, clarifying, “We bumped into each other on the roof, right when the countdown had just begun, and we’d been talking for a bit, so I kind of wanted to kiss you.”
“Well, yeah. But you were a little drunk, so obviously I-“
“No,” you grabbed his hand in yours, trying to get his attention and make him look at you. “Were you really going to kiss me? I think you should prove it.” You cocked an eyebrow at him challengingly.
“Oh, really?” He teased, pulling his head back a bit to look at you fully. You noticed him look over your head at something behind you, before rolling his eyes, grabbing your hand and tugging you into his room, shutting the door behind you.
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angrylizardjacket · 6 years
and then there was light [4] {Roger Taylor}
A/N: 5060 words. part 4? part 4. it’s a bit of a darker one and before you ask, there will be a part 5, you know i wouldn’t end it on a cliffhanger and do you dirty like that.
[part 1] [part 2] [part 3]
The moment Roger steps foot into the meeting about the design of the shows for the upcoming American legs of the ‘Night at the Opera’ world tour, he’s pretty sure he’s already mentally checked out. Freddie’s doing all the talking, to literally no-one’s surprise; the man has big ambitions for his own costumes, and knows the other guys will pipe up about their own needs when they get to meet with just the costume designer. John Reid brings up the technical requirements, Roger’s got the ‘galileo’s from Bohemian Rhapsody playing on repeat in his head as he stares into the middle distance, and it’s Deaky who sits forward.
“We’ve got a pretty solid idea for the lights; Freddie and I have been consulting with a designer in America; she’s freelance, used to work for EMI, she’s reliable.” He assures, and Roger’s thinking ‘hey that sounds familiar’ but Reid seems satisfied and they’re already moving on to the staging and sound equipment needed. 
Roger doesn’t connect the dots at first; it’s been almost four years since that fateful American tour, and they’ve had other tours come and go since, and as far as the others are concerned, they’re pretty sure he hasn’t spared you a thought since arriving home at the end of that tour. But he does, even if he doesn’t mean to.
The tour after you’d quit working for EMI, someone drops a parcan side of stage, and his heart is in his throat when he realises he was waiting to hear you yell ‘okay that one wasn’t my fault’ or something similar. All he hears is a faint apology, and a call from someone to get a broom. The scheduling’s different this time around, he can’t even have a cigarette in an empty theatre without some stagehand buzzing back and forth, or a band member trotting across the stage as they practice. It would be so much easier to lay on the stage if the rest of them were confined to one place while they played, like he was behind the drums. It’d be boring as shit, he would be the first to acknowledge that, but it would mean he would get stepped on less during lunch, and that’s a sacrifice he’s willing to make with the toe of Freddie’s shoe poking at his waist.
Nothing serious had come his way in that time, or rather, he’d never found anyone who could hold his attention for more than a week or two. People became dreadfully boring when all they wanted to do was faun over him and fuck him; not that it wasn’t fun at first, it was always fun at first, but there was a lack of variety, a sinking sensation that these people were more attracted to the idea of him that left a sour aftertaste.
But now he’s here, new company, new album, second leg of the new tour, new chance to sample all different women across this great nation. He’s already a little tipsy from his multiple jack and coke’s on the plane when they land, and he’s passed out on the tour bus before it even gets to the first tour stop. Once in Conneticut, he’s dragged from the bus, and informed that as soon as the tech crew had finished their meeting, they could start loading in their instruments. 
“How long have they been here?” Brian asks the stage hand, and the guy shrugs. 
“A couple of hours; the Floor Tech wanted the drum risers set up before she gave the brief.” He tells them as he lead the band in to the theatre, where most of the crew were milling about on stage. 
“She always did have a flare for the dramatic.” John says with a grin where his eyes were trained on the stage, and Freddie hums in agreement, which only serves to confuse Roger further until he sees an all too familiar figure climbing the drum risers with a clipboard in hand.
“Alright guys, can I have your attention, please?” Even after all these years, the sound of your voice hits Roger square in the chest. “I wanna make this as quick and painless as possible, so after today we can bump in and bump out without any hassles.” You addressed the crowd with an easy confidence from your place at the top of the drum risers, tapping your nails against the back of the clipboard in your hands, wearing the overalls he’d seen you in so many times before.
“You can call me Spotlight; I’m the Head Floor Tech for the tour, as well as lighting designer; those of you on my lighting team, you’ve got a copy of the lighting plan, and I’ll be talking to you about how we’re gonna run it after this. Next time, I’ll get some help from the stage hands to set up the drum risers, I had a few people help me today to get them set up early, but that’s just because I like being tall.” With a sharp grin you pause as a titter of laughter spreads around the group, “stage management team, you’re in charge of making sure side of stage is set up with anything the band needs, and that it’s clear of unnecessary clutter and people, and running cabling for the sound guys; they’ll tell you what they need.”
After a beat, you look around the gathered crowd, and nod firmly, a gesture which a few of them return.
“If you have any questions, remember; find your Light.” You point directly at yourself. “We break for lunch at one, but until then we’ve got a lot to get through; let’s get rockin’.” Grinning brightly, you hop down from the risers into the crowd of crew members, ushering a bunch, each holding a sheet of paper, off to the side, as the others scattered like cockroaches under light.
“What the fuck is she doing here?” Roger finally finds his voice where he’s still standing, a little dumbstruck, alone in the aisle of the theatre where the others had left him behind.
“Didn’t you hear her speech? Spotlight’s our lighting designer.” Freddie calls over his shoulder, eyes wide and innocent, as if he hadn’t set this all up without thinking to mention it to Roger.
“Our what now?” He splutters, jogging a little to catch up to the other band members as they made their way towards the stage. He’s not quite sure what he’s doing, or what will happen when he gets their; the last thing you’d said to him was that you were stupid to think he was above his reputation, while you were in tears, and then it had been three years of nothing. He’s not going to run, at least he’s pretty sure he’s not; he’s self aware enough to know he was in the wrong last time you spoke, that he was an asshole, but he’s not going to be a coward. Not again.
“That was quite the speech.” John waits patiently until the crew who made up the lighting team had dispersed before addressing the familiar face at the centre. You turn, eyes bright and smile brighter, casually making your way towards him and the rest of the band.
“Yeah, I really feel in my element, you know?” It’s with an easy familiarity that you pull John into a hug, giving him a firm squeeze. “Good to finally see you again.” And then you’re hugging Freddie, and then Brian, and you stop short in front of Roger. It’s a stalemate, neither one wanting to be the first to look away, but both unsure of what to do. In the end, you don’t even offer him a handshake, just nod, and you turn back to the others.
“How’s Pippin been?” Freddie asks, and you’re about to answer, but Roger cuts in.
“Hang on, can someone fill me in here? Lovely to see you, by the way, just a little confused as to how you got here.” He says, and you’re lost for words, just blinking rapidly, trying to process the whole situation.
“Did you not tell him I was working with you guys?” Your words come out incredulous as you turn your gaze upon John and Freddie, who seem just as bewildered as you.
“I thought he’d cotton on when I mentioned an American designer who used to work for EMI.” John mused, turning his gaze on Roger, who frowned, thinking back to the initial meeting he’d just mentioned.
“I did,” Brian piped up, before casting a smile at John and Freddie that was just a little bit confused, “though I wasn’t a part of this little setup.” He tried to reassure the drummer.
“In my defense,” Roger started, before his gaze dropped, “I wasn’t paying attention, design isn’t exactly my forte.” He admitted, and you had to shake your head at that, exasperated and already a exhausted.
“Pippin’s good.” You go back to John’s initial question. Pippin isn’t so much a person as it is a touring version of a Broadway musical that had opened a year ago, to great success.
It turns out a written letter of recommendation from both the lead singer, and bass player of Queen goes rather far in the industry. After taking some time for yourself, you call up EMI to beg them not to fire you, however it turns out you needn’t have; both John and Freddie had given glowing reports of your work ethic and skill, and the man on the other end of the line is just eager to know when you were next available. 
The moment you’re on site next, they tell you you’ve been promoted to Floor Tech; they hand you a roll of gaff tape and a drill and a whole new set of responsibilities, heaped onto your usual load. You don’t even remember who had been performing, the tour had only lasted a month, all you know is that they were calling you Spotlight from the moment you’d arrived; apparently it was what Freddie had called you, and John had to clarify.
John is the first to contact you again, through EMI of course, and he becomes something of a comfort when you consider taking your career beyond the company that kept you firmly in the one position on tour. Freddie calls you less often, and never about business; it’s John who gives you the courage to leave EMI, and he’s the one who helps set up as a freelance theatre and event crew member. 
People had been head hunting you from tour to tour, beyond even EMI, some smaller acts even giving you the full Lighting Designer role. They expect you to sit back, let a stage hand or an assistant to take care of it, but every time you watch someone else focus a spot, your fingers itch to be doing it yourself. Dedicated to a fault, Roger had once called you, you think about it every time you climb an unsteady ladder, and think perhaps that he’s right.
The moment Pippin announces it’s tour, and puts out calls for crew, you’re first in line for the job, putting your hat in the ring for lighting, but happy enough to take any crew role. Not that you don’t love working with bands, but there’s a certain finesse that comes with theatre lighting that you can’t get anywhere else in the world. After two years, and the support of both John and Freddie, you find yourself as the assistant Lighting Designer, as well as Head Floor Tech, and once you step foot onto the tour bus, everything else becomes history.
Speaking of history, later in the day, after the rest of the crew have broken for lunch, you’re wedged under the drum risers, running some cables, when you hear someone climb up them, taking a seat at the drums.
“If you play one beat-” You’re cut off by Roger’s yell of surprise, as he’s so startled he almost falls off his chair.
“Holy shit, who is that?” He’s breathing heavily, voice panicked, and for a moment you take pleasure imagining clutching his hand to his chest like a delicate, little grandmother.
“Take a wild stab in the dark,” you mutter, unwedging yourself from beneath the structure, raising an eyebrow as you look at him. Almost immediately he’s frowning, and you’re thrown back to the moment almost three years ago where you’d been here before, looking up at him from behind the drum risers after you’d changed out the light mid-show. Clearing your throat loudly, you break the moment, getting to your feet and making your way to the side of the stage.
“What are you doing here?” He calls, watching idly as you go about counting out fly lines until you get to the one you’d been looking for. You’d gotten here early to go through the fly-line procedure with the Duty Tech for the venue, and now you lowered the LX bar it was attached to with ease after making sure there was no-one in the way. Your focus made something in his chest tighten, and he feels like he’s being taken back in time; you’re beautiful when you work, passionate and skilled, meticulous, that hadn’t changed. Roger has to look away.
“My job,” and you just sound tired when you say it, already securing the meticulously placed lights onto the bar you’d just lowered, going along and fixing them to the metal in a neat line. An uncomfortable silence spreads between you, punctuated only by the scrape of metal against metal, and the rattle of the safety chains.
“What are you doing here?” You don’t even try to hide the snippiness from your voice, not even turning to look at his as the accusatory words hang in the air.
“I’m having a smoke in what I thought was going to be relative peace, it’s something I do, okay?” Voice defensive, you hear the rustle of cardboard and hear the click of a cigarette, your annoyance growing with each passing moment.
“No, it’s what I do. It’s what I did three years ago, you just started showing up. You stole my relative peace.” You snapped, turning to him, a blazing fury in your eyes at his words, before your lip curled in disgust, “And you don’t even do anything with it.” You scoffed, and he went quiet, sulking behind his drum kit. Sensing he wasn’t got to talk back you turn back to your work.
The moment you turn away, he sees the way you heave a sigh, angry tension draining from your shoulders, a little hunched as you concentrated. Your hands shake a little as you fiddle with the safety chains. There’s still that confidence there, the ease with which you moved about the stage, but unlike around other people, when it was just Roger - though he suspected you were pretending he wasn’t there - you just looked... weary.
After that first town, he keeps his distance for a few stops, though the other band members look to keep you company on occasion. But then... he’s there again. Quiet this time, he just watches where you hold yourself like royalty at the top of a rickety ladder, so sure of yourself. He’d forgotten the sight of you in your element, and it hits him like a truck.
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer.” You snap when you chance a glance down and see his awestruck expression looking up at you. The shock comes when he actually looks abashed, averting his gaze, picking up his drumsticks and tapping out a rhythm that you’re pretty sure you recognise.
You’re both too stubborn to give the other one the peace of the theatre at lunch, however, while you’re content with stewing in silence as you worked, Roger, to no-one’s surprise, is not.
“How’ve you been?” He brings himself to ask. You stop where you’re replacing a gel on one of the drum riser lights, taking a long moment to consider your words carefully.
“Busy.” Tired. The subtext comes through loud and clear, despite your short answer, and once you’d finished with the light, you stand, before taking a moment to stretch your back out from behind hunched over.
“Working a lot?” I can tell. He answers after a long pause, almost sympathetic, and you know he’s not really responding to the words you’d said out loud.
“Yeah, non stop.” No subtext, just responding at face value, before your eyes up to the mostly finished rig. Afternoons were for last minute fixes and focusing, there wasn’t much left you could do, unless you were willing to ask for Roger’s help.
“When did your last thing end?” He asks, and you click your tongue as you turn on your heel, burned out gel in your hand, heading for a bin.
“Two days before this one.” You admitted. When you’re met with silence, you turn, and Roger’s frowning at you, almost disbelieving.
“You’re not still sleeping on the tour bus, are you?” He asks, and you roll your eyes before you tell him your accommodation is paid for this time around. You’re the first to leave, for the first time since everything had started, you leave halfway through to actually eat lunch, leaving Roger to himself.
When he’s drunk after the show, leaning against some local pub, with a girl leaning against him, heavy enough that the two of them would have tipped over if it wasn’t for the counter, he can’t get you out of his mind.
“I didn’t ruin her career.” His eyes go wide as the words, with something akin to revelation, escape him, and the girl makes a noise of confusion, her fingers ghosting over his chest, but he can’t even bring himself to enjoy it.
“I didn’t ruin her career!” He announces, excited and pleased in his inebriated state, sitting himself so forcefully on the arm of Freddie’s chair that he spills part of his drink. Freddie makes a noise of confusion, looking up at the blonde, and Roger gesticulates enough to spill more of his drink, ignoring Freddie’s yelp. “Spotlight! She said I’d ruined her career!” 
“When?” Freddie asks, just as John pops out from seemingly nowhere.
“Well you certainly didn’t help it. That was me.” Roger doesn’t care that John’s drunk, the way bassist says it, so serene and matter-of-fact, makes it sting just a little bit worse. His mood instantly flips.
“Can you piss off? Go be her best friend somewhere else.” Roger snapped, and he knew he’d regret being so sharp with John the following morning, but it seemed John himself knew that Roger was in a mood, and obligingly fucked off, seemingly not taking it to heart. “When we broke up, she accused me of ruining her career.” And he realises too late, when Freddie’s eyes go wide with realisation, that he’s said too much.
“Is this where you tell me exactly what went down between you two?” He asked, tapping Roger’s leg with excitement. The blonde, however, stood abruptly, glower on his face.
“No. Fuck off.” 
Roger spends almost fifteen minutes banging on the door of the tour bus before he remembers that you’re not in there, and falls into bed alone, fully clothed.
“The fuck did you say to Freddie last night?” The moment he steps foot onto the stage at lunch, you’re waiting for him, already livid. He’s tempted to turn and walk right back out the door. “Apparently he doesn’t know the real reason that I went home last ti- !” 
“Of course he doesn’t!” Roger snapped back, on the defensive without a moment’s hesitation. “It makes me look like a fucking wanker and he’d kick my ass; he adores you!” And that was enough to shock you into silence, grip loosening on the gaff tape in your hands. “They all do.” He said, and your expression turns unreadable.
“I know.” You finally said, a new, strange quality to your voice, it’s something akin to shock, but not quite, and Roger doesn’t know what to say next. “What about you?” You finally ask, voice a little defensive. It hurts to see you look at him with such a judgemental eye, though he’s well aware he deserves it.
“Doesn’t matter, does it? I could apologise a thousand times and you’d still be pissy.” He huffs, and you cross your arms, cocking your hip.
“At least once would be nice.” You level a cold glare at him and his gaze snaps back at yours, surprised. “You never once apologised, you know that?” And your voice is low, hurt and honest. “Are you even sorry for what happened?”
“It was three years ago-” He sighs, but you cut him off, shifting your weight to your other foot, swallowing thickly.
“So that’s a no. Glad to see where you stand.” And you turn to cross the stage to where you’ve already got the ladder set up, but he makes his way to you in three long strides, making to grab at your upper arm. The moment he does, however, you whirl around, slapping him, hard. “I told you to never fucking touch me; did you think I forgot?” And he sees why you were so eager to leave; there’s tears in your eyes, so close to breaking and streaming down your cheeks, your lip trembling. Something about your voice is so raw, it hurts worse than the slap.
“I am sorry.” And he sounds so fucking sincere, but you just glare at him, unashamed where the tears have begun to track down your cheeks. 
“You had your chance to say sorry; you had your chance to beg for forgiveness, but you told me I could leave; so I did, and so did your fucking opportunity.” But you can’t bring yourself to step back, frozen in place where he’s less than a foot away. Every fibre of your being is betraying you, wanting to be around him, close to him, after what he did.
“I’m sorry what happened between us;” his voice is so level, carefully controlled, you know he’s think hard about what he’s about to admit, “I fucked up, I know that; I’m sorry. It was three years ago but I’m still sorry. I’ve been sorry for a long time now.”
“Since it happened?” You asked, and he didn’t drop your gaze, answering without flinching or hesitation.
“Since I started worrying I’d lose you; I know what I’m like, I knew what I’d end up doing.” He admitted, and the words clearly didn’t have his intended impact as you stumble back, free hand clutching your chest.
“And yet you still-” And quietly, so quietly you’re not even sure he hears it, the words come out as more of a defeated whimper than anything else; “How could you not tell I was in love with you?” 
He’s in shock, and you barge past him, leaving as you can no longer contain your aching heart, and you head to the hotel you were staying at down the road, taking the rest of the lunch break to cry.
When you return, the rest of the crew has filtered in, Roger looks guilty, and Freddie and John look about ready to commit violent homicide, which was unsurprising for Freddie, but there was something comforting about Deaky wearing the expression too. In less than a week, the whole crew knows, and wherever you go, you feel yourself followed by pitying stares, which won’t go away, no matter how hard you throw yourself into your work.
“You’re working yourself into the ground.” Roger tells you a week later, watching the way your arms tremble as you focus a light, and it takes you a moment to blink blearily at him. “Don’t forget the security chain.” He adds, and you scowl, before looking at the light itself, and hurriedly affix the security chain to the rig. You insist that you’re fine, making your way down the ladder to scoop up another parcan, but you almost immediately drop it. 
“I just need some food.” You try to insist, your hands shaking as you leave the light where it is.
You don’t come out after shows, and it’s not gone unnoticed. The rest of the crew think you’re just dedicated, personable for the most part but prone to bouts of standoffishness.
“Oh you should have seen her on our first tour,” Freddie muses to an enraptured crowd at an afterparty, a few crew members listening with a bright-eyed attention, “that woman risked life and limb for our show.” And he sounds so proud when he says it, but something twists uncomfortably in Roger’s gut.
Cracks don’t show around other people, Roger’s noticed; you’re smile’s bright enough and your voice is loud enough that they don’t see the way your hands shake. Or how tired your eyes are. But then there are moments, you stand as if in the eye of the storm, gaff tape and drill in hand, watching as people follow your instructions without question, and you look up to see Roger tweaking his drums, and the two of you share a look. It’s a little indecipherable, he’s concerned and you’re just... tired. He wants to offer to help, but as soon as the moment arrives, it’s passed, and you’re off to the next task.
The air between the two of you has lost it’s angry tension; after saying your peace, after hearing his apology, there’s no fight left. Just a lingering disappointment, a quiet like the moment after a world-weary sigh. You don’t have to pretend around Roger, you both know he’d see through it if you’d tried.
“You should come get a drink after; you look like you need it.” Roger laughs, but there’s no humour in it. Without missing a beat, you decline, you don’t even bother coming up with an excuse. 
“I’m worried about you.” The tour is almost three weeks in, and you’re asleep against the proscenium arch when he walks in. You wake with a start at the sound of his voice, reaching out for the light you’d been fiddling with before you’d passed out. When you look to him with confusion, he repeats himself slowly. “I’m worried about you; are you sleeping okay?” 
“As if that’s any of your business.” You snapped back, and Roger kept quiet. It only takes him a day to figure out that sleep isn’t really a luxury you allowed yourself; you were the last out every night after bump out, sometimes staying until two in the morning, and from what the crew said, you were always the first up, running through check lists, accident reports, and going over anything that needed maintenance. 
When Freddie asks you to come out with them after a gig, you find it difficult to say no, he helped get you this job after all, but you’re there for barely half an hour before Roger sees you slip out the side door, drink untouched.
John asks if you’re okay one afternoon when you drop a stack of gel frames without warning, jumping almost a foot in the air and looking like you’re about to break into tears from shock, but seems content when you explain you’re just tired. Tired doesn’t even begin to cover how overworked you are.
The night you finally decide to relax a little, bump out having been miraculously fast, you’ve got the next day off. The others cheer you on as you down drink after drink, the alcohol hitting you hard and quickly, and the world gets blurry as you find yourself on the dance floor. It’s easy to drink too much, because for the first time in a long time, you’re relaxed, not worrying about the pretty, dickhead blonde who worries about you when he really shouldn’t. 
You’re drunk enough to admit to yourself that part of you likes the attention he’s giving you, it feels like vindication for the heartache you went through all those years ago. Part of it’s not even vindictive, part of you just likes the way he looks at you, the way his smile made your heart beat just a little faster; you call that part a fucking traitor and have another drink.
You don’t remember leaving the bar, but you come back to your body when you’re leaning against a streetlight for support, halfway through telling someone to fuck off.
“Ya’ not my caretaker, Roger,” you sneer, “you don’t need to look after me or whatever this is. Go help groupies home or to hotel or whatever.” You spit, and push off from the light, turning on your heel, almost topple over, and right yourself.
“Light, that’s the wrong way.” He calls, exasperated, and you turn again, this time actually crashing to the ground and grazing your hand on the way, before you get to your feet. He’s come over to try and help you, but you swat him away.
“You don’t get to call me that.” You stalk ahead of him in the direction he had come from, back toward the hotel, and he follows only a few steps behind.
“Fine, Y/N; you’re legless, let me help.” And after a moment of intense eye contact, in which you try to weigh up your options, you begrudgingly loop your arm through his.
“You’re still on my shit-list.” You inform him, and he hums in acknowledgement. “Why are you doing this?” You follow it up with.
“I’m not the asshole who fucked you over three years ago, and I’m not gonna let you get yourself killed for this show.” He said through gritted teeth, and you just smiled, a little dreamily.
“But what a way to go.” And he came to an abrupt stop. It took you a moment to realise, and looking back, you tugged on his arm to keep him moving. He just frowned at you, a little concerned. “Fuck, I didn’t mean it.”
“If I have to fire you to get you to take a break-” He threatened, and you scoffed, expression turning bitter.
“I’ll drop a light on you.”
“You’ll drop a light on me by accident before then anyways!” He crowed, and your expression fell, contemplative. “Just let me help; what do I have to do to make you actually rest? What do I have to do to prove myself?”
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hellafiction · 5 years
Raise a little hell.(Michael x reader x Lucifer)Ch.3
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Plot: (Y/n) is a 19yr. Old witch with some serious daddy issues who despite everything,is like a sister to the Winchester’s and risks her life to free Michael and Lucifer from the cage.Desperate times, desperate measures,right?
Warnings: Blood,violence,it’s supernatural? Self destructive coping mechanisms,swearing,at times nsfw.Mostly comedy though.
Note:So I forgot to elaborate on what sort of destructive mechanisms I’m going to pepper into this fic!Those can range from alcoholism to even self harm,as I sure do love my angst and hurt!And I hope you like this chapter!Sorry if it’s too short,I’ll try and uptdate often.
Ch.1 Ch.2 ch.4
“Well,what are you waiting for,ya idjits?Go gather all your weapons!”Bobby commanded,he felt tired.
Not even devil himself dared to object to Bobby’s command,so everyone piled out of the room to gather their collections.Soon enough,the team was back in the room,either organising or researching the relics.
Hours flew by like this,but their hard work so far seemed fruitless,all that research.At that point I was so tired,i suggested that we kill all the gods that we can and hope for the best.Sort of contradicting my previous idea.
“We can’t gank all the gods,we need to put the leaders on top of our list!”Dean hissed,his body practically merging with the couch.
“Well yeah-But we need to find out who they even are first.”Sam sighted.
“I can go up to heaven to see if anyone has heard anything,meanwhile,I suggest you go do something else,”Cas said.
Dean rubbed his face in frustration,looking all defeated until he noticed a newspaper under his feet,inspecting it a bit,his eyebrows rise.“Oh hey-look!”
“Oh wow,”There were no words to describe what we saw.I felt cold chills run down my spine.
“But a stake,really?What is this-middle ages!?”Sam briefly sent me a worried glance.
Throughout a small town,there were women getting murdered by being burned at a stake,like Salem witch trials all over again.The stakes were displayed in the busiest streets,yet according to the news,no one had seen anything.
“This ain’t right,”I felt nauseous,I scanned the room and my eyes landed on Lucifer,we made eye contact and I had a split second to decide between looking away or raising my eyebrows.I chose the latter.
Lucifer raised his eyebrows in return,wordlessly asking me ‘what?’
Sam was the unfortunate soul to notice our weird interaction,so he decided to pretend that he didn’t see anything.
It had been an hour since moose and squirrel left to play pretend as FBI agents,according to them,I was the perfect person to stay and do mountains of research.
“Stop sulking princess,you look a bit too young to be from FBI.”Chuckled Bobby.
I glared at him,hating that he was right.I got up from my seat and cracked my back letting out a satisfied groan.
The cracking noise made Michael cringe internally.
Two hours later,everything somehow had gone to shit.
I was swimming in and out of consciousness,my wrists and neck felt sore,I tried to move but couldn’t,at that my eyes snapped open and I realised I was bound to what appeared to be a stake.
“Oh shit”
With pure willpower,i stopped my heart from trying to beat out of my chest,I closed my eyes,counted to ten before reopening them to try to asses the situation and to take in my surroundings.
It looked like I was in some sort of a warehouse.It was dark and humid in a slimy way,from what I could see,the ground was coated in layers of old,dried blood.Then,I noticed an old,rusty tray filled with all kinds of scary equipment.
I felt as if fear was physically stabbing me in the heart.This was not good.
Suddenly,there were audible footsteps and whistling,I looked up and if my heart was already on the floor,then now it had definitely fallen to the deepest pits of hell.
“Surprise!”He laughed before walking to the tray of nightmares.Then,he picked up what appeared to be a rusty scalpel,he put it down before taking another,inspecting it for a few seconds.He turned to me and softly smiled,it looked creepy as fuck.When he walked in front of me I noticed that he had picked up rusty,jagged scissors.”Now,you can scream,you can even cry,but if you don’t tell me what the Winchester’s are planning,I’m going to use this!You see what it is right?Im going to cut off your beautiful breasts.”
Tears welled up in my eyes,thoughts were running through my head,was I seriously going to die by the hands of a man who I had given my virginity to?“Oh come on!Dont you have a soft spot for me?”I tried to stall my inevitable,painful demise,yet,my traitorous soul was hoping that I’ll be saved this time.
“This ain’t personal,honey.”He darkly chuckled.
“Why are you doing this!?”I was getting more panicked by the second.My eyes started focusing on him,it had been a few years since i had seen him.He hadn’t changed at all.
His features twisted into an angry,bitter expression-the same features I had once considered handsome.“You mortals are so ungrateful!Even a few centuries ago we were feared and worshipped!Then,you disgusting,hairless apes decided you’re too good for that,we lost everything,yet there was nothing we could do!”He yelled.
“Then why murder innocent women!?”I screamed in anger.
He ignored me and continued his tangent,”We’re sick of it,if the only way we can get to our former glory is by coming out of hiding,then so be it!”He started ripping open my thin shirt,”and by the way,sweetheart,they’re witches.”
“But I thought gods had nothing against witches!”
“Oh,most don’t.”He grinned at me.
“And How was this not personal?!”Stalling so far wasn’t working as good as it could have.
“That’s the dumbest reason I’ve ever heard from someone who’s trying to bring an apocalypse and that’s coming from me!”A familiar voice came from behind me.
“Lucifer.”He growled.
“Why was a pagan god trying to burn witches?”Michael piped in as he plunged something into the god from behind.
Blood came out from the gods mouth as he fell to his knees,the weapon still stuck through his heart,poking out at the front.He looked over everyone one last time before his dull eyes settled on me.
And then he dropped completely.
“After all that dramatic monologue,he never actually got to the point...”Lucifer trailed off.
Both of them quickly untied me and Michael caught me off guard by lifting me off the stake bridal style,and setting me more gently than I could have expected on the ground.
“Why would he have a soft spot for you?”Michael questioned me sternly while he handed me Lucifers flannel.
“You were here the whole time!?”
“Honeeeyy,we needed the wait for the right moment!”Lucifer tried to defend himself and Michael.
My body was feeling like it could collapse any second,at that moment,I also realised that my heart was still beating uncomfortably fast,”Where’s Sam and Dean?”I questioned to distract myself.
“They’re busy with another god.”Lucifer answered,while trying to subtly look me over to see if I was hurt.
Suddenly I felt a weird sensation and we were back in Bobby’s living room.My vision focused in on the couch,so I beelined for it.”Thanks for helping me,you both aren’t that big of fluffy bastards.”
“I think you meant ‘saving’.”Lucifer retorted.He casually sat on the couch next to me,a little too close,before softly asking me,”are you okay?”
Michael subtly smiled at that,his dark chocolate eyes filling with warmth for once in his life.
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bonbonswirl-blog · 6 years
Proud dad
anyway i was not satisfied with the last fanfic I worte at ALL, it was very bad and I wont blame you if you think that too im sorry it went like this. I decided to write this one since I got the idea. Mason is always a sweetheart btw guys! I just may have changed him a little by accident in this one. Bc im not too skilled, reminder none of this happened and not canon, all these just from my mind with some little "headcanons" from me thx.
It was just a normal day. The golden rays of sunshine caressing everyone faces, shining up the bright blue sky that gives a feeling of comfort and ease, faint chirping of birds can be heard near the trees. Mason was sitting on a bench in a park, with a little smile on his warm face, which is being tickled by the gentle gold beams. his eyes were slowly scanning the small letter in his hands, re-reading it once more after numerous of time, his fingers touched the writing of pen on the white piece of paper, as if checking if this is a true thing, And it is. His eyes drifted from the paper in his hands to the playground in front of him, The sounds of children playing echoed from the park, stomping, running and laughing. None of the worries of adults crossed their minds, only how to elude capture by their friends. The rhythmic creaking of swings went back and forth, and some kids tried to time their jumps from the swings to the rhythm. The colors of the playground equipment were still fresh and bright, despite the years of wear and the endless use. his eyes trying to search between this crowd of kids for a certain one of his own, a few years old one with messy brown hair wearing a flatcap similar to his own one, it was something he gave his child on his previous birthday, mason tried to consider it as a gift to his son as an attempt to bring some joy to his little heart, it was the only thing that was in his pocket right now. He hoped that in the next birthday he will find a better present to give for his little boy that can truly make him happy. Moments later mason had found him, merrily playing on a slide with the other kids, which made his dad smile get bigger. For a last time he looked at the letter, he was so happy that someone had finally toke notice of him and invited him for a job intrview tomorrow morning, he practiced a lot for hopes in getting that job, if he gets it, he will no longer be dependent on those small live making things that doesnt help a lot and will have enough money to provide a good life for him and his son. Looking at the sky, he noticed that the sun is going to set soon, and it will get late to walk for home, they dont live near this park. He smelled the letter as it was some fresh air then folded it to put it in his pocket, giving more five minutes for his son to play until he is going to pick him up to go home.
It was night. As the colors of the day rest the dark was covering every part of the sky. all the kids have already went to their home with their parents, the air was silent, maybe an owl or some cricket can be heard from here and there, the streets were empty, no one was walking on them, expect for a single man holding his little son hand, mason looked at his child and smiled "how was your day at the park wallaby? Did you enjoy it? " He asked wallaby, making sure his son had a good time playing and laughing with all the kids, that he was happy with where his dad brought him today. " Yes dad! I founda buncha fweinds today! We pwayed a game cawed tag your it! Ya pway it by runnin after someone and ya ne....." but mason didnt hear the rest of the talk of how wallaby is teaching him to play tag your it, because his mind was in another place, filled with thoughts of how the interview will go tomorrow, will he get the job? Will he fail? What will he do if he failed? He doesnt want that...What if he gets it? But it was harder than he expected? Will he leave it? Will he push himself to continue? Will he...
" Dad?!?!?DAd?!??! DAD?!? " His son voice distracted him of his deep thought. He guessed that he was inside his mind for too long that he couldnt hear his child. " Yes my dear? " "Ma legs huwt :<" mason smiled again and giggled at wallaby cute little pout, it could make anyone fall for him so fast, his dad knows that there is still a bit of a way for them to get to their home yet, and that wallaby had already walked long enough with his small foot, not to mention he must be tired from all the running today. " Do you want me to carry you for the rest of the way? " " YA YA YA! " Wallaby said excited at that suggestion, reaching both his short arms up in the air for mason hold him, which made mason laugh a little and lean down to hold his small baby in his arms. " Who is my little good boy? " "ME ME!! " " Yes You Are!! " Mason tickled wallaby a bit which made the small kid laugh childishly, his laugh fuel his dad heart with delight. He hugged his son gently while keeping to walk along the road. " Dad? " " Yes! my sunshine? " "I saw some of ma fweinds today tawk about who is better at studying in school! dad, what is school? " ....Mason smile went away and he was silent for a while.... he remembered that wallaby was already old enough for his age to start going to school...but he couldnt afford the money to give this child the chance to go the kindergarten like all the other kids...when will he give him the chance to start learning?... " School is a place where you go to get education dear! Kids go to there everyday to learn new things! " He tried to smile as an attempt to comfort himself and answer the child question softly. " Will I one day go to school dad?" Wallaby innocent smile wasnt enough to sweep away the little sadness that mason felt at that question, he wanted so much for wallaby to get education like all the other people, and he was ready to do whatever it costed to do so, but he know he cant... he cant find the chance. " Maybe one day you will do dear... " that even gave the dad a bigger ambition to pass the intreview tomorrow, he will work as hard as he can to give anything that is needed to his son. Wallaby was silent for a little time in his dad arms while mason just kept walking, the small one looked at his dad again to shot another question at him. " Dad im hungwy :< " that reminded mason that they both didnt really eat enough since the last two days, he is trying to save up for more important things. He wished he have the ability to give him something good to eat right now, he used a lot of energy playing today anyway. " I know my dear...how about I give you an apple when we come back home? " " But I always ate apples dad! How about some candy? " Mason laughed a little "aww my dear! You need to eat lots of vegetables and fruits to grow up! " "awwwww :< " wallaby pout never fail to make mason grin, wallaby didnt eat lots of sweets anyway...maybe in the near future he will have enough money to feed wallaby and him in a right way. They both went silent for another minutes, Out of topics to discuss. Wallaby was thinking about something, he looked at his dad once more to ask a new question, a lot More serious this time... " dad?.." " yes wallaby? " "I....today when we were leavin the pawk.....I saw lotta kids standing next to a....woman....evewy kid have their own woman! The women were holdin their childwen hands just wike ya do to me...and the kids all tawk about their day with them just like I do now...the women seems to be with them...evewyday and evewywhere...like they are with them evewy second!...dad do I....do I.....do I have a woman who take cawe of me wike all those kids do?....."
Mason stopped walking.
He felt his chest starting to ache.
He didnt expect that one day wallaby will wonder why he have no mother like the other kids.
That he will start missing her....
he have no idea what to tell his son now.....he cant just tell him that he doesnt have one....what is he going to do now.....how can he tell his son the cold bitter truth....he cant...he is even so young to know about it...what is he going to do...
" Dad?...." ...wallaby was scared about his dad sudden hush...did he make him mad? he started to get worried now.... "...wallaby........I......" mason was out of words....he moved his head to the side... avoiding eye contacts with his son, looking at the ground shamfully...his eyes no longer have any shine or bright when he hears the gladness in his son voice whenever he talks about about a joyful thing he tried, or when he achieved any small victory. Mason finally gave up, he couldnt ignore his son like this any longer, he need to say something to wallaby.... mason toke a deep sigh...returning his head to look at his little boy who is laying in his arms, wallaby didnt look cheerful as he was a minute ago...he was looking to his side, with a frown in his little mouth, the dirt blush on his cheeks wasnt as red as when he is talking gaily with his adorable puffy cheeks, but they werent puffy anymore...the boy flatcap was going to fall down from his head soon, funny how he can keep it still on his head while running and jumping everywhere all day, wallaby didnt feel really ok at this point...
Mason looked with a grievous look at him before beggining to speak..... "wallaby...listen to me... " his voice was heavy with shame, the same way his guilt wheighed down upon his shoulders, that made his son look at him in the face again, but the expressions still the same. " my little sunshine......you do....you do have a woman like them too...this woman is called...a mother...the mom is the person who brought the life to her children...toke care of them from childhood until adulthood, she is always there to share with her children the laughs, smiles and their happiest moments, always there to comfort them in the sorrow, fear and their hardest moments, she is always the shelter from every harm, the guardian from every enemy, the key for every solution, she will always support her kids no matter what happen in any time and any place....every mom love is always with her kids forever wallaby... all the moms are great! And you should know wallaby that...you have a mom...like them all...but you wont be lonely because im here with you..."
Mason voice was soft, almost fragile, as if it and his heart would break any minute. Perhaps his heart was already broken...broken to bits from the harsh cruel world....mason was never really good with coping with the loss... The sadness flowed through his veins like a flowing river, cold and unending, deadened his mind. It was a poison to his spirit, dulling him, killing off the other emotions he felt when talking to his precious son until it was the only one that remained. He learned that anyone can be a pareng...but not anyone can be a family...He wanted very badly to tell wallaby that lucy still loves him, she still love her family...love them...love them a lot to the point that she left them.....he have no idea where she is now after she dissapeared, its been a long time, but for some reason, he cant fully let her go, she left a hole in his heart that can not be fixed, wallaby is now the only thing that still bring some life in mason dead core, he promised from the day he was left alone with the kid, that he will do everything to make sure he is living safe and sound..
The small wallaby face began to draw a pure smile again, his flatcap back in place, his hued eyes are back to their bright, he got up a bit from his dad arms. "I knew it! I knew I had one too wike them! Dad? Will I eva meet her?!" "Maybe one day sunshine....maybe one day...." mason couldnt bring himself to say no to this one...he doesnt know if wallaby will ever meet her...he may not ever find her, He hugged wallaby more tightly and began taking faster steps, this chat already broke his heart enough and he wants to get home to rest for a busy day tomorrow...good thing wallaby slept on their way home.
The next morning came as usuall, the sun rised, sent its woven strands, free and united, to flow into the sky for revealing and solidifying a new day. Mason used to wake up late, but this time he was early, today is the day, his plan is simple, go the inreview, success, and go to the job. He wasnt very content, he felt nervous, looking after every way that this can go wrong with. Last night wasnt the best for him, it made him re-think about his life with wallaby and how he is going to raise him. he was standing at the door, preparing himself to bring his legs to work straight to the place of that job, but before he can move the handle, he heard a voice behind him
" Dad?.. "
He turned around to see that his son had already woke up, standing confused there with a large jacket around him, it was so large that the jacket ends were on the floor, wiping it wherever the boy go, he looked like a child who have jacket that should be wore by only adults wrapped around him, which is the truth, wallaby always wear it to bed, using it insted of a blanket. " wallaby...uh why are you up so early dear? " " Dad whewe are ya goin? we gonna go to work now? " Mason smiled and kneeled down to put his hands on wallaby shoulders " did you know I got an intrview today? Im going to try to get a job! If i got it! We gonna have enough money to eat properly and go to school to learn! " Wallaby was happy hearing this, it made him almost jump " reawy? Yaaaaay! Wait! But dad! Ya will need ma help! " Mason smiled and ruffled wallaby messy hair " aww my little one, when you grow up you will have your own job to take care of! " When mason turned around to open the door again, wallaby voice stopped him. " but dad! Ya cawt go! " Mason looked behind once more " but why dear? " "Becawse....im gonna be so lonely without ya! " Mason was surprised a bit, wallaby stayed home by himself a lot of times, why is he going to feel lonely staying today? " But sunshine...you always stay home alone by yourself, why are you going to feel lonely today?" " Becawse...I awways hewped ya in your work...this time I wont be there to hewp ya! Ya will awways go to work without me! ya will feel alone! and i will stay more time at home and feel alone! Ya cant leave me dad! Pwease stay here with me.. " after hearing this, mason felt sad, again. He didnt know that wallaby actually felt happy working with him and that he felt so lonely when he all alond without, but he cant do anything about it. "dear...im sorry...but...I cant do anything to help that...please im doing that for you...just stay here and you will find me soon at home..." " but dad! I cant let ya go! Pwease stay! Arent ya my mama? " Whenever someone mention the word 'mom' mason never feel so good. "what?.... " " arent ya my mama? Ya awways pway with me and take cawe of me like all the mamas do! " Mason didnt know his opinion about this kind of thought. " Uh, my little boy, im not your mother...im your father.. " " but ya stiw take care of me! Like any mama! I wont let ya go dad...why dont ya stay hewe and tell me more stories about my mama! " Mason now REALLY didnt feel so good about this one...reminding him of lucy by any chance can make him lose it all...worst idea to think about..." ....wallaby...I need...to go......maybe at night... " " but dad! Pwease! " " goodbye wallaby " "Stay with me! " " Im coming back at night " "dad come on!" Mason tried to get out the house but wallaby was still following him, he cant go anywhere, he stayed standing there, listening to his son conmplains, he already know he made him late enough, almost all of wallaby suggestions was to talk about lucy, lucy lucy and only lucy, that name bring a chill to him whenever he hears it, that made him re-think about last night. A bad memory for him... no. more, About the past, oh..why did she left them? He knows the reason, but was he already the full reason? Or....did wallaby have anything to do with this? Every thought made him dig deeper and deeper in the...unwanted memeories, he cant get himself to get out of his mind and go to the inreview, all he think about now was who fault it was.
" Wallaby...I think you really need to stop now!! "
And that was the first time that mason rised his voice a little at wallaby, and honsetly, wallaby was very surprised, his dad never rised his tone like that at him before, he always talk too soft and gentle with him, so excited yo hear about his day. But now he didnt look to be in the mood to do that.
" Dad.... " " wallaby you must stay here! " " But da- " "im already late for this i need to go! " "pwease da-" "bye. "and with that mason closed the door behind him completely. leaving the house, and leaving the young child to spend another day at his home on his own. Mason was on the streets running, he felt like a lot of pressure and stress on him have been realesed when he got angry, now there is no more complaining about lucy and her absence.....but...he didnt feel alright yet...he felt.....regret....it was so heavy...he felt his heart carrying a heavy weigh...or that there are rocks in his chest...that didnt make him feel well by any chance, he tried to ignore it but it was a lot not to feel something...he felt so alone...he started getting cold...a feeling he didnt sense long ago...cause his body and heart always felt warm whenever he used to be alongside his son..but now he feels like he left him...he did...he feel like he did a mistake..he didnt mean it...he didnt mean to do that at all....he was just pressured and sad to rememeber a doleful memory...he didnt meant to hurt anyone...he wished he could go back and change something of what just happened..but now he cant, all he can do now is pass this intreview.
The night had fallen upon the land, the sky left with only a matt black canvas with no stars to be looked upon. The darkness was thick, mason path was hardly lit, if a normal person cant see good in this dark then this only made mason sight worse.  The interview went..........fine..........it wasnt what he was really looking for...and that was dissatisfied....but all what mason could care about is returning to his home and check something, rather someone....Other than the darkness and himself all that seemed to exist was the chilly wind thats harsh bite could be felt through the man skin. He could feel the hairs on his arms rise and the bite of the wind had left its mark in the form of small bumps that were tingling on his arms, but its bite was more than flesh deep. His blood ran cold through his veins and his bones were chilled. but the heat of what he was wearing did not reach his skin at all, mason know why, after what he done today he knew that today will not be a pretty day at all. The cold wind could be felt that its his inner repent, after what felt like days he saw his home, he may not see a lot good but it he could recognize his house, he stayed in the chilly wind for a few minutes, what is he going to do and say when gef back home?....
He sighed and gently opened the door, waiting to see someone in front of him when he do, to his surprise, there wasnt anyone....the house felt so quiet.....
so empty....
" Wallaby? " He called for his son, waiting for a reply, but none came. "Wallaby? " He called again. began walking around the house, maybe his son just didnt hear him..but he began to sweat.. " wallaby...?... " he searched everywhere in the house, the living room, the kitchen, the bathroom, he couldnt find him! There was only one place left...the bedroom, he ran to there, seriously hoping that wallaby is here insode the house. He entered the bedroom and turned on the lights panicking.........then sighed.......wallaby was there...sleeping on the bed that they both together share....wearing the same jacket he woke up with around him...mason smiled a little at the view. With the corner of his eyes he toke a glance of some small crayons and a drawing white paper on the ground, he went to that drawing and picked it up to see what did wallaby draw while he was out, he slowly looked into it.
It was drawn in a chidish way, with simple colors of crayons...if mason not wrong, one of the two people in it was him, having a smile on his face, next to him a smaller figure, he wasnt sure at first if thats wallaby, that figure had a colorfull hair, and a red dot to where seemed to be the nose, that figure short arms were stretched and some different colored dots where around him. Was that a clown? Why would wallaby draw his dad with a short clown next to him playing with some balls?! But suddenly it hit him..he remembered...
Wallaby previous birthday....at that day, mason only concern was to give his child a little happy party...but he couldnt even afford a cake...let alone a present...when he came back home that day all what he brought was just a red ballon, but he didnt want the birthday to just go by like that, he wanted to try and give wallaby any kind of gift, the only idea in his head was to dress as a clown and try to impress wallaby or make him laugh. He made wallaby sit on the ground and just got some random things to try and throw in the air and catch them again, which was a fail, wallaby didnt do anything, other than sitting there with a stare, when mason thought about giving up he slipped on something and fell down, that did hurt a bit, but wallaby laughed a lot! Which made mason not regret this at all and laughed with his kid "Hahahha! That was so funny dad! Why ya dressin like that? :D " " Haha...i was trying to be like a clown son! " "a clown? Oooh! So today is dressin as diffwent people day? " " Heh..I guess? " " Yaaay! Imma dress like ya dad! " Wallaby looked right and left to find something that can make him look like his dad, luckily he noticed his dad flatcap and grapped it to put it on his head " look dad! Im ya! I love my son a lot! We both get books and stare at them together! " Mason laughed because that was actually funny and true, they both cant read correctly which lead them to just stare at any book they try to read. Mason got up and put a hand on the flatcap that was on wallaby head " and this, my dear son...is my birthday gift to you...happy birthday! " Wallaby eyes looked like they were starry and he touched his dad flatcap with both his hands " wooooow!! Rewwy! Thanks dad!! " wallaby jumped on his dad giving him a tight hug, to which mason gladly gave back.
Mason now got what the drawing is talking about, in wallaby birthday party he tried to make him laugh so he can feel better...now..wallaby saw his dad was angry..and wanted him to laugh again...so he dressed as a clown and tried to make his dad smile again...just like he did to him...mason looked up the two figures to see a childish writing, its may not be written right but he tried as hard as he can to read it.
' Am srry dad u ar angre, i wont u 2 smail plz, i lov u '
Mason felt he is going to cry.
He learned it, nothing in this world can ever be above his only family. He put the drawing on a table, turned off the lights, and layed down next to wallaby, though his small son was sleeping to his side, mason hugged him from behing carefully and whispered softly.
" Im so sorry I neglected you today my precious sunshine...I wont do it again...the words wont describe how much I love you, I will be your mama and dada...and will take care of you for every moment...I am a proud dad to have you...no matter what wallaby....you will always make me proud. "
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Hey guys and gals thanks so much for checking back in with me.  As a bonus and to show my appreciation I'd like to give you a free pdf download of the Fat Decimator System.  Basically it is a system focusing and plan centered around dieting,exercise, supplements and mental focus.  It is basically the structure I used when I started and I follow many of the tips in here to lose weight and keep it off. You can check out an official review HERE. So if your here right now that means more or less a while back I was in your exact position and had to figure this out all on my own.  I'll be breaking this down into pointers for both dieting and exercising providing info and tips that I have found to help me to be more comfortable and stick with my diet. Dieting 1. Understand that on a diet you can eat tasty foods and eat and be full Yes,  I'm guilty.  When I started I had this notion that on a diet you only eat vegetables and you have to starve yourself.  After researching properly I found out this was  completely false. and after adjusting the first few weeks to eating differently through my journey I didn't find myself missing out on certain foods or being hungry because I found many substitutes that taste just as good or even better than the what I was used to.  I will be posting some recipes I use in the near future so look out for that. 2. Cook your own food. This plays off  point number 1 but you may already be thinking to yourself oh but Jerome i'm not a cook so this isn't for me.  In todays day and age with you-tube and the Internet it's not difficult to find easy tutorials that show you step by step what to do and how to do it.  When you cook your own food you know exactly what is in it, food bought often contains added sugars, tons of carbs and unhealthy fat all things that hinders weight loss.  Still scared about cooking your own food?  Trust me today my girlfriend says i'm a great cook and when she asks who thought me the answer is always Mr. YouTube. 3. Don't over eat. When on a diet you never should starve yourself your body needs energy to perform daily tasks and a lack of this may actually do more harm than good.  I always say eat until your satisfied.  In the past I had always eaten until I cannot eat anymore and found that that was unnecessary.  Practice to just eat until your satisfied meaning not too full and not hungry and over time your body will adjust to eating less and less making it even easier for you. 4. A "Mild Cheat Meal" once in a while is ok. Ok now I know many of the experts are gonna say a cheat meal is never ok but I beg to differ.  When I began my journey tho dedicated once a week I would have a mild cheat day.  This means that I would eat food that normally don't fall within my list of foods I allow for my diet.  Examples of these would be eat a plate of BBQ,  A bowl of pasta, or have some pancakes.  Now I would never go overboard with the eating but it is good to reward yourself once in a while, the most important thing is that after this day you get back on track and stick to eating clean.  If you dont feel your mentally ready to get back on track if you do this then don't do it and if you want to maximize results in the fastest time then skip this point. 5. Try New Things This is important to keep in mind, don't knock something until you try it.  Truth be told I never ate Cauliflower or Broccoli when growing up and now I actually love them both and both are great to have when your on a diet.  If you love these already then dieting just became a little easier as many delicious foods can be made from cauliflower. Exercise 1. You don't have to go to the gym to workout. Now before you jump and wonder what blasphemy I'm saying hold on.   Through the 7 months of me losing all my weight being completely honest I had not set foot in a gym.  Me being an I.T engineer I am often busy and don't have time consistently to go to the gym everyday at the same time so I had to make sure I got in my workout at home.  I do have a piece of equipment home which can substitute many of the workouts in a gym but most of the workouts I did to lose weight required little to no equipment and can be done right at home anytime.  I'll go more in depth when I do my blog on what exercises I do for cardio and weight lifting. 2.  Do workouts that you actually don't mind doing. I don't hate the gym, but I don't love it either and some of the workouts i just down right hate doing or I'm unable to do them because of an injury I had to my knee.  As an example I don't like running but I love boxing so I do boxing right at home for all my cardio.  No running, no jogging, pretty much just boxing.  Find something you love to do that gets the heart rate up and add that in to your workout.  If your having fun doing it then its not really working out anymore. 3. You don't need to workout 6 days a week for 2 hours. If you are dieting properly you should be able to workout 3 to 4 times a week for about 30 to 45 minutes each and you should still be able to see results.  This is pretty much what worked for me but of course results may differ.  Over working yourself however can be very bad especially if you are just getting started.  Try to avoid burning yourself out and go at a pace that you and your body can handle. 4.  When you don't feel like doing it is when you need to do it. There are just times when you feel lazy and down to get into your workout but that's when you absolutely need to do it.  CONSISTENCY is key to achieving your goals.  The more consistent you are the more results you will get and the more easier it will get over time.  The body is smart and it adapts to repetition.  Eventually if you miss a session you will be disappointed more than happy. Final Thoughts It is important to be ready mentally before you can effectively lose weight and not be frustrated while doing it.  These tips are just some of the main ones which helped me to stay on track and achieve my goals when it comes to weight loss.  I believe that there is some information here that will prove helpful to anyone and every little bit counts.  Stay focused, stay confident and stay strong.  Trust me its great when you start to see your losing weight its on another level when other people start to notice it as well. LETS GET IT !!!!!  
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clonerightsagenda · 7 years
Posting Gill’s bday fic over here with permission. It’s Rosemary-related and TLC compliant (with a couple of minor spoilers) but should be understandable even with no knowledge of the AU.
This is what you have learned from dating Rose Lalonde. Expect any room to fill up with clutter in her presence. Your attempts to keep things tidy are as effective as holding back the tide. Expect everything to take on the feel of an epic, like you might be summoned onto a world-altering quest at a moment’s notice. It’s like a human fairy tale, but the old kind, not remakes that are all glitter and talking animals. The stories with teeth.
Don’t expect her to say that she loves you.
Don’t take it personally either. That’s what you remind yourself. Rose resists sincerity. When you presented her with the first flowers you’d grown in the new greenhouse (roses; you’d been delighted to learn she’d been named for a flower), she’d laughed uncertainly like you’d unlocked an event she didn’t have a script for. Over the next week, as the blooms withered, they moved around. First you spotted them on the windowsill, then on her bedside table, in this vase or that one, like she couldn’t figure out what place they had in her life.
On the Land of Rays and Frogs, you encountered a puzzle path made of colored lily pads. If you stepped on the wrong one, it would buckle and deposit you in a mini-boss chamber before you returned to the start, weary and wiser. Navigating this relationship feels much the same. Some of your missteps now are the inevitable outcome of two species still learning about each other, but not all of them. After reading Rose’s walkthrough, you’d daydreamed of meeting its author. Now you think you need a walkthrough for her too.
The day after your tumultuous first date, Rose dumped her concoctions down the drain, saying she could embarrass herself perfectly well without the aid of depressants. Not even a week later, she set the equipment up again.
“It might come in handy for medicinal purposes,” she said when you asked her why she’d changed her mind. “Besides, it wasn’t all bad.” She winked. “We got some mileage out of it.”
You blushed, and your rainbow drinker glow briefly flared before you wrestled it under control again. In the first few weeks you hadn’t known how the rules changed when you moved from unofficial to official. Where did you put your eyes, or your hands? What were you allowed to say? “It did make you more forward.”
She laughed, and from the sharpness on her breath you realized she’d already been sampling her experiments. “I can be so fucking uptight sometimes. Maybe we all need to lighten up. Lighten up. Get it?”
“I get it,” you said. But you didn’t.
So you sought clarification from Dave. After you quested through the meteor, lipstick at the ready in case of clown sightings, you found him topside staring back the way you’d come. At the beginning of your journey, you’d taken turns stationing yourselves there, afraid Jack would catch up and resume his rampage when you least expected it. When he didn’t make an appearance, you’d all let your guards down, reducing sentry duty to a quick backward glance now and then. Was he keeping watch for Lord English now?
“Are you watching for Jack?” you asked.
He jumped and tried to cover it with a miniscule adjustment to his cape. “Nah. Watching Skeletor blast everyone to bits.”
“You and Rose have been up here a lot recently.”
“We both came up after the first killing, you know? It was so loud.” He rubbed at his eyes underneath his shades. His skin is a few shades lighter than his sibling’s, and you could see shadows there. “It’s been hard to sleep since then. At least she’s found a way to conk out.”
“About her newfound use of soporifics.” You hesitated, staring up at the flashing lights that were already becoming familiar. It’s amazing how fast you accustom yourselves to the unthinkable. “Is that normal for humans?”
He frowned. (Later, he’d tell you he hadn’t been sure how to respond. “I didn’t want to fuck it up for you two,” he said. “I didn’t think it’d get that bad.”) “Hard to say what’s normal in our situation. Guess a lot of people would pull out a bottle after everything we’ve gone through. Better than sticking a forty-five in your mouth. She’s always been extreme about reacting to things. It’s hard to believe we’re the same damn species sometimes, let alone siblings.”
“I didn’t think an outing with me is so terrible you have to be out of your wits to enjoy it.” You didn’t mean to sound petulant, but his eyebrows rose.
“She doesn’t mean it like that.”
“I thought you didn’t understand her.”
“It would take an institutional thinktank to really figure her out, but I do a little.” He shoved his hands into his pockets. He does that when he’s being serious sometimes. “I think the whole thing freaked her out. Freaks her out, present tense, if you’re officially an item now. Congrats, by the way.”
“Thank you.”
Another spiderweb of cracks blossomed above your heads. You could see them reflected in Dave’s shades as he said, “I don’t think she trusts anyone being nice to her 100%, that’s all. Not even me.”
Rose has been clean for months now in human terms. You both have. The first few weeks of your victory were spent dealing with the effects of abandoning your substances of choice. You stumbled around feeling as if you’d been dipped in concrete, your movements and thoughts slow and ponderous. Rose went days without sleep and flinched away from things the rest of you couldn’t see. Roxy warned you of what to expect, since she’d gone through the process before. She’s also the one who told you to remind Rose to eat. “She’s not gonna want to,” she said. “You feel gross all over and the last thing you want to do is stick more shit in your body, but if you don’t eat you’ll just feel crummier.”
You’d noticed her drinking her meals before, but you’d never brought it up beyond meaningful glances or the pointed placement of foodstuffs in her respiteblock. Rose has always been good at dodging questions. “Do you have any suggestions for a strategic approach? She’ll try to deflect me with witticisms. Her barbs are floppy at the edges right now, but my defenses are equally compromised.”
“That’s a cute way of saying you’re both fucked up.” Roxy shrugged. “I can’t beat her in a war of words, and I wouldn’t try. My advice? Sit on her and force feed her Saltines while telling her it’s for her own good.”
You had been skipping meals yourself. Even after eating normal food, you still felt hungry. Your system wanted something else to satisfy it, so what was the point? Rose latched on to that hypocrisy when you tried to nag her, so you’d end up sitting across the table from each other with plates of leftovers cold from the fridge, matching each other mouthful for mouthful. Whatever worked.
The worst of that is past now. But sometimes she still behaves in ways that make you wonder if after all these sweeps she really trusts you.
-- grimAuxiliatrix [GA] began pestering gardenGnostic [GG] -- GA: Jade GA: Shes Doing It Again GG: whos doing what? :o GA: You Know Who GA: Who Else Do I Come To You In Search Of Explanations For Their Inexplicable Habits GA: Show Some Space Player Solidarity Here GA: There Are So Few Of Us Who View Common Sense As Part Of A Complete Breakfast GG: for everyone else its an optional granola to sprinkle on top GA: The Recipe Said Season To Taste And Im Afraid Theres A Serious Lack Of That In The Premises GA: Ok Can We Cut The Extended Cooking Metaphor Out GG: yeah, it was getting a little meanspirited GA: That Too I Guess Mostly I Didnt Want To Get Stuck Exchanging Culinary Puns GG: ok, what terrible thing is rose doing now GA: She Has Locked Herself In Her Room And Has Been Listening To Her Playlist Designated For Angst For Three Hours GG: lol GG: that behavior cannot stand! GG: except it sort of can, since we all have a right to privacy GG: even if we exercise that right by listening to sad music all day GG: these things cannot be revoked for bad taste GA: Actually Most Of It Has Been Pretty Good GA: Filtering Through The Door Gives It Nice Acoustics GG: maybe you need to give her some... space :D :D :D GA: I Just Want To Know What Upset Her GA: She Says It Wasnt Me But I Dont Know If That Means It Wasnt Me Or It Was Me And I Am Expected To Work That Out On My Own GA: A Reassessment Of The Past Few Days Activities Hasnt Turned Up Anything Suspicious GG: i cant think of anything that might have upset her... GG: ohhhhhhhhhh GG: i think its her moms birthday GG: that might be it GA: How Did You Know GA: Is That Supposed To Be Common Knowledge GG: she complained one time about having to go to a fancy dinner GG: something thrown by her moms colleagues i think??? GG: her mom made her dress up in something frilly, she said she felt like an american girl doll GG: to be honest she sent a picture and i thought it was a cute dress!! GG: definitely not her style though GA: Im Impressed You Remember GG: i try to keep track of these things GG: it was nice hearing about everyones lives, i always wished I could do things like that GG: tell me your lususes birthday, i will put it in my calendar GA: I Never Knew It GA: I Wish Shed Told Me GA: Rose I Mean I Dont Think Wriggling Days Are Important For Virgin Mothergrubs GG: dont take it personally GG: she does it to all of us, and youre her girlfriend so she has to be EXTRA secretive about terrible and compromising things like emotions GA: That Logic Sounds Backward GG: the human mind is a complicated maze of mystery kanaya GA: Sounds Mysterious GG: it is GG: she probably doesnt realize its stressing you out, i know shes trying to be better about that kind of thing GG: you know, COMMUNICATION!! D: GA: No Please Anything But That GG: the achilles heel of our entire household GG: i can bug her if you want GA: No Thats Ok GA: Mostly I Wanted To Make Sure I Hadnt Caused This And Needed To Resolve It GA: If She Wants To Grieve By Herself I Understand GG: if shes still in there by dinner well root her out! GG: there is a limit to how many sad songs are good for your soul GA: Ok GA: In The Meantime Do You Have Any Work That Needs Doing In The Greenhouse GA: Id Like To Keep My Hands Busy GG: theres some stuff that needs deadheading on table three GG: do you want company? GA: No Thats Fine GA: Ill Talk To You Later GG: sure thing! -- ¬¬grimAuxiliatrix [GA] began pestering tentacleTherapist [TT] -- GA: Im Sorry About Your Mother TT: Who told you about that? GA: Jade TT: Figures. TT: Lousy goddamn supportive friends. GA: She Has Said She Will Flush You Out If You Dont Come Down To Dinner GA: Do You Feel Up To It GA: Otherwise I Can Convince Her To Leave You Be GA: She Is Easily Distracted From Her Resolutions If You Know How To Play Your Gaming Rectangles Right TT: No, I'll be there. TT: What time is it? GA: Half Past Five So No Rush GA: Im Still Gardening And Havent Washed Up TT: It might take me that long to get presentable. GA: Was Her Wriggling Day Important To You GA: I Admit The Concept Is New To Me GA: What With Our Ancestors Being So Far Removed From Our Lives And Our Guardians Being Literal Fauna Who Did Not Celebrate Notable Dates TT: It’s probably not even her real birthday. TT: We were all created on the same day, and I doubt anyone was on hand to record when her meteor touched down. TT: She must have picked a day she liked. TT: We used to give each other over-the-top gifts every year. TT: I thought she was being passive aggressive, so I reciprocated in turn. TT: The last year, I thought about getting her a bedazzled martini glass, but I didn’t get around to it. TT: Thank god. TT: I can only hope she interpreted my gestures as sincere as readily as I interpreted hers as sarcastic. TT: Otherwise she must have thought I was the worst daughter imaginable. GA: Im Sure She Didnt Think That TT: I wish I’d given her something better. TT: Something genuine. GA: I Was Working On A New Hat For Nepeta During The Game GA: I Got Some Monster Slime On Her Old One With A Sloppy Chainsaw Maneuver And Even Though She Said It Wasnt The First Time I Wanted To Make It Up To Her GA: And Help At Least One Of My Teammates Diversify Their Wardrobe TT: There’s always an ulterior motive, isn’t there? GA: You Tell Me GA: You Are The Expert In Decoding The Nefarious Meaning Hidden Within Every Exchange Of Pleasantries TT: It’s a secret code, Kanaya. TT: The sixth grader who tossed the newspaper into our yard this morning is working with the KGB. That’s what "Good morning" meant. This is well established in spy manuals. GA: My Knowledge Of Human Subterfuge Is Always Expanding GA: The Hat Was Supposed To Be A Surprise GA: Then I Found It In A Treasure Chest Not Long Into Our Journey GA: Theyre Gone And You Know That But Then You Find Something That Reminds You GA: Oh GA: Ill Never Give Her That Will I TT: I don’t know what I would’ve done if we’d lost anyone from our session. TT: Well, I do know. I have memories from a timeline where we lost half. TT: It wasn’t pretty. TT: I know in a lot of ways we got lucky. GA: Its Not A Contest GA: You Dont Have To Have Had It Worst To Feel Bad TT: I know. TT: But it’s hard. GA: See Look At Us Talking About Our Emotions Isnt That Nice GA: A Horrible Kind Of Nice TT: Or a nice kind of horrible. TT: Either or. GA: The Juxtaposition Is Key TT: I didn't mean to shut you out. GA: I Know You Need Privacy Sometimes GA: I Would Just Prefer To Know Whats Going On So I Dont Have To Worry About Whats Wrong GA: And You Know You Can Talk To Me TT: I know. Intellectually. TT: Is it weird I can trust you all with my life but not always with my feelings? GA: Kind Of GA: But I Get It GA: Were All Weird About Some Things TT: I'm trying to do better. And I'll let you know next time I need to indulge in a three-hour sad jams session so you won't worry. TT: Maybe after I've run through my playlist, we can even talk about it. GA: We Can Sit Awkwardly At A Table Waiting For The Other One To Break The Silence First TT: A tradition. GA: Also I Should Let You Know Its Stir Fry Night TT: Really? TT: You should have led with that. TT: Save me a seat.
As time passes, you all improve with hesitant steps that sometimes send you sliding back, sometimes not. Rose throws herself into her walkthrough, which she plans to distribute to anyone else caught up in SGRUB’s gears. Everyone is on consultant duty to flesh out areas of personal expertise. You, however, are her co-editor, a position of special privilege.
Rose views the work as one more way to help whatever players come after you. Your motivation is less selfless. Once, several sweeps and universes ago, an alien’s words found you and gave you something to hang on to. Somewhere, in a distant galaxy, someone else is being forced to play this game. Maybe your words can reach them, like Rose’s reached you. Working on the walkthrough now lets you build something together in a way that she won’t dismiss as sappy and overdone, a love letter for the universe.
That doesn’t mean you don’t run into difficulties, of course.
TT: Have you had a chance to look over the Prospit chapter? GA: Oh Uh GA: Ive Seen It TT: Did you have any feedback? TT: I'm going to ask Jade too, but I thought I'd give you the first shot. GA: Um GA: I Dont Know TT: Was it that off-base? TT: I know I'm a Derse dreamer, but I tried to be thorough. GA: Its More The Tone GA: You Wrote That Prospit May Look Friendlier But Should Still Be Viewed As An Antagonist Because It Has Ulterior Motives GA: And Maybe Thats True Especially About The Clouds GA: But My Time On The Moon Was The Brighter Portion Of My Childhood GA: And The People Of Prospit Were Always Kind To Me GA: So I Guess The Framing Made Those Memories Feel Kind Of GA: Threatened TT: Oh. GA: It Isnt A Logical Reaction TT: What do you think I should change? GA: I Dont Know GA: Maybe Nothing GA: Youre The Expert Here I Know Im Biased Toward My Moon Whatever Systems It Might Be Part Of GA: We All Take That View About Some Parts Of Our Youth Dont We GA: Even If It Was Part Of Something Bad We Remember The Good Moments GA: We Hold On To The Small Kindnesses TT: …Yeah. GA: You Can Disregard That Feedback GA: Youre The One With Writing Expertise And A Clear Goal In Mind GA: I Dont Really Know What Im Doing GA: Youre Better At This TT: I’m really not. TT: I just put on a more convincing show. TT: Don’t dismiss yourself. You have expertise in areas I don’t. GA: I Guess Im Not As Used To Putting Myself Out There TT: You can come up with a clever pen name. TT: There’s a tradition of vampires spelling their names backward. GA: Im Reformed TT: An anagram then, maybe. TT: Jokes aside, this is a collaborative project. We’ve got a Google doc and everything. TT: I don't want to intergalactically publish anything you're not comfortable with. TT: How about a revision session this evening? I'll bring Lofthouse cookies. GA: The Ones That Are Just Discs Of Sugar And Flour TT: With nary a redeeming nutritional quality in sight. TT: Keep that quiet, though. Jane would kill me if she knew I was smuggling them into the house. GA: Sounds Great Ill Be There
Rose’s typical drafting position is on her stomach with her laptop propped up on the pillow. You prefer to stretch your legs out with your back up against the wall. Thermoses of tea balance precariously between the two of you on the mattress.
“There’s been a lot of activity on the kernelsprite document,” Rose says, flicking through the pages. “Apparently Hal listed “100 advantages of being prototyped” and Dirk replaced it with “Most of this list is either illegal or immoral.” I’m turning track changes on to see what they were.”
You tap your fingers idly on the keys while your own husktop buffers. “Anything good?”
“Get away with murder,” she reads. “That’s cliché, you don’t even have to be a sprite for that. I think he just put it in there to be edgy. He’s trying so hard; you have to respect that. It’s like when I started buying black makeup to try to spite my mother.” She scrolls down further. “Oh, here’s a good one. Clip through the floor.”
“I’ve seen John do it. He’s not as original as he thinks he is.” You peer at her screen. “Eat your enemy’s phone. I’ll give him points for one. It’s not feasible for most mortals.”
Rose reaches across your legs for another cookie. “Sure, if you’re a coward.”
“I’ll accept that designation if it means avoiding a mouthful of circuitry.”
She chews thoughtfully and then flicks a sprinkle off onto the carpet. At least you’re in her room. Still, you feel a compulsion to pick it up. “About what you were saying earlier. I don’t want to contribute to any lingering insecurities.”
The change of topics catches you off guard. “They’re milling around in the lobby, but I’m not letting them upstairs.” You shrug, your shoulders sliding up the wall. “As we’ve been reminding each other, we can’t fix everything about ourselves immediately. I’m more confident than I used to be. I didn’t let Jake talk me into that routine with the glitter.”
“Shame.” She frowns at you, an expression diluted somewhat by a rim of frosting on her upper lip. “I’m not commandeering this project too much, am I? It’s nice to have something to be enthusiastic about again, but maybe I’m getting carried away.”
“No, you’re being very accommodating.” You squirm, smoothing out inconsequential creases in your skirt. Sometimes feelings don’t make sense. But once Rose decides she wants to talk about them, she tries to pin them to the page and dissect them. She does it because she wants to understand and help, the same way she wants to reverse engineer SBURB with words to assist players who come after. That doesn’t make the process any more pleasant when you’re the one on the operating table. “The problem is on my end, in the concern lobby. The lurking insecurities have been taking numbers for a while, and the counter is only up to twelve.”
“Like Inside Out crossed with a DMV? Hellish.” Rose picks up a pen and rolls it between her fingers. She likes to draft things longhand first sometimes. “I remember back on the last day of the game, you said you thought everyone burned brighter than you. You must’ve realized by now that my “burning brighter” is mostly because I have a habit of setting myself on fire.”
You’ll admit you’d been starstruck by the walkthrough’s mysterious author. It had been nice to harbor a new secret crush once Vriska was a lost cause. And you’d first met Rose face to face as a newly risen goddess bathed in the luminescence of the Green Sun. She’d seemed ethereal and beyond you.
Then, after the first few hours of sorting out living arrangements and watching Karkat roam around yelling for Gamzee to give the bodies back, she’d announced she was going to “sleep for a fucking week” and faceplanted into the nearest rug. Dave didn’t help beyond alchemizing some safety cones and setting them up around her. That had helped a little. So had seeing what her hair looks like in the mornings. “If you’re worried I have some unattainable vision of you set on a mental altar, rest easy. But you did restructure the multiverse with nothing but nerve, so I might still want your autograph a little.”
Rose brandishes the pen. “Only on the condition I get to sign your bra.” When you wave her away, she drops it on the pillow. “Spearheading the multiverse operation is one of my prouder accomplishments, I’ll admit, but my violet-tinged authorial prowess is entirely due to thinking I was hot shit as a pre-teen on the Internet. Besides, if we’re talking bragging rights, you fixed reality. Not to mention put up with us idiots for three years.”
“That was a struggle.” At times you’d wondered if you were the only one on the meteor keeping ahold of your wits. “Remember when the ceiling panels gave way and Gamzee fell onto the table?”
“Not our best group dinner. But you see, I’m a mess. You’re the one who has her act together.”
You frown. Being praised for your stability is a sore spot of yours. Yes, you’d been the one to bear everyone else’s struggles. That doesn’t mean you liked it. “I had to. Someone did. It got tiring after a while, though.”
Rose winces. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it that way. You shouldn’t have had to. But it is impressive that you did.”
“You were sick,” you say, in response to her apology.
You see her shoulder blades rise and fall in a muted shrug. “I know. But that doesn’t mean you should have had to deal with it.”
“I guess…” Maybe you’re the one who’s prompted her to speak up, but you struggle with your words too. Troll culture teaches you that open exchanges of feelings are for moirails. Palemates are the only people you can trust the depths of your soul to, if you can truly trust anyone at all. Humans don’t compartmentalize in the same way. You can see the benefits of that system, but you still fear saying the wrong thing will push her away. “You undercut yourself to tell me I’m better than I think I am. But if I’m already worried about measuring up to some standard, that just pushes us both lower. Do you see what I mean?”
“The self-deprecation’s not cute. Got it.” She twists around in what is probably some kind of advanced yoga pose to look you in the eye. “But you shouldn’t undersell yourself either, ok?”
When she doesn’t break eye contact, you nod reluctantly. “This is a very affirming argument we’re having.”
She reaches over and prods you with the pen. “I’m channeling Jake. Believe in yourself.”
You smile. “It’s hard to resist, these days.”
When you’re done for the evening, Rose captchalogues her laptop and you troop out. Everyone has their own room, but all of you tend to spend more of your nights in the common area curled up in armchairs or slumped over each other on sofas, within easy sight of each other when you wake from bad dreams. After a few weeks of intentionally lingering there until you fell asleep, you made it official and filled the whole room with soft materials like a huge communal pile. Terezi even taped up democratically-determined regulations. Rose spends some nights curled up next to you with her face shoved so close against your neck you wonder how she can breathe. Sometimes, though, she retreats to a corner with a pillow at her back like a wall. You know not to approach her then.
Tonight, she finds an empty patch of floor and drops down on it. You lower yourself next to her.
“Are you happy with the chapter now?” she asks.
“I’d like to give it another pass tomorrow, but it’s much better.”
“And everything else?”
“That’s better too.”
“Good.” She gives you a peck on the lips and, when Terezi wolfwhistles, flips her the bird and kisses you for real. You kiss her back, until… You pull away.
“Are you wearing my lip balm?”
“Maybe.” She purses the lips in question. “It’s got a good flavor.”
“I was wondering where that went. You know, you could have just asked to borrow it.” Grudgingly, anyway. She has a terrible habit of licking the stuff off and then reapplying it to start the cycle anew.
Rose raises an eyebrow. “You offered to do my laundry so you could steal my favorite shirt.”
You think, with only a modicum of guilt, of the shirt you have stashed behind the laundry basket in your closet. “It’s very soft.”
“I’m never getting that back, am I?”
“Probably not.”
She sticks her tongue out at you and pulls a blanket over her shoulders. “Night.”
“Good night,” you say. That’s the only endearment you exchange.
A few days later, Rose wanders into your room unannounced and flops onto the bed. This isn’t uncommon behavior, so you keep sorting through your clean laundry. Her cat behaves similarly, insinuating himself into a room as if he belongs there. It’s a lazy confidence you envy. “We should go out,” she says, directing her words at the ceiling.
“We should?” you ask, holding two socks up to see if they match. They don’t, exactly, but they are a pair. Rose knitted them for you herself. They’re lumpy and awkwardly shaped, and you treasure them.
“We were going to do something fun after the game, remember? That was the plan. But we've both been sick, and outside is...” Rose waves toward the window and the world it serves as a barrier against. “Outside, so we haven't gotten around to it. But we should. You’ve been in your room a lot. It’ll do us both good.”
Drat. Your downturns aren’t as explosive as the others’. Sometimes you simply withdraw, spending more time on your own while a mental screen descends between you and the world, distorting it like a blur filter. There’s nothing wrong with you, exactly; it’s just that you don’t have the energy. That’s not bad, right? There are worse things than numbness. “What were you thinking we could do?”
She sits up halfway and then flops back down again. The pillows bounce. “I was hoping you'd have some ideas.”
You twist the socks together and toss them into the appropriate drawer. “The only thing I remember suggesting was outfits without sleeves.”
“Compelling, but not really something to make a date out of.” Rose frowns. “Have we ever... had a normal date? By regular people's standards?”
“Troll or human?” You shake your head. “I don't think any species would give us a passing grade.”
“Earthworms might be impressed.”
You pout. “You've never taken me to any good plots of soil.”
“We'll do that next time. For now, Jane said someone needs to do the shopping.”
“You know how to sweep me off my feet.”
Rose, still prone, waves a list in your direction. “It'll be fun. We get to pick which flavor of potato chips we want, and everyone else has to live with it.”
If Alternia had anything like supermarkets, they hadn’t spread near your oasis. For all that your caste can stand the sun, the electric lights hurt your eyes. They’re too bright – a harsh white that makes all the bright colors look flat and artificial. You reach for Rose’s hand, and she squeezes it. “I appreciate the support,” you say, “but I wanted to see the list.”
“Oh. Right.” She brings it up for both of you to consult. “Does Jade know how expensive beef is? She’s really running us through it.”
“She’s been talking about growing vegetables for the household. It’s too bad she can’t raise her own cows.”
“Don’t give her ideas. She wouldn’t be able to bring herself to butcher them, not after we’d named them all.” Rose leads you to the back of the store and scoops up slabs of meat packed into tidy foam and plastic containers. The setup is so clinical your residual rainbow drinker instincts don’t even twitch. It’s a far cry from the Alternian pastime of slicing your dinner up while it’s still wriggling. “We need milk,” she begins, and trails off after she pivots to the left. “It was that way in my old store. But they must not follow a common plan.”
Rose looks unmoored now that her navigational confidence has been broken. A lot of the humans are like this, wavering when their world doesn’t behave the way they think it should. It’s almost easier for those of you who expect foreign ways and customs. It’s harder to be a stranger in your own home. “We’ll wander,” you say, and steer her firmly by the shoulder.
By a combination of trial and error and studying signage like relics of a lost civilization, you manage to gather everything on the list. The only problem comes when you pass a series of shelves stacked with bottles, and Rose stiffens. It takes a moment for the pieces to fall into place – you’ve never seen wine packaged in its original containers before.
”Come on,” you say, linking your arm with hers. “Help me test which limes are ripest.”
You have to tug for a moment before she comes with you. You don’t think she’s planning to make a running leap for the vintage. If anything, she looks like she does when there’s an enemy sighted, wary and ready to spring. If she destroys several wine racks with a blast of divine light, that’ll probably go on your bill.
”Sorry,” she says, once you’ve made it to the produce section. “At my old store, it was in a separate room. Not out in the open.”
You lean toward her a little, so your shoulders press together. “It took you by surprise.”
She leans back. “Like pulling down your sheets and seeing a spider in your bed.” You see a dot of blood on her lower lip. She must have bitten it. “It must be harder for you. There’s no getting away from all that blood walking around on two legs.”
”It’s easier not to slip up, though.” You reach over with your free hand and dab at her cut, wiping the smear on the side of your shirt. “They’d make a fuss if I tried to sample it.”
”That’s what recovering alcoholics need.” She swipes at her mouth herself, but the wound is already closing. “Wine bottles that scream when you open them.”
”You’ve uncovered a new industry.”
”I need to patent it immediately.”
You squeeze her arm before letting go. If she’s making jokes, that’s a good sign.
Rose perks up when you’re heading toward the checkout. “Hang on. We have to stop by the natural foods section.”
”We do?” You check the list again. There’s nothing left on it.
”You never know,” she says. Now it’s her turn to drag you along. “The cure to all our life’s problems might be hiding next to the apricot kernels.”
Her tone is mocking. “Is there something wrong with natural products?”
”Not on their own. Jade says a lot of processed food upsets her stomach after growing up without it. But some people will pitch organic to you as the cure for cancer, and if you’re telling me you feed your four-year-old Goji berries instead of getting him vaccinated, I think you’ve opened yourself up to public disdain.” Rose plucks a box of tea off the shelf. “Look at this one. It says it’ll revitalize your body and restore harmony to your thoughts. All for twelve dollars, too.”
”Sounds like a deal.”
”It would have its work cut out for it with us. Hey, if I drink Sleepy Time and Stay Alert blends at the same time, what do you think will happen?”
”You’ll shed your corporeal form and ascend to a being of pure consciousness, and that would be a shame, because I like your face.” You retrieve the boxes and put them back before she decides to do product testing. “Apparently these exotic grains cure depression with their wholesome vitamins and minerals.”
”Buy the whole shelf.”
She’s right; some of these products are ridiculous. The two of you are giggling over asparagus water when a middle-aged woman pushes past you with her shopping cart. A highblood couldn’t look down their nose better. “Are you girls done with that?” she asks.
”Definitely,” Rose says, straight-faced. “I’d recommend it. It made us gay.”
Rose did the talking there, and you were too busy laughing to think of how to react. But when you get to the cashier, your tongue twists in your mouth. You stammer through pleasantries until Rose rescues you and completes the transaction. You drift away while she's collecting the bags, pretending to peruse the week's advertisement flier.
“She was pretty,” Rose says when she joins you, groceries in tow. “Is that why you were stuttering?”
You take half the bags from her. It would have been polite to help her carry them from the conveyor belt, but you needed to escape. “Was she? I didn't notice.”
She nudges you with a conspiratorial grin. “You don't have to play coy. I won't get jealous.”
“I'm not playing coy.” You shift one of the bags over your wrist, and something inside crinkles. Hopefully you didn’t break anything. “Her face was a blur. I panicked.”
Rose’s smile fades. “I’d forgotten you could be shy.”
The automatic doors whoosh open as the two of you approach. You sidestep a mother and her offspring going the other direction. “When you grow up on an oasis where your nearest neighbors are the shambling undead, you're a little cautious of strangers.”
“But willing to send them messages on Pesterchum questioning their intelligence and morals.”
She printed your first conversation logs off and stuck them to her wall, which you find equally endearing and annoying. Every time you see them, you itch to pull out a pen and make edits. “That's different. We weren't face to face. And... this is all new, here. I worry they'll be able to tell.”
“That they'll scream “Space invader!” and cart you off to a top secret facility?
”I’m sure it’s funny to you,” you say with a sniff, starting across the parking lot. “They won’t dissect you.”
She smiles again – you meant her to; the dissection at least was a joke. “I get nervous too. Not as much now after everything we’ve been through, but I’ve always been hyperaware of social situations. But I tend to take the ‘don't get scared; get angry’ approach.”
You recall how she marched up to the conveyor belt and slammed down her purchases. “I did wonder if you were going to challenge the salesperson to a strife.”
“Chalk it up to the childhood narcissism. I always felt like everyone was passing judgment.”
You accidentally make eye contact with a man stepping out of his vehicle and redirect your gaze at Rose’s collarbone. “Like everyone's watching.”
She nods. “And that's not true. They have their own problems and couldn't care less what we do. We're not important to them. In this case, that's reassuring.”
You’re surprised she finds it comforting. You’re happy to fade into the background; Rose likes to be noticed. You’d never realized it frightened her too. “What a pair we make,” you say.
“Between us, we add up to one functional person.”
You pull open the car door for her with a flourish. “I'd be generous and say at least 1.5.”
A few of the humans have been working to get their licenses so Jane’s father doesn’t have to drive them everywhere. Rose only has a permit, but that doesn’t stop her from using the car. Seer powers let her know if there’s likely to be trouble, but otherwise she drives like she’s got a grudge against the pavement. She peels out of the parking spot and then slams on the brakes. You hug a carton of eggs to your chest so they don’t splatter against the windshield. “What is it?”
”We have cold bags for everything, right?”
”Yes.” It was overkill for a short trip, but you prefer to be prepared.
She pulls into the store’s partner gas station while you wave apologetically at the elderly woman she just cut off. “This is a date. We’re going to get coffee.”
The coffee machine is broken, so you both get 99 cent slushies and sit on the curb next to the free air pump. The parking spot is empty save for a mulch of cigarette butts and ripped up Lotto tickets. Rose slurps some of her concoction out of a straw. It’s a murky mess, and you spotted her squirting a few shots of energy drink in for good measure. You spent several minutes painstakingly creating a rainbow pattern and are now trying to drink evenly to keep the layers intact. A bag of chips slumps half-empty between you. They’ll complain about that back home, but it’s their fault for not coming along to supervise.
Rose sucks on her straw with a noise like a drain unclogging. “How’s this for romance and adventure?”
“I could do it again,” you say. And you could. The encounter with the cashier still leaves you shaken, but the haze has peeled off the world. It’s funny how after everything you’ve been through, something as simple like this can be energizing. There are groceries in the car that need to get back and a household worth of responsibilities to keep up with, but right now it could just be the two of you setting off on some new adventure. Rose has always made you feel that way. Light players make the world narrow around them, drawing in attention, compressing possibility. They’re a lantern you bump against, entranced. With Rose, you’ve found one that doesn’t burn.
”Well shit, these were ninety-nine cents.” She smirks in the way that means you’ve missed a joke. “I think our budget can afford it.”
”Thank you for dragging me out here.” Lurking in your room seems silly now. “It helps, borrowing your confidence.”
”It’s a show,” she says. “I don’t know how you manage to seem so centered all the time.”
”Amateur theatrics,” you say. “One functional person, here we are.” She raises her drink in a toast, and you knock them together. ”I mean it, though,” you continue. “It’s nice, the way you turn things into adventures. Even if it’s a shopping trip, I don’t know where we’re going to end up. It’s unpredictable, but I like it. I like spending time with you.”
She smiles and looks away. Whenever you’ve successfully induced emotions, she never wants to look you in the eye. “That slushy must have made an impression.”
”It was good.” You flick the straw, sending drops of condensation scattering across the asphalt. “We didn’t have anything like this at home, at least not where I grew up. That might explain part of the rapturous response. But mostly I think it’s because I love you.”
Rose stills. That might be a bad sign, but you’ve gotten yourself into this situation, so you might as well keep going. “I’m not trying to corner you,” you say, looking down at your knees. “I know you have difficulty expressing some things. But I wanted to express that. Right now.”
When you sneak a look over, her shoulders are shaking. The ice from your drink solidifies in your stomach until you realize she’s laughing.
”Do you know how long I’ve been agonizing over this?” she asks.
”I knew why,” you begin. “Your mother…” That’s not a complete sentence, but it doesn’t have to be. Sometimes you want to ask John to transport you into Rose’s past so you can grab the woman by her shoulders and shake her. “How could you be so careless?” you want to demand. “Didn’t you realize what you were doing?” You are all the results of what has been done to you, combined with your attempts to overcome it. Even with your universes gone, their impressions remain as indelible parts of you. You wouldn’t want Rose to be anything other than who she is, but that doesn’t stop you from wishing she could have gotten something better growing up.
“That was what started it.” Rose takes a gulp of her drink. The humor drains from her voice. Now she’ll look you in the eye. “She’d vanish into her laboratory or a drunken stupor and leave me to fend for myself. The first time I tried cooking spaghetti I set off the fire alarm. I couldn’t get it to stop until I climbed up on a chair and took the batteries out. She slept through the whole thing. So when she turned up with a new present, how could I believe it was sincere? And even if it was, it didn’t make up for anything. If all you can give is the trappings of love, like you’ve bought out a Valentines’ clearance sale but can’t be damned to raise your own child, it doesn’t count.” She sloshes the remains of her drink around with one hand and watches it like she’s reading tea leaves. “So I guess I distrusted all of it. The glitz, the performance, anything. Even the words. Because if you do it right, they should know. But… in the past I’ve been guilty of overcorrecting.”
“Really?” You try to keep your tone teasing. Anything else might alarm her.
She elbows you in the ribs, but not hard. “Sometimes I’ve turned the wheel a bit and drifted over the dividing line between reasonable responses and terrible decisions by a few millimeters.”
“I think a driving instructor might say you sailed over the median, engaged with oncoming traffic, and left the highway entirely for parts unknown. What?” you add. “I’ve read the manual you’re all practicing from.”
“Five dollars says you pass the test before I do. After the timeline John made unhappen, I realized I’d never told you. For all the wrong, stupid reasons. I shouldn’t have let any of that stop me. I would’ve died with that as one of my greatest regrets. So I wanted it to be perfect, since I made you wait so long.” She covers her mouth with one hand and smiles through her fingers. “God, you should see my search history. I watched promposal videos, although I wiped all that data and I’ll deny it if you tell anyone. And here we are –” she pauses and shakes her head - “in a gas station parking lot. But you know what? I think it fits.” She slings an arm around your shoulders and plants a sticky kiss on your cheek. “I love you. Let’s make it count.”
This is what you have learned from dating Rose Lalonde. Expect your lives to accumulate the clutter of experiences together – receipts and stolen shirts and empty packages still streaked with frosting. Expect to make missteps, because the two of you are walking an uncharted path one step after another. Sometimes you fall, fight your demons, and climb back up again. You are all doing this for the first time.
Expect her to say she loves you in unexpected ways. A new package of lip gloss left on your pillow. A flower pressed between the pages of a heavy book to make it delicate and perfect. Occasionally, the words.
Make it count.
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ddcassiere · 5 years
10 tips for Buskers
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Before we proceed with tips for buskers I want to announce everyone that our saturday appointment with Fat Jesus - Time To Bleed Robot, 40 songs for 40 saurdays - is coming back tomorrow! 
I’m very happy about the reception of this project that was supposed to be addressed only to few individuals spread around the world... I checked the download section and numbers of downloads are growing every day.
Thank you!
For the ones that havent downloaded yet any Fat Jesus’, here is the free link containing the first ten songs:
Time to Bleed Robot Vol I
Now, to us. These tips come from my personal experiences and mistakes. I dont intend in any way make you believe that this is the truth, but thats for sure my truth. 
Hope you find this post useful, weather you are a busker or not..
Keep a diary. a diary of what you played in the last set, a diary about who you met on the street, a diary of what happened. The street is things happening all the time and it might be healthy for your psiche to write down things. If not to hold grab of an overwhelming sequence of encounters, at least to have something to read one day, to remind you how crazy and lively and heroic this all was.
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busking in Prishtina - Kosovo
A busker is an ancient figure that deserves respect. It takes guts to put yourself and your music at the mercy of anyone who happens to pass by. The fact that you are doing it, in my opinion is already worth esteem. Dont ever be bothered by the ones who dont listen, or that look you down. You are playing for yourself and for those who are into what you are playing. The others, let them walk away. That leads us to point 3.
The best way to enjoy busking is to do it in a friendly environment. If the shop owner, the tenant of the nearest building, or the buskers around you, complain about the volume of your amplifier, or about the music you are playing.. well you have to move somewhere else. It wont do anybody good to elbow your songs where they are not needed/wanted. 
In my opinion the best pitch for playing is where is best for you. In few years I have seen many buskers playing in super loud spots, cranking their equipment over the noise in order to profit of the high number of people traffic. This is not my cup of tea. 
It pays much more to be somewhere quiet with only few people going by. It is more satisfying for you to enjoy the sound of your show and it creates a better and more intimate link between you and the listeners. The city is yours, go and find a place where you feel good energy, where is quiet. It can be few metres from the loudest and crowded main street and it might be exactly what you were looking for.
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In Istiklal Street, Istanbul
This is not an easy advice but it’s a true one: never close your eyes. I have been robbed few times, mostly in Europe. And it’s not funny to see your money going away after few hours of playing. If you are, like me, one of those who falls into a trance-like state while playing, you will learn how to reach that state and keep your eyes open. You will not be entirely awake, transported by the power of music somewhere else, but your open eyes will discourage cheap thiefs from your cash. It seems impossible at first but you will make it work eventually.
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great singer, she. Prishtina, Kosovo
Before making your way to the busking experience, learn as many tunes as possible. So that you will be able to change your set as much as you can. I didnt do it enough and at a certain point of my journey, I was playing the same things over and over. If you have the chance, stop for a few weeks and renew your set. This will be good for you and for everybody around. 
This is the most important advice: be friendly. Be nice to everyody. Especially to the ones that annoy you, drunkards asking for you to play wonder wall.. police officers and so on. Be good to the other buskers, be good to shop owners and anybody that is around you. Busking is an act of love and courage and it can work only under the condition that there is no spite or rancor in you heart. Let it go or be dragged.
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Wroclaw, Poland
It’s difficult, if not impossible, to be an artist and to conform. But a dignified and proud way of presenting yourself will give you the chance to connect to a wider audience and to enrich someone else’s life with your music. Be yourself but also dont forget that light travels faster than music. It’s not by chance that Jimi Hendrix or Bowie  would give as much importance to their music as to their dressing style. They are both means of beauty and you want to use them all to achieve a moment of awe into anybody who is passing by. 
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Again Wroclaw
You are on the street to present your music and to connect to your potential audience. One of the mistakes that I made in my years of busking is that I barely promoted my name, doing it only in the last few months of busking. I seldom used socials and I just cared of having a good time, selling few albums and make my day. 
As beautiful as it is, it’s not as satsfying as keeping your fans updated on your projects. Inspiration is triggered by feedback. It’s a tricky game to be played with vanity but it’s not by blinding yourself to this game that you will overcome the trap of playing what people like the most. So, my advice is: don’t be shy to advertise your name with a piece of paper that link socials. Make people enter your journey, share your dream and your everyday life. If not for your career, this can inspire others to follow their own dreams.
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Great guitar player, she. Sarajevo, Bosnia H.
My last advice is about magic. Have your own luck routine. Each busker has some. Mine was that I would tip myself 2euro before getting started. Some would have his coffee to go. Others would have other strange rituals. Choose yours and repeat it everytime before you start playing. It will make you company in every busking session and it will give you courage like an amulet. Never underestimate the power of magic.
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Try bycicle busking! It’s healthy! Porto, Portugal.
That’s all for today. I hope that this post inspired you to walk your own artistic path with courage and joy.. See you next friday!
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Love Love Love
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traumabrained · 8 years
Tw for abuse So my parents abuse me, mostly physical from my mother, mostly verbal from my father. I've always coped with the abuse by acting calm and taking it, hiding, or attempting to descalate it and hoping I don't piss them off further. But recently I've started to act out with anger. Not just with them, with my little sister who yells as much as my father, and with animals. Not the ones I own, though. I'm afraid. What's happening to me? I shouldn't be angry. Being angry gets you killed.
while its certainly frightening, its also (as far as i can tell, with my own experiences and the experiences of others i’ve talked to) a normal response. essentially, either your brain thinks it’s safer and is deciding to start processing trauma (which doesn’t seem likely), or else you and your brain are both fed up. there’s really always a limit to how much someone can take, and it looks like you’ve reached that limit. since that can get you in trouble and also cause collateral damage (to the animals, or to your little sister, though “collateral damage” doesnt include self defense), i’m going to give you a few tips that might help you deal with the anger in a way that won’t make your parents abuse even worse.
 (please note that since i dont know your exact situation, some or all of these might not be feasible; if that’s the case, you can message me again with more details if you want? and i’ll look for some different things)
exercise: i know this sounds like everyone’s irritating neurotypical relative but i promise you that if you can do it, it will help. exercise:
  decreases stress and anger
 helps you feel in control (even if you’re not. but it gives you hope, which is very valuable in abusive situations, right?) and 
prepares you for physical attacks, if they get so bad that your options are fight back, run, or die.
im going to assume that you don’t have equipment that you can use, but if you do, use it. if not:
running--can be done anywhere, and it costs no money. if you think you will need to hide it from your parents, then go out very early in the morning, if possible (or late at night, but the morning is usually a lot safer, and no-one will be paying attention to you. literally anyone you pass will be pre-ocupied with going to work or school, and they will usually be too tired to even look up from their coffee). also try to use a specific pair of clothes--t-shirt, shorts if you have them, one sports bra if you use those, to minimize the amount of sweaty clothes you’ll be putting in the wash. during exercise is a good time to maybe think about your abusers--let yourself get mad. let yourself get pissed, if you can, and use the anger to run even harder. i did this a lot when i still lived with my parents, and it probably saved my life.
weights--you can often buy them pretty cheap on amazon or in a store, but if your parents are monitoring your purchases then you can use gallon jugs of water/milk (if they dont buy galons of water/milk then u can buy 1 gallon of water for around 1USD in most stores, which would be easier to hide and explain than any purchase of exercise equipment). fill the gallons with water, and lift them--you can google “dumbbell exercises” for some exercise routines. do this in the early morning if possible.
push-ups/sit-ups--these are probably the least satisfying to do, at least for me? but also the easiest if you aren’t able to get outside early morning, or if you’re absolutely not going to be able to buy any kind of weights. if you can’t do a full push-up, try working up to it by putting your weight on your knees, instead of your toes.
i recommend that you look into proper technique before you do any of these--im just trying to give you ideas.
if exercise isn’t feasible for any reason, then art is the next way to go. a lot of trauma survivors (especially child abuse survivors) write poetry. visual art is also a good outlet but i’ve found that it’s usually a bit less cathartic. if your parents go through your things regularly, then either make a new tumblr account and tell nobody about it, and write your stuff there, or (if tumblr isnt safe) write only on single sheets of printer/notebook paper and burn or shred them immediately after you’re done. 
if you think you’re not a good enough writer to do this, then listen: you’re not writing this for it to be good. you’re not. it doesn’t matter at all. no-one else will ever read it. you don’t even have to read it again. it doesnt have to look or sound good. the only objective is to process your trauma and anger. the plus side is that no matter what, you will improve your writing by doing this, so if you are interested in being a poet, or already are, then writing trauma poetry will only help you. i recommend poetry instead of prose (prose is anything that isn’t poetry) because you don’t have to worry about structure, or about it making sense/having a plot. it can be really hard at first, especially if you don’t usually write a lot. if you need to, you can try using these prompts (they probably arent all applicable but if you can finish any of these sentences in your head, then you can write a poem about it) (possible trigger warning, skip the bullet points if you need to)(i’m just going to use “they” because any gender of person could do this and i don’t want to make assumptions but you can swap out the pronouns if necessary)
they wouldn’t stop ...
i don’t feel safe ...
they hit me when ...
i feel like i stopped existing at [age]...
i don’t want to be here ...
when you are writing, let yourself get mad, if possible. nothing you write will have any consequences if you burn the page, right? nothing is out of bounds. write anything and everything. write about how they’ll burn in hell. about how you hope they get murdered gruesomely. about how you’ll rip them into pieces the next time they touch you. anything. if you can’t summon anger, that’s okay. you can also write about how you feel like you’re rotting. you can write about how you miss when they were good to you. or how they were never good to you, but you miss it anyway. about how when you get out, you’ll have a nice apartment with someone you love (platonically or romantically, it doesnt matter), and maybe a pet, and how you’ll go to the bakery down the street sometimes and get croissants and sit in the sun and how it will be okay. how you’ll never have to see them again. how safe you’ll be. how happy you’ll be.
any of that will be cathartic, i promise you. i started writing poetry at the age of 12, and all of it was about my abuse. it was bad--i went back and read it a few months ago, and i’ve improved a hell of a lot since then. i’ve worked through a lot of my trauma, partially with a therapist, but mostly with my writing. it’s easier than therapy for me, because no-one else can see me while i do it. it’s easier to break down every part of the abuse, to analyze it. and after writing a poem, i always feel drained, like i just lanced an infection or something. i dont know. but writing works. i promise.
therapy is the last thing thing on my list here because its very inaccessable to a lot of people. minors, anyone without insurance, or anyone in a rural area is going to have a hell of a time getting therapy, you know? so that’s why its last. if you have a good therapist, it’ll probably be the most helpful of all of these, but even that is a hit and miss (i’ve seen at least a dozen therapists, psychiatrists, psychologists, and mixtures of both, and i always seem to get the people who don’t believe me, who think that yelling at me will fix problems, who report everything to my parents. but not everyone’s like that--i just have some incredibly shit luck).
if you can get a therapist, do. they can help immensely. if you can’t, then try the other things until you can get to a position where therapy is accessable for you.
i hope this helped, im sorry its so long? and im sorry it took like a week gah
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