#i love how much lbh adores sqq :’) it’s just so…..
sinterblackwell · 8 months
in honor of finishing my svsss reread, i give you this message i just sent to a friend:
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What I adore the most in MXTX's canon ships is that they love their partner unconditionally. No matter what the other does, they accept their partners and love them forever.
Lwj - wwx annoys the hell out of him, yet still falls for him and loves him when he is The Bad Guy, when he is dead, when he inhabits a completely different body. He loves him when he is annoying, when he is self-destructive, when he is so smart he is an idiot
Wwx - lwj can't use his words not even to save his life, yet he understands him, and trusts him (after clearing up the misunderstandings 😅). He became fascinated by lwj the first time they met, and even when he thought lwj hated him, he just couldn't help but be attracted to him
Hc - he is literally the biggest simp ever. He was saved by a pretty boy in his childhood, and he loved his pretty boy as a prince, a god, a revenge-filled calamity, a "loser"... He'd seen everything and he loves him with every baggage xl carries with himself.
Xl - everybody tells him that hc is such a bad news, how dangerous he is, how callous and rude. Yet xl took a look at that red-clothed youth and decided that he is going to keep him. He sees hc as he is: dangerous and rude, yes, but also, lonely, soft, and so so so so so lovely. He loves every part and every form of his ghost.
Lbh - he loves his Shizun just the way he is. Confusing, oblivious, confusing, kind, confusing, complex... He loves him when he is lovely and caring, even when he causes him irreparable trauma, even when he literally kills himself so he doesn't have to open up and be perceived
Sqq - no explanation necessary. That man read about a fictional character and loved him as a walking red flag so much he literally died and got the opportunity to raise and love his fictional crush
I just thing they are all neat and all so mentally unstable only their canon partner can match their mental illness and trauma.
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mars-syndrome · 1 month
sooo if ur somehow stumbling across this randomly nothing about this post will make sense unless youve read this fic https://archiveofourown.org/works/57909193
but hey, that promised bingge pov post! (full disclosure i am writing this before ive written the sqh scene so some info may be repeated!)
binghe was aware of sy’s nature from the very beginning. he knew it was demonic, but meng mo was the one who let him know about the concept of demon dolls and how theyre created. when he chose sy for qing jing, he was fully convinced it was actually a demon doll with sqq’s exact soul/copy and wanted to get ahead of whatever revenge he and/or yqy may be planning.
meng mo also told him that since sqq’s been dead yqy had probably used his own soul to help ‘create’ sy so both of them were hesitant to use their dream manipulation incase it let yqy know something was up since they could be spiritually linked and lbh’s half demon status was unknown plus he’d be the first person yqy would want to blame. while he wouldnt use dream manipulation since it was spiritual based, he would use the blood parasites as insurance since it was fully physical.
upon meeting sy, he began to have doubts about whether it was sqq’s soul. hence the fungi mission. he used that mission to judge just how human or demonic sy’s body is and also gauge his reaction to not being affected by the spores if his body was demonic to tell how “in the know” he was. when sy was genuinely confused and just accepted whatever explanation lbh gave him, he concluded sy knew absolutely nothing at all and shifted his focus to actually making sy care for him.
his confrontation with yqy after the fungi mission was basically yqy and lbh trying to psych each other out about how much the other knew. it ended with lbh implying he knew what was up, that he could reveal yqy for colluding with demonic cultivators and/or demons, and that he wouldnt let sy get found out unless yqy does some shit bc hey, thats his disciple. so up until now (chapter whatever this is linked on) they’ve operated under a strained truce that yqy stays away from sy and lbh wont reveal them.
for lbh getting close with sy was just a fun little side project. after all, a little sqq who adored him more than anything in the world? sqq would be seething and rolling in his grave. it doesnt hurt that sy was so earnest and cute either and him being on the peak made nyy happy so he was fine with getting some revenge like that.
in the fic’s og pidw, this grows into lbh desperately craving affection and validation from the kid who looks so much like his shizun who withheld it. he’ll grow codependent with sy, but the relationship stays very much master/disciple. on some level he’s aware that though sy does genuinely care for and admire him, hes playing out a role to receive lbh’s protection.
but in the fic our sy, earnest and naive, found the jade pendent.
this is bingge, two decades removed from the abuse he suffered. he’s had two decades to get stronger, to realize the world bends to his whims. to realize no matter where he goes he’ll have women falling over themselves to get into his bed but none of them will ever truly love him and what they give him is shallow. to realize he’ll have men envying him and wishing him harm just for being better. this bingge doesn’t have mobei-jun or any wives to share even the illusion of closeness or companionship with. he has nyy yet she’s been relishing in her role as da-shijie and hes happy for her truly, but he’s been alone in the bamboo house for 20 years.
when bingge meets sy!sqq in svsss who shows him just two days worth of normal domestic kindness, he immediately wants to leave with him. so how would our bingge feel with our sy, who he’s had unrestricted access to for 2 years, who holds genuine affection for him with no ulterior motive, who admires him openly and unashamedly, when he returns the very symbol of his happiness and the last bit of true love hes ever felt?
“precious fake jade indeed” he said
this fake sqq, this flawed copy of the man who tormented him, gave him back this fake pendant that he held most dear, that he lost hope of ever getting back again.
was that not symbolic? did that not make shen yuan his as well? did that not make shen yuan another symbol of love for him? did shen yuan not hand himself over to binghe when he handed over the pendant?
he begins objectifying sy almost. this was his person. obviously if sy was defective for yqy’s purposes, then wouldnt it make sense for sy to have been made just for lbh? after all, who else could cherish and protect sy like he could? yqy let him out of his sight long enough for him to becomes lbh’s so he wasnt fit. sy cant look after himself. only luo binghe could.
the mission he took just after sy’s 16th birthday was to track down the demon clan responsible for sy’s creation and learn more about it to see if he could sever and/or work around yqy’s connection. as soon as he learned everything, he returned and used dream manipulation (after he figured out it was safe) to walk through sy’s memories like svsss bingge did to sqq. he realizes sy’s memories are gone, he and meng mo conclude it was probably an error in the connection to body and soul bc of the nature of demon puppets. but hey, a wins a win. sy has no affection for yqy and the fact sy is loyal to only lbh remains unchanged.
speaking of, he should probably make sy his head disciple officially so yqy cant make any accusations about lbh’s inappropriate closeness to his disciple, no matter how true they are.
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cloudstarcats · 1 year
Sometimes I forget how much I adore Liu Qingge like damn I wanna hold him in my hands and squish him omg-
Cause like I feel him so hard sometimes he’s so adhd/autistic like shit he’s so mmmmm
Love that he just leaves monsters for people he likes and fights to form friendship- demon coded cultivator-
And lowkey the idea of him dating SQQ and LBH is actually so cute to me like these two husbands teaching their bf how to like fuck and how to do all the things like LQG is so shy I just know it he’s so shy he doesn’t have time to think about feelings he’s gotta Fight Stuff
But then SQQ is like “hey can u fly me to Binghe’s palace, I’m really tired” and LQG is suddenly all “r u okay I’ll fly u do you need to eat do I need to fight something for you????”
Luo Binghe would be so happy to fight him and stuff but so protective like “you’re hurt??? We’re not fighting” and LQG is like “y???” “You’re hurt that’s why now let’s go home Shizun wants to take a bath and we are joining-“
Just- ugh I love him 🥰
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white-lotus-pavilion · 2 months
One thing that I absolutely adore about all of MXTX'S male leads is that they are all so unreliable and crazy in the head when it comes to the relationships that they have with other people that it's comical.
Like WWX is so absolutely unaware of the people around him and how much they love him and deludes himself into thinking that they don't care about him when every sign points to the contrary.
XL is so dense that HC'S obvious pining flies right over his head even though us as the reader as we are reading this through his point of view can tell just how obvious he's being.
SQQ... don't even get me started on him. His inability to not see the people who he is interacting with as characters and not understand that his actions are going to change the story have me floored. And adding insult to injury his inability to recognize how obvious LBH'S affection for him is is genuinely the worst out of all of the main characters.
I love how as you read mxtx's works the characters get better in terms of their interactions with the people around them, but they're still bad. Like from a narrative point of view SQQ is the worst when it comes to communicating with the people around him and XL is probably better than him when it comes to that but they are still horrendous.
It's just so fun to think about.
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nyoomerr · 1 year
hello do you have any bingqiu fic recs!! 👀
oh gosh, i always have fic recs, we're just too spoiled with incredible writers in this fandom!! here's a handful, though -
stuff i'm currently reading / ongoing fics: The Cultivating Force by esama - post canon but also star wars mashup? i'm not huge into star wars so i didn't expect to love this one as much as i do, but there's just something really charming about the world building + getting to see long married bingqiu from outsider pov!
In the Red by ibex_ascendant - binggeyuan rather than bingqiu, but this has one of my favorite takes on how mean-slash-sad of a guy bingge is, and how miserable he really would be if he was driven to the point where he wanted to go find his own sy. mind the tags on this one!
stuff i've recently reread + loved just as much as the first time: Infinite First Dates by pallas_rose - lbh finds sqq's mind during sqq's 5 year dirt nap, except sqq's mind is firmly sy in the dreamscape. hilarious every time
Critical point by mamiser - canon divergent where lbh was brought up by huan hua to hate all of cqm... and then he meets sqq, who teaches him both the truth and to be kinder to his own self
(some of) my favorite bingqiu writers: The Feels Whale (miscellea) - i really adore their bingqiu characterization (obsessed with each other) and general writing tone. hard to choose a favorite by them, but i'll go with Tongfang, in which disciple lbh is sent to work for young master shen yuan in the summers and very quickly discovers his true career goal of 'bride' >:))
x_los - they always have some of the most unique fic ideas + carry them out well! i think my favorite is Marriage by Proxy, which is an arranged marriage / identity shenanigans fic!
i could go on and on and on about all the fics and writers i love honestly but 🙈 hopefully there's at least something there you haven't read yet!
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zykamiliah · 1 year
Shen Qingqiu, who’d always been so good at mental gymnastics, reached a new high in his number of mental roasts, madly smashing through his old records—yet he still couldn’t put himself at ease, and instead he only grew more tired and worn out. He relentlessly told himself to the point of auto-brainwashing: the suffering and torment Luo Binghe endured now was all necessary in order for him to stand above the masses in the future. Without enduring the bone-chilling cold / How could fragrant plum blossoms hope to bloom / Without three years’ training in realms below / How could a demon king over worlds loom? Xin Mo in hand, he would possess everything beneath the heavens / With a harem innumerable, he need not be an incel… But it was useless. It was completely useless. Nothing could lift his spirits. (Chapter 4: Conference)
take a shot every time in vol. 1 sqq talks about brainwashing himself. from the skinner demon incident, and after the demon invasion, when it comes to what he has to do in the Immortal Alliance Conference, over and over, the man keeps trying to convince himself that it's fine, this is how things are supposed to go. the disciples dying. him having to reject and push luo binghe into the abyss. the mental stress this situation most have put in himself, that's something i can't comprehend at all.
He selfishly hoped that Luo Binghe would go of his own volition. In this kind of scenario, characters who chose to jump from cliffs were always caught on something—then Shen Qingqiu could go on believing his own lies that this scene would have a happy end.
pushing lbh into the endless abyss was so fucking traumatizing. like this is one of the reasons he can't talk about it when lbh asks him. he has trauma, and doesn't speak about it, avoids thinking about it, similar to the way yqy can't talk about his own trauma. the guilt, the fact that he, in his owns eyes, killed the person he adores so much.
Only Shen Qingqiu knew that the one he was mourning was in truth within that sword mound, buried underneath and never to return: that youth as warm as the sun.
and not only that, but their relationship. god sqq had come to genuinely love living with luo binghe, just being around him and depending on him.
Clearly Shen Qingqiu was the one who’d raised that little lamb of a protagonist, so why did it seem like the protagonist had been the one looking after him? He was scaring his disciples, putting on the act of a grieving widow whose husband had just died. Hadn’t it been only a couple of days since he’d last seen that child?
^this is what I mean when I said sqq also got psychological damage from their separation.
But, perhaps because Luo Binghe had left, he really was a bit lonely. Especially when he thought about how five years from now, when they reunited, a relationship that had once been that of a compassionate teacher and filial disciple (or something) would become defined by veiled murderous intent and daggers hidden within smiles. (Chapter 4: Conference)
and the nail on the coffin is the notification system. honestly im still trying to wrap my mind around the fact that lbh hold on hope for 15+ days that his shizun would go back for him.
What truly broke him and caused him to weep at the heavens was that, after several days of silence, the System sent him a message truly devoid of all humanity.
【 Congratulations! You have successfully completed the key quest, “The Legend Begins: Luo Binghe’s Fall and Rebirth.” Reward: Protagonist satisfaction points +10,000. 】
now this "weeping to the heaven", is it an hyperbole or is it literal? I'm going with the latter, because sqq loves to make fun about his own feelings. and when distracting himself and humor don't suffice, he has to go take his anger on something or someone
Being so unhappy, naturally Shen Qingqiu had to go take it out on someone else. So, he had Ming Fan deliver a message inviting Shang Qinghua to the Bamboo House.
a coping mechanism similar to bingge's, talk about parallels, toxic masculinity etc
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cooliogirl101 · 2 years
what are your top 10 bingqiu fics?
Note: These are not in any particular order of preference because I can't possibly rank these, I love them all so much.
High Mountain, How I Long by Minimalistness: This fic is just...beautifully done. The author portrays the emotions so deeply on both sides and it hurts in the very best way, yet the ending is so soft and treats the characters so gently...gahh. Only good things to say about this one.
System Restore by Straightforwardly: Short but excellent. I need more fics centered around SQQ just absolutely overwhelming Binghe with affection because that shit is A++.
you don't need poltergeists for sidekicks by nyoomer: This fic honestly made me cry, every part of it is perfect. The ending is slightly bittersweet but ends on a very hopeful note and it's just all-around an incredible story.
Plastromancy by x_los: Creepy in the best way, if you like Coraline you will adore this fic. Warning for body horror-- it's not too graphic, but definitely present. Does a very good job of portraying the monstrous edge to LBH's devotion.
to love another (and to learn yourself) by nyoomer: yet another fantastic fic by nyoomer (all their fics are fantastic tbh), starring OG!LBH and SY. Wonderful study on redemption, forgiveness, and trying to be better. The character development in this fic is fantastic and I love the way SY stands up to Bingge in this one.
Scum Villain AUs by Feynite: A collection of SVSSS mini-fics, as the name suggests. Honestly all these AUs are super creative and well-written but my favorites are the supervillain, genderbend, and dragon monster AUs.
How to stop being strung along by a guy and get what you deserve by x-los: Another amazing fic by one of my favorite authors. Red string of fate soulmates AU and I adore the potential implications here. LBH figuring out who SQQ is immediately and helping him adjust to the PIDW world? Yes please. My only complaint for this fic is that there isn't more of it.
Unfinished Business by kitsunealyc: Basically SJ dies and is reincarnated as SY (where he gets some much needed therapy) and then reincarnates back as SQQ, and tries his best to stop the whole generational trauma thing in its tracks. The whole redemption and healing process is done so, so well done here. I usually don't like OG!LBH/OG!SQQ fics but in this one they both go through so much character development (and besides, SQQ and SY are the same person here). Also, this has one of my favorite lines in a fanfic ever-- "In hate or in love, if Shen Qingqiu placed second in Luo Binghe's esteem, no one would dare to claim first." Like?? Literary genius.
but every day still new to wake up by millepertuis: This fic has it all-- humor, wholesome moments, denial, thirst (on Binghe's part-- SQQ is, of course, oblivious), hurt/comfort. I lost this fic once and spent over 2 hours trying to find it again and it was worth every bit of that time.
To Conquer an Emperor by zarasu: SY transmigrates into one of LBH's wives. I think this fic gets better as it progresses and I love the concept (Rachel for Leah by x_los is the other SY reincarnates into one of LBH's wives fic that I really love) and the character development for LBH is excellent. Also the latest chapter? LBH's self-loathing and self-doubt meets SY's unconditional acceptance? Yes please.
Sit With Your Soul by Tossawary: Not bingqiu but this is one of my top 3 svsss fics ever, basically it's a daemon!AU where SY transmigrates into SJ's daemon. The focus is on platonic SY/SJ but SY's interactions with LBH in this fic are adorable as well. One of my favorite characterizations of SJ.
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teaandinanity · 5 months
Fic recs! 14, 16, and/ or 20. :3
14. Recommend something hurt/comfort!
raised by winter winds by nyoomer is specifically coming to mind because I came out of it feeling very breakable. Shen Yuan is head disciple of Qing Jing in this, and - you know what I'm just gonna copy/paste my bookmark note:
Do you want to be completely verklempt over SY and SQQ having a bond that cannot survive or recover from LBH's existence on Qing Jing peak? Would you like to feel All The Feelings in rapid succession? Read this fic. So good. Everyone lives and it's still devastating.
16. Recommend a shipfic where the platonic relationships shine as much as the romantic one(s)!
Everything I read is shipfic p much oops. The first thing that came to mind was Lost and Found in Limitless Clarity by TGP because I ADORE the relationship between Shang Qinghua and Shen Qingqiu here, like. It's definitely platonic but it's made SO clear how much SQH loves his friend? And it's SO good. Fair warning though this is angsty as hell and SQQ is in a really bad place for most of it. Happy ending though!
20. Recommend a fic where the characterization is just so good, perfectly to your taste.
I mean, I feel like I am one of those picky bitches who will put something down immediately if it feels incorrect.
I think on this one I'm gonna go with Good Vibrations by Feynite which is not complete but does utterly DELIGHT me. I keep rereading it and cackling because everyone is dumb and bad at communicating in different ways and I love them all SO much. (Please note that this is a compliment; literally I mean 'they're so dumb (affectionate)' and in the case of our transmigrators especially it's very much in keeping with their canonical ability to roll 1s on perception.)
There's another one that came to mind but I'm having one of those days when I have a fic on the tip of my brain and can't seem to find it for love or money so I may come back and edit this to add it later but I do stand by all of these.
(Would also like to give Tarnished Gold honorable mention for these three also because like. There is so much ouch. The Little Palace Mistress winds up being a solid supporting character and her relationship with SY!Gongyi Xiao is EXCELLENT. The characterization is fantastic, which is especially impressive to me given we're not in SY's head and he still feels PERFECT.)
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moldybonessmell · 9 months
SVSSS danmei novel review post
So I had a winter break and finished reading SVSSS and here are some of my thoughts about it.
DISCLAIMER: this as an analysis post and if you might get upset over criticism of the novel, please stop reading. My intend is definitely NOT to send hate but do a review.
Disclaimer number 2: I'm a danmei fan and have read mdzs, tgcf and 2ha so I have some point of reference for comparison
Starting up with the things I LOVED about the novel:
The idea is popular, but the author made it have an interesting twist (ridiculing the genre of something you wright right at the moment is a gigachad move fr fr)
The plot is interesting and entertaining, the novel is easy to read and follow
There is a good part of humour that I enjoyed (the whole Tianlang-jun bit lol)
Characters are well-written in general (even tho I raise an eyebrow at some of them)
I absolutely adore MoShang couple. Them being a tsundere and a gremlin is very fun and I liked the extras showing the development of their relationship. The whole bit where MBJ openly says hitting a person is the way he sees flirting and SQH being oblivious that his own ideas of courting made MBJ convinced he's flirted with too is hilarious. SQH not only creating himself his perfect man but also pulling him for sure makes him a god in their world lol
Another unofficial couple I grew to like is LiuShen aka LQG and SQQ. Ngl I was oblivious to the chemistry they have - "They are such good friends!" as historians would say LOL. But after spending some time in the fandom I think I adore them a lot (esp after finishing this one extra where it's obvious LQG is convinced they are soulmates and is gay af lmao)
Now, on the other side, criticising the novel.
My problem is that the novel seems way too short?? The whole plot is to fill plot-holes but the novel itself seems to have a plenty of them:
We don't know anything about the System, why it works, who created it and for which purpose?
The fact that Binghe doesn't even know SQQ is not his real shizun?? I really expected some confrontation in the end and stuff but bro just lies to his husband till the rest of their lifes now ig?? I was really looking forward to see this and LBH thinking he's betrayed again but we never got it, not even in extras. We got a little hint when SQQ couldn't explain LBH how he knows so much about what will happen, but this seemed to just be sweeped under a rug in the end.
The novel is too short, there are so many interesting plot-lines to explore and possible scenes to write but extras only explore already existing dynamics and seem to be cut-outs / behind-the-scene stuff the author probably just decided to not put in. Half the time I was sitting there and thinking about the fact that someone definitely wrote a fanfic about this or that fact
I've read other mxtx novels and tgcf, for example, felt complete to the point I didn't even read extras, as it felt like the story is whole and finished.
Another problem I have with the novel is that some very important info about characters is still hidden in extras, for example:
The fact that LBH acts like this with SQQ because SQH himself got him the idea?? I really thought bro is a cry-baby LOL (call me SQQ bc of how delusuional I am). The way SQH not only pulled his dream man but helped the story progress with LBH pulling HIS dream man is AWESOME and I wish it was in the main novel part.
Another extra-hidden part I wish wasn't hidden, is the fact that SQH was always thinking about og Shen Yuan and that's why they end up actually being friends, it feels like an important bond was kinda lost in the finished novel.
All in all, I enjoyed reading SVSSS but understand why it's not as popular as mdzs or tgcf. This is everything I got at the moment, thank you for reading!
If you have any thoughts or can explain some of the confusions I mentioned, you're welcomed to do so in comments!
Just please be polite, thank you!
P.S. I firstly wrote this post to drafts right after reading the novel and edited it after finishing extras and ngl some of my thoughts have changed.
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Favourite fics of 2023
Now that the year is over, I figured I'd cast my eye back over the previous year to see what were my favourite fics I discovered that year. Notably, they may not have been published last year--just the ones that I read during that time period.
I have absolutely no idea what they will be, so I'm curious to dive into my bookmarks...
Stunted, Starving Juvenility by TomatenMark -- oooh, apparently it was last year that I consumed this. It's a behemoth of a story at over 700k words; it's a slowly sprawling tale, and I read and reread it during the same year. And it's been one of the rare WIPs that I have been following faithfully. It's an AU in which WWX and LWJ, early on during the Gusu lectures, have the extra-canonical chapters' dreams about each other (that's to say, the ravishing in the library and the peaceful domesticity) and this triggers them realizing their feelings, which in turn changes rather a lot of things. This sounds underwhelming, but the fic really is very good and rather epic in scope! I have appreciated how it depicts WWX--intensely intelligent, precocious, but in need of guidance; and he and LWJ are darling together. I only hope it keeps being this good for the next 700k words or however much it takes!
You'll See Me Again by anon -- oh man, I loved this one. It's sadly a short-ish WIP (12k> words), but the concept is brilliant: it's NHS, who's time-travelled back and is determined to fix everything by getting WWX as his younger brother, and it's told from NMJ's baffled point of view. It's very good! I just wish it were longer.
Mourning Dove by jaemyun - a WIP featuring a dark LWJ who's very fed up with the hypocrisy of the cultivation world. Hasn't updated in a while, though...
This was the year I read SVSSS! Boy, did I ever love it. This naturally unlocked a new fandom for me, so here are some of my favourite fics:
A Transmigrator and a Time Traveler Walk Into the Bamboo House by VeryCharismaticDragon - this is super lovely! This is Binghe who time-travels from after SQQ's self-destruction to the start of the story. And he's determined to change things, even as he's trying to understand them. The whole thing is great.
The More You Don't Know by Neery - this is sweet and angsty in just the right way. Binghe is convinced SQQ only loves him because he doesn't realize he's a demon, and does his best to hide. (There's also a canon divergence in there.)
The Peace Between Divine Pec- ah-hm sorry - uh…Peaks by AceOfDivineChlorophyll - I need to catch up with the latest chapters of this, but I have it bookmarked as "absolutely love it, mega oblivious SQQ thinks he's LBH's advisor and not realizing that he's effectively the empress (something everyone around him sees) and of course not realizing also that he's super in love with LBH."
Particular by thehoyden - a very sweet SQQ/LBH a/b/o!
The King's Avatar
This is also the year when I consumed this canon!
Born of Fire (We Shall Not Fall) by TheDefenestrator - I loved this fic so much. So much. It's my favourite take on omegaverse I've ever seen in any fic, ever. It's got a super lovely Ye Xiu/Han Wenqing slowburn and Ye Xiu joining Tyranny, but it's also set in this universe which brings this omegaverse context into everything and makes it extra delicious. It's so well done. I just hope it updates one day.
here in search of your glory by Synoshian - I also adored this long slowburn long slowburn Ye Xiu/Han Wenqing WIP where Ye Xiu joins Tyranny.
a bloodless coup by Ark - scorchingly hot, great characterisations, very well done.
There's a lot more fics that I read and enjoyed last year, but these were in my bookmarks as absolute faves, so I figure it's fair enough to end it here!
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admirableadmiranda · 2 years
Sangsang!!! I love you and your content but despite your bioname, I haven't seen much svsss content from your blog. (Idk, maybe it just coz I have so many blogs I follow that svsss content gets downed by mdzs ones and other fandoms) So here's a shameless ask, asking you to ramble anything you like about svsss, you fav characs, your fav tropes, your fav fics, your fav chaps, anything, please ramble about it to your hearts content. This one is thanking you for your time, hope you have an amazing day ❤️
Awww. thank you very much anon! I appreciate the ask and the well wishes so much, and will take advantage of them in a moment!
I will say that I don't really do much SVSSS content, not compared to MDZS and that's for a pretty simple reason.
For me, both SVSSS and TGCF gave me enough in the text. I didn't really feel the need after I finished the books to seek out fanfic or write my own to fill the void after I'd finished the books and the journeys with these characters (though I have enjoyed fics of both and do like reblogging artwork). For me, the book was enough, I didn't need the fandom afterwards because it had captivated me that much. MDZS did, and continues to hold my heart still more than a year and a half later. It isn't that I don't love SVSSS, cause I really do and have recommended it to several friends who have also gone on to love it, it just didn't fill this hole that I needed and still need to fill today that MDZS does.
But I do really like my Scum Villain, so I will ramble a little bit!
I adore both Shen Qingqiu and Luo Binghe. I love that they're kind of disasters of men who find that even though in some ways they are both broken inside, that it just doesn't matter so much together. Their jagged edges fit together and while sometimes they get a bit scraped on them, it really is worth it to them to stay together and keep smoothing each other's sharp hurts.
I love the whole premise of it, and how well MXTX sells what is a very sad story at points as a comedy. We have the misunderstandings and disconnection between SQQ and LBH, we have both of them mourning the other so deeply that it breaks them in ways that scare the others around them for them, we have the part where the protagonist dies twice, even though he gets revived both times, we have a couple who I genuinely see them that if death happens to be more permanent the next time around, the other just curling up and dying of heartbreak because they don't want to live in a world without the other. I'm kind of a sucker for those types of couples, the ones who life is just not worth it without the other to share it with. Of course I adore couples who live full lives where the other just makes it better, but they live on without the other, but there is something about the type of couple that Bingqiu is that just get my heart.
Chapters? I adore Shen Qingqiu's death chapter, I adore the Holy Mausoleum and also the whole final climax. Extras, I have really loved Bing-ge vs Bing-mei and the Moshang extra. I confess I didn't really get Moshang until I read the 7Seas translation and that was really fun. I love that they are the perfect example of a couple with two skillsets each, none of them being communication.
But honestly what I love most about SVSSS is that it's a narrative that is wholly content in where it is. It knows what it's supposed to be, it certainly knows what it is lampooning and it invites me to come along for the ride and be content where it ends. It is a book that I can happily reread knowing that every time, I will be content with the journey it takes me on.
Thanks for the ask!
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nishicchikouchi · 2 years
The Journey in reading MXTX books...
I'm so in love with how they're in love.
Like there are times when a person likes a character so much they wanna marry him. I've been there. But with the couples in mxtx books, I just wanna stay on the background, admiring how sweet, sappy, comfortable and just how adorable they are.
I wanna go pat and pinch LBH's cheeks and tell him you deserve the love you get from your Shizun. I wanna walk up to SQQ and tease him in a whisper how he looks good with his partner.
I wanna go hug WWX while patting his head and say, you deserve the world and know that LWJ can give you it. I wanna go bow to LWJ and thank him for everything he's done for WWX and wish them a happy life.
I wanna see HC and XL statues and say, I wish you both well in life and may good things come your way.
I wanna stare at them from faraway, with someone next to me, and while pointing and the three, I'd say to the person next to me, I love how they love.
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binghelogy · 2 years
I'm the fellow Luo Binghe lover anon!
Thank you so much for answering my ask! :') [[I completely agree with what you said!]]
It's so difficult to decide a singular favorite thing about him asfghjkl I just love him so much. :(( There's so many things I appreciate about him. For instance, like you mentioned, his devotion! I am a sucker for devoted, well-written MLs. It's pretty rare that the ML's feel as fleshed out as LBH is. I do love his "cry baby" act and the fact he's a masochist. I also adore that he's always shown his ability to be persuasive (i.e., with Meng Mo in the dreamscape) and hard-working. I love his dynamic with SQQ. I don't care what anyone else says, I love Bingqiu. They are perfect for each other, in my opinion. And I, too, am glad he got his happily ever after. :(
Also, if you ever write an essay about LBH deserving the world, I will read the crud out of it. ;-; No pressure, though!
I hope he gets all the head pats from his Shizun. <3
I LOVE THE CRY BABY ACT. People tend to mistake it for just how he is when he's just putting up a show (And that SQQ loves it!)!! Binghe is a fuckton of red flags in a trenchcoat and I love him for that. He's messed up, but so is SQQ, and they're absolutely perfect for each other.
Also I love how he's downright dangerous! Yeah he's whimpering cause his shizun smiled at the stair sweeper, but that's for Shizun only! To the rest of the world he's an actual threat bsgkiskg gotta love him for that 🥺🥺🥺
And next time I re-read SVSSS (Cause I know I will, it's taken over my life by now) I'll absolutely pin the things I like the most about our Bingbing and write a whole ass essay on why he deserves only the most and the best — from the headpats to the walking hand in hand to everything else: Luo Binghe deserves all the love! 🥺❤️
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t1bi · 3 years
My reading list
I do have EPUB/PDF/WORD of all this novels, so let me know if you want to read them in this format! (constantly adding new novels)
Judged by stars ⭐ (5 stars max)~
TGCF : ⭐⭐⭐
It does not have a single smut scene which is disappointing, especially considering the predecessor novel is MDZS. If you can ignore this detail, the plot is incredible and leaves you wondering, action scenes and all conflicts are really compelling. Do not expect tons of fluff, it's quite angsty tbh. [It has a happy ending!]
MDZS :⭐⭐⭐
Very abundant in smut and fluff, it is quite comforting in that regard. Wei Wuxian is a character that I just adore, well developed and dynamic. I personally felt Lan Wangji quite flat in comparison, which did not allow me to fully fall in love with Wangxian. Well balanced between angst and comfort. [It has a happy ending!]
ERHA :⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
BRO! How do I even begin with this gem... It has everything. It is not a suitable reading for everyone due to the amount of TW it contains, dark material, situations that make your hair stand on end. The plot is completely incredible, both protagonists are so well developed that it makes you want to cry, the entire universe which encompasses this novel is abundant and rich, and the number of twists and turns makes your head explode! The amount of angst is as big as the smut, yes. I cried my eyes out with this text. [It has a happy ending!]
YUWU :⭐⭐
Based on the same universe as ERHA, it's really exciting as you read along and 2HA aspects/ components start to appear. It is basically all angst, suffering and pain for the characters, fluff moments are almost non-existent, and there are maximum 3 scenes of smut (which, compared to ERHA is... nothing). In terms of action / world building / plot, it is exquisite, there is no mistake in that regard, and the construction of the characters is delicious. Don't expect the same kind of stuff as The Husky and His White Cat Shizun (disappointing when comparing both novels)... [It has a happy ending!]
The Two Tailed Fox Demon and His Taoist Priest Gong :⭐
Super short novel of pure smut, kinda bizarre tbh, there's no plot. It's extremely simple, a text created for light (and scandalous) reading. Surprisingly, I found that the smut is not that great... the scenes feel really rushed, without a good description of the context, or development of the situation (ironic because it is a sexy novel...?)
Introduction to Sex Education :⭐⭐⭐
A really hot/smut-dedicated novel. It has many TW that must be taken into account before reading, because the type of material is not for just any reader. It can hurt the sensibilities of many consumers.
I didn't connect with this novel, at all. All the actions scenes feel extremely rushed, the plot is poorly developed in a lot of aspects, and the main CP... it makes me think SQQ is only with LBH out of pity, not because actual attraction. There are no transitions between one action and the other, and it makes a lot of things confusing. I love Luo, but disappointing [it has a happy ending!]
Till Death do us Part:⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
This novel is exquisite. For anyone who enjoys reading about politics, historical contexts, love, and lots of sex, this is a perfect read. There were many, many times I wanted to kill the Gong because of his toxicity... but when he realizes his mistakes and "leaves" his questionable behavior behind... IT MAKES YOU CRY SO MUCH???? The couple ends up living until they are both elderly in their 80s and die together of natural causes 😭😭😭😭😭
Living to Suffer: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
I'm only giving it one star less because it's shorter than the sequel (Till Death do us Part ⬆️), and I needed so much more of them in this oneeee. Anyways, fully complies with the standards of the previous novel, and introduces us to the CP who, depending on what order you read both texts, take place in a different context (historically speaking). It contains a beautiful amount of smut BUT IT'S EXTREMELY ANGSTY AND FULL OF PAIN, FOR REAL. [BAD ENDING!!!]
The Bird and the Golden Cage:⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
SUCH A BEAUTIFUL SHORT NOVEL!!!!! It has everything and a beautiful, sweet happy ending~ I loved every second of it, smut scenes are great, and the plot is very good too. The CP is so adorable 😭❤️
You've Got a Mail: A Cautionary Tail ⭐⭐⭐
This novel is the definition of smut with plot!!! It's full of truly horny scenes and scenarios but at the same time there's a whole plot going with it. It makes it both fun and spicy to read, and I couldn't help but to fall in love with the shou. I did hate the gong through basically the entirety of the novel, and I only liked him at the end, but yeah, overall, really good!!
Novels Available [PDF/EPUB/WORD]:
Dark Tales
Dog Slave
Introduction to Sex Education
The Cultivator's Peerless Sexcapade
Tyrant Pampering Wife Dairy
Undying Body
The Two Tailed Fox Demon and His Taoist Priest Gong
Marked by a Tyrant After Transmigrating
You've got a Mail: A Cautionary Tail
Living to Suffer + Till Death do Us Part
The Bird and the Golden Cage
Let me know if there's a novel you would like to get in any of this formats, and I'll do my best to help you out!
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friendodo · 3 years
shen yuan and shen jiu fic recs
Anon wanted some recs for fics with shen yuan and shen jiu interacting as the focus of the fic. None of these are shipping the two -- not that i’m against it at all, just a bit harder to find so just focusing on platonic here! Please enjoy, these are in no particular order: 
A Pairing of Souls (series) by @muzu-writes
This is a buddy cop movie. SY wakes up in the plant body and a ghostly SJ is right next to him and basically says “alright wake up hurry up let’s go get my body bitch”. These two teaming up to get into Huan Hua Palace and steal SJ’s body from the disaster that is LBH is so fun and well written. It’s a series now and the focus in the current instalment has shifted to Bingyuan but it’s still so good 🥺  I actually drew fanart of this lol x x
Local 12 Year Olds Refuse to Be Separated; What Happens Next Will Warm Your Heart by @alllula
Very well written fic set in the PIDW world but where cultivators can fuse like gems for advantage in battle. SY and SJ (brothers) fused for safety when they were sold to the Qiu and continued living that way even when they became a peak lord. Soooooo interesting and seeing SJ and SY so perfectly in sync is really fun. Especially love that SY, SJ and YQY can all form a perfect fusion while in battle and everyone else is like 👀 👀 👀  like YES GIMME THAT GOSSIP PLEASE
Two for the Price of One by Empressed (@EmmyEmberossa on Twitter)
ngl I can’t remember this one perfectly but I remember really enjoying how close SY and SJ got. They eventually become sworn brothers and SJ is so happy to have a friend 😭  Cue the rest of CQ meddling to find out which demon has bewitched their shixiong into being so happy!!!
indulgence Points +100 by Shoutowo (Twitter)
beautifully written from the start to the end with an extremely adorable piece of art to accompany it. SY is the son of SQQ and YQY and SY wants to be just like his papa SJ!!! I die from all of the cuteness and softness in this fic, so grateful it exists 🙏
Baptism of Fire by Zyva (@Beiyuann on Twitter)
SY is SJ’s biological son. This is....Mwah. Masterpiece. MASTERPIECE. The way SJ is written here is perfect. It’s a really convincing representation of a genuine father and son relationship between the two. Shen Jiu really really cares for SY and it’s so sweet and he struggles so hard to learn from his quickly growing son. Bonus awkward YQY and LBH having an embarassingly massive crush on SY and having to suffer through SJ absolutely knowing all of this makes this perfect.  💖
The Life of Times of Peerless Green by Eram_Quod_Es
Superhero AU with some transmigration flavour. SY and SJ are brothers. SY is constantly getting into deep shit and gets battered so SJ is constantly worried. He shows how much he cares in an extremely SJ way and it’s very sweet and also a bit sad tbh!! The writing for this is amazing and you can tell that a lot of thought has gone into the world building. 😊
Nothing Gold was Good Anyway by @alllula
This is probably the first ‘SY as SJ’s son’ fic I read. The entire starting sequence is so fun, SY and SJ just immediately vibe with each other. SY is a kid working part time as a laundry worker at the brothel that SQQ frequents. He looks just like SQQ so SQQ decides to freak out CQ and brings back SY and claims he’s his son. Antics ensue!! Not complete but definitely a fun read
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