#i love how they put the blondes at the top and the brunettes at the bottom
sgiandubh · 2 days
Hello! Fitness Anon here....
Based on yesterday's hastily staged and poorly executed pap walk, the following facts can be noted:
S and C and their (PR) teams are lurking around here ( Hi to you all! 👋🏼). 
The toddler in the park sighting was real. ( 🙏🏻 to the anon again)
The fitness influencer was kicked out after her weekend getaway and oversharing (She should send  💐 to you sgiandubh to thank you not longer being part of this mess.)
Under no circumstances S should audition for a role in which he is supposed to play a man in love. He acted so poorly in these pics, the film would be a failure. 
S‘s taste in woman is extremely versatile - blondes, brunettes, abs, no abs, kids, no kids…. It is probably simply a question of availability. 
All these facts just mentioned indicate that there is an urge to hide things that can no longer be hidden (at least since the funeral pics). 
And all these really badly put together stories make S a joke. How will he ever get rid of this image?
(I know that C also plays a part in this story. And she is just as responsible for all of this as S is. She was not directly involved in this farce, though).
This mess will end up with no winners at all - except probably the PR departments and the fitness girl who gained a lot of followers (💷💰). 
Dear Fitness Anon,
Sorry for the delay. It's been crazy in here.
Hear, hear. I think this is a top-notch summing up of the whole intergalactic mess.
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cleo-serotonin · 9 months
emma at the beginning of s2: our lives are just too complicated for guys right now
the end of the season:
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chrissfawn · 15 days
ꨄ ⌒ ⋆。 ˚ SHOW ME .
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│⊹ warnings ⋆ ;; light swearing, mostly chris’ pov, y/n used, lowercase intentional, thats it!! its all fluff
│⊹ pairing ⋆ ;; chris sturniolo x fem!reader
│⊹ haven’s notes ⋆ ;; i was originally writing matt smut but i was too lazy to finish it LMAOOO
incoming message from: nick 🥸
chrissy pooh!! guess what? y/n is coming over for movie night 🥰🥰🥰 get ready!
chris’ — pov
my heart had skipped a beat once nick told me that y/n would be coming over for a movie night. i have been liking her ever since sophomore year, even though i had the courage to ask her out (surprisingly), she got a boyfriend before the day i was gonna ask her.
it was hard for me to talk to her after she got a boyfriend, i always felt weird to start a conversation with her knowing i had a crush on her while she had her feelings for someone else. but recently, he cheated on y/n. i was probably the first person to find out. since in her words im her ‘second favorite triplet’ other than nick, who is her first favorite triplet. she ended up coming up to my place and i comforted her. y/n said that she was extremely grateful that i was there for her and such. and honestly? it just made me feel more in love with her.
unfortunately, nick and matt know about my crush on her. every-time she leaves our house after her and nick hang out or we all just hang out, they both tease me about it. they always either pick me on something i did that was a bit awkward and whenever i got close to her.
i was currently sitting down on the couch, my leg bouncing up and down as i waited anxiously for y/n. “you need to calm down.” matt told me when he noticed my anxious body language. “im fine?” i chuckle dryly. he looked at me like i was crazy while rolling his eyes. “matt seriously?” i say with my words laced with annoyance. he laughed a little bit before he said something. “your obviously nervous for y/n to get here just so she can lay next to you the entire movie.” matt giggled as he placed his phone down on his chest.
“what?? ‘m not.” i deny. a small knock was heard from downstairs, and my heart skips several beats. “we’ll see about that.” matt smirked at me as he sat up to go answer the door, running behind nick since he was too excited to see y/n.
end of chris’ pov
you were greeted by two pairs of blue eyes. “hey y/n/n!!” nick smiled as he dragged you into a hug. “hey nickkk” you giggle as you hug him back. it took him a while to let go of you but once he did, you went to hug matt as well. they both move a little bit so you could walk into their home.
you smiled at the brunette boy that had been sitting down on the couch. “hey chris!!” you giggle as you run over to give him a hug. he smiled softly as he embraced you tightly. “hiiii” he dragged out before letting you go. “y/n! you can go put your bag in my room.” nick called out from the kitchen as him and matt prepared some snacks. you nod before scurrying up the stairs to put your bag down.
“what movie are we watching??” you ask while skipping down the stairs. “probably a horror movie, i really wanna— fuck this is heavy! watch tarot. is it on netflix chris??” nick asked his brother while struggling to carry two bowls of popcorn to the sofa. chris shrugged before searching it up, surprised that the movie was on netflix already. “yeah, it is.” he said, scooting a little bit to make room for you to sit down.
you comfortably sit down next to chris, enjoying the warmth of his body against yours. “nick pass me the popcorn” you say while reaching over chris to try to grab the bowl. the blonde boy handed you the white bowl filled with buttered popcorn. you put it in on top of your lap and you laid your head on chris’ shoulder.
“wait wheres matt?” you ask while shoving a handful of popcorn into your mouth. “hes grabbing candy from the car, chris start playing the movie!!” nick says eagerly, as if he needed to watch the movie as soon as possible.
“wait for me! jeez.” matt giggled as he emerged from downstairs. he threw the packs of candy in a pile on the foot rest. chris pressed play and the movie started. the living room was filled with the sounds of munching on snacks and the movie background music.
you occasionally heard small giggles coming from the two other boys on the sofa. you lifted your head in confusion and saw them looking at you and chris. after a while, the giggling wouldn’t stop. “guys! shut up.” you mumble, your eyes flickering from matt and nick to chris.
“sorry! sorry.. sorry.” matt giggled. you ignored them and just fixated your eyes back on the tv. soon enough, your eyes grew heavy, even though the tv volume was at 32 and it was a horror movie.
eventually, you fell asleep with your head slipping down to chris’ chest.
chris’ — pov
nick and matt kept giggling like little kids when they saw y/n laying her head on my shoulder. i shot them an annoyed look after they both said sorry when y/n told them to shut up.
i tried my best to pay attention to the movie and not to y/n. the movie was actually surprisingly good. i jumped a few times to the jumpscares that were scattered in it. a few more minutes went by and i felt y/n’s head slowly slip down to my chest. my breath hitches a little bit loudly and matt breaks his neck to look at us.
“awww.” matt teases. “jesus shut up matt!” i say quietly, blood spreading everywhere on my cheeks. “shh, is she sleeping?” nick asked with a cheeky smile. i nod slowly, my cheeks burning up. “here gimmie— go take her down to your room or something.” he said while grabbing the controller to turn the volume down.
i sigh a little bit frustratedly before struggling to pick up y/n since of the position we were in. “you guys can continue the movie without me.” i grumble as i bridal hold y/n close. “okaayyyyy!! have fun chrissy.” matt says in a high pitch tone quietly and with a pout.
i carefully walk down to my room, trying my best to not have y/n bump her head on the wall or anything. i quietly open my door and shut it silently. i flick the light switch on with my elbow slowly before walking towards my bed. i gently rest her down on my bed, covering her body with my white comforter. “jesus what do i do.” i whisper underneath my breath.
since i was already getting a little bit sleepy, i gave in to lay down next to her. i flicked off the lights and slowly laid down on my back next to y/n. i stared at the ceiling, my breathing unstable from nervousness. as soon as i was about to fall asleep, i hear the comforter rustling and feel her hide her face in the crook of my neck.
i freeze in place, hesitant to move. but i finally did after a minute or so. i turned onto my side and wrapped my arms around her. it was a little bit obvious that she was awake when she quickly wrapped her arms around me as well. “you awake?” i whisper softly. she lets out a small ‘mhm’ that made me smile a little bit.
“i hear your heart beat.” y/n croaked with a little smirk. my cheeks start to heat up once again. “no you don’t.” i giggle. she untucks her head from my neck to look up at me. “don’t make me feel like im going crazy!” she smiled. i laugh a little bit at her, a small hint of pink growing on my face when i saw her smile. “your hands are also cold.” the girl told me, reaching to her back to grab my hand. “they are always cold.” i state, intertwining my fingers with hers.
i blink at her a few times in the comfortable silence. y/n licked her lips before kissing my own. "g'night c." she whispered softly. my mouth was left opened a little bit out of shock. "y-yeah, g'night y/n/n." i say. "wait no, we aren't gonna unpack that?" i ask before i closed my own eyes to go to sleep.
"hm?" she hums at me. "you kissed me." i state. "yeah?" the girl mumbled again. "was it like a.. a friend kiss or." i mumble back, my hand leaving her's and to her waist instead. "god chris your so slow." y/n giggled at me. "i like you, idiot." she said again, looking up at me.
"what? really?" i say. "do i need to kiss you again to make you believe it or what?" she asked me, her hand coming up to play with my hair. "mm it would be nice." i mumble, making her lean up slightly to kiss me.
│⊹ taglist ⋆ ;; @deftonesmatt @mattsluttywaist @luverboychris @sturniol0s @mxqdii
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pitchsidestories · 8 months
Alex Scott's daughter (2) II Leah Williamson x Reader
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"The feeling that I'm losing her forever And without really entering her world I'm glad whenever I can share her laughter That funny little girl Slipping through my fingers all the time I try to capture every minute." ~ ABBA, Slipping Through My Fingers
part 1 I arsenal women masterlist I word count: 1899
Thanks for your lovely feedback on part 1. We hope you enjoy part two aswell and what a better day to upload the oneshot when on Alex Scott birthday. ❤️
Alex Scott was buzzing with excitement. Even though she was the one who would stay at home tonight. She leaned at the bathroom door and watched you get ready in the mirror. Once again, she announced; “This is so exciting.“ “Mum, calm down. I’m just Leahs plus one at an event.“, you rolled your eyes with a slight smile because to be honest, it was kind of adorable. “Still!“, she replied. With a sigh, you gave up brushing your hair and turned to your mum; “Will you help me get ready?“ She seemed genuinely surprised but also very flattered by your request; “Do you want me to?“ “Yes, please. You always look so beautiful.“, you replied, handing her the brush. “
Aw, thank you, dear. Let me start with your hair.“, she smiled brightly and moved you to the edge of the bath tub, so you could sit while she did your hair. “Thanks.“ “Sit still.“, she reminded you with feigned sternness. “Fine.“, you gave in and let your mum brush your hair in peace. After a while of enjoyable silence, Alex gazed at the clock; “So, when is Leah going to pick you up?“ “In an hour. Thats enough time, right?“, you answered, trying to keep the nervousness out of your voice. Pensively, she tilted her head to the side; “Maybe. Do you have your outfit planned?“ “I thought about wearing a dress.“, you stated. From the reflection in the mirror you could see your mums eyes start to sparkle; “Which colour?“ “Black.“ She nodded once, satisfied with your choice; “Alright, that’s good. That leaves us some options for the make up.“ “Leah will wear a beige suit if that helps.“, you added, laughing as your mum grimaced. “It doesn’t. I want to make you look good, not her.“
Your laughter got quieted by Alex, pulling your hair into a tight bun on top of your head; “Ouch.“ “Stop whining.“ “That hurts more than crashing into Jen in training!“, you complained with a grin. The former football player kept pulling on your hair; “Oh please.“ “True story.“ “It’s not true.“, she replied as she took your chin and pulled out two strands to frame your face. Satisfied she examined her work, while you crossed your arms in front of your chest; “It’s!“ “Beauty is pain.“, your mum stated amused and started to apply your make up. “But you always make it look so easy.“
When it was finally time for you to put your black dress on you felt the look of the older woman looking moved by the way you looked tonight. Still, you could not help yourself, bit your lip and asked innocently:” What do you think? How do I look?” “You look gorgeous.”, Alex kissed your cheek carefully, so she did not ruin the makeup underneath. Gratefully you pressed her hand, and you hoped the brunette would feel what you tried to express: “Thanks for your help.” “I’m a little bit sad.”, the former football player confessed smiling. Indeed, you caught her swiping away a tear. Noticing this, you felt your throat tightening: “Oh no, why?” “That you’re going somewhere with Leah but not with me.”, Alex told you. Empathetically you stroked her arm: “Oh mum.” “I think Leah’s here.”, your mum changed the subject, on her lips a brave smile.
Excited Leah turned to one of her oldest friends: “Hi, is she ready?” “Yes. Come on, dear, your date’s here.”, the older woman turned to you. From the bathroom you shouted: “Coming!” In a minute you were standing in front of them: “Lee, you look gorgeous.”  The blonde defender was looking stunned at you:” What? Oh, thanks, so do you.” The arsenal player was used to getting compliments, but your look made her breathless.  “Stop drooling for my daughter, Leah!”, Alex mocked her. Even that did not stop Leah from pointing out:“ Look how beautiful she looks.” “Yes, I helped her, can’t believe that’s my baby!”, the former player squeaked.
Embarrassed you searched for your girlfriend’s hand: “Mum! Leah, it’s time to go.” “Yes, come on, we can’t be late.”, she agreed much to your relief. Happily you waved at the tv sports presenter:“Bye Mum.” “I’ll have her home by midnight. Promise.”, Leah said to her friend. Jokingly Alex replied:” I hope so.” “Bye Alex.”
Before you two were out of the door your mum yelled: “By the way she can stay past midnight too that would make me personally very proud.” As you got into the car, your cheeks were red: “Typical Mum.” “I wasn’t planning on getting you home before midnight anyway.”, the blonde confessed smirking. A cheeky grin appeared on your lips:“You did not hmm?” “No, I lied.”, the defender chuckled. Winking you told her:“Yeah but you were very convincing in the role as the respectable boyfriend.”“Yeah, I’m good at that.“, Leah laughed, hinting at the time a magazine mistook her for Alex’ boyfriend. “You are.“, you agreed, grinning.
As you realized that the cars in front of you had started to slow done, you nervously checked the time on your phone: “Do you think we should park somewhere here and walk the rest? We might be faster that way.“ “Why not stay in here? I think we’ll find something to do in the meantime.“, Leah smirked, sliding one hand on your bare knee. Laughing, you pushed her off of you; “Babe, we Lionesses have to present an award. We cannot not come.“ “Not our fault that we’re stuck in traffic.“, she replied, blinking innocently at you. “You can do anything you want later.“, you promised her with a wink. You leaned over to your girlfriend and kissed her passionately as you finally reached your destination. You both got out of the car.
Grabbing Leahs hand, you started to jog to the event. “We’ll just get you another run in on your road to recovery.“, you laughed. A little out of breath, you arrived right on time. Before stepping on the red carpet together, your girlfriend stopped you; “Wait!“ “Alright?“, you turned to her in surprise. The defender silently wiped a bit of your lipstick away that had smudged during the kiss. She gave you a short nod; “Ready?“ “Ready.“, you answered. “Let’s go then.“, Leah took your hand but you did not move. “Lee?“ “Yes?“ “Are you sure you want to be seen with me?“
The blonde football player immediately turned around, searching for your eyes; “I asked you to come with me, so yes. I am sure.“ You took a deep breath, sighing as you breathed out; “Okay.“ “Are you ready?“, she asked, furrowing her brows in worry. “I am.“, you confirmed, feeling your confidence slowly coming back. Leah smiled softly at you; “Let’s go then.“ Holding hands, you walked down the red carpet. Leah continued to tightly squeeze your hand for reassurance.
A journalist suddenly caught your attention, yelling the score of the Arsenal men game to your girlfriend; “Leah, Arsenal won!“ “Are you joking? Arsenal?“, she repeated excitedly. Turning to you, she asked; “Did you hear that?!“ “I did!“, you grinned, happier about Leahs enthusiasm then about the actual score.“That’s amazing.”, the defender couldn’t stop raving about it. “Oh yes.” “So proud of the boys.”, Leah hummed. Solemnly you promised her:“ Same. On the weekend we’ll win against villa too.” “Of course.”, the blonde grinned. “Promised.” Proudly Leah beamed at you: “I know you’ll.” To seal that promise you kissed her before saying:” Let’s go inside, shall we?” “Yes. We’re already late.”
It seems to be a reoccurring theme in the Scott family to run late. The matchday on Sunday was finally here and Leah and Alex were on their way to watch the game in the stands. “Shit, Lee, we need to hurry up. My girl is in the starting line!”, the former player swore loudly. Amused by one of her best friends the blonde replied:” And you’d be okay with being late if she wasn’t?” “No, but it might help us to get faster through the crowd.”, the brunette winked at her. Sceptical the England skipper replied: “Sure Alex.”
Despite her scepticism the words of the sports presenter helped them to get through the crowd faster. Satisfied Alex turned her head to the still playing Arsenal defender: “See? It works!” “Just sit down and watch the game.”, Leah answered with an eye roll. “Oh come on, can’t you admit that it helped us to get to our seats faster?” “Shh, they’re playing North London forever.”, the blonde whispered before starting to sing the song along with thousands of fans which made the usually calm and collected person she was turn into an emotional mess. Laughing the older woman apologized:“Sorry, nerd.” “As if you were any better.”, the younger defender commented giggling. Football was the way the friends had originally met and it still was one of the things they loved to share the most together. “I didn’t say I’m not one. The game is on.”
“I’m so nervous!”, Leah confessed, already biting her lip from the anticipation and excitement she felt. “Did you see that?”, the brunette cheered. Happily the blonde shouted:“Yes, girls!” As the Arsenal players on and off the pitch were celebrating their goal against villa in a full emirate’s stadium. A bright smile appeared on Alex’s lips: “That was amazing.” “Right?”, the England skipper asked, still feeling the rush of excitement as if she was on the pitch with her teammates who meant so much to her. In the second half it got even better for Arsenal as you scored an absolute banger of a goal much to the joy of the two women who were so dear to you. “Oh my god, she scored, Lee.”, the tv presenter told your girlfriend visibly thrilled.
“And what a goal!“, Leah gushed, barely able to stay in her seat. “It was stunning.“ Pointing down to you, your girlfriend laughed; “She can’t even believe it.“ Alex watched your surprised expression turn into a bright smile as you caught your team mates in a group hug; “To be fair, it doesn’t happen often to a defender as we know.“ “But if we score, we do it right.“, Leah added. Alex nodded along; “True though.“ When the game ended, Leah pushed out of her seat; “We have to celebrate with her.“ Alex followed suit; “Definitely.“
The two caught you as you left the pitch. “Mum, Lee, did you see that?“, you asked still in disbelief, your cheeks almost hurting from smiling. Alex pulled you into a tight hug, blowing a kiss on your temple; “You were so good tonight.“ “Your goal was amazing!“, Leah agreed, once your mum let go of you. Casually, she slipped a hand beneath your jawline and pulled you in for a kiss. You could have stayed in the moment forever, but the kiss was interrupted by Alex grimacing; “Ew!“ Leah rolled her eyes and you only gave a half-apologetic smile; “Sorry, mum.“ “No, it’s okay. I’m just joking.“, she replied, waving her hand for you two to go on. Instead, your girlfriend put her arm around you and looked at Alex; “Come on, girls. It’s time to celebrate.“ Happily, you let her pull you with her.
This night was about to be perfect. Not only did you score the game-winning goal but you also had your two favourite people with you.
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mrchiipchrome · 9 months
Knight In Shining Armor
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W.C.- 800
Request- 'the reader is an introvert and not a hugging person. so, during camp w the lionesses, some players tease reader about it because the reader w Lessi is the opposite. Gf Lessi being protective of the reader?'
Growing up as introverted as you did had been a challenge for sure, never really being able to open up to people making you feel left out most of the time. Maybe that’s why your parents made sure to put you to training in a teamsport as soon as they possibly could.
Still, you had major problems with getting and keeping friends, well until Alessia came along. 
The young blonde, then brunette, had defended you against some particularly nasty young girls at Charlton. They had pushed you over without any reason, making your newly washed kit all muddy again.
Then like a knight in shining armor, the short girl came over and stood right in front of you, so as to protect you from their nasty words and actions. 
With miraculous strength for a 6 year old, Alessia made sure that the two girls never bothered you again.
Ever since that day, your young heart only beat for her. There was nothing and no one that could come between your unbreakable bond, and with you in the midfield and Alessia up top, there was no better scoring duo than you two.
And at 7, you and Alessia got “married” after football with the trainer officiating. At 10, you and Alessia departed your childhood club in search of something bigger. At 11, you signed for the Arsenal youth academy and Alessia signed for the rival London club.
At 13, you transferred schools to be closer to one of your only friends and at 14, you confessed your obvious feelings for the other, sharing secret kisses between classes. 
At 16, you finally told your families about your relationship, your families who’d always known you’d end up with the other.
At 17, you signed your first pro contract with Arsenal while Alessia got offers to play at UNC. At 18, your heart broke for the first time as you knew how hard it would be to do long distance. At 19, you cried yourself to sleep every night because you were missing your soulmate.
At 21, Alessia returned to England and your introverted heart burst with happiness at your person being back in the same country as you. 
And when you won the euros alongside your love, you realized what a gift it was to have someone like her. Your very own knight in shining armor.
Even after becoming slightly less closed off to the world, there was still one thing you truly couldn’t stand, physical touch.
Whenever someone, excluding Alessia, touched you it felt like your skin was crawling and the feeling always brought tears to the corners of your eyes. 
It was the only non-negotiable thing, no touch. And Alessia had always been like a hawk, making sure to not let anyone touch you longer than deemed necessary.
So, when you once again arrive at camp basically attached to your girlfriend, it doesn’t take long for the other girls to start to tease you.
“Hey Y/n/n, why don’t I get hugs like that?” You hear the unmistakable sound of Lucy Bronze’s voice echo through the lobby. The shell shocked expression on your face only makes Alessia tighten her grip around your waist, nearly putting herself in front of you in a protective stance.
“Yeah Y/n, I also want a nice long hug sometimes, maybe a kiss on the head” Georgia’s next as she sends you a quick wink to accompany her statement. The possessive growl Alessia lets escape her throat might be one of the hottest things you’d ever experienced.
“Come on Y/n, just give me a little hug, it would be nice!” Mary’s loud voice carries all through the lobby as she walks towards you with her arms fully open. 
That’s where Alessia’s had enough, her protective nature coming through in the most noticeable way possible. She moves her body fully in front of you, mostly blocking the three women's view of you as she holds her hand out to stop Mary from moving any closer to you.
“Right, that’s enough. Once is fine, but the two of you continuing when she’s obviously uncomfortable is just going too far. If she wants to give you a hug, then she’ll do it in her own time, are we clear?” Alessia’s booming voice is heard all throughout the lobby, and the three women in front of you nod their heads rapidly in agreement.
With a satisfied smile painting over her face, Alessia moves back to your side, hugging you protectively before leaning up and capturing your lips in a possessive kiss.
For good measure, as Alessia’s leading you towards the elevator, she turns back to the three women still standing in the same place as where she left them and winks. 
Yeah, Alessia was your knight in shining armor.
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…. I imagine you have a Billion of these requests and it might not tickle your fancy but I’ve been thinking of a
Post war bucky - meeting navigator reader ( who was transferred to thrope abbots whilst he was in the camps) reader is the warm softness he needs to help rebuild the new him that is worth knowing.. bonus reader being besties with Harry and Rosie
Again no pressure at all! I just don’t own your skill to turn these thoughts into reality! You have such skill miss thang ! I hope you know that 🤍
New Girl
John Egan X Navigator! Reader
Summary: Bucky meets a woman when he comes back from the camps...
Warning: Swearing/ kissing/ mention of death/ use of Y/n/
Word count: 1.3k
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The 3 of them were sitting near the fireplace, Rosie just came back, and he survived his plane crashing. She was transferred to Thorpe Abbots a few weeks ago, she was a navigator, that’s how she became friends with Harry Crosby, then, he introduced her to Robert ‘Rosie’ Rosenthal, the 3 of them quickly became friends. Crosby and Rosie kept talking about pilots that got down, especially Major Cleven and Major Egan. Rosie even said that her and Egan would be great together. ‘’You excited to go back home?’’ Rosie asked Crosby as he took a sip of his Coca Cola. ‘’Yeah, I, uh, I’m going to be a father’’ he chuckles, but he doesn’t look happy. ‘’Croz, that’s amazing. It’s good news, right?’’ she asked his friend. ‘’Yeah, but no, I don’t know how to be a father after everything.’’ He signed. Y/n gives him a sympatric smile as she listens the other navigator talk about his feelings.
Chaos was outside, Y/n got outside and saw that Harry and Rosie were running outside, near a plane that just landed. Y/n walked up to her friends and looked at the plane. ‘’What’s going on?’’ she asked, smiling. ‘’Gale Cleven and John Egan are back!’’ Crosby exclaims. ‘’They were the best pilots before me!’’ Rosie said. A brunette men came down a plane, a blonde came to hug him. ‘’Crosby!’’ the brunette exclaimed. The guys hugged as Y/n stand there awkwardly. ‘’ And who’s that beautiful lady?’’ the brunette asked, looking up and down at the woman. ‘’Lieutenant Colonel Y/n Y/l/n, and who are you?’’ she extended her hand for him to shake. ‘’Major John Egan but call me Bucky’’ he shook her hand. He kissed the top of her hand, making her blush.
‘’Y/n/n? Ready to go home?’’ Bucky asked the woman; she was saying goodbye to the children on the base. ‘’Yeah, I’m just saying goodbye.’’ She explains as she hugged Lily, a small girl that Y/n spend a lot of time with. ‘’Here, take my necklace’’ Y/n said as she took her necklace off. Lily took the necklace and put it on. ‘’I have to go now. Bye kids!’’ she waved at them as all the kids hugged her. John Egan looked at the scene, smiling at the woman. He loved the fact that Y/n was good with kids.
She poured herself a glass of water as she staired outside the window. ‘’Whiskey?’’ she heard a voice behind her. She turned to see Bucky, they decided to live together since they grew found of each other. They were friends, but they were in love, they just didn’t know it yet. ‘’Water, I can’t stand the sight of alcohol for a while’’ she chuckled. He laughed and asked for a glass of water too. She sat in front of him, drinking the liquid as they looked at each other. ‘’Buck’s weeding is next week’’ Bucky said as he drank the water. ‘’Yeah, I have to go buy a dress, do you want to come with me?’’ she asked. ‘’Sure, we’ll go tomorrow, I have my suit already.’’ He smiles.
She’d been trying on dresses for an hour, and she didn’t find any that she liked. ‘’I’ll go naked! I swear’’ she breathed out. Bucky chuckled. ‘’I’m able to read map and I helped with D-Day plans, but I can’t find a bloody dress’’ she kept complaining as she put on a dress. When she got out, Bucky’s mouth opened slightly, the dress was light green, long but not too long and had little sleeves. It suited Y/n perfectly. ‘’You look amazing in that one!’’ he compliments her, smiling. ‘’Really?’’ she was skeptical, she never really liked wearing a dress. ‘’Yes, you look wonderful!’’ he says again. Y/n blushes and looks at herself in the mirror, the dress was really beautiful. ‘’Yeah, let’s go with this one’’ she smiles.
The night was still young, Y/n was reading a book when she heard Bucky screaming. She threw her book away and ran to his room. Her night gown flew behind her with how fast she was running. She entered his room to see him seated on his bead, sweaty and breathing really fast. ‘’Bucky, what’s wrong?’’ she asked as she walked closer to his bed. He was in pure state of shock. ‘’Bucky, breath’’ she tried to help but this time, his nightmare was too much for him. She didn’t know what to do, usually her presence worked, and he would calm down. ‘’John’’ she whispered. She took his face between her hands to make him look at her. ‘’Breath, John. I’m right here, everything is going to be fine. Breath’’ she said, maintaining eye contact with him. His eyes were filled with distress, he needed help. ‘’Kiss me, please, Y/n, I need to kiss you.’’ He pleaded, his voice weak. Y/n didn’t even hesitate as she pressed her lips against his.
The kiss was filled with passion and love, it helped Bucky realise that she was there and not dead, like in his nightmare. When they pulled away, he was calmer, and he was smiling. ‘’You’re, okay?’’ Y/n asked, concerned for him. He nodded, smiling even harder. ‘’Who would’ve thought that it would take a nightmare for us to kiss’’ he giggled. She gently smacked his shoulder as she scoffed. ‘’You scared me’’ she breathed out as she smiled too. ‘’I’m sorry, I had a nightmare, you died’’ he explained. She hugged her friend as he smelled her. He was touching her, smelling her and he just kissed her; she was real, and alive. She just realized what happened; she just kissed him. Y/n was in love with him, but she didn’t know if he was feeling the same thing. So, she did what everyone would’ve done; she flew away. As Bucky watched her run away, he giggled, she was a nervous person. But tomorrow was Buck’s wedding, and he was going to dance with her.
She entered the room with Bucky, the reception was over, it was beautiful. Buck’s vows made Y/n cry; it was so beautiful. She was looking for Harry Crosby, she had to talk to him about what happened yesterday. When she spotted him, she practically ran to him. ‘’Croz!’’ she exclaimed as she hugged him. ‘’Y/n how are you?’’ he smiled. ‘’I’m great – ‘’ she noticed a woman holding a baby behind him. ‘’ Y/n, can I introduce you to my wife, Jean and my son Stephen’’ he says proudly. ‘’It’s so nice to finally meet you, I’ve heard a lot of great things’’ Y/n smiles as she hugs Harry’s wife. ‘’Likewise, it’s nice to meet the woman my husband’s been talking about’’ she smiles. Y/n smiles as her and Jean talks. ‘’Can I talk to Harry for a second?’’ she asked. She nods as Y/n and Harry go for a walk.
Harry Crosby was crying for laughing that much. ‘’How could you run away?’’ he laughs. Y/n laughs as she let out a desperate sign. ‘’I panicked, but I really want to kiss him again’’ she breaths out. Rosie, who joined them, was laughing too. ‘’Then kiss him!’’ Rosie exclaims. ‘’Uh, I wish it was that simple’’ she threw her head back. As she did so, she saw Bucky, staring at her with a grin on his face. ‘’It is simple, love’’ he completed her sentence, making Crosby and Rosie laugh as they walk away from the scene, to let them have privacy. Y/n quickly gets up and walk up to him. ‘’I, uh, I’m sorry for running away yesterday. I panicked’’ she blurts out. Bucky smiles as he puts his hand on her lower back. ‘’It’s okay, Y/n, just kiss me again’’ he whispers. She breaths out nervously as she stands on her tippy toes, their face gets closer as their breathing quickens. ‘’I love you’’ she whispers. ‘’I love you too, love’’ he smiles as he leans in closer. Their kiss was passionate, his other hand went on her cheek to keep her closer. ‘’I love you so much’’ she said between kisses. ‘’Fucking finally!’’ they heard Crosby yell. ‘’Well, well, well’’ Buck chuckled. As they pulled away, they saw Buck, Marge, Harry, Rosie and Jean looking at them. Y/n and Bucky looks at each other before laughing. ‘’Are we going to attend another wedding?’’ Marge squeals. ‘’Maybe’’ Bucky smiles.
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epickiya722 · 11 months
Actually, now I'm thinking about it, it's odd to me that Midoriya and Uraraka look similar and maybe that's on purpose.
Round eyes & face
Facial marks (Freckles for Midoriya, blush stickers for Uraraka)
"Brunette" (green hair is considered being a brunet/te in anime logic)
Shorter than the others
Now given that, what if Uraraka "falling in love" with Midoriya wasn't her actually falling in love? What if it was her having a self-reflection and accepting herself?
Further thinking about it... they're practically the same person.
They're both compassionate, kind. They learn to adapt to changes. They're cute, but they're vicious if pushed far enough. They won't give up on people or in a fight. Hell, they both float, use long range attacks, and close range ones. Works in teams of three (Uraraka-Asui-Hado, Midoriya-Bakugou-Todoroki) under a top Pro Hero.
And they both "rival" some feral blond that they don't act "normal" around.
What if Midoriya wasn't meant to be Uraraka's crush but her mirror? Mind you whenever someone points out her "crush" it's not someone you would turn to for love advice.
Aoyama is Aoyama (think about that reveal), Ashido practically ships anybody with anybody when there's no real chemistry, and Toga has a twisted concept of love.
You really think I would trust any of them on telling me I have a "crush"?
There's also the fact that Uraraka herself during her talk with Midoriya says they're both "oddballs". That whole talk during 342 comes off more as someone talking about their feelings about their identity and relating to a friend who feels the same about themselves than supposedly "romantic". When someone is called an "oddball", it means that person is "weird". They're not part of the "norm".
Sometimes it comes off as having different interests, like someone liking the arts unlike the majority of the group who likes sports.
Or it's someone who identifies as queer.
What if these last few chapters of Toga and Uraraka was Uraraka accepting herself?
@darkcircles4lyfe points out a detail that I didn't catch until now in this post here.
In this scene, Toga has a hold of that All Might keychain. We know it's of importance to Uraraka because Midoriya gave it to her. We also know that once before Uraraka snatched it away from her when Toga first got a hold of it during the PLF War Arc. Here, she doesn't do it. Granted, because she's bang the hell up and probably even isn't aware of her surroundings. But on Horikoshi's part, what if that's on purpose? What if here, Toga is taking the keychain as a way of saying Uraraka is finally accepting herself and her feelings? That Midoriya was that mirror she kept looking into and questioning until this very moment?
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And let's be honest here, it's not like Horikoshi isn't incapable of writing M/F ships. I just think IzuOcha is a ship he doesn't intend to make romantic because of how underdeveloped it is.
Compare it to Kamijirou and Kirimina, it is pale. Also, make note of those two pairs.
The characters in those ships also have opposing physical features.
Kamijirou - dark and light hair colors, the extrovert and the introvert
Kirimina - Spiky hair and curly hair, sharp edges and round curves
A lot of pairs Horikoshi puts together in which the characters are close (romantic or platonic) have some opposing features to them.
Gentle Crimimal and La Brava - tall and short, dark hair and light hair, one is more hands on and the other isn't
Eraser Head & Present Mic - quiet and loud, dark hair and light hair, close combat & long range
Bakugou's and Jiro's parents - quiet & loud, dark hair and light hair
It's his shtick.
But for Midoriya and Uraraka? They are just genderbend versions of each other!
That's really all I have to say here. And if you disagree, fine. Don't care for the input though, keep it to yourselves. (I say this because some of you are just damn disrespectful.)
I myself don't think IzuOcha is a bad ship, but I just don't think it's a ship Horikoshi has on his agenda. Let alone wants the audience to perceive them as "romantic" but as a "mirror".
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shslbunnylover · 8 months
★★★𝙈𝙮 𝘽𝙧𝙖𝙩 (𝙆𝙞𝙣𝙠𝙩𝙤𝙗𝙚𝙧 𝙙𝙖𝙮 5: 𝘽𝙧𝙖𝙩 𝙩𝙖𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙜)★★★
Character: Larissa Weems
Tag list: @lilfartbox1 @inlovewithgreta @marvels--slut
Trigger warnings (DL, DI): Smut, degradation, praise, Top Larissa/Bottom reader, Semi-public sex, sex toys, brat taming, spanking,
Genre: Smut
Word count: 2.5k
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You glance up and down at your body in the mirror, smirking as you hike up your skirt so that it just barely shows your ass in your black thong that matched the bra you wore under your shirt and blazer. Your [eye color] eyes fall down to your chest area, which makes you move your hands to unbutton the blazer so that your breasts were easier to notice.
"Hmmhmm..." You chuckle, giving yourself a wink in the mirror as you put on your black thigh highs that clung to your skin beautifully. "I just know mistress will love this~" You say with a smirk, putting on your shoes before walking out of your home.
The cold air of the outside leaves goosebumps across your legs, but to you it's all worth it if it meant that Larissa would get pissed off. You put in some earbuds, playing [favorite lewd song] as you think of all the different reactions that could form on your girlfriend's face once she sees you disobeying her rule of covering up.
"Ah! Ms. Y/n!" You hear a cheery voice say, making you turn around to see one of your students from your chemistry class, Enid Sinclair.
"Miss Sinclair, how can I help you?" You ask, walking inside of Nevermore with the young blonde girl.
"Well, I wanted to see if you could get me a meeting with Miss Weems~! I've been wanting to show her my new werewolf form for so so long!! Plus, you're the only teach that will ever have a chance of convincing her!" She gushes, pressing the palms her hands to her cheeks as her eyes light up with excitement she only got from talking about things she liked.
You tilt your head slightly and nod, an idea popping into your head as you talked with the younger girl.
"Of course, I can! Come inside of the her office after school, okay?" You reply, knowing that Larissa hated her schedule being interrupted and would be very pissed off at you were you to invite the first year girl to do just that.
The younger girl clasps her hands around your own and smiles brightly with joy, her eyes seemingly sparkling even more than they already were.
"Thank you so much Ms. Y/n!!" Enid beams before running off to go be with Wednesday and Tyler.
"No problem~" You smirk quietly, a mischievous glint forming in your eyes as you walk into the teachers lounge that at the moment only contained a couple of other teachers.
"Oh, hey Y/n," Marilyn says as she let out a tiny chuckle of amusement, continuing to read her book.
Larissa's assistant, Gwen, turns around from the fish tank her eyes seemed to be infatuated with, and she waves at you.
"Greetings Ms L/n!" She says, walking up to you to strike up a conversation before the first student council meeting of the day started.
"Hey Gwen!" You smile in response,
"Do you know where Miss Weems is?" The secretary asks, but before you can even open your mouth, you hear a soft voice interrupt what you were about to say.
"She is running quite late, she had some stuff to take care of with the Adams family, however, she should be here any minute now," Marilyn says, twisting her head to face the two of you without moving her body from its front-facing position.
"Oh, that explains it," The assistant says, now noticing just how revealing you had edited your usual clothing due to her love for eye contact.
You nod and sit down on top of the table, leaning on your left arm as your eyes glance over Marylin's book, your legs crossed as they laid on the wooden table below your body. A small shiver goes through your body as your bare ass touches the cold material that Larissa had the table made out of.
"What do you need?" The brunette asks, tilting her head a bit.
"I know you stole one from Enid while she was eating one during class so you're going to have to give one to me~" You chuckle.
The aburn-haired woman chuckles as well, handing you the sucker.
"Thank you~" You smirk, unwrapping it and placing the candy in your mouth, the stick poking out from your soft lips in a seductive manner as you waited for everyone else to arrive.
Gwen raises an eyebrow at you, confused on why your behavior is weird today, but she decided not to pry, and instead goes over to the fish tank once again to stare at the different colored specimens swimming around the decorations at the bottom of the water.
A few minutes pass, and a couple of other teachers and staff arrive, leaving Larissa to be the only one that was missing. You wave at the newcomers as they all sit down at their respective seats on the table, one of the male teachers silently smirking at the new revealing nature of your uniform.
"Where's Larissa?" One of them asks, taking a sip of their tea.
"She's busy with family matters or some shit," Marilyn replies, beginning to become a little agitated as she tried to calm her irritation.
"What she said," You say, your eyes glancing back over to the brunette's book. "But I don't think we have anything important, the only thing any of us have to do is Larissa meeting with Enid,"
Gwen looks up from her clipboard with a puzzled expression present on her face.
"What do you mean Ms L/n?" She says, flipping through her multiple papers that were attached to the plastic clipboard. "Larissa doesn't have a meeting with any specific person for a few more weeks, much less Enid,"
You smirk in response, and remove the lollipop from your mouth with a loud 'pop', looking over at Gwen before speaking.
"I know, but Enid was soooo eager to see Larissa, and I just had to let her see the woman," You reply,
The assistant sighs in response, knowing that Larissa would not be happy with your new addition to her schedule,
"Ah...I see, well, I'll inform her when she arrives, when is Miss Sinclair supposed to arrive?"
"After school,"
"Okay," The blonde woman mutters, writing down some notes quickly on a spare sheet of paper before attaching it to the clipboard. "I'll make sure she knows when to see Miss Weems,"
"Let who see me?" You hear a deep yet seductive british voice that could only belong to your girlfriend say as the door to the lounge room opens.
"Oh! Principal! I was just about to call you! Ms Y/n has scheduled a meet up with you and Miss Sinclair after school!" Gwen says as the other woman walks in.
The blonde pauses as she walks up to her seat, noticing the new revealing aspects of your outfit. Once she hears what you've done, you see her face darken, and an angry look crosses her features.
"Ah...Thank you Y/n..." She says, sitting down, "Please, take an actual seat instead of that cold table," Larissa continues, but you know what she said wasn't a request, but a demand.
"Oh don't worry Rissa, I'll be fine~" You smirk, making the same male teacher lean back on her chair and place her legs on the table almost directly next to your ass.
"Geez Larissa, what did you do to make Y/n so sassy?" He asks with a big fat smirk present on her face. "Not that I mind, it's hot, but it'd be hotter on you"
The principal's eyes darken even more, and her Red lips form a scowl that kept the rage built up inside of her, inside her.
"Shut up," She glares, before beginning to speak, only to be interrupted by the bell.
As the bell rings through the school, making everyone look at the speakers before standing up and getting ready to leave.
As you lift yourself off the chair and walk out, you feel Larissa pull you back right as everyone else is out of the room.
"What is up with you, brat?" She growls, pinning you to the wall as one hand finds its way up to your neck.
"It's nothing Rissa" You smirk,
"It's obviously not nothing," She replies, pressing her body up against your own
You push her off with a wink, "Remember, you can't do anything naughty right before school~" You say before getting ready to walk away, only to be pulled back another time,
"Get your ass back here, I'll do whatever the fuck I want," The blonde woman says, shoving you down onto the chair and stepping on your thigh to keep you in place.
You blush furiously at her actions, and you try your hardest to grind up against her boot, but to no avail."
"Remember your safe word?" She asks,
You nod,
"What is it you slut?" Larissa asks once again, putting more pressure on her foot.
"Libra..." You whimper, to which your girlfriend alleviates some of the pressure.
"Good girl," She says, putting a hand on her thigh to replace her foot as her other hand slides down your thong,
"W-What are you doing?" You ask,
"I'm going to put a vibrator in that fucking cunt of yours," She replies, shoving a remote-controlled vibrator inside of you before sliding your thong back on.
"What, you think this will do anything?" You smirk, trying to keep up your bratty attitude as you stand up,
The taller woman's expression darkens, and she quickly switches the vibrator onto its highest setting, making you fall to your knees,
"Yes, Yes I do, now get out and go observe your students like the good girl you are, and you better not cum until I see you again," She growls, spanking you on the ass in order to make you stand up and walk away, which it does.
The rest of the day was pure torture, Larissa just kept turning the vibrator from the highest to the lowest setting, and it always to seem to be right as you were about to cum. You didn't know it, but she was secretly watching you through the security cameras, adjusting the vibrator in your pussy as high or as low as she felt was necessary.
After school, you ran into Larissa's office as fast as you possibly could, forgetting that you had let Enid schedule the meeting with your girlfriend.
Your eyes widened, and Larissa gave you a knowing smirk.
"Ah, Y/n~" She smiled, patting the seat next to her as she conversed with Enid,
You quickly sat down next to Larissa, who quickly turned off the vibrator and cupped your center with her hand, Enid not being able to see it due to the sight being underneath the table.
"Hello Ms Y/n!" Enid smiled innocently as your girlfriend removed the vibrator and inserted 2 of her fingers, making you whimper,
"H-Hey E-Enid..." You muttered in response, a massive blush flashing across your cheeks as Larissa pleasured you.
Enid raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything and continued to talk with Larissa.
You sit there in silence, taking in the pleasure your blonde girlfriend gave you as her thumb caressed your bundle of nerves, still pounding her two fingers inside of your aching pussy. She curled them perfectly, and it made you squirm no matter how much you tried not to.
Once Enid finally left after what seemed to be forever, Larissa pushed you to the floor, shoving the vibrator back inside of you. She quickly removed her hand from your pussy and placing it in her own, using your love juices that had fallen onto her fingers as lube for her own tight cunt.
"You're gonna watch me cum, and if you cum, you'll get a spanking. If you don't cum like a good girl, you'll get the best orgasm in months," Larissa said, beginning to pleasure herself.
You watched for what seemed like a few minutes, when you noticed Larissa slowing her pace without even coming close to orgasming. She looks up at you and your shaking body, and a devilish smirk forms on her shiny blue lips.
"You know what? Maybe you should make me cum," She chuckles, moaning as you instinctively get to work, lapping up her pussy like a dog with your tongue.
Larissa's moans filled the room, echoing the faster you pleased her. Your tongue eventually found its way up to her clit, where you began to circle it with the tip.
"Y-Y/n~!" She moaned, turning up the vibrator in your cunt to the highest setting as she began to reach her peak.
"Please mistress~! Please let me cum~!" You whimpered, the vibrations from your voice pleasuring the older woman's sensitive vagina even more.
Larissa placed a hand on the back of your head to keep you still, and she nodded slightly,
"You can finish right after me~ Fuck~!!" She groaned, a loud moan escaping her lips as she began to scream your name.
"Yes mistress~" You whine, moving your tongue
"God Y/n!!!" Your girlfriend eventually screamed, her release finally reaching her as cum escaped her hole.
You lapped all the milk from her pussy up, and once you were done, you looked at her with a whiny look.
"Please mistress, I'll be good, I won't brat," You whimper, to which Larissa picked you up and puts you on her lap,
"Cum all over me baby, stain my thigh in your cute little juices," She finally says, allowing you to cry out her name, burying your face in her neck as you also reach your peak, leaving your pussy and your girlfriends thigh soaked in your own doing.
"Mistress~! G-God~!!!" You whimper as another string of curses left your lips.
"Good girl..." The blonde mumbles, grabbing a water bottle and lifting it up to your lips, which you happily accepted.
"Thank you, Rissa," You mumble, yawning as the braided haired girl wiped away the tears that had formed in your eyes.
"You aren't going to brat for me, are you princess?" She asks after you finish drinking your water.
You nod, and bury your face in her large chest,
"I won't, I swear, I'll be good,"
"Good girl," The blue-eyed woman repeats, sighing in content as the two of you cuddle up on the couch in her office.
You shut your eyes after a minute, whimpering slightly as you feel the taller woman remove the vibrator from your soaked pussy, but you didn't care to move.
"Rissa?" You ask, looking up at the older woman,
"Yes Y/n
"Can I sleep here?" You ask again,
Larissa tilts her head and a soft chuckle escapes her red lips,
"On my lap?" She teases,
You nod with a blush, burying your face in her breasts,
"Of course, princess," Larissa replies, stroking your hair as you sigh in content, eyes shutting once again as you fall asleep.
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deirdreskye · 1 year
Commercial I would produce as an advertising executive
We see two friends, a blonde and a brunette, are doing yoga in a park together.
BLONDE: So, yeah, work went okay today. I dunno, I haven't been getting enough sleep lately, and on top of that things have just been kinda tough ever since Kurt and I broke up. But oh well, that's how it goes, I think I'll be fine. What about you?
The brunette completes her yoga pose, then turns to the camera and rolls her eyes.
BRUNETTE: Don't you hate when this happens? I did NOT consent to expending this much emotional labor. Go! To! Therapy!
We see a boyfriend and a girlfriend sitting on a couch together. On the television a YouTube video essay is playing and the boyfriend is excitedly explaining it to the girlfriend as he occasionally flaps his hands and yelps in excitement.
BOYFRIEND: So this is the ending I got! When you link the Frenzied Flame, it puts an end to the cycle of the Elden Lords once and for all. It's actually so cool because it ties in to the greater Nietzschean themes of Miyazaki-san's previous work and-
The uninterested girlfriend is watching TikToks on her phone. She turns to the camera and rolls her eyes.
GIRLFRIEND: Trust me, he's always mansplaining about something or another. Don't ask me why I love him. Go! To! Therapy!
A mother berates her 12 year old daughter in a dimly lit kitchen. The young girl stands there dissociating, completely paralyzed and stone-faced.
MOTHER: You look like a little piggy when you eat like that. You'll never find a husband if you get fat. My mother used to tell me you'll never feel the pain of childbirth if you've never felt the pain of an empty stomach. She used to put a lock on the refrigerator. We barely ever had any food, she just did it to remind me to stay skinny. She's senile now. Doesn't even know who I am. I pray to the Virgin Mary every night that she'll remember me before she dies.
The daughter turns to the camera and her blank expression is replaced with playful annoyance.
DAUGHTER: Traumadumping? Really? Mom, I'm 12! Go! To! Therapy!
Now we are introduced to GoTu Therapy, the AI-powered therapy robot. He shambles up to the camera to greet us and we see he looks like if C-3PO were dressed like a zoomer e-boy: kpop boyband onion haircut, dangly earrings, and an ahegao hoodie. He talks with the most outdated text to speech you've ever heard, not too dissimilar to a Kraftwerk song.
GoTu sits across the kitchen table from the mother as she sobs over her wine glass.
MOTHER: And what the fuck does this family know about suffering? Suffering is when your brother blows his brains out on Christmas Eve. Suffering is when you have to pick little pieces of skull out of the tinsel on the tree. And were any of those presents under the tree for me? No! My mother told me Santa Claus doesn't bring presents to little fat girls!
Cut to the girlfriend watching makeup tutorials on the television, blissfully unaware of the conversation between GoTu and her boyfriend.
BOYFRIEND: I guess I've really been putting the pieces together ever since I started hanging out with Lilith from work.
BOYFRIEND: Like, I guess I knew that people did that, but I never thought it'd be me, you know? And that discomfort with things was always with me, as long as I can remember, does that make sense?
BOYFRIEND: It's just so scary though. I don't know how I'll tell people. I don't even know what I want my name to be. But I'm trying not to worry about it.
The blonde and the brunette are having brunch together with GoTu sitting between them.
BLONDE: It's been really hard lately. I don't think the meds are working, but-
BRUNETTE: Umm, didn't we talk about this?
The blonde sheepishly turns to face GoTu and continues.
BLONDE: It just feels like this will never end. I hate feeling so hopeless all the time. I'm so tired. And God it's fucking hard to even say it out loud, and not that I'd ever actually go through with it, but sometimes when I can't sleep at night I'll start thinking about ki-
A red and blue siren pops out the top of GoTu's head.
A taser emerges from the panel of GoTu's chest and jabs the blonde in the face, sending her convulsing to the floor. Unfazed, the brunette puts her sandwich down and turns to the camera.
BRUNETTE: Thanks, GoTu Therapy!
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bradshawssugarbaby · 3 months
Head Over Heels - Pete Mitchell x Reader
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A/N: I've watched the OG so many times over the last month I felt inspired to write a little 1980s set piece for baby Mav. It's roughly set in 1983 (obvs. I wasn't born yet so I'm going purely off my obsession with 80s shit bare with me ok).
pairing: Pete "Maverick" Mitchell x reader
warnings/content: fluff, set in the 1980s, Maverick hits on you in a bar while you're working, brief mention of Goose & Carole if you squint.
word count: 2.2k
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“You're a rich girl, and you've gone too far, ‘cause you know it don't matter anyway…”
The sounds of Hall and Oates’ Rich Girl rang out from the jukebox that sat opposite from the bar, a few off-key voices attempting to sing the words in slurred tones, incoherent to anyone other than themselves. It was a typical Friday night, with a few people seated on the red vinyl booths that encircled the bar counter, empty beer glasses in front of them as they waited anxiously for a top up. 
You didn’t love your job here - you only did it to put yourself through school, and even then, it wasn’t as though you needed to - your parents had offered you financial assistance on more than one occasion, almost scandalized at the thought of their precious daughter working in a dive bar on weekends to put herself through college, but you were determined. You wanted to earn this degree on your own merit, without your parents holding the loan of a few thousand dollars over your head and without the feeling that you were some spoiled little rich kid that others should despise or envy. 
As you wiped a table clean in the far corner of the bar, you took note of two young men in bomber jackets coming through the entrance. The shorter of the two, a dark-haired man with intriguing eyes - were they hazel, blue or green? It was nearly impossible to tell. - laughed as he looked back to his friend, a tall blonde haired man with a mustache, who looked incredibly unimpressed about the choice of bar that his buddy had. You couldn’t say you blamed him - the food was decent, but that was about it. You weren’t exactly known for being the Ritz Carlton of dive bars. 
The two men sidled up to a booth, and you sighed to yourself, knowing that it meant they’d become your responsibility, whether they were aware of that fact or not. You finished cleaning the table off and retreated behind the bar to find two menus - not that they seemed like the type who were here for food - you knew the younger men that came in usually only came for one thing, cheap beer. You approached their table, plastering your customer service smile on your face as you sauntered over. You handed them each a menu and greeted them with your normally joyful voice, and you couldn’t help but feel like you came off as someone deranged for being so cheerful. 
“Hi! What can I get you both?”
“I’ll have whatever’s on tap, thanks,” the blonde replied with a polite head nod towards you. 
The brunette started eyeing you up, a grin plastered on his face as he took in the sight of you. Your outfit was hardly anything worth looking at, you thought to yourself. Fitted high-waisted jeans and a t-shirt with the restaurant’s logo emblazoned on the back, the baggier fitting shirt tucked into your jeans to accentuate the fact that, despite how the t-shirt might come off, you did in fact have hips. His grin was playful - not the kind you were used to from men who saw you at work. He didn’t give you the impression he was only interested in taking you to bed with him, although you weren’t entirely convinced that wasn’t his motive. His hazel eyes lit up as he looked at you, his thousand-watt grin almost distracting.
“What do you recommend? I’ve never been here before.” He charmed, still smiling up at you.
“Well, our wings are pretty popular, I personally like them dressed in Kansas City sauce, it’s a bit spicier but it’s not too overpowering, and for a drink, I usually go for a rye and coke, but if you’re more of a beer guy, I recommend pairing it with a Budweiser. You can never go wrong there.”
“Perfect, I’ll have that, please. With a side of coleslaw.”
“Alright, two beers, an order of KC wings and a side of coleslaw? You got it.”
You disappeared behind the counter with their order and returned a few moments later with their drinks in hand. The brunette was leaning in towards his friend, whispering in a hushed tone that you could barely make out, but it was evident that your presence wasn’t known. You set the drinks down on the table and both men sat straighter in their seats. The blonde one looked at you with a charming smile, the kind you’d give a teacher who’d walked in on you doing something you weren’t supposed to at school. He cleared his throat and laughed slightly as he took a sip of his drink before setting the glass down on the cardboard coaster you’d brought over. 
“I’m so sorry, but my friend here, he’s a little shy. He thinks you’re really pretty though. Not that I don’t, I’m just engaged.” The blonde babbled, seemingly nervous, as if he was afraid you’d throw his drink over him. 
“Does he? Why doesn’t he tell me so himself?” You teased, looking over to the brunette, who was now blushing and grinning like an absolute idiot - the most attractive idiot you’d ever seen.
“He is afraid of women. Sort of, anyways. I never say the right thing.” He explained matter of factly. 
His eyes squinted to read the name tag on your shirt, saying it slowly to make sure he was pronouncing it correctly before giving you another smile. “Beautiful name,” he added. 
“Well, now this seems unfair - you know my name but I don’t know yours.”
“Right! Right. I’m Maverick. This here’s my buddy, Goose.”
“Excuse me?”
“Sorry, Navy callsigns. I’m Pete. He’s Nick.”
“Goose is fine,” the blonde interjected, shaking his head as he held up a hand to stop Pete from talking further, “Only my mom calls me Nick. And usually it’s if I’m in shit for something.”
“Nice to meet you, Pete. Goose.” 
You politely excused yourself from the table with a laugh before continuing with your other duties that night - waiting the few surrounding tables with  patrons, cleaning and restocking napkins and cutlery around the bar. You noticed at one point that Pete had approached the jukebox. He flipped through the available songs, selecting one seemingly at random, bringing Vacation by The Go-Gos to an abrupt end as his choice of song began playing. The opening bars of Making Love Out of Nothing At All by Air Supply began to fill the room, and Pete gave you a beaming grin as he retreated back to his seat. He began singing along to song with Goose, the two carrying on in an off-key harmonic ensemble that, admittedly, had you fighting the urge to sing along. 
As you approached the table once more, a playful smirk gracing your lips at Pete's rendition of the song, you couldn't deny the infectious energy he exuded. His performance, though not flawless, carried a certain charm that captivated your attention. As you deftly cleared away their empty dishes, Pete's gaze met yours once again, but this time with a smile that held a hint of mischief, a smile that could easily disarm even the most composed.
"Are you finishing up soon?" His voice was casual, but there was an underlying eagerness in his tone. Checking his watch briefly before locking eyes with you again, he continued, "I don’t have to be back on base until tomorrow morning. I was wondering if maybe you’d like to do something after work."
You couldn't help but grin at his forwardness, though you made a show of feigning reluctance. "I don’t accept dates from guys who ask me out at my workplace," you teased, the hint of a smirk tugging at the corners of your lips.
Pete's response was quick, his charm effortlessly slipping through the cracks of your defenses. "Ok, that’s understandable. What time are you off work?"
"In ten minutes," you replied, a mixture of amusement and surprise coloring your tone as you realized the clever loophole he had found in your earlier rejection.
"Perfect. I’ll meet you outside in ten."
True to his word, ten minutes later found you standing outside, Goose offering a polite wave as he departed. Pete's smile was infectious as he approached you, his demeanor exuding a newfound confidence. He gestured towards you, his grin widening as he spoke.
"You said no because I asked you out inside, but now?"
A playful glint danced in your eyes as you played along. "Now, I suppose I can say yes. You’re no longer a creepy guy asking me out at work."
"Exactly, now I’m a creepy guy asking you out outside of your work. Much better," he quipped, a chuckle escaping him as he extended his arm towards you.
You couldn't help but laugh at his remark, the tension between you dissipating as you fell into an easy banter. As he introduced himself, the warmth in his voice was palpable, and you found yourself drawn in despite your initial reservations.
Pete shook his head, a self-amused chuckle escaping him before he gallantly extended his arm towards you. His cheeks took on a charming shade of pink, adding a subtle glow to his already handsome features. It was then that the disparity in height between the two of you became apparent, your gaze meeting his from a slightly elevated position. A grin played at his lips as he ran a hand through his dark locks, his eyes squinting ever so slightly as he regarded you with a mix of earnestness and intrigue.
"Sorry, I’m relatively new to this," he confessed with a sheepish grin. "My success rate’s not the highest unless I’m in uniform, and even then."
"Uniform?" you echoed, curiosity lacing your tone.
Straightening up, Pete cleared his throat before executing a mock salute with a touch of playful flair. "Lieutenant Junior Grade Peter Mitchell, United States Naval Air Force, currently stationed over at North Island, just across the bay," he announced with a subtle gesture toward the distant island.
"Peter, huh?"
A smirk tugged at his lips. "Did you think my parents just put Pete on the birth certificate and called it a day?"
"Actually," you quipped back, "earlier before you clarified, I thought they put Maverick on there and called it a day - Pete didn’t seem like too far of a stretch."
"I suppose you’re right," he conceded with a grin. "I don’t think I’ve been called by my full name since school, and even then, it was back when Peter from The Brady Bunch was still cool. I liked it then, all the girls liked him anyways."
"I was more of a Greg girl, actually," you teased, raising an eyebrow in playful defiance as you pretended to inspect your manicure.
"Of course you were," he chuckled, his tone teasing yet affectionate. "You’re one of the first girls I’ve met to not care about the military thing. Most girls are all over that."
"It’s impressive, don’t get me wrong," you interjected with a shrug. "I’ve just dated military guys before."
"Have you?" Pete's interest was piqued, his gaze locked onto yours with a newfound curiosity.
"Well, one," you admitted. "My first boyfriend when I moved down to San Diego from Oakland."
"You’re from Oakland?! I’m from San Francisco!"
"Small world, isn't it?" Pete's eyes lit up with a spark of excitement, a genuine smile gracing his lips as he realized the unexpected connection between your hometowns. "I guess that makes us Bay Area neighbors, in a sense."
You couldn't help but return his smile, feeling a sense of warmth in the shared familiarity of your origins. "Seems like it," you agreed, the playful banter easing any remaining tension between you.
As the conversation flowed effortlessly between you, a comfortable silence settled, punctuated only by the distant sounds of the bustling pier. In that moment, standing on the threshold of possibility, you couldn't ignore the magnetic pull drawing you closer to Pete.
"So," he began, breaking the silence with a gentle tone, "any chance I could persuade you to show a newcomer around San Diego? I'm afraid my knowledge of the city is limited to the base and a few local hotspots."
The invitation hung in the air, laden with unspoken implications. With a playful glint in your eyes, you considered his request, allowing yourself to entertain the idea of exploring the city with him.
"I suppose I could be persuaded," you teased, a coy smile playing at the corners of your lips. "But only if you promise to keep up with this newfound charm of yours, Lieutenant Mitchell."
Pete's laughter echoed against the backdrop of the bay, his eyes crinkling with genuine amusement. "Consider it a deal, Miss Oakland," he replied, extending his arm once more in a silent invitation to embark on this newfound adventure together.
As you linked your arm with his, a sense of anticipation tingled in the air, the promise of new beginnings lingering on the horizon. With each step forward, you couldn't help but wonder where this unexpected encounter would lead, but one thing was certain: with Pete by your side, the journey promised to be anything but ordinary.
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I wouldn't mind holding your hand. I guess.
13 from creativepromptsforwriting's Grumpy Affectionate Dialogue list.
Cloud Strife x reader Fluff
"So, how'd it go?" Tifa asks the second you've walked through the door - it hadn't even closed properly behind you yet. Had she been waiting to pounce? "We don't say hello now?" You raise an eyebrow, shrugging off your jacket. You’d been dreading her interrogation - it had been a sleepless night.
"Hello.” She grins. “How'd it go?" She puts her hands down on the counter and leans forward as you approach.
"Fine." You shrug, going to lift up the latch to join her behind the bar, but Tifa is quick – shifting so she’s now leaning on top of it, blocking your entrance.
“You pay me to work here, remember?”
“And do you see any customers? Anyway, this is important. I don’t think you understand how rare it is to go on a date with Cloud Strife. Spill!”
You sigh, sitting down heavily on the stool. Really, you should’ve known that the brunette would be keen to hear every single detail…
You’d started working at Seventh Heaven nearly four months ago now. Before Meteor, you’d worked in Wall Market as a cocktail waitress, doing bar tricks to earn tips off a bunch of Shira employees. It was just by chance you’d been walking by when Tifa had put up the help wanted sign in the window. The two of you had got on immediately and your skills honed behind the bar meant you could really start straightaway. The first time you’d seen Cloud walk in, you were immediately attracted to him - the blue eyes, blonde hair, the muscular, toned arms on display... Who wouldn’t be? He, however, seemed very indifferent to you, though Tifa disagreed. “He’s shy. He likes you - I promise."
It felt odd at first when she deemed herself a matchmaker – Cloud and her shared an apartment, with two kids – Denzel and Marlene – she assured you they were strictly platonic and she’d love to see him without a scowl on his face. Apparently he was always interested when you were working, especially if you were on a closing shift. Now everyone was based in Edge, all sorts frequented the bar. You’d experienced the same in Wall Market and weren’t afraid to cut people off but it was nice to have some sort of muscle around in case anyone became a little out of line. You thought it was Tifa’s doing, as Cloud would always offer up his services on the nights you were responsible for closing, even walking you home afterwards. When you’d thank him, he’d shrug, saying not to think anything of it.
He was chivalrous, you’d reasoned, trying not to get your hopes up there was something more to it, until two nights ago when he’d lingered at the point he’d usually head off when you’d unlocked your front door.
“Wait.” You span round on your heels at the sound of his voice, surprised that he’d gone off routine. “Erm, would you… Would you like to have dinner tomorrow night? With me.”
“With you?” You’re stunned.
“Forget I said-“
“No, I’d love to.” You interrupted, worried you’d blown it.
“Okay. Great. Er, I’ll text you.” And Cloud had then strode off into the night before you could say another word.
He’d texted - you assumed he’d got your number off Tifa from her string of texts the next morning - saying he’d pick you up from yours at 7, that he’d got a table at a restaurant nearby. You’d walked past it a few times but never been, and it seemed a popular spot for first dates - intimate, yet not overly fancy. He’d arrived promptly, saying you looked "nice" and that’s where things had gone a little downhill. There was nothing that happened to really distinguish this as a date...
“He didn’t get within three feet of me at any time the walk there, or the walk back. I know he’s quiet, but besides asking me if the food was okay, he didn’t say much at all at dinner. And then, after he’d walked me home, I said I’d had a really nice time, trying to give him the benefit of the doubt, thinking he was nervous, you know?" Tifa nods. "But then he stepped forward, thanked me and clapped me on the shoulder, before he strode off.” You lay your head down on your arms. “It was a pity date, Tifa.”
“Okay, Cloud’s more hopeless than I thought,” she pats you gently on the head, “but it wasn’t a pity date. He set it all up because he wanted to take you out, I promise.”
“He could’ve swung that big sword of his all around him and not hit me, the distance he was keeping.” You continue talking into your arms, your voice muffled.
“I’ll talk to him.”
“No, don’t!" Your head shoots up, “That’ll make me look and feel even more pathetic. I don’t know what I was thinking. It’s a wake-up call.”
“You’re not pathetic. He’s just shy. Plus, I bet he’s feeling even worse than you are. He was out before I even woke up this morning.” She pauses, grinning slyly. “I did think that he might’ve stayed the night at yours…”
Your face flushes at that. “What?! No. He couldn’t get away from me fast enough.” The door opens and the two of you look, you praying it's not Cloud. "Delivery!" A man chirps. "Enough about my dismal love life, okay?" You get to your feet and go to take in the stock.
You got home that evening just after 6pm, preparing yourself for a quiet evening and an early night after the sleepless one before. It was surprising when there was a knock at the door an hour or so later – you weren’t expecting anyone. You looked through the eyehole and were nervous to see the tell-tale spikes of blonde hair, a nervous expression across Cloud’s face. Had Tifa spoken to him? Oh, Shiva…
You unlock the door, pulling it open cautiously.
“Hi.” He smiles, a little awkwardly, but it’s sweet too. “Sorry, are you busy? I should’ve texted…”
“No, not at all.” You curse inwardly, you could’ve phrased that differently, sound more aloof. “What brings you here?”
“Uh, yeah…” It’s then you notice he has a hand behind his back. It’s quickly whipped out in front of you, holding a small, handpicked bouquet of pink, white and yellow flowers. “I wanted to give you these.”
“Cloud…” Your eyes widen, taking in the display. They’re the most beautiful things you’ve ever seen. “Thank you.” You accept them delicately, worried they might wilt instantly if you’re too rough with them.
“Would you like to go for a walk?”
“Sure. Let me just put these in water. Erm, do you want to come in?” You step back in anticipation.
“No, I’ll wait here.” He folds his arms.
“Oh, okay,” you nod. “I won’t be long.” You let the door swing close behind you, still holding the flowers so delicately. He delivers you hand-picked flowers but doesn’t want to come in? Is he breaking up with you? Can you break up even if you weren’t together in the first place? You grab a glass, filling it with water from the tap and placing the small bouquet in gently, before setting it down in the windowsill. You wonder if you’ll look at them in the same light when you return.
Edge, like its predecessor, had never been a pretty city in the desert. In the early evening though, fairy lights donned by the surrounding buildings cast a nice glow about the place and it was quiet as the two of you strolled through. Cloud hadn’t been the most talkative, as usual. Sometimes it looked like he wanted to say something, a comment on the tip of his tongue, but then his mouth would close and he’d nod to whatever nonsense you were spouting to fill the silence. It was at one of those moments when you hadn’t particularly been paying attention to where you were walking, catching your foot on an uneven part of the ground. You brace yourself for the impact and the embarrassment, but a hand grabs your own, yanking you back and upright, another hand on the small of your back – Cloud.
“You okay?” His brow is furrowed in concern. Your heart is thudding at the shock of tripping, or maybe the closeness of you two? It’s hard to tell.
“Y-yeah. Sorry, clumsy,” you know your face is red. “Thanks.” The hand from your back falls away, deeming your balance stable enough but your other hand isn’t released straightaway. You look down at the appendage in question, Cloud’s hand firmly clasped around yours. His eyes follow what you’re looking at and he seems to realise as his cheeks grow flush in the dim light of dusk, letting go abruptly.
“Do you even like me?” The question slips out of your mouth before you can even think what you’re saying. He looks almost startled by the directness of it.
“I thought the date and flowers made that obvious.”
“The flowers, okay, but the date and just now… Like, I know not everyone’s keen on public displays of affection, but you don’t even want to be within arm’s length of me…”
“I wouldn’t mind holding your hand. I guess.” It’s mumbled, his blue eyes directing at the ground.
“What?” You wonder if you misheard.
“I’d quite like to, to be honest. I’m just…” He meets your eyes at this point. “I haven’t really done this before.”
“That’s okay, neither have I.”
He looks sceptical. “That can’t be true.”
“I wasn’t exactly surrounded by gentlemen wanting to sweep me off my feet in Wall Market,” you smile. “Besides, it means we can try and work this stuff out together, if you want.” You hold your hand out, hoping he won’t notice the slight tremor.
To your relief, he takes it, deftly lacing his fingers through your own.
“I’d like that.”
- Masterlist . Requests welcome . Ko-fi
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arlana-likes-to-write · 7 months
Live Bait
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Part 2 of Rescue by Lauren Daigle
Summary: After spending time with Maria and Natasha in Norway, they've decided to bring you to the Avengers Compound. Unfortunately, your life remains complicated and wild as you try to navigate living with the rest of the Avengers and the possibility of meeting your father.
Relationship: blackhill x daughter!reader, Winter Solider x daughter!reader, Avenger x reader (platonic)
Warning: mention of death, mention of Red Rauma/HYDRA abuse, anxiety, kidnapping, injuries, gun shot, gambling, angst with fluff,
Word: 9.3k
Sneaking back into the States was something out of an action movie and a bucket list item you didn’t know you had. Your face had to be hidden to avoid facial recognition from nearby cameras and if you had to speak with anyone you mimicked an English accent. It was high stakes but it was so much fun. Finally, you landed on the helipad of the Avengers compound. Your body was shaking with excitement and nervousness as Natasha and Maria completed their post-landing routine. “How are you doing kid?” Natasha asked. You knew you couldn’t lie to her right now. Your poker face wouldn’t be convincing.
“I think I’m going to throw up,” you admitted. Your leg was shaking, bouncing up and down. Natasha stood up from the copilot seat and walked over to you. She knelt in front of you, holding out her hands with her palms facing up. It was a new addition to your relationship with the Black Widow. You would place your hands on top of hers and you would keep them there until your emotions were under control. It helped you more than the breathing techniques. It grounded you. Your hands were clammy when you placed them on top of Natasha’s.
“Tell me what’s going on,” you liked the feeling of her hands. They were warm, calloused, and rough against yours.
“I-” you stopped and gave yourself a moment to collect your thoughts. “What if they don’t like me?” You whispered. She smiled, rubbing her thumb across the back of your hand. “And I want them to like me but I know I can be difficult,” you made yourself giggle.
“They are going to love you and if they don’t I’ll punch them,” you smiled, and your leg stopped bouncing.
“She may have a better punch than you, darling,” you looked at Maria. She was walking over to you. “They’ve been very excited to meet you.”
“My sister and best friend will be the first people you meet and you’ll meet everyone else when you are ready, okay?” You nodded, taking your hands off of hers.
“Okay,” you sighed. “Sorry about that. That was-”
“You better not say stupid,” she pinched your sides playfully. You giggled and stood up, walking with the couple to the ramp. The New York sun shined on the ramp and at the bottom was a blonde and a brunette You let out a shaky breath, put your best poker face on, and followed them. You stayed behind the couple, letting Natasha hug the blonde and Maria greeted the man.
“So,” the blonde said, you were surprised by the thicker Russian accent. “You’re my niece.” “I am,” you said, keeping your eye contact with her. Her eyes were a similar green to Natasha’s. “So you’re my aunt.” She smiled, and a fondness grew in her eyes at the title.
“I am,” she repeated. “My sister says you are kind of a badass,” your body heated up at the compliment. You looked at your mom.
“Are you talking about me behind my back?” She rolled her eyes, throwing her arm around my shoulders.
“I like bragging about my kid, sue me,” you smiled, finding yourself leaning in her embrace. “So my sister is Yelena and that handsome devil is Clint.” Clint rolled his eyes.
“You’re an idiot,” he deadpanned but his face softened when he looked at you. “It’s very nice to meet you. Why don’t we show you around?” The compound was amazing! You found the place massive compared to the RV you were living in. You were a little upset it took Natasha this long to show you this place. There was so much room for activity, you loved the gun range. The whole training facility was your favorite.
“Where is everyone?” Maria asked when you reached the end of the tour. You sat at the kitchen counter while Natasha made you a peanut butter sandwich. Clint sighed, pouring a cup of coffee.
“We wanted to create a divergent to ensure you guys got back into the States safely,” Natasha glanced at her friend. “They took the bait and the team is hoping they get lucky. They’ve been gone for 5 days.” Your mom placed the sandwich in front of you. You were hungry but the idea of people you didn’t know fighting to keep you safe made your stomach twist.
“They’re gonna be okay, right?” You questioned.
“Yeah,” Natasha nodded. “They’ll be okay.” She wasn’t lying. You sighed, taking a bite of your sandwich.
“Nemnogo krasnyy (little red),” Yelena said. You titled your head when no one acknowledged her. You pointed to yourself. She nodded.
“What did you call me?” You questioned.
“Little Red. You like?” It wasn’t the worst nickname you’ve heard so you nodded. “Do you want to play in the shooting range?” Your eyes grew wide.
“Yes!” You jumped off the chair. “Let’s go.” You followed your aunt to the training area.
“She better be in one piece, Belova” Natasha’s voice called after you as you both broke out in a run.”
After dinner with Clint and Yelena, Natasha found you lying on the couch with Maria. You were resting your head on Maria’s lap, watching a movie. The Black Widow slipped next to her girlfriend. She couldn’t help but smile at the sight. It wasn’t under the most ideal circumstances that her family was together, there was still a real threat to her and your life. But she was happy to have this time together. You shifted on the couch and pulled the blanket over you. “Do you want to go to bed, dorogoy (sweetheart)?” Yelena put you through an intense workout, you almost fell asleep at dinner. It was nice to see you smile and joke around with Clint and Yelena. She was excited to see you interact with the rest of the team. You groaned, leaning into Maria more.
“Wanna watch the movie,” you whispered. Maria chuckled.
“We can pause it and watch it tomorrow,” she ran her fingers through your hair. “Yelena put you through the wringer, didn’t see.” You sighed, flipping on your back to look up at the couple.
“It was fun,” you said. “But my body hurts.” Natasha laughed, pausing the movie.
“Come on, buttercup,” the Black Widow stood up and pulled you off her girlfriend. “It’s time to go to bed,” you nodded, rubbing your eyes.
“Night Maria. See you in the morning,” she said goodnight to you and you followed the Black Widow to the room they deemed as yours. You crawled into bed and Natasha pulled the blanket over you.
“Are you still nervous to meet the rest of the team?” Natasha watched you think it over. You sat up and put your hands out with palms facing up. Without hesitation, Natasha placed her hands on top of yours.
“What happens if the Avengers can’t catch him?” You asked instead. “Will I be hiding for the rest of my life?”
“That is a big ‘What if’ because we will stop him,” it was a hefty promise to make but Natasha wasn’t going to stop until you were safe. “You won’t be hiding forever. Once he is dealt with, you can do whatever you want. Your life will go back to normal,” you nodded but Natasha knew there was more on your mind. She squeezed your hands. “Come on, what else is on your mind?” You sighed.
“What is going to happen to him?” You asked.
“I don’t know,” she answered honestly. “Fury will probably want to speak with him to try to get information on HYDRA but after that, I’m not sure.” Natasha was conflicted. There were moments during training or missions when Natasha saw the man behind the monster HYDRA created. You nodded, removing your hands from hers. You laid back down and Natasha fixed the blanket around you. “Remember what I said, okay? I’ll be your shelter and armor. There is no distance I won’t cover to get you.” She pushed a piece of hair behind your ear.
“Okay,” you whispered. “Night Mom,” Natasha smiled. She was never going to get tired of you calling her that.
“Goodnight sweetheart,” the Black Widow kissed the top of your head. She stayed until your breathing slowed and you were fast asleep. She hoped you didn’t notice how scared and worried she was. Her small family was finally whole again. If she were to lose you when she just got you, she worried who she would become to get you back. But she couldn’t let those thoughts consume her. Right now you are asleep and safe. She only focused on that.
The smell of cinnamon woke Natasha up. She felt around in the bed and found the spot next to her empty and cold. Figuring it was her girlfriend in the kitchen, she got out of bed, put on when of Maria’s long sleeves, and made her way to the kitchen. Maria was engrossed in making French toast she didn’t hear Natasha walk up behind her. The Black Widow put her arms around her waist. “I could have cooked, baby,” she kissed her girlfriend’s shoulder. Maria leaned back in her girlfriend’s embrace.
“Fury woke me up,” she flipped the French Toast that was in the pan. “The team got back late last night. He wants to have a meeting.” Natasha stood next to her, pouring herself a cup of coffee.
“Are they okay?” Maria nodded.
“The usual cuts and bruises but they are good,” but the sigh Maria let out worried Natasha. “According to Fury, there is some tension between Stark and Rogers.” That wasn’t new. The due always seemed to be getting underneath each other’s skin. Natasha frowned.
“Did he elaborate?” Maria shook her head. “Cool,” she deadpanned, sipping on her coffee. “When’s the meeting?”
“20 minutes,” she glanced towards your room. “I wasn’t sure if you wanted her to be there.” Natasha sighed.
“I’ll go wake her up and ask her,” she kissed Maria’s cheek and sat the coffee mug on the counter. When she opened your door, the sight made her smile. You were still asleep, on your stomach with your arms hugging the pillow you were using. Natasha knelt next to you, a gentle hand on your back. “Sweetheart, wake up,” you didn’t. “Wake up.” You groaned, opening your eyes. You blinked a few times, your mind and eyes still laced with sleep.
“Morning,” you mumbled, stretching.
“Morning,” she smiled. “So I know it’s early but the team went back last night and there is a meeting in about 20 minutes. Do you want to be there?” You blinked at her, giving your brain a chance to process the information.
“Do you want me to be there?” You questioned and sat up. Natasha sat down in front of you.
“I want whatever you want. You can come or go back to bed,” you bite your lip and pick at the edge of the blanket.
“Can I stay here?” You whispered. The Black Widow nodded.
“Of course,” she smiled. “Maria is making breakfast so eat when you are ready.” You nodded with a smile but Natasha could see that you were hiding something. She wasn’t going to force you to talk and hoped you would come to her when you were ready. So, she stood up, kissed you on top of your head, and walked to the door. Before she left, she glanced at you one more time. You were lying back down, pulling the covers back over you. Natasha heard you let out a small sigh.
Gently, she closed the door behind her and rejoined Maria in the kitchen. A stack of French Toast was made. “She’s not coming,” Maria looked up from the report she was reading as Natasha took her coffee and a piece of French Toast from the top stack.
“Is she okay?” Natasha shrugged.
“I don’t know. I’m worried this is happening all too fast,” Maria nodded and closed the report. She rounded the kitchen island to stand in front of her.
“It’s gonna be a tough adjustment, we live with a cast of characters,” the redhead smiled. “But she is resilient and strong, just like her mama.”
When she walked into the conference room, it was thick with tension. Steve and Tony were on opposite ends of the table. “Romanoff, Hill, it’s good to see you both states side. Fury said. She looked at the team. No visible injuries. They looked tired, hell even Vision looked exhausted.
“Glad to be back,” she sat down next to Wanda. “What do we know?” Maria sat down next to her, placing a hand on her thigh.
“Yesterday the team had the opportunity to capture the Winter Solider,” Fury said.
“That dude can punch,” Pietro said, rubbing his jaw. Oh, Natasha knew the strength behind the Winter Solider.
“But it was not a complete failure,” Fury pulled up a picture of the Winter Solider. Natasha saw Steve fidget out of the corner of her name. “We have a name. His real name is James Buchanan Barnes,” Natasha’s head snapped to look at Steve but he refused to look at her. “Which until last night, we thought was killed in action in World War II.” Her head was spinning. She couldn’t believe it.
“Did you know?” The question stumped her. Of course, she didn’t know. “I mean you could have known and not told us,” Steve finally looked at her and she hated the look in his eyes, like she was the enemy. “You have a daughter that we knew nothing about.” Her jaw clenched.
“Watch your tone, Rogers,” Yelena threatened.
“Oh cut the shit, Capsicle,” Tony said. “Romanoff lying is no surprise. She and Belova were trained for that but what what is your excuse?” The conversation shifted away from the Black Widow to the billionaire and soldier.
“This is different,” Steve tried to defend himself.
“Bullshit!” Tony slammed his hand on the desk. Maria squeezed Natasha’s leg when she flinched from the noise. “We find out your long-lost buddy is alive and the whole team is ecstatic for you. Turns out I overhear you and birdie,” he pointed to Sam. “That your buddy killed my parents and you weren’t going to tell me.” Oh. OH. The tension between the two now was explained. Natasha saw Steve clench his jaw. “FRIDAY, play it.” Fury stepped out of the way as the screen behind him began to play a video. It was raining and a car slammed into a pool soon a motorcycle pulled up. The Winter Solider rounded the driver’s side where Howard Stark was on the ground. He beat the man and placed him back into the car. The same fate was met for Maria. The video ended and the room was silent. “So,” Tony broke it. “What do we do now?” Natasha found it odd that after all these years the video of the ‘car accident’ surfaced but she needed to keep the team together, it was their only shot of stopping him.
“I didn’t know, Steve,” she kept her voice steady even though she was sure he could hear her heart pounding. Her green eyes were trained on the table. God, she wanted to avoid this conversation. “In there and when I was assigned to missions, he was Winter. Sometimes I could see the man he was before HYDRA got to him but then they would reset him and it would be gone.”
“Reset him?” Rhodey questioned.
“Reset him how?” Sam added. That godforsaken chair. Natasha could still see it, hear his screams in her ears. Maria gave her leg another squeeze, it was the only thing keeping her in this room.
“Sestra,” she looked at Yelena. Her green eyes showed her concern. Natasha sighed.
“It’s how they keep him under their control,” she looked at Steve. “Let me guess, he didn’t recolonize you,” the soldier nodded.
“He didn’t even recognize his name.” Her eyes went back to the table.
“Because he’s Soldat to them,” the name tasted vile on her tongue. “HYDRA has this chair. They would strap him to it and electrify him,” she barely heard Tony let out a quiet, ‘Jesus’. “If we went on a mission on Saturday, he would get reset on Sunday and in training on Monday he would have no idea who I was,” Natasha tore her eyes away from the table to look at Tony. “I am deeply sorry for what happened to your parents but it wasn’t him. Someone made him do that, he had no choice.”
“None of us did,” Yelena added on. Natasha saw Clint whisper something in her ear. The blonde nodded.
“So what do we do?” Wanda questioned. “They can’t stay in hiding forever and the longer he is out there more people are going to get hurt.” She was right. You were his mission and that meant he would stop at nothing to complete it.
“The most logical option is to set up a trap,” Vision said, leaning back and folding his hands. “So we can have control over all variables.” The Black Widow placed her hand on top of Maria’s.
“He won’t come out again unless it’s believable,” Rhodey added on. “It has to involve his target.” You. You offered to be bait but that was out of misplaced trust and anger.
“Sedlala by ona eto (Would she do it)?” Yelena asked.
“Ty khochesh’, chtoby ona eto sdelala (Do you want her to do it)?” Clint clarified. Natasha’s gut instinct was to say, hell no, and they could find another way. But she that every option would be covered.
“English would be preferred,” Tony rolled his eyes.
“I’d like to come up with another option before we use her,” she said, cringing at the way she said ‘use’. It made her think about her time at the Red Room. The Windows were seen as objected to being used. She sighed. “I understand you are putting your life on the line for a child you haven’t met yet.”
“Yet?” Same questioned, smiling. “So we can meet her.” Natasha nodded.
“Yes soon,” she said. “But thank you I should have said that sooner.”
“We are family, Nat,” Wanda looked at her then to Tony and Steve. “Sometimes we keep things from each other because we think it’s for the best but at the end of the day, we will always be there for each other.” Tony huffed.
“Yeah, yeah, put the witchy powers down, kid.” Tony stood up and made his way over to Steve, holding out his hand. “Let’s go save him, okay?” Steve looked at the extended hand to him then Tony’s face.
“I’m sorry,” he took it. “I should have told you as soon as I found out.” The billionaire shrugged.
“It’s in the past, let’s work towards a brighter future.” The previous tension seemed to evaporate and Fury informed them that they’ll have a meeting soon to come up with a plan. But the team deserved to rest. One by one they began to trickle out but Natasha stayed sitting, she heard the unspoken words Fury wanted to say.
Soon it was Natasha, Maria, and Fury left. The director smiled the closest thing to a smile. “I’d like to meet her,” he said. “If she’s comfortable with that.”
“FRIDAY, where is she?” Natasha asked the AI.
“She has gotten out of bed and is watching cartoons,” FRIDAY advised. “Should I inform her that you would like to see her?”
“We’ll come to her,” Maria said. “Let her know we’ll have a guest.”
A guest. That was all the AI said to you which gave you a heart attack, not expecting another voice. The door of the small apartment opened and you paused the show you were watching. Your mom and Maria walked in with a man wearing an eye patch followed behind him. “How was the meeting?” You asked. “Did they get him?” Natasha shook her head.
“But we did find something out,” she said. “I’d like you to meet Nick Fury, Director of SHIELD.” You stood up, whipping your hand on your pants before you shook the man’s hand.
“It’s good to finally meet you in person, kid.” you smiled.
“Nice to meet you, sir,” you let go of his hand and followed the group into the kitchen. You sat on a bar stool while Nick poured himself some coffee and the couple plated the leftover breakfast. “So what happened?” You asked.
“We found out his real identity,” Fury said, taking a sip of coffee. “His name is James Barnes, a-”
“Steve Roger’s best friend,” you cut the man off, eyes slightly wide. “I thought he was killed in World War II,” your mom raised her eyebrow at you. You shrugged. “I paid attention in history class.” It was your second favorite subject in school.
“That is what everyone thought,” Maria said. “Until the team confirmed his identity this week.” She sat down next to you. “Which has caused some tension,” you looked between the couple, asking an unasked question. Natasha sighed.
“Steve believes I knew his true identity and kept it from him but I didn’t know,” you frowned, seeing the truth in her eyes. But you saw the hurt too that his teammate lost trust in her.
“That’s not all,” Fury said. “Turns out the Winter Solider is responsible for the death of Howard and Maria Stark.” Oh. That complicated things.
“Well,” you said slowly. “I guess we have something in common.” The Black Widow snorted at your poor attempt at a joke. You smirked. “So to recap, the Winter Solider is James Barnes, Steve Roger’s long lost best friend who killed the Starks and is after me. This man happens to be my biological father, which I’m guessing the team knows?” You questioned.
“Cool,” you mumbled, running your hands through your hair. “So what do we do?”
“We are working on that,” Fury said, pushing off the counter he was leaning on to walk over to you. You spun around in the chair to face him, keeping eye contact with his good eye. You kept your face neutral. He was reading you. The ends of his lip curled up in a smile. “You got a good poker face, kid.”
“So I’ve been told,” you said. “Now what do you want?” He shook his head.
“Nothing,” he said. Well, that was a bald-faced lie. “Not right now at least. We’ll be seeing each other soon.” He quickly left the apartment. You raised an eyebrow, looking back at the couple.
“What a weird dude,” you mumbled. The couple laughed. “This plan that is being worked on, does it involve me?”
“They want to set up a trap,” Maria told you. “So we can control every outcome.”
“But I told them that using you was the last resort,” your mom said. “And you can back out if you don’t want to do it.” You nodded.
“I know,” you were nervous. “If I can help I want to.” You wanted to help that was the truth. Each day he walked freely but you and others were in danger. That reality didn’t stop you from being scared. Scared for yourself. Scared for the team. Scared for Natasha on the possibility she would have to face him again. But were you ready? All your life you wondered and dreamed about your biological. Now all the answers were laid out in front of you and you weren’t sure if you liked it.
When the couple was done with breakfast, you helped clean up and you changed out of the clothes you slept in. “You don’t have to meet them right now,” Natasha said, opening the door for you.
“Well, I can’t stay locked away in my room forever like Rapunzel. Oh! That reminds me, we should watch Tangled. It’s my favorite Disney movie,” Natasha chuckled, rustling your hair with her hand.
“Sure, we can watch it tonight,” you fixed your hair before entering the common area. The Avengers were there. You found Clint and Yelena right away, the blonde offered you a small smile. You returned it. “Guys, I like you to meet someone,” Natasha got the attention of everyone in the room. Oh, there were a lot of eyes on you. Your mom introduced you. Wanda and Vision were in the kitchen while Tony and Rhodey were at the dining room table discussing something on a tablet. That left Sam and Steve on the couch. The blonde super soldier kept looking at you and then back to Natasha. His blue eyes would linger on yours. Tony whistled.
“You really said copy and paste with this one.” Before you could respond, a strong gust of wind spun you around and pulled you away from Maria and Natasha. A man with white hair had his arm swung over your shoulders.
“So this is the fresh meat,” he pinched your cheek.
“And this pain in the ass is Pietro,” Maria deadpanned. Pietro chuckled and sped off behind Maria.
“You love me, Hill.”
“Pietro,” Wanda warned. “Be nice.” He quickly moved over to Wanda.
“You do know I’m older than you.” You smiled, shaking your head. There was a set of twins in your class back in California. You wondered how your classmates were doing. What were they told when news of your parents’ death hit and you disappeared? How was Sarah or Agent Cruise? You made a mental note to ask Natasha about them. The conversation flowed naturally with the Avengers. They asked about your likes and dislikes and your life before all this. The anxiety you were feeling was melting away. Suddenly, Steve stood up and left. The room grew quiet as everyone watched him leave.
“What’s got his panties in a twist?” Tony asked. You looked at your mom and her eyes showed how conflicted you were. You sighed and followed the man, ignoring the call of your name. The soldier was by a pond that rested on the compound’s property. He was sitting on the deck, getting lost in the water. But you knew he heard you by the way his shoulders moved.
“Tony is wrong,” he said. “All I see is Bucky when I look at you,” he shook his head. “I can’t believe I didn’t see it before.” You took it as an invitation to join him on the bench. Out of the corner of your eye, he looked at you and began to laugh. “Sorry, I know this isn’t funny.” You smiled softly.
“It’s fine,” you told him. “Sometimes all you can do is laugh about everything.” You sat back, folding your hands on your lab. “I was lucky that I was given to a loving family but it didn’t stop me from questioning who gave me up. Can you imagine my surprise when I find out the Black Widow and Winter Solider are my biological parents?” He chuckled. You finally looked at the man. “She’s telling the truth, she didn’t know,” Steve looked back at the water. “But I get it. It’s easier to blame someone else in this messy world.” He sighed.
“I blame myself not Nat.” You hummed.
“Can you tell me about him?” You asked. The super soldier was silent. You feared you overstepped but you allowed the man to gather his thoughts. There had to be a lot of emotions running around inside him. He discovered his best friend was alive but at what cost?
“Bucky was loyal,” he began. “He protected me and everyone around him that couldn’t stand up for themselves. He was funny, kind, and my brother,” Steve looked at you. “I guess that makes me your uncle.” You laughed, pumping your shoulder against his.
“Can I be honest with you about something?” He nodded. You saw a stone resting on the dock and you stood up to pick it up. It was flat, a perfect stone to skip. Summers were spent by the water. You would spend hours looking for the perfect rocks to skip.
“I’m scared,” you said, running your thumb over the smooth surface before skipping it across the pond.
“Why are you scared?” You turned around to face the blonde and leaned against the wooden post.
“That you and the team are going to get hurt protecting me,” you admitted. “I don’t want that to happen.” He smiled.
“It’s our job,” Steve said. “We signed up for this life.” You frowned, walked over to him, and held out your hand. He placed his on top of yours. His was different, it was warm and rough.
“You may have signed up for it,” you said. “Doesn’t mean I want it to happen.” He closed his hand and squeezed yours.
“We’ll be okay, I promise.”
“Okay,” you were sure if you liked promises. Once upon a time, your adoptive parents promised they would always be around but now they were gone. Would they keep their promises to you?
“That’s it!” Natasha heard Tony yell as she walked into the common area. She changed out of the clothes she wore on her date with Maria into something more comfortable. It was nice spending time with just her girlfriend and Yelena said she would keep an eye on you. She wasn’t expecting to walk in to see you, Tony, Clint, Rhodey, and Sam sitting around a round table playing poker. You threw your cards down and pulled the ‘pot of winnings’ closer to you. The pot was candy and Natasha saw you had the biggest pile. “Your daughter is a cheater.” You looked at the Black Widow, a twinkle in your eye and you unwrapped a jolly rancher.
“You’re a sore loser,” you said, popping the blue candy in your mouth. “Come on let’s play again.” The table groaned as you divided up your pile. Natasha chuckled and joined her sister at the kitchen counter. The blonde had a few files and a bottle of vodka.
“How long has that been going on?” Yelena glanced at the table with a smile.
“About an hour,” Natasha poured herself a shot. “She’s already beat Steve, Vision, and Pietro. Those idioty (idiots) think they can win.” Clint gasped.
“I heard that Belova.”
“You boys know she can count cards, right?” Natasha questioned. It was your turn to gasp.
“I knew it!” You ducked as a smarties got thrown at your head and grabbed the chocolate bar in the middle. Your laughter was music to Natasha’s ears as you jogged over to them and jumped in the empty chair.
“Mom,” you whined. “I was winning. You’re supposed to be on my side.”
“I am, dorogoy. But we have to protect their egos.” You giggled and opened the candy bar. The Black Widow watched you glance at the folders Yelena was reading. Your eyes did a double take. “What is that?”
“I know that man,” you pointed at the picture. “He was at a few poker games.” Yelena closed the folder.
“These poker games,” Yelena said. “Where did they take place?”
“All over the city,” you told her. “Mostly at bars in the back room or warehouses.” The blonde looked at her sister.
“If we send agents to these locations we may find some HYDRA informants that could lead us to the Winter Solider,” she explained. “Do you think you can tell us where they happened?” You shrugged.
“I can try,” you said, taking another bite of the chocolate. “I was young when I went to some of them.” Natasha nodded.
“Run it by Fury,” Yelena cleaned up the folders and left to call the director.
“How was your date with Maria?” You asked once it was just you and her. The Black Widow smiled.
“It was good,” she enjoyed the one-on-one time with her but it was weird having dinner without out, even Maria said something about it. You smiled, breaking off a square, and handed it to her. Natasha took it. “Do you still want to watch Tangled or do you want to beat the boys again?”
“I will choose Tangled over anything.” Natasha chuckled, throwing her arm over your shoulders. You leaned into her embrace.
“It’s nice to see that,” you hummed in question. “Your smile, sweetheart, your smile.”
“Again,” Yelena ordered. You let out a shaky breath as Steve threw the metal shield. It bounced off the practice dummies and came towards you. You caught it the way Steve showed you, feet slipping slightly but you used the force to propel yourself forward and through the shield back. It took the same path as it traveled back to Steve. The super soldier caught it with ease.
“It’s fascinating,” you heard Tony say with a tablet in his hands. “She’s a mini Romanoff.” Yelena nodded and Steve threw it again. This time it was in a rapid session. Every time you caught it, you threw it right back and Steve did the same.
“Do you think Barnes and Nat could have passed down a version of the serum?” Sam asked. That was the theory they wanted to test after you outran Sam and could keep up with Steve.
“We won’t know until her blood work comes back,” the billionaire said. “But it does seem that way.” You let out a breathless laugh. It was another thing to add to your list.
“What the hell are you doing to my kid?” Natasha asked, entering the training room as you caught the shield for what felt like the hundredth time.
“Romanoff, come look at this,” she glared at Tony as she walked over to him. The billionaire showed her the tablet, her facial expression was unreadable.
“Stop using her as some science experiment,” she marched over to you, ripped the shield out of your hands, and threw it at Steve. “My pogovorim ob etom pozzhe (We will talk about this later). She glared at Yelena.
“Mom,” you said as she pulled you away from the other Avengers. “Mom,” you repeated. “I’m fine.”
“Sit,” she pointed to the chair. You did as you were told as she disappeared. When she returned, she was holding a first aid kit. “Does this look fine,” she held up your arm to show you the bruising. You didn’t have the heart to tell her that those bruises were the second round. The others already healed. She knelt in front of you, adding some cream to your arm.
“They are saying that you or Bucky passed down a version of the serum to me,” you watched the Avengers set up another training session this time with Vision and the Maximoff twins. Natasha sighed.
“Maria and I had a similar conversation in Norway,” you looked back at the Black Widow. Her green eyes were already looking up at you.
“How does that change things if that test comes back positive?” You whispered.
“It changes nothing, honey,” your mom said. “You are still my daughter nothing else matters.”
“But will that make me an Avenger?” Natasha shook her head.
“Just because you are different or special doesn’t mean you need to be an Avenger. It will always be your choice. I won’t or Fury or the rest of the team will not force or guilt you to join,” she gently ran her fingers over the bruises that were already beginning to heal. “When you get older and you decide you want to join the team, I will support you tenfold.” You connected your hands with hers and looked at the woman in front of you. In Norway, while the couple was asleep, you opened Maria’s laptop and searched for Natasha Romanoff. Quickly, you learned the things she was subjected to, and the horrors she faced to become the hero the world knew her as. Everything was not her choice. She was forced to become the Black Widow, forced to lie and kill, forced to have you, and forced to give you away. Her life choices were made for her, she wasn’t going to let it happen to you.
“Okay,” you smiled. “Thank you.” Natasha smiled and cleaned up the used medical supplies.
“Try to take it easy in training,” she kissed your forehead. “You’re gonna give your mom a heart attack.” You giggled.
“Yes ma’am. Be nice to Yelena. She made sure I was okay.”
“No promises,” she winked at you and walked over to her sister. You sighed, leaning back in the chair. What a weird life you were living.
Tony called you, Maria, and Natasha into his lab the following morning. He said that the test results were inconclusive due to him only finding fragments of the serum in your DNA when he compared it to Steve and Natasha. But the Black Widow told him that Widows were given different versions of the serum than the one they gave Steve. With this new information, a training schedule was made to prepare you. It was still uncertain if the Avengers were going to use you but you enjoyed training with people other than Natasha and Maria. Hand-to-hand combat with Steve, conditioning with Pietro (which you thought was unfair), and weapon training with Clint and Yelena. But your days weren’t fully spent dripped in sweat and your body aching, your mom made sure of it. You spent time with Wanda in the kitchen, played video games with Sam and Rhodey, and annoyed Tony in this lab. It was fun but you felt like you weren’t doing enough to help. The team met almost every day to brainstorm ideas, but they came up empty.
You were sitting with Yelena looking at the map of the city you grew up in to try to rack your brain where these poker games took place. You remembered a few spots; Ray’s Bar because the owner gave you sour candy and the warehouse by the pier because it smelt bad. You hated going to those games, the smell seemed to stay with you days after the game was over.
You sighed, taking a grape from the fruit bowl Wanda made for you. “What’s wrong Nemnogo krasnyy (little red)?” Yelena asked, continuing to type her mission request to Fury.
“It’s stupid,” a piece of cheese was thrown at your forehead. “What was the for?”
“Because if something is bothering you it’s not stupid. So talk,” You ate the cheese she threw at you.
“I feel like I’m not doing enough to help. I want to do more,” you slumped down into your chair. “I hate feeling worthless.” Yelena closed the laptop and stood up. You heard her approaching footsteps but you didn’t look at her until she was right in front of you.
“You are not worthless,” she said, kneeling to your level. “Your job is to stay safe. That is what the team wants, especially your mama.” You shrugged. Yelena tapped your leg. “What can I do to help?” Well since she asked…
“I want to read possible case files the Winter Solider has been connected to.”
“Absolutely not,” she said, standing up suddenly and going back to her laptop.
“Aunt Lena,” you called after her and was quick to follow her. “I know nothing about him. Wouldn’t it be smart for me to know everything I can?” She opened the laptop slowly. “Think about it. If you guys were to use me as bait it needs to be believable so for it to be believable I need to know everything about my target.” The blonde sighed.
“Your mother will kill me.”
“She won’t know I got them from you. I’ll blame Clint or tell her FRIDAY gave them to me.” She rubbed her forehead.
“Fine, I’ll get the files, okay? Just be careful.” You squealed, wrapping her arms around her neck.
“You are the best! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” She shook her head, chuckling.
“I know I am. Now get back to work,” you stood at attention, gave her a mock salute, and ran back over to the map. It was a start and you were excited! The possibility of reading case files made you feel like a spy, like your mom!
You called it an early night, claiming you were tired from training. Both Natasha and Maria seemed to believe it so you had time to read the files Yelena gave you. She was right when they said they didn’t have a lot and many of them were speculated that the Winter Solider was responsible. He was that good, that deadly, that feared that if there were witnesses no one would talk. Sighing, you bit down on the pen you were using. This was your father. Steve told you that he was loyal and protective but in these files, you saw none of that. How much did HYDRA get rid of? “Hey, sweetheart,” you jumped as the door opened and had little time to put the files away before your mom walked in. “What are you doing?”
“Nothing,” you squeaked out. She glared at you as she walked into your room. Natasha picked up one of the files and read it over. Then another and another until all of them were in your hands.
“Where did you get these?”
“I found them,” you lied. You hated lying to her but you wanted to protect your aunt. “I wanted to learn more about him so I went searching,” she sighed, rubbing her forehead. “I’m sorry.” Natasha sat down in front of you, the files on the floor but you refused to look at her.
“Can you look at me?” It took you a moment but you looked up at her. “I’m not angry, okay? I just wish you had come and talked to me about this instead of reading those. Those files,” she pointed to them. “Only tell one side of the story.”
“Steve told me about Bucky but I want to know about-”
“The Winter Solider.” She cut you off. You nodded. “Why didn’t you ask me?”
“I didn’t want to upset you. I know it’s a sensitive topic,” she gave you a sad smile.
“You could never upset me, okay?” She placed her hand on your cheek and kissed your forehead. She quickly moved next to you and pulled you into her arms. “So what do you want to know?”
“Anything you want to share,” in a similar fashion to Steve, she took her time before she spoke. You took her hand and began to trace the lines on the palm of her hand.
“He was Winter to me and some of the other Widows,” she began. “He was a strict trainer, very serious on missions, and quiet. Some days he terrified me but other days he was kind,” you heard the slight shake in her voice but you didn’t dare attention to it. “No matter what though he was extremely protective of me and the other Widows. If a mission were to go wrong, he would take the blame and accept the punishment.”
“Did you love him?” You found yourself asking. Natasha let out a shaky breath, you felt it on the top of your head.
“Not in the way I love Maria but in some way I did. In there, it was rare to see any kindness so when he should it to me I accepted it.” You spun around so you were lying on your stomach and looking up at her. You noticed her green eyes were glossy with tears.
“I’m sorry.” You said.
“Why are you apologizing?” You were sure but it felt like you needed to say it. Maybe you were apologizing for everything she went through. Did anyone tell her they were sorry? Sorry for taking you away. Sorry for forcing her to have you. Sorry for robbing her of her childhood.
“Just thought you needed someone to tell you that.” You whipped away that fell down her cheek. “Do you think I can sleep with you and Maria tonight? Those files were not child-appropriate.” A deep laugh was pulled out of your mom and you counted that as a win.
“Come on buttercup. Let’s go to bed.”
You were lost, unable to follow the conversation as you sat through another meeting to come up with a plan. Somehow Steve and Tony started arguing and your mom tried to stop them. Damn, your head was going to split open. “Enough!” Your sudden outburst got the attention of the room. You stood up from your spot in the corner and walked to the table. “You know damn well it won’t work.” Maria gasped.
“Steve doesn’t like that kind of talk,” you rolled your eyes at her. You looked around the table, Steve and Tony settled down in their chairs, and your eyes locked on Natasha. “Use me. I’m ready. I’ve trained, I’ve studied, and we know he won’t come out unless I’m there.”
“Sweetheart,” your mom pleaded but you held up your hand to stop her.
“I’ve thought about it, every possible outcome, and I know how dangerous he is. I mean I saw him murder my parents.” Tony mumbled, ‘Twins,’ under his breath. “But we have to stop him. The longer HYDRA has him the more people will get hurt. We have to save him,” the team was quiet, as they had a silent conversation with one another. But Natasha’s eyes stayed on you, afraid if she looked away you would disappear right before her eyes. “Come on guys,” you whined. “We got this! You are the Avengers, Earth’s mightiest heroes. You’ll protect me.” They were waiting for Natasha’s approval, no one was going to speak before her. You kept your heart steady and your poker face down so she could see everything. Finally, she sighed.
“I don’t like it,” she admitted. Then again who would? She was going to have to watch her daughter be live bait. “But she’s right, it’s our only option.” You smiled, nodding your head.
“How we do proceed?” Vision asked. “We must ensure the capture of Sargent Barnes and the safety of Miss. Romanoff.” You liked Vision. He was the only Avenger to call you, ‘Miss. Romanoff’, it made you feel more connected to her.
“Actually,” you raised your hand slowly. “I have an idea.”
“Little red,” you looked up from your phone. Steve was walking towards you with two men. The nickname seemed to spread once Yelena said it in front of the team. You heard it more than your actual name, it made you feel like a superhero. “I want you to meet some people.” You stood up and met the trio halfway. “This is Agent Brock Rumlow and Secretary Alexander Pierce.” You shook the men’s hands. You’ve seen them around the compound, a handful of times but you’ve never been introduced. “Agent Rumlow will be in charge of the SHIELD agents assigned to this mission.”
“I must say it’s a good plan. I was told you came up with it,” Pierce said. You nodded.
“Yes sir,” you said. “I knew the only way to ensure his capture was if it was believable and I was present.” Pierce smiled, you didn’t like it. A chill went down your spine.
“You’re a brave kid,” he said and the four of you began the walk to the conference room. It was the final meeting, to make sure all the Ts were crossed and Is were dotted. Rumlow trailed behind you, Pierce, and Steve.
“Are you not scared?” He asked. “The Winter Solider isn’t someone to be messed with.” You hated his tone but you brushed it off, there were other things to worry about.
“Terrified,” you admitted. “But I know all of you have my back,” Steve opened the door. “Right, Agent Rumlow?” You asked him, refusing to enter the room. He smirked.
“Right, Little Red.” Oh, you hated the way he said your name. You walked into the room and sat between Natasha and Maria. Immediately, your mom grabbed onto your hand and squeezed it. You squeezed it back.
With the plan in motion, you were starting to feel sick to your stomach. The busy New York streets were doing nothing to calm your nerves, even though you could pinpoint the SHIELD agents stationed around you. This was your plan after all. For the past few days, you were sending text messages to your ‘friends’ back home and claimed you hated living with the Avengers. You double-downed and said they were holding you against your will. Tony made sure your messages could be seen. Finally, a number you didn’t recognize messaged you and proclaimed they could get you away from them. A plan was made for you to sneak your way to New York City and meet at a cafe. Unbeknownst to your mysterious contact, the Avengers were in the loop. You would entertain the man until the Winter Solider made his appearance. As soon as he was there, you were to get to a predetermined location and a SHIELD agent would get you away from the fight.
You were given no coms. The only thing you were given was a bracelet with a tracker on it that your mom gave you. You sipped on your hot chocolate and played with the piece of jewelry. You wished you could hear your mom’s voice but you knew she was watching. So was Maria, Yelena, and Clint. “Hello,” you jumped at the sudden voice, hitting your knee against the table.
“Sorry,” you whipped the hot chocolate you split. “You startled me.” The man laughed and offered his hand. You shook it as he sat down. He wasn’t what you were expecting, glasses, long black hair, and tattoos. He chuckled.
“It’s fine. I can imagine you are on edge with everything going on,” you nodded as the man put a briefcase on the table.
“It’s been a crazy few months,” you admitted.
“Parents murdered by the Winter Solider and kidnapped by the Avengers,” you took a sip of your drink, it was still hot. “What made you want to get away from them now?” He asked.
“I just miss my friends,” your voice shaking was a good choice. You deserved an Oscar for this performance. “I miss my life before all this,” he opened the briefcase. “I want to go home.”
“I’ll get you home, sweetheart, trust me,” it happened rather quickly. The man reached for your hand and with his free one he had a small syringe. You had to admit it was ballsy, attacking in such a public location. But you were quick to pull your hand away and splash your hot chocolate on the man’s face. In his panic, you jumped over the metal fence and heard the man speak frantically in Russian, no doubt to the com he was wearing.
You got flashbacks as three black vans came rushing down the street, and innocent civilians dove out of the way. But you stayed, you needed confirmation. The man overcame his shock and jumped over the fence. He swung at you. You grabbed his fist and used his momentum to throw him over your body. With his back on the ground, you delivered a quick punch and he was out cold.
The vans stopped and there he was. An assault rifle was in his hands and his metal arm was shining in the sun. His eyes were glued to you as HYDRA agents poured down the street. You thought it was overkill but their attention was diverted when Tony flew overhead, blowing up one of the vans. That was your cue, you turned around and ran.
You thanked every conditioning session Pietro put you through because you made it to the alley in no time. “Little Red,” you sighed as you saw the SHIELD agent.
“Agent-” his name died on your lips as a gunshot went off and his body slumped to the ground. A hand went around your mouth before you could scream and a sharp prick on your neck made your eyes water. You tried to fight the assailant as he dragged you to a van, over the bodies of the other agents that were assigned to protect you. Whatever they injected you became too much, your eyes began to close as they threw you in the back of the van. The last thing you felt was them ripping the bracelet off your wrist before the world went dark.
You woke with a start. You dreamt that you were falling, screaming for someone to help you but no one was there. In the dim light, your eyes adjusted to the room, no cell, you were in. There was a toilet, a door with a caged window, a mattress you were lying on, and stood in the corner was him. The Winter Solider. You jumped to your feet and faced him. The sudden movement caused your head to spin but you remained standing. His eyes were cold, void of any emotion. If he knew who you were, he gave no indication. He looked at you like he was staring right through you. “Hi,” you squeaked out. God, your heart was beating so fast. Rattling against your rib cage. There was no way he couldn’t hear it then again you could hear his. You focused on it, the slow pace of his heart. You let out a shaky breath then another. Soon your heartbeat matched his and you looked at his face, half of it covered by that mask. There was a small spark in his blue eyes that quickly disappeared. He was impressed. “Where am I?” This time your voice was steady. Instead of answering, he closed the distance between you and him. You fought every nerve in your body that called out for you to run. But you stayed. Even when he towered over you and tried to force your back against the wall.
You were terrified, fear crept deep within your bones, as his eyes looked over every detail of your face. Was he trying to memorize it or find a memory? You weren’t sure. With his metal hand, he gripped your chin. You were surprised at how gently his touch was. “Who?” He grunted out, you almost missed it. Did he ask you who? What the hell was that? He could have added so many more words to make a thought. Instead, he asked you who? Before you could question him, the door opened and he was back in his corner. Four heavily armed men entered the room.
“Well, well, well,” you knew that voice. “Look whose finally up.”
“Rumlow,” you said as the SHIELD agent walked in followed by Pierce. “And Pierce.” What was going on? They worked for SHIELD, they were the good guys. Your stomach dropped at the realization. They beat you, you met someone with a better poker face than your own. You hated cheaters.
“The whore’s daughter is smart.” Rumlow chuckled. Your blood boiled but you had to be smart. You were given a losing hand and you weren’t ready to fold. Pierce held up his hand to silence him and stepped closer to you. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw the Winter Solider move. The rest of the room missed it.
“What do you want from me?” The man grabbed a hold of your chin, forcing your head side to side. Winter grunted in the corner, this time the room heard it.
“Looks like she has a guard dog already,” Rumlow teased. Pierce dropped the hold he had on you, your jaw sore.
“Welcome to the new world order,” he said. “Hail HYDRA.”
Sorry! I know another part is annoying but this was getting really long. Good news is a lot of it is written soo I'm hoping to post it on Monday, maybe Sunday. Enjoy!
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viperrot · 1 year
⇁high school sweethearts | leon kennedy | pt. 1
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resident evil 4 remake leon s. kennedy x fem!band-student!reader high school au
there's a new guy in town, and he's pretty damn cute. too bad he hates your brother, though.
content contains: mild angst, enemies to lovers, tbh? mean leon, cliches, minor religious/christian themes, story is told in first person, reader is a bit shy and is an oboe and trumpet player!, leon and reader are in their juniour year, fictional town set around 1980!
3037 words
song rec: "kutsuro gish" by hiroshi takaki
pt. 2
what's this? the blossoming of a series? yes, yes it is! very self-indulgent. i love tropes like this so much. enjoy some mean leon content and a sweet enemies-to-lovers concept, little dove :]
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Life in Everglade is... interesting, to say the least. Actually, it was extremely cliché here. Every Sunday and Wednesday, people would go to church, every Friday night was a football game, and the rest of the days were just busy nonsense. The people here rarely ever leave town, and people never really come in. It's been like this for years.
Until recently.
This fall, a handful of strangers tumbled into the little town of Everglade, proud home of the Everglade Ravens. Lucky for me, they even moved in across the street.
From my little window nook, I watch a dingy U-Haul pull up into the driveway across the street, and out comes four people. The first is a man that looks to be in his mid forties, dressed in khakis and a navy polo. Next is a little girl, who looks like a middle schooler. She's got a long skirt on and a flannel sweater, coloured with warm red and browns. After her is what I assume is an elder sister, but she doesn't look much older than the little one.. She's dressed in messy, paint-stained jeans, a black tank-top, and a pink windbreaker jacket to top it all off. She's the only brunette one out of the blonde family so far.
Then comes out the son.
Dragging himself out of the passenger seat was the most dashing boy I've ever seen. The smile he gives his sisters make my heart race—it honestly put Danny Zuko's smile to shame, and I love Grease! His blonde hair is parted to the side, hiding his eyes a bit. He's dressed up in blue jeans that grip around his thighs perfectly, a black t-shirt, and a navy-blue bomber jacket that had the sleeves rolled up to show off his forearms. From my spot at the window, I couldn't help but ogle. The mystery family all gathered around the front door of their new home to get a good look of the inside, and I couldn't help but keep my attention on the only son of the family. I noticed how their was no mother to be seen...
"Hey, thumper," a voice calls out from the door of my room. I tear my eyes away from the window to see my father, leaning against the frame of my door with his arms crossed. "He's been calling me thumper ever since I was little, seeing as how I stomp my foot when I laugh.
"Hey, pops! What's up?" I cock my head to the side questioningly.
"Mom's done with dinner. Meet ya downstairs, or are you gunna keep 'practicin''?" He smirks teasingly, looking at my unused oboe on the foot of my bed. I blush, rolling my eyes.
"I'll be down there... and I was practicing, thank you very much!" I huff. Dad just laughs at me and waves his hand, mumbling about how he'll see me at the dinner table. With that, I get up to collect myself. I take a quick look out the window one more time just to see if the boy next door was still outside, but the front door was shut tight.
I stumble down the stairs, my bunny slippers skidding down the steps as the smell of baked chicken filled my nostrils. Upon entering the dining room, I see my dad at the head of the table accompanied by my mom and my older brother, Damien, who sighs at the sight of me.
"Finally, you're here," Damien huffs. "Can you sit down now? I'm fuckin' hungry," he stretches his hand out to me so I can sit down and say grace with everyone. My dad throws a pen from his breast-pocket at my dumb brother, telling him to watch his language.
I sit at the other end across from Damien to avoid saying grace with him, holding hands instead with Mom and Dad with my head bowed down.
"Ahem... Bless us, O Lord, and these Thy gifts, which we are about to receive from Thy bounty, through Christ our Lord. Amen," my mother says. Immediately after the prayer, Damien scarfs down the first piece of chicken he can get his hands on. I pick at some au gratin while my parents converse and scold Dami for being such a disgusting eater. I clear my throat to catch my parents' attention when they grow silent.
"So... uhm... There's new people across the street. Do you maybe... know about them?" I ask, giving my parents side glances. Mom shakes her head as a no, and before Dad can say anything, Damien coughs up a response.
"That punk Leon's the ace player from Greensmell's soccer team!" My older brother snorts, seemingly a bit angry.
So his name's Leon...
What Damien meant to say was Greenvale, which is a town over. They're probably Everglade High School's biggest rival in ever aspect—academics, sports, and even parties (apparently, I wouldn't know). The only thing I can confidently say they're bad at is marching. Their band is horrendous.
"Seriously?" I cringe at the information. "What are they doing here...?" I wonder under my breath.
"Probably got so embarrassed we beat 'em at state champ this year, the wimp probably got kicked out and thrown into Everglade!" Damien shouts with a mouthful of rice. I cringe at the sight, looking back down at my untouched au gratin.
"Cool, cool..." I mumble. "Uh... can I be excused? M'not really hungry," I ask Dad. He nods, going back to his food. Wordlessly, I take my plate to the kitchen to clean it up. As I wash dishes, I stare out the window blankly, eyes set on the house across the street. No one was out still.
I decide it's best to just go to bed after washing dishes, putting my oboe back in its case and setting it next to my backpack. I flop into my bed, part of me hoping to see this Leon guy again soon...
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I hate gossip.
I can never tell if people are talking about me, the people around me, or to me. As I walk the halls of Everglade High School, oboe and trumpet cases held tight in my hands, I hear the little murmurs of the cliques of the school. Punks mumbling, girl's that try too hard to look like Sandra Dee whispering behind their palms, and some jocks laughing loudly about Leon.
Wait, Leon?
My converse-clad feet are walking through the hall faster now. As I bump past a bunch of students, I speed my way down to the lunch room, needing to see my friends as soon as possible. Luckily, one of them sticks out like a sore thumb today. Sporting a red blazer, blue flannel tennis skirt, and black socks, I see Samantha Grey in all her glory sitting on top of our usual table, talking to a few of our little group. I stomp up to her, the charms on my instrument cases clinking softly with each step.
"Sammy!" I whisper-yell. Her brown eyes immediately look over to my position in front of her, her black hair swaying.
"Hey, sweet pea~!" She coos happily, a big smile painting her face as she gets down from the tabletop to give me a hug. "Glad you aren't too late. Me 'n' the girls were just talkin' about the new hunk in town," she pinches my cheek before helping me set my cases down on the table. I sit next to her, getting settled.
"Hunk? What's this about?" I stare, acting like I didn't know who they were chittering about. Across from Sammy and me is Lucy Brail and Patti James, who I've known since diapers along with Samantha. Lucy is the first to speak up, clearly excited to talk about Leon.
"This stud just moved into town yesterday! Apparently, he's got two little sisters at the middle school, 'n all the boys here have been howlin' about how he probably got kicked outta the Greenvale soccer team after losing nationals this year!" She says with a grin that reaches her ears. My eyebrows knit together at the information that I had heard the night before.
"You call almost every meathead here a stud, Lucy," I chuckle. She gives me a weird look before scoffing.
"This one's different, sweet pea," Sammy jabs me in the side softly, and I yelp. "He's got this look in his eyes that just scream at me like he wants me!" She sighs dreamily.
"Are you sure it wasn't his pecs you were lookin' at?" I click my tongue. Another jab to the side, and it hurts a little more than the last. I roll my eyes.
"Whatever, I'm sure he's just like the oth-"
"Oh! Oh!! There he is, sweet pea, look!" Sammy grabs me by the jaw to turn my sights to the new guy.
There he is...
Across the lunch hall is Leon, dressed all pretty in a forest green letterman jacket with his initials on the right bicep. There's a few patches from some bands he likes and a big ole "11" on the back of it with "Greenvale" above it. He's still in tight jeans, but they're black this time, as well as his t-shirt beneath the well-worn coat.
"He's got some nerve wearin' that here," Patti mutters. We all hum in agreement as we watch him saunter over to the lunch line to get a carton of strawberry milk.
"Ain't he just a dream~?" Sammy breathes out. Lucy's got this blush that could be seen from Mars, and I swear that Patti's mouth is gunna get dry with how much she's drooling. My gaze is trained on the back of Leon's head, looking at how well-trimmed his hair is.
"He's... he is pretty cute," I mumble, jaw hurting a bit with how tight my best friend was gripping onto it. I hear her giggle.
"Don't get sweet on him now, thumper!" She reminds me, using that silly nickname. “God knows your brother would tear you a new one if he found out you wanted to get a piece of Leon Scott Kennedy," she lets go of my jaw, and I roll my eyes.
"M'not sweet on anyone, Sam," I grumble. Lucy giggles, twirling a strand of her blonde curls in her fingers.
"Isn't he right next to your house, (y/n)?" She asks me. I nod.
"Yeah, actually... How did you know?"
"Oh, sweet pea?! Please, please, please tell me you gotta good view of him from your room! If so, I'm comin' over every weekend!!!" Samantha begs, shaking me by the shoulder.
"H-hey, quit it! I dunno if he's gunna be upstairs or not, and that's c-creepy!" I gasp as she shook me. Lucy and Patti laugh as I get thrashed around. From the corner of my eye, I see Leon get closer. He's got a mean look in his eyes, like he's ready to bite someone if they get near him.
I guess he's trying to protect his peace...
The girls grow silent as he walks past our table, not showing any mind to how noisy we are. They all watch Leon like dogs to a bone when he scoots past us, tossing his milk carton in the air like he hasn't a single worry in the world. When he's gone, it's like we can all breathe again.
"Oh lord, he even smells good," Patti fans herself, a blush covering up her little freckles. Sammy grins in agreement, clearly happy that she got to see the new guy so close. I stick my tongue out in disgust.
“You guys are so gross…”
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“Everyone, please welcome our new student,” Mrs. Bradshaw, the advanced chemistry teacher here at Everglade High, drones, motioning her hand to Leon near the back of the class.
And also next to me.
The blonde boy stands up, puffing up his chest a little.
“Name’s Leon Kennedy. Nice to meet you,” he says curtly before sitting right back down. Everyone’s giving him looks ranging from “I wanna rip his throat out” to “I want to kiss him behind the bleachers”, and it’s clear that he doesn’t care about it either. Mrs. Bradshaw clears her throat to stop annoying students from whispering.
“Now, let’s get started on our calorimetry unit. To begin…” The old hag’s words begin to go process in my brain as I get to writing notes. At times, I look at Leon from the corner of my eyes.
He’s writing on a piece of paper instead of a notebook, his blue ballpoint pen scraping against the surface as he messily jots down his notes. I’m pleasantly surprised to see that he actually cares about his education! I can see Leon’s tongue poking out between his plump lips, and I can’t help but stare a little. He doesn’t seem to notice me, until he looks up to check the blackboard up front.
Leon’s blue eyes set their sights on me, locking with mine. Quickly, I avert my gaze back to my notebook, trying my best to act like I was still writing notes. I hear him laugh a little next to me, but I make no effort to speak up.
When the class ends, and the bell for the next period rings, I gather my things to head off to the band room. Backpack slugged over my shoulders, I’m getting ready to pick up my trumpet and oboe case before someone else grabs of for me. Big, veiny hands take the cases by the leather handle, lifting it before my eyes. I look up to see Leon with a devilish smile.
“Caught you staring at me. Mind if I walk with you?” He says confidently. I’m a bit taken aback by his attitude, but I nod nonetheless. I’ve never really had a boy offer to walk me to class other than Damien…
“I can hold my-“
“Nah, don’t worry bout it. I carry my sister’s euphonium all the time,” he chuckles, his shoulders shaking a little as he does. I blush, not expecting him to even know what a euphonium is. So, he’s cute AND he knows the difference between a tuba and a euphonium..
“Are you sure? I-I mean, I don’t want it to be a hass-“
“Don’t worrrrryy,” he exaggerates. “Where are you headed? This is my study hall period, so I got time,” he grins.
“Uh… the band room. A-and thanks,” I tell him, nervously fiddling with my fingers. We walk out of the science lab together, me trailing slightly behind him as we walk.
“So, I’m guessing you and your little posse this morning was talking about me?” He asks, and I feel the blood rush up to my face.
Samantha and her big ole mouth…!
“Y-yeah…” I stammer, unsure of what to say. “Sorry about that… It’s just… we never really have any newcomers here, so the girls were just excited,” I bite my lip. I can feel the stares of people around us in the halls. Whether it’s out of jealousy towards me or hate for him, I’ve no clue.
“I see,” Leon hums. “It was kinda funny, so don’t apologize.” He says, and I can hear the smile in his voice. His fingers are gripping the handle of my cases tight enough to make his veins bulge a little, and I can’t help but stare. After our small talk, it’s quiet, and when we make it to the band room, we stop next to the door so he can give me back my things. As Leon hands over my instruments, footsteps thunder toward our position.
“You know, I thought it was just some sick joke hearing about my lil sister hangin’ around you, but I see that the rumours are true,” Damien growls, walking towards Leon and me slowly with his hands in the pockets of his black letterman. The blonde boy in front of me is still holding my oboe case as he looks at my older brother with an unamused stare.
“Well, had I known she was related to you, I would have never offered to carry her junk,” the ace smiled. I felt my heart drop at his words.
And then it felt like the world came crashing down on me.
Like it was fire, Leon let go of my oboe case, and it clatters against the floor. He’s staring my brother dead in the eyes as he does so, and I can feel tears swell in my eyes. I watch as my reeds, feather, and parts of the oboe pop out of the hard case, scraping against the floors of the hall.
“N-no!!” I yelp, unable to hold back my tears as I drop to my knees to gather the parts. A key or two had bent, and a few corks were damaged. I hear Damien shout at Leon, slamming his body into a locker. I don’t understand what they’re yelling about, too busy trying to pick up the bits of my instrument. More voices erupt, and I assume they’re people trying to pull my brother off of Leon Kenne-dick. My feather gets swept away amidst the commotion. When everything but that is successfully stuffed back into my case, I snap my head around to glare at the ace soccer player behind glossy eyes.
“You’re fuckin’ paying for this, you piece of shit!” Damien screams, thrashing against some teachers who dragged him away from the scene. Leon’s being escorted away as well, not giving me a chance to say anything. I’m left alone in the hall with my broken oboe before Samantha scurries out.
“Sweet pea! We heard all the ruckus, but Mr. Kay said it wasn’t safe for us to be out, and—oh, sugar…” she gasps lightly, crouching down next to me. The ravenette looks down at my open case, seeing the broken and bent keys and chipped corks. “Who did this…?” She asked me gently, setting her chin on my shoulder.
“Leon…” I hiccup, tears falling. The silence is heavy when I tell her this, and I know that Sammy can only see red. Without a word, she wipes my tears with her thumb before helping me into the band room.
I’m starting to regret wanting to see him again.
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woohoo! chapitre un, fini :] i know it’s a bit lacking, but it’s just the beginning. hope you enjoyed! pt. 2 here!
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britany1997 · 1 year
Let me start by saying i love and enjoy your writing so muchhh and your content is just nddndjdndhdjegdu :'))
This is my first request so hope i am doing it at least decently so so so how about a mechanic/ motorbike enthusiast reader interacting with the lost boys, like they have a problem with one of the bikes and the reader comes up and is like "hey i can help let me just" and fixes it, and the boys are like 😶 we keeping this one ....
It could be a fem or gn reader !
Hope u like the idea and yet again thank you so much for existing ❤️❤️❤️
Rev Your Engines
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Hi! Thank you so much for your kind words!!! Encouragement of my writing is always appreciated🥹🫶 I hope you like this! Sorry it took so long
Poly! Lost boys x GN Reader
David checked his watch as he tossed a drained corpse off the dock unceremoniously. “Five AM boys, sun rises in a little over an hour, time to head back.” He ordered.
Paul groaned, his fangs still deep in the neck of a tall brunette. He ripped his mouth free and disposed of the girl, “we have over an hour!” he argued, “it takes fifteen minutes tops to get back to the cave from the boardwalk.”
“Yeah,” Marko chimed in, “we’re wasting moonlight if we go back now.”
“We’re going now,” David said sternly, “the last time we risked it Paul was almost a pile of ash in a fishnet shirt, now let’s go.” With that, David snapped and gestured to the two blonds, prompting Dwayne to grab them both by the collar and drag them along the dock.
“I hate when he does this,” Marko told Paul grimacing.
“Uh, yeah,” Paul said while readjusting his pants.
Once the boys had arrived at the spot where their bikes were parked, the vampires each hopped on and reved their engines.
Except for Marko, whose bike seemed determined to strand him at the boardwalk. He stuck the key in the ignition and flipped the engine kill switch: nothing. The bike cranked but the engine wouldn’t start.
Marko growled in frustration, while David checked his watch
“We don’t have time for this,” David spit.
Marko glared at him, “it’s five-thirty David, calm your tits,” He countered.
Dwayne crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes, “we may have a couple minutes before suns up, but we don’t have time for you to try and fail to fix your bike. Leave it,” he said.
Marko rolled his eyes and put his kickstand back down. “Well how the fuck am I supposed to get home then? I can’t walk now can I? And flying this close to sunrise is risky, even for me.”
“You can ride with me bud!” Paul chimed in.
Marko shot him a disgusted look, “ride bitch?” he asked, “yeah fat chance,” he grumbled.
“It’s either that or you burn up,” David shrugged.
“I’d rather die.” Marko said through gritted teeth.
David rolled his eyes and Dwayne pinched the bridge of his nose.
Marko groaned, “Paul, this is stupid, I’ll take your bike and you can ride on the back.”
“WHAT?!” Paul exclaimed as Marko attempted to pull him off the motorcycle, “dude it’s my bike!”
“Paul if you don’t move your ass I could die,” Marko told him frowning.
“Then perish,” Paul deadpanned.
Marko lunged at Paul, throwing him from his bike and pinning him to the ground. They rolled around on the boardwalk trading blows.
Dwayne and David looked on exasperated, as the chaos twins went at it. “We’re never gonna get home are we,” Dwayne asked.
David sighed in response.
You caught sight of the scene on your way back from your shift at the auto shop. Working the night shift meant you were usually met with a deserted wasteland of a boardwalk, instead of the flood of tourists and locals that regularly populated the spot.
Now you were faced with the image of two grown men rolling around on the ground together. You had to see what this was about.
You walked over and waved cautiously at the two calmer looking but obviously frustrated men. “Hey,” you greeted them, “what’s going on here, maybe I can help?” You offered.
Paul screamed as Marko bit his shoulder, prompting you to jump and step back, “or maybe I should just leave you to it…” you mumbled, concerned.
David turned his gaze from you back to Paul as he wrestled Marko into a headlock, but Dwayne noticed the grease smeared lightly on your face and staining your clothes, maybe you could help.
“Know anything about motorcycles?” he asked as he gestured towards Marko’s bike.
You smiled, “you’re in luck,” you told him, “I just got off a shift at Ocean Auto, I should be able to help you out.”
David’s gaze snapped up to look at you, “you can fix his bike?” He asked.
“I can sure try,” you replied, kneeling down to take a look as Dwayne pulled Paul and Marko off of each other.
You shrugged off your backpack and pulled out your toolbox. You opened the box and grabbed your multimeter, to check the battery.
The battery looked good so you moved on with your assessment. You removed one of the spark plugs and screwed in a compression tester.
Everything was turning up fine, but then realization hit you like a ton of bricks. You pulled out the bike’s air filter, only to find it just as you’d suspected, covered in dust and dirt.
You chuckled to yourself as you realized how stupidly simple the problem was. You turned to the four men, flashing them the filter.
“You’re gonna wanna soak this in some warm water and cleaner, but for now…” you trailed off as you pulled your water bottle from your bag. You sprayed the filter and wiped it with the bandana you kept in your back pocket.
You smiled as you handed it back to the curly blond man, “good as new…sort of,” you told him.
“Thanks,” Marko said as he popped the filter back into his bike and started his engine. “You’re a real life saver,” he told you.
“More than you know,” David mumbled to Dwayne.
As you packed up your stuff and stood to your feet, Paul slid an arm around your waist.
“Come here often sugar?” he asked you.
You blushed at his brazen attitude, “I’m here every morning, I work the night shift at the auto shop every day.” You told them.
“We’ll have to stop by sometime,” Dwayne said smiling, “but for now we’ve gotta go.”
David checked his watch, it was six AM, they were cutting it close. “C’mon boys,” he commanded, “let’s ride.”
You stepped back, getting the hint, “It was nice to meet you guys, see you around,” you waved as you walked off.
“Dibs,” Paul said, once you were out of earshot.
The other boys rolled their eyes as they all rode off into the night. This wasn’t the last they’d be seeing of you, not if they could help it.
(I know I didn’t get to get into the romantic aspect of the Boys x Reader, so I’d be happy to write a part two for you if you want one when requests open back up!)
@pixielostboy @its-freaking-bats @anna1306 @misslavenderlady @ghoulgeousimmaculate @solobagginses @heyriojude @6lostgirl6
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you’re jealous, you shouldn’t be | buck
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♡ Pairing: Buck/Gender Neutral!Reader ♡ Genre: A lil angsty I guess?? But idiots to lovers ♡ Word Count: 1.7k ♡ Warnings: Alcohol Mention, Drunken Mention ♡ Beta Read: By the lovely and amazing @thatnerdemryn thank u so much bb!! ♡ Summary: Emotions boil over with you and Buck’s jealously after a night at the bar.
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A frustrated sigh left your mouth as you downed your third shot of the night. You supposed this was you drinking away your sorrows. It wasn’t like you, but you could handle your liquor well. Besides, the night just wasn’t going as planned.
In most ways, it was like any other late night out after a shift. You and the crew were out at Tony's, one of the bars most frequented by police and firefighters alike. It was a chill place to swap war stories and relax with everyone before going home for the night.
Usually, you thoroughly enjoyed it, but tonight? Tonight was utter shit.
The reason for that sat across the bar, in the form of a sly dark brunette trying to have her way with Buck. She had set her sights the moment she walked into the bar. Initially, you were sitting next to him, but after listening to her over-the-top flirting, you found another seat.
It wasn’t the first time you had been forced to listen to someone try to put the moves on him – probably wouldn’t be the last – but why did it have to happen on the night you were going to?
It didn’t help that Buck looked so damn alluring tonight. After shift, he had changed into a maroon short sleeve button up that perfectly complimented his bulking frame. His blonde hair was perfectly brushed back, cobalt eyes sparking and mesmerizing.
God, you were a sucker for him.
Which was why you had finally decided to make an official move on him. You say official because well, technically you already had. The two of you had slept together a few months ago at a party another crew was throwing. It was a brief drunken moment of passion and fun, but one that hadn’t left your mind.
Neither of you had spoken about it since, but you couldn’t stop thinking about it. You wanted to feel his hands on your body again, kiss those plush lips, and more. But, you also wanted more of him - for him to be yours.
You weren’t sure if the feeling was mutual, but why not try? It was hard to work up the courage, but after a talk with Eddie last week, you were ready. Or so you thought.
It wasn’t like you lacked confidence but compared to that beautiful woman pushing up on Buck… You weren’t so sure you stood a chance. It didn’t help that Buck appeared to be enjoying her attention if the laughs and smiles between the two of them were any indications. Hell, maybe he would even be taking her home tonight and you couldn't blame either of them in the slightest.
Maybe the night the two of you spent together had been completely forgetful. Maybe he had never thought twice about you.
The mere thought had you needing more alcohol to pour down your throat. You were about to call the bartender over for another, when someone placed a hand on your shoulder.
“Whoa there. You’ve been knocking them back, think you should slow down?” Eddie asked worriedly as he sat down next to you.
“Nope, I’m just swell,” you replied defensively.
You pretended to not notice the bitterness in your voice.
The brown-eyed firefighter sighed, “We talked about what you were going to do tonight. So, I know how you must be feeling.”
“Fine, I’m bothered, but maybe this is a sign that it wasn’t meant to be… that it’s for the best.”
“I don’t think that’s the case. Sometimes shit just happens, doesn't mean you should give up.”
You smiled at the earnest in Eddie’s voice, knowing he was genuinely concerned and wanted to cheer you up. Eddie and you had grown quite close since you transferred. You thought of him like the older brother you never had. In fact, you had spent most of the night with him after moving away from Buck. He was the only reason you were still here.
“Thanks, Eddie, I appreciate that. I think I should just head home. I’m gonna call an Uber and put this night behind me.”
Eddie seemed to mull it over for a moment before getting up and saying, “Nah, I can’t let you head out of here alone. Let me take you. I’ll just go and say goodnight to everyone.”
“Sure,” you said with a shrug, getting up too. “But I’ll go ahead and wait outside for you. Tell everyone I said bye.”
Eddie nodded without protest as you quickly paid your tab and made an exit before anyone else noticed. It wasn’t like you, but you had seen more than enough tonight.
Love was a battlefield for Evan Buckley and you were its loser tonight.
You accepted the defeat as you stepped out of the bar and breathed in the fresh California air. It was beautiful tonight with stars out and glimmering. You couldn’t even hear any sirens, which always put you at ease.
As soon as Eddie dropped you off, you planned to get into a nice hot shower and let the stress soak out of you. Maybe stay up all night and watch some sappy romantic comedies. You didn’t work again for a few days, you could afford to ruin your sleep schedule.
A few minutes passed and you began to wonder if Eddie had forgotten about you. You were about to peek inside when the bar door opened and to your surprise, Buck stepped out.
“Hey,” he said, stepping towards you with a grin that nearly took your breath away.
“Buck?” You squeaked out, “what are you doing out here?”
The blonde-haired firefighter frowned in confusion. “I’m taking you home. Eddie said you asked me too.”
Your eyes narrowed at that, knowing exactly what Eddie was up to. That no good trouble maker…
“Um no, I’m good actually. Eddie was mistaken, you should head back inside.”
“Nonsense, I’m ready to go anyways,” Buck said quickly, wrapping an arm around your shoulder and pulling you into him. “Let’s get out of here.”
Heat flaring in your cheeks, you could only nod, your protests dying on your lips at the feeling of his body against yours. It was completely innocent, but just a mere touch from Buck always sent your heart racing. There was no way you were going to be able to say no and maybe a part of you didn’t want to.
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So, here you sat in Buck’s nice shiny car. Your hands wrung together anxiously in your lap as you stared out of the window. The bar was a half hour from both your places, which was only minutes from Buck’s. It made sense to drive home together, but that didn’t mean you were exactly happy about it.
Your buzz was starting to wear off now and so your emotions were coming to you tenfold. After all, you were pissed that Eddie had done this to you. Why had he lied to Buck about taking you home?  Surely, Buck must have not wanted to, considering he had been busy talking to that girl.
Thoughts of them were still buzzing in your mind and you couldn’t help but unconsciously clench your jaw. The mental image of her draping her hands all over him sent a pang through your heart.
“You okay over there?” Buck asked, taking you out of your head. “You seem tense.”
“Just tired, I guess,” you replied curtly.
“You didn’t seem too tired at the bar.”
“Pfft, I’m surprised you noticed, considering how preoccupied you were,” you muttered defensively.
Buck glanced at you in confusion.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You know, you seemed busy with that woman sitting at the bar. The two of you were pretty friendly,” you huffed, knowing how silly and jealous you sounded, but unwilling to give in.
However, you were surprised to notice Buck grip the steering wheel a bit tightly, his eyes suddenly serious.
It took him a second to reply, but when he did, jealousy coated his voice. “Well, you and Eddie were getting cozy too.”
“Yeah, we were talking, so what? Why would you have a problem with that? Eddie and I are friends, you know that,” you asked, squinting.
Buck let out a heavy sigh and didn’t respond. Instead, he got off the highway and pulled the car into an empty parking lot.
You could tell he wanted to say something important, so you waited patiently until he turned to you and spoke.
“I have a problem with that because I like you. I really fucking like you. I have since before we slept together a while back.”
Your heart skipped a beat at Buck’s words. How many sleepless nights had you spent imagining this exact moment? Wondering what it would be like for him to spill his heart out like this to you, but still, you needed clarity.
“But, if you feel this way, why were you talking to that girl? She was all over you.”
“I didn’t even want to talk to her, she started talking to me and I was being polite. Next thing I know you’re gone and all alone with Eddie. So, maybe I let her flirt with me because I was jealous.”
You blinked at his words. Was Buck seriously telling you he was jealous of Eddie? That he thought you liked Eddie?
Taking a deep breath, you prepared to tell him everything.
“Buck - I don’t even know where to begin. I don’t like Eddie, he’s like a brother to me. I’ve liked you for so long too. I’ve been wanting to tell you and I was going to do it tonight, but I let myself chicken because I was jealous too.”
Buck simply stared at you for a moment in astonishment.
“So - you’re saying we’ve both been jealous of the other all night when we could have been together the whole time?”
“Looks like it. We’re idiots.”
The two of you let out chuckles at that and you couldn’t help smiling. Relief and warmth filled your heart as you processed the fact that Buck liked you too. You didn’t have to keep imagining a repeat of that sweet night the two of you shared - more would come soon.
Buck leaned in toward you, intertwining your hand with his and squeezing gently. You could tell he was just as happy as you.
“Maybe I could take you on a proper date tomorrow. We can talk things out, figure out where we wanna go from here..”
You nodded, “I’d love that Buck. I gotta say though, I’m not sure I’m feeling up to being alone tonight. Maybe you could stay over?”
Buck clearly caught the implication of your words, because in seconds he was letting you go of your hand and pulling back onto the road.
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katelynnwrites · 1 year
I Don’t Wanna Be Your Friend (I Wanna Kiss Your Lips) | Ona Batlle
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warnings: stomach ache inducing fluff
word count: 1706
summary: in which ona decides she wants to be your first kiss
a/n: this is my 50th fic for ona 🥰
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‘You haven’t had your first kiss yet?’ Millie yells.
‘Damn Millie, why don’t you just let the whole team know.’ You sigh and sink down further in your seat.
The blonde’s voice had clearly carried down the length of the bus because Ella and Alessia appear soon enough.
‘Look I know you’re the team baby but seriously you haven’t had your first kiss yet?’ Less says in disbelief.
‘Guys come on, it’s not a big deal. I just haven’t found anybody I want to kiss yet.’ You try and assure them but at this point it’s too late because Millie has several of your teammates agreeing to go out to a club after the away game to try and find you someone to kiss.
Sighing once more, you realise there’s no way you would be able to get out of whatever your teammates were plotting.
Fifteen minutes later, when Millie starts questioning you about your type, you grab your airpods and phone, escaping the blonde to sit with a brunette instead.
A certain brunette that simply lets you lean into her shoulder and exhale in relief.
‘They’re trying to find you someone to kiss?’ She murmurs, letting you play with the rings on her hand.
You merely make a face and Ona laughs softly, switching the subject and asking if you’d like to watch a movie.
You’re all too happy to agree.
Ona helps you to put together an outfit from the limited clothes you had brought.
She’d laughed as you had voiced your complaints about being dragged out for the night.
All you wanted to do was curl up and watch a movie, maybe with your roommate watching it with you. Ona’s easily your best friend and you loved spending time with her.
The Spanish girl was someone whom you related to almost immediately, the out of place feeling being the common thread between the both of you, given that she had signed for United just before you.
It wasn't long before the two of you managed to adapt to the new team but the bond the both of you had stayed. If anything, it had only become stronger.
Ivana was nice and she often hung out with you and Ona but the friendship you had with her, wasn’t quite the same as what you had with Ona.
In fact, your best friend had a phrase she liked to use to describe how close you were, mi media naranja.
It was in Spanish so you didn’t understand but she said it translated to the other half of your orange.
You could not help but tease Ona, saying that you couldn’t believe she had compared you to an orange. The Spanish girl had blushed and stammered about how a direct translation was not the same as the original meaning.
Ona calling your name draws you out of your thoughts and she rolls her eyes at you.
‘Finally naranja. I thought I had lost you to your thoughts.’
Smiling at her sheepishly, you offer a meek apology which the Spaniard accepts easily.
Holding up two different tops, she asks, ‘Now choose, black or white?’
You begged Ona to come with you. And even though a part of her really wanted to stay at the hotel, she couldn’t say no to you. That’s how she finds herself all dressed up and squeezed beside you, into a cab with a bunch of your other teammates.
At the club, you’d hid your growing anxiety as Millie and Alessia introduced you to girl after girl, attempting to find one you liked.
It’s mildly exasperating to both your teammates that you keep making up excuses and turning all of them down.
Eventually they had given up, swearing that they would try again another night. Lessi had sarcastically mumbled something along the lines of how no one in the club was your type as she’d left to join Ella.
She was wrong and if you were being honest, there was someone who had caught your eye.
Said someone had caught your eye a long time ago and you were pretty sure you were in deep.
Taking your chance to seek her out, you begin looking all over.
It was strange that she wasn’t on the dance floor because Ona could usually be counted on to show off her dance moves even before she’d had drinks. It was also strange that you basically hadn’t seen her since Millie and Lessi had whisked you away.
You had hoped that Ona would stick around but you chalk her disappearance up to her wanting to give you some privacy.
You’d searched practically the whole club before it occurrs to you to check the toilets. Your teammates had been unhelpful when you had asked if they had seen Ona so this really was the only place she could be.
And she was. The brunette you had been searching for was leant up against the bathroom counter, an unreadable expression on her face.
Exhaling in relief, you hug her gently and Ona immediately opens her arms to you.
‘Hi.’ She softly whispers and you squeeze her waist a little harder.
‘You okay?’ She checks and you hum, turning your head so that you can breathe in the scent of her perfume.
‘Better now that I’m with you.’ You assure her and she blushes slightly and murmurs her similar thoughts. That she too felt better now that you were here with her.
You both don’t really say much as you get ready for bed. It’s a comfortable silence though, as the pair of you go through the motions of a well practiced routine.
Ona showers first while you pack. Then you take your shower as Ona packs, her going a little bit further and helping you put your shin pads back into your bag as you always somehow manage to forget them.
It’s not long before you’re in bed, Ona sliding under the covers next to you. She lies there quietly until you break the silence, ‘I didn’t kiss anyone.’
Ona exhales, secretly full of relief before she asks, ‘Why not?’
‘There wasn’t anyone I wanted to kiss there. None of them were really my type.’ You mumble, cheeks heating up.
‘Do you still want your first kiss though?’ The Spaniard softly questions.
Her hand finds yours under the covers and she squeezes it reassuringly.
‘Yeah.’ You shyly admit.
Your best friend hums in response before she says, ‘Do you want to kiss me then?’
Sitting up immediately, you look at Ona with wide eyes, trying to see if she meant it.
Ona sits up too, her hand still holding yours.
‘I’m serious mi media naranja. I’d love to be your first kiss.’
Her words are sincere and the smile on her face has you nodding, even if you are a little nervous.
‘Okay.’ Your best friend’s smile widens and she squeezes your hand once more before she hops off the bed.
Ona rummages around in her bag for a bit before she finds her chapstick, which she quickly puts on.
She gives you another sweet smile, settling herself on the bed, in front of you.
‘Which way do you want to lean, mi media naranja?’
The all too familiar nickname, in Ona’s soothing, heavily accented voice melts away the last of your anxieties.
It was just you and your best friend, the girl who you had liked for ages now.
‘Right please.’
Ona gives a nod and leans left, closing the distance between the two of you until there’s just a tiny gap left.
This near, you can see all her individual eyelashes and freckles even in the weak lighting of the sole night lamp of the hotel room.
You close the tiny gap, tentatively letting your lips meet Ona’s.
Her lips are soft and you can taste the coconut of her chapstick as she kisses you back.
Drawing back a second later, you feel a smile grow on your face as you keep looking at Ona.
The same smile is mirrored on your best friend’s face.
The Spaniard blushes, scratching the back of her neck before reaching out to push a strand of hair out of your face, ‘Would now be a good time to tell you that I have a crush on you?’
You didn’t think your smile could get any bigger but it does.
Softly you say, ‘Would now be a good time to tell you that I have a crush on you too?’
Ona blushes harder, gently placing her hands on your cheeks.
‘Mi media naranja means my half-orange. I know I let you believe it means twin but it really means soulmate. The saying is encontrar tu media naranja, to find your half orange or better half. I’ve found my media naranja in you. You are my better half, my soulmate and so much more.’
Tears slip from your eyes at her heartfelt words.
‘Please don’t cry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.’ She panickedly murmurs, using her thumbs to try and wipe them away.
You sniffle, leaning into her touch.
‘Ona, can I kiss you again?’
‘You may. Anytime you like mi media naranja.’
Pressing your lips against hers for the second time of the night, you let yourself savour the way she tastes, the way her lips move eagerly against yours.
When the need to breathe finally becomes too much, you pull away to rest your forehead against the fullback’s.
With closed eyes, you murmur, ‘Your words mean more to me than you’ll ever know, you mean more to me than you’ll ever know.’
The wobbly breath that Ona lets out makes you smile and she draws back, kissing you on your forehead.
‘I’m going to kiss you now.’, is all the warning she gives before her lips are on yours once more, until all you feel is her, filling everywhere and everything you’ve ever known.
This time, you’re cuddling into Ona during the journey, paying no attention to Millie’s or Alessia’s attempts to involve you in their discussion on how to get you your first kiss.
Eventually, Ona’s the one who puts a stop to it, snapping that you’d already had your first kiss and better yet, found yourself a girlfriend.
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Spanish Translations:
mi media naranja - my half-orange
encontrar tu media naranja - to meet your other half
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