#i love jets and seekers so much
trashhole · 1 year
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Brainstorm doodles and soundwave on an adventure with laserbeak
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So I've finished the rave stage, and here's the (first) look at Wildcard, the pro gambling predacon oc!
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Don't ask how she'd transform, I am... not good at figuring that part out. No, I have not done the face yet as that will be put down with the lineart, and after that I'll figure out where to put the colors (I am so greatful i was given a color palette so i don't have to deal with the color tweaking too much) I'll make the minicons afterward, Primus I love/hate digital art
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arceespinkgun · 1 month
The weirdness about seekers has blended so much into fanon that you can hardly find a fanfiction without the creepy exotic bird concept! If people wanted to explore the seekers through their alt mode, I personally like the idea that they suffer sensory drawbacks from their high functioning targeting systems when in bot mode. In fact, Starscream has canonically experienced sensory overload from loud noises or certain frequencies! Or y'know maybe they're just aliens who transform into jets and people can not reinvent racism :')
Also where did the trine telepathy come from because as far as I can tell the first canonical twin telepathy was introduced in Bayverse through Mudflap and Skids, but they're not even seekers let alone Decepticons. The same continuity has tertiary material with Megatron and Optimus as twins, therefore they have the ability. An example of Optimus sensing his twin can be seen in age of extinction where he deduces that Galvatron was made from the remnants of Megatron. How on earth did it find its way so heavily characterized in elite trine/seeker fanon if the original concept didn't even involve the elite trine and the only miniscule link is that Bayverse Megatron turns into a jet???
It is extra appropriate that you mention the sensory overload thing since that panel people sometimes share where Starscream goes through that was caused by Thundercracker (and then Skywarp shoots him down) XD
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From The Transformers (UK) #15
Some fanon is cool so I don't think fans should throw all of it out, but sometimes I wonder if it might be a nice challenge for people to occasionally attempt to make something where they attempt to utilize either no or as little fanon as possible, and either keep it 100% canon, or use only the headcanons and new concepts they've personally made up that aren't based on any existing community fanon. I think that might help people think of new ideas in fic especially, where a lot of the same fanon just keeps getting reused everywhere.
Okay, so, I don't 100% know if this is accurate, but I'm fairly certain the telepathy thing doesn't come from any canon source about twins like the Bayverse examples you mention. I may be wrong since I wasn't there (anyone else feel free to explain more), but from discussions and fics I've seen, I think it comes from the old and popular fanon that sparkbonding results in a psychic and emotional link between partners, especially since a lot of fics I've seen have said things about twin or trine characters along the lines of, "we share a link, not like couples do but a different kind" and so on.
...Or... look, I kinda didn't want to bring this up, but while I love the idea of transformers having relationships that aren't similar to ones humans have, and I think relationship anarchy can be a great thing, sometimes I really can't help but feel that in a lot of fanon, trines were maybe invented by fans to explore both being siblings and dating... simultaneously... and it can be really weird or creepy.... >_>
So, I'm an Oplita fan, and Elita-1 and Optimus were/are girlfriend and boyfriend in the Sunbow cartoon but then both ended up saying they see the same guy as a dad figure who rebuilt them to only be able to interface with each other. I think this is just funny, and I don't mind situations like this happening. They're robots! When I'm saying the trine stuff can be really weird, I mean that it's often presented as like, characters in a trine get created to be like siblings and have a very sibling-like bond from the start in a human-like way, and then do romantic and sexual stuff and have that added to the bond. That can feel creepy to me, particularly since trines are 100% fanon and do not exist anywhere in any canon media, so that can make me feel even more suspicious about what the intentions are....
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stuffandsundry · 4 months
Seeker Jet Crochet (Now 69% more accurate!)
So, a while back i put up this pattern for a cute little squashy jet, but it's been a few months and I've been getting much better at crochet. so I present to you this:
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A much more accurate plane!! Here's the pattern for all you lovely folks, under the cut!
What You’ll Need
Please ready all the colors of yarn you think you will need! At minimum, I would have one for main body, one for wing stripes, one for vents
4.00 mm crochet hook
Tapestry Needle
Optional: felt for cockpit
Optional: 2 stitch markers
CH-chain stitch
SL-slip stitch
MC-magic circle
SC-single crochet
INC-do two single crochet in one stitch
TINC-do three single crochet in one stitch
DEC-do one single crochet over two stitches
DC-double crochet
H2C-half double crochet
For this pattern, please make sure you are using the x-shaped stitches instead of v! Here is a guide to make sure you know how to do it!
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MC 4    (4)
[sc, inc] *2    (6)
[sc, inc] *3    (9)
sc 8, inc    (10)
inc, sc 9    (11)
sc 5, inc, sc 5    (12)
[sc 3, inc]*3    (15)
[sc 2, inc, sc 2]*3    (18)
sc    (18)
[inc, sc, inc][sc 2, inc, sc 3][inc, sc, inc][sc 2, inc, sc 3]    (24) * At this stage, a separation between wings and cockpit forms, so I've separated those into sections to make it more clear what is happening.
sc    (24)
[sc 5][sc 3, tinc, sc 3][sc 5][sc 3, tinc, sc 2    (24) *If you are using stitch markers, I really recommend that you place one in the middle of the tinc stitch or corresponding sc on rows that don't have tinc. This helps you to keep track of the edge of your wing and make sure the plane lies flat. Additionally, note that the last [ ] here is not closed. This is because the last stitch of this round and the first of the next will be dec together.
dec, sc 3, dec][sc 3, tinc, sc 3][dec, sc 3, dec][sc 3, tinc, sc 3]    (28)
sc , dec, sc7, tinc, sc 5, inc, sc 6, tinc, sc 3    (32)
dec, sc 3, dec][sc 4, tinc, sc 4][dec, sc 3, dec][sc 4, tinc, sc ]    (32)
sc 10, tinc, sc 15, tinc, sc 5    (36)
sc    (36)
sc 11, tinc, sc 17, tinc, sc 6    (40)
sc 12, tinc, sc 19, tinc, sc 7    (44)
sc    (44)
sc    (44)
sc    (44)
sc 14, ch 3 sl into 2nd ch, pinch wing flat, stitch in both stitches [dc, hdc in same stitch, 6 sc] sc 15, pinch wing flat, stitch in both stitches [dc, hdc in same stitch, 6 sc] sc 1    (44)
sc 8, continue on other side of wing, sc 9, continue on other side of wing, sc. Stuff with filling, making sure to keep as much ouf of wings as possible.    (18)
sc    (18)
sc    (18)
sc    (18)
sc    (18)
sc    (18)
sc    (18)
sc    (18)
back loop only [dec 2, sc 5, dec 2, sc 5]    (14)
dec    (7)
Horizontal Tailfin (make 2)
ch 7
turn, skip 1, sl, sc 5 (5)
ch 1, turn, sc 4, dec (4)
ch 2, turn, dec, sc 2 (3)
ch 2, turn dc 2, hdc
Vertical Tailfin (make 2)
ch 3
turn, skip 1, sc, inc (3)
ch, turn, inc, sc 2 (4)
ch, turn, sc 3, inc (5)
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Stripes (Long and short)
This is highly dependent on what your yarn is like, and how tightly you crochet. I personally find ch 20 and ch 16 work well for me, but results may vary. Your ultimate goal is that the stripe can comfortably reach around the wing
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Vents (make 2)
Ch 14, turn, skip 2, dc 12
To be most accurate, the top of the plane should have a shorter piece of the vents than the bottom. This part can be tricky to sew on, so remember to align the inside edge with the narrow part of the nose cone for best effects!
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Ch 5
Turn, skip 1, Sc 3, tinc, sc3 in back of row 1, sc 2 in first stitch
Or, you can just use a piece of felt if the shape is not pleasing!
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Sewing things together should be pretty self explanatory. If you make a little guy with this pattern please show me I want to see planes...!!!!
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I’ve been meaning to send this request for a while now, but I let my desire for a seemingly nonexistent “perfect” moment get in the way. 😛
Anyway, your take on the Autobots’ names and their meanings is still one of my favorite posts of yours. I’ve come up with one or two meanings of my own for a couple of the characters, but I’m curious about what you think the meanings of the Decepticons’ names would/should be. :)
I've been meaning to get to this forever. Sorry this took me an eternity and a half to get around to writing for! Hope you like it!
Decepticons and their Names
Just like the Autobots, the Decepticons developed alternate names to keep their true names secret while still hinting at it. They didn't bother trying to appear more human or adjust their body language in any meaningful way. They simply never saw the need to comply with human naming conventions. However this does not mean that their true names aren't known to anyone.
Soundwave knows just about every bot's true name. It was part of procedure when it came to joining high command. A Decepticon couldn't rise through the ranks if they weren't willing to give Soundwave their true designation for security reasons. And while not the most well received of moves, it did end up keeping quite a few revolts from happening with the perpetrators true name on the line.
Soundwave however is not a mech who would abuse what power he has been given. As such, while he knows the names, he does not use them against the bot whom the designation belongs to unless absolutely necessary. Still there are times when he needs to reconfirm designations and he takes great care of them.
Megatron's true designation is long, a testament to his age and a show of his wisdom. His name has changed greatly over the millennia, but core features of it always remain even through every alteration. His name when translated into human language is roughly akin to [Resilient-Spark-Defiant-Fighter-Silver-Tongued-Truth-Speaker-Seeker-of-Change-Sword-of-Vengance]. It is as shortened a version of his designation that can be managed. If his whole name was written out, it would rival Optimus's in length. When spoken aloud his name sounds like a long forgotten chant, one whispering of times long gone all while the grinding of gears echoed quietly amidst it.
Shockwave's designation is an odd one that contradicts itself over and over again due to the changes he underwent on the Council's orders. Its almost painful to look at when written simply because of how unpleasant it is in its contradictions. His true designation is so unsettling to look at that Soundwave has put it away and refuses to even so much as glance at it until it comes time to check his files. The name comes out to be something along the lines of [Kind-Spark-Empty-Vessel-Hopeful-Light-Bringer-Endless-Void-of-Knowledge]. When spoke aloud it is both lovely to hear and painful for the audio receptors. It sounds like the humming of a spark within its chassis combined with the gentle whistle of wind, but is contradicted by the dull and toneless notes of steady clicking and grinding that nearly cancel the musical qualities out entirely.
Starscream's is surprisingly lovely and holds greater meaning than one would expect. Starscream was after all, not always a traitorous glitch fond of cowardly retreats and greed. Once, long ago Starscream was a noble leader for his people, doing everything in his power to protect them only to at some point lose himself along the way. His name comes out to be [Guardian-Star-Guiding-Beacon-Swift-Lord-of-the-Skies-Radiant-Jewel]. Starscream has always taken great pride in his true designation and has never once uttered it aloud, not for anyone. Even when giving his designation to Soundwave, he merely wrote it down and did not speak at all. However based on what can be gathered, if it was to be spoken aloud it would sound a great deal like the swaying of trees, the chiming of bells, and the constant thrum of a jet engine preparing for takeoff.
Knockout's designation is odd considering his personality, but Soundwave has always assumed that it is simply a matter of the medic having changed over his lifetime. However even with that in mind, there are still bits and pieces that apply to the persona Knockout presents. His designation translates into something similar to [True-Sighted-Spinner-of-Dreams-Faceted-Child-of-Visonaries-Bright-Sparked-Healer]. Perhaps his name spoke of an age where things were different for Knockout, a time where he was more hopeful, open, and friendly. But either way, when spoken aloud his name sounds like the distant trickling of raindrops on a tin sheet, the swaying of tall grass amid a storm, and the crackling of distant thunder all soothed by the gentle patter of stones down a hill.
Breakdown's name was by comparison far clearer and easier to see where it came from. His was straightforward, a perfect representation of his character and spoke of his true pureness of spark. His designation almost made Soundwave wonder just what the warrior was doing amid the Decepticon ranks. His name spoke of someone more suited toward the Autobot's ideals of purity, that with his name translating to mean [Warrior-for-Justice-Protector-of-the-Meek-Gentle-Giant-Comforter-Guardian-of-the-Vulnerable]. Even the sound of his name sounds like it should belong to an Autobot, that with it being like that of the quiet humming of a loving parent combined with the war chant of an army preparing to fight for their homeland.
Dreadwing's designation is one that Soundwave has no real opinion on but finds somewhat fascinating due to how it speaks of his character. It is fairly straightforward much like Breadown's, but like all true designations, it is special in its own unique way, even when translated to [Stoic-Watcher-of-Shifting-Tides-Bound-Protector-of-Spark-Shards-Enduring-Warrior]. Its spoken notes are much like the beating of hammers on an anvil accompanied why the bellows of a beast in the deep. However there is a soft undertone of wind rushing past rock, creating a gentle whistling sound. Overall a fascinating mix of sounds and meanings, but not too noteworthy in Soundwave's book.
Then there is Soundwave's name, the one he has not shared with anyone, not even Megatron. His true designation is something he has kept to himself simply because... he hardly remembers it. A true designation should be something a bot always remembers, but with what Soundwave was forged to do, only bits and pieces have stuck over the millennia. It is something that pains him. He wishes he could remember it all, but as he can't he has filled in his name as best as he can using what he does recall, earning him the translated name [Silent-Keeper-of-Knowledge-Custodian-of-the-Dark-in-All-Tireless-Watcher-of-Eternity]. He has not said it aloud, but he guesses that if it was, it would sound a great deal like the near silent murmurings of mecha long dead and the gentle swaying of all sorts of structures. His name would hardly even be capable of being heard if not for the quiet din of a stone falling into water that would echo quietly should his name be said out loud.
So many names, so many meanings, and Soundwave keep them all dutifully.
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mychlapci · 5 months
TFA anon thinks that courtship between Cybertronians would be fascinating.
A seeker bot twirling around in the air, trying to impress another seeker into having them as their mate while also trying to one up the other seeker that is also trying to win over the same seeker the first one was trying to impress. If impressed, the seeker would flutter their wings to create a buzzing noise and then join their selected mate in the sky.
A speedster showing off to another potential mate by showing off their speed on a racetrack, and the other speedster bumps gently into the other speedster when they slow down after a little while of showing off to inform them that they had won them over and then speeding off in a playful game of tag so the speedster that won them over could catch them and claim their prize.
A grounder slowly circling another grounder while revving their engines or purring softly, leaving just enough room for them to leave if they aren’t interested. The grounder that’s being circled promptly drives alongside them to show their approval of them being their mate while revving or purring as well. The two then drive off while purring happily.
Maybe this happens on Earth and when humans (let’s say Miko, Raf, and Jack) see it for the first time (between maybe Bulkhead and Wheeljack or Optimus and Ratchet) they are surprised by how similar it is to other animals courting another.
Though the situation may vary depending on the pair. Let’s say that it’s a grounder and a speedster. The grounder may try something different like showing off their speed or doing donuts on the road while revving their engines. If persuaded, the speedster may join them by either driving alongside them or doing donuts with them. If it’s a grounder and a seeker, then it may be a little awkward for them to do a courtship dance but they’ll try. The grounder may still slowly circle around the seeker and the seeker may still show off in the air but what happens in the end if they accept makes things a little tricky. A grounder can’t go up and fly with the seeker and the seeker can’t drive alongside the grounder or do donuts. Maybe they’d just race each other instead of maybe the grounder would do donuts alongside the seeker dancing in the sky. Who knows. It just depends on the situation.
i love alt-mode courting so much. Fliers doing elaborate dances in the sky, speedsters showing off their speed, trucks and tanks showing off the strength and volume of their engine...
i've said this before, but i am forever in love with the idea of a speedster courting with a slower grounder, so they purposefully slow down so that their partner can feel like they're impressing them with their speed... so sweet. or jets flying above their grounder, twirling and showing off while the grounder does the same, just on the ground... it's a difficult courtship because they can't exactly join one another but mayhaps after a while the jet can stop and settle and their grounder can rest under their wing?
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samhatch · 3 months
Prologue for an Andras fic
I love Andras, even though he has almost no book presence. I feel like I've built him up so much in my head, I really want to know more about him. So I started writing a story focused on him in the years just before he sacrifices himself in the first book. Let me know what you think! Hopefully I can start working on this as my next project. ---------------------------------------------
If Tamlin was a wolf, and Lucien was a fox, then Andras was a dog. A fiercely loyal and protective guardian, he was also full of boundless joy and ceaseless energy that would immediately charm all those in his company. Although he was native to spring, he lacked the refined quality of his peers. His jet black hair was cut in shaggy, uneven locks, and he had no qualms about showing his crooked teeth when he often smiled. 
The High Lord’s mutt, people called him. Somehow, Cauldron only knows how, his parents managed to conceive him. His father was a lesser-fae pict and had bewitched the aetherial high-fae beauty that was his mother. Their love was true, but it cost them their lives. Like any child born amongst the fae, the rarity of Andras’ conception demanded that he be allowed to live. But his parents’ cross-breeding had to be punished, and Tamlin’s late father had them sentenced to death. Andras was raised in the war camps as soon as he was weaned. 
It was there that he met Tamlin, the then Prince of Spring. Andras wanted to hate him for everything his father had done. But over time, he learned their hatred of the High Lord was a shared one, and Tamiln had suffered just as much abuse, if not more, under his tyranny. Their friendship grew quickly over the years, and after the tragic slaughter of Tamlin’s family the role of high lord fell to him. His first official act as the High Lord of Spring was to appoint Andras as captain of the guard.
Between having a war beast for a high lord and a half-breed for a captain, most of the ranks and courtiers deserted. But a loyal few remained, and they would welcome new members to the court: outcasts and asylum seekers, like Lucien. Spring became known as a haven for anyone who was different. A paradise that was all too short lived. Amarantha cursed them, and year after year passed without any hope of breaking it. 
One day, during the final years of the curse’s duration, Andras left to patrol the border of the wall as he often did. He’d come to expect the naga and the martax that tried to poke holes in the wall to break into the human world. It was his duty to dispatch them, and slaughter them on sight. What he didn’t expect to find was a human woman, unconscious in the grass. 
He was still miles from the wall, and he knew it was miles thereafter until the nearest human village. But he didn’t need to speculate for long how she arrived in Prythian. Speckled in the grass all around her was a ring of mushrooms: a faerie portal.
Cross posted to my AO3:
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Wicked Ones | ES Skywarp x Nova Storm x f!human reader | NSFW 18+
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Word count: 1500+
Warnings: Smut ( Spark merging, touching, licking, fingering and oral ) and robots on human. NSFW 18+.
Notes: Something new and different. I really enjoyed working with these seeker femmes. Thanks for sending in your request @badkarma-900 hope you like it. 🥰
Title of this story was inspired by this song. ❤️
Conjunx Endura - Significant Other Amica Endura - Long-term Best Friend
☕ Coffee
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The high you get when playing music is an addiction you craved each time you and your band would perform. You're the lead drummer, and pretty damn good at it. On stag you were swimming through the loud music and the cheers of the crowds with a wide beaming smile, loving every moment of it as the performance went on. People loved you and you admired your fans, but there are two who were your biggest fans that no one else knew about, and with good reason.
Who would've thought two giant alien robots from another planet would come into your life?
"Hey ladies!" You cheer outloud to the seekers at their little bunker they had settled. You've just come from a long performance, the adrenalin still kicking through your heart.
"There's our rockstar!" Skywarp giggles as she comes down to help you up onto the platform to stand in their view.
"We loved the performance!" Nova Storm adds through pumped enthusiasm. "Hope you didn't mind Skywarp and I adding in that little jet performance nearing the end?"
You grin wildly. "Are you kidding? It was fucking amazing! The crowds loved it too, which added more thrill for everyone."
"I don't understand why you two waste your time doing silly stunts for the humans." You hear Starscream say from across the room. "Entertaining them for a short moment like trained pets."
"You make it sound so much worse." You shake your head holding a small smirk. "If you join them you might feel the thrill."
"I'll pass." Starscream wasn't one for a lot of fun you think to yourself.
"In that case, shoo." Skywarp suddenly says to the red and blue seeker catching him off guard slightly.
"You're kicking me out?"
"It's ladies night!" Nova Storm giggles with her wings flickering.
Starscream lets out a wounded groan before he starts heading out. "Fine. But I'll be having my own fun tomorrow and you two will need to shoo then." He's out of the bunker before any of you could question.
"What kind of fun is he into?" You ask through a curious smile.
"Starscream's fun? Could be anything, but most likely his fun is peace and quiet by himself." Skywarp shrugs as you all make your way further into the bunker.
"Well that's sad." A part of you feels sorry for him. "Perhaps next time I do a show you two should drag him along, force him to have your kind of fun, he might like it."
Suddenly you feel yourself being picked up by Skywarp and held closely up at her face. You feel the heat radiating from her warm face plating adding blush against your skin. Right to it then. You're not complaining in the slightest, as this is what you came here for.
"And let him steal our fun? Steal you from us? Nah." Skywarp lets out a vibrating purr that gently shakes through your body and causes a low delightful hum to leave you.
"Besides, don't you want us all for yourself?" Nova Storm is already sitting in their little area before Skywarp brings you over to join.
"Never knew you two were the jealous types."
You remove your top casually and wiggle out from your shorts, leaving you in your lace bra and thin thong clinging against your sweaty skin, mostly from the concert, but you feel yourself beading with sweat and heat once again due to the growing arousal.
"You're ours, y/n." Skywarp watches you, ruby optics eternalling, the very lingering stare they both give that makes you ache and so wet. "And all you need is us."
Nova Storm shifts closer and gently takes Skywarp's chin between her digits, tugging her closer and sharing a kiss with her conjunx. You bite your lips softly at the sight of them, watching your seeker lovers kissing gives you such a surprising thrill. While seated in Skywarp's servo you toss the rest of your undergarments aside, leaving you bare and naked for them to do with as they please.
"Is someone missing out?" Nova Storm asks through a silky tone before leaning closer over you, nuzzling against your breasts before nudging your legs apart, her thick glossa darting out and swiping across your very core.
The very action causes your back to arch up under her warm glossa, letting out a soft shrill and gripping your hands against Skywarp's digits. It was such an erotic feeling having them do this to you, and so much more has happened already. You three simply are in it for fun.
Nova Storm lets out a muted moan against your tingling core and clit, Skywarp watching through lustful optics while you wiggle yourself against the wet warmth gliding across you. Suddenly you feel the tip of her glossa press against you, entering, stretching your depths as you clench down, moaning loudly out for your biggest fans.
You were already so worked up from the concert, so it doesn't take long for you to orgasim and you don't hold back, arching your ass up as you tremble with your juices soaking out and dripping.
"Oh my, was it that good?" Skywarp can't help but giggle and bit her lips at the way you came so quick and hard. Nova Storm laps everything you give, her frame quivering at your taste.
"Like sweet energon." She purrs as she moves away and kisses Skywarp to share your sweet nectar. You have no idea what that is, but you can guess it must taste pretty good to them.
"So good..." You manage to sigh between heated breaths, laying there and gazing up at them, craving for more. They seem to pick up on this and both smirk down at you.
Both their chassis open up and you're faced with the illuminating blue light of their sparks. It's such a gorgeous sight. You know what they wanted. It's been done before between you three and you're very turned on and fascinated by what happens.
Sitting naked between them you sit on the inside edge of Nova Storm's spark chamber, gently touching the glowing orb and smiling to yourself when you hear her gasp out. You know to be gentle, to take care of their sparks and enjoy yourself. After all, you're pretty much in contact with, as the humans say, their hearts.
Gazing down you notice Skywarp has started to finger Nova Storm, servo pumping away at her endura while listening to the music they played, and you start to caress both their sparks as they close and join together in front of you.
It's been explained to you what spark merging is. It's a ritual that joins two or more sparks together of friendship or romantic love, so they can combine into one. How detailed that bond is, from the mental link to a physical need to be together, to full out emotional and mental mind reading to one another.
Skywarp and Nova Storm were conjunx endura, in human terms, married. Starscream was also part of this bond but he is only an amica endura, a close friend.
As you caress the blue orbs under your hands you tilt you head and lick along the outside, feeling a gentle electric buzz rushing through you as you taste it, moaning lowly, mixing in with your seekers' own sounds. You hear them speak your name, praise you and one another, some other words you think is their own language as you take care of their sparks and help build up their pleasure.
The only way you could describe the taste of their sparks is that it's almost like dragon fruit, mildly sweet, a blend of pear and kiwi. It might sound weird but that's how it did taste to you.
Moving your hand down you start to rub your clit in circular motions, sucking and licking at the joining orbs as you let out a moan as you feel another orgasim suddenly build in you. Doesn't take much at all.
Their sparks glow more intense, glittering around you, and this is your only warning that your seekers were closing in to their overload, and so you work your fingers quicker against yourself, continuing to touch and drag your tongue against their sparks. It honestly felt like an honour to be able to touch such an intimate place to them. They chose you, they wanted you. You love spending every moment with them.
Skywarp passionately kisses Nova Storm as they both pump their digits into her valves together, glossas coiling with her mates while their human friend stimulates their sparks perfectly. It won't be long now.
Then it happens. Their sparks glow brightly in a burst of light as both seekers came to their overload and you came hand a second time under your working fingers. Watching their sparks sizzle together was such a beautiful sight. You'll never tire of it.
When it's over you're carefully brought up and set against Skywarp's shoulder where you lay down to get comfortable.
"Best ladies night ever." You grin softly before kissing her cheek.
"Damn right." Noza Storm joins and you three let yourselves calm down from your arousals, knowing very well that you'll probably be at it again soon enough.
"Night is still young..." You tease lightly, making them both snicker.
"Oh y/n, we're never letting you go."
Fine by you.
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drill-teeth-art · 2 years
Your fanged Skyfire is so handsome 😍 he and Starscream are the ultimate power couple
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Thank you so much omg! I've done a bunch of speculating in my own head about what a cool Skyfire Earthspark plot would be, so I can share a bit of my musing on that hehehe XD Big block of text for my idea under the cut.
Skyfire worked for GHOST as a researcher for a time after the war ended, but he was quickly troubled by the projects he was asked to work on. Devices that could lock a Transformer in their alt mode seemed tame compared to some of the queries for weapons that passed through his lab. And he was quickly repulsed by the organization that he'd once had faith in to bring a balance to Transformers living on Earth. He was certain Optimus Prime would listen to his concerns, but he was quickly horrified at the Autobot leader's insistence that GHOST was the best way forward. He loved Earth as his new home. There was so much to learn about that he was already fond of and so many new things to be excited to discover. But he could not stand by an organization that would be so willing to demonize a whole faction of their species. He knew a Decepticon wasn't a mindless monster. From his own experience. He told Optimus and GHOST that he was taking a little vacation to ease his mind. Both agreed, seeing no reason to suspect him of anything, but then he disappeared off both their radar. He got a change to his frame, the slightly new silhouette making it easier to get away with being in more public spaces, and sought out Starscream, the Decepticon he trusted and loved. Even though he had ended up siding with the Autobots during the war, he had missed Starscream immensely and always suspected that he'd been too hasty in his decision. Finding Starscream was trickier than he expected. He discovered that the seeker had escaped captivity along with Soundwave, and it must've been a few days before he broke into GHOST headquarters to do it. But he knew how to find the jet and tracked down their hideout after a day or two. The reunion was tense until Skyfire clearly stated his intentions to join the Decepticons and find a way forward better than whatever GHOST had in mind. And, he added, he was there to finally be by Starscream's side, something he'd always wanted and finally had the courage to do. If the new leader would have him, he'd gladly join the Decepticons. Starscream gladly welcomed him, and in a rare moment of genuine vulnerability reserved for the transformers closest to its spark, it told Skyfire it missed him and loved him and was overjoyed at his return to it. Getting comfortable with each other again certainly had hurdles as they worked on uniting the Decepticon forces again with Soundwave, but they soon forged a bond stronger than they'd ever had before. They became an extremely formidable power couple, with Starscream as the Decepticon leader and Skyfire as its second in command.
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sharpestasp · 6 months
Movie Watch
(six years after release, however long since the DVD came out, FINALLY watching this)
This is going to be strictly a collection of my immediate reactions to the film because DAMN I HAVE NOT ENJOYED A TF FILM LIKE THAT SINCE '07. With less squick-humor too!
Please don't harsh my squee. I really, really loved this one.
OMG. ALL THE RECOGNIZABLE CONS AND BOTS! Poor son had to deal with me naming them off Prime doing Jet Judo
John Cena is a mess
BABY! Bumblebee, you were never meant to fight a seeker one on one Nice moves though MY BABY! Oh my poor baby. BOOYAH! That's my BOY!
Oh trivia: Bell, Burns' (Cena's) friend on the exercise? Is Aldis Hodge's brother. (he was in "The Jailhouse Job" too)
Real dysfunctional family vibes there
Soundtrack is rocking.
Shatter is fascinating though.
I'm loving Gwen Stacy, I mean, Charlie Alright, at least I'm not calling her Kate Bishop
Mom and Ron are so 80s. In their parenting.
OH she stayed! She saw he was having trouble.
"Tell me things. Sometimes." YOU DON'T LISTEN MOM!
BUMBLEBEE, so scared!
I think Charlie is awesome, BTW
oh dear. Arriving Decepticon now? Okay, that was a little gross, but Roy vaguely deserved it at least? And the woman survived.
Okay Bumblebee and dogs is just a recurring theme? Charlie explaining the need to stay hidden. BEE! Silly boy. Hiding his head in the sand
"Nonbiologicals" THEY ARE BIOLOGICALS, JUST A DIFFERENT BIOLOGY Oh GREAT. We're going to go with the deception part of Decepticon.
Optimus's message. OH HONEY. HELLO RAVAGE.
Bee keeps flinching so much. His PTSD. It is bad. LOL. I said "Not a Smiths fan" before Charlie did. +wibbles so hard+ Bee has his first human.
(listening to Charlie talk about losing her dad, hit son and me both. Him for the recent loss of his, me for coming up on Mom's deathiversary)
Memo is adorable in a particular way that is so the 80s oh Charlie is a teenager! So much.
Okay Sector 7's Powell is WORSE than Simmons was in the first movie.
Do not be stupid teenagers. "You Got the Touch", really?
Okay, Bee, a little much there. Oh dear. Cops. I love Bee, but boy he is very young (and damaged memory processors)
OH NO. MAKING HIM STAY HOME. This is going to go so badly. OH NO. NO NO NO BEE! And now the 'cons know.
Mom needed to hear all that.
OH JAYS, I actually had to look at the trivia to get that, BAD ASP. Judd Nelson - Hot Rod in the original '86 film / All the Breakfast Club spots in this
SHE'S DOING CPR! This is so The Abyss between Bud and Lindsey.
AND NOW IT IS IRON GIANT TIME! Very very good, well done.
okay the station wagon scene was cute
Okay, Charlie, honey? What in hell you think you gonna do? "I go, you stay" moment.
Bee against Dropkick DAMN BEE! Was Jazz your instructor? And Charlie to the rescue? She looks ... yep. Going after Shatter. Yep. Jazz taught Bumblebee how to fight, headcanon now. C'mon, Bee. HOLY SHIT! GREAT MOVE WITH THE CHAIN. AWWWWWW Bee saving Burns! And then, AND THEN! He took Shatter right out! Burns made the right choice.
And now, HOLY SHIT. They have to leave each other. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH (I feel bad for him having to deal with Sam after knowing Charlie.) MY HEART! SWEET! Nice car. Family reunion time. I APPLAUD the "not quite there yet" OMG I LOVED
And yeah, works better as a soft reboot than a prequel with that last scene Also, Bee-the-camaro riding alongside CLASSIC Semi that looked like PRIME of the cartoon? PRICELESS
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transingthoseformers · 6 months
Tarn geting on his infrequently used personal account on The Great Conversation and lurking in Relationship Advice before coming to the conclusion he actually needs to post because there's no previous question that addresses his problem.
Megatron gets a high priority notification that DamasceneSteel is posting. Tarn is using his old personal username! Megatron keeps tabs on his most volitle high comand member's activity infrequent as it is. "Help! I accidentally seduced a jet," is the last thing Megatron expected from the DJD leader so he lurks on his personal acccount(identity known only to Soundwave) and watches the trainwreck unfold in real time.
Tarn's geting notifications of Lucky slagger! Or, Share your Wisdom I beg you! Not to mention, Hoax! Everybody knows jets dont frag grounders ever!
Then User ShootyShoot McBangBang weighs in to dispense his wisdom. No hoax mech. I once when I was a newbuild, I slaged off my CO so bad i got temporary assigned to a grounder unit and let me say you losers on the ground are fragging weird about fragging. All weird and soft and slag when you flirt. I though my temp CO was flirting with me but when I kissed him he punched me for being a weirdo. The loser had no clue even when I explained how to him exactly how he was coming on to me!"
Tarn meanwhile is cross-referencing the database. Misfire might be an incompetent Deceptacon but he's a seeker and he's actually giving an explanation that's sheding light on of what the frag just happened with Pharma.
What would Jet courting look like to the uninitiated? Tarn typed tentitavely and waited for a response.
Hmmmm. It's really hard to describe the subtitles between flirt-threat and threat-threat to grounders but basicaly if it looks like a seeker's trying to kill you and you're still alive or they could kill you at any moment and they chose not to it's pretty likely they're trying to spike you.
Tarn blinked in shock and typed an incomplete response as he processed. Wait would that mean
KaoniteMiner2793 responded at the same time, But Starscream
Misfire cut them both off with STOP! ✋️ 🛑 Speculating on the Air Comander's love life WILL get you slagged! He'll make sure. You could be a Phase Sixer or the slagging DJD and he would find a way! Anyhow onto a shiny new and much safer topic! DamasceneSteel, you said you seduced a jet and I hadn't heard through the gosip network about anyone in the airforce geting it on with a grounder. You bringing the good news of The Cause to the Lost Colonies, or trying to pull a DocKnock?
Pull a DocKnock? Tarn typed brow furrowed under his mask
ShootyShoot McBangBang blythly typed away unaware who he had warned off. You know Knockout the medic and interogator from Velocitron? Pulled a slagging Wrecker over to our side early in the war with his impeccable valve Dom game? Break-something or other? The two of them single-handedly launched the Converted to the Cause porn genre. Its rumored some of the hottest smut in the genra were written by one of the elite trine.
It's been so long I forgot about that recruitment campaign. KaoniteMiner2793 added. It got unpopular when mechs realized they had to kill their lovers if they didn’t join the Cause and didn’t have live capture bounties.
Tarn considered his response. Misfire didn't. Live capture bounties! we had those! When?! 🤯
We still do. Tarn educated absenly before he logged off. Mostly medics and a few others who if they can be made to serve The Cause are more useful alive than dead. Thank you for your help clarifying the situation.
Tarn leaned back in his chair to best consider how to use the situation.
Megatron blinked at his screen stuned. Starscream's ridiculous stunts were courting attempts?!?! It was ridiculous! Preposterous! It made... entirely too much sense actualy. Had he accidentally been engaging in an amorous game of one-upmanship with his subordinate??? What in the Pit?!
Misfire sipped someone else's energy drink and scrolled to a new thread.
This is just great amazing great amazing great
Win Misfire for being our Ultimate The Great Conversation problem solver today
Megatron is Learning Today and he's not quite sure he's ready to think out the consequences
Tarn got what he was looking for, and shall utilize that information accordingly (oh the humanity, that relationship is going to be so fun given the conditions of this au)
Win Knockout and Breakdown for kick-starting a porn genre
The little lore drops make it extra interesting too like the part about live bounties and how for a short period of time porn was 100% used as positive propaganda
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nevis-the-skeleton · 1 year
RANDOM TFP: What if Starscream was happy that Megatron was paying more attention to Airachnid then to him? (Because it means that Megatron will attack him less!) ... What if Starscream actually hopes that Airachnid takes his job, so Megatron will finally leave him alone? ... How would Megatron and Airachnid react to learning this? ^^; 
(if you want to know why I answer like this, you can read the short explanation here : My tumblr glitch )
Oh, an interesting question X3. Thank you for your request lovely anon ^^.
Starscream walked to the main hall of the Nemesis, cursing about Airachnid's unwanted presence. Why was that spider coming back now…?! Knowing her, she was going to do everything possible to ruin his life, especially in front of Megatron!
The Seeker enters the room, and wasn't even surprised when he saw the Techno-Organic. It was to be expected that she would be there, like vermin she could infiltrate everywhere. Airachnid and Megatron seemed to be discussing something, and the jet closed in before saying:
“Hello, Lord Megatron."
The latter did not answer him, ignoring him completely. Oh? That was new? So what? He was acting like Starscream didn't exist now? Honestly, the Seeker preferred that to being yelled at, choosing was almost preferable.
On the other hand, what he didn't appreciate at the moment was that the two robots seemed to be discussing a strategic plan, except that usually it was at the jet to do that. And most often he did it alone, because his Master usually had "more important things to do".
The jet frowned, but it wasn't really anger or jealousy. The main feeling going through him at that time was confusion. Airachnid finally seemed to notice him, but said nothing to him, merely giving him a mocking, condescending look.
Starscream supposed she thought she had won against him by having Megatron's attention, but the Seeker much preferred when his Master didn't notice him. It was unpleasant, sure, but at least it wasn't painful.   
“What are you doing standing there like a picket, Starscream?!" exclaimed the leader of the Decepticons.
The jet jumped a little, and stammered:
“Uh… I await your instructions, my Lord…
- You don't know how to do your job anymore?
- Well, you're kinda doing it actually...
- It's out of your hands now, Airachnid has proven more strategy than you've ever shown! Go get some energon instead! At least you know how to do it!
- Very well, Master."
Starscream gave a light bow, before quickly leaving the room, a smile on his face. He knew it should have upset him more than that, to not work on the plans anymore, but strangely his Spark couldn't be sad.
If he wasn't the one making the plans, Megatron wouldn't have any reason to blame him if the mission failed! The one he would blame would be Airachnid, not him! The Seeker couldn't take the joy out of that thought, for he gained two things: the first was to see that arrogant spider biting the dust, and the second was that his Master would beat him less often!
The jet flew away from the Nemesis, to go in search of energon, while continuing his reflections. There was a catch to this though, and that was that if Airachnid's first plan didn't work, Megatron would give him his role as strategist again...
But, Starscream didn't want to be anymore… Because, even if his plans were infallible on paper, there was always something that made them fall apart. Mainly his Lord, who ended up not following the plan anymore… And usually, the consequence was that the Seeker ended up lying on a bunk in the medical bay.
In fact, for this possible alternative of tranquility to work, he was going to have to help Airachnid a little, discreetly of course. Maybe she'd even end up taking his Second in Command title one day. The jet enthused at the thought. If all those star cycles in that position had taught him one thing, it was that you had no power as a Second in Command on this ship.
Let the spider take this dummy post if she wanted to! Starscream didn't want it anymore! This title only brought him closer to Megatron, often to his greatest misfortune. He didn't want to have to suffer the proximity of his angry Master anymore, that this pest of Airachnid take advantage of it, he was curious to know how long she would last.
Starscream landed in front of a cave, and flapped his wings, still processing the crazy thought he just had. Had he really considered giving up his place as Commander to Airachnid? Had he lost his mind?
The Seeker decided to hide all these strange ideas, and to concentrate on the search for energon. He quickly realized that he was not wrong, because after further analysis he found that this cave contained a large source of energon. He sent all the data to Soundwave, and resumed his place in the sky, to set out again in search of this precious resource.
Ah… sometimes he would like to have to do just that… Just get some energon, without having to worry about anything else… If he wasn't Commander anymore, would he have less insomnia? Less stress…? The more the thought took place in his mind, the more pleasant it became, eventually completely invading him.
Starscream returned shortly after sunset, and feared that he had taken too long… He had managed to find five new sources of energon, but he wondered if that would be enough for the leader of the Decepticons not to be angry at him…
“Starscream, good evening."
The Seeker turned, and faced Airachnid fully, who was closing in with that same smirk on her face. The jet had to do his best to keep his wings from expressing his annoyance, and replied:
“Good evening, Airachnid.
- Well, tell me, you're coming home very late. Are you trying to avoid someone?
- Not especially.
- Oh? Really?
- What exactly are you looking for, Airachnid?"
Starscream didn't bring up the spider's clear familiarity, as he easily understood she was doing it to make him angry. He was definitely not going to play her game.
“I hope what happened this morning didn't upset you too much. said the Techno-organic, in a fake apologetic tone.
- Oh, don't worry. replied the Seeker with a smile. Far be it from me to be offended for so little."
The jet had never been able to get out the idea of ​​Airachnid becoming Commander in his place. In fact, the longer his flight lasted, the more the thought convinced him. What mainly stopped him was if Megatron wanted to get rid of him, or if Airachnid took advantage of her position to harass him. But, he quickly found solutions to these two points.
First, Starscream was the only one who could find energon! If the leader of the Decepticons decided to get rid of him, the Decepticons would quickly die of starvation, and it will not be difficult to convince his Lord of this certain truth! And, as for Airachnid, she'll be so busy with her job that she'll never have time to go after him!
He was now sure of one thing, it was that he was going to do everything possible so that she became Commander in his place! And the beginning of his plan was to provoke her, to push her to go further in her audacity.
“I know you will never match me for this position. Lord Megatron has a little whim, but it will pass. You're just a fleeting little thing, you're far from being a threat to me!
- If I were you, Starscream, I wouldn't be so sure."
Starscream raised his wings in surprise, and turned his head to see his Master and Soundwave advancing towards them. Scrap! How long had they been listening?! The Seeker then said to himself that after all, it was useless to worry about it. Maybe that the position of Commander will go free sooner than expected! The jet decided to put his best acting on the job, and lowered his wings in a fake position of loss of confidence, before sputtering, while sagging:
“What… what do you mean my Lord…”
This seemed to fool the robots with him, as it wasn't long before he saw a haughty smile forming on Airachnid's face. Megatron kept his same stern expression, before saying:
“I have a feeling the more time passes the more you think you're untouchable, Starscream.
- Far… far from me this idea… Master…
- Something tells me that the position of Second in Command could use a little novelty."
Starscream's Spark jumped in his chest as his joy was intense, and he did his best to show a totally different expression. He clutched his wings, with a supposedly panicked expression, then exclaimed:
"No…! You don't think so…!
- You dare answer me?!" Megatron retorted bluntly, raising an arm, prompting the Seeker to put an arm in front of him, to protect himself.
This, it was not comedy… The jet had really been afraid that the leader of the Decepticons would hit him… He had managed to dodge the blows all day, which was extremely rare! He would like it to continue like this.
"It… it wasn't my intention…" Starscream replied weakly.
His Lord frowned, and went no further, no hits, no remarks.
"You're lucky you did a pretty decent job today. Megatron declared. I will therefore be indulgent on your insolence this time.
- Thank you… my Lord…
- If you were as good at finding energon as you were at making plans, I wouldn't have to correct you so often."
The Seeker frowned, and looked away a bit, having to stop himself from rolling his eyes. "It's because of you that most of my plans fail…!" the jet hissed in his mind. It was then that an idea came to the mind of the jet, and he decided to propose it:
“Can I offer you something, Lord Megatron.
- Come on, what?
- Challenge us, Master. declared the flyer, in a position of confidence.
- Challenge?
- Yes, Airachnid and I. Challenge us! Thus, you will see who will be the most suitable for the position of Second in Command!"
Megatron looked pensive, but Starscream quickly saw that the Decepticons leader kinda like the idea, he was quick to smile, and replied:
“That's a good idea, Starscream. For once, I appreciate your audacity. All right, let's do that! Starting tomorrow, the challenge will begin! Don't disappoint me!"
Soundwave and the large silver robot departed, leaving the Seeker and Airachnid alone. The spider glared suspiciously at the jet, and the flyer decided to dispel his doubts by pretending to lose his confidence. The Techno-organic smiled, and moved closer to Starscream, who still tensed, as she invaded her personal space.
"Sorry to tell you like that, Starscream! But you will lose!" Airachnid sneered.
She went away laughing wickedly, while the Seeker lifted his wings in contentment, and a smile appeared on his lips, while he thought “Oh! But I intend to!"
The next day, the two took several tests, all painstakingly prepared by Soundwave. Test of intelligence, strategy, fighting and flying skills. For the most part, it was easy for Starscream to cheat to lose. Except for flying, Megatron had disparaged the Seeker on many things, but it was hard to fault him for anything when it came to his aerial skills.
But, as for the rest, the jet had done everything possible to miss it miserably, without it being too suspicious. During the fight Airachnid had taken advantage of it, but the flyer considered it a blessing in disguise.
He knew that for the intelligence and strategy test, the results would not be given until tomorrow, but that suited him. Thanks to that he had all the field free to falsify the answers of Airachnid, so that she “beats” him totally. He wanted to be really sure that the Triple-changer totally defeats him, so as not to leave a single doubt in Megatron.
It was during the night that he acts, he did not encounter any particular problem to enter the room, and his night vision allowed him not to need the light of the room to move and carry out his personal mission. He got there without any trouble, and didn't have to fix much on the copies of the spider for she have a better score. He still had to adjust two three points of her strategy, but apart from that, not much. Whatever he said, this pest remained intelligent.
Starscream quietly came out of the room, the light Spark, when he felt like he was already free! Soon he will no longer be Commander, and Lord Megatron will leave him alone! He can't wait tomorrow!
Starscream and Airachnid stood in front of Megatron who watched the results with a frown. He looked at the other two, and the Seeker pretended to have a shameful and doubtful expression.
“Good, well the result is final. declared the leader of the Decepticons. Airachnid won, hands down."
The jet sagged in a defeated position, as the spider stood tall, full of triumph! The flyer did his best to hide his smile, his Spark thumping louder and louder, hitting his audio-receivers.
Soundwave suddenly ran towards them, and motioned for his friend to come over to him. Megatron looked at him in confusion, and the other two robots were just as confused as him. It was rare to see the Communications Commander in this state.
The spy plane showed several recordings to the leader of the Decepticons, and occasionally pointed to Starscream. The Seeker frowned, his Spark slowly tightening in his chest, as his Master glared back at him in anger.
The jet lowered his wings in fear, his Lord rapidly approaching him. Megatron violently grabbed him by the throat, and raised a hand, ready to strike him, before shouting:
“So, you try to cheat?! Little pest!!"
Starscream had no idea what to say, as his mind only blamed him for not thinking about the potential cameras. Scrap! He might not be Commander anymore, but he was still going to get hit! He should never have entered this room!
It was then that Soundwave gently took his friend's hand, while shaking his head, calmly signaling him to let go of the Seeker. The two had a confused expression at the behavior of the spy plane, which eventually declared with a series of recordings:
“< Starscream > <indeed > < falsified > < the documents > < of Airachnid > < . >
- What?!" exclaimed the concerned, more than offended.
At this point, the jet genuinely wondered if Soundwave's goal was to help him or drive him even further into his misery, by alienating Airachnid against him as well.
“< But > < , > < his > < intention > < was not > < to harm > < her. >
- What do you mean, Soundwave?" Megatron questioned, clearly confused.
He still hadn't let go of Starscream's throat, but at least the grip was less strong.
"< Starscream > < has > < falsified > < Airachnid's > < documents > < for > < she > < have > < a > <highest score> < . >
- What?! cried out the leader of the Decepticons.
- Impossible! exclaimed the spider.
- < Also > < , > < he > < has > < done > < on purpose > < to give > < wrong answers > < on > < his > < copies > < . >"
"That's it... I'm dead..." thought the Seeker, totally giving up the possibility of having a fairly quiet life... His Master looked at him with a hard look, and growled:
“Actually, you're going to have to explain to me why you did that, Starscream!"
No matter how much the jet looked in all directions, he couldn't create the slightest lie. All explanation died in his throat, along with Megatron's tighter and tighter grip.
"< In any case > < his > < action > < has > < amply > < proved > < that he > < was > < better > < than Airachnid > < . > intervened again the Commander of Communication.
- What do you mean by that, Soundwave? questioned the leader of the Decepticons.
- < He > < has > < succeeded > < in > < finding > < the mistakes > < in > < the > < strategy > < of Airachnid > < , > < as well as > < her errors > < in > < the > < intelligence test > < . >"
The tall silver robot's gaze changed from anger to an expression Starscream couldn't quite read. Megatron released his grip on the Seeker who flapped his wings in confusion. But it seemed no one noticed, especially the Techno-Organic who was far too blinded by anger. "Um…what's going on here…?" the jet thought, totally lost. Was he the only one missing the mark?
“That's a strange way to prove your abilities to me, Starscream. the leader of the Decepticons finally said.
- Uh…
- Even for a simple test, it seems that you are unable not to make the slightest intrigue.
- Uh…
- You won.
- Uh…!
- So stop with your stammering, a Commander must be much more eloquent than that!"
Megatron and Soundwave left the room, and Airachnid glared at Starscream, who was still processing the information. The spider pointed one of her sharp paws at the Seeker, and screamed:
“You'll pay for this! I will make you regret this humiliation! That, I swear!"
She stormed out of the room, mad with rage, and left the jet, which was simply devastated... He had destroyed his only chance of freedom... Starscream had despite himself proven hat he was a "better" Commander than Airachnid, and this victory was terribly bitter.
Megatron and Soundwave walked together through the great halls of the Nemesis, and the leader of the Decepticons had a thoughtful expression. He turned to his friend, then said:
“His goal was to fail, right?
- < Affirmative > < . >"
The ex-gladiator frowned, then asked:
"Have you found a possible reason?
- ……
- Soundwave?
- Be less hard on him, and he will stay. Keep it up, and he'll go."
Those were the only words from the spy plane, which gave his friend one last look through his visor, before leaving.
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nebulablakemurphy · 1 year
Through Love And By Love (Pt. 9)
Summary: Twenty-Two years ago, Draco Malfoy used the imperius curse to slow Voldemort’s rise to power. No good deed goes unpunished. Warning: this series contains mature subject matter surrounding use of the imperius curse, discussions of trauma and mental illness; reader discretion advised.
18+ ONLY this chapter contains sexual content.
Part 8
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Hermione and Ron’s daughter, Rose, Harry and Ginny’s son, Albus, and Rosanna and Draco’s son, Scorpius, are all born within three months of each other. Rose is the oldest, followed by Scorpius and finally Albus.
All of their children remain close growing up, their lives forever entwined. But the three of them are truly inseparable.
Years pass, Harry is head of the auror department, spending a fair share of time with Draco. His partner of sorts, after Ron left the ministry, to join Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes.
Hermione succeeded Kingsley Shacklebolt as Minister for Magic.
For all intents and purposes, Rosanna still works interrogations. But truly she's a floater; she goes wherever they need her.
A twelve year old Rose, blows out her birthday candles, making a wish as everyone cheers. Hermione has a few tears in her eyes.
"Alright presents, presents for the birthday girl!" Molly takes her job as grandmother very seriously.
"We have loads to open. Ron, cut the cake for us, will you?" Hermione presses a hand to her husband's back.
"Yeah, Ron. Cut the cake for us!" Not two, but four voices sound in unison. Fred and George Weasley have always been especially fond of the Malfoy twins, and vice versa.
Molly eyes them fondly, yet in warning.
"This one's from me!" Hugo holds up the parcel, proudly. "And Mum and Dad."
Rose moves the present to her ear, shaking it with a smile.
"Sounds like-" Scorpius leans closer.
"We're here! We're late! We're sorry, Rose!" Leo rushes into the room, boyfriend Henry in tow. The blonde leans down, kissing Rose's head.
Rose reaches back and offers an awkward sort of hug. "Thanks for coming, Leo. I know you're busy."
"Never too busy for you." Leo is jet lagged, coming off a huge win, as seeker for the Holyhead Harpies. The all female team is headed for the Quiddich World Cup, for the first time in history.
"It's my fault, I'm always slowing her down. The muggle airports are a nightmare!" Leo’s boyfriend, Henry, is a rather tall, lanky man, with chestnut curls that spring freely about his head. As it turns out, squibs can't travel far by apparating with a witch or wizard. So when they travel long distance, it's by plane.
"Tell us about it." Helen, Hermione's mother understands completely.
"Anytime we go on holiday, security is barmy! They on flagged me because I forgot about my shoe buckle. They checked our luggage twice and we missed the entire flight." Hermione’s father, chimes in.
The conversation sparks Arthur's interest. In his humble opinion, muggle endeavors are more interesting than most magical ones.
Leo sets a large rectangular box near the growing pile at Rose's feet with a wink.
"What is it?" Albus inquires.
"You'll have to wait and see." Leo shrugs, ruffling his hair.
The Malfoy's are known for their extravagant gifts. This stems largely from Draco's upbringing. Gifting is his love language, Rosanna is showered in jewelry and clothing and handbags. Their children are no different, it is their father's way of showing just how much he adores them.
Rosanna accepts graciously and encourages others to do the same. This is particularly hard for Ron. Who for the longest time, thought Draco was just boasting about how wealthy he was.
The other children twiddle about, watching the gifts unwrap.
"Stop, James!" Polaris swats the boy's nagging hand away. He’s been tugging at her white blonde hair.
"Well if your big head weren't in the way." James remarks with wicked grin, giving another tug on her locks.
"Quit, James, I'm serious." Polaris pulls the end of her ponytail over one shoulder.
"No. I'm Sirius, James Sirius." He is a shameless flirt.
"That isn't funny, you must realize that." Vega scowls.
"Don't be so hard on him, he's trying." Roxanne, Angelina and George's daughter, remarks. "Can't all be blessed with the funny gene."
When things are good, they’re good. But when it rains, it pours.
Rosanna stomps toward her husband's office. Fuming down the hallway, past her coworkers with the latest issue of the Daily Prophet, clenched in her first.
Draco's door opens for her, on command, "sweetheart." He greets, from behind his desk. A bit of green apple still trapped between his teeth. “What’s happened?"
Rosanna slams the paper down onto the desktop, hand trembling as she does. "He can't go in September."
Draco sighs, skimming the front page. 'Desperate for male heir, Draco Malfoy acquired a time turner to have wife impregnated by He Who Shall Not Be Named. Scorpius Malfoy, son of the dark lord and Rosanna Malfoy is set to attend Hogwarts this coming fall.”
"It's too wordy, Skeeter has lost her touch." Draco shrugs, brushing the paper aside.
"Scorpius can't go to Hogwarts." Rosanna wraps both arms around herself.
"Of course he's going. Come off it." Draco can feel a throb take up in his left temple.
"Did you read what she said?” Rosanna's tone verges on hysterical. "What she's implying-"
"Is as disgusting as it is far fetched." Draco says, dismissively. "No one's going to believe this rubbish."
"You don't understand." Rosanna shakes her head, making to leave.
Draco stops her, leaning his body heavily against the door, blocking her exit. "Enlighten me." He taps her temple twice, before resting his hand against the side of her neck.
She fills his mind with hushed whispers and sideways glances. The apologetic smiles from members of her department, snickers and sneers from the last man brought in for questioning.
"You'd never do it for him, you know?" The man scoffed, teeth rotting out of his foul mouth. "You reek of desperation and remorse. You're pretty poppet; but you're weak. The dark lord couldn't get up for you."
"That's just ridiculous," Draco mutters, as they finally break apart. "Any man could get up for you."
"This isn't a joke." She snaps. "What if the other kids, or their parents see this and think-"
"No one who's anyone is going to believe this." Draco says again, softly. "He's been waiting to attend Hogwarts for years. We can't keep him home."
"What are we going to tell him?" They can shelter him at the manor. In their small group of friends, but not forever.
"We're going to tell him what we've told him a thousand times. People say things about our family that are vile, and moreover untrue." Draco understands this is hard, he knows she's frustrated. But they're on the same side and he doesn't want to fight.
"Rita's been saying Scorpius wasn't yours since he was born. But this...is the worst. How could she think that he-"
"Hush, love." Draco draws her into his chest, swaying her gently. "Scorpius is a wonderful, loving, smart, compassionate boy. He's our boy, and he's good."
The months leading up to their youngest child's departure are torturous. They speak about the war, the parts they played. How sometimes they worked with opposing forces, but truly they always fought for each other. A vague rundown of their prophecy, briefly touching on the blurred lines they'd crossed while Rosanna was under the imperius curse. They mention Hermione's torture, the final battle, how choosing Harry allowed him to win.
Presenting their son with his own copy of their autobiography. "Through Love And By Love" by Draco and Rosanna Malfoy, was on the required reading list for seventh years.
Although he wouldn’t be reading it for sometime; each of their children was given a copy with their dedication on the first page.
'For Leo Selene, our every dream, the light at the end of the tunnel, and inspiration to write this story.'
'For Arlo Cressida, our reason to seek healing, the hope for a better future, and inspiration to share this story.'
'For Vega Juniper, our next chapter, the first half of our double trouble, the world is a better place for having you in it.'
'For Polaris Athena, our moving forward and second half spitfire, you burn as brightly as the star for which you are named.'
'For Scorpius Hyperion, our proof that history does not always repeat itself, and that things will get better; no matter how impossible it seems.'
Scorpius runs his fingertips over the scripture, "I know why you're worried about me. But I'm your son," he says, proudly. "If you can survive all of that," he clears his throat, "I can survive being called names."
"Some people suck," Rosanna tells him, leaning forward to take his hands. "Don't let them get under your skin. Always remember who you are."
"You'll have Albus and Rose there with you." Draco tacks on, "Your sisters too, if you need them; James, Teddy-"
"I know Dad," Scorpius cuts off his father with a lopsided grin.
Rosanna pulls back, before she bursts into tears. "You want some tea?" She runs a hand over Draco's hair.
He turns, slightly, kissing the inside of her wrist. "Tea would be nice."
"Did you get the talk too then?" Rose asks, aboard the Hogwarts Express, after their parents and the train station have disappeared from view.
"You mean the birds and the bees? Yes, I did. It was awful, thanks for reminding me." Scorpius frowns.
"No, not that talk." Rose rolls her eyes.
"You mean about the Wizarding war?" Albus asks his cousin.
"Exactly...you in particular, Scorpius. How are you doing?" She puts her hand over his.
"I'm fine, Rose." He stammers, "it's weird though, my looks favor my Dad. I'm surprised no one's said she's not my real Mum."
"Everybody knows Skeeter's a tosspot." Albus shrugs. "And that's besides the point, if any of you are fathered by you know who, it's Polaris." The girl is a nightmare in her own right.
"Then Vega too, by default." Rose says disapprovingly. "They are identical twins; that means one embryo divided during-"
"Don't you think he's suffered enough without thinking about his Mum's embryos?" Albus scolds his cousin.
Scorpius smiles, "thanks, Al. What'd you say we try our luck flagging down the trolley? I want to try the chocolates."
Arlo leaves her train car and Ravenclaw roommates, to wander down and check on her brother. Peeking through the glass window at her youngest sibling, having a laugh with Rose and Albus. The seats around them full of empty sweet wrappers.
She's about to knock and get his attention, when someone startles her.
"Is he someone I should know?" A burly, dark haired, boy asks. His door pulled open behind her.
"Excuse me?" Arlo turns quickly, it's not a voice she recognizes, heavily accented and deep.
"You are the third one to look in." The boy motions to Scorpius. “Is he special?"
"I guess that depends on who you ask," she shrugs. "He's my kid brother. I have three sisters, two are still students, we're supposed to look out for him."
"He is special then." The stranger nods.
"You're not from here." Arlo says with a smile. It's a breath of fresh air, meeting someone who has no clue what sodding Rita Skeeter and the Daily Prophet, has been saying about their family for years.
"What gave me away?" He laughs, flashing her a blinding grin.
"Well for starters, you've got a smidge of an accent. Any relation to Bulgarian Bon Bon, Viktor Krum?" She crosses her arms over her chest.
"Bulgarian Bon Bon?" He's never heard the term.
"Never mind, it's just a thing-" she shakes her head.
He grins. "I am Marko Petrov."
"Arlo Malfoy." She extends her hand for a shake.
"Nice to meet you, my Arlo." The tall man takes her hand gently, pressing his lips to the back.
"Just Arlo," she stammers, breathlessly.
"I will learn." He takes a step back, bowing his head.
"Honest mistake." Arlo waves away his concern, "so what brings you to Hogwarts?"
"My mother passed away three years ago." Petrov explains.
"Oh, I’m sorry."
"My father’s new wife was teaching in Bulgaria. But her home is here." Marko tells his new found friend.
Arlo nods.
"Now we’re here." His voice is pleasant. The longer he speaks, the more Arlo wants to listen.
"I've gotta get back to my friends. But you can come sit with us, if you want." Arlo offers, waving him back toward her seat.
"What about your brother?" The transfer student asks.
"Scorpius is fine." Arlo assures him, he hasn't even noticed her standing in the doorway; for what was, at this point, an obscene amount of time.
"We're all named after stars and constellations," Arlo explains. "It's kind of stupid, but it's a thing."
Over the next few days, Draco and Rosanna receive daily letters from their children. Knowing from past experience, that they will die down after the first month.
"We have another Slytherin." Rosanna shakes the parchment at her husband as he lounges on the couch. Feet propped up on the coffee table, reading over a case file.
They had a Gryffindor, then a Ravenclaw, another Gryffindor and finally a Slytherin with Polaris, now again with Scorpius.
"Shall we head down to Diagon Ally and pick up him up a few robes?" The man is grinning at the news, taking the note to read for himself. "We can make a day of it."
"Sure, I'm gonna hop in the shower quick." She kisses the top of his head.
Rosanna loves his hair, she always has. So when he came to her, three years ago, and asked how she felt about him letting it grow out; Ro was all for it.
‘See if you like it, if not, cut it off, it's only hair.' She laughs, stopping him from agonizing over the prospect any longer.
Now it hangs well past his shoulders.
Draco sets the letter aside, venturing up the stairs to their washroom. He can hear the steady stream of the water, over Rosanna's singing. She has quite a pleasant voice, thick and sweet like honey.
He opens the door, stripping off his clothes. They haven't had a shag in the shower for years.
Rosanna hears rustling outside of the, sliding, glass door. Popping her head out. "Baby?"
"Who else?" He chuckles.
"Alright, smart ass, you wanna piece of me?" Rosanna arches a brow at him.
"Actually," Draco half smirks, "yes I do."
"You're a pervert, Malfoy, has anyone ever told you that?" She watches her husband step inside.
"Don't act like you don't enjoy it, Malfoy." He slides the door closed behind him, trapping in the warm air.
Rosanna smiles, with a shake of her head. "What if I don't?"
Draco tips her chin up, her eyes locked on his; burning with desire. Swiping his thumb over her bottom lip. "Shall I go then? Since you don't appreciate my advances."
"No." Her breath grows shallow, as he backs her against the tile wall.
"Better choose your words more carefully, my darling. Someone might get their feelings hurt." The corners of his mouth turn upwards.
She nods, mouth suddenly dry.
Draco blinks at her expectantly. "Why don’t you tell me what it is you want?”
"You." The confession slips past her lips, easy as breathing. "I want you."
"Care to be a bit more specific?" He nuzzles his nose against hers. "Seeing as I already belong to you in every way imaginable."
"I want-"
He moves his leg between hers, pressing against the apex of her thighs. "What?" He pulls back, when her lips search for his.
She whines, squirming against him. "Draco."
"You're not very articulate today, sweetheart.” The man taunts. "Shall I go first?"
"Yeah, that'd be good." Ro says, lips parted, slightly.
"I want to fuck you, against this wall. I want your fingers twisted in my hair, tugging and releasing, because they can't decide which pleases them more.” His voice is hypnotic, intoxicating. "I want your lips against mine, when you can't be bothered with kisses and just whimper until you cum. I want you to remember what it feels like to have me so deep inside that your pretty little cunt is sore. I want you full with my child, again." Draco purrs against her ear.
Oh. She mulls over his proposition while sliding the elastic band down hair. Fanning it out to frame his face, as best she can. "Yes, please."
"Please, what?" He murmurs, over the warm spray of the water.
"Please, fuck me." The cheeky little thing guides his mouth to hers.
"And what of my other request?" Draco inquires, if she says no, he'll cast the sodding protection charm; he needs to be inside her.
"Do it.” She agrees, “now.”
"You've never been one for delayed gratification. I've loved that about you since I was a boy." Draco confesses, sealing his lips over hers and lifting her up so that soft legs wrap around his waist.
Rosanna moans into his mouth, as his length fills her. "Shit, baby," her head thunks against the shower wall.
Draco sucks bruises into the exposed skin of her neck. Moving to her nipples with the same suction, one hand pressed against her back, keeping her arched toward him.
"You are so lovely," he whispers. "All mine."
Rosanna tugs his hair, pulling him back up to her. "Yours," she sighs, contently, against his lips.
His hands grope her bum, greedily. Thrusting harder, brushing against the spot that drives her mad.
"I love you, I love you, I love you." She chants like a prayer, nails raking over his pale skin.
"I love you." Draco replies, because there's not a proper word for how he feels about her. So he settles for love. Making her cum twice and swallowing her breathy whines.
“Fuck,” she begins to protest as his nimble fingers snake between them, teasing her sensitive clit. “Draco.”
“Cum on my cock again,” he orders.
“Please,” she whimpers, not entirely sure what she’s pleading for. The coil in her lower belly tightens, the sensation almost painful.
“Hush, my sweetheart.” He doubles the speed of his ministrations, guiding her lips back to his. “I’ll give you everything you want.”
Colors explode behind her eyelids, release washing over her in searing waves, never seeming to wane.
Draco follows her over the edge. Where you go, I go.
The paper’s headlines remain cruel. Granting no clemency.
'Bandaid baby to mend Rosanna and Draco Malfoy’s crumbling marriage."
'Leo Malfoy to wed squib, further besmirching bloodline.'
'Arlo Malfoy's suspected teen pregnancy with Bulgarian transfer student.’
'Vega Malfoy caught snogging roommate Arlene Fischer.'
'Polaris Malfoy attempts woo James Potter, nearly one year her junior.'
'Scorpius Malfoy, son of the Dark Lord and Rosanna Malfoy, sorted Slytherin.'
The children return home for Christmas. Rosanna pops in to say goodnight to each of them. Her second oldest daughter being the last stop. "Arlo, can we talk?"
She cuts her mother off. "I'm not pregnant."
"I know." Rosanna assures her. "I'm sure you're being safe."
Arlo sits up, motioning for Mum to join her on the bed. "We're not... doing that. I'm not ready. No offense, but I don't envy you. Having a kid right now- I don't think I could do it."
"You could, if you had to." Rosanna tells her, softly, "you think you can't. But somehow you just do."
Arlo offers her the brush, off of the bedside table. Turning so that her mother can braid her hair, like when she was a little girl. "Didn’t it ever piss you off? That you couldn’t finish school or do what you wanted?"
"Before I had Leo; I worried I wouldn't be able to bond with a child that I wasn't ready to have. But when she was born I understood. All those plans, goals, dreams, the things I wanted… didn't matter to me anymore. Because I was holding the entire world in my arms, she became my dream, she was everything I wanted. I felt the exact same way each and every time I held you. I wanted you, more than I wanted anything else." Rosanna begins weaving soft tresses into a fishtail braid.
"You're a good Mum." Arlo tells her, just in case she doesn't know.
Rosanna gives her shoulder a squeeze, "I'm trying."
Arlo relaxes into her mother's calming touch. "I'm meant to read the book this summer. It's on the required list."
"I can talk to Head Master McGonagall, if you need more time. I'm sure she will make an exception." It isn’t meant to be a burden on any of their children.
"I had Marko read it early. He said it was a good read. He didn't realize that you wrote it actually, I had to explain it to him." She’s become quite taken with her Bulgarian boyfriend. "Anyway, he has some questions. I think I probably will too. After I'm finished, do you think it’d be alright for us to sit down with you and Dad...and talk?"
"Yeah, of course, we can do that." Rosanna secures the elastic at the end of Arlo's strawberry blonde plat. She leans forward, kissing the back of her daughter's head.
"One more thing." Arlo catches Rosanna's wrist. "You said, in your dedication, that I was the reason to share your story. I think that's beautiful, but why me?"
"A lot of people expected different things after the war. They expected me to take Leo and leave your Dad. They expected me to press charges and send him to Azkaban. They expected me to lean heavily into my friends, because they were 'good' and the Malfoy's weren’t.” It's hard to think back to that dark time, after the war. When the world was quite literally in shambles.
“There was a moment of panic. How could we stop pretending like nothing happened; but at the same time let people know I was ok. I wasn't with your dad because of a curse, or a prophecy, or because he was the father of my child. I was with him because I love him. That was the story I wanted to tell; and I wanted to tell it for you. It never really stopped the media circus or the side ways glances. But you deserve to have all the facts in one place." Rosanna twists her hands in her lap, restlessly.
"Didn't you ever want the glory?" Arlo wonders, turning to search Rosanna's eyes.
"For a long time I thought I was going to die, that your dad was going to die. I thought I'd never see my parents again. Or my friends,” Rosanna tells her daughter. "Being here, married to your dad and getting to see my friends happy, with kids of their own, watching all of you grow up together. That is the glory for me."
"And your card comes inside the chocolate frog box." Arlo reminds her.
"That's pretty cool too." Rosanna laughs.
Part 10
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maxicaiman · 5 months
I just realized we both have an OC named Dynamo!
Mine is a orange and black colored Decepticon who turns into a bomber jet.
He loves three things: blowing shit up, doing loopy loops in the sky, and mocking and tormenting Starscream.
Bonus: How would Entrap react to my version of Dynamo?
THATS SO COOL OMG I now know two others who have an OC with the name Dynamo as well!! Granted, the other isn't a TF oc, but still!!!
If he met your Dynamo after "joining" the Cons, it'd be really rough for him. Hearing the name of his former conjunx and knowing it's not him would hurt a lot, and he'd likely avoid him as much as he could.
However, he would respect him, namely due to his treatment towards Starscream. He does appreciate anyone who doesn't like him, and would find his treatment of the seeker very amusing.
I don't think they'd be particularly close, as he has a very hard time opening up to others, but he'd have no problems with him personally, even if hearing his name does sting a little.
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cap-ironman · 2 years
Cap/Iron Man Remix 2023 Masterlist and Creator Reveals
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Here it is: the final masterlist and the creator reveals for Captain America/Iron Man Remix 2023! Below you'll find all 17 remixes created, with 6 written for Remix Exchange, 7 for Remix Relay, and 4 created for Remix Madness. If you haven't checked out the works during the reveal period, please take a look at all of the wonderful remixes and leave some love for all the creators!
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1. Unintended Consequences by Neverever (616, T, 3600 words)
Tony is sent back in time to fix a time anomaly, but in fixing the anomaly, he ruins Steve's life.
2. Time Is Right (The Remix) by navaan (616, G, 2418 words)
A time agent needs help with fixing something - and for some reason he needs Tony Stark for the job.
3. Looking Up (the fixed fates remix) by Lets_call_me_Lily (Marvel Noir, T, 2109 words)
Tony Stark, adventurer extraordinaire, treasure hunting expert, beloved of thrill-seekers everywhere, finds himself grudgingly fixing up a zeppelin. Luckily he's got some decent company. Unluckily, that decent company's not gonna last long.
4. crash (landing into you remix) by wingheads (Marvel Noir, T, Art)
tony had a lot of fun working with steve even though he doesn't get along well with the brass. he didn't know the hurt would be just as much.
5. Crash Landing (The Mile High Club Remix) by wynnesome (616, E, 6219 words)
Steve wants to join the mile high club, so he and Tony take Tony's new jet prototype for a private test flight. An alien craft crashes their private party. Steve goes down -- and not in the sexy way. Tony smiles, the grin that lets him feel lazy and but also razor-edged at the same time. "Official test flight's tomorrow, but what if I said I'm in the mood for a joyride today?" Surprise colors Steve's face a deepening sunset pink. He licks his lips, shining them up. "You mean..." Some time back, he'd confided in Tony that the idea of "the mile high club" was probably silly, but still sounded sexy. "We will absolutely make that happen," Tony had told him, rock-solid certain. "Right time and place. That is a promise." "Unless you're not in the mood?" Tony's just toying. He knows the answer. Steve's posture hasn't changed, but it's telling in the way Steve's almost visibly thrumming now, and those sky-soft jeans are showing it in stretch lines that frame the hard truth happening behind Steve's button fly. "Yeah," Steve says. "I'm in the mood."
6. Waiting and hoping by hkandi (MCU, G, 2668 words)
Steve, Tony, and Natasha are flying back after a successful mission, and the two men take a step beyond dancing around feelings. But then aliens show up, and it all goes sideways, or does it?
7. Flying with Love (It's Always Aliens Remix) by Neverever (Avengers Assemble, T, 1380 words)
When Tony and Steve go flying and run into aliens, Steve has unpleasant memories. At least Tony is there for him.
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★ Blame It on My Star Sign (The Blue Heart Remix) by ralsbecket (MCU/Fantastic Four (Movies 2004-2007), T, 6457 words)
Fending off Doombots whenever Victor von Dickhead felt the need to throw a wrench in their plans was never exactly his definition of a perfect date with Steve.
Remix of Heart of Blue by geekymoviemom
★ Careless Whisper [A Shortcut to Happiness Remix] by Missy_dee811 (Ultimates, T, 2418 words)
Seconds later, the driver pulled up. He double parked across the street and waited, unhurried. It was just Steve who was uneasy. And just as he turned to see if Tony and the owner were still chatting, he felt a hand glide up the small of his back. Feeling more than hearing Tony’s lips move as he spoke. “Come home with me, darling.”
Remix of A Shortcut to Happiness by Fluffypanda
★ The End Never Came by geekymoviemom (MCU, T, 4664 words)
As Steve keeps watch over Tony as he sleeps, he is informed that he has a message, one that Tony recorded when he was adrift in space, expecting to die.
Remix of Before The End by navaan
★ My Dream, Your Nightmare (Again in the Dark Remix) by navaan (616, E, 1414 words)
Tony wakes to an empty bed and remembers a time when he was betraying Steve, because the world was threatened to be destroyed by incursions.
Remix of Dreams and Nightmares by Missy_dee811
★ out of the mouth of babes (a childish remix) by Fluffypanda (MCU, T, 3745 words)
Tony doesn't know how to deal with a child-sized Steve that seems to think they're friends.
Remix of Kid Steve by Neverever
★ Unexpected Heat (Pole Dancing Man Making It Rain Remix) by Neverever (Marvel Adventures: Avengers, T, 1667 words)
Tony worries about Steve during their mission at a local strip club, but he finds he should have other concerns instead.
Remix of Make It Rain Emerald Bills for Me by ralsbecket
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★ Reaching Inside An Armored Heart by MayBiTheWay (Avengers Assemble, G, 3881 words)
Realistically, asking Tony Stark out on a date was a big deal, Steve knew he needed to do some convincing, but not in a million years he’d think Tony’s answer would be this certain, this final. But he was not about to give up on this, on Tony. It's just that there have been more pressing things to deal with at first, like return of the Skull or MODOK...
Remix of An Armored Heart by ishipallthings
★ watching seabirds fly (Nightcap Remix) by ishipallthings (MCU, not rated, 1060 words)
A beach wedding had sounded romantic. (In which Steve and Tony sneak away for a moment by the beach on their wedding day, and deals are made).
Remix of Nightcap by Neverever
★ Your Mouth Gives Me Bad Ideas (Kidnapping Day Remix) by ishipallthings (MCU, T, 3445 words)
The first time Steve kisses Tony, it’s in the cockpit of the Quinjet, right in the middle of Tony insisting that no, I’m fine Rogers, I don’t need to go lie down, and someone needs to fly this contraption properly. He knows it’s a bad idea before it even happens—he kisses Tony anyway. (Or: 5 times Steve kissed Tony even though it was a terrible idea, and 1 time it wasn't a bad idea at all)
Remix of Kidnapping Day by navaan
★ Consequences Of Living With Tony Stark (Consequences Of Living With Steve Rogers Remix) by tinystark616 (MCU, M, 1162 words)
Living with Tony Stark is not at all how Steve thought it would be. It is, in fact, much better. The only problem is that Steve is in love with him, and decides to keep his feelings to himself, afraid of ruining their friendship. That is, until he catches Tony touching himself and moaning his name.
Remix of Consequences Of Living With Steve Rogers by MayBiTheWay
Don't forget to leave kudos and comments on the works you've enjoyed! You can either browse through the individual links above, or go through the Remix collections on AO3:
★ 2023 Captain America/Iron Man Remix Exchange
★ 2023 Captain America/Iron Man Relay Remix
★ 2023 Captain America/Iron Man Remix Madness
And with that, we've wrapped up Captain America/Iron Man Remix 2023! Thank you to all of our participants, and we hope everyone had fun!
Participants, feel free to share and crosspost your work! If you're posting your work onto Tumblr, please use the #capimremix tag among the first five tags of your post so we can spot it and reblog it to the community Tumblr.
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lapismuses · 1 year
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@ascheming liked for a starter!
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The aftermath of Mandroid's attempt to shut down all Cybertronian life of the planet was.. messy. There were far too many things going through everyone's minds- Nightshade along with them.
The Terran found themselves perching on a small cliff near the Malto house. Well, what was left of it, anyway. The day's events had been... A lot to process. Nightshade idly picked at their hands, optics staring up at the night sky. Everyone else was taking time to spend the night with their loved ones, but Nightshade knew their siblings and parents understood their need to distance themself. Being in large groups after an already over stimulating day? It was too much.
Robby's and Mo's healing powers may have fixed the visible injuries, but Nightshade found themselves still hurting from the mental ones. The thought of losing everyone? Of being the last of their family?
The Terran let out a soft sigh. The familiar sound of a jet engine alerted them to a new presence. They shifted, helm tilting as they peered Starscream. "Starscream," they greeted, softly. "I figured you'd be celebrating with Hashtag and the others. What brings you up here?" Perhaps the Seeker had similar feelings of being overwhelmed by so many people in one area?
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