#also brainstorm is silly I needed to draw him
trashhole · 11 months
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Brainstorm doodles and soundwave on an adventure with laserbeak
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tedsbogusworld · 5 days
🎸 NEW GIRL AT SCHOOL 🎸 ted logan x reader headcanons
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A/N: Trying out something a little different. I’m very nervous to post this, since I’ve only ever done bots before. Hopefully it isn’t total rubbish.
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Ted definitely hadn’t been paying any attention to what was going on in the classroom before you walked in. He and Bill had been too busy brainstorming new song lyric ideas.
“Who cares about some short dead french dude. We won’t need all this useless information when Wyld Stallyns becomes famous.” Bill had said to Ted, whilst messily scribbling down some lyrics at the back of his history notebook.
Ted had been so focused on his songwriting, that he didn’t even notice you walk into the room. It was only when Mr. Ryan told him and Bill to pay attention, that he looked up to see you.
“Everyone listen up! This is y/n and they will be joining us this year at San Dimas High. I want everyone to make them feel welcome.” Whilst Mr. Ryan introduced you to the classroom, Ted stared at you with his big brown eyes. He looked like a love sick puppy dog.
“I’m in love dude.” Ted shuffled his seat closer to Bill and whispered to him.
When you end up sitting in the seat next to Ted (it was the only seat in class left), he immediately became flustered and nervous. There was no way that he could focus on the lesson now even if he tried.
Throughout the whole lesson, Ted couldn’t help but steal glances in your direction. He also attempted to impress you with his laidback and nonchalant attitude, cracking jokes and giving witty responses during class discussions to catch your attention. However, it seemed that Ted’s antics had not impressed you.
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Ever since you joined Ted’s history class, he had been arriving on time to Mr. Ryan’s lessons. Ted didn’t want you to think of him as the class slacker, even though he was already pretty much one.
Ted wants you to think that he’s smart. He’ll sit up a bit straighter in his seat and pay more attention in class. He even takes notes! Mr. Ryan can’t believe his eyes.
Ted may even raise his hand to answer questions and discuss historical events. He’s not correct most of the time but his silly responses sometimes get a smile and a giggle out of you, which makes his day.
Ted still goes back into his own world and daydreams in class (specifically about you). At the back of his notebook, he doodles your name and his together with a big heart around it. Ted is also a good drawer. He’ll draw pictures of you both holding hands.
He always makes sure his notebook is in a secure place. He would die of embarrassment if you ever saw his silly little doodles. Not even Bill knows about them.
Ted becomes incredibly clumsy and awkward around you, constantly tripping over his own two feet whenever you are nearby. Countless times he’s almost bumped into somebody, walked into a trash can and dropped his school books in the hallway.
Ted was harmless but he would low-key act like a stalker. During lunch times he would attempt to discreetly follow you around and he would bring Bill along with him for moral support.
“Dude. You are seriously acting like a total stalker. Just go up and talk to her. Recite her some lyrics!” Bill would always say to Ted, trying to convince him to make a move.
Ted has been observing you so much, that he now knows what you bring to lunch each day and where your favourite spots are to sit and eat.
Ted thinks he’s being sneaky, but a few times you have spotted him hiding behind a tree or a bush. His fluffy hair would always been sticking out.
Both of your lockers are right near each others in the hallway. Ted will peak around from his open locker door and watch as you put your books away or take out books.
One day you spotted him peaking around at you and you gave him a friendly smile. Ted nearly fainted on the spot.
You are now the inspiration for the songs that Ted writes. These songs often talk about your beautiful smile, and bubbly personality. Ted only wishes that one day you could hear it :((
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withered--s0uls · 2 months
Oh look it's another GD crossover
Ghost Drone AU - @electrozeistyking
You already saw all this art but shhh HAPPY BIRTHDAY.
This originally started out with me just wanting to draw Beanie interacting with the Intertwined Codes Kids but then I added some extra stuff lol.
If you're a reader of Intertwined Codes, this kinda sorta spoils future stuff bc only the twins have been mentioned in the Draft/Teaser fic but oh well. You have been warned.
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IC!Uzi wouldn't like actually meet GD!N bc they'd kinda decide that "hey, let's not have the widowed man see an alternate version of his wife that actually got live." simply out of respect kinda?? So she would stick around at home with the kids whilst IC!N goes out to look for Beanies Dad after their kids drag her to them lmao.
So yeah she doesn't necessarily know the extent of the mans depression, the kids just mentioned there only being a dad so she just specifically asks about GD!N in this doodle
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IC!N would quickly pick up on GD!N not being completely okay, even without being told any details. So he probably would end up sitting him down to talk on their way back to the IC!Doorman families place, wanting to help if he can in any way. (He runs a Daycare and tries to also be a support to any parent that needs it, so I feel he out of habit would lean into trying to do that with GD!N)
More/The kids under the Cut otherwise the post looks so long rip
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I will go over each of these one by one (can'tdo close ups bc 10 image limit, I'll reblog this in a second with the close ups.)
Left are the Code-Related Nuzi kids, right are the adopted ones.
Code related kids
Not much to say, I'm still working out their personality - they're maybe 2-3 years older than Beanie, so they aren't too far apart in age. :)
She's the sibling who started the trend of putting stickers on her siblings, so she DEFINITELY would do the same with Beanie.
She also probably originally was going to show her how to build a weapon, but her parents promptly stopped that lmao .
She would think it's really cool that Beanie has a custom core icon & in general is completely customized from the start! She herself was originally put into a regular worker body (just with the tail and headband being custom made by her mom), she had to build the DD forearms herself. She also has a sticker of the DD icon on her core, covering the WD icon :3
At this point he has enough siblings to be past the "ew a little kid" phase, so luckily Beanie gets spared that. His main camera is damaged, he only really uses his headband optics to look around, so he would kinda just look as if he's staring past her a lot. But bc of the obvious cracks in his visor I feel she would pick up on the fact he's not actually ignoring her.
Also he definitely would just play music to her, because IC!Uzi kinda always has music on whilst working in her workspace he kinda picked up some of her taste in music (Hence he's playing the same song that Uzi is shown to have been listening to in Ep7)
First up THANK YOU Zeisty for helping me brainstorm silly stuff for them. They're a little ball of chaos now and I love them.
They would join Orita in bedazzling Beanie, and then they'd start talking about bird facts and also try to get Beanie to talk about her interests.
(Their height difference isnt 100% accurate bc halfway through drawing this I changed the IC timeline, making Raven about the same age as Zagi instead of them being a teen, so I kinda had to manually try and semi-fit their heights lol)
Adopted Kids
Nothing to say. He's a baby. Tho whilst I was outlining this one I had to giggle because of how big he is in Beanies hands. She's so tiny 😭💕 /affectionate
Oh boy. Ann.
Annika is the eldest kid & was adopted a while before Zagi was coded / whilst the parents were organizing the code copies for Zagi
She does NOT know how to talk to other kids. Never did. It made her stick out at the orphanage wing because she just avoided everyone. And it is very chaotic when Olivia and Ray first show up, because Ann's only idea of talking to other Drones is "well you got to be relatable" so she brings up the siblings dead parents bc like, her code parents are dead too. Both pairs dying to DDs. So yeah she probably would be the first, if not only one, in the whole household to just bring up GD!Uzi. She would do it like it's nothing either.
IC!Uzi would promptly get her to stop and sit her down having a conversation about "what did N and I say about trying to connect on that topic?"
Like IC!Uzi would actually feel really bad about it despite Beanie not knowing her mom. Bc she herself obviously didn't remember IC!Nori growing up but still didn't like the topic.
Olivia, as I said, was greeted with the topic of dead parents by Annika as well. So she probably would kinda interfere when IC!Uzi goes to sit Ann down to talk.
She would feel the need to apologize for the older girls behavior (which Ann would apologize for herself later too ofc) and would try to get Beanie to go play something together whilst IC!Uzi sorts that whole situation out.
She's also the closest to Beanies age probably, just was forced to mature bc of what happened to her parents, despite being taken in by Nuzi shortly after. She still obviously acts like a kid tho when comfortable, so I feel she would kinda ease up around Beanie and actually act more like a 4-5 year old around her.
Bonus? Bonus!
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Needless to say Beanie would return home covered in stickers & hairpins (Orita & Raven have more than enough of those, they'd just let Beanie keep some)
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RIP GD!N having to get her out of those stickers once they're back home
Also, for the "*humming*" variation of the picture I blame @k1k0oftheworld. Kiko was in vc with me when I was talking about how Beanie would be covered in stickers when she gets home, and saw the doodles as well.
He proposed the following scenario after seeing Rexim show Beanie IC!Uzis playlist:
Beanie humming dead batteries song & GD!N having a breakdown bc it reminds him of GD!Uzi
I do not take accountability for this, I was going to spare the poor widowed man.
(I scrapped the idea of him not knowing ab the IC!Doorman family and him getting a mini heart attack when Beanie goes "I met Mom today" in favor of him and IC!N meeting & talking - I WANTED TO SPARE HIS POOR HEART)
@k1k0oftheworld you owe him money for a therapy session now /silly
Anyways that's it, I'll put the close ups in the reblog like I said 👍
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I'm just gonna throw it out there cuz idk how many people have given you crap about this:
1). Solar labeled himself a "cousin" at EARTHS INSISTENCE. He straight up says that thinking about it in a "familial relationship" way doesnt work and is confusing see KC Eclipse Lunar Bloodmoon etc and hes only told that to Earth. Frankly, I think he, Moon and Sun think of Solar as "member of this family". Also, robots.
2). Moon can still develop feelings for someone, even if he's still aro/ace. I cant see Moon as EVER being the romantic type, and pretty much everyone in THIS show finds any sort of "physical" relationship weird and/or gross. Frankly, I read Solar as aro/ace too, cuz while the dude is CLEARLY capable of pining he really doesn't seem like the romantic type. So shipping Moon and Solar doesnt invalidate anyone's identity, especially since falling in love doesn't have to be romantic or physical *glares judgingly at society*
Also, imagine Solar and Moon going on non-romantic dates. Like they go to an anime convention or something and Moons completely needing out and Solars just like "you're a loser *heart eyes*"
Sun, who IS a romantic type, is like "I want my brother to have the best so I'm gonna help you guys get together" and Solars just like "pls no" and Sun tries to help make the perfect date, but both members are AGGRESSIVELY romantic and by the end Solar and Moon ditch Sun and like go play God of War or something X3
Surprisingly, no one has been giving me crap about much. I'm actually surprised with how chill everyone has been and how much on board they are with my silly little ship train idea. I'm actually happy everyone has been really cool and accepting so far.
And yes, this is true, and I went into a few posts about it. One post I went into specifics on the flexibility and "subject to change" nature about relationships in Robots. But agreed.
2. And yeah! Exactly. Back in the Early days of the show, Sun tried to pair Moon up on dates all the time, so it could have been a possibility that the old Moon was Romantic, or he wasn't, and Sun was just misreading the situation.... Also I never got his goal in trying to ship his brother with Roxanne other then to just be a voyeur because he's the one who liked her
And the only reason in my shipping Scenarios why Solar doesn't test his boundaries isn't cause he's acephobic in a majority of my scenarios. but moreso he doesn't want to violate Moon's trust or test his limits. Moon has given him so much, he doesn't want to ruin his friendship or the only home he's ever known.
Also NewMoon said he's "Questioning" right now, and that's also fine. And most likely i'll just draw from my own demi/ace experiences in a lot of ships I like/portray. Because I only know how to write my own experiences. It's not to invalidate others. I'm not every ace person in existence and it's such a wide spectrum so I can't account for everyone. I just write and brainstorm what feels right to me.
And. 3. gehaoghawefh Cute idea.
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misc-obeyme · 1 month
but the prices are good, two of the people needed it for emergency money so it was a good push to bite the bullet and message them. I'm so happy, I'm gonna have art of me and Mammon (and one is gonna be a sketch page of me, mammon, and a friend who also likes obey me). Also i lost my drawing streak, but I just drew a bunch of random poses today for fun, so it makes up lmaoo.
anyway I am here to ramble about the job my mc/I would have in the Devildom! definitely got roped into working at the bunny cafe for one (1) shift with Mammon (the daily chat is what gave me this idea).
Not sure how the cafe works, but in the anime, Beel is working the bar lolol. So I always imagined it as a bar with some food, and you could request certain servers by paying extra, and obviously give them carrots or tips. Like a mix between a maid cafe and a club I suppose is what I'm thinking?? (...Hooters? I've never been)
anyway I totally got coerced bullied into working a shift (I am always caving when it comes to Mammon </3). And my anxiety is terrible, I CANNOT talk to people (it's a wonder how I'm a manager), so I'd definitely stick to bussing tables and helping run super big orders with one of the guys. Maybe even have Beel teach me to make some drinks, because that seems really fun. Basically completely avoiding any kind of one on one service.
And I think there's been chats or devilgrams about mc gaining popularity and having a fan club, so imagine all these patrons requesting me, and the owner has to be like "unfortunately - no." And then someone is like, "I'll pay an extra $100 just to have her" and that's when the owner decides to ask if I'd be willing. Because it doesn't hurt to ask, right?
And I'm like, "Ha! I'd do it for $250", and like, I say it as a joke, but imagine Mammon overhears everything. He'd drag me to the table and say my price, and to everyone's surprise, the demon agrees to pay. Now everyone is like 👁️👁️ interesting.
and now I'm suddenly serving a random demon, and I'm nervous as hell (HA), and I'd honestly spill their drink or something on them. The bill comes, come to find they tipped way over 20%, and wrote a note about hoping to have me again. Now I've singlehandedly paid back a big chunk of Mammon's debt.
now THAT would change my mind real quick. I would do anything for money, I'm so easily convinced 💀 like imagine how much cash I could make in one shift. Anxiety who ??
It ends up becoming a part time gig, and I become the owner's favorite. I learn the bar for fun, and can be requested as a server for a big fee. I'd like to imagine Mammon works extra hard to earn the owner's favor and begs to work the same shifts as me (little does he know I request to work with him bc he makes me feel safe, especially if people get way too drunk)
I've literally brainstormed about this so much, and I've still got more ideas rattling in my brain, SORRY IT GOT SO LONG AAA
- ✨ anon
WOOO!! Congrats, ✨ anon! You are braver than I lol! I've been trying to work up the courage for months, but I keep talking myself out of it. Mostly because I want to commission art of my OCs and I feel absolutely ridiculous asking someone to please spend hours drawing this silly guy from my head lol. It's a me problem, I'll get over it one day. Anyway, I'm sure your commissions will turn out amazing! I hope you enjoy them!
OMG what but I love this idea!! Listen, I have the social anxiety, too (it's so bad wow), so I get it. But I looove that you've got things that help you work this job despite that! Mammon and Beel to count on when you need support and of course the motivation of just... making money!
And it's so sweet that you're making the money to help cover Mammon's debts. And I love that both of you are like... requesting to work together and the other person is unaware of it. That's adorable!
I'm always going to recommend writing your ideas down! It doesn't have to be story-style, sometimes just getting them out of your head in some form really makes a big difference! Especially if it's something you've never told anyone or written down before. Forcing yourself to articulate ideas in a way that would make sense to someone else (even if no one else ever sees it) really helps to make ideas more solid. Then you can expound on them even more! It's a never ending cycle for me lol.
Anyway, I love all of this, I think it's fantastic.
For my part, I'd absolutely be bunny-ing it up at the bar with Beel. I like the idea of him making Devildom drinks and MC making human world ones. The demons that are willing to pay top dollar for MC to wait on them are also willing to pay top dollar for MC's authentic human world drinks! Now you're really rolling in the Grimm!
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spaciebabie · 1 year
Leans in again// also what is your whole headworld with springle? Did he escape his hell chamber in your story and now lives with the reader? Is he just Out There in the woods? Do tell
tbh i dont really have a story w/springtrap n y/n...........the thought of making anything y/n and springer related flusters me so bad afijdslkfsjdfksdfj never experienced this w/a character b4 like. making self insert of the dca was EASY! i cant draw/think of anything self insert-y w/springer w/out turning inta a blushing pink mess. i just kinda Draw Him Hot and thats it skfjskdfskdfj any scenarios i think of are just him in isolation as a character. real talk i think that he hangs out in fazbear frights, it burns so he gets out, and he just kind of wanders for a while until fnaf 6
but IF i was ta brainstorm rq......
i think him being able ta manipulate a fazbear frights employee inta letting him out would be interesting. a sort of start of the Cult of Afton idea that fnaf was seemingly building upta b4 security breach (something i was really jiving w/until the game came out and. well. we all saw what they did). this would b his "oh wait im a suave bastard and can use this ta my advantage" moment. he just acts like this pathetic little meow meow and i think that the reader not actually being able to SEE him would aid in this. hes just a disembodied voice begging for help and who are you ta turn your cheek when someone is in need? hes very careful that you dont see him tho (you might not wanna help him if you see him) and you have no idea who this velvety get rough voice belongs ta. and yet he pulls you in, talkin about all the torture hes suffered, how hes gonna get out and "set things right" (hes very vague)
eventually you do see him. in aaalll his whore eyed glory. hes the star animatronic of fazbear frights? AND hes trapped here? well thats doubly awful. never trust corporations afterall, they'll do anything ta make a quick buck, they'd parade around a corpse if they knew it would rake in the dough. he wouldn't reveal much of himself, just enough so that YOU open up and hes able to better cater himself ta your personality. he'd reveal that hes "haunted" sure. you'll buy that. ghosts are real and they can haunt animatronics you dont really need anything else, just ta know that hes suffering here. sure they're boldfaced lies at times, but a mans gotta do what a mans gotta do. but whoops! in his efforts ta seem like a tragic Little Guy and get in close ta you he accidentally got attached ta you! a horrible decision really. now he feels bad. but hes in so deep. what will he do?
if we follow the canon fnaf timeline where fazbear frights burns i mean. dudes probably hangin out in the woods. not really much of an opportunity ta meet ppl there. if hes hanging out like around the woods of a city maybe he finds himself in some persons house that like,,,,tinkers w/animatronics and/or finds them interesting? and he plays "dead" (ha) as they fix him up. they treat him in such a kind and gentle manner hes sort of captivated by them? like they dont know hes alive obviously but as the days go on and they just continue day after day ta come back n check up on him, clean him up, fix parts of him, talk ta him so gently and treat him as this delicate cherished thing (that he knows he isnt) they grow on him. he'd also probably hear conversations through the walls of the room hes in, and whenever they'd come in maybe they'd talk ta themselves or ta him abt their day and stuff and as he learns more abt them as a person his love for them grows.
i dont really see the latter ending up well. very uh. onesided LMAOOO KSJFKSJDFKSDJ HE JUST FUCKING STANDS UP WHEN Y/N THINKS HES JUST SOME SILLY ROBOT AND IS LIKE, "I love you," AND Y/N JUST FUCKIN SCREAMS AND RUNS OUT OF THE HOUSE or like after hes done getting fixed up he gets up and just. fuckin leaves. and its painful cuz at this point hes attached but also it would never work out. i mean. look at him. y/n would never love him like that. yk?
wow i wrote a lot uh. anyways.
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oh-phineas · 1 year
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Write your RPer Resolutions for 2023! (What are some goals for yourself as a writer? Improve descriptions? Plot with more members? Etc.)
Following up and seeing things through! I had a version of this on here last year, but I think it still stands. I’m not a very organized person and I really tend to go with the flow as a RPer, which I think is fine because I’m just here to have fun, but I think I probably miss out on some fun connections and opportunities by forgetting to do the “confirm end of thread— see if the other person wants to do something new” thing when a thread is winding down. I def do this sometimes but I also frequently forget or let a thread fizzle without checking in and I just want to be more proactive about that. I’d also like to be more organized about plots I’m organizing, making sure I’m circling back on them if they hit a stalled moment.
Communication and being direct. I also always put this on my resolutions lol and I’ll talk about this more in my plotting style answers, but even though I know I come off chatty in main and often approach people for plots I can be kind of shy lmao which is SILLY y’all are my FRIENDS but ya know how it is. I just would like to be better about saying “hey, these characters are vibing, I might ship them!” or “hey, this thread is getting intense, we good with this direction?” Or “I have this goal, would you be down for helping see it happen?” Because I think the thing I tend to do instead is just hold back and hedge in my replies and I think it can make for more vibrant and exciting threads if I just communicate and then we can both jump in full force!
Showing not telling, and cooling it with the editorializing. I know this is a thing I have done for YEARS. I have a tendency to overexplain my characters’ actions, which I think can be good for comedic/dramatic effect sometimes, but I also think it can get a little heavy-handed and I just don’t think it’s a great habit to be in all the time. Like yes there is something funny about saying “Lightning just ignored that comment because he was a self-centered jerk and it was inconvenient for him to hear” but I think I need to find ways to communicate those things more… artistically idk and trust my audience to draw their own conclusions. Because y’all are smart! Tbh I think the problem is I get embarrassed when my characters do certain things and feel the need to like… distance myself from them and show that I don’t condone this even though I think it’s quite obvious. And if it’s not well that’s what the tags are for lmfao.
Write at least one resolution, or “goal,” that you have as an RPer for your character(s)
Phineas: I want him to get in some sticky situations in the classic Flynn fashion :) But I also like when he learns something from these situations, so… idk boy has grown a LOT over the past few years. He’s done a lot of reflecting and changing and idk I think it’d be kind of cool if someone wrongs HIM and he realizes that he can’t always fix every situation through trying to be better, sometimes he just can’t change the other person’s behavior only how he reacts. I think that’d be cool. Alsoooo I’m excited about his newest business venture and I’d love to create some drama around that, whether it’s Phinnip drama or stuff with investors or clients or employees and just… yes. I’m simply obsessed with startup culture idk.
Tiana: Talked about this a lot in my voice memos but this year I’d really like Tiana to get tempted by fame/fortune/accolades/etc and lose sight of the point of Tiana’s Place a little bit and then learn a lesson. I don’t know how I’m going to make this happen but I think I just need to have a deep brainstorming session and really think it through. I’d also like to do more with her friend group and the awkward situation she’s kind of in with Vixey and Drakken and I’d REALLY love for her to date around a little and idk see what happens!
Aquata: Struggle through Board stuff some more. She has some BIG goals and I have a feeling they are probably not going to work out exactly the way she wants them to because they are BIG. And of course at the end of the day what she really wants is for the world to be safe enough that she can be out about being a mermaid, which is never going to happen unfortunately. So I think it’s also cool for her to achieve some goals and then still see they’re not going to get her exactly where she wants to be. I’d also like to explore her aversion to change, especially because there are a LOT of big changes coming for her family (JEFF is dating! Lana’s moving! Tina’s having a baby!) And she feels very Jo March about it if you catch my drift. I think that’ll be fun. And of course more fun stuff with the gym and her friend group there and school shenanigans with Drakken.
Anna: More interpersonal conflict! I’m really digging how many enemies she’s made lately and I have some fun plans for how that’s gonna intensify. She’s gone a slightly different direction from what I originally envisioned but I love this WAY more tbh and I’m really excited. I also need to figure out what she’s doing when she graduates, so I’d love to do more with her and older/mentor figures as well as her research/dissertation.
Bruce: Start his support group!! I’ve been building to this for a long time and the timing was just never right but I think we’re finally going to get there soon. He’s had a big turning point recently and had a lot of things come to a head and I think this is my opportunity to finally get this going. And I have another goal that I’ve alluded to a little bit I kind of don’t want to spoil it (it’s really not a big deal but it’s a big deal to HIM so…. ya.)
Annie: I want to explore more of her relationship to motherhood? She has some big stuff related to this coming up soon and I think also with the way I’ve been playing with her relationship to her mom lately I think it’s a good time for this. Because it’s really complicated for Annie and it’s more than just the “mommy blogger” “proud mama” etc persona that Annie portrays and honestly there’s a lot of stuff I never figured out so I just want to dig into that more. Maybe she needs more mom friends/enemies. Much to contemplate.
Tanya: More slice of life stuff. Typical college kid stuff like going to parties, maybe helping out around the Inn, having some RESPONSIBILITY for once, maybe even… getting a job??? Crazy I know. I would also really like to explore her relationship to death and life more, so this is a plot call for Demi… plz plz plz… although if that doesn’t work out I do think talking to our lovely mediums and spooky folks could help with this plot as well.
Mirabel: Definitely some school struggles. Moving back to Swynlake and having a support system has been really good for her mental health, but I’d also like to explore the idea that changing your circumstances CAN make a big difference but you also can’t keep ignoring the underlying problems. And I think it’ll be really frustrating for her in a good way if she’s worked so hard and changed so much and she just keeps struggling (because… look it’s a feeling I think we’ve all dealt with and I just rlly want to explore it as a writer) And once Mirabel starts addressing those underlying problems, maybe that can inspire the people around her to be more honest with herself and each other too. Just an idea :)
Lightning: Keep developing things with Cruz! This is gonna be a slow slow process and I do not want to rush anything at all, but I think the more we have them interact the richer their relationship can get. I also wanna have a major setback, like maybe they finally make some progress and then Lightning fucks up, etc. All things to consider. I also want to explore his flirty side more even though it literally makes me, the cringe captain, cringe so hard I wanna crawl in a hole sorry he is just SOO embarrassing but I promise it’s fun. Basically yeah I just wanna keep humbling him lmfao. Oh also a big one is I ammmm gonna need an excuse for him to stay in Swynlake this summer so… gotta figure that out.
Smee: My newbie! Definitely want to do some adventures with Hook and the boy (idk why it just tickles me calling him THE BOY) as they prepare for their big departure. I also want to flesh out some backstory stuff, whether that’s through self paras, flashback threads, creative tasks, etc as he is my oldest character by far and has a lot of history. I want to build up more trust with the good people of Swynlake and SHATTER IT. We don’t rlly have anyone his age but maybe it could be an NPC or someone’s grandparent/parent— I think it’d be fun for Smee to date someone and have to break up with them to go hunt a crocodile lmao in a very “I MUST PROTECT YOU FROM THIS DARK WORLD” way lmao. Just think it would be dramatic but also kind of funny. Would love to draw some more people into the poaching world as he has done it before :) And idk give Squeaky the life of her dreams, my best dog
Write at least one resolution IN CHARACTER for your characters. What do THEY want to accomplish or change in the New Year?
Phineas: Finish making his app with Kim! Get an acapella solo! Get Build a Brand on the New York Stock Exchange! (Kidding but maybe just develop that and get some clients). Figure out his love life lmfao. Be legendary :)
Tiana: Keep Tiana’s Place open. Maybe attract some press attention! Support her friends. Create a delicious recipe that Seb can eat. Maybe meet someone…? And finally get over Jess :( Find a way to save Aurora!
Aquata: Pass her big initiatives and fulfill her campaign promises. Figure out how she feels about her dad dating Simba’s mom (ok she doesn’t reflect on her feelings enough to consciously want to do this but I think somewhere deep down she’s like I need to figure my shit out). Get out of Swynlake Secondary or get Prickly fired or something… but also she does want to make the Outdoors Club successful. Deep down. 
Anna: Finish her dissertation! Help with the Town Hall archive project! Help Evy at work, learn how to drive, get better at cooking, improve her fashion game, read more books… oh yeah and figure out what she wants to do with the rest of her life.
Bruce: Figure his sharky little problem out… like for real for real. It’s not cute anymore.
Anastasia: Get what she wants in this custody dispute with Tom. Gain and maintain control of Southern Isles. Figure out who was behind the Pumpkin Smashing Incident. Bounce back from being cancelled last year. Help Toby with his big Hatter’s story! And maybe find another side hustle girl is struggling on the money front lol.
Tanya: New Year’s Resolutions are for suckers (but uhhh maybe… go to more parties with Mim and help Snow out around the Inn…)
Mirabel: Pass her exams, keep her life on track, go on more dates with Alice :) Figure out what she wants to do with her life lol
Lightning: Get the all clear from Harv so that he can get out of this place lmfao (and… okay, maybe he does really want to figure out what’s broken in his relationship with Cruz and try to fix it… not that he’s admitting to himself anything is broken…)
Smee: Help Hook get his revenge, help Gen find the item she’s searching for, keep his business going strong, and give Squeaky lots of belly rubs <3
List one or more characters you have never interacted with that you would like to do so
Okay so… I THINK I may have technically interacted with everyone in the RP (yay yay go Emma first prize for Emma yayyy) but here are some characters I know I have BARELY interacted with that I’d like to do more with.
Ting-Ting Qin: Can’t believe Ting-Ting is on this list again. I literally love her so much. Technically, I have interacted with Ting-Ting twice, once with Phineas when she was stuck in Mei’s body and the other time with Tanya on Christmas. I definitely think I could do something with both characters, the former because Phineas did cause so much drama in the Qin family earlier this year lol and is still friends with Mei, and the latter because Tanya just sent the Qins cookies and idk maybe running into one of them would be fun.
Flynn Rider: I think I may have had Anna interact with him once, but I’d really love to throw Bruce at him in light of the Holley situation lol. I’m not sure how much he knows the story there but I just think that with Bruce knowing Holley there could be something there.
Kristoff Bjorgman: Technically Tiana did a cooking lesson with him way back when and he had to go to the emergency room. I think that’s about it lol. But I love him!!! I’m sure there are all kinds of firefighter shenanigans I can use, or maybe something with his troll connections re: Smee!
Talk a bit about your plotting style – what plots are you most drawn to? Do you prefer to come with a fully-formed idea and plot off that, or throw stuff at the wall and see what sticks?
In terms of plots I’m drawn to, I’m very open to lots of different things! In general, I think I tend to gravitate toward the lighthearted and humorous, but with an emotional core if that makes sense. Basically, I think a lot of my plots tend to resemble a sitcom episode, lol. But that’s just the plots I tend to come up with— I’m generally down to write any genre, and I always like trying new things. The only thing I won’t do is smut— but I’m definitely open to exploring relationships of that nature, as long as we use the fade-to-black moments :) I love plots that drive character growth, that teach characters lessons, and that complicate relationships. But I also enjoy plots that are just silly and fun to write… my favorite are a combination of both of those things!
I think I’m probably more of a “throw stuff at the wall” person when it comes to plotting with new muns/characters and more of a “fully formed idea” person when I have a better sense of what we’re working with. Like sometimes I have an idea that I need to fit some characters into, and then I approach those people! Other times, I’m just looking to feel out the vibes and find a way to throw two characters together. But that is also sooo flexible. The one thing I will say is idk if I’m a big hc person before the characters have interacted… like of course if there’s a family connection or if we’re plotting an existing backstory (friends/exes/coworkers/etc) I definitely want to talk that through. But I get really excited to get RPing, and I kind of like to let the hc stuff come up as we write! So if it seems like I’m not like coming up with a lot of great stuff ahead of time I promise it’s not that I’m not excited, it’s just that my brain needs some time to like warm up lol. And I am always receptive to ur head canons and excited to hear them… I’m just not always the best at coming up with them myself before we’ve felt out the chemistry ya feel.
But that being said… always feel free to come to me no matter how developed or nebulous your idea is! If you have a goal and you don’t know how to get there, I love the brainstorming process and I’m always down to figure out how we can make it happen <3 
Talk a bit about character relationships – what relationship are you most drawn to? How do you prefer to approach shipping (if at all!)? What, specifically, are you looking for right now for your character relationships? 
Like a lot of us, I really love friendships and family relationships. I like chill ones, sweet friends and happy families, but I also really love complicated weird hard stuff. I’m fascinated by miscommunication and resentment and judgment and power imbalances and how characters’ flaws impact the way they relate to one another. I think sometimes I hesitate to jump into this stuff right away because I definitely don’t want to make anyone uncomf or ruin anything for people, but if you’re down for that kind of stuff, always come hit me up. I really enjoy when my character gets to be the bad guy in interpersonal conflict even if they mean well and especially if they can learn something from it.
On that note, I enjoy enemies! Some of my characters have more of ‘em than others but I love ‘em all! I like when two characters simply don’t vibe, I like when they have ideological differences, I like when they used to be friends/partners but something caused a rift, I like when they have a deep tragic dramatic 200kslowburn reason for despising each other. Love it all. It’s no secret that one of my favorite dynamics of all time is the reluctant team-up: I do this over and over and over again lmao. Just love getting two characters who don’t like each other forced into a situation together with a common goal. Something about it idk lmaoooo. Maybe this is the Libra in me but I just like conflicts where nobody is right and also everyone is right and it’s complicated. 
As for shipping, I enjoy it! I am all about the canon ship, the hypothetical ship, the crackship, the AU ship, the short term ship, the slowburn ship, the ship that could be a ship but probably is just a friendship, all of it. I usually tend to write more short-term relationships and stuff with an end plotted out than “endgame” ships, but I’m open to both. Either way, I do like to feel out the chemistry before jumping into things.
I do want to improve my communication when it comes to shipping. Like many of us, I get shy lol (and afraid of coming off like I’m pressuring people) but I promise I’ll never take it personally if I pitch something and you’re not into it. We’ll just workshop until we have a direction that works for both of us! I also want to improve this because I really enjoy conflict in my relationships (this includes romantic ones) but I can hesitate with initiating it when it’s someone I haven’t shipped with before and I’m not sure if the other person is on the same page. So I want to get better at communicating so we can be on the same page and jump into all those juicy plots!
Talk about your dash reply style and your Discord reply style! (And if applicable, also your doc reply style). What do you like about each type of interaction? What is something you feel is difficult? 
I try to do some dash replies every day if I can! I usually post stuff right away, but I’ll sometimes queue if I know I have a busy week/weekend coming up or if I’ve gotten a LOT of replies on a character at once and I want to space them out. Usually I’ll indicate in #ooc-updates if I plan on queueing for IRL reasons. I like dash because it’s easy to keep track of, and I feel like it lets me take my time with replies and be very intentional about them. Time to marinate on ‘em, ya feel?
I like Discord and docs for time-sensitive stuff that I want to bang out quickly. I have a harder time with long-term Discord and doc stuff because I’m less likely to put it on my tracker and it can slip past me. So if it’s been a few days on something, always feel free to poke me :) I also like Discord stuff for quick back-and-forth stuff for relationship development or simply because I’m bored and want to RP <3 
In general, though, I’m very flexible! I lean more toward dash, but if other formats are easier for you for whatever reason for a given thread, just let me know and I’ll go with the flow.=
Plotting Exercise! Pick one of the resolutions/goals in #3 and plan a rough guideline to how you could accomplish it. Here’s an example.
ANNIE is chatting with CORA about signing Harlynne up for ballet class, and CORA suggests that since Harlynne is pretty young, she should come to the parent/kid dance class at the gym
At the dance class, ANNIE runs into ELENA (#awkward) who is there with the twins. She tries to make small talk afterward by making some snarky comments about how it wasn’t “real” dance and Elena’s attitude about just getting to spend time with the kids makes her pause.
Still feeling snobby about the dance thing, ANNIE takes Harlynne to the dance showcase at Pride U (along with Rodmilla). She runs into GABRIELLA afterward, who mentions that she also dances at the Court. Rodmilla is scandalized and tells Annie that she really shouldn’t be bringing Harlynne to these dance lessons.
SELF PARA: Annie and Harlynne fight because Harlynne wants to go back to the dance class. Annie reflects on how much influence her mother still has on her as an adult.
After getting billed for legal fees, Annie concocts a scheme to try and borrow money from ELLA. What’s intended to be some kind of shakedown lol turns into a surprisingly deep conversation about their upbringing.
ANNIE goes to a show at the Court one night, talks to JESSICA afterward. It’s awkward, but maybe it makes her think.
SELF PARA: ANNIE brings Harlynne back to the dance class.
ANNIE runs into BABETTE at the gym, who’s bringing one of the kids she watches to swim class, and recommends the class.
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inkdemonapologist · 3 years
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HELLO THERE! My name is Shazzbaa or Shazz (she/her), or InkDemonApologist if u wanna do the username but like we all have Ink in our names in this fandom so sometimes its confusing i know. My main is @shazzbaa, and this is my Bendy and the Ink Machine sideblog! I joined the fandom late, in early 2020, and I’m partial to the human employees. I think Sammy Lawrence is a big dumb jerk but also I love him, ITS COMPLICATED; I’m a multishipper but my big OTPs are JoeyxSammy (derogatory) and JackxSammy (affectionate). @inkyvendingmachine​ is my partner!
I’m happy to receive asks, though I’m pretty slow to answer and can’t always answer all of them, but it’s no bother to get a neat question! I just skip if I can’t think of a good answer. Feel free to resend a question if it’s been a while and you’re still curious. I am usually too shy to answer compliment anons but I appreciate u! I do not take requests, art trades, or commissions; I’m just here for fun. Please don’t ask me to draw specific things! (I do have a patreon, if you’re connected to discord and wanna get an early peek at my sketches: it’s over here). You can also buy some Sammy & Jack art from me over here!
I do not tag for content warnings on this blog! If you need these sorts of tags, please stay safe and feel free to unfollow me! I do some exploration of unhealthy relationships and I know that ain’t for everyone. I do not support the IRL JDS company.
-------- AU/TAGGING INFO --------
AUs I am involved in:
ESCAPE AU: My “the crew escape the Studio, restored but changed and full of lingering trauma, and have to figure out how to live with each other” AU that I develop with @inkyvendingmachine​. You can find a summary page about it over here! There’s not a continuous storyline but sometimes I do lil comics or fic.
CTHULHU AU: aka Call of Cthulhu: Haunted Hijinx, which is actually a tabletop game where we’re all playing batim characters in a divergent timeline. It has a dedicated blog over at @batimcthulhu​, and there’s also chronological lists of session summaries and related art over here in the masterpost! I play Sammy (and his "other self,” Prophet) so I’m happy to answer questions about him here, but if you have questions about Joey, Jack, Henry, or the NPCs, you should send those to the folks that play them! 
OTHER AUs: AUs that are less “on-going story” and more “me and some friends brainstormed a bunch of ideas which we may or may not develop further” include the Corrupted World Minecraft AU, the JDS Werewoof AU, the BatIM Aquarium AU, the BatIM Forest Creatures AU and the Another Chance AU. I was briefly involved in the BatIM Step Right Up AU but declined to join the team that’s developing it further, so you’ll have to check out Giandark’s tag for that!
Organisational tags you can use to navigate or filter:
➤ #the canon crew - art and headcanons based on the canon timeline
➤ #when in doubt just keep drawing - my art tag
➤ #you draw beautifully - art by others
➤ #more distractions - silly / shitposting / memes / extra stuff
➤ #we all write on the walls - headcanons or long text posts
➤ #i know you have questions you always do - answered asks
➤ #this inky dark abyss i call a body - photo / video / cosplay post
➤ #these fanfics don’t write themselves you know - my writing / fanfiction
➤ #some of your best lyrics lately - writing / fanfic by others
➤ #an ink stained nightmare forever stuck on repeat - canon tag specifically for the characters as they appear in BatIM and BatDR (rather than speculative designs)
Characters are usually tagged, but not always for short asks or small mentions. Ships are tagged as [Character] X [Character], with names in alphabetical order.
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taeyongdoyoung · 3 years
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summary: you have a crush on college student renjun so you make use of your best lamest flirting attempts and surprisingly they work?!
pairing: renjun x gn!reader
genre: college!au, romance, pure fluff
warnings: very lame jokes, mentions of a cruel prank in the past (someone asking out renjun as a joke, pls never do that to people!), lots of awkwardness & sweetness, a bit of swearing, reader has an obsession with renjun’s pretty hands
word count: 4.7k
It had been a while since you had a crush so strong you even had a hard time focusing in class. Usually, you were a very good student, diligently taking notes and participating when the professor asked questions. But that was until you saw Renjun for the first time. 
It was like something possessed you and suddenly you couldn't think about anything else but his pretty, gentle face, his angelic voice and his lovely hands always drawing something in his notebook. It certainly didn't help much that you were seated right next to him during your shared lectures. It most certainly didn't help that you forgot all your vocabulary when you were in his immediate vicinity. Usually, your teachers and friends described you as well-spoken and eloquent, always knowing the right thing to say. 
But that was, of course, until Renjun. All words disappeared from your poor brain whenever he was around. And it's not like you didn't want to talk to him, get to know him better. But you physically couldn't bring yourself to form a coherent sentence. You kept telling yourself it was just a silly crush and it would pass in time. But the more time passed, the stronger you felt the need to do something about your feelings. Naturally, you couldn't speak, but there was still something you could do. Something you probably did best. Write.
So one day, after what felt like an eternity of yearning, you finally gathered the courage to act on your emotions. Taking a small sheet of paper out of your notebook, you wrote a little something. It was probably super lame but apparently, even your writing skills were affected by your crush on him. As soon as your "masterpiece" was done, you slid it towards Renjun before you could chicken out and change your mind about this whole thing. The note had the following text:
Roses are red, Violets are blue, Your drawings are almost As pretty as you. P.S. Key word: almost ;)
The second he spotted the little note which was folded in a hurry, he opened it curiously. Once he read its insides, you could hear him snort under his breath. Was it that bad? You couldn't help but worry. Then, he took his own pen and started writing something under it. That was a good sign, right? You were feeling hopeful. Once he was done, he slid the paper towards you. You opened it in a rush. His response was:
Hey! Are you bullying my art?!?
You looked at him in confusion. How could he have possibly misunderstood? However, he was too focused on multitasking (drawing most of the time and occasionally taking notes based on the lecture) to spot your reaction. You decided you had no choice but to be as explicit as possible and wrote another note:
Nooo, I meant to compliment both you and your art, sorry if it came off wrong and lame :(
When he received it, you could swear you saw him smiling a little, which made your heart melt. How was he so beautiful? Soon enough, his reply came:
That's alright, I'm just teasing...Also, it worked.
You couldn't believe it. It worked? You'd successfully grabbed his attention by using this first-grade flirting method in college? You were suddenly feeling brave and kept writing. It was too late to turn back time.
I just think you're really pretty and cool especially when you draw but I was too hesitant to talk to you directly...
When he read your most recent note, he even gave you a look of disbelief, which you couldn't interpret until you saw his response:
Cool? Wow, that's a first...And it's ok, I don't bite.
You chuckled quietly and suddenly noticed that class was ending soon. You couldn't wait until tomorrow so you hurriedly wrote the content of your next note:
What do I have to do to get your number?
Renjun shook his head in amusement and this time, his reply came quicker than before:
*number enclosed* Here, that wasn't so hard, was it?
You could hear the lecturer saying his words of conclusion and you hurried to respond via another note, because you couldn't trust your voice to actually speak to Renjun. Not yet, at least. So, you wrote:
Thank you!!! Here is mine: *number enclosed*
And just as he received your final note, the students around you started gathering their things. You simply looked at Renjun and you still couldn't believe he'd actually replied to your silly flirting and even gave you his number! You waved him goodbye like a lovesick fool and practically ran outside of the lecture hall. Stage fright whomst? Try having a crush on the prettiest boy in the world.
After you went back home, you debated calling Renjun. Eventually, you talked yourself out of it. What if you said something stupid and embarrassing? With texting, you could at least have more time to think things through before sending them. Actually speaking to him seemed too terrifying a task to accomplish. So, you texted him excitedly and your heart did a back-flip when he replied. Was it strange that you already missed him, even though it had only been a couple of hours since you last saw him? Naturally, you couldn't tell him that, it would probably freak him out. So, you settled for texting (for the time being).
Renjun: Why did you run away after class?
You: I was too nervous to speak to you, I'm sorry!!!
Renjun: That's strange, I see you talking to your friends all the time...Am I so scary?!?
You: Nooo, you're not scary, I'm just being an idiot 😔
Renjun: Top of the class does not equal idiot but I'll let it slide this time
You: Thank you for your generosity!
Renjun: What are you up to?
You: Probably gonna work on that assignment for next week
You: Sorry, I'm so boring 😔
Renjun: First of all, you don't have to apologize so much, you did nothing wrong
Renjun: Second of all, saaame. We can brainstorm together if you want?
You: Sorry, I'll stop. Oops, I did it again. Pretend you didn't see it.
You: Also omg, yes pls, that would be great!
And that is how your friendship with Renjun started. Texting on your phones and exchanging notes during class lasted a week until you finally decided to ask him out. Again, via text, because you were feeling too shy to speak to him. The only other contact you'd had was waving at each other. And it's not like he spoke to you, either. There were two explanations for that: 1) he chose to respect your decision or 2) he was possibly just as shy as you were. Whatever the reason, you thought this could not go on forever so you managed to find the bravery to propose a date.
You: Do you wanna go out with me? 👉🥺👈 
Renjun: Sure, where do you wanna go?
You: Oh, wow, I didn't think I'd get this far lol
You: Where do YOU wanna go?
Renjun: Hmm, there's this new art gallery I've been meaning to visit...if that's okay with you
You: Anything is good with me as long as I get to see your pretty face
Renjun: What
You: I said you're pretty
Renjun: Shut up, oh my God...
You: Do you want me to stop?
Renjun: Say that again
You: You're pretty
Renjun: 😳😳😳
Renjun: I can't wait to see you again
You: Same here
Once you got to the front of the art gallery, it struck you how strange it was that you would speak to Renjun for the first time ever. You mentally braced yourself as you awaited his arrival anxiously. Your nails were digging into the inside of your hands and you were terrified you'd pierce holes through your own skin. You told yourself this was silly, you had no reason to be so nervous. Renjun was a total sweetheart and he obviously liked talking...well, writing to you. You needn't worry that much, you kept repeating in your mind. You were too busy hyping yourself up to notice him approaching behind you. Too busy to be prepared for what came next.
"Hiii," Renjun greeted you with a surprise back hug.
"Oh dear," you jumped in shock as you turned around.
"Did I scare you, angel?"
Shit. Already with the pet names? How were you supposed to survive?
"No, it's fine," you waved him off, trying to play it cool. "Isn't it weird this is the first time we're actually speaking to each other?"
"Um...kinda," Renjun scratched the back of his head. "But I like it, it's what makes this so special."
"Wow, you sure do have a way with words," you chuckled.
"Shall we go inside?" he suggested.
"Yes, please."
As you looked around the art gallery, you kept pointing excitedly at the paintings, while Renjun was quietly evaluating them and telling you interesting stories about the artists. You couldn't help but be amazed by how attractive he was as he exhibited his knowledge. And of course, you couldn't help but wonder at how he was so much more beautiful than all the art you've ever seen. Naturally, you wouldn't tell him that. First of all, because it was too lame to speak aloud. Second of all, because your voice would undoubtedly betray you and crack or something even more embarrassing. As time passed, you were surprised at how easy it was to talk to him, despite your previous concerns. Renjun was very polite and soft-mannered and he made you feel comfortable, while the two of you looked at the paintings and discussed them. Once you'd seen everything, you were starting to feel a bit bummed out that your lovely date was coming to an end. When you were outside the art gallery, you impulsively asked:
"Can I walk you home?"
"I mean...sure. On one condition."
"I get to walk you home next time."
"There'll be a next time?" you whispered hopefully.
"I hope I don't sound presumptuous if I share my observation we both had a wonderful time."
"That's perfectly alright. Your observation is correct," you admitted.
"I live just around the corner, though. You really don't have to-"
"But I want to."
"So do I," Renjun said and the two of you began walking towards his home.
"I was wondering about something...You already know I didn't speak to you because I was feeling shy, but why didn't you? I have two theories, but I'm curious which one is more on point."
"Do tell and I'll try my best to enlighten you," he joked.
"Okay, so theory number one is you were being respectful of my wish not to talk yet. Theory number two is that you're just as shy as I am."
Renjun laughed and you could swear this was the sweetest sound in the entire universe.
"Am I so transparent? Honestly, it's a little bit of both. But there's another part you didn't guess. But it's too embarrassing."
"Come on, tell meee! It can't be more embarrassing than my lame attempts to flirt with you."
Renjun smiled gently.
"Well, to be honest, I couldn't believe you thought I was cool and pretty...I even feared this was some sort of prank. It wouldn't be the first time someone decided to mess with me like that."
"Renjun, are you serious? I don't understand why anyone would...Scratch that, whoever messed with you didn't deserve even a fraction of your attention. I meant every word I said. I really like you...and your paintings. And I'm sorry I couldn't say it aloud earlier. You genuinely deserve to hear nice things more."
"Thank you. I appreciate it," he blinked cutely. "But enough about me. I never told you...how beautiful you are. How kind and smart."
"I know," you waved him off teasingly. "But coming from you, this means a lot."
Renjun shook his head, amused by your words.
"We should go somewhere you like next time. Maybe a bookshop?" he suggested.
"Am I so transparent?" you repeated his words. "But sure, yeah. That sounds nice."
"Well, this is me," he said, pointing towards his home.
"Already? Aw, time sure flies by when you're having fun."
"I'll see you tomorrow in class, right?"
"Of course," you promised and before you could talk yourself out of it, gave him a quick but heartfelt hug. "Bye, Renjun."
"Bye, angel."
After your first date with Renjun, things were going quite smoothly. You finally got over your nervousness when it came to talking to him and the two of you would occasionally whisper things to each other during class. The first time he held your hand under the desk your cheeks filled with colour. Despite your embarrassment, you held his hand right back and granted him with a grateful smile. After that, holding hands in class (whenever you weren't busy taking notes) became like second nature to you two. It just felt so sweet and comfortable to be close to him. You couldn't wait till the next weekend for your second date. Even though you were just going to a bookshop and had nothing that special planned out, you enjoyed being around him so much that you were more than excited for spending time with him one-on-one. No professors or other students to distract you.
When the day finally arrived, you were surprised to find out your anxious self had made a comeback. Even though you were around him everyday and had grown accustomed to holding a conversation, it had been an entire week since your first date when it was just the two of you and you couldn't help but get cold feet as you were waiting in front of the bookshop. This time Renjun didn't surprise you from behind, you could see him approaching from a distance. Mentally bracing yourself for his inevitable arrival, you knew you'd be an awkward mess no matter how hard you tried.
"Hey, angel," he greeted you with the usual hug.
"It's nice to see you again, Renjun," you replied dumbly, briefly melting into his arms.
"You saw me yesterday, remember?" he teased you.
"Um, yeah, but still," you chuckled.
"Is everything okay? You don't seem like yourself," Renjun immediately noticed the change in your behaviour.
"Why wouldn't it be? Everything's peachy," you lied, but he didn't seem to believe you.
"Be honest with me, please," Renjun asked. You suddenly remembered what he'd confided in you during your first date. It was no wonder he had a hard time trusting you after someone in his past had had the nerve to pull such a cruel prank on a soul as sweet as his. You felt guilty for lying rightaway and began explaining yourself.
"I'm sorry, I'm just nervous. I don't want to fuck anything up. Like I just did by lying and swearing. Fuck. I did it again, didn't I? I'll shut up now," you were rambling anxiously.
"Relax, Y/N, I totally get it. I was just worried maybe you didn't want to be here...with me."
"What? Nonsense. There's nowhere else I'd rather be. No one else I'd rather be with."
"Well, the feeling's mutual so there's no need for concern. Let's look at those books, yeah?"
"Yeah, sounds good, Renjun."
As the two of you went inside and started exploring the hundreds of shelves together, you felt yourself relaxing a little. Being surrounded by so many familiar titles, so many gorgeous covers was comforting. And as you kept showing Renjun some of your favourite books and telling him about your most beloved characters, he realized you were back to your usual self in no time. Attentively listening and occasionally sharing his opinions on certain authors, you didn't notice how quickly time passed by and how much you had enjoyed yourself and each other's company. Once you had looked through the bookshop in its entirety, you felt like it was too early to put an end to your date, but you didn't want to come off as too clingy or something. So, you simply looked at Renjun, expecting him to say what he wanted to do next.
"I promised you I'll walk you home this time, didn't I?" he smoothly said.
"I believe you did," you giggled. It was so sweet of him to remember such a detail.
"I'm a man of my word so lead the way," Renjun replied, offering you his arm.
"It will be my pleasure," you eagerly took his arm and the two of you began walking. You were deliberately moving at a slow place, simply because you didn't want this to end and felt like prolonging the time around him.
"Your hands are so pretty," you blurted out at one point.
"You like my hands, huh?" Renjun smirked.
"Did I say that out loud?" you were undoubtedly blushing really hard.
"I'm afraid so."
You felt completely mortified as you covered your face with your own hands.
"Hey, hey, it's fine. You can tell me anything. Chances are I'll take it as a compliment."
"Really?" you sneaked a peak. "You don't think I'm weird?"
"Maybe a little bit, but it's one of the things I like about you."
"One?" you blinked curiously.
"You're really fun to be around and you've been nothing but sweet to me. And of course, you're stunning, but that goes without saying."
"Without saying? I don't mind hearing it, though."
"I'll have that in mind," Renjun smiled gently.
"Can you hold my hand?" you almost begged.
"I don't know, can I?" he tormented you with a joke.
"Will you hold my hand?" you corrected yourself.
"All you had to do was ask," Renjun acquiesced and intertwined your fingers.
Walking hand in hand, you eventually reached your place. As you two stared at one another, you refusing to go inside, him refusing to go, both of you refusing to let go of the other's hand, you thought to yourself how badly you wanted to kiss him. You had no idea if it was too early for that but you knew that the longer you tried to postpone it, the more you'd crave him. And you were an impatient person. So you quickly kissed him without thinking much. It was a bit awkward and rushed but at least, you had finally done as you wanted. Renjun looked taken aback and blinked at you a couple of times.
"I'm sorry," you apologized again. "I just..."
He silenced you softly with another kiss, this time more slowly and putting your mind and heart at ease. You lost yourself in the feeling of his plush lips against yours, finally letting go of his hand so that you could wrap yours around his neck. Hesitant at first but growing bolder by the second, you could sense Renjun's tongue testing the waters. You slightly parted your lips, letting him in. As the kiss intensified, you could feel him becoming more eager to touch you, his arms wrapped around your lower back. When you were seconds away from losing your breath, you finally broke the kiss. Opening your eyes to look at him, you couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. He'd kissed you back.
"I thought I told you to stop apologizing so much. Especially, when you haven't done anything wrong," Renjun scolded you politely.
You opened your mouth to argue, but when you realized your immediate response would have been another 'I'm sorry', you closed it. A second later, you came up with a different reply.
"I guess you'll have to discipline me, then," you huffed in a challenge.
"Dumbass," Renjun flicked your forehead.
"Hey!" you complained with a pout. "That hurts."
"What do you want me to do? Kiss it better?" Renjun gave an unamused look.
"That doesn't sound like such a bad idea," you mumbled, not expecting him to actually...kiss your forehead. But he did. And damn your knees for threatening to give out.
"Feel better yet?"
You nodded enthusiastically.
"Get inside already," Renjun tickled your sides, nudging you in the direction of your door.
"You want to get rid of me so badly?"
"No, but we can stand here forever if you don't," he rolled his eyes.
"Do you want me to invite you in?"
"Don't tempt me and go," he was impossible to sway.
"Okay, okay," you relented. "See you tomorrow, Renjun!"
For your third date Renjun suggested something different. While your first and second date had all taken place in public locations, this time he offered going to his place. And maybe the shock on your face was too obvious, because Renjun was quick to keep talking and almost take it back.
"We don't have to if you don't want to! We can just watch something at the cinema or whatever. Forget I mentioned it if you're uncomfortable."
You quickly shook your head.
"No, no, I do want to come over! I was just...not expecting it."
"Yeah? You sure?"
"A hundred per cent," you nodded excitedly.
"Sorry to break it to you, but I'm at two hundred per cent," Renjun teased.
"It's not a competition," you reminded him.
"It's not if I'm winning," he kept playing around.
You rolled your eyes.
"So what are we watching?" you asked.
"You can't go wrong with Harry Potter, am I right?"
"You are so right," you squealed. "Which house are you in?"
"Don't get me started. Sometimes I get Ravenclaw, sometimes Slytherin, it's a mess."
"That's pretty cool, though," you were practically staring at him with heart eyes at this point.
"You're a Hufflepuff, aren't you?"
"Am I so transparent?" you complained, this line becoming something of a running gag between the two of you.
"Cute," he mumbled under his breath and you blushed, not managing to maintain eye contact.
When the time arrived for you to go to Renjun's place, you were more excited rather than nervous. He was so easy to talk to and you were genuinely making so many wonderful memories that you had made it your mission to not waste any second worrying needlessly.
"I have arrived," you announced the obvious as you stood at his door.
"I can see that," Renjun chuckled. "Come on in."
"I wasn't sure if I should bring something so I bought some pizza on the way. It's still hot, so I hope you're hungry," you said as you followed him inside like a puppy.
"Oh, that's very thoughtful. And I always have enough space left for pizza."
You grinned and the minute you put the box on the table and your arms were free, you wrapped them around Renjun in a hug.
"You're so warm," you murmured against his skin.
He kissed the top of your head swiftly. Soon after, the two of you were too busy re-watching Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, eating pizza and holding hands to talk much. Once the movie was over, you realized how badly you didn't want to go home and how cozy leaning your head on Renjun's shoulder felt. And how much you liked him and couldn't stop thinking about his hands, his smile and his overall existence.
"Do you want to go home already?" Renjun asked the dreaded question.
"I mean, not really, but I don't wanna impose myself on you," you whispered.
"Don't be so formal," Renjun replied. "Just stay a little longer."
"Yayyy!" you were quite overjoyed and kissed his cheek. "What do you want to do?"
"Hm, I don't know. I could give you a tour around the place."
"Sure, that sounds fun," you immediately agreed.
"Don't get your hopes up, it's just a regular college guy's apartment."
"I'm sure I'll be amazed by every little detail."
"Even my socks?"
"Especially your socks," you joked.
As he showed you around his apartment, you couldn't help but be amazed by how Renjun-like everything was. From the snug kitchen to his art supplies scattered around. Every corner made the atmosphere feel extremely homey. Until you saw something that you hadn't expected, something that hadn't come up in conversation before. A stunning grand piano. You looked at the instrument and then at Renjun and finally, back at the piano.
"Do you play?"
"No, I just keep things like that as an accessory," he responded sarcastically. "Of course, I play."
"Can you...no, wait," you stopped yourself before making a similar mistake to the one you made a while ago. "Will you play something for me?"
"Right now?"
"If it's not too much trouble," you gave him the very best pleading look you were capable of.
Renjun sighed reluctantly and sat down on the bench in front of the piano.
"Don't just stand there awkwardly, sit next to me," he urged you courteously. 
You followed his advice and took the free spot. However, nothing could have possibly prepared you for witnessing Renjun's skills up-close. Watching him play was like magic. You were simply in awe and couldn't help but stare at his pretty fingers hitting the keys in just the right ways. When he was finished performing the piece, you were too frozen to do anything. Couldn't even manage to clap, even though he deserved it so much. But you were too transfixed by his playing and those damn hands of his you couldn't possibly move.
"Earth to Y/N?" Renjun went as far as snapping his fingers right in front of your face.
"Huh?" you let out.
"Did I enchant you or what?"
"I think you did," you chuckled. "Just...wow. You're insanely good."
He looked away bashfully.
"Thanks. It just takes practice."
"Nah, I've heard people play before but what you have is different. So pure and genuine. Like a blessing. And I'm not just saying that because I think I'm falling in love with you. I really mean every word."
"Care to repeat that?"
"I really mean..." you started, still not registering what exactly you'd said. How far you'd gone. What you couldn't take back.
"Before that," Renjun reminded you gently. "You know. The part about falling in love with me."
"Shit. I was thinking out loud again, wasn't I?" you asked dumbly. "It's too early for that, I know. I'm really sorry. Let's just pretend I said nothing and forget about it, yeah?"
In your panic, you jumped up from the bench and were about to escape like a coward but Renjun grabbed your hand before you could take another step.
"I think I'm falling in love with you, too," he said.
"W-what?" you stammered.
"And I don't care about whether it's too early or not. And I'm not going to pretend I didn't hear it. So the question is...what are you going to do about that?"
"Me? What...am I supposed to do?"
"What you want to do," Renjun clarified.
"Um...I want to keep falling in love with you, Renjun. And holding your pretty hands. Spending time with you. Listening to your angelic voice. What I want...is for you to be my boyfriend."
"I thought I already was."
"You were?"
"We went on a couple of dates...we kissed...Haven't I made it obvious enough?"
"Oh, right," you chuckled. "Sorry."
"Say that word one more time, I dare you," Renjun slowly ran a finger down your lips.
"S-sorry?" you had to test his patience. Before you could argue, he kissed you fiercely, wrapping his palms around your cheeks. You were drowning beneath his touch, which was ridiculous, considering he was also setting your lips on fire. You figured if saying sorry too much was going to end up like this, you would be a fool not to take advantage of it.
"Pretty angel," Renjun whispered against your mouth. "My pretty angel."
You were practically melting and the only thing holding you together were Renjun's arms.
"For fear of sounding lame, I'm inclined to say your pretty angel's almost as pretty as you. Key word: almost," you giggled, recalling your earliest attempts at flirting with him.
"Lies," Renjun shook his head.
"Hey, it worked the first time!" you pouted.
"It only worked because you're the pretty one," Renjun ruffled your hair playfully.
"Oh my God, shut up," you covered your face to hide how red it was.
The End
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musictrash0426 · 3 years
Killing Stalking
 My name is Elizabeth Stevens, I’m 17 and it is one month until my senior year of highschool. Most of my friends are going crazy trying to plan out their futures. However, unlike my peers, I've known what I've wanted to be since I was 13. I want to be an artist, my parents fully support my decision which is nice. They have bought me plenty of professional quality supplies since my 14th birthday when they saw all the hard work I put into my art. I've even started selling prints of my work on Redbubble. I also have quite the following 
Overall I live in a pretty good neighbourhood. It has great people, including my best friend Kai who lives a few streets over. My family and I live in a pretty large house. It has three floors which is a little big if you ask me. There are only the three of us living here, me, mom and dad. But with that being said my parents gave me the entire basement on my 13th birthday. They also helped me set up every room down here the way I want. Not much has changed, even after being down here for four years..
When you come down the stairs you are greeted with my lounge area. Where  we have a couch, tv, game system, large bookshelf and some other things. Next we have my room where I have a fairly minimal look. I have a large bed, large dresser, a walk in closet, and my vanity where I do my makeup. The next room is probably my favourite; it's my art studio. Like I said my parents have supported me over the years so I have a lot of supplies. Honestly I couldn't be more grateful for them and everything they’ve given me. I have a full easel, desk, and a lot of supplies, markers, colour pencils, paint (water, acrylic, oils), alongside my new drawing tablet.
This morning when I got up, I went to my art room and started sketching. I've gotten into this habit as it helps me get into a creative mindset, along with getting into drawing for the day. Once I stop doodling I start to make a list of the things of supplies I had recently run out of. 
As I was about to leave, I asked my parents if they needed anything. My mom told me to get her a drink from Starbucks on my way home as she knows I’m planning on going there anyways. 
I get into my car and drive to the art store. Luckily this store is only 10 minutes from my house. I walk into the store and look for the supplies on my list. While going through the store, grabbing the things I needed, I decided I also wanted to try out a new paint while I was here. I got some winsor and newton acrylics in red, blue,yellow, sienna, black and white along with some mixing pallets. I also got a canvas as I want to make a large painting later. 
My mom texted me asking if I could pick up milk and eggs. So I ran into the supermarket and picked up the few things she wanted. I then went to starbucks, got both my parents, and myself a few drinks, and went home. 
I got out of my car balancing shopping bags on my arm,the drinks in my hand and I went inside. I put the milk and eggs in the fridge, gave my parents their drinks and made my way down to my art room to put my supplies away. I started brainstorming ideas of what I want to paint and I finally came up with a concept I liked. I open my sketchbook and I start to draw the rough copy of the picture before blowing it up on the canvas and painting it. While I am drawing out the picture I'm watching lavendertowne’s creepypastas series as it's one of my favourites on youtube. 
In my concentration, I lose track of time, and before I know it it’s 4:30 pm. My mom walks to my art room saying her and dad are going on a trip for the next week. So I get the house to myself, which is cool. I've been home alone before. “Elle, you can have Kai over to stay for the week if you want.” mom said. “Also I transferred some money into your account so you and Kai can just order some food if you guys get hungry.” 
“Thanks mom,” I say “ I love you.”
“Love you too sweetie.” 
I walk upstairs with mom as her and dad are about to leave. I hug them goodbye and tell them to have a safe trip. 
I decide to take mom up with her offer and invite Kai over for the week. Lately I haven't been wanting to be home alone. So I called him and he said he’d be over in 10 minutes. 
I grab a glass of water and wait, before I knew it there was a knock on my door and it was Kai. I give him a hug and he smiles. 
“It’s like we haven't seen each other in a while.” Kai teases me. We saw each other yesterday and I called him late last night because I just wanted to talk to someone. 
Kai has literally been my best friend since we were both in diapers. Our moms grew up together so it was bound to happen that we would too. He’s my biggest support system, he’s one of the only people who know how I got into art. I watched a lot of anime growing up, I still do, and the art style is what got me into wanting to be an artist. 
“Have you started a new piece yet?” Kai asked 
“Yeah I have! And I just finished the rough copy” I say.
“Can I watch you work on it?” 
“Of course you can silly,” I say with a grin. I show Kai the canvas to let him gauge what I’ve been working on. 
“It looks really good!” But his face saddens a little bit. “Are you doing alright?” I give him a confused look. “You tend to draw horror pieces when you're trying to get yourself into a better place.” 
Horror pieces are my favourite to draw. I don't have an explanation for it, but I've always liked them. Maybe it's because I loved horror shows growing up but who knows. I look back at all my works and Kai’s right. I tend to do these pictures more when I'm not the best headspace. 
“You really know me, at this point it's mostly subconscious” I laugh “I was also watching creepypasta videos so the idea could have come from that. Anyways, what do you think about it so far?” 
“I love it of course!” Kai says
I work on transferring it onto the canvas and after about 2 hours the pencil sketch is laid out. Once that's done we decide to go to the movies. We went and saw whatever Kai wanted to see. He picked some rom com which I wasn't mad at as I enjoy these types of movies. 
After the movie we went to a sushi place for dinner. I wasn't that hungry so I got the rest of mine to go. Then we went to the supermarket to get some candy and pop for tonight. We decided that we were going to stay up quite a bit of the night so I can work on my artwork and we can just talk about life and stuff. We pull into the parking lot and head inside. This store is open 24/7 so we have plenty of time to get our stuff, but still it is 11:30pm and something makes the air feel very eerie tonight. 
After walking around the store Kai and I look at eachother and we both feel like something is off because this uneasy feeling Kai and I hurry up and grab what we wanted. Kai and I decided to pick up Sour Patch Kids, gummy bears and some chips. We then went into the drink aisle where I picked out Dr. Pepper, and ginger ale. Kai picked out diet Pepsi and cream soda. We picked out the four flavours that we both love. We then decided to get a tub of cotton candy ice cream. As we were turning there was this lady who crashed her cart into ours as we were on our way to check out. I looked up and noticed that it was the same lady that had been in each aisle with us, which honestly didn’t make any sense as we just went to the isles we needed. 
We check out of the store and head back to the car. After putting everything in the trunk of the car, I look up and see the same woman still there. What the fuck?
“Hey Kai, can you take the cart back please?” He nods and I get into the car and lock it. 
I hear a knock that startles me and I look up. It was just Kai. I unlocked the door and he got in. “Wanna tell me why you had the door locked Elle?”
I look over and the woman gets into the car next to us oh great my horror brain made something out of nothing. She was also probably having a movie night with some of her friends.
“It’s nothing Kai, I think I’m just psyching myself out.”
“Okay.” With that we drove back to my place right in the nic of time too as it just started to rain. We shut off all the lights and lock the doors and windows upstairs. We head back down to my studio and I set up everything to begin painting.
I wanted something in the background while I was working so I put on Another. Kai and I have already watched it a few times but we didn’t want to start something new since I wouldn't be able to give it my full attention. Also it's a horror anime so it will put me in the mood for my painting.
I looked down at the outline I drew; it was a girl who had gone psychotic and had a knife in her hand. My plan is to add blood to her once the painting is completely dry, but first I start by painting the eyes. When they are finished they look very dead and already mentally gone inside. I take a break and lay my head on Kai’s shoulder.
“Tired?” he asks me.
“No, I just wanted a break.” We continue watching the anime after two more episodes. There was a bang of thunder and a flash of lightning, I looked out the small window and saw what looked to be a figure of a woman. I looked back to get a better look but she's gone. I must just be seeing things.
I brush it off then get back to my painting. About an hour later I finish painting the skin and I see another flash out of the corner of my eye. I think to myself how odd that is  because there was no thunder. I brushed it off as the volume of the show probably just covered the sound. I decided to be done with painting for the night, so we moved out into the lounge area and continued watching Another. There was another flash and in the window we saw her. The woman from the supermarket was in my window.We were going to call the cops then with another flash she's gone.
We decided we couldn't take anymore horror tonight so we put on Ouran Highschool Host Club a few hours later we were on the episode where a character named Tamaki was trying to figure out his friend Haruhi’s biggest fear. When we see a flash of lightning in the episode, it also flashes here, and we see her silhouette again and she vanishes with the lightning once more. 
Creeped out we went to my room and lay in bed, I cuddled into Kai because honestly I was shaking and needed comfort.
In the morning Kai and I woke up to banging on the door. I checked the time and it was 8:30 am. We got up and checked no one was there, but there was an envelope that said Elizabeth Steevens and Kai Kalua I brought it inside.
“Ummmm Kai?”
I turn the envelope to show him. We were both scared and didn't know what to do. We opened it and there were at least 40 photos of us, starting from when we were coming out of the movie. There were photos of us at the sushi restaurant, the grocery store, and the worst ones of all the ones that were taken looking into my house. Ones of us in my art room, in the lounge, and ones of us asleep in my bed.
Panicked, I call the police and they tell us to come down to the station. Since neither of us knew the woman's name they said there was nothing they could really do for us except to have us tell them if something else happens. Some help they were, I thought.
Kai and I went back to my studio and I continued working on the piece. This time our show of choice was Miria Nikki. As I was painting the hair I saw another flash and considering what happened last night we decided to go to my parents office and check the security cameras and lo and behold she's there on the property.
“Kai whats that in her hand?”
“I don’t know,”
I looked closer and saw that it was a knife. We once again called the police and this time they came, but hearing a car must have scared her. They came inside and asked to watch the cameras with us. Only this time she was at the back door that's connected to the kitchen and of course I happened to leave it unlocked…
“Oh Elizabeth, Kai, come out come out wherever you are..” The woman sang out menacingly. Her voice rang through the house loudly causing me to look to one of the officers for advice
He nods for Kai and I walk out.
“There you two are,”
“Do we know you?” I ask, genuinely confused as to who this woman is.
“Yeah I don't know who you are either.” Kai said just as confused.
“I'm Chloe. I am in your art class.” She says.
We were both confused; we don’t remember having ever seen her before. Our art class had six people in it, us two, three other of our friends and some weird girl who doesn't talk to anybody.
“... you’re the weird girl in our class aren’t you?” Kai questions.
“What did you call me?” She asked with a defensive tone.
“What did you expect him to say, you literally refuse to talk to us. Then whenever the teacher praises my work, you get angry. Besides who goes around taking pictures of people in their own house! That is fucking creepy.” I say
“I get angry because you always get the spotlight! Give someone else a turn.”
“Elle gets the attention because she actually shows her artwork, you just sit in the back of the class and do nothing. If you want attention why ignore us when we try talking to you? What is your problem? And why do you have a knife?” You can tell Kai is starting to lose patience with the situation, as his questions get increasingly aggressive.
“So I can get rid of my competition,” she smiles sweetly.
“What competition? There is no competition Chloe” I ask 
“What competition? I have liked Kai forever!” Chloe says frustrated, slightly getting closer to the two of them with the knife.
Kai puts one hand out towards her, while using the other to pull me back with him a couple steps, creating distance between her and I before he speaks again.“I will never like you. Besides there is only one person I like, and hate to break it to sweetheart but it's not you.” This makes me curious who Kai was referring to.
“Then who is it then?” she asks angrily
That's when Kai kissed me. I kissed him back, albeit slightly flustered. This caused Chloe to become enraged, she came towards us with the knife and that's when the cops came out and told her to put the knife down. She complied and dropped the knife as she didn’t realize that the police were here. 
One of the two cops took her away as the other came and told us they were going to hold her and do a mental assessment on her. He also checked to see if Kai and I were okay. After we tell him we are he also leaves, leaving Kai and I alone to deal with this new revelation.
“Do you actually like me? Or were you just saying that to get her to stop…” anxious about the answer since I have liked Kai for a while, but didn't want to make things awkward with him.
“Elle I have liked you for a while but I didn't want to lose you.” Kai says as he pulls me closer to him.
I don't know how to respond, all my mind was telling me was ‘kiss him’. I pull him in by his shoulders to another kiss, quickly dispelling doubts either of us had. Kai placed his hands on my waist and melted into it. He pulls away and leans his forehead against mine, just holding me. For the first time in a few days I felt safe.
“Kai?” I ask in a quiet tone almost a whisper.
“Yeah sweetheart?” 
“Can you stay while my parents are gone?” I don’t feel safe enough to be home alone, and you wanted to stay in the comfort that he gave you.
“Of course I can angel.”
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theindiegamereview · 3 years
Meet the creative team: “Spellstone”
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Are you a collectible card game (CCG) fan? If so, read on, because this week we spoke to the makers of Spellstone, a free-to-play (F2P) casual story-based fantasy card game that features vibrant, colourful, hand-drawn art on hundreds of beautiful cards that you can acquire and use in battle, both against the computer and other players!
TIGR: PABLO and DUSTIN are artists who have worked on Spellstone's art, helping create some of the iconic characters Spellstone fans know and love. We asked them how they came to work on the game, as well as what intrigued them about this project.
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DUSTIN: I was working as a contract artist when I was asked to create some sample cards for a potential CCG, which is something I'd always wanted to do. The samples I submitted eventually led to me getting a contract to create the initial art for Spellstone. After about four months, I was offered a full-time position. I had such a great experience working with the team that I jumped at the opportunity!
PABLO: Prior to starting work on Spellstone, I remember doing an art piece to test my skills. I greatly enjoyed that because I particularly liked this game's art style - which is actually similar to my own! There were still slight differences though, so I've had to adapt a little. Blending my own personal style into an existing one was challenging. But something that intrigued me about Spellstone was the variety of factions in the game. Each and every one opens up a big array of possibilities when it comes to creating a character. I felt my options were unlimited and I loved it!
TIGR: Spellstone features many different cards and characters. We wanted to know who conceptualises all this, and how much creative licence artists get when crafting a character. FERNANDO, currently the main artist for the game, gave us more insight.
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FERNANDO:  That Spellstone has such an immense variety of characters means it's a complete and delightful dish for artists. It's hugely gratifying to find such visual diversity with which to play with. You're completely free to create, as long as you respect the game's universe and visual language.
As for the process, the concept of what a card must look like and how it must be functional in terms of gameplay comes from the guys in the game design department. Very creative people... sorcerers maybe? I don't know. Haha!
From a brief but concise description they give me, I can get a sense of what kind of character and action they want to see in a card. Once I have all the information I need to start sketching, my favourite hour finally begins: creative hour!
If the card description involves an existing type of character, like a goblin, part of the fun has to do with the way you depict that character, situation, action and specific emotion. There's also some freedom to create from scratch if needed - that's exciting and challenging! Sometimes the ideas come from a mix of characters, and that's when the laboratory inside my mind starts working: I press a button and something cool, spooky or funny comes out - whatever the game requires. Other times, new concepts require that I look for approximate references of what's needed, so that serves as the starting point. No matter what, it's always a very enjoyable process. Sometimes we have to make corrections, that's true. But as with everything in life, this is necessary for things to work properly. You may have to redraw stuff, but finally the card is done - it works, it delivers and it entertains!
  TIGR: In Spellstone, cards can be upgraded from a single to a dual to a quad, and we really like that this sometimes tells a "mini story" of of sorts through the artwork. Some are funny (we just love Honeycomb Lobber!), some cute (Bomb Spirit is soooo adorable when he’s angry!), some uplifting (Aurora Shaver ranks among our favourites), and some, um, a bit disturbing, to be honest (Cleaverstorm Hunter, anyone?!)! And some are just sad - we can't help but feel sorry for the poor li'l forest furries that presumably got devoured by Alphamech Stalker! We asked the team how they came up with ideas for all these tiny narratives, and MELINDA, one of the game designers, told us more.
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MELINDA: When I was younger, there were a few creatures in video games that terrified me. One of those I remembered most was Medusa, an air jellyfish from Ecco: The Tides of Time. While traversing through a water pathway in the sky, Medusa would try to pick up Ecco the dolphin and fling him off the path. Tetraspout's concept came from that, and you can even see poor little dolphins getting swept up in its attack!
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  TIGR: We asked the team if there were any cards they particularly liked creating, or found challenging to conceptualise. IVÁN, a colorist who worked briefly on the game, chipped in, as did TONY and RHADA, two of Spellstone's game designers.
DUSTIN: I loved working on the goblin cards! You could get silly with them. Frogs were a lot of fun too - the variety of colours made them interesting. For me, the water cards were challenging but I grew to love working on them.
PABLO: My favourite characters are Goblins! You can play around with them, making them look funny even when the card is telling a dark story, like a massacre. All of the cards were challenging to create!
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IVÁN: I enjoyed working on Hedron The Critical Threat, Zyd The Unhinged, and some awesome Insect cards that have yet to be released (as of the time of this interview). I mostly liked them because of their cool concepts and Fernando's awesome sketches. Hedron in particular was a technical painting challenge, as it has textures, transparencies and glow!
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TONY: As something of an artist myself (/sarcasm), the card I am most proud of has to be Dinged Waptor. Or really any of the cards I did for the April Fool's event, which is about the only time the art team lets me anywhere near card art. :) For April Fool's, I decided it would be funny to try my hand at drawing some cards I felt players would enjoy. So the first year I drew some original characters that consisted of a few stick figures, a chicken, and a bomb. The response was good, so the following year I continued the tradition, eventually going through and tracing some famous cards like Winged Raptor. My one rule while making these cards was that I could not erase what I did!
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RHADA: We used to sell boxes that contained two new premium cards instead of one. We thought of making both cards in the box thematically linked. At the same time, while brainstorming concepts for dragons, I thought we could try to make cards that formed a bigger picture on the battlefield when placed consecutively, side by side. The initial idea was a serpent whose artwork overflowed into a second card, and after some iteration, we stumbled upon the idea of a dragon dance. The result was very cool!
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TIGR: With the Spellstone story campaign recently concluded, we asked what was next in store for Spellstone fans. Would there be anymore new characters and amazing art to look forward to?
TONY: Absolutely! While the main story has come to a close, we still look forward to adding new characters, cards, and art to the game that lets our artists have fun and shows off the world of Spellstone.
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TIGR: And finally, the most important question of all: would real-life Spellstone merchandise ever be made available for fans of the game? We really want a plushie of the adorable Bomb Spirit (complete with detachable bombs, perhaps?), as well as his angry counterpart, Firebomb Spirit! Also for Quetee Que and Adorabilis, please! And would there ever be any actual physical Spellstone cards produced for collectors?
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TONY: I would personally love to see real-life merchandise, but we currently do not have the means to take on such an endeavour. Maybe one day we can strike a partnership with a team that can make this happen!
We thank the Spellstone team for their time and all the wonderful art assets that accompany this interview! Check out the game here on Kongregate, on Steam, or on mobile - three different ways you can enjoy this fun, cheeky and adorable CCG!
P.S. We just had to include our favourite card: Darkwater Adonis - don’t be fooled by his charms!
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frostbite-the-bat · 3 years
okay back to rambling about spectre except im not adding to that one ramble reblog chain
Okay so obviously they work for Queen since they work and probably live at the mansion
Their position isn't as high as Swatch but they are above most Swatchlings in terms of position
They do a very specific job and I'd say they're decently known for it to those who come visit Color Cafe
This idea comes from my friend, but we know that the Swatchlings do dumb stuff for Queen while remaining all fancy and stuff
Well, even if Queen genuinely cares about Spectre actually enjoying working there, just for the fun of it she goes "ight bestie well so you can keep your special role and all that make a show for me"
and they do
occasionally, Spectre will perform for Queen or any others who might want to watch with either skating or ice skatin
Or better yet...
An entire fucking musical
On skates
with all the other Swatchlings
And they fucking LOVE doing this shit!! I mean they already do soe occasional performance or trick or two at Color Cafe but they can go all out here
Even if they don't do proper ice skating as often (I think they might've even done it competetively for a while) they still love putting on any kind of a show and
They rlly enjoy making others happy so they go
Wether or not the other Swatchlings enjoy this goes from Swatchling to Swatchling but I can tell that some of them feel absolute dread when Spectre is like AYO WE DOING ANOTHER PERFORMANCE SOMETIME THE QUEEN WANTS YOU IN AND YES WE'LL HAVE CANONS PSPSPSPSPSP
They're already more energetic, jolly and silly than the usual Swatchling and while they're also pretty fancy and composed most of the time they can let their energy out on this
Also like, they do enjoy like, standing out and having attention on them so this is a bonus
Queen does genuinely enjoy this stuff and I am sure at first she was like lmao do this hell yeah sounds fun I dunno but I think she quickly realized yo y'all got talent
random other rambles i dunno
Spectre definitely overapologizes and if they screw a thing up they feel BAD BAD about it
They actually wear those protective covers on their knees because I think with how the Swatchlings can bounce with their entire body in that one attack they have
I think they're like... Pretty beefy you know? Like they also deinitely have a hard head like you cannot hurt them that way
HOWEVER skidding down like nasty ass concrete and getting a nasty fuckin scratch on your knees isnt fun anyone who went thru that can say sdfgsrgeth since fallin down on your head on something hard and skidding down a hard floor at high speeds are different kinds of damage
So they wear those since they wanna avoid that lol, they're a skilled skater, but you'd never know
They're also pretty scared of the Maice like the other Swatchlings, they're just so fast and tiny y'know
They probably don't like Tasque Manager even if they're covorkers
They like having fun sometimes and like... Bro... Not EVERYTHING HAS TO BE PERFECTLY ORDERED SHUT UP
They definitely draw little smiley faces and doodles on the customer's checks :)
If you're an asshole their niceness could possibly be exploited
They're not stupid and not so completely pacifistic as Ralsei, but they don't wanna hurt people either especially emotionally since it's very complex stuff
They still have beef with people though, like I said with Tasque Manager like they're definitely not perfect
While as a whole they're like
"Oh dear, my apologies for the mistake, why don't we get you patche dup and brew you some tea? On the house."
but they're also LMAO YEAH FUCK THAT BI-
(Sometimes, you must take inspiration from yourself but twist it in a few ways)
they like
genuinely care about other peole and all that but sometimes they do it just so the other person doesnt feel bad and say anything because therwise they will feel very bad to and during those moments they tend to just
ngvhgghGhNbghb nbghbc and just not talk they need a bit
during those moments they like to wait till the place closes and they brew themselves and sometimes watch as well some tea
sometimes theyll both talk about stuff but sometimes they just sit there in silence and enjoy the moment
I'm stating to think f them both more and more as close friends and I am liking this dynamic
I think Swatch is secretly also somewhat energetic, but not as much as Spectre
They are very talkative and love to talk, and tend to overshare as seen in their dialogue where they cut themselves off from telling a secret to a complete stranger
I think that's how Spectre knows all about the basement since they not only work with Swatch, are good friends but Swatch is also like
Dude yo so there's this creepy ass machine in the basement uh yeah don't let anyone in lol but yeah i helped build it
I like to think when they're not working bc I don't think they all work 24/7 there I think Queen would care about shifts somewhat and the well being of her workers in the long run even if she does stupid stuff with them (together) or tells them to do stupid shit sometimes
aaand while they MIGHT live at the mansion I am not sure i haven't decided yet, but I think they would
They still love coming back to the city often as they grew up there and they think it's a charming place
I wonder if they ever skated into the darker calmer streets of the city and met up with spamton post his prime and theyre like
hshgreth considering i established that Spectre liked Spamton as a frequent customer and recognized him a lot and how caring they are they'd loose their shit knowing he lives in a fucking dumpster DGRHERTH
probably also kinda scared of how he talks now
i also considered that i might make it canon that they were the one to see him tryna sneak to the basement with the machine while he was dressed more like Swatch like
bro bestie the fuck you doin like that outfit is fly but what the fuck im gonna have to yeet you the fuck out </3
mmm i also wonder what their relations t sweet cap'n cakes would be since y'know, they're my fav characters but like considering they DIRECTLY work for queen and that SCC are rebelling against Queen during the duration of the game and such and how far away they are it might not be the best
But maybe they'd know each other a BIT since Spactre lived in the city which is closer to where they are located AND it has some of their shop locations? I mean they wouldn't have always been set up there but who knows
Maybe they djed some music and stuff for their old skating performances
But yeah as much as I want it I am not sure how much these would be able to interact in a more canon sense, even if i go YEA LETS HAVE FUN I think SCC would be a bit :/// since they're working for QUEEN but who knows Spectre is a very sweet person and SCC are pretty chill people like you just "defeat" them by dancing with them aand they think they got you on the good side so
who knows
maybe theres funky trucies
but legit i dont know how this would work but maybe ill figure something out, but for now spectre is mostly in the queen/swatch/spamton character area and stuf
this tok a bit to ramble abt lol bc im also talking in dms but i did wanna write all of this down a bit and brainstorm some stuff maybe,,,, i dunno honestly i dont care if nobody cares but i am just! vibin here
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sysig · 3 years
2020 Art Purge
I had quite a few doodles that I didn’t end up posting ‘cause I ran out of room or they didn’t fit the theme or any number of reasons, so here they are now with a little ramble about what I remember about them
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I had a few leftover Camp Camp doodles, especially from earlier on, thus why David can look a little funny and off-model. I very much wanted to see how he’d look in a suit, I got a few different chances to draw him so! I wanted to post the “Break the Cycle” one but never found the opportunity, it was something along the lines of breaking the cycle of abuse, from his relationship with Campbell and Max’s with his parents. And then a moody Max as well hehe, that one was in October so it was the most recent! Just wanted to draw an angry lad
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Mostly fanfic or random ZEX doodles leftoever from SCII - DAX’s intimidating figure in one of the fics really stood out to me but I don’t know I fully captured just how freaked out he’d be. I remembering wanting to be very emotive with his pupil, both panicked and high off adrenaline and still maintaining just a bit of his aloofness, it’s hard! And the first draft of YIK throwing down a rope for ZEX from the pirate fic, I liked this one but it wasn’t energetic enough! A quick Captain from the sword fight (still so cool!), and a silly interaction of if Hayes shamed an openly xenophilic Captain lol. I really need to design a Captain myself so I can wander around being obnoxiously alien-loving on main lol
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Around the same time smol and I made this beautiful idiot, she proposed the idea of trauma and generational traits affecting bending, which I was all for, and I made a cute little non-bender family with different dominant and recessive traits. They both live in the Earth kingdom, she’s a refugee and he’s been a resident for generations, and they met and fell in love, aw ♥ And then one more Mac n’ Cheese for the road because I drew him once in reaction to drawing the Solitaire crew and then never again
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Unposted sona stuff mostly from the beginning of the year and then I posted the rest of it! Sometimes it was just a bad style day, sometimes it didn’t fit or would be very late (cough cough the Valentines’ Day one) or came off as weird (the spare murder was in reference to reading edgy stuff lol - considering I had just come off Put That Kid Down and the Vargas update hadn’t come out yet - phewf! I did get exactly what I asked for, that’s for sure) The daily pages one is especially funny to be because a) it’s true I still do but b) it was immediately before Bar’s redesign and his whole Deal™ changing, so it had to be left out for being too whimsical lol. The last one still makes me laugh, a happy version of “please anticipate my upcoming response”
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More sonas! Oh and a Coffee, since he was the only other Just Desserts character to get left out. Well, I guess I had one of Kaiein too, but does he count? Ehh
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It was a silly one at least lol.
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There wasn’t a whole lot of unpublished AGE this year, or in general, but it’s a shame because they really turned out cute. I remember I was practicing PigPen when I made that Adara, and I just wanted to draw some pretty Zis while I was still working on the animation meme draft. What pretty ladies!
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And a couple little doodles of the fantasy duo! They weren’t actually designed as a pair but I can’t stop, so hey why not have them live in the same world. Opal eyes still doesn’t have a name whoops, but their cute little tail pokes out the back of their robe! Lily is a good head and a half shorter, probably about to rib-height on an average human haha
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Lots of little and/or original doodles! A lot of these are either original characters, random designs, or brainstorming - there’s the first ever doodle of Marionette! Nice. I also made that lady with the scars and cut sometime around Feb. 2019 but never posted her or her daughter, they are cute tho. The little night and day one was based on a little Insect-based RPG class system I was working on at the time, Butterflies and Moths being Paladins and Warlocks respectively
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I’m so sad I didn’t get to post the wives earlier! I love my angels lads, they’re so cute. I went on a bit of an axolotl tangent, the scary one’s name is “J” lol. Lots of silly little things
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I also made a bunch of extremely random fanart over the year lol, from Wilbur Soot to Smokey the Bear but On Fire which is a reference to something but I no longer remember what. There’s also Chiffon from Sir Fluff, a Wooper, Barold from the Villager makeover series, CORPSE Husband, ENA from Joel G, and some little Among Us blobs. Fun designs abound!
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Hello! Could I get headcanons for the main 10 with a Scholar who likes to leave love letters around for them to find?
Yes! 💗 and thank you for the request ✊ I'm not sure if they're already dating or not? I'm gonna assume they are. (This turned out to be so long! I'm gonna flood the tags again...)
- first time you gave him one, it was on his desk
- he tried to read as swiftly as he could, but as he was reading through it, he started getting weird looks from the other students
- not surprising, he was grinning the whole time
- Raquel tried to look over his shoulder
- "Oooohhh~ what's that? A love letter? You're so popular with the ladies haha."
- he immediately hides it and stuffs it in his bag
- "Psh. N-no? It was just uhhh... homework!"
- poor boy sucks at lying
- "Of course, I'm sure everyone smiles like that at homework."
- Alistair keeps on giving you glances during class
- he didn't have the time to read all of it but he did see that you signed it and your handwriting is really recognizable
- afterwards, he quietly reads it in his room
- his heart races at each word
- comes to your room as soon as he finishes reading it
- "Y/N I came here to th- than- uhhh? Yeah! To thank you! Haha..."
- for a hot second he forgot how words work
- is laughing out of nervousness
- after that, you keep giving him more and more letters
- he starts consciously expecting to find one on his desk when he walks in
- is really sad when there's nothing on the desk...
- he already receives a lot of love letters ("fanmail") so how can you give it to him while making sure that he knows it's yours right away?
- you thought of a silly trick to throw him off guard
- When he's walking through the hallways you call out his name and give him the letter, you tell him that "he dropped this"
- he's surprised so he automatically grabs the letter
- "Oh! Thank you for picking it up for- Wait. I don't think this is mine. Uh...?"
- too late! You ran away immediately
- it takes him a few seconds to understand what you just did
- he's excited! But of course he's not going to read it in the middle of the hallway
- skips the beginning of next class to read it carefully in the cafeteria
- he blushes furiously at how passionate the letter is
- he's persuaded that you could write a beautiful love song
- comes in class 20 minutes late and gets detention from Tadashi but to be honest, he doesn't even care anymore
- When he walks in, he gives you a subtle look but you know what that look means
- you're so embarrassed that you try to ignore him the whole period... until he stealthly throws a paperball on your desk
- you open it, it says "look my way"
- even though you're mortified, you do so anyway
- he waves at you and smirks all knowingly
- ohhhh boy, you look away again
- you hear a stifled laugh, he probably thinks your reaction was really cute
- she often lends you pretty little boxes with cookies in them
- but when you have to give the box back to her, you get an idea
- you put a love letter in the empty box and give it back to Claire
- she discovers it in the evening when she opens the box, expecting to only find crumbs you left behind
- blinks a few times and closes the box
- opens it again and the letter is still inside
- she thinks "it wasn't a hallucination!"
- reads it really slowly because she has to stop at each sentence to calm herself down
- the next day she gives you the box again with the new cookies she baked yesterday
- runs away as soon as you take the box
- you open it and there's a letter on top of the cookies, it's a response to your letter!
- seems like she was too shy to tell you in person
- to fit the theme of the letter: the cookies are heart-shaped
- you guys keep on exchanging letters through the box and it becomes a habit between the two of you
- since she doesn't have a roommate, you slide the letter through the small space under her door
- finds it on the floor when she gets back to her room
- OwO whats dis?
- opens it and reads it super quickly
- she's so giddy that she reads over it multiple times
- sends you text messages with lots of emojis in them
- "Thank youuu 💖💕💗 you sweetheart!!! 💘💝😍😊😘"
- builds a robot to deliver letters between the two of you
- it knocks on the door and if you don't open it to take the letter, it goes back to Ellie
- she teaches you how to use the robot!
- "Don't worry! If someone else snatches the letter away from the robot it'll activate an alarm on my phone! And it's not like we need to sign the letters, we can use codenames!"
- You remind her that she's the only one in the pure and applied sciences department to create cute robots like those
- "Ah whoops... well uh, to be fair everyone already knows that we're dating so... no need to hide it!"
- she probably doesn't care much about love letters
- she always thought that it's childish and extremely ridiculous
- that is until you gave her one
- the really first time you gave the letter to her directly or else she wouldn't read it, not knowing that it was from you
- she's all proud of herself while reading it
- she agrees with each statement but still blushes
- "Of course I'm gorgeous! You didn't have to write that part..."
- she's actually a sucker for books, especially from the romance genre
- you make her feel like a heroine from one of those books and she's secretly really happy about it
- but she'll never admit that of course
- after a while she gets inspired and tries to write one herself
- she thinks "I'll show you how it's done!"
- ends up getting really embarrassed at the thought of you reading the letter and doesn't give it to you until the end of the year
- after multiple attempts you somehow managed to sneak the letter in one of her sketchbooks
- too bad you couldn't see the surprise on her face when she found your letter
- she wanted to work for a few hours and brainstorm ideas for some new outfits
- but her plans went out of the window
- she read it. Put it on the side and started thinking about you during a solid 20 minutes
- wants to thank you but doesn't know how to do it without sounding like a little kid
- decides to send you a text for now, but she'll also write you a letter later
- "Thank you a lot for the letter. I really appreciate it."
- thinks that maybe it's a little bit too cold so she adds a heart emoji at the end
- cringes to herself while sending it
- gets back to work but sometimes she draws your face on the side
- scribbles all over it when she realizes what she's doing
- "This is not professional! If I have to show my sketchbook to someone and they see this, they won't take me seriously..."
- decides to write you a letter first or else she won't be able to focus
- This is a hard one
- Raquel always moves from place to place without stop so it's hard to be sneaky with her
- eventually you slip the letter in her bag but you don't know how much time it'll take for her to find it
- like you thought it took her a few days
- when she did, she was very vocal about it
- she ran to you and almost jumped on you
- hugs you and thanks you hundreds of times
- "I love you too!!! You're so sweet Y/N..."
- becomes much more flirty, she was already confident but now it's even worse (or better? 😌)
- puts the letter on the wall of her room and shows it off to Claire
- "Look at that Claire! It seems like my godly charm cannot be stopped."
- Raquel starts carefully checking her bag everyday in hopes of finding another letter from you
- and even when she doesn't find anything, it gets her into a working mood
- "Might as well do my homework I guess..."
- becomes much more responsible with homework now that she checks her bag everyday
- your love literally helped her to get better grades
- This was a risky mission
- you had to sneak into the student council room and leave it on his desk
- they had a meeting this afternoon and Tadashi has been in a bad mood lately
- Well, to be fair he's always done with everybody's BS but this time it was worse than usual
- he finds the letter and gets confused right away
- wants to read it but he's having a meeting
- he's really fidgety the whole time, for some reason he has a feeling that it's from you though he can't explain why
- once everyone leaves the room he opens the letter
- all of his stress dies down, he falls back on his chair and sighs
- goes to find you and brings you to the council room, he makes you sit on his chair
- you tell him that you can't be here but he smiles and answers "Oh? You say that now even though you snuck in earlier to give me a secret love letter of all things?"
- he teases you with endearment and massages your back to thank you
- asks you if you'll write more (because he loved it) and you promise to do so if he promises to take more breaks
- Tegan often invites you to play videos games with him (or to marathon some shows/anime/movies/whatever)
- you left the letter behind for him but he didn't catch the drift
- goes to your room to give it back
- "Um... you forgot this, I think..."
- you tell him that it's for him
- "Wait, really? You can just text me, you know? It's quicker and way easier than writing letters."
- oooohhhh boy. He really doesn't get it, you have to spell it out
- "A l-love letter? For me!?"
- "Tegan. We're dating."
- "Oh right! Sorry... I always forget that, it seems like I'm in a dream..."
- reads it in front of you while you're paying close attention to his reactions
- and to no surprise: he's a blushing mess
- you're fully satisfied, all that time was worth it
- he says that he'll repay you with a "love text message" which sounds like he's being lazy, but really knowing how... "unique" his handwriting is, you're glad...
- but it was not just a text message.
- "Sorry, I went a bit overboard 🙏🙏"
- his text has a 23 pages long file attached to it
- he wrote a really really long essay explaining in details why you're "so awesome" and "the best person in the world"
- after classes are over, when he's working on a new painting he spends almost all of his time in the art room
- that's when you strike!
- you know he has a habit of sitting in the corner of the room so that's where you leave the letter
- honestly, he was in a slump lately because he felt like he was doing a really half-assed job with his new art piece
- but your letter gave him so much motivation that he finished the painting in a day
- "This is crazy Y/N! Reading your letter gave me the same rush as drinking 5 monster drinks in the span of 2 hours!"
- "Uhhh... Please don't do that?"
- laughs at how worried you look and asks you to write more to give him strength
- you say no at first but he pulls out your letter out of his pocket and starts reading it out loud in the middle of the hallway
- "Ssshhh! People might hear!"
- "Yeah, so? That's kinda the point but if you promise to write me more I'll stop~"
- you know he's just teasing you but it's still so embarrassing...
- in the end you give in out of shame however you have no idea just how much this letter helped him
- whenever he feels down or like he's not good enough he pulls out one of your letters and reads it
- he keeps all of them safe in a box, they're his treasures
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scone-lover · 4 years
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HAHAHAHA thank you so much for this ask!!! ❤️ This is exciting. Honestly the Egghead fight was one of the most entertaining scenes to write. (Coming up with all the puns was an egg-celent time.) Rereading it just now was like an out of body experience 😂 
Link to the original chapter here - passage & commentary below the cut!
So I have to start with how this scene was born. This is a Simon scene. He’s had a couple fight scenes with Vampire, but I wanted to show him off as the superhero of the city. What was he doing before Vampire appeared on the scene? What are his strengths and weaknesses? Despite the scene’s silliness, it’s also one of the first where we start to get a sense of what Mayor Mage is up to. 
So I knew I wanted him to do the typical defending-the-city thing, and showcase him and Penny as the dread companions power duo.
Besides the plot stuff, my main goal was to make this scene as ridiculously, stereotypically comic book-ish as possible. 😂Hence, Egghead the Villain.
Most of the credit for Egghead goes to my friend -- they’re really into DC and helped me with a lot of the plot stuff in this fic and making things semi-realistic. (Every time you read a clever plot point, it was probably them. 😂) For this non-Vampire fight, my friend suggested a gangster who was doing crimes and bribing the police. Hence this exchange--
“Okay, okay, um-- fuck. Did you call the police?” She huffs. “Yes, and I think they’ve been fucking bribed, because they pretended they didn’t even know who Egghead was! Can you believe that?”
I made him a repeat villain because honestly, I just thought it was more compelling that way. They know who he is already, Simon can grumble about him, they have egg-themed quips at the ready, etc. 😂 
As for the name, Egghead. I love how it came together because Simon is a baker, and I was able to work a couple baking jokes in there eventually. But in reality, it was me begging my superhero expert friend (named t below) to help me out with crafting this villain and coming up with some witty exchanges. A transcript of our conversation with the brainstorming and some of the rejects--
t: the gangster has a nickname right? he has to if he’s a supervillain t: make it a gimmick t: like if he has a red outfit call him mr. red or something t: he has a flamethrower and call him dragon (this made it in, later) me: Vampire already has a flamethrower t: they can be forced to fight him together me: Vampire is at home studying bc he’s a NERD t: ok he can be bald and simon can call him egghead me: THANKS I HATE IT t: simon throws him on the ground at the end of the fight - that was over-easy me: I hate you where do you get this shit t: I mean it’s typical superhero stuff t: he wears yellow and white and deals crack me: This fic is so food themed I love it t: that’s your villain. that’s it. t: listen, if the Flash can have an ice skating villain, YOU CAN HAVE EGGHEAD. And he was born.
(And yes, The Flash does have an ice skating villain. AND SHE DOESN’T EVEN HAVE ICE POWERS.)
Okay, let’s do this! Warning that this is definitely going to go through more than 500 words of the chapter. 😂 
Men dressed in black suits with bright yellow pocket squares. And larger men around the perimeter, wearing grey and holding flashlights. It looks more like a business transaction than anything; there are briefcases and money being passed back and forth, hands being shaken. “Hey!” I call. There are six men, and they all turn to stare at me, and then make a run for it. The flashlight beams dart wildly and I hear a few of them clatter to the floor. Everyone starts yelling at once and looking for an escape.
I basically watched an episode of Brooklyn-99 and crafted the warehouse drug deal based on that. 
“Don’t move. There’s only one exit,” Penny says in my ear. “And you’re standing in front of it.” I stand my ground, but no one comes near me. The suited guys stay slightly behind the muscular ones. Finally, one of them steps forward. “Mage’s Head Boy. Come to tell us off?”
This scene was also an opportunity to have Penny in Simon’s ear! I wanted them to work together more closely than just talking about superhero stuff - I wanted Penny to be invaluable to Simon’s superhero success and in on the action, too. She’s kind of modeled after Oracle from Batman throughout this fic. 
Mage’s Head Boy is a pretty transparent CO reference. 
There are times when I’m grateful for my ability to just have muscles and growl at people and make them disappear, and there are times when I wish I was witty like Vampire. This is definitely the second. I can’t think of a response to that. Luckily, I have a best friend with a head full of wit. “Tell them to fuck off,” Penny says. Then again, maybe not. What would Vampire say? I get hot and frustrated in the face of danger. He seems to get cooler the higher the stakes get. I fall into a fighting stance. “You wish.” The guy takes a step backwards. “But since I can’t bring you to the police, I suppose I’ll just have to teach you a lesson.” “That was good,” Penny says in my ear.
I obviously had to work a bit of Baz jealousy / crushing into this. I like the idea of Penny being super blunt. She’s smart and sometimes witty, but more often she just says it like it is. “Cooler the higher the stakes get” was a direct reference to the similar line in Carry On. With Simon’s last line - this scene was all about showcasing him as a “typical” superhero that you’d find in a comic, fighting a classic comic book villain. So I gave him one of those cheesy lines.
I’m surrounded. There must be fifteen or twenty of them. Eight huge muscular guys, and the rest in suits. They form a loose circle around me. Almost all of them wield knives, but I don’t see any guns so far.
I knew from the outset I wanted this to be a one-against-many fight. At this point in the story I’d set up a good dynamic for Blade vs Vampire, but not so much Blade vs. other city threats. What makes him a trustworthy hero? Simon’s origin story is that he got news attention by fighting off a group - so putting him in this group fight setting was a chance for him to shine.
A man steps out from the shadows. He’s bald, with a straight, dark mustache, and he’s wearing a pristine white suit and a shirt the colour of an egg yolk. “Egghead,” I say in what I hope is a threatening tone. The name sounds absurd. I’m glad the mask covers my mouth, because I don’t think I can keep a straight face. Penny coughs. Benedict Eggerton, better known as Egghead, is a drug lord who wears yellow and deals… crack. (I know.) (He got into crime early; his parents were poachers.) (Okay, I made that one up. I can’t help it.) I put him in jail earlier this year, but he escaped and fled north.
I was laughing so hard while writing this. You can see in the text exchange above where the suit and nickname came from. I was trying to come up with what his first name might be (my first idea was Sunny). I was so amused when I finally thought of Benedict. 😂 The poachers line is also from my friend T, and the “north” is a reference to Scotland, which comes back later as the Scotch Egg joke.
I draw my weapon, trying to look as menacing as possible. “I remember your blade being bigger,” he says, eyeing my kitchen knife. “Is it too cold for you in here?”
PFFFFFT I LOVE THIS JOKE okay so. I originally made Simon forget his sword because I thought the fight would be too easy - and going back to what I said above, he’s kind of returning to his “roots” with this fight - that spark he has that makes him a hero. And then I wrote the line “I remember your blade being bigger.” TO BE CLEAR, this was not originally intended as an innuendo. 
And then my friend said something like ‘he should turn up the heating in this warehouse then’, and I was like OH DING DING DING PENIS JOKE! 😂I’m oblivious sometimes. I’m glad I realized in time because this is honestly one of my favorite villain lines I’ve ever written.
I really, really wanted to give the “too cold” line to Vampire. It would be perfect for him. But Simon always has his normal sword with Vamp, so Egghead it was. And he instantly became an icon. 😂 
I twirl the knife between my fingers. “I can crack you anyway.” “Good effort,” Penny whispers. “But a bit rough on the delivery. 'Take a crack at you' might have been better...” “Sword or no sword,” I continue, “you’ll be an egg wash by the end of this.” “What?” Penny says. “Is that a baking reference?” Egghead cracks his knuckles, and his men rush me.
Much like Penny does later in the scene, I had a tab open of egg-related words up while writing this. I had to work in the baking reference. But a terrible one. There’s a French term for whisking eggs that basically translates to “beating eggs into snow” - and I wish it was a thing in English, because, you know, Simon Snow. Oh well. 😂 
I Google a list of ways to make eggs. Simon needs to win this fight, but more importantly, he needs to get some egg-themed one-liners in there to show them who’s boss. Chances like this don’t come around very often. 
Listen, Penny is very dedicated. I love the idea of heroes just being quick-witted and coming up with these ridiculous quips on demand. But ultimately, I thought it was funnier - and more in character for Penny - to do this. (Even though her Superhero name is Quickwit, oops.) She has the world of Google at her disposal. Egg puns may not seem important, but superhero image and reputation is half the battle.
Simon is being attacked from all angles, but he fights like a whirlwind. The bulky guys attack first, mostly with their fists. Simon kicks their legs out from under them. He throws them across the floor like they weigh nothing. “Behind you!” I say. Simon spins around and disarms the man behind him, twisting his arm, and I hear a shout through my earbuds. He grabs the guy’s knife and kicks him in the stomach, sending him sprawling. Simon Snow faces fifteen men with nothing but two knives, looking like he’s ready to explode.
I loved writing this from Penny’s POV. I am used to writing fight scenes from the POV of the person fighting, so this was definitely a cool challenge. It’s part of why I brought Penny into the scene in the first place - so I could show Simon in third person. Almost like we’re watching a movie and getting some overhead shots. From his POV, you don’t realize quite how awesome he is. So getting to showcase him like this was really fun.
I still have to wonder how Shepard knew… well, everything. 
Don’t tell anyone but I didn’t know yet either
“He’s Scottish,” I tell Simon. “Scotch Egg.”
I know. This one’s bad.
He’s a blur of gold and white in motion. He throws his knife—I have no idea where he learned to do that—and it embeds itself in one of the men’s legs. He rolls across the floor, picking up two more discarded knives.
I don’t do a ton of plotting/outlining with fight scenes, but one thing I decide in advance is where and how everyone gets hurt. I didn’t want Simon to win the fight too easily, but I did need to injure him somehow. So it wouldn’t be too easy, but also to serve as a counterpoint to the socks thing later.
I watched a lot of action sequences to write this fic, especially with the trickier one vs. many scenes. 
Simon tosses him like a sack of flour.
Couldn’t resist the baker!Simon reference.
“Hard or soft boiled,” I whisper. “Which way is it gonna be, Egghead? Hard or soft boiled?” Simon shouts. He whispers to me, “That was stupid.” Egghead raises an eyebrow. “Last chance to leave us alone, Blade.” I consult my list of egg dishes. “Give up before you get scrambled.” Simon twirls his blades. I love it when he does that; he looks like Deadpool. “It’s your last chance to surrender before you get scrambled.”
I loved the hard or soft boiled line at first. And then I wrote it down and said it out loud, just to check, and it sounded SO DUMB. 😂I almost took it out, but then figured—Simon is probably not going to think this through, either.
Maybe the Deadpool line was a bit on the nose here, but I wanted to give readers some really vivid imagery of what Simon looks like right now with these dual wicked blades kitchen knives.
“I prefer my eggs… poached,” he says. 
Even though Egghead has turned out to be quite a serious villain—there are guns, drugs, and a backstory—he is, after all, original master of the egg puns. He would never turn down this opportunity.
Egghead scrambles (ha) to his feet
I think Penny is just me in this.
“Over-easy,” I whisper.
“That was over-easy,” he says.
Not my best. But it had to be in there.
I’ll skip the serious bits, since the plot there is pretty self-explanatory, to this:
I wish he’d asked what we serve, because I have so many egg puns at the ready. Eggs-ecution. Hash-ing out justice. Karma served hard.  
My beta ashspren gave me this line, and I could not be more grateful. Imagine the chapter without this. It would be a shame.
Here are a few egg puns that didn’t make the cut, SADLY:
You're washed out, egghead
*Egghead gets angry* hey, it was just a yolk
I had to go "beat" some eggs
*uppercut* Sunny side UP!
I'll bash in your Eggnoggin’
Some people are just bad eggs
Sorry this is so long—this has been a purely self-indulgent experience. Thanks so much for this ask, I really enjoyed writing this and I hope you like it! ❤️ 
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lachlann-macnab · 4 years
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Your Name: Jean
Characters: Lachlann “Launchpad” MacNab
Pick one of your characters and talk about their growth. What about their story has surprised you? What are you proud of? How have they changed from their original inception to now?
Well, Launchpad is relatively new so he’s still pretty much the same as I envisioned him from the start-
-though I’ll admit that the idea of him having an enormous crush on Seamus/Scrooge was a surprise. I think it only took a couple of little chats with Sav and familiarizing myself with Seamus’ story for him to go “yes!! that’s the one I love!! let me at him!!”.
The funny thing is that it just kind of happened but also has a degree of canonicity to it; Granted, Ducktales ‘17 (the canon that got me into the Duckverse) didn’t delve a whole lot on the relationship those two have...but Ducktales ‘87 does and it’s fucking beautiful. 
But I didn’t know that! I was just familiar with the newest canon -exploring the relationship led me to the older canon and I absolutely love it! I love the way the older version of LP is equal parts silly and capable and I try my best to express that nice balance on my interpretation.
And I wouldn’t have found that sweet spot if it hadn’t been for Sav and Seamus!
Pick another character (or the same character if you only have one) and talk a little about where you WANT them to go. What are your plans for them going into the new year?
Oooh man, this is probably going to sound rude of me, but I want someone to call Launchpad out on his shit.
He is a happy-go-lucky man, he is positive, he does think the best of everyone right from the start, he is honest with that, but there’s also a degree of performativity to the way he interacts with people: he is a people pleaser and he’s also someone who avoids problems/confrotation when possible.
That leads to him having a hard time actually voicing what he thinks when things were serious. Launchpad will default to what he thinks is the most noble/the best option even if he actually hates it. He tries his best to be a reliable dude, but that pushes him to his limits every now and then -and he hates it, but will do it anyways.
I’d love for someone to notice that and point out his marthyr complex to him, or how hypocritical he can actually be when noone is looking. 
Jun did an amazing job at that, with the whole Moon Market incident and that is part of why I love his characterization and- I could rant about how Jun and LP are actually similar, yet different, but I won’t.
Someone please bitchslap my idiot son and tell him to be honest with his feelings, maybe get him to confront his feelings of inadequacy, maybe get him to actually face his problems instead of running away from them, kthanxs.
Pick a thread or a plot that you’re proud of and talk about why you loved it.
I have three threads I absolutely love, each for different reasons:
*Cleanliness is next to... with Jun: Jun called my idiot son out on his ‘noble man’ act. Jun was not impressed with his efforts and pushed him to an actual mini-meltdown because Launchpad didn’t know what to do or say to try and make things better: Launchpad is so used to having his way around people that the moment someone was inmune to all his tricks he...lost it. Big time. And I loved it.
*Untitled with Eilonwy: Both of them clicked instantly and- oh, man, I can’t really express what I feel about it, but:
Launchpad feels an actual, honest, connection to Eilonwy in various ways: both of them are a little bit weird, both of them are learning, both of them were kind of kicked out their comfort zones, both of them love adventure, both of them are fearless (in different ways), but there’s also a curious father-daughter dynamic to them. Eilonwy lacked not only a father figure but also a general actual caring adult one and I guess that’s part of what draws her to LP, while LP is a naturally caring man who also, (betweem the two of us), loves feeling like a good-ish role model instead of the dude people tell you to avoid because he’s an idiot, he loves looking out for people, he loves being understood -and Eilonwy, surprisingly, understands him without even trying. 
They are so very sweet, they just clicked and both of them learn new things with the other: both about themselves and the world. And I love it.    
*Dressed to the nines with Seamus: a.k.a “the one in which Sav let me go absolutely fucking ham”: It began with a chat about the need of gratious fanservice involving Seamus wearing (and getting out of) a suit -but soon became something else thanks to the Halloween task.
We soon got the ball rolling and Black Annis happened in a stupidly organic way (her very modus operandi, I discovered kind of late during the creation, ties way too well with the thread’s title itself and I’ll never get over it), and the mix of terror and action just naturally pushed the rest of the plot into the catharsis Seamus needed after all the stuff he’s been through.
The thread gave us the opportunity to write some mindless comedy, some yearning, some tenderness, plenty of gore, blood, trauma, legit PTSD, then back to tenderness and silliness -while also mentioning and showing a good deal of the things that have made Seamus the man he currently is, with the pretty and the ugly of it.  
I just think it was an amazing character exploration for both Seamus and Lachlann, and I enjoyed every bit of it. I love Sav’s writing, I love Seamus’ characterization, I love how naturally it all evolved, I love how Sav can casually bring something up while plotting and the thing just clicks into place, I love how we just kind of understand where things are going or where we want them to go. Sav’s just amazing at brainstorming and general writing and I feel really, really lucky to have the chance to write with her.
I have no choice but to stan, really.
 And I could go on and on about how the thread pushed both Seamus and Lachlann towards some big character development, but I really don’t want to rant -so I’ll leave it like this.
In terms of your own writing, identify 1-3 strengths and talk about why you think it’s one of your strengths.
Gee, that’s a difficult one. I guess my strongest suit as of now would be Launchpad’s voice as a character -and I’m not only talking about dialogue.
I think everyone that has read any of my threads has noticed by now that the flow of the narration is an extension of how Launchpad himself feels and thinks: it’s chaotic and emotional, it can get self-conscious and snarky when he, himself, can’t, it brings some exposition while not breaking the simple, chaotic rythm of Launchpad per-se.
In terms of your own writing, identify 1-3 areas of improvement.
This is way easier for me to pinpoint, hah! I definitely need to work on the length of my posts: I know seeing paragraphs upon paragraphs upon paragraphs can make people tired or make them feel intimidated to interact. 
I also need to work on organizing Launchpad’s chaotic thoughts. The narration does get long-winded and sometimes the progression from point A to point B is way too chaotic -so much so that actually erasing it all would make no impact on the overall narration. 
Pick one of your plots, or even just a character, and come up with a list of 3-5 “mentor texts” where you can look for inspiration or research, then write a short (2-4 sentences) why you picked those texts. 
Not texts per-se, but I think a good way to get a feel of Launchpad’s general vibe is to watch “Top Duck” from Ducktales ‘87 and/or “The Duck Knight Returns” and “Double-o-duck in: You only crash twice”; Those episodes do an amazing job in expressing his insecurities and passions.
Now, leaving the source material behind, I think a book he resonates with is “Oh, the Places You'll Go!” by Dr. Seuss -it’s fun, it’s simple and it has an overall heartwarming message: It kind of captures that sense of wonder, discovery and positivity Launchpad both has and wishes to offer other people. 
Another inspiration of sorts for Launchpad is Ferry’s “Parties are for losers” series: First of all, I’ll admit I’m a sucker for the Strugatsky brothers and С��АЛКЕР, so it’s no surprise I’m in love with Ferry’s interpretation of the story; I see a little bit of LP in KT’s story, but also in Yura’s and, surprisingly, in Olga’s. 
PAFL’s setting is different, yet similar, to the Soviet sci-fi original: it deals with some disenchantment, it’s far from idealistic, it’s rough, but it’s also full of wonder and adventure: there’s big risks, but there’s also a good deal of things that make things, if not better, a little bit less miserable for the characters -and sometimes that something that keeps them going is other’s presence. PAFL is, for me, the inspiration for adventures that aren’t always glamourous, simple, or happy, taken by characters that are far from perfect, that have the odds against them, that carry a whole lot of baggage and, yet, prevail.
And, finally, a last inspiration for Launchpad, my lovable idiot son, comes from probably the place one would expect the least: God of War (2018).
I’m also a sucker for God of War, sue me.  
I know it may seem bizare, but the message of the game just clicks with LP -and before you start wondering how in hell Kratos could possibly inspire Launchpad just let me tell you: he doesn’t. Because it’s not about Kratos I’m refering to when I talk about that story! I’m actually thinking of Mimir!
I love him so much.
Mimir’s role on the game is multifacetic: he brings exposition and ocasional comedic relief, sure, but I see him as the heart of the interactions between Kratos and Atreus (Kratos’ son, for those who may not know). Kratos is emotionally repressed and keeps to himself a lot while Atreus is a bundle of joy, energy, curiosity and someone that doesn’t think ‘because I say so’ is a valid answer to things; Kratos and Atreus clash during the first part of the game even when they love one another in their very particular ways.
In comes Mimir.
Mimir(’s head) joins the party and takes upon himself to act as a bridge between emotional distant father and young naive fearless son and...things start working for the three of them! Kratos starts understanding Atreus! Atreus slowly understands his father’s worries and needs! They begin the story as (almost) complete strangers but by the end they have an actual bond thanks to Mimir’s constant pushing and interventions: Mimir is soft with Atreus but bold with Kratos, the man knows when to joke and throw some riské comments for the chaos of it, but he’s also the first to offer words of comfort and understanding. 
The man becomes part of the family even when he isn’t related to them by blood, even going so far as to give a ‘no, take me instead!’ when presented with the opportunity by a pair of enemies, even when his whole story tells us that he thinks of the idea of dealing with those people (won’t say who, because spoilers) as worse than death -the man hates the mere idea of going back but doesn’t hesitate a second to offer himself as a sacrifice for his new family.
And, damn, that’s what I base my interpretation of Launchpad on. He’s not a part of the family per-se but he constantly acts as a bridge between the youngest and more idealistic parts of it and the jaded, older, tired one; He’s happy to be comedic relief but will also sit and give anyone a pep talk when absolutely necessary -he knows his limitations but keeps trying and offering his best for those he cares about. He tries to be the heart.
I’m emotional about a disembodied head, don’t touch me. Play God of War (2018), it’s fucking amazing.
And now, a wishlist!: 
I’m...actually up for everything and anything, really. I’d love some adventures, but I also love the more mundane interactions, I love the heavier topics but also the silly moments. 
I guess, as I said before, the one thing I’d really love is for someone to push Launchpad to be honest about his feelings. Also a plot about him either considering to or actually flying again -those, however, will happen in due time and I have no rush to make ‘em.
Why do you RP?
Short explanation?: I love writing and reading.
Longer explanation?: I love writing and reading, I love complex characterizations, I love exploring new ideas and seeing how little plot bunnies become full fledged plots and/or character explorations or bring some character development, I love how that creates a domino effect with the rest of the cast. I love to see things happen: I love watching from afar as other’s characters learn lessons, create and conect-
-also, I write and read all day, everyday: that’s my job. I do script revisionism and organizational comunication. During work hours I have to check the flow of words, tones, and overall intentions; I have to do my best to make sure someone’s idea fits the box, but RPing gives me the opportunity to take the box and toss it out of the window. RPing gives me the chance to write freely, to write silly, to be imperfect and not worry about going from A to B or dealing with a checklist or tones, intentions or other’s ideas. 
It’s just freeing. And that’s why I do (and love) it.
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