#i love kelly shes awesome
jackoffjill136 · 2 years
here it is:
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teganc · 1 month
Interview Confessions
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Rhea Ripley x reader
A/N: This is my First ever Fic. I hope you like it. I would like to thank @rheas-ripley for this request. Go check out her page. She's great.
Monday Night Raw
Y/n is walking around Backstage in catering grabbing a few snacks walking around before bumping into her ex Tag team partner and girlfriend Rhea Bloody Ripley. " Y/n watch where your going why don't ya, don't want your little fairy wings to get damaged " She starts laughing as Y/n shakes her head rolling her eyes. " Oh we wouldn't want that Mrs all mighty eradicator who's ego is bigger than Texas " Y/n walks away before being stopped by Cathy Kelly. " Y/n How are ya? " Y/n smiles giggling. " I'm ok what's up Cathy " She smiles giggling. " So The questions on everyone's mind is...What is going on Between you and the Women's World Champion Rhea Bloody Ripley " Y/n sighs shaking her head " Nothing tbh i have nothing but the up most respect for her even with everything that happened...she's doing awesome for herself and I couldn't be prouder " Y/n smiles at the memory of her winning the championship off of Charlotte Flair as Cathy clears her throat bringing Y/n out of her daze as Rhea Walks up " Y/n we need to talk " Y/n scoffs looking at her " what about?...cause after 2 years of absolute silence..I don't think there's anything to talk about " Y/n starts walking away as Rhea grabs her hand. " Roo Please..." Y/n stops looking down tearing up having not hearing that Nickname since the betrayal 2 and a half years ago. " Don't call me that ". Rhea looks at her with tears in her eyes as well. " I'm so sorry that I did what I did and how I ended things..if I can go back in time I would...please Sweet Girl...." Y/n looks at her as Rhea smiles softly. " Let me make things right between us ok? " Y/n looks at Cathy who was smiling and giving her the thumbs up before looking at Rhea and smiling. " Ok...." Rhea smiles picking her up and spinning her around looking into her eyes. " Ready to come home pretty girl ? " Y/n nods kissing her softly. " Let's go home " Cathy and everyone who was backstage started cheering and smiling happy to see " Skies Brutality " Back together off screen and on screen
Thee End
A/N: I would love some feedback. Thanks 😊
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tomdayaland · 2 months
She’s going on Kelly and Michael on the 23rd!
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Oh awesome! I love Kelly and Mark. :))
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Okay y’all, I just finished episode 5, here are some of my thoughts on it!
-Bruh this bald bitch Xavier is getting on my NERVES. Like I get why you did what you did but you REALLY had to go to get some space girlfriend instead of helping your X-Men? Like I think Magneto KNEW he was going to space because he even mentioned how Xavier went with his Shi’ar Queen- that’s WILD
-Also I didn’t think I realized the magnitude (heh heh, get it?) of what Magneto did until this episode. He does realize he’s probably killing an assload of mutants too right? Like bro has good points but I think killing thousands of people including mutants and like the entire planet may be a tad too far
-Why were they in space when Xavier met with President Kelly? Did I miss something?
-I wasn’t surprised that Rouge joined magneto, but Roberto joining threw me through the loop. I get why, I just didn’t expect it. I mean I’m proud of him though. I wish there was more time before the final battle so we could see Roberto interacting with Magneto and Rouge since we’ve only ever seen him and Jubilee together. (more in next bulletin point about those two) I just feel like there could have been more character interactions in general here. Too much was focused on just fighting. Like how the hell did we go from having 12 hours to 1 so quickly? The fuck????
-More about Rouge, loved her talk with Professor X, you tell ‘em Rouge! Also I love that she wore Gambit’s jacket, I thought it was really sweet.
-Roberto worrying about hurting Jubilee? AWKDKGBDLFN MY HEART AHENGELFKDK like I don’t really know how J feel about romance with them but their friendship and stuff is so adorable and then to have it break like that! Like of course Jubilee would be mad! Roberto effectively went against her family!
-My Queen, my absolute GODDESS storm returned! Yay! I loved the little sister moment Jean and her shared. She had some super cool fighting scenes though, I love how they animate her abilities. I don’t like how my QUEEN GOT MURKED AGAIN WHAT THE FUCK!!!!! So unfair
-Real talk why the FUCK did they send Wolverine to confront Magneto? Honestly Magneto could have done what he did at the end at literally any point, dude was playing it nice. Also, my Morphine loving ass really wishes there was a goodbye scene between Morph and Logan. I mean K know he’s gonna be okay though. It’s Wolverine. I hope we actually get to see more of his healing abilities, we never get too see those….. I mean he is going to be okay, right? My heart cannot take Logan dying he’s like one of my favorite X-Men. Honestly I feel like X-Men 97 haven’t really been doing him right. But it’s pretty much the Scott and Jean show so, go figure
-More on Morph: they got called THEM again!!! That made me so happy! :) but I was a little bit confused when Rouge said something along the lines of: “Morph barely joined our team for 30 minutes and we threw them to the wolves” what does that mean? Am I missing something? Is it from the original show? Because I didn’t watch it so if someone could explain please do!!
-As for Cable, it was really cool to see his powers get shown off! That was awesome. I like the interaction he had with Scott too. Honestly ever since they introduced Cable I was hoping for a Deadpool cameo, hopefully for season two. A girl can only dream.
-Then onto Nightcrawler! Once again my dude has AWESOME GOATED fighting skills!!!!!! We love him. I was surprised he didn’t really try to talk Rouge down during the battle but that fight was way too fast paced. I really liked the scene with the Rosary. I don’t really know why since I’m not religious or anything, I just thought that it was a nice touch.
-Gonna do Scott and Jean in one I guess. I liked the fight between Jean and Mr.Sinister. I think it’s crazy that she could telepathically communicate with Scott that far away. That’s cool. I hope Cable doesn’t kill her. On another note, I love Scott and Jean. Like this show has done WONDERS for Scott’s character but why does EVERYTHING have to be about them?! They’re like the only two characters that got like any character time the entire episode!
-And then because apparently I decided to do everyone I might as well say stuff about Beast, next I’ll do Magneto. (Can you tell this wasn’t planned at all and I’m just rambling lmao?) anyway, Beast was pretty chill here. I always like the little quips he throws out during a fight, and I like that he’s friends with Forge. He is a very swag dude. I’m a little surprised to see him hanging around near the reporter still, especially since she was revealed to be a sentient bot thing and like Roberto said, she somewhat chose to be turned into something that would fight against mutants. But beast is a very peaceful and forgiving person, so I suppose it makes sense.
-Finally, Magneto! Fun fact throughout this entire thing I kept spelling it magneato because I think he’s mag-neat-o (I should be burned at the stake). Well, I would say that if I didn’t think he was a FUCKING IDIOT! Bro another PLANET?! Please tell me how he was planning on loading every mutant up to another planet. I would LOVE to know. There were different ways he could have gone about it, but NOPE. Also- LEECH ACTUALLY DIED?! CKDIFNSKGKELGL SOBBING ACTUALLY SHED A TEAR- like I don’t know what I should have expected but I’m still sad about it. So I guess a huge part of this is a product of grief not just for Genosha but also Leech. God that’s so sad bro-
Forge- unfortunately not much to say here :( I do hope he’s okay though! He’s a really good pilot and very smart!
Overall, I just think this episode was way too rushed. I wish there were more character moments. I mean the professor isn’t dead? Hell I would have punched that old man in the face! I really think the first season should have been longer. I know people disagree but I just want to see more things between other characters that don’t feel so rushed. That’s all I want. I want to see more of my faves instead of having them constantly thrown to the side.
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sashkapi · 1 month
Do you have any headcanons about those chaotic siblings? Because Man your headcanons are so awesome
Thmanksks <3
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1. Because of their frequent physical fights Brianna is considered pretty strong when compared to other girls her age.  Buttowski brothers are for equality They'll fight their sister all the same <3
2. Speaking of Brianna: in my au(I guess it's an au atp) she is the reason for the slight wardrobe change of her brothers. They didn't really complain especially because Bri kinda gets their preferred styles. 
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3. All of them were forced to play piano at some point. It stuck the most with Brad.
4. Musically speaking, Brad is the most "musically gifted" out of the three. Not really actually. He just thought girls like music and started learning how to make music until it actually stuck and became his consistent hobby and he improved.  Bri still plays piano for talent shows but not for herself. You have to throw Kick off a cliff with an instrument if you want him to play it. (Almost like there's an episode based on this whoa)
5. If you force them to pick an instrument to play then their picks are: Brad - guitar (chicks like it and he likes playing it) Bri - piano (she can only play it and has no interest in learning any new instrument) Kick - keytar (played both piano and guitar before so he would be curious about this amalgamation)
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6. They all have "bits" of each other talents, mostly because they live together  Brad and Kick actually know how to put on make up (Brad paints his nails sometimes and Kick sometimes masks his scar if needed) Brad and Brianna somewhat good at acrobatics  Kick and Brianna have some knowledge of music making
7. Kick isn't the only one who hides his natural hair color. Brianna does it too. Her natural hair color is brown but girl likes Teena Sometimes so much that she dyes her hair blonde.
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8. While I draw Kick and Brad with eye bags because "Ha ha, funny scissor seven reference" they also both suffer from insomnia. Brad frequently loses track of time and sometimes goes to sleep at 4 am. Kick physically can't fall asleep at a reasonable time. (There is an actual reason why but I'm saving it for another day).
They also learned how to fight quietly because parents are asleep but THERE IS NO OTHER WAY TO DECIDE WHO GETS THE LAST BIT OF ICE CREAM IN THE BOTTOM FREEZER AT 3:42 AM.
9. When it comes to each other love lives: Brianna will be all over her brothers to get all the information. It's prime gossip material. Especially with brothers like hers. Of course she would want to know what type of person would date a pathetic pig pen or adrenaline maniac. Kick cares a tid bit below surface level. He would just make sure that his siblings are in a "normal" relationship and intervene only if there's a potential "Kelly situation". Other than that, he doesn't really care. Brad pretends he doesn't care. He does. His sibling better not dare getting partners before he does. 
10. Silly one but if not "dillweed" Brad and Brianna sometimes call Kick "Brick".  Now all the siblings' names start with "Br" :)
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notmaplemable · 1 year
9 Days Of Lancaster Day 8: Meeting The Family
RJ: *Standing outside the Arc household*
Jaune: Nervous?
Ruby: A little bit.
Jaune: Don't be, they'll love you. And I mean, you meeting my family can't go any worse than me meeting yours.
Ruby: What do you mean? Dad loved meeting you, and Uncle Qrow likes you more than he likes most people.
Jaune: I meant throwing up on Yang.
Ruby: Oh... Yeah, hopefully I can do better than... that.
Jaune: You will. You did great when you met Saph and Terra.
Ruby: But we weren't dating then, and two people are easier to deal with than ten!
Jaune: Well... you aren't wrong.
Ruby: You're supposed to encourage me!
Jaune: I have been.
Ruby: Well I don't feel encouraged!
Jaune: *Sighs* Let's just go meet everyone.
Ruby: H-Hello, my name is Rubin Rose!... I mean Robin Rose!... I mean Ronald Rose!... I mean-!
Jaune: This is Ruby.
Mama Arc: *Chuckles* Well aren't you adorable.
Papa Arc: There's no need to be so nervous, Ruby. We've heard a lot about you.
Mama Arc: And if you're anything like your mom, you'll get along with the girls just wonderfully.
Papa Arc: Hopefully.
Jaune: Where is everyone else anyways?
Mama Arc: In the den, we wanted to give Ruby a little bit of breathing room before we throw her to the wolves. *Chuckles*
Ruby: *Mortified*
Jaune: Thanks mom, really helping her anxiety there.
Mama Arc: Oh I'm just teasing.
Jaune: Tease less, please.
Mama Arc: Oh sure, sure. Let's go introduce her to the girls! *Grabs Ruby's hand and drags her away*
Ruby: Eeep!
Jaune: Oh, boy.
Papa Arc: This is going to be a... fun day.
Mama Arc: This is Ruby Rose, Summer's youngest daughter, and Jaune's fiancée! Isn't she just adorable?
Arc girls: *Various forms of yes*
Ruby: H-h-h-hi?
Mama Arc: Now, you already know Saphron and Terra.
Terra: Hello again, Ruby.
Saphron: It's been too long. I like what you're doing with your hair now, though.
Ruby: T-thank you. It's good to see you two again.
Mama Arc: This is Garnet, our oldest.
Garnet: I see you like red a lot.
Ruby: Yeah, it's my favorite color.
Garnet: Well, we have that in common. And from what I've been told about you, I look forward to having you as a little sister.
Ruby: Oh, umm. Thanks?
Mama Arc: This is Jaune's twin sister, Joan.
Joan: It's nice to meet you.
Ruby: It's nice to meet you too, you look a lot like Jaune.
Joan: Except a good bit shorter and a lot less muscular now. *Chuckles* He's changed a lot since he left.
Ruby: Yeah.
Joan: Mostly for the better it seems, and I believe I have you and the rest of his friends to thank for that.
Mama Arc: This is Kelly.
Kelly: So, I hear you like weapons.
Ruby: They're my second most favorite thing in the world.
Kelly: Can you show me some cool weapons sometime?
Ruby: Sure! I mean, if you want me to.
Kelly: I do! This is going to be so awesome!
Mama Arc: This is Livie.
Livie: Sup?
Ruby: Umm, not much?
Livie: Hmm.
Mama Arc: She doesn't talk much, now onto the second set of twins. Milly and Amethyst.
Milly: You seem really cool!
Amethyst: You stole my big brother you harlett!
Ruby: Umm, I don't know what that means.
Milly: She just called you a w-
Mama Arc: And that's enough of that conversation! Let's eat!
Several hours later.
Jaune: See, I told you it wouldn't be that bad.
Ruby: Your little sister called me a "harlett".
Jaune: She's just getting used to me dating. It'll all be better after a good night's sleep.
Ruby: Where am I supposed to sleep?
Jaune: We have a ton of guest room you can stay in.
Mama Arc: Actually, I donated all of the beds in the guest room to charity.
Jaune: What? Why?
Mama Arc: It doesnt matter why! *Starts pushing Jaune and Ruby towards Jaune's room* You two can just sleep together in Jaune's room while you're staying here!
Jaune: Mom!
Ruby: *Blushing*
Mama Arc: *Pushes them into the room* Have a good night you two~! *Leaves*
Jaune and Ruby look around at Jaune's room, which is currently lit by several candles with some soft romantic music playing in the background.
Jaune: ...
Ruby: ...
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fruitylo0pz · 1 year
A New Start pt. 2 (NSFW)
(pt.1 here if you haven't read it)
Larissa Weems x fem!Reader
Warnings: NSFW, smut, 18+, sub!Larissa, choking, fingering, masturbation, cunnilingus, strap-on, degradation kink, some light fluff
A/N: First of all; THANK YOU!! I never thought anyone would actually read or like this, so it was really overwhelming to receive positive feedback. I had been thinking about writing something with multiple parts and I really liked this when I started writing it. This one is longer than the other one because I wanted to implement some story and not just smut. Sorry about that! I do however hope it's a continuation people will like as much as the first one. I might start planning part 3 tonight if this is something you'd want more of. I have proofread it, but again I apologise for any mistakes.
Word count: 4.7k
You and Larissa’s arrangement had been going on for a few months, and you managed to keep it hidden from everyone. She would come over a few times a week, or you would pay her a visit at the school when she worked long days. Naturally, after meeting you, she worked more long days than before but they had been far more pleasant than they used to be. You both sorely wanted more, but you knew that wouldn’t happen for now, if ever. Your life was pretty much the same aside from the affair you had going on with Larissa, and you had been working on a huge project at work when your boss came to give you an invitation.
“Y/N! Take a break every now and then, will you? You’re basically running on coffee at this point. In fact, I’m here to share something with you so you can take a break right now!” Your boss was laid back and always down to earth, and you had a great relationship with her. She sat down and you reluctantly took a break from your project.
“Sure, what is it? And I do take breaks! I just get really caught up and lose track of time.” You leaned back and actually found yourself grateful for the break after having worked on the project that turned out to be a lot heavier than you thought it would be.
“Tomorrow, one of the powerful and important businessmen in town is hosting a dinner and party for some of the companies in town and we’ve been invited. I know you don’t really like these things, but hey. It’s free food and booze and I think you’d actually really like it. He’s a bit of a prick, but it’s good for the company to keep in touch with important people in the town and it gives us some good exposure. Please come? Josh is out of town, but me, Kelly and Jess are going and we would all love for you to come. Who knows, maybe you’ll meet some pretty lady?” She laughed, and you could tell that she really wanted you to come. 
She was right, you didn’t really do much other than hang out with Larissa any time you could, work, run or go to the gym. Although, you weren’t really interested in meeting some pretty lady, you already had that even though she wasn’t yours. “Fine, I’ll come! But only because you’re all going and you said there’s free food and booze. Can’t say no to that.” You chuckled and she squealed at your response. She had probably prepared some long speech because she thought you needed some deeper and more aggressive persuasion, so she was probably just as relieved. 
“Awesome!! Oh, it’s gonna be so much fun. It really isn’t as bad as you probably think it is, I promise. Now, I’ll let you get back to your work before you push me away.” She almost skipped on her way back to her office and you went back to work.
The next workday went by a lot easier as the heaviest parts of the projects were done and you were beginning to wrap it up. You hadn’t heard from Larissa for a few days and you were getting worried, although this wasn’t really a unique occurrence. You knew what you had gotten yourself into, and you never nagged her. It was all on her terms, but she would send you the frequent picture posing with new lingerie or a nice selfie while taking a break. You appreciated these small, delicious gestures. She never had the confidence to do these things before you came along so it was truly special to you. You had picked out your outfit the second you got home after hearing about the dinner because you knew you’d never have the time after work, and it also made you feel like you were closer to a commitment. You were actually looking forward to this and getting your mind on something else, if only for a night. 
The girls were waiting outside for you, and your boss once again squealed when she saw you. She was the complete opposite from you, but you got along surprisingly well. “I actually had my doubts and I thought you wouldn’t show. I didn’t go as far as to take bets, but I have to admit the thought crossed me. You look smashing, by the way! Let’s go inside and get ourselves a good table and a drink.” She ushered you all inside and you ordered a drink at the bar before finding a table.
Suddenly, your eyes caught her at one of the tables. She was sitting next to an older man and she looked just as shocked as you probably did when your eyes met. Your boss must have seen you staring in that direction when she gave you a friendly push. “Hey, that’s the wife of the guy who’s hosting this thing so please keep your eyes to yourself. I know she’s probably right up your alley, but that’s a no go.” She laughed and you were left stunned, and let out a nervous chuckle. 
Her husband got up and held a speech filled with cliches about how a strong community with solid companies is important for a town but you couldn’t really focus on it. Your eyes were glued to her the entire time, and you could really see how unhappy she was when she was next to him. She gave him a fake smile whenever he looked at her, but that was about it. After some time, you excused yourself and you managed to catch her eye long enough to give a nod towards the exit. Hopefully she understood that you wanted to see her. 
You went outside to the hallway when you saw her approaching you, and she took you to a storage room. “I’ve missed you so much, Y/N. I didn’t know you were coming here. I’m so sorry you haven’t heard from me, but the time leading up to these things are always busy because naturally I have to take care of everything.” She shook her head but you gently stroked her cheek to assure her that you weren’t upset. 
“Hey, Larissa. I know this is how things have to be, and I knew that from the beginning. You look stunning, by the way.” You gave her a smile filled with admiration and she leaned down to kiss you. You had missed her soft lips so much, and she had been longing for yours just as much. 
“I was going to text you after this to see if you wanted company. He never comes home until early in the morning, or he passes out because he’s too drunk. He wouldn’t notice me leaving. And I have missed your touch so much.” The look in her eyes became darker and her eyelids fluttered. She wanted you, and seeing you had only reminded her how much she had missed you.
“And I have missed my beautiful princess so much. I would love company, but since we’re already here… How about you spread your legs for me?” Your hands wandered to her back and down to her ass and she whimpered.
She looked at you with a slightly shocked look on her face. “H-here? Now? I… There are people walking past this room all the time.” Your hand gently started lifting up her dress, and her legs started spreading automatically. 
“I know. And I love it. Do you know how much it would turn me on to know that he might walk by while I’m eating out his wife while my fingers are buried deep in her cunt, completely unaware of what’s happening in this room?” Your fingers continued pulling up her dress, and she helped you. She moved to an empty table where she sat down. She pulled the dress all the way up and spread her legs.
“Oh, you are such a desperate whore, Larissa. My desperate whore. Such a good girl.” She let out a groan when you praised her. She loved the name calling, and whenever you called her a good girl it automatically made her hiss.
You got down on your knees before her and pulled down her panties, knowing you wouldn’t have time for the foreplay you usually loved so much. Teasing her was just as fun as fucking her, because it made her so weak. You lifted up her legs and let them rest on your shoulders before you let two fingers slide down her slit. She was already soaking wet and you chuckled to yourself before you devoured her and she gasped. You felt her pulling you closer and you looked up at her while shaking your head. She knew better, and she removed her hands. Your tongue picked up the pace while two fingers slipped inside of her. She was struggling to keep quiet and you loved it. You started fucking her harder as her walls clenched around your fingers and her breath became more erratic. 
“Please… Y/N… I’m going to… O-oh…” She couldn’t even finish before she came as you curled your fingers so they reached her magic spot. She arched her back and her thighs tensed up. She was a mess for you and you smiled to yourself before getting up and wiping off your chin.
“Oh, I have missed the taste of you. You’re intoxicating.” You leaned forward to kiss her and she wrapped her arms around your neck. You helped her fix her dress, hair and makeup and made sure the coast was clear before you left. You went to the bathroom while she went back to her table so it wouldn’t seem too suspicious. 
You frankly had no idea how long you had been away, but enough to make your colleagues give you collectively confused looks on their faces. “I just needed some fresh air. Big crowds make me nervous.” You chuckled awkwardly and went to get another drink. Time passed and you were actually enjoying your evening, and not just because of Larissa and your little trip to the storage room. Suddenly you felt your phone vibrate in your pocket. 
Larissa: You look good from behind. Almost as good as you look between my legs. ;)
You smiled to yourself. She was getting bolder with you and you loved it.
You: Are you checking me out? No one looks as good as you when you’re a moaning mess underneath me.
You turned around and saw that she was sitting alone and she smiled at her phone.
Larissa: The idea of almost getting caught was so thrilling. I want to do something like that again. I’m so wet again, and I need a release. I’m going back to the storage room now. Follow me, please. 
You were stunned by her hunger, but you loved that she was so desperate for you. Especially since you were probably at least twice as desperate for the tall goddess. You looked at her with a nod as she disappeared again. You went to your table with your drink before lying about a phone call you allegedly had to take.
You entered the room, and saw Larissa on the table. She had hitched her dress up and she was sitting there with her legs spread and she was rubbing her clit with her gorgeous fingers and moaning quietly. “Please watch me, Y/N. Please let me show you what a dirty whore you make me. How wet just the thought of you makes me.” You looked at her with a grin and nodded while you leaned on a shelf and watched her intently.
She gasped and whimpered while her fingers slowly circled her clit. “Now you know how I look when I touch myself to the thought of you. Sometimes when I’m in my office, I take breaks so I can fuck myself because I catch myself daydreaming about you and the things you do to me. I love being your dirty little fuck toy. I love it when you fuck me for hours and I feel so used by you.” She let her fingers slip inside before taking them to her mouth and sucking them clean. The sight of her being so liberated, so uninhibited was wonderfully surprising and a huge turn on. It also pleased you that she felt comfortable and confident enough to take control a bit, although she would probably always be submissive to you.  
“Fuck yourself. I want to watch you when you make yourself cum.” She nodded and slid her fingers back inside, adding a third finger. She maintained eye contact which was even hotter. She loved having you watch her while she was fucking herself and she was once again struggling to keep quiet. She picked up the pace and you knew she was close judging by her breath as she started whimpering. She was fucking herself deep and fast, both because she knew she couldn’t take the sweet time she so sorely wanted to but also because she was too hungry for another orgasm to keep going.
“Oh, Y/N. I-I’m gonna cum.” It only took seconds before she tensed up and gasped into yet an intense orgasm and threw her head back. You walked up to her and took her fingers to your lips and licked them clean. “I love that you’re such a dirty girl, Larissa.” You kissed her and once again helped her with her appearance so it wasn’t too obvious what had just happened in that storage room.
She left first and you waited until you figured the coast was clear. You went over to your table, and your colleagues were luckily too drunk to make any snarky remarks about you disappearing once again. You glanced over at Larissa and she smirked when she noticed you. Most of the guests had already left, so you figured it wouldn’t look too weird if you went home. Quite frankly, you just wanted to get home and take care of Larissa for the rest of the night. You decided to text her to let her know you were leaving so she had time to wrap things up.
You: I’m going home now. Join me soon, please?
Larissa: I’ll try and come over soon, darling. People are leaving and he’s deep into one of his poker games so I think I’ll make it within 30 minutes.
You said your goodbyes to your colleagues, complaining about a headache and some cliche about how you’re exhausted. This wasn’t fully a lie, so you didn’t really feel bad about leaving. You felt slightly bad about not spending too much time with your colleagues, but they had fun regardless and aside from the confused looks on their faces they probably wouldn’t even remember it the next workday. After some time, you heard a knock on the door and smiled to yourself.
To your shock, it was your boss and Jess, your colleague. “This little missy has had too much to drink and you’re the only one who lives relatively close by. I’m so sorry, but can we just stay until the Uber is here? I’m going to make sure she gets home, but the party ended and the wife of the host seemed like she was in a rush to get everyone to leave. Not that I blame her, since her husband didn’t even look at her the entire evening. Anyway, could you please get her a glass of water while we wait?” You nodded and smiled to yourself, knowing why Larissa was so desperate for everyone to leave. You were however hoping she wouldn’t arrive before they had left. 
“Y/N, I just love you soooooo much.” Jess threw her arms out while declaring her love for you and you had to laugh. Suddenly you heard a knock on the door again and you froze.
“Damn, are you hosting an after party or something or do you always have guests over at all times, Y/N?” Your boss laughed and you froze. It had to be her, but you couldn’t just leave her out there. It was freezing cold and you hesitantly opened the door while thinking of a good excuse.
“Ohhh, it’s… You. Hello?” You realised how terribly awkward it sounded, but this was truly a scenario you had never thought you would encounter and you had no idea how to work through it.
“Hello, Y/N. I am just here to talk to you about the volunteer work you said you wanted to do with Nevermore’s website? I know it is an extremely awkward time to visit you, but I was just so terribly intrigued by your mind when you told me about the ideas you had when I met you outside.” Oh, she was good. This was undoubtedly an excuse that sounded believable and you could feel the nervous tug in your chest let go.
Larissa moved so her back was facing the living room where your boss and Jess were sitting on the sofa and she opened her coat enough for you to see that she was fully naked underneath it. She bit her lip and gave you an innocent look. You coughed to hide your gasp and tried to collect your thoughts. “Y-yes, that’s right! I almost forgot about that. I’m sorry, these are my colleagues, they’re just stopping by because Jess here is a bit… Indisposed at the moment and they’re waiting for their ride.” You pointed to your boss and Jess on the sofa and let out an awkward chuckle.
“Oh, hello! It’s nice to meet you! My name is Larissa Weems. I’m the headmistress at Nevermore Academy. I met Y/N here while we were outside getting some fresh air, and she told me what she does for a living. One thing led to another and she offered her skilled mind and hands.” She smiled and walked over to shake their hand to greet them properly. 
“Oh, hi! Yes, she’s pretty awesome and great at what she does, so you’ll be lucky to have her! I’m sorry about Jess here, she seems to have fallen asleep. Otherwise I know she would have greeted you.” Your boss laughed and gently tried to wake up Jess who was long gone. Eventually Jess woke up with a twitch, just in time for the Uber to arrive.
“Are you okay, or do you need help with her?” You gave your boss a concerned look, but she just laughed and told you that this wasn’t their first rodeo. Jess rarely went out and she was a lightweight so it wasn’t uncommon for her evenings to end this way. You helped your boss and sent them off, before eagerly heading back inside to Larissa.
“Do you think that was appropriate? Hm? To tease me like that when I have people over?” You gave her a stern look and she looked down. She knew she had been too bold.
“Forgive me, miss. I should know my place and I should have known better.” Her voice was shaky, and she knew she was in trouble. 
“Take off your coat and go upstairs to the bedroom. Now.” She nodded and you followed her up the stairs.
“You are going to apologise, and you are going to explain what you did wrong. I want to make sure you know exactly what your mistake was.” You sat down, and she stood before you still looking down. 
“I am so sorry, miss. I was a disobedient whore, and I am not allowed to tease you unless I know I have the permission to do so. I was bold and reckless, and now I must take the punishment you are going to give me now.” You got up and she knew what was coming. She got on all fours on the bed with her ass up in the air. She had learned what her punishment was whenever she disobeyed you or did something without permission.
“You know the drill. You will count. 20.” You positioned yourself on the side of the bed and rubbed her ass before the first spank hit her. You loved the sound of your hand hitting her skin and how she whimpered but counted each and every slap.
“T-twenty. Thank you, miss.” She whimpered quietly after your last spank and you gently kissed her red and sensitive skin.
“Good girl. Now, I can see how hungry you are for me. It’s running down your thighs. You love it when I’m rough with you, don’t you? Tell me what you want.” You turned her over so she was on her back and she immediately spread her legs for you and you smiled. 
“I want you to fuck me, miss. Please fuck me. I’ll be good, I swear. Please just use me.” She sounded so whiny, and you loved how pent up she was. This time, you had a surprise for her and you went over to the drawer to grab the new strap-on you had bought. Her eyes widened with excitement, and you could tell how much she wanted it.
“Stand up. What do you think, my pretty slut? You want my strap?” You attached the harness and adjusted it before moving slowly towards the bed. 
“Y-yes, miss. Please. Please let me have it. Pretty please, I’m so desperate for you.” She sat up and her pupils were blown with desire for you. She really was desperate for you, and she didn’t even try to hide it.
You sat on the bed and leaned back. “Get on your knees and show me how much you want it.” You pointed to the floor and she immediately knew what to do. She got down on her knees and took the strap in her mouth. She whimpered and looked up at you while sucking it, and the sight drove you crazy.
After some time you pulled out and she looked up at you again with a begging look in her eyes. “Oh, my sweet whore. I’m going to destroy you.” You stroked her cheek before grabbing her throat and pulling her up on the bed. She loved it when you choked her, and you could see a new wave of arousal pour down from her already soaked cunt when she laid on the bed. 
You spread her legs and kneeled between them, teasing her with the tip. She whimpered as you rubbed her clit with it, and you knew just how much she wanted it but you wanted to hear her say it. “Please, miss. Please fuck me. I’m so wet for you, miss.” Her hips started rolling discreetly and you let the strap slide in slowly and a deep groan escaped her. You started off painfully slow, both to tease and torture her but also to let her adjust. She gasped with each and every thrust, and you grabbed her thighs and went deeper.
She quivered when you bottomed her out and you picked up the pace and fucked her harder. You reminded yourself about the way she had acted the first time you met, and grinned at the thought of how much she had changed from upper class bitch to your submissive whore, begging you to fuck her hard whenever she had the chance. At times, she would give you a certain look when you were cooking together, always ending with you on your knees between her legs eating her out until she had soaked your face in numerous orgasms.
You picked up the pace even more and she furrowed her brows while looking you deep in your eyes and you knew she was getting close. You grabbed her throat while fucking her raw “Cum for me, my pretty slut. I want to see your face when I make you cum, and then you’re going to ride my strap.” You barely had time to finish the sentence before she exploded with a scream and her back lifted from the bed. You pulled out and laid down on the bed, and she followed almost instantly. You knew how exhausted she was, but that didn’t stop her. She straddled you before letting herself slide down on the strap. She started off slowly, allowing herself to find a comfortable rhythm before picking up the pace. She threw her head back as she started riding the strap harder, and you grabbed her ass. She hissed as you grabbed her sore skin, but she had grown to love the mixed sensation of pain and pleasure. 
“O-oh miss, I love riding your strap. It feels so good inside me.” She was riding you hard and fast until she cried out and came in an orgasm that made her shiver on top of you. You caught her when her upper body slowly collapsed and slowly pulled out the strap from her sensitive cunt. You placed her softly on the bed and went to remove the strap before joining her in bed.
“You have done so well tonight, darling. Are you feeling okay? Was I too rough or did it feel good?” You kissed her forehead and wrapped your arms around you. She just hummed and you knew she felt good. You had told her that you wanted her to let you know if it was too much for her, and made it very clear that you would never be upset with her if she said something was uncomfortable or painful.
“I feel perfect. You feel perfect. This is absolutely perfect, thank you.” She kissed you before placing her head in the nook of your neck. 
“If you think this is perfect, do you want to stay? I mean, not just now.” You kissed her cheek, but she pulled away immediately and gave you a sad look before getting up. 
“You know it’s not that easy. I need to clean up and go home.” She left the bed and went to the bathroom, and you sighed. You knew she couldn’t stay, but that didn’t prevent you from asking. You knew that with her position, and his position it wasn’t an option to just leave him. But on the other hand, all he did was ignore her and neglect her. She was a trophy wife, but he didn’t even appreciate her. He brought her along on dinners and parties, but aside from that he didn’t even notice that she was away several times a week. 
She came back and grabbed the clothes from her bag. You gently grabbed her wrist, and she sat down but didn’t face you. “Larissa, I know it’s not as easy as I make it sound and I don’t mean to nag about it every time we see each other. I would just like to have you in my arms for one night. One full night where I can keep you safe and make breakfast for you the morning after.” You kissed her hand and you knew she blushed whenever you did. It made her feel like a princess, and you loved making her feel that way.
“One day, I promise. But for now, you’re gonna have to settle with this. And I hope that won’t make you lose interest.” She looked sad and spoke to you with a concerned tone in her voice while she was getting dressed.
You chuckled and sat up before kissing her. “Larissa, have you seen yourself? And have you seen the way I look at you? I won’t ever lose interest in you, my precious goddess.” You kissed her cheek and she blushed.
You both got up and you followed her to the door. She once again leaned down to kiss you and gently stroked your cheek. “How on earth did I end up this lucky? It might be out of place for me to say this, but you make me feel so good and you make me feel so pretty.” 
You chuckled and once again kissed her hand. “If anyone here is lucky, it’s me. You are pretty smashing if you hadn’t noticed.” You gave her a playful wink and she laughed.
“Darling, I know you’re stressed at work nowadays, so tomorrow… Keep an eye on your phone. I might be sending you a few surprises throughout the day.” Her voice was deep and sultry, and she leaned down to bite your ear. She knew exactly what to do to tease and frustrate you.
“Oh, Y/N. You are beautiful. I think I’m falling fast and hard for you.” She stroked your cheek once more before disappearing out the door, leaving you both stunned and excited. 
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celticcrossanon · 3 months
Dear Celta, so now we know, from your last reading, what Camilla is about. She wants power for herself, not to undertake duty for the country but to serve herself and wishing her own bloodline could become the next king. I wonder why she fears William so much. Maybe knowing that William knows what she did to his mother?
Regarding the Pentacles things in your reading ~ I'm reminded again of comments I read in Quora, that Camilla is after the Greville jewelries. Who's to know if some of the items disappear into her pockets? These are personal bequeath, not Crown jewels. And upon his ascension, one of the first things Charles did was booting Angela Kelly out. She took care of all the jewels when our late Queen was alive, she knew where everything was, with her gone, who would know if this necklace or that ring or some such things were to disappear?
Remember that PR piece awhile ago about how Catherine doesn't enjoy jewelries but Camilla does? Well, I think this was Camilla trying pre-justify to the public why she wears all the awesome jewels and leave the tiny ones for Catherine to wear.
And later we saw Catherine wearing a tiny delicate tiara, which was such a little girl kind of tiara. But it was spun as Charles being gracious to Catherine for allowing her to wear a tiara which has not been worn in almost a 100 years.
Just my thoughts, of course. But that reading, it makes me feel sad for William. I hope catherine will get well soon so that he has her by his side undertaking royal duties again.
Hi AranPandora,
I think that Princess Catherine is giving her husband as much support as she can in her condition. I also think that everyone will be relieved when she is well and healed and able to come back to her duties, especially her husband, who I am sure misses her terribly when he is out and about on what should have been combined engagements (I know some of his engagements are single ones and they should be fine as they were always meant to be him by himself).
King Charles, Queen Camilla and jewellery seems to be quite a tangled topic. I remember the PR put out by Queen Camilla and I am still not sure why she did that - it was to have a go at Princess Catherine, yes, and to look better by comparison, I can see that, but I don't know why wearing jewellery is such a wonderful thing? I am obviously missing something here. I also remember King Charles saying that 'the vaults are open' at the same time, which I took as meaning that he was happy for jewels to be worn by those who wanted to do so.
I would hope that all the crown jewels are carefully listed and checked as part of their maintenance. I don't know about the Greville jewels - AFAIK they were left to The Queen Mother, who left them (all of them? some of them?) to her daughter Queen Elizabeth, and I don't know if Her Late Majesty left them to the crown, so they become part of the crown jewels, or if she passed them on to her son in turn.
The tiara who are talking about was the Strathmore Tiara, and it was a big deal to see it again (for me at least :) ). It was given to the Queen Mother by her parents on her wedding day, worn by her in her early years as a married woman, and then retired. It was passed on to the Late Queen Elizabeth when the Queen Mother died, and Her Late Majesty never wore it. We saw it again on Princess Catherine in 2023, exactly 100 years after it was given to the Queen Mother by her parents in 1923. The tiara itself is from the 19th century, so it is quite old, and history counts for more than carats with the aristocratic set, or so I am told.
For me, Princess Catherine wearing the tiara indicated that she was following in the footsteps of the Queen Mother, a much loved member of the BRF and a devoted wife. This is the woman who refused to leave London during The Blitz because she would not leave her husband, and who toured the damage wearing her best clothes and jewels because she said the people deserved to see them (i.e. they deserved to see her dressed up as a sign of respect for their suffering). By wearing the tiara, to me Princess Catherine was declaring a similar devotion to her country and her family.
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ourpickwickclub · 2 months
I wonder if people realize that it took ND in the early days almost 10 years to get this big. Gwen is a wonderful singer and performer. But even with her in the band, it took a lot of years for their breakthrough!!! And then people think that the guys in DC would get as high with a good singer and them being in their 40’s. No matter if Gwen performs solo and a lot less during the year, she already had her name, she was the frontwoman and totally in the picture. The guys are equally as wonderful, but they form the band, not the vocals and that will always be more difficult to start up something new. Stevie Nicks of Fleetwood Mac went solo and if she did, Mick Fleetwood, John McVie and Lindsey Buckingham would do other projects, but never together. Lindsey even did go solo and he is an awesome guitar player, but even he wasn’t able to get as much succes. Lou Gramm (he was the singer) of Foreigner went solo and he had succes. Mick Jones needed another singer and it took years to find Kelly Hansen (after Lou Gramm left for a second and definitive time). But Mick was the owner of the band and was able to keep the name Foreigner. They made one new album, the rest were best of’s and the touring was all about the old songs that Mick wrote together with Lou Gramm. That is why they kept having success. Most bands who fall apart is mostly because of some drama that goes on, but when the singer leaves, it really leaves the rest of the band in loose ends. It would be the same when John Bon Jovi would leave Bon Bovi. Would you really see the rest of this band getting on a new project with a new singer and having success? It was already difficult that Richie Sambora (lead guitar)left, but if John would leave, that would be the end for all the rest of them.
Love all this music trivia. As someone who had the Buckingham Nicks poster on my wall for years even though they weren’t my generation of music, I have to give Lindsey props for Trouble. And of course the equally brilliant and annoying Holiday Road. But points taken.
And Davey Havok is an incredible singer. Really good! It’s just that so few people have the lyrical genius, the iconic looks, the charisma, and the stage skills of Gwen. Mick Jagger does. Sting. Stevie is close but can’t work a stage like Gwen. I saw her a couple months ago and she is still amazing tho! Linda Perry. Rod Stewart. Don Henley. All check so many boxes but Gwen is so elite among them for what she can do. She just chose family over more fame.
Sometimes I think Gwen had more fun when ND was bubbling under and had small time fame. But she was always destined to be a star and this road led her to Blake.
- B
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Favourite Moments from Willow: Behind the Magic
Erin and Tony piggyback time
Erin and Ruby have their own handshake that's awesome!!!
Seeing the sheer effort put into and the quality of the design of the sets and the creatures is just aweinspiring
'Loud White Men' 'Opinions That Matter' venn diagram t-shirt
The bit. Mainly Warwick's vendetta against Ellie, and his posters.
"But then on the other hand, i was choking on a chicken bone." everyone say thank you Warwick XD
Kelly being like 'you ok?' when she's fighting Adwoa
"Ellen... Mario... Dennis... and there's Tommy... Arianna... and Robin."
Ruby's arms
Frog!!!! Even frogs love Ruby Cruz! The frogs have spoken!!!
Ruby sat in the background in fantasy attire on her phone whilst Warwick and the others commit to the bit
Ruby being one of my favourite genders
Amar talking about the importance of seeing Asian folk in a show like Willow
Erin and Ruby talking about the importance of queer folk in a show like Willow :')
Erin just being so sad about it ending
Ellie and Ruby on the fake horse
Great set feeling. Awesome to hear.
Amar and those damn chairs.
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thatonebirdwrites · 3 months
This is another interlude chapter that covers three different perspectives: Kelly, Kara, and Andrea. Each wrestle with some alarming truths that they are not quite sure how to handle yet.
Act 2 will feature more of these interludes so I can weave all the parts together appropriately. It will also be a little more Kara heavy. In Act 1, I broke Lena down on her identity and who she understood herself to be and then built her back up. Sam mirrors her arc, where a similar thing happens with Sam. Though Sam isn't as angsty as Lena was. Act 2 it's Kara and Andrea's turn! Whee! Time to break them down and build them back up. Alex is also getting some of this as well. P.S. Thank you to the awesome person who said it was okay for me to use their Kelly Headcanon. :) EXCERPT:
Since the war, Kelly found shooting ranges an excellent location to bleed dry her anxiety over things she couldn’t control. The heft of the weapon in her hands, the careful aim, and the click of the trigger — it all served as a harmonious symphony that rattled and roared with the tumult in her spirit.
As a therapist and social worker, some truths she kept close to her vest. To do well at her jobs, she required a clear mind and active listening. It bled into her other relationships, sometimes to the point where she’d forget her own needs. Since James' recovery from Harun-el, Kelly had made it a point to keep a sharp demarcation on the needs of others and her own needs. Hence her growing friendship with Lena, who excelled at such boundaries.
Lena sat on the bench next to her in the women’s locker room. She’d donned the protective gear, and held the headphones in her long fingers, turning it over and over like it was a novelty. “This is more than just you being stir crazy, isn’t it?”
Kelly sighed. “In a way, yes. Alex and I are talking through the whole over-protective bit. But it’s my job that has me worried. We’ve had a massive influx of alien kids, where their parents went missing. Plus, I got offered a part-time gig at Obsidian. A chance to use their software to help treat PTSD.” 
A frown creased Lena’s face. “The gig sounds promising. But missing parents? Is anyone looking into this?”
“They’re aliens.” Kelly stood and walked to the row of firearms. She brought her own, but sometimes playing with the other types gave her a bit of thrill. “I’ve tried to push for it, but I’ve gotten nowhere.”
“Right.” A hint of bitterness coated Lena’s voice. “Xenophobia I take it.” 
“Maybe.” Kelly selected a shotgun. She hefted it and noted it was fairly well balanced. “Kara and you may have exposed Lex's xenophobic plans, but America hasn’t really recovered from the Children of Liberty. Nor their views. There’s still a lot of folks angry that Alien Amnesty was reinstated. Polls claim the nation is split fifty fifty on it.” 
“It’s absolutely necessary though.” Lena walked over to examine the firearms. She chose one of the pistols. “Aliens are here to stay. They deserve the same rights.” 
“And yet the systems that ensnare us fail to catch up to the law.” Kelly shook her head. “It hurts to see all those kids alone, Lena. I wish I could take them in myself, but I can’t. Finding them homes is difficult. Alien children are less likely to be adopted.”
Lena scowled. “Of course. It’s not right. The kid isn’t at fault. They deserve a good life.”
Kelly knew Lena well enough now that her words held an undercurrent of grief, for the fact she’d been denied a loving childhood. Since she’d met Lena at the hospital when she'd saved her brother, Kelly had taken time to talk with the CEO more often. Go to shooting ranges with her. Teach her better firing stances since Lena’s brother had been a shit teacher. 
She supposed in a way the two had bonded over their respective traumas, and being the last two not in on Kara’s secret. “How are you and Kara?”
Lena buckled a belt and slid the pistol into its sheath. “She asked me out finally.”
“Good for her!” Kelly led the way toward the door. “I honestly thought you two were dating until Alex explained you were just best friends a week before you left for Ireland.”
“You too? Nia did as well.” Lena smiled with a slight shake of her head. “I’d wished for it the entire time I’ve known Kara.” She paused with her hand against the door. “I asked Kara to come to therapy with me. She’s… you know? Was that the right tactic? Do therapists know how to deal with alien psychology?”
Kelly slipped on her headphones. “Not all. I can find you one that deals specifically with this, but it’ll be an alien therapist. Most human ones aren’t equipped, and Kara in particular?” She didn’t know how to explain in words.
Lena looked at her expectantly. 
“Kara’s gone through a lot of trauma. Layers. She’s woven a delicate web to keep herself going. Her way of thinking isn't human, so what works for us likely may not for her. Tread gentle with her if you two go together, okay?” Kelly wished for a better way to explain Kara's unique psychology; Kryptonians seemed to have steel-trap minds, Kara far more than her cousin. Likely since she grew up on Krypton when he hadn't.
“Understandable. I want to build a healthy relationship with her. That means going through some of our baggage. It's more for that than to touch on her trauma.” Lena adjusted the headphones on her head. “What of you and Alex? How are you two doing?”
“As well as can be.” Kelly pushed open the door and led Lena down the hallway toward the shooting range itself. “I worry about her though. She works herself ragged. I think not having solid leads on her cases is making her restless and prone to jumping to conclusions. I told her I'd give the hiding three days before I return to work. I'm really needed there.”
“I noticed. Well, I may have a lead for her.” Lena smiled tightly. “I am going to see Florence again this afternoon. She's my Great Aunt apparently. Her sister married into my birth mother’s family. She’s the one teaching me control.” 
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artist-issues · 5 months
back then prequel trilogy got received hate from fandom mence and bullying of jake llyod and ahmed best left me heartbroken
OH you meant Rose Tico! Yes, I love her! Sorry, sorry, I wasn’t sure which Rose character you meant in your earlier ask.
I love Rose Tico. She’s literally the perfect character for Finn’s character development. Rose goes from hero-worshipping him (the thing he initially liked about Rey, that she “looked at him like nobody else ever had”) and then moved BEYOND that to forgiving him even when she knew he was running from a cause her sister just died for, then on to saving his life and teaching him about what to fight for, over and over again.
Rey is Finn’s big obsession after he’s escaped from the Stormtrooper corps because she A) Believes in him and B) Can relate to him. She’s never had a friend before, either, and she’s easily attached to people who care about her, just like he is.
But where Rey might just challenge Finn to grow a little bit—as in, care about someone outside of himself—Rose takes that a step further and challenges him to grow a LOT. Rey id awesome, and an awesome influence on Finn, but not as awesome as Rose. Rose is 100% selfless and puts all her faith in the greater good. Rey is still figuring that out. Rey has never lost anyone; Finn watches Rose as she chooses to go on fighting after her sister is killed.
Which is so perfect. Because to him, losing the person closest to you is unthinkable at the moment he meets Rose. He’s getting into that escape pod because he’s so focused on keeping Rey safe. But Rose? Rose just lost her “Rey,” her “someone closest to me.” And she’s not giving up. She’s not running away. In fact, it makes her fight harder—but not for revenge. That never shows itself in any of her interactions. And that’s so important for Finn the Stormtrooper to learn.
Plus, as far as Star Wars characters go, Rose is excellent. She embodies that whole “anybody from anywhere can be a force for good, even a farm boy, even a droid, etc.” thing, because who is she? Just an engineer who works on the cruiser. Nobody special. That humility is what’s excellent for a Star Wars hero. She’s already learned the lesson that Rey needs to learn, too—it’s just not about herself and who she is. It’s all about doing whatever the next right thing, big or small, you can do, and trusting a higher power with the rest.
But she’s still relatable. She still has moments where she gets so passionate about wanting good to triumph and bad to lose that she does lose her temper. That’s why Finn thinks she’ll be happy when they wreck Canto Bight. But you get the idea that even if she does struggle with righteous anger and bursts of outrage, she’s learned to focus on what she loves instead of letting hate consume her. She’d make an incredible Jedi.
She’s a great character. And Kelly Marie Tran did a great job playing her. She delivered her lines with vulnerability and genuineness and didn’t over-do it and gave Rose just enough rawness to make you believe she’d been through something world-shattering (losing her sister) recently, but not so much that she distracted from the focus of the scenes she was in. And she perfectly captured that whole “Rose is at rock-bottom, but she hangs on to her faith, because this is the kind of person she’s been even before the audience met her” vibe.
I hate that they basically wrote her out of TROS. And anyone who dislikes her character or her portrayal just doesn’t know how to watch a movie, that’s all.
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hathorneheiress · 8 months
A little bit about myself.
Things I like to do.
Writing. Reading. Listening to music. Shopping. Swinging. Having alone time. Doing puzzles. Gardening. Chatting with all of you!!
I also want to let people know that I am not a minor. I'm not telling my exact age, but it is between 18-21. If anyone is uncomfortable with that, I am very sorry.
P.S. I'm not a creep and won't be stalking minors, but I thought I should let people know, in case you are not comfortable with that.
Favorite songs
"So am I." Ava max "Unstoppable." Sia "The greatest." Sia. "Broken and Beautiful." Kelly Clarkson. "Weapons." Ava Max. "Every time I cry." Ava Max. "People like us." Kelly Clarkson. "Legendary." Welshly Arms. "Summer rain." Victoria Nadine. ""Shake it off." Taylor Swift. "Style" Taylor Swift. "I knew you were trouble." Taylor Swift.
And there is so much more I could post, but these are some of my top favorites!
Favorite Movies/shows
NCIS. The Librarians. Leverage/Leverage Redemption. Downton Abby. Sherlock Holmes. Jeremy Brett. Murder she wrote. The hunger Games. The good doctor.
Favorite Books
Sherlock Holmes. The Inheritance Games series. The Hunger Games series. Nancy Drew. The Hardy Boys. Once upon a broken heart. Charles Dickens books. Dictionaries. Encyclopedias The Naturals
Just some random stuff about me.
My favorite color is BLACK! I love to wear it! But I also love sunset blue as well.
My aesthetics would tend toward Modern Victorian. Dark academia. Heels, lipstick and Pearl's. And all sorts of stuff!!!
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And here is a mood board of my aesthetics.
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One if the biggest Ava Max, Sherlock Holmes, Librarians, and Grayson Hawthorne fan you will ever meet.
My favorite subject in school was Science.
I am a Librarian in training.
I have OCD and am on the autism spectrum.
My favorite animal is chickens.
I dream is to be a writer some day.
My zodiac sign is Pisces.
My favorite season is fall.
My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving.
I play the cello and piano.
Here is link to my story on Wattpad.
Behind those icy blue eyes - A-very-risky-gamble - Wattpad
I've met many amazing people one here, but here is a few honorable mentions.
@riddles-n-games. My best friend. Ever. I don't know how she puts up with me. She is so amazing. Her works are publish worthy and you should definitely check them out.
@reminiscentreader. Loveliest girl on the planet. Will talk to you about anything. One of my best friends on here and her blog is pretty awesome. Please go check her out if you haven't already. She is so amazing.
@blocked-zombieartist. Has a gift for writing I would die to have. She is a remarkable person and you would not be disappointed in having her as your mutual. She is that awesome.
@myster3y. Funny. Caring. Has a wonderful personality. She is so sweet. I adore talking with her and I know you would to. So go check her out!!!
I mean it when I say I love chatting with you all!! I have had very few friends in life, so it is nice to chat with other people about the things I love.
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raging-violets · 18 days
Dare // Patie One-shot // Big Time Rush
A/N: Got the idea for this one from @partiallypearl suggesting a song for Katie and Patrick; Dare by Megan and Liz. Hope y'all like this one.
Also tagging @witchofinterest
Set during 2x23 - Big Time Single
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Katie sighed the most forlorn sigh she could muster.
She probably should’ve taken her face out of the couch cushions, probably should’ve left Rocque Records with everyone else to celebrate the new BTR song. She knew “If I Ruled The World” was going to be a mega hit. It was the perfect summer song.
But she couldn’t get past her heartbreak. And even in her fourteen years of age, there weren’t many things that managed to break her heart. Somewhere, deep in her subconscious she was sure the most pain she felt was when her father left…but she barely remembered him and it wasn’t much of a thing. She remembered being heartbroken over not being able to get certain gifts for Christmas…before really understanding they didn’t have the money for it.
In many ways, it was stupid. So materialistic, and she’d never been that way. But that jacket, that leather jacket was so beautiful! So amazing! Was perfect, as if it were tailor made for her. The price point didn’t mean anything.
What was a measly $400 to someone like Gustavo?
To someone like her that was money she’d probably never be able to conceivably be able to drop in one go. That was a dream. But to Gustavo, it meant nothing. She barely talked him into it. He asked what she wanted in return for her help and he’d dropped that card down on the leather jacket without even looking.
That was shocking.
Not just because it showed what true power was, not because it was the icing on the cake of the day that allowed her to slap Gustavo across the face (twice) to help him with his writer’s block and tell Kelly to shut up, because that was awesome!
But to have the kind of power where she was able to talk Gustavo into buying all of the summer clothes to get him into the headspace to write a song…and knowing it would all be written off as a business expense? It was a sign of the life that she would’ve given anything to live.
And it was yanked away.
It wasn’t the jacket, it was what the jacket represented.
--was on her head?!
“Wha?” Flailing her arms and legs, Katie grabbed the jacket off her head and sat up. She turned her glare to Patrick, who stood next to her, arms folded and an amused smile on his face. “Did you just throw a jacket at me?”
“No,” he replied simply.
“Uh,” she shook the jacket in her enclosed fist. “Then what’s this?”
“I reckon it’s a leather jacket,” he replied, raising his eyebrows. “Not just a jacket, yeah?”
Katie turned her attention back to the jacket in her hands. The leather jacket in her hands. Her leather jacket. “I can’t believe it!” She sprung to her feet, shaking it in her hands. “You got the jacket back? You actually got it from Jennifer?” She hugged it to her chest and rocked back and forth. “I love you, leather jacket!”
Patrick smiled at her funny.
All at once, Katie felt a wave of embarrassment wash over her. It was a jacket after all. And, what if he thought she was materialistic like that? But if that were the case he would’ve already known because of the amount of money plans he’d helped her with and he hadn’t said anything then.
But he might’ve been too nice to say anything. Katie thought. She pushed it and all the other thoughts that ran through her head away. The ones that cycled through, replacing them one after another after another.
“I mean, uh, it’s a cool leather jacket,” Katie said, finally working to sound cool, calm, and collected. Unbothered.
“I think it is,” Patrick replied.
 Smiling, Katie slid her arms into the jacket. It hung around her shoulders, fell over her hands. Katie’s eyebrows came together. She didn’t remember the sleeves being so long. “How’d you get it back from the Jennifers?”
“I didn’t.” Patrick gently smoothed the jacket around her shoulders. Leaned in to ensure he got it right. Was close enough that, if he wanted to, he could turn his head and kiss her…
Katie lifted her eyes to his, wondering if he could suddenly read minds. Panicked to know if he could. But also wanting to go with whatever happened all the same. Cause maybe she should kiss him?
To say "thank you" or something? She saw Kendall and Jo do that all the time, even when he just got her those girly drinks.
Then again, they DID just break up...
But a kiss on the cheek wouldn't be too weird, would it?
His blue eyes met hers then darted away.
“It’s mine.”
His words caught her attention. She sputtered out the question, “Yours?”
Once again, Katie felt a wave of heat rush over her body and settle in her cheeks. She lifted her hands, pushing the sleeves back from her hands. Played with the strip of leather that wiggled on the end of the zipper on one sleeve.
“Yeah.” He reached up, rubbing the back of his neck, looking away. “You, uh, you looked really upset over what happened with your other jacket. And, you’re not wrong, it’s good for winter back home.”
“Right,” Katie said.
“And it’s one of my old ones.” He shrugged. “I thought you’d like it.”
“I love it!” Katie blurted. Then lifted her chin when he smiled his lopsided smile. “I mean, it’s cool. If you’re into that sort of thing.” He rolled his eyes. “It’s nice. Thanks.” She reached out and awkwardly punched him on the arm.
“You’re welcome.”
The two looked at each other and looked away, shuffling. Blushing.
Katie took a deep breath. Readied herself to ask the question, worked hard to keep from hesitating.
“So, uh…” Katie folded her arms. “How much did it cost?”
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bluegalaxygirl · 8 months
A sight you shouldn't see (Law X reader) P2
Plot: You have to head back to your old school run by your aunt to help out with money issues. The heart pirates want to see your old school but you refuse. after being away for too long Law goes looking for you the crew demanding they come along. What they find is another side of you they have never seen before
Law X reader, reader is female (Sorry), established relationship. Got reminded of an old movie i used to watch over and over again, i love it so much, St. Trinian's. Listen to the playlist on youtube its awesome and i wrote this while listening to it.
Warning: Bad language, Crime, Blood, violence, seduction, Alcohol, Drugs
Part 1 - Part 3 - Part 4
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"Well lunch should be soon, how about you join them, Y/N please be a dear and lay down the rules to the lady's" Your aunt speaks after hours of talking with you and Law. An hour ago Law told the rest of his crew to head back to the sub and bring it round to the beach near the school with permission form miss Fritton planning to stay until this situation has been sorted out. "Yes auntie" You smile standing up Law joining you giving your aunt a nod before leaving the office. You stayed quiet still not sure how to deal with Law and the crew knowing about your old life but you were snapped out of your thoughts by Law grabbing your waist and dragging you into a storage room. Closing the door quietly Law turned to you and pushed you against the wall slamming his lips onto yours and forcing his tongue into your mouth. Socked you didn't respond for a moment but leaned in and wrapped your arms around his neck pulling him in closer. His hands ran over your hips and waist taking short brakes to breath before going back in for another kiss. After a few minutes he stopped and places his forehead against yours "You look so hot in this" he asks looking you up and down before making eye contact with you "You still love me?" you ask a small smile appearing in your face "Of course. Why wouldn't i?" he asks confused as to why you would think otherwise "Its just... i-i'm" he doesn't let you finish pressing his lips onto yours and wrapping his arms around your waist to hold you closer. "Your my Y/N." his simple words are enough to know that he doesn't care about your past and who you are. "i love you" you whisper pulling him in for a hug placing your face in his neck. "I love you too" Your captain hugs back kissing your shoulder.
With the sub docked and all the school girls in the cafeteria it was a perfect time to introduce everyone and lay down some rules for the girls and your crew with Law's permission of course. Entering the large cafeteria the heart crew behind you and Law at your side the first person to greet you was the head girl, Kelly getting up from her seat to look your crew over "Wow, you weren't kidding when you said there's a lot of them" she giggled Penguin and Shachi blushing at the sight of her, she is beautiful, short black hair and an outfit similar to yours just with a loose blue and white striped tie, a tighter skirt and a black strap around her neck. "I'm Kelly head girl, nice to meet you all" Her eyes look them all over landing on one and giving Ikkaku a smile "You must be Ikkaku right?" she asks gaining the female crew members attention "Ur. Yes" Ikkaku gulps as Kelly holds out her hand for the woman to shake "Its a pleasure to meet you" Their eyes lock before Kelly pulls away and turns to the loud crowd. Each area had different groups of girls chatting away and some groups yelling at each other. Echo's and Emo's were the quietest groups trying ignore the kayos going on around them. The chavs or Mean girls where yelling and throwing pieces of paper at the pretty girls who yelled insults back. The geeks were writing on large chalk board in the room and building things on the tables. The first years ran around like the kids they are almost starting a food fight a few times with party animals who where drinking and dancing on the tables to some music.
Kelly took in a deep breath and used her pinkie fingers to whistle out, the room going form concert level loud to silent in a second every girl in the room stopping what their doing to look in the direction of the noise. You could hear some of the crew behind you gulp at the sight. "There you go" Kelly smiles at you walking back to her seat letting you do the talking. "Ok Lady's these are the heart pirates, their here to help so no stealing, fighting, pranking" as you speak the girls around you groan out annoyed that they won't get to mess with the crew as you go through the list in the corner of your eye you see one of the pretty girls twirling her hair her eyes locked on Shachi "And lastly no flirting... i'm look at you Tottie" you say turning your head to the girl who pouts and crosses her arms over her chest "Your no fun" she yells out causing the other girls to laugh "all that goes for the crew too" you turn to face the crew who nod in agreement "The Sub outside is off limits" at those words yelling echos threw the room as the girls get angrier "Come on" and "Just a look" most of the girls have never seen a sub before and since it's a Doctors ship that makes it more interesting. Rolling your eyes at the lady's Kelly stands up and walks over to you "Good luck with that rule" she says watching some of the girls get into a fight just letting it happen "Why are they so interested in our sub?" Bepo asks only for you and Kelly to say in perfect unison "Drugs" Law lets out a sigh pinching the bridge of his nose regretting bringing his sub around. "Great" he mutters you turning to give him a sorry look "I'll make sure no one does anything" your voice catches his attention giving you a nod knowing you'll do your best.
As the day passed you, Law and some of the crew got together to discuss options and a plan but nothing seemed to stick. The bank took the money and are still going to close the school down, there are too many people to black blackmail and even Law's war lord statues wont have any effect the bank. None of you can come up with anything and its starting to make you worry that there is no answer. "Well i guess were screwed" Penguin sighs leaning back looking out the windows to see the night sky only to get hit in the head by Ikkaku "Don't say things like that, idiot" she yells crossing her arms over her chest. You rub your temples with your fingers anxiety building up only for a hand to rub your thigh, Law's tattooed hand rubs up and down your leg trying to sooth you, it somewhat works only for a loud voice to yell out through the halls "He's here" One of the first years yells running down the hall. "I thought men weren't aloud on the property" Law stands gripping his sword ready to fight if need be only for your hand to meet his "Yea but unfortunately he is. He's my cousin helps sell the booze in the basement" you say heading out the door "I'll be back, gonna kick his ass out" You expected them to stay but Law, Ikkaku, Bepo, Penguin and Shachi pick up their weapons and follow you "You don't have to come you know" you giggle but not stopping them form following you down the stairs and into the basement "Well i'm mainly coming because of the booze" Shachi laughs along with Penguin both earning a glare form Ikkaku.
Walking thru the basement the smell of alcohol hits you but by now your used to it, seeing the girls around putting liquid in bottles and other making whiskey and vodka. Geeks printing out labels and sticking them on the glass bottles. Soon making it to the end of the long basement is a desk with a man sitting on it talking to two first years "Ash i thought i told you never to come here while i'm here. Leave" you voice caught his attention smiling up at you and standing up form his seat waving the two first years away "Oh come on you know you love me" he comments his smile making you feel sick. You were about to speak again when something caught his eye coming around the desk "Well hello there. aren't you a cutie" he smiles walking up to Ikkaku only for your arm to go between them "Off limits" your glare set the man backing away putting his arms up in difference "Ok, chill. i was just being friendly" Law steps forward glaring at the man, if you feel the need to protect a member of the crew from this man then he should be on guard "She told you to leave" The captain states having enough of this conversation. Ash laughs a little leaning against the desk "Calm down captain, i'm here to help." he states looking the captain up and down probably wondering if he could take the man in a fight. "I know where your money went" Ash smiles his eyes going back to you "What? My money went to the bank" your voice filled with annoyance. Ash reaching into a bag at the end of the desk and handing a file out to you "I opened a new Art galley in the west and your bank man came and bought a very expensive painting" As you look thru the file your blood boils, your money never went to pay off the school debt, Ash's files show the money you put into the account actually went to an offshore account and paid for ash's paining. "Your family Y/N but i can't just give you the money. Although i'm we can figure something out" Law glared at the man pushing the hilt of his sword out not liking the way ash is talking while Bepo steps forewords growling a little "Woh there... i didn't mean anything by it... i just think maybe we could steal the painting back, it's going into the gallery in town in a few days." he suggests throwing his hands up.
"That's all good for you but how are we going to get the money back?" Ikkaku speaks up looking at the files with you "I think we can help with that" A voice behind you says looking to see Kelly standing behind you and Ikkaku her hand on your crew members lower back while looking down at the file in your hands. "Our girls are more than happy to help" she smiles at you two Ash stuttering a little to greet her, the man has a massive crush on the head girl "H-hay Kell. um you look nice" you laugh a little at his attempt to flirt "Hello Ash." she simply replays's before turning to you "How about we talk about this tomorrow. I'll pick out some girls to help, and we can brain storm" You nod watcher her turn and leave with a smile "I think she likes me" Ash smiles making you roll your eyes "No she doesn't" you speak, the man now glaring at you "How the hell would you know?" with a sigh you close the folder and walk away "You're going to look so stupid when you realize"
Settling in back at the sub you look through the file for the sixth time while sitting on your shared bed with Law now in your comfy pj's. Law walks in topless and a towel over his wet hair after just getting a shower "Now i know how you feel" he states leaning in the door way watching your every move as your eyes never leave the papers scattered in front of you "I just can't believe this happened. I should have checked" you sigh to yourself mentally beating yourself up about it, Law sighs and sits next to you on the bed throwing the towel off his head "You can't change what happened." his hand goes to your back not really sure how to comfort you over this your always the one who works with the money and your very good at it. "You were worried about the school and probably didn't think to look into it." he states getting you to look up at him "I feel stupid" putting the papers into the file you shove it onto the night stand finally able to stop looking at it. The captain grabs your chin and forces you to face him "You're the smartest person i know" he smiles a little as you finally let yourself relax and place your hand over his "Not compared to you" you smile only for him to shrug "We'll i didn't add myself onto the list" you playfully slap his shoulder letting out a laugh "You have such a ego" Law laughs a little acting hurt and laying down on the bed holding his shoulder. Laughing you lean over him and kiss his cheek "thank you" you hand runs up his bare chats and to his cheek letting your thumb rub his soft skin "Anything for you" he whispers, an arm going around your waist as he leans up to place his lips on yours.
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Power Rangers Ninja Storm HCs and Character Analysis (kind of)
The first of a series of long posts examining the characters of PR Ninja Storm
Shane Clarke
Dad is very come and go. Absent for most of his life before leaving for good after the birth of his little sister
His mom is awesome but had to pick up multiple jobs after his dad left. She works at a diner that the rangers frequent often
Shane picked up a job at Storm Chargers to help out and that’s where he met Dustin
Has an older brother (2-3 years older) who he does not get along with. Brother ignores background (Read: Family)
Says Shane needs to try harder to ‘get out of their city’ in order to ‘make something of himself’
Dad put a lot of expectations on them whenever he was around
Brother wants to make him proud
Shane is pissed that his dad expected so much of them while doing the bare minimum for them himself
Needless to say they have very different opinions on their dad
They both love their family though and help their mom out wherever they can (brother is going to become a lawyer and Shane works at Storm Chargers)
Has a little sister (5) who Shane adores with his whole heart
Babysits when he can
Is teaching her how to skateboard and some martial arts
She adores Dustin (as most kids do) and thinks Tori is very pretty
Is cautious of Hunter and Blake at first (Shane complained about ‘the new kids at work’ a lot)
Eventually starts to like them (Hunter sweeps her off her feet like Dustin, but Blake is a fun playmate too)
She is very cute
Met Dustin at Storm Chargers when he had to get a new skateboard (he broke it doing a guard rail slide)
Became best buddies when Shane stopped a group of bullies from picking on Dustin at school 
Dustin started working at Storm Chargers first and Shane hung out there so much that Kelly just offered to pay him to be there (Dustin double bodies with Shane to get work done) (It’s a 50/50 on whether they get work done or not)
They have the brotherly relationship Shane wanted with his brother (they tease and tussle a lot but they want the best for each other and are very supportive/protective)
Met Tori when she came into Storm Chargers lost (Before they worked there)
Dustin and Shane recognized her from school and go to say hi
They startle her and she sprays them with water to which she freaks out about because her parents freak out about it but Dustin and Shane show her their abilities with earth and air (in secret) and she chills out
Shane was confused as to why a girl was in a sports shop because "girls can't do sports?" (his dad is a ~misogynist~) and both Dustin and Tori are like ‘Girls can do sports!’ ‘Yeah, my older sister is really good at soccer and basketball!’ ‘Oh. Sorry. Do you do any sports?’ ‘I surf’ ‘Awesome!!’
They slowly become friends (Tori is a little more anxious than Shane and Dustin at this point in time)
Eventually become family and are very close (also protective, mainly of Dustin since he is prone to getting bullied) (Dustin is oblivious to it but he appreciates his friends for sticking up for him anyways) (People basically stopped when he shot up, got buff, and hella pretty) 
Shane keeps a lot of guys off Tori when they’re at the beach because the vibes are wrong 
Also aromantic and doesn’t understand why Tori may want to have random strangers come and flirt with her
Shane and Tori fight like siblings do and Dustin is either mediator or off to the side with popcorn. It is very rare for Dustin and Shane to fight, but it happens
Side tangent of their entering of the Ninja Academy for timeline reasons
Started at the beginning of high school so they could have something to do together since they have different sporting hobbies (was listed as a school club)
Ended up being a bit of an elaborate plan to get them into the academy (since it’s a secret academy)
Officially known as the Academy of Elemental Ninjutsu
Dustin is all for it and is excited to be a ninja but Shane and Tori are a little more skeptical (secretly also very excited)
They are the most powerful students, but don’t have much experience with their powers so they get their butts kicked a lot
They are pretty good for the amount of time they’ve put in
Can all use smoke bombs, can ninja vanish, streak, and have shurikens
Tori would always be on time of not for the boys
Ok, back to their relationships
Didn’t know Cam until they started at the academy and even then, it was only through very, very brief interactions (Cam doesn’t like talking to people… or people in general)
After the academy is destroyed, they start talking to him more and dubbed him their ‘guy in the chair’ (affectionate)
Become fiercely protective of him (he’s the littlest brother) (he is older than both Tori and Dustin) (he says as much)
Shane is very impressed with his fighting skills even before he became a ranger
Appreciates him, but shows it in his usual manner of teasing and back slaps (Cam thinks he’s being made fun of) (he is not)
Does not like Hunter or Blake the first time they meet 
Susses them out immediately as bad news and argues over them a little with Dustin and Tori
Is very vindicated when they do turn out to be bad but doesn’t rub it in because Dustin and Tori are pretty upset over it
Sympathizes with them for having lost a parent (in a different way for him but still)
Is still suspicious and cautious by the time the leave, but takes a neutral stance for the most part
And then when they come back brainwashed, and he fucking loses it
Hates them, hates them so much, he doesn’t care what happened to their parents they are hurting his friends (badly)
Finds out they were brainwashed and takes all the anger he had for them and takes it out on Choobo (Who dies and stays dead, thank you)
Pretty chill with Blake but has a very intense rivalry with Hunter since they are both reds/head of their group
Calms down after they realize they have a lot in common, including older brother overprotectiveness, and it becomes a friendly rivalry
Headstrong and follows his guts on most things
Also very stubborn and likes to do things his way, but is caring and protective too and looks out for his own
Strategically smart and is the most experienced with weaponry
Specialized in crossbows, bows and arrows, and (for some ungodly reason) guns
Is also handy with a fan and throwing knives
Powers allow him to walk on air, has a longer hang time in general (very helpful with skateboard practice)
Can hold is breath for the longest (Tori is a close second)
Powers also make him silent on his feet (can and has scared his fellow rangers) (Must announce his presence when walking into a room)
Hated the fact that his friends were going to be put in the line of fire when they become rangers
Thus why he pushes them so hard and tries to take the brunt of the punches
Learns to trust his team and to work as a unit
Has a lot of self-esteem issues and constantly feels like he has to prove himself
Dustin and Tori try to help with this, and later Sensei because this is something that an adult should be helping with
Has to learn that he is enough on his own and he doesn’t need his brother’s approval for anything he does
Shane thought the thing with Skylar was a dream 
He had that dream a lot as a kid and then it suddenly stopped
He was confused when they started up again and they gave him a weird feeling
Skylar was basically his platonic soulmate and he was so happy to finally meet her and then she dies and it’s ANGSTY
Dustin and Tori are there for comfort
On a happier note, Shane can sing
Like really well
“It is your birthday~”
Becomes a sensei at the end of the show and eventually takes over as headmaster when sensei retires
Tori Hanson : Dustin Brooks : Hunter Bradley : Blake Bradley : Cam Watanabe
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