#i love my man oikawa too much
sweetheartsaku · 3 months
—HAIKYU!! various ; how deep is your love?
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a/n ; [gn!reader] kinda fem implied in kawa's and kuroo's 😓 do yall like the new layout?? c: suggestive if you squint extremely hard in kuroo's .. i honestly dont know if im writing this timeskip or pre timeskip its 3am 😣
— characters : oikawa, osamu, tsukishima, hinata, sakusa, kuroo
part 2 ! ♡ akaashi, kenma, kita, semi, kageyama, suna
jade vine !
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tooru oikawa ; SWEET / I THOUGHT YOU WANTED TO DANCE - tyler the creator, brent faiyaz, fana huez
has 'i love you' wars and he MUST win or he will tackle you (affectionate)
takes the BEST candid photos of you and puts so much love into the following insta post. has you as his wallpaper too (please match with him) (he'd also have a highlight just w pics of you😞)
please NEVER do that 'wipe their kiss off' trend because he will actually not talk to you for DAYS and gets all sulky until you apologize. (he will get all cocky all over again)
core memory from his teamates. bae was explaining to his teamates about new volley nerd talk blablabla and they notice his nails painted in a faint pink (for a fun date night, thinking no one will notice)
issei BURSTS out laughing and instantly points it out. now seijoh4 NEVER lets him live it down
always the first person to notice when you use a new shampoo or perfume.
cuddling, (you being the little spoon╰(*´︶`*)╯♡) you can feel his breath hitch when his lips reach your neck
before you could ask why he's stopped inching closer he's already manages to whisper out, "did you start using a new shampoo?" yes. yes you have
do his skincare with him please ! he loves it. he loves when he places you on the bathroom counter and you wrap your legs around his waist, he loves when you're so gentle with the toner, he loves when you graze your delicate fingers over his beautiful long lashes, he loves when you make sure you don't cut him when snipping the face mask so it fits a little more snug, EVERYTHING. (he is sunoo coded)
osamu miya ; good looking - suki waterhouse
loves your tummy SO much. doesn't care about shape or form, he just likes the feeling that you're being fed. squish. or pat. he loves it. have i mentioned he loves your tummy?
when his dad leave the twins at home its always osamu at the stove, please keep atsumu in a 5 mile radius AWAY from the kitchen
SPOON FEEDS YOU. please i need him. on days you're too tired to move a muscle, days where you're too sick to open your eyes, be prepared to feel his hand on the back of your head and one below your chin ready to feed you!! once you've sat yourself up he feeds you so gently... osamu miya i need you
when you're really tired from work, he will send meals to your workplace. if you work at home and sees you barely able to keep an eye open, you will see his hand under a spoon of your favourite meal. he's not the best with it, but he's trying 🥹 he means it with all his heart and hearing you say the food is really warm in your stomach, his heart feels warm too (о´∀`о)
my mans is SNATCHED. slide your hands around his waist, poke it a little do WHATEVER. your hands have probably been on his waist more than his hands on yours.
i think his core is pretty well built. have we seen it in the anime or manga? maybe. but from what i've seen, his physique is very 😳 (a tad bit better than his brother's i fear)
cooking together!!! different recipes each date, basking in each other's presence. its always so fun and the results are always almost flawless!
at one-point y'all were making cupcakes, it was literally osamu baking them and you decorated it.
AND OBVIOUSLY the basic, he would routinely give you handmade onigiri, in different shapes, flavours and whatever you like ✨
kei tsukishima ; the only exception - paramore
kinda scowls at you when you put your hands under his shirt but secretly really loves it so when you slither your hands away he instantly places your hands back and make sure your hands STAY there. bonus points if you have warm body temperature. he likes the feeling of your warm hands on his slightly colder body.
his wardrobe has drastically evolved from muted tones to slightly lighter and vibrant clothing ever since you insisted on getting matching stuff!!
WILL say he is not a jewellery person but collects, keeps and takes care of all the little trinkets you give him DAILY. he has a little sticker on the edge of one of his books and a little moon sticker on the end piece of his sports glasses
he also defineitely has really thick curly blond lashes. you say they are one of his charming points but he gets all flustered. when you insist to put clear mascara on them, he doesn't really look like he has a problem with it 🥹
what could his ahh possibly be listening to with those headphones on so often (real)
sends you playlists at an insane hour that go for insane amounts of time. but i KNOW his taste is immaculate. every song always gives you goosebumps or makes your heart tighten
please do a spotify blend with him (he was gonna ask you, but you beat him to it)(he was shy)
oh AND the shared playlists actually are insane!! so much good music all at once?? crazy yall 😭😭 (wave to earth, cody fry, the smiths, daniel caesar, rex orange county)
shoyo hinata ; intro (end of the world) - ariana grande
honestly, out of all these men HINATA SHOYO is the BEST candidate for taking care of a person except himself. has no limits in his stamina, and will only listen to you when you ask him maybe its time for a break. does he overwork? not necessarily. does he work too hard? yes, in a positive way. please remind him to eat because he will forget sometimes
he will NEVER admit he likes being the little spoon LMAO he finds being vunerable in your arms a tad bit silly, and it bugs him. after a long week of practice games and insisting kageyama and yachi to practice with him the instant he falls on the bed, he finds himself melting into your touch. your voice gets a little more buttery and he loves it, falling asleep instantly
hes probably a hard sleeper too 😭 he wont wake up till he feels your cold hands on his face or the sunbeams from the curtain literally bleed into the sheets and steal its colour
PLEASE STROKE HIS HAIR. he loves it. he absolutely loves it. again, melts into your touch like ice-cream. his heart will feel tight and he has a lil' blush 🥹 whats even more priceless is his lips slightly agape after hes fallen asleep... how can you NOT love this man
one of the only boys on this list who will LET you put little pink bows or style his hair in braids and clips. (if you're imagining timeskip hinata, you have attempted to put a little bow around his bicep but you underestimated its size and it BROKE. gosh what an experience)
DANCES WITH YOU EVERYWHERE!!! omg i love him so much. doesn't care if you have two left feet, he just loves the feeling in his heart when he sees your smile as he spins you around. in the rain, in big empty rooms, in the kitchen, anywhere.
loves the idea of promise rings or little trinkets that ensure he gets to have you forever!!
kiyoomi sakusa ; washing machine - VANISHING GIRL, rosemary fairweather
PLEASE braid this man's hair. 😞 he pretends to despise it and thinks you don't notice when he literally melts under your touch. he feels safe 'nd comfy and hopes it lasts forever, when your hand retracts he has a lil' pout
notices when you've been wearing your favourite hood for a couple days straight, has a little scowl under his mask and throws one of his jackets at you. he only gives you the wind-breakers that are 100% cotton or the ones he just knows you like.
he uses this as an excuse to share his clothes with you. its safe to assume its his love language under-cover!
HE IS SO ASS WITH PDA all you get is him giving you hand sanitizer before eating meals or snacks. its only you though, don't tell him that.
BUT sometimes when he feels like it, he will take your hand and put it HIS pocket so "your hands are always sheltered from germs" now what type of bs is THAT. (you love this bs)
can be snarky. sometimes he gets the slightest eenie meenie miniest bit cocky, and its very noticable. has the ability to be a little bit of a tease but not in a pestering way more like a little smartass way LMAO.
tetsuro kuroo ; never lose me - flo milli
always has his hand in the back pocket of your pants. that was it. thank you for coming to my ted talk. (to feel your butt? no idea.)
tutor sessions always unbearable. either you're too busy staring at his biceps, or you're sighing that he's made a little pop quiz for you!! tell him it sucks please
if he notices it gets a bit too much or overwhelming for you over the week or before study dates, insists to take you out instead (what a gentleman!! kuroo tetsuro come into my life)
extremely consistent with routine. good morning and good night text DAILY no matter how busy he is, he WILL find a way (i like to think its his way or the high way #kingofprovocation /hj). very good at getting the things he wants in a non-manipulative way but with simply logic and brains
yeah as captain hes no. #1 but he is also no. #1 waist CLUTCHER. his hands are always on you somehow even in the slightest way, but never pervy. he just likes having his hands on you! bonus points if you have hip dips, he loves it so much. he finds it as a perfect spot to place his hands on (btw ppl w hipdips yall are BEAUTIFUL!! 🥹)
i feel as he has a possessive side as well. small, but more noticable compared to someone else. will not hesitate to stare someone (or recite chemistry nerd stuff 🙁) down for looking at you a little too long :3
when he sees you post or sees himself in your instagram or tiktok dumps, his heart tightens a bit in the best way possible. when you mention him in the post he only reacts with a heart but he's actually going insane
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causenessus · 4 months
Realizing He Loves You. | Haikyuu
inc. akaashi, bokuto, oikawa, iwaizumi, kuroo, kenma
written in 2nd pov (female reader implied)
song recc: my loves get special treatment and all get a song or quote of their own again but just for fun </3 sideways by cleo sol
word count: 1922 words
summary: "when does he realize he loves you/what does he do to show that he loves you?"
little bit of crack? nekoma performs a psychology experiment (??) i just had a little bit of fun writing this and projecting onto like all of them <3 but i just love them all sm and i'm making up for not including kenma in my last post mb guys
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"don't shorten your speech. i love your details."
if you thought he paid attention to bokuto, you’re not ready for what he gives you
he gives you everything <3 anything you could ever ask for, he’ll get you it
he’s always hoping to see you, when he hears a door open, he looks up, hoping it might just happen to be you
it doesn’t click at first that he’s purposely looking out for you on instinct, but he starts to realize it as he finds himself orbiting around you more and more
he gives you his full attention whenever you say something, and if you get sidetracked or forget what you’re talking about, you best believe he remembers what you’ve already said and will try and prompt your memory by explaining what you’ve already told him
will also check in and remember things that you have said in the past, like you told him about a new book you were reading and the next time he sees you, he’ll ask you how it's going. or if you guys are too busy and he doesn’t ask you about it then, he’ll ask you about it another time he sees you. but either way, it always surprises you and touches your heart when he remembers <3
you best believe he’s always making time for you too
burst into the gym, his classroom, or bedroom and he’s already dropping everything for you
“keiji, you’ll never guess what happened!”
“what happened, love?”
the moment he probably fully realized how much he loved you was when he started holding your hands to stop you from picking at them
he’s always paying so much attention to you and he cares so much about you that he lovingly tries to stop you from habits like biting your nails or picking at your skin <3
he’ll notice that you’re doing it when you’re sitting beside him and with all the care in the world he’ll be gently holding your hands, running his own pretty fingers along them and rubbing them
you know he’s doing it to stop you and help you but you’ll pout, saying, “that’s not fair, keiji, you pick at your fingers too :( ”
but he’ll only smile as he takes his eyes off his fingers playing with yours to look at you, “i know. but you're not allowed to because i love you.”
everyone adores you (at least i do)
he couldn’t stop talking about you
he didn’t do it on purpose, but genuinely just kept bringing you up to everyone because you’re his everything <3
he does it with such love and adoration, the biggest smile on his face that no one can say no to him or interrupt him, they just keep listening
in all sorts of conversations, he’ll find a way to bring you into it and people know that if he doesn’t have practice, there’s a 99% he’s with you (that 1% is simply when it’s absolutely impossible for him to be with you
if anyone ever asks him what he did over the weekend, he’s always mentioning you, “my weekend? oh, my girlfriend and I…” 
he has literally no reason to be vague he’s so proud of you and to be your boyfriend he’ll say it whenever he can <3
and just like how his his energy and determination is contagious on the court, so is his happiness when he talks about you
at some point someone on the team brought it up with a grin on their face to match his purely joyous one,
“man, you really love her, don’t you?”
he’d already thought about it a ton before, but to hear someone say it for the first time, it felt different
his face felt a little warm but he couldn’t help but nod,
“i do. i love her.”
"jupiter couldn't keep me from you / oh, i'm yours."
he realizes it when seeing you makes him flustered and he can’t stop thinking about you
definitely talks about you a lot to anyone who he can get to listen
like it’s worse than bokuto
but it goes past that, you’re on his mind all the time, throughout his classes and afterschool
and this is NOT basic i swear let me explain
he’s smiling stupidly to himself all throughout the day, his head filled with moments he’s had with you
they’re just showing up in his head without him even trying but he’s not complaining
he’ll see you in the halls and he just can’t stop the smile that spreads across his face
he’ll be listening to songs and suddenly he’s relating them all to you, asap he started making a playlist for you as soon as he became the slightest bit interested in you, he just couldn’t stop thinking about you but at first he thought it was just normal
but then he’s there, helping clean the floors after volleyball practice and he’s in his own head, a lovesick smile on his face and his heart brimming with adoration for you
seijoh 4 is looking at the scene in confusion and worry, feeling slightly uncomfortable at the sight
“is he really that happy to be cleaning the floors?”
“maybe he’s imagining that his serve had hit kageyama in the face and not yahaba??”
“it irks me. trashykawa if you don’t wipe that stupid grin off your face–”
suddenly maki and mattsun are holding iwa back by the arms from marching over to the boy who's still stuck in his own world, smiling with a mop in hand
eventually maki pieces it together, the three of them approaching the boy once iwa has found the will to keep the rage inside again <3
“whose the lucky girl that’s got you smiling like that?” he asked with a taunting smile
to his surprise, tooru was completely transparent, no jokes or comebacks, a pink hue dusting his cheeks as he rested his chin on the handle of the mop with the same lopsided smile as always, “this girl i’ve been seeing…god, i think i love her.”
"calling my lover 'mine' but not in the way that my toothbrush or notebook are mine, mine in the way my neighborhood is mine, and also everybody else's, 'mine' like mine to tend to, mine to care for, mine to love. 'mine' not like possession but devotion."
he realized he loved you when he found that he just wanted to do everything for you
the definition of “i know u can do it urself but let me spoil u <3”
he has a list of everything you like so that he always knew what to get you
he’s always coming up with special plans and gifts for anniversaries, birthdays and holidays
i just know he comes up with the best ideas
and i know everyone says this BUT HE’S SO walking on the open side of the sidewalk to guard you from passing cars omg <3
definitely a man whose skipping whatever he has going on that day to take care of you when you get sick or if you’re taking a mental health day
he just wants to make sure you’re completely taken care of and that you know how much you mean to him <3 he’s always reassuring you when you have even the slightest doubt that you are not and will never be an inconvenience or anything of the sort
is 100% holding your bag when you guys are walking at school
and ofc is holding your bags if you guys go out shopping is that even a question??
he’s always asking to take you out places and do something with you
unless you catch him in a gracious mood and give him three good reasons why he shouldn’t pay for something for you, you’re not winning
he’s paying and he’s happy to <3 if you’re really adamant about it, he’ll let you pay (sometimes) but will still try to get you to at least split it
he loves you so much he will give himself wholly to you whenever you ask for it
he can go from completely abusing oikawa to holding you so gently and speaking softly and lovingly in a split second <3
recovering from his beating, oikawa approached iwa again, as you left to take care of something else, “she’s really got you wrapped around her finger, doesn’t she?”
iwa only continued to watch your leaving figure, “i guess so. but i’d burn the world for her if she asked.”
"hold on. hold on. i have to protest. do you think i would choose to live without you?"
he shows how much he cares for you by always making you his first priority
he’s always with you and always on time for you
it didn’t really click with him at first but he realized he loved you when he was thinking so much about making sure you knew that you were cared for and that you deserved nothing short of the best, including a man that is always there for you
i feel like tetsuro (with love) is the type of man who shows up late to things unapologetically at least ever so often
but never when it comes to you
expect him to always be there on an agreed time if not earlier
as researchers (the nekoma volleyball team) found in their experiment (completely unbiased and empirical), by just saying that the group was going to hang out and that you were going to be there, he was guaranteed to show up on time. but any other time, if you weren’t involved, there was a chance he was showing up at least 10 minutes late
(kenma was most certainly their control group to see what tetsuro’s normal behavior was for the people closest to him <3)
when yamamoto presented these findings to tetsuro himself, he simply shrugged
“so you’ll show up completely ready, hair styled and all for her but when it comes to us you come looking like a tornado hit you in the two blocks it takes to get to the convenience store and it set you back like 10 minutes??”
“well duh, i love her, not you.”
"so you see her / she's over in the corner / and you can't ignore her / there must be a reason"
he realized he loved you when he noticed that he was always keeping an ear open to listen for you 
he’s not used to really working with others. like he’s either listened to (ie. brain of his team) or he’s working independently because he’s not going through the effort of putting up with people
you and kuroo on a good day are the exceptions
bc with you, it’s like he wants to hear from you
he doesn’t often love talking to people, and he hates when people interrupt him when he’s doing something, but when he’s playing games and you're around, he has one side of his headphones pushed behind his ear in case you say something to him
even before you guys were dating, when he sat next to you in class, because you sat to his left, he’d only put in his right earbud when he listened to music so he could hear you
and even when you guys are walking together, hand in hand, if he still has an earbud in, he makes sure to walk on the side of you that doesn’t have an earbud in <3
before practices have officially started, he’s completely unavailable and does not care for what anyone has to say to him
but then he sees you walking in and he’s got an earbud out or his headphones are pushed to the side immediately <3
kuroo notices this after some time and teased him about it, “oh? you never make an effort to listen to anything I have to say if you have your headphones on. does she mean that much to you?”
kenma didn’t even look up from his switch, but there was a small smile on his face at the question, “yeah, she does.”
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loveephia · 1 year
some of the HQ boys with a girlfriend who has fluffy cheeks. (kuroo, atsumu, kenma, oikawa, akaashi, sakusa.)
content: (🦷) tooth-rotting fluff, reader getting called some petnames, reader is annoyed by atsumu, you get compared to cute animals a bit.
⚠ warning/s: none.
part 1 | part 2
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now kuroo's seen a lotta things
but your cheeks have got to be the most bizarre sight he's ever witnessed.
(in a good way, of course)
and whenever you ask him why he does it, he goes on a lengthy explanation about how cuteness aggression works
"kitten, it's because in response to positive experiences, some people express their feelings in a dimorphous manner, meaning they—"
gosh, you love this nerd
but pls shut him up with a little peck. he'll continue to ramble until the subject is about softshelled turtles or something.
honestly, he never understood why people would gush over their s/o back then
it was always: "waaah! _____ is so cool!" or "_____ is the most beautiful girl ever.."
then, he got into a relationship with you
"your cheeks're so cute, darlin'." atsumu pokes one while you hiss at his statement. you can't stand people who comment about your cheeks!
oh, but atsumu thinks you're just like an angry little kitten
so with a childish smile, here he is stretching your cheeks like they're daifuku.
"hands off, miya."
"ouch, why are we on a last name basis now?!"
here is a visual representation of kenma when he finds out how fluffy your cheeks are:
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thank you for coming to my ted talk.
i can imagine kenma's fingers being sore for playing video games hours on end, so a bit of pillow-like material your cheeks can help with the aching!
so here you are, looking at kenma with a dumbfounded smile, as he's still massaging your cheeks round and round in circles
"ken? what's this all about?"
fuee.. fuee..
"..nothing." he mumbles
okay, kenma. whatever makes you happy, i guess.
this man loves pda, so expect a lot of cheek kisses from him
he's all shameless about it too
which irritates you cuz you get shy very easily.
oikawa could be talking to the other third years, and every now and then, he'd kiss your cheek
"t- tōru.. can you not?" you stuttered out, a blush creeping up your neck
"but princess, you're just so cute!" he whines
oikawa has a lot of fans, but the only person he'll ever be a fan of, is you :D
honestly, he doesn't really care that much
but he thinks they're the cutest feature you have.. (♥︎ . .)
when your cheeks are full from eating, akaashi thinks that you look just like a little hamster
y'know how a hamster stores food in their cheeks and they puff up a ton?
yeah, that's how akaashi sees you.
"keiji, s'there sumthin' wrong?" you manage to say from your mouthful of food
"please don't talk while you eat, angel." he reminds you, wiping off a small speck of rice from your chin
akaashi makes a mental note to add a hamster emoji at the end of your contact name later
"my y/n 🐹"
he doesn't like pda, nor does he like physical contact in general
though he can't help but be a little bit curious as to how your round cheeks feel against his pointer finger
after all, the boy's only human 😔
so he does the inevitable and pokes one
you stopped breathing for a good sixteen seconds.
"..sakusa?" you turn to him, all mortified
"soft.." he thought
sakusa doesn't like kissing out in the open, but he'll settle for your innocent little cheek-to-cheek kisses
because he gets to feel the plush of your cheek against his
his face is so red pls someone save him 😭😭😭
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© lowercase intended | loveephia
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iwasdear · 21 days
I'm coming in with another thought about Matsukawa cus he lives in a penthouse in my brain and bro is not moving out any time soon
he did not truely grasp how big his meat was until he lost his virginity
sure he's not dumb he knew it was definitely something but not until he got a girl in bed did he realize his shtick was built different
and lemme say that did more than just inflate his ego, he was a changed man
And doesn't just slang it all willy nilly and expect his size to do all the work, he learned the motion of the ocean and was a certified sex god from that point forward‼
Not just cocky for cockys sake, he promises a good time and sure as hell lays it tf down too😼
On a similar note can I ask how you think all the seijoh 4 first times went? when? how? what do you think?
oh i definitely fuck with this thought, anon. he's not cocky just because he can be cocky, but it's because he knows he can be cocky. matsukawa isn't like those annoying mfs that are cocky because they think they're the shit. he is the shit. after that encounter where he lost his virginity, he became a god and nobody could stop him no more.
now, here is how i think seijoh 4z first time went ( with reader ) ★
oikawa had his first time at a party. since he's very popular, he gets invited to parties often. i feel like he def had no idea as to what the fuck to do, but i mean, you're not bound to knows when it's your first time, right? he was really excited about it, though, and spoiler: he came really fast! we understand, king. hormones are everywhere, there's a rush that's hard to ignore, its a first time sensation, how could he hold back? he had a round two after that because he reached his own high, but reader didn't even get to enjoy theirs, and let me tell you. his second orgasm hit him ten times harder. i know this messed up with his ego so he's been participating in every no nut november like a loser because he says it will help him last longer (it really doesn't).
mattsun had a pretty decent first time with a date, and it went absolutely amazing for both of them. the amount of stamina this guy has is insane. they met on a dating app, both of their profiles specifying that they didn't want anything serious, much rather looking for a quick hook-up. it was then when matsukawa realized his cock was in fact not your average dick. the fact that his huge buddy could make someone cry in pain fascinated him. my guy has morals so he held back so reader could adjust but god was his ego over the roof. ever since then, mattsun proudly carries a weapon between his legs.
makki had his first time in a damn club HANDS DOWN. unlike oikawa, who had the commodity of a (strangers) bed, hanamaki went at it in a bathroom. oh yeah. ngl i feel like he's a sucker for head, so they went with that first! he loved it, btw. lasted quite long but not too long, iykwim. then he proceeded to fuck reader on the sink. some clubs tend to have full body mirrors and my gut is telling this mf had a second round but this time full view on said mirror. the ones above the sink weren't it for him. out of the 4, i personally think makki is the most experienced. he knew what he was doing the moment they walked into that bathroom. if you're wondering, they waited for it to empty out and locked the doors and didn't let anyone in for a good two hours, teehee.
this one may be a little too biased because i love iwaizumi a little too much, and in my eyes, he's a gentleman. unlike the other 3, iwa had his first time with someone he was in a stablished relationship with at the time. it was actually quite romantic and beautiful and SIKE. hajime had his first time in the lockers. stressed from dealing with oikawa and his annoying fangirls, mattsun and makki holding him back from beating the shit out of his best friend, and just built up stress from other things. he was over it. the stablished relationship part is true. he asked reader to meet in the lockers a little earlier than the time practice usually ends because he heard from others (mattsun) that sex was a good stress reliever. by the way, iwaizumi was the last to lose his virginity. the gentleman part was also true because despite being someone who doesn't speak his mind outloud, my man still had the courage to confidently ask reader if they could do the deed right there and then. tbh i feel like he likes his privacy, and i mean, anyone could walk in any second, so they both went with the showers. great experience if you ask him, but he would NOT do it in an open space like that ever again.
© iwasdear | more thoughts are welcome!
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cutecatlov3r · 1 year
𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐟𝐮𝐜𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐨?
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various x reader ! [hinata, kageyama, tsukishima, nishinoya, sugawara, iwaizumi, oikawa, atsumu, osamu, suna, bokuto, akaashi, kuroo, and kenma]
synopsis: my head cannons and my opinion on which songs they'd fuck you to .
warnings/tw: all characters are 21+, praise, degradation, and my personal head cannons on what they are like during sex .
a/n: dont copy my work ! like, re-blog, and comment ily ! not proofread ;(
jjk ver. aot ver. ft ver. bllk ver. bnha ver.
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Shoyo Hinata
HEAVEN AND BACK [Chase Atlantic]
✰ This song just is so Shoyo Hinata coded. I love it so much, I can see him loving it too. He is for sure a switch, mostly dominating over you though.
✰ I don't see him being very into foreplay, I feel like he can get hard just from looking at you, thinking of what he wants to do to you.
✰ His stamina makes him go on until he gives out, which is after 3 to 4 rounds.
✰ This song makes him want to please you, making sure to have you rolling back your eyes.
✰ You are addicted to him. You love him so much but he loves you just as much.
✰ He can't help himself but to go fast, he doesn't like being slow. Yet he is sensual, never too rough, kissing you passionately as he goes as fast as he can, in hopes of making you see stars.
✰ "Are you feeling good baby? Should I go go deeper?"
✰ Hinata always makes sure to focus on your pleasure before his own. He loves you, more than anyone.
✰ You are everything he needs. You're like his drug. Without you, he'd be nothing.
"She just went to heaven and back"
Tobio Kageyama
✰ Tobio is... In my opinion, a switch.
✰ With this song on he will start off slow then speed up, your moans with this song make him so happy.
✰ He isn't afraid to pillow talk you in bed. "S...So tight for me... Want me to go faster?"
✰ The passionate sex between you two with this song is euphoric. He loves everything about you.
✰ He won't be afraid to tell you how much he loves you, praising you here and there whenever he feels like doing so.
✰ If he wanted to he could last 2 rounds but he usually has you asleep by then.
✰ He shows you how much he loves you by making sure to go harder and deeper right before the song ends.
✰ After you two are done, he kisses your forehead, whispering sweet nothings in your ear.
"I love to hold you close, tonight and always"
Kei Tsukishima
Lollipop [Lil Wayne]
✰ This man is a dom and I'd say a sadist.
✰ He'll degrade you, making sure you know you're just there to be his plaything. "Such a slut, don't worry, I'll take good care of you,"
✰ He loves you but won't be the one to tell you that, he'll let you know when he fucks you harshly and depply.
✰ "Slut" "Whore" "Dumbass" "Bitch"
✰ Tsukishima won't be afraid to spank you whenever you're acting extra feisty.
✰ He loves as this song plays in the background as he inflicts pain on your pretty little body.
✰ His favorite thing to do is... Well, fucking your mouth, making sure you're crying and gagging.
"She-she lick me like a lollipop"
Yuu Nishinoya
Down On Me [Jeremiah]
✰ He is pretty kinky, he doesn't mind letting you take control of him. With that being said, he is a switch.
✰ Now... His dick is big, all of his height went where it was supposed to.
✰ He loves watching you moan and having his dick all in your mouth.
✰ "So good...! Keep sucking baby, I'm so close!"
✰ He never degrades you. It isn't in his heart to hurt the feelings of the person he loves.
✰ This song just matches his energy, he can't stand being in such a quiet place. He adores your movements when this song comes on.
✰ Nishinoya is a loud moaner, he needs to have some sort of sound throughout the room as this song plays.
✰ He admires you, making sure to kiss every part of you. You're the light of his life.
✰ Hickeys. He loves receiving and giving them. Receiving them because he wants everyone to know he has someone who actually fucks him and giving them to show everyone you're his. Only his.
"I love the way you grind that booty on me"
Koshi Sugawara
Into It [Chase Atlantic]
✰ Sugawara is such a nice guy to those who know him but in the bedroom he's a bit different. It depends on his mood, he will always be a dom though.
✰ With this song playing he will degrade you, in a sexy way. A possessive way.
✰ "You're mine, say it pretty girl,"
✰ He would be the type to smoke while fucking you from behind, he loves doggy style, he likes seeing your ass bounce against his hips.
✰ He makes sure to go slow and deep as this song plays, biting your neck, putting you into missionary.
✰ With this song playing, he focuses on your pleasure, cumming deep in you over and over until he feels like you're done.
✰ His hands are godly, overstimulating you after you beg him you can't do it anymore
✰ "Y/n, shut up, I know you can take it. Be a good girl and fucking take it,"
"I wouldn't change it for the world, I'm fucking into it"
Hajime Iwaizumi
Wicked Games [The Weekend]
✰ Iwaizumi is a dom, no questioning. He is such a sweet one though.
✰ He'd never hurt you in any way, even if you asked him to. He just can't see himself hurting you.
✰ This song just turns him on, he loves seeing you naked as this song plays. It makes him feel some type of way.
✰ With this song, he will hold your hands, pinning them down. Then he will go deep and hard inside you.
✰ "Taking me so good, good girl,"
✰ He lives for praise, he enjoys getting praise from you. He will also praise you as well.
✰ His strong build can easily man handle you.
✰ I'd say he can last 3-4 rounds, considering he is an athletic trainer.
✰ He loves you, the way he takes care of you after is so astonishing. He will clean you up and make sure you're okay. You both truly love each other.
"Listen, ma, I'll give you all I got. Get me off of this, I need confidence in myself"
Toru Oikawa
Party Monster [The Weekend]
✰ I feel dom vibes from him. I can see him mainly having a teasing personality during sex.
✰ "Aw, you wanna cum? Alright! Let me pick up my pace then cutie,"
✰ I see him loving this song because it kind of describes him in a way. He is known to be a flirt.
✰ Most definitely would fuck you in a mirror while this song plays. He'd have you face down ass up, grabbing your throat so you can watch him destroy you.
✰ "Watch as I fuck you, kay?"
✰ I don't see him as someone who is very into making out with people, I can see him kissing your neck though, not leaving hickeys.
✰ He doesn't really feel love towards you, he isn't focused on love, but whenever he fucks you, he appreciates you.
✰ Still, he has a special spot for you, not really for anyone else. He makes sure to fuck you sensually, he cherishes sex.
"Say you're mine, I'm yours for the night"
Atsumu Miya
Acquainted [The Weekend]
✰ Rough dom. I don't need to elaborate .
✰ This song just reminds him so much of your relationship. You flirted your way to get where you're at. Usually he'd turn down every girl but you were different. There was something about you that turned him on.
✰ He loves you. LOVES you. This song really just keeps him sane as he's fucking you.
✰ He will be rough with you like pulling your hair, choking, breath-play, etc. But he won't ever think of degrading you.
✰ Hickeys and bruises is what he wants to see on himself, he doesn't mind giving you them here and there.
✰ He is super over protective over you, one guy speaking to you could cause a whole argument... Ending with his dick being shoved down your throat.
✰ He would love to make you his rope bunny but he hasn't really decided to bring it up yet.
✰ He will grunt and groan as he fucks you roughly to this song, occasionally humming to the tune.
"You got me puttin' time in, time in. Nobody got me feeling this way"
Osamu Miya
Call Out My Name [The Weekend]
✰ I can see him being a dom but more soft yet can sometimes be rough.
✰ He plays this song just because he likes the melody... It's dark and sad and he likes that type of vibe.
✰ He will fuck you slow and deep to this song, wanting to cum inside you.
✰ "Stop squirmin'... Let me fill you up baby,"
✰ He doesn't like pulling your hair or choking you but he will dig his nails deep into your skin, for example... Your thighs.
✰ He is more on the quiet side of things, a little too shy to moan for you.
✰ After having sex he will take a shower with you and hold you until you fall asleep.
✰ "Love you so much... You're so perfect,"
"So call out my name when I kiss you, So gently"
Rintaro Suna
I Wanna Be Yours [Arctic Monkeys]
✰ Suna is so Arctic Monkeys coded. He just fits that vibe so well, I love it .
✰ Currently you and Suna aren't together, only fucking whenever you feel like it but... Recently he had started developing feelings for you.
✰ Playing this song helps you see how he feels, and with that he fucks you to it.
✰ He is rough but soft. He will start off slow and then speed up the pace when you begin whining for more.
✰ He likes smelling your hair as he fucks you, breathing in your scent.
✰ "You smell good... Did you get a new perfume?"
✰ He barely makes any noise during sex, not feeling too comfortable yet. He doesn't know whether or not you like guys who do that or not.
✰ He tries his best to please you. If he cums first and you don't he will eat you out.
✰ Very good with his hands.
✰ After all of the sweat and panting, I could see him offering you a cigarette to smoke.
"Secrets I have held in my heart, Are harder to hide than I thought"
Bokuto Koutaro
Touchin And Lovin [Trey Songz]
✰ Gives off major switch vibes.
✰ With this song on, he will be fast and deep when fucking you. He wants to make you feel good.
✰ LOVES PRAISE ! One little nice thing said to him can make him cum on the spot.
✰ He genuinely loves and cares for you.
✰ He is a head pusher, you don't mind though, you like him being rough with you.
✰ He whines . For sure .
✰ I can see his childish self singing along to this song thinking he sounds sexy while fucking you but you're dying of laughter.
✰ He isn't afraid of being serious when needed, he will fuck you hard and serious if the mood is right.
✰ Guys . The ass jiggles as he's hitting it from behind... And no, I'm not talking about your ass...
✰ He could toss you around like a rag-doll but he's too scared to hurt you.
✰ After sex he always cracks up jokes to make the awkwardness go away.
✰ He will french kiss you softly until you agree to go to bed with him.
"Touchin', lovin', fuckin', can't make up my mind"
Keiji Akaashi
Versace on the Floor [Bruno Mars]
✰ I can see him being mean, dominating over you. Never too mean though.
✰ He loves this song because he likes taking your clothes off slowly, the melody of the music compliments the slow sensual acts between you two.
✰ In this song, he would fuck you slowly, almost too slow (low key cockwarming).
✰ He loves you and the feeling of being inside you.
✰ He barely makes any noise but will moan here and there to feel your walls clench down on his dick.
✰ He is very sweet when he speaks to you, his actions being the only mean thing about him.
✰ "Stay still. Feels too good~"
✰ He likes being alone with you, in the dark as this song plays. He just feels so safe and secure with you.
✰ Afterwards, he will make sure you're all cleaned up and go to sleep on his own accord.
"There's no place I'd rather be in this world. Your eyes are where I'm lost in"
Tetsurou Kuroo
Loveeeeeee Song [Rihanna]
✰ He is a respectful man when it comes to having sex.
✰ He will be sweet with you, talking you through it as he sinks his cock deep inside you.
✰ "You can take it, yeah? Yeah, you can,"
✰ He isn't the type to be super kinky or pull your hair... But he would be the type to steal your panties after you two have sex.
✰ He fucks you to this song however he feels like in that moment. It's just a song that expresses his emotions towards you. He cares about you a lot.
✰ You both cherish each other, deeply. It's on a level that no one can understand.
✰ I can see him moaning for you, not too much but quite a lot.
✰ His nerdiness can get the best of him sometimes, finding himself distracted when it comes to logical decisions like cumming inside you.
"I need love and affection"
Kenma Kozume
Hentai [Cigarettes After Sex]
✰ Look... He's a gamer and sometimes some games can be connected to hentai... Of fucking course he was going to fuck you to a song named hentai.
✰ Switch (dom+)
✰ This song is exactly how he feels about you, it's crazy that it is his literal feelings.
✰ He will fuck you slow and try not to make so much noise so he can listen to the song as he fucks you.
✰ With that knowledge, he tries not to moan or whine but sometimes his little gasps and panting is sexy.
✰ You find it cute how much he desires you, wanting to fuck you any chance he gets.
✰ "Come and sit on my lap while I play games... What? No... I wasn't planning on... Idiot,"
✰ Loves using toys during sex, finds it easier to make you cum.
✰ He'd be the type to record videos of you two.
✰ Kenma... I know for sure he makes you roleplay as anime girls, video game characters, or even animals for him.
✰ This song is his favorite one, he just needs to cum on your body after hearing it. You're his little toy.
✰ He loves you so much but shows it through actions instead of words. That's why he touches you so much.
"I've been waiting for you to fall for me and let me in your life"
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noyasmashing · 2 months
hmm so like a doubting oikawa who thinks he’s not good for you or anything similar after when they lose against karasuno in that one match, and you just show him how much of a good boy he is and reader basically comforts him. can be fluff or smut
ughhh i need him so bad 😔😔
anyway no nsfw in this one! just lots of love!
Oikawa always projected an air of confidence, strength, and a touch of arrogance. It was one of the many reasons why you find yourself attracted to him. So when you first started dating, you never expected how much reassurance he required. But that was okay! you were much more than willing to provide it for your special lover.
However, walking into your bedroom to find him curled up sadly under the warm blanket broke your heart. Deep down, he was a sensitive man, and seeing you being hit on by someone else had shaken him deeply. He resented the way you smiled at the other guy, as if you didn't have someone you loved. His insecurities were running wild; maybe he was right, maybe you didn't love him after all.
As he lay there in that moment, lost in his thoughts, your warm hand gently slid across his waist, pulling him closer. You spooned him, feeling his tense body against yours, trying to offer comfort.
"Toru? Are you alright?" you asked softly against his exposed neck, genuinely worried. He turned to face you, surprised to see the concern in your eyes as you gazed at his sadness.
"I... you hate me," he stammered, his voice shaky with doubt.
"What? No, Toru, I could never hate you. I love you, really," you reassured him soothingly, causing the tips of his ears to turn red in a mix of flattery and relief.
Before he could respond with more of his insecurity, you intervened, saying, “Is this because of that guy I was talking to earlier?”
He nodded hesitantly, feeling a pang of shame for letting such a minor interaction affect him so deeply. "you were flirting," he mumbled, unable to meet your gaze.
Your hand reached up to gently caress his face. "Why would I flirt with anyone when I have you, my dear?" you cooed, your tone full of warmth and reassurance.
As you continued to stroke his face gently, Oikawa felt a rush of relief wash over him. Your words and touch melted away his insecurities, replacing them with a sense of comfort and belonging.
"I'm sorry," he murmured, finally meeting your eyes. "I just... I can't stand the thought of losing you."
You smiled tenderly, brushing a stray strand of hair from his forehead. "You're not going to lose me, Toru. I'm right here, and I'm not going anywhere."
His tense shoulders began to relax as he took in your words. The weight of his fears seemed to lift, replaced by the warmth of your embrace.
"I love you so much," he confessed hiding his red face into the crook of your neck, his voice soft and vulnerable.
Your heart swelled with affection at his cuteness. "I love you too, Toru. More than anything."
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chaepink · 1 year
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Masterlist! ❤
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❤ haikyuu !
- what a slut | ❝where Hinata suggests using a vibrator in public...❞
- you're pretty when you cry | ❝you always thought kageyama would be a pretty crier, so why not put that theory to the test?❞
- studying session | ❝in need of tutoring, kageyama goes to you who oh so kindly agrees to help them. but there's a catch❞
- such a tease | ❝teasing kageyama is always fun, especially if it has something to do with him cockwarming you.❞ 𓆩♡𓆪 kinktober
tsukishima |
yamaguchi |
bokuto |
- good girls are bad girls (that haven't been caught) | ❝you have to tutor Kuroo, the school's infamous fuckboy, but the situation escalates into something else ❞
oikawa |
- embarrassing... | ❝kenma humps your thigh in the men's volleyball locker room—where anyone can hear❞
- jealousy, jealousy | ❝jealousy gets the best of you when you see Kenma being flirted on so you can't help it when it leads to some jealous sex...❞
ushijima |
- pathetic | ❝you just can't help being mean to your pathetic, little, boyfriend❞
osamu |
d r a b b l e s / l o n g t h i r s t s : lev w/ a size kink // kageyama w/ touching in public // riding tsukishima // edging oikawa // yandere!kageyama // pegging bokuto // pegging atsumu // punishing kuroo // goshiki cumming untouched // fisting w/ kageyama // pampering midoriya after a bad day // sub!yan!oikawa who loves your praise // tsukishima cumming untouched // bratty nishinoya //
h e a d c a n n o n s :
- who loves to be marked?
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❤ my hero academia !
- impatient | ❝you're busy but midoriya is horny, so he takes matters into his own hands❞
- bite me, baby! | ❝midoriya gets his blood sucked by you, a vampire, and maybe enjoys it a little too much❞ 𓆩♡𓆪 kinktober
- money, money, money | ❝you just love spoiling your sugar daddy❞
- stripper!bakagou hcs
- awoken | ❝whines and whimpers wake you up as you find out shoto has been humping your thigh in your sleep❞
kirishima |
- shocking! | ❝where you use your boyfriend's quirk against him in a way he doesn't expect❞
- putting on a show | ❝you've been treating denki so well lately whether its buying all the luxury items he wants or taking him out to all the fancy restaurants around. so he thinks it's time for him to repay you back and what's better than having him put on a show for you wearing some sexy lingerie?❞ 𓆩♡𓆪 kinktober
- behind closed doors | ❝there's obvious sexual tension between you and your rival, iida, but no way you would fuck "mr. perfect" right?❞
- your own private show | ❝you catch iida masturbating and he puts on a show for you❞
d r a b b l e s / l o n g t h i r s t s : werewolf!reader in rut (midoriya) // naga!reader using their tail to choke (kaminari) // naga!reader w/ size kink (midoriya) // iida secretly masturbating // iida w/ werewolf!reader // pussydrunk!izuku // izuku w/ rimming // riding bakugo // overstimulating todoroki // bratty!bakugo // masochist!iida //
h e a d c a n n o n s :
- who loves to be marked?
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❤ chainsaw man !
- bark for me | ❝denji just loves it when you treat him like a dog and tug on his leash.❞
- clouded with lust | ❝aki finds himself in the hands of the lust devil who takes an interest in him.❞ 𓆩♡𓆪 kinktober
d r a b b l e s / l o n g t h i r s t s : denji w/ lust devil // aki w/ lust devil // fucking aki on the kitchen counter //
h e a d c a n n o n s :
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❤ demon slayer !
- 7 minutes in hell | ❝tanjiro is just so innocent and adorable that you can't help be mean to him when the two of you are paired up for 7 minutes in heaven.❞ 𓆩♡𓆪 kinktober
- open your mouth, pretty boy | ❝who knew that the nerd in your english class would be a virgin and that they would be so fun to corrupt?❞ 𓆩♡𓆪 kinktober
rengoku |
d r a b b l e s / l o n g t h i r s t s : whiny!zenitsu w/ breeding kink //
h e a d c a n n o n s :
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❤ jujutsu kaisen !
- challenged accepted | ❝you've given your boyfriend a challenge: go through the day with a vibrator in him. he's sure he'll complete it with ease but he realizes it may not be as easy as he thought.❞ 𓆩♡𓆪 kinktober
megumi |
- such a flirt | ❝gojo is such a flirt and sometimes he gets too close to other people to rile you up. lucky for him, it works every time.❞
- heat it up! | ❝gojo loves being a brat and by the amount of times he has been one, he's gotten use to your punishments. so you decided to try something new on him.❞ 𓆩♡𓆪 kinktober
- my kind of present | ❝Gojo surprises you for Christmas with a present: him.❞
- down the chimney! | ❝in which chimmy is the euphemism for geto's throat as you're face fucking him.❞
- king of curses? ha! | ❝sukuna is the king of curses! he's supposed to be strong, in control. so how did he end up kneeling before you, a mere human?❞
- cat's got your tongue? | ❝toji tries to dominate you and his plan backfires.❞
- a househusband's duty | ❝after coming home from a hard day at work, your househusband surprises you by wearing a maid outfit. though he's annoyed that you're late so how about you bend him over the kitchen counter and eat him out to make up for it?❞ 𓆩♡𓆪 kinktober
d r a b b l e s / l o n g t h i r s t s : gojo w/ a vibrator in public // punishing gojo w/ overstimulation //geto being a good boy for you // overstimulated gojo // megumi w/ feminization // pussydrunk!geto // brat!gojo & good boy!geto // fucking geto over gojo // brat!sukuna // soft sex w/ nanami //
h e a d c a n n o n s :
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❤ miscellaneous !
- smile for the camera! ♡
- give a twirl!
- submissive good boys
- bratty disobedient subs
- adorable puppy boys
- overworked pillow princes
- on the naughty list! ♡
- turning pretty boys to mush
- naughty boys w/ a scent kink
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More animes tba?...
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noosayog · 1 year
[exactly where you wanted me] in which Oikawa asks you to be his fake girlfriend and isn't expecting to be swept off his feet
wc: 2.3k
warnings/content: she/her!reader, minimal angst, mostly fluff, love triangle-ish (as I had forewarned), pining
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It’s a Friday morning, when Iwaizumi, accompanied by a very excited looking Oikawa, pulls you aside before homeroom starts. 
Suspicious, you think. But if Iwa-chan is on board, it can’t be too bad. 
After lots of flowery words and floundering from Oikawa, Iwaizumi explains that Oikawa wants you to pretend to date him to deter his fangirls from crowding practice afterschool in less than two sentences. He uses an additional sentence to say it’s stupid but probably effective. 
You’ve been friends with Iwa-chan since your first years in high school and you generally think Oikawa is amusing, so you agree.
There’s not much to fake dating that’s different from real dating. You spend time together and there’s no way Oikawa’s heart stood a chance against getting this much alone time with you. He’s enjoyed being able to hang out with both you and Iwa-chan together before, but now, as your fake boyfriend, he’s allowed to indulge in all of your attention. He likes that. 
So in the spirit of playing the role of a good fake boyfriend mixed with some selfish intentions, he asks - begs - you to come to cheer him on at a friendly practice match between Seijoh and Shiratorizawa, because that’s what people who are dating do. You agree. 
On the day of the match, there you are, dressed in his spare turquoise blue jersey. He doesn’t realize he’s grinning like a maniac until Iwa-chan smacks him upside the head to tell him to start warming up. 
He’s still having trouble focusing when he notices you making your way down to the court. Instead of going straight to him, though, he watches you make your way to the Shiratorizawa side of the court. He’s about to stop you, out of concern that straight-arrow Ushiwaka would reprimand you for interrupting warm-ups, but to his surprise (horror), Ushijima meets you in the middle and starts chatting with you. 
Okay, what’s going on here? Is Ushiwaka… trying to flirt with you? 
Rationally, he knows it’s unlikely. Chronically, Oikawa is an overreactor and overthinker. 
So he storms up to you and wraps his arms around your waist to pull you away from the enemy captain. He hides your entire frame behind his and puffs his chest up, arms crossed defensively. 
“Ushijima,” he greets with false bravado. “Do you need something with my girlfriend?” 
“Oikawa,” Ushijima says in his calm voice, and nothing else. 
Nothing else? Okay, he was used to carrying the conversation with this brick wall of a man anyway. “Ready to lose today?”
Ushijima’s head cocks to the side, “Who, me?” 
Oikawa’s eyes twitch. “Do you see anyone else here? There’s no way I’d lose with my girlfriend cheering me on.” 
Ushijima’s eyebrows raise. “Girlfriend?” he questions, looking at you. 
“Yes,” Oikawa asserts. He doesn’t like the look Ushijima is giving you. Like he knows something, knows you. 
“Wakatoshi,” you start. 
First name basis? 
Oikawa’s uncomprehending but there’s no time for explanations because Coach Washijo is calling Ushijima and Iwaizumi is calling him. You give both him and Ushijima a little wave and say nothing else as you return to the stands. 
Seijoh wins with Ushiwaka sitting out for 2 of the 3 sets played. You had cheered for him as promised. After the match, his teammates give him a hard smack in the back, Iwa-chan adding a glare and warning to stay focused regardless of official or practice match next time.
As you’ve been doing every evening since you started fake dating, you wait for Oikawa outside of the gym to walk home together. However, unlike any other day, Oikawa does not wound his arm around your shoulder nor does he clasp his hands in yours. He puts a respectable 2-feet distance between the two of you. Adrenaline from the game subsiding, thoughts of you and Ushijima surface again. 
“Oikawa?” you peer at him. “What’s wrong?” 
“What is your relationship with Ushiwaka?” he asks, trying to sound nonchalant. “You call him by his first name.” So much for that. 
“Wakatoshi is a friend I grew up with. My parents are friends with his.” You’re casual, as if there is nothing more to the story. 
“And he always lets you interrupt his warm ups to talk to him?” his voice heavy with implication. 
Your quick replies come to a halt. The pause is heavy and awkward, but this time, when you respond, you meet his eyes evenly. “What’s that supposed to mean?” 
Oikawa shrinks at your narrowed eyes. “Nothing,” he mumbles. He doesn’t know if he wants to hear the answer anyway. “Thanks for coming today,” he says quietly. “I’ll see you on Monday then.” 
You allow him to lean in and give you your usual peck that comes with any goodbye with Oikawa, today on the cheek. “Bye, Oikawa.” 
On Monday, he updates Iwaizumi with all the details. Predictably, Iwa-chan slaps the back of his head. 
“Oww! Why did you do that?” 
“Why does who she’s friends with matter to you?” Iwaizumi starts walking away but pauses to crane his head back to level Oikawa with a stare. “That wasn’t a rhetorical question. Figure it out yourself, idiot.” 
Oikawa’s left rubbing the back of his head.
Mattsun and Makki are next. 
“Well, just think about it,” Makki says. 
“Why does it bother you so much that Ushiwaka is involved with her?” Mattsun finishes. 
“Well, she’s my-”
“Fake girlfriend.” Mattsun interrupts. 
“Fake.” Makki echoes. 
“Fake.” Mattsun nods. 
Oikawa reminisces about the first time you called him Toru. It had been the first time the two of you had walked home together after you had started fake dating and Oikawa had thought that you would start calling him Toru all the time.
You didn’t. Even though you call Ushijima by his first name. 
Contrary to Iwa-chan’s constant labeling, Oikawa isn’t an idiot. He knows that this jealousy and greed for more of you – your time, your attention, your affection – all point to one thing. He is self-diagnosing lovesickness. He has a crush on you. 
Logical next steps would be for Oikawa to take full advantage of all the alone time he gets to spend with you as your fake boyfriend, sweep you off your feet, seduce you, the works. Not that he hasn’t already been doing that. 
Luckily, as your fake boyfriend, a big perk is that it’s literally in Oikawa’s job description to scare potential suitors away. Not that it was hard with how popular and good-looking he is, if he does say so himself. 
However, tricking your childhood friend proved more difficult than he had hoped. In fact, it seemed the two of you didn’t have to, because the next time he sees you and Ushijima, somehow your childhood friend seems to already know. 
It’s later that night when Oikawa decides he wants to go on a late night convenience store run for some ice cream with you. You had responded, jokingly, “Fake boyfriends don’t ask me out on dates.” 
“Who said it was a date?” 
You laughed and agreed. 
So he meets you at your front door, dreaming of skipping to the store, swinging hands with you, and looking forward to an ice-cream induced sugar rush. Those dreams are quickly dashed when your front door swings open with a guilty looking you. 
“I’m sorry, Oikawa,” you start but before you can elaborate, your front door opens again to reveal Ushijima. You turn your head back and nod lightly in Ushijima’s direction, as if that explains the situation. 
“Oikawa,” Ushijima greets, his usual stoic mask unchanging. 
Oikawa turns his cheek at him and ignores the greeting. He leans in conspiratorially with a hand over his palm and whispers obnoxiously, “what’s he doing here?” 
You slap his hand away and turn to Ushijima. “Wakatoshi, I don’t need a chaperone. You can just go home.” 
“Your parents asked me to accompany you to the store if you wanted to go.” 
“Oikawa can take me.” 
“Your parents asked me,” he says simply.
You apologize to Oikawa for Ushijima’s bullheadedness, and he knows you intend to assuage him, but all he can think about is why on earth are you apologizing for Ushijima? But all he does is nod and make towards the convenience store. When you fall into step with him, he does not skip with you and swing your hands. He also doesn't think he's going to be feeling any sort of sugar rush anymore, mood soured. 
Oikawa can’t help but drop a comment as the three of you are walking home. “Kind of insensitive of you to be third-wheeling a date, don’t you think?” 
Ushijima’s eyes flip over to you. “I didn’t realize you needed to be on the job during the weekends too.” 
Oikawa’s smile drops. On the job? He turns around to face you, watching your face carefully as you flash Ushijima a sheepish smile, eyes flickering between the two captains. 
“Don’t call it a job, Wakatoshi.” 
Oikawa’s stomach twists when he hears you call him by his first name again. 
Ushijima ignores your comment and turns to Oikawa. “I’ll walk her home. You can go home.” 
You shake your head at him. “No, Wakatoshi. Oikawa will walk me home. I’ll see you later.” 
Surprisingly, Ushijima concedes and listens to you. “Bye, Wakatoshi,” you say. 
The two of you watch Ushijima’s back recede further and further and don’t say anything even when he’s long gone. You start walking in the direction of your home, but Oikawa takes hold of your wrist. 
“You told him?” 
“Who? Told what?” 
Oikawa levels you with a hard look that you’re not used to. 
“No!” you deny. You’re avoiding eye contact.
“Then how does he know?” He can’t help the accusatory tone slipping into his voice. He’s scared that if he isn’t on the offensive, he’ll let the hurt slip out. 
“Well, I… You know I’m a bad liar! He just… found out!” 
You wait, maybe for Oikawa to laugh it off and tell you it’s okay as he normally would, but he doesn’t. 
“It’ll be okay,” you explain. “Wakatoshi doesn’t go to our school and even if he does, he would never talk about other people's problems.” 
There’s a lot Oikawa wants to ask. Like why you’re vouching for him, why you call him Wakatoshi, when he’s just “Oikawa.” But instead, he just nods robotically and you seem relieved that he doesn’t seem mad. When you arrive at your front door, Oikawa stuffs his hands in his pockets and waits for you to go. You don’t, but he doesn’t know what to say. Maybe he’s the only one feeling this thick tension and awkwardness in the silence. He opts for a quick goodbye but before he can walk off, you grab his arm and yank him back. 
“Oikawa,” you say. 
“What? You might as well have pulled my whole arm off! I need my arms, you know,” he jokes.
“Toru.” Your eyes are steady looking at him. “What’s wrong?” 
Oikawa’s smile drops and he breaks eye contact first. He can only look at the floor while he thinks about what he can say. 
“You don’t have to tell me if you’re uncomfortable, but I’m your friend right? We may not be really dating, but I still want to be there for you if you’re having a hard time.” 
“Is it Wakatoshi? I know you don’t like him but-” 
“Do you?”
You blink. “Do I what?” 
“Do you like him?” 
“No!” you exclaim, taken aback. “Where did that come from?” 
“You call him by his first name.” 
“Well, yes. We’ve known each other since we were children, though! There’s no special meaning.” 
Deep breath. 
“So when you call me by my first name, is there special meaning? We’re not childhood friends.” 
Your eyes widen like saucers and you’re the first to break eye contact, face to the floor. 
There’s a long pause and he feels stupid for even asking, for hoping. Oikawa sighs and takes a gaping step back, away from you. “Forget I said anything.” 
“What if it did,” you whisper. So quietly, Oikawa almost missed it. And he would’ve, if he isn’t in a constant state of hanging onto every word you say, every sign you give. 
You meet his eyes, and repeat, “what if it does?” 
Oikawa isn’t processing this information quick enough, but he can already feel his hopes welling up to fill his chest. He’s so scared that he might be misreading the situation, fitting meaning into your words. “When I say special meaning, it means special.” He says dumbly. He emphasizes the word special, in hopes that you would understand the entire slew of suppressed feelings in that one word. 
“I do understand,” you say simply. 
It was a feeling akin to when it was simultaneously his service point and match point. The simplicity in which you delivered your meaning left no choice but to flood his chest with hope. He doesn’t even realize that he has a massive smile plastered on until you’re mirroring his expression. He waits no longer in stepping into your space, fingers intertwining with yours. He gives you your usual parting kiss, on the forehead, and lingers a few moments longer. 
“Good night, then, girlfriend.” Even if you can’t see his face because of how close he is to you, he makes sure you can feel the curve of his grin and every word whispered against your temple. 
He’s feeling good, satisfied, as he turns around to make his own way home (to squeal and roll around in glee in private), when you grab his arm once again. 
Shameless, he gloats, “still haven’t had enough? I’m happy to-” 
In true fashion, you humble him by pressing your lips against his, effectively shutting him up and wiping the smirk off his face. When you pull away, he chases your lips, eyes still closed. You giggle, give him one more gentle peck, and skip inside, leaving him there, red as a tomato.
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Calling them by their name
Fandom: Haikyuu!!
Pairings: Suna, Oikawa, Bokuto, Atsumu, Osamu, Iwaizumi, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, Kenma, Kuroo X Fem!Reader
Genre: Fluff, Humor
Format: Headcanons
Warnings: Some cussing done by me, Suggestive in Iwaizumi's part
Word Count: 1.2K
A/n: It's been a while since I last wrote for Haikyuu so-
This TikTok compilation on YouTube
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"Yamaguchi Tadashi!"
The man looks at you frightened, like he just saw a ghost or smthn lmao, making you Almost feel bad about this prank.
"What? What happened?" "Did you eat all the Ice cream I saved for myself?"
Lmao now he's scared af.
"I-I No I didn't! I put it in the freezer like you told me too!" "Then why isn't it there? You're telling me that the freezer ate it itself?" "IDK!" "Yamaguchi Tadashi!" "BABE STOP CALLING ME BY MY FULL NAME YOU'RE SCARING ME"
Runs to the store to buy you more Ice cream, little did he know you were the one who ate it, but you were too tired to go out so you used this method to make him go out and buy some instead lol
"Tsukishima Kei!"
You really think He's gonna fall for that? huh
He can clearly see how you're carefully watching him to see his reaction. He knows you're up to smthn immediately.
MF ignores you until you call him by his pet name😭
"Tsukishima Kei!" "..." "Tsukishima!" "..." "...Kei?" "..." "Kei Baby?" "What is it?"
"You're no fun" "And you're so dumb" "Hey!" "What? It rhymes! Who's not fun now?"
Just don't play pranks on this guy he will make you regret🤧
Much to your surprise, he has TikTok. Playing pranks on this guy is never successful cuz he's 10 steps ahead of you. Always.
Like when he finds you saying & doing smthn that sounds familiar to him he's like "Oh it's that prank I saw yesterday! She thinks she can fool me? That's cute. Let me mess with her a little bit"
"Suna Rintarou!" "F/n L/n!" "Suna Rintarou this is a serious matter!" "I'm listening F/n L/n!" "Suna why are you doing this?" "I don't know what you're talking about, L/n" "RIN-"
He will be the one who wins in the end. Always.
You sometimes find it tough to hold yourself back from punching him, but you're in love with his punky ass so you have to deal with it.
Cute whiney baby T^T
IDK why I find him so adorable lmao
You don't even have to call him by his full name to upset him. Saying his first name instead of pet names is enough to damage his heart lmao
The guy looks like he's been shot in the heart LMFAO
"Why are ya callin me Atsumu?🥺" "Um... I mean, that's your name, right?" "No! 'm not Atsumu! 'm baby! or Sweety! or Hubby! Who do ya think yer callin Atsumu?"
He won't talk to you unless you make it up to him by extra kisses & smooches cause I'm not kidding, THE GUY IS HURT.
Now he's a bit different from his twin. He will get irritated at first, but as the mf he is, he is gonna make you regret.
He literally stops whatever he's doing, raises his head to stare at you with a blank expression. Maybe you can sense a sharp dagger stabbing your heart lmao.
"Did ya just call me Miya?" "... I..."
Ngl he looks scary af. Though his expression is blank I AM TELLING YOU.
Goes back to his business with the blank expression meanwhile ignoring the fuck out of you for the whole night.
Will not back down unless you're on you're knees begging him to pay attention to you lol
"'Samu!" "What's that sound I'm hearing? Never mind" "SAMU PLEASE I'M REALLY SORRY-"
His reaction is the same as 'Tsumu's but a bit tenser lmao.
His head that was on your chest suddenly raises for you to meet his puppy eyes.
"Suger Cube? Why are you calling me by my name? Did I do something?🥺🥺🥺🥺"
He's innocence is enough for you to feel bad and suffocate him in your arms T^T
"No Mwah* Baby Mwah* I'm sorry it was Mwah mwah* just a prank!"
Just cuddle your baby owl a bit more he deserves it T^T
This mf deserves it.
Fuck him up.
Make him cry.
Choke him. Kill him. Slap him-
Ahem. Where were we?
So yeah basically he's a jerk and he deserves all the pranks in the world lmfao
"Oi Shittykawa! Didn't I tell you to clean your room? Why is it still a mess?"
"BABE WHY DO YOU HAVE TO CALL ME THAT- sighs* Even my own S/o bullies me, what a cruel world indeed"
"Just shut up and do it already" "Babe you're so mean😪" "You deserve it YOU HANDSOME BASTARD-"
This guy is so good. So husband material. So hot. So much in shape. ANYWAYS-
He's surprised. Very surprised.
"Iwaizumi Hajime!"
Looks up from his phone immediately to meet your frustrated expression.
Frustrated by how hard you're trying to hold back your laugh.
"What is it honey?" "Did you forget to wash the dishes?" "No they're all done" "Then did you forget to take out the trash?" "Took it five hours ago" "Then what about... what about..."
Lmao now he gets what's going on.
A smirk appears on his face as he throws is phone on the couch and the next thing you know you're pinned to the cushions with him on top of you.
"What was that about? Are you trying to tease me or something?"
BRUH he looks so hot like this that you're literally unable to talk.
"I- W-Well... what if I am?"
Let's just say that you never dared to play pranks on him again🚶🏻‍♀️
Why you doing this to my cat boy lmao T^T
Pauses his game and turnes to look at you with a HUGE sulk on his face.
"Why did you-" "Kozume? Really?"
Lmao his pouty face makes you chuckle a bit
"That's your name isn't it?" "What happened to baby, sweetheart, love of my life..." "KENMA BABY I'M SORRY-"
God knows why he looks so cute when he's all sulky lmao
Lmao I can never bring myself to mess with him.
Anyway he will get you back, and a thousand times harder.
It's like you called him by his full name once, and ever since then he keeps calling you by your last name lmao.
You come home after a long day? "Well look who it is! The one and only L/n!" "I FUCKING HATE YOU TETSURO-"
This doesn't stop when you're in public. Or in front of your parents.
When your mom's on the other line? "L/n it's your mom she wants to talk to you!"
When you're out with friends? "L/n would you be kind and pass the salt please?"
People keep asking if you got into a fight or smthn LMFAO
So yeah this will go on for a while until he gets tired of it or he hurts your feelings then he will apologize for BEING SUCH A DICK crossing the line a bit too much.
Interactions are appreciated! :)
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hqbaby · 11 months
five — burn
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fuck ur instincts — suna x reader & atsumu x reader
you and suna are just fooling around—so why does he care so much when you start falling in love with someone else?
previous — masterlist — next
word count. 1.4k content. swearing, suna having impure thoughts lmao
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“Rin, have you ever been in love?”
Suna chokes on his water, coughing it out as you burst into laughter beside him. He feels your hand come up to pat his back until his throat clears. He downs more water in an attempt to feel better.
“Didn’t know you were so against romance, Rinnie.”
He looks up and glares at you. “You can’t just spring questions like that on a guy!”
“I didn’t know it was a touchy subject!” you shoot back, still laughing. “I expected you to be all wistful about it, not to die.”
He goes over to the sink and rinses his glass out, leaving it in the drying rack before walking back to you. He frowns, wrapping an arm around your waist. On any other day, you’d call him clingy. “Why are you even asking me that?”
You shrug. “I don’t know,” you say. “I just wondered what it’d feel like. In case it happened or whatever.”
Suna’s heart drops to his stomach and he feels a lump begin to form in his throat. He pulls away from you, like he can’t bear to touch you right now. Like you burn somehow.
Weird, he thinks. That’s never happened before. Why is it even happening?
“You’ve—” He clears his throat. “You’ve never been in love before?”
You hum in consideration. “I thought I loved Tooru for a while, back when we were kids,” you tell him. “And maybe I did, I don’t know. It was so long ago, I don’t even remember what it could have felt like.”
“And… you think you might fall in love again soon?”
You look at him with an amused expression. “You’re being weird,” you say. “I like it.”
It’s like your words screw his head back on, the familiar teasing groove of your conversations reminding him of who you are and who he is. Why does it matter to him if you fall in love with anyone? That isn’t any of his business. You’re friends, nothing more, nothing less.
“Whatever.” He rolls his eyes. “Not like anyone would fall in love with you anyway. You snore, y’know.”
You jump onto his back and attempt to tackle him to the ground. You can’t, of course, he’s too strong for your sudden weight to even make him stumble. “Take that back!” you say as he starts laughing at you. “God, you’re such a boy! You’re so lame!”
“Not as lame as your sweater.”
“It’s a Taylor Swift cardigan, you asshole!”
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“Oh my god, will you quit smiling at your phone? It’s freaking me out.”
You give Oikawa the finger, eyes still focused on your screen.
“That’s rude, Y/N.”
You hush him. “You weren’t even talking to me,” you say, typing. “You and Iwa have been all whisper-whisper with each other this whole time.”
Your best friend makes his way over to you and flops his body on top of yours, taking your phone away and putting it on the coffee table. It’s his turn to hush you. “We were talking about you actually.”
“Me?” you ask, trying to push him off of you. “Get off, man.”
He ignores you. “Yeah, there’s this party tonight. One of the guys from volleyball is throwing it—”
“Yeah, at Hinata’s place. I know this, Tooru.”
“What? Why? How?”
You put your palm on his face and push him away. “Your breath reeks!”
“It does not!” he exclaims, putting his palm over your face in retaliation. “Now, how do you know about this party?”
“Atsumu asked me to go—why do your hands smell like my lotion?”
“Atsumu asked you to go?!” Oikawa shrieks. “The nerve of that guy!”
“Well, I am kinda hanging out with him.”
“You said it wasn’t serious!”
“I never said it was.” You grunt as you slide yourself out from under him. “You should really brush your teeth.”
“I’m telling your mom that you’re a bully.” He pouts, crossing his arms over his chest. “So are you going to the party or what?”
You lean your body over his. “Maybe,” you say. “Are you?”
Oikawa looks over his shoulder at Iwaizumi. “Are we?”
Your quieter friend nods. “Why not?”
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y/n the love of my life: see u ;)
Suna blinks. What are you even talking about? The two of you haven’t made any plans for tonight. Trust him, he would’ve remembered.
He takes a swig of his beer and texts back.
him: wdym
y/n the love of my life: just wait ;)
He groans. Maybe he did forget something. You were talking a lot the last time he saw you so it’s not impossible that he missed something (even if he didn’t because he obviously always listens to you).
y/n the love of my life: look up pretty boy
He glances up from his phone and there you are, phone in hand with a smile on your lips. As you make your way over to him, he can’t help but notice the way your skirt sways to match your steps and the leather jacket you’re wearing does nothing to hide the tight cropped top underneath. You take a sip from the solo cup you’re holding before settling in front of him, maintaining a respectable distance between the two of you when you realize that there are other people around.
“Hi,” you say. “You look nice.”
He smirks. “You’re not too bad yourself.”
You give him a little twirl, the fabric of your skirt lifting as you do. “Thanks.” You grin. “I just got this the other day.”
“It’s cute,” he tells you. He also wants to tell you that it’s taking everything in him not to bend you over and fuck you right then and there, but he figures that wouldn’t be polite. “So why are you here? I thought Oikawa banned you from the volleyball team.”
“Still banned. But he wasn’t the one who invited me.”
Suna furrows his brows. “What? Then who—”
The twins are heading your way, Atsumu with his arms open wide. Suna watches as you whip your head around to face the boy, a look of warmth taking over your features.
“‘Tsumu!” you say, falling into the blond’s embrace as he presses a chaste kiss to your cheek. “I was looking all over for you.”
“Sorry, ‘Samu got the directions wrong.”
“No I didn’t,” Osamu says.
Atsumu nudges his brother. “Yes. Ya did, ya scrub.”
“Oh, yeah. Sure, I did. Totally wasn’t ‘Tsumu.”
Suna watches as Atsumu introduces you to his brother. He watches as you make a quip about choosing the wrong twin. He watches as Atsumu scolds you lightly and you apologize with a laugh. He watches as you all turn your attention to him.
“Ya already know Sunarin, right?” Atsumu asks you. “Ya met in class or somethin’?”
“An elective,” you clarify. “Pottery.”
“I didn’t know ya knew how to make a pot, man.”
Your eyes are on him, nodding for him to say something. He nearly freezes under your gaze. “Uh, yeah.” Suna chuckles, trying to mask just how confused he is by this situation. “Better at smoking it though.”
Atsumu laughs, clapping his back before putting his arm around your waist. “I’m gonna go introduce Y/N to the others.”
Osamu nods, taking his place beside Suna. “See ya,” he says as the two of you disappear into the crowd. He leans against the wall. “So that’s the girl. Huh. Wonder why she’d go for an ass like ‘Tsumu.”
Suna feels his mouth go dry. “What do you mean ‘the girl’?”
The twin looks at him with a raised brow. “The girl,” he repeats. “Y’know. The one ‘Tsumu’s kinda been seeing.”
“Yeah. They’re not together yet, but I think ‘Tsumu really likes her.” Osamu frowns when he sees Suna’s face fall. “Ya good, man?”
He nods quickly. “Yeah, uh, I just need some air. Feeling a little sick.”
He’s walking away before his friend can even say another word, making his way through the sea of people and out the back door. It’s like his lungs are on fire. It’s like he’s burning. He thinks it might be the alcohol, but he knows it isn’t. He knows it’s you. Somehow. 
It’s Atsumu beaming at you as he introduces you to his brother. It’s you teasing the boy and him making you laugh. It’s Atsumu holding your waist—holding your waist the way that he does—and leading you away from him.
It’s all of that. It’s everything else. It’s you.
It’s you that’s making him burn.
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notes. i'm gonna be honest, my real intention for this series is for everyone to flip-flop between suna and atsumu at all times HAHSHAHA we will never know true peace 😩 but isn't that so much more fun anyway ;)
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sweetheartsaku · 2 months
—HAIKYU!! various ; better in the dark
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a/n ; [gn!reader] how deep is your love pt 2???!?!! AND YES!! the title is a tv girl reference :3c please dont let this flop!! praying that all the ppl who found pt 1 found this 🥹🩷 tysm for all the notes everyone!! <3
— characters : akaashi, kenma, kita, semi, kageyama, suna
part 1 ! ♡ oikawa, osamu, tsukishima, hinata, sakusa, kuroo
tea roses !
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keiji akaashi ; tip toe - HYBS
THIS MAN. he will take you out on absolutely BEAUTIFUL dates. they are scheduled and well thought out, all without you knowing. knows what you like, can predict what you order, where you will sit or do, and KNOWS how to fluster you effortlessly. UNSPOKEN RIZZ AT ITS FINEST YOUR HONOUR!!
at one point he had to resort to the notes app to write what you're like but had realised he had subconsciously memorised all of it by heart. deleted it and still knows you like the back of his hand!!
weirdly knows how to pick the best candles.
the warm, nostalgic smelling ones. candles that are the perfect dash of nostalgia, that feel comforting and warm. i wonder if its in the brain or an instinct thing
for anniversaries or literally just whenever, he makes paper flower bouquets. they are so intricate and every little detail, colour and fold makes it so perfect. in-between classes or when he finishes work early, he'll be nonchalantly folding another smaller flower for the arrangement. he does it so effortlessly too 😭!!
sometimes likes to fiddle with your fingers especially if you wear rings. one of the only and very sweet moments of PDA!! gently rubs his fingertips over your knuckles and tracing all the lines. i need an akaashi keiji in my life
will send you the most beautiful, heart-wrenching and mesmerising poems at an insane hour. you'll wake up with a couple paragraphs about how important healing or taking one step at a time is, making sure you fall in love with yourself everyday too. (please do)
kozume kenma ; cherry wine - grentperez
facinated by painted nails. on holidays he might paint them black, or maybe get a little cat sticker on his index!! pick the colour he'll love it either way
cherishes your little trinkets so much 😞 polaroid of you two and stickers on the back of his phonecase, keeps some of the random stuff you give him in his pocket. you could find a rock you gave him like 3 months ago but he kept it because you said it reminded you of him??
perfectly able and capable to order things by himself, but you know he isn't the type of guy to actually seem to WANT to do it. he is too lazy to actually get up but not lazy enOUGH when it comes to you. he might hide behind you. "HE SAID NO PICKLES!!"
CRAZY beef with your plushies. or anything you hold dear honestly. he can and will get pouty. BEWARE!! you must give him a lil' kiss to earn his attention back. (loves the forehead ones)
sometimes he forgets or just doesn't want to eat. it will get to the extent where you have to spoon feed him,,please remind and encourage him to ! eating, sleeping... just can't do it without a little push.
does this thing with his hands when you cross the road. i don't wanna say grabby hands because its pretty cringe, but it is definitely grabby hands. has no idea why he does it but its such a sweet and small gesture╰(*´︶`*)╯♡ !
cat parents but not exactly cat parents? 🤔 you found this stray cat once, and started visiting it everyday on the way to school. you cared for it, and when kenma picked that up he was also instantly fond of it too. now you both kinda feed it your leftover lunch when you visit the cat after school.. he's so precious with the little cat ueue.. take pictures before the moment fleets!
has the date you two met written on his controller... (he was so hesistant at first though LMAO)
shinsuke kita ; old love - yuji, putri dahlia
uses your initial for math variables. he'll use x or y sometimes, but his first option is ALWAYS your initial. you found this out on a study date once, math talk blablabla and he uses to what seems to you a 'random letter' NO. it is your initial!! 😞 when you ask he seems unfazed, but his ears are pretty red... idk guys i think he wants you
one of the people that make you stiffen up when they get physical. when he lays his head on your shoulder you instantly freeze up, trying not to move a BONE so you won't disturb him. it's like muscle memory to you LMAO.
really pretty, long lashes... if you've read part one, oikawa and tsuki are very similar :0!! loves when you graze his lashes with the back of your index finger
like akaashi, learnt how to make flowers but they're crochet 🥹 i think growing up his grandma had taught him how to crochet and all the little patterns. overtime, dedicated himself to making an arrangement every anniversary... they come with little heartfelt letters too!! (kita boyfie material COME HOME!!)
very routinal as well!! like kuroo (he is the full package) he never misses a morning or night to say good morning or good night. AND he places sticky notes around your desk or places he knows you'll be in reminding you to smile or something along those lines !!
what took the cake for me was when he left a little bag filled with goodies once he realised atsumu was sick 😣 definitely does the same for you... sends bag with a bowl of hot soup his grandma made at your front door
eita semi ; i wish you roses - kali uchis
weirdly immersed in the painting of nails as well. sometimes he'll ask you to paint his in black but he got dress-coded a week later 😓 SIKE gives NO shat and kept them on anyway. they are way too valuable to him to just erase. nails done in a simple colour he likes?? by his s/o?? wiped off?? very funny shiratorizawa
i think + the neighborhood, he likes tv girl, kendrick lamar, childish gambino but has a duality of laufey and beabadoobee's bedroom pop and fuzzy rock??
sick of people making arctic monkeys his personality 😞 musicians arise!! apart from the VBC, hes probably in a band too. small gigs here and there for school, and a few fun sessions with his friends just to play whatever. come to his gigs! (sometimes he'll magically play 10x better when you're around, he says)
share earphones with him PLEASE. on rainy bus rides or walks home, he'll play something you like hehe c:
takes you out to the mall closest to shiratorizawa to go pick up some fast food or a drink. it usually gets really crowded from all the surrounding schools so he keeps you close by the waist
and obviously the basic, will sit with you and teach you the basics of bass or electric guitar. i think he'd play a bit of percussion too (о´∀`о) sometimes he'll take you into his lap, but thats when he feels pretty clingy but very discreetly!!
tobio kageyama ; what would i do? - strawberry guy
please don't try to flirt with him he WON'T UNDERSTAND!!!! *gunshots*
if you say literally anything that isn't directly stating your point, he will not get it. using metaphors or just figurative language in general he is STRUGGLING. you need to say, "you're pretty." because things like "i fall in love with you every day" or "i'll find you in every universe" he will actually look at you BAFFLED. please help this man
thinks about what YOU would do. like when he is in doubt or feels like he's about to lash out, he will take a moment and literally ask himself what you'd do or say. even in tests or something completely unrelated to you he will literally ask himself what you would put in the answer box !!
face scrunch when he gets jealous ! he kinda has a lil' pout but can't bring himself to say anything. when you finally notice him he'll have this lil' (๑ˋ^ˊ ๑) face... please kiss his eyelid or the corner of lips cuz HE HAS TOO MANY PRETTY BOY PRIVILEGES!! (and he'll get flustered it's the cutest) revoke them THIS instant!!
his favourite type of kisses are the ones where you'll push his hair back and give him a forehead kiss. he'll take you in by the waist and keep you close, he likes to listen to your heart because you have his. when he feels clingy, he'll nuzzle his head into your shoulder. what a dork
will attempt to find you at his games pre and post timeskip. before the game he will try to make it not look frantic but one of his members eventually catch on 😞
rintarou suna ; SLOW DANCING IN THE DARK - joji
camera roll is either 0.5's of the most jaw dropping, majestical sunsets and sunrises that he's experienced with you or literally anytime the sky is feeling a little different (if he's not with you at the time he WILL send them to you at either 5am or 7pm saying it reminded him of you) or the CRAZIEST 0.5's of you losing sanity or of you off guard. its wild blackmail material but he chooses not to LMAO. (because of the love in his heart, he says)
has a little photo album for you and anything you related!! he also takes the best candid photos of you and post them on close friends!! (´∀`)
no. #1 victim of couple tiktok trends. pretends and looks like he doesn't like it, but doesn't want it to end. once you press post he will stare you down with his beautiful ahh olive hazel eyes (he wants more)
last one on the social med side, he mentions you in posts with your initials all the FLIPPIN' TIME!! his dedication is quite endearing
on days where everything becomes overstimulating, he will notice. will eye you for a while, but once he knows when it gets to a certain extent he will hand you an earphone.
anyone who says suna is an arctic monkey's listener is a LIAR I SAID IT I SAID IT!!!!! *more gunshots* JOKES he probably has a couple of their songs in his playlist, but i personally think he's more tyler the creator coded. people who get it get it (avril lavigne sk8r boi? keshi beside you? definitely)
hot adams apple
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azaarchiive · 5 months
☆ blackout - tooru oikawa
note; a cute little fluffy one shot about a blackout in your neighbourhood and what you both do to pass that time ❤️. gn reader, use of petname (baby), suggestive jokes, you and oikawa are married, time skip oikawa, they are in argentina (this doesn’t add anything to the plot but it’s just fun to know). 999 words
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in a blink of an eye, the house was engulfed in darkness. a shrill shriek from tooru echoed within the apartment you both shared.
“are you ok?” you yelled out to him, only to be met with no response.
you quickly obtained your phone, turned on your flashlight, and went on a manhunt for the man himself.
he wasn’t hard to find, as his tall figure was already coming out of the shower, only covered with a towel, still slightly soapy. a dejected look plastered on his perfect face as he tried to dry himself from his unsatisfying shower.
“well this sucks, you would think that since we pay a shit-ton of money to live here, we would at least have the ability to enjoy a shower.” tooru rolled his eyes as he whined childishly.
your eyes, however, were glued to his wet, muscular chest, illuminated by your flashlight from your phone. your initial worry washed away at this sight of his damp hair that stuck to his forehead and his body gleaming due to the water, enhancing every detail of his muscle.
“wow, so while we’re going through a crisis, all you can think about is sex?” tooru joked as he waved his hand in your clearly distracted face.
“um- actually, i was thinking of ways to keep us safe.” you lied, hiding your giggled through a bright smile.
“does it involve my naked body?” tooru took a couple steps closer towards you, wrapping his arms around you which, in result, dampened your clothes.
“tooru! your making me wet.” you complained, trying to push him off which was proving futile. this was the same guy that could lift twice your weight at the gym so you were definitely trapped.
“you are just begging for it, aren’t ya’ ?” tooru smirked as you got more flustered.
“tooru, we are in a crisis and all you can think off is sex? you are a terrible person.” you joked, mimicking what he said earlier as he finally let you free of his tight grip.
tooru laughed in response before sighing and looking around, remembering the situation they were currently in.
“well… what do we do?” tooru asked, leaning on the wall next to him.
“hm..” you put a finger on your chin as you thought of possible (family friendly) activities that you both could do.
“i have an idea!” you finally said after a beat of silence.
“ok, you get dressed quick and come downstairs as soon as you can!” you ushered tooru into the bedroom and slammed the door while giggling. you ran down the stairs to get started on your master plan.
tooru, on the other hand, was a little dazed from the sudden rushed conversation, but nonetheless, decided not to question it. tooru could tell you needed time to prepare so he took his time changing, trying desperately to ignore the clattering of many objects that echoed from downstairs to the bedroom. however, he had trust in you.
(maybe too much trust but his love for you would never allow him to say that)
before he could even register, he heard a call of his name from you. tooru finalised his comfy clothes with a pair of fuzzy socks that had your face printed on them, courtesy of his truly.
tooru soon left the bedroom and made his way downstairs, slowly stepping down the stairs whilst hearing your shuffling towards the bottom of the staircase.
“are you ready?” you asked him.
“are you going to kill me?” tooru replied, your figure soon coming into his field of vision as he almost finished travelling the flight of stairs.
“baby, if i wanted to kill you, i would’ve done it the night we married.” you explained.
“what the- why?! not to mention, that answer was way to quick for my liking.” tooru whined, soon coming face to face with you.
“the money, obviously. you were so obsessed with me that i don’t even think you would mind me stealing all your cash.” you wrapped your arms around him, a teasing smile dancing on your lips.
“i probably wouldn’t, unless you were going with another man. then i would just go batshit crazy.” tooru chuckled, moving forward to place a peck on your lips.
both your lips connected for only half a second, but it felt longer as you pulled away and stared into each others eyes. the maze with each others orbs that both have spent years learning and searching now feeling easy to navigate. the marriage you both had was easy to navigate because you both loved each other in ways no one could ever understand or imagine.
“what’s the surprise you had for me, hon’ ?” tooru asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
you stepped aside and watch him marvel at your work.
it was a pillow fort. candles were lit up everywhere which explained the random influx of a vanilla scent wafting through the apartment and random assortments of pillows and blankets were thrown to make a fort. a bowl of fruits were placed neatly on the desk table beside the fort and contained a variety of different fruits, all tooru’s favourite.
“fuck, how the hell did you do this in such a short amount of time?” tooru questioned, staring amazed at the highly illuminated living room.
“i don’t know, just got them skills, you know?” you laughed.
“well, it’s beautiful princess. come, we need to go in there, now!” tooru dragged you towards the fort, giggling as you both snuggled into the pillow fort.
“now that i’m thinking about it, this probably isn’t safe.” tooru raised his eyebrow.
“you’re such a loser, like just have fun you party pooper.” you jokingly rolled your eyes.
“oh fuck me for wanting to live.” tooru laid back on the ground, you shortly followed him and laid down right in his chest whilst he put his arm around you.
“yeah, you’re ruining my master plan to kill you and steal your money.” you giggled.
“oh i apologise, next time i’ll abide by the plan and die gracefully.” tooru dramatically responded, to which you responded in a sweets smile.
you’re so happy you married him.
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broshot · 1 year
how they eat pussy/how they eat you out
contains characters from: jujutsu kaisen, attack on titan, tokyo revengers, haikyuu, sk8 the infinity, chainsaw man, genshin impact (I don't play genshin so Idk how accurate it is)
a few of the characters are mentioned twice !!
tw/cw: nsfw, all characters are of age (timeskip tokrev etc), praising, degrading in one, fingering, mentions orgasming,
english isn't my first language so feel free to correct possible grammar mistakes
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messy eater, he's sucking and licking all over, spreading your juices everywhere. his face is wet and so are you, he has also made the insides of your thighs wet. he's moaning against your pussy because he loves eating you out. he's so pussy drunk!! he's just enjoying having his head squeezed in between your thighs tbh! wants to stay there forever. you'll have to pull his head away if you don't want to have him eat you out the whole night♡
yuuji, hinata, reki, itto, oikawa, nishinoya, tanaka, eren, yuuta, takemichi, denji, kazutora, angry (souya), bokuto,
your needs first, he sure wants to feel good himself but you first! he's going to make you feel amazing. sucking on your clit while he has two of his fingers inside of you, he's going to make you cum as many times as you want. will praise you. so much. cleans you up after, telling you how good you did. love these guys tbh
nanami, erwin, levi, jean, daichi, geto, inumaki, draken, aki hayakawa, cherry (sk8), mitsuya,
shy eater, shy at first but when the shyness goes away.. heaven. I'm not lying, he'll make you feel better than you'd ever imagine. loves using his tongue when eating you out. won't let your clit stay unnoticed. he'll use his fingers on your clit at first but will use his tongue as he gains more confidence. will circle his tongue on and around your clit. his tongue does magic. amazing aftercare, too.
megumi, armin, langa, kageyama, sugawara, mikey, shinichiro, chifuyu, osamu, albedo,
confident eater, for a reason. he KNOWS he's making you feel good, will 100% tell you and tease you about it. "you're feeling real good, huh? obviously you are, I'm so good at this." will praise you too. will push his tongue in and out of you with unhuman speed, literally so fast??? circles your clit while doing that, will make you cum so fast. just loves you so much and wants to show it to you!!! his aftercare is so good too.
gojo, bokuto, joe (sk8), baji, hanma, ran, rindou, kuroo, atsumu, oikawa, itto, kaeya,
the meanie, complete opposite of the one above. he does not care. he's just going to overstimulate you and do whatever he wants, will 100% slap your ass and thighs. slips a few degrating sentences here and there such as "you're such a needy slut, disgusting" "you're really going to cum again, huh? did I say you could, slut? obey me." probably little to no aftercare. I hate these type of fuckers but anything for the simps!
sukuna, mahito, toji (tbh)
the meanie but with praising and less degrading and also actually good aftercare, self explanatory, just read the meanie part for this
sanzu, smiley (nahoya), hanma again,
I haven't posted in ages BYE
merry christmas to everyone who celebrates tho!!! love you all ♡
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zmbiesuga · 6 months
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pairing: i. hajime x gn!reader
includes: hurt/no comfort, iwa gets into a fight, blood mention, cursing, iwa and reader are friends, reader refuses to be with iwaizumi due to emotional constipation, pre-timeskip, w.c 3.0k
notes: "always an angel never a god", "i don't know why i am the way i am ; not strong enough to be your man", "i can't love you how you want me too", yeah. i'm having a fucking field day.
soundtrack: not strong enough, bite the hand
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It's nearly midnight when you hear the soft raps against your front door. You cautiously open it to find a disheveled Hajime, bruised and battered with red blood trickling down his nose.
"...The other guy looks worse..." he mumbles, sheepishly scratching the back of his neck, "...I didn't know where else to go, (y/n) I'm sorry. I had a fight with my dad and Oikawa is asleep for once — "
"Haji, just..." you say, holding up your hand with a sigh, moving to the side, "...just get inside, it's cold."
He's the last face you wanna see and the last person you want to offer a semblance of comfort for right now, but even though you haven't talked in weeks, he's still your friend.
"What was it this time?" you whisper, leading him in the bathroom. He sits on the edge of the tub and watches you rummage through the cabinet to find a first aid kit.
He can't help the way his eyes trail over your body, he wants to hold you. That was his first thought, he wants to hold you, feel you pressed against him while he sobs and apologizes for every little thing he's ever done wrong by you.
But he won't.
"Some guy, said somethin' stupid to me," he mumbled, looking down at his lap where his fists lay clenched in anger, "I don't...it's not right, I know, I know it isn't (y/n). I can't help it, I get so worked up over everything and then..."
He stops mid-sentence, breathing hitching as he raises his head to look at you. His gaze is pleading, begging you to understand a part of him that he won't even show you.
You offer him a sympathetic look for a split second before your eyebrows furrow, pressing the tissue against his nose and tilting his head up higher with your other hand on his chin.
"You can help it, Haji," you muttered, pulling back to look at him, your gaze almost pitying and it makes him sick to his stomach, "I know you can. You know what your problem is? You never know what you're feeling because all your emotions stack on top of each other like a jenga tower waiting to fall."
His own brows knit together, his own expression slowly turning to frustration, "You don't know shit about how I feel," he growls, "you don't know anything."
"You're right, I don't," you quip back, hand gripping his chin tighter, "how should I? You want me to love you, but you won't show every part of yourself. You're scared and you don't trust me enough to love you past all of it."
His gaze softens once more, pulling your hand away with a gentle tug and looking down at the bathroom floor in shame.
"I know you're scared, Haji," you whispered again, voice cracking with emotion as your eyes glazed over with tears, "I can't expect you not to be, but...you don't trust me. I get it, okay? It's hard to open up right away and that's not what I expect. I just want you to find a way to sort through it yourself."
How could he open up? Hajime Iwaizumi, the hothead, Oikawa Tooru's best friend. A side character to everything who's only there for the development of the main guy. It doesn't matter how he feels, it's a burden. It's who he is, what defines him. He loses that and he loses everything...except you, but he's not sure how much he wants to trade in his reputation for you yet.
And here you are, waiting for a man who doesn't know if he wants to change. Waiting for someone who you know is so much more than anger, than the side character. Waiting and waiting for when he sees that himself, but to no avail.
When he slowly lifts his head up to meet your gaze, you expect an apology. You expect a change in heart from him, a promise to figure out how to sort through it all. You can see his own eyes are watery, ironic the way he wouldn't let you see him cry. You expect everything except what he actually confesses.
"I'm moving to California."
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mariaace · 4 months
Hello!🖐🏻 Can i request Akaashi with reader who wears glasses? Thanks a lot and feel free to ignore!
A/n: i am literally going tomorrow to get glasses😅😂
I added Oikawa and Kageyama too.
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We all know he wears glasses too so he'll find it cute and he'll think it counts as you two matching.
Speaking of matching he WILL get you two matching glasses frames. Probably his school colours.
Oikawa will sometimes steal your glasses and hold them above his hamd to watch you struggle to get them. THAT untill Iwaizumi slaps him behind his neck and he gives you your glasses back.
He loves when you take his glasses while he is wearing them and clean them up for him amd put them back on him.
Kageyama wouldn't really mind the fact that you wear glasses, it won't bother him either.
He wouldn't tease you about the fact that you wear them like Oikawa and he'll actually think it's cute that you wear them.
If you wear glasses with his school colours the man will get frustrated. Don't blame him though.
Can i just start by saying how much i love Akaashi? Like he is perfect ☺️
Okay now let's start with this
I am not really sure if Akaashi wears glasses while he is a second year or just in the time skip, but either way he wouldn't really mind the fact that you have glasses. Actually he'll think it's adorable
He won't make fun of you like Oikawa 🖐🏻 he is just not the typa guy to do that
He'll always go to your appointments with you if you are nervous or if you aren't just to keep your company
I need Akaashi in my life
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© mariaace 2024 do not modify, plagiarize, copy or claim any of my works!
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heartdaichi · 2 years
I WILL SURVIVE … MAYBE (oikawa, suna, bokuto, sakusa)
dumbification + somnophlia + dubcon + fingering + degrading // 18+ content ahead. minors dni.
synopsis : NNN hcs — who does or doesn’t make it, and how long does it take them to give in?
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OIKAWA — fails : 2 weeks.
“it’s no nut november, right?” oikawa asks slyly, pulling you onto his lap and securing his hands on your waist. “that basically means that as long as i don’t physically cum, i make it through, which means you owe me 20 dollars.”
“i’m not sure that’s how it works, tooru.”
“why not?” by this point, he’s pulling at the waistband of your shorts. “it’s no nut november, not no sex november.”
there was no point in arguing with him, and in a matter of seconds he had you pressed down into the couch, thrusting shallowly into your tight heat and whispering sweet nothings in your ear. the poor man was so riled up at the sight of your slacked jaw and tear brimmed eyes that he completely forgot about not cumming, filling your cunt with sticky ropes of white.
when you finally come to, the first thing you demand from oikawa is your money, plus extra to compensate for his big headed attitude.
SUNA — barely makes it
on november 30th at 11:59pm, rintarou suna is hard. this is the moment he’s been thinking about all month and he lays awake in bed, his hands pinned to his side as he struggles for the very last minute of no nut november.
on december 1st at midnight, suna is shaking you awake. “it’s december, doll,” he whispers in your ear, immediately shoving his hand into your panties. you moan groggily as he rubs at your clit, gently manoeuvring you onto your back. “you gonna give me my reward?”
“let me sleep, rin,” you gripe, weakly trying to shove him away. “ ‘m tired.”
suna doesn’t listen. he’s been waiting for this moment all month, and you don’t entirely seem to mind as he sinks into your wet folds, letting out a sigh of relief as he slowly starts to move.
later that morning, you wake up to a completely knocked out rintarou suna, and a pleasant surprise between your legs.
BOKUTO — fails : 5 hours.
“god, i missed this cunt,” bokuto groans into your ear, his hips slamming into yours and his hands bruising your waist as he drags you along his dick. “this no nut november thing was bullshit, babe, you know i was never gonna do it.”
“you could’ve at least held out a day,” you choke, head buried into the pillow. “you’re acting like you lasted a week.”
“5 hours is like a week to me,” he retorts, snaking his arm round your tummy and rubbing at your clit. bokuto almost whines at the feeling of your gummy walls clenching around him, your juices oozing out and creating a translucent ring of white around the base of his cock. “you gotta admit, you missed me too.”
you roll your eyes: half out of pleasure and half out of pure sarcasm.
SAKUSA — makes it (much to your annoyance)
you honestly thought sakusa wouldn’t make it. you thought he would break on the third week and finally take you against a wall or over a counter but he didn’t, and you were starting to get restless.
you tried. you really had, but no amount of short shorts or braless t-shirts could rile him up enough to actually fuck you. even when you got on your knees in front of him and begged him to fuck you like the nasty slut you were, sakusa did not budge. at all.
instead, he used it to turn the tables on you.
“this is what you wanted so badly, right?” sakusa’s voice is low in your ear as he coaxes another orgasm out of you, his fingers buried knuckle deep in your poor little cunt. “you beg me to fuck you for weeks on end but can’t even take my fingers? pathetic.”
“omi … want your cock so bad,” you whine, eyelids flickering as his thumb rubs at your clit. “please…”
“no can do, love,” he says, clearly unaffected by your begging. “you said the whole of november, didn’t you?”
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© hiraizens 2022 — all rights reserved. do not copy, repost or translate my works without permission.
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