#i love picrew.me actually
fallingdown98 · 1 month
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Credits This image was created with Picrew’s “Cute D&D Character Creator“!! https://picrew.me/share?cd=c4bk6UBvdW #Picrew #Cute_DD_Character_Creator Mini made with Hero Forge @cloudmancy for template
Decided to hop onto the trend of making a Fantasy High-sona but I can't art so picrew and hero forge for reference pics. So that I could play with a good amount of levels, Ashe is a junior along with the Bad Kids.
Leopard Tabaxi, she dyed the pink parts, wears the loudest colors and combinations, would wear prints with prints
Clubs: GSA, Anime Club, Murder Mystery Club, Maybe Dragon Chess Club as well, Big fan of both Choir and Theater
She was born a Divine Soul sorcerer so that's what she started as but she actually got a little frustrated with Jace's teaching style so she likes to hang out with the clerics and paladins. She loves to sing though which led to her checking out Bard classes. She's not the best at instruments but she loves the expression. She's also a huge nerd that loves cool stories. Which led to her finding the college of Spirits. Aka she figured out a way to help her party and summon versions of her favorite characters to buff her party. (Essentially using her notebook as her "spirit board"[Ala theories, fanfic, notes, etc]) She's her party's healer and she loves to both heal and do damage from a distance. Spell Sniper + Distant Spell metamagic = the possibility to cast Inflict Wounds from 60ft away (Or heal of course but I mean, the damage is right there)
Really admires Riz for his investigations (I am a Riz girlie in every universe but in an Ace way)
Cannot decide if she loves Kristen or hates Kristen for the antics (She's still voting for her though)
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inspectordookie · 10 months
i saw someone use this picrew (https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/1564386) to try recreating their tavs, and i wanted to give it a try (possibly also because im too lazy to draw them) in spirit of bg3 being released :D mind you these won't all be 100% accurate to in-game appearance but close enough alongside my personal envisions
i've only played as one of them in early access,, i may or may not have taken the time to plan the rest of my tavs for future gameplays LMAO yes i am that kind of person when it comes to rpgs🫡 the common thread between all of them is feeling out of place, and how each of them deal with it in their own ways
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ismene farahani-diamandis (she/her) my chaotic good human sorcerer in wild magic (i'm thinking about multiclassing paladin for her but idkk), my first tav and honestly kind of my favorite :') even created a backstory for her parents too. a catastrophe in more ways than one, but truly one of the most caring and fun-loving people, like a disney princess but just a bit more disastrous. a bit of a dreamer who longs to be loved and have adventure like the heroes in stories told by her father, but has often felt she cannot have both or either whether it was due to the utter though consistent bad luck when she tried or feelings of unworthiness because of others even when they did her wrong (aka a list of exes). she has lost most of her family outside her younger, paladin brother and distant noble family in mulmaster, who she has no interest in reaching after her mother's departure as a young adult with her father (it's a very long story involving a rogue noble and a wizard from a family of barbarians). first it was her father from an incident causing his memory then life to be slowly eaten away, her younger sister the one time she was far from home to a village raid, then her own mother the minute she garnered a name for herself as a hero amongst the people. she has since felt a lost sense of purpose, having no family or loved ones to put first having been the eldest sibling for so long, and strong guilt in wanting to pursue more with the unpredictable yet wondrous abilities she was born with, as she has felt she has failed to use them to save precious lives time and time again
even so, ismene is someone who chooses and wants to do good or the best possible thing no matter what challenge stands ahead and hopes that despite everything, she can find a way to be her happy, flirty self once again. trying to make the most of the brain worm situation and genuinely aspires to befriend all in her party, even though most of them prove difficult. lucky for her, if shes anything, shes stubborn enough to keep trying anyways in her newfound but chaotic family--it's almost refreshing to be in a band of fellow disasters. really stuck on either astarion or halsin for her romance because i think story-wise, her and astarion in my brain just are really interesting dynamically and have been in EA, but halsin would probablyyy be her most ideal partner (cause she honestly deserves at least one stable part in her life LMAO) but HEY---MAYBE THEY CAN POLY *if* larian allows it, her mbti/enneagram is ENFP 7w6
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amée tanor'thal (she/her) will be my second playthrough, a neutral good seladrine drow cleric of selûne in the life domain. her backstory is probably my favorite amongst everyone, she's actually the mother of my first and only d&d character that i got to play about a year ago now :D i already had her story in mind alongside her daughter (obviously), and thought bg3 would be a good opportunity to play as her. she's always been more reserved and cautious in nature, someone who always tries to consider things beyond how they're presented in front of her. the inquisitiveness is what led her to learn more beyond her corrupt family, religion, and the normalized suffering within her home at the tanor'thal manor in skullport, she went through a lot to escape from it. initially, it was her and a group of hidden eilistraee followers in the city who she planned an escape route with, amée had met them through a boy around her age that she befriended on one of her secret escapades. they opened her to the possibility of a world filled with joy---with light, a life that the underdark, her own family would consume and make impossible for anyone to have. unfortunately, the heavy security made the journey abruptly take a turn for the worse. amée wound up separated from everyone as they continued the planned path, whilst she wound up chased by her own family on a completely different one; she barely escaped with her life. she followed a path of stars, scared and unsure, and it wound up leading her to a church of selûne in waterdeep where she was kindly taken in for sanctuary.
upon learning more and speaking with the clerics and daily visitors, choosing to serve her and the philosophy of having choice and helping to guide those who are lost, amée is a rare and often misunderstood person in the church. it is something she is aware of but is far more concerned in carving a path of peace for all those who need it---especially misunderstood folk of the underdark. despite her gloomy appearance, she is easily one of the most compassionate souls, one who has sworn to devote her life to healing instead of hurting, though she may or may not have had to kill off most of the family sent to the surface to take her life, including her own mother. needless to say, she'll spill a bit of blood here and then and maybe roll with all the evil goons who give her easy access because they think she's evil too. she's a bit funny and often direct, albeit unintentionally. anywho, she'll be romancing gale, who will not only engage her in intelligent conversation but in a child-like wonder through magic after devoting much of her life to her personal cause. i also feel like his romance route has the potential to be veryy angsty cause of his magic chest bomb so. sorry amée. her mbti/enneagram is an INFJ 1w2 :)
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fynn tranquilfoot (they/them) will be my third playthrough, a true neutral rock gnome monk specializing in the way of the shadow. from a relatively normal family in comparison to a lot of my own characters tbh LOL, they stem from a gunsmith family business that has flowed for generations in a city full of fellow gnome entrepreneurs and inventors. fynn never flowed well with it and was rather easily overwhelmed by it at an early age. as a kid they expressed no genuine interest in anything really, and instead preferred doing nothing, so long as they were allowed to be alone. it was something that did not sit well with their family. fynn was to carry the mantle of their success, history, and more children to keep things going, which did not, in fact, sit well with them no matter how many of their peers in the same family dynamic gushed about their shared lifestyles and destinies. it was yet another thing they could not relate to, among other things being thrust upon them as labels they never asked for; fynn quickly became the talk of their town. they never cared to argue against them or their parent's complaints; "better to play dead to stay alive", then nothing could truly nag at them. however, if there was something that gnawed at them at all, it was a distinct lack of purpose. they had spent so long doing nothing to the point it almost felt depressing to not be really good at anything; it was one boat ride away that allowed fynn to venture around the mainland and see entirely different things.
one day they saw a monk stealing a noble of all they had in only five seconds, asked how they could do what they did and the rest is history. they went to the same temple, learned the same techniques, and found they were quite good at all of it. fynn knew that sometimes the assassination gigs weren't the most morally correct, or that even when it was they wouldn't get any credit for the deed, and they were content with that. fynn is not someone who has any desire to be remembered and is passionate about the life they've led for themselves and protecting that peace it gave them. they're a rather smart and self-aware individual, and quite understanding as they're not very judgemental. isn't opposed to knowing their party, but has no plans of sticking around at the end either, while the parasites possible power to heighten their prowess at work is intriguing, they're aware that trusting its stability in the long run is likely dumb (but somehow they aren't exactly opposed). plan to romance them with wyll : ) i think his desire to have purpose vs. their lack of desire for one will somehow end up complimenting and opening each other up. their mbti/enneagram is ISTP 9w8
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meet magdalena (or mags for short) of berdusk (any pronouns are fine), a chaotic neutral half-orc school of valour bard, and the physical embodiment of the term "here for a good time, not a long time". her story is relatively simple and feel-good in comparison to my other tavs, and i already know i'll end up having the most fun playing him aside from ismene LOL her human dad and orc mom are easily the best parents anyone could ask for, endlessly supportive and loving to whatever their child would choose to do or be as they navigated what he liked and didn't, even though their collective eccentric personalities made them stick out like sore thumbs even in a populated city like berdusk. nonetheless, neither of her parents really cared what people thought so inevitably, he didn't either and in turn became an unapologetically confident and outspoken person. mags learned music from her initially nomadic parents, who traveled all over faerûn sharing their own music, dances and stories, and it became yet another thing they inherited and completely loved. the more he wrote, composed, and sang while playing her father's harp, the stronger mags' music undeniably became, practically wooing anybody that came near it---even those who picked on every surface-level thing about him became unable to deny the magnetism (get it) magdalena of berdusk possessed. they enlisted into a bard academy, attending for years until magdalena found the curriculum to be severely boring, leaving only a year before they would have graduated.
her parents, of course, cheered them on.
so from then on, magdalena felt the rest of faerûn was ready to hear his songs, constantly writing while on the roads, fighting weird shit, performing at nearly every tavern she could find (and shagging only the finest of folk on the way). no matter what though, mags always makes sure to find the time and place to write to her parents no matter where he is and even with a creepy crawly worm in his brain. the situation doesn't necessarily phase them aside from the fact the idea of a worm in her brain skeeves her out a bit, like what if it lays eggs or something? she doesn't exactly understand the full circumstance. other than that, mags is content with chilling with these newfound travel partners of his and seeing where the course takes them, and even if he is to die inevitably she hopes that by the end of it, he'll have a sick ass album to compile before they can. she truly enjoys to savor and experience, so naturally i'm pairing them with shadowheart of all people LOL they'll probably soften each other up. also probably only gives into the tadpole for a while in exchange for the wicked sex dreams until their gf is like "alright you goob can you maybe stop before it kills you faster". mags is an ESFP 8w7 !!
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last but not least is zaludra strombjörn (she/her), a lawful neutral wood elf enchantment wizard. omfg shes honestly such a sourpuss LMAO she'll end up likely being my most "evil" route (and by that i mean i have a hard time making mean choices in game lol), but she'll also end up having the most significant development. from a young age, zaludra never had the easiest time connecting with others, and wasn't really allowed to due to her condition. albinism wound up giving her severely overprotective parents who didn't even let her skin go near where sunlight pierced the ground. thus her whole childhood essentially was this reinforced idea that she was deadweight, something that didn't do wonders for her self-esteem as she was unable to directly contribute to anything in her village. in the silence, zaludra only grew a resentment for her home and the situation she was in, only finding more things to dislike about the wooden elf's way of life.
the only time she felt any sort of gratification was in occasional conversations with the only person who would talk to her outside of her parents, her village's sole druid. their magic captivated zaludra, the ability to be anything else, to be something great was---and begged to learn their ways. unfortunately, a severe lack of connection to her people or home made it impossible, and zaludra was back where she started. so, she resorted to other means of obtaining the art of magic; zaludra would venture the nights in the nearest town over in magic shops draped in whatever cloth could cover her skin, checking out basic spell casting books from the local libraries. the more she practiced magic in secret, the more determined she became to be the best in it. overtime it became clear zaludra was a natural genius in the arcanic arts, even learning to craft potions as well, concoctions of her own to make her condition easier to live with rather than hiding in shame because of it. she left her home publicly declaring it beneath her and the potential it had hidden her from and set off to further her education in the city of silverymoon where she only continued to succeed.
she would prove everyone wrong she thought, all of them, including the people who should have supported her the most---her own parents. but highkey though shes super lonely but basically represses that with her undying ambition, but then city and school life makes her highkey more annoyed by other people (likely because she had no clue how to connect with them but dont tell her that). probably will want to learn how to control the tadpole at first for her own power until she starts to unexpectedly not hate her companions, especially karlach because a fine ass tiefling solves everyones emotional problems <3 also i hc that her and astarion get confused as siblings/twins all the time cause of how similar they look she probably hates it. also shes an ISTJ 3w4
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Hello there!
a little "about me" post
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https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/1342558 + canva.com I'm a very long-winded person and when I like doing something, I like doing A LOT of it. I recently moved to Tumblr full-time after being stuck with 200-symbol posts on Twitter (ugh), so I'm using the full power of this blogging platform. I'm concerned about the AI, so it's all switched off on all my blogs. I hope Tumblr will wise up and survive, because I love it here so far 💛
I have a lot of fandoms, I like pretty art, I write and muse about stuff - it's all a huge mess if I put it one place. So that's why I decided to split my obsessions into several neat piles, so people could have an easier time decining whether to follow, ignore or block my stuff according to their preferences.
Here are my blogs which you're free to explore and follow as you like:
» ur-friendly-nbhd-cardassian
The main blog where I shout into nothingness. But where I also post lots of Star Trek, mainly about Cardassians (bc I love them). I do not do Garashir, tho, look for that particular bit elsewhere (not bc I don't ship them, but bc I'm severely overfed to the point of having an allergic rection). My focus Cardassian is Damar, followed by Dukat. I'm super open to reblogging your OCs, though. My other favorite fandoms you might come across on this blog (which I don't post enough about to make a separate blog): Mass Effect, Discworld, Tolkien, Detroit: Become Human, Apex Legends, Marvel/DC, Hunger Games. I also ramble, post about writing in general, reblog some fitting memes and pets/animals, share my own photography, reblog art etc.
» pixie-in-a-moonlantern
The initiated already know: Baldur's Gate 3 brainrot blog. I post my OC screenshots, maybe some stories, perhaps one day I will even finish a fic (started one, didn't finish). My all-time favorites are: Halsin, Gale, Rolan, Emperor. I do not have any VP tools, so my screens are only lightly edited to be prettier, and that's it. I do not draw or paint (tho I so want to). It's mainly reblogs and discussions so far, with my screenshots sprinkled in between.
» shaved-wampa
Diehard fans surely got the joke: Star Wars brainrot, and that goes for every conceivable piece of the fandom, even the bits you might not agree with - I don't discriminate. My all-time favorites are: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Bode Akuna. Yes, just the two, because I also have a huge pile of characters I love, but don't really focus on: Padmé, Ahsoka, Ventress, Plo Koon, Kit Fisto, Din Djarin, lil Grogu, Cody, infinite number of other Clones, ... soooo many. My top two are just the guys I actually write about. Bode is getting his fic right now, Obi-Wan's is on hold.
» cyber-vianne-77
As the name suggests, this is my Cyberpunk 2077 blog. I used to do a lot of virtual photography in that one - and yes, this time I mean real VP, though still no paid tools, just vanilla and free mods. I love Goro Takemura and ship my fem V with him heavily - wrote a dope fanfiction about them, too. I reblog other cp77 vp (especially of Goro) and fanart. I don't currently play the game or shoot photos, but I have a large collection I plan to drizzle over the next few months, until I maybe decide to go back to cp77 for a while again and finally play Phantom Liberty that's been waiting for me for a long time now xD.
» goodness-all-around
My "assorted dopeness" reblogs. I love pretty pictures and I love supporting artists in my own small way, so it'll be reblogs of general beautiful things I can't stuff into my other blogs, and reblogs of commission offers. Perhaps even some theory and discussion if I happen to like any.
I will update the list if I happen to change things or add/remove blogs. Thanks for your attention and see you in the activity notifs! 💛
Bits of trivia: I'm Czech, cis woman (bi & poly and, frankly, hyper), 32, in a relationship, mom to a 5yo boy, a writer struggling to finish and publish her first original novel, drowning her sorrows in fanfic instead :). I got to most of my fandoms quite late in life, because where I live this info only started to properly flow in with the coming of the internet. I'm usually a casual fan, though when I hit a gold vein I can get a bit obsessed. I love writing fanfiction, which is mostly why I'm here on this site. I self-insert a lot (therapy writing) and usually ship us, with the rare occasion of finding a couple where I can identify with one of them (or mold them to my image because I like or even fancy them). I've spent my life believing I was hetero and discovered I'm not only once I (finally) was in a hetero relationship and had a kid, so... my ships are also hetero. It's a habit, not hating, I don't discredit any gay ships (maybe quietly to myself when they don't make any sense to me character-wise, lol). My AO3 account: XindiChick I usually try to write even the most niche of my ships in a way that doesn't require much knowledge of the original, so you're welcome to browse and read to your heart's content if you happen to like my style. I welcome any interactions, especially comments, because I don't get many.
I think it's something everyone should always be aware of, but I've also seen many people ignoring this unsaid rule:
- lest they get blocked. I'm not here to argue with you about why I like certain characters and why you think I shouldn't. Go simp for your own top picks on your own blogs and leave me alone. Same goes for any of my personal trivia I shared.
DISCLAIMER: My blogs are a safe space for everyone who doesn't go around hating on everyone else. I will block indiscriminantly assholes of every shape, color, faith, gender, orientation etc., just as I will happily interact with good people of any kind. Idc what your deal is, I just wanna enjoy being on this platform, so if you plan to rain on it, don't expect me to indulge you.
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Icons by: @rpschtuff
By the way, a fun fact known only to people aware of my main fanfic novel, The Casualty, the Cardassian in my username was actually born Bajoran, but raised Cardassian, which is why she's a Cardassian in heart and spirit. She's your friendly reminder that not all Cardies are the same and as a nation have the capacity to be much better than how they were presented in the DS9, which is what she's trying to achieve.
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Heyyoooooooooo since imma massive NERD
I have decided to combine my favorite thing, with a childhood thing that I like
So here we go Pokemon and MLP combined to make a Equestria themed Pokemon region
Would this be an actual region?
Maybe an in universe TV show called
"My little Trainer"? Who knows!!!
I just wanted to have fun :3
All of these are made by this lovely Picrew the ART IS NOT MINE!
Only the character headcannons, story ideas, and general concept of this region and yeah.
Anyways have fun hope you enjoy
Pokemon MLP AU:
Gym 1:
Ashley Jackson (A.J)
Ground type specialist: Lives In Ponytaville and runs sweet apple acres
Farm and Gym: with her Mudsdale
Main team: Mudsdale, Excadrill, Diggersby, Donphan, would have some new ground themed dog Pokemon
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Gym 2:
Flying type specialist: Lives in Cloudsdale, a city atop a mountain close to the clouds, very famous athlete
Training hall and Gym: with her Braviary
Main team: Braviary, Pidgeot, Staraptor, Talonflame, and a bug/flying esc turtle pokemon (Felicity/Flattershy would have gifted her one, its supposed to be Tank from the show)
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Gym 3:
Bug/Grass Specialist: Lives on the outskirts of Ponytaville and more towards the forest. She owns a Equestrian regional version of a Buneary a grass/bug type. Feeling unsure on whether to specialize in bug or grass she decided to go with both so that no feelings are hurt. She is the regions top Pokemon healer and has a few Nurses in training working with her and her Pokemon sanctuary.
Animal sanctuary and gym: with her regional buneary
Main team: regional buneary, beautifly, vespiquen, cherrim, whimsicott
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Gym 4:
An electric specialist: Lives near Las Rapidash, A party city full of fun, laughter, and amazing memories to make! Despite owning a bakery she is more of the party planner type, so her Pokemon tend to reflect her more "electric" personality.
Bakery and Gym: with regional Krookodile being an electric/Fairy type
Main team: Regional Krookodile, oricorio, rotom heat, ampharos, bellibolt
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Gym 5:
A rock specialist: Lives in Manehattan. A lively city were Rachel is the top stylist and fashion designer in the whole region. She owns many boutiques around Equestria were she specializes in both Human and Pokemon styling.
Fashion Boutique and Gym: With her Carbink
Main team: Carbink, Aurorus, Minior, Gigalith, and a rock cat type Pokemon (maybe a regional version of Purugly?)
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Gym 6:
Dragon specialist: Was best friends with former Gym leader Taylor (Twilight). He took over for her when she joined the elite for and currently keeps the Ponytaville library clean. Though there is tad more comic books found within the shelves then when Taylor was in charge.
Library and Gym: with his main druddigon
Main team: Druddigon, Garchomp, Dracapult, Baxcalibur, Turtonator
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Gym 7
Dark specialist: Lives in a far away town near the edges of Equestria. She is Taylor's student and friend who goes around equestria spreading Taylors teachings and helping those in need. She runs a school for Pokemon trainers.
Pokemon school and gym: with her main Absol
Main team: Absol, Weavile, Drapion, Grimsnarl, Zoroark
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Gym 8:
A fire specialist: Lives near Canterlot as a scientist and researcher. She trained under Champion Celeste (Celestia), and became friends with Taylor soon after, she studies and researches interdimensional travel. Trying to harness both science and Pokemon power to do so. She has succeeded in doing so and makes contact with this other world regularly.
Research lab and gym: with her main Delphox
Main team: Delphox, Volcarona, Armarouge, Flareon, Rapidash
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imkazz · 5 months
remember these ocs?
propoganda for each:
mitsue - sounds nice and also similar to mitsuri! i also just love the 'eternal' kanji for some reason...
atsumi - it also just sounds nice and if this name won i would make her use water breathing
kanae - cmon those two characters are great for this oc and we can give shinobu a scare
ive finally gotten around to actually characterizing them and all those names i chose out work for who she is as a character. don't worry about the meanings, i already sifted through that, just vote on which one sounds the nicest!
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no-see-um-incorrect · 7 months
This is to help y’all recover from this summit 
My versions of redacted GEN 2
If you guys like the small character profiles I’ve made I will continue  also, this is my opinion based off my headcannons for the listeners 
Sorry if the formatting is a bit everywhere
Shaw pack edition (I don’t own this art(i used a picrew) I haven’t had time to make any)
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 Gabriel Shaw
“my father made this pack what it is today and I will do my very best to honor that legacy”-Gabriel Shaw
Age: 16 
Parents: David/Angel Shaw
Best friend: sparrow 
Favorite activity: when his dad takes him on a low level security job 
Favorite food: uncle Milo’s Swiss mushroom jackfruit  burger (don’t tell his dad)
Favorite color: “vampire gold~… I mean Ju-just gold I guess..I don’t know….why are you asking me?!”
He’s quiet, and at most times very formal, Takes alpha training VARY seriously (David and Angel are trying to help him ease up)
Loves writing poetry and stories in his free time, Does not have his drivers license (and is the only person in his age who isn’t allowed to get it till he’s 19)
Has his eyes on a particular vampire princess
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 another Shaw child
Ashlyn Shaw 
“What do you think?……Caelum says cookies first”-Ashlyn Shaw
Age: 9
Favorite color: Green
Favorite activity: teasing her brother 
Favorite food: daddy’s bacon mac & cheese 
She is an actual menace (takes after her parent) when she was little little and just starting her menace tendencies, David would call her “Littler snot” 
Was the youngest of her pack to fully shift.
She can see caelum
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Maria Greer jr (MJ for short)
“yeah, that’s GREER put some respect on the name”-MJ Greer
Age: 16
Has stealth abilities (but much like her dad sucks at shifting)
Best friend: Astrid Collins 
Parents: Milo/Sweetheart Greer 
Favorite food: “Law & order with a side of spite!…you can’t say that hun…Fiiine….BBQ rice bowl…”
Favorite activity: learning about history 
She wants to be a Reporter.
Loves hearing her dad tell the story of the inversion  but the way Milo tells it frames it so that she doesn’t actually know it’s him and she has made it her life‘s mission to figure out what happened that night  and the identity of the “mystery hero” her dad would tell her about 
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Sparrow Talbot
“I may or may not have ran face first into a tree….you didn’t see that”-Sparrow Talbot
Age: 17
Parents: Asher/Baabe Talbot
Best friend: Gabriel
Favorite activity: wolf Zoomiez 
Favorite food: “last meal” no one knows what that means 
When they first adopted them they were very quiet, very calm, very chill. And then Asher shifted in front of them for the first time. And they have been a rambunctious dumbASS since then (and we love them for it)
They always have snacks and drinks on them, seemingly out of nowhere because they don’t carry a bag.
Unlike their father, they actually can cook and they’re pretty freaking great at it.
(all of the scars are from eating shit in wolf form, and not wanting to hear Marie’s lectures)
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Astrid Collins 
“and so what if I replace Alexis‘s shampoo with Nair…OH COME ON IT WAS FUNNY!”-Astrid Collins 
Age: technically 16
Favorite activity: snooping around places they’re not supposed to be (urban exploration)
Empowered: ???? Vampire+???
Best friend: MJ
Favorite food: “anything papa cooks is good I don’t really need to eat though”
Loves to play pranks mostly targeted at Alexis…….OK always targeted at Alexis. 
Sam found her one day when she was little and turned her then when he brought her home and got her through the newborn stage…. she started displaying elemental abilities??? But also vampire abilities??? But she also grows up and ages like a human???? so yeah bit of a mystery 
They are pretty standoffish  they don’t talk a lot and they’re pretty rough around the edges (Darlin who?)
Very attached to Sam (as you can expect) but also extremely attached to Darlin
he built his prosthetic himself  out of an old VCR, a broken toaster, a ripped up T-shirt and scrap metal 
 And that was my next gen Shaw pack kids
Hope you enjoyed and give me suggestions on like little details for them and other characters (I really wanna do the damn crew but I need suggestions) i’m gonna say it again. These are based off of my headcannons for the listeners feel free to disagree with my opinion just don’t be mean about it (we’re just having fun here)
If you can’t tell, I was a Monster High/ever after high kid And I love writing shit like this 
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thylacinetears · 1 year
New Hermitcitizen just dropped!
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I'm a fic writer, not a fanartist, so I went for a Picrew (https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/111668) and some image editing. I went in a more literal postcard direction for the second part - it's addressed to an actual online friend of mine, though obviously the story is made up. And the screenshot from Gem's twitter looked like a postcard photo anyway, I couldn't resist.
Anyway, meet Thylacina! A thylacine-human hybrid, a scientist studying the aliens at Pearl's base, and a Hermitcitizen. Unfortunately they caught a nasty disease from their work, and had to relocate to Gem's village. Which may be a problem, as they're a little lovesick as well...
I guess I've made them somehow both a Mary Sue and cringefail at the same time, lmao. The items are a spyglass (seeing as they're a scientist, and also they love exploring) and cooked salmon (their favourite food). Here's the full text of the postcard as it's a little hard to read:
"Hey! Things have been great since I moved to GeminiTay’s village. Although catching that alien disease was awful, of course, it looks like this is the silver lining. And I can commute to Pearl’s base quite easily, too, and continue my research now that I’m better. Though I’m a little extra careful with quarantine now! You’d love it here at Gem’s base. The views are incredible – seaside to the east, palace to the west. If I look through my spyglass I can even see the ocean monument farm! And I spend much of my free time watching Gem build. She’s absolutely incredible, and before you say it, whether or not I have a crush on her is irrelevant. Anyone could recognise she’s a real talent, and her new cherry tree is a true work of art. It fits her base perfectly, and when the dappled light comes through the blossoms it shines on her auburn hair, and she looks… Uh, what else was I going to write? Ah yes, you should come visit sometime. Make sure to send the visa application ASAP, it takes a while to process! Your friend as always, Thylacina xxx
To: ZeptoMonkey “The TARDIS” 42 Skygaze Way, Block 1056, Hypixel Housing, Hypixel Server
From: Thylacina House 5 (100, 75, 1730), GeminiTay’s Village, Soup Group North, Hermitcraft Season 9"
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creapysummer · 1 year
How I think rtc characters would make themselves in picrew
Ocean: https://picrew.me/share?cd=LDXVGYhTb8
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-she's always the most particular of making sure it's exactly like her in real life
-she always tries to make the school uniform but she usually can't which disappoints her
-to piss her off noel will stand over her shoulder while she's making it and go "Oh that's not what I would've done" "actually your hair looks more like that one"
-she gets very mad
Noel: https://picrew.me/share?cd=y6vJXg12ZM
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-he ALWAYS makes himself and monique
-he cannot just do one it has to be both
-he tries to make the one of him pretty realistic most of the time but he doesn't care too much
-he loves making picrews of monique so much you don't even know
Mischa: https://picrew.me/share?cd=5UED0gKBlj
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-mischas of himself are always slightly different to him irl and it's in a way where it's not the first thing you notice but you know somethings off
-he always tries to make himself look cooler
(Bonus): https://picrew.me/share?cd=C1vEDBdfBK
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-he likes making couple ones of himself with talia and noel
-he'll make them and then just text them pictures in the middle of the day and go "LOOK US :)"
Ricky: https://picrew.me/share?cd=uj6mYdZ6Vo
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-he always finds the funkiest coolest picrews ever
-absolutely lives on there picrew is like his favorite thing in the world
-he'll just sit there for hours making them (same)
Penny: https://picrew.me/share?cd=GNxtILmaMm
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-ricky introduced her to picrew
-hers are always so chaotic in the best way
-like she will pile everything on there
-Dragon wings? Sure! A frog? Why not!
Constance: https://picrew.me/image_maker/1553437/complete?cd=XaOklgyMzb
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-she loves to do full body ones (I couldn't find a full body one with plus size options sorry :(( )
-she likes designing the little outfits :)
-she also makes picres of fictional characters from whatever her current hyperfixation is
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tea-blankets-andstars · 2 months
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-hii im Sof
- i am genderqueer and use any pronouns
- i am demiromantic & demi-omnisexual (is that even a word idk but its what i always say) so if you dont think any of those are valid you can kindly leave :)
-mbti: infp
- i mostly post about fandoms: mainly marauders, sometimes heartstopper and other times its just my random thoughts (i also really like pjo but i dont really post about that)
- talking about fandoms:
- im a slythern 💚🤍
- im a sirius black kin
- i am cabin 15 (Hypnos)
- join the remus lupin religion! https://www.tumblr.com/tea-blankets-andstars/750300786606669825/we-must-make-this-a-real-thing-who-else-wanta-to
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-i sometimes make art traces (which if you dont know is pretty much where i trace over a photo and then make it my own)
- i do this because im still pretty incure about my actual art style
- for my art i use iArtbook to draw & pinterest for the refrence photo
- maybe sometime soon i will post my actual art
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- please send asks i need more people to talk to
- pinterest: Miz_whatevermynameis
-ao3: reggiespoetryshelf
-spotify (my love): mizwhatevermynameis
- instagram (where i only post my art): tea_blankets_andstars
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- this is the link for the picrew i used for my pfp: https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/1987953
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puffs-picrews · 2 months
These are my two characters, I don’t have names. However, I DO have characteristics for them.
(Both he/him/them)
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Grey hair is hopelessly in love with the other, who has no idea.
Pink hair actually likes the other, but thinks that his crush sees them as just friends.
Here’s the link:
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sereves · 6 months
I made a Hyde and Lily Picrew! Heres the link if anyone wants to try it: https://picrew.me/ja/image_maker/1360629
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I will never forgive Strike for robbing us of Hyde and Lily interactions because I love them so much and I really love their dynamic 😭 I have a few headcanons of them if they actually interacted but here are a few
Lawless loves giving his siblings nicknames and since he usually calls Ildio “Wor-kun” I feel he would call Lily “Aka-chan” which basically means baby. Idk it feels fitting since Lily was the baby of the servamps before Tsubaki
Something I like to point out are their different takes on love. Referring to Lawless’s wiki, after Ophelia he refused love and attachment and his constant switching of eves was proof of this, but Lily instead stayed with one family and pledged his loyalty. Instead of refusing love he embraced it and did whatever he could to keep it, even if it was by gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss means. Lookin at the garden Lily 💀
Anyways I wont ramble because I know people are still upset about me from my previous post, which again, I mean no harm by. You can ship whoever you want I was just giving my personal opinion on it. At the end of the day these are characters on a screen. You can enjoy whatever you like! The fandom is a place where you can talk with others and share your opinions, so please stop spamming my inbox was hate messages, I really meant no harm and still love this fandom even if we have differing opinions. Again my askbox is always open if anyone wants to interact!
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theghoulboysblog · 14 days
make urself?
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my hair actually looks accurate in this YAY!!!! :D
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yeah-ima-nerd · 2 years
Picrew Chain!
I love the style of this one
It’s me! (its actually quite accurate ngl lol)
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Tagging ( @hunters-trashblog @spookigoobi @gib-vinegar @jasontoddisbest​ @totlebottle​  @maple-chuuu​)
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llamagirl28 · 1 year
Hey! here is a description of my Mordred with a little bit of my own background stories and add-ons in brackets.
Mordred has wavy black long hair going down to the middle of her back, green eyes and a warm beige complexion. [She also spends hours in the bathroom with Morgana applying skincare products lol] She enjoys wearing plaid skirts, dresses, cute aesthetic cozy clothes and loves reading & writing. She is a bit short, and I made a picrew for her, I couldn't change the eyes and skin tone, but I just made it work. The link is https://picrew.me/share?cd=8sv1kVhEYo #Picrew #희귤픽크루 [TO SEE MY MORDRED, COPY THE LINK, OPEN A NEW TAB, PASTE THE LINK AN ENTER ❤]
My Mordred is extremely truthful, working on her confidence and she is super intuitive, always thinking before she acts and keeps calm. Mordred tries to be kind while trying to stay away from trouble. Mordred is affable and friendly, treating people with smiles. Extras: [She is a bit of a introvert, her sign being a Aquarius, birthday being January 24th. She is a bit emotional not being afraid to show her emotions.]
My Mordred is relatively friendly to everyone, except Lancelot, ew... Anyways, although being displeased with Morganas actions like attacking Arthur after my dragon heard a fight, we both love each other dearly. Also, Accolon is soooo sweet and wholesome 💕💕💕 my 2nd dad <3. Gareth is also always there for me :). I'm romancing Gawain and I LOVED the flowers scene and the poem that was like "Do you like me too?" HES SO SWEET ❤. I'm trying to befriend Galahad and we're working it out.
Thank you so much for making this game, love it.💕
Your Mordred sounds absolutely lovely! 💕
Just a small thing! I actually do have a canon... not exact birthday, but an approximate interval for Mordred's birthday, and that is somewhere in July (more towards early July). Might add a certain date, but it didn't feel necessary.
In chapter 4 we get to see Mordred celebrate their birthday 👀
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gritsandbrits · 9 months
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Lulah Talbot daughter of the wolf hunters
I was thinking about my doll ocs and since Halloween in coming up i decided to work on MH so I made a ref for Tallulah. I thought her design should contrast Clawdeen. She doesn't have a set color scheme because I can't think anything unique, and it actually kinda fits her character as someone who loves experimenting. Her jacket is meant to resemble red riding hood (which was also was a clawdeen costume).
Tally isn't a monster her family just have a complicated history with them. I might do a rewrite of her in the live action movie because i don't like it all that much. And no she doesn't become a monster or secretly revealed to be one she's just a regular human!
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taylovelinus · 1 year
gyns let’s do another picrew train :3 https://picrew.me/ja/image_maker/1469769
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i actually love this one i feel like it’s an accurate representation of me hehe
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