#i love pulaski
liquidatorbruntfca · 7 months
i love you nyota uhura i love you christine chapel i love you deanna troi i love you beverly crusher i love you tasha yar i love you lwaxana troi i love you kate pulaski i love you ro laren i love you keiko o’brien i love you jadzia dax i love you kira nerys i love you leeta i love you moogie i love you ezri dax i love you kathryn janeway i love you b’elanna torres i love you seven of nine i love you t’pol i love you hoshi sato
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homewrecking-lore · 1 year
The thing about the fandom’s interpretation of Data and Pulaski is that it makes both characters extremely flat and boring while also erasing their whole relationship. Data’s made into this flawless, naive baby that can’t defend himself (when he does - when Pulaski mispronounces his name, he tells her exactly why she should pronounce it correctly), while Pulaski is an ugly bitch-hag who is morally reprehensible. Most fanfics portray Data as being uncomfortable or scared of her, while Pulaski’s chomping at the bit to break him into parts. Their whole relationship in season two is based around the fact they both have flaws, and that Data is still learning about what exactly he is capable of as an android.
In “Elementary, My Dear Data”, the big question of the episode is if Data can solve a narrative mystery without it being based on his knowledge of the original stories. Geordi doesn’t know the answer. Pulaski doesn’t. Data doesn’t. From what they know of Data, Pulaski outright dismisses the possibility that Data can, which sparks the episode’s plot.
So when Geordi goes back later and prompts the computer to alter the program to be more challenging, both Data and Pulaski are excited! They want to see where this goes! They are openly having fun with this.
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In her first episode, Pulaski dismissed Data when he tried to stay during Troi’s labour, and only relented when Troi said she wanted him there. But by “Penpals”, she assures Sarjenka that Data will be at her side the whole time. When Data expresses doubts, she assures him that this is what’s best for Sarjenka, but that his memories of her will still be important. This is also the same episode where Pulaski defends both her and Data’s personal involvement in the situation to Worf.
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In “Measure of A Man”, the game opens with some of the crew playing a poker game. Data and Pulaski are obviously friendly and comfortable enough to socialize together outside of professional circumstances. And again, the scene shows Data calling the game simplistic and assuming he will win, but he turns out to be wrong.
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Later in “Peak Performance”, Pulaski sets up Data to compete in Strategema, only for him to end up losing, to everyone’s surprise. The reason why Data’s confidence falls is because he had the exact same assumption about his computational abilities as Pulaski. They were both wrong! When she sees how much losing has affected him, she apologizes:
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Data says that he must be malfunctioning. It’s not until Picard tells him that failure can happen even when you do everything right that Data accepts he can make mistakes - and that making mistakes is okay! By the end of the episode, they both know that Data is not infallible, and that he can be affected by failure as much as any human.
Pulaski makes assumptions and mistakes, and so does Data. They learn and grow from them, and their relationship is overall a very positive one despite their very different personalities. It’s an interesting dynamic that gets rewritten by fans entirely, despite the fact that it’s weirdly one of the more developed dynamics in the show.
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kermit-coded · 4 months
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hey me and my husband saw you from across the bar and we hate your vibe so we're gonna beat the shit out of you.
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okay but can we talk about how when you play illinoise songs on spotify you can watch the dance as you listen to it?
i was listening to the soundtrack and starting bawling through most of it 😭
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ghostinacardboardbox · 2 months
I think the part of Ghost Story that resonates the most with me personally is the way that a lot of Joey's character arc is about simultaneously yearning for and romanticizing a queer past but also imposing modern ideas onto that past. He thinks he would pass better in the past, in a farmhouse in the middle of nowhere where as long as he dresses correctly no one will question him, but he doesn't actually want everything else that comes with being queer in that era. He wants there to be a happy ending. And that's just not up to him at all. Don't we all wish that there were more queer happy endings in history? Don't we all fall into the trap of thinking "[insert very specific experience] would have been better back then [if I ignore the surrounding context of why it was "better" in my opinion]" every now and then?
And I'm also just obsessed with the entire part near the end where Joey is talking to Hao about how trans history is perceived as inherently different from history more generally and how that scene as a whole is so much about Joey taking for granted the fact that he knows other trans people, takes for granted that there are people who understand. Hao, in this past that Joey has been romanticizing, may have had an easier time starting over somewhere new with a new name and new clothes, but he also feels like he is the only person in the world like him. "Must be nice to know so many others that you can be annoyed by them." Like Joey's feelings about how trans identities being more visible has made him easier to clock are valid but to act like the opposite of that is inherently better circles back to the false idea that he can simultaneously have his perfect idea of queer history without all the baggage that it comes with. And how this scene talks about Joey having to confront his insecurities about being a trans gay man specifically and having to make peace with the fact that he can't just make himself become cis magically but that could be an entire post by itself.
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flower-power1968 · 2 months
"I hear the secrets that you keep
When you're talkin' in your sleep"
Love being a little freakazoid (tw for blood/violence)
(Click for better quality!)
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caspercubed · 8 days
top 5 albums! top 10 if you're a true and seasoned musichead
An Awesome Wave by Alt-J
How to: friend, love, freefall by Rainbow Kitten Surprise
Are You Serious by Andrew Bird
Up From Below by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeroes
This Is All Yours by Alt-J
Dear Wormwood by the Oh Hellos
My Head is an Animal by Of Monsters and Men
Creatures of Habit by Kiltro
Woodland by The Paper Kites
Hozier by Hozier
i thought id only be able to come up with 5 tbh cos i dont usually listen to full albums BUT!!! i realized there were more than i thought!! these r the albums where every song rocks and i love them sm :D
also made me realize i havent listened to some of these in awhile so im gonna need to go turn on up from below again now! YAY!!! thank u for the ask my friend!!! <333
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solarbot · 10 months
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mandatory midpollo doodle break
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laurapalmerz · 4 months
thinking about ronette and how overlooked she tends to be. being isolated while doing sex work, laura most likely leaned on ronette when she needed someone to talk to. since donna and laura weren't on speaking terms for a while, and bobby was already aware of what she was doing with leo and jacques but didn't want to talk about it, ronette was most likely the one she confided in. secrets passed between the two that only they would understand, given their shared line of work. they clearly had a connection, i wouldn't even doubt for a second that ronette probably even had a crush on laura. would've probably been reciprocated too, laura did express she had an attraction to her in her diary. either way, they were close. then the night of the murder happened. ronette is bound behind laura. they're both intoxicated with a combination of drugs and alcohol, but still able to grasp the gravity of the situation the both of them are in. it's so sudden, so violent, she doesn't know if either of them are going to see tomorrow. before she passes out from the beatings shes taken, ronette has to witness as the one girl she found solace in is stabbed to death. her screams ring in her ears and her memory. the blood running down her face, eyes wide, the man screaming with every downward swing. all until her body stops moving. when she awakens, she's in a hospital, family in the other room waiting for her. there's a man, an fbi agent she learns, asking her questions...about laura. ronette can't answer, it's all too much for her mind to handle. she does try to warn the man to not proceed, "don't go there", there's danger waiting for him if he tries. her recovery is slow and plagued with nightmares of laura on the train that final night. flashes of the man, the knife, the blood, the screaming. forever replaying the worst moment of her life. if only she were still alive, if only they could press their foreheads together again. she misses her warmth, her airy laugh and smile, how beautiful she looked in the pink room. their embraces always left her wanting more. if only she'd said something before, maybe things would be different. now she'll never see that bright head of blonde hair ever again. there's a void in ronette pulaski's heart that's shaped like laura palmer and it will haunt her for the rest of her life.
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allstarnotrek · 9 months
After finishing Stargate: SG-1 and getting about halfway through Season 8 of The X-Files, I've come to a realization
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chlorine-pool · 6 months
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- photos aren’t mine -
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nicco-ck · 3 months
Lon Sellitto, Mel Cooper & Ron Pulaski headcanons bc they are so underrated </3
Lon Sellitto
It's implied that his ex wife was having an affair (which is what led to their divorce) and I feel like if that is what happened it definitely tore him up and its something he fears will happen with Rachel (Rachel would never, she's such a sweetheart <3)
After he got out of the hospital after being poisoned he was probably so stoked to get a fancier cane
"What stores sell canes? I need to figure this out cause I cannot be using this boring ass cane for however long I need it."
Sometimes visits Lincoln solely to eat some of Thoms pastries (who can blame him tho?)
Mel Cooper
Lives with his mom probably bc his dad passed away and his mom was really sad and he felt like letting her live alone would make it worse so he never moved out (father probs died when he was in his 20s)
Doesn't know how he managed to snag his girlfriend, but he is not complaining
Met his girlfriend at a dance competition
They always tell each other that they'd never be able to find a better dance partner (and then proceed to state that *enter very good dancers name* would be the best dance partner ever)
Ron Pulaski
Dude is head over heels for his wife, will do anything she asks and will drop whatever he's doing if she's ever sick, hurt, in danger or even just sad
Has never, and will never, tell anybody abt the mishap that occurred at the funeral home (when he went into the wrong room and was telling the ppl he worked with the guy, who he thought was the watchmaker, but turned out to be a gay porn star) (he only told his wife and she thought it was the funniest thing)
Idk if it's ever stated who's older out of him and Tony but whoever's older was definitely the one bragging all the time when they were younger "I'm older by 3 minutes >:))" but now that they're older its "you can't call me old and not yourself. I'm only 3 minutes older then you??"
I know it's not a lot but I will add more when I can think of them 😭
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kvothes · 7 months
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@dailyrothko friend i swear i searched UP and down for him but they don’t have any rothko out on display right now :( i hope you will humbly accept jay defeo’s annunciation in his stead
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dadbodbensisko-moved · 8 months
2 importsnt reasons to love pulaski:
1) ball buster
2) she's a middle-aged woman, which star trek is normally allergic to
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c-119 · 1 year
Okay sure but remember when Dipper was humming along with the music playing over the speakers? And when Dynamite proudly gave Dusty the little introductory spiel about the team’s history with the park? And when Cabbie and Dynamite poked fun at each other midair before the smokejumpers deployed? And when Maru proudly shouted to the world that he built the tower from the scraps he had available? And when Cabbie and Windlifter agreed to disliking CHoPs? And when Cabbie and Maru shared a short conversation about the state of a fire as the team touched the tarmac? And when Blade was more worried about Dusty’s safety than the fact that he had broken formation and played with chance? And when Maru and Windlifter scoffed at the cardboard cutout of the superintendent? And when Windlifter tried on the shades at the lodge and asked Maru how he looked? And when Blade gave Dusty a truly heartfelt speech, even with a forest fire rapidly closing in on them? And when Cabbie reassured Dusty that Blade would be alright, even though he was clearly just as concerned? And when Windlifter took a good hard look on the faces of the team and decided to go save what they could, ignoring the safety protocols and the concerning lack of retardant? And when Dipper did her best to guide Dusty through the heavy smoke, knowing fully well that he had never done so before? And when Windlifter trusted Dusty to get Harvey and Winnie safely out of Augerin Canyon by himself? And when Windlifter, for the second time that week, hauled the battered body of a team member of the team across the park? And when Dusty woke up to relieved, smiling faces? And when the entire team agreed to make the trip all the way over to Propwash for the corn festival and put on a show?
Yeah, I’m obsessed with how alive these guys are. Crying into my pillow
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cooperlaura · 2 years
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