#i love singer xiao zhan
p-h03n1-x · 4 days
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Source GlobalFever全球热丨0805x1005
The crowd roars, the superstar returns
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rainbowsky · 2 months
Привет, Sky! Снова спасибо за твой блог, обожаю тебя. Смотрела очередное выступление Сяо Чжаня и думала о том, что у него, и еще у некоторых певцов/актеров много песен о любви, но сами они не имеют отношений официально, и иногда даже фанаты не знаю о каких-либо отношениях в принципе, как будто их никогда и не было. При этом они так эмоционально и трогательно исполняют песни о любви. Ок, про Сяо Чжаня всё понятно :) Но я задумалась может ли действительно человек, не имевший отношения, любовь, чувства и не пройдя весь этот путь в связи с другим человеком - петь о любви и понимать о чем он поет и как это выглядит в глазах других. Что ты думаешь об этом?
Hi Sky! Thanks again for your blog, I love you. I was watching Xiao Zhan's latest performance and was thinking that he and some other singers/actors have a lot of love songs, but they themselves are not officially in a relationship, and sometimes even fans don't know about any relationship at all, as if they never existed. At the same time, they perform love songs so emotionally and touchingly. Ok, everything is clear about Xiao Zhan :) But I wondered if a person who has never had a relationship, love, feelings and has not gone through this whole path in connection with another person can really sing about love and understand what he is singing about and how it looks in the eyes of others. What do you think about this?
Hi retrojen, thanks so much, I'm glad you're enjoying my blog! 🥰
I don't believe that someone has to have experienced romantic love to give a beautiful, deeply compelling performance of a romantic song - no more than someone has to be religious to put a lot of power into a hymn, or need to have lost a loved one in order to put a lot of pathos into a song about grief. Art is about creation, and about tapping into the human experience.
One of the most beautiful aspects of humanity is the empathy that we often have for one another. If we are compassionate and open, and if we are creative spirits who seek to understand the world around us, we can tap into each other's experiences and feelings. We do not have to have experienced them firsthand to have a sense of them, or to share in another person's joy or pain (of course we can't live what we haven't experienced, but we can tap into an awful lot just by being open to it).
And our emotional experiences can also be a reflection of what is missing in our lives just as much as they can be a reflection of what we have in our hearts.
For example, someone does not have to have experienced a deep romantic love to be able to tap into a longing for love. Someone doesn't have to have a spiritual belief in order to experience spiritual anguish or need for greater meaning in their life. All of these emotional experiences can lead to incredibly powerful artistic expressions. Especially for performers and actors whose calling in life is to present a glimpse of human experience they might not have had themselves.
And we know that both GG and DD have experienced loss and hardship in their lives. DD spent his entire youth away from his family in another country, GG's grandfather passed away just a few years ago. There are no doubt a lot of other experiences we don't know about (and that are probably none of our business). Heck, just being a queer person in a country that is increasingly hostile to that is hardship enough.
Both GG and DD have talked about how they have a taste for sad and very emotional love songs. I think that is just a natural extension of any creative, sensitive, open-hearted person's taste for the human experience. Those kinds of songs speak to us because our hearts are open to the full scope of human emotion. Sweet songs don't always carry the same emotional intensity as sad ones, nor can they dig into our depths the way that sad ones can.
So no, I don't think that anyone needs to have experienced romantic love to be able to tap into those emotional depths and bring a powerful performance of a love song.
Having said that, you and I both know that GG and DD do have that deep romantic experience. Let's be real. 😅
I talked about GG and DD's creative and sensitive personalities in this post.
I commented on a similar topic related to aeroace people writing about love and sex a while back. You can find that post here.
I also talked about something similar in my post about queerbaiting, which you can find here.
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hyog-blog · 2 months
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Xiao Zhan aka "Wide-Eyed, Illegally Cute"
(Chinese Idol Our Song, 2019)
I came for Xiao Zhan and stayed for Ayunga (turned out Liu Yuning was also in the package!)
YouTube brought me the 1st season of Our Song and it's been such a wild ride! First of all, Xiao Zhan is such a KITTEN *heart eyes* I still haven't watched the Untamed (don't throw anything at me please, ahah) because I'm relatively new to cdrama and I'm exploring some other rabbit holes for now, but I can say that his personality is golden. He's such a cutie pie! With a very lovely, beautiful, and straightforward voice. He paired up with a very cool and funny lady that's like his older sister and they had some outstanding performances together. BUT!
There is also this extremely handsome former ballet dancer/present musical singer Ayunga (he's from Inner Mongolia) who looks like an actor celebrity with an absolutely amazing opera-esque voice. The character is also there! The show is very humorous and lively, and the way everyone jokes around is absolutely precious (thanks for the eng subs to whoever translated it). Seriously, I would've watched it for all the cute bickering only, but the music was also there XD. Because of Ayunga's background, you will hear some musicals and some English songs as well (the 80s' hits medley was so much fun!).
Unsurprisingly, both young Chinese idols and established senior singers have amazing voices, so listening to the songs is pure delight, just melodically and musically, it's perfection even if you don't know the language. And all the bickering that's happening between the contestants is just too hilarious. Then there are other teams where you will find Liu Yuning and Zhou Shen, a guy with a very high soprano voice, so there's a lot of versatility. And everyone's personalities are very vibrant.
But I loved when Ayunga's group A competed with the group B whose leader was super short (and Ayunga is super tall) they had these cute and funny moments together (their hug was something straight out of a cdrama, with the hilarious height difference XD). When you become invested in the singers' personalities - it's such a joy to watch this show.
And not Liu Yuning asking "Xiao Zhan Lao Shi" what he has to say about his performance because "everyone wants to hear that" ahah XD The man is the king of fan service, for real))) Liu Yuning is amazing in this show as well, but it's from 2019 and it's good to see that he's come a long way, getting more acknowledged for his talents. He's beyond humble.
Anyway, here's a playlist of the show on YouTube, it has 8 out of 14 eps, mostly subbed, the rest needs to be fished out on Dailymotion. But it's worth it! You will laugh a lot and the music is beautiful, too.
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accio-victuuri · 2 years
(CPN) Chanel Dinner things 🍷 + gg’s leaked MV
I will probably make another post about this event the more news we get, but i just wanna keep it in one place in the meantime. CPN aside, i’m looking forward to having more photos, videos and everything else from this dinner.
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hello bobo. he is so cute. 🥺
onto the clowning. ✔️
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Similarities / same energy with them. They are both so polite in shaking hands with people or handing things to them, I love them. such good boys! Also them minding their own business and all alone in a public event.
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p3 and p4 makes me sad, but not entirely cause i understand why it has to be this way and the reason why they are quiet can be a lot of things. they may be tired or they feel unsettled in public events like this when all eyes are on them. yes i’m sure they know that it comes with the fact that they are famous celebrities but it doesn’t mean it makes it easier for them. even if they have friends or acquaintances, they cannot interact with them freely. i miss the times when they attend events together, at least they had each other to fall back on in interviews or just generally keeping each other company. one day, I hope they will have that again.
we also noticed that bobo had his airpods on from his car to the event (see gif below). maybe he was listening to music earlier or he was talking to someone. also after the event when he left secretly, he was holding his phone. he was wearing a long coat that’s a similar style to what GG was seen in last tuesday. GG holding his phone and texting at the airport. Web also having his phone with him. What’s so special right? These two almost never bring their phones out in public. If you’ve seen photos and videos of them at airports, leaving events etc — they don’t bring it out. maybe they don’t want to miss a message from each other. 🥺🥺🥺
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There were some comments on wb of turtles who were sad that the 🦴 is missing. This is Web’s first public appearance after GG’s video leak and i guess some people are unneccesarily fragile over it. Let’s just take step back and think about what this event is. It’s a dinner organized by Chanel as well as their 2023 spring and summer preview series viewing. Everyone in that room is wearing Chanel and as their ambassador, would it be good to wear a necklace that wasn’t from the brand? I mean come on. He was front and center along with 9 other people and in the middle. He was also the only one wearing something from the preview collection. He is, so to speak, the Belle of the Ball 😂
Also see below other Chanel events that the 🦴 was not found. ⬇️⬇️⬇️
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Lastly, let me address the MV performance of Xiao Zhan that was leaked today. To be fair, it was deleted pretty quickly and everyone were wondering what is it from. It was supposedly from Mid-Autumn Festival 2021 and it was cut. I don’t wanna speculate further on why it was not shown in public but here we are. It’s a performance of the song “Accompany you through Time” by Eason Chan and from the OST of the movie A Journey Through Time with Antony. I don’t really want to CPN too much in songs that are performed for events like this. Mid-Autumn festival is a big deal, so i’m thinking XZ is not the only one who made a decision on the song. They might have given him a list, but yeah, the production team is the one who will have a final say.
A screenshot was going around of where it was from but we can’t fully trust things on the internet. But it said that the director posted it on an APP that was supposedly for the advertising circle. and well, it’s XZ so of course it will get out. OP said the director is problematic and i agree. These unreleased things cannot be shared because even if they are the director, the do not own the rights. It’s a copyright violation. Maybe that’s why it was wiped so quickly.
It was such a beautiful performance tho. 🥲🥲🥲 we need more Singer! XZ. My favorite will be the last part tho. The sound of the bells and him all alone with the Moon. 🌙
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withingerly · 1 month
🎶✨when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (positivity is cool)🎶✨
Thank you, friend! I'm actually in a bit of a music rut at the moment, so in honor of First Note of Love airing today, here are 5 songs by Taiwanese artists that I like. :)
一日 by Greg Hsu - I had no idea Greg Hsu was a singer, but this entire album is great and this song is one of my faves off of it.
不為誰而作的歌 by JJ Lin - Chinese ballads just hit different okay. JJ Lin has so many great songs, but this one is probably my most played of his.
心動 by Julia Wu & JerryC - I became obsessed with this song after Xiao Zhan and Na Ying performed it on Our Song, and I just really like this cover version.
不要騙我 by A-Mei - Throwing it back to a classic from my childhood.
Take It Away by 77Ke 柯棨棋 - I wouldn't be me if I didn't shamelessly plug About Youth, which is another music-focused twdrama with a great OST.
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gillianthecat · 1 year
Thoughts While Watching Boys Planet: in which I discuss the contestants, muse over K-pop and reality tv, and go off on many tangents
Reality TV here I come! I don’t watch it that often, but I don’t avoid it. The main things I’ve watched at any length are Dancing with the Stars, So You Think You Can Dance (but mostly only watching routines, I don’t think I’ve seen many full episodes) and the Great British Baking Show. So basically I watch dance and low stakes fun competitions. (I can’t stand any lifestyle or dating reality tv, it makes me sooo uncomfortable on behalf of everyone involved and I have to hide away.)
The most recent reality tv thing I watched was probably my favorite. After The Untamed I got into a Xiao Zhan phase and watched the singing “competition” show he was in Our Song,which was lovely and non-stressful because everyone was already a working professional singer at various stages of their career, so a) they all sounded good and knew how to put on a good show, and b) it felt like they were all going to be just fine, no matter what happened. There wasn’t the angst of contestants’ dreams dying when they get eliminated, as I suspect will be the case for Boys Planet.
I don’t know a ton about K-pop, although I’ve absorbed some stuff through tumblr and the general atmosphere. I do feel like this could be, in an oblique sort of way, a useful introduction to the K-pop industry for me. Not that I think they’re going to present an accurate picture of what it’s like, but I find that I can learn a lot through the stories that they try to show, and the things that slip through the cracks, and all the assumptions made. My impression of the industry is that it is very competitive, and an intense, heavy-workload training process that starts way too young, and that idols are under heavy pressure to look and present themselves a certain way. So actually a lot like the ballet world, and I’m a big fan of ballet, but for some reason young K-pop idols make me more worried. Perhaps because they seem so much more exposed, the K-pop audience is enormous and these kids are hoping to get famous fast, whereas even the Maria Khorevas and Isabelle Boylstons of ballet stay pretty safely unknown to most of the world. Yes, the training is unhealthy in many ways, but at least the reward for it isn’t losing your private life.
Caveat before I get into the show itself: the contestants are all really good dancers, much better than me. If I sound judgmental sometimes, well, that’s because I’ve watched a lot of top level dancers of a variety of styles, and have developed Opinions. Are the Opinions necessarily accurate or fair? No, but I still have them.
Like @petrichoraline, I get stressed out when the judges are mean, and worry about the contestants being exploited for their dreams. So many of them are still teenagers! With these kind of things, especially with the contestants so young, I actually tend to hope it’s more staged than not, because that feels more protective of these idol hopefuls; their raw selves aren’t hung out for everyone to see.
The beginning is cute with us discovering the Boys Planet world and how things work with these two dorky contestants who only feel worthy of one sticker star. They feel like the plucky wide-eyed farm boys setting off on an adventure in a fantasy novel. I wonder if they’re hear just for this role—with NINETY-EIGHT! (sorry I still can’t get over it) contestants, and I think half of them being eliminated right away (?) there must be some of them who are just here bascially as seat fillers, or reaction shots, who knowingly don’t have a chance, right? Just to make things easier for the judges/audience voting. I just hope that those contestants know that that’s their role and aren’t getting their dreams crushed by surprise.
I’m not a big fan of this editing choice of all these double takes. It’s distracting and I keep feeling like it wastes time when there are NINETY-EIGHT contestants to go through. I’m generally not a fan of the quick cuts and constant switches to reaction shots—I want to see them perform—but I realize that’s just a part of how reality tv is done. And it’s true that some of the reactions are great.
With NINETY-EIGHT idol hopefuls, there is no way to keep track of everyone and I am already lost. It doesn't help that so many of them, especially in the K Group, are dressed so similarly. I am glad for my sake that they’re at least organized into groups by… agency? training school? I’m not exactly sure what their relationships to these corporations are, although I have heard of many of them. I’m also glad for the contestants' sakes they’re in groups, that seems a lot less terrifying than doing a solo. Also, frankly, group performances are usually better, a solo performer needs a lot of charisma to hold the stage alone.
I feel (sort of) qualified to evaluate their dancing, but not at all their singing. I am giving their voices a lot of leeway. I know in music videos the voices are recorded separately from the dancing, get a lot of processing before being released, and I suspect it’s true to some degree or another (from instantaneous digital enhancement to full on lip-syncing to a prerecorded track) of all the live professional performances. Here it sounds like they’re not getting any of that, we’re just hearing their unmodified singing, and while they’re vigorously dancing, which is really hard! So I know it’s not going to sound “professional,” but I don’t know enough about singing to be able to evaluate their raw voices.
I’ve paused halfway through to type this up, and I’m trying to remember who I’ve seen already. I’ve mostly lost track of our original duo; it seems the show has dropped them as guides.
There is the Last Contestant, Lee Hoe-taek, already a K-pop idol, just back from military service. Being largely ignorant about Kpop bands, I’m not sure if he was a Big Deal or in a small band most people don’t know, but either way his big dramatic reveal at the end was entertaining. All the contestants sure seemed to recognize him and be shocked that he was there.
I always suspect with these things that the company knows going into it pretty much who they want to hire. I mention that now, because I’m guessing Lee Hoe-taek is here to either to anchor the group that forms at the end, and so is definitely getting in, or is just here to provide veteran (no pun intended) presence in the competition, and is definitely not getting in, because they want a group full of young unknowns.
On the other hand there is audience voting, so… are they manipulating it somehow? Or are they actually going to abide by audience choice? (It’s possible there are rules I could look up. But I’m just gonna speculate instead.) I suppose if they don’t care so much about the group produced but just the competition to get there that would make sense. I am very intrigued about what this show is trying to do, especially given the Korea vs. the rest of the world framing, which they occasionally play up. The message seems to be, “We in Korea are the originators of Kpop and have training down to a science and therefore are the best at it” but also, “Isn’t it exciting how far K-pop has reached and how many people want to be a part of it like us.” They’re not hitting us over the head with it (so far), but some of the judges masters’ comments are implying that. But I also don’t feel qualified to talk about what’s going on in the international cultural politics of it all, other than to notice it’s very present.
And of course there is also that time honored method of audience vote manipulation: editing! Which they’re already using extensively (they really have no choice with NINETY-EIGHT contestants) so perhaps they’ve a short list of candidates they want for the final nine and are willing to let the votes work out the details. I honestly wouldn’t be shocked if Lee Hoe-taek selflessly pulls out at the last moment to give a younger contestant a chance, or something like that.
Where was I? Oh yes, the contestants. First up was the K Group quartet from Jellyfish, presenting themselves as extremely confident (they each took seven stars stickers!) which felt put upon to me, like someone (Jellyfish? BP producers? the boys themselves?) decided that would be their “brand.” Like their swagger didn’t feel natural, but who am I to say. Anyways, I thought they were quite good! And the fact they didn’t get 4 stars, and others did, had more to do with the story the show wants to tell, either the Jellyfish group’s redemption from being down, or some complicated politics about K Group vs. G Group, than it did with the actual talent of the contestants. But also, it’s hard for me to evaluate the dancing with all the quick cut editing, and I can’t speak on the singing at all, so the judges masters could be seeing something that I’m not. They did go quite hard, and that one master made a good point about needing some nuance, needing to let the voices be heard. It just seemed Jellyfish was being held to a higher standard than others. I’m not personally super into their style, but they’re very skilled. Park Gun-wook seems to be getting the main character treatment, with his solo and all.
Next up: Team WakeOne from G Group. From Japan, I think? I forgot the details, I have to re-watch. They start with this little warm up thing, I think they’re trying to make themselves stand out with it? I don’t really get it tbh. But in the actual performance they’re also quite good. One of the things I was worried about going into this show was that there would be a lot of embarrassing flailing around on stage, but so far everyone shown seems very competent and well trained. It really does feel like a nearly professional level group, ready to transition to being an actual idol. I guess that’s the difference with SYTYCD, which had people from so many different dance backgrounds trying on new styles; here everyone has trained for this specific job they’re going for. I don’t have other thoughts on this group specifically, the edits are too fast for me to really evaluate other than “they know what they’re doing.” Oh, right! Haruto was the ballet dancer. Thirty fouettés. In socks! I’m very impressed (even if he no longer has a ballet dancer’s form.) He is a very expressive performer though. And the first all-star!
Next: Ah yes, the four from Taipai, with the contemporary-trained extremely flexible main dancer. I don’t remember much about them other than they were also very competent. And the contemporary dancer was quite skilled (even though I don’t particular enjoy that style of meaningless trick based competition style “contemporary” choreography that he did). But it impressed everyone, so that’s what counts, and luckily for me that will probably be the only time I see it here. And it got him all-star! They do love their cross-trained classical dancers, lol.
Oh this part was kind of odd. Next up was a duo from Vietnam, another from Thailand, and four from China… and they just sort of talked around their performances? I thought they were building up to a big reveal, but it seems like they did poorly and so the editors just decided not to show them? I do appreciate on one level if they’re protecting the candidates from embarrassment. But in the tiny clips they showed they seemed reasonably competent. Perhaps the big reveal will come later. They are getting the hardworking underdog with big dreams treatment, so I can’t imagine they’ll disappear just yet.
Ah the Americans! My countrymen. I wasn’t intending to be all patriotic, but Jay is kind of adorable. As that other contestant said, he has amazing reactions to everything. I was racking my brains for who he reminded me of: it’s Zeng Shun Xi, who played Wu Xi in Ultimate Note, especially when he smiles. These two are also well trained, danced well and sounded good. They seem more singing focused; I think the choreo was simpler compared to the others, the voices more highlighted. And Jay uses his face wonderfully! I’m totally charmed. I have a variety of thoughts and feelings about non-black people doing hip hop, and their style felt especially… imitative of R&B somehow? idk, I don’t really know what I’m talking about. But the influence of black hip hop and R&B on Korean music and dance is another large (and fascinating) conversation I don’t know enough to say much useful about. I guess the fact that he’s from the US makes it stand out to me more here.
And Jay gets another all-star! Poor other American, in Jay’s shadow. I do wonder how everyone feels about getting separated from their original group, as some get eliminated, as I imagine is going to happen. Have they worked together long, or were they thrown together just for this? I’m not “shipping” any of these people, but I can also see how these situations are rife with drama for good stories. I understand why Cheewin set part of War of Y in an idol competition show—so much potential here!
Halfway through! I’m impressed if you’re still reading my ramblings; I’m not really sure why I have so many thoughts about this show that I want to share, but I do.
Eavesdropping on the “private” conversations as the contestants are on break. I’m just assuming (hoping) that they know they’re being recorded. The chatter is about what you’d expect, admiration about how talented and good-looking every is, worry about how they’re doing. It’s a bit boring, but I hope the show continues to mostly avoid interpersonal drama.
The annoying thing about competition shows is that the contestants are forced to come up with these inane and vaguely xenophobic statements like “Group G can’t beat Group K. Why? Because are roots are different.” Just to build up the “rivalry.”
Ok! Now we’ve got the two groups from YueHua! And Gasp! They end up doing the same piece. If they were from different companies I would acknowledge the possibility of coincidence. But I can’t image YueHua wouldn’t know, so it has to be intentional. All the better to make comparisons! Group G YueHua is full of charming bluster, and both seem at the top level in terms of training and skills, but, sorry Global group, the Korean team wins this round. That 16 year old dancer everyone is fawning over really is very good. But I don’t think Group G Yuehua is going anywhere; they’re all too charming to be kicked off yet. (And here’s the “and ollie.” of that first post I reblogged! I’m still awaiting the “heterophobe” with bated breath.)
Oh yes, the violin! No one’s even listening, lol, there just impressed he can play! Which I am too, tbh. (I do wonder what twosetviolin from youtube would have to say about it, is he any good?) Zhang Hao gets himself an all-star with that and his high notes.
Ok, but I love 29 yo Lee Hoe-taek’s reaction when Han Yu Jin says he was born in 2007. Me too buddy, me too. (I just googled, he was actually FIFTEEN in the English way of counting age when this was filmed. He turned 16 last week. Holy shit.)
OMG. I just checked and that contestant who looks so much like the actor from Roommates of Poongduck 304 IS that actor. Kim Ji Woong. I kept thinking they looked so alike whenever the camera focused on his reaction (as it often does) and then I remembered I’d read there was a BL actor on the show.
Anyways, onward. Ricky and Zhang Hao are more nervous watching their Korean label-mates than the were performing themselves, but I can’t tell if it’s because they want them to do well or are worried they’ll beat them. Do the two teams train together at YueHua? For some reason I get the feeling they’re being supportive, but maybe its just because I like that idea better.
Omg it’s so annoying when they interrupt and restart and restart and restart the choreography to build dRAmA. Once again I say, I am not a fan of reality tv style editing. But Yu Jin really is a captivating dancer, and this choreo serves him well. I think maybe the group isn’t as good vocally as the Chinese team? but are collectively better dancers.
These little tidbits from the Chinese YueHua team about seeing the Korean YueHua team rehearse are fascinating to me. That’s what I like most about dance reality shows, these little glimpses behind the curtain. The Korean team had such stage presence, I could see it only coming alive before an audience, and hard to access in the rehearsal studio.
Now seems as good a place as any to share one of my theories about why most K-pop idol dancers I’ve seen (which I admit is still not that many), despite being incredibly skilled and talented, do not quite cross over to the WOW level for me of really inhabiting the movement. Part of it of course is that they are singers and celebrities as well, and the nature of that is that most of them end up being really good at two two things instead of absolutely amazing at one. But also I think a lot of them have mirror head. I don’t know if it's a real term or I just made it up, but it’s a real thing—when you train you spend so much time watching yourself in the mirror, perfecting every move, but you forget to learn to move your head naturally, so the dance doesn’t seem full-bodied in the same way. My hypothesis is that Yu Jin’s training has been so rushed (1 year!) that he’s largely relying on his natural talent and movement quality, and hasn’t accidentally frozen his head. Obviously there are many other little details that turn a performer from extraordinarily competent at dance to dancer, and of course the whole idea could be bullshit.
Four all-stars for them! It would have been sad if the last guy got left out, lol. First time I watched I wasn’t sure what I thought about Kim Gyu Vin asking to also do a solo dance, but this time I thought it was cute.
Tangent from all my tangents—I find it hilarious how they’re blurring out their signs. I know it’s to avoid spoilers about how many stars everyone has (since I assume they’ve edited this into a different order than how they actually performed) but because the stars are right over everyone’s crotch while seated, well…
Next up a solo act! This is adorable how he messes up his little intro line. I like how supportive Lee Hoe-taek seems. I’m finding myself grow fond of this guy for absolutely no reason. I just like his reactions. Perhaps it’s the “old folks” solidarity? (I’m a decade older than him, lol.)
I can’t tell what I’m supposed to think of blue satin shirt’s performance here. To me it’s the most high-school-talent-show level of singing and dancing they’ve showed yet, but also performing solo is a lot harder and more exposing. So I don’t want to judge too harshly.
This has got to have been staged… there is no way two contestants that just happened to be the only solo acts just happened to do the exact same piece and oh look! they’re also the only two wearing black slacks with slutty satin button downs in complementary colors! Spontaneous idea! Why don’t they dance together? It’s a cute bit though, so I don’t mind.
Oh yes! The master going to help red satin shirt fix his earpiece was also adorable. (These guys seem to be the comic relief of the episode. Hopefully for their sakes it’s on purpose.) I enjoyed his performance more, although it felt equally amateurish, I think because he seemed more relaxed and having fun. I liked the way he smiled through it, even if the judge master thought it was odd. “Something feels very loose about it. But I don’t want him to fix it and do it properly.” Same sis, same. Somehow it works, lol. I also love that he takes off his shoes and socks.
OK! I’m back to where I was when I paused to “jot down a few notes.” 😂 Several hours later:
The master is right, it does look better as a duet (this whole thing was definitely planned). They’re still no superstars, but at least they look respectable.
Oh dear. I was just thinking oh he’s kinda hot when the master said, “oh he’s handsome.” But he is!
Did these two really do the choreography for most of k-pop, or did the producers somehow set it up so all the groups keep doing their choreo? Since supposedly the contestants didn’t know these would be the judges until they walked into the room. This is where my industry ignorance makes it hard to evaluate things. Either way it adds a nice frisson of tension to the proceedings.
Oh dear. They’re bad. I do appreciate the editing and reaction shots making it clear it’s not just me who thinks that. But I do feel for any contestants who come on and get the you suck edit.
Another solo! I feel pacing-wise he needs to be good after comedy bad and just plain bad. Crossing my fingers. The soloist is right, both masters are very handsome 😄 This little bit is cuter than it has any right to be. Oh, I guess bad contestants are not over, instead we’re going all in on the bad singers 😬 I had such hopes for this dude after his dramatic start, but that was painful to hear. All of these singers are. It's not quite as kind about bad performances as I thought earlier, but at least we're only getting short clips.
At moments like these I wonder, were these bad singers deliberately chosen to pad out the NINETY-EIGHT and make it easy to cut? And give an excuse for this speech on the importance of singing the lyrics? As a non-singer I do find it interesting how performers balance the singing and dancing. But I feel bad for all these kids who came on with hope. Did they think their singing would be good enough? Or that their dancing was all that mattered (I can’t tell if they were good dancers because the clips were so short.) Or were they in on the trick of it all? I hope for the last one, but I suspect Mnet is not that kind.
Yeah it’s a long day, there are NINETY-EIGHT trainees here. (Seriously. I want to understand the point of that decision. Are they charging contestants for participating? Do they think it increases the drama for the television audience? We’ve barely seen a quarter of them so far and it already feels like a lot.)
Matthew, that was a bold claim, that you speak French! You had to have guessed they’d ask you to speak it. Good thing none of the judges seems to understand. (Not that he’s terrible, just trying to speak yet a third language that you’re not fluent in while under pressure. Difficult.) Anyways, I can’t decide now if he’s going to be good so they can keep him around (along with Jay) for the North American crowd, or if this is a sign of imminent disaster. They’ve certainly managed to endear him to me, I find myself hoping he’s amazing. Aw and this background story about his friendship with Sung Han Bin is adorable. He has to stay at least one more episode after this editorial treatment. Yay! He’s good :-) Not like mindblowing, but good enough to seem like he belongs there. Hmm. This is the first time we’ve seen the judges give normal actually useful feedback. I wonder why that is? The editors certainly seem to be promoting Matthew as "the one who will grow."
Sung Han Bin. I’m pretty sure it was him I saw on a video here who was dancing like amazingly well, so I’m looking forward to this. His very stiff nervous posture isn’t a good sign, but they are saying he used to be a dancer so I have hope. Oh yay! We get to see one of the choreographer judges dance! Oh boo it’s mostly just reaction shots. But she is good. And so is he, in the little bit the actually let us watch. Yay!
Oh interesting. They get to check boxes on what they think they’re good at and what they want work on. Did all those poor kids come thinking that they didn’t need to be good at singing yet? Also, they keep saying, “he’s singing this live, right?” Does that mean that some of them actually weren’t?
He seems good, but they won’t let me watch him long enough to actually seeee anything 😾. Honestly, he doesn’t seem quite at the level as I was expecting for having worked as a backup dancer for two years, but singing at the same time and being a solo act is a whole different ballgame. And his voice seems pretty good, considering that’s not his specialty. I wonder, are he and my arbitrarily beloved old guy Lee Hoe-taek the only ones who have worked professionally as performers before, or are there many of them? Oh wait, our BL actor friend with the kissable lips, Kim Ji Woong, was also a working idol at one point. Now I’m finding myself curious/nervous to see how he does. I bet out of the NINETY-EIGHT contestants, at least a few of them have experience.
Ok, a trio from Tokyo! And they too are doing a song by someone in the audience, although this time it’s a fellow contestant. The producers have to be arranging this for the drama. There are a lot of possible K-pop songs, right? I don’t know, I’m new here. Ahh. they made it a mandatory practice song. Maybe they just hoped someone would get the hint and pick it on their own.
Aww, why do I love Lee Hoe-taek so much? His reaction is adorable. He’s sitting all alone there in his center throne. I hope the show is kind to him and he’s able to use it purposefully rather than be used by it.
I’m not a big fan of this trio’s voices, but it’s a fun song, and it’s fun having something that the whole audience knows well. Aww, my beloved is crying over the whole upcoming generation dancing along to his song. I don’t know what conversations are had about mandatory military service in S. Korea in general, or specifically about the experiences of Kpop idols going in and then returning the world nearly two years later, but I could imagine that being intense for them in so many ways. Ok, that’s it, I’ve found my guy. I’m not necessarily rooting for him to win, because I suspect he has career path options that fit him better than a debut group with teenagers, but he’s still my guy.
And now we transition into his moment. My boy is going to make me cry. And I never even heard of him before this morning. But he gets to come baaaack! To the staaage! And he has to do it all alone. “How is a trainee?”—that’s right Ollie, you tell them, don’t let them diminish my boy. Aww, and he’s encouraging everyone in his pre-performance speech! But someone is asking The Question—why is he here as a contestant instead of a master?
Arg, this teasing editing is so frustrating. But it looks like yes, he is a PERFORMER. Such presence in those brief clips. I love it when unassuming-looking people turn themselves on on stage. Oh god, they’re building the drama as much as they can. Obviously he did well though, they’re all crying! And it seems like the official answer to The Question is that he just wants to someone to finally tell him he’s good at what he does. Aww. Break my heart why don’t you. Like, I’m not sure how much this character of Lee Hoe-taek has in common with the real person, but the character is compelling.
And of course that’s the cliff hanger. Well now I have to watch episode two to see my beloved perform. I won’t (shouldn’t) blog about it though. (I shouldn’t, but I might be tempted.)
And that wraps up day one, with less than half of the NINETY-EIGHT contests seen. And that was with speeding through some of them. I'd already forgotten the beginning, how are they going to get through it all. I remain curious.
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yibocheeks · 2 years
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I posted 499 times in 2022
105 posts created (21%)
394 posts reblogged (79%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 458 of my posts in 2022
Only 8% of my posts had no tags
#wang yibo - 171 posts
#xiao zhan - 137 posts
#my edits - 83 posts
#sdc5 - 42 posts
#cql - 36 posts
#street dance of china - 34 posts
#wangxian - 23 posts
#yeekies - 22 posts
#oath of love - 17 posts
#yizhan - 16 posts
My Top Posts in 2022:
无名 feat. Tony Leung and Wang Yibo
289 notes - Posted September 4, 2022
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See the full post
323 notes - Posted March 28, 2022
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Xiao Zhan for Ralph Lauren ①
325 notes - Posted June 5, 2022
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Happy 25th Birthday, Wang Yibo!
To celebrate Yibo’s special day, I’ve subbed the 180805 TTXS episode, an episode that was dedicated to Yibo and showcased his many talents as a dancer, motorcyclist, and singer. This is a full episode of celebrating how wonderful Yibo is. 💚
Guests include Zhou Yixuan, Li Wenhan, Cheng Xiao, Yin Zheng, Hu Xia, Ai Lun, and Wesley Wong.
Download the episode HERE. Password is Yibo’s favourite condiment, followed by an exclamation mark, all lowercase (_ _ _ _ _ _ _!). Note that the audio may not work if you're streaming, but it should work when you download it.
342 notes - Posted August 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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See the full post
358 notes - Posted January 26, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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jiannguo · 1 year
This has been the longest time between Xiao Zhan dramas airing, hasn't it? It has been over a year since The Oath of love and I'm getting super frustrated. We're being deprived of a good thing and I'm dying in the drought... Especially since there are such good projects coming up, whenever they do come. I'm personally the most excited about The Longest promise.
It has been quite a while yeah. Ever since Xiao Zhan' debut in acting, he had two dramas airing per year. Last year he had one "Oath of Love" which was in March, so yes it is more than a year since we last saw him on our TVs/apps . But it's not too bad, and this year still has halfway to go. This is a snapshot from his wiki page :
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I can't wait for The Longest Promise either, as well as Where Dreams Begin. With Xiao Zhan dramas, we know there could be a chance it may just air and announce suddenly. It has gotten super frustrated mostly because we were so close to seeing Chunsheng in Where Dreams Begin, there were even ads in newspaper 😭 .
I just want to add, even though us international fans miss seeing his new works, he hasn't been exactly "off" TV. Ace Troops has been airing multiple times on many regional TVs, and even in Cantonese. Oath of Love also were aired by several regional sattelite TVs. A couple of days ago, CCTV 6 (movie channel) aired Jade Dynasty again ❤️
On a positive note, his endorsements have been going extremely well. He has made a strong and prestigious name in the world of fashion, appearing beside CEO's of Gucci and TOD's. He has his own jewellery promotion line "Link to Love" in Gucci too.
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Overall I'm happy to see him out there, more international, taking a couple of trips abroad and just enjoying, being free. Last time he took a trip abroad was in autumn of 2019. I'm in Europe, it was quite fun having him in my same time zone.
Most of all, I do miss actor and singer Xiao Zhan. The year has been good so far, in the fact that Xiao Zhan is out there, attending events, and even interacting with fans. I hope he continues to attend more and more events, maybe perform somewhere as well so we can hear his lovely voice again.
Here's hoping to see these two handsome men very soon.
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Now we just have to patiently wait for his new dramas to air ❤️
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xiaosean · 2 years
Some time ago was terribly missing singer Xiao Zhan because it had been so long since a new song or a performance. Now I'm missing everything about Xiao Zhan, it's been almost a year since The oath of love and there are no signs of anything new coming soon. I miss him so much. 😭
need xiao zhan to come back and remind me who my gege is 🤧
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wutheringheightsfilm · 2 months
right back atcha wei wuxian!!!! and hm! jiang yanli!!
wei wuxian
My first impression:
he's everything to me
My impression now:
HE'S STILL EVERYTHING TO ME!! protagonist of all time
Favorite thing about that character:
i love his confidence, his righteousness, his intelligence!!! he literally is so fucking smart and i just really love how he saw the way cultivation society functioned, how it was designed to uplift him only when he served them, and decided to say fuck all that i'm going to do the right thing and did it. ugh
Least favorite thing:
nothing but my least favorite thing about how a lot of fans write him is that they will write him as being overly insecure when in canon he honestly isn't. is he repressing his emotions? sure. does he have a bit of a self sacrificing complex? yes. but is he insecure about himself to the point of thinking he never deserves any love ever? no. like i don't mind this per se it just gets very tiring when fic after fic stylizes wei wuxian this way AND it's usually coupled with making him extremely immature. it just gets so tired
Favorite line/scene:
Favorite interaction that character has with another:
of course the "who do you take me for?" "i once thought of you as my zhiji" "i still am" is the most iconic scene of anything forever. but i also really love the one scene where wei wuxian is sitting on the steps and wen qing sits next to him... it's so good
A character that I wish that character would interact with more:
MIANMIAN... i really do think they would be bestie boos if mxtx didn't hate women
Another character from another fandom that reminds me of that character:
in my mind i have a very specific web weaving post that i have yet to actually make online that web weaves heathcliff from wuthering heights and wei wuxian together. don't worry it all makes sense TO ME
A headcanon about that character:
even outside of cql and the fact xiao zhan is a singer, i think wei wuxian sings to himself like, all the time. i think he's always making noise. he's either singing or talking to himself like, all the time. it helps him think
A song that reminds of that character:
so so many but i'll narrow it down to just one. mercury by sleeping at last
An unpopular opinion about that character:
this wouldve gotten me guillotined back in the day before cql aired but i am team wei wuxian and lan wangji are the same height forever and ever. i also think they're both vers and now THAT'S unpopular
Favorite picture:
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i currently have this as a widget on my phone...
OKAYYY jiang yanli time!!!
My first impression:
omg she's so sweet i love her
My impression now:
omg she's just like me fr
Favorite thing about that character:
HER PATIENCE. if i was her i would've blown up lotus pier by age 18 to be quite honest
Least favorite thing:
the fact that mxtx fridged her so hard it's insane. i guess it's thematically relevant to the story that she dies but i refuse to accept that tbh. also when fans in the fandom insist that jiang yanli can't be sect leader because that's "girlbossifying her" wait til they find out she doesn't have to 1) fight violently to be a sect leader and it doesn't mean she has to change her entire personality to do it and 2) chronically ill characters can still hold leadership positions isn't that crazy.
Favorite line/scene:
oh definitely her confronting jin zixun at the golden banquet like she was legenderic for that
Favorite interaction that character has with another:
any time her and wei wuxian interact with each other is the best thing on planet earth idgaf. also that one singular conversation she had with lan wangji... in my mind i've spun it into jyl and lwj being best friends and i hate to see that isn't canon
A character that I wish that character would interact with more:
literally any other woman. also in my fic i have her, nmj, and lxc being friends and i wish that was canon too
Another character from another fandom that reminds me of that character:
hmm this is hard...she sort of reminds me of fuuka yamagishi from persona 3 !
A headcanon about that character:
my most famous headcanon that spurred me to write a fic about it is that she only became so good at cooking in order to avoid arguments with her parents
A song that reminds of that character:
everything's alright from jesus christ superstar but specifically the sara bareilles version
An unpopular opinion about that character:
i feel like very few people in the fandom actually understand her. like yes she's chronically ill and sensitive and quiet but that doesn't mean she can't do things like hold leadership positions or stand up for herself. everyone seems to think that just because mxtx wrote her with the women belong in the kitchen vibe that means everyone needs to take that word as law and never have her be an active participant in her own life. it's very tiring and very fucking annoying.
Favorite picture:
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i love her in this scene so so so much!
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happilynatalieposts · 11 months
I'll never get over how much I love Xiao Zhan and Na Yings songs together on Our Song ... Im rewatching their performances for the millionth time and they both sing so beautifully... I can sing along but hopefully I do the songs justice 😅 Since I don't speak Mandarin but I did study the lyrics for my favorite songs and learned them. He's my favorite singer along with BTS and Jimin
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rainbowsky · 4 months
I love this page . Very informative and lovely.
Have you written an article about Xiao zhan and his separation from wajijiwa company??
And About his company asking fans to vote their favorite singer in xnine during a concert??
I vaguely remember reading it in a hurry.. but now I can’t find it.
Hi dreams-and-dreamer, thanks so much! I'm glad you're enjoying my blog! ☺️
GG and DD's contracts are something I view as a bit off limits, to be honest. The terms of these arrangements are private and no one knows any details about them. That's as it should be.
I know fans like to discuss contracts and management and all that stuff (and I do it too), but I hope everyone can understand that the rumors we're hearing about things like this are just that: rumors.
It's true that GG sued Wajijiwa (and lost), we know that much. Beyond that not a lot is known. I've talked a little bit about these types of issues under my ggdd contracts tag.
I don't think I've ever written about voting. You might be thinking of someone else on that one.
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p-h03n1-x · 3 years
Ralph Lauren Frgrances Instagram updates 3.17.2022 with Xiao Zhan
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silkyruoye · 3 years
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Too be as stunning and beautiful as Xiao Zhan.
Sometimes I find myself revolving around and admiring the utter beauty of this man.~
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liliesiris · 4 years
hey everyone please watch this performance of xiao zhan’s cause it is everything to me
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veronica-nardi · 4 years
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E per una volta i BTS arrivano secondi 😂
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