#i love taz b i love taz b i love taz b
praesaepe · 9 months
"sturdy, denim, and blue" makes me lose it every fuckin time
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orykorioart · 11 months
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From Jan 2021
If you put a dragon before me I am already a fan, but to make that dragon a badass rogue and a lesbian? I am forever in love 😩✌️.
+extra sketch from Sep 2022
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jocasta-nightstrider · 5 months
Been thinking about Governor Kalen and the ways the fandom wants to see him get justice a little bit lately and forgive me for being capital P Predictable but I have an Opinion. I've seen many a "Reaper Squad hunts down Kalen" posts, I've seen a good few "Team Sweet Flips hunts down Kalen" posts, I've even seen some Lucretia and other npc posts about it. And I just want to say those are all awesome and I love them and I enjoy fics about that a lot HOWEVER. To be autistic about this I know in my heart if anybody were to hunt down Kalen it would be miss Jocasta "gave up nearly everything she's worked for in life to un-retire from adventuring because if she can't go out and fight for what's right and bring comfort and safety to the world and her loved ones via Shooting People With a Crossbow she will literally crumple up into a ball and die of sadness" Nightstrider. She would love hunting down that sack of shit so he can't hurt Magnus or anybody else ever again I know it in my heart so so much
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thepringlesofblood · 7 months
in celebration of the cover art reveal for the Suffering Game taz graphic novel - what's your favorite canon thing from Balance that was definitely meant as a joke that the fandom proceeded to take 100% seriously?
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plantb0t · 9 months
I wasn't expecting just how much I'd love johann in this relisten. I love him so much oh my god
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im-still-a-robot · 1 year
Absolutely tragically poetic of the a pair I'd best describe as "the lovers" and in love with love, to purposefully or not, remove the memories of love from others
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wutheringmights · 2 years
Wait oh my god are you a TAZ Balance Fan .??? I saw you retweeted art of Lucretia and now I’m just curious :D
I am! Lucretia, John, Magnus, and Merle are my favorite characters whom I still think about to this day.
TAZ Balance was the last fandom I wrote fanfiction for before this one, but that was a long time ago and under a different online identity. I still live in shame on never finishing that story. It haunts me still...
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luobingmeis · 1 year
it honest 2 god is wild that it has been a year since i started cql and, as a result, got super into mdzs as a whole. like both in a "wow time sure is moving" way but also ngl most of my fandoms recently have had a life-span of like a couple months to a year at most meanwhile cql/mdzs is like a roommate to me
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hilow · 2 years
can i just say im so excited all these ff14 people are coming over here because i hate twitter and using it and like tumblr way more and missed using it Extensively so bad but none of my circles were here anymore A N D now i can read LOOOONG posts about everyones wols and wish that my very non-wol characters were even half as cool
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katealot · 2 years
#heeeeey#thinkin about tragedy again (as im one to)#and i think… tragedy is about what the deceased believe in their heart when they end#im thinking about it mostly with taz as my frame of referance because of that one post#but i can carry this logic out to some of my other favorite tragedies#like my favorite tragedies are hopeful tragedies. tragedies that some might call cautionary tales but only by people qho didnt live it#hadestown. the magnus archives. taz amnesty.#in that order and re: what the deceased believed when they ended:#eurydice dying a second time now uttered no complaint against her husband. for what could she complain about but that she had been loved?#whatever happens…. we’ll be somewhere else. together? together.#you look up… and you hear the wind… and you see the stars… and they’re beautiful…..#so these are the hopeful tragedies that i so adore. beautiful and full of love.#but re: re: the post that made me make THIS post….#the tragedies that i love but find to be the truest rawest kind of tragedy are the stories like johan’s (taz b)#where someone lives a not insignificant part of their life with the fears that we all possess#and in their final moments their last fleeting seconds are not spent in love with the beauty of the life you have lived- however short#but rather your literal last moments of existance are claimed by fear.#that your mistake was fatal. that your life… your work amounted to nothing.#that no matter how many lives you have touched… that no one will remember you in death#for what can we do for those doomed souls? we tell their stories. we work so that their tragic end was the last of it’s kind#we tell ourselves that they know their death was not in vain#but for the cynical among us… we know that the only thing we know is that they died believing all their worst fears were truths#i try not to remain a cynic. i turn away as often as i can#i believe physically in souls. in the spark of life that we share with every person we touch#but i aslo don’t believe in afterlife. i believe in The End#if you know what i mean…………….
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orykorioart · 11 months
could we maybe…. maybe get some magnus and carey goofball moments?
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Oh absolutely! Magnus and Carey’s friendship is everything to me.
+extra: Carey visiting Magnus and his many, many dogs post-Story-and-Song
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(Feel free to send in requests, i’ll do a sketch when i have the time!)
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dogs2shouldvote · 11 months
in contrast with my last post, in my latest relisten of taz balance i also recorded a bunch of quotes that felt like a punch to the gut (with zero context mostly). here’s some that made me a) cry or b) freak out because foreshadowing
MAJOR taz balance spoilers ahead; if you haven’t already listened to this amazing show, you should!
- “you can’t kill robbie, i have some big franchise plans for robbie”
- “you found her?“
- “one of you isn’t a lich, are you?”
- “tell julia i said i love her”
- “your staff, you lost control of it, and you blasted the letters L U P into the wall”
- “you look familiar too. have we met?” (this one i did put context for, it’s ren speaking to magnus in the eleventh hour during one of the early loops)
- “is there anything else you can edit in our past?” (this one also had context, magnus to istus i believe)
- “you’re going to be amazing”
- “there’s a long span of time that’s just not there” … “while you’re looking through these memories… there is something about the memory is a little bit off. there’s parts of it that are a little bit staticky.”
- “i named my fish after him”
- “he didn’t want to be a hero. it wasn’t his desire.”
- “Do you remember the last thing you said?”
“I said ‘I love you, Jules.’”
- “lup. they don’t trust me. i cant do it anymore, lup. i’m sorry”
- “the hunger is almost here. and when it arrives, the world will be lost.”
- “and it’s an incredibly familiar face, because it’s your face, magnus. this figure in the red robe is you.”
- “why are you doing this, taako?”
“because i’m worried no one else will have me”
- “you see this red robe put a single skeletal finger to its nonexistent lips”
- ”i’ll be having my body back you undead fuck”
- “trust barry. love barry. taako… it’s me… it’s *static*”
- “when there was trouble, you took the big hit. didn’t you, bud?”
- “and taako you remember lup now. how could you forget lup?”
- “are we just gonna burn every world that we can’t save just to keep the hunger from getting its hands on them? how does that make us any better than them?”
- “this is where we get to decide who we are”
- “show them the duck. it’s a good duck. i think they’ll like it!”
- “your journey could have ended anywhere… but it ended here. and you’re so grateful for that.”
- “sometimes there aren’t right decisions. sometimes there’s just decisions.”
- “back soon”
- “as his body falls further and further down, you realize you don’t know who that is.”
- “magnus. i’m going to find a place for you to be happy. it’ll just be for a little bit. i can do this. i love you magnus. i love all of you *fading into static*”
- “you *fucking took everything. from me*.”
- “i needed to say goodbye to someone
- “i don’t expect you all to forgive me…”
“i run over and hug her”
- “there’s magic in a bards song. they call it is inspiration and it tells the listener what they need to hear when they need to hear it… and you hear johann’s voice and it says: ‘you’re gonna have to fight… and *you’re gonna win!*’”
- “how does magnus die?”
- “and thus ends adventure zone balance. the story of four idiots who played dnd so hard they made themselves cry.”
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theworldofotps · 10 months
Eight Months Ago
Pairing: HOOK x Reader Word Counter: 5242 Description: Eight months ago Tyler did one of the hardest things he’s ever done.
Slight angst(?), fluff, little hints of smut and some sad (sorta?)
A massive thank you @omg-im-such-a-masochist babes your support, ideas and just everything is always so appreciated. This wouldn’t have been possible or turned out the way it did without your help. Love youuu xx
I really hope you guys enjoy this it’s a little long x (I also hope it makes sense because I’ve edited it so many damn times) _________ Tag list:
@omg-im-such-a-masochist @melissahausen @new-zealand-chic @writtingrose @sjwrites22 @sassymox @mrsacklesevansmgk @xladyxfatex @biforrollynch @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @demonqueen29 @itsicantbelievethis666 @lilred91 @rebellious-desires @claymorexpunisher @letsgivethisonemoreshot @ava-valerie @shortyiceheart @serpantscorpio8497 @thatpanpal @thatnerdwriter @wrestlersownmyheart @vebner37 @auburnwrites @aews-four-pillars @seeingstarks @whenimakeitshine1234 @legit9thlunaticwarrior @blaquekitty @ironshamelessyouth @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin @ripleyswhore @melblacc @alliwant456 @elevennbloom @xbreezymeadowsx @mcreignsera If you wanna be added to the list lemme know. _________ Taz hesitated outside his son’s locker room, normally he wouldn’t think twice about knocking but lately Tyler seemed like he was on the edge. He wasn’t sure when it had all started, but he had a few faint ideas, one he could for sure almost bet was a big part of the reason. After another brief pause, he knocked and waited for the okay to step inside.
“Who is it?”
“Your father.”
“..Come on in.”
Pushing the door open, Taz closed it behind him and leaned against the wall his arms crossed as he eyed his son. Tyler was laid out on the couch, an arm covering his eyes and the other lying across his stomach, he hadn’t even changed out of his gear yet.
“Sit up we need to have a talk.”
“Can’t this wait till later?”
“No, no it can’t.”
Waiting until he was sat up and his attention was focused on his dad, Taz sat on the only other chair in the room. Rubbing his hand over his chin he took the time to really look at his kid, he had dark circles under his eyes. His hair was even wilder than usual and not because of having just finished a match. Taz had started to notice the slight differences in him, and to be frank he was getting worried.
“Look son.”
Taz started slowly trying to figure out the best way to go about this situation, he figured coming right out was best.
“I don’t know what’s been going on lately, but we really need to discuss whatever it is that has you feeling or acting the way you’ve been.”
“Nothing is going on I’m just a little tired.”
“That’s bullshit and we both know it come on Ty I wasn’t born yesterday; you know you can talk to me about anything. But for the last couple of months, you haven’t been yourself. You show up late for training, you hardly return any calls to anybody or when the guys invite you out you always decline. Your matches are still amazing, it seems the only time you’re really yourself is when you’re in the ring. Maybe it’s because it comes like second nature I don’t know. But what I do know is something ain’t right and it seems like it hasn’t been for a while.”
“I’m fine dad really just a lot on my mind but it’s nothing. We’ve been traveling a lot and it’s finally catching up.”
Taz eyed him for a few minutes then spoke once again this time with more caution.
“How long has it been since Double or Nothing?”
“Eight months give or take.”
Nodding, he stood and walked over patting his shoulder then made his way over to the door Taz knew his gut feeling was probably right.
“Well, if you do want to talk, I’m here remember that please.”
“I will dad thanks.”
Tyler said and flopped back down on the couch resuming his previous position, Taz watched him for another moment before leaving the room. Pulling out his phone he scrolled to the bottom of his contacts and hovered over the call button before clicking dial. Listening to it ring he walked away from Tyler’s locker room and headed for the parking lot. This was a long shot but like he’d told Tyler, he knew his kid and he’d bet money that the thing making him behave this way would be on the other end of the phone call.
“Hey firefly it’s good to hear from you again, listen I know it’s been a while since we chatted last, but I really need your help.?
*Eight months ago*
“Ty wait stop you’re going to drop me!”
Taz followed the sound of laughter and made his way to where the ring was being set up. Chuckling, he crossed his arms watching as Tyler carried Y/n around the barricade that was set up.
“Oh, come on you know I’d never drop you baby just hold on tight.”
Tyler chuckled back to her as he walked around a barricade and then started jumping up the stairs. The sound of Y/n’s screams being muffled as she pressed her face against his shoulder. 
“Be careful Tyler you have a match tomorrow last thing we need is you getting injured because you tripped going up the stairs. And we don’t want y/n getting hurt either.”
Taz called out and made his way down the ramp towards the ring, Tyler huffed but turned and walked back down the steps. Y/n still held tightly on his back as they made their way over to stand with him.
“I wouldn’t drop my girl she’s safe as could be.”
“Not the point son.”
“Thank you, Taz.”
Y/n said slipping off Tyler’s back and adjusting the HOOK shirt she was wearing a grin on her face.
“You’re welcome, you two look just the way you did when you were fifteen and making your way around the arenas waiting for me to finish a match.”
“Except this time, she’s mine and I don’t have to worry about her leaving me for an older man.”
Tyler teased causing Y/n to gasp shoving his shoulder as she crossed her arms.
“I didn’t leave you for another man I just wanted an autograph from Stone Cold and you were busy munching your chips while sucking your juice box.”
Y/n said as Tyler took her hand kissing the back of it lightly then kissed her lips chuckling afterwards.
“When I found her, she was busy drooling over him clutching the photo to her chest listening to him ramble about whatever.”
“I was not drooling!”
“Okay children okay it’s getting late Tyler needs to get some rest for the show tomorrow you can argue about this another time. Head back to the hotel and no funny business I mean it he needs to get a good night sleep.”
“Yes dad.”
Taz watched as the two walked off whispering and giggling as they went, he loved seeing his son so happy and the fact it was with someone who was already treated like family because of his connection with her uncle was just the cherry on top.
*Present* Pushing the hotel room door open Tyler threw his bag on the floor and made his way over for a quick shower. He was ready to just get clean and lay in his bed the exhaustion from his match was finally settling in. He was more than glad he didn’t have anything to do tomorrow so he could just keep to himself. Digging through his bag for a clean pair of pajama bottoms he walked into the bathroom showering and getting ready for bed. Plugging his phone in, he shut the light off, laying down on the bed and waited for his vision to get adjusted to the dark.
He still wasn’t completely used to sleeping by himself even after eight months alone, the bed always seemed much colder without her there. Tyler couldn’t help but shut his eyes tightly, the image of her drifted through his mind as it did almost every night. He couldn’t help playing that last scene back repeatedly like he always did. Sure, he may have been the one to bring this all upon himself, sure he knew that he could have gone about things a different way. But it was too late to try and change the past, now all he could do was unwillingly dwell on it.
*Eight months ago* Tyler rubbed a hand over his face as he sat on the bed, he was supposed to be resting up but he couldn’t help it. What he was about to do was making it impossible for him to go to sleep. Hopefully once it was finished, he’d be able to just push everything off and maybe things would go back to semi normal.
“Hi babe, I’m back sorry it took so long but Renee wanted help deciding on some outfits for the show next week.”
Y/n called out as she closed the hotel door behind her, making her way to the bedroom after removing her coat and shoes. Spotting Tyler she frowned softly and made her way over to the bed slowly.
“Hey are you okay?”
Tyler shook his head and got off the bed. He needed to have a little space between them before he did this. Swallowing back the nervousness he took a moment to collect himself, letting a neutral bored look settle on his features then turned back to her. Y/n the girl who meant more to him then anyone else, his light in this fucked world. They’d known each other all their lives and yet over the course of the time they were dating, his feelings hit fast.
“Look I know this is sudden and out of nowhere but I just I don’t think this is going to work out anymore. And by this, I mean us. I’ve given it some thought and there’s not really any point in letting it drag on. It’s better if we just end on good terms as friends or whatever.”
Tyler glanced over, seeing the shock on her face and the tears welling up in her eyes as he spoke. He knew this was going to devastate her, but he needed out. He couldn’t handle all this emotion and feeling, everything else that came with having a serious stable relationship.
Y/n stared at him and swallowed the lump in her throat as she tried to process everything he was saying. He was right this had come out of nowhere, she thought that they were doing amazing at the present time in their relationship. Sure, they had spats like every couple, but they always managed to work through them in the end.
“Where is this coming from? We’ve been together for nearly eight months. What changed, what went wrong? What did I do to make you feel like you needed to end this?”
“You didn’t do anything there’s no point trying to explain it I just know that it’s best to end things where they are before one of us ends up getting hurt…worse.”
“I thought you loved me. How can you say you love someone then go and do this without giving me a real reason as to why. I don’t want to lose you Ty please baby there has to be something we can do to work this out.”
“We’ll always be friends you won’t lose me completely this is just for the best; I do love you Y/n..in a way but I just know we can’t continue this it has to be over. I got you another room, so you don’t have to go to the airport this late.”
Grabbing the new key, he held it out looking at the wall to avoid watching the tears that were sliding down her cheeks. Tyler knew she was hurting but he couldn’t let this relationship go on and it was best that she hated him for now then for things to continue as they were. In the end he was worried about breaking her even worse.
Sniffling Y/n stood up and quickly went about gathering her stuff, Tyler watched her pack everything. His heart felt like it was going to pound out of his chest. He wanted more than anything to stop her, but he knew he couldn’t. When she had everything, she went to the door stopping with her hand on the knob just hoping he would change his mind. Sure, she could yell and scream but the thing she wanted most was for him to be happy. And if ending their relationship was going to make him happy then she wasn’t going to stop that. Walking out she closed the door behind her, leaving Tyler alone with the memories and a empty feeling in his chest.
*Present* Y/n stared at the tickets that laid on the table in front of her in an envelope. After the call she received from Taz a few days ago she was dumbfounded. She couldn’t understand why he would want her to fly all the way out to Chicago because Tyler wasn’t acting himself. She hadn’t seen or spoken to him since the night she left his hotel room. After having her cousin grab the few things, she had at his apartment she hadn’t had any contact with him. Of course, she had asked after him and even tried to send a text, but it failed to deliver.
Taz had told her he couldn’t figure out what else to do, Tyler wasn’t talking to him like he normally would. He wasn’t talking to anyone or being himself, and this was the last thing Taz could think of. Tyler and Y/n had been close as could be even before they dated so he was hoping that she could help. 
Honestly as much as she loved Taz and wanted to do this for him, she couldn’t just forget about all the hurt and anger she had felt at the way Tyler ended things between them. He couldn’t even be decent enough to give her a straight answer as to why he was breaking up with her. She’d spent weeks and months afterwards trying to think of what could have gone wrong and she kept coming up blank. 
“Tyler made his choice he obviously didn’t want me there anymore, he ended things between us why should I care if he isn’t acting right?”
Standing she felt all that old anger coming back to the surface as she stared down at those tickets.  “I really think he needs you Y/n”
Taz had told her; she had never heard that desperate tone in his voice before and knew that he must be really worried about Tyler.
“If he really needed me then he never should have left.”
Y/n turned her back on the envelope and made her way into the bathroom to have a hot bath. Maybe she would know what to tell Taz after spending some more time thinking. The flight was for tomorrow evening. Slipping into the hot bath y/n rested her head back on a towel, her eyes closing as the water gently swirled around her. She couldn’t help her mind wandering when she closed her eyes, thinking about Tyler brought back memories that she tried her hardest to keep buried in the back of her mind.
*A year ago* “Ty what if we get caught by someone?”
“We won’t baby, nobody ever comes down this it’s too far in the arena so we’re safe.”
Tyler whispered holding Y/n’s hand as they made their way down a dark hallway. He had just finished a match and despite still being in the arena; Tyler needed her now. He just couldn’t wait until they got back to the hotel. Stopping short Tyler turned pressing her against the wall, Y/n gasped at the contact of cold cement seeping through her shirt making her shiver as his warm body covered hers. Tyler’s lips met hers in a hungry kiss, his fingers pressing into the skin of her hips, Y/n let out a soft moan as he rocked into her. 
“Been thinking of doing this all-day angel ever since we got out of bed this morning.”
“Ty please I need.”
“Shh I know baby just be a good girl and wait. I’ll give you just what you need.”
He kissed across her jaw and down her neck, his hands slipping under her shirt touching as much skin as he could. Her nipples pebbled under his touch and soft moans fell from her lips as he worked them between his fingers. Tyler couldn’t help the smirk that covered his lips at the sounds she was making.
“As much as I love playing with your tits my dad will be looking for us soon.”
He chuckled softly before yanking her pants down to her knees a soft gasp falling from her.
“Fuck you’re already wet for me and I’ve barely done anything.”
He whispered in her ear as he rubbed her core through the new panties he just bought her. Y/n whimpered and whined as he pushed the fabric to the side. Pulling his own shorts down he fisted his cock stroking it a few times before slowly sliding into her. Y/n moaned head falling back as he laced their fingers together, rocking his hips forward.
“So, fucking tight.”
He hissed giving her just a few moments to adjust to his size before he pulled out thrusting back in.
“I love you Ty baby so much.”
Y/n cried out her legs wrapping around his waist as he moved in and out of her, Tyler’s eyes met hers a gleam of happiness in them.
“I love you too starfish, forever.”
*Present day* Wiping the tears away Y/n huffed and reached over grabbing her phone sending a quick message to Taz.
‘I’ll be there tomorrow evening.’ ~ Taz watched the flights flash across the board, she should be off the plane and walking over to the baggage claim any moment now.  Looking around Taz smiled mover making his way over when he finally spotted her, waiting till she grabbed her suitcase and turned around.
“Hey firefly it’s so good to see you kiddo!”
Hugging her tightly he kissed the top of her head and grabbed her suitcase offering his arm for her as they made their way through the airport.
“Thanks again for coming Y/n I know that things haven’t been good between you twos but I’m worried and nothing else is working.”
“Are you sure he’s going to want to see me?”
“Honestly yes I do. You should have seen the way he was after you left, I don’t know why he ended things, but he was a mess afterwards. He doesn’t know that I heard him every time I passed his room or went to his door. I’ve told him more than once that breaking it off with you was stupid but he’s a grown ass adult. Here we go let’s get in and head for the arena he has a match tonight, so we’ll keep you hidden until afterwards.” 
“What are we going to do if he gets mad and tells me to leave?”
“If you knew how miserable he’s been for the last eight months or so especially these the last few weeks even. I think seeing you would be more than good for him even if he doesn’t want to admit it. Maybe the two of you could finally talk and you can find out why things ended the way they did. If he really doesn’t, well then you can explore Chicago for a few days before going home. Or there is a ticket for tomorrow.”
“Yeah, having some closure would be really nice if I’m honest.”
“Closure yeah.”
Taz nodded holding the door for her to get in the car and walked around getting in the driver side.  Nodding y/n went silent for a moment she had tried to figure out once again why he had left but she couldn’t and unless Tyler told her she would never know. That was another reason why she had eventually agreed to come all the way out here.
Taz really was hoping that this would be good on both ends for the two of them. Making the drive to the arena they talked about a bunch of different topics, the closer they got the more nervous Y/n became. Yes, she had always hoped to see Tyler again, but didn’t think she would. Y/n also hoped she’d be able to keep her cool when she seen him. But part of her couldn’t help arguing that he deserved her anger after all. 
Parking the car, they slipped in through a back door and made their way down a couple hallways. Opening a door that was labeled HOOK, Taz stepped inside setting her case down and stepped to the side so she could enter. 
“I have Tyler in my locker room for now he won’t be in here until after his match if you need me at all just send me a text. Here’s the remote, and this is the wifi password I’ll talk with you soon, sorry to rush but I need to get to commentary.”
Watching him leave, y/n looked around and sat down she couldn’t believe she was here again. Turning the tv on she searched for the channel that would play Dynamite. She hadn’t seen one of Tyler’s matches in a few months, so she was intrigued to see where his storyline was... 
When his music hit Y/n’s breath hitched as she waited and then there he was, Taz was right he wasn’t himself. The rest of the world may not be able to tell very well but she could she knew Tyler better than she did anyone. Or at least she had, that’s why she was hoping he would be willing to see her tonight. The expression on his face and the lifelessness in his eyes. Shaking her head Y/n focused her attention on the screen watching as the match played out he was still just as fantastic as he’d always been. 
“Come on Tyler.”
She whispered and smiled when he got the pin, Tyler stood up lifting his title then slipped out of the ring. 
‘He’s on his way back just give it a few moments, good luck kiddo text if you need something’
‘Okay thank you’
Putting her phone on silent Y/n stood up and took a few breaths to calm herself down as she waited. When the door handle turned, she prepared herself and watched the door swing inward. His head was down so he didn’t see her right away until she spoke.
“Hello Tyler.”
Tyler’s head shot up quickly, he blinked rubbing the back of his head okay he must have been hit in the head too many times. Either he was hallucinating or Y/n was actually right in front of him.
“Y/n? What are you? Is it really you? How are you in my dressing room? What are you doing here?”
“Your father got ahold of me he said you haven’t been yourself lately and was hoping I could help somehow.”
Y/n shrugged her shoulders biting her lip as she watched him the door finally shut closing them in together. 
“And you came here just for that? I didn’t think..I mean after everything I wouldn’t have expected you too.”
“Well, I hadn’t really planned on it at first but I was hoping for some closure but yeah, he said he thought you really needed me. And well I have some of my own reasons.”
Of course, it was his dad that got ahold of her, the thing he’d wanted to do for weeks and couldn’t bring himself to.
“What’s going on Ty, what’s the matter with you?”
Hearing that nickname sent a wave of sadness over him and a lump in his throat he had to swallow around. Tyler ran a hand through his hair, an action that was all too familiar to y/n he walked over until she was in arms reach. 
“Feels like everything is crumbling around me I can barely sleep; I just feel so lost and I can’t seem to catch a break mentally.”
He mumbled as his eyes ran over her features, he couldn’t believe that she was actually in front of him right now.
“Have you ever felt like everything around you was just fine? The world in your immediate vicinity is doing rather well.  But for you internally, mentally whatever it feels like nothing will ever be right again, and you can’t block out the world completely, so you just try to ignore it.”
Nodding her head slowly as she listened to him speak Y/n watched his expression.
“Yeah honestly I have, still do at times. How long has it been like this?”
“The night after Double or Nothing, when I…broke things off between us it was hard for a while then I thought it was getting better. But it wasn’t nothing has been good since that night and it’s just getting to be too much at this point.”
Y/n felt her heart break at the vulnerability in his voice. If there was one thing that never changed it was the way she always responded to his emotions. She wanted so badly to reach out and hug him, but she couldn’t bring herself to. The feelings of hurt and anger were still welling up inside of her.
“Before I do my best to try and help you, I need to know something. Why did you end things Tyler? If things are so bad, why did you end it between us? And I want the real reason because after talking to your dad I’m starting to believe what you were spewing before wasn’t the whole reason. We were doing amazing at least I thought we were, and even the six months before that when you were training a lot. But then suddenly, it’s not working? I want the truth. I at least deserve that.”
Y/n said and searched his face she wanted to know, she needed to know the real reason. Needed to know the reason that caused her to lay awake at night, her tears falling on her pillow as she tried to think of what she did or said that made him leave.
“I told you already we just couldn’t-.”
“Don’t lie to me Tyler and tell me the truth and I mean the whole truth!”
Y/n snapped and cupped his face making him look at her and not allowing him to break eye contact. The feeling of his skin against hers still sent a spark through her but she ignored it.
“Before I was your girlfriend, I was one of your best friends, we knew each other better than we knew ourselves. And we almost always knew when the other was lying and that is what you’re doing. Now why did you leave me? Why did you end things between us when they were going so well? You just dropped me, Tyler. Like I was nothing. Like our whole relationship was nothing.”
She said letting him go and paced the floor in front of him she didn’t mean to snap but she couldn’t help herself. She was pissed, and still hurt. Swallowing she blinked back the tears and continued.
“Instead of being a man and talking to me about whatever was wrong you just tossed me to the side and didn’t even have the decency to try and fight for what we had. You may not have cared or thought I deserved a reason, but I do. I just want to know.”
“Because I was scared Y/n. You’re right, you know me better than anyone and you know that fear is not something I feel too often but when it came to our relationship, I was scared shitless. My feelings got too real, too intense so fast and I didn’t know how to handle it, so I just swept it all under the rug and ran.”
Tyler admitted, his head dropping, he didn’t know what else to say but he knew she had every right to know. It felt good being able to admit this to her and he didn’t know why the hell he hadn’t done it sooner. Then again, he’d grown up a lot during their time apart and realized that just because his feelings seemed to be too much too fast that it was okay.
“I’m sorry, I truly am I wanted to reach out to you a couple months after I wanted to make things better, but I couldn’t bring myself to. I know it doesn’t seem like I cared, especially with the way I went about everything, but I did. I loved you more than I ever had another person. You were everything to me. I wasn’t emotionally mature enough to handled everything. I know that’s not an excuse either but I’m laying it all out like you want.”
He was not used to being vulnerable and hated how it made him feel but maybe letting this all out would be the start of him getting back to normal. He knew that Y/n didn’t owe him anything so to say he was completely surprised when she wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tightly was an understatement. Tyler’s arms wound around her waist and held her just as tightly to him and felt like he could finally breathe for the first time in a long time. 
Y/n wasn’t sure how long they stood together like that just the two of them holding each other tightly but it felt good. Tears slid down her cheeks as she held onto him, this was something she’d been dreaming of. The relief of finally knowing it wasn’t anything she did, the anger knowing if he would have just come to her about everything they could of worked on it together. The sadness of all the time they had lost whirled around inside her. But for the time being she pushed it away and just focused on the fact she was getting to hold him again. 
“You have no idea how badly I’ve wanted to do this again.”
Tyler mumbled into her neck and reluctantly loosened his grip so he could look at her.
“Probably as badly as I’ve wanted to, I can’t believe that all this time.”
“I know I’m really sorry.”
Taking his hand Y/n pulled him to sit beside her on the couch and rubbed his hand that was still clasped between hers. Tyler shook his head and leaned back against the cushions a soft smile on his face.
“I can’t believe you’re actually here, how long for?”
“Well, we weren’t sure how this was going to go so I have two tickets one for tomorrow and the other is four days from tomorrow.”
“Would you be willing to keep the second one, I really think we need to sit down and talk all of this out more.”
“I wouldn’t have come all this way if I didn’t think that we could talk afterwards if you were willing. So yes lets get your stuff together and head somewhere maybe we could get some food because you really look like you need something to eat after that match.”
“You watched?”
“Yes, I always used to love watching your matches and I haven’t seen any in a while, so you have a lot to catch me up on.”
Tyler’s smile widened as he pressed a soft kiss to her cheek, he knew this didn’t fix anything, but he still couldn’t help himself. They gathered their suitcases and made their way out of the arena to the parking lot where his rental car was. While putting their suitcases in the backseat Y/n sent a quick text to Taz then climbed in the passenger seat.
‘Going to get something to eat and then talk with him we have a lot we need to deal with’
Taz pulled his phone out since it was a commercial break and smiled as he read over the message sending a reply wishing her the best of luck and then sent one to Tyler.
‘If it works out treat her right this time boy don’t let your fear get in the way of what or rather who you love most.’
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just-some-guy-joust · 2 months
im stubborn and i like talking here's the reasons i put every character i did in side a into the tourney. I'll do side b later cause i gotta go to bed soon
important first note, quite a few of my decisions were because i was trying to get women in here and it was getting desperate because i had to cut out a lot of women for only being "just some guy" because they were written by a misogynist that made her sit on the sidelines and cheer for the male leads. The Woman Situation Is Always So Fucking Dire.
anyways on to the actual contestants im gonna start with the characters that have been causing the most people to start up shit about them not being just some guy
barry bluejeans (taz balance): 2 submissions, personal bias. i think a lot of people are misunderstanding what this tournament is tbh. this isnt about the "normal" characters, tho normalcy does play a factor in it. this is about dudes who are just some guy. there is a difference. barry is a dnd npc who wears blue jeans in a fantasy world and he loves his wife. yes he is a lich. yes he is involved in the main plot. he's also just chillin. like if the plot didn't happen the way it did barry would be playing sudoku or crosswords. he'd be an average man in a very fantasy world. he is so average and human its funny. he is just some guy
tommy (hlvrai): 1 submission, personal bias. his just some guy energy is so there. he gets a propeller hat that does nothing when all of his crew is getting cool guns and upgrades. his life goal is to go home and take his dog for a walk. he gets a chuck e cheese birthday party. he sounds like he's going to burst into tears at any moment. compared to the rest of the crew, tommy is comedically just some guy
ulala (persona 2): 1 submission, description swayed me. it described the list of characters in persona 2 and ulala was just "your roommate that wanted to go to a party". that's hilarious. also i was getting fucking desperate for women that didn't suck ass as i stated above
apollo (ace attorney): 2 submissions, personal bias, descriptions swayed me. yall the submissions for him were so fucking funny. he's just a lawyer. he just wants to do his job but he lives in the ace attorney universe so everything is fucked all the time. he would've been a normal lawyer if he hadn't met phoenix wright. he's just chillin.
ok now here's every other character
sasha james (tma): 1 submission, friend bias, good description. i asked r if i should put her in because they know tma and they said yes. submission described her as loving to organize and avoided many monsters by being just some guy.
reigen arataka (mp100): 2 submissions. i thought it'd be funny and i was right. he is also just a normal man pretending he's not and he refuses to give up the bit he 100% deserves to be here
joy (underworld office): 1 submission, friend bias. the mc is going through wild ghost related problems and she's just going . hey man. you good??? r's sister submitted her and im not letting her down dude she's awesome
junpei (zero escape): 3 submissions, personal bias. he is literally the only character who has no connection to the larger mystery he's just there because he loves 1 girl. he's PAINFULLY and VITALLY just a dude. i need him
horse (centaurworld): 1 submission. i thought it'd be really funny to include just a horse. her name is horse. thats fucking awesome dude
phone guy (fnaf): 2 submissions. he was the only character from fnaf that got more than 1 submission and there were like 9 fnaf submissions i kinda felt bad tbh. he was also the best example of just some guy out of all the fnaf submissions
gordon freeman (hlvrai): 1 submission. he is a guy playing a video game. he is the straight man to the rest of the crews antics and by god he plays his role well
joshua gillespie (tma): 4 submissions, friend bias, hilarious descriptions. he avoids getting killed because he's so good at following instructions despite him clearly supposed to be dying here. they said don't open the coffin so he didn't. simply don't tuesday
namari (dungeon meshi): 1 submission, personal bias. i like her c: she's pretty level headed compared to like. everyone else in laios's crew. she seems like somebody i could just be friends with and hang out with
shez (fire emblem): 3 submissions, hilarious descriptions. i might try getting into fire emblem because of this. ok so they got murdered in a previous game off screen and now they're the playable character of a new game in a new timeline and they're fucking everything up because they're just supposed to be some guy? thats so fucking funny holy shit i want to know more
henry stickmin (henry stickmin): 1 submission. henry stickmin. like idk i dont feel like i gotta explain this one he's a stickman
stanley (tsp): guaranteed entry
whole (chonny jash): 1 submission, friend bias. tbh i saw him and went oh fuck yeah thats the thing my friends like and then i put him in there. i dont actually know enough about chonny jash to say anything on this but i fully trust the submitter knew what they were doing
larry (pokemon): guaranteed entry
luke carder (inscryption): 1 submission, friend bias, good description. he is just a normal youtuber in the lore of the game. he fucking love card game. good for him man good for him
leorio (hxh): 3 submissions, friend bias, good descriptions. idk a lot about hxh but the descriptions of him compared to the other main characters was pretty convincing
barry the quokka (sonic): guaranteed entry
april o'neil (tmnt): 1 submission, friend bias. absolutely normal girl that just happens to be the one that found the turtles and become their friend
tsuzuru (a3!): 3 submissions, friend bias. descriptions definitely made him feel like a good fit. he's so good at being just some guy i actually thought he was a different character and was shocked when i went to grab images for the tourney and he wasnt the guy i thought he was. which is really funny. like who the fuck is he then. this didn't change my opinion or anything it was just so good
matt (woe.begone): 1 submission. woe.begone fans have ALWAYS been kind to me so they got some mod bias sprinkled in. i dont know what this guys deal is but in the dbtn tourney the guy who got in there had a giant fucking list of things that are happening to him all the time and apparently thats just what woe.begone is like so i believe it when told matt is normal in comparison. everything else is so batshit wild I Just Believe You
gilear (fantasy high): 2 submissions. he seems to be just a dad. wasn't going to get in at first tbh just for personal reasons but i was running out of characters that i felt actually fit the tournament well so ultimately he got in
emmet (lego movie): 4 submissions. honestly with the number of submissions we got, 4 submissions was basically a guaranteed entry. and emmet's whole story is about being just some guy
stahl (fire emblem): 1 submission, hilarious description. fire emblem fans are so funny. what do you mean he can only be perfectly average because everyone else improves/gets worse with him to keep him perfectly average. what the fuck. thats so good
doug (wolf359): 2 entries. i dont know jack shit about wolf359 and honestly the submissions didn't tell me a lot but it was enough to figure he qualifies and i was running out of characters that felt good for the tourney. i trust you wolf359 fans
jack townsend (tales from the gas station): 1 submission, good description. he works at an evil gas station and the description gave me no follow up on what an evil gas station is which is awesome. apparently the horrors are constantly happening and he's just kinda staring at them. he's not paid enough for this
frisk (undertale): guaranteed entry
brian pasternack (yuppie psycho): 1 submission. im gonna be super honest with you here. i dont remember. i know he qualifies but i have 0 thoughts about him. maybe thats a good thing in this tourney. he's an average office worker who has now been tasked with killing The Witch.
trevor (american arcadia): 4 submissions, personal bias, good descriptions. dude i fucking love american arcadia it's so fucking good what a nightmare. he's so normal they were going to kill him for not being entertaining enough
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plantb0t · 9 months
I really do hope the graphic novels add in some more Johann moments. I was really disappointed they skipped his scene when they meet him for the first time.
He's a minor character but I think his arc is actually really important for the overarching themes of the story. He's a bard terrified of being forgotten, and of having no one ever hear his music or know of his existence. And in the end, even though he dies, his music lives on and gives the entire world hope. Thanks to the voidfish, everyone hears his song! The final arc is called story and song and the story is the story of the seven birds but the song is Johann's!
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