#i love the filters bit the most
can-of-slorgs · 5 months
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The other researchers are also here! (magical edition!)
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skitskatdacat63 · 9 months
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Downloaded a bunch of overlays and am now having a moment™
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useramor · 7 months
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pynkhues · 25 days
Anne in Louis wrote all the qualities of herself she finds the hardest to accept which is mainly his passivity abd inability to engage with life and it's why he rarely appears in books in tne future but also why his ending is very lovely. Lestat has a lot of her hjsbands qualities but is also largely based on who she kinda wishes she was or naybe believe she could be if she was born a man there's a clip going around twitter where she talks abt this so i think fans know.
Totally! I'm not disagreeing with that at alll, but for me it's like - - mm, Anne was perpetually shocked when people related Claudia's death to her own daughter's death, right? And yet that is understood by both people who study and understand Anne on an academic and critical level, as well as fandom broadly, to be an absolute truth. It's certainly understood by Rolin in adapting the show, who's brought it up plenty.
Anne herself was impulsive, litigious, prone to getting swept up in movements, prone to bursts of anger and feuds with people who arguably should've been irrelevant to her professionally. Those traits are Lestat, not Louis, and it reminds me a bit of seeing Junot Diaz on a panel many years ago where he said you don't see yourself how you write yourself, and other people in your life don't see themselves how you write them.
That doesn't mean Rolin and the other writers aren't connecting dots. They have the benefit of being outsiders in the same way the rest of us are, and again, I think to give Anne's prose to Lestat is both a fascinating choice and a beautifully realised one because as a writer, I can say that I think she latched onto him as a POV character for a reason.
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thebirdarts · 9 months
Weep Son of God. Weep for your Soul, and its Corruption.
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[You never asked to be Holy]
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typenonsense · 9 months
i wrote something !!
impulse thinks. (impulse fights.) (3565 words) by morrowmoth Summary: In his final moments, Impulse imagines a purgatory.
CW: LOTS of talk about death and dying and some distorted ideals of self-worth. Impulse, in his head, briefly and indirectly calls Scott weak for his trauma.
(there's a tiny bit of impdubs, but its only there for a couple chapters and to warn you it's also enemies AND lovers)
As Impulse dies, he can’t help but notice that he is alone.
Gem and Scott had been on the hill when he was shot and were forced to retreat as Scar and Pearl advanced. Now, they were gone.
Impulse thinks it would’ve been a greater mercy for the arrow to pierce him through the eye or for his neck to break when he hit the ground. But he wasn’t awarded a quick death. Instead, he has to bleed out, riddled with arrows, seared by the flames of the burning branches, his arm broken from shielding his fall as a survival instinct, shock probably going to kill him more than anything else.
Neither Pearl nor Scar noticed he survived. ‘Survived’ is probably the wrong word. Scar’s shot will kill him. It’s more like they didn’t notice he had still yet to die, they didn’t notice so they couldn’t put him out of his misery.
It’s okay, though. He doesn’t think he’ll have much longer anyway if his vision partially blacking out for a few seconds at a time is any indication.
Plus, if he was offered the choice of where to die, it’d be here. Home. Covered in fallen cherry blossoms, the closest thing to a funeral he could afford this far in the carnage. Petals turned embers falling in a golden shower around him, he thinks it’s a beautiful send-off. Lying in the clearing where Impulse and his Gem and his Scott would meet every morning and every night, he can pretend they’re still here, even if he saw them disappear over the hill a minute before. It makes him feel a little less lonely. His vision is blurry, but he can still see the cottages. He can probably pull himself into his own home with the last of his strength if he wants to, but he doesn’t move. Impulse’s cottage was His. The clearing was Theirs.
Everything is quiet now. All Impulse can make out is the crackling of flames. The distant hum of people talking, or rather, screaming, is there, but muffled. Everything is so much quieter in death.
Oh right, he’s dying. Impulse has died before. This isn’t his first rodeo. Not only when he bared his throat for Bdubs or laid his life down to Gem, but he’s also truly died before. Well, until he was resurrected after every time just to get thrust into another death game. But he has experienced True Death.
The first time, he was terrified. He didn’t know what was even happening. It was all blurred together in a mess of anger and confusion and hurt. Bdubs made it quick though, with a precise shot between his eyes. He didn’t have time to think. All he could do was stare back as his old friend aimed his bow, the glint of a golden clock on his hip.
The second time he was expecting it. Don’t get him wrong, he was mad. He looked Scott dead in the eye before he went and while he never brought it up, he’s pretty sure that as his first permanently dead, out-of-the-game kill, the look his eyes must have haunted Scott past even the horror of winning. (They did talk, however, about winning the game. Scott had said he wouldn’t want to again, it was too traumatic. Impulse kept it to himself but the thought that had crossed his mind was: 'I won’t be weak enough to let that happen to me'.) But Impulse knew his death was imminent. His mind was clear, even though it took a minute longer for him to die, gradually sinking into the soul sand. His feelings towards his death were simple, unclouded by the fog of betrayal. 
The third time around was just surreal. It also wasn’t unexpected, he could both see Pearl swing her axe again and again into Bdubs and feel the proxy pain of it striking true. Impulse collapsed first, Bdubs held up by the axe still buried in him for just a moment longer, but fell beside him soon after. The darkness took his vision swiftly but the final thing he saw were Bdubs’ eyes turning glassy. Briefly, he wondered whether Bdubs was seeing the same thing in Impulse’s own eyes. Then there was nothing.
Last time, he was still filled with the adrenaline of making it to the final two, of making Team TIES proud, of fulfilling Skizz’s wish, of having a chance at winning for them. He saw the same in Martyn and didn’t have any hard feelings as he missed with his shield and a sword pierced his ribs. But the thing is, final death worked differently then. For every participant, it was the timer that killed them, and it killed instantly when it registered someone had just been dealt with an injury that would kill them and bring them past zero seconds, zero minutes, zero hours. Impulse didn’t even really understand what had happened before he was gone. He felt a sharp pain for barely a second and then everything went away.
And now, here he is again, in probably his slowest death yet. And Impulse is not scared of death. He knows he’ll just come back to Fight, Fight, Fight. And he’s no longer angry, but he is alone, and he is tired.
Impulse hopes Scott and Gem win for him. That first night, after they had built their cottages, when they were all new to this game and everyone still had three lives, Impulse looked at them across the campfire and knew that they were fighters. Not necessarily in the literal combat sense (though that too, he had seen Gem kill, and kill well, and had even given his second life for her to take; and he has had some first-hand experience with Scott’s battling prowess. Impulse has to say he isn’t too bad himself, either.), but in the sense that all of them have what it takes to win.
Scott has won before, and gotten to the final battle both times after that. Impulse is pretty sure the only reason he didn’t win those games too is because he didn't have the guts to. Impulse hopes he chooses to win this time, for Impulse’s sake. But he doubts it. Scott will never let himself win again. He has resigned himself to lose forevermore.
Gem has a very good chance of being the last person standing. She's fresh to the games, and still has that hopeful energy of never having lost yet. She has not truly died. She’s skilled like no other in a fight. Even as hurt as she was today, Impulse knows she can still cause some serious damage, especially with an ally’s help. If only she had another ally by her side.
Impulse pictures a future in his mind where his Gem and his Scott are the only people left. Pearl, who betrayed Gem - dead. Scar, who killed him - dead (with a hint of satisfaction, he pictures Gem hacking her sword into his body as Scott mocks him, "Impulse sends his regards."). Joel, who killed his best friend (what? No, they were 'friends' the last game. Move on, Impulse) - dead. Bdubs... - dead. Both his allies stand before the succeed button, in the Secret Keeper’s shadow. Scott takes a knee and bares his throat. Gem looks into his eye (just as Bdubs has twice before, just as Martyn, just as Scott himself has to Impulse), thanks him maybe, lifts her sword past her shoulder and swings (just as Impulse saw her kill Scott earlier, and just as Impulse has felt himself). Impulse doesn’t think about the body. He thinks about Gem pressing the button to succeed, and he foolishly, jealously imagines what it must feel like.
Impulse knows when he dies, he’ll be alone. Gem and Scott probably think he’s already dead, and they’re too preoccupied with fighting the Mounders to come back and visit him anyway. He knows he won’t see them until next time, until they’ve moved on, when they won’t be Gem and the Scotts anymore. Nevertheless, he wishes he could see them one last time, just to congratulate them (they’ll win, he knows it). He just wants them to know he’s proud of them, for winning for him.
He wishes that once he dies, a brief purgatory could exist, just so he can talk to everyone one last time, just to hug Scott and gush over Gem’s victory (he’s certain of it). Just so that there is something else other than Death and Fighting. He thinks he’d like to get to know everyone. He selfishly thinks that maybe Gem and Scott would want to talk to him again and say the goodbyes they weren’t able to. To be Gem and her Scotts one final time.
Impulse gulps a mouthful of iron. As his blood drains out of him, so does his energy. But he keeps fighting to stay alive a little longer, just to be able to think of them. He wishes he could’ve talked to all his past allies, as friends, just one final time before they’re enemies again.
Maybe not the first time. He doubts he would have any friends left. He betrayed Dogwarts, Bdubs betrayed him. Maybe Cleo and maybe Tango would see him as a friend but Bdubs would certainly be one to them, and Impulse couldn’t have even looked at him, not when the hurt was still so fresh. Even now, four cycles of pain and grief and fighting later, Impulse still can’t forgive him. He doesn’t like to think about the isolation he’d undoubtedly face after his first death, when he is currently dying alone.
After the second game, even with the broken alliance, he thinks he would’ve liked to see the Southlanders again. He and Grian were firmly a team. The final two Southlanders. Martyn was still there, still around, but the secret of Etho’s wither skull was kept between them both. They were the ones who summoned the wither. If the game was fairer, Impulse thinks they could’ve wreaked havoc. He would like to see that Grian again.
And Martyn as well. Martyn was green, but as of his death, they were still on good terms. Impulse kind of missed the Martyn who was his ally. (Secretly, though Impulse knew alliances were supposed to start anew in the second game, he still refused to go anywhere near Bdubs, and expected the old members of Dogwarts to do the same for him. Yet Martyn happily accepted him nevertheless. It was only when he watched Jimmy leave after he was officially exiled, only him, Martyn, and Mumbo remaining, that he knew why. Martyn understood him and respected him. He understood that Impulse functioned on own his code, with himself as the last man standing the highest priority. Impulse looked back at Martyn and realised that he understood him because he lived by that very same code. Maybe that’s why he wasn’t angry at Martyn in that final fight two games later. (Secretly, Impulse wonders why his fallen teammates were at the forefront of his mind in that battle with Martyn when his code ruled that he prioritised himself.)
He enjoyed his time with Mumbo and Jimmy. Especially Mumbo, but he wouldn’t say that. He wasn’t there when they died. Grian talked about them as though they were rabid dogs needing to be put down. If Impulse got to meet them afterwards, he thinks he would forgive them. He thinks he might have even liked to be friends with them, given the chance.
He thinks that maybe he could have negotiated peace between the other Southlanders, that maybe they could’ve forgiven each other, that maybe they could just enjoy each other’s company, for just a moment.
Impulse hated Bdubs. It was one of the known laws of the games, ever since the first one. He kept civil when he wasn’t red, but when that wither he spawned on Team BEST’s base took Bdubs’ penultimate life, he let out just a bit of that unforgiving, unthinking, festering rage. He didn’t regret it one bit, even when he died soon after. But his grudge never abated at all.
Impulse ponders on what he’d say to Bdubs after the third game. After having to keep civil for an entire cycle, after having to help the person who betrayed him just to survive, after being asked to give his traitor a symbol of his treachery. He was forced to depend on Bdubs to have any chance of winning.
Impulse thinks that after, he would maybe let that rage left to boil up to the brim spill out. Maybe he’d yell and scream, let him know just how much he hated him, let him know all the ways he’d get his revenge, let him know that he would never let up. Maybe he’d grab his collar and give him a demonstration without fear of injuring himself.
But Impulse doubts it. Because there was something delicious about the third game. About being in control of whether Bdubs lived or died. About subtextual threats that Impulse could very well carry out, Pearl as a living example of what he could do to him. About masquerading as a happy couple, about their masks being of their own faces, about not having to hide much at all really, because it was so fun to be sharing a life with his worst enemy. About looking into Bdubs’ eyes and seeing that same sadistic intent he feels reflected back at him, about knowing he knows that Impulse is still out for revenge, about knowing that Bdubs enjoys that more than anything. About truly knowing each other, inside and out, about joining forces to tear everyone but themselves apart. About the electricity of dancing on a live wire with someone you know in any other circumstance you would throw off, but instead holding hands and stepping in time and knowing that this time, you are going to win.
Impulse doesn’t think he would scream or hurt Bdubs after the game. Impulse doesn’t think he would let Bdubs know how much he hates him, because Bdubs had already known. As soon as they realised they felt each other’s pain, Bdubs had known. Impulse instead thinks there is something beautiful about the intimacy of someone who knows you so well, in not love, but hatred. Impulse thinks that it might circle around to be love when you are in such sync with them.
Instead, Impulse would grin down at Bdubs, something evil in his expression, but only someone who knew him as well as Bdubs did would see the challenge there. Bdubs would grin back at him, a glint of mischief and gratification in his eyes in return. They would link arms, straighten their postures, share one last devilish smile, and go together to revel in everyone else’s arguments and misery.
Impulse loved Bdubs. Though they may have not won the death game, they certainly have won their own. (Quietly, Impulse wonders if Bdubs’ mind would be on Etho, even as they would gloat over their perfect relationship.)
Impulse might have cared about Team TIES more than anything.
Having a break to fester in the fact that he betrayed his team for the team that would betray him would practically kill him again. He would like to hang out with the residents of the Southlands once more, but it was always a patchy alliance, so he could settle for having his final goodbye to them being within the game. His time with Bdubs in the third game ended in honesty quite a comforting way (Impulse sees the irony), dying together, with Bdubs the last thing he saw, and they never really ended whatever they had going on anyway, they just found themselves in different situations.
So a limbo time after each of those games would have been nice to get a break, but he wouldn’t have been super pressed on the social side of things. Yet Impulse would give anything to see Team TIES again. To tell them that he did it, he made it to the top three for them. Skizz would hug him tight, tell him that he was so proud of him, for getting second place for him. Tango would cheer so loudly he’d catch all the other groups’ attention, yelling out that the TIES made it to second, among other half-finished jubilant cries. Etho would quietly thank him for fighting Martyn to the best of his ability and carrying on without him.
But most of all, Impulse just wanted to be a part of TIES again. He wanted to reassure Skizz and Tango that they were invaluable to the team, that Skizz did not die in vain and that he could do so much more if he just put some more faith in himself, that Tango’s death was not stupid but human and his work on the tower was just wonderful. He wanted to stand side by side with Etho as they shared tips, and as they sparred in demonstration he would be in silent awe that yes, that is his teammate, and he couldn’t have done anything without him. He would listen in as they joke and laugh, and as Etho runs from the Clockers again, and as Skizz maybe gets a bit too mischievous in an exchange with the Bad Boys, and as Tango gesticulates wildly in a compelling discussion with the Nosy Neighbours. And Impulse would wonder when he started feeling at home.
Why did he get second place for Team TIES? In any previous cycle, he would’ve thought it his almost-win and his alone. Not Crastle’s, not the Southlands’, and only Bdubs’ because it would quite literally also be his second place. And Impulse, not basking in the joy of simply being around his TIES, but dying alone on the ground, comes to the easy conclusion that Crastle and the Southlanders, even without the betrayals and breakups, were flimsy alliances at best.
He never felt truly a part of Crastle. Sure, he was a member of the Day One Crew, but he spent most of his time in Dogwarts. Even when he was a double agent, and even when he had firmly abandoned Ren, he never really felt welcome, he was never trusted. And he was okay with that. Really, he just wanted to win. And Crastle was a tool to help him get to the end.
The Southlands were big, and lacking in lives, and in that game, there was a curse instilled that was all about betrayal. Suspicion was inherent. He made some sorta-friends, and he stayed on the majority of his teammates’ good sides, but there was no real team connection. Every single person within the Southlands’ walls was acting in their own interests above all else. Maybe not Mumbo, naive and new to the games, and maybe Jimmy was a bit idealistic, but it changed nothing. There was little loyalty in the Southlands.
But Team TIES was close from the start. There was just this air of cooperation and love and care. A helping hand was always available. A joke and kind word were frequent. Team TIES were a true alliance, and some actual friends in a death game. But it was only at Skizz’s sacrifice that Impulse realised it all, and realised that he would win, not for himself, but for TIES.
Impulse wonders if that’s why it was a little easier this time to accept the fact that he was dying. Because Gem and Scott were going to win for him, and just as his second place was TIES’, their win will be his.
Impulse misses them. He’s getting really tired now, his eyelids are threatening to droop shut.
It would be nice if he could see Gem and Scott again. Just sit and talk. Play their final concert together. He never got to say goodbye.
In his ideal future, it’d be Gem and Scott at the end. Scott can congratulate Gem, Gem can thank Scott. Impulse can’t be there. He is dying here. Unable to cheer or comfort or be a part of the winning team. He wants to dream that they would say a few words for him, that this victory would be Gem and the Scotts’. But Impulse knows that they are winners, not second-placers, and that in the end there will just be Gem and Scott.
Impulse can feel his body shutting down. His eyes are closed now and he can no longer feel the stinging of the burns, the pain of his other injuries long gone. He is about to die. He won’t win this game. He is the first of his team to drop. Impulse is not a winner, not this time. He imagines that when he comes back from the dead, Scott will gently tell him it was all a dream. That Gem will take his hand and bounce on her heels, announcing that they had done it, the three of them had made it to the end. That they’re not just fighters, they’re winners. But Impulse knows all too well he is about to drop, he can feel his consciousness on its way out, he knows he is about to stop thinking. He will not see Gem and Scott again as friends. When he comes back, he’ll be alone once more.
And Impulse will fight.
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girlmikeyway · 2 years
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astro-b-o-y-d · 10 months
I need to write Hitomi and Bill's friendship soon or I will die
#Hayley Writes Triangulum#I will probably die because it doesn't come in until way later but augh#I wanna write them being the most cursed besties of all time#He's her most specialest blorbo and he loves it when people show him in attention so they should NOT be in the same room together#They will eventually be in the same room together#They're basically the platonic version of the Red Flags music video#She'd make funny little edit videos of him all while he's watching over her shoulder and telling her which filters to use#She's GOING to cut off his arm one day for scientific study-#-and the only reason he's against it at all is because he will be in a very specific scenario-#-the blood loss could actually kill him for realsies#When Ford tries to warn her about Bill's trickery she's just like 'It's fine uwu If he tries anything I'll just kill him~'#Ford has no comeback to this. That's a lie; he has so many comebacks but he has no idea where to start#Although in his defense; she IS aware of how dangerous he is#But also she was raised in a two-bit circus full of weirdos and dangerous people#She knows how to handle herself around people who could potentially kill her#The perks of being a surgeon is that you become VERY acquainted with human anatomy and how it works#And what makes it STOP working#Part of the reason she gets so interested in the anatomy of the supernatural is because she already knows so much about ours#But to truly conquer any fears of the unknown#She must make it known to herself and learn everything she possibly can#ANYWAY she originally started as a Toko/Mikan mashup character as a way to fill the numbers but I've really grown attached to her as an OC#She's so sillay
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crimezi · 10 months
ello ello i took ur dsmp uquiz and got tubbo :D ur playlists are very nice btw ^^
idk just wanted to say hi and have a nice day :]
oh dear lord, that quiz is so old!!!! glad you enjoyed it tubbo's was my 2nd favorite dsmp playlist because i had so many feelings about him circa jan 2021 but like a few months back i added a few songs to all of the dsmp crew i should update that quiz for sure
have a great day too >:3
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arklay · 2 years
because i’ve made some new mutuals recently i’ll post about it again: i track #userarklay and you are more than welcome to tag me in your gifs and creations!! i’d love to see them all and reblog them for you ​​♡
#leah.txt#also not limited just to like gifs but mutuals you can also tag me in your art and writing (and really any oc creations) if you’d like to#because i do want to see them all and sometimes miss them!! i haven’t been as active on here in terms of scrolling through the dash so i’ve#definitely missed things. but also just a side note with this please do not tag me in hp stuff ever or i’ll flat out block you. and please#trigger tag spiders/insects/pregnancy/infertility/child death/incest :) if that’s not so much to ask ofc#(can't believe i even need to say that last one oof)#just a little reminder if you post those things and if i don’t interact with them then that’s why!! i am not just ignoring your things i#promise!! also if you make oc things and don't feel comfortable tagging tracked tags because i know the idea of doing that makes me a bit#oughgh then you can always send them to me in dms because i love to see them!! with some filtered tags (mainly pregnancy) i will brave the#storm at times cause most times i'm okay with it if i know that content is being talked about but if it hits me out of nowhere and i wasn't#ready for it or if those topics are talked about particularly insensitively then i will get a bit weird about it idk#oh and i also never like and don't reblog just so creators know!! if i do like something and don't reblog it (which i rarely ever do)#then it's in the queue!! and same goes for if i don't reblog something for a few days. it's either in there or my tag ate it and in that#case you can send it to me and go hi hello hiiii. same goes with writing. i might just need a bit cause i'm a slow reader so it will take#me a bit to get to it!!
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arolesbianism · 2 months
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Some more concept designs for my newest iterator ocs! In order we have Endless Grains of Sand (she/her), Deep Coated Mist (she/her), Purity Preserved (he/they), and Twisted Orbit (he/they/she). This is also in order from oldest to youngest, Sand and Mist are both Very old
(Synchronized Light is also a part of the group, they’re the very youngest)
#keese draws#rain world#rain world oc#iterator oc#rain world iterator#rw iterator#I’m considering adding one more member to the group but I’m not sure yet#I kind of wanna make someone to be the token just some guy of their local group since currently they’re a bunch of freaks and also sand#sand doesn’t count as the normal one though because she’s absolutely ancient and also in old woman love with mist#I need some just completely unremarkable guy to balance out these guys#but yeah real brief summary these guys are unique because they basically all recycle mist’s water output until it makes it’s way back to th#ocean that sand draws from and filters to send back to mist#mist is located on the peak of a very large mountain and is wildly innificent due to her being a rly rly old model so the steam she#produces condenses and flows down the mountainous area she’s located in#and that leaves to there being enough water in the vast rivers and lakes she ended up producing to be used for several other iterators#newer iterators mostly but purity is a gen 2 iterator so he’s not even as efficient as the newer models mist is just that inefficient#mist is also easily the biggest of her local group with synch and light being in second#personality wise sand is very logical and blunt but not mean or aggressive more so just very earnest#she still comes across as distant but that’s mostly just because she believes it’s important to not influence those around her too much#mist on the other hand is a lot lore grumpy and judgementsl#she takes great pride in her history and has very strong beliefs about how things should be gone about and it frustrates her when others#disregard these ideas especially when it comes to her younger neighbors who mostly very much do not respect her#purity is very full of himself and has been obsessed with the idea of being the first to produce a genuine triple affirmative#he ofc was pissed as hell when the sliver incident happened and is desperate to find a way to rewrite that bit of history in his favor#and orbit is very detached and cold towards most of those around her but will love bomb the hell out of anyone she takes a liking to#orbit used to have a sort of girlfriend who was an ancient who she used to watch paint#and eventually said ancient got arrested and sentenced to doing hard labor for a time and orbit pulled some strings to get her stationed to#do cleaning and repairs for their superstructure so that the two could meet in person#but things got real messy and moment (the ancient) ended up incredibly miserable and desperate for an escape before she ended up dying in#a void fluid pipe rupture incident leaving orbit in shambles
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celestiamour · 1 month
‧₊˚✧ ❛[ it's a gift (you keep those) ]❜
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ft. logan howlett x f! reader — xmen, marvel
╰₊✧ giving him a plushie that reminded you of him┊1k words
setting: deadpool & wolverine (2024) worst! logan contains: fluff, crushes, probably ooc but he’s so cute & wade is hard to write for, written for dp&w logan so idk if he got gifts in xmen, i forgot about laura, they are in touch and have a wonderful father-daughter relationship, i’m so sorry, edited
➤ author's note: i have so many thoughts but too incompetent to write
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logan’s never sure who will appear when he opens the door as wade’s quite the extrovert, either vanessa or one of his many other friends whom he’s now become somewhat acquainted with, but he certainly wasn’t expecting to meet the familiar eyes of the cute neighbor who lived a few doors down. he nervously scratched the back of his head, suddenly becoming aware of his shabby appearance, “uh, are you looking for wade?”
“no, i was actually looking for you!” god, your smile is so bright, it’s blinding. he normally hates perfume of any sort as it’s so overpowering to his heightened senses, but the one that you wore smelled so lovely like always. is that a new shade of lip gloss you’re wearing? it really suits you. (why on earth is he noticing all of these details out of the blue? he needs to snap out of whatever spell you put on him after being introduced when he first showed up and only interacting in passing since then).
“looking for me?” he repeated, in disbelief, trying his best not to allow his surprise to slip into his voice. considering he isn’t from this dimension and not the most agreeable person to be around, he had no friends of his own yet and hasn’t been visited by anyone since he got here. a beat of panic struck him, thinking that he was in trouble for something and you came to complain. he really couldn’t think of any other reason you were here for him even though you were so cheerful.
you were carrying some shopping bags with you, dropping them on the ground before reaching into one and pulling out a large fuzzy plushie of a gray cat hidden under layers of glittery tissue paper, “i saw this cutie when i went shopping with my friends and thought it looked like you!” you held it out for him to take, looking so proud of the stuffed animal.
he hesitated for a second before accepting it, trying to take in the fact that you were reminded of him in your day-to-day life. it made his heart flutter, and he found himself dumbfounded by the feeling. he was frequently teased by his roomate about his little “crush” on you, claiming that it was oh so obvious and that the sooner he accepted it, the better, but he never realized until now how pathetic he was when it came to you. was the wolverine really getting butterflies like a fucking schoolgirl in his old-ass age? thank god no one was home right now to bully him about it, he would never hear the end of it.
“it does not look like me,” he scoffed playfully after a quick examination.
“no, it definitely does! it’s a big, grumpy kitty—” you took a step closer to hold it with him, pointing at all the similarities you observed, although it was clear you were exaggerating for laughs. “see the little frowny face and ears? it could be your identical twin separated from birth! willy mentioned that you act like a cat most of the time, and i think it fits perfectly!”
the smile he didn’t realize was plastered on his face faltered at the last piece of information, grateful that you didn’t notice. that idiot has been talking about him to you? he might as well forget about any chance of getting with you, because knowing how he yaps without a filter and loves to play matchmaker, you probably think he’s a freak of some sort. “only good things, i hope…”
you giggled, the sweetest sound he ever heard. “of course, he’s really fond of you… well, maybe a bit too fond, but you already know about that!” you opened your mouth to continue the conversation or say something else, but your phone started ringing and you excused yourself, looking a little shy as you grabbed up your bags. “i’ll talk to you later!” you sounded so excited about the prospect of it before leaving, your voice and footsteps becoming fainter as you walked back to your place.
“wait, you didn’t take back the cat—”
“it’s a gift! you keep those!”
“oh… right…”
he lingered for a moment, unable to say much in response since you left in such a rush. when was the last time someone gave him a present? staring at this brand new item, he still couldn’t see the resemblance in any way, but knowing that it was a gift from you gave him a rare feeling of happiness which returned every time he looked at it from then on among his few possessions. 
“oh my goodness, what is this adorable thing?!” wade exclaimed when he saw it sitting on the couch where logan slept, picking it up to gawk at before tossing it up in the air and catching it before it hit the floor. “ooh, let me guess, it’s a gift from her, isn’t it?” 
the mutant groaned at his mocking tone. “put it down before you ruin it with your grubby hands,” he commanded, snatching it from his grasp (rough enough to make his point clear, but carefully enough not to tear it apart). his roommate didn’t even bother pretending to be offended like he usually would as he was simply overjoyed that his “ship” was coming true. “it doesn’t mean anything, don’t make it weird.”
“it doesn’t mean anything?! how can you say that when it’s going to be the first gift you give to your first child together—”
“first what??”
“nevermind, what are you gonna name it?”
“i have to name it?”
“have you never owned a stuffed animal before? you have to name it! how heartbroken is she going to be when she asks what you named it and you say that you haven’t done that?! she’s gonna think that you don’t value her gifts!” you would think the world was going to end if he didn’t do so if you heard the way he was speaking.
“fine, i’ll name it…” he looked deeply into the toy’s soulless eyes, noting how soft the outer material was against his calloused hand, “... fluffy…”
“that’s such a shitty name—”
“shut the fuck up, it’s been decided.”
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hotyanderedaddies · 7 months
Trying to Ignore a Yandere Demon Who Wants to Claim You
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[Yandere! Demon x GN! Anxious Reader]
"Whatever you do, do not-- I repeat: DO NOT acknowledge the demon in any manner. If you do, then he can latch onto you and take you."
The words of the psychic you'd contacted for help kept filtering through your head as you stared blankly forward, forcing your eyes to laser focus in on the bright colors of the TV. The volume was on full blast as you attempted to drown out the sounds of him.
"Darling," that eerie, deep voice echoed out. Its user was so close that could feel its hot breath wafting over your cheek, but you refused to give the slightest indication that you'd heard it.
"If a love demon decides that it wants you, then it'll follow you around nonstop like a lovesick puppy. It'll do anything to get you to notice it..."
The demon playfully ran one of his fingers through your hair, his skin hot to the touch. He completely dwarfed you, looking like he outweighed you by fifty pounds of pure muscle and was taller by at least two feet. His demonic proportions made him look hulking and menacing, yet whenever he looked at you, his mouth pulled into a large smile.... full of razor sharp teeth.
"Will you look at me, Darling?" he asked, sticking out his lower lip mockingly. "I love you. I only want to talk to my darling."
"Don't look at it. Don't listen to it. Don't react to its movements. The slightest indication that you're aware of its presence is a sign the demon takes that you've agreed to be theirs..."
The demon huffed, irritated. He stomped his way in front of the TV and glared at you with his glowing eyes. "I know you see me," he accused.
You refused to stop glancing forward, pretending that you could still see whatever show you were trying to watch.
The demon tore his shirt away from his body, showing off his impressive chest muscles. He held his arms out, as if to show off to you. "Check it out, Darling," he announced, "I'm bigger than most of the other love demons. So I can protect you and take very good care of you."
He slowly approached the couch.
"Because a love demon makes its presence known to only one person: their darling."
"I love you so much, Darling," the demon cooed, placing both of his hands on either side of your face.
You winced internally and tried your best to look deadpan, avoiding the demon's glare with all of your might.
You refused to break, because if you did, then you'd belong to a demon for all eternity.
But damn it, he was persistent.
Ever since he'd made his presence known to you last week, the demon followed you around everywhere you went, trying to get you to acknowledge him:
He'd cause a ruckus in class, throwing textbooks and chairs around, leading to the other students thinking that you were out of your mind and throwing them yourself.
He'd follow you into the shower and jerk off as you bathed, talking about how he couldn't wait to touch you himself.
He'd sing soft lullabies to you as you tried to sleep. And he would frequently get under the covers with you too, snuggling you from behind.
He'd follow you whenever you went grocery shopping, threatening to push one of the elderly shoppers in front of one of the moving vehicles in the parking lot. But you couldn't warn the other person unless you wanted to be taken by a demon. RIP.
He'd even gone so far as to set your dinner on the stove on fire, and you had to mutter loudly that you'd foolishly forgotten to turn the gas off.
He was growing impatient.
"Darling," the demon growled, baring his large teeth at you, "all you have to do is notice me, and I promise that you'll be all mine. All mine, and no one else's. Doesn't my sweet baby want that?"
He bit down on his lower lip for a second before perking up.
Before you could guess what was going on in his mischievous head, the demon pressed his warm lips against yours. They were soft to the touch and warm thanks to his high body heat.
It felt good at first, until he playfully bit down on your lower lip--
With a loud gasp, you jerked back and made eye contact with the demon out of shock. Oh shit...
"Finally!" the love demon laughed as your heart fell to the floor.
He lunged forward and wrapped both of his arms around you, yanking you deep into his embrace as if he were a cage. The temperature seemed to rise rapidly in the tiny living room as the demon began to transport you to wherever he dwelled, and to wherever you knew he'd never let you leave.
"W-wait!" you tried to beg.
"It's too late for that, Darling," the love demon laughed. "You're mine and I'm going to enjoy my prize all night long. I love you, Darling, thank you so much for accepting me."
"If you acknowledge the love demon, they'll take you away to be theirs forever, with no hope of ever escaping them or their crazed love..."
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reidswhre · 1 month
can you figure me out? ; spencer reid x fem!reader
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summary: you try everything possible so that spencer realizes that you are completely in love with him, but he just doesn't seem to notice it.
warnings: i had spencer from season 2 in mind, nothing dw!
a/n: I had this draft saved and I was improving it to be able to post it, I hope you enjoy it! I have a couple of requests, thank you very much!! I hope to be able to make them soon. 💗 By the way, english is not my first language, let me know any mistakes, have a beautiful day! 💘
Everyone at the BAU knew you were completely in love with Spencer Reid.
Except for Spencer.
Which was sometimes funny—most of the time it was—but other times it was frustrating. It didn’t seem logical to you how a genius with an IQ of 187 couldn’t realize that he was basically the love of your life. It’s not like you were trying to hide it or something. He’s just oblivious.
Because of this, Morgan and García proposed a little game to you.
“I bet you could flirt with him all day, and he’d think you were just being friendly,” Penelope laughed.
You lightly bumped your forehead against your desk, staying there defeated. “Don’t even say that,” you mumbled against the desk.
“Hey, hey, don’t be sad, cutie,” Derek gently lifted your head so you could see him. “It’s not as bad as it seems. He’s just… something else,” he laughed.
“Don’t say that,” you frowned at Derek.
Derek raised his hands in a gesture of innocence. "Hey, it's okay, I'm not offending your husband."
"He's not my husband, and he never will be if he never pays attention to me." You sighed.
"Look, sweetie, flirt with him all day, no filter." She laughed.
Derek played along. "That's right, let's see how hard it is for him to notice." He laughed too.
"Stop playing around, this is serious, don't be like that." You were quite sad.
"We're being serious too!" Derek exclaimed.
"I mean, it's what you want, right? For him to notice. It's not possible that you flirt with him all day and he doesn't notice." Penelope added. "And listen, babe, if he doesn't notice this, I'm sorry to say it, but he's ignoring you," she explained to you.
You groaned and rested your head on the desk.
After a while, you started thinking about what Morgan and Garcia had said. After all, you had nothing to lose; in the end, it was basically what you did every day. Although, of course, this was a bit over the top, but who knows if it was over the top enough for Spencer to notice.
"Hey, you." You smiled at Spencer, who was in the office kitchen making one of his coffees.
Spencer looked at you. "Oh, hey." He gave you a smile, one of those where he just closed his lips without showing his teeth. Pretty typical of him.
"Those glasses?" You smiled, trying to make conversation.
Of course, you had noticed them; how could you not? He started wearing them about a week ago, and he looked dreamy. So much so that you thought you stared at him for about five minutes straight a couple of days ago while Hotch was explaining a new case.
"Mm, the contacts were really bothering my eyes lately." He explained while continuing to prepare his coffee.
"Well, they look great on you; you look great, really handsome." You began your mission.
"They’re nothing special. I had to get anti-reflective coating because the glare was bothering me too. It’s a coating applied to both surfaces of the lenses to reduce the glare caused by reflected light." He started explaining, as he always did, not noticing your attempt to tell him he looked good.
Spencer’s obliviousness: 1 - 0 : You.
"Ah—right, yeah." You sighed and watched him leave the kitchen, giving you another one of his smiles.
Second attempt.
You were at your desks, which were next to each other, finishing paperwork from the last case.
"Are you done? It's almost lunchtime," you asked Spencer.
"I still have to finish the geographical profile," he said, looking at his papers. "But I can do it after lunch." He looked at you.
"Great! I was thinking, would you like to go to that sandwich place a couple of blocks away?"
"Oh, sure! Tito’s, right?" He said, recalling the name of the place. "Sounds great." He smiled at you.
You were a bit surprised. "Oh, really? Great—Yeah, perfect." You stumbled over your words a bit—he had just accepted a date with you!
"Great, I'll tell the others," he said as he tidied up his desk.
"Okay, sure," you replied without thinking. "Wait—what? Spencer—" Maybe you thought he accepted a date with you too soon.
"Morgan loves that place," he told you. "See you later, okay?" He smiled and left.
You sighed.
Spencer’s obliviousness: 2 - 0 : You.
You sighed again.
Hotch and JJ explained a new case to you—apparently, there was a serial killer in Mill Creek, and this other guy who called himself the "Empty Man." It seemed they had some sort of rivalry and were killing women without restraint. So now, you guys would have to travel to St. Louis to help solve the case.
Everyone boarded the plane, which took off immediately after the case was announced. Everyone was scattered around the plane, analyzing the case. You were sitting next to Reid, across from the little table that those seats have.
After that tragic and terrifying lunch, you were left thinking about the possibility that Spencer did know and was ignoring you to avoid hurting you. Maybe he just didn’t like you, which wasn’t such a big deal. But you wished that if that were the case, he would at least tell you.
"Are you okay?" you heard the voice of the man from Las Vegas next to you.
"Hm? Yeah, yeah, of course," you replied instinctively.
"You don’t seem like it," he said with a frown.
Great, now he was starting to notice things.
"Really, I’m fine. I was just—thinking," you replied honestly.
"About what?" he asked.
"About you," you blurted out. The truth was, it was now or never; it didn’t matter whether he felt the same way or not.
"Me? Why about me?" he asked, even more confused.
"You're incredible, Reid," you laughed—it was better than crying. "I’ve been trying all day to get you to notice how much I like you! And you don’t understand anything!"
Spencer’s obliviousness: 3 - 0 : You.
Double awesome.
"Do you like me?" Spencer said, completely clueless.
"Of course i do! Ever since I got here. And I've tried everything but—" You sighed. "You don't like me... And that's okay, I don't expect you to, I just wish you'd tell me, you know?"
Spencer let out the breath he was holding and laughed a little. "Where did you get that from? How do you think I don't like you?"
"I do?" You opened your mouth in surprise, which made him laugh.
"Of course you do," he laughed. "I just thought you were being nice to me, you're nice to everyone, I didn't think it was special with me."
"Of course you are!" You laughed.
"According to April Bleske-Rechek, the psychologist leading the task force that studied the relationship between men and women, males and females have a very different perception of the messages they receive from the opposite sex." Reid started to Reidplain as he always did. "This, especially in the case of men, leads them to misinterpret signals."
"Really?" You said sarcastically, leaning on your hand, watching him as he explained.
"Yes, which is why I thought I was misinterpreting you." He shrugged.
"Not at all." You smiled as you brushed a strand of hair off his forehead.
"We're in the middle of a case, I'd appreciate it if you two could behave," Hotch said from the back of the plane.
"Oh, right, right, yeah—I'm sorry," both of you mumbled a bunch of incoherent apologies.
Then you looked at each other out of the corner of your eye with a small smile.
You: 1 - 3: Spencer’s obliviousness.
Triple awesome.
Take that, silly mental scoreboard.
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churipu · 9 months
jjk men & their sleepyhead gf !
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featuring. gojo satoru, sukuna ryomen, nanami kento x fem! reader
warnings. none, just them being all soft and whipped for you
note. first of all, anon i am so sorry, i accidentally posted your request on the queue list and fml, i'm so embarrassed but idek how to edit the queue list so out of desperation i deleted it— but i ofc screenshotted this before i deleted the og post, so i am so sorry :(( i hope you enjoy this, and i hope you get to find out i didn't delete your ask and it's here in a form of a screenshot :((
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GOJO SATORU. i feel like he doesn't mind most of the time— he does mind it if you fall asleep when you're supposed to be paying attention to him >:(
but whenever you fall asleep, his camera's always on standby, snapping pictures of you from every angle. whether you look good or bad (you never look bad btw), from up above, from below, from the left, from the right, with 0.5, i can go on.
and when you wake up, you find your phone blowing up with notifications from shoko, geto, and him, especially with the notification "@gojosatoru tagged you in a post" and it's just a slideshow post of you sleeping, a few close up shots, and your face with different instagram filters.
you don't even bother at this point since he's not going to stop, and not gonna lie, you did find it a bit funny. and the comments from shoko and geto made you laugh, so... good luck trying to sleep around him, you'll wake up to a whole album of you sleeping on his account.
"satoru, what the fuck is this filter?" it was a filter that made your face a little distorted, and gojo'd just sitting there innocently, blinking his white lashes up at you.
"you look adorable, princess."
"i don't want to sleep around you anymore."
"no, please sleep— how am i supposed to continue my daily updates of you sleeping?"
mind you, he has 200 posts on instagram and 150 of them are just you sleeping + with the cheesiest captions like "my baby is sleeping, pls tell her to wake up bcs i miss her 🥺🥺🥺"
and shoko is all up in his comments like "wake her up yourself, dumbass she's literally in your house."
SUKUNA RYOMEN. the first time you fell asleep around him was when he went out to get a glass of water, but he didn't think of it as anything and thought you were just tired.
but no— you fall asleep anywhere, whenever and most of the time. he gets pretty frustrated when you both spend time, and in a bit, your head leans onto his shoulders and sukuna checks on you, and you were out like a light.
"y/n?" soft snores.
he clicks his tongue in annoyance but doesn't push you away or get angry, although he finds you cute. sometimes snaps a few pictures to keep, but you don't know about that.
and at times, you wake up all tucked in your bed—your favorite plushie beside you, and sukuna nowhere in sight.
you open your phone and there's a few text messages from him.
[ you fell asleep, so i left ] he didn't leave, he said that to make you feel bad and for not giving him enough attention— he stayed in the same seated position for a few hours before prepping you onto your bed, tucking you in and not forgetting to place a smooch on your forehead.
[ call me when you wake up ]
[ love you ] awww.
he's so in love with you.
NANAMI KENTO. he's such a gentle soul, he won't mind if you fall asleep or is asleep whenever he comes over. in fact, he enjoys it when you fall asleep.
he read somewhere that if someone feels tired or sleepy around a person, it's because they feel safe. so nanami just concludes that his girlfriend feels safe around him, safe enough for her to get sleepy and fall asleep on him.
"kento," you murmur half-asleep, stretching your arms.
"hm?" he hums out, opening his arms for you to fall into — which you did, and he craddled you in his arms, placing his cheek onto your head.
"night night." it wasn't even night time, you just had to say it before you go to sleep, and nanami finds you so cute he couldn't help but to squeeze you a little.
"night night," he replies back, kissing your forehead.
nanami just sits there and continues craddling you in his arms, and if he needs to go, he would put you on your bed (on his bed when it's his house), and writes you a short message why he needed to go and when he will be back.
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ickadori · 1 year
[summary] wrio missed his wife, and she missed him just as much. two simps in love.
[cws] fluff. fem reader -> wriothesley’s wife. reader is a mondstadt native. kissing.
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Wriothesley’s cup of tea pauses halfway to his mouth as there’s a knock at his office door. His fingers tighten unconsciously around the handle, that incessant throbbing at his temples that had been dying out suddenly tapping into its nth life.
He contemplates ignoring it; pretending he didn’t hear it and indulging in his fresh brew, but he’s never been one to shirk off his work, no matter how inconsequential the task.
He sets the cup down rougher than necessary, and the legs of his chair scrape loudly against the floor as he pushes it back from his desk and stands to his feet. Someone better be dead or on the verge.
It was an unspoken rule that Wriothesley wasn’t to be bothered at this time -a quarter after five until six- because it was official tea time, a very, very important time in his day that let the inhabitants in Meropide see his most agreeable side… although he had heard talk from a few gossipy guards and prisoners that his ‘pissy attitude’ this past month had nothing to do with his interrupted tea times, but rather that his wife had gone back to Mondstadt to visit family.
“You know how he gets when he doesn’t see her after a while—downright scary. I’ve never seen a man look so enraged and distraught at the same time.”
“He put me on pipe restoration duty —don’t laugh, it isn’t funny! Worst job in the whole place, I swear— for the next six months all because my wife dropped by with a bento on my break. Apparently no one can be happy when his missus is away.”
“I caught him staring at her picture the other day, y’know the one he keeps in that chain around his neck, and sighing like some schoolgirl. I nearly thought my daughter had somehow gotten herself arrested and thrown down here when I heard all those lovesick sighs.”
It was all hearsay and speculation, of course. Wriothesley could manage just fine with you away - he was a grown man, a weathered man, a man who could function fully without the company of his wife.
That’s right, he thinks to himself. He’s been doing just fine in your absence, a bit quicker to anger than usual, but with the looming threat of being turned into a big, sopping puddle right below his feet, could you really blame him?
The door is wrenched open, strands of black and gray flying back from where they rested against his forehead due to the strong gust of wind he created.
“What is it now?” He nearly hisses out, but he manages to get a reign on it last minute, the words coming out a bit strained instead. He eyes the guard standing in front of him, their eyes flitting between the crease between his brows and the floor. “Spit it out before I—”
He stops abruptly when he hears a voice that he knows intimately well, and had he possessed any shame when it came publicly displaying the love he harbored for you, he would have been a touch embarrassed at the speed of which his frown smoothed out and the throbbing in his head disappeared, a sparkle in his eyes as his shoulders lose a bit of their tension.
“Oh? He has? Thank you for telling me, Sigewinne. I’ll get right on that.” You come rounding the corner with the small doctor at your side, a knapsack in your hands, and had Wriothesley been any less sane, he would have swore that he could feel the rays of the sunshine beaming down on his skin and fresh air filtering into his lungs when you turned your gaze to him, scornful as it was.
You’re fitted in a dress that’s customary for the women in your homeland to wear, and flowers are weaved into your hair, and the ring on your finger seems to shine a bit brighter.
“Wriothesley.” You march up to him, eyebrows knitted together, and push your finger against his chest. “What is this I hear about you acting like a tyrant?”
“You look beautiful.” He breathes out.
“And going to the Pankration ring? You know those poor people don’t stand a chance against you. That’s just bullying.”
“Let me take your bag, it looks heavy.”
“And you haven’t been eating right, either! Look at your face — you’ve lost weight!” He transfers the bag from your hands to his, and when his fingers brush against yours, he finally lets a smile bloom on his face, being met with a huff. “Don’t smile at me. I’m mad at you.”
“Can’t help it, happy to see you.” You falter a bit, corners of your lips twitching, but you hold strong, choosing to save face in front of the onlookers—always put up a good fight, especially when others are looking, is what he had told you once upon a time. “I’ve missed you so much.” It comes out in a low murmur, eyes locked onto yours and refusing to stray, even when you decide that his gaze is a bit too heavy for the setting and avert your own.
“I-well-you…just get inside your office.”
He’s nice enough to hold back a chuckle, instead stepping to the side so that you can shuffle past him and inside. Before he shuts the door, his gaze turns icy and his smile thins out as he lets his eyes sweep over everyone present. A resounding groan is heard, the unspoken promise loud and clear, and then he’s pushing the door shut and turning on his heel.
You’re on him in a second, arms wrapped around his waist as you bury your face into his chest. He returns the hug just as quick, thick, burly arms circling around your shoulders as his head dips down so he can stuff his nose into your hair and breathe your scent in.
Your voice comes out muffled as you try to speak, and he loosens his hold on you a bit, allowing you to pop your head up so you can look up at him. There’s a halfhearted pout on your lips, and his response is a reflex as he leans down to give you a peck once, twice, three times before moving on to place one on the tip of your nose.
“You were supposed to let me scold you out there, birdie. Now everyone’s gonna know that I let you off easy.”
“Let me off easy? I’d say this is the meanest you’ve ever been to me,” he gives an exaggerated expression of hurt. “You haven’t even told me you missed me, or that you’re happy to see me, or that you’ll never leave again because you couldn’t stand being away from me.”
“You’re so dramatic.” You smile despite yourself, and he kisses you again, scarred hands moving to cradle your cheeks. You part with a gasp for air, and its his turn to smile when you stretch up to reconnect your lips, the lack of air not deterring you in the slightest.
“Breathe, sweetheart…” He rasps against your lips, and you suck in a breath, eyes slowly blinking as you tug at the material of his shirt. There’s a rush of emotions that washes over him at the unspoken confirmation that you missed him just as much as he had missed you, and he lets his hands wander down to settle on your waist, fingers flexing as they squeeze at the flesh there through the material of your dress.
“Well, well, well,” he starts, and you blink out of your stupor to don a guilty expression. “Looks like you haven’t been eating right, either, hypocrite.” He lightly pinches at your side, and you squeal out a laugh as you lightly bat at his hand.
“Have I told you that I missed you, and that I’m sooo happy to see you, and that I’ll never, ever leave again because I can’t stand being away from you?” You flutter your lashes up at him, direct that heart-stopping smile up at him, and for a split second he thinks that the primordial sea has broken the seal and reduced him to nothing but a puddle at your feet.
“Careful now, words like that are liable to kill a man, and this place isn’t fitting for a sweet girl like you.”
“Oh? Then maybe I should leave earlier than I intended t—” He quiets you with a kiss, and you laugh into it, earning a gentle nip on your bottom lip. Your teasing smile settles into something sweeter, tender, vulnerable, and it mirrors him perfectly.
You both speak your next words in unison.
“I missed you.”
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