#i love the idea of the two of them being grandpas secret weapon
alliumnoblade · 2 years
small summer and morty i drew last night instead of studying because i love them and i really like them being badasses siblings together
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also idk how to draw hands or anatomy please don't come for me
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mystic-poet · 3 years
I wake up to find myself handcuffed to the hospital bed. The drug they injected me with to tame me seems to be wearing off. Ugh! This again. Better to get it over with, I guess. I drag my free hand into my bun and retrieve a small blade. As usual the dumb police never bothered to check in there thinking a man’s bun would just be a fashion statement. I twist to my side and turn the blade in the keyhole clockwise. My hand comes free. I learnt to pick locks when I was young, one of my many talents. I shake my hand hard to get rid of the stiffness and get up from the bed.
I stride confidently straight towards the door, not in the sneaky kind like a criminal would. As expected, a police officer stands at guard. His lips are on the verge of screaming when I silence him by waving a hundred bucks in front of his eyes. He raises his eyebrows at me and I throw in another four hundred to satisfy his thirst. That ought to shut him up. Money! The most deadly weapon and beautiful thing anyone can ever have.
Outside the hospital waits Beth. She teaches German in Crawford High. Well, it would be safe to say she taught me the art of viciousness. If angels can house demons, there isn’t any harm in a teacher being an evil mastermind.
“They shot you pretty bad in that leg, huh?” she says as I limp on one good leg. She gives me a look that was overflowing with pity. How I hate that!
“Enough with the puppy eyes already!” I snap. My right leg was hurting real bad and I would have stayed in the hospital until they mended it and made my grand escape later but I won’t want to deprive the world of its foul folks. Besides, I have business to finish.
“I must say, I didn’t expect you to be in the hospital,” Beth says unlocking her car and we sit in.
“They shot my leg in the encounter at the bank and I was losing blood by the second. Couldn’t get much out of me while I was thrashing in pain,” I explain.
“Did you find anything at the bank?” Beth asks raising an eyebrow at me as she drives the car out of the parking lot.
“I was close to. The property papers were in my hands before the cops caught up with me. Couldn’t read a word.”
“So, what are going to do? Got anything up your sleeves?”
“Well, I do. I am going to father’s house this Wednesday,” I say coolly.
“You do know that’s two days away, don’t you?”
“I have thought it through. You’ll see,” I say grinning.
Beth shakes her head. “Just remember I need my share of the money, Carl.”
“We talked about this a million times, Beth. You’ll get your forty percent,” I say casually leaning into the passenger’s seat.
My dad abandoned me when I was a teen. He is the owner of a multinational electronic company my late grandpa founded. Beth was the assistant manager. She was a frequent visitor in thehouse and shared a fine bond with dad until one day, she was fired when my dad accused her of a theft she never committed or so she told me.
When I was old enough, I tracked her down and discovered that she craved revenge with dad for all the wrongs done to her. She wanted to blow the lid off and reveal all the dark secrets behind dad’s firm. In a way, our common want of vengeance united us.
My dad is stinking rich whereas I was left in some community home and survived off donations. This is why I despise pity; I have lived with it all my life. I have my rightful place in the company and the fortune my grandpa left behind. But I need theofficial documents and my one chance of getting them from the bank slipped away. That’s where the part of infiltrating his house comes in. Ah! It’s been such long while since I did something of this kind. Infiltrating seems such a gorgeous word now.
“So, how are we doing it?” asks Beth pouring two glasses of red wine for the both of us. She drove us to her house for it’s probably the safest place to be.
“He is hosting some success party on Wednesday and there’s bound to be security. My idea is to go through as delivery persons. The rest will follow. You will tip toe to the computer room while I put up some distraction. I will catch up with you soon enough. Till then, find the papers,” I instruct taking a swig from my glass.
“It won’t be that simple, you know,” she says with a smirk.
“I was thinking you need that forty percent,” I say with mock seriousness.
“Fine!” she says exasperated. How I love when I am obeyed.
We are wheeling the cart that supposedly holds the cake but instead I just stuffed it with a wad of cotton. I ring the bell of the grand house with Beth beside me. The housekeeper, a woman in maybe in her thirties, opens the door. She gestures to where the cake should be kept. I look around at the magnificence of the place and its each and every adornment and decoration, from the mahogany coffee table to the velvet curtains and even the intricate designs on the glass vases, conveyed royalty. I feel a rush of hatred inside me. My father enjoyed all the money at his disposal and lived in comfort with rugs beneath his feet whereas I tossed and turned with unease in my bed every night wondering if my parents would ever make their way back to me. At least my mother passed away before she witnessed the return of her abandoned son.
“You know what to do,” I whisper in Beth’s ear. She nodded. I take my blade out and make a shallow cut in the back of my hand oozing out blood. That blade is indeed a good partner. I pocket it as swiftly as I took it out.
“Oh, I am bleeding. I am bleeding,” I say dramatically and hold my hand out purposefully for everyone to see the scarlet covering it.
“Oh dear, God. I will fetch you some ice from the kitchens,” the housekeeper says and disappears into a corridor. That’s the thing about kind people; they are easy prey.
I signal to Beth and she sets off in a half-walk and half-run up the stairs. She knows the way to the computer room from all those years of coming to dinners and teas in the house. As she turns into the corner, I rush behind her too wiping the blood on my pants.
I catch up with her soon enough as she looks straight ahead navigating through the rich corridor filled with a few guests. I walk behind her maintaining a safe distance; we can’t afford to attract any attention.
We walk into a long deserted hallway. I am sure the computer room is here and so does Beth, I suppose, as she carefully notices each door. She comes to an abrupt stop in front of the door at the far end of the hallway and opens it without a glance at me. In the middle of the room sits a computer that would be the cause of my dad’s doom. Beth turns it on and gets to work as I stand at the door occasionally peaking in. I was afraid it might have a password but it didn’t. Arrogance! Father must be sure no one could evade his computer. Well, I guess history is being made today.
“Do it quick!” I hiss at her.
“Does it look like I am not trying?” she says making an irritated face at me.
We are silent for five minutes or so when Beth says, “Carl, I found them!”
A smirk creeps across my face. “Transfer it to me. All of it,” I say in an excited whisper.
Beth turns back to the computer and presses send. The next few moments go by as quickly as the blink of an eye. I lock Beth in the computer room and somewhere a safety alarm triggers deafening my ears. I hear her muffled screams calling out to meechoing in the hallway but without looking back I descend the two flights of stairs.
I bump into the security on a landing and adopting my best worried voice I say, “A woman in the computer room. Upstairs.” The words barely escape my mouth and they run upstairs to find the trespasser while I walk out of the mansion with satisfaction.
Indeed, Beth taught me too much than she should have. Call me selfish but that’s what the world made me. I couldn’t have let Beth have forty per cent. After all, what would she do with it in jail? As for my father this episode would definitely motivate him to set a computer password. I whistle walking on the road thinking of the colour my bungalow would be.
@ruins-of-heart @witchpossessinghozier @some-broken-words @sinless-mind @luck1998 @ze-thoughts-are-stupid @random-lit @saamiya @colinisalright @thunder19sstuff @yalocal-deadpoet @asthetically-bookish @literature-is-my-religion @mrun-v @songfromstars @donapreachesart @i-snort-chocolates @duskobserver @apprielle24 @halfagonyhalfhop3 @klainebrittana @ray-of-darkness7 @balladofableedingpoet2112 @morticiapretz @vantaerayleigh1997 @sillylilbakaaa @church-of-burnt-romances @burn-like-starss @mjsespaces-blog @theleechwhodrinksbleach
Thank you so much for giving this a read dears!
Comments, criticism and suggestions are always welcome <3!!!
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siren-virus · 3 years
For the Luck Boy AU: How does his dynamic change with everybofy here? Gwen, Kevin, Rook,etc.
Oh my- this might be a big one- gotta get them brain juices pumping.
So... there's two dynamics per character- secret identity and what-not-
Ben is still a loose- happy go lucky guy- but with a little more self confidence (cause he doesn't have the reliance on the omnitrix).
Gwen is a straight-laced by the books character. Almost like Rook when he started, but still with the Tennyson flare.
Gwen (a): A little similar to no-watch Ben and Gwen's dynamic, a bit distant from each other, but tolerates each others existence. -In this AU Ben, unfortunately didn't get to join Gwen and Max on the summer trip, so there was really no drive for them to get close. Gwen gets the watch and excels at her classes and moves up grades, etc. Gwen intentionally makes this distance between them wider, due to the fact she has the Omnitrix, and like a starving mosquito, danger will follow.
Kevin (a): Because there was no meeting in the OG summer trip between Kevin and Ben, there is... no redemption arc- at least not yet. Kevin stuck to his criminal ways and continues to sell illegal alien tech. He hangs more on the sidelines though, not really wanting to face the Rath of Gwen. As for the dynamic between Ben and Kevin, there is none. They never met- Well Kevin's never met Ben. But Ben's met Kevin a fair few times.
Rook (a): Similar to Kevin, Ben never met Rook. Rook is still affiliated with the plumbers, but is super Lawful good. He follows it to the T. Which can be super frustrating. Occasionally he partners up with Gwen, they work very well together, but Rook is a rookie to this whole thing, so it doesn't happen often, but normally he's patrolling, what little of an Undertown there is.
Max (a): Ben and Max's relationship is pretty good, not as close as the other iterations. But Ben will still look to Max for guidance and support where his parents can't. Max will invite Ben to the plumbers base several times a week for a nice dinner- Ben politely declines most times. But if he does go he brings his own food. "I... love you're food and all, but the tentacles.... they're just- not my thing, y'know?" His bold face lies always get him a nice serving of a wormy looking stew.
Now: second part.
Ben's a vigilante, that means his cousin and grandpa don't know of this. Ben's sure he'd get in a shit tone of trouble if they found out.
Gwen (b): A whole lot more sibling-like banter is exchanged between these two. Gwen hates to admit it, but when she and Ben have to team up to defeat and extra hard opponent they work really well together. Ben's focus is more on the attack rather than the defense, but can still do that if needed, it's not a very strong shield. Outside of teaming up Gwen is always trying to hunt down Ben, his vigilantism is great for the safety of the planet, however there's a big push on the plumbers end to have him unmasked. So Her fights with Ben are normally very frustrating. The man's like a goddamn rabbit, bouncing everywhere and always escaping her clutches last minute with a well timed mangenta smoke bomb.
Kevin (b): Kevin is very annoyed by Ben's appearances, always getting in the way of a big sale. The more dangerous the weapon, the more likely Ben appears. He's more often than not prepared, several high tech weapons and traps set up to prevent Ben from coming close. Which are more often than not foiled. Kevin would say he borderline despises Ben, but can't help but enjoy their banter. Keeps Kevin on his toes, which he very much appreciates. Cause the next time Ben appears, he'll be one step closer to getting rid of; "That damn, neon-cat weirdo."
Rook (b): Rook sees Ben as nothing more than a tackily dressed villain. Sometimes Rook will go against his code of honour (of being a good boy plumber) and do some night stakeouts to see if he can spot the glowing vigilante. It's harder than you thing when you live in the city. There are a whole lot of magenta glowing signs out there. Rook has found himself running head-on towards strip bars more than once. Mortified the poor guy is to even find out that strip bars are a thing.
On the few occasions he has come face to face with Ben he has been mocked, to his face, about his little knowledge of the outside world. And how lawful he is. Ben can't help but really stir the pot with this guy, he's fun, and easy to annoy. So Ben takes every chance he gets. Poor Rook is a victim to Ben's bullying.
Max (b): Max, the great man he is quite fond of Bens actions, although most plumbers and higher ranking officers would disregard Ben as nothing more than a menace to society. (that's media manipulation for you- but the plumbers are very much responsible for that too) Although they've never met face to face, Max silently cheers Ben on knowing full well that the kid has nothing more than the peoples safety at heart. Max wishes that the plumbers were a lot more like that.
My favourite thing hero vs "villain" trope is when the dynamics are fun and the villain is able to run circles around the hero without it being a life or death situation. We all love a little bit of those silly shenanigans.
This whole thing is off the top of my head, but hey... That's how I come up with most of my ideas.
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thewildwaffle · 4 years
Kidnapped Rival
So I’ve posted this Transformers au fic on Ao3 and have been writing it since Feb of last year ever since I saw an anonymous post on @zenxenophilia​‘s blog. I finally finished it, over a year and a half later.
You can read it here on Ao3, and I’ll also post the story here
Original post - submitted to Zenxenophilia on tumblr by anonymous: ***** ***** ***** Imagine a human on Optimus’ team. Optimus practically treats them like a sparkling, Ratchet is their grandpa and Bee and Arcee are like siblings. This human wants to fight in the war. For earth, for humans, for their family. Of course, Cybertron’s atmosphere is dangerous to humans making it difficult for the human to get involved. After begging and pleading to Optimus the human is put under extensive training with self defense and handling a weapon (thanks to Bee and Arcee). The human is outfitted with a mech suit disguised as a cybertronian. Even inside the mech the human has an armored space suit along with a blaster that can filter oxygen out of Cybertron's atmosphere just in case the mech were to break. It doesn’t take long for the human to climb the ranks(being the ‘child’ of Optimus helps a lot). The human uses a Cybertronian persona. Later they go out to the Cybertronian battlefields. This is where they meet Deadlock, Megatron’s maddog, the one responsible for so many deaths to the human’s friends. The Human quickly becomes Deadlocks rival, able to counter all his attacks and save Autobots from his clutches. After a while Deadlock develops a strange liking to the 'mech’, he seems to almost enjoy seeing them on the battlefield. One fateful day the Human and Deadlock run into each other on the battlefield, it’s just the two of them. Deadlock has trained a lot more after the first few encounters with the 'mech’ and the 'mech’ sadly couldn’t keep up, however, it didn’t stop them from doing a number on Deadlock. Deadlock is smart, he makes sure to damage the mech’s legs to most so they can’t run anywhere. The one thing that he enjoys about fighting the 'mech’ is that they don’t seem to feel pain. The mech can no longer stand up or move, it’s stuck. Deadlock oddly enough doesn’t kill them.
“You would make a great Decepticon”. … W-What? Was that an offer? Oh hell no! The Human would never join this monster after all he’s done to their friends! The Human gets out of their mech, much to Deadlocks surprise. What a lovely twist! The Human uses their blaster to keep damaging Deadlock, ducking for cover. Even out of their mech they were a threat to any Cybertronian, however, they weren’t as fast as one. Deadlock didn’t use his weapons, that would make it too easy, instead, he scoops the Human up ignoring the humans screams. He takes away their weapons and destroys their commlink. “Well well well. Who would have known? This explains a lot…” Deadlock forces the human to look up at him. His little obsession, his rival, was an organic… and a pretty cute one too!(Though he’ll never admit it) The Human struggles in his grip. “Now now. I don’t think you should do that” His grip tightens around the Human. 'It would be a shame if your armor were t’ break…’ the human stiffens, without the armor they would suffocate. “Heh.. I think I’m gonna keep you for a long while friend…” Deadlock keeps his rival on him at all times at the Decepticon base. No one is allowed to touch them but him. Most Decepticons see the Human as a living trophy to Deadlock, a pet, not knowing of Deadlock’s obsessive desires. Megatron is quite surprised by Deadlock's new pet. Megatron knew the mech that the human-piloted was Optimus’ favorite bot, not only would the Human be a good bargaining chip, but they probably know all the Autobots' little secrets. Megatron will let Deadlock do whatever he wants to do with the Human for now, after all, he earned it. Deadlock was happy with this. Meanwhile back at the Autobot base, Optimus is filled with grief. His precious human, his child, gone without a trace. He didn’t know if they were dead or not, Optimus sends out search parties for them, he regrets letting them in this war, they were too young. Ratchet is constantly checking for signals in his free time, for any sign that they were alive. Bumblebee goes quiet for a long time. He knows his sibling HAS to be alive! They have to be! They don’t die easily. He tries scout on more missions so he can find them. Arcee is filled with rage. That was her precious little sibling. Her anger is taken out on the battlefield. She questions any con she can for a sign of the human. She’s always training always, looking, always holding back her grief and the ideas that her sibling could be dead or tortured. No one has ever seen her like this. The human's disappearance is hard on everyone. That kid would constantly befriend and check up with everyone they saw, they were kind, helpful, and eager to learn. It’s dull without them at the base. They’re not there to tell Prowl to stop overworking himself. They aren’t there to help Wheeljack or Percy with their experiments. They aren’t there to jam out with Jazz or Blaster or to talk to and check up with everyone in the base. No one to listen to Ironhide's or Kup's stories. No one to complement Sunstreaker and play with Sideswipe. Everyone is heartbroken. This base isn’t a base without the kid running around. They can only hope that the human is still alive. The Decepticon base is another story. The human is filled with information about the Autobots, with the human on their side the war is in the bag. They have coordinates and information on practically every bot in the base and maybe… with a bit of mnemosurgey they could be an excellent Decepticon. The human is fine. They’re patient. They’re smart, they know how to play their cards, (Perceptor and Wheeljack taught them) they just have to play along with Deadlock and the cons for now. Hopefully, the Human can escape or pray that Optimus will find them. And hopefully, Deadlock has mercy on them.
***** ****** *****
My adding to the story:
The room was filtered, much like the human’s armored spacesuit had been. The entire Decepticon base was, not that the human had spent much time outside their room. When they did leave the room, it was for “questioning.” And it was always accompanied by Deadlock. Usually being carried by Deadlock. Actually, always carried by Deadlock. He said it was because he didn't want his human to get lost or crushed under the peds of a careless con. Really, it was to feel their rival squirm in his tight grip. Megatron had been present for a few of the first interrogations, but other duties or battles made his presence less and less frequent, which was fine by the human. As far as they were concerned, there were more than enough Decepticons around as it was. Using techniques Wheeljack had taught them, they “gave up” the info the cons wanted, just not all of it. It was just enough to keep the Decepticons from getting suspicious, get them to believe that the information that they pulled from Deadlock’s new pet was indeed genuine, but not enough info, they hoped, to really cause too much damage to the Autobots. The human needed to find a way out of this nightmare before the Decepticons caught on to what they were doing. Or before they gave up info that could actually do damage to the Autobots. It was getting harder and harder to keep the vital info they held away from their more sadistic interrogators.
The human loses track of time since being captured. Deadlock had taken their armored space suit soon after bringing them here. “No need for it here, little friend.” His sinister smile always made the human uneasy, but he just laughed at their rival’s defiant expression, putting the suit away in his subspace and leaving for another mission, making sure to lock the door behind him. When the human had time alone in the room, they scoured every inch for some means of escape. The vents looked promising, but getting to them would be difficult, even if they scaled the height of the berth or the desk, they were too short to reach. They need a better plan.
Meanwhile, the searches Optimus organized finally turned up something. If it's a good something or not has yet to be decided. It was Bumblebee who found it- the mech suit the human had been piloting when they went missing. He brought it back to base and everyone nearly lost their minds! The human, their human, without their protective mech suit?! Their armor they wore underneath was not found though, did that mean they had it and were still alive? The mech was severely damaged, they must have tried to run on foot and been captured. But by whom? And were they still alive now? Hopefully Perceptor would be able to find out something from the damaged mech to get some clue to the human’s location.
For the human, however, thoughts of being rescued seemed to be little more than a hopeful wish. Deadlock did his best to make sure that any such wish seemed less and less likely. “They’ll never find you,” he tells them. “They've given up looking for you long ago.” Or “Even if they did find out you were still alive, what makes you think they'll want you after what you've done? It was your information that lead us to victory in the Cronus Plains. How many of them did we kill because of you?” Deadlock took great pleasure in seeing his rival’s reaction to this. He smiled, knowing he could break his once-mortal-enemy both mentally as well as physically. Lifting their chin with one sharp finger he cooed, “I told you before, you'd make a good Decepticon. It seems I was right.” He moves closer, a dangerous, hungry gleam flashed in his optics. As Deadlock took a step forward, the human took two steps back. Deadlock chuckled and used mass-displacement to shrink down to just taller than the human. The human dodges his reach and turns and runs towards the berth to hide. Such a tactic seemed childish, and was doomed to fail, but it was better than doing nothing, it was some show of resistance. Deadlock was a lot… “touchier”... when he was this size, simply because it was easier to be so when the risk of crushing the object of his obsession was so much lessened. He grabbed the human by the shoulders and pulled them closer to him. “You're tense,” he murmurs, running one servo down their back. “Let me put you more at ease, my pet.” While still holding them so they couldn't get away, Deadlock stroked and prodded, massaging knots in their back and expertly melted the struggling human in his grasp. The human felt both frustrated by how effectively they'd been incapacitated, and blissfully relaxed as the tension they'd been carrying fell away. With what mental capacities they had left, the human willed themselves to make sure they made no moans or hums that would betray their pleasure to the Decepticon. After few minutes, Deadlock’s servos paused. He turned the human around to face him, holding them close and tight to his chassis. “There now, better?” One servo traveled down the small of the human’s back. The human didn't respond. Oh they wished they could be anywhere but here! They thought of the Autobot base, of their friends, of the bots that had become their family. Could what Deadlock said earlier be true? Had they given up looking for them? Did they blame them for giving up information? They must. The human sure did. As much as they tried to stop it from happening, the human let out a sob. Just the one, but it was one too many.
“There, there, none of that now,” rumbled Deadlock, “What's there to cry about? I've kept you alive. I've taken care of you. I will make sure no one dares harm you. You're one of us now.” He paused, his red optics glowing brighter. “You're mine.” He leaned forward, crushing his lips into the human’s. So taken by surprise, the human tried yelling out, which only made Deadlock squeeze them tighter in his arms, his glossa filling their opened mouth. The human struggled against his grip, but it was quickly obvious that they weren't going anywhere. As Deadlock’s servos traveled across their body, an idea of a plan came into their mind. It was a dangerous idea. It was an incredibly stupid idea, but maybe it was stupid enough to work. Instead of fighting against him, the human pushed into the kiss. Slowly, carefully, they loosed one arm and reached around to Deadlock’s neck, stroking the sensitive cables. He shivered delightedly as his cooling fans kicked on. After another moment, the human slid their other hand slowly up his chassis to where they'd seen their space suit stored away before. Lights all across Deadlock's body flickered. He reached one arm out to the berth to try to lift them both up onto it.
It was quick, before Deadlock could process what happened, the human pulled themselves away from him, opened his subspace compartment, yanked their suit out, and with one steady movement they had learned from Arcee, wrenched his arm behind his back and pinned him face down into the ground. Hard into the ground. They hoped that would be enough to keep their captor stunned long enough to get a good head start. They jumped up and ran to the door. If they could make it to the hallway and find a hiding spot, they could get their suit on and sneak out of the Decepticon base. They'd be free! The door was not locked, but it was closed and very heavy. They had only managed to crack it open when Deadlock began picking himself up off of the floor. Well, there went their head start. The human gave the door one last shove with their shoulder and started squeezing through. They were just about out when the door completely opened, sending them tumbling to the floor. Deadlock, now returned to his full size, reached down, scooped them up, and tossed them back into the room, sending them rolling across the floor. The door shut again with a loud metallic thud, followed by a click indicating that it was now locked. “I must admit, you're very good.” Deadlock's voice was dangerously calm, he almost seemed amused. “I've always known you were, the first time I saw you on the battlefield, I found you to be exceptional. A challenge for me after so many boring victories. Where was that again- our first? It's been a while, hasn't it?” He picked up the human again, who groaned at the movement of their bruised body. “Was… it was just outside... Simfur,” the human gasped, still trying to catch their breath after having it knocked out of them by the throw. “I must say... your hand-to-hand combat... hasn't improved much since then. I don't even need my mech suit to take you.” Now was certainly not the best time to sass-mouth a psychopathic killer robot, but the human was beyond caring. Deadlock only chuckled and held them close, pinning them to him so they couldn't move. “That may be. I've found I've always done well enough with my weapons though.” He began stroking the human's back absent-mindedly as he sat down on the berth. “Perhaps with a bit of mnemosurgery, you'd be more willing to stick around and give me some pointers.” The human's voice was a bit muddled y Deadlock's hold, but they said something along the lines of “like hell I will.” Deadlock mused to himself about future days with his then-compliant human, smiling at all the implications that shadowplay could bring. “It will be interesting to see how well mnemosurgery works on an organic, but I'm sure it will do wonders.” With the adrenaline of their failed escape attempt fading, and warm living metal surrounding them, the human felt exhaustion creeping in. Before they completely slipped away, they thought of Optimus and for a moment, they were back at the base, surrounded by the Autobots. Would they ever train with Bumblebee and Arcee again? Would they ever help Sunstreaker feed Bob again? Ever listen to another story from Ironhide, only to be interrupted by Kupp who told them ’how it really happened?’ They hoped so. They hoped the Autobots still wanted them back. “I’m sorry” they muttered as sleep finally overtook them.
*****    *****    *****    *****    *****    *****
Deadlock had been watching intently from the moment the mnemosurgeon entered the room. He was tense and anxious about what was going to happen, but inwardly giddy at the prospects a successful outcome could bring. Thinking back, it had been rather easy to convince Lord Megatron about going through with the procedure. Granted, Deadlock had kept all reasoning points to how it could help scrape out any remaining info the human had been resiliently holding back, further the Decepticon cause, and provide a severe blow to Optimus and his Autobots when they found out what had happened to their small, spunky, cute, soft… Deadlock shook his head ever so slightly. His mind was wandering again. It did that fairly often when he thought of his little rival. He watched as the mnemosurgeon inserted his needles to the base of their head. It was only two needles, and they couldn't be fully extended. As had been explained to him, mnemosurgeon was possible on organic life, but the process was different, and the results, varied. Instead of direct manipulation of memories as without on a cybertronian, organic life had to be done indirectly, usually through the twists and turns of emotions. Brains and processors, while shockingly similar, had their own operating systems, so to speak. The translation of mnemosurgery to an organic brain was difficult. It had been difficult to find someone capable of doing such a feat. Harder still, one willing to do it for him. Just in case the difficult and dangerous operation went awry, few wanted to run the risk of telling Deadlock they'd turned his little pet into a braindead bag of flesh. But he'd found one. A small lanky bot who went by the name Trepan. He seemed confident in his abilities and didn't even bat an optic when Deadlock added a bit more to his task. He was to not only seek out info, as he had told Megatron the purpose of this was, but he also wanted a few alterations. Nothing big, just a nudge, really. His little human, his little rival was still fighting him. They just needed a little mental persuasion to be sure that in the end, Deadlock won their little game.
It felt… weird. Were you floating? Were you sitting? Did it even matter? If this was weird, then what was normal? You couldn't think of the answer. Should that trouble you? You weren't sure. There was a voice that seemed to say it was fine. Well, it wasn't a voice so much as an idea. Basically, it said everything was alright, or more, the "voice" felt like everything was alright. Everything was according to plan. What plan? Was there a plan? Had you forgotten to do something for it? No, the voice that wasn't a voice came again, everything was fine, perfectly fine, just be calm. Oh, calm. That sounded nice. You hadn't really been calm for a long time. Not since before the battle with Deadlock, back when you were with the Autobots and, and… wait, what was the beginning of that thought? Calm. Oh yes, calm. You'd been calm for so long, you were the master at calm. How long had you been calm? Always. Oh, ok. That sounds nice, being calm is nice. Something seemed to nag in the back of your mind, something you were worried about, or should be worried about. What was it again? Is it about Deadlock?- the voice seemed to question sweetly. Uhhh, yes. Yes, it probably was. Why worry about him? He was perfectly fine. He can handle himself. No, not worried like that, it was more like… like… Why worry about him at all? Because, you thought. Because of what he's done. The battle- he took- The training- the voice corrected almost as instantaneously as you thought each word. He saved- The training where we fought. He saved me and took me back to base. I've been trying to get away. I have to get back, everyone's probably so worried. Oh, how did this line of thought start? Go back. Deadlock. He saved me during training and I've been trying to do something ever since. Do what? What was I doing? Uhhh… escape?- Leave, the word was replaced almost seamlessly again. Why leave? Deadlock would be so worried about you. You wouldn't want that. Oh, no, I guess not, right? Was that why I was worried about Deadlock earlier? Yeah, probably. He will be so worried when I'm gone. Then why go? He wants to take care of you, you need to be taken care of. Oh, yes. That was a good point. Cybertron wasn't exactly kind on humans. You needed help for sure. And if that help came from Deadlock, well then- But something still nagged in the back of your mind. Something? A couple of things? What were they? Did it matter? Did the somethings matter? What did matter? Deadlock. That's what mattered. And you mattered to him. In fact, you mattered so much to him that he was taking care of you. Oh, that's nice of him. Yes, very nice. You have nothing to be worried about with him around. It's easy to be calm around him. Yeah, it is. Very easy. Especially when he holds me...
*****    *****    *****    *****    *****    *****
Red Alert had checked the readouts. Had double checked them. Triple checked them. He had to be sure before he told anyone else. There'd been a pattern with the past few battles with the Decepticons. A mis-step on their part here, late arrivals and backups, tactical errors that seemed out of place of their usual methods. Yes, the Decepticons had won several important victories lately, but there was something off. It was like someone was feeding them misinformation and half-truths. The timing was too much to be a coincidence. Good thing that Red Alert didn’t believe in coincidences. The human, their human- was alive. And they were being held captive and questioned by the Decepticons. It took a bit of investigating. Red Alert felt confident enough to bring his discovery to Prime. He had to be sure. At the same time, he knew he had to make sure he had to hurry. Who knew how much longer the human would last with the Deceptions! By the time Optimus returned to base later that day, Red Alert and more than half the team were there waiting. "What's all this? What's going on?" Red Alert without a moment of hesitation handed Prime the datapad. “Sir, we have reason to believe that we know where (name) is being kept.” *** The human woke up wrapped in Deadlock’s arms. He was still in recharge from the even sounds of his air intake. They looked drearily up at his face. It was rare to see him look so calm. As they slowly became fully awake, they pulled as much of the soft blankets they could reach more tightly around them. They couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong. Something was terribly wrong. They frowned. What a way to wake up! But what? Was it because of Deadlock’s latest mission assignments? He often had to leave to fight or to do tasks given to him by Megatron. They were usually very dangerous and the human would hold his arm tightly in worry when he would return and recount his day to them. Were they worried about Deadlock getting hurt, or worse yet, not coming back at all? Well, yes, of course. Especially with this latest mission. But was that really the reason behind this guttural feeling of dread. They were anxious, like they had to act and act now before it was too late! What were they supposed to do?! They tried getting up without disturbing Deadlock. Something was wrong, but what could it possibly be? The human's breathing started to become frantic. It felt stuffy in the room. They wished they could go outside. Or well, maybe not outside on Cybertron, that would be deadly without their suit. It felt like every cell of their body was craving the feel of unfiltered sunshine. Their lungs yearned for even a whiff of fresh air. Walking on soft grass? Yes please. Digging through rich, organic-filled soil? It was like part of their soul hungered desperately for it. They tried to remember the last time they’d felt any of that back on Earth. They had taken it for granted then, not realizing how much they’d miss it when they went to Cybertron to join the Autobots. They’d been too full of righteous anger then, wanting vengeance for their losses, hoping to help end the war sooner in any way they could. They didn’t realize how much they’d miss… Their heart froze in their chest. Autobots? When they’d left Earth, they’d gone to join the... Autobots? That couldn’t be right? That didn’t make sense! The more they thought about it, the more their memories started to make less and less sense. The Autobots were their enemy. Right? But then why were there memories of Optimus Prime giving them a tour of the Autobot base? Why had they gone on a joyride with Sideswipe? Hound had shown them some Cybertronian vegetation samples he had been preserving throughout the war. Arcee and Chromia had helped them translate their fighting moves to combat while in a battle suit. They nearly gasped in shock as feelings of guilt and grief flooded their brain. Why were they feeling this? Why did they miss them? Where were these memories coming from? Recoiling, they searched their mind. Deadlock had met them on Earth, had saved them from an Autobot attack? They frowned. That memory felt so colorless and hollow compared to the new ones they’d discovered, but they continued. They’d begged Deadlock to let them come with him to Cybertron. He’d trained them to fight. Shockwave built the battle suit which was destroyed. It was a close call, but they’d survived. Deadlock hadn’t let them leave the Decepticon Base since, too worried about their safety. That… that was there. In their mind. Images of memories were there, acting as evidence of their validity. But… the more they were examined, the more things started falling apart. Cracks started forming in the memories, like dried paint on a balloon when you inflate it, or puzzle pieces that don’t quite fit together. And like a mis-matched puzzle, the whole image was starting to make less and less sense the more they thought about it. Something was wrong. Something was terribly, terribly wrong. Despite the human’s efforts to remain still and calm, Deadlock started stirring. His optics came back online and their red light spilled down onto the smaller human. “You’re awake early today,” he commented in a deep, still somewhat sleepy voice. “How did you sleep?” "Fine," they muttered stiffly. Deadlock pulled them in tightly, his lips resting against the shell of their ear. "Mmmmmmhmmmmm. Something is troubling you," he paused as if waiting for a response. When none came, he turned the human around to face them. "What’s wrong? Tell me.” He paused again, but there was only silence. “How can I fix what’s troubling you if you don't tell me?” The human frowned, conflicted about what to say, or if they should say anything at all. They gave in as Deadlock’s grip began getting unbearably tight. “How long have I been here?” The grip became significantly more loose as Deadlock’s expression changed to a mix of surprise and confusion. “What was that?” “How… how long have I been here,” they ask again, their confidence waxing a bit stronger as they seemed to find their voice. “What have I done?” The human could feel Deadlock tense at the question for just an instant before he relaxed again and responded in a dangerously sweet tone, "What kind of question is that? Where is all this coming from?" The human had enough sense to know that telling the truth about these new and confusing memories would only make trouble. If they were false, then it would only upset Deadlock unnecessarily. If they were true... well, they weren’t sure what that would mean just yet, but it definitely wasn’t good. In the meantime, they had to think of something to say. Deadlock’s red eyes were burning into their own. Thinking on the spot, they came up with what they could and told a half-truth. “I had… a strange dream. I don’t know if it was a nightmare or not, it just… it was… strange.” “Strange? How so?” The human panicked a bit, but kept their cool. That’s what Wheeljack had taught them before right? Wait, right? Uh, well that was kind of the question and problem right now. They had to come up with something to say and quick, so they continued on with the half-truths. “I think I just miss Earth. I was dreaming about it, and then I was here with you on Cybertron, but I was also with the Autobots? But we weren’t fighting. And then Megatron was there and he was really happy about something and…” The human looked up at Deadlock with the most innocent puppy dog eyes they could muster, “I’m sorry, I know that all sounds silly. Dreams don’t always make sense though, especially when you try to explain them out lou-” Deadlock swore violently as he got up from the berth and returned to his full size. The human sat, dazed and confused as Deadlock stomped toward the door. Before he reached it, he turned back to the human. “You’re sure you were dreaming about the Autobots?” His voice was icy and sent shivers down the human’s spine. They silently nodded, still a bit in shock. With a low growl, Deadlock turned back to the door and stomped out, leaving the human locked and alone in the room. “Well,” they said aloud to themselves, “that was odd.” Odd, and terrifying. It didn’t seem to match their memories of Deadlock, or… no. No it did. Dual images of Deadlock existed. A soft, caring bot who loved them and let them stay with him while on Cybertron was mirrored by a vicious and cruel mech who had fought and captured them and now kept them here as a trophy and play-thing. But which one was real? Why were there conflicting memories in their head? The human pulled their legs in close to the rest of their body and took a deep breath in an attempt to clear their mind. They had to figure this out. They had to get to the bottom of this. What was the truth? ---- Deadlock stomped down the hall, sending lower-ranking cons scurrying out of his way as he passed. They knew better than to be in range of the mech when fury roiled in his EM field like that, it was not a safe place to be at all. He paid them no mind though. There was only one bot that needed to watch out for his wrath right now. They weren’t on base now, but as soon as Deadlock got his claws into Trepan, he was going to pay dearly. Then he was going to address and fix the spots he missed in his dear little rival’s memories, before this all got out of servo.
*****    *****    *****    *****    *****    *****
The human had been sitting in silence for, well, they weren’t sure how long. In the hours of his absence, they used Deadlock’s absence to review their memories in peace. They paced until their legs were tired. They sat to think before they grew too restless and began pacing again. How could they remember being with the Autobots and leaving Earth with Deadlock at the same time? That was impossible. Something was wrong. What was real? What was fake? Why were there fake memories in their head? Their feelings up to this point, about the Decepticons, about… about Deadlock… were those even real? Their chest felt tight as they began hyperventilating. What had happened -really happened? Why were they like this?!? They were trying to fight back tears as they searched through confusing memories when the door opened. The human glanced up apprehensively. Deadlock? They weren’t sure they were ready to face him right now. Not like this. For better or for worse, it wasn’t Deadlock. It was… it was Frenzy. The Casseticon’s silhouette was harshly lit from behind. The human stared silently, frozen in place as Frenzy stepped to the berth and pulled them up and along behind him roughly. “Looks like Deadlock’s gone off on one of his little jaunts. Humph. Just ‘cuz he’s Megatron’s favorite, he can do whatever he wants, go wherever he wants,” he looked back at the human, “take whatever he wants.” “What are you doing?” The human’s voice was barely more than a whisper. “More than what I signed up for today, that’s what,” was the gruff reply they got. Frenzy was a little more than a foot taller than they were and it was easy for him to drag the human along out the door. The relative safety of the room now gone, the human’s heart rate spiked even further. They’d left the room before. Plenty of times. But almost always with Deadlock. And definitely always not in the middle of some mental breakdown or memory mishap, or whatever the heck was going on with them! Primal fear stabbed through their stomach while at the same time, flaking memories surfaced in her mind of Deadlock telling them they’d always be safe with the Decepticons. Frenzy seemed oblivious to the mental war raging in the organic creature in his servo. He was much too focused grumbling about Deadlock’s sudden disappearance and having to cover his extra duties. “Now I get to haul you to Shockwave’s lab on top of everything else. If I were to just not show up for something, I’d never hear the end of it! Or rather, I would, right after I was put offline. But no, Deadlock can do whatever he wants whenever he wants because he’s Megatron’s little-” A loud alarm cut the disgruntled Decepticon off. He paused and looked around and tensed, then growled as he received orders over his comm. “Yeah I got the fleshie now… but I… but boss!.... Yeah, yeah, I got it. I’m going.” “Wh-what’s going on?” “Nonaya business, we’re just gonna have ta make a detour is all,” Frenzy started quickly down a corridor, nearly pulling the human’s arm out of their socket, grumbling as they struggled to keep pace. It was all they could do to avoid being dragged along behind the casseticon. Their mind raced as they tried to figure out what the heck was going on! Frenzy swore as the pair came around the corner. Two Autobots nearly ran into them, but one of them was able to jump out of the way to avoid a collision. The second smaller bot wasn’t quite as quick on his peds. The human nearly had the air knocked out of them as they crashed into the bright yellow of his chassis. “(Name)?!” The human looked up. Bumblebee? And the other… Sunstreaker? Almost immediately, a swirl of double memories assaulted their mind, laughing with Bumblebee while pulling a prank at base, helping Sunstreaker buff out some scratches after a battle with the Decepticons, dodging a blast from Bumblebee on the battlefield, hiding under debris while they prepared for a counterattack… wait, no, that hadn’t been Bumblebee, it was… it was Deadlock? Wait, what? Their stomach turned. With a screech of metal, Frenzy grabbed the slightly larger Bumblebee by the arm and swung him into Sunstreaker. Before either could recover, the casseticon ran and reached out for the human again. Just before he could grab them, a small, multi-limbed something jumped and struck him sideways. “Good boy Bob!” Sunstreaker cheered as he scooped up the small insecticon. Before the human could register what was going on, they were swept off their feet by Bumblebee who led Sunstreaker and Bob back down the corridor they came from. “No! Let me go!” the human screamed. They weren’t sure what was going on anymore and all they wanted was just a few moments to try to process what was going on and what was wrong with them. “(Name)?” Bumblebee's voice sounded shocked and worried. “(Name), it’s me, it’s, it’s us. We’re your friends, we’re here to rescue you.” he glanced back to Sunstreaker who in turn looked back briefly at where they had left Frenzy behind. For a moment, it looked like he might go back and take a few extra shots at the small Decepticon. “What have those fraggin’ cons done to them?” With a kick and a struggle, the human squirmed out of Bumblebee’s grip and bolted. They didn’t know where. All they knew was they had to find somewhere, anywhere to think. “(Name)! Come back! Please!” The human stumbled a bit. Please? Since when did Autobots say please? Or, wait, no. No. Autobots… when did Decepticons say please? When had Deadlock ever said… From behind, the human saw Bumblebee, no Deadlock, no Bumblebee reaching out to them again. Past images flashed of Bumblebee reaching out to grab them, taking them away from the battlefield, no, away from their home on Earth? What was true anymore?! They grabbed their head as if that would help clear things. Not clearly watching where they were going, they tripped and rolled to a stop. “What did you do, drop them?” Sunstreaker ran up to help. With a loud clang, he was knocked back by a newcomer behind the human. “Autobot scum,” a familiar voice growled. The human’s spine tingled. Was that fear? But why? The human turned their head to see Deadlock look down and lock his glowing red eyes on them. “(Name), what are you doing out here?” he nearly snarled. He reached down toward them. As he reached, time seemed to slow down as the action sparked a surge of memories. On the battlefield, escaping a broken mech suit and running, doing their best to fight back while attempting to retreat, getting grabbed by Deadlock, the feeling of helplessness as they were carried off. The human’s eyes widened. These memories felt different than the others. This one felt whole and clear- like the others were glitching and foggy by comparison. They may not be sure what the heck was going on, but they knew one thing: Deadlock would not catch them again. They rolled and were on their feet with the speed that only comes from training. More clear memories surfaced: training with Arcee on evasive maneuvers, the Autobot base, the battlefield the day they’d been captured as they’d attempted to dodge Deadlock’s grasp. A wave of resolve filled the human. These memories were true. They clung to them desperately as they dove away from Deadlock’s reach. No sooner had they cleared the Decepticon’s outstretched hand that Bumblebee tackled him. The two tumbled back and Bumblebee kept his hits coming, trying to prevent Deadlock from being able to draw his weapons. The human nearly lept as Sunstreaker approached, crouching down to their level. The only thing that kept them from running was the fact that they were fighting against Deadlock. That was enough to hesitantly side with them for the moment. “(Name), it’s okay, we’re going to get you out of here.” Sunstreaker glanced up at his fellow yellow Autobot, now struggling to keep Deadlock occupied. He activated his comm. “Prime, we found them! We’ve got company though. Requesting backup.” Before he could end the transmission, Deadlock had managed to throw Bumblebee off of him. The minibot hit and rolled, leaving scrapes of paint and scratches in the floor behind him. As Deadlock reached to pull his guns, Sunstreaker blasted him in the shoulder. The con toppled back, crashing against the wall and dropping one of his blasters. Sunstreaker jumped up, pulling his arm for a punch. Before it could connect however, Deadlock’s hands shot out and stopped the oncoming attack. Sunstreaker cried out as Deadlock squeezed the Autobot’s fist in his larger hand and rose to his feet slowly. Sunstreaker threw a punch with his other hand, which connected with Deadlock’s face and caused him to stumble. With a terrifying growl, the larger con pulled Sunstreaker back with him, caught their fall with a sweep of his legs, and jolted forward to crash his helm into Sunstreaker’s face. Before the injured Autobot could hit the ground, the human had scampered to Deadlock’s fallen weapon. The gun was nearly as large as they were, but they were able to heft it up enough to get their arms around it. They put a hand on the trigger, and putting their whole weight into it, were able to lean it back enough to aim it at Deadlock. The smug smile melted off the Decepticon’s face as he noticed his rival’s actions. “(Name), put it down, you’re confused and afraid, it’s okay, I’m here for you now. You’re safe.” “Am I?” The human shouted back. Their voice sounded so raspy and not nearly as steady as they had hoped. “Then why do I have these memories? You attacked Earth! You attacked the Autobots! You attacked me! I remember fighting you in a mech suit.” Deadlock growled and his ruby optics flashed to the Autobots who were only just starting to stir on the ground. “They messed with your mind. Put that weapon down and I can get you help. We can fix this and you can be happy again.” The human readjusted their slipping grip on the weapon. “No! This started before they came. You did this, I don’t know how, but now I have double memories that tell two completely different stories. But you,” the human took a deep breath to steady themselves. They were shaking now. It was a struggle to keep the gun up and pointed at the menacing con in front of them. “You, I remember you. I have memories of fighting you that are clearer than the rest. I remember you destroying my mech suit and capturing me. You brought me here against my will. I don’t know what you did to me, but I’m leaving with the Autobots!” Deadlock’s optics narrowed. “What makes you think they want you back? How can you be sure they’re not just here to terminate you? Think of what you’ve done, what information you’ve spilled? How much Autobot energon do you think we’ve spilled because of you?” Deadlock smiled as the human’s eyes widened. Their hold on his weapon began to slip once more. He lowered his voice, “I told you, you are a Decepticon now. Like it or not, you belong here, with me.” The human’s eyes watered, and they blinked hard, trying to remove the extra fluids. Deadlock smirked. He had them. He would always have them. They could fight, and as amusing as their intrepid spirit was, he would always best his precious little rival. Thundering footsteps from down the corridor interrupted Deadlock’s triumphal thoughts. A large, red, and blue shape ran into view. “(Name!)” Optimus yelled, taking stock of the scene he was coming into. The human stared at him. Once again, memories flashed: meeting the Autobot leader on Earth, asking, begging him to allow them to join the fight, seeing the worried but proud look in those blue optics when they first powered up their new mech suit. Like before, these memories seemed sharp and clear. They brought a surge of emotions and comfort to the human’s entire body. Optimus was here and they’d be okay now. Deadlock snarled and reached for his other gun still holstered over his shoulder. Before he could draw and shoot, the human took advantage of his distraction and pulled the trigger. Their aim, as it were while trying to hold the too-large-for-them weapon, was not great, but it did hit. Deadlock stumbled and clutched his leg where he’d been shot. He turned back to the human, optics as angry as fire. With the remaining strength they had left, the human pulled the trigger again. The shot went awry this time, but Deadlock flinched at it nonetheless. As he pulled back his arm to swipe at the human, Optimus plowed into him, sending him tumbling into the wall. Having spent the last bit of their strength, the human fell to the ground, Deadlock’s gun pinning them awkwardly, but only for a moment. Optimus, as carefully as he could, removed the weapon and scooped the exhausted human in his arms. Behind him, Ironhide, Arcee, and Jazz ran up, weapons drawn and ready. Ironhide kept his cannons pointed at the unmoving Deadlock while Arcee and Jazz went to help Sunstreaker and Bumblebee who were struggling to rise now. “Up ya get my man,” Jazz helped Sunstreaker to his feet and pulled his arm over his shoulder to give support, “you’re brother’s never gonna let me hear the end of it if I don’t getcha back to base in one piece. You too Bob.” The insecticon who had been trapped under the fallen Sunstreaker, chirped and whirred weakly. Bumblebee, who was now being supported by Arcee, looked around and asked weakly, “(Name)? Are, are they alright?” Optimus looked down at the human cradled carefully in his arms. They gave a weak smile through their tears. It was about all they could manage right now as they were struggling to keep themselves from just shutting down mentally. The double memories had taken a toll on their mind. They still just wanted time to think, to figure all this out. There were wounds from this that would need to be healed. For now, though, they knew they could trust Optimus. They could feel that deep down, more than any memory, false or true, could say otherwise. Optimus nodded to his bots and opened his commlink, “Autobots, fall back. Ratchet, prepare to open a ground bridge at the rendezvous point.” The Autobots retreat, joy in their sparks. Arcee and Bumblebee look on with smiles as they retrace their steps down the corridors of the Decepticon base. They had their human “sibling” back! Ironhide led the way, canons at the ready as they went. Jazz soon joined him after Sunstreaker insisted that he could walk fine by himself and would cover the rear. No Decepticons snuck up on their back, and between Jazz and Ironhide, the cons they came across were quickly dispatched. They made it back to the rendezvous point with the other Autobots. The human at this point was barely hanging on to consciousness and didn’t hear Optimus comm Ratchet to open the ground bridge, but they did see the familiar blue and green swirling lights. As the Autobots retreated through the bridge, they looked up at Optimus. He noticed their attention and looked down concernedly at them. There were still tears in their eyes, though they were from relief now more than anything. “You came for me.” Something about the tone they said it in, tore at Optimus’ spark. Their shock and pitiful hopefulness spoke volumes about what psychological treatment they’d been dealt while captive. It was going to be a lot of time and effort to heal. Optimus looked around at his Autobots around him. They kept shooting worried looks to the human in his arms. He knew each and every one of them loved the human greatly, each in their own way, and would be supportive as they healed. The human, whom he viewed as his own child, was in good hands now. “Of course, (Name), we’re your family. We’ll always be here for you.” The human looked like they might break into tears but instead smiled softly before they finally slipped peacefully into a much-needed sleep.
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My main Fanfic squad, but as F.r.i.e.n.d.s (so S.q.u.a.d i guess)
Chandler - Hiccup
Monica - Jack
Ross - Jim
Rachel - Dimitri
Joey - Astrid
Phoebe - Jamie
Scene One
Jack: You know I just don't get it. I mean, I didn't plan to quote 'ruin my marriage' unquote shortly after having one. I don't see why I'm the only one getting all the beef when it's Elsa who wanted the divorce to happen so soon.
Jamie: I mean... Mom still doesn't believe you had no idea she was a lesbian.
Jack: No, no. See, the plan was...
Hiccup: There was a plan for this?
Jack: The plan was... After a year, Elsa would file the divorce because 'Jack isn't suitable for marriage life' like I also kept telling our parents. Then, I finally come out to them as gay because 'this experience traumatized me from liking women' instead of saying I've been that way the whole time. Now turns out, she wants a divorce cause she's the gay one.
Hiccup: So you did plan to ruin it anyway?
Jamie: Then, tell mom and dad that.
Jack: I would, but it's Elsa's call and she doesn't really want to come out yet.
Hiccup: So, what are you going to do now?
Jack: Well, for the meantime, I'd be happy not to deal with any talks of my marriage or divorce for now.
Just then, Dimitri walks in during a hot stuffy day, wearing a tuxedo, of all things...
Hiccup: Okay, how about someone else's?
Dimitri: *goes up to the counter* Excuse me, hi. Uh, I'm looking for someone? I'm told they might be here.
Jack: Dimitri?
Dimitri: *turns around* Jack! Thank god. Nevermind, I've found him.
Jack: Why are you dressed that way? Wait, did you commute all the way over here in that?
Dimitri: I don't even have bills that aren't in rubles. I walked.
Jack: On a hot July heat wave? How are you alive?
Dimitri: Man, I don't know. I wish I was dead. I'm not having the best day.
Barista: Can I get you anything?
Jack: Iced tea. Grande size, thanks.
Jack and Dimitri move to the couch and the white haired man started introducing him to his friends...
Jack: Of course, you know Jim.
Dimitri: *elbows Jack roughly*
Jim: *raises a brow*
Jack: ...and you remember my brother, Jamie?
Dimitri: Of course, hey Jamie. Still think my grandpa is the boogeyman?
Jamie: He looks like a skeleton who sold his soul to add flesh over it. Boogeyman is being polite, in his case.
Dimitri snickers in response as he took a spot on the lounge couch while he waited for the iced tea ordered for him...
Jack: So are you actually going to tell us what happened or should I buy you a vowel too?
Dimitri: Okay... So an hour before my wedding, it literally dawned on me I was going to get married to Anastasia Romanov. And it got me thinking... Do I really want to spend the rest of my life as Dimitri Romanov?
Astrid: Huh, nice. Usually, the bride takes the groom's last name. Glad society's evolved enough to let it happen the other way.
Dimitri: *shrugs* Her last name carries more prestige. Which brings me to my next point... The luxurious life is appealing and all but I don't think it's really worth the boredom of putting up with the entitled rich highlanders in the monthly banquets. At least, that's not a life I want.
Hiccup: See, even the only ones who say that are those rich enough to afford saying it.
Astrid: Like you can talk. Your dad's a lawyer. You lived in a big house in the Suburbs in your childhood.
Dimitri: Anyway, long story short, I ran off from my wedding. And I went to where I knew Jack lived, but he wasn't at his flat. So this big guy wilting a piece of wood on the hallway told me I might find him here and you're the only one I know in the city that didn't come to the wedding.
Jack: ... I wasn't invited to the wedding.
Dimitri: What? But mother told me she sent you an invitation.
Jack: And you remember exactly how your folks feel about me, right?
Dimitri: Well, uh, my mother at least seemed convincing that she was making more attempts in being open...
Scene two
Hiccup: Ever notice that the most popular KDramas usually involve love triangles, petty jealousy, and cliché main guy heartthrobs?
Astrid: Maybe the ones you watch? Kingdom isn't like that.
Hiccup: Yeah, but the have the overused zombie infestation plot to make up for it.
Jamie: When will you guys just watch TV shows for their purpose?
Astrid: And what's that?
Jamie: Entertainment.
Hiccup: Well, when it's actually doing its purpose I guess.
Meanwhile, Dimitri was on the phone while Jim went to get a snack from the fridge....
Dimitri: I'm fine, uncle Vlad. And I'll feel much better if I wasn't hearing dad cussing like a sailor in the background. You know what, just put him on and let's get this over with...
Jack pauses his phone streaming Netflix before they all turned to not-so-subtly eavesdrop on Dimitri, even Jim stares at the Russian while nibbling on a muffin...
Dimitri: Yeah, it's m─dad no─Well, if you stop cursing my existence long enough to let me explain─Is mom there? Cause she'd be rubbing soap on your mouth by now!
Jim: Huh, dad troubles. *walks back to the den* Now I see why the Russian ran.
Hiccup: ... In your case, your dad ran though...
Jim: This muffin could be used as a lethal murder weapon, Haddock.
Dimitri: Znayete chto, k chertu eto, ya prosto skazhu eto. I'm gay, and always have been since forever. Even Anya knows!
Jack: Called it.
Hiccup: He was your roommate at college. Of course you called it.
Dimitri: Yeah well, tell mama I love her but screw you pops. It's my life, and I'm gonna live it the way I want...... Well, maybe I don't need your roof to return to. I'll just stay here....... Hey, he may be bottom feeder Jack to you, but he's my friend bottom feeder Jack!
Jack: I guess we established I'm still bottom feeder Jack.
Dimitri: It's my decision now, dad....... Well, maybe I don't want to keep my inherita─ No, no! I said maybe! *face falls and places the phone back on the counter and slumps on a dining room chair* Well, now I'm cut off. Shostakovitch... I don't know if the heatwave is just hitting now, or if I'm having a panic attack...
Jack snaps his fingers and went through the kitchen drawers to take out a paper bag and handed it over to Dimitri, telling him to breathe in and out of it...
Jack: Okay, just take calming breaths buddy. Calm, calm...
Dimitri: *breathing quickly, narrowing his eyes at Jack*
Jack: C'mon, don't look at me like that. Just... You know, think of less stressful thoughts. Think happy thoughts.
Dimitri: *inhales* I am *exhales* drawing a blank... Little help?
Jamie: 🎶Think of a wonderful thought. Any merry little thought... Think of Christmas, think of snow. Think of sleigh bells off you go!🎶
Dimitri: *throws off paper bag* Not like that.
Astrid: *shrugs* Made me happy.
Scene three
Dimitri: So, uh, listen James....
Jim: Dude, Jim is fine.
Dimitri: Right... So, I don't know if you knew this. But back in High school, I had a secret crush on you.
Jim: Oh, I heard of it. Didn't really think it was true, though.
Dimitri: Really? Why not?
Jim: Seriously? With practically everyone and their literal mothers going on about how you were gonna marry Romanov after college? Case in point, what you almost did hours ago. I thought they were just messing with me.
Dimitri: You did? Uh, so... I was wondering... Maybe I could take you out some time? Like... On a date? I mean, after the whole... Runaway groom thing dies down?
Jim: Well, we'll see.
Znayete chto, k chertu eto, ya prosto skazhu eto. - You know what to hell with this I'm just gonna say it.
Used google translate
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samuelsongs · 4 years
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⌠ JEON JUNGKOOK, 22, CISMALE, HE/HIM ⌡ welcome back to gallagher academy, SAMUEL SONG! according to their records, they’re a THIRD year, specializing in WEAPONS TRAINING/PROTECTION & ENFORCEMENT; and they DID NOT go to a spy prep high school. when i see them walking around in the halls, i usually see a flash of (a hand running through messy hair, an eager wave and toothy grin, various small and friendly tattoos). when it’s the (libra)’s birthday on 10/19/1998, they always request their GUACAMOLE BURGER AND PARMESAN FRIES from the school’s chefs. looks like they’re well on their way to graduation.
                                                   𝙼𝚈 𝚃𝙸𝙼𝙴
Samuel Song grew up for the first half of his life in sunny California-- Silver Lake, LA, to be exact. He would soon discover that he liked to go by Sam, though he’d respect and treasure his Korean name, Hansol, when the time came. He was a bright kid, full of life and joy and eager to do just about anything. He was always the first one to raise his hand in school or volunteer himself to make new friends. His parents loved the fact that their son was so lively and sweet, and that was in part due to their nurturing and loving nature as parents too.
They both worked in tech, very skilled and adept in their field with great jobs that allowed them to take great care of their home and child. As great as they were at their jobs, they never let it get in the way of being good parents, of making sure that their home life was as open and compassionate and understanding as they believed it should be.
He was three years old when his family welcomed a baby girl, and Sam has probably never had a greater happiness than being a big brother to Ingrid. He took care of her from the get-go, looking after her as a toddler, and always watching over her as they aged. While their parents had the money to hire babysitters, which they did, Sam still liked to always be taking care of Ingrid throughout his life, making sure she had everything she needed to be happy, or at least tried his best to.
Sam was the kind of kid that excelled in most things. He tried out for practically every sport there was, his parents supporting him throughout all the different seasons, and joined as many clubs that caught his eye as he could, something his sharp intellect helped with. His school career would see him as a star of the basketball team, student council treasurer, and president of the debate club all in the same semester, every year looking just as crazy as the last. He couldn’t help it, he just loved to be around others, a part of a team, making his mark. All this work would even help him graduate high school a year early.
At ten years old, his parents got an offer from another tech company, an offer they couldn't refuse, and the family relocated to Great Falls, Virginia across the country. The Song family moved in next door to the owners of the tech conglomerate that hired them, Reign Technology, and Ingrid and Sam met their new childhood friend, Régine Ren-- Rei for short. Despite the kids’ different personalities, they all grew up to care for each other, becoming close friends for pretty much the rest of their lives.
Sam adapted very easily to his new life in Virginia, jumping into his new school with just as much vigor as he always had, making himself out to be the ‘fun new kid’ until he was just as much a part of that community as anyone else. 
The only thing was, as much as he enjoyed every activity, as good as he was at them, there was never anything that he truly loved, that he thought could carry him for the rest of his life. What he loved was being a part of something, but nothing in particular ever really called to him. He’d watch in the coming years as Ingrid would find her passion, and he’d be her number one fan, but he’d always look at her and wonder how it must feel to find your dream.
He went off to college, picking something that sounded exciting on paper, but still didn’t light a fire in him like he wanted it to. But he wanted to be able to think that he chose the right thing, and so he continued to follow it through, because, naturally, he was good at it anyway. Sam was home for the summer after his sophomore year of college when Ingrid confided in him that she’d found something huge.
After the younger Song sibling went on a visit to their parents’ workplace, Ingrid had found something scary, something that convinced her their parents were some sort of villains working for evil masterminds-- or at least tech that seemed to imply that to a creative and impressionable mind. Sam believed her immediately, his own young imagination running wild and the siblings spent the next few weeks trying to prove that their parents weren’t who they said they were.
When they thought they finally had enough evidence, they confronted them, but were met with something entirely different-- and thankfully a little more tame. Their parents confessed that they were actually retired spies, and their jobs at Reign Tech were due to that. Suddenly everything made more sense, even though it hardly made sense that their normal, PTA-member parents could have had any past as cool and exciting as espionage. There was one more catch, however.
Not only were their parents ex-spies, they were actually connected to one of the biggest names in the history of espionage-- and assassination, actually. Sam and Ingrid’s father was a Blackthorne descendant, though for the safety of his young children, had asked his family to hide that side of them from the Song kids. Sam knew the name Blackthorne, but only as the last name of the cousin he loved so much, the fun uncles, and the serious grandpa from his dad’s side. And now he was realizing that all along they were actually one of the most prominent families in the spy community.
What’s more was, well, the Blackthornes had their own school. While it took some genuine debating and convincing of his parents, it was mostly a no-brainer to Sam. This is what he was meant to do, this was why he had never found a true purpose in life. He was destined to be a spy. His father warned him that Blackthorne would be unlike any other school he’d ever been to or heard of, that it would be the hardest thing he’d have to endure, and that his ancestry might hurt him more than it would help. But Sam was determined, hopeful that he had the guts to handle it.
So, in 2018, he enrolled as a first year at Blackthorne, and just as he had expected, it was nothing like he was expecting. Luckily, he did have third year and cousin Emmett Blackthorne at his side, who took the brunt of the family name and all its hurdles as well as provided him with a kind face to stick by when he didn’t know what he was doing. Sam was content to stay in Emmett’s shadow, the heir apparent, who he looked up to just as much. He spent his year at Blackthorne wrestling with how absolutely unbearable training was, the looks of showing up as some unknown Blackthorne, and a shocking revelation: he was not good at this.
Sam had always excelled at everything he’d tried his hand at, annoyingly so, and it only frustrated him further that the one time he was sure he’d found what he wanted to do with his life, he couldn’t master it on the first try, and had to work twice as hard as everyone else to stay afloat. So much for the Blackthorne blood, he thought, and it came to a head when he heard whispers of what his namesake’s school asked of boys in order to graduate. By the end of the year, he was sure he couldn’t survive and he was not going back.
And that was when news hit that the school’s doors would be closing forever and its sister school Gallagher Academy, would be opening its doors to all genders. The next step was clear to Sam, who didn’t want to give up espionage. Because as grueling as Blackthorne was, and as hard as it was to wrap his head around the fact that he wasn’t naturally gifted at it, he couldn’t imagine ever doing anything else. So, he transferred to Gallagher in 2019, and fell in love with the school immediately.
Ever since, he’s been steadily climbing up his own personal mountain, training hard and trying his best to master what he should have a direct familial line to. Aside from how seriously he takes his schoolwork, he’s still bright and goofy as ever, and Sam knows if he ever loses that side of him, that’s when he won't be able to pursue this any longer. But for now, he’s vibing and thriving!
Sam is a goofy and bright personality, always friendly and always looking to have fun
grew up in Cali with Ingrid to two loving parents in the tech industry
they moved to Virginia when their parents got hired by Reign Tech
he’s a naturally gifted kid who was almost instantly good at everything he tried, though he could never find a passion that motivated him and had no idea what to do with his future
Ingrid says she think their parents are evil masterminds and he instantly believes her, until their parents confess they’re actually just retired spies!
also, surprise, they’re Blackthorne descendants, and their father convinced the Blackthorne side to keep the spy business a secret from his kids
Sam decides this is what he’s meant to do with his life and enrolls in Blackthorne, only to find out this is the one thing he’s not naturally good at
hates his first year at Blackthorne, because the place is a nightmare, being a Blackthorne is not all it’s cracked up to be, and he finds out about the m*rder secret lol
but despite it all, despite espionage being the one thing he can’t immediately excel at, it’s the first thing in his life that he truly feels driven towards and wants to pursue
so when Blackthorne (thankfully) closes, he’s super happy to transfer to Gallagher, and has been loving it there ever since!
he takes his schoolwork and training super seriously, because he’s trying to get better and better every day, but aside from that, he’s laid-back, kind, and vibrant!
Ingrid Song: his baby sister, he’ll do literally anything to see her happy; he’s super supportive of her dreams and passions, and is just a touch worried about her being at Gallagher after the previous year; they have a great and healthy relationship!
Regine Ren: childhood best friend ever since he moved in next door to her; developed a crush on her in their teenage years and they started dating for a good while before they realized they couldn’t work in the long run; still on good terms and he considers her a close friend
i’m down for almost anything pls <3
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theunvanquishedzims · 4 years
Calming my post-election anxiety with sweet sweet logic
So Trump is a wannabe dictator with crazy screaming fans who are headed toward violent armed meltdowns. What’s to stop him from going full dictator and refusing to leave office?
I’m glad you asked!
You see, the major difference between wannabe dictators and actual dictators is ALLIES. Dictators are surrounded with tight security, aided by the military, cheered on by media that they control, and are either helped, encouraged, or just ignored by other countries with the power to stop them.
Trump has charged the Secret Service money for the privilege of protecting him and his family since day one. You remember the first year, when his wife and son refused to move to the White House so the Secret Service had to RENT FLOORS in TRUMP’S BUILDING to be close to them? And how his extended family went globetrotting and the Secret Service had to accompany them? And when Trump himself insisted on hosting people at his golf club, he made the Secret Service RENT GOLF CARTS from TRUMP’S CLUB to follow him while he went golfing?
The end result was that halfway through the first year of his presidency, the Secret Service could not pay their own wages. Because half their yearly budget had gone straight to Trump’s pockets. And that’s just financially. I think we all remember how the White House came down with Covid and Trump still insisted on Secret Service agents driving him around to wave at people. He has not been kind to the people who are sworn to protect him. These people have had a front-row seat to his circus since 2016. When the time comes from Trump to leave the White House and Biden to take over, I doubt they’ll betray the country out of loyalty to Trump. If anything, they’ll be the ones to drag him out.
As for the military, Trump insulted and fired four generals from his administration staff. He said on multiple occasions that soldiers who get captured or killed are suckers and losers. He refused to visit a cemetery to honor the dead because it was raining. He tries to pander to the military by massive increases in defense spending, but that money goes to capitalists who make weapons and war technology, not the soldiers or veterans. (He also hypocritically accused military officials of being in bed with those same companies.) In a poll of 1000 service members 50% said they disliked Trump. Overall, he doesn’t act like a leader, and the way he skirts responsibility (like taking charge during the pandemic) doesn’t appeal to a group that functions on trust in their leadership.
A proper dictator would have spent the last four years cozying up to his generals and making sure they knew the financial and social benefits of answering to him personally, not the office of the President. And while Trump did adhere to the adage “find a foreign foe” to unite people against, he badly misjudged what most US citizens consider “foreign.” He hasn’t found a villain that we would root for the military taking down, and the people he targets (Latinx, Blacks, immigrants, and people in countries our military has already devastated) are not a minority he can turn the majority of the country against, especially with how many of the former two serve in the military themselves. When the time comes for him to leave office, the military might be the first to cut ties with the wannabe Dictator-in-Chief.
Now, the media. They’ve been treating him like a joke candidate since day one, but after he was actually elected and took office they’ve started to take him more seriously. He’s gotten his catchphrase “fake news!” to catch on, but that doesn’t change the fact that under his administration news reporters have been harassed, illegally arrested, and generally poorly treated by Trump, especially if they’re women. He’s trashed talked everyone, with Fox News being the last bastion of semi-legitimate news that openly supports him (and their credibility has taken a big hit over it.)
Despite this support, in recently months Trump has been increasingly dumping on Fox, even throwing the mediator they provided for the debate under the bus, and risking alienating them in the process. If his supporters listen to him and start considering Fox part of Big Fake News, it might possibly be the death of Fox, leaving most of his supporters adrift and isolated from their source of right-wing news, and sending the more extreme fringes into the arms of conspiracy theory websites. (I’m not saying this is bad, being cut off from Fox and its toxic stream of “information” can actually help rehabilitate the right.)
Honestly, I don’t think Trump ever had a shot at controlling the media like a dictator would, mainly because of social media. He’s in love with attention, and Twitter has provided him a nonstop stream of it. No other President has threatened, insulted, promoted, or hinted at war over social media the way Trump has, and he gets so much direct feedback and interaction with the public and the world as a result. He could have leveraged that by buying the company (through a shell corporation, obviously) and setting it up as The One True Source of Information, manipulating public perception of him and his administration by keeping a tight grip on what information he let out.
But he’s just. Not. That. Clever. He blurts out everything that crosses his mind, leaving his administration to play clean-up on his messes, put out fires he keeps pouring gasoline on, and claim he’s joking when everyone knows he’s testing the limits on what he can get away with saying. He took advantage of the direct communication with legions of supporters, but seemed to forget that his detractors had equal access and would absolutely call him out on things he definitely said, it’s right there on his Twitter account, they have the Tweet pulled up on their phone right now. Instead of operating a single state-run media outlet while crushing all free press and limiting internet access like other dictators, he’s mooned the world’s cameras and acted surprised when they put his saggy butt on tv. “Fake news! That’s not my butt! THIS is my butt! [image attached]” he tweets. “Twitter is so biased, they haven’t censored any of Sleepy Joe’s photos!” he later tweets.
And lastly. The key to a dictatorship’s success. To prevent outside intervention, the country a dictator runs must be unimportant and ignored, wealthy and well-connected, or scary and well-armed. Minor warlords are the former, Putin is the latter, Trump might have weaseled his way into being the middle. But at the end of the day, America’s whole thing is new leadership every four years. It was revolutionary to replace a lineage of kings and queens stretching generations with a non-royal elected leader who only held office for four to eight years, but we’ve stuck to that for 200 years and everyone’s used to it by now. It would take a charismatic and powerful person to move the American people towards abolishing such a basic tenant of our democracy, and despite the mob mentality that lead a small portion of his supporters to chant “sixteen more years!” in the heat of the moment, Trump is not that charismatic. He’s not that smart. He’s not that well-connected. He’s not that savvy. He’s not that good at politics. And he’s not that powerful.
(I was going to say something here about him being the laughingstock of the world’s leaders and shouldn’t expect any outsiders to help him stay in power, especially since his tax returns came out and showed he owes people a ton of money that he doesn’t have, but this post is long enough so let’s cut to the chase.)
Trump is a greedy, small-minded man that has clung to power by appealing to the worst in humanity and scraping away at the best. But he hasn’t succeeded. He’s a sad old man who will say anything to be loved, and I don’t think he even knows what love is, so he’ll settle for attention. He doesn’t have money, he doesn’t have an army, and the only allies he has are using him as a political pawn to further their own interests. They will cut him loose the minute he stops being useful.
Now, the bad part: crazy screaming fans. Fringe groups on the internet. Mobs chanting “sixteen more years!” Men with guns and bombs and kidnapping plots, men trying to get into voting centers to destroy the election, men driving trucks with black flags that say FUCK YOUR FEELINGS, TRUMP 2020 (available on Amazon for $11.99, I wish I was joking.) I have no idea how many people in this country genuinely love Trump. It is hopefully significantly less than voted for him. There are some big issues in this country that are make-or-break, and unfortunately by reason of running Republican Trump has aligned himself with some of them.
There are people who hate everything about Trump, but he put a pro-life judge on the Supreme Court so they’re voting for him. There are people who are uncomfortable with Trump, but they’ve forgiven their grandpa for saying worse at Thanksgiving dinner, so they’ll vote for him. There are people who don’t know a single thing about Donald Trump, but they see (Republican) next to his name on the ballot, so they vote for him. None of that means those people will side with him if he tries to make a move towards dictatorship.
Now there are people who love Trump. They’ve heard and seen the vile things he’s said and done, and are genuinely okay with it, because they are full of hate and rage and want to change the world to put themselves on top. I do not know how many of these people there are. I know they exist all over the country, not just in red states. I know some of them have guns and want a reason to use them, because they’ve been talking about it for decades. I don’t know if we can trust the police to side with us over them if fights start breaking out. (And I pray pray PRAY people de-escalate any fights, because monkey see monkey do, and one news report of a MAGA extremist shooting someone can inspire a hundred copycats can lead to full-on civil war like we've never seen.) I know we need to be careful the next few months, to take care of ourselves and watch out for the more vulnerable in our communities.
And above all, I know this: Trump is not going to keep this country. He got it through trickery and deceit and foreign influence and national indifference and people not taking him seriously. We’ve learned. We’ve grown. We’re taking him seriously now, and we will not let him take what we’ve already told him he can’t have. The election is over. He’s a loser. He’d better start packing his bags. Because he’s not staying in office.
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writerkenna · 4 years
HP Next Gen Headcanons/Faceclaims
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Helena Pomona Lovegood-Longbottom OC (Elle Fanning)
Born May 2006
Parents: Neville Longbottom and Luna Lovegood
House: Gryffindor
Somehow exactly like both her parents and completely herself 
Knows all the secret ways to get into the kitchens
Mainly hangs out with Rose, though she can sometimes tolerate James, sometimes
Has a love/hate dynamic with James Potter, which has resulted in a good amount of hexes and the occasional kiss
Best friends with her Dad, whose heart she breaks in year 4 when she asks if their weekly Thursday lunches can be cut to monthly (it’s okay she buys him an ice cream and they have a good laugh about it)
Is very proud of how advanced she is with Herbology when she comes to Hogwarts from all her years of listening to her dad talk about it
Nargles are real, FIGHT HER ON IT!
Has the Longbottom chubby cheeks, which she hated for a long time, until her mum says how much she loves those cheeks on her dad
Has spent a few nights asleep under the stars in the astronomy tower with Rose, which she adores from stargazing nights with her family when she was young
This inspires her to suggest it as a first date location for Albus and Severus, which works brilliantly!
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Albus Severus Rubeus Potter (Logan Lerman)
Born March 2006
Parents: Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley
House: Slytherin 
Puberty hits him hard with the angst
He spends most of his time being like ‘oh, I’m a Slytherin Potter, my family hates me, I AM the cursed child’ and Harry’s like ‘I literally adore you, now go clean up your snake’s cage’
Yes, he owns a snake. It’s part of the angst
Rose and Scorpius pull him out of that funk by year 3, don’t worry
He probably falls in love with Scorpius the moment he hears him speak French for the first time
His first year, he writes his mum and dad three letters a week. Ginny rolls her eyes and Harry goes completely soft for it
He hopes to be known around school not as Harry Potter’s son, or James’s brother, but instead Rose Granger Weasley’s cousin, for she is legit the smartest person he knows
When he realises he’s gay, he comes out sort of incidentally to Helena first because she finds him by the Great Lake, asks what he’s thinking, and she looks at him so knowingly, he just yells ‘IM GAY’
After he gets out of his angsty stage in life, he finally gets really close with his family again, especially his dad 
In the summer, he, James, Fred, Teddy, Hugo, Louis, all his uncles, his Dad, and Grandpa Arthur all go on a boys trip to Ireland for camping. He starts bringing Scorpius summer after year 5, who gets along amazingly well with Arthur
He is absolutely going to marry Scorpius, which he tells Ginny all the time. When she says they are a bit young to think like that, he’s like ‘literally this whole family married their childhood sweetheart don’t give me no bull’
Soft for his mum and sister
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Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy-Belgarde (Mark Lee)
Born January 2006
Parents: Draco Malfoy and Luca Belgarde (OMC-Beauxbatons alum)
House: Slytherin
Adopted at age two by his dads, but feels despite blood, was somehow always meant to be Draco’s son
Puts a blond glamour on his hair once he starts Hogwarts so everyone knows he’s a Malfoy
Angel baby boy who is both his fathers’ doll
He falls in love with Albus in third year when Albus spends the night  talking about how damned hard it is to have world famous parents. They talk until two in the morning and curse off the Daily Prophet
While he is a sweet soft boi, he is meant to be a Slytherin. He can work his sweet talk like a magic weapon and knows what he wants is always in his grasp if he can strategize for it
Grew up in a bilingual household, with Luca speaking French and Draco English
When he comes home for the winter holidays and tells his dads he’s fallen for Albus, Draco groans and says they need to talk. Scorp is worried for the worst, but Draco is just like ‘let me you give some advice on how to have a crush on a Potter, kid, because I wished I had got this talk at some point’
Dates Rose for approximately one week in year 3, just because everyone starts dating in his year and Albus is oblivious. They have one awful kiss and Albus makes him swear never to date one of his cousins again after that
Shocks Harry with how much he is not a mini Draco
Calls Albus “ma petite étole” because their first date was in the astronomy tower
Makes fast friends with both Molly and Arthur
Demi-sexual homoromantic
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Rose Granger Weasley 
Born June 2006
Parents: Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger
House: Gryffindor
The brightest witch of her age
Her best subjects(though she’s amazing at all of them) are Transfiguration, Potions, and Defense Against the Dark Arts
She hopes to get a ministry job one day, just like Mum
Loves to relentlessly pester Hugo
She has the most gorgeous little tortie cat named Trix
Her favorite cousin (don’t tell the others) is Molly II
But, of course, she has a major soft spot for Albus because they are so close in age, even when he’s an emo bastard
When she was young, her favorite activity was baking with Grandma Molly and Hugo
Whenever she goes to spend time with her muggle grandparents, she has a guilty pleasure for Muggle music. Her current favorites are: The Beatles, Modest Mouse, and Vampire Weekend(no actual vampires, Huh!)
She absolutely adores when she gets to pick the book for family book club nights
Moderately talented with Quidditch, however, is so bored by the idea of the sport that she doesn’t play. Ron’s pouty about it
However, she will go to matches to see Scorp, Roxanne, Fred, and James play
She spends a lot of time with Professor Longbottom due to how close she is with Helena. Neville loves writing to Hermione and Ron to say what a ‘ wonderfully magnificent’ girl she is
On the subject of Helena, Rose and her are close than close, from both a childhood around each other and, on day 1 of Hogwarts, getting beds smack dab next to each other for the best late night chatting set up
Because of this, Rose goes mental over Helena and James dating, because now she has to spend MORE time with him
Loves Hogwarts, but will always love nights with just her little family, Mum, Dad, and Hugo, when Dad calls her RosiePosie and makes his famous meatballs, even more
3/? of Next Gen Headcanons
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thanksjro · 5 years
Children of a Lesser Matrix: It’s Like A Saturday Morning Cartoon, But With… Genocide
Children of a Lesser Matrix is by no means a complete work- more of an outline that never got past the “slap some ideas in as they come to you” stage. Fun fact: you don’t have to write in sequential order if you don’t want to. It can actually help with writer’s block to jump around.
Let’s take a look at the writing process, shall we?  
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I wasn’t kidding when I said the self-insert got the shaft in Eugenesis.
It turns out that back when the Transmasters UK club was a thing, it was pretty common for the members to have a sort of mascot for themselves, a character that would show up in their work repeatedly. You see it nowadays with fanfic writers too, so it isn’t exactly an odd phenomenon, but it’s something I found interesting.
You know who else shows up repeatedly in Roberts’ other works?
But that’s a topic for another day.
This story takes place in the year of 1990. No peering into the future here; this was probably set in the modern day at the time of writing. Seeing as Eugenesis was first published in 2001, it’s safe to assume that we’re looking at the work of a very young Roberts.
Our focus at present is an asteroid in uncharted space.
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Looks like these guys are Autobots, and their ship crashed into this space rock, killing them instantly. These must be the equivalent of Transformers’ red-shirts, because it usually takes a little more to take them out. There’s also a Decepticon, but we’ll get to him in a second.
What else is on this asteroid? Oh, y’know, nothing special. Just the Creation Matrix.
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And everyone knows that green is the color of EVIL.
We’ve got an interesting take on the Matrix here, in that A) it’s evil, and B) it’s sentient. Like, really sentient. Also, it can summon demons, and is gonna stuff them in these Autobot corpses it found in the ship.
No mention of what it does with Thunderwing, if anything at all.
Yep. Thunderwing. If you read the IDW Stormbringer miniseries, or the MTMTE Revolutions one-shot, you know about Thunderwing at least a little. In the Marvel UK comics, his whole shtick was that he was obsessed with obtaining the Creation Matrix, believing himself to have an affinity with it. Guess that sort of backfired on him here.
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This is the first time I’ve seen something bolded like this in Roberts’ work, and I really couldn’t tell you exactly why, but it’s oddly endearing. Maybe it the mental image of this 14-year old kid just furiously getting this outline down, underlining the word “will" so hard the lead in his pencil breaks off.
We get hit with an interlude, taking place inside a robot grandpa.
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Of course, I’m being facetious, but this is a little interesting. Perhaps this is referring to his base on Cybertron, and not Alpha Trion himself. It seems more likely than Roberts mistaking the name for a place.
And who’s inside Delta Triton? Why, it’s Skimmer!
You probably don’t know Skimmer.
Skimmer was actually in MTMTE #41- or at least, he was mentioned. Hailing from Caminus and serving under Thunderclash, the comic doesn’t even know what gender he is. He’s male. Probably can’t put that on the wiki, seeing as this is about as far from “canon” as it gets- an unpublished, basically unwritten fanfiction. It’ll be our little secret, just between you, me, and James Roberts.
Skimmer runs into his boss Quillion- who does not show up anywhere else, as far I can can tell- who doesn’t look terribly happy at the moment. There’s a huge blip on the radar, and it isn’t anyone they want to have over for tea.  
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Quillion orders for these massive rocket boosters they’ve strapped to the moon be turned on so they can get the hell out of the way of this honestly preposterously large pile of Decepticons coming their way. They flip the switch, and moon #3 blasts off.
Oh hi, Luna 01, didn’t recognize you there!
Back at the asteroid, the Matrix went and brought the Autobots back from the dead, and proceeds to wax poetic  on the nature of life, and how its new underlings will serve it.
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That’s the royal we, baby. The Matrix is making no bones about it, this thing is KING. Seems like the Omniforce is a Roberts-original idea. Wonder what that’s all about. And what of this new force of evil?
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Oh my fucking god his name is Genocide.
If I were a middle-school kid reading this outline, I’d be losing my mind over how cool and edgy this was. Roberts is trying so hard here, and I’m all about it. You go, tiny JRo. You go full cowl on these evil robots.
Our Omniforce have personalities to match their new looks and identities, and it’s about what you’d expect- these boys are a drop of blood in the water away from going completely feral. Also, Thunderwing’s starting to wake up. So, that’ll be a thing soon.
Back at the interlude, everything’s settling down as the gravity rights itself. The moon almost hit light-speed- which, holy shit- but it looks like the laws of inertia in a vacuum are on vacation today.
Not that I expect a kid from the 90’s to know about that.
They’re roughly 7000 hours away from Cybertron, so they better start heading back now. Assuming that there’s still a Cybertron to go back to.
Back with the first plot, Thunderwing’s having a seizure- Roberts’ prose characters seem to do that a lot- and the Matrix is freaking out, because if he dies, they won’t have a ride off this barren space rock. There’s only one thing to do!
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The Matrix zaps Thunderwing with green (evil!) lightning, saving him from the brink of death. Thunderwing is less than enthused with this turn of events.
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You get redundancies like this when outlining, it happens.
Thunderwing is pissed, and the brand-spanking new Omniforce isn’t super sure how to handle the current situation. The Matrix, thinking quickly, merges with Thunderwing.
This does not help the situation.
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You’ve had them for five minutes, and you’re already killing them. I know you’re new to this, Matrix, but come on now.
TWENTY THOUSAND YEARS LATER, it turns out that Quillion’s estimate of their arrival back at Cybertron was off by just a smidge. The moon runs into a tomb of all things in the depths of space, and brings it on inside to see what all the hubbub’s about.
It’s got a Mind-Krell in it.
No, I have no idea what a Mind-Krell is. Another Roberts original. He’s always been rather ambitious as a writer, it would seem.
Jumping back in time, Thunderwing’s throwing out his rawest lines, and it’s amazing.
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Like holy shit, I unironically love this. I wish he’d decided to do more with this, it’s fantastic.
We get our first taste of action. Theres a lot going on here: Genocide is apparently a necromancer, capable of controlling the dead, which Thunderwing currently technically is. However, this takes time to set up, so it’s Black Fusion’s turn to step up to the plate. He shoots off a volley of Black Fusion from his eyes, knocking Thunderwing over.
Yes, they’re named after their powers. Or are their powers named after them? Anyway, they’re about to head for the shuttle, when Genocide orders Kaos to use his- you guessed it- Kaos Energy.
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We’re also dealing with the “can’t just use said” phase that every young writer goes through. Kaos’ staff, which he’s had this whole time, turns into a gun? It’s not clear, but he shoots Thunderwing and then dives into the shuttle at the last possible second, Indiana Jones-style.
As the shuttle takes off, Genocide warns their resident possessor Daemon to not do the thing, even though he really, really wants to. With that, they train the onboard weapons systems on Thunderwing below- all of them.
And that’s all we got for Children of a Lesser Matrix.
Clearly there would have been more if he’d continued with the ideas, but as is we have a fascinating snapshot of what was probably one of Roberts’ first forays into writing. You don’t get to do this with very many authors, where you can go this far back and see what they were doing, what changed, what stayed the same. I wasn’t expecting to see ideas from MTMTE pop up here- and certainly not ones that were as big as the moon thrusters.
If this entry seems a little soft around the edges, it’s probably because it is. I’m of two mind about covering this at all. On one hand: it was published online for others to read, which makes it free game, and it’s a part of his growth as a writer, so of course I’m going to look at it! On the other hand: Literal. Child. I wouldn’t make fun of a kid just starting out now, and I’m definitely not trying to rag on a young writer retroactively. That being said...
I’m not gonna lie, this is kind of a rough sit. I mean, other than it being an idea springboard that never went anywhere. There are some neat ideas, but… look, anything that’s truly made from the bottom of one’s heart, out of pure love, is always going to be at least a little cringe-inducing. That’s just how it goes, even with the best writers, and this is an outline written by a kid who grew up on 80’s-era media and was just starting out.
Still, there was a lot of potential here. It’s ambitious, it’s over the top, it’s silly and earnest. I like it. It makes me smile to read it and think about the person creating it and having fun doing it.
It just goes to show that no one starts out amazing at what they do.
Up next, a relic of a bygone era- the ‘zine! It’s The Mystery of the Transformer Decoys, a ‘zine that was printed out and sent via snail mail. We truly are spoiled by the internet.
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afterthelastreset · 5 years
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I didn't think Azzy looked enough like Kris or Susie so I changed his color scheme. I'll upload info on Merry later. (I promised to upload Merry's bio. Please know it does contain my own headcannons for Deltarune.) Name: Princess Merry Holiday Dreemur Personality: easily flustered, shy, self conscious, pretty nice once you know her, somewhat antisocial but willing to be helpful Species: Darkner that's a mixture of monster, human, deer, and goat Age: 5 Family: Kris: Father, Ralsei: Other father, Susie: Mother, Noelle: Other mother, Asriel: Uncle, Toriel: Grandmother, Asgore: Grandfather, Kristy: Older half sister, Azzy: Older half brother, Noelle's Dad: Other grandfather Appearance: pink fur with white ear insides, pink cheeks, goat horns, red eyes, brown hair with blue ends, green shirt, red bow, blank pants, white skirt, black hooves Powers/Abilities: Very weak magic skills, and can sometimes be able to summon a sword like Kris Bonus:  ( this contains my own headcannons may be updated later) After the events in Deltarune, after Susie suggested that they should go back, they did. Over time the three became closer as friends (much to Kris's family's delight) and they end up going back to visit their darkner friends during and after school through the closet. Over time the fun gang become closer and the three develop more feelings. When Kris and Susie prepare to graduate and leave school, it becomes more apparent that they may visit less. It was Ralsei who was the first to admit his feelings towards the other two, and was honestly surprised to say the least when they shared his feelings. The two eventually moved into the dark world, but do go back to the world of light to visit family. Mostly Kris. Susie is very secretive when it comes to her past. About two years after the twins were born, Kris and Susie reconnected with an old friend of there's through the local cafe. Noelle had been in a tough spot since after school. Her father had survived the illness he had, but had permanently weakened making it hard for him to move around for long periods of time, she struggled to help take care of him with her minimum wage jobs as a teacher's assistant and a part time job as a waitress at the local diner. On top of that, she had been in a once unhappy relationship with Berdly for sometime before meeting old faces. She was delighted to see her old friends with their two children, but was surprised to see a third partner with them. The four spent time catching up like old times but eventually parted ways. During the next year, the four (or usually just Noelle and Kris and Sometimes Susie) would have small greetings and meet ups in the diner and start to be come close friends again. But Noelle was having a harder time keeping her life together. Her father had to be moved to live with a few distant relatives because of the strain her financial situation was. The strain of working two jobs had taken a toll on her and she was about ready to just quit. When she got an unexpected visit from an old friend, Kris. The two talked for a while and decided to help her find a job elsewhere. It helps for a little bit when she starts working at the library full time, but overdue bills catch up to her and she was forced to foreclose her home and temporary move in with a friend.Noelle had always been a timid push over, so this was just was the end result of it. Now being homeless and a minimum wage job, there wasn't much hope for her. But things did look up when Kris offered her a special job at his home. Reluctantly she agreed, and Kris led them to the school and through the closet door. Noelle was pretty shocked when they were basically teleported to a whole different world, but Kris was quick to reassure her and take her to the palace where she was met his partners and children. It as....strange being in a darkland with strange creatures and such, but she shouldn't complain with her new position. Right? During her time there, she reconnected with her old classmates and was surprised to find out her feelings for Susie hadn't gone away. But she already had two husbands and children. There was no way she could be interested in her, right? Well, when Susie did find out, she was surprisingly ok with it. She was in a polygamy relationship after all, but she had to get the ok with her other two partners. Ralsei was a little confused at first but did agree with Kris to let them work it out. After trying to get to know Ralsei and Kris a little better, they all become closer slowly but surely. Ralsei she found out is very similar to her personality wise and morals, and Kris is still the goof ball kid that used to hide under her bed to scare her. The four eventually start to go on outings together and spending more time as a family. Merry was born the same way the twins were. By Ralsei weaving a soul from magic using their DNA but was birthed by Mother Noelle. Her name is a pun on the term Merry Christmas from Noelle's side of the family and has both Noelle's and Kris's last names. Merry is the youngest of the royal children of the two Darkland kingdoms, and the most skittish of the three siblings. Merry refers to Noelle as Mother, Susie as Mama, Kris as Daddy, and Ralsei as Papa. While she takes after Noelle figure wise, her personality is mostly Ralsei's with a sense of justice. She's a soft spoken child as Kris was and usually won't speak unless spoken too. At five years old, she's pretty smart for her age but usually keeps to herself. Like her siblings, she can summon a weapon but it's a sword like Kris. Relatonships:   Azzy: She's closer to her brother than her sister because they're similar personality wise and both have similar struggles with magic. They often study together and help each other out with their magic lessons. Kristy: Quiet just like her, she's her protector often following around her and Azzy and keeping them from trouble. Her temper does scare her from time to time though and she wishes she'd be less forceful. Kris: Best Human ever. Like the twins, Merry has no idea Kris was adopted by the Dreemur family and as she's part goat, doesn't know why he doesn't look like the rest of his family. He's soft spoken like her and often takes him to visit their grandparents and Uncle Asriel in the lightner world. Susie: She's Mama to Merry and the most protective of her other than Kristy. She likes to try to teach her how to fight to protect herself but usually there practices turn into playfights. When on the surface, Susie will often steer her and her siblings clear of certain parts of the town for 'reasons'. Noelle: Mother dearest. Best mother she could ask for. She makes the best holiday cookies and often baby's the children and spoils them much to Susie's protest. Though she will sometimes cry when she takes her to visit her grandpa on her side for some reason. Ralsei: Floof Dad. She loves to snuggle up to her fluffy daddy when tired and listen to his stories of the old Darkner history and eat all the baked goods he and Noelle made together. He's the closest to her out of her four parents and the one to share her values of Mercy and kindness. Toriel: Her grandmother is an older more motherly/fluffy version of Papa Ralsei. She loves it when Kris or Susie takes them to visit her grandparents for Thanksgiving or Christmas. (Though As gore is her favorite grandparent.) Asgore: Best grandpa in the world. He's a bit of a push over and she wishes he'd sometimes grow more of a backbone, but he gives the best hugs and she loves to see all the pretty flowers in his big garden. Mr. Hoiday: Merry doesn't get to see her sick grandpa much, but when she does he likes to tell embarrassing stories about her mother and is cheerful. J.K.: The strange Imp boy loves to make her smile and is a blast to be around. His energy and tricks always manage to make her smile. Pearlescent: The deer monster was the one who made her and her siblings crowns. She doesn't see her often but when she does, she likes to hang out with her as they are both deer monsters and Pearlie makes very beautiful objects. King Lancer: since Lancer is good friends with her parents, they sometimes see each other when they visit his kingdom. The giant spade can come off as intimidating, but is actually very down to earth with kids. He often gives them kindly advice on magic and their kingdom, but sometimes he can get a little too into his splat noises.
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tumblunni · 5 years
I had a really weird dream involving Dr Maddiman. Its a shame i can barely remember any of it and also it seems i woke up before it ended? Like i just had this overwhelming sense that allll the plot threads were gonna be wrapped up any second now and then BOOM awake. So just a whole bunch of random stuff happened with no real explanation at all.
It was some sort of post apocolyptic setting i think? Humanity was in these small isolated cities fighting against some sort of invading army but we never actually saw the aliens themselves. And some part of my brain was like "it makes sense its the same rules as a hairdresser and the design takes cues from a pack of AAA batteries". I have NO idea what that means! So basically everythibg was super vague and undescribed and dream-me just had a sense of already being a long time fan of this series and knowing enough to fill in the gaps. Apparantoy this was some sort of adaptation of a thing id already seen, but id been told the ending was different and more accurate to the manga? Also i wasnt actually a person watching this show i was still the protagonist of the show yet i acted like i'd been reincarnated and relived this week a million times or something
ANYWAY the way dr maddiman comes in is that he was some sort of 'brilliant but dangerous' expert the government had hired to help our fight against the aliens. It wasnt really explained why he was.. yknow.. maddiman. Like is this meant to be that ghosts also exist in this sci fi universe? Was he a half alien hybrid instead of a yokai? Was it just human maddiman with the personality of yokai maddiman due to ptsd...? In any case he didnt seem entirely tethered to the laws of reality and nobody knew exactly how he pulled off all his scientific miracles. He was treated as the only guy who could understand the mindset of the aliens, but that also made him dangerous because he trapped in the delusion of everything being okay and fun and happy and he often did evil things by accident while having good intentions. But they didnt have anyone else who'd cracked the code of the alien weaponry so they had to put up with him. He was just sorta assigned a crack team of secret agents whose job was Be The Old Man's Friend So We Dont All Die. Dont let him realise how the world is all destroyed and such, just play along with his goofyness and try and remind him to do his important work while dancing around why its important. it was super creepy how he was locked up and gaslighted like this!! And he was all 'oh im sure when im done with my ultimate experiment i can go home to my wife and kids' and yeah it was implied here that the same backstory applied :( 'distract the old man and validate his false opinion that his family is still alive and waiting for him' :( poor sci fi madds :(
Oh also for some reason he seemed to be wearing elements of Adventure era Dr Eggman's outfit? But just the general style of the coat and the wearing goggles that he never actually uses. And he had a very warm and cuddly autumnal colourscheme
Anyway i was part of the Super Secret Grampa Cherishing Division whose job was to act as his assistant but also secretly be packing a bazillion weapons to neutralize him if he poses a danger to humanity. But i started to genuinely care for the guy and question the 'any atrocity is permitted for the sake of saving the world' philosophy of my bosses. Also it was just very weird how it was this post apocolypse alien fighting action thing yet i didnt see ANY OF IT cos this story was confined to this one laboratory. It was surreal hearing about all this stuff happening offscreen!
I think Maddiman's main project was some sort of dimensional transport thing using salvaged alien tech? It was just a door in his lab that usually led to a closet but if he got it working itd teleport us straight to the alien base and save the world. And a lot of it wasnt explained but i got this great sense that itd all come together with a great twist ending evebtually but then i woke up before i got that far. Same for the reveal of this maddiman's new sci fi backstory and soooo many other dropped plot threads. Alas!
So anyway: closet. Closet with one of those bead curtain things cos i was thinking about them when i fell asleep. It was supposed to be a teleport but when it malfunctioned it had really scary negative effects warping people's biology and stuff. I remember one of the test subjects was sent in for a five day trip to a specific alternate dimension but then when they came back itd been several years and theyd had to survive in a deadly wasteland and been mutated into a hellbeast. And maddiman had a huge breakdown because he felt like his recklessness and optimism towards this experiment had caused this mistake to happen, and he'd never realized just how awful the consequences could be. He was babbling motor mouth discussing theories for where it went wrong and there was something like 'we'd only tested it for one day trips and assumed that just programming two of them would equal two days but actually with each additional number on the screen it multiplies the days by 3" And there was something about like...the bead curtain was the machine rather than the door itself? Like trying it on a bunch of different doors around the lab to try and find a way to cure this person.
And there was some sort of artificial intelligence computer with the personality of an adorable lil girl, who helped maddiman do calculations and stuff. She missed the mistake in this calculation cos her concept of linear time and the limits of human organs was kinda undeveloped. She only existed within the realm of numbers after all, and didbt even have functionality to record footage of her human friends's faces. No idea wtf a human looks like! So maddiman was lost in his desperate grief of potentially accidebtally killing or at least mentally scarring a person and the government would probably kill them now if they saw they were a super mutant. And he was sobbing and begging this AI to help, his last resort was her maybe being able to see a brainwave that he'd missed. But she was freaking out cos she didnt even fully understand why maddiman was crying let alone what to do to fix it. Eventually she did manage to find a solution theough some simple different logic thing that she had from her perspective as a computer. And that person was saved but still traumatized and maddiman had a moment of realizing just how high stakes everything was and freaking out. He was like 'whats wrong with my head, why didnt i notice that, why was i so reckless, why cant i seem to grasp basic human logic that i need right now" Having a big existential crisis of 'wait how did i even get in this lab, where's my family and why do i seem to have superpowers'. Protagonist mission: hide all the goddamn mirrors to avoid this weird ghostgramp (...aliengramp??) from realizing he's dead (..or an alien??) and losing control of himself. And everyone was running around talking about 'containment procedures' and poor maddiman didnt know that if his panic attack continued he might just straight up be killed for outliving his usefulness. So the protagonist was desperate to help him calm down and it sucked SO MUCH cos they had to lie about his past and weave the web of deception around him again for his own safety. In the end they just hugged him close until he calmed down, and all the other employees were like GASP THEY ACTUALLY TOUCHED THE EVIL DANGEROUS SUPER EVIL MAN and protag was like 'i am 1% away from slapping the next bitch who insults this grandpa'. And it was super depressing cos once he'd calmed down he seemed to start forgetting that anything bad had ever happened?? And he was really panicking and scared cos he didnt understand why he was forgetting, and he knew he had to cling onto something important but he didnt know what. And then five minutes later he was back to haha cheerful nothing is wrong and i love doing my fun science in this room im never allowed to leave. And protagonist was crying the tears that this poor gramp wasnt allowed to cry :(
Also actually i think maybe he was a ghost AND an alien? Like he was a scientist who died in some sort of tragedy back when the aliens first invaded, but along the way he'd been infected so his body got back up as a twisted combination of human and inhuman. And this was something unique to him, like he just happened to have a genetic mutation in his blood that was totally undetectable in life but happened to mix unpredictably with this alien virus to turn him into a hybrid instead of just killing him. So the government was very interested in finding a way to replicate this and create new supersoldiers, as well as just taking advantage of this dude's confused mental state that granted him a unique understanding of alien tech that made him more effective than other scientists. And, of course, also made him easy to manipulate :(
And i also had a feeling that maybe his backstory was mixed up with Adventure dr eggman? Like here it seemed he had a daughter instead of a son, and she had a similar death to Maria Robotnik where she was assasinated by the government he worked for, and it tipped him over the edge. I think Maddiman-alien-scifi-dude originally died trying to save her from being used in some sort of experiment? Like she was already dying of a disease and thats why maddiman took this job to have access to powerful government technology to try and look for a cure. But when the whole alien apocolypse happened, the evil government decided to use her for experiments cos she was 'basically dead anyway'. Theyd just lie and tell maddiman she died of her illness. So this was how they found out that this particular family's bloodline had a mutation that let them form a viable hybrid with alien dna. They were turning this poor kid into a monster in the basement while lying to her dad about her being dead! And maddiman was about to commit suicide from having no reason to live anymore, with the hell of this apocolypse world and the false impression that his kid was already dead. But somehow monster-daughter sensed this or something and broke out of containment to try and save him, and when he saw her he was able to recognise her even in her twisted state. So when the soldiers gunned her down in front of him and fed him some lies about this not being his daughter, he just completely snapped. He tried in vain to fight back and take down as many of them as possible in revenge, but well he was just a simple round dad with no ability to fight a government. So he was unceremoniously executed along with his kid and they shoved the bodies back in the lab to continue testing. "Damn that overemotional science dad, he made us execute our most valable test subject! But at least this way we can analyze his corpse to see if the mutation is passed down on the patrilineal side." But at some point during the fight, monster-daughter's blood had splashed on her dad and gotten into his bloodstream. So the seemingly dead body suddenly got up out of the morgue and started sucking people's blood or something. And this led to the current situation where they have him locked up cos he's a valuable test subject but also hey he has 100% reason to kill all of us and we're screwed if he remembers his past. Also i think the computer AI thing was his subconcious attempt to recreate the personality of his daughter even if he couldnt remember she'd ever existed :(
Anyway at some point things escalated and there was this final showdown versus both the invading aliens and the evil governmebt guys. I think there was some corrupt greedy politician dude who stole maddiman's teleporter tech and sold us out to the aliens cos he wanted money and power or something. And probably predictably the aliens just threw him off a bridge after he gave them the thing, because seriously even this evil army thinks these government dudes are too evil!
So this big actiony event was happening and Maddiman was freaking out like 'no no no i cant leave the lab everyone wpuld be mad at me, i dont even know what its like outside this room' even when he was in the middle of being attacked by aliens. He was forced to face his repressed memories to survive, and he naturally had a massive fuckin freakout! And i think maybe when protagonist character was trying to protect him he accidentally lashed out with his powers and hurt them, and he was so horrified thinking another person he cared about was gonna die because of him. Protagonist was like 'dont worry gramps its just a scratch' but he'd already freaked out and run away into the battlefield to his heavily implied death.
BUT THEN at some sort of moment of dire need, he came back all powered up and re-memoried and was like 'i have every reason to despise humanity but im not gonna let more children die because of these damn corporate monsters (and also literal monsters which are infinately less scary)" And he did some sort of great sacrifice to save the protagonist at the cost of his own life, and it was super dramatic falling from a building into a lake of fire or something. While sobbing and smiling peacefully thinkibg "did i atone for my sins? Will i be able to see my family again?" As his smiling face sunk beneath the flames and the protagonist cried out into the abyss...
Aaaaand then i dont really know what happened in the big battle and i also never found out wtf the solution was to fixing the transporter thing or how the aliens invaded or any of the million plot points that were non gramp related.
I just remember that when we all saved the day and defeated the baddies we found that maddiman had actually survived and it was a big hugs reunion. He was like "OH YEAH i totally forgot i literally already died once and regenerated from it, and this was the entire start to my story. My bad!" *shrugs inexplicably not dead arms*
So yeah in summary im glad my brain summoned up a universe where my favourite sad granddad is literally immortal now, but also why did it torment him with an even sadder plot than his original one
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blueplanettrash · 7 years
What if Iverson is Lance's dad but didn't want to be apart of his life????
I just want to say right now; I went off track with this. But I loved the idea of Iverson being Lance’s dad. I wrote this quick, it’s bad, I’m sorry. I’m going to go write another story to make up for this now. I hope you enjoy anyway! ❤️
“I think that it’s time that we talked about some stuff,” Shiro said a short time after Sam departed back to Earth. They turned to him in question, it had been quiet after Sam left; the Holt’s didn’t exactly want to talk about much, Hunk was concerned with Lance and Lance himself was too emotionally drained from before Sam left.
“What about?” Pidge asked glumly. Matt stood beside her, gently rubbing her shoulder in comfort.
“It’s obvious that our lack of communication with our families is affecting us, I think that talking about them would help us bond further as a team and give us something to look forward to when we get back,” he suggested, eyes drifting over the team to gauge their reactions.
“I think that’s a wonderful idea, Shiro,” Allura said, breaking into their circle.
“I don’t know guys, wouldn’t it make us miss home more?” Hunk asked nervously.
“There’s no harm in trying, if it’s not beneficial to us we don’t have to try again,” Matt reassured them as the rest of them nodded in agreement.
“Excellent, I’ll get the mind meld ready,” Coran stated, twirling his moustache, ready to turn and set up the training room.
“No, no mind meld Coran, we’re going to do this the human way,” Shiro said. At that, the rest of the paladins relaxed, heaving out a relieved sigh.
“Wouldn’t it be more beneficial to use the mind meld? That way nobody would be able to hide anything from each other,” Allura asked in honest confusion.
“It’s not about keeping secrets from each other Princess, this is to help each other get our troubles off our chest, we’ll only share what we want to share,” Shiro explained as the paladins gathered around him closer. “Sometimes it’s better just to talk to people close to us to help with our feelings then let everyone just see what we’re thinking about,”
“Any complaints?” He asked the group. Nobody stepped up and Shiro nodded. “We’ll meet in the lounge in a few then,”
“Does anybody want to start?” Shiro asked looking around the circle. After a few moments of no one wanting to step forward, Lance silently raised his hand and scooted forward.
“Well, I have two brothers and two sisters, Mark and Maria are both older than me and Caleb and Sophie are younger than me, they’re also twins,”
“So you’re a middle child,” Pidge huffed with a smile. “It makes so much sense,”
“Shut up,” he pouted. “We live with my mom, grandpa and grandma and my dad stays at the Garrison,”
“Why is your dad at the Garrison?”
“He’s an instructor there,” he revealed somewhat hesitantly.
“Wait, really!? Did we ever have him?” Pidge asked, sitting up straighter. Lance sighed, rubbing the back of his neck anxiously.
“I really don’t want to talk about it guys,”
“Why? Do we hate him or something? Are you guys not close? Hunk rambled
“No we are, just, when he was working we didn’t seem close, you wouldn’t know that we’re father and son,” he admitted quickly.
“I don’t remember any McClains though,” Keith hummed in thought.
“I applied under my mom’s maiden name,”
“Aww man, that’s not fair, we can’t even try to figure it out now,” Hunk whined.
“Maybe I don’t want you to figure it out,” Lance growled, curling up on himself.
“Back off guys, clearly he doesn’t want to talk about it anymore so leave him be,” Shiro cut in sternly. They sat back, mumbling out apologizes in Lance’s direction but he wasn’t listening anymore.
He didn’t want anyone on board to know who his dad was; pretty much everyone on board was very vocal about their hate for Iverson; especially Keith. He couldn’t exactly blame them but he was completely different when he wasn’t teaching.
Before he attended the Garrison he told his dad that he wanted to keep it a secret. He really wanted to make friends that weren’t just nice to him because he was the Commander’s son.
Obviously, he couldn’t be biased towards Lance either, just because he was his kid. He had heard many stories of people getting away with hideous things just because their parent was a high ranking official in some way or another. He remembered the week or so before he left for the Garrison, talking to his dad on the phone.
“Just because I’m the Commander, don’t think that you can get away with things. I’m going to treat you just the same as any student during class. You’re going to address me as Sir, just like any other student during class, got it?”
“Yeah, I got it,”
“Good,” he paused for a few moments. “I’m glad that you’re coming out here, I don’t get to see you as much as I want to,”
“We miss you too dad,”
Sure sometimes he could get a little hurtful during an assessment, but let’s be real; they were being drilled for the military. Military space travel to be exact, if he can’t take a little heat for something as dumb as not being able to work as a team, how would he deal with taking someone else’s admonishments. He would admit that the little stunt of threading the needle when he should have been taking a safer route was a bit irresponsible.
It didn’t change the fact that the last conversation he had with his dad was him yelling about his failure in the simulator. Usually, he would call him back and talk him through his mistakes after they were done but he was called away on other business; which happened to be Shiro crash landing in the middle of the desert.
He didn’t know what happened to him; it’s not like he kept tabs on Lance all the time. What if he saw him on the bike heading towards Keith’s shack? What if he saw him in the tent rescuing Shiro? What if he thought it was his fault that Lance went missing?
Every question that he asked himself bounced around in his head. What if mom blamed him too? Oh God, he wanted to go home now.
“Lance?” He shook his head and looked over at Shiro who was sending him a concerned expression. “Are you okay?”
“Actually I think I’m going to head in for the night, I’m not feeling too hot,” he sighed, pushing himself up.
“Well, okay then,” Shiro trailed off as Lance walked to the doors.
“Feel better Lance,” Hunk called as he walked over the threshold. He waved back at them as the doors shut before letting out a long sigh and walking back to his room.
It was never easy thinking about home. He missed his house, he missed his family, he missed his friends. It was even harder trying to think about what they were doing. He couldn’t imagine that his dad was taking his disappearance too well; he didn’t think that any of his family would be but he couldn’t imagine the pressure of keeping his post while he was going to be mourning as well.
He tried to push away as many memories as he could to solely focus on finishing the war and getting back home. It seemed that everyone shared the sentiment and point their nose to the grind to help Lotor secure his throne so they could leave everything to him.
Lance was happy to say that he had been wrong about Lotor and when they finally asked if they could go home; Allura and Lotor smiled at each other and dismissed them from their duty.
They weren’t ashamed to say that they had burst into tears at the statement. They always knew that they weren’t prisoners but at the same time, they felt like they had a responsibility to protect the universe when it couldn’t protect itself.
Allura ended up relinquishing the ownership of the lions to their paladins. At first, they were surprised at the turn of the events but she only smiled and said that she doubted that they would let them off the ship without them. Thankfully, he was back in Blue since Keith returned to the team on his mother’s advice.
“What are we waiting for!?” He suddenly burst out in excitement. At that they all ran down to the hangers, suiting up and readying their lions. They shot out into space, hovering around the Castle as Allura prepared a wormhole for them.
“I’m sad to see you go, paladins,” she admitted in the silence of space.
“Don’t worry Allura, I doubt this will be the last time that we meet,” Shiro said happily. The wormhole growing in front of the Castle.
“If you’re ever in our solar system, give us a call!” Lance cheered before ploughing into the wormhole. Just like the first time they went through, they appeared at the edge of Kerberos. Quickly Shiro patched into the Garrison frequencies and relayed their position and to not attack.
Unlike before, the Lions took their time getting back to Earth and the paladins watched in awe as they passed the planets. Being in their own solar system put everything they had just done in perspective. They never thought that they would be going anywhere near another solar system, they never thought that they would meet other intelligent life in their lifetime. They did so much more than that though, they became the figures that everyone depended on.
As the lions flew around each other, happily corkscrewing to the surface, they could see the instructors of the Garrison lined up outside the building. They didn’t have any weapons drawn, they just watched as they gently touched down to the ground. Even though they didn’t patch through, they expected maybe a tank or something to intimidate them or something.
“Is anyone else confused?” Keith asked as the lions crouched down, their maws opening to release their paladins.
“If they try anything, the Lions won’t allow it,” Shiro affirmed, stepping out of Black’s mouth, his helmet covering his head. The rest of them followed suit, lining up orderly in front of their lions.
Tears welled up in Lance’s eyes as he saw his father sternly looking down on them in assessment. It became too much and he swiftly pulled his helmet off and sprinted towards him with a cry.
“DAD!” He called, a faint wobble in his voice. It only took a split second for the realization to sink in and Iverson was bounding forward as well, his features slack in disbelief.
He crashed into the solid warm mass of his dad and clutched on for dear life.
“Lance? Is that really you?” He asked quietly, pulling back slightly to pat at his face as if someone were wearing a disguise to fool him.
“It’s really me, dad,” he confirmed with a small smile. His jaw clenched and his face scrunched up as he pulled Lance into a tighter hug. As Lance’s arms reached around to clutch at the familiar Garrison uniform, they dissolved into sobs. Their lost family had been returned to them and they couldn’t be more relieved.
“Where did you go?” Iverson asked, rocking the both of them gently as they tried to calm each other down. Lance sighed and snuggled further into the hug.
“It’s a long story dad,”
After he had calmed down and the paladins were given a place to rest, as expected the questions started. He didn’t think the first one would come from Keith though.
“I punched your dad?”
“You punched my dad,”
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Future Plot: Here Comes the Next Gen (Reboot) - Chapter 2 (Part 2)
(( Celeste, Willow, Veronica, Marcus, Future Robin, and Future Mint belong to @alpinesquid  (Special thanks to them)
Telemachus, Future Agent 7, and the three unnamed Octarians belong to me
Camille belongs to @inklingleesquidly  (Along with a nod to his previous works, Blue for Two)
Nebula belongs to @myzzy and @agenttwo / @nyanamo  ))
A month passes, fall is slowly passing and winter is arriving closer every day.
A letter has arrived at Celeste’s residence, and it’s marked with a requested that only Celeste can open and read the contents of the letter. When Robin and Willow got it, they gave it to Celeste despite their concern. They can’t read it, but they can ask Celeste what the letter is about it.
But when Robin approached Celeste in her bedroom, she found Celeste in a shocked state while holding the letter.
“Celeste, what’s wrong?” Robin sat beside her.
Celeste looked down, looking as if she was rejected.
“Celeste?” Robin then looked at the opened letter.
Dear Celeste Anne Weever,
               We appreciate the devotion and eagerness to serve in our Winter Break Program. We have reviewed the Grades you made last semester, and they are enough for you to get in. However, an Agent in the Alexandria District has weighed in on this. As a result, we are sorry to reply that you will not attend the program due to concerns over your activity in Inkopolis. Your actions of helping others have finally drawn our attention, but we do not see it as enough. We take our requirements seriously, and we do not see your work as a reason for us to accept you in.
Sincerely, the Admission Council of The Alexandria District
Robin had a good guess about what the letter meant. She had been aware of Celeste’s dreams of being recruited as an Agent. However, Robin can see the risk Celeste is taking, and she worries about her daughter. This rejection letter has probably hurt Celeste, and all Robin can do is comfort her.
“Celeste….” Robin placed and hand on her lap. Celeste began covering her face. “Celeste, I think it’s time we talk about this…”
The next week, Celeste tried to double her efforts in helping others around Inkopolis, but this time things were different. Willow and her friends were no longer tagging along with Celeste on these things now.  And whenever Celeste is trying to do something to help, she would feel tense which led to a high chance of screwing up her tasks.
At one point, she was almost close to giving up on being an agent and started distancing herself from anything related to the Agency including Agent 7 and Telemachus. Camille and Nebula would take notice of this one school day during lunch as Celeste hasn’t been sitting with them. They have already known something happened to Celeste when she tried to Agent 7 about the program. Nebula looked to Camille to try and handle this, and Camille knows someone that could help.
Camille still found Telemachus sort of weird, but she got along with him pretty well with Celeste for the past two weeks since they met. She was able to keep in touch with him, getting the chance to video-chat with him about Celeste.
Incoming contact request from FastestSquidAlive
Madokamiisreal103 accepted contact request from FastestSquidAlive
FastestSquidAlive: Hey, Telly, got a minute?
Madokamiisreal103: Camille?
FastestSquidAlive: … *suppressed laugh* Really? That’s your username?
Madokamiisreal103: Don’t you judge me!
FastestSquidAlive: I would love to tell this to the others, but what I have to say is really important!
FastestSquidAlive: It’s about Celeste. She’s been acting a tad tense lately with her usual antics. She’s also been down in the dumps over being rejected from the program that Uncle Sev was offering me.
Madokamiisreal103: Oh really? I’m sorry to hear that about Celeste. I wish I can do something.
FastestSquidAlive: Why do you think I’m calling you?
Madokamiisreal103: *sigh* Alright, I’ll handle this. I’ll invite her to Octo-Valley at the old shack to talk.
FastestSquidAlive: Hey, that’s Grandpa Cuttlefish’s shack you’re talking about.
Madokamiisreal103: I’m surprised that you know your grandfather.
FastestSquidAlive: I'm surprised a creep knows about my family.
Madokamiisreal103: Oh ha, ha, ha. What else are you going to call me other than creep?
FastestSquidAlive: Just do it!
FastestSquidAlive has signed out.
Madokamiisreal103: *sigh* Of all the squids who are eager to serve…
Madokamiisreal103: Celeste had to be one of them.
Madokamiisreal103 has signed out.
Telemachus has invited Celeste to Octo-Valley as promised, both of them meeting at Cuttlefish’s shack. Camille decided to make her way there only to find them arguing. She did not expect this to happen when Telemachus said he’ll handle Celeste.
“You were the one who weighed in on my application?” Celeste pushes him. “I can’t believe it!”
“It’s for your own good.” Telemachus staggered from the push, but he dusts himself before standing straight. “I was doing it to protect you.”
“From what though? I can take care of myself you know.” Celeste steps closer towards him.
“You do not know what it’s like being in the Alexandria District,” Telemachus stated.
“I do know every bit of what it takes to get the agent role there!” Celeste was yelling in front of his face.
Telemachus slapped Celeste across the face, making her fall down.
((BGM: https://youtu.be/vTwGpsS9bh0 ))
Camille was shocked that the argument led to this and yet she only arrived. She wanted to intervene, but Telemachus already has the Hero Splattershot aimed at her, having taken notice of Camille’s arrival.
“Telemachus, what is wrong with you!?” Camille is furious.
“Don’t even think about.” Telemachus expression was calm yet serious. He looked down on Celeste. “You are so immature, so yearning, and so full of yourself, you don’t even know why Agent 7 is choosing you guys.”
All Camille can do is glare, but he was more concerned about Celeste getting hurt if this situation leads to a fight. Celeste slowly got up, giving Telemachus a glare.
“Some ‘Hero of Inkopolis’ you dream of being,” Telemachus mocked coldly.
Celeste steps closer towards him. “You have no idea how much I wanted this opportunity! I looked up to so many in the Agency and worked to get this far unlike you! You were only able to join because of Agent 7′s your father!”
Telemachus narrowed his eyes. He has told Celeste this secret, and now she brings it up as a comeback. Camille never knew about Telemachus’s parents, but she did know something was up with him being an Agent. It was no surprise to her that Agent 7 is Telemachus’ father.
“I told you not to bring that up in front of anyone,” Telemachus warned while lowering his Hero Splattershot, “They’ll never understand what it’s like to have this upbringing.”
“At least my mom isn’t Agent 7′s arch-enemy.” Celeste stepped closer.
Camille tried to get between them, seeing that they’ll fight in at any moment. She tried to keep the two distant from each other.
“Okay, Celeste you’re my friend, Telemachus you have problems, but this is not a good time to fight–!” Camille is pushed away by Telemachus.
“Stay out of this.” Telemachus’ Hero Splattershot is now aimed at Celeste. “This is between me and her.
“You don’t push my friend like that!” Celeste pulled out her luna blaster.
Triggers were now being pulled, and the rapid shots of ink began to fly. Camille had the good sense to take cover and not get hit.
((BGM: https://youtu.be/mBlj0IyB3pk ))
Telemachus and Celeste would be in circles, trying to shoot at one another with their signature ink weapons. The fighting led them to several areas in Octo-Valley, up to the last area in the valley. Both sides have dealt massive damage to the point of where if they get hit by one more shot, they would splat.
When Telemachus and Celeste both got a clear aim, one pull of the trigger ended up jamming their weapons, hindering them useless. Telemachus sighed and drops his Hero-Splattershot. He tried wiping some ink off, trying to recover.
Celeste held onto her luna blaster, still glaring at him. She then finally threw her luna blaster to the ground and settled with throwing punches at Telemachus. He was able to make her stop by just kicking her in the gut and pushing her away.
Celeste staggered and got to her knees, and then tears were showing up on her face. She got back in her feet, but she didn’t continue the fight.
She was done fighting, and it seems Telemachus won.
((BGM: https://youtu.be/ISGDAXsS8c8 ))
“It isn’t fair.” Celeste is beginning to sob. “It just isn’t fair!”
Telemachus didn’t respond and just kept staring at her.  His knees were bent a bit, showing that he isn’t as strong as he looks.
“Do you understand how much I’ve spent to get this far in life? To get into the Alexandria District?” Celeste wipes some of the tears away, but more kept coming. “It now all wasted because of you! Don’t you get it?”
Moments later, Celeste turned her back on Telemachus and sits down, sulking over this. At this point, Telemachus realizes the damage he has done. He reached an arm out to place his hand on her shoulder but retracted it. Instead, he sits down next to Celeste.
“I didn’t mean to do that to you,” Telemachus confessed, “I just fear of the guys in the district will do to you. Think of the intense training you’ll go through.”
“Again, just I can take care of myself,” Celeste replied calmly, “I can handle it. Did you have some training like that?” Celeste looks at him. “I didn’t mean to bring up your past like that. I know you didn’t just become Neo-Agent 3 only because you’re Agent 7’s son.”
Celeste sighed and looked at the view of Octo-Valley.
“You’re a good agent. A unique one at that—“ Before Celeste and finish her conclusion, Telemachus gave her a hug.
It was a sudden, awkward hug, but it was Telemachus’ way of saying I’m sorry. Celeste understood that can return the hug to accept the apology. Celeste then noticed someone at the distance: Agent 7.
Agent 7 was there with an elderly Octoling scientist and two young octoling apprentices. He was there all this time, watching the fight yet did nothing to intervene. He gave a nod in approval to the result of the fight and turns away to leave Octo-Valley. The Octarian companions followed him soon after.
Is he going to reconsider the decision? Celeste thought, slightly smiling. It didn’t matter for now.
Celeste and Telemachus would return to Cuttlefish’s shack. Camille was there, leaning against a crumbling concrete wall, and she notices the two were getting along now after that fight.  She knows Telemachus has sort of fixed problem Celeste had.
Without a word, the three holds hands, Celeste raised them up high with her usual smile. They turn into squid form and start entering the sewer grate back to Inkopolis.
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remotecontrolchuck · 6 years
Toonami Night Review: Pop Team Epic Debuts on the Block!
Last week’s run was quite a ride, going crazy in the beginning while winding down in the end. And while I wasn’t able to see the entire run because of a bad headache at the time, I stuck around until the new and ongoing shows ended, and the old repeated shows began which I have already seen and talked about. But I digress, last week was the premiere of Pop Team Epic, an anime that many have compared to Adult Swim’s Robot Chicken, and it’s not hard to see why considering the amount of pop culture they referenced and parodied!
So far some of the other live bloggers I follow liked the new addition, while others not so much. As for me, I liked Pop Team Epic and found it hilarious, though hard to live blog about with its fast paced humor and sketches. And along with the quick jokes, hearing voice actors portray Popuko and Pipimi differently and in their own way was far more entertaining. In the first episode it was Ian Sinclair and Christopher Sabat voicing the two rude and crude, and then Justin Briner and Colleen Clinkenbeard in the second half, all of which were both fantastic and funny as hell!
I could go on about the new show, but I want to keep this review from being too long. Moving on to the next topic about last week’s run, the penultimate episode of FLCL Progressive! And boy did things escalate like crazy! From an amusement park turned into a giant robot to fight Medical Mechanica’s giant iron, to Haruko getting pregnant and cranking the insanity to eleven, which of course resulted in Hidomi overflowing and becoming a terminator on her ass. Again, so much to say, no idea how the hell to summarize it all in short.
Onto the third and final topic, we continued on with the new long running shows. My Hero Academia concluding an excellent but dramatic day of school, with the villains making an appearance in the ending credits. Was wondering when they were going to show up, can’t have a bunch of heroes without some foes for them to fight! And from our other recent addition, Black Clover, gave up some laughs in its latest episode on the block, involving a dating event going not so smoothly. And lastly, while we get ever closer to the end of Stardust Crusaders, it’s been recently announced that Diamond is Unbreakable will be coming to the block once the former finishes it run.
Yep, that’s right! Along with Vento Aureo getting an anime adaption, Part 5 of JoJo’s Bizarre adventure will be coming to the block in August! Perfect timing for when Stardust Crusaders ends, and giving us another long running series on the block, which gives time for Part 6 to be completed and then dubbed in the coming years. In other words, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure will be on the block for a good long time, and we couldn’t be any happier about it. Gotta love it when things work out well!
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Well now that I’m done with discussing the major points of last week’s run, it’s time to wrap this review up with the recap of last week’s show!
On Dragon Ball Super, Goku and Vegeta end up facing a new challenger in episode’s guest star, the early 80′s gag manga robot girl Arale! Long story short, she easily defeats Vegeta, and gives Goku a run for his Zeni! In My Hero Academia, Deku recovers from his injuries and makes new friends, while Bakugo’s ego takes a bruising after seeing his classmates’ quirks. And then in FLCL Progressive, it’s an insane trip to the amusement park, where it takes us all on a ride to the climax! 
The resistance group Marurao, Eye Patch, and Tonkichi are part of make their move, using all the students and visitors to collect N.O. energy to power up the park and turn into a giant weapons platform against Medical Mechanica’s giant iron. Unfortunately it doesn’t seem to have much effect on it. Meanwhile, Hidomi overflows once again, transforming into a monster/robot, while Ide gets turned into a deflated human shape balloon with speakers. 
Oh, and after inflating and going into space, Ide gets picked up in a space station where he gets eaten by an alive again Canti. While whether or not Ide’s dead or not is left for debate, at least Canti’s alive again, and as a sort of robot puppy to boot! And last but not least, Haruko’s continues to bring the madness, even while pregnant! Oh, and Atomsk shows up at the end of the episode... WAIT, WHAT?!
Yeah, so while we tried to take all this in, we had a nice comedic break with the premiere of Pop Team Epic! Unfortunately like I said before, it was all too fast paced to explain, so like Popuko I’ll just ask “Are you upset?”. Joke aside, our feels then went on a bizarre adventure with Stardust Crusaders! And oh man did shit hit the fan in this one! After figuring out younger D’Arby’s Stand’s abilities, Jotaro beats him in his own game, or rather him and his grandpa! Apparently Old Man Joestar was at the controls the entire time, while Jotaro fooled D’Arby into thinking he was facing him. Anyway, Kakyoin gets his soul back, and Jotaro’s Star Platinum gives D’Arby some good old ORAORAORA! 
However despite this battle being one, another one begins soon after, and already a crusader has died. That being Avdol again, but apparently for real this time thanks to DIO’s loyal and deadly assassin VANILLA IC- er, I mean COOL ICE and his deadly void Stand CREAM! (Like some of the others, his name had to be changed for the English dub). With Avdol reduced to just a pair of dismembered arms, Polnareff and Iggy are left to face DIO’s most loyal and deadly assassin!
As we tried to recover our feels once again, we dove right into Hunter x Hunter, where our feels also took a plunge near the end. After sparing Ikalgo’s life, Killua soon finds himself in another battle with Chimera Ants, this time the fishy humanoid Ortho Siblings! And to make their point across, they use dart-like Nen to hit Killua repeatedly like a game of Darts! However, Killua gets the better of then and rips them to shreds. But after losing a lot of blood, the young Zoldyck is on the verge of death. Fortunately, Ikalgo arrives to rescue him, and the octopus-like Chimera Ant rushes to take him to a hospital. Meanwhile, Gon has lunch with the chameleon-like Chimera Ant, Meleoron.
Moving on to Black Clover, we watch Finral take Asta and Luck to a mixer party with some girls, though it doesn’t go well. While Asta did have a good time with one of the girls and become friends, things between Finral and Luck and their dates didn’t work out. Also Noelle was hilarious when stalking Asta during the mixer! After that we jumped back into Naruto Shippuden, as “Madara” took care of Danzo’s bodyguards, before bringing forth Sasuke to fight the man himself. Oh, and meanwhile Sai delivers the news to Kakashi about the Five Kage Summit, and their decision to promote him Hokage!
After that, Space Dandy dies and goes on a somber journey on Planet Limbo, meeting all sorts of bizarre ghosts and a lonely girl named Poe. Then in Cowboy Bebop, Faye cleans out the Bebop’s safe and runs off to Jupiter’s moon of Callisto where she meets a sax player named Gren, with a secret and a grudge against Vicious. And speaking of Vicious, Spike soon confronts him while looking for Julia on Callista, and is left lying on the snow after being shot by Lin. The Toonami run then ends with Lupin the Third, with Fujiko Mine stealing the spotlight in the end, as well as our hearts!
And that’s it for the recap, as well as this review. While longer than my usual Toonami Night Review, but enjoyable to write nonetheless. Tonight we start the next run of Toonami, and I can only imagine the feels and excitement that awaits us, especially with the finale of FLCL Progressive! Just how will it end? WHO KNOWS! Anything goes when it comes to FLCL, so leave your expectations behind, and prepare yourself for a wild ride!
Until tonight’s run, see you guys later and Stay Gold!
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Cinematic Comic Characters Ranked! (Year 2009) Part Three
It’s rough coming right after a fantastic year of movies (2008) but 2009 did pretty well for itself. Terminator Salvation is our only sequel and we also get an X-Men spinoff with X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Kids favorite shows come out with Astro Boy, Dragonball: Evolution, and G.I. Joe: Rise of the Cobra, and we got a couple of thrillers with Whiteout and Surrogates. We also get the debut of the controversial Watchmen! Let’s get started with numbers #40-21!
40. President Stone/Peacekeeper (Astro Boy)
"Declare war! This is gonna get me re-elected."
How did this guy even get elected in the first place? He's an idiot who thought the only way to stay in power was through violent technology. It's his arrogance that gets Toby killed and it's his arrogance that puts the whole city in danger when he still decides to use the red core energy. He ends up getting absorbed by the Peacekeeper and starts a city-wide battle with Astro that only ends when Astro sacrifices himself and connects the two cores. Stone is then arrested by his own men and taken away.
39. Delfy (Whiteout)
"They don't make them like that anymore."
Delfy was just a regular pilot who just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. He's the one who first discovers Weiss's body out on the ice and contacts Carrie. Afterwards, she makes him her personal pilot as she sets up an investigation. This new job ends up nearly killing him twice: Once when he gets buried under fifty feet of snow with the others inside the Russian plane, and another when Haden breaks out and stabs him. He recovers and ends up bonding with Pryce and Carrie for six months until the winter is over.
38. Abel Shaz/Breaker (G.I. Joe: Rise of the Cobra)
"Is that Double Bubble?"
Although he isn't the only brains on the team, if anyone needs advice on technology, Breaker is your guy. I will always enjoy the member of the squad who understand gadgets like no one else can yet doesn't truly understand most jokes that said. With the nanobite warheads being the most dangerous pieces of technology known to man, Breaker comes in handy in helping the team stop Cobra from bringing whole cities down.
37. Agent Zero (X-Men Origins: The Wolverine)
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"It's funny how innocent people tend to die around you!"
For some reason Wolverine and Agent Zero DID NOT get along with each other. Everyone would be joking along with everyone else then all of a sudden they're both threatening to kill each other. The years after Logan leaves Stryker's team doesn't cool off the tension because those two are ready to pop off again when they reunite. It's a pointless rivalry though because we all knew Logan would come out on top, and it's not because he's the main character either. I mean, yeah, Zero is really good when it comes to shooting bullets and jumping over high fences but bullets don't do anything to Wolverine especially once he gets the adamantium in his skeleton. So when the two clash, Agent Zero ends up exploding in a helicopter and Logan...remains unharmed.
36. Sally Jupiter/Silk Spectre (Watchmen)
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"I don't hate him because he gave me you."
The original Silk Spectre and one of the few remaining heroes alive from the Minutemen. Sally Jupiter is retired now and totally missing the game, so much that she trains her daughter to be the next Silk Spectre. She reminds me so much of those pageant moms that now live through their daughter's lives to fill young again. Although I'd really like to know why, it's never really explained, only assumed, why Sally goes back to sleep with The Comedian, who tried to rape her previously. The result of their one night stand is Laurie, who ends up coming to terms with it by the time she finds out and confronts Sally about it.
35. Chi-Chi (Dragonball: Evolution)
"Just because my name is Chi-Chi doesn't mean I'm an idiot."
I liked Chi-Chi and I'm pretty sure the only reason why they didn't have her in the movie more was because they knew I'd rank her higher than Goku if they did. I mean if I were in the group hunting Dragon Balls I would have totally added her in once I saw her fighting skills but it never happens. Instead we just see her every time we need someone to flirt with Goku.
34. Maggie Greer (Surrogates)
"It's better this way."
Maggie is Greer's wife and together they lost a son before surrogates became globally used. This causes her to mourn in a unique way where she locks herself in her own room and just lives her life through her surrogate. Even though she cares for Greer, she ignores the distance between them instead for the new fun life she has as a surrogate. When the surrogates are destroyed, she almost kills herself but ends up connecting with her husband again in their child's old room.
33. Dr. Bill Tenma (Astro Boy)
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"You're still my son."
It took me a very long time to like Tenma, and I was starting to believe that he was a lost caused until he pulled through in the end. First he completely ignores Toby when he was alive, treating him like a unbothered teacher would a student instead of a father, then goes into a huge depression after he dies. Because of this, he creates Astro, a robot version of Toby but then completely abandons him shortly after and then aids President Stone in capturing him and shutting him down. It isn't until after he removes the core from Astro that he finally accepts him as his son, returning the core and bringing him back to life.
32. Goku (Dragonball: Evolution) 
With Dragon Ball being a Japanese anime I was glad that there was a lot of Japanese influence in the movie. The setting, the background actors, even some of the core cast but you know who wasn't? GOKU! Like I don't understand the reasoning as to why they thought casting a white guy as Goku would be a great idea when Grandpa Gohan was clearly Asian! But besides that, Goku was lame! He wasn't exciting to watch, which is a huge shame because I loved the watching the show with my older brother when I was little.
31. Bulma (Dragonball: Evolution)
"Everybody has a price."
Bulma was my favorite in the movie. I loved the guns, loved how she handled herself with the boys, and loved all her cool technology that basically was the reason they got around (her compact motorcycle) and found the Dragon Balls (Her D.P.E.). Her interest with Yamcha was fun and flirty and when it came down to business she was ready to help any way she can. She definitely should have been Asian, but at least her character wasn't as bad as Goku's.
30. William Stryker (X-Men Origins: Wolverine)
"Welcome to the war."
Our mutant-hating government official is back and now we get to see how his connection with Logan came to be. On a mission to create the strongest mutant weapon for the government, Stryker creates a team of mutants, including Logan and Victor, to hunt down adamantium. When this costs the lives of innocents, Logan's out, which is bad business for Stryker since Logan's he key to his secret weapon. He creates an elaborate plan, staging the death of Logan's girlfriend, Kayla, and pinning him against Victor to bring him back so he can put the adamantium inside him and successfully create, Weapon X. Of course, everyone that's a mutant figures out he's playing them all and his plans go down the drain with the death of Weapon XI. His adamantium bullets are what cause Logan to lose his memories and they're eventually what kill Kayla, but not before she can control his mind and send him away for good...at least until he turns up again.
29. Cora (Astro Boy)
"Didn't your nanny-bots teach you not to sneak up on people?"
Cora accidentally ran away from Metro City to the surface world where she becomes a sort of leader to the orphan kids Hamegg takes care of. She's the first one to discover Astro and quickly befriends him and he proves he's a kind person. She's the only one who feels betrayed when it's revealed he's actually a robot, but she quickly gets over it and helps him save Metro City from President Stone. After everything is done, she's even able to reunite with her parents.
28. Edward Blake/The Comedian (Watchmen)
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"This is a joke. This is all a joke."
The biggest asshole in this movie BY FAR. Like even though everyone had their faults and definitely weren't saints, The Comedian was straight up a bully working for the government. In his worst moments, he beats the shit out of citizens protesting, attempts to rape the original Silk Spectre, and ends up murdering a Vietnamese woman carrying his child! For some reason he suddenly cares about being a father when he wants to get to know his other daughter, Laurie, but ends up just drinking his life away until Adrian shows up to murder him. Even though he dies in the beginning of the movie, his bad punchline of a life haunts everyone throughout the film.
27. Wade Wilson/Deadpool/Weapon XI (X-Men Origins: Wolverine)
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"You whip out a couple of swords at your ex-girlfriend's wedding, they will never, ever forget it."
Wade Wilson is very conflicting because even though he's missing his signature costume, he was absolutely spot on when he worked on Stryker's team. He's deadly with the sword, has the same healing abilities as Logan, and will never shut his mouth. Then things got weird. Somehow Stryker is able to gain control over Deadpool and turn him into everything he's not by giving him powers of previous mutants Victor has either killed or kidnapped. Mouth sewn shut, Deadpool becomes Weapon XI and is such a threat it takes both Wolverine and Sabretooth to take him down.
26. Kate Connor (Terminator Salvation)
"I'm a doctor, not an engineer."
I don't know why, but I kind of expected Kate to have a bigger role? Not that being one of the only doctors in the resistance isn't important, because it is, but I always thought she would be like what Barnes was, a second in command. Still, she was fiercely loyal to her husband and was his support when he needed her. He especially needed her towards the end of the film, as it was her hands that operated on him to save his life.
25. Dr. Lionel Carter (Surrogates)
"My son's death will not have been in vain. Not if it heals mankind."
Lionel Carter created surrogates because he wanted people with disabilities, like himself, to live a better life then his partners and company took it to a global scale and by 2017, ninety-eight percent of the world population used a surrogate for basic every day activities. After his son dies for being mistaken for him, Lionle decides enough is enough. Using all his resources he gets a hold of the weapon that killed his son to return the favor to the man responsible. He also creates the ultimate virus that will destroy all the surrogates and kill everyone attached to them. Thinking his plan will never fail, Lionel takes a cyanide pill before seeing his plan come to life.
24. Dr. John Fury (Whiteout)
"I never meant for anyone to get hurt, but Haden got greedy."
I'm not gonna lie, I felt some type of way when it was revealed Doc was working with Haden to smuggle the diamonds. He probably had the closest relationship with Carrie and their personal conversations were some of my favorite scenes in the movie so when it turns out he was working with Haden, the guy who cause Carrie to lose two of her fingers, I was shocked. I guess the silver lining is that once he was caught he didn't fight it. He explained why he did it then walked outside to the deadly snow storm, killing himself.
23. Ana Lewis/The Baroness (G.I. Joe: Rise of the Cobra)
"Do it. You already killed me once."
I'm so glad it was revealed that Ana was being brainwashed to act as The Baroness the whole time because I just could not accept her willingly participating in the death of millions all because Duke disappeared after her brother's death. No one is that dramatic. Still, as The Baroness she was a force to be reckoned with. She killed all of the men in Duke and Ripcord's old unit, gave Scarlett her first fight, and she helped nearly destroy Paris. Good thing for the Joe's that Duke's gorgeous puppy-dog face broke her out of her mind control and she was able to free him and help stop her evil brother once and for all.
22. Dr. Elefun (Astro Boy)
"Everybody has their destiny, Toby."
Out of all the older males in the film, I truly believe that Dr. Elefun cared the most about Astro. He never saw him as just a robot that can be used for his own personal gain (President Stone, Hamegg) and he definitely didn't think he was a mistake that needed to be destroyed (Dr. Tenma). He really took his time to get to know and bond with Astro, who was still trying to come to terms with himself. I think in the future Elefun will morph into a huge father figure to Astro.
21. Remy Lebeau/Gambit (X-Men Origins: Wolverine)
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"You miss me?"
Gambit has been the mutant everyone wanted to see on the big screen ever since the first X-Men came out. He's always nearly made it in the previous films but was cut out at the last minute. Well now he's here and he was a little bit of a let down. He wasn't horrible but he had such a minor role. He's a mutant that escapes Stryker's island before going back to his thief lifestyle in New Orleans. His fight with Logan was cool because we saw his signature staff and kinetically charged deck of cards, but after that he just remains in the background. He takes Logan to the island then is the first one to talk to him after he loses his memory, going his own way shortly after.
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masonoftheisland · 7 years
don’t make me a hero i’ve always been a villain // self-para
“You have me Mason, June is watching and I’m still with you just put the knife down.”
Everything in the moments between the phone call from his sobbing mother to the time he stood in the local police station, watching Daisy hovering around his brother were blurred. And his brother, his best friend, looked so broken. But who was he to comfort him? Who was he to take Daisy’s place as she held a blanket around him? He was nobody. Nobody who deserved to do that, at least. Suddenly he was filled with the insatiable urge to do something to fix it. To do anything useful other than sit there feeling miserable.
His legs took him faster than he really thought possible across the island. He passed Nirvana, passed Pop’s, passed the pavilion where he’d charmed a few too many girls. But none of that registered as he hopped onto the boat Ocean had left him in his will. It was the middle of the night when he started the boat and he had no idea where he was going or how much gas was in the boat’s tank when he took off but he closed his eyes, muted the sound of the boat engine in his mind as it began revving, and asked his grandfather to help.
“Gramps? Ocean? Hey man. If you can hear me, if… if anyone can hear me, I need some help. I’ve done some shi- some bad things and I want to help someone I love. I don’t know what I’m doing or where I’m going but I know I have to do something. Please help.” And maybe it was only in his mind, desperate to fix this, but he could have sworn the boat pulled in a direction only slightly different from where he’d been steering it. Miraculously, the boat didn’t seem to use much gas on its trip and after a few more surprise turns, Mason opted to look around the boat for anything he could use as a weapon. Luckily, he found the knife Ocean used to cut his nets if necessary and it still looked sharp. He passed a couple of houseboats, stopped for the evening, but none of them made him want to stop. By the time he was getting worried about how far away from shore he’d gotten, he saw a large, old fishing boat off in the distance with a piece of pink fabric was hanging off the side. He didn’t need any spirits or Ocean’s guidance to know that’s where she was. Putting the boat in wake mode, he floated towards the other boat and held his hand out to stop himself before he ran into the boat. With hands that had been expertly trained for years, he tied his boat to a few spots on the larger one before climbing the rickety ladder, with the knife clenched between his teeth.
He rolled over the side of the other boat, landing quietly on his feet. Creeping around with his back hunched over, he found a doll that June never seemed to be far from abandoned on the deck.
“June!” He finally called out, wielding the knife in one hand and his other hand curled into a fist.
“Mason!” He rushed in the direction of the sound of her voice but hadn’t anticipated the blow that landed against the side of his face as soon as he laid eyes on the little girl.
“Fuck,” he moaned out, trying to regain his balance. Soon, his instincts kicked in and he was thankful for all of the fights he’d gotten in. His left hand, that had been curled into a fist, swung around and landed a hard blow against Dennis Young’s jaw. Another blow, this time an uppercut that finally knocked him to the ground. “June, June I want you to go to the ba-”
Dennis abruptly kicked Mason’s knee, causing him to crumple down and try not to think about the pain as he looked at June’s frantic and terrified face. “June go to the back. Go to the back, Bug it’s okay, it’s okay, I’ll be there it’s okay.” The words came out rushed, stumbling over each other as he quickly kicked her father in the face to keep him back while she ran towards the back of the boat.
“That’s my fucking daughter!” Mason moved out of the way of his heavy boot as it aimed for his head and pushed himself upright again.
“Then you should have fucking acted like it 10 years ago!” Unfortunately, the man who ruined the life of the only two people he’d ever looked at as siblings was quite strong himself. He shoved Mason against the captain’s door and held his hands around his throat. Mason told himself to remain calm, not to panic, not to blackout, to stay /there/ and be /there/.
“Tell my miserable mistake of a son his secondhand daughter will be next if you don’t let me leave with mine.”
“Hey fuck you!” Mason choked out, trying to push him away. When he failed, Mason spun the knife he held around and thrusted it into the man’s side, twisting it just a bit. Once again, Mason had the advantage and he took it by shoving him to the ground, coughing violently as he recovered from the chokehold. He kneeled on his chest, applying even more pressure on the wound he’d left on his side. “I told you I’d fucking kill you, I told you I would!! I should have killed you years ago! I wanted to, I WANTED TO!! I should have!” Now Mason could feel himself slipping, trying desperately not to lose himself. “You’re fucking scum, I should have killed you.”
“You should have,” he said with a dry laugh, not even trying to fight back because they both know he’d lose with the amount of blood he’d lost. “Maybe then I wouldn’t have seen the life leave your grandpa’s eyes while I choked it out of him.”
“No.” It was unclear who he was talking to. Mostly himself. “No. No. No no no no no.” The next thing he knew, his own hands were around the man’s throat and he was squeezing so hard he thought the bones might snap. “No! No! NO! NO!!!!” Mason screamed as he slammed his head into the floor of the boat with every word. “NO! NO NO NO!!! I’ll kill you I WILL KILL YOU!” The knife in his hand went to Dustin’s father’s throat and, had it not been for Ocean’s voice running through his mind, he would have sliced without hesitation.
“Son, this is not who you are…” Said a deep voice in a thick accent.
“You don’t need to do this, be a better man than this.”
“Grandpa he KILLED YOU!”
“Just get up, walk away. Walk away Mason. Put the knife down.”
“I want you to be back!” He shouted.
“You have me Mason, June is watching and I’m still with you just put the knife down.”
Finally, he cracked. Maybe it was Ocean’s voice and maybe it was the fact that June was apparently watching but either way he broke. He dropped the knife and, with a final crack of his skull against the boat, his body fell limp and he went unconscious. Mason caught his breath, wiping the blood off of his face and grabbing the rope near him.
“June, June it’s okay. It’s going to be okay. I’m gonna climb into my boat and I’ll help you in. And it’s okay it’s all over now, alright? It’s gonna be okay.” Mason wasn’t sure where June was, but he rolled the older man over and used the rope to tie his hands and feet together. His heart dropped when he turned to see the girl who was too close to have not heard a large portion of the conversation or see Mason’s violent side. “I’m sorry you had to see that. It’s okay Buggy. It’s okay. Come here, you’re okay.” He left her father forgotten on the deck as he rushed to get June in his own boat, making sure she was secured in a life jacket and assuring her he’d be back in one moment.
And he was, he threw the limp body over his shoulder and climbed down into the boat. “Hold on tight, Bug. We’ll be there soon.” It was a quiet boat ride back to the shore but as soon as they docked the boat, Mason lifted June out of the boat and took the key so, if by some chance, Dennis woke up, he couldn’t get away. Picking June up, he ran his way to the sheriff station, pushing the door open with his knee.
“I have June Young, someone needs to make sure she’s okay. I need two people to come with me, like, now.” His voice was loud but gentle all at once so he wouldn’t scare June. Dustin came up and grabbed his sister, holding her tightly to his chest. “I’m not fucking around I have the man who killed Ocean in my fucking boat I need two people now.”
So he ran back to the boat, thankful that the man was still out cold. Again, he threw his body over his shoulder and walked towards the police station.
“I need one of you to go up and make sure June is not around, I don’t want Dustin there either. This man is a piece of shit who beat his son, kidnapped his own fucking daughter and killed my fucking grandfather. He killed him. So go, get them away and I’ll get him in there.” One of the people who had accompanied him ran forward, following his instructions as the other man looked at Mason as if he wanted to help. The satisfying thud of [NAME]’s body on the ground was music to Mason’s ears. “Take him out of my fucking sight.”
He was forced to make a statement, made sure everyone who needed to know knew that he had admitted to killing Ocean and knew he’d been choked, a secret hidden from the public. It wouldn’t be hard to book him on several charges, it seemed. Still, Mason’s hands shook and he walked past a crying Daisy, who was being told that Dustin’s father had threatened Lola, as he walked past the cell where the shitbag was being held, as he rushed past his siblings, trying not to look at them know what June knew now - what he was capable of. He walked past all of them before collapsing in the sand, the loss of his grandfather fresh and the cuts he felt deepened. Still, for the first time in a long time he didn’t feel like he needed to cry. He’d done something good. He’d saved June and his grandfather was really still there with him. Things would be okay. He tried desperately not to replay Dennis’ words over and over again in his mind, tried thinking about the good instead.
By the time there was another pair of hands on his shoulders he hadn’t decided whether it had worked or not. Whether he was in a good place or not. He couldn’t tell. So he just reacted to the hands like a normal, person in a good place, kind of person would do.
“Hey man, is she okay?” Upon realizing it was Dustin, Mason wrapped his arms around his best friend and patted him on the back. “It’s okay, brother. She’s here now and she’s okay. It’s all better now brother.”
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