#murdering a whole army and then going to school the next day
redtsundere-writes · 1 month
Tyrant's Favorite | Sukuna Ryomen
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Part 9: Defense
King!SukunaRyomen x Servant!FemReader
Summary: You used to be just another servant among the army of humans operating under the command of the terrible king, Sukuna Ryomen. An ordinary human who only knows how to wash, clean and cook. Until one day, he notices something in you that you hadn't seen before.
Tags: MDNI. +18. Murder. Blood. Cannibalism. Sukuna Ryomen Is The Warning Itself. Nudity. Sexual Display. Vaginal. Fingering.Sometimes fluff, sometimes angst.
Word Count: 2931 words.
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“A knight of gigantic height, a pagan hero with great strength and benevolent heart, very skilled at handling weapons, his name was... Fie..." You brought the book up close to your face to read the unknown word. 
A couple of days had passed since you became King Sukuna's future fiancée and started your private lessons with Master Kenjaku. Your cleaning days were over and you were slowly getting used to the new routine that the king had imposed on you. Everyday, you got up early to dress up with the finest clothes he had gotten you, had the delicacies Uraume prepared for breakfast, studied the rest of the day in the library until your hands got tired of writing, ate lunch, took your piano lessons and  reported to the king what you had learned at the end of the day. Sukuna wanted to know if bringing a traitor from distant lands to be your tutor had been worth it. 
Spending all day stuck in the library wasn't the best thing in the world, but it was more comfortable than running around the castle, doing chores. Even though you still couldn't read that well, you could enjoy books in other ways. You liked being surrounded by unfamiliar covers, smelling the yellowish paper and the sound of the inked pen gently grasping the paper. You had never been to school, but it felt like going to a high prestige one. Even though the king had asked you not to waste your teacher's time, you liked to take it at your own pace because what is well learned, is never forgotten. 
Kenjaku was a very polite and formal teacher. Always speaking with elegance and with gestures typical of his character. He never tired of talking at his own calm, almost seductive pace. Sometimes he used complicated words, but never got annoyed when you interrupted him to explain a definition of a word. He was enthusiastic about mentally challenging you so that your mind would be nourished with valuable information. Your journey of exploring the world was just beginning and he would take you by the hand so you wouldn't get lost in the confusions of life. 
“Fierabras,” Kenjaku completed the word you were trying to read. 
“Yeah. That. Fierabras,” you smiled as you read the whole word. 
“Although it is a proper noun. It is also used to describe a big, strong and boastful person,” the teacher explained. 
“So would it be okay to say, ‘King Sukuna is a fierabras curse’?” You asked innocently. Kenjaku laughed at your quick thinking. After his reaction, you realized what you had said and covered your mouth, surprised of yourself. 
“Yes, well implemented,” he said, trying to not burst out laughing. 
You were intuitive and curious. Even though you were constantly wrong, you didn't let that break your optimistic spirit. Kenjaku has had no problem having you as a student so far. In fact, you were the easiest student he had ever had to deal with. He was about to tell you to keep reading, but the library door burst open. You both opened your eyes in surprise to see who it was. It was only three o'clock in the afternoon, a strange time for the king to show up at this side of the castle. You and Kenjaku immediately bowed to his presence. 
“I want you on the parade ground in 10 minutes,” Sukuna ordered before closing the door so they could finish the class as soon as possible. 
“Do you think he heard me?” You whispered to Kenjaku worried. 
“Are you religious?” You shook your head. “Then choose a god and pray to him that he didn’t,” Kenjaku advised you. That didn't sound good. 
The red sky radiated in its entirety as soon as you stepped out of the castle. The grass tickled your feet half exposed by heels. You lifted your yellow dress to keep the edges from being dyed green. King Sukuna and Uraume were waiting impatiently for you in the middle of the parade ground, next to a large wooden table that held several artifacts you were unfortunately familiar with.  
“Good afternoon, my king,” you bowed shyly to the strange encounter. 
“You know I have many enemies who want to kill me, right?” he asked, completely ignoring your greeting. You were already used to his characteristic cold demeanor. “I'll teach you how to defend yourself from today on,” he explained before guiding his gaze to the table next to him. “Pick a weapon.” 
On the wooden table there were several weapons. Your gaze traveled among the imposing objects from left to right. There was a sword, a set of blades, a double-edged ax, a pair of pistols and a bow with their respective arrows. You had never been so close to the weapons before and the fact that they were an arm's length away made you a little uncomfortable. With all of them you could get hurt if you weren't careful enough. You decided to take the least threatening weapon. 
Your fingers molded into the hilt of the wooden bow. For a wooden artifact, it was heavier than it looked. You took it in both hands and examined it carefully to familiarize yourself with its large size. It was halfway down your body. The end of both tips were curved back. The jagged yellowish lines in the wood denoted that it had been polished recently. 
“Good choice. A long and medium range weapon. Versatile, once you know how to use it.” Sukuna smiled with satisfaction. “Uraume, bring me my bow,” he ordered the white-haired servant without taking his eyes off you. They bowed and ran to the weapon chamber. 
Sukuna helped you put the quiver on your back, the arm guard and the leather glove to start practicing. He placed the quiver carefully against your back, the arm guard on your recessive arm and the glove on your dominant hand. His hands helped you with all the patience in the world so as not to hurt you with his claws. The white feathers of the arrows stuck out behind your head and you held the bow awkwardly. You never thought you would have to learn to fight, but now you had to do it no matter what and do it well. Uraume soon appeared with the gigantic king's bow. It was three times as big so that it could be used by both pairs of arms at the same time and its arrows were longer so that he could shoot them comfortably. 
“The most important thing in archery is the stance. You must keep your back straight and your elbow at the level of your chin to create an imaginary straight line,” Sukuna explained as soon as Uraume handed him what he had asked for. 
You watched carefully as he placed the arrow on the upper arrow rest. He snapped the feathered end against the string and stretched it to create tension. At the end of the parade ground, servants were busy setting up straw targets for practice. The king was focused on his target, the bright yellow center. He brought his face close to the string to get a better view of where the arrow should be aimed. All was silent. His T-stance was perfect and his breathing was calm. He unexpectedly turned on his waist to change the desired trajectory of your arrow and released the string. 
Your surprised gaze traveled along with the arrow, which stuck directly into the head of one of the servants. You closed your eyes and turned to look away. The servant left alive screamed at the top of her lungs and ran away in panic from the potential danger. You clenched your bow in frustration as you watched him calmly take someone's life. It was unfair. Her sin had been to be an easy prey to kill.
“Excellent shot,” Uraume applauded. Sukuna relaxed his body and looked at you. 
“Your turn," he ordered. The time had finally come for you to kill someone? “You can try with the target,” Sukuna advised you as if he could read your anxious mind. 
“Oh okay…” You mumbled in relief before exchanging places with him. 
You held the bow with your dominant hand and placed the arrow in its respective place as he had taught you. Now came the most complicated part, aiming and shooting. You pulled the string and focused on the yellow dot in front of you. Being heavier than you thought, your arm got tired quickly and started to twitch. You tried to maintain the perfect T-posture, but it seemed impossible. You let go of the string, causing your arm to recoil backwards from the shock. The arrow swung through the air and missed the bull's-eye completely. You sighed in defeat as you saw the arrow stuck in the grass. 
“You need to raise your elbow higher,” Sukuna approached you to show you how to shoot. 
He grabbed you by the waist with his lower hands. Your breath hitched at having him so close to you. With his upper hands, he forced your back upright. He straightened your elbow at your chin, made sure the rope didn't hit your nose and held your hand over the grip. Your heart jumped like crazy in your chest. You could hardly pay attention to the situation you couldn't control. 
“Take a deep breath,” he commanded in your ear as he held the bow for you. 
You felt the warmth of his body slowly envelop yours, keeping you from the cold outside. You took a mouthful of air in the hope that it would cool your body somehow. It didn't work, but it did help you focus better. You hadn't felt this nervous around the king in a long time. By this point, you thought you were used to it, but you hadn't been. Unlike other run-ins on past occasions, this time you weren't nervous about not knowing if he would kill you or not. You didn't even want to walk away from him even though all the alerts in your mind were asking you to. 
“The trick is to let go of the rope. You must not only let go, you must let go and then realize that you let go. It must be a gentle and subtle movement,” Sukuna advised you. 
You nodded, returning to the present moment. Sukuna counted backwards from three so that you both let go of the rope at the same time. You tried to relax your hand to follow his advice. Let the string do what it had to do on its own. Let it go until you lost the tension between your three fingers. As you reached one, you both lost the contact between your fingers and let go of the string on the bow. The arrow flew until it hit the bright center. 
“Now it's your turn," Sukuna ordered, stepping away from your body to watch you do it on your own. 
“Okay," you muttered shyly, disappointed that he had stepped away so soon. 
"Come on, you can do it!" You self-motivated yourself before bringing the bow back up to draw with the ready to be shot arrow. You pressed your hand against the grip in an attempt to steady the imaginary line the arrow was to travel. You took a deep breath and focused on the middle of the target. You relaxed the fingers that pulled the string, one by one, until the arrow was no longer between your fingers. The arrow traveled until it stuck above the center of the target. It wasn't a perfect shot, but it was a good start. 
“Good job, miss,” Uraume congratulated you as they clapped softly. You smiled at them in appreciation. 
“If you keep it up, you'll master it in no time,” Sukuna encouraged you. “For now, this will be your bow. You will have to learn how to use it, take care of it and keep it with you all the time. Then, I will get you a special one.”
“A special one? What's wrong with this one?” You asked in confusion. 
“The bow in your hands is a common hunting bow. In case of an invasion, you will need a cursed bow that allows you to use special arrows to kill curses and use it against sorcerers.” Sukuna explained. 
“And what should I do if I ran out of cursed arrows?” You asked curiously. 
“Good question,” Sukuna said before taking his bow. “The bow can also function as a defense weapon.” 
The king twirled the bow like a spear in his hands. You looked at him in shock as you watched him dance on his own axis while pretending to shoot down shadow enemies. He pushed and pierced the bodies of his unseen opponents. Come to think of it, you had never seen him fight. He always used his cursed techniques to get rid of someone. It was impressive to see someone as big as him move with such agility. He threw the bow into the air spinning it to catch your attention. When it fell, Sukuna caught it in his hands and pointed it at your throat. The tip came within inches of your chin, causing you to back away. Sukuna laughed at the sight of your frightened face. 
“Did I scare you? You should be used to it by now,” Sukuna scoffed before digging the bow against the ground so it would stand straight. “I'll teach you hand-to-hand fighting later. For now, let's stick with the bow so you can get used to it. The secret is in the repetition,” you nodded obediently before placing an arrow between the stabilizer and the string again. Sukuna folded his arms to watch you very carefully as he always did. 
The morning breeze clung to the window of the king's room. Droplets from condensation were slowly falling down the window in a race to fade away at the end. The mornings were cold and calm until King Sukuna rose. His huge head was sunk between the pillows, while the rest of his splendid body was covered by the plush blankets. His soft snoring was the only thing that could be heard in the room. Like the purr of a cat in its seventh sleep of the day. The sun was slowly peeking over the mountains of the valley and Uraume approached his room at a determined pace to let him know. 
“Breakfast is almost ready, your majesty,” Uraume woke him from the other side as they knocked on the door from the other side. 
“I'm coming," Sukuna grunted. With that, Uraume hurried back to the kitchen.
She sat on the edge of the bed to wake herself up. He twisted his torso and neck to thunder them completely. He scrubbed the lashes from his eyes as he went over to the closet to find what he would wear that day. He grabbed one of his many robes and reached for the sleeve to tuck in his arm. Sukuna looked out the window to watch the sun rise, but was surprised to find a more pleasant sight. 
That morning, you had woken up earlier than usual. You tied a ribbon in your hair and went out, still in your pajamas, to the parade ground to practice your bow skills. You pulled a couple of straw targets with what little strength you had, since you knew that all the servants were still asleep and no curse would want to help you. You set up the equipment on your own to start practicing. You applied all the advice that King Sukuna had given you. You controlled your breathing, held the T-position and repeated over and over again. The morning breeze tickled your skin, but that didn't stop you from practicing. 
Your hair fluttering softly against the morning air, your back erect and your hands gently gripping the bow was something Sukuna didn't think he would see so early in the morning. He paused his morning routine to watch you through one of the clear parts of the window. He felt like a stalker, even though he knew he had every right to see you, even though he found the idea that you didn't know he was watching you fascinating. He could see you in your natural state. No pressure, no fear, no fakeness. It was just you in the midst of a dastardly world. 
You let the string go and the arrow flew to rest on the white bull's-eye shore. You looked up at the sky and sighed in disappointment at your performance as you missed the target again. Sukuna smiled to see you so frustrated. He thought it was cute the way you kept trying again and again until you finally succeeded. It didn't matter if it took you days, weeks or months, you would be the best archer the king had ever seen to fulfill his whims.
When you ran out of arrows in your quiver, so you approached the target to get them back. You hung the bow on the target while you were barely pulling out all the stuck arrows. You were only pulling arrows out of a pile of straw, but Sukuna kept watching you mesmerized as if you were the most interesting thing in the world. He soon realized that his heart was beating a mile a minute again. He touched his chest to feel the rapid palpitations and his smile faded as he realized what was happening. He didn't have heart trouble, his heart was in trouble.
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cupids-scream-queen · 11 months
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A Little Murderess °❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・❀*
❀ female!murderer!reader x poly!ghostface ❀
Part 1 // 1.6k words
Warnings: slightly graphic murder, stalking, alcoholic mother.
Summary: You've just moved to a new town after the death of your little brother and stepfather with your mother. You're not ashamed of what you do to cope with the deaths; especially when you make two new friends who you might have more in common with than you thought...
It was something that you were used to, the sight of blood on your hands. Burrowing its way into your clothing. It was comforting, almost. It reminded you of what transpired last year, the whole reason you moved to California in the first place. It was, of course, a little early to start your spree, but you didn’t want to wait any longer. The voice of revenge raged in your head, telling you to do things that you would do in a heartbeat. You were revenge’s bitch, and you knew it.
Woodsboro, California. You’d just moved here with your mother, in a house that was far too big for the two of you. There was a kitchen that you knew would never see a home-cooked meal, a family room that would sit empty, and an office that would never see a day’s work. Your mother was a carcass of herself after what happened, and you were barely any better.
The death of your brother was a shock to everybody, but the murderer was worse. Your father abandoned you and your mother when you were born, disappearing under the cloak of night with nearly two thousand dollars in jewelry. Your father, hunched over the dead body of your step-father, and the body of your eight-year-old brother at his feet. You found him first, and your mother was the one that shot him—your father. It was something that was forever burned in your memory, something that made you angry. At your father, at your step-father, at men. They took your brother away from you—and in the same breath, your mother, too.
And now you stood, knife in hand, the body of some homeless man at your feet. You weren’t stupid, it was California—a state that wasn’t exactly new to murder. You knew that the police wouldn’t question the death of another homeless man—they’d chalk it up to a drug deal gone wrong, and you knew it. The death partly satisfied the need for revenge in your head, and the part that it didn’t satisfied laid dormant, ready for when you would next plan your kill.
You were starting high school up next Monday—your mother wanted time for you to get settled before you started the familiar routine of school up again. It would be hell, and you knew it. You didn’t want to be known as the ‘new girl’, because inevitably somebody would dig around in your past, and that was the last thing that you wanted.
The knife in your hand was your stepdad’s. It was one of the things that you wanted to keep after his death, and it was a pretty bowie knife. You liked it enough, it was comfortable in your hand. Stable, sharp, and virtually unbreakable. You kept it to remind you of what your new Mission was.
You cleaned the blade off on the man’s army green jacket, and moved his body to prop it against the curb of the sidewalk. You were behind a building, the cold night making your breath appear like smoke in front of you. Your hands were frigid, your nose numb from the stinging air. You took one last look at the body in front of you, before deciding to make your mark—two hearts carved into the face of the body. You wanted to leave something behind, just in case you decided to go big. You put the knife away in your bag, and walked away from the body.
Nobody was around, the clacking of your footsteps echoing in the silence. The eerie yellow lighting from the streetlights provided you little lighting as you made your way to the cherry red car you parked nearly a block away from the scene of your crime. You climbed in, your head surprisingly clear from the atrocity you just committed. You grinned to yourself, knowing that whatever you just did wasn’t normal. You were not supposed to harm others as a coping mechanism for what happened to you, you could almost hear the shrieks of some poor therapist if you told them what you just did. They’d have a field day if you confessed to the two other murders you’ve done. You turned the car on, the headlights illuminating the street ahead of you.
You were about two miles from your house—you’d already planned how far away you were going to travel for these murders. Nothing closer than two miles—that was the boundary you set. And you’d be damned if you’d break it. You drove the two miles, listening to nothing but silence as you drove, your thoughts empty. You were on autopilot, and it was comforting. You didn’t like to think anymore—not since The Incident.
The ride home was uneventful, and as you stepped out of your car, the hairs on the back of your neck stood up. You felt like somebody was watching you. You weren’t stupid, and you knew not to ignore your feelings—you had taken the bowie knife out of your bag, and had it in your hands. If some motherfucker grabbed you, they’d regret it. You felt for the house keys in your pocket. You took out the keys, looking for the pink one. Bingo. You walked to the front of the house, unlocking the door. Stepping inside, you close and locked it.
“Mom?” You shouted, and there was no response. One quick look around the house, and she was passed out in her room, two bottles of alcohol on her nightstand. “You’re out for the night.”
Her drinking didn’t bother you, not anymore. She left you to your devices, and you left her to hers. It didn’t matter. Whatever semblance of a relationship you had with your mother now, you preferred it. Less supervision allowed you to get up to other antics, and ignore hers. You covered your mother with a blanket, and turned off her lights. You closed her door quietly, trying not to disturb her. Not that you would; she was clearly going to sleep for a while.
The feeling of being watched persisted, and you kept the knife with you. You made it to your room, boxes stacked around you like guards protecting some valuable treasure. Your curtains were open, giving you a view of the neighborhood, the quiet sight almost making you miss your home state of Pennsylvania. Almost. Pennsylvania was where your brother was buried and dead.
The room was slightly cold as you undressed, your hoodie and sweatpants going in the dirty clothes box you made out of a trashed record player box. You’d find your hamper eventually, but at the rate your mother was moving, it would probably be three months before the house was properly settled. You moved, searching one of the boxes marked ‘PAJAMAS’ in sloppy handwriting, and settling on a pair of plaid bottoms and an old Mӧtley Crüe shirt that was nearing the end of its life. The feeling of being watched persisted, and you nearly jumped out of your skin when the phone rang.
“Hi, you’ve reached Hoes to Go, you fuck ‘em we drug ‘em,” You answered, rolling your eyes. Moving to sit down on the bed, you sat criss-cross on the myriad of blankets that decorated the mattress. “Who’s speaking?”
“Someone that wants to talk to you,” You raised an eyebrow, noticing the voice changer. You’d had a friend back in Pennsylvania with something similar and would answer the phone in various different voices. “What’s your favorite movie genre?”
“The one where I go to sleep and don’t deal with idiots prank-calling me on the telephone,” You joked, smiling a bit as you sat against the headboard. “What’s yours?”
“The ones where the pretty girls get blood all over them,” The voice said, and you laughed, genuinely. Whoever was on the other line was playing some sort of joke, and failing. It took a lot to scare you, especially after everything that you’ve done and what’s happened to you.
“That’s nice, I’m sure. Listen, you’re a smart guy. It’s like, one o’clock on a Wednesday night. You’re most likely a teenager, so I’m going to ask you this one thing—shouldn’t you be in bed for school?” A dark chuckle emitted from the other end of the line, and you picked up your knife, playing with it.
“Didn’t your mommy teach you to not play with knives?” The question made you pause, the sense of dread creeping up on you. You didn’t freeze, you didn’t want to give the mystery man the pleasure of watching you freak out.
“Didn’t your daddy ever tell you to never insult a girl with a knife?” Your voice wasn’t shakey, to your relief. You didn’t want to give off any indication you were frightened. You were on the second story, so it was unlikely that anybody was going to climb through the window. And even if someone did intrude, it wasn’t like you were above killing. That was something you’d grown fond of.
“Someone thinks they're clever,” The voice said, and you playfully flashed the knife at the window. “It’d be a shame if you wound up dead.”
“I could say the same to the person on the end of the phone,” You grinned, putting the knife down. “This has been fun, Mystery Man, but I’m tired. Long day, y’know? New neighborhood, new house, new shit. I got stuff to do tomorrow, so call me when it’s not late. Toodles.” Before the voice could protest, you hung up, and jumped out of bed to close your curtains, flipping off whatever was out there before you clasped them shut with a claw clip.
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-> Part 2
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This is important, please read.
TW: war, kidnapping, murder, war included stuff and talk, small mention of r@pe.
So for those who knew or didnt knew, im from Israel, if you havent heard im here to tell you the news that in the past 2 almost 3 days Israel is in war. Hard and brutal war. Gaza and the Hamas attacked in the esrly morning of the 7.10 to be exact at 6:30 am. 50 years and a day from one of our most worse war my country had ever gone through.
They send 2000 rackets to the whole south of Israel, mostly Gaza Strip and the towns and cities next to it. Multiple people were killed as terrorists took down the boarder lines and attacked from all ways, from the ground, air, sea and even in a siber attack. Gaza and the terrorists had caught us off gaurd compelitly. Soliders, police officers, and citizens themselves got to fight terrorists in the streets of those towns that the terrorists took over, they shooted on buildings, homes, every single person they saw.
That whole first day i was fixed on the news, every single second i watched the news and the horrible things that is going im my own country. It was unbeliveble.
In that first day, hundreds of terrorists got into Israel in multiple places, they kidnapped people, held whole families hostage in their own homes, murdered soliders on left and right and send rackets at the whole south of the country. There was a forest party thousands of people were in, those people got surrounded by multiple terrorists without them noticing before it was too late, those people tried to escape for their lives and some managed to do so after running away in cars and on foot, hiding in bushes and trees while people meters from them are being shot and killed. But some didnt have a good ending, those terrorists kidnapped multiple people, killed left and right and its just horrible.
All of those who were kidnapped are or dead, alive and held in some ditch or in Gaze itself, harased and r@ped, those female soliders that just finished school, that just got into the army are held in rooms with so many terrorist and in danger each second. Its so fucking scary.
In the last few days its been going this way. There are currently about 800 soliders, familes and citizens that were murdered from the start of the war, 2500+ injured, and almost 300 that got kidnapped.
The news are never ending and its horrible, all day and night long i hear war planes flying above me to fight in the south side of Israel. Its scary, even teriffying. Because i know that in some point the rackets will reach the place i live in. Im scared. And i know its not even the start.
I've been watching and hearing so many stuff in the past 2-3 days and its nothing any one need to see, feel, watch or even be a part of.
Im sorry to be the one who will tell you this is its the first time you'll hear about this war, but its true, and that my and another 9 million people's lives. Israel will stand tall and we'll win.
Any questions about this can be asked in my ask box, its open and feel free to ask things about the situation in Israel.
Please repost this, so others in tumblr will know and read about this. Its important.
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Jack Smith, the U.S. special counsel named to investigate Republican former President Donald Trump, has a reputation for winning tough cases against war criminals, mobsters and crooked police officers.
Behind the scenes, however, Smith's former colleagues say he is just as tenacious in his pursuit to get criminal charges dropped for the innocent as he is to win convictions against the guilty.
When Smith isn't busy competing as a triathlete in Ironman races, they said, he is working as a dogged investigator who is open-minded and not afraid to pursue the truth.
"If the case is prosecutable, he will do it," said Mark Lesko, an attorney at Greenberg Traurig LLP who worked with Smith when both were prosecutors at the U.S. Attorney's Office in New York City's Brooklyn. "He is fearless."
Smith recently returned to the United States after working from The Hague in the Netherlands since November while recovering from knee surgery following a biking accident, a person familiar with the matter, speaking on condition of anonymity, said on Wednesday.
Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed Smith in November to take over two investigations involving Trump, who is running for President in 2024.
The first probe involves Trump's handling of highly sensitive classified documents he retained at his Florida resort after leaving the White House in January 2021.
The second investigation is looking at efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election's results, including a plot to submit phony slates of electors to block Congress from certifying Democrat Joe Biden's victory.
Grand juries in Washington have been hearing testimony in recent months for both investigations from many former top Trump administration officials.
Smith, a Harvard Law School grad who is not registered with any political party, started as a prosecutor in 1994 at the Manhattan District Attorney's Office under Robert Morgenthau, who was best known for prosecuting mob bosses.
Smith's friends credit Morgenthau with instilling in him the skills that made him the prosecutor he is today.
"There was just a real emphasis, from Morgenthau on down, on not just going after convictions," recalled Todd Harrison, an attorney at McDermott Will & Emery who worked with Smith in the Manhattan District Attorney's Office and later in the U.S. Attorney's Office in Brooklyn.
"We were praised if we investigated something and demonstrated that the target of the investigation was innocent."
Once, he and Smith "spent the whole night making phone calls" after learning that a jailed suspect in one of their cases was innocent. The suspect was released the next day.
In 1999, Smith started working at the U.S. Attorney's Office in Brooklyn.
He won a conviction against New York City Police Officer Justin Volpe, a white policeman who was sentenced to 30 years in prison for assaulting Abner Louima, a jailed Black inmate, with a broomstick.
Smith also won a capital murder conviction against Ronell Wilson, a drug gang leader who murdered two undercover New York City police officers, though a federal appeals court vacated the death penalty verdict.
In 2008, Smith left to supervise war crime prosecutions at the International Criminal Court in The Hague. He returned to the Justice Department in 2010 to head its Public Integrity Section until 2015.
Most recently, he worked as chief prosecutor for the special court in The Hague investigating war crimes in Kosovo, and won a conviction last month against Salih Mustafa, a former Kosovo Liberation Army commander.
Moe Fodeman, an attorney at Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati who worked as a prosecutor with Smith, said his former colleague is known for being methodical and thinking outside the box.
"He is famous for to-do lists," said Fodeman, adding that the lists would be filled "with ideas that, of course, you should do, but no one thinks of."
Smith is also known for being expeditious, and Fodeman predicted the special counsel's investigations involving Trump will probably move swiftly.
"He's not going to be dillydallying," Fodeman said. "He's going to get the job done."
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thenixkat · 1 month
like is this what Bruce's parenting is like? damn. Also how long did they plan to keep shit secret from Tim's parents? also love how Batman would much rather groom children into his little Bat soldiers than get a somewhat younger adult sidekick
Tim's been retired for at least 3 weeks for Stephane's leg to have healed. SHe's going to become the new Robin
I hold no illusions of Tim staying out of teh superhero game. I know he's going back and that writers are gonna kill off his dad at some point
Tim's been out of the game for 6 weeks
I'll say this about Scarab, lady said if we kill everyone that might be the target we'll probably kill him
Tim gets sexually assulted with a nonconsentual kiss from someone he's not interested in, Stephanie (yeah i'm not managing to spell that) caught shit and got mad about it. Ma'am did Tim give any indication that he's the cheating type?
mob princess chic, Tim can date people who dont go to that school. ALso sometimes boys just arent into you? Just cause you force a kiss on someone doesnt mean they'll ditch their girlfriend for you
Stephanie decided to sulk for 3 days instead of talk to her boyfriend about what she saw. Tim, drop her, you can do better
Scarab started killing the potantial Tims in Gotham
and killed the parents of the maybe Tims
like ma'am are you getting bonuses for the extra murder?
Stephanie: I wanna be Robin Batman: Ok
sir yall just got in trouble with the last child who has living family being pissed off upon finding shit out. save teh child snatching for the orphans
so you snap up his girlfriend?
Bruce is supposedly smart. supposedly so Batman dissaproves of Stephanie as a superhero if she's not under his control. I see
so Bruce, you're so certain you can train someone into being a good superhero right? So why do you stick with the child grooming instead of getting an adult sidekick?
Batman just likes being in control and children are easier to control than adults
Batman teaches children how to torture people. Also STeph gets comparisons to Tim held over her head b/c Batman isnt a good trainer
Tim dont be friendly with the girl who forced a kiss on you just cause yer shitty girlfriend hasnt contacted you in who knows how long
Steph hasnt talked to her boyfriend in 46 days. Ok Tim take teh out and break up with her but also dont hang out with the chick who forced a kiss on you cause she clearly dont give a fuck about bounderies
Batman teaching the children to torture people
Tim just take the out and break up with Steph, she's not a good partner
This lady has been killing so many almsot Tims. ANd Batman hasnt noticed.
the mob is doing a bunch of loud attention grabbing shit but if Batman's smart that should have felt fishy a month ago also the public have a poor vie on Batman and his army of children that keep changing
Tim puts two and two together about what Steph has been up to and manages to get in contact with her by calling the Batcave
Batman found out about the assassin after 2 fucking months of murdered families. Got the gender completely wrong tho
took Batman that damn long to find shit out but cant tell from the footprints that teh killer is a lady? Or does Batman have a male bias?
they got so much wrong about the killer and took so long find shit out in the first place yet correctly guessed the next potential victim
I like how batman isnt bothered by grabbing a broken glass window, with his whole body weight. Even with gloves
lady who's been murdering the shit out of folks who might be teh target has a Robin but stopped to ask questions b4 murder
heheh Scarab really just shook Steph till she stopped being annoying.
a good power suit Yo! Scarab knocked out Batman and the batman understudy? Man wo--- Worf Effect aint it?
also the anatomy in these issues has been buckwild
just casually the art hasnt been good all of these issues in different ways But also you see why I wanna make connections between Scarab (assassin lady) and Blue Beetle stuff? the mech suit, same bug theme, similar looking abilities between Scarab's mech shit and Khaji's armor just like a lower tech and more pared down version from teh same-ish area
Batman admits to getting his ass beat for once
Batman had to break out his mech suit cause he got his ass beat
Scarab's kinda cool. I hope she beats Batman's ass again
Scarab has scarab bombs with functional wings. Ted would want those
Scarab's pretty cool. Its not gonna last b/c we cant have someone be batter than the batfam
Yay! Scarab is 2 wins, zero losses against Batman
Bruce got blinded b/c Scarab uses white phospherous in a fights and refuses proper treatment. Man I wish his body would just fucking break and stay broken someday from teh way he treats it
Batman was benched for three weeks because Scarab kicked his ass Man, I'd love for Scarab to get connected to Blue Beetle stuff Bruce fires Steph for trying to save his life and not being 100% obedient
he also said his vision is still blurry so, go get yer ass kicked again by yerself asshole
Bruce you cant fucking fucking fire her from her own superhero persona that isnt connected to yers. Controlling asshole
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kassies-take · 1 year
If You Changed The Treaty
<Prev || Part 12 || Next>
You: *wakes up* dad?
Billy: *smiles* kid. You did good
You: Jake?
Billy: with Bella
You: *huffs*
Paul, Jared, Leah and Sue: *enters Pack house*
Leah: oh thank god
You: *looks at Leah*
Paul and Jared: *rush to you*
Leah: don’t crowd her *moves Paul and Jared back*
Sue: *makes herbal tea for you*
Paul: we thought we lost you to those bloodsuckers
You: aww you do care
Jared: we called your dad when Quil brought you here
Leah: he found that a vampire bite doesn’t turn us
You: *groans* I felt like I was burning from the inside out
Leah: unfortunately that stays…
Paul: missed one hell of a chase though.
Leah: the red head used the treaty borders against us
Paul: *slightly angry* the big Cullen tried to get on our land
Sue: *enters living room with tea* we’re glad you’re okay
Leah: *helps you sit up*
You: I’m sore not paralyzed *sips tea*
~A few days later~
You: *enters Pack house* Sam
The Pack: *eating chicken*
You: can I talk to you
Sam and You: *walks a bit away*
Sam: what’s up kid
You: it’s about the treaty. I know it was agreed upon that the Cullen’s can’t harm a human whether that is biting to transition or draining. I think we need to make an exception for Bella
Sam: *crosses his arm*
You: Jake is hell bent on the fact that he is good for Bella, he forced herself upon her. He believes that when she’s changed he gets to kill. It’ll cause a war.
Sam: we out number them now
You: you still don’t want a fight. The redhead is after her, there’s 9 of us and the Cullen’s and she’s still out there. With our efforts concentrated on her another could slip through, one already has at Bella’s.
Sam: *sighs* it leaves our territory unprotected
You: *nods* If we allow the Cullens to change Bella it’ll keep her and our people safe. That chick is a danger magnet.
Sam: *hums*
You: *runs your hand to the bite mark on your neck* something in Seattle is happening and I don’t like the feeling of it.
Sam: the elders aren’t going to like this
You: you’re the alpha not them. And the council isn’t going to care so much when our people can benefit from it. Plus if they change Bella they’ll have to leave to avoid suspicion
Sue: *agrees to the exception*
Billy: *hesitant to the exception*
Old Quil: *strongly against exception* absolutely not
You: if Bella isn’t vulnerable. Victoria wouldn’t be able to go after her so easily
Old Quil: Bella and the tribe wouldn’t be in danger if The Pack would kill her
You: what do you think we’ve been doing this whole time
Sam: (Y/n) is right. I have the Pack running perimeter, missing school losing sleep to protect the tribe. While we focus on one cold one others can slip through
Old Quil: *to Billy* if Jacob was Alpha this wouldn’t happen. He would honor the treaty
You: Jacob is the one who broke the treaty first. He told Bella of the Cullens. Jacob broke the council’s and alpha orders to tell Bella, an outsider, of our secrets
Old Quil: if I’m not mistaken you risked my grandson’s life by taking him to Seattle
Sue: (Y/n) got hurt protecting him.
You: *looks at Billy and internally calls for him to help her*
Billy: *avoids eye contact with you*
You: *stands* a vampire attacked me in Seattle. It doesn’t take one to know that the murders in Seattle are happening because there are more!
Sam: *turns to you* it must be why the boys and Leah shifted after the Cullen’s left
You: something big is coming
Jacob, Quil and Embry: *runs into the meeting from the forest*
Jacob: there’s a leech army after Bella!
Old Quil and Billy: *perks up* something must be done
You: *grits* case in point!
Sam: *nods in agreement to your exception*
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elizabethrobertajones · 10 months
Really here for Miss Bounding Frog, but I wanted to thank you for becoming a Wyll BG3 appreciation blog. Because while I've no interest in playing the game myself, he's just so charming and lovely and always a joy to have on my dash
You: is today the day I blacklist the bg3 tag? Wyll: *smiles with his whole heart out of a gifset* You: .... naaah he can stay, he seems polite.
You made me realise he and Frog are fairly alike in that I try to go for girlprince in her glams a lot of the time and he's just pure disney prince (but a devil).
(spoilers for BG3 musing on their similarities)
Also I guess their personalities are pretty similar in that they remain genuinely well-meaning heroes after going through it all. Like, the vacation before Dawntrail has been fun but Frog would still absolutely throw herself back into the fire when the self-sacrificing bullshit returns. She slept Endwalker off in a week and then was confused about why the scions were treating her with kid gloves. "Look, I'm upright again! What next??" "Have you tried this adventure called 'retiring to the beach'?"
I know a looot of people have rightfully tired or grumpy WoLs who are completely done with being asked to do things and people Assuming you will be the hero, or being in the crosshairs of the universe, but I did want to write a WoL who was genuinely hype to be here and would take it on the chin with old school heroic stoicism. However gutting everything is she's like, well, we hear-feel-think this trauma and on the other side we understand and respect what it did to us and move on stronger. And then forgive everyone who caused it. (she's very annoying)
Mr Of Frontiers over there had his tragic backstory at 17, a year younger than when Frog started adventuring (intentionally with no tragic backstory, I wanted her to be in it for love of the game) and I'm hypocritically declaring she was more than old enough because I say so and Wyll was a KID just a LITTLE GUY... but also Alphinaud doesn't exist in BG3 thankfully so there's no need to debate when kids should be allowed to be in charge of armies - although I think Alphinaud and Wyll should have a catch up and maybe learn some things about how they were doomed by the narrative together...
Anyway Wyll's various endings aside from the one where you set him up to be a Duke in the city (which I did on my Astarion play since Astarion is marrying him, craves creature comforts, and was presented with not even a persuasion check to decide Wyll's entire future, which is shockingly cruel of the game) he will just go back to adventuring and saving people. Like, a guy who can legitimately retire off the back of everything that just happened and return forgiven or at least as a hero if you did get his dad murdered to not be around to forgive him, and he's like... Actually, the People Need Me, I'm going to go write the next chapter of my life as an itinerant hero killing monsters and swashbuckling all day.
Also, aside from him definitely having whatever's wrong in his brain that Frog has (and Meteor Finalfantasy who is ready to Dawntrail also and is swashbuckling), he does also have the WoLbrain when it comes to Just Saying Messed Up Things. He's so funny and sarcastic and would absolutely fit in with WoLs who pick all the weird dialogue options. WoL can make moogle noises at Thancred? Well, Wyll over here will meow at you.
He also genuinely thinks clowns are funny, and every year the WoL earnestly goes along with a demon clown halloween event so there's that.
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sylveon16 · 17 days
So a story of three years, two in high school, one in college, with a person who is shy falling with someone who isn’t, and the long and slow burn between them.
Act 1
The main character is a newbie at school, in a wheelchair and extremely introverted. He falls in love with a girl who eventually also likes him, but is also dating someone else. They grow closer and eventually kiss, while she is dating someone else.
Act 2
She breaks up with third person, but still doesn’t accept protags love. They don’t talk much during the summer break. A few weeks after school starts, they start dating, and they go to this secret spot near the school, after school, and they drink and smoke in the secret lake area. The protags driver gives him the car to drive, and everyday he comes at a place somewhere near the secret area, but it in sight of the secret area, at the same time each school day.
They chat online on weekends. This goes on till teo months later, till they go to her house, and meet her parents. They go into her room and um stuff. One day, after two months, they break up, since she is being a negative influence on him. He drives off, and is still addicted to smoke.
For a couple days, he doesn’t even go to school to avoid her. He meets a person in his apartment who also goes to his school. He finds out that she isn’t going to school for some reason(this is surprising since she has literally never missed a day of school in her life).
He goes to school, and is also worried for her.
Turns out, her ex ratted out her addiction, and her parents took strict action. She is sent away to camp. Protag doesn’t care about her at all now. It was her fault after all.
Act 3
protags is starting college. He discovers that the person he met in his apartment(apart guy), and was also dating her, and she was also cheating on both of them with her ex.
Protags and apart are besties. They hate her, and bond over that, and both go to the same campus. Apart guy is still kinda on speaking terms with her.
After a few weeks, news breaks that she gave birth to a kid. A couple months after that, apart guy finds out she is dead. On that night, he goes and discovers she is living with rat, but both day and her are dead. Their kid is in the other room. Apart guy takes her kid, and brings them back to campus. They decide to keep the kid with apart guy parents.
Act 4
He is dejected, but is happy when he sees her in his room.
They get very close over the next few days, and his addictions are reduced a lot. He is much happier, but their is one missing piece. No one knows how his ex was killed. She and the rat are dead, but their kid is saved. They seem to have been murdered.
Protag finds a bunch of clues and realises that ex’s parents killed her.He tried to get them arrested, but his detective skills aren’t great.
Story 2
Soon, protags parents find out his addiction, through the driver. He is sent to a camp which is hyper futuristic, and is in an infinite floor building. He first resents it, but soon finds a rebound manic pixie dream girl. They fall in love. One night he is in her room, which can lead to expulsion. They hear someone coming, and as he looks into her gorgeous sparkling blue eyes, he falls into a dream.
In the dream, he is intercepted while being expelled from camp, and his car is taken to a desert like place. He and a few other people, enter a arena and their is a monster from percy jackson. Draco malloy kills it, and voldemort sends his de army to hunt all of malfoys. Protag jumps up and over the “malloy manor” that is actually an over resort like thing, in the style of atlantis hotel. Thousands of de army people infiltrats it. Rayquazxa the pokémon is surrounding the dubai tower. The whole world has been turned upside down, and is a hellscape.
Protag wakes up and realsises it was a dream. She is awake, and they do i’m stuff.
A couple hours before camp ends, he is caught and expelled.
He goes home with his head held in shame, but his parents decides he is old enough to make his own decisions, and send him back to college.
While on the car, he tried calling her many times, but she doesn’t pick up.
29 nov 2021
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lady-nightmare · 2 years
The Russian commander had no mercy. The recording has been revealed
After the liberation of Izium from the Russian occupation, the Ukrainians found hundreds of graves, including mass graves in the suburban forest. The bodies of the killed soldiers and civilians bore traces of torture. The Russians had no mercy - they also killed seniors and children. Investigative journalists have obtained a recording which clearly shows that a high-ranking Russian military officer, the commander of the unit, stabbed an elderly Ukrainian woman with his own hands. There is to be an investigation into the matter.
Half a year of the Russian occupation of Izium meant mass executions and torture by the Russian army. Journalists from the "Schematy" investigative project, affiliated with Radio Free Europe, spoke to local volunteers who collected the bodies of the dead throughout the city and buried them in the forest. Among the buried there are both soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and civilians. Some of the bodies bear traces of torture.
"Schema" determined which brigades of the Russian army were stationed in Izium, which served as a kind of control center for the units of the Russian Federation. In addition, journalists received from one of the intelligence units exclusive recordings of intercepted conversations of the Russian military, in which soldiers discuss the murder of civilians in the Kharkiv region.
One of such conversations is the one of September 30, after the city was liberated from the occupiers. The Russian air defense soldier was talking to his friend at the time. "Schemes" identified a military man and determined the unit in which he served.
“The brigadier general didn't say that the whole retreat was intentional. He didn't say where we were going. It turned out that the next day he reported to the army that the anti-aircraft guns had failed, he did not mention the losses at all, although he knew them. The liaison officers burned all the equipment, there was no communication with the brigade - says the soldier, reporting the withdrawal of the Russians from Izium.
This soldier is Oleg Hasilin. He is a professional military man, a graduate of the Higher School of Air Defense Forces. He serves in the 27th Separate Motorized Rifle Brigade - although it has the word "Sevastopol" in its name, it is stationed in the village of Mosrentgen in the Novomosk district.
In the same conversation, the soldier also talks about how his superiors, officers, massacred civilians.
(Officer - ed.) was drunk, it was the evening of the 25th, the battalion commander came for him with a group to evacuate (residents - ed.). An elderly man and woman came out. The man was shot by this battalion commander, and the officer, our boss, stabbed the woman to death," says Hasilin.
Sergei Safronov: The Russian colonel who stabbed a woman According to Schematy, the commander of the 27th Motorized Rifle Brigade is Colonel Sergei Safonov.
The audio recording shows that an investigation is probably underway in Russia into Safonov's alleged involvement in the murder of a civilian inhabitant of the Kharkiv region.
The Russian service of Radio Liberty turned to several friends and former associates of Safonov, with whom he appears together in joint photos on social media. Journalists asked them if they knew anything about the alleged murder. None of them expressed surprise or denied the fact that the investigation had been initiated.
Sergei Safonov's mother read the questions of journalists on the Odnoklassniki social network, but did not answer them, finally closing her profile.
The colonel's wife answered the phone, but when she heard that the question was about her husband, she said goodbye and hung up. The Main Military Investigation Department of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and the Main Military Prosecutor's Office did not respond to editorial requests to confirm or refuse to launch an investigation into the Safonov case.
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24x7newsbengal · 2 years
Know the infamous story of infamous serial killer Robert Hansen
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Subhajit Makhal: Robert Hansen a.k.a 'The Butcher Baker' was an American serial killer who was sentenced to 461 years of imprisonment without parole. His crime included 17-21 women killed, 31+women raped, 3+victimless crime, 1 attempted murder and 1 attempted rape. Let's check about the serial killer's background:- Robert Hansen was born in the year 1939 in the state of Iowa, USA. Robert Hansen's father owned a backery where Robert used to work. He was a shy boy at childhood due to which he received no attention from good looking girls at school. Hansen probably grew up hating them and had dreamed fantasies of revenge on them. Hansen started to practice both hunting and archery in the woods and being a loner he was satisfied with that. Robert Hansen the serial killer also served a time period in United States Army Reserve. In December 1971 Hansen was arrested for raping a sex worker and was also involved in many other crimes. He was arrested many times and then again released.
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Serial killer Robert Hansen a.k.a The Butcher Baker. Modus Operandi :- Robert Hansen is believed to have started killing around the year 1972.The Modus Operandi of Robert Hansen was to pick up a prostitute in his car, force her at gunpoint to his home where he would rape her. After that he would take the woman in a secluded area in the woods and allowed her to run. He would then hunt her as if she was a wild animal. His victims were all women mainly erotic dancers and prostitutes. How the case unfolds?? In September 12th 1982 two police officers who were off duty at that time were hunting in a very remote section of Alaska. The twinpolice officers were hunting in the dense woods which was 20 miles away from Anchorage. The only way to get in or get out of this area was by a plane or a boat. So therefore only big hunters used to come in that place. After hunting the whole day the two police officers discovered that it was getting dark and they were already deep inside the dense woods so both of them decided to return to the camp. The return journey through dark woods was not easy so both of them decided to walk to nearby Kinnick river. As they were walking on the sand banks they noticed that a boot was sticking out of the sand. As they approached closer they discovered that there was also a human leg bone along with the boot. Being police officers they knew the importance of not meddling in a crime scene. The two off-duty police officers marked the crime scene on their map and left the area..
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23 year old Sherry Morrow whose leg bone was discovered by two off duty police officers. They reported the issue to their department and when crime investigators arrived the next day they unearthed the remains woman's clothing was discovered. After searching for more evidence they found a single bullet shell case. It was 223 caliber which was used by the hunter. After autopsy it was discovered that the victim who was a woman died from three gun shots probably six months ago. The interesting fact is that although the victim of bullet wound there was not a single bullet hole in the clothes which led the police to believe that the victim was shot naked without clothes and her killer later redressed her. There was also bandages wrapped around her head and leg. So the killer probably blindfolded her before killing. After investigation it was discovered that the victim was 23 year old Sherry Morrow an exotic dancer who went missing 10 months earlier. The missing reports said that the last time before her dissappeared she told her friends that she had been offered 300 dollars to have pictures taken off by a professional photographer and she was going to meet the man before she disappeared. There were two incidents of women's dissappearance according to media reports one year back.. The first woman was so decomposed it was barely identified and the second one was 24 year old Joanne Messina who was an exotic dancer but there was not enough evidence so two women's dissappearance remained a mystery. After one year there was increase in women's dissappearances. Past victims found and recent dissappeared women were all exotic dancers and prostitutes. So the police came into the conclusion that this was indeed a work of serial killer but the police could not make any public statement as they had no evidences.
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24 old Joanne Messina an exotic dancer one of the victims of Robert Hansen. However on June 13th 1983 the police finally got a breakthrough. Early morning a man driving a truck through the Anchorage highway. He saw a naked woman running towards her with hands over her head waving for the truck to stop, she had a handcuff on her hand.. The driver when stopped the truck the woman jumped inside the truck without seeking permission and tucked her head below. The driver without further drove away without making any halt. Later police found that the girl's name was Cindy Paulson and her age was 17 years old. When the Police officers asked her about the incident they come to know that not only the story was horrible but also but the girl was very brave. The story goes like Cindy was working as a prostitute in the streets of Anchorage a car approached her and inside was a bearded man with glasses whom Cindy thought to be harmless. After bargaining she sat on the passenger seat. and immediately the man handcuffed her and at gunpoint drove towards a neighborhood where he pulled her out brought inside a house downstairs where Cindy saw a chain was hanging from the ceiling.
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Serial killer Robert Hansen's house The man then went to take a nap and threathened her if she made noise she will have to die.The man or the serial killer returned unchained Cindy took her upstairs threw her inside the car and drove her to nearest airport where his plane was parked. Cindy recounts that after she was put inside the plane she saw this man was loading guns after guns inside the plane.She understood the situation jumped out of the plane when the man went towards the car to bring in more supplies. She fell down and ran towards the forest. She heard the man charging towards her and she ran as fast as she could towards the highway. When she turned back she found that the man stopped following her. Later she saw the truck and this is the was she was saved. The Police went back to airport to check to which they found that the plane was standing but the attacker was not there. After futher investigation found that the owner of the plane was Robert Hansen . The police dropped Cindy to the neearest hospital and decided to pay a visit to Robert Hansen's house. They found that Robert Hansen was also driving along the same road and the car matched his description. After talking with Robert Hansen the police checked his property but found no evidences although Cindy's description matched them. The police went back and asked Cindy for a lie detector test to which Cindy refused..She out of despair left the town and police decided not to pursue the case anymore. However on 2nd September construct ion workers while working with their machines found that more bodies were under the ground. When the police were called and upon investigation it was found that a cloth and similar bullet case was found like the past case.Once arrested, Hansen was charged with assault, kidnapping, multiple weapons offenses, theft and insurance fraud. Hansen entered into a plea bargain after ballistics tests returned a match between bullets found at the crime scenes and Hansen's rifle. He pleaded guilty to the four homicides the police had evidence for (Morrow, Messina, Goulding, and "Eklutna Annie") and provided details about his other victims in return for serving his sentence in a federal prison, along with no publicity in the press.
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Police investigative team unearthing dead bodies of victims killed by Robert Hansen Another condition of the plea bargain was his participation in deciphering the markings on his aviation map and locating his victims' bodies. Hansen confirmed the police theory of how the women were abducted, adding that he would sometimes let a potential victim go if she convinced him that she would not report him to police. He indicated that he began killing in the early 1970s.Hansen died on August 21, 2014, aged 75 due to natural causes from lingering health conditions. When the FBI raided Robert Hansen's house they found a map with markings exactly where the women were abducted.This was the story of Robert Hansen a serial killer who run a successful bakery, loved by neighbours yet became a cold blooded killer.. Read the full article
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alliumnoblade · 2 years
small summer and morty i drew last night instead of studying because i love them and i really like them being badasses siblings together
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also idk how to draw hands or anatomy please don't come for me
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spaceoddball1969 · 2 years
Falling for the Freak - Eddie Munson Fix-It Fic Chapter 13
Hi friends! I have couple of things I’d like to talk about before we get to the chapter. First off, of course, thank you all for reading and sharing and commenting. It makes my day when I see new interactions with the story.
 Next, I would like to ask a question. As a reader, for you personally, how important is the inclusion of smut in this fic to you? I have no problems writing it, but I’m gonna be honest and say I much prefer writing cute or silly interactions between the reader and Eddie and explicit sexual situations. If you do not enjoy reading smut, or shouldn’t be reading it due to your age, let me know! Feel free to leave a comment or send me a message. I just want to get an idea of what you all feel like you’d like to see in this fic. I want to write something that everyone can enjoy. If it turns out most of you aren’t too interested in having smut in this fic then I’ll keep it to a minimum. I was even thinking if there’s people who really want to read that type of thing, that I could release the regular chapter without it and then release an explicit version where it will be included. Let me know what you think! I want to write what you all want to read! 
Ok, another thing. Some of you have asked to be tagged and when I go to tag you, your account doesn’t come up. If you have asked to be tagged and are not getting notifications about being tagged please let me know. I have been trying to troubleshoot why I might be having issues with tagging you and have been unsuccessful. If you wanna be tagged and haven’t been getting notifications let me know and I’ll be happy to let you know when I post.
I’m getting off my soap box now.
CHAPTER SUMMARY: It’s getting way close to the time that ST4 takes place cannonically so we’re getting to the major stuff here. Eddie and the reader find it difficult to find time to be together as school, work, and Hellfire keep them both quite busy. However, spring break is coming up fast and they both are anxious to have the time to spend together. Just as things seem to be lining up them, things take an unexpected turn.
WARNINGS: Fluff, language (I just realized I’ve said fuck several times in this fic and never put a warning), mentions of murder.
Chapter 13
The next few weeks truly tested Eddie and I as a couple. We barely got to spend time together that wasn’t spent studying. He was and I quote, “army crawling” his way towards graudation and I was what felt like army crawling through piles of homework. My second semester was going well, but it was definitely killing me a little inside. I had to drop my hours at Family Video just so I could stay on top of my work. I worked when I could and had to grin and bare my cut in pay.
Eddie was also now incredibly busy with Hellfire as they were well into the Cult of Vecna. We had spent many hours discussing it so he could develop a proper cult for his evil wizard antagonist. The boys had spent several Friday nights making their way through the campaign and still were going to have to meet one last time to play through the end of it. When I could, I would sit in on the meetings and watch. Eddie often begged me to join the campaign, but the more I watched, the more confused I got. Besides, with my classwork and work at Family Video, I barely had enough time to breathe.
Luckily, spring break was coming. We had five days to get through and then we were all free for a week. It was a miracle that my spring break lined up with Eddie’s. I was desperate to be able to spend time actually hanging out with him instead of just doing homework together. It had been a rough few months. Between everything Eddie and I, Dustin was also quite busy. He had been struggling with not being able to see Suzy and his classes were starting to give him troubles. It didn’t help that issues had started to crop up between him, Mike, and Lucas. Back around Christmas, Lucas had been dumped by his girlfriend, Max. I didn’t know the whole story, but whenever I interacted with Max she always seemed to have something seriously eating her up. Lucas had been trying to get back together with her ever since. He dug into his place on the basketball team, giving her tickets to every game in hopes that she would come to one. Unfortunately she never did. 
Mike and Dustin were committed to Hellfire, but it seemed that Lucas was getting wrapped up in his own interests. I was scared to say it, but I feared the boys had finally hit the point where they would grow apart. I hoped it wasn’t the case, but I feared the worst. 
Their friendship was put to the ultimate test the Friday before spring break. 
“We have major problems,” Dustin said on the phone that afternoon. He called the house right after he got out of school.
“What kind of problems?” I asked.
“Problems of every kind,” Dustin said. “You wouldn’t happen to be able to suddenly pick up Dungeons and Dragons would you?”
“Are you kidding me?” I asked. “How many times do I have to tell you that I’m not joining the campagin?”
“Well, we need a stand in,” Dustin said. “Your boyfriend gave me and Mike another one of his outrageous assignments. We need somebody to stand in for Lucas tonight at Hellfire,”
“Where’s Lucas?” I asked, though I had a feeling I knew the answer.
“His stupid basketball team won the game last night,” Dustin said, “so now they’re in the championchip game tonight. Eddie refuses to postpone the conclusion of his campaign so he’s making us find a stand in,”
“Well,” I said. “I’m sorry. I can’t help you out there,”
“It’s fine,” Dustin said. “I gotta go find Mike. We’re going to search the school for someone willing to come play tonight,”
“Ok,” I said. “Good luck,”
“Thanks,” Dustin sighed, “we’re going to need it,”
He hung up the phone and so did I. I sat for a minute and then decided to call Eddie. The phone range several times and then his uncle picked up. 
“Hello?” he asked.
“Hi, Mr. Munson,” I said, “it’s Y/N, is Eddie home yet?”
“I’m sorry, Y/N, he’s not back from school. He said he might be late though. Said he had some business to take care of,” Wayne said.
“Ok,” I said, whenever Eddie had a deal to make he would always refer to it as “business”. “Could you tell him I called when he gets back?”
“Of course,” Wayne said. “You have a good day now,”
“You too,” I said and hung up the phone.
An hour or so passed and then the phone rang. I picked it up and Eddie answered. “What’s up, babe? Miss me?” he asked.
“You wish,” I laughed. “No, I was calling because I’m not sure about you making the boys find a stand in for tonight. Can’t you just postpone?”
“Absolutely not.” Eddie said firmly. “This is too big. We postpone this and I swear we’ll never finish it. I just have this gut feeling. And if they want to be true members of Hellfire, this is what they’ve gotta deal with, recruitment,”
“Are you sure you aren’t taking this too seriously?” I asked.
“I’m certain of it,” Eddie said. He paused and then spoke again. “Hey can I ask you something?”
“Go for it,” I said.
“If a girl was one of my clients and she wanted to get something stronger from me to deal with her issues how would you feel about her coming to the trailer?” he asked.
I thought about it. “Is she pretty?” I asked.
“It’s Chrissy Cunningham,” Eddie said.
“The cheerleader?” I asked.
“That’s the one,” Eddie said.
“What the fuck?” I asked. “She does business with you?”
“As of this afternoon,” Eddie said. “I tried to give her a good deal too and she asked for something stronger.”
“I trust you,” I said.
“Ok,” Eddie said. 
“You better not do anything to break that trust,” I said.
“I would never,” he said. “You coming to Hellfire tonight? Gonna see the end of the Cult of Vecna?”
“I’ll try, but no promises,” I said. “I have a lot of work to do.”
“You’ll come,” Eddie said. “I know it,”
He was right. I went. I couldn’t resist. And it was the best time I had ever had at Hellfire. Mike and Dustin had come through and somehow gotten Lucas’ sister, Erica, to stand in for her brother. I watched as they made their way through the end of the campaign. Eddie was truly on fire as the dungeon master. I had watched him do this many times now, but he was legendary that night. I watched as Vecna came back from the dead and the choice was made to stay and fight him to the death. It was a little silly how seriously they all took it, but I was happy to see everyone enjoying themselves. After such a strenuous week, it felt like it was well deserved.
Especially when in the last few moments of the campaign, it seemed like all hope was lost. The only hero left standing was Lady Applejack (Erica) and she had to roll to place the final blow on Vecna. If her roll came up short, the entire party would be demolished. It was as if the whole world went into slow motion as Erica, with her American flag tied around her neck, shook the die in her cupped hands. I watched as it flew from her fingers and across the table. It rolled several times and we all watched it carefully. It moved slowly closer and closer to Eddie at the other end of the table until it landed on the desired number 20.
The party all froze and then we errupted into cheers. Dustin hugged me tighter than he ever had before. Even Eddie couldn’t help but cheer and bow to the brave Lady Applejack who had slain Lord Vecna. I went to congratulate Eddie on the epic conclusion of his campaign. 
He pulled me into a tight hug and kissed me on the mouth. “You’re joining the party for the next campaign, I’m making you,”
“We’ll see about that,” I said.
“You’re gonna do it,” he said.
The party cleared out not long after that. I stayed behind with Eddie to help him clean up. As I finished packing up the game board, Eddie slumped down into his dungeon master thrown. He looked like royalty sitting in that chair. I put the lid on the box and made my way over to him.
“That was a fantastic night,” Eddie said as I sat down on his lap. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my shoulder. “Thank you for being here,”
“Of course. I wouldn’t have missed it for the world. Especially when I get to see you looking like a king in this chair,” I smirked.
“So if I’m the king...” Eddie said, looking up at me. He rested his chin on my shoulder. “Does that make you my queen?”
“It can if you want it to,” I said, smiling.
“Can we have crowns?” Eddie asked.
“Most definitely,” I said, a small laugh coming out.
“Good,” he said. “I think you’d look spectucular in a crown,”
“You’d look better,” I said.
“Nope,” Eddie said, “No way I could look better than you,”
“You are a sap,” I said, letting my hands slip behind his neck.
“Guilty as charged,” Eddie said, pressing his lips to mine.
We were tangled together for a moment and then he pulled back and looked at his watch.
“Shit,” Eddie said, “shit, I’ve gotta go. Sweetheart, God, I’m so sorry. I totally forgot, I gotta do the deal with Chrissy,”
“Oh,” I said and stood up. “Yeah, I forgot too,”
“Babe,” Eddie said, cupping my face with his large hands, “babe, I’m so sorry. Please forgive me. How about I come by later? I’ll be at your window in like an hour tops. I’ll make it up to you,”
“Ok,” I said. “I like that idea,”
“Thank you for understanding,” Eddie said, kissing my forehead. “I’ll see you soon,”
“I trust you!” I called as Eddie gathered his things and ran out the door.
I collected my stuff and walked outside. I found my bicycle and peddled home in the dark. I felt odd, like I was being watched, or like something was off. My stomach felt uneasy and I couldn’t stop thinking about Eddie. I tried to tell myself that I wasn’t anxious about him being in the trailer alone with Chrissy Cunningham, but I must have been deep down. I couldn’t shake the feeling that something wrong was going on.
I ignored the feeling as best as I could once I got home. I got into my pajamas and got ready for bed. I made sure to lock my bedroom door and to leave my window open a crack for Eddie. 
I waited for an hour. He didn’t come. I waited for another hour and he still hadn’t shown up. I tried to fight off the awful feeling that he had decided that Chrissy was much prettier than I was and he would much rather spend the night with her than me. I hardly slept that night and whenever I was asleep, I was riddled with terrible nightmares.
When I woke up the next morning and turned on the news, I realized the nightmare was just beginning.
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renneiscent · 2 years
You Are All That Matters
I hope this makes sense and apologise for bad writing and messy grammar. Anyway, it’s getting near the end thus I have important question. Did you already prepare for the worst?
Warning: Violence, blood-loss mention, stabbing.
Chapters: 17/?
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There are some days that I always think I’m just an ordinary person. In fact, I always think that I’m too ordinary. There is this thought that I used to have in my mind that God didn’t create me by His own hands just like whatever bible said, but instead He used the already existed template to make my figure. I don’t have much talent or skill, I have no unique or distinctive feature on me. I’m average in everything. I’m anything but special.
Since I was in still school, I always believe that the main characters are not just something you found in book, movie, theatre, or even game. The truth is there will be always main character and supporting character, even here in reality. Life is like enormous stage for something like school drama. There will be beautiful person as the princess and her charming prince who is going to be main characters, the evil antagonist with their grumpy assistant, the villagers who support the plot and are not able to talk if the spotlight didn’t turn on them, or even the tree which just stand idly watching the chaos right there.
It’s been forever that I never thought I’m the main character even in my life. I always thought I’m just supporting character which even if I hadn’t been there, no one would have noticed. But for once, my life has been changed. For once, many people notice and interact with me. For once, some people really need me in their lives. For once, someone said that I’m important and cannot lose me.
Everything in my life turned upside down because someone from the other side of this world sent my number. It’s funny if you think about it. How one encounter can affect everything in your life, how one choice can change the whole route in your direction, how something as small as the butterfly wings can ultimately cause the typhoon halfway around the world. How my life is completely changing because someone here is just randomly involve me in her disappearance.
And then you came into my life and everything change.
“I never want to kidnap or kill you! But why you confront me and treat me as a murderer!? I already forgave you for ruining my plan but this is what I got!?” the gripping of his hands around my neck is tighten even more.
In the split of seconds when I was too stunned because of someone who I thought is my friend trying to strangle me, I finally managed to come back to this bitter reality.
“I’m not going to die here,” I say to myself since I’m not able to say it to this motherfucker above me. I’m sticking into his gunshot wound with my fingernails, pressing it hard and deep on his flesh and making him scream in pain and loosening his strangle on me. I use this opportunity to poke his eyeballs with my fingers and kick him away on the chest. I immediately crawl as far as I could and try to get up. I have no idea where should I go, I cannot even think clearly but the most important thing right now is I need to stay alive!
“Where do you think you are going!?” he snatches my ankle and makes me fell to the ground.
I try to kick him in the face few times but it misses, instead my phone is thrown away from my jacket’s pocket because of my rapid movements. My phone makes me remember with the swiss army knife that I bring this whole time which I have been keeping inside my pocket. I quickly grab the knife inside my jean pocket and pull out the knife then intend to stab him in his shoulder right away.
“Such a sneaky little girl, aren’t you?” he sneers while gripping my wrist firmly; making me hard to stab him, while his other hand right now is strangling me again.
I grunt of pain around my neck and my wrist. The gripping on my wrist becomes more firm than before and makes me drop the knife beside me, Richy of course didn’t miss this chance and let go his hand off my wrist and move it to my neck, pushing me hard to the ground even more; another round of strangling me to the death.
“Why…are…you…doing…this?” I whisper painfully, the oxygen capacity which I need is slowly decreasing but I still managed to think. I try to distract him with asking stupid and cliché question while my hand is sneakily reaching the knife.
“Because you make me pissed off! I tried to warn you over and over again, I told you my secret and you treat me as murderer!? Do you think I will let you walk out without getting some lesson, huh?” he threatens, his eyes are going darker and darker in every second.
“Shut…up…!” I state while swinging my hand which finally managed holding the army knife and try to stab him again. I’m not going to let every of your plans go your way!
It’s been forever that I never thought I’m the main character even in my life. I always thought I’m just supporting character which even if I hadn’t been there, no one would have noticed. But for once, my life has been changed. For once, many people notice and interact with me. For once, some people really need me in their lives. For once, someone said that I’m important and cannot lose me.
Everything in my life turned upside down because someone from the other side of this world sent my number. It’s funny if you think about it. How one encounter can affect everything in your life, how one choice can change the whole route in your direction, how something as small as the butterfly wings can ultimately cause the typhoon halfway around the world. How my life is completely changing because someone here is just randomly involve me in her disappearance.
That’s what I thought. But… who am I joking to anyway?
I will never be the main character. I'm just a supporting character who helps someone's storyline. I’m just a supporting character who helps Hannah’s case. It doesn’t matter if I hadn’t been here all along, someone would take my position. Why am I working too hard for someone I never meet before? Why am I letting myself involved in this long nightmare? Why am I taking this stupid and reckless route? Why am I managed to sacrifice myself like this?
I cough in reflex; there is pain I can feel around my stomach area, it feels like the shirt and my jacket are damped because of something. Is it raining? But there is no water coming at all.
“Oh no no no…” Richy stutters then gets up from me. He puts his hands back of his head, the expression of him shows that he is panic.
What makes him so panic like that? I take a glance to the spot where he’s been looking. Ah, it looks like I’m the one who got stabbed here. With all of these adrenaline rushes, I did not notice that. So I assume what my clothes feel damped is my blood? Wow, I never thought that a small knife can hurt someone like this. My brother will pay for this.
“This can’t be happening, this can’t be happening… I’m not the murderer, I’m not… this is not my fault!” Richy mutters before proceed to run away to the forest.
“Where are you going?” I try to get up and yell at him but neither of those things I can do. My voice is hoarse because of the strangulation I just had and my stomach is stabbed with my own weapon. This supporting character is getting really bad situation right now. Dear God above there, you are such a sadistic writer, don’t you think? Putting me in this miserable scene when no one here to save me?
I giggle thinking about it, but even my laugh didn’t help but hurt me so bad. I’m carefully lying on the ground and staring at the sky above me. Now, what should I do? Waiting for my own death while star gazing? But there are not stars at all, only the moon that is hiding behind the night’s clouds. Why tonight’s sky looks so sad and lonely?
I cannot allow you to put yourself in danger.
My ears suddenly rung with those words, I scoff remembering when Jake keeps saying that thing in every risky situation. Both of us are just two stubborn people who willing to die for each other. And it looks like that I’m finally the winner. I think I’m the winner.
“I’m so stupid, I should take defence class.” I shut my eyelids tight, preventing to let the tears stream down on my face. But I failed, so I just let myself started crying. Quietly. In the middle of this unknown place. All by myself.
Waiting for who will come first… my death or the person I deem important?
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asmutwriter · 2 years
Welcome to the Freak Show (Part 17)
When I wrote this part and the next part I defiantly cried. I feel like that says more about me and the fact I was on my period rather then the fact this was actually sad or well written but enjoy non the less
Eddie x Reader
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WARNINGS: season 4 spoilers, swearing, mentions of death, mentions of murder, mourning
-  This is fiction. Please always talk to your partner before doing anything and make sure they are ok with what you are doing beforehand
As promised Eddie stays the night. You call in sick to work for the next couple of days. When he doesn’t turn up at your house you start to relax again. Hopefully you’ll never see him again. The whole time Eddie stays with you. He misses school but, as he says, that isn’t unusual for him so they won’t be surprised. Once he knows your feeling calmer he goes back to his on the Saturday. Alice comes over and joins you for the weekend. Staying with you until you have work on Monday. She sits in the restaurant with you throughout your whole shift. Reading whilst you work. Then she drives you back to your house. You comfort her and tell her you’ll be fine on your own so she leaves. And you are. 
You’ve heard rumours that Chris went back to the army camp so you were happy to be by yourself again. You see Eddie on Wednesday after. You hang out together and he notices you seem a lot more cheerful. He doesn’t ask about it as he doesn’t want to stress you, but he can tell you are happier. You help him with his studies, knowing his exams are in a few weeks. 
Today was no different. It was the beginning of March. The first Wednesday of March in fact. You go through his English with him. Quizzing him on the book he’s meant to know relatively off by heart. Half way through you reading a passage to him he takes your wrist. You look at him confused. He pushes your sleeve up slightly and points at a small moon tattoo that’s on the inside of your wrist. “I wanted to have one that both matched but was also unique on my other wrist. Given that you did the one on my left arm” he nods
“How many you got now then” you count on your hands before holding up six fingers. He smiles “Let’s see”
“So I’ve got that one which you saw. Then I managed to get this one” you show behind your ear that there’s a design of flowers and swirls. You look around slightly before lifting your shirt up. Showing your side boob to him where a little heart outline sits. “I did them all myself apart from the one behind my ear. I got that one done by my friend” he nods
“I’m sorry for being a bad influence on you” you laugh as you pull your shirt down again
“I had tattoos before I met you”
“Correction. You had a tattoo before you met me. Singular. Now you have six″ you laugh again and nod
“True. True” you go to carry on reading but he shushes you, gently lowering the book
“Enough now. Please” you chuckle 
“Fine. We can carry on next Wednesday” he lets out an annoyed groan as you laugh. “I know you dislike it but if you pass then you can leave school by the end of this year. Unfortunately you have to go through the torture of revision” he falls backwards from the bench, his legs still over the seat as his body lies on the floor. You laugh, standing up and leaning over the table to look at him
“I’m dead”
“Come on” you reach your hands out to help him up, which he grabs and you pull him up. 
“Are you thinking of going to college next year?” you shake your head
“I don’t think I’ll get anything out of college to be honest. I don’t want a fancy job. I just want to earn money” you pick at your fingers
“How are your parents coping with that though?” you laugh
“They think I should become a doctor. Because that’s the career Michael has chosen” he laughs slightly as you smile at him, looking at your hands “My aim in life is to find a man that I can have children with. I’m not bothered by my career. I want a family” he nods and looks at you
“How’s that going for you?”
“Not well. Most of the men I’ve gone on dates with just try and get in my pants. Or they start proposing straight away”
“Yeah not fun. But the joys of dating I suppose. Got to go through the nutters before finding ‘the one’”
"What’s ‘the one’ for you then?”
“Oh god. I don’t know if I have a type... sense of humour is always good. Slightly protective of me. Not badly so, but the kind of guy who will hold my hand in public if he sees other guys looking at me. But also doesn’t care if I go out on my own. Kind as well. I guess the stuff that every girl says they want in a man though, right?” he nods slightly “What’s your type?”
“I don’t know. Never really thought about it. Every girl I’ve been with seems to only want me to make someone else jealous or mad. I just take it whenever I can because it’s rare that a girl actually likes me for me”
“To clarify. I like you for who you are. I appreciate I’m probably not someone you’d get romantically involved with but I do like you for you and I am a girl” he laughs slightly
“You are one of my few female friends though” he thinks for a moment “in fact my only female friend. And also longest female friend”
“Thanks dude”
“I never would’ve thought we’d be as close as we are. You are one of my best friends. I feel like I could tell you anything” you smile
“Yeah I feel the same. You and Alice are the two I trust the most”
“I’m honoured. Truly” he smiles at you as you smile at him
“We should go back. I’ll see you next week though?” he nods
“See you next week”
Two weeks pass. You’ve finished studying with Eddie on your usual Wednesday meetup and are chatting away. "You are wrong. Chocolate is defiantly the best flavour of ice cream”
“Nah man. Defiantly rum and raisin”
“Are you saying that purely because it has rum in it?”
“It’s an alcoholic desert, what’s not to love!” you laugh as you lean back slightly and look up at the sky. You feel his eyes trail down your body. You look at him, his eyes darting away quickly. Looking at his watch “Shit its getting late”
“I’ll see you next Wednesday right?” he nods
“It’s the holidays next week so I have no school” you laugh as he stands up and does what you assume to be a happy dance but you aren’t to sure. You laugh as you watch him
“Why don’t you come round for the holiday? We can spend the week together. We can chill out and I can quiz you on your upcoming exams”
“You had me at the coming over part. But the exam part I’ll pass on”
“Come on. You won’t even notice. We can do a drinking game whilst I quiz you. Something like we go through the questions at the back of the book and whoever guesses it the slowest has to drink. Can’t possibly think of how that could go wrong” he laughs 
“I like the sound of that more... Sure. I’ll see you on Saturday morning, say about 11?” you nod and smile
“I look forward to it”
Saturday comes about. Now Eddie has never been punctual but it was 11:45 and you were worried. You gnaw at your bottom lip as you wait by the door. Your phone rings making you jump. You rush over to it “Hello?”
“Turn on the news. Now” Alice says. Rushing over you turn the TV on. The news anchor speaks as you watch in horror 
“-teen been found murdered. We aren’t sure what led to this brutal attack but-”
“Isn’t that where Eddie lives?” you hear Alice whisper on the other end of the phone.
“I- no. No. It can’t be him” you shake your head in disbelief. Eyes glued to the screen. You shake your head and drop the phone as you see his trailer in the background. Tears stream down your face as fear washes over you. You fall to the ground and hug your legs. Hands going to your eyes as you start to cry. About 20 minutes pass and a knock on the door makes you aware of the world around you but only for a moment. Alice manages to open the door. You don’t care how, you just feel her come and sit by you and hug you, stroking your hair as you cry. Her eyes stay fixed on the screen. 
“Liz. It’s not him...” you look up
“-Body of the teenage girl was left-”
“It’s not him... But that’s his house...”
“Oh Liz” you look at Alice as she strokes your hair.
You wait with Alice all day. She even stays overnight. You hope he’ll turn up on Sunday morning but no luck, so you get dressed from yesterday’s clothes. Grabbing a bag and head out to his trailer. You see his home surrounded by police and tape. You walk around the area. Hoping for any signs of him but you find nothing. You stand near where the commotion is. Listening in. They just say that the body of Chrissy Cunningham was found dead at the scene. You go back to your house. Alice still there “You ok?” you nod
“It’s not him. Chrissy from school, the year below us. It was her they found dead”
“In his house?” you nod
“But he’s not dead...”
“He just likely committed a murder” you nod. 
“We can find him. Please. Hess probably scared and confused and we have to help him”
“I’m sorry Liz. I love you. You know I do. But I’m not helping you find someone who’s just murdered a girl our age”
“We don’t know he did it”
“We don’t know he didn’t do it either. I’m sorry. I truly am” you nod slightly. Thinking about what she just said.
“He was meant to come over yesterday... do you-” Tears prick at your eyes as you look up at her “do you think if she wasn’t killed I would’ve been?” she lets out a sigh, running her hands through her hair and shaking her head
“I don’t know...”
“Do you really think he murdered her?”
“I hope he didn’t but the evidence isn’t in his favour” you wipe your eyes as she comes over and hugs you. You hug her back. “I need to go home ok? I’ll be back tomorrow after my shift though” she holds your face between hands hands, forcing you to look at her “You’ll be ok. If he turns up here, please call me or the police” you nod slightly. 
Every day you go by his trailer. Hoping to find something. Someone. But no luck. You wear the necklace he got for you. The small chain dangling round your neck. Wanting him to be close to you. You get into the shower. First one in about a week. Then the earthquake hits. Once it passes you quickly chuck on some clothes and run outside. Helping those who were hurt immediately outside of your home from the events.
The next day you help set up the small refuge centre for those who were made homeless from the earthquake. Taking along your old clothes, some food and blankets. Even some old toys. Helping out wherever you can. You notice his uncle walk in. Alone. Going to the missing person’s board and placing a poster. Your heart sinks. They still hadn’t found Eddie? You mentally shake yourself.
Another day goes past. You go via his trailer in hopes of any sign of life before heading to the centre. Alice meets you there. Helping you fold clothes and place them into different genres. Women, men’s and children’s. Then you hear a young boy call out for Mr Munson. You look up slightly. Seeing a boy with curly hair talking to the uncle. You see them exchange words, the younger starting to get teary. You try and listen in on what they’re saying. “I-I’m so sorry” you see the boy hand him a necklace. Eddies necklace. You feel tears prick your eyes. Alice turns to you, going to say something about the dress she was holding up but stops
“Liz...?” you shake your head, tears starting to fall from your cheeks. Looking at her
“He-He’s dead” you whisper.
“Oh no, Liz” she says, going to hug you. You shake your head 
“I’m sorry... I-I need a minute” you place the shirt you were holding down. Tears falling down your face as you drive back to your house. Getting in, shutting the door behind you. You let out a scream. You collapse to the ground. Hiding your face in your hands as hours go past as you cry. You eventually get up. Knowing time has passed as the sun is no longer up. You go into your room. Grabbing out the Iron Maiden shirt he had gifted you. Taking off all your clothes and placing it on your body as well as the jacket he’d gifted you. Then grabbing Fred the bear you curl up onto your bed. Crying into the soft fur of the bear until you fall asleep. 
The next day you wake up. Your whole body feeling numb. You go to work, knowing you have a shift but you do it out of routine. You don’t have the mental strength. You also wear the same shirt you wore at night. Plus the jacket. Only taking it off when your boss says something. The next day you do the same thing. Wearing the same shirt and jacket. Just wondering round like a zombie. Doing chores, making yourself eat and drink. But your mind is blank. You cry whenever you have a free moment to yourself. So you try and be busy. Working overtime more. It’s been 4 days since you found out the news about Eddie. Your boss sees you cleaning tables and walks over. ”It’s your day off. Go home”
“Please. I need to be here”
“You haven’t left here in 20 hours. Go home. Get some rest. Eat and drink. I’ll see you in a couple of days” you nod slightly. Walking back to your house. You get in. Collapsing onto your bed. As soon as you hit the pillow you start crying. All the memories of him flooding your brain. How he laughed. His smile. Him trying to distract you from helping him revise. You lie on your back. Kissing the necklace that was around your neck. “I’m sorry Eddie. I’m so sorry. You were the best thing that happened to me... and you’ll never know” you hide your face. Gently crying yourself to sleep. 
A few weeks pass. Although you were still mourning Eddie’s death you had started to get back to normal. You had arranged with your parents that you would move out of Hawkins as it now had too many bad memories associated with it. So you lived in boxes. Thankfully they were rich enough to be able to buy you a place outright so you didn’t need to worry about selling the house before you moved. You had managed to shower in the recent week. Not wanting to so that the scent of his shirt stayed on you for longer. But you had managed to shower and wash, even clean the house up a bit as you were currently living in boxes. You were just looking at houses at the moment, waiting for the right one to show up before you moved out. As soon as you found it your parents would pay for it and you would be living your new life. Out of habit you would go to your usual meeting spot every Wednesday. You knew no one went there so you would take a book or some paper and go and relax for an hour or so. You found it helped you feel closer to him even when you knew he couldn’t be with you anymore
@karma2223 @fknemily @sammararaven
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How do you think the Cullen's would have turned out if they lived their natural human lives and not forever frozen at an age / the state they were in? For example I think Carlisle would always be kind and tame but perhaps not as idealistic. Rose might grow bitter of the world since even if Royce didn't assault her I can't imagine he would be the loving husband she wanted. Edward, who watched his parents die and was dying himself, might not be as moody and miserable. Who knows about Jasper and Alice and Esme. Emmett would probably stay the same. Bella, if she never met the supernatural, probably would just be a quiet old soul but otherwise not mal adjusted. I can't even guess about Renesmee haha since she has no personality next to being ~inhumanly special.
I mean, sadly, we know the answer: they wouldn't be around very long and would have died miserably. There's no such thing as a natural human life, well, I suppose you can die of old age, but the fate of the Cullens didn't have that in store.
But let's get into it just the same.
Had James not come across Alice, she likely still would have been turned at some point by her maker, who seems to have been very fond of her. It was just a matter of time. The difference being that, instead of being a newborn completely on her own, her maker would have been there. This is an Alice very unlikely to see Jasper or the Cullens in her future, though who knows, Carlisle and her maker might very well cross paths someday due to the similarity of their work.
But I doubt Alice would ever end up on the diet.
For Alice to remain human, she can never have been sent to that asylum. In which case we have two options a) she's not sent to an asylum b) she's sent to a different asylum.
In the first case, Alice is more than likely murdered by her father. This is what got her sent off in the first place: she was running around town claiming that her father had murdered her mother and now planned to murder her. To shut the hysterical woman up, her father sent her to an insane asylum. Which effectively got her out of his life just as he wished.
If that didn't occur to him, then yes, Alice likely falls gravely ill or has some unfortunate accident that she cannot prevent.
Otherwise, Alice is sent to some other insane asylum, likely still loses all her memories due to electroshock therapy, and probably dies very young due to poor health conditions. The life she does live is utterly miserable.
Bella dies in a parking lot, she's hit by a truck out of control. Otherwise, Bella dies in Port Angeles, she's raped and her body abandoned in a dumpster. Otherwise, Bella is eaten by a vampire.
And if Bella miraculously survives all of that, I imagine her struggle with depression continues throughout high school and into college. In college, she may meet someone who catches her interest, in which case she becomes completely codependent on them for a sense of validation (as she did Edward and Jacob in canon).
The relationship is a toxic mess, ends in a very messy breakup, and Bella goes through her New Moon phase a bit later. She might finally get therapy and survive this very dangerous phase in her life, at which point, she finally starts the slow recovery from depression.
I imagine Bella will be struggling with depression though for all of her life and, if left untreated, it might very well kill her.
Had Carlisle not been turned this means the vampire likely drained him. Carlisle dies at the head of the mob, this sentences the other Cullens to death as well as now no one will turn them.
Let's say Carlisle wasn't as fast that day. He had a leg cramp, or something. Not being well in front of the others, he's not hit by the vampire first. This increases his chances of death, as the vampire seems to have killed the rest he took a bite of, but he could survive.
Carlisle lives with the haunting guilt that the one time he tracks down a true demon he brought death to his parish. Several died due to his actions, the demon got away, and now there's no sign of it. Carlisle completely and utterly failed.
This is probably the final straw for Carlisle. Demons exist, but they are beyond his capacity to hunt, this is a job for God and not mere mortal men. He stops the demon hunts, stops the witch hunts, and focuses himself strictly on helping the community and preaching.
He lives knowing his father would have continued to be sorely disappointed in everything he does.
Carlisle likely marries within a few years, now that his father is dead and he's the established head of the parish. He may or may not like his wife all that much, but he has a responsibility, and having a wife and children is one of those. I imagine that they either are somewhat fond of each other or quietly tolerate one another.
If Carlisle has a son, the son is trained as a priest, sent to seminary as he was, and set to inherit the parish. If he has only daughters, then it will be her husband who will inherit the parish.
When Carlisle dies he is likely remembered very fondly by the parish for the good he did for the community. No one talks about the demon hunting disaster. He's buried next to his father.
Edward dies of the Spanish Influenza in 1918.
Had he never caught it, and thus never come across Carlisle, I imagine he lives a somewhat ordinary life. He goes to university somewhere very well established, perhaps even one of the Ivy League schools, I can see him training to become a lawyer. He either joins his father's law firm or, if his father's not a lawyer, some law firm in Chicago where he does quite well for himself.
He probably courts then marries some affluent, well to do, woman who hits all the checkmarks he expects from society. They probably get on quite well.
The market then crashes in 1929, when Edward's only 29 years old, and Edward gets to live through the depression. Edward may be lucky enough to retain his wealthy, however, he very well could not have been. Edward is now unemployed, destitute, and miserable just like the rest of the country.
I imagine this is very hard on him, he becomes very bitter and resentful, and as he desperately tires to find work it just gets worse. Edward becomes mired in cynicism.
Then the war hits, Edward is now 41, and he's too old to enlist in the army. He feels a sense of nostalgic bitterness that, once again, he can't go fight the good fight and has to cheer from the sidelines. Nonetheless, the economy starts to recover thanks to the war, Edward recovers with it and things get better.
Edward lives his ordinary human life and, perhaps, lives to sometime in the 1990's.
Emmett is eaten by bears.
Had he not happened to be in the mountains that day then, likely, some other unfortunate accident would have befallen him. He's a mountain man, that's a dangerous life.
He gets eaten by bears, eaten by mountain lions, injured somehow and then dies, hit by a tree that he cut down, there are so many possibilities.
If he does live to an older age then he becomes the gruff mountain man stereotype that we all know. I imagine he remains a very friendly, cheerful, man, probably marries some local girl and has a very large family.
Esme kills herself. With the death of her child, that was the path she chose, and had she not been turned she would have been successful.
However, had her child lived, I imagine her life would have continued on the path it was on. She would have been a single mother, working as a teacher, and raising her child.
They would have been poor, but Esme seemed determined to make this work, and was doing an excellent job at it.
Perhaps, in time, she would meet the right man and remarry. However, I think that would take a lot of time as the whole issue was that she was hung up on the ideal of Dr. Carlisle Cullen who she met when she was sixteen and never saw again.
Regardless, she's far more of a real person grounded in reality than Esme the vampire ever was.
Had Jasper not come across Maria, he likely would have died in the war. Many, many, people died in the civil war, and Jasper would be far from alone in that.
If not, he would have returned to the ravaged south, and likely found himself facing unemployment and very difficult times for wherever he came from.
Jasper would likely pull through, we know he has lived through hell in canon and pulled through there, though changed for life by the horrors of the civil war that will now never quite leave him.
Renesmee is never born. Her father is a demon a hundred years older than her mother. There is no chance that Bella becomes pregnant with Edward's human child, let alone his vampire child.
If Bella does become pregnant with a vampire child, she's likely been raped by Joham. Bella dies in confusion and agony, Renesmee is born into this world utterly alone, is picked up by Serena, and becomes yet another sister of Nahuel's.
Renesmee lives the miserable life that all of Nahuel's siblings do.
Rosalie is gang raped to death by Royce and his friends and dies in agony in an alley. Had she not come across Royce that night then likely, after they marry, he at some point rapes her to death and murders her.
The likelihood of Rosalie, with her parent's ambitions and her looks, of not marrying Royce is very small.
Even then, Royce is in town in general, that means all she needed was one bad night. Which, in canon, she had.
However, let's say she lives and Royce wasn't interested in her hand, she marries option number two. As you note, her marriage still likely isn't fulfilling. Rosalie is there to be beautiful and poised, to have tea with the ladies in society, and watch as a governess raises her children.
This is the world she lives in, and she accepts that, but over time she becomes increasingly bitter and resentful of this thing we call life.
TL;DR Remember, there's no escape from the pit of despair we call Twilight
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earnestly-endlessly · 3 years
I love your fic recs! Do you have any with Protective!Erik?
Protective! Erik is one of my favourite tropes so I have a TON of fics to share with you. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.
Protective! Erik fic recs
Erik Lehnsherr's Guide to Saving the Universe By Meeting Your Soul-Mate and Falling in Love in Less than 72 Hours – madneto, Pangea
Summary: Army Pilot Erik Lehnsherr is just trying to enjoy his day off when a mostly naked person crashes through the roof of his car. Even more alarming, the strange falling naked person—who goes by Charles Xavier when he's not speaking an ancient dead language—brings tidings of the apparent potential end of the world, and begs Erik to help him put a stop to it.
Well. His mother has been nagging at him to go out and meet new people.
In Sound and Silence – endingthemes
Summary: Erik is assigned to care for the special patient in room 301.
How Not To Meet Your Future Boyfriend – ikeracity
Summary: Erik punches Charles in the face the first time they meet. There isn't anywhere their relationship can go from there but up.
Forgotten – FuryRed
Summary: Charles is having a really bad day. Not only has he woken up in the middle of the afternoon with no idea where he is or how he got there, but when he returns home he’s confronted by a stranger with intense eyes, who insists that he knows Charles rather more intimately than Charles remembers…
Thou Shalt Not Eat Stones – valancysnaith
Summary: Two months after Washington, Raven found Erik in a skeevy motel off the Florida interstate.
“They have Charles, Erik,” she said.
The bedframe shrieked. In the bathroom, the showerhead snapped in half and clattered into the tub.
Demoted – JayPendragon
Summary: Erik Lehnsherr is a detective-specialist with the NYPD Mutant Tactical Unit, ready to help out where his skills are needed. Or he would be, if he and his partner hadn’t been demoted. For the next four months, he is patrolling the Lenox Hill precinct with Azazel – if he doesn’t die of boredom first. One night they are called in to investigate a potential case of domestic violence, yet the tenant assures them he is both alone and unharmed. However, there is something about this Charles Xavier that compels Erik to follow up.
Warning: Sensitive material, domestic abuse and dubious consent
Watch Your Back – swoopswoop
Summary: Bodyguard AU where Erik is overly protective and things aren't as simple as they seem.
If We Met Differently – swoopswoop
Summary: Erik wasn't the only mutant 'taken in' by Shaw, Erik learns this the hard way when a new mutant is dropped into his cell. They manage to escape together, but things aren't all roses after that. Erik has a score to settle and needs to make sure Charles is safe.
The Color of Love (Character Swap Remix) – BadLuckBlueEyes
Summary: Nobody sees in color until they meet their soulmates. When your soulmate dies, your vision returns to black and white. What happens when your soulmate only dies for a few minutes?
Omega Online – miss_aphelion
Summary: Newly imprinted Charles is having trouble dealing with his overly protective alpha—so in desperation he seeks advice in an omega chat room. Emma Frost is more than happy to help, Raven isn't helping at all, and Erik can't stand to be out of touch with Charles for more than five minutes at a time.
Cannot be Contained in Words – wallhaditcoming (uvcatastrophe) 
Summary: Crime syndicate head Erik Lehnsherr travels to London on business, where he meets oxford student Charles Xavier. Their liaison spawns into a years long transatlantic affair, kept apart by Erik's work and Charles' studies,which Erik chronicles in photographs. When distance ceases to be an issue after four long years, the overlap between Charles' past and Erik's work create a whole new set of complications.
A Pertinent Reminder – ikeracity, Pangea
Summary: Sometimes it's easy to forget that getting involved in Erik's mob business isn't all fine dining and sex on yachts. There's nothing like taking a couple of bullets to remind Charles of the reality.
Part 3 of the Associates series
A Dangerous Game – ikeracity, pangea
Summary: When a familiar enemy of Erik's returns to the city for some old-fashioned revenge, Charles is sucked deeper into the world of the mob than ever before.
Part 6 of the Associates series
You don’t choose the thug life (except when you do) – Anonymous
Summary: Charles is kidnapped and discovers that Erik, the Alpha he has been dating for the past few months and is head-over-heels for, is not just a wealthy businessman but actually the head of a syndicate.
He is rather unhappy about this discovery and Erik gets an earful for lying to him. Then Charles is kidnapped again and really, he hopes mating Erik won't result in weekly kidnapping because he has a thesis to finish and papers to grade.
Marrying a Mob – Ook
Summary: Charles is a teacher at a very exclusive school. When armed men burst in on the trail of two children, of course he stands up to them and gets hurt. The children are Erik Lehnsherr's children (of course); a "prominent businessman" or, less politely, "mobster".
Erik is grateful to Charles for saving his children's lives at the cost of his kneecap. So very grateful.
Naturally he tries to reward Charles for his actions. Equally naturally, Charles will be having none of that.
Azazel finds the whole thing unspeakably hilarious. Naturally.
Rumor Has It – blueink3
Summary: "Did I hear the doorbell earlier?"
"Yeah, but I'd steer clear if I were you. It seemed a little tense. I don't know what's going on, but there's a kid out there who looks freakily like the prof."
Nearly six months after Cuba, Charles' life is turned upside down for the second time. Though he's slowly learning to adapt to the first, he's not sure he can handle the second. Luckily for him, there are a few people out there more than willing to help.
Forward Momentum – AsYouWish
Summary: Six months after Cuba, Charles and Erik find themselves thrown fifty years into the future, where they meet their older selves, the Avengers, and a world that's very different from their own. Faced with the pieces of their broken relationship, an unparalleled adversary, and dealing with Tony Stark on a daily basis, Charles and Erik do their best to adapt while trying to find a way back home -- and to each other.
Runs in the Family – Anonysquirrel (chibirisuchan)
Summary: Alex knew his own reputation. Hell, he'd started some of his own reputation, because it kept some of the smarter thugs off his back. Everyone knew Alex's reputation. There was no way Hank didn't know his reputation, but he'd brought Alex into a house with some really expensive things and a lot of innocent little kids and his too-friendly, too-harmless dad.
But clearly Hank hadn't told his family anything about Alex, just like he hadn't told Alex anything about his family. At least, not about the brain-breaking parts of his family.
"I didn't know where to start," Hank said, for the dozenth time.
Featuring mpreg!Charles in a Kiss The Cook apron, overprotective!Erik in wet black leather, and baked goods. Lots and lots of baked goods.
Round the Corner Waiting – swoopswoop
Summary: When things go so spectacularly wrong during a relationship, Charles - now a single dad - almost makes a big mistake, only to be stopped by a mysterious man who just might turn his life back around.
Hide Your Fires – swoopswoop
Summary: As the sole heir, Prince Charles, had no problem with the roles and responsibility that would come with ruling a kingdom. Though he was the only one who did not see a problem. After years of being shuttled back and forth between kingdoms, his Regent hoping he would find a match more suitable to being King, he is finally sent to Genosha. Though the path has never been less clear than the one to a foreign kingdom with no ties to his native land.
Shaw’s Captive – swoopswoop
Summary: Magneto killed Shaw, it had to be done for the sake of mutant-kind but what he wasn't expecting to find hidden deep with Shaw's complex was a man held captive, obviously tortured, that somehow made Magneto turn into Erik.
Erik now has a potential human in his citadel as he continues the war with the human's.
Mind’s Eye Blind – Sperare 
Summary: As far as Erik is concerned, if you want to scare a person into talking, you have to present him with something more compelling than what he stands to lose...
And there is nothing in the world more compelling than Charles.
Chipped – Rosawyn 
Summary: Magneto's fledgling Brotherhood find Charles Xavier in a mutations research lab as an apparently willing subject for an experimental suppression device.
Okay, I Feel Better Now – Harleydoll
Summary: The AU in which Erik is sent to a mental health facility after being convicted for Shaw's murder and pleads insanity, and Charles is his paranoid schizophrenic of a roommate. Powers, Hellfire conspiracies, protective!Erik, and of course the inevitable angst.
Five Nights in Nuremberg – FuryRed
Summary: When Charles escapes from the mutant prison he has been held in for the last two years he knows that he’s going to need help to avoid being recaptured.
What he doesn’t expect is that help will come in the form of a mysterious German man who rescues Charles and takes him to his home; a handsome stranger who, frustratingly, doesn’t speak a single word of English…
Five Bullet Points – Sperare
Summary: It was supposed to be Erik locked away in a prison one hundred stories below the ground.
Charles was never supposed to be there with him.
Notes: Unfinished but an excellent read. Highly recommend it.
Stolen – ishipitsobad
Summary: Erik is a miserable, grumpy, cantankerous bastard, and he has every fucking right to be. He drew the short end of the stick when he got the Underworld as his domain, and there isn't very much fun to be had in judging and governing dead souls who would rather be anywhere else but with Erik in the depths of Hell.
So when he meets Charles, brilliant and lovely Charles who is more popularly known amongst the mortals as Persephone, and feels the promise of something wonderful that could make his eternally doomed existence infinitely more bearable... you can bet all your drachmas Erik's not going to let Charles go any fucking time soon.
My Barbaric Darling – baehj2915
Summary: Erik is revivified caveman. Charles is the anthropologist(?) taking care of him. This is as ridiculous as it sounds. Romcom misunderstandings and prehistoric wooing ensues.
Swimming with Sharks – Not_You
Summary: Erik used to be a shark. Now he's not, and has to figure out how to be a good human father to his twins. Charles is willing to help.
Eucalyptus leaf of my soul - kageillusionz, ourgirlfriday
Summary: Zookeeper Raven at Taronga Zoo keeps having ideas on how to capitalize on interest in the zoo mascots, Koala Charles and Drop Bear Erik (the only drop bear in captivity!), who have captured the hearts and minds of the public. First it was to introduce prospective mates (It’ll generate attention, Hank. People are perverts. They’d love to see koala porn.). This idea was not effective the first through fifth attempts, as Erik and Charles seemed to show at best polite interest in the newcomer before resuming whatever marsupial debate they had going. However, the resulting lesbian koala orgies did indeed generate interest. Then Raven unveiled the Hug-A-Koala program, which was successful, as the public showed great interest in hugging Charles, and Charles seemed to enjoy being hugged.
Then Raven unveiled the Hug-A-Drop Bear program, and Hank, not for the first time, wished he had a flask handy.
Notes: Yes, they’re Koalas, yes they’re adorable, and yes, Erik is super protective even as a Drop Bear.
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