#i love the lofts so much
xmoriartea · 9 months
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Welcome to Barovia City. The Zarovichs are a totally normal, affluent, apolitical family who just happen to run the one company that controls the lives of every citizen by providing imported goods and services from beyond the Fog. They are good and caring folks, truly humanitarian in their values. No one question why the CEO looks so very much like his father and his father's father and his father's-
The Residents of the Lofts by jellolas
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guardian-angle22 · 9 months
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Tarlos Wedding Celebration Event [Week 12] -> favorite location(s)-> The Tarloft
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softle0 · 4 months
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sulani's new gem!!; a little inspiring bungaloft if you will
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justgleekout · 1 year
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Happy birthday to my dearest friend @blurglesmurfklaine! Have some domestic klaine! 💕
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noorahqar · 2 months
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Too depressed to function these past few days which means (obviously) I'm having @bonus-links Loft brainrot
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buck-up-buck · 1 month
7x09 theories... (because but of course)
OKAY, so I am going absolutely feral over next week's promo and I have some ideas, as per usual, so let's delve head-first into this, shall we?
First of all, I was so off mark with 7x08 so now that we have confirmed I am not a prophet, we can obviously take every theory I post with a pinch of salt. The only thing I kinda remotely even mentioned was a kidnapping theory and, in my defence, Herman did try to kidnap Bobby and Amir before Bobby ran them off the road so, slay, I was, kinda sorta on the right path, just also totally wrong😂
BUT, let's now talk Ashes Ashes because boy that promo has me feeling some kind of way.
First things first, the scene in which Athena says "I think my husband is in danger", is in a hospital. I have a feeling maybe she is talking to Amir because the Cartel are going after Bobby potentially for saving Amir after he killed that guy. BUT, she could also be talking to anyone and it could still well be Amir who is after Bobby, because I refuse to believe the revenge arc is over and done with. I will be so annoyed if we don't get more on this revenge arc, I swear. BUT, her outfit and the background potentially looks like the scene from the still Tim Minear posted last week. Maybe Bobby gets injured in the fire at Bathena house, some smoke inhalation, a lil burn, something, and that's why he is in the hospital. I am so sure though that the scene with Maddie, Chim and Hen is not the same scene with Athena.
Second, I have a gut feeling, that something about this Bathena house fire is sus. Like, the way Bobby is asleep on the couch and the way he suddenly wakes up and reacts seems so staged to me, that it almost doesn't seem real, like maybe Bobby is dreaming it and the scene doesn't actually happen. I don't know why my first thought was a dream, that maybe his mind is playing tricks on him because he has a feeling he is being hunted and he starts making up crazy scenarios, maybe someone tells him to watch his back, and he loses it a little in worry. I DON'T KNOW, but I just have a feeling that scene isn't all that we think it might be. That, OR, the fire at Bathena house is a warning and there is something darker, and bigger, at play (cough Buck's loft burning down cough) because surely if the big event of the last two episodes was Bathena's house burning down and Bobby getting trapped, or Athena being in danger or what not, they would not have showed us such a drastic clip in the promo. That would have been kept under wraps from us until the episode aired, and we would not have seen a clip like we did.
Thirdly, now don't shout at me for this, I could be so wrong, BUT, I have a feeling Bobby is going to relapse either in the next TWO EPISODES or start of Season 8. I initially had this idea back in September because of seeing potential storylines in another show of a character relapsing and thought maybe ABC would take the route as in season 1, Bobby relapses when Hen and Buck find him in his apartment, and ABC did say they were treating this season as another season 1, reintroducing storylines and what not. I killed the idea because, respectfully, I do now want to see this happen because my man Bobby has been through way too much, BUT, the way he is looking in the promo is very dishevelled and unsettled and I just feel like maybe all of this with Amir is going to make him snap. Again, don't shout at me, I am no prophet, I am just, speaking what I am seeing and sharing my lil crazy brain thoughts. runs away
OKAY, now, onto the rest of the characters. I have feeling we are going to see some kind of divorce era 2.0 with Buck and Eddie, maybe not as big as Season 3, but somewhere along the lines of an explosive argument, and that maybe we get a glimpse of some tension in this episode.
I am NOT okay about the jump scare that is Captain Gerrard at the compensation ceremony, DO NOT LIKE THAT. Bad vibes all over. I feel like maybe something might happen between him and Tommy and Buck is gonna be top tier boyfriend. Like a small lil side plot that just gives us some Tommy angst, and Protective!Buck. Please. I beg. I would also LOVE, a few more kisses, even if just lil cheek pecks, from Buck and Tommy, because now that we have had "that fire was a beast." "so are you" I NEED MORE.
I think that is all for know, I may come back with more, because come on, it's me. I think by the end of the season we need to compile ALL of my theory posts this season and see just how wrong/right I have actually been.
Go forth and thrive 9-1-1 fans.
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sophsun1 · 10 months
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I randomly came across this on set picture of Brian's bedside table and I remembered the anon I once got wondering what exactly he had kept on there in regards to his photo collection and now the mystery is finally solved!
I knew one of them was the famous pic of him and Gus, but the others are killing me lmao - I love he has a selfie of himself with the V sign, of course he has a picture of James Dean - scream, one of a door??? and I have no clue what the last one is!
You can see they line up with the scenes in the episodes ↓
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the-gene-mile · 7 months
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chloelouygo · 1 month
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I said the other day that she's my favourite and here is my proof, have a pony picture as thanks for enjoying my niche feeling interests alongside me 😌😌💜💜
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Isn't she beautiful-
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howtosingit · 2 years
It’s the Tarloft!!!
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doortotomorrow · 2 years
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stagefoureddiediaz · 2 years
The fire extinguisher lamp my most beloved is back hanging out in the background of important scenes!!!!
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I thought, why not post some of my house flipper creations? The lot name is Picturesque Loft, with slightly modified walls, to make it more similar to campaign layout of the same property. Furnitures used are mix of DLCs (most from luxury flipper) and some custom content. All the DLCs used can be found in Steam Workshop. PS. If someone wants to play Where's Waldo, I placed Shadow the Hedgehog figurine somewhere in the house ;)
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sansxfuckyou · 1 year
hey i just wanted to say how much I value our friendship. you're genuinely such an important person to me i am so happy seeing you in my notes screaming with me i always get so happy and you've inspired so much to draw (including but not limited to snf and twittblr) and write too when it was a quick hobby I picked up two years ago or so in a frenzy and slowly died out until you reignited it again with your fucking banger fics and i genuinely cannot be more grateful
I dont usually give myself time to truly put what I feel into words, simply going for keysmashes or quick swears or quoting memes and hoping you understand what I wanted to express and I think it was about time I made a personalised message truly using my words to get it across. you are so fucking cool you are awesome you are amazing you are talented you put so much effort into your words be it about a cozy morning organs falling apart or sucking dick. you put so much love into everything you do and it is so amazing to see. i love you man. i wish you everything good in the world ever. you dont have to answer me back with long paragraphs I think I already understand just how important I am to you and I wanted to repay you the favor by laying across the table my heart bare open for you to see
keep on loving keep on living keep on persisting despite despite despite
I am so glad I sent you that Melon Musk image, truly
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ersatz-colubridae-888 · 11 months
a lot of the time when i'm up sitting in bed and i stim by kind of shaking around it makes the bed shake and it makes a noise? and that's kind of part of the stim? it's The Happiness Noise. anyway my cat is sitting up here with me and she also started shaking around (not sure why) and it made the bed make The Happiness Noise and i never felt closer to another being in my life than i did in that split second
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nyanryan · 1 year
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survived public transit n made it to the hostel! there is no ac and its like 30°c out so. rip me but i will survive
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^obligatory hostel selfie
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