#barovia city
xmoriartea · 1 year
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Welcome to Barovia City. The Zarovichs are a totally normal, affluent, apolitical family who just happen to run the one company that controls the lives of every citizen by providing imported goods and services from beyond the Fog. They are good and caring folks, truly humanitarian in their values. No one question why the CEO looks so very much like his father and his father's father and his father's-
The Residents of the Lofts by jellolas
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florbelles · 2 months
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guess who's back
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thiefcant · 11 months
in rixians default verse if i try to explain his ravenloft lore to anyone else he sounds completely insane.
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octocat-pentacles · 2 years
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(???) mage Anciano. Part of a set of oracle card style illustrations.
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yourplayersaidwhat · 2 months
Our Bard, Murphy, has recently decided to start a cult in Barovia. He’s convinced a guard to go on a date with him in order to let the party into the city of Vallaki.
At the date, over a single lit candle and a dying flower:
Guard (npc): You have beautiful eyes, sweet traveler, we don’t get many outsiders here- where are you from?
Bard: Yes, Yes, but now that I have your full and undivided attention…
[The Bard pulls out a homemade pamphlet]
Bard: Have you heard of our lord and savior Murphy?
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pigeon-princess · 1 year
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If you've ever wanted to know about our Curse of Strahd campaign this is a summary of everything so far. We have been playing for over a year so it's a very long read!
We are about halfway through the campaign so there are still a few major plot points and important NPCs that we have not encountered yet so please no spoilers in any tags, questions or responses! 
Our campaign has a few added homebrew elements, extended lore from the novels and some NPCs that have been added/changed by our DM so some things will vary from the source book!
Disclaimers: Spoilers below the cut for major Curse of Strahd plot points in Vallaki, Argynvostholt, Dinner at Ravenloft, Wizard of Wines and more. 
Our party members: 
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Benoit - Tiefling Druid (Circle of Stars) 
Silas Shaw - Human Wizard (Order of Scribes)
Lucius “Thornhill”- Aasimar Paladin (Oath of devotion) (+ his golden retriever summoned familiar called Dog) 
Benoit was looking for a way into Barovia Valley to search for his missing mentor who was looking into the situation happening with the Dusk Elves. 
Lucius, a paladin with a sordid past, was following a mysterious letter from a “Kolyan Indirovich” who apparently needed help to save the love of his life. 
Silas was desperately trying to get out of the city after escaping his abusive mother who kept him sick and locked in their dilapidated home, while also hoping to get any information about his absent wizard father. 
The party started their journey at the Elfsong Tavern in Balder’s Gate. 
The unlikely group of three made their way into Barovia Valley, following the road until they were quickly lost in the mists.
While camping on the first night, Silas had a very vivid dream of being trapped back in his house. He had lost the ability to walk again and had to crawl through a pool of blood to rescue his father’s spellbook that had been cast into the fire. 
On the road, the party discovered the body of a dead man. His pockets contained another version of Kolyan’s letter (seemingly the real one) detailing a vampire attack on his daughter Ireena Kolyana. 
The group arrived in Barovia Village where they met Ismark at the Blood of the Vine Tavern. Discovering that his father Kolyan (The Burgomaster of Barovia Village) had recently died, drunk and distressed, Ismark further explained the attacks from Strahd von Zarovich (A vampire and the dark lord of Barovia Valley) on his sister Ireena.
The party agreed to help Ismark bury his father and assist in finding a safer place for Ireena to stay. 
While staying in the Burgomaster’s house. Luci experienced a dream in a beautiful church, where a faceless man stood in the flames of a burning pyre. The figure invited Luci to come and sit with him.
The group assisted Ireena and Ismark in getting their father’s coffin to the local church and there they met Father Donovich. After hearing screaming from the floor beneath, Ismark attempted to force his way into the cellar and Donovich started to grapple him. Silas cast levitate on Father Donovich, sending him high into the rafters of the church. The group discovered Doru in the basement, Donovich’s son who had been turned into a vampire spawn. 
With the horrible condition Doru was in the party decided that a mercy killing was the only solution. The party locked a crying Donovich in a spare room and sent Ismark and Ireena outside. Silas firmly stayed upstairs while Luci and Benoit went down to put Doru out of his misery. 
Doru fought back, making an escape for the stairs and scaring the absolute shit out of Silas who then cast fireball for the first time. This completely annihilated Doru. His burning corpse tumbled down the stairs and landed right at Lucius’s feet, a vivid memory of the burning man from his dream resurfacing.
In a solemn mood, the party burned what remained of Kolyan and Doru in the graveyard.
A supernatural mist surrounded the party and large wolves began to attack. Combat commenced and after the fight, the party got their first glance of Strahd. He appeared on horseback from a distance before turning and leaving. 
The group decided to head towards Vallaki, in hopes that the Church of St Andral would be consecrated ground where Ireena would be safe from Strahd. 
The party encountered a woman selling “Dream Pies” to soulless people. They saw a couple give their child to the woman in exchange for pies and the little girl was thrown into a sack.
 Lucius insisted that the party needed to intervene and much to Silas’s annoyance, they followed the woman towards the mill known as Old Bonegrinder. 
Just outside of Old Bonegrinder, the party discovered their first megalith and saw that the shrine was desecrated with teeth. A very large raven flew over and was clearly trying to communicate something about the teeth to the party. 
The group stormed into Old Bonegrinder and began combat with two hags, the third one apparently still out. 
During combat the party realised that one of the Hags had turned herself into Ismark, shoving the real Ismark into the oven. 
After dragging Ismark out of the oven and saving him by mere seconds, the party managed to make it out alive as the entire Bonegrinder burnt to the ground. Luckily saving the little girl in the process. 
Running over from the megalith, the raven turned into a person and the party met Falkon Targolov for the first time. A wereraven and relative of the Martikov family. He said he was planning to take down the hags himself and that he worked for a group called the Keepers of the Feather.
The group agreed to meet with Falkon later at the Bluewater Inn and before long, finally arrived in Vallaki. 
They made a very quick beeline to the Church of St Andral, but were surprised by the four fresh gravestones out front that listed everyone's names, excluding Ireena. 
As soon as Luci’s familiar was able to cross the threshold of the church, being a demonic creature, Luci could immediately sense that the church was not consecrated. 
Lucius spoke with Father Lucien Petrovich, inquiring about the graves and asking if he could take in the little girl with the other orphans at the church. 
Father Lucien explained that the graves were recently commissioned and he would look into the records. Sensing that Luci was a man of god, he admitted that the bones of St Andral that usually kept the church consecrated had been stolen.
Silas attempted to have a conversation with a boy called Milivoj who was digging the graves and completely embarrassed himself. 
While heading to the inn, the group walked past the Burgomaster's mansion and saw a bright pink flash of energy from the attic. Silas recognised the flash as a spell going off and was immediately intrigued.
Outside the inn the party saw a colourful caravan with "Rictavio's Carnival of Wonders" painted on the side. Silas attempted to look inside but bailed when he heard a growl from behind the bars.
The party met the owners of the Bluewater Inn, Urwin and Danika Martikov and their sons - all wereravens like Falkon. 
Falkon arrived soon after looking battered, carrying an ancient looking book. He had apparently defeated the last hag by himself.  
Falkon took them up to his room in the cramped attic called the Raven Loft. Silas asked hesitantly, “Do you… pay to live here?” And Falkon said “No.” To which Silas replied, “Good.” 
Benoit helped translate the parts of the book that were in druidic. They learnt about the history of the valley, including the Delmorians and the Fanes. 
Falkon asked the party for assistance with the druids who had taken over the Wizard of Wines. 
Later that night, the party met Karl and Nikolai Wachter and played a game of cards with them, learning more about the political situation in Vallaki, the Burgomaster’s family and the constant festivals. 
That night Benoit had a dream of the Gulthias tree burning and spoke with a ghostly dusk elf woman called Petrina. 
The following morning the party met the owner of the caravan, Rictavio. He told them he had a monkey but gave it to Blinksy the toymaker. 
On the way back to the church of St Andral, Silas begged the party to peek in the attic at the Burgomaster’s mansion. Through various means of levitating and flying the party broke into the top floor. 
The door on the far end had a ward that electrocuted Luci when he went to knock. 
Inside the party found a workshop belonging to the baronet, Viktor Vallakovich. After snooping around and admiring the skeleton cats, the party discovered a faulty teleportation circle. It was only when Luci tried to destroy the circle with a dagger that Viktor revealed himself from his invisibility spell and attempted to stop him.  
He immediately said he would have us all arrested for breaking in since he was the Burgomaster’s son. The party had a long and tense conversation with him, discussing his experiments to find a way out of Barovia. He talked about exploding a few of his maids in the process and the treatment of his once promised fiancee, Stella Wachter, who he modified her memory into believing she was a cat. He mentioned important books and information at Wachterhaus (The Wachter family’s home) that he believed would be useful. 
Silas was ecstatic about meeting another wizard for the first time; the party was less enthusiastic. 
At the church, Luci and Benoit found a fish hook near where the bones had been stolen from. The party learnt that Milivoj was the one who took the bones and that would usually help a fisherman called Bluuto out on Lake Zarovich. 
Travelling to the Lake, the party stopped by the Vistani camp There they found out about the missing 7 year old oracle, Arabelle. 
The party spoke briefly with Kassimir the dusk elf, Benoit mentioning the dreams with Petrina and learnt that she was once Kassimir’s sister and engaged to Strahd. He asked for assistance with ancient knowledge at the Amber Temple.
At the lake the party managed to stop Bluuto attempting to sacrifice Arabelle to the lake by throwing her overboard in a sack.
Silas levitated him and in his dying breaths he said “The feast…two days” before biting his tongue and dying. Great.
After bringing Arabelle home safely, she gave the part Tarokka readings which mentioned a tome of ancient knowledge, a sword of sunlight and an artefact of protection.
The party returned to Vallaki before the festival of the blazing sun. 
That night Silas received a dream where he spoke directly to Strahd - Strahd gave Silas the ability to finally open his fathers spellbook. Scared of the party’s reaction, Silas decided not to tell anyone about it. 
Shortly after the dream, Silas snuck out at 3am to go over to the Burgomasters mansion. He levitated up to Viktor’s bedroom and asked if he would be interested in sharing spells. It was only when Silas mentioned his father's spell book that Viktor took an interest. 
The next day was the festival of the blazing sun. The party attended the bizarre display hosted by Vargus the Burgomaster and a very sad band. 
From the crowd Silas tried to get Viktor’s attention on the podium. Viktor did a spinning motion with his finger telling Silas to spin in a circle, which he did immediately to Viktor's amusement. Luci hurriedly told Silas to cut it out. 
It started to rain as the guards failed to light the wicker sun, and when one guard started to laugh, Vargus ordered him to be killed. 
 Before the party could intervene they quickly discovered that the Wachter brothers had released a sabertooth tiger into the streets, one that was apparently in Rictavio’s caravan. 
After a lot of running around, rescuing an injured Nikolai and herding the creature out of town, they managed to get the tiger back into the caravan. 
Rictavio told them he would be leaving, before giving a very stern talking to Silas where his poor deception revealed he had spoken with Strahd. Rictavio promptly removed a tracking spell that Strahd had put on Silas’s spellbook. 
Taking advantage of the fact that Nikolai had gotten hurt, the party went over to Wachterhaus to check on him while also snooping around. Silas got his arm stuck in the fence while trying to get inside. 
Karl informed them that his mother currently had a guest staying over called Lord Vasili von Holz.
After meeting Vasili who was surprised to find the entire party snooping around the small library, he invited them all to have dinner with him.
The party had a pleasant evening with Lady Wachter and Vasili, hearing all about Lady Wachter’s dissatisfaction with the current leader of Vallaki. 
The next day the party discovered that Silas's spellbook could directly copy the contents of other books within a 8-10 ft radius. This included important documents from Wachterhaus and all of Luci’s personal diary which Silas had been reading secretly every night. 
Reading his father's book, Silas also found out that his father was Otto (Inventor of Otto's Irresistible Dance), a famous wizard and bard who was close friends of Mordenkainen. Silas was utterly humiliated that his father was a Bard Wizard but was more gutted to realise that Otto had died 2 years prior at the hands of Vecna. 
With no new leads on the missing bones, the party went on a search through Vallaki. Silas decided to attach his spellbook to Falkon in raven form so he could fly around and look for any clues with a detect magic spell.  
Finding a strong source of magic, the party very aggressively barged into the coffin maker's shop at the edge of town. Once again terrorising and killing an elderly man as he ran through Benoit's Spike Groth spell.  
Not only did the party manage to find the bones, but also an entire shop filled with vampire spawn. 
An intense combat ensued where the party was completely swarmed. Silas managed to dimension door out with Ismark while Luci jumped from the second floor skewering a vampire spawn and crushing it with the weight of his armour. 
The city fell into complete chaos with buildings on fire and citizens being killed by vampires left and right. This was “The Feast” that Bluuto had mentioned. 
The party ran into Vasili who was protecting a group of children from two vampire spawn. With his help the party managed to get to the Church of St Andral just in time to meet Anastrasya, a full blooded vampire and one of Strahd’s wives.
She killed Father Lucien in front of the party and then turned her attention to Vasili where she called him “Dear” and exposed him as Strahd Von Zarovich in disguise. (We all screamed at the table) 
To protect the party, Luci handed over the bones to Strahd and in return he promised to clean up Anastrasya’s mess. 
Due to a poor perception check from Luci and many bad rolls in the future, Luci continues to see Strahd in his handsome Vasili form throughout the campaign.
The party facing the aftermath of The Feast
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Safely back at the Bluewater Inn, Luci had a dream where he spoke with Strahd in the church of St Andral. Strahd handed the ownership of the church over to Luci and asked him to fix it up.
Silas insisted that the party should allow Viktor to travel with them, saying "I need to bring him along to teach me more spells." And Ismark replied snarkily "Oh yeah? He's going to teach you spells? How is he going to teach you? Is he going to teach you orally? with tongue?!"  And Silas flew into a complete fit of rage and embarrassment.
The party investigated Wachterhaus again, finding the long dead body of Lady Wachter's husband hidden in their bedroom but also finding the Tome of Strahd in a box of bones.  
The party told Karl and Nikolai about the body and encouraged them to get out of town and head to Kresk.
In the chaos that followed, the party made plans to leave town as soon as possible, with their sights set on Argynvostholt where Luci’s tarokka reading spoke of a sword of sunlight. 
With a revolt happening against the Burgomaster, Silas told Viktor to meet them at the Bluewater Inn. He waited for Viktor like a nervous war wife while Luci and Ismark went to look at Luci’s new church. On the way there they saw Lady Wachter leading a mob against the Burgomaster and his wife and allowed them to carry on. While the Burgomaster’s Mansion was set on fire, Luci and Ismark continued to clean up the church and had a heart to heart conversation.
Falkon dragged Viktor into the inn by the scruff of his collar and with no home left to return to, Silas invited Viktor to travel with them. He very quickly agreed to tag along. The party were mostly outraged but Luci firmly said "Make your choices, Silas."
That night Strahd talked with Luci again in his dreams, this time by a lake from Luci’s hometown. The following morning Luci woke up with an invitation for the entire party to a dinner at Castle Ravenloft scheduled in the next few days. Ireena adamantly insisted that she wanted to go to give Strahd a piece of her mind.
Silas was becoming increasingly jealous that Strahd was now only contacting Luci.
The party found a scroll of resurrection that was left by Rictavio. The scroll was given to Ireena to hold onto. 
With a huge travelling party consisting of Falkon, Viktor, Ismark, Ireena, Luci, Benoit and Silas, the group grabbed new winter clothes, got their weapons silvered and bought horses from the Vistani for their trip up the mountain.
Just off the main road out of Vallaki, Luci, Ismark and Benoit stumbled on a body strung up between two trees, yellow flowers and fungi growing from his chest with druidic writing written across the stones. 
When a storm started to get too strong, the group found shelter in an abandoned cabin.
The party took some time to read Strahd’s tome (We are using the interactive tome) learning about his childhood and the battle of Argynvostholt. They learnt about his right hand Rahadin the dusk elf and his best friend Alek Guilym who looked not exactly the same but very similar to Luci. They found information about his brother Sergei, the sun sword that he wielded and Tatyana, a woman identical to Ireena. 
Within the tome, Benoit had a very important conversation with a woman called Lysaga who he quickly realised was still alive from hundreds of years ago and was very aware that she was communicating through a book.
Silas asked Viktor if he would form a wizard alliance with him.
On the way up the side of the mountain, the group met a Vistani man called Arrigal, who told them he was looking for a horse thief called Esmerelda - The party learnt that Esmerelda is a vampire hunter and was once a student of Van Richten. (Silas's favourite author and famous monster hunter)
Inside Argynvostholt the group stole a bunch of stuff from Godfrey Guilym’s room and absolutely decimated some revenants in an overkill combat (This incredible combat involved Luci’s insanely strong addon damage, a moonbeam spell revealing Falkon’s true form and a double fireball spell from Silas and Viktor.) 
In one of the hallways, the party saw a line of marble busts. For a moment one appeared as Benoit's decapitated head. Benoit called Strahd pathetic for trying to scare him. They realised that Strahd harbours a lot of resentment as he is unable to contact Benoit through dreams like he can with the rest of the party.
Speaking with the revenant of Godfrey (And sheepishly returning his stolen property), he let us know that the revenant of Vladimir Horngaard was the one who had the sun sword. 
The party had an absolutely agonising (and incredible) combat against Vladimir. Luci was caught in close quarters and was pinned to the ground, having his head smashed against the ground over and over by Vladimir, leaving him dead. 
Once Vladimir was defeated and the sun sword obtained, Ireena used the scroll of resurrection to bring Luci back to life (He now has a fear of fire). Ismark being unable to stop Vladimir in the fight took Luci's death very personally.
The party returned back to Arrigal’s campsite in silence, getting a short sleep in before they were expected to be picked up for their dinner at Castle Ravenloft. 
Strahd’s black carriage arrived and the party gave the tome to Falkon for safe-keeping and agreed to meet back up again at the Wizard of Wines. 
Although he was not invited, Viktor decided that he was also going to attend the dinner and faced the realisation that he was no longer the Burgomaster's son. 
The exhausted party arrived at the gates of Castle Ravenloft and were met by Rahadin. Just being within his "deathly choir" aura took a bunch of hit points off Silas. 
They met Strahd at the grand staircase, Luci still completely covered in his own blood. 
Strahd was unimpressed by their attire and with Viktor being an uninvited guest. He informed them he had already selected new clothes for them to wear and that Rahadin would escort them to the guest wing.
When Silas hesitated to follow Rahadin up the stairs, the deathly choir got louder, making Silas collapse on the stairs. 
In the guest wing they met Escher, Strahd's newest consort. They had already heard a lot about Escher from Falkon as they were dating before Escher decided to leave and turn into a vampire.
The party in their dinner outfits 
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After changing into new clothes, Escher refused to take the group downstairs.
When the party arrived in the dining hall by themselves, Strahd had very purposefully arranged the seating plan. Ireena on his left and Luci directly on his right. 
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Silas’s jealousy of Strahd's attention towards Luci was starting to boil over at this point.
At the table they met the other brides, Ludmilla and Anastrasya again - they were informed that Volenta was currently out.
After directing Ireena to sit, Strahd said “This seat is for Ireena’s brother.” And when Ismark went to sit, Strahd instructed “No, no. not you.” and made him sit one seat over. 
As the dinner started, a new person entered the room, a bodyguard working for Strahd called Izek. He was very confused when Strahd told him to dine with us. The party discovered that Izek was Ireena’s real biological brother who she believed had died when they were children. 
The very awkward dinner continued.
Benoit started up a charming conversation with Ludmilla. Since she wanted to discuss some more sensitive topics, Ludmilla stood and told Strahd very boldly she would be getting more wine from downstairs with Benoit. Strahd watched in silent fury as they left the room.
After Luci accidentally mentioned that he had died earlier that day, Strahd stood from the table and politely asked if Luci would join him for a walk since he had something to show him. 
Luci turned to Silas as he stood and said “I’ll just be a few minutes” and Silas replied with the most sarcastic and acidic “Sure.” 
With Benoit and Luci both gone from the table, completely filled with rage and jealousy, Silas grabbed a wine bottle and began to drink heavily. 
Strahd had a very intimate conversation with Luci, taking him to his study and showing him the brand new red and black platemail armour that he had commissioned specifically for him.
Luci bashfully replied saying “Red is not really my colour.” Strahd smiled and said, “Well that’s not true, you looked beautiful in red when you arrived here.” referring to when Luci arrived covered in blood. Strahd casually offered Luci the idea of companionship and the opportunity to do good work in Barovia, and Luci hesitated leaving the answer vague but not turning down the offer down completely. 
Benoit downstairs in the wine cellar saw the dead body of Milivoj and a number of others strung up in the basement, blood being drained from their bodies and into wine barrels.
He took note but continued his conversation with Ludmilla, asking her what she would do if Strahd was no longer in the picture and organised to meet up with her in the library after dinner to discuss further.
Drunk Silas started to pick fights with Ismark, asking if everyone was going to let Luci get away with this.
Silas demanded that Izek take him and Viktor to look at Strahd’s Library.
In the library Viktor started to hunt through books while Silas had a really pleasant and sobering conversation with Izek. Learning that he seemed to be a very kind hearted man in a difficult situation. He even asked “What's a wizard?” to Silas’s absolute surprise and horror. 
Silas offered to lend some of his books to Izek, asked about his job and if there was a chance he’d be able to travel with them for a short time,with the hope he could speak properly with Ireena.
After Viktor found castle floor plans, Silas attempted a high five but since neither of them had ever done one before, they ended up just touching their palms together for a weird amount of time before both awkwardly shrugging it off. 
Benoit, Ludmilla, Luci and Strahd arrived back to realise three people were no longer at the table.
As the library trio were about to leave, Izek opened the door to reveal Strahd standing in the hallway.
Izek immediately took the fall for Silas and lied saying that he offered to take them to the Library. Strahd told Izek and Viktor to leave and Viktor left Silas behind without even a second glance. 
Strahd offered Silas the role of his successor and Silas's response was extremely sceptical. Strahd also mentioned that apparently the famous monster hunter Van Richten wants to kill Silas since he has Strahd's Tome. Silas is Van Richten's biggest fan and was extremely concerned and confused about this information.  
The party all returned to the table. Luci asked Ismark if he was doing alright, and Ismark looked at Luci baffled saying "Why is it when something bad happens to you, you're always asking me if I'm alright? You're the one who just died."
Silas started an argument that Luci's death was more traumatic for him because he had to watch it happen.
After dinner Strahd decided to give a tour of the castle, leaving Viktor alone at the table with the brides. 
As they were leaving the dining room Strahd pulled Benoit aside and threatened him saying “Conspire with my wife again and I’ll have you killed.” Benoit stared him down defiantly said “Ok. Sure.” 
During the tour, out of spite Benoit revealed to everyone that he had found Milivoj dead and strung up in the wine cellar. Strahd furiously decided that the tour was over and that Izek would escort the party to their rooms for the night. 
The post dinner conversations were very tense, the party sharing what Strahd had said to them. While Viktor was away the party raised concerns about his lack of participation in the fight that led to Luci’s death, to which Silas was very defensive.
Benoit went to talk privately with Ludmilla in the Library. He learnt more about the Druids at Yester Hill and the location of his mentor. Benoit very casually asked if she'd let him stay the night with her and having already endeared himself, she gave him a once over and nodded calmly allowing him to follow her to her room. (We all started to cheer for Benoit at the table!)
Luci decided to go and speak with Strahd alone to confront him about the all lies he had told him in his numerous dreams. When Luci showed up to Strahd's bedchambers, Escher was immediately kicked out by Strahd.
Strahd spoke with Luci, skillfully turning around every lie and positioning himself as lonely and sympathetic, endearing himself to Luci even more. At one point Strahd cast modify memory on Luci in order to make sure Luci believed him, spinning the story that the others were simply just jealous of him. Strahd offered a hand to Luci again, asking him to stay the night. Luci agreed and slept with Strahd. 
When Silas found out that Luci had gone to Strahd and wasn’t coming back for the night, he sent Luci the angriest sending spell saying “You’re an idiot, a fucking traitor and a waste of a perfectly good resurrection scroll.” Silas got no reply. 
After speaking with Ireena and Ismark about the state of the party, Silas numbly sat with Viktor in a spare bedroom. Silas ripped into Viktor questioning him about leaving Silas alone with Strahd. He reminded Viktor that without Silas, he would be abandoned by the party immediately so if he wanted to stay he needed to think of someone besides himself.
Viktor apologised and after some more conversations he admitted that he had witnessed his parents being stoned to death and that maybe he wasn’t completely alright after Vallaki.
They had a heart to heart, Silas telling him about his own situation with his abusive mother and Viktor telling Silas he was an idiot for believing that Van Richten wanted to kill him.
They spent the remainder of the evening studying together.
Benoit and Luci sheepishly returned to the guest wing the following morning, walking into the room where Ismark, Ireena, Silas and Viktor sat waiting for them. 
Silas completely flew off the handle at both of them, Benoit also getting berated but not nearly as severely as Luci. 
Luci tried to explain the situation, sharing his belief that perhaps Strahd wasn’t as bad as everyone painted him as but was quickly and harshly scorned by Silas. Further pushing what Strahd had said about everyone being against Luci into his mind and dividing the party. 
Luci informed everyone that Strahd had granted Izek a short leave for him to travel with us. 
Silas discovered that he was unable to contact Falkon through sending spell and was worried something had happened to him and the tome.
To the surprise of everyone except for Silas, Ismark announced that he and Ireena would actually be going back to Barovia Village for a short time for their own safety. They wished the party luck and said that perhaps they would reconvene in Kresk. 
With the absence of Ireena and Ismark and the weighty understanding of why they had left, the atmosphere in the carriage ride back was horrendous and more arguments insued.
Luci swore that he would never do anything to put Ireena in danger and before Silas could argue back, Viktor interrupted saying “No. No Silas, he’s right…he’d fuck anyone to protect Ireena!” which made Silas laugh harder than he ever has in his life, while Luci and Benoit sat in heated silence. 
Art of Falkon and Izek by our incredible DM - @oneirotect
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The carriage dropped them off at the outskirts of the Wizard of Wines. The new, strange party were united in their goal of hopefully finding and recovering Falkon and Strahd's Tome.  
Luci donned his incredible new armour to the absolute horror of Silas. Luci's old armour was destroyed in the combat with Vladimir so he argued back that its better than no armour at all.
Travelling off the path and following another large raven, the party met the remainder of the Martikov Family who own the winery.
After explaining the situation, Falkon's uncle Elvir guessed that Falkon had decided to do a quick detour and deal with a hag in Berez.
Elvir invited himself along and only a few hours later mentioned that he couldn't fight but that the party could protect him.
The party made their way into the swamp to rescue Falkon.
This is where we last left off in game and if you have made it this far, thank you so much for reading such a long breakdown of our campaign! If you have any questions feel free to ask and again thank you so much for showing interest and support for our game, it means so much to all of us!
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yandereheathen · 11 months
The Cost of Protection [Yandere elf guard x Fem Reader] 18+ Chapter #1
Based in Barovia (Curse of strahd, some dusk elf lore spoilers) Warnings: Non-con touching/kissing/ some violence, obsessive treatment, death threats necromancy?
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Living in Barovia was hard enough; trying to do business in it is quite the other. Besides all of the ghosts, Undead creatures, and living under the tyranny of a centuries-old whiny vampire, everything was complicated. Still, you had your own set of struggles. Your Tavern was not necessarily famous, but it did good business. You had your regulars, Travelers who would sometimes come and try their hand at defeating the vampire lord Who you never saw again unless it was their Undead body, and some other travelers who were peddling wears pies, toys, weapons, anything that you could imagine then there was the common folk and Crafts People. Everyone was welcome in your Tavern. You offered a warm smile, a glass to drink, and whatever you could scratch up to cook that day; however, you had one unwelcome guest who changed your path forever.
 It wasn't uncommon that Dusk elves would come into your Tavern. They followed Vistani and often went through the cities of Barovia on a standard route, and more and more did you feel like you saw them integrating with the town, so seeing one dressed in a guard uniform was unusual but not unheard of. His long dark hair was braided up in leather twine, and his eyes were the standard golden color, but you did see a tiredness in them. He was only an inch or two shorter than you. After all, you were pretty tall for a human, but he was well-built and had hands that showed both work and strength. His smile and his voice were the things that stood out most. It had a ruggedness that you admitted caused a little heat in your cheeks the first time you spoke with him.
  Speaking of the first time, You remember clearly the first time he stopped by your Tavern. You treated him sweetly, flashed a smile, and put your arms down in front of him, looking up at him with innocent eyes leaning at the bar.
"Anything to drink, sir?"
You Tend to be flirty with everybody. It was basically in a bar person's job description. Still, you noticed that some visitors would give you an extra coin or became regulars if you gave them special treatment. However, his smile made you a little uneasy, almost excited. It was a smile that said he appreciated your treatment and wanted more, how much more you didn't quite understand that time. Did you know that that smile would lead to many other things? He just put your hand just under your cheek and, tilted his head, and said
"I think a beer or mash number 8 would be okay before I have to eat. I could live off your voice and those beautiful eyes forever.
 You just left thinking he was making some flirtatious joke, pulled his draft, and handed it to him. From what you've gathered, asking him simple questions about his life gave you non-committal answers or general mods. He was pretty new around town and it was just getting to know all of the local businesses, and he heard that you could get a good cup for cheap and that a cute shop girl was serving the drinks. You laughed again at his flirtatious joke, but you noticed that his eyes never left you from your lips to your shoulders, down your neck to your chest. Even to your backside, when you were turned around and helping other customers with their drinks, you didn't think much of it then. Still, it definitely left you a little unnerved.
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 After that, he became one of your regulars. You knew his drink by heart, you knew what he liked to sit in at what time, and you learned exactly how to speak with him. Not too much, but he did enjoy hearing a little bit about your day. He wasn't much of a talker, but you don't mind, or you did not have the time. 
One night, a set of particularly Rowdy young men was causing ruckuses in your Tavern. You tried to compile them with free drinks and sweet words, but you needed more. It all came to a head when one of them tried to get handsy on you, and he was greeted with a sword to his neck. The man went still as Maverick whispered in his ear, pressing the dagger a little bit closer enough to cut into his neck. He looked at the other two men and said in his low, deep voice. 
"Oh, did you both want to be next? As much as I would joy putting all your heads on a platter and making it for the next stew, this one would not appreciate making a mess of her Tavern. How about all of us be nice to you all? Get the hell out of here before I make an example."
 They tried to avoid messing with a guard, let alone a dusk elf. There were rumors of them knowing dark magic. Magic rants to them after the travesty of their women being wiped out, dark magic that was taught to them by Rahadin, the right-hand Master of the lord of the world. The ability to raise the dead and control minds are abilities right from hell."
 They all scurried off. You were thankful, bowing to Maverick and taking his hand, promising free drinks for the rest of the night. Still, he took your hand and looked at you, his golden eyes hidden behind something mischievous, something lustful that weighed heavy on your heart. In your chest, you felt the heat rise up from your stomach.
"Darling, we can make a better arrangement. How would you like me to offer my protection?"
 You looked at him, confused, but still held his hand, your head tilted. 
"I would always be thankful, but isn't that what you usually do? I wouldn't want you to give me special treatment."
 "Oh well,"
 He takes your face and his hand. Squeezing your cheeks ever so slightly, 
"If you give me special treatment, I'll give you and your customers special treatment. After all, you wouldn't want anything to happen to you, your Tavern, or your customers, would you, darling?"
 He forces your eyes up to his and brings your lips closer. The rest of the Tavern, already daunted by the commotion, looks away. You simply nod in agreement, and he lets you go, patting your shoulder and laughing good-heartedly. 
"well, perfect, I think I'll take my first payment tonight."
 You panicked, thinking about how much she could get into the day, and said, 
"How much are you asking for? I've already offered you free drinks. I don't know what more I can do.-"
 He cuts you off, putting his finger to your lips. 
"Don't worry. You have everything that I could want to need."
 And he walks off.
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 After closing, when all of the lights in the streets were out and the spirits were already roaming the streets, you clutched to your apron, putting up the last of the chairs. The candle lights were just barely about to go out. You counted up all of your money from the day, and while you made enough of an earning, you were very worried that he would not have enough to pay for this new extortion. You had heard stories of guards and heroes extorting young men and women for protection. You did not think it would happen to you that living in a place of cold and darkness was curse enough, but it looked like the fates had a little more for you. 
You almost didn't hear him come in as he stuck his hands around your waist and up your throat. You tried to yell out, but his hand covered your mouth, and he kissed just the side of your ear as you immediately felt yourself wanting to flee. Then he whispered in your ear, 
"Oh, now that's a pleasing darling. As much as I would have so much fun chasing you, I don't have the time tonight to have my cute little rabbit." 
He put his hands down your hip, lifted your dress, and ran his hand up your thigh as he kissed your jawline and neck. You stammered, still trying to get free. 
"You said you wanted payment. I'm really to pay. The draw is open. Take what you want. I don't care. Please, just don't hurt me."
 You cry through your struggles, but he just laughs, nipping where your neck and your shoulder mean, 
"Oh no, my little rabbit. As much as it delights me to hear you after having to endure hearing you simper over every man who can give you coin, I'm finally able to take the prize that is Rightfullymine after all that will be our deal."
 He lifts you up and plenty down on the closest table, the wood scratching into your shoulder, your head banging painfully on it. You cry out in pain. It is silenced by his mouth crashing into yours in a kiss. A rough kiss. He pins your hands down, holding his fingers In times with yours as his tongue searches into your open mouth, wrestling to pin it down. You see his golden eyes boring into yours like a beast unleashed. You stand there stunned, unable to move with his weight pushed against you. Even with your slight height Advantage, his trained muscle and sheer force can do nothing. 
He breaks apart, your lips bruised and your tongue hanging out of your mouth, a stream of saliva connecting both of your mouths. 
"Please, why are you doing this?"
 You manage to choke out as you feel him grinding into your lower half just underneath your dress. 
"Well, it's pretty simple, my cute little rabbit. I only joined the guard because I was bored, and I thought I could find some fun beating up the locals or helping young maidens. Still, I saw you, a bright Lily, and a swamp of muck to see simpering and pampering to everybody who entered your Tavern was so endearing I knew I needed to have you. I knew that you were mine, don't you understand? When elves mate, they mate for life, so that means."
He cried to you rougher you feel his hard cock rubbing into your own sex with a need want to be inside you. 
"You will be mine for the rest of your life. I will ensure that. If you don't want to be mine, it's pretty simple- you don't have to."
 You blink this as he lets you sit up, but he still stands between your legs.
"You mean you'll just let me go. You won't do anything?"
 You look at him, hoping that this is some weird pass, and you would know he would just leave you alone. But your hopes are soon crushed.
"oh no, my darling, if you say no," 
he moves in closer, and his sword falls at the back of your neck. 
"I will kill you and make sure you are raised as a zombie who has no free will and who is forced to do my bidding for the rest of your Undead life. Do you understand me, my cute little rabbit?"
 At that, you feel a heat emanating from his sword, a Blackness clouding around the edges of your eyes, and you know that his promise holds truth. Your body goes rigid and shakes, and tears silently stream down your eyes as he takes you in his arms, rubbing your back oddly comfortingly or trying to be with his sword. His other hand grips your bottom, pulling you closer as he snuggles into your neck, inhaling your scent.
"so you decide to make, my darling. Either I can have you here of your own free will, where I will love and protect you in this Tavern, or I will have the pleasure of seeing your beautiful blood dripping down your chest. I can have you as my perfect little Undead doll."
 "The choice is yours. You pretty little rabbit."
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shadydruid · 13 days
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✨️Commission ✨️
Lady Solemnia Eldegard is the princess of Archaven, a city-state that was plunged into the Shadowfell as a Domain of Dread many years ago. Lem is a sorcerer/paladin who struggled with outbursts of her magic in her youth. While away from home at the city temple preparing for her royal coming-of-age ceremony, an attack forced her to flee her home and left her stranded in Barovia. While there, she met her friends who were on a quest to restore their home continent of Neuma, which had only recently become a Domain of Dread, to the Material Plane. During their adventures, Lem learned to take control of her life and her abilities and eventually destroyed the malicious entity that co-inhabited her body. Together with her party, they were able to defeat the Darklord of Neuma. In doing so, Lem and a few of her friends were sent back to Archaven where Lem plans to face the evil in her home Domain.
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anantplayingdnd · 3 months
once again thinking about Barovia as a means of understanding abusive relationships and the various ways people in situations they can’t escape try coping with it all.
barovia village is full of people who have just accepted how terrible this is and have lost all hope. they’re miserable but with ravenloft literally looming above them, living in ignorance is just as impossible as escaping.
the vistani are people who maybe aren’t in the abusive relationship themselves, who have the freedom to leave (mostly, they just have to ask for permission first). their general mindset is “well, i’m sorry Strahd is so mean to you guys, but he’s generally been pretty nice to us, so i don’t really feel like I can/need to stand up to him.”
vallaki is a whole city full of people who just want to act like… you know. All Is Well. vargas in particular is so deep in denial that it opens him up to being manipulated by Strahd. it’s hard to know to shut the gates for a monster you don’t believe exists.
lady wachter, although she believes Strahd is real and acknowledges how bad he is, thinks she can solve the abuse and make everything okay again without ever dealing with the actual problem (you know. Strahd.) my version of her was obsessed with bringing the sun back to Vallaki, which she wanted to do by sacrificing one of the PCs. even had this plan worked, it’s not like Strahd would have let it work for long. the sun can’t come back until Strahd is dead.
the abbott, meanwhile, has no intentions of just killing strahd. they know that wouldn’t work. so instead, why not just give the man what he wants? strahd wants a red-headed girlfriend, so let’s make him a red-headed girlfriend. nevermind the fact that what strahd actually wants is one specific red-headed girl. but the abbott has convinced themself that there must be a way to do this without anyone getting hurt. dead bodies don’t need their arms and legs, so that isn’t really hurting anybody. if this works, nobody has to get their feelings hurt. if we can compromise enough and just give Strahd what he wants, then he’ll leave us alone. surely.
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artsekey · 1 year
When was Cas bit by a wolf?
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Session one! It was part of the first combat in the campaign. We have an optional in-house rule that says if a single attack takes you below half HP, you can decide whether or not the hit leaves a scar. At the time, Cas was level 1, so even something as simple as a wolf bite was super dangerous.
The opening of our campaign was really great, actually! I don't know that I've written about it on here, so here we go (sorry @ my DM and fellow players if I'm misremembering any of this):
After wandering for miles, Casimir finds himself passing through the mists at the edge of Barovia. He's completely alone, unaware just how far from home he's roamed, and it's not long before a monstrous "dire-wolf" catches the trail.
Casimir, who's never been out in the wilderness, doesn't realize he's being followed until it's too late. As he turns to face his pursuant, trusty lens to his eye, he comes face to face with a horrific, mutilated creature; a wolf made of skin and bone, it's body hollowed out by bugs and maggots. He freezes, and the wolf takes full advantage of his shock and rips into his shoulder.
Casimir takes off, absolutely terrified, and the commotion catches the attention of another (much more local) wanderer: Borivoj, a Barovian native who's spent most of his ~50 years in the wilds of Strahd's domain. He almost resolves to let it be-- after all, no good comes from looking for trouble in Barovia-- until he realizes what the creature is chasing seems to be a kid.
He intervenes, sword at the ready, and Casimir has a chance to hide. The battle is quick and bloody, leaving both the wolf and Borivoj unconscious.
Meanwhile, not too far away, a Cleric-- disowned by his chapter and sent on a pilgrimage he will not return from-- finds his path changed by what must be a sign from god. The trail he's been following, marked by churned earth and chittering insects, takes a sharp turn. As he follows, he manages to catch a glimpse of Borivoj as he falls to the ground. Compelled the help, he arrives on the scene just moments before Borivoj may have otherwise perished.
As Borivoj comes back around, Casimir emerges from hiding and the three meet for the first time. After they recuperate for a bit, Borivoj, sympathetic to their circumstances and grateful for the aid, offers to guide them to the nearest city so they can get settled in.
After all, it's not like they'll be leaving any time soon!
Thus began the adventures of Casimir Wójcik, a porter from a lesser noble house in the foothills of mountains not far from Barovia, Tao Hadal, an excommunicated cleric from the far city of Daggerfort, and Borivoj, a local of Barovia.
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xmoriartea · 1 year
ive been designing a modern barovia game for like a year and half or more and we're finally starting to talk pcs and play times and i am v i br at in g with excitement about this and also ready to die because oh god how do dm??
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petalpierrot · 3 months
Hey remind me of your ocs! Idr exactly about them/what they look like. I remember vaguely the whole "make a dunk tank of strahd and ireena joking to vasili he should dress up as the strahd for dunking" and "rahadin baking genius". (I believe those were both from your shenanigans)
I love lore dumps
(If you would rather just message me go for it.)
Thank you so much for the ask! Well, I'm in a solo game with 3 characters (for balance reasons and because I wanted to try out some subclasses)
I have Eidys Silvermoon, Moon elf Bladesinger wizard: (accidental Rahadin smoocher and an overall delight to play) She has kind of become the face of the party and is generally very sweet, even to the point of befriending literally every other evil creature, it's a joke at this point. (For a good-aligned character she definitely keeps strange company)
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I have Veshen: Shadar-kai Grave cleric of the Raven Queen.
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He's been all over the material plane and is very knowledgeable about different creatures. He feels that it is his calling to put restless undead to rest and is always glad to do some grief counseling/provide funerary services to those in need. In our game, Ireena adopted him as her second brother because he's been in Barovia the longest and Kolyan was a big help to him when he first arrived in the village (providing shelter/information etc)
And finally, I have Dris my Drow Monster Slayer Ranger (my beloved loser)
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He's like my blorbest blorbo, a character I have played for the longest and will always have a special place in my heart for. His job is forest and he is a survivalist. (he is blue because he has moon elf ancestry) Originally he is a merchant from a homebrew drow city. His family sells poisons. His expertise in terms of monster slaying is undead and humanoids.
as far as those events you mentioned, they were ideas I pitched for my DM for festival games (because the festival in vallaki was approaching) but yes most of those made it, it has been a long while. Our Rahadin's hobby is baking so he won a baking competition during said festival. it was definitely a nice break before they really started to work towards dealing with Strahd.
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raviollies · 11 months
Hey! I love what you've done to characters and Lorelei is now living in my head rent free! Raha and Blythe are amazing and adorable!
It's very inspiring the way you keep yourself together even when everything falls apart! Keep it up!
If my question is annoying or if it bothers you, you may not answer on it.
Originally I followed you when I saw your Ireena and Blythe art. It amazed me how much both of them and Ireena in particular got fleshed out!
In my dnd game and tbh in many other games, players don't get invested in Ireena's journey, they don't fall for her and don't care for her sadly. That's why many DM's usually replace her with a player character, in order to raise the stakes. In half a year I will be running a new cos game, for the group of three and I am honestly considering to replace Ireena with the PC, but don't really want to (especially fearing how the game might go, if the player will turn into strahd-simp).
Could you please describe Ireena's character in your game? Perhaps her bonds and flaws? So other DM's and I can do a better job of her portrayal!
Thank you for the kind words! Here is an updated Lorelai WIP for your to pay rent
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(and Blythe and Raha are very married yes)
So rather than referencing my game, as I am not the DM, I will provide my own suggestions as I was planning on running CoS as well. Spoilers for the campaign
I will also suggest against a Tatyana PC. Everyone is very much free to write and interpret the character however they want but to me it is very important that the Tatyana reincarnation does not want Strahd. In fact I would remove the interaction with Sergei too. Having her instantly forget herself as this new person in favour of Tatyana erases the entire point and kind of proves Strahd right in him refusing to see Ireena as her own person.
The way I would approach Ireena; she is her own person. She grew up with her family that wasn't Tatyana's. She lived a life that wasn't Tatyana's. She's met different people. It doesn't MATTER if she's a reincarnation of someone else, after all everyone in Barovia is a reincarnation of someone else. It's very important to establish that the main crux of the issue is that Strahd does NOT see her as Ireena, but Tatyana. He does not know Ireena. He only knows Tatyana. I would even have him call her that rather than "Ireena".
Ireena's story would be one of becoming independent and confident in her identity. To no longer be just Ismark's sister, Burgomaster's daughter, Tatyana's reaction, Evil's bride --- she is Ireena Kolyana. Nothing more, nothing less. I would start her off as unsure of herself, and being hesitant to take up space and over the course of the story become more confident in standing up for herself, with an eventual climax of expressing extremely clearly to Strahd that she is not Tatyana. She never was. He doesn't know her. That that person is gone, and she will never be back. He can chain her, do whatever but that will never make her Tatyana nor will it make her love him or know him. She is a woman who is constantly assigned identities by other's, but she want's to just be Ireena, she wants to do her hobbies, decide on where she wants to go, what books to read, what food to eat.
The relationship between Strahd and Tatyana is irrelevant. It could have been real, or a figment of his imagination, but the point is that...she is gone. If he had a soul of someone else, would it be fair for them to lay claim to him?
As for personality wise ; I would write her as sheepish at first, she is someone taking their first steps into adulthood in a way, outside the comfort of their home, their village. She should be curious and wonderstruck, curious and wishing to explore every nook and cranny. Because of that she would be unfortunately naïve to the problems that arise in bigger cities as Vallaki. A village and a town are very different - a big thing she's be stupefied by how impersonal everyone is. Rural villages often have people knowing everyone, it's commonplace to help your neighbor because you KNOW them. Vallaki is different...people go about their day and do not care, after all there is so many people. You physically can't know everyone.
She is down to earth and finds camaraderie with someone simpler than a noble, providing practical suggestions and being very handy with most tools and identifying local flora. On a flipside, I would say she struggles when dealing in very formal settings where it's less about honesty and more about saying a lie by omission to get what you want. When interacting with Vargas or Lady Wachter, she's visibly uncomfortable and stumbles over her words; they speak in such a way to purposely confuse her, like a lawyer would. Not only that but she most likely would refuse to do anything morally questionable, her heart is very pure!
So in all, a kind hearted, down to earth little lady who values honesty, hard work, and family but is naïve, stubborn and socially awkward. She will support and protect the party, even to her detriment but she will not stand with them to commit Crimes (so RIP if your party is murder hobos)
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ache-of-saint-vick · 9 months
Since I'm building up to run a Ravenloft campaign using Shadowdark rules at some point this year, I wrote up a setting-appropriate Rumors table; this reflects 3e-era lore because the Arthaus era fucks and 5e sucks. Without further ado,
Rumors of the Mists:
01. The Count of Barovia is sick, and there's fear of a succession crisis if he dies without an heir
02-03. A new island has been sighted in the Sea of Sorrows, and it appears to be uninhabited
04-05. The prettiest girl in the last town you visited is starting to grow horns from her forehead
06-07. Gravediggers have found a chained coffin buried lid down in an unmarked grave
08-09. The fearsome dragon of the Mountains of Misery was sighted silhouetted against the moon
10-11. The Vistani dragged some poor fool back to Barovia for a "family reunion" at Castle Ravenloft
12-13. Captain Ysmault has been lost at sea; his poor wife is being hounded by creditors
14-15. Falkovnian chain gangs are being used to forage for bat guano and saltpeter; is war coming?
16-17. Foul horrors of undeath are swimming out of the Necropolis to terrorize the living
18-19. The Ba'al Verzi have been hired to kill someone who looks exactly like one of you
20-21. Gundarakite rebels are spending lots of money. Where did they get it? What's their plan?
22-23. Captain Ysmault has returned! He says his ship somehow ran aground in a landlocked desert
24-25. Omens suggest the inhuman El-Koth are stirring in the hinterlands of Hazlan
26-27. One crypt in the cemetery doesn't belong to any family, and has treasure buried inside
28-29. Someone in the next town wants to run away but can't subdue a Mist Ferryman alone
30-31. Baroness Lyssa is hosting a party in Zeidenburg, but needs guests willing to travel there
32-33. A new Mistway opened on the Nocturnal Sea; nobody wants to risk a ship to explore it
34-35. The Dilisnya family is summoning younger members to a meeting; what are they planning?
36-37. A Zhakatan temple has been unearthed, and the ancient dead enshrined in it are angry
38-39. The Wild Hunt Club of Vechor has lost one of its guides and is looking for a replacement
40-41. Someone is sending abhorrent love letters to the Vistani camped around Tser Pool
42-43. Two women on the mainland are feuding to be the bride of Blaustein's pirate king
44-45. Werewolves are attacking Captain Snowmane's riverboat as it sails the Musarde
46-47. Bodies are being found in the river in Lekar, completely drained of blood
48-49. Only thirteen years remain until the Time of Unparalleled Darkness is upon us
50-51. A windmill in Barovia is grinding the bones of everyone who's gone inside to investigate it
52-53. Captain Ysmault is setting forth again
54-55. The Darkonian Church of Ezra has ordered its faithful to stockpile nonperishable foods
56-57. A gambler won the deed to the House on Gryphon Hill playing Thieves and Wizards (yes I know it's called Wizards and Thieves, but Thieves and Wizards flows better)
58-59. Someone is kidnapping men and replacing them with cursed dolls
60-61. The druids of Immol will enchant a blade for whoever leads a raid into the Forlorn Vale
62-63. A boatload of immigrants has arrived from famished Paridon... with impostors among them
64-65. Rats and ratcatchers in Pont-a-Museau are contracting a disease that drives them mad
66-67. A swordsman from Rokushima has claimed a bridge and demands to duel any who cross it
68-69. The Boritsi family is offering a reward for the return of a holy relic from their chapel
70-71. The tyrant of Invidia's troops have raided Zeidenburg; the Count of Barovia is threatening war
72-73. Elf children are having nightmares about a white tower looming over a mysterious city
74-75. Someone is poisoning unopened Borcan wine; this could be the next Andraal 735 fiasco
76-77. A hideous man with half his body melted has been sighted in the seamy slums of Kantora
78-79. The mayor is being very evasive about where they were during the last two full moons
80-81. Outlanders seek a sword Rudolph Van Richten brought back from Barovia as a trophy
82-83. The moon over Vechor turned blood red and lightning flashes are visible on it at night
84-85. Have you heard the new Harkon Lukas song? It's a wonder the composer hasn't come forward
86-87. A power struggle is brewing between two high-ranking leaders of the Kargat
88-89. A mad monk has been caught in the act of burglary and refuses to explain why
90-91. For the first time in years, the Carnival is headed back down the Old Svalich Road
92-93. The prettiest girl in the next town is sleepwalking and waking up on Old Craven's grave
94-95. The Tepestani Inquisition warns that a vile fey of darkness has escaped and roams the land
96-97. Honest Igor was just here the other day, but left in a hurry when he heard you were coming
98-99. A freestanding staircase with a door at the top has been sighted in the forest nearby
00. Azalin Rex has hired someone to explore the furthest corners of the Mists for unclear reasons
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dungeonmalcontent · 4 months
Our local Curse of Strahd game finally got out of Vallaki. To be fair though, Vallaki is almost a perfectly functional and healthy city now. Our group fixed most everything except for the fact that the town is in Barovia.
And we did the whole wizard of wines section. And then we made our way down to the hilltop for the tome. And then we went to Krezk (however the heck you spell it). And, see, Ireena is our fated ally. And some fun things could have happened there (in retrospect I realized we could have let her become a vampire and we probably could have had a vampire Tatiana as our ally against Strahd and that sounds really fun; albeit not the vibe of that group). But, see, Krezk has an ending for Ireena and none of us (including the players that had already play the module before) knew about it. Keeping Ireena out of Strahd's clutches has been a group priority since session 1, because it fit with the group vibe and we knew she was related somehow to our fated ally.
Anyway, long story short, Ireena/Tatiana escaped Barovia. Our ally is... Gone (but the GM gave us super inspiration).
Anyway, this actually has nothing to do with Ireena. Just the circumstances. See. There's specific text that gets read out loud for what happens when Ireena goes to her exit location in this way. More on this later.
We immediately followed it up by confronting the abbot, because why not, we were on a roll. And, believe it or not, there's also specific text that gets read out loud when you encounter the abbot.
And, see... The two spoken texts have something in common.
"... A handsome youth of kind and noble visage..."
"A handsome young man in brown monk's robes..."
And, see, these two descriptions were essentially back to back.
So we had a running joke for the session of any time the DM would open the book to read a passage after that. We'd interrupt him with something like "is it another random, handsome young man?"
Apparently Krezk is full of handsome young men. Just overflowing with them (and some of them are probably cat boys--if you know, you know). And that's probably the reason Strahd doesn't go there; he's insecure about his own handsomeness.
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tea-with-eleni · 5 months
This week in Barovia Darkon....
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Compiled from like four maps, including the VRGTR one. I had a proper think, read three of the Ravenloft books that detail information on Darkon/Azalin, read the VRGTR chapter on the topic and discarded most of it, and read part of an AD&D adventure set in Darkon/Barovia and discarded a lot of that, too.
Anyway. A few towns have flipped which side of the river they're on and I'm not 100% sure I have ALL small settlements, but if you want a high resolution map of Darkon for your adventures, hit me up?
But I digress.
This week, my players headed to Tempe Falls and were shocked to find a relatively normal town. Like. Okay, it's boring, but that seemed to be the worst of it. There was way more racial diversity than they're used to (Barovia being almost entirely humans with the odd dusk elf for variety). The innkeeper cheerily sold them four rooms and they settled in to enjoy some decent dwarven alcohol.
(Their was a funny moment when everyone collectively realized that a: they have a TON of gold and jewels from the amber temple and b: they probably can't use the gold because it all has Strahd's face on it and all they know about Darkon is that it went to war with Barovia at some point in the past.)
There were some people in the inn: assorted traders, a clerk who appeared to be staying in town while doing some audits or paperwork or something, and a couple of guard/soldier types with some kind of chain denoting rank as part of their uniform. They also had a chat with a somewhat disoriented sorcerer, one Firan Zal'honen. He claims to have only emerged from the mists himself a few weeks ago. I'm sure he's nothing to worry about. It's fine.
The party traded gold for a carriage and two draft horses, on the grounds that they now have
the cleric
the rogue
the fighter
the artificer
the wizard
the bard
Ireena Kolyana
Ludmilla Vilisevic
Volenta Popofsky
and of those, the wizard, the artificer, and the two vampires have issues with sunlight. Oh, and Darkon has an excess of suns. It's fine.
They then decided that they ought to try and find a larger town. The innkeeper gave them the skinny and said that Corvia is a decently big place, but Il Aluk is an actual city. She also warned them to please, fucking PLEASE follow the laws or else they're likely to end up in a world of trouble. The party did briefly lose their minds when they noticed a piebald raven flying around town that headed back to the inn where they're staying. Again, it's fine.
Then they headed out of the Balinok mountains and into the foothills and the town of Mayvin. It's a gnomish town with a massive clocktower and patent hall; the artificer is delighted.
The local scuttlebut is that something really fucking bad happened in Il Aluk and the golden star in the sky overhead appeared shortly thereafter. So naturally my players are like, "WELL WE GOTTA GO THERE!" They also heard the name "Castle Avernus" and the fighter (originally and quite recently from the Forgotten Realms) started freaking out about Elturel. The players also noticed something really off about the (as yet unnamed) Kargat stationed in Mayvin. I ruled that they have no good way of knowing exactly what the Kargat are, though, since the concept of ghouled mortals is basically nonexistent in DnD. (I saw a sidebar in the Ravenloft Gazetteer and thought it was interesting enough to include it...)
My reading list for this week is the first half of The Neverending Story, because I feel like The Nothing is a decent analogue for what's happening, slowly, to Avernus while Firan is swanning about near the borders.
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