#i love them i love them i love themmmmmm 🥺🥺🥺🥺
sylladextrous · 7 months
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I love my girlfriends 💖💖💖
@as-you-think @perfect-puppy
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spearxwind · 1 year
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A lot of people noticed the tail wrapping in my last sketchpage, and I have been really wanting to draw more of that, so here are some eels :]
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killuaisaprincess · 1 month
mr and ms pac-man
“I will, baby, I promise I will. But not right now, you’re drunk.”
Killua’s sniffles die down, and he peeks his head out, his cheeks and forehead red.
He hiccups adorably.
“W-Will you get me a Ms. Pac-Man ring…? A-And you can have a Pac-Man o-one…”
Gon hums and carefully brushes Killua’s bangs out of his face.
“If that’s what you want, princess.”
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stgosupremacy · 3 months
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Okay just a fun observation hear me out-
In op1 at the start of the show, they are in these little seperate cut outs to one another in all these cute goofy poses right, but thennnn-
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at op 4 (is it 4? yeah i think so) at the end of the show, they're in their cut outs together AND OMG THEY LOOK SO ADORABLE IN THEMMMMMM LIKE LOOK AT THEM AAAAAAAAAAAA 🥺💖💖
we love the progression. we love them
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also sorry for not posting in like 9 yrs <3 (jk its been like 3 weeks you should have been able to cope 🥰)
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desertfangs · 5 months
Reading through QotD and this somewhat obscure Armand/Daniel quote is driving me insane. “Oh, we shall go to the stars together! Nothing can stop us.” THEMMMMMM 🩷 Right before the concert and all Daniel can think of is how in love he is.
ANON yes this line is so good!! And he's so full of love, he's bursting with it!
And it's even better when you remember that it comes on the heels of Daniel asking Armand if he's happy with how he turned out. Daniel is manic and riding the high of finally being immortal. It's Halloween! It's the night of Lestat's concert! Everything is a spectacle to him, the way the street lights glint off windows, the kids racing by in costumes, the sounds. He's elated.
But also, Armand had always vehemently refused to turn him. They had horrible, vicious fights about it. We don't know exactly why he left six months before this but it's a solid guess that it was because he was fed up with Armand not giving him the blood and (imo) hoping Armand would chase him and finally relent. Victory is his!
But he worries that Armand isn't happy with him. He's so all over the place and Armand is trying to usher them safely to the show despite the danger to their kind is facing. Armand is focused on the task at hand and Daniel needs reassurance that he is okay, that Armand does not regret it, that this is what Armand wanted.
And this is the line in this book that I wanted painted on my wall. I want it illustrated and framed and hung above my bed! Because it gets me every freaking time:
"I love it well enough the way you turned out," he had whispered with a sudden irrepressible smile, the warmth still there. "You're my firstborn," he'd said. Was there a catch in his throat, a sudden glancing from right to left as if he'd found himself cornered? Back to the business at hand. "Be patient. I am being afraid for us both, remember?"
🥺🥺 I just. Even now I'm tearing up a little because it's so sweet, it's a genuine moment of emotion from Armand, who is actually overcome with love and pride for Daniel, even amidst this chaos. And it seems that for the time being at least, that is all the reassurance Daniel needs.
We shall go to the stars together! 😭😭
God, they deserve to. I know they have a rough road, but I do firmly believe they had some really good times together in those first few years before things got really tense, and even then, they had good nights, good weeks, good moments until they finally split.
This is why I really hope they have a lot more fun together in the post-canon era, after they reconnect and rekindle that love we see here. Their love is so powerful and special. This is why I love them together so much.
Thank you so much for sharing, ANON!
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mrhowells · 1 year
Smallville 4x03
such an iconic episode, I'm so ready😩 (edit: ignore any typos you might find, I was going through it💀)
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Honestly I'm so thankful that not a single one of my schools was like this, it's like everyone just reached an unspoken agreement that bullying was uncool and we'd mind our own business.
"Have I told you how much I'm gonna miss you?"
no you haven't but you definitely should, go on😌
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*in unison* around where????
"Come on, do you know how many people would kill to relive their senior year of high school?"
No way in hell, and I had a relatively peaceful experience💀😭
"The last thing I want to be is a reporter."
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She would absolutely be perfect but let's get one thing straight: If there's a person on this show who knows when to mind their own fucking business, it's LOIS🤷🏻‍♀️
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I mean both Chloe and Lois make valid points, she's 17 and while I totally understand why Abby did it, it really is a bit concerning. Especially considering her mother has been pushing her to do it for the last 3 years😬
I got a comment from a helpful user under my post for last episode (ty🥰), apparently Jason is roughly the same age as Lex?? And he started dating Lana when she was 17?? AND HE'S THE FKN ASSISTANT COACH AT SCHOOL?
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Clark wants to try out for the team again🥺
Jonathan let Martha have a job off the farm dude come on, be supportive. YES THANK YOU
omg did he fake his parent's signature on the permission slip???
"...they want people to look at them differently."
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he's making points🤷🏻‍♀️
UGH I'm so weak for happy, excited Clark just look at himmm😭🥹
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"Maybe if I'd been more patient I would've seen who you really are." EEEEEEEW throw the whole man away🤢
honestly fuck everyone who destroyed her self-esteem to the point where she's flattered bc a crusty man like that shows interest
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he's not even denying it-
PLSSSS their faces, especially Lois😭
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and look at Lois "not interested in journalism" Lane right on the story😌😌😌
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I'm connecting some dots here and I don't like ittttt😬😬
"I still can't believe that you have a job at my school."
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I feel like Lana has had more personality in these last few episodes than she had in the last 3 seasons combined, so that's great to see.
Lex knowssss👀
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look at herrrrr😭 LISTEN IF I HAD CLARK'S POWERS-
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I mean I agree that beauty is on the inside but that's very easy to say when you look like a literal angel💀 OOp evil surgery lady just said the same thing I did idk how to feel about that💀💀
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I love that they're already establishing little things about her, she's messy, she can't spell etc. (though Chloe sounded a bit passive aggressive in both instances, maybe I'm just reading it wrong tho😬)
"It looks like Lois is one step ahead of us." THAT MAKES ME SO PROUD🥺🥺
Clark saving Lois and then Lois saving Clark is something so personal to me actually-
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*kicks woman* "Bitch."
her lil smile seeing her article in the torch😭
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yesss she has fans as she fucking should😌
(Can I just quickly say that as much as I love Homecoming, they could've had at least ONE person at the reunion remember Lois from high school, watching that shit left permanent scars on my soul, it was so cruel😭 Like come on, if reading her article was a "life changing experience" for some students, it would make total sense for SOMEONE to remember her. (yes I'm super salty and what about it))
omg here it comes
"Come on Lois, didn't those guys at the base teach you anything?" "Wouldn't you like to know."
akasjkasdjak YOU KNOW HE WOULD
they wanna bone so bad it makes them look like absolute fucking clowns there I said it
DOESN'TMATTERCAUSEYOU'REGOINGDOWNTHAT'LLBETHEDAYSKADWNKW can you tell I'm losing my last shred of dignity here
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and Tumblr won't even let me upload my 5732893 screenshots where's the justice😭
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mochiwrites · 2 years
Feather anon here again. I do have one more Grumbo headcanon related to the fanon surrounding avian courtship.
Wing preening is not exclusively seen as a romantic gesture, but it’s flock behaviour, and most avians do prefer their partner(s) to be the one to do it when they have them. Mumbo is quite happy to help, of course. He and Grian are busy people, they always have several projects going on between the two of them, so it is comforting to know they always have that guaranteed time to spend together on a regular basis.
Grian talks about build palettes and what styles of architecture might fit them best, while Mumbo often uses this time to talk himself out of frustrating redstone contraptions that do not work as intended (there is a joke about rubber ducks and avians to be made there). They catch each other up on the ongoing of the server, and plan future dates, or maybe they just sit in companionable silence and enjoy being in each other’s presence if they are particularly tired.
Mumbo can tell Grian gets antsy over not being able to return the favour. Preening is important for flock bonding after all, and he is sad to not be able to make gestures to show Grian the same kind of trust as wing preening requires.
That is, until he came up with a slightly unconventional alternative. Despite his many attempts to steal it in the past, Grian is the only one other than Mumbo’s himself allowed to touch his moustache. It obviously does not require quite as much time as Grian’s impressive wingspan, but it does need combing, trimming, and a regular oil treatment to keep the hair looking shiny and healthy.
Grian is happy to take a few minutes out of his morning routine to do it. He understand that it does require a certain level of trust, and appreciates Mumbo attempting to connect with his culture… And if his fingers have a habit of straying south to touch Mumbo’s lips, and if this tends to lead to kissing, well, neither of them is complaining.
mumbo trying to return the gesture 🥺🥺🥺🥺 god I love themmmmmm. there’s something so inherently soft about wing preening and specifically grumbo wing preening that makes me so ueueueueueeu
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panzershrike-pretz · 6 months
pretz. my friend. do you have any headcanons about sirius/micheal's relationship because i LOVE THEM AND I NEED MORE FLUFF FROM THEM AAAAAAAAAA
I love my babies!! 🥺💕💕 there'll be some Jeremy sprinkled in there sometimes but since you asked for Micah/Sirius, i'll keep it mostly between them :]
(This got so fucking long and all over the place so apologies xD)
- OKEY- so. Michael and Sirius actually met LONG before Blithe, thru Sirius' uncle, Alphard (bless him)
- Basically Alphard found Michael struggling after a Not Good Werewolf Night and brought him home to help and Sirius was living there at the time and the two immediately became friends
- Sirius is wild- but he was even wilder at the time (yk, all the high of wanting to piss off his family as much as possible) and Michael to this day does not have a clue of what the fuck he saw on the Long Boy but oh well
- Sirius was the first to fall, actually (tbh he kind of dropped from a cliff over Micah). This man doesn't have clue on how to be subtle at all. Man was head over heels- his luck is that Micah is fucking blind so they're two oblivious shitheads
- Neither of them had a proper relationship until they met so they had no clue on how it was supposed to work- it was Hard to figure it out (Andy to the rescue!! Best aunt)
- Anyway yeah, they both decided to leave Alphard be and went to spend sometime with Andy, around the same time she developed cancer so they were there to help her and Ted around the farm. It made them grow closer and understand each other better (especially Sirius learning how to deal with Michael's Lycanthropy and loosing his fear)
- Sirius is practically Andy's baby and she was the first to know he wanted to ask Michael out (woman was Tired but ayyyyyyy gotta bake a cake for themmmmmm fuck the disease cake time)
- Their first date was shit. They loved it. They got stuck in the barn because of a fucking storm but heyyy. They spent the whole night talking and by the morning they were together
- Rudy was there mooing away and they spent the whole night awake because of the fucker. Not a fun morning (Blackie and Johnny, the dogs, kept company tho, so that's cool)
- "let's sleep on the hay" "yeah, sounds good"
- Rudy:
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- They're very very open with each other. They comunicate their feelings and wants all the time, to make sure they're on the same page (mostly- )
- Sirius is too protective- he gets really emotional when Micah has troubles with people because of the Lycanthropy
- (yes it means that Sirius went to jail more than once because of thatKAKAKAKAK)
- Michael loves to dance; sometimes he just likes to grab Sirius by the hand to dance (in the rain? In complete silence? Blasting music? He doesn't care. He just loves to dance. Wherever, whenever)
- Micah suffers from chronic pains thanks to Lycanthropy. Tho his injuries and wounds do get better quicker than usual, he has many pains and they just tend to worsen during winter, when is a battle to do the simplest things.
- Sirius doesn't have a winter coat due to his genetics, but he still tries to cuddle around Micah to warm him up. Sirius also brings him tons of chocolate
- Siri has a lactose intolerance and everyone in Blithe gets some chocolate to keep spirits up every now and then, so he just stocks up his share to give them to Micah when he needs it.
- Sirius has tattoos of Michael and Jeremy all over his body, which he completely loves. (When he appeared with the first one Micah wanted to smack him in the face for being so stupid-)
- Sirius was the one to help Micah feel more confortable in his own skin. Michael was always too perfect for his own good so breaking from the mold was very hard for him
- Sirius, on the other hand, was always one of the family's black sheep. He was different - he liked to be different from that royal-ish persona (Andy and Alphard are GREAT inflences). His personality and love for being different inspired Micah to accept his condition more.
- To Michael, Sirius' enormous family is extremely overwhelming. He knows both of them are not welcomed, although some events require them having to interact
- Sirius and Jeremy help Micah with manic attacks during those; he's fully aware that he's a lowlife only allowed between the high people because of his husbands, both from big and poweful families
- Michael has endured a lot of gossip in high society about him only being with Sirius and Jerry because of their families' money, so he can use them to not be just a poor bitch
- (Untrue. But yes, people got punched over this.)
- Ok so- of all the three, the only who has a mom is Jeremy. Sirius' is dead and Micah's doesn't exist, because he was simply ✨️created✨️. Both Sirius and Micah are Euphemia's babies
- Yeah she's very likely to stand by them if they both fight with her son because she knows he's stupid :3
- Euph is one of the official chocolate providers
- (Michael and Sirius were the ones who convinced her that pirates are not that bad) (and that it was okay for her son to love two men)
- Micah does love the good side of Sirius' family tho! Hydra is his best friend, Andy and Ted are like parents for him and Rodion is like a fucked up brother as well (together with his wife and kids?? Lots of people), and Alphard the weird uncle nobody quite knows what's going on with- but he's very helpful
- And then there's Hugh, their adoptive son :] Hugh's mom was their friend back in 1928 when he was born and she had to give him up to adoption so the two took him in
- Hugh did run away from home to fight in the war and was promptly taken in by Miss Seagull after he was wounded, so he spent what? Some 70 years away from his dads, stuck in her time loop? At least Fiona was there
- They did get him back tho- fucked up lil' man. One day he disappeared then came back 70 years later with a girlfriend and one leg less. All good 👍
- Anyway Micah and Sirius just love love love their weird little family very much.
- Sirius is best uncle (ask Olive and Kanna. They'll agree)
- When time rolls around for the Full Moon, Micah's health starts to decline. He gets tired, sensitive to light, snaps more easily, has more pains and all that. Medications and potions don't really have any effect, so he has to just Deal With It(tm)
- Sirius never leaves his side during those times, as dangerous as it is. He was bitten already, more than once, and knows very well the side effects are not cool, but he doesn't care
- No way he'll let Mike feel alone during those times
- He and Jeremy will also spend the night with him in one of Blithe's prisoner cells when he transforms (both in animal form, so he won't mindlessly attack them).
- Michael feels very very scared during those times, so it's very good for him to have company
- Tho he fears A LOT that one day he'll turn back in the morning covered in blood that's not his and with two bodies next to him
- Micha made them both promise they'll fight him off if he ever attacks any of them or somehow goes loose on the ship-
- They agreedand just to be sure Pax is left with them with orders to protect the ship if Micah goes loose
- They have this little inside joke where Sirius will turn into a dog and Michael will act like he's his owner- (yes Sirius uses this for his own gain. He does tricks no dog should do for money)
- But also, Micah loves to see people desperate to understand what is fucking wrong with that fucking dog
- Sirius can't cook for shit. If it all depends on him, they'll starve to death (thank Gods Michael learned)
- Michael loves to play instruments. He got Sirius to teach him piano when they lived with Andy amd he managed to get classes on saxophone as well.
- Sirius rarely get's sick but when he does, Micah play's music for him to feel better.
- The three of them like to sneak off alone when they can, using the Loops, so they can go on dates far from everyone else.
- Sirius favorite places to go are lakes; Michael's are forests, trails and libraries; Jeremy loves to be on the beach. Everytime they want to spend time together, they sort a place and go be happy
Hummmm yeah I think that's it(?)
Again, sorry for it being so long xD I couldn't stop writing after I started KAKAKAKAK
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theflyingfeeling · 7 months
Hellooooo!! Inspired by the ask you sent me I dived into my gallery to look at some group pics with this couple 🥰
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and a bonus because look at them!! 😭🥺💞
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and another bonus because this looks like some sort of a prom photo 🥺💞
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themmmmmm!! 😍🥰💞 absolutely loving how dishevelled they look in the first pic (complete with Olli just in his underwear, Aleksi's zipper open and a slight bulge on the front of his romper, as if they had been dragged in for the picture in the middle of some...private time in the bathroom 👀)
the turquoise carpet one looks SO couple-like too with how close they're standing to each other 🥺💕 and they both looked soooooo good that day 😩👌
the bonus one!! I'm ignoring the fact that there were more people involved in the video call and instead I'm deciding that's what their private video calls are always like, just fondly smiling at each other because they're so in love 💞💖💗 (source: my heart 😌)
for some reason there was something awkward about the entire Koululainen photoshoot so yes, definitely giving those awkward prom picture vibes 😂💕 Olli's wispy hair always cracks me up (the lighting sort of directs your attention to it), but at the same time it looks so soft and fluffy for Allu to bury his face into 🥺
thank youuuuuuuu hope you're having a lovely Fridayyyyyy💖
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castielsprostate · 11 months
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GOOD MORNING SUNBABY!!! chaotic y2k siblings for you <3333
(made the jack one for yesterday but!!! i forgor to send him! so here are 2 for you!)
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beevean · 18 days
For the ship bingo: Mactor, Hecula, Issactor, Maleon and Walthias.
Mactor done here!
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Free space: it's so horrible and disgusting and abusive and problematic and I'm a horrible person 🥰
Love them love them love them. Hitting that sweet sweet sweet mentor/protégé dynamic I crave. Hector being Dracula's mirror by design, because he was raised that way, because Dracula saw himself in him. Hector being Dracula's best creation, the only one he can be proud of. Hector being torn between his pride and his deep need to be loved no matter what. Hector rejecting his Lord and savior and choosing himself because he has learned that he deserves better than conditional love, but still carrying with him the scars left by the one who did everything for him and to him. Hector having his revenge on that monster by using his very power to kill him and nullify his poisonous influence.
... Someday I'll convince other people to make art for them :< I just need to spread the propaganda harder :< in the meantime, there is a certain fun to be had when you are the literal only person in the fandom who controls the ship lol
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The other themmmmmm 🥺
A big classic. The divorsties ❤️ why do you think I've been stuck writing a big ass fic about their deteriorating relationship? They break my heart. They could have been happy together, as the two rejects of humanity, but things... just weren't meant to be that way, and they grew apart, and then they destroyed each other's life. I have a lot of fun making myself depressed by imagining them at their most toxic, as they do love each other but they don't have any healthy means of expressing their affection.
Anyway, Isaac writing Hector's name under his boot is for me canon proof he was crushing hard lmao. Press f for his poor little gay heart.
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... I'm actually not that big on them lol. They're fine, but as divorsties go, I prefer Isaactor slowly growing distant than Maleon's sudden betrayal. Mathias proposing Leon to join him in immortality as if he didn't cause Sara's death will never get old, though lmao
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Bastard vs. bastard ❤️
Not much to say. They're both awful and it's fun to imagine Walter playing games with this frail alchemist because he's a piece of shit who thinks he's all that, while Mathias has wrapped him around his finger and can't wait to put him inside his body 😏 the fun part is, ofc, that they're not so different after all.
(I actually think most LoI ships that are not Maleon deserve more love, no matter how cracky)
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riddlerosehearts · 3 months
some thoughts now that i've finally started rereading the titan's curse:
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i feel like there is so much going on just in these two sentences here. this is such an incredible way to start a book for middle schoolers.
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i'm glad percy seems to have figured out that thalia is just punk!! maybe between books he called her goth and she fiercely corrected him and lectured him about the difference.
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i'm personally offended in multiple ways by this and i can't even fully side with either character 😔 i don't listen to jesse mccartney's music but given that he's literally one of the best voice actors in the english version of kingdom hearts i just can't stand for him being called lame. and as for green day, seriously, grover?? this book was written in 2007 which was after green day became extremely mainstream and won the best rock album grammy for american idiot. do you not listen to the radio. you were literally undercover at percy's school. how do you not know who they are. oh my god.
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i love annabeth so much. i love that her eyes light up when she talks about architecture and that percy always tries to listen even though he doesn't really get it. and i love that he describes her as wanting to become a "super architect".
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there's something soooo cute about tiny percabeth dancing together 🥺 and percy being all awkward and having to look to grover and thalia for an example of how to do things even though he literally just described them as dancing like this:
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like i really don't think this is who he actually wants to be copying for his first dance with his future girlfriend. percy is so silly i love him...
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thiswillcostyourheart · 5 months
#i love themmmmmm
!!!!! WAAA I AM SO HAPPY YOU LOVE THEMMMMMMM!!!! \>/////</💖💖💖 this is soo sweet of you thank you so much for loving them toooo!!!! 🥺🥺🥺
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Edgejeanist fluff =-= I need-
Someone please indulge me in some cute hcs and or scenarios with these two I am sobbing on the floor dramatically I miss them ;—;
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I'd love to hear some Izucrew headcanons! I really like your content for them!
Andjanxjnsjxjakzkufns THANK YOU!!!! I’m so glad you like themmmmmm!!!! :DDD
Here we go!
Mei and Monoma are either adopted siblings or cousins (your choice, I love them both)
One time, Izuku hyper fixated on pre-quirk history, and wrote and posted several essays about it. Same with dinosaurs and space
Izuku does makeup and has pierced ears!!! He fiddles with his earrings when he’s nervous. He has rubber ducky earrings that he squeaks when he’s nervous
Izuku has several scars from bakugou’s years of abuse that he gets pretty insecure about sometimes. The crew always reassure him that he is valid, fabulous, magnificent, incredible, and that they are there for him
Whenever they do sleepovers, they usually end up in momo’s room and lay haphazardly on her bed, cuddling
Shouto was very scared to come out due to endeavor’s homophobic views, but then, he saw izuku, kiri, Jirou, and tsu all come out around the same time. He came out to them one time after endeavor texted him. Soon, he came out to the rest of the class. Everyone was very supportive, and in due time, some others came out
Introducing Todoroki to like,,, fun things is an activity that the crew takes part in as often as possible. They love his reactions, snd seeing him genuinely happy
Shouto didn’t know what it meant to be “genuinely happy” for a long time. The first time he felt genuinely joy, the crew had taken him to the aquarium. He loved learning about all the different animals, and watching them in their habitats! (I’m totally not projecting. I would never.)
Shouto and momo enjoy painting!
Shinsou, Monoma, Aoyama, Shouto, and tsu are the sass squad. Tsu is just being blunt, and people think it’s sarcasm. And Shouto, in his deadpan voice, just says the most chaotic things that absolutely demolishes people
Can we talk about izuku with self confidence? Because the crew helps build up his confidence, along with Momo’s, until the two are very confident in their abilities. They all just push each other to be better hero’s, but ultimately better people 🥺
Uraraka and Tokoyami start a fencing club
Tokoyami and izuku start a dnd club
Mei, momo, and izuku work in gear together
As we all know, Shouto steals endeavor’s credit card. What does he do with that credit card, you ask? Well, he mainly donates money to shelters and charities. He will also purchase anything that the crew wants or needs. Uraraka was looking at a pair of sunglasses one time? The next day, he showed up at her door with them, endeavor’s card in hand
I love them so much, my dearest children
After the find out Aoyama is the traitor, they make sure to help him. They make sure that he’s safe
Aoyama always tries to make sure to the best of his abilities that they stay alive if not safe
When in need, the crew all head over to momo, Monoma, Aoyama to help style them, then over to izuku for makeup if they want!
Momo, shinsou, Monoma, and Aoyama are hella into fashion
Mei likes to make gear in general; but after they all graduate, she insists on personally making all of their gear
Uraraka starts a betting ring around ua. They bet in random things. She takes suggestions. She also almost always wins.
They go Disney bounding!!!! Shouto always goes as Elsa, but the other will mix it up. Shouto might also go as Ariel a few times. Mainly elsa though
Because I am ridiculously attached to the idea of living in the same house with your best friends and being all domestic and happy with them: after UA, they all move into a house together.
They go grocery shopping at 3 am in need for cookie dough, to show Shouto the joy of making cookies. Sato offered his help, and they were all happy and wholesome🥺
I hope you enjoyed!!!!! :DDD
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nothing weird :)
rate novels other than TSC ones that you've read and would recommend other to read!
okay! :) (I’m gonna leave out hp and Rick riordan’s books since most people have already read them, but I do recommend them!)
im gonna go in chronological order of me reading them 😝
A Series of Unfortunate Events - I love these bitches even though they make me wanna pull out my hair 🥲 please let these kids be happy omg 🥲 anyway I LOVE Lemony Snicket’s writing style and I adore the Baudelaire babes so 9.5/10 (the -0.5 is because I don’t like the last book it was too underwhelming)
Pretty Little Liars - Yes there’s novels <3 I loved these when I first read them and I learnt plenty about sexuality and stuff from these books buuuut looking back there’s plenty of issues 😬 I’m not gonna go into too much detail but one of my issues with this series is that there’s the bury the gays trope 😒 even 12 year old me with zero knowledge of queerdom was like “why does everyone except the lesbian have a romantic partner by the end?? This is so unfair??” smh. 3/10
The Hunger Games - MY BELOVED!! Take the throne baby ily and I love these books even more as time passes even though it’s been years since I last read them. 10/10
Divergent - Teen me was obsessed with the factions and stuff but shhhh let’s not talk about that. Loved the first two books but the third one just fell flat. 7/10
The Fault In Our Stars - Loved the prose and writing in this but it didn’t make me cry… maybe I’m just heartless oof. Anyways, 9/10
The Selection Series - LOVED the first book but then it just got so boring 😭 Please don’t write two full books that’s just ninety nine percent love triangle, people 😭 I really like the characters which is a plus tho. Honestly the main downside is the FUCKING LOVE TRIANGLE which was so unnecessarily stretched out 😭 I’m not even gonna talk about the sequel duology lol. 5/10
All The Wrong Questions - This is not only written by Lemony Snicket but is also ABOUT Lemony Snicket so it’s obviously amazing 😘 I was gay for Ellington Feint even before I knew I was gay lmao 🥲 10/10
Simon vs The Homo Sapiens Agenda + Leah On The Offbeat - I’M LOVE THEMMMMMM 😍😍😍 I loved the second book a little less than the first tho, mostly because it felt like a sequel written for the sake of a sequel but I still loved getting to see Leah’s POV and HER AND ABBY 🥺🥺🥺❤️❤️❤️ Anyways yeah 10/10
Carry On series - I once saw someone describe this as “Harry Potter but gay” and I second it. I still have to get to the third book and ngl I’m a little scared cause the second book made it clear that Simon and Baz are Immortality Angst 2.0 😭😭😭😭 Still love it tho!! 9/10 (-1 cause the second book felt a lil slow. I just don’t like it when a book is paced slower than it’s prequel)
Mo Dao Zu Shi /The Grandmaster Of Demonic Cultivation - THIS BOOK IS FUCKING DEPRESSING!!! Or books?? The official English translation isn’t out yet so I had to rely on a fan translated copy but!! This book is just!! 😍😍😍😍 Like I said it’s depressing af and every few chapters you’re gonna sit down and reflect on the wholeass butterfly effect shit in the flashbacks that lead you to where you are right now and you’re gonna be like “If only X thing hadn’t happened :(“ there’s thankfully a happy ending tho!! Anyway someone please give my boy Wei Wuxian a hug please and thank you. 10/10
Red, White and Royal Blue - I binge read this in the middle of the pandemic and I just!! Loved it!! I want to see this book in a movie theatre omg you just know it’d the kind of movie where the audience keeps screaming 😭 I rarely scream in movie theatres but I’d do it for this babe <3 There’s just so much softness and even LITERAL CHILLS and… yeah. 10/10
RWRB was the last non-tsc book I read so I guess this is the end of this list 😁 thanks for the ask!!
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