#i love them sm i’m completely normal about them (obsessed with them)
lilacfrostdraws · 1 year
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craving a dlc where they just live a peaceful domestic life together in the hateno house
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lovelyney · 9 months
CHARACTERS: freminet, lyney, neuvillette, wriothesley.
SCENT: headcanons
WARNINGS: mentions of nsfw on everyone’s but freminet’s.
FLORIST’S NOTE: wow !! took me long enough ☹️ im so sorry for the wait pookies. also how are we liking this new layout for these ?? ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯2023 !! #©LOVELYNEY
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𖠵𝟎𝟏: As we know, Freminet's quite shy; he doesn't have much experience with romance, but he tries his best !!
𖠵𝟎𝟐: He wouldn’t hear the end of it from Lyney when he first started crushing on you. . . He kept on asking and asking when he was going to confess.
𖠵𝟎𝟑: Doesn’t like going out very much, but if it’s at the expense of your happiness and being with you, he’ll try and push through.
𖠵𝟎𝟒: Bought you a handmade plush of Pers since you always like to cuddle the robotic one while he’s away.
𖠵𝟎𝟓: Loves whenever he sees you wearing his clothes. he’d probably give you his entire closet if he could.
𖠵𝟎𝟔: Has a bunch of pictures of you and him that he keeps hidden in his dressers.
keeps one on him for good luck !!
𖠵𝟎𝟕: I honestly can’t tell if he’d give you a pet name ?? It’d probably be something like “nestling,” “my love,” and “baby/bébé.” (/ Meaning he uses both the English and French ver.)
❝H—Hey bébé. . . If you aren't too busy, would-would you maybe want to accompany me to brother’s magic show tonight ?? I-I could really use your company and I know we haven't been a date in a while. . .❞
𖠵𝟎𝟖: Crafts you all kinds of trickets🫶🫶
𖠵𝟎𝟗: Brings you the prettiest stones and little things that he finds when he goes deep-diving.
𖠵𝟏𝟎: Lyney “adopted” you into the family the moment you and Fremi started dating.
𖠵𝟏𝟏: He cringes whenever Lyney calls him a nickname, but he melts when you do it.
𖠵𝟏𝟐: Isn’t a big fan of PDA (he’ll obvi hold your hand) but in the confines of his room, he’ll cling to you.
𖠵𝟏𝟑: Will sometimes get pouty when you’re cuddled up to Pers and not him.
𖠵𝟏𝟒: Doesn’t get jealous like at all, he’ll just get annoyed and nervous at most.
𖠵𝟏𝟓: Didn’t pay much attention to his appearance initially, but ever since you started lovingly thumbing, kissing, and counting his freckles, it’s become his favorite thing about himself.
𖠵𝟏𝟔: I can imagine him liking his hair played with.
𖠵𝟏𝟕: Silently protective over you, you know ?? Like he’ll squeeze your hand if he senses someone you’re around is dangerous or unnerving. Or if he wants to leave and doesn’t want interrupt your conversation.
𖠵𝟏𝟖: Strangely warm !! He isn’t sure why you enjoy hugging him so much, but never complains, hehe.
𖠵𝟏𝟗: Likes to be both the big and little spoon !! If a day comes where he’s just exceptionally tired, he’ll want to be the little spoon. But if he wants to feel like the bigger person or you need comforting, he’ll be the big spoon.
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𖠵𝟎𝟏: Lyney, as we know him, is very incredibly playful and can be very charming !! He uses this to his advantage.
𖠵𝟎𝟐: Was obsessed with you before you started dating and is still obsessed with you now 😭
𖠵𝟎𝟑: The complete opposite of Freminet. He will not shut up about you to his siblings. . . (Sometimes he might mention you to “father.”)
𖠵𝟎𝟒: Wants nothing but for you to be safe and protected. (Bonus points if it’s in his arms.)
𖠵𝟎𝟓: Going back to the Knave, Lyney might share the relationship you two have with her but won’t give any explicit details about who you are as a means to protect you.
𖠵𝟎𝟔: “Darling,” “gorgeous,” “lovebug/bug,” “my (love)/mi (amour),” “my sweet,” and “sweetheart/chérie.”
❝Thank you so much for coming to today’s show, my love! It always fills me with so much energy seeing you in the seats, staring up at me. . . I ought to put together a show just for you, hm? How does this Friday sound?❞
𖠵𝟎𝟕: Loves to tease you !!
𖠵𝟎𝟖: Does not like waking up in the mornings, especially when you’re lying in bed with him.
loves to hide his face in your neck whenever he’s lying with you.
𖠵𝟎𝟗: Loves PDA. He cannot give a single fuck if you guys are in public. If anything, he’s proud to show his love for you to everyone.
𖠵𝟏𝟎: Can sometimes be unintentionally flirty with other people without realizing it. Don’t get it twisted, though; he’s incredibly loyal to you.
𖠵𝟏𝟏: Many people (of all genders) find him very charming, and as much as that might sting you, Lyney always finds a way to bring you into the conversation to dismiss their advances.
𖠵𝟏𝟐: Can be a little feisty sometimes. Examples are: biting your lower lip when he’s kissing you, biting your ear and nibbling on your neck in public, and placing his hand dangerously close to your thigh.
𖠵𝟏𝟑: Uses incredibly cheesy pickup lines and one-liners.
𖠵𝟏𝟒: If someone is continuously making advances towards you, then he’ll get jealous.
he’ll walk over to you, put a hand on your waist and act overly affectionate towards you hoping it’ll drive the person away.
𖠵𝟏𝟓: Seems innocent (enough), but if he sees you’re upset by someone’s actions, he’ll flip that fatui switch on immediately just to see you smile again.
sometimes asks Lynette and/or Freminet to comfort you while he’s taking care of the person.
𖠵𝟏𝟔: Surprises you by showing up in the most unexpected places in your house.
𖠵𝟏𝟕: Hates being away from you for long ): That’s the main reason why he hates arguments between you two.
𖠵𝟏𝟖: (↑) Although he lowkey can be petty sometimes. . .
𖠵𝟏𝟗: His hands are really soft !! Sometimes you’ll gently caress them, and he’ll literally melt on the spot.
𖠵𝟐𝟎: Also one who loves to see you in his clothes !! 𖠵𝟐𝟏: Really wants to have matching outfits with you. 🫶
𖠵𝟐𝟐: Loves whenever you dress yourself up !! He just adores seeing all sides of you.
𖠵𝟐𝟑: You have a whole bouquet of rainbow roses from the amount of times he’s randomly pulled one out and gave it to you. . .
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𖠵𝟎𝟏: The most gentleman to ever gentleman, I believe ?!?!
idk man, it’s something with the dragon guys in Teyvat. . .
𖠵𝟎𝟐: I’d like to believe that when he started liking you, the Melusines caught on, because he seemed to always be lost in thought. . . 🤭
𖠵𝟎𝟑: Despite him being absolutely stunning and incredibly smart, he somehow felt like he didn’t have a chance with you. . .
the Melusines and Furina were not having any of that !! they devised a plan where she talked to you, and they talked to him. it all worked out in the end.
𖠵𝟎𝟒: Being in love with a busy man has its pros and cons, obviously; Neuvillette always tries his best to balance them out. ☹️☹️
𖠵𝟎𝟓: You guys tried to keep your relationship hidden for as long as you could with how Fontaine loves its drama. . .
and when you it got out (guess how), rumors, whispers everything spread like a wildfire. it was incredibly overwhelming for you, and he tried his best to quiet everyone down and comfort you 😞☹️ you can imagine the weather. . .
𖠵𝟎𝟔: (↑) Some people were muttering how you didn’t deserve him or weren’t “pretty enough” for him, which really pissed him off, but he had to remain civil (for the most part, lolz.)
𖠵𝟎𝟕: Your emotions have an incredible impact on him ?!?! If you start crying or if you’re sad, it’ll domino effect onto him. He loves you so much that it physically hurts him to see you distraught.
𖠵𝟎𝟖: All the Melusines adore you !! They absolutely see you as their other parental figure since you guys started dating.
𖠵𝟎𝟗: (↑) MELTS whenever he sees you interacting with kids. . .
𖠵𝟏𝟎: “Cherie/sweetheart,” “honey,” “my (dear/dearest)” and “my (love)/mi amour.”
❝I’m home, mon chéri. . . I must apologize for coming home later than usual—an issue in the case I’m looking into has presented itself and I went to personally deal with it. Hm, what was that, love? Ah, what was the ‘issue?’ Don’t worry about it, my dear. What matters is that it’s been dealt with. Now, have you had dinner yet?❞
𖠵𝟏𝟏: His trust in you runs pretty deep, so he trusts you when others are flirting with you. However, when people aren’t leaving you alone or are masking their interest behind innocent actions, he’ll get pissed.
𖠵𝟏𝟐: God forbid anyone lays their hands on you. . . Neuvillette doesn’t take people hurting you lightly at all.
𖠵𝟏𝟑: (↑) He isn’t a big fan of people touching what’s his in general, but he knows he (unfortunately) can’t have you all to himself. . .
𖠵𝟏𝟒: (↑) Safe to say, he’s quite territorial. . . He is a dragon, after all. They are quite protective over their treasure..
𖠵𝟏𝟓: Wrio likes to bring you up in conversations over tea !!
𖠵𝟏𝟔: This man has always been head over heels for you. Whenever you two are shopping together, he’ll follow you around like a puppy—always insisting that he holds your bags and pays.
𖠵𝟏𝟕: Pretty gentle with you. . . The farthest thing he wants is to hurt you, but sometimes his primal instincts kick in and he can’t help but want to mark what’s his !!
𖠵𝟏𝟖: Spoils the hell out of you. He literally can’t help it. He’ll see something that he’ll think you’ll like or something that reminds him of you and gets it without another thought.
𖠵𝟏𝟗: Really doesn’t like that you can tell his mood based of whether or not it’s raining. . . He hates worrying you.
𖠵𝟐𝟎: Furina loves to ask about you !! She thinks you two are so cute together.
𖠵𝟐𝟏: Loves whenever you visit him in his office while he’s working !! He’ll always try and persuade you to stay with him while he works—coaxing you to sit on his lap and such.
𖠵𝟐𝟐: He’s still relatively new to understanding human emotions, so he really appreciates you being patient and helping him out.
𖠵𝟐𝟑: Whenever you’re mad at him or giving the silent treatment, he’ll just look at you with the most saddest eyes ever. Guarantee heavy downfalls until you two make up 💔
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𖠵𝟎𝟎: Literally the almost perfect definition of my type 😭
𖠵𝟎𝟏: He’s smart, cocky, and hot. You’re in for a wild ride with this one 💔👍
𖠵𝟎𝟐: Secretly a deep-rooted hopeless romantic at heart, he just hasn’t had the time to explore that part of him because of his duties in the fortress.
𖠵𝟎𝟑: Like Neuvillette, this man is head over heels for you. It’s just that he’s better at hiding it (most times, anyway.)
𖠵𝟎𝟒: A big teaser !! He loves to get under your skin.
𖠵𝟎𝟓: Can and will protect you at any cost. He loves you so much, it’d kill him inside if something were to happen to you.
𖠵𝟎𝟔: A bit of a sadist, I think. . . He’ll watch you struggle for a bit before actually helping you with something.
𖠵𝟎𝟕: Before you two started dating, Sigewinne kept on insisting he confess to you because of how obvious it was.
Clorinde also gave him shit for it.
𖠵𝟎𝟖: “Baby/babe,” “doll,” “my (darling),” “my (dear),” “my (love/lovely),” “pretty/my boy/girl,” and “sweetheart.”
❝Oh? I wasn’t expecting you to stop by for a visit today, doll—not that I’m complaining, of course. . . Lucky for you, I just finished up all my paperwork for the day, so I’m all yours ~ Wait, what? What do you mean you’re only here to deliver more papers? Please tell me you’re joking, babe. . . Archons sake, please at least stay for tea. I haven’t seen you since this morning.❞
𖠵𝟎𝟗: Roughly smells like freshly brewed tea with a mix of his cologne—it’s a rather comforting smell, actually.
𖠵𝟏𝟎: Hates whenever you’re gone too long above ground. He gets grouchy (more so than usual) whenever he hasn’t seen you for a certain amount of time.
𖠵𝟏𝟏: Surprisingly like a sloth when you two aren’t at work. . . He loves clings to you, doesn’t matter what you’re doing or where you’re at.
𖠵𝟏𝟐: I’d like to think he doesn’t give a shit about what people normally think of him, so he’ll love you on wherever and whenever.
loves to rub his cheeks/stubble against yours despite your whining !! i’m weak
𖠵𝟏𝟑: One of his favorite things about the two of you is your size difference. He finds it adorable his hand can comfortably envelope yours and somehow perfectly fit around your throat. . .
𖠵𝟏𝟒: A waist holder !! He loves to have a hand on your waist one way or another. Whether it be him pressed against you from behind or simply just a hand on your waist while you’re standing next to each other.
𖠵𝟏𝟓: Protective and possessive !! Not too much to the point where it’s toxic, I think. He’s just very territorial, and does not like when people get too close to you. He always denies he doesn’t get jealous, but he isn’t fooling anyone.
he doesn’t want your future to repeat his past, so he tries desperately to protect you from those kinds of people.
𖠵𝟏𝟔: (↑) All for marking you in obvious places if he sees this is a frequent thing. . . He’s far from shy with it, as well.
𖠵𝟏𝟕: Always prepares an extra cup of tea for you just in case you were to stop by his office.
𖠵𝟏𝟖: Nearly suffocates you if you’re in bed facing him—he’ll smoosh your head against his chest so you don’t have a chance to leave.
𖠵𝟏𝟗: People were genuinely shocked when they found he was dating someone !! Some didn’t believe you until Wrio proved them wrong.
𖠵𝟐𝟎: Is a mixture between gentle and rough with you. . . He doesn’t want to accidentally hurt you or you know, break you.
𖠵𝟐𝟏: He claims he’d be fine if you two broke up but in reality, he’d be a complete mess. (Sigewinne knows this without a doubt.)
𖠵𝟐𝟐: (↑) Pouts whenever you spend too much time with her and not enough with him </3 He can be a literal manbaby sometimes.
𖠵𝟐𝟑: Literally doesn’t know what to do with himself whenever you ignore him or give him the silent treatment.
goes to Clorinde for help if he’s really stuck. which may or may not be proven helpful depending on her mood. . .
𖠵𝟐𝟒: Adores whenever you’re resting on top his chest !! He always says that’s where you belong, lol.
𖠵𝟐𝟓: (↑) Also likes it when you rest on his lap when he’s sorting out paperwork. He claims you “give him the energy needed to make it through the day.”
𖠵𝟐𝟔: The one for you if you have a praise kink and the one for you if you have a degrading kink !! Two birds with one stone, amirite ?? kill me
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kindaasrikal · 3 months
Guys I’m an old people defender i wholeheartedly believe Wu is a good teacher and person (teen wu and younger was a good character, older wu doesnt have the same effect tho and just falls under a decent character)
Like guys he didn’t mean for Morro to go insane over the green ninja thing, i dont think anyone would’ve expected that to happen with a damn baby. Not to mention that as much as people like to say he abused or neglected Morro or whatever, canonically speaking he hasn’t. In the end what happened to Morro was the effect of his own insecurities and Wu’s lack of understanding.
Wu was not at fault for the whole kai getting obsessed with the green ninja thing or any of the other ninja doing the same, that was all their own faults for being all nosy (as teenage boys with too much power do.)
Wu might’ve overreacted after finding out what Garm did with the letter business in season 4, but just cause he cussed out his BROTHER once (guys they’re siblings, this is the norm and Wu was fully justified to be irritated. Also there will always be a tension between them because they’ve had to fight against each other for either decades, hundreds of years, or thousands of years. They will never have the normal sibling relationship they once only somewhat had.) that was still his brother he just lost and definitely feels guilt at not getting to reconcile PROPERLY with him. Just because you are mad at an individual, genuinely mad at them, does not mean you hate them.
Wu was not at fault for the whole Garmadon getting sent to the under world his clothes literally starts glowing mf was not planning that. He was literally about to die because of Garmadon i think he was a tad preoccupied with that.
Wu is not at fault for Lloyd becoming the green ninja, its shown that he cannot control who gets chosen and was quite obviously hoping it would be the damn teenagers trained to deal with this, not the damn baby who would have to fight his DAD. The whole reason he trained Lloyd so hard after was because he is well aware of how being the green ninja is a curse, especially to Lloyd. He knew a target was on Lloyds back now and for the rest of time and he can do nothing to remove it, only help Lloyd in handling it.
Aspheera is a huge SOGGY BISCUIT I HATE HER I AHTE HEERYEYYE. She is so hypocritical and its all her fault and not Wu’s don’t even try it (i love her character thats why i hate her sm). Wu was literally a baby when the whole betrayal thing happened, and how could he have known his damn students would open up her prison cell and she’d take Kai’s power. Kai had a right to mad about getting dragged into it but even he admits he was reacting the way he was because his powers got stolen. Aspheera was completely at fault for what happened to her.
I wont deny that whatever was going on between Misako and Wu in the early seasons was super weird, but I’m also not going to call it betrayal or cheating for Garmadon because Garmadon had been gone for a good decade and tbh it was rlly bad writing of writers trying to shove romance everywhere.
He took in a bunch of teenagers, thats something i wont deny to also be bad. But don’t you find it convenient that Wu took them each in during separate times of need? Cole, deep in grief, needed to become a ninja because it completed him. Jay, desperate for a place and purpose in this world, needed to be a ninja to become confident and aware of his worth. Zane, confused and lost, needed to be a ninja to find his own place in the world, needed to be a ninja because he needed to have a purpose, a home. Kai, angry and traumatised, needed to become a ninja to become the best version of himself. Wu knew of each of them, and only took them in when he knew they needed an outside source to lead them.
Literally i dont understand why people paint him as a villain. He has never been one. It’s like how Mystake said, the only reason one becomes wise is through their own mistakes, their own life and experiences. Wu is an old, old man. He is right when he says he’s not like how he used to be.
I could keep going, but God guys. Stop mischaracterising characters! You can dislike them all you want, its your life, but don’t change what they have done and call them a bad person when that isn’t true.
You can call Wu a character with mistakes, a character heavily in the light grey area of good and evil.
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p-nd18 · 3 months
Writing Prompts
I’ve read a lot of prompts that have helped inspire me to continue writing or create a Drabble, so I wanted to create some of my own that might hit that mark for somebody out there.
“Don’t fucking touch me.” “I’m sorry, I’m so…so sorry, please just-“ “STOP, leave me alone (or go away)”
Person A is sick, but person B, while loves them wholeheartedly, does not want to get sick and comes up with crafty impersonal ways to try to help them
“So what happened to you?” “What do you mean?” “something happened to you, to make you think that this is okay when it’s not, what was it?” Or “well everyone has some kind of trauma, what’s yours?” “Dude, I grew up in a happy family and have done nothing with my life.” “oh wow. So you’re really just that fucking weird, huh?”
Person A experiencing a panic attack and Person B not knowing wtf to do AT ALL and probably making it worse accidentally or Person B overcompensating and trying to coach them through it when Person A just really needs them to shut the fuck up for one second so they can breath
“I just want to help.” “You’ve done enough.” But like with anger
Camping, but neither of them actually like camping or know what the fuck they’re doing
Political or moral debate where they find out they believe in completely different things, maybe it doesn’t change anything or maybe it’s a deal breaker, but they’ve been together for awhile as friends or more and they had absolutely no idea.
Zombie AU, but the only one that’s successfully handling it has no idea what’s going on, they either have no idea it’s an apocalypse or they have no survival skills and luck is just REALLY on their side
Military AU (or some other organization) where one person takes it way too seriously and the other is just there for the benefits
Write about someone having a really niche obsession that doesn’t fit their personality or aesthetic at all
Romance where they can’t understand each other, but fall in love and make it work (I love this sht sm 😭, like watch Swept by the Sea, but give me a happy ending PLEASE) lmao or someone tries learning the other language and the other is fine with pretending Google Translate is elite
Person A is absolutely, unfathomably average and person B is fantasy/sci fi or something, but they stick with the normal life because person A would not survive elsewhere.
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hanasnx · 5 months
indy!! (my phone autocorrected a giant typo into ur name so fast i feel called out 😭)
i’ve read through sm of ur marvel masterlist and i have no idea how i’ve made it this far without ur versions of peter and hobie, the way u write them is so so good
i’m normally not crazy picky when it comes to characterization bc personal interpretation and all that, but i am v protective of all spider men, bc that’s my day one 💗 and i’m obsessed with the way u write both of them
peter being a little pathetic even when he’s aware of his affect on reader and hobie’s assuredness going from a little over confident to completely justified ahhhhhh
sorry for yapping!! bye <3
im so happy u like my marvel masterlist :) its so funny to me when people don't check my masterlist for so long and they're surprised i wrote a certain character etc. i think its cos when im into someone new i always run thru their masterlists first
im crazy picky when it comes to characterization so i wont read anything that i don't think fits the character, so it means a lot to me when you say that mine is accurate
i like how you laid out your interpretations of them from my writing! that's very insightful, and you didn't yap at all, i love hearing compliments about myself
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astrxealis · 2 years
Apollo hi hello, I hope you’re doing well <3
I keep seeing your hades II rbs on dash and I am looking 👀 (I love seeing them sm) I remember wanting to get into hades a while ago but I never got the time <//3
So I was wondering what you like about it the most?? I’m considering buying the first game since there’s a discount going on but I was just curious about how the game is and all that, like your general thoughts on it. Sorry if this is random and coming out of no where :’)) feel feee to ignore this if I’m bothering you in any way
Anyways, remember to take care of yourself. Drink lots of water and eat your meals 🫶🫶 remember to take breaks and try not to overwork !!
- tired
TIRED HELLO HI i am doing WELL RN !! but also not because there's so much reqs bcs final week before break but also i am doing mostly good <3 I HOPE YOU'RE DOING WELL AS WELL !!!!! <33
okay omg YEAH i am currently super obsessed my brain is so -@;!()!-?-&!;/!@,' (sobbing) but TYSM FR WAH ..... >___< and honestly i really do rec hades it's so good (I GET YOU BTW i haven't actually. like got incredibly far in the game but i do have a fair amount of time in it + the only reason why i have it tbh is bcs of a family member <//3)
(OKAY I PUT THIS UNDER A READ MORE IF THAT'S FINE I'M SORRY IF THIS GOT LONG i was just replying normally and didn't realize i said so much oh my god)
OKAY SO. okay. tbh i'm not completely sure what i like the most but it's probably a combo of the art design/style + gameplay + characters. the art i'd say is incredibly beautiful and unique !!! the designs are really lovely and all (esp as someone who is a big fan of greek mythology which is one factor as to why i love the game so much!) <3 the gameplay is REALLY fun. and good. it's a roguelike game and it actually ties to the game's concept of death and resurrection ?? (underworld stuff. zag is literally the god of rebirth) and it's REALLY good at what it does. very addicting. no run is exactly the same and i personally didn't think i'd be fond of roguelike games but hades just really hits with it !! (a lot of people who don't like roguelike games seem to think this way too). tbh if hades is your kinda game then it genuinely is. sort of. really a Perfect Game ?? story + gameplay + visuals are like the three pillars of it and as far as i personally know all of that is just incredibly good. the protag is likeable, the other characters are likeable, i don't know some of the most important story bits yet but so far it truly is very interesting, each run is connected to the last (such that if you get a different boss, zag actually says smth abt that! it is a very fluid game. if that's properly describing it). LOWKEY EVERYONE IN THE GAME IS HOT. most likely bcs of the artstyle which is really just so nice <3 BUT YEAH i don't really like roguelikes bcs you kinda restart progress right? but hades really feels productive with each run (i even look forward to dying in game!!!!!) and there's so much failure but i don't really feel frustrated. it's a really rewarding game imo and no wonder a lot of people considered it to be their goty of 2020 (and it won a few awards for that too i think) <33 SORRY FOR RAMBLING SO MUCH BUT YEAH .... the game genuinely is just so good. also the voice acting is actually great. ALSO the romance options are super cool (AND POLY IS ACTUALLY POSSIBLE I THINK. INCREDIBLY COOL) and yeah the devs are worth supporting from what i know and are very inclusive it seems. might be wrong tho FKHSKDNSJ (EDIT: I FORGOT TO MENTION THERE IS AN AROMANTIC CHARACTER IN HADES AS WELL. SUPER COOL. actually im not too sure but yeah)
DW THIS IS VERY WELCOME AND I WAS GLAD TO RECEIVE THIS FR !!!!! not a bother at all >;)) lowkey should put this writing for my school work SOBBING BUT NW LOL IT'S JUST A BIT FUNNY TO ME
so yeah SORRY IF THIS IS WAY TOO LONG and TYSM AGAIN !! and for the very much needed reminder gah i should drink water fr >___< <33
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flovverworks · 6 months
hold on im rereading (skimming thro) owens affection story and the way cain first went 'whats up do u wanna grab a meal?' and then akira (who has been watching) approaches owen like 'hello how have u been do u want to eat together..' LOOOOOLLL
also i know this gets brought up early pt2 alrdy when akira speaks to vincent, but akira calling all of the wizards by name (and heathcliff heath etc) but using miss for canary. lord. also the way akira starts thinking everyones handsome nonstop and brings in a billion 'this person is so pretty' adjectives in every other sentence LIKE U RLY DONT HAVE TOOOOOO <-person who thinks its hilarious. i sometimes go 'please understand' when i have akira think someones handsome Once. i need to upgrade it to ten times
Akira: I’m taking notes on everyone here in case I suddenly have to return to my world. That includes you too, Owen.... Could you tell me more about yourself? Owen: I was killed by you. Akira: Eh...!? Owen’s delicate lips twist at my exclamation. Owen: What would you do if that was the case? What if your memories from your other world were all false? What if you were a criminal in this world? Alternatively, what if your lover was someone you happened to hate? What if I was your lover?
completely normal conversation. but also owen who only seems pleased if akiras annoyed when owen says he hates them,,
Owen: What are you trying to accomplish? Owen’s irritation catches on to me, and I begin to feel irritated and sad. Akira: Then fine. I don’t care anymore. If you’re not going to talk about yourself, I’ll never understand you. And next time Mithra is about to find out about your injury, I won’t know what to do, so. I’ll leave you alone. Bye.
THIS IS THE PART IM OBSESSED WITHHHHHHHH GUY WHOS BEEN TRYING NONSTOP TO BEFRIEND SOMEONE LETS THE BAD MOOD AFFECT THEM the second part wording is ssooooo bad too LOLLLL theyre so annoyed i love it sm. but also this being the time when owen accepts talking to them,,,despite also being rly annoyed,,
but also akira like Just having owen agree to their request, immediately saying 'ya i thought ur room would be strange' and trying his bed is so funny. 'i finally realize why i cant bring myself to hate owen' oughhh but also both akira & owen sitting there confused while owens trying to talk abuot himself LOL i like them so much. i think theyre rly neat
reading mithras too, and the way oz is like 'why would i do that' but then akira asks and hes like '...i guess since the sage is asking..' LOOOL
Akira: Ah... Mithra, it looks like you have a visitor. Mithra: You get the door. You’re capable of that much, right? Akira: (He’s just non-stop snark right now....) Ye~s, who is it?
this fkng interaction skull emoji (laughed) 'mithra u should say thank u too' like a mother....
anyway the way mithra talks about tiretta,,,,,,'only just said goodbye to her 10 or so years ago' T_^ (also thinks its funny/endearing how he says the twins said she was like his mother while mithra says she was more of a master/comrade/little sister<-especially the last one makes me laugh. i lov tiretta
My lips curve upwards, and I can’t help but stroke Mithra’s hair. Mithra doesn’t resist. Akira: I can sort of understand why people want to pat you on the head, Mithra. Mithra: Okay..... Is that so. Akira: It’s like when you’re next to a wild beast that you usually don’t see around. It makes you want to touch him while you can..... Mithra: You’re treating me like a rare animal...... Mithra rolls onto his other side. In the next moment, Mithra leaps up, pins me down, and bites my shoulder. Akira: Gya....ah! Mithra: Ahaha. I scream, and Mithra laughs. Apparently he only pretended to bite me. But I had prepared myself for death, so my heart won’t stop pounding. Akira: (What the heck goes on in his mind..... Was he playing around with me because I called him a beast? I thought I was going to die.....)
THIS PAAAARRTTTTTTT IM ALSO OBSEESED WITH 'i had prepared myself for death' JKADBKAD I THINK ABOUT THIS ALL THE TIME. guy who doesnt act like both owen & mithra could easily kill them
also what da hell was the next part about. when akira can wish that mithra wouldnt do things thatd make ppl misunderstand & dislike him. also oz giving tips to akira on how to make mithra sleep but its just ways to make kids sleep,,,,,the dad,,,
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talkingharrystyles · 2 years
1/2 Sorry for the long ass rant in advance!
I need to say something! And I’m sending this to you because you are one of very few people who seem normal and not some lunatic believing just anything! I hate so much how so many people don’t see Harry but only see HS™️ or only see Harry as a walking dick to fulfill their phantasies or project onto him their weird shit! This fandom was always off the rocks when it comes to Harry but it got even more unbearable since this stunt started. On the one side we have those fucking shippers (Holivia, Hamille, larrie, gf shippers in general,…) who live their life through his „relationships“ and making shit up in their head and wank to „boyfriendrry“ 🤐 and on the other side we have the sometimes even more unbearable people who still believe that image that was literally only put out there for marketing of him as a manwhore! 🤮 So many people believe that he’s a „park bench“, fucking anything with a pulse and has sugar daddies all over the world. I‘m sick of even seemingly levelheaded blogs/people turn into completely lunatics. We all know Holivia is fake and just for PR! There’s no need to make shit up about „whorerry“! I know for a fact that most of the shit about him „hooking up left and right“ and „going around the ponds“ is just wishful thinking and hoping from people who either made total shit up about hooking up with him or „having friends/heard he hooked up with someone“ or got rejected by him but couldn’t handle it and spreading shit now. It’s like a bad game of telephone where someone hears something (not necessarily true) and is changing up the story to make it more interesting every time they tell someone. So the story changes over time and gets this big fat lie! For example he’s seen with a friend or whatever (male/female doesn’t matter) and someone sees them and is making up their own little story about what happened, telling their friends who are gonna tell their friends a totally different version. Imagine if you were Harry and people would say stuff like that about you. And this over 12 years now! I can’t imagine how exhausting this is! No wonder he totally quit sm! If I had to see so much shit any time I open any sm app I would have quit as well. I just don’t know why people still don’t know the real harry after all this time? Is it because they don’t want to see it? He always says it himself „anything people say about me is not true“. He’s saying how he likes routine, doesn’t like to party much and is living this live of a health nut (apart from a few questionable eating habits). When he’s working (which tbh he seems now all the time) he goes to bed early and get as much sleep as possible. I know he’s not this innocent little baby and not a virgin but people are so obsessed with his sex life, it’s unreal! When someone suggests that he might not have sex with anyone and maybe even don’t has sex for a few months at a time or more people get violent because they’re reasoning is „he’s hot and young and rich, of course he’s banging all the time“. They do realize that he’s human and he has a free will and is not a sex addict? His stage persona is not the real him?!I‘m so tired of people and questioning if it’s my age (I‘m 30 btw) that makes me see the reality. But then again, there’s so many hags posting disgusting shit about him that it can’t be a age thing. You can find someone attractive without posting every obscene thought you have about them all over the internet! And then not enough that this fandom is totally deranged, no attention seeking locals chiming in there as well! I‘m talking about local gays or desperate groupie wannabes who wish they hooked up with him and now spreading shit all over sm and „confirm“ shit like that „park bench“ bullshit! I sometimes wish I could just quit Harry and sm altogether but then I think, I‘m one of the few people that’s actually there for the music and the real Harry and so I‘m staying a little longer.
THIS!!!!!! I love people who see the real human Harry Styles
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izukult · 4 years
haiykuu boys react to a long distance partner surprising them
characters: hinata, kageyama, oikawa, sugawara, nishinoya, tsukishima
established relationship | warnings: swearing, my fan behavior, why are my head canons so long in this gd it’s like a tiny story without structure
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hinata shōyō
-SUNSHINE BOY (i went crazy for this one i’m so sorry)
-you were sugawara’s old middle school penpal which turned online friend
-so obviously you’d heard about his volleyball team and the new first year star players
-and one thing led to another where he introduced you to hinata
-actually you were facetiming suga and you saw hinata and told your old friend you thought the tangerine boy was cute and then koushi “accidentally” put you in a gc together
-you and hinata have been dating for about four months
-you’ve heard everything to a t, including small little remarks from tsukishima to every toss, kill, and miss your boyfriend and kageyama managed
-side note but it’s so cute this boy is so whipped for you if you don’t respond for a certain amount of time he’ll find some dumb excuse to talk to suga just so he can shift the convo to making sure you’re safe
-so you’re going to meet suga finally
-like FINALLY you’re so excited
-but you’re also boutta see your boyfriend!!!!!!
-buuuuuuuuuut your boyfriend didn’t know
-so it’s safe to say you were a little nervous about it
-you made suga swear up and down that he wouldn’t tell any of his teammates that you specifically were coming, but he did ask to make sure it was okay to have a semi open practice
-so you’re standing outside the volleyball gym with sugawara, backpack with hinatas favorite snacks over your shoulder. practice had already started so suga was late, but he still stood outside with you and let you prepare yourself
-you felt like you were about to throw up even though that’s shoyo’s thing
-suga walks in before you and you follow shortly after, holding in a sharp breath.
-there he was. standing on the other side of the gym, talking to who you knew as kageyama
-he hadn’t seen you yet, but other member of karasuno had
-”yoo who’s this hottie” bald, flirtatious, you had to assume its tanaka
-hinata was in the middle of jumping for a spike when he saw you, and he froze and fell to the ground, stumbling to keep his balance
-the gym got quiet at the tangerines reaction, but he was just staring at you.
-and then he was doing that “woosh” run he always told you about and before you knew it his arms were around your waist and his head was buried in your shoulder.
-everyone (literally EVERYONE) was looking at you two but you just laughed and placed a hand in his hair (which, holy fuck, is soft)
-you mouthed an apology to suga and he shrugged you off, and focused your attention back on the boy in front of you
he pulled back just enough to look at you, leaving his hands to rest on your back. his eyes were filled with tears (cute) and he offered you a smile.
“you’re here” his voice was quiet, for once, but it didn’t have any lag this time. and it was so fucking beautiful.
“i’m here.” you nodded, eyes scanning the features of his face. he chuckled lightly, a tear falling to his cheek as he shook his head.
“you’re so pretty.” his voice was watery and he moved his head back in your shoulder before you could utter a compliment back.
-he stayed attached to you for like minutes okay and this man completely ignored the teasing of his classmates.
-eventually you tried to pull him off you so he could get on with practice (and so you could watch him practice) but he refused to get off
-”bubs. babe. honey. you gotta get up”
-”hey hey hey, what about showing me a cool spike?”
-”i am literally asking you to do your favorite thing in the world sho,”
-”new favorite thing is holding you.”
-eventually you did get him off of you and he practiced the HARDEST he had
-after practice he introduced you to everyone as his girlfriend even though you’d literally been introduced to them like an hour before
-his eyes stay on you and he constantly tells you how pretty you are face to face and how you smell good and how soft your hands are
-it would sound stalkerish if you werent whipped
-its ok hes whipped too
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kageyama tobio
-no idea how youd meet this mf online
-maybe some volleyball forum or like arguing over which setter was betting in youtube comments
-or if you know nothing about volleyball,,,,
-i have no fucking clue BUT
-he doesnt mind long distance honestly
-he doesnt have to get worried about completely embarrassing himself and he never has to make like physical moves
-but he does wish he could hold your hand sometimes.
-but he ignores it🙄
-so you are like obsessed w this bitch u r in love w him🤢🤢
-and ur a good 90% sure he luv u too
-so you plan a trip to him
-you do it all out. you talk to his mom, you find the cheapest hotel that’s perfect distance between his house and his school bc ur just that cool
-and you even make up an excuse to kageyama for why you won’t be on your phone during the flight
-you know he’s gonna be at practice bc you know his schedule cos gf things
-you stocked up on banana milk (aka you brought like four)
-you hit him up yknow yknow
- “hey bubs i’m back<3 how’s practice going?” you’re literally standing outside the gym but you want to make sure you’re not coming in at a bad time
-after like three minutes he texted u “good:). just got done with a practice set.”
-so now you’re going and you’re excited and you’re Nervous
-you open the door and you’re met with a rly tall guy with a headband on
-“hi, can i help you?”
-“uh, is kageyama here?” and he turns his head, and you follow his eyes, and there he is
-and he’s already staring at you
-a ball is lightly held in his hands
-if anyone who didn’t know him saw him they would genuinely think he’s angry
-but it was kinda the same look he’d give you when you talked about things you cared about on facetime
-so maybe that’s love? 😳😳😳
you give him a little wave
-“sup kags”
-he’s just staring
-blankly staring
-which you should’ve expected
-“sorry, are you mad? i should’ve told you i was coming, that’s my bad i just thought i could surprise you and it would be really nice and then you wouldn’t be stressed out sorry-“
-literally why are you saying all this all of his teammates just like “wtf”
-he shook his head quickly and opened his mouth to say no but just continued to stare
-“i- uh- you want to watch me set?”
-you LAUGH. and i mean LAUGH girly and he just turns all kinds of red and you know his team is gonna be on him for that
-“yea! if that’s like, allowed?” daichi doesn’t care so you are literally balling
-you watch him play and like at first he’s REALLY awful like rly bad but then he kind of tunes everything out (i.e. you) and gets back in his groove
-afterwards he comes over to you and asks you what you think and he’s looking at you like this is normal but you can tell he’s shaking and he kisses your forehead REALLY REALLY FAST and mumbles a quiet “i’m glad you’re here”
-he opens up w affection more along the trip
-he appreciates the banana milk. sm.
-from then on out he constantly brags ab having a gf to the team
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oikawa tooru
-he suspects smth is up to be honest
-he’s like “ohhh shawty gon do sum😫”
-(he doesn’t fucking call you shawty)
-but to be fair he figured more like you were gonna send him smth rather than send yourself
-surprise again he’s AT PRACTICE who would’ve guessed
-but this time you come at the end of practice because seijoh has like set schedules and oikawa tells you everything so
-you’re just standing by the door waiting for him to come out, ignoring the literal group of girls forming at the end of the hall knowing dAmn well they are your bf’s fangirls
-oh well
-you hear his voice before you actually see him
-he’s giving someone tips on their serves and you hear someone make a snide remark at him and you only assume its iwa
-he’s in the middle of a sentence and he just stops.
-there’s a good couple of seconds where he completely loses composure
-which is not tooru like
-you took a step closer and smiled
-”is this the oikawa tooru fanclub?”
-”nah it’s actually the oilykawa hate club” it’s the same voice from earlier and it’s definitely iwa
-you laugh a little and keep looking at your boyfriend
-”that’s even better”
-he just walks up to you and gives you a real, genuine smile
-pushes a piece of hair behind your ear
-and KISSES u
-”what are you doing here, pretty? come to see me play? if so, i hate to break it to you, but you’re late”
-you just roll your eyes and kiss him again
-once you two are alone he literally cries
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sugawara koushi
-literally the only one who can keep his cool out of all these mfs (aside from tsukishima)
-however, when you show up to his practice wearing the hoodie he sent you like two months earlier, he lost his shit
-you set it up with daichi and everything beforehand.
-(and daichi literally made sure suga would look like a setting genius the day you showed up)
-he had just made a really good set when you walked in and you clapped
-”nice one, koushi”
-he looks at you like 😦 & is just like “you- what- you’re- how- why?”
-lol and then he goes on “not why like i’m not happy you’re here just how”
-and all the third years think it’s so funny to be honest, because typically suga can keep his cool
-he eventually gains his cool and shines you one his signature amazing smiles (which, is somehow better face to face)
-omg he goes over to you and once he gets there he turns to his teammates and like
-”this is my s/o!!!”
-mf is BEAMING
-he’s so happy
-you find out right after he gives literally the best hugs ever i live by that and i will die by that
-he doesn’t kiss you til you two are alone
-and its so fucking sweet and personal he puts his forehead on yours and tells you you’re the most beautiful person hes ever seen
-he is literally so in love w you
-i love him.
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nishinoya yü
-ok he’s so loud
-literally the second he gets a gf everyone knows
-he shows the team pictures of you literally anytime one of them will look
-he luvs u
-he is your BIGGEST fan no doubt
-you make a nice meal? he wants to post about it
-you have a nice outfit? he will put it on his story
-you breathe? expect an “omg baby im so proud of u”
-so when you show up, he reacts the way you expect him to
-so like obviously this man isnt checking his phone during practice
-but he puts his phone on dnd and has you as his only favorite contact
-so you can text him if its an emergency during practice
-you know that, he knows it, the team knows it
-he gets the little ping!
-and he’s out the game
-no one is recovering the ball #peaceout
-he jogs over to check because you never text his number during practice bc you respect his passion for volleyball
-the text just says “come outside:))”
-he’s like wtf?? but bitch gonna do what u say😐
-he sees you and he just yells “holy shit” so loud dude
-daichi goes to call him on his language but steps outside and sees the short libero hugging the person they’d all seen in the photos, he just goes quiet
-nishinoya will not shut up as he hugs you
-he’s literally just hyping you up and asking you literally every single detail about how you’re there, where you’re staying, when you’re leaving, how your flight was, everything
-you just kiss his forehead :)
-literally only good vibes
-you guys have such a good trip bruh
-after you leave he literally just cries while looking at pics of you two together
-^ he took so many pics and vids of you pls
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tsukishima kei
-unlike the others, you wouldn’t meet him at practice
-you don’t really know his team, nor does he tell you about them outside of mostly complaining
-you do know tadashi, but like you’ve only talked to him in a gc all three of you are in and never like alone
-you did not tell him you were coming because you’re 100% convinced he would’ve accidentally told tsuki even though he can keep his own shit secret lol
-you just show up at his door when you know he’s home
-and he’s texting you as you’re there and he had actually had a moderately rough day so you told him you were gonna order him food from his favorite restaurant
-which, technically wasn’t a lie you just had to make an extra stop
-you knock on his door (once you’ve prepared yourself because you honestly have no idea how he’s going to react)
-and he opens it ready to give a half hearted thank you to some delivery guy
-but instead his s/o
-he just stares at you
-he looks like a fish
-after like fifteen seconds you decide to try to break the ice bc you are nervous
-”delivery here for uh one…” you pretend to look at the paper, you’re doin a whole skit here “one dumb bitch. are you dumb bitch?”
-he just rolls his eyes and shoves your head
-he walks back but he leaves the door open
-”take your shoes off”
-he’s not even looking at you smh but you smile so fucking wide bc that’s the kind of reaction you were honestly hoping for
-(what you don’t know is he will literally break his whole hard exterior act if he looks at you right now and he is not ready for that)
-you put the food on the table and move to stand next to him
-and after a bit he finally looks at you
-and you look at him
-and you smile
-and he does too,, kind of
-(which is so fucking cute,)
-and you just keep starin at him and bite your lip to keep from grinning
-and after a couple minutes you clear your throat
-”can i hug you?”
-bro he’s so fucking whipped he doesnt even answer he just wraps his arms around you and puts his head on top of yours
-and he mumbles a thank you and its so fucking SWEET
-he does open up more the longer you’re there and u have a very good trip mwah in luv
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monkeydlesbian · 4 years
at this point,,,i’m begging u,,fukunaga hcs😔 i love that funky little man sm i think it’s a problem
a/n: homie oh my dear GOD you just opened up the floodgates and i hope u know how to swim <3 with that being said, THANK YOU for giving me the opportunity to talk about the absolute love of my life!!! i am writing this author's note BEFORE i write these hc’s so there is absolutely no telling how long it will get. as always, i hope you enjoy and i hope you have a wonderful day! i am insane!
warnings: none!
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where to start with this funnyman dear God.
fukunaga shouhei is a joy to be around, even if he doesn’t talk much and even if he laughs at his own jokes and even if it looks like he never blinks (perceptive king).
his company is really the best, like when you facetime a friend and you’re just doing your own things with each other there.
i wouldn't say he's necessarily an introvert, but he can be awkward in social settings at times which i’d say is normal for the average human being.
for some reason i feel like fukunaga is the person that’s always breaking that uncomfortable silence in a room full of people at the beginning of the night, but he never really gets the credit for it and just stays silent the rest of the time if that makes sense???
idk but i am obsessed with him.
fukunaga strikes me as the type of person who just loves laughter.
he loves hearing laughter, being the cause of it, laughing himself.
it is my personal belief that fukunaga never EVER looks jokes up, he’s always just thinking funny things in that brain of his and i really love him for that oh my god.
the first time someone actually indulges him in one of his funny thoughts, he will immediately perk up and he might blush a little bit, depending on who it is.
another thought of mine is that post-timeskip he becomes WAY more confident in his interactions with people, like he's always sure that what comes out of his mouth is going to make you laugh.
“funny guys are dangerous. they make you laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh then BOOM. you’re naked.”
yeah that's fukunaga.
when fukunaga does happen to talk, it’s so easy to flow into a conversation and he's honestly just a really soothing person to be around.
he always listens when you’re talking and his attention is on you the whole time.
he’s the type of person that is nodding along with what you're saying and responding to you even if you get talked over :((( (so precious i'm gonna cry).
another random thought but i feel like fukunaga giggles?? i don't know but i feel like he barely ever lets out loud laughter and instead just giggles PLEASE i love him.
this got so long but TLDR; fukunaga is a funny, considerate, and sweet person to talk to and be around and everyone should love him. thank you.
SCREAMS at this part because fukunaga is all i could ever want in a partner.
he can cook, he’s funny, he’s a little weird, and dear GOD i know his paycheck is FAT post-timeskip. comedian and part-time chef KING!
not to mention he is actually very handsome and cute as all hell. if you think fukunaga is ugly then i am so sorry for you.
to be honest, i don't think fukunaga will be like wound up or rowdy or anything in your relationship, like a secret sort of thing.
he’s still gonna be fukunaga, the slightly awkward and cheeky and funny guy that you came to love in the first place.
he’s not much for grand gestures in a relationship, but he’s showing you how much he loves you by cooking for you, giving you company, doing your laundry for you; basically anything that would make your life easier, he's doing it.
fukunaga isn't really touch starved or anything, but that doesn’t mean he won't absolutely relish the times the two of you do get to be physically close.
(the following bullet point is courtesy of seal anon, love u bae <3)
while fukunaga won’t drown you in a hug the minute he sees you or loom over your shoulders constantly, he does like to hold onto you in small and more subtle ways.
he likes to play with your fingers a lot, give you small kisses on your temple as he passes by, maybe even a little pat on the booty if he’s feeling bolder than usual.
one of his favorite things is to see you wrapping your arms around one of his, your cheek squished on his shoulder as you watch him cook dinner.
then he's teasing you about being clingy, about how you can get enough of him, but deep down he really couldn't ask for anything less.
being domestic with you is also another thing that stirs up the love he has for you inside his heart.
at the beginning of your relationship, the first time you spent the night at his apartment, you had forgotten to pack your sleep shirt, so he just let you use an old t-shirt of his.
he had to pinch himself the moment you walked out of the bathroom in his shirt, your own sweatpants hung low on your hips.
even now, you still tease him about the literal hearts in his eyes but he can’t find it in himself to bite back when he sees you smile and giggle at the memory.
another thing about fukunaga is that he loves you without shame!!
even if he is a little more on the quieter side, everyone around the two of you knows just how much fukunaga loves you in the way he listens to you and the way he cares about the things you care about.
kids love this mf so much it’s ridiculous. your little cousins are always climbing on his legs and begging him to tell knock-knock joke after knock-knock joke.
and it’s like he never ever gets tired of them either, probably tens of thousands of knock-knock jokes in his arsenal to entertain them with.
your aunt is so damn embarrassing with the way she tells him he would be such an amazing father, sending you looks, if you’re picking up what i'm putting down.
one very self-indulgent thought of mine is that he LOVES to tease you.
whether he’s tickling you, picking fun at you, or whispering something a little less than innocent in your ear,,, he’s always trying to tease the living hell out of you.
like i said before, i hc fukunaga as someone who got way more confident post-timeskip, so some of the things he says will catch you SO off guard it’s not even funny.
that could have gone into nsfw territory but i had to physically restrain myself.
TLDR; fukunaga as a partner is someone who isn’t going to be necessarily doting or clingy, but he will cherish you with everything he has and does everything he can for you to make your life as joyful as possible! he loves you so much and will show you every day!
BONUS SCENARIO (i’m insane):
You close your book fairly quickly when you hear the sizzling of the skillet come from inside of the kitchen. Jumping up from the couch, you slide on the wooden floor as you make your way to your boyfriend who somehow managed to sneak by you without a sound. You smile when you see Fukunaga standing there, in front of the stove and in his element, his shoulders shifting from the movement of his arms as he slides the chopped up carrot into the skillet along with the other vegetables.
“Hate to break it to ya, but you’re not as sneaky as you think,” he says, adding a pinch of salt to the ingredients in the skillet before he sends you a wink over his shoulder.
“Definitely not as sneaky as you,” you quip back, sliding your sock clad feet across the floor as you make your way over to him. You wrap your arms around his torso from behind and bury your head in the middle of his back. He giggles, resting his free hand over one of your own and rubbing his thumb across the back of it.
“You’re clingy, angel,” he comments, lighthearted and airy, showing you that he doesn’t really mean it. Either that or he doesn’t mind it.
“Can’t help it,” you shrug with a sigh, “you’re sexy when you cook.”
He chuckles, “Oh? You don’t think I’m sexy all the time?”
“Now, I didn’t say that,” you huff, your cheeks heating up when you feel him shake with silent laughter.
The sizzling tones down a little bit now that he has all of the ingredients in the skillet and has been stirring for a while, and luckily for you, Fukunaga decides it to be the optimum time to turn around and wrap you in his arms. He kisses the top of your head and you smile, burying your face further into his chest.
“You’re makin’ my favorite,” you muse after a while, tilting your head so that your chin rests against his chest as you look up at him.
“That I am, sweetpea,” he confirms simply, quite enjoying the way you instantly beam up at him from your place in his chest.
“Any particular reason why?”
“Well, I thought that maybe if I made your favorite, you’d think I was extra sexy,” he jokes, though he sounds completely serious. He giggles when your smile drops and you roll your eyes, choosing to bury your face back into his chest with groan.
“You’re annoyin’, Shou,” you say as you squeeze him tighter.
“You love it.”
“That I do.”
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lazywonderlvnd · 4 years
*hesitantly steps in the box* Umm.. soo.. I was listening to Cruel Summer by Taylor Swift again and that song (is awesome btw if you haven't listened to it already) just gives me such MAJOR drarry vibes .. like -
" And I screamed, 'for whatever it's worth I love you, ain't that the worst thing you ever heard?' He looks up grinning like a devil. "
Like if that's not drarry I'd chomp my pillows. So .. *twiddling thumbs* could you pls write something with that line as a prompt?? Pretty please 🥺🥺🥺❤️❤️❤️ maybe use the song as inspiration.. idk? Whatever you like. ALSO, don't forget I STILL LOVE YOU that ain't changing yet and you haven't seen the last of me! Imma tail after you for eternity and you better take that as the threat it is! *throws love at you* BYE!! ❤️❤️ *vaults outside the box*
my sweetest most loved angel!! thank u so much for this prompt based on a BOP i was obsessed w when the album first came out. it got sm longer than it was meant to be, so it can be found on ao3 as well!! i hope u like it ilysm ❤️❤️❤️❤️
warnings for minor drug use (weed) and implied suicide of a minor character (lucius, extremely vague reference but pls be aware!)
rating: e word count: ~5k
When Pansy asked him how it started, Draco discovered that he didn’t know what to tell her.
Technically, though, it had started at Ernie Macmillan’s party in the beginning of summer, with the cloying scent of Freesias and Freedom Roses (“Imported from the States,” Ernie told Draco pompously, when he asked) and all those string-lights dangling from the cedar pergola, perennial balls of fire inside their clear bubbles like tiny trapped suns. Cheap beer in plastic cups, Marlboro cigarettes, and some stupid Muggle game ... darts.
* * * 
“Get off me, Potter,” Draco says in a failed whisper. He’s laughing and drunk and fuzzy warm under a sprawling summer’s night sky that looks like black paint. Potter tastes like Guinness every time he kisses him, and his hands are surprisingly soft. In direct opposition to his own command he pulls Potter in by the face and glues their mouths back together ravenously. The alcohol makes him sloppy (he likes it, though — the sloppiness of it) and Potter’s skin is warm where Draco slides his hand under an ugly Muggle band T-shirt to touch. 
Around the corner, he can hear music coming from the patio where nearly every single one of their former classmates are gathered, drinking and laughing and getting along famously with a much-needed buffer of five years between them and their Hogwarts days.
Much-needed for himself and Potter as well. Apparently.
He sees him sometimes, at get-togethers like this or around the Ministry, once or twice at a dinner party thrown by a mutual friend. They’re always cordial. He hasn’t insulted Potter to his face in five years.
Except for tonight, when he couldn’t help himself loudly drawing attention to the similarities between Potter’s hair and one of the shrubs in the garden. But they’re kissing now round the side of the house and because of that he’s quite glad for his slip. And it’s their five-year reunion, so. What would it be without some bickering between the two of them?
Potter presses him into the bricks and snogs him breathless, only he keeps grinning and laughing and ruining everything just when Draco starts losing himself in it.
“Quit laughing,” he scolds him. “You’re the worst, Potter. No etiquette at all.”
“That’s rude,” Potter says. His breath wafts across Draco’s mouth. His eyes are excessively green behind their round frames, which have not changed since their school days. The scar is mostly hidden beneath his wild fringe, save for the very bottom where it slashes neatly through a dark eyebrow and touches his eyelid. “I can’t help it, I’m pissed good and proper.”
His hand moves to Draco’s hip and even through the thickness of the alcohol coating his brain like a muffler he feels that touch clear and ripe as daybreak.
“So  that’s  why you’ve decided to snog me rather than …” He waves a hand vaguely, in lieu of the proper witticism with which he might normally have trounced Potter. “You know. Beat me to a pulp.”
“I only did that one time,” Potter says, grinning. Grinning and moving his thumb in circles on Draco’s hip. “And it was because you were being a twat. And I didn’t beat you to a pulp. You’re so dramatic.”
“Semantics,” Draco says. “I had a bloody nose.”
“And you deserved it.”
“Now who’s being rude?”
Potter kisses him again.
Guinness and Freesias.
* * * 
“Macmillan’s party,” he told Pansy. “He kissed me.”
“So that’s where you disappeared to.” She looked smug. Her inch-long nails were sharpened to a point and painted a glossy black, and she drummed them against her cheek, the way a cat flicks its tail. “I’m surprised you kept it from me this whole time.”
“Well,” said Draco, lowering his gaze to his glass of wine and watching it flirt dangerously with the lip as he swirled it. His cheeks felt warm, but he wasn’t embarrassed. “We snuck around.”
Right, maybe a little embarrassed. Mostly conflicted.
“Oh?” For a single syllable the laughter underneath was remarkably transparent.
He looked up, eyebrows lifted. “Yes,” he said a little defensively. “For obvious reasons. At first it was just sex. A lot of it, so he usually came here. Apparently Granger and the Weasel are notorious for popping round his place unexpectedly.”
* * *
He feels opened up all over again every time Potter fucks into him, unhurried and so careful. His hand is hot on Draco’s thigh, both of them sticky with sweat and come. This has to be their third round at least, and Draco’s sluggish brain insists it might actually be four.
An open window lets in the late afternoon air, humid and drowsy and perfumed heavily with flowers (a la Macmillan, Draco planted Freesias and Freedom Roses outside his bedroom window and helped them along to full bloom with some careful magic). Potter’s hair is damp with sweat — from exertion and the relentless heat of July — and Draco slides his fingers into it, tangles them and pulls the way he’s learned Potter likes. If he’s honest, he’s harboured a very secret and  very  desperate yearning to touch Potter’s hair since he was quite young. He doesn’t know why.
Well, maybe he knows why.
Potter makes a quiet, whimpered noise that curls Draco’s toes. He speeds up his hips, closing in on his orgasm and putting his face in Draco’s neck even though it’s too fucking hot for it.
“Fuck,” Draco whines. He tries to lift his leg higher, wrap it around Potter’s waist to get that perfect angle, but they’re too slick with sweat and he lets out a frustrated noise when it falls back to the bed. “Potter,” he says helplessly, arching into each thrust and shaking with the effort. This third (fourth?) orgasm is building too slowly, sitting there hard and stubborn and heavy in his gut and refusing to be coaxed to completion. He’s dripping with the effort, muscles quivering. “Please — I need —”
But he seems to have figured it out for himself. He scoots forward, lifting Draco’s arse higher off the bed and bending him nearly in half. The angle helps him go deeper and he’s suddenly nudging Draco’s oversensitive prostate every time he fucks back in.
“Right there,” Draco gasps, tensing as this new angle lights a fire under his elusive orgasm. His cock is leaking but he doesn’t have the strength or energy to get a hand around it. Potter’s grunting with the effort of fucking him, sweat dripping down his temples and making his neck and torso gleam. “Right there, god, right there, please, I’m so close —”
Potter braces himself and redoubles his efforts, and it’s like he’s reached inside Draco and sunk his claws into that building storm in his belly because suddenly it’s ripped right out of him in a colossal wave of euphoria that approaches too much, cock spurting untouched between them  .  Potter keeps moving inside him while he rides it out, and at some point he feels the warm, wet explosion of Potter emptying in him, mumbling incoherent things that include Draco’s name.
They come down together too. Draco is clutching Potter’s arms and trying to catch his breath and Potter is trembling and clutching him back like an anchor in a veritable ocean of sensation. 
It’s like this every time. 
When Potter drops down onto the bed beside him Draco rolls over and kisses him, long and deep and satisfying, and Potter reciprocates with the kind of intensity that is completely unique to him as a person.
“That one was particularly good,” says Potter, and Draco laughs.
When he feels like moving, he knows that Potter will get up and go to Draco’s kitchen and make tea for both of them, and he won’t need to ask what Draco likes, because he remembered after the first time. They’ll drink it naked in bed as the sun sets on another endless summer day and transforms before their eyes into a humid and pungent summer night, in the midst of which they will fuck at least three more times, and Potter will keep smelling like sweat and bergamot and boy, and Draco will keep feeling starved for him.
And they won’t talk about it.
* * *
“And?” Pansy said.
“And what?”
“You said ‘at first,’” she pointed out, and arched a groomed eyebrow. “When did it turn into more than just sex?”
Draco tamped down on a smile, because that would have been more emotion than he cared to show at the moment. To Pansy or to himself.
He swirled his wine again and took a long sip, stalling. He wanted — needed, really — to talk this out with her, but he was becoming aware of an uncomfortable heaviness in his chest which was suggesting to him that he didn’t want to share everything. Not because he was embarrassed, but, well … it was private. It was between him and Harry.
“There was this one night he came over later than he was supposed to because of work,” Draco said. The memory stirred some emotion. He hadn’t thought of it in a while. “He had this bloody huge takeout bag of Thai food.”
 * * *
He sets it down on Draco’s desk, takes out a container, and after toeing off his shoes drops sideways onto Draco’s bed with it and uses chopsticks to shovel in a mouthful of noodles. Draco watches this in awe.
“Want some?” Harry asks once he’s swallowed (small blessings). There’s grease around his mouth. “There’s a million other things in the bag but you have to get it yourself. I’m dead tired.”
Draco thinks of asking what the hell is going on, because they’re supposed to be fucking by now, but something stops him. Harry really does look exhausted but quite content eating his Thai food on Draco’s bed, and he doesn’t have the heart to berate him for it or remind him that they’re fuck buddies, not friends, and that if he’d wanted to eat and lounge about perhaps he should’ve stayed at home.
And the food really does smell good.
He gets up and fishes another container out of the bag that turns out to be some sort of heavenly-smelling marinated beef, which he brings back to the bed. Harry’s rolled onto his back and has the container of noodles balanced on his stomach.
“They thought they found a Horcrux on a raid,” he says. His voice is perfectly casual, but Draco thinks he can see something troubled in his eyes. He has one foot crossed over the other and  it’s bouncing anxiously; he doesn’t think Harry’s aware of doing it. “Wasn’t. Obviously.” 
“But they needed your expert advice to be sure.”
“Yeah.” Harry looks at him, then his food. “Is that the beef?”
“Yes it is.”
“Haven’t tried it yet.”
He opens the container and chooses a piece, but instead of lifting it to his mouth he follows some crazy impulse and hovers it over Harry’s instead.
“Open, Scarhead,” he says. Harry blinks but does it, and Draco drops it in. He smiles, then chews.
* * *
“We ate it instead of fucking. It was the first time I realised something had shifted.”
“And you let it shift?”
The question gave him pause. He didn’t answer right away, mulling it over. It made it sound as if he’d had a choice, and that wasn’t quite right.
“It already had,” he said finally. “It wasn’t a matter of letting it; by the time I noticed, it had already happened. Otherwise he wouldn’t have come over with the food.”
“But you did let it continue,” said Pansy. She wasn’t antagonising him, nor accusing him of anything. She looked amused, but not in a way that was at his expense. Pansy was both a twat and a fiercely good friend, the combination of which meant she would do nothing more or less than hold up a mirror and force you to look at yourself, gruesome as the experience inevitably wound up being. “Even after you realised he had feelings for you.”
Draco swallowed. He’d not heard it said aloud before now.
“Yes,” he said. “It felt good. Knowing he fancied me.”
* * *
Harry’s shameless in his staring.
He stands in the doorway of the ensuite bathroom and watches Draco like he’s been invited to do so. Draco pretends not to notice, stretched out in a tub full of bubbles facing the opposite way. There’s incense burning, and candles. Harry is completely silent, but Draco could feel those eyes on him from across a crowded hall.
They fucked a few hours ago and fell asleep afterwards. Draco pretended not to think about it, but had actually made the conscious decision to let Harry continue sleeping when he woke up and decided he wanted a bath.
When he can’t take it anymore he opens his eyes and tilts his head back and a little to the side, just enough that he gets Potter in his peripherals.
“Well?” he says. 
“Well what?”
“Join me, won’t you?”
Harry snorts. Then there’s a quiver of magic in the air, and a small, utilitarian chair appears out of thin air beside the tub. Harry sits down in it. He’s holding the joint they’d only gotten halfway through earlier. 
He’s in his jeans and nothing else, all limbs and sparse chest hair, and when he crosses a leg over the other one, elbow resting on his knee as he hits the joint, Draco feels a bone-deep attraction to him that’s beyond physical.
“May I?” Draco asks. Harry hands it over and Draco inhales deeply before returning it. The humidity of the room mixes with the smoke and the smell of marijuana, pungent and cloying like the flowers. 
After a length of silence, Draco says, “Will you read me something?”
“Will I what?”
He takes his wand from the floor and Summons a book from the shelf in his room — one of his poetry collections comes sweeping in through the cracked door and into Harry’s lap. Harry sticks the joint between his lips and starts rifling through it with his glasses all fogged up. 
When he starts reading Byron (“I had a dream, which was not all a dream”) Draco smiles and sinks deeper into the hot water and bubbles, letting Harry’s voice lull him into a pleasant stupor. 
 * * *
“So you led him on,” said Pansy. “Because you liked his attention.”
He stared at her, then let his gaze drop to his wine again. Had he?
“It sounds bad when you say it like that.”
“Well,” she said, smiling wryly, “I’m only saying it as you’ve told it to me. Maybe if it sounds bad, it is bad. Some things are that simple, darling. Unless there’s more to it.”
“Like what?” he said, not looking at her. There was a touch of pouty defiance in his voice he knew Pansy would detect instantly. He heard her sigh.
“What exactly happened yesterday, Draco? You didn’t give me any context.”
“What context do you need?” he muttered. “He told me he loved me.”
* * *
They’ve finished an entire bottle of wine between them. He’s not drunk, but he’s pleasantly buzzed. Harry’s sprawled on his back, T-shirt rucked up just below his navel so Draco can see the dark trail of hair leading below his jeans. There’s something implicitly erotic about the movement of his chest when he breathes, his hands folded behind his head, one leg stretched the length of the bed and the other bent at the knee.
He opens his eyes suddenly and grins when he sees Draco looking at him. 
“That wine just made me tired,” he says.
“So go to sleep,” says Draco. He takes a last swig, emptying it, and sets the bottle aside on his night table. He stretches his arms over his head and arches his back, yawning widely, thinking perhaps he’ll give into the tempting allure of sleep as well when Harry says, “I told Hermione about us.”
So he’s not sleeping, then. His stomach clenches hard and a completely irrational sense of panic rises in his throat.
“Us?” he says slowly, sitting up straighter. “What ‘us’?”
Harry looks at him upside-down, then rolls over and rises to his knees. He stares at Draco blankly.
“‘What us?’” he repeats.
“Yes,” says Draco. “What ‘us’?”
“Us,” Harry says. His voice is lower than usual. The word is starting to sound weird and lose meaning. “You and me, Draco.”
“‘You and me?’ Harry, there’s no you and me. We’re just fucking. What do you … what do you mean, you told Granger? Told her what?”
Harry looks … well, he looks fucking crushed. And angry. Draco forces himself not to look away.
“I told her I’d been seeing you,” he says quietly. There’s something … not threatening, but close to it, in his voice.
“Sure,” says Draco. “I see you three times a week, sometimes four. I s’pose if you feel the need to fill Granger in on everything you do with every second of your day —”
“Shut up, Draco,” Harry says. “You know what I meant.”
Draco glares at him. He gets off the bed, slightly lightheaded from the wine, horrified by the emotions welling up inside him right behind the panic, and he points at his bedroom door.
“Get out,” he says. 
“Are you serious?”
“Go!” he says loudly, voice rising. “If you’re gonna start turning this into something it definitely is not then get out of my flat, Potter.” As usual the window is open, but it’s the third of September and getting chilly finally and Draco’s Freesias and Freedom Roses started wilting last week. There’s a chilly breeze coming into that room that is utterly barren of the sweet smells of summer he associates with Harry these days. “It’s time we ended this anyway,” he says. “Summer’s over.”
“So?” From his position kneeling on Draco’s bed Harry shouldn’t feel imposing at all, but he does. There’s no sparkle of humour in his eyes, none of the softness Draco’s gotten used to seeing there. He looks like someone who’s realised they’ve been betrayed.
Worse than that. Someone who’s been betrayed and realises they should have seen it coming.
“What the fuck does summer have to do with anything?”
“Ever heard of a summer fling, Potter? We’re not ‘seeing each other’.”
Harry finally gets off the bed. Draco’s stomach clenches again, more painfully this time. He doesn’t feel bad, he tells himself — this is Harry’s fault. His fault for making a big deal out of something easy and fun and, most of all, temporary. For ruining this with feelings. 
 “That’s not what this was,” Harry says. It’s not an argumentative tone; rather, he sounds disappointed. Devastated, and disappointed. And that look of betrayal, like he’s surprised but not …  that  surprised.
That hurts. 
“This was as real as it gets, Draco,” he says matter-of-factly. “You and I don’t have the capability of doing anything as shallow as a fling.”
“Well, Potter,” says Draco, straining to maintain his level voice, “congratulations, because that is the most disgusting, romanticised, Gryffindorian piece of shit I’ve ever heard.”
“Yeah?” He grabs up his wand from the bedside table and stuffs it into his jeans pocket. “Well here’s another: I love you. You complete fucking prick.”
Draco stares after him as he leaves the room, cowed for the moment. He hears Harry take the Floo powder off his mantle, hears the fire start, and then the sound of Potter disappearing. 
And he feels hollow suddenly.
* * *
“And he said it completely out of the blue?” 
Draco set his wine aside. He was suddenly feeling too sick to put anything else in his body.
“Sort of,” he said quietly, avoiding her eyes. “He was trying to make something out of nothing. He was just making a point, trying to guilt me, I don’t even think he meant it.”
Pansy said nothing for so long that Draco finally looked up. She had an eyebrow raised.
“Do you really believe that?” she said.
Draco didn’t answer right away. He glanced at the bottle of wine on the table and thought about the way it always tasted a little sweeter on Harry’s lips.
“I don’t know,” he said. “No. But it doesn’t change anything. It was a summer thing, not a … a relationship, for crying out loud. Like I’d date Potter.”
“Why not?”
Draco scoffed. “Why not? Pansy, please. He’s a …”
“A …?”
“He’s an idiot! He’s Potter!  He’s …” He couldn’t think of the right word, something bad enough to express the audacity, the gall , for Potter to think even for a second  that they could …
“Draco Malfoy,” said Pansy. She was smirking. “You love him too.”
Had he felt sick before?  Now he was going to be sick.
“I never would’ve imagined it,” she went on, seeming to take pleasure from his outrage and humiliation. The bint. “Look at you, you’re blushing! Oh my god,” she laughed. And then she stopped laughing, and instead the weight of her own words appeared to descend on her. “Oh my god. You do, don’t you? You are arse over tits for Harry Potter —”
He was up and out of his chair before she’d finished the last word, absurdly,  embarrassingly on the verge of tears all of a sudden. 
“Draco —”
“I’m glad this can serve as your entertainment for the week, Pansy,” he said. A tear rolled down his cheek — could he be any more histrionic? — and he brushed it away furiously. 
“Draco, no —”
“Call Blaise, tell him!” he shouted. “You two can have a good laugh over it —”
“Draco  —”
“Poor Draco’s  fucked himself over again, what a stupid wanker!” 
Pansy got up. He slapped her hand away when she reached for him, but she only came at him again and grabbed it this time when he swatted at her, enfolding it in both of hers. He closed his eyes and hiccoughed and two more tears came.
“Darling, will you please listen to me?” she said softly. It sounded eerily like his mother, which only made him feel young and childish. He tugged his arm away and she let him go, but he didn’t move any farther away. “I am  not  laughing at you,” she told him. “Blaise might, but that’s because Blaise has a black hole for a heart, Draco, the only emotion he’s ever felt is disdain.” Against his will, Draco chuckled wetly. Pansy smiled and took his hand again, tentatively. He allowed it. “ I think it’s lovely that you have feelings for him. I don’t understand what’s got you so upset, I mean … I know it’s Potter, but we’re not teenagers anymore, right? Who cares?”
Draco exhaled a long sigh.
“He let my father go to Azkaban,” he said softly, looking into her eyes. He saw comprehension dawning. “How can I be with someone who could’ve saved my father’s life and chose not to, Pansy?”
“No one could have saved your father, Draco,” said Pansy gravely. His throat was tight, swollen. He hated that he was hanging on her words, looking for truth in them,  wanting to hear something that would make this okay. “He would have done the same thing if they’d let him go back to the manor. It’s not your fault or your mum’s or Potter’s.”
“But —”
“But what?” she cut him off sharply. “Draco, please don’t let your father keep controlling your life from the grave! My god, you deserve happiness, don’t you see that? Even if it’s Potter! In fact, I … I think that could be really good.”
“What, being with Potter?”
“Yes, being with Potter,” she said. “Darling, I say this because I love you: you need to grow a pair of bollocks and start taking control of your own life. I’m not finished!” she added when he opened his mouth to retort. “I understand that it feels like a betrayal of your father, I do, and I’m not saying you can’t have your cherished memories of him, but Draco … you cannot live your life in his shadow, doing things because it’s what he’d want or wouldn’t want. I think that choosing to explore these feelings you have for Potter is the bravest and healthiest thing you could possibly do for yourself.”
He stared at her for a long moment, eyes wet though the tears had stopped falling. 
“What if it doesn’t last?” he said finally. “What if next week he realises it was a huge mistake?”
“First of all, I doubt that,” said Pansy with a roll of her eyes that was clearly meant to be teasing. “You said you’ve been seeing him all summer, that’s plenty of time to have gotten sick of you. And, even if that did happen, I still think it would be entirely worth that week of being disgustingly in love.”
“Do you?” he drawled.
“Yes! I do!” She picked up his discarded wine glass from before and held it up. “Does the effect of alcohol last forever?”
“No …”
“Of course not! And we don’t expect it to. We expect to have fun while we’re drunk and it’ll last as long as it lasts.”
“Dating someone isn’t like being drunk, Pansy,” Draco said sourly.
“Oh, that’s not the point ,” she huffed. “We don’t do things because we know they’ll last forever, we do them because we want to. In the moment.”
“Sounds irresponsible.”
“Well, of course it is,” she scoffed. “Love is completely irresponsible, that’s the fun of it, Draco. Now take this,” she shoved the glass of wine into his hand, almost spilling it. “Drink up, and then get your arse over to his flat and fix this.”
* * *
Granger opened the door. Draco sighed.
“Hello, Granger,” he said lamely. Her raised eyebrows said she was surprised and thoroughly unimpressed by his appearance.
“Malfoy,” she said.
“Is Potter in?”
“I guess that depends.”
She looked at him, dark brown eyes impenetrable. Then she closed the front door behind her.
“What do you want?” she asked.
“To talk to him,” he said tightly. As if this whole thing wasn’t bad enough, now he had to pass a test to get past Granger the bridge troll. “I thought he told you —”
“He did,” she said flatly. “And about yesterday.”
“Well I’m here to apologise,” said Draco. Granger’s eyebrows lifted again. Still unimpressed. “And to tell him …” He sighed again and broke eye contact, willing himself not to give up, not to take this as a sign he should just go home and ream into Pansy for giving him such bad advice.
“Malfoy.” He looked up. Her voice was softer now, and her eyes seemed a little less hard. “What are you doing? You really hurt him, you know.”
“I know,” he said stiffly. “I said I’m here to apologise.”
“Well he doesn’t need an apology,” she said. “If you’re only going to let him down again —”
“I’m not.” He rubbed his forehead and looked at her again, exasperated, defeated. “I’ve … had some sense talked into me.”
She looked like it was the last thing she’d been expecting. 
“Have you?”
“Yes,” he said. “So would you please get him for me before I lose my nerve?”
It was the right thing to say. Her expression melted into something much softer and he fancied he even saw the beginnings of a smile.
“Can I ask who affected this change of heart?”
“Pansy,” he said. And, when Granger seemed taken aback, “She’s very wise when she feels like it.”
“I see. Well …” She still looked a bit conflicted, eyeing him and then putting her hand on the doorknob. “All right. I’ll tell him you’re here, anyway, but he was really hurt, Malfoy. I don’t know if he’ll want to hear it.”
“I’ll take my chances,” he said.
Granger eyed him another moment and then went back inside, shutting the door behind her. Draco only had to wait a minute before it was opening again, and this time Harry came out. The sight of him made Draco’s heart feel tender and sore.
“Hi,” he said.
“Hi, Potter.”
He waited to see if Harry would say anything else but he didn’t. He only stared at Draco expectantly, arms folded, in all ways closed off.
“I came to apologise,” said Draco.
“Well you can keep it,” said Harry. “I don’t need an apology because you told me the truth.”
“It wasn’t the truth, Potter,” Draco said quietly. “Opposite, really.”
Harry was silent. Then, “You made me feel like shit, Draco.”
“I know. I’m sorry. You freaked me out, springing it on me like that.”
A beat, then two, and then suddenly Harry was dropping his arms and sighing and he looked at Draco with so much vulnerability he nearly had to turn away from it.
“I didn’t mean to tell you …” He licked his lips, scratched his arm. It reminded Draco that beneath everything, Harry was still the same awkward dorky leader-of-the-losers he’d always been, just with a bit more confidence now and the title of Official Saviour of the Wizarding World. “I wouldn’t have said that if … I was just angry.”
He didn’t need to ask what Harry was referring to.
“I know.”
“Not that I didn’t … I mean, I … I do —”
“Please don’t say it again,” Draco said. Harry laughed.
“Right. I just meant … I really do have feelings for you, Draco. Like … mad, crazy feelings, y’know? I don’t want it to be a fling.”
“It wasn’t a fling,” he said. He moved a little closer and Harry watched him carefully, eyes flickering once down to Draco’s mouth. “I didn’t even sleep with anyone else the whole time.”
“Well that’s good to know,” said Harry sardonically. But he was smiling, so Draco found himself smiling tentatively as well.
“I wanna be with you, Potter. Properly. I thought …” But he shakes his head, deciding that now isn’t the time to explain about his father. “I thought it was a stupid idea. Now I realise that it probably is, but that I don’t really care much. I’ve decided to ignore my better judgment this one time.”
“That’s quite Gryffindor of you,” Harry commented drily.
“Yes, well.”
“So I go against your better judgment, then?”
“Potter,” Draco sighed. “Please, I don’t mean it like —”
“I’m taking the piss, Draco,” Harry cut him off. He reached for Draco’s waist and pulled him close, and before Draco could get his breath back from a short, surprised intake of breath Harry’s mouth was on his, warm and familiar and soothing. He brought his hands to Harry’s face and kissed back without bothering to hide his overwhelming relief.
Harry chased his mouth when he pulled away and Draco breathed out a laugh, holding him at bay with a hand on his chest. 
“We have plenty of time,” he said. “D’you wanna come over later tonight, after your friends leave?”
“What? No, come in.” He took Draco’s hand and gestured with his head towards the door. “Please. It’s just Ron and Hermione. They know everything.”
“Really?” Draco drawled. “And you think Weasley won’t try to kill me?”
“I promise not to let him,” Harry grinned. “Please, Draco. You said you wanted to do this properly, right?”
He thought of what Pansy said about being irresponsible, and decided it was worth a try at least.
“Okay,” he said. Harry beamed and tugged him inside.
Towards his ultimate downfall or towards the beginning of the rest of his life, he didn’t know. That, as Pansy would have said, was the fun of it.
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ebonyslasher · 4 years
I love your blog sm💗 can you do a funny scenario with Michael it can be anything i don’t mind lmao
Thank you anon!
To be a superhero
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"Imma need Batman to just kill these niggas, he already sending them to the hospital.”
You and Michael were watching Justice League Unlimited; a show that you used to watch religiously when you were little. This show started your mini-obsession in superheroes, and your loyalty to DC animated universe (we don’t take about the live action stuff). A few episodes from the first season go by, when you remembered what used to get on your nerves about the animation.
“.......Why they all leaning like they about to fall?” You ask, obviously not looking for an answer.
Michael doesn’t react to your question and keep watching the show. Another 2 episodes go by, the stances starting to bother you as time  goes by.
Why did they all stand like that? Why did every guy have the same pose? Granted, the women stood like that too. But, it wasn’t as apparent at the male superheroes. It looked so weird to you, they all looked like they were on permanent lean. You couldn’t watch the show without ignoring that.
You stand up, stretching your arms up into the air and then grabbing your phone from the arm of the couch.
“I’m gonna take a break from watching. I'm gettin’ tired at looking at those weird ass standing poses. Get’s on my nerves.” You go on to tell him he can keep watching as you leave.
Michael watches as you disappear from the doorway and slowly looks back at the tv screen. After you pointed it out, he does notice the standing pose of the superheroes. It did look weird, no human really stood like that completely still. As he watches on, he gets an idea that puts a smirk on his face.
He hasn’t messed with you in the past week, decompressing from his intense spree that lasted the week previous. The pose gives him the perfect way to get on your nerves. He pauses the episode and turns the tv off; he wants to begin practicing immediately.
Throughout the night, he goes into a clearing a bit behind the house and tries to perfect the stance. It wasn’t easy, but he found a way to balance with the tilt. Chest puffed up and out, transferring most of his weight to the bottoms of his feet while keeping his back straight.
Perfect. And it was all for you.
The morning after, he commits to doing the pose whenever he wasn’t moving. Even if you weren’t watching.
You notice the odd stance immediately. Seeing him looking into the refrigerator like that started to freak you out. Scrunching up your eyebrows in response, you walk past him to get a cup from the cabinet.
Michael is still standing there....not even looking into the open fridge. He’s staring at the closed freezer door. Unbeknownst to you, he was watching your reaction.
A bit worried, you ask, “ Michael....you good?”
He nods, closes the fridge door, and swiftly leaves you in the kitchen; confused as hell.
‘Man, what the fuck is goin’ on?!,’ You thought as you saw Michael do that scary ass pose for the 10th time today. It was driving you crazy; he was acting like everything was normal and that he always stood like that. No the hell he did not.
After the 11th time was when you finally figured out what the pose was. And it was from that fuckin Justice League show. He did that just to piss you off, and it worked.
It was time to go off.
“I know....you are not...with that wanna be smooth criminal ass lean...tryna copy that shit.”
Michael knew it was going down once you said ‘I know’ and was waiting with anticipation on seeing what type of stuff would come out of your mouth this time.
“Why??You’re built so much better than those niggas in the show!! Come on now! They built like fridges’ - is that why you was starin at the fridge all weird earlier. You think looking like a box is cute??”
You start pacing back and forth, trying to calm yourself down from really going in. He tilts his head, and that’s all it takes for you to
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You pull up a picture of superman in that pose just to show him what he looks like.
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“You wanna look like this? Like you went to Dr. Miami to get cinderblocks put in yo chest? That’s why that lean like that-shit is pulling them down. It’s a miracle they can even stand up, that stomach don’t match- where’s the organs sir? These government cheese ass shoulders-I could sit on top one one side and eat a meal on the other, on some table ass shit. And don’t! Get me started! on these bowling pin legs! Ya real enemy is a bowling ball-got you tremblin’ with those “between a rock and a hard place” knees. Tragic. How ya knees got a waist trainer? And the audacity of those flipper ass feet- I can’t.”
If Michael was a weaker man, he would have been on the floor with tears in his eyes; trying to catch his breath from scream laughing. But he isn’t so he just looks at you with wide eyes, lips trembling from smiling too hard.
He had a macabre sense of humor but he had to admit, you were hilarious. He drops the pose after that, leaving you to recover from your rant.
This man was gonna stress you the fuck out.
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probably-writing-x · 4 years
Guzmán x Reader
Request by @parkerschurros : Hi! I love your writing sm. If you are still taking requests could you do a guzman and female reader sort of enemies to lovers kinda thing where they’re sort of sassy to each other but it’s just jealousy/sexual tension and one of them catches the other flirting with someone else as a party and everything just comes out. Thank you so much!
- - - - - -
“You’re never going to win, Guzmán,” You roll your eyes, throwing another ball and sinking it into one of the half filled cups of beer.
“Don’t you remember what happened last time?” He cocks a brow, gulping the drink in one.
You let out a laugh, “You cheated, that’s enough to make you think you’ll win?”
“Enough for me to know I distract you,” He shoots a wink in your direction before throwing another of the balls and landing it on your side.
You and Guzmán had known each other for all of a few years and the entirety of that time had been filled with irritation, anger and arguing. He annoyed you more than anyone you’d ever met. From arguing in class, yelling at parties, prancing each other - you’d never ceased to stop that continuous battle that had never really had an obvious cause.
“Okay honey, I have places to be,” You smirk, landing the ball in the last cup on his side and finally ending this far too competitive game of beer pong.
“Cheers, love,” He grins, raising the cup in your direction before downing the drink.
You roll your eyes and head back away from him and into the crowd of people that had built around the party. Samuel was hosting and the cramped flat made it near impossible to stay away from Guzmán for too long.
“Hey (Y/n),” Omar smiles when he sees you, he was leaning against one of the kitchen counters with Ander beside him, “You look great by the way.”
“Thanks,” You grin, “As long as Guzmán doesn’t spill any drinks on me tonight, I should stay that way.”
Ander lets out laugh, “You guys are seriously impossible at this point, why do you hate him so much?”
You glance over to where his attention was focused on a girl you hadn’t met before. She was petite with bold features, slim and a fair bit smaller than him. Her brunette hair fell in formed curls around her shoulders and she shot him a smirk that told you she probably had intentions tonight.
“I don’t know,” You mumble in response to Ander’s question, thinking way back to the first time you’d ever met Guzmán.
- - - - - -
“With her times Guzman, she’s fast enough to beat you. If you seriously want to take on swimming competitively, you need someone to fight against. (Y/n)’s good enough for that and I won’t listen to you complain about it anymore,” His swim coach explains, grabbing his things from the side and walking out of poolside.
Guzmán grabs his towel from the bench and drags it over his face, “So what are you? Just here to prove to me that I’m a shit swimmer?”
“I’m just here to keep my scholarship,” You shrug, “I don’t particularly care if you’re a good swimmer or not.”
“Scholarship?” He scoffs, “So you’re just trying to keep up your image of being a Las Encinas kid? You’re like the rest of them?”
“I’m not like anyone. You trust fund babies wouldn’t know how to distinguish a poor kid from another one though, would you?”
“Watch yourself, (Y/n), okay?” He shakes the towel through his hair, “This place will eat you alive with an attitude like that.”
“I didn’t need your advice, Guzmán.”
“We’ll see about that, love.”
- - - - - -
“Maybe she doesn’t really hate him,” Omar nudges Ander and they both raise their brows at you knowingly.
“Oh relax,” You roll your eyes, “We’re not going through this again, we all know what happened with Lu.”
“Ahh you mean when she realised her boyfriend cared more about annoying you instead of being with her? When she started picking up on how he watched everything you did instead of focusing on a word that she said?” Omar laughs, “You’re telling me that’s equivalent to hating someone?”
- - - - - -
“Guzmán you’re late,” The professor points out the obvious as Guzmán strolls into the classroom, his hair still damp from the pool.
He takes the seat in front of you and you can’t help yourself when the opportunity is there.
“Don’t worry, I’m sure if you keep practising you’ll be matching my times soon.”
“You think I can’t beat you?” He turns around and focuses on you, yet to even pay attention to his so-called girlfriend sat beside him.
“You think you can?”
“Don’t pay attention to her, darling,” Lu brushes the lapels of his jacket and tries to turn him towards her, “She’s just trying to keep hold of that scholarship for all it’s worth.”
“If I beat you by the end of this year, you finally let me take you to the club with me. If not, and you somehow win, it’s your call, love.”
“Why are you so obsessed with getting me to the club?”
“There’s something so tragic about watching the princess lose her crown when the opportunity presents itself.”
- - - - - -
Your eyes fall back to Guzmán who’s still chatting away to the girl who’d taken his fancy. You’d spent years with a seething annoyance towards everything that boy did. From everything he said to everything he did - it’s like the two of you met each other for the sole purpose of finding someone who you despised.
Maybe it’s the alcohol in your veins but you find yourself thinking back to some different times with Guzmán. The boy had always encouraged you to be your best - never letting you get away with less. And, when it wasn’t him you were competing against, that boy was damn supportive.
- - - - - -
“Aiming for a personal best today, (Y/n)?” Guzmán calls as he walks along poolside.
It was a termly swim gala today and you were competing in the majority of races. You hated how it was split into females and males. Lord knows if you got the chance to swim against Guzmán at a time like this, you two would both put in excess effort to make sure you didn’t lose the crown.
“Aiming to beat your time,” You shrug, shaking out your limbs as you walk towards the podiums to start.
“Good luck, Princess. Don’t let that crown slip too far.”
Lu glared at you from her position on the podium only directly next to you, “Guzmán, aren’t you going to wish me luck?”
He tears his eyes away from his opponent to look at her for a split second, “Good luck, Lu.”
“I don’t know what he sees in you,” She mutters under her breath, evidently recognising the demise in her supposedly perfect relationship.
“He doesn’t see anything. I’m just competition.”
Maybe you don’t even believe it. Why did you two put so much emphasis onto each other instead of anyone else? Especially when he was in a relationship. When was the last time he focused that much attention onto Lu?
When the gun sounds, you dive in and it instantly feels like an instinct. You become completely unaware of everyone and everything around you. Though, when you breach the water, you find yourself focusing in on a specific voice above the rest.
“Go on (Y/n)!”
And that tone, normally so cocky and irritating, gives you that push to go just a little bit faster, push a little bit harder. Right until you touch the wall on your last length.
As you pop up out of the water and tread on the surface, Guzmán is instantly crouching on the side in front of you, grinning with some level of pride.
“Personal best!” He beams, “You’re really set on beating me, huh?”
“I’m set on staying well away from your so-called fun at the club.”
He laughs and shakes his head at you, clasping your hand like he would do to one of the boys, “Good job, (Y/n).”
- - - - - -
“Fuck,” You weren’t really sure at what point you’d decided to start walking towards Guzmán with evident intent.
You weren’t even sure when you’d left Ander and Omar. But here you were. Making a direct like towards Guzmán across the length of Samuel’s flat.
“Guzmán, can I speak to you?” You say, not caring about any of the words this other girl was saying to him.
He looks at you with a look between a frown and a smirk, “Is there a problem?”
He glances toward the girl and doesn’t care to say anything more as he follows after you to wherever you were leading him.
And somehow, you find yourself in the only empty room here. The bathroom.
“Is this where you try to kill me o-“
“I fucking hate you Guzmán.”
His face falls slightly, “Is that what you brought me in here for? Because I was having a nice conversation with... well I can’t remember her name but she seemed nice.”
“You’re infuriating!” You exclaim, “You literally make my blood boil, I don’t think I’ve ever met someone so irritating!”
“You’re hardly easy to deal with either, love,” He was getting defensive.
Sure, the two of you hated each other. But you’d never explicitly said it like this.
“And yet somehow, you’re the only reason I’m where I am. You force me to get up out of bed in the morning and train so I’m not falling behind. You make me keep my wits about myself and not let people take advantage of me. You make me say what I think and you provoke me beyond belief so I have to force myself to keep composure.”
He swallows the lump in his throat. This could go one of two ways and he was sure of the outcome that he wanted.
“You make me feel...something. Beyond high school drama and Las Encinas, you make me want to do better. And I hate you for it.”
“It’s your fault, you know?” He scoffs, “You’re the reason for all of that. I was cruising along just fine at school until you came along, I was the best swimmer on the team, I had Lu, I had everything. And then this scholarship kid shows up who’s faster than me, smarter than me, funnier than me, wittier than me. And all of a sudden, it felt like everything crashed and I just had to focus on her.”
It’s you that’s stumped now.
“Yeah, I might piss you off and wind you up and make jokes and shit,” He continues, “But it’s only because I fucking hate that you made everything in my life turn on its head. And, somehow, beyond all of that, you’re still this genuinely good, caring, conscious person. And it infuriates me because I don’t understand how someone can have all of... that.”
“Looks like we’re both to blame for each other’s demise then.”
“Something like that,” He scoffs, glancing down at his feet.
“I fucking hate you, Guzmán,” You let out those final words before you grab at his shirt and push him against the wall, uncertain as to what any sort of reaction from here would be.
He stumbles at first, mentally too, as he tries to muster any composure he had left in him.
“Always so competitive,” He mumbles, flipping you around so you’re now pressed against the hard brick and he looms over you.
“You told me if I beat your time, it was my call.”
“Then, what is your call, love?”
With that, your lips crash against his in a twisted battle for dominance, both of you not wanting to give in so quickly. It’s messy and your hands aren’t really sure where to go or where to be. But it works. It’s like every single neurone in your body fires at once and you’re electrified by a madness that lasts longer than any argument between you two.
His hands are all over your back as yours move into his hair until you’re both losing any power in your lungs. He pulls away, chest rising and falling in time with your own.
“That was your fault, love.”
You hum in response, “I didn’t hear any complaints.”
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shnuggletea · 4 years
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THE AWARD NOMINATED FIC CONTINUES! Now nominated for the 2020 3rd Quarterly Inuyasha fandom awards for best dark! This is the second time I've been nominated for best dark, you guys trying to tell me something? LOL! Maybe I should post a comedy soon? I do love writing a dark plot for Inuyasha though...
Speaking of posting fics, I have a couple up to bat for next. I was wondering if you guys would be interested in having a say? I could post the choices on Tumblr? If that is something you'd want or if you don't tumble and want me to post them in my ANs, let me know!
Thank you all for your support. Another nomination... I mean I was blown away with the first one! This really is a great Fandom. I had honestly considered leaving fanfiction completely until I entered this one. Now I want to stay! My originals are going to suffer but oh well I guess. I'm almost done with one original and I'm super excited about it! I might take a small break from originals once it's done and out to publishers to work on some fanfiction. I also still don't have a keyboard, typing on my screen currently. If I thought I had gorilla fingers before... Top of my list to finish, Daddy Issues (SM) and STYH.
Anyway, enjoy all!
Oh am I supposed to still tag? Idk if I am I think most of you have this bookmarked. @underwater0phelia @lavendertwilight89 @mamabearcat @nartista @nopenname22 @echobows @superpixie42 @smmahamazing @redflamesofpassion @jme-chan @cstorm86 @cicleydark-light @ruddcatha @lavaffair @kirrtash @sistasecbhere @inusgirl @obsessandfangirl @britonell @lordofthechips @mcornilliac @faolenwolf @classyhumanathletepalace @keichanz @phoenix-before-the-flame @artisticloveexpressitsall @lamuertadehambre @noyourenotreal @mitty-san @thenoammonster @little-deeluna @royaltrashpanda @sailorbabydoll92 @storyweaver2017 @malditamigs @adorabubblesblog @lilms-obsessed @petri808 @anniehcresta @fan-dumpp @itzatakahashi @utakuprincess @theschultinator @all-too-ale​ @little-inukag-obsessed @theseagullqueen @queenofthesquirps @inusgirl @jolinaaa00 Do you guys want me to tag you? For this and other things I post? Please let me know!!!
Chapter Eight
"Didn't...Inuyasha say something about a six-year-old?" Kagome asked, pulling a stool near and sitting to listen intently to Miroku.
"Inuyasha was six, living with his mother with no word from his father when he met Naraku. His father was never in his life and his mother didn't know a damn thing about demons. So when Naraku found Inuyasha and tried to pull him into his gang, Inuyasha cried as loud and as hard as he could about the bad man trying to steal him. Naraku fought back against the cops, of course, but this was around the time that anti-demon repulsion was coming into fashion. Naraku didn't know what hit him and it was all thanks to Inuyasha that the cops even knew what to use on the fucker."
"Okay.. so Naraku hates Inuyasha. With the looks around the yard, I would think that would be in his favor?"
Miroku huffed, "Yes and no. Naraku will crush anything that Inuyasha touches so no one touches him. And Naraku was one of the demons that helped in the purge."
"Hold on, is that what demon killer meant?"
"Yes. The purge of 06 was carried out by demons."
She felt sick, swallowing thickness beach down her throat. "Why would demons do that to each other?"
"Well, ones like Sesshomaru were promised their freedom. Which of course they didn't get. But Naraku… he did it for power. And the idiots that ran this place back then let him get away with consuming countless demons before cutting him off. He killed about a hundred demons and thirty humans that day."
"You were there?"
"No. I'm not that old! Geez, woman! No, my father was there. He was a guard once before his curse consumed him."
She brushed the back of his cursed hand. "It will consume you too?"
Miroku nodded and moved on quickly. A sore subject. "Inuyasha's reputation isn't helped by the fact that he put a lot of the demons in here."
Her head was starting to spin. "Inuyasha was part of the Anti-Demon Squad?"
"Ug. Always hated that name. So contrite."
"You were on it too?"
"Yes. We were partners. Hence why he tolerates me. But then the tables turned and we were the ones on the wanted boards. All because he has demon blood in his veins and my curse."
"I was thrown in here, too, for being different." They had a short moment of solidarity and moved on. "If you both hunted demons then why does no one hurt the people you touch?"
Without saying a word, he lifted his cursed hand and waved it. "I'm also not a half-demon. That's frowned upon by both sides apparently. Never bothered me. Who he's related to also doesn't help. Plus, I don't have Naraku gunning for me. Inuyasha never had a chance, getting thrown in here."
"Couldn't he have lobbied for a different prison? There are at least… three?"
Miroku shook his head, "the public wasn't told this, but after the purge, they knocked it down to one prison."
"But..but...that means…"
"All the caught demons are all right here in one convenient spot. Cuts down on funding"
"So if this place becomes overpopulated again…"
"Luckily new demons don't come in much anymore. With people like me and Inuyasha no longer on the force," Miroku gloated, "they don't catch that many anymore."
She huffed, "for such a good demon catcher, you'd think you'd avoid getting caught!"
"Yes, well, what do all humans end up getting caught up in no matter how hard they try?"
It took her no time at all to figure that one out. "You? And Inuyasha?"
"Inuyasha's girlfriend turned him in while I," he sighed heavily at the memory, "I was turned in by one hell of an enchantress."
Kagome had gotten caught saving the man she once loved. There was nothing she could say on the subject, she was just as pathetic as they were.
"Inuyasha is just trying to protect you the only way he can. If everyone thinks he hates you, they'll leave you alone. Although now I'm not so sure there's a point. Looks like Naraku has it out for you regardless. What did you do to get in his sights?"
Rolling her eyes and her stool away, she started straightening up to leave. "I took some blood. He didn't want me to but I didn't have a choice! The Warden was breathing down my neck. I don't regret it, doing it got me this infirmary and now I can do what I love, helping people."
"They're not people, Kagome. They're demons."
"Same difference!"
"No. Not really. If it weren't for the runes they wouldn't even need a Doctor."
"Well there are runes and I am needed."
"Runes or not, you're definitely needed here, Kagome."
She was still thinking it over, but now she was sure. A talk with the Warden was a necessity.
It didn't take as long as she expected for the Warden to find time for her, stopping by the infirmary. And he didn't give her a fight on her sleeping in there either like she thought he would. Either her argument, being ready even in the middle of the night to help and not needing much guarding like the demons in the prison, worked really well or Onigumo had other reasons. She didn't kid herself, the grin he wore the entire conversation told her it was the latter.
What he gained from her being here, she didn't know but she gained as well, getting away from Inuyasha.
Miroku's story that day had been nice, it was good to know someone in here had a heart. But it also showed her what having a heart did to people here. Inuyasha would forever suffer more than the other inmates. They could connect with others, maybe even fall in love and have some kind of life in here. Inuyasha could never have that.
So really, she was doing him a favor. Getting out of his hair would only make things easier for him. This way, he no longer had to force himself to care or not about her.
Inuyasha wasn't in the cell when she got her things, a few extra pairs of scrubs was all she had, and she was glad for that. The last thing she wanted to do was explain and see the relief spread across his face. Now a few weeks later and she almost never saw Inuyasha, proof positive that he was glad to be rid of her and she tried not to let it bother her.
It was a good thing, that didn't mean she was happy about it.
Now the keys to the infirmary were hers for good, locking everything away and pocketing the keys when the door opened. Koga was leaning heavily on one of his men, blood dripping to the floor. Pointing to the bed without a word, she got the needed items and pushed her stool to his side. His friend left, shutting the door behind him.
"What happened?"
Koga glanced at the wound like it was nothing, a long and angry line that continued to drip blood on the floor would be nothing but a scratch to a demon under normal circumstances. "Your friend attacked me."
"Excuse me?" Her disbelief was rolling off her tongue.
"Kagura. I think she was hoping for solitary. Wants to be back beside her man."
That actually made sense. Sesshomaru got a couple days a week out of solitary and those days were spent enjoying the cooler days outside or with Kagura. Usually both at the same time. It was really endearing, the cool-headed Sesshomaru falling at the feet of the hot-tempered Kagura. She should really have a conversation with Kagura, see if she could get her to come to the infirmary for a private meeting.
"Kagome," Koga grabbed one of her hands and stopped her work, "I'm glad we have a moment together like this. I wanted to give you another chance to think about my offer…"
She pulled roughly from his hold. "I told you, no. I don't need or want your protection…"
"Why? Because you have the Hanyou's?" She remained silent and Koga snickered, "He won't protect you. Not from everything. And he's nothing compared to Naraku, who has a hardon for you."
They both ignored the small jump in her chest at the mention of that name. "Naraku is locked away in solitary."
"For now. They let him out every now and then you know? Not as often as Sesshomaru, obviously. And there are other things to be protected from."
Kagome hadn't had many struggles since she'd been here, focusing on wrapping his wound instead of his words. Because they were false. "I'm fine."
"Of course you are! Because of me! The only reason you've had it so good is because I've kept you from the worst of it this whole time!" He shouted at the top of her head.
He was like a child, acting out when he didn't get the attention he wanted. So she didn't give him what he wanted, continuing to watch her hands. "I'd prefer it to being your woman. I know what happens to them."
Silence rang out for a few solitary moments. Then Koga took her hand again, stopping her work to her agitation. "It wouldn't be like that, Kagome. I… I like you. I want you to myself."
Throughout her life, Kagome had received a few confessions. Each time it was a shock. She never once thought of herself as someone 'wanted' or 'likable' like that. She was self-confident to a healthy level, but she never took the time to consider others romantically. Even Hojo, it took her some time to collect herself and give him an answer when he confessed. But, even though it was a surprise, she knew she felt nothing of the kind back to Koga.
"I… appreciate that. And your protection. But I can't give you anything more than friendship. I'm sorry."
Roaring, he got up at that, standing over the bed and her with a glare that had his eyes glowing. "You'll regret this, Doctor."
His continued immaturity was on full display as he stomped out. Kagome just found it annoying. She made it through her younger years unscathed only to get locked up and deal with bullies like this? It would be laughable if it wasn't so sad.
It started out small, the differences in 'life without Koga's protection'. Mostly just more kid's stuff.
The nods she used to get turned from grimaces to indifference thanks to Naraku, making the hazing that much easier to occur. Someone would walk by her at lunch and tug her hair. It hurt but it wasn't enough to scare her into Koga's arms. Next, it was shoving. In line for food, out in the yard, walking around in the halls. Then tripping.
All they were really doing was making her look and feel like a klutz.
Combine the three and it hurt pretty bad though, especially when they didn't let go of her hair until after she hit the floor hard. By now she knew who to look for too. And for some reason, it was Koga's women. That had her a little worried that things would only get worse and that he would eventually send his men after her. No way was she going to break though, she refused to be someone's bitch. She'd rather be beaten to a pulp.
Which was very likely to happen before Koga's pack went all out, his women clustering around her for another dose of 'life'. They had already gotten her in the cafeteria today but it looked like they were upping their treatment, coming up from behind as usual.
Hands on her back, she knew what was coming and stepped to the side. This didn't stop them from tripping her but it did keep them from getting a hold on her hair. Her long braided cord was still aching from when they tried to rip it from her head earlier. Her side step put her on a different path, one that had her colliding with another body once she lost her equilibrium. Or rather had it forced from her instead of lost.
It was the first time in weeks she hadn't face planted to the floor. Instead, her face was planted firmly in a chest that had hands wrapped around her biceps. "Oi watch where you're going!"
Slowly lifting her head, Kagome prayed she'd heard wrong but it was undeniable even before golden eyes glared down at her. She had successfully avoided Inuyasha since the day she moved into the infirmary. Three weeks of not seeing his molten orbs on her and now she was practically on top of him.
She wasn't a fool. He was avoiding her too. How else could it be possible, a large jail but not that large, that she didn't see so much as a wisp of his white locks disappearing around a corner? He wasn't avoiding her now, his hands still on her even as she got her bearings. His glare quickly passed from her to the women softly cackling behind her. Their laughter stopped but Kagome knew their hazing was far from finished.
The women moved on but Inuyasha still had his hands on her, slowly turning from holding to rubbing. "You alright?"
She shrugged off his question but not his touch, missing it more than she cared to admit. "I'm fine. Nothing I can't handle."
"Koga is trying to pressure you…"
"I know," she sighed, "he confessed to me a few weeks ago…" Inuyasha tensed but she ignored it, "I told him I just wanted to be friends…"
Now he laughed, the sound echoing off the walls and a few others that passed by. Inuyasha didn't seem to have any struggle being seen touching her all of a sudden. But there weren't many around to see this. "I wish I could have been there to see that!"
"You didn't need to be. Because he responded the same as he is now. Childish pranks and hazing. People are so immature here!"
"Demons," he corrected her again, "and most have been locked up in here since before puberty. They don't know how to act like adults." His hold dropped and he started to back away. "So how did kids in your schools act when they didn't get their way?"
She knew the answer and she didn't like it. "I get it. Any advice on making it stop?"
He was leaving her behind so she followed at a distance. "If Koga wants you to be his 'girl' then there's really only one way to make it stop. Unless you want to be his?"
Turning to look at her over his shoulder, Inuyasha teased her in a manner that had her wondering if he was actually curious. "Yeah, that's a big 'no'."
He chuckled, turning back around. If anyone were to watch them it would look like she was just walking behind him, not that they were having a conversation. "Then you gotta become someone else's bitch."
"Nope. No way. Forget it, I'll just take the hazing."
He stopped and spun to face her. "Even if that includes getting your bones turned to paste? Can't help others with only one arm."
"I'm a Doctor in a jail infirmary. Not a surgeon in the cancer ward. One arm will serve me well enough." His eyes went impossibly wide at that but she ignored it. "Can I pretend to be someones? Like you?"
Taking a step, he removed the distance between them. "I don't pretend."
Maybe he was trying to scare her? It was pointless, she didn't fear Inuyasha in the slightest. Of all the people here, he was the only one she trusted to the fullest. It was why her heart picked up its pace whenever he was close. The fact that he was drop-dead gorgeous didn't help though, his strong jaw flexing more the longer she held her ground and head up to him. Crossing her arms over her chest and hoping to muffle the sound, she took a slow and deep breath. Not to speak, but to breathe in his Earthy scent that she had missed.
He broke first, shaking his head. "No. Even faking a relationship with me would only bring you more trouble."
"Would it? Naraku already has it out for me. And everyone here may hate me but they won't touch me thanks to my Doctor status."
His mouth hung open for a moment, thoughts turning in his head. But then it slammed shut and he seethed. "Miroku."
"What else did that damn gossip tell you?"
She kept her mouth shut and shook her head. Anything else that Miroku had told her was more like hearsay, it didn't really tell her anything about the man before her. And she rather hear the details from Inuyasha when he was ready, not forced to explain.
"Doesn't matter. Things would only get worse if you associate with me. Which, you know or you wouldn't be living in the infirmary." His tone was accusing and she took great offense.
"I moved out so you'd have one less thing to worry about. Besides, I was tired of the angry puppy routine."
"Dog references. Nice." He said with a grimace.
"You're welcome!" She smirked.
She watched the corners of his mouth fight with him for a moment, wanting to smile but not before her so they ended up twitching. "You should talk to Miroku. I'm sure he'd looove to have you as his 'bitch'."
Kagome wasn't too sure about that but Inuyasha knew him better than she did. Giving him a nod, she expected the 'conversation' to end. Except Inuyasha reached up and gently pulled the small elastic out of her hair. She never asked how but Kagura had given her a few from her 'stash' of hair supplies. And now it was around Inuyasha's wrist like a bracelet.
While her hair still maintained its shape, it was only a matter of seconds before it completely unfurled. That wasn't fast enough for Inuyasha, carefully loosening her strands until they fell apart, a long cape down her back. He stared at her for a few more heart-pounding seconds, breathing in deeply like she had moments ago when he got close and her lungs weren't restricted from his actions.
"Just wear your hair up and out of reach. It won't be much longer till they cut it off like a trophy. Probably what Koga wants them to do the most."
Swallowing hard, she kept her eyes on his, watching as he looked all around her face, neck, and shoulders. As if drinking her in. "What would he do with something like that?"
Instead of answering her question like a normal person, he reached over and took a handful of her hair. Then pressed it to his nose as an example, closing his eyes as he breathed in her scent deeply. It confused her body because she really liked him smelling her, oddly, but that mixed with the image of Koga doing the same thing. Inuyasha was a dog and Koga a wolf. So although different, they would have many things in common like their addiction to smells. If Kagome went by Inuyasha, she must smell really good to those with sensitive noses.
Suddenly, he dropped her hair and stepped back. She had forgotten that the distance between them wasn't the norm, feeling the heat of his skin on hers he was so close.
Turning on his heels, Inuyasha shoved his hands into his pockets and quickly moved away from her. "Just make sure it's a fake relationship with Miroku."
He called to her, not turning to speak to her as he was too busy getting as far away as possible. Inuyasha was out of sight when she realized he didn't get her back her hair tie.
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jaehyunspeachparty · 5 years
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The tour - [part 3]
You knock excitedly on Jaehyun's hotel door. It didn't take long for someone to open it, but it wasn't the person you expected. "Jaehyun this is for you." Taeil stood in front of you and grinned broadly. In the background, you can see Jaehyun coming over and suddenly grinning too. "Fine, I'm going to go to Haechan." Taeil sighed and took his things. You didn't want him to go because of you, but he was already out of the room. "Why do I have the honor that you are visiting me and why are you so happy?" Jaehyun closed the door and leaned against it. With your eyes wide open, you take the paper bag, which you were holding the whole time and put it in front of his eyes. "Good coffee is the reason." You left the bag in his hands and took off your shoes so that you could sit on his bed. "You really hate the coffee here." He followed you and looked into the bag. You shrug your shoulders and wait for him to open the things. Jaehyun pulled out a French press and a pack of ground coffee. "I'm more of the type for the Bialetti espresso maker, but here in the hotel, we can't have a stove. That's why a French press is needed." You get up excitedly and point to the coffee pack. "I bought it all because I have coffee from France here. My life is saved." You hug Jaehyun with joy and he started laughing. "I always thought Johnny was obsessed with coffee, but you're a whole new level." He opened the French Press and shook his head. "Do you still have time? Are we going to have a coffee?" Like a small child, you hang on his sleeve and bounce up and down. "Yes, I have enough time." He couldn't stop smiling. "Very good, because I've never used a French press before." You take the instructions out of the packaging and try to study them. But Jaehyun took it from your hand and put it back. "Don't worry I know how to do it. I'll show you." He smiled and removed a spoon and the kettle from the cupboard. In the meantime, you open the coffee and inhale the chocolate scent. The scent reminded you of your father and you get sentimental about the thought when you spent the last summer with him in France. He had sent you the coffee pack when you complained about the terrible coffee for almost 20 minutes during the last phone call. "You are a junkie." Jaehyun rolled his eyes when he saw that your nose was deep in the coffee pack. "Leave me. Everyone has their problems." You wink and put the coffee pack aside again. Jaehyun stood close behind you and started to explain everything to you.
"Okay, so you take about three tablespoons of the coffee and put them in the French press." His voice suddenly became very calm, deep and he was so close to you that you could feel his breath on your neck. Your body tensed and you notice that your pulse rose. "Okay and now fill it up with the hot water." You take the kettle and start filling the French press with it. But Jaehyun suddenly took your hand and pour the water in with you in a circle. "It's better that way. Don't ask me why, but Johnny said that's important." He didn't let go of your hand and when the French press was full, he put the kettle beside you. When his hand released from yours, you can still feel the warmth of his skin. You were still completely electrified by his touch and your mind was starting to go crazy. "And now we wait for a little." He whispered and you feel his body even closer to yours. You suddenly felt so hot and you didn't know why you suddenly became so nervous. But somehow you enjoyed his presence. "Okay, then we have to stir the coffee now so that the flavors spread better." You follow his instructions and take the spoon to stir. It was so quiet between you during this time, you can still feel his breath and you didn't know how to react to the tension. "Okay and now the lid." His voice was so gentle, so calm, it was like a melody to you. "We'll let it stay for 5 minutes now." Now he turned away to set a timer on his iPhone. Somehow you were relieved that he was keeping a little distance from you. The tension had already become too much for you. Meanwhile, Jaehyun sat on the edge of the bed and looked up at you. "Today is our last concert in America. Are you going to watch it?" You had to admit that most of the time you had so much to do that you never actually got to see their concert. "I'm still in Europe with you guys. I'll take a look at it then." You lean against the edge of the table and look at him. "But the concert is bigger here. Come watch it." He bobbed his foot up and down impatiently and you realize that it seemed important to him. "Okay okay. I'll take my time." You smile and Jaehyun jumped up to you immediately. "Very good. You won't regret it." And at that moment he was suddenly so close to you that you could not breathe. You didn't know how to react and his eyes were so deep in your eyes that you could only hear your own pulse. What was this tension? What was that between you? Why do you enjoy his attention so much? Why did you get nervous about his touch? But your thoughts got interrupted by the timer rang and his body was again away from you. "Perfect. You have to push it down slowly now." Jaehyun was standing next to you and you followed his instruction while brewing two cups. Somehow you had the feeling that he was staring at you, but you didn't want to look at him since your mind was already crazy anyway. When you were finished, you poured the ready coffee and smiled proudly. "Ahhh it smells so good." Jaehyun grinned and took the cup. He sniffed it again and when you took the cup, he makes the first sip. It didn't take a second and his eyes widened. "And?" You were really excited and you were excited to see how he would react. "Wow, that is incredible. If we are in France, I have to get one like that." He took another sip and you are so happy that he liked it. He keeps drinking and you watch him. It was fascinating. His style, his looks, his skin, his laugh. Everything was special about him and at that moment you weren't sure if you might have a little crush on him. But you had to drop the thought immediately because he had a girlfriend after all. "What?" He put down his cup and laughed. You look at him questioningly. "You stare at me. Do I have something on my face?" He touched his chin and checked your reaction. You freeze at that moment and you didn't know what to say. Maybe I have a crush on you but you have a girlfriend? That would be ridiculous. "I bet you were once a really cute kid." You sit on the bed and grin at him. "How do you come up with that?" He sat down next to you and looked irritated at you. "I don't know. You with your dimples." You poke his cheek and giggle like a pubescent girl. Why it was so difficult for you to behave normally with him? "You are really obsessed with my dimples." He laughed and leaned his shoulder against yours. "Well, you are my dimple boy." You turn your face to him and suddenly you were so close to him again. His deep brown eyes hit you right in the heart and you could feel your heart almost leaping out of your chest. What was wrong with you? It didn't just feel like a harmless crush anymore. You can feel his breath on your nose. You feel your shoulder on his. He was warm, he smelled so good and you feel so comfortable with him. Should you dare? Should you kiss him? You look up at him and when your faces were so close, someone knocked on the door. Jaehyun immediately moved away from you and looked at his iPhone. "Shit. This is my manager. It's so late." And from one moment to the next, that special moment was gone and it was as before. Jaehyun was gone and you had to work. But this time you had to watch the concert.
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That evening you took the time to see the whole concert. You were thrilled because you could see how professional the boys were. Everyone was amazing and you were amazed at how great Jaehyun's voice was live. He might have sung short verses in front of you, but at the concert, you could see his variety of voices. The concert was an experience. You have never seen anything in your life like this before and you understand the hype more and more. But in the end, you were needed and you had to go backstage again to continue your work. You went into one of the dressing rooms where two of the makeup artists were sitting and you sat down on a table to quickly work through everything because you couldn't wait to go to Jaehyun to tell him how great you found the concert. Somehow you were really excited to see him. So you continue your work and you hear that the two women started chatting. Ever since your boss was so keen on K-pop, each of the event managers had Korean lessons. Your boss really invested a lot of money in there. So far, you couldn’t use it and it was just fine because most SM employees just talked about everything in front of you in English. Actually, you shouldn’t eavesdrop on other conversations, but you love tea and you could practice your Korean. It became interesting when two of the make-up artists talked about the boys. And – oh boy – there was a lot of tea. "Have you ever slept with one of the idols?" It seemed that one was still quite new in the crew. "Yes." The other said this as if it were self-evident. "Really? Who?" The other one became really curious and so did you. You had to be careful that it didn’t seem too obvious that you were listening to their conversation. "Lucas." The girls started to giggle. "And how was it?" "Hmmm ... not so exciting." Her enthusiasm was really limited. "Oh really?" The other one was almost disappointed, after all this excitement. "But there are a few hoes under NCT. Two should be really good in bed, so I've heard that, but they only sleep with idols." "Who is it?" You were glad that the other one asked because you wanted to hear it too. You became so curious that you can’t stand the tension. "One is Johnny." "Oh really? I thought he is more the boyfriend guy." That's what you thought too, but you've been wrong about those guys many times. "I think he is, but now he's living his idol life. Women are really attracted to his charisma. He's so exotic for them, but he's still Korean." You had to agree because Johnny was really personable. You could understand that women were subject to his charm and understandable that he was now living it. "Okay, and who is the second person?" You were also curious who it could be. You only knew the guys from NCT 127, but you could still imagine that it is perhaps Taeyong, maybe Mark, his insecurity could also be a good match for girls (especially young girls). "Jaehyun." When one of them announced it, you had to hold yourself back so that you don’t show any reaction. It surprised you because he didn’t give you this vibe. “What? Really? He has a girlfriend, right?" The colleague was just as shocked as you. But somehow you were also shocked and you realize that your heart stopped short. “Yes, he is together with his girlfriend for one year. But he's cheating on her constantly. He's very popular with the girls. Many idols want to meet him, but I saw it myself when he fucked with an idol from a very famous girl group in the wardrobes." You still couldn’t believe that was true. Somehow you were disappointed with him, though you really couldn’t have cared. But now you understand what Jaehyun meant at your first meeting under "mistakes". "Oh wow, but if you look so good and have a choice, then you can’t really be faithful."You couldn’t believe that you had just heard it all this way. You didn’t know how to face Jaehyun now. "I'm curious who is Jaehyun next “victim”. After all, his girlfriend is not here." The women began to giggle. "Well, I wouldn’t mind a one-night stand with Jaehyun." They started laughing again. But then the other one became serious. "Well, if it were that easy. The guy is high level, and he's just make out and fucking with the best and most beautiful people, just like other idols. We're just not relevant to such people." One sighed and you keep trying to keep your composure. "Should we get a coffee?" The other colleague suggested this and the two then went out of the room. But you couldn't concentrate anymore. You always had to think about what the women said. You didn't know what to feel, but it didn't feel good. Somehow you were disappointed. NO! Jealous. NO! Angry ... oh, you didn't know what to feel anyway. You fold down your laptop and let out a silent scream while laying your head on the laptop. Why is your heart racing so fast? Why do you feel it all? But then you try to get your composure again and try to forget it all. Why should you listen to rumors? You try to calm down a bit, but your concentration was gone anyway.  You take your things and want to go, but then Jaehyun came towards you. He was wearing his cap backward, was sweaty, but still looked very good. "Hey, how did you like the show? You watched it, right?" He smiled excitedly and held your upper arm. It was almost like he knew you wanted to run away quickly. "Yes, I saw it." You stutter and look unsure at the ground. But before you could say anything more, a group of people and Johnny came to you two. "Jaehyun we still have to take a picture." His manager waved to him and everyone was preparing for the photo. Johnny was dressed like Jaehyun, just as sweaty and wear a cap like Jaehyun. You watch the two position themselves and pose for the photo. And somehow you realized it. You just couldn't see it the whole time. Here they were, two fuckboys. They looked so confident and almost a little conceited. You didn't want to do this to yourself anymore and just try to disappear as quickly as possible.
You do the rest of the work in your room, but you decided afterward to go to the bar, even though it was quite late. But you still couldn't turn off your thoughts. Sleeping wasn't an option anyway, and a little martini wouldn't kill you. The bar downstairs was relatively full for the time and almost everything was occupied. The whole staff from the concerts celebrated that the America tour was over. You sit down on a small table on a bench. It took ages for you to get the martini, but when you could take the first sip, your body relaxed. You sit back and watch the people. You have been with these people for so long and yet they were so strange to you. You argue and talk to them every day, but they weren't interested in friendship. It was okay, but sometimes boring. And suddenly a person came into the room and he clearly stand out from the mass. It was Doyoung. From time to time you talked for a bit, a little small talk, but that's about it. You watch him. He was tall and slim. He greeted a few people and tried to order a beer. And when he got it, he looked around and didn't know which group to go to. He looked like a little puppy and when his eyes brushed yours, you smiled. You notice that he hesitated for a moment, but then he came to you. "May I sit next to you?" He smiled and you nod. He slid onto the bench opposite and took a sip of your beer. "I watched your concert today." You put your glass down and use your toothpick where the olive was on to stir in your martini. "And did you like it?" His eyebrows went up and he smiled in surprise. "Yes." You had to admit it, it was really unique. "I've seen a few concerts because of my work, but this was a completely different class." You notice that Doyoung was flattered and he looked down at him a little ashamed. "Thank you. It was a lot of work." He took another sip of his beer, but this time it was much bigger. It was quiet between you twp and Doyoung didn't dare to look at you anymore. "You work very hard don't you?" Your voice was very tender, very gentle. Almost like a mother to her child. And somehow it worked on him and his face slowly got color and he looked up at you. "Yes. It's a tough job." There was so much seriousness in his voice that it almost frightened you. You didn't even know a bit how hard they worked, but you appreciate what you knew. "And is that what you want?" Of course it had to be. You couldn't imagine anything else. You had seen the past few days and weeks how the managers dealt with the idols. The tone of the employees was very different. Sometimes it frightened you. "Well, it somehow became my dream." He played thoughtfully with the glass rim and you could see him digressing with his thoughts. But after a few seconds, he came back to himself and tried to continue your conversation. "What is your dream? Would you like to run your own company?" He looked into the eyes and smiled very gently. "No, it's not that. I know that sounds cheesy, but my dream is to be a mother. It has always been within me and I always dream of a big family. I don't care what I work as long as I have my children in my house." In fact, you hardly tell anyone that this is your dream. Sometimes you have been convicted of wanting to become a mother. Some women looks down on you and look at you as if you were breaking the feminist code. You love your job, but there is always something in you that longs for children. You thought Harvey would be the man, but over time you realized that he wasn't suitable as a father. "It's not cheesy. It's a nice dream." Doyoung smiled and it seemed as if he could meet you honestly for the first time.
It was pleasant to have a conversation partner that evening that you could open up to. Doyoung was attentive, intelligent and showed a lot of empathy. And somehow you could talk to him about a lot of things. It was like talking to an old good friend who you hadn't seen in years. "There you are!" Suddenly a group of boys was at your table and spoke to Doyoung. It was Yuta, Johnny, Haechan, Taeil and ... Jaehyun. You don't dare to look at him, because how could you, after hearing all of this? "Come there is a bigger table free. Let's sit over." Taeil gestured to the next free table and Doyoung looked at you. Apparently he had also enjoyed the conversation and he looked a little disappointed, but you nod and sit down with the boys on the larger, round table next to you. Jaehyun was sitting right across from you and you can see him looking at you. And suddenly you were uncomfortable. You felt like the next victim for his prowl. You weren't such a girl that someone seduce for one night and then forget her. With every man you've slept with, you've loved. You surely won't let a "fuckboy" take that away from you. He just managed to get back into your thoughts. You couldn't follow the boys' conversations because you always had to think about what the girls said. "Y/N. What do you mean?" Haechan rip yourself out of your thoughts and you look around irritated. Apparently they had asked you something before, but you were so lost that you hadn't noticed. "Hmm?" You take a big sip with your eyes wide open and wait for them to repeat the question. "Which of us looks best? We need an opinion from someone outside." Haechan grinned cheekily and leaned back. You were a little surprised by this question because you didn't expect it. You look around in confusion and don't know what to say. Haechan stared at you all the time as if he knew something. Did Jaehyun tell him anything? "Just leave her. It doesn't always have to be about looks." Doyoung rolled his eyes and leaned back. "You only say it because you know you'll lose. Come on, don't be shy Y/N." Yuta grinned and leaned curiously over the table. "Guys, I don't think that's a good thing." You were already a little bit tipsy by now and the next sip of your martini didn't make it any better. "Come on, we don’t blame you." Johnny winked and looked at you curiously. "Just say it." Jaehyun leaned back and his dimples appeared. He seemed confident of victory, since you had hinted to him several times that you thought he was handsome. But you were mad at him. You were angry, jealous, sad. You didn't know why you were so offended. Maybe because you thought he was someone else. You didn't want to give him this satisfaction. You look at him and see how confident he was. He knew you would choose him and you no longer knew what to say and do. You take another sip of martini and decide to hurt Jaehyun. "Doyoung." When you have said the words, you keep staring at Jaehyun. The corners of his mouth went down and he also stared at you. You hear the other boys talk and were surprised about the result, but you couldn't hear anything of them. You were focused on Jaehyun and you couldn't let go of him in your thoughts. "Guys, I think I'm going to go to sleep. I'm pretty done from the concert." Jaehyun got up and pats Johnny’s shoulder before leaving. You are considering if you should run after him and talk to him. But you decide to stay seated. You kept drinking your martini and you were convinced that you had done the right thing. But fate sometimes predetermined other ways...
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bltngames · 4 years
SAGE 2020: Fan Games
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I’d hoped to have this article out a little bit sooner, but I overestimated how long it would take to write about some of these games. Whoops! Like I said when I outlined the posting “schedule” on the first day, we’re playing it fast and loose, so this is just what you get.
Today is the day I talk about fan games! And even though SAGE has “Sonic” right there in the acronym, it’s always hosted fan games from all types, so today we’ve got Mega Man, Mario, Rayman, and even fan games of fan games, if you can believe it.
Sonic Pinball Panic!
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Pinball is one of those things where I’ve always been obsessed with it, but never very good at it. And now, with access to digital pinball collections like Pinball Arcade and Pinball FX, I don’t actually find myself playing as much pinball as I thought I would when I was 14 years old. Still, I find myself fascinated by a good pinball table, and this honestly caught me off guard. This could very easily be an official DLC release for one of those aforementioned pinball collections and I wouldn’t even bat an eyelash (in fact, if you ask me, this is better than Pinball FX, which has always had weird ball physics). This looks, sounds, and functions exactly like a real pinball table should. My complaints are minor: for starters, the table feels kind of easy. I’ve never been a pinball wizard, but I was losing balls left and right here and it still took a good 15 minutes before I finally got a game over. Score accumulation is also pretty slow; most pinball tables will dump millions and millions of points on you, but here, it felt like a struggle just to reach the 379k I finished with. Both contribute to the fact that the table feels a little flat, like it’s missing a spark to really put it over the top. And, third, it would be nice if it had controller support. The keyboard works just fine, here (it’s just pinball, after all) but I find that the triggers on a controller feel really good with pinball flippers, and mapping the plunger to the right stick is great, too. This is a Unity game, so I wouldn’t think it’d be that hard to hook it up to the controller mapper. Still, I came away impressed.
Mega Man: Perfect Blue
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There are two things out there that always give me pause: fan-made Doom level packs, and Mega Man fan games. Fan made gaming content generally has problems when it comes to difficulty balancing anyway, but these games have earned a certain reputation for their difficulty, which creates a problem when you have content made by fans, for fans. This insularity means these things are usually way too hard for what I would consider “normal” people (read: casual fans and outsiders). Add on to the fact that I’d even say that there are official Mega Man games with bad difficulty balancing, and you have a recipe for frustration. Sadly, this is how I’d characterize Perfect Blue: though this introductory level isn’t impossibly hard, it’s definitely pushing that edge where it’s not very accommodating to someone who hasn’t played and finished every Classic Mega Man game ever made. It almost immediately throws you into scenarios where you have jumps you can barely reach, insta-kill spikes, and enemies that not only actively dodge your shots, but invincible enemies that launch counter attack homing missiles. And then it starts making you juggle all of this stuff, together, at the same time. None of this is insurmountable as long as you’re paying attention, but as a very casual Mega Man fan, it’s an unfriendly first impression and makes me worried about what the rest of the game is going to be like as the challenge naturally ramps up. For those hardcore Mega Man fans among you, the rest of this is solid, at least. The presentation and controls are excellent, and the new sprites are beautiful. It’s a game I’d love to enjoy when it’s done… but I’m assuming I’ll be left out in the cold. A shame, really, because there’s so much promise here.
Sonic and the Mayhem Master
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There’s a lot to like about this game, but there’s a part of me that really wonders if this should even be considered a Sonic fan game. Mayhem Master’s depictions of Sonic and Amy Rose are atypical to put it mildly. Here, Sonic seems to be a bookish nerd of sorts, a sidekick to Amy Rose, who has been turned into a burnt out, cigar-smoking detective. Most of the game plays out as half an adventure game, half an RPG, where you roam around the world talking to NPCs and gather clues while being assaulted by random battles. The battle system is super off-the-wall, too, perhaps taking inspirations from games like Mario & Luigi and Undertale. This means that battles aren’t passive -- you spend most of each fight dodging or nullifying incoming attacks with simplistic action-based commands. It’s weird, and different, and occasionally even a little bit overwhelming. That’s kind of the whole game, really. It’s the sort of thing that really doesn’t feel like a Sonic game at all, but it also doesn’t feel bad. The artwork is very charming, I’m interested in seeing the characters develop, and there’s plenty of worldbuilding and mystery. Would this still be as intriguing if you removed the Sonic connection, even if it’s so threadbare? That’s a hard question to answer. I know that some of my interest in this game is seeing how it spins more familiar Sonic elements into something that’s completely different. Worth checking out, for curiosity’s sake if nothing else.
Sonic and the Dreamcatcher
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This is a fairly brilliant little game with two unfortunate quirks. If you didn’t know, the special stages in the original Sonic the Hedgehog were inspired by an arcade game of the era called Cameltry, published by Taito in 1989. Now, Sonic’s special stages were different enough from Cameltry that it wasn’t a case of Sega outright stealing the gameplay, but there’s a clear lineage there, and it only becomes clearer when you compare the special stages in Sonic 4 Episode 1 to Cameltry (spoilers: in that game, they’re nearly identical). Dreamcatcher is also from this lineage, but is infinitely more charming than either Sonic 4 and maybe even Cameltry itself. The idea is that you must collect a specific number of blue spheres in order to reveal the Chaos Emerald, after which you have a limited amount of time to find and collect it. It’s very simple, but the presentation really sells the game’s charm. It’s just a game that looks good and sounds good, with an interesting premise executed very well. Also, you get a dedicated “& Knuckles” button to spawn infinite Knuckles to help you collect blue spheres and bash enemies. Being able to have unlimited numbers of these guys sounds like it would break the game, but once that countdown clock begins, the last thing you need is 20+ echidnas clogging up the route back to the emerald. The first quirk this game suffers from is that there’s only two levels. Parts of this have a very “game jam made in a weekend” vibe to it despite the rock-solid music, sound, and gameplay, and only having two levels contributes to that. Hopefully more are coming in the future. The other quirk? You can’t actually download this game -- it’s embedded in a webpage. I’m sure this is to make it easy to play on any platform with a web browser (phones, PCs, etc.) but I find myself greatly desiring a hard copy of this game that can live on my computer forever.
Sonic Galactic
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Now here’s just a good old fashioned Sonic fan game. Though it clearly takes inspiration from Sonic Mania’s aesthetics in some places, it’s clearly doing its own thing, featuring not just the core cast of Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles, but also Fang the Sniper, and even a brand new character named Tunnel the Mole. Unlike a lot of Sonic fan games at SAGE, this appears to be using something besides Clickteam Fusion, Game Maker, or Unity. Here, it’s the “Hatch Game Engine,” whatever that is. Whatever the case may be, the game runs very well and is basically indistinguishable from just playing Sonic Mania. Visuals are sharp, music’s good, the two included boss fights are surprisingly fun to fight -- everything seems to be in order. As a result, there’s not really a lot to say. This is just a good, fun game. Anything else I’d say would come off sounding like nitpicks. For example, there’s no way to set graphics options yet, so the game is stuck in 2x Windowed mode. Fang and Tunnel are cute additions, but I wonder how much utility they have as characters. Unless I missed something, Fang’s pop gun is mainly for a weak double-jump ability, and Tunnel’s ability to dig and ricochet off floors, walls and ceilings is cool, but it doesn’t have quite the universal utility of Tails’ flight or Knuckles climbing and gliding. It’ll be interesting to see how or maybe even if their abilities have a chance to grow into something special. Anyway, like I said, those are nitpicks, so try to give this a shot if you can.
Sonic Robo-Blast!
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Remasters seem to be a bit of a theme this SAGE, between Sonic Triple Trouble 16-bit, Sonic 2 SMS, Sonic 1 Revisited, but this is perhaps the most surprising of them all: a loving remaster of the original Sonic Robo-Blast. SRB1 was perhaps one of the first true “landmark” fan games, given that it was basically a whole entire game that people could play. It's not a stretch to say that SRB1 probably helped kickstart the fan gaming community that still survives to this day -- I certainly owe my involvement in the community to seeing SRB1 for the first time. The problem is, as historically significant as the game might be, it’s nearly impossible to go back to nowadays -- it’s much, much too dated to be any fun. This remaster completely re-envisions SRB1 as a regular Sonic game, while also pulling in gameplay elements from Sonic Robo-Blast 2. It’s a bit of a time paradox mindwarp, but it helps give it a bit more personality than just making a bog-standard 2D Sonic. It works, aided by the fact the sprites, music and overall presentation are fantastic. The only downside is the Act 2 boss, which commits the cardinal sin of taking away player agency and making you wait around far too much. Here’s hoping this gets finished, because it’s definitely on my radar now.
Super Mario Flashback
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This has been floating around for a few years now and I’m glad to see it’s finally starting to get some more substantial content as it moves towards becoming an actual game. That being said, this is also one of those games that’s kind of hard to talk about because it’s just… really polished. The art is incredible, it controls exactly like a Mario game, and there’s already a decent mixture of ideas at play in the demo. Anything else I’d say would sound like nitpicking -- like, for example, the backseat game designer in me wonders if maybe the game is prioritizing aesthetics a little too much. This is a wonderfully animated game, absolutely gorgeous, but some actions, like the butt-stomp and the wall kick, feel a bit sluggish, and I think it’s because they show off fancy animations. Even if it’s a split second, waiting for Mario to attach to a wall to kick off of it feels slow. Really, though, that’s an insignificant complaint. This demo is still well worth checking out.
Sonic Advance 4 Advanced
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This game seems like a greatest-hits of Dimps best ideas, spanning the first Sonic Advance all the way to Sonic Rush. There’s just one problem: the game seems broken. Now, my desktop PC is starting to show its age. I built it four and a half years ago, and though it can handle game like Gears of War 5 on high settings at 60fps, slowly, newer games seem to be leaving it behind. That being said, I don’t think a game like Sonic Advance 4 here should be running at what appears to be half its intended speed. It also originally launched in a teeny-tiny window (we’re talking, like, smaller than a postage stamp) and even though the options menu has a toggle for full screen mode, it doesn’t want to work. Something about this game under the hood seems to be struggling very, very, VERY hard. It’s a shame, because if this actually played at the proper speed, it seems like it might actually be an alright game, if a bit complex and busy.
Sonic 2 SMS Remake
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Here’s a game I was all buckled in expecting to enjoy. Like it says on the tin, this is a remake of Sonic 2 for the Master System (and Game Gear), but with wide screen visuals and huge expansions to the mechanics, roster of playable characters, and levels. On the outside it seems really impressive, and to a certain degree it is, but something about the controls feel a little off. Sonic’s heavier here than he is on the Master System, perhaps to simulate “real” Sonic physics a little more accurately, but you can also pretty much stop on a dime, and the combination of the two feels awkward. The camera also needs a lot of work, as it’s basic at best and does a poor job of letting you see what’s below (to the dev if you’re reading this: there’s actually video tutorials out there on how 2D scrolling cameras work, it might be worth looking a couple of them up). It also leans into some of the tech limitations of the Master System, like how you aren’t given any rings for boss fights (and even hiding the HUD, a move done to save on resources for the large enemy sprites). I could be picky on a bunch of other little stuff, too, like how the flight mechanics feel, but there are other games to play at SAGE and I’ve got at least two more articles to write. Needless to say, this is a solid (impressive, even) foundation but it’s missing a lot of late-stage polish to clean up the tiny little rough edges.
Rayman Redemption
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I tell this story every so often, but it was about three quarters of the way through Rayman 2 on the Sega Dreamcast when it struck me, suddenly: I love this game. I was being chased by a pirate ship through some rickety bridges and even though I was dying over and over and over again, I realized I had been enjoying Rayman 2 enough that I might put it in my top ten Dreamcast games. But that was 2002, and the years haven’t been so kind to ol’ Rayman. From the strangely celebrity-infused Rayman 3, to the tragedy of Rayman 4 (eventually becoming Raving Rabbids) to the endless, careless ports of Rayman 2 to every platform under the sun, one gets the impression Ubisoft maybe didn’t know what to do with Rayman. Especially now, when most of Ubisoft’s games are some form of online live service or cookie cutter open world experience (or increasingly both). But the fans know what they want. Rayman Redemption takes the original 1995 Rayman game and lovingly gives it a fresh coat of paint. The results are akin to what Taxman and Stealth did for Sonic CD in 2011, with wide screen visuals, improved controls, touched up level design, but gameplay that still feels faithful and accurate to the original experience. Except that Sega charged money for that, and here, fans have released this for free. Ubisoft’s loss, I guess. I didn’t play Rayman 1 until well after I’d finished Rayman 2, and I’ll admit, I kind of bounced off of it back then. It felt slow, and awkward, and when the difficulty ramped up, it got very hard, very quickly. Now, admittedly, I’ve only put about 30 minutes into Redemption here, but just the addition of a run button is incredibly welcome, and the retooled level design and powerup mechanics helps the game feel way less obtuse overall. It’s just a cleaner, tighter, more accessible and more polished version of Rayman.
Stay tuned for the next article: Indie games.
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