#i love ur laughin expressions
lilastromama · 3 years
Rating the signs as big 3 placements
(gemini, aquarius, capricorn, cancer)
sun: 8/10 I love them and that is not bc its my sun sign, i genuinely like them in general. They are bubbly but also serious if needed. Theyre literally the twins and u if ure lucky (or unlucky) u will meet both sides of them. Yet i have to say, we can be incredibly toxic if unevolved. Also sometimes we start arguing for fun and dont really tell you about that so it leads to an actual beef, we sorry tho, but evolved we really mean no harm
moon: 6/10 i have mixed feelings about this one to be truthful, it can definetely be a hit but also a huge miss. there is a lot going on in their heads and hearts and they tend to overthink to the point they end up blaming you for things they themselves made up. Listen to their words when mad, it says what they wanted to say all along
rising: 9/10 im positive about this one tbh, like i as already mentioned in one of my posts before, they definetely have more of the "gemini" look than actual gemini sun people. They somehow look always very young or younger than they actually are atleast. Cute people <3 but maybe tend to be a little arrogant, what a tragedy
sun: 4/10 i definetely dont feel positive about aquas. Maybe its just the ones ive met i dont know, what ive experienced was just a complete turn off to be honest. Yet to be fair, i wanna mention they can be incredibly creative and there not getting enough credit for that. They have a universe inside of them they only show a few. Also very tragic
moon: 3/10 theyre over dramatic, Also not very good at expressing what bothers them so they tend to ghost people often - they can be mean as hell just bc they feel offended + they take things personally very fast
rising: 7/10 we're going somewhere. Aqua risings tend to be very upfront, maybe a little TOO upfront, to the point they will just shit on you just because. Well it could be better but as a friend of a friend, could be quite funny since they can be storytellers. but be warned: maybe ull become one of their stories
sun: 9/10 i really do like them, they always bring jokes that are just out of pocket but u will catch urself laughin still. They can be very mature and serious people if needed tho and they can give very good advice about whatever topic
moon: 7/10 lets not deny the fact that cap moons were probably the kids in school which always got mad if certain group projects weren't done how they would've done it, still I usually vibe with them bc theyre very trustworthy and empathic (if they want to)
rising: 8/10 i do feel good about it aswell - they come off as very collected, organized and clean. I feel like they take their first impression very seriously and are afraid anyone could NOT see them as anything i listed above. I miss a little resting here tho so cap rising: please consider a break!
sun: 10/10 i love cancer suns, they so often possess such a calm yet bright energy which can influence the people all around them. Ive always felt so understood by cancers and memories with them always stuck out to me
moon: 6/10 i feel like cancer moons can be extremely problematic if not evolved. They tend to project their insecurities onto u too and make it your problem. They can be the person that always vents to you but will never let you vent to them. But evolved this placement can be just like cancer suns - incredibly understanding (maybe even psychic)
rising: 11/10 idk i find them a true masterpiece tbh. I feel like cancer risings look more like a "cancer" than typical cancer suns - its the same with gemini. I know i will probably be alone with this but i think this placement just left out all the "negative" traits about being a cancer and just claimed the best bc thats what it feels like to me
(More parts with more signs/placements are coming🌽)
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myherowritings · 4 years
mistletoe kiss
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OVERVIEW; After a few weeks of dating, you and Katsuki still haven’t kissed. You hope that will change under the mistletoe this holiday season. 
PAIRING; bakugou katsuki x reader
GENRE; fluff, winter/holiday au
A/N; got a handful of req’s for bakugou + mistletoe and ur wish is my command u.u but frl i love the holidays and this was so fun to write !! i hope u enjoy xx sof
© myherowritings — all rights reserved. reposting, modifying, copying, or translating of any kind is not allowed. do not read my writing as asmr. do not plagiarize.
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“This is the perfect time to do it— The snow is falling, the nights are cold, love is in the air,” Ashido swooned. “What better time to make your move to kiss him than now?” 
You nodded in agreement despite the nerves in your stomach, letting her reassuring words soothe you just the slightest bit. It had been only a few weeks now since you and Katsuki had started dating and you still haven’t kissed.
Now, you knew each and every relationship was different and there was nothing wrong with doing things at your own pace, whatever that may be, but you’ve gotten comfortable enough with Katsuki to the point where you do want to kiss him. And you hoped he would return the sentiment. The only problem was you were too nervous to initiate it and if you knew your boyfriend, you’d know that despite him being unwilling to ever admit it, he was nervous too. 
Maybe the holiday cheer in the air would be enough to give you both the courage. (With the help of some cheeky mistletoe of course.) 
“You’re right,” you said to Ashido, shifting your weight from foot to foot to get out your jitters of excitement. “I just need to be under the doorway at the time Katsuki walks through and it’ll be perfect!” 
You hung up a mistletoe above your door and invited Katsuki over for your recurrent movie nights a little earlier today. Though the both of you had busy schedules that would oftentimes conflict, you both made it a priority to spend time together. 
The plan was foolproof, he’d come over and knock and you’d greet him at the door, your eyes would inconspicuously gaze at the mistletoe above you, you’d say something along the lines of, “Wow, I wonder how that mistletoe got there!”, and then hope Katsuki got the hint and was ready for a cute Christmas kiss. 
There’s no way it’d fail. 
Soon Ashido left for the night and you busied yourself making some hot chocolate on a saucepan because nothing calmed your nerves like homemade sweet beverages. But you barely had enough time to take a sip from your steaming mug when you heard a knock on your door. 
You jumped up from your seat. “Coming!”
Running over, you tried not to trip over the flat surface of your floor as you reached the entrance. 
“Katsuki! Hi,” you said with a beam as you opened your door. He held a small cloth bag with containers of food (most definitely made by him before he came over despite how busy he was earlier today) and had his face half covered by a scarf. The parts of his cheeks that were showing along with the tip of his nose were flushed pink from the biting cold outside. 
So cute, you thought with a smile, wanting to heat him up by cupping his face in your hands that were warmed from the cup of hot chocolate. 
“I made your favorite,” he said gruffly, imperceptibly lifting the container of food up. “In case you wanted to eat it while we watched the movie or whatever.” 
Your mouth watered at the thought of your favorite food and your heart warmed at the image of Katsuki cooking it for you. “It already smells amazing! Thank you.” 
He shrugged, hiding his reddening cheeks further in his scarf. “S’no problem. Now...Aren’t you going to invite me in now?” 
“Yes, but wait—” You faked a gasp as your eyes darted to the doorframe above you, hoping it sounded more convincing than it felt. “Oh, my! A mistletoe? How did that get there?” 
Katsuki squinted, slowly looking between you and the mistletoe above you. “Isn’t this your house? So wouldn’t you have to be the one to have placed it here?” 
You blinked, cheeks warming up in embarrassment. Well, that wasn’t the response you anticipated. 
“I... That’s a good point,” you replied meekly, but quickly tried to snap yourself out of it. You planned out this perfect holiday kiss and though it wasn’t going exactly as you expected in your head, you still wouldn’t let the effort go to waste. “I must’ve forgotten, hah. But you know what they say about mistletoe—”
“You trying to kiss me under the mistletoe?” he interrupted in an amused tone, pulling his scarf down from his face to reveal his teasing smirk. 
You fiddled with the sleeves of your sweater, looking to the ground abashedly. “Maybe.”
“Damn, that’s cliche,” he said, chuckling as he placed the bag he was holding on the floor to free his hands so he could gently lift your chin up to face him. “Cute.” 
Your eyes widened as Katsuki pressed his mouth against yours, somewhat surprised your poorly executed mistletoe kiss plan worked. His hands were warm but his lips were cold, a shocking contrast that made your skin tingle. Your heart pounded and your stomach flip-flopped, yet a sense of tranquility and belonging filled you. 
A feeling better than you could have ever imagined from a simple kiss. 
His lips felt soft and tasted slightly of the pink pomegranate lip balm you got him when you tried expanding his horizons from those flavorless petroleum jelly balms. You giggled into the kiss, glad he ended up using it. 
“Oi, what’re you laughin’ at?” he asked somewhat breathless, pulling away with a scowl though his hand was still resting on the small of your back to hold you close. 
You shook your head, a dazed smile on your face. “Nothing— I was just thinking about how good you taste. Pomegranate lip balm. Yummy.” 
Katsuki snorted as you briefly touched the tip of your finger to his lower lip. “Fragrance in lip and skin products can cause irritation and shit.” 
“Then why are you using it?”
“‘Cause you gave it to me and it’d just be a waste not to,” he muttered with an eyeroll. Then, more quietly, “And because you like it.”
You leaned closer to his chest, wiggling your eyebrows at him with a pleased expression. You liked what you heard. “What was that again? Just because I like it? How adorable.”
“I didn’t say shit.”
Laughing, you lightly tapped the tip of his nose. “Sure, I believe you.”  
But the mischievous look on your face told Katsuki that you heard him clear as day. He huffed, changing the topic before the embarrassment could set in. “Let’s get inside before the food gets cold.” 
He picked up the container from the ground and switched into house slippers before entering your place. Katsuki came over so often that by now he had his own designated set of indoor slippers (the ones you got him had small, smiling bunnies with carrots and hearts printed on it, much to his distaste and your utter pleasure).
As you followed after him, you called, “Wait— Let me bring the mistletoe with me, too!”
“Leave it,” he said, glancing behind him. When he looked away, the tips of his ears were flushed a slight red. “You don’t need a stupid mistletoe to kiss me, idiot. You can do it whenever.”
You looked up at the hanging mistletoe with a smile, silently thanking the inanimate object. You wouldn’t have gathered enough courage without the silly holiday tradition, but thankfully, you wouldn’t be needing it to kiss Katsuki anymore.
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Beauty Realms
I refused to pick myself up
Off the damn ground
Just like u refused to help
That child to his feet
Stop letting ur guns whisper
Wrds get crisper like ruffles
Listen to ur heart listen
To ur heart listen to ur lover
Don't go out like biggie Tupac?
U dig? macking like combs
No poppa just bringing something proper
Stop poppin start huggin
And she never ever kept me
Warm at night pick up in
Hearses brief like gun be silent
My children Feel the prints on dead mulch
Shook ur folks like her looks
Killer creepin to ur window
Crushin dead leaves as he enters
A person's crib bnn hit in the face
By the coffin lid father thought
It was intentional i took it well
No help meh i come from them
Like mary for her baby the times
They never good to us
trump got me thinking
Biggie got me shaking my head
Tupac got me Reminiscing
Robin Schultz have me forlorn
I wanna think sick dreams to put
The devil to sleep why the fightin?
Stop u cryin ur groaning tha moanin
Caht u see im dying on my death
Bed like Wallace said u wouldn't understand I'll make the phone call brief
Like highschool love u don't wanna love
No more too late for this
Somebody put the pipe to my
Nutshell i want the trigger to
Talk dirty to me so let it squeeze
Young Fools don't wanna help a nigga
Breathe and i don't make enough bread
To set examples Like chances
Making mills givin bills no cheap thrills lovin pll Instead of ur bread ur pills love urself Even tho i tried i cried too much
Am srry too much let's sit
And hold hands with kim
Tell donald he gotta go
Let Steyer Take office i wanna
See smiles on people's faces
I wanna see Liberia and Africa
Dance to no more sickness no more pain
Tell shinzō am srry he won't accept it
But i want to express the thought
That should matter to him and me
Like they and them but no one ever
Spoke of us and we its always i to the am
No she cuz they were too irrelevant
To man as man was too
irrelevant to woman its funny how
That i express this better thnn a
Typical adult would but i was i
I shook my head and asked my
Pistol for help it proceeded to
Shoot meh in the noggin why The jokin?
I wasn't yet laughin stop clowin
This Is serious drink the maggots
Eat ur meal the coffins call us all
They stop ur flower bringing
Ur slow songs  whnn three yrs go by
now ur just dirt
In the hue time its past our time Subliminal like a correspondence
Too dependable Don't overreact
I hate going to the room cover doors
We gonna be here for awhile so two-sided
Living like a hypocrite so wishy-washy
Triggers keep whispering to me
Why call the ems?  U got soul to
Call them urself u pullin my leg
Choking my collar put up
against the furnace Hansel and Gretel
Got away scott free pull ur guns
But pull ur frustrations on ur kids
Why so petty?  I must find a way to die
Getting real tired of people just let
Me die slow slow as sloth
u waste my time wrap me up like
A pharaoh no king no godd just a bad boy
Im choking on wrds as ur friends choke
On high clouds sinking in high tide
Oh no no don't come back and haunt
My lonely soul i ain't got time
For entities gotta my mind
On my goddamn feelings don't Have
Time for weeping gotta
keep my Eyes on goddamn time
Don't carsick me with ur fake affection
I couldn't figure out why the same
Damn cars were parked outside hospitals
Evrynight i couldn't picture my
Lover dying a slow death too
Gone like onfroy and the Nineties
Were terrible with some honorable
Mentions the hospital was a night clinic
Send urself back the crib
dying early dawns suffocating
On life support u test me my heart
Ripped out Rip so sad let die
Wasn't worth a penny a Dime To'em
U didn't wanna be a molester
No killer am in the act of street knowledge Am stray no godd
Wise godd stray i get around i see well
I don't lie well but eat good
Make sour promises look distainful
I keep wrds as if they were
precious stones i sought it out
Like beauty realms but unreachable
Like a pretty woman like a goddess
They saw me ugly and unseasoned
Had a personality i never seen before
More lame thnn the average
So weak thnn the meek so wasteful
Like a bottle not precious as diamonds
Flith as a rug that's me on ur floor dead
Its so real like a beauty realm
i couldn't touch and fantasies and dreams
Remained in my skull but shut them off
With a noose i was so wrong Whnn will
I see a smile on my Face??
Whnn will Japan forgive Us???
Who will feed the needy everyday?
Make ur days worth don't make one
Day good make a hundred more
So high u could be like Jesus
But u weren't my saviour
Stop climbing high u wanted
Clout and fame for ur good deeds
Stop ur boasting be humble
Ur not a modest man with high morals
Not so great now Huh??
U think u better thnn Us yeah???
U misunderstood my lettering
That's why with each paragraph
U get more and more confused
This isnt to teach its to understand
Why we lack so i keep my head low
And except the worser deeds by
The higher man cuz they lie all the same
I look for imperfections in the mirror
Instead i saw the devil mock me
With sick expression ur no Ecstasy
Just a supernatural phenomenon
Caused By my own fabricated Infatuation
Within beauty and splendor so
Grand i shot my heart out
Filled my head With Grandeur
Passed out on my brother's shoulder
But he knock me to the ground
And cussed me being a flower
I was a ugly flower brother saw
Me a burden and our mother troublesome
And our sister worrisome but i
Cut off excuses brother why the frowin?
Have i failed u? I was i not motivated
To keep ur mind at ease
I grieve on ur bed side cuz the way u sleep Looks as if ur in a coffin and i couldn't Bare the sight i sigh cuz we all will be In wood coffins one way or another People shoot me off my feet
Like a realm i was forever lost
To Infinite amount of souls
Crying to themselves rotten
Like the stray the maggots breed on him
I passed the arsenic to my
Darling lover no wonder why
The blue blazer and the yellow tights
Fitted me so well i was going
To start a mass chain affect
So horrendous be like Marylin Monroe
Dial nine no call back just silence
Crack of dawning lead out in a stroller
Beauty's dead and where was judy?
Tell me if i go to a pastor
Will be truthful with Me?
Could he say with a heavy heart
That things happen for a reason?
Could he rlly honestly possibly
Probably hopefully reassure me
That i could die Happy???
Uh huh....didn't think so....
Riddle me this u ppl who think ur above all
U who thinks ur generosity
holds no bounds u women hold signs
For change u need to rlly look
Urselves in the mirror to understand me
Riddle me this can we still love
Once the heart stops beating??
Can u fix a beggar a hot meal
Without think lowly or suspicious
Of him? Can u care for a child
After he lost waht u got??
See ironically u all berates me
Cuz u kno im telling the truth
But ur stuck in denial and me
Taking great pity in u
I sigh and walk into a hwy
My talking was shunned out by
Visco girls and Woman stereotyping
Men without giving urselves a second
Reason whnn we act we act reason
The other 50% were just fools
I turned a Symphony to a sad man crying
Old man dying dead stray a walkin
I stop the talkin cuz am sinking
They murders me softly
I sullied myself to the coffin once more as The birds stop their srry note
Im being for real for real.
And not fake for fake
See where am going with this??
But u don't wanna listen
But u wanna help ppl??
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kazuchikaokada · 5 years
when was the first time you fell in love with kazu? and what’re your favourite things about him?? seeing how genuinely and wholeheartedly you love him is so amazing and i treasure seeing you talk about him ;-;
I dont rmmber the first time i fell in lob wit him but i can tell u bout the first time i realized it. Once it was decided that kazu was gon face ken at last yrs dominion, i went into watchin that match fully supportin kenny, like i rlly wanted kenny to win, but as the match continued n neared its end, i started to realize that my heart wasn wit kenny at all. then when kenny got the second fall over the most beautiful flower on planet earth aka kazu i cried my eyes out. i was full on sobbing bc he held that title for 720 whole days n he rlly lost it to a man who has rotten noodles as hair js like that :(((((((( it was truly a Life Changing Event n made me consider june 9th a tragic n cursed day 😭😭😭😭😭 but its also the day that made me realize that i love n support a wholesum human bein so u could call it a blessed day as well hehehehe
what i like bout kazu the most is the difference btw kazu in the ring n kazu outside the ring. inside the ring u have the charismatic rainmaker, the strong champion who can take on anybody n outside the ring u have a giggle giant whom literally laughs at everyrhing, makes fun of his friends, takes bad selfies, eats too much sweets n loves fishin a lot. hes also in an organization or group or watever supportin sumo wrestling. whenever hes wit his chaos members or on a tv show, hes watchin the ppl around him n hes laughin his ass off!!!! n no1 knows why!!!!! n whenever he laughs, he literally laughs with his whole entire body n u can feel the warmth n happiness radiated from him n ur js!!!! SO HAPPY BC HES HAPPY!!!! HIS LAUGHTER IS INFECTIOUS. imma reblog vids of his laughter for u pls look forward 2 them.
one other thing that fascinates me bout kazuzu is his character development. before he lost the title to kenny, he was a lone fighter u could say??? he was the cocky n arrogant champ, the one no one could touch, the one no one could beat,,,n most of the time he had a stoic expression on his face like he didnt care bout nothin but the belt around his waist. he made that title his identity so losin it after such a long reign is of course hard. thats where the transition started. he tried a new hair colour, had a new mindset n kept on saying that he will smile from now on. then came the betrayal of jay white n gedo (his ex manager) n he was even more lost. it seemed like chaos, the stable hes the leader of, well,,,,,was in chaos. he even said they lived up to the name lol. anyway afterwards he slowly started to realize that hes not alone, never was alone, that his chaos members are there for him n that he dont need to fight this battle all by himself. through the ups n downs of the sec half of 2018, he started to show more emotions, he started to show that he loves n cares 4 his mmbers, he started to find the real rainmaker within him which we then got to see at wrestle kingdom this year. i think one important thing he learned as a character is that hes human n that winning is not everything. sumtimes u gotta lose 2 get a grip of reality n that was the case wit kazu!!!! N DETS WHY I LOB HIM A LOT
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authorityissues · 7 years
You should make a zodiac post about the aesthetics of each sign. Outfits/lifestyle?
i think aesthetix are gay so uh … looks n lifestyle
aries: dressin like theyre from florida and laughin like a dumbass and stayin up till like 8am covered in beer cause u got into a play fight where u and ur friend dumped beer all over each other
taurus: kind of a homebody but occasionally gets smashed off three glasses of wine and you gotta carry them home … dresses like your 70s bohemian wet dream. takes that weed that’s not weed cause it chills them out even though theyre already like the chillest person u kno. recreates stories to make themselves look better lol
gemini: a well dressed punk rocker who hates workin and loves their wife 
cancer: dresses like ur easy breezy hipster lil brother … think early 90s popular kid meets gay grandpa. seem real mean if u dont kno them but once u do kno them but one day u realize they actually really love u and theyre just a freakin weirdo … gets really mushy when theyre stoned n smashed at 2am
leo: the definition of a hot mess … well dressed but only changes like,once a week. a drinkin druggin rager of a person who gets fired cause they told their boss to go fuck themself. really good hair & full of love & passionate about everything. mad insecure and would literally rather die than let someone disrespect them. has a really big laugh. more quiet and moody than u might expect.
virgo: a massive stoner (cause theyre anxious asf without it) who dresses like theyre rich and cant handle their liquor at all … usually madly in love with someone and a workaholic. secretly an extrovert.
libra: dresses like a freakin weirdo and these fools will out-party you every single time and youll be flappin in the wind like damn … i thought i could party but u just keep goin … a workaholic with adhd and sooo much energy. dances while they eat. full o love but theyre the kind of lovers who cant own up to their shit.hate confrontation for the important stuff but get kicks out of confrontation about weird random shit (10/10 most likely to be a dick to some rando in a bar it’s actually mad funny).
scorpio: the kind of fashion sense you really take notice of. all the weight on their body is beer weight and without it theyre scrawny asf. passionate about everything and magnetic and they looove to party so this the kind of person who knows the whole damn neighborhood. not to be stereotypical but the sex drive on these guys is fucking ridiculous. they got a different lover for every day of the week and then theyre passionately in love with someone and then they realize theyve got zero emotional stability whatsoever and the relationship disastrously explodes rinse and repeat. a partner in crime for life
sagittarius: wont do drugs but will drink like 82 guinnesses in one night. knows all the words to every dropkick murphy’s song ever. has a big personality and anger issues and is friends with everyone. emotionally unavailable because theyre still in love with that one ex who cheated on them. all about that fall/winter wardrobe and loves going to the country and cookin and road trips. obsessively keeps up with occult blogs. mad anxious
capricorn: so fucking repressed … well dressed and good looking, good with money and stubborn asf. genuinely likes hennessy. has a hot girlfriend who theyre madly in love with … smokin weed drinkin out of a red solo cup playin cards kinda guy. mad charming but theres always somethin u cant quite put ur finger on that’s unsettling about their personality. 
aquarius: damn these fools dress well. they take whatever style and just own it. they drink but dont really fux with drugs and when they get older they transition into wine drinkers. heinous anger issues do not get on the wrong side of them you will get Slapt. full of love but they dont know how to express it and will deny the fuck out of their emotions but if u know them really well u know that theyre actually the kind of person who cried when gay marriage was made legal because they were so happy about it. the kind of person who would kiss u n ud be like “uhh … does that mean theyre into me?”
pisces: not particularly interestingly dressed but there’s something mad hot about them that u can’t quite put ur finger on. madly in love with whoever theyre seeing and never does anything but hang with them and then they get dumped and start ho’in it up but only cause they wanna find love rinse and repeat. obsessed with their last ex till they meet the next one.
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briteboy · 7 years
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Why is her step-douche such a foken piece of shit? omg i hate him
some mysteries are never meant to be explained tbh. why is he so ugly and evil? who wronged him? but also who cares he’s in jail forever now good riddance ugly
I know this is probably really bad, but after I saw the newest molly posts, I thought of that video where the little girl is yelling "MISS KEISHA, MISS KEISHA, oh my fukin gosh she fukin dead"
i don’t blame u i bet when it happens i’m gonna be like “u know she ded”
(To the previous anon) i agree with you so, so much! In Poland, these dumbass politicians are letting shooting pregnant bisons (?? Im not sure how they're called) become legal. Like BITCH WHAT. Can you imagine??? A fucking pregnant lil' cow getting shot????? I feel Molly's pain on an emotional level rn (sorry if this is too nsfw, just needed to get that outta my system...)
i think this was in response to someone saying that hurting pregnant women is one of the worst crimes but um WTF shooting animals at all makes me itchy but pregnant ones..............nah that’s......nah
it’s ok get it outta ur system i’m here 4 u
the first thing I check in the morning is your account.... you have me whipped! ;|
OMG WHA LMAO REALLY that’s wild. i feel like i’m the only one who looks at my page which is dumb but like idk i still feel like a little kid that no one cares about lmao. but then you guys exist and amaze me with your responsiveness every day and i just ;____________; ily all
hi Sunny. first of all i'm gonna say i love your story and your editing style so much! your blog is goals like literally. i need an advice if you don't mind. you always find such amazing angles for your pictures while mine are so boring. any tips or tricks you can share?
HI thank you so much ;-; sooooo i’ve been thinking about this question the past couple of times i went in game, trying to figure out how to describe how i take pictures. for one thing i live in tab mode lmao. meaning you press the tab button on your keyboard to go into camera mode and get all these sexy angles and super zoom and stufffff. i almost always zoom in super far idk why. so there’s one tip. i honestly just play around with going up and down with the q and e keys (i think?) until i find angles i like. i take a lottttt of pictures with so many different angles just so i have a lot to choose from. basically i try to focus on different things in each picture in order to get a mix of the most diverse and dynamic shots possible. you just need to experiment and get creative. i know that’s the most vague advice ever but really just try a new angle that you’ve never considered before and i bet you’ll get cool results. an interesting setting is also the biggest factor, because certain objects and their placements will give you interesting results. 
i honestly want to print out your reaction pic to that one post and just hang it on my wall, put it in my heart locket necklace, stamp it on people's faces, start an email thread with it. i love it.
an add on to the last ask i sent about your reaction pic. i've been looking at it religiously since it was posted, and i dont regret a minute of it. LMAO I'LL STOP NOW.
SAKJDLJKGKSDAF STOPPPP LMAOOO i looked so ugly but that was my pure unadulterated reaction to that question and i trust you all to not judge my ugliness and instead share this reaction with me. i’m glad u liked it that much, i just printed it out and i’m cutting it into a small heart to put inside ur locket ok
everytime i hear cigarette daydreams by cage the elephant i think of a serious case of the novembers like its so fitting and then i get all emo when i listen to it lmao rip
OMMMMGGGGGGG YESSSSS how have i never made that connection before honestly. cage the elephant is one of my faves and i’ve seen them perform twice actually!! i’m watching the music vid for that song now and even that reminds me of my story ;-; i cry
thank you for sending this, and also i cry @ the fact that you used the actual title *dies* now this song is gonna make me emo til the end of time thx
i might sound like some crazy stalker fan but i just want to say you are so freakin awesome and nice and funny and cute and (i can go on forever) so caring! i love your blog so much and all the hard work and care you put into all your posts and followers. thanks for making my day and making me smile so much. you have no clue how much i look forward to seeing your posts and your hilarious hashtags and answers from asks and AMAZING story posts. im sorry i just wanted to let you know ur awesome ily
OFMG WHAT!!!!!! I AM ONLY AN EEL!!!!!! but no you don’t sound like a crazy stalker, i actually love this, you’re too sweet, thank you ;-; i’m just blushin so much reading this omg. YOU EVEN LIKE MY TAGS WOW that’s true love. ily ;-; <333
how do you get your sims' facial expressions to line up with your scenes? I feel like my sims' faces are never right :(
tbh i just use a lot of the same neutral poses...my go-to’s are @helgatisha‘s poses lol. they’re the easiest to work with when i do just plain talking scenes, and often i tweak my sims’ eyebrows and mouths with the liquify tool if i want them to look a bit more concerned, sad, mad, happy, etc., it works like a charm!! i also tend to play around with angles, you’d be surprised how much a different angle can enhance a scene.
Hey smol bean, I'm sent you an ask and now I feel bad that it probably made you feel anxious because you didn't answer it. It was the one about you not liking my posts, I have anxiety too so I'm sorry If I made you feel sad. I think I'm just looking for validation from people I look upto you get me? Anyway sorry again, don't worry about it! Love you!
hiya bb, i know you saw my answer to your original post (and i’m sorry it got some negative attention, i didn’t mean for that to happen by any means) anyway don’t sweat it, and i really appreciate this follow-up message. you didn’t make me feel sad, i just wanna know what i can do. it’s just a hard question y’know. i understand what you mean, i think everyone wants validation to some degree. tbh you can just come off anon and message me, i promise it’s not as nerve-wracking as it seems! ily
How did you make Santi's tattoos? I want some like that for my Sims but idk how to do it
how did you make your characters page on your blog like that?
uoohhh like what?? i used this theme (monolog) if that’s what you mean aheh. here’s a guide on how to use custom page themes
okay so THIS IS MY THEORY: they might keep the baby and molly might actually carry it to full term, but then the kid dies in childbirth and either molly also dies or maybe kills herself or gets killed later? or maybe she's still alive but just won't speak to santi anymore cause she like can't look him in the eye after all of that or idk?? since ppl were sending theories i wanted to add mine lmao. another possible theory is that the stepdad finds out and kills her but thats TOO DARK omg
TOO DARK U SAY...WELL!!! it’s not AS dark as you guessed but only marginally
If Molly turns out to be alive and raising their kid alone (though from what I'm seeing in response to most questions I think that may not be the route) am I allowed to slap Santi (unless Molly didn't give him the option to help) because raising a child alone is not easy I've watched my mom do it for years.
YEAH i would give you permission to slap him lmao he would be a grade A piece o’ shit if that were the case. i would never ever write that tho because santi does own up to his actions if they’re that detrimental. his altruistic nature, no matter how backwards, would never allow him to do that.
There will be complication with the abortion so she will not be able to carry a baby anymore and she's going to kill herself OR her step dad is going to find out and he'll beat her to death. And in both situation Santi his blaming himself because he wasn't there at the right time... Okay I really really hope I'm wrong now !
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I don't even follow your story very closely but every time I see your posts my heart hurts.
OMFG...that’s how u know the pain is real
but like wow my stuff is really so visceral that even my apathetic followers can feel the hurt...that’s real...that’s real my guy
omg!! you should 100% play or at least watch a playthrough of life is strange! legit the best game ever made, its so beautiful. the storyline kills you a thousand times over (much like your beautiful story) <3333
yaaaa i’ve heard lots of good things about it!! my bf played it actually, maybe he’ll revisit it again someday and i’ll watch him do it (i’m only a fan of video games if i can watch them like a movie lmao) thank you btw <3
I am shook and I worship you and your story and you are amazing WOW BYE
WORSHIP LMAO WHAT!!! PLS I AM UNDESERVING...ily tho don’t worship false gods
Do you let Molly and the younger versions of your characters frolic around your main save or do they have a separate one?
UM YES LMAO because i didn’t even know you could have separate saves until after i started the flashbacks lmao i’m...a noob. i don’t want separate saves anyway because 1) it’s too much of a hassle switching back and forth and 2) it gets too confusing for me and i’d be afraid of overwriting one save with another and NOPE too much anxiety for that soooo yeah there’s three santis in my game: child, teen and adult lmfao (fun fact: teen santi’s name is literally just Lil Santi)
I made it to my senior year with 6 A's and 1 B ... Be proud of me too? 😂 Lmao I told this to people and some of them were just like .. okay cool?! LMAO it's so funny but also kinda sad
I AM PROUD OF YOU TOO!!!!!!!!! my smart childrens
“okay cool” UM PLEASE that’s a feat...at my school if you got an A in a class in senior year you were allowed to be exempt from the final. so yeah that rules. ily
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olusegundare · 6 years
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May 25, 2013
Afta d separation 4m Igbayi...I hardly interract wit ladies again, although I proposed 2 some ladies/sistas but all of dem rejected my offer of love, which make me continue 2 fend 4 myself, a lone ranger...d interaction wit Christian sisters cannot be deeper as d one with ur fiancé...
1 day, my love, d bow dat shal hold my future arrows (Psalms 127) had pimples all ova her face, which made her extremely UNbeautiful...a day afta, she started complaining about abdominal pain, headache n general body pain...why all these was my question...I started praying.On d 2nd month, something akin 2 dat happened which made her sublimally active during our transcient interactions with each oda...The ffg morning around 06:00 hours, d Island's tym, I contacted her tru fone but she didnt picked d call...I thence texted...around 09:00 hours she beeped me n I called her but her voice on d fone didnt sound 2 gud 2 me...When d scenerio passed n d interaction was platonic again, I got 2 know 2ru our discussion dat it was bc of her menstruation dat she has those cyclic characteristics...I felt bad when I got 2 know dat, telling her dat I hope she was not annoyed with me 4 pressurizing her during those periods. She replied dat she was not angry.I told her dat it is over a dozen of seasons dat I have had d feelings, touchings, huggings, intimate interaction with lady last, Dat she shd accept me as I am. She said she has accepted me as I am dat dat is why she had been trying 2 hide those manifestations 4m me all these while but that d last experience grew beyond her n cldnt be hidden 4m me..."huh, well, praise God all is now over", she concluded."Alleluiah", I replied, stood 2 my feet n kissed her fore-head.She laughed n said, "Sir, what shall be the definition of what u have just done in d dictionary of courtship?". "Dictionary of courtship?" I inquired flabbergastedly."Yes, "mai" lord", holding my palms, squeezing it. "I didnt know dat such dictionary exists", i said."Oh, wonderful! Having gone dis far in life "mai" lord, u havent heard of courtship's dico...it surprises me o"...she said, still holding my palms, pressing it. "Alright, madam dico, what shall we call wat u r also doing in relationship dictionary?" I also asked her. "ẹh, U want 2 transfer d question 2 me "abi"? "Mai" Lord sir, leaving my hand, bowing her head, acting as if in a law court, Please answer "mai" question, "mai" lord". "Alright. Anything. Anything u call it. But, in d dictionary of "Debbie-Sam", I call it expression of Love", I concluded. She jumped up laughing. I know. I said it 2 mysef... "That wat", I interjected. ""Mai" lord, I know my Sword shall have a word 4 it,..."o dara o", expression of love indeed... I suddenly gripped my abdomen, sank down 2 d seat nearest 2 me, grimmed my face, started saying abdominal ache o...Ye...Hu...Debbie... For d serious expression on my face, she rushed 2 where i sat down @ and started asking me questions, "what happend? What did u eat? What did u drink? What was ur dream like?...she was confused...didnt know what 2 do... "P..p..pleeeas ggget mme salt n wwater", I said. She left me, rushed 2 where salt was, opened d cruet, put some in a cup, started looking 4 where i usually put pure water, tore open d nylon, brought out one, tore it with her incisors, poured some into d cup containing d salt, shake it 2geda...brought it Nearer 2 me..."Sorry "mai" lord, here is it"...take d cup nearer 2 my mouth, her left hand went across my shoulder, drawing my head close 2 her chest as her baby,...said, "here is it, drink..."ẹ pẹ̀ lẹ́".
I took it with my left hand n laughed, "à sé iyawo Samsoni ò tilẹ̀ láyà, o ga o".
On hearing this She pat me severally n said, ""ẹ ẹ̀ ti ẹ̀ fẹ́" serious "mọ fa, lẹ wa n dami lamu". I was laughing.
"You know it took me seconds b4 i cld rush 2 ur side, bc something keeps telling me dat u r feigning d action...but when u persisted dat was when I have a rethought, remembering one of my lecturers of old's saying dat "tí a ba ni ko ri bẹ, to ba lọ ri bẹ nkọ?" Debbie said.
I was still laughin, then I said, "Sorry dearie love, I just want 2 cr8 a loving scenerio "nã ni"".
She took d cup off my hand n said, "o ti dara bẹ́ ẹ̀...o ti di 1-0 niyẹn o, emi nã mã se temi pada o", during d return leg match"".
She stood up, pouring d mixture in d cup into a washing bowl.
""Bóyá lẹmọ̀" dat dia wont be a return leg". I said.
"There shall be", she said humorously.
"Then referee shall support me", I said.
"Is any referee or referees and match officials here now?" she asked.
"I will invite them then", I said.
"We are "sitting" on it", she replied.
"Sit well on it o", I said..."Please what shall we eat this morning, I am damn hungry", I added.
"When wont u be hungry, when u have depleted all the mitochondria's storage in your system thru exercises," she said.
""To ò" wont we eat again because of exercises? Bible also talks about physical exercises (1 Tim 4:8), I said.
"I know, "no bi" you, you go counter me "sha" ni" she said.
"Ok oh, "mai" lord, watz in your mind?" she asked.
"Shall we go the students of the Islands way 2da?" I inquired.
"Whatever. I am at your service "mai" lord", she replied.
"Let us eat concorsion". I said.
""Mo ti mọ". That is good". She said, "but it wont be totally students, let us go and buy irú (locust bean), ọ̀fọ́���̀rọ̀ (roasted fish), rodo ((pepper) that i will grind on it) and some pieces of liver", she concluded.
"We r in rich-students estate, if we eat that". I said.
"Whatever", she said.
We got up and left 4 d market square...
May 25, 2013
Igbayi (I hope you remember the lady who wrote letter to brother Samson in Yoruba telling him why she decided to marry someone else which was translated, her name is Igbayi)...
ladies/sistas (means sisters (Christian sisters))
1 (means one)  
ova (means over)  
dico (means dictionary)...
"abi"? (means or what?)  
o dara o", (means it is well oh/it is okay oh) 
"P..p..pleeeas ggget mme salt n wwater", (It is the old people who taught us to add water into water when we have stomach ache and that is what is happening here, although they did not know the scientific basis of it, but it is to neutralize the acidic content of the stomach or gastric and then the abdominal pain will subside)   ...
"ẹ pẹ̀ lẹ́". (means sorry)
, "à sé iyawo Samsoni ò tilẹ̀ láyà, o ga o". (means this is serious so Samson’s wife is not a bold person) ,
""ẹ ẹ̀ ti ẹ̀ fẹ́" serious "mọ fa, lẹ wa n dami lamu". (means you are no longer serious, and you are disturbing me, acting as if it is real)  
"tí a ba ni ko ri bẹ, to ba lọ ri bẹ nkọ?" Debbie said. (means if we said it will not happen like that and it happened like that what shall we do?)
cr8 (means create) a loving scenerio
"nã ni"".(means simply or like that…simply to create a loving scenario)
"o ti dara bẹ́ ẹ̀...o ti di 1-0 niyẹn o, emi nã mã se temi pada o", (means that is good, I will pay you back in your coins, it is now 1 goals to nothing to your advantage)
""Bóyá lẹmọ̀" dat dia wont be a return leg". (means I hope you know that there is nothing called return leg) 
""To ò" (means after all said and done or alright)
"I know, "no bi" (means is it not) 
"sha" ni" (means always)
""Mo ti mọ". (means I know it
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