#i love when link is rendered speechless
her-devils-advocate · 4 months
Home, love, family
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pairings: Levi Ackerman x reader
genre: fluff
summary: It has been some time since the fighting had ended, the world has started to move on and you find yourself doing the same.
You and Levi decide it is time to start taking the next step towards enjoying the future you fought for.
word count: 1,787
ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/56315470
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After years spent fighting towards a dream, an ideal world without titans and worry, you now find yourself standing within that once unrealistic future. It didn't come without sacrifice, each tally on your heart continues to weigh it down to this day, but you refuse to stop carrying the souls of your friends. Some part of you likes to believe that while you live on while carrying their memory, they get to experience this new life by your side, wherever they may be.
The world isn't as you had hoped, the price paid seems too high for some, yet you are content to try and put it behind you as much as possible. You fought for too long and lost too much to not make the most of the new world. A sentiment you're glad to share with Levi.
You now stand in awe as you survey the large clearing in the forest, the trees forming a new, more natural wall around you. The ancient bark twists towards the sky and erupts into a sea of green above, you were surprised to see such a gorgeous sight had evaded the rumbling at first, already used to the muddy barren land you and many others had found themselves in.
Your eyes widen when they finally fall on the small, cosy cottage sat proudly within. Flowers surround the building, attracting the attention of the perfectly round bumblebees nearby, happily flittering between each bud without a care in the world. You watch them hover with a small smile, maybe you can finally experience a similar life, having been freed of the bonds of duty. Now free to spend your days working to provide a life for you and Levi, rather than the future of mankind.
You're so distracted by your thoughts that you fail to notice Levi slowly approaching you, taking the time to remove the few bags you had brought from the car.
"And just when I thought we had escaped living behind walls." He mutters as you move to take the bags off him, shooting him a glare as he puts up a small fight despite his cane.
"Oh hush, this is different. We have all the privacy in the world here, a quiet place just for you, me and whoever we allow to visit." You cannot help but grimace, that list of people has grown shockingly short. You shake your head, refusing to let that train of thought continue its rampage through your mind, there are always new bonds to be forged alongside flowers to lay against cold stone memorials.
Noticing your falling mood, Levi steps forward to take the bags back one more, only to place them on the stepping stones leading towards your new home. He then lays his cane on top, before carefully making his way towards you.
Before you can ask him what he's doing, he scoops you up with ease. One hand is securely around your back while the other rests under your knees. The action brings a small squeak out from your lips, the surprise rendering you speechless as you wrap your arms around his neck, staring up at him with wide eyes. He rolls his eyes at your darkening cheeks before walking towards the door, giving it a swift kick all while happily ignoring the offended look you give him in return.
“Hey! We haven’t even officially moved in yet and you’re already being rough with the place.” Your expression downplays your words and you find it hard to keep up the stern tone for long.
“Tch, it’s fine. Do you see any damage? No. Anyways, I’d fix it if there was, it’s not like we don’t have the time for that now.”
You don’t bother to reply, letting the back-and-forth drop before it can grow. Instead, you take the time to study his face, carefully following the jagged scars running along one side of his face. You slowly unwrap one of your hands and bring it to gently stroke along the scar, smiling tenderly as he subtly leans into the action. His eyes are tired, something you are well acquainted with, but recently you have noticed a new light shining within the grey of his eyes, a peace that neither of you had experienced bringing new sensations to your life.
“Time… We have all the time we need now.” You echo his sentiment, watching his eyes soften as he looks down at you with a small smile. You will never get tired of seeing that expression on his face, soaking up the rare sight each time while doing your best to lure it out of him whenever you can. You are momentarily brought back to reality when you feel him shift you in his arms, his face betraying nothing despite the way he continues to favour one of his legs and has swapped to leaning against the wall.
“What are you doing?” You question as your hands come up to straighten out his cravat, the silky material having fallen loose during the long journey you had just taken.
“Carrying you.” His voice is monotone, yet you can feel the mix of exasperation and amusement within his words. You give him a look that shows just how unimpressed you are, you fight off a small grin when he rolls his eyes and continues, “If you didn’t want that answer, you should have been more specific.”
“Okay then, why are you carrying me when last time I checked, I’m not the one with the injured leg?”
At that, he scoffs yet makes no move to release you. Instead, his grip on you tightens and you watch as a small blush dusts his cheeks. He avoids your eyes, instead peering into the half-empty cottage awaiting your arrival. 
“Isn’t it a tradition to carry your partner across the threshold of your new home?” His voice is low and his head is held even lower as he does his best to casually hide his expression from your prying eyes. You can’t fight off your blush, now painting your cheeks with a rosy hue to pair with his.
You open your mouth, only to close it, the words escaping you as you try your best to respond, not wanting to leave him squirming. “That’s usually done after a wedding unless you have something to tell me. You didn’t marry me in the night, did you?”
You keep your words as playful as you can with your heart threatening to jump out of your chest and mix itself up in your sentences, the hope you had pushed down over the chaotic months now deciding to slowly crawl back into the front of your mind. The small huff of amusement he gives in reply doesn’t help to push the hope back into its confinements. 
“Can’t say I did, that’s something I would want you to remember and knowing you, you’d also make us have some shitty party, with a cake and those brats to celebrate it with.” Levi’s voice is gentle as he gets caught up in his imagination and you find yourself staring up at him, eyes wide with adoration.
“We would have the biggest party, I would invite everyone that we know. You’d be so fed up by the end of the night, utterly sick of the attention and ready to leave.” You rest your head against his chest with a small chuckle, feeling his quiet laughter gently rock your body. 
“I can see that a little bit too well. You would insist on dancing with everyone from our squad and I would end up glaring at one of them, probably Connie, for being clumsy and standing on your foot.” You can hear the affection he continues to hold for your old squad laced in his words and find yourself slowly nodding against his chest, your fingers playing with the fabric of his shirt.
“Connie would absolutely be the one to do that, he would panic and then step on my foot. Then he would see your face and panic even more, calling you “Captain Levi” on instinct despite us being retired now,” you slightly lower your voice and speed up your words to mimic the boy’s voice, earning a scoff from Levi. “Then Jean would tease the poor boy, making him get embarrassed while Armin or Mikasa would try to gently de-escalate the pair.”
“And then I would snatch you away in the middle of the commotion and we would sneak out to finally get to spend time together, you complaining the entire time about not saying goodbye.” He finishes your joint daydream with a fond smile and despite the future scenario, you can’t help but notice how similar it sounds to your time in the Scouts. Never having enough time to properly spend together and always having the squad to lead, yet you can’t say you regret it and looking back, you’ve always had a small, albeit very odd, family by your side. 
Before you can speak that thought aloud, his voice catches your attention once more and you can feel his body tense up. “Well, we might have done this thing backwards, having just bought a house together already. But I’m not wasting any more time, not again.”
“Levi?” You can’t help the shake in your voice, his words causing a multitude of emotions to swirl in your chest.
“The only logical next step to take is to marry you.”
A small gasp escapes from your lips as his gaze burns into you, neither of you willing to look away and break the moment. You feel your eyes begin to water as your heart overflows with joy, but you blink them away, instead letting out a small chuckle.
“You make it sound like it’s a battle tactic.”
“From the previous conversation, it might as well be.” Levi counters quickly and you can feel him slowly begin to relax as he walks through the door, carrying you into your new life together and gently placing you back onto your feet. Before you can take a moment to savour everything, to let the whirlwind of emotions calm down and be processed, you hear him click his tongue in annoyance. You turn to face him, watching as he drags a slender finger across the dark wood of the stairs handrail, his eyebrows drawn together in disgust.
“This place is covered in dust, before we do anything, it needs to be cleaned. Stay put, I’ll get the bag.”
You can’t help the load groan as you watch him drift back outside. You take the short break to mentally prepare yourself for a long day of scrubbing the floors side by side with the man you love.
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space-mango-company · 6 months
Stranger | Chapter 4
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Chapter Links: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]
TW: Mentions of Cannibalism, Choking
Tags: Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen x Atreides!Reader, Arranged Marriage, Eventual Smut, POV Second Person, No use of y/n, Original Characters, Canon What Canon
Word Count: 1.4k
A/N: Ok, so clearly I'm a big fat liar. I'm sorry this chapter also took ages. I think I'm just a slow writer lmao. Anyway, it was fun writing this so I hope you guys enjoy it. As always, thanks for all the lovely comments I appreciate them a lot. Take care and have a good one!
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"Where is he?" you snarl as you march through the halls gripping Iassa's choker. "Where is the na-Baron?" Your voice a threat.
"He is doing his morning drills, my lady," Zora, your new servant chases after you, growing increasingly panicked, "he trains with the Warmaster."
You pick up your pace, "Take me to him." When Zora hesitates, you yell, "Now!"
When you arrive, Feyd-Rautha is sparring with who you assume to be the Harkonnen Warmaster in a shallow recessed pit in the center of the training room.
"Where is she?" you call from the doorway, your voice filled with vitriol.
Your unexpected presence catches Feyd-Rautha off-guard and his sparring partner manages to cut his right abdomen through his shield. He growls at the Warmaster and snaps his head to you, "I am preoccupied at the moment, my lady."
"Where is Iassa?" your glare pierces through him.
"Who?" he asks genuinely confused.
Your grip on the choker tightens, "Don't pretend. The servant girl assigned to me. You left this in my room, didn't you?" The realization he had snuck into your quarters while you were asleep quietly creeps on you. "What have you done with her."
"Ah," he tilts his head, ignoring his bleeding wound, "I thought about just cutting her tongue out." A smirk grows on his lips, "but my darlings were hungry."
It was only then you noticed his concubines in the room, lounging in a corner of pillows. Their sharp-toothed grins only stoked your fury.
You scoff in anger, "because she revealed your farce? Are you so insecure?"
Is cocky expression evolves into a glare. "Leave us," he orders, eyes staying on yours. Servants flood out of the room asking with the Warmaster but it seems his pets were exempt from this command. "Why do you cry for a girl you knew less than two days?"
He was right. Why do you care so much? You were hardly 'close' with Iassa. You've had servants on Caladan and you were never particular with any of them. Would you anger for them the same way? Why must you suddenly be a paragon of justice? And at the risk of the Harkonnens' contempt?
When you remain speechless, the na-Baron continues, "You may not be familiar with slaves but here, their death is inconsequential—save for the economics of it all."
"Is that so?" You look at his pets then back at him. Your breath is dragon-like and your tone hardens, "then relieve your concubines."
"What?" Feyd-Rautha's low voice echoes through the room. His concubines hiss at you from their raised platform.
You stand taller, shoulders back, still clutching Iassa's choker in your hand, "If I am to be your wife, I demand you take no other women."
He takes a moment to determine how serious you are being, then decides it doesn't matter. He walks up the steps surrounding the pit and you aren't given time to react before he has your neck in his grip. "You are in no place to demand such things, Atreides." His black gritted teeth at the last word match the darkness of his voice.
Your hands fly to claw at his wrist, "How dare you lay a hand on me." You struggle against his unrelenting grip, "Let go of me!"
He leans down to your ear, "You're a feisty one, aren't you, little hawk?" You feel his hold continue to tighten and panic rises in your chest. Before you can be rendered speechless, you make a decision.
The Voice echos from your mouth seizing Feyd-Rautha's mind and his hand releases your throat. As you gasp desperately for air, he attempts to recover from the haze of the mental intrusion. When he finds his bearings, you see the thrill in his dark eyes. Witch, you can almost hear him say.
"Aren't you just full of surprises," he smirks.
"And I will have many more," you say bitterly. Straightening your dress, you regain your self-assured stance and meet his eyes with a cold stare, "Be rid of your harpies before we are wed or I will kill them myself."
You don't spare his concubines a glance as you turn to leave. You don't see the way Feyd-Rautha looks at you, head tilted, as you storm off.
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You dismiss Zora and lock yourself in your chambers. Sprawled out on your bed, you stare up at the dark gray ceiling and question what could have possibly possessed you to challenge Feyd-Rautha the way you did. You go back and forth on whether or not it was an overreaction but eventually chalk it up to the Atreides' fiery defiance. Certainly, it wasn't the brightest decision but you sense that your father and brother would not have condemned it. Your heart is still pounding from the encounter. And the flicker in Fey-Rautha's eyes—you dismiss the idea that he might have enjoyed it.
You had hoped to hide your mother's training for longer. She had trained you and Paul in The Voice and Prana-Bindu. As a high-born lady, you could have been sent to a Bene Gesserit School in your formative years, but it was decided against due to Baron Vladimir's thinly veiled aversion to The Sisterhood. So, Lady Jessica resolved to teach you in secret. You were grateful for it anyway as you didn't have to be separated from your family. You think about how your mother would be able to continue to train Paul without you. You had always been more adept at The Voice than him. Now, he has the opportunity to surpass you. The thought triggers your competitiveness against your sibling but the feeling quickly melts into melancholy. You miss him. You miss all of them.
Is this to be your life? Married to a twisted psycho who feeds his concubines human flesh and kills people you care about? You sit up and place Iassa's choker carefully in the drawer of your nightstand. You hoped she didn't fear you as she did the Harkonnens.
Your thoughts are interrupted by a knock at the door. You had really hoped no one would bother you for the rest of the day but then you feel the emptiness in your stomach. You had skipped breakfast that day to confront the na-Baron. When you open the door, Zora is holding a covered tray which you assumed, and hoped, to be lunch.
"Would my lady like to eat in solitude?" she asks after she sets your meal at the small table in your quarters. Your heart sinks. She is so young.
"Ah no, I would like you to stay if that's alright." You sit at your table and cut into your food while Zora stands politely to the side. "I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier. The na-Baron—my fiancé—he has caused me some aggravation."
"It is quite alright, my lady," she says, her head bowed low.
After your meal, you ask Zora to fetch you various projections on the planet of Giedi Prime from the Harkonnen archives. You were hesitant to make the request considering the fate of your last servant but you hoped you managed to convince Feyd-Rautha you were not to be trifled with. Besides, what harm could you do by learning about flora and fauna.
You spent the rest of the day watching informative holograms about your new home's ecology and biodiversity. Apparently, one of the planet's greatest exports is wood from the Pilingitam tree which is prized for its pliability when freshly cut but sturdy hardness once aged and dried. It was also anti-fungal and naturally fire-resistant. It was a surprise you didn't see much of it. Everything in the fortress was cold stone and concrete. You wonder how beautiful furniture made out of Pilingitam must be when carved by a skilled artist.
That night, you make sure to lock your door and fall asleep to images of sprawling landscapes.
The following day was similarly spent, watching projections about Giedi Prime's geographical features. You were left undisturbed save for Zora's quiet knocks on your door to serve your meals. Your life as a baroness is days away so you might as well educate yourself. Although, you suppose you should probably focus on politics and history more than the planet's Obsidian Planes but you weren't really in the mood to learn of the Harkonnens' gruesome past right now. You would cross that bridge when you got there.
Come evening, you hear an unfamiliar knock at your door. Zora had already brought you dinner earlier so you are wary as you crack open the door.
"Hello, little hawk." Feyd-Rautha's tall figure looms past the doorway.
You stare him down, making no move to let him in.
He tilts his head slightly, "Would you really kill my darlings?"
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Chapter Links: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]
Taglist: @torchbearerkyle @austinswhitewolf @dreamlandcreations @emeraldsgirl @strawberryfieldsforevermore @bornslippys @vexis-world @aoi-targaryen @alexandrainlove
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ave661 · 22 days
Hi! I’ve got to say I absolutely adore your art it’s impeccable and always leaves me either blushing or crying (I’ve seen the somewhat sadder or dad!character renders you’ve made and I did cry for no reason but I love them either way)
Anyway, I did read your pinned post but I’m not sure if this falls in your ‘okay’ category. Are you comfortable with us using the newer renders that have “Do Not Repost” on them? I use the old ones but lately it’s seems disrespectful if I do use the new ones because I’m not sure you are okay with me using those. Is it alright if I do use the new ones? Obviously I’ll give you credit, as always, but I want your permission first before I do so.
I hope this makes sense. Anyway, have a great day/night!😊
I've been thinking about changing the pinned post for about a month now and I've been postponing the answer to this question for a while to think it over and I came to the conclusion that I don't want my renders to be reposted in any way. Not only new ones, but also older.
If I could go back in time, I would add a huge "do not repost" watermarks from the very beggining on every render. Back then I didn't know how much some of them would blow up and who would use them in what way. I've never been in a fandom as a creator, so I learn something new with every mistake. Maybe I'm too trusting and for a long time I didn't expect that some people would sell fanart they found on the internet. People trace, sell, use without credits, remove my watermarks, edit with AI. Every new info about someone trying to sell them makes me want to give up and I really, really, really don't want that to happen. It's annoying to waste hours reporting thieves. That's why I started adding bigger and uglier watermarks and also posting less renders here and X. However, I'm still very active on Instagram and TikTok because the download option is disabled there which makes me feel more comfortable. I also post stuff on Patreon.
I love seeing my renders used in creative ways and inspiring you to do something, unfortunately every now and then I see them being used in… not so nice ways. Like adding a sw@stik@ to my Konig render, using my Dad series for pedo fics/bots or nsfw stuff that sometimes makes me a bit uncomfortable. But when I read comments that some people thought I MADE THEM because of the watermarks on them, it makes me… ughhhhh.
It really hurts me to say "no" when many of you are respectful, nice and give me credits, but there are also people who don't care and just want to use them for their own profits, not caring that someone spent long time on them.
There's also the problem with Pinterest. Even though I've never posted anything there, I've noticed that sometimes I see my art with all the info and links to my Tumblr blog. Honestly, I don't know how it works, but I don't want anything of mine there. Every time I see them, I report, but like I said, it wastes time that I could be using to create new stuff. So when someone reposts my renders here, it increases the chances of them getting on Pinterest = more stealing in the future.
Sorry I changed my mind on this, but when I saw HT recently selling my Ghost meme on their t-shirts, and then heard that the company that designed it apparently got approval from act!v!s!0n themselves, I was speechless. I guess "I thought they were official" has reached a new level.
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aikoiya · 3 months
LoZ - Ordon Is The Rural Ireland Of Hyrule
Like, I need everyone to fully comprehend what this means for our wolfboy, okay.
Now, to start off, I sort of see an Ordonian accent being something of an odd hybrid of a (more clear) Donegal Irish accent & a southern American drawl. (If anyone knows how that would actually sound, I'd love to hear it.)
But their native language would be mostly Gaelic with a bit of Welsh mixed in.
But, yes, Twi is normally the absolute picture of gentlemanly American south manners. Just humble, casual chivalry in a stetson. All "sir" & "ma'am" & "darlin'" & "please" & "thank you, miss." He is THE good ol', down home country boy.
But, then you listen to him speak around his fellow Ordonians. And, unless you know the language, you'd assume that what he's saying is lighthearted ribbing & it is...
To an Ordonian...
But, Ordonians have one of the most expansive lists of colorful, absolutely slandrous, & surprisingly accurate insults in all of Hyrule.
Like, you wouldn't expect it, but he could cuss a pirate to blush... And could probably drink them under the table too, now that I think about it...
Now, most of it is lighthearted, but whoo! A lot of it is also very visual & just leaves you gaping in shock!! Especially if you know what it means!!!
I am literally breathless as I type this! 😆
Like, the dichotomy I now have of this boy in my head... I just, I hadn't realized how much I wanted it, but I do now.
Like, I now want fanart of Twi just Irish cussing the fudge outta Ganondorf & rendering him utterly speechless! That... or drinkin' him under the table. Whichever comes first.
That would make my day!
I am basically imagining him as the very essence of "do no harm, take no shit."
I also see him, when at the end of his rope, maybe when all the others are arguing around him. To put an end to it, he'll yell something, followed by "Go raibh míle maith agat," which is an Irish blessing that expresses great appreciation & means "May a thousand good things be upon you." However, depending on how it's used, it can either be the legitimate blessing that you expect or a way to put an immediate end to a discussion. Like, "Thank you very much!"
LoZ Linked Universe Masterlist
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cosmicisms · 1 year
alhaitham being whipped for his lover
a/n: love you alhaitham but you’ve been temporarily benched for a twink magician. sorry! also idk what the format of this post is like, i just threw words together without much thought.
alhaitham who had no want or need for romance before meeting you.
panics upon getting to know you more because he can sense something is wrong.
he’s very in tune with his own emotions and thoughts, so right off the bat, he knows that you’re making him feel some type of way.
poor guy, you’ve made him doubt everything he ever knew about himself.
you’d never realise it, though.
even when you greeted him with your happy smile, placing the hot coffee on his desk, he simply nods and politely thanks you.
oh god, but if you could peek into his mind. panic.
he’d usher you out of his office, claiming that you’re distracting him from the files he must attend to, even though you’re pretty sure he’s asked you out to lunch many a time during his work hours. hm…
after a while he caves, tired of denying his own feelings.
as mentioned earlier, he’s very in tune with his own thoughts. he’s not going to hide from them forever.
having approached you with his confession laid out neatly in his mind, alhaitham is rendered speechless as he’s met with that same feeling of desire he always felt around you.
except now it was more intense, blooming within him and causing him to belt out his confession in a rather strange way.
you could’ve sworn he was lecturing you, judging by the way he spoke.
after you processed his words, you accepted and returned his confession with that same sweet smile he adored.
and here you two are now. a happy couple. all according to alhaitham’s strategic plan that he definitely did not spend hours upon hours perfecting and agonising over.
now, having alhaitham as your boyfriend comes with a lot of things.
first of all, his love languages are quality time and acts of service.
even you being in the room with him while he works is enough for him. bonus points if you sit on his lap while he reads.
speaking of work, do you need help with yours? alhaitham’s a scholar, well versed in many fields. have a report you’re dreading to write up? alhaitham will try his best to help, lending you resources and giving you pointers along the way.
also he’s a touchy guy. not in the sense that he’s emotional, i mean he’s a cuddlebug.
loves to touch you in any sort of way. interpret that however you like, but i’m talking about linked pinkies while walking through sumeru city, fingers gently caring through your hair while he reads, and throwing his leg over you while you both sleep.
“i’m clingy? not at all, i simply want to keep you in my sights lest you get into any trouble. what’s that? i’m in denial? hm… then i will refrain from touching you. no, no, you’ve lost your chances now, darling.”
pet names are another thing. he doesn’t really use em. maybe the occasional “darling” or “dear” now and then, but most of the time, he’ll address you by your name.
but the way he does it still has you blushing all the same.
he likes seeing you wearing his clothes. at first, he was confused, however.
“i don’t understand. you have your own clothes that are perfectly suitable, and yet you wear mine anyways? …alright, then.”
yep, he secretly loves it. will melt upon seeing you wrapped up in his cape, his cheeks tainted with pink.
not the biggest sappy romantic, if i’m being honest. how would’ve thought, right?
he’ll cook something for you both and have a nice dinner in the privacy of his home (having kicked kaveh out for the night).
doesn’t enjoy dates out and about, but will gladly take you to the quieter spots of the city. maybe the library for a nice reading date, the two of you cuddled together in a corner with a book each.
…though, his attention is definitely focused on you, rather than the text in his hand.
will literally do anything for you. yeah, he might tease you a little for it, but he won’t hesitate.
alhaitham’s always been sure of himself. whether people thought he was arrogant or just that self-confident, he didn’t really care either way.
but for you? oh, for you…
he loves you. he could never deny that.
“you are the only one who could ever make me feel this way. i love you, y/n. let’s stay together for a long time. dare i say forever?”
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heya, i absolutely love your writing. seriously, it’s amazing!!
so i was wondering if i could request a larissa scenario where the reader can shapeshift. i was wondering if they could do it in a semi-public area eg car sex or event bathroom. maybe have larissa tease them publicly? eg. stroking their thigh, maybe even sitting on reader (non sexual but still in a teasing manner).
it could go as: larissa has to go to an event, can bring wife so she does. she keeps teasing r all night long and then r just can’t take it anymore.
Hi hi hi anon! Absolutely!! I love this idea 🥰 Thank you for your request, and thank you for your patience. Hope you Enjoy ♥️
Dinner Party Deals ~Larissa Weems xFem Wife!Shapeshifter!Reader
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Mommy… Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
Warnings: NSFW, 18+!!!, smutty smut smut, shapeshifting d!cks (g!p), Hand jobs, blow jobs, d!ck riding, car sex, restroom sex, semi-public sex, teasing, pet names, etc.
Enjoy (;
“Oh Darling, Please do come with me…” Larissa cooed, batting her eyes at you.
“To the Mayor’s campaign dinner party…?” You clarified, displaying your disinterest.
“Yes. It would be far more enjoyable with you there…” she promised, stepping closer to you and caressing your check, “And… I’ll make it worth your while when we get back home…” she husked.
Shivers ran down your spine as you gazed into her piercing blue eyes.
How could you deny this woman anything?
“Ok…” you managed to say, nodding in agreement.
Larissa then stepped back, clasping her hands together.
“Wonderful! Well, we’ll need to get dressed and leave soon if we plan to be on time…” the blonde exclaimed, then mumbled.
You nodded along and smiled.
“And one more thing, Darling…” she spoke, her tone becoming hushed.
“What…?” You curiously asked.
Larissa’s lips suddenly kissed yours for what felt like a fraction of a second, pulling away until she was mere inches from your skin.
“I want you packing tonight…” she whispered mischievously, before pulling away.
You blushed and nodded, rendered semi-speechless once again.
“I… alright.” You stammered.
Larissa smiled brightly at your agreement.
You two then finished your separate work, before you started getting dressed. You out on your go-to suit and waited for Larissa downstairs. You also shapeshifted your core as your wife had requested. Larissa then came down. She was wearing a stunning blue, wrap around dress. Your eyes couldn’t get enough. It hugged her curves in all the right way.
“Oh my…” you breathed out, your heart already racing “you look… breath taking, just beautiful…”
Larissa blushed at your words, coming over to give you a thank you kiss.
“Thank you, Darling.” She purred, “Although I’m sure you cannot wait to take it off of me later this evening…” she breathed huskily down your neck.
Chills ran down your spine at the blonde’s words. Sparks of electricity washed over you and right down to your currently very apparent member. You cleared your throat and regained your composure, and you were ready to go, trying to play your reaction off as nothing.
But Larissa knew she had gotten to you…
The drive wasn’t so bad at first. You were driving while Larissa gave you the download on who would be there. But quite quickly, it became harder and harder to concentrate as her hand began to wander and draw circle on your thigh.
“—And of course the Sheriff will be there, along with…” she continued, but your mind wasn’t paying much attention, as her fingers had toyed their way to your underwear line.
Your crotch was slowly bulging. It made you blush furiously, and Larissa smirked wickedly. But before Larissa went any further than teasing or you had time to start begging her, you had arrived. You had to take a deep breath and regain your calm before exiting the vehicle and entering the dinner party.
Larissa and you walked in together, arms linked. She led you around the party, introducing you to all the important and key figures that she thought you ought to know. And then it was time for dinner. You all sat down at the many tables. You and Larissa were sat with four other individuals at your table. The mayor got up to give his speech, which you originally had planned to listen to…
Before Larissa started playing scandalous footsie with you. Your breath hitched as her feet began to explore you legs, moving her touch higher and higher. Then she added her hand to your thigh again. The combination made you lightly dizzy and you had to bite your lip to restrain yourself.
And then the dinner conversation began… That brought a whole other level of challenge to the evening. And throughout all table conversations, Larissa never once let up on her under the table teasings. Her hand had traveled to you growing bulge at one point, nearly making you choke on your wine.
“Are you alright, Darling…?” Larissa concerningly asked you, placating her entire face in an innocent mask, while continuing to palm your twitchy, clothed member.
“I… Yes, sorry…” you choked out, trying to remember to take deep breaths, while giving your wife the side eye in warning.
Luckily, the dinner party soon moved into a lounge room with chairs and more open space. You took the time to breath and clear your head as best you could. You sat down, undoing your blazer button, with a sigh. But you didn’t get much peace, as the next thing you know, Larissa and a couple other high places people come in your direction. Without warning, Larissa sits on top of you.
“And this is my lovely wife, Y/N!” The blonde principal exclaimed, slightly tipsy.
They were all tipsy and didn’t seem to mind her bold action, viewing it as a sweet thing. But your eyes widened and you gulp, desperately trying to stay calm. Much to any of the other guests ignorance, Larissa’s ass was grinding down on your thrumming member. You could barely breathe. Your eyes were so close from rolling back, and a sinful groan was seconds from escaping your throat.
“Emm…” you coughed in interruption of the conversation that Larissa was carrying with the other guests, “You must excuse me. I need to use the restroom.” You explained with a tight strain in your voice.
Larissa’s eyes shimmered wickedly at your words, but she continued to to play innocent.
“Oh of course, Darling!” She said, immediately getting off of you, “Don’t mean to keep you” she said with a mischievous and knowing smirk.
You nod lightly, before scurrying out of the room. You walked the halls of the town hall, desperately looking for the restroom and thankfully finally finding it. Luckily it was a only stall, one person bathroom.
You shut the door and locked it, before immediately undoing your trousers, pulling out your aching dick, and stroking it a couple times. Your eyes rolled back and your sighed in relief. You had to bite your lip to keep quiet, but it was so worth it. Your pre-cum was already dribbling down your cock, getting your hands all sticky, but you could care less, as you worked yourself up with ease. Suddenly a loud rapture on the restroom door made you jump.
“Darling…” Larissa purred, “I know you are in there, let me in.”
You panted, quickly putting your dick away and cleaning up yourself before answering the door. With the door open, Larissa came forward, backing you into the bathroom. Her eyes raked up and down your frame. Your pupils were dilated. You were panting. Your cheeks were flushed, your hands clammy.
“Doing something…?” She teasingly purred, backing against the door to close it and lock it.
“I… just using the restroom…” you breathed out anxiously.
Larissa hummed skeptically in response. She began moving towards you again, trapping you against the wall.
“Your fly is undone, Darling…” she wickedly quipped, tilting her head and smirking, “Let me fix that for you…”
Oh Shit…
Before you could say anything else, your wife had already undone your trouser button, and her hand was deep in your pants, palming your throbbing dick. You let out a desperate groan in response to Larissa’s actions, your head smashing against the wall as you grinded needily against her hand.
“Ohhhh… Is this what you want…?” Larissa teased, now haven taken your member fully out and stroking it, not holding back anymore.
“God Larissa please…” you pleaded with your eyes screwed shut.
“Nuh uh uh…” she tutted in reminder, “Eyes open, Darling.”
You groaned once more and opened your eyes, meeting the blonde’s lustful, playful gaze. Her hand stroked your shapeshifted dick faster. And her face told you how much pleasure and how much she got off on this…
“Please please please…” you chanted, begging the woman.
“Alright… How about this…?” Larissa tauntingly purred in your ear, “I’ll let you cum once right here and in return… you suck me off in the car”
Your stomache dropped at her words. That was even more public… What if you got caught? You’d never had sex in the car before… But God, did you want to cum so badly!!
“Yes yes deal…!!” You groaned, nodding vigorously.
Larissa smiled big at your words. Her hand tightened its hold on your cock, making you have to bite down and muffle the guttural groan that ripped through your throat, as you came all over your wife’s hand. Your whole body was thrumming with pleasure. Your mouth hung open in satisfaction, and your dick went silent, obviously very satisfied with the outcome of the last 15 minutes. Shapeshifting back to you normal cunt gave you a relief and the ability to sigh in content.
“Excellent…” The blonde lustfully hummed, while helping you over and back down from your high.
The woman then helped you clean up, as well as herself, and the two of you went back out to the party. You two were quick to excuse yourselves when it seemed for to do so, as you both had more pressing concerns. Larissa eagerly led you by hand back to the car. You both got in, breathless.
By now, you could see Larissa’s apparent bulge… You gulped and stared wide eyed the woman sitting in the driver seat next to you. The blonde looked at you expectantly, but when you didn’t do anything, she took matters into her own hands. She easily picked you up and placed you at her feet, slipping her dress up to her thighs, revealing that she wasn’t wearing any knickers… As well as her own apparent dick.
You instinctually licked your lips at the sight. You got up on your knees and immediately licked a stripe from the base to the tip, catching some of her salty pre-cum. Larissa’s head flew back almost violently, as she let quite the sinful moan slip from her lips. You stopped licking her cock to remind her to keep it down.
“Shhhh, Darling… I like you better with a mouthful of my cock…” Larissa groaned.
You nearly moaned at your wife’s words, your own cunt starting to collect slick. You then took the blonde’s dick into your mouth all the way, in one fall swoop. You nearly chocked at its size.
“Breathe, Sweet girl…” Larissa reminded you, followed by a desperate, guttural moan, “God—! You look so pretty sucking me off…!!”
You moaned in response, starting to bob up and down on her dick. Larissa’s hand weaved into your hair, pushing you down only further. You remembered to breathe many times, as the woman nearly brought you to the chocking point many times, guiding you in a brutal pace. Larissa breathed heavily, at this point, jerking her hips and fucking your mouth sloppily.
“D-darling… Mmmm gonna cum…!!” Larissa groaned loudly.
You groaned in response, only quickening your pace, and encouraging the blonde to let go. Larissa came with her loudest cry yet, squirting her hot seed into your mouth. You licked the woman clean, as she slowly gathered her bearings. She eventually released your head from her vice grip. You then looked up at Larissa, mouth full of cum.
Larissa chuckled, bringing one of her fingers to your chin, wiping the excess cum off of it and stuffing it in your mouth. You moaned at the action, and she chuckled.
“Swallow. Don’t waste any of it.” The blonde told you.
You immediately obeyed and swallowed the entire load.
“Good girl…” Larissa breathlessly husked.
Your stomache sunk at her words. And your breath hitched.
“Yes…” you panted, “I’m your good girl…”
Larissa gazed down at you in delight.
“Take your trousers and knickers off, sweet girl…” she purred.
“I… um ok.” You stammered, getting up and shimmying your bottom half of clothing off.
When you were half nude, you presented yourself to the blonde. She smirked and picke you up, placing you on her lap.
“Such a good girl…” Larissa cooed, before lining up your slick cunt with her soaked cock and slowly sinking you down on her member, “But you’ll have to try and be quiet, Darling…”
You batted your eyelashes heavily and your eyes rolled back at her actions.
“Says the woman who just cried out because of my mouth… Ohhhhh…” you chuckled which quickly turned into a guttural groan.
Larissa looked at you, taking your words as a challenge. She then pulled you all the way down on her, abruptly bottoming you out.
“Oh Fuck GOD SHIT—!!!” You practically screamed, clinging onto Larissa for dear life.
The blonde chuckled in response, clearly happy with her work. She then began slamming up into you. This only made your cries of pleasure worse.
“You were saying…?” She eagerly teased.
“Shut up…” you grumbled, “and go harder.”
“My pleasure, Darling…” Larissa moaned into your ear.
Larissa Weems Masterlist
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prismaticpichu · 2 months
What would a Gold Saucer date be like with Seph and Zack? 👀👉👈
Taking in consideration that Seph can be a little awkward, but slowly open to Zack, and Zack feeling blessed to witness this side of him… 💭
Dhdhdhbdbdh!!! Only the CUTEST date lol!! ;-; ;-; Ty Anon for such a precious question!!!!
(Gonna make it CC era, but bump Zack’s age up to 18/19ish!!)
ZackSeph ~ Gold Saucer Date 💙💚
• The idea came a little out of the blue, yet not entirely without its roots or reason. Months had passed since the events of Modeoheim; Genesis was nowhere to be seen. Things at ShinRa have cooled to a moderate temperature, spattered with hints of conflict here and there, but not enough for it to take away the overall air of peace that had settled over the base.
• It was the perfect time for them to start exploring their relationship <3
• Zack had always wanted to take a vacation—a real vacation. Not some pitying trip to Costa Del Sol where he would have to fight Genesis copies with a sandy beach umbrella. He wanted a vacation where he could relax, be unchained from ShinRa, enjoy himself…
• And he wanted to be with one of his favorite people in the world.
• Seph had been there since the first sparks of the hellish fire were lit, shielding him from Ifrit’s vengeful fury when he’d been naive enough to turn his back in arrogance. Their bond traced all the way back to Wutai, the HQ ambush, Angeal… Everything that had imploded, they braced it together, and their relationship only flourished over the span of the storm. They bled together; they burned together; they grieved together; they healed together. Countless nights were spent at each other’s quarters, watching movies and fallen asleep in each other’s arms… An unbreakable friendship had formed, with also a spark of something more. Something beautiful. Something that burned just as bright as Ifrit, and a fire that Zack wanted to run into with all his blazing heart.
• All of which was how the question of a proper, fun Date was born.
• It was also first time Zack had ever seen Seph’s head snap up from his paperwork, be rendered speechless, and break an amusing swath of silence with “…I accept.”
• They walked through the gates of the Gold Saucer hand-in-hand, Zack feeling the anxious quivers as he clutches the smooth leather of his buddy’s glove. He gave him a little squeeze. I’m right here… he was saying, assuring. I’m here, pal…
• Sephiroth squeezed him in turn.
• Although a little overwhelmed, Zack doesn’t leave his partner’s side, the two SOLDIERs staying linked as their eyes darted from stand to stand. Zack wanted to chow down on some delicious greasy grub; Sephiroth wanted water. Result?? They ended up sharing an ice cream cone- vanilla with Oreo crumbs!! Zack got a little splotch on his nose, perfectly centered. Sephiroth dabbed the treat off with a napkin <3
• My… he chuckled, the first beautiful song of the night. You are too much…
• Zack bit the bottom of the ice cream cone, laughing playfully as cookie crumbs spilled onto his date’s hand.
• They shoot for some games, heading into the arcade, Zack taking the wheel as he smashes skeeball and basketball hoops. Sephiroth wondered why Zack seemed so… determined yo win, but ultimately chalked it up to Zack’s lovingly athletic nature. All his deductions are proven wrong when Zack raced up to the prize booth, 10000 game Gil earned, and exchanged the dough for their biggest prize: a JUMBO Zolom plushie!!
• Said Zolom was then draped around Sephiroth’s neck, emerald eyes blinking in surprise.
• For you, bud. And those beautiful eyes of yours.
• As the night deepened and the lights of the attractions blazed, Zack suggested they take a ride on the ferris wheel, knowing Sephiroth would enjoy the scenic views over any “nauseating” thrill ride. The man happily agreed! Some Would You Rather on the line later, and the two were climbing into a car, Zipper the Zolom still wrapped securely around Sephiroth’s shoulders—soon joined by Zack’s loving arm as the ride slowly ascended, carrying them up to the brilliant explosion of stars glimmering overhead.
• Sighing, Zack leaned against his bud as the their car came to a gentle stop, towering over the colorful beads and flares that had become of the park below. So cozy… the plushy combination of Zipper and the hoodie he had convinced Seph to wear, nestling deep into his beautiful shelter. Nowhere on the planet did he feel safer than he did then: soaring above the world, so free, light as a feather, no wings needed…
• He felt Seph lean against his hair only seconds later.
• Thank you…
• Heh… shucks. I’m so glad you had a good time.
• N-no… I mean… thank you. For everything.
• Aww, bud…
• I mean it. Your companionship, your ears, your trust, your love… He stopped, burying into the feathery spikes, the quills quivering as he let out a soft, tranquil sigh. My.. my life… it would never be the same without you. I don’t know where I would be. What I would be doing. How I would get up everyday without knowing you would be there. I…—
• And he paused again, swallowing, emerald eyes gleaming against the night as he let the truth break free in all its earnest, velvet honesty:
• Just three words, three simple syllables.
• Words he thought he knew once upon a time.
• Words that were lost.
• Words that, like their fragile weight, like a bond between a trio of glass statues, could be so easily shattered…
• And so very possible to be rebuilt again.
• I.. I love you.
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therealslimsanji · 11 months
Mini Rant Incoming
(Please feel free to skip)
I've seen a ton of posts declaring "OPLA!Sanji is definitely only a top" and "OPLA!Zoro is definitely only a bottom" and I'M looking at these two idjits like...HOW??
Now in my humble opinion, (that I'm aware no one asked for, needed, or wanted in their lives), both these dumb-dumbs switch it up depending on whatever the situation calls for.
I see OPLA!Sanji being bratty and antagonizing in order to get OPLA!Zoro to absolutely DOMINATE him and the cheeky obnoxious bastard is smiling the whole time Zoro is growling and ripping off clothes. Because he knows Zoro loves it. He sees it in the dark glint of the swordsmans' eyes when they look back at him ravenous. He sees it in the cocky smirk that tugs at the corner of Mosshead's lips. And when those same lips immediately latch on to taste and explore every single inch of the Shitty Waiter's skin, Sanji can hear it in the barely audible "mine" that Zoro hisses possessively against the flushed flesh over and over.
On the flipside of that, OPLA!Zoro can also be an incredibly tender, affectionate man. But ONLY behind the tightest of closed doors. Because by this point he knows his cook inside out. He knows exactly how to render the annoying blond speechless. He knows that Sanji is a romantic and a selfless giver as Zoro's been on the receiving end of Sanji's attentiveness and gentle doting touches many times.
He knows Sanji will also sometimes ignore his own needs and wants in favor of endlessly pleasing his partner.
So when opportunity strikes in the privacy of whatever semi comfortable space they can find, the Pirate Hunter will take his precious time with the Cook. Taking him apart with a torturous, calculated slowness. He doesn't usually say much outside of "shhh.." when the blond's begging and whimpering gets too loud and "I've got you, Shit Cook," that's chuckled affectionately into the blond's gasping mouth. On those nights, Sanji has usually cum several times and is nearly delirious with pleasure before Zoro finally chases his own release. And when he hits his euphoric peak, he whispers "I love you" into sweaty blond hair over and over.
When Zoro does bottom, many times it's on nights when he knows Sanji needs to be in control. When he knows, sometimes without the Cook even having to come out and say it, that Sanji's past has been fucking extra hard with him and sometimes he just needs to fuck something harder to feel grounded again. But Sanji is never too rough. Even when Zoro gives him permission to be. Because Sanji is so caring it's almost to a fault. He could never hurt the ones he loves the way the ones who were supposed to love him have hurt him in the past.
When Sanji tops those nights, Zoro will silently link one their hands together while the other brushes sweaty golden bangs back behind the chef's ear. He'll pull the boy above him impossibly closer and kiss away Sanji's stubborn tears. With foreheads pressed together, Zoro will whisper "I love you, Sanji." and Sanji's heart will swell in his chest so much that it almost physically hurts.
They'll reach climax together with Sanji chanting out how much he fucking loves the stupid swordsman like the holiest unholy prayer.
And afterward, Zoro wraps both muscular arms around his boy protectively, silently vowing to do anything and everything in his mortal power to keep Sanji safe, loved and happy.
No matter what it costs.
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Wildflowers For A Hangman Ch. 7 Pt. 1
Daisy, a career novelist, moves in with her college best friend Phoenix who has been permanently assigned to Top Gun with Dagger Squad. She finds herself instantly connected with a cocky pilot who's soft only for her and Jake can't help but want to know everything about her. When the past comes knocking at both of their doors, will they stand together or fall apart?
Or: The Dagger Squad can't cook and Jake falls in love with a woman who makes a mean lasagna while they work their personal trauma.
Jake "Hangman" Seresin x writer!femOC | 18+ (eventually) minors dni. Fluff, smut (eventual), idiots in love, past trauma.
A/N: Daisy and Jake have a conversation. Natasha plays wingman.
AO3 Link
Previous Chapter
The house smelled delicious, I had spent the last few hours making the perfect bolognese sauce, homemade focaccia, and I had tiramisu ready in the fridge for after dinner. The Daggers were coming over for dinner and I had received a dozen texts from the group about how excited they were to have a home cooked meal, it made me feel good. The day was perfect, Cassandra had given me twice as many pages as I had anticipated, all of which I sent over to my agent to read. For once in my life, everything seemed to be falling into place. 
“Honey, we’re home,” Rooster was the first through the door, the rest of the group trailing in after him with shouted greetings and proclamations of how good everything smelled.
“Wash up, everyone!” I shooed them all away from the kitchen, even Natasha who pouted at me, but Jake just grabbed my hands, pulling me to him. He kissed my temple,
“I missed you.” 
“It’s only been a week,” I rolled my eyes but wrapped my arms around him, relishing in the warmth rolling off of him. Sure, it was largely my fault we hadn’t seen each other, dodging his texts and coming up with excuses not to go to the Hard Deck but that didn’t mean I hadn’t missed him. 
With everyone laying into me about how much Jake and I should get together, I needed a few days to breathe and sort through my own feelings about him. Plus, Cassandra really had been chatty this week, giving me a valid excuse to stay away. I raised up on my toes and pressed a kiss to his jaw, “Wash up, Jake. I’ve got to finish setting the table.” 
I pulled away but he pulled me back, pressing a long kiss to my forehead, sending my stomach into a nervous frenzy.
“We’re going to talk about this later.” I nodded, looking anywhere but him. I could feel his eyes on me as he washed up in the kitchen sink while I finished setting the table, even as the others filed back into the room. 
“Thanks for dinner, Daisy,” Bob gently squeezed my forearm with a smile.
“I already made you a take home box for later, it’s in the fridge.” Bob’s eyes lit up like a kid on Christmas. 
“Do I get one too?” Rooster threw an arm around my shoulders, “I shot down three of these guys in training today.” 
“I’ll give you an extra helping of dessert, Roo.” I patted him on the gut, “Now-”
“Now, we take our hands off the little lady,” Jake pulled me away from Rooster, “And sit down at the table.” 
“Who says the little lady doesn’t want my hands on her?” Rooster asked with a grin and Jake dug his fingers into my hip, staring down his friend and roommate. This was…a first. I’d never been stuck between two guys like this before and it had officially rendered me speechless. Luckily, Bob had my back.
“Alright, let’s not do this,” Bob pushed Rooster towards the table filled with trained naval aviators who all needed to take an acting class.
“Come on,” I patted Jake’s hand, removing it from my hip. “Let’s eat.” 
After dinner everyone spread around the apartment, Javy, Rooster, and Bob were playing video games in the living room, Phoenix was arguing with her mom over the phone in the kitchen, the rapid mix of Spanish and Italian giving me flashbacks to when Natasha failed a midterm sophomore year. Cassandra had started to speak again and Jake had accompanied me to my room, laying on my bed while I wrote. Once I reached a good stopping point, I turned to find Jake under the covers, reading one of my New York detective books. 
“You took your boots off, right?” He grinned, putting the book down on his chest.
“Want to come check?” 
“You’re an idiot,” I laughed, stretching as I stood. “And a cover hog.” 
“I can share, Wildflower.” He held up the other end of the blanket and against all good judgment, I climbed in with him, snuggling into Jake’s side. “How are you feeling?” 
“Sleepy,” I stretched an arm across his center, my fingertips coming in contact with his bare skin where his shirt must have ridden up. “How are you feeling?” 
“I’m good, sweetheart,” Jake kissed my hair. 
“You like to use nicknames a lot,” I muttered, tracing circles into his side. “Is it because you guys use callsigns at work?” He didn’t say anything and I found myself filling the silence. “Like, do you use them for everyone? Do they mean something?” 
“Are you asking if I call everyone sweetheart, sweetheart?” I tensed, was that what I was asking? Shit, it was. Jake didn’t seem bothered, running his fingers up and down my arm soothingly. “Well, there’s a ranking for things like this. Honey, darlin, and sweetheart are low hanging fruit, I’m from the south after all. Next up would be personal nicknames, based on things that are specific to them.” 
“Like Wildflower?” 
“Yeah, like Wildflower. I thought about calling you kitten too,” I cringed,
“Please don’t.” Jake shook with laughter,
“Next, every guy has the one name they use that’s reserved only for girls he’s serious about. Also, I don’t have nicknames for you, I have pet names, there’s a difference.” 
“What’s your one name?” I needed to know, my curiosity more than piqued at this point.
“That’s not what I meant and you know it.” I pinched his side. 
“No need to get rough, Daisy.” He kissed my temple, “It’s baby. I don’t ever call girls baby.” Oh. My heart dropped to my stomach, a heavy but oddly comforting feeling settling in my chest. Jake’s heart was beating loud and fast beneath my head, he was waiting for me to say something. If I did, it could change everything. If I didn’t, we could lose it. That’s what time did, it stole things away from us. I took a deep breath. Fuck it. 
“You call me baby.” 
“I do.” 
“I like when you do.” 
“Good,” He kissed my hair again, “I wasn’t planning on stopping.” After a moment he added, “You ready to talk about this, baby?” No, I was not. I moved away from him just enough to see his face, which was soft and unguarded. I took a deep breath, consciously dropping my own walls. The phrase now or never seemed a lot scarier when the now was now. 
“The idea of whatever this is scares me,” He cupped my cheek but stayed quiet. “And honestly, I don’t know when I stopped thinking you were teasing me and started believing you were actually flirting, but-” I sighed, closing my eyes for a moment to gather some courage. “But I’m right here if you’re here with me. Does that make sense?” 
“Perfect sense,” Jake leaned close, his cologne surrounding me as his lips brushed against mine. Then again more firmly. His lips were warm and soft, moving gently against mine, his hand sliding into my hair. Heat bloomed in my chest, spreading through my body as the kiss became more feverish. I parted my lips, letting him deepen the kiss as he laid me back onto the bed. 
“Jake?” He moved his kisses to my cheek, then my chin, and my neck, making my head spin. “I have a house full of people downstairs.” 
“Yes, baby?” His lips found a spot on my neck that made me gasp and Jake focused his efforts there, lavishing the spot with his tongue and teeth until I knew there would be a hickey the size of a bowling ball there for the next week. “Fuck, you’re making such pretty noises for me.” 
“Jake,” I whined, digging my fingers into his side, “We have to stop.” 
“You’re right, we do.” Jake gave me three quick kisses before rolling back to the side, “Because when I get to do what I want to do to you, you’re going to wake the dead with how loud you’ll be.”
A/N: This chapter was longer than I realized and I had to break it into two parts
Part Two
Taglist: @dizzybee03 @littlezee80 @cinderellasmissingshoes @carolina-on-my-mind03 @mizzzpink
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same anon as the one that sent the teasing ask omh i didn't think you'd respond aAA!!
please he sounds so pathetic i love him ;__; i'm too weak for him in general and as much as i want to tease the living shit out of this man, i don't think i'd have the heart to do it for too long after seeing this man whine for too long fghGFDFHB LOVE WHAT YOU WROTE.. BIG KISS
okay, but have another thought; so he lives in an apartment, right? imagine being his neighbour. even better if you know about him online and you later realize your neighbour is this nasty loser… or you talked to him about your neighbour online or whatever without either of you realizing you're talking about him. normal people would move out at the speed of light if they really had to but i know the minority that (unfortunately) loves this nasty man (affectionate) would stay <3
hehe my ask box is egregiously full rn but yours struck me right in the coochie!! i had to respond immediately!! sorry to my other 120+ asks, i was overwhelmed by my own lust… i’m givin u a BIG KISS right back!! mwah mwah mwah!! ^u^
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correct!! inceltaru lives in an apartment, one that’s fairly nice though he could afford one that’s way nicer or a whole mansion if he wanted to but… he prefers only having as much space as he needs. i think he’s a bit uncomfortable with having too much space; he feels safer in smaller places. something something cozy something something he needs to feel a bit trapped at all times since he has a need for control. he’s a frequent browser of many online forums so the odds that you’ve seen at least one of his posts before is close to a hundred percent. consider this: you post a mini rant somewhere about how much you can’t stand your neighbour and his habit of having noisy gaming/jerk off sessions when you’re trying to sleep. he stumbles across it and quickly links the post back to you, his very next door adorable crush!! he’s immediately shooting you a message sympathizing with your issue and offering an ear to vent it all out to while grinning to himself all about how you have no clue it’s him. is he a bit peeved you’re talking so much shit about him?? yes, but he finds it far too hot that you know about him to be truly upset. the degradation only increases the frequency of his nasty actions to enjoy your equally increased annoyance. it’s a bit of a waiting game for you to find out it’s him but you’ll get it soon with all of the slight reflections of his ginger hair and glasses in the occasional photo he sends you!! inceltaru loves that your unaware and, to a degree, at his mercy <3 it takes a nearly clear photo of his face for you to put two and two together since you’ve only caught glimpses of him on the rare occasion he’s left his own apartment but when you do you’re halfway between cussing him out and breaking your lease. unfortunately, you’ve got a killer deal on rent so in your anger you storm over to his door to confront him on the verge of tears. you feel humiliated knowing he was fully aware and enjoying playing with you like some toy!! he answers the door with a lazy grin, wet hair, no shirt, and only clad in boxers. it would be wise to make fun of him for having what you assume is his monthly shower but you’re rendered speechless at the way he’s eyeing you and opening the door further to let you in. he leers at you upon entry and asks what’s up as if he isn’t fully aware like the asshole he is. suddenly you’re stuck between verbally beating him up or sucking the obvious boner you can see through his grey boxers…
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missmilkie · 4 months
My Hero Academia Bf Scenarios
Becoming Friends
I’ve been so behind all of my writing because of life, so I’m going to at least post what I have now and add to it when I can. Sorry for the holdup!
Izuku Midoriya
For a week you worked in close contact with the number one hero. Once the initial design was worked out, you went to your workshop to start on a prototype. With you no longer nearby, Deku would text you to ask about your day and your progress. It was sweet and made you blush every time, but you tried not to read into it too much.
Deku was known for being super friendly and caring. It was just how he was. Knowing that didn’t stop your heart from fluttering at a text of his.
If you’re not busy, would you like to meet up for dinner?
Sure, what did you have in mind?
What do you think of this?
[link attached]
That place is so fancyyy
My treat :)
What time do you want me there?
Couldn’t pick you up from your place around eight?
Yeah, I’ll be ready
Great, looking forward to it!
You couldn’t help the giddy smile that took over your face. You were going to dinner with the number one hero!! A wave of nervousness washed over you. Fuck.
You were on the verge of a breakdown with your friend on FaceTime. Clothes were strewn across your bed and the floor. You were tripping over shoes every ten paces.
“Just wear the bodycon.” (B/f) suggested.
“No, that’s too sexy for dinner with Izuku. Plus the color looks awful on me.”
“Izuku? First name basis with the number one hero, I see you~” (B/f) teased. A hot blush overtook your face.
“We text quite a bit, you know. We’ve had to work very closely.”
“Sure, sure. Just let me know if he’s number one in bed too.”
“You know what, I think I’m gonna wear the (fav color) one.” You swiftly changed the subject.
“Wear the (second fav color) heels with it.”
“That’s exactly what I was thinking.” You pulled the dress off the hanger.
“Alright, you hop in the shower. And don’t forget to tell me how the dick is.”
“You’re the worst.”
“I love you too. Bye~~”
You were struggling with your necklace when the doorbell rang. Your heart damn near jumped up your throat at the sound.
“Coming!” You yelled as you made your way to the door, still fiddling with the necklace.
Holding the jewelry together with one hand, you opened the door.
“Hey.” The green haired male smiled shyly, his freckles making him look extra cute.
“Hi. I’m ready, just need to put this on.” You giggled awkwardly.
“Here, let me help you.”
You turned around and lifted your hair out of the way. His large scarred hands took hold of the necklace, gently clasping it together.
“Thank you.” You breathed out, thankful that he couldn’t see how you were biting your lip.
“No problem. After you.” Izuku motioned to the door.
Katsuki Bakugo
“Not bad, newb.” Dynamight smirked as he wiped his sweat with a towel. “But you’re still not good enough to fight me.”
For a moment, the sweat glistening on his shoulders exposed by his tank top distracted you. That and the faint smell of caramel and smoke.
“I’ll be there before you know it, so watch out, sir.” Your voice sounded way more confident than you were. You almost folded at the sight of him in all his gorgeous sweaty glory. How could you be so weak?!
“We’ll see about that.” He snorted before turning away. “Oh and by the way, some sidekicks and I are going out tonight. You’re welcome to come.”
Rendered speechless, you watched as he strode away to his office. This had to be Megan’s doing. She didn’t miss the looks you gave your boss on patrols. You thanked whatever higher power out there for having such a great wingwoman.
“Hurry up, (L/n)!!” Speak of the devil. Megan ran up to you after Dynamight walked away.
“Taneuma, you didn’t!”
“I did! But it’s actually surprising that he said yes. I think he’s taken a liking to you~”
“Stop, I’m gonna get delusional.” You rolled your eyes.
“Get your ass moving, we ride a sunset!”
She pushed you into the locker room with her inhuman strength.
You walked out in tight jeans, a sexy top and ankle boots. Megan told you to always have a nice outfit to go out in, and now you know why. It made you wish you had chosen a more comfortable pair of jeans. You gained some weight since graduating high school, so they didn’t quite fit like they used to. You’d have indents of the seams along your legs tonight.
Megan went with you to the bar everyone else was at. Seeing the other sidekicks dressed like civilians made you feel a little more relaxed. You subconsciously bit your lip when you caught sight of your boss.
He wore a metal band t-shirt and olive cargo pants. It seemed so simple, but he made it look so good.
“Hey, newbie!” You startled at his voice. “I’d better not see you drinking alcohol, I know you’re not old enough.”
“Yes, sir! I’m just here to hang.” You gave him a quick thumbs up.
He maintained eye contact for another moment before turning away to sip his drink.
“Despite how rude and improper he can be, Bakugo can be a stickler for rules.” Megan whispered in your ear. “He waited until he was the legal drinking age before even thinking about touching alcohol.”
You nodded in acknowledgement and ordered a soda.
While your coworkers drank and laughed all tipsy, you sipped your soda and laughed at their dumbassery. Megan was hilarious drunk or not. She hyped you up and made sure you were included all night.
At some point, everyone got up to use the bathroom. This left you alone with Bakugo. He was the only one who wasn’t acting a fool and super drunk.
“What’s with the face?”
“Huh?” You looked up at the sound of his raspy voice.
“Your face. What’s wrong with it?”
“Nothing. I’m minding my business like you should be.” You shot a glare at him, finding it hard to look annoyed.
“Hey, I’m trying to be nice here!” Bakugo barked before lowering his voice to a grumble. “The sidekicks say I intimidate the newer ones a lot.”
“Don’t ‘oh’ me! Tell me what’s wrong.”
“I’m just…really glad that I’ve made it enough to be in the bar with a top hero as a part of his agency. It’s a dream come true to say the least.”
“You’d better not settle though. I don’t take kindly to people without ambitions.”
“I don’t stop, sir.”
Shoto Todoroki
You woke up in the hospital after the accident. The room was filled with cards and balloons sent in by your adoring fans once they found out that you had been injured. It warned your heart to see that people cared. (B/f) was even in the chair pulled close to your bed, sleeping in an awkward position. Her makeup was smudged and her hair was frizzy. How long were you out?
You spotted your phone plugged up near you. Reaching for it, you ignored the pain to grab it. There were several missed calls, texts, and emails. (B/f), your parents, Shoto? You tapped the conversation with him.
Idk when you’ll be seeing this, but lmk when you’re up
I just want to make sure you’re alright, you gave me a scare
Sent yesterday. You let out a sigh of relief. Good, you hadn’t been out for too long.
I’m awake now
I think I’ll be okay, I’m in the hospital with (B/f) watching over me
As if summoned by your text, (B/f) stirred.
“(Y/n)? Are you awake?”
“Yeah. Hey, girlie.” You smiled, opening your arms for a hug. She accepted, coming to you to wrap her arms around your body.
“I was so worried when the doctors said you had head trauma. Thought you might be in a coma.” Tears shone in her eyes, ready to fall when she pulled away.
“I’m so glad I’m not. Did they say how bad it was?”
“You have a severe concussion. As well as third degree bruising across your body.”
“Damn. No wonder everything hurts.”
You didn’t have the time to mourn your beaten body as your phone vibrated again.
“As soon as you wake up after a car accident, you’re on your phone! I should’ve known…” she teased, feigning annoyance.
“Hey..! You were sleeping and you looked tired, so I didn’t want to wake you.”
“Excuses, excuses.”
You rolled your eyes as you opened your phone. Shoto had texted back.
That’s good to hear. I hope your injuries aren’t too severe
Apparently I have a severe concussion and third degree bruising soooo
“Okay, who is this that’s texting you back right away?” (B/f) cut in, whining.
“It’s just Shoto.”
“I heard he was in the fight yesterday…” she took a moment to think. “Did he save you?”
“Yeah. He kept me awake until I could be taken here.” Your insides warmed at the memory of his gentle touch and soft voice.
“Is he asking you how you’re doing? Lemme see!” She leaned closer to glance at the screen.
“It’s nothing interesting. He’s just checking up on me.”
“I doubt he does this with every person he saves.”
“Obviously, but we had been texting before it all happened.”
A knock cut the conversation short.
“Come in!” You called out.
(B/f)’s jaw dropped when she saw Shoto walk in.
“I was in the area, so I figured I’d visit.” He stated so nonchalantly. As he approached your bed, you noticed the bowl of sliced fruits in his hand.
“Thank you for coming. There’s not much to worry about, really. Just sounds like I need to take it easy for a while.”
“Make sure you do what the doctor tells you. Maybe you’ll still be able to make it to that pool party.”
“Oh yeah!” You had forgotten about that. How would you go if your body was covered in ugly dark bruises?
“If not, I’m sure you can still wear your swimsuit another time.”
“But I didn’t end up buying one. We never made it to the mall.” You cocked your head, brows furrowing. Did you forget getting a swimsuit?
“I know. I saw one that I thought you’d like, so I got it for you. I had it sent to your address.”
“Thank you, Shoto! I can’t wait to see it.”
“You’ll have to tell me how you like it.” Shoto allowed a small smile to grace his face. Your insides warmed again and you beamed right back at him.
Eijiro Kirishima
As a pro hero, you didn’t get many off days. When you do, the chances of you having a friend who also has the day off is slim. If all the pro heroes had the same day off, criminals would take advantage of it.
“(L/n)! Didn’t expect to see you here! And in civvie clothes, no less.” You turned to see Red Riot. Though he was obviously off duty. What was his name again? Kirishima was it?
“You’re off today too? Maybe I should’ve texted.”
“Well, I know now.” He shrugged with a smile before asking, “Wanna talk over some lunch?”
“Yes, I’m starving.”
“My sidekicks are cooked!” You sighed exasperated. Kirishima just laughed heartily.
“They’re just a few years younger, it can’t be that bad.”
“They’ve suffered incredible brain rot. Do you not have this problem?”
“Well, yeah, but I guess I always kinda just went with it.” The redhead shrugged.
“Of course mine had to be special…” you pouted as you gazed out the window of the cafe you were at. The streets were busy with people going about their day.
“They’re incredible heroes though. I can tell they’ve really grown under your wing.”
Your eyes snapped back to him.
“I can tell that you put a lot of effort and care into their training.” Kirishima’s smile was softer now.
“Thank you.”
At some point during your outing, a citizen recognized the two of you as heroes. Being highly ranked meant a lot more people knew about you. Fans soon crowded around you, phones out and bombarding you with questions.
“Together on their day off?!”
“Are you in a relationship?”
“It isn’t very nice to bother us on our day off. We don’t get a lot of those.” Kirishima explained, being really chill about it.
“We’d be happy to talk suited up. You’ll have to find us tomorrow.” You had the fakest smile. Yeah, you loved your job and protecting people. It was just that people could really get on your nerves.
Being a highly ranked pro hero meant more popularity and being treated like a celebrity. It was easy to forget that you were people too.
With your statement, Kirishima grabbed you by the waist.
“Mind blasting us off?”
You gave a firm nod before pooling heat to small areas of your feet. So much for those shoes. It was a good thing they weren’t your favorite pair. A small, but powerful fire was released, propelling you into the air.
“Kirishima, the landing!”
“I’ve got it.”
Handling you so that he could carry you bridal style, the off duty hero braced himself to land on the street. When he hit the ground, he rolled. His body curled around yours, so you really only knocked into him instead of the ground.
“You okay?” He asked as you helped him up.
“Yeah. Thanks for breaking the fall.”
“No problem. Though we should run before they catch up.”
You glanced at the approaching crowd.
Denki Kaminari
You didn’t know how he got your number, but to say you had a heart attack when you saw his text would be an understatement.
Heyyy, (L/n)
It’s Chargebolt, you’ve been at my last two press conferences
How did you get my number?
I found the paper you work for and asked them
Being a pro does have its perks when looking for info
I’ve reached out to you personally!
This is my personal cell
It is?
Allegedly Chargebolt:
Would you like an exclusive interview?
With you?
Allegedly Chargebolt:
Just you and me
Should I be scared?
Allegedly Chargebolt:
What, no!!
I’ll give the details to your employer
See you then
You’d better not be a kidnapper
The interview took place a week later. You made your way to his agency, dressed as professional as always. A modest blouse with pants and simple stilettos.
“See, I’m the real deal.” Chargebolt gestured to himself when you entered his office.
The papers were disorganized and there were random things in random places. You didn’t know why, but you were expecting this.
“Yeah, I’ll give you that.” You shrugged, taking a seat in the chair in front of his desk. “I’m going to ask you questions, and thanks to my quirk, you’ll have to answer them all honestly. You’re prepared for that, right?”
“Yep. The feeling of your quirk compelling me sends shivers down my spine. It’s exciting!” The blond hero said smoothly. You blushed, but set up the recorder and your notebook.
Tenya Iida
Despite how much of a rule follower and enforcer your boss was, he was also surprisingly lax. Messed up the scheduling of a meeting? That’s okay, you’re still learning. Double booking him? Everyone makes mistakes. As embarrassing as your mistakes were, he always made sure to let you know that it was okay.
As time went on, you stopped making those mistakes. Ingenium would compliment you every once in a while to tell you how good you were doing.
“(L/n), could you order dinner for me? It’s gonna be a long night.” He handed you a list with the name of the restaurant and his order.
“You’ve got it, sir.”
“Go ahead and order something for yourself if you’re hungry. I’d like to eat together and sift through paperwork.”
“Thank you, sir. I’d be happy to.” You bowed a bit to hide the blush overtaking your face.
“It’s not a problem. I enjoy your company.”
After retrieving the food from the delivery person, you took it up to Ingenium’s office. You could see him sitting at his desk, tired eyes focused on whatever paper he was going over. He had taken off his bodysuit, opting to tie it around his waist, revealing the black tank top he wore underneath it. God, his arms were huge.
“Foods here!” You knocked before opening the door.
“Thank you, (L/n). I appreciate you.”
“No, thank you. It’s nice to have dinner with someone other than my roommate every once in a while.”
“You live with a roommate?” His blue eyes flew up to meet your gaze.
“Yeah, makes paying the bills easier. Plus, we get along great.” You shrugged before shoveling food into your mouth.
“I suppose that makes sense.”
“I take it you live alone then?”
“Yes, I have an apartment. Though I spend more time here than there.” Your boss chuckled.
“I know what you mean.”
Hanta Sero
Opening his snaps was one of the highlights of your day. Sero liked to take goofy pictures on patrol, and even got some of his sidekicks in on them. It was even better if he was upside down, his arms flexing as he gripped his tape to hold himself up. His forearms could get so veiny.
You’d send back a cute angle of you doing whatever you were up to. Sometimes they were silly though. A lot of times it was between outfits at a shoot. Other times you were getting your hair or makeup done. Seeing his contact pop up in your notifications always brought a smile to your face.
We still on for movies tonight?
Yeah, what kind of snacks you want?
Don’t worry about it, I have plenty to bring from home 😅
Anything you wanna drink?
Any kind of soda is fine
I got you
You had to run to the store to buy a few cans of soda. As a model, you don't drink pop because it makes you bloat. Not good for shoots. You grabbed the most generic option, figuring it would be safe.
By evening, your couch was covered with comfy blankets and pillows. Your coffee table held some of your snacks. You made sure to leave space for Sero’s.
It was dark when you heard a knock on your door. One quick glance through the peephole told you it was your man.
“Glad you could make it. How was work today?” You smiled brightly as you opened the door.
“Let me tell you, having something to look forward to at the end of the day made it so much better.” He didn’t stutter, and his eye contact never wavered.
“Good. What snacks did you bring?” You mentally kicked yourself for the hesitation between good and your question.
“Well, you could say that some are…an acquired taste.”
“That makes me excited.” You took a seat on the couch, inviting him to follow. He plopped down next to you, unafraid to make contact.
“Speaking of excitement, what movies are they showing at Casa de (L/n)?”
“(Fav Movie Series).”
“Good choice. Your good taste extends beyond the world of fashion.”
“I’m glad you think so.”
Hitoshi Shinso
The insomniac hero frequented your office to help you organize things or get treated. You learned that the reason you never saw him before was because he was a dumbass who would take care of his wounds at home. Now he would try to treat himself with you.
“This is literally my job. Put that shit down.”
“It’s fine, I got it.” Shinso swatted your hands away.
“I don’t care. I’ll fight you.”
Shinso smirked and you damn near lost your mind.
“I’d like to see you try.”
You snatched the equipment out of his hands, face burning.
“Another night, when you’re not injured.”
“You’re no fun. Heroes are prepared to fight even when injured.”
“I’m a medic. I’m supposed to heal wounds, not cause them.” You rolled your eyes while stating that matter of factly.
“Okay, Miss Good Girl.” Shinso put his hands up in surrender while you worked. He said the words with such ease, but you were struggling to function properly.
“Don’t say stuff like that! Weirdo.”
“Why not? It’s only weird if you make it weird.” The hero chuckled darkly before looking you in your eyes. “Unless you wanna make it weird.”
“No! I don’t wanna make it weird!” You squealed and swatted at him, careful not to actually hurt him.
“Okay, okay. Calm down then.”
“You suck…” you pouted and looked away from him.
“Says the one who wouldn’t fight me.”
“I’m about to make your wish come true!”
Without explanation, his face fell.
“Do you even know what my quirk is?”
“Of course I do, I have access to everyone’s records here.”
“Then you know that I can control people by asking them a question.”
This time you looked him in the eyes.
“Again, of course I do.”
“I’m glad that you seem to trust me then.” Shinso paused. “You’d think that I would have gotten over this little insecurity back in high school when I started getting positive recognition, but it still hangs at the back of my mind.”
You put your hand on his shoulder as a reassuring gesture.
“You’re a good guy. I can’t see you trying to brainwash me for any bad reason.”
“Thank you.” His smile was sweet and genuine.
A/N: I finally finished this one! Again, so sorry for how behind I’ve been. I’m trying to catch up though, so stay tuned.
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storiesofsvu · 1 year
Love Comes Quietly Ch 14
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Alex Blake x reader warning: language, smut, mommy kink. It's basically all porn and v little plot. Also I barely re-read this so don't come for me if there's typos lol. 2 more chapters left!
Another weekend without a case meant you actually got to relax and spend some time in the city, you and Alex had stayed in Friday night to catch up on rest, heading to bed early. Saturday you got up for your usual run, Alex up not much later for her own workout before you lounged in the yard for a bit, enjoying the sunshine and ate a late brunch. You’d mentioned something about plans prior to dinner but Alex couldn’t remember what they were, she simply smiled, accepting the kiss when you stood from the lounger to head into the house to get ready.
Picking her book back up she settled into her lounger, managing to get through another chapter before the heat was getting a little bit too much for her and she wandered inside. She filled up a glass of water, sipping at it as she flipped through the junk mail on the counter. There were a few flyers for grocery or liquor, and a handful of takeout menus that caught her eye, picking a few of them up and reading through them. The last one intrigued her a little more than the rest and with it in hand she wandered down to the bedroom.
“Hey, did you have your heart set on Iron Gate for tonight? A new Cuban place opened over on ninth and it looks incredible.”
“Cuban sounds great.” You called back from the en-suite.
“I’ll leave the flyer on the—” Alex lost her vocabulary the moment you stepped out of the bathroom, lips falling open in surprise at the intricate set of lingerie you were dressed in, your hair and make up already done.
“What?” You asked with a laugh, a grin on your lips and a gleam in your eye since you knew exactly what had rendered her speechless.
“I… wow.”
“It was supposed to be a surprise for after dinner.” You pointed out, walking toward her so she could get her hands on the dainty fabric.
“Fuck dinner.” Alex muttered, her eyes following the trails of satin and lace across your skin, her tongue darting out to wet her lips, “how am I supposed to let you go anywhere knowing you look like this under your clothes?”
“That’s why it was a surprise for after.” You chuckled, your hands gliding up her shoulders, linking behind her neck as your lips ghosted over hers, “but I suppose you can have it now.”
“Oh you suppose?” She cocked a brow, her hands winding around your waist, “here I was thinking you were mommy’s good girl.”
“When have I ever been bad?” You asked, barely above a whisper and Alex simply chuckled, her lips finally meeting yours in the kiss she’d been dying for the moment you’d stepped into the room.
It only took a moment before her tongue was sliding into your mouth, her hands ghosting around your body, hot on your skin. Her fingertips traced patterns across your back, tickling their way under the lace and satin, playfully snapping a strap here or there, pulling little whimpers from you into the kiss that she swallowed down. You let out a sigh when she broke the kiss, her lips kissing across your jaw, making their way down your neck, teeth nipping into the crook of your neck where she knew it made your knees weak. Her hands slid up your front, groping at your chest through the fabric.
“Alex…” You breathed.
“Yes my darling girl?” She asked, kissing your neck softly before straightening herself out, a smirk on her lips at just how quickly and easily it was to get you nearly begging for her.
“Need you.”
She chuckled, kissing you tenderly, nudging you toward the bed, “get comfortable. But leave the set on.”
Nodding, you dropped down onto the bed, shifting upwards until your head was on the pillows, a heat creeping into your cheeks at the way Alex was watching you, her eyes dark as they swept down your body.
“So fucking gorgeous sweetheart.” She purred, slowly stripping out of her clothes, letting them fall to the floor before she crawled over you, searching out your lips for another kiss. Her fingers slid under the cup of your bra, pinching at your nipple, rolling it between her thumb and forefinger and you moaned.
She pulled away from your lips, leaving a trail down the column of your neck, nipping at your collarbone before kissing it softly. She didn’t leave an inch of exposed skin untouched by her lips while her hands continued to toy with your chest. Her lips wrapped around your nipple through the fabric and you let out a soft sigh at the warm sensation, your eyes fluttering shut. She gently pulled the cup down, your nipple hardening in the cool air before her mouth sealed around it again, sucking it into her mouth, tongue flicking across it.
“God, Alex…” You moaned, your hand threading into her hair, holding her to you as your body rocked up towards hers. She chuckled softly, letting go of your chest with a lewd pop, blowing cool air onto your nipple and you whined before she repeated the process on the other side.
Just the feel of her body weight on you, her lips on your skin were enough to turn you into a whining mess, your panties no doubt ruined as you ached for her touch between your legs. She slowly started to move south, her mouth kissing and licking its way across your abdomen when her fingers toyed with the ribbons and lace of the lingerie set. Finally Alex settled between your legs, her hands gliding up them, parting your thighs for her, a gentle kiss on your inner thigh,
“Good girl.” She cooed, running her hand against your pussy through the fabric, “so wet already darling. This all for me?”
“Yes mommy.” You whimpered, a gasp escaping your lips when the palm of her hand pressed against your clit.
“Such a sweet girl you are.” She murmured, pushing your panties to the side so she could see your bare pussy, her fingers trailing through your folds, smearing your juices around.
“Fuck.” You whined, hips jolting up at the sensation.
She laughed softly, thumb gently stroking at your clit a few times before her hands returned to your thighs, holding them down, spread wide on the bed. She surged forward, her tongue lapping through you slowly, groaning over your taste and you let out a moan that was magic to her ears. Her tongue flicked against your clit, pulling a gasp from you before she buried herself between your legs. Her mouth wrapped around you, sucking as much of your juices as she could get, little moans and groans from her lips vibrating against you, making your pussy flutter even more. Her tongue slipped into you, tracing at your walls as your hands came to tangle into her hair again, rocking your hips up against her mouth.
You were so turned on it was almost embarrassing how quickly she was making you see stars. Pleasure tingled deep within you, building higher and higher with each stroke of her mouth, her tongue knowing exactly how and where to lap at you. Your chest was beginning to heave, heat surging through you as you fought to catch you breath.
“Oh god Alex… more… please.”
Alex smirked against you, one final suck at your cunt before her mouth moved up, lips wrapping around your clit and she sucked hard, earning a loud gasp from you, your thighs attempting to close around her but she kept you pinned to the bed. Her tongue flicked over the throbbing nub, faster and harder with each pass, relishing in the way you were pushing her harder against you, hips thrusting up to meet the sensation. She could hear the whines leaving your lips, how fast you were breathing and she knew you were close.
“Fuck! Don’t stop.” The coil got tighter inside you, feeling like you were about to burst. Alex’s lips suck at your clit, the pressure change sending you over the ledge as you cried out, your body tensing as your orgasm burst through you. Panting, body still letting out little tremors you collapsed into the pillows. “Christ.”
Alex chuckled from between your legs, leaving a feather light kiss on your clit, causing you to shudder, “I didn’t say I was done.” She grinned up at you and you could only let out a breathless laugh before her mouth was back on you.
She cleaned up some of the mess softly with her mouth before one of her hands returned to your pussy, two fingers easily sliding into you and you moaned. She started a gentle pace, thrusting them in and out of you with a slight flick of her wrist, watching in admiration at the way they disappeared into you, at the way your hips began to buck up in the same rhythm.
“Such a pretty girl.” She cooed, “taking my fingers so well.” She kissed your inner thigh, “feels so good, pussy nice and wet, you’re simply drenched darling. You like this?”
“Y-yes…” you moaned, your breath catching in your throat when her fingers curled at just the right spot and she chuckled once more.
“Mmm…” Her fingers pressed against the spot again and you groaned.
“Fuck, right there!”
With a grin on her lips she grazed the spot again, picking up the pace at which she was fingering you, moving faster and harder, each thrust of her hand she curled her fingers, brushing against the sensitive spot. A moment later her mouth was back on your clit and you were nothing but a whimpering mess. The double stimulation was almost too much, Alex knew exactly how to work you to make you come undone and it certainly wasn’t going to take long. Her tongue flicking against your clit in the same rhythm she was fucking you, your hips rocking up with each thrust of her hand, pussy fluttering around her fingers. You squeezed her so tight she couldn’t help but moan against you, pressing your g-spot harder and your body shuddered.
“Fuck Alex, fuck!” You panted, “shit! Gonna come!”
Her mouth sucked harder at you and you moaned loudly, juices dripping out of your pussy, drenching her hand, dribbling down her wrist. She pulled off your clit, giving you some relief as she fucked you through your orgasm, watching her fingers disappear into your wetness with a satisfied smile on her face. When you finally let out a whine and your body shuddered she pulled her fingers from you, wiping them on the bedspread before moving your panties back to the proper place. She crawled back up the bed, fixing the cups of your bra, leaving a feather light kiss on your chest before her hand cupped your cheek, thumb stroking your skin softly.
“My darling girl.” She praised, leaning in to kiss you gently, “I think we may have ruined those panties.”
“Who cares?” You asked with a breathless laugh, pulling one from her, “so much for after dinner.”
“Oh there most certainly will still be an after dinner.” Alex smirked, “you still need to come around my cock.” She tapped the tip of your nose before dropping down onto the bed, rearranging the covers so they were at least half over the both of you.
You easily nuzzled into her side, your head resting on her chest while you caught your breath, your eyes almost drifting shut in your blissed out mood. Alex’s hand softly played with your hair, her other one intertwined with yours, thumb stroking over your knuckles. There was always something so incredibly intimate about cuddling with Alex, it was almost more intimate than the sex itself. You always felt so wonderfully relaxed, completely safe and knew that there was absolutely no place you would rather be than in her arms.
You honestly were nearly asleep, the gentle thudding of her heart lulling you into dreamland, when your phone buzzed on the nightstand. You let out a groan, glancing toward it but not moving otherwise.
“Emily?” Alex asked, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
“Nah, my realtor’s got a few more places set up for me to look at today.” You sighed softly, “but I don’t wanna move right now.”
Alex felt her chest nearly tighten, she’d gotten so used to you being around every day, even before you’d started dating she really wasn’t sure she was ready to let go yet, or that she even wanted to. How weird would it be to navigate who was staying at whose place, having to make sure work stuff and go bags were always on hand, to hear you call somewhere else ‘home’. She’d barely even let the thought process before she spoke,
“Then don’t.” She murmured, her hand brushing your hair behind your ear.
“Hmm?” You shifted your face upwards to look at her, your brow scrunched. You were met with an almost melancholy look in her eyes when you glanced up and your head tilted. Her hand reached out, smoothing back a piece of your hair before trailing down your cheek.
“Don’t go.” She repeated, “there’s no need to. You’ve got a perfectly good home right here.”
You couldn’t help the bright smile that burst onto your cheeks, or the warmth blooming through your chest, “are you sure?”
“More than ever.” She smiled, “I want you here, with me.”
“You really are something else.” You chuckled, leaning down to kiss her, soft at first but after a minute your tongue slipped into her mouth and she held back a moan.
“Speak for yourself.” She replied with a chuckle, her hands pinching at your body, “hey, I said after dinner.”
“Yeah, for me.” You grinned, “you just made me come twice, the least I can do is return the favour.”
“Well I guess I can’t complain about that.”
@svulife-rl @clarawatson @hbkpop @momlifebehard @alexusonfire @itisdoctortoyousir @temilyrights @alexxavicry @evilregal2002 @alcabots @ladysc @dextur @disneyfan624 @augustvandyne @supercriminalbean @lex13cm @prentiss-theorem @happenstnces @whiteberryx @geekyandgay98 @onmykneesformarvel @inlovewithemilyprentiss @desperate-gay @amypoehlfey @overtrred28 @emobabeyy @1974-sp @theclassicgaycousin @kalixxa @leftoverenvy @bigolgay @daddy-heather-dunbar @regalmilfs4me @scorpsik @riveramorylunar @h-doodles @maybe-a-humanbean @rustyzebra @s1ut4nat @inlovewithmiddleagewomen @tommyriddleobsessed
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snow flurries
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Benny Weir x gn! reader
summary: you and Benny take a walk in the snow together
warnings: none
word count: 0.5k?
a/n: established relationship btww enjoy!!
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You walk side by side, crisp snow falling from the snow- slowly dancing with the wind. Winter was one of the times you could really appreciate the beauty of your usually bland and boring town if you ignore the vampires, ghosts, mummies, and evil dead animals coming back from the dead that you had to deal with every other week. Your arm was linked with your boyfriend's, Benny though your hands stayed in the warmth of your jacket pockets.
Even through his own scarf and your puffy jacket Benny could see your nose turning pink. He let out a hearty chuckle, "Wow we've been together for almost a year and I still make you blush" he said looking down at you, a wink following his words.
You had to hide your smile, covering it with a mock exasperated look on your face as you looked at him. As you look at him he couldn't hide his goofy grin. "Don't give me that look you know you love me" He said, the smirk never leaving his face. You playfully roll your eyes, staring ahead at the white street and trees with fluffy powder snow littering them. "Hey I'm trying to enjoy the scenery here, you are kind of ruining that." You said keeping your gaze forward.
You crouched down saying "oh I have to tie my shoe" Instead of tying your boots which didn't have laces you start forming a ball of snow hoping Benny didn't see. Though he seemed to notice your choice of show muttering a quick "hey you don't hav-" He was quickly cut off with a ball of snow being thrown at his chest.
He was rendered speechless, a look of mock offense on his lips that you couldn't help but giggle at. "Hey what about are truce" Benny whined with tone seemingly annoyed. "That was after the snowball fight of '23. It's a new time I'm a changed person Benny" You say with another chuckle as you stick your tongue out at him.
"oh ok" Benny states- before quickly turning to the ground to grab snowballs as you turned to do the same. You pick up as many snowballs as you can before you start running down the sidewalk. The once peaceful white neighborhood now filled with your yelps and flying snow.
You felt multiple bunches of snow hit your back as you ran away, before Benny finally caught up to you, dropping his small pile- wrapping his arms around you waist pulling you into him the sounds of your laughs now filling the neighborhood instead.
"Hey I think this is a little unfair because you're faster and stronger than me" You say that same sarcastic tone lacing your voice turning your head to speak back to Benny. "Well yeah but, you're prettier" Before you could even quip back so witty reply you felt you self fall over as the two of you had slipped of some ice that you'd missed when running from your boyfriend.
Thankfully Benny had caught you making sure you didn't fall on the cold ice as he had. A groan leaving him, you look up at him "oh shit are you okay?" you say biting back your grin that was still resting on your face.
He groaned again telling you that he wasn't okay. You stand mumbling "okay come on let's go home" you reach out to grab his hands which he takes as you pull him up slowly.
You make your way make to Benny's house, you had been staying there with him as his grandma was out of town for some witchy retreat to escape the cold. Benny sits on the couch with probably 100 blankets on him some rom-com on the tv.
Holding two mugs you walk into the cozy living room setting them down on the coffee table: hot chocolate with a handful of mini marshmallows for Benny. He pushes some blankets blankets away for you to join him on the big couch.
"Thank you, my sweets" Benny said kissing the top of your head the nickname making your roll your eyes in amusement. The soft blankets covered your laps and the mugs of hot cocca warming you from the harsh cold winds that swirled with the dying sun.
Your head lies against Benny's chest the movie playing in the back ground as you whisper "I love you" as your eyes start to droop with exhaustion "I love your too" you hear as you fall asleep to the feeling of benny's chest rising and falling with each breath and the soft sound of his calm heartbeat.
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a/n: ik i haven't updated in a hot minute but, i've been busy and I finally finished it. have an amazing day or night and i hoped you enjoyed.
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yourlocaltreesimp · 10 months
For the lovely @trippygalaxy for getting me into the sacred realm comic. Took me forever to pull some ideas, and now i have this. I hope you lot enjoy!
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Stories of the soul
It was often that Link was enamoured with the stories of the old heroes. Sure, when he was little he’d always sat with bated breath, listening to the theatre that would visit the village as a rest stop tell the hero’s story each year, but now that he knows those heroes, it’s a different story. It’s sweet to hear Sky’s story and know how fitting it was, and how heartbreaking it was to find out just how much his mentor had sacrificed. It was humorous to hear Time’s mistakes and fear of cuccos, but intriguing to learn why the grump was so grumpy. Interesting to look back on those stories in a new light.
The village he’d stopped in while traveling was bustling, people hanging floral arrangements and garlands being hung. It’d been a while since he’d seen a festival, or acknowledged one since he began to travel. What harm could a small break do? He wandered aimlessly around the small hamlet, scanning stalls and chatting with the locals. But eventually he tired of the loud noises, and searched for respite. Not wishing to retire to the Inn, He layed his stuff out in one of the overgrown fields surrounding the village. The grass was soft as he let himself rest, the wind carrying the pollen from the wildflowers and the voice of someone speaking in the field. He propped himself up to see you on the other side of the field, book in one hand, gesturing wildly with the other. As quietly as his clumsy feet could allow, he snuck across the thick grasses and sat in a patch of tall grass.
He’s not sure how long he sat watching, entranced in your voice as you recounted the hero of the sky’s story with such melodrama that he was hooked. The way your voice curled around each word and eyes dashed over the summer used tale, reciting large portions of it from total memory. He could not fight the smile that stretched his face as you recounted his duels with girahim, your voice changing to mimic each insult he said. Your eyes flicked to the page but paused, meeting his own through the thick grass. His heart couldn’t decide if it should run away or run to you. His cheeks were warm as your lips quirked up in the corners and you continued on in confidence, now performing with him as your audience. You’d truly bewitched him. He’d sat until the sun dipped below the horizon on the stars poked through the sky, and yet his eyes remained trained on your fluid movements and he could not focus on anything besides your voice. But then you stopped after describing a duel in which the Hero had narrowly escaped alive, much less gained victory. He stood, despite his fear relating to people.
“Well? What happened next?” He’s sure that whatever look he had right now did not exude power and confidence, but his focus was on hearing your voice and soaking in your presence. Your grin was tight and you looked him up and down, he felt the blood rush to his cheeks.
“I’m performing tomorrow” You looked at him coyly through your lashes, swinging a bag over your shoulder. “You should come. If you’re lucky we could get a few drinks after” He was rendered entirely speechless as you turned and left. He made no move to stop you nor any move to tell you he’d be going. You knew he was going to show up, regardless of whether he told you.
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imogenleewriter · 1 year
Do you read abo? If so can you rec some
I'm not sure how I've become a rec account, lol. I am totally on board with it. I do read A/B/O occassionally. I'll link my favourites.
No particular order.
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Your Gift is Wasted On Me (54k) - therogueskimo/ @bravetemptation
“He had a partner for a long time, and he says that he was too dependent. He doesn’t want an alpha, at least not right now. But he’s got a pretty severe case of touch deprivation. So it’s … not great.”
“Is there anything …”
“He doesn’t like to be touched. There was an incident a few weeks ago and he just … he can’t bear human touch.”
Omega Louis has severe touch deprivation and is averse to touch. But he’s fine. Really.
Alpha Harry is the new neighbor who loves to bake cookies and is very curious about the omega across the hall.
Nest To You (14k) - Neondiamond/ @neondiamond
Everybody knows it’s in an Omega’s nature to nest, and Harry is no different. From the very first nest he builds to comfort himself when feeling homesick to the nest he one day brings his new pups home to, his Alpha Louis is there to witness it all.
Or: Ten different nests Harry builds throughout his relationship with Louis.
Breathe me in, breathe me out (14k) - lunarheslwt / @lunarheslwt
Louis was just passing the autumn collection, when an unfamiliar but addicting scent tickled his nose. Cinnamon. He turned as he realised something.
He felt calm. Relaxed.
The permanent agitation that he carried was melting away the more he breathed in the scent, as faint as it was. Consumed by the crazed desire to seek out the specific candle, Louis began picking up candles and sniffing them madly, when a deep voice piped up, startling him.
“Uh, sir, we don’t allow candle fetishists in here.”
Louis froze mid sniff in mortification. Willing himself to not blush, he turned, a retort at the tip of his tongue. Except, it died in his throat as he took in the man before him.
“I uh,” Louis blurted out accidentally, temporarily rendered speechless by the frankly unfairly beautiful man before him. Only at the man’s grin widening did he regain his wits.
“You’re gonna kink shame me?”
Or, Louis is drawn into a quaint candle shop in his desire to find ways to soothe himself while struggling with touch depri. It takes him two more run-ins and with the lovely alpha sales assistant, and a drop, to figure out the source of the scent that imprints upon him and calms his omega. Idiots to lovers
Keep Me Closer (18k) - zanni_scaramouche/ @zanniscaramouche
Louis expects Harry to react poorly, maybe even file a formal complaint and that’s gonna suck ass but Louis won’t say shit cause he knows he deserves it, so he prepares an apology before Harry’s even turned around.
What he doesn’t expect is Harry to fucking drop.
When Tomorrow Comes (11k) - jacaranda_bloom/ @jacaranda-bloom
When Louis and Niall are partnered up to complete a project on Omega scents and how they effect the nesting behaviours of Alphas, little does Louis know that the course of his life is about to be forever altered.
OR the one where Louis is an Omega who has been keeping himself pure for his Alpha, Harry is a traditional Alpha focusing on his studies while he waits to find his bondmate, and Niall is a sneaky bastard who keeps borrowing Louis’ clothes and never returning them.
Perfect, For Now (5k) - parmahamlarrie/ @parmahamlarrie
Moving to a new city is always hard, being away from home, finding your new community - none of it is easy. Dealing with all of this while being touch deprived is even more difficult.
That is where omega Harry Styles finds himself a few months into his move to Brighton.
Then a mysterious alpha's scent enters his life, and he finds that he can't stay away.
Never Been Knotted (9K) - allwaswell16/ @allwaswell16
Harry doesn't mind that he presented as a beta. It mostly just makes his life easier and more convenient. There's just one small problem: he'd really like to be knotted.
I Like You, Say It Back (43k) - ishiplouis/ @pocketsunshineharry
“Lou, this is Harry,” Niall says, making Louis pivot straight away to look at Niall with round eyes. “Yes, that Harry,” his friend smirks.
“Hi, who are you? Niall didn’t tell me we were waiting for someone.” Harry says to Niall with a pointed look.
“I’m,” he stutters, “I’m very happy to meet you.” He decides to leave out his name and who he really is. He can already imagine the guy’s smile faltering and him leaving the pub as soon as he hears his name. That’s not what he wants, that’s not what his inner Alpha wants either.
OR the one where it takes a lot of time for Harry and Louis to figure it out. But they do, they always do, don't they?
baby, you're the end of june (13k) - disgruntledkittenface/ @disgruntledkittenface
“Up for it, Harold? We can go over the rundown when we get back. If you’re not busy then.”“Yeah, sounds good,” Harry says, closing his laptop and setting it on Louis’ desk. “It’s just Harry, though.”“You look like a Harold,” Louis says, standing up and brushing some brownie crumbs off his t-shirt. Harry briefly wonders how he’s still hungry for lunch after demolishing half the plate of brownies as he stands and moves into the hallway. “It’s the cardigan, I think.”“You guys can flirt on the way,” Niall says over his shoulder, beckoning for them to follow him as he strides down the row of cubicles. “Come on, I’m starving.”Harry looks at Louis, but he just laughs as they follow Niall. Oh. He thought he’d been picking up a vibe while they hung out, but apparently not. Well, it’s better to know how Louis feels now, so he can nip his growing crush in the bud. Louis is a great guy, at least they can be friends as well as coworkers.
In which Harry courts Louis. Entirely by accident.
Hint: I want to be yours (11k) - bluegreenish/ @greenblueish
Thinking back to Harry’s rut, Louis shivers, needing to put effort into keeping other bodily reactions at bay. 
“Are you cold?”
While Niall’s been commenting through the entire film, Harry had stayed mostly quiet, so it’s a surprise when he speaks up, eyes zeroed in on the omega.
“Uh, yeah. It’s a bit chilly, innit?”
Niall shrugs, dressed in a sleeveless t-shirt and seemingly unbothered by the room temperature. Harry doesn’t ask for an explanation though. 
“You can have my hoodie, wait, here.” Before Louis can counter, Harry’s pulling the light grey piece of clothing over his head and handing it to the omega. 
or, the one where Harry unconsciously starts acting like Louis' alpha after they spend his rut together and Louis finds ways to make sure Harry's affection doesn't end.
never been a fan of change, but we’re still the same (27k) - fearsparks/ @onlythebravest
“Why didn’t you call me?” Louis demanded. “As usual?”
Niall grimaced and reluctantly said, “He said you would make him drop.”
“Make him, how?” Liam asked worriedly, then quickly turned to Louis with almost judging eyes, asking, “You’d never force him to drop, right?”
“Fuck no,” Louis said firmly, shaking his head. “Never.” He’d never force Harry to drop unless he wanted to drop. Jesus, are his friends all idiots?
(Harry and Louis have relied on each other for over two years now, always turning to each other every time they need anything from touch to pheromones. But after Harry's omega unexpectedly causes him to drop in the pub, their relationship is no longer the same.)
A Distant Hazy Light (76k) - green_feelings/ @greenfeelings
Life’s pretty ordinary for Harry. He lives with his best friend, got into university just like he’s planned, and manages to support himself just fine for an unbonded omega. If he sustains that lifestyle by getting paid to help alphas through their rut every now and then, that’s nothing to be hung up on. Until he’s hired by an alpha that turns everything upside down.
Or, Harry’s working on taking Louis’ walls down, until he builds his own up.
he was sunshine, i was midnight rain (30k) - wildestdreams/ @thelavendrhaze
Harry let out a dry laugh. “It’s awkward, Louis. What can I say?”
“It doesn’t have to be. You and I are no longer engaged.”
“No,” Harry shook his head sadly. “You’re engaged to Jane. She’s pretty. How did you meet?”
Louis sighed softly, leaning back against his chair. “My parents introduced me. Father’s getting old. They wanted me to be married and step up for the family and our estate.”
“Oh,” Harry said. “And this was recent?”
This time, it was Louis that looked exasperated. “Does it matter? This was what you wanted, right?”
“I don’t —” Harry stopped short, wondering what he could say. He didn’t want this, but he did give it up. He had no right to argue right now. “I want you to be happy.”
or two years ago, Harry left Louis on their wedding day to follow his dreams of becoming an artist. When he returns, in hopes of reconciling, he finds he may be too late.
Midnight (10k) - kingsofeverything/ @kingsofeverything
“Alphas are for fucking and pheromones,” Louis said during their first conversation, when he was moving into the building and Harry offered to help haul boxes up the stairs. “I’m perfectly capable of carrying my own groceries.”
Louis relented when his Omega friend Zayn intervened and asked if he was also capable of moving his couch by himself. All Harry’d wanted to do was be a good neighbor. Now, here he is, half a year later, balls deep and four months into a no strings attached, sex only situation with the Omega of his dreams. He’s still not sure how it happened. 
and i would search the night sky to find you (56k) - devilinmybrain (venomedveins)/ @thedevilinmybrain
Harry Styles is a high class, well-bred Omega attending Bosworth Academy - a prestigious boarding school looking over the small town on Kinsey. He has his whole life already planned for him, learning his place as the potential mate for an important Alpha, practicing his home making skills, and be obedient above all else.
When he attends a school trip into town though, he meets Louis Tomlinson - a blacksmith and mouthy Alpha who doesn't particularly care for the standards of high society nor for the people in it. But things are not always what they seem and a past grievance may change the lives of everyone involved forever.
Perfect, For Now (5k) - parmahamlarrie/ @parmahamlarrie
Moving to a new city is always hard, being away from home, finding your new community - none of it is easy. Dealing with all of this while being touch deprived is even more difficult.
That is where omega Harry Styles finds himself a few months into his move to Brighton.
Then a mysterious alpha's scent enters his life, and he finds that he can't stay away.
Marks On My Baby (31k) - thinlines/ @thinlinez
“What’s that?” Harry hadn’t meant for his voice to sound so sharp and even he winced at his own outburst. It was more of a hiss than an actual question, but for now, he was too surprised to care.
“What’s what?” The omega asked, eyebrows raised and lips pinched. Harry knew he was probably mad at him for interrupting his rant, but the alpha was too on edge to bother pleasing the boy.
“On your neck… Your bondmark spot…” His voice had grown low and deep, almost a growl.
Who knew a single love bite on his omega friend's neck would trigger Harry this much? Certainly not the alpha himself.
Me: I don't read much A/B/O.
Also me: Here are a million A/B/O fics that I love.
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blouisparadise · 2 years
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Upon request, today we have a rec list of bottom Louis fics that feature DILF Harry. If you enjoy our rec lists, please be sure to like and reblog this post to help spread the word. Happy reading!
1) You Make My Heart Beat Like The Rain | Explicit | 6611 words | Sequel 1 | Sequel 2
"You're stunning, eh?" Harry whispers, his Canadian accent thick with lust. It usually slips out when he gets horny because he knows it turns Louis on. Harry presses his lips into the curve of his neck. His hot breath makes Louis shiver. He opens his eyes and sees Harry's bigger, tattooed arms wrapped around him, completely engulfing his smaller frame—and, fuck, maybe he is up for it.
Why does his boyfriend have to be such a fucking DILF? He blames it on a twitter thread he read a few weeks ago.
2) Coldest With The Kiss, Nice With The Cream | Mature | 11136 words
Louis has a thing for older guys, no one knows why but he just does.
Harry is a lonely dad.
And oh, Damien loves yellow a little too much.
3) Give So Much (Not Enough) | Mature | 24610 words
“For my little lion,” Louis slid the smoothie bowl in front of Oscar, letting him dig in with his little hands. “And for daddy.”
He didn’t process the bowl in front of him, the push across the table causing a raspberry to roll off and fall on his lap, because Louis calling himself mummy may make him feel all sorts of mushy emotions, but Louis addressing Harry as daddy was suddenly having a very different effect on him. Since when did Louis saying daddy out loud render him speechless?
“Daddy’s still sleepy, but we’re up bright and early right Ossie?” Louis’ cooing shook him out of his daze. The man coughed, picking the raspberry off his lap and swallowing it with unintentional, and very unnecessary, eye contact with Louis. “Well, is it better than your protein smoothies and why?”
Harry chuckled, spooning another heap of the strawberry banana goodness into his mouth, “Way better sweetheart.”
4) My End And My Beginning | Explicit | 24749 words
When Louis starts as an intern at a new company, he becomes particularly fond of the boss’ five children. And maybe the boss himself as well.
5) I’ll Find A Home Inside Your Heart | Explicit | 25808 words
In awe Louis stared up at him, his eyes wide and his lips parted. “I don’t usually make it a habit to go on dates with my clients,” he breathed.
Harry grinned, his touch light as he carefully swept a strand of hair out of Louis’ eyes. “Make an exception for me?” He asked cheekily, chuckling when Louis rolled his eyes.
“Well, since you asked so nicely,” Louis snorted and let Harry link their fingers together where they rested on the countertop. Finally, a shy smile crept onto those pretty pink lips of his and with his hands on his hips, Louis jut his chin out. “Are you gonna kiss me or what?”
Of course, Harry didn’t need to be asked twice.
6) Sedative Duty. | Explicit | 46588 words
Pop-star of the moment Louis Tomlinson is on his third-world tour. He decides to hire renowned professional dominant Harry Styles to unwind while on the road. In an effort not to raise suspicion by the crew, fans, and press,  Harry pretends to be his bodyguard. He ends up being far more than that.
7) Somebody To Love | Explicit | 51471 words
A hesitant fist hovers, ready to knock on the hard surface, when suddenly the door swings open revealing a small child with a huge smile plastered on her face.
“You’re here, finally!” She beams up at him, haphazardly brushing her orange hair away from her eyes.
He can’t help but let a grin fill his face at her anticipation. Bunching his pants at his ankles, he crouches down to her level. “You must be Margret.”
“Actually, only my daddy calls me that when I’m in trouble,” she explains with an assertive tone. “So you can call me Margo.”
“Well, Margo, it’s nice to meet you. I’m Louis.”
8) This Is How You Fall In Love | Explicit | 53538 words
When Harry Styles' 16 year old daughter dragged him along to see her favourite artist, Louis Tomlinson, in concert, the last thing he had expected was to be invited backstage. Unaware his life was about to change forever.
9) The Bachelor | Explicit | 53953 words
“Don’t tell me, you’re Lola,” Louis pointed at the little girl and she crowded her father’s leg shyly, sticking her thumb in her mouth.
Harry chuckled lightly and cupped the back of her head with a large palm, his calloused hands catching the fine strands of her hair.
“She’s shy,” Harry told him. “Plus you swore mighty loud…M'Harry by the way,” he stuck his free hand forward, his diction belying his way of life- slow and casual.
The somewhat dainty-looking loud-mouth flicked a look to his hand, then back to his face. Harry waited patiently for him to take it.
“Louis,” he finally shared, clasping Harry’s hand with his smaller one and giving it a gentle squeeze, placing his other over the top of both of theirs. “Tomlinson,” he added. “I’m your personal assistant,” he added.
10) Ever I Saw | Explicit | 58342 words
Daisy Road Ranch.  A place for those in need to receive the help they deserve, even when they may not believe it.  A place where they don’t have to fear what, or whom they left behind.  A place where they can find themselves, or find a different way of coping with their issues.  Daisy Road Ranch.  A therapy ranch for those who’ve been abused.
Louis needs to find himself again.  Harry wants to help.  Can they find their way?
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
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