#i luv over tagging with BEANS
weeping-aconite · 4 months
Holy cow I cANNOT draw green beans, what the sonic prime am I creating????
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Harry's Naked Bum Turns You On /concept/
AN: i asked for people to send in photos of Harry and said i'd try to write a short story inspired by the picture. @abby8694 sent the photo below. so thanks to her for submitting it. also i believe this picture is a l*rry manip so lets pretend its not, okay. okay. enjoy.
This story contains: mentions of naked body parts, playful angst, mentions of sex and masturbation
{ boyfriendrry - softrry - dunkirk harry era }
word count- 403
Harry lays in the bathtub just watching you get ready for bed, but the view of his naked bum sticking out from the water is turning you on. Only problem is, you're on your period and can't do anything about it.
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You were in the bathroom trying to do your night time routine while Harry soaked in the bathtub that's located directly behind the double vanity sink. Along with your dog Roxie sitting by her father beside the tub. You would have joined your boyfriend in the warm bath but you were unfortunately on your period.
As you stood at the sink applying your facial creams, you hear the water sloshing from the tub behind you and glance in the mirror to see that Harry is turning around on his tummy. He lets his arms hang off the end of the porcelain bathtub while his head lays on the side, just watching you get ready for bed.
From your view in the mirror, you can see a sleepy Harry staring at you but also his perfectly round ass on full display. The same ass you love to grab and tease so much during sex. Oh fuck, you're getting yourself turned on and you can't have that when you're on your period.
"Harry!" you groan, actually turning around to see him and not just through a mirror.
"What?" he questions back innocently.
Looking away before you actually have to hop in the shower for a mess free masturbation session, you answer, "Cover your ass up. It's turning me on."
Harry giggles, wiggling his bum a time or two and retorts, "Well would you rather me turn back 'round so you can see m'dick. That also turns you on."
Huffing with frustration, you argue, "Fine, all of you naked turns me on. And I'm on my period so it's making it worse. Just hurry and get out so we can cuddle in bed, please." You finish up the last of your bedtime routine and march right out of the bathroom and into your bedroom, Roxie following behind you.
Right as you get all comfy in bed, you hear Harry say from the bathtub, "Fine, m'gettin' out. But if you want some privacy to flick the bean you have about three minutes until I'm in there." You gasp at how out of pocket that last sentence was, him knowing you can't touch yourself or him even touch you while you're in bed because you'd get blood all over your hands and the sheets.
Though Harry has told you time and time again he's not opposed to period sex, you're the one that has a problem with it.
(no more tags are allowed because i've hit my number limit. sorry : ( )
tag list: @one-sweet-gubler // @harryscherrysugar // @hsfanficsrecss // @lollypopsx // @harrycanyonmoonn // @itfeelslikemytherapisthatesme // @damnasstyles  // @mrsstylesharry // @softmullet  // @meetmyblondemuffins  // @thegirlnextdoorssister // @stanleystyles  // @haarrrys // @michellekstyles  // @skyangel57   // @the-gardener-31 // @lhharrylilpumpkin // @yousunshine-youtemptress // @clairestylessss  // @kissmyaxe140  // @goldenmelonsugar-hi // @kaitieskidmore1 // @florencepughily  // @alienorknight //@dancearoundthelivingroom  // @swiftmendeshoran
 // @luv-flor7777  // @alohastyles-x // @tenaciousperfectionunknown  // @sleutherclaw // @siredtohybrid // @whoscamila // @a-strange-familiar  // @golden-elodie // @mrspeacem1nusone //  @goldenkhae // @lntwithharry // @shadowygladiatorlight  // @manifestrry  //@mendesblurb // @sunshinemoonsposts  // @depersonalizationsucks // @academiaghost // @zendayassimp // @reveriehs // @vsnnstuff // @dancinsunflowerkiwi // @quinnsgrapejuice // @theroosterswife24 // @justlemmeholdyou // @stylesmygucci // @hsonlyangelxo // @luvonstyles // @howdey
My Masterlist Masterpost
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bigbawdy-benzz · 11 months
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Pairing: Miles 42! X Black Shy Plussize Fem Reader!
Warnings: A little angsty, Rusty spanish
Tags: @aaliyahwalkshere @missmyluv @slutforneteyam @alex110370000 @decapitatedyoshi @gemma42 @mama-2001 @mxa13xx
Summary: First Date with Miles…lets see how this goes will it be a success or will it not go so well stay tuned to find out.You also meet Miles's mother
A/N: The end to the Super Shy series, this was a lot of fun to write and I'm happy all of you enjoyed the first two so I hope you guys enjoy this one!!, also I apologize if it's long I really got into it, Miles is 17 he has a whipski, I was jamming while writing this, that is why so many songs are in the listed. Request me some new suggestions for anyone in astv, This is the end of my Rambling ENJOY my luvs!! pt.1 pt.2
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You were shocked at what Miles just said to you, you didn’t expect him to be direct about wanting to take you out. You were in your head speechless, not sure what to say. Miles broke the silence.
“Give me your number, I don’t like that dm shit and you don't deserve to be dmed date information”. He explained
“My number is (XXX-XXX-XXXX)” You say looking at your phone. 
“Okay imma text you when I get home” Miles announced.
“Actually text me when you’ve made it home it's unsafe out here” You reply, receiving a smile from Miles.
“I will mamita” He says before walking off, you enter your apartment thinking about everything that just happened between you and Miles. You notice your mom looking at you as soon as you come in.
“Hmm..you seem happier than usual”. Your Mom exclaimed
“Yeah I'm going on a date tomorrow with Miles!” You blurt out smiling hard.
“TELL ME EVERYTHING” Your mom shouts, sprinting to the couch, motioning you to come over to spill the beans about everything that went down. 
Miles makes it home immediately apologizing to his Mom before she shouts at him.
“Lo siento, llego tarde sin enviarte un mensaje de texto mami(Sorry, I'm late without texting you mommy), I was walking a girl home.” Miles apologized, after he apologized he saved your number as ‘mamita 😩🫶🏽’texting you that he was home.
“The girl you've been talkin my ear off about?” Uncle Aaron asks, Mrs. Morales looks at Uncle Aaron confused on what she was hearing”.
“¿A mi hijo le gusta una niña?(Does my son like a girl)?” Mrs. Morales asks,surprised. Miles looked at them, sucking his cheeks in to hide that he was about to smile.
“Yes, it is the girl I've been talking your ear off about, I would be lying if I said I didn’t like her and her name is Y/N”. Miles announced looking at Uncle Aaron and his Mother, it was quiet for two seconds. 
Mrs. Morales and Uncle Aaron stare at each other “TELL US EVERYTHING”. They shout startling Miles.
“Okay Okay, at the start of the walk it was very quiet for 5 minutes because she's shy, I didn't want to bombarded her with question so I used my context clues, I noticed she was listening to music so I asked her what she was listening to, she told me I told her to play it out loud so we both can listen to it. I started singing the song mad loud so she can feel a little more comfortable. She started singing which made me smile because she felt comfortable singing wit me, I started dancing because why not. After that, we started talking about music then it got you know…” Miles stopped talking 
“Vamos hijo cuéntanos(come on son tell us),It got you know what?!” Mrs. Morales exclaimed
“ItgotkindaflirtyfromtherebasicallyshegotshyonmeandIdecidedtodothatmovewhereyouputyourfingerundertheirchintomakethemlookatyouandiaskedherificantakeherouttmomorowbecauseIwassocaughtupinthemoment”. Miles rambled, smiling awkwardly at Uncle Aaron and Mrs.Morales wondering if he did the right thing. They both look at eachother nodding their heads.
Aaron está creciendo con nosotros(Aaron he's growing up on us), this is so exciting my son is so good with girls”. Mrs.Morales says giving Miles the biggest bear hug.
“Ayyyy mami” Miles says, chuckling awkwardly looking at Uncle Aaron waiting for his comment.
“You got play little man me and your mother taught you well”. Uncle Aaron says giving Miles a high five”
“Wait, where are you going to take her?” Mrs. Morales asks looking down at her son
“To be honest I had the plan to take her to a record store then an arcade because she likes music and arcades are always fun”. Miles states looking up at his mom.
“You really took some time to think about this”. Mrs. Morales says proud of her son.
“What you know about record stores Miles?” Uncle Aaron asks.
“The amount of old Black movies I've watched with you Uncle Aaron and it's always a romantic space”. Miles explained shrugging his shoulders. Uncle Aaron nodded his head proud.
“Yeah I got high hopes for you kid” Uncle Aaron states.
“eres tan perfecto que sabes que(you’re so perfect you know that?). You better treat her right Miles”. Mrs. Morales states
“Hes fine Rio he got this right?”. Uncle Aaron asks reassuring Mrs. Morales
“Of course I do Uncle Aaron, and of course I will mami she deserves it” Miles says fist bumping his Uncle.
“Whipped” Uncle Aaron says chuckling, Miles rolled his eyes chuckling.
“Mami, can she also come over tomorrow just in case?” Miles asks, she was shocked for a second.
“Yes she can just leave the door open hijo, but I'm gonna go to bed to get a few hours in before my shift” she says Kissing Miles' forehead.
“buenas noches mami” Miles says.
“Beuenas noches, mi amor, and Goodnight Aaron”. Mrs Morales replies.
“Goodnight Rio” Uncle Aaron says waving at Rio, While Miles was on his phone texting You the details.
‘be ready at 6:30 that's when Imma come pick you up ma?’ 
‘okay, is it any dress code?’
‘nah ma dress to impress or wear what you feel like fits you gon look good either way’
‘boy stop 🙄’
‘What i’m telling the truth hermosa 🤷🏽’
‘I also asked my mom if you can come over tmr after our date’ 
‘so we boutta go out then have a sleepover i'm down with that 👏🏾’ 
‘but i’m boutta go to bed goodnight Miles 🫶🏾’
‘Buenas noches mami 🫶🏽’ 
The next day at school was light, you and Miles walked to every class with each other and your friends. The one class he didn’t walk you to, you and  your friends were gossiping about him.
“Girl what happened during that walk yall real locked in” Aaliyah says crossing her fingers.
“Man he asked me on a whole ass date in the most like omg way I wanted to kiss his fine ass”. You say rolling your eyes.
“Damn it was that good?” Ocean asks
“Yeah he made me really comfortable, because it was quiet for a bit. I played my music out loud and he started singing. I joined him, and we spoke about music. I got shy because he said he liked my smile in SPANISH and then he asked me out. You explained.
“Nah yeah thats your man” Aaliyah stated entering the gym seeing Miles with his homeboys playing ball, you guys sit on the bleachers watching.
“Ugh I don't want to go to Biology” You scoff
“Then don’t go, stay in the gym”. Aaliyah says shrugging, you were watching the basketball game noticing Miles coming over.
“Oh shit your man coming”. Ocean states the obvious
“Hola Mami, shouldn't you be in class?” He asked 
“Why you clocking me?” You say jerking your head back, he chuckled at what you said, surprised.
“Since when you skipped class?I'm just making sure my girl don’t get detention”. He explains, you scrunch your nose trying not to smile.
“I'm your girl now?” You ask
“You will be soon,” He says, smirking , getting close to your frame.
“Actually I'm gonna skip with you, give me 5 minutes to finish bussin they ass then we can slide mami”. He states giving you a smile, you nod your head watching him bounce the ball running back to the court. You were kinda winded. He made you shyer than what you already were.
“I know its purring down there” Ocean laughs 
“Nah wrd you flustered as hell”. Aaliyah adds
“Oh shut up” You say falling deeper for him, the way the compression shirt accentuated his body did something to you, the way he towered over you made you weak, his brown skin glistened whenever you saw him.
“She's in a trance yall seein this' ' Ocean looks at the fake cameras.
“Okay but we're gonna go to class to give you and your man some space” Aaliyah states, collecting her things while Ocean waves at you before they leave. You believe they were psychics because Miles jogged back over to you.
“You wanna shoot around?”. He asks
“Uhh I don’t really do basketball, I'm just a girl”. You say tilting your head .
“I'll teach you”. Miles says, spinning the ball on his finger, you roll your eyes.
“Okay show off!” You say chuckling, walking to the court. Miles stood behind you positioning your hands, under his shooting the ball making it in the hoop.
“See now, try by yourself”. He says holding your waist sending a shiver down your spine. You smile to yourself shooting the ball making it in the hoop.
“Okayyyy mamita I see you lets a play a game called horse the first person to spell horse basically by missing five shots loses” He says bouncing the ball
“Bet what's in this for the winner?” You ask with a smirk
“I don’t know you tell me” He smirks right back at you 
“Maybe a lil cheek kiss” You say being bold, Miles looks at you amused.
“Im jacken that (meaning he can get down with that). He says making a score.
“Your turn ma” He says passing you the ball, you roll your eyes dribbling the ball shooting it in the hoop scoring. This went on for 20 minutes, you only missed 4 times while Miles missed 3. You score another basket feeling yourself.
“Nothin but net baby!” You say flipping your hair snapping in his face.
“You mad cute” He says shooting making it in again, you shoot  making it. Miles misses his next shot.
“One more miss shot and you lose!!” You say making your shot, Miles mocked you shooting and missing.
“WHAT THAT SPELL H-O-R-S-E YOU LOSE!!” You shout proud of yourself.
“Sus inicios suerte,(It's beginner's luck), it's ok because you’re adorable lemme give you that cheek kiss mama”. Miles says grinning.
“Not if you can’t catch me”. You say running off, Miles groans chasing after you laughing your ass off. You look behind, seeing him catch up to you.
“Damn you run fast!”. You shout
“Duh I play basketball” Miles says sarcastically rolling his eyes, he catches up to you, wrapping his arms around your waist swaying you back and forth, kissing your cheek. The both of you stayed there catching your breaths. You smile to yourself, loving this moment until Miles starts tickling your sides.
“MILES STOP” You shout, laughing. Miles laughs with you because your laugh is really contagious. Laughter filled up the gyms absence of other students besides you two catching the gym teacher's attention from outside the gym
“Shouldn’t you two be in class, especially you Morales. We don’t want you getting detention when you have to be at practice later” The gym teacher spat.
“Yeah Morales” You say mockingly looking at Miles.
“Oh your not off the hook either Ms.Y/L/N” The gym teacher adds
“Yeah Ms.Y/L/N but we’re in study hall block we just don’t have any work to work on so we came to play some ball Coach Edwards” Miles explains.
“Okay just get back to the main class rooms before another teacher catches you before letting you off the hook lovebirds I was a teenager once two’. Mr. Edwards states leaving you two alone.
“He's right, let's go to the art room, it's always empty there right about this time” You state while getting your stuff.
“Aight lemme just throw this ugly ass uniform in my bag” He says getting his stuff together, you two walk to the art room being as quiet as possible not wanting to be caught. You guys sat down talking about nothing sharing headphones, that's your thing now, you learned Miles had a hobby of drawing from time to time.
“You wanna know something” You ask him
“What's up ma” He answers, giving you all of his attention.
“I would never think me and you would be talking”. You say shyly
“Why?” He says concerned.
“Because I would never think you would notice me because of the girls that constantly throw themselves at you  and the friends you have.” You explain
“Those girls don’t do it for me, they want attention so bad that they do anything to get it but you, you had my eye since day one. I just don’t understand why you're so shy, you have all rights to be outgoing, there is nothing wrong with you. I'm not saying there is” He responds. You go immediately quiet after his statement.
“What’s wrong mamita?” Miles asks, you didn’t answer him, you sat there in silence. 
“Está bien mamita, te escucharé(It 's okay mamita i’ll listen to you)” He says sincerely, you felt  comfortable enough to tell him what’s wrong. 
“I don’t like when people say there’s nothing wrong with me when they notice i’m shy or know i’m shy like, ok yeah im pretty but me being pretty doesn’t mean I have to be the loudest person in the room. it bothers me because maybe I don’t want to be popular having all the  attention for my looks and not for the person I am, then having boys only want you because of your status and the way your body looks, and not having them really like you, and everytime I find myself distancing myself away or pushing others away because  they fail to realize im human as well because i'm shy, Im- Im sorry miles. You rambled, Miles looked at you feeling horrible about what he said. 
“Mírame mamá déjame decirte algo,(look at me mama let me tell you something) I'm not one of those people who obviously don ‘t see you for who you are. I see you for Y/N, from the shyness, from the fire ass shoe game you got, from the giggles I hear when your with your friends, from when you’re quiet in class smiling to yourself listening to music, The Y/N that isn’t just a body, the Y/N that likes music, the Y/N that has a great time singing songs at the top of her lungs. Yeah I only walked you home, played horse with you, and only maybe started at you in class in the hallways but I saw so much personality in the little things. You will never have to distance yourself from me. I'm here to make you feel comfortable. You’re a beautiful soul to me” Miles stated looking at you. 
You felt loved and seen, looking at Miles' beautiful brown eyes as the sun gleamed on his skin just right as you were sitting next to a window, you felt speechless, you tried to talk but nothing came out. Miles smiled at you wanting to risk it all. You two were interrupted by the bell signaling it was time to go home. 
You met up with your friends smiling like an idiot. They look at you, then at Miles, then at each other. They wanted to know everything.
“Okay mami I can't walk you home due to practice but imma see you later” Miles says giving you a hug before walking to the gym.
“You have to tell us everything!” Aaliyah exclaimed.
You and your friends were at your house playing music helping you get ready for your date with Miles. You were in the shower while they were in your room suggesting things you should wear.
“I personally think you should wear a skirt boo show that bawdy baby” Ocean suggests 
“No I agree it's like 90 degrees” Aaliyah agrees
“I MEAN YEAH I'LL WEAR A SKIRT” You say shouting from the bathroom.
“But it's up to your comfortability” Aaliyah states.
“No i'm okay with a skirt it's hot as hell” You say coming out of the bathroom picking out your outfit.
“Okayyy i'm happy you showing your bawdy it's too hot for the baggy jean Y/N” Ocean says 
“Yeah we don’t want you suffocating” Aaliyah adds
“YOO ITS 6:00 HURRY UP” Ocean shouts, startling you.
“Damn okay” You say chuckling, getting dressed and admiring yourself. You’ve never worn a skirt in a long time, the last time you did you felt uncomfortable but around Miles he made you feel so comfortable to do anything or wear anything around him. You take a deep breath before doing a 360 for your friends. The finished look with your hair done, fit, and shoes(Or you can keep the mary jeans like in the picture).
“Girl when did you get your belly pierced”. Aaliyah asked 
“I got it done during the winter” You reply
“YOU NEVER TOLD US??” Ocean shouts.
“Nah I thought y'all would see it someday” You shrug 
“No but you look good as fuck” Aaliyah exclaims 
“AHHH thank you what time is it” You ask
“You really do. I love this moment for you. I'm really happy for you and it's 6:45” Ocean replies.
“Thank you guys!!” You say holding your arms open. They get up giving you a big bear hug,
“I'm happy for you baby”. Aaliyah says, While you and your friends were having a moment, your Mom heard a knock at the door answering it. She saw Miles with 2 bouquet’s of flowers in his hand.
“Hi Ms.Y/M/L/N Im Miles, these are for you and is Y/N ready?”  her gaze softens at Miles handing her the flowers still holding one for you.
“Yes she is, I'll call her Y/N MILES IS HERE FOR YOU”. Your mom shouts. You and Your friends' eyes widen shuffling to get out of your room. They walk out of your room first to give you the floor, you walk down the stairs like the bad bitch you’re. Your friends snap as you walk down  the stairs and your mom is looking at you with the biggest smile on your face. Was Miles shy fuck yes was he going to tell you that hell no. He saw you walk down the stairs gulping mumbling to himself. You finally come into close contact with him smelling his cologne, seeing the flowers in his hand.
“te ves hermosa mamá(you look beautiful), these flowers are for you” Miles stated looking you up and down making you shy.
“Awe thank you these are beautiful you didn’t have to Miles” You say looking at the flowers like you haven't seen them. the carnations, mixed with other flowers, the aesthetic of them were so beautiful, you weren't a flower person but he just made you into one. You put them in the vase right by the door.
“No, I definitely had to how am I supposed to take you out on our first date without a grand gesture. First times are always supposed to be special, beautiful”. Miles says tilting his head, not being able to keep his eyes off of you. You swear you could fall to your knees how he was looking at you.
“Yo-You are something else truly” You say smiling.
“Mhm and you love it ready to go?” Miles asks.
“Of course, see you guys tomorrow!!” You say while giving your mom and your friends hugs. 
“HAVE FUN, BUT NOT TOO MUCH FUN”. Your mom shoes while you're already out the door. You and Miles were in a comfortable silence walking out of your apartment to his car.
“I meant what I said when I said you look beautiful”. Miles breaks the silence making you smile.
“Thank you I could say the same about you, you smell good. I love the hair, and your outfit is gaza. Did you get it your hair done for this specific occasion?” You ask 
“Maybe maybe not, you did  wear a skirt for this occasion”. Miles replied callin your ass out.
“YEAHHH you're done” You say rolling your eyes. Miles chuckles, unlocking the car as it was in arms reach, you reach for the passenger side hearing a smack of the teeth.
“Nah you betta not this is my job now” He says opening the door for you were shocked, he closed the door walking around to the drivers side. Y'all didn't go anywhere yet and you were already smiling like an idiot.
“Thank you Miles.” You says shyly
“No problem mami that's what a man is supposed to do for their girl” Miles says starting the car pulling off, he hands you the aux. You connect your phone playing Heated by Beyonce, feeling yourself as you felt beautiful, Miles looked over a few times smiling as you were having fun
You sang along with Beyonce “Nevеr met a girl so fine like this, no, no, no, no, no With a waist that wine like this, my love”
Miles smirks at you “You right never met a girl as fine as you”. He says winking at you. You roll your eyes, chuckling, continuing to sing the song.
You start fanning yourself off as Beyonce says, body rolling enjoying yourself Miles looks over, shocked as you were letting loose.
“Get it mama!” He shouted hyping you up, you laughed looking at him.
“I know my life can get so crazy but as long as you're right here” You sing.
“None of the gossip, nothing can stop us
I wanna love you with no fears” Miles sings right after.
“Close your eyes and take my hand 'Cause what we have is something special, Baby let's just take our chance” The both of you sing together, for the rest of the car ride you and Miles were listening to music. Miles suddenly parked and you were lost in your thoughts.
“We’re here hermosa” Miles announced, looking over at you. You nod your head about to get out of the car when you notice miles was already opening the door for you.
“You’re such a gentleman” you say getting out the car, Miles locked the car and you looked ahead of you. It was a record store you always wanted to visit one, but you thought they were all gone or abandoned. Miles looked behind him, seeing you admire the front of the store with a smile plastered on his face.
“Come on hermosa it gets better inside!” Miles exclaims, holding the door for you. You enter the record store in awe, you were in awe. You saw all the vinyls that you wanted, Lana del rey, The Weekend, Sza, Drake, New Jeans, Victoria Monet, Brent faiyez etc.
“Miles, how did you know I wanted to come here?” You ask looking up at him.
“I took a hint and used my context clues music is your thing and you get very passionate talking about it so I took my chances” Miles explained
“You’re truly amazing” You say wanting to kiss him, looking up at him while he was explaining. Miles blushed a little, hiding his face.
“Omg I saw that splash of pink on your cheeks did Miles Morales just blush” You say gasping dramatically.
“Absolutely not,” Miles denies.
“If you're not blushing stop hiding that pretty face from me” You say pouting, Miles looks at you smiling.
“aight you caught me” Miles rolls his eyes.
“Awe my baby so cute” you say chuckling, realizing what you said.
“Oh I’m your baby now?” Miles asks, you got shy scratching your head.
“Yes” you blurred out without even thinking about your answer. Miles nodded his head, liking that answer.
“Hold up do a 360 f’me mama lemme see you” Miles says looking down at you, you do what he says weak in the kneeeeeees.
“I’m sorry you just look so beautiful standing in front of me” Miles states. You walk away from
him not being able to breathe, he’s making you ao
flustered it’s crazy. He laughs to himself following you, wrapping his arms around your waist. resting his chin on your head, rocking you to the song playing in the background(Loveee song by Rihanna). You smile to yourself looking through the vinyls in front of you. It was quiet for about 10 minutes before you moved to another section.
Miles followed you around the store loving every second of it. You were definitely talking his ear off but he didn’t mind, he loved your own takes on what certain albums were about and the symbolism certain songs have. He loved how you were so perfect in your little world, something so simple as explaining songs and or talking about your favorite albums made him even more attracted to you.
“I literally have to have you listen to the Renaissance album by beyoncé because she ate” You exclaimed
“I’m down for that” Miles replied, staring at you. You noticed smiling.
“what you starin at something on my shirt?” You ask.
“Nah you real pretty mama” Miles replied.
“Oh my god” You say, rolling your eyes.
“You wanna buy any of these vinyls hermosa?” Miles asks. You nod your head, speed walking to the New Jeans Super Shy album.
“Power puff girls?” He asks, tilting his head.
“No, that's just the album cover, and their aesthetic you got a lot of music to listen to my love” You say chuckling, he smiles at that name.
“You only want that one?” He asks, you nod your head. The both of you walk to the cashier, you prepare to pay but already slid the cash on the counter.
“Miles you didn’t have to” You say pouting.
“I did you out with me you don’t gotta spend your money and it was cheap you good ma” He responds walking out the store. You follow behind him.
“Wanna go to the arcade across the street?” Miles asks.
“OH PLEASE” He shouted back, "you guys cross the street entering the arcade. You and Miles hit basketball first (of course athletic ass nigga),He beat you but you were delusional.
“YEAHHH I BEAT YOU” you shout prancing around.
“Nuh uh” Miles says
“Fuck you mean nuh uh the scores is right there!” you say pointing to score of 25 to 13 💀,Miles holds his laughs back letting you brag.
“okay okay mamita you beat me” Miles says walking to ski ball, you follow him with the biggest smile on his face. You and Miles play every game up in that arcade you had the upper hand on Mileses winning streak.
“See I told you i’ll kick your ass” You say, Miles had his eyes on a game with a big ass teddy bear hanging on the side of it. He was determined to win you one. He suddenly disappeared and you saw him, throwing balls at bottles. He was so focused. You stood next to him watching, he only had one more left to hit and he hit it. You clapped at his victory.
“Here you go!” The host says giving Miles a huge hello kitty plush. Miles then gave it to you, you looked at the plush in awe. You squealed, hugging it. Miles rushed to get his phone out taking a picture of you hugging the plush, It was adorable.
“awe thank you baby…” You say skipping around with the plush, Miles smiled at you witnessing you so happy thinking, ‘i'm the only one that gets to see her like this’. He snaps out of his trance.
“Mamita let’s go get some food!” He states.
“Yes I'm starvinggg” You say skipping over to him, holding his hand, Miles was shock feeling the warmth of your hand fill his. Miles looks down seeing you hold the plush so close to you. You and Miles walk around a bit to find something to eat. You two decided on Chipotle something simple.
You sat your plushie down in an empty chair right next to you, while Miles sat across from you. You were stuffing rice in your face, Miles looked at you laughing his ass off.
“Damn little lady, you can sure put it away”. He says, cackling.
“Youu soooooo funny” You muttered.
“I'm sorry that was funny as hell”. Miles states, you mock him rolling your eyes.
“I don’t even sound like that” Miles declared.
“Mhm sure…” You say laughing to yourself, you couldn’t lie miles looked cute while he was eating his food. You took your phone out taking a picture of him, He glared at you.
“What, I'm sorry you looked like a cute chipmunk!”. You exclaimed
“You’re so lucky you're cute”. Miles says finishing up his food, You and Miles cleaned up the table, taking pictures in the window. You weren’t a picture person and so wasn’t Miles but, when you two are together it's all you wanna do with Miles to keep the memories. You and Miles were wandering around Manhattan taking pictures of random things well, you were taking pictures of random things, he was taking pictures of you taking pictures of random things. You took a quick glimpse at Miles and he looked exhausted. 
“Are you tired Miles? we can go back to your house” You say examining his face. He shakes his head, giving you a tired smile.
“No no you're sleepy it's okay” You say, Grabbing his hand walking back to his car, he let you drag him back to the car, it was a new feeling that he liked. Miles unlocks the car, still making sure to open the car door for you before he gets in. You and Miles sat in, comfortable silence considering the both of you were tired, you looked at your plushie, then at your vinyl smiling to yourself. The music in the background (Heal your heart by brent faiyaz), made this moment better for the both of you. Before you knew it, You were at Miles’s house, you were nervous to be honest what if his mom was home, your thoughts were interrupted by Miles opening the door for you.
Walking to his door number he picked up on your nervousness. 
“Don’t worry hermosa she’s gonna love you”. Miles says, unlocking the house door, you take a deep breath walking in right after him. 
“Hola mami” Miles greets his mother as she is in the kitchen. Today was her day off and he was confused why she was still awake at this time.
“Hola Mrs.Morales Im-'' Before you could finish your sentence, she rushed into the living room to greet you.
“You’re the famous Y/N. It's nice to meet you, wait you speak spanish”, Mrs.Morales greeted you.
“Yes, just a little I have to brush up on some phrases”. You say, giving her a smile.
“What am I chopped liver?”. Miles says, crossing his arms.
“Lo siento hijo su saludo me tomó por sor (Sorry son her greeting took me by surprise), did my son win that bear for you” Mrs. Morales says apologizing, while asking you.
“Yes he did, he did a great job”. You say, nodding your head looking at Miles giving him a warm smile. You and Mrs.Morales sit down talking about your date, yourself, and everything you like about Miles building a bond with his mother. He watched leaning on a door frame smiling to himself.
“My two girls” He says yawning smiling to himself, heading for bed.
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lemmetreatya · 1 year
HELLO if you are free at the time can you write and eren x reader insta post prt 2? With both of his moms again that was really good if that isn’t to much may I ask if it’s like him spending money on her too ? LOVE YOURE WORKS BTW
Eren’s Insta Spam (Pt.3)
eren x black!fem reader
part 1
part 2
AHH! Yes thank you so much for the request! A part 3 was definitely overdue so thank you for reminding me lool! Hope you enjoy beloved 🫶🏾 Also: BIG UP! TUN UP! to @erenxh for helping me out with a few of the translations for Carla,, you truly an OG 🫰🏾💙 + @quiveringdeer as the honorary tag for these aus
Okay so as we know, Eren has a lot of ‘fans’ who are genuinely really nice to him — but only him — and so whenever he takes you out, he tries to be low-key.
Buuuut it doesn’t mean YOU have to be lowkey and so whenever youre out and about you take pics of him and he occasionally posts these
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Liked by ynprivnotpriv, mikamimamii and 74 others
ej__jaeger dump! taken by the one who captures me thru the lens of love xx @ynprivnotpriv
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ynprivnotpriv the caption??? you’re so cheessyyyy 😭😭 luv you thoo 💖💖
grishaj__ 👍🫰
ej__jaeger @ynprivnotpriv only this cheesy for you my love
ej__jaeger @grishaj ❤️❤️
But besides that, Eren loves to take you out and spoil you with stuff. It’s kinda controversial though because look okay, Eren’s not a bum per se, but he also HATES working or doing anything labour wise so it’s really Grisha’s money he’s spending on you 😭😭😭 Like he gets a lil money from sponsors and that but its barely liveable earnings
And although you don’t mind, at times it’s like “Okay, Eren. We need to get you a job.” Because he’s at the checkout but on a phone call with his Dad talking bout “Just send it to me now, I’ll explain when I get home.” And you really dont wanna be spending Mr. Jaeger Sr.’s hard earned surgery money like that shdjdjd but Eren wouldn’t take the initiative to do any of that shit himself so you get Carla and Dina involved
“What about a Barista? You’ve got that cute hipster look to you, they’ll love you there.” You said.
All four of you sat in the living room around your laptop, scrolling on various job searching sites to find Eren an occupation. He however seemed to be the least enthusiastic.
“Noooo. Too many of my fan— People, I know go there. It’ll be too bait.”
“That’s okay!” Carla exclaims. “It means you can give them discounts and talk to your friends while you’re on your shift.”
You stifled a giggle, knowing those weren’t the type of people Eren was talking about but alas, we move.
Annoyingly bouncing a tennis ball onto the ceiling and then catching it, Eren sighed as he ran a hand through his hair and paced around the room.
“Man, I need something that pays good money but small hours and allows me all the flexi shifts I want.”
“öyle iş istiyorsan git de sihirli fasulye ye!” Carla tuts.
The brunette whizzed round in shock.
“You urging me to become a drug dealer?!”
“What?!” You look towards Carla with a gasp.
Shaking her head and hands, the woman tried to clear the allegations her son stuck on her.
“No! I told him to go eat magic beans if he wants a job so easy!” Carla explained but then followed up her words with a taunt in Eren’s direction — a warning not to make her look bad.
“Well, what about Zeke’s place? I’m pretty sure he could get you a nice position over there.”
All of you looked towards Dina who had a rather elated expression on her face. This also seemed to pique Eren’s interest seeing as he stopped pacing and gave Dina an intrigued look.
“Wouldn’t that make me a Nepo baby?” He asked.
With a straight face you narrowed your eyes at your boyfriend.
“Boy, that’s really your concern?” You deadpanned. This seriously couldn’t be the most testing factor of working with Zeke of all people but apparently Dina and Eren were on the same page.
“I don’t think it will.” Dina made a thinking face before bringing up her phone to do a quick search. “I only think it affects you if it’s passed down from a parent and not across from a sibling.”
With a groan, Carla threw her head onto your shoulders, feigning fatigue.
“Oh my goodness, my annecim only wants to be rich. Not a hard working bone in his body — Oh! I’ve failed.”
With a soft laugh, you patted the woman’s head.
“Sorry, Carla. I know you tried your best.”
At the end of the day though, Eren makes sure he always spoils you with nice things and doesnt mind spending maintenance money on you! He’ll always have coin for you regardless and loves when he sees you all dolled up under his appendage
he’s THAT Guy: he’ll wait for you when you get your manicures done and talks smooth with all the workers so he can get discounts and shii dhjddk 😭😭
“Girl, can I just say, your boyfriend is such goals? Like how he so smood with it?”
The nail technician briefly removed her face mask to whisper that to you, eyeing the way he was making easy conversation with the other woman.
With a small laugh, you tapped on side of your Airpod to pause your music so that you could also turn round to observe his antics.
“Yeah, no he treat me real well.”
Turning round back to her, you gave her a knowing look.
“You want me to hook you up with one of his friends?”
“What, they just as good as him?!” She whispered.
“Oh, nobody as good as him but they good.” Giving her a knowing look, you pursed your lips over at the woman.
With a nod and an impressed look back, the techniciane moved back to continue her work on your nails, her mood more excited.
“Okay, okay. I’ll see what you got to offer.”
Liked by dinafritz_off_fitfh, jeankir_jr and 29 others
ej__jaeger she keeps saying her feet are cold but she never wants to wear socks 🤨⁉️ LIKE??? if your lil white manny toes are cold, SOCK EM! 🗣🗣
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sashabear7891 FOR FREE EREN???? FOR FREE???! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
uchihabapegod put dem dawgs away son 🌭
ej__jaeger @sashabear7891 you always know where to get the prem shit thoooo
ej__jaeger @uchihabapegod okay zeke so now that youve said that explain to me why exactly youre perceiving my girls toes??? 🤨📸
ej__jaeger @jeankirjr_ I am giving you three working minutes to unlike this post.
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Liked by arminarletarmin, yummir and 104 others
ej__jaeger ROD 🚀
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mikamikamii THATS A BIG ROCK??
uchihabapegod Marriage?? In this economy???
carlaakarjaeg_34 Eren Text Me Right Now. Please Eren
yummir @ynprivnotpriv lmaooooooo i know you aint sleeping rn bitch come explaaiinn???
conniethe_conman only reason i know you lot are playing us is bc i know eren DOES NAWT have the funds for that and because y/n wouldn’t say yes to an unemployed MAN 😆😆
ej__jaeger @conniethe_conman the way you’re the only one to not fall for it but DAMN???
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natsu-tte-noodle · 1 year
A3! Translation - Regional Tour Instablam Posts (Autumn Troupe)
Autumn was a little easier to do than Winter was... you’ll probably see why pretty quickly lol
Also, the like count on the posts seem to be completely random.  This isn’t important to the meanings of the posts, but I think it’s really funny that I’ve gotten Kazu posts with 0 likes lol
Also you can see here that I tried to vary the way they type out their tags in terms of capitalization and stuff!  That’s a purely stylistic choice on my part; there’s not much in the Japanese that implies for it to go either way
Sendai - Zunda shake
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Sendai. A commemorative zunda.
#the fabled zunda #delicious
Sendai was fun! (≧▽≦) We all drank zunda ^^
#MANKAI Company #Sendai #We’ll come again #Zunda #Wasnt sure what station lunch to get (1)
Thanks for coming to our Sendai play run. This is sweet and delicious.
Thank you for attending our Sendai play run. Apparently this is famous.
#Sendai #Thanks #Zunda
Nagoya - Nagoya morning breakfast set
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Nagoya morning.
#coffee #as for the ogura #just looking at it made me sick
Ogura bean paste.
Morning! ( `ー ´)ノ My tummy’s been full all day~!
#MANKAI Company #Nagoya #Morning #Ogura bean paste
Active since the morning. This is healthy.
Thank you for coming to our Nagoya play run. Speaking of Nagoya, this is morning. The early bird gets the worm, after all.
#Nagoya #Morning #Accompanying an elder #Damn sleepy
Osaka - Glico Running Man in Dotonbori (2)
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Dotonbori. #THE pose #they forced me to do a pic #not posting it tho
My souvenir from Osaka was a cheesecake.
Osaka was fun! I luv it! (3) Jk (≧▽≦) I ate myself to death (4) with delicious food!
#Osaka #Surprise Kansai dialect #The hells with that (5) #Dotonbori #Variety #Ate too much #MANKAI Company
A food binge tour with everyone. When you think Osaka, you think food.
#Osaka #Thanks
Thank you for coming to our Osaka play run. As always, there were many people.
#Osaka #Good work #Dotonbori #Sightseeing
Niigata - Red snow crab
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Niigata crab.
#sea of japan #shellfish #massive
Crab! So big! Super tasty! ^^
#MANKAI Company #Crab #Niigata ftw (6) #Hype
We ate crab today. The seafood from the Sea of Japan is fresh.
Thank you for coming to our Niigata play run. Of course the crab is good too, but the rice is delicious.
#Niigata #Crab #Impressive
Fukuoka - Tonkotsu ramen
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When you go to Fukuoka you gotta have tonkotsu ramen.
#best place for it #crispy style #second noodle helping #used it up
Ramen after the show run.
Thanks Fukuoka~! And my long-awaited tonkotsu ramen ^^ I enjoyed it all the way down to the soup!
#Fukuoka fun #Hakata (7) tonkotsu #ramen #MANKAI Company
Enjoying Fukuoka. This is our last stop.
Thank you for coming to our Fukuoka play run. At the end of the run.
#Fukuoka #Tonkotsu ramen #Light oil #No overeating #No ruining your skin
1. This was 駅弁悩む (ekiben nayamu), which is literally “worry about the station bento,” but that sounded to me like he wasn’t sure if it would be good or not
2. Dotonbori is a popular tourist destination in Osaka!  Food is huge in Dotonbori, and Osaka in general, which you’ll see in a lot of the posts about it. The Running Man sign is an ad for Glico, the company responsible for Calpico/Calpis and Pocky!  The ad has been up since 1935.
3. Taichi says 好きやねん (sukiyanen) here, which is Kansai dialect for “love it”.  I normally don’t do anything funky with Kansai-ben, but if I didn’t it’d look like he was saying “I love Osaka. JK NO I DON’T” lmao so we had to do SOMETHING.  Shoutout to Moonlight for the simple suggestion!
4. Here Taichi uses the phrase 食い倒れ (kuidaore), which basically means “eat til you drop.  I had to change the TL a to “eat oneself to death” to make it sound ok, but it basically means the same thing, right? Omi’s “food binge” is also originally 食い倒れ
5. The standard tsukkomi retort in manzai as well
6. This was 新潟最高 (Niigata saikou), with 最高 basically meaning “greatest.”  I let myself have a little fun as a treat lol
7. Another name for Fukuoka
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jinstronaut · 1 year
every month of 2022!!!
(tagged by @userhobi, @sopekooks, @jiniekook​, and @raplinenthusiasts​ thank u sweetest beans xoxox)
we’re 3 months into 2023 which means it only makes sense that i do this now :~) here we go!!!!!!
jan -
most popular: black swan ptd jinnie uwu he is etheral
fave: bts gtkm meme coffee set, i manifested a coffee comeback in 2022 i feel so powerful
feb -
most popular: dior hobi for 18 days of hobi, and can we BLAME HIM bc look at that man !!!!!! wtf !!!! past emmeline why did you do this he is insane!!!!!!
fave: :] yoongi for 11 days of yoongi, look at him he is :( so small i lov he
march -
most popular: yoonmin for 11 days of yoongi, if you don’t love them you are lying!!!! they are everything to meeeee!!!!!!
fave: seesaw for 11 days of yoongi, i tried something new with typography and i ended up really liking it!!! :’))) i’m proud of how it turned out + i also luv this song so uwu
april -
most popular: glasses namjoon :’))), this month was the month i started off my monthly bts series!!!!! and i get why this one was the best for april, Look At Him
fave: bts love yourself tour namjoon, i just rly think he is neat and deserves the world :(
may -
most popular: giggly seokjinnie, he is so so so cute what does it feel like @ that person to make him laugh like that i can only IMAGINE ;o;
fave: cute and sneaky seokjin, from THEEEE best run episode, look at his cute little face moments before he dupes all of his friends for some giftcards, truly diabolical
june -
most popular: bts anniversary gifset, as the tags say i made this in 36 hrs i was so sleepy by the end BUT !!!! it reached over 1,000 notes and most of my sets don’t do that, so i am so grateful that this was so well received !!!!
fave: AAAAYE AAAYE AAAAYE yoongi, he is just so important to me personally pls understand
july -
most popular: dior hobi, i mean the man just cannot be stopped and he’s right for it !!!!!!!!
fave: dance practice hobi, this hobi means so much to me when he wears his comfy shirts and jeans i just :’))))
most popular: dancing beret jimine uwu he is so tiny and cute !!!!!!!
fave: black swan jimin, i rly rly rly love this set so much bc he looks so etheral and i just !!!!! he is the black swan !!!!!!!!!
september -
most popular: black swan tae and the people are RIGHT FOR IT bc look !!!! at him WOW. WOWEEEEEEE
fave: blue haired taehyung bc he is my favorite and i don’t make that a secret thank u and GOODNIGHT
october -
most popular: this jungkook and u kno what.......... this checks out i understand :~)
fave: this run ep is in my top 5 and this jk is so special to me specifically bc he is just like me fr
november -
most popular: jin birthday countdown, tumblr tags edition and i’d do it AGAIN bc i maintain that army are the funniest fuckin people in the world lksdjfksdlf ;o;
fave: this genre of bts is so important to me :’))))) i luv luv luv them
december -
most popular: the beginning of the jin a day series ;o; how long and yet how short it’s been
fave: this jin comp i made during his birthday weel :’)) i particularly proud of the editing i tried!!!
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basilly · 3 years
pregnancy hcs || irl!wilbur x reader & irl!karl x reader
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. request: please can i have fundy pregnancy headcanons- you know who (pls tag me when u post it kiss kiss)
. ok well @losingvienna can not read /j but its ok LOL i am doing Wilbur and Karl
.pronouns: they/them
. mentions a pregnant reader!!
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. he would be even more in love- if that was humanly possible
. there is not anything he wouldn’t do for you 
“Wil!” “Yes love? Do you need anything? Heating pad? Hair-tie?”
. if he’s streaming and you need help- automatic pause
. cravings? goes out immediately for whatever you need (if obtainable)
“Wilbur where are you going?” “The store- you said you were craving pickles” “Yea but you don’t need to go now” “It’s okay, just lay down, I’ll be back soon”
. buys you those ridiculous pregnancy pillows that are like a giant ‘C’
. researches things about pregnancy so he would be prepared
. he will take the time to talk to the unborn baby everyday before sleeping
“When you are born and maybe a bit older, we are going to travel and I’m going to teach you all about the countries”
. and ofc he sings it lullabies- instrument or not
“Wilbur the baby isn’t even born yet” “I know it can hear me- babies can hear from outside the womb”
. will decorate the nursery with countries and things- he wants a geoguessr helper (duh /j) 
. claims tommy will not be able to come near the child when born
“I’m going to be an uncle! The cool and favorite uncle!” “Tommy you are not my brother- I’m not letting you near the child once they’re born” “What whyy”
. would suggest phil as the godfather
. he would be strict- he only wants the best
“No you cant- it says preganant people are advised not to use this” “It’s just a little bit!” “no”
. buys the unborn child lots of toys- including mini instruments
. will ask Chris for help and tips
. also the person to call his mom in need of help
“Hello?” “Mom- y/n’s getting back pain how do I-”
. will be super excited that Tucker will have a friend
. will be super nervous he might mess up or miss something
. he is super excited though, he always looks at you, imaging how it will be once his baby is born
. decorates the nursery in a ton of cute animals
. would buy a ton of stuffed animals for the unborn baby too
. plans a baby shower down to the T
. I feel like he wouldn’t care about the gender- he’s just so excited to have a kid
. those late night talks where it’s like: (while he is rubbing your stomach)
“I’m so lucky, I’m with you and we are going to start a family together, I love you”
. goes to every ultrasound meeting, he does not want to miss a single one
. he would have so many pre-picked names from over the time you guys were dating
. lots of onsies- especially character or animal ones
. he’s so so excited for halloween because?? baby & family matching costumes?? a d o r a b l e
. would have those apps to see how big the baby is each week
“They’re the size of a pomegranate!”
. when you have the energy, he will play music and slow dance, as a “little family”
. he loves calling it “little bean” and talks very often
“Little bean- tell them they need rest, their ankles are swollen” “Karl they cant do anything”
. he’s just so excited
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an: feeding the baby fever once more
taglist:  @acidtabletz @mayasimagines @salinesoot @bozowrites @kai-was-here @xoxothornbudoxox @kutozume @truthfulsyncerity @forutheworld @losingvienna @luluwinchester​ @cr0wbonezz-wr1ting-inc​ @dreamiewrites​ @a-simp-for-block-people​ @dysfunctionalcrab​ @ella-ivanov​ @akasuki​
and @mina-luv-bot​ for ur bby fever <3
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joliebean · 2 years
check in tag ✌🏻
I was tagged by @simlishaccent thanks luv 💕
why did you choose your url?
I studied French in my uni. Jolie is pretty in French. I added ‘bean’ to make it sound cuter. Yeah, I thought I was so innovative when I came up with my username.
how long have you been on tumblr?
In July it will be 7 years. Also I had a personal blog before that, I think I’ve learnt about tumblr in 2012 during my ~Dragon Age~ phase.
do you have a queue tag?
I do, but I barely use it.
why did you start your blog in the first place?
At first I was just lurking around and looking for CC. 🙈 This blog was planned to be just an archive with reblogged CC posts. Then I wanted to share the interior shots I’ve made so others could see it too. At some point I decided to do a CAS challenge, it was fun and it helped me to gain my first followers and to meet new friends. I still have some sims I’ve made for that challenge saved in my Library.
why did you choose your profile picture/icon?
It’s one of my models. I rotate my models on my profile pics from time to time.
why did you choose your header?
I really need to change it but I’m so lazy and have no idea what I want there. I like the gif I’ve made with falling snow. It’s serene and beautiful.
what’s your post with the most notes?
I’m not surprised. I have an updated version of this dress, check it out.
how many mutuals do you have?
133 if I counted it right.
how many followers do you have?
33160 gorgeous gorgeous angels 💗
how many people do you follow?
191 beautiful people 🔥
have you ever made a shit post?
...once or twice 👀
how often do you use tumblr each day?
I open it a few times per week to check my notes and messages to see if there is anything I need to respond to and also to check the new posts on my dash. 💗
did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
I try to avoid drama at all cost, life is too short to spend it on online arguments. However, sometimes you can not escape it. I wasn’t proud of myself when I let my emotions take over. There cannot be a ‘winner’ because such arguments only leave the taste of resentment and frustration for both persons afterwards.
how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts?
It depends on a post. I don’t want to clutter my blog with non-sims stuff too much since it’s my escape from reality and safe space. I reblog more different stuff on twitter tho.
do you like tag games?
Not really my cup of tea 🤭 Sometimes when I’m in the mood I play them if I don’t forget I was tagged.
do you like ask games?
Same as the previous question.
which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
Is it even a thing? It’s 2022 not 2012. 😔✌
do you have a crush on a mutual?
I want @ice-creamforbreakfast to be my sugar mommy. 💔
Tagging (feel free to skip ofc): @ice-creamforbreakfast @servegrilledcheese @haledela @lesyasun @its-adrienpastel @moonfi @zeussim @harinezumi-sims @aladdin-the-simmer
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Burn It
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Part 3 of the Boys with Luv series
Pairing: Yoongi x reader
Summary: Yoongi and Y/N are getting used to living together and being each others soulmates. Y/N helps Yoongi get through him being kicked out of the BTS dorm, and Yoongi helps Y/N tackle her trauma from the past. When the pair go out shopping, they bump into some people they really don’t want to meet...
Warnings: Angst, mentions of self-harm and abuse, Taehyung being a dick to Yoongi.
Tags: @calling-dips-on-j-hope, @fic-recs-by-moon​, @luvtaeha, @aretha170, @xicanacorpse, @kookieebangtan, @fangirl125reader, @seoul9711, @channiespup, @lindsayjoy444​​ ​​​​​​
Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 
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Yoongi looked upset. He stood in the doorway of the kitchen, a bag hanging off his shoulder while he leant against the door jamb, and his face was full of thoughts. He looked slightly broken. I slowly walked over to him. 
“Are you okay?” I asked, making him look at me. He shook his head before dropping his bag to the floor. “What happened?” I asked. I knew he had to go back to the studio, so something must have happened there.
“They kicked me out of the dorm.” He said, his voice emotionless. “I thought that after everything, they would understand this. That they would understand you.” Ah, so it was to do with me. He must have told them what happened, but I was confused as to why it would affect them so much, unless...
“Do you want to talk about it?” I asked carefully.
“I don’t know...” He said, sighing slightly. This was a Yoongi thing - he would sometimes hide his emotions from everyone.
“If you’re upset, you need to talk about it. You can trust me. I have literally no one to tell about anything you say.” I said, reaching out and stroking his arm. He didn’t flinch away from my touch, which was unusual for me. “I’ll make you a deal. If you tell me about why you’re upset, I’ll tell you why I was in the park. Okay?” I asked, raising an eyebrow at him.
“Okay.” Yoongi nodded, his voice slightly husky. He took hold of my hand and led me to the living room where he sat down on the sofa and pulled me down next to him, making me yelp in surprise. “Sorry.” He said, fiddling with his thumbs. “So, erm, me and the rest of the members are all in a relationship together.” He began. “It started with me and Taehyung, and the others joined one by one. Today, when I went back, I told Tae about me finding you, and he got angry. He said I should reject you.” He looked at me. I blinked at him, scared. Was he going to reject me as his soulmate? Did he want to put me through that pain? “But I don’t ever want to do that to you. I can’t do that to you. When I said that to Tae, he got really annoyed and left the building. I then told everyone else and-” His voice hitched in his throat as a tear rolled down his cheek. “And Namjoon kicked me out of the dorm until I figured out who I wanted to be with.”
“Yoongi, that’s awful!” I gasped. How could they treat him like that? Yoongi worked so hard in that group. He deserved better than this. And it’s not his fault that he found his soulmate. They just needed to come around to the idea. It was then I got my idea. “Don’t you have a meet and greet this weekend?” I asked.
“Yeah, but it’s not going to go well. They all don’t want me to be around them!” Yoongi exclaimed.
“Yeah, but, if I go to the meet and greet, and they all meet me, and if they like me then maybe you don’t have to necessarily break up with them. Maybe I could just slot in?” I suggested. It was the best thing to do. No one got rejected, and no one got their heart broken. Best case scenario. 
“That’s actually not a bad plan.” Yoongi said looking at me. His eyes flicked down to my lips as we continued to stare at each other, the tension building between us. He cleared his throat. “So, why were you in the park last night?”
“Ahh.” I smiled, knowing that this was coming. “I had to get away from my ex.” I said. “He wasn’t the nicest. He used to hit me and assault me verbally and physically.”
“Y/N...” Yoongi said, rubbing my arm.
“He took away everything I owned. He took my house, sold my car, pushed all my friends away. The only person I was allowed contact with was my mother, and that was always supervised. He controlled me.”
“That’s horrible. No one should ever have to go through that. I’ll protect you, I promise. If I have to, I will hire a bodyguard for you. Anything to keep you safe.” He promised. I was surprised. We had only just met, but he wants to look after me. That was something new.
“Thank you Yoongi.” I said softly. He smiled at me and stroked my cheek with his thumb. “For everything, seriously.”
“You’re my soulmate, Y/N, what did you expect me to do?” He looked me in the eye. My lips parted in surprise as we held eye contact. He leaned forward slightly and our lips connected. His were soft and pillowy, and he was a good kisser. I knew mine were quite rough and chapped - I didn’t have a lip balm on me, so maybe he would let me borrow one of his, or we could go shopping. My heart rate sped up as the kiss continued. One of my idols was kissing me. I would have never imagined it. We pulled away slowly. 
“Wow.” I gasped, reaching up and touching my lips. Yoongi laughed and pulled me close to him.
“Cute.” He murmured, stroking my arm. 
That night Yoongi was making dinner while I tidied up a bit. We had ended up making cookies to cheer him up, which might have had a bit of a food fight, and then some making out in the middle. I had a quick shower, washing out all the flour and egg from my hair, before changing into a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt. I had to cover my cuts on my wrists. I saw them in the shower and they were very noticeable; the red stood out starkly against my skin.
I walked out of my room, tying my hair up in a bun. My nose was instantly filled with the smell of frying pork and black bean sauce. He was making jjangmyeon. I made my way into the kitchen and sat on the counter.
“It smells nice.” I said as Yoongi stirred the sauce a bit more. He hummed as he put the water to boil for the noodles. “Can I help with something?” I asked.
He lifted the lid of the wok and took a bit of the sauce on a spoon. “Taste please.” He held it up to my mouth. I ate the sauce. It tasted really good. Not too salty, the right amount of water.
“Mmmm!” I moaned in delight, making him look at me in shock and blush. I giggled at his reaction. “Sorry.” I covered my face in embarrassment. “You’re a good cook, Yoongi.”
He smiled and turned back to the stove, stirring the sauce around some more to make sure it doesn’t burn. “Thank you.” He said, reaching over to turn off the heat under the pans. His hand brushed my thigh, making me shiver slightly. His hands were huge and veiny. “Can you pass me two bowls?” I hopped off the counter and looked around, unsure of where to get them from. “Oh, um, middle shelf on the right hand cupboard.” He said, pointing. I nodded and leaned up, grabbing hold of the bowls, standing on my tiptoes.
“Here you go.” I said, handing him the bowls. “Do you want chopsticks as well?” I asked. He nodded. Now these I knew where they were. He had them in a fancy clear container on top of the counter. He nodded and I grabbed two pairs, handing them to him.
“Thank you, jagiya.” He said, making me freeze. No one had ever called me that before. “Oh, sorry, I-”
“No, it’s fine. It’s just no one has ever called me that before.” I replied, reassuring him. 
He set down his serving spoon. “Seriously?” He asked. I nodded.
“Abusive ex, remember?” I smiled slightly. 
“Oh yeah, sorry.” He said. “Okay, do you want to eat at the table or shall we watch a movie while eating?” He suggested.
“Watch a movie?” I requested, making him nod. 
“Grab your food then, jagiya.” I blushed, making him chuckle. “That’s your nickname now. That, and princess, and baby, and baby girl.” He began listing off more, making me giggle.
“So what do I call you?” I asked as he carried our bowls in to the living room. He placed them down on the glass surface of the coffee table. He grabbed two of the decorative pillows from the couch and placed them on the floor. I sat on one and he sat on the other.
“Hmm, well.” He smirked staring at me. “I am older than you, so oppa would be the most logical choice. But if you want other options then whatever you want.” He shrugged. 
“Noted, oppa.” I said, looking sideways at him before picking up my chopsticks and stirring around the noodles and sauce to combine them before taking a bite. “God, Yoongi, this is so good!” I sighed loving the taste of the sauce combined with the noodles and the pork. 
“Thank you.” Yoongi blushed slightly. “I used to make it all the time for the boys - it’s my mother’s recipe.” His face fell slightly as he said this, making me bite my lip in sympathy as I thought of what to say to him.
“It will all work out, I promise.” I reassured him, rubbing his arm gently. He leaned slightly into the gesture as he took another mouthful of noodles.
“But in the meantime...” He pulled out his phone and held it to take a selca with me. “Let’s let ARMY know about you and me. Smile, jagiya.” I smiled at the phone as he snapped the picture before posting it on Weverse. My phone buzzed with the notification, making him chuckle. “Come on, let’s watch a movie.”
Yoongi POV:
I hummed as I stretched, waking myself up. I looked over to the other side of my bed and saw Y/N curled up by the edge of the bed. That must have been due to her PTSD over her past relationship. I shuffled under the blankets as I turned around so I was facing her before reaching out a hand and shaking her slightly.
“Y/N, princess.” I said, my voice husky from sleep. She whined and tried to move away from me. “Baby, come on you need to get up. We’re going shopping today.” We had decided that while she did have clothes, they were all worse for wear, so I was going to treat my princess to a new wardrobe. I was going to the usual shopping centre that the boys and I would go to. We normally had it to ourselves on Fridays so we could buy anything we needed.
“Can we get mochi?” She asked, her eyes still closed. There was a piece of hair flung across her face. 
“Of course. Are you feeling better after last night?” I asked. She had fallen asleep in the guest bedroom, but she had had a nightmare about her ex, resulting in her screaming in her sleep, so I told her she could sleep with me so she would feel calm and safe. “Did you manage to sleep?”
She opened her eyes, squinting slightly at the light that came through the gap in the curtains. Even with her hair a mess and no make up on, she was still beautiful. “Yeah. I had no nightmares at all while I was in here.” She nodded. “And I feel better.” She rolled over to face me so she was on her side rather than her back. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome jagi.” I said, stroking her cheek. “If you go shower and get dressed, I’ll start breakfast?” I suggested.
“Pancake?” She asked, smiling gently. “And dalgona coffee?”
“Of course.” I nodded
“Thank you, Yoonie.” She sat up and stretched, her sleeves slipping down her arms slightly. I caught sight of some scars, which gave me a slight bad feeling. 
“Baby, can I see your wrists?” I asked carefully, knowing that if it was what I thought it was, she would become very defensive about it. She looked pensive, her lips pursed and eyebrows furrowed. 
“Yoongi, I-” She said as I reached out and carefully pushed up her sleeves.
“Baby...” I saw her wrists were littered with red lines, some more fresh than others. 
“I haven’t since I’ve been here, I swear.” She said. “It was a coping mechanism with him.” I ran my thumb gently over her wrists, feeling the raised lines on her skin. “Yoongi, I promise, I haven’t since I’ve been here.”
“I believe you baby, but why?” I asked. “What made you stop?” The look on her face broke my heart. She looked like she had been through so much. She sniffed and took a shaky breath.
“He told me to do it. That I deserved it.” She said, tears forming in her eyes. “He said that if I continued to do it deeper and deeper than maybe I might end it all and what a perfect world that would be.”
My heart stopped. How could anyone do this to her? I could feel myself getting angrier and angrier at this ex, but I didn’t want to let it show. It would make it even worse for her, and that was something we did not want to happen. I kissed her wrist gently.
“I stopped because of you. You got me out of that situation and you make me feel safe.” She said. “If I’m being honest, I wasn’t sure how you would take it, I mean one of BTS’s big things are loving yourself and clearly I don’t. I didn’t want to disappoint you.”
“Princess you could never ever disappoint me. You are so strong and resilient and you have become such a beautiful person, both inside and out.” I said, pulling her in for a hug. “Now,” I leaned forward and pecked her lips. “We are going to have a day full of fun, starting with your pancakes and dalgona coffee. Sound good?” She nodded and smiled as I wiped away her tears, her Y/E/C shining. 
She disappeared into the bathroom as I slid out of bed and made my way into the kitchen. I moved my shoulder around; it was slightly stiff and painful this morning, but nothing I couldn’t manage.
I began to make everything. While the pancakes were frying, I got started on the coffee. Y/N appeared in the doorway, her Y/H/L hair dripping on the exposed skin from her shirt. I smiled when I realised that it was my shirt. It reached mid thigh on her, making me stare at her bare legs and exposed collarbones.
She blushed when she saw me staring. “I’m sorry. I just didn’t know what to wear so I grabbed the first thing I saw.”
“It’s fine, jagiya.” I said. “You look better in it than me.” She giggled and walked over to me. I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her lips gently. She hummed gently, tucking her head under my chin. 
“Yoonie oppa.” She said quietly. I hummed in response. “I think the pancakes are burning.” She giggled, making me jump away from her and take them off the heat. They were a slightly darker brown than usual, but still edible. “That one can be yours.” She giggled, making me scowl at her playfully. “How about I do the coffee and you try not to burn the next pancake.”
“Sounds like a deal, princess.” I agreed, handing her the small whisk so she could do the coffee. She thanked me and began to whisk the coffee as I poured the remaining mixture into the pan. 
“Yoon, how does this taste?” She held up a spoon with some of the whipped coffee on it. I tasted it. The perfect amount of coffee. “Good?”
“Amazing.” I replied before turning back to flip the pancake. It was a perfect golden brown. “Pick what toppings you want. I’ll just have sugar and lemon.” I said, making her turn to the fridge and pull out some chocolate sauce and strawberries. 
I plated the pancake and carried it to the island in the middle of the kitchen. She sat down, holding both cups of coffee. She pushed mine over to me before she started to eat.
“So where do you want to go today?” I asked. “I’m buying you a new phone and changing your number so that ex of yours can’t contact you.”
“Yoongi, you don’t have to-” She started but I interrupted her.
“No, I want you to be safe.” I said. “Anyway, do you want new clothes, new shoes? What?”
“I think I need new everything to be honest.” She admitted. “All my clothes are beginning to fall apart.”
“Okay, we’ll buy you some new outfits today, but we can order you more if you need.” I said, finishing up my pancake. “Do you want makeup?”
“I need makeup.” She said, taking a bite of a strawberry. 
“No you don’t.” I said. “But if you want it then we’ll buy you some of the best.”
“Yoongi, you don’t have to spend your money on me. I’ll pay you back.” She said.
“No, you won’t. What’s mine is yours.” I said firmly. “Now finish up and get that ass of yours ready to go.”
We had been at the mall for a few hours now. Y/N was happily snacking on some mochi as we made our way to the next store - Victoria’s Secret.
“Hi, welcome to the store, how can I help you today?” A red-haired woman asked. Y/N turned to me and handed me her mochi. 
“Can you wait out here please? I’m not entirely comfortable with... you know...” She trailed off, playing with her fingers.
“Of course, baby. I’ll wait here, okay? Mind if I have some of these?” I asked as the sales assistant began to lead her away.
“Go for it!” She yelled over her shoulder as the assistant began showing her panties and bras. I began looking through, picking ones mentally that I liked. There was a light pink set that I loved. A pang of sadness shot through me when I realised I was picking them out for Taehyung. I put the set back and leaned against a wall, waiting for her while I scrolled through my phone. 
I jumped when I heard footsteps outside the shop. It was a Friday so the shopping centre was closed to the general public, so it wasn’t like there would be randomers walking around. My heart rate picked up. What if it was a sasaeng? I heard excited chatter and a squeal of happiness which I recognised instantly. Tae. They must have gone shopping now. There was nowhere for me to go as there was only one exit and entrance, and it wasn’t like I could blend in with the crowd.
My heart broke slightly when I heard their laughs and shouts of happiness. Nice to know they were having fun without me. I busied myself with my phone before looking over to the changing rooms. I heard Y/N gasp happily, making me smile. The doorbell to the shop rang, indicating someone had just entered the shop. Why now? I didn’t want to have this confrontation here. Not in front of Y/N.
I smiled slightly as I saw Taehyung move from rack to rack, picking up items that caught his eye and showing them to Hoseok and Namjoon, who had come in with him. Taehyung looked up and we locked eyes. His smile dropped from his face, being replaced with a scowl. 
I looked back to my phone, making it a point that I didn’t want to talk to them. I could hear them whispering to each other, their hushed tones being too quiet for me to properly hear them. 
“Hyung, what are you doing here?” Namjoon asked, making his way over to me.
“Y/N needed some new stuff.” I said, not looking at him. “Sorry, I didn’t realise you owned this shop as well.”
“Yoongi, there is no-” Namjoon began.
“No, you’ve said enough Namjoon. You spoke your true feelings.” I said shortly, glancing up at him, looking unimpressed.
“I shouldn’t have said that.”
“But you did. You said your true feelings. I don’t want people to lie to me. You said the truth, no matter who it hurt.” I said.
“Hyung please, I’m sorry.” Namjoon said. “Please just come back to us.”
“No.” I said, finding it harder and harder to keep my voice steady. “You’ve said what you said. It’s clear I’m not welcome, I mean look at them!” I gestured over to Hoseok and Taehyung. “Normally Taehyung would be here, hanging onto me, listening to my every word, demanding kisses and affection, and now look at him. He doesn’t want to come near me!”
“Yoongi, that’s not true. They both love you.” Namjoon argued.
“Yeah, they’re showing it so well.” I said sarcastically. “He is glaring at me. That’s definitely a sign of love. None of this is my fault, Namjoon! I can’t control who my soulmate is or when I meet her!” I knew Y/N would most likely be able to hear me now, but I silently prayed that she couldn’t.
“TaeTae, Hobi, come here.” Namjoon said, gesturing them over. Taehyung looked reluctant. 
“Why are you here?” Taehyung asked, his voice angry.
“Y/N needed some new stuff.” I replied.
“I knew she was a money stealing whore.” Taehyung scoffed. “Just reject her! She’s going to steal your money and then reject you!”
“No she’s not. You know what, Kim Taehyung, maybe it’s a good idea that I’m not staying at the dorm anymore. And maybe you should get to know someone before you decide to make a decision for them.” I spat.
“Yoongi!” I heard Y/N call from the changing rooms.
“Yes, baby?” I called back.
“I need your opinion on something!” She shouted back.
“Coming, princess.” I turned back to Namjoon, Hoseok and Taehyung. “Now I’m going to go where I am wanted and needed. I’ll see you for the meet and greet on Saturday.” I left them standing there. “What’s wrong, jagiya?”
“I just needed to get you out of there. You sounded upset.” She said, peeking around the curtain. She glanced over at where the trio was stood, shaking her head as she saw them glaring over at us. “They seem annoyed.”
“They’ll get over it.” I shrugged. “Have you picked some you like?” She nodded. 
“But you can’t see them.” She teased. “But here are the options.” She passed them to me through the curtain. 
“Baby, you’re going to look so pretty.” I said, looking through them. “Do they all fit right, they’re all comfortable?”
“Yesssss.” She said. There was rustling as she got changed. She had decided to wear my sweatshirt over her clothes today, which I loved. She pulled back the curtain, leaning up to peck my lips. “Are they watching?” She whispered against my mouth.
I glanced over. “Yeah.” I whispered back, making her giggle and kiss me again. “Are you sure they’re all comfortable?”
“Yes, Yoongi, I’m sure.” She said, playfully rolling her eyes. “Come on, let’s go.” She took her mochi back from me. “And thanks for holding onto these for me.”
We walked to the cash register, ignoring the burning stares of the trio as we walked away.
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Hi! Can I ask an ikevamp request where the boys find MC's sketchbook and is filled with drawings and doodles of them? If all of the suitors is to much, then just do for Jean, Will, Theo, Mozart, Leo and Comte. Have a nice day! ^^
Bruh this is a genius idea @jeanstan . First of all thanks so much for this request and second of all of coarse I will do all the suitors. Why? Because I’m awesome. No I’m kidding, I’m literally the most clumsy, airheaded  person on this planet. Think brain fried Kaminari energy. Also I’m really sorry this took this long. Anywhooo let’s get into it shall we. Tags:      @nad-zeta​
Ilevamp suitors finding mc’s sketchbook
you where just chilling in his armchair and doodling him when sleep over took you and fell asleep
being the gentleman he is he picked you up and set you down on his bed tucking you in nicely
then he noticed your sketchbook on the armchair
not even mr. Perfect-guy can resist tacking a little peek at it
so  he just looked at the page that was already open
an there he saw a pretty good drawing of him
Comte to his brain: take a peek you said. it will be fine you said. why are you looking through it. you said.
yup he ended up going through your entire sketchbook
he then wrote a little thank you next to your most recent drawing and set it next to you.
when you saw his little note you blushed, but at least he liked it
Leonardo da sleepy
you where both just sitting in the library
you got a bit hungry so you left to get a snack but you accidentally left your notebook there
you know this guy has a thirst for knowledge and that includes figuring out what’s in your notebook
he will pick it up and flip it open expecting to see notes or random drawings
nope nope he sees a bunch of drawings of him with notes like * damn that smile owns my heart* or * UUUUUUH why is he so annoyingly adorable*
This guy has the biggest smirk plastered on his face. when you come back into the room
“ I didn’t know I was annoyingly adorable Cara mia”
cue you turning tomato red
you where sparring ( or where watching the boys spar whatever fits)
after a few rounds you decided to get a drink and offered to bring drinks for the boys too
Jean excused himself and went to the bathroom and Leon was left alone
now your sketchbook was already just on the ground next to your hoodie
he didn’t touch it ‘cause he’s nice, but now..
he decided to take a peek
and he saw a sketch of him sparring
he flipped through it and found more pictures
him sleeping, him laughing, him teaching the kids the best thing that would describe him in this moment that meme: mha heart mah soul
and you catch him with the notebook in his hands
he just walks up to you and hugs you
little bean
he stumbles across it by accident, literally stumbles
you dropped it and he tripped on it
he’s like the f is this?
he picks it up and opens it
oh my Lord
he’s as red as an apple ( pun intended😏)
there are a bunch of doodles of him some where he’s holding Harry, some where it’s only him looking through his telescope or just off into the distance
you: Hey Isaac have you seen my...
Isaac: no I haven’t seen the notebook, idk about a notebook, what is a notebook even
poor boy
you just hug him and reassure him you’re not mad, when he mumbles an apology
precious bean yes Isaac, Jean and Vincent are all beans. COME @ ME
so you carried that notebook around everywhere you went and while he is not as attentive as Arthur he still noticed
so when you left your notebook in his bedroom after bringing him breakfast he couldn’t resist the urge to take a peek
when he sees a bunch of drawing of him he’s..torn
on one hand he’s moved and is actually happy that you drew him on the other he doesn’t understand why you would want to draw someone as impure as him akgkgakgskgfau LOVE HIM PLS
when you come back into the room you panic a little ‘cause he’s staring at it with a blank expression
but then he apologizes and your panic melt away
he ask you why you drew him and you if play the “because I love you” card he will be shocked and happy and confused and surprised...( the list is so long A decided it would be best to just ad an etc. over here)
you hug him and reassure him he is important and you love him
ok so he knew that the sketchbook was important to you right of the bat
being the annoying sweet person he is he decides to pester you more then ever
“ Whatcha got there Luv?” “It’s my notebook” “Can I see what’s inside” *flashes a severely annoyed look* “Arthur this is the 7th time today and i have the same answer. No.” “ Oh come on doll it’s just a peak” “It is closed for a REASON!”
Yeah you might have snapped at him a little but his ho guy ain’t giving up
so of coarse when you leave your notebook in his room he will act like he didn’t notice until you leave and then he will scramble out of his chair and nab the notebook
he opens it expecting a diary or just a bunch of notes only to come face to face with a bunch of pictures of him
he’ll raise an eyebrow and keep looking until he finds a very beautiful and realistic drawing of him sleeping with Vic and he looses his shit
he’ll run to you and pull you back into the room to cuddle and tell you how much he loves you no he’s definitely not crying
you don’t get what’s happening until he tells you he saw your drawing and you will turn slightly pink but honestly you just can’t be mad
ok so we all know that when he finds this notebook he’ll be stone-faced  
you ain’t getting no type of emotion out of this tsuntsun
that is until he’s in public
once he’s in his room oh boy
at first it’s just a hint of a smile, but it gets bigger and bigger until he’s smiling like a dork as he inspects your drawings
he’ll never admit it but the fact that you drew him really warmed his icy heart
he even finds one where he’s by a Christmas tree smiling and a little note next to it saying “I’ll make him smile like this one day”
he closes the book and puts on his stone face again and leaves his room
in the corridor he runs into you
“ Hey, Wolf?” “What do you want.” “Isn’t that my notebook?” “Yes it is.” “So why do you have it?” “....Inspiration.”
yup now he has that notebook with him on the piano and only let’s you get it back if you want to doddle in it some more
you where cooking in the kitchen, whipping up some pancakes for the brothers
Theo came in to complain that there wasn’t enough syrup on his pancake and you flashed him a death glare and told him to get some from the cupboard
as he grumbles to himself h notices your sketchbook  on the counter
and he proceeds to open it and go through it
he sees a bunch of pretty decent drawings of him and he’s surprised
he’ll act all tough but he’s really happy
“ Oi, Hondjie! What is this?” he shows you your most recent sketch. The one where he’s walking King with a faint smile on his lips.
you instantly go bright red
“ Put that down! You where not supposed to see that! There not good just put it down”
he’ll sigh and pull you into a hug
“ I like it”
smol bean
you left it in his room and he just wanted to take a peek
and he opened it up and saw a punch of sketches of him
they even had notes like “uhh stop moving you hand” or “how can someone be this pure”
he’s moved
will go and find you and apologize for looking in your notebook and will tell you how cute your drawings are
all in all he’s a sweet little angel but like who expected  anything else
funny how he can’t remember your name but can remember exactly were you hide the sketchbook when you can’t take it with you
yup this guy just went and took it
he has no shame
he flicked trough it and smiled to himself
the drawings where adorable and funny and he loved it
you strait up walk in on him with the sketchbook and he just smiled at you
you turn pink trying to explain why you drew them
buuuut he just twirls you around and pules you into his lap smiling and you go over the drawing together recalling happy memories  
did somebody say Sebastian appreciation hours
You can’t really hide anything from Sebas can you
you went out to get groceries and he was cleaning up around the mansion
you had left your notebook tucked behind one of the library shelves and as he was dusting he found it
he opened it not knowing it was your notebook
he realized soon enough though
he just starred at the pages full of drawings of him
you waked in and he just calmly put the notebook down
he asks why you drew him and you turn pink
as you try to formulate a coherent response he sighs and makes his way to you
he gently flicks your forehead and smiles
“I never said I didn’t like them”
ok so lets talk about our dear yandere boy Will
you hang out a lot at his villa
usually you are accompanied by Vincent
but today he remembered he had a painting to finish and left
you offered to walk him to the gate and he gladly accepted
however you forgot your sketchbook on the dining table
William instantly noticed this and couldn’t help but take a peek
he’s shooketh
the drawing are so cute  he really likes them
you come in and he smiles at you
your kind of embarrassed because 1 you didn’t want him to see that and 2 he asked you if you could draw in front of him
“ The way thou hand moves across this paper mesmerizes me”
you turn bright red but your happy he likes it
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Hiii i saw your matchups/cakes and I LOVE THEM. English is not my first language so i am sorry for any wrong spelings and grammar use lol. Can a Get a boy from Hq?????? I am a capricorn, with a lot of fire sign in my chart. ISTP. Tall girl, 175cm. Dark blond hair to under my shoulders, blue eyes. Lean bulid, but mby a little broad shoulders and waist. Enything else is normal ig. I indeed have cheek bones and jawline, a caps face traits a think. Stretch marked on my ass and things. Im just gonna keep my personality short cuz i dont know how to talk about myself. Im Shy and intro and first, then i will open up and become a messy and late-coming person. Im never on time to anything. Once you know me and logical thinking, feisty, dark humor type of funny, sly, stubborn, determind, strong minded, oberetiv and a daredevil. I will do enything for somthing in return. Nobody can hold me back. I am also a Clumsy person, a will let a word og two slip and offend somone, will break or forget somthing. Im always there my friends, help them out with everthing and my door is always open for them. Street smart all the way, i Can talk about enything and give tips and trix on enything. Im not the Life of the party, in a party im either outside or taking care of Ppl or i am sipping for other ppls drinks. I listen to pop/rock but i Can vibe to anything. I also love pasta. And cats, but im allergic): I overthink a lot, tend to bottle up on my emotions and then just let it burst when im alone. I got bullied as a kid, thats why i keep to myself and have Some close friends and then friends i dont trust that much. I like long lasting realtionships and friendships. I wont settle for somthing that i dont belive will work. I just want to feel safe and loved and held, lol. Am i rly ugly cryer btw so i wont look into another persons eyes. I train a lot, do sport shooting, wresle a lot with my friends and dad in a safe way ofc. I love to have a friendly and funny wtesle. I lough a lot. I said i do sport shooting, and i hate it when ppl take it the wrong way and starts to compare it to illegal activity. That my biggest pet peeve, and loud chewers. I LOVE CHEES AND CARD GAMES. Also late night means and snacks. My favorite time is like late at night, after sundown. Late night walks. Laser tag or paint ball is a must, Water and pillow fights AGH my dreams. Also, just to chill in a bathtub👌🏻✨Pfffff Idk what more. I would like a boy form Haikyuu, whos taller than me. Would be up to my randome and mby dangerous ideas, but also calm and relaxing when it fits the mood. Dosent need to know how to comfort a crying person, just like do the basics and ill be fine. THANK YOU SO MUCH😘
Romantic Matchup
Tendou Satori
Tumblr media
How Y’all Met
Y’all had a class together
And EVERY SINGLE DAY you would show up late
Every. Single. Day
It doesn’t matter if you we’re 5 minutes late, or 15 minutes late
You never showed up on time
This peeked Tendous interest...
So, he asked you about it
You then explained how you never try to be late, it just always happened
Then one day
Satori was walking to class
The bell was going to ring soon so he was trying to hurry
Then he saw you
You were also just trying to get to class ON TIME for once
But you tripped...
And you fell...
And ALL of your papers went everywhere 🥲
You silently cursed to yourself before rushing to pick up your things
And you we’re startled when a certain redhead began to help you
You guys had gathered all of your things before RUNNING to get to class
And you guys were still able to make it on time 😃
The teacher made a remark that maybe you should hang around Tendou more often if it gets you to class on time
Little did he know that you would do just that
Apparently you both had similar interests
So you guys became really good friends
And feeling began to bloom over time
Poor bb was to scared to confess to you tho :(
He didn’t want to scare off one of the only friends he had
Of course he told all of this to Ushijima
And of course Ushijimas LOUD MOUTH
spilled the beans
Unintentionally of course
But still
He just didn’t get the gist that all of this was supposed to be a secret
So one day when he and Tendou were walking together
They saw you
And Ushijima was just like “ah your that person that Tendou likes correct?”
Tendou: 🥲
Tendou then took you aside and properly confessed his feelings
He was 100% sure you were gonna reject him
“I like you too Tendou”
I’m sorry what????
he pulled you in for a bone crushing hug
And promised to be the best bf ever
Awww my boy luvs ya
What They Love About You
Ight I’m just gonna say it...
Mans ADORES your stretch marks
He thinks they’re so cool!!!
He often compares you to a tiger because of them
He LOVES your sense of humor
He also has a darker sense of humor
So you guys mesh very well when it comes to that
Loves that you have the combo of being sly and a daredevil
If there’s one thing satori loves...
It’s pranks
So those traits of yours make pranks so much easier to pull off 😩
He loves how he can talk to you about ANYTHING
He knows that if he’s ever distressed about something he can go to you
So he’s vv grateful for that 🙏
Favorite Things To Do Together
Oh he LOVES to play card games
His favorites is slap Jack
WARNING: he gets REALLY into that game
So he hits HARD
So be prepared...
He 100% swoops you away to stores in the middle of the night
Have you guys been caught sneaking out?
Was that the last time you did it?
Absolutely not
So just take that L
Also paintball
He’s not that good at paintball
Mans aim is booty
But he still likes to play!
Random Hc
You’d actually be quite shocked on how chill he could be
Like sometimes he just reads his manga sin silence
If you want to talk then sure
But those are the moments he prefers to be quiet
The reason he’s so good at laser tag...
Is because kids used to target him 🥲
So he had to adapt...
And now he’s a pro!
If you ever want to talk to him about your bullyed past
ON GOD mans is always there for you
He knows what it feels like
So his goal is to comfort you when it comes to that
Mf chews loud...
So that’s something you’d have to work on 😃
But he’ll try his best to stop if it bothers you THAT much
Capricorn + Taurus
When Taurus and Capricorn come together in a love match, it’s a practical, sensible partnership.
These two Signs share a certain down-to-earth logic and interest in efficiency.
Taurus is not interested in risking more than is necessary in terms of emotional connection and involvement, and Capricorn is similarly disinterested in risk, but more in terms of money and career.
Capricorn’s career is one of the great focuses of their lives; they’re interested in scaling the heights and tend to set very high standards for themselves to adhere to.
Taurus has high standards as well, but regarding love, relationships and possessions.
These two signs admire ones dedication and strength, but, while they have this in common as well as a dependable, realistic, somewhat conservative approach to life (Capricorn more than Taurus), a love relationship between them can go stale fast.
The problem? They’re actually rather different at their cores.
Taurus may begin to find Capricorn too conservative and restrictive
Capricorn may start to think Taurus is too lazy and doesn’t care enough about career and status.
If Taurus can encourage Capricorn to relax a little and appreciate the fruits of labor, and if Capricorn can help motivate Taurus to achieve goals and make dreams a reality, their union can be smooth, happy and long-lasting.
Overall Aesthetic
Chaotic Teenage Romance
Electric Love- BØRNS
Line Without a Hook- Ricky Montgomery
Scrawny- Wallows
Hey Lover- Wabie
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narukoibito · 4 years
charity work bonus snippet
Oh my gosh I love this. Probably not, but is there like a part 2 or something? I know that's meant to be the end, but I need to know what happens next.
Thank you so much for the kind words to charity work, my Muggle AU where Ginny is a famous football player who helps Harry teepee and egg his ex’s house! ♥️
I am actually working on a part 2. Harry and Ginny of this world just couldn’t stop chattering in my head, and there’s about 2.5k words thus far. I know what’s going to happen - I just need to write, edit, and pull the trigger and post it... 
But in the meantime, I am sharing a funny little subplot that I wasn’t sure was ever going to see the light of day. It’s a bit of a prequel that I started but then dropped because it didn’t add much to the story...but today I thought, eh, why not share since we can all use some laughs now more than ever. It’s unbetaed, and I’m still iffy on it, but I hope you this will tide you over until I get part 2 posted.
(Also tagging the lovely @isidar-mithrim​ and @blattgefluester​ in case you are interested since you were both so amazingly kind toward charity work!)
Summary: This wasn’t what Seamus had in mind when he suggested Ginny do more charity work.
The Prophet landing on the table with a loud thud.
“What’s this?”
“This, Ginny, is the result of your spectacular interview with Miss Rita Skeeter.”
Ginny lifted her chin, pushing the paper away from her and returning to shoveling her porridge down. “So it’s the usual rubbish.”
Seamus pursed his lips, annoyed that once again she wasn’t taking this seriously. “Rubbish it may be, but rubbish that sells.”
She arched an eyebrow at him. “So are you here as my publicist or as a friend?”
“Can’t I be both?” He grinned.
She prodded the offensive article with distaste. “What do they say this time?”
“Well, Miss Skeeter took it upon herself to approach all your exes for an ‘expose.’”
“I like to kick a ball for a living. I don’t understand the obsession with my love life.”
“The all-star player who went pro at your age with your looks?” Seamus winked. Ginny rolled her eyes.
“Don’t let Dean catch you doing that.”
“He knows I’m a hopeless flirt,” he dismissed cheerfully.
She made a strangled, irritated noise. 
“Look, it’s not too bad.” He unfurling the paper with a wince. The headliner, Wonder Girl Weasley Not So Wonderful Girlfriend?, paired with an unflattering photo of Ginny shoving a camera away from her face flashed back at her. “She found some, er, old classmates to go on the record.”
Ginny’s expression darkened. “Record about what?”
“You remember when you stopped people from bullying Luna? And Neville? And when Dean and I got together? Well, somehow Skeeter got in touch with Parkinson, Zabini, Smith... Skeeter may or may not insinuate that you’re…aggressive. Have a bit of a temper.” 
Ginny grabbed the paper and began reading loudly, “Since the early days of her youth, Ginevra Molly Weasley, better known as Ginny, the Wonder Girl Weasley, has been bewitching men to do her bidding. We here at The Prophet have long extolled the many virtues of Miss Weasley, but I, your fearless investigator of truth, uncovered a disturbing pattern in how Miss Weasley wraps men around her little finger. What others thought was wit and charm, I have uncovered may actually be the result of a threatening temper. I dare to ask, should we be concerned with Miss Weasley’s trail of broken hearts and perhaps other broken body parts?”
He bit his tongue as Ginny read the part where Rita expounded on Ginny’s "commoner” country-side upbringing” surrounded by her “rowdy” brothers as the source of her “violent streak.” 
“I only punched Parkinson once, and that was when she poured punch on Luna!” Ginny scrunched up the newspaper and flung it angrily into the bin. “She goes on about some weird sorcery I have with men.” 
“Look, I’ve already called Parvati about getting you on some morning shows, but maybe this time we can agree on some talking points, hmm? And maybe have you do some charity work, show your gentle, caring side. Get some positive press coverage.”
She continued to fume, muttering under her breath, “Skeeter gives witches a bad name.”
“It’ll all pass, Ginny,” Seamus smiled at her sympathetically. “Come back later tonight. Dean’s making roast, and we’ll talk about how to set the narrative straight.”
He sent her on her way, hoping that practice would relieve some of the rage.
Seamus’s head emerged from the oven, his face flushed scarlet. “Ginny, you can’t just go meet random fans and help them commit a crime!”
Even after all these years, she never ceased to amaze them. But this - randomly taking an Instagram follower’s request to egg and teepee a house? This was one of Ginny’s more...creative ideas.
“That’s right,” Dean agreed, taking the roast and plating it. “For all you know he could wank to your posters.”
“Well then you’d know he has good taste,” she said, dripping her finger into the cooling gravy.
“Ginny,” they sighed together in exasperation and pushing her away from the kitchen counter. 
“What happened between this morning and now?” 
“You’re always saying I should do more charity,” she said pointedly.
“You know that’s not what I meant,” Seamus wagged a finger at her. She folded her arms across her chest, staring them down (which was quite the accomplishment, considering how much taller they were). 
“We can’t let you do this.”
“When has anyone ever let me do anything?” Her eyes narrowed dangerously.
Seamus and Dean shared a long look, no doubt both of them remembering that one time she broke into the headmaster’s office to steal back the replica toy sword Ron was stupid enough wear to school as part of his knight costume for Halloween.
“Look,” Dean said carefully, leading her into the dining room as Seamus followed, plates of food laden in his arms. “We know you’re more than capable to taking care of yourself.”
“Damn straight,” she said, but she let him gently nudge her into her seat. 
“But as your friends — ”
“One of whom would like to stay gainfully employed,” Seamus cut in, playing the food on the table.
“—and who would absolutely be murdered by your brothers if they ever found out, we want to make sure you’re…thinking straight.”
“I can take care of myself.”
“Oh, we know,” Seamus said, deadpan. “But I really don’t need another article supporting this theory that you’re aggressive. If you beat the bloke up and the press catches wind of it…”
“I’m going. I put this idea into his head. And look at him,” she said, holding up a picture of H-P-Lightening, smiling sheepishly into the camera.
They examined the photo skeptically as Ginny tucked into dinner. Maybe while they were distracted, she could nick an extra bit of roast.
“He’s cute,” Seamus pointed out.
Ginny rolled her eyes. “Not the point.” 
"Doesn’t hurt,” Dean said.
“He and I share a similar goal: to serve some much-needed justice in the world. And since I can’t go about egging Michael’s house without it ending up on the Sunday papers, I can at least help someone else.”
“His hair is an absolute disaster, but it somehow works on him,” Seamus continued, ignoring her.
“Those green eyes,” Dean said appreciatively.
“Plays football too,” Seamus said, clicking through to some videos. “He’s fit.”
Now they were both giving Ginny a look with entirely new context.
“It’s not like that,” she said breezily.
“Maybe she’s hoping he wanks to her poster,” Seamus snickered, not believing her for a second.
“He could wind up in trouble if he doesn’t know what he’s doing.”
“And you’re an expert?” Dean asked.
“I’m a Weasley.” She smiled wickedly, and they laughed. “Besides, who am I to ignore a gentleman in distress?”
“Okay, fine, if we can’t stop you —”
She snorted.
“—then we’re coming with you.”
“We’ll watch from a safe distance,” Seamus assured her, Dean nodding along. “Just to make sure you don’t end up in the papers.”
“We will help you hide the body,” Dean said.
Ginny looked from one to the other. They were grinning at her, half eager and half earnestly. She didn’t need them to come. She was more than capable of taking care of herself. But, suppose this turned out to be something she wasn’t expecting…
“Fine, but —” she added quickly when they started to wiggle their eyebrows at one another “—the moment, and I mean the very moment I give you the signal, you better make yourself scarce.”
Dean and Seamus beamed across the table. “Whatever you want, luv!”
“You can’t stay if you’re going to be this obvious.” Ginny growled.
“Obvious? We’re perfectly inconspicuous,” Seamus bristled.
“You brought binoculars,” she said dryly, placed her hands on her hips. “And a bat."
“Told you she wouldn’t like that,” Dean said.
“I won’t use the bat. It’s just in case we need to scare him off.”
Ginny and Dean gave him a look.
“What? This person could be tricking us!”
When Ginny’s glare made his back hair stick on end, Seamus relented.
“Fine, we’ll cross the street,” Seamus said, taking Dean by the arm. When they turned around, Ginny was still scowling, whipping out her phone and texting them furiously.
You are going to have to HIDE.
There’s nothing strange about us being here! Seamus typed back.
You’re two random, loitering blokes, ready to stalk or bean someone. If you’re going to stay, you’re going to hide. Ginny over at them critically. Behind those bushes.
“Ugh,” Seamus groaned, crouching down and behind the bushes with his boyfriend dutifully following. He swatted at a twig that was unpleasantly digging into the side of his bum.
Happy? he texted her back.
Delirious. Remember. You both better leave when I give the signal. Or else.
A shudder went down his spine, knowing very well what Ginny was capable of.
“This isn’t what I imagined our cozy Friday evening being.”
“You don’t really mind,” Dean said, smiling knowingly.
Seamus huffed and peered into the binoculars rather than reply. Yes, he was worried about this blowing up in his face (things often did), but he couldn’t deny he was a bit curious. He had never seen Ginny look that way at a photo before.
“You just want a front row seat,” Dean teased.
“Shut — oh, I think that’s him!”
They watched with anticipation as a lanky, bespectacled bloke with tousled black hair ascended the train station steps. He seemed to be deeply brooding as Ginny approached him. Through the binoculars, Seamus watched as this fellow, Harry something-or-other, looked up, eyes wide, and nearly tripped over the last step.
“They seem to be hitting it off,” Dean said as Ginny and Harry laughed before she handed him a hoodie.
They began walking, and Seamus scrambled to follow. “Come on.”
He kept an eye out for anyone else who might be around, but there didn’t seem to be anyone who recognized or followed Ginny.
“I think we can leave the bat.” Dean chuckled, swiping the binoculars for a closer look himself.
They trailed the other couple from across the street, doing the best they could to be inconspicuous. Ginny and this bloke looked good together. He looked oddly charming with his wild hair and glasses, but it was really the way he looked at Ginny at set Seamus at ease. They kept talking, laughing, smiling at one another. Seamus hadn’t seen her laugh so much since…he couldn’t even remember.
Was that — was Ginny Weasley blushing?
After several minutes, Seamus and Dean stopped and looked at each other.
Ginny had completely forgotten about them. 
“Do you think if we leave now, we can still catch the last half of the game?”
“Yeah,” Seamus said, taking Dean’s hand as they headed home.
Maybe their Friday evening plans could be salvaged after all.
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mechanicalinertia · 3 years
What’s next for Divine Patronage?
So my Ranma / Ah My Goddess! / other miscellaneous anime that take place in 1990′s Tokyo fanfic has become more popular than anything else I’ve ever written. I may have classes but this is my designated ‘leisure activity’ now for sure.
Anyway, I have a rough idea for this initial ‘arc’, and how it’ll end. Fine. Whatever. More importantly, though, I have continuing ideas about how to cross over more and more mid-90′s anime and other things into this mishmash where Urd and Ranma have to ‘problem-solve’ things. Christ I wrote like 9 possible arc setups last night; it’ll take me years to make good on them if I do at all.
That’s why I’m a-posting brief summaries of them here, so if I give up on these people can just steal em’.
Sayoko Mishima and her zaibatsu god-nap Keiichi and in doing so royally piss off Belldandy. Urd has to snatch the poor kid, who is now a minor god, out from Sayoko’s clutches before Belldandy just loses it and nukes earth in silent rage. Ranma can’t beat the compound alone, though, so Urd turns to Akiko Natsume - the actual head of Mishima - and her all purpose combat android for some help. Unfortunately, the android has a cat brain. Cue Ranma struggling to confront his fears to save the world.
Crossover with: All Purpose Cultural Catgirl Nuku Nuku, a medium-obscure OVA from the 90′s starring Megumi Hayashibara as the wacky cat-bot-girl with Saeko Shimazu (Kodachi’s voice among others) as Akiko. Good fun.
Remember Lind, the Valkyrie from the Angel Eater Arc of AMG? Well, she back. She intervened in Fate / Zero’s Holy Grail War (assumed to take place around 1994) and contracted w/ Kiritsugu the way Urd did with Ranma. Now Kiri may have lost all his lady companions, but he gets Illya back from Germany and is raising her alongside Shirou with the help of Illya’s wacky maids. Maybe lil’ Rin and Sakura are involved, too, I dunno.
Anyway, Lind considers the Sailor Senshi a threat to the divine order (they do appear to predate human civilization) - especially since Saturn’s Glaive of Silence is believed to be the Norse Gungnir, Spear of Destiny, Odin’s superweapon that could (even in the OG myths) rewrite reality itself to render enemies nonexistent.
So Lind gets Kiritsugu, Arturia Saber, and Prisma Illya to go to Tokyo and track down Sailor Saturn with Ranma’s help. Then they end up teleporting to the distant past of the Silver Milennium, back when the Senshi’s magic rendered the other planets of the Solar System inhabitable. Cue a string of John Carter references.
Crossover with: Fate / Zero, Fate Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya. Might even separate the Fate story from the whole Saturn / Gungnir subplot - they’re just hunting Kirei and Gil, then. Sure. Fine.
Skuld time travels into the future, only to find that almost every single timeline ends with humanity being wiped out before the 22nd century - perhaps by SM’s Great Freeze, perhaps by other factors. Unfortunately, she forgot to close her possible-future-timeline portals properly, which leads to various cyberpunk futures bouncing off one another for supremacy in 1996.
(Look I wanted to just fuckin do BGC or GITS crossover. Couldn’t decide. Why not both?)
Crossover with: BGC 2032 (Or my 2069 rebot), Ghost in the Shell, Silent Mobius (maybe)
The obligatory ‘gang plays an RPG’ sitcom episode, only a) it’s Cyberpunk 2020 because I’ve read that system’s books, and b) the goddesses all bring their boytoys along to be sucked into the game world as their player characters. (Urd gets Ranma, Bell gets Keiichi, Skuld is the GM, Peorth gets Ryoga, Lind gets Kiritsugu) (I guess I better do an arc where Peorth patronizes Ryoga to screw with Urd...)
Ranma gets dragged along by Urd for a vacation, theoretically to LA. But then after getting bored of the Obligatory Beach Episode, Urd rediscovers that she has a daughter in Chicago - Rally Vincent. She and Ranma rush off to screw up the events of the manga and protect her daughter from the brainwashing of a lesbian rapist crime lord. (I wish I was making that last bit up). Maybe Priss of BGC tags along to really hammer in the WACKY KENICHI SONODA CROSSOVER thing?
Crossover with: Gunsmith Cats, Riding Bean, maybe BGC
The Japanese government decides to reactivate the Teikoku Kagekidan project, this time using idoru as the mecha pilots instead of the Takarazura Revue thing they had going on in the 20′s. The K-on girls audition, the Love Live girls audition, someone in the Ranma cast or something tries out as well. Mecha are now nuclear-powered instead of steam-powered (whatever that means)
Crossover with: Original Sakura Wars franchise, Tite Kubo iteration non-involved. maybe K-on and Love Live
Ranma gets a stand. Urd thinks it’s like her angel. Yare yare daze.
Crossover with: What do you think, genius?
Ranma gets trapped in a temporal anomaly centered around Tomobiki Town. Now it’s August 1982, Ataru and Lum are about to get married, and unless he can stop the total breakdown of the pocket reality within the seven days before the time loop resets he’ll become part of it forever. Trippy New Wave Existentialist Bullshit - Screwball Comedy meets Body Horror. Also see: Higurashi.
Crossover with: Urusei Yatsura
A valiant attempt to crossover all three of the late 90′s ‘Cowboy shonen’ anime of the time in one universe. A shared universe? Nah. We’re probably just gonna transplant all the characters into 90′s Tokyo again and watch the body count pile up.
Crossover with: Cowboy Bebop, Outlaw Star, Trigun. Oh, and maybe one of those ‘robo-maid’ shows from the aughties (Hand Maid May, Mahoromatic, Steel Angel Kurimi), just to fuck with everyone.
Ranma gets in trouble with the police for sneaking onto the Babylon Project, forced into community service, and then ends up blackmailed into the long-running grudgematch between the SV2 Labor Squad and the Tokyo Highway Patrol.
Crossover with: You’re Under Arrest, Patlabor (original OVA mostly)
Skuld gets in a fight with some deities from some rival pantheons, and as a proper grudgematch resolution they all resolve to build Giant Robots and then Battle Royale them. Ranma has to pilot one.
Crossover with: NOTHING.
Cu Chullain, husbando of Ex-Valkyrie and turncoat Irish goddess Scathach, teams up with Ranma in Dublin to stop IRA extremists from resurrecting the Tuatha De Dannan, specifically the Morrigan. A teenage Bazett (from Fate) shows up and gets all fangirly.
An abandoned particle accelerator built in the 80′s near Stockholm may or may not cause Ragnarok. Ranma and some edgy Swedish Teenagers have to deal with 90′s recession bullshit and clean the place out
Crossover with: Tales from the Loop, Things From the Flood
That’s about it, honestly. I have other things I’d like to crossover with, tbh, mostly mecha stuff. Among them:
- Cannon God Exaxxion
- Eva
- Gundam UC
- Muv-Luv
-Negmia / another Ken Akumatsu trashpile (and I mean that in the best possible way)
Shit this is fun. Imma make another one of these posts with even more ludicrious crossovers later. Peace out.
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boogiewrites · 4 years
Mae Flowers Chapter 5
Characters: Alfie Solomons x Mae LeBlanc (OFC)
Summary: A modern, magical Alfie Solomons AU.
Warnings/Tags: Language.Magic/Supernatural. Soul mates.Some domestic fluff, getting to know you stage. Talk of the unknown. 
Click on my screenname then go to Mobile Masterlist in my bio for my other works and chapters. (Had to do this since Tumblr killed links, sorry.)
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When she woke to a warm spring morning, Mae was thankful she didn’t have puffy eyes or a headache from crying the night before. She’d sobbed hard, sadness surging from an uncontrolled well of emotion that had always been within her. She was a sensitive soul she’d been told before, both in the form of compliments and insults. Being sad that people weren’t nice to her when she always went into interactions with a good heart wasn’t something new to bring her down. But she’d had something to make the roller coaster of let down shoot back up suddenly and she was caught off guard. A nice man to be kind and take care of her after the rest of the world seemed to be against her all day. It was too much for her still fragile heart to handle and despite being less sad, but mostly confused and uncertain, she cried again. She hated crying in front of others, she quickly became overwhelmed with thoughts of being less than and looking down on her for not controlling herself.
But she hadn’t felt that last night. No, she felt seen and heard. She had someone to look her in the eyes and tell her her feelings were valid, that crying was healthy and being able to feel so deeply was a gift and not a burden. Perhaps that’s why she hadn’t woken up feeling an emotional hangover like she had every other time she’d cried. Things were already proving Alfie right with how they would work better together than apart. Luckily, she had just woken up and therefore didn’t have the capacity to think about that at the moment. Right now all she was really focused on was having to pee.
Alfie sees her scuttle the short distance between her room and the bathroom in her slippers and pajamas. Little shorts and a tank, all her softness wobbling with a sleepy shuffle of her small feet. He grinned, a small huff of amusement for the little fluffy goblin scuttling around her own house.  He hears the click of the bathroom door as it opens and calls out to her, “Breakfasts almost ready. Ya in?” his neck stretches in her direction, head tilted to hear her muffled reply in the affirmative.
She entered the kitchen, hand disappearing into her bed head curls to mindlessly scratch as she yawned. “Smells good.” she approves, a sniff and a heavy-footed saunter over to the round kitchen table.
“Fanks.” he mutters, multitasking with pans and spatula. “‘Mornin’ luv. Ya slept well I take it? Didn’t a hear a peep all night.” He could’ve said my dreams were as smooth and clear as a moonless night’s reflection atop a lake. A sure sign that she wasn’t bothered in her sleep.
“Yeah.” she nods, her hair bouncing as she did so. She fusses with her hair, pushing it back as he approaches the table. “Oddly enough.”
“Odd will become commonplace soon enough.” a nod and a self-assured tone she hoped to emulate moves out of a barrel chest in his plain white t-shirt. She recalled the shirt from the first time she’d seen him in her dreams. What an odd fact, she muses to herself. Perhaps he was right. “That’s some immense hair ya got there.” he smiles down at her with an affectionate inkling in his eye and tone.
“Thanks?” she gives him a quirked brow as she tilts her head up at him, peeking out from under her mop of half-formed spirals.
“Was a compliment.” he clarifies as she nods and becomes quickly distracted by the food being slid in front of her. “Full English.” he declares, his shoulders hunched as he turns to retrieve his own overflowing plate. A perk of being immortal was he could eat almost anything and everything and not give a second thought to it. He now had an excuse to make the rich comfort foods he missed. He found himself not neglecting but finding comfort in the things of old that made him, him. He had run from the messier human emotions for a long while. He ran from the things that made him human in the first place as well. That entailed disappearing and not emerging until everyone he knew was long dead. It included religion, sex, and human comforts. He was his darkness for long years, but this little sunspot was bringing him back to his old self. The things that made him Alfie before things took a turn for the worse and he became what he was now. She made him feel human again. Among other things.
“Tomatoes?” she asks, her head tilted like the curious Percy’s that just jumped onto the table to sniff at the mushrooms dissapprovingly.
“Breakfast, innit?” he says, a fork in hand and a sausage already on the way into his mouth.
“And beans?” she keeps the same confused expression.
“It’s what we ate when money was good when I’s growin’ up. Comfort food, that.” he points with a greasy fork across the sun-streaked table from the light coming through the patio doors.
“Full English.” she mutters as if it were still a question to her. “S’good.” she shrugs and pushes things around on the plate.
“Got tea, English as all bloody hell.” he chuckles and points to the kettle. “Coffee, bangers, beans, bacon, beefeaters from the garden and mushrooms. Ya made me some of your soul food, ya comfort food. This is mine.”
“Food is… weird.” the sleep starting to fade fro her voice but clearly her mind wasn’t matching up to what her mouth wanted to say.
He snorts with a mouthful of food as she chews thoughtfully. “You gonna elaborate on that ingenious remark?”
She gives him a smile, knowing there was no ill will in his jab but agreeing that she certainly would have fleshed out what she meant more. “Everyone’s gotta have it, but it’s different everywhere ya go. It’s the backbone of any culture, somethin’ anyone could know about y’know? But somehow it’s also deeply personal despite it bein’ somethin’ that everyone has.” she pauses and takes another bite. “It’s weird.” she shrugs despite that being her final statement.
“Humans are weird would be a more overlapping remark. But it goes without sayin’. Humans can make anything personal. A rock, a meal, a string of words. Very self-absorbed, very self-important. But it’s in their nature. Means of survival ‘n that.”
“Their nature? You aren’t human?”
“I was. At one time. I’m more of a vessel if you will. I am me, yeah? I hold everything that made Alfie Solomons a man, a human. But I am also timeless energy that is simultaneously full to the brim and empty all at once. Knowledge from the very beginning of time, and past the present. I’ve lived in the underworld and on this side as well.”
“That’s… sorta heavy for breakfast, man.” she states blankly before they both move into a shared laugh.
“You asked. I am here to answer.”
“Thanks for answering,” she says sheepishly. “Do I also contain all that? Time and space and the whole Carl Sagan monologue?”
He gives her one of those smiles that makes her avert her eyes. The kind that handsome men have beautiful ladies when they courted them. She wasn’t equipped to deal with his charm and ruggedly handsome face this early in the morning. Or ever, for that matter. “Yeah, love ya do. Which is why we’ll be starting with some meditation today. Help you get in touch with all that. It’ll help every facet of ya complicated self. Gotta learn restraint and control before we move onto the more… intense activities.”
“Am not gonna have to like..sacrifice anyone am I?”
He lets out a sudden laugh. “Nah, love nothin’ of the sort. Not unless ya want to.”
“I don’t.” is a quick and curt answer given. Of course, she didn’t. A little ray of sunshine made of life itself wouldn’t want to get messy. That was more his side of things.
“Noted.” he gives a firm nod and a supportive closed mouth smile before they both become absorbed by the task of fueling up for their work.
He had asked her where she would feel most comfortable, and to no surprise to him, telepathic of not, she had said in her garden. With a reassuring hand on her back, he leads her to the middle of a grassy patch in the center of the back yard. Her land was totally enclosed with a high fence and the outlines covered in different flowers and bushes and fruit-bearing trees, buzzing with insects already so soon into spring. A warm sun beamed down, making her brown skin shine, freckles happy to soak up the rays and darken across her cheeks, the yellow light hitting her eyes and lighting them up golden with her lush mixture of green spun delicately around her tight iris. Her curls shone, the sun-kissed streaks happy to lighten with their long missed sunbaths every day from being stuck inside during the cold months. They were bouncing happily, air dried as she perched with crossed legs on the soft grass.
“This is a lovely garden, by the way, pet. You’ve done a bang-up job on your own.” he grunts out as she adjusts his legs to mirror her.
“Thank you. I’m very proud of it.” a soft but accepting smile graces her round and darling face as she squints in the sun.
“Ya should be.” he nods and clears his throat. “Have ya ever meditated before?”
“Not really no.” she shook her head. “I’ve lit incense and practiced some deep breathing before. But not like... Ommm and…” she pushes her middle fingers and thumbs together, resting them on her knees to explain.
He suppresses a smile at her wordless explanation of her length of knowledge on the subject. “I see.” he moves to take her hands. “Ya have a hard time quietenin’ down that mind of yours don’t ya?”
She nods, a hint of being ashamed in her eyes as she casts them downward.
“Now, now. No judgment here. This is Day 1, Step 1. Any progress is good progress. No progress is still practice, yeah? I’ll be gentle on ya don’t worry. Not here to upset ya.”
She presses her lips together and nods and takes a deep breath to steady herself.
“Now. First, we’re gonna close our eyes, yeah?” He leads her through being in the present. Taking in the moment. Acknowledging every sound and feeling, the blades of grass tickling her bare legs, the buzz of bee’s and the warmth of the sun, a kiss of wind that rustled her hair. She could sense it all, that was fine, but now she had to let it all go. “Work to clear your mind. No worries. No curiosities and philosophical musings. Just be. If a thought comes, say ‘ello, and let ‘im be on ‘is way.”
She smiles at his playful lit in explaining and she finds comfort now with his touch, hands clasped together between them.
“We’re going to have a moment, now. Try to work on that for a bit. I’m here if ya need me.”
“‘Kay.” is her soft reply as she tries to clear her mind. The garden fades away, but her thoughts still clumsily barge in. Worries about the future, the past, is she doing it right, was he sure he had the right girl? She tries to push it away and struggles.
“Ya need help, luv?” he offers with a gentle rub of his thumb against her hand.
“Yes, please.” she asks in an almost whisper of a voice.
“No shame in asking me for help, right? So make it sound like ya aren’t ashamed. I’ll ask ya again. Do you need help, luv?”
“Yes.” she states clearly, louder and a nod to back it up.
“That’s a girl. I’m gonna use my energy to calm ya down. Don’t be afraid of it. You'll feel it.”
She takes a shaky breath. “Okay. I’m not. Thank you.”
“Good girl.” he acknowledges her attempts at being self-assured and squeezes her hands. He didn’t have to, but he thought a physical cue might help her out at these early stages.
She does feel it, and it feels amazing. A shiver up her spine, his power like cool water in her veins as she exhaled in a sigh, feeling her shoulders lose their tension. Is what relaxed felt like? She didn’t know her.  “Oh, wow.” she exhales.
“Good?” he asks, concern in his voice.
“S’good.” she gives a dazed smile that he doesn’t see. A grunt in response is all she receives.
There’s an easy silence between them. She doesn’t know how long it goes on, but she felt like a popsicle left out in the sun, a puddle on the grass, a fat happy frog soaking up the sun for energy without a care. A thought floats by, and she decides to share it. “Am I...looking for something?” she asks.
“If ya like. It’s a bit advanced but we certainly can. You can ask a question, ask for guidance, clarity, divination. Whatever ya like.” he explains.
“I’d like to try.” her voice quiet but due to the relaxed state she was in and not from fear any longer.
“Go on, then.” he reassures her.
“Do I have to share it with the class?” the honesty in her voice makes him let out a laugh, a quiet one as not to startle her but her endearing and effortless charm was taking him by surprise.
“Nah, luv.” he chuckles out and gives her hand a delicate brush with his thumb again to show support.
What do I even ask? She wondered. I’d like to know… anything at this point. Okay, focus. I wanna know who he is. Who… we are if we’re these… soul mates. I just wanna know what it all means. Hmmph, not asking for much there are you. She sighs out of frustration and focuses up again.
He feels her drifting and pull back and smiles. She’s learning fast.
I want to know who this man is. Who is this Alfie Solomons? Do I trust him? Is he who he says he is? What is it that I feel when he’s near, this vibrating energy inside that feels like I’m on the verge of something, good or bad I don’t know. I just want to know...anything really….please? She would be the only one who could give puppy dog eyes to the universe and have it bend to her will.
After a short while, a not awkward silence, he feels something. A tingling in his fingers first, then moving up his arms. Were they falling asleep? It wouldn’t make much sense he wonders but he soon realizes it’s coming from her. It grows warmer as if he’d sunk into a hot bath. He ran cold, like a reptile, cold-blooded before her, and feeling warm blood in his veins was something he hadn’t felt in over a hundred years. A wiggle of his heart in his chest, a warm slinking feeling up his neck and into his mind. It was far stronger than anything he expected. But he would soon find out, she was a lot stronger already than he anticipated. Her coy nature and shyness a mere cover for the intensity that lies beneath. She had been protecting everyone else with her reservations, not protecting herself.
Her intention ran through him, she wanted to know him, and her power sought him out. The universe said, if you want him, have him, I only made him for you after all, and lets her creep into his mind. It all came in flashes, waves on a shore that faded in and out, too fast to grasp it all at once.
She smelled alcohol. Something sweet and deep, she could hear machines, men yelling, heavy footsteps up old wooden stairs. There were strongly scented leather books, piles of paperwork and a feeling of unease. Another wash of nostalgia washes over her, she sees a dog, happy and excited. She sees an empty bed sat in a dark room filled with books and papers, the walls covered in so many different things, both common and rare that she couldn’t make them all out. She smells the strong scent of cleaning chemicals, a woman by a sink, working hard and a feeling a longing overtaking her. There’s a hat over the doorway, a beacon for something important, a cane by a bed, bottles that looked like medicine on a nightstand. She saw blood in the sink, a sinking in the pit of her stomach.
“Mae.” she hears him echo in her head. He wasn’t speaking aloud. “Stop it. You don’t want to go there. -I- don’t want you to go there. You won’t find what you want here. Go back.”
Her eyes fluttered behind their lids, her hands grasping his, his underlying anger showing itself for her uninvited intrusion.
A hiss that wasn’t Alfie snaps up and shuts her out. It speaks a language she does not know, but it doesn’t frighten her, although she wonders for a moment if it should. His darkness. She knew it immediately. She’s endlessly fascinated. A black smoke, formless and endless whirling, moving through muck and earth as she pursued it with hungry curiosity. -Come see. Your answers.- a distinctly masculine but not human voice says, the smoke twists into a long cylindrical shape, it forms and shifts, an awe-inspiring black iridescence comes to shape. She sees a snake, endless, it could fit in her mind but was larger than the planet somehow. She knew he, his darkness, was the snake. A fitting symbol of rebirth and transformation, immortality and renewal, as death and destruction were all forms of creation in the end. It was as if she were being gifted with sight for the first time. She could see him, and know what his essence stood for.
Sunlight shone on it and the most beautiful colors came off its scales. She realized she was the source of the light. It twists up and directs her eyes to a moon. It’s blue, purple and green, all pastel and colored like the snake. They were one, they were the night and the darkness and everything that called it home. The dirt, the death it holds, both old and new, the beasts that only emerged to worship the moon and live in the dark were its children. Every cold-blooded animal, every reptile and insect knew it and didn’t fear it. So it came for her to understand, neither should she.
She sees her sun take form, moving towards the moon. She felt no fight between them. It was as if they wanted to be close, but had long been separated by the sides of the earth. Something that existed, but didn’t, that faded in and out unnoticed until it was already upon you. They radiated blindingly bright together, and the behemoth snake reveled in it. She felt a strange pull, a split from herself as a rabbit came into view. The snake circled itself, mouth to tail as it writhed, an ouroboros as the white rabbit neared. The rabbit was her, she realized. She was seeing her light, the mate for his darkness. A rabbit she pondered, watching he fearless bound about in the sunlight, warm thick fur and a wet twitching nose, full of life and energy. Her light was life, fertility, and growth, creation and desire. A vulnerability, a softness unparalleled was what she contained. She suddenly understood it. Understood what it meant to be her, to be him, and thus, understood why they had been destined to find each other.
The rabbit and snake entwine, the sun and moon fusing, something that should’ve seemed unholy or apocalyptic seemed to make perfect sense to her. It all came together, just like everything did, from the first creation to the last, she’d always been there, and so had he. She, life, sending him, death, her gifts that he loved so much he kept them forever. A blinding light went dark and she was no longer separate from herself as she gasped and went eyed, flung back into the present, in her human body, hands tight around Alfie’s forearms, nails digging in and sweat pouring from her.
He blinked at her, the most curious expression on his face as she caught her breath. “You understand now, don’t you?” It was more of a rhetorical question at this point. “You’re more powerful than even I knew, Mae.” he pauses again, waiting for her to process it all.
“Yeah… I am.” she says with the first absolutely certain tone she might’ve ever had in her life.
“You’ll only grow more so from here. You’ve surpassed my expectations already.” he pats her shoulder and they meet eyes, as if for the first time. He sees her with a question and not fear in her eyes. She had found the answers she was looking for. At least she had enough knowledge now to grasp the situation. “This is only the beginning, luv.”
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I tried to reverse search the image and came up empty handed so if you know whose it is, I’l gladly credit them. 
@jaegeeeeer​  @brianaisasongbird​ @hardygal69​ @emerald-bijou​ @captstefanbrandt​ @coolgh0st​ @tinastarkandco​ @xstylishmileage​   @s-h-e-w-r-i-t-e-s​ @peakys-mystic​ 
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alanncs · 4 years
hi my angels ! my name’s dani , i’m from toronto ontario aka best city in the worldt , & i’m 20  !  i’m the kelsey m on the main  &  i can’t tell u how excited i am to have wealthy up n running again !  i literally can’t wait to plot with all you beautiful peoples , so pls like this  &  i’ll slide in the dms , otherwise u can also hit me up on discord 𝒎𝒈𝒌'𝒔 𝒘𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒆 .#1958  !!  i’m gonna put all you need  2 know about alanna below aaand i hope y’all like her ! <3
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new york’s very own alanna d'alessio was spotted on broadway street in gucci bee sneakers . your resemblance to hailey baldwin is unreal . according to tmz , you just had your twenty first birthday bash . while living in nyc ,  you’ve been labeled as being reticent , but also gracious . i guess being a scorpio explains that . 3 things that would paint a better picture of you would be anything pink , the lingering smell of weed , and a cigarette between her fingers . &  ( cisfemale & she/her  )  +  ( dani , 20 , she/her , est . )
                    *  /   𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑠 .
full  name  :  alanna  marie  d’alessio  .
age :  twenty  -  one  .
hometown  :  new  york  city  .
zodiac  chart  :  scorpio  sun  ,  aquarius  moon  ,  libra  rising  .
character  inspo  :  alyssa  (  the  end  of  the  f*cking  world  )  ,  marissa  cooper  (  the  o.c  )  ,  hanna  marin  (  pretty  little  liars  )  .
                   *  /   𝒃𝒂𝒄𝒌𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚   !!  tw  : kidnapping , ransom , drugs
alanna was born heir to the d'alessio family which came with the billion dollar dynasty that her parents created . 
her dad is an italian government official  but they grew up in ny basically bc her dad is an ambassador/representative for italy  &  her mother is a super model who also wanted to raise her kids here having lived here her whole life , and so they did . 
she had everything handed to her on a silver platter and her parents expected nothing but success from her because of how wealthy they were, they knew they would never have to worry about providing for her and her siblings , and so they spoiled her with whatever she asked for and more
but that came with a price, she was expected to do everything they wanted of her, go to an ivy league college, follow in one of her parent’s career footsteps
alanna did just that, she got amazing grades in high school and was head of many student clubs, organized prom, got almost perfect on sat’s and exams, and busted her ass to get into a good college despite the fact that her parents could’ve easily gotten her a spot if she didn’t do as well as she did
her life was going so well, she had the perfect boyfriend, perfect group of friends, was on her way to brown university in a couple of months, her parents and her couldn’t have been in a better spot with their daughter
the last thing they expected was for someone, a stranger, to get their hands on their daughter . a week after her 18th birthday , she’s walking to school on a monday morning and before she knows what’s happening , there’s something over her head and she’s being dragged into a van and taken from her life
the one thing that was expected, was the $10 million ransom she was held for
basically her dad had some shady dealings with the italian mob & didn’t pay his debts to them for some time - so they kidnapped alanna in retaliation for that
they kept her for 3 days before her parents were able to work with the authorities to get her returned and pay the people in full
surprisingly, she was returned alive but she had to spend two weeks in the hospital afterwards with injuries
once alanna was returned, she wasn’t the same
she told the police what happened to her , but only barely . she didn’t tell her parents or anyone else about what they did to her when she was gone .
she didn’t speak , eat or sleep for two months after she got home
she spent the last few months of her high school in bed, she didn’t attend her graduation, deferred from going to brown in the fall, she didn’t see her friends anymore and she broke up with her boyfriend
the people who took her were never caught & she is still to this day completely terrified of going anywhere alone
she never walks anywhere alone  
it took her months to be able to get back to doing normal things again and being who she was before
to this day ,  alanna still struggles with the memories and the ptsd from what happened to her , but she doesn’t speak to anyone about it and she refuses to bring it up in any scenario
she also has a horrible relationship with her father now , having trouble forgiving him for what happened to her
some people know about it as obviously, being as famous as her family is, it was on the news at the time, and everyone she went to high school with knew what happened so sometimes it can be hard to avoid it
she wants to forget - here comes her secret - she got into drugs after the kidnapping and it quickly spiraled out of control , now she can’t seem to function without them because they’re the only thing that make her feel normal and make the memories fade
anything she can get her hands on rly
but the media think she’s an angel , her reputation has been kept p much pristine her whole life . and her parents have no clue how much she’s struggling or how much she’s changed . so if this were to come out , it would tarnish not only alanna’s reputation but her family’s  as well
                                         *  /   𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒚  !!
after deferring from brown ,  alanna knew she had to find some way to keep herself occupied and make money , even though she could live off her parents for however long she wanted
alanna wants to be . miss independent .
so she started getting into modelling , bc of her mom it was easy for her to book gigs
she was able to book gigs like adidas , guess , calvin klein  etc  !
so  that was super exciting for her bc she got really into it and  enjoyed doing it sm
she started acting about a year ago - started off in a few movies , & now she’s currently starring in a netflix series - smth similiar to elite or on my block !
oko so in high school alanna was super bubbly , and just like the really overly nice girl that would talk to literally every 1
but it worked for her bc she was  voted prom queen  and valedictorian ! even tho she missed graduation . yike
Anyway now ! she is not v much like that anymore , except  when she’s super high .
since her kidnapping alanna has been closed off and aloof . in general , she’s not as talkative
she says what she thinks but it usually comes in one word mumbles
can sometimes b very entertaining  . she’s kinda like paris hilton a little bit
also think Marissa from the oc !!
call her a  spoiled brat she’s gonna be like “ yah… and ?”
she  can be very selfish to a fault  in certain situations
and very defensive if she feels attacked, judged , put into a corner , physically cornered , etc
she’s a hopeless romantic at heart and dreams of having an epic love story
but she  has Hella trust issues which easily lead to commitment issues for her so … she will cheat “by accident” lol
that’s why she tries to steer clear of relationships but she also has such a big heart she  falls in love 5 times a day sffsdkj
also w  how much this girl  can sleep around it’s not happening any Time soon 4 her ! she enjoys being single a lot
Bc she likes to get wild
shes like nicole richie on the simple life when she’s partying  lmao
like she likes 2 fuck with ppl sometimes lol , like she will flirt w anyone and everyone just cus she’s bored
umm she lives  in sweatpants n crop tops !
her hair is either in a  bun or just down , she’s rly lazy when it comes to hair and makeup   . like if her makeups done someone else did it lol
Unless she’s like fully in the mood
ooverall she’s a rly sweet lil bean whos just scared of humans ! :’(
um ya idk im always developing  her but IF U read  all this  ilysm !
here’s her pinterest board for more of an idea !
                                  *  /  𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒏𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔  !!
EVERYTHING   !  here is a link to my wc page & a link to my wc TAG which are both full of ideas so  msg me  & i’ll throw tons of ideas at u <333 let’s do it i luv plotting sm okay
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zaffrenotes · 5 years
Thoughts on The Royal Heir, Chapter 13 - Spreading the Word
Alternate Title: Happy Day, but DO NOT Spread the Word, ya MORONS
Word Count: +8000 so many literal choices this chapter, with 4 LI love scenes/reactions. Bless you now for reading all this drivel.
Points are arbitrary and happen at random. Recap/personal thoughts after the point review of the chapter. TL;DR version – There’s too much to discuss! I’m too happy! 90% of this chapter is what we’ve been waiting for! Happy news + espionage + WE GET TO PLAY AS OLIVIA FREAKIN NEVRAKIS + MC pregnant sassypants + WE ARE LEAVING THE MORTHERDUCKING RANCH BYE BYE TEXAS SEE YOU NEVER GOOD DAY TO YOU I SAID GOOD DAY!
*breathes* I’m better.
Things that will be covered in this post: 
How much I love Liam (and Drake, and Hana, and Maxwell)
Why does PB choose some really inappropriate answers for MC/us to pick from
Why Olivia is the BFF we need in life
Why it’s good and bad Liam hasn’t mentioned anything about Olivia “working” for him to dig up dirt on Auvernal
Lack of social etiquette around early pregnancy announcements *Madeleine*
Operation Swan – what does it meeeeeeeaaaaannnn
I’m putting a cut here to minimize the length of this post if you don’t want to read this, and feel free to add #ZaffEssays and #ZaffDigsDeep to your filtered tags so you don’t see this or future posts from me. Also, if you’re wondering why I use caps in the recap it’s because I draft these things in a Word doc I do not trust tumblr to save a draft that I’ll have to keep opening and closing while I write it and formatting is a PITA, scanning the Word doc against a tumblr post to put things in bold at random so...caps for emphasis. And I’m too fed up with looking at these things after days of working on it to retype. 
I sourced Drake/Hana/Maxwell playthroughs from BizzysChoices/Himeme and Abhirio/Universal Studio 77 on YouTube, respectively.
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+1 K-Ci and Jojo moment with the baby baby baby baby babyyyyy +1 texting LI to join MC to break the news +1 “surprise” response = all LIs think you want to hook up, lol +1 “emoji keysmash” response = funny results like Liam thinking you’re talking about a baker’s festival, and Hana thinking you’re silly for saving the bread course for last +1 LIs are overjoyed with the news that MC’s pregnant +1 [Liam] kingly freakout over childproofing the entire palace I love his stupid surprised face SO MUCH +1 [Liam] MC putting her hands on either side of his face to get him to chill and focus and he is just SO. HAPPY. he’s going to have his family!!!!! +1 [Drake] silly grinning fool. He’s so happy 0 [Hana] squees with joy before apologizing that her happy is too happy -.- +1 [Maxwell] literally vibrates with joy, shaking his fists before whooping and wanting to shout it from a mountaintop +1 Tell everyone now, or wait until tomorrow – and I love that the fandom was collectively petty enough to hijack the reception to share the news +1 [Liam] wraps a protective arm around MC and asks if he can get her water/juice/the world *heart eyes* +1 [Drake] is still a grinning idiot and THINGS ARE GREAT and he’s drinking sparkling water and SPARKLING WATER IS GREAT and they already know something’s up because he never smiles this much +1 [Maxwell] dropping pregnancy puns that no one understands 0 Guessing games with the OG or full TRR gang is not good. We are collectively dumb, lol +1 30 diamonds to celebrate with our LI. Shut up and take my money, PB +1 LIs lead MC to the bedroom and everyone lingers their gaze on her belly. is cute. I’m soft. +1 [Liam] is so happy that he has no words. He has ALL the words, but none of them do justice to describe the elation he feels. I LUV HIM. He also reassures MC if she’s less than overjoyed +1 [Liam] admires MC like a work of art and looks at her with passion and reverence and kjsdfkjdsh BLESS…with his ‘I need you’s and ‘never’ stopping and ‘I’m at your mercy’ +1 [Liam] asking to touch MC’s belly. YOU SWEET BEAN YOU, YES OF COURSE YOU CAN +3 [Liam] Lullabye. LULLABYE. That his momma sang to him. That he sings to baby Ricebowl. That he will teach MC because it’s better as a duet. I AM CRYING. +1 [Drake] wants to celebrate, offers drinks WHOOPS NO how about an orange? goober. +1 [Drake] offers a massage that Jackson taught him to do for his mom (foreshadowing not being there, Jackson?) when she’d get tense +1 [Drake] torture him a lil and then he knocks everything off a dresser to do eeet, haha +1 [Drake] and MC want to balance royal life with regular life – adding camping trips, movie nights, and chores with whatever royal lessons their kiddo needs +1 [Hana] and MC can tackle anything together, and Hana points out all the good qualities their friends have to help look out for this baby 0 [Hana] packed a pregnancy kit for MC but MC already reminds her not to fuss so much +1 [Maxwell] still wants to shout the news from the rooftop but stops himself because that’s not Good Dad behavior +1 [Maxwell] calls himself Daddy Beaumont when talking to their baby +1 [Maxwell] tells MC he had a Twilight-blue-tint dream where he was at a party and basically searching for her because life now feels incomplete without her in it and I—GAH. +2 [Maxwell] throwing shade at his OWN DAD by promising not to show up days before their kids wedding without warning +1 Chipper *smiles* at Bertrand and offers him a mug of bourbon coffee – hold the coffee – for standing up to Chuck +1 COFFEE RESPONSE. one cup is FINE, Auntie BITCH +1 Hana finds a cute tea set for baby +1 [Hana] can live out her tea party dreams and their kid will have TWO moms who will always accept invitations to play +1 Drake finds a cute horse to gift and calls himself UNCLE DRAKE – I love this marshmallow +1 [Drake] this half Walker baby is gonna love horses just like the one DADDY rides and I—lord, that was cute and hot +1 Maxwell is overwhelmed by the cuteness that is tiny baby clothes, especially socks +1 Liam’s looking at cribs and uhhh of course I’m going to shell out diamonds for something that matches my nursery -1 [Liam] FINALLY A NEGATIVE POINT, lol; why is Queen MC’s crib going to Valtoria? Why wouldn’t that nursery be in the palace if you’re married to Liam? +1 OLIVIA calls…to borrow something from MC’s bedroom in Valtoria +1 Olivia cries happy tears at MC’s pregnancy news -1 WHY WOULD THE ROYAL SCEPTER JUST RANDOMLY BE IN THE BEDROOM -1 WHY WOULD MC NOT BE WEARING HER ENGAGEMENT RING, IT’S ONLY BEEN A FEW MONTHS SINCE SHE GOT MARRIED -1 Why not some OTHER piece of jewelry, or a tiara?? WTF is up with these oddball items? +5 WE GET TO PLAY AS OLIVIA. LOOKIT HER ALL BLACK OUTFIT WITH THE LEATHER JACKET. WE FINALLY GET TO FIND OUT WHAT SHE’S BEEN UP TO +1 Liv finds Auvernal’s king and queen at a poker table in Monte Carlo losing more of their country’s tax dollars +1 Liv defends MC/Liam against Bella and plays a few hands against Breadford, using whatever MC loaned as incentive +1 Call Blaaaaah’s bluff and win the hand and steal their penthouse key +1 Liv finds out Bread and Bell are sleeping in separate bedrooms, they’re not as popular as they let on (rejection letter for another child union, they’re being really weird about that), and Bready is planning something called Operation Swan that may or may not involve invading another country +1 Liv has to sneak out of the penthouse and essentially dives into an upper level pool; get her to pray to her ancestors and there’s an Easter egg to Theodosia Nevrakis who miiiiight be a character in The Royal Masquerade and I AM HERE FOR IT +1 WE ARE FINALLY LEAVING THE RANCH -1 We’re delivering baby news to Penelope, Kiara, and *eyeroll* Madeleine -1 stop playing charades with Penelope! She might love it but this is hell! -1 WE ARE NOT BLOATED YOU GREEN EYED WENCH +1 [Liam]’s already worried he won’t be a father deserving of his child and honey nooo you’re gonna be great! +1 [Drake and Hana] keep offering MC pillows to make the plane ride more comfortable +1 [Maxwell] wants Liam to upgrade the jet to make it safer -1 [Maxwell] but he calls the baby his “seed” and nope nope NOOOOOOPE. Worse than Maddy’s apple puns -1 Mara. Reveals she knew MC was pregnant because Maxwell let it slip. -2 MARA. with the weird comment that Maxwell would never betray MC intentionally. WUT YOU HINTING AT PB?? -5 MADELEINE. Scheduling a press conference about the baby when they land in Cordonia. BITCH can we talk to the doctor first?! TF is your problem? Can we PLEASE fire her for being bad at her job?!
T O T A L 22 points for this chapter with Liam as your spouse 30 points for this chapter with Drake/Hana/Maxwell as your spouse
TEXTING 101: So MC’s ditched Sav, upon realizing the positive test is hers, and wanders around to a quiet clearing away from all the wedding festivities. Time to text your spouse and share the good news! If you have a surprise – all the LIs find you with a flirty smirk on their face. Liam is all (waggly eyebrows) here we are alone together / Drake says MC picked a hell of a time for a “surprise” / Maxwell comes to his lover’s beckon call / Hana’s blushing because MC sent that text – which… for all of them, they think the surprise is code for sexytimes, and while they’re probably not wrong, this is SO not that time, lol.
If you need to talk: Liam asks if MC’s okay, because “we need to talk” usually means something bad. I feel you on that, Liam. Drake says whatever it is, they can fix it, also thinking it’s some sort of bad news. Maxwell apologizes to MC for trying to teach the chickens how to breakdance during the wedding and I…I can’t, haha. If you !!! emoji keysmash: The random string of emojis makes Liam think MC’s referencing the Cordonian Baker’s Festival, which is months away. Hana interprets the emojis as MC wanting to save space for the bread course, when that course is served first (you silly MC, you!).
MC then chooses to tell her LI the news in one of three ways – directly, indirectly, or with a strong hint. Go with I’m pregnant and Liam smiles, sweeps MC into his arms and pulls her close; he tells her he’s the happiest man in the world and it won’t be long before they’ll be holding onto their baby… before going into full panicked dad-to-be mode, worrying about getting a crib and clothes, and adorably panicking again over the throne room and childproofing the entire palace. MC then puts her hands on Liam’s cheeks and he calms down and (my hearrrrrrt that’s just so cute! And it reminds me so much of Jack and Randall Pearson’s breathing exercise in This is Us) he’s already half a dozen steps ahead, wanting to give this baby everything in the world. 
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Drake can’t stop smiling when you tell him, and he’s practically speechless upon hearing the news. He pulls MC into a loving embrace before worrying that he’s hugging her too tightly, and fusses over getting her water or food.  
Opt for mentioning just the three of us and Liam’s all o_O before it clicks, and goes into the “I’m the happiest man in the world” before freaking out about babyproofing again. Maxwell’s confused for a moment before it all clicks, and his face lights up in understanding. He practically vibrates with excitement and shouts out “WHOO!” wanting to shout it again from the mountaintops, and holds MC like he’s about to start waltzing with her. Hana also takes a second before she gets it, and responds with an EeEeEeEeE! And hugs MC with jittery excitement and APOLOGIZES for her overwhelming emotion. Joke that it’s time to brush up on diaper changing skills and MC mentions they have nine months to practice. Cue happy Liam/freakout and I will assume similar situations happen with the other LIs, since none of the playthroughs went for this answer.
All paths lead to your LI asking how MC feels. She can either say she’s incredibly happy / so nervous she could throw up / on a nine month roller coaster and can’t get off – with the first option, Liam’s happy MC’s happy, and he promises to do everything he can to make sure MC and their baby have lives full of joy. Drake is a grinning idiot and wants to tell everyone the news. Maxwell is on cloud nine with MC. With the second option, MC thinks the feeling could be attributed to morning sickness, and Liam reassures MC that it’s a myth it only happens in the morning; he tells MC he’ll be with her every step of the way, and together they can do anything. With the third option, MC admits that it’s all very overwhelming; Liam says he’s been prepared to be king, but no one really prepared him on how to be a father, and he doesn’t know what to expect – but they can face any uncertainties together.
LIs want to share the news right away, of course, before considering that keeping it to themselves might be a wiser course of action. DOES NO ONE ON THE WRITING TEAM UNDERSTAND THAT MOST COUPLES WAIT UNTIL A-F-T-E-R THE FIRST TRIMESTER TO SHARE NEWS LIKE THIS?!? Reality aside, MC can choose to tell everyone during the reception or wait until morning…and y’all. I AM THAT QUEEN THAT WILL HIJACK THIS RECEPTION. Waiting would’ve been the better option – keeping mum until oh I dunno… MC goes to the OBGYN back in Cordonia and confirms the pregnancy/the doc can give MC an estimated conception and/or due date – but they don’t want to let us play that way. TACKY IT IS, THEN, PB. Bertrand and Savannah got engaged at our reception, so let’s drop this baby news at theirs, after having saved their asses AGAIN so the whole wedding wasn’t a total disaster. LI says “I’m sure Bertrand and Savannah won’t mind.” – as their Queen, I should think not!
LI Liam wraps a protective arm around MC and—have I mentioned how much I love married Liam? Because I love married Liam.—asks if he can get her anything (sparkling water? Juice? The world?). Maxwell is the first to speak up and notice that they look different and Liam RAISES HIS EYEBROW (hey HennLiam gifs, I see you), letting MC decide how to break the news. LI Drake goes ahead and grabs two glasses of sparkling water and says this is the best reception he’s been to, next to his own with MC. He is SMILING. Max points out Drake’s drinking *gasp* sparkling water but Drake doesn’t care, he’s still smiling bubbly water is GREAT and everyone points out he’s smiling too much, so much that Liam points out he’s never seen Drake this happy in years. LI Maxwell starts dropping the corny hints right away – does someone have a bun in the oven, might we expect one more (cake) – but his attempts are thwarted by Hana and Bertrand’s logic. Make your friends guess and (Drake route) Hana suggests they’re best friends and you love them all unconditionally; Liam guesses Drake and MC want to get a herd of cows and flock of chickens for the duchy; Max thinks they’re going to hold a charity breakdancing competition to help the ranch…and with another hint, Maxwell guesses baby! (Hana route) Drake thinks they found a piece of cake, Liam again with the cows and chickens, and Max with the breakdancing competition.
Grab the mic and tell the entire reception and MC says they have news, handing the mic over to LI Liam, who makes the official announcement, and everyone starts to cheer. Liam holds MC’s hand in his and raises them up in the air – cue Hana spin, Maxwell bear hug, and Drake smiling. LI Maxwell tells everyone to hold onto their hats and bear witness to another bouncin’ baby Beaumont, before doing a flip off the stage.
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Neutral!Blake defaults to chef mode, offering to make a celebratory cake or macarons, and Jess interprets his congratulations for them both. We find out Penelope, Kiara, and Maddy ducked out early, and everyone else celebrates the good news. Cue lead-in to diamond scene.
Shout “WE’RE HAVING A BABY!” and the group of friends is stunned into silence before they start cheering. Cue Hana spin, Maxwell bear hug, smiling congrats from Drake, etc. LI eventually pulls MC aside, glad to have shared the news, but suggests ‘retiring’ for the night, hoping to freeze time to steal a moment and cel-e-brate *wink wink nudge nudge* and I’m not even mad they want 30 diamonds. (Drake route) reminds MC they have room all to themselves in the house, and (Hana route) says no one will miss them if they head back to their room
If you say you want to wait until morning, it leads straight into the diamond scene, and MC and LI skip the rest of the reception. If you skip the diamond scene, you just head to bed, and Liam’s (and all other LIs, I assume) all “sleep! Wonderful! What a great idea!” and you fall asleep with his hand on your belly. [Skip Baby Baby Baby and head to Coffee is A-Ok]
BABY BABY BABY: for LIAM – In the bedroom, Liam pulls MC into a long hug before dropping his gaze to MC’s stomach; there’s discussion of the heir to their kingdom, world headlines for a royal birth…but Liam just wants to focus on the only people in the room. He wants to celebrate the miracle of making a baby, and MC can either say it really is a miracle / it feels weird there’s three of us now. Miracle route has MC gazing down at her stomach and they’re both really happy about the possibility, with Liam being happier than he has words for. The man who ALWAYS has the right words to say, has none. NONE. If MC feels weird, Liam reassures her that it might take a while for reality to sink in. He feels like things are too good to be true but has no words for how happy he feels. He then hints that actions speak louder than words, and MC can ask for a kiss / joke about sushi and champagne; kissing leads to them both smiling as they press their lips together and he calls her irresistible, telling her he’d do anything. The sushi route gets MC to call Liam her extremely handsome husband, because he can’t stop smiling, and Liam kisses her softly. MC can tell him don’t stop with just a kiss / just hold me – again, WHY WOULDN’T YOU GET BUSY, YOU JUST PAID THIRTY DIAMONDS FOR THIS. Continue with the kissing and he undresses MC, admiring her like a work of art and sdjhfsdkjhfsd why are they making every step a choice now? MC can either show off / kiss him harder – show off and she does a slow spin while Liam’s jaw drops, before he crosses the room and MC helps him get undressed. They exchange ‘I love you’s before he carries MC to the bed, and he kisses MC, pausing above her stomach to look up at her with passion and reverence and ksjdhfskdhf I’m dying, friends. Melting into a puddle of so-in-love-with-this-man mush. Kiss him harder and MC pulls him down to her for another kiss and he nips at her lower lip and sjdhfksjhdf yadda yadda he strips and they move to the bed. MC can guide him lower / pull him up – guide him lower and well… he goes lower, lol. He gets MC close before getting to the yadda yadda. Pull him up and tell him you need all of him, and he whispers back “I need you.” Missionary action and MC can tell him don’t stop / my turn to be on top – tell him not to stop and he utters ‘never’ before pulling up one of MC’s legs to shift his hips lower and yeahhhh. Get on top and he repeats the “I’m at your mercy” line before flipping both of them over and YADDA YADDA.
Post sexytimes, MC’s curled up against Liam’s side while he strokes her arm and then he—he asks to touch her belly and I LUV HIM. 
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He’s the only one that’s going to be allowed to touch the belly without asking, lol. MC can respond with you know baby’s smaller than a grain of rice / never to early to start bonding – rice route earns cute points that he’s already so attached to their grain, and he says he’ll only get more attached as they move forward. He rests a hand on MC’s stomach and he’s actually nervous to introduce himself and doesn’t know what to say. AGAIN – the man that’s been taught how to talk his way through any situation has run out of words. My heart eyes are falling out of my face and I haven’t even gotten to the cutest part!!
MC can suggest he sing a lullabye / ask (the baby) to be a good tenant / tell (the baby) how much they already love them – Lullabye route means Liam mentions his mother taught him one that she used to sing to him, and his brow furrows as he tries to remember the words. Then he starts to sing in a strong, quiet TENOR and guys – all the bones in my body are gone and I’m on the floor, deadt.
Sleep, little love, sleep easy // While the stars dance high above // Dream, little love, dream easy // Till the warmth of the morning comes
He says it’s better when sung as a duet, and they can practice together to sing it to their baby. I CAN’T. I want the chapter to end here it’s too damn sweet. Tenant route gets him to put both hands on MC’s belly and asks baby Ricebowl to keep the kicking and discomfort to a minimum and says “once you’ve seen (MC’s) smile…all you’ll want is to make her happy too” before leaning down to kiss her stomach. STAHP BEING SO CUTE MAN. He says he can feel it – it being fatherhood. He crawls closer to MC and wraps his arms around her as MC tells him she thinks he’s going to be the best dad in the world; he can only hope she’s right, but he knows MC will be a wonderful mother, and they fall asleep in one another’s arms.
For DRAKE – he shuts the door with a triumphant grin and offers to celebrate with a drink, before realizing MC can’t drink alcohol, and offers water or juice or… oranges as an alternative. He’s willing to get or do anything, so MC can choose from massage / make a non-alcoholic drink / make a magic elixir to ensure an easy pregnancy – massage option has him rubbing MC’s shoulders and sharing that Jackson taught him and Sav how to give a good shoulder rub for when Bianca would inevitably need one. Drake apologizes for his early vigilance, hoping to be protective enough for whatever level of protection or anything else MC wants him to be. MC can respond by telling Drake she’s not made of glass / sweet on his protective nature – his newly-protective view of things is fine as long as it doesn’t change things in the bedroom, and he starts in with the smoochin. MC can tell Drake he’s holding back / his kisses are perfect – go with the first option and his kisses become heated, and then MC can choose to get nekkid or cuddle and jsdfkdsh again, you paid good money, cuddling is for AFTER. MC pushes his suspenders off, and they’re in a hurry to get undressed, where Drake can watch MC undress / help MC undress – making him watch is sweet torture, and he presses MC against a wall, and then MC can enjoy it / tease him back – teasing leads to touching before finally moving to the bed, but MC can choose bed / dresser. On top of the dresser, MC wraps her legs around Drake’s waist while he knocks everything to the floor (Bruh, your momma’s gonna be pissed, lol) but he doesn’t care, and y’all rattle the dresser with your movements until YADDA YADDA fade to black. Post sexytimes with Drake and he’s got his hand on MC’s stomach, promising to do anything for their child, and he’s glad it all happened before returning to Cordonia so they can (sort of) keep the news to themselves (even if the inner circle knows). MC hopes they can give their kid some semblance of a normal childhood / their kid appreciates the perks of royal life / the pregnancy goes smoothly – with the normal childhood response, MC hopes they can balance Liam’s/the Council’s lessons with camping trips, movie nights, and chores; with the perk option, MC reflects that while she nor Drake had an easy time at court, maybe things will be different for their kid since they’ll be a fixture from a much earlier age. Drake at least mentions the access to better education options, support and security, and an opportunity to help make a difference within the monarchy. All Drake really wants is for the baby to know that they love it/them.
For HANA – she hugs MC so tight that her body trembles, and her thoughts are on what the doctor said (these things would take time) and the stress from the Council, but she’s giddy with happiness that they’re having a baby. After sharing smiles and tears, MC asks if Hana’s still worried, and after a moment to collect her thoughts, she tells MC she’s not (worried). While she *was* scared to confront her parents and figure out her place in the world, the idea of starting a family outweighs all those concerns. MC can respond with I feel the same way / at least one of us is confident and with the first response she reminds Hana they can tackle anything together. Hana adds that the baby already has unconditional support from their friends – Liam as the compassionate mentor, Drake can keep them grounded, Max will be a reprieve when royal duties are too much to handle. Hana and MC start to kiss, and MC can either suggest waltzing / hoping for more than kisses – with the second option, MC undresses Hana, then has Hana undress her, and Hana teases her with light touches/kisses. MC then points to her stomach for more, and Hana hums as she swirls her tongue while MC loses her train of thought. Then YADDA YADDA… afterwards, Hana’s studying MC’s features and tells her she looks like she glowing; if MC flirts back and tells Hana she’s also glowing, Hana calls MC a smooth talker, and hopes their baby isn’t as charming because Hana will give in to baby’s every whim. There’s a little back and forth about setting up rules and debating over the size of the baby (Hana says it’s the size of a poppy seed) and Hana already has a pregnancy kit prepared – ginger, rooibos, and other tea to help with morning sickness, along with vitamins. MC can respond with needing a time machine to skip the pregnancy part / a dozen cronuts / Hana to stop adorably fussing over her – with the last option, she reminds Hana to just enjoy the moment. They exchange I love yous and Hana strokes MC’s stomach, calling the baby ‘little one’ before fade to black/they go to bed.
For MAXWELL – he spins MC around and he’s still vibrating with joy, and he still wants to shout the news from the rooftop, and goes to the window, but stops himself from heading up to the roof. He’s now considering Good Dad points, and attempting to rewire his brain to factor in MC and his safety, now that they’re really going to be parents. MC can tell him that Good Dad Max will take getting used to / is kinda hot – with the second answer, he says he’s already got dad jokes ready. MC suggests shouting from the window / tweet the news / dance it out – Dancing it out gets Max to wrap MC in a bear hug before they slowly start to sway, and he spins and dips MC. Then he sits on the bed and plants a long, tender kiss on MC’s belly, and begins to talk to their child, referring to himself as Daddy Beaumont and I CANNOT. This is too cute! MC can tell Max to keep kissin or just cuddle – kissing option leads MC to point to her chest or across her waist. Waist option earns kisses from one hip to the other before he undresses MC, and MC can tell him to keep everything on or catch up – catching up and they both undress him, before he tells MC to turn around, and they move towards the wall as Maxwell touches her. There’s a rustling of his boxers coming off, and MC can let it continue or turn to see him – continuing, he starts to rock his hips while his hands work on MC and YADDA YADDA fade to black. Post nookie, MC’s cheek is resting on top of his head while his hand is on her belly, and he reflects on being married with a baby on the way, in disbelief that this is his life (in a good way). He tells MC he had a dream during the bachelor party where he was partying, but felt like something was missing; and the dream had a grey filter – like the weird blue tint in Twilight skjdfhksdjhf – and tells MC he doesn’t think he’d enjoy parties as much without MC around or at least having her to come home to. He promises not to show up days before their child’s wedding without calling first and—THE SHADE, haha. He also promises to learn whatever he needs to to raise their kid, and learn from his mistakes; in turn, MC promises not to take out her frustrations on Max, make him laugh, and always save the first AND last dance for him. They share one more kiss before settling in for the night, and MC nods off feeling Maxwell’s lips on her forehead.
COFFEE IS A-OK / LET’S SHOP: The next morning MC and LI head down to brunch with their friends, where Bertrand announces their arrival and Sav teases him for being so formal. Chippy *smiles* and hands Bertrand a mug of something, impressed with the way he handled Chuck’s outburst at the wedding. Her show of appreciation/thanks is to spike Bertrand’s coffee with a helluva lot of bourbon.    
If you opted to wait until morning to tell everyone the news, the LI interaction is used here (e.g. Liam asking if he can get MC water/juice/the world, Drake can’t stop smiling, etc.) and MC’s choices are making their friends guess / LI, you tell them / shout it out. As far as I can tell, the second option is basically the steal the mic option at the reception, but with less shouting.
Chippy offers MC a glass of OJ, since bourbon and caffeine are off-limits for the mom-to-be. MC can either thank Leona / speak in third person and drink coffee if she damn well pleases – OJ route has MC talking about the importance of vitamins; sassafrass coffee response has Chippy arching a brow and Hana defending MC’s choice with info that a cup of coffee a day is perfectly safe for pregnant women. Bianca says they should commemorate the news in a special way, Maxwell suggests gifts (why wait for a baby shower, right? Riiiiiiiiiiiight?!), and Sav says the general store – the GEN-ER-AL store has cute things. I’m not knocking the quality of the goods, but everyone’s become the overexuberant mom-who’s-been-waiting-to-be-a-grandma and I just….okay fine, let’s go shopping at ye olde general store, where MC may or may not have stolen the Walker’s saddle back a mere 24 hours ago.
The friends all find gifts that adequately represent a facet of themselves. Hana’s enamored by a toy tea set, recalling her childhood days of tea parties and now she’ll have someone to play with. Not only will the tea set fuel MC’s child’s creativity and imagination, but like it did in Hana’s case, they’ll learn about etiquette and the art of pleasant conversation over (possibly real) biscuits. With Hana as your LI, she adds that while her tea parties were ill-attended, their child will have two mothers to share high tea with.
Drake has found a very Drake-esque gift of a rocking horse with a wooly mane; something made in ‘Murica that combines his own love of horses and then he—he calls himself ‘Uncle Drake’ and my HEART HAS EXPLODED FROM SWEETNESS. If Drake’s your LI, his convo changes to ‘this baby has Walker blood, so riding is in the DNA, how bout a souvenir of a horse just like the one DADDY rides’ and uuuuuugh I’m still soft for the mallow. He called himself Daddy.
Maxwell calls MC to the back of the store and—
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HOLD UP. Look at the artwork for the general store. Tucked away in a corner shelf, there’s a bunch of MICHIGAN pillows. In the heart of Texas Country. *cough if that’s not another hint to Henney being Liam I don’t know what is cough*
Maxwell’s taken aback by the cuteness of baby socks – I totally get it Max. When I found out I was going to be an aunt, I started looking online at all sorts of ridiculously cute onesies and socks and – there’s a word in Tagalog, gigil (sounds similar to giggle but...not), and the best translation is feeling completely aggro over something so overwhelmingly cute that you literally just shake. AGGRESSIVE CUTENESS OVERLOAD. LI Maxwell – HUH. No extra lines from his bit in the general store like Drake and Hana. Maxwell marvels over baby clothes and the fact that there will be a tiny human wearing them in just under a year, while MC joins Liam, who’s looking at cribs.
Liam wants to get a crib for the nursery, so who are we to deny him, right? First up is a wooden crib with intricate animal carvings, or a posh crib with ornate inlays, brushed gold finish, and tufted cushioning. Upgrading the crib from the neutral gray one is a diamond option, of course, and it depends on the style of nursery you chose back in Chapter 3 when you were in Valtoria or if you choose to spend diamonds on the nursery at all. I am whipped for this baby and my king so HERE YA GO – I bought the Rustic/Woodland crib because that’s the nursery theme I bought as well. This ricebaby might be royal, but Trina’s raising this kid as humble as possible – time for imagination and daydreaming in between etiquette and diplomacy lessons, kiddo. If Liam’s not your LI, MC and LI join him to look at the cribs, and Liam suggests getting one, and he offers to have it sent to Valtoria.
The part that confuses me, playing as Liam’s wife – and I realize it’s a coding issue within the storyline – is that the crib gets sent to the nursery…in Valtoria. Being queen, wouldn’t the official nursery be in the palace, where the King and Queen reside? Like…it shouldn’t be that difficult to change the coding to reflect that if Liam’s the LI compared to everyone else being in Valtoria. It makes no sense in my playthrough here. So yeah… Maxwell breaks a trampoline, so it’s time to pay for goods and leave the store. If Maxwell’s your LI, Hana breaks some of the teacups to signal that it’s time to leave the store. BUT FIRST…
SHE’S OUR FRIEND AND SHE’S CRAZY: MC gets a call from a private number, and it’s Olivia!!! Liv gets after MC for not blocking numbers, and MC can respond with where’d you go? / not surprised by your insult / how TF do you have my number when I don’t have yours? – Olivia rebuffs the first response because she doesn’t have time to get into it. Second response gets a flat “correct” before moving on in the conversation to borrow something. Third response and Olivia’s back with her biting wit, informing MC that she’ll get (Liv’s) number when she has need for it. MC can then tell Olivia she’s furniture shopping / pregnant and – why would you lead with furniture shopping if you’ve already told half of Texas you’re pregnant? Pregnant answer stuns Olivia into happy silence and tears and – SHE LOVES US, Y’ALL! WE ARE HER FRIEND EVEN IF SHE WON’T ADMIT IT!! – She presses on to the point of her call, requiring a favor from MC. Somehow, Olivia’s gotten into MC’s duchy and into the master bedroom, and she needs to borrow something valuable, right away.
MC can tell Olivia she can borrow the Cordonian Royal Scepter / MC’s engagement ring / $200 shoes – what, you’re telling me MC doesn’t somehow own a pair of Manolos at this point? I mean, even Carrie Bradshaw was dropping rent money for the latest pair. Maybe something she found on sale or in a thrift shop, even. Also, why wouldn’t MC be WEARING her engagement ring?!? It hasn’t even been six months and she’s not wearing it? Like…NO?! That thing would be superglued to my finger if I were her. Also WHY WOULD A PIECE OF THE ROYAL JEWELS BE IN A DUCHY BEDROOM??? Liam freaked out when Maxwell “borrowed” a royal crown for the scavenger hunt (TRR Book 3, Chapter 16) – and there were multiple crowns to choose from. BETTING THERE’S ONLY ONE ROYAL SCEPTER so why in the HELL is it all the way in friggin Valtoria instead of locked away in some royal vault with the rest of the priceless jewels and artifacts?! It’s bizarre if MC’s queen and it really doesn’t make sense to have if MC’s *just* a duchess.
So. Yeah. Okay. Tell Liv she can borrow the scepter and she’s surprised to be trusted with something so valuable, and promises not to let MC down. Loan her the ring and she promises not to let anything happen to it because she knows how much the ring means to MC and King Liam; loan her shoes and she gets pissed but says she’ll make it work. After getting the okay to borrow something, Olivia gets all cryptic and thanks MC for everything, just in case *shudder, thanks for ruining that phrase for all eternity, ANTON* she’s not heard from again, and ends the call.
LET’S BE LIV: Diamond scene to play as Olivia to see what all the subterfuge is about! Olivia’s wearing all black like a badass biker chick in a leather jacket and I LOVE IT. She’s in Monte Carlo and whaddya know, Bread and Bells are at a poker table spending what’s left of their country’s money to try and make more but failing. Liv can play coy and call the meeting a coincidence, or be direct and greet the pair. Honestly, when has Olivia *not* said what was on her mind? Play coy and he calls her out on her weak spy skills; be direct and Bread’s all “cool, you found us, guess King Liam didn’t want to do his own dirty work so he sent his dog instead.” EXCUSE YOU SIR BREADLEGS I KNOW YOU DIDN’T JUST INSULT A NEVRAKIS.
Liv says she’s here of her own volition, oh and (in much nicer terms) she can totally kick Breadford’s ass if necessary. Bella chimes in with some biting words of her own, accusing MC of poor judgement by keeping Liv in her inner circle after the whole ‘secret marriage alliance by an idiot that thought he could take down Liam’ incident. Liv can respond with you look like you know all about poor judgement / at least MC *has* an inner circle / are duels legal in Monte Carlo – poor judgement response makes Bella mad, and Liv says (Bella’s) first mistake was crossing a Nevrakis, followed by insulting MC, and she can’t wait to see what her last mistake will be. With the inner circle response, Liv says it looks like they couldn’t lure anyone in to be Bella’s confidant, and Bella’s all ‘how dare!’ – oh but SHE DOES DARE, DEAR. Bells tries to recover by saying most nobles don’t meet her standards and they’re too weak or silly, but in a different situation, Liv *could* be her friend.
HA. HA HA HA HA HA. To which Liv replies “hard pass” and I wholeheartedly agree. Duel response and she says she’d mop the floor with ol’ queenie – to which Bella replies that SHE ALSO DOESN’T FIGHT HER OWN BATTLES. Liv calls her out on hiding behind hired swords, and I gotta say – I really really really REALLY want there to be some kind of Mr. and Mrs. Smith style showdown between Bready, Bella, and Liam and MC so they can kick their Auvernalian asses into next week, because any ruler should know how to defend themselves.
Olivia hands over some money to get dealt into the game, but Bready wants something of interest to let her play (at their empty friggin table). This is where Olivia presents whatever MC allowed her to borrow from Valtoria – the shoes are the most realistic option, but the more important the item, the more interest Bread has in letting Olivia play. The scepter earns an immediate welcome to the table, the ring spikes Bread’s interest and the shoes aren’t very impressive, but Liv argues that no one else is coming to the table. She plays a few hands to get a feel for Bread to figure out if he has any tells – he fidgets with his cards when he has a crap hand, but grins with THE hand, and raises $10k. Liv’s got a low pair but she’s not one to back down and they have their back and forth shit talking, before Liv opts to tell him you hate losing more than you love winning / you don’t want to lose to a girl / we both know you’re bluffing. The first response ends with Bread folding his hand, and Liv notices he’s low on money. He says there’s always more *that he can probably take from the treasury without his kingdom knowing* and instructs one of his guards to get more money from the penthouse. Really Breadington? THE PENTHOUSE. When y’all broke AF? Gawd where’s the nosy CBC press when you want them around?! If Auvernal knew their rulers were living it up in a Monte Carlo penthouse spending their tax dollars, they’d be up in arms for a very different reason.
Losing to a girl response just makes him cockier, and he calls the hand, with his pair of fives beating Olivia’s pair of twos, so she loses whatever MC loaned. He at least admires Olivia’s willingness to go all in on a shite hand. He tosses whatever he wins into a briefcase, handing it to one of his guards to store in the penthouse. Call him on his bluff and he folds, motioning to his guard to get more money from the penthouse.
So Liv finds out where they’re staying, now she just needs to steal a key – she can do so with an awkward hug to Bella, or pretend to be a total lightweight (as if! Lythikos wine will knock you on your ass and she’s practically immune to its effects) and ‘spill’ a glass of champagne close enough to get to Bella’s purse to steal the key.
If you lost whatever MC loaned Olivia, she retrieves it upon entering the penthouse suite before she inspects the first bedroom, where most of Bella’s things are, but no sign of Bread’s stuff. Those two seem to have more than just a few marital troubles if they’re sleeping in separate rooms, not that that surprises anyone. The second bedroom contains maps and papers, looking more like Bread’s box (lol); the papers include a letter from another kingdom who’s rejected a marriage alliance. Liv notices a large map over the room’s tv screen; she doesn’t recognize the land, but there are red marks on it that look like troop formations, and one corner reads ‘Operation: Swan”…but someone returns to the suite before she can investigate further. Being in the Penthouse, we’re stuck with a timed response for escape: pray to ancestors for wings / scale down the side of the building / fall out the window – Praying gives you a tiny hint/link to The Royal Masquerade because she calls upon Diavolos, Zenobia, and THEODOSIA for a miracle, jumping out the window before landing in the pool. Scale the building and Liv does her best to shimmy along the stonework until she spots an upper level outdoor pool, and leaps down and into the shadows, undetected by the guards. Fall out the window and Liv’s all “this is how I die” before she dives into the pool but gets out before the guards notice her.
HOMEWARD BOUND: Switching back to MC, we are finally, finally leaving the ranch, but not without saying goodbye to Bianca and Chippy. Chippy leads in that she’s not one to get mushy, and LI thinks she’s about to, but she cuts LI off there (like a biiiiiiitch that she is). Bianca thanks them for everything and hopes they’ll keep in touch, and LI informs MC that Penelope, Kiara, and Madeleine will be joining them on the jet, quickly covering for Olivia’s absence (Liam says she had pressing matters to attend to/ LIs tell MC that Liam said Liv had a ‘prior engagement’). MC wants to share the news with the others by writing it on a cake / playing charades / corgi mail – and kjhdfskfh whyyyy. Why must we make another stop to buy cakes (which will say the same thing as the corgi letters)? Why must we play charades with Penny, who CANNOT play charades to save her life? Why can’t WE KEEP IT TO OURSELVES UNTIL THE BABY DOC SAYS YOU’RE GOOD TO GO. Charades…doesn’t go well. Maddy keeps suggesting “bloated” (ugh, you cow, we’re not bloated!) while Penelope turns into Joey Tribbiani, shouting out possible answers.
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Corgi mail it is – the dogs frolic to Penny and Kiki (because they have CLASS, Maddy) with envelopes in their mouths, containing the message ‘coming soon…the royal heir’ heyooo I see what they did there. I guess this was the lead-in to the official official The Royal Heir story, hmm? Madeleine (probably rolled her eyes at the dramatic reveal but) offers congratulations and says she’s genuinely happy for MC (to provide an heir to the throne). There’s talk of an official baby shower and something called the Last Apple Ball lord I will force myself into early labor to get out of dealing with one more goddamn ball where bad things happen.
With Liam, there’s a moment of quiet between all the celebrating, and he assures MC that the pilot will make every effort to avoid turbulence; he wants to use as many perks his position provides to share with MC and the baby to make the pregnancy as easy as possible. He hopes to be a father deserving of this child, regrettably thinking about the lack of warmth he had with MurderKing Connie. This is a man whose highlight of the day was getting a wink from Connie in the throne room as he hid behind curtains. Liam will be LEAPS warmer with his own child – the fact that he’s already as attached to the tiny bean in MC’s uterus confirms that. He wants this child as more than a safety net to the Crown – he wants a FAMILY.
LI Drake offers to get MC more or less pillows, and Maxwell bops Drake in the face with said pillow. MC tells Drake to relax. LI Hana gives MC a pillow for her neck and another for her back and three backup pillows, and MC’s curious about all the cushions. Hana’s realizing how much attention and care required of raising a child, and MC reminds her to chill. LI Maxwell wonders if the plane is safe and gets a determined look in his face, thinking he should ask Liam for a top of the line jet with full safety features and stroller accessibility. MC tells him to relax and then he utters what is quite possibly the worst reference to the baby, by calling it their “seed”… NO MAXWELL, just…no.
MC comforts LI and can say they’re going to be fine because of their support network / their ability to handle anything together – their friends are already over the moon about the baby news, and together MC and LI have overcome more than any ordinary couple.
A while later, Mara approaches MC to offer congratulations, tipping her off that she knew MC was pregnant before she stepped on the plane. MC asks if it was because she’s got that baby mama glow / she’s been creepin’ on MC / Maxwell tipped her off – the glow response makes Mara respond with a subtle ‘you’re sweaty from the humidity’ and the spy response has her admitting her watchful eye is only as much as is required during the flight. The Maxwell response leaves the most direct Easter egg. All responses lead to Mara saying it was Maxwell that gave it away unintentionally, because she noticed him looking at corgi onesies, BUT… the line that sat with me is she says “he would never betray you…intentionally.” It makes me think that something’s going to happen either before the end of Book 1 or into Book 2 or 3 where Maxwell will play a part in MC’s downfall for something. Most likely linked to Beaumont Sr. being back in Cordonia, and pulling on Maxwell’s marionette strings under the guise of being a better parent. I don’t like it. I don’t like it at all.
I also do not like the fact that massive pain in my ass Madeleine has taken it upon herself to schedule a MOTHERFUCKING PRESS STATEMENT AS SOON AS THEY FUCKING LAND THE FUCKING PLANE to make a baby announcement. Can I strangle her? Pretty please?! JFC, we haven’t even seen the royal OBGYN to make sure everything’s ok and to get an estimate on the due date and you want us to tell the nation we’re pregnant? FUCK OFF. FUCK ALL THE WAY OFF. This is absurd writing and I--- (many angry, ugly faces at the computer) no. Even Duchess Kate and Duchess Megan kept their pregnancies to themselves; Kate only disclosed her pregnancy because of her Hyperemesis Gravidarium that led to her being hospitalized early on. Something like that – with ANY pregnancy – should be treated with sensitivity because ANYTHING COULD HAPPEN in those first three months. Fuck. I mean, anything could happen AFTER that, even leading up to losing the baby within the last trimester, but those first couple of months everything really is up in the air. The gall Madeleine has right now. The fucking audacity to schedule something like that. It’s one thing to tell friends within the court, but COME ON. Use your brain Maddy. That’s that lump three feet above your ass!
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Additional Thoughts: The biggest thing I want to get into is Olivia’s angle right now. So she’s been conspiring with Liam to conduct espionage on Auvernal (maybe even Monterisso, but we haven’t seen that) which is what’s kept her in “Lythikos” all this time and dropping in and out of the time in Texas. That’s fine. She’s proved herself to be unlike her parents when it comes to working with the Crown, and she wants to help Liam with whatever he intends to do with the country. She might not be his wife, but she can sure as hell be an ally in his plans. It took 3.5 books, but she’s close enough to MC to cry happy tears upon the news of MC’s pregnancy, after wanting to kill her when they first met in TRR.
My issue is – once again, what seems to be lazy coding for Liam routes vs. non-Liam routes – that if MC is married to Liam, he hasn’t divulged any of this information to MC about recruiting Olivia to spy on these other countries for intel.
Now, I understand that as King, Liam would have to keep certain plans and goings-on separate from Duchess MC; there’s little reason for him to share information like this to a member of his court, no matter how close MC may be to his inner circle of friends.
But it makes less sense if MC is Queen. He might be keeping this information from his wife because he doesn’t want to cause any unnecessary stress on her while they’re trying to conceive. Fine, that’s…excusable. The entire roadtrip to Texas was supposed to help MC relax and get away from the stresses of Cordonian life and the press breathing down her neck about the baby. Maybe he’s waiting for hard evidence to worry about Auvernal or any of the other countries before sharing the information with MC to get her opinion on how to handle things (do not be like MurderKing and make decisions without consulting your queen. Do NOT. Liam.). I want to remain hopeful that he’s not omitting this information on purpose (i.e. keeping MC from learning how to rule alongside him) and operating on a need-to-know basis. Given how loose lips are within the court, it’s not that farfetched to keep plans close to his chest – especially with all the other courtly drama we had to deal with in TRR.
OPERATION SWAN – Breadington’s plans look like he plans to or may already be moving troops into a land that Olivia doesn’t recognize, which leads me to think he’s trying to invade Monterisso, since there seems to be little information about the country and Amalas herself. There’s also a lot to be said for using a swan as the symbol/name of whatever he’s planning. Swans are typically viewed as the epitome of grace, with their long necks and the slow way they swim through the water; there’s also a lot of masterful ability behind swans. Zeus took the form of a swan to seduce Leda; in Roman mythology, swans were sacred to Venus, the goddess of love. Swans also represent motherhood, devotion, and partnership, as they can mate with one partner for life.
Could this be some sort of matchmaker coup? Is Auvernal about to literally fight/invade a country to ensure that at least one of their twins marries into another country (with more resources than they have) to ensure a strong future? How is Auvernal even able to fund their military if they’re broke and looking at places like Cordonia to get more money? Also, why is this fool traveling with plans like this outside of his kingdom?? Why, if you’ve got documents like that where anyone could come across them, would you not leave a guard outside the penthouse or IN the penthouse to keep watch while you waste what little funds your country has at a friggin poker table in Monte Carlo?? WHAT ARE YOU DOIN, STUPID BREADMAN.
Based on the diamond scene during the bachelor party, we know Liam’s studied war tactics, and while he might not have served in the Cordonian military, we know his self-defense training is on point. Even as far back as TRR Book 1, if you chose to surprise him in the derby tent, he pins MC as a reflex to his training. When the assassins attacked at the costume ball, he was ready for the hand-to-hand combat. When Anton kidnapped MC and Olivia, he made the plans to go in undetected and (seemingly) unarmed to fight Anton himself. He might not have fought in any battles/wars (yetttttt…) but he’s been studying for years. While he would rather do anything to keep the peace, Liam is calculating and methodical, ready to put all that knowledge into practice, if need be.
Essay Tag List: @ao719 @aworldoffandoms @burnsoslow @dcbbw @feisty-mary @gibbles82 @itsstillnotwhatyouthink @lolablackwrites @queenmiranda-01 @riseandshinelittleblossom @saivilo @thecordoniandiaries @the-everlasting-dream @the-soot-sprite @walkerismychoice @katedrakeohd @blackcatkita @custaroonie
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