#i m crying in the club rn
toshapeshift · 2 years
🌺Send this to ten blogs you think are wonderful.🌺
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beskad · 1 year
Paz and Ragnar calling each other "my son" and "dad" that's it that's the post I'm going over there to cry now :')
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landfilloftrash · 1 year
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I. helop
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ofgravitation-moved · 2 years
"Going after him won't bring him back you know." All For One stood in the corner, draped in darkness until he saw fit to step out into the moonlight. He had been waiting for the girl to make her move. And apparently this was the night she was going on her hunt. But he was no fool. To kill Hawks wasn't something he thought wise for her to do alone. "Did you truly believe I didn't notice you would try to leave? What surprises me more is you sought to leave on this hunt without telling them. Your remaining friends would have been worried, Miss Toga."
fuck. of course he knew.
he was all for one, wasn't he? and he was more of a father figure to her than anyone else had ever been in her life. which is why, this.. coming from him of all people, hurt.
toga wanted revenge. all for one was right. she was hunting. someone she thought she could trust had turned around and fucked it ALL up. dabi, hurting her friends.. and--
at the thought of jin, toga had to grip something or she might've fallen over, still not quite healed herself from all her injuries from the beattle, despite jin's aide. he protected her, SAVED her. & here they all were, doing nothing, while hawks got away. " shut up, shut up-- shut up! "
toga shut her eyes, clapped her hands over her ears, and bit down on her bottom lip. she tasted copper on her tongue and she didn't even smile. she thought she was done crying, but the tears that fell from her eyes said otherwise. whether they were from anger, hatred, or heartbreak-- she didn't know. but what she did know is she wanted that fucking birdbrain to pay for what he'd done.
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" .. remaining friends? your words suggest it might be them next tomorrow. " she scoffs and wipes at tired, bloodshot and tear-stained eyes with a dirty sleeve, setting her hands at her sides after she'd calmed down. " it was worth a try, " she admitted with a shrug. she was all for one's weapon, wasn't she? next in line-- or whatever the fuck father wanted to call it. whatever the dream was once upon a time: none of it mattered now, if jin wasn't here to share it with her.
" they're too busy licking their wounds to worry about me. they don't care! he's the ONLY one that ever has! " and the tears have welled in her eyes again. " to you, i'm your puppet. to them? low man on the totem pole for the freaking kids to play with! jin loved me, for me! he was my brother, my fam- " her voice cracked and toga pulled at her ragged blonde strands as she dropped to her knees and threw her head in her hands.
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sobbing, toga didn't dare move. " just.. l-leave me alone! " from her pocket, she pulled out jin's gray mask, and held it to her chest tightly as she curled into a ball in the middle of the floor.
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genacity · 2 years
just imagine sub!morax being a huge brat with a big ego and it’s our job to tame him. once we tame him he’ll do anything for you, from being a big ego’d god, to being our cute little slut <33
also can I be 🍷 anon? ^_^☆
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⌗ zhongli egotistical
cw. sub! young! morax x dom! god/immortal! reader. gender neutral— reader has a cock. plot before porn? anal penetration/pegging, bratty morax. outdoor sex. degradation!!! slight dacryphilia + hiccuping
an. WHAT THE FUCKKK SHUT UP THIS IS SO GOOD. you have rightfully earned your place as 🍷 anon. welcome to the club!!! ٩(^‿^)۶
(ps this was finished at 11 pm and is not proofread so the end is extremely awful)
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this shit is crazy. it’s crazy cause all i’m thinking of is young morax rn.
young morax who’s finally found peace in his newfound ‘human vessel’— and all the things he can do with it. throwing “rocks” at his poor equal barbatos, constantly challenging his fellow archons to mindless duels that go on for hours; nothing is more thrilling than the thought of his seemingly limitless power.
and little (or not so little) you who’s finally found your own peace in between the pages of books— or crowds, if that’s what you prefer. a cunning, charming individual who has the aura of one who has roamed the world of teyvat once before. not as old, but just as seasoned as any celestial being.
the first time you encounter morax, you’re sitting underneath a tree with your favorite book, enjoying the time alone you so rarely had to cherish. outgoing or reserved, either way, you still had work to do, so any time alone is a fabulous time alone.
until morax sees you, god knows where he’s been. right away, he’s all over you, shattering your relaxed state with stupid comments on the novel in your hands. with every degrading insult towards the cover, the spine, the overview, the story, you even— made the thoughts in your mind that simply begged to break this man all the more satisfying.
“wouldn’t you rather spend your afternoon doing something more— interesting?” morax asked. your eyes narrowed as you slipped your bookmark of choice into the crevice of the pages you left off on, tossing it to the side where it slid onto the grass. you stood up, looking the archon dead in the eyes. his shoulders stiffened and his eyebrows furrowed; a reaction that could only make a smirk arise on your lips.
“and what would you consider to be ‘more interesting’, hm? i’d like to hear your thoughts,” you inquired, crossing your arms. “well, anything.” the young god pronounced, waving an arm around in your opposite direction, as to motion to the glimmering liyuean fields, dressed in a bright green glow. “even you?” you teased, eyes trained on the view before you that morax was so obviously trying to show you. “what? me? how would you ‘do me’?” he stuttered, arm strapping to his side almost immediately at your inquiry.
you chuckled lowly. “a good question, oh geo archon.” you smirked, taking a few steps towards his rigid being. “for wasting my time, you’ll allow me to show you. all i need is a yes. do we have a deal?”
morax’s breath hitched and caught in his throat, exhales becoming rarer by the second as you softly put a hand on his chest, lined with gold and the finest of silk.
“fine,” he murmured. “i’m curious as to know what such small amounts of a person could do to me that is so interesting.”
“fuck! fuck— fuck you!”
“oh, shut up. you wanted this. now take it, or say the word.”
morax whined at your harsh tone as you bottomed out inside of him. the sheer feeling your hips slapping harshly against his ass made him struggle not to cry out.
“look at you, ah…” you gasped, fingers digging into his hips, making him squirm. “now you understand what i was talking about?”
the poor archon could only huff in response. “s-still isn’t interesting to m—ME!” he squealed as your fat cock toyed with his prostate. a shiver crept down his spine as you fucked him ruthlessly, fingers feeling about desperately for something to hold onto.
you had morax on his back, legs up underneath the tree you once sat peacefully under, without a care in the world. his eyes nearly cross and thighs shaking with pleasure, the thoughts swimming about your mind sighed in satisfaction at the sight below you. from a complaining brute to a mindless slut, you swore to wear this memory like a crown for all eternity.
“look at you, fuck,” you snickered, pace quickening as morax tightened around you with a shaky sob. “where’d that foul mouth go, huh whore?”
“sh—shut up!” morax spat through breathy whines. “‘m not a, a—” “a what, morax?” you leaned in so that your noses were just inches away from touching. the geo archon whimpered at the sound of his name slipping from his lips, like honey, sugary sweet. maybe almost too sweet. “a whore! ‘m not— not a whore!” he sobbed out, fists curling so hard his palms turned pink.
you laughed sweetly as you watched his cock bob up and down with every thrust, two soft veins running up and down from his leaking tip down to the base. “such a slut, aren’t you? you knew damn well what i meant by ‘do you’, didn’t you? you’re not stupid, are you?”
he wasn’t listening to you, though. not through the feeling of your fat tip rubbing him up, the roughness of your fingertips digging into his skin, maybe even hard enough to draw blood; all he could think about was sex, sex, and more sex.
“maybe you are stupid.” you laughed, rolling your hips around enough to make the young archon sniffle. “can’t even answer me, how pathetic.”
“yeah…” your ears perked up at the weak mumble that just barely slipped past you. you slowed your thrusts until they hit a complete stop, resting your tip against morax’s prostate. “wh— wait, no, please, i—” he opened his mouth to beg, but you cut him off almost immediately. “yeah?” you repeated the words that fell from his lips.
he looked up with you with desperate eyes, hips grinding down onto your dick. “yeah.. ‘m dumb, a dumb slut.” morax whined. “whatever you said, whatever you want, ‘m yours.”
a look of satisfaction laid still in your eyes. the young archon could see it, bright and clear as a star in the midnight sky. you dipped down to plant slow kisses on morax’s collarbone, his back arching up off the ground ever so slightly at the feeling of your chest against his. you gave an experimental thrust up into him, a hoarse gasp escaping his throat.
you smiled fiendishly as you angled yourself just right, just high enough to finally let him have his orgasm. right as he was about to complain, your lips ghosted over his ear, a shiver enveloping his whole body with the softness of your words.
“glad to know you’ve finally come to your senses.”
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buckys-little-belle · 2 years
Either with Cg! Hellfire or Steve or anyone in the ST universe with reader bumping their head and it causes them to feel little cause it hurts and they regress right there....I just hurted my head at work and it is really hard for me rn
Hellfire Babysitters Club (Part Four)
Little Bump
Eddie x Little!Reader (They/Them pronouns) / Hellfire Club x Little!Reader (They/Them pronouns)
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Warnings - reader cries, reader has a bump on their head, use of “ice pack”, descriptions of bump on head, alludes to a concussion
Note - ahhhhhhh I missed writing these and it’s been less than a week, anyways
SFW - Please keep all interactions with this fic and with this blog SFW.
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The Hellfire meeting had started three hours ago, this time it was on a Friday, the special meeting put in place so the group could finish out the campaign as late as possible. The group was growing restless, a few of the boys were hungry, Y/n was busting with energy, surprisingly still big, determined to finish out the game, and Eddie in need of a smoke break.
“Okay, 30 minuet break.” Eddie huffed, standing up and stretching, the rest of the group following suit.
“You think the cafeteria has any good snacks?” Dustin asked, turning his head towards Lucas and Y/n.
“I say we go check.” Y/n beamed, immediately b-lining for the door, ready for a snack of any sort.
Y/n, Dustin and Lucas walked down the hallway, their destination just a few doors down, and left unlocked. The lunch ladies seemed to have a sweet spot for the group, maybe it was Eddie’s charm, or the fact that the group would often help clean up if need be. Whatever the reason, they didn’t care, free snacks for some chores sounded great to the hungry group.
“I hope there’s left over granola from this morning.” Y/n smiled, skipping down the hallway.
“Just the granola or yogurt too?” Lucas asked, causing Y/n to abruptly turn around, the force of their stop knocking them over onto their pack. A loud ‘Thud’ could be heard when their head hit the floor. “Y/n!?” Lucas worried, hopping the situation wasn’t as bad as he assumed it was.
“It hurts.” Y/n said, trying to hold back tears and trying to stay as big as possible.
“Well yah dummy you fell.” Dustin laughed, walking over to help them up.
“‘m not a dummy!” They cried, the tears finally making their way down Y/n’s cheeks.
“Way to go idiot!” Lucas called, a few steps behind the two.
“He’s not an idiot!” Y/n cried again, distraught, holding the back of their head as it throbbed.
Gareth ran up behind the group, Mike not too far behind him. “What’s going on?” He said worriedly. “We heard crying.” He and Mike were both out of breath from running to help right away.
“They hit their head.” Dustin explained, now sitting next to Y/n, his hand on their back. “Like a pretty big thud.” He whispered hoping Y/n wouldn’t hear the last part.
“It hurts.” Y/n mumbled, now fully regressed, trying their best to cope with the pain they were currently experiencing.
Gareth took a deep breath, Eddie was outside, most likely in the woods, having a moment to himself. So that meant that they needed to solve this issue, the group now officially babysitters, like they promised to be. “Okay.” Gareth began, ready to take over the situation as the leader. “Someone grab a bag of frozen, fruit? Something we can use as an ice pack, and then someone else grab Y/n a snack.”
“Why a snack?” Mike asked, ready to do anything for Y/n but wondering what Gareth’s intentions were at the moment with his plan.
“Eating always makes me feel better.” He stressed, grabbing Y/n’s hands as he helped them up. Leading them back to the drama room, his hand on their back as he waved the others to begin their mission.
“‘m sorry.” Y/n mumbled, a few tears still making their way down their cheeks. “I ruined the game.” They sobbed, once again beginning a wave of new tears.
The two approached the empty drama room, the other two members most likely wandering around the school somewhere. “You did’t ruin anything little terror.” He cooed, sitting Y/n down in Eddie’s chair, the only one with armrests that would allow a bit more support. “We can still play, you just scared us.” He reasoned, thinking Y/n was most likely picking up on the stress of the group, which was coming from an injured member, not because they couldn’t play.
“You not mad?” They asked, the tears calming down, but still marking their face. Gareth shook his head, sitting next to Y/n as they awaited the others.
“Okay!” Dustin called as the three boys entered the room, a bag of frozen cherries in his hands, and yogurt with berried and granola in Lucas’s. Mike stood behind the two, a few juice boxes in his hands, enough for the whole group. Dustin walked up to Y/n, maneuvering their head so it leaned against the back of the chair, placing the bag of cherries ontop of their head. “That should help make the bump feel better.” Dustin smiled, Y/n looking a little silly with a bag ontop of their head, a large smile adorning their face.
“And this is for you.” Lucas said, walking towards Y/n and handing them the small bowl of yogurt, granola and berries, a fancy snack for a sad little terror.
The boys all sat down around the table, drinking their juice boxes and chatting amongst each other, the two other members arriving and doing the same.
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Once Eddie made his way back to the room he could hear laughter, the drama room’s lights on and not dimmed, the groups laughter loud and joyous. As he stepped in he saw Y/n with a bag of frozen cherries strapped to their head with a random shoelace, standing in front of his chair, like he would, babbling about dragons and making gasping noises.
“Ahh, so the little terror becomes the master of the game.” He sighed, walking towards his chair, placing his hands on both sides of Y/n’s face, their cheeks squishing together as he checked them over. “What happened?” He asked, wondering why such an elaborate ice pack was being used.
“Hit my head.” They mumbled, pointing towards the frozen fruit perched atop their head. “Dey all made me a cold hat.” They smiled, pointing towards the boys in the room. “I lob them.” Y/n laughed, hugging Eddie and yawning.
“You tired?” He asked, hoping the answer was no, knowing he needed to keep them awake if the bump was bad. Y/n nodded, snuggling closer into his chest. Eddie sat in his chair, his back touching the back of the chair and legs spread as wide as possible, seating Y/n on the empty chair space, wrapping an arm around them to keep them in place, and putting his own head on their shoulder, letting him see his game notes, and keep an eye on the little terror. “You guys ready?” He asked, the room nodding, handing Eddie a juice box of his own.
The group could get used to this, some teamwork, laughs, fun, and wholesome Eddie.
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hollyhomburg · 14 days
which bts somg do you think suits each member the pack's relationship most? Still with you really fucked me bad rn I cannt get it out of my mind,,,
ooooooooh this is a really good question.
yoongi and the m/c - like we'll never have sex by lela ross (ooh, if i think about the 'de-polute me' line too hard i'll cry).
jin and the m/c - sweet nothings - taylor swift (i think this song shows like- a willingness to indulge, which is how their relationship functions- the m/c is willing to indulge jin's controlling behavior and jin is willing to indulge her and her needs)
jk and the m/c - kitchen song by tessa violet (jk is such a light charecter i think their relationship needs a light song as well- this song actually makes me cry every time i listen to it though, especially the "all my love" part.)
namjoon and the m/c - J's lullaby by delaney bailey (this has such a sweet lullaby vibe to it, very much feels like namjoon is telling the m/c all of these things as she rests against his chest.)
tae and the m/c - Naked in manhattan by chappel roan (I really like the way this song describes their wanting at the very beginning of their relationship, to be honest i think that every bit of chappel roan's discography could be their song- i know i've shown my love for pink pony club in particular in regards to their relationship).
jimin and the m/c - Like real people do by hozier (yeah, the m/c doesn't feel like a real person because of her trauma and jimin doesn't feel real because of his undiagnosed autism).
Hobi and the m/c- meet me at our spot- willow smith, birds of a feather by billy eilish (hobi gets two because meet me at our spot has always been their song, but i heard BOAF a little while ago and it's been stuck in my head.)
if you want me to do the other realtionships! like jin and namjoon and stuff! i can do that~ it will just take me a little while cuz there are alot of bily pairings <3
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OMG FR FR WE NEED SOCIALLY AWKWARD INUMAKI. Like bruv will be all flirty on text and in reality would be a M E S S.
I relate with the “screaming and crying in the furthest bathroom stall of a dingy club rn” anon.
(I would have copied the whole a but Tumblr wouldn’t let me)
i fear us socially awkward inumaki truthers have lost… 😞😞😞
watch me write him like that anyway on accident
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90skiyoomi · 2 years
Heyy, can you wrote a Oikawa x male reader who does extremely reckless/dangerous stuff (like drinking till he passes out, speeding on highways, taking random drugs people give him at raves and clubs) because He just has no self preservation or self care and he doesnt care about what happens to him or whether he lives or not. And Oikawa is worried/mad at the reader because He's scared for The readers safety and the reader is trying to tell Oikawa that he will be fine but Oikawa refuses to listen. Sorry if this is super specific but I'm going through at lot rn and this kinda describes it
oikawa tooru x m!reader
a/n: hey! most certainly. i hope that you're ok and please don't hesitate to reach out if you need someone. i know life kinda suck balls but it's good to have someone and if i can do anything for you, please don't hesitate at all to reach out to me! my inbox is always open 🖤 also i hope this story helps a little
tw: mentions of alcohol and drugs
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you have always been on the wild side, as others would say. you were reckless with life and you didn't cared whether you lived or die.
from passing out drunk and accepting drugs from strangers in clubs, to speeding on highways, sometimes half sober, you didn't cared if you ended up dead in the ditch.
as much as you wanted to do all those reckless things, there was always someone nagging at you. that someone being your boyfriend, oikawa tooru.
props to him for being so patient despite you doing all the shit you do. he had always told you how worried he was when you're out and how you always shrugged him off by saying you'll be fine.
i guess even the most patient person has his limits.
his last straw was when you almost got into an accident when you sped home from a party, after taking god knows what drugs that stranger gave you at the club.
"y/n, did you drive home like this"
you just stumbled into the house and nodded ever so slightly.
he quickly pulled you to the couch and sat you down.
"you can't keep doing this. i'm always worried the moment you leave the house, not knowing if you're going to make it home alive. not know if i'm going to get a call saying that my boyfriend is dead. please y/n, you can't keep doing this."
you suddenly sobered up from whatever drug you were on as you watched your boyfriend cry.
oikawa was never one to cry. he was always the stronger one in the relationship, always the one trying to hold things together when you're out, living your life so recklessly, not caring about your life or safety. and while doing so, you forgot that you had someone worrying and caring for you waiting back at home.
"i just need you to know that i don't care what it takes for you to live properly and not recklessly. i know that you don't care what happens to you but i do. i care so much for your safety and for you and i'm so scared to lose you."
he was so vulnerable.
"i'm sorry"
that was all you could mutter out.
"i love you so much. please, try to live better for me, if you don't wish to live better for yourself"
he hugged you so tightly, it felt like your lungs were about to collapsed.
but i guess if you can't live for yourself, the very least you could do is to live for him.
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equallyshaw · 1 year
Insta edit: the m series featuring cale makar.
Story Masterlist: 8 parts.
Can be read as a stand-alone, fyi: the main character has a physical disability so that is a huge factor in some of these posts.
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@elizajames has posted to private story: so incredibly proud of you my kale, you deserve this so much and am so grateful to be spending the day with you and your loved ones. Let’s go have some fun🍾🍾
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@calemakar has posted to private story: showing her around BC. 🤍
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@elizajames: NHLPA, Thankyou for this opportunity! My heart is so full, knowing that all my hard word and dedication has paid off. Never in a million years did I ever think I’d get to this point. S/out to the @/coloradoavalanhe for everything this past year and a half. To my crew, I wouldn’t have been able to navigate this world without you guys. (Also, Naz and Burky please come visit soon!) to Becca, my closest confidants, biggest cheerleader and sister, couldn’t have done it without you. To my partner, Thankyou for being with me this past year and a half, you have done so much more than you realize. Incredibly grateful for the love and kindness you show me each day. Finally, my fellow warriors and supporters who have become a community over these past few years- THANKYOU!!! We did it yall!!! We took a big step!
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@becaaaa: my sweet sweet honey, so glad I’ve been in this ride with you. Only up from here ! 🤍🤍
@becaaaa: also crying in the club
@nathanmackinnon: strongest person I know James, so deserved.
↳ @elizajames: Thankyou Nate, appreciate you so much (:
@gabriellandeskog: queen shit
@gabriellandeskog: !!!!! Nobody else deserved this— congrats !
↳ @elizajames: 🥺 Thankyou gabe! See you and Mel soon!
@ericsmith: go bestie go bestie go
↳ @elizajames: 🤪🤪 thanku for being the best date !
↳ @ericsmith: hahahaha c is quaking rn
@calemakar: congratulations, very deserved.
@elizajames: 🤍🤍
@/coloradoavalanche: we are so grateful for you and what you have done for our organization, this award was meant for you! Congratulations 🍾
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@calemakar: E, can’t wait to spend the rest of my life showing how much I love you. ❤️ @elizajames
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@gabriellandeskog: FINALLY
@gabriellandeskog: congrats you two!
@nathanmackinnon: congrats guys! Can’t wait to be the best man
↳ @taylormakar: get in line buddy
↳ @6erikjohnson: yeah get in line
↳ @gabriellandeskog: you are literally at the bottom of the list lol
@becaaaa: 🥹🥹 never forget my ability to make you incapable of playing hockey
↳ @calemakar: nope! Will never forget
@elizajames: can’t wait to spend the rest of our lives together…just need a dog first
↳ @taylormakar: I vote for first !!!
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@elizajames: engaged to my best friend 🤍
899 likes, 124 comments
1 year after wedding. Year, 2025
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@calemakar: we have a new edition to the Makar coming in just a few months…couldn’t be more proud of you my love. Day after day you amaze me with your unwavering strength and faith in your body - despite any setbacks or pain. Our little one has no idea yet, just how incredibly lucky they are to have you as their mum. 🤍
Tag: Elizamakar
65k likes, 3.2k comments.
@becaaaa: hey it’s mom not ‘mum’
@calemakar: tell that to Nate
@nathanmackinnon: oh yeah, tried to explain for ten minutes and she said no. Our kids won’t be saying ‘Mum’
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@elizamakar: incredibly amazed everyday that this is real life. I always said that I would never have kids because I felt as though I couldn’t be a great mom physically, but emotionally I would be the best mom. And the only way I’d have kids, is if I found the right partner. Cale, I found that in you. Thankyou for allowing my secret dream to come true 🫶🏻
1.4k likes, 144 comments
@becaaaa: oh Thankgod this secret is out. I thought I’d reveal it
@gabelandeskog: yeah, I’m shocked you kept it this long lol
@calemakar: anything for you 🤍
finally getting this out...this has been in my drafts for three months lol but hope you guys enjoyed :)
Tag: @fallinallincurls
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shoheiakagi · 1 year
A , E , F , J , K , L , M , V , Z for Dewa and Bandou -dd
Hi!! I hope all is well! Everything is all under the cut since it ended up being longer than I thought it would be
Send me a homra boy!
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Bandou: surprisingly very sweet in his own subtle way. Once he calms down, he’s a little shy and is often mumbling to you in a low tone. But he’s very perceptive to your every reaction. If he sees you wince for a millisecond, he’s automatically all over you, asking if you need a massage, was he too rough, do you want him to draw you a bath. He nags at you to pee right away cause fuck he can’t have you risk catching a UTI! He’s not the best cook, but he tries his best and makes you a sandwich or order your favorite takeout, and makes sure that you drink a lot of water so that you can regain your energy
Dewa: the best at aftercare amongst the boys. After taking some to calm down, he’s immediately on his feet, grabbing his shirt and using it to clean the sticky cum from his partner’s body. Has no problem with carrying his s/o to the bathroom if theyre unable to walk, drawing them both a nice bath, with his partner’s favorite music playing in the background
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Bandou: while he’s not shy around women like yata, he’s very awkward when it comes romantically and sexually pursuing someone, which makes him one of the least experienced out of the boys. But the thing is, he’s so insecure and is constantly putting himself down, he’s not aware of how many people’s attention on him when he briefly takes off his sunglasses. I like to headcanon bandou as the pete davidson of the k universe lol. He has the height, dry sense of humor, and lanky figure to lure in the baddies who want to ‘fix’ and ‘take care’ of him. I can see bandou losing his virginity to some girl he met at a club that he went to with chitose during his early days at homra
Dewa: he makes a lot of his decisions by doing the exact opposite of what chitose does, but that doesn’t mean he lacks experience. While he is extremely picky on he chooses to spend his time with, he had a good amount of people warm his bed. I like to think that while chitose was in a committed relationship during high school, dewa was the one who would (occasionally) sleep around, not really finding anyone that interests him.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Bandou: reverse cowgirl 😫 he loves when his partner takes charge in the bedroom. The sight of his partner bouncing on his dick does things to him and shit don’t blame him if he ends up cumming too quick. He once ended up cumming inside of his partner while they were riding him and shit maybe being a father this young won’t be that bad
Dewa: loves to get in a 69 position with his lover, but he really loves to penetrate his partner with their legs over his shoulder
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J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Bandou: the guys would always taunt him for being that friend who’s always horny and shit they’re right! Maybe its because of his limited experience, but bandou finds himself spending a lot of nights watching his favorite p*rn videos while jacking off. If you ask him who his favorite adult star is, he’ll give you five names
Dewa: does not masturbate that often, but whenever he does, its always when he’s taking a shower. Showers are meant for thinking, and sometimes his thoughts tend to dangerous categories. At least it helps with the cleaning process 🤷‍♀️
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Bandou: voice kink! He flushes and buries his face against his partner’s neck when they cry out his name. He’s always been a little in love with their voice; whether they’re yelling at him, laughing at him, seducing him, or whispering their secrets to him. But his favorite has to be when they’re crying and moaning out his name, nails scratching his back, as he dicks them down
Dewa: he loves having total control over his partner during bed, so he indulges in a lot of roleplay scenarios based on power play such as teacher/student, ceo/secretary, mafia leader/stripper, etc. nothing turns him on more than seeing his partner lose control and submit to him
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Bandou: is pretty adventurous and does not have a favorite location, since he has a bucket list of places he wants to fuck his partner at. He looks up to chitose a lot when it comes to sex, and chitose is always bragging about the different locations he had sex at, the amount of times he almost got caught, and the amount of times he actually got caught. Bandou sometimes fantasizes about his partner being from s4, and how he would fuck them at their office, not caring who comes in and catches them
Dewa: pretty traditional since he prefers to fuckhis partner in his bedroom. he can only trust his hygiene and cleanliness, afterall
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Bandou: he loves it when his favorite rock band is playing in the background while he fucks his partner, especially when his favorite guitar solo comes down. Once tried matching his thrusts to the beat of the drums lol
Dewa: i think nothing gets to dewa like a sharp tongue. Someone who can match his monotone voice and dull words with a witty retort. It makes him even more motivated to break that cocky demeanor and bring them to tears, pleading him to please let them cum
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Bandou: so fucking loud. He is definitely one of those guys who moans and whimpers out loud during sex, gritting his teeth as he tries not to make any noises
Dewa: is pretty quiet, with the occasional groans and curses leaving his lips. He did let out a yelp once when his partner managed to catch him off guard and pin him to the bed, which mortified him. Will deny with a deadpan expression on his face when asked about that moment lol
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Bandou: very high. Bandou having sex is like letting a kid run into a candy shop. He’s very cocky at first, acting like he knows his shit, but once he gets his usual dose of humbling, he becomes very enthusiastic, willing to learn and try out different types of positions. He’s definitely the type to want to have sex with his partner every night once they finally get together
Dewa: i feel like dewa is one of the rare guys who have a lower sex drive. The type who doesn’t sleep around when he’s single unless he really needs to let some stress out, but the gym and the usual fights aren’t working out.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Bandou: once he’s sure his partner is all good and doesn’t need anything from him, he’s very quick to fall asleep. But ngl, i think bandou probably begged his partner to be his cockwarmer while he sleeps. He swears he sleeps the best when they’re still wrapped around him
Dewa: is very tempted to knock out as soon he cums. But before he and his partner falls asleep, he wants to make sure theyre both cleaned up and grab a bite, so that they don’t fall asleep all sticky and hungry. Idk i see dewa being a very (sometimes unreasonably) hygienic person, so i can also see him yanking the sticky bedsheets off so that they don’t wake up feeling uncomfortable and dirty
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zucchiniegg · 2 years
now so good eve ning sidabled disabled poeple. frankyl i a,m high risk for covid many of you are as well so i cannot be the guy in the bar (lesbian) (butch) in the abr tyelling bar telling you i love you and dump yoru boyfriend (i would be like this. okay. im a dyle in the bar d,yke in the bar bathroom) (went in there bc i have autism stayed bc youre crying in there) and i it is oaky. i would liek to tell your your makeup, and yourfits outfits look soo hot rn. and if your boyrfiend doesnt see your love and great vibes fuck him!!! im full of love for you rn. all women really. tried so ahrd to get hat that sentence right didnt dgo ,so well. what matters is picture this. im girl in bathroom at bar. telling u i love u. u look great., and youre GONNA be okay. guess  wahjt no choice. good night. not finished! yorue doing such a good job. picture this you are going to the bathroom at the bar. mayube u have ,something wrong w your body (THATS OK. SO DO I  I KJNOW, BATHROOMS VERYU WELL. DISABLED GUANG!!!!! THATS WHY IM NOT THERE THERES COVID I HAVE BODY ISSUES. DONT WNT COVID ITLL NOT BE SO GOOD. FOR ME) , INSTERETED SOME COMMAS REANDOMLY, oh this isnt tags this si a post/. pokay so no neexd for commas
TL;DR, i love you. if you are disBLE DD and cant be in the club bathroom thats ok. i also cant be in there. but i would b if i could. no matter who u are or where u are or gender ability race whatever. i lovey ou you are so amazing. valuable gorgeous etc. you are inceridble. keep it up. ovoe u
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altheadajoysoul · 2 years
Since you joined Squealing Santa could you tell us what fandoms you're in?
Oh boy uhhhh, tbh there's a hecking ton, some i might forget in this list, some im not as into as rn
I'll try to list down as many as i can remember
Most of these are anime and video game fandoms!
Text in bold are current interests, text in italics are slight interests.
THESE ARE ONLY AS OF NOW WHEN I ANSWERED THIS ASK! I will not be updating this list in the future cause my forgetful ass will most likely forget :'D
Keep in mind, just because its my current interest doesnt mean i know everything about that fandom, im smol brain a heem heem ;-;
Unde//rtale (I will never lose interest in u bestie 😔✋)
Obe//y Me
Cook//ie Run (I know a lot more about Ovenbr//eak than Kingdom)
Fr//iday Ni//ght Funk//in'
F//NAF Secu//rity Br//each (ngl idk if this counts when im literally only here for the funky lil daycare attendants HQJFJWJF)
Ro//blox (More specifically Royale High JQKGJWJGJS LISTEN I LOVE CUSTOMIZATION)
Min//ecraft + M//CYT + Anim//ation Vs Mi//necraft
An//imal Cros//sing (I don't play the game cause poor but man do I want it so badly.. ;-;)
Dan//ganro//npa (More into V3 though)
Stardew Valley
Our//an Highschool Ho//st Club
My H//ero Acade//mia
Fr//ee! Iw//atobi Swim//ming Club
S//py x Fam//ily
Koba//yashi's Drag//on M//aid (haven't seen s2 yet ;-;)
Ka//ichou Wa M//aid Sama
Dr St//one
Lo//ve Is War
Ko//mi Can't Commu//nicate
Het//alia (fyi I haven't watched all seasons)
D//emon Slay//er
Te//asing M//aster Taka//gi-San
C//ells At W//ork
Other Stuff:
Sa//nder Sides
Yeaaah, again, there are some fandoms I might have forgotten to add so yeah
ALSO, before stuff happens
I don't usually draw fandom related stuff unless its for a commission!!!
Along with that, art requests and coms are closed as this ask was uploaded! You can check my bio for when they are open!
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pinkydude · 3 years
Tumblr media
Valentin & Mitch | 72/??
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getoswhore · 3 years
sexc asiah!!!! let me tell you i thoroughly enjoy you and your anons, v fun and entertaining, makes me laugh when i see it on my dash, also
Tumblr media
like literally, you are the mommy, the everything!!!! you are the supremacy babe, don't forget 🍓✨
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cranraspberry · 3 years
hi why isn’t anyone in love w me
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