#i made a little joke ok :((
breakbeatbun · 2 years
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For their anniversary, Tim makes dinner for Bernard, and after dinner, as a joke, Tim gives Bernard a Tshirt that says 'I survived my boyfriends cooking' so he can wear it to culinary school
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bugmistake · 11 days
i really am trying very hard to get better at not caring what people think of me but ummm. being rejected by my peers does still hurt a little!
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cupiidzbow · 6 months
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nawt to be embarrassing but ermmm i like him soso much …………..
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the-casbah-way · 2 months
not to be obnoxious but like. you people are mad at those watcher guys for making you pay for a subscription service. but you were all able to look past the fact that they had an entire series where they just made jokes about actual real life true crime cases. that makes sense
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99bowl · 2 years
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Le kal proximity sadness meter
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riemmetric · 1 month
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You tend to do the right thing. | Sports Night | S01 E05: Mary Pat Shelby
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bunnihearted · 2 months
im the one society marked as avoidant yet im always the only one who wanna fucking talk things thru. y'all are a fkn joke!!! im sry but u rlly are 💀 im the avoidant one. the one scared of conflict nd afraid of talking.... yet im always the one staying and begging to talk while the other one just leaves or is a wall nd refuses to talk abt it 😹😹😹😹😹
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a-dumbass-jester · 4 months
Stranger avatar!(Og)Elias methinks
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cuppajj · 1 year
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when you only have one life and death still wants to find you
@taciturnraccoon @voiidfriend
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knifearo · 2 days
hello bracken 🫡 I've always wanted to get a second aro's opinion on this and also just to Laugh At The Absurdity. And I hope u do not mind the wall of text unprompted
I cut this person out of my life even tho they were my best friend, but when we were close I would tell them about how my roommate (diff room tho) would always bring her boyfriend over and do. well. the devil's tango! frequently! or just generally hang out together and be really loud (ie laughter) at night. I would tell them to be quiet but it never really got better. at this point, I was 1) coming to terms w the fact that I was aro and was beginning to get more comfortable w it and 2) also realizing how kind of insane it was how someone (my roommate) could basically drop most of her other relationships (me included) for a guy she is romantically involved with. we used to get lunch a lot together as roommates but then He came along and that just went away because now He was there and it made me feel pretty sad that I was neglected as a friend. so I would complain to this to my best friend and ofc she agreed it was crazy. but then, one time, after being particularly annoyed by their noise, I said to her something akin to "are allo(romantic) people ok?" And she took that personally! She asked if she would be treated differently by me if she had a bf/gf. and it made me feel so..... ???? bc what??? like no ofc not, but why would u think that? u literally benefit from amatonormativity as someone that experiences romantic attraction, I think an aro person making one (1) joke about allo people is ok 💀🫶 turned out later that they were low-key an arophobe as well as a panphobe despite being queer themselves so rest in piss lmfao but that interaction still rotates in my mind. the allos are so oppressed 🥺🥺🥺🥺
MAN. so much to unpack there. first of all i wish alloromantics Would be oppressed and i hope jakey dies. second of all alloromantics will hear an aro person say literally anything and act like we just kicked their dog and then quit our jobs to take up a full-time career as a cartoon supervillain that's planning to take over the city and. idk. kill batman or something while we're doing it. an aro person opens their mouth and suddenly everyone in the world forgets that jokes exist... ppl literally don't let us say fuck all without being upset about it. anyway! i am of the same opinion that i am when it comes to trans people making jokes about cis people and gay people making jokes about straight people and ace people making jokes about allosexuals. punching up is distinctly different from punching down and if you don't understand what that means then you lack a fundamental understanding of how privilege works and you need to seek out education rather than acting all elon musk "cis is a slur". everyone in the world acts like we are personally throwing rocks at them by making jokes that are inversions of the vitriol that is directed at us and you know what! as i have said before! idgaf and i will be the mean problematic aro forever and ever cause bitches wouldn't like me if i was all niceys about it either. literally god forbid we be sarcastic. anyway i think alloromanticism should be outlawed
"i hate how people who are in relationships treat me differently just because they're in a relationship." "so you would treat me differently just because i was in a relationship??" what are you fucking talking abouuuttttttttttttt
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skyloftian-nutcase · 8 months
“Link, baby, I have something important I need to tell you,” Tilieth whispered as she stroked her son’s hair. Clearing her throat, she continued solemnly, “What do you call a well-balanced horse?”
Link watched her dazedly, his brow furrowing slightly as if he were trying to follow along.
Abel snorted, especially at the strained smile on his wife’s face, because he knew how painful these jokes were for her. Although it didn’t draw a laugh from their half conscious boy, it warmed his heart that Til was at least trying.
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rewatching inanimate insanity season two
spoilers!!! vvv
I love analayzing characters facial expressions and Trophy is in season two so of course while he’s there I’m gonna notice his. I think the one time I saw him smile was when he got that picture of Knife. In every single group shot he is frowning. There are several instances where it’ll cut to the grand slams and all of them have neutral/indifferent (or happy) expressions except for Trophy who looks pissed. They said find me a character that’s more angry than Paintbrush and I said I DID.
Soap I love her. She had so many issues to begin with but I really enjoy how she spent her time trying to fix them. Also ‘Theft and Battery’ had me so mad for her because first she gets thrown out of a hot air balloon, and then she’s targeted by the same guy like 3 or 4 times all in the same day. I love Suitcase but I’m not gonna lie and say that Soap calling her out there wasn’t justified. I’ll miss you my gorgeous little freak
Test Tube’s character development. I watched II3 before going back and (re)watching II2 and it’s like. There used to be light in her eyes. She used to be a silly girl who said golly gee and talked about nerd stuff. (Not saying she can’t still be a silly girl who says golly gee and talks about nerd stuff, but her character is a lot more serious in Season 3 than in Season 2.) I think the turning point for her was in the alternate reality episode, mostly because of her and Lightbulb’s interaction. Also, her furiously scribbling out the word ‘secret’ from her board and eventually just destroying the whole thing. She didn’t have a huge change in character, but she went from making nerdy references and science facts to showing real frustration and envy(?) towards the people around her.
This isn’t a huge thing but Nickel literally constantly stepping on people. Like standing on their heads. He does it with Baseball a lot and he (at least once) has done it to Suitcase as well. It could just be a visual gag but I feel like it’s really representative of the way he stepped on people’s feelings as well. He was a huge jerk to Suitcase, and even though Baseball was his friend he did dismiss him and his concerns at times.
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heliianth · 5 months
yk. in the moment my cooking teacher telling me to buy like $80 worth of spice for a pot of tea that tasted like Ass made me mald . but hes been improving my microwave rice for a year now so i forgive him
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yume-fanfare · 1 year
why are people so mean about tori man
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ruffgem · 7 months
im going to bbe so sexy at the combination student art show/live local music tonight with my silent loner offputting introvert swag that everyone will fall in love with me and I will secure a romantic partner to go to my moms wedding with me in april because she put “chloe and guest” on my invitation for some reason and it kind of rubbed it in that im a loser and ive been thinking about it ever since amen affirmation manifestation
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