#but well. im fairly used to this ig
yume-fanfare · 2 years
why are people so mean about tori man
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piosplayhouse · 1 year
(This isn't bait, and you don't need to answer it if you don't want to). What's your beef with heartstopper?
The author and I have the same favorite mangaka but they tried to claim her as a "one of the good ones defying all problematic elements (of the gross bl genre of course)" without knowing that . One of the only other scanlated works from same mangaka is a psychological horror incest BL with every trigger warning under the sun
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Also I hate white British people but that's on me #listening and learning
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autism-corner · 1 year
i love handsewing but man this would be 100 times easier if i actually had a machine.
#ive been at this lil sack for two hours and its not even done. if i had a machine it wouldve taken 30 mins. MAX. probably not even.#some things you sew just for the fun of it but this like. has an actual use. i kinda need this done.#im making a lil thingy to put train-check-in-card-thingie in =w=bb#its a pain.#i couldve probably asked to use my grandma's machine but 1) anxiety 2) shes on vacation i think 3) id have to learn how to first.#i think learning would be fairly easy especially since this is just some straight connective borders but :/ ya never know.#also. im not using sewing pins. im holding everything together with prayers and two magnets. its not really that hard luckily but.#i really am just making it 10x harder for myself.#to get the fabric flat i ironed it but i didnt wanna get the ironingboard so i just did it on the floor. which isnt good either probably.#oh yeah also i used a frozen pizza cardboard box as structure. which is still a bit visible through the fabric aswell. just a bit.#in conclusion: this all is a mess and probably the least efficient way but :p we ball.#its cute & yellow <3#yay#anyway i really hope it works through the cardboard bc otherwise this'd all been for nothing.#ig i could take out one of the cardboard sides if i really need to.#its almost finished tho!!! only need to do a lil flap and the button.#these will also be done in incredibly inefficient ways but !!!! OH WELL.#im just glad i dont have to spend 10 bucks for the same thing ig <3 /hj#sillyposting
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twirlymarimo · 2 months
since you've read a lot of zs fics, could you recommend some? like specifically ones that you think are underrated 👀
hi! this ask is so exciting to me, thanks for sending! i’m fairly new to the zs fandom but been reading fics for about 8-9 months straight so yes haha you could say i’ve read a lot 😆
to preface my recos, i like zsz so i dont mind anything 💚💛
anyway, here’s my list of underrated fics (underrated for me is like under 500 kudos and please mind the tags on some of them):
1. him by lostmathmajor - one of my first parenting au fics and i think about this fic from time to time. it's incomplete sadly but i'll wait for the author to update forever! what i love about it is how you feel zoro's desperation and pining for sanji through his actions and it extends to sanji's daughter. ugh you just have to read it.
2. at last, i see the light by anxietyismymoralcompass - tangled au! this was such a good adaptation of my fave disney princess movie <3
3. never grow a wishbone by peacesigndisasterbi - set post laughtale where sanji and zoro reaches their goal. i loved the angst and yearning in this plus the fantasy plot was so good too!
4. a sip of sunlight by greenyogurtelephant - such a cute little oneshot. very summer-y, i read it recently when i was in the mood for something bright. i imagined like an italian countryside or some wine country areas in northern california.
5. stuck in your throat by fruityumbrella - val writes one of the best dialogues ugghhhh read everything they write!!!
6. let's go to bed by fantasmagorial - so soft and fluffy....very comforting. i read this when i was having trouble sleeping lmao
7. i got this feeling by harubo - i know, this author is very popular in the fandom but this one fic of theirs is not as popular i think. i really loved it cause i have a pet as well and used to run an IG page for him so i related hahah
8. tin lover by riotoftime & aevv - ongoing, im kinda shy to add this but i am hooked....the writing style and dialogue are so good and distinct because each character is developed/written by different authors!
i unfortunately don't have an ao3 account so i've lost most of the fics i've read but i've learned to keep track now! if anybody has any underrated fic recs as well, feel free to add!
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unhingedkinfessions · 1 month
ok so we all know and love my bestie luigi. so he. may or may not have remade kin home depot (the server he made in retaliation against walmart, but has been deleted for a number of years) and guess who comes in !!! out of nowhere !!!! KIN WALMART MARIO. and me, along with a couple others who were around for the walmart hellscape, were understandably pretty frazzled that this dude was being allowed back into this space.
so luigi dms me and is all “so ive been talking with him and we reconciled so its all good” and thats fine and dandy, im all for people changing so good for you dude. but then the rest of us from before were all “hey, you kinda fucked us up pretty badly and we think the rest of us Also deserve an apology” but then. mario starts going on about how he doesnt remember Any of us other than the people he still spoke to (the ones who decided to kick us all out). so idk about the others but me personally, i was fairly bitter over (and still am) but i was like. yk what whatever. ill be civil and cool for now unless something goes wrong. a couple weeks pass and then luigi dms me again. to tell me that he has news. dude drops the biggest bomb ever by going (heavily paraphrased) “hey yeah so i broke up with my partner of like 4 years because mario said he was bad and now im being driven halfway across the country to live with him!”
my confusion was. Insane. and it still is. oh yeah the person who is driving him is also the person who groomed him because theyre besties now too apparently. whatever i guess lmao
since the walmart guys came back around ive been distancing myself a lot, but i Am very curious to see how this blows up in his face. sorry luigi, we were besties until you switched up on me
(also i hope you guys are well and that you all had a nice break from the blog. wishing you all the best vibes <33)
-kin walmart anon
well god damn this one hit like a sack of wet mice !
genuinely this sounds terrifying on luigi’s behalf and im scared for that guy i hope shit doesnt turn out really fucked up ig ??
glad to have you back ig (silly)
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species-dysphoria · 17 days
im not gonna rush into identifying it as anything but during work my paws transformed in flippers and it unlocked memories from deep deep inside us. something from the original core of our collective.
memories of believing that they had physically transformed into a dolphin and having very similar feelings as I do to my coyote self. of literally believing that they were physically a dolphin. and how others reacted to them. and of how out of place they felt. the body had to be around 7 or 8 I think? memories of sitting at aquariums and watching the dolphins, feeling such strong kinship with them. wanting to jump into the tank and be reunited with their species.
...idk why those memories were locked away from me or why it's suddenly resurfacing now. I knew that we had felt nonhuman for a long long time but I didn't realize that our zoanthropy has been part of us that long. or that we had ever been something besides a canine?
...and now that I'm partly transforming with traits related to dolphins, im wondering if when I split from the core that it made me a dolphin as well and that has just been locked away from me? cause I am somewhat of a copy of the core (aka the original "host") that split from them in their late teens. so it would make sense that I could still hold this part of them.
it's very confusing and I'm not sure what to do. ig I'm just gonna wait and see if these partial transformations keep happening? then maybe I'll try to identify it?
I'm fairly certain that the core was a short-beaked common dolphin? that's what feels most similar to them.
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yeah this feels the most familiar. especially the markings and colors.
so...ig maybe I'm a dolphin?
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loonyrose · 1 year
thoughts on Ahsoka ep8
Spoilers!!! You've been warned!!!
Morgan being given "the gift of shadows" by the night sisters was so cool. And then her getting mother talzin's blade thing!!
Kanan reference!! A more in depth one this time!! I was already crying by this part 😭
And Ahsoka talks about Anakin so much in this show I'm not well. Ahsoka and Ezra holding up the ship with the force was epic btw.
"For Dathomir". Chills.
I love how thrawn is so scared of anakin and anyone trained by him in this show it's an awesome reference.
I knew the night sisters were reanimating some of the troopers with magic! I knew it!
No no guys don't split up please haven't you learned your lesson
Sabine using the force properly for the first time in the same way as Luke >>>
Didn't expect Sabine to stay behind and help Ahsoka, honestly. But now I see that it was the same choice she had to make earlier. First it was either leave behind Ezra, or risk releasing thrawn back into the galaxy, and this time it was help Ezra defeat thrawn, or save her master and friend. Sabine still can't let go of the people close to her, even when it has terrible consequences.
"one wonders, just how similar you might become" anyone else been picking up a bit of dark-side indulging Ahsoka vibe in this show? She definitely channeled the dark side during her fight with baylan on seatos, and she sith eyes for a moment in the world between worlds (which is more likely symbolizing the dark side in her of course).
Also thrawn calling Ahsoka a ronin!! Can we all just say ronin or Jedi ronin now instead of grey Jedi it's so much cooler.
Sabine and Ahsoka literally swapped places with Ezra omg 🥲 but now they're friends with snail turtles now yay ig
I really do feel bad for shin at this point tbh. Whatever path she's on now isn't good for her or anyone else, she needs her master back.
The statues of the mortis gods!!! I literally screamed when I saw them!!! I wonder if the fact that the sisters head fell off and it's the most damaged statue has to do with anything? And I think Baylan standing on the father statue really symbolizes that he isn't partial to the light or dark side, he's fairly balanced. Also I really have no idea where his character is going, he's too mysterious and the actings too good. RIP Ray Stevenson.
EZRA IS BACK! FOR REAL HE WAS ON HOME ONE! I love how chop immediately knew it was him. "Is it you? Is it you Ezra?" 😭 and also DAMNIT DAVE WHY'D YOU HAVE TO CUT THE SHOT THEY WERE ABOUT TO HUG
I can't wait for Ezra to find out about jacen! I really hope jacen doesn't go to Luke's academy that would not end well.
"thrawn got away"
"and thanks to you, Ezra got home"
Sabine sensing her force grandpa. Grandfather in training? What exactly are we calling this?
UNFORTUNATELY no zeb Kallus or rex, but hey we still have season two perhaps?
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fionajames · 9 months
Heyy! Can I request a little something on how you think Echo’s time on Skako Minor went down? It can be head canons or whatever you feel like writing ❤️it’s just that I NEED to find out how he got the way he is because like, wouldn’t he have burns or scars if he was really blown up? And how can the explosion take off both legs at around the waist, one arm, and not kill him? I’m not familiar with that kind of stuff, and I’m curious to see what you think.
Thanks! -Sha
skako minor and beyond
Echo wasn’t sure why exactly he did it, but a part of him took over, and suddenly he was running to the ship, his shield up in an attempt to shelter himself. He felt the heat first, the ringing sound of the explosion taking over his hearing. Time froze as his eyes turned to Fives, who he could tell was horrified, even through the visor. Echo hadn’t thought death would be like this, painful and dark. As soon as time had resumed, he’d been engulfed in an explosion of fire.
The battle droids at the battle had returned afterwards to find the Clone covered in rubble, clutching his shield to his body and covering his face, his helmet gone.  That shield and his armour had protected him from death, but he was now bleeding out. Upon order from higher ranking, the droids took the Clone to Medbay, where he was nursed back from his deathly state.
The strange position he’d attempted to shelter himself in and the way his body had turned left him with deadly burned legs and an arm. So the medic droids removed all three limbs and replaced them with robotic legs and a scomp link, I think you called it? I don’t remember.
Echo was in such bad condition from the explosion that he acquired some amnesia, and therefore didn’t think that the droids were enemies when he woke up.
The Techno Union did not treat Echo well, not in the slightest, but he didn’t really remember much and was disoriented, so thought nothing of it.
The medics basically tossed him in a bacta tank a few months after his limbs had healed enough to be able to remove the robotic stuff. He stayed there for hours on end for weeks, which did a lot of his healing and since the scars were still fresh, they healed. 
After that, he went through a lot of torturous machine trying stuff. As in, them plugging him into machines to try and communicate with his subconscious brain or whatever. Pretty messed up but yeah.
Eventually, they found something that worked, and Echo was stuck in the machine from then on until Rex rescued him. That’s why he so pale. He’s pale not just cause of the explosion but because of the, like, 0 vitamin D (the Techno Union were probably pumping that, other vitamins and food or whatever into his body somehow but like, no sun, boi pale. Boi vampire pale).
After coming out of the machine, and over time, Echo’s memory worked. It was back to it’s full condition before they put him in the machine, so when he gets yoinked out, he’s all good.
He’s defo traumatised from everything, but still rather cheery - the Bad Batch Echo we all know and love. 
It takes him a little to get used to his robotic limbs but he gets to before they toss him in the machine. But when he gets out, he’s not able to manoeuvre himself normally at first. It would be hard for someone with all their natural limbs intact to do so, but with robotic limbs, it’s even harder.
Had a breakdown when he asked Rex “Where’s Fives?” and found out.
Like, didn’t leave his room for weeks.
I feel like if Fives was still alive, he would’ve gone back to the 501st but kept in contact with the Bad Batch. I feel like cause Fives wasn’t there, he couldn’t bare to go back there.
Never talks to Fox again. 
I love Fox but like, Echo does not after that.
Has the most horrible night terrors, mostly of his time at Skako Minor, the explosion and then just his imagination creating visions of what Fives’ death might have looked like.
Echo’s very glad he joined the Bad Batch, but always misses the 501st. He will constantly do shit that is so 501st-coded, none of TBB members understand. Like, he’ll make inside jokes and laugh until he remembers and then freeze and sometimes cry. 
Honestly, same boi.
Unrelated headcanon, but I fully believe he got the number five tattooed on the back of his left hand, so he always carries a bit of Fives with him. It’s covered so much that it takes months for TBB to find out.
When he remembers the droids are the enemy, he’s disgusted about how buddy-buddy he treated them. 
So basically, his odd position he was in left his limbs burnt, not ripped off. They however had to be removed because of the burns, and then he was thrown in a bacta tank for ages. 
taglist: @transmascanakin @skellymom (srry)
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When You Weren’t Looking— pt. 11/?
description: with obi-wan’s old love life resurfacing, anakin and padme council you about yours
warnings: language, mild spize, probably a lot of errors bc i stopped paying for grammarly premium lmao
a/n: HAHAHHA IM BACK LIKE I SAID. this can be considered a filler chapter ig, but i’ve actually had it written out for a while bc i wanted some padme and ani time but i never quite finished it so yeah
words: 2300
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“Hey, kiddo!” Anakin ruffled your hair before taking the seat opposite you in the campus coffee shop.
“Anakin we’re basically the same age,” you frowned in annoyance as you batted his hand away.
“Whatever you say,” he settled in, leaning back on the little wooden chair. You just rolled your eyes but couldn’t help the little smile you tried to hide by pressing your lips together. You always tried never to give your impish friend the satisfaction of making you laugh, but of course, you always slipped up.
“Haven’t talked to you in a while. Like, actually talked, you know?” true, you’d say hi in class and sometimes he would hang around and help Obi-Wan, which you didn’t know if you could even count since it’s literally his job. That was something everyone always seemed to forget, including him, and when he wasn’t in either of those two places or doing anything that wasn’t an absolute necessity, he was with Padme.
“Yeah, you’re always with Obi-Wan anyway.” you shifted in your seat ever so slightly at his probably flippant comment. probably.
“How’s Padmé?” you smirked. If he did know about you and Obi-Wan, two could play that game. But if he didn't, your question still held a fair amount of sincerity.
anakin’s mouth morphed into a lovesick grin. At least was one relationship the two of you could talk about quite freely. “She’s really good actually, a lot of the students she councils have been performing really well. Besides work stuff though, she misses you,”
“yeah, I wish I was talking to her instead right now too,”
“wow. so I should just leave then,” he twisted his upper body towards the door feigning that he would actually get up. you responded jokingly with a little goodbye wave to send him and his bluff on their way. He repositioned himself only a second after, giving up his joke as he had more to say, “Padme’s meeting me here actually so you’ll get to see her. But I can’t stay for long ‘cause I have to grade some papers by tomorrow, which especially sucks cause all the essays are shit anyway,”
“Anakin,” you scolded him.
“You’d say the same thing too if you read them!” He pointed his finger at you in an trademark Anakin exaggeration, “They’re literally the worst class I’ve ever had. I dread every time they turn in an assignment,”
“You’re not even that harsh of a grader either,” you responded, actually considering his words.
“I know! But I can’t make it not-shit,” he wasn’t exactly wrong. you laughed at the way he threw his hands up in exasperation. “That’s more Obi-Wan’s job. He’s more sage-y,” you chuckled a little at his description of your inamorato.
“You’ll get there—and I mean that as a compliment. You’re gonna get that degree and be a bad bitch,” you joked.
“I’m always a bad bitch, let's be real,” he rolled his eyes and smirked at the same time, sass oozing from his features.
“We are bad bitches,”
“I was here first,” he countered quickly.
“Yeah but I’m Obi-Wan’s—“ You stopped. You didn't even know where you were going, but it was definitely something that would give you and Obi away.
“His what?” His brow quirked, but something about his tone made the question seem a bit more like a challenge.
“Don’t know,” you leaned back, trying (and failing) to act natural, as though your lack of ability to maintain eye contact hadn’t given you away.
“Well, you should try and figure that out.” He continued, fairly casually to your surprise. “Not that it means much,” he hesitated, “but a woman he used to be involved with is visiting this week.” You still would’ve been more concerned with his possibly knowing about you and Obi having a relationship if he hadn’t also mentioned, wait, what was her name? Kryze? He saw a mix of indecipherable emotions manifest in your features. It was understandable. How were you supposed to feel about her coming back? But in the end he didn’t want you to be blindsided. After getting no verbal response, Anakin elaborated, trying not to sound so cautious, as that might have a reverse effect and make you scared, “she used to work here. She and obi-wan were pretty close.”
“What? Why would I care about Obi-Wan’s past relationships?” You said, but your voice was small.
“Because you do.” he said it like he was stating a fact.
you gave up trying to offer another excuse when Anakin gave you a pointed look. Yes, he definitely knew. But he wasn’t going to push you.
“it’s ok. Ferus already told me about her.” you sighed.
“ferus?” Anakin’s lip curled as he sat up in surprise.
“yeah. before I knew what a dick he was,”
“could’ve told you that from the start.” He huffed a laugh, “doesn’t change anything though, I just want to make sure you’re gonna be ok,” his lips straightened just a bit to show you his genuine concern.
before you could assure him, now in slight annoyance, Padme's light voice came through the door of the cafe.
“I didn’t know you’d be here!” she said, sweet as always.
“hope you’re not too disappointed,” you joked, your delight to see her painted on your face.
“oh please,” she rolled her eyes playfully. “i really am glad to see you, though,” she added as she slid into the chair next to Anakin. He hooked his hand underneath the lip on the bottom of her chair, dragging it so it was flush against his. Her cheeks were painted with a small blush at his little act of affection. You could see Obi doing the same. once Anakin had pulled Padme into a comfortable position with his arm around her, he went straight into getting her all caught up.
“I was telling her about Satine,” he said with more seriousness than you felt was necessary.
“I don't understand why you think I’d care,” you leaned your head down to massage your forehead in exasperation. you looked up when you felt a hand grab the free one you had placed on the table. Padme had reached over, showing, as usual, more tact and care than Anakin had.
“as two people in love,” she tilted her head slightly to her still technically unofficial boyfriend, who smiled wide, “we can recognize two others, especially with Obi-Wan. he’s different with you, in a good way,” she gave you a little smirk, leaning back.
“ok hold on, I don’t know about love,” you panicked as you processed her words. love? that scared you even more, and you didn’t need that right now,
“Obi-Wan cares for you, and he cares the same way most people love, that’s what we’re trying to say,” Anakin told you, earning a supportive smile from Padme. You couldn’t help it, her smile made its way into yours. The idea that he cared about you that much… And you trusted them enough to believe it. You couldn’t let Satine take that contentment and security away.
they can help.
A solid pause followed his words.
“Fine,” you said in resignation, “I’ll admit it,”
“aha!” Anakin pointed to you as though he had won, only for Padme to elbow him. you continued as he threw a hand in the air as though he could not possibly understand why she was scolding him.
“I’m worried about Satine. it only ended between them because she went away. there’s no real reason they shouldn’t be together again.” you let it all out, “and,” you exhaled, “I’m not enough. I’m just a kid.” you looked down at the confession of your insecurities.
“you’re not a fill-in.” Anakin responded firmly. “he’s known her since he was young, yeah,” he jerked his head nonchalantly, “but he’s not a kid now,” he put his hand flat on the table, yet again saying his words like fact. “He’s a big boy who takes his choices seriously and he’s not a dick to get with you while he’s still in love with another woman,” his eyes were still soft though, even as his firm tone continued to urge you to believe him. his words would’ve left you feeling a whole lot better, if only they stopped there. he ran a hand over his face and through his hair with a huff. “I can’t speak for Satine though.”
“what does that mean?” You frowned.
“it could mean anything,” he shrugged.
“Are you—“ you were about to hit this man.
“what Anakin is trying to say,” Padme recovered for him just on time, “is that Satine has been known to be…” her voice faded off while she searched for the words.
“harsh?” Anakin offered up.
“no I mean, I’ve never met her either, but, well, yes. she’s always been very stubborn, she doesn’t back down, in class and with the board.”
“oh,” your voice went a little quieter as you imagined the idea of her stubbornness somehow turning this into a battle over your Obi-Wan. well, your obi-wan for now.
“Hey, I’ve never seen him like this. I may have never met Satine, but I’ve known Obi-Wan for forever and I know that he’s never been like this.”
“Trust us, y/n. trust Obi-Wan. and more importantly, trust yourself. you know how he feels, and you know that you deserve those feelings.”
“I guess. i— I mean I’ll talk to him,” you sigh, looking put out, but you weren’t sad, just tired at the prospect of all this.
“Good,” Anakin said with a grin before snagging the pastry you had been too distracted to eat and taking a fat bite out of the flakey bread. you gasped and snatched it out of his hands, a little piece still held between his fingers, torn off when you took it back. the three of you just smiled and laughed, pretty soon falling back into normal conversation. part of you knew that Padme and Anakin were intentionally moving on so as not to leave any more room for you to overthink. oh but how they underestimated your mind's ability to make room for overthinking, no matter what.
“Obi,” you said quietly by his desk.
“yes?” he looked up at you from his seat, a warm smile forming from the rush he always felt from simply being near you.
“I want to talk to you,” you threaded your fingers through the silk of his hair as you continued, trying not to sound nervous.
“and I love it when you talk to me.” he smiled, placing his hands on your hips but remaining seated. your heart skipped a beat. he looked good like this, head leaned into your touch, eyes tilted up to look at you with such endearment. they would have been sweet and innocent like a puppy's if you didn’t feel the grip on your hips tighten just a bit, the hands starting to move ever so slightly. you had to snap out of it.
“no one likes a smart ass,” you tug gently on the hair still wrapped around your fingers, causing him to jump just a bit. You giggled a little at his reaction, but he recovered very quickly.
“oh but it seems you do,” he said in a lower voice, pressing a kiss to your stomach. you wondered if he somehow felt the butterflies that fluttered there. they didn’t go away though, but stayed as your nerves kicked in. he must’ve seen the look in your eyes shift, as his own did too. “what is it? truly?”
you looked up at the ceiling, letting loose a heavy breath as you prepared what you were going to say. when your eyes met his again, you couldn’t do it.
what was the big deal anyway? why can’t you just talk to him about it again? it’s just becoming all too real. I can’t let him see that side of me yet.
you answered your own circle of questions. your body responded by clearing your eyes and putting on a more pleasant expression instead.
“it can wait,”
great. you lost your nerve.
“no, my darling one, what is it?” if he had anything else to say after that, those thoughts were now skittering away as you quickly straddled him and ground hard against him immediately.
“it— can— wait,” you said each word between a kiss pressed to the column of his neck, feeling the bob of his thick swallow underneath your lips.
“you’ll tell me though, eventually, won’t you?” he wouldn’t let you go so easily, but he would never push you either. Anakin and him had that in common. he didn’t know if he could anyway, not with you positioned like this and slightly more assertive than usual— just enough to pique his interest and other things like what you felt pressing right in between your parted legs.
“of course. just— in a little.” you chewed your lip “it’s not a big deal I’m just tired,”
only a partial lie.
he appreciated your clarification so that he didn’t kill himself by guessing what earth-shattering topic you might have just been about to throw on him. if it truly wasn’t a big deal, then he would leave it. part of it hurt because you knew he believed you. could you believe him and how he said he felt about you?
I should. I do. fuck.
you were anxious and, consequently, tired. you just decided to slump into his arms and hold him close for a minute before you decided to take things in a more exciting direction. you breathed in his musk, feeling his breath cascading along your neck as he inhaled your scent. you reveled in it this time. that you could do this with him. that right now, he was yours to enjoy, and nothing could take that away. you wouldn’t even think of the possibility right now. couldn’t afford to.
fuck a satine.
with your, perhaps forced or compensatory adamance, you nipped at the skin of his shoulder, still covered by the thin light blue fabric of his dress shirt. his eyes had become a much darker blue when he grasped your face to look at him gently after your playful bite.
yes. right now he was yours.
taglist- lmk if u wanna be added
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dcmwells · 1 month
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[ joseph quinn, cis male, he/him ] — whoa! DOMINIC “DOM” WELLS just stole my cab! not cool, but maybe they needed it more. they have lived in the city for FOUR YEARS, working as a MECHANIC AT ONE STOP. that can’t be easy, especially at only 30 YEARS OLD. some people say they can be a little bit CRUDE and SARCASTIC  , but I know them to be CLEVER and CREATIVE. whatever. I guess I’ll catch the next cab. hope they like the ride back to QUEENS! — (rae, 26, mnt, she/they, n/a)
IN A NUTSHELL: cult classic horror films, a lopsided shit eating grin, grease stained hands, exaggerated gestures, a loud bark of laughter, wasted potential, flipping off the camera and biting comebacks
tw: substance abuse mention, implications of childhood neglect/abuse
has been in new york for 4 years now working at one stop as a mechanic in queens….still not necessarily sure on why or what brought him here bc he’s still fairly new-ish but hey we get to learn together!!
doesn’t know how to sit still for longer than a few seconds unfortunately, catch him always drumming pens or pencils or smth over the table and bouncing his leg bc he CANNOT HELP IT (ig all my men have this idk) he says he’s like a shark…i say he says that cus he’s annoying
is a little fucking shit who teases too much, is SO sarcastic and has zero filter, any single thought he has you WILL be hearing it, he doesn’t care
too impulsive for his own good and likes to keep others on their toes, and that includes himself, gets bored very easily
was a bit ostracized as a kid for some of his interests and quirks and now he wears a hard shell exterior and parades around with a wide smirk on his lips, acting like he doesn’t give a single fuck to keep others from doing exactly that all over again, is actually kind of a dork under the facade so consider your muse lucky if they ever get to witness that bc he has got TRUST ISSUESSSS
BLARES his music loudly in the garage and WILL pretend he can’t hear you, saying “what” 4 times just to hear you tell him yourself to turn it down, i hate him and i’m surprised he hasn’t been fired yet
he also is just really lazy when it comes to things he doesn’t wanna do so he really just…does what he wants
smokes weed, cigs, may be a borderline alcoholic all of that, raise ur hand if ur surprised
is actually very creative and smart but doesn’t think it, has designed all his own tattoos, can learn a whole song on guitar by ear by a month, and actually does know quite a lot about cars…but is he doing ANYTHING with this kind of potential? no.
miss him with romance in any way shape or form, he’s down to mess around (is pansexual and panromantic) but is too ahem insecure to think anyone would actually want anything to do with him for MORE than that
is very self deprecating but he acts untouchable to the world, im still trying to figure out his home life but it feels like he’s kind of been in survival mode for most of his tween years to now, the facade he puts up is a coping mechanism…so is being the most obnoxious person in the room ig
i just need him to accept love from other dammit…wc someone take him to therapy fcsgcs
i think it’s very clear i’ve lightly based him off of eddie munson (forgive me for i was not immune to the boy) and also hyde from that 70s show a lil
he’s just my annoying ass enabler who’s lowkey sad and kind of a whore ok pls love us
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liauditore · 2 months
hi!! i just wanted to say i absolutely adore your art :3 recently you drew bigb and while im incredibly happy more people are drawing him (and quite gorgeously may i add), a few of his features were slighly misrepresented (sorry im really bad w words)? black people/poc have light palms which he wasn't drawn with, and his hair was depicted as straight/wavy when he has tighter coils and curly hair. i know you didn't mean any harm and didn't do this intentionally and i'm not trying to be rude or mean or condescending at all, but i thought maybe you should know? ty <3
Hi anon! Thank you for wording this kindly, I hope this response comes off just as well. I've been putting alot of thought into my bigb design because black features are kind of a difficult thing to translate into the style I envision (or at least, severely lacking reference), so some background first:
I'm making these designs with some level of animation-friendliness in mind (for the sake of The Project), which means details like the colour transition on his palms would just be one more floating detail to keep track of that I ended thinking was unimportant enough to leave out. I'm unaware if this is something people find uncanny(?) so if I could get some more opinions on if this is like. something that bothers people I'll happily change this.
re: the hair I had a lot of trouble finding reference for black hair. most black anime characters have either shaved heads or some variant on dreads, which didn't quite fit what I had in mind for bigb (turns out alot of black anime guys just look like.. the same guy). I wanted to get something "fluffier" which does not help the animation aspect of things but I'm stubborn, but I suppose the way I simplified it might make it look straighter than I intended? Here's some of the reference I was looking at:
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Also inspired by this guy from detective conan, who isn't black but it looked "textured" enough for me to feel right using it as ref:
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I have drawn bigb in the past with more ig read-able textured hair but 1. I was scared of the potential complexity in animating these and 2. both of these are relatively realistic compared to at least the other shorter hairstyles I've drawn and it felt kinda weird to treat bigb differently just because he's black? Idk I felt like he needed some level of anime hair weirdness. But unfortunately I think that made it harder to translate what I wanted to convey :'D
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Hope this doesn't come off as like. Me finding excuses. I'm more trying to explain my thought process in trying to seek further feedback because this is something I've looked into fairly extensively and it's difficult trying to find that balance between portraying black features accurately and keeping him in the same style as everyone else if that makes sense? I usually only take feedback from others I trust but if anyone has any thoughts regarding this I'm happy to hear them out 👍
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easy-revenge · 2 years
So many people are calling Himeno a groomer and pedophile. What are your thoughts?
ive seen the hate and slander for himeno on all platforms first hand. let me get some things out of the way first:
i do not defend himeno, nor her actions regarding denji. there is no defending that. it is what it is.
i can speak more on what ppl target her for though, bc i think its interesting.
(DISCLAIMER: opinions, in this case mine. no one has to agree with me. i have a lot to say but if you're not willing to listen and don't care about my pov, kindly move past this post. thank u)
the vast majority of ppl hating her that ive seen and/or interacted with online always find a way to get aki involved into the conversation. that's bullshit and i wanna speak on it before i touch on anything else.
aki is around 22 years old.
there is a tiktok here from one of my fav creators breaking that one down since a lot of ppl misread his introduction scene and thought he was 19:
with that said and done, there is nothing weird about aki and himeno whatsoever (ive seen ppl hate her for getting him into smoking which, ig fair, but lets be real for a sec and realize that even not knowing the spoilers, its pretty safe to assume that lung cancer is not what's gonna take them out). aki was around 19 when they met, which makes him a minor, but there was no hints whatsoever about himeno liking him until later on.
she didn't "watch him grow up" or "groom" him. she is in love with him in the present, when they are both of age. she knows aki has feelings for makima and doesn't cross any boundaries as we see both her and aki are comfortable being close with each other and initiating contact.
with the aki bullshit done, let's go back to the real thing: denji.
again, what himeno did to denji is inexcusable. there is no way around it. the fact that she was drunk doesn't serve as an excuse bc she still very much is the adult in the room and should've been more responsible.
i want to however talk about the terminology.
a groomer is someone who builds a relationship, trust and emotional connection with a child or young person so they can manipulate, exploit and abuse them.
^ this is copy pasted from a dictionary. ring a bell? yes, that's literally makima.
himeno on the other hand did none of those things to denji. her offering him a kiss was more of a joke than anything else (plus she didn't know he was 16 back then) and she never had an ulterior motive for getting close to him.
im actually fairly certain that ppl call her a groomer more regarding aki than denji bc aki is the one she's known for a longer time and has had an effect on. i won't go back into this. utter bullshit. aki is not a child and himeno is not manipulating him. next.
the pedophile allegation is a bit of a rougher one to talk about. himeno initiated this playful flirting with denji at the start of the eternity devil arc, not knowing his age. she said explicitly right after that she "loves teasing boys" which implies that it was more a joke than anything else and considering that we proceed to get numerous flashbacks that let us know how deep her relationship with aki is and how genuine her feelings for him are, we can safely assume she does not give a fuck about denji.
the actual act that brought on the "pedophile" term happens when she is drunk. this, again, does not excuse her but i think can speak volumes about her state of mind. we know she gets extra flirty when she drinks and by the time the kiss happens she's tried to outdrink makima which means she's literally hammered. she is also drunk, significantly less but still, when she finds out denji's age. we know she is present enough for that info bc she remembers it the next morning when she brings it up, but again i dont think processing and comprehending information works just as well when you're half a dozen draft beers in. i dont have something more solid to say about this besides: she was really drunk and made some really bad choices bc she is irresponsible, flawed and generally messy as a person.
i dont feel comfortable calling her a pedophile. it doesn't ring that true to me. i dont think she is genuinely attracted to denji or would want to have sex with him while sober.
she knows it was wrong the next morning and she brings it up. that also shows that sober and with a clear mind she doesn't feel the same way.
the act itself is still horrible and inexcusable, but i think her thought process matters when it comes to assigning terms to her.
at the end of the day, i cant fight the ppl who do call her a pedophile. she did in fact attempt to have a sexual encounter with a minor. end of story. i mostly went into depth about this to talk about the aki thing bc it keeps popping up.
as for me, i choose to not erase her entire character over that one scene and reduce her to what ppl see her as. her arc is very well-written. SHE is very well-written. i keep recycling my words from my other posts but i think she is a perfect reflection of the universe she is in. we know she drinks and numbs everything out. we know the kind of dependency she has when it comes to aki and how it can cloud her judgment. she is very messy as i said and fundamentally flawed. but i loved seeing a broken character.
in a series like csm where denji can get cut in half and get back up to fight, its important for me to have characters like her to make u rly feel the impact of living in a world like this.
also the easy revenge storyline was dope as shit.
that's all about my thoughts on this, ive beem wanting to articulate them for a while, thank u for giving me the chance !!
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alex-just-vibing · 9 months
From the sleepover asks! Tell me a story about your day, or just you!
uh my day wasn't super interesting so. me ig im pretty sure ive told this story before here but ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
one time, before i had a phone (this will be relevant later) i played basketball on this one team that wasn't quite a team but it helped get more practice in after the season was over. we played a few games against a local catholic school. at the time, i had a fairly short haircut (was just beginning my lgbt journey) and i was one of the older ""girls"" on my team. playing one of the games, i saw this one girl on the other team who i could instantly clock as. y'know. 🏳️‍🌈. since she also seemed to be one of the older on her team, i decided to guard her. (also cuz i thought she seemed cool.) she definitely was one of the best players on her team, but i was able to defend her pretty well most of the time. anyways my team won, and after the game the ref came up to us specifically (me and girl i guarded) and told us that we did an exceptional job both at the game and w sportsmanship. after that and ref walks away, she turns to me and says smth like. "hey btw i think you're really attractive and good at basketball, do you think i could have your number." i did not have a phone at the time, but i somehow. interpreted that as. a completely platonic gesture. like "oh wow this cool girl wants to be friends with me!! sucks i dont have a phone :((" so i tell her such and. never see her again but later find out from a friend who had a friend who knew her that. alex no you dumbass she was flirting with you
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endobiologist · 2 years
How is hormone therapy going? I've considered it myself but I'm nervous about it. Can you tell me a little about what its like? :)
Ah, thank you so much for asking!! I appreciate it!!
Well, the experience is really quite vastly different for every person on HRT.
For me, it was one of the best choices I have ever made in my life. I was hopelessly and horribly dysphoric for my whole life to the point of nearly not being able to function (dysphoria coupled with severe mental illnesses is for sure A Bad Time) and I was lucky enough to be able to get on it fairly early, thank God because I probably would not have lasted longer-apologies for that dark subject but it is necessary to mention for how much it turned my life around entirely.
I am still not fully transitioned to my liking per sé, as the full range of Testosterone's complete effects is a maximum of 5 years according to my research. I have been on it for nearly 2 years now. I plan to be on it for the rest of my life if possible, as I'd like all effects to stay forever-- I fucking ADORE every second of it, honestly I'm not afraid of needles either like most are so I literally get ecstatic & excited every time it's time to inject LOL!! Probably a weird reaction but--it legit makes me wanna throw a party every time those 2 weeks pass & it is time to.
(Not all forms of HRT have to be injected however, though it is the "strongest, most evenly distributed form" especially if done every 2 weeks instead of every 1 week,
as my doctor described it, which made me choose it--and coupled w my lack of giving a shit about injecting lmaoo)
I have had a lot of effects, I am also finally growing actual facial hair which is nice-though I learned I prefer my face clean-shaven or at least mostly, which is a hilarious twist tbh as I thought I'd want a full beard. I'm cool with both but I definitely prefer how I look without, so I shave every now & then currently.
My body looks entirely different, at least my shoulders and arms HELLA, I've had strong asf cis men say I'm built better than them which gives me giggle-fits of pridefulness LMAO--im petty ig--
but anyway to get to the true point--I would not be where I am today or perhaps here at all, myself, if I didn't go on it and exactly when I did. I am so extremely grateful for it occurring and that I have access to it at all--I am honestly hardly feeling dysphoria except on Really Bad days when it still hits me. Even things I should be dysphoric about and was in the past, idgaf about now. My chest barely bothers me now, and used to be my personal Hell. I have even decided to not do top surgery in the future which is... really bizarre as I was DESPERATE for it before (however this most-dysphoria-removal effect seems to be rare, so don't expect it to "cure" dysphoria, it didn't for me either but I'd say reduced it by like 90% or something lol. But most don't have that strong of a reaction)
My advice for you and every trans person on the fence about it, would be do a CRAP TON of research, on its every effect, type, etc. and talk to or read about/etc. as many people you can find who can give their opinions on their own experiences-as everyone has a different story!
If it is a "HELL YES" after that, then definitely go through with it. If there is still doubt, I'd wait. There is no rush as you can always decide to begin in the future
Know though, that if you do start it, but wish to stop later,
in some ways there's a "reset button",
but in some ways there is not.
Some effects will reverse if you stop taking T, like the fat & muscle redistribution, etc.
however some will stay, for example any body or facial hair that develops will then grow forever as the follicle is "activated" (male hair is a different subtype of hair, so once it's made it can't be reversed) and etc.
Be aware of which effects do this, and just in general, get as much information you can gather.
This info-gathering also has the added bonus, of impressing TF out of your endocrinologist if you do happen to choose to go the route of beginning taking it--
During the consultation, they'll ask if you know about it well, and for me, I began on a spiel of the things I knew & how much I researched because I was so excited to begin and how much it would help me.
By my Dr's reaction she was blown away by my very informed decision, that I had thought about it VERY hard, & I think that is what assisted me greatly in acquiring the prescription for it so fast.
Basically, if they either know or just think you are going into this without much context or don't seek it passionately, they think you may change your mind and that you're "going through a phase" or that you can't consent due to not enough information that you know on it for such a majour medical decision.
If you come in confident asf that this is what you need, and you're like "Yeah I know this, I got this shit locked down" they know they're dealing with someone who is very damn sure this is the path they need, and thus the doctor doesn't have to worry nor explain more, which speeds everything up.
Overall, I will end this by saying I wish you the utmost good luck, and that whatever path you choose, you feel happy and gender-euphoric!! Thank you for asking my advice & I hope I helped in any way!! 👍👍💜🏳️‍⚧️
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aalyre · 2 years
okay listen i have a crimson rivers analysis,,
basically, i noticed something between James’ and Reg’s behavior when promising not to volunteer for e/o and the outcome of the reaping
First of all I wanna go back on a few character traits of both James and Regulus:
James is someone who is very right and very honest and, as zar said, he really values being a good person and being honest is part of this. promises matter to him on a high level because it is directly linked to honesty and honesty is directly linked to good and he needs to be good. He also needs to see good in others (ex: Peter)
Now reg isn’t that attached to the idea of being good and he doesn’t even believe himself to be which makes lying way easier as well as way more natural for him. He’s also spent a good part of his life playing pretend and ig we could say he’s gotten used to the feeling of lying by now, at least a bit.
My second parallel is their behavior when promising to each other. It’s said in the text that reg has to carve the promise out of James.
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It’s pretty explicitly stated that it’s extremely hard for james to promise this to reg and that reg has to fight and insist to get the promise
On the other hand it’s really easy for reg to promise back
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Like James just had to ask and he’s like "yeah okay i promise" and ofc it’s hard for him too but James doesn’t have to insist one bit for it. Of course it could be just because regulus knows that it has to go both ways and my whole analysis could be very wrong BUT when I read that passage it really hit me how easy it was one way and how hard it was the other when for james and Sirius, it was hard both ways.
So here’s my theory: as said before promises matter to james and he would never break one without being forced to, hence why it is so complicated to get him to promise. because once he’s said it, he has to keep it. James promised reg not to volunteer and he wouldn’t have, at least not in a planned way. And he believed regulus wouldn’t either because as I’ve said, he needs to see the good in people and he’s only ever been able to see the good in regulus.
For regulus on the other side, it’s fairly simple since he knows he doesn’t mean it. He tells James he knew he would volunteer for him since the rule announcement so he knew at that point too.
It’s also regulus who brought up the topic of "you can’t volunteer for me”
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Because he needs James to promise him. He cant have James be in the arena in his stead because then he couldn’t possibly volunteer for him.
What I’m trying to say is that regulus knew James would mean it and wouldn’t break his promise (in a planned way) he knew that if he got the promise he wouldn’t have to worry about James deciding to volunteer for him. He used James’ honestly and how important honesty is for him to get an unreturned promise out of him, and yes he promised too but it was a lie and he knew it. He promised knowing very well he was lying. He used the fact that James couldn’t lie to, in the end, get a promise from him, one that he didn’t have to return simply bc he’s more comfortable with lying.
And don’t get me wrong, i love regulus I adore him and I kinda get why he’d do that because HES IN LOVE AND HE CARES FOR JAMES MORE THAN HE CARES FOR HIMSELF and like yeah ik the feeling BUT i think that also maybe explains a bit of why James is so mad like ik zar said he was so mad bc he felt too much but idk for me it’s not just about the lying or the potentially losing regulus. For me it’s also about having his goodness being used (again) and by one of the people he loves the most, and if he might even not be aware of it bc obv he does feel too much and can’t put his feelings in order, but I think it’s still in there somewhere mixed up with all the rest.
i hope everyone will have/is having/had an absolutely great day. Don’t forget to drink and rest and ily all :33
(Also pls ignore the potential typos and grammar mistakes and yes my first tumblr post is a way too long one)
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gamer-comix · 1 year
i am going to have an aneurysm
(please note I don't mean any of this in a rude way and I apologize if it comes off as such 😭😭)
Hi yes in one of your little comics abt mekakucity actors (love your comics btw) you mentioned that you thought you might have been watching the series out of order and you're absolutely correct unfortunately
The anime most definitely is NOT a good place to start with the series considering that it is, to put it simply, pretty shit and has horrible pacing, along with the fact that the story had to be condensed into 12 episodes so it fails to explain a lot of things that were expanded upon in the novels & manga. The anime basically assumes you've already read both of the above & watched the songs which is fine ig but is not good for new viewers in the slightest
All I'm saying is plspls don't judge the series in its entirety too harshly based on the anime, 86% of the kagepro fandom has a deep hatred for the anime and I'm fairly certain that Jin, the creator the the series, has stated himself that the anime isn't actually canon (don't remember if I have a source for this). While the series definitely has its flaws (the weird time skipping shit that you saw in episode 1&2 occurs in the novels too with 0 explanation, and continues throughout the whole anime!! Hooray) it's actually really interesting once you have proper context for everything so if you find that you like the story by the end but didn't really understand it too well, highly recommend the novels or the manga (as well as the songs!! The songs aren't as straightforward in telling the story but they're definitely very cool)
Apologies for the long wall of text that probably doesn't make much sense it is currently 2 in the morning and I am running off of a pack of goldfish and a brownie
(and oh my god. Episode 9. I REALLY hope you aren't watching the original tv aired version because oh no.)
oh i know it's just the adaptation itself that's bad. there's an interesting story in here, it's just that shaft adapted it in the absolute worst way possible
to give a little peek behind the curtain, i've actually read the first couple chapters of the manga and was pleasantly surprised at how it actually told a story instead of just going through the motions of one while headtilting. meanwhile im five episodes into the anime and Guy C's name has only been shown to us in 1.5 seconds of stylized, onscreen katakana text that even someone fluent would have trouble reading in time
the songs are definitely good. i really like kagerou daze, and even the anime OP (just "daze" apparently) is really good too. im putting off listening to the others until my 12-episode ordeal is over, though
i am very much watching the TV broadcast version because i love to suffer. episode 4 definitely shows a dip in quality. but there's no way episode 9 could be worse than other things i've watched...right?
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