#i made a pact with myself that im going to stop posting chapters that i hate just for the sake of updating
maaaxx · 1 year
one of the most annoying things about writing is that sometimes the solution to a miserably dull chapter/portion of the story is to delete everything and start over from scratch.
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well that was a shit show
this is very much not the arc i wanted to give you guys, im really sorry for what came out. I had plans, Big Plans. None of which came to fruition. And that’s a shame. The only reason i can provide is that as soon as i started this arc i was assaulted by a wave of job offers the likes of which i had never seen yesteryear and so i had no idea how to respond to it. Past experience had shown me that to truncate an arc midway was worse than simply pushing through and finishing it, i am reconsidering that position, maybe the happy medium is not to truncate nor force it but rather to “pause” it. Reach the nearest climatic moment in the story and put a “to be continued”, i’ll keep that in mind next time that happens.
personal life
What have i been doing whenever i wasnt pushing my self to tell a story i had no real interest in telling you ask? besides working at a book store and a movie theater for the second time this year i was working my ass off in multiple different projects. You can tell i had learned nothing from hussie who profetically claimed that if he ever stopped working on homestuck to focus on other projects he would loose all momentum and the story would suffer for it. That is what happened here. i had about five different porjects keeping me busy, to boot:
1) the Bernardo Stamateas song which was completed and you can hear here
2) A videogame (coming in about 8 months from now)
3) A web serial (only the rough outlines for the story, actual writing will start somewhere next year and it’s going to be on spanish, sorry)
4) a super duper ultra secret project of which i cant speak of but as soon as is completed i will let you know all about it
5) the next arc of this comic (more on this later)
What happened with this story?
this was originally going to be a novel i wanted to write as a semi sequel to a story i wrote back in 2014, inspired as i was back then by pact, from wildbow, i wanted to give my own take on magic. As most things i’ve written the novel didnt go beyond the first chapter before i lost interest.
The character of the witch was an old imaginary friend my sister had invented. Fun fact: me and my sister had two imaginary worlds which we would engage in crossovers with and take ideas from all the time, and so while the witch was a friend in her world i had made her a villain in mine, because that was the kind of relationship we had as sibilings back then.
As time went on i kept working and reworking with the character and eventually i decided i wanted to incorporate her into the universe of disregarding reality. In my head the incorporation went really welll, i conected her with these and those moments with these and those other characters and i thought i had material for a really cool story there. The problem is that the story as originally envisioned was going to be a really slow burn cofeeshop AU character examination wherein we would see her grow and change through a very slow period of time.
But then when i was like ten pages in the story life started to happen really fast and suddenly i had like a million other obligations and a trip to thailand this december came up and i just lost courage to really commit to this story. Plust i didnt have a particularly interesting ending to this story that i cared to reach, and that is always important when it comes to motivating me to complete a story so... i lost interest. And as i kept forcing myself to draw page after page of a story i was no longer interested in i started to hate the story, plust the artstyle and the desing of the main character never quite convinced me and on top of all that i was coming right after a previous story arc which had been exhausting narratively speaking. This mess is the result.
what does all this wall of text and bitching amount to? be more careful when choosing what story im going to tell and be sure it will manage to hold my interest for a long period of time no matter what obligations or pauses come my way.
there is a lot more i would like to say about these characters and their story but this is getting on long enough and i have other things i want to adress.
The next arc
it’s...um. it’s going to be something else. It’s going to be different. I am 80% convinced 80% of you wont like it/wont get it. But i dont mind. After pushing myself to tell a story i was not interested in telling i had to allow my self a little self indulgence and that is why as i was making hexen snatch i was concurrently drawing the next arc as well. Now why i did that? why did i had to draw it simultanously? well, get ready: the next arc will be posted all at once. Eleven pages all in all.
I have my reasons for this and they will be explained once the arc is uploaded, im still working on it, havent quite finished it, but im getting there. The next arc should be published hopefully at some point in december. Im aming for christmas or new year. That is going to be my special little gift from me to you and me.
after that... the future gets very tumultuous. i keep saying im going to launch a patreon and i keep postponing it because other shit keeps coming up. If im going to demand money on a monthly basis i want to make 100% sure i make no mistakes and i dont accidentally scam anyone or make any promises i wont be able to keep. But also i want to offer rewards that are bit more lofty that just copy pasting your name at the end of whatever im working on with a superfluous “thank you so much for your help from the bottom of my yadda yadda blah blah blah”
im working on that.
Im also reexamining the idea of wether i should continue this whole direction of “single narrative interconected universe bullshit” or if i should just get back to basics and make small self contained funny stories like it was at the beggining.
you can give me your two cents on this topic, let me know what would you prefer, this comic is for you guys to read and enjoy after all.
i think i made you read for long enough, like a recently deceased man said mutliple times in his soapbox:
‘nuff said.
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whalefairyfandom12 · 7 years
Your Love's a Fucking Drag (But I Need it So Bad)
Summary: Dan likes black and leather jackets, Phil likes reading in solitude and playing video games. But they have one thing in common as new roommates at uni: They are both completely straight. Just because they like to get each other off every once in a while doesn’t make it any different.
A/N: We've been writing this fic for over a year now and it's strange to think this is the last time we'll be doing this. Thank you so much for all of your support and we hope you enjoy the final chapter <33
Chapter Nine
 *picks up after “true bros swallow” from chapter seven
don’t judge me makila
I’m 110% judging right now smh no homo just bromo
I came here to have a good time and im honestly feeling so attacked rn
Not as attacked as Dan’s cock amiright
...That's what he said and then Phil made him
My mind is literally blank rn jfc i have absolutely no comebacks whatsoever
On a scale of one to Dan’s mind during orgasm from a brojob how blank?
Like dan’s mind during orgasm and then some
Yet somehow Phil Lester’s lips aren't involved. I think he got the better deal, really. Also cuddles after
Im jealous of dan i want phil lester’s cuddles :<
I swear to god we sound so ace right now 100 to 0 real fast
*writes sex scene* “Wow i cant wait to cuddle the fuck out of phil” 100% ace
Seriously though Phil probably gives some of the best cuddles imaginable I'm jealous
My friend met him and she said he gives the best hugs out of anyone she’s ever met
You know what fuck Phan I'm stealing Phil for myself
“Hi do u have any philxreader fics” dats u
“I don't want the yang wang dang just the hugging”
Im fucking pissing myself im hilarious
I think my mom just heard that snort
Im literally laughing so hard and my dogs started barking bc of it christ i need sleep
Jesus Christ has very little to do with this conversation, trust me ;)))))))))))))
I hope he isn’t too mad that i started involving him in our crimes
We’re all going to hell anyway, what's one more crime really
Imagine if jesus went to hell with us JESUS READS TOO MUCH GAY PORN
“So what was your punishment?”
“I liked sucking cocks too”
“Same. Only bros?”
“True bros swallowed. Dat was me.”
Jeezy wheezy (sry i cant type wow) thats amazing and i had something to say but i dont REMEMBER
They say losing your memory this early means you're definitely screwed and damned to hell
I mean we already knew i was going to hell so whats the difference
I've spent my evening reading gay porn stars AU instead of studying that ship has sailed
Porn star aus are the best thing ever no ragerts
“Ragerts”-Rachel, 2016
The sin has clouded your thoughts
Im gonna get that tattooed on me “no ragerts”
You can say not only were you extremely drunk when you got it you were also drunk when you thought it up. A win win
“How did you get that tattoo??” “Well im always drunk man”
“Drunk on gay smut and memes”
I read too much about bros swallowing loads
You need to fire your autocorrect and get a better one
Im on my computer so looks like i just have to fire my brain
Our wordcount has upped significantly can we just keep this here. “Now presenting a short intermission from your writers”
Oh my god when we upload the last chapter (whenever the fuck that will be jesus christ what are we doing with this story) we should post this
Imagine the day when our inboxes will no longer be filled with messages of “WHEN THE FUCK IS THE NEXT CHAPTER OF YLAFD GOING TO BE UP??????”
That’s the day that the earth will truly implode
See the real question is who’s going to store all these screenshots on their camera roll? Forfeit those sick GBs
I can screenshot them on my computer hahaha
Way to ruin the moment Rachel wooooooow :(((((((( That was so low not even Dan could recover (get it because he’s a bottom? I'm so tired smh)
Sorry bro (*insert lenny face here bc im too lazy to do that*) i hope dans proud of me
He knows it's just about bros doing bro things I'm sure he’d fully endorse our fics. (And let’s be honest, I'll bet you one hundred dollars this hasn't happened to him at least once)
Oh him and phil have d e f i n i t el I GIVE UP fucked
Which will come out first? Dan Howell or Sherlock’s next season? YO MAMA’S SO FAT BY THE TIME SHE TURNS AROUND DAN HOWELL CAME OUT!!!!!1!
JESUS CHriST “How many licks does it take for dan howell to come out?” “The world may never know”
Oh he’ll be coming all right *insert lenny face*
╚═( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)═╝╚═(███)═╝╚═(███)═╝.╚═(███)═╝..╚═(███)═╝…╚═(███)═╝…╚═(███)═╝..╚═(███)═╝.╚═(███)═╝╚═(███)═╝.╚═(███)═╝..╚═(███)═╝…╚═(███)═╝…╚═(███)═╝…..╚(███)╝……╚(██)╝………(█)……….*
WHAT THE FUCK MAKILA NO the human centipede lol
ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ POOP
Ur enjoying urself aren’t u
FIGHT ME (ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง (what? I don't have an entire wall of lenny’s saved to my notes for this very purpose that would be ridiculous haha ha ha ha…)
Usually when i use a lenny face i go back and copy it from one of my friend’s text messages so ALL THE JUDGEMENT HERE UR FIRED
( ͡°╭͜ʖ╮͡° )ᕤ holy shit we broke 14k yay us #rakilaftwrioolymipcs2k16
(ʘ‿ʘ✿) we literally broke 14k because we wrote an entire essay about how much of a meme we are (why is this a different color text wtf)
All better. The perfectionist in me is satisfied.
Im proud of you makkypoo
JUST U MACKLEMORE (i think im so funny)
Macklemore I'm dying (right and Phil’s dating Dan. Oh wait)
I think your nickname is no longer makila but instead macklemore
Once we release these screenshots it will be THANKS RACHEL UR FIRED NOW
BUT ): A KOUHAI CANT HIRE THEIR SENPAIIIIIIII (also i hope you start getting messages about macklemore now)
WOW I FEEL SO LOVED :,(((((((((( a single man tear
A man tear… like uh i dont have a fucking comeback im So TIRED LIKE UR MUMS MAN TEAR
Cuz we all know dan thinks every man tear is attractive rip to dan’s heart (and his sexuality)
“Here lies Dan’s heterosexuality and heteronormativity. It will be sorely--screw it no it won't.”
Dan’s heterosexuality&heteronormativity,,, June 10, 1991 - Today (what is today) August 20, 2016
“We gather to celebrate with smut and Lenny human centipedes.” I need sleep so badly right now smh I'm dead tomorrow
GO TO SLEEP (honestly i do too i have to wake up early to move back to uni rip)
I will if you do. A bro pact. (A broct? Pacbro?)
Just… stop right there LOL lets form a broct(?) and just brosleep it out
I hope Phil brohugs you bro
Thanks bro i hope phil brocuddles u my dude, my bro
Aw you mean it bro? U r always there for me, man, I luv u u r like a brother to me, bro
Bro… oh my god bro, that’s the broest thing anyones ever said to me… i love u bro.. Like bromantically
Not as much as I platonically 110% heterosexually love u bro. Just bromo tho no homo
That’s the new phrase of this fic “just bromo, no homo”
*deletes summary and changes it to that* seriously why aren't we sleeping GO TO BED RAKILA
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