#i made him go a little feral i just love mind games he kinda drives Schlatt to insanity
anigodd · 4 years
The Deal
Here it is, the crossover I said I would do like 3 weeks ago. Sorry about that. anyway, first and foremost, I’m a Captainsparklez stan, so he is the main character. Also, if you don’t know anything about Mianite, this aint for you, sorry. 
Let’s get started! It’s super long, but enjoy!
Jordan would not consider himself a cruel man, but when he saw that children, especially Tubbo, were being forced to fight in a war? Well, if he made a seemingly harmless deal with JSchlatt in order to...persuade him to end the war, then that was his own decision to justify. After all, what was a war without a little bit of psychological torture?
Most of the time, people forget that Jordan, better known as Captainsparklez or just The Captain, was old. I don’t mean in his 40s or 50s, I mean thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of years old. He’s fought for balance for as long as his lady had accepted him as her Champion millennia ago. Most don’t know simply because they don’t ask.
Most of the time, people forget that he is not entirely human. He’s immortal—it come with the job description—and has spent so much time in the End that it was bound to affect him eventually. His Lady, ever the one to always worry about him, changed him ever so slightly so that he was not susceptible to most human weaknesses: he didn’t need to sleep as much, better stamina, strength, etc. He complained that she did not have to do that, to save her power for something more important than him, but she stared him straight in his eyes and said with such conviction and with such sadness in her eyes that he was stunned,
“You are the most important thing to me, Jordan. Please, never forget that.”
He never did.
Most of the time, people forget that Jordan was dangerous. You don’t remain the Champion of the Goddess of Balance without having a few perks, nor do you simply kill a god and not absorb some of their power. In his dreams, he could see snippets of the future, not like his Lady, but just enough to influence his actions in wars or in everyday life to help maintain balance. Jordan could feel a deep ache in his soul when balance was disrupted. He can travel to and fro from the end without the need for a portal—he teleported like an enderman (he wouldn’t stop scaring Tom with this new-found power for days). He knew how to use a bit of magic, some was taught to him by the Ianite in Ruxomar. Just simple spells, such as small barriers or being able to communicate with endermen. He really had to hone his magic at some point. What was most interesting was his control over some of the Darkness’ domain. He never figured that he gained a little bit of something from killing World Historian all those years ago, he just thought he was mentally prepared for the next years to come.
Turns out he was wrong again.
The Darkness, before their final battle, had brought this to his attention. The deity would always poke into his head and whisper to him, but Jordan would push him out of his head when it got too much for him. After a few times, the Darkness said that Jordan had more power over his mind than he thought. The deity’s voice sounded intrigued by this development and soon worked harder to get Jordan on his side to no avail. However, what the Darkness said lingered in the back of his mind until one day, after the war, his Lady brought it up.
They were quietly sitting in her temple in the End when she spoke.
“Captain, I don’t want to pry, but I know that you’ve been thinking about what the Darkness told you and, if you wanted, I could help you control it?” She hesitantly offered. Jordan froze.
The Darkness told him a lot of things. He promised him weapons of infinite power, nights of peaceful rest, a break from the voices in his mind—a break from fighting. He promised him a peaceful life if he joined him. The Captain composed himself but stopped.
‘Control what?’ he thought. Now he was confused. It must have shown on his face because a smile blossomed on Ianite’s face.
“I wanted to teach you how to control your mind. The Darkness noticed you were able to block him from your mind. That does not come from years of experience, Captain. It’s more of a gift...or perhaps a curse. This power is why, when I was being influenced, I was unable to communicate with you,” she explained.
“Unable to talk to me? Why? I never intentionally pushed you away,” Jordan questioned. He would never ignore his Lady, even if she wasn’t really herself.
She chuckled. “I know you wouldn’t, Jordan. Thank you for that. What I mean is that you subconsciously blocked out all influences if the Darkness, including me.”
She watched as his eyes widened, but he nodded slowly in understanding. He waited for her to continue before he asked his questions; she could feel his curiosity.
“I could either help you control and develop this power, or you could leave it as a sort of unconscious barrier for your mind. There are many aspects that come with this gift, not just protection for yourself. If you wish, we could start immediately?” Ianite inquired.
She hoped he accepted. The Captain was like a son to her and it would mean the world to Ianite if she could finally teach him something as a mother would teach her son to ride a bike. She wanted to see him grow into his power and watch with pride as he mastered magic. Yes, she hoped he would accept.
Ianite watched as he thought about it. He stared at her. She could see his burning curiosity and the look of hope on her face. The truth was, the Captain craved knowledge more than power. He wanted to know anything and everything that he could, and this was something he wanted to learn. It may come in handy in the future.
He nodded. “When do you want to start, M’lady?” he asked with a smile.
She grinned. “We can start immediately.”
Oh, she couldn’t wait to see what he would become. No matter what, she would be proud.
—————— Nobody knew the extent of Jordan’s power or what he was trained to do. Rumors spread of the great hero who learned how to harness old magic from the teachings of the Goddess herself. Others say he went mad with power and tormented her with visions of destruction. Some say he does not look human anymore. Some say he guards her temple in the End and is still loyal to her thousands of years later. Others say he got to live his life in peace after training.
Some of those rumors are true. After all, all myths come from a seed of truth. Nowadays, though, The Captain does live in relative peace. He gets to participate in tournaments, such as the newest one called Minecraft Championship, where he really just plays for fun. He never got to make friends or have fun for his years under the gods, but the Universe has calmed down and his Lady wanted to see him have fun and socialize.
Most of them recognized him or had heard of him. He was always so uncomfortable with attention or praise but thankfully—THANKFULLY—their starry-eyed looks stopped after a while. Unless, of course, he said something that they recognized as one of his catchphrases all hell broke loose but...well...it was pretty funny to watch them yell and laugh good-naturedly when he said something like that.
Some asked him a million questions about his life or his adventures, especially this...child? His name was Tubbo and, apparently, Jordan was his role-model. He was flattered and a bit flustered. Most people that came up to him were older than 16 and usually asked about his fighting tactics or the wars he fought in. But this kid asked about none of those. Tubbo was the nicest kid he had ever met and tried to give him the best answers that he could, even if the were a little vague at some points—he didn’t want to scar the boy.
Tubbo didn’t seem to care. He always stared at him with the most excited smile and genuinely interested expression that he nearly cries thinking about it. Only a few people look at him so kindly it hurts. Tubbo is always bursting with questions and the Captain is always happy to answer. It became a thing for Tubbo to follow him around, prompting Jordan to call him ‘duckling’ in his mind.
He has started to become a bit worried about Tubbo and his loud friend, Tommy, though. The two are usually so boisterous and loud that it was hard to miss them. Nowadays, when he sees them, the two teens are more subdued and they look....exhausted. He’s seen that look. He knows they are fighting a war they cannot win.
Jordan knows he has to put an end to the fighting. If not for Tubbo, then for his own peace of mind. He finds Jschlatt on his own private server and strikes a sort of a deal with the man.
His smile is ice and his eyes are as dark as the Void when they shake hands. Purple tendrils and sparks emerge from their handshake, giving Jordan access to Jschlatt’s every move. The magic let Schlatt know that there was no backing out of this deal.
Their souls were intertwined until the deal was done. —————— Nobody knew that Jordan was a deal maker. Not that he did it much in the first place—there wasn’t anything that he wanted from others and he hated exercising his power over others.
This time, however, was an exception.
He knew what Schlatt had done to Tubbo and the others on Dream’s SMP. He knew that they were hurting. He hated seeing families torn apart and children being forced to grow up and fight. They should’ve had a childhood. They shouldn’t have to be forced into a war, and for what? Power? Glory? Honor? No honorable soldier would endorse using children to fight. No honorable leader or nation would do so either.
He noticed the shadows on the walls growing and harmful magic beginning to swarm around him.
Jordan heaved a sigh. He had to calm down before he did anything he would regret. He looked back at Schlatt from where he was hidden in the shadows. The hybrid was sat at his desk in the White House, languidly drinking from a glass as if there was no war going on; as if he isn’t responsible for the suffering going on in his lands.
He gave Schlatt two weeks to fulfill his end of the deal before Jordan fulfilled his end, but it doesn’t seem like Schlatt was even slightly worried about their agreement.
The Captain watched as he filled out paperwork and discarded peace treaties or ideas for that may improve Manburg. The lack of care for his nation made Jordan’s blood boil.
How careless.
How cruel.
How sickening. —————
Most know that Jordan, at his core, is kind-hearted and humble. He would never attack without a reason, but even before then, he would try to negotiate. It’s why he has been the Champion of Balance for so long: it’s in his nature.
That being said, Jordan is not a cruel or sadistic man. But to him, this deal was important to him. It would bring peace and protection to those in Dream’s land. They have been fighting for too long and are beginning to lose themselves. It had to be stopped.
As another few days went by, and soon, with 5 days left for Schlatt to fulfill his end of the deal, Jordan knew he had to give a bit of an....incentive to Schlatt.
He smiled. While he hated using his powers over the mind, now looked like a good time for some practice. The Captain waited until Schlatt was asleep to enter his mind. Since their souls were intertwined because of the deal, his plan was much simpler. His eyes glowed a deep purple.
After all, what was a little bit of psychological torture on one person if it benefitted the masses?
The Captain left the man to sleep. He had a feeling he’s be hearing from Schlatt in the next few days. And maybe, if Schlatt heard clocks ticking a bit louder than normal and seemed to echo in his mind, well, that was for Jordan to know, wasn’t it? ————————
Schlatt woke up with a killer headache and an unsettling feeling. The hairs on the back if his neck stood up and his shoulders tensed. Was he being watched? He looked around his room with a steady gaze. The room was quiet save for the birds outside and his clock. Had it always been that loud?
No matter. He couldn’t see anyone but that didn’t mean he was safe. Maybe he should have Tubbo stay by his side for the day until his paranoia passed?
Something caught his eye. He could have sworn he saw the shadows grow in his room after that thought. He shrugged to himself. He definitely needed more sleep if he was starting to see shadow demons.
He took a deep breath and began to get ready for the day. He had paperwork to do and meetings to plan. If Manburg were to be under his rule, there had to be a few new....rules put into place.
‘Yes,’ he smiled. ‘New regulations wouldn’t hurt anybody.’
He walked down the hallways of the White House quicker than he usually does. Why does he feel like someone was watching him? Was Pogtopia planning an attack? The thought made him snort.
‘Right, like they could plan a decent attack,’ he thought.
When he looked outside to where the seats in front of the podium were located, he didn’t see a nice grassy field with a peaceful waterfall. Instead, he saw ashes falling from the sky like snow, a red haze filling the air, and fires burning with. The birds chirping distorted into echoed screams of agony. The podium was blown to bits and Tubbo...oh god....—
He blinked and the scenery reverted to normal.
“Sir?” a small voice asked from behind him.
Schlatt jumped and tried to control his breathing. When did he begin to hyperventilate? Why was he shaking?
He stared into the concerned and slightly wary eyes of Tubbo. Jesus, the kid was quiet.
He let out a breath and put his hand on his chest.
“Christ, Tubbo, you’re gonna give this old man a heart attack one day,” he tried to joke.
Tubbo cracked a small smile, but it didn’t reach his eyes.
“Are you alright, Schlatt? You were staring out at the lawn like someone died.” Tubbo said.
Schlatt froze. He did see someone dead. But it wasn’t a memory, what was it?
He looked at Tubbo and put his hand on the kid’s shoulder. Geez, he was just a kid, wasn’t he.
“Whatever happens, Tubbo, just know that it’s not your fault,” is all he said before walking into his office and closing the door. Tubbo was so confused, but Schlatt has done weirder and so he let it go. He wanted to see Tommy.
The clock in Schlatt’s office echoed in his mind as he worked. ——————
The one thing that Jordan hated was being mistaken for a kind-hearted fool.
He watched as Schlatt worked for another 3 days while enduring the visions of what may become of Manburg.
He watched as Schlatt ignored the shadows on the walls and the ticking of his clock.
He watched as Schlatt jumped in his seat when the whispers of the End began to echo in his ears.
He watched as Schlatt could not sleep for the rest of the 5 days.
He watched as the man slowly broke down. The visions kept him awake, the clocks were too loud, the whispers were in a language he couldn’t understand and the feeling of being watched drove him to the brink of insanity.
The others began to notice his quickly deteriorating health.
Schlatt had dark bags under his eyes that nearly looked like bruises. He was constantly looking over his shoulder and nearly broke all of the clocks in the White House. While talking to someone, his eyes always darted to the corners of the rooms. Most worryingly, he would just stare at something that looked normal, say an open field, and nearly put himself into a panic attack. The residents may not like him but they hated seeing anyone reduced to shambles. They tried to help him but all they get is incoherent mumbles or snippets of what may be Schlatt’s imagination.
Whatever it was, it had to stop.
The first time Wilbur heard of Schlatt’s health, he laughed. He laughed so hard he cried and couldn’t breath for at least 5 minutes. Tommy and Tubbo joined in, though their laughter was much weaker. The times after hearing about it, though, something changed in Wilbur. He could see how it was scaring Tubbo and at the rare times Niki visited, she expressed her genuine concerns over Schlatt.
“We may not like him too much, Wilbur, but you haven’t seen him. The poor man looks like he’s gonna run himself to his grave. We’re all worried about him,” is what she said to him when he asked why they were so concerned about him.
Wilbur wanted to see how Schlatt was fairing. Techno didn’t seem to care too much but he seemed interested in what happened to Schlatt.
“I’ll go along only because I wanna see what he looks like when he walks,” was Techno’s justification to visiting the White House. Okay then, Techno.
Tommy was coming along as well. He was practically dying from curiosity, but he also wanted to see Tubbo. Wilbur didn’t question his logic either.
However, they didn’t have to sneak into Manburg like they had planned to. They received an invitation to an SMP meeting in the community center in 3 hours. Everyone on the server had to attend, including Dream. This surprised Wilbur as he held the letter in his hands. Why would Dream have to attend if Schlatt was calling this meeting?
“Kinda sus of him, not gonna lie,” Techno said from behind him.
Wilbur hummed and turned around.
“Do you think we should go?”
Techno looked at him, practically expressionless. Wilbur stared back--- he was used to waiting for an answer.
“Tommy will complain for days if we don’t go, so yeah, we’re going,” is what Techno said eventually.
Wilbur sighed and crumpled the letter. He looked back at Techno, who was starting to head to the entrance of their ravine.
“Can you wait for Tommy and I before you go off and commit war crimes?” He joked.
Techno stopped.
Wilbur just laughed and went to fetch the blond gremlin from his room.
He just hoped this meeting didn’t go to shit. ———————— Schlatt felt like shit. He didn’t know what was happening to him or why but he just wanted it to stop.
Every corner he turned there was some depiction of an explosion or a massacre in that area. Quiet rooms were too loud with the whispers and the clocks. He kept the lights on at all times.
What was breaking him down the most was the constant feeling of being watched. Even with multiple people in the room, it was like a predator was watching its prey from afar. Waiting to pounce. He was at his wits end, but finally, hours before he called the SMP meeting, he got answers.
He was trying to do paperwork but was really just staring at the same paragraph for an hour. His mind was muddled and he couldn’t form a coherent thought.
He was so tired but every time he closed his eyes, it was another scene of death and destruction. He hands shook so badly that he had to put his pen down and place his head in his hands.
“You seem to be struggling, Schlatt,” a voice said from behind him. That feeling of being watched increased tenfold, causing Schlatt to tense and look behind him.
The Captain was standing in the corner of the room. The shadows obscured most of his figure but he could see his eyes—what happened to his eyes?—and his unnerving smile.
Schlatt tired to summon some of his dignity.
“Captain! Long time, no see. How’ve you been?”
Jordan’s expression didn’t change, but the room darkened a bit. Schlatt noticed.
“Have you been doing that? It’s been driving me nuts!” he angrily exclaimed.
Jordan cocked his head to the side.
“Have you forgotten about our deal, Schlatt?” Is all he asked. Why was his voice suddenly deeper? It rumbled in his ears and was vaguely threatening. His heart rate picked up and he had a feeling that Jordan was not just some guy he made a deal with.
He steeled his nerves. There is no way that Jordan is anything but human. He looked towards the Captain who was impossibly still with his creepy smile.
“No, I didn’t forget about it. I just....had better things to do,” was his defense. That apparently was the wrong answer.
Jordan was suddenly right in front of him, smile gone and eyes staring straight into him. Schlatt’s instincts immediately screamed ‘danger!’ and ‘run!’ but something was keeping him in place. He felt his heart pounding in his chest but he still couldn't move away. Purple eyes bored into his own. 
Jordan placed a deceptively gentle hand on his cheek.
“I don’t like being mistaken for a fool, Schlatt. We made this deal to benefit both of us, yet you exploit my charity,” he patronized. The power radiating from those words nearly had Schlatt tumbling to his knees but he stood firm.
“I’ll give you 24 hours, but,” his hand suddenly gripped his face tightly and forced Schlatt to look at him. What he saw terrified him.
“If you continue to fail to uphold your end of the deal, then, well,” he released his hold on Schlatt, “I hope you’ll be able to get used to the way your currently living,” he threatened. The Captain straightened and gave him yet another unnerving smile.
Out of nowhere, he summoned an intricate clock and began to wind it. It was a beautiful black with purple and gold accents. The outer design of the clock resembled...scales? At the center, there was an ender eye. The numbers weren’t exactly numbers but looked like writing one would find in an enchantment table. How in the hell did Jordan get a clock like this?
He finished winding the clock and Schlatt thought he was going to place it down on his desk. He was wrong once again. A deep purple aura surrounded the clock and it disappeared with a burst of particles. Unfortunately, he could still hear it ticking next to his ear.
“This should remind you of the limited time that you have,” he began to back away before he stopped and turned around with a thoughtful look on his face.
“I’m not a cruel man, JSchlatt. But I do believe in an eye for an eye. I hope you make the right decision,” he said, and he was gone in a flash of purple.
Schlatt shakily sat down—when had he stood up?—and began to draft a peace treaty for Manburg. The writing was shaky and nearly illegible, but it would have to do. Then, he called a meeting for all of SMP to attend.
He sat for 3 hours listening to the incessant ticking. It was becoming more and more distorted in his mind as the hours ticked by. ——————— Once everyone was seated at a round table in the community house, they all looked towards Schlatt for an explanation.
The atmosphere was tense, mainly from Wilbur and Tommy, while the rest tried to sit as comfortably as they could. Dream was practically lounging in his chair.
“So, Schlatt,” Wilbur practically spat his name, “what did you call this oh so important meeting for?” he asked and crossed his arms.
It was his first time seeing Schlatt since his exile and he felt...just a little bit of pity for him. His clothes were rumpled as if he had slept in them, his eyes were red—he looked about ready to fall asleep but always jerked awake at the last second. His eyes were darting to the corners of the room. Wilbur looked around but found nothing out of the ordinary. He could see the others glancing around the room as well, unnerved by Schlatt’s paranoia.
Schlatt, even though he was incredibly shaky and oh so tired, stood up. He was still the President, damn it. All eyes were on him as he cleared his throat.
“I have called this meeting to.....to....” he was having second thoughts. Did he really want to give up his power over Pogtopia and Manburg? He enjoyed the chaos and having control over everything. He wasn’t ready to give this up yet.
He saw the shadows move and the Captain manifested from the shadows. The ticking was nearly deafening. Jordan’s eyes were deadly, his smile nowhere to be found. He looked non-human without his glasses on.
Schlatt was so focused on his appearance that he missed when the Captain drew his sword—a near black blade that looked wickedly sharp. The handle was intricately carved with ancient spells and magic seals. Schlatt noticed too late that Jordan had heard his thoughts.
The Captain rushed at him with his sword raised and cold eyes boring into his soul. HIs smile was nearly feral as he charged. Schlatt shrieked and stumbled backwards into the wall and raised his hands to defend himself from the blows-
But nothing came.
He shakily looked around and noticed that the room was giving him nervous looks. Quakity and Niki were nearly out of their seats while Dream was sitting straight in his chair. Schlatt shakily let out a breath and began to stand.
“Schlatt...” Tubbo began but Schlatt waved him off.
“I’m fine, I’m fine. Just my imagination,” he easily lied.
Those in attendance saw right through this lie, but decided that once he begins talking, they may get an explanation.
Schlatt took a breath and tried to calm his racing heart. He was so tired. His whole body shook with adrenaline and exhaustion and, god, he just wanted to sleep but he couldn’t. Not with the state he was in now. The Captain’s words echoed in his mind: ‘I hope you can get used to this.’
Schlatt decided that he couldn’t live like this and made his decision. He sat down and took out the drafts of the peace treaty and set them on the table.
“The fuck’s all this?” Tommy quietly mutters while picking up a paper and scrutinizing it. But of course, Tommy’s version of quiet is still decently loud.
“It’s a peace treaty. If you read through this and sign, Manburg and Pogtopia will cease their fighting and hold another election. This time, however, two partied cannot combine their votes,” Schlatt explained. He saw the room looking at him with mixed reactions.
Some looked relieved that the fighting would be over, others were skeptical, and some looked elated at the chance to live peacefully again. Wilbur, however, was not convinced. He was looking at Schlatt skeptically while reading the treaty silently.
‘He’s looking for a loophole,’ was whispered in his ear. It took all of Schlatt’s willpower not to look to his left in fear of what he may see. He could hear the smile on the Captain’s face.
Finally, Wilbur spoke.
“And why should we believe that you would peacefully give up your power? We know that you love the fighting, the wars, the power,” his voice rose as he continued, “why should we trust anything you say?” he finished with a shout.
Wilbur was breathing heavily and glaring at Schlatt. The atmosphere became almost unbearably tense until Jordan finally decided to step in.
He had been silently watching from the shadows, making sure Schlatt stayed in check but also to make sure that the deal was completed. There was mistrust in the air, and to be honest, he was getting impatient. Jordan really wanted to get the treaty over with and go home, take a nap, and preferably not get up for three days.
“Schlatt’s telling the truth,” he says before he steps out of the shadows. He nearly chuckles at the bewildered looks he gets as he steps into view.
A very eager Tubbo is soon clinging to his waist and looking up at him with such relief that he does not regret even the smallest bit of what he’s done to Schlatt. He noticed the boy looked close to tears and was starting to bury his face into his coat.
Jordan placed a gentle hand on Tubbo’s head and he flinched. Oh, he was about to murder whoever hurt his boy. His Lady’s influence reminded him that no, no matter how much it would have been justified, he could not kill someone in this land. He took a deep breath and looked up.
“Does anyone have any questions or will you sign the contract?” he said more as a statement than a question. Tubbo’s arms tightened around his waist. Jordan should really ask him what’s been going on; he wanted to help him and Tommy in any way he could.
Dream, however, had a question.
“How did you get into my server? You’re not whitelisted and I know for a fact that Tubbo doesn’t have the admin power to invite you” Dream said, though he sounded a tad accusatory.
Did he not see what was going on in his server? Did he not care that people were being traumatized? Did he not care that they were losing hope?
The Captain chuckled. The sound caused everyone to shiver and for Schlatt to shrink in his seat. He noticed the clock had stopped ticking and his heart sunk. Fuck, was he too late?
“Dream,” the Captain took off his glasses and his whole visage changed.
His warm brown eyes were now a deep purple that held a small glow to them. His hair was impossibly dark—it looked like of you were put put your hand on it, it would sink right in like a shadow. The outside around his eyes were veins of crying obsidian, a stark contrast to his skin. His clothes floated almost as if he were in water and the pure power of magic that radiated from him was nearly stifling.
“I don’t need your permission to enter your lands when I feel that ethical and moral laws are being broken. I knew something was wrong when Tubbo stopped talking passionately about anything and everything. I knew something was wrong when those from here flinched and loud noises. And I knew something was wrong when you didn’t seem to care,” he spat.
He gently pulled Tubbo from around his waist and walked next to Schlatt. The air around him rippled like water and the shadows grew.
“Now,” he purred. “Schlatt and I made a bit of a deal. A peace treaty that stopped the fighting on these lands that also prohibited future wars in exchange for books on basic magic,” he explained.
The room listened intently.
“But,” he dramatically sighed and Schlatt tried to make himself as small as possible.
“Schlatt here didn’t feel like adhering to our deal very much, so I gave him a bit of incentive,” he stopped there and looked at the room as if that explained everything.
“What does that have to do with my lands?” Dream asked.
Jordan paused. How could he say this as delicately as possible? He sighed and cleaned his glasses in his coat.
“You have to understand that I’m not a cruel man, but I hate being mistaken for a fool. I told Schlatt this when he had five days remaining to complete his end of the deal. If you remember, he may have started acting a bit...differently?” he began.
Niki gasped.
“You were doing that to him? Making him go nearly insane?!” she exclaimed. While she may not like Schlatt, that was cruel of him.
“Yeah, we were really worried for him. What did you do to him, man?” Quakity asked. He was really not liking this side of the Captain.
“I think it was perfectly reasonable, especially when the lives of children were on the line. Honestly, you all should be ashamed of yourselves. Making children fight—who does that?!” he angrily exclaimed.
“They wanted to fight!” Wilbur defended.
Jordan’s dark eyes rounded on him and while he would never admit it, Wilbur was terrified. There was such resentment and disgust in his expression that he almost regretted the war. Almost.
“Have you ever once asked then what they wanted? You’re living in a hole for my goddesses’ sake! Tommy looks like he hasn’t eaten in days and Tubbo is on the brink of tears! Are you so blinded by greed that you can’t see you’re hurting them?” his voice rose as he pointed out the obvious states of the teens.
Tommy was so conflicted. He wanted to defend himself and Wilbur, but he was intimidated by the Captain. He usually never cared for being weaker than other people, but he felt if he used his usual snark he’d be vaporized or something. He looked to Tubbo. His best friend was struggling to keep his emotions in check ever since the Captain arrived, but he knew Tubbo adored the man to high heaven. If Tubbo trusted the Captain’s judgement, then so would he.
Wilbur hadn’t spoken yet, so he did.
“Wil,” he began quietly.
Wilbur turned towards the blond. He hoped he wouldn’t say anything that would confirm what Jordan said.
“Yes, Tommy?” wilbur sounded near accusatory.
The teen but his lip and looked towards Techno, who sat next to him. The pink haired man gave him a subtle nod to continue.
Tommy let put a deep breath. Techno was always right, wasn’t he.
“I.....I want to go home,” he admitted.
Wilbur was shocked. Go home? Why? They were fighting for their country back and Tommy wanted to go home?
“Why would you want to go home, Tommy? I’m so close to getting L’manburg back! If we could just-“
“I don’t want to fight anymore!” he cried. The room went silent.
“I don’t want to fight, Wil....” he said again in a small voice.
Wilbur didn’t know what to say. He couldn’t tell if he was angry or heartbroken at Tommy’s admission. He didn’t want to fight?
“We can go home if you want, Tommy. Just let me call Phil and we can head over once the meeting is done,” Techno said softly.
Tommy nearly cried in relief. He would get to see Phil again and sleep in a proper bed in a comfy house. He hugged Techno tightly, not caring if it ruined his alpha male reputation.
“Thanks, Techno,” he shakily said.
Tommy looked towards Tubbo.
“Do you want to come along, Big T?” he asked with a small smile.
Tubbo hesitated. He wanted to go with Tommy, he really did, but he just felt...safer with the Captain. Jordan must have sensed his conflict because he immediately changed the conversation.
“So,” he drawled and garnered everyone’s attention, “will you sign or subject Schlatt to some more mind games for the rest of his life?” he asked. It wasn’t a threat, but they knew a promise when they saw one.
“How do we know that you’ll continue to pester Schlatt and not just leave him be?” Quakity asked.
“Please, no, just sign the treaty! He’s legit, he’ll keep going!” Schlatt begged.
He was right, Jordan would have to keep this up if the deal wasn’t finished.
“He’s right. The deal wasn’t just a simple handshake. Our souls are temporarily connected until the deal is completed. Until then, I have power over him,” he revealed.
Quakity’s mouth formed an ‘O’ and immediately signed the treaty. Schlatt nearly sobbed in relief. He knew there was a reason Quakity was in his cabinet.
He passed the treaty to his left and it soon traveled all around the table until it got to Wilbur. He glared at the treaty, then at Schlatt.
“If this is a joke, I’ll kill you myself,” he warned.
Schlatt gave a shaky smile.
“Believe me, I’m really not joking about this.”
Wilbur stared at him a bit longer before signing and passing the paper on. It finally reached Schlatt.
He was about to sign when a pen was in front of his face. He looked at the Captain in confusion.
“This pen will help end the deal. It’s all magicy and stuff, pretty swick,” he explained with a less menacing smile.
Schlatt instantly took the pen and signed his name. The ink glowed red and blue before fading. Schlatt slumped in his seat, unconscious. Some panicked and went to check on him but Jordan stopped them.
“He’s fine, just overtired. He’ll wake up in a day or two with a completely restored mindset,” he soothed.
They nodded but still picked him up and took him to a room with a bed so he could at least rest comfortably.
Jordan clapped his hands together and smile happily.
“Welp, I think that settles everything for today! Unless you have any questions, you guys are good to leave,” he cheerily said.
Some immediately left while others took their time leaving. Niki hugged Tubbo and Tommy before leaving while Techno left to wait outside for Tommy. Wilbur, Tubbo, Tommy, and Jordan were the only ones left in the room.
It seemed like nobody would talk first, so Jordan took a seat next to Tubbo.
“You can go with Tommy, if you want Tubbo. I won’t be offended,” he softly offered.
Tubbo glanced unsurely between Tommy and Jordan.
“Could I...speak with Tommy in private? Please?” he asked.
Jordan nodded and motioned for Wilbur to follow him outside. The brunet hesitated, but with a stern glance he was leaving the room.
Tommy and Tubbo sat in tense silence before they spoke.
The tension broke as they laughed with each other. Tommy began before Tubbo could say anything.
“Do you not want to come with me and Phil?” he hesitantly asked. There was an undertone of hurt but Tommy was trying to understand. This was Tubbo, and he trusted Tubbo.
Said best friend looked away as he fidgeted with his fingers and sighed. Tommy felt his chest tighten.
“Come on, just say what you want. I’m a man!” he joked, but it fell a little flat.
Tubbo looked at him.
“It’s nothing against you, Tommy, or-or even Techno or Phil, but, I just....I dunno, I feel....safer? I guess? With the Captain cuz he’s just great and he listens really well and you know how I get sometimes but-“
“Big T you don’t have to defend him,” Tommy cuts him off. It’s not often that Tommy is serious, but he was now.
“I want you to be happy, Tubbo. If you feel safer with the Captain than with us, I guess that’s ok. Just don’t forget about me, yeah? I’ll fucking kill ya, bitch,” he admitted.
Tubbo felt incredibly guilty for leaving his best friend, but he wasn’t staying with the Captain for weeks! Maybe just a few days. He said none of those though and settled for a hug. He buried his face into his friend’s neck and felt Tommy clutch at his shirt.
“Thank you, Tommy, for understanding,” he quietly said.
“No problem, Big T.”
They stayed like that until there was knocking at the door. Jordan popped in with an apologetic look.
“Just wanted to check in. Techno is getting antsy and Wilbur looks ready to demonetize something,” he said to the teens.
Tommy and Tubbo got up from their seats and headed to the door when Jordan stopped them. They looked at the man questioningly but he held no malice on his face. Instead, he was looking at them with some form of understanding.
“Tubbo, whenever you want to visit Tommy, just tell me and I’ll make a portal to Phil’s place. I know you’ll miss him,” he said softly.
Tubbo’s eyes widened and he looked towards Tommy with the biggest smile that the blond couldn’t help but smile back. Tubbo tackled Jordan in a hug.
“Thank you, Captain! Thank you so much!” he exclaimed.
Tommy rubbed the back of his neck and stood a bit awkwardly, “Yeah, thanks.”
Jordan smiled. “Of course.”
There was shouting from outside.
“I think Phil is finally here,” Jordan said.
They peeked outside the room and saw Phil hitting Wilbur with his sandal and the desperate attempts to deflect by Wilbur. Techno was cackling while taking screenshots.
Jordan turned to Tommy.
“I think they’re ready to take you home. Take care, kid,” he said as he nudged Tommy towards the group.
Tommy looked towards Tubbo and they shook hands.
“See you in a few, Big T.”
“As always, Tommy.”
They watched as he ran towards Techno and began to take screenshots as well with a growing smile on his face. His signature loud laugh seemed to brighten the area. Tubbo watched fondly for a bit before Jordan’s hand was on his shoulder. He looked up at Jordan who stared at him with a soft smile.
“Let’s go home, Tubbo. M’lady is eager to meet you,” he said. 
Tubbo immediately lit up.
“Does she like bees?! Could you teach me how to do cool magic stuff too?!” he excitedly asked.
Jordan laughed as he made a portal and stepped through with Tubbo.
There are many rumors surrounding the legendary Captain, but there are a few things for certain.
Even the most kind-hearted people can be cruel, and they can enjoy their own cruelty.
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ryvgvji · 4 years
Can you do the banning sex for 3 weeks thing with haikyuu characters tendou and anyone else🥰 please and thank you if you actually do it
yessir! i can! hope you enjoy
(apologies for any grammar errors. and sorry if this is sloppy. and the late answer 😅 <3)
✰ characters: Tendou Satori, Kuroo Tetsuro, Sawamura Daichi, Oikawa Tooru
✰ their reaction to being banned from sex for three weeks
Tendou Satori
Tendou, Tendou, Tendou
he probably, mostly likely end up in the situation because he thought it would be a good idea to play a prank on you
he thought the prank was harmless but you were ready to go to jail
you had went out for the day with your friends to get dolled up by them as a treat
they brought you to get hair, nails and makeup done. they even bought you some new clothes
now for you to come home and walk through your front door, you weren’t expecting to have water get dumped on your head
mouth agape you saw your red hair boyfriend peeping around the corner with his hand over his mouth doubled over laughing 
“what the actual fuck Tendou!!” you yelled at your boyfriend who was still laughing. your hair that you had just gotten done was now wet and so was your clothes as well as the bag of more clothes in your hands. not to mention the water was freezing cold. oh how you wanted to beat the living shit out of him. 
you placed the soaked bags down on the ground taking off your shoes placing on the shoe rack. you walk in the direction of your boyfriend who watched you as he wiped the tear from his eye. walking straight past him you shoved his arm that he tried to touch you with, continuing on your journey to the bathroom. once you got to the bathroom, you started striping from your clothes. as turn around you see Tendou leaning against the door frame with his hands in his pockets eyeing you up and down. as he reached out to touch you, you slapped his hand away. “don’t touch me.” you said sternly. “come on beautiful, don’t be like that please.” he whine. his reaches out again, wrapping his arms around you nuzzling his face in your neck.
you sighed unraveling his arms from around your waist. “no Tendou, i’m still mad at you. you got my clothes and hair wet. you don’t do that shit bruh.” you shake your head. “beautiful it was prank i’m sorry.” he sighed. you shrugged, “i don’t care. because of you little prank, you just earned yourself no sex.” you said nonchalant. you heard him choke. “what?” “yeah no sex, for three weeks.” he pouted. “babe, you know that i won’t last.” you sarcastically gasped at him. “oh no, what every shall we do.” you rolled your eyes. “that sounds like a you problem.” you laughed. you pushed him out the bathroom getting ready to shower. “bye~”
as the weeks went by, Tendou could feel himself slowly dying. with you constantly walking around the house in teasing wardrobes, you were making it very hard for him to function properly. he would would try and touch sometime while your not looking but you’d always catch him somehow. now that it was the final day of his punishment he decided that we was gonna make it up to you by taking you out on a nice, lovely date before bring you back home and having his way with you. once back in the comfort of your shared house, he dashes to the bedroom with you in his arms. “let me treat you right tonight beautiful.” 
Kuroo Tetsuro
let’s just say the when it comes to being a tease, Kuroo is your guy
you and him went out to a restaurant
the whole night Kuroo has been eyeing you like a predator would with their prey  
he coots his chair closer to you resting his hand atop of your thigh
just then the waiter comes to serve you 
he would trace circles over your skin, moving further and further up until he got to his most prized possession
he’d slyly massage you through the fabric of the clothing you were wearing as you spoke to the waiter, breathing a bit heavy
you accidentally out a moan when he slid your panties to the side dipping a finger inside of you. this made the waiter look at you with a confused expression
“i cant believe you did that.” you hissed at your boyfriend in the car. he had embarrassed you in front of the waiter that served you two at the restaurant. now your all hot and flustered and it’s all because of that handsome devil of a man that was seated in the drivers seat with his hand laid on your thigh. oh, two can definitely play that game.
when you two finally arrived at the house you waste no time on pushing over to the couch. you straddle his waist taking off the shirt that he wore along with your own before placing a heated kiss to his lips. his hands found themselves on your ass giving it light squeezes. pulling away, you reach up and undo your bra taking it off and throwing it somewhere. “damn..” he breathes out. you lean in sucking lightly on his neck, grazing your teeth over his pulse. he makes a low groan pulling you plush against him. you reach behind you for his hands as you whisper in his ear, “because you teased me at the restaurant, now you suffer babe.” you look him in the eyes. “no sex for three weeks.” you pecked his lips getting off his lap, picking up your clothes and walking away.
for the next week, Kuroo was losing his mind. he craved for you, all of you. he wanted to touch you, make love with you, show you who you belong to and that you were only his. and with your personality, you weren’t making it any easier. it killed him everytime you’d walk by and tease him by swaying your hips or make suggestive remarks. he was about to risk it all. as the last day of his punishment came to an end, once he got home from work he took a shower and immediately went to the bedroom to see you. although you were sleeping, that didn’t stop him. he would kiss up and down your body leaving love bites in his wake as well until you woke up. “your up. i think it’s time for you punishment now, gorgeous.”
Daichi Sawamura
you and Daichi were invite to a party that was being held by a close friend
at the party many games and drinks were being done
you’ve done everything from taking a shot to body shots with Daichi
to close down the night, the last game you played was beer pingpong
it was you against Daichi , and to make it more interesting you made a bet
“if i win this, i have something in mind for you.” you smirked picking up your last ball. Daichi smiles and crossed his arm, “what if you don’t?” “then i do whatever you want baby.” you say as you spoke a seductive tone towards your boyfriend.
aiming for the last cup on Daichi’s sides, you threw a ping pong ball. it bounced off the table into the cup. you wooed as everybody clapped and cheered. walking over to opposite side of the table where Daichi was, you wrapped your arms around his neck placed a light kiss to his lips. “prepare yourself baby,” you leaned in to whisper “no sex for three weeks.” you could have sworn that you could feel Daichi’s body tense up. you just smile before walking away from him.
as days went by, everything was fine. Daichi was really just chillin’, he wasn’t really fazed by it. he didn’t really care much for sex but there were times were he wanted to just pick you up and go to the bedroom. he had to keep his composure. after the second week, that’s when he started to yearn for you. he wouldn’t say anything to you but you could tell. so you teased him. in any possible way that you could think of. on the final day of this bet, Daichi seemed calm, chill if you would say. once night hits, he goes absolutely feral. he wants what’s his and he’s gonna have it. he will take care of you. “are you ready bambi?”
Oikawa Tooru
Oikawa having a flirtatious personality wasn’t a problem for you
if it wasn’t direct towards you , you were ready to fight
at one of his volleyball games a group of girls came up to him saying how hot he was and how they would love to take him on a date
this of course got you a bit upset but you know your boyfriend wouldn’t do that to you
oh boy were you wrong
he had the audacity to flirt back and say “i would love to go on a date” and wink at them
you immediately walked over to them and dragged oikawa by his ear away from the girls
“are you dumb?” you questioned Oikawa. he was kinda taken back from the way you said it. he clutched his chest and looked at you with a supposed hurt expression. “well that isn’t a very nice way to talk to your boyfriend.” was this boy for real? you could almost fuck the boy up right now. “nice my ass.” you rolled your eyes and kissed your teeth. he chuckled. “your very funny y/n-chan and that’s why i love you.” he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you onto his lap. “you are fucking amazing lil cutie.” he leaned in and attempted to kiss you but before he could you put your hands to his lips. “nope,” you started. “since you wanna be flirting, you could go talk to wanna your hoes. cause i ain’t with it.” you got off his lap. “oh and before i forget, no sex for you for three weeks.” you say as you walk away somewhere in the house
Oikawa had no idea what to do. this was the first time that you’ve ever put him on punishment, well let’s real here, there has been a couple of times that you punished him before, but never like this. it’s never been this extreme. this was driving him mad. honestly, he has just been a horny bastard the entire time and he just could not keep his hands to himself. slapping your ass, kissing your neck, anything to get you to give in and let him have his way with you. but your not that easy. as the last day of punishment rolls around, he doesn’t wait. he can’t wait. immediately, your woken from your sleep by the feeling of someone kissing on your inner thighs. when you look down your greeted by dark brown eyes looking up at you. “now, now, i’ve been waiting, if not very patiently. so i believe that i earned myself a reward. so come here, you lil cutie.”
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ff-imagines · 3 years
Oh snap you're opened. Welcome back! Can you please do the nsfw alphabet for peking duck? I really like your writing!
Peking duck: nsfw alphabet
Tumblr media
Minors dni xoxo
A - aftercare
The best at it, honestly. Might seriously cry a little afterwards lmao. You don’t have to ask for anything because he’s already thought ahead and is shoving everything you could need your way. It might get a little ridiculous with how careful he is with you, he doesn’t mean to baby you, he’s just terrified of hurting you. If you’re sore at all he feels incredibly guilty, even if there is a tiny part of him that twinges in pride when you remind him you’d asked for a rough treatment and, well, he’ll be damned if he doesn’t give you exactly what you asked so nicely for.
B - body part
Of yours, it’s more a question of what he doesn't like. If he had to make a choice, he’d say your stomach. It’s good to lay his head on it, and it’s one of the softest parts of your body so it’s nice and warm. He’d die before he admitted it but some nights he goes a bit harsher than usual, splaying his hand across your stomach and feeling how deep his cock is inside you as he thrusts- it drives him insane really.
He also loves your hands, always wants to be holding you hand, especaily during sex. Will pin you down in a loving way by lacing his fingers with yours above your head.
On himself? Definitely his hair. Playing with his hair and giving him a scalp massage makes him feel some type of way. Sit in his lap while you run your nails across his scalp and he’ll bury his nose in the crook of your neck and moan for you, whatever happens next is up to you babes xoxo
C - cum
It’s not a crazy amount but it’s pretty thick. You can’t tell me he doesn’t have a big ass breeding kink. What can he say, Peking Dad is a family man! Just the thought of cumming deep inside you has him thrusting all that harder. Beg him to cum inside you, I dare you. You’ll see a side to him that’s much more feral than you’ve ever seen this sweet man. Would 100% cum inside and buck into you just a bit longer to fuck any cum that’s slipped past his cock back inside you.
D - dirty secret
He wants to take pictures of you while in your blissed out state. He loves you so stupidly much, he’s already got tons and tons of pictures of you going about your daily life. He’s the type to see a cat asleep and go “what a rare moment I must capture it forever” and that stays true with his beloved. If you’d let him, he’d love to make some… home videos with you, ones he’d definitely come back to rewatch to the point where your whines are committed to memory like the lyrics to his favourite song.
E - experience
I’d say he’s not a green bean with sex. I don’t think he’s been around the block either. He’s probably opened up such intimacy with a few others before just to test the waters, but hasn’t really felt passionate about opening that part of himself back up for quite some time. He’d most likely fumble a bit to begin with as he recalls the motions.
F - favorite position
Whatever yours is! He’s the definition of a true switch, let him soft dom you or treat him how you like, it’s up to you!
If he had to pick, he’s most likely a sucker for when you’re on his lap. No matter if he’s in charge or not, he just loves to look up and see the way your face scrunches when he bucks and hits that one spot inside you that makes your mind vacate.
G - goofy
Not…. Really? He’s accidentally goofy by saying something super out of place during intimate moments or by fretting over something you wouldn’t even think to be worried over. You could have his cock buried so deep in your insides will feel like they’ve molded to the shape of his dick and he’d stop and ask if you remembered to turn the oven off lmao
H- hair
On himself he mostly trims to keep it simple but like, that’s it. He’s got a light happy trail that he doesn’t really trim since it’s not that thick, it doesn’t really bother him.
On you, he literally doesn’t care. Shave or don’t, he’s your personal cheerleader either way.
I- intimacy
It’s his expertise, your honour! He lives to be closer to you, learn more about your desires, what makes you happiest, please let him treat you good, he adores you so much, and precious things get treated like royalty in his hands. He commits your body and reactions to memory, almost like he’s taken a photograph of every single touch- and like I said….. if you let him…. he would take pictures ;)
J- jerk off
You’d think he’d only do it occasionally but he actually does it quite a lot. He thinks it’s healthy to release regularly, it’s better to cum now than have a weird spike of horniness in public. He’s probably considered the chance that you walk in on him, and he’s surprised by how much he wants that to happen. For him to be desperately close to the edge and for you to walk in and take over, him a deer in the headlights as you take control, he’s could probably cum to that fantasy alone, honestly.
K- Kinks
Well, obv a big ole breeding kink. The thought of cumming in your deepest parts has him frenzied beyond belief.
Idk if the taking pics thing is a kink but also… that ofc.
I think he’s also into sensory deprivation. Allow him to blindfold you, tie your hands behind you, let him take care of you. He’ll handle everything from here, sweet thing, all you have to do is keep moaning for him in such a pretty way.
He’s also, surprisingly, into masochism. He doesn’t care for sadism at all, he’d die before he left a mark on your perfect skin, however….. if you decided to roughly pull his head back by his hair and bite just a little too hard, you might find him bucking into you a little faster.
He’s probably thought a bit about cock warming, but surprisingly he doesn’t really want it to be…. “sexual” as much as he desires to be closer to you. You sitting in his lap, feeling you exhale against his neck with your arms wrapped around him, all the while is cock is buried deep inside you, it just sounds so intimate, and he finds himself craving to be that close to you often.
The biggest of all? Praise praise praise. Body worship as well. He’s literally always babbling about how gorgeous you are, how good you feel, how amazing you make him feel. Always encouraging and always admiring you, just like he does every single day in non sexual contexts, always sneaking in ways to remind you how much he adores you. Tell him about a certain part of your body you don’t feel confident in, he’s paying extra attention to making it known how perfect everything about you is. Everything you have, own, are, all of it. Peking is your number one fan, sit back let him remind you just why he finds you so lovely, you won’t regret it.
L- location
He prefers to be in a secluded area, he knows he’s loud and he’d be really embarrassed if anyone but you brought up the….. volume of his whines.
However, he’s very weak when it comes to your begging. If you're in a less than private location, he’ll most likely let you lead and just try to bite his knuckle to keep from crying out. It'd be soOoOo awful if you made a game out of trying to get him to break and whine out for you unmuffled as you play with him, oOoOoHhHh the horror >:)
M- motivation
He’s an old dad with an enormous you-shaped hole in his chest, just ask him and he’ll give everything he has to his name to you. You don’t need to wear that certain perfume he loves so much, you don’t need to breathe across his neck like that, you don’t need to run a finger down his spine so slowly, he’ll give you anything you ask for, please don’t tease him so much.
If you straight up ask him for sex, he’ll mostly lean towards soft service domming, if you choose to purposely rile him up, he’ll be in a much subby-er mood.
N- no
Like I’ve said, there really isn’t a sadistic bone in his body. He also doesn’t have literally any desire for humiliation kinks. He just doesn’t like it, giving or receiving. He’s a big ole simp with a big heart and it’s in the palm of your hands, please treat it nicely :’(
O- oral
P l s let him give you oral. He might not be an expert but he lives to make you feel good.
Afab readers…. He’ll most likely try to make you sit on his face at least once, please please he wants to feel your thighs against his head while he works his tongue on you.
Amab readers, he fuckin loves to rub his thumbs on your hips to keep you from bucking as he swallows your cock, he’ll open his mouth for you after you cum, swallow, and open his mouth again to prove he didn’t let a single drop go to waste.
As for receiving, phew boy does he love receiving. He cannot for the life of him figure out where to put his hands so it’s a frenzy of him grasping the sheets to biting down on his knuckle to placing a hand on your head. If you made him look down at you and lock eyes while his cock is in your mouth his soul would leave his body lmao
P- pace
Not very fast at all, he prefers to thrust deeper than should be possible. He really likes when you beg him to go faster, and as soft as his heart is, this is the only time he might withhold himself from giving into your begging for a bit, he just loves pulling out so slowly and watch you almost cry out for him to thrust back, deeper harder, faster, please, he’ll give into you eventually, just let him savour the feeling of you needing him badly enough to cry for a few more minutes.
Q- quickies
He prefers long, drawn out rounds, but if you really need some relief quickly, he’s not one to deny you. He will most likely give in, and later on in the night when you're back home and out of the public eye, suggest you two have a much more... thorough round as quick rounds just don’t satisfy him enough.
R- risk
Surprisingly…… he kinda likes the idea. The thought of someone, maybe even someone who’s been pining for you, to catch him in the act of making you beg and cry for him. Alternatively, making them watch you as you give your full attention to him, pleasure him, make them watch you love him instead of them. It riles him up in a way even he’s not used to.
S- stamina
He’s an old man, his refractory time is kinda long lmao. He prefers one really long round rather than multiple. He doesn’t mind or judge if you need a little more, and doesn’t mind giving you a few more orgasms with his tongue or hands.
T- toys
He doesn’t have any, but he’s open to the idea! Admittedly, he likes the idea on himself, like, really likes the idea. Give him a cock ring and watch him cry out as he begs for a break that he doesn’t actually want to take because the bliss you’re giving him is making him feel like jelly.
U- unfair
He's tried to edge and tease you before but he gave in so damn quick it was almost embarrassing for him. He just adores you, he lives to please you, even if you beg him not to give in and try to tease you he just can’t, his heart is so so squishy and he loves you very much dear, please let him treat you exactly how you beg to be treated.
Overstimming however….. he does it accidentally a lot, he just loves prolonging your pleasure, watching you squirm a bit as he forces a second orgasm out of your poor spent body.
V- volume
He’s very loud honestly. If you decide to dom him he talks a lot. He's got a bad babbling habit, words of adoration bleeding from his lips that get more and more incoherent the longer you toy with him. Play with him long enough and he’ll forget how to form words, letting out loud whines and he squirms under you. You might catch him attempting to cry out your name but the poor thing just can’t seem to form the right words.
If you let him top you he’s still throwing out every compliment he can think of and he still whines a lot, he likes to bury his face in your neck to muffle himself and listen to your moans. He lives to hear you come undone, but he can’t help being so loud, you’re just so warm and you feel so good :(
W- wild card
I think jealous sex will be more common than you actually think, Peking is just very quiet about the reason he’s suddenly a bit more handsy. He knows it’s not rational to worry about his place in your heart, but it just eats at him sometimes when he sees the way you blend in with others so easily while he just… doesn’t. If a stranger/friend is more overt about their flirting he will probably be more obvious about the jealousy burning through his veins. Even if he wasn’t prompted through jealously, pillow talk sometimes leans towards him venting his fears to you. Please praise him, tell him how much you love him, he needs it :’((((
X- X Ray
A lot bigger than average and a bit curved. He never considered himself to be out of the norm, or never really considered his cock to anything else than, just, “well, its there” I suppose. He does appreciate the curve a lot more now because it makes it easier to hit your weak point. He feels a bit of pride nestling into his chest if you cry about him being too big.
Y- yearning
Fairly often, but he doesn’t mind not acting on it. He can still function and do his work if he’s only surface level horny. Literally anytime you ask he’ll deliver with very slim exceptions. He’d like it to be a regular thing, since he really enjoys the intimacy, so maybe 3-4 times a week, 1-2 if you prefer it to be.
Z- zzz
Oh man he loves cuddling with you after sex. He also loves cuddling with you period but god he loves to the pillow talk with you in his arms, listening to your sleepy voice as your grip on him slowly loosens -but never lets go, as you succumb to sleep. He isn’t overly sleepy himself, instead choosing to close his eyes and comb through your hair, or run a thumb across your cheek if your hair isn’t a texture that can be combed through. Sleep will come to him eventually, he just likes savouring the warmth you bring him.
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morimallow · 4 years
NSFW Alphabet (Suna Rintarou)
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Not the best but at least? He's very very gentle with his actions because he knows you're still sensitive. If he's feeling a little more affectionate, you might receive an open-mouthed kiss or two. He always plants a kiss on your forehead after sex— it's like putting a cherry on top or adding finishing touches because he considers you beautiful and all.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Although he uses his whole upper body to manipulate blockers in volleyball, he loves his hips. That moment of satisfaction when he hears you moan the time he slams back into you. HE LOVES YOUR BACK. The way it forms a beautiful dip during dog style, the way it reminds him you're so fucking sexy. His hands are always on your back and/or behind your thighs. Ugh.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Creampie. Creampie. Creampie. Creampie. Creampie. Doesn't stop until your hole is filled and covered with his cum. Likes the sound of your skin slapping, sound way more lewd because of his sticky cum. When he's kinda rough, he likes to coat his fingers with his cum and make you lick it clean because he's nasty like that.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Not just a secret of his but with the twins. The twins caught Suna humping on a volleyball in the storage room. That was one time when you stopped by the gym to check on him. You wore your knee-high socks that was hidden until that day because you ran out of clean socks. He had to make a deal with the twins because they'll never stop teasing him.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Ugh, he knows his ways, his angles, his measurements, HE KNOWS THE ENTIRE MATHEMATICS. HE KNOWS YOUR ANATOMY. Let's all agree he has an average-sized dick but.. man, does he know how to put it to good use. I don't know his ways but he manages to his your spot every fucking time and you're just busy screaming his name and telling him you feel so good.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
What was it again..? The one when you ride his pretty cock with your back facing him. Back to letter B, he loves this position because a.) he can see your full back and b.) he can take control over your movements with the snap of his hips.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He pours his emotions into having sex with you if you are his lover. His thoughts are just: I should make them feel loved, I'm gonna give them my best performance. Post-orgasm goofiness! Likes to tease you too. Like, “Baby, what was that sound you made when I fucked you so good? Did you purr for me, pretty baby?”
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He only has thin strands of light brownish pubes so he doesn't shave often! If you prefer no pubes then he'd shave because you give the best blowjobs. You kinda like the way his pubes lightly tickle the area around your hole though..
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Sucker for open-mouthed kisses to show his affection. He kisses you from your nape to your tailbone, doesn't matter if you're the one moving or him. INTERTWINING. HANDS. FINGERS. LEGS. He wants to hold you close. Remember, yeah? The reverse position? He'd hug you from behind, start pounding into you as he places his kisses. jfkekfjsjd im so weak for him
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Jacks off when he's horny and you're not within his reach or not in the mood. He'd slowly trace the popping veins of his dick as he sets his image of you in his head. Then, he'd massage his balls, creeping up his cock until he plays with his tip. Would totally muffle his low moans.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Y'all.. squirting and laces. Loves the idea that he can make you squirt and make a mess above or under him. And laces.. it just looks perfect on your skin, makes it more delectable and prettier.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Good ol'classic bed (prefers the one in your childhood bedroom), the doorway, and your bigass-not-tainted window. Don't ask me, this is just my fantasy.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
You squirting and queefing, your moans, the way you squeeze his cock good.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Spitting (don't fight me on this one), wax play, anything that might harm your skin but he's fine with hickeys and slap marks, hmmmmm.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
HE LOVES LICKING YOUR FOLDS LIEK— the fact that you can get off just with his mouth makes him ugh. The way your thighs contract as he grazes his teeth around your pussy. Hmm, he's most sensitive at the base. He'd either fuck your face the moment you suck his dick whole or let you have it your way, he'd still cum inside your mouth anyway. 11/10, best in oral.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
THE DUALITY OF THIS MAN MAKES ME WANNA GO FERAL. JGKEKJFJWND. He's usually fast and rough with a sprinkle of degradation but there are also moments he wants to take his time. He wants to appreciate every inch of your body, making sure he gives enough attention to each. He'd have a twitching cock dribbling with pre-cum but his whole focus is to make you feel good and loved, to make you reach your orgasm. This man can be so sweet at times. Sighs.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Y'all.. this is a big yes for him. Not frequent though! Just when he feels like railing you inside the dressing room or in a certain bar VIP lounge.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Always down as long as he's also interested! He was the one who initiated the ride-my-face, hoho. A little peek of curiosity of your kinks is enough for him to help you confirm that kink. RISKS? WHAT ARE THOSE? He'd command you to not wear underwear because he plans to fuck you in your reserved private restaurant booth.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Three to five rounds. I won't elaborate further, your honor. I rest my case.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
HE BUYS TOYS FOR YOU. He bought the Sailor Moon set of dildos, not knowing what the fuck is Sailor Moon. He just thought it's pretty. He imagined it using on you because you wanted to have a threesome without having a third party and damn, did he make that possible and mind-blowing. Also, kind of a wide range of vibrators to pleasure his favorite baby while going for a morning run.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
BIGGEST TEASE. EDGING. EDGING. EDGING. UNTIL YOU BEG HIM TO JUST PLEASE LET YOU CUM AND CREAM ON HIS COCK. He'd rail you until you scream that you're cumming and he's out of your hole then teases your entrance with his cum from the last round.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Low.. sexual.. hot.. groans.. gets u pregnant... im out.. have u heard his voice.. fucking.. hot..
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Often puts his hand inside his pants or yours or inside your shirt and just plays with your nipples while he sends a text to Osamu or whoever.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
The body of a swimmer.. yes. He's not too ripped. He got the right amount of muscles and fats and muscles, muscles, muscles. Lean torso, omg. And his dick.. pretty cock of his. Perfect length, perfect shade. HE'S SO BEEFY.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
He! Rarely! Initiates! Having! Sex! Oh, but he often initiates make-out sessions but it's always up to you if you want to fuck or not. He can take care of himself, yes, but thinks it's better to take care of each other's needs, uwu. He's always down to having sex though. *eyes*
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He falls asleep during or after your post-sex conversation after he has cleaned you up. Salty bae so tired making you both feel pleasure. Ugh, he's good.
Here is Suna's Fluff Alphabet!
M. List
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toukenramblings · 3 years
NSFW Headcanons: Buzen Gou, Matsui Gou, Samidare Gou
A continuation of these headcanons I made, but nsfw, fufufufu (^ω~) 
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Buzen Gou
Remember when i said that Buzen’s legs are nice? OH     dude this man is BUILT. He has slightly above average build (not like     Tonborkiri for example) but it’s obvious he has muscle on him. And he     adores showing it off to you and you alone!!! Can and will take off his     shirt in the middle of a run/walk with you just to make you flush and     stare.
His legs are so fucking nice man, thick from running     all of the time and muscly but not too much. But you know what you could     do with those thicc thighs? Mark them up with hickies. Will show them off     on his runs if it’s hot outside. Sure Buzen will flush for a moment before     smiling, “Yeah, I think they’re nice.” He would say, proud of them.
He also has a nice ass, change my MIND. Gets super embarrassed     if you slap his ass, or he is straddling your lap and you use his ass to     pull his closer hehehehehe.
Buzen is kinda loud in bed, not UBER loud but enough to     hear it within the confines of the room and have it bounce off of the     walls. He does love it when you are loud though!
Oh dude Buzen is not above teasing in public, most     often happening on your runs together. Will suddenly claim it’s hot and     then take off his shirt with a wink, “Like what you see, love?” and sure     he’ll put it back on in the citadel but he kNOWS. Also going back to his     nice ass, can and will wear pants to show it off. He is confident about     his form for sure.
He can’t handle it if you tease him back though, he     tries, he swear he’s tougher than this. But the minute you try to tease     him back, he has to retrain himself and remind himself he’s in public     before trying to fuck you into some kinda surface.
Buzen by default is a switch who is comfortable with     either role. Bottom? Top? As long as he and you are connected by this sexual     intimacy, he is happy! His favorite places to kiss are your lips and your     thighs though, marking yours up just like how you do his! A taste of your     own medicine!!! Can and will be found between your legs all day if he     must.
There are times when he chuckles or laughs during sex,     going back to the ticklishness of him. He can’t help it! Sometimes it’s     during a serious heated moment but sometimes he let out a small giggle,     amazed at the fact you two are doing this – the more likely you two are to     be found out that you two are doing the do, the more giggles will come.
BuBu’s sex drive is rather spontaneous and in a way, it’s     obvious to tell whenever he wants to do the do. His eyes will wander over     your form yes but it’s his touches that give him away. A sideways hug is     found with his fingers ghosting over your form, kisses turn more     passionate, and if he’s feeling bold enough he’ll press a kiss to the side     of your neck in public.
Body worship is oh so prevalent here, even more so if     you can worship the body that BuBu has. Run your tongue into the hip of     his hips, kiss his scars, trace his veins, massage his muscles, oh man he’ll     melt under your touch. Buzen is the same to you, equal body worship here!
Buzen’s weak points are his inner thighs, yes, but also     the nip of his neck behind his ear. He loves it when you whisper naughty     things into his ears and you may hear the slightest of growls back, “Do     not test me love, I wonder how long you can handle it until we get back to     our room, hm?”
Buzen adores it when he can hold your hips when you are     riding him, the view is almost enough to make him cum.
He won’t lie that he hasn’t thought about shower sex,     but will only try it with you if you want. Besides, he loves lil intimate     showers with you, sexual or not!
Massages always turn out to be sexy fun times anyway,     knowing him. One minute he’s rubbing your shoulders and the next they’re     gliding down and WHOOPS THERE GOES THE CLOTHES.
Aftercare means there’s always a bottle of water     present and clean up is mandatory. After that he becomes the big spoon of     your dreams, murmuring praises into your ears and rocking you to sleep.
  Matsui Gou
It takes a long time before Matsui is ready for sexual intimacy. He already has trouble within the confines of your relationship, thinking of whether or not he’s good enough for you. The first time you have sex together is slow and awkward and clumsy. Yes you two have talked about this many times but Matsui is a very slow and cautious person. His fingers against your skin are oh so gentle, kisses pressed up and down your form. No matter who is on top or who is on the bottom, Matsui wants to ensure that you are feeling good.
There are times when he will stop and question it, “Are you feeling good?” “Does this hurt? Please let me know.” And he shows nothing but concern for you! God forbid him from hurting you.
Matsui has a pretty low sex drive, feeling much more comfy with romantic intimacy than sexual intimacy more than anything. That isn’t to say he isn’t willing to have sex with you! He does, it just takes him a while to get enough confidence.
And then there’s the body worship. Oh Matsui will want nothing more than to show you how much he loves you. His hand will always be in yours, and if it isn’t damn right he’s going to search for it. Hand kisses are mandatory between you during sex, and maybe sucking each other’s fingers. Oh Matsui will almost die from a nosebleed.
·Matsui does frequent this one sex shop to find suitable lingerie for the two of you. Sometimes it may be matching or sometimes it’s a bit of a surprise. He tends to bring extra tissues with him though in case his nose begins to bleed. He prefers picking out things that have nice material that is comfortable, and suits your body/skin tone. If he does wear something scandalous under his clothing it’s something to compliment himself or you! Gods help him if he catches even a glimpse of something naughty under your clothing; he’s found dead on the floor.
When Matsui wants to be sexually intimate, he’ll come up to you with a shy smile and a flushed face, and tell you straight up that he wants to be intimate with you. Of course it’s in private when it tells it to you.
Matsui doesn’t mind marking you but always seems to treat you like glass. His kisses are gentle and will hesitant to do anything to make you bleed. Gods forbid that! If he worries about himself biting you, he will ask for you to lead and thus will practically gag himself. He adores it when you mark him though, and sure he may try to hide it under his clothing but everyone knows with his red face and how he’s constantly adjusting his clothing in a mirror.
Oh sweet Matsui has such a big ol praise kink. He is doing nothing but murmuring the sweetest of words against your skin. “You look so beautiful right now, I wish you could see the way I see you.” “It is alright, my love, I have you. Come here, let me touch you a little more, yes?” “P-Please…will you mark me more? Let the others know that I am yours?”
Ain’t nothing more sexy than consent as he asks for permission to remove items or touch certain parts of your body. If you do the same to him, he’ll be happy.
What gets him riled up the most is pulling him by his collar to kiss him, depending on who is sitting on who’s lap at the time. His hands on your hips, rubbing soothing circles into them.
Matsui is rarely ever rough. The only time he is rough is when your hips snap together during sex, his hands gripping your hips and careful to never break skin.
Despite how soft Matsui is, there are times that if you push his buttons enough, Matsui turns out to be rather intense. This normally involves casually showing off hints of lingerie under your clothing, have your hands glide over his body when no one is looking, whispering sweet nothings into his ears and sometimes full on trapping him against a surface, straddling his hips. A switch will almost be flipped within his mind and soon he flips you two over with a smirk dancing on his lips. “Are you sure you want to play this game with me?”
Matsui is a bottom leaning switch, but again it doesn’t matter much to him who is on top and who is on the bottom. He’s just happy being connected with you like this. That being said, don’t be surprised if he suddenly wants to switch things around outta nowhere. He is also rather quiet in bed.
Toys are a maybe? It’ll be further on down the line of your relationship.
After care consists of Matsui rubbing your sore body, with whispers of, “Are you alright? I didn’t harm you right?” “Did I hurt you? I apologize.” Half of it are apologies and other times it’s just him telling you how good you did, or if he did good. He just wants to be praised, okay????
Samidare Gou
Marking. Oh this man is very much into marking his territory. Of course he’ll be giving you hickies everywhere he can! No stopping him here! Why would he stop when he wants to show the world that you belong to him???? Can and will show off his own marks if he must. He will be proud of them after all!
Samidare is probably one of the more feral of his brothers, next to Murakumo. There will be growls and groans when he is having sex, loud and proud, and you have to keep him quiet, gags or mouth or fingers. Take your pick.
Samidare is a service top. He won’t mind who is what role and he’s pretty fluid and ready to adjust to whatever role you will assign to him, but Samidare on top is something else. His fingers will leave marks on your skin, and will not hesitate to make you scream his name.
It’s rather easy to see if Samidare is in the mood. He becomes more protective and possessive of you around the other TouDan, growling at anyone and hugging you from behind. His hands ghosting over your form, and his favorite neck and shoulder kisses linger for far more longer than they normally do. In fact, they might start trailing upward to your ear to whisper something into them, or downwards to make a map of stars upon the expanse of your back. 
It’s not that Samidare has a high sex drive or anything, it ebbs and flows with the wind. There are times when he’s happy just to kiss you and then there are times when he wants to fuck you into the nearest surface and make you beg. 
Speaking of begging, he is very much into that. Flip the roles, make him beg for your touch. It’s delicious I swear. 
Oh Samidare lives for praise. Praising him makes his cock twitch in longing and him to lean into your touches, soft whimpers whenever you tell him how much of a good boy he is. Because he is in fact, a good boi.
Samidare has a pretty good nose, and knows your scent very well. So uh, don’t be surprised if he steals an article of clothing from you and you find him jerking it off to your scent. 
Also loves it when he goes down on you and you pull on his hair. There is this guttural growl that leaves his throat and his eyes will glance upwards almost begging you to do it again.
Don’t tease Samidare in public unless you want to play with fire. How dare you press up against him like this, playing at his own game. Be careful dear, you might find yourself on top of your desk, clothes ripped to shreds and Samidare overstimulating you to no end.
Yes he’s also into overstim and orgasm denial, will abuse these as he sees fit.
Breeding kink? Maybe? 
Oh dude this man has a bit of a thing for your hands. Pet him, force him to suck on your fingers and call him a good boy. He’ll love it.
Does he have a fave position? Doggy style? Maybe. MIssionary? Maybe. You riding on top of him? Y  ES
Aftercare is nothing but cuddles, he wants to hold you close man. Sure you two will clean up but Samidare is ready to knock tf oUT.
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tay6119 · 4 years
The Lost City of Mizu
I’m watching live today guys!
Don’t mind me, just waiting for immortal Dream confirmation.
Also, of course George doesn’t wanna be apart of the first one with real lore smhh so predictable.
Let’s get into it shall we?
- “4 average fisherman” Dream I’m still sus of u, there’s no way ur not immortal 
- ofc as soon as karl undeafens quackity is speaking in autotune
-  oooo their skins (let’s acknowledge quackity kinning george with the goggles) (Maybe he’s gog descendant /j)
- wait karl is one of the fishermen.. so where’s Dre...
- I like how BBH is reading the book omg
- Ok so the plot is that like they don’t know if current smp is true or not cause they’re just stories passed down? And they gonna find proof? ok so Dre isn’t here yet IS HE THE PROOF
- Karl doesn’t know how coords work kuyjtre
- Ranboo’s first time operating a boat... he is a fisherman..
- Quackity does not know how to read
- so they don’t have new names which is interesting lore wise... I wonder if we’ll learn who they’re the descendants of tho or if it’s literally just themselves??
- Mention of the Disc Wars ooooo wait wtf smiley faces everywhere
- This one is more lore heavy but it is still as chaotic as ever haha love u Big Q
- Wait Karl = Isaac, BBH = Benjamin, Ranboo = Charles, Dream = Ranbob???????/???, Quackity = Cletus
- Quackity sniffing Dream
- Ok so the city was built pre-Ranbob
- Dream’s character is so very informative lmfaooo
- BLOOPERS: Slime opens the door lmfaooo
- Subway is canon
- KFC is canon
- Ranbob says George was the greatest king to have ever ruled inch resting (simp Dream leaking through)
- ERET KILLED GEORGE? The pictures of george all around the SMP were proof of people worshipping
-Dream is confirmed descendant of Ranboo oooo that’s so pog!! Memory boy >:)
- The room is SAPNAPS?? So this city was made while he’s still alive?? Oh no wait it’s dedicated to him
- Gog is rent free smhh so many pictures of George, oh? Quackity’s character obsessed over a pic of George??
- Cletus the Klepto
- “Cletus are u wearing thigh highs” BBH PLEASE
- Fundy room next ooooo
- *Quackity falls* “oo that would’ve been canon”
- “still unsure if fundy was a person or a pet” exrdcvgbhuk
- Quackity room key.. why am I nervous
- Dream is on the struggle bus trying to figure out where to go I-
- “Technoblade joined the game.”
- “BBH was known for the excessive amounts of porn on his hard drive” DREAM PLEASE
- “That looks like Pitbull” IN  REFERENCE TO NUMBER 1 FROM KND
- Ranboo’s wife owes him money “that’s why you sign a prenup pal”
- “I trust this man fully” RANBOO PLEASE
- Tubbo room is so cute omggg, bees and flowers IM SOFT a pic of l’manberg people ahhhhhh
- Tubbo most experienced leader and warrior B) TUBBO ATE BEES WHAT
- A PICTURE OF THE QUEEN IN TOMMY’S ROOM “that was his wife”
- “collector of plates damaged with a hole in the middle” yuyjthdrgy
- BBH and Karl patting themselves on the back lmaoo
- Calling it now, secret room is for Dream and/or dnf shrine (the latter is a joke.. unless?
- Cletus’ personal possessions consist of a picture of “pitbull” and George
- Wetube.com/CletusParkour
- Isaac x Benjamin??
- Ranbob’s idol was dream smh ofcccc
- C!KARL???????
- Karl loses memories when he time travels? :oo
- he just wants to prevent bad things :(((
THIS WAS REALLY COOLl, I like how most of the history of the SMP is kinda scuffed because it’s funny and is accurate to how we never truly know what happened ages in the past and we’re gonna get things wrong. Major props to you Karl!!
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mrskurono · 4 years
hello i am back once again but with this
(the op elaborates more in the replies + the embedded one on atsumu) in case u can’t see it -> https://twitter.com/nonlovso/status/1374155371145756679?s=21
i love reading these types of tweets, just people talking about the character in canon, analysing what furudate was trying to depict when he wrote these characters. also the phrase “monsters can only thrive among monsters” ???? fuckjng love that, so much to unpack tbh.
idk i just rlly want to see these characters thru the eyes of the author. it’s hard for us readers when 1) we don’t know the thought processes behind the making of each character, and 2) many characters we only see on the volleyball court. but people act differently in different situations. i know it’s a pipe dream but i always hope for more canon haikyuu content outside of volleyball, just regular slice of life content, just teens being teens (i know haikyuu-buu exists but it’s not confirmed to be canon so 💀)
- 🪢 sorry this become somewhat of a rant. this has been on my mind ever since i started liking suna, i couldn’t find posts / tweets like this for suna so i rlly struggled trying to fully understand him (which irritated me bc it felt like he was a one dimensional character 😡)
The amount of nerdy that I am I LOVE shit like this.
Which you know what is interesting is the way each can be laid out for each characters struggle with loneliness and how Sakusa’s is clearly the easiest to identify and yet people chastise him almost the most (Have y’all ever met only children? They can be a little weird and I’m married to one ok so I get it) But ironically Bokuto is one I never thought about (though I’ve thought in depth over Akaashi’s bc he latches to the 3rd yrs and then gets physically left alone) 
Bokuto’s loneliness is weird bc of course when Furudate let out who has siblings (which I got way too nerdy about that bc the family dynamics were real obvious after Furudate gave us siblings to characters) Bokuto is the youngest among three and anyone who’s ever had/known three kids is the baby is almost always the golden child in some way. On purpose or not. Like how much older are the sisters? Are they close? Did they baby Bokuto and that’s why he’s so focused on the team? (bc he needs someone to not really “take care” of him but at least guide his emotions at least) We see Oikawa’s sister is obviously old enough for him to have nephew that old so clearly they weren’t raised too much together (age gap) But Bokuto being the baby among two older siblings (female) in an Asian family really would speak to his need for attention bc he’s 1. The baby and 2. The only male child. Not faulting Bokuto at all bc like, he could really be a dick but he’s not. Which makes me feel like the sisters are closer in age bc if you’ve ever had siblings you know your ego gets to be in check no matter what. Bokuto’s loneliness is just something fun to pick apart bc it’s not exactly loneliness (or at least I don’t see it that way) like out of all of them he’s def seeking validation more than anything it feels like. Anyways- Sorry I’m rambling I like character analysis way too much XD
But god yes the lack of content outside the volleyball realm drives me crazy. Especially post high school in that short 5 year span before MSBY v Schweiden. Which this is my total bias talking but I constantly want to know when and how it happened that Kageyama just, mellowed out. He’s reintroduced not even really with a scowl. Totally unphased by the dumbshit Hoshiumi does, he’s surrounded by little kids (which I still wanna know when kids started to like him bc he’s the only one seen with a lot of younger fans repeatedly) and he smiles like a lot. Growth from the MSBY team always circles back (for me at least) for the four of them being together and growing like that. But Schweiden doesn’t have that substitute brother feel? I mean I think Kageyama and Ushijima get along real well (simpletons) but what about the other teammates? (Hoshiumi still has feral vibes that never leave I love him for that) But Kageyama was with them graduation on basically so who helped him mellow out? Who had such an impact on him that Kageyama kinda relaxed back into his interested, wide eyed and calm middle schooler self who was just enjoying playing volleyball. Like, Furudate??? You can’t just give me my man vibing being sweet and dealing with Hoshiumi’s bullshit and not tell me when it happened?? Was it personal life growth?? Was it the team?? FuruDATE GIVE ME ANSWERS
No one ever really points this out (or at least I haven’t seen it) but the two panels we get of Suna timeskip he’s smiling. I don’t know why but I just feel like that speaks to his character a lot. That he’s actually really a happy individual he just hated high school. He was in the lowest academic class, he loved volleyball but hated any variation of the twins and Kita and he was good at what he did but never really shined over having to deal with everything else. Which I mean he’s def not a spotlight kinda guy but even when they’re watching past games for prep Ukai has to point out Suna is the main point getted for Inarizaki (bc everyone is focused on the twins) I dont know...I just kinda find Suna interesting bc he’s seen as almost mean but timeskip Suna is smiling, chatty with Komori and good enough to be in the top leagues. He always struck me as one of those kids who hated school but was incredibly smart. Which is why I probably liked canon Suna a lot quicker than whatever the fuck the fandom depicts him as. (not to mention the being the older sibling so anyone who’s older knows you tend to be the emotionally calm one to not stir the pot and keep things calm at home which would really explain Suna’s deadpan look a lot just from personal experience as the eldest child)
See now you made me go off, this was supposed to be short but I passed out last night before I could do anything XD Now everyone knows Im a nerd :l
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𝕆𝕦𝕥 𝕆𝕗 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕣 ℚ𝕦𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕤
Alright TDC Community It’s time for a task, 
and this time we’re all going to get to know each other a little better. 
Under the cut, you’ll find forty out of character questions split into two parts: OOC about your muses, and OOC about yourself! Answer what you’d like, add more if you’d like.
When you’re done TAG some of your writing partners and keep FUN going. 
-there is no pressure to participate
-IF You Are Reading This And You’d Like To Participate Consider Yourself Tagged My Friend! 
Much Love,
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I tag @lyr-taxidermist  @theghostofharar  @hurdygurdyskeksis  @urskekyagvi  @skekmal-the-hunter  @skekso-the-emperor  @gourdplayer   @hedonistschambers  @ulvanmaudra  @littlebluezoologist @the-wandering-urru  @queenofthetides  @juliejewel24 @thecastleurru
OOC About  Your Character(s)
1.     What do you want to get out of playing this character(s)?
The reason I wanted to write for Gra was to meet fellow fans that loved the world of TDC as much as I do, I wanted to find fellow writers. I wanted to steep myself in the fandom. You can easily consider me skeKSis obsessed but I am growing a fondness for their counterparts -slowly ❤
2.     Describe your character(s) with three words.
Passionate | Erratic | Trustworthy
3.     What made you decide to write this muse?
Originally I was going to pick up The Ritual Master, he’d been my OG fav from the movie BUT Gra kept ... poking me with his scepter? Like; I live in the desert, you live in the desert, Ima recluse, you’re a recluse =we are simpatico. I think The Heretic picked me because he simply would not leave my mind when I considered him as a possibility. 
4.     If you could change one event in your muse’s life (in their main or canon verse), what would you change?
Canon. I mean they left us kinda hanging there. We really do not know what happened do we? They are simply, just not there anymore. I do not want them to perish, I want them to make it to the finish line and become urSkek. It breaks my heart to think they did not make it.
5.     If you could tell your muse one thing, what would you tell them?
I would not say anything, just hug him REALLY tightly and probably not let go until he gives me a chitter-laugh.
6.     If you could give your muse one gift, what would you give them?
I would like to give them...ME. 
7.     If you had to take one positive thing away from your muse, what would you take away?
I do not want to take a positive thing from the fibers that make up Gra. I feel they are very interwoven in his tale. Removing one would make another untether. If I could take away or diminish a bad trait Id have him not be so stubborn and or impatient but then again he would not be Gra now would he?  
8.     If you could “borrow” one aspect of your muse and apply it to yourself or your own life, what would you borrow?
His determination, passion. Damn son. You get things done. 
9.     Do you genuinely want your muse to be happy? What do you think would make them most happy in life?
Yes. He’s gotten his ass handed to him, I think he might be owed a slice of peace and happiness.  What makes him most happy? He’s already showed me; his relationships whether its friendship, extended family or a lover those are treasures he holds near and dear to his heart.  
10. Do you enjoy putting your muse through angst? What do you think would break their heart the most?
Usually I prefer to plot out angst rather then let it completely run a-muck because you never know what your partner is comfortable with, what might trigger them in a detrimental way and simply set fire to a plot unintentionally. 
I already know; it literally is ... break his heart. 
11. What do you love about your muse?
His dynamic energy, the wild fire, the mystical chaos, the creativity is off the charts. His sharp distinguished features, the way he looks shamanistically feral as compared to his brethren and their Garthic garb. His use of the color red. His scratchy rasp of a voice. His laugh. 
12. What do you hate about your muse?
He is a high maintenance muse, he is demanding and screeches loudly for what he wants. 
13. What about your muse amuses you?
The fact that he is a skeKSis. This brings a whole slew of challenges to the table for a writer. Case in point, I was writing a reply one day and I went to put something in along the lines of ‘he arched his brow and blah blah’ THEN he hit me! He has no eyebrows to arch, ahhh! I have to stop and think about how to write out expressive traits or reactions that are not of the usual human reaction tone.
14. What about your muse makes you sad? 
How fragile his heart really is after all the shit he’s endeared. 
15. How would you describe your muse to someone about to meet them, in person, for the first time?
Get Ready For A Wild SURPRISE!
16. Would you like your muse as a person if you met them in real life?
Yes, I like creative souls. I cherish them. 
17. In what ways are you better than your muse? In what ways are they better than you?
I do not think I am or he is better than the other. 
But I will say he is a handsome devil, for a skeKSis. 
18. Why do you think you connect to your muse?
Creative. Outcast. 
19. What aspect of your muse’s personality is most important to you? What aspect of your muse’s personality do you think is most important to them? Is it the same? Why or why not?
His passion and drive. I’d say its the same answer for us both. All of the accomplishments he tackled probably had their stacks of obstacles with each to-do. You’d have to have an unending supply of passion and drive to keep going, to complete all. He really is a work-a-holic and a busy body skek.
20. Has your character(s) changed over the time that you have been playing them? How have they changed?
Not yet but I am sure he will, creative liberties will be taken since I only have a a episode or two to work with -am I right? 
About You!
1.     What is your name? 
2.     What is your profession?
secret shit. 
3.     What do you do to relax?
I write. Play video games. Naps are divine. Hot coffee and watch YT videos. DOodle. Desert combing walks. Long hot baths. Organize things xD
4.     What is your favorite treat (desert)?
All kinds, I’m not picky. I love me some chocolate lately. 
5.     Favorite movie
Too many to list. Its October right now. All I want is Hocus Pocus, some Harry Potter and Practical Magick at the moment. Tis the season. 
6.     Favorite book
I do not think I have a favorite. BUT I will admit that I have a copy of The Dark Crystal that I STOLE FROM A LIBRARY YEARS AGO! I have kept it all this time, its falling apart and its aged with beauty and I adore it  ❤ I also have a Jim Henson book about puppetry and his works, there is a page from TDC and if my memory serves me right it has the concept art of skekGra in it sooo sooo I was looking at skekGra YEARS AGO AND HAD NO CLUE the conjunction that would line up in the future! I really neeed to go find this book but its in a storage shed that will be a fresh hell to get to =[ *
7.     Favorite vacation spot
Anywhere where its either very green and or by some body of water. Ocean, river, lake. Yes, good. -not very many humans around save for present company reading thiiiis. 
8.     Favorite Disney movie
Are you kidding me? Too many to list, although I will say The Sword In The Stone did play a part in Gra’s Crystal Skimmer named Archimedes after the grouchy old owl. 
9.     How did you first get into role playing?
Years ago. I started writing on face book. I wrote for a pirate believe it or not, he was my first muse and he holds special place in my black heart and probably always will. But I am disinclined to acquiesce the gift of further details about this scurvy cursed muse, Ha!
10. What was your first platform? If it was something other than Tumblr, what made you get into Tumblr?
It was face book, before they got all crazy about accounts and security. I moved over to tumblr because writers were incredibly rude and rapid fire RP-ers. One liner sentences and I’m like NOPE I need a novel length. 
11. What’s a grammar rule you find yourself breaking or ignoring a lot?
Sometimes I have a touch of dyslexia, sometimes I typo, sometimes I am too tired to proof read, sometimes I make blunders. But I tend to focus on my mistakes rather then other peoples. I just go with the flow, I just write no matter what their level of ‘proper grammar’ IS because I’d like to think that maybe they are just starting out, maybe they will fall in love with writing and maybe they will be the next author who creates a world we all fall in love with and want to immerse ourselves in.  
12. Are there any languages besides English in which you think you could comfortably roleplay?
I do not RP in other languages. However I did have a muse at one time who was French, I would throw in little phrases but it was never entirely done in French and I do have a British muse at the moment, so again I will use slang and little sayings to make them well rounded as best as I can. Those are just little details I like to include that many others might skip on but I thrive for deets. 
I do however have role play writing partners that are from ALL over the world which is amazing to me. 
13. Do you listen to music while your write?
ALOT. I have tracks specifically for skekGra, that take me to his frame of mind. Even TDC soundtrack at times, the puppet show song and the blue flame part 2 are on replay a lot. 
14. Are you a morning, day, evening, or night writer?
I am all over the place. My life is very hectic. I’d like to say its usually in the afternoon of evening for me, the house is settled down and things are silent but thats not always how it works out. Oftentimes I will sit down and write a reply or two, then dip to do mundane human things that adults do, then return back for a few more replies. 
15. How does tiredness affect your writing?
Kills it. The weekends I work long hours therefor my brain is like WHAAAT. 
16. What is your biggest obstacle to writing every day, if time doesn’t count?
It is always TIME. Sometimes stress levels can be an obstacle too, no lie. If something major is going on, I just throw my hands up like ‘I got nothin’’ and thats that.
17. How many drafts is a paralyzing amount?
Oh damn. Been there done that. I am much more picky about it nowadays. I try to limit skekGra to a certain number of replies because he also has to allow room for other muses. 
Currently: Gra has ten replies on tumblr -no actually 11 &&& 4 on discord. I am two shakes away from cutting HIM OFF! lol. 
18. Is there anything character-wise or writing style-wise that you can’t stand?
I’m open to different characters, I have written with a lot. I love a writer who has style, I appreciate the effort.  
Etiquette, manners and consideration are oftentimes LACKING as of late. 
19. What kind of anonymous questions are your favorite?
ANYTHING as long as it is not anon HATE. 
20. What is your weakest point in writing? Angst, fluff, dialogue, etc.?
T I M E not having enough time to write the angst fluff and dialogue, smut too lets be real. It really is a bummer to me when I  do not have the time, I work, I have a a lotta responsibilities, my life is like a hurricane a lot of the time so TIME is my weakness, oftentimes I am super J E L L O of people who are online all day, every day, always there I’m envious and I get writers FOMO which makes me laugh but its so damn true I could ugly laugh cry about it. 
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msbluebell · 5 years
One of my favorite scenes from the Blue Lions route is during the fight with Randolph. Up until that point, Dimitri has given Byleth the cold shoulder, but when you take out Randolph's forces and he says 'a total loss', I love how we get to hear Dimitri call Byleth 'professor' again, especially with such urgency, which shows that despite his sharp words, deep down, he still cares. I just feel that this scene, as small as it is, deserves more recognition.
I think, deep down, Dimitri never did stop caring about Byleth.
Dimitri’s psychology during the Blue Lion Route is fascinating to say the least. I probably could 100% write a term paper on it.There’s a lot to unpack there, and a lot to explore. I’ve actually talked to a friend who is a professional counselor about his psychology several times and we never run out of new things to discuss and break down.
I think the most fascinating and complex state of Dimitri’s psychology is when he’s feral.
It’s important to understand the “how” and “why” whenever we’re discussing something like this. “How” and “why” Dimitri became feral is just as important as “how” and “why” he decided to later atone, and it’s massively important for understanding Dimitri’s actions and how the things that happen to him tie to character development.
Dedue says it best, I think, Dimitri isn’t a person who doesn’t care about others, in fact, he cares too much.  
That’s the heart of the issue right there. Dimitri, no matter how abrasive, dismissive, or aggressive he acts, still cares deeply. He never once STOPPED caring, and if you play close enough attention and pick up on small details you can spot the signs that he’s hiding it behind a mask of indifference because of his self-loathing and madness.
Or maybe he doesn’t even realize he still cares.
I find it utterly fascinating. 
If you break down Dimitri’s whole mentality while he’s feral, you kind find a surprisingly organized and moral (kinda, as moral as you can be while being...that) philosophy. Say what you will, but at the bare bones, Dimitri keeps to his ideals. For a man who considers himself nothing more than just a beast, he take special care of who his targets are. 
He specifically only targets people he actively considers a threat. Thieves and bandits, who he explains are rats preying on the weak and defenseless, Imperial soldiers who are on the enemy side and have been hunting him for years, commanders of armies. He doesn’t target villagers, or anyone in the Church (one priest is even amazed that Dimitri, while feral, patted an orphan child on the head, showing clear signs of humanity). Maybe he would if they agitated him enough. Dimitri isn’t healthy at all. He’s suffering from severe after effects of isolation, delusions, self-imposed brainwashing, stress, etc. He’s a danger to himself and others, and poking him too much. But, at his core, despite all the madness and how far he’s fallen, Dimitri somehow keeps the heart of his ideals of justice and protecting the innocent. Oh, it’s twisted beyond belief, and it’s gone ugly, but it’s still there. It’s just buried under a looooooooooot of...that...
The point is, at his heart, Dimitri still cares. That’s exactly what got him into that state in the first place. His Survivor's Guilt was so strong that he manifested auditory and visual hallucinations over it. His whole reason for wanting to kill Edelgard is so that the dead can finally rest. Heck, we see him actively begging his hallucinations to wait a little longer for him to hunt her. He cares too much and it’s actively destroyed him.
The thing is, those same hallucinations of loved ones are the driving force behind his mental state when he’s feral. We see that they’ve actively been mocking him, heck, we hear him beg them not to look at him with scorn.
Now, we know that these are projections of Dimitri’s own mind, but as far as he’s concerned these are the real opinions and demands of those who have died while he survived. He’s basically emotionally abusing and brainwashing himself so much that he not only believes that he has not other purpose than seeking revenge on the dead’s behalf (this also isn’t helped by his lack of ability to defend himself. With Felix, for example, and I DO love Felix and think he’s right to be scared, but calling Dimitri a boar may have unintentionally reinforced the idea in his head for years even before the brainwashing. Felix, I know that was your way of trying to keep Dimitri from going too far, but bad move bro), but that he ultimately isn’t deserving of the life he’s living either. He’s so damaged at this point, by what’s basically self inflicted harm, that he can barely recognize anything else as mattering.
I’ve seen people who have said that they wanted to beat some sense into Dimitri. Fight the madness out of him, so to speak. I don’t blame them, Dimitri did some disgusting things during the Blue Lion Route. But fighting him wouldn’t have helped, arguing wouldn’t have helped. The problem isn’t that Dimitri doesn’t think he’s wrong, or doesn’t see that he’s a monster. He’s aware of that, completely. What Dimitri needed was to been shown that his life was worth more than being a pawn for revenge, the opposite of having the shit beat out of him, or being yelled at. Negative reinforcement wouldn’t have worked here. Hell, it would probably have only made the situation worse, and reinforced his own brainwashing that he is undeserving of life. I think that’s why Byleth in the game never beat him over the head, or yelled at him, they realized that. 
Dimitri loves too much, and you can’t beat love with hate. He has to be loved out of his state. He has to be shown that his life is worth something, both to other people, and to himself. That’s why Rodrigue’s sacrifice was so important to his development.
(God, there’s so much to say that I’m jumping all over the place, someone Halp Meh)
And, another, just as important, thing. 
I think he’s silently resentful of Byleth and the others for not being there for him when he needed the support the most.
When he sees Byleth again for the first time in five years, when he thinks they’re a ghost, he doesn’t sound as angry and grim at first. He just sounds tired. Tired, and sad, and full of regret. With Byleth dead, he knows he failed them, that they died while he lived. He just accepts their presence in his life as a ghost, acknowledging that they were here to haunt him.
But then it turns out Byleth was alive, and all that sadness and regret and mourning was for nothing. That they were alive the whole time. And, frankly, Byleth’s reasons for WHY they weren’t around kinda DOES sound like bullshit. “I was asleep” isn’t a very good answer in any other route either, heck, in Edelgard’s routes she thinks it’s an unfunny joke. But for Dimitri it seems to piss him off. He probably DOES believe Byleth, maybe, but it’s not an answer he’s happy with. Heck, he’s not happy with anyone after that.
One of the moments where he sounds like his old self, where he looses that anger in his voice, is when Dedue shows up and explains he was too injured to find Dimitri, which is a much more valid excuse and one that Dimitri seems to readily accept. He’s much warmer with Dedue than even Byleth’s return, and I 100% believe that part of the reason was because of Dedue’s not bullshit excuse.
So, yeah, I should actually focus on the ask now. Yes, that scene is great, fantastic even. There’s a bunch of just...tiny moments like that which show the real humanity beneath Dimitri’s thick layer of madness and...feral-ness? I love it. It’s one of the many moments that really make him feel multilayered. And tiny moments like that got me through the four months he was Feral for my Blue Lions playthrough.
Little moments like that are like taking your first gulp of air after being underwater for too long.
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generalthirstclub · 5 years
I am the shame of god but here’s the meme
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex) - passes the fuck out. head empty no thoughts - if you’re lucky he might manage to mumble a “goonite” - either way: a literal angel wtf - this bitch tender B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s) - I think he knows he’s got cake. he’s double cheeked up. dummy thicc, if you will. - if you have tiddies he likes those. also, on a more innocent note, ur hands!!! and ur stomach and your eyes and your lips and your thighs a C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person) - doesn’t get too riled up about it one way or another - he kinda likes seeing it on you 😳 - not ur face though that’s icky. he doesn’t want any on his face so it doesn’t occur to him that you would - if you specifically ask he’ll be like “ew ok lol” - if you swallow it he goes 😧😳🥴 - I don’t like how confronting this question is because it makes me ponder the logistics of this whole situation D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs) - not really a secret but a bitch gets pegged on the reg E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?) - no fucking clue. he’s quick to figure out what works though - real perceptive! - if he can’t figure it out himself, sometimes he might try to ask you whether or not you like something but he can’t get the question out bc he’s baby F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual) - ohohohoho back this mans up against a wall - also you know how he does the splits? th - anything where he’s contorted in some crazy way appeals to him - if he’s topping pls put a leg over his shoulder he will uwu G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc) - he’s a huge dweeb at all times. if something you do or say strikes him the slightest bit funny he’s gonna cackle. - you made a face he thinks is funny? mid coitus he’s snickering. he will imitate your funny face. what a bastard H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.) - I hate this question because it makes me think about the fact that I am writing this about a goddamned train… trains don’t have p*bes… I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)  - oh he’s heart eyes all the way babey. - he might try to put on this Indifferent Sex God act but really? he just likes you a whole lot - smooches. constantly. all the time J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon) - if anyone sees him do that he’ll literally die right there on the spot - he either waits until the dead of night or makes up some excuse as to why he has to leave right now and go alone to some exceedingly secluded part of the rail yard - if it’s the former he can Indulge. the latter is reserved strictly for emergency situations - if a bitch is indulging a bitch is indulging. hes gonna think abt something cute he saw you do (or whoever else hes jerkin it to idk) K = Kink (One or more of their kinks) - pain. both giving and receiving - any kind of marks - hair pulling. also both giving and receiving - praise. praise him. tell him he’s pretty. tell him he’s doing a great job. tell him you love him so much. t L = Location (Favourite places to do the do) - pretty vanilla about this one actually (see N) - push him up against a wall - or let him push u up against a wall! the red caboose would like to be of use mother fucker! M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going) - being a little shit - read: when he’s bratty and you snap at him - or the other way around - also? feeling wanted. when he does something vaguely sexy and sees someone looking at him for too long. N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs) - anything in public— he’d just be so embarrassed if you were caught! also I feel like consent is a huge thing for him and whoever walks in on 2 people fucking did not consent to seeing that - anything especially degrading to his partner, though he doesn’t mind being called a little slut if he’s bottoming 😳 - not really into the whole pet play thing. “that’s silly! you’re not a dog!” O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc) - again, no clue what the fuck he’s doing (see E) - very eager to please however! and you can’t tell me this bastard doesn’t have any oral fixation I mean look at him - n e wayz if he’s giving the best thing about it is how excited he gets. super messy as well. drools everywhere. - if he’s receiving then his pillow princess levels are maxing out. he’s having a good time. straight vibing if you will - you went and sucked all his braincells out thru his dick! - tries to cover his mouth but he’s not gonna be that much quieter (see V) P = Pace (Are they fats and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.) - entirely depends on his fickle moods. sometimes he’s in that Cherishing Mood. other times he’s a wild untamed feral fucking animal Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.) - not very often. I don’t imagine he’d prefer it. - however if he’s in that wild untamed feral fucking animal mood he’s not opposed to it R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.) - as long as it definitely won’t kill either of you he’s down - big fan of knifeplay tbh. - In general he’s more willing to risk hurting himself than his partner bc he definitely likes you and would be upset if you got hurt S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…) - leans more towards one long round than a bunch of short rounds because (see A) this motherfucker busts one nut and is out like a light - he only lasts as long as he does (which is to say, very average) by sheer force of will. unfortunately sometimes this means stopping for a second to get ahold of himself T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?) - seems like the type to have like. One (1) big old dildo that NO ONE KNOWS ABOUT!!! U = Unfair (how much they like to tease) - ooohohoho so much - (see M) sometimes he does vaguely sexy stuff,,, on purpose 😔 - again idk how to approach this for anthro trains but if we think of them as just people then uh - wears clothes that he knows will show his tumtum if he stretches 😳 and then he stretches 😳 in front of u - it’s an easy way to read people! if they have no interest in him then they won’t pay it any mind. if they do, this is the easiest possible way to figure out about it V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make) - louder than average for sure - starts out with just his breathing changing audibly, - then that changes to either high whines or low growls (depending on what’s happening) - he’ll try to muffle himself either by covering his mouth or keeping it closed. it won’t work - a lot of “mmf”s are still gonna get through 😔 - if you can convince him to uncover his mouth… fuckin get ready - hes about to sound super pretty and breathless 🥺🥺🥺 - if you had a mcr phase and you remember destroya… it’s like that kinda - you know how wide his vocal range is? it shows W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice) - he makes real cute faces and is super embarrassed about it - tries to hide his face in the crook of your shoulder 🥺 - on an unrelated note I feel like he’d call it “making love.” just cause he’s baby X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words) - just a regular old pp? he seems like the type to be a little shorter than average but his diameter game is certainly not lacking Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?) - not terribly but when he’s ready he’s READY Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards) - IMMEDIATELY
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crystalninjaphoenix · 5 years
Talks and Transfers
A JSE Fanfic
I was not expecting to write the next part of this so soon, but I’ve hit a block on other stories, and also one of my friends read the last two parts a few days ago and went absolutely feral when I started being cryptic and it was weirdly motivating XD Anyway, here’s number three. We finally get to see a boy besides Schneep! Which is great, because things aren’t going so well for Schneepy boy
You can now find the other two stories under the #pwtimeline tag!
“Why am I doing this, why am I doing this, oh god why am I doing this?” Dr. Laurens kept muttering this under her breath even as she dialed the number. She listened to the phone ring with slowly building dread. Maybe she should just go to work anyway. She could power through this; maybe she shouldn’t miss the session. But she was making the call. And soon it was picked up. “Hi, Dr. Newson?” She asked.
“Oh hey Rya, what’s up?”
“H-hey. I, uh, I can’t come into work today. I’m sick.” It wasn’t a lie—for the past few days there had been a slowly building headache behind her eyes, and today she woke up with a sore throat and a raspy voice. “Can, uh, I know you talked about how you’d be willing to take the Schneep case, so can you cover my session today?” Laurens winced privately. She hated to do this; she always believed in consistency, especially with schedules.
“Oh yeah! Sure, I can do that!” Dr. Newson sounded excited, and eager to help. Which was weird, because Dr. Newson didn’t do ‘excited.’ Or if she did, she didn’t show it.
Still, Laurens breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank you. I keep my notes in the turquoise notebook, it should be on my desk in my office.”
“Uh-huh. Got it.”
“And the session is at one o’clock. Room 309.”
“Rya, chill, I’ll take care of everything,” Dr. Newson assured her. “You just rest. Your voice sounds awful, if you need some more time off just tell me.”
“I usually get over things in a day,” Laurens said. “But thanks. I-I’ll let you know.”
“You do that. See you later.” And with that, Dr. Newson hung up.
Laurens sighed again, exhaling all the nerves she’d built up as she leaned backwards against the seat of her car. She felt kinda guilty for not coming in to work. Like she was abandoning Schneep in a time of need. But he’d been doing pretty good ever since the hoodie incident. Hadn’t made much progress, but at least he wasn’t trying to hurt anyone anymore. And besides, wasn’t what she was doing now also a way to help?
It was true, she was feeling kind of under the weather, but under normal circumstances, it wasn’t bad enough to stop her from going to work. But she’d used the sick excuse so she could have the day off to search.
Laurens pulled her keys out of the ignition and stepped out of the car, looking around. She’d never been in this part of the city before. In the suburbs. If she was forced to guess, she’d say that most of the houses here were taken by families. But still, from what Schneep had said about this guy during their sessions, he lived somewhere around here. Laurens groaned silently. Guess she’d have to go door-to-door. Like a Girl Scout.
Twenty minutes later, she was starting to wonder if she was maybe wrong about thinking she was well enough to spend the day walking around an unfamiliar neighborhood. Her sore throat had faded a bit, but her head was pounding, and it felt stuffed full of fluff. Just a couple more houses. Then she could maybe drive home and take a nap, and try again that evening.
Laurens walked up the path to the door of the next house. She rang the doorbell, and while she waited she looked around idly. The yard was less well-kept than the others on the block. The grass was yellower and there were no flowers in the flowerbeds. But not everyone had the ability to do yard work. That was why she lived in an apartment.
The door opened, and she snapped to attention. “Hi I’m looking for...” she trailed off when she got a closer look at the guy who answered the door. Okay, this was him. God, Schneep had said the two of them looked similar, but she wasn’t expecting such an uncanny resemblance. He’d said they weren’t related, right?
“Uh...yeah? I mean, excuse me?” The man had brown hair and blue eyes, just like Schneep, though his hair was partly hidden beneath a snap-back cap. He wore a gray shirt underneath a red jacket with some sort of logo on the lapel, and his voice had a slight American accent.
Laurens blinked, clearing her head. “Sorry, are you Chase Brody, by any chance?”
“Yeah, that’s me. What’s up?” Chase seemed to examine her. “If you’re selling something, or if you’re like, I dunno, looking for autographs, then—”
“Oh no, no no,” Laurens hurried to say. “Um, my name is Rya Laurens. Dr. Laurens. I, uh, I know your friend Sch—Henrik, and I, uh, wanted to talk to you about him.”
The change was instantaneous. Chase, who’d been previously leaning against the doorway, stood up straight, his eyes widening. “Oh, yeah, h-hang on, d’you want—please, come in.” He stood aside and let her step past him into the house.
The living room looked about what she thought it would look like. Chase had a quality entertainment system, with a widescreen TV and several video game consoles, as well as a shelf full of DVDs, most of which seemed to be kids films or Marvel movies. “You have a nice home,” she said politely.
“It’s a little messy, sorry about that,” Chase muttered, closing the door. “D’you want anything to drink? I can make tea.”
“That would be lovely.”
She followed Chase into the dining room, with adjoining kitchen separated only by a counter. While she took a seat at the dining table, Chase busied himself making the tea. She looked around, noticing a pile of dirty dishes by the sink and what looked like children’s drawings stuck to the fridge with magnets. After a few moments, during which she sat at the table in silence and failed at not feeling awkward, Chase set a mug down in front of her, sitting in the seat next to her. “Hope you like Lyons. Actually, I probably should’ve asked you before I made it.” He laughed a bit.
Laurens took a sip. “It’s good. A bit hot.”
“Oh good. Anyway. You said you knew Schneep? Do you work with him?” Chase started to take a sip of his mug of tea as well.
“Uh, no, not...I’m not that kind of doctor.” Laurens cleared her throat, which only served to make it raspier, so she coughed instead. “I work at Silver Hills—”
There was a sudden splutter as Chase seemed to spit out his tea back into the mug. “Sorry, just—” He wiped the sleeve of his jacket across his mouth. “Jesus christ, has he been there the whole time?”
“What...do you mean ‘the whole time’?” Laurens asked.
“Well, since August. When that whole...thing happened. You heard about that?”
“Oh, I know what you mean. And, uh...” Laurens shifted awkwardly in her seat. “You haven’t been watching the local news, have you?”
“No, I don’t watch news at all.” Chase looked down at the table surface and shrugged. “It...depresses me.” He looked back up. “Why?”
“A-ah...well...” God, this was awkward. Laurens kept drumming her fingers on the mug. “Henrik—Schneep—has been...implicated in several...murders.” 
Chase blinked. “You’re joking.”
“No, I-I am not.” Laurens tried to smile apologetically. She wasn’t sure it was working. “You, um, should be able to look it up. It became quite a big deal.”
“Oh my fucking god...” Chase briefly covered his mouth with his hand before lowering it again. “Did...did he do it?”
“The, uh...the evidence pointed that way,” Laurens said slowly. “They had video and DNA and everything...sorry.” She didn’t know why she apologized.
“Oh my fucking god,” Chase repeated, gaping. “I—I knew Schneep had issues but I didn’t think he was—was capable of—jesus.”
“Well...” Laurens looked down into the mug of tea. “Sometimes when...you know, the human mind is complicated, especially when it lies to you.” Chase didn’t answer. Laurens wished she could say something better, somehow more reassuring, but...ironically, despite being a psychiatrist, she wasn’t the best with people. So she tried to move on to the reason she actually came. She took a deep breath, and looked up. “He misses you, you know.”
Chase’s eyes snapped toward her. “Really?”
“Yeah. He talks about you a lot. And two others, uh, Jackie and Marvin?” When she saw recognition in Chase’s eyes, she continued. “I think it would help him if you visited. And maybe those others two.”
“That’s not possible.”
Laurens’s heart turned to rock, thinking that this day had been a waste. Chase seemed to catch her expression. “Oh I mean Jackie and Marvin visiting, I’d be happy to. Just...they can’t.”
“Oh I see.” Laurens exhaled slowly. “Why?”
“Well...” Chase rubbed the back of his neck. “Marvin skipped town. He’s not answering any of my calls or texts. I think he’s mad at me but I dunno why. And Jackie...” He took a deep breath. “Jackie’s been missing for a few months now. He—he disappeared.”
“Oh, god.” Laurens’s mind went blank. What were you supposed to say to that? She didn’t know. “I-I’m so sorry.” That was the best she could do.
“It’s fine.” Chase paused, then sighed. “Well, no, it’s not, but thanks.”
“The police—you’ve told them?” She didn’t know why she had to ask it, but she felt she had to.
“Yeah, of course. But after five months, I think they’ve given up.” A new, hard light entered his eyes. “He’s still out there, though. It’s hard to knock Jackie down. He’s tough. I don’t know what happened, but I know he can handle it.”
Laurens gave him a reassuring smile. “Well, I hope it works out.”
“Thanks, doc.” Chase took a long drink of the tea, seeming to stare into the distance. “So...how’s Schneep doing? He’s alright?”
“Last I saw him, yes,” Laurens nodded. “It’s...it’s a bit of a roller coaster sometimes, but I think he’s getting better.”
“That’s good. Great.” Chase’s fingers were drumming a rhythm on the table surface. “Silver Hills has—has visiting hours, right?”
“Oh! O-of course. They’re on our website,” Laurens explained. “But the diagram can be a bit complicated, because they vary based on a couple factors. It’s safest to visit on Fridays, from three to seven.”
“Okay. Hang on a sec.” Chase reached into his pocket and took out his phone, opening it up and tapping for a bit. “That’s on my calendar now. I guess I’ll see you on Friday, then?”
“Yes, of course! I-I should get going.” Laurens pushed her chair back, standing up. “Thanks for the tea.” She said this despite not drinking most of it.
“No problem. Thanks for stopping by and, uh, filling me in on all this.” Chase nodded. “Do you want me to walk you to the door, or...?”
“I can see myself out, thanks.” Laurens smiled awkwardly. “See you on Friday. Goodbye.”
Only ten minutes later, and Laurens was back in her car, contemplating whether to drive home or go to work anyway. On the one hand, she was loathe to miss anything that went on at work, and if she went now, she could barely make it in time for her session with Schneep. On the other, her headache was starting to blossom into a migraine, and her nose was stuffing up as well. She probably wouldn’t be able to concentrate like this, and a session done poorly wouldn’t do anyone any good.
After a few more moments of wrestling with this dilemma, she started her car and set off. It would probably be fine to miss one session. Dr. Newson could handle it. What’s the worse that could happen?
One o’clock rolled around, and Dr. Newson strolled into Room 309. Schneep, who’d been pacing the length of the wall by the window, stopped, staring. He watched as she sat down in one of the chairs, setting Laurens’s notebook down on the table. “Hello, Henrik. Are you ready to start? Please sit down,” she said cheerfully.
Schneep stayed where he was. “Where is Dr. Laurens?”
“Oh, she called in sick today, asked me to fill in. I’m Dr. Newson. Please sit down.”
“Sick? With what?” Schneep’s eyes flicked over Dr. Newson’s shoulder. Two people came into the room behind her, closing the door behind him. “Who are they?”
“Don’t mind the orderlies, they’re here just in case.” Dr. Newson waved away his question. “Now if you would please sit down so we can start.”
“In case of what?”
“If you would please,” Dr. Newson’s voice hardened, “sit down.”
Schneep stayed where he was for a few seconds longer, before slowly walking over and sitting in the other chair. He crossed his arms, posture stiff.
Dr. Newson simply settled into the chair, folding one leg over the other. “So, I’m obviously not caught up on how far Dr. Laurens has got in these—”
“You could check in there.” Schneep nodded at the unopened notebook on the table. “She kept very detailed notes.”
Dr. Newson smiled. “Well, I know that. I’ve checked it, but given how detailed they were I wasn’t able to read it all. I’ve skimmed it, though. And that was enough to understand that she hasn’t gotten far in asking you about what really happened.”
Schneep narrowed his eyes. “What really happened when? About what?”
“Oh, you know.” Dr. Newson pulled Laurens’s notebook toward her, flipping open to a blank page. “How about we start with Christmas? Do you remember that night?”
“Do I remember that—you are not police, Doctor,” Schneep scowled. “They have already asked me about that. I do not think it is your place to do so.”
“Well, I’m just doing my job, Henrik.”
“Do not call me that.”
“Well alright, then. I’m just doing my job, Mr. Schneeplestein.” When Schneep opened his mouth to berate her for using the wrong prefix, she pushed forward anyway. “And I think it is important to my job if we discuss the events of that night. You remember, right? Those videos?”
“I had nothing to do with those videos,” Schneep insisted.
Dr. Newson laughed. “Well, you were in them, so I doubt that. Led the police on a merry overnight chase, making them keep watch for, what, twelve hours? It was quite a feat for you to pull off.” 
“I did not make those.” The words came out between gritted teeth.
Dr. Newson raised an eyebrow. “Well then, who did?”
Schneep didn’t answer. He seemed to fold in on himself, and his eyes flickered to the side. “I do not want to talk about it.”
“Oh, I get it.” Dr. Newson took a pen from her pocket and jotted a few words down. “You believe someone else did. Or was it that you thought someone was forcing you to?”
Schneep jumped, but then his eyes suddenly flashed. “I said I do not want to talk about it. I do not have to say anything to you.”
“Yes, you do, that’s why you’re here.” Dr. Newson looked up from the notebook. “Now let’s get back to the question at hand. Was there any particular reason for the Christmas incident? Did you want to try something new? Oftentimes sending letters, or videos in this case, to the police speaks of arrogance or says that it’s seen as a game. Was this a way for you to have fun?”
“Will you shut up!” Schneep sprang to his feet, slamming his hands down on the table. The two orderlies in the room jumped to attention. “Shut up and stop pushing your questions to me! I am supposed to have a chance to speak here and you are not giving it!”
Dr. Newson merely smiled. “Well, you weren’t answering, Mr. Schneeplestein.”
“Because you were not listening! I told you I do not wish to speak of it! Yet you keep asking and asking and—do you know how bothersome that is?!” He folded his arms again. “Maybe I will be ready to tell you about that night one day, but this is not that day. So shut up!”
“Mm-hmm. So you were involved in that somehow?” Dr. Newson made another note, seemingly unconcerned by the death glare Schneep was giving her. She looked up at him. “You want me to stop asking? What are you going to do to make me? Are you going to try to kill me?”
Schneep suddenly burst into laughter. Loud, screeching laughing that hit him so hard, he had to double over and lean onto the table. The two orderlies, now standing behind his chair, exchanged uncomfortable glances as he wore himself out, laughter fading to giggling as he slumped into the chair. He looked up, and there were tears in his eyes. “I do not know. Maybe I will. But I do not know. And I do not like that.” His voice was tired.
Dr. Newson stared at him. “Well, that’s good to know,” she drawled. “Maybe—”
“Maybe you really should shut your stupid mouth before it gets you in trouble.” The change of tone in Schneep’s voice was so sudden that Dr. Newson had to take a moment to recognize it as his. “Maybe you should just leave now since you clearly do not want to be here.”
Her lip curled. “I don’t think I ever gave any indication that I don’t want to be here. In fact, I didn’t even need to fill in for Dr. Laurens today. And there aren’t a lot of employees here willing to get close to you, so you should be happy you’re even getting a session today at all.”
“What, people are afraid of me? I wonder why.” A smile flashed across Schneep’s face. “Is not like I did anything to deserve that. Only that thirteen are dead and more injured.”
“Oh, I thought that ‘wasn’t your fault’,” Dr. Newson said, a sudden edge to her voice. “I thought you were ‘sorry’ about that.” 
“Two things can be true at once.” Schneep’s head slowly tilted to the side. “Especially when things are not in your control. Who is in control? And who is just playing pretend?”
“I don’t see how this is relevant, Mr. Schneeplestein.”
“But it is! You do not understand because you do not see. You do not see these things.” Another smile. “Perhaps your eyes are in the way. Would you like to get rid of them?”
Suddenly, Schneep lunged forward. Dr. Newson pushed her chair back, ready to flee, but the orderlies sprang into action. Before Schneep could get far, they managed to grab hold of him. It wasn’t an easy task. He kept twisting and wiggling his way out of their hold, and wasn’t afraid to lash out.
“Right, then.” Dr. Newson smoothed down the front of her shirt, trying to mask the way her heart had suddenly leapt into her throat. She picked up the notebook, tucking it under her arm. “I know the sessions usually last an hour, but I’m afraid we’re going to have to cut this short. Very short. Maybe you’ll see me tomorrow, maybe you’ll see Dr. Laurens tomorrow, who knows? Oliver, Theresa?” She nodded at the two orderlies. “I trust you came prepared?”
Maybe her question distracted them, maybe what happened next would’ve happened anyway. Schneep snarled “Let go of me!” and managed to get an arm free, shoving one of the orderlies away. Then he threw his weight against the other, who shrieked and fell—
Time stopped. The world concentrated down into that single sickening crack, and the red that was suddenly decorating the sharp edge of the table. The orderly was still on the ground, a pool of identical red spreading from her head. It was a stain against the white floor, stark in the bright light.
Dr. Newson was the first to react, reaching for her pager. “Oliver, can we get a sedative while I page the med team?”
That sentence brought Schneep to his senses. “What? No! No, it was an a-accident, I did not mean—”
“That’s true. But two things can be true at once.” Dr. Newson’s voice was cold. “Oliver? Now, please?”
The orderly stopped staring, shocked, at his fallen coworker, and soon there was a needle buried in Schneep’s neck. Schneep gasped and stilled, though he kept muttering that it was an accident.
“You should probably take a good look around this room, Henrik, cause you won’t be seeing it for a while, if ever,” Dr. Newson said stiffly. “You’re getting a new one. On the first floor.”
Schneep’s eyes widened, before the sedative really kicked in and he closed them. Dr. Newson nodded, then looked down at the still orderly. “When the med team gets here, get them to take him to the medical wing, too. He can stay there until the new room is ready.”
“Yes, Dr. Newson.” The orderly hesitated for a moment, and then asked, “Dr. Newson, if I may...you’re sure about this?”
Newson sighed. “I should’ve done it a lot sooner, if you ask me. Rya convinced me not to, you know it’s hard to say no to her. But god.” She knelt by the orderly on the floor, picking up her wrist and pressing two fingers to it. “We can’t let it go further than this.”
When Laurens arrived at work the next morning, she was immediately called into Dr. Newson’s office. Once there, she listened in shock as the entire story was told. “The new room number is 1010,” Dr. Newson said at the end. “I know the numbering makes no sense, but it’s in an older part of the building. And you’re now required to bring an orderly in with you whenever you visit. You know Oliver Hopkins? He’s volunteered.”
“Is...is Theresa going to be okay?” Laurens asked hesitantly.
“She had to be rushed to the hospital,” Dr. Newson explained. “Last I heard, she was still in critical condition.”
“Oh my god...” Laurens covered her mouth with her hand. She couldn’t help but feel that if she was here yesterday, she could’ve somehow prevented this. Guilt settled down into her stomach. “I hope she...well, I hope it’ll be alright.”
“Yeah.” Dr. Newson sighed. Her eyes drifted over to the picture frame on her desk. “While you’re here, is there anything else you want to talk to me about?”
“Um, well...” She wasn’t sure if this would sound in bad taste after this serious talk, but... “So, uh, residents on the first floor still have visiting hours on Fridays, right?” When Dr. Newson hesitated, she pressed. “You can’t take away visiting hours, those are required by the county board.”
“‘Unless there have been incidents wherein the patient has shown hostility to visitors,’ yeah, I know, I read the section,” Newson snapped. Then she took a deep breath. “Sorry about that. Just on edge. Yeah, it’s still Fridays, that’s the only day for most of the first floor patients. Why?”
“Well...yesterday, when I was home sick, I got a visitor.” Laurens was aware she was adjusting the story, but she didn’t want to sound like she’d been skipping out on her duties. “He said he was a friend of Sch—of Henrik’s, and that he just found out he was here and wanted to visit him. So I, uh, told him the hours and he said he’d stop by on Friday.”
“That’s three days away.”
Dr. Newson sighed, rubbing her temples. “Yeah, fine, that’s allowed. But you have to supervise it, okay?”
“Okay.” Laurens nodded. “I’m, uh...going to go find Room 1010 now.”
“Oliver knows the way, ask him to take you.”
Laurens did just that, finding the orderly nearby. Soon, she was following him down the corridors of the first floor. Unlike the ones above, the first floor was distinctly more...hospital-like, choosing to forego the wallpaper and carpeting of the upper floors, and replacing their lamps with fluorescent lights. There were also a lot more orderlies bustling about, all wearing that beige uniform that made them sort of blend together.
“So...you were there, yesterday?” she asked Oliver.
He nodded. “Yeah. It was...it was scary, man. Just all of a sudden there was yelling and then Theresa was on the floor.” He glanced at her. “Was...was that guy ever like that with you?”
“His name’s Schneep,” Laurens reminded him. “And...well, there were moments when he was loud, and sometimes seemed...a bit aggressive, but he never attacked me.” She bit her lip. “I wonder if Dr. Newson triggered that somehow...”
Oliver didn’t answer, merely looking back away. “Hey, we’re here. Room 1010.” They stopped outside a door that looked just like all the others. “I’m, uh, required to go in with you.”
“Yeah, Dr. Newson told me. She also gave me this.” Laurens pulled out a key card. While doors on the upper floors could open on their own, doors on the first floor were locked, though some of them could be opened from the inside but not from the outside. Laurens didn’t know if Room 1010 was one of those. She swiped the card through the reader next to the door. It beeped, and there was a click. Laurens pulled the door open and went inside, followed by Oliver.
The difference between the first floor and upper floors was even more evident here. Room 1010 was smaller, but also emptier. The only furniture was the white-blanketed bed, a circular table with rounded edges next to it, and a single, rather uncomfortable-looking chair next to that. A half-open door showed a connected bathroom beyond. As it was an internal room, there wasn’t a window, and the overhead lights were controlled with a single switch, no lamps anywhere.
Schneep was sitting on the bed, leaning against the wall and hugging the bed’s single pillow to his chest. He was wearing a simple white shirt and pants, which Laurens recognized as standard-issue clothing, since regulations on the first floor didn’t allow patients to bring any of their own. Schneep didn’t look up as Laurens crossed the room and sat in the room’s only chair. Oliver, meanwhile, hovered in the corner, seeming to sense that he had to stay out of this.
“Hi, Schneep,” Laurens said. “I’m back. Sorry I wasn’t here yesterday.”
He nodded. “Was not your fault. You were sick. I’m sorry.” That last statement sounded less like an expression of sympathy and more like an actual apology.
“It’s okay, it wasn’t your fault either,” Laurens said gently.
After a quiet moment, Schneep cleared his throat and asked, “The woman, the orderly from yesterday, is she alive?”
“Yes, she’s alive,” Laurens confirmed. Seeing how Schneep relaxed, she decided not to mention the critical condition.
He looked at her for the first time since she entered the room. And she almost physically started when she realized his eyes were rimmed with red. “It was not my fault. You know that, right? You believe that?”
“I know. I believe you.”
“You always do.” He nodded. “Or at least, you sound like you do. Even if you don’t and you only sound it, I appreciate it.”
“It’s no problem, Schneep.” And it really wasn’t. Laurens straightened. “Well, I have...news for you. I don’t know if you’ll see it as good or bad, but it’s news.” Schneep didn’t say anything, but he did sit up a bit. Laurens continued, “So, uh, yesterday, while I was sick, I met one of your friends. Chase. He said he...wanted to visit.”
A wide variety of emotions flickered across Schneep’s face. Surprise, joy, realization, worry, fear, consideration, then back to joy, though a bit tempered. “I think I would like to see him,” he said, squeezing the pillow tighter.
“I told him you would,” Laurens said. “He’s coming on Friday, three days from now.” She paused. “You think...you’ll be alright until then?”
A strangled laugh. “Is hard to predict. But I hope so. I would not want...anything to...happen.” The words were chosen haltingly, as if he was trying to find the simplest way to say it.
“Nothing’s going to happen,” Laurens said, surprising herself with the firmness of her own voice. “You’re doing good, you know. You can do it.” She wasn’t sure what ‘it’ was, but sometimes you just needed to hear it. “And I’ll be there that day, too.”
“That would be good,” Schneep agreed. For a moment, he was silent. “I...I do not feel like talking today. Would you leave, please?”
“Oh. Of course.” Laurens stood up. “I’ll see you tomorrow, then?”
Laurens left, finding her steps taking longer than usual. She glanced behind her one last time before leaving to see Schneep had buried his face in the pillow. She hesitated. Maybe she should stay...but he seemed like he wanted to be alone. In the future, she might be able to bring something so she could be alone with him. After all, there were times when that was really what was best. But she couldn’t, today.
She followed Oliver back through the first floor halls. “That was...different than I was expecting,” he admitted.
“It usually is,” Laurens agreed. “But people aren’t just one thing, you know?”
“...yeah, I think so.”
“Good.” Laurens took a deep breath, and sighed. Three days. She just had to hope things would improve in three days. And then she had to believe things would continue to improve from there.
And somehow, she did. Perhaps she was more optimistic than she’d thought she was, but she believed things would get better. They usually did.
20 notes · View notes
evans-maxed-out · 5 years
Of Want, Need And Destiny Chatzy
Who: Sam Evans and Mercedes Jones:
Where: Masquerade party Le Palais d’Exchangistes, Hawaii
When: 11/30/19
Notes: Sam and Mercedes reconnect in a surprising environment...
Sam: This was so not his scene, he thought sourly, as he knocked back the glass of whiskey that the bartender had poured for him. Around him couples, threesomes, sometimes more gyrated to the music, hands touching everywhere they could. He rolled his eyes as Francis sat down next to him and held up a hand. "Don't even start..I'm not interested in knocking up your wife and you go anywhere near my fiancee with that dick, I'll cut it off and beat you with the wet end of it, understood?" Francis chuckled, offering him a hand. "Truce. I get it..kinda. I still think you're a fine ass couple and me and Pat would've loved to have had some fun..but I just wanted to thank you." Sam's brow furrowed in confusion. "You want to thank me..what for?" Francis smiled, turning on his stool to face him. "We'd never thought about trying golden showers..I mean Pat has hotwifed, I've reverse gangbanged..we both love oral and anal and double pen-" he stopped seeing Sam's face. "But as much as we like that stuff..something was missing. We spied on you guys and heard you begging Mercedes to piss on you..So we tried it to see what all the fuss was about..And guess what?" Sam was staring in horror, completely speechless. This idiot here thought he was into being pissed on? "We had the best fun we've had in years..and we realized something. We don't need others to fulfill us sexually...that stuff was us trying out things on our road to discover our Holy Grail. Golden Shower. So thanks man..I'd better go, get my wife before some other fucker thinks they can get their dick wet. We're..exclusive now. No need for anyone else. Just me, Pat and golden showers.." Sam watched him walk away completely bemused. Christ, what kind of folks were these? A woman sat down beside him, but he barely took any notice, as he scanned the crowd for Mercedes. Suddenly he felt a hand on his thigh and he shifted about to open his mouth and tell the woman off. "Dude..no talking!" The bartender admonished sharply. "You already broke the rules talking to that guy.." Sam huffed, and turned back to the woman, who objectively speaking was hot, but no way was he interested. Shaking his head, he pushed her hand off and stood, turning to walk away and go in search of his errant fiancee.
Mercedes surveyed her surrounding as she made her way into the ballroom. She began going through the sea of people happy that she could see what was happening around her through her mask. She convinced Sam that they should arrive to the masquerade at different times to make them finding one another sorta fun. Plus, she didn’t want him to see how she was dressed until they were trapped in this room and he wouldn’t be able to speak to her. She knew he hated being here. He didn’t enjoy this trip she planned and she felt awful about the whole ordeal. She continued to search the room for Sam and had to keep her wits about her at some of the things she witnessed from the crowd of people. She was beginning to think he didn’t even show when she spotted him wandering around. His back was turned away from him and she slowly made her way over to where he was at. Right before she made it to him someone brushed up against her side fingers grasping her elbow and she politely waved them down. She sighed a sigh of relief when the person honored her wishes and backed off. Finally she was standing behind Sam, his shoulders sorta slump and she couldn’t help the slight laugh she made. She reached out tiny hands dancing up his back, and then down. He wanted to turn but she stopped his movement, hands moving to his shoulders to keep him facing from her. She pulled him into her body flush against hers as her hands travelled to the front of his body from behind. Her hands roamed his stomach and then slowly she began to run them up along his chest as she rested her head on his back.
Sam: It was her- the moment she had run her hands over his back, he'd known. He'd know her touch anytime and anywhere and he grinned when she stopped him turning around, her hands moving over his stomach and then onwards over his chest. His hand moved behind him, gliding over her navel, eyes widening as he felt just how much she wasn't wearing. Suppressing a growl, his fingers dipped between her thighs, slipping under the barely there underwear she was wearing, brushing against her clit. He was horny, had been dying of blue balls for what felt for a fucking decade and then she just had to show up to this party, with all these damned perverts staring, wearing an outfit best designed to be worn at a strip joint. No more. The refrain rang through his mind as he removed his hand and spun around, arms banding around her. They glided over the mounds of her ass, and he lifted her, his hips thrusting into the cradle of his, and stalked off to the side of the room, to press her back up against the surface of the nearest wall. "The fuck, you thinking wearing something like this?" he demanded before his mouth crashed down on hers, and one hand ripped her panties from her body. "Don't care who fucking sees," he told her, a feral light in his eyes. All around them, people were kissing, fucking, in pairs or more and he couldn't bring himself to care who saw them. " Who were you wearing this for? Huh?' his fingers probed her opening before sliding deep into her hot, wet, depths. "Gonna fuck you, right here, right now.."
Mercedes: She knew she was flirting with danger when she chose the outfit she did. It took her a look of willpower to muster up the courage to leave the hotel room and she could see that it was well worth it. “You like?” She quirked her brows at him with a smile. Sam didn’t give her time to even finish her little game before he was on her. She hadn’t seen him like this but one other time before. Right after she returned from being gone four years he was insatiable. Her back hit the wall with a slight thud and she didn’t know whether to be frightened or even more turned on than she already was. “Someone’s anxious aren’t we?” She asked when he ripped her panties from her. “Francis is looking mighty fine tonight, maybe he’s finally wore me down....” She teased with a shrug of her shoulder. She was skating a fine line with that last statement but to hell with it. She wanted him, wanted to get so fired up that she’d sure be sore in the morning. His eyes told a story, Sam was seriously about to fuck her senseless against this wall. “Fuck Sam,” she moaned into the open air as he used his fingers to slip into her wet pussy. Her hips moved grinding against his fingers as they drove her insane.
Sam: At the mention of Francis, his eyes flashed dangerously. Jealousy, white hot and bitter, shot through his veins like a powerful hit of adrenaline. His thumb grazed over her clit as he pumped his fingers inside her. “ The fuck you’re going anywhere near him,” he grated out, furious. “ You know what your problem is, Cedes?” He asked her as he rubbed her bliss button relentlessly. “You’re a fucking cocktease, and tonight, you’ve pushed me past my breaking point. The room was dark, the only thing he could make out was the silhouettes of lovers moving feverishly against each other, moans of ecstasy permeating through the air. Sam had never been an exhibitionist, some things were meant to be private, in his opinion, but tonight, tonight he wanted her screaming HIS name, wanted her creaming on HIS cock, uncaring of who was watching or listening. His fingers pulled out of her roughly and he dropped to his knees. He lifted a sweetly rounded thigh over his shoulder and buried his face into her sex, without preliminaries. His tongue lashed her clit, rolling it over and over again. His fingers slid once again inside her, thrusting deep, searching for the spot that he knew would drive her insane. “Shit, you taste so good, baby,” he groaned, before sucking her clit back into his mouth, his teeth grazing it lightly. It was desperate, the need to make her lose all control, burning like an uncontrollable fire inside him. He felt her hips buck against him and he looked up at her, grinning wickedly. “You’re really wet Cedes, you’re creaming on my tongue.. you know that? So fucking delicious..” His other hand slid upwards over her stomach, rising higher to cup her breast, thumb roughly tweaking her nipple in time with his fingers’ thrusts inside her. “ You’re getting so tight too, aren’t you baby? Feels like you want to come..D’ya think I should let you..after all those times I’ve been left high and dry and jerking off in the shower?” He teased her, knowing there was no way she was not going to come right here, right now.”C’mon Cedes, give it to me..come for me..” he entreated, before his mouth sought her clit again, tongue flicking over it again and again.
Mercedes: She might’ve took it a little too far with the Francis comment but she didn’t care. The dark green glare of jealousy in Sam’s eyes her her rubbing her knees together in anticipation. “I aim to tease,” she smirked, “how else do you expect me to keep you coming back for more?” She could feel her essence began to slide down her thighs she was so wet. This right here was why she could never engage in any of that mess Francis and Pat had been sprouting. Sam was the only man she’d ever react this way to. He knew it too. He knew he had her hook, line, and sinker. Which is why when he dropped down to his knees in a ballroom full of people and began his vicious assault on her promise land she didn’t bat an eye. She didn’t care that anyone and everyone could be watching her with her fiancé’s face buried between her thighs. She used the thigh he threw over his shoulder to pull him impossibly closer wanting more from him. The need to find release had her body aching. “Fuck baby, don’t stop,” she moaned hips thrusting up to where she was desperately humping his face. She was so close, her fingers weaved through his golden locks pulling roughly as she felt the tightening in her stomach. It was then when he paused. She could murder him in that moment. “Don’t you fucking dare,” she warned him. “Now is not the time for games Sam.” He must’ve seen how serious she was because once again he dove back in this time his intent on pulling her release from her was evident. She squirmed against the wall as he continued to devour her. It was all too much. She wasn’t lasting much long. “Shit Sam I’m gonna cum,” she informed him hands going up to tweak her hard nipples. Her whole began to quiver as she felt her orgasm hit her. “Fuck Sam, holy fuck,” she cried wantonly, eyes fluttering, and breathing hard and labored as she flooded his mouth.
Sam: He heard her cry out his name the second she shot over the edge, groaned deep in his throat as he tasted the juices that coated her sex, infused with the sweet taste of her. He pulled away and rose from his knees, mouth slamming down harshly on hers, tongue pushing inside her mouth, allowing her to taste herself on him. “Got anything to say about Francis now?” He growled near her ear, then proceeded to kiss his way across her collarbone and downwards, pushing the dating fabric of the indecent outfit she was wearing. His tongue painted a path along her breast, before his lips closed over a temptingly pouting nipple, teeth biting down lightly on it. He couldn’t get enough of this, wanted her too damn badly, and he knew, that tonight, nothing short of a nuclear bomb would stop him from burying himself deep inside her. “ So damn hot..” his whispered, the words blurred against the sultry sweetness of her skin. One hand flicked open the snap of the leather pants he wore, his cock hard and aching, presses against the unrelenting seam. “Jesus Christ Cedes...touch me..please..” he begged.
Mercedes: “Francis who?” she pondered dazed and still coming down from her high. Her body was still thrumming from what Sam had done to her and still she wanted more. Needed more. He was so damn hot, demanding and in charge but she could see the pure want for her in not only his eyes but the way he kissed her as well. She turned them both as she grabbed him this time him against the wall as she sucked his tongue in her mouth moaning at the feel. “Don’t worry baby, I’m going to do more than touch you,” she promised as she went back in tongue dominating his as she snaked her hand down his body reaching between them and caressing his manhood. “Damn Sam, your dick is practically throbbing in my hand. All that for little ole me?” She laughed against his lips. “Tell Cedes what you baby?” She was in pure temptress mood. She felt this newfound desire for her man and she was going to show him just how badly she wanted him. “You want this?” She asked hand stroking his full length and thumb rubbing the tip collecting all the precum from it. She brought her thumb up to her mouth and made sure he watched as she sucked it clean. “Here’s how it’s going to go down,” her hand going back down to his rubbing it along her wet folds. “First, I’m going to use my tongue and mouth to taste you. Then....mmmm” she moaned as she continued to tease him head brushing her still sensitive clit. “I want you buried deep, inside me, fucking me till I tap out. Got it?” She didn’t wait for his answer as she dropped down to her knees and took him fully in her mouth, tongue lapping his cock with every stroke.
Sam: Fucking goddamn shit...his thoughts all coalesced into one only..get inside her as quickly as possible but then she listed what she was going to do and her mouth enveloped him and the war was lost. “Fuck yeah..Got it..” he practically whimpered as her warm mouth ran over his cock. This was his favorite thing ever-apart from being buried balls deep inside her- to feel her tongue running down the thick vein that wound a path along the underside of his shaft. So damn hot, when she looked up at him, doe eyes full of innocence and sin, mouth full of his cock. He was harder than hell, completely aware that if she didn’t stop the wicked things she was doing with her tongue he’d completely disgrace himself and flood her mouth with his come. “Up!” He ordered her pulling his hips back before he fucked her mouth to oblivion. Tugging her upwards he reversed them once again, her back to the wall, as he hoisted her up legs either side of him. His cock rubbed at the entrance of her sex, covering the top in her juices and he canted his hips towards her, eyes locked with hers, as he started the slow slide inside her body. She was tight, scorching hot and something just so purely Mercedes, that he could’ve wept at the feeling of relief that suffused him at finally, FINALLY being back inside her. “Oh God’” he muttered frantically, pulling his hips back and slamming back into her, over and over again.
Mercedes: She whimpered when he lifted and impaled her with his cock. Ugh, it had been too damn long. Too long since he was last buried balls deep inside her dick hitting her spot with every wicked thrust. Her back slid up the wall as he fucked her senseless. “Missed this,” she admitted looking straight in the eyes of her fiancé. Her legs tightened around his waist as she rolled her hips into countering his frantic movement. She was teetering close to cumming for the second time tonight. She took a second to finally look at her surrounding since Sam had pulled her off the floor and in that moment she had revelation. While most here came to find excitement in someone new she didn’t need it. Sam was more that all she would ever want and for her to be fearful of ever being like they were now, insane with want just for the other was ridiculous. It was more than just sex, it was form of intimacy she couldn’t really describe. They had it. The thing most couples crave, beg for. The spark between them always blazing. “That’s it Sam, fuck your pussy. Make me cum baby.” This was his. Every inch of her. He branded her since the first time they ever made love. She’d remain his forever and always. Her head flew back hitting wall as she gripped his shoulder for dear life. She was cumming harder than before and his name ripped from her lips in a loud scream.
Sam: He loved this-the raw,carnal sex between them that was so much more than sex-it was their very souls connecting in a rhythm as old as time and transcendant through all of their lives together. He lived for this, her warm skin pressed against him as she lost herself in his arms, the feel of her warm tongue stroking against his and the heat of her sex holding him deep inside her, where he was born to be. This had to have been pre-ordained- somewhere, sometime in a past life he must've done something freaking amazing to have been rewarded in this one, with her. They were destined, one incomplete without the other and they'd found a love most people could only dream of ever having. "Yeah baby..missed this..missed you..missed loving you like this.." he agreed dazedly as her legs locked tightly around him. He drove deep inside her, barely holding onto sanity as she clenched around him, head thrown back in surrender, in this moment totally his just like he was hers, body, heart and soul. He felt the moment she came, loved the screams that were torn from her-had never felt as incredibly close and intimate with her as he did now, in a room full of fornicating people. Locked in their own world, the only thing he could hear or feel was her cumming hard on his cock. "Oh Christ Cedes.." he muttered desperately thrusting into her as he felt the familiar tightening of his balls."I love you so damn much..You're the love of my life," the words wrenched from the depths of his soul as he came in complete abandon, his seed painting her pussy thickly. Pressing his forehead against hers. still lodged deeply inside her, he kissed her gently, heart pounding in his ears. Shooting her a lopsided grin he looked around and sighed. " Never thought I'd be one for sex in public..but damn that was hot...But I think we'd better get out of here before these folks think we're fair game.." He withdrew from her gently, loving the way her sex glistened with his cum and took her hand in his before heading for the exit. The vacation may have been a bust but he'd do it all over again for a moment just like this.
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Summer Training Camp Arc/ Rescue Bakugo/ The End of All Might
Episode 39: Game Start
•the fact that Denki and Mineta physically went to Mido’s house to invite him to the pool is actually kinda cute. Too bad they have creepy intentions
•Momo:”Aw I was supposed to spend several weeks traveling Venice with my parents”
Uraraka: “WHAT is YoUr LiFE??” I feel you girl
•Mineta/Denki:”TheRe’S BoObS At tHe End Of ThiS TuNnEL”
Iida-Absolute Unit-Tenya:”HELLO FELLOW CLASSMATES”
•Iida is built like a fucking TANK what the heck but why the fuck are you walking like that Iida lmao
•Iida talking about how far he and Izuku have come as friends, I’m soft
•Kiri refusing to come without Bakubabe convincing Bakugo to join then looking so defeated when he immediately starts picking a fight I can’t with these two
•”friendly competition between classmates” cuts to Bakugou looking possessed before saying “I’m going to annihilate you Deku/ Icy Hot Bastard” bruh do you have an off switch or at least take it down like 20 notches you’re exhausting
•Lmao the whole class is cheating
•I love how it just cut to a dramatic montage of TodoDeku moments while Sho can’t take his eyes off Mido WHY THEY ALL SO INTENSE FOR YOURE 15 HANGING OUT AT A POOL DURING THE SUMMER WHY ARE YOU GUYS ALWAYS ON
•Mido/Todo/Iida all just staring at each other intensely having their own inner montages. Literally anybody watching them “...are they okay?”
•Aizawa you party pooper
•I’m sorry but Kirishima is so in love and no one can tell me other wise no I do not take constructive criticism
•Okay that end montage is so fucking pure I’m. So. Soft
Episode 40: Wild, Wild Pussycats
•Kirishima “can’t keep my hands to myself/off Bakugo Katsuki” Eijirou
•Class 1B to anybody they meet: “we’re sorry about Monoma”
•Aizawa loves his class can’t you tell
•”Long time no see” Aizawa’s a cutie
•Lmao KOTA the first of Mido’s adopted kids
•These poor fucking kids can’t catch a fucking BREAK
•Koda tried and I love him
•Kiri’s heart eyes are so LOUD
•I love when they all work together
“Then pick another route” Todoroki doesn’t have time for your tantrums Kacchan
•These poor kids
•Kota went for the KO
•”Brats got spunk”
“He’s like a mini version of you “
He’s right and should say it
•Mineta needs a muzzle
•The boys are all like we’re just as curious to see the girls but Mineta needs to calm down 300%
•Kota to the rescue!
•Mina almost killed a child with her boobs I’m dead and so is Kota
•I’m sorry but it’s both funny and weird that Midoriya is just naked while being told this child’s tragic backstory
•Aizawa you are actively trying to kill your students aren’t you just admit it
Episode 41: Kota
•Testutestu is such a good boy
•Good training idea according to UA Teachers: Break yourselves or else you’re weak. Just fucking die then you can be heroes
•Tiger is amazing “I’m here to beat you guys to a pulp”
“I have some questions about him...” ME TOO RANDOM CLASS 1B STUDENT BUT I LOVE HIM
•Iida tries so hard
•Momo explains how her quirk works: smart and precise description
Sero Fucking Hanta: “like how poop works” BRUH
•This kid is literally just a mini Kacchan
•I’m sorry but Mido why would you ask a small child who you’re trying to befriend about their murdered parents like what part in your mind made you think that was a good idea
•Mina And Bakugo sleep the same way, starfish style, I love them. But who the FUCK is sleeping under a bunch of pillows off their mattress on the straight floor with their butt in the air (I bet money it’s Kaminari)
•everyone complaining about training in the dark:
Tokoyami: ”Revelry in the Dark”
•Kirishima’s too tired to deal with his angry boyfriend
•Todoroki trying to help Midoriya with Kota “be careful what you say, you can be really annoying” he’s trying
•Tokoyami constantly whispering “Revelry in the Dark” to himself is the FUNNIEST thing to me I love you, you emo punk
•It Dabi Time
Episode 42: My Hero
•these poor fucking kids I swear
•”we want our treat Mr. Aizawa”
“Do you want me to tighten your bindings?”
Oooh Kinky Bad Aizawa akshdhbekal
•Spinner is a long lost Ninja Turtle Brother change my mind
•I respect Testutestu so much
•This muscley villain is Bakugo’s real dad and nobody can tell me other wise
•Okay that fucking Bondage villain is genuinely terrifying
•it’s been X amount of days since breaking my bones- erases whatever number was there and puts a fat zero MIDORIYA YOU WERE DOING SO WELL but for this we will make an exception I guess
•Mido really thought he was gonna die holy FUCK
Episode 43: Drive It Home, Iron Fist
•Shiggy thinking in Video Games format is honestly so on brand
•Mido is FUCKED UP right now poor boy
•”We’re in big trouble” YEAH NO SHIT ERASURE
•BAMF Aizawa is my reason for living
•Okay I forgot how much I love Twice
•Aizawa seeing Izuku’s broken bones: ”AGAIN???”
•Kota’s precious and I LOVE DADZAWA
•”Teachers changing their minds about fighting, why do I feel like this is Deku’s fault” BAKUGO SHUT UP YOU HAVE MORE IMPORTANT THINGS TO WORRY ABOUT RIGHT NOW YOU DICKHEAD
•Midoriyas doing a Naruto run because his arms are fucking broken I’m crying
•Tokoyami, Dark Shadow And Shouji IM READY
Episode 44: Roaring Upheaval
•Tokoyami tries so hard to be good I love him
•Yami is so emo And is just such a Good Boi AH
•Scared Bakugo is Baby
•Honestly they’re all Baby
•Toga:”I love messed up bleeding people”
Mido: shows up completely broken
Toga:”Mr. Stainy who? I want that one”
•Aoyama would be the kid who gets caught in hide and seek because they think they have a great spot and can’t be seen and try to peek them convince themselves still nobody saw them in plain sight
•Awase was fully prepared to die protecting Momo I’m CRYING he’s my new favorite
•Battle Plan Mastermind Mido is amazing
•Also poor unconscious kid just being dragged behind Uraraka haha
Episode 45: Shat A Twist!
•Kiri: “I cant let them take my boyfriend” poor boy just wants to help so bad
•Whelp nobody is safe
•LMAO Aizawa just stomping on Fake Dabi has me dying
•Shouto how long has it been since you last saw your brother...?
•Shouji SMACK A BITCH Mezo
•Compress you freak get those kids out of your mouth ya nasty
•Dabi stop being a dick to your little brother I’m gonna tell Rei
•Kirishima is so upset AND IM UPSET MY BABIES
•These kids just wanted a fun week at camp LEAVE THEM ALONE THEYRE 15
•...Mic...is the traitor...
•I love how everybody hates All Might’s ringtone lmao
•All Might’s like only Us teachers are allowed to beat our kids to a pulp in order to better them as heroes y’all are just mean
•I know Mitsuki has just a bad a temper as her son but how do you think she reacted finding out her child was the kidnap victim of a villain attack? No matter what you think of her as a parent, that’s still her kid and she must have been devastated. But just like Katsuki she would never admit it to his face
•Precious Boy Denki And Class 1A coming to visit their hurt friends I love this class so much
•”I brought a present! I mean it’s from everyone. It’s a melon!” Okay that was pretty cute
•Kirishima being like “why is everyone crying we’re going to go get him let’s go gays time to get our Gremlin back”
•Kiri:”he’s still within your reach Midoriya!”
Mido:”...my arms are BUSTED my dude nothing is in my reach right now I’m still gonna come tho”
Episode 46: From Iida to Midoriya
•Kirishima is THE Best Boi I love him so fucking much I would die for him
•Iida’s trying his best not to blow a gasket
•”Hysterical Strength” yeah sounds like Deku
•”Go home and take it easy” lmao have you met this kid?
•Kota is so freaking sweet
•Izuku. Go see your mother
•Iida’s got some good points. I’m including that punch to Midoriya
•Bakugo must be so tired of being tied up and restrained you know he doesn’t have bondage kink later on in life just hits too close to trauma
•Kiri’s constant state of mind: WWBD (WHAT Would Bakugo Do)
•Mido: Stealth Mode=Wakanda Forever
•Iida has the best costume this is not up for debate. I also always forget he has an undercut, we Stan an icon
•”So the rich girl just wants to go shopping” I’m crying
•Clean Shaven/Neat Hair Aizawa? Hell to the fucking Yes Please
•I’m genuinely proud of Bakugo and the fact that he knows that he’s intense and scares a lot of people/ how he comes across is aggressive and almost villain like, he adamantly doesn’t want to be a villain even if everyone just assumes he would be. He wants to be a hero. Whatever it takes
Episode 47: All For One
•Rightful shoutout to Kendo and Testu
•”We are offering mental health counseling to every single student but right now we do not see signs of any serious psychological trauma” Nezu I’m sorry but those kids are officially fucked up for life you can’t be serious
•”what if they’re brainwashing young Bakugo right now towards the path of villainy” leave Bakugo ALONE
•Aizawa is like you come for my angry son I come for your throat try me again bitch
•FERAL GREMLIN BOY FIGHT OR FIGHT MODE ACTIVATED Bakugo has no flight mode only fight
•Mido: Incoherent mumbling
Momo:“this is peak Midoriya” I love how they’re just used to him now
•the boys are just like you’re not touching our friend you drunk creeps
•Kirishima came PREPARED to get his boy back I love him
•Bakugo just take the help you prideful little shit
•Okay Edgeshot is great where has he been all this time
•Annndddd it all went to shit so fast
•oh my god Best Jeanist is fuckin dead
Episode 48: Symbol of Peace
•”You won’t escape Shigaraki” umm so how’d that work out for ya All Might?
•Kamui Woods “IM SO SORRY” poor boy
•Talking to Best Jeanist:”consider me...pressed” All For One got jokes huh
•...yeah no BJ REALLY Fuckin Ded
•These kids are so fucking traumatized
•Twice has big Deadpool energy tbh
•Lmao Iida has had enough
•Mom and Dad of group award goes to Iida and Momo
•All For One: asks Kurogiri to help warp the League
Also All For One: Stabs him while doing it
•”I don’t think so. Because... I Am Here!” All For One really said Fuck All Might
•All these kids think in Video Game Lmao
•I know there’s a lot of commotion happening but I definitely feel like the villains would be able to hear them talking
•Midoriya went to Kirishima like time to get your asshole boyfriend back you lovesick fool
•”YOU IDIOTS” you’re smiling because your friends are here you jerk
•Everyone’s so intense then Kiri-fucking-shima is there smiling like an idiot because BAKUGO’S BACK
•...I always forget Shiggy’s familial lineage and it’ makes me sad every time
•I love this episode so MUCH
Episode 49: One For All
•Nana Shimura looks just like Momo...Todoroki Secret Lovechild Theories Intensifies
“You’re welcome!”
Oh Bakugo just say thank you
•...soooo many people died in Camino Ward, man...
•Aizawa looks so young
•All For One really just pulled an “I am your father” move but with Shiggy and Nana that’s messed up
•Everyone loves All Might I’m so soft
•I’m genuinely crying guys
•...can everyone hear All For One talking about Midoriya oorrrrr???
•All Might you’re pulling a Deku pleaSE STOP
•United States of Smash I cant
•Kirishima really tried holding Bakugo’s hand YALL
•...Bakugo knows
•I love this episode too I’m so upset
Episode 50: End of the Beginning, Beginning of the End
•Gran Torino explaining why they didn’t know about Shimura’s family/Shigaraki is. Sad
•Bakugo is traumatized someone please help him
•Endeavor and Bakugo are the same person and I hate it
•Midoriya and All Might running to each other on the beach is big Marty and Alex from Madagascar energy I’m cackling
•Jirou’s parents are so cool, Kyoka’s so cool THE JIROUS ARE SO COOL
•Oh my god the Bakugos are so CHAOTIC
•It all makes so much sense why he is the way he is and it’s all. Too much. Poor Katsuki
•He’s so. Tired. You can tell. I just want to give him a hug
•”Be CoOl MoM” Izu you’re just as tense and you’ve been with All Might for literally HOW LONG???
•Mama Midoriya is. Right. But that sucks for Izuku
•This is. So. Emotional
Last part of Season 3 is next. DORM LIFE BABY just a little less angst thank god these kids need a break
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julia-highstorms · 7 years
If Jane Was Here (Noah’s POV) - Ch. 06
Summary: ILITW by Noah’s point of view. Read Chapter 5 here!
Note: F!MC! The chapters are getting longer and longer... Tell me if you think it would be better if I divided them in parts. Also, I'd like to thank @klaudiana-beaumontkk, @yertletheturtle04, @miragemeister and @melisa-kirkland for commenting! <3 Without your support I'd take even more time to write it down!  Don't worry, I'll write the whole book, I just am lazy af lol
Rating: PG-13 (swear words, dead sisters, mental health and shadowy monsters)
Pairing: Noah x MC
Word count: 3416
Chapter 6 – A Bitter Pill to Swallow
When he woke up the next day, Noah still was shaken by the dream.
It felt so real. She was so real.
If Jane was here...
He went to school unaware of his surroundings, his mind racing of memories.
Memories of him, Jane, MC and the whole gang playing together. In the woods. With Mr. Red.
...That bastard.
“...Noah! Earth to Noah!” – he snapped out of his thoughts.
He was at school, standing right in front of his locker, in the middle of the hallway. And MC was talking to him.
“Hey! You okay?” – she asked with a worried expression on his face.
He could have lied. He could have shrugged it off and pretended that everything was fine.
Like he’d been doing for ten years.
But he felt like... He could tell the true. Be true to himself and to her. She deserved it. She wouldn’t walk away anymore. She was his friend now. Like how they used to be.
He trusted her.
“I... I dreamt about her.” – his voice was just a whisper, but she heard him.
“And... Was it bad?”
“No... It was good, actually. Really good. Like... as if she was here, you know? With us. All grown up. She was a cheerleader like Stacy. And I guess she had a crush on Lucas...” – he stopped talking suddenly and she waited. – “It’s stupid, I know.”
“It’s not stupid, Noah.”
“No, it is. I mean, we’re all very aware that she’s dead. We were there. So why do I feel so touched by a stupid dream?!”
“It was not a stupid dream.” – she said again, softly.
“It was. And I am stupid too.”
“No! It wasn’t a stupid dream! And you’re not stupid, Noah!” – MC raised her voice. –  “It makes sense. You miss her. I—“ – she interrupted herself for a second: “...Sometimes I dream about her too.”
“...Really? About what?”
“They’re more like memories. Of all of us playing. Sometimes it turns into a nightmare. And I remember... you know. That day.” – Noah nodded. He knew pretty well what she was talking about. – “Anyway... nothing is stupid, remember it. And... I’m glad that you told me.”
“Because this means that you’re opening up to me.” – he could see a small smile tugging at the corner of her mouth. – “And this makes me happy.”
He rolled his eyes and MC saw his cheeks turning pink.
“You make such a deal over nothing...”
“You know it’s not ‘nothing’.” – she answered before pulling him for a hug.
The boy didn’t know what to do, so he tapped her on the head. She released him laughing.
“Anyway, how was the game?” – he asked with his face still red.
“We won! Andy was spectacular! You lost a great game.”
“Did it finish too late? I guess I wouldn’t be brave enough to walk home alone if I was you...”
“Oh, Connor came to watch the game too and he gave me a ride.”
“Really?” – she nodded. – “Uh. Just... the two of you?”
“Yes.” – MC looked at him as if he had a third eye. – “...Don’t tell me you’re jealous, Beanie Boy.”
“I’m not jealous.”
“Yes, you are! You were jealous the other night when we went at the hardware store and I talked to him! C’mon, confess that you’re jealous of Connor Green!”
“Why would I be jealous of him?”
“You tell me!” – she answered playfully.
They were still arguing – actually, MC was still teasing him – when their phones buzzed.
Stacy texted the group that Mayor Green told her which hospital Dan was and that they were going to see him after school.
Anf then, the school bell rang.
After class, Noah went to the parking lot to meet his friends. They were all there, minus Stacy and MC.
The cheerleader appeared a few minutes later with Britney.
“What the fuck is she doing here?” – Noah said right away.
“Did she suffer a major concussion? That’s why she’s here?” – Ava asked.
“Don’t worry, I don’t want to be here either, weirdos.”
“Is everyone here?” – Stacy asked, looking around.
“MC is not here yet.” – Lucas answered, feeling little comfortable with the unwelcome addition.
“Hey, Britney.” – Lily said. Britney smiled back at her.
“Hey, Lil.”
“Uh... Why is she here?” – Andy asked Stacy again, but MC showed up before she could answer.
“What the hell took you so long, MC?” – Britney snapped.
“What’s she doing here?”
“Good question.” – Lucas said.
“She didn’t suffer a major concussion and wander here in a semi-concious fugue. I already asked.”
Britney rolled her eyes to Ava.
“What I’m doing here is leaving, don’t worry. I just came by to...” – she paused, but Stacy nudged her with her foot. She scowled, continuing through clenched teeth: “...to invite you to my party at my house this Saturday.”
“Wow. Did not expect that.” – Noah said, in shook.
“You sure about that concussion?” – Andy asked calmly to the cheerleader.
“You’re inviting us to your party? Sounds awesome! You know, I don’t think I’ve ever been over to your house before!”
“Wow, imagine that.” – Britney answered MC ironically.
“Come on, guys! Britney told me she’s trying to turn over a new leaf and stop being such a jerk to people. Right, Brit?” – Stacy turned to her.
“Yeah. Totally.”
“Well, this is more weird to add to the weird pile. Are we sure this isn’t Mr. Re—“ –Andy nudged Ava hard in the ribs, jerking his head at Britney. Ava crossed her arms, glaring at him. – “Okay, but we’re gonna have a talk about all this later.”
“Yeah! We’ll talk about that, uh, school project. For that class we have. That Britney isn’t in.” – Noah desperately tried to change the subject.
“Okay, whatever you’re talking about? Yeah, I super don’t care.”
“We’re... really all invited to your party?” – Lily asked with a glow in her face.
Britney looked at Lily, her expression softening a little:
“Yeah, really. Does that mean you’re coming?”
“O-of course! I would love to!”
“Great! Make sure you save me a dance.”
With a final glare at Stacy, Britney stalked away toward the bus stop. MC pulled the cheerleader aside and they started exchanging a few rushed whispers.
“Not to break up this fun whispering thing you’ve got going on, but visit hours are over in, like, ninety minutes.”
“Yeah, we gonna go see Dan or what?” – Noah agreed with Ava.
“Sorry! We’re coming.” – MC said.
“I can fit five in my car... Lucas, can you drive someone?” – Stacy asked him, which startled at the sound of his name. He looked around.
“Huh? Oh, yeah, sure.”
Stacy unlocked her car, letting Ava, Andy, Lily and Noah pile inside.
“Yo, Ava, lemme trade you for the front. These shoulders don’t like the backseat.”
“Fight me, Kang.”
In the end, Andy sat on the backseat, with Noah between him and Lily.
The ride was good and not weird as Noah thought it would be. They talked mostly about the game and the classes they had. It was like they were all friends again.
Stacy pulled off and they made their way to the hospital. Dan was in a small room at the back of the building. They met Dan’s mom as she was leaving the room; she smiled at them, but she seemed busy talking to the phone.
“MC and Lucas are late...” – Lily said, before they entered the room.
“I’ll go see if they didn’t lose theirselves on the way here.” – Ava said and walked away.
Andy, Lily, Noah and Stacy entered Dan’s room.
“Jeez...” – Noah whispered, seeing his friend surrounded by medical equipments.
They all sat in silence, clustering around the bed where the boy lied still and quiet. The only thing they could hear was the heart rate monitor beeping out a soft, regular rhythm.
A nurse appeared to check Dan and they talked a little with him, before he left to see another patient.
Ava was back a few minutes later, with the MC and Lucas.
“Oh, Dan...” – MC muttered. Andy gave her his chair.
“Jeez... he looks so... it’s like something drained the life out of him.” – Ava commented.
“Can he... I mean, does he know we’re here?”
“Dunno. Nurse was here a minute ago. He said Dan’s in a ‘vegetative state’.” – Andy said.
“It is... do they know what caused it?”
“They have no idea. He just... he just won’t wake up.” – Lily answered Lucas.
Stacy sniffled, hugging herself and looking up at the ceiling to try and hold the tears back:
“Guys... what if he never wakes up?”
Lucas moved to stand by Stacy, putting an arm around her shoulders. Lily squeezed Stacy’s hand:
“Th-the nurse also said we should talk to him, though. He said that Dan might be able to hear us.”
“It’s probably crap. They always say that to make you feel better.” – Noah said.
“Does it work?” – Ava asked him.
“...Yeah, kinda.” – he admitted.
MC stood up and squeezed Dan’s hand in hers. She started talking softly with him, and Noah could swear that Dan seemed to relax ever so slightly, as if he knew that they were all there for him.
“Uh... MC? Your backpack is angry.” – Andy said, as a tiny black paw stuck out of the top of the bag, swimping blindly at his leg.
And then, MC revealed that she had a cat (Luna) inside her backpack.
“Whoah! Is that your cat, MC? It seems kinda... feral.” – Noah startled. The kitten didn’t look very friendly.
“Naw, Luna talks tough, but inside she’s a li’l love muffin.”
“Kinda like you?” – Andy teased Ava, who hissed at him, just like the cat.
“Has anyone been here to see him?” – MC asked, while the cat nestled against the side of Dan’s neck, curling into a tiny black ball.
“We ran into Dan’s mom on the way in, but she was on the phone with someone named Dr. Chambal.” – Noah answered her.
They explained to Lucas and MC that Dr. Chambal probably was Dan’s therapist, based on what they heard.
“Dan was seeing a therapist? Do you think she knows something about all this?”
“Who knows? He never told me about any of this. He wasn’t one for talking about feelings.” – Stacy told MC.
“Dan, buddy... I wish you could tell us what happened.” – Andy said, reaching out for their friend.
Dan’s head turned to the right... And they found his cellphone inside the pocket of his jeans. It looked like he really wanted that they went through his phone.
They discovered that Dr. Chambal was indeed his therapist and that he had PSTD. He would dream about Jane’s murder by Redfield ( “the incident”) frequently, just like Noah and MC.
By the end of the summer, he seemed to make some progress... until last week, when he went to the ruins to face his demons. And met Mr. Red.
After reading all of Dan’s texts, MC put down his phone:
“Oh Dan, I’m so sorry. I promise, we’re going to find a way to help you. And... and when you wake up, we’re going to be here for you. Whatever you need.”
“We’ll help more than that quack doctor. She told Dan it was all in his mind! She’s the reason he went to face Mr. Red!” – Noah shout, feeling anger raising inside him.
It was always like that. The adults never believed them. They were just a bunch of crazy and stupid kids to them.
Lily told him that he was being unfair, that Dr. Chambal was doing her best to help Dan and he seemed to get better, until Mr. Red ruined everything. Again.
“Everything that’s happened... it seems like it all started when Dan went inside the ruins.”
“That makes sense...” – Stacy agreed with MC. – “I mean, that’s how it all started ten years ago, right?”
“First one of us goes in, and it wakes him up. Then more of us show up, and his powers grows...”
“So, what... Mr. Red used Dan as bait to lure us into the woods? To increase his power?” – Noah asked, feeling the warmth leaving his body.
“That dirty monster did say I was supposed to bring everyone...”
“So we don’t give him what he wants. We all just stay out of the woods, and that way things don’t get any worse!” – Lily concluded, but MC and Lucas shared a worried look.
“I think things are already worse. I think... in his sick way, Mr. Red has been doing us favors. To get on our good side.”
“Huh? Favors like what?” – Andy asked the Student Body President.
“Like the bear attack, Andy. And the crows that attacked Cody and Jocelyn.” – MC explained to him.
“That could have been coincidences. When your town is surrounded by woods, animal attacks just happen sometimes.”
“Not... like this.” – Stacy said to Lily, before she told them about Britney’s blackmail and the tree creature that attacked her. – “And then it just... threw me the bag, and her phone fell right out.”
“It gave you Britney’s phone?! This proves everything! Mr. Red knew about the blackmail, and he helped you get to the video!”
“I don’t know how, but... yeah. Seems like.” – Stacy confessed.
“Okay, that explains why Britney invited us to a party, but it doesn’t explain why she suddenly decided to stop being a jerk to Lily.”
“Wait, do you think Mr. Red can affect people’s minds?” – MC asked Ava, but Lily interrupted:
“N-no way! There’s no proof that Mr. Red can do anything like that!”
“Okay, but you’ve gotta admit there’s something wrong there. She’s acting totally—“
“She’s just acting like she used to! Before she started hanging out with monsters like Jocelyn and Cody!”
Lily’s voice rose to a shout, and Dan seemed to flinch back from the sound, his brow furrowing as if in pain:
“Nnnnn... don’t...”
MC’s kitten suddenly jumped up, scampering to the foot of the bed. It turned, fur puffing up as it growled at Dan.
“Holy...” – Noah started muttering, but Lucas interrupted him:
“Dan... can you hear us? Are you there?”
The boy spoke again, his voice barely a whisper. MC leaned closer, straining to hear... when Dan’s hand suddenly clamped around her wrist! She tried to pull away, but his grip became tighter as the beeping from the heart rate monitor speeded up, the beat fast and irregular.
Andy lunged forward trying to free MC, but Dan’s free hand twitched, sending the other boy flying backward, slamming right into Noah and Ava:
“The hell?!” – Noah screamed as the three of them knocked down to the ground.
The lights flickered as Dan slowly sat up and started speaking with a voice that was not his own... but a terrible, cold whisper that seemed to fill the room:
“All... better now... everyone together...”
Noah, Ava and Andy still were struggling to stand up when the lights went out entirely. Suddenly, a wind howled from nowhere as, before their eyes, the room warped and stretched, the back wall falling away into darkness.
They all huddled together against the wind, and the monitor’s beeps continued to quicken, until they blended into an unsteady keening sound. MC begged Dan to let her go, but he wouldn’t, claiming that everything was “better now”.
“Better?! How the hell are things better?!”
“No... I helped... all better now...” – he whispered.
“Yeah, this is not my idea of ‘better’! So how about you get the hell away from us!”
Ava gestured wildly and the chair beside her flied toward Dan. He growled, and the chair deflected, shattering as it tumbled down the black tunnel behind his bed. MC convinced Ava to use her powers to pull her over.
As soon as MC was freed from Dan’s grip, the light suddenly flooded the room, blinding them.
By the time their eyes had adjusted, the hospital room had returnet to normal, as if nothing supernatural and terrifying has happened there just seconds before. Dan let out a long, shuddering sigh before his body went limp, and he fell back onto the mattress.
“Is... is it over?” – Lily asked as Lucas edged forward to check the monitors beside Dan’s bed:
“Looks like it... for now.”
“Is anyone hurt?” – Stacy asked, standing up.
“Only on my everywhere. Next time, I want a plan where no one bodyslams me onto dingy linoleum.”
“Sorry... at least it worked, right?”
“Yeah, so what the hell was...” – Noah started asking, but he paused as a nurse hurried in to look at Dan’s heart monitor. He looked from the monitor to Dan, his brow furrowing.
“We were, um, just leaving. Sorry.” – MC furtively scooped the cat back into her bag before the nurse saw it and everyone flied out the door.
They all gathered in the deserted hospital lobby.
“Okay... what the hell was all that?” – MC asked as they took turns signing out of the visitor log.
“Bad. It was bad.” – Lily muttered anxiously.
“Yeah, can we talk about that... thing? Was that...”
“It was him.” – MC answered Lucas.
“I never thought... I mean, it felt so real.”
“It was real.” – Noah told Stacy, while Andy started saying something:
“Also, uh... Ava has freaky mind powers now?”
Andy let out a sigh, cracking his knuckles nervously:
“I don’t know about you guys, but I’m gonna need about ten square feet of pizza to process all this. You guys in?”
“One sec. The rest of us need to sign out.”
Ava, Lily and MC walked up to the desk. Suddenly, Ava came back to them, saying that they were “breaking into the hospital’s private records” to discover more about the freaky and weird-ass coma cases and organized them into watch positions.
Noah looked nervously around his spot in one of the hallways, but no one came, thankfully. Lucas made their sign, but it took some time until the three girls rejoined the rest of them.
“I hope whatever you found was worth it. That was a close call.” – Lucas scolded them.
“Don’t worry, we got something.”
“Like, hey, how about the fact that all those other patients were also found around the woods?”
“Or that this isn’t the first time there’s been an epidemic of this kind...”
“I’d say that’s some pretty good info.” – Noah said.
“Not to mention...” – MC motioned everyone to come closer, and pulled the folder out of her shirt.
She fliped the file open and they all read it over together:
“It’s reports of the other epidemics. Looks like the doctor wrote some notes up top here...” – Andy started reading...
“...some cause for concern. In each past incident, the influx of coma patients is closely followed by a massacre.” – next to Stacy...
“It’s unclear how these events are related, and the deaths that follow are not always of such volume. (See article B, from November 3rd, 2007).”
Noah felt his heart stop.
“November 3rd...” – he muttered, his mouth suddenly dry.
It was the date of Jane’s death.
He felt Andy squeezing his shoulder, in a comforting gesture.
They finished reading the file and chatted about it, but Noah didn’t listen a thing. His mind was racing with memories of Jane.
If Jane was here...
No one spoke for a long time, everyone lost within their own fears.
“Guys...” – MC broke the silence. – “I know we can get through this. We just have to stick together. I’m more terrified than I’ve ever been in my life. I honestly don’t know if I have the strength to handle all of this... but I don’t have to be strong enoug... not on my own. Because I have all of you. Together, we’re stronger than any of us can be on our own. Together I know we can do this.”
The tension hung in the air for a minute longer, when...
“Okay, but I asked about pizza, like, forever ago... so can we take care of that first?”
“Yeah, I’m gonna need an entire pizza just for me.” – Ava agreed with Andy.
“Pizza Mega?” – Lucas asked, a smile tugging on the corner of his lips.
“Obviously.” – Stacy grinned back.
“We haven’t been there in ages... think they still have those little honey packets for the crust?” – Noah asked, his stomach growling just thinking about it.
“I wonder if anyone’s beaten my high score on the Meteor Madness cabinet...” – Lily commented.
With smiles on their faces, they all walked out the hospital building into the night, talking about memories of a happier time.
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Served - Chapter 5
New chapter time!  I meant to post during the week, but we had multiple softball games and then a field trip this week, and there was just no way!  Anyway...
This is an important chapter to me.  I feel really strongly about the subject matter here, and it’s what drove me to write this story in the first place. More author notes at the end of the story - I’ve got some personal stuffs for you today lol
Thanks as always to the most excellent @13starbuck42 for some really outstanding beta-ing (I don’t care, mr. dictionary, it’s a word now) in this chapter; I wrote pretty emotionally, and you helped so much!!  Tagging @today-in-fic
Catch up with Chapter 1 , Chapter 2 , Chapter 3 and Chapter 4!
Chapter 5 – Escape
By Monday, it seemed Daryl had all but forgotten about the scene at the bowling alley.  Dana still felt a little weird about it, but it seemed odd to bring it up again, so she decided to drop it and move on.  She didn’t mention it to anyone either, especially Melissa; she knew exactly what Missy would have to say.  Besides, she was completely in control.  Dana Scully didn’t let things get out of control.
School plodded along as expected for the rest of the week, but Dana felt a bit uneasy when she was with Daryl.  It was actually a little off-putting, because Daryl seemed oblivious. Dana may not have had much experience with relationships in her young life, but that didn’t necessarily mean she was completely innocent when it came to guys and expectations.  Her sister had made sure of that.  While outwardly it seemed she let the startling episode slide into oblivion, Dana had, in truth, logged it away in her mind for further study.  She knew one thing for absolute certain - she didn’t intend to be caught unaware again.
The football field was a bustling hotspot of activity in September.  In December, however, the only thing going on there after school was people training for cross-country, which made it an ideal place to hang out.  And that was exactly what Dana found herself doing on a blustery Thursday afternoon.  After school, Daryl shepherded her to the bleachers where a few friends were waiting, despite her insistence otherwise.
“You know I’ve got a huge Chem test tomorrow, Daryl.  I really need to get home,” Dana said, exasperated.  She was getting a bit tired of being pushed around and treated like she wasn’t able to make her own decisions.  She had a life, damnit.
“Come on, babe, we’re just gonna go sit and hang out for a few.  Lisa and Sharla said they were really hoping you’d be there; something about “testing trones” or whatever.  I don’t know,” Daryl shrugged, flipped his hair back, and slung his arm over Dana’s shoulder as he steered her toward the football field.
Dana was afraid if she rolled her eyes any harder they would stick.  She knew Daryl was completely full of shit. He was just manipulating her; he was not that stupid.  She was not going to stoop to that level; he knew that wasn’t right, she did not have to correct him, damnit.  Her brother was always calling her an insufferable know-it-all, but that ‘testing trones’ bullshit was so stupid it made her stomach roll.
“Testosterone, Daryl.  I know you know that; don’t try to sound like a dumbass.”  Dana glanced over at Daryl, prepared to continue arguing with him about why she couldn’t join them, only to meet his slightly crestfallen face and downturned eyes.  She melted a little, despite her resolve.  “Fine, I’ll come for like, half an hour.  Then I’ve got to get home.”
They found their friends in the bleachers just as the track athletes were stretching and getting ready to put in a few laps.  The group chatted amicably about the upcoming Winter Semi-Formal, but before long they started to trickle away in pairs.  Eventually, Dana found herself sitting alone with Daryl on the aluminum bench.
“Let’s walk, babe,” Daryl said.  “This seat’s getting kinda cold.”
They meandered along the track until Daryl suddenly turned back toward one of the buildings, and Dana got the distinct impression that she was being herded again, though she couldn’t figure out why would they be going back toward the school.  The buildings would all be locked by now, and Daryl didn’t exactly crave scholastic achievement.
It didn’t take long, though, for Dana to discover just what Daryl had in mind.  There was a narrow alleyway between the equipment shed and the locker room. Daryl slipped in, pulling her behind him.  It obviously wasn’t a newly discovered hiding spot; there were cigarette butts and beer cans on the ground.  But the squiggly feeling in the pit of Dana’s stomach told her Daryl wasn’t interested in lighting up or drinking.
Dana took three steps into the small space and Daryl shoved her roughly up against the brick, digging his hips into her hard and pinning her to the wall with his hands on her shoulders.  The shock of such force took Dana by complete surprise.  Their physical relationship had been fairly gentle up to that point.  Dana had even tried to take things further with him once, but either he hadn’t been interested at the time, or it simply hadn’t gone as well as she’d expected.  She wondered if she had been completely wrong about Daryl...but at the same time, she thought it was kind of sweet, respectful even.
This was not.
This was crude, and pushy, and wrong. Daryl had her shoulder pinned back with one hand while the other sharply grasped her hair, forcing her face up to his.  He pulled her into a jarring  kiss, pressing into her hard enough to be uncomfortable. Dana tried to put her hands on his chest and push away, but he ignored her and tightened the heated embrace.  She finally managed to break the kiss by wrenching her mouth away and turning her face.  Daryl continued his assault on her neck as she tried to catch her breath.
“Daryl, stop it!  What the hell are you doing?!” Dana exclaimed.  She pushed again, harder this time, and managed to get him to disengage long enough to meet her eye.
Daryl grinned at her, feral.  “What?  I just think it’s time we take this to the next level.”  He leered at her now, and winked like he was letting her in on some big secret.  “Don’t fight it, Dana.  You’ll enjoy it, I promise.”  He reached for her again.
“Are you insane?!  I’m not having sex with you in broad daylight; we’re practically on the football field, Daryl.  This is ridiculous!  I’m going home.” Dana turned on her heel, ready to stomp away, but as she glanced out between the buildings, she noticed the group of Daryl’s friends.  They had seen everything, the whole show.  Her blood was boiling; she was furious.
Daryl’s arm shot out and savagely gripped her wrist.  “We’re not done here.  You’re not going anywhere.”  He ignored it when she flinched slightly as he twisted the skin of her wrist painfully.
Dana look back at him with a glare so razor-sharp it could’ve cut glass.  “I don’t need your permission to leave.  Let me go, Daryl.  Now.”
Daryl yanked her hard, slamming her back into his body, and smirked at her.  “And if I don’t?  You’re awfully tiny to be bossing me around.”
“I won’t ask you again, Daryl.” Dana’s voice had lowered to almost nothing; she was livid.  “Let go of me and walk away.”
Daryl sneered.  “You didn’t ask the first ti—”
Dana drove a sharp knee up into Daryl’s groin as hard as she could, intent on driving his nuts into his brain.  When he was doubled over, yowling in pain, she grabbed the back of his head and shoved him face-first into the brick wall.  Daryl smacked his smug face so hard that he bloodied his nose and knocked out a tooth before he fell to the ground groaning.  Dana covered her mouth in surprise and hurried away.
“You bitch!” Daryl yelled, and she heard his friends laughing from across the field as they made their way over to check out the wreckage.
Sometimes it really paid off to have an older brother, especially one who loved to mess with you all the time. Thanks to Bill, Dana had learned early on how to physically protect herself.  Not that she’d ever kneed Bill in the groin, of course, but she sure was glad she knew how.
~Author Notes:  In case you don’t know this about me already, I’m a junior high librarian, so I’m with kids aged 10-13 on the regular.  That’s a tough age for everyone, and now more than ever, we have an extremely high percentage of students living without stable homes and little in the way of stable parenting situations.  While this doesn’t necessarily mean they don’t get the love and attention they need, it does sometimes mean we see kids who don’t get the sex education they need.  Unfortunately, we have seen a lot of these kids at such young ages engaging in things they just aren’t ready for, and then are so confused and upset.  The worst ones, though, are the ones who are victims to being forced in some way.  At my level, that’s usually through rumors and gossiping, which is painful in itself.  Anyway, I spend a substantial amount of time now talking to kids, especially girls, about how to protect themselves and be strong and intelligent, but we all know that sometimes that’s just not enough.  I’m trying to do my part by raising kind, respectful boys who know what’s right, but the world is an ugly place.  If you need help, or if you know someone who does, don’t ever be afraid to reach out to someone.  A teacher, a pastor, a parent or a friend’s parent, someone you trust that you can talk to.  Despite what you see in the news and various media today, there are still some good people in the world.  And no matter where you are, my door (and my inbox) is always open.  I learned a long time ago through my own personal trials that a successful life didn’t necessarily mean standing on my own, but learning to lean on those that loved me and could help me find my way until I truly could.  I love you, @acefamilydawg . You have been a rock for me for 23 years, and I am beyond blessed to have you.  You’re my homie for life, boo.
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megaphonemonday · 7 years
prompt: Mike/Blip/the team's reaction to the video of Ginny's dunk into the pool.
This is a kind of/sort of prequel to right between the ribs from Mike’s POV. Both fics can stand alone, though.
it’s sinking in | ao3
Mike rolled into the clubhouse later than he’d been in weeks. If his hangover of pretty epic proportions weren’t sufficient as an excuse, the fact that he’d spent last evening in the company of first his pissed off pitcher and then his ex-wife plus her current fiancé—in the house where Mike had once dreamed of starting a family—more than made up the difference. 
That he’d also had to drive all the way back to La Jolla from the dinner party from hell, painfully sober and replaying the way Rachel’d lingered in his arms, smelling so familiar and like everything he’d once wanted, hadn’t helped. Maybe if he hadn’t had those two interminable hours to himself, mulling and obsessing over every detail of the night and how he couldn’t seem to keep even one woman in his life, Mike wouldn’t have gotten home and immediately raided his bar to drown his sorrows and uncertainties.
But he had, and now he was stuck nursing both an ugly hangover and the usual parade of regrets.
And a few new ones.
Stalking through the bowels of Petco, sunglasses firmly in place even in the low lighting, Mike tried to shake Amelia’s parting shot to him, but his mind was like an echo chamber.
You know, your head wasn’t really in it, anyway. You should figure out where it’s been.
Well, he knew the answer to that. With Rachel. It was why he’d gone over there, after all. 
Wasn’t like Ginny’d miss him from her ridiculous party with all her fawning fans, anyway. In fact, she hadn’t seemed to miss him, or their evening chats or their morning workouts or their ability to exist in the same space, at all. 
Which didn’t matter because Mike still wanted Rachel back. 
She was the only one he could want. Back. She was the only one he could want back.
With great effort, Mike shut off that train of thought and tried to start coming up with retorts for all the ribbing he was bound to endure the minute he walked into the clubhouse, late and clearly worse for the wear. It wasn’t that he’d stopped loving his grand entrances, but maybe he could admit that showing up with more than enough time to suit up and stumble onto the field before BP was helping his game. It’d been a while since he’d cut it so close. The sudden reappearance of his old habits was bound to stir up some shit. 
Which was why it was more than a little bizarre to walk into the clubhouse and have his presence go completely unnoted. Never mind the comebacks he’d crafted that now had no outlet. He was their captain, god damn it! His arrival should mean something. 
That was definitely not the case today. His team of lazy losers all had their noses practically glued to their phones and tablets, either couched out at their lockers or gathered in little knots around the clubhouse. 
All of them but one. 
Blip sat with his back to the room, shoulders hunched and a worried pucker denting his forehead as he methodically rolled a bat between his palms. He didn’t even look up at Mike’s approach.
Not until he huffed a grouchy, “Hey,” that was.
That startled the center fielder out of his thoughts and got him to at least acknowledge his friend and captain. Rather than say anything about his tardiness, though, Blip demanded, “Man, where’d you disappear to last night?”
Taken aback, Mike lied, “Had to pick up some of my stuff from the house,” and threw his bag in his locker and dropped his sunglasses on a shelf. He couldn’t help but wince at the glare from the overheads. God, he definitely should’ve taken more aspirin this morning.
Blip seemed doubtful, but was apparently willing to let it slide, which was absolutely a first in their friendship. What the hell was going on today? “Well, we could’ve used you,” was all he replied, like that made any sense, and went back to warming the barrel of his bat. 
Mike just rolled his eyes, slumped into his chair, and started unbuttoning his flannel. Used him for what? No one at that party was remotely interested in his presence. Certainly not whatever “we” Blip meant.
“Yo, Lawson!” called… someone.
Honestly, he was too fucking exhausted to care who it was. Still, he grunted his acknowledgement, continuing to change out of his street clothes and get ready for warmups. Was it too much to wear both eyeblack and sunglasses? Considering the way the soft incandescents in here were stabbing into his brain, the San Diego sun was going to be murderous. 
He almost missed the follow up question in his deliberations.
“You seen what Baker got up to last night?”
Mike swiveled his chair around to face the room as a whole. If Stubbs, who must’ve been the one to ask considering how close he was, startled back at the forbidding frown on his captain’s face, that wasn’t high on Mike’s list of priorities. 
“What d’you mean, ‘What Baker got up to?’ She was at her party.”
“Nah, man,” replied Sonny, from all the way across the room. “Girl went rogue.”
Suddenly, Amelia’s texts last night, long after he’d left the Nike shindig, made much more sense. He’d ignored both the, Have you seen Ginny? and the follow up, ??? five minutes later in favor of trying to pick apart his wife’s fiancé. Now, he wished he hadn’t, and not just because he hadn’t managed to ruffle any of David’s feathers. He should’ve realized something had actually gone wrong if Amelia was actually reaching out to him. 
Not that he would’ve been able to do anything if he had. Certainly not with how pissed Baker’d been at him last night. After she walked away from him on the step and repeat, she hadn’t let herself come within five feet of him all evening. And it wasn’t like she’d’ve taken his call, not if the past week had been any indication. 
Okay. Maybe she’d been pissed for longer than just last night. 
Still, that didn’t do much to ease the guilt settling in his gut. He could’ve tried to call.
(He had, in fact, stared at Ginny’s contact information in his phone for a long time last night. Had been this close to calling her, begging her to let him back in. But, moody and drunk as he’d been, he hadn’t been stupid. Mike still knew she wouldn’t pick up. He’d tossed his phone away and opted for more bourbon.)
Sweeping his gaze around the clubhouse, it wasn’t lost on Mike that everyone was very interested in his response. The next chair over, Blip was very still.
He played it cool. 
“Rogue, huh? Now this I’ve gotta see.”
Immediately, three phones were shoved in his face, all with the same video cued to play. 
Mike took the closest one and watched the scant minute of footage: all the way from Ginny bouncing eagerly on the mini trampoline, her quest for shoes, the grinning banter with someone off camera, the superhero leap and dunk, her burst through the surface of the water, crowing, “What else you got?” before falling back, a feral grin on her lips.
He watched it all. 
(Right up to her clambering out of the pool, nimble fingers already reaching around to tug down the zipper of that god damn, dress. That dress that clung even more stubbornly to her after its impromptu soaking.)
He flung the phone back at its owner before he could see more and tried to come up with something, anything, to say that didn’t hint at the roiling in his gut which suddenly had nothing to do with last night’s drinking.
“Well, boys, looks like Baker can wipe the floor with you on the court, too.”
His (weak) joke seemed to open the floodgates. Immediately, the clubhouse filled with excited chatter that Mike made himself wade through. 
“Told you! Girl’s got mad hops!”
“She’s killing it on twitter. There’re at least three trending hashtags devoted to that dunk!”
“Kinda funny she couldn’t find a pair of Nikes, though.”
From what Mike could tell, the team consensus was largely positive. The few holdouts on the Ginnsanity front could admit that she knew how to blow off steam like a real major leaguer. The rest of the team was absurdly proud of her poolside antics. Her dunk was their dunk. It didn’t matter that this was all the press would ask about today and probably for the rest of the week. With one leap, Ginny’d proven she had the balls to hang with them. 
Mike, however, wasn’t so sure. 
In the nearly two months that he’d known her, he’d come to realize that Ginny’s calm, unflappable facade wasn’t just an act. She wasn’t a robot, felt things acutely, in fact, but she was pragmatic, too. Why waste all this energy losing her cool at every slight provocation? Sure, she knew how to stand up for herself, but most of the time, she picked her battles wisely. Better to buckle down and prove that she deserved every opportunity that came her way. Let her success speak for itself.
But that Ginny was nowhere to be seen in the video he just watched.
It wasn’t that she wasn’t the same person, though. It was still Ginny Baker, just gone off the rails. 
Which was when it occurred to Mike that maybe they’d been heading to a blowout like this for a while now. Maybe Ginny could be calm and unflappable because she’d known there were people who had her back. She had her friends and the team. She had him. She had Amelia. 
But maybe that was hard to believe when he and Amelia suddenly had each other. 
Without a word, Mike pushed to his feet, fully intending to set the record straight.
“I doubt she wants to see you, dude,” came his center fielder’s voice. When Mike turned, Blip had his arms crossed over his chest, a frown on his face.
“I’m her captain,” he rumbled. “Doesn’t matter if she wants to see me. She’s gonna.”
Blip’s eyes narrowed and he came in close, though it was more likely an effort to keep anyone else from putting their nose where it didn’t belong than an intimidation tactic. 
“She’s already had a long day, Mike. She doesn’t need anyone ragging on—”
“I just need to know she’s okay,” Mike interrupted, trying to tamp down on the indignation burning in his chest. Like he’d actually go rub her nose in whatever bad decisions she’d made last night. Like he could judge. “That’s all.”
Blip evaluated him for a long moment before offering him the barest of nods and stepping away. 
Still, Mike was fully aware of the other man’s eyes on him as he stopped outside Baker’s door and knocked. 
It was a good thing, he told himself, that Ginny had such good friends on her side. He’d feel better, though, when he could count himself among that number again.
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