#i may be speaking about a specific white boy cus i keep hearing about him recently
michaels-reality · 7 months
Sometimes I feel like y'all negate a white character's whiteness by their neurodivergence or they're good writing. Like sometimes I'll see a post akin to "i thought he was just a white boy but then I saw he was a SPECIAL white boy" and I kinda shrivel up inside. A white character's good writing doesn't negate the fact that they're a white character cus that's not the point. There has been many good written white characters for centuries because well written white characters is the norm. To have white neurodivergent characters is also the norm! Just because you like a character doesn't negate them from falling victim to being like any other white character. They're still white, you just like them cus they're well written.
And this goes for any other character like, that character is still a cop, that character is still cis, that character is still straight. You can like these characters cus these characters do exist and are well written, but to bring a character's identity into it to say "oh i thought they were just _ but they're actually a special kind of _" is reductive. Me seeing a well written autistic white character doesn't suddenly mean me as afrolatina can excuse their whiteness cus I still haven't seen any character that looks like me or experience I can fully relate to.
We need to stop putting these well written white characters on pedestals for being white but different, and just ask the questions like "why couldn't they be black?" or "i wanna see more characters like this but a person of color"
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ssephicuss · 4 years
Date ideas with the obey my boys
I'm feeling kinda sad right now so I'm gonna post these date ideas I've had in my notes for forever ^^
Wine tasting
Well he gives off big mum energy so yeah
It's classy, it's elegant and I think it suits him well
Tipsy lucifer is affectionate lucifer
I feel like that he really enjoys making those little paper cranes, it's theraputic and they look nice
He's really good it at, teaching MC how to do origami would boost his ego a tonne, especially if MC has no idea how to do paper crafts
He would do the thing where he puts his hand on top of MC's and shows them how to fold the paper
Really it's just an excuse to try to fluster MC
Drive in movie
Mammon for sure gives off drive in movie vibes, the kind where it's an old black and white horror flick
Tries to wrap his arm around MC, acting all suave
MC notices and leans into him, gets him all flustered
Mammon is notoriously bad with horror flicks, he tries to be all brave but hides behind MC for a good portion of the movie
Plus drive in movies aren't the most expensive dates either
Now unlike the horror movie, he is in his element
He teaches MC how to pose for photos
They take plenty of matching outfit pictures together
No one knows, but he keeps a small passport sized photo of MC from their modeling session in his wallet
Whenever he's sad, he takes it out and gives it a quick kiss, always brightens up his day
Arcade games
He would love to take out his henry to the arcade
He's a seasoned cranesanity user, so he's in his element
If MC wants a specific prize from an arcade machine, you best believe he is going to get it
Will not stop until he gets it
May end up spending all his grimm on that machine
Actually loves those dancing arcade games, if you pick an anime op, he's already won
Go karting
Okay but this is totally his vibe
He would LOVE THIS
He's really tall so his knees would be really high up but he's having a great time
Gets super competitive with this, gets pouty if he loses, but after a quick kiss, he's fine
He'd want the pink go kart, it reminds him of ruri-chan
Botanical gardens
He would love this so much
It's nice and warm, the flowers are in bloom
He would take MC to a bench that's surrounded by rose bushes and such
It's a great place for him to talk to MC
He holds MC's hand and brushes his thumb over their knuckles, eagerly listening to whatever MC he's to say
He loves the scenery, but he loves being with MC even more
He would have prepared a picnic, with cute small sandwiches and fruit (cat shaped cus cute)
Art museum
He is a connesure of the arts
He loves looking into art history, any knowledge behind the painting and he's interested
He's an absolute art nerd and I love him for it
If he comes across a painting that he knows a lot about, he will go on a tangent about it
He'll apologise for talking so much (didn't want to be a bother), but MC assures him that they enjoyed hearing him speak
MC let's him nerd out as much as he wants for the rest of the date
Asmo loves a good thirft shop
Sure he loves to splash out on his clothes and appearance in general
But he loves the joy of finding that perfect item of clothing, the one that you just can't find anywhere else
He'd find a bunch of items, and he'd do a little diy project with MC, tailoring their thrifted finds
He loves a good vintage moment
Mini golf
Okay hear me out here
I really think that asmo would like mini golf
One of the very aesthetic mini golf courses
He would stop at every course to take photos for his devilgram page
He would find you two the cutest golfing outfits possible
He loves how cute and dainty everything is
After the golfing, he and MC would stop at a cute little cafe for smoothies and gossiping chatting
Now I'm a big beel stan and I don't like how his whole personality is just food
He would love to take MC out hiking
He loves swing the sights, atop hike trails where the scenery is beautiful
He would help carry MC if they couldn't keep up
Just loves being with MC, loves every minute he spends with them
They talk, talk about silly things, stories from the human world, stories of the brothers and their mischief
MC gets tired after, so Beel carries them down on his back
Paining date
I feel like a relaxing watercolor painting date would be nice
He doesn't seem like the type to paint, but I love the idea of this big hulking guy, painting a cute dainty river
He really is a sweet guy, he decides that he wants to paint a landscape of MC's favourite season
He isn't the best at it, but MC can tell he put his heart and soul into that painting
Movie marathon
He would have a movie marathon up in the attic with MC
Pillows and blankets strewn everywhere, to make it as comfortable as possible
Would probably watch a series of sorts
Maybe harry potter, and laugh at how the human world portrayed magic
Would end up falling asleep curled up with MC in their huddle of blankets
Lego building
This one came to me a little randomly
But MC would get one if those big lego sets to do together
He would probably grumble a bit in the beginning
But after they started, he would become more interested and would actually want to finish it
While MC is looking for a certain piece, he would snipe they instructions away from them, and would only give them back after a kiss on the cheek
This happens multiple times
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awhitehead17 · 6 years
Batfam week: Day Four (August 1st) - AU
Summary: When Tim comes back to their room beaten and bruised they want to make sure he gets some form of justice. 
A/N - So I’ve decided to do a Slave AU for this prompt. This AU was originally for TimKon but I altered it to fit Batfam instead and may have gotten a bit carried away with it haha. Warnings: there’s talk about violence and beatings of people, please read carefully. 
Enjoy! :D
“Okay, so what happened this time?” Dick asks as he dabs the cotton ball over the gash in Jason’s shoulder.
Jason hisses at the contact but answers, “He decided to try one of his experimental arrows on me. I dodged but the edge of it just caught my shoulder.”
Dick pauses in his administrations and gives Jason a look, “I thought you two were just training? Why was he trying out an actual weapon on you?”
At this Jason snorts, “I just said ‘experimental arrow’, when else is he going to try it out before the real fight starts?”
Dick sighs and continues with treating Jason’s wound, “You know what the Master’s are like Jason. They don’t like you guys getting too roughed up during training to the point where you can’t fight the proper fights.”
“Relax golden boy, it’s just a flesh wound.”
“A flesh wound that I need to put stitches in.”
Jason doesn’t reply, instead he simply rolls his eyes. Dick also says nothing more and goes ahead to putting the stitches in. Jason won’t go to the infirmary because he doesn’t trust them, so if he gets injured at all he relies on Dick to bandage him up when they’re in the safety of their own room. Dick doesn’t mind of course, he’s come to think of the younger man as a younger brother. 
At first the two of them hadn’t gotten along which was expected as he’s a performer slave and as Jason is a fighter slave, but when Dick saw Jason badly beaten up after one of his fights his maternal instincts kicked in and he took Jason under his wing so to speak.
Once he was done with the stitches he wraps a bandage over it and starts to clear up the stuff. “Just be more careful next time. When I next see Roy I’m going to have a go at him.” Jason barks out a laugh as Dick gets up and packs away the medical kit in one of the cabinets in their room before settling down on his own bed.
Their room was big but it wasn’t massive, it was a reasonable size to house three people in. Three beds are in the room pressed against each wall opposite and adjacent to the door. Off to the right there was a door which lead to a small bathroom with a small toilet, shower space and sink. The cabinet Dick went to was pressed tightly next to his own bed directly opposite the door.
For slaves the three of them were kept in nice conditions, he reckons this is only because they have important roles to the Master’s. Dick’s a performer slave, he’s got the role of being the evening’s entertainment, his wide range abilities with acrobatics are enough to please the Master’s as it’s not common to find a human as flexible as he is.
Jason is a fighter slave, also used for entertainment but in a much more gruesome way that involves fights to the death, team battles and animal fights. Dick worries that he’s one day not going to stumble back into their room because he’s been beaten. He knows that he’s one of the Master’s favourites, that’s why they work on keeping him alive, why they allow Dick to look after him after battles.
He’s disturbed from his thoughts when the door opens. Immediately both Dick and Jason stand to attention, something that’s been trained into them from the start. However, once they see who it is they both relax and sit back down.
Dick smiles as the room’s third occupant walks into the room, “Hey Timmy, how’s it going?” Dick greets him cheerfully.
They watch as Tim gently shuts the door, “I’m fine.” Tim replies back to his question, then without anymore words he walks over to his bed and collapses face first onto it.
Dick shares a concerned look with Jason. He gets up off his bed and walks over to Tim and crouches down next to him. He tries to get a look at the younger’s face but it was pressed tightly against his pillow. Dick reaches up and strokes the back of Tim’s head, “Tim, what’s wrong? What’s happened?”  
Tim replies to his question but whatever he said came out muffled. Dick was about to ask again but Jason speaks first, “What’s on your back Tim?” He then lifts the back of Tim’s t-shirt to reveal white bandages wrapped around his back. “What the fuck?!”
In quick movement Tim turns and scrambles out from Jason’s hold, he tucks himself up against the wall and glares at them. For the first time they get a good look at Tim’s face, it battered and bruised. He had a black eye, a spit lip, swollen cheek and little cuts over his face.
Dick and Jason share a look before looking back at Tim who now has his eyes close and was breathing deeply and slowly. “Tim?” Dick prompts gently, “Did, did he do that to you?”
Tim’s eyes snap open and he rapidly shakes his head, “No, no, no. My Master didn’t do this to me.”
Dick gives him a disbelieving look, it wasn’t uncommon for Master’s to beat up their personal slaves and it wasn’t uncommon for said slaves to defend their Master’s when being questioned.
Tim moves away from the wall and grips his shoulder, “Dick please believe me. Kon-El wouldn’t do this to me.” Tim pleads him with some urgency.
Dick considers him for a moment and feels a strong wave of protectiveness wash over him. If he thought he was protective with Jason, that was nothing compared for what he felt for Tim. Tim was small for his age, lean but was good looking. It doesn’t help that Tim is a house slave, his role is to serve one specific Master unless ordered to otherwise. House slaves usually are treated the worst out of all the slaves, so Dick often worries for Tim’s heath, especially when he comes back to their shared room beaten up and wrapped in bandages.
Dick’s taken out of his thoughts when Jason asks, “If he didn’t do that to you, then who did?” Jason’s tone was firm and demanding, but Dick notices the tightness in his voice which indicates that Jason’s own protectiveness is coming into play.
Tim watches them for a moment before letting go of Dick and then sitting upright on his bed. He looks at them again before looking away to stare at the wall, “Earlier today Kon-El asked me to go to the village and grab something for him. I went but as I approached the village there was a few Kryptonian’s terrorising some women, I couldn’t help myself and I shouted at them. Before I knew it a fight broke out between me and them, I was able to get two of them down before they over powered me. Once down on the ground they started to beat me even more.
I don’t know how long I was on the floor for, but eventually they stopped, when I looked up at why, Kon-El was standing there shouting at them. After that he picked me up, brought me back and got me checked by the people in the infirmary, then he ordered me to come here to rest and take the rest of the day off, he doesn’t want to see me until tomorrow.”
Both Dick and Jason absorb what Tim had told them. They stay silent for a while but then Jason was speaking, “What is Kon-El doing about those who beat you?”
Tim looks stumped by the question, “Uh, I, I don’t know.”
Jason looks at him surprised, “You don’t know? Surely…”
Jason trails off and gets this look on his face like he’s planning something. Dick internally groans, whatever plan he’s making up Dick’s going have to make sure that it doesn’t do any damage.
A sigh from Tim gets his attention, “Look guys I’m tired okay. I’m going to get some sleep so I can meet with Kon-El in the morning.”
After that Jason and Dick leave him be. They move to the other side of the room and talk in hushed tones, “What you planning?” Dick asks immediately.
“Nothing. Just thinking about how much I want to kill those assholes who dared lay a finger on him.”
Dick sees the lie, well the bit where he said nothing. He’s sure that Jason is thinking all kinds of gruesome deaths that he could wish to deliver to the Kryptonian' s. “You know you can’t kill them.”
“Doesn’t mean that I can’t wish for it to happen.”
Dick rolls his eyes, he’s always so violent. “Look Tim will be fine. He’s a fighter, he’ll get through this.”
Jason looks over to Tim’s still figure, “Yeah I know.”
Something wakes Dick up. He blinks trying to get his vision together so he could work out what woke him. There wasn’t a lot to see the room was dark but he could hear someone moving about. Staying still on his bed he waits for a while, eventually the door opposite him opens and he sees Jason slipping out of the room.
Getting up Dick quietly follows him. This is what he must have been planning earlier. Dick quietly follows a few feet behind Jason as they make their way through the palace. Dick gets more concerned as they head deeper into the palace, heading towards where their Master’s sleep. What the hell was Jason doing?
Jason stops outside one of the doors on the hallway and then straightens himself out and gets ready to go through the door but before he could Dick leaps from his hiding spot and puts a hand on his shoulder, “What are you doing?” He hisses.
Jason jumps at his sudden arrival but it quickly turns into anger, he slaps Dick’s hand away “What the hell Dick? Why you following me?”
“Why are you sneaking around at midnight, especially to here?!” Dick snaps back.
Whatever Jason was going to say was cut off by the door in front of them opening and revealing Kon-El, “What are you two doing?” He demands.
Jason and Dick look at each with wide eyes before turning back to Kon-El. A pause passes between them. At the awkward silence Dick let’s out a nervous laugh, “Ha ha, sorry to disturb you but we’re just heading off now…” He reaches out and grabs Jason’s arm and starts tugging the man away.
Jason scowls at him and yanks his arm out of Dick’s grip. He turns to the prince and straightens up, “Look, Tim came back to our room beaten up and covered in cuts. He told us a group of Kryptonian's beat him for defending women that they were apparently terrorizing, but you already know all that. So I’m asking about what is going to happen to those Kryptonian's who beat Tim up?”
Kon-El blinks at him a few times obviously trying to comprehend the question, “What?”
Jason narrows his eyes, “What are you going to do about the ones who beat Tim?”
“I’m not going to do anything about them because it is out of my hands. They were my father’s guards, I don’t have any say over them.”
There was another pause but it was quickly broken by Jason exclaiming, “Nothing!? You’re doing nothing about them? Tim is your responsibility, you’re supposed to look after him, you’re supposed to-”
Jason’s rant was cut off by Kon-El pinning him against the opposite wall. Dick watched with wide eyes as Jason struggles against the prince’s hold. One forearm was pressing down on his throat and his other hand was pressing against his chest. Despite Kon-El being a head shorter than Jason he had the advantage of his powers, that’s what gets them to behave, the fact that someone like him can kill someone with one squeeze of their hand.
Dick wanted to intervene with the situation but he doesn’t, it’s best that he let Jason handle the situation he got himself in. He should know by now that you don’t disrespect the Master’s.
“I don’t know what’s gotten into you, but you seemed to have forgotten who you’re talking to slave.” Kon-El says and Dick sees him applying a little bit more pressure on Jason. “You do not raise your voice at me nor do you have a go at me.”
The prince pauses in speaking and looks expectantly at Jason through narrowed eyes. He releases some pressure off Jason but keeps him pinned against the wall. After a moment Jason glares at him, gritting his teeth Jason spits out, “Sorry.”
Kon-el quickly reapplies the pressure, “Sorry what?”
“Sorry sir.”
Kon-El grins, “Good,” he releases some pressure off Jason, but still doesn’t let him go, “Now that’s been sorted out we can move on to Timothy. I also would like to see something happen to those men who hurt Timothy, but it is out of my control as those men are under my father’s command. All I can do is pass a message along about what they’ve done. I personally can’t do anything about it.”
“But that’s the thing,” Dick says unable to stop himself, “With you not doing anything about it, it’s giving out the message that people can mess with your slave and potentially get away with it. It’s saying that you don’t care enough about Tim to carry out the punishment of touching a slave to the royal family. If your father does it, then yes a message would be sent, but the message would be more powerful if you were the one to deliver it.”
After he was done talking Dick holds his breath, he knows he spoke out of line but he couldn’t help it. The prince turns to him and studies him for a moment. He opens his mouth to say something but a different voice speaks and interrupts him, “No, please don’t hurt them!”
They all turn to find Tim rushing towards them. He stops right in front of Kon-El and carries on saying, “Please Master, don’t hurt them. Whatever they have done I will take the punishment for it.” Tim looks a little frantic, his eyes dart from Jason, who still pinned to the wall, over to Dick and back to his master. “If I knew that they were going to come and confront you I wouldn’t have told them what happened, they’re just worried about me. Please don’t hurt them.”
Dick notices that Kon-El features soften up slightly at the sight of Tim, which was interesting. He watches as Kon-El looks at Tim for a long time before he turns back to Jason and finally lets him down from where he was being pinned. Jason doesn’t hesitate to step away from the prince.
Kon-El turns back to Tim, “I’m not punishing them, they’ve simply made me realise something that’s all. What are you doing here, I told you to rest.” He frowns at Tim in a concerned way.
From his almost desperate look Tim turns to looking a bit sheepish and even guilty at disobeying an order, “Sorry sir, when I saw our quarters empty I panicked slightly and wanted to find them.”
The prince nods and accepts the answer, “Okay, fair enough.” He glances at Dick and Jason before looking back at Tim, “Now the three of you should get back to your room before someone else comes along.”
Tim smiles at him, “Thank you Master, and sleep well.” Tim then turns and starts heading back the way he came. Jason and Dick both follow route, they nod at the prince and get going.
When they reach their room and the door is firmly shut, Tim turns to the two older men, “Are you guys insane? Do you realise how much trouble I could have been in!”
Jason rolls his eyes and flops down onto his bed, “Well you aren’t in any trouble alright, now stop fretting.”
Tim glares at him, “You don’t get it! He can be very unpredictable, you’re lucky he didn’t kill you Jay.”
Dick walks over to Tim and gently lays his arm over his shoulders (he must be in a lot of pain from earlier) “Tim, it’s fine okay. The only thing you have to worry about is his last order to you, which is for you to rest and you aren’t going to be able to do that if you’re worrying about this.”
Dick leads Tim over to his bed and gently pushes him down onto it. Once Tim was sitting down Dick crouches down in front of him and takes his hands in his own, “Look Tim, Jason was just doing what he felt was right, okay he could have approached it better but it was all good intentions and I think Kon-El saw that. Your not getting punished for that.”
Tim looks at him and takes a deep breath which he winces at, “Okay, okay. I just worry.”
Dick smiles, “We know. As long we’re together we’ll all be okay.”
Tim gives him a smile, “Of course.”
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