#i mean I don't find it to be that spooky obviously but I know not everyone wants to see it
windvexer · 2 years
She's a byrus worm. I wear her around my neck like a scarf.
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dedalvs · 2 months
Hello! I have been trying to find out if there is a Trigedasleng word for Phantom, but I have come up short.
you wouldnt happen to just know that would you?
Dokwocha is a word for "ghost". I find often, though, with questions like this there is often an expectation that there will be an exact match for a particular synonym that exist in English. For example, in the neighborhood of "ghost", we have spectre, phantasm, ghoul, spook, phantom, geist, poltergeist, spirit, shade, etc. You may look at some of these words and say, "Well, but that doesn't quite mean exactly the same thing," and I'm sure you're right, but the reason we have all these words is they come from different languages at different points in time history from different stories, different cultures, different traditions, etc. Their histories are quite specific, and so the odds of finding an exact match in a language that doesn't share the same history are astronomical. For a more absurd example, it's kind of like asking what the Dothraki word for "skibidi" is. Obviously that's an extreme example, but it's the same issue.
Now, Trigedasleng, of course, is unique. It derives from English. But it derives in an extremely contrived, unrealistic way. There was a massive schism that occurred with the nuclear event. American culture—world culture—effectively vanished over night for most people. What remained would have been what was committed to memory, then what the next generation remembered, and then what they passed on, and so forth. My assumption is that a lot of the synonyms that populate English vocabulary would have been lost. What synonyms remained would've taken on a more functional load in order to be retained (e.g. las from "last" means "previous", but praya from "prior" only means something like "baggage"; it lost its "previous" meaning)—at least at first. Synonyms come later.
When it comes to something so heavily cultural like "ghosts" I tried to imagine how superstitions would have reemerged within Grounder culture before the events of The 100—what kind of ghost stories they may have told, what they were afraid of, what kind of supernatural beings they may have dreamed up. I came up with the idea of dokwocha from "dock watcher"—one who watches from the docks—and thought it sounded ominous. I didn't have a specific story in mind, but it sounded like the type of thing older children might warn younger ones of. "Beware of the watcher on the docks!" Sounded spooky and fun. Hence, dokwocha. I don't know if it evokes the same thing as "phantom", or if, for whatever reason, you decided dokwocha wasn't good enough for "phantom", but that's what we have at the moment.
A commenter mentioned they thought it came from "dark watcher", and I actually went back and looked at the etymology and it does!!! That's my bad there. It is dark watcher, not dock watcher, and that makes sense (someone that watches in the dark). Duh. lol This is why you have to write these things down—which I did—and why you have to read the things that you write down—which I did not. >.<
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luci-is-a-bitch-x3x · 6 months
Random Drabble: Humans sleeping
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Welcome! To this adventure! The characters may not be how you imagine! I apologize for any poor jokes, bad spelling, and terrible grammar. Silly little short drabble I made. Without further ado, please enjoy the content. ♡
CW: none really.
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I'm sure someone has talked about it before, but can you imagine if angels and demons didn't have to sleep? Like the bedrooms are just for their privacy and to them beds are just for relaxation. Obviously Belphie still sleeps, he's the Avatar of Sloth, but the rest of the characters don't, like they could sit there and force themselves to sleep but it's not actually a necessary thing for them. So imagine when Mc first meets them all, the characters probably don't even think that Mc needs proper sleep. Like yeah they know humans, Solomon himself is a human, but Solomon could use magic to avoid the problems that lack of sleep can cause, he probably forgot that regular humans need sleep. The rest of the characters are probably more focused on making sure no lower rank demons eat Mc as a snack, not thinking that the lack of sleep could be what takes Mc out.
Imagine when Mc first drops into the Devildom, they get caught up in the brothers chaos and end up not sleeping for a bit. This causes Mc to eventually pass out from exhaustion, which would cause the brothers to lose their marbles. (I might write this scenario some day) this situation would lead to the brothers having situations where they just stop everything and be like "hold on my human needs their nap." The characters treating Mc like a pet will never not be funny to me. By nap they mean however long Mc sleeps for, but to them it's sort of like a nap because they never sleep. Unless it's Belphie. Obviously the character will go off and do their own thing while Mc sleeps, unless Mc wants the character standing on their headboard staring over them while they sleep.
Since lack of sleep doesn't really affect the characters in this headcanon, anyone besides Belphie and I guess Solomon getting grumpy from tiredness doesn't make sense. So I imagine the characters find Mc getting grumpy due to tiredness, confusing. I like to think that if this headcanon was true that the characters would hit Mc with the "have you slept yet?" Or "I think it's time you get some sleep Mc" anytime Mc gets grumpy or sassy. The character could have just done something to make Mc grumpy, and I'm fully convinced that the character would truly believe Mc is grumpy because they need sleep. Some characters would be bad about it, like the slightest change in Mc's attitude and they're trying to push Mc off to bed.
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Thats all for now babes! Hope you enjoyed!! ♡ This is not proofread. Feel free to comment or reblog any thoughts or any add ons you have! Short silly little post because I've been busy, sorry, hope you enjoyed it nonetheless. More content is coming soon, so Stay Tuned. Stay Safe. & Stay Spooky. ♡
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gemini-sensei · 8 months
Shy!Eli Moskowitz x Goth!Stoner!Reader
Request: Could you do shy! Eli dating a Goth girl who smokes weed headcanons please
🍃 It started off as Eli watching Reader from afar. He was too shy to approach and say anything. He thought he was being discreet but Reader knew. She saw the way he looked at her, so she decided to ask him what his deal was. She was joking but Eli thought he'd done something wrong and started apologizing.
"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to stare... it's just that... y-you're so pretty..."
🍃 Reader smiled and assured him that he wasn't in trouble or anything like that. She actually thought he was pretty cute and his stammering admission only furthered that thought. She asked him to hangout some time and he didn't want to be rude by saying no, so he said yes.
🍃 They ended up going to a park and walking around for a while until she pulled him into the woods to smoke a joint. At first he refused it when she offered but when she told him it would help him stop worrying so much, he thought it wasn't such a bad idea. Two puffs in and he's high as a kite.
🍃 They ran around the playground like little kids and had fun being high. They spun themselves silly on the swings and fell onto the grass with stupid little grins on their faces. They talked about everything and nothing at the same time. They made fond memories that she'd go on to say was their first date.
🍃 Like him, Reader is an outcast but by choice. She's goth and perfectly fine expressing herself but other students - like the popular kids - don't care for it. They try to bully her for it but she's content with where she's at in life that it doesn't bother her. Or she's too high to give a fuck.
🍃 When she and Eli start dating, her friends come sit with them at lunch. It's unintentional, but they act as a shield to Eli and Demetri. The bullies learned a long time ago that Reader and her friends can't be bothered by their comments, so they scoff and walk away when they see them hanging out with the two nerds.
Reader sees them walking up to the table where Eli and Demetri are sitting and she walks over with her tray, sits down, and he friends follow. She smiles at Eli and takes his hand into hers under the table. Then she turns to see Kyker and his friends at a standstill, not sure what to do, and she flashes a fake smile and waves her fingers at him, being a bitch to them since they wanna act like bitches.
🍃 He didn't think hed ever like getting high, but he loves sitting in her car together and smoking with her. They sit in an empty lot and hot box the car, only to end up making out heavily over the middle console.
🍃 He starts to adopt her beliefs about his bullies, how unimportant they are and how what they say doesn't matter. She definitely brings out a side of him he didn't know he had. Regardless of that though, he's still shy and quiet Eli. He just doesn't let the bullies bother him so much anymore.
🍃 Black lipstick smooches all over his neck. When it's smeared on his lips or around his mouth, Demetri is always at a loss for words. Eli never knows what to say if he's caught with the lipstick on him. He gets so flustered and stammers even more than usual.
🍃 Late night dates, long drives, and open-late diners are all perfect dates for these two.
🍃 Him worrying about his mom finding out he's smoking weed with his girlfriend, but she's too happy he has a girlfriend to notice his red eyes when he comes home after his dates with Reader.
🍃 People think she's too goth and spooky for him but obviously they just don't understand the couple. Reader gives zero fuck about their peers. She only cares about Eli and is more than happy to show that in any way she can.
🍃 Did I mention high sex? Yeah, these two end up there a lot when they're high, more often than not.
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If there's any interest in making this a full fic, lmk and I'll see what I can do.
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cripplecharacters · 2 months
Hi! I know there are a lot of bad tropes about people with disabilities, and obviously I don't want to do them, but I was thinking that instead of avoiding them, it might be interesting to subvert/flip them instead.
For example, the "Super cool sci-fi prosthetic/aid that basically makes this character able bodied" except the character finds it a pain in the ass to use and just uses a normal wheelchair/prosthetic 99% of the time.
Or "Disabled people are monsters/inhuman" except the guy with, Idk, hypertrichosis named Wolf is just a normal dude and his petite, softspoken able-bodied girlfriend named Kitty is the one that turns into a werewolf on the full moon.
Or "The masking trope" but the person with a facial scar has to use a mask for safety reasons or they're at a masquerade ball and they get a custom mask that has their scar painted on it because they think their scar is cool looking.
Or "The disability reveal" except instead of being horrified or disgusted by the disabled person, everyone just sort of goes "Huh! Anyways, what were you saying earlier?"
Does this sort of thing sound like it could still be a problem? I love flipping/subverting tropes and I think it would be a great way to challenge people and make them think about their biases/assumptions regarding disabled people.
But I'm also worried that I would accidentally make something even worse. Do you guys have any advice?
Also, there are some that I don't want to flip or even deal with, like the "person fakes a disability". I honestly don't even know where to start with that mess and I can't think of a way to flip it that would make sense and not be some sort of incoherent nonsense lmao.
Hello lovely asker!
I think this sounds absolutely delightful (I especially like the one about the man with hypertrichosis and his werewolf girlfriend kitty.) This sounds like such a fun way to flip the tropes and the ones you picked and explained sound great.
And actually for the "person fakes disability" trope I think the show Special actually takes a sorta subverting take on that trope and does it in an interesting and comedic way (also it's a good show) if you would like to see a possible example. Another good Invert of a trope is in "Where the truth lies" (1999) and it takes a twist on the "The disabled person could never commit that crime!" trope. It stars Marlee Matlin and again another movie I highly recommend especially if your into messing about with tropes.
Subverting I think can make people a bit anxious just because you're not sure if it's actually going to end in the trope or be subverted, that sorta last minute switch and "Oh it didn't happen, phew" thing. But if it's done good, well, it's good. Subverting the trope from the get-go (like Special does) is a way to kinda ease that worry, but either way they both can be good.
Another thing you can do is change the trope where tropes are known within the story. The first one that comes to mind is like the "Disabled people die first" trope. So your characters are about to go into somewhere spooky but then your disabled character goes "Oh no, I'm not going in there. Disabled people always die first, you guys go on ahead.". This is often done with the "Disabled villain" trope too where something happens and then the character goes "I'm not gonna go all [mention of prominent disabled villain in media that has the same disability as them] on you guys!"
The only thing I would keep in mind, especially for Inverting Tropes is that often they are played for laughs. Now I don't mean like above where the purpose of the story is supposed to be funny/a comedy. I mean in the instance that the disabled person, even with the trope changed, is made the target of the joke. And as you said, you are right that some of the tropes are just better left alone partly because it is hard to make something good out of them. The "Cure Trope" is one that I just can't think of anything for, and there are many more that are just bad and are better left alone to perish.
This all sounds fun though! I hope you do end up doing something with any of these ideas of yours (if you write the hypertrichosis one I would absolutely love to read that one!). Happy writing!
~ Mod Virus 🌸
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ronearoundblindly · 1 month
ooo how would ce characters react if you started decorating for autumn in august? 🤭
Ya know, right off the bat, I can't think of anyone who's downright against it, but some of them would help and some would just leave you to it. One--take a wild guess--would throw an incredible bitch-fit if he tripped over one gd thing in his way, but otherwise...
Um, there's some language but nothing adult-specific.
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Most Into Autumn Decor--Curtis Everett
Okay, there's a reason I worded it that way, but I was a bit surprised, too. I would not be able to tell you if this somehow wasn't influenced by @sweater-daddiesdumbdork's "Life Is Short So Make It Sweet" series, but I truly believe Curtis would be equally into decorating for fall/autumn with you. He'd be the most active in finding decor, too, whether he's shopping with you there or just finding stuff randomly. He'd take the time to plan out and execute a whole thing in the house, and he would get the most joy out of sitting in the warm glow.
Honorable Mentions to James Mace, Johnny Storm, and Ransom Drysdale.
Mace will get into it but not as much as Curtis and for a shorter period of time. You best believe Johnny digs the campfire-and-s'mores vibes but is wary of shit hanging from the ceiling or dry stuff piled on the floor. Ransom is obviously into dressing for the season but also likes to find the most expensive version of all decor, so those beautiful, blown-glass pumpkins are a staple. Ran is perfectly fine if you want to repaint the damn walls every couple months to match the mood; he's fine with it, but he doesn't expend much effort.
Most Indifferent--Jimmy Dobyne
He doesn't hate the season by any means. He's fine with the colors. He likes when you're happy, so if the house needs to be packed with pumpkins and fairylights and shit, okay. Don't expect him to really participate in it, and don't bring rotting leaves into the house. Real pumpkins are for eating or outside.
The other reason he doesn't really care is that Jimmy spends most days outdoors for work and whatnot. He sorta just...sees autumn the whole time it's autumn, and that is enough for him.
*Most Into Halloween Decor--Jake Jensen
If you were wondering why I didn't mention Jake earlier it's because he is miles above Curtis's enthusiasm for one specific thing: spooky shit.
Jake isn't afraid to go all-out. He will make the entire house, the yard, the gd neighborhood if they let him, into a haunted experience. This is, unfortunately, to the point where you have slipped on fake blood before and bruised your tailbone. Jake is now limited to the week of Halloween itself for the more dangerous accoutrements like liquids and sharp blades. Knives and weapons stay in shadowboxes or cabinets otherwise.
No, he will not be taking questions about why they aren't the fake, safe kinds. Just let him have this.
**I don't have a name for the superlative that Lloyd Hansen wins but he is the most obsessed with curating *his look* seasonally.
Yes, I even mean more so than our sweater boi Ransom...
Lloyd is also the man who flips the fuck out if a room or the yard is littered with stuff to decorate. If it's a mess (even for a little while) he thinks it all looks trashy and can't stand that, so you gotta be kinda stealth or methodical about doing it.
Most Into DIY Decor--Ari Levinson
Project? Did someone say project???? Ari's there, tools ready, let's go.
Ari's the man who has a shed or garage full of stuff for all occasions. Sure, there are a lot of power tools and mechanic things, but he's also kept track of all the art supplies, cleaned up that hot-glue gun and twist-tied the cord nicely, and sorted everything into bins or some of the drawers in his shelves. Nails and screws for all sorts. Wall anchors if necessary. He keeps a stash of those papertowel rolls for kids projects. Tissue paper and bags for gift wrapping. He doesn't go so far as to color-code it or anything, but it's grouped together and neatly stowed away. He is always willing to participate in building something new, even if it's silly little paper things.
Most Into Autumn Activities--Steve Rogers
I don't think Steve has any issue with early sprucing for the season, but he is definitely planning where the apple-picking and pumpkin patches are and when to go. There may be fourteen different hay rides and corn mazes to get through, but don't worry, he's got a schedule! He's rewashed the thermoses for hot cocoa at the ready. He bought another stack of pie tins just in case. He printed off several new recipes to try this year, and the ones from last year have hand-written notes in the margins of what to adjust this time. So, yup, hang onto your butts because it's gonna get real busy in a few weeks...
Thank you for asking!
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Damnit, these are so amazingly fun. Keep 'em coming!!
[Main Masterlist; Who Would...Asks; Ko-Fi]
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basilpaste · 4 months
osis!swap. because i was thinking about lock.
(Under the tree is…)
(You're not sure what you're looking at, actually. It looks like a bunch of inanimate objects piled together.)
(It has a face. Or at least it has a mouth. The thing grimaces when you see it.)
(It talks! It can speak!)
("… Hi." You say back.)
〘"Welcome to your rebirth! This is your first loop!" Its porcelain darkless hands come up into the most pathetic jazz-hands you've ever seen.〙
〘"Sorry!" It yelps, waving its hands nervously, "That's probably a spooky thing to hear from something you just met!"〙
(You sputter. "H-how do you know about how I-" You can't finish that.)
(It seems thoughtful for a moment. Looking at this stranger now, you notice that its head is almost shaped like a planet. There's a ring that wraps around it where its eyes would be.)
〘"How do I know you died?" It finishes for you.〙
(… You nod.)
〘"I saw it." It says quietly, regretfully, "It's my job to watch over you."〙
(Is this some sort of agent of the Universe? That doesn't make sense, though. A higher being watching over a person is… that's weird. Not how the Universe works. You think.)
〘"… You're looping through time. I'm here to act as a guide to you, Siffrin."〙
(You freeze. "HOW DO YOU KNOW MY NAME?")
〘"Er." It looks away, head bobbing slightly, "I know things about the loops, but I also know things about you. Like your name, your parties names, and other important things. Like… pronouns."〙
(You're not entirely sure if you'd put pronouns on the top of important things for a celestial body to know??? Also you're kind of freaking out.)
(Instead of freaking out more you find your voice. "Do you. Have pronouns?")
(… Good question, Siffrin. Great going.)
〘It laughs, bright and warm despite how quiet it seems. "Hah! Yeah. Yes, I have pronouns."〙
〘"It/its. If you don't mind." It sighs. "Like I said: I'm your guide. A something. Think of me as... a tool. A, uh, resource to use!"〙
(Well... at least if you know this one's pronouns, you can think about how out of place it seems. Like a swing taking a role it doesn't know. You nod.)
〘"Oh! Right, um. There's a lot of information that I'm gonna throw at you in a second!" It gestures at the space under the branches of the tree, "You might want to sit down?"〙
(That's. Probably a good idea? Your legs are shaky and your heart is racing so you should probably sit that might help.)
〘"Woah, buddy!" It exclaims, "Take a breath?"〙
(Hah! Yeah, yeah, you should do that! You were just thinking about the fact that your heart was racing. You should breathe. That might help! Probably!!!)
(And out.)
〘"Pheeeeeeeew." It breathes with you.〙
(... It kind of reminds you of someone. The way it holds itself.)
〘"So... the loops, huh?"〙
(You nod. "The loops.")
〘"Every time you die, you'll loop back in time. Like... what just happened. Until you break the loop."〙
(You squint at it, "Can't you just tell me how to do that?"
〘"Er..." It looks away from you, "No? I'm a resource, not an answer key. I'm here to help, but I don't really have all the answers. Sorry."〙
(Oh... thats disappointing. You guess you'll have to figure that part out on your own then??? The actual important part? Which is not being trapped in a death loop forever?)
(... Actually.)
(It's not all bad, is it? Being back means you have a chance to try again! To do better next time!!! You won't die like an idiot this time! You'll make your way to the King and then break the loops! No problem!)
〘"So I can't tell what you're thinking but I can sort of guess and I probably wouldn't think about things like that? If I were you? And obviously I'm not you, but I just wanted to, uh, give you that little nugget of wisdom."〙
(Weird! You're not sure how to read this guy at all! This guy... hm)
("Do you have a name?" You ask it.)
〘"... Do I need one?" It replies, tilting its body to the side. Its head follows a beat later.〙
(You think about your own name.)
("I can't just call you nothing, can I?")
〘"You can call me whatever you want! Your guide, your resource, cr-stars! You can even just call me annoying, haha!"〙
(It's weird, for sure, but you don't know if you'd call it annoying? Maybe it is, but you don't really have a super strong opinion yet? You can't tell if you like or hate this guy yet.)
(You shrug, "I guess? But give me something to call you. So I won't forget.")
(It hugs itself, mouth pressing into a thin line. Oh, stars. Did you already make it mad at you?)
〘"... You can call me Lock." It tells you finally, "Your tool for breaking the loops, Lock. Ironic, huh?"〙
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theeldritchcorvid · 4 months
TMAGP 17 Thoughts
Spoilers below cut:
Okay. So we're calling this guy 'Darrien Harcourt' although that may not be his actual name. There's a Darren Harlow in TMA 69, notably the same episode Annabelle Cane is introduced. I don't know if they're the same person but it'd be interesting.
Interesting thing, though: The new receptionist is a 'big, soft-looking guy' and a patient is 'a bookish-looking man'. That's gotta be Jon and Martin, right?! Surely! Everything Jon's narrated thus far has been connected to the plot. Let me go through them and find what he's narrated.
TMAGP 1 - Jon narrates the blog posts introducing us to the Institute.
TMAGP 5 - The blog posts on the theme of going digging into something OBVIOUSLY spooky. Occurred around the time Sam was getting into the Response paperwork.
TMAGP 7 - First appearance of the word 'Hilltop' which bears extensive significance in main TMA canon. Likewise, this episode features a PMC which I have previously theorised to be Starkwall.
TMAGP 9 - Our first look at the institute proper - the subject, catalyst agent divisions.
TMAGP 11 - Second appearance of Ink5oul, marking first returning Incident character.
TMAGP 14 - The Snake Man appears to have been a 'reject', whatever he was. Perhaps he was unstable?
TMAGP 16 - Another Ink5oul incident. Jon only appears at the beginning.
ALSO we got another JMJ error in this episode, not seen since episode 3. Plus, conflicting stories about Colin's whereabouts - do we trust Celia or Gwen?
(also, you fuckers, I'm starting to ship Dyhard a tiny bit.)
AND, final thoughts - our episode referred to the person as 'low' viability for all three categories. What do you think that means?
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anonymous-dentist · 1 year
Little oneshot of monster au Foolish and Vegetta finding Leo?
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Aight, so here's the thing about being a vampire, okay?
You don't fucking eat.
Foolish has been alive for a very, very long time. And he's maybe eaten a pizza, like, uh, twice? Maybe? Or maybe he just ate two Italian guys... honestly, it kinda starts all running together after a couple of centuries.
Like, you eat, obviously, but you can't exactly leave a human body in the dumpster like you would an empty pizza box. It's illegal, apparently, and it's fucking stupid, too. Body disposal is maybe number three on Foolish's official Most Annoying Things In The World list, right behind "Bad Boy" Halo and "Bad Boy" Halo written in a different font.
So it's not like Foolish's garbage cans are full of food waste, is the thing. He's got some trash in there: plastic baggies, mostly, from when he wants to have his blood on the go with a straw; and then there's an insane amount of carboard boxes from his and Vegetta's LEGO collection.
So it's actually a little crazy one morning when Foolish steps outside of his and Vegetta's mansion to throw away their fifteenth box of the month and he sees a little creature digging through his trash.
Foolish first picks up on the scent of blood. Yum!
He then picks up on the scent of human. Double yum!
He then picks up on the scent of tears, and his stomach stops rumbling. (He may be a heartless, soulless creature of the night, but he isn't an asshole.)
So he carefully closes the back door behind him, and he clears his throat, and he has approximately three seconds to say, "Hey, you're probably in the wrong place to be doing that, pal," before the little human is screaming and tumbling backwards out of the dumpster. They hit the ground with an OOF!!, their red baseball cap flying off and landing a couple of inches away.
Vegetta, as talented as he is, must have heard the scream because he's out the back door almost immediately. But him coming out the back door means he's opening the back door right into Foolish's ass, sending Foolish tumbling down the short flight of stairs and onto the dirty-ass concrete.
"Shit!" Foolish screeches. He isn't hurt because he's literally immortal, but he plays it up just to see Vegetta's stricken face. He's gorgeous when he's worried.
"Foolish!" Vegetta cries. He jumps down the steps and crouches by Foolish's side, clutching Foolish's hand to his chest dramatically. "I am sorry!"
Foolish groans and flops his head onto the ground with his eyes closed. "Oh, Vegeta, how could you do this to me? How could you!?"
He feels a morose kiss pressed to his knuckles, and he's so flattered that his heart almost starts beating again.
But then his heart, as shriveled as it is, does literally jump in his chest as he hears a tiny giggle from next to him.
"Oh," Vegetta softly says, "who is this?"
Foolish shrugs. He cracks his eyes back open and swivels his head to the side so he can look at the kid, who is staring at the two of them with wide amber-colored eyes.
"Dunno," Foolish replies. "Human, I think."
The kid nods. They've got their hat on again, backwards.
Oh, Foolish thinks. They're cool.
"Hey, little one, would you like to come inside?" Vegetta asks.
Foolish sits up with a huff, turning to look at his husband. "What the hell, man! You can't just ask a kid to come inside your spooky vampire castle! That's freak behavior!"
"I don't know that!" Vegetta protests. "It worked with you, didn't it!"
"I wasn't a child! I was literally three hundred!"
"Maybe they're three hundred! You don't know that."
"I'm not," the kid interrupts. They blush and shrink into themself. "And I'm a girl. Today."
"Oh, cool," Foolish says, because fuck yeah. Then he turns back to his husband with a put-on scowl. "Stop being a creep, Vegeta! She's a girl!"
Vegetta is halfway through beginning his reply when they both freeze as the back door opens and slams shut.
Foolish looks over. The kid is gone.
"Huh," he says.
"Huh," Vegetta agrees.
What the hell.
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425599167 · 16 days
Since Rings of Power introduced Tom Bombadil in a way that gave me mixed feelings, I want to talk about him. For movie-only people, Tom is a character in The Lord of the Rings who gets ignored in adaptations because he doesn't really move the plot along, a decision I accept, but he's important thematically.
When the four hobbits begin their journey, they need to avoid the ringwraiths by passing through a dangerous old forest. They're lost, the environment is stifling and the trees are trying to trap and kill them. They're in serious trouble, but when all hope seems gone, along comes Tom Bombadil to help! He's a fun-loving guy living out in the woods, having fun, singing songs, loving life. He's also as old as the world, completely immortal, too powerful to be threatened by anything in this spooky forest, and oh yeah he's totally immune to the influence of the Ring. He has many names given by many peoples, and all of them in some way translate as "eldest". Tom Bombadil is just what he's called now, it's not his real name, depending on what a real name even means to the first being in the world. He's a merry fellow. Bright blue his jacket is, and his boots are yellow.
People complain about Tom not fitting with the rest of the world or story, but that's deliberate. Tom lives with his wife Goldberry, who is also supernatural but not the same type of being as whatever her husband is, and they are up to some fey shit. The hobbits are happy for the help, but Tom confuses them as much as he confuses readers because who is he? What is he? What the fuck is going on? When Frodo asks Goldberry "Who is Tom Bombadil?" she answers "He is."
Once the hobbits are in the house of Tom Bombadil (which just happens to have four spare beds and four spare seats at the table) they tell him the story of why they're traveling, and he asks to see the Ring. Even at this early stage, the Ring is trying to control Frodo, yet Frodo pulls it out and hands it over easily. When Tom puts the Ring on, nothing happens, then he does a sleight-of-hand trick with the Ring and gives it back to Frodo without any trouble. Not only is Tom unaffected, he can see Frodo when the latter wears the Ring and becomes invisible to everyone else. The reason Frodo could give the Ring to Tom might be because, since Tom cares nothing for it, letting Tom hold it doesn't count as giving it up.
Despite his reputation for obliviousness, there are hints of Tom knowing more than he lets on. Tom mentions being alive "before the Dark Lord came from outside", pays close attention when the ringwraiths are mentioned, and will dispose of local wights if they cause trouble, so he is aware of the evil forces at work even if he isn't actively fighting them. When Frodo puts on the Ring and tries to sneak away, Tom tells him to take the Ring off as his "hand's more fair without it", a comment I find very interesting. He dislikes the Ring, even if only because he considers it a gaudy accessory. Fitting his passive behavior, he didn't go out looking for the hobbits, but he says he expected them to come and waited for them, so he has some kind of interest in their journey.
Tom is the subject of many theories as to his nature, but I don't understand the confusion. To me, Tom is obviously an embodiment of the land. He's as old as the world because he is the world. The Ring can't affect him any more than it affected the river Isildur lost it in. To destroy Tom, Sauron would first need to conquer all other lands, to already rule over the world before snuffing out its personification. Tom is the world without any influence of Sauron: lively, happy, full of song, but a little eerie while possessing powers which are hard to define. That's why he's encountered so close to the Shire, and why the hobbits stay in his household before meeting Aragorn and heading towards Rivendell. Tom is the spirit of what they are trying to save, it makes sense for him to stand at the journey's threshold.
Tom is capable of these feats because he lacks any desire to control. Gandalf opposes Sauron, but that desire would make him susceptible to the Ring's influence, just like all the other characters opposing Sauron. They want to do good, but Sauron can twist any desire into a need to dominate. This is also why Tom can't help carry the Ring; if he began to care about it, he would no longer be immune. Tom's defining characteristic is minding his own damn business to a supernatural degree, something I'm not sure if Rings of Power understands. Tom is not a guy who makes or fits into plans.
I do like his song in RoP, though.
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sonicphobia0601 · 7 months
I'm starting to realize that I am definitely becoming more like Barnaby as time wore on. Obviously not a ghost but the similarities are definitely there.
Autistic? Check.
Wears glasses? Check!
Fascinated/hyperfixated by death? Check. I'm a writer. And I watch a good portion of Kill Counts on YouTube.
Asexual? I'm starting to get really repulsed by that after what happened on Wattpad and the stuff I put up with. So check.
Exaggerated facial expressions? Check!
Cranky when awoken before I'm ready to rise? Check.
Scholarly yet fun loving? Check.
Loves science? I love baking and baking is science and I loved science in grade school. So check.
Kills people? Uh... Does fictionally count? Because if so, then I am definitely saying "check"!
Affection starved? Absolutely.
Time blind? Check! I sometimes forget what day it is. And on very rare occasions the year.
Lover of spooky things? Check! (Laughs in goth theme on Tumblr Mobile App)
... Holy shit. If this is a window into the multiverse, I need to do a double take. The only differences I can note is that I'm living, born in 2000 and I don't exactly have the best "masking" skills. I mean, you can't immediately tell, but once you get to know me, it starts showing. Or he became my spirit animal. O.O
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I'm no longer denying it online. I'm autistic (knew since I was 5). And this has to be the first time I found a character who is canonically autistic that I actually click with and find relatable.
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blade-that-was-broken · 4 months
"There is someone here," Branch grumbled.
"Do you think they are Bergens?"
"Probably not. Bergens don't really wait and watch to attack. They just grab."
"Even if it isn't," Holly added. "We'll be gone before they open tomorrow."
"Right," Darnell agreed. It wasn't even five minutes later that the silence set in. "Does anyone...?"
"Feel like we are being watched?" Holly finished. "Yeah."
"Circle up!" Branch barked and his friends did, covering each other's backs and flanks, forming some semblance of a circle. Each of them brought up their hands or other small weapons for defense. "Show yourself!"
"What are you?!" The booming voice repeated.
"Not until you show yourself!"
"Are you... trolls?"
"I'm not tell you anything. You could be a Bergen!"
Distantly, someone screamed.
"I'm not...what?"
"We aren't looking for trouble. We are just passing through," he added, confidently.
"You passed on sacred grounds!" the voice tried to sound spooky but he could hear the tremble and awkwardness.
"This is an amusement park, newsflash!" Branch snapped.
"Branch, my dude, don't antagonize," Darnell muttered.
"Wait... Branch?" another, different, voice echoed.
"Biscuits and Gravy," Holly yelped, pulling Branch in and closing him behind all of them. "Inside."
"Wait..." Branch tried but he was pushed inside the circle, his friends protecting him on all sides.
"You won't touch him!" Synth yelled to the void.
"Wait! No!" the voice shifted. "I'm a troll too! He's... he's my brother! I'm his brother!"
Wait what?
Branch pushed his way through the group. A troll in a green sweater romper and crazy green hair, stared, wide-eyed. "Branch?" B moved forward but Holly stepped in front of him.
"Whoa there, cowboy. We..."
"That's my baby brother!"
"Not a baby," he grumbled.
"Your name?" Darnell asked.
"Branch, c'mon. Tell..."
"You're name," Darnell insisted. Branch let him.
"Clay," he finally said. "Bitty B, who are these...?"
"It's Branch," he replied, flatly. "Not Bitty B or any childish nicknames you gave when I was a baby. Just Branch."
Clay paused and nodded. "Uh... okay, yeah. Wow... you're... taller?"
"That's what happens. People grow over sixteen years."
"Who are these people?"
"My friends."
"What are they?"
"Excuse me?" Holly snorted.
"They're trolls, obviously."
"They look... different?"
"Well yeah, they are different types of trolls."
"I don't think he knows about the other genres," Minuette frowned.
Branch paused. "Maybe not."
"Dude, I have so many questions."
"I imagine."
"How did you know where to find me?"
"I didn't know you were here. We're just passing through to get back."
"Get back? Like home?"
"Yes? There's..."
"Wait? So other trolls survived?"
"Have you seen my sister?" another troll ran up next to Clay. She looked familiar.
"Why would I have seen your sister?"
"You're with the other trolls, right? More survived the escape?"
"The escape? What escape? I have no idea what you're talking about."
Clay stared. "What do you mean? Didn't you escape the troll tree during the escape?"
"Trolls escaped the tree?" Branch asked, surprised.
"Wait... Branch, how do you not know about this?"
"Branch lives in Country Territory," Holly piped in as Branch mulled this over. So there had been an escape and Clay knew about it. Which meant he was probably at the Tree. There and Branch spent the entire time thinking he was gone. He frowned. Holly continued. “We don't really know about other pop trolls."
Clay looked akin to horrified. “Where have you been?”
Branch didn’t say anything. Everywhere.
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Alright people, just got my early access of the Magnus Protocol Premiere. Been thinking about whether I should do a live blog like I did for Magnus Archives. Still not sure but we're just gonna start it and see where it's going. Tbh I've been so out of the loop with the podcast I didn't even know the premiere episode was coming and I have no idea when further episodes are getting released. I thought it would start next year! Anyway, I'm gonna put all my reactions down below under the read more so I'm not accidentally spoiling anyone.
That intro music is amazing. Love it.
So glad they included a transcript, I would've already been lost with all these voices. That's what I loved about tma, never got confused there because the introduction to the characters was so nice and slow
Oh, here we are then! Jumpscared by Alex already. Did not expect him to turn up so soon. I'm certain there's nothing sinister going on here. Not me already theorizing that it's Martin who got stuck in the system or something after Mag200. But that means Jonny is one of the other voices who occasionally reads out the statements, right? Gotta be. So Chester or Augustus, who do you think he is? Putting my money on Augustus I think. Why? Because why not.
First look at the Fears?? Is it the Stranger? That's got to be the Stranger, right?
The transcript has these little stage directions and I gotta say I'm in love with "Lena's office is pristine, sterile and has nothing that might indicate its occupant would be brash enough to have a personality"
Btw don't know the in universe reason for the recording yet but friends, your microphones are shit. Jon's recordings were never as bad! Your voices do that thing where it gets frizzy. Might I suggest using a tape recorder?
Is that more static in the background I'm hearing when Gwen says "I'm not most people." Oh, I kinda missed overanalysing sound cues.
We have great vegetarian sausages in Germany too, Colin. I already like that poor IT guy
Sam I really don't think this is the job if you're "just trying to get back on your feet" There must be more going on there
Damn, had a 50/50 chance and didn't get it. So you're Chester then, Jonny? Really can't decide if I would love it more if these voices had some connection to tma or if there's just no reason at all.
I actually read a fanfic like that before. Immediatly though about it when I heard Alex's voice. Jon was sorta trapped in the tape recorder. All Martin and co had were his recorded statements on tape and at some point Jon got like powerful enough to be able to communicate through the tape recorder I think. Was a really great read. Would be funny if this turns out to be similar
Oh, Magnus Archives ruins!! What are you gonna find there RedCanary?? This is exciting
Of course you've been having trouble uploading the pictures, RedCanary! And I don't think that's you're normal getting paranoid either. Oh, I love this. It's like my old friend, spooky Magnus Institute is back
An Archive, you say?? And it's empty. Interesting.
Side note, the music during this is fantastic. Like loved it from the beginning but right now? Amazing.
"What the hell is that? Are those eyes?" Never thought I'd actually be happy about eyes getting mentioned. But eyes, people!! This statement has everything: Magnus Institute, some poor bugger who's descending into paranoia and madness, weird symbols, an artefact (?), ominous texts ("Canaries should stay above ground", okay obviously a reference to the user name red canary but also do you think that has anything to do with like mining. Weren't birds used to detect gas?), eyes and were those the last few notes of the tma intro in the background music?
Oh, who is listening then? Can't mean me, Colin
The Magnus Protocol is a podcast distributed by Rusty Quill and licensed under a creative commons attribution non commercial sharer like 4.0 international license
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szalonykasztan00 · 10 months
People new Tamsand Au drop.
As always sorry about mistakes if you find any DM me I will edit it out.
If someone wants to write this fanfic. I will give it up for free but I ask that someone who gets Tamlin stargule with his gender write it.
There will be meme visualisations from time to time.
Thanks to the fact that Tamlin can shapeshift he is raised as a girl (High Lord already has two older sons, he doesn't need more sons but a daughter he can sell for alliances).
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Tam and his mom object (obviously). That piss off HL and the other sons. One of Tam's brothers, with malicious intent, suggests marrying him to Night Court's only heir (Crule Sunless Night Court, an heir who becomes famous in the war for his brutality with his Ilyrian buddies). They agree to get an ally in the revenge war they plan with their besties in Hybern. Tamlin is lamenting his doom in the spooky woods of Autumn Court (they meet in Autumn Court as a neutral ground + Kier wants to bind Night and Autumn with Morrigan-Eris marriage (it didn't happen yet in that AU)). He and Rhys meet (he too is lamenting his doom in the spooky woods, more dramaticly of course). Tamlin is in the male form so Rhysand thinks he is just some Spring courtier, not his future wife. Tamlin (because Rhys in his dramatic performance shows his wings) thinks that Rhys is Night Court's famous Shadowsinger. They lose their shit a little bit (because they think someone catches them acting not suited for children of the high lord + Tamlin is not a girl and that might endanger HL's brilliant marriage plan) but after a hot panic minute, they start to talk and then bond over their knives, battle strategies and despotic fathers, and mothers that can't do anything to save their children etc. Now negotiations last few weeks. To keep tradition (and Tamlin's "female" virginity) they never meet eye to eye. Two idiots fell in love at their secret woods meeting. BUT Rhys is convinced that his gay ass is in love with some random low-birth courtier that he can steal with him to Nigh court and hide in Valiaris, in the meantime dumping his new wife in the CoN and forgetting about her for a few centuries. 
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Tamlin thinks he found an ally in scary CoN that will help him survive it and maybe, thanks to his friendship with "Shadowsinger" his new husband would be kind to him and you know don't r-word him and stuff (and maybe he even gets to be a male for few hours a day). They meet last time and Rhys is like "Let me take you to NC's secret city where we can be ourselves together" - a love confession basically, And Tamlin is "Oh shit, fuck, by the Cauldron" he didn't predict that it will go so far. He needs to marry HL's son because if not he and his mother will be tortured and possibly killed. If he accidentally made Shadowsinger fall in love with him then surely his so-to-be-husband will murder him (for almost cheating) or call off the wedding which means he and his mother get tortured and murdered. He panics and runs for his life, disappearing into the sooky woods of Autumn Court. Rhys is first like WTF then he is just heartbroken, and goes to find Azriel to cry to him about it. 
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One panic attack later. And realisation that he in fact loves the shadowsinger. Tamlin clams down with his mother's help and spills the tea to her. How he found someone who would love him as him and let him be HIMSELF. But he has to marry his love's friend and live his life as a female and pop out children that will be forced to live the same fate as him and if some find out the truth then they all be dead.
Then the wedding happens. Tamlin has the veil the whole time (just a quick half-lift to a quick kiss) and he barely sees anything. They married and now sitting on their wedding feast next to each other not even looking at each other. Tamlin is scared shitless because the dramatic ass bat is in such a foul mood. Rhys is just brokenhearted/hungover as shit and he continues to drink more. The wedding night comes. They go to the bedroom but are followed by Tamlin's brothers to "make sure the marriage is consumed" (ad to scary factor and so they can be a dick). Rhysand is not having it (he just lost the love of his life and has to marry that random lady that has a stick up her ass), so he puts up his Mask^Tm and growls some extremely misogynistic comment so they fuck off. They don't. Rhys's father is like "Cut it, Shadowsinger will be the witness". Tamlin's father agrees (he is reallllllllllllllllly trying to get that ally). Tamlin thinks that he is about to be sexually violated and the male that loves him is about to witness it. They go in.
Rhysand is going to the window to drink some more not even looking and his wife. He gives quick. "Get naked and on the bed, oil is on the nightstand, the veil stays on." (He thinks it would be easier if he could pretend it's his "Little spring beasty") Tamlin starts to undress, takes off the veil for a moment to get read off the partially tricky part of the dress and takes a look at the dark room. "Where is shadowsinger?", "In the shadows, mind your own business". (Azriel is not in fact in the room. He is spying on trying to fuck Eris.) Tam does as he is told. Is in the position, and the veil covers his face. Rhys is like "Get this over with" Rhys fails to get himself ready for action. Tamlin red as a beetroot, innocently asks: "Can I do something?" Rhys gets even more angry. "Shut up". They do it somehow. Thanks to Tam's shapeshifting ability it is not painful but it's awkward, extremely unpleasant and… well…. traumatising (as any unwanted sexual interaction). As soon as it's over Rhys is out of the room and either finds Azirel and/or Cassian to mop some more or straight to night court to mop in Rita's. Tam cleans themself and then cries themself to sleep. The next day they return to their courts (akward bedsheet-cecking scene mandatory). Tam gets a nice room (with a window) in CoN and tries to fit in the society and politics. There is angst time for both of them but mostly for the bats. Rhys is drinking and fucking his sadness in various bars and brothels in Valeris. (like every blond, green-eyed, guy or male prostitute). After a few weeks of that shit, Azriel is done and "Fucking hell I'm going to find that guy and convince kidnap him to come here so they either be together or kill each other." 
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He goes and scans Spring Court from top to bottom and just can't find the guy. Then "Maybe he looks like he is from Spring but is actually from Autumn" Scans AC from top to bottom. (Mandatory spying on trying to fuck Eris.) Still nothing. Not even a sign that he ever existed but the guy can't just vanish in thin air (ironically). He for sure was with the wedding party. So the only person who might know something is Rhys's new wife. And he is like "Fuck it. If I have to hear Rhys sad ass song any longer I'm cutting my ears off". Azriel goes to CoN.
Tam in the weeks of being left alone starts to crave some peace and security. He made some friends and allies. Mosty his new sister-in-law. She knows well her brother's disaster-dramatic gay ass. So is incredibly sympathetic to that poor "female" who was forced to marry him. She basically welcomes and integrates him into the court. Against all odds, Tam gets incredibly respected and extremely well-liked in the court. With her help, he charms his father-in-law and mother-in-law. (They have family dinners every other day and it's actually nice and not like at home). Even Kier is like "She is a nice well-rise lady that knows what to do, maybe a little unconventional but if she manages to make that idiot of an heir to behave I might even consider not assassinating the whole family of NC." Life is good. People are nice and his husband is nowhere to be found. He even is granted super wards to his room, that no one can get there without his permission (even his husband, but shadowsinger can but Tam doesn't know it). So when he is alone in his room he drops female form and is being himself.
One day he is readying himself to play his fiddle (a welcome gift from his Father-in-law) and then from the shadows reveals himself male figure of a stranger. And he is like "WTF Who are you? What are you doing here? How are get through wards?" Azriel is like: "Who am I? I am this court shadowsinger. Who are you? Where is the Lady? Wait a minute... Are you the guy from AC who seduces Rhysand?" And they have a very awkward conversation. They figure out the whole story and shit. Azriel takes Tamlin to Valeris so he and Rhys can talk it out. Rhysand is a drunk dramatic bitch and it takes a while. He sobres up. Rhysand apologies for their wedding night. They make up. Talk about their new relationship, and make rules and plans. Rhysand tries some moves but Tamlin is "Too soon". 
Time skip. 300 years. They are happy. Tamlin's father and brothers (alongside Amarantha) are dead. His mother is leaving with Azriel's mother as she heals from her marriage. Rhysand and Tamlin have twin boys (sorry Tam but you and Fruit Bat need hiers). One for each court. Tamlin is an HL of SC but Rhys's father is still alive, as are his mother and sister. Tamlin and his Fruit Bat and their children live permanently in Spring but are often visiting grandmas. Life is good. 
The End.
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maxwell-grant · 11 months
Hello! While speaking with my friend about a concept for a silly little vampire story a question naturally arose; "Why do vampires, of all monsters, lend themselves so well towards humor?"
Hope you have a wonderfully spooky October!
Well hope you have a wonderful October as well!
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Honestly I think all monsters lend themselves to humor in ways that haven't been fully tapped into, but I think vampires have that extra edge mainly because the main things that define them (needs to feed on others for sustenance, can't go out in the sunlight, immortal but can be killed in specific ways) are Rules. Rules and structure and consistency are things that you need to build a set-up, because you can't have a punchline without a set-up. Other monsters are more loosely defined, or have only a couple of rules that can usually be ignored, but you can't ignore the basic specifics of vampirism the same way. You can have a werewolf who doesn't turn on a full moon or due to weird birth circumstances related to the number 7, but you need to address the feeding aspect, or you don't have a vampire.
And the counterpoint to that is that vampires, while obviously they have aesthetic signifiers and tropes and Dracula-isms that people go to in defining them, are nowhere near as bound to their aesthetic traits as other kinds of monsters, so you can make anything and everything a vampire so long as you establish that parasitic aspect and the rules. If want to make your characters specific kinds of monsters you generally have to include the aesthetic signifiers that define them: Frankensteins generally need to be some kind of stitched-up corpse and/or giant, mummies need to have the wrappings or the lore, zombies need to cadaverous undead, werewolves need to be some kind of horrible animal (not necessarilly a wolf - Brazilian werewolves are commonly said to be more akin to pigs and boars, for example), but vampires?
If it's a parasitic monster that needs to feed on something otherwise it dies, and that something isn't just regular food, pretty much anything you do with them is fair game. The more out there you go with it, usually the better.
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And because they're among the most popular unambiguous kind of monster (skeletons, witches, ghosts and aliens are there still but all sorta morphed into their own things overtime, vampires you still find at the forefront of every Halloween pack), everyone is familiar with what those rules are on the baseline, which means you have a much, much easier time doing jokes about the specifics of vampires than with any other kind of monster, and so it becomes more necessary to focus on specifics of the vampire's personality to make them stand out. Generally speaking, a Frankenstein is a type of character, a werewolf is half of a character when not in frenzied bloodlust, a ghost can be one or several characters, a zombie used to be a character, but a vampire needs to be a character, if you're not doing a Dracula pastiche (and even then) you can't bank on the shorthand as easily. It's a very competitive field.
Everybody knows the specifics of how vampires work, and so you get to play them straight or subvert them for comedy, and even make up new kinds of vampires out of twisting the premise around. A lot of what makes Colin Robinson from What We Do In The Shadows so funny is that, placed opposite a cast of fairly traditional vampires as somehow the most mundane personality as well as the weirdest freak among them, they can and do just constantly make up new shit about the way his existence and powers and biology works and get away with it, and constantly set you up for surprises more so than with the others. And they even still kinda do that for the others. All vampire media needs to place it's characters across a spectrum of possibilities.
Doesn't show up in mirrors, can't cross running water, needs to be invited into places, needs to stop and count marbles, needs to sleep in coffins, needs ancestral soil within said coffins to sleep in, etc. Needs to feed their blood to victims to reproduce, or actually doesn't need to do that. Can go centuries without a sip, or needs to kill a person every day to not die, or can just feed on cattle / the color red / other fluids. Can walk in the sun but weakened, can walk in the sun unbothered, can walk in the sun with careful skincare routines made from human sweat, instantly desintegrates if they play the desert level in a videogame, and so on.
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Once you get past the baseline, you actually can get a lot more out of just piling up both weird new powers you never have to explain, as well as bullshit rules and specifics atop each other, because that's just how Vampire Lore works, and naturally each and everyone of those can be squeezed for comedy as well as horror. It's that old adage about how horror is comedy without the punchline and both need a dramatic investment into the set-up of how it works, before it can be torn down dramatically or comedically.
To be clear, I think this is something you can and should do more or less with all kinds of monster characters, but the thing is that, most of the others you do need you to go the extra mile and define them, what defines them, what if any are the rules and standards and limitations they live with. With ghosts and mummies and bugbears you do need to tug a bit at the concept and ask questions and walk your audience through some of those questions to get somewhere more than surface/aesthetic-based gags with them, where as with vampires, you can kinda skip a lot of that and just get to work pulling comedy out of the basic set-up and then subverting that.
Because yes, vampires live by codes and structures and rules, but there's also nothing we like more than telling those to get stuffed so we can do whatever we want. You need something to rebel against in order to rebel at all.
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okay i'm going to need a part 2 only if possible ofc of the taeyong drabbe
For you? Anything.
Spectral Lover [Pt. 2]
TW: Ghosts Genre: Romance Pairing: Lee Taeyong x Reader YN Pronouns: Not specified Word Count: 0.8K
[NCT Masterlist] | [NCT Spooky Season Masterlist] | [Part 1]
Notes: Fuck it why not?  Disclaimer: Please remember that this is an AU and a work of fiction, obviously the idols mentioned/written about in this story would never partake in these actions. The idols mentioned in this work are meant to be seen more as face claims rather than the actual idols themselves.
Feedback is greatly appreciated!! Thank you for reading!
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You were always a huge believer in the supernatural. But you supported more of an idea that humans and ghosts coexist peacefully and, just like humans, there were the rogue few who stood out as "bad" entities.
So, when you moved into this new home and found out that it was apparently haunted, you were more excited than afraid. And so far, your excitement was well felt.
"Alright," you placed the contraption down in front of you while you sat cross-legged on the floor. It was essentially a laptop with its monitor on backward, and your hope is that it would help you communicate with your spectral roommate. "Mr. Ghost? If you're here with me right now, I made this device so we could communicate better."
Taeyong, of course, was always hanging around you, and was actually already seated in front of the keyboard. He looks at the device and whistles.
"According to what the movers said, you died back in the 19th century, so I don't expect you to know what this is," you muttered. You were right. "Basically, just type out what you want to say. Give it a shot," you invited him to do so, but Taeyong could see the doubt in your eyes. Hesitantly, he leans forward and looks over the keyboard, going through the rows of letters and symbols, before finally hovering his hand over it.
He was afraid.
Usually, when it came to material items, he couldn't actually touch them, but for whatever reason he was doing fine with moving objects around, this was a new development for him.
Then, when you sighed and slumped his shoulders, he pressed a key.
And your face lit up.
"No way..." your shock was clear and Taeyong was as excited as you. He quickly typed out something he'd been meaning to tell you for months now.
"Hi!" Your grin was angelic. "Oh, wow, I was afraid that this wouldn't have worked! Mr. Ghost, allow me to properly introduce myself, my name is (Y/N) (L/N)!"
My name is Taeyong Lee. As you said, I am who you usually refer to as 'Mr. Ghost.'
As Taeyong typed it, he muttered it to himself as well. How long has it been since he said his name?
"Taeyong, huh?" And how long has it been since he heard it? "I'm sorry for moving into your house, I'm sure you're very picky about who stays here."
You're fine, of all the newer owners, you're the only one who's respected me and this house.
"Is that so?" You read the monitor again. "I'm glad, I've heard many stories about you. Are they true?"
Unfortunately, yes. Though, all except one.
"Which is?"
I wasn't a hermit. I did have a partner.
"Oh, that's wonderful! This whole time I was sad that you were alone. Is that partner here in the house as well?"
In a way, yes.
"Amazing, together even after death," your voice was dreamy, and Taeyong melted into every word. "I'm assuming you were the one who helped me unpack?"
Yes, that was me.
"And I'm very thankful for that," you nodded, "were you also the one who switched out my dress that one night?" Taeyong chuckled. True, he loved you, but he knew he couldn't love you the way you deserved to be, so instead, he chose to help you find happiness another way, even if that meant he had to see someone else beside you.
Maybe, did your date like it?
"You have very good taste! He complimented me on it all night long." you chuckled.
Then, yes, it was me. I'm glad he liked it, I may be out of my time, but from the previous owners I've been able to keep up with the times.
"I think this is the start of something really cool, Mr. Lee!"
Please, just call me Taeyong.
"Taeyong it is, then! Thank you for speaking with me, I look forward to getting to know you better," you nodded. "If you ever have something to say, go ahead and use this machine, I think it'll be a good alternative than a ouija board."
And a much safer one as well.
"Exactly! Now, I do have to get to work, so I'll leave the house in your hands. Thanks, Taeyong!"
Of course, drive safely.
"Thank you!" And, you're gone, up the stairs to grab your things no doubt. Taeyong leaned back and watched you run up the stairs before whistling and turning back to the monitor. Then, he heard you run down the stairs and, as expected, a slight thud. "Ow! I'm okay!" You announced, and Taeyong couldn't hold back his laugh. Funny how things stay consistent over reincarnation. "Mr. Ghost? Are you laughing?!" Taeyong holds his tongue.
"Can you hear me, (Y/N)?" Taeyong shot up and near ran over to where you were, but you looked around the foyer for a sign of anything and, finally, you looked through him. You couldn't see him. "Oh... (Y/N)," he shakes his head.
"One day, we'll work on it, Taeyong," you nodded and adjusted your bag over your shoulder before leaving. Taeyong locked the door behind you.
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