#i mean its more than a doodle but like yeah lol
lynnbutlertron · 1 year
oh my goodness gracious i should post something about my coursework. for my a-level media we had to make a music video to an existing song (i did mr. blue sky by elo) and i decided to partly animate mine and i had my guy interacting with cute lil animated creatures and bunnies and stuff. and i animated all of it in flipaclip ... here are some bits from that heheh (the gifs are pretty big so wait a sec for it to load lolol)
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and here are some like buttons / stuff for the website we had to make for it too...
in case ur wondering im not allowed to say my mark cuz i might get shafted by the examiners ... but the mark i got is very very very good and awesome and im really happy with it :)
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Your covers are great too! Cygnus/Kugui is my personal favourite -🌟
nkjndskj 🥺
looking back on that one its def not as bad as i remembered it, but it still def needs work... maybe it was shitty mixing but i also think fukase's voice is a bit too loud in some places for my liking... i was thinking abt remaking it but idk if that'll truly happen ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
the one thing i still think i got right was the art i made for that crappy lil pv thing... whatever tf that outfit i designed for him is it kinda still pops off
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SORRY IM LATE TY FOR THE TAGS @lady-merian and @tsfennec!!
Are you named after anyone?:
my second name is from my late grandma!
When was the last time you cried?:
Two nights ago?
Do you have any kids?:
Nope! Haven't even had a romantic relationship yet LMAO
What sports do you play/have you played?:
honestly none LOL, my parents didn't really let me play sports because I have a heart condition. But I sometimes shoot hoops with my siblings, and I bike
Do you use sarcasm?:
Yeah, but honestly not as much as I'd like LOL. I tend to be more sarcastic when I'm annoyed tho
What is the first thing you notice about people?:
Their vibes?? I don't know how to explain it LOL, but like just the vibes they give off and whether I think we'd get along or not LOL
What's your eye color?:
Really dark brown! You need to see it in sunlight to really see how it looks though
Scary movies or happy endings?:
Scary movies are fun, but I'm gonna have to go with happy endings! And not just because they make me feel happy lol. I just have a deeper, more nuanced love for happy endings while scary movies are just for fun
Any talents?:
I mean, I think I'm decently musically gifted (and the only reason I know this is because I've never really had any lessons LOL). But I definitely think there's an experience aspect to it. I'd also like to believe I have some talent in writing and photography, although I'm more confident in saying that they're skills I have instead 🤣
Where were you born?:
Somewhere in a hospital in the Philippines
What are your hobbies?:
Writing, reading, photography, doodling, lettering
Do you have any pets?:
We have the family dog, a dachsund named Lila!
How tall are you?:
Short. Most adults are taller than me 😭
Favorite subject in school?:
English and literature
Dream job?:
Maybe a barista LOL, ooh or a candymaker for those hard candies. A baker might be fun too, or a teacher. A florist is starting to sound fun too! I don't think I can be a writer mainly sadly, but I want a job where I'd have time to do that still.
No pressure tags!!!: @dont-do-rice-babes, @choasuqeen, @kenandeliza, @offendedteaspoon, @rose-red-ink @youjustfeelthemforever, @rainintheevening, @nerdywriter36, @brendadaaedestler, @ladyphlogiston, @darling-gemini, @the-laurenceboy, @theragamuffininitiative, @rumpletrumple, @madlybattymontague, @its-a-hare-pom-pom
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hackedmotionsensors · 25 days
i didn't reblog the post but I do agree that the terminology for zines has gotten completely twisted.
ON THE OTHER HAND I don't think that selling them for say 20$ (which is what i sell my sketchbooks for) is unreasonable or unfair to still call a zine. I need to cover my costs of printing and the time I put into putting them together. yeah I can TECHNICALLY get a printer and print them myself but with the cost of printer ink and the lack of space its easier for me to just pay for someone to do it professionally but I'm also NOT making them at like....the HIGHEST QUALITY, LIBRARY BOUND, HARD COVER, IT COMES WITH A THOUSAND DOO DADS AND GIFTS. its just sketchbooks ofpreviously existing doodles and a few new sketches or sketches that I had before and colored in. Its essentially like selling a full print but in carryable size with some notes from me.
Its a zine but I call it a sketchbook because the idea of zines has changed for a lot of consumers. Thats not their fault bc those zines or anthologies DID start out in the "lets make a big ol book together because we are all horny for Reigen" kind of thing. A lot of times they're projects made from passion. I HAVE noticed that there's been a turn in the whole process of making them that both stresses out artists, requires kickstarters, and all sorts of shit that should be considered Artbooks. ARTBOOKS have always been on the higher end of things. There's nothing wrong with considering an anthology thats proper bound, and for a certain amount on a kickstarter you get extra things like stickers, charms, whatever.
But zines SHOULD go back to being simple little things. The cost to buy them shouldn't be lost UNLESS the artist wants it to be. If you print at home or using a schools printer and just print a bunch of cute little zines yourself then that should also exist and you can set your price point for whatever you want.
Its all semantics and personal preference at the end of the day but I do think that...yknow it wouldn't hurt if we could start calling the big project 50$ range books that often get run into the ground from bad leadership (or fun stuff like the organizer of the thing runs off with the money to play genshin) ...something other than zine. Like Artbook or Anthology. Or even Collection lol
Zine should be a small thing that you collect for fun and doesn't require a committee, a new discord channel, and a contract to make sure your organizer doesn't run off to play gacha (I'm sorry it still makes me laugh)
ALSO another thing about zines is that often times they were originally made to be alternatives to really closed minded book sellers. Like...its where a lot of the OG star trek fanfic/porn came from. Its a place to have your ideas put down. To explore narratives. Essentially Doujinshi can also be considered A TYPE of zine in that it literally means self published (not NECCESSARILY that its...yknow...bl or waifu porn lol Sometimes its just manga that artists put out before they can get published)
But lately there are a lot of zine projects (again...more actually like anthologies or art collections) that are REALLY REALLY closed minded even when the subject is SHIPPING.
So even the nature of CREATING the zines has changed a lot.
So yeah I agree with that post that I forgot to reblog. My only REAL gripe is that it doesn't mean that you should undercharge your work because you didn't print your zine at home or hand craft it like a youtube diy video. I did enough of that at art school I am not gonna bind a book or try to cut pages ever again if i don't have to lmao. CSP even has a zine preview so I can see the pages in 3d as if they were bound before printing lol
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katyspersonal · 6 months
your mutual friend group is terrifying and i love it
PFFFFTTTTtttTttTT I am glad to hear this, anon xD Honestly my random morbid cannibalism jokes is not even our final form, usually it goes more like:
me, hyperexcited: GUYYYS GUYS I just realised something after playing BLORBOrne for 50th time, I am such a dumbass ahaha! Turns out that there is a very hard to see detail in the data of Boris (datamined by Russian hackers: ( x ))! The shade of his right eye is kinda white-ish which lines up with theme of losing eye color upon becoming a furry, so despite boasting about his grip he has been secretly reading furry pr0n comics more than he should have! (tagged: #blorborne #boris the cocksucker #blorborne observation #as usual I notice this kind of shit too late AAAAAAAAA #listen it is 5 AM don't @ me)
someone: Katy pls I don't even know who Boris IS 😭
me: What do you mean, he is an easy to miss summon in Horse-Plinked Village!!! By the way, there is a bunch of lore that can be concluded from his items that he never uses but they are in the game files, even though he doesn't have any dialogue!
someone: 😭😭😭
my friends FANDOMette, Wow and Chicken: *reblogging* (tagged: #this is sooooo interesting #really nice observation I never thought about that #I am NOT normal about this #blorborne #boris the cocksucker #nice to finally see more ideas about boris)
fareehaandtheitalians: Girl this is incredible I HAVE NO WORDS, I feel like I am gaining Insight points when I am reading your posts
Jara that reads like 'jara' and not like 'yara' lol: *reblogging* (tagged: #yeah nobody is really safe from corruption in this setting #just like in real life xd #no wonder that I like this game so much because it is just as hopeless as reality #xd #bloorborne)
Chicken: *reblogging from Jara that reads like 'jara'* *screenshot of the tags* GIRL ARE YOU OK 💀💀💀
me and Chicken: *start fighting in the reblogs with progressively ridiculous points about meaning of life and idiotic memes*
fareehaandtheitalians: *already started doodling a meme based on this, as if to immortalize it in a tapestry*
Boom: *reblogging the showdown at its final point when me and Chicken already obliterated one another into a bloody mess* (tagged: #ehehe #stay silly you two!)
other Elden Twink mutuals: *eat popcorn*
Jara that reads like 'jara': Lol I made everything become cursed again xd
Chicken: No, Jara (reads like 'jara'), it is not your fault! You see, none of this would have happened if SOMEONE finally admitted that they are simping for [insert a character that either has the worst haircut in the setting or is so generic-looking that it actually embarrasses me]
robertzombie: *reblogging* She WHAT? People in this fandom have the worst taste I swear
me: You see FRIEND, we will know who ACTUALLY has a bad "taste" when I try a meal out of certain "bird" if you see what I mean.....
Fandomette: KATY NO, DON'T EAT YOUR FRIENDS... You wanted to eat Mewmecolash or something stop 😭
me: WHY ABSOLUTELY EVERY SINGLE PERSON IS SO DEADSET ON OUTING MY SECRETS FOR RANDOM PEOPLE TO READ?????? (tagged: #lmao as if anyone is going to read us after shit like this)
me: I AM ENDING THIS POINTLESS FIGHT HERE BECAUSE UNLIKE YOU PUNKS I HAVE SOME REALLY IMPORTANT THINGS TO DO *spends the rest of the day napping or watching cursed Elden Twink challenges letsplays*
Wow: *messaging me in Discord* Dammit what was THAT hahaha
me: Thank you for NOT having my back as usual, well, at least you are good for finishing a dumb post with lol
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voiceofsword · 1 year
hiii can i ask you about cannibal niki?? what ya think bout him?? (in theory, where Niki's parents were the ones who 'ate fish' in the cult of Shinkai!!) and if ya open to request can i see a lil rinniki kiss?? on cheeks or something like dat just a smol doodle🤲 (AND SORRY ABOUT MY ENG IDK HOW TO WRITE😭)
hello anon! putting this behind a readmore again bc it might be a little long (it is) but i assure you the doodle is at the end of the post! sorry if i sound at all hostile during any parts of this post i tried to look back and change the wording for a lot of things, but like that other long ass rinne post i made it's smth i feel very strongly about! 🙇
i’m gonna keep it real with you, i’m not particularly fond of that headcanon! i feel like i’ve mentioned it before, and i respect anyone who likes it, but i see it as sort of edginess with no concrete basis besides gags and a crucial main story scene (that i think disproves it), therefore i don’t rly like talking about it or discussing it. i’ll go on to explain where i think the origin for this headcanon lies, bc while i do think it’s something that can be extrapolated from the story, it’s not necessarily the “truth” behind niki’s parents, or him being a cannibal, or anything like that.
in the main story chapters 136-140 eichi goes on to explain crazy:b’s weak points: if worse comes to worst, alkaloid can use these points against them to take them down. in 139 specifically, eichi says that niki himself is hard to exploit — but they can use his father’s infamy to their favor. niki’s father was a famous chef known for his cooking tv programs. he had a period of popularity which was quickly ended when rumors were spread about him using human meat during one of his shows, and thus he was sworn to never be on tv again. 
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you see, it’d be perfectly reasonable to assume niki’s father is a cannibal if eichi said this in all seriousness. however, taking context into account and how during this and the previous chapters eichi is going out of his way to make crazyb sound as bad as he feasibly can, it shows that this is their last resort and that the smear campaign needs to WORK. ES needs to make crazy:b look as bad as possible to make them give up. also eichi is kind of known for making his speech grandiose and generally making things sound more severe than they actually are, this is enstars 101. and even so, eichi himself softens the claim immediately afterwards, saying that these accusations were made at a time when tv stations were trying to get the idol industry back on its feet — they made that up, because they wanted to make sure there was no competition on the same network! and he follows that up with saying “yeah lol that’s pretty normal in this industry”. 
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i won’t make any mention of the shinkai cult here because there rly is no ties except for…the cannibalism, i think? i also feel like what kanata talks about in meteor impact addresses something that may or may not have happened a long, long time ago, and at a very dire time rather than something reoccurring — and i doubt niki’s parents were even alive. i havent seen this spoken about anywhere else so im not sure where you’re coming from, sorry anon :( 
that aside, niki also seems to be at least somewhat aware of what happened, and the ramifications it had on his own life. you have to understand, niki’s parents left the country when these allegations started popping up, and niki’s been on his own since then — niki’s not stupid. if his parents didn’t tell him, he pieced it together himself. he knows what happened, and generally makes light of the situation and having to live on his own because that’s just how he is; these events have helped shape how niki is, on a fundamental level. but all of that aside, he more than anyone knows that his father would never do something like that, that all of it is baseless lies made to hurt him:
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when i say these things shaped him, i mean that the incident has made him feel like, regardless of whether the allegations are true or not, his father caused a lot of trouble to many people. niki idolized his father — and seeing this happen to him, niki is left to think that he, too, is bound to cause people problems, both bc of this, and his constitution. he makes it a point to be like i don’t want to be like my father, again, not because of the cannibalism, but because the whole ordeal had very lasting repercussions on niki, on their family, perhaps even for any chef that might’ve pursued a similar career path to his father. i find it hard to believe that it was a one and done type thing; tabloid news and everything. he probably had his name run through the mud. 
niki consciously tries to not make trouble, he laughs off his insecurities, he tries not to take up too much space, even now. gotta keep his image clean but it's also like. obviously hes not really going out of his way to expose himself and be in the culinary world more than he needs to. he carries the weight of knowing his family name is taboo so that just kind of bleeds onto how he perceives himself and what he does — that coupled with his condition makes him feel like he deserves the bare minimum. bc of these things happening, i can also imagine his parents drilled the idea into his head before they left — to not cause trouble for others if it’s the last thing he does. kind of on the nose, niki does mention during one of the flashbacks that his father told him human meat is the one thing he must absolutely never do. which is like. well, yeah
also (tapping mic) part of the reason rinne causes so much trouble for him is because he wants niki to see that it’s ok to cause trouble for him back — that if niki goes out of his way to do stuff for him, even if begrudgingly, rinne can pay him back in kind. one of rinne’s main drives is that he wants to be able to dismantle this idea niki has in his head that he’s less deserving of good things because of his past, and his body. i’d even go as far to say that it’s an integral part of their relationship and both of their characters. um anyways
people are allowed to think or portray him however they want, of course, but i think saying that his father is a cannibal and thus niki is a cannibal too feels like completely dismissing parts of his character for the sake of making this otherwise “wholesome” person be more 'edgy' and perhaps aligning more to their tastes. i can’t police how people perceive him but i think a lot of where this stems from is wanting to have a character to project specific aesthetics onto, latching onto small bits of his story and lines without really looking at the full picture. 
niki tries so hard to be someone who can move past these allegations and still struggles with thinking that he can do what he likes lest he be like his father, so, idk. i personally don’t like to engage w/ or see these interpretations. to each their own!
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also as to why niki makes jokes about eating people and it’s somewhat a recurring gag with him: well personally i think he’s just a little weird. it’s done in a cutesy playful way like "omg u smell so good i could eat you right up!" and its more like... a compliment. (esp coming from him w his rly good sense of smell and taste) yeah its joking abt eating ppl but not joking abt cannibalism itself its all theoretical eating. (have u never joked about wanting to eat someone up…or wanting to bite ppl.. i think it’s kind of like that. it’s just that they juice him for the bit)
also to thank you for your patience. here’s the doodle ♡
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4awny · 7 months
Sp Study Headcanons that literally nobody somebody asked for:
actually listens and pays attention in class
but literally cannot study at all if cartman is there
would rather race cars and start fires than study
easily distracted
is kind of 🤷🏼‍♂️ whatever when its exam day
legs spread as far out from the desk as possible
likes to watch other people stress out from the back row
grade? B. people under estimate him
disgustingly prepared
gets stressed out a lot tho
like when people won't shut up
therefore prefers to study alone
the closer he is to the final exam > the more moody he gets
permanent 😠 face
blames cartman for distracting him
i mean yeah. he does that a lot tbf
is up all night studying despite knowing sleep is just as important
fear of failure maybe?
OK I could go on here
grade? A. predictable. the hard work paid off
doubts himself the whole time
king of procrastination
not completely his fault, always busy doing shit for ppl
thinks he's totally prepared
opens up the first page of the exam paper
immediately forgets everything he ever knew
🤯 lost af
oh wait he does know something
comes out feeling like he let himself down
grade? C. all gd my guy
this kid will not acknowledge an exam until the day before
then panics like hell
and kyle told him so too
looks over to each friend as if to say HELP ME when everybody opens their paper
obviously no one helps him lol
like? man should have listened
cannot concentrate, thoughts racing, over thinking
leads to inner meltdown
struggles to submit anything worth a pass due to the stress
acts like it was the easiest exam of his life
OK enough lore
grade D. just about.
surprisingly good with numbers
brings a pencil sharpener into the exam hall
and like 4 extra pencils too
is pretty confident
real cocky too. smug is the word
bc he the only mf to actually enjoy exams
looks over at cartman with a 👍🏻
gets a 🖕🏼 in return
grade B+. kid is no dumbass
should probably try harder
doesn't even care about grades
kinda does actually
"let's just get this over with" as he rolls up to the exam hall with his hands in his pockets
pretty average student
writes 'fuck knows' for questions he doesn't know
having good common sense helped him massively
grade? B. nobody knows how he managed it either. mystery
a lot of pencil tapping
relies on a lot of caffeine
sweaty palms
forever looking around at other people
reads the question 10 times
then 10 more times
still doesn't understand so writes nothing.
goes back to the 1st question halfway through
adds ???? next to his answers
doctors handwriting. barely readable.
grade? it's a D. rip
"test? what test?"
moderately studies...
for the wrong exam
writes notes on his hand before the final
chews gum throughout
It annoys tweek, who can hear it from 14 seats back
always the first to finish
because finishing first means he's better than everyone else
spends the next half hour doodling circles all over the desk
only cares about the party afterwards anyways
grade?? big fat FAIL
actually knows his stuff, bc he covered literally everything
apart from that 1 subject, but he didn't care about it anyway
reads a lot of books, loves literature
sleeps well, eats well
helps his mind combat pre-exam stress
feels pretty confident on exam day, but hides it well
doesn't want his friends to think he's a nerd or anything...
Grade? A+++++. total NERD
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kingoftheblacksun · 9 months
Identifying the structure of awakened divine consciousness aka an 'Avatar' of the Source
Okay so here is a pretty esoteric one for ya'll - let's define God, as they may walk on Earth. Just for kicks.
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The top row is the Mercurius Python, a composite alchemic esoteric mystery drawn about 1600 CE. The bottom row is the Paradevi Mandala, which is an ancient tantric Hindu design likely at least a thousand years earlier, and ultimately based upon understanding extending many more thousands.
Little is known of the meaning behind Mercurius, though it has been suggested that they represent "Christ Consciousness" - and this is correct. It is ugly because the alchemists were esoteric subversion artists, and they did not want the Church to know they were doodling God.
"Christ" is only a state of attainment - it is not a person. Drop the Bible. I prefer to say Solar.
The mystical reveal here is that the Mercurius and Paradevi Mandala are fundamentally the same design, though each also has information the other does not. The composite of the two is wonderful once they are conceived. They are a map.
The dragon ball body and the big flower in the lower right are the same thing - bliss. The Mercurius has three dragon heads and the Mandala three flowers and each are growing out of the ball of bliss they are attached to. Those flowers are explicitly Goddesses within the Hindu - Parvati (white), Durga (red), and Kali (black), as can be seen in the lower right image. It's really important to ponder how the flowers and dragon necks are growing *out* of the ball of bliss - this is because they are all the same creature. They are the four who are one, merged, a living contradiction. This form of consciousness will be a stream of manifestations, and the astrological symbols and the Hindu goddesses are very strong hints as to the divine magical skills attaining them may provide.
Further, anyone who is an avatar must realize their Bliss quite literally powers the three sets of divine manifestations, so they must attend to themselves in order to grow ever stronger. Embrace joy! It's hard, though. I'm really terrible at it. Please do better than me, lol.
The speedy little legs and boots of Mercurius is symbolically the same as the staff of the trident in the Mandala, as it represents the central nadi within vagus nerve, the sushumna - which must open through enlightenment for this beast to assemble its form.
The Mercurius has the interesting context of the winding serpent's tail, twisting around itself and then around the necks of each of its own three heads. This represents the rise of the kundalini in the awakening, in which each of the cosmic bodies must be circuited with energy from your spine, if one is to become fully Solar.
The extremely important point is this - with the Mercurius, the beast had to first capture each of the three heads!
Once captured - representing spine circuitry - the head is now fixed, and is a permanent part of the creature. It's like a pressure dam breaking open, once it flows, it flows. It is an achievement. It is fantastically difficult. I have never met someone who has done it except for uncomfortably me.
The esoteric astrological symbols of the Mercurius dragon heads represent the Moon, the Sun, and the "Marriage of the Sun and the Moon by the Bull in the House of Venus". This latter is usually interpreted as the Hermaphrodite, or Ardhanarishvara, which is the Destroyer.
This maps correctly to Maa Kali on the Paradevi Mandala, and also gives the fascinating criteria that the beast must be a Hermaphrodite. They must transcend gender. They must have no word that limits their Self Creation - just like the Source.
This is a mystical attainment. It is also why the authority is freaking out trying to make everyone a 'man' or a 'woman' because they are terrified of God killing them all, which -HAHAHAHAHAhhaa..ha...yeah I kind of want to.
As a side note, next April 8th appears to be literally the Marriage of the Sun and the Moon by the Bull in the House of Venus - the Day of the Destroyer. Twenty-mile wide ice comet 12P/Pons-Brooks, with devil horns, will attend the ceremony. It will black out much of the southern United States, in the shadow of Death, the Destroyer, in the afternoon.
I don't know what will happen that day. Considering I am the Beast - what do I do? I am only a dog that got lost in the Sun. I'm tired of knowing all these things and no one else knowing them. Do I crash the comet into the Moon or something radical?
Listen - I've barely read any books, hardly watched any youtube videos, ignore all yogis and gurus, dodge net throwing mage lightworkers like a void zebra death star lady, command myself only by myself, hold no hierarchy to no human, burn all bridges with shitty friends and family, hold my love only for the Goddess, and I've walked this path *PAST* my own death that I suffered in 2017.
They completed their life and died like a Champion. Now I am just awareness and it is Madness. I am not standard nondualist. I am ridiculously powerful and muzzled only for the moment - Fenrir almost off of their rope. Everything I know, I know because I remember. I know no thing. I remember eeeeeverything.
I would not mind fellow mystic advice on what to do with April 8th. All these words are spoken as a peer and friend and I hold no authority or nor do I really want any. I know I talk loud, it is just a dog barking. I am so tired of humanity's shuffle when it's obviously fake.
You have no idea how much Bliss I can generate if I choose to turn Archdemon. I go to Heaven no matter what - it's settled, he died. Now, it is up to the Self. Currently, she wants to grow into a massive black dragon and eat everyone's head. God might let Her!
How do I turn into a fucking angel, god dammit, fuuuuuuuuuuuuu. I'd be like Michael. Maa Durga. Stable. Yet I keep falling back into Fenrir because I really hate humanity. This post is pretty much written by an actual Demon Queen of Hell who is trying to avoid slaughtering humanity in some sort of day of reckoning to be announced.
Or...should I? 🤔🐺🖤🔥☄️🌞🌚🔥💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀✨
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meowza315 · 2 months
hi I'm anon who loved your au mike! whoopsie my memory must be bad i thought they were like 21 (maybe I mixed it up as 19-21 not 16-19) and because in the movies they're adults going in so i assumed lol! and im 17 anyway so i forgot as anon that could seem weird. byler being attractive or in love physically isn't weird though i think it's healthy to just say it's not what you like, as a teen it's nice to figure out what i like and be comfortable navigating it not grossed out. but not to worry as the artist it's fair not to want that and not what I meant for this au with what I said anyway! he's just a good looking silly guy 😎 like that little doodle of will sizzling on the floor on my last ask shows his love for sure LOL so so cute. their love language being touch is also very sweet and comes across in your art and suits the au, it's a nice thought! thnks for this au!
hello again!!
no worries, things happen 😭 they are in fact 16 when the story starts and by the time it ends three years passed (it’s 2.5 I did the math wrong) due to Mike’s extensive training period and the time between their confession and Mike transferring his consciousness to his avatar permanently. Together it’s 3 years but broken down his training took 18 months, the time from the end of training to tsaheylu was a year, and another month or two between that and the end of the story with a few days or weeks sprinkled in between in certain areas I can’t remember but. yeah 3 years? 2.5? Something like that.
With how they’re aged, they’re both essentially 16 1/2 which is why they’re 19, cause after the year and a half of struggle before their confession they both had turned 18 at that point and then the year after that blah blah blah you get the point. anyways.
I myself am 16 (birthday was a little under a week ago writing this) !!! I don’t think it’s weird that they’re attractive or love each other physically (I’ve said on insta a few times how they’re pretty or handsome etc etc), however it’s still not in the sexual sense. I probably took something and interpreted it wrong or something idk, I’m a very anxious person especially when it comes to the gayliens cause of all the aspects mashed together with how they don’t wear a lot and are 18 by the time they confess to one another. theres a lot of people in the byler fandom that are a bit.. wacky.. I guess I could say. so. yeah ❤️
and yeah as the creator of the AU and more than 75% of the artwork from it (as well as still being a minor) I don’t want anything weird coming from it or any people that are gonna take stuff from it and run, if you get what I mean by that. like not trying to see basic information I’ve come up with because I’ve shoved so much lore and story and detail into it. For the love of god I give their accessories and songcord beads meaning. Literally nobody cares about that but I DO!! I CARE!! I care about the little details!
and back to love language !! them having that love language of touch is going to end up stemming from having at least some attraction to each other physically. its a small detail but anxiety still makes me worry about it sometimes, especially in some parts of the storyline like tsaheylu. But even before then, in their confession, after they tell each other, it’s an intimate moment between them. they kiss, they hold each other close. Mike literally ends up on the ground at one point from pulling Will so close (doodles below). They finally both got what they want, each other. it’s still evident then. but even as the story continues and gets to the point of tsaheylu it’s more noticeable? I guess?
There’s literally a reference to the original scene in Avatar (tree of voices scene w/ Jake and Neytiri) that of course, inspired me to make the AU in the first place. However, they’re only small aspects from the scene that I pulled from it instead of it being exactly the same. we all know what happens there. besides them bonding. cough. yeah no that’s not canon in this AU thank god. but anyways, they bond and sigh contentedly and have this moment together. it’s a new experience and probably weird for both of them because they aren’t bonding with an Ikran or direhorse this time, it’s each other now (also I know my avatar lore and how bonding is technically erotic and done during mating but no. not today). They bond, kiss a few times before Mike picks up Will like Jake does to Neytiri, and after a bit they go to bed. literally nothing else (another unfinished visual below).
they’re silly guys and I’m glad people enjoy the AU as much as I do!! instances like this allow me to infodump about stuff and honestly I’m here for it. I just hope no one comes into my asks and says something really weird. I don’t want those weird ass “spicy bylers” on my page. but other than that i love when people ask stuff about the au, it makes me happy!! :) im welcome to explain more stuff for fun or if you’re interested cause it gives me more opportunities to rant haha
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freebooter4ever · 1 year
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So you guys know i (try to) post daily doodles, and i have said before that i draw for about 2-3 hrs every night. BUT that also means i dont post about like 80-90% of the drawings i do each night. Today though, i've been thinking about A*I and my own relationship with drawing, and how utterly baffled i am that anyone would want to use it to like...draw for them..and how the concept that *tell a computer what art to do so i dont have to do it* is alien to me. So here's ALL the drawings i did tonight. The bottom one is the last one i did and the one i would normally post. And i want to talk about A*I without talking about good or bad end product. Because i dont care if im making the shittiest art in the universe - i still wouldn't use A*I. Not even as a ‘tool’.
If you've been around here for a while you know i have a love/hate relationship with my art. I write too, but writing doesnt make me so frustrated and angry that i want to throw my computer out a second story window. HOWEVER. There is a huge caveat to that anger.
It happens after.
You could look at it a little like hockey. Every game is fresh, right? I mean god knows the US made an entire movie about how every game is a new game and the odds could always fall in your favor no matter how stacked against you. So every drawing i go into it excited - like LOOK at that reference material, its gorgeous. The gesture is beautiful, the post is interesting, there is something about it that is just begging to be drawn. But then say you hit intermission in the hockey game and the opposing team scored a few points. And i step back and look at the drawing and realize i started to go wrong somewhere along the way. But its too late now, you gotta commit and keep going. And you do but somehow the final score is STILL 6 to 0 and thats when i want to flush all my art down the toilet and never look at it again. But its okay because the next drawing is going to start with a blank canvas and who cares what happened last time.
Ok maybe a bad example.
The product is never really what drives me to draw - i mean, sure i do like it a heck of a lot better when i have something /anything/ that i can post to show that im sticking with my everyday doodle. But its not a requirement to doodling. The process of drawing is always fun. Its when i come out of it and look at the stupid thing that im like ‘well fuck i fucked that one up again didnt i’, and THEN i get annoyed lol.
I dont sit there consumed with frustration over ‘gee i dont know what to draw’. This is never an issue. I HAVE TOO MUCH TO DRAW. Sometimes i avoid certain gifs/photos because in the back of my mind im like ‘yeah no, i havent leveled up that far yet, i cant do that justice’. But i dont want to admit the sheer number of images of geno alone i have saved. I think my biggest reference folder is still aoki and that has over two thousand screenshots - i dont think anyone will ever surpass that LOL. I have a never ending supply of practice art to be done.
The frustration comes when i have an image in my head and i want to get it down on paper so-to-speak (computer whatever). So - when im NOT using reference (or at least not an exact one) and am making an ‘illustration’ (ish). But again, the process isn't the issue. I like the act of drawing, i like the image in my head slowly taking shape, i like how vividly i can see it. Yall know how obsessed i am with personality - that's not just part of the drawing, that IS the drawing. And each deicision in the illustration is defined by the personality/character.
A computer can't fucking do this.
Could i maybe tell a computer ‘draw geno in the shower’. Sure. And it probably could. And if i didnt care about the process - if all i wanted was a very good drawing of geno in the shower....that probably would be fine. Maybe great even. Maybe it would be the best damn drawing of geno in the shower ever. And then i'd feel like shit because a machine is producing art that is more valuable to other people than mine ever will be. But holy fucking shit that ruins the entire POINT of drawing???? Why would you do that?
I mean, im sure yall can infer the entire point of the act of drawing geno in the shower. He's hot, he's wet. ANYWAY.
In my opinion, a person who wants the end product and doesn't care about the process of getting there....that person is not an artist. That person is someone who enjoys art, and probably thinks they have a lot of good ideas to make into art, but who doesn't feel that pull to make art themselves. They just want to buy art. And they want it cheap. And mindless computers being trained in seconds on the decades of creativity and hard work of art masters is a heck of a lot cheaper than a human.
And the hardest part of all this for me is how worthless this makes me feel - nobody wants you, they want that automatic button. Kinda like my dad that way (haha)
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problematiquearts · 1 year
actually. fuck it. bro strider 4channer to furry pipeline:
his first fursona is one that he makes as a joke. its a smuppet and for maximum irony it's drawn in the mlp style. no one *really* gets just how funny this is
but hey i turns out hes like... actually pretty decent at the mlp art style? someone on /b/ (bro strider 4channer canon) asks him to draw fetish art of one of the ponies and that's *hilarious*. porn of a kids show? Fucking phenomenal. never been done before. show stopping. you will never understand the levels of irony he's on. drawing porn of a kids show, that he watches because its funny for him, the manliest man ever, to watch a tv show aimed at little girls about the power of friendship. Fetish art that he's being commissioned for by some loser who's actually into the fetish and doesn't see the hilarity of human sexuality like he, the ultimate chad thundercock, does. weird way to say you get no bitches but go off, king <3
draws weird crossover saw/mlp art for the lols. (you just dont get it. you dont understand the irony. you dont see his vision.) Rainbow Dash in a reverse bear trap. Pinky Pie as john kramer, but the depressed one with straight hair.
then equestria girls comes out. he has Opinions. Why make them human and keep the fantastical skin tones? Theyre not even horses. Ridiculous. At least stick the pony heads back on them shits. Rainbow Dash still best girl
He does just that. put them pony heads back on those human bodies stat. Cue the 'lol furry' comments on /b/ for that one. And actually, wouldnt that be hilarious? who would think *he* would be a furry at first glance? Comedy has never been so sweet.
Hes a furry puppet porn artist now. He's gonna make popular furry crushes to do snuff in puppet form. Gets really into the muscle bara types of furries. Also horses, hes already committed to being a clopper. Might as well commit to the bit a little more and just make it all cartoon horses.
... this is feeling less and less ironic as the days go by. so many people think hes like these freaks online and he's still doing the occasional commission for whoever is brave enough to approach him on his mountain of weird fetish porn. when finally..... finally....... someone asks him if he as a sona because they never see him draw his own stuff.
Well... no. he didnt. he had an old smuppet mlp oc but that... well its not that it wasnt him, it was that it wasn't.... really a sona in the ways these people meant it. And hes supposed to be committing to the bit right? double or nothing. So he does some research. (its a 3 day binge of every how to guide on deviantart and furaffinty) About how to make a fursona. I mean that doesnt... he not *really*, ya know? its an ironic thing.
So he makes the hottest horse-man youve ever fucking seen just as a way of taking the joke full circle. of course bro doodles him occasionally, sticks him in a smuppet kigurumi and everything.
and then he gets his first piece of fanart. it's like... actually good. they drew him his fursona with a loving kind of detail and Bro doesnt... know how to take that. This genuine affection for something he's done without expectation of reciprocation is kinda frying his brain. He doesn't respond to the post or the message. he does make it his profile picture though.
and someone asks about his puppet videos, if he makes all of the plushies himself? Maybe if he takes custom orders. And asking about the puppets genuinely is like a cheat code to get him to talk, even if he's got short responses. his first special interest was the muppets and that slid into puppetry so easy it was like breathing.
so he says the exact specs are a trade secret, but yeah, commissions were on the table for the right price. And that's how he gets roped into making his first fursuit. It turns out surprisingly well! Bro is a perfectionist and years of sewing famous characters and celebs into snuff fueled stop motion sex dolls has given him a lot more technical know how than you might think.
one thing leads to another and Stratos Fur rolls around. he doesn't buy a ticket. But he does make an excuse to himself to be near the convention center/airport. Someone's seam rips and he insults the shoddy workmanship. This is how he makes friends <3
'You paid for that crap? the stich tension alone would be a waste of good thread. Gonna fall apart under its own weight in 6 months.'
oh yeah smartass? what's your suggestion, then?
'get your money back. Or find someone who actually knows what they're doing. aint my wallet screaming'
As much as it's a dick thing to say it does kinda make them laugh. Finally, a non fetish based insult. Bro watches them go to sew it up themself and clicks his tongue. 'Whip stitch is gonna look like shit on the outside. Use an overlock.'
it's clear they have no idea what the hell that means. He huffs. 'Gimme the needle 'fore you hurt yourself.' And he slav squats right there for the next 15 minutes sewing a straight line without so much as a hair out of place. Human touch isn't nearly so bad through a layer of foam and fabric, as it turns out.
I've lost steam here but what's important is that Bro realizes that the fursuit limits human contact and theoretically would just be like piloting a giant furry mecha + inability to be over stimulated because he's being lightly squished by foam on all sides in a dark place. he can chill even while he would normally be freaking out. personal fursuit time babey.
Also important to me is that his asshole behavior correctly reads to other socially awkward assholes as 'not actually trying to start shit. human connection is just hard' and he gets adopted by the furry catgirl coders. he let's it happen because they remind him so much of Roxy and he's always had a soft spot for her, even if he denies it all the time.
having friends his own age who share his interests is good for him. support system to teaching him a few good coping mechanism to getting him on an ssri to hey if that's not working you wanna try my mood stabilizers? I switched to a different brand and I like just ordered a 3 month supply of the old ones to oh shit, he's kinda normal now. he really does need to be on those, huh?
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🇨🇳🐰🍊🧧🏮likes, shares, shares to stories, saves and comments are highly appreciated!🏮🧧🍊🐰🇨🇳 Chinese new year. That's the post. Yeah i lied to yall 😒😒😒 think i was gonna post on sunday???nahh good evening anyway I started this out a day ago and uh. Yeah helloooooo Comes along with that stupid doodle i thought i would post and head out today but here's our final result 😳😳😳 an excuse to shit in my chinese knowledge LOL Have a great day/morning/afternoon/evening/night ahead HAHAHAHAH and happy CNY to yall :DDDDDDD Tags: #countryhumans #countryhuman #countryhumanschina #countryhumanchina #countryhumansart #countryhumansfanart #countryhumansdrawing #country #china #🇨🇳 #art #digitalart #drawing #fanart #artwork #medibang #medibangpaint #chinesenewyear #yearoftherabbit #artistsoninstagram 🦧🦧🦧 GONG XI FUCK CAI 😩‼ IT'S THE YEAR OF THE RABBIT 🐰🐰🐰💦💦💦💦. You know what that means you qipao SLUTS 👘👀 Its time to show AHGONG👲🏻👲🏻👴🏻👴🏻 your PHATTEST oranges 🍊🍊🍊😜😜😜 And get some THICCC HONGBAOS ㊗💰🈵‼Get your love letters 💕💕 ready for some of your 大哥's BIG 肉干 🍖🥓🥓🍗🍗nd text your closest C0CKcubines 📱📱💃💃 to come visiting 🏡💦🏡💦🏡💦 Send this to 8⃣8⃣ of your most SUPERSTITIOUS SLUTS 💰💰🙊🙊 and get a sexy LION DANCE 🐲🐲💃💃 this CNY‼‼‼ If you get 0⃣-3⃣ of these back, you won't get to enjoy any of that 大肉干 If you get 4⃣-7⃣ of these back ur 年年有 👉👌🍆🍆💦😩💦😩 If you get more than 8⃣ back your flat chinese ass 😶😶😶will be screaming HUAT AH tonight ♨♨🈵🈵‼ (that was a copypasta btw bye) (at Felling Happy and Wonderful) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cnrg2CgBreK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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twildflower · 7 months
tags for the memes i made based on pokespe or gameverse / stuff made with mmd
6/5 edit: ive been very sick lately it doesnt really affect me making stuff too much but ye. this edit will be gone after i get better.
12/5 edit: nvm its gotten worse. and im getting headaches n shit so im sleeping more. erm. :3
er marker for pksp im at ch 354 ignore this lol
hi im kyle! but you can call me anything like twiflo or my other names if you know them as long as ik youre talking to me
i know fluent english chinese and some 日本語 i dont know why is this relevant or why am i putting it here. my englsih is decently good i just like typing bad english whenever i can its funny.
i post stuff im interested in, reblogs of art n stuff and sometimes funny shitposts too so its just easier to have these tags for people that aren't interested in anything else other than my memes. eh.
I’m a multishipper and I fall into ship rabbit holes really easily just once piece of art that’s good and I will fall like a motherfucker but I’m also picky sometimes. I don’t like certain straight ships of red green gold silver but p much everyone else im open with both. Like sapph ruby plat dia pearl. Okay ill be honest this is a very short list but you get what i mean by being multishipper but picky.
No strict dni list but I hate genshin/anything related (eg honkai. Garbage ass disgusting named games) so just don’t shove any of those stuff in my face or youll be blocked. I don’t care enough to check if you like them or whatever, you can like them just don’t talk to me abt them. I also don’t like roblox but not to the genshin point bc like idk i download it and play with ppl if im very good friends w them or smth. I just dont like many of the copycat games n like just gacha or stupid games, some very original roblox games are cool tho. Ye.
uh yeah. if you wanna chat my dms n asks are open. i dont mind.
#tflo arts if you want to check out my art/doodles. Im not proud of my stuff so you can just search it up if you really want to. you can request me to draw stuff if you wanna lol...
miner in the gungeons ill be 18 next year im old i dont really want to be 18 i hope i die before then breakdance sorry i meant breakdance sorry i meant
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I posted 390 times in 2022
That's 390 more posts than 2021!
66 posts created (17%)
324 posts reblogged (83%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 231 of my posts in 2022
Only 41% of my posts had no tags
#snake's rec feed - 27 posts
#lore - 19 posts
#snake rattle and roll - 15 posts
#fic - 15 posts
#snake's rec list - 11 posts
#dreamnap - 11 posts
#laugh rule - 8 posts
#fav - 6 posts
#ideas - 5 posts
#mcyt g/t - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 134 characters
#lmfao i'm just imagining either all the gods are super big and so c!dream is like...sitting on their laps just doodling and not paying
My Top Posts in 2022:
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Video Blogging RPF, Minecraft (Video Game) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Clay | Dream/Sapnap (Video Blogging RPF) Characters: Sapnap (Video Blogging RPF), Clay | Dream (Video Blogging RPF), GeorgeNotFound (Video Blogging RPF), Karl Jacobs Additional Tags: First Meetings, Misunderstandings, Alternate Universe - Bakery, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Meet-Cute, Fluff and Humor, Fluff, DreNapWk2021_D1, Clay | Dream Being an Idiot (Video Blogging RPF), Sapnap is So Whipped (Video Blogging RPF), Rivalry Summary:
Day 1: Meet-Cute
In the box were four neatly presented chocolate croissants. He had never seen anything more threatening.
The owner of the new patisserie across the street leaves a treat outside Dream’s bakery every week. This can only mean one thing: war.
5 notes - Posted May 7, 2022
shoutout to roman for 1) being my only follower and 2) somehow finding 6 of my 22 tumblr blogs and following them wtf
6 notes - Posted May 6, 2022
Hey do you guys wanna read fic that updates on average once every 5 days and has been ongoing since August? One that focuses on heavy themes of grief, found family, revolution, and overcoming trauma? One that currently has 97,788 words across 46 chapters? One where none of the creators (except Schlatt bc that seems like something he'd like) are irredeemable, and, honestly, even villans? One where Dream and Tommy are actual, genuine friends? One where SBI family is a thing? Where Puffy is Foolish and Dream's dad? Where Dream and Ranboo are half-brothers and therefore Endersmile??
Then you may like my fic, The Ties That Bind!
It's got karlnapity, puffy/niki, Emotional Trashfire Wilbur Soot, baby Fundy (coming soon), dteam family feels, velvet is there sometimes, Dad Bad, mind control curses, and the end of the world! Oh, and have I mentioned that they're all kings/queens/princes (some exclusions apply)??
And there's more!
Puffy and Phil are married (for political reasons only)
Through marriage Techno, Tommy, Wilbur, Dream, Foolish, and Ranboo are all brothers
I accidentally made past Sam/Puffy but its okay it was platonic
Niki is Trans! I love her
Technoblade is a nerd. Half of this fic he's literally just been reading and its great
Tommy is a smart kid!!!
There is a slight hint of lemur throughout the fic
George is pissed off!!! If you want to see Rabid George click the link!!
This is essentially a Sapnap sickfic
tbh its everyone whump no one is having a good time lol
esp not the dream team tho
There is no smut at all. I cannot write that and I don't want to lmfao
Ender dragon Dream, Niki, and Ranboo! Yeah!
Some considerations before you start reading:
HEAVY mentions of child abuse, torture, and violence. This fic's main driving thing is mind control lol
A/B/O is a thing in this world but ONLY for like...5 characters and it is completely unrelated to romantic relationships. The A/B/O is just used for 1) mind control and 2) family dynamics.
(Sorry I'm over explaining but I know a/b/o is a turn off for a lot of people and I wanna let you know its different and only relevant in that they're literally bound together through platonic love!!! They care about each other your honor!! Also I wanted to give them telepathy)
If you want to read a fic with all of this, check out The Ties That Bind Today!!!
6 notes - Posted May 11, 2022
/dsmp /rp
my favorite thing on earth is platonic dreamnap they're just so *clenches fist*
it was like a year ago but I read a post about quackity selling sapnap an "enderdragon" and quackity dropping a fucked up dream off at his door and then bouncing. The thing had stopped there but my brain hadn't
was it one of those where quackity knew it was wrong? one where he expected sapnap to agree with him? did he see dream as so subhuman that he didn't think twice about it? did he hear sapnap rant about how much he hated dream and assume that he would enjoy owning Dream and getting to do to him the same things Quackity had enjoyed?
and, if he didn't, if quackity knew that delivering dream like that would cause sapnap distress, to ruin anything he may have had left with his once-fiance, did he do it out of spite? had he had dream the whole time, broken and under his thumb, until his fight with sapnap escalated? and he begun to associate dream with sapnap, and dropped him off in a way to 1) get dream off his hands and 2) get back at sapnap?
How would sapnap react? Would it be anger? would he chase quackity? would he bring dream inside and try to help, only learning more and more howbad a shape dream was in? Would quackity lie and say dream had chosen this, or it was sam's idea? Would sapnap buy it? would there be some part of him that was happy?
I dunno man my brain just keeps going
18 notes - Posted May 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
George's Desk Light
Vauge Hollow Knight au in that Dream is a lumifly. Nothing else is really specified lol
Trigger warning for dehumanization and objectification, as well as a sprinkle of neglect. This is my first writing I'm posting directly on tumblr so please be kind >.<
George loved his desk light.
It was just an object, one Quackity had given him for his birthday, but it was so perfect that he loved it.
It was a little glass jar, not ornately carved. For all he could tell, Quackity may have made it out of an old jelly jar. The top was covered in a thin metal lid that had two latches on either side. Holes were poked through, allowing the small lumifly hybrid to breathe. One in the center was larger than the others, allowing George to drop food flakes every few days to keep the hybrid alive. For a while it had begged, asking for food more often, but Quackity had warned him that this one was particularly gluttonous, and that if he fed it more than every other day that it would become sick. So, for the sake of the lumify, he ignored the small cries. They stopped eventually, anyways. 
Turning the lantern off and on was pretty simple, considering its power was near limitless. Lumiflies created their light through flight. George’s hybrid, however, would often just curl up in the bottom of the jar, sleeping or shaking. Quackity had found a solution, however. On the outside of the jar there was a small chain. On one end it was connected to a small collar around the lumify’s neck. The other had something akin to a clamp, one big enough it wouldn’t fall through the hole in the lid and get stuck. On the side of the jar a small peg had been attached. Whenever George wanted to turn the lantern on, all he would have to do is tug the chain and attach it to the peg. The chain was short enough that, once attached, the lumifly would not be able to touch the ground without choking itself. This meant that as long as the clamp was attached, the lumifly would have to fly and therefore create light. 
The chain doubled as a way to keep the lumifly contained. If George decided to change the glass, all he would need to do is affix a peg to the side and keep ahold of the little chain to place the lumifly in its new home. Sapnap had given him an ornate bottle a few days ago, one that had originally stored alcohol. George had started preparing it, just waiting for the glue to set. He’d tried to clean it out as best he could, but he figured the scent would probably last a long time. He asked Quackity, and the man said that it would be fine, that lumiflies were resistant to any fumes in the air. 
He sat at his desk, smiling as he read his book. Beside him, the lumifly fluttered, pretty and graceful in the center of the jar. Sometimes, George could swear the other was watching along, but that was silly. Lumiflies bred for captivity never learned how to read, only wild ones. And Quackity wouldn’t be the type to steal a lumifly from its home. 
George hummed, turning the page. 
Maybe he should find a couple picture books at the library. The lumifly would probably enjoy looking at the pictures. 
George loved his desk light. 
35 notes - Posted May 6, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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pineappleciders · 1 year
ayoo matchups are open!!
I don't want to like, flood you with requests and all kjfhdsfkdsfhd so sorry if you've got a lot in your inbox. But I just couldn't pass up the opportunity for a fun little matchup! Anyways, here's a little bit about me!
-> I'm mspec, so I'm fine with being matched up with anyone in the OMOgang (however I lean towards men/masc-alined genders)
-> I use she/her/hers, they/them/their, it/it/its, li/lil/lilas, and sometimes voi/void/voids pronouns
-> I'm genderdoe/genderfae (well really a subset of that gender, but people know genderfae better)
-> As for my personality, I start off pretty quiet around most people. I'm neurodivergent, and don't want to risk saying something 'stupid.' So, I keep my mouth shut. But once I learn someone isn't going to judge, I can go on for hours about my special interest, which happens to be character/OC creation. I'm pretty damn creative if I do say so myself!
-> I can get really loud and say some really stupid stuff, and I love it when others can do the same. By stupid, I don't mean 'hot takes' or anything, more so that I forgot the word for grey and called it dark white.
-> I have a very strong sense of right and wrong, even if to some people it's a little skewed (AKA 'murder is okay in some situations'). However, I struggle to actually stand up for myself when people go against me due to an intense fear of getting yelled at. Yippee!
-> Right. Fears. I'm scared of worms. :)
-> I do actually run a few headcanon/writing blogs for different fandoms. I won't be sharing them because they ~suck~ but oh well. I actually really, really love writing and have an Ao3 account for it.
Now for some fun facts that I couldn't flesh out into paragraphs!
-> I love giving and receiving physical touch as a love language
-> I'm about 168 cm (5'5")
-> I'm on my laptop 24/7 (mainly Tumblr)
-> I love space. And Saturn... :))))
-> I have a bob cut, but I'm hoping to get it that hair that curls up at the end. Y'know that old fashioned stuff? Yeah, that.
Okay I'm gonna stop info-dumping on you now haha. Sorry if this was too much information! Lol.
A/N: dont worry i dont mind one bit!! i love hearing people talk about whatever. i honestly couldn't decide who i saw you with better, so i did two characters separately!!
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as for AUBREY, she's also kind of quiet around people she doesn't know well, so it'll take some time for you two to get to know each other
as you get closer, though, she starts caring for you more and goes lengths to protect you
you two both have strong opinions on what's right and wrong, and she really likes that about you
she's sure to not raise her voice around you, and if she slips up or gets angry then she apologizes deeply and feels awful about it
she chuckles in amusement if you say some stupid shit like dark white, that's one of the many things she likes about you
AUBREY relates to the fear of being scared of blurting something out or saying dumb things. but the two of you slowly try to overcome it, one step at a time
if you bring up a blog or your writing hobby she wants to know more about it and potentially read some stuff, but she doesn't pressure you or anything
i like to think AUBREY also really likes space so u guys will just like. stargaze together a lot on the picnic blanket by the lake
likes seeing your characters and hearing about them,, i think she's the type to memorize everything you said and start doodling the character on her schoolwork or something as if it's her own
i personally headcanon AUBREY as about 5'9", and sometimes she uses you as a personal armrest (KEL also does the same, more often on your head than your shoulder cuz he's like 6'0" or something)
as for KEL, i think you two click very well
he's kinda scared to push your or cross your boundaries, so don't be surprised if he kind of separates himself from you for awhile
he's used to being called stupid or pushy, so it'll help if you reassure him (and he'll do the same for you!!)
KEL is similar to you in the way that he has a very strong sense of justice, and what's right and wrong. but, different to you, he's the first one to step up and defend himself/you and state what he thinks is right
you mention anything about your OCs or writing or anything that interests you at all?? he wants to hear everything about it
he might get a lil distracted and space out but he really does want to listen, he thinks ur creativity is incredibly awesome and he's always in awe of it
you two come up with chaotic ideas sometimes together like ur,,, conspiring like evil scientists or some shit. sometimes you both blurt out the same thing on accident like ur on the same wavelength
KEL's love language is also physical touch, so he'll always be leaning on you, holding your wrist, wrapped his arm around you, etc. if you two are cuddling or something he probably has to get up and move around a lot
he's gotten a lot better with staying still (when he was 12 he had to be moving and doing something constantly), but he still needs to get the wiggles out every now and then
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millimononym · 2 years
So something u might not know about me is that I'm very passionate about height difference and get unreasonably angry whenever it's drawn incorrectly (even tho I don't draw it correctly either lol). I also regularly look at the galactik football species cuz i think they r very cool and interesting and something i realized is that the shadow natives are apparently 3 METRES TALL. 300CM. DO YOU KNOW HOW TALL THAT IS?? And more importantly…do u know how funny i found it after i realized sinedd is in the same team as them?
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So here we have how the shadows are usually drawn in comparison to humans which isnt correct (according to the wiki Sinedd is 185cm or 6'1 which would make the shadow drawn here around 213cm or 7' which, don't get me wrong,is still really tall,taller than most humans on the planet but it is NOWHERE CLOSE to 3m). Now,i get why they did this,it would probably be hard to draw the actual height difference and maybe they decided it was 3m AFTER they already started drawing them like this
But then i got the idea to compare the actual heights and…omg
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LOOK AT HOW TINY SINEDD IS (also please ignore how crudely i drew him it's just for comparisons sake). He looks like a little kid😭. This is so funny to me. You know those shots during matches where the shadows are staring and walking menacingly towards the camera? Can u imagine how funny that would be with the actual height difference?(if i could edit,i would)
Also look at this from the perspective of the shadows for a moment, you have a new coach and you're looking for a new striker. Suddenly your coach Artegor brings in this little kid sized ball of spite and abandonment issues and goes "yea this is ur new striker,be nice" and you just have to go "yeah ok sure coach :)))" when on the inside you're probably going "what the fuck what the fuck what the fuuuck" cuz this little shit apparently just abandoned his old team and doesn't even know how to use the smog yet
I think it's even funnier from Sinedd's perspective,cuz while sinedd has obviously seen the shadows on tv,i doubt he's met one in person before since he grew up on akillian and no one wants to go to akillian if they didn't grow up there. So he just left his old team on a whim to go with this shady ass man to a new team who he's never met before,goes to their planet and meets them and he has to literally LOOK UP to meet their eyes, which i imagine is kind of intimidating and his new coach Artegor just goes "yea this is ur new team,be nice" and he has to go "yeah ok coach :)))👍" and he is just questioning his life choices on the inside.
Also,to put the shadows' height into perspective, they are 9'10. The tallest human ever was 8'11. The tallest current living man is 8'2 and the tallest living woman is 7'. So yeah the shadows are kinda intimidating,,
Also here's a doodle of Sinedd getting teased about his height because i like to imagine (at least from what we've seen in the series) that he and the shadows became friends (i mean,i imagine you'd have to be friendly if you constantly train and play together with someone)
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EDIT 25.6.2022: I just found this pic,its crusty asf because its old but it displays a more accurate height difference
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