#i mean like there's not much i have to do but its still a bit overwhelming
moonstruckme · 3 days
Thanks for being patient with me! This is edited on about four hours of sleep so apologies for any errors <3
part 1 │ part 2 │ part 3 │ part 4 │part 5 │ part 6 │ part 7 │ part 8
roommate!James x shy!reader ♡ 1.6k words
Water sizzles on the stove. You reach over to turn down the heat, your side heating from its proximity to the boiling water, before spinning back around to keep speed-chopping onion. This is a result of poor planning. 
It’s possible that some of your nerves could be reinterpreted as excitement. Giddiness, even. You’re finally—finally—doing something to try and repay all the kindness James shows you. You’ve felt like such a mooch, eating his cooking and stealing his time with his friends, but last week had been too much for you to take. He’d discovered the stomach bug you were weathering, and James had completely devoted the next two days of his life to making sure you were looked after. 
Your fever had gotten so out of hand he’d very nearly followed through on his favorite threat (going into your phone while you’re sleeping and phoning your mum), and though you’d done your best to downplay it at the time there are admittedly gaps in your memory wherein you think you were simply too out of it to know what was going on. It’s not a very comforting thought when you’re harboring a humiliating crush on your roommate; you may well have been just as talkative as James always is, you don’t know. At least he hasn’t said anything. 
He had, thankfully, managed to avoid catching it. You’re not sure how he managed what no one on your shift at work did, but you assume it has something to do with all that kale he eats. Which is why you’re doing your best to make the thank-you meal you’re making him as healthy as might suit his standards. 
You hear his key in the door, and a little frisson goes up your spine. 
“You’re early,” you accuse as he walks in. 
“Since when do you know when my training ends?” James asks. You sound like you’re sniping at one another, but as usual the joviality in his tone is unmissable. 
The sounds of his entrance are familiar, perhaps more ingrained in your mind than they ought to be. Keys jingling as he hangs them on the hook, shoes toed off and left by the mat, heavy footsteps headed for wherever you are in the apartment. 
When he finds you in the kitchen, you both speak at once. 
“What happened to your shoulder?” 
“You know how to cook?” 
“Hurt it at training,” James answers, shrugging with the shoulder that doesn’t have an ice pack held to it. He’s probably too nice for it to occur to him to withhold his answer until you’ve given yours, as had been your first thought. “What are you making?” 
“How did you hurt it?” Worry pries at your tone. Your hands have stilled on the cutting board. 
“We had a scrimmage, and I got shoulder-barged.” He gives you a smile, a shadow of the real thing, but gentler. Reassuring. “It’s not bad.” 
You frown. “I don’t know what that means.” 
“Didn’t expect you to, love.” 
“Why do you need to ice it if it’s not bad?” 
There’s a look in James’ eyes that’s wavering between smugness and softness. You balk at the sight of it. “I need to be a bit careful with it,” he hedges, “but it’ll be good by morning. Now, you’ve distracted me. Do you mean to tell me you’ve known how to cook this entire time?” 
“Yes,” you concede with a laugh. “I’ve always said I cook for myself when you’re not around.” 
“And here you are, doing it right before my eyes.” James leans on the counter with his good arm. He looks immensely entertained. “I’m honored.” 
“This isn’t just for me,” you say, looking down to resume chopping onion as your face warms slightly. “It’s for—” Another remonstrative hiss from the stove, and you whip around, moving the pot off the hot part entirely. You’re a bit relieved for the excuse to face away from him. “It’s for both of us. Also, I just want to provide a disclaimer right now that I never said I was good at cooking, only that I knew how.” 
James’ laugh rumbles behind you, just as you knew it would. He’s too easy. You can practically feel the force of his smile hitting your back, like the sunshine brought inside. 
“Here,” he says, taking a couple of steps toward you, “let me help.” 
“No!” You whirl again, stopping him before he can actually enter the kitchen. “No way. James, I’m trying to do something nice.” 
“And it is very nice,” he says, earnest. “It just seems like you could use a hand.” 
“I’ve got it,” you insist. Your hands are up to ward him off, but you put them at your sides when you realize how close they’re hovering to his chest. “It doesn't count as doing something for you if you do it yourself. Anyway, you’re incapacitated.” 
“I’m…” James looks confused, but then he glances down to his icing shoulder. “Oh, come on. I’m hardly immobilized.” 
“For all intents and purposes, you are.” You do your best to infuse your voice with conviction. You’ve found that’s usually the way with James. If you show any hesitation, he’ll turn on the charm and have you eating out of his hand before you know what’s happened. You herd him away from the kitchen. “Go sit down. Dinner will be ready soon.” 
You can’t help but be aware of him as you finish up, knowing he has to hear the sizzling when you accidentally spill things onto the stove or the one mumbled curse you’re not quick enough to bite back. All evidence that you’re not nearly as practiced a cook as James. You can practically feel his grin from a room over. Still, when it's done you’re fairly proud of yourself. 
James is beaming as he accepts his bowl. He hikes his knees up so you can pass between the couch and the coffee table, making a show of sniffing the steam rising from the food. 
“Is this risotto?” he asks, waiting for your little nod before his mouth drops open in astonishment. “You are so sneaky! I didn’t know you could cook at all, let alone fancy shit like this.” 
“It’s not that hard to make.” You look down at your fork as you raise it to your lips, blowing. 
“Sure it is! Loads of people have a hard time with it.” 
“Do you?” 
James grins, caught. You feel your own smile tugging at your lips as you take a bite.
He follows suit, forking a bit of the risotto and blowing to cool it before taking it in his mouth. His eyes dip closed, head lolling back, and he moans. 
“Oh my god, this is good. I’m never cooking again, now that I know you can do this.” 
You take another bite to avoid a response. You’re fairly sure the heat from your face could power the apartment for a month. 
James makes a few more over-the-top compliments of your culinary skills, which you deflect as best you can. As always, you eat mostly silently while he chatters, but when you look over your attention gets snagged on his shoulder. 
He’s only using the one hand to eat, bowl resting in his lap while you hold yours up closer to your face. His ice pack sits beside him now that he can’t hold it on anymore. You catch yourself gnawing on the inside of your lip. 
“Does it hurt?” you ask. 
James looks over, following your gaze. “Yeah,” he admits. “Nothing I’m not used to, though.” 
You feel your eyebrows pinch. “You get hurt often?” 
He smiles bemusedly. “It’s rugby, love. Getting a bit roughed up is part of the deal.” 
This doesn’t sit right with you. Though you hadn’t pondered it much before, you realize you’ve sort of been thinking of James, with his muscles and constant smiles and easygoing manner, as somewhat invincible. He seems like such a source of light in the world, it hadn’t occurred to you that anything bad could happen to him. You don’t like the idea of him being hurt. In any capacity. 
You realize this is likely playing out on your face when you notice James watching you. His eyes are soft. “As much as I would love to milk this for attention and maybe a sponge bath,” he says, setting his fork in his bowl, “it’s really not that bad. See?” 
He pulls down the sleeve of his shirt, and the effort to placate you is wasted. You take in a quiet, horrified gasp at the deeply colored bruise on James’ shoulder. One of your hands raises as if to touch it. It hovers in the space between you. 
“That’s not that bad?” you look at James in alarm. “It looks broken.” 
“It’s not,” he laughs. It’s a bit awkward, as close to self-conscious as you’ve ever seen him. “Trust me, I’ve had a couple broken bones in my time. It’s only bruised, and the muscle’s a bit strained.” 
The muscle, you’re noticing now, is quite substantial. Your focus is on the bruise, but the shoulder beneath it is eye-catching as well, hefty and taut-looking, presumably from the strain. That, or James is flexing. 
You raise your gaze quickly to his. Brown eyes tinged with smugness. 
“You’re worried about me.” His lips stretch into a grin. Not your favorite one in his arsenal. “Aw, sweetheart, I love you too.” 
You direct your attention back to your food, face hotter than hot. “I have justification for worry,” you say, the teasing tone you were going for undercut by the unintentional softness of your voice. “You’re voluntarily participating in a sport that seems like it’s trying to kill you.” 
James takes a self-satisfied bite of his risotto. “I don’t know, I was pretty worried when you fainted in my arms last week.” 
You side-eye him suspiciously. “I didn’t actually do that.” 
“Guess you’ll never know.” 
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kingofbodyrolls · 2 days
Friendcation (m) | myg | wedding special
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Yoongi has done everything in his power to make your wedding truly special, what he couldn’t plan for was the rain. But fret not, a bit of rain will not make your day less special when it’s surrounded by friends and family. And your wedding night? Well, being pushed down into the sheets by Yoongi is easily one of your favorite things.
→ Pairing: Yoongi x reader (female) → Other characters: the whole gang + family 🥰 → AUs: roadtrip!au, non idol!au, established relationship, wedding!au, mechanic!Yoongi. → Genres: slice of life, humor/crack, smut and fluff → Rating: mature/explicit/R18 (this is mature/explicit content, so minors, please do not interact.) → Word count: 12.2k → Warnings (general) + triggers: Yoongi is so sweet 😭 You’ll see what I mean when you read, but he’s also a horny man that just wants to make the wedding day and night the best for his love 😭 Also, there’s still the usual sexual jokes and banter than friendcation is known for— there’s a few inside jokes, but you really don’t have to have read the whole series to understand them! → Warnings (explicit): unprotected sex, hair pulling, dirty talk, sexy lingerie, oral (male receiving), deep throating, multiple orgasms, sexual banter, pregnancy kink, spanking, pussy rubbing, nipple play and sucking, clit play, creampie, cockwarming, slow and hard sex, first a bit rough and dirty but then it turns slow and more passionate 🥹  → Author’s note: Remember when I did the winter special and I said that I would probably write more? Well, here I am with a new edition to Friendcation! This special is actually set before the ‘winter special’ 🤭 I do have two more specials planned for this lovely couple 🥳 I know that this is a special to a completed and established series, but I still do think that it kinda works as a one-shot still. So if you find this, not having read Friendcation before, I think you’d still be able to enjoy this, and if you end up liking it, you can always start reading the series (it’s filled with a lot of crack and sexual tension 🤭). And please don’t let the very sweet and romantic beginning fool you—this is very much still friendcation and the story will get filthy towards the end 👿 The taglist is technically closed, and I just went with the old original one— but if you want to be added to the taglist for the two other specials I’m gonna do, just let me know. And If you for some reason don’t wish to be tagged anymore, please let me know that too! → Author’s note, pt2: So… remember how I said I would post this on the 20th? SURPRISE! I’m in my feels because of the ot7 photo— so here’s an early gift for you all 💜 Also, I did not really proofread this, simple because I’m too much of a happy mess to do so, so I’m sorry for any mistakes and whatnot.
Do you prefer to read on AO3? It’s been cross posted there ✨
| s.masterlist | m.masterlist |
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This moment, bathed in magic, will weave itself into the very fabric of your memory, an indelible mark that time dare not erase until your very essence transcends this forsaken world.
But until that fateful day arrives, every precious moment enveloped in your boyfriend’s presence is a treasure to be savored—a sweet prelude to the boundless joy awaiting you when he finally becomes your husband!
At times, the surreal reality of marrying Yoongi, your once-friend-turned-best-friend-turned-soulmate, eludes comprehension, prompting you to pinch yourself just to affirm that this enchanting journey from friendship to love is indeed your reality.
A simple getaway—a friendcation with your best friends, and the simmering tension between you and Yoongi exploded like a tightly wound spring finally released, echoing the burst of a bubblegum bubble reaching its limit before bursting in a cascade of flavor and delight.
That’s precisely why you now find yourself immersed in the tranquil embrace of Seoul’s outskirts, enveloped by a forest alive with verdant splendor—a tapestry of towering trees crowned with emerald foliage, interwoven with lush grasses and bushes displaying an array of vibrant green hues, painting a picture of nature’s untouched magnificence.
Under Yoongi’s careful hands, string lights dance like fireflies, weaving around the sturdy trunks and graceful branches of the trees, forming a celestial canopy above. Amidst this enchanting glow, he has created a makeshift altar, a sanctuary for your love to bloom amidst the verdant embrace of nature.
Every detail meticulously arranged by Yoongi leaves you in awe, a tender reminder of his deep devotion—a gesture that fills you with a bittersweet mix of wonder and gratitude, as you realize anew the depth of his commitment to making your wedding day a cherished memory.
As the string lights cast their gentle glow, the forest transforms into a captivating fairytale image, each illuminated leaf and dancing shadow conspiring to steal your breath away. In this magical moment, Yoongi’s tender side shines through, igniting a newfound appreciation that fills your heart with a fluttering joy you never knew existed.
“Do you like it?” Yoongi’s voice, soft as a whisper, accompanies the gentle caress of his calloused fingers tracing circles on your skin. In that tender moment, as his touch soothes the frantic beat of your heart, you’re overcome by a puzzling mixture of nerves and anticipation—after all, it’s Yoongi, you don’t understand why you’d be nervous.
As he gestures towards the enchanting scene he’s meticulously crafted—the trees adorned with twinkling fairy lights, the stools arranged before the makeshift altar, even Holly parked to the side, adorned with ribbons and lights—Yoongi’s efforts overwhelm you with a wave of affection for the man who’s not just your partner but your future husband. Each thoughtful detail he’s woven into this momentous occasion stirs your heart, amplifying the love that binds you together.
With a tender smile gracing your lips, you lean in closer to Yoongi, your eyes reflecting the warmth of the fairy lights surrounding you. “I love it,” you muse softly, your voice a gentle melody in the tranquil forest. As you draw him nearer, your touch carrying the weight of affection, you add, “But I never knew this side of you—so soft, so tender. It’s like seeing you in a whole new light.”
He chuckles, that deep, resonant sound that melts your insides and sends your heart soaring, like a bird set free in the vast, open sky.
“You know I want our wedding to be perfect, or at least as close as we can get. Perfection might be an illusion, something that doesn’t truly exist, but damn, you’re the closest thing to it, babe. Anything for you.”
Your cheeks flush with warmth as you divert your gaze to the damp grass beneath your feet. “Thank you,” you whisper, your voice tinged with emotion. “I love it.”
Yoongi’s gaze sweeps over you, his eyes lingering with admiration. He gently runs a warm hand over your flushed cheeks. “I love your dress,” he murmurs, his voice filled with sincerity. “Everything about you is stunning. You’re absolutely gorgeous.”
You’re adorned in a simple yet elegant dress, the delicate lace you adore gracefully hugging your figure. To complete the look, a flower crown, woven from nature’s most exquisite leaves and blossoms, rests upon your head, making you feel like a woodland fairy in a fairytale.
You chuckle, warmth blossoming in your chest at his words. “Thank you, Yoon,” you reply, your voice soft and filled with affection. “You look incredibly handsome in your suit. I love you, and I can’t wait to marry you.”
“Speaking of marriage— you did tell our parents what time the wedding is, right?” you ask, your voice tinged with nervousness. You glance up at the sky, the sun hanging low, a golden reminder that the ceremony is imminent. Anxiety bubbles within you as you realize none of your friends or family have arrived yet.
“Did you give them the right location? What if they can’t find us out here in the forest?” you ask, your voice rising with mounting anxiety. The nervousness gets the best of you, your heart pounding with worry as the reality of the secluded setting sinks in.
“Relax, babe. They’ll be here soon. The officiator will arrive, and everything will be fine,” he reassures you, his voice a soothing balm to your frayed nerves. As always, his calm presence grounds you, steadying your racing heart with just a single touch, or even the reassuring depth of his gaze.
Instantly, his words soothe you, the nervousness ebbing away with each syllable. You smile back at him, then glance down at your gown. It’s a simple, white dress—though you had wished for a different color, given how many traditions you’re already breaking. This fact has upset both your parents, who have scolded you countless times for not having a traditional wedding. But you and Yoongi are determined to follow your own path, and this forest wedding is exactly what you want—a heartfelt ceremony in the very place where your love story began.
As the distant hum of engines grows louder, you turn to see your parents’ and Yoongi’s parents’ cars winding their way up the uneven forest road. A rush of excitement courses through you as the vehicles come to a stop, and one by one, your beloved family members step out into the dappled sunlight filtering through the trees, their faces radiant with anticipation and love.
Your mother rushes over, enveloping you in a tight, loving hug that fills you with warmth and reassurance. Moments later, your father joins in, his embrace just as comforting. Then, Yoongi’s parents step forward, wrapping you in their arms, their affectionate gestures bridging the gap between families. In a seamless exchange, your parents switch, their hugs crossing boundaries and symbolizing the unity and love that binds you all together.
“Is it too late to have a traditional wedding?” Yoongi’s mother asks, her eyes twinkling with mischief as she bats her lashes, her voice carrying a playful tease that dances on the air like a feather.
“Eomma! We’ve discussed this before. We don’t want a traditional wedding,” Yoongi groans, his frustration palpable as he defends your choices once again. You can practically feel the weight of his exasperation, as if he’s on the verge of pulling out his hair in sheer frustration.
“Yes, yes. I know,” she says softly, her smile tinged with wistfulness as she gently nudges Yoongi’s shoulders. Despite her words, her eyes shimmer with fond memories and unspoken hopes, casting a warm glow that belies her timid demeanor.
“Shouldn’t you just be happy that I’m getting married at all?” Yoongi frowns, a hint of playful defiance in his expression, but his lips curve into a crooked smile that reveals the warmth of his affection, his gums peeking through like hidden treasures.
“Yes, you keep surprising me. Next, you’ll give me grandchildren, yes?” she asks, her voice laced with playful anticipation, her arms enveloping Yoongi in a tender embrace. With a loving smile, she presses a gentle kiss to his forehead.
“Eomma, no,” Yoongi groans in mock disgust, though a playful twinkle dances in his eyes at the attention his mother showers upon him. You catch the subtle excitement in his voice, a reflection of the shared dreams you both harbor for the future. And as you exchange knowing glances, anticipation tingles in the air, as you are looking forward to all the nasty and dirty stuff you and Yoongi will be doing under the moonlight tonight.
You might just make a baby, who knows?
As you stand beside Yoongi and his mother, your attention is abruptly drawn away by the distant hum of engines. You turn to see multiple cars pulling up, their tires crunching on the grass as they park beside your parents’ vehicle. With each arrival, the air fills with a sense of excitement and anticipation, signaling the imminent gathering of loved ones to celebrate your special day.
You scan the arriving guests, and your eyes light up with delight as you spot your friends and Yoongi’s heavily pregnant sister. Despite her advanced pregnancy, she radiates a vibrant glow, her anticipation palpable in the gentle curve of her belly. You can't help but feel a surge of excitement and warmth, knowing that she’s on the brink of welcoming new life into the world.
Your gaze sweeps over the arriving cars, and your attention is snagged by one unfamiliar vehicle, its sleek silhouette contrasting with the rustic charm of the forest surroundings. A spark of excitement ignites within you as you realize that this could be the arrival of the officiator, the final piece in the puzzle of your wedding ceremony.
Your friends spill out of their cars, their laughter and excited chatter filling the air as they rush towards you and Yoongi. In a whirlwind of embraces and enthusiastic greetings, they envelop you both in a cascade of warmth and affection, their love palpable in every heartfelt hug and joyful smile.
Jimin strides in solo tonight, a vision of confidence in his sleek suit. Namjoon arrives with his date—the one he couldn’t stop texting since your vacation months ago. She exudes grace and warmth, fitting seamlessly into the group. Seokjin’s arm is wrapped protectively around his girlfriend, her gentle smile glowing despite the weight of her pregnancy. Meanwhile, Jungkook and Taehyung arrive without dates, their playful banter and laughter hinting at the unbreakable bond between them, yet leaving you curious about their romantic adventures, or lack thereof.
Surrounded by the warmth of your friends and family, your heart swells with happiness, as if it might burst from the overwhelming tide of love washing over you. Amidst the joyful chatter and laughter, your gaze falls upon Yoongi, his eyes alight with a radiant smile that seems to stretch from ear to ear, his conversation with his sister and brother-in-law a testament to the deep bonds of family and the anticipation of this special day.
As the sun begins its descent, casting a golden glow across the forest, the air seems to hum with anticipation, the vibrant hues of the surroundings intensifying under the magical embrace of the golden hour. The fairy string lights, once subtle, now twinkle like stars amidst the verdant canopy, weaving an enchanting tapestry of light and shadow that dances with the gentle breeze, infusing the atmosphere with an ethereal charm.
The officiator locks eyes with Yoongi and gives him a subtle nod, and a surge of anticipation courses through you. Your heart flutters with excitement, mingled with a hint of nervousness, as you realize that the moment you’ve been waiting for is finally here. Giddy anticipation bubbles within you, causing your palms to grow clammy with nervous energy. You fumble with the delicate lace of your dress, trying to dry your sweaty hands, your fingers trembling with a mix of excitement and nerves.
Your friends and family settle into the chairs meticulously arranged by Yoongi, their laughter and chatter filling the air with warmth and anticipation. The chairs are nestled on the lush grass, forming a cozy circle in front of two majestic trees adorned with twinkling string lights that cast a soft, enchanting glow. As your loved ones take their seats amidst the magical ambiance, you feel a sense of unity and excitement building, like the anticipation before the opening act of a grand performance.
With a sense of solemnity, the officiator leads the way towards the towering trees, their branches adorned with twinkling lights that illuminate the gathering dusk. You and Yoongi follow closely behind, your fingers intertwined in a reassuring grip, each step echoing with the weight of anticipation and the promise of forever.
As the warm summer air envelops you, carrying the hum of insects and the symphony of nature’s song, you can’t help but feel a sense of serenity wash over you. This is your element, being embraced by the gentle caress of nature’s embrace, surrounded by the vibrant energy of the forest. With each breath, you and Yoongi are united in your love for the great outdoors, and in this moment, amidst the tranquil beauty of your wedding venue, you feel more connected than ever before.
The officiator begins to address you, your loved ones, and the assembled guests, his words weave a tapestry of emotions and imagery. He speaks of the intricate journey from friendship to love, likening it to the delicate bloom of a red tulip, its vibrant petals unfurling in a display of magnificent colors. His voice resonates with tales of enduring love, reminiscent of the fairytales of old, and despite your initial skepticism, you find yourself drawn into the beauty of his words. While your own love story with Yoongi may not fit the traditional fairytale mold, there’s a raw and genuine beauty in the imperfect, real-life moments you’ve shared together.
As the officiator speaks, your gaze naturally drifts to Yoongi, his hands clasped lightly in yours. You hold him with a tenderness that belies your fears, as if he’s fragile and delicate, but deep down, you know he’s as sturdy as the roots of the trees surrounding you, built to weather any storm. It’s evident in the strength of his embrace, the gentle yet firm touch of his fingers interlocked with yours, offering silent reassurance and unwavering support.
When your eyes meet his, you’re captivated by the intense love shining in his dark chocolate brown eyes, a depth of emotion you’ve never seen before. His smile radiates warmth, softening the lines of his face and illuminating his features with a tender glow. Dressed in a sharp suit with a crisp white shirt underneath, he exudes an effortless elegance that takes your breath away, his presence commanding attention and admiration.
As the officiator begins the ceremony, the world around you fades into a soft, low buzz, like the distant hum of bees in a summer garden. Despite the faint background noise, Yoongi’s voice cuts through clearly as he recites his vows, each word carrying the weight of his love, lifting you higher than the clouds. His words wrap around you like a warm embrace, grounding you in the depth of his devotion. When it’s your turn to speak, you watch the impact of your vows on Yoongi, his eyes shimmering with unshed tears, his trembling lip betraying the depth of his emotion. In that moment, the love he holds for you shines brighter than any star, illuminating his handsome face with an ethereal glow.
Yoongi says ‘I do’, and a surge of exhilaration floods through you, lifting your spirits as if you could soar high into the clouds. This moment, the culmination of your deepest desires and fondest dreams, fills you with a profound sense of joy and fulfillment. For so long, you harbored secret feelings for him, uncertain if your love would ever be reciprocated. But now, as you stand on the brink of forever, you’re overwhelmed by the realization that he loves you just as fiercely. In his ‘I do’ you find the reassurance that your hearts are perfectly aligned, destined to journey through life together as one.
Yoongi’s touch is tender as he clasps your hands in his, his eyes shimmering with an unspoken vow of love and devotion. With gentle precision, he slides a golden band adorned with small, glistening crystals onto your ring finger, each delicate touch imbued with the weight of a promise that spans eternity. As the cool metal meets your skin, a rush of warmth floods through you, a tangible reminder of the enduring bond you share and the beginning of a new chapter in your love story.
A smile spreads across your face, one of those ‘I’m stupidly in love’ grins that lights up your entire being. You’re acutely aware that your expression must look utterly comical to anyone watching, but in this moment, you couldn’t care less. All that matters is the overwhelming rush of joy and adoration that fills your heart, painting your world in vibrant hues of love and happiness.
As the officiator’s gaze falls upon you, a sense of gravity settles over the scene, and you realize it’s your turn to say I do. Locking eyes with Yoongi, you feel a subtle shift in the atmosphere, as if the very air around you becomes charged with anticipation. The once bright skies darken, heavy clouds obscuring the sun, and the forest is cloaked in the earthy scent of moss. Yet, you’re unfazed by the changing nature around you, your focus solely on the man before you. With unwavering determination, you speak the final words, ‘I do,’ and as if in response to your declaration, the heavens open, showering the world with rain—a fitting testament to the intensity of your love and the power of your union.
The rain pours down in torrents, soaking you to the bone, your once-flowing dress now clinging uncomfortably to your skin. Oblivious to the chaos around you, the cacophony of your friends and family’s screams as they scramble for cover, you lock eyes with Yoongi. His long black hair is plastered to his face by the relentless downpour, and yet, there’s an undeniable joy in his laughter that mirrors your own. With a shared glance, you burst into fits of laughter, the absurdity of the situation only strengthening the bond between you. As you slide the ring onto his finger, your laughter mingles with the rhythmic patter of raindrops, a symphony of love and laughter. In that moment, as the officiator pronounces you married and grants you permission to kiss, you share a tender embrace, sealing your vows amidst the exhilarating chaos of the downpour.
And kiss you do. With an urgency born of love and longing, Yoongi leans in, his soft lips meeting yours in a tender yet passionate embrace. Despite the rain drenching you both, you can’t help but chuckle into the kiss, the warmth of his touch melting away any discomfort. As he pulls you closer, his arms enveloping your drenched form, you feel a surge of electricity coursing through your veins, binding you together in an intoxicating dance of desire. For a moment, the world fades away, leaving only the sensation of his lips on yours, the beat of your hearts echoing in perfect harmony. In the background, amidst the cheers and applause of your friends and family.
The kiss feels like a spell woven between you, a moment of pure magic and transcendence. It takes you back to the day when Yoongi proposed, a memory etched in your heart like a cherished melody. You recall the day vividly: Yoongi toiling away in his garage, hands stained with motor oil, yet his eyes ablaze with a passion that mirrored the fire in your own heart. It was one of those late nights, the air thick with the scent of metal and oil, as you shared takeout amidst the hum of machinery. Unbeknownst to you, he beckoned you over to the car he was working on, his intentions shrouded in mystery until the moment he kissed you—deep and fervent, igniting a flame of desire within you that threatened to consume you both. For a fleeting moment, you thought he might rip your clothes off and take you atop the very car he was fixing, the thrill of anticipation quickening your pulse. Instead, he pulled back, his eyes shimmering with unspoken love, as he uttered those life-changing words. It wasn’t a grand gesture, but it was quintessentially Yoongi—unexpected, sincere, and overflowing with the depth of his affection. And in that moment, as you uttered the easiest ‘yes’ of your life, you knew that your love story was destined for greatness, forged in the quiet moments of intimacy and the simple beauty of everyday life.
The rain continues to pour down, drenching you both to the bone, yet Yoongi’s kiss remains unbroken, as if time itself has stretched out to accommodate this perfect moment. Each passing second feels like an eternity, your senses heightened by the coolness of the rain and the warmth of his lips. You can feel a deep, growing desire unfurl within you, igniting a fire that burns brighter with every tender caress.
“Hey hyung! You shouldn’t stick your tongue down her throat like that, it’s gross!” Jungkook’s playful shout pierces through your passionate moment, jolting you back to reality. You reluctantly open your eyes, laughter bubbling up despite the interruption, only to lock eyes with your mother. Her expression speaks volumes, a single displeased look delivering a silent scolding that makes your cheeks flush with embarrassment. The contrast between the fiery intimacy of Yoongi’s kiss and the sudden, humorous reality check from your friends and family fills you with a mix of emotions—embarrassment, amusement, and a deep, abiding love for the man holding you close.
Yoongi pulls away gently, his hands steadying you as he straightens you up. A chuckle escapes your lips, quickly blossoming into full laughter as you realize the intensity of your kiss might have been a bit too much for your audience. The amused glances and knowing smiles from your friends and family only add to the humor of the moment, making you feel both exhilarated and slightly sheepish. The love and joy of the occasion, however, remain undiminished, as you and Yoongi share a private smile, basking in the sheer delight of your unrestrained affection.
Despite the rain, your friends and family rush towards you, their faces alight with joy and excitement as they shower you and Yoongi with heartfelt congratulations. Your parents, though expressing their initial desire for a traditional wedding, admit with warm smiles that this ceremony was uniquely beautiful and special. The mingling continues for a while, laughter and chatter filling the air, but soon, the persistent downpour compels both your parents and Yoongi’s to consider heading home. 
You embrace your parents tightly, feeling the warmth of their love despite the rain. They are the first to depart, leaving behind words of encouragement and happiness. Next, you bid farewell to Yoongi’s parents. His mother, ever the tease, turns back with a mischievous smirk. “Have a lovely night. I expect grandchildren!” she calls out, her voice carrying a playful lilt. You laugh, feeling a mix of embarrassment and amusement, as her cheeky remark adds a final touch of joy to this unforgettable day.
And with that, they depart, their figures slowly disappearing into the misty depths of the forest. You and Yoongi are left behind, choking on your laughter, the echoes of their playful words lingering in the air. The sound of your mirth blends with the soft patter of rain and the rustling leaves, creating a symphony of joy that perfectly encapsulates the magical moment. As you watch them fade from view, a sense of serene happiness washes over you, knowing this enchanting night is just the beginning of your beautiful journey together.
Yoongi’s sister and her husband approach next, their smiles warm despite the rain. You exchange heartfelt hugs, feeling the comforting swell of family support. “Thank you so much for coming,” you say sincerely, your voice thick with emotion. They nod, their eyes shining with shared happiness, before bidding their farewells and disappearing into the misty evening. 
The officiator steps forward, his eyes twinkling with genuine pleasure. “This was an absolute joy for me to officiate,” he says warmly, shaking your hand with a firm, friendly grip. “I rarely get the chance to oversee non traditional weddings, so this was truly special for me as well.” His words carry a heartfelt sincerity that touches you deeply. With a final nod and a parting smile, he bids you farewell, leaving you with a sense of profound gratitude for the unique and beautiful ceremony he helped create.
With only your friends remaining, they close in around you, a joyful swarm of affection and excitement. Their laughter and exuberant chatter fill the air, wrapping you in a warm, comforting cocoon of love and support. You feel their genuine happiness radiating towards you, each hug and congratulatory word a testament to the deep bonds you share. The moment is electric, their energy infectious, making you feel incredibly blessed to have such wonderful friends by your side on this unforgettable day.
“Did you bring your camera?” Yoongi asks Taehyung, his voice filled with hopeful anticipation. Taehyung nods enthusiastically, a wide smile spreading across his face. “Of course! It’s in my car,” he replies, his eyes sparkling with excitement. 
“But do you really want pictures in this rain?” Taehyung asks, his brows furrowed in uncertainty, his concern evident in his tone. The rain continues to pour, casting a shimmering veil over the forest clearing. Despite his hesitation, there’s a glimmer of determination in Taehyung’s eyes. “My camera is weather-sealed,” he reassures, his voice tinged with resolve. “And I can always enlist Jungkook or Jimin to hold an umbrella over it, just to be safe.” 
His willingness to brave the elements for the sake of capturing your special day fills you with gratitude and admiration.
“Yeah, just some shots over by that tree over there,” Yoongi muses, his lips brushing softly against your cheek in a tender gesture that sends a shiver of delight down your spine. The gentle touch of his kiss elicits a soft giggle from you, the sound echoing amidst the gentle patter of raindrops. In that fleeting moment, amidst the tranquil beauty of the forest, you feel an overwhelming sense of love and contentment enveloping you, binding you ever closer to the man whose presence fills your heart with joy.
“Okay,” Taehyung says with a nonchalant shrug, his excitement palpable despite his casual demeanor. The fact that Yoongi had asked him beforehand fills him with a sense of pride, evident in the way he confidently reaches for his camera. You watch as Taehyung, fueled by anticipation, turns to Jungkook, a mischievous glint in his eye as he enlists his friend’s help. With a shared grin, Jungkook readily agrees, stepping forward to be Taehyung’s trusty assistant for this impromptu photoshoot. Together, they gather the necessary equipment—a camera and an umbrella—and set off towards the designated tree, their laughter mingling with the soft patter of rain.
You don’t want to capture too many photos, just a select few to encapsulate the ethereal beauty of this rain-soaked day. Hand in hand with Yoongi, you approach the towering tree, its branches adorned with twinkling string lights that cast a soft glow against the backdrop of the darkening sky. Taehyung guides you further away from the tree, his camera poised to capture the perfect shot. With expert precision, he explains the importance of separating you from the background to achieve a stunning bokeh effect in the photos. Following his instructions, you step a few meters away, the string lights creating a halo of warmth and intimacy around you both. As twilight descends, a magical transformation takes place. The gentle hum of nature fills the air, accompanied by the soft patter of raindrops and the distant chirping of crickets. Suddenly, tiny pinpricks of light begin to dance around you, their soft glow illuminating the darkness like miniature stars. You gasp in awe as you realize that the air is alive with fireflies, their luminous presence adding an enchanting touch to the already magical atmosphere. It’s a scene straight out of a fairytale, a fleeting moment of pure, unadulterated magic that you know will be etched in your memory forever.
Taehyung presses his finger on the camera’s shutter, immortalizing the tender moments unfolding before him. First, he captures you and Yoongi standing side by side, your expressions innocent and serene. Then, with a playful glint in his eye, Yoongi leans in and plants a soft kiss on your cheek, his touch sending shivers down your spine. The scene shifts as Yoongi gently turns you to face him, the world around you fading into a blur. With a sudden, passionate intensity, he captures your lips with his in a fiery kiss, the heat of it igniting every nerve in your body. Taehyung’s camera clicks rapidly, capturing each electric moment as Yoongi’s embrace tightens, pulling you closer until there is no space left between you, just the shared breath and the undeniable love that burns brighter than the fairy lights around you.
Yoongi’s fingers glide to the back of your neck, sending a shiver down your spine. His lips leave yours, tracing a fiery path down to your throat where he kisses and sucks, leaving a deep purple mark on your skin. A groan of delight escapes your lips, your senses consumed by his touch. The world around you fades into oblivion as Yoongi’s lips travel back up to your ear, his breath hot and tantalizing against your skin. He whispers sweet nothings, painting vivid images of all the things he wants to do with you tonight, each word stoking the fire of lust and making your pulse race with desire.
Jungkook clears his throat, breaking the spell of Yoongi’s intoxicating kiss. As you reluctantly pull away, your gaze lands on Jungkook, whose cheeks are flushed a deep crimson, reminiscent of that day he accidentally walked in on you and Yoongi in the garage. The memory flashes vividly in your mind—the startled look on Jungkook’s face, the awkward shuffle of his feet, and the embarrassed apology that followed.
“I’ll only take photos of you kissing,” Taehyung huffs, a playful smirk tugging at his lips as he lowers his camera. “If you want more raunchy photos, you should hire a professional.” He places the camera carefully to the side, while Jungkook, his cheeks still faintly red, lifts the umbrella higher to shield Taehyung and the equipment from the rain. 
You and Yoongi both nod, a shared understanding passing between you. It’s so easy to get lost in each other’s embrace, to forget the world spinning around you. You offer a quick apology to Taehyung and Jungkook, but the sincerity is wrapped in the light-heartedness of the moment. Despite the raindrops falling around you, you all burst into laughter, the sound mingling with the patter of rain.
“But you are a professional photographer now, Tae,” you giggle, pulling Yoongi away from the tree. The rain continues to fall softly around you, creating a magical ambiance as you make your way over to the rest of your friends, who are still waiting for you with bright smiles and open arms. Yoongi squeezes your hand, and you feel a rush of warmth and happiness, knowing that this moment, surrounded by loved ones, is exactly how you imagined your special day.
“Yeah, but I don’t do that kind of photography. But I do know a guy who does amazing boudoir shoots,” he smiles, a mischievous glint in his eyes. Your eyes light up at the mention, the wheels in your brain churning with ideas. You turn towards Yoongi, your husband, a playful grin spreading across your face as you imagine the possibilities.
“Would you prefer photos of me in my wedding dress or in my wedding lingerie?” you ask, your voice a soft, teasing whisper. You notice how his pupils dilate, his breath hitching slightly, which brings a lovely, satisfied smirk to your lips. The anticipation in his eyes makes your heart race.
Jungkook scoffs and rolls his eyes, quickening his pace to escape the conversation, his discomfort evident as he strides ahead, trying to distance himself from your playful banter.
“Wedding lingerie?” His voice comes out raspy, almost strangled, as if the very thought has taken his breath away.
“Yeah,” you confirm with a nod, a surge of excitement coursing through you, your heart beating faster with every step closer to your friends. You squeeze his hand in yours, feeling the warmth of his touch anchoring you in the moment, while the smiles of your friends awaiting you ahead fill you with a sense of joy and anticipation.
“Are you wearing it right now?” he asks, his gaze trailing over your body with a hunger that makes your skin tingle. It’s as if he could see through the layers of your wedding dress, his eyes sparking with curiosity and desire.
You chuckle, feeling a playful surge of excitement as you bounce in front of him, a mischievous glint in your eyes. With a coy smile, you purse your lips and quip, “Guess you’ll just have to wait and see, won’t you?” Your words are laced with anticipation, leaving him intrigued and eager for what’s to come.
Taehyung’s chuckle ripples through the air behind you, rich with amusement, while Jungkook emits a soft sound of discomfort, his unease palpable in the subtle shift of his stance.
“You can give me that photographer's contact info later, right Tae?”
You hear Yoongi’s voice behind you, his tone tinged with curiosity and a hint of excitement. It makes you chuckle softly, surprised yet pleased by his interest in the idea. You hadn’t been sure if he would entertain the thought of such intimate photos of you. But as his words sink in, a warmth spreads through you, and you’re filled with a newfound eagerness. You’ve always been curious about boudoir photography, and the idea of exploring it with him fills you with anticipation.
You finally catch up with the rest of your friends, who immediately turn their attention to you and Yoongi, their faces lighting up with big, joyous smiles. The warmth and love radiating from them wrap around you like a comforting blanket, and you can feel the excitement and happiness in the air as they welcome you with open arms and congratulatory cheers.
“This wedding is a celebration of love in its purest form,” Namjoon begins, his gaze sweeping over the enchanting forest setting. The fairy lights twinkle in the dusk, casting a magical glow over the scene. You can see the admiration in his eyes, knowing he envisions a similar backdrop for his own wedding someday. With his deep love for nature, this setting, with its lush greenery and serene ambiance, is indeed the perfect venue.
“Thank you for inviting us,” he adds, a big smile spreading across his lips as he pulls his girlfriend into his embrace and plants a tender kiss on her forehead. Watching them, you can’t help but think how incredibly adorable they look together, their affection radiating a warmth that adds to the magic of the evening.
“Of course. We’re just so thrilled to have everyone here to celebrate this special day with us. You’re welcome to stay if you want—sleep under the stars like we did on vacation,” you quip, a big smile lighting up your face. Your eyes glisten with the fond memories of those three magical months, filled with laughter and unforgettable adventures with your friends.
Jungkook is the first to look away, clearing his throat but remaining silent. Jimin, however, turns to you with a playful smirk plastered on his face. “We didn’t bring any tents with us, sorry,” he teases, his eyes twinkling with mischief.
Seokjin chimes in with a knowing smile, “We need to sleep at home, closer to the hospital, you know, just in case we go into labor. Can’t risk it out here.” His hand gently rests on his partner’s belly, and you can see the mix of excitement and nervousness in his eyes.
His girlfriend shoots him a stern look, “I’m the one going into labor. Me. I’ll be doing all the pushing and stuff while you just sit and observe.” She scoffs slightly, her irritation clear as she places her fisted hands on her hips, her eyes blazing with a mix of frustration and determination.
“What? Do you think I’ll just sit and watch you give birth? No, no. I’ll hold your hand, your thigh, whatever you need, love,” Seokjin breathes, rushing over to reassure his pregnant girlfriend. The moment his hands rest on her stomach, you see her shoulders relax and a hint of a smile touches her lips. His touch seems to melt away her irritation, and the love between them is palpable, a beautiful testament to their bond.
You smile, savoring the moments when you observe your friends with their partners. It reminds you of how grand and sweet love can be, or how it can bring laughter with its quirks. Your heart swells with affection as you watch Seokjin and his girlfriend banter playfully. Their lighthearted exchange makes you chuckle, resonating deeply and reminding you of the delightful dynamic you share with Yoongi.
“We have some spare tents in Holly that you can use,” Yoongi quickly interjects, pulling you closer with a firm yet gentle grip on your hips. His touch sends a warm shiver through you, grounding you in the moment and making you feel cherished. You lean into his embrace, smiling as you think about how considerate he always is.
Taehyung swiftly stows his camera away in his car, sheltering it from the relentless downpour, before rejoining the group. He inserts himself into the conversation with a playful yet teasing tone. “Look, we just don’t want to hear you have sex again, thank you very much,” he quips, his expression a mix of amusement and mock exasperation.
You shoot a wide-eyed glance at the guys, their cheeks flushing with vivid hues of embarrassment, vividly recalling the escapades from your vacation days. Your own ears burn crimson with the memories flooding back, a mixture of nostalgia and amusement swirling within you.
“Yes, it’s probably for the best, yeah,” your words tumble out in a nervous chuckle, accompanied by a nod of agreement. The memory of past escapades tinges your cheeks with a hint of embarrassment. Deep down, you're relieved by their decision, grateful to avoid any repeat performances in front of your friends. Their words resonate, striking a chord of truth, and you find yourself conceding to their wisdom.
Jimin sidles up to you, enveloping you in a warm embrace, while your fingers remain intertwined with Yoongi’s. 
“It’s your wedding night. You should get to enjoy it unrestricted, you know what I mean?”
His voice is a hushed whisper against your ear, igniting a blush that creeps across your cheeks. Oh, you understand his meaning all too well. After all, he was the one who lent a hand in selecting your wedding lingerie. In that moment, you’re struck by a surge of gratitude for your loyal confidant — your ultimate ride or die. Next to Yoongi, of course; he holds a special place in your heart.
Jimin extricates himself from the embrace, and you catch the familiar glint of disapproval in Yoongi’s gaze. It’s a look he often wears, a silent protest against the closeness he perceives between you and Jimin. But there’s no cause for concern; Yoongi needn’t fear. Your affection for Jimin is pure and platonic, a bond woven with the threads of years of friendship and trust. Yet, you can’t help but wonder if Yoongi sees something you don’t, something lurking beneath the surface of your friendship.
Jimin then sidles over to Yoongi, enveloping him in a snug embrace, his lips moving in a hushed murmur that escapes your ears. Whatever secret message Jimin imparts seems to evoke a predictable response from Yoongi—a roll of the eyes accompanied by Jimin’s infectious laughter, a silent exchange that speaks volumes of their friendship.
“Time to head back,” Jimin announces, gently guiding your friends towards their awaiting cars. “We’ll leave the lovebirds to enjoy their first night as a married couple in peace.” His laughter ripples through the air, a contagious melody that makes you chuckle.
As they make their way to their cars, each of your friends pauses to envelop you in warm hugs and heartfelt congratulations, their genuine affection palpable in the air. With bittersweet smiles, you wave them off, watching their cars disappear into the distance.
You pivot toward Yoongi, a mischievous glint in your eye. “Now that we’ve got the whole forest to ourselves,” you say, a playful lilt in your voice, “what’s your pleasure?”
Yoongi’s smirk widens as he raises a suggestive eyebrow, raindrops still clinging to his skin and clothes. “What do you think I want to do?” he teases, his voice low and inviting. 
“Get in the van, babe,” he adds, his tone hinting at a world of thrilling possibilities.
Excitement and arousal surge through your body like an electric charge as you stride towards Holly, your hand eagerly grasping the handle as you step inside, ready for whatever adventures await with Yoongi by your side.
Yoongi follows you eagerly, the click of the door shutting behind him echoing the finality of the moment. With a soft sigh, you sink into the cozy embrace of the makeshift bed, the anticipation of the night ahead palpable in the air.
You lay down on the bed, smirking up at Yoongi as you lick your lips, trying to decipher the thoughts swirling in his mind. You wonder how he wants to take you, what he plans to do tonight. One thing is certain—you know exactly what you want to do to him.
Yoongi hovers over the bed, looking down at you with dark pools of lust in his eyes. Your gaze drops, catching sight of the bulge in his pants, and a soft, seductive chuckle escapes your lips.
“You’re already getting hard,” you breathe, your voice feather-light. The thought of having him in your hand, or even taking him deep into your mouth, sends a shiver of anticipation through you.
He grunts, “What did you expect? Now strip so I can see that lingerie, babe.” His voice is rough with desire, sending a thrill down your spine.
You laugh wholeheartedly, the sound echoing in the intimate space, because that is so Yoongi. You know the thought of your lingerie has probably been driving him wild since you hinted at wearing it.
With a teasing smile, you rise from the bed and stand tall before him, well, not taller, but still. Holding his gaze, you let your hands travel to your back, finding the zipper and pulling it down slowly. The sound fills the van, and you see Yoongi’s brow twitching, his anticipation evident. He's probably doing all he can to resist the urge to ravish you right then and there.
You let your wedding dress cascade off your frame, sliding down your hips and pooling around your feet. Yoongi’s expression is priceless; his adoration for you is unmistakable, his lust palpable in the way his lips curl into a smile and his eyes unabashedly roam over your body. You bask in his gaze, loving every second of it. Your hands find their way to your breasts, groping and pressing them together. “Do you like it?” you ask, mirroring his earlier question, batting your eyelashes at him with a feigned innocence that you both know is far from the truth.
For a moment, he doesn’t respond, just stands there, taking you in. His eyes roam over your white lingerie set, lingering on the lacy bra that’s sheer enough to reveal the darker hue of your nipples. Delicate strings extend from the cups, winding over your shoulders and around your waist, accentuating every curve. You’re wearing a white lace g-string to match, barely covering anything, and to complete the look, a suspender belt holds up a pair of white lacy stockings. His silence speaks volumes, the heat in his gaze making you feel more desired than ever.
You chuckle softly, the sound filling the silence as he remains speechless, mesmerized by the sight of you. The power you feel in this moment is intoxicating, knowing you have him utterly captivated. Your eyes sweep over him, taking in every detail, and you lick your lips slowly, savoring the anticipation. Your mind races with wicked ideas of how you can tease him further, heightening the delicious tension between you.
“There’s a wet patch on your pants, Yoon,” you purr, closing the distance between you. Leaning in, you whisper into his ear, your breath hot and tantalizing. Your right hand glides down to his crotch, cupping his dick through the fabric, feeling the heat and firmness beneath your touch.
“Speechless?” you tease, your voice a sultry whisper in his ear, sending shivers down his spine. His response is a low, guttural grunt, and you smile, knowing you have him right where you want him. With a subtle increase in pressure, your hand caresses his cock through his pants, relishing in the power you hold over him.
“Gonna suck your dick, Yoon,” you whisper seductively, your voice dripping with desire. “Gonna make you come down my throat. You can make me choke on your cock. Then you can fill up my pussy, maybe get me pregnant, you’d like that, wouldn’t you?” Each word is laced with a potent mix of passion and anticipation, igniting a fiery hunger between you both.
You feel a surge of empowerment, like a femme fatale in control of her prey—savoring every moment of rendering him speechless. Damn, you enjoy it way too much. It makes you soak your panties. The anticipation ignites a wildfire of desire within you, causing your senses to heighten. You can practically feel the electric tension crackling in the air as you drop down to your knees, a siren of seduction ready to unleash your desires upon him.
With a swift and practiced motion, your hands move with purpose, deftly unzipping his dress pants and pulling them down, along with his underwear, revealing the object of your desire in all its glory.
His dick springs free, a tantalizing sight that never fails to ignite desire within you. You revel in its presence, appreciating its length and girth, knowing how perfectly it fits you and the pleasure it promises. In this moment, with his dick before you, you feel a surge of ownership and longing, your heart racing with a potent blend of love and lust, knowing that it’s now exclusively yours to enjoy.
You take hold of him, your fingers wrapping around his dick, and you give him a slow, deliberate stroke, feeling him pulse in response to your touch. Then, with a teasing smile dancing on your lips, you lower your head and flick your tongue across the sensitive tip, savoring the way he shudders with raw desire at your touch.
Your gaze meets his, a facade of innocence masking the minx within, especially when it comes to him. You lock eyes, finding his already lost in ecstasy, as you trail your tongue along his cock, savoring the way his breath catches and he bites down on his lower lip, unable to contain his desire.
“I want to hear you, Yoon. And I want you to fuck my mouth. I’ll let you know if it’s too rough, okay?” You don't wait for a response; his stunned silence tells you all you need to know.
You take him fully in your mouth in one smooth motion, your hand gripping the base of his shaft firmly.
You take him deep, your mouth accommodating his full length as you breathe rhythmically through your nose, ready to embark on your task. Working your mouth back and forth along his shaft, you elicit low, primal sounds from him. His fingers thread through your hair, anchoring you as you establish a steady, deliberate rhythm.
You ensure to maintain eye contact with him, locking gazes as you work your magic. His intense stare reflects his captivation with you, every movement you make drawing him deeper into the moment. Swirling your tongue around the sensitive tip, you create a vacuum, engulfing him in a whirlwind of sensation. He tightens his grip on your hair, emitting a primal hiss of pleasure, lost in the ecstasy you provide.
You take him deeper, pushing past the boundaries of your comfort to savor every inch of him. As he brushes against the back of your throat, you battle your gag reflex, determined to accommodate him fully. Finally, your nose nestles into his soft curls, and the heady scent of him envelops you. A primal moan escapes your lips, unleashing a torrent of arousal that courses through your veins, igniting every nerve ending in a frenzy of desire.
You maintain a steady rhythm, your lips and tongue caressing him with a practiced finesse. Yet, as your jaw begins to protest and your throat yearns for respite, you glance up at him, silently begging him to take control. Your eyes implore him, a silent plea for release, while a gentle tap on his thigh conveys your need for a change in pace.
“Damn,” he finally speaks, his voice hoarse with desire. Running a hand through his tousled black locks, he gazes at you with an intensity that sends shivers down your spine. “You look so perfect like this,” he continues, his fingers tenderly tracing the curve of your cheek. “With my cock in your mouth. Let me take over, babe.”
Relief washes over you as you relinquish control, allowing yourself a moment to simply savor the feeling of his dick between your lips, the weight of him against your tongue. It’s a welcome reprieve, a chance to lose yourself in the pure physicality of the moment.
With a firm grip on your hair, he sets a rhythm, each thrust pushing deeper into your eager mouth. Your jaw slackens, welcoming him eagerly as he moves with a primal urgency that ignites a fire within you. The intensity of his movements sends shivers down your spine— rough and fast.
Panting, he murmurs, “You in that lingerie set are really doing something to me,” his words punctuated by the force of his thrusts, each one harder and more desperate than the last.
Your eyes begin to water, but the overwhelming pleasure makes you love every second of it.
His breath comes in ragged pants as he locks eyes with you. “That suspender belt on your waist… you must be trying to kill me, because, fuck,” he groans. Sweat begins to form at his hairline, and the sight of his damp white shirt clinging to his skin makes him look utterly sinful.
“I want to fuck you wearing that so bad, babe,” he groans, his voice heavy with desire. You feel him twitch in your mouth and respond by suctioning your cheeks tighter around him, humming softly to intensify his pleasure.
It makes him shudder, and you can tell he’s close. Just a bit more, and you’ll have him spilling down your throat, you’re sure of it.
“Shit, I’m gonna come. I can’t hold back with you looking at me like that,” he groans, your name falling from his lips as he spills inside your mouth. Your hands grip his hips tighter, feeling him pulse as he thrusts a few more times, making sure you take every drop.
It tastes salty, just as always, but you savor it like a fine wine. When he finally pulls out, you make sure to show him your tongue, every drop swallowed, a wicked smile playing on your lips.
“Such a good girl,” he praises, his words sending a shiver down your spine. You can feel the heat pooling between your legs, your panties already soaked, the wetness likely trailing down your thighs.
“Yoongi, I love you,” you gasp, breathless, your hand brushing away the tears that had escaped while he fucked your mouth.
“I love you too,” he murmurs tenderly, his hand cradling your jaw before his fingers trace lightly over your lips. “Come on. Get up and get back on the bed.”
You nod, a shiver running down your spine as you comply. Rising from your position on the floor, you crawl over to the bed and settle yourself down, anticipation coursing through every fiber of your being.
Yoongi steps out of his pants with fluid grace, tossing his shoes aside before shedding his blazer and pulling his shirt over his head, revealing his naked form. You’re captivated by him, every inch of his body resonating with an irresistible allure. His skin, its familiar pale hue, speaks of hours spent indoors tinkering with cars, sculpting his lean physique with just a hint of muscle, a testament to his dedication and hard work.
As Yoongi draws near, he takes your feet in his hands, removing your heels with a gentle tug and allowing them to drop to the floor.
“What do you want, babe? I’ll give you everything,” he murmurs, his eyes filled with tender affection, awaiting your heart's deepest longing.
“I want to have your babies. Like we talked about. I want that future with you,” you confess, your voice trembling with anticipation, your body arching towards him, showing him just how wet you are, a silent invitation for him to claim you completely.
“Oh, babe. You know I want that too. It will be a moment before I’m ready to go again,” he murmurs, his hand moving to your leg, his touch sending shivers down your spine as his fingertips trace patterns of intimacy on your skin, making goosebumps appear.
“Just touch me. I want your hands all over my body, please, Yoon,” you plead, your eyes locking with his, your voice a soft melody of longing, your lip quivering as you await his touch.
He traces the map of your skin with a feather-light touch, igniting a trail of anticipation that sends shivers down your spine. As his fingers dance closer to the apex of your pussy, you hold your breath, yearning for his touch, but he tantalizingly skirts past, teasingly exploring every inch of your being before finally reaching your breasts. 
“Your boobs are so perky,” he murmurs, his touch tracing the delicate contours of your bra, coaxing your nipples to a tantalizing peak.
“No, they’re not,” you pout, feeling your pussy tighten and your body quiver in response to his touch.
“Don’t speak ill of your body. You’re beautiful,” he says, his voice a soft murmur against your skin as he gropes your breasts, his thumb tracing tantalizing circles around your nipples. Your heart races, torn between the desire for him to take you now and the intoxicating thrill of the teasing.
“And now you’re mine,” he murmurs, his voice dipped in darkness and possessiveness, thick with lust, sending shivers down your spine.
You chuckle softly, a playful glint in your eyes. “I was yours long before we said ‘I do.’ Marriage didn’t change that, you know?”
He chuckles softly, his touch sending shivers down your spine, yet his eyes hold yours, intense and full of promise. “Oh, I know,” he murmurs, his fingers tracing delicate patterns over your skin. “But now I have a piece of paper that says you’re mine and mine alone.”
You ask with a playful giggle, shifting closer into his touch. “Yoongi, are you possessive?” It’s more a statement than a question; you already know the answer. He’s likely the most possessive guy you’ve ever met, but it’s a quality you adore, one that ignites a wild, untamed energy within you.
“You know I don’t wanna share you with anyone,” he murmurs, locking his gaze with yours. The intensity in his eyes makes you wonder if he’s truly afraid of losing you, even though he shouldn’t be. You’ve loved him for so many years, most of them spent in denial, but they still count. His possessiveness only reassures you of the depth of his feelings, and you wouldn’t trade it for the world.
“You know I’d never leave you, right?” you whisper, your voice filled with unwavering devotion and the weight of all the years you’ve shared, your eyes searching his for the reassurance you know you don’t need but crave to give.
“Hmmm, yes I know. You love me and my big cock too much,” he laughs, glancing down as his dick twitches back to life. 
“God, you’re so full of yourself,” you roll your eyes, only to moan as he pinches your nipples, sending a jolt of pleasure through you. “But I guess it’s okay when you can back it up.”
“And yes, I love you,” you purr, your voice dripping with desire. “Now show me why I can’t get enough of that big cock of yours. I’m so wet already, Yoongi. Touch me,” you plead, spreading your legs even wider, a desperate invitation for his touch.
He licks his lips, a predatory glint in his eyes. “Then get on your hands and knees and lift that gorgeous ass for me, love.”
You shudder, anticipation coursing through you as you turn around and lift your hips, presenting yourself just the way he likes.
His hands glide over the curve of your ass, sending shivers through your body. His fingers find the straps of your suspenders, tugging them taut before releasing them to snap back against your skin. The sharp slap makes you hiss in pleasure, each stinging contact like a playful spank that only fuels your arousal, leaving you wetter by the second.
He does it again, and this time, a needy moan escapes your lips, the sound of it echoing through the van and blending with the rhythmic patter of rain outside.
You feel his hard cock press against your ass, and a surge of anticipation courses through you. The thought of him entering you, filling you completely, drives you wild with desire. You crave it, crave him, more than anything.
He seizes the suspenders once more, pulling them taut, their snap against your skin echoing in the confined space of the van, a sharp punctuation to the electric tension between you.
Fuck. You’re probably dripping on the sheets now.
With precision, he adjusts his position behind you, his touch gentle yet purposeful as he shifts your panties to the side, his fingers tracing the curves of your ass before the tantalizing sensation of his dick against your folds sends shivers down your spine.
“Down,” he purrs, his voice low and commanding, as he presses your back and head into the sheets with the firmness of his strong hand, igniting a primal thrill that courses through your veins.
You comply, sinking into the plush sheets, your anticipation mounting as you feel his cock teasing against your slick folds, yet he doesn’t yield to the sweet surrender of penetration.
With each powerful thrust, his hands firm on your hips, you feel the friction igniting a wildfire of need between you, his desire branding your skin with each passionate press.
“Fuck. You look so pretty in this. So sexy,” every movement sends ripples of pleasure through you, his words adding fuel to the fire of arousal burning within. His praise ignites a fierce longing, amplifying the intensity of every thrust against your folds, like he was fucking into you.
Desire courses through you like a wildfire, consuming every rational thought in its wake. The sensation of his fervent thrusts against your skin is intoxicating, yet beneath the surface, a primal yearning gnaws at your core, demanding to be sated with the ultimate union of your bodies.
Surging waves of pleasure crash over you, catching you off guard as your senses reel from the approaching climax. His name escapes your lips in ragged breaths, a fervent prayer whispered into the fabric of the sheets as ecstasy dances on the precipice of release.
As his tip brushes against your sensitive nub, a wave of ecstasy washes over you, eliciting a throaty moan of pleasure. It’s almost overwhelming, the intensity of sensation sending shivers down your spine. Every nerve ending ignites with desire, leaving you breathless and craving more. Fuck. Why does it feel this good? The question lingers in your mind, lost amidst the whirlwind of bliss.
“Do you think you can come like this?” His voice is a sultry whisper, laden with anticipation, as he plunges deeper onto your pussy. With each forceful thrust against your throbbing clit and slick folds, you feel yourself teetering on the edge of ecstasy. 
You clamp down on your lip, fighting back the wave of pleasure that threatens to engulf you completely. 
Through a choked sob, you manage to gasp out a breathless affirmation, your voice trembling with anticipation and need. “Yes,” you confess, your admission punctuated by the primal rhythm of his thrusts, each one pushing you closer to the precipice of ecstasy.
Every nerve in your body hums with a delicious tension, coiled tight like a spring ready to burst. With each electrifying touch, each tantalizing thrust, you teeter on the edge of oblivion, your senses ablaze with the promise of release. You’re on the brink, trembling on the precipice of ecstasy, and you know it won’t take much more for him to send you spiraling into blissful chaos.
“I’m already close,” you gasp, your voice a breathless plea, heavy with need and desire.
That admission ignites a fire within Yoongi, prompting him to alter his rhythm, trading speed for slow deliberate, powerful thrusts.
Fuck! His cock now pounds against your clit with even more intensity, sending waves of exquisite sensation coursing through you. It’s almost unbearable. It feels fucking delicious and you can’t take it anymore.
The moment is so intense, and you cry out his name as pleasure washes over you, without his skilled fingers or tongue touching you. It’s mind-blowing.
“Good girl,” his words of praise rain down on you like a soothing melody, even as he continues his slower thrusts, allowing you to savor the waves of your orgasm that leave you trembling with desire.
“Fuck, Yoongi. That was amazing, I—,” 
You’re cut off as Yoongi slowly eases his length into your entrance, the sensation of stretch mingling with pleasure, sending shivers down your spine. It’s intoxicatingly good, so utterly delicious, causing your fingers to clench around the sheets in a desperate grip.
“Fuck!” you pant, each inch he pushes in sending tremors of pleasure coursing through you, igniting every nerve ending with a feverish intensity of lust.
“Shit, you’re always so tight. And taking me so well,” he praises you, his voice husky with desire as your body responds, your inner muscles clenching around him in a rhythmic dance of ecstasy, eliciting a deep, primal moan from him.
When he’s finally fully in, you feel a rush of relief flood through you, the sensation of him stretching you sending waves of pleasure coursing through your body. His hands roam your ass with a possessive hunger, seeking out the suspenders once more. As he pulls on them, the satisfying slap against your skin sends a jolt of delight through you, causing you to instinctively clench around him, eager for more.
“You really like that huh?” he chuckles, his voice laced with a mix of amusement and desire, “I do too. Seeing you like this, feeling you react to me—it’s intoxicating.”
“Yes! Just fuck me, Yoongi. I need you, I want you. Fill me up. Fuck me good and make me yours,” you plead, your voice laced with urgency and desire, each word punctuated by the heat of the moment.
“What my wife wants, she’ll get. You can count on that, love. I’ll fuck you good, don’t worry,” he reassures you with a firm pat on your back before plunging into you with renewed intensity, his movements becoming faster and harder with each thrust.
You moan uncontrollably, the sound escaping you in a crescendo of pleasure, unabashedly indulging in the obscenity of your own desire as he drives you to the brink with his relentless and skillful thrusts.
As he strikes that tender spot deep within you, a surge of ecstasy washes over you, rendering you utterly powerless to resist the overwhelming sensations coursing through your body, each thrust opening you up to a realm of bliss.
“Shit, I’m happy that I’ve already come, otherwise I’d be done for already,” he gasps, his grip on your hips tightening as he drives himself deeper into you, each thrust a symphony of raw desire and primal need.
Your relief mirrors his own, knowing that this time together will stretch out deliciously, allowing you to savor every moment of his passion. The anticipation builds within you, a craving to witness every expression, every twitch of pleasure on his face.
“Yoongi, please, I wanna see your face while you fuck me,” you plead, yearning to lock eyes with him as he thrusts into you. You strain to turn your head, craving the connection, the intimacy of sharing this moment with him, body and soul.
He pauses, withdrawing his cock from you momentarily, his breaths heavy with anticipation. “Then flip over, love,” he murmurs, his voice a husky promise, “Lie on your back, so I can see your face too as I make you mine.”
You comply, following his command eagerly, turning over and settling onto your back, legs parted invitingly. As he approaches, his dick in hand, slick with your essence, your anticipation heightens, every nerve alight with the promise of his touch.
“You look so gorgeous,” he murmurs, his voice husky with desire, as he guides his cock back into your pussy, each inch a testament to the intensity of your connection. A soft moan escapes your lips, his name a melody of pleasure on your tongue, as you revel in the ecstasy of his touch.
In this intimate position, you relish the opportunity to witness his unraveling, to see every expression of pleasure etched across his face as he reaches the pinnacle of ecstasy. When he finally succumbs to the waves of climax, it’s a sight that steals your breath away, one of the best in this world.
As he fills you up to the brim, a surge of affection floods through you, reflected in the warmth of your smile. With deliberate patience, he establishes a rhythm that's both tender and intense, each deliberate movement igniting a firestorm of sensation within you. The tantalizing dance of his hips against yours is almost torturous in its exquisite pleasure.
“You’re so handsome, Yoon,” you praise him, your voice a breathless whisper. “The way you’re making love to me right now… Fuck, it’s so good, I love it.”
You feel him twitch inside you, a subtle sign that he might not last as long as he thinks he will. A smirk dances across your lips, silently daring him to prove you wrong.
He descends to kiss you, the connection between your lips deep and passionate, matching the rhythm of his slow thrusts. The intimacy of the moment envelops you, igniting a fiery passion within. As he trails down to your neck, his kisses turn into playful nibbles, then a light bite, accompanied by a low, guttural groan of pleasure.
As his movements become more erratic, you sense his dick twitching more, prompting you to inquire, “Are you getting close again, Yoon?”
His voice, husky and filled with desire, caresses your ear as he murmurs your name, pulling back slightly to meet your gaze, his eyes smoldering with lust. “Not yet,” he breathes, his words sending a shiver down your spine.
His eyes rove over your body as his hands follow suit, moving to your breasts. He tugs at the lace, pulling the cups and bra up to expose your bare skin, wanting to see you fully, unobstructed by the fabric.
“Fuck,” he murmurs, his fingers trailing over your breasts, teasing your sensitive nipples, sending shivers of pleasure cascading through you.
With a teasing pinch of your nipples, he makes you hiss his name in pleasure, a satisfied chuckle escaping his lips as he rolls his hips into you.
He moves down again, latching his mouth onto one of your nipples, making you arch your back in delight. He swirls his tongue around the bud before sucking hard, sending waves of pleasure through your body.
The knot in your stomach tightens, the sensation building rapidly. You feel like you’re teetering on the edge, almost ready to be pulled under, but not quite there yet.
“Fuck, Yoon. I’m so close,” you pant, your hands tangling in his black hair. You tug, making him release your nipple with a groan.
“What do you need?” he asks, his voice dripping with desire and affection.
“Touch my clit,” you pant, desperate and so fucking close, craving his touch to push you over the edge and come around his cock.
Before he sits back up, he leans in to kiss you deeply, then his hand finds your clit, teasing it lightly before tugging at the swollen nub. As his dick hits your soft spot, the pleasure intensifies, and you know you’re on the brink of coming, seeing stars with every thrust.
“So pretty,” he murmurs, rolling his hips into your pussy. His fingers work your clit with vigor, perfectly synchronized with his thrusts. The light pressure on your clit is just right, deep enough to make you shudder, your toes curling in pure delight.
“Yoon!” you warn him, feeling your body tighten in response to his touch. Then, like a coiled spring released, you cream his cock, his fingers still swirling slow circles on your clit.
You pant for air, your body thrashing on the bed, but Yoongi, skilled and attentive, steadies you somewhat with his other hand.
“So pretty. You’re leaking,” Yoongi murmurs, his gaze fixed on the point where your bodies are joined. You sense his appreciation for the sight, the way his eyes trace the path of his cock disappearing into you. Damn, you love seeing it too, and his fascination with your joined bodies sends a thrill through you. You can only imagine the mesmerizing image below, your cum dripping out of you while he continues to fuck into you.
Your pussy pulsates around his dick, a rhythm of its own, coaxing a deep, primal sound from his lips as he spills his seed inside your warm, welcoming depths, filling you up with each pulse of his release.
“Shit, sorry,” he pants, his grip on your left leg tightening slightly as he adjusts his position, his breath hot against your skin.
You shake your head, a grin spreading across your lips. “Don’t apologize for not warning me, Yoon. I don’t care. You can come where and whenever you want.” Your words are laced with desire, your voice a sultry whisper that sends a shiver down his spine.
You pull him down into your chest, enveloping him in the warmth of your embrace, his head resting against the softness of your breasts, while you feel a mixture of yours and his liquid seep out of you.
Yoongi breathes hard, his chest rising and falling with the rhythm of his exertion, his ear pressed against your chest, soaking in the comforting cadence of your heartbeat.
“Damn. It hit harder the second time. Caught me off guard,” he chuckles against your chest, his voice husky and tinged with fatigue, a testament to the intensity of your shared passion.
“Don’t worry,” you murmur, your hands soothingly tracing patterns on his back, eliciting a shiver from him that resonates within you as you feel him twitch slightly inside your pussy.
You don’t want him to pull away from you yet, so you hold him close, relishing in the intoxicating blend of his musky and sweaty scent enveloping you.
“Thank you, Yoongi. For marrying me, for loving me,” you start, your voice heavy with emotion, tears brimming in your eyes, each word carrying the weight of years of pining, love from afar and all the moments you’ve shared with him. 
He adjusts himself, his gaze locking with yours, “I should be the one thanking you. For loving me, for marrying me. For putting up with all my shit over the years.” His words carry a mix of gratitude and sincerity, a testament to the depth of his appreciation for your unwavering support and enduring love.
You chuckle softly, your eyes shimmering with affection. “Thank you for making today magical. With the twinkling lights and all the little surprises you had in store. You truly are the sweetest.” Your words are tender, carrying a warmth that reflects the depth of your appreciation for his thoughtfulness and effort.
With a soft smile, he leans in, his lips meeting yours in a tender kiss, a silent affirmation of his love and gratitude.
As he draws back, his gaze sparkles with boundless affection, warming your heart and coaxing a smile from your lips in response.
“Where will our adventure take us for our honeymoon?” you inquire, drawing him close for another tender kiss, eager to embark on this new journey together.
“I’ve already booked it. You’ll wait and see, it’s a surprise” he declares with a grin, his eyes sparkling with anticipation. You’re left wondering if it’s a tropical paradise with sandy beaches or a lush, verdant haven tucked away in nature’s embrace.
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Taglist: @idkjustlovingbts @constancelayon @wobblewobble822 @ktownshizzle @moonchild1 @ultimatefangirl0 @baechugff @jimintaemin @parapiop7 @fckkntired @iluvfndms @citypop-princess @tarahardcore @bergandysam @massivelyfullenthusiast @tatyhend @gimeow @jeonsbabygirlsworld
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Did you like it??? Are you excited for where they’re going on their honeymoon? 🥹
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papaya-twinks · 21 hours
Can i get a Lando fluff+smut?
Maybe y/n is like Zak's daughter, and its like a forbidden love trope?
With a lot of teasing, almost getting caught, stolen glances, and Zak is totally not blind??
Love u
Warnings: Smut, 18+, fingering, oral (fem receiving)
Pairing: Lando Norris x ceo!daughter!reader
A/N - I’m gonna do Andrea Stella instead of Zak Brown coz Stella is a sexy ass surname
“So, basically, this is where we paint the car,” your father led you through the factory. You nodded, still bored out your kiln as you stared at everything, relatively uninterested. You weren’t the type of F1 fan who was interested in how the car works, more about the drivers and racing. “We’re gonna go see Lando and Oscar,” Andrea spoke, leading you lit the factory and to the main lobby of the MTC.
You knew them, having met them multiple times round the garage, and you’d much rather find yourself hanging out with them. You weren’t necessarily interested in looking at how they made the driver’s asses comfortable with the seating, so this was a welcome change. “Hey,” you smiled, seeing Lando and Oscar standing by some of the display cars in the MTC. 
“Hey,” Lando said, hands in his pockets as he smiled at you. “Hi,” Oscar said. “I’ll leave you with them,” Andrea said, “I have meetings,”. You nodded, shaking your head as you watched him leave. “Let me guess, he bored you to death with meetings?” Lando asked, as Oscar stood awkwardly beside you. “I’m gonna go to my room, leave you to it,” Oscar said. You did feel bad for doing it, but it was hard to include such an introverted person. 
 You sighed, watching him walk away before turning to Lando again. “Bit of an introvert, isn’t he?” he shrugged, hands still in his pockets. “Guess so,” you nodded, looking down at the car behind you. “Can’t image living with Andrea,” Lando pulled a face, making you snort. “A lot more annoying than he is with you,” you laughed. 
“So,” he raised an eyebrow. It was getting increasingly harder every single time you two spoke to ignore the sexual tension between the two of you, your conversations awkward. “Did well on your race,” you commented, looking down and then back up again. “P5?” he raised an eyebrow, “that’s good?”. You internally groaned - he’d been making it incredibly hard to converse normally with him. 
“I don’t know, Lando,” you groaned, standing up from leaning against the display car and walking. He followed, eyebrow raised. “You didn’t watch my race?” he said, a lock of mock- offence on his face, “I’m wounded,” he clutched his chest. You snorted, rolling your eyes at his words. “I did, just don’t remember,” you said, stating the truth. “Wow, thanks for showing how long little I mean to you,” he teased, poking your sides as you laughed. 
“Oh, you know you mean more,” you walked up the stairs, looking into the small rooms, some for massages, some for other things. “Oh yeah? How much, then?” he raised an eyebrow, a small smirk playing on his lips. “Hm?” you hummed absentmindedly, looking into the rooms. “I said, how much do I mean to you?” Lando stopped you, his hand on you waist, pushing you onto the room. 
“I, uh,” you flushed, looking at him, standing against you, your back to the wall, “a bit,”. Lando raised an eyebrow, his face centimetres from yours. “Is that all?” he put on a facade of mock hurt, his hand clutching his chest once more. “Well, more than that,” he said, almost as if he could hear your silent plea to him. ‘Please get rid of the sexual tension and just do it’. He raised an eyebrow at your almost desperate expression, hands coming to your waist. 
“Someone looks needy,” he commented, tugging at your tube top. In terms of appearance, he thought you looked like every pretty rich girl - the classic boss’ daughter. But in terms of personality? Oh you were refreshingly different. Not throwing yourself at him like other girls, but still showing your attraction. “D’you want this?” he asked, silently hoping you’d give him green light to go. 
Your nod was all he needed, his eyes darkening as he kicked the door shut behind him, lifting your tube top off and over your head. “Lando,” you gasped, his lips coming to your collarbone as his large hands pulled at your skirt. “Been wanting this for ages,” Lando mumbled against your warm skin, “wanted to just bend you over the second I saw you,”. His words were filthy, sending a jolt of heat between your legs. 
“Fuck, so pretty,” he muttered, turning on around so your chest was to the wall, his hands culling your breasts. “Lando,” you gasped again, his body rocking your slightly, before he pulled you back to the small massage bed, pushing you onto your knees. “So pretty like that,” Lando grinned, your add pushed against him as he bent you down, your chin resting on your hands. 
You didn’t even try to hold back the moans teasing on your tongue as he pushed a finger to your panties, your wetness spilling through, coating his finger. “You’re soaking, Y/N,” he said, using your name for the first time in ages, the way it rolled off his tongue making your body jolt in surprise. “Like that, d’you?” he asked, leaning down, pushing your panties down. 
“Lando!” you gasped, his tongue teasing your folds as he ran through your wetness, one hand pushing your back down and the other sliding his index finger into your opening. The moan you let out when he pumped you slowly with his finger, pushing another in. “Feels good, doesn’t it?” Lando ran his hand down your back, your hips bucking into his nose as he laughed, pulling back. 
“Someone’s needy?” he asked, pulling down his trousers, his cock springing onto your back. “Needy,” Lando said again, his hand pumping his length a few times before he aligned with your opening, pushing just the head in. “Oh fuck, Lando,” you moaned a he bottomed out, his hips stuttering as he twitched inside of you. “Fuck, Y/N, so tight,” he groaned, rocking his hips slowly as you gasped, eyes wide. 
“Feel s’good,” you whined as he quickened his pace, “like heaven,”. He chuckled at your words, his hips slamming into you as you moaned. “How long have you wanted this, hm?” he cooed into your ear. “Since I first saw you,” you mewled, “been wanting you for so long,”. Your words made him smirk slightly, “How much do I mean to you?”. You didn’t even need to think about it, and replied instantly, “so much, Lan, so fucking much,”. The knot in your stomach slowly unravelled as you shrieked, eyes rolling. 
“Shit,” he cursed, “your dad’s done,”. My eyes widened at his words, his orgasm following after. “Fuck, put your stuff back on,” he threw you his clothes, pulling out of you. This wasn’t the ideal way he wanted to finish with you, but he had to, or you’d both be dead. “Go,” he hissed, pushing you out the room. And your dad wasn’t fazed in the slightest, finding you both in the same position he’d left you. 
He didn’t need to know Lando had your panties stuffed in his pocket. 
A/N - my boyfriend told me I fucking MEWL wtf ??? 😀🔫
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catnipaddictt · 16 hours
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sam monroe x afab!reader
wc: 2.3k
cw: SMUT, unprotected sex, P in V, oral - fem receiving, use of pet names (baby, angel)
comment: I tried writing smut again, I don't know if its too good but anyways!
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Your hurried footsteps seem ten times louder than they usually do as you practically run towards your parents house. The sun had set hours ago meaning you had well and truly missed your curfew. Rounding the last corner the two story building you call home comes into view.
Letting out a sigh of relief you notice that the lights are out, hopefully signalling that your parents are well and truly asleep. You cross the front lawn almost lazily, and hop up the porch steps with a sense of confidence in yourself for getting away with staying out so late.
That afternoon, you had been out at the old bookstore in town, meaning you had to take a public bus to get to your destination. At least a 40 minute ride one way. And the owner had talked your ear off about something you were only half listening to, delaying your trip home by almost another hour. You were too much of a people pleaser to cut the old man off and he seemed like he just needed to talk to/at someone for a bit. 
You grab your set of keys out of your pocket, trying not to make too much noise and rouse your parents. You insert the right key into the lock and turn slowly until you hear the satisfying click of the door unlocking. You open the door almost silently, removing your keys from the door in the process. The coast is clear so you step inside, kicking off your shoes before you turn to shut the front door. 
“Where do you think you have been?” A stern voice rings out and your soul almost leaves your body completely. Turning around you are greeted by  your mother, dressed in her nightgown and sporting a scowl. You open your mouth to explain but are cut off before you can give your reasons for being home so late. 
“Actually, I don't want to hear it. You know you are supposed to be home by 8, especially now since it gets dark so quickly. You are over an hour late.” 
You speak, trying to explain the situation, “I was caught up-” “I said I don't want to hear it, go to your room, you're grounded for two weeks at least.” Your mother's harsh words fill the still air. “But-” “No buts, go now.”
You sulk past your mother, now with crossed arms and a look of disappointment plastered on her face. 
Heading up into your room, you shut the door loudly behind you, before throwing the curtains shut and blocking out the moonlight. 
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It had been 2 and a half weeks since you were grounded. The summer heat wafted through your open windows as you lay on your back on your bed, magazine above your face. A buzz pulls you away for the quiz you were doing, drawing your attention to your small candybar phone.
You grab it, seeing that you have a new message. Smiling, you realise it was Sam, your boyfriend. The worst part of your confinement to your house was not being able to see the tall boy. You missed his messy black hair and the way he always smells like cigarettes mixed with a hint of weed. 
‘How much longer is that monster keeping you locked away in the dungeon?’ the message read, causing you to let out a snort of laughter. 
‘till the end of the week’ you reply, adding a sad face at the end. You only had four more days until you were allowed to rejoin society and have a normal summer break. 
A few minutes later your phone buzzes again. ‘Need to see you now, I miss you’ Sam responds. Despite his appearance, he had grown to be quiet, well clingy. But in the best way possible. He would make sure to spend time with you every couple of days if not everyday. Even if it was just sitting in silence why you did your chemistry homework. 
‘I miss you too, only a few more days to go’. You sigh at the idea of spending one more second inside your room. You missed the outside and your freedom. 
You spend the rest of your day perusing the selection of magazines you had collected over the past months and listening to one of the CDs Sam had burnt for you. 
Night arrives slowly but surely, summer making the evening last for eternity. By 9:30 the sun had finally set, and the air had started to cool. You let the breeze blow over you as you sit against your headboard, eyes closed. 
Deciding it was time to get ready for bed, you make your way to your dresser, pulling out a pair of soft shorts and one of Sam's old t-shirts. You change out of your clothing and lie back down on your bed as you weren't tired yet.
You were debating forcing yourself to sleep when you heard a gentle tap, tap, tap against your window. You ignore it, thinking it is just the wind, but again you hear the tapping and it's slightly louder this time. 
Curiosity gets the better of you, and you crawl off your bed, standing up to inspect your window. You are looking closely at the outside when a head appears making you jump backwards in surprise. It's Sam. You unlock the window for him and he climbs in. 
“You scared me!” You whisper-yell at him. “Sorry, I couldn't help myself” he smirks at you. “You shouldn't be here, what if my parents find out? '' you exclaim quietly, climbing back onto your bed. Sam follows you sitting down. “They will never know” he replies with a hint of mischief in his tone. 
You let out a laugh, if your mother finds out he has paid you a visit, you can kiss the rest of your holiday goodbye. It wasn't that your parents didn't approve of you having a boyfriend, they just didn't expect him to be, well to put it plainly, Sam. They almost had a heart attack when they found out from a neighbour that you had been seen walking hand-in-hand with the boy.
Sam looks at you with a look you haven't seen in 2 weeks. You feel his hands on you before you see them coming. You almost expected it after being apart for so long.
You are pulled onto Sam's warm lap, and you place your arms over his shoulders out of habit. His necklace catches in the light, swinging back and forth slowly. 
Sam's hands travel across your body, eventually finding their place on your hips, and his warm mouth latches on to your neck, sucking enough to certainly leave marks. You can feel the heat of his breath on your throat as his lip's travel your soft skin. “Missed you” he mumbles before pulling back to look at your face “missed my girl so much.”
“I've missed you too Sammy” you return his words. His gaze travels across your features, taking you in for the first time in a fortnight. “So pretty, let me take care of you, okay?” He speaks to you softly. “We’ve got to be quiet okay?” He adds. You nod, giving him permission to touch you. 
He manoeuvres the both of you so that you are lying on the bed below him. His ring-covered hands find the hem of your/his shirt, to which he pulls over your head, exposing your chest to him. He wastes no time, and dives in, sucking on your hardening nipple, whilst playing with the other one. You let out gasps of pleasure at his actions. 
After a few minutes he switches sides, paying attention to your other hard bud. Meanwhile your hands snake their way under his dark coloured band shirt, feeling the warm skin beneath. Sensing your eagerness, he detaches the mouth from your chest and reaches behind his head, pulling off his shirt far too slow for your liking. 
Once it is over his head, he throws it unceremoniously onto the ground somewhere before looking down at you again. His lips find yours in a slow kiss, which doesn't last long before he is passionately devouring you. It's a messy clash of teeth and tongues, with you both releasing your pent up frustrations of not being able to see each other for so long.
Pulling away for air, a string of saliva connects you to him. He looks down at you with blown out eyes, and the smile he reserves only for you. It isn't long before he grabs the waistband of your shorts and pushes them down your legs. He pulls himself upright to do the same to his oversized pants, unbuckling the studded belt he always wore. 
Turning his attention back to you, he settles himself between your legs, his mouth so close to where you needed him. You could feel your wetness soaking through the thin material that covered your core, and you were sure that he could see a damp patch forming. 
Sam places a kiss to your thigh before looking up at you for the seal of approval to go ahead. You give him a nod, and he is suddenly pressing his nose against your panties, his tongue running across where your weeping hole was. 
You can feel him pushing lightly against your clit, but the right amount of pressure on it as he works his tongue over your slit. His fingers knead rhythmic circles against your thighs as he continues to mouth at you through the thin fabric.
He lifts your hips with his hands, shimming your panties down your smooth legs, exposing your slick cunt to him. Like a man starving, he dives into your heat, running his tongue over you, using his fingers to massage your bundle of nerves. You feel his tongue dip into your heat and before long you feel a slender finger push its way inside of you. 
He pumps his finger in and out of you, stretching you out and adding another. His fingers brush against your gummy walls causing you to cry out with pleasure. He takes that as a sign to move faster, causing your impending climax to come closer. “I can feel you baby, let go for me.” 
Your back arches as you come undone on his fingers and he helps you ride out your orgasm. He pulls his fingers out of your sopping cunt, bringing them to his mouth and sucking off your sweet juices. “Missed how you taste” he mumbles as he climbs on top of you again, pressing his mouth against yours.
You can taste yourself on his lips as he intertwines his tongue with yours, hands running down your sides. Your fingers hook into the waistline of his boxers, hinting to him to take them off. He obliges, pulling them down so his rosy cock springs out. Your fingers run up its length, skimming over his tip. Sam reaches up, offering you his open palm, “spit”.
You do as he says, and he uses your saliva to lube himself before he pushes the tip between your puffy folds, lining up with your entrance. He looks at you as he begins to push in slowly. Once he reaches halfway in he suddenly pushes himself fully in, bottoming out in your warm cunt. You moan softly at the feeling
“Couldn't help myself angel, you are so tight” he whispers in your ear. He gives you a few seconds to adjust before being to move. He lets out a breathy moan by your ear causing you to contract around his dick. 
“Taking me so well baby” he whispers praise to you as he rocks his hips against yours. Your fingers rack down his pale back as he thrusts into you, picking up the pace. You let out a gasp as his movements intensify. You close your eyes, lost to the feeling of your boyfriend splitting you open on his cock. You can feel him pressing open mouth kisses to your collarbone as he works both of you to your climaxes. 
“Sam” you let out “faster please” you practically beg him between pants. He does as you say, his thrusts gaining speed. You can feel yourself nearing the edge of your release and you are sure he can tell by your cunt squeezing him. 
“Come for me baby” he says softly “let me hear you.” Your orgasm washes over you, and your arch into his body, practically shaking from the force of it. You let out a gentle ‘Sam’ as you cum, not wanting to alert your sleeping parents.
“Where do you want it?” Sam asks as he nears his own climax. “Inside” you reply, “are you sure baby?” You let out a breathless yes and before long he is spilling his hot seed into you. 
He collapses on top of you, making sure not to completely squash you. “Missed you so much” he says after a moment. “I've missed you too Sammy” you reply while pressing your nose against his shoulder. 
He slowly pulls out of you, and you let out a noise at the loss of him. You can feel both of your releases dripping out of you as Sam gets up to go to the bathroom. He comes back with a clean cloth and wipes up the mess between your thighs.
He pulls a clean pair of panties up your legs as well as passing you one of his oversized shirts. He pulls his boxers back over his hips. Climbing back onto the bed he pulls the covers over the two of you before pulling you closer to him. You lay your head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. 
“Sammy, it is too hot for the covers” you speak softly with a hint of amusement in your voice. “Yeah” he agrees before kicking down the covers. Soon the both of you doze off, but not before he whispers a gentle “I love you” to which you reply with your own “I love you to Sam.”
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Taglist: @qvnthesia @ysrjune @anisscarletstarlet @inneedsoffanfics @ineedtosusoutmyreadinglist @anakinstwinklebunny
If you want to be added to the taglist lmk!
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penny-for-thots · 2 days
massage + suo — nsfw ; not requested ;]
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ⓘ SUO, HANDS TO YOURSELF. f!reader — nsfw but not straight smut. massage/workout (ig im thinking like yoga?), kissing, body worship-ish, (the usual) teasing, grinding, + char. aged up 18+ ; trying to desperately get out of my writer's block, for now rqs r closed.
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it started with something as simple as, "are you okay?"
you groan, rolling your neck and stretching briefly. "work's been ... eugh," you mumble, popping a hand onto your hip, "as much as i appreciate people enjoying my goods, it's stressful."
suo chuckles, watching you whine about work, though he can't exactly blame you. he's seen the shop when it's busy, and it was not fun. "but!" you smile, wrapping your arms around his shoudler, "i have a pretty boyfriend, so that makes it all better ... " suo hums, tilting his head in amusement. his hands rest on the back of your thighs when he cranes his neck to look at you.
"really?" he hums, taking a hand and rubbing it along your arm. he kisses the skin tenderly.
"then—as a good, pretty boyfriend should—how about i help you relax, hm?" his hand rubs back and forth, "after you get off, we can go to my apartment and relax. that sound good?"
your eyes are looked with his and you can see a glint in his eye, that hint of mischief that you both hate and love to see. "are you up to something?" suo smirks, looking at your skeptical expressions.
"and would you ever assume that? i only want to help my pretty girl relieve some stress, is that so bad?"
a hum of acknowledgement leaves you, lips shut for a moment of contemplation before you speak again. " ... okay, i get off at- five. i'll see you then, unless you want to stay here with me? then again, you should go hang out with your friends. i'll be there!"
suo smiles softly at you. "good," he mumbles against your skin before giving your cheek a peck. "i'll come pick you up!"
he did in fact keep his promise, picking you up from work and walking you to his apartment. when he said "help you relax," you thought of multitude of things that could mean, though- surprisingly, you are met with yoga. albeit yoga with his hands touching you continuously.
a groan leaves your lips as you go from downward dog to the child's pose, resting there as suo's hand pushes down on your lower back. you spread your legs a bit and relax, forming an arch.
"stretching does help you relax, i promise."
you hum, "the massage your giving me?"
"its helping isn't it? i saw you're back was hurting, might as well try to relieve you while you stretch."
"hayato ... "
"that's not my back."
"it's your backside, isn't it?" he teases, squeezing the soft flesh of your ass through your shorts.
you snort, "what are you- 75? this is not the 1800s england, love."
"hey, i said what i said."
his hands move from your ass, rubbing along your skin, thumbs massaging the points that you said hurt. his fingers slide beneath your shirt, pushing the shirt up with his hands.
"mm, hayato?"
he let's a breath, hands stilling on your side. "yes?" he whispers against your skin, enjoying the jolt you make at the sudden air. "what are you doing?" you whisper, eyes remaining closed. "nothing~"
his hands stay resting on your hips and there's no other touches until you feel his soft lips press to the nape of your neck. "h-hayato?" you hear a soft 'shh' before his lips slowly venture down your back. they kiss along your spine, occasionally moving to pepper kisses along the mass of your back, like kisses your shoulders and lower back (if you have back dimples, trust he's giving them attention).
"hayato!" you whine, opening your eyes to look back at him, "what are you doing?"
"im helping you relax? you're enjoying this aren't you? or was you wiggling your ass at my kisses an angry gesture?"
he laughs at the frustrated huff you make. he sits up, his hips in line with your butt that's stuck up in the air. his hands squeeze your hips lightly before his connects with yours. a surprised whimper leaves your lips as you feel hin grind his hips into your ass.
"h-hayato?! what- mm, hayato ... " you whimper, subconsciously pushing your hips into his.
suo licks his lips, leaning down to whisper in your ear. "can i help you relax a different way? at least you know this will help," his clothed cock twitches against you, his lips kissing your jaw.
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Hi, I'm not sure if you requests are open but I'd like to ask for a Lucifer Morningstar x oblivious! fem! reader. He met her when he visited the hotel and was immediately intrigued when Charlie told him that she was a a fallen angel. Later on he decides to court her but she is oblivious to his advances. Fluff! Have a good day/night!
OMG YES REQUESTS R OPEN!!!!! this is adorable I will get to work<3
CW: fluff, assumes reader has long hair, lucifer flirts like a gentleman, and a dork (if you disagree, fight me), Lucifer and reader speak fancily .. Lucifer is cliche, and reader LOVES astrology. :3
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Lucifer had decided to join his daughter at the Hazbin hotel, I mean he hadn't had as much time with her as he liked, which is probably one of his biggest regrets. He loves his little girl. So, He visits, he wanted to move in but that's a big step and seeing how many people were there it kind of stressed him out. So today was one of Lucifer's weekly visits. As he enters the hotel, He is confused to see someone there he's never seen before. It catches him off guard. He had been getting close with everyone and now there was someone new to get to know! Even if she seems a bit.. different then everyone else. Lucifer decides that he'd leave them alone for now, besides Charlie was his daughter and therefore his priority. "DAD! DAD! DAD!" Charlie chants as she runs up and hugs him "Guess what!!! We have a new resident!!! (Name)!!!! And she's a fallen angel too!!" Charlie squeals. Lucifer chuckles before pausing. "Fallen angel?? There's finally another one.." He knew Vaggie was there. And I mean she's nice, but that's his daughters girlfriend, its weird if they were super close.. But now there was another one, one who he could befriend on a more personal level. It'd be nice to have someone who understood him.. Charlie dragged him over to you. Your long hair.. the way your eyes shine.. your wings still being fluffy like an angels. God.. she's gorgeous.. He walks up to you "You're (Name) I assume?" He takes your hand, and kisses the top of it. You look at him. "Yep! That's me, You're Lucifer I presume?" You ask. He nods with a nervous grin. It'd had been far too long since he's attempted courting someone... What if they did it differently now? He attempts to regain his confidence, (And fails) "Yes, I assume you've heard of me? Perhaps how gorgeous I am? Or how I was god's favorite?" He says, his pride slightly coming out. "Though I'm not as gorgeous as you my lady.." He smiles, looking up at you. (the height difference goes crazy) You look at him. You're expression impossible to read for him. "Well I mean, Yeah I have heard your stories about being gorgeous and god's favorite, but you think I'm pretty?" You smile slightly.. and god does he want to be the reason you smile so much. He wants to be the reason you smile, blush, laugh. He wants to be the person you laugh, cry, and share everything with. "Why of course I do, I mean, Angel, You're the most divine women I've gotten the privilege of gazing upon" Lucifer praised, god he was not kidding. He was so wrapped up in the moment he forgot Charlie was right there. She just steps away quietly. 'At least he's happy??' Charlie thinks. "You think I'm divine? But.. Heaven thinks I'm scary" You utter. "How could anyone see such beauty and fear it? I know beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but they are such fools for missing your bewitching appearance.. Utter fools for missing such a gem" Lucifer gushed with joy that she hadn't shoved him for being so forward.. "You're so kind, Dear Lucifer.. I wonder, what's sways you to proclaim these sweet nothings to me? For you have just met me, so surely there's something I offer you for you to be moved by one you do not know" You inquire, wondering what moves him to create such beautiful words. "Its a very simple answer really, I want to get to know you better" He explains. You simply nod, agreeing that you should get to know each other I mean his words don't mean anything. Right?
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Over the next weeks, You and Lucifer had grown close. Through all of Lucifers attempt to flirt with you, You never seemed to pick up on it. No matter how obvious it was. It was infuriating, Yet of course he couldn't bring himself to get mad at you. Today was the day he was going to finally confess. He sits on the balcony of the hotel. A trail of roses leading to the balcony. Where lucifer sits, on a blanket, with a telescope facing at the stars. His heart was racing, yet strangely he felt calm, everything was still. He knew you were about to show up any minute, it was nerve wracking, yet the thought of you calmed him down. You start following the path of roses, untill you reach lucifer. His face flushes. You smile softly. "What's all this lucifer..?" You question. He opens his mouth but nothing comes out. "I-.. Its for you.." Lucifer explained. He ushered you towards the telescope. He watches your face light up. "How did you know I love the stars???" You ask excitedly. "You told me once, that you loved the stars, they bring you comfort because they're constant. Even when they move, its always predictable." He recites the reason you love the sky so much. You felt your heart warm at the fact he remembered some random detail about you. "Oh, yeah I forgot I told you." You chuckle softly, slightly embarrassed that you forgot. "Would you like to look at the stars my dear?" He asks. You nod. You spend the night looking at the stars. Laughing at each others jokes, smiling, just enjoying each others presences. Everything just felt perfect. After a few hours of looking at the stars, Lucifer rested his head onto your shoulder; while you continued to stare at the stars. "(Name), Angel, I think I love you" He blurts out, not making eye contact. You pause everything. You feel your cheeks flush. The king of hell himself, the first fallen angel, the most gorgeous man you know, the man you've slowly started to like, thinking he didn't like you back, does like you back? You're on cloud nine. While lucifer is internally panicking because he's not looking at you, and you haven't replied. "I.. I love you too" You say softly to him. He bolts up. "Really?? This isn't a prank???" Lucifer asks, nervous, he's not used to people liking the real him, which you've grown to know. "Yes Luci, I love you" You smile, the smile genuine, everything just feels so right. Like this always was meant to be. Lucifer then presses a soft kiss on your lips. You kiss back, you are slightly unsure of your abilities since you haven't had much experience, being in heaven your whole life. Lucifer pulls away. "God.. you're perfect, I'm so glad I can finally say you're my angel" He grins, happily, both your hearts are racing. You grab his hand and squeeze it. This feels straight out of a fairy tale.. god its glorious.
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"So.. How;s the big demon himself's dick, sugartits?" Angel dust asks once you tell him the news. To which you yell from embarrassment. "ANGEL." You scream. Completely bright red. Both him and lucifer are laughing their asses off. "Its not funny!!!" You huff. "Guys.. Lets be respectful of (Name) and My dads relationship privacy please" Charlie says, trying to calm the group down. Its no use. Niffty runs up to you. "So you're dating the ultimate bad boy.. hehhe I'm jealous." She grins, before running off to kill a bug. Sir pentious just claps. Husk and Vaggie both nod in acknowledgement, not really caring, but happy for you. Alastor just rolls his eyes, not truly caring all that much, he thinks angels, especially the fallen kind. You smile. God, You love this group of dumbasses
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1,269 wordz!!! Sorry if its short, and if anyone'z out of character,, I try, lolz, BUT YAYYAYYAYA I HOPE YOU ENJOYYY!!!!!!!!!! REQUESTS ARE OPEN O.o
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hwere · 1 day
Sydney and the winds of change.
Expanding on some thoughts of mine that I mentioned here.
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Syd and Tina:
Starting with them ‘cause their friendship fills my heart with so much love and warmth.
Tina’s initial stance of animosity towards Sydney derives from the fact that not only she’s used to being the only woman in the kitchen, but the same generational fear as Richie: of being replaced by someone new, younger. When Syd arrived at The Beef, the crew viewed her as one of Carmy’s peers. While the others (Ebra, Marcus, Sweeps, etc.) seemed curious about her, Tina braced herself for the worst; she treats Sydney harshly because she believes that Syd – young and a professional chef – will either replace her or look down on her.
Sydney, though, viewed all of them as equals (except for Carmy). That is why it is so beautiful to watch Syd disarm Tina by complimenting her food and encouraging her to do better in the kitchen, instead of joining the dick-measuring competition. Syd showed Tina that there’s no need for competition; there’s room for both and they can be friends who uplift and inspire each other.
Later, we see Tina outright saying this to Ebra when he came back to the restaurant after going AWOL due to his insecurity regarding the school; passing down the lesson.
Syd and Marcus:
Their friendship has a different vibe since they’re closer in age.
Marcus feels inspired and supported by both Syd and Carmy to chase his dreams, to put himself out there, to experiment, to learn and to fail/make mistakes. Which is only possible because Syd’s goal and mindset is to provide this type of environment in the kitchen (“I think this place could be so different from all the other places we’ve been at. But, in order for that to be true, we need to run things different”).
In turn, he inspires her to be more considerate (“There was just a hat in it?”) and calm/patient (that’s the way he carries himself in general, which makes his outburst after being rejected so much worse), showing to her since The Beef that she’s no longer alone in her garage running a business all by herself, she has people to rely on now and that is fine to accept/ask for help.
Syd and Richie:
I do feel at times that he’s a bit of a misunderstood character. Of course, there’s no excuse for his actions towards Syd – that’s not even up for debate. His apology to her, as he did to Natalie, is overdue.
Like Carmy, he’s dealing with a lot: the end of his marriage and being a co-parent; the suicide of his best friend (which could be seen as some sort of betrayal, made worse by the fact that Michael left the shop to Carmy, not him); his creeping fear on being left behind, on old age and aimless existing under capitalism and all its implications (“I'm about to have this kid. I don’t wanna be wrapping up sandwiches for the rest of my life”).
He can be a massive asshole when he wants, but he’s not a bad person at his core (his strongest features are his love and loyalty). Most important: he can change. Watching him stepping up to offer Sydney help, after Carmy got stuck in the walk-in, meant a lot to me, honestly. He still has a long, long way to go, but he’s finally trying and opening himself up to learn (which doesn’t mean the road there will be clear and linear, as we glimpsed in the trailer).
It was Carmy’s idea to send him to Ever, but his growth was only possible because of Sydney’s positive influence all around them.
Syd and Carmy:
Then, there’s everything between her and Carmy. How they mirror each other at times; their parallels; yin-yang and all that jazz (I’m not about to recapitulate the entire show). The man said so himself and I couldn’t summarize better, “I couldn’t do it without you. I wouldn’t even wanna do it without you. You make me better at this.”
He wasn’t lying, though.
If Sydney never came back, of the two, one: either he wouldn’t even try to open The Bear – just use the money to improve The Beef (after all, his dream was to open a restaurant with his brother); or he would try, but for obvious reasons it wouldn’t be the same thing – with Syd around he didn’t think twice before slipping back to his old mentality and persona, imagine if she wasn’t around at all?
Carmy has spent far too many years working out of spite, chasing the approval of his brother, centering cooking as his life (something something porcupine dilemma something something the Berzatto curse). Sydney reminded him that there’s more to cooking than this (“I’d look at them like they were competition, like I’m gonna smoke this motherfucker / […] the deeper into this I went and the better I got. And the more people I cut out, the quieter my life got” vs “You love taking care of people / It is a partnership agreement, so that you can push me and I can push you”).
He gave her a second chance with The Bear and has been pushing her to be a better chef since before they met (“it was Carmy’s”) and also be more patient (both directly “Chef, it’s not ready yet” and indirectly [as in dealing with him and his bullshit]). But like Richie, he still has a lot of work to do with himself (as someone with similar mental issues: you have to put in the work to become better and you have to find healthy ways to cope with yourself and the world around you; mental illness explains some things, but doesn’t excuse them).
For their partnership to become perfect, they need balance.
And lots of love.
Sydney Adamu:
As to what makes Sydney so beautiful as a character: she’s so human and alive on our screens. She’s awkward, bit of an asshole/messy, creative and funny; eager and talented, but still harbors insecurities; isn’t afraid to speak her mind or stand her ground when necessary; although she doesn’t shy away from arguing/bickering, she’s not a conflict-driven person; her initial reaction is always to shut in, but if you know how to approach her, she’ll open up to you (as we saw so many times with Carmy); and she, overall, has such a beautiful heart (“Why can’t we put everything that we have into everything that we can?”).
As the seasons progress, we watch all those characters (both main and secondary) evolve and unravel right in front of our eyes. To me, that’s the beauty of The Bear and Sydney is right in the center of it.
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Warning: kind of long(an)
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I think we all know where this story is going. The fact that Longan is normally quite nonchalant but then we get this monstrosity of a facial expression as soon as Pitaya decides to chip off his helmet, is just... like I think this guy has more going on than the game is letting us know. Like why did he just decide to sink into the ocean for a couple thousand years after seeing the vision instead of, you know, eagerly anticipating it? Why do they hate cookies so much, how did they receive more power than the other dragons, and if they do despise cookies with all their might then how did Snakefruit get to the palace alive for the first time? I mean, we do know that their power is flawed (proof of that is Pond Dinos existence) , but considering how much the dragon talks about its raw power, I'm not exactly sure whether they actually know about the flaws (well, except for acknowledging, and having therefore, beef with Pond Dino).
Im also slightly disappointed this update ended on a cliffhanger, especially with all the hype, leaks, and the amount of time the Dragon Saga has been going on for. Its been nearly 5 or 6 years since Pitaya was released, and we still haven't even gotten to the final battle yet.
On that note, I think I might as well say what I think will happen in finale. For a start, I kind of hope there will be a Lychee redemption arc. It sound hilarious, but like, think about it. Rambutan wants her friend back, even if said 'friend' was and is a life-sucking succubus dragon. Lychee herself is probably the least popular of the dragons (used to be ananas but they gained a bunch of new fans, including myself, this update.) She's been completely sidelined in lore, even her own release cutscenes focusing on Rambutan more than her. She appeared a total of two times this entire update, and not much more throughout this megaupdate. Oh and she's the only legendary without a costume since Ananas and Pitaya got theirs this megaupdate, so I think that update will give her one. A redemption arc would be interesting and it would give her the opportunity to not end the saga as longans servant. (I also realised that it would be extremely funny if longan also got redeened and received a costume for it. Like, angelic Longan. Angelic Longan. Think about it.)
Now, Snakefruit. I do not trust that thing one bit, and I am 100% expecting a plot twist on the final DS update where it tries to steal longans dragon form after longan gets inevitably defeated (crob doesn't do killing most of the time, although it would be great if longan just straight up died.) I mean sure, it made a deal with lotus, bla bla blah, but you aren't forgetting that this is the creature that somehow managed to steal all the cookies' life forces in order to become a dragon. And whats the deal with Snakefruit anyways? How did it even grasp the idea of becoming a dragon? I just happened to realise we know almost nothing about it apart from its goals. Devsis, give the snake lore please.
My fingers hurt now I think I'll stop typing-
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Collecting some thoughts on veilguard cause tbh I really don’t know how to feel lmao so. Unstructured ramble time
I’ve watched the trailer and the demo and I feel very. Idk? Still ‘wait and see’ mode for me. It’s been 10 years. Inquisition imo was the weakest of the 3. And while I have kind of moved on from DA there is a part of me that wants this to just blow everything out of the water and be amazing. I’m just not sure if that’s what I think will happen. Right now, I just think it doesn’t feel dragon age-y enough (in terms of what I, personally, consider the defining traits of the series) but I don’t want to jump to conclusions with so little information
The trailer was. Fine. Vibes were a little off but given its Varric narrating, it makes sense (also. Unpopular opinion lmao. I love Varric but I don’t think he should be a companion again. If there’s a carry over companion, it should have been Dorian. And tbh he could still be there, considering they said 7 companions but Varric is not included in that. So did they mean 7 *new* companions and maybe a few others? Advisors again maybe? Idk. Maybe Varric is a temporary companion, but I don’t think he should be there except maybe as a cameo. Scout Harding is an unexpected but fine carry over though). I don’t really have an opinion yet on the companions themselves cause there’s just. Nothing to base an opinion on other than the character designs
Gameplay demo shows that they’re definitely going very Inquisition-y. As in, continuing further down the path it started. Which isn’t unexpected, but is a bit disappointing, though not necessarily a dealbreaker as of yet. It’s probably smart tbh to go more in an action rpg direction than back to the crpg roots given it’s going to be compared to bg3 no matter what they do - better to differentiate as much as possible. Though I don’t think that’s why they did it, probably more a happy accident. I just. Idk, I found inquisitions combat a bit boring and I haven’t been impressed by what I’ve seen yet. But a 20 minute demo is probably not enough to really form an opinion
I feel like you can still see the echoes of this being a live service game at one point too. Healing potions coming from pots found in the environment (I never got over healing spells being cut btw lmao, bring back spirit healers already), the “ability wheel” (unsure about that too, given it sounds like we can’t control companion characters anymore? Kinda really don’t like that :/), stuff like that. I still feel like DA2 combat was the perfect balance between fluidity and strategy but it is what it is. It performed badly, so they’ve disregarded it wholesale rather than consider that some aspects of it may still be worth exploring. It sucks, but that’s capitalism I guess
As for all the other little things, idk, I really am not sure what to think yet lmao. Some sound good. Some less good (why only 2 companions, I don’t like that at all - also weird that the demo shows you won’t have a tank for the initial bit of the game. That’s a weird choice). Nothing to make me go aaaaaa either positively or negatively yet. I don’t even know what to say. My feelings are just so complicated about it, but also kinda empty at the same time. Like. It’s a bit of kombucha girl meme but also muted? I would like to feel just. More about it. But I don’t yet. I’m too unsure. Not quite numb, but almost tbh
At this stage, I feel like I’m gonna wait till it comes out and see what happens. No pre-ordering until I get a better idea. It’s like. With origins, I’ve played it a lot. DA2, even more - countless times lmao. Inquisition though, I played 2.5 times immediately after release and have tried to play it multiple times since but. I only ever get 10-20 hours in before I get bored and can’t make myself continue. I’ve tried many, many times and idk why but I just can’t do it. I never even played any of the DLC, so like. I kinda need to do that first if I’m gonna play veilguard but I have never succeeded before so idk how I will now lmao. But I feel like at least trespasser is necessary and I have genuinely never played it. And I gotta play the rest of the game first to get there and I genuinely don’t know if I can sksksjs
And with that in mind like. If inquisition is that unappealing to me, a game that feels very inquisition-y, potentially leaning even more into the stuff I didn’t like about it, is. Definitely not what I was hoping for. It’s still possible it’s leagues better than inquisition and actually playing it will be a great experience. But right now I just don’t know. I probably won’t be able form any kind of opinion until it comes out and I start getting info from trusted folks that I know have good DA opinions lmao
Idk. I’m not trying to be a wet blanket or a hater, and I genuinely don’t think I am being a hater at all, but I am just. Very tired and nervous. But also cautiously hopeful. I’ve said ‘idk’ a lot lmao but I truly don’t know at this stage. I guess we’ll see. Let’s hope it’s actually amazing and the very thing we need to make the series as a whole feel like it used to for us lapsed DA fans
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raayllum · 3 days
so Ezran and Karim, right
The fact I'm making this meta, however small, when my third and final Mirrored Paths meta centring on Karim and Callum is still sitting in my drafts, is particularly rich. That said, this is sort, mostly speculative, and I do what I want.
Although Karim has the most parallels with Viren, particularly in his political path and choices, and Ezran mostly parallels Janai in Arc 2, I hit upon some interesting potential parallels, namely three main ones, that I think are worth talking about.
So let's get into it:
First off, Ezran and Karim are the only characters we see really negotiate with archdragons in S4 and S5, albeit for different reasons. Ezran invites Zubeia to Katolis and Karim seeks out Sol Regem, more similarly to how Ezran likewise seeks out Domina Profundis in S5.
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Ezran doesn't ask for help from Zubeia as well, but he does offer it: "If the Fallen Star is a threat the whole world will face, this is a chance to solve our problems together," whereas Karim offers a partnership and a request to a disinterested Sol Regem. Zubeia and Sol Regem don't have many parallels on the surface except for both being dragon monarchs, but there are some tethers with being lost in their grief, Zubeia being similarly hurt by dark magic in S5, and Zubeia saying that Zym's return "brought back [her] baby, hope, and her love" which echoes Regem's assertion that "I lost my hope long before I lost my sight".
There are more tangible parallels between Ezran and his archdragons (Domina, Rex Igneous) and Karim and Sol Regem, though. (There's also just a lot of bartering, offers, and exchanges in TDP in general, particularly in arc 2, but that's a meta for another day.)
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These similarities are mostly due to asking each of them for something; for Domina and Rex, Ezran needs information; for Karim, he needs literal, physical help. Where Ezran is asserted as the true king, needed by his kingdom, Karim offloads it onto Sol Regem.
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But just like Ezran asks for the dragons' aid, generally, in S5 to help hunt down Claudia and Viren (two humans in Xadia), Karim asks for help in getting rid of humans from the Xadian side of the border entirely.
Domina gives the information freely, but Regem and Rex both require a bit more... nudging, shall we say. And both dragons are convinced (seemingly, in S6 for Regem) by the right gift.
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Which fits nicely into our next parallel of sorts, regarding
Worth and Parental Keepsake
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Now, this is more of a contrasted parallel, of course. Karim asserts that the ring is worthless because it only has personal value (perhaps reaffirming his view of public relationships as something less important than political power, or his focus on symbols as something with immense value), whereas Ezran states that his crown has worth purely because of its sentimental meaning.
Additionally, while Janai loves Khessa and presumably their parents just as much as her brother, the same way that Callum loves Harrow just as much as Ezran does, it is the younger brothers who 1) seem to have always cared more about the throne in general and 2) who maintain keepsakes from their parental figure in comparison to their older sibling.
Which brings us rather nicely to our last point:
Brothers and Sisters
Like I've just said, Ezran and Karim are both the younger sibling and fiercely concerned with the future of their people; this is, admittedly, something Ezran and Janai likewise share ("to build a brighter future" amid other statements) but they have the hope and faith to get there. Karim is concerned with his own individual kingdom only, whereas Ezran has a broader view with Katolis at the top of his mind.
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There's also plenty that they could take from Karim's subplot and give to Ezran, honestly—particularly because TDP has a tendency towards exploring how the younger siblings are more heavily impacted by disagreements with the elder (Karim and Janai, Janai and Khessa), abandonment (Soren and Claudia), and death (Amaya and Sarai). We also have confirmation that Callum and Ezran will have a conflict in future seasons where Ezran will be inclined to pull rank about it, throwing Janai's line above into a new foreshadowing light, perhaps.
It also feels inevitable that the brothers are going to have a big wires crossed perspective moment. This could be over Runaan, what to do with Aaravos, or something else entirely, but it seems bound for there to be a moment where they expect to agree ("Who knows my brother better than I do?") and are shocked if not also angry when they disagree, heavily.
If it's over Runaan, this parallel would be particularly fitting due to 1) Karim and Ezran potentially pushing unforgiveness and 2) while Callum would free Runaan regardless because that's just who he is (nor do I think Ezran would actually want the elf trapped or jailed forever), Callum's desire to help Rayla and make her happy is undeniably a factor at play there, just as Amaya helps Janai realize that "Yes, absolutely, I do want to be queen" through both the trial and on the hillside, whereas Karim still believes that "Janai never wanted to be queen" so she will step aside.
Like I said, this is the most speculative, but it seems likely the Broyals will temporarily have a more bitter sibling feud for a time than we've seen, say, from even Soren and Claudia (though S6 could change things!) and I am not opposed.
Other Misc Thoughts / Speculation
Another interesting fact that, again, Ezran shares with both Karim and Janai, is the importance of a royal ancestor from 300 years ago. We know a decent amount more about Queen Aditi—the Merciful, the Kind, who outlawed blood duels and also bound Kim'Dael to her family tree, deeply trusted by the Archdragons, and then mysteriously vanished = was "swallowed"—than we do about the Orphan Queen.
However, the two women definitely have an interplay. One fell prey to Aaravos; one helped imprison him and discovered his treachery. There are also potential parallels if Ezran gets woven into more into the Key of Aaravos debacle, similarly to how only the True Ruler of Lux Aurea can free Kim'Dael, Janai leaving Karim a currently moot point.
That said, I don't think Ezran will have too much to do with the Key as it stands now; he's been pretty narratively removed from it despite being in plenty of seasons where it was actively around (s1, s2, s4, etc) and his main tether to it at all is the Orphan Queen herself. I also wouldn't be surprised if Janai ends up paralleling Aditi more than her brother (though he is, admittedly, the one working with Kim'Dael, so parallel points there) since Aditi seems like ultimately more of a positive than negative figure.
Additionally, we see Karim be reaffirmed time and time again as a 'student of history' in ways that only Viren really comes close to. Karim is our most indicative Mage Scholar character, calling upon history and its importance throughout most of his episode appearances, and his deep desire to return to the past is part of what makes him such a massive fuck up in ways even Viren never meandered into. While I don't think Ezran will have too much to do with the cube, I could see him doing research maybe now that he's back in Katolis on his own for a bit in early S6, and eventually finding out more about his royal ancestor and the cube his brother has, miles and miles away, subsequently for the audience's benefit (and horror?).
And yeah, that's about it! Hope you enjoyed about best king and worst prince until next time!
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vulpixisananimal · 6 hours
Isapays fluff, the Thrilling Sequel.
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"We'll be back in a bit Isa!"
"Alright! Take care!"
(With that, Nille and Bonnie headed off to the farm down the road for some fresh food. That was the nice thing about this little temporary cabin, it was close to everywhere in the little town! You could rent it out for a night, stay in, have a nice dinner and explore around, and then move on! For parties like yours, it was perect!)
(Mirabelle was already out meeting the locals, Odile had dissapeared for alone time, naturally, Ramos was exploring around the town, and Siffrin had yet to come out of their room. That was alright, you were happy staying here. You had your own little hobby to work on. And you were working on it right now!)
(You were working on a hat. It was one for Sif, well, Mal du Pays technicaly. You had started making a few for the three of them, the idea was maybe giving them an easier way to see who's who. But that didn't mean they couldn't be practical! You knew the sun hurt Mals eyes, so, right now you were sewing dark cloth to the rim to make a veil.)
(It had been hard to find a good material, one that was light, but could also blot out the sun. Luckily, it wasn't anything a bit of craft stitching couldn't fix. You had tried mimicing the type that Siffrin had on their cloak, but that was way too advanced. But you made do.)
(You continued sewing. It wasn't that far from done, actually. You could probably finish it today or tomorrow. But, don't rush it. Take your time to make sure it was perfect. It was intricate work, but nice. You continued on for a few minutes before pausing and leaning back where you were sitting.)
(You nearly jumped out of your skin when you turned to see Siffrin was there staring at you.)
"O-oh! Good morning!" (You say.)
(They waved softly and walked over. Oh! Not Siffrin, Mal. It was getting easier to tell who's who every day. Mal du Pays didn't talk, rarely showed up, and was stuck with a resting neutral face, to be polite about it.)
(And, well. You two, had, that one time.)
"Everything alright?" (The other thing you'd noticed was that Mal came out usually when something had gone wrong. You'd been told it does come out casually sometimes, but you'd yet to see it, really.)
(It held up crossed fingers. "I'm ok.")
"W-well. . ." (Oh Change, you still didn't know how to talk to it.) "Well you're free to stick around, if you want!"
(It nodded, and sat down next to you.)
(. . . Change, you were fine! Oh you were really fine! Sure, it had sat with you before like this, but, but it had been a few days since, since that encounter you two had. And you, really had no idea what to think about it still!)
(You continue sewing. Was it. . . Hopeful thinking? That it liked you? Well, maybe it did! It did want to kiss you after all. But, but then it needed to pull away. You knew it was probably just too much touch but, but what if it wasn't? You might have done something wrong, or. . .)
(You feel a gentle poke, making you jolt and turn, Mal was looking at you.)
"O-oh! Sorry! What's up?" (you reply, a little nervous.)
(It looked at you for a second, then held two fingers to their chest, then drew a line above their eyes and clasped both hands together. "That's a veil, for me?")
"O-oh! Yeah, it is! I wanted to make you something nice, Loop mentioned the sun bothers you, so. . ."
(It blinks at you, its face impossible to read. It tapped its temple. "Why.")
"Huh? W-well, I don't want you to hurt your eyes so-"
(It shook its head, tapped its temple again, pointed at you, then made a circle motion with both hands. "No, why do you care?")
"H-huh? Why wouldn't I?"
(It just looked at you. Its gaze felt cold, looking into your soul. It was, really terrifying sometimes. But that was ok! You continue,) "I just, wanted to make you something nice, b-because."
(It's still just, looking at you.)
". . . I just, want you to feel comfortable."
(It pauses, then taps their temple again. "Why?")
"B-because, because you deserve to?"
(Another tap.)
"You deserve to because everyone does! Everyone should be able to feel comfortable."
(It pauses, and considers you for a moment. Then tapped its chest. "Me?")
(You nod.) "Yes! you! I know you guys have gone through a lot, so-"
(It waves a hand, cutting you off. Tapping its chest and wiggling an open palm, then splayed it open. "I can't relax.")
(Huh?) "Why not? You're not in danger right now or anything."
(It's staring at you, you think you see its eye twitch. It turns away from you.)
"Mal. . .?" (You wait for a moment, trying to give it space, but, you're worried. Did you say something wrong? After a minute you lean over to try and see if it's ok.)
(It's. . . Crying.)
"Are you, are you sure you're ok?"
(No response, it's not looking at you, its breathing is getting heavier. You try and very gently offer a hand out.)
(It slaps your hand away and-)
(You wince. Ow! It, it talked? R-right, that's why it didn't talk. Island language. You look away and hold your head, Ow ow ow. . .)
(It slapped your hand away.)
(You're looking down at the veil your sewing as you hold your head. It slaped your hand away. Did, did it not want you around? O-or, or did you just take it by surprise? O-or maybe even. . .)
(You feel a touch on your shoulder. A hand. You turn around.)
(Mal has its hand on your shoulder. It's crying, and shaking a lot; its face that was always neutral is showing cracks. It holds up a fist over its heart. "Sorry.")
(. . .You place your hand over Mals.) "I-its, it's alright."
(It shook its head, and looked away. Finally, it tapped its chest, and made a grabbing fist. "Can I trust you?")
"I- O-of course you can!"
(It glared at you.)
"Promise! I promise!! I haven't given away our secret right? Even if some people are relentless about it."
(It stares at you for a long time, as if considering something. It drew a horizontal line, then made a motion like breaking a stick. "Do not break it.")
"I promise, I really do, alright?" (You smile at Mal.) "I, I don't want to hurt you, okay? I promise, from the bottom of my heart."
(Mal looks you up and down. Takes a moment, breathing in, and out. It patted its chest with an open palm. "I'm scared.")
"Whuh?" (Mal? Afraid?) "W-what of? Did someone-"
(It shook its head, it held up a hand, paused, then continued. It patted its chest again, and then made a hand motion from you to it.)
("I'm scared of falling in love with you.")
(Your eyes widen and your breathing quickens. What?!? could that mean??? What could that possibly mean?!?)
"Y-you're. . ."
(It nodded, it was shaking.)
(You were, so, so confused. A-and, worried, and. . .) ". . . Do you, want, to talk about it?"
(It took a minute to reply, taking it's other hand back, it shakily took a hand and tapped its chest, drawing a line, then made a slashing motion. "I don't want to be hurt.")
"You're. . . Worried about me hurting you?" (Why would you hurt it?)
(It placed a cupped hand over the other, open palms moving away. It pauses, then pats its chest, and makes a slashing motion. "I protect Sleepwalker, I'm scared I'll fail.")
(Sleepwalker? Oh Right! That was Siffrin! It was hard to do full names in sign language so, nicknames. It was scared it couldn't protect Siffrin if it. . . Oh.)
(It raises it's hand, stops, unsure what to say. It looks away, shaking even harder.)
". . . Mal?"
(It looks at you.)
"You're, you're scared that, i-if, you and me are, a-a, a thing, then. . ."
(It nods.)
(It wants to protect Siffrin, more than anything. That's, that's what it is after all, right? A protector? Someone who takes care of the body, the host, Siffrin. It's done that job so well, so. . . Personal. It's, it's surpressing everything including you, but.)
(But that's something you can both agree on!)
"Let me help you then!!" (You lean in close.) "I-I, I want to make sure Sif's safe too! I want him to be happy a-and, and not to have to worry about these loops or memories, or anything! So, so. . ."
(It's looking at you, bewilderment having broken through that mask of neutrality. It opens its mouth, and closes it.)
". . . Please."
(It's looking at you, its face, it's, hard to describe. It does so well at hiding it's emotions, even though it's mask is cracking more and more with each word you say. Eventually, it gently claps its hands and holds a palm to you. "Promise?")
(You take its hand and hold it close.) "I promise! I-I promise with all my life! A-and. . ." (Oh Change come on Isabeau, no, don't freeze up now, just say it!)
(Say it! Say it!!)
"A-and, and I'll protect you too!! B-because I love you!!"
(It's shocked, you're shocked too, honestly. You didn't think you'd have, have the courage to, t-to just say that! Here! Now! But now your words are falling effortlessly out of our mouth.)
"I-I've, I've been thinking about when we kissed every day and! A-and about all you went through in Jouvente, a-and! And I don't want you to think you're alone in this!! One of the first things I learned as a Defender was to find someone to have your back. To find someone you can trust a-and-" (Oh Change, you had butterflies in your stomach.)
(You continue.) "I-I want to be that person for you! I want you to, t-to be able to feel safe! Like you don't need to fight the world on your own!! Because, b-because I trust you! And I love you! And I'll always be there to fight the world right by your side!!"
(That. . . That was a lot wow, ok. How long have you been holding all THAT in, Isabeau? You take a second to catch your breath.) "I-I, I know, that, that was a lot, but-"
(It shuts you up with a kiss.)
(. . . . . You, you just forgot everything you were about to say. I-it, it's kisisng you, it, it's kissing you and isn't moving away quite y-yet a and that's MORE than fine by you t-that's, that's, oh you're gonna just die here and now!)
(You put an arm gently on it's side, it flinches, but doesn't move. It puts a hand to your chest, it's cold, but that's ok. Oh, oh you feel so hot, you're deffinatly blushing! Eventually, it moves away, it's mouth hanging open a little, showing more emotion than it ever has before. It pats its chest with a fist. "Sorry.")
(It takes you a moment to register it, you were extremely flustered and still catching up.) "I- n-no! N-nono no need for sorry I, was, surprised, b-but a good surprised like! Like a surprise gift, o-or a-"
(It kisses you again!)
(This time for much shorter but! B-but it still, kissed you! again!! When it moved back again you squeaked out a reply.) "O-okgotitmessagerecieved."
(It smiled at you. Actually smiled. This, this was a first! You were trying really hard not to, well, loose it just a little bit! With one hand, it made a rising gesture from its chest towards you. "I love you.")
"I love you, too." (You say effortlessly.)
(It looks at you, and tilts its head, considering somthing . . . It made a grabbing fist, then tapped itself. "Trust me?")
(You nod enthusiastically.) "Of course trust you!"
(Mal breathes in, and out. It pauses for a minute, then grabs your hand, and lays it out flat, palm up. It does the same with it's own palm.)
(With its other hand, it draws its dagger, and places the sharp edge against its own palm. It looks up to you, for. . . Confirmation? What was it doing?)
(You nod. Mal cuts open its palm, it doesnt flinch, there's blood. It moves the dagger to your hand where it hesitates for longer before cutting your hand open as well. You wince, ouch. Looking up at Mals face, it looked a bit sad that it hurt you. You smile at it, that makes it feel better.)
(You look down to you and Mals wounded hands, an elaborate ritual that Mal Du Pays would want to share with you? Was, was it a wish? If it was, should you just follow Mals example? Should you wish for something?)
(You do, don't you. And you knew what it would be. The same thing you wished for back in Dormont. You wished that Siffrin, Mal, and everyone else who was sharing that head would be okay. That's what you wanted.)
(Mal Du Pays held it's hand up, bloody palm facing you. You do the same back, it nods in approval. A moment, later, your hands are entwined, it stings, but that's ok. Mal closed it's eyes, you do the same. This was where you wished, righ?)
(It was. You could feel it.)
(You wish that they're ok, you wish that they're ok, you wish that they're ok. . .)
(It's. What. You. Want.)
(. . . It, it must really trust you. You knew it was protective of it's memories and wishes. After all, it keep nearly destroying countries.)
(Your hand still stings from the cut, that's ok. You feel a tap on your arm and open your eyes, Mal's smiling at you.)
"Y-you ok?" (It nods, almost enthusiastically.) "h-ha, that was, u-uh-, that was a wish, right?"
(It nods, clapping it's hands and putting a palm to you, then with it's thumbs and index fingers makes a star. "A promise Wish.")
"O-oh!" (You blush a bit more, looking to the side.) "I-I, I won't break it. Promise."
(It reaches you out to you, and gently turns your head back to it. It's smiling, and leans in close. Your heart, you can feel it beat out of your chest. It's. . . It looks so beautiful. You lean in close and-)
(You hear a click from the front door.)
(You blink and Mal was standing a few steps away, face back to its usual neutrality. After your brain catches up to you, you frantically start work on the veil again as the door opens.)
"I'm home!!" (It was Mirabelle.)
"M-Mira! Welcome back!" (You say in your most convincing voice.)
"Hi Isabeau!" (Mirabelle walked into the room.) "Did the siblings go out- oh! Mourning sif."
(Mal waved a hello, then turned and left. Change, it was such a better actor than you.)
"O-oh, sorry, I-I meant-"
"I-its alright, Mira." (You smile, trying to stay normal.) "We're just, all getting used to it!"
"I-I know, just- AAH!!" (Mirabelle rushes over to you.) "Y-your hand!! What happened!!!"
"Wh-" (You look down, CRAB!!! You forgot the cut!! Uh, u-uh-) "O-oh! Oh it's nothing! I-I just cut myself sewing, it's no big deal!"
"Don't be silly! Here, let me see." (She put a hand over yours, and with a bit of healing craft the cut closes. You open and close your hand a few times.) "How is the veil coming along?"
"Well. . ." (Your hand tingles a bit. What a morning is been. . . You and Mal are, well, a thing now! A-and, you made a wish together! Even if, you didn't know what it wished for.)
(You breathe in, and out.) "It's, it's going well! Very, very well."
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thegingerwrites · 20 hours
Obikin sickfic musings
So I’ve been sick for almost the past week, pretty much unable to look at a screen or do much more than rot in my bedroom for most of it. But! I have been thinking sick fic thoughts. Especially after reading Lemon's Obi-Wan sickfic a few weeks back. What is Anakin like when he’s sick? (And how does Obi-Wan take care of him)
The Jedi don’t get sick very often and when they do, they can often be sent to the Halls of Healing or the medbay of their star destroyers to get any illness treated quickly. But sometimes that isn’t possible, common colds are too various and changeable to treat directly so it’s easier a lot of the time for them to pass on their own.
Anakin gets one while out in the field and doesn’t really notice at first. A bit of congestion, fatigue, dizziness, isn’t really enough to stop him from doing what needs to be done. Honestly, most of that is expected after pushing himself so hard for so long.
When Anakin is sick, he pushes himself too hard. He is out on a campaign, stationed on planet, and in the midst of leading the ground troops through an assault. Midway through, he stops giving orders, fully immersed in his own head and doing what needs to be done. He has a few close calls, his reflexes are slower than they should be, but they live to fight another day. Ahsoka and Rex give him a few sideways looks as they return to the ship.
Even when the battle is over, he doesn’t retire to his quarters. He stays up, heading to the hangar to catch up on some repairs he has been thinking about for weeks. He waves off attempts to get him to slow down and rest, needing to keep going until he collapses.
Ahsoka loses patience with him almost immediately and hands the situation over to Rex until he convinces her to call in reinforcements. General Kenobi is in the system, wrapping up an engagement on a neighboring planet. If anyone can tell Anakin to sit down and rest, it’s him. Thankfully, he is only an hour away.
“What are you doing here?”
“You’re sick.”
“I’m fine. Did Ahsoka call you?”
“She did but I’m told the decision was seconded by Rex, your officers, and Chief Medic Kix.”
“There are two ways this could go. You can admit that you are not feeling well and head back to your quarters to sleep of the rest of this cold with your dignity still intact.”
“Or I give it about ten minutes before you collapse and I have to carry you back to your quarters.”
Anakin wasn’t exactly allowed to be sick when he was little. His mother took care of him as best she could, but Watto forced him to work regardless of how Anakin felt. His early years at the Temple were marked by a few bouts of illness, as his body adapted to its strange new home. He is better about recognizing illness and accepting help now but some habits are hard to break.
“Don’t you have somewhere else to be?”
“My mission went exceedingly well, thanks for asking. Completed it with just enough time to wrestle unruly former padawans into bed.”
“I mean, if you want to—”
“You can barely stand, Anakin. Hold still.”
“I’m still capable of taking my own armor off.”
“Then why is it still on?”
“…I think it’s half the reason I’m still standing.”
“Come now. Clothes off.”
“Sir, yes, sir.”
When Anakin is feeling truly miserable, every kindness shown to him is treated like a gift from the Force itself.
“You don’t have to be here, you know.”
“I know.”
“I’m here now, in bed, resting. I promise I’m not dumb enough to run off the second you leave.”
“I know that too.”
Anakin breathes a heavy sigh that catches around the congestion in his chest. He clears his throat and nuzzles into Obi-Wan’s side.
“Thank you.”
“Whatever for?”
“For everything,” Anakin slurs. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, darling.”
Anakin smiles at the sound of the endearment he only ever hears when he is very sick. Obi-Wan offers it up carelessly to other people but it only ever gets administered to Anakin when he is at his lowest, perhaps when Obi-Wan thinks that Anakin won’t notice or remember, or when he believes Anakin most needs to hear it. Anakin remembers every single “darling” and “dearest” and “love”. Something about them does make him feel just a little bit better.
“Are you going to make your tea?”
“You hate my tea.”
“Yes, but I like that you make it.”
Anakin doesn't like the taste of Obi-Wan's tea but he does like the way that the ceramic mug feels in his hands and the smell of the steam that wafts from it and the way it fights the chill from his low-grade fever. This time, when he holds it in his hands and shivers, it almost feels like a good thing.
Obi-Wan stays with Anakin as he falls asleep, sitting up behind him on the narrow bed in Anakin’s quarters, keeping him elevated to help with his congestion. He runs his fingers through Anakin’s hair as Anakin’s mouth falls slack and he begins to doze as well.
“Aren’t you worried about getting sick too?”
“A Jedi doesn’t get sick.”
“What do you call this then?”
“A minor setback. You’ll be on your feet again in no time. Now, rest.”
When Anakin can’t sleep and makes some truly pitiful noises, Obi-Wan agrees to read to him. Anakin buries his face in Obi-Wan’s robes as he lets the words wash over him. It doesn’t matter what Obi-Wan is reading to him, the fact that he is here, that he cares, is more than enough. Obi-Wan presses a kiss to Anakin’s forehead just before he falls asleep again to check on his temperature.
Obi-Wan is only able to spend a few hours with him before being called back to the front. He manages to escape before Anakin’s cold takes a turn for the gross, all of the coughing and hacking that means that whatever is in his system is finally starting to break up a bit. The few hours together don’t feel like much, don’t feel like enough, but he is able to help Anakin to take care of himself and offer a bit of comfort in a time so often devoid of it.
“Master, is that Master Kenobi’s robe?”
“Yeah, he left it for me.”
“Isn’t it just a standard issue robe? You have like three of them.”
“It’s soft.”
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Hey Slug! Now that all snippets are out, what are your thoughts so far on the BB songs for the 3rd DRB? I'm especially excited for Ichiro's. It reminds me of Hiphoppia but with less intense dream vision feel and more funky back alley hip hop stuff. Jiro's sounds good too tho!
I love anon asks like this that remind me to go look at the new stuff that comes out... I would never think to do it otherwise. Thank you; it's very sweet of you.
Let's fire up the old YouTube and give them a listen.
Ichirou -- H歴維新 / The H Age Revolution
(Side note about the title: I'm using "revolution" here in a general sense, but this specific wording is evocative of the Meiji Restoration, the political revolution in the late 1800s that ended the regime of the Tokugawa shoguns and "restored" the old social order under the emperor while radically transforming Japanese society as a whole. Here, we should understand that Ichirou is tearing down Chuuouku's reign to usher in a new state of society.)
(Fifteen seconds in) YOOO this goes hard. I like this beat and the vaguely military-esque theme w/ the horns.
(At end of preview) DAMN okay. Give me a sec to get my thoughts in order.
Every time I see the language in these songs, I'm reminded of a video of an NHK presenter guy reading the lyrics of one song and announcing dryly, "They're all very good at kanji."
I love how this is much punchier than Break the Wall. Ichirou seems to be much more of an active agent in it, not just the figurehead leader of a revolution--and I LOVE that. It's great to see Ichirou embracing his individuality and not simply playing into the image of MC BB that others want him to be.
I also love all the callbacks to previous songs, quite literally going back to basics. ペンは剣より偽りがない ("The pen is mightier than the sword, and that's a fact!") goes all the way back to Hypmic's very first song's ペンは剣よりヒプノシスマイク ("The Hypnosis Mic is mightier than the sword")
Can't wait to get the full version and learn the lyrics. Seems like a hella fun song to rap.
Jirou -- Sunshine
(Five seconds in) Getting "This Means War" vibes.
(Fifteen seconds in) Bro what is this autotune... This sounds like the opening of Rhyme Anima season 2.
(Forty-five seconds in) "I'm ready; the wind's pushing me along; I'm flying with the wings Ikebukuro's given me" Hell YES Jirou you get that identity independent of Ichirou
(Fifty seconds in) "I can't shake the past. I take my scars with me off into a future--a future that's still unknown." Yo this is bars. (I'm butchering its lyricism but whatever) I love that Jirou is actually acknowledging his past and his struggles instead of pushing it away. You notice how his comments on the past are always either "Ichirou was so cool" or "Saburou used to be such a cute kid; what happened?" ? It's good to see him finally being honest enough to touch on his hurt feelings.
(End) Hmm... I don't know how I feel about this one at first liston. I really like Jirou's voice actor's singing voice, so I'm kinda not feeling the autotune. On the other hand, his singing voice definitely has more of a sweet/young flavor, and I can see the authors wanting to lean away from that to make him sound more adult. I think my issue is this song sounds... idk, a bit too idol pop rock to my tastes. I don't mean that idol pop rock is a bad thing; it's simply not my personal preference.
Here's a selection of people in the comments having a normal one:
"Wtf he's hot now"
"I'm picturing Jirou going to school the day after this song drops and his friends being like 'EYYY' and he's like 'Aw, you listened to it? Thanks, guys!' Then a bunch of girls swarm him and he deadass has no idea what they're on about it"
"Say it isn't so... Not my sweet baby boy dumbass Jirou... They made him hot af..."
"I feel like a mom watching my widdle Jiro-chan grow up"
Saburou -- 朱夏 / Maturity
(Side note about the title: Japanese borrows some terms for stages of life from ye olde Chinese (<- very technical term) wherein stages of life correspond to colors and seasons. You may know the word "seishun" (blue spring) or have seen blue = youth as a recurring piece of imagery in Japanese media. (BSD's Blue Period, anyone?) "Shuka" (red summer) is the stage that encompasses most of adulthood; it's the summer or prime of a person's life. The word conveys a sense of energy and a greater understanding of the world than in the youthful seishun period. Sounds like the Hypmic authors want to convey that our baby boy is growing up! *sobs into a hankie*)
(Five seconds in) Chill lofi hip-hop beats for studying
(End) Hmm... Musically, I liked the piano as a consistent piece of imagery for Saburou. It was a little too chill for me, but I always say this and always warm up to Hypmic songs over time lol.
Lyrically, I kept thinking throughout the video "This would be easy to translate" because Saburou monologues for most of it haha. Apart from the imagery related to seasons and the BB's heat/energy "firing" him up to reach the hot summer of adulthood, most of the song is surprisingly literal and straightforward. Saburou states in plain terms that he wants to go be his own person (seems to be the running theme of this album), but it's a departure from his usual style of complex imagery and vocabulary. I would guess that's on purpose, as the song opens with "All through my childhood, I could never wait to grow up. I'm a better rapper than Ichirou, but no one ever sees me as anything but an accessory to him. At least I'm better than Jirou in every way-- oh, who am I kidding? Look at me going on like an edgy middle schooler. I'm always smart, collected, calm--but on the inside, I'm NOT okay!" That is, Saburou is purposefully throwing away his attempts to look smart and mature for his age. He's allowing himself to be rough and emotional like any fourteen year old.
Here's one more fun bit: "I'm a nothing. A nobody. Clumsy and unrefined. And if he-- the guy who always gives everything his 100%-- if he could only say, 'You're something else, kid. I never knew you had it in you'... But that sure is something Ichirou would never say." Referencing Goodmorning, Ikebukuro. Bruuuuuuh.
Really fun start to an album; can't wait to hear all the songs! Thanks again for sending this ask, anon.
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lizaluvsthis · 2 days
Do you have anyidea of a fic for marware instead of art? I am genuinely asking since theres not much fluffy fics for them both
There is one- Tho it does feel a bit embarrassing to show but I guess- it's time.
This fic idea I have on mind is a bit complicated per say when it comes to "understanding your enemy" type of thing.
But then again I don't have the motivation to write a fic for them but just a silly idea-
Title- ~Strawberries and Cigarettes~
(A song inspired by Troye Sivan)
This is a kind of story where Mario has a 'crush' on PV because- (he's a tv- and we all know how Mario acted when he's with his beloved tv-)
So wherever the tall man goes, Mario is there to follow him around. Tho this did bother PuzzleVision. He tried many times by ignoring/pushing/shoving Mario away.
But instead of him backing away, he gets even closer to him.
Pv didnt understand at first to why Mario kept following him until- he decided to ask the fat italian himself. Mario responded with a shout saying "go out on a date with me!" Pv gives him strange looks as to why Mario is asking him out on a date.
Yet he didn't understand the man so much that he thought it was a joke, thought it was an act played for a film. Mario got a bit angry and told him it wasnt an act- and that he's telling the truth of taking him out.
Pv did try to tell Mario that he wasnt interested to his 'kind of liking' since they're both different with each other.
Mario said he "didn't care" no matter what pv did even back there when he gave smg4's crew a hard time. Pv mentioned about being the antagonist from smg4, as where Mario just says he's forgiven.
Pv laughed as a result (since he didn't need forgiveness) Mario slowly admittted that- he did some things-
(like how you portray a character doing something bad by accident and not mean to do it on purpose to which they thought it was a good thing)
Mario didnt understand why pv didn't have interests between love or having a type- as pv briefly mentioned part of his past that
"no one seemed to be interested in me" or "no one finds me interesting" to the way Mario felt bad.
Mario too also opened up a part of his past, the mentions of "abandonment" and "being left out by friends" is what Pv heard by the fat italian himself.
Pv finally understood- that maybe they're both not so different as he think they are. (That doesnt mean he's still going out with him tho-)
By now, Puzzles and Mario are both standing there just waiting for a minute by to be met with an awkward silence.
Pv mustve understand now that maybe Mario isnt as bad as he think he is, even with how much they're in a different type of situation on dealing one thing. It matched them.
Mario breaks the silence asking puzzles if he'll go out with him. Pv didnt say yes, but did consider on thinking about it.
(Maybe get to know him a bit more? Maybe avoid the fact that he'd use him for something to get whats earned?)
He puts his face closer to Mario's telling him bout the stuff they both opened (about the past-) keeping things a secret- Mario couldnt help but stare at his face feeling admiration.
And on the second thought- his secret was safe. Mario gave him a thumbs up and Pv backed away standing straight. He proceeded with a bye bye and so as Mario too.
Mario waved him a goodbye and thinks through all of the thoughts inside his head.
Both walked opposite directions but thought of the same things that happened, being open, sharing glances, awkward silence and even- with that "asking-out-for-a-date" is hard to think of.
They will think about it- and plus-
To add more of that fluff- lets put up the scent.
To puzzles he thought about Mario of how he had strawberry scent, even if its supposed to be one of those pasta sauce. But it didnt.
To Mario, the thoughts about Puzzles made him think. How he smelled that type of smoke that has always been familiar of him. Cigarettes.
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neet-elite · 3 days
↳ EVENT 33. M!Kylar (Worship & Watersports)
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Pairing: M!Kylar / F!Reader Genre: Smut 18+ WC: 2,592 Warnings: body worship, watersports, piss, yandere, fluffy, bathing Prompt(s): 05 — worship + 17 — watersports Event Masterlist: CLICK HERE!!
A/N: i found it difficult trying to put both of these prompts together. like the body worship i GOT, but it always felt like i was just throwing watersports in for the hell of it. in the end, i hope i managed to meld the two prompts together well enough to where they flow (pun intended) nicely together. it was a challenge, and for that, i am thankful !! i had a lot of fun with where this piece goes, i hope you know what i mean... i don't want to spoil you! sometimes its nice to try new things. also, the style of this piece is a bit more in line with my non fanfic related writing style, but i hope it's still enjoyable!!
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If his heart was beating any faster than it already is, he's sure he'd be having a clinical heart attack by now.
Shivering in the tub, despite the water you had ran for him being hot— perhaps a little too much so, given how red his body looks from head to toe— excitement fills him full. Pools in his tummy, has his breath all shaky and unstable as you make him wait like a good dog. Naked and exposed for you to leer at as you undress too, he struggles to keep his eyes off of you in spite of the giddy vulnerability that courses through his veins. Unsure of if he's even allowed to take a peek, and inevitably doing so anyway as the shuffles of clothing beg for his attention.
A trembled "Oh..." escapes him at the angelic sight, barely there and hardly audible given how loudly his heart thumps for you, a complete and utter mess for you before you've even gotten in the bath with him. Unable to voice the overfilled affections he regards you with, spilling out instead as sighs and gasps as he witnesses the perfection that you are, how soft and pretty you look when undressing before him, matching his state of undress with such ease that he feels as though he's going to choke on how much he adores you.
And the loving smile you adorn when catching his eye only exacerbates his issue, prompting him into giving you a forced rushed smile in return. A creepy one, he's been told. Bullied into submission over before by others, but the way you so easily allow him to melt before you is unusually comforting; stark acceptance is not something he's used to, you know?
But it almost pains him, in a sense. To have someone as perfect and pretty as you inch closer towards him, his gaze uncertain of where it wants to settle because there are so many choices to pick from when it comes to you. Your face is so beautiful to him, of course, but especially when you smile upon him like that. Like you embody the sun itself, captured by his dirty hands so that only he may feel your warmth shining down on him. And your body, God— he can think of no word other than perfect, dripping down his throat with suffocating compliance, as if merely watching you step into the bath with him was a miracle in and of itself, something borne out of his late night fantasies and only those lewd imaginings. It's a difficult pill to swallow that you're enacting his deepest secrets willingly, unprompted. You get it, right?
Only, this doesn't feel lewd, does it? Despite the fact that both he and yourself are naked, the water splashing around him gently as you dip into the tub with him, his vision honing in on the way your tits bounce with your movements, prompting him to swallow the lump of love deep seated in his throat so that he can mutter a soft "Hello.", this isn't lust induced by any stretch of the imagination. This isn't lewd so much as it is love, right? Pure, unadulterated, love. The thought of which makes his chest all tight, feeling a little lightheaded as you get comfortable and settled at the other end of the tub from him as if it were the most normal thing in the world. And really, deep down, he knows that it is; two lovers sharing the water together is expected, right? Allowing him the pleasure of simply staring, letting his eyes travel all over your body as you sit pretty for him, cock understandably twitching under the water for attention as he gawks openly at the way you tenderly rub at your arms, get yourself all wet.
"Is the water a good temperature?" Your voice suddenly pulls him from his self indulgent thoughts, and he's quick to reassure you that yes, it's perfect, just like you, with a snap nod. Voice lost on him with how close you are to him right now, his jaw tight and tense and lips sealed out of fear of saying the wrong thing, not when you're being so kind to him.
Which is a strange feeling, he settles on. It feels weird to have you be so affectionate towards him, to simply exist by his side without expecting anything else of him— and yet still, it's nice. A welcome change of pace, now that you've accepted your place by his side. A little weirdness never hurt him before, so he does his best to welcome your generosity with, well, he can't say open arms. Not when he hugs his knees tight to his chest at the tap end of the bath, humming absently to himself at the way his cock hardens between his legs, thighs squishing around his length out of obligation rather than anything else. The silence you offer him in return feels light, almost airy in how low your expectations are, and he's not quite sure how to proceed.
Not because he doesn't have things he wants to say or things he wants to do, but because you look upon him with such love. So much reassurance in your half lidded gaze, the feeling of your toes rubbing soothingly along the underside of his thighs as he shakes before you, how every time you move your body a little bit of the water spills over and out of the tub, his emotions with it.
He finds himself relating to the tub, and how small it feels now that you're in it with him. Residing in his heart, always, turning the empty space fit to burst with your mere presence. He relates to the spilling water in a way closely linked to his excitement, how overwhelming it feels when it burrows down to his tummy, making his cock all twitchy against him, how he feels as though he's about to vomit any time your eyes land on his and he has to immediately look away. He's reminded of how you laugh at him some days, reminding him that he wanted this, so why is he so shy now? The kind of excitement that leaves him stuttering, quiet, going with the flow of you as he's renders a mere spill to the floor.
"You know," You start, his eyes darting to your face, pupils surely blown wide from how hazy his vision appears. The dulcet tone of your voice alone is enough to leave him overstimulated, a burn at his core giving way to something he really shouldn't do, so he ignores it for now. Would rather listen to you talk for hours and hours and hours anyway. "I read online somewhere , I don't remember where... That, um... Well, maybe it's just an anecdote, now that I think about it, but," God, fuck, he's so terribly in love with you and your rambling, seething behind his knees, peering above them as you make idle chatter between grabbing the soap by your side and glaring at his meek attitude. "Baths can cure ninety percent of what's wrong with you. That there's very little baths can't help you with, y'know? Something about water being healing, or whatever." You giggle, and he thinks to himself that rather than the bath water being what cures him, it's the high pitched tone of your laughter that'll heal all that ails him. The sentiment is nice, though. You're nice, prompting him into turning around, offering your soapy hand to his back.
"Oh, y-you don't need to, y'know..." He trails off, cheeks heated at the understanding of what you're asking him to do, worried that he may taint you the same way he's been dirtied already, and yet—
"Please. I'd like to, you'll do it for me, right?"
"A-Always... If you're sure..."
You've likened him to a dog plenty times before, and he thinks he finally understands it now. The feeling of your tender loving paw against his shivering skin, rubbing in the soap, letting it soak through his filth; he's both surprised and a little ashamed at how much he loves the feeling of being looked after by you, fervour rising tight in his body, cock twitching away in private as you do good to care for him. And just like the dog you claim him to be, he can't help but to yearn, deep in the pit of his stomach, in his heart, in his hazy mind, and in his throbbing cock, to do whatever you so much as ask of him— not in the least including allowing you to wash him, soaping together in a sacred act of affection. Look, he begs to whisper, how eager I am to drown for you. Soaking up all that your light touch has to offer him, seeping deeper into the water and, by extension, in closer proximity against you. Instinctively leaning back to give you more surface area to cover, keeping his face hidden behind his knees, cowering from the amount of care and attention your promising fingers imbue into him. He's never been treated so kindly before, a soft fuzz filling his lungs at just how slow and careful you are, making sure to reach every inch of his skin. And it feels funny in his tummy to be the one being worshipped, but it's a feeling he wants for more than anything else to get used to, especially since you're so good at it.
Not lewd, remember, but rather... Adoration. Innocent devotion, if he wanted to be flowery about it. An uncharacteristically soft smile tugging on his lips for only him to see as your silky smooth hands wash over his shoulders, tracing the outline of his spine, and back up again. A rushed gasp escaping him when your eager fingers traverse around to his chest, wrapping him up in one big frothy hug for him to whine at.
"You know," Another rub of his chest, touching him so gently, so lightly, as if you were afraid he'd shatter before you if you applied any ounce more of pressure to his shaking frame. He's not used to this sort of worship, the ghostly touch you offer him as you help clean his chest, his neck, the feeling of your hands wrapped around his gasping throat causing his cock to twitch some more, to spill precum all over the bath water as you apply just the minimal amount of pressure to edge his excitement. And in his tummy, the pressure increases too, only without your touch. A creeping, growing need coiling ever tighter with each second of your love that passes by. "I've always thought, you... As in the general you, maybe not you specifically..." another giggle, sounding right by his ear for him to gulp at. Yeah, he thinks to himself. You're probably right. You've come to know him so intimately that he's sure you know him better than himself by now, which is why he trusts you so wholeheartedly to look after him, to praise each individual limb of his until you're satisfied. It's the least he could do, he thinks. "You could fuck anyone, right? Easily done. But, there are very few people you'd be willing to share a bath with."
In that, you love him enough to do so, right? In that, as he melts into the warm water surrounding him, leaning against your naked front to peer up at you with a wobble in his lips, he's lucky, right?
He's only ever wanted you. Obsessed from the beginning, willing and wanting to worship every part of you for all eternity— and yet here he is, cock rock hard and ignored, letting you grab the bottle of shampoo to slowly scrub his head clean, each and every dig of your nails against his scalp whispering reverence, his easily excitable attitude getting the better of him as he suddenly jumps away from you the moment he feels his eyes start to close in an attempt to escape you tender clutches.
"Kylar?" Ah, the worry lacing your words doesn't help his position, making that tight ball of need grow increasingly bigger. "Are you okay?"
"Huh? Oh, y-yeah..." He mumbles more to himself than anything else, fists balled between his legs— if he had a tail, it'd surely be wagging furiously from how happy he is right now, in spite of his outward anxieties. "It's— It's just, um..."
You hum, and he wants to look at you, to reassure you that his reaction to the gentle care you've provided him isn't the reason behind his scare. But rather, something a little more embarrassing. A product of his dog like excitement, chewing on his bottom lip in idle fascination. He's never quite felt this way before, it's nice to experience it for the first time with the love of his life.
"It's okay," You shuffle closer, much like earlier when you had inched towards the tub, his heart stuttering in his chest from sheer nervous delight thrumming through him, making his cock all wet and ah, the feeling of your lips pressing light against his shoulder, barely there if he's honest, tips him over the edge. He tried so hard to hold back for you, but as with all things, you know best.
"It's... It's coming out..." He resigns, removing his hands to let you watch with him as a stream of piss is shot from his rock hard cock, yellow streaming from his tip as his length throbs, pulses under your watchful eye, as if begging for your utmost attention. Do you see what you do to me? Got me so excited, I— I couldn't help myself. Like a fucking dog, pissing all over himself because he got too excited by your meagre touch, by the way you watch him turn the tub a funny colour with only curiosity, allowing him to empty himself in the shared bath before nonchalantly returning your attention back to worshipping his body; hands reverting back to his head to finish the shampoo job he'd just interrupted to piss, and he can't stop the mewl that escapes him at the generous scratch your nails offer him.
"It's okay," You kiss his cheek, and he has to clench his fists a little harder to avoid touching himself in response. "Even that, too, is worthy of love, don't you think?"
"My, uh... The pee?" He gasps, relishing in the way you just instinctively know how to satisfy him, silent proof of your loyalty, that you were made for him— so perfect for him that you don't mind the fact that he's just pissed himself, even?
"Mhm. Promise." You continue cleaning him, the clatter of a cup filling with water before you pour it atop his head ringing in his ears, a stark reminder of his piss dripping from his fluttering eyelashes when you prompt him into turning around, his face all scrunched up in what he can only assume resembles pain from your doting smile.
"My turn." Is all you say before turning around too, edging backwards so that you're closer to him, and he intuitively grabs at the soap by your side.
Nothing, no one, could ever hope to make him feel as loved, accepted, and worshipped as you've made him feel tonight. Sitting in the bath together, a mix of fluids he can only hope include your own. He gets it's now.
You aren't trying to clean so much as you're trying to resemble his filth, right?
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alcoholfreenayeon · 7 hours
Can u do like Nayeon make up sex like pairing: sensitive fem reader and Nayeon forgot like their anniversary ? It's okay if not?
A/N: I’m sorry it took me so long to do this anon😭❤️ it’s slightly rushed because I won’t have time rest of the day. Hope you like it.
CW: fluff, smut, nsfw
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Nayeon got on the bed, quickly getting under the blanket, shuddering and smiling as the warmth begins to spread. She takes a cold breath and shifts closer to you.
You try to ignore her, continuing to read your book, not wanting to complain before you are sure Nayeon hasn’t got any last minute surprises.
“Leave your book for a moment baby, I want to cuddle you and warm myself up”, Nayeon asks, leaning into you.
“I see…”, you turn to the next page, not even looking at her.
“Huh..? That’s it? You aren’t even looking at me…”, Nayeon sounds a bit hurt, “is something wrong?”
You feel a bit bad for being cold but you felt hurt too. This wasn’t any day. Today was your one year anniversary with her. An important day for you and for her. Your lives were changed on this day and Nayeon seemed to have absolutely no clue of it right now.
“…..not really.”, you say plainly.
Now Nayeon becomes quite sure that you are mad at her. “Wait, did I mess up?”, she thinks carefully, her memory going back to this morning when you gave her some flowers, a bracelet and some chocolate. “Oh….its our anniversary…”, Nayeon looks panicky, knowing it means a lot to you. She immediately pulls you closer, hugging you tight. “Wait I’m so sorry, I really forgot.”, she kisses your cheeks a couple times.
You keep quiet, taking a heavy breath, not hugging her back.
“Mmmm…baby, please. Don’t be mad, I’m really very sorry. I won’t make excuses but it wasn’t on purpose.”, Nayeon continues to plead.
You glance at her, probably a mistake because now seeing her like this made you feel guilty now and before you realized, you moved your hands around her lightly.
That’s all Nayeon needed. She gasps and hugs you tighter, smiling mischievously knowing your resolve is breaking. “Oh thank you for forgiving me love.”, she says dramatically, “I’ll make it up to you.”
“N-no….wait, I didn’t…”, you try to protest and sigh, annoyed at yourself for doing that.
Nayeon pulls away, grinning at you. She then kisses you and you kiss her back. What was the point in being annoyed at her anyway, she didn’t actually mean to hurt you and besides you both know you can’t stay mad at her for long.
After a few seconds you begin to pull away but Nayeon grabs your face and begins to kiss you harder and you can’t help but moan into the kiss. Immediately you feel your face turn red. But you try and pretend nothing happened, trying your best to keep kissing her back without losing your mind.
After a minute Nayeon pulls away, leaving you both panting. She was smirking mischievously at you, biting a finger. “You know y/n, it’s still only 10…I think I can give you a last minute gift.
It’s takes a moment for you to catch her drift. Your face flushes again as she leans in again, “W-wait, that’s-”.
She shuts you up by kissing you again and you don’t put up any fight. After what seems like eternity she finally pulls back, you are panting and breathing hard. But you can’t deny you are starting to feel hot.
“You know”, Nayeon whispers in your ear, “you are looking really delicious right now…”.
You stay quiet, biting your lip and trying not to moan as Nayeon starts to kiss your neck. She keeps leaving marks as she moves lower and lower. You don’t even protest, what she was making you feel right now was…primal…indescribable.
Nayeon gropes and plays with your tits for a few moments, kissing and licking to her fill before moving down again. You can’t seem to remain calm, each breath is labored, like it takes so much effort to do anything else other than focus on what Nayeon was making you feel.
She undresses you and looks up at you from between your legs, smirking as she teases by making a finger touch you so lightly. You can barely feel it yet it feels so…intense. You swallow, take a shaky breath, “N-nayeon please”.
She giggles, “so eager for me….cute.” She then proceeds to rub your pussy and you gasp. She feels you are already slick and flashes you another naughty look. “You really are so excited for this…don’t worry, I’ll make it really good.”
You don’t say anything, you can only moan as she suddenly pushes two fingers in you. It feels amazing. It feels right.
Nayeon begins to work her magic and within a few moments you are writhing in pleasure under her. She uses her other hand to touch you all over, your tits, stomach, thighs, everywhere.
As she keeps her fingers in you, hitting all the right spots, you feel your release rapidly approaching. You moan out her name trying to warn her but it only makes her add another finger and you almost instantly cum from that. You are barely able to hold on. And just when you accept your incoming release and when it feels like it can’t and won’t get better than this, Nayeon moves her head down and begins to suck on your clit.
You cum immediately and scream. Or you scream and cum. You can’t even tell. You thrash around in pleasure, screaming and locking your legs around Nayeon’s head as you feel pleasure fill your whole body. Moments pass and it only seems to get more intense, you can’t even breathe anymore. You feel your hips rise as you hold Nayeon’s head tightly with your hands. You still keep cumming. It keeps feeling more and more intense until you let out another scream and begin to squirt hard.
You can’t even see anymore, everything feels so bright. Your whole body is shaking and Nayeon finally pulls away, her face drenched as she has a proud smile on her face. You keep panting, keeping your eyes closed as you need more time to recover. A minute passes and you finally clear your head a little. You take another heavy breath and redden as you look at Nayeon who’s staring at you with a grin.
“Now look…you made such a mess, I guess I’ll clean it up…”, Nayeon says with a smile as she sucks her finger clean.
You blush…keeping quiet. You weren’t sure there was anything to say. What Nayeon did to you right now was unbelievable. You weren’t sure there were words to describe it.
You gasp again as you feel Nayeon lick your pussy again a few times before coming back next to you, giggling as she wipes her mouth.
“You really went crazy there”, she says suppressing a smile, “I guess you liked my present after all”.
“Shut up”, you say, feeling hot and embarrassed, “this won’t happen every time you forget an important day.”
Nayeon giggles again, “Well I wasn’t planning on forgetting but maybe I should, I don’t know any present that can make you squ-”.
You shut her up by kissing her. She laughs and cuddles you. Teasing you and poking you until you both end up falling asleep in each other’s arms.
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