#i mean the yokai definitely knew they can be clueless about a lot of human events but the hidden city is literally under manhattan island
thedawningofthehour · 4 months
Splints right after escaping from Draxum's lab:
"Oof, I think we're safe now boys. Big Mama said the city was under New York, so I guess we're in New York. I've been here a few times. It's been...years, but we'll figure it out together alright?"
'squints towards Lower Manhattan'
"Looks like they finally tore down those ugly towers."
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twst-kumi · 3 years
Children of secrets Chapter 1
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In the great library, Crowley searched for the group's country but couldn’t find anything. They even showed him their ID, student card and currency, so it wasn’t a lie. The problem was, he couldn’t find anything in his book and maps about a country named Japan. It didn’t exist. At least not in this world or planet. 
_There is nothing, Japan doesn’t exist here. Then how did the black carriage took you? (Crowley)
_If we knew how we would have left long ago. (Sano)
_Then could you come from another dimension or planet? (Crowley)
‘There that option, yes’ The group looked at each other before looking at the poor director. Truthfully they already knew they were not in their world. But in a world where they didn’t know if they were hostile to Yokai or not, it was better to act clueless and like they were human. Deep in thought, Crowley looked at them, two boys and six girls. He could shelter the two boys but what about the girls? It’s an all-boy school, he can’t let girls stay here. But… he also couldn’t leave them without a place to go. 
_This is quite problematic, while the two boys could stay without a problem, you young ladies can’t stay in a school full of males. That's dangerous. (Crowley)
_Ah, I understand. After all, boys are more dangerous than being homeless without anyone to protect or help you. (Aoi)
_What? No, I will make sure you stay somewhere and are taken care of. (Crowley)
_I see, thank you. I suppose putting us in a stranger’s care while separating us is the best option. (Asano)
_Ah… I’m sorry but I rather live on the street than be separated from our group. (Yuuken)
‘Wait! It sounds like I’m heartless and irresponsible.’ Crowley thought while sweating at the situation. Maybe they are more dangerous than the boys in this school. If word of that incident were to get out, that would be bad for the school. And their reputation would be stained forever. 
_ Of course, you will stay, until I find a way to send you back! (Crowley)
He hurriedly blurted the word out before seeing the small smile on their face. Ah, so he got tricked. They knew what they were doing when they played with his word. And he couldn’t come back on his word. 
_Well since I am a kind teacher, I will provide you with your needs and shelter. Of course, you will have to work to earn your bread. (Crowley)
Turned toward the door and left with them. He continued talking about what they would be doing from now on and a bit about the school. They followed him listening carefully. As their new home came into view, their eyes grew a little bigger. This dorm was practically run down. 
_Thankfully we didn’t demolish this old dorm, this is Ramshackle dorm. Students tend to avoid it so you will be safe here. (Crowley)
_Does that mean we can do whatever we want with it? (Asano)
_I… well, yes. I was planning to destroy it so I suppose you can. Although… What are you planning to do with it? (Crowley)
Yuuken laughed when he saw the man growing worried. He patted on his shoulder before reassuring him. 
_Don’t worry, we were just planning to renovate it a bit. (Yuuken)
After a quick tour of the dorm and a “warm” welcome from the ghost, the group settled their thing and started to examine every still usable element in the dorm. They still have electricity, clean water and a stove working. Finding a broom and a bucket, they started to divide the chores among them. Yuuken and Kaiba would do the heavy lifting and important repairs like the stair, Sano and Haru would take care of the small repairs and mending the furniture, Asano and Aoi the bedrooms, Alice and Yume the cleaning. Everyone was laughing as they started and soon the place was more livable. They still had more repairs to do but it was far more than enough for a start. After they would finish, if they could completely modify the dorm it would be even better. Thankfully, they had the acknowledge to renovate the dorm themself. This was the perk of being a century-old (or more) yokai, from the most rudimental house to a traditional Japanese house to a slightly more modern house. They had the time to learn and use those skills and their power helped a lot. Putting some buckets out as they heard the rain pouring outside, they were starting to make a list about what was left to repair or change. They could hear the rain leaking from the roof.
They were still chatting when Crowley came back with their meals. First, he was surprised to see the dorm almost fully repaired. Even with his magic, he couldn't be that fast. Hard to believe it was a run-down building. He could also feel something strange. Something was strange here, almost as if something unbeknownst to him was there. He could feel but he couldn't point it out.
_How incredible, you repaired that place fastly. If I leave this place to you then maybe we could open this dorm again. (Crowley)
_ Or not, we prefer keeping your Territory untouched by strangers. (Sano)
_I’m sorry? (Crowley)
_Sano is right, we don’t know if we will be able to return to our world. So we may as well claim this place as our own until we find better or you take care of your mistake. (Yuuken)
Those kids were talking fearlessly or carelessly in their case. This confidence made him question them a bit. They were talking out of habit like they are used to it,he could see that. They weren’t even scared about the situation, rather… they enjoyed it? They were hiding something from him, it was carefully hidden but still there, hiding beneath their smile. Like small predators ready to bare their fangs if provoked. 
_Well, you sure know how to work together. Maybe it was destiny that you got here… (Crowley)
_To clean your school? (Asano) 
_How humorous! It seems like we have funny students this year!! (Crowley)
Muttering to herself a small “I wasn’t joking tho”, Asano crossed her arm and huffed a bit. She could definitely feel that chore coming their way. 
_But yes, I want you to work as a janitor and in exchange, we will provide you with your meal. (Crowley)
_Ugh! No way I rather go to class than clean. (Aoi)
_Unfortunately, only a magician can go. A magicless kid like you can’t. (Crowley)
Before she could even do anything, she was stopped by Sano. But as foolish as the director looked, he was still a powerful magician. And fastly caught on to what was happening. Now he was sure, they were hiding something. Dropping quickly the kind act, he looked at them seriously. 
_You! What are you and what are you hiding ?? (Crowley)
Looking at each other, they sighed and let the ginger head wrap things up with her skill as they acted guilty. Aoi’s species were known for their skill to deceive the living, she was after all a Kitsune. One of the most famous Yokai species alongside Sano and Kaiba as an Oni and Yuuken who are a Tengu. 
_Ah…. I’m sorry, the truth is with actually have magic. (Aoi)
_Nonsense! The mirror said you didn’t have any! (Crowley)
Showing him a part of their actual power and revealing her fox ears, she shed tears crying pitifully. She could see the man calming down before trying to soothe her. 
_We hid it because we didn’t know if you guys would be hostile to us or not. You see, the world we come from is quite hostile toward magic and mystical creatures. If found, we could get killed at any moment. I remember that witch who used her power to help someone, and she was burned alive! I’m sorry if it seems like we were deceiving you director (Aoi)
That begin said the witch was burned 200 years ago, but he didn’t need to know that detail. After all, the best lie is when you tell a bit of truth in it. 
Not finding any lie, Crowley calmed himself and even felt a bit sorry for them. Because this world wasn’t hostile to magic it didn't mean that was the same for them. 
_I see, I’m sorry for forcing you to reveal such a traumatic matter but as your kind educator, I must know what happened. (Crowley)
Crowley smiled at them trying to be as reassuring as possible. 
_But if it’s that hostile, why do you wish to return? (Crowley)
_Huh? But we never said we wanted to return, you’re the one who said that we must return. (Yume)
_That true (Alice)
Thinking carefully about it, Crowley felt like he couldn’t let them simply go. They had magic so they could technically enrol in the school. The problem was most of them were girls, and with the incident that happen today, he didn’t know how he was supposed to cover it. They didn’t want to part and that was understandable in an unknown world. Resigned to this fate, the masked director decided to do an exception and let them all enrol in the school. 
_Tomorrow come to my office after you guys cleaned the main street. (Crowley)
_Huh? We are still cleaning? (Aoi)
_Of course! I may let you guys be as students but you will still be this school janitor. And until I prepare everything you need plus work you all can along with your studies. (Crowley)
Aoi truly wanted to burn this man to crisp. She didn’t want to do those kinds of works. She hated that to be real but at least they had a place to sleep so she couldn’t complain. 
The next as promised, they gathered at the main street with the cleaning tool. They laughed while chatting about what they wanted in their new dormitory and made some jokes. Reaching the alley, they looked surprised and a bit amazed bit the statues. No matter how they looked at it, this was a Disney villain’s alley, right? They started the cleaning not daring to bring the matter out. At some point, it was Yuuken who brought it up. 
_I wonder who they are… I mean, they look like Disney characters but that it, right? (Yuuken)
_What you don’t know about the queen of hearts? (Ace)
‘Like in Alice in wonderland?’ Yuuken looked at the redheaded boy behind him. He was soon joined by Haru who wasn’t far from him. 
_Queen of hearts? It’s my first time hearing about it. (Haru)
_In the past, she was the queen who lived in the Rose Maze. She was someone who valued rules and discipline above all, strict in all things from the march of the card soldiers to the colour of rose bushes. It was a land of madness where all submit to her rule. (Ace)
_Wow, she was really strict. (Haru)
_Even me, I’m not that strict in the kendo club. (Yuuken)
Ace laughed putting his hand behind his head. He couldn’t help but throw small glances at the petite girl’s skirt. She was truly a girl in an all-boys school.
_Yeah, no one can compare to her in that. Why do you ask? Because it was off with your head! (Ace)
_Who’s the other then? (Haru)
_No you should ask about who he is first, don’t you think? (Yuuken)
Haru pouted as she felt like she begin to be scolded by him. 
_Ah… It’s alright! I’m Ace. A fresh-faced first year. Nice to meetcha. (Ace)
_I’m Yuuken, and this is Haru. The other are Kaiba, Yume, Sano, Aoi, Alice and Asano. (Yuuken)
_You….What? (Ace)
_Just call me Yuu. (Yuuken)
_Hey Ace, what about that lion? (Haru)
Haru grabbed his sleeve as her eyes shone with curiosity. The young male blushed, she was so cute. He could die from it. She was almost like a kid, Yuuken noticed Ace's reaction and couldn’t help but laugh silently. The poor first year was a blushing mess.
_S… Sure! This is the king of the beast who rules the savannah. However, he was not born to be king, but he took the throne through effort and elaborate planning. After becoming king, he even allowed the loathed hyenas to live in his kingdom without discrimination. (Ace)
_Well You can’- (Haru)
_Haru! (Yuuken)
_What about the octopus woman? (Haru)
Swallowing her sarcasm, Haru changed the subject by pointing to the next statue. 
_That’s the sea witch who lives in a cavern in the deep. Her purpose was to help all unfortunate merfolk. As long as you could pay the price she could transform you, help you find love, anything. If it was within her power there wasn’t anything she wouldn’t do. They say her prices were pretty high though.
Ready for another sarcasm, Haru opened her mouth and looked at Yuuken who shook his head to say “no”. She pouted before turning her attention to the fresh year.
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