#i mean they're not ocs they're just us but yknow
vex-ander · 8 months
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Me & my main bitch (@c4ts13 <3) as ponies bc why not
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hearties-circus · 1 year
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Oh yeah! Faye's summer uniform ^^
[Faye: he/she/they]
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stellarsightz · 1 year
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“All that I've been taught // And every word I've got // Is foreign to me” — Hozier, Foreigner’s God
Aka "nooo dont grieve the life you spent running away from everything and wish you could go back to that life of uncertainty, where you constantly wonder if you can survive another day, rather than stand in the middle of a civil war which has nothing to do with you, you're so cool and sexy you're literally the mythical hero of a land where everyone detests your kind ahahahh"
A silly drawing of my Bosaltmer Dovahkiin, Baltana :))
I fiddled with her design a little, aka i added a different facial tattoo (which mirrors Lynwallyn's because hehe they're twins)
-> a companion piece to this older drawing of Lynwallyn
(Alternative version under the cut; possible eyestrain warning)
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tacoma-narrows · 4 months
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Between the Sea and the Sky!
Hi everybody! Meet the TWO new guys I made between last night and today! Their names are Tarmac (an Aeromorph dog) and Soda (a pooltoy fox), and they've filled a desire for these two specific kinds of OCs I've had in mind for MONTHS lol. They were super fun to design and draw and I'm super excited to do more with them soon!! This piece is relatively simple but more so serves as their introduction hehe
See more about them, including refs and some additional pieces/information below the cut :] (it kind of turns into a huge braindump lmao)
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Tarmac is an aeromorph, although a bit more towards the furry side of things rather than the plane side lol. His design is influenced primarily by the Concorde and the Space Shuttle! I couldn't decide for the life of me which of those two things I wanted to use so I thought "why not use both?" and here we are lol. I'm super happy with his design, with the black/dark gray markings mean to emulate the look of the Space Shuttle's thermal insulation tiles and then I really like how the red and blue stand out against the gray. I really like his icon too! I wanted to make it look like a stylized depiction of a plane (mainly a Concorde hehe) breaking through the sound barrier with a sonic boon! In terms of personality, I don't have a whole lot in mind yet. Mostly that he'd be the brave, adventurous type and since he can fly both in the air and through space, he's gonna be friends with Astro too :3
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Soda is a pooltoy fox! I have wanted to make a pooltoy OC FOREVER (blame my mutuals for always posting/reblogging so many cool pooltoy OCs hehe). I finally got brave enough to actually give it a shot, and I love how he came out! I was mainly just thinking about summery themes and as I was just trying out different colors and stuff, I thought about orange soda, and that's the direction I ended up going! He's got a big stupid tail [affectionate] and can have either rounded bappy hands or have actual fingers, you're free to stylize that either way! I've only ever drawn a pooltoy character once ever before, so this was something way out of my realm of familiarity, but I'm so happy with how he came out! He's so shaped I love him so much already <33
So those are my two new guys! Making two new OCs at the same time is already a rarity for me lol. The only time it's happened before was when I made Rye and Pumpernickel back in August of 2021. And then making these guys when I had only gotten Astro about two and a half weeks ago means this is an exceedingly rare event for me lmao. My friends know how infrequently I make/get new OCs, so this just goes to show how much these guys have been bouncing around in my brain lately lol.
They are definitely gonna have some sort of connection to each other, but I'm not sure how I wanna go about that yet. Since I made them back to back, they are already connected in my brain, but I'm not sure how I wanna express that in a meaningful way. I don't wanna make them siblings bc, well, they're obv very different from each other lol, but they're kinda parallels (with one being in the sky and the other being in the water yknow), so as of right now they're definitely good friends with each other. I might upgrade that to bfs at some point in the future, but we'll see how things go hehe.
Anyways huge braindump of a post lmao, thank u for reading if u did! I'd love to hear your thoughts on these guys since they're so different from all my other characters! Also if anyone may wanna do an art trade of either of these guys (or Astro as well! I'd like to get more art of him too!) let me know hehe
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hana-no-seiiki · 2 years
A Quick question My beloved god~!
How do you feel about pathetic yanderes? Like pathetic yanderes that has power (wealth, influence and all that shit) but acts pathetically towards their darling?
Cuz even tho I'm a bottom (obviously cuz i can't pull off being a top ;-;) pathetic yanderes just bring out a different side of me
I would love to see them beg and cry and it's just so adorable??? Cuz pathetic yanderes are oddly endearing even tho they're fucking pathetic and disgusting
(You can ignore this if you feel like it's kinda too much lol and apologies for being kinda redundant)
also no not cute but
Breathtakingly Adorable~ <3
- Your Junie~
⚠️ By pressing the Keep Reading button you’re confirming that you’re above 18 and consent to reading dark content.
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A pathetic, rich yandere? Isn’t that just me— (also im just gonna ignore that last part for my wellbeing-)
Pathetic Yanderes can be a top. Usually if you’re from a rich (asian) family there’s just a lot of drama. Like you’d think everyone loves eachother so much and everything is peaceful but once the family dinner ends the treachery begins. So they’d have to be confident, assertive and sociable to survive that kind of environment.
You know the kind that’s super headstrong whenever they’re with anyone else but you.
Your ask kinda reminds me of my ocs Crisanto Salvador and Isabel Labrador (the dors really do be the biggest masochists of Midnight Darling). While Isabel is a hard sub that’s a brat, Crisanto doesn’t even hide how down horrid he is for MC. He fell in love with her because she threw away a Birkin Bag he used to court her.
Boy has got connections 💅🏻 ✨
He can get you anywhere and everywhere. He can also get you out from any and every situation you might not want to find yourself in.
But yes back to Pathetic + Rich Yandere! I can see them ordering all manners or surveillance. They’ll take the time to survey your routine (or have someone else do it) and plan out what to do from then on. If you go outside regularly then they’ll have “bodyguards” set, if you’re more of a homebody then they’ll have cameras installed in every corner of your house whenever no one’s at home.
They’re your biggest career hyper. They will get you to whatever position you want in life. While Pathetic Yan will be practicing their at home spouse skills just for you.
(Ignore this if you’re ace) The biggest challenge however is practicing how they’re supposed to satisfy you in bed. Making do with someone else is an absolute no no. Besides, you might have a different preference entirely.
So oh well, what else could they do but kidnap you?
What do you mean they could have courted you first? They couldn’t even fathom breathing the same air as you for too long in fear that they may have a heartattack. This was the only way, you see!
But don’t worry, they’ll be the best partner you could ever look for. They just have practice not getting so aroused when you look straight at them all the time. It’s hard to focus on feeding you like that after all!
Pathetic Yandere loves to wear pink fight me. Pastels everywhere. They’re massive Rococo/Baroque interior design fanatics. Stickers are everywhere. They have a whole ass bookshelf dedicated to their sticker collection.
In bed they have cute ribbons for bondage prepared. It doesn’t do much by way of keeping you still, but boy does it look so adorable on you!
At least one person is gonna be full to the brim by the end of this, might as well make the act aesthetic.
Noisy as hell when having sex, they just have to voice how they feel about you, yknow? Shutting them up is close to impossible. And of course, tears! Lots of it. One might say they kinda look like they’re in pain sometimes from how much they mewl.
Their bed is the softest one you’ve ever been on. You find out that it’s from one of those high end Swedish brands that make em out of horse hair.
You’re tempted to stay just for that reason.
“ Never leave me okay? I promise I’ll be good for you ♡ ”
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©️ hana.no.seiiki - yun | 2023
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isa-ghost · 8 months
Any specifically avian related qphil headcanons? I love that Phil being a bit more birdy is canon in the qsmp but whenever we get lore about it its angst
/I don't know why I'm asking if you have any, I know you got them /
*cupping my hands together and holding them out*
/give em here/
/pretty pleasee/
Oh fuck yeah man. I have an angel OC based off Phil, I've got PLENTY of avian headcanons >:)
Previous Headcanon Sets (x8)
MORE: Avian Edition
I've stated it in a prev set I think, but if you put this man in water his wings will sometimes involuntarily flap like he's in a birdbath. It's somewhat of a stim, bird brain just goes "you gotta."
I've also stated before that when he's stressed, his wings will flap kinda like the way someone might nervously shake out their hands.
Another restate, sometimes his laughs and startled yelps sound almost like squawks. Also his hiccups. It's very rare, but whenever it happens, he gets teased for it. Especially by Etoiles.
Another restate, sometimes his echolalia is his bird brain mimicking a sound he heard if it scratches an itch.
Yknow what just skim the previous headcanon sets I linked bc I talk so much about his wings & what he does with them & how he communicates using them. All those apply here.
Obligatory mirror and windows struggles mention.
Obligatory molting & preening struggles when stressed mention.
We've all seen the way he perches above everyone. It's probably his most prominent/noticeable avian trait.
Apparently camomile calms birds down. If this fool liked hot drinks, he'd have another way to settle his anxiety.
His obsession with noodles got him accused by Tubbo of enjoying them bc bird brain likes worms. He was NOT pleased. Almost gagged.
As long as you're careful around his wings, he LOVES back rubs. (It's bc the dumbass mf slept in that damn chair too much so now his back riots)
DO NOT THE WINGS. Petting them is one thing, he loves when Lullah hugs them, he thinks it's cute. But omg do not dig your fingers into his feathers. They're very sensitive. And that could mean tickling OR pain.
However if you gently do it, his wings will spread a little and his feathers poof up, which is kinda funny. It's like how if you touch a cat's foot the right way, their toes will spread out to present The Beans(tm). Blessed.
He likes to gift his shedded feathers to people he trusts. Chayanne, Lullah & Missa each have one. Although he's extremely close with Etoiles and Fit, he feels too awkward to give one to them yet. Feels a little too intimate.
Gift giving in general is a HUGE part of his love language though. Crow brain must give shiny things to people he loves yesyes.
Bird zoomies!! Wings poof up, he starts hopping all over the place like a big dork. He'd fly all over too, if he could.
Bobs his head to music. Those videos of pet birds dancing? That's Phil babey!!
Another one of his fave bits is pretending to understand and have a full-on conversation with birds. Loves pretending to gossip with them right in front of the person he & the bird(s) are "gossiping" about. However the crows he DOES understand & gossip with.
When he can fly, he's an expert at dive-bombing targets like a bird of prey. It's TERRIFYING. And very attractive depending on who you are (*cough* Missa *cough*)
Lullah once tried to test if throwing a blanket over his head would make him fall asleep like how if you put a blanket over a bird's cage they'll think it's night time and go to bed. It didn't work. He was very confused.
Birds whenever they're happy to see you will stretch their wings out like "Hello yes!" Phil do happy wing stretches when he see the kids :D
His hearing and eyesight are fucking amazing. The only reason he's able to be snuck up on is bc he hyperfocuses on things or the things that sneak up on him are super fast.
Rare Isa Fluffy Headcanon: He make blanket nests.
When stressed or overwhelmed, he'll wrap his wings around himself or raise them to shield his head. He doesn't do this so much after his wings were clipped & injured. They hurt too much.
100% will spread his wings all the way out (when they aren't hurting a lot) to look more threatening towards enemies. They almost autopilot do it when he's angry, but if they hurt too much they'll stop. He's pissed they don't look as threatening after The Federation clipped his wings
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chipchopclipclop · 1 year
love ur baldurs gate 3 oc so much. idk anything about the game but i genuinely likes him. i wish hes a real character bc i would buy the game for him
thank you anon i know this message is weeks old but ily and also im going to use this ask as an excuse to dump information about him now (swagdor lore (swaglore)) for anyone who cares
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general stuff;
hes 49 years old as of game time
necromancy wizard, learned scholar, heavy interest in the boundaries between life and death and undeath, researching different types of resurrection unrelated to god worship (just not a big fan of asking for favours yknow)
stoic even keeled personality, reacts neutrally or stone faced to most things (this does not mean hes uncaring, hes got a curious nature). he used to be very showy and loud when he was younger, he finds that now very embarrassing
used to be a leader of an adventuring band in his 20s, fell apart when his group were defeated in battle leaving him lone survivor, wasnt a necromancer back then
has a distinct lack of self regard, half of him believes he'll be more of use untethered to the chain of mortality (undead in some fashion, or just thinking his corpse more functionally useful) the other half is just still struggling with survivors guilt (lol)
wanders around looking for old crypts and tombs to help his arcane pursuits, do-good's alot accidentally while he does, though most people get scared of him when he reveals the necromancy magic so hes got a mixed reputation (has some sort of misnomer like The Specter of so-and-so that wyll probably recognizes and laughs about)
will go along with just about anything if it amuses him, and has a weird sense of humour. hard to catch off guard or fluster, he yes-and's people alot to see how far they'll go with something or out bluff them (sometimes this causes them to try and beat the shit out of him)
truthful about his feelings when asked, but rarely volunteers his thoughts on things of his own accord, this gives him a weirdly mysterious image at first to most people
treats his raised corpses with care befitting living beings outside combat, and used to even raise some for company even if they were functionally just puppets.
he likes skeletons more than zombies (smell…)
his fake in game quest line is called 'The Wandering Necromancer' and involves inquiring about his old adventuring days of times past and learning why he's so into skeletons. He eventually reveals his past and you can bring up his groups old misadventures (oh my god you were the backstreet boys???) and he is very embarrassed by it. He reveals his group was felled by a lich, and he never found their bodies so hes always been curious on a way to speak with them again somehow.
plot continues BLAH BLAH eventually you find out that lich is still around and swagdor's old friends are now in its undead service so you go to kill it <3 but on the way he considers if he should take the lich's place so he can have his old companions around again (even if they're in his undead service) and try to give them some semblance of new twisted life again. You either help him with the preparations (yay phylacterys) or go bro you need to Move On. Man. and instead choose to release their souls when the lich is killed.
swagdor is stronger as a lich but also becomes even more detached from concepts of mortality (his sense of danger is basically nill now regarding others... its okay if u die ill bring u back somehow :) <- unnerving smile) and also all his dead friends are talking to him in his ear so he's constantly got a sense of being away from everything.
unliched swagdor moves on properly and begins The Healing Process (better late than never king) and seems more present in current ongoings, finding a place he can really set his feet. He's also less obsessed with death but sees his necromancy instead as a means to help and speak with wayward souls of the dead.
useless trivia corner: his names swagdor bc i based him off an old div2 oc i made when i was playing that game with aqua, where i used one of the randomly generated names they gave me and put the word swag into it (lol) i now am using his div2 swagdor's adventures as a semi basis for his new bg3 versions background thats why his younger versions outfit is based off that one captain armour set i never took off in that game
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tryslora · 1 month
Do you have any advice on dialogue and how to make it flow?
I'm constantly stuck with "he said as he looked away"
"He smirked and replied"
It never feels flowy
I don't write fics I mostly write OC stuff so I have to build around my characters to really put them together.
It's just having my quiet and stoic character respond to the hyperactive pyromaniac is hard because one doesn't speak much and the other speaks too much.
Or when my other two characters are in the conversation it gets all messy and hard to keep up with who is talking and what they're doing.
Maybe I'm just blind to my own writing and don't see everything I want to see, yknow?
Hullo, Nonnie.
I’m so sorry for taking so long to reply to this question! Life has been… a particular form of chaos for the last couple of months, and I’m trying to wrangle all my tasks under control now. Which includes keeping up with responses and blogging!
ANYWAY. You’ve asked a really great question, and I’ll admit, I might struggle to answer it.
I’m one of those folks for whom the personalities come first—complete with dialogue patterns and habits—before I get descriptions, setting, plot, or oh… anything else… so breaking down how to best make your dialogue snappy and flow means taking a step back from what I do and looking at how I do it.
This is going to be a mix of advice from how I do things, and advice I’ve adopted and found useful from other writers.
First and foremost: there are two parts to creating natural, flowing dialogue. One is the dialogue itself—the words the characters choose, and how they come out—and the other is the description around it (such as the dialogue tags you reference in your examples). They have different focuses, but both are important to how the text flows.
I’m going to drop a caveat here first, because it’s my downfall: we, as humans (and uh, especially those of us with ADHD, *cough cough me*), have a tendency to repeat ourselves. We also um, ah, like, y’know, a lot. Some of this is fantastic in dialogue. Too much can change flow into drag. So. With everything else I say, please take that into account as well. When I’m editing, I have been learning to trim out the spaces where I am saying or doing the same thing multiple times in a few paragraphs. BUT. That’s the important part—it can ALL be fixed in edits!
Let’s talk words first. You say you have quiet and stoic character matched up with a hyperactive chatterbox (a dynamic I enjoy). And you’re right, this can be tough when the stoic character is like “grunt” or “mm” or “yeah” and there’s nothing else coming out. BUT. This is true to the character and gives great insight—in this case, the character’s actual dialogue is going to come from their actions. So, we’ll get to that.
The thing with the stoic character is that every word needs to mean something. Every word they say is going to be solid and important because they say so little. It might even be overloaded. I’ll admit, with this kind of character, I love writing from their POV because I can put the few words out into the open, but let them ramble inside their own head (which yes, can sometimes be like pulling teeth). I get that flow out of their thoughts more than what they say. The freebie story I drafted for my newsletter subscribers is an outtake missing scene from my next book written from the point of view of my (more) stoic character in the book, because I wanted to play with that myself.
For the chatterbox, I’m curious—do they talk so much in order to hide what they’re really feeling? I know most of my talkative characters are spilling everything in order to hide in plain sight. After all, if you’ve left every card on the table, no one can claim you’re hiding something. Even if you are leaving that one important thing out (keeping a last ace up your sleeve), no one will notice in the glut of other information.
One way to handle this is to have the stoic character really listen and pay attention to what’s underneath all the chatter. Let them respond to the one thing that really means something in the flow of words, which might stop your chatterbox in their tracks. Being seen/heard can be a shock for the kind of character who lets it all hang out.
Let’s get back to those dialogue tags and talk about actions. Every character (every person!) has body language that does a lot of the talking for them. If someone’s arms are crossed, they might be resistant to and idea, or they might be cold, or they might be trying to hold themself still. One of the things I’ve done is to roleplay my character through a scene—move like they move, fall into why they say what they say, and what they do when they are not saying something to hold back. What actions do they take, and how can I put that on the page? Not just movement, but also what do they smell/see, what’s going on inside their head, and all the why involved.
And here’s the thing: sometimes “He says” is a valid way to do it. It’s okay. Let the dialogue do its thing and don’t worry. Remember, you can add blocking later, if you need it. 
Here, quick example from one of my serialized pieces:
“I don’t feel like I can talk to Hannah.” Nevaeh scrunches up her nose. “God, no, I don’t mean that I want to be involved with her. Just. She was so weird about Stevie, and I think she might get even weirder if I asked Liz out. And I don’t know if Liz is even ready to do dating things. Or if she’s into girls! We’ve never talked about it. Why is it all so weird and complicated?” That’s one thing Pawel can answer. “Because humans are gloriously complicated beings, and we have a tendency to take even things that could be simple and overcomplicate them by worrying at them. Anxiety, intelligence, fear… they all make things feel big. And these questions are both very big and very small all at once.” “Because labels are helpful, but not necessary,” Nevaeh says. “Because they make it easier and harder all at once.” “Yes.” He’s not sure if she really gets it, so he adds, “Follow your heart.” “Is that what you do?” No, it’s not. Pawel has too many things to weigh before he can make any decisions. His career. The kids in his care. His own son. There are so many variables in his life, and he hasn’t had any chance to just leap after emotional responses. Not since Conor was conceived. Not since Chelsea first disappeared. “When I can.” He glances sideways at her, away from where Alanna and Jennie have finally stopped their game and are on the swings. “I’m glad you feel comfortable talking to me.”
This is a chatterbox teen talking to the guy her two dads are trying to bring into their relationship. And Pawel is a chatterbox as well, but he’s definitely the kind who will talk constantly in order to not say a lot of things, which is illustrated by letting him ramble internally in the final paragraph of the example.
Also, they’ve been given a setting where they are both somewhat distracted by two of Neveah’s siblings playing at the park, so they have something to do. If I were better, I’d have included things about summer scents, the sky, etc. etc. in the descriptions (they are my downfall).
If you look at the dialogue, you’ll see that the sentences are all over the place in length. Long ones, short ones, and ones that aren’t much more than fragments. I try to echo how people really talk, but avoid the pitfalls of things getting circular or buried in extra words (except Neveah says “like” a lot and it is absolutely on purpose).
One of the biggest things for me is being inside the head of the point of view character. Being able to hear the things they don’t say can really help when it feels like they aren’t saying anything, and you a build a whole story in those subtleties. Kind of like having subtitles that interpret what’s happening rather than what’s said.
If you have a lot of characters, it’s going to get confusing—90% of the book I excerpted above included multiple adults on screen and 7 or 8 kids. It was chaos. People talk over each other. In those cases a simple “Neveah says” is the easiest tag. Let them talk, and let the dialogue shine. And if characters have quirks, let those shine, too. If someone’s screaming about sugary desserts in that book, it’s probably Jennie—no need for an attribution. Growling is Leo. Finishing each others’ sentences are Emma and Conor. Spattered with “like” is Neveah. Little quirks and details are things you can hang a lot on.
And just to say… yeah, we’re all blind to our own writing. It happens. We are so close to our own words that it’s hard to see them as words anymore. I usually have to set something aside for months if I want to do a truly deep edit on it, because I need to see it as Not Mine first. Then I can be objective. Do you have a reader? Either an alpha cheerleader, or a beta you trust? That’s the best. They can tell you if they trip over something, or if something feels stilted. Or if you’ve had someone shrug six times on one page (I certainly do that, like, all the freakin’  TIME).
And in the end, less is more. It’s okay to strip things back and focus more on sentence length and how words taste in your mouth if you read them aloud. It’s okay to write just the conversation first, then figure out how they move around each other while talking. It’s okay to write the blocking first, then fit the dialogue around that. Sometimes stepping back to one piece of the puzzle helps the other one shine in your mind’s eye.
I’ve rambled a lot, and I’m not sure if this is what you were looking for. And uh, again, I’m sorry how late this response it. I really hope you are still here and see this!!
Best of luck with your words, Nonnie. And remember: whatever you write today, that’s another step on your writing journey. It’s okay to delete them, edit them, love them, put them in a box for later… whatever you want to do. Just write them, and tomorrow write a little more. Even if this isn’t your final book, pieces of it will come back in another way later. I’m currently writing “fic” of people I’ve been building over the last uhhh thirty or so years. 
Enjoy your characters and your stories. And remember, everything comes with time. Keep writing, and keep learning. You’ve got this!
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drossna · 7 months
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caduceus lvl.20 redesign i did ages ago but forgot to post
copious amounts of design notes under the cut
tl;dr: my goal with this redesign was to create a coherent design consistent with his previous art, improved enough to hopefully read as lvl.20, but still practical enough to serve as actual adventuring clothes
okay anyways so watch how autistic i can be about caduceus
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i wasn't satisfied with caduceus's lvl.20 design. i'm not entirely sure how that design happened. to be fair, critrole designs have never been consistent, but lvl.20 cad abandons nearly every key aspects of cad's design. it drives me batty
why is his hair so straight and pale and dead. why is he draped in so much brown. how do those wing-skirt things work. why does his staff... look like that. like its gonna explode into toothpicks at the first use. why is there honey. why is the gold of his shield so bright. what is the rope on his shoulders for
i mean, who knows what goes on in the critrole art development process. my personal theory is that they continue to design these characters as personal ocs and not as official characters in a huge multimedia franchise, and their personal choices trump all, design considerations be damned. like, i cant really judge. i have the privilege to make whatever choices i want when drawing. i answer to no one. i could tell taliesin jaffe to go fuck himself. yknow. if i wanted to die
regardless, i dont hate everything about the lvl.20 design. i appreciate that it brought back his swirl-patterned pants, but the entire core of his design is so busy with shit that it becomes a problem
i tried to preserve cad's key aspects as much as i could in my redesign, as well as incorporate aspects i enjoyed most from each design. for example, i really like the idea of the goliath beetle armour in lvl.20 cad, but i tinted the black shell towards blue to match cad's signature teal green.
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I also tried to create a palette consistent with his previous designs. teal should always be his primary colour, with pink being the most prominent accent. after that, anything thats analogous to those two is gravy. for real, i am begging critrole to at least keep consistent palettes, because this is a problem for most of their designs
my choice to include the red cords is inspired by the winter cad design as well as one of fjord's earlier designs (side note: most of fjord's designs are pretty great; he's the most consistently on-par)
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i enjoy drawing aesthetic parallels between connected characters. on that note, the swirly jade earring is a gift from beau :3 because they're fun earring buddies
speaking of cad's winter design, the design sheet showed a lot of asian influence (thats mostly covered by the cloak) and i will take any excuse to add asian influence to a design. the first two tunics below were my main reference for my own tunic choice
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the knots on the cords are specifically chinese knot art. the largest knot at his waist is a plate knot which can symbolize the cyclical nature of life and death, and the knot on his cape is a brocade knot which can symbolize (re)unity. i thought these concepts were in-line with cad's general philosophy and the wildmother's teachings. also, the brocade knot acts as his holy symbol with a crook-shaped pin woven through the cord. i really fuck with holy symbols being integrated into a design rather than just slapped on somewhere
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lightning round design notes:
the fraying woven material is witch hair moss, which i imagine could be made very soft and warm. this is my version of the neutral-coloured flynet cape in the fourth design
i brought back the iconic pink lichen
i simplied the staff again. my way of visually portraying a growth in power is that the one wooden hand has transformed into many hands grasping the crystal, which is also a representation of cad widening his social circle and of the nein in general
cad curly hair and beard so important to me
cad wide nose so important to me
final note:
the pose i chose for caduceus was very intentional. while cad looks great in a power pose, i feel like it doesnt suit his character. his power isnt so confrontational. his power is quiet and gentle and humble and inevitable. he doesnt need to show off. he's just chilling. i love this dumb silly man
and for the record, while i consider cad to be the worst lvl.20 design, jester is a guaranteed second place. very tempted to redesign her as well, because mature-but-frilly pirate lolita is right up my alley
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iravaid · 3 months
1 for Biker, 4 for Lunchbox, 10 for Mr Kinsey, 7 for Ambrosia the dragon bird Thang 🥰
Hiiii womby!! The oc pick n mix... a decadent choice ❤️
1. How many living parents does your OC have? If they're alive, where are they now and what's your OC's relationship with them? If they're dead, how did they die?
Fingers crossed Biker's parents are fucking dead 😭 they were both alive before the zombie apocalypse, and Biker was deeply resentful of them, while their parents mostly just Tolerated Biker's eccentricities (deep in the closet)(regularly stuffed in a leather racing suit)(substance abuse)(yknow the usual)
4. What was your OC's childhood dream? Is that still their dream? If it has changed, why did it change and what's their new dream?
Lil Ms Lunchbox is technically (god what a dodgy thing to say) still a child, but pre-being turned into a vampire, she wanted to become a fireman because that's what her favourite tío was :)
Post-Embrace, Lunchbox dreams of eating rats and having infinite currencies on any given online game such as animal jam and club penguin
10. What's the first significant injury your OC remembers getting? Did it leave any scars?
Lee Got Shot In The Goddamn Head At 17!! Or. It glanced off his forehead. He walked it off like a champ. And by champ i mean left for dead by the gang he was running with, then miraculously waking and stumbling back to camp drenched in blood and muttering questions no one could hear. It left a gnarly scar on his forehead that is only becoming more prominent the more he balds lmao. It may or may not be the reason he can speak with the dead.
7. Where is your OC's family from? Does your OC feel a close connection to that place? Why or why not?
Oh Ms 'Brosia... she is from a convoluted fantasy world that exists in my head and on QGIS!! In this world, there used to be dragons 66 million years ago, but a cataclysm triggered their eventual extinction. A ritual was conducted to try and prolong select species' survival, but it became a pseudo-parasitic relationship with the host mammal (the dragons used to farm these proto-mammals for livestock, and intended for the livestock's life force to be siphoned away in exchange for viable young, but it was found these new artificial young were completely sterile)(flash forwards millions of years, and those proto-mammalian livestock become the dominant lifeforms as. Mammalia. Which includes humans.). Easy.
One would argue she has no family, because she suddenly formed as a gall/egg in the wilderness before hatching, her soul intertwined with a young, newborn human, but this human, a boy named Milo, perhaps also counts as family. He doesn't really like her all that much in the beginning, but slowly, they form a deep bond that either reaches or transcends family.
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s-a-f-u-n-a · 3 months
Your oc, Báe Hé is incredibly fun to draw! How was your designing process for them?
Oh, this is a hard one because I'm terrible at explaining but I'll try my best to do so! Alright, basically, one day I was just like "yknow what I want to make a lmk oc", so since lmk is a Chinese film I wanted my oc to be a creature from their mythology because using any other mythology like Japanese is just rude and disrespectful because it's like saying they're all the same, so I looked up some creatures from Chinese mythology and that's when I found Fengsheng Shou which is basically (风生兽): A leopard-like Chinese mythical creature with a nearly impregnable hide. It could be killed by repeatedly striking its head, but upon wind entering its mouth, would instantly be revived. (Thus “fengsheng,” which means wind-born). Described in ancient texts such as Baopuzi, it is said that humans can gain half a millennium of life from ingesting the brain of a Fengsheng Shou together with Chrysanthemum. (Yes I copied and pasted it) but when I read this I was oh wow that's awesome! So when creating Bái Hé I just needed to pick a main color for her which I chose to be turquoise (because it's one of my favorite colors after purple) then since it's leopard like, I just made her hair a dark shade of turquoise which is a little on the green looking side and I was going to make her ears the same but then the spots wouldn't show so instead I just made the ears and tail lighter with spots (from memory of what leopard spots look like but I think I accidentally made them look more cheetah like than leopard but it's fine, animals can have whatever spots they want) as for clothes I'm the worst at outfit designs that's I made it very simple because I'm not good at designing clothes (I might make a redesign for it tho), as for why I made the other arm covered is because irl I have something on that arm that I don't like to really show because of reasons so I decided to do the same for her. Lastly her name is supposed to be Liyli (pronounced Lily just spelled differently) but I put her name in Chinese which is Bái Hé (which I forgot was the name of LBD's host) although feel free to call her Liyli or Bái Hé whatever you decide or like best. So yeah that's just how it went, the end. :D (sorry if it's long)
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Yknow what, I want to write my Neuvillette idea, so I shall
So this isn't necessarily connected to Death Seeking au, but it will more so take the whole backstory lore from it.
Cause I thought of when the Dragon Sovereigns were around that they probably had a very intimate relationship with the Primordial Mother. Like not saying they had sex or anything, but I can definitely see something was going down.
So my thought was of Neuvillette, the reincarnation of the hydro dragon, having an attraction towards the current creator, who would technically be the reincarnation of the Primordial Mother. I could definitely see them having a bond like a mating bond because of who they're both reincarnations of.
Heck you don't even have to have the creator aspect to it at all now thinking about it! I mean what if the hydro dragon did have a dragon mate and that mate reincarnated as well! They don't have to be a sovereign dragon but most likely they definitely would be a vishap of some kind!!
I can just see them coming across each other randomly on the street one day, pausing when they feel a tug. And then they turn to meet eyes, not understanding why they suddenly feel such joy and longing. One would turn away quickly, a rush in their steps as they try to create distance as they try to rationalize why their head was swirling with such emotions.
Like "Oh of course I would find them attractive, because they are! Who wouldn't? I wouldn't be the first in all honesty." Kind of thinking. And as they delve more and more into their head the longing just gets worse and worse.
Maybe you can even add a small thing where the reincarnation of the dragon mate has a birthmark symbol that represents their connection to the hydro dragon. And they hide it behind their neckwear all the time as to not rouse suspicions of being more than human.
The melusines would definitely be knowing what's going on and just giggle like a pack of cute schoolgirls. They would also try to make the two meet each other more often with their schemes (difficulty depends on the mate's job and title).
So as the two meet more and more, the more they connect and the more their feelings grow until it boils over into them fully realizing why they're so connected (maybe Neuvi saw the mark at some point and was shocked because it looked like something only a mated dragon would have and the mate would have to explain they were just born with it).
Wait this almost sounds like a soulmate au sort of thing....CRIES INTO A PUDDLE OF MUSH I LOVE THESE KINDS OF THINGS MAAAAAAAAAN
God this is way too cute to think about....maybe I'll use this for that Neuvillette s/o oc I have. I need to rethink her whole character anyway.
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softhairedhotch · 10 months
omg speaking of male ocs/reader . i just wanted to share about this One trope that got me CRAZYYY is secret relationships... the one's where aaron and oc are like pretty much dating but are trying to keep it a total secret from the rest of the team because #professionalism.... but they keep making little slip ups bc they're just so in love 😭😭 i think its just SOOO CUTE 😭😭😭
N THIS ONE SCENARIO THATS STUCK IN MY HEAD is like oc ended up sleeping over at aaron's place then in the morning his phone rings. but male oc doesn't realise that it's AARON'S phone (and not his) so he answers half asleep. but then on the other end of the line is another team member who's like "oh sorry- thought it was... i must have dailed the wrong number- wait... 🤨🤨" then male ocs like HORRIFIED and aaron soon wakes up to the sound and he's also SHOCKED but he tries to put on his #serious professional gruff voice and coming up with some excuse like they drank last night and then dozed on the couch or smth 😭😭 then subsequently aaron n reader have to keep defending themselves by saying it was just a #bro activity and that's they're just Bros n nothing more
my god... just thinking about how cute aaron is when he's flustered 😭😭😭 like how he has the 🥺 eyes but tries to cover it up with a 🤨😐🙄 "i don't know what you're talking about . can we talk about work now". LIKE the episodes when the team teased aaron when he was going out w beth My GODDDD HES SOOOO ADORABLE WHEN HES IN LOVE 😭😭😭😭 like his boyish grin n the way his face crinkles... i cannot deal with this
- 🤲
yesssss i LOOOVEEEE secret relationships sooo much, especially when it's like cute lil gestures during work or getting each other coffee n kissing when no ones around or cuddling at work bc they have to share a room and no one's gonna know <33 (unless one of the team happens to burst into the room bc they think aaron or the oc is in trouble somehow 🤭🤭🤭 and sees them snuggled up on the bed all cute 🤭🤭🤭 as they're holding their gun bc they think they were gonna find an unsub with them or them missing but noooo they're just wrapped up allllll cute in each other's arms 🤭🤭🤭)
OUGH I LOOOOOOVE THAT SCENARIO!!!!! heheh i love the idea of penny calling and being like "hey sir i- wait a moment i thought i called- no i know i did bc he's on speed dial so that means- oh my GOD you and boss man are CANOODLING" and oc/reader is just like "nonono i accidently slept here!!" n she's like "WHY WERE YOU THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE 🤭🤭" and aaron wakes up n takes the phone and is like "he came over to help me with jack and we drank a lil now we're asleep on the couch" and idk if she'd do this fr but maybe penny can track the phone real quick and she's like "then why does it say you're in the bedroom rn 😏" LMAOOO and bless them they're just trying sooooo hard to brush it off!!!
"we're just brooooos man bros gotta cuddle the homes sometimes!!!" 😭😭 it'd be lowkey so funny if oc is just like "don't you think aaron deserves a cuddle or two, guys? it ain't gay i swear man he's just in need of some love from the homies yknow. hey morgan maybe you should snuggle him next-" "absolutely not" "-i'm sure he'd love that! he just needs some loving, man" LMAOOO
and yesssss they'd tease his sooooo much <333 he'd get all flustered bless him and it'd be adorable and he'd be wanting to tell everyone they ARE together bc he wants to show oc off sooo much and give him work smooches and just be like "yeah this is MY BOYFRIEND!!!!" bc he's soooooo cute and in love but for now he just gets used to the teasing from the team (dave and penny mostly, but sometimes emily and spencer catch him off guard) hehe <3 it'd be like that scene where rossi looks at him once and just KNOWS he got a date with beth or something hehe and he goes "attaboy 😏" after he confirms he has!!! OUGH i neeeed him to smile like that at the thought of dating me SO MUCH and for rossi to be proud AHHHHH
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and just the idea of a male oc making him all smiley and goofy and happy again <33 he kinda becomes how he used to be again GODDD like he's just happy again GODDDD 😭
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also i currently have like 5 male oc's written up for him (like fics planned out or ideas for it) LMAOO they're all mostly from when i was in the fandom in 2021 but i wanna go back to the ideas sooooooo much 😭 and i made a new one a few days ago for a lil one chapter fic i wanna post hehe, it's so dramatic tbh but seems to also end in smut LMAO so hopefully i can get it out sometime 💪just need to write aaron being gay without it being reid or morgan amen (even tho i LOVE hotchgan)
thank you sm for the ask hehe <3
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dogtoling · 11 months
hello hi! i am plaguing the askbox again. so idk if this is something anybodys discussed before but, what would inklings use as service animals? cuz yknow dogs dont exist so thats not gonna happen, but i cant really think of any pets that are kept in the splatoon world that would be qualified to do the same job? unless u count like, the lil guys that shopkeepers have (i feel like those are just People though)
yeah i don't think I've ever seen anything on this? I imagine there could be domesticated small sharks (dogfish) as an actual stand-in for dogs as they tick many of the boxes that dogs do (carnivores, physically active, good sense of smell, intelligent, surely some of them are social i dont know shit about sharks). The actual in-universe stand-in we see for dogs are sea slugs but to be completely honest i don't think they would be doglike at all. lol. Which doesn't mean they can't be fun pets, but they wouldn't really be useful as service animals. Not something I can for sure say though considering we have like no information on slugs other than some art.
So my main guess is sharks, but "lil guys that shopkeepers have" is a really good one. The symbiotes are also sapient, but many of them literally live with- or on the host, which is just natural for them to do, so they're kind of always there. So they're just tiny people which makes them not potential service animals, but more like a sidekick. For example one of my OCs is an anemone species with no eyes, and the shrimp symbiote living in her tentacles helps her with stuff like reading.
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ahc-au · 7 months
Heyyy! Love this au and I've gotta know something.
As far as we've seen Bishop's personal guards are all aliens and mutants and an oddly expressive Kraang. Personally I find it hard to believe that even as the beloved and totally-not-evil president, Bishop would ever trust aliens with his personal safety. Especially since in "The Day of Awakening" we see Bishop's personalised task force and it's 99% humans and one Triceraton (and the turtles ig). And I believe that one triceraton is just there for the sake of "Hey, why is there only one alien?"
In short, why do you think Bishop would trust aliens/mutants enough to make them his bodyguards? Or is there more to it?
Hello!! Fellow Bishop stannie 🫵 Very glad to hear you're enjoying the AU!
I'll say that I do believe the majority of Bishop's force is human, moreso because he operates out of earth and humans are still the overwhelming majority there. Any unnamed guards (or maybe they'll get names too eventually?) can be assumed to be human. The four named guards are, in a meta sense, pre-existing OCs repurposed to fill out the background and make the world feel a bit more lived-in.
It's worth mentioning that Bishop does not feel the same about aliens that he did in his EPF days. That's the major reason EPF is gone, after all! He still won't trust any of them, but that's about on par with how he treats anyone: distant and distrustful, hidden under a veneer of politeness. The way I've always parsed it, Agent Bishop didn't see aliens as people, more demons, and then being rescued threw that entire belief out of wack. So now humans/Terrans and aliens are a bit closer to the same level, for him. He'll prioritize Earth's citizens, but that seems to include some extraterrestrial immigrants, too, nowadays.
So! Having said that, there's a few other elements that go into it. For one, frankly, it just looks good for Bishop to employ aliens from among PGA's allies. It's a show of trust-- not that he entirely does; vets them very thoroughly. For another, non-humans just have really handy abilities. This gives him more versatility in how he can choose to approach a problem, if one ever arises (he is, after all, a military commander at heart.) For example (since I doubt it'll ever come up,) Hambone has an elasticity that means she can absorb blunt force and fit through small spaces. Lyssis (who has not made an appearance yet I'm p sure, woops,) can absorb fire and elecricity. Stuff like that, yknow?
Anyway that's about the jist of it, I hope that's a satisfactory conclusion! Some of these characters also have more involved reasons for getting recruited, but since that gets into OC lore I'll leave it below the cut 👍
I think it should be fine to divulge a little lore since, again, background characters, probably won't come up too centrally. Hambone and Lyssis were mutated incidentally in an attack on PGA HQ back in 2080. Bishop publicly took it upon himself to rehabilitate the mutants involved, (who had been driven mad and violent by the strange mutagen,) handing them off to his personal scientists. He kept closely involved, hoping to find a lead to the source of the attack, and for this reason both mutants partly credit him for their recoveries and even being able to meet each other. They're loyal for this reason, and he knows it. They are also undoubtedly citizens of Earth.
Ritter is a bit more of a wacky story, one that won't really effect the plot. But their being an Utrom is not publicly known, as it happens. It's not a secret, per se, but they pass so well that most people assume they're human. They've been around since EPF, having served under Agent Bishop among its ranks. Bishop is aware they're an Utrom, and unfortunately they've proved very loyal and very useful, so he supposes he has to keep them around. It is pretty nice having a guard who doesn't need to sleep and only eats like once a month. This is also kinda the only life Ritter has ever really known, being under Bishop's command. They'd follow him anywhere, would do anything he asked of them.
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whalefill · 1 year
Who are your ocs? Tell Me
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ok so basically its the early 1970s and people are still under the impression that the deep sea is inhospitable to any kind of life. but then this rando autistic dude named lake is out scuba diving one day on a coral reef along rhode island and he uncovers this HUGE cave
he takes the discovery back to the organization he works for, they run a bunch of tests, and they literally cannot figure out how deep it is. like anyone and anything they send down there has to come back up or they'll never reach the end, bc there is no bottom to this thing that they know of let alone have the technology to reach. they also DO find traces of life inside it which is fucking insane and awesome for science but terrifying to everyone else. it seems ok at first but it really all goes downhill from there. lakes career skyrockets, the cavern becomes a public attraction, there's a religious panic about it because christians think some ocean research institution opened a gate to hell, etc.
lake's story though is mainly about grief. i'm going to write it and release it one day, i'm not sure if it's going to be a novel or what but. anyway. it's told in the form of journal entries, letters, and then statements. sort of laid out like dracula where you watch jonathan harker lose his sanity and then die, yknow. except i havent finished that book so idk
but basically lake is a very very lonely guy, has been his whole life, and the events of the main plot all coincide with different tragedies that fall on him. he's in love with his married best friend/lab partner, he has friends and family that pass away, his job that used to bring him so much joy and fulfillment starts to get too hectic and scary for him to handle ... he just keeps losing everything. he quits work to process it all but the self isolation only makes it worse
and throughout all this, he grows gradually more obsessed with the cavern, feeling some weird connection to it. with every trip he makes down, he feels a call to sink deeper and he knows it's imminent that he will. so in his suffering he decides fuck it. i'm going to die in you!
which he does. sort of. i mean its the only version of the story that makes logical sense. you cant just sink into a hole infinitely and survive, but it's as if he does. because he fills an entire journal with records of what he finds down there, and it's found stained with ink and seawater in his boat he'd taken out. but they never find him, not his body, not his equipment, nothing. all they have is what he wrote
and it's really up to the reader to decide whether they believe what he says. but he finds various colossal fish and other animals and talks about some sort of telepathic link he has with them. i wont go into too much detail because i'm going to make art of them in the near future but they're super cool i promise !!!
essentially it ends with a fucked up, surreal, uncomfortable sequence where sentient deep sea creatures cry to lake about everything wrong with their lives, and all of their experiences mirror his own. so as sad as it is that he "dies", or even just wanted to, by the end of it he realizes how loved he was. and that's really all that matters. even if it wasn't enough to save him. it was still there
SORRY THIS IS SO LONG. but thats the gist of it
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