#i mean you can put 2 and 2 together why i am not happy LOL
the-blind-geisha · 2 years
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cosmo-watches-movies · 9 months
Wilde (1997)
Triggerwarning: Homophobia, Sex (in the movie, not depicted in this blogpost)
Plot: A part of Oscar Wilde’s life story.
Spoilers beyond this
Michael plays Robbie Ross, a good friend to Oscar Wilde and, delicately put, his first male lover.
Following are my incoherent thoughts as I was watching the movie: (some gifs for context, for the other parts watch the movie and you'll get it)
starting out chill with Oscar meeting his future wife
oh who might this dashing young fella be?
lol that didn’t work did it?
Nevermind it did work
I was so not prepared for this
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This guy has a lot of thoughts in his head and none of them are holy
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Bitch what
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If someone looked at me like that I’d instantly fall for them too. Man brought his A-Game
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Oh my god this is going too fast even for me and I’m just watching
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Why would you give him lines like that?
(I refuse to clip the next part, I don't know who might read this)
What in the what I barely got into the movie, why would you do this to me
I have questions
I have so many emotions at once right now I actually feel a bit sick
I’m 16 Minutes in and my heart is breaking at the thought of where this might be going
Okay, I got used to the fact that I am actually watching a movie about gay men
Me watching a movie about a gay author: (☆ω☆ )
Me when theres actual portayal of intimacy between men: (○ □ ○ )
I swear I’m so normal about this.
Wtf Oscar why would you drop Robbie like that. I get that this was an affair, but like this? He picked that other guy up like an apple from a tree.
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Watch Robbie take this like the king he is
Oscar met yet another guy (Bosie) and seems to fall in love with him and guy #2 litterally wants to khs and/or Bosie, while Robbie has only respect, acceptance and love to give.
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lol taste of your own medicie, huh?
I hate Bosie
I love Robbie
Drama between Bosie and Wilde, which results in Oscar being sentenced to two years in prison
Oof that speech Oscar held in court tho, right in the feels
Robbie is an absolute treasure of a person. Get yourself a man like him. Don’t settle for less.
Wtf all this stress and heartbreak for Oscar and Bosie to break up after three months, the world is a cruel place
- End of incoherent thoughts-
That was heartbreaking in so many ways. The main story obviously is unbelievably tragic but we shall focus on other things. There are a lot of strong performances in this movie, the whole cast was quite good. You can strongly feel the love Robbie has for Oscar, he has this soft tone when he talks to or about him, he wants him to be happy even if it means that he himself wont be. He accepts that Oscar doesn’t love him the same way and still supports his friend under any circumstances. It's not just in the dialouge, it's also in the way Robbie talks to and looks at Oscar. He’s pure kindness, love and devotion.
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He cares so much for him it's breaking my poor little heart :c
On a less serious note, my guy really went ahead and had his first on-screen kiss be a gay kiss!?! Fuckin hell! And he did so well! Icon, king, legend, right from the start!
Because there aren't enough gifs in this already, have some more little moments I enjoyed :3
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✨Puppy dog eyes✨
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Good save xD
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Why would you hold it like that?
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I don't even know why, just thought he looked dashing in this scene
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Me too, Robbie, me too.
I probably could've written more, but that wouldn't do the movie and characters justice. Bosie's full brattiness alone is something I couldn't even capture in gifs. Kudos to Jude Law, he really made me hate that character. He's the exact opposite of Robbie. They had only two scenes together I think, but it's awesome to see their personalities clash.
I’d say you should check this movie out, especially if you’re lgbt+ yourself obviously. And then go ahead and read Oscar Wildes works, they're queer history and in general important literature anyone should know.
At the end of this I have learned that I, in fact, don’t hate love drama, I just like it if it's gay. And preferably has a certain actor in it.
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ripplestitchskein · 2 months
Brace yourselves Stolitz fans, I think it’s gonna get bumpy. We kind of already knew that but I think it might go longer than we hoped?
So last night I shared my Stolitz pic with my DnD group, I’m doing art for their characters and we have an art space in our game discord and a few of them watch Hazbin and HB. An IRL friend who is also an HB fan asked about the OC in the pic and I shared it was based on the rumor that Stolas is getting a new boyfriend, they could be a parrot potentially voiced by Harvey Guillen but that this was not confirmed or anything. He said “HMMMM that jives with what her assistant told us.”
I’m like “What! Tell me. “
I guess while waiting in line for her to sign for the person in front of them at Mega they were chatting with an assistant and said they loved Look My Way and were interested in where the Stolas and Blitzø story was going. The assistant said they had seen the rest of Season 2 and “You may not love the way it goes if you like the coupling”.
I spiraled immediately, like full on upset. Bitch I cried. I’ve spent hours analyzing this cartoon and that broke me a bit. I’m not necessarily concerned with my ships being “endgame”, I’ve shipped lots of couples that rarely interact just for interesting dynamics. Or couples where one half is literally dead in canon, where they are mortal enemies and not in an enemies to lovers way etc. It just seemed so final and is contradictory to everything the show has setup so far and what I’ve been enjoying about the show and it really fucked me up if I’m honest. I also have a really bad brain though and I know this. I’m not equipped to rationally think about it.
I hesitated to even share what was said because I dislike bumming anyone out but as a speculation and spoiler goblin I’d also like people to share with me so I can prepare myself?
Ive had some time to sit and process and cope a bit “is that information really that different than what we have already?” And the short answer is no, not really. It’s also like their job to tease fans. It was also one sentence I didn’t even actually hear with my own ears lol. My brain just did what it does and took it to the worst place. I took it as “they are killing it completely” and are about to destroy the only reason I enjoy this show so much. Which maaaaay have been an over reaction but I can’t like, help that.
I just honestly cannot fathom how they could so sharply pivot at this point and have it make sense? I can’t fathom why they even would. I don’t even know what role Stolas could possibly have in that scenario. I think that was what upset me the most, Stolas is my favorite and his entire character within the world of the show is completely dependent on his ties to Blitzø to be part of the narrative because he has no ties to IMP outside of it. The idea of him being shelved, even temporarily, is upsetting to me. The show so far is not setup to view characters lives outside of Blitzø and IMP so I can’t see them having Stolas go off and do his own thing without removing him from the narrative completely.
I’m just sad about it and I think I’m putting too much thought into it. Maybe they just meant what we’ve thought all along and that we wouldn’t be happy because of the boyfriend character, and as I’ve said before the split up absolutely has to happen for them to reconcile and come back together. It is actually a good thing story wise for that to happen but the phrasing (though second hand) just depressed the fuck out of me so I wanted to vent a bit and maybe get some outside perspective from people who’s brains work better than mine. It’s possible this is a situation where i know a thing “Stolas is getting a new boyfriend” because I am terminally online and gobble up every like react and ambiguous emoji and assign meaning to it, and the assistant was just talking about that same information assuming my friend didn’t know that (he didn’t) but because I already knew it I’m assigning new meaning to it as if it’s additional different information. That’s a distinct possibility.
Even if it’s the worst case scenario, I’m not a hate watcher, if I don’t like the direction something is going I bitch a bit in mourning and then remove myself completely. So I’ll see how it plays out and see if it makes sense narratively. Maybe I’ll love the direction, who knows. If it what’s we originally speculated based on the narrative setup so far, the boyfriend character is a catalyst to help Blitzø reconcile his feelings and to let Stolas do his own healing and character development but it all that leads to the completion of the story they’ve been telling up to this point that’s perfect. If it leads to less Stolas and a completely different direction than what we’ve spent 1.5 seasons on so far, I don’t know how I would feel about that. I want it clear though I wouldn’t be mad at the creators, it’s their story they can do what they want, and I’m sure others will enjoy whatever they offer up but I personally would just quietly move on to something else.
I’m interested in how others view the response. Just a tease about the boyfriend, and thinking we’ll be unhappy because of that but ultimately it’s going how its been setup? Or should I break out my violin and start up “Nearer, my God, to thee”. I just really need some better brains to give me some perspective,
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sarandipitywrites · 2 months
Happy WBW, Saran!
Please pretend it's Wednesday, because I just found a single spoon on the floor and am gonna use it before it's gone: So your DRDW is based on a video game I know absolutely nothing about. How much of the game did you keep? Is it the same setting, same world, or something new?
Happy WBW, Elli!
"I found a single spoon on the floor" is such a mood though (I'll get to your other asks at some point, I promise - this just looked like one I actually had the brainpower to answer lol)
The quick answer to this is that the essentials (characters, setting, magic system, some plot beats) are there, but very heavily changed and expanded upon, to the point that I don't actually think you'd need to know anything about the games to understand what's going on in DRDW. The long answer is... a lot longer lol
(Putting the rest of this under a read more for spoilers for a 20-year-old game and because infodump mode was activated)
The Jak & Daxter game series is - and i say this with all the love in my heart - completely fucking bonkers. In summary: in the first game, Daxter (a human) falls into a pool of Evil Magic (dark eco) and turns into an orange otter-weasel-thing, which sends Jak on a quest to change him back. While they don't succeed at changing Daxter back, they do find a time machine (?!) which they take into the future, where Jak is promptly arrested and subjected to magical mad science experiments and injected with dark eco (this is the start of the second game). This does not, notably, turn him into an orange otter-weasel-thing, but does give him the ability to turn into a demon (and anger issues. It also gives him anger issues). He then uses these powers to overthrow the dystopian future government and save a kid who's destined to save the world because the kid is also Jak (because Jak's originally from the future, of course). He then sends the kid back to the past to repeat the cycle.
I won't get too into the third game (except for how you find out that the otter-weasel-things are actually a race of spacefaring gods, and Daxter has technically been a god all this time because Reasons?!) because DRDW doesn't cover that, but i can assure you that it is also a trip.
DRDW was originally meant to follow the canon a lot closer than it actually does. As it stands, though, I've scrapped pretty much all the events of the first game (Daxter in DRDW does not turn into a weasel god, although he did get to keep a bit of magic-ability-worldbuilding i gave him as an explanation for why dark eco would turn him into a rodent instead of a rage monster), including the time travel.
For the setting, this means that I smashed together the settings from two different time periods into one map, as well as moving things around and adding new locations where it made sense. As far as time period goes, I went for the Jak 2 time period (a little bit of 'recovered ancient tech,' but mostly modern-futuristic tech).
Without the time travel, the kid being young Jak doesn't make sense, so his story got completely changed. A couple characters didn't have anything to do, anymore, so they've been excluded (although I'm considering bringing them in for other roles in another story). This also affected how the main characters (Jak, Daxter, and Keira) grew up a lot more significantly than I expected, so while the core of their characters is similar, there are significant differences from the canon (plus i wrote them as being more explicitly neurodivergent than they are in the games [although in the games they're already pretty heavily ND-coded, in my opinion]).
In this version, Daxter also takes a bit longer to find and rescue Jak (because. Look. You give me an excuse for prison/experiment/post-whump, I am going to run that shit as far as I can, ok) - because of this, Jak is pretty much stuck in magic demon mode. So plot-wise, there are a lot of parallels to the plot line of the first game as they try to find a way to change Jak back (but it's complicated, because of course it is).
The magic system got a total overhaul - in the game, magic (eco) is very... well, video-gamey. Green heals you, blue makes you go fast, dark turns you into a monster/orange rat, etc. I put a frankly unnecessary amount of work into figuring out what eco *is* - where it comes from, how it forms in different environments, how it interacts with people, how it's used in connection with technology, etc. Tbh I spent so much time on this part that it made me consider spinning this whole story into original fiction. But when I tried, it just Felt Wrong so I put it back 😂 Really though, I think the magic system rewrite is one of the bigger factors in making this fic actually kind of comprehensible without knowledge of the games - I'm really proud of it 😊
Thank you so much for the ask (and the chance to infodump about my favorite games and favorite project 💜)
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annerbhp · 6 months
20 questions for fic writers!
@runawaymarbles tagged me, but she said I could do it anyway if I liked.
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
2. What’s your total ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
The big ones were Stargate and Harry Potter and The Untamed. I've also dabbled briefly in CSI, Leverage, Firefly, Pirates of the Caribbean, and Last of the Mohicans.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
It's all HP fic, which I think speaks both to the size of that fandom, but also that I started writing for that fandom as I moved to AO3.
The Changeling (HP, Ginny) The Armistice Series (going to cheat and put these all together, HP, Harry/Ginny) we can't control (watch me unfold) (HP, Harry/Ginny) gone was any trace of you (HP, Harry/Ginny) half awake and almost there (HP, Harry/Ginny)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do try to respond to comments, because each and every one of them mean a lot to me. But I am not always great about it. I think I kind of respond in giant bursts? So there are times when I just don't, often because I am totally focused on getting the next chapter out or something, but then I will just sit down on day and just mass respond to a lot. I could always be better at it though.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Interesting. I am in no way afraid of angst, but I usually like to at least have a hopeful ending, if not a wildly happy pay off ending. I'm not sure I've ever done a full tragedy ending. Outside some one-off comment fic or ficlet posted here or there.
I think down here among the wreckage (Sam/Jack, SG-1) is my most infamously angsty fic of all time, and I never completely got to finish it? So it ends pretty darn angsty. Though maybe Beneath the Stains of Time (boy, I used to love a good apocafic!)
my kingdom come undone (Untamed, wangxian) is pretty darn angsty too, I suppose.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Hopefully almost all of them? Though, I suppose I mostly like to exist in the "here's some pay off after angst, but I'm never gonna say everything is all good because it never is" area.
Maybe Life is What Happens which is sort of a coda to who Harry/Ginny could have ended up being?
8. Do you get hate on fic?
Occasionally, but not that often. I've only gotten something I would consider straight up hate speech twice, and those just get immediately deleted. Otherwise it's mostly someone telling me what they don't like. Some people really hated The Changeling. And some people really think I hate Hermione for some reason and hated that. Oh, boy and now I'm remembering the time I mentioned the mere possibility of a different pairing (Sam/Daniel) than my usual ship at the time (Sam/Jack) and got a lot of hate about that!
9. Do you write smut?
Not in the beginning, no. I distinctly remembering @holdouttrout and I being like "how can people write smut! I could never!" and then not so long later we had a good time coming back and laughing at ourselves and each other as we wrote smut. Lol. Good times, Trout!
These days, yes, I am known to sometimes write smut. I don't do a lot of PWP, but I think smut can be a great part of storytelling and character development. I'm not sure I'm any good at it, and it's probably the kind of writing I am least confident in, but I'm usually willing to try a hand at it.
10. Do you write crossovers?
Very occasionally I have. Mostly in response to a challenge or a fest or some sort of organized event. It can be fun to just take two things you like and brainstorm what it would possibly look like to smoosh them together. I think the biggest crossovers I ever wrote were a SG-1/Firely one (Raggedy Edge) and a SG-1/House MD one (Unexpected). Both were fics I wrote for someone else. (Man, I have this SG-1/Leverage fic that I always wanted to write but doubt I ever will. I think I had Maggie as one of Jack's cousins or something.)
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of. People have occasionally posted one of my fics in weird archive or something. But no one's ever tried to claim one of my stories as their own.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, a few! I know there are a few languages for The Changeling. Though I'm not sure if any were ever finished. I've had a few requests for various things over the years. And then I put up a "feel free to do without asking" disclaimer, so who knows!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, that is not something I've ever done. I'm always impressed by that. And some of the best fics I've ever read have been team written. (A Narrow Bridge by @frameofmind9 and Jo Lasalle, it's AMAZING.) I find it such an interesting and impressive idea. Not sure I'd be able to do it, but it's interesting!
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
I feel attacked. What kind of a question to ask a shipper. Well, there is always what takes up all my brain space in the moment, which is Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian in The Untamed. But Sam/Jack (SG-1) was my first and will always own a part of my brain.
It's interesting too, because there are ships I adore, ships I love to read about, and ships I love to write about. And those three don't always align. I think Sam/Jack and Wangxian have been the two biggest ships for me that touch all three of those at once.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but probably won’t?
Excuse me as I open my writing folder and gesture at everything all at once. Okay, I'll be nicer to myself. I am in a space where I feel like I will never finish anything ever again, but I will have faith!!
There's really too much. So many HP fics that I am sad that I will probably never get to. There's a time travel fic, there's a Harry never went to Hogwarts AU, oh, man, the zombie fic. So many.
There's a ton of SG-1 fics I left half-imagined, but it's been a decade since I stopped writing for that fandom, so I'm more distant from it now.
I want to finish them all!!
16. What are your writing strengths?
Hm. This is hard. Probably because saying nice things about ourselves is hard and feels like being egotistical or something. Lol. I think I really like weaving various plot lines, themes, and character development, probably because that is the thing I love doing and so have spent a lot of time experimenting and practicing. I think I also have an ability to trust my instincts with what is working and what isn't, even if I'm stubborn about ignoring it sometimes. Can being stubborn as hell being a writing strength. Because that, honestly.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I have very little discipline. People who can outline something and then just knock a draft out are amazing to me. I am very slow and only tend to write when I'm in the mood. I think I can also be overly sensitive to unsolicited criticism. And in some cases solicited criticism from someone I haven't built trust with. That might mostly be the giant case of imposter syndrome I lug around with myself. So I might be sensitive, but I've been trying to build my skills in hearing it and reacting appropriately in a constructive way. I feel like brevity is another problem! Just look at this darn post!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Honestly, I don't attempt it. If someone is speaking a different language, I am more likely to just put the dialogue in italics or something, if whoever the POV is understands that language.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Stargate SG-1. At least the first I ever wrote and shared. I think I wrote fanfic in my head for decades before realizing what it even was. (Let's say that I had quite the crush on Wesley Crusher and fantasized ways some OC self-insert might be able to marry him while also being adopted by Picard. Ah...the early 90s. What a time to be alive.)
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Wow, and I thought some of these earlier questions were rude. 😂
I'm going to cheat and say that whatever i am currently working on is always my favorite.
Also, I really liked who i am at the end of the day which is so obscure that no one ever read it. (I think it has like 2 comments and one of them was @runawaymarbles being nice to me. <3 )But I just love a lot about it. Sometimes I daydream about removing the serial numbers and turning it into it's own thing.
Tagging @pepperf, @holdouttrout, @narukoibito, @mylittleredgirl, and YOU that person who wants to do this.
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darkfictionjude · 6 days
I'm the etymology nonnie, and today is my birthday (I turn 25, which means I'm officially old).
I didn't need to say it, but I wanted to anyways. Maybe I'm just abusing the parasocial relationship. We aren't even acquainted, not truly. Even though I'm sure I'm at least some sort of entity in your brain.
But I didn't came here to speak about my failings and mortality, nor to make you uncomfortable with ramblings about the weirdness of parasocial relationships.
I had some things I wanted to comment.
1) In the fake date quest, we get to recommend a country for the couple to visit. A part of me wonders, however, if the "mom said we had relatives from there" is actually an option for all the countries listed, or is only present in some (I chose Colombia, by the way, in part because if I remember correctly Imre has some roots there, and because my own country, Chile, was not an option and I didn't want to choose Argentina just because we are close geographically). If that's the case, did you plan this addition from the beginning, or was somehow influenced for the ask about the possible hispanic Crown family origin (but, basically, giving in a way a choice to the player, at least to some extent, to choose a specific place where the family could have some roots)?
2) I must admit, although MC and I have different birthday dates, I did imagine a bit my MC (who is male as I am) and Imre spending MC's birthday. Maybe a dinner together, the usual cake, some dancing. As well as the horizontal kind of dancing, if you get what I mean (I'm so cringe, why did I write this? Lol). I'm living vicariously though an MC that hasn't even reached that point in his life yet. And worse, I wouldn't want to be MC either. So this must be Imre's fault. (Have in mind this point was not meant to be a question of any sort, like the first one was, because I'm aware you only want to answer one question at a time; I'm just putting everything together just to not spam your ask box).
3) I wanted to praise the side quest structure presented in the newest update. While it lacks the immersion that the first side quests acquirement had, I think it's more convenient and clear. I knew I was making a choice, and allowed me to make an informed choice of what I wanted to experience. I also enjoyed how the fake dating side quest changed depending on how MC tried to fulfil Charley parents expectations. My MC may not be fit, but damn if I wasn't going to make sure he tried his best at sports. He didn't exercise during his confinement to be defeated by a pigskin, no sir.
You do occupy some small part in my brain etymology nonnie I remember all the nonnies that are named (that sounds oddly romantic 💀💀💀💀😭😭😭)
1. Yes actually it was influenced by the thought that the crown family could have Hispanic origins. I thought it would be a clever way to add ethnicity and background in a way that came naturally into the story. It’s for all the places you can choose so mc can come from anywhere depending on where they’d like to go. I did something interesting though in that all the “anglo” countries it was your father that said you have relatives there and all the “non-anglo” countries that your mom says her side of the family comes from.
2. Not the horizontal dance 😂
3. Oh and thank you. I know the first round of side quests was immersive but I wanted it to be clean on the second round. To have every player see the side quests available and what they entail plus I felt like it needed to be different this time around as mc has sort of stumbled into entrepreneurship. And yeah I did really want the theme of traditional gender norms to colour the fake dating side quest given how disgustingly antiquated Charley’s parents are
And happy 25th!! If Imre was real he’d be 24 years older than you, ah age gap relationships
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accio-victuuri · 1 year
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inspired by a convo i had with @rainbowsky and i thought to make a post. it’s been a while since i made a write-up like this and i think it’s timely to make one cause even now — i’m seeing new turtles. or those who are experiencing fandom burnout. no matter what group you belong to i hope this helps a bit. as someone who have been here for quiet some time, i’ll just share things i do to make my fandom life as peaceful as possible.
we really get the best of both worlds as bxgs who love two amazing guys : xz & wyb. but sometimes that also means twice the stress and everything else. whether from content they put out or the cpn side of things. i’m not saying to live in a bubble where nothing bad ever happens, however, fandom should primarily bring happiness and relief. it is not one that makes you dread everyday if things don’t go “your way”. so here’s how i manage to do that.
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1. The Truth is they Don’t Owe me Anything
They don’t owe us candy/ cpn. They don’t need to make us secure of their relationship. If you are a BXG that believes in szd, then you must accept that it’s their relationship and not ours. It is between them. Whatever clues we manage to dig up and see is because we are so attuned to them. Tho sometimes I do believe they turn gremlin and leave us stuff to see— but again, we should not feel like we are entitled to be given any of that regularly. At one point, it will be the best for them to live their life and enjoy their relationship quietly. I know candy can be addicting and is one of the pillars of the fandom but it’s not everything. It should not be a make or break for you as a fan, if it is, then you may want reconsider why you’re here.
There will be times of no sweets. People must accept that it’s not 2019 anymore. They are not promoting a project together and so we will not see them like we did. Don’t compare the amount and quality of CPNs from before and now.
Just enjoy what we manage to spot and see. 🤍 Also knowing their status as celebrities, the focus of the public must be their work and not their personal life. I think they both understand the risks of them interacting and being seen together & it’s better to be safe.
2. Appreciate their career
Sometimes I feel like i’m a full on career fan lol. Considering how I first started this blog as a CPN only space then evolved into an update account and so on. The thing is I really appreciate their work and whatever content they bring us. I am a fan of them as individuals and i’m happy that I was able to make that switch. I don’t think I would last this long if all i’m here for is their relationship and interactions. I don’t blame those who left, especially back in 2021, when they found a much better CP to support. It’s their decision. But that’s the point, they were here for the “relationship” and not XZ & WYB. that’s why they left.
This is the best way to not get distracted by unnecessary things. There is so much content to get through when it comes to the boys and that should keep you distracted — you’ll have no time for negative news.
3. Stay on your own lane
I am talking about fandoms in particular. Don’t talk about other fandoms unless absolutely necessary. Don’t look for trouble by mentioning other CP fandoms. Stay in the BXG fandom as much as you can. TBH, I am SZD so I don’t see them as a CP like what other fandoms do. That’s why I don’t get really nervous when other CP fandoms have their own candies. But if they do, it’s theirs. We are not the only clowns in the world. Other people can speculate and theorize on their own pairings. Remember that before XZ & WYB, they have other CP pairings too. We are not the first. We are the most popular, strong in numbers and resilient — but we are not the only one. There will be more. Especially with the more dramas and movies they will be making in the foreseeable future. You will never be happy if you keep comparing this fandom to others.
I have personally toned down my bias towards showing off their Double Standards. And what the hell are you even doing going to other CP pairings territory? LOL. Please stop. Again. Stay on your own lane. Don’t go looking for “evidence” in other people’s home.
4. Don’t go to toxic places
Expanding on #3. Do not go to obvious toxic spaces and give yourself a headache reading their bullshit. Don’t waste your time trying to argue with antis ( twitter especially ) who are only there to goad you in the first place. I admit that sometimes I do cross over to those places especially if there is something on the hot search but I don’t do it regularly. Knowing your enemy as a strategy does not necessarily apply here. Do your best instead into making a positive environment for those who like XZ & WYB. 🤍
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5. Take a break and live your life
The boys always say this and it is true. Take a break. If you catch yourself going down an unhealthy rabbit hole of fandom then please stop. Go out. Talk to your loved ones. Do some chores. Sleep. Rest. Do other things. Watch Buddy Daddies LOL.
At one point in the fandom it was truly unhealthy for me. I couldn’t sleep because of crippling FOMO. I had to accept that there will always be things I will miss. I can always catch up. There is no pressure for me to always be the first one to update and post. No one cares. I can do fandom in my own pace. It can be really overwhelming sometimes and it’s okay to take a breather. 🤍
6. Don’t crack your head open
This applies to CPN and other fan or anti theories. Don’t think too much about it. It’s not rocket science. CPN is mainly for fun and there is a little amount that goes into serious territory. There is no need to believe everything. Take what makes sense to you and stick to that.
7. Participate in the Fandom
I think one of the ways to have a good fandom experience is to be present. to participate. It doesn’t have to be anything big because I understand that not everyone has the time to do so. Personally, it took me some time to show myself because there is joy in being a lurker. Put something out there that you would want to see but you think isn’t available. Or even if there is already one out there, put your own spin to it. Don’t be overcome by the crippling fear that no one would bother reading it so you just won’t post. Someone will see it. You will. You will accomplish something and contribute to the fandom.
I’m keeping this list short and simple as a guide for those who want to live a ( mostly ) peaceful fandom life. or maybe one of these may be a reminder for you to take it easy.
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The road ahead is long, so take care of yourself. 💛
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ryuichirou · 29 days
A big one about ships, a couple of follow-ups, a couple of random twst-related ones (there is one about yandere!Ortho)!
Anonymous asked:
i also notice that uhh, you ship f/f and m/m but not f/m? (I mean ofc twst has Three Women Total but ive heard of women in series you've liked before), does f/m feel weird to you? do you just happen to not ship any of it?? i mean im not judging or anything, i only like m/m LOL.
also on this topic, since ive been meaning to ask,. you only call katsu your partner, not anything gendered, so does that mean they're nonbinary?? (i assume katsu reads stuff on your blog/you read stuff together so KATSU PLEASE PLEASE INFLUENCE YOUR PARTNER TO DRAW MORE FISH NEOOWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Hi Anon!
We do have some het ships, but they really are rare. We talked about it at some point, here are the posts: 1, 2. Katsu was kind enough to find them… But it was ages ago (3 years ago, in fact), so I’ll talk about it again!
It isn’t weird for us to ship f/m; and if the dynamic is our “type”, we’ll very likely to gravitate towards the said ship. A good example of one of our favourite het ships is Eren and Annie from SnK. They have a lot of features and elements of our favourite m/m and f/f ships: one is passionate, determined, stubborn and a bit dumb (due to being blinded by his own determination), the other one is quiet, snarky, a kind of depressed and looks unapproachable, but actually has a soft spot for the first one.
And the girl doesn’t always have to be the “passive” one, because a lot of our favourite het ships could be described as “a bossy woman/a pushover guy that complains a lot”. Like Jordan Sullivan/Perry Cox from the tv series “Scrubs”.  So the guy bitches about how much of a Satan she is and how miserable she makes him, and he clearly knows just how villainous she could be, and yet for some reason the moment she stops torturing him with her attention, he is suddenly lost and confused. Basically, it’s either this, or the previous dynamic for the most part lol
If the ship is fun to play around with, we’ll ship it, even if it’s f/m. We don’t have anything against it in general. But we do have a bias towards f/f and m/m ships that is partially caused by the fact that our favourite dynamics are more likely to exist within those. And of course because the same sex ships are less likely to get canonized and therefore reduced to “happily ever after” in canon… which is something that we absolutely hate :(
And to answer your second question: Katsu isn’t non-binary; it’s just that the pronounces that we use are all over the place. It’s mostly due to the fact we use masculine form when talking to each other (and a lot of our friends) in Russian, mostly out of habit: a lot of people of our generation did (or still do) that either for the sake of sounding more neutral or because they used to roleplay male characters. I’m simplifying it a lot though; it’s kind of one hell of a can of worms that works differently for different people lol This is why you can really use any pronoun when talking about us, it doesn’t really matter that much. Katsu called me a “he” in one of the Nebula replies a couple of weeks ago lol and likes it more in general.
But technically Katsu and I are each other’s girlfriends. We can’t get married, so this status is permanent, but it doesn’t sound that serious, I guess.
And worry not, Katsu has heard your prayers… the other day we were actually shocked to learn that it’s been quite a while since we’ve posted anything fish-related, wow yikes! Gotta fix that!
Anonymous asked:
Hi, a little late but about the twst girls post... I still think about Jamil's vulva... her pink flesh stick out so shyly... that's the outcome of her hard work as Kalim's servant! haha 😵‍💫🤭🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷
Anooon! Thank you so much <3 I love talking about the twst girls very much, so I am very happy that you still think about it. I put my entire heart into Jamil’s…. yep. That part that Kalim looks at every time they take a bath together. And do other things.
We do have an ask about all the girlies’ private parts, and I am in the process of writing it. I really hope to finish it soon, and you just motivated me even more 💪😔💕
Anonymous asked:
The tapis rouge event isn't even over yet and I'm already wondering who they're going to choose if they decide to make an extra ssr card like silk Vil and applepom Jamil. Based on the group they have in this event, Floyd seems to be the most likely candidate. Maybe Ace and Jamil are feeling generous! I could also see Azul getting his hands on an extra outfit and just handing it to the tweels going "you guys can figure it out" and letting them decide. If I had to choose anyone, I would like for Azul to give it to Idia, just to see him uncomfortable in fancy clothes (also the fact that it's a gift from Azul... The ultimate betrayal!!!). Who would you choose?
Oh good question!!
I would love to see either Floyd or Jade, they would look great, especially Floyd, considering the fact that he is also quite a stylish guy lol I can also picture Azul just giving them an extra outfit so the tweels could fight for it. But even in that scenario Jade is going to let Floyd have it, I think….
However, for some reason if feel like they’re going to pick someone from a different dorm. So Idia actually would be a great pick. I feel like it’s been a while since he had Non-Birthday SSR cards..? I might be biased because I really love the guy and would LOVE to see him suffer while wearing high fashion. The more I think about it, the more I want this to actually happen wow lol
Anonymous asked:
sometimes I forget if I put myself anonymously. anyways, opinions on yandere Ortho? stuff like Ortho possibly messing with idias brain or TW:body modification
possibly changing his brothers body so they can be together forever? like replacing his limbs with robotic ones that type of stuff
You’re good, Anon; and if you suddenly realize that you wanted to send something via Anon, just tell us and we won’t post your username!
We talked about yandere Ortho quite a lot, here are some of the posts on this topic: 1, 2.
But actually! I believe we never really talked about things that you’ve mentioned, which is a shame, because this is such a hot idea. Saying goodbye to Idia sounds like something that Ortho would never want to happen, so he really might start modifying Idia’s body while he is still young. One day Idia is just going to wake up with his legs cut off, because Ortho suddenly decided that it’s time to start. Why didn’t he talk about it with Idia first? Well, it’s better to ask for forgiveness than ask for permission, right? Hehe~
Anonymous asked:
Re: Eric and the teachers meeting
Maybe during parent-teacher meetings? 👀
Could be! But this is too brief of a meeting I think… well, doesn’t matter, if we ever get the urge to ship Eric with anyone, we’ll find a way. 👀
Anonymous asked:
wait a minute. if those previous anons do take over jade and idias spot wont they end up together???
Damn. I hope those two Anons have fun. Jade will sit there and watch. And force Idia to also watch.
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hotshot624 · 2 years
I would like to spout off a few different ideas for you for Daddy Eddie x reader stuff please don't feel required to do them all or any of them, I just work better when I do like stream of conciousness writing. And I will submit them individually so you can pick and choose and reply as you write them IF YOU ARE SO INCLINED, these are just requests and suggestions I am just so happy with your first fic I need more daddy eddie pease.
The story of how Midnight the bat stuffy came into little readers life! Like how Eddie gave it to them to show his support this kind of ties in with previous request about finding out how you are little and him accepting it
Part 2: Finding out reader is little/age regressor either by accident or with them telling him because they trust him and wanna have him be their cg fluffiness ensues like he is supportive of it and stuffs"
Hi! So I'm just going to add these two requests together since they're almost the same thing lol. Thank you @bgolightly for requesting this and all of the other things you requested. Y'all are gonna have a lot more content because of them so make sure to say thanks! Again idk how good this is gonna be but for y'alls sake I hope it's worth reading.
Cg!Eddie x Little!Reader: How he found out about Reader Regression (and how Midnight the bat came to be)
Life after accepting to date Eddie was great.
I mean most people wouldn't expect that (and at first you admit you thought so too) but boy were they wrong. They thought Eddie was loud, rude, annoying, self absorbed, and mainly a freak. But that wasn't true. That wasn't true at all.
Eddie Munson had to be one of the nicest, sweetest, most caring, most understanding person you've ever met. He didn't treat you weirdly. He treated you like a normal person with a little personality to it and honestly that was all you could ask for.
The thing he liked about you was that you treated him normally too. You didn't mind the way he liked DnD while others found it weird, you found it interesting even if you didn't exactly want to play it you never put him down for liking it and I guess that's what attracted him to you.
After about 2 and a half months of being friends Eddie decided to ask you out to which you accepted. Which brings us to where we are now which is at your house.
Right now you were setting up your living room for your annual Saturday movie night with Eddie. He went to the video store to go and pick up some movies for you two to watch together, most likely action or horror films sometimes both, it depends on the mood he's in. But while Eddie was deciding what to watch, you had a bigger more important decision to make. One that would alter your relationship for the rest of your lives.
See you were an age regressor to put it simply. That meant that when you got too anxious, were filled with too many negative emotions, or just felt like being younger than you actually are for your enjoyment, you mind would regress you to a certain age. Most people don't get to pick how young they regress to and you couldn't pick either. Usually the more scared or filled with negative emotions the person is, the younger they would regress to, which was the case with you, but everyone is different.
And unfortunately age regression isn't always sunshine and flowers. It can happen at considerably bad times and keep you from doing you need to do. It can also be brought on by something triggering and not be very fun for the regressor or anyone around them. Regressors could also be feeling super upset and cause tantrums and yelling and crying which was also no fun for them or anyone else.
This is why you decided to keep this part of you from Eddie. Well until now.
You thought that you should tell Eddie about your regression in case something were to happen and cause you to regress out of no where that he should know what to do or at least be made aware of what was happening. He didn't necessarily have to do anything to help you but you thought he would appreciate knowing what was going on with you.
Just as you were putting the already popped popcorn in a bowl you heard the door bell ring repeatedly and frantically.
You set the bowl of popcorn on the coffee table and rushed to the door and threw it open and greeted and equally excited Eddie at the door.
"Hey! Look what I got" Eddie said while giving you a hug and entering your house.
You looked at the films he excitedly shoved in front of your face to see he picked Beetlejuice and Friday the thirteenth (look their great movies you guys).
"Of course you picked those" you said shaking your head with faux annoyance and a smile on your face.
"What does that mean?!" Eddie asked spinning to face you after he set the movies down. "These are incredible movies I'll have you know and I don't need your sass to ruin them"
"Oh I'm sure they are. Now pop them in the VHS player so we can watch them. Your whining's giving me a headache." You said dramatically, rubbing your temple.
Eddie just mocked you with a high pitched voice but eventually did what you said. You smiled to yourself. 'This is good', you thought 'Eddie's in a good mood so maybe telling him won't make him too upset....well hopefully' you added to your thoughts.
Eddie then ran up to where you were sitting and slammed himself into your couch. He then cuddled up close to you just as you grabbed the popcorn and brought it up to the couch so the both of you had better access to it. Upon listening to the erie music you realzed he picked Friday the thirteenth. Not the best movie for an already stressed regressor but you'll have to make due.
As the movie went on you were getting very antsy. Either from the movie or the knowledge that you had to tell Eddie about your regression, you couldn't tell. Unfortunately Eddie noticed your constant moving and squirming and called you out on it.
"You doin okay over their babe? You keep moving and you already bumped your boney elbow into my ribs like four times already" he said jokingly but you knew that it had real concern.
'Did you not like the movie? Were you hurt? Was something wrong? Was the movie making you nervous? Was him being so close to you making you nervous?' All of these questions were swimmimg through Eddie's head and making him nervous.
"No! No, no, no, I'm fine! Completely fine. Never been finer actually." You said very with a fake laugh at the end
Eddie looked at you with a "bitch please" look and you knew you were busted.
You had hoped your incredible lying skills would get you out of this situation but the unfortunately let you down. 'How did he know I was lying' you thought to yourself not realizing that a deaf two day old squirrel could somehow lie better than you.
'Well since you've already got his attention might as well get it over with' you finally thought after a few seconds of staring at him hoping that he'd just change the subject but god never wanted you to have it easy apparently.
"Um actually I did want to tell you something....it's been bugging me for a couple of weeks and well um how do I put this...." You trailed off try to find a way for it not to sound weird, not realizing you just made Eddie's blood run cold.
"Are you.....are you brehaking up with mhe?" Eddie asked with a small laugh trying to play it off like he wasn't worried.
But you could see the fear in his eyes. You could see how the thought of you leaving him broke his very soul and so you obviously had to shoot that down.
"What?! God no! No. Never Eddie. Your the best thing that has ever happened to me Eds. I love you so much, please understand that." You told him while grabbing his shoulders and having him fully face you so he could see the sincerity in your eyes.
"Pshhhh I knew that. I was just messing around" he liked, with the sound of relief evident in his voice. "So what were you going to tell me before I EVER so rudely interupted you?" Now promptly crawling on top of you with his hands holding his head up on your stomach, after he pushed you onto your back, and was kicking his feet in back of him.
He was obviously trying to lighten the mood back up and you couldn't have been more thankful for it. You don't think you'd be able to confess to him with the atmosphere being so thick. So finally you built up the courage (again) and told him.
You told him all about your age regression. You first explained to him what it was, seeing the confusion written all over his face. You told him why others use it and how there are different age ranges and you told him your's.
As you were speaking, Eddie slowly began to sit back up, he was trying to understand everything you were telling him with one of his eyebrows raising in deep concentration. You couldn't tell if it was a good thing or a bad thing and you prayed it was the former.
As you finished, you looked into his eyes, having looked away in shame at what you were telling him as if it were some great crime you have had just committed.
After a few seconds of silence Eddie asked; "Sooooo..... What um....what does this mean for us?" He didn't really know what to say.
"Well I mean hopefully we can just.... Ya know...... Go back to normal....." You answered sheepishly "But I completely understand if you don't want to! I know that this is probably not what you wanted and I know you didn't sign up for this but like I think I can hold it in if that makes you feel better. Like maybe if I ever feel myself slipping I could just ya know try to calm myself down and I'll go away from you and and it'll be fine. But like I get if it makes you uncomfortable and if you wanna leave me forever cause I act like a kid and all so don't feel bad or or anything cause that's what I want and-" You start to ramble trying to make Eddie feel better about the giant bomb shell you just dropped on him. And as you do so you can feel yourself slipping.
As your about to go into a little space filled panic attack Eddie interrupts you.
"Wow wow wow! Calm down babe, calm down" Eddie grabs your shoulders and pulls you into a hug and gently rubs your back and head as you start to cry from getting so overwhelmed.
"I'm not breaking up with you, especially over something so little, just like how your not breaking up with me. I couldn't care less is you become littler that you are. When I asked 'what does this mean for us' I meant like if you wanted me to take care of you or something? Now that I'm thinking about it, I probably should have just said that.... Huh....." He said.
(Look he's not the smartest person in the world but he's your boyfriend so now you gotta deal with it)
"So....yous still lobe me?" You asked sheepishly looking up from where you buried your head in his neck.
You had finally slipped into little space at this point.
"To the moon and back little Rockstar" he answered giving you a big fat kiss on your cheek.
He then looked up from the side of your face with and imaginary light bulb flickering on on top of his head.
"Hey! That'll be you new little nickname now! 'Little rockstar'! It's perfect. Well as long as your cool with it" he said looking down at you.
You nodded quickly showing your new found love for your new nickname.
The rest of the night went pretty smoothly. Eddie laid back on his back with you on his stomach and him holding you with you stomach on top of his and his hands cradling you. You didn't mind the movie that was playing seeing how you were too exhausted to even watch it at this point. You fell into a deep sleep now knowing how Eddie fully support you.
Fast forward to a couple days later and Eddie Munson is slamming his fist repeatedly as hard as he can on you door. Thankfully your parents aren't home (because this is a fanfic and they never seem to live in the same house as you unless it's to sell you to one direction or something but I digress) so you wip the door open to reveal a slight out of breath and incredibly sweaty Eddie with a few bags in his hands.
"Greetings my beloved! I have returned to your humble abode baring gifts!" He said and if it weren't for the fact that he was the love of your life, you would have slammed the door in his face for being so cringy.
Fortunately for him, you loved him so much, so you just rolled your eyes with a smile on your face and let him in. He did a little bow, thanking you, and entered you home.
"Not only did I bring a disgusting amount of treats like candy and cookies and what not. But I also got you this!" He exclaimed.
Pulled from the bag was an adorable black bat plushy. It had big ears and giant eyes with it wings open as if it were flying. It was smiling at you and had little bits of glitter on it representing the night sky with the glitter as stars.
Seeing this you were instantly bitch slapped into little space.
"For me?" You asked hopefully pointing at yourself. Because obviously he bought it for the OTHER person in your house.
"Yes sweet heart, it's for you" Eddie answered you, placing the plushy in you hands.
You started at it for a moment and then ran into Eddie, almost running him over, and gave him a big ole bear hug.
"I lobe it! I lobe it! I lobe it! Thank yous, thank yous, thank yous!" You yelled excitedly.
"Y-your welcome" Eddie wheezed, slowly loosing oxygen and you squeezed it out of him.
"So!" Said Eddie after you finally released him from your death grip "what's there name gonna be?"
You thought for a couple seconds before looking at him with a grin on your face.
"Midnigh" you answered confidently.
"Midnight huh?" Eddie asked pulling you onto the couch to lay with him after he got out some cookies and started feeding them to you.
"Mmhm" you said mouth full of cookie.
"Well I think that's a great name little Rockstar." Eddie said finally with a content smile on his face.
The End
Okay so I have a some reasons why I haven't written in a while to which I shall answer good news bad news style but some of it is kinda gross soooo
Good news: I completed a fic and have a few more requested to keep them coming out. Bad news: my wisdom teeth are FINALLY coming in. Good news: none of my teeth hurt. Bad news: where one of my bottom wisdom tooth was coming the gum that was over it I guess got infected and started to inflame and got so big to the point where I couldn't close my mouth properly. Good news: it's gone! Bad news: it popped in my mouth leaving a disgusting tastes and stained my side of my tounge where it was yellow and was very painful after and I could eat on that side of my mouth. Good news: after that I went to six flags with my dad, brother, and younger cousin. Bad news: it was 98 degrees out and the feel was I think 103. Good news: because of the heat almost no one was there and we got to go on rides with little wait time. Bad news: we were out their for about 5 hours and I got sun sick with a bad headache and the feeling of needing to throw up. Good news: I was fine the next day and still am now. Bad news: my anxiety is acting up for very dumb reasons and it's killing my motivation. Good news: y'all's support makes me want to keep writing so that's what I'm gonna try and do. Bad news: my hands are now cramping from writing for so long.
And that's about it. I wish I were making this shit up but unfortunately I'm fucking not and was suffering a lot but other than that I'm fine I guess. Okay that's all, expect some new fics soon if everything goes right. Byyyyyyye
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ihugzminseo · 3 months
stray kids scenarios; 2/8. leeknow.
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pairing : fwb!minho x gn!reader
synopsis : you and minho were next door neighbors. you'd spoken once or twice, which led to a friendship, and you'd started catching feelings. fast. so, that friendship turned into a friendship with benefits, and minho was more than happy to show you just how beneficial he really was.
warning : friends to friends with benefits, college au
word count : 1.1k in total, 0.7k in this part (got carried away..)
a/n : would you believe me if i said this was so long i have to post it in 2 parts.. lol.. yeah i definitely got carried away with this one.
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you'd moved into your apartment complex straight out of college, it wasn't really the best living situation but it was better than nothing.
your old dorm mate, yunjin, had offered for you to stay with her for a bit after graduation but the two of you lived on the opposite sides of your hometown, as you learned, and you wanted to be close to your parents.
living by yourself wasn't ideal, but you were single and majority of your friends were off doing their own thing, so it was just you. that is, until you met minho.
he'd lived in the apartment next to yours, but that was all you knew. you'd see each other in passing, and he'd visit the café you worked at on occasion but you didn't know each other past that.
flash forward to now, it was halloween, and you didn't really feel like going out. you planned to stay home and watch scary movies, as boring as that sounded. after the millionth movie, you were just about ready to pass out for the night, until you heard a knock at your door.
it was minho, and dear god, he looked adorable. his brown hair was fluffy and he had some kind of baking ingredient you assumed was flour smeared all over his cheeks. the sleeves of his sweater were damp and he was holding a bottle of oil in one hand, his keys in the other.
"hey, im sorry to bother you, im min-" he started, but you already knew who he was from hearing your coworkers shouting his name over the music and chatter of your café. "minho, i know. is there a reason you're covered in flour and.. holding a bottle of oil you could've left on the counter?" you chuckled. you hadn't really known him, but he was cute to say the least.
"oh, whoops. im baking, and i was wondering if you'd had any flour," he was shy, but you didn't mind. you reached out and swiped a bit of flour from his cheek, which made him jump back a bit. "flour? like the uhh.. the flour i just wiped off your face?" it was hard not to laugh at him, he was a flustered stuttering mess but you didn't wanna be mean.
"i know it's all over me, but i only had a little bit left and i used it all in my failed attempts at making batter." he was so sweet, you almost pitied him. "well im not a baker myself.. or a chef, or anything relating to food preparation, but one thing i am is financially decent. so, i don't have any flour to give you, but we can run to the supermarket and buy some?" you had no idea why you'd suggested going out with him, but it didn't seem too bad. and minho agreed. so, you'd both went in your apartments to get cleaned up and throw on sweats and slippers to go get flour.
and from then on, you two were basically best friends. you'd exchanged socials, visited each others apartments and gone on countless friendly outings together. until you started catching feelings. you obviously didn't want him to know, but he'd found out.
you were coming home from work and you were on the phone with rei, an old friend from college, ranting about how much you'd liked him. "rei, it's not funny! he's cute and he's smart and he's just- he's so effortlessly charming, and he's cute and- rei, i really like this guy! i could see myself with minho, im serious." you'd had your headphones on, so you hadn't realised just how loud you were until minho put his hand on your shoulder and flashed a smile at you.
"im charming? that's new, ive heard cute and smart before but charming is new, and very sweet of you," minho had a certain tone to his voice, sultry but sweet. and your cheeks and ears had a certain hue to them, bright red.
"oh rei!" he gasps, clutching his chest. "i can see myself with minho! i really can!" he was teasing you, you could tell that much. he's got a lot going on with you now - you're cornered at your door, with flushed cheeks and a coil in your stomach that needs to snap.
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fisherpiers · 3 months
Hunter coming out to Luz as bi
OKAY here i am like over 6 months later LMAO
like whattt? im not dead?? i know, i know. my deepest apologies
i have already written him coming out in flapjacks with syrup so if you want more go read that too not to self promote agskgjjghh (i will be updating that soon just saying 👀)
but here’s some headcanons!
lemme see, theres so many ways for this to go. lets entertain just a couple tho lol
scenario #1
its july and luz is getting/making pride merch for everyone bc shes trying to make it a thing on the isles. at least a little holiday. perhaps a parade? itll be fun!
and she realizes she has no clue what hunters deal is. is he straight? aroace, maybe. that guy is married to his work.
shes trying to keep this pride thing a surprise so she asks him nonchalantly like “hey broooo i was just wondering. whats your sexuality. a friend wanted to know.”
and he bluescreens
“uh. i— i dont know, actually.”
he never really thought about it. hes always been too busy being attracted to them books lmao
he has to get back to her in two business days at least 😂😂😂
he basically spends those days spacing out and scaring his classmates by intensely staring at them.
hunter discovers that he generally feels the same about any gender. and he didnt really have a preference when imagining his future having a wife, husband, or partner. as long as they made him happy
and everyone was really pretty. hexside had quite a lot of cute witches and demons
but honestly, he still didn’t really find himself wanting to start a relationship with any of them (gee wonder why)
he chalks it up to the fact that he’s focusing on his studies and apprenticeship right now and has no time for romance
besides, if he had a partner, he’d have even less time to spend with luz his friends
he finds luz up in a tree behind the owl house, nose in a book. shes so focused on the story that she doesn’t even hear him approach
she was so startled she fell put of the tree. hunter tried to catch her he really did but they both wound up crashing down to the ground in a heap
luz shoved him off her, laughing “first you give me a heart attack and now you try to crush me? i thought we were friends now, hunter!”
“sorry, sorry,” he wheezed as he rolled over in the soft grass
luz went and retrieved her book from where she accidentally threw it, “so what did you need me for?”
“oh, i just wanted to tell you i think i figured out my sexuality now, like you asked,”
“thats okay. i didnt mean to presure you so you dont have t—”
he sat up, “im bisexual,”
liz gasped “OH SWEET, twinsies!”
she got matching bandanas for them. cowboy vibes lol
luz did successfully get the annual pride parade set up in the isles. hard to say no to her shes a force of nature and also kinda a celebrity now ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
scenario #2
luz has just assumed he’s gay
bc they often talk about guys they think are cute. like if theyre at the mall food court (without the hexsquad) and see any hot guys they are thoroughly checking them out and giggling like school girls
its not something she can do with amity (obviously), vee or willow. plus, she trusts that hunter isnt about to go squealing to her girlfriend about her attraction to men she has no plans on pursuing
its a good bonding activity, okay. if you cant thirst over cute guys with your bestie are they really your bestie
alas, because of this, luz never reads too much into the moments they have together. hunter let a hug linger a little too long? he lets her eat off his fork? puts his arm around her on the couch? just friendly behavior. its not like he likes her or anything. bc hes gay right
anyway. theyre like, at a chinese restaurant picking up takeout for the gang and the cashier is just adorable. miss teen connecticut. the cutest girl ever. they both stutter their words and awkwardly fumble around while picking up this order. hunter almost dropped the food and luz signed her name as Liz Noda on the receipt
they get out of there and start laughing once they reach the car
“guess its bi disaster hour am i right?” hunter joked
luz laughed but then it hit her
“wait. you like girls?”
hunter looked at her confused, “yeah?”
“oh…” she trails off,
and hunter starts the car and drives off, not even giving the conversation a second thought
meanwhile luz is dead silent in the passenger seat like
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she be rethinking everything agsjfjjhh
tboy!luz au :3
okay so luz is scared bc he’s finally worked out his gender. he’s a guy.
its what pushes him to break up with amity. its amicable at least
and so as luz moves on with his life, and starts falling for hunter, he’s scared hunter wont like him now bc he’s trans
and once hunter finds out about that, he’s putting a stop to it fast. like:
“dude. im bi. i dont care if youre a boy or a girl. youre luz. and i like luz.”
and they live happily ever after the end agajdjjg
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thisiskitta · 11 days
Ask Game: List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers :)
Sorry, I didn't get to answer this til now. Thank you for sending this over to me! 1. My boyfriend. We've been together since January 2019. We knew eachother before that but we got closer in the fall of 2018 when I went through a really bad dental issue that made me sick for days unable to sleep and all that. He comforted me and was there for me that whole time. We are long distance, met online through a MMO and we're going as strong as ever. He's a fun guy and we can talk about anything, very open to eachother. We are very opposite but come together so well ^-^ He is so precious to me, treats me like no one ever has before and can make anything better. He is the sweetest man alive and I love him to pieces.
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2. My cat Luna. My #1 companion. I've raised her since birth as she is the sole kitten my dad's cat had. I lived with my dad at the time and Zara (luna's mom) would bring Luna under my bed covers when she was like 3 days old. I had struggles trying to keep her in a safe space that she wouldn't just bring the kitten back in my bed. I even put the box with blankets in my bed and it didn't stop it lol. Luna is VERY attached to me due to this. A very clingy & affectionate cat. She always is near me and she sleeps on top of my butt/legs when I go to bed lol. She has a great fun personality and is so pretty. 3. Playing games. I mean a bit of a duh. I am definitely a gamer™ from MMO to single player RPG, narrative focus, to survival building to cozy games. I go with obsessive phases where all I want to play, do and consume is related around the game I am into at the moment. I've recently come back to The Sims franchise which I played for thousands upon thousands of hours where I was a kid/teenager (the sims 2 and the sims 3 being my big ones) but quit on the launch of Sims 4 because I hated what had been done by EA. I love the way the game is now and I am having a lot of fun with it. 4. Rain. I am a huge pluviophile. It will literally soothe my brain. I listen to soft rain videos when I have bad anxiety or unable to sleep (ADHD being a huge issue for my sleeping and rain sounds help focus my brain and relax instead of wandering in the highspeed rail train of thoughts I get lol) I even spent some time trying to figure out why it has such an effect on me and I think I cracked the code. I think it's the subconsciousness feeling of safety being inside while it's "not good" outside. That feeling of coziness the rain instantly gives. But I can't explain why I love it so much lol the sound, even the visuals. Gifs of rain give me instant good vibes. 5. Watching a bad movie with my online friends. Like a so bad it's good type of movie. Think The Room and... the Twilight saga (I'm sorry girls/boys/nbs) We laugh so freaking hard and it is such a good time.
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tkblythofficial · 3 months
Re: R posting T on social media. He's hilarious, oh T you hypocrite. It;s so in line with this ask: https://www.tumblr.com/zeglythofficial/741692415395659777/i-agree-with-the-anon-who-said-t-is-probably?source=share T being a Leo Mars and being "OBSESSED WITH PRAISE... MAJOR validation and an upper hand over those they see as there rivals." It makes me happy to imagine zeglyth together and R feeding us all the content. "He strikes me as the type to boast about having a successful and beautiful partner on his arms." - How interesting that this is so different from his relationship with BB. That he will be prideful going public with her. But it's also completely different since R is a star (and BB has her own say in how her relationship is with T). We know where R stands on public relationship. Oh R, if they do get together, I hope she doesn't get too tempted by the popularity of Zeglyth. There's a line, and with proper communication I'm sure T and R can find that line. Again we're in this for the long game, so they'll be more mature in a few years.
Okay the Karma card is admittedly worrying me a bit. wait come again, IMMEDIATELY, how immediately is that? Why are they so stubborn. Please at least talk to each other.
So we've established they are so ying&yang, and the pillars to support their relationship are COMMUNICATION and COMPROMISE! I am quite invested in them and their PALPABLE CONNECTION, and I really hope that they don't fuck it up. I'll be sad for them, how could they walk away from a connection like that.
They're such dumbass soulmates. They can't ignore their connection forever, they'll have to cave eventually. Also amusing how they're both trying to put up a front with the other. These idiots who care deeply for each other. T caring for her and holding her in a high regard, he respects her so much! See even tarot 2.0 is feeling sorry for them, which means things are bad :(
Okay I'm just gonna focus on the fact that this is current energy. BOSS just released a few months ago and as said, they have their own projects to focus on. Hopefully years from now, they'll be game.
I hope R takes a break from us, or steps back from social media. Do whatever she needs to recuperate.
That last answer was beautiful. Perfectly said at the end, it was very uplifting to us. A reminder to all of us that deep connection that RT shares. The toeing of the line, makes me smile.
They have many long and deep conversations. Shared secrets and good times! T feels R is very different from anyone’s ever met and adores her. The potential will always be there for him. He will always love her and fears he will never feel this way again. No matter how many times they fight and argue, they will always have each other’s back.
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He will always love her and fears he will never feel this way again - Oh T. this part is super bittersweet. To show how profound and singular his love for her is and that potential being lost breaks my heart.
All in all, I really hope they don't ignore their connection. This feels like the makings of a once in a lifetime love. I hope they choose their cards right, and things also align for them. I believe in their soumatism.
1. BB and R are so different lol or at least I think. Who knows maybe BB is constantly online too. I’m hoping by the time R and T get together, R is more offline and doesn’t post her man everywhere.
2. Yeah, they shouldn’t resist their connection. That’s dangerous and stupid. The connection is there for a reason.
3. “Even Tarot 2.0 is feeling sorry for them which means things are bad” LOL the shade but yeah if she feels bad then things are terrible for zeglyth rn
4. Friends to lovers! The slow burn will be slow but worth it.
5. Me too! They’re soulmates! Even if they right it for now, they will find a way together again. Maybe PCA will be the first step.
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vanillatalc · 5 months
ok im gonna just talk about it anyway :D
he announced earlier that next year he's gonna push me more, and i was like ? wat? why? and he was like i think we're both undersocialised atm and i was quite annoyed by this and also a bit hurt bc i feel like that's more untrue in the past 6 months thn it's been sice the pandemic (and maybe before - bc most of our friends now are people from discord we ended up becoming irl friends with)
maybe *you* feel undersocialised ben but *i* actually find basically all social activities something to endure rather than enjoy
also don't forget that ana is my soulmate and I feel very happy just hanging out with them and Ben
i feel like he has still this shark feeling of gotta keep moving or ill die :) like he is doing much better than he was from sept-nov but yeah i think he doesnt need to make that an Us problem lol like i dont share that feeling at all lol like if you want to do more things than i do you can do some stuff separately, and some stuff with me! as is normal!
i did feel quite frustratedand annoyed with the way he brought it up , which he did apologise for later bc he agreed we're doing the right things etc and he didnt really mean he wants to push me MORE just that he doesnt want to BACKSLIDE. which is fine i guess but it was a bit annoying to hear anyway bc i am not planningon going intoi a big isolationist hole
like the implication that next year some REAL change is gonna happen and totally ignoring the fact that we got married a few months ago (objectively the biggest social event either of us have ever done), that we hung out with Boops and yuka at an art installation, that we've had clare over a bunch of times, that we've had boops over, that he's done a few irl dnd sessions w/ lucas clare boops, that we've been ice skating a few times, that we've done escape rooms together, that we've done some family trips, we did that ceramics class, we've done a LOT of pokemon walks - all of this in teh past 2 or 3 months apart from the wedding - im just like god damn how much stuff do i have to do to satisfy you lol like i simply dont find the same kind of drive to Do Things that he has and I have still done all this shit REGARDLESS
i was also annoyed i think by the implication that he's the one who needs to push me when actually half of the above shit was my idea!!! the ice skating was me! the wedding was my idea! the escape rooms were my idea! i was the one who restarted teh pokemon go! i was the one who created the server in the first place, where he found his friends!!!! these are all my friends i let him share!!! i was the one who arranged the halloween party w/ boops and clare literally bc he was so sad i wanted to do something nice for him
i do read him charitably - as i legit think is important to do in all relationships with someone you like and respect on a very basic level lol - and i dont think he meant to suggest that im massively inadequate lmfao (i mean - i know he didnt) and he apologised for coming in too hard about stuff, and i know he's traumatised by covid (who isnt?) and is terrified of going back into that tiny world where it was just us and we didnt see anyone else for 2y. but that's not on the cards anyway so i felt a bit wrongfooted by the whole talk
also i was so cross i went mute and under my blankets until he sort of to put it bluntly fucked me back into communication lmfao !! me hissing "im cross with you" while he was actively fucking me </3 looool (this is 100%% fine by the way, just for the record, i was way less annopyed by the sex than the conversation, the sex cheered me up even and it was the right move)
anyway whatever. i think we're actually on the same page in terms of not wanting a particularly quiet 2024 (we're planning on going to Iceland in the winter and also there will be a chess meetup abroad somewhere) so we move. i was just annoyed by how he framed it but he did apologise anyway and i know he didnt really mean anything!! but it was annoying lol like omg I try sooo hard. so fucking hard!!!
ETA: fucking. also. he wasn't even making ANY comment on this stuff and he's fully been my biggest cheerleader lol but I've also been so busy work-wise (my "chess career" is reaching new heights after all) and taking care of him these past few months and doing my doll job as well I think I just want someone to be like omg cham you are actually soooo impressive I'm soooo obsessed with you !!! don't worry you don't need to find anything else inside you you are doing sooooo well!!! (Ben is actually usually like this but I want him to say it now as well) like I've been working on job stuff AS WELL AS doing loads more shit with him lately and I feel like I should get extra credit for that
all this to say that this would be a good time to send me a message with how great you think i am. lol
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saraminia · 7 months
15 questions, 15 mutuals
Thank you for tagging me @apothecarose 💞
1. Are you named after anyone?
Nope. Although my mom's called Riitta so it's kinda similar.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Yesterday when I looked at this picture.
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So basically I cried about Noah and how much I love him. Seems to be a nearly daily occurrence nowadays. 😔
3. Do you have kids?
I have two. My son is 17 and my daughter is 14. And they're the best kids in the whole world.
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(yes, I have their permission to post their pics freely and I'm a proud mama so why not)
4. What sports do you play/have played?
Sadly I never played a sport. (I was never into sports or exercise when I was a kid. Really not until after my daughter was born. That's when I started HIIT training and I did it really intensely for several years. Up until my mental illness put a stop to the training. I hit rock bottom with depression and could hardly even get out of bed. I've been mentally in a very good place for a few years now, but sadly haven't managed to pick up training again.)
5. Do you use sarcasm?
I mean.. yeah? Not intentionally, but I'm sure I do.
6. What's the first thing you notice about people?
I'm extremely unobservant unfortunately. I can meet someone and after five minutes not remember anything about them, especially about their appearance. But I think a really radiant and/or warm smile is something that gets my attention.
7. What’s your eye color?
Greyish green.
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8. Scary movies or happy endings?
I like both, but happy endings are lovely.
9. Any talents?
Nope. None. lol
10. Where were you born?
In Finland. Same town where I'm currently living. I've been here and there and lived away from here for like fifteen years, thirteen of which in Sweden, but I returned home about eight years ago.
11. What are your hobbies?
No time for hobbies really. Gotta tumblr for several hours every day lmao. I mean, I write, but not very well. I take walks, often in nature. But mostly I just study and work.
12. Do you have any pets?
I have cats, two old ladies called Mimmi and Simba. They're both girls (despite the name) and both 11 years old. I've had them since they were six months old. They are from the same home, from two different litters, born five days apart. So different mothers, father(s) unknown, so they could be sisters. Either way they have always been together.
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13. How tall are you?
164 cm which is about 5'4"
14. Favorite subject in school?
Maths and English (as a second language)
15. Dream job?
I don't think I ever had one. I am studying health care and will be a public health nurse when I'm done, but I wouldn't call that a dream job. It's just a job. I gotta do something so that's what I chose so I at least know there's always going to be work for me. But tbqh if I won the lottery, I would never work again. I'm not sure I'd even finish my studies, since I already am a nurse, it's only the specializing studies I'm still doing.
Oh man, am I supposed to tag fifteen people? Ok I'll try @ramonaflow @flowertrigger @a-noble-dragon @jesuisici33 @carolrain @maryp50 @statueinthestone @goodiecornbread @thisbuildinghasfeelings @rmd-writes @rainbowcoloredpalmtrees @jettestar @grapehyasynth @reasonandfaithinharmony @beaiola
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thexmistress · 7 months
Hey again I have some questions for you if you don’t mind answering,
What does Gojo family think about this whole situation and his actions? Aka him cheating on y/n while she was pregnant with his child and divorced her and leaving her for Utahime pregnant and get back together with her.
What does Gojo family think of Utahime? Do they like her or do they have harsh opinions on her?
What does Utahime family think about this whole deal too? Are her parents disappointed in her? Do they know that Gojo was married and had an expecting pregnant wife.
Have Ren and Aimi ever met each other? Are they going to meet any future chapter?
Why was y/n struggling with money? I mean Didn’t she get a huge of sums alimony and child support since the divorce because he cheated on while she was pregnant and left for the other woman
Is y/n ever going to comfort Utahime and Suguru and ask them why did they lie about Satoru being Ren?
Was there anyone in Gojo family that doubt about him being Ren or telling him that he should get parental test to be sure it his and before he left y/n.
Are Gojo and Utahime married? Or engaged or are they both boyfriend and girlfriend?
What does Gojo other friends and Utahime friends feel about this situation too?
Has Suguru seen y/n since the divorce? Has met Satoru daughter?
Has Utahime ever met y/n or Aimi?
Has Gojo family ever met Aimi? Or has they been neglecting her attention too and giving it all to Ren too?
Are we going to see the reaction of families learning about the truths? Including Suguru family and Utahime family and Gojo family and y/n family.
Do Gojo family like y/n and have they kept in touch with her since the divorce?
Bonus question where are you from? Sorry if this sounds too personal or if I come off as cross bit nosy. It just when you upload part 2 it was 1.am in my time zone and you saw my previous ask of Happy anniversary. I didn’t finish typing that until it was 3am and having trouble going to sleep because I was so mad at Satoru, Suguru and Utahime. My rage was literally keeping me awake😅 you don’t have to tell me exactly where you are from if that makes you uncomfortable but can you give me a time zone. So I can work manage my uk time and your time of when you upload the next chapter.
Again amazing chapter and justice and happiness for y/n and Aimi✊
Hey friend!!!
For questions 1-3 I will be answering as the story progress (:
4. Ren and Aimi do know each other as siblings. I did write a part where Aimi talks to y/n about Ren and wanting to see him but I edited it out. So they do know each other and we’ll see them interact with one another in the story (:
5. Y/n is struggling with money because I wanted to be realistic. I’m a LPN (Licensed practical Nurse) and honestly I can’t even afford to pay rent on my own without the help of my roommate. So even though she is working (I didn’t establish what her career is but I will in the next few chapters.. I’ll probably make her into a LPN like me lol) the cost of the hospital bills for her labor, rent, groceries, etc was a bit too much for her on her own. I was going to put in the chapter that y/n didn’t put satoru on child support or filed for alimony because she didn’t want none of his money after he betrayed her. So she tried to do everything on her own. Was that a smart choice though? No. And we will explore that as well as the story progresses.
6. Honestly No. Y/N dont feel the need to get involved with that drama because in her mind that’s Satoru’s Karma/problem. Where she will have conflicted feelings at is whether or not she should let Aimi know that Ren isn’t her real brother. But she will wait for Satoru to make the decision if he will continue to see Ren as his son. (Sorry if it sound confusing)
7. His parents were suspicious but they saw their son as happy, so they didn’t want to disturb that
8. Satoru and Utahime were boyfriend/girlfriend. Satoru didn’t want to go through the hassle of remarrying. (Which worked in his favor lol but he did sign Ren’s birth certificate so Ren last name is Gojo until further notice)
9. We will see Utahime and Suguru reaction to Satoru split with Y/n in the story (;
10. Suguru hasn’t really kept in touch with Y/n after the divorce. I guess you can say Suguru and Utahime are a little bit more loyal to Satoru than y/n (which we will see how that affected y/n) but Suguru has seen Aimi a few times when Satoru would have her.
11. Y/n did her best to keep her distance from Utahime. Utahime would see Aimi sometimes when Aimi would come over and spend time with Satoru, but it wasn’t often. She would feel some type of ways about Aimi being over which is a reason why Satoru wouldn’t have Aimi as much as he should (we’ll explore that as the story goes on)
12. Honestly his family lives in a different part of Japan so they barely see Satoru. So when they do see Aimi it’s once and a blue moon. Not often as they should. They do send gifts to Aimi and Ren.
13. We will see Y/n’s family and Satoru’s family reaction (:
14. Satoru family has always been cordial to Y/n. But they do call Y/n to speak to Aimi and send Aimi gifts whenever they can.
Sorry it took me long to reply back and I hope some of the questions I answered cleared up a few things (: I started working nights and it literally been messing with my sleep schedule lol. I live in boring ass Maryland… at least we got good crabs I guess lol. But omg I’m sorry I had kept you up!!!!! 😭 I will be uploading chapter 3 this Saturday (: Thank you so much for liking this story frrrieeennnddddd
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