#i might edit this and add more info if i feel like it though
felikatze · 6 months
Do you wish you could easily look up information on ISAT, yet the wiki is lacking in it?
Well let me tell you the good news, my friend... YOU can fix that! all you need to do is sign up to wiki.gg (which doesn't even require an email address!) and you can get editing! Add information that the wiki editors have overlooked!! correct spelling mistakes!! write guides for obscure achievements!!
"But I'm afraid to make a mistake!"
Don't worry! If you have questions, simply head to #the-wiki-channel on the official isat discord server, and there'll be plenty of people to help you out!
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in that case, check out isatwiki's very own style guide! It gives you the run down on formatting, page layouts, syntax, and citing! If you still feel unprepared, check out a completed page and copy its formatting! Completed pages are few and far between at the moment, though. Ahaha.
"I don't want to mess up on a public page!"
In that case, our dear pal the style guide is here to help! Check out the last section on Sandbox pages! A very own page, just for you to mess around with! Additionally, you can cut your teeth on making an user page for yourself! Put anything on there (that complies with TOS, of course) and have fun!!! Check out other people's user pages too, if you want!!
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Then check out our To Do list! All the wiki's main projects, all compiled in one place! And if something you want to do isn't on the to do list... do it anyway. If there's info you want on there that isn't, the more the merrier, right?
on my hands and knees. please. pretty please. we're a small wiki we have low standards. i will take literally anything over nothing at all. you can make the most barebones unformatted page ever and i personally will pretty it up for you. i merely ask that you cite. like at all. and if you dont cite you can put this cute little {{source}} banner up top so other people will know the info isn't cited.
you should get into wiki editing it's a very fun hobby. you might even pick up basic coding along the way and learn what it's like to cry over css.
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chaotic-starlight24 · 3 months
Ponyboy Curtis General Headcanons
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Alrighty! Glad so many of you like the Dallas headcanons! Darry is next after Ponyboy then I will probably do another vote :)
Warnings: Spoilers for the book
I did literal scientific research just to figure out some of this stuff :,) I didn't have to but I still did
He is always thinking of the worst case scenario. Not always, but if he’s left alone long enough he’s decided that Darry got hit with a meteor and Soda probably drowned in motor oil. 
He was really gullible as a young kid, like one time Dally convinced him that he (Dally) was a vampire. But then he debunks what he learns pretty quickly. “I’ve never seen you drink blood, you don’t really have “fangs”, and you really like garlic bread!” “OK kid, ya got me.”
For being so young, he hurts his neck and back a lot. He sleeps a little weird, BAM neck pain! He sits upside down, POW his back aches. He sleeps in a soldier position and doesn’t move unless Soda moves him. He also always needs support for his back, usually sitting with his back to the wall or laying down. (Same though)
As we know, this little man smokes a lot more than just about everyone in the gang combined. Which is already extremely worrying on its own, but also really surprising that he manages to be a good track runner. I might ask some of my track runner friends later for info on how they breathe when running. But let’s just say he really enjoys running but also manages to end up wheezing at the end of every practice. He has to take like a 30 minute break after practice just to breathe normally. The coach just assumes he has asthma and probably hints that he needs to get checked out. 
To add a little more to the whole track runner thing, he doesn’t say track AND FIELD. Which means he is doing the track portion and therefore a whole lot of running. I’m still researching the science behind it on what type of running he could manage though. Long distance takes shorter breaths through your nose and enhances your stamina. Sprinters run for shorter amounts of time and need deeper breathing at a quick pace. So he would most likely be a long distance runner. *EDIT* I checked with my track runner friends, I'm correct he would be a long distance runner
Ponyboy is (most likely) left-handed in the movie. And I’m going to take that and run with it. Most items with handles are made for right-handed people. So I feel like Darry or Soda have several times heard a BANG and a small ow afterwards, walked into the kitchen and Pony has once again hit himself in the head with the fridge door. Scissors are also hard to use for him. He never liked arts and crafts.
He had imaginary friends as a kid. An entire cast of them to be exact. A part of him wanted more friends that weren’t just his brothers’ friends. He wanted to be less of a little brother and more of an equal if you know what I mean. He still has those feelings nowadays but he is more thankful for the gang.
He does have some friends at school but he’s more of the “third friend” than anything. So he spends a lot of time at school doing work, reading, or staring into space. The track guys and him are good company to each other but don’t really hang out at any other times. But Pony appreciates them nonetheless.
He writes a lot of notes in the most random places. Like random ideas he gets he just grabs a piece of napkin and scribbles it down. But then it gets left behind and taken out of context. Like Darry once found a piece of paper on a kitchen chair that just said “The ceiling tile shatters and hits him.” 
He has a really contagious smile. Like he starts grinning the rest of the gang can't help but start smiling too.
After Johnny and Dally’s death, he started to see people in more of a gray scale instead of just black and white. He realized there is more to a person than meets the eye. He can still be a little hater but he is a bit nicer about people. 
Him and Cherry started running into each other every so often and will ramble about the most random things, then just walk away like they didn’t just say some analogy between books and people.
He would eventually become a writer of books and own a library. He ends up offering free reading and writing classes for the kids like Dally and Johnny who never had/have the chance to finish school. He calls it “The C&W Program '' saying it stands for Creation and Wisdom program if you ask but the real name is Cade&Winston.
He still goes swimming even after the incident but he doesn’t ever go underwater. 
His favorite books that he constantly rereads are Great Expectations, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Pickwick Papers. But he also just likes most books.
(The girl he mentions at the beginning that called him a hood) I feel like she was a middle class teen similar in age to Pony named Esther. She hangs out with the soc girls more. She actually felt bad about calling him a hood since it just kind of rolled out of her mouth and apologized later on. It greatly surprised Pony and they ended up becoming really good friends. (Possibly starting a relationship later but that is up to you)
He never stops smoking all the way but after a wake-up call from the gang he starts smoking a lot less.
He learned how to read before he even started school. He just loved it and all of the worlds that are created through writing. The funny thing is, no one can figure out who taught him in the first place! Mr. and Mrs. Curtis just guessed he got a hold of some of Darry’s books or something. But Soda was actually the one to teach him. Soda is not in any way an extremely good student. But he is good at explaining things. So a really young Pony saw him reading the comics and asked how he knew what it was saying. Soda taught him the basic words in the comics and Pony went off and grabbed one of the novels from the family’s shelves. He then proceeded to teach himself how to sound each word out and then ask Soda what it meant. Soda was really happy when Pony got a hang of it very quickly. After a couple years, Darry noticed some notes in his books and took a close look at what it was saying. They were annotations IN CURSIVE. He didn’t write them, Soda never picks up bigger books, and their parents have their own books. Eventually Darry caught Pony doing it and was like “WHAT THE HECK??? YOU’RE A LITERAL 3RD GRADER???” 
One time he had to do a presentation in 5th grade about the life of a famous person important to them. People got extra credit if they dressed up like their person and he was extremely embarrassed because he was the only one to do so. He dressed up as Paul Newman. (This legit happened to me though, it was so cringey)
He has naturally wavy hair but he uses so much grease it looks stick straight. It’s also so greased that his hair is actually shiny.
Him and Steve start getting closer post canon as Pony gets older. Mainly because Steve sees him less as an annoyance and the gang is overall a lot closer together. 
If Johnny had survived ( I have a whole explanation that I will share later) Pony would help him out all the time. Johnny may be wheel-chair bound but Pony includes him in whatever he can. He is always there for Johnny since Johnny ends up with so many problems. (Johnny would probably be adopted by a couple who lost their child and have the dedication to take care of him) With spinal cord injuries usually comes respiratory issues, pressure sores, etc. He would help Johnny through the 5 stages of grief (many people who lose limbs or lose an ability do this) and help him set up a routine on how to get through everyday things.
He ends up being a middle ground between Sodapop and Darry when he grows up. Like height and build wise.
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burirammin · 2 months
Did I just find a really really good clip of marc with clear visor in slow motion? from a motogp game soundtrack video?? spectacular.
But what really caught my eyes was the fact that he was braking with FOUR fingers and that the video was from 2013, his first year in premier class. That made me paused a bit because he is pretty well-known (to me at least) for using just ONE finger in motogp, an index, just like casey. Here's an example with how vale does it for comparison.
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So there I go, to do some research aka. googling session that ends with me having a beef with a six years old video for audio editing mistake so catastrophic it cut off parts of interview that could potentially give me more info... and it loops the same audio part again and again and again. Drives me nuts.
Found the same video on videopass yes yess thank you!!
Anyway! It was a video on braking techniques of different riders (with interviews. from 2018) and marc said that of course he use one finger to brake, has always done that. But he used to use all four fingers to do so when he was riding a 125cc bike and then when he pass to moto2 he start experimenting with his techniques and change from one to the other end of the two extremes, from four fingers to just one. Said the technique was a crossover from him training a lot on motocross, where he use just one finger to brake. (Not a word for word quote but close enough)
Here's how he brake in 125cc
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And here's how he does it in motogp
left : four fingers (2013) right : one finger (2018)
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This is interesting, he's still braking with four fingers in 2013 (though I am not sure when the footage was from. It was definitely from before mid june of that year so, at least before Catalunya) Maybe he was still trying out things even in 2013 despite him saying he start to change it all in moto2? So i took a closer look at his braking hand during one of his moto2 race and guess what?
He did use four finger still in the footages i found, like this one from Valencia 2012
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I also look up those slow motion videos of the 2013 season and he's still using four fingers even in Jerez so that too (gif below).
By my limited research he would have change his technique somewhere between the end of 2013 season to before the start of 2015 season (because otherwise this reddit post would not exist and I reckon he’d not change mid-season, or maybe he would. Might look into it later)
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Soooo yeah... this seems to be a case of him riding so much, for so long he FORGOT details about HIS OWN riding techniques. My silly cunty boy. Mister Marc 'I don't read' Marquez, maybe you should read btw it might help with your memory 😭
Note : If anyone have more info, please feel free to add on to the post. I'll eat it all up like cake I promise.
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nonsensical-pixels · 1 year
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exactly what it says on the tin title! after watching @skittlesplays manually resize hundreds of recolor files on stream (and trying to do it myself...), i decided that the only solution when it comes to editing textures for ts2 was... photoshop! here are 9 photoshop actions geared towards 4t2 conversions, but hey, maybe you could use them for other stuff too 💖
i made these for personal use and have been using them on and off for the last few months, so i suppose you could say they've been sufficiently tested... the actions included aren't final though, i might go back and add a few more as my areas of expertise expand 😅 more info and instructions under the cut, long post warning! 👇🏽
if you encounter any issues with these actions, please do reach out to me and i'll try my best to help! or if you'd like to add on to them, edit them, etc. in any way, please feel free to 😀
How to Install These Actions
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open up photoshop and click on the big 'play' button in the corner. that's the actions tab. then click on the little down arrow and 4 lines in the corner of that subwindow.
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select 'load actions' from the list, and navigate to wherever you've installed my .atn file! then that's it, you've got them installed, easy-peasy.
How to Use These Actions (1 at a Time)
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open up the texture that you want to edit in photoshop; for this example i'm using a dress i'm 4t2'ing from the throwback fit kit. now it's time to decide which action you're gonna use to make this texture compatible with ts2!
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as the texture is 1024 x 2048, i'm gonna use the 'texture clothing: 1024x2048 to 1024x1024' action to downsize it.
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ta-da! now it's a reasonable size!
How to Use These Actions (Dozens at a Time)
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now for what this set was really made for: editing a ton of textures at a time! just go to file -> automate -> batch...
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and navigate to the textures you'd like to batch-edit. here's a few things you should probably keep in mind: - checking 'include all subfolders' will edit ALL the textures from that filepath onwards. - if you set your destination as 'save and close' as pictured, all your files will be autosaved after the action has been run. - so if you don't want to live on the edge, like me, and are afraid of running the wrong action, just open up one of the files you're batch-editing and check which action should be run on it before you do the other files.
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and behold! all of my textures have been cut down, and a bunch of my time saved 😎
Examples of Stuff Each Action Can Be Used For
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in case you were curious! the first two actions, i mainly use for objects. a lot of ts4 cc creators have their texture sizes set to 2048x2048 or even more, which is way more than (my) ts2 can normally handle. i mean, that much for a candle? geez! so these two actions are used to cut down those textures and not kill your graphics cards.
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these are for cas stuff, like clothing, hairs, and accessories. alpha creators tend to have larger texture sizes, but ea's are almost always a cool 1024x2048. just make sure you check before you run the actions!
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trim is... i honestly can't remember the last time i used trim, just... if you need it, it's there
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the last two actions are for floors and walls! floors are set to autosave as .bmp; walls are up to you. the texture sizes are made to match homecrafter's.
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and... that's about it! lol. i know this isn't normally what i post, but i figured that since a lot more people are getting into 4t2 converting recently, these actions might help y'all.
have a great day, have a fun time simming, and keep being awesome guys 😘
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auxiliarydetective · 11 months
To all the people making One Piece OCs after the Live Action, I love all of you and I have some important info for you!
I'm here as a seasoned manga/anime fan to give you some tips and resources on names and devil fruits that live action only fans probably don't know, so stick around! :)
Edit: I now have an entire blog dedicated to spoiler-free One Piece resources @onepiece-oc-archives so if this post helped you, maybe you'll find more there!
Keep in mind that these are things to make your OC fit into canon, which I think is pretty important, but not a must. Making OCs is about having fun, after all. If my tone seems a little pointed, take it in the light of my hyperfixation and personal opinion. These are all offers and ideas, not requirements.
There are 8-ish paragraphs in this post and I'm just gonna give you a quick outline so you can find everything more easily:
Names (Please read this, this is about a "mistake" I see lots of people making!)
The D. in Luffy's name
Devil Fruit Names
The Uniqueness of Devil Fruits (REALLY important, please read this)
What if my Devil Fruit is taken? (Follow-up to 4.)
Creature-related Devil Fruits
Devil Fruit Fun Facts (little details that could spice up your OC)
Final message/What if my question isn't in this post?
First of all, I've seen some people seemingly confused about the naming schemes of the characters. One Piece names work with the Japanese naming scheme, so the family name comes first! Roronoa Zoro means Zoro is the guy's first name and Roronoa is his last/family name. I think you can see it best with Monkey D. Luffy and SPOILER FOR LATER EPISODES Monkey D. Garp. They have the same family name, that being "Monkey D.". No, there are no exceptions and I'm begging you to keep that in mind for your OCs as well. Not all characters have a first and last name, in fact most of them don’t, by the way, and names can sound like Greek philosophers or Disney sidekicks or whatever else you want a name to be, so feel free to get creative
Sort of halfway adding to that though I've seen nobody doing it: The D. "D" stands for "Don’t give it to a character unless you know what it means". So, before you name your character "Original D. Character", look up the D. You can still do it, it might even be really awesome, just look it up, but only look it up if you're willing to take spoilers. Otherwise, you can always add the D. later.
Second topic of this post: Devil Fruits! I highly recommend you think about the Japanese name of your fruit, simply because it's fun! Eichiiro Oda, the creator of One Piece, loves naming his devil fruits after puns or onomatopoeia (meaning things like "moo moo" in English, but Japanese has a lot more and a lot cooler ones). For example, Buggy's fruit, the Chop Chop Fruit, which is called Bara Bara no Mi in Japanese. Barabara is Japanese onomatopoeia for something coming apart. To avoid spoilers, I'm gonna use my own original fruit as the second example: It’s the Sew Sew Fruit, or Chiku Chiku no Mi, chikuchiku being the sound of a needle piercing through fabric. As you can see, the onomatopoeia or pun usually doesn't carry over to the English name, which is why I suggest the Japanese. Just for funsies. If you want something like that for your fruit, here are some resources I found:
https://www.tofugu.com/japanese/japanese-onomatopoeia/ (<- ordered by theme, makes things easy to find)
https://gist.github.com/UserUnknownFactor/093a2296c5a4d9ef7b404728ebde94a3 (<- ordered by alphabet, things are harder to find but as a LOT more stuff; maybe read the first link first so you know where to look)
Another thing about devil fruits which they kinda touched on in the show but never clearly stated: Every devil fruit power only exists once in the whole world. So much for what the live action said. But what they didn’t say is that the person currently possessing the power has to die for the fruit to reform and another person to eat it. What that means for you is: Your OCs cannot have powers that are already in use by canon characters. Of course, to figure out if your fruit of choice is taken, you'd have to do research and risk spoilers. BUT if you don't wanna do that, just ask me. I'll either be able to tell you straight away or do the research for you problem solved!
What do I do if my devil fruit is taken?
You get creative. The exact same power may not exist twice, but there are variants like ice and snow, fire and lava, kilo and ton... Taking my own fruit as an example again, the power of stitching things together was already taken, so I widened the spectrum of my devil fruit to be generally sewing-themed. Canonically, the only real limit to what devil fruits can exist is a person's imagination, so you have explicit permission to go wild.
And finally, one last thing about devil fruits: You don’t have to limit yourself to typical "powers". There is a whole category of devil fruits that lets the user transform themselves into a living being, usually an animal. This includes mythological creatures! So, once again, go wild! They work a little differently than other devil fruits, but the basics are: You have your fully human form, your hybrid form and your animal form. These types of devil fruits are named a little differently, going after a scheme of Animal Animal Fruit, Model: Subtype/Breed/etc. Yes, there can probably be a Dog Dog Fruit for every type of domestic dog breed. Yes, you can make a cat girl. As an example for what you can do with these types of devil fruits that goes more in the whacky direction, one of my manga OCs has the Kami Kami no Mi, Model: Shikigami. Seriously, go wild. This is the fandom for it.
As sort of an extra fun fact while we're on the topic of devil fruits: Devil Fruits have the potential to alter a person's appearance when they eat it. It doesn't always happen, but it can. For example, there's a devil fruit that freezes your aging as a side effect and one that makes you lose any excess weight when you eat it. This also sometimes happens with the animal types. Maybe that’s something you can use for your OC. Also, clothes usually transform with the user when they use their powers, but not always. So, use whatever version you want for your OC.
And one final message: I love all the new fans coming in and I love seeing what you create! If you ever have any questions or need help fitting something you came up with into the OP universe or something, feel free to send me a message or, if you're too shy to do that, hop into my ask box on anon - or without anon. Or if you just wanna ramble to someone about your OCs or literally anything else, you can also just come to me. I'd love to hear from you!
Also, one more thing, if you think there's something missing here that I should touch on, tell me and I'll add it in a reblog or make a new post. This post is already long enough XD I've been thinking about making this a thing on my blog, not just for One Piece, where I just generally give resources and spare people the often spoiler-riddled or tedious research
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missmaywemeetagain · 2 years
Fireside - A Pink Scarf Universe Story 💗🧣💗
A/N: Apparently, I am not able to stay too far away from our darlin' Reader and Elvis, no matter how hard I try! I just love them too much. So, here is a sexy little blurb taking place in February 1970. I hope you enjoy, and maybe if this gets enough likes and traction, I'll release more and grow the "Pink Scarf Universe" lol, who knows?
If you haven't read Pink Scarf, read more here--Pink Scarf Series Masterlist (though honestly you could probably read this without knowing their story it just won't be as fun for you without the background info 😂).
I will also say this isn't as heavily edited and revised as PS, but hopefully it's still readable...
TW: MINORS DNI 18+ SEXX. PS Daddy E is back! The usual filth with these two. Fluff. A tinge of angst at the beginning. 😏
Word Count: 4.4k
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Graceland, Late February 1970
Shivering as you make your way across the lawn, you pull your arms across your coat in tight, feeling a bit insolent and annoyed that you even have to trudge out here in the middle of the night. But Elvis had insisted, in that spontaneous way of his, that he must have a campfire tonight, of all nights, even though they all had just returned from his second engagement in Las Vegas and were all beat to hell with exhaustion. So, he and the guys had all tasked at building what you considered to be a too large and dangerous fire in out on the back lawn.
Perhaps you might be feeling more understanding if you hadn’t just spent two weeks away from him—the longest amount of time you’d been apart since August. You’d been sent home early after catching the monster flu that had been going around, which had turned quickly into a terrible bout of bronchitis. The desert air had done you no favors, and Elvis, along with the doctor, had sent you home to Memphis despite your protests. You were furious because Elvis, too, had caught the flu, but in that stubborn way of his had insisted on performing through it like an insane person.
“All these folks paid good money and flew in from all over to come see me, Satnin. I ain’t gonna disappoint them,” he’d said to you as you both coughed and raged with fever.
You were so mad he’d sent you home during your first engagement as one of his back-up singers that you were still stung by it. But you were also finding yourself increasingly needy for him along with your moodiness.
Which is why you find yourself out in the cold, sniffling, desperate for your fiancé to come inside and shower you with attention instead of living it up out in the cold with the guys he just spent a solid month with.
Your grumpiness is fueled as you approach the roaring flames and spot Elvis in his low Adirondack chair, laughing it up with the guys. You don’t like the feeling of jealousy that creeps over you at his attention being pulled away from you by these men. It’s silly, you know, just as you know it’s part of the package. Elvis’ light and charisma demands attention whether he means it to or not but having been away from him the past few weeks made you miss him in a way you haven’t felt before.
Part of you can’t escape how handsome he looks in the firelight, his smile wide and crinkling his lovely blue eyes. And that damn laugh of his is so contagious and musical that it almost—almost—pulls you out of your funk.
That tether between you has been pulled tight for too long and yanks you towards him out here in the cold. You stand over him sullenly for a moment until he raises those soulful eyes up to yours.
“Why ain’t you in bed, Satnin? You shouldn’t be out here. You’ll catch another chill,” Elvis says in what to him is a caring way yet to you feels almost dismissive. But he must see the needy look in your eyes and the tears brimming there because his voice softens and he adds, “Come ‘ere then,” and lifts the heavy blanket over his legs. A sense of deep relief falls over you as you slide sideways into his lap, throwing your legs across his, his warmth cocooning you. He pulls the heavy blanket up over you both and you snuggle into his chest.
Yes, this is what you need, you think, collapsing into him, his spicy familiar scent enveloping you, the heat of his body burning into yours. One arm circles around your back and his other hand rests on your thigh, pulling you ever closer. God, you missed this. You missed him. To think you spent so many years near him but without him… No wonder your brain concealed so much from you for so long—this yearning you feel is nearly unbearable and he is already yours.
You sigh into his neck, and he presses his chin down to look at you. “What’s wrong, baby?” he whispers in your ear, his hand slipping under your coat to rub comforting circles at your waist. His slender fingers are cold, but you don’t care in the least.
“Missed you,” is all you can eek out in your sensitive, tearful state, your hand clutching at the front of his coat.
“Aww, darlin’, I’m right here,” he says, kissing the top of your head, then pressing his fire-warmed cheek to your cool one.
You can’t help but pout, your mood worn from weeks of being sick and without him to comfort you. It’s not like you to act this way—for years you built a stoic shell around yourself to cope with Jack being gone all the time—but Elvis managed to break that shell into pieces last summer. Since then, you’ve found yourself feeling every little thing and unable to hide it from him. Perhaps it is because he is so finely tuned into you that he just knows when something is off, but you can’t seem to hide things from him even when you’ve tried.
“Mhm,” Elvis tuts in your ear, “you’re still sore that I sent you home, ain’tcha? I’m not gonna be sorry about that, honey. You were too sick and the doc was right—that Vegas air was doin’ you no good.” He shakes his head.
You huff stubbornly and bury your head into his long neck. Of course, logically, you know they were right to send you back, but you are still upset and not just about that. You can’t seem to voice exactly what you are mad about, only realizing that you are annoyed and sad and small and needy in a way you’ve never been before. And this overwhelm seems to steal your ability to express any of those emotions in words. You’re not sure what exactly you need, other than being as close as possible to the man you love.
“Oh, don’t you be obstinate, now,” Elvis warns quietly, the slightest edge of temper in his voice. Your only response is to cling to him harder, to nuzzle yourself further into the warmth that emanates off him.
He says nothing for a moment, staring into the fire, but you can sense the gears turning behind those pretty, worn eyes. Finally, he seems to come to some conclusion because his countenance shifts and he forces your chin out of his neck with his finger so he can look you in the eyes.
“Is all this because you need Daddy to take care of you?” he asks quietly, firmly. His voice is low and rumbles right down to your toes, the words setting every one of your nerves on fire along the way.
A whimper escapes your lips. You are suddenly grateful for the inky darkness of the winter’s night, at the heat of the fire, because they conceal the blush that suddenly blotches your cheeks as Elvis stares deeply into your eyes. The gaze has you squirming to get off his lap and you want to pull him into the house where you need him, but his large hands clamp down firm.
“Be still,” he commands sternly, but only loud enough for you to hear.
Your heart is galloping at the implication of those two little words.
“Now are ya gonna be a good, quiet little girl for me?” Elvis asks, his hand gripping your chin so you have to look at him. His face is the picture of controlled calm—it’s only the flames dancing in his darkening eyes that gives him away.
You hadn’t realized just how badly you needed him to take control until this very moment.
You manage to nod solemnly as all the blood in your body seems to rush into your core. You don’t know what he has in store for you, but the fact that he is not making any attempt to leave the company of the men surrounding you makes you nervous (and maybe a little intrigued).              
Elvis releases your chin and pulls the heavy blanket up over your shoulders, encouraging you to snuggle back into him by tightening his hand around your waist. The warm wool now covers you both from head to toe, and it is only then that you start to glean why that might be important.
You rest your head on his collarbone, waiting with bated breath, feeling the slow, steady beat of his heart begin to quicken under your hand as you slip it into his coat. You’re unable to help the impulse to place a fluttering kiss at the pulse point on his elegant long neck, and his lip curls up in response. Before long, he begins drawing small circles with his fingertips up the inside of your thigh, and when reaching the hem of your dress, he slips under without compunction. You stiffen as he continues, unhurried, up, up, up until he reaches your panty line.
Your eyes widen and you wonder if Elvis is really going to do this with all the guys around. It’s bold, even for him, even with the blanket tenting and concealing his movements. A snake of apprehension in your gut is overrun by the thrill of the risk. The conversation around the fire flows on without either of you, and the crackle of the flames conceals a lot, and for that you are grateful.
The light brush of his fingers over the cotton of your panties makes you jump despite yourself, and in response, Elvis grips your waist hard, stilling you.
“Be good,” he orders through clenched teeth, “or I’m gonna stop and leave you to fend for yourself. Or maybe I oughta pull this blanket off and let the guys enjoy the show.” His lip quivers up slyly at that.
The threat stills you either way.
Elvis chuckles darkly. His fingers resume their teasing, dancing over the cotton at your core delightfully as you attempt to stay as still and quiet as possible. He is maddeningly patient, doing this until you can feel the throb of your pulse blossoming between your thighs, and it has you oh-so-quietly panting into his neck. But it’s not until he feels the fabric dampen under his touch that he finally slides his naughty, slender finger underneath, grazing through your slick and up to your sensitive bud, forcing you to bite down to keep from keening loudly.
Fuck, you’ve missed him.
By now, he knows how to play you like an instrument, his instrument, knowing exactly how much pressure to use as he circles your clit again and again, enough to get you sufficiently worked up. His casualness suggests he has all the time in the world while you’re sitting in his lap beginning to shudder from the pleasure coiling low in your belly.
Occasionally, he’ll stop, just to listen to your desperate breathlessness, your carnal wanting of him quelled by trying to be a quiet, good girl like you promised. A hint of a smirk plays on his face, making you want to crush your mouth to his or slap him for his teasing. Instead, you settle for clawing at his shirt.
The wetness that gathers between your legs has your panties soaked and sticking to you now, which might be embarrassing except for the fact that you are so damn needy for him, you couldn’t care less about your ruined underwear. Elvis discovers this fact as he finally dips lower, running the length of his finger back and forth through your sopping, swollen folds, taking his sweet damn time.
You tense. You are nearly ready to come undone just from his teasing, but you know that’s not what he wants. That’s not the game he’s playing. You raise your head from his chest just long enough to give him a pleading look.
He's doing a decent job of keeping his handsome features neutral, looking to a casual observer as though he is following the conversation around the fire and not driving you to madness under the blanket. But knowing him as you do, you can see the tiny giveaways that he, too, is flustered: the way his nostrils flare with his increased breathing rate, how his brilliant blues gleam with arousal, the way his plump lips part when he finally presses his middle finger deep into you.
Your wetness devours him readily. To hide the gasp and roaring flush on your cheeks, you pull the blanket up even farther. You clutch at his chest and your nails scrape his skin. After a few agonizing minutes, there’s no helping the instinct to grind your hips against his hand, wanting him deeper, wanting to consume him.
But while he smirks and is pleased with your desperation, he also will not relinquish control. He stills completely, one hand gripping your waist hard as a reminder of who is in charge. Your warm, wet heat clenches around his finger.
“Be good and stop squirmin’, little one,” he whispers low in your ear, “and maybe Daddy will keep finger fuckin’ you ‘till ya come.”
You stop moving but whine in response to those dirty words coming from his perfect pouty mouth—you just can’t help it—but it’s so quiet he can barely hear you. Your reward is another finger sliding deep into your heat. He picks up the pace in an unforgiving way. Gasping, you bite your lip when he curves those fingers just so, hitting that spot deep inside that is only his.
The blanket barely moves, and you have no idea what magic he is using to keep things so incognito, especially considering he naturally has so much energy that his limbs are usually vibrating uncontrollably. You still feel completely on display, though, especially when the pad of his thumb begins massaging your bud in time with his expert fingers pumping in and out of you.
I’m going to come undone, right here, in front of all the guys, you think in horror. You have no clue how you are going to keep quiet and still and good if that happens. Panic begins to build behind your arousal because you just know that coil is going to burst and you’ll cry out in ecstasy any second now (but a dark part of you is even more aroused by the scandalous nature of it all).
Elvis must sense the change in you because he edges you right up to the point of no return but not over. He halts his ministrations. You clutch desperately at his expensive shirt, certain you are going to shred it to pieces by the time this little game of his is through. Your heart pounds hard and fast against your ribcage, in time with his, and you wait to see what he has in store for you next. Because even though a part of you is embarrassed by this game, you are drinking in every drop of attention, relishing his command over you, needy for every morsel he deems to give you.
He’s considering his next move, you think, by the way his eyes narrow slightly and his grip on you shifts. When he pulls his fingers out of you, you almost moan for the loss of them, but catch yourself at the last second. Brazenly, he wipes his sticky fingers down your inner thigh, his eyes dancing with amusement as he does so.
You gape at him. He can’t be finished, you think dismally. He can’t leave me like this.
No, you don’t think so, not with the way you can feel his hardened length pressing into your hamstring.
He kisses your temple sweetly. “Now listen carefully, little girl: Imma need you to shift onto one of Daddy’s legs for a second. Nice and slow now, don’t call attention to it. And hold those ruined panties of yours to the side. I wanna feel that pretty little kitty weepin’ for me,” he rumbles in your ear.
Oh my goddd... The urge to moan long and loud fills you but you just nod instead.
You follow his directions and move your weight so one of his lean, muscled thighs is between yours. The rough fabric of his pants scrapes your bare pussy as he bounces his leg a few times, sending a cascaded of shivers into your belly. His pants will need to be dry cleaned for the soaking spot you’re leaving there, and part of you feels a sense of pride to be marking him in such a way. Mine.
Holding the blanket up to your shoulders dutifully, you stare at the golden flames licking into the air in front of you. No one seems to notice or care that you have shifted.
That’s when you feel it. The slow, deliberate way he undoes his belt, the ticking of his zipper. You blush furiously, then feel the spring of his heavy cock being released. Before you can react, he unceremoniously and quickly lifts you fully onto his lap, lining you up then impaling you down upon his length.
You cover your surprise and choke with a cough—not unusual considering you’re still recovering from bronchitis. Thank god you are as wet as you are because, even so, it’s a damn tight fit with him having been away these past few weeks. You have to keep yourself from rolling your eyes into the back of your head because he’s finally filling you the way you need him to.
Yes, this is what you wanted. This is what you needed. You just didn’t expect it to be in front of all his (albeit unaware) friends.
By the way Elvis grips your waist and from the soft grunt that escapes him, you know he’s struggling to contain his own reaction to your heat, despite the air of control he’s been exuding. He adjusts you how he wants you: leaning your back over his chest, your legs draped over his, his chin resting on your shoulder. With the way the seat of the chair tips down to the ground and with blanket pulled all the way up, nothing looks amiss.
You close your eyes and sigh, relishing the feel of him stretching you, his cock buried deliciously deep inside you. He envelops you in his arms, one under your breasts, the other at your lower belly. His warmth burns into your back, but he does not let you move. Those wiry but strong arms have effectively pinned you to him. Almost frantic, you try for some semblance of friction, anything at all to ease the tension, but he just chuckles at your near-silent gasps, holding you fast against him.
Finally, once you relent and relax, Elvis swivels his hips, again and again, in a slow rhythm not unlike one monumentally famous performance on TV in the beginning of his career, the one that sent the church ladies off their rockers and the teenage girls fainting. Suddenly, you want to giggle at the fact that his damn hips resulted in both his skyrocketing career and in his censorship because those same hips have certainly become even more skilled in the many years between then and now, but for different, more scandalous reasons. Maybe those church ladies had a point, after all, you laugh quietly. And it causes you to clench around his cock.
Then you hear a low growl in your ear: “What a dirty little girl you are, letting Daddy take you like this in front of all these men. Bein’ so good for me. You like this, baby girl?” Each statement is accentuated with a shallow but pointed roll of his pelvis.
You bite your lip, nodding. His dirty talk has molten heat flooding down your limbs and directly into your cunt. With the warmth of the roaring fire coupled with the passioned heat at your back, your arousal grows with each small movement, each scandalous word, and has you feeling like you might combust before this is all said and done.
So desperately do you want to ride him within an inch of his life, but he won’t allow it. No, this is his show, and you give into him, fully resting back onto his chest. He rewards you by finding your clit again, massaging it in slow time with his barely moving cock. The result is both torturous and delectable, working you into such a state that you dig your nails so hard into his clothed thighs that he hisses.  
“Fuck, little one, you feel so good,” Elvis breathes jaggedly into your ear. He presses a hand to your lower belly, then rolls his hips up. In this position, he’s big enough that you both can feel him there. “Takin’ my cock so well.”
You do your level best not to mewl, to stay quiet for him. Instead, your breathing pants through your nostrils and you try to keep your wits about you, trying to stay good as he fucks you so slowly within an inch of your life. Fucks you with all the guys around, who seem none the wiser.
He must feel you begin to flutter around him, your climax drawing ever closer. You feel like you’re about to burst because you need to scream, to moan out his name, do something that will let you release this pressure, but you tamp it all down as far as you can.
“Daddy’s gonna make you come now, sweetheart,” he purrs.
“N-not h-here,” you breathe out, panicked, knowing you can’t hold on much longer.
“Yes, here,” he chastises. “Right in front of ev’rybody. You’re gonna come so hard, baby, cuz Daddy treats you right, doesn’t he?”
You almost sob at that and nod, that coil poised to explode at any moment.
“But you’re gonna be good and so, so quiet cuz it’s just for me baby. You ain’t gonna cry out or move a muscle, okay?” he whispers and though he’s commanding, you know he’s close to losing control himself by how labored his breath is and how tightly he’s holding you.
You nod, and he flicks your clit with expert, rapid precision. “Now, lil’ one. Come now.”
That’s all you need. Quite suddenly, you are consumed by fire as hot as the one blazing in front of you. Your body tenses, then shudders violently in his lap and he holds you to him as you careen over the edge, lost to the dark night. It takes every ounce of self-control in you to not cry out, resulting instead in your huffed breaths. Long nails bite into his arms, clamoring for some outlet for your pleasure. Your eyes close, stars dancing behind them. Your walls clench and flutter around his length and you feel his slow rhythm begin to stutter.                                                        
“Fuck, baby, Jesus fuck, so good for m-me. Daddy’s gonna fill y-you up now. All mine. Aw, h-hell.” He pulses inside you, covering his own orgasm by biting deep into your shoulder, so hard you can feel it through the heavy winter coat you’re wearing. His thick, hot arousal throbs and coats your insides and you ride him through it with the tiniest rocking of your hips, feeling lighter than air but also grounded by him.
That’s what life with Elvis is like, you think. He grounds you to him, to his orbit, and sends you both shooting to the moon and the stars.  
Completely blissed out and spent, you fall into him, and he slumps back in the chair. As you come back down to Earth, you feel your breathing sync with his. You close your eyes and revel in the wonderful way he’s made you feel, this man you are so wildly in love with.
You’re no longer upset.
You’re just glad to be back in his arms.
Elvis nudges you and you realize you may have dosed off, as he is now soft inside you and the fire has dimmed some.
“I think you made quite the mess, lil’ mama,” he whispers, nipping at your ear.
Indeed. You can feel the cool pooling of your collective arousal coating you and his lap.
“I made the mess, huh?” you whisper back with a roll of your eyes.
“Oh, most definitely.” You can feel his boyish grin as he kisses your neck.
“Sure. And how exactly are we supposed to get back in the house without everyone knowing we had sex in front of them?”
He pauses and then you can feel the vibration of his chest as he starts to chuckle, that way he gets just before he has a laughing fit.
“Oh, don’t you dare start, E,” you warn. It’s contagious, of course, and you feel your own laughter bubbling. “You didn’t think this all the way through, did you, love?” you shake your head.
“That’s what I have you for!” he laughs.
“Well, I guess we’re just gonna have to sit here and simmer in our juices until everyone decides to go to bed, now won’t we?” you try to whisper sternly, but giggles escape at the complete ridiculousness of the situation.
“Not in our juices!” he cries with laughter. He’s completely beside himself, pressing his forehead into your back in an effort to hide his amusement.
“What was that, EP? Thought you both fell asleep over there,” Lamar says.
“N-nothing!” Elvis hiccups. “Just go about your business! Y’all must be getting’ tired, right? Time to go inside! Time for bed!” He flails his arms in the general direction of the house.
You are both trying, quite unsuccessfully, to hold back your laughter, and the guys are looking at you two like you’ve grown horns.
“Um, sure, EP? I guess it is getting late,” Charlie throws out.
Quizzical, the guys grumble a bit and begin to mosey their way towards the house.
“You comin’?” Lamar shouts.
“Don’t worry ‘bout it! We’ll get there!” Elvis calls, shooing him away, then dissolves into another peal of breathless laughter.  
“Okay, Crazy,” Lamar mumbles.
Elvis is sniffling and snorting by now. Your face is red and tears poke at the corners because the more he laughs, the more you laugh.
“I love you, Satnin,” he says, kissing your cheek gently once everyone is gone and your giggles have subsided.
“I love you, too, baby boy.” You press your forehead to his. “Now please tell me you have a handkerchief or something cuz otherwise you’re gonna need to wear this blanket around your waist to get inside.
“Anything for you, baby, anything for you,” Elvis says, holding back another peal of laughter.
And you know it’s true.
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CW: OC talk + Rambling / Blood / Gore / Censored Nudity (character sheet) / Mentions of Drugging
(idk why these warnings are so intense, but I swear it's all just silly OC talk T^T)
I’m kinda sorta working on more (comprehensible) TS OC stuff in between studying right now… I wanna hurry and talk about them but without info dumping (if given the opportunity I will without hesitation 😔…) because in terms of the best stories I have conjured up for OCs in general Naudedel and Noble are surprisingly good and I’m very excited to share how deranged they are together…
Right now it’s just about making Naudy readable and working on extra fun stuff… like monsters!
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I’m trying to work out his “monster” form…. The concept is there, but the execution is just not ticking the right boxes for me right now… also, the line art at the end is old and probably will go unused, but thought it was something to add here because like hehe look at my deranged son :)
When it comes to the writing I'm going to split it into two chapters. The first half will be a summary+ of his upbringing, and the second on how he fucked up his arm and why. Just enough info to get a read on what his deal is pretty much. I just need to edit the first chapter and rewrite some parts then it's ready to annoy the world!
I'm trying to think of a good design for his original mother... I'm thinking dark hair and milf (¬‿¬)・゚✧ ... honestly I need to start drawing out the designs for all the other TS OCs I've accumulated over the year (?) here's a fun list-
Hickery (bloodhound OC... dilf oc...I've already been made fun of for his name, but it stuck to me so I'm keeping it!)
Maya (another bloodhound OC)
Cove (Hound's ex-husband)
Cetcher's gf + informant, who still needs a good name...
and that one guy! (doesn't have a name yet... but is important in Hound's part of the story... she bashed some of his guys in the back of head with a hammer... it was a whole thing... Leander got involved... gang war stuff, don't worry about it...)
There are technically more OCs, like that Hightown lady Noble befriended during their first few weeks in town. However, I'm not sure if I'm including her in the final plot meeting. But yeah, anyway I'm rambling so on to Noble news!
For Noble, everything is plotted out in advance surprisingly…character playlist and all... just need to find the words to explain their story other than “parasite with a weird God complex feels guilty” I do have some old memes and art of them though!
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Noble curse stuff...
Childhood cult stuff...
Current reality...
Poor person masquerade dress censored for tumblr...
Noble folks!
I actually wrote out a whole little thing for the black dress in a what-if scenario of...
"Oh! ,,,What if there is a masquerade in Hightown and Noble sneaks in to get some information on a certain individual who might know a thing or two about curses, but turns out the whole event if devious and their all eating babies or some fucked up shit,,,, and what if while sneaking around they see Leander and are like 'what's he doing here?' and they lock eyes but he ignores them as he ducks into a closed off area with some important looking people,,, once he comes out he walks past them and they lock eyes again as he leaves,,, Noble chases after him and once they catch up they get to see his cold and detached side right before he hides them from the other guest,,, after they talk for a bit, or more like Leander talking over them and their worries as he slowly wipes their memories while they protest that it's not fair only to wake up the next day back in their room,,, thankfully their curse is good for more then just silly bouts of insanity so they have a hunch on what happened, everyone around them who knew where they went the night before were obviously worried and the general consensus is that they might have been drugged and should go check in with Kuras just in case (wow this is getting long...) but on their way to the clinic they run into Leander and of course discusses their current problem with him ,,, words are exchanged,,, a kabedon may occur,,, as he whispers in their ear,,, all fun till he erases their memories again, or at least tires before receiving a little gift that makes him look at this whole curse thing from a different angle." DEEP BREATH! ...Anyways... yeah.
But it was taking so long to write out that I ended up losing motivation so yeah... like everything else we will pray the motivation comes back so I can finish that... plus who knows, I might make an x reader version of it if I can. (don't hold your breath... I'm extremely slow)
Anyway, I'm gonna to shut up now because I've yapped enough. I'mma make some hibiscus tea (ironic) and head to bed... Night night, if you made it this far, thank you for listening to my craziness <3
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mafesti · 6 months
Behind enemy lines
Pairing(s): John Price x GN! Reader Summary: A recon mission gone wrong (I'll add more for the summary I swear) Word Count: 3253 (why is it so short-) Warning(s): A gunshot wound (though it's not mentioned) A/N: Uhhh I present to you another story! I tried to make it interesting but it may or not be boring when you read this (I swear the ideas are not coming in when I need them grhehshak). I wanted this to be a one-shot so it'll be longer for you guys, but my friend said to make it into two parts :3 It's still under editing but it's safe to read it!
// Part 2 \\ Will be coming up a few days later.. I hope.
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It was supposed to be a simple recon mission from Laswell, just like usual. But this time it was a two member recon mission, and they sent you in with Price. The need for intel was imperative. It was crucial to get out without making too much chaos, and you both were a perfect duo to get the job done (if you just ignore how much you admire him).
Laswell's orders were clear and simple, "Get the needed info, and get out without getting detected."
But of course, nothing ever goes as smoothly as one might have expected.
Laswell's voice crackled over the comms, "There's been a change in the situation, I need you both to abort the mission."
"Roger that." Price responded back with no questions asked.
You both prepared your gear and went out of the room, going to the hallway. As you and Price crept in the shadows, avoiding detection, everything seemed to be going as planned.
Until it wasn't, yet again.
The enemies had successfully set an ambush for you both. The situation went south rather quickly, and it seemed as if they had been aware of your plans all along.
Soon all hell broke loose.
"Laswell, we need immediate evac!" Price yelled over the comms, the sound of bullets flying beside him.
"On it, John." She replied back, her voice showing signs of worry.
Gunshots flew everywhere, the sound echoing through the air, nearly hitting one of you once, and the situation turned from bad to worse in the blink of an eye. As the gunshots kept flying, it was only a matter of time before something major would happen, and one of you would get hurt.
You could feel the adrenaline pumping through your body, your heart racing as you realize just how close you were to being hit. The intensity of the moment was almost too much to bear, but you managed to regain your composure and focus on the mission at hand. You were lucky this time, but it was clear as day that this was no ordinary recon mission.
You and Price were hidden behind a wall, trading fire with the enemy at every opportunity. The exit was close, you could see it, but the enemy seemed to have endless numbers, like a never ending wave of threats. Bullets and other projectiles flew past you, some missing you by inches. It was like a wall of lead was being aimed directly at you, and you realized your ammo was running dangerously low.
"Capt, I'm runnin' low on ammo!" You yelled between the sound of bullets whizzing past you.
Just as you finished yelling, the comms cackled to life again, as Laswell's voice could be heard.
"Evac's eight minutes away from your location." She said, earning a groan from Price.
"We don't have eight minutes, Laswell!" He said quickly.
As the fire kept coming at you, you and Price fired your last few shots, and heard the enemy's bullets becoming fewer and fewer with each passing second. The sound of footsteps stopped, the enemy was seemingly retreating. The two of you kept aim, staying alert for any surprises, yet as time passed it seemed more and more likely that the enemy was actually retreating.
You both moved towards the exit, making sure the coast was clear. You both shared a relieved look as you went towards the extraction point. However, in the midst of the relief, you suddenly felt a sharp, excruciating pain in the lower side of your abdomen.
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spiralingnoodle · 8 months
Since we're on the train of not clogging the TMA tags with posts about The Magnus Protocol, let's also please stop tagging posts from your RP blogs with the character tags.
Reblog so this reaches more people in the fandom and those who may need to see it can see it.
If you do this, I don't hate you. But please let's be mindful.
I know you want your blogs to be noticed and to get interaction, but tagging every rp post with a main character/fandom tag only clogs said tags with RP posts. Not only that, but many use heavily edited fonts and that, I've been shown, breaks text-to-speech horribly. It makes disabled people's browsing of the tags very difficult because (as said by disabled friend) "every five post, I get a scrambled nonsense audio that takes like 3 minutes to read on the text-to-speech, let alone try to read it by myself with my poor eyesight to figure out if it's and actual fandom post, RP or what".
I hate making these posts because I feel like a bit of an asshole, like, I know most of you aren't doing that to cause trouble or to intentionally clog the tags, but it's difficult to browse non-RP posts when the tag is half-flooded with RP posts. Please stop doing this and remove the main tags from your previous posts (there are ways to mass delete a tag, I think it's ab X-kit thing!).
I've spoken to other people who are also noticing this issue and as a former roleplayer I felt I should speak up.
(Also, please if you know someone who does this, do not send hate to them. This is not a post to incite that. This is just me sharing tumblr RP etiquette from back in the day when I used to RP here in several fandoms. Do tell them, politely, but do not harass or be disrespectful)
Tumblr has no algorithm, and yet half of the posts from character tags I follow are from RP blogs even though I don't follow any nor have liked/reblogged their posts. How? Because these blogs tag their asks, their starters, their IC posts WITH THE MAIN CHARACTER TAGS AND THE MAIN FANDOM TAGS.
As a former tumblr RPer, I'm asking you not to do this. Instead I bring you a suggestion. What can you do instead of tagging your RP posts?
Make a promo post.
Yes! A promotional post of your blog with all the info, you can even add an edit (but please ask for permission if you use someone's art and credit them). Kind of an intro to your blog so people know "ah, I might like following this person's RP" or "cool! I'd like to RP with them!". I did this a lot and it helped enormously! And yes, you may tag these with the main character/fandom tag, but they're ONE post. They won't clog the tags like tagging every single one of your RP/asks.
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holymolywhattheheck · 6 months
A little analyzing I did during literature class. Please, if you have any info to add onto this list, LMK.
Allegations false?:
1. Major keypoints were brought out in a different setting after the document was released, attempting to defend everything in a logical manner; which seemed too specific to not be mentioned in the OG doc. For now though, the defences and explanations for any flaws were deleted by Ven.
2. Mitcha had advised someone who was pointing out flaws to harm themselves as defense.
3. The matter was never taken to the police, and instead exposed to the whole Internet in hopes that Alex Kister would lose his career. So, potential malice?
4. Ven used emotionally manipulating dialogue in the document, assumably trying to make the reader feel bad and pick sides blindly.
5. Text font was different in many screenshots,which could indicate to it being faked.
6. Apparently the picture of Alex in feminine clothing was photoshopped.
7. They're refusing to show Alexs face for some reasons, however in the past Alex hadn't had an issue with it, as far as I'm aware.
8. One of the victims apparently lied about age?
9. There are some switches of narrative and in general situation being changed.
10. The voice msg to some sounded like AI. (not sure.)
Allegations might be true?
1. Alex posted on Twitter, in a rather defensive tone about the situation and called the call out baseless.
2. Ty spoke out about it, but it mightve been blindly aswell to keep the fan base, knowing it'll get huge backlash if he didn't support victims.
3. Gabriel's VA also spoke out about it (unsure about this)
4. One of the people working on TMC weren't paid. (not exactly related but could've been a factor.
5. So many people are defending and relating, apparently.
I'll edit this later but please tell me more of what yall have to either defend or protect or deny.
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kitthenameless · 2 months
Since almost all the art and pictures I come across on Tumblr have no alt text, I figure maybe people don't understand what it's for or know how to use it. Here's an explanation!
What is alt text?
Some people (mostly blind people, but it can be useful for other disabilities too) use programs called screen readers to navigate the computer and read text aloud. That's why pictures need to have a text description (alt text), for the screen reader to read aloud. Alt text is usually hidden and just there for screen readers, though on this site, anyone can click the button in the bottom left corner to access it on any image that has it.
Why is it important?
Alt text makes the internet accessible for anyone using a screen reader. I used a screen reader for a while, so I can tell you how much it sucks to try and use social media only for every post to be like,
"This is the funniest thing I've ever seen!" (image with no alt text)
"This info is so important, everyone please read this!" (image with no alt text)
And then all the responses are agreeing and everyone is having fun and being social, but you can't join, you have no idea what's going on, you're left out of the fun, the cool stuff, the funny stuff, the important stuff, all of it.
How to add alt text?
On this site, when you upload an image, just click the three dots on the bottom right corner and click the option to update image description. You can also add it later by editing the post, if you forget when posting.
What to type?
I'm not the authority on alt text, so I can only give advice based on my experience as a sighted person and what people have told me.
One advice I've seen is to describe it like you're describing it to someone over the phone.
I think a good method is to start by stating the general, then moving onto details. I might start with, "Digital art of an octopus merman," and then go on to describe the pose, the emotion/facial expression, the body, the hair, the colors, the background.
Every screen reader user has different preferences, I've talked to people with completely opposing opinions. But usually someone can move on if they find there's too much description, whereas there's nothing they can do if there's not enough. So I lean toward over-describing.
Additionally, make sure you include anything referenced in your post. If you're just sharing a screenshot of a group of characters, you probably won't describe the shape of each of their noses. But if you say, "I love Bob's nose!" now you should still describe the overall picture but also include the shape of his nose in your description.
That also applies to things like, "This tree looks how I feel." If your alt text just says, "A leafy tree," that doesn't explain the feeling. "A leafy tree that appears to be hunched over with sagging branches, looking tired," is more helpful.
If there's text, include the text. I also like to give context (e.g. screenshot of a tweet). You can even use websites like this one to extract text for you.
Don't just put the word "image." Don't use alt text to credit artists/photographers. Don't use it for jokes, unless the joke is genuinely helping to describe the image.
And remember, trying is always better than not trying, even if your description isn't perfect!
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pudding-parade · 2 years
A Distant Glacier by MySimRealty
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Are you looking for a world to play a colder-climate scenario in? This might be a good one. It's an old world, from 2010, so from before the Seasons EP, but the terrain painting and roads and whatnot are such that about 1/3 of the playable part of the world is always snow-covered, and there's also frost in the terrain painting of the green parts.
MySimRealty is one of my favorite world creators, and if you are familiar with this creator's other, newer worlds, you'll definitely recognize the rudiments of her style in this world. That said, this world isn't available on her site. I'm not sure why. I think it's a pretty cool (no pun intended) little world, so I can't see how she'd be unhappy with it. I thought maybe it might have some major, unresolved playability issues, but I had NRaas Story Progression create and move in 12 families and let the world run for five simdays to see if there'd be any issues, and there were none. Not a single one, not even a single stuck sim. The only issue I noticed during that time was some oddly-parked food trucks. They'd park across the streets, so that they look like they'd be blocking traffic going both ways, though of course taxis drive right through them. That aside, everything ran smoothly, and my sim and others had no problems using anything on the community lots.
So, I can't figure out why this world isn't out there anymore. In fact, I'm not even sure where I got it. If I had to guess, it's probably on one of the Russian re-upload sites, but I'm not feeling like looking through them to find it, which is why the title of the post isn't a link this time. Instead, I just reuploaded a .world file here or here, so if you want it, get it at one of those links. If you download it, the file goes in your install files under GameData - Shared - NonPackaged - Worlds.
The world only requires Ambitions and Riverview. There's no Store content aside from Riverview items and no CC. It's 1024x1024, but the playable area is only about half of that. It has all of the base game rabbitholes and all basegame and Ambitions lot types. (The firehouse is EA; the others are original.) It has all of the spawners that existed as of Ambitions, except the WA fish ones.
The world has about 80 lots total, split pretty evenly between community and residential. There are 18 empty lots. One of the community lots is built but empty inside, so it's ready to become whatever. Maybe a bar or club or arcade, or it might be good to use as shops if you use a merchant mod. All of the built residential lots are fully-furnished and ready to go. A few of them are duplicates, but they are all original builds, and the majority of them have at least two bedrooms. Two of the residential lots are "apartments," but since the world pre-dates Late Night, they don't function like Late Night apartments. I imagine you could make them do so it if you add the necessary markers.
There is a thread on the official forums from August of 2010 about testing this world here. Some of the issues mentioned in that thread -- particularly trees which have branches that intrude into houses and that can't be removed -- still exist, but they aren't really a problem in terms of playing.
More info and pictures behind the cut!
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Here we have map view and Edit Town view of the entire playable area of the world. As you can see, it's split into three sections. There's the "glacier" in the middle, which is permanently snow-covered, and there are the two green areas. The one on the left has most of the rabbitholes. Residential lots are scattered throughout all three areas.
Here are some of the residential lots in various parts of the world:
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Most of the houses have exteriors that are a combination of wood and stone in natural colors, which is appropriate for a colder climate. Personally, although they're pretty to look at, I'd get rid of the ever-blooming flowers and flowering shrubs and switch out most of the really green deciduous trees for more conifers, or maybe some birches/aspens, on the residential lots as well as throughout the world. That would make it look more authentically like a colder/taiga biome. But maybe that's just me.
Now for some community lots:
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This is a little laundromat. The salon and the consignment shop look a lot like it, with the same roof and the same brick exterior. Also, the laundromat, salon, and consignment shop are all about the same size.
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This is the larger of the two gyms in the world. I'm not sure why the world has two gyms, but there's this one, which is in the part of the world that has most of the rabbitholes, and then there's a smaller one just outside the stadium rabbithole in the other green section of the world. I guess the smaller one is convenient for those in the sports career, so maybe that's why there are two gyms.
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This is the library that, for some reason, has a really tall roof. I'd lower that sucker by quite a bit. :) Then, on the left side of the pic is a small art gallery.
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This is a little chapel. Inside it has some chairs, a stereo, and a fridge. Up front is a table that I guess is supposed to be an altar. It doesn't have a wedding arch. (Did the game not have wedding arches prior to Generations? I can't remember off the top of my head.) You could add an arch and maybe the podium from University Life to make it more church-y, but there isn't a whole lot of room inside or outside, so I don't think you could make it into a proper "wedding venue."
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The junkyard and the graveyard.
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This is my testing sim using the public pool. I'm thinking that I'd get rid of this lot (as well as the private pools that some of the houses have) because...Well, cold climate. LOL There is an indoor pool at the large gym which can serve the community's swimming needs. I suppose you could pretend that these are hot spring pools, but, as a person who lives in a cold climate, I can say that outdoor non-hot-spring pools aren't really a thing because you can only use them for maybe a few weeks out of the year. :)
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This is the grocery rabbithole, which has a community garden on the same lot, which is an interesting idea.
The world also has several parks/playgrounds, a beach, a few fishing spots, and the EA fire station from Ambitions.
And I think that's all I have to say. We'll finish out with some random pics. :)
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dailycharacteroption · 4 months
Leshy Caller (Summoner Archetype)
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(art by AlectorFencer on DeviantArt)
I’ve said this before on the blog, but despite some lamenting them not being very mythos-accurate, I do love the leshies of Pathfinder, just cute little guys created by nature spirits inhabiting cultivated plant bodies. What they lack in overall power they make up in their unique abilities and impeccable designs. (and hey, if you prefer a more traditional “green nature man”, the Green Men monsters are also called Leshy Kings, being connected to them lore-wise. It’s a win-win!)
Leshies got pretty popular though, with not just archetypes related to them, but even expanding the concept of vine leshies into a much more robust and diverse ancestry in Second Edition. (and First if you use my homebrew alternate heritages).
But on the subject of leshy-themed archetypes, we’ve covered a few here and there, but now it’s time to tap into leshies through the lens of the summoner class!
Indeed, these so-called Leshy Callers bond with an eidolon that takes a leshy-like form. This eidolon might be part of an extremely powerful nature spirit, a smaller, more individual spirit, or something else. Either way, they sport-a plantlike form and a generally leshy-like personality.
Such a bond can happen many different ways, just like other eidolons, but the goals of such beings, and presumably that of their summoners, differ a bit, even from wild caller summoners that conjure their own plant-like eidolons.
On a side note, it’s worth mentioning how one can justify how 2e summoners can vary in casting traditions with archetypes like these, though admittedly mechanically they still are arcane casters.
In any case, this archetype offers plenty of planty fun with a leshy twist!
As mentioned above, the eidolons of these summoners are composed of extraplanar plant matter and a natural animating spirit, making them very similar to plants, particularly for unchained summoners.
Their base forms, however, are based on various form of leshy, ranging from cactus,conifer, fungus, leaf, and seaweed, having mostly the core set of forms from the original introduction with the exception of gourd leshy.
Don’t think that leaves the summoner left out, however. Instead of extraplanar monster, they learn to summon natural ones instead, and add several leshies to their list of summons!
While the archetype itself is rather simple, the leshy eidolons can be quite fun and useful, especially when upgraded with evolutions! Aside from having a less utility-driven set of summons, however, there’s not much mechanically that sets them apart from other summoners, so build them as you see fit!
Two important things to remember about these summoners and their eidolons is that while they may not have the exact same powers as their counterparts, these are still the same sort of nature spirits as normal leshies, albeit with extraplanar bodies and a bond with their summoner. With that in mind, try looking up info on leshies of that type and see what resonates when coming up with their persona. The other thing is that while they are leshies, their bodies are much larger and stronger, built for more direct combat over the typically debilitations, stealth, and trickery of their kin, which also might affect their characterization.
Finally, the base forms for the leshy eidolons are actually super simple, so feel free to use them as a template for homebrewing your own to get the other leshy types available, as well as potentially completely unique ones.
Ten years ago, Vana of Woodstone held the guardian of her village, a leshy named Quickening Seed, in her arms as they succumbed to their wounds. Since that day, she has trained to become such a guardian herself, the human developing the magic to summon forth leshies to aid her. Sometimes, she thinks she even feels Quickening’s presence in her eidolon as well.
They say that the Garden of the Ancients is a hidden valley, one where strange creatures such as wolpertingers and other curious beings both benign and dangerous can be found. It is said that nature spirits are born there, and the locals learn to summon them forth when their need is great, and they do, especially when strangers come looking for plunder and lost secrets.
Splitriver the Leshy Gardener bears his title with pride, the brambly-old leshy having watched over and cultivated the creation of more of his kind for generations. Though he doesn’t often take fleshy students, those that do can learn a lot about bridging the gap between the arcane and the primal, as well as how to summon his kind to fight.
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Helluva Boss Theory: Blitzo Might Be Panromantic & Ace, And Stolas Doesn't Deserve Him...At Least Not Yet.
[Note 2# : I had to edit this and add something at the bottom...cause of reasons, cause I didn't want any misunderstandings...]
[Note: Please Do NOT reblog this without my permission, also this theory is for Mature Audience Readers only...also will be talking about my thoughts about Emberlynn from Helluva Short Series in the Short Episode 3...don't read if you haven't watched it yet, cause spoilers.]
okay even though we know that it has been confirmed that Blitzo is Pansexual, but for all we know it could be possible that while Blitz is in fact Pan, he might actually be Panromantic and Ace...
there are different types of Aces in the Asexual Spectrum, but it is possible that either Blitz hasn't figured out he is Ace or he has but he stays in the closet because of how some people in Hell in Helluva Boss & Hazbin Hotel's shared universe, react to others being Ace with possibly only a few like Rosie who is accepting.
but even I know there is the possibility that Rosie might not know that some people who are Ace, do in fact have boyfriends, girlfriends and romantic-partners and they can choose to have or not to have "snu-snu" time but both parties will have to be okay with it.
it's kind of gross about some info I read before, I was curious and wanted to see if there was a name for something that is a mix of Platonic & Romantic, but then I found some gross info about how some people view "romantic partnership" seriously, it is just so misinformed and gross.
as if sexual attraction is the only thing involved, and love doesn't always involve that "snu-snu" at least Fizz and Ozzie have it a bit more together and balanced because they know their feelings for each other are way beyond the physical stuff...
also thinking about the times when Blitz in the past episodes had pointed out how uncomfortable he felt with how Stolas flirted him, because no matter if your Ace or not, that could make some uncomfortable.
but when Blitz gives Stolas a taste of his own medicine, Stolas of course replied back with "I don't like how your speaking to me!"
even some fans have figured this out, and while we can probably still see the good side of Stolas, but it doesn't change the fact he is the one in the wrong.
even if there were miscommunications between Blitz and Stolas, in the episode where that Anti-Blitzo Party had first appeared in.
but Blitz never wanted to have that first affair with Stolas, he just wanted the book...but Stolas technically guilt trip him with his "sweet but heartbreaking words"...
Blitz might still need to work on himself, to try to be better...
but he might be the true victim, and some of his Exes who only half of them weren't even Exes at all but just some jerks who were making moves on a emotional hurt by the events at Ozzie's, DENNIS.
plus Vortex was there at his girlfriend Bee's party, so he shouldn't play a part in labeling Blitz as the "one in the wrong" and the "bad guy"
I guess Verosika is in the friend zone and is in a better place with Blitz, but it is possible that when she was saying "love" it might not really involved what we originally thought, and it might not have to do with the whole saying "I love you" to Blitz, not 100% sure.
but whatever it might be, it could be hinted in Verosika's song at Ozzie's that it is linked to the words she used that had her saying she "loved" but it isn't fully explained, which leaves fans guessing it was her telling Blitz that she loved him, but we aren't 100% sure if that is what had him dump her.
but if Blitz is Ace, well Panromantic-Ace but is in the closet when it comes to being Ace...
it's possible he isn't truly comfortable with romantic-relationships that aren't like Millie and Moxxie's relationship, because those two have a balance and don't make it all about the physical stuff.
even if they still do that, but their love for each other runs way deeper than that.
it might be possible only some fans are seeing signs on victim blaming and scapegoating going on, I still liked the episode where the Anti-Blitzo Party took place.
but while we can feel sorry for Stolas for being married with Stella, with the only good thing coming out of it being Octavia.
but with how he was at Ozzie's Club, and how he acted during the whole taking his book back for good which also had a misunderstanding because Blitz had no idea what was going on.
but Stolas had to be a Apple Sugar Spice Honey Of Liquid Egg to Blitz, who was possibly only acting like a Apple Sugar Spice in trying to get back together, but in the wrong way, might be from the idea that it is "normal" with those like Stolas, but it isn't.
just because Stolas was being a insensitive Apple Sugar Spice Honey Of Liquid Egg, doesn't mean Blitz had to play the same game as him.
and yeah, with some who are clueless to the situation between those two, will likely take "poor sweet and vulnerable Stolas's side" but I'm not sure if he 100% deserves it at this point, not unless he figures out he is more in the wrong than Blitz is, and they both would have to start in the friend zone.
I already view Mammon being Panromantic-Ace, even though it would be mostly Fanon, while in the Canon he is fully Asexual.
plus it could be possible maybe, there were always hidden hints that Blitz might be both Pan and Ace.
but what type of Ace he is, we don't know for sure.
and even if it might be a while before Vassago appears in a episode, but I kind of want to OTP Ship him with Blitz.
I think if Vassago did have a boyfriend who was Ace, he would be a bit more respecting and loving and NOT make their relationship into all about what Stolas had made it between him and Blitz, but it is possible Stolas might not fully understand there are more ways to show love and he could of been the one to ask Blitz out on a REAL date for the first time, even if the reason why Blitz asked him to come to Ozzie's was for a different reason.
Blitz isn't the one to make it all about "snu-snu", plus Stolas did kinda caught him in a bad time with Martha's Family trying to get him, Moxxie and Millie...
Stolas is the one who came up with the deal and favor for the book, NOT Blitz...and I don't think Stolas gave Ozzie the full story as to why he needed a Asmodean Crystal.
and if he did, it might be possible that Ozzie wouldn't give Stolas the Asmodean Crystal, cause the Prince of Lust has apparently more sense than Stolas does when it comes to "mutual love & lust" and not being for "forced lust"...
Ozzie would possibly still do it for Fizz, as well as for his new rekindle friendship with Blitz....BUT NEVER for Stolas.
Ozzie's words about "artificial love" and how "lust shouldn't be forced"
might have more meaning than what it appears, because Stolas might of been forcing the lust he was feeling before...
he had to make it all about him and not fully get why Blitz was upset with him after the incident that happen at Ozzie's.
or the fact what happen left him emotional vulnerable mess that those like Dennis, will take advantage of...
Dennis is a Apple Sugar Spice Honey Of Liquid Egg.
Blitz was NEVER fully in the wrong, but he was made to believe he was.
he may have messed up in life, and I still think Barbie was responsible for those fireworks that caused Fizz to not make it out in time and become a cyborg in the first place.
it's good that Blitz wants to be better, but he isn't the only one who is at fault...
and if the fan theory about Blitz being Panromantic and Ace is correct, then he does not need to be fixed, cause he will always be loved by both his daughter and even M & M.
also I can't remember the name of the video or the channel on Youtube that talks about how Blitz is the true victim.
but I can't help but be happy someone else sees that Loona should be made Blitz's top priority when it comes to getting her help at the hospital at the Sloth Ring first, but trust Moxxie and Millie to save that sorry excuse of a Apple Sugar Spice of Stolas's.
and Stolas still has to make it about him, how "Blitzy his knight didn't come to safe him from Striker."
dude, he had to be there for his daughter...
the video had pointed out the reasons why Blitz couldn't be the one to save Stolas, because he had to help his DAUGHTER and couldn't drop everything for him, and had to send people he was close to and trust to go save his spoiled bird apple sugar spice.
and if I remember correctly it had pointed out how Stolas was the one who first made Blitz uncomfortable with the unwanted flirting and advances at Loo Loo Land.
but when Blitz did give Stolas the same treatment, Stolas is of course saying he doesn't feel comfortable on how Blitz is speaking to him, even though he did the same dang thing to him before.
maybe Striker is only half-right about blue bloods, I'm still going to identify as purple blood, also I may have found out why my Mom had Evening Sickness with me before I was born, and well I don't think I will talk about it fully on here right away...cause it is best that I don't.
still going to be weird and still call myself that self-nickname "The Eveningstar Princess"...and I think I'm still a weird defective earth angel who's blood type is O RH D Negative, and I shouldn't take Sugar Honey Ice Tea from Toxic-Religious people.
even ones that made a offense video that seems to have a problem with Pride Month, well excuse me if my being Gray-Aroace (who is also Fictoromantic) insults that jerk, who I'm not going to say the name of or the video...
maybe later or tomorrow I will listen to the song "F*** You" by Lily Allen.
also Blitz shouldn't take Sugar Honey Ice Tea from Stolas or him playing the "victim", but even if those two did get back together...it should be Stolas begging on his knees for Blitz's forgiveness.
also my thoughts about Emberlynna Pinkle, is that well the episode short was funny, I couldn't help but laugh.
but seriously Emberlynn, you NEVER take off a charm that protects you from demons!
I mean even if I might have small crushes on Ozzie and Fizz, but would rather I be in the friend zone, like being the platonic girlfriend aka Girl-Buddy...but even I know that in this universe, ya can't just you know do what she did...
the reason I had started to wear gem bracelets to sleep, and even keep them on almost all the time now and only take them off when I have to...
is because of a possible Incubus scaring me awake, and I rather not go into full detail how that went, only that I was on my back and it was dark and I might of been fully aware in the dream...and I didn't see the Incubus but I felt them and it felt too real and it scared me awake.
of course it isn't just Incubus I have to worry about now, but also humans who give off too much Toxic-Lust energy, and gave me about three close calls, four if you count from the residue left over that was still in their now former room, but they had moved out.
and it only got into my room and caused that small 4th close call, because it possibly jump on to someone else who I have some trust for, and when they open the door to my room to tell me something it let that little monster residue in.
which is why I had to put some bag of salt in that other room...
but yeah, besides me having to protect myself from both Incubus and Humans with toxic-lust energy...
Emberlynn should of kept that charm on, would of kept her safe...even if she was creeping Blitz out...but as funny as that episode is, going to have to feel sorry for Blitz.
one of the things I hope, is that she wasn't foreshadowing about the King of Wrath having concubines, and well even if Bee sees him as a brother figure but also thinks he is hot, is still too much info for me.
and I'm not really a fan of the one from our universe, but who knows how the one from Helluva Boss will be like.
and as weird as it might be to some, when Innocent souls who end up in Hell because of some Toxic-Satanist crossing lines.
it might of been last month, when I realize that those innocent souls who were hurt, they are MY people.
and like Charlie's words said in the song "More Than Anything"
I need to save my people more than anything.
the Sinners that Charlie is trying to help save and redeem, are her people.
the Innocent souls that ended up in Hell because of some Toxic-Satanists, those are my people and I will never be okay with Toxic-Satanists crossing those lines.
and if it were possible, I still want to give Abel the cold hands to face punishment for the lambs, and put Grunkle Abel and Grandpa Cain in a time-out box, Grandpa Seth doesn't get the same punishment, cause for all we know, he might be the more likely not make the same mistakes as those two.
Cain wasn't given the proper help before it got worse and he had a very dangerous breaking point.
I don't care if Abel is way taller than me, I still want to place my hands on both sides of his face...but only when my hands are cold, and sometimes they are.
those lambs deserve justice...plus it is one thing to make animals into food or clothes but as for what Abel was doing...
I can't be the only one who finds it messed up, what happens to Abel is still messed up too...but both Abel and Cain were in the wrong and both were victims.
but back to the whole Emberlynn Pinkle, even if she isn't alone in her romantic interest types, some might handle it a it more better...
I wont say too much about that episode 3 of Helluva Shorts, but I think Emberlynn should of kept the charm on, she could of had a charm place on her room that kept Blitz from coming into her room...
but sadly she didn't, also Blitz likely didn't know what he has unleash upon Hell...
may Roo have some form of mercy on Blitz.
also I can still feel some forms of attraction, but just not a certain one very much anymore, maybe because the times when I did feel that way, it wasn't really my own and I was just the energies I was picking up from another person in another room...
too bad Mordin Solus can't be romanced in Mass Effect, like maybe instead what normally happens when you are able to fully romance a character and become romantic-partners with them.
there is just this tender and sweet moment between Mordin and Jane Shepard, where she just kisses his forehead and just hold hands with him and they just spend the night together just talking and after that romantic cut scene, they become romantic-partners.
but yeah, too bad that isn't part of the Mass Effect game.
anyway I'm not 100% sure if the hallucination that Blitz had in one of the episodes and even in one of the newer episodes when Blitz said sorry to Verosika about not falling for her or anyone else at that party...were hinting that he might be Panromantic and Asexual, and there are different types of Aces.
and the whole "falling for Verosika and everyone else" could of implied in a physical love, and not the emotional deep love that Ozzie x Fizz and even Charlie x Vaggie have.
but even if it is kinda good between him and Verosika now, doesn't mean he should be made to be the bad guy when really he was never truly that and his Exes and Dennis are just being Apple Sugar Spice Liquid Eggs.
plus for all we know, while Blitz was driving that vehicle in that art that was for Pride Month, while his chest may have had Pan Colors (like both Pansexual & Panromantic) but for all we know he could of been wearing shorts that couldn't be seen that had the colors for the Asexual Flag.
still can't believe that Striker was half-right about Stolas...
and it is possible if Stolas was fully honest with Ozzie, it would be possible Ozzie would of got really mad at him and even if he did listen to him and got his help with making sure not to sign the wrong paper to get Fizz back safely, even after finding out the full story and truth...
Ozzie would only listen to him, for Fizz's sake.
and Fizz could of still told Ozzie to give Blitz the Crystals anyway, even after telling Fizz the full story on what Stolas told him...
and instead of Blitz returning the book, it is Ozzie instead who gives Stolas the book back as well as a much needed scolding for how he treated Blitz.
and Ozzie could of decided to have a restraining order placed on Stolas that says that he isn't allowed to get too close to Blitz and must stay a safe distance from him.
Octavia can still come to the IMP office and even Blitz and Loona's home, to hang out with Loona, but Stolas is not allowed.
Octavia and Loona are more of the "I Fam it" and "I sib it"
cause remember, when it comes to non-romantic ships you do NOT use the word "I ship it" or call it a ship, it should be a unspoken rule between every person who does ships but know that not all are romantic types and some are in fact more platonic.
but as much as I would love to see Blitz and Stolas get back together, it might be a good idea to keep them from getting back together right now, because of how Stolas treated Blitz and act like he is the "victim" when really he isn't...the only times he was when he was badly hurt by Striker and from the cruelty and verbal abuse he got from Stella.
Stolas needs to get his Sugar Honey Ice Tea together, and admit that he is just as almost as bad as his soon to be Ex-Wife.
Blitz had a good reason to be upset and he had every right to point out the obvious to Stolas after the bad date at Ozzie's.
the truth hurts Stolas, and you better get a clue and try to win Blitz back the right way and not be such a self absorbed narcissistic apple sugar spice honey of liquid egg prince anymore....
for both Blitz and Octavia's sake.
I'm not sure if my theory about Blitz being Panromantic-Ace is correct but we will have to wait and see.
but I think until Stolas admits that he was fully in the wrong, and not Blitz...
I don't want them to get back together yet, and Stolas can just be with that "Better Than Blitzo" guy, and Blitz and Vassago can be together.
even if Blitz x Vassago are just together in the Fanon Timeline but still, they are becoming my OTP and I had started to ship them maybe yesterday well make that around August of last month, before I found out others are also shipping them as well, too bad they can't be a canon ship.
I think I can like the ship of Blitz x Stolas as another OTP, but most Fanon versions of Stolas seem to be my favorite right now.
I guess my feelings to Stolas from the canon, is like bittersweet.
also I'm going to re-watch all the first season of Helluva Boss and the other seasons so far, to see if there really are hints and signs that Blitz might be both Pan and Ace...but I'm still not 100% sure if he is Ace but it could be possible but we wont know unless it is confirmed or debunked.
anyway I hope some understand my thoughts and feelings about the whole Blitz and Stolas shouldn't get back together right away.
cause I think before they do get back together, Stolas needs to admit to his flaws and how he hurt Blitz at Ozzie's and even when he didn't explain things better when trying to break his and Blitz's original deal.
also is it weird I hope Bee dumps Vortex if she finds out about the Anti-Blitzo Party...
the Bee x Loona HoneyMoon ship seems interesting, so maybe at some point they could end up together after Bee dumps Vortex after finding out about what happen at that party...
anyway we might not fully have all the evidence that might prov that Blitz is Ace, cause Ace or not, anyone would be feeling the same way Blitz was feeling with how Stolas flirts with him and belittles him even if Stolas doesn't know he is accidentally belittling Blitz.
I know that it is just a Fan-headcanon about Blitz being possibly Ace, but it is also a theory and we just have to wait to see if it is true or not about Blitz being Panromantic-Ace.
plus it can be possible some fans, not just me, who have come to the same thoughts and theory about about Blitz being Panromantic-Ace.
and for all we know, his research he was doing in one of the episodes where we ended up seeing Chaz for the first time, could be important.
what kind of important, who knows but maybe we will find out in the future either in a episode of Helluva Boss or in one of the episodes of the Helluva Shorts.
and we can try to hope that Blitz and Stolas do get back together...just not right away, not until Stolas stops being well, how he has being that isn't good for his daughter Octava or even for Blitz.
also not everyone has to agree with me that Blitz might be Panromantic-Ace, it is just both a Fan-headcanon and theory.
and not everyone has to agree on the theory that Blitz might be both Panromantic and have a Asexuality and is one of the type of Aces, just not 100% sure which type of Ace Blitz is...and I can only make guesses.
Editing This In...
I want to say this...I know what Stolas was doing was messed up and wrong, but let me make this clear, STOLAS as a self absorbed and clueless prince that he is, probably didn't know, there is probably a lot of things he is naive about, which he NEEDS to work on to be better and not make the same mistakes again if he is going to work things out with Blitz...and I am seriously not in the mood for...misunderstandings, I'm not agreeing what Stolas did was right, I'm saying that he probably didn't know what he was doing was wrong, but he still ended up hurting Blitz by not getting that half of the reason Blitz was emotonally hurt at what happen at Ozzie's was because of half of the reason was because of Stolas.
I do not want my words to be misinterpreted or twisted,
and it is possible Stolas didn't know what he was doing was wrong, and he didn't understand the damage it might cause later on when he tried to break the deal...I'm still not happy with Stolas, but he needs to understand that he isn't the only one in Blitz's life, and his daughter Loona came first, and at least he send Moxxie and Millie to go save him...
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saltymothball · 2 days
my unpopular takes on beetlejuice beetlejuice SPOILERS!! (long post)
(i am a fan of the original pls do not come for me) these are just my thoughts on the sequel :D please feel free to add yours too
context! im writing these notes as i watch so theyre a little disorganized
for reference i also rewatched the original immediately prior to the sequel
not opening with the classic beetlejuice muisic ?? even the stage show opens with that music where is it (EDIT- restarted it and it actually does open w the music, but it is much less fun/campy an and more of a spooky remix so i forgot)
its not plot necessary but i do wish we learned how BJ fixed his shrunken head and death by sandworm
where are the maitlands ???? 0 mention of adam and barbra at the beginning ?
BJ's ex wife intro was a very creative concept but i wish they did it with more sfx props and less cgi/green screen
Astrid is like very boring, theyve done nothing to get the audience (me) invested in her?? disney wish vibes like who is she
call it a headcanon i feel like lydia wouldnt be this fucking awkward of a parent ?? she had good role models ie adam and barbra (even if her own parents werent as active, by the end of the original movie it implied they were now living in a healthy family dynamic
the mother daughter drama feels really forced, reminds me of the out-of-place tension between wednesday and morticia in the 2023 show
all angles are super close up and feel like horror angles. the scene where astrid befriends that boy ?? felt like someone was gonna come up and kill them the ENTIRE interaction (edit i guess that makes sense but it nerfed the scene)
IMMEDIATELY knew his parents are dead btw. not showing their faces is so clearly they are dead. not an ounce of mystery. theory the boy might be a ghost too?
theory astrids dad isnt dead bc Lydia cant see him
the witching hour wrong ?? last i knew it was 3am not 12am. weird thing to get wrong
its like not a silly campy vibe ?? its like uncomfortable.
dont like lydias new man hes pushy and gross
i miss adam and barbra
it doesnt make sense that no one taking lydia seriously ? delia knows she can see ghosts and has also experienced beetlejuice
lydias fiance is a horrid excuse for a partner (how tf did she meet him like did he just walk in bc the plot needed another person to hate lydia
not the dead protester joke :(
the spill-your-guts/pregnancy felt really idk,,, icky??? dont know how to explain it but it uncomfortably long
follow up- a lot of the visual ghost gags felt very gross/gorey ? like in the original movie the gags were inbetween silly/sexual/spooky-but this one feels more like blood and guts instead of spiders and snakes. exhibit A) otho casually shoving corpse barbra out of the way when looking at the closet with delia / exhibit b) the guy with the cigarettes at the end of the original
theory that astrid is going to end up seeing ghosts by the end of the movie
love the "eeee!" noise BJ makes when people say his name
ok BJ with the guitar after lydia tells him off was legitimately funny
i know astrid is an angsty teen but my god she is so hostile towards lydia
calling it at 56mins the boys parents are SO dead bc they deliberately didnt have lydia meet them
listen i have nothing against jenna ortega but it feels like she is type-casted to play exactly one character now, like let the girl play something other than a monotone gothy teen
"they found a loophole and moved on" okay whatever that means
astrids awkwardness w this ghost boy is pretty cute. he is so definitely a ghost though
yup called it hes a ghost
"my mom was telling the truth... shit" lmao
this boy feels very sus bc why are you trying to bribe her w her father
still no info on how lydia and rory met ??
MURDER HOUSE ?? TH BOY IS A MURDERER ??? okay thats a good twist ill give them that
astrid going into the afterlife to see her dad feels very "lydia going to the afterlife to see her mom" plot from the stage show ?
astrid honey you have too much faith in this ghost boy
oh my fucking god delia did you really get poisonous snakes....so on brand for her
Beetlegeuse literally carrying the whole movie
every scene he's in is absolutely giving
william dafoe is pretty good too but adding him just feels like he is william dafoe and not the character hes playing (who is also an actor)
delia correcting herself from saying fuck is really funny like girl was that scripted
okay ok astrd seeing her dad working in immigration was pretty neat
i had actually forgotten abt BJs ex wife until now ? doesnt seem like she actually adds much to the story beyond giving BJ a new reason to pursue lydia... which he was already doing...?
are they all going to end up in the afterlfe wtf
the afterlife desert takes place on the fucking moon of saturn ?? okay
is it just me or is the sandworm not claymation... like maybe its just the way it looks but i swear it looks like they cgi'd it but then cut down the frame rate
damn lydias husband really got eaten by piranhas.. what a way to die oh my god
there was no real stakes to astrid switching her soul? they resolved that so fast like lydia just grabbed her and they ran
oh their husband/dad is back now everything is fixed...? like all that hate towards her mom is now gone bc her mom was telling the truth about seeing ghosts? dad just resolved the only conflict
beetlejuice didnt even help get astrid back he went on a pee break and the plot progressed
love bad cop william defoe
"are you filled with fear and trembling?" "yes im shitting my pants" absolutely gold
BJ on fetchquests this whole movie fr
the soul sucking lady please she ate bobs nametag :(
ok wtf they really solved ghost boy dilemma in 5 seconds, BJ ex machina... like he rlly just got him like that ??? anticlimactic
ok good astrid apologized for being a shitty kid
rory please stop kissing lydias neck
i kind of hate the modern nods like the self securing seatbelt in the priests car, or the influencers at the wedding, really weird unnecessary detail
BJ and Delia wedding crashers my fav
how did Beetlejuice get into the church ? if he is a demon like previously established, shouldnt he NOT be able to step on holy ground
enjoyed the slapstick moment of lydia punching rory, good moment
her red dress omg !! pretty
BJ himself is just too funny, making the priest sing top tier
i still miss adam and barbra :( if they can cgi that dead guy in star wars i think we couldve brought alec baldwin and geena davis who are in fact still very alive and look great
they really didnt make me interested in BJs ex wife other than she is pretty and looks like morticia addams ?
BJ making everybody partake in singing is very silly
everybody dancing at the wedding scene must have been fun to film, everybody looks like theyre jamming
lmao whos dog was that in the hallucinations ?? is that the dog who killed the maitlands
"ghoul squad" ok monster high
oh finally his ex is here
lydia so casually pushed out of the way lmao
why does BJ have more etherial powers than every other ghost?
offering rory to the soul sucking lady is so good
theyre really just gonna sandworm for the plot resolution again ???
his ex wife was a threat for all of 4 seconds
lol the legal marriage loophole was kinda funny
is delia like forever dead ? is she a ghost now? is beetlejuice dead?
i still love delia. "i will find charles and we will haunt you both" good for her
are the influencer wedding guests dead
everything got wrapped up very quickly
good on delia for still loving her husband even though that shark absolutely annihilated him
what ?? astrid is married now???
oh ok its a dream
having a second pregnancy bit felt really weird
they alluded to another sequel :(
please remember i am actually a huge fan of beetlejuice !! no hate to the franchise these are just my personal opinions on the sequel. i would love to hear your thoughts as well !!
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charmsponies · 1 year
Guides and Resources for New Mlp Collectors
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A collection of resources I wanted to compile for fun and for easy access, in case there’s any new collectors who are interested
UPDATE: Since this post is so long and has been a little difficult to manage due to tumblrs editing tools, I am moving this "Resource Masterlist" to my Website Here, and will no longer be updating this post on tumblr. Thank you guys for sharing and supporting this post!
Disclaimer: i am still probably considered a relatively new collector, so im not an absolute fountain of information and there are probably tons of resources I have missed, feel free to add more in the comments and reblogs. I update this post when I can to add resources and give you the most accurate information, so please click on my blog to look at the most up to date version (it is my pinned post ^^)
Identifying Ponies/ Databases and Lists of Ponies
Mlp Merch Database- Visual list with pictures of pretty much every single release of Pony Dolls/merch for every single generation, in release order. Useful for if you want to scroll through a particular generation’s releases with pictures, very thorough and complete. If you make an account you can make checklists or wishlists for yourself.
Strawberry Reef- Visual list with Pictures of Pony Doll Releases. I feel like the pictures are slightly bigger (and thus easier to look at) than mlp merch database but that might just be my computer. G1-5, though I feel like the g4-5 sections are a little incomplete. For g1 and g2 you can sort by release date pretty effectively. This website is ESPECIALLY useful for quickly identifying ponies because you can sort by color, pose, or characteristics! However it’s not as complete a list as mlp merch database or my little wiki.
My little wiki- One of my favorite wikipedias ever (It’s an actual wiki, NOT A fandom wikia). Has lists of every release for every generation (Though the more recent gens might not have photos for every single release yet). The lists are NOT visual lists like the previous two resources so I use it less for identification, more for finding out more specific information about a certain toy. It will list pretty much every single variation/regional variant of every toy, as well as more information about their releases, which accessories they came with, backstories from the back of the box, ect.
Toy Sisters- I use this website less for identification and more for getting really good close up photos at every single pony and their accessories if you want to get some close up, detailed looks before you buy for example. You can sort generally by type, pose and year. As of writing this they do not have g5 info. If you collect other dolls or toys this website may be useful to you because they have more than just ponies.
Ponyland Press- Has photos and information on g1 releases in order, as well as country exclusive releases. Also has some information on certain accessories, ponywear or other merch. Also has some information on cleaning and some restorative information.
Restoration and Cleaning
(IMMEDIATE PSA IF ANYONE IS LOOKING AT THIS LIST TO RESTORE A PONY WITH MARKER OR HIGHLIGHTER ON HER: do NOT use acne cream like removezit or any other creams on her! This can lead to awful, permanent discoloration and staining! Instead I would look at what the mlp preservation project (linked below) says about sunfading!)
How to clean- Very basic guide on thoroughly cleaning toys, plus some styling tips
Hair Styling Tips
More Hair Styling Tips
Hair Styling: How to make twists and buns! This guide is intended for customs and talks about pushing pins into the pony and trimming the hair once you’re done but im sure it can be adjusted for non customs in a way where you don’t actually cause harm to the pony
MLP Preservation Project- One of the most useful guides for restoration, has sections on pretty much every major restoration need you might have. Links to so many different sources, tutorials and guides for fixing your ponies if something is badly wrong with them. godsend.
The Lavender Lagoon- A resource specifically for G2! Has identification and checklist materials but also has guides for hair matching and color matching eye crystals if your g2 pony's eyes have fallen out
Hair Matching Guide- A guide for closest hair color matches using dollyhair colors. Has g1, but it is a wip site. Looks like it will have other generations eventually too
Hair Length Guide- By no means complete, but has a bunch of the exact hair lengths for certain ponies g1-g3 written out, useful for looking for exact hair length measurements for rehairing. (Side note: If you can’t find how long a certain pony’s should be, ask around the community! I don’t bite and would be happy to measure a pony’s hair for you if I have the same pony, and I’m sure there are many other collectors who would be willing to do the same ^^)
Rehairing Youtube Tutorial: Using the main method most commonly used, in my opinion the easiest hairing method
Rehairing Youtube Tutorial: Loop And Lock Method: For if you struggle with gluing hair into the head
Alternate rehairing Method Tutorial
Rehairing with Yarn Youtube Tutorial
Little tutorial I made once about retailing (rehairing the tail)
Youtube tutorial for restoring g1 glitter symbols (Restoring non glitter symbols would be similar, just without the use of glitter)
Aikarin’s Custom Tutorials: A ton of tutorials related to creating custom ponies, also has some stuff that could be used with restoration
More Custom Tutorials: Intended for customs but techniques could also be used for restorations
Reflocking Youtube Tutorial - This video in particular shows reflocking small patches of missing fur. Be sure to look at the guide linked on the mlp preservation project as well
Materials for Restoration
Oxiclean- Good for cleaning ponies
Magic Eraser- Good for cleaning Stubborn marks on dirty ponies. Please be careful of cutiemarks, eyes or other painted symbols. For less stubborn marks or if you dont have a magic eraser you can use a toothbrush with dish soap on it :>
Baking Soda- I have heard that using this can help get rid of bad smells on toys, if your pony has a dirty odor! Have not tried this myself. Cover the pony in baking soda in a baggie for a few days. Similarly if you want to restore smells by scenting a pony you can use fragrances, though be careful because certain chemicals may damage your ponies!
Shampoo and Conditioner- Essential for washing and styling manes and tails. NOTE: If you have a pony with UV based color changing hair (like a g1 Sunshine Pony or something similar) Its recommended Not to wash it with soap or shampoo as it can damage the hairs ability to change color! be very gentle, water should wash it fine
Shimmerlocks- My personal favorite place to buy hair. They have close color matches for pretty much every single g1 (And have it set up for if you just search the pony’s name it will show you the closest hair matches for them!). Each (normal nylon) hair color is about 5 dollars, and they also have affordable rehairing tools and needles for only a dollar each. I’ve emailed them for color matching help before and they respond quickly and are very nice and helpful. They also have (slightly more expensive) color changing hair, glow in the dark hair, and textured hair (that are probably for other, non mlp dolls since i assume you need different hair plugs for them, but super useful if you’re a general doll collector, not just mlp)
RestoreDoll- I haven’t used this one personally but have heard people recommend it ^^
Dollyhair- A little controversial since the previous owner has had links to racist, antisemitic, and white supremacist sites, but the website is now under new ownership and is women and poc owned now! Wanted to get that out of the way since I was originally misinformed about the site and thought it was bad to use, it’s important to know about it’s past but also important to note the new ownership. They offer a lot of different hair colors, textured hair, Rehairing tools, Doll paint and even hair fragrances, with their (normal nylon) hairs being about 4 dollars each
My Little Customs- UK based nylon hair distributor, has a lot of nylon hairs but also other special hairs. They also have flocking and other materials useful for restoring dolls.
RIT Dye- The dye I use for pony hair (I have heard people also can use it for dying pony bodies for customs, but you have to be careful storing them because it could stain other ponies over time!). Good, high quality, long lasting and not fading. If you are repinking a pony with faded pink hair, I always use Petal Pink
Forceps- If you can find some online, wonderful tool for removing hair, rusty tails, or any object that might be inside your pony. Godsend, I use it all the time when rehairing. Tweezers can also work if you dont have.
Fabritac- Glue of choice for Rehairing and gluing heads back on
Fun Flock Cottonball white- Can be use to reflock or flock a pony. Visually looks similar to a g1 so soft, though the texture and look is slightly different. This is what I’ve used to restore a so soft in the past
Mod Podge- Glue of choice for flocking
Apoxie Sculpt- This is what many people use to restore broken or chewed off body parts. Durable, though may be a little more difficult to use and expensive than other basic air dry clays.
Model Magic- Personal choice for air dry clay to use to fix broken/chewed off body parts. You specifically need an air dry clay (as you cant really bake a pony body without it melting) and Model Magic doesn’t crumble and has a soft (? dunno how to describe it) toylike, texture when it dries. Just note you should avoid getting it wet. You could also use your own personal choice of air dry clay.
Rust Removers- I typically just use white vinegar to clean rusty bodys/tails/beddy bye eyes. Letting the rusty pony/hair sit in a white vinegar bath and scrubbing gently with a tooth brush will remove most rust. For harder to remove rust I’ve heard Rit Rust Remover works well, though this is more expensive and I haven’t tried it myself.
EcoStardust Glitter- I specifically sought out a biodegradable glitter for my restorations, and this is the one I’ve used. Has basic colors of glitter in various sizes. (Choosing the finest option they had) It isn’t exactly the same fineness as the original g1 glitters, but it was fine enough to work and look good on a complete cutiemark restoration. Here’s an example of what it looks like on an actual pony if you wanna see how it looks compared to the original glitter. Please note you can use whichever glitter you want, there are definitely better/closer matches to the look (And I’m sure normal glitter is cheaper/easier to get). If you don’t mind using a non biodegradable one look for “ultra fine”, I just specifically felt better using a biodegradable one ^^
Acrylic Paint- Good for custom work but also for restoring Cutiemarks!
Paintbrushes- You’ll need different kinds depending on what you’re doing. Get high quality nice ones if you wanna paint a custom or do detailed cutiemark work. If you have any of those cheapo, bendy, shitty dollarstore paintbrushes: those are great for gluing hair into heads because they’re bendy and can reach hard to reach areas, and you wont destroy an actual good brush with glue.
Hydrogen Peroxide: Can be used with sunfading to safely remove certain stains, read more here
HQG1C- This is actually a huge, fan project creating a ton of “high quality g1 customs” they’re very cool. I’m putting them here not only for their customs but they also have cool stuff for customizers and collectors: Blank Pony Bases, Hair/rehairing tools, replacement shells for sea ponies, replacement cowboy hats for a big brother pony like Tex, ect. Here is Clipper’s website (Ships in USA) And here is a UK distributor and also another UK distributor
Sweetheart Sister Earring Replacements- (Sometimes I see these going out of stock, I’m linking someone who’s selling them as of writing this on july 28, 2023)
Flutter Wing Replacements and Windy and Summer Wing Replacements- (Sometimes I see these going out of stock, I’m linking someone who’s selling them as of writing this on july 28, 2023). Also worth noting the pony preservation project has a few tutorials on how to make some wings, these are just links for if you want to buy some.
Custom Flutter Wing Tutorial- This specific one is a custom look a little different from the original flutter wings, but looks gorgeous
Dress Ponywear Tutorial- A pattern I made myself of a basic ponywear dress, free to use. Works for g1 and g3 (have not tried to adjust it for other generations yet)
Pony nightcap sewing tutorial- idk thought I’d throw this in too, very simple sleepy nightcap sewing tutorial that fits ponies, free to use (I made it for a bbe)
Pony Blankets, Bandanas, diapers and other accessories patterns- To replace missing accessories if you wanted to sew them yourself
Community (Forums or Areas you may want to go to ask questions from others!)
My Little Pony Trading Post- A dedicated MLP forum, with sections dedicated to discussions (I often see people asking or answering questions about restorative measures for example), art, customs, or other topics. No profanity is allowed and you have to be over 16
My Little Pony Arena- I know this forum exists and that a lot of people discussed restorative topics on there and used it as a resource for stuff like that, and so I felt the need to mention it: but the site is quite literally unusable if you don’t have an account, you can’t access any pages, and to make an account you have to wait for it to be approved. I tried signing up but it has been awhile and I’ve heard nothing back, so I’m assuming this is one of those sites that are largely inactive in the modern day 😔
My MLP Discord Server- Figured I’d throw this in there: An MLP server I made for fans of all/any generation, not necessarily toy specific either. If you wanna ask me or anyone else a question or advice about toys or restoration or something or you just wanna say hi feel free to pop in :) Very Very causal
MLP Collectors Discord Server- Not mine but very fun, for fans of all gens, some nice people there :) Is a lot larger and more structured than my own server
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