#i might stop queueing them *every* time i see them
dateko · 1 year
a/n: another rando drabble... twas hiding amidst the dust in my drafts... i will never get to see the four of these silly geese happy ever again and they only exist in my google docs where nothing bad ever happens to them...
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“Sensei, what is Sensei to you?” Yuuji asks suddenly, causing Gojo to stop in his tracks.
“Huh? Me?”
This time, Nobara groans. “No, you blindfolded idiot! That Sensei!” 
Gojo follows his young student’s gaze as she tilts her chin towards the field where the second-years are training. 
There, standing beside the ever-adorable Panda, is you. You watch with a proud smile on your face as the second years spar with one another, calling out praises along with death threats coming from Maki. It doesn’t take long for you to notice the first years and their slender mentor watching you from the steps. Your lips fight to bite down a smile as you throw out a wave, watching Satoru lift his mask to wink at you.
“See! See! Like that!” Nobara starts again excitedly, pointing at her teacher. “What is that woman to you?”
“Eh?” Gojo raises an eyebrow before lowering his mask. “She’s… A close friend of mine.”
“Sensei, you’re being secretive.” Yuuji offers him a skeptical look, to which Nobara nods along with adamantly. “Fushiguro, what do you think?”
Megumi glances at your figure with a dragging sigh before walking in front of his classmates. “If you ask me, she’s the one.”
Thing 1 and Thing 2 erupt with rowdy exclamations, practically bouncing off their teacher. Megumi continues to walk with a somewhat satisfied expression. The boy’s known you his entire life. Especially how much you mean to his blue-eyed benefactor. 
“B-but how do you know she’s really the one?” Yuuji asks this time, fully invested in his teacher’s love life.
Gojo shrugs nonchalantly. “I have good eyes, you know.”
“Well, now I just feel sorry for her. She has to deal with you every day!” Nobara deflates immediately, unsure of how to feel knowing someone she respects is romantically affiliated with her headache-inducing instructor.
“Hey! It’s a blessing to deal with me!” 
A pair of footsteps sneak up behind the group. “Deal with who?”
With a hand on your hip, you stop to tilt your head at the pairs of wide eyes looking at you. Even beneath his mask, you can tell Satoru looks more than guilty. 
“Something on my face?” You pat a hand on your cheek, wondering why no one’s said anything to you. 
Nobara breaks the silence by walking up to you with her head down, a downcast expression on her face. “Sensei… I’m so sorry for you…”
Confused and admittedly very concerned, you shoot Gojo a look before patting Nobara’s head reassuringly. And your lover holds a sheepish expression as he holds his hands clasped behind his back, an old habit he used to do when he knew he was in the wrong. 
“Alright, I might as well just say it,” Gojo starts, fixing the collar of his jacket. “I told them about us.”
Your eye widen at his words, lips sputtering for a normal response. “You told them we’re married?”
“Wait, married?! Meeting each other with good feelings is one thing, but married… Sensei, I thought you were better than this…" Nobara shakes her head dramatically before walking off, flashing you a disapproving look before dragging Yuuji along with her.
You watch the younger student walk off with a confused brow before returning to face your lover, who is grinning wildly at you. He's clearly over feeling guilty about exposing your little secret. Your questionable silence comes to Gojo as a queue to pull you into a loving embrace, a quiet apology for blowing your cover.
Without skipping a beat, you return the hug, giving up on trying to scold him. You squeak when Gojo rocks the two of you back and forth, pressing never-ending kisses on your jaw. “Just an FYI, Megumi was the one who told them.” He mutters, nose pressing itself into the crook of your neck.
You gasp, holding his face while you step back to look at him. “He wouldn’t do such a thing!”
“He said that you were the one.”
“Isn’t that what you said?”
“Shut up.”
You let out a giggle, a sound Gojo could listen to for hours on repeat. “You used to be so corny when we dated. Still now.”
“I don't think I could ever stop being corny. Only when it comes to you.”
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hedgehog-moss · 1 year
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Today felt like the last day of summer... I spent a long time following a little stream, looking for the spot where I'd found wild currants last year. They had clearly moved to a different spot, or maybe I'm just bad at finding things again because the only landmarks my brain finds worth remembering are stuff like "there were two baby cows to the left" or "there was a majestic hawk perched on a fencepost." I did know the currants grew near a waterfall that's near a little hamlet, and (unlike the baby cows) both were still here one year later.
Half an hour into our quest Pandolf had decided we must be looking for water, so he stopped like "Here!!" every time he found a noteworthy watery spot, it was very sweet.
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Eventually I resigned myself to the fact that I wasn't going to find my favourite berries this year, and I went back to the road—and found raspberries instead! The last ones of the summer...
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I was like "I accept this consolation prize, world, thank you" and had started picking raspberries when I heard soft dainty footsteps on the road behind me. On reflex I said "Bonjour !" as I was turning around and then realised I'd just said bonjour to this lady:
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She walked up to me like she was about to ask me for directions, but then went right past me and walked on with the same purposeful air.
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She stopped to admire the view above the waterfall like an old lady on her routine evening walk, then she was on her way.
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Pandolf and I went in the opposite direction, to go home, and we soon found another pony who was clearly the first one's pasture mate. This one was in her pasture and she looked sad and abandoned (and/or outraged). She kept pacing and then stopping behind the fence and whinnying.
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After we crossed the hamlet we saw a guy on his tractor on the road—he was on his way to a pasture where you could see a little herd of cows who had formed an orderly queue in front of their milking parlour. It was evening milking time and the ladies knew it.
Cows queue like British citizens, I mean very politely and patiently, but still I didn't want to keep them waiting so I hesitated to stop the guy to tell him about the fugitive. I chose the compromise of trotting besides his tractor to give him the news, and the tractor was very loud so he couldn't hear me well and I had to sort of convey the concept of escaped ponyhood with hand gestures. The guy looked in the direction I was indicating and then nodded and moved his arms in a philosophical gesture of total acceptance, like, "Such is life." Or maybe it was "Not my pony, not my problem."
I on the other hand feel a deep sense of community with people who have escape artist animals, so I ended up turning back to see if I could at least orient the pony in the vague direction of her pasture. I found her at a crossroads, wondering where tonight's walk would take her.
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When I tried to go around her and shoo her back in the right direction, she went off the road and down by the stream, which wasn't the plan, and Pandolf happily followed her then barked at me like "hey!! water!!" Our search for water had ended but I followed them to humour him—and! I found some wild currants! down by the little bridge that the pony was waiting for me to notice like some mystical guide.
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There were no actual berries to be found, I'm a bit too late for that, but I got some cuttings to transplant near my house and since I thought I was going to go home empty-handed it made me feel successful anyway.
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So maybe the pony saw me meandering near her pasture looking for currants and decided to escape so she could help me out. A criminal with a heart of gold. If I'd walked by the bridge I might have seen the currants without her help because, guess what, last year's hawk, Guardian of the Gooseberries, was still there on his fencepost nearby. What a good landmark! But I wouldn't have walked by the bridge without the pony's prompting as I had already given up on my search, so she did escape for a good cause.
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I tried to use the currants as bait to attract the pony (let's call her Mrs Berry) towards her pasture, but after I pulled the leaves out of her reach for the third time I lost her trust and she stopped paying attention to me. So I had to go back to the good old method to make shetland ponies move, i.e. walk behind her and occasionally pretend-kick in the direction of her bum, the way you'd shepherd a reticent pigeon.
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Her friend looked pretty indifferent upon seeing her again, so I think she wasn't whinnying out of worry but because she's a Pirlouit (a snitch).
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I opened the pasture gate but Mrs Berry had absolutely no intention of going home so early. She went in the opposite direction, for a little stroll around her hamlet. (Look at Pandolf merrily leading the way! He loves escape artist animals, he thinks they're so much more fun than everybody else.)
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Nobody was home in the house by the pasture and I decided to let Mrs Berry stroll, now that she was no longer on the road walking away towards the distant horizon. I figured she must be a Pampérigouste, a known local personage who goes out for an adventure every now and then. We let her have her harmless fun in the two and a half streets of her little village, and since we had lost some time following this pony round, the sun was now quite low and Pan was all prettily backlit as he frolicked on the way home <3
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heeseungwifey · 6 months
I'll pick you up - Park Sung Hoon
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pairing: idol!Sunghoon x y/n
warnings: contains smut! Minors don’t interact pls
Is a well-known fact by kpop fans that once an idol gets their driving license it means they’re having sex. Since they live in a dorm shared with their group members, they have no other choice but to fuck in the backseat of a car. 
Sunghoon is one of those idols. Annoyed he has to share a bedroom with the other 6 members of Enhypen, he got tired of having no privacy and got into driving classes ASAP. It was quite easy for him to pass the test, since he’s very skillfull and has learnt a lot from driving video games. 
How does he get girls? easy, he can pick and choose at all the fanmeets, in which many fans would slide their phone numbers in tiny pieces of paper between the album pages when he’s gonna sign them. 
He often turns them away, scared of getting into a scandal. But, from time to time, he sees one fan he wishes he could call and meet up with. That's why he was so keen to get his driving licence so that he wouldn't have to wait so long.  
At the very first fanmeet Enhypen did after he passed the driving test, he was expectant of who was in the crowd. Many girls showed up, excited and happy to get an interaction with their favorite member of the group. As the fans sit down on the chairs in front of them, Sunghoon spots a girl with long dark hair and an angelic aura. She's a fan of his, a T-shirt with his picture on it and a banner with his name on it. Lucky him.
The queue moves way slower than he wishes, making him desperate to greet her. When he sees she’s already talking to one of the members, he can no longer focus on what he’s doing. All his signatures look like scribbles and he keeps forgetting the name of the fan in front of him. After many apologies, she’s right in front of him.
-Hello! What’s your name? - Sunghoon says as he stares at her while she sits on the chair in front of him. 
-Y/n - She says, shy and blushy, avoiding his eyes.  
- Y/n… a very pretty name - Sunghoon looks directly into her eyes, wanting to keep eye contact with her. 
-Thank you… - She looks at him and now she can’t stop giggling and darting her eyes from one side to the other of the room. 
-And tell me y/n… I see you’re wearing my face on your T-shirt. Am I your favourite?- Sunghoon smirks. 
-Yes, you are. Since the very beginning, I knew I wanted to be your fan. - she has sparkles in her eyes, enjoying talking about her dear bias.
-Good to know I have such loyal fans. You know, I have to admit you are also been my favourite since you walked in here. You’re beautiful. - Sunghoon lowers his voice and gets closer to her ear, freezing her on the spot. 
-Ahm… that’s, that’s… uhm I don’t know what to say… about that… ahm… - y/n gets surprised by a timer, indicating the time of their brief talk is over. 
Y/n doesn’t want to get up from the chair. She still has something to give to him. She looks at him in the eyes and shakes the pages of the album he just signed in front of him, a piece of paper falling from the inside. 
Sunghoon couldn’t be happier. He was worried she might be a fan who thought didn’t have a shot with him. She does, oh my god how much she does. He couldn’t think of anything or anyone else throughout the whole day. With her phone number written on a piece of paper in the bottom of his pocket, waiting for him to get off work.
When Sunghoon got to the dorms, he stared at his phone waiting to gather the courage to call her. He knows she wants to meet up with him, that’s why she gave him her phone number in the first place. So why was he feeling so doubtful? 
Sunghoon picks up his damn phone and calls her, jumping with every dial tone. When he’s about to give up, a voice on the other line answers:
-Hello…? Who’s this? - y/n answers the phone and Sunghoon can hear voices in the background, a male voice standing out from all of them. Is she with a dude right now? Isn’t she a fan of him? Why did that bother him so much?
Sunghoon thought about hanging up the call. It’s whatever. She has her own life, of course she’s not gonna be waiting for him to call her. When she repeats herself for the third time, he decides to just try it, this is not about catching feelings but a one-night stand with a groupie. 
-Hi! y/n, this is Sunghoon. Do you have a minute?
-Omg, what?! I had the feeling it could be you, I don’t know why... this is a strange hour to call someone don’t you think?
-I want to see you. I’ll pick you up wherever you are right now. You up?
There’s silence on the other side of the call. She’s thinking. She’s not stupid, it’s obvious what this is about. She has to decide whether to leave her dignity aside or be happy. She now chooses to be happy. 
-Sure! I'm in Itaewon right now with a bunch of friends. I was going to go home in fifteen minutes, but I can leave now… Is it okay for you?
-I’ll pick you up outside of the metro station. 5 minutes and I’m there. 
Sunghoon hangs up, not even letting her answer. With a bunch of friends? His ass. Sure there’s some dude in that friend group that has been trying to make moves on her since they met. Women are so naive. He couldn’t have a girl friend that looked like that. A doll straight out of a magazine. The most beautiful woman he has ever seen, and sure he has seen a lot of pretty girls at award shows. It’s gonna take a lot for him to forget about that man’s voice, reminding him that this is just gonna be a one-time thing. Or that’s what he tells himself.
He’s already waiting outside the metro station. There are a lot of people on the street since is a Friday night and everyone’s enjoying their free time drinking and going to clubs. He has done that a bunch of times but got so scared of getting caught that didn’t enjoy it one bit. 
A girl in a miniskirt and high heels walks alone around the entrance of the metro station, waiting for someone. Sunghoon realizes that he didn’t give any indication of how his car looks, and she doesn’t have a way of contacting him. Sunghoon curses at himself for being so careless, picking up his phone and calling her. 
-y/n I’m here. - Sunghoon observes as y/n looks around, looking for a car. 
-Hi! Ahm… What colour is your car? I swear there are so many people here It’s driving me crazy.
-Hold on, let me get out of the car and get you.
-That’s not necessary, just…
Sunghoon double-parks and gets fast in front of her. She looks gorgeous. Her eye makeup, sparkly and feminine and rosy cheeks. She seems to be a bit cold, so Sunghoon takes his coat off to put it on her. 
-You really didn’t need to get out, your car is pretty noticeable haha. If you had told me to look for the most expensive car around here, I would have walked to yours. 
-It would not be very gentlemanly of me to just wait for you in the car. Come on, let’s get inside, you’re gonna get cold. 
Sunghoon puts his hand on her shoulder, leading her to his car and opening the door for her. This is the least he can do, he sure does not plan on being a gentleman when they get in the backseat. But for now, he’s gonna give her a great time. 
He has a plan that although cliché, is still romantic. There’s a viewpoint in the Hannam-dong Hill in which one can park their car. That’s where he is headed. 
-So, where are we going? - y/n asks, turning to look at him curiously. 
-It’s a surprise. Just get comfortable. Is a 10-minute drive there. 
-May I ask you… why me? I know I gave you my phone number, but this is the craziest thing that has ever happened to me. 
Sunghoon looks at her, her body language showing an insecure side of her that Sunghoon rather than offputting finds charming and attractive. Constantly being surrounded by women who just care about their looks and are rather egocentric, y/n is just a normal girl. A gorgeous normal girl, with long legs and a pretty, pretty face. 
-Just because. Can’t I just want to spend my Friday night in your company? Since you're my fan, you might know a lot about me. I wanted to know more about you.
Y/n smiles from the passenger seat, charmed by his response. Although Sunghoon hadn’t prepared it, he was quite happy about how smooth that sounded. Guess he’ll get more experience once he starts doing this more often. 
The Spotify playlist is playing low on the car radio, giving a great ride for both. By the time Sunghoon gets to the viewpoint, y/n has already deciphered his plan. 
-Oh, the Hannam-dong hill, how fancy… I love this place, it’s such a beautiful sight of the Han River. Look, there’s a boat over there!
Sunghoon knows it was a good decision to come here. She seems so excited, pointing at the buildings and boats that can be seen from over there. With her flushed nose from the cold and his huge coat on her, his heart feels a warmth that scares him. What is he feeling right now for a girl he just met?
Overwhelmed by her cuteness, Sunghoon turns his mindset to the plan. This is not a date, he came here to fuck her. The faster he’s done with it, the earlier he can go to his dorm without having to give any explanations. 
-Y/n, get in the car. -He says coldly and gets in the backseat of his car, waiting for her to do the same. 
Y/n walks to the door of the back of the car. Slowly opens it, getting in with a cold breeze, looking at Sunghoon in the eyes just as he’s doing. The car is dark, with the only source of light being the streetlights.
Y/n realizes that her miniskirt has ridden up while sitting, revealing her thigh highs.  She attempts to cover them by pulling her skirt down, but Sunghoon stops her. His hands roam her legs, getting closer and closer. 
-May I… kiss you? - Sunghoon is focused on her lips, some lip tint still on them. She thought there was no use in reapplying before the date, so she just left them like that. 
-Sure… please do it - y/n didn’t have to say anything else, Sunghoon jumping to kiss her.
His hands were only on her thighs at first, but as the kiss got deeper he groped her ass and sat her on his lap. The miniskirt, now a belt pooling on her waist, and her hands all in his hair, pulling on the roots. 
The atmosphere feeling heavy, y/n had to take a breath. Grabbing Sunghoon by the neck and pushing him away, a string of saliva left behind, connecting them. He looks confused, as he might have not realised something have made her uncomfortable. 
-Are you good? Did something happen? - y/n just has her eyes closed, breathing and leaning her head back on the driver’s headrest. 
-No, just… take your shirt off. - Sunghoon follows her command immediately, his pale chest on display for her eyes to see. 
-Okay, I didn’t know this was gonna happen today so don’t laugh… - He raises an eyebrow, not understanding what she means. When y/n takes her top off, her breasts are cupped by a Hello Kitty bra, which makes Sunghoon giggle. 
-I told you not to laugh… - y/n pokes his cheek, giggling along with him. 
-You know what, I can fix it right now, don’t worry. - His hand goes to her back and unclasps her bra, her boobs bouncing free from the cute undergarment. 
Open-mouthed, he had never been in front of such pretty tits, taking her perky nipple to his mouth while he looks at her face. Y/n throws her head back, moaning in pleasure as she moves her hips, the feeling of his tongue connecting straight to her core. 
Sunghoon feels his hard-on rubbing inside his pants and it hurts bad, opening his pants and pulling them down to free his member, creating a tent on his boxers. Y/n whines at the sight, she knew he wasn’t average-sized but seeing in real life it sure seems big and girthy. 
-Hoon, I want to… help you with that - y/n gets off him as she places herself to give him head, being stopped. Sunghoon flips her by the legs so she’s on her back, laying on the seat while he hovers over her. 
-Such a good girl… wanting to take the lead. I’m sorry, this is my car, I make the decisions here.
Sunghoon gives a trail of kisses from her jaw to her belly button, licking her nipples on the way down. When he gets to her underwear, he just presses his pointy nose and smells, groaning.
-Delicious… uhm, the things I have been thinking of doing to you while in this position…  I don’t think I get to do them all today. - Sunghoon is hissing while he palms himself, enjoying the warmth of his head between her legs. 
-Please Hoon, take them off… it hurts - she’s rubbing her legs, trying to do something with the awful ache she has. 
Sunghoon peels her panties off, placing them on the headrest and pushing her legs to the side, so she opens them more and he gets to see her glistening pussy. His sight right now is to die for, the prettiest girl he has ever seen with watery eyes and rosy cheeks, open-legged for him. 
His mouth goes directly to it, savouring all of it as he licks, her moans making it difficult for him to concentrate. She grabs his hair, trying to keep him there as she’s feeling closer and closer to the climax. 
Inserting two fingers, Sunghoon works hard for her release, often looking at her to see her eyes rolling back and teeth biting her lip, trying to stop screaming. He might love blowjobs but, the pleasure it gives seeing a woman fall into madness as she contorts and whines would never compare. 
With loud screams and nonsensical sentences, Sunghoon knows he needs to keep working hard for her sweet venom to hit his tongue. Once she comes, she twists in pleasure, crying and tired of the cardio. 
Y/n lays there, heavy breathing and covering her eyes with her forearm, while Sunghoon cleans her by sticking his fingers and licking them. After a minute of gentle tummy rubs, he kisses her, grabbing her by the arms and sitting her up. 
-Hey pretty? Are you game over? - As hard as he might be now, he can’t help but think it is endearing how exhausted she seems, wishing he could just watch her sleep for a bit.
-I’m good, it’s just that it was so… strong. I have never come like that before. 
-I’ll take that as a compliment for my incredible labour. Hey, listen, if you’re too tired I can get you home and just…
-No, I’m good. I’m not getting out of here just yet. Aren’t you gonna fuck me? - she tilts her head and Sunghoon lets a laugh out, brushing her hair out of her face. 
Y/n grabs Sunghoon’s face with two hands and kisses him with passion, french kissing and their tongues up to each other's throats. She hops on his lap, her wet folds damping his boxer while she rubs herself. 
After licking and playing with her tits while making out, Sunghoon can no longer endure the pain on his member. He remembers that, before this date, he bought condoms and left them inside the glove box of his car. 
-Y/n hey… I need you to do me a favour - Sunghoon says as he keeps on peppering kisses on her face and upper body.
-Uhm, tell me… - she has her eyes closed while she answers, fisting his hair while he sucks on her nipples. 
-I have condoms… in the glove box… can you pick them for me from here?- He looks up, straight into her eyes. 
-Sure. Hold on, let me flip over. - She crosses her leg over his lap, now sitting the other way around, a nice view of her ass and back for Sunghoon. 
He holds her by the hips as he elongates over to the glove box of the car, thankful nobody was around to see her naked. On the back of the car, the windows are tinted but at the front, anyone could see her. 
She grabs the box and hands it to Sunghoon, who takes no time in opening it and ripping the wrapping of a condom to put it on. He taps her asscheek and she stands up, waiting for him to pull his underwear down, letting his member free. 
-Do you want me to put it in? - Sunghoon slaps his dick on her leg, asking for consent. 
-Of course I do! ... And if you don’t do it now I’ll do it myself… please Hoon, do it already! - It’s funny to Sunghoon how cute and sweet she seemed to him that morning at the fansign and how now she’s now begging for his cock in the backseat of his car. He loves girls like that, with duality. 
Not even a minute passes but y/n is already grabbing his member and sticking it in herself, her face of pleasure visible from the rear mirror. He needs to stop looking if he wants to last more than five seconds, her open mouth and furrowed eyebrows too much for him to look at. 
He instead focuses on her ass slapping on his thighs, wiggling with the movement. He grabs her by the hair lightly, pulling her to his chest while she keeps on moving. She grips the headrest in front of her with two hands, to help her keep on bouncing up and down. 
As soon as she gets tired and her movements become sloppier, she begins to whine for Sunghoon’s help, and he swiftly places her laying on the backseat, now in missionary position. 
With the windows steamed up from the heat in the car, they look into each other's eyes in the midst of the most passionate sex encounter they've ever had. They moan in unison, their skin sticking and a moist sound coming from where they connect. 
-So.. fucking good… I can’t let you go just yet… this can’t be the end… arghh… - Sunghoon is feeling anxious, with his and her climax approximating, he knows the end of this is coming. And he’s only wishing for this to last forever. 
-I’m…I’m…not going…anywhere, it’s… okaaay Hoon - Even though she can't say a complete sentence, what she means is true. If he's afraid of this ending, she's afraid it's the last time she'll ever see him again. It may be a great memory to cherish forever, but it's heartbreaking to think that it’ll never be repeated.  
She understands, from the moment she heard his voice on the phone until now, she knows her role. She’s a one-night stand, a groupie, a slut. She took the offer and left her dignity and integrity at Itaewon, trading her respect for herself for a quick fuck with a man who might not even care about her.
This is the first time she has done this. She has only had sex with men she was in a relationship with. Although nowadays is not a big deal, she promised herself she would take care of her body, never letting anyone have their way with her if they didn’t love her. 
But why is Sunghoon being way gentler than the men she swore loved her? Why does he look into her eyes with passion, fondness and warmth? Is he a psycho?
They both hold hands as they come, y/n first and then Sunghoon, falling on top of her and resting his head on her chest while she embraces him with her arms and legs. The car feels hot, perfect for them to have a quick nap in this position and not freeze in the cold of the night. 
At 4:30 am, after they’ve gotten dressed, they go to a convenience store, where they both pick onigiris and ramyun, hopping back into the car to eat. 
Sunghoon stares at y/n as she eats well the onigiri, hungry from all the exercise. A smile scapes from the corner of his lips, getting y/n’s attention. 
-What’s so funny? Do I have mayo on my face? - She looks into the rear mirror, checking. 
-No no, you don’t, I just think you’re so cute - Sunghoon pinches her cheek, laughing.
-Funny how you can still think that about me… tonight has been quite enlightening about my true self. -y/n looks outside of the passenger’s seat window. 
-You can be cute and have a good ride… to me that just makes you ten times hotter. I don’t know if you’re under the wrong impression, but I liked what we did tonight.
-It’s just… I have never done this before, I swear. I just like you so much that I had to… say yes. 
Sunghoon shouldn’t feel guilty, but he does. Without wanting, he pressured her into doing this. It made him insecure, and even though he does consider himself a handsome man, maybe he shouldn’t use his fame to meet up with girls, his fans.
-Sorry, if you felt pressured to meet up with me, I didn’t mean to… fuck, I feel like shit now. 
-Sunghoon that’s not… what I meant at all. It’s the best thing that has happened to me, the best time I’ve ever had. I am just afraid of what you might think about me now…
Her hand, which was rubbing his neck softly, stops. Sunghoon looks at her, a tint of shock in his eyes. So that is what this is all about. She’s scared he thinks she’s some sort of whore. When he has never felt this much intimacy, or connection… with anyone. Not even with some girlfriends in the past.
-Hey, what the fuck… what I think about you? C’mon, I would be an asshole if I thought shit about you. Y/n, all I know is that… if you ever wanted to meet up again, I’d cancel everything just to pick you up.
-Yeah, I guess so… to meet and do this again, right? That’s what I thought. You know, I wouldn’t feel good about that. - y/n looks outside the window, trying to end eye contact with Sunghoon, feeling betrayed by herself. 
- I mean as a date, y/n. If you wanted to meet, I would do it in a heartbeat just to see you again. We might have to hide, you know, so people don’t see us, me, around… don’t feel pressured to say yes this time, I just want you to know that I like your company before anything else. 
She looks at him, wondering if she should believe him. While it sounds sincere it also seems impossible for them to become something. He grabs her hand and kisses it, soft warm lips getting in touch with her cold skin. 
-We could try… Sunghoon, is safe to say that I love you… as an idol, and I don’t want to kill that version of you. A man who’s so passionate and caring about everything he does… please don’t hurt me and make me hate you…
-I would never do that, ever. I swear to you, y/n I’ll take the chance and never let it go… just, let’s try. Okay?
He holds both her hands now. And with that “okay”, she feels she could trust him. Now she feels like it was meant to happen, giving him her number, picking up the phone call… everything is connected. 
She gets closer to him and gives him a kiss, exciting Sunghoon who suddenly deepens the kiss, like a starved man that has been waiting decades for it. She reciprocates, minutes of the most loving kiss any of them have ever had. And of which there will be many more in the future. 
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14dayswithyou · 4 months
The 14DWY brainrot is real... >_< were ypu planning on sharing koi ren's design here too or is it discord only for now? remember to drink lots n lots of water today 🐸☔️
i don't rmbr if i included this but can you share any koi crumbs too?
✦゜ANSWERED: aaaaa I'm 14 years late to this ask (/silly), but thank you for reminding me!! I'll add the new Mer Ren design to da queue >:3
I'll also put the Koi Ren (I'm rocking with this new name!!) crumbs under the cut!!
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"Stop rocking the boat, Ren." Without sparing a glance in his direction, you continue to stare out into the vast, open lake. "You'll scare away all the fish."
Had you turned around, you would've seen the faux-deadpan look on his face as Ren takes in the irony of your words. As if to prove a point, he gently swishes his tail in the water, which causes small ripples to form and (eventually) disturb your bobber. "I don't think the boat is the problem here."
"Okay, how about this... One more fish, then we can go back." You finally look back at your scaley companion — who was still leaning against the edge of your tin boat with a lazy smile — and give him a resolute nod. "Promise."
"Sure," Ren casually reaches into the boat to pick and pluck at some of your live bait. "But you said that about the last three fish."
"This will be the last one. I swear."
"You... swear?" You try to ignore the way Ren swallows up one of your minnows as if you weren't using them for bait as he continues to speak, "Like... curse words? Humans sure are weird creatures."
As if realising his comment, Ren's ocean-blue eyes widen slightly and shift towards your form. "N-Not... Not you, though."
With a laugh, you playfully try to nudge him off of the boat. All it does is cause it to tip slightly, but Ren steadies it when you show signs of losing balance.
"Alright. One more fish, then?"
You nod and cast your attention back to your rod once more. You don't even notice the silence — nor Ren slipping away — until you suddenly feel a tug on your line and call out to your companion in excitement. "That was quick!"
Quickly reeling it in, you wonder what kind of fish you'd just caught — it's definitely stronger than you anticipated, given how the rod drastically bends and snaps at every movement from the fish. And just as you see the shadow from the murky depths get closer, the ripples get bigger and cause a stir underneath your tin boat. Standing up now, you try with all your might to reel it on board...
...Only for a mess of black hair to emerge from below and peer up at you with a smug look.
"Looks like you got a big one."
"C'moooon." You practically whine, though you allow Ren to haul himself into your tiny boat and rest his head in your lap. You can still feel his body shake from underneath your touch, no doubt still laughing at his poor attempt at a joke. "This doesn't count."
A beat passes before your fishy companion responds. "...Hm? Fine then."
Another moment of silence follows before he slithers back into the water without another word. Half of you worries that you might've said something to offend him (there was still the tiniest hint of a language barrier between you two). Still, it ultimately leads to nothing as Ren soon emerges once more — only this time, he's hauling the biggest largemouth bass you'd ever seen into your boat.
"This good enough?" He looks at you with wide, blue eyes. "If not, I can probably find a sturgeon and—"
"It's bigger than my boat!"
"Is this what your kind calls... exaggeration? Because your boat is big enough even for me to—"
"—Arghh! It's getting water everywhere! Put it back!"
It was almost comical how Ren tossed the fish over his shoulder and back into the water without breaking eye contact with you.
Another wave of silence hits, yet neither of you seems to move or break the awkward staring contest you'd somehow started. It's then when you notice Ren's grin get bigger — most likely at your resignation and embarrassment — which causes you to fall back into your seat in defeat.
"Fine. Enough fishing for today. Let's head back." Busying yourself with the bucket of fish and tacklebox in front of you, you secure your gear and pack everything away. But it seems Ren had other plans, seeing as he took it upon himself to climb back into your boat and rest his arms on your legs. No longer able to move as freely, you have no choice but to indulge in his carefree whims.
"But you caught me. Aren't you going to bring me home too?"
"As much as I want to," Truly, you do. You've always wanted to show Ren the world outside of Lake Bluemoss. "There's no way I'm carrying you all the way down the mountain."
"You never know until you cry."
"Try." You correct him. "Until you try."
"Your kind sure are funny." Ren nuzzles himself closer. "Perhaps another time, then... Stay here tonight."
Your body pricks up at his words, and you spare a glance at the abandoned boathouse near the dock. Despite its rough and rugged exterior, you and Ren actually made it quite comfy. It had some of your old blankets and sheets thrown over one of the boats to make it comfortable to lounge in — alongside a giant empty tank that you and Ren filled with water for him to sit in as well. Despite the lack of human traction, the place still felt homey and well-loved.
"...I guess I could."
"Then what are we waiting shore?"
You had to roll your eyes at his attempt at a pun.
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Daily Ficlet 4
I'm challenging myself to write a little ficlet every day, using the prompts from this list. Today's prompt is jukebox.
Steve's oh moment comes to him at The Hideout of all places. Dingy, dirty, with a bartender who served Will Byers a drink without so much as pretending to contemplate if he should or not.
The point Steve is making is he's just realized he might be a lot in love with Eddie and that it's not exactly the most romantic of settings. They're all here because they came to watch Corroded Coffins first gig since before... well, since Before.
Before Vecna. Before spring break. Before Steve was even aware of his attraction to guys.
A lot of Before that led them to this now. This oh.
It wasn't watching Eddie in his element, up on the stage. Seeing that for the first time was actually a Before thing, too. Steve's been to The Hideout before. The same bartender served Steve a beer back when he was a sophomore and Tommy H had heard the rumor that they didn't card here. The first time he'd watched Eddie Munson in his element had been shortly after his graduation, coming here to pretend he wasn't as alone as he felt as he drank a beer or two.
Watching Eddie on the stage knowing he has a crush on him certainly made the show better but didn't push him from crush to in love.
It also wasn't after, watching Eddie and Robin have a silent conversation of only gestures and eyebrows and pointed looks, though it did make Steve rush with adoration for them both. Knowing that Eddie and Robin got a long so well, cared to each other, made something settle inside Steve's bones. Steve hasn't been serious with anyone since Starcourt, and he's aware enough to know it's because he can't explain his codependency to Robin to anyone. Not with the truth, or in a way they're understand. He wouldn't need to do that with Eddie.
It wasn't that Eddie had then come checked on him, either. Asking if the place was too loud, and how Steve's head was doing. Steve had just recovered from a migraine and Eddie was worried about this bringing it back. It hadn't. The ear plugs were great. And Eddie beamed at him.
No. None of those were the oh, though they were all reason enough.
No, the oh was this.
Watching Eddie 'metalhead' Munson teach Will, El, Dustin, Lucas and Erica how to square dance. He'd tried to coax Mike onto the floor but that wasn't happening, and Max couldn't with her crutches still, but she'd promised to learn from Lucas once she was on the mend.
Eddie had pilfered most of Steve's quarters and slid them into the jukebox, picking the same country song 5 times in a row for the kids to practice to. "Just to wait, Stevie. These kids'll be winning square dancing trophies when I'm done."
Steve had laughed, sipping on his beer as Eddie danced his way to the jukebox.
And here, on the fifth song, watching Eddie improvise some swing dancing into their established routine with Erica being easily twirled about, trying to glare at Eddie for picking her but also doing nothing to stop him from throwing her around the dance floor, Steve thinks oh.
Oh. I love him.
He stands and heads to the jukebox, and queues up the same song once more, then turns to the group. "Alright Munson, teach me, too!"
Dustin whoops, Erica slips back into her place in line, and Eddie beams at him, hand outstretched and waiting.
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sunfyresrider · 1 year
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✧Tags. Porn w plot, predator/prey kink, mild dubcon, queue play, knife play. ✧Author’s Note. Sorry for the late post, I have been unbelievably sick this past week and my brain has not been functioning. I really hope you like anon and I did your request justice!<3
After being married for so long things can become boring, the sex gets progressively less exciting once you do the same things a hundred different times. Which is why you and Neteyam are no strangers to experimentation, although to others you might seem insane. Each time to push yourselves further, trying more taboo and possibly criminal acts. You always have fun, but right now you are seriously rethinking your choice.
You aren’t as fast as Neteyam nor are you as athletically inclined so whilst he’s chasing you down in the midst of the forest at eclipse you’re becoming genuinely scared. You’ll see flashes of him in the bushes or behind trees, you’ve heard his feet approaching you quickly from behind but he never takes you down. The fear was exhilarating, thoughts of what came after he caught you whirling in your mind.
He has this innate ability to hide himself, to act as the perfect predator hunting its prey. The ground crunches beneath you and twigs snap, bioluminescence plants are your only light source. You hear Neteyam quickly approaching, finally failing to mask his own footsteps. You don't know where he's coming from so you make a mad dash, hoping he won't see you.
Until your breath catches, and suddenly the footsteps stop, and you stop with them, straining to listen out for him. Your heart pounded within your chest, adrenaline fogging all of your senses. A sudden crash sounded, you jumped as his arm wrapped around your waist. He lifted you up off of your feet, holding you tightly as you screamed in fright, squirming.
“Caught you, muntxate,” Neteyam spoke in an almost mocking tone. With a grunt, he pushed you back onto the ground, positioning himself above you. “What shall I do with you, hm, yawntutsyìp?” His fingers trailed down your back, tugging at the strings that kept your cloths in place. A shiver went down your spine as he traced the curve of your spine, stopping when he reached the swell of your ass.
He slapped it roughly, making you gasp. “Can’t do anything with these on now, can I?” You faintly heard him unsheathe what you could only assume as his blade, a new sense of fear swirling up inside you. For a moment you squirmed in place, before he pushed you down, firmly holding you. “T-teyam what are you doing?” The cool touch of the blade grazed against your skin, a wave of heat building in your core. “Tsk, tsk, tsk, you don’t get to question me. You’re my prey, remember?”
Neteyam slid the pointed metal downwards, slicing open the strings of your loincloth and top, revealing the rest of your body. His hands roamed freely, sliding over every curve. A sharp breath escaped you, biting your lip to prevent yourself from making any noise. Neteyam didn't seem to enjoy that. He reached up, gripping the base of your queue and pulling your head back, growling out a threat.
"don't hold back, muntxate. I want the whole forest to hear me fucking you.” He pulled on your queue, making your back arch. It was the most sensitive thing on your body, the pain sending shockwaves throughout you. Neteyam knew this, and he was taking advantage of that fact. His grip on you was tight, leaving no room for a struggle.
His cock throbbed in his loincloth, a wet patch forming in the fabric. His other hand gripped his cock, stroking it slowly, letting a loud groan slip from his lips. Seeing you so vulnerable drove him crazy, knowing he was in control of you. Neteyam teased your entrance, his hot pre-cum dripping onto you. You sucked in a deep breath, preparing to be stretched and filled to the brim.
The pain that came with so little preparation didn’t scare you, but rather fueled the growing arousal you felt. Neteyam pushed his way into your pussy, inch by inch until his full length was buried within you. You could feel him throb inside of you, his tip already hitting your womb. You were so malleable in his grasp, Neteyam wondered what else he could get away with.
His grip on your queue tightened as he began to thrust into you. Your screams of pleasure and pain lulling him into a state of hunger, his rough treatment turning you on. You were practically dripping around his cock, the lewd squelching sound of your pussy filling the otherwise quiet air.
Neteyam’s deep, guttural growls left goosebumps rising up your skin, each movement he made causing him to rub against your insides deliciously. Your legs quivered, tears welled up within your eyes as the wet tears trickled down your cheeks.
His fingers entangled with your queue, a newfound feeling blinding your every sense. It felt as though every nerve in your body was on fire, the sensation akin to pins and needles prickling across your skin. Your fingers scratched at the ground below, grasping desperately at the dirt. All of the feelings in your body heightened, the tight coil in your stomach threatening to break at any moment.
Your divine whimpers were still loud and clear, driving him even closer to his own climax. With every thrust, he hit the deepest parts of you, making sure he bottomed out each time. Neteyam’s teeth sunk into the crook of your neck. The mixture of emotions clouded your mind, overwhelming you. All you could muster were a few, slurred, pathetic words, incoherent yet recognizable all the same.
A shaky, pitiful whimper slipped from you as you struggled to say your words. "p-please..."
That was it.
Your cry was deafening, the final thrust stretching you to your limit. Neteyam forced his way into your cervix as thick ropes of cum filled you. The pain was nothing compared to the pleasure. Your cunt fully squeezing around him, milking him of all he had. The overwhelming intensity of your orgasm bursting through you, overpowering any other emotion in your body.
All you could do was writhe helplessly and clench around him, the last remnants of your juices splattering your inner thighs. The only noise left was the heavy sound of both of your breathing. The world around you becoming hazy and distant. You couldn’t hear the night creatures that lurked in the forest, nor the gentle breeze of the wind.
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jadequeen88 · 2 years
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As someone who has worked many different service industry jobs, I obviously have lots of thots about line cook! Eddie. Let me elaborate:
Eddie is the one cook who keeps all the other younger hooligans in line. Did they make a rude comment about your skirt riding up while you’re picking up a drink someone spilled? Spatula to the back of the head. They need to learn to treat these hard-working girls with some respect. One of them wolf whistles? Eddie pinches their ear, looks at you apologetically, and says, “Sorry, sweetheart. This one here is barely housebroken. Doesn’t know how to act around pretty ladies.”
He’s also definitely the one all the servers have a crush on. He’s the topic of many smoke break discussions. You didn’t even smoke until you worked there, just wanting an excuse to bat your lashes and bum cigarettes off him. One night, he grinned as he took a long drag and let the smoke curl out, saying he was smoking his last one, but you could have a hit off it if you wanted. Instead of taking it from him, you wrapped your lips around the filter as he was still holding it. Watching his pupils widen and seeing him lick his lips in response was a big payoff for such a risky move. 
The other servers start getting jealous of your special treatment, but Eddie really doesn’t give a fuck, and as long as your boss is happy with your work, you’re fine with it too. Sometimes he moves your ticket to the front of the queue if it’s a really busy night and the other girls have been giving you a hard time. You shake your head in weak protest, but Eddie just says, “I gotta give my favorite girl the red carpet treatment every now and then, don’t I? You work so hard, darlin’. I gotta do my part to help you keep those bastards out there happy. Keeps that tip money coming in for ya’.” He gives you a wink as he twirls his spatula and gets to work, leaving you a blushing mess. 
Up to this point, you thought it was just Eddie being a flirt because you were the new girl, but the night you see him with one of the particularly annoying cooks pinned against the wall by his throat for calling you a “dumb bitch”, you start to suspect your crush might not be as one-sided as you’d originally thought. Afterward, he walked up to you and asked if you were okay. The gentle caress he placed against your cheek made your lashes flutter before you could stop yourself. “Y-yeah, Eddie. Thanks.” His thumb brushed along your cheekbone, and he graced you with the lopsided smile you loved before pulling away to say, “No one talks about my favorite girl that way.” You were in a daze the rest of your shift. 
A couple of nights after that interaction, you stay late to wrap all the silverware and cut all the lemons. You knew the other servers left those time-consuming tasks for you as a punishment, but you refused to neglect to do them and put the opening shift in a bind. Even if it was fucked up of them to do that to you in the first place. You realized after a few minutes that someone else was there deep cleaning the grill. You nearly dropped a whole container of freshly cut lemons when you heard whoever it was singing along to one of your favorite songs you’d been silently head-banging along to as you worked. 
The soulful delivery of this mystery man’s singing had you weak in the knees, and it only got worse when you peeked around the corner to see that big voice coming out of Eddie’s mouth. His eyes were closed, bandana-clad head thrown back, as he scraped the grease off the grill and sang his heart out. He must have sensed you standing there, because he turned towards you and jumped a little, those pretty chocolate orbs widening. It was kind of adorable. 
“Shit, sweetheart! Didn’t know I had company, or I’d have kept my wailing to a minimum!” He chuckled, scratching the back of his head. How dare he have the nerve to look embarrassed when all you could think about was getting on your knees and under that apron after hearing his voice?
“Eddie, that was…” your voice cracked a little. You cleared your throat and continued. “That was amazing. I love that song, by the way. Not many people here listen to them. You do it justice.”
He turned red and couldn’t meet your eyes, a rare way for the bold man to behave. You liked this side of him. “I do okay, I guess, but I’m better on guitar than vocals.” It seemed to dawn on him that you revealed that you had a similar taste in music then because he perked up and met your gaze again. “Wait, you listen to this kind of stuff?” You nodded and grinned at his sudden switch in tone. “Damn, I didn’t know you could get any more badass!” You laughed at that. “You know,” he continued and cleared his throat. “I’m in a band. We do okay. Decent crowds. We play Tuesday and Friday nights down at the Hideout.”
That’s how you end up at a dive bar the following Friday night, front row cheering Eddie on as he shreds on stage. Afterward, he grabs you up into a sweaty hug, spinning you around. “That’s the best I’ve ever played, baby.” Your heart fluttered. He hasn’t used that pet name before… “You gotta come to every show now and be my good luck charm!” You giggled and agreed. Like you’d ever turn down that offer. 
The flirting amps up at work after that. Eddie yelling out, “There she is! Light of my life, goddess incarnate! How’s your day going, sweetness?” from behind the grill becomes a daily thing. “‘M doing fine, Eddie. How about you?” You always answer. You know what he’s going to say before his mouth even opens, but it gives you butterflies every time. “Million times better now I’ve seen you! Now go out there, kick-ass, and get those tips!”
Things come to a head one night when you’re dealing with a table of Hawkin’s “elite,” the rich boys that thought being born on the right side of the tracks made them special. It didn’t help that their table was in view of Eddie’s workstation. He had a front-row seat to the show, watching them flirt with you, and you have to put up with it, having to smile through it. When the loudest one slipped you his phone number, Eddie couldn’t take it. You heard a clatter and saw a flash of dark curls exit through the back. “What’s going on?” You asked one of the other guys. They all shrugged and looked at each other, just as lost as you were. 
You walk out back and see Eddie leaning against the rough brick wall lighting his second cigarette. He jolts upright when he sees it’s you. “Oh, hey sweetheart. Need to bum one?” He holds the carton towards you, and you can’t help but notice his sad eyes. 
“No, Eds. Can I just have a drag off yours?” 
“Course darlin’,” he mumbles around his cigarette before holding it out to you. He just expects you to let him hold it for you by now. It doesn’t mean it makes his chest ache with want any less, though. 
“What’s the matter, Eds?” You ask sweetly. It embarrasses him that he’s so weak for you. 
“Nothin' to worry about. Promise.” He tries to smile, but he knows you can see right through him. 
You had a feeling it had to do with the asshole trying to give you his number earlier, but you’re still a little nervous to address it and get rejected. So you take a deep breath, brace yourself, and ask, “Was it because that guy gave me his number?”
Eddie couldn’t meet your eyes, “Am I that obvious, sweetheart?” he sighed and looked up to the star-speckled sky overhead, “Some days, I wanna come clean so you’ll reject me already. Put myself outta this misery. But I always chicken out,” he turned to you with misty eyes, “I'm a coward, you know? I’d rather have little pieces of you than nothing at all.”
He barely finished his speech before your hands found his stubbled cheeks, and your mouth was on his. Eddie tasted how you’d imagined he would, the cigarette you shared and cherry chapstick. His eyes closed and he sighed sweetly. It was pure heaven. You pulled away and he smiled bigger than you’d ever seen.
“You silly man,” you whispered, nudging his nose with yours, “All you had to do was ask me out and I’d have said yes.”
“All this time?!” he said, eyes bulging and voice going high.
“Yes! All this time,” you responded. Now it was his turn to initiate a kiss, this one more consuming than the last, his tongue barely swiping your bottom lip. You whined under his touch, making him turn desperate.
“Baby, we gotta revisit this in a couple of hours. Just so I know that I'm not hallucinating.”
“You got it, Eds,” you bit your lip and pulled away from him to go back inside to finish your shift. Before the door closed behind you, you could hear Eddie whooping and cheering in celebration. Needless to say, as soon as you were both clocked out that night, you never kept your hands off each other again.
NOTE: Thanks to everyone on the discord server for fueling this madness. I’d love to revisit this and write an actual fic with smutty goodness. So everyone, let me know what you think!!
@trashmouth-richie @munson-blurbs @pinkrelish @eddiemunsonsmum @courtingchaos @corroded-hellfire @chestylarouxx
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eddiernunson · 9 months
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Really Drives Me Mad | Older!Eddie x Fem!Reader | 18+
| Master List | Prev Part | Next Part
Word Count: 16.9k
Chapter contains: Wedding shenanigans, smut, meeting Hawkins characters, smut, regular kinks, public sex, and lazy writing where i didn't even look up countries to travel to for honeymoons. Also...a haircut... (don't hate me)
I barely got this done in time, and it's also unedited. My editor says she can do it and we'll replace the rough copy lol.
Still thank you to @forget-you-morelike-fuck-you and @bebe07011 for always telling what they think and reading for it me first.
I just wanted to share some personal news. I'm 18 weeks pregnant, and I am always so fucking tired, so I apologize for posting a million things one week and nothing for months. The inspiration really comes and goes.
Anyways Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
“I gotta admit, I didn’t expect your wedding to be so soon,” Skyler admits, in the middle of chewing on a salt and vinegar chip, some in her hand in queue to be chomped on next.
You keep your eyes on the movie playing snacking on a peanut M&M, watching Amanda Bynes’ truly unmatched comedic timing. “I am not spending a whole year of wedding planning,” you protest, throwing another chocolate into your mouth, “my mom is far too opinionated for me to be able to handle all of that fuss.”
“Well, you still need to find a dress…” Bethany points out, taking a hit off her vape pen. “And a caterer, someone to marry you, and a wedding photographer, decorate the venue—”
“We have invited close family and friends only.” You remind her, rolling her eyes. “If anything, the reception will turn into one big dance party. Hell, we’re ordering pizza. I don’t need a fairytale wedding. Having him has made my life a fairytale already.”
“Gross.” Skyler comments, sticking her tongue out at you playfully.
“I think it’s cute.” Bethany offers, grinning.
“Also, I might have already decided on a dress.” You hesitantly say, turning your head around and up at them to see their reactions. They collectively stop what they’re doing to scream at you for it. The gist of their uproar was mostly how they weren’t invited to the time you spent looking, but this dress was a happy accident by every definition.
“You found a dress?”
You shrug, pausing the movie so it’s not such a distraction for the conversation. “Yeah…”
The first time Eddie gave you his card and sent you to the mall for him, you were anxious about holding his money and only spent it on things he explicitly said he had wanted.  The entire trip took about an hour, getting home and holding a few bags as you entered the front door. Eddie leapt from the couch, grinning wickedly as he met you in the kitchen. He held your hands as he smirked at you. “How was the shopping trip?”
“Good.” You answered, moving to your purse on the counter to hand him his card.
He put it in his wallet hurriedly, wanting to get back to you. “What’d you get?” He asks, starting to look through the bags.
“I found everything you asked for except for the socks, apparently they’re discontinued.” You answered, leaning onto the island counter.
Eddie’s face falters only the littlest bit, shrugging. “Damn, gonna have to find a new favourite pair then.” He looked through every bag one by one, seemingly looking for something he couldn’t find. “What’d you get?”
Your brows furrowed in confusion, not understanding what he meant. “Um, everything but the socks?”
Eddie’s face broke into laughter, hands snaking themselves around your waist. “Yes, baby, but what did you get for yourself?” His voice was so gentle, smiling at you fondly with a gorgeous lobsided smile on his face.
“Oh, um, nothing…” you answered, eyes flickering to the ground. “It’s your money.”
A hand made its way onto your cheek, intertwining his fingers in your hair. His lips landed on yours, taking your breath away with how dreamy and dizzy it made you feel. As he pulled apart, your knees were weak, mouth half open as you stared up at him in pure bewilderment. After you were able to catch your breath, you finally asked, “What was that about?”
He smiled at you tenderly, tucking your hair behind your ear. “You’re just so sweet, my love,” he muses, beautiful brown eyes roaming all over your face. “Sweetheart, you have a ring on your finger. If we’re about to get married, then my money is your money.”
A frown sat on your face, thinking over what he just told you, eyes fleeting all over his hardwood floor. “But…I don’t, I don’t want, I don’t want—”
He hooked a finger under your chin, lifting your chin to look up at him. “I know you don’t want it.” His other hooked around your back, pulling your body against his. “However, I do want to share it with you, just like I want to share everything else.”
You smiled at him, sighing as his hand caressed the swell of your cheek, leaning into it. “I just don’t want you to think I’m with you for any other reason than how much I love you.”
“And how hot you find me, hmm?” He teased, eyes half lidded.
You rolled your eyes playfully, hands petting the nape of his neck. “Of course.” Eddie gave you a big kiss, lips wrapping yours, making you feel only bliss. “So, if I take your card to Sephora and buy a palette I’d had my eye on, you wouldn’t protest?”
Eddie sighed, sticking his tongue out in his true fashion. “You could buy the whole damn store as long as you’re happy.”
You squinted at him, lips pursed as you assessed his gorgeous face. “…How much do you have in savings?”
He smiled, tilting his head playfully. “Enough.” He said, tilting his head and twisting his face comically. “Maybe not enough to buy the whole store, but enough to shop comfortably.”
With his blessing, you started to feel something like trophy wife on the occasional mall trip. Holding his black card as you swipe it unflinchingly at a large bill is so satisfactory as you see the glint of jealousy of the cashier’s eyes.
On your most recent outing, grabbing groceries and making stops at your favourite stores as you browsed, a little boutique in the corner of the mall caught your eye. You’ve never seen it before, a deserted area of the mall that has incredibly niche stores that mostly look like a storefront for a ring of some type. In the very corner is a sweet little boutique with hand made clothes, the kind of clothing one doesn’t come across very often anymore, all made with care with high quality fabric…but not at a designer price.
A dress with embroidered flowers around the skirt caught your eye in the window, and there were only cuter clothes. With several hangers of clothing on your hand, the corner the store comes into view, and the prettiest white dress you’ve ever seen came into view.
As soon as your size was in your grasp, you giddily ran off to the change room. As soon as the zipper is up, your eyes welled up in bridal glory.
All for 85 dollars. (Well, that’s not the whole bill, just the dress.)
Your eyes flicker back to your friends, shrugging. “It just happened.”
“How far is Hawkins, exactly?” Bethany asks, leaning on her elbow on her legs crossed.
“A few states away.” You answer, pressing play on the movie again.
“You’re only inviting close family, right?” Skyler asks.
“Yeah, and you guys and Steve’s family.”
Bethany tilts upside down on the couch, feet resting on the pillows as she watches the movie upside down. “I’m sorry, who’s Steve again?”
You roll your eyes. “Do you guys ever listen to what I say?” They shrug, looking at you expectantly. “He’s Eddie’s best friend.” Still, their looks are completely blank. “You remember the photo I showed you of Eddie? He was the one on the left.”
Their eyes both noticeably bug out of their sockets. “Oh, you lucky bitch.” Skyler chuckles, definitely remembering the one of the left.
You roll your eyes, again. “He’s happily married, you dicks.”
“You can’t tell me you haven’t thought about it” Bethany accuses, knowing you too well, if you had anything to say about it.
The hesitation says everything. “Okay, maybe once or twice.” You admit, avoiding their eyes. “But again, he is happily married, and frankly unrealistic. Plus, he might be my sister’s father-in-law,” you joke, mostly hoping there’s no truth behind it.
 “Okay, this I gotta hear.” Bethany giggles, leaning in with much intrigue.
Hours later into the evening, your friends are taken off to their prospective life commitments. The living room is tidied up and the tv turned on to some background noise as you doom-scroll on your phone. Right on time, the front door to the house slams shut.
His hot breath and sweet kisses on your neck feels like home, titling your neck and humming happily as his arms wrap around your torso from behind the couch. “Hi, baby.”
“Hello, my love.” He greets. Your hand lands on his hair, petting his curls. “I gotta take a shower, then I’ll be right back.”
He bends your head on the back, giving you a deliciously upside down kiss. “Hurry fast.”
A usual shower for him doesn’t take too long, usually sporting sweats and a band tee as he comes back down the stairs twenty minutes later.
It’s only thirty minutes when your patience completely runs out, hopping up the stairs wondering if he fell asleep. He’s not in the room, or the bathroom, so you finally find him in the closet, squatting while he grabs something from one of the low storage shelves.
“Hey, Eddie—”
You forget the English language. Every word you’ve ever known is gone from your brain, nowhere to be seen. He uses his elbows to lean on his thighs, perched on his toes and smiles at your speechlessness.
“Surprised?” He asks, standing up and wrapping his arms around your waist.
You stare up at it, hand petting his scalp. “What did you do?”
He shrugs, spinning his hands in circles in his hair. “Needed a change.”
“That…that’s a big change.” You comment, noting the way his face looks without his hair framing it.
He grins, hand caressing your face sweetly. “What do you think?”
You wonder how you missed the razor with a hair clip on the counter. “I think we might have a problem…”
The panic in his eyes is subtle, but there. Clearly, he’s never had someone who loved him for him, and you’re excited to see his reaction. “Oh?” Eddie asks, doing his best to appear casual.
You smile, admiring the way his hair curls at the nape of his neck, even buzzed all the way to his scalp. “What the hell am I going to hold onto while you go down on me?” You ask, playfully scolding him.
He laughs, his face crumbling in relief. “We’ll figure it out, sweets.” He tugs you into his arms, arms gorgeously tough as he hugs you intensely. “Not the first time I’ve cut my hair, you know.” Eddie tells you, squatting back down to grab what he needed.
You’re honestly unsure if you’ve ever seen a picture of him with short hair, but then again, his social media doesn’t have many pictures of him. “Oh?”
Eddie grabs what he needed successfully, taking off into your shared bathroom. “Yeah, last time was when Dyl was like eight, or something.” Eddie answers, cleaning up the last strands of hair from the counter. How did you miss those?
“Needed a change, then, too?” You ask, now seeing where he placed his shed locks, the damn garbage.
Eddie tucks his lips in, tongue poking out between his lips. “Uh, not exactly.” He starts, hesitating. “Brooke sort of…demanded? I guess? That I cut my hair when long hair was apparently not really cool anymore.” He laughs, putting the razor away. “She wouldn’t let it go.”
Anger is useless, at this point, knowing that dumb bitch was just plain horrible to him. It still stings to know he had to deal with her, regardless. “She seems so lovely.”
Eddie laughs, taking your hand in his as he led you back out the bedroom and back down the stairs. “This time, at least I did it for myself.”
“I can’t lie,” you start, sitting nearly on his lap on the couch. “I will miss it, and our kids will be shocked when they see their dad had short hair in our wedding photos…but it’s hair. It grows back. I will always accept you for who you are, baby.”
Eddie doesn’t know which part to focus on more. He hopes you never fail to make him feel so loved, and honestly, he doubts you ever possibly could. But for the moment he focuses on the first part. “Our kids huh?” He asks as you lean back comfortably against his chest.
“Oh, hush, you know what I want from you.” You rebuke, smiling satisfied as you watch whatever is on TV.
His arm wrapped around you pulls you impossibly closer to him, still expecting the itch of his hair on your neck. “I know, my love. I want the same thing.”
“You get any calls for RSVPs, yet baby?” You ask, sighing happily.
“Steve called, everyone’ll be there, of course.” Eddie answers, grabbing the remote to switch channels.
“Oh, cool, I can’t wait to meet Jocelyn.” You say, still not having met his wife.
“I thought you’d be more excited to meet Eliza.”
“Oh, her, too.” You laugh, nodding. “She will be the cutest flower girl ever.”
Eddie kisses the top of your head, sighing happily as his cheek rests on it. “That, she will be.”
Eddie’s hands are intertwined with yours as he flies down the major highway, music blasting through his speakers as the wind sends your hair flying from the open windows. The prospect of flying versus driving to Hawkins was debated for a hot minute, but a long road trip with him was just too good to pass up. Several bags are in the back seat, packed for both the four days you’re spending in Hawkins, and the three weeks for the honeymoon.
He surprised you with a His and Hers matching set of bags, mouth quirked in a smile as he saw the embarrassment take over your face. He knew how excited you were to go take a trip to Cancun with him as newlyweds, and he did his best to make it clear the feeling is mutual.
But before you can take off on a flight with him, comes getting married.
Both your dress and his suit are in garment bags, something you’re all too thrilled for him to see, the prospect of him on the other side of the aisle filling you with a level anticipation you didn’t know was possible.
The trip is long, and you wonder how Steve was able to make it to your parents’ in such short notice, noting you’ll need to extend more gratitude to him. You had offered to drive, but Eddie had repeatedly denied you, insisting you’re his queen, and he planned on treating you like one.
What was that you had said earlier about living a fairy tale?
As you pulled into the small town, Eddie texts a few of his friends to let him know you had arrived safely. He pulls up to the one gas station in town, stretching his back out, walking into the convenient store to pay and take a leak.
When he comes back out of the station there’s an aura of amusement on his face, shaking his head. You meet him at the pump, eyebrow quirked to ask him what he was so smug about.
“He’s still alive.” Eddie chuckles as he puts the pump to start filling it up. He laughs again when your face twists into even more confusion. “Gus, the owner from when I was in high school, he’s still kickin’, and he’s still running the joint.” He pauses, scratching at the nape of his neck. “Probably out of pure spite, if anything.”
You kiss his cheek, petting at the curls now swirling in his hair. You still missed the length, but he looked good with short curls. “Wonder who else has surpassed those expectations.”
His eyes widen at the idea. “If Higgins is still principal…”
You smirk, having several stories about Higgins undeserved vendetta he held against Eddie, having once blackmailed him into dripping out. “God help the youth of Hawkins, Indiana.”
“I don’t blame Arlo for any of his sass in that case.”
Your phone buzzes in your pocket, a text from your mother that she, Viti, your dad, and her had successfully landed in Indianapolis and are currently grabbing their rental. Thank god your mom is acting like a mother again after her brief mental psychosis. 
For the first day in town, Eddie has a whole plan for you, refusing to tell you what he had planned. First, was the singular old folks’ home Hawkins hosted. The receptionist immediately recognizes Eddie, flickering to you with a twinkle in her eye. “Is this?” She asks, pointing to you covertly.
“Sure is.” He answers. “How is he?”
“Very excited.” She answers, placing a pen and paper on the counter in front of you. Eddie signs his name, and hands the pen for you to do the same. “Same room as always.”
Confused, you follow his lead down the hall the opposite way from the rec room where a group of elderly individuals were playing bingo. He’s petting your thumb with his, his eyes flickering between your eyes and the ground.
Is he nervous?
He finally stops at the door second to last on the left, labelled with the number 18. Three knocks on the door and there’s a gruff voice on the other side telling you to come on in. Eddie takes a deep breath and opens it, slowly walking into the room.
The door opens to an older, much older, man with a very thin patch of hair on his head facing the other direction, hands shuffling over a faded deck of cards, slowly categorizing them, supposedly a game of solitaire. Eddie lets go of your hand to approach him from behind, playfully humming, moving one of the cards over the old man’s shoulder. “There ya go.” Eddie says, gentle and smug.
“Christ, you always knew how to beat me.” He mutters, shaking his head. He lifts it to face Eddie, smiling ear to ear as he stands up slowly, relying on the table in front of him for stability. “Bout time you came back to town,” he jokes, tugging Eddie in for a hug.
You can see Eddie’s smile over his shoulder, observing the way Eddie relaxes in his hold. Eddie’s hands on his back are firm, gripping onto him for dear life. You’ve heard stories, only had an idea of how much his guardian meant to him, but from just the looks of this hug, it’s the kind of affection you suppose could only a parent could provide him.
Times like these you wished you knew him when he was younger, just to see more of these vulnerable moments.
Not that you want to cut their reunion short, but you need to get this introduction out of the way because it was the one you’re most nervous about. You clear your throat subtly, only to get their attention. Eddie’s eye’s abruptly open, meeting yours apologetically. “Sorry, sweets.” He says, pulling away from the hug. “Uh, Wayne this is—”
Wayne, the man who has picked up the slack from his deadbeat brother and runaway sister-in-law, turns to face you, smile on his face as he abruptly wraps you in his arms for a hug. “I don’t need an introduction to the woman who brought my son back to life.” He insists, squeezing you tight. You want to feel cocky about this statement, but all you can do is smile into his shoulder. It’s impossible that the affect you have on one another is the same, a lust for life you’ve never have before now ever present, looking forward to the future knowing that you’ll have him for as long as humanly possible.
It's just nice to hear from those who have known him his whole life.
Wayne finally lets you go, the smile lines ever present as he grins at you. “Well, I suppose you two still have a lot of work to do before Saturday, huh?”
You look at Eddie, shrugging in sync. The only thing there really is to do is set a few tables up for the reception and pick up some flowers from the local florist. A small wedding means little to do, especially with good friends in town insisting on helping tie the final pieces together.
“This one isn’t a bridezilla, is she?” Wayne jokes, winking at Eddie’s exasperated eyeroll.
“She could stand to be a bit more decisive, to be honest.” Eddie laughs, a lobsided smile.
To be fair, you just wanted to marry him, it really didn’t matter how the tables are laid out at the reception, or where you take the photos. He could’ve taken you to a courthouse and you would’ve been satisfied, but there is something so enticing about announcing to your close friends and family how much you love and plan to spend all your days with him.
Wayne and Eddie talk, Wayne telling the embarrassing stories you’ve been begging Steve to tell you, yet with no success. The pink blush on Eddie’s face is adorable, watching as he hopelessly protests the stories, but Wayne seems to be the only person out there who doesn’t get intimidated by Eddie’s stern voice. You wonder if the temptation to give the same energy next time you’re being berated by him will be too much to ignore.
Your favourite story that Wayne told you was the one where he was ten years old and attempted to mix his love of hard Metal and Dungeons and Dragons and turned on the song only to forget he had it turned all the way up the day before.
It resulted in snacks everywhere and one of his favourite figurines crashed as he stumbled across the room to try to turn his stereo down. Wayne even had some photos he keeps in a box on his dresser, handing one by one. The best set of photos were Eddie growing his hair, going from a kid with a buzz cut in the halls of a school displaying a rock signal to the camera to a jaded teenager refusing to smile for it.
Yeah, if you knew Eddie in high school you would’ve been down bad.
Eventually, Eddie stops protesting at the stories and just ends up defending the actions of a hormone-driven seventeen-year-old.
“You’re not expecting me to wear a suit, are you?” Wayne squints, leaning back onto the desk.
“Just wear something nice, will ya?” Eddie asks, an aura of affection for his lifelong guardian.
“Yeah, yeah.” Wayne dismisses him.
The nurse is sweet as you and Eddie sign out, Eddie requesting that they get him out of his room to socialize for once. She laughs, insisting that they do his best to get him out, but he is stubborn as he is old. Judging from his silver hair and the vibrant blue veins showing from his paper-thin skin, you can see where Eddie gets a lot of his personality from.
Eddie’s a silent sort of content as he drives down the main street, thumb caressing your hand with purpose and ease. He makes a turn, slowing at the end of the street at a sweet little yellow house. “Where you bringing us this time?”
“Still not telling.”
The front door opens to a woman with short curly hair, crossing her arms as soon as she sees who is on her front step. “Was wondering when you’d stop by.” She says, waving her hands to invite you in. “Come on in, Robin is over for the afternoon.”
“Hi, Wheeler.” Eddie greets her, tugging you in with him.
Oh, Nancy. You’ve heard little about her, only that her determination is scary.
“Yeah, come on in, you groomer.” Comes another voice, a little rough on the edges but said with love.
“Groomer?” Eddie asks, eyebrow tilting.
“You’re lucky that’s all I’m calling you.” Robin, sitting at a table with a cup of tea, playfully shoots back. “Marrying a girl half your age.”
“And like I’ve said on the phone, she’s been making as many of the decisions I have.” Eddie says, sounding tired. “Anyway, this is Robin, that’s Nancy.”
They toast their cups to you, observing how you and Eddie are with each other, his hand around your shoulders and your hand easily intertwined with his.
“They’re uh, they keep me in check.” Eddie laughs, gesturing to them.
“You cut your hair.” Nancy states, a smirk on her face. “Haven’t seen that in a few years.”
“Whatever, do you want to tell her or not?”
Turns out, Nancy and Robin been communicating and texting Bethany and Skyler for ideas on a bachelorette party for you. Your eyes are full of fear as you glance to them full of fear, scared of what they had planned.
Those eyes were a little too smug for comfort. “You haven’t told her anything about the uh… U.D, have you?” Robin asks softly as Nancy shows you a photo album as the friend group from years back. What a friend group to be in back in their heyday.
“Not quite yet.” Eddie shrugs, wondering how is it those faded memories can come back so quickly just because he’s in town.
“You ever plan to?”
“Probably. Won’t wait too long so she doesn’t think I’m senile.” Eddie jokes, but it falls flat.
“I think she can handle it.” Robin admits, now having spent a few hours with you. “Maybe skip the part where your heart stopped.”
Eddie rolls his eyes. “Probably.”
Eddie has made several more stops throughout the day, introducing the many colourful characters that flooded his hometown. Felt like right out of a storybook.
The one you most got along with turned out to be Dustin Henderson, the very same one who Steve’s third son is named after. Just from your first conversation surrounded by their goofiness, do you truly understand how dorky, how dramatic he really is. Dustin does have stories to tell you, less embarrassing, more dripped in his dramatic flair for life.
Dustin checks on the habits he still carries, does he still fidget with his fingers, does he tuck in his lips, has his patience gotten better.
Correction, Dustin is one other person you suppose Eddie can’t intimidate. You’ve seen many attempts only met with laughter. “Steve has a bachelor party planned for you, you know.”
You shoot Dustin a glare, charging on him. “There won’t be any strippers, right?”
Eddie’s laughter abruptly stops when you shoot a glare at him, giving you a meek smile. You fucking thought so.
“Don’t worry, Harrington has a death wish, but not that badly. It’s a meticulously planned out campaign.” Dustin chuckles elbowing you. “A few drinking games involved, but no models in bikinis.”
Suddenly Eddie’s in your ear, breath sending shivers down your body. “If you were to show up in a bikini, I wouldn’t protest.” Eddie whispers, planting a kiss on your cheek.
“Tempting, but I think I’ll wait until Cancun.” You answer, grinning cheekily at his widened eyes.
Eddie gets a text that night when you’re in the hotel room with him where the reception was to take place. Most of the wedding was completely figured out, the two of you are ready for a night in before the rush sets in for tomorrow, cuddled up under the blanket as he reluctantly watches one of your favourite romcoms.
His hand pets on your bare thigh, slowly making its way up, smirking at the way you tense under his touch, whimpering as you impatiently wait for him to finally touch you. His fingers finally, finally brushing under your panties and just seeing how wet you are when Eddie’s phone vibrates on the bed. “Don’t you dare.” You protest, clutching in his shirt.
“You’re not in any position to be making demands.” He chuckles, sliding to answer his phone.
You huff, head banging against the head rest.
“Make it fast, Harrington.” Eddie answers. You start to pay more attentive attention to the movie when his hand slips back under your panties. His finger moves easily along your folds, slowly working you. Eddie mutes his phone, “Be fucking quiet, got it?” You nod, forcefully taking a pillow and biting down on it. “Sorry, bud, what was that?”
Eddie listens, face crumbling in annoyance. “And we don’t get any say in this?” He asks, inserting his finger bast the barrier of your entrance. “Yeah, we’ll be an hour.”
Eddie hooks his finger, eyes raking down your body as your back arches in attempt to keep quiet.
“Because you caught us in the middle of something, Stevie.” He laughs starting to speed up. Something Steve says tugs a beautiful sound of laughter from his lips, hanging up and tossing the phone. “Take your panties off, we have an hour.”
You throw the pillow across the room, grinning as you take your panties and the shirt you’re wearing off.
When he slides into you, perfect and relentless, the words he whispers in your ear are how he can’t wait to marry you, how much he wants to see his girl in a pretty white dress just for him, and what a pretty girl he has.
The only words that leave your throat are about how much you love him, on repeat. I love you, I love you, I love you, Iloveyou.
Stubbornly, Steve demanded two of you made your way over as soon as possible. Eddie agrees, but really wishes he could stay with you when he sees the blissed-out expression you wear in the afterglow. Damn him.
You reluctantly go with him, half asleep as your head rests his shoulders when Steve finally opens the door. “Finally, you sluts!” Steve laughs, hand in his front pocket as he opens the door with the gusto only Steve Harrington really can. “Jesus Christ, warn a guy next time you get a haircut.”
You glare at him, rolling your eyes. “If we came all this way just for this, then I will see you tomorrow, Steve.”
“She has a point.” Eddie agrees, also ready to go back to the room and forget you were asked.
“Chill out you two.” Steve insists, “c’mon.”
Well, Steve is one hell of a schemer, because as soon as you reach the living room everyone (and then some) jumps out from their hiding places, a big ass surprise party.
Like the two of you weren’t already having a big party in two days, but this is a large reminder of how loved you are.
This thankfully gave you a chance to mingle with the rest of the Harringtons, Eliza regretfully already asleep upstairs. Immediately, you see the connection between Nicky and Dylan and how much they get along far more than Dylan ever did with Arlo.
Arlo and Viti are mingling a little too close for comfort, her back leaning against the counter as his hand is placed right next to her, nodding as what ever she says is apparently agreeable. Whatever Arlo is planning, he’d better stop that shit.
Jocelyn Harrington is the perfect ying to Steve’s yang, perfectly balancing out his chaotic personality and keeping him in check only the way she can. You ask her to keep an eye out for Arlo, something she promises that she’s tried to do many times in the past, in fact, this his him tamed.
You finally learn who you’ve hired to take the wedding photos, a boy you’ve only spoken to over the phone from Steve’s recommendation. He’s…Nancy’s, ex’s, son, Jeremy Byers, who has apparently picked up his dad’s hobby in photography and, like his father, turned it into something that can pay the bills. His dad is freakishly just like him, sweet and unassuming. What is it with genes in this town? Everyone just copies and pastes.
Somehow, Steve managed to get your parents to show up, somehow finally warming up to Eddie. Still, she’s on thin ice for ever having insulted him to begin with. Apparently, Nancy does remember your mom, having been on the newspaper with her.
Your mom was on the newspaper?
The night is spent laughing in Steve’s massive living room, the air filled with anticipation and pure excitement, actually glad you were forced out of bed. The doorbell rings, opening to face your two best friends as they squeal and wrap you in a hug and everything is right in the world.
Maybe your mom could stop flirting with Steve, though.
Finally, you stumbled into the Hotel room at 3am, giggling together as he falls on the bed on top of you. His hand snakes his way under your skirt, tugging them down fast, the sound of him undoing his belt driving you crazy as you giddily and hurriedly help him with his shirt. He’s been teasing you all night, his lush lips wrapping yours and wandering hands making you want to pull him into one of the bathrooms.
The pure want in you right now when you know you’re about to make Eddie your husband is coursing through your body is excessive. There’s a looming question, will you be able to hold back during your wedding? Answer is a definite no, but you’re trying to trick yourself into believing that you will.
His bare skin against yours as he ruts against you is everything, yet even after every orgasm you want more, crave more of him more than you ever thought was possible. You’re extra greedy that night, holding him closer, begging him for more, more, more. His words are a sweet mixture of worship, praise, and just a little bit of degradation. My girl, my sweet love, taking me so well, your sweet cunt, greedy little slut.
You fall asleep with your legs wrapped around his waist, sleepily exchanging sweet nothings in one another’s ear, the rest of the world dissolved completely.
The vibrations of your phone don’t wake you up, but it certainly alerts you to the following vibrations of Eddie’s. The phones didn’t even make it to your chargers, sitting in the mess of clothing on the carpeted hotel floor. Eddie’s body is partially on yours, wrapped in his musk as you stretch, taking in the reflection of the sun on the roof. “Eddie.” You moan, stretching your limbs as you attempt to reach off the king-sized bed. “Phone.”
Another phone is buzzing, somebody clearly relentless in their effort to get a hold of you. Eddie hums, head twisting only the littlest bit in your neck. “Too…too bad.” You slowly crawl out of his hold, rolling towards the scattered pile of clothing. Just when you think you’re successful, Eddie’s strong bicep effortlessly pulls you back, tightening his grip on you. “Stay.”
The sound erupts again. “You don’t think that could be important?” You ask, finger gently trailing along the skin of his back.
His shoulders shrug, lips starting to trail kisses along your neck. “Don’t care.” He mumbles, hands moving across your skin. You can feel his enthusiasm against your leg, tugging him down against you. “Waking up to your beautiful face, gorgeous fucking body, you think I care about anything else?”
When he puts it like that, you suppose you really can’t say no to him, especially when his voice is luring you in like so. You hum, starting to see his point as the buzzing fades into the background. “Then get to it, will ya?” You ask him, hands intertwined in his short curls. As he pushes himself up on his hands, his eyes meet yours, grinning cheekily.
“Get to it, you say?” He asks, hands tugging on your hips your body meets his perfectly. “Somehow last night still left me unsatisfied.” He pushes into you slowly, not giving you any warning or bothering to prep you. As assumed, the slick from last night remains ever present along your folds, allowing Eddie to push in effortlessly. Your mouth opens wordlessly, meeting his eyes and drinking in the pure lust in them. “This pussy baby, you’re telling me I get this for the rest of my life? Am I that lucky?”
As always, he’s crazy to believe he’s the lucky one. “Whenever you want, Ed,” you tell him, fingers clawing up his back and mewling. “Faster, please, please, baby.”
“Pretty voice beggin for me.” Eddie mutters, still granting the wish. “Think your pussy can take more of daddy’s cum?” He asks, hands intertwined in your hair and thrusting harshly. “Thought I already filled it a bit last night.”
“Never enough, Ed.” You gasp, pulling his lips on yours. They’re lush and sweet, but the kiss turns dirty as his hands press harshly and fiercely. “Can never…never get enough.”
Eddie chuckles, curling himself into your neck. “You keep saying shit like this to me and I will never let you leave this room.” His hands slide themselves down to your wrists, sitting up as he pulls your arms down your torso. This position hits a new angle, the pleasure hitting a deeper spot than you knew possible.
“Who said I want to leave?” You laugh, his grip on your wrists tight enough to bruise.
Your legs wrangle themselves against his chest, feet flexing next to Eddie’s face, watching his half open mouth and gorgeous face. “Just what I wanted to hear, sweets.”
His hips are beautifully relentless, eventually turning you around in his grasp, your face hitting the pillow as his hips start impossibly faster. His hand grips itself in your hair, pulling your back against his chest, snaking from your hair back around your neck. “Listen to those sounds you make, love, so desperate for me.”
“What a pretty girl, taking my cock so fucking well.” His other hand clings itself onto your clit, circling it as his hot breaths gasp against your neck. “Feel that sweet pussy dripping all over me, you close, babygirl?”
“So close, Daddy.” You whine, neck stretching impossibly high as the pull in your stomach is strong and intense. His fingers move faster, driving you towards that high more and more. “Oh, my god, Ed.”
Your pussy flutters around him, eyes twitching shut and whining in his hold as his hips never let up. As you just start to come down from it, there’s a loud knock on the door. You fall forward, whining as Eddie doesn’t let up. The knock comes again, faster and louder this time. Eddie doesn’t seem to mind them, and frankly, neither do you, listening to him as his groans grow deeper and longer, reaching backward frantically for his hands. “Gonna fill you up, love.”
The knocks are now rapid, never ending and stubborn.
“One fucking minute!” Eddie yells, voice harsh and aggravated.
Now the voice that’s been shouting is clear who it is, Steve apparently having no patience as he shouts in anger.
You feel him rut a final time, bending over you as he gasps desperately into your ear. “Jesus fucking Christ.”
“Hurry up, I’ve been calling you guys for an hour!” He yells, you can practically hear his hands placed on his hips.
“You want me to open the door naked?” Eddie asks, grabbing the pair of pants he tossed onto the ground last night.
“Is that a threat, or a promise?” Steve asks, a hint amusement in his voice.
Eddie opens the door, rolling his eyes as he leads him in. You lie under the covers, not caring about the lack of clothing you wear. “What?”
“Oh lord.” Steve grunts once he sees your relaxed posture on the bed, scrolling through your phone.
“I’m sorry, did you not know what you were walking in on? Your ears have mysteriously vanished from your head?” You ask, a half smirk placed on your face at his hand exaggeratedly hiding you with his hand.
“I at least figured you’d have clothes on,” Steve grumbles back, crossing his arms. “I’ve been calling you two for the last hour, we have shit to do before the parties tonight.”
“Parties?” Eddie asks, slipping his shirt on.
“Yes, parties. Hurry, you two.” Steve demands, clapping his hands repeatedly. You stare up at him blankly, still half paying attention to the videos on your phone. “Well?”
You blink at him, stunned. Wasn’t this wedding supposed to be easy? “Get out!” Point angrily to the door of the room.
“I want you two in the lobby in five minutes. We got shit to do.” Steve demands, letting the hotel door slam behind him.
You glance to your fiancé, leaning on your elbow cheekily. “Wanna fuck me again?”
To be honest, Eddie’s jeans were back around his ankles before you even finished the sentence.
The feeling of shamelessness as the elevator opens to the lobby fifteen minutes later is refreshing, sporting kiss bruised lips and tussled hair as you cheekily greet him.
Steve looks tired, sitting in a chair in the lobby scrolling through his phone leaning on one elbow. “I should’ve known way better.”
Admittedly, Steve was right. Despite the size of your wedding there was still a stupid amount to do before the Wedding takes place the next day. If it weren’t for him, you’d probably would’ve stayed in bed all day until the realization kicks in. Maybe being as much in love with Eddie as you are is both your saving grace and your downfall.
Steve acts like a wedding planner. You thought your mom is bad, turns out she’s got nothing on Steve Harrington with a goal and a vision.
Flowers picked up, hair stylist and makeup artist booked, the church confirmed, all the t’s crossed and the I’s dotted.
When you’re sitting with Eddie and Steve on the living room couch at the early evening, Jocelyn opens the door, walking in with her daughter running in like a little tornado, her little curls bouncing with every step. Her voice is to the brim with giggles, running up to Steve with glee.
“Daddy!” She yells, hopping into his arms as he catches her effortlessly. Eliza is somehow even cuter in person than she is in any photo you’ve ever seen of her.
Steve hugs her tightly, petting her back like the gentle parent he is. “You see who’s here, yet, Liz?” He asks, nodding towards Eddie and you.
Eliza abruptly leaves his hold, switching her bright green eyes to Eddie. “Uncle Eddie?” She jumps straight for him, forcing the one arm behind you to wrap around her.
“Hello, sweetheart.” He greets, your eyes meeting his over her shoulder. Seeing him talk about her animatedly is one thing, but watching him melt as soon as she’s in his grasp sets your ovaries on fire. “Are you excited to be a flower girl for us?”
Her eyes flicker to yours, shyly smiling, as if remembering there was someone for her uncle Eddie to get married to. “That’s the lady?”
He laughs, hearts in his eyes never leaving as he glances over. “Yep.”
Eliza looks back to him ‘whispering’ in his ear, “She’s pretty.”
Eddie chuckles and places his hand by her ear, pretending to whisper back, “I know, it’s why I’m marrying her.”
The glare you want to give him is drowned out by the warmth that floods your entire body. “You two sharing secrets over there?” You squint your eye, pretending to be suspicious of them.
Eliza giggles, hiding in her hands. “No!”
“Then why are you whispering?” You demand, leaning in.
“We’re not!” Eliza giggles, kicking her feet as she tumbles off the couch.
“If you’re lying, I think a monster is going to come chase you,” you warn her, shaking your head exasperatedly.
Her eyes go bug wide, scared only as a four-year-old can be of a monster coming after her. “N-no, we weren’t whispering!”
You nod at her, smirking at Eddie, hoping it gets the point across. “Uh, oh, Eliza, I see a monster!”
Eddie catches on, dramatically crouching as he bares his teeth and pretends to growl. As soon as she hears it, she squeals, little footsteps taking off into the next room. You watch him run after her, suddenly completely forgetting that it wasn’t his idea to begin with.
How the hell have you just managed to fall for him even harder, you’ll never know. Maybe you want more than one with him.
You sit back comfortably on your chair, feeling completely relaxed from the sounds of their footsteps and giggles alone. Your head feels heavy falling over and suddenly facing Steve’s eyes already dead set on you. You’re startled out of your daze, head perking up quickly and hurriedly. “What?” Steve’s eyes flash up and down, making you feel a tad self conscious. “What?”
“What was that?” Steve asks, nodding towards where Eddie and Eliza are still running around, making loops around the house.
You shrug. “Just playing with your four year old?”
Steve tilts his head, eyebrows furrowed. “When you two have kids, I think the world needs to watch out.”
“Kids?” You ask exasperated. “Who said anything about that?”
“You did. And him. And I know you’ve at least talked about it.” Steve answers, unwavering conviction in his voice. You’re speechless, playing with your nails as you avoid his eyes. “Mmmhmm, that’s what I thought.”
Once Eliza is put to sleep, you’re comfortably on Eddie’s lap as a knock on the door echoes through the house. Jocelyn gives a smirk as she opens the door, and a parade of shouts bursts through the door. The group of men that burst through it are all loud and jeering, their smiles too wide as their hands grab at the man beneath you, picking him up by any body part they can grab. He’s promptly lifted over their heads, all of them ignoring his shouts in protest and threats to dismember them if they don’t let go of him.
Not that you’re mad at Steve for throwing Eddie’s bachelor party onto him, just the opposite. A warning that the next time you’d be seeing him was at the altar would’ve been nice, though. You heard him shouting from the basement, a mixture of glee and anger. Steve gets up from the couch, making his way towards the door to the stairs.
You rush before he goes, blocking the way to the stairs. “Take care of him, won’t you?”
“I promise no lap dances from any of the strippers,” he vows, his face smirking at the glare that lands. “I’m kidding! It’s just drunk D&D, no strippers involved, I promise!”
You hit him on his shoulder, just a little done with his bullshit. “Better not be.”
“I mean if he starts stripping when we get to the tequila, I make no promises on stopping him.”
You stop Jocelyn who is just passing by. “You sure they’re over each other?”
She shrugs, knowing exactly what you mean from 25 years of dealing with the two of them. “Jury’s out on that one, I’m afraid,” she winks, petting Steve’s confused face.
“Make sure he gets there tomorrow on time,” you nod, patting his arm condescendingly.  
“Right, a church in St. Louisville, right?” He asks. You hit him again, harsher. “Oh my god, sometimes you are so easy to piss off.”
You shoot one last glare. “For the moment, I think I have the right to be, you know? Sort of need him there on the other side of that aisle.”
“He’ll be there, he might be a bit hungover, but he’ll be there.”
“Alright. Now go downstairs, Harrington.” Steve startles you by tugging you into a hug, taking a moment in stunned silence before returning it. “Make sure he has fun.”
You sit down on the couch, listening to the crowd of men cheer as Steve finally gets to the bottom of the steps. Your head just hits the pillow on the couch when Jocelyn’s elbows land next to your hair, wearing a smirk you swear you’ve seen on Arlo before.
“Oh, you think you’re in the clear?” She asks, assessing the look on your face. “Come on in, ladies!”
Somehow when Eddie was picked up, you completely missed how there was a whole different group who followed in, sneaking their way into the kitchen. Now the very same ladies who organized the bachelorette party rushed in, grabbing your hands up from the couch as they all squeal in glee. You didn’t know where to look or what to say, surrounded by doting hands, both friends of yours and Eddie’s alike.
“Here,” no one in particular passes you a pretty dress, something you didn’t even pack for yourself. “Put this on, we’re going on a night out!”
“In Hawkins?” You ask, aware of the single dive bar that Eddie spent his nights working at.
They all let out a chorus of “no”, all explaining simultaneously that they rented a party bus and you’ll be travelling to the closest city that has one more than only one bar.
A tight dress, makeup that only other’s hands have put on you and a bit of pregaming, strobe lights are bumping and the bass is loud in while you’re surrounded by all of the hens. You’re extra surprised Nancy and Robin have also joined in on the fun, Robin’s voice scratchy in the speakers as she sings into the karaoke microphone. Your little sister is extra giddy that she was invited to join, too deep with number the drinks she’s already had.  
You’re just glad she’s not with Arlo for the night.
To catch your breath about halfway into the trip you sit down, everyone following your lead with beads of sweat on their foreheads. The music is turned down eventually, all eyes on you.
“So, are you excited?” Skyler asks, poking your hip right next to you.
You nod shyly, a big smile taking over your face. “Of course!”
“Okay, so I just have to know, what’s the craziest thing you guys have ever done?” Bethany abruptly asks on the other side of you.
Your face twists into confusion, giving every pair of eyes staring at you exactly what was going on in your brain; what the hell is she talking about? “Crazy?” You ask, question her, wondering what they could possibly mean. “We really aren’t all that crazy.”
“Oh, come on.” Viti interrupts, crossing her arms as she sits on the seat directly across from you. “You know exactly what she’s talking about.” She wiggles her eyebrows, smirking.
“I happen to know his nickname the Freak is not just a name…” Nancy laughs. “If rumours from High School are anything to go by.”
Your jaw drops, laughing to compensate for the discomfort. “Why do you all want to know so badly?”
“Please.” Skyler protests, leaning forward on her elbow. “The way he looks at you? There is no possible way you guys don’t have crazy, or at least crazy good sex. Spill the beans.”
You ask for a shot glass, downing it straight away. Not that you want to entertain it, but just to protest, you’re gonna need to be a lot less sober than you are right now. “Assuming you are even close to being right,” you start, asking for another shot, “why the hell would I tell you guys?”
“Because our curiosity is peaked.” Viti explains, unwavering in the intense eye contact with you. “Spill.”
“Fine.” You give in, barely holding the laughter that bubbles out from your mouth at their joyful expressions. “Seems you guys are desperate to know, so I will tell you one little adventure. Just one.”
The music is turned down into a low melody, acting as a background when you tell the story of hooking up with him in the dressing room after just moving in with him. Their expressions are slack jawed, all on the edge of their seats as you describe the want and the adrenaline that rushes through you as your face is pushed up against the dressing room wall.
You end the story, laughing with the crowd at the circumstance in which you ended up meeting Steve Harrington. The bus stops, pulling up to the first bar for the evening. You get up easily, ignoring the way all eyes stare at you in bewilderment. “Well, you coming, or what? It is my bachelorette party!”
Robin is the first one to get up, laughter leaving her lips as she follows behind you. “C’mon, if we get her drunk enough, I’m sure that’s not the only story she’ll tell us!”
You wish you could answer the question of how you successfully made your way back into the bed of your hotel room, waking up next to the warm body that is your fiancé. The headache is splitting, waking up to the alarm on your phone that rings loud and clear. “Oh fuck.” You wince, checking the time. Luckily you still have time until your appointments, glad you opted for a later ceremony.
You go for the carry on that rests on top of your bags, knowing it holds extra strength pain killer. You take two, this hangover the worst you’ve ever felt. You refresh yourself in the bathroom, splashing your face with cold water and brushing your teeth.
You stumble back into the main room, greeted by Eddie sat up on the bed with a charmed look on his face. “How you doin,’” he asks, seeming to know more than he let on.
“My head hurts,” you whine, crawling into bed and wriggling your way in his arms.
“With how drunk you were last night, sweets, I bet it does,” he laughs, remembering the way he was barely unable understand the slurred words that came from your mouth. “You were so sweet, my love, and a very sloppy kisser, might I add.”
You hide your face in his chest in embarrassment, the feeling getting worse as you hear his deep chuckles. “What did you see?”
Eddie is in his hotel room by 1:30, the night wrapped up early after too many rounds of shots and a rush of nostalgia from even some of the original Hellfire members joining in on the fun. They weren’t going to the wedding, but they had more than enough fun in making fun of him.
At 3:00, a few light knocks interrupt his late-night rerun. He was already yawning, his age setting in, but still waiting up for you. Through the peep hole, he sees your two best friends holding you by the arms, your eyes half open as your head sways. “Jesus,” he mumbles, rushing to unlock the chain and door lock. He opens the door with wide eyes, facing his fiancée who is giggling and hanging off her two best friends.
“Oh, thank God.” Skyler mutters, praising when Eddie opened the door. “Here, take your wife.”
You stumble forward into his arms, giggling madly when your face sees his. “You’re pretty.”
“Hi, sweets,” Eddie greets you, struggling to hold you up as your legs wriggle under him. “Have fun?”
You nod, wide smile on your face. “Kiss me.” Eddie is overtaken by how much tongue you give to him, hands hurriedly grabbing at the shirt he’s wearing, attempting to take it off and assumingly forgetting about the audience you held in the hallway.
“Whoa, whoa, baby.” He unpeels your hands and stops them, pushing them down. “I think you’re a little too drunk for that, go lie down, I’ll be right there, yeah?”
You nod, slowly staggering towards the bed, landing in a starfish position right in the middle. “So, uh, thought you said you wouldn’t get her too drunk?”
If he wasn’t so concerned for your liver, he’d laugh at the way your friends’ eyes bug out of their skulls. “We tried, we really did, girl was a runaway with a credit card.”
“You didn’t think to take her card away?”
Bethany squeaks, happy for her friend, but never wanting to be on the other side of his protectiveness again. “Oh, we tried. Also, she told us some stories.”
Eddie is afraid he already knows what she means by stories. “Stories?”
“Mmmhmm. We went from begging for one to not being able to shut her up.” Skyler explains, smiling meekly at the end of her sentence.
“Remind me not to send her out on a girls’ night with you two, anymore.” Eddie sighs, rubbing his eyes. “I don’t need her having liver failure by the time she hits thirty.”
“I mean, it was probably the excitement and all…” Bethany tries to mend but gives up at Eddie’s glare. “We’ll pick her up at 9 for the hair appointment?”
“You do that.” Eddie scrunches his face. “Thanks for getting her back safe, but I am seriously concerned for your lack of self-preservation. Goodnight.”
He doesn’t let them respond, closing the door and locking up for emphasis.
He slowly helps you take the dress that fits you extremely well off, assisting you into a pair of pyjamas. When he tucks you in under the blankets, you grab onto his shirt, yanking him in for a kiss. “Want you.”
Eddie doesn’t need any elaboration, feeling the way your hips sloppily grinded up towards him. “I know, baby, but you are way too drunk.”
“Pretty please?” You ask, your voice and face desperate in your want.
He sighs, petting your face gently. “I can make you cum, if that would help my baby?”
You nod, mewling in agreement.
“Okay, just to help you fall asleep, yeah?” You nod again as his fingers slide their way into your soaked panties, working them as he watches you fall apart easily under him.
It took you less than a minute to cum, he didn’t even slide one in. Damn. He was actually looking forward to dipping in your wet heat. You thank him repeatedly, yawning as you turn over and fall asleep in seconds.
He then had a hard on to get rid of, somehow turned on at how even when your mind is foggy all you can do is want him.
He fell asleep with you clinging onto him like a koala bear.
Eddie switches his glance back to you, smirking at the worried expression you wear on your face. “That even when you’re incredibly inebriated, you still just want me.” He chuckles, kissing your forehead. “But, I did want to request that you don’t destroy your liver, I was very concerned for you.”
You peer up at him, taken aback by how much his eyes convey the same message. “Okay.” You plant a clean, sober kiss on his lips, humming when his hands pet your hair. “Only because I never want to wake up not knowing what I did ever again.”
Eddie laughs, wondering what those CCTV cameras must’ve looked like. “Hey, princess?”
“Guess what?”
You lie on his chest, petting the patchy hair there. “What?”
“We’re getting married today.”
You can’t help it, grinning madly at this sentence and the pride in his voice. Holy shit, you’re getting married today.
Only ten more minutes of pure bliss, sharing sweet kisses and exchanging words of excitement do you get before the cavalry arrives, both your bridesmaids and Eddie’s groomsmen storming the room together.
He kisses you fiercely as he’s shooed out the hotel room, not able to get enough in before he sees you in that dress. “Love you!”
The door is shut, but you shout it back anyway, suddenly the excitement and the joy of your day settling in.
Holy shit, you’re marrying Eddie Munson, today.  
Since you called almost one month ago, the only hair salon in town has been booked for you and your bridesmaids until noon. The stylist is full of questions about how you met, how long you’ve been together, what he does for work, all things you’re more than happy to explain. You didn’t ask for much, only curls that braided into a crown at the base of your head, but you didn’t want to risk spending hours on it.
She leans in as soon as your hair is done, reaching your eyes over your shoulder in the mirror. “Correct me if I’m wrong, you’re the one marrying Eddie Munson, right?”
Your eyes bug, biting your lip. “Mmhm,” you confirm, fidgeting with your fingers in your lap.
“Don’t worry, small town things.” She laughs, taking the cape off you. “Your makeup artist just got here, I’ll let her take care of you in this seat.”
You thank her graciously, appreciating the companionship and conversation she provided, despite the nerves really starting to set in.
Thanks to a string of emails shared between you and the makeup artist, she has a great idea of exactly what you’re wanting, a natural look with the smallest hint of smoke. You find yourself having déjà vu when she asks the same questions, naming the groom to boot. The repetition is oddly comforting, you’d even call it soothing.
“Alright just a finishing touch, and you are all…done!” She hands you a hand mirror, and you couldn’t have done it better if you tried.
No. Seriously. You’ve tried.
Your bridesmaids all get their make up done, too, the group sitting in a circle as they talk absolute nonsense. “Dude, you’re the chilliest bride ever, we don’t have to wear matching dresses and you paid for our hair and make up? To think Skyler thought you were gonna be a bridezilla!”
You quirk your eyebrow at Skyler, who was in the middle of getting her make up done. For free. “Sky?”
“Hey, you were the one who always wanted the fairytale wedding,” Skyler rebuttals, raising her hands up in surrender.
“I said that like, a year ago!” You protest, a little defensive.
Skyler laughs, loud enough to stop all the other conversations in the salon. “Babe, you said that the week before you met your groom!”
Your eyes roll, a little embarrassed from being called out. “Yeah, okay, so before I met someone, I’m willing to give up a fairytale wedding for?”
“I mean he would’ve given you one,” your sister peeps out, having been quiet this entire time. “Pretty sure you didn’t need to give it up.”
“You have any idea how long those weddings take to plan?” You ask crossing your arms in your seat. “I was not going to wait that long.”
“Down, girl.” Bethany laughs, the rest of the salon following suit.
As soon as the stupidly massive bill is paid with a card that bares a name you’ll soon share, you’re brought back to the hotel room.
All you asked from your bridesmaids that they dress in something that makes them feel comfortable, but not something they’d wear to a night out.
As soon as they’re all dressed, they surround you in a circle of love as they help you get into your dress. Not that it requires them to help you out, but the sentiment is certainly there. Just when you thought you looked great in the dress when you initially tried it on, it’s nothing with everything tied together. God forbid someone call you out for being weepy, but you couldn’t help it even if you tried.
“You ready, Miss. Bride?” Bethany, your maid of honour asks, petting your hair as she meets your eyes in the mirror.
“Nope.” You answer, without a lick of hesitation. “Yet at the same time, I have never been more ready.”
“Usually I would harp on you for being cheesy, but that was actually really touching,” Skyler admits. You promise to yourself you wouldn’t hold the mist in her eyes against her, (no matter how hard she makes it.)
Your heel lands on the pavement of the cement, getting out of the car Bethany and Skyler took to the church. In the entrance hall of the church you meet your parents and the groomsmen, Eddie tucked away so he can’t see him, or rather, he can’t see you.
As the groomsmen pair up with the bridesmaids, (Bethany blushing as her arms are wrapped around Steve’s), your dad’s hand lands on your shoulder, kind eyes behind his round classes peering at you. “You, ok, there?”
“I’m so nervous.”
He takes these words in, nodding in consideration. “What exactly are you nervous about?”
A rush of emotion takes over you, resisting the urge to glance down the aisle to where you know Eddie’s about to start making his way down any moment now. “How badly I want this.”
“Nothing else?” You nod your head, no reluctance in it. “Well, then all you have to do is start down that aisle.”
The music you picked, a cover of Can’t Help Falling in Love, starts at 3’clock on the dot, much to the way your heart flutters.
Steve approaches you, arm around Bethany’s. “I helped Eddie sneak through, he didn’t see a single thing, and he’s already on the opposite side of the aisle waiting for you.” You nod, your eyes apparently bug wide. “Breathe. If it helps, he’s been a wreck all day.”
That helps. That helps more than he knows. “Really?”
“It was kind of annoying, honestly.” Steve answers, face twisted up. “Well, we’re about to miss our cue in the song, see you there.”
“Uh huh,” you answer, warm under the kiss he plants on your cheek.
Arm in arm with Dylan, Skyler winks at you as she soon follows.
Did your sister really have to walk the aisle with Arlo?
Your dad’s arm hooks in yours, patting your hand comfortingly. “It’s time.”
But I can’t help…falling in love with you.
There’s only about 30 or so people in the pews, but even as they all stand with their eyes on you, you’re glad there’s so few. However as soon as your eyes meet his chocolate ones on the other end, you forget all the nerves, all the anxiety, all the worry.
First, your mouth curls into an involuntary smile. Not by any means of sadness, does your smile fade and turn to tears. A laugh bubbles from your chest, the mixture of tears and laughter confusing you. Maybe it has something to do with the tears that also reflect in his eyes, and the way you can’t look away from him, but you could swear there’s only the two of you in the church.
The two of you in the world, really.
There’s a squeeze on your arm, your dad reminding you he’s with you every step on the way, but your eyes are glued in place. The closer you get to him, the wider his smile grows, yours growing as a direct answer. A tear escapes, and escape in the sense that you’ve done your best to hold them back, mouthing I love you to him.
If he didn’t have as much pride as he does, you know he’d be just as weepy as you are.
Finally, you reach the end of the aisle. “I’m proud of you,” your dad whispers, placing a kiss on your forehead. “Now, go get married.”
You finally exchange a smile with him, quickly embracing his hug. “Thanks, dad.”
You step up to the altar, eyes raking over the sea, or pond, of people in the pews. Eliza sits with her mom in the front seat, excitedly waving to a couple that only has eyes for one another.
Finally, your hands extend to hold his, switching back to face him. Oh, just when you thought he looked handsome, it turns out he gets impossibly more so when wearing a suit. A gorgeous, black suit, accentuating his slim hips and his hair loosely gelled down.
His eyes rake over you, eyes unable to stay in one place on you. “You look beautiful.” Eddie whispers, voice deep and breathless.
You sigh, another tear leaving your eye. “Unfairly handsome.”
“You been crying?” He asks, holding your face to wipe them away.
Your lean your head into his hand, closing your eyes in sweet relief. “You’ve been, too,” you sigh, noting the single tear streaked down his face.
The person you’ve chosen to marry you has no true significance, and Steve had initially suggested he do it, but who cared. However, the pastor has known Eddie since he was a teenager, more than happy to marry him to you.
His words fade into the background, a few verses about love and anecdote or two about it in his speech. Truthfully, nothing matters but his eyes on yours and the way his gaze makes you feel. 
A chorus of laughter echoes through the church, catching your attention, finally. “Seems we you got back again.” When you both look at him confused, he chuckles deeply. “We understand you’ve written your own vows?” You look at one another, but there’s no hint of any shame. “Eddie, you may go first.”
“I wish that I know how much that one shower would change my life,” Eddie starts, his thumb rubbing over your fingers.  “I got in, stressing about the shop, then I got downstairs, and I loved you from the moment I saw you.” Oh, fuck. “I have to be honest, I know you keep saying you’re lucky, but I really am the lucky one that you saw anything in this old schmuck. Everyday I have done nothing but the best to feel deserving of your love, to make sure you aren’t taken for granted.”
The tears that stream down your face are uncontrollable. “Sometimes I don’t think I have any right to feel any right to feel as protective or possessive over you as I am, until you surprise me by saying something that puts words in my mouth, the same ones I’d have been thinking all that time. To love this much and to be loved the same in return is a miracle that I will never take advantage of, my love. You will never feel taken advantage of, never worry about money or shelter, and never worry about my loyalty to you.
“I love you. I will never be ashamed of it, I will never ask more of you than you can give. You have already given me everything you have, whether I deserve it or not, and I will give you the same, every time. To be honest, I have marvelled over what to say to you, staring at a blank page. All I can say is that you will never doubt my love for you. Ever.”
God, your makeup must be completely ruined by now from the tears and the snot. Halfway through Bethany came in clutch, offering tissues from her brassiere. Your ears could’ve been tricking you, but you swear up and down there are sniffles echoing from the audience.
“Now that we all had a chance to collect our selves, our beautiful bride, your turn.” You nod, blinking in surprise when you notice there’s a wetness in his eyes, as well.
“That’s gonna be hard to follow,” you laugh, the witnesses laughing with you. “Eddie. My love. To say it is a miracle that I love you this much and you love me just as much is an understatement. It’s not just a miracle, it’s a dream come true. A dream I never knew I had. That day also started differently for me, in ways I still regret to this day,” you say, looking behind him to where Dylan stands. “You come downstairs with your wet hair and, well, you, and it is true more than I could describe that I did fall in love with you in that moment, too.” His tears aren’t as messy as yours was, but Steve comes in clutch with a tissue as well.
“Every day I’m with you, all other fears seem to fade and disappear. Nothing else matters, I can truly get through everything with you by my side. It’s no lie that I am outrageously attracted to you, but I don’t think anyone could blame me for it.” He laughs at this, rolling his eyes in dismissal. “It’s the only part of my attraction though, I will deny anyone that could even dare to insinuate otherwise. Until I met you, I never knew I could feel this loved, this happy or satisfied by anyone’s mere existence, alone.
With you, I am happy. Even when I’m not. With you, I am both protected and taken care of. The way you protect me, I will do the same. The way you take care of me, I will do the same. Your sweet selflessness will never be taken advantage of, in any such way. From the moment I saw you, Edward Munson, I knew. I will love you for the rest of my life.”
“Jesus Christ.” It wouldn’t have been too alien to guess that it was Eddie who said it, but the very sniffles and exclamation came from behind him, Steve using his suit jacket to wipe a tear away.
“You okay, bud?” Eddie asks, also using his tissue.
“Just marry the girl, already.”
“Well, we do have some papers to sign.” The pastor escorts you to where your legal papers sit, names written for everything except the date and final signitures.
Steve signs, followed by Bethany, both sporting shiny eyes. She winks her green eyes at you, handing you the pen. When you sign yours, Eddie places a kiss on your neck, sweet and gentle. When he signs his, your fingers cling to the silk material of his jacket.
“Well, I think you two have seemed to wait long enough. I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss your bride.” Eddie doesn’t even bother waiting until the end of the sentence to grab your face and plant a kiss on your lips, knocking the air out from your lungs from the love that surrounds you. He doesn’t care about his audience, barely takes note of the applause that breaks out, kissing you in a way that you normally wouldn’t dare in front of your parents on a good day.
Who fucking cares, you’re announcing your love to the world, they’ll get over it.
The flashes of Jeremy Byer’s camera is in your face as you walk down the aisle of the church together, hand in hand with him, fingers nearly losing feeling in your fingers as he grips onto you tightly.
When you stop in the church corridor, all that can be felt is a sense of celebration. You did it. All you need to do now, is party. “Oh my god, finally.”
He chuckles, wrapping you in his arms. “Can I tell you something, love?” You nod, inhaling his sweet cologne. “The moment I saw you in this pretty dress I got rock hard.”
You lick your lips, eyeing him up and down. “You don’t think your words made me absolutely drenched, Ed?”
“Fuck.” Eddie mutters, kissing you sweetly again.
There wasn’t a moment to escape for a few hours, whisked off to an area surrounded by beautiful flowers and greenery to take pictures, surrounded by the wedding party. On the phone, all you communicated is that you needed someone to take pictures of the wedding party for portraits as well as individual shots of you and Eddie, and Jeremy was a complete gem.
As soon as the portraits are over, every portrait where you look in his eyes not feeling a hint of cheesiness or falsehood, you are to head back to the hotel conference room for a reception.
Traditional receptions usually hold a first dance, speeches, embarrassing moments, cake cutting ceremonies, etc. To be completely honest you don’t trust your best friend or his to make speeches that won’t embarrass the two of you completely. And rather than sit for dull speeches, you told Eddie all you wanted was to celebrate with him and a DJ playing all the songs the two of you love, the wild combination it is.
You told your dad you would dance with him for the song that would’ve been your father-daughter dance, but nearly no traditions kept up for the reception.
The hotel offered a few plates of entrees for your guests before the DJ announces you two as a married couple something you accepted with a small external deposit. Steve oversaw ordering 20 pizzas in varying flavours, the very thing you’ll be doing instead of cake or dinner.
You hold your new husband’s hand in excitement as the DJ announces your arrival, the first announcement of Mr. and Mrs. Munson to some dad-rock song that he personally requested.
Well, the only thing you really splurged on for the reception was the open bar.
You pet the curls at Eddie’s neck, swaying together to the first slow song that the DJ played. Your lips are already kiss-bruised from your long day spent kissing him, but it doesn’t possibly prevent you kissing him any more, every single one he gives you somehow making you dizzier than last.
“Baby.” He grunts, getting your attention. He nods behind you, gesturing to the left. You turn you head to face Arlo and Viti, her eyes shining bright as she stares up at him, dancing even slower than you were.
“I’m gonna have to accept that, aren’t I?” You say, noting the special way her face is cradled by his hand and the way she leans into it.
“Looks like it, sweets.” Eddie says, his eyes still on you when you look back to him.
You sigh, wrapping your hands around his neck. “Hey, I gotta get going, I’m getting exhausted.” You look over to face Wayne, grinning in his plaid and slacks.
“Of course, thanks for coming.” Eddie says, giving him a hug. “So glad you could meet her.”
“Are you kidding, Ed? With those vows? Next time I see you, you better warn me before you make me cry like that.” Wayne laughs winking. “I’m glad you two found each other.”
“Love you, Wayne.” You say, grabbing him in for a big hug. “It was so nice to meet you.”
Wayne hugs him, too, gripping onto him tightly. “Thanks for the open bar, you two.”
The way you surround yourself with your friends and family, dancing up and down as the music bumps, the lights down with strobe lights flashing. In the middle of it, Eddie starts kissing your neck hands roaming and making you feel everything.
Eddie tugs on your hand as he leads you to a crowded hallway, a dead end with nowhere to go to. Your back collides with the wall as he kisses you, feverously and deliciously hungry for you as you are for him. “Oh, sweet love, do you know how crazy you make me in that pretty dress?” His hands hurriedly make their way under the skirt of your dress, ruffling it up as he presses himself against you. “I have been mercilessly hard since the moment you started coming down that aisle, baby.”
“You gonna fuck me in the hallway, Eddie?” You ask, breathless, “Can’t hold back that badly?”
“From the moment I first kissed you, I haven’t been able to hold back from you, love. You think I can hold back when you drive me as crazy as you do?” His kisses trail down your neck, nibbling and simultaneously inhaling your scent. “My wife, my gorgeous, lovely, beautiful, bride.”
You gasp, head tilted up as he effortlessly lifts you by your hands lifting under your thighs. “Need your cock, Ed.”
“Yeah, you need me to fuck you ruthlessly, my love?”
You nod hands shaky as you attempt to undo his dress pants. “Please, Eddie.”
Eddie yanks your panties down your thighs, marveling at the lacy fabric. “Fuck, I need that sweet, tight, pussy.”
Before you knew it, Eddie was lining himself up with your entrance. “Fuck, hurry up, before someone comes for looking for us.”
“You think I care if someone walks in on me fucking my wife?” Eddie asks, and his question sounds genuine. “I couldn’t care less if someone walks in on us, at least they could get a good show, we could give ‘em someone to be jealous of, yeah?”
Hopelessly, you feel impossibly more turned on by his dirty perfect words.  “Then give me your big cock, Ed. Please.”
Eddie pushes into you, filling you completely. “Oh, there’s that cock drunk face I’ve been wanting to see.”
“Eddie, cock, so big!”
He doesn’t waste a second bucking into you, harsh and ruthlessly perfect. “Somehow your pussy gets better every time I fuck you, sweets. How tight you are, how perfect, oh, if I didn’t love it so much I would say it needs to be illegal.”
“The only thing that should be illegal, Ed, is how good you are with words.” Eddie laughs, hot breath down your neck. “God, you make me so happy…”
“Can’t wait to see you big and pregnant, sweets.” Eddie sighs, repeatedly bucking into you. “Wanna fill you with my babies.”
“Want your babies.” You gasp.
“Where the hell did they go?” Down the hall, you hear someone but it doesn’t occur that it even needs to matter. “God, need to put a bell on those two—oh my god!”
Your head turns to the noise, seeing your best friend standing in the hall with her eyes covered by her hands. “Either stay and enjoy the show,” Eddie stops to gasp, “or take off back to the hall.”
“I-I’m so sorry…I’ll see you in the dancing room,”
You giggle, tugging him in for a big kiss. “Sweet girl.” He laughs, starting to fuck you even harder.
“Cum in me, please, Eddie.” You beg, nails digging into the hair on his neck. “Wanna be filled with you.”
“I am going to keep you good and full on the honeymoon, my good whore,” Eddie mutters and you can feel him start to fall apart. “Gonna fuck you everywhere I can, put on a good show for everyone.”
You tighten around him, turned more than ever by his words. “I love you, Mr. Munson.”
He smiles, colliding his forehead against yours. “I love you, more, Mrs. Munson.”
You don’t know what it is about your new name, but it’s what gets the both of you off, Eddie’s cum filling you up deliciously.
Bethany avoids your eye as soon as you get into the room, and you’re sure she’ll get over it, not like you haven’t heard her and her ex-boyfriend many times.
“Hey, heard you traumatized your maid of honour.” Steve laughs, clutching a slice of pizza in one hand, and a drink of whiskey in the other.
You yank the piece, suddenly aware of how little you’ve eaten. “I thought she’d know better to walk in on us by now.” You laugh, taking a large bite.
Steve checks his watch, the very same hand you just yoinked the pizza from. “Doesn’t your flight take off in about the next three-ish hours?”
Eddie checks his, gulping in answer. “Oh, shit.” You check it with him, having a flight out that same night. “Should we get going, love?”
You nod, placing your head in the crook of his shoulder. “Let’s get going.”
Everyone applauds as you walk out in a sweet white dress, ready to take off to Cancun with your husband, walking down the lane surrounded by love.
Everyone gives you a hug, wishing you well on your long honeymoon.
“Don’t expect to hear from us!” You call, getting in the car that Eddie ordered.
The heat from sun is beautiful, sandals flopping in sync as you walk from the taxi that brought you to the hotel. “Jesus, Eddie.” You mutter, looking at your extravagant surroundings. “You did not need to spend this much on the hotel.”
“Well, get used to being spoiled, baby girl.” He mutters, leading you to the check in desk.
The check in attendant smiles sweetly, covertly putting one side of her hair behind one of her ears. She speaks with a thick Mexican accent, giving her best customer service smile. “Hi, checking in?”
“Yes, under the name Munson, please.” Eddie says, wrapping his arm around you.
“Oh, the honeymoon suite!” She exclaims, her smile brightening. “Well, to start, congratulations on your nuptials, and every request is completely fulfilled, no problem. As asked, we will not disturb your room unless absolutely necessary, and we have already booked the spa for your wife.”
“Spa?” You ask, eyebrow tilting towards him. “I love the sound of that.”
“Knew you would.”
“And you have a dinner reservation tonight at 7. Any questions, feel free to call the front desk, any time of the day,” she says, handing the card with the room number.
The floor level with your room only has a few rooms. Eddie taps his card on the door to open it, opening to a room with a damn kitchen suite and a separate room for the bed. “What the hell did you spend?” You ask him, mouth gapping open as your bags slip out of your bags.
“Don’t ask questions you don’t want the answers to, love.” Eddie walks to you, hands caressing your face as he pulls you in for a kiss. “C’mon, we have king bed I want to take advantage of.”
“What was that about no interruptions?” You ask him, petting his curls.
“You think we’re leaving this room for the next six hours?” he asks, lightly pushing you towards the double doors that open to the bedroom.
His words make you literally insane, wanting him more than you ever have. “W-what?”
“Baby, I am going to absolutely ravish you for so long you won’t even remember your own name.” He claims, already pulling the zipper down your back. “But you will remember your new last one.”
Your back is laid on the bed, Eddie pulling your panties down, biting on the second pair of lacey lingerie you wear for him in less than 24 hours. “Sweet girl, look how soaked you are for me.”
“Need you.” You grunt, anticipating Eddie finally tasting you from the feel of his hot breath on your pussy, sending shivers down your spine as Eddie places your legs over his shoulders.
Eddie kisses you, nose nuzzling in your intoxicating scent, his hilted nose hitting right up against your clit. “Fuck, are you wet, baby.”
“Can you blame me, I just married the hottest man alive!” You moan, heels pulling him in.
“My wife is the prettiest, and I will be spending my life making sure everyone around me knows how smoking hot you are. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a meal to eat.”
Your hands fly into his short curls, lying restlessly as Eddie devours you. Your first orgasm takes over your body, invading every sense with mind numbing pleasure.
By the third one invades your body, everything is too much, feels too good, “Fuck! Eddie I can’t, I can’t!”
“You can, my girl, of course you can. Remember what I said about making you forget your name? I haven’t quite gotten there, yet.” He laughs, thumb circling your clit.
By the fifth orgasm you eventually learn that not even begging will stop him if he can help it. “You got a safe word, use it.”
His fingers hook in your warmth, driving you to another one, to which this point you’ve lost count. You swear you’re speaking to him, but in all truth, it is all incoherent. You’re trying to tell him how much you love him, and how good he makes you feel, but Eddie can’t make a single word out of it.
“What’s your name, hmm?” Eddie asks, spitting on your pussy dirtily.
You tell him, gasping for air.
“I see, still not enough yet.”
It takes 11 orgasms to finally drive you to the point where tears are falling from your eyes, both in happiness and straight pleasure. Eddie’s face is straight up soaked in you, the slick drenching his face like a beard. “Alright, beautiful wife, what’s your name?”
Your head lifts up, loopy at the idea that you even had a name to begin with. All that comes out is desperate gasps.
“There we go.” He mutters, crawling up your body. “Think you can handle my cock, or do you think you’re done, baby.”
Your hand reaches out for him, tugging him by his holiday shirt. You can’t communicate, all words left your brain, but you do know you still want his cock.
“Of course, I will still fuck my good girl.” Eddie answers, wiping the tears that fell down your face away.
You’re limp as he fucks into you, hands gripping your hips ruthlessly. All he can do is mutter how much he loves you, and how good of a girl you just were for him, and he could watch you fall apart all day, especially after marrying you.
He fills you up again, arms wrapping from behind you as you fell straight asleep, still muttering sweet nothings and wishes of his love.
The first thing that happens when you wake up, is your knees collapse from under you when you try to get up to use the bathroom.
After the mind numbing pleasure he just gave you, you suppose it only made sense. As you brush your teeth, he walks up behind you, his naked torso against your bare back as he kisses your neck gently. “Feel good?”
You laugh, almost choking on the toothpaste in your mouth. “Yes, baby.” You nod, spitting it into the sink. “It’s not past 7, is it?”
He turns you around to face him, giving you a sweet look of love. “Nope. Actually it’s in about an hour. Get ready, sweet stuff.”
“Actually, one minute.” You giggle, grabbing him by the hand before he can leave the bathroom.
“Hmm?” He asks, face questioning.
“Just need to do one thing…” You couldn’t help it, knowing he spent the better part of two hours just going down on you before you napped together. You get on your knees.
“What—oh, oh! Oh, fuck.”
After being bent over the sink in the bathroom, Eddie and you make your way into the front of the restaurant.
The host leads the way, sitting you in a corner of the dining room.
Eddie orders you a sweet cocktail and him a bourbon, eyeing you over the menu.
You returned the favour, making him cum twice before he finally begged to just fuck you.
The dinner is filled with your hopes and dreams, things you’ve been too worried to tell one another, scared of coming across too much.
Eddie wants to raise three kids with you. You agree, confessing how hard you fell for him after seeing him chase Eliza. He doesn’t plan on moving, but might if you asked him to.
You’re only working because you’re scared of relying on him, or making him feel like a bank. He doesn’t care, you can work or not, it’s completely up to you. Sometimes you worry about him being afraid to tell you when he is feeling too achy, joints too sore, or is not ready for something. Truly, honestly, Eddie is more worried about you thinking he’s too old for you.
It was never a worry to begin with, despite the 22-year age gap.
If you could stop asking yourself how it’s possible to keep falling for someone harder, you would.
When Eddie takes the dress you wear off, he’s whispering sweet promises, somehow even sweeter than the vows he told you.
It was two more rounds before you fell asleep in his arms once more.
Camille works her front desk, filling in some paperwork and starting her opening shift duties. “Hi Linda!” She says, greeting one of the maids who has been working there 15+ years. “Morning, Linda! Any updates?”
Linda leans in, as she always does when she has hot gossip. “Were you the one that checked in that newly wed couple yesterday?”
“Uh, Munsons on the eighth floor?” She asks, remembering the way he touched her ass so brazenly in front of her. “Yeah, I remember them.”
“Well every maid has heard them over the last 24 hours, they are relentless with one another.”
Camille resists from laughing, eyes bugging out of her head. “Like…?”
“Yes. Exactly like that.” She looks both ways before leaning in again.
“And trust me when I say they are loud.”
“Well, I guess I know why they didn’t want to be interrupted,” She laughs, barely holding back in laughter.
The hot sand lies underneath your towel, one foot bent, the other extended as your sunglasses barely shade you from the sun. One ear pod is in your ear, the other in Eddie’s, listening to a sweet mixture of both your music taste.
Eddie lies almost directly next to you, body in direct touch with yours. You’ve been there for barely an hour, sun cascading down on you. “Hey sweet thing,” Eddie starts, turning towards you, leaning on his elbow.
You take the earpiece out, lifting your head to look at your smoking hot husband. “Hmm?”
“C’mon, we’re going for a swim.” Eddie says, holding your hand out for your earpiece. “C’mon.”
You hand it to him, letting the dress you wear over your bathing suit fall off your body. “It’s unfair how hot you are.” He says, eyes appreciating you blatantly.
One of the only things you’ve kept from your relationship with your now stepson, (still weird), is the bathing suit you wore when you met Eddie. You made sure he didn’t see it until this moment, and it was worth the wait. Even as you run straight to the water, you’re utterly aware of how Eddie is chasing you, giggles invading the otherwise quiet beach as you splash into the water.
As you swim together, you can see the sweat that beads on his skin from the hot sun. You can’t help but splash him, enjoying every moment with him in the eerily blue water. “You like my swimsuit?”
He grabs you so your legs easily wrap around his waist, lips meeting the salt on his skin from the sweat. “Shut up, you knew exactly what you were doing, baby.”
“Oh, and what’s that?”
He laughs, arms pulling you in tightly, so you feel the boner in his trunks. “You don’t think I don’t remember what you were wearing when I first met you, sweets?” One hand slips to your bikini bottom sliding it over. “Those pink strings stayed etched in my mind for days.”
One finger slides in, Eddie watching your reaction carefully. “Been thinking of ways to make you fall apart on a public beach ever since, and this is just one of them.”  He feels you tighten up around him in response, a smile slowly creeping on the face. “Making you cum in the water, no one will be the wiser if you keep quiet.”
You gulp, placing your head in the crook of his neck. “Oh, fuck, daddy.”
“I know you love to be watched, hmm, my little minx?”
You nod, barely holding in any of the gasps that leave your throat. “Love people to see you like this, I just know you do.”
“Gonna make you cum, then we’re gonna fuck hidden away from the rest of them, yeah?” You nod, nails digging into his shoulder.
The feeling takes over you, withering in his arms as you try to stay quiet. The sloshing of the water around the two of you certainly doesn’t help, however. “Eddie.”
“Hmm, if I didn’t know water sex actually feels terrible, I’d have put it in by now.” Eddie muses, still grinding his tent against your cunt, still uncovered.
Eddie eventually finds a little secluded area sort of by the water, yet somewhere people might still be able to cross accidentally. His cock his perfect as it hits the spot repeatedly, and he doesn’t even give up after the first time he fills you up. “Listen to you whine for me like a little slut.” He moans, untying the strings on your neck to reveal your tits. “I bet everyone on that beach can hear you.”
At this point you didn’t even care. “Let them listen.”
He laughs, sighing into your neck. “Whatever you say, pretty girl. Just keep taking this cock, let the chips fall where they may.”
It’s a miracle your stuff wasn’t stolen off the beach.
Eddie sends you to the spa, demanding you get everything and anything that tickled your fancy. When asked why he didn’t want to follow you, he gives the vaguest explanation in the world, and unfortunately he’s stubborn enough to wait until you give in.
So, a full body massage, a pedicure, sitting in a mud bath just because you can, and you come back to the hotel room feeling more pampered than you knew was possible. “Hey, Ed—” You stop short as soon as the red flower petals that lead you to the bedroom come into sight. “What--?”
All you can do is follow the giggles that radiate from the room.
The double doors open to him, sitting next to a table with a supper on it. “How you feelin, sweets?”
“Pampered.” You answer honestly, your feet twisting nervously.
“Good.” Eddie answers, picking up a dress you knew he had bought in light of being the only one to ever see you wear it. It’s…revealing…to say the least. “Put that on, then come sit down with me.” As his eyes rake down your body, lucky isn’t even close to how you’re feeling. “Man, I’m good.”
“What’s all this for?”
“Do I need a reason to spoil you?”
You laugh, sitting when he pulls the chair out for you. “No, I’m just—”
“I get it.” Eddie offers, sitting across the small table. “It feels a bit much, to me, too. But man, I need you to know how much I love you, sometimes or I will melt.”
Do I even need to tell you how the evening ended? I’ll give you a hint; love bites that cover your neck, passed your breast, and trailing all the way to your pussy.
“Since when do you dance, anyway?” You ask him after he tells you the purpose of your walk for the night.
“Since grinding against you in a club was an option.” Eddie answers, laughter bubbling behind in his voice.
He leads you through a crowd of people dancing to a Latin beat, heavy on horns and percussion. He doesn’t give you a chance to even hesitate, his fingers strong on your exposed hips from the cut out in your dress, his knee planting itself in between your legs.
The heat makes his curls frazzle, the constant salt on his skin sweet. From the last two weeks spent in the sun, he’s starting to get a sun-kissed glow. His hand intertwines itself into your hair, tugging on the scalp as his tongue makes its way into your mouth, somehow still moving his hips against yours simultaneously.
“This is the best feeling.” He mutters, not expanding any more.
“What?” You mewl, your hips truly starting to give in to the beat.
“Knowing I have the hottest girl here.” He states, as if it’s a straight fact.
“Imagine how I feel.” You state, knowing for a fact no one even compares to his level.
Eddie turns you around, mouth kissing against your neck as your hand lands on the curls that now are surprisingly already getting some growth again.
He can’t stop his wondering hands. He never can. As if he has the strength to. They never actually touch anything, but they do grab at your ass, your thighs, even feel your tit up. Eddie loves the heat that radiates your pussy, a signal of how fantastic he makes you feel, and how much you want him, no matter where you are.
As you hop bar to bar, drink to drink, dance to dance, by the time you stumble back into the hotel room together you’re both so revved up, you don’t even bother taking your clothes off.
Your reputation throughout the hotel is how intensely you feel for one another, how badly you love each other, and usually they’d just chop it up to newlyweds, but this was a different intensity. Most of the maids haven’t even seen your faces, but they know for a plenty of intimate details just from cleaning on the same floor.
There’s not a single noise complaint, as the floor of the newlywed suites are basically made to make it your oasis.
By the end of the third week, you get homesick for your little house with him, homesick for your own bed. Eddie has spent all the time in the world ravishing you wherever he can, and it would be a lie to say you didn’t spend a single second on your knees in a public setting.
Camille, a woman who has spent the three weeks recommending local restaurants and helping Eddie with his little schemes, helps you check out and speaks to you over the desk as if you were an old friend. “By the way, I hope you know you two have gained quite the reputation here. Have a safe flight.”
Eddie’s truck is in the driveway when you get home, Steve promising to bring it back as one of his many best-man duties.
As your back hits your back, it’s better than ever to be home, glancing up at the popcorn ceiling. As you’re lying down, you notice a slight ache in your nipples that isn’t very normal for you. No mind, you would grab a test from under the sink and take it just in case.
Is…is that two lines? Is that two lines?
That’s definitely two lines.
Taglist: @pinkcowracing @yourthebrokengirl @skrzydlak @thirddeadlysin @sammararaven @bebe07011 @prettylovley @josephquinnschesthair @forget-you-morelike-fuck-you @names-were-taken
Taglist for Really Drives Me Mad: @yunnie-f1 @josephquinnsfreckles @corrodedcoffincumslut @daisyridleyss @daniellabrandt @lail1010 @spencerssatchel @bl4ckt00thgr1n @ali-r3n @tlclick73 @vintagehellfire @hellfirefiend @kittydeadbones @luumunson @uncxmfxrtablex @eddiesgfffffffffff @hkurbsjundebi @eddies-puppet @joantje @novelnovella @shady-the-simp @lma1986 @mischieftom @strangerfan3691 @crayongirl-linz @dumblittlebunbun @ick90 @emilyshortcake @lemonmintseltzer @joannamuns9n
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axelsagewrites · 6 months
Hello. Could I request a fic with f reader working at Richmond and Jan Maas faling in love with reader. Just fluff. ❤️
Jan Maas*Sweet As You
Pairing: Jan Maas x f!reader
Word count: 1134
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Warnings: pure fluff
Masterlist here
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There were definite perks and draw backs of working at Richmond. On one hand as a receptionist, you got paid to do honestly not very much. However, on the other hand you had to deal with a weird amount of prank calls from football fans.
One recently developing perk was the free coffee you received every morning. No, it wasn't a company thing or from your boss or other colleagues. Every morning this week Jan Maas walked in with a black coffee in one hand and an iced caramel mocha latte with an extra shot of expresso in the other.
It all started when you happened to walk into work at the same time and he noticed the Starbucks cup in your hand. "Is that even coffee at this point?" He half teased half seriously wondered.
"It is coffee," you said, drawing out the words as you defended yourself as Jan opened the front door for you, "caffeine not enough for me. I need that sugar high to deal with you lot,"
Jan chuckled at you, walking you over to the desk where your coworker pretended not to be listening in. "Funny. I thought you were sweet enough. See you later," he said, walking away to leave you a blushing mess.
However as soon as he got out of sight Jan became equally as flustered as he realised what he'd said. What was worse was Sam hearing him muttering under his breath about it resulting in Sam telling all the guys who then set up a plan to teach Jan how to flirt.
The issue was he wasn't very good at it. Instead, every morning without fail he got your coffee for you. "Hey Jan," you called, rolling down your car window as you slowed down. It was 7am and he was walking to Richmond with two coffees in hand, "need a lift?"
Jan preferred to walk. He'd never really seen the big deal around cars. However, he was quick to accept your offer. "My coffees will bankrupt you," you joked as you accepted the drink before resuming your drive.
"Don’t worry about it," he laughed, "your worth the money,"
"Think you can buy my affection? “you teased as you were pulling into Richmond.
"Maybe," he said it quietly, his eyes darting away before back to yours. "Is it working?" He asked.
You turned the car off, taking a long sip out your coffee while pretending to think about it, "I think it might be," you finally said, a smile on your lips and a large grin on his. "Throw in a pastry next time and I'm yours,"
When people saw you get out the same car there were some rumours to say the least. Another drawback of the job. However, another perk was walking in right now with a coffee and a suspiciously sweet-smelling brown bag.
"I wasn't sure which to get so I picked whichever looked the sweetest," he said as he placed the bag down.
"You know me so well," you grinned, "thanks though. Take it you don't have time to have one before practise?" You asked despite knowing he didn’t, but you couldn't help but try.
Your smile plus the way your eyelashes batted had Jan Maas willing to pay the late fee. "I suppose one wouldn't hurt," he said as he moved to sit on the edge of the reception desk as you offered him a pastry, "You should make Stroopkoeken with me one day. You'd like them,"
"What are they?" You asked, not realising how adorable Jan thought your head tilt was in your confusion.
"They're like a Carmel biscuit. My mum would make them for me growing up. Better than any Starbucks pastry," he joked, “But you have to make them from scratch to get the best experience,”
“You’ll have to teach me some time,” you smiled back and is if on queue his phone began ringing.
Jan deflated when he saw his teammates call, “I’ll need to go now. I’ll see you later,”
As he began to walk away you cringed before taking a deep breath, “Wait!” you called making him stop in his tracks. “Are you free tomorrow night? Maybe we could try making those biscuits,” you offered with an awkward smile that he found insanely endearing.
A wide grin broke onto his face, “I’d love to. It’s a date,” he said before actually turning to go to practise, leaving you a grinning mess.
“A baking date is perfect!”
“Nah man you should go out to a restaurant for the first date,”
“Oh, what if you take her to Sam’s place for dinner first?”
“There’s a new bar up the street you could go to after,”
“What you gonna wear bruv?”
“Make sure you actually clean up. Chicks notice that kinda stuff,”
“Oh, you should get her flowers. Birds dig flowers,”
“And make sure when you go to kiss her- “
“Woah woah guys!” Jan said, standing up from the bench and pushing past his teammates who’d essentially jumped on him after practise when they found out why he was late, “It’s just a first date. Well, I think it’s a date. I said it’s a date, but people here don’t always mean date, oh god what if she doesn’t realise it’s a date?” Jan began to panic, turning to his equally clueless mates.
They were all panicking till a loud, “Oi,” stopped them, “Don’t listen to these pricks,” Roy told him after pretending not to care the whole time, “Shower, shave, tidy up, and calm down. She’ll know it’s a date since all you two do is flirt like some snot nosed teens,” he said, rolling his eyes.
“Roy’s right,” Sam said, standing to put a hand on Jan’s shoulder, “You’ve got nothing to worry about,”
“Not what I said but alright,” Roy shrugged but this time he got ignored.
Well apart from Jamie who rolled his eyes before adding his own words of wisdom. “Yeah, mate just be yourself,”
The kitchen was now a mess, sugar spilt everywhere, and a pot that looked like it would never be clean again and of course a plate of perfectly made biscuits. “I don’t know how my mum made it look so easy,” Jan said.
You laughed as you reached up to wipe the flour off his forehead, “Yeah but they taste good so who cares,” you said, noticing the way his cheeks tinged pink whenever you touched him.
“They’re almost as sweet as you,” he smiled softly, brushing your hair out of your face making your own skin flush.
Enough was enough you thought, “So tell me something,” you said, Jan humming as he waited for you to ask, “Why haven’t you kissed me yet?” you nearly whispered.
“I thought you’d never ask,”
Pairing: Jan Maas x f!reader
Word count: 1134
Warnings: pure fluff
There were definite perks and draw backs of working at Richmond. On one hand as a receptionist, you got paid to do honestly not very much. However, on the other hand you had to deal with a weird amount of prank calls from football fans.
One recently developing perk was the free coffee you received every morning. No, it wasn't a company thing or from your boss or other colleagues. Every morning this week Jan Maas walked in with a black coffee in one hand and an iced caramel mocha latte with an extra shot of expresso in the other.
It all started when you happened to walk into work at the same time and he noticed the Starbucks cup in your hand. "Is that even coffee at this point?" He half teased half seriously wondered.
"It is coffee," you said, drawing out the words as you defended yourself as Jan opened the front door for you, "caffeine not enough for me. I need that sugar high to deal with you lot,"
Jan chuckled at you, walking you over to the desk where your coworker pretended not to be listening in. "Funny. I thought you were sweet enough. See you later," he said, walking away to leave you a blushing mess.
However as soon as he got out of sight Jan became equally as flustered as he realised what he'd said. What was worse was Sam hearing him muttering under his breath about it resulting in Sam telling all the guys who then set up a plan to teach Jan how to flirt.
The issue was he wasn't very good at it. Instead, every morning without fail he got your coffee for you. "Hey Jan," you called, rolling down your car window as you slowed down. It was 7am and he was walking to Richmond with two coffees in hand, "need a lift?"
Jan preferred to walk. He'd never really seen the big deal around cars. However, he was quick to accept your offer. "My coffees will bankrupt you," you joked as you accepted the drink before resuming your drive.
"Don’t worry about it," he laughed, "your worth the money,"
"Think you can buy my affection? “you teased as you were pulling into Richmond.
"Maybe," he said it quietly, his eyes darting away before back to yours. "Is it working?" He asked.
You turned the car off, taking a long sip out your coffee while pretending to think about it, "I think it might be," you finally said, a smile on your lips and a large grin on his. "Throw in a pastry next time and I'm yours,"
When people saw you get out the same car there were some rumours to say the least. Another drawback of the job. However, another perk was walking in right now with a coffee and a suspiciously sweet-smelling brown bag.
"I wasn't sure which to get so I picked whichever looked the sweetest," he said as he placed the bag down.
"You know me so well," you grinned, "thanks though. Take it you don't have time to have one before practise?" You asked despite knowing he didn’t, but you couldn't help but try.
Your smile plus the way your eyelashes batted had Jan Maas willing to pay the late fee. "I suppose one wouldn't hurt," he said as he moved to sit on the edge of the reception desk as you offered him a pastry, "You should make Stroopkoeken with me one day. You'd like them,"
"What are they?" You asked, not realising how adorable Jan thought your head tilt was in your confusion.
"They're like a Carmel biscuit. My mum would make them for me growing up. Better than any Starbucks pastry," he joked, “But you have to make them from scratch to get the best experience,”
“You’ll have to teach me some time,” you smiled back and is if on queue his phone began ringing.
Jan deflated when he saw his teammates call, “I’ll need to go now. I’ll see you later,”
As he began to walk away you cringed before taking a deep breath, “Wait!” you called making him stop in his tracks. “Are you free tomorrow night? Maybe we could try making those biscuits,” you offered with an awkward smile that he found insanely endearing.
A wide grin broke onto his face, “I’d love to. It’s a date,” he said before actually turning to go to practise, leaving you a grinning mess.
“A baking date is perfect!”
“Nah man you should go out to a restaurant for the first date,”
“Oh, what if you take her to Sam’s place for dinner first?”
“There’s a new bar up the street you could go to after,”
“What you gonna wear bruv?”
“Make sure you actually clean up. Chicks notice that kinda stuff,”
“Oh, you should get her flowers. Birds dig flowers,”
“And make sure when you go to kiss her- “
“Woah woah guys!” Jan said, standing up from the bench and pushing past his teammates who’d essentially jumped on him after practise when they found out why he was late, “It’s just a first date. Well, I think it’s a date. I said it’s a date, but people here don’t always mean date, oh god what if she doesn’t realise it’s a date?” Jan began to panic, turning to his equally clueless mates.
They were all panicking till a loud, “Oi,” stopped them, “Don’t listen to these pricks,” Roy told him after pretending not to care the whole time, “Shower, shave, tidy up, and calm down. She’ll know it’s a date since all you two do is flirt like some snot nosed teens,” he said, rolling his eyes.
“Roy’s right,” Sam said, standing to put a hand on Jan’s shoulder, “You’ve got nothing to worry about,”
“Not what I said but alright,” Roy shrugged but this time he got ignored.
Well apart from Jamie who rolled his eyes before adding his own words of wisdom. “Yeah, mate just be yourself,”
The kitchen was now a mess, sugar spilt everywhere, and a pot that looked like it would never be clean again and of course a plate of perfectly made biscuits. “I don’t know how my mum made it look so easy,” Jan said.
You laughed as you reached up to wipe the flour off his forehead, “Yeah but they taste good so who cares,” you said, noticing the way his cheeks tinged pink whenever you touched him.
“They’re almost as sweet as you,” he smiled softly, brushing your hair out of your face making your own skin flush.
Enough was enough you thought, “So tell me something,” you said, Jan humming as he waited for you to ask, “Why haven’t you kissed me yet?” you nearly whispered.
“I thought you’d never ask,”
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incorrectfmaquotes · 1 year
Today marks 6 years since I started this blog!
Thank you all for following! Whether you followed back in October 2017 or earlier today, I appreciate every single one of you.
And for some other things I wanna say, which I don't think affects anyone and isn't exactly news, especially to anyone who might be paying attention, but more just me acknowledging it: I haven't really been attending to this blog that much in the past couple of years, but especially this one. I've largely just let the queue run and fill it up with older quotes every couple of months. I made this blog when I was in high school and had more free time; I am now something that somewhat resembles an actual adult (if you squint maybe) with more Adult Responsibilities and Situations (but as I have unfortunately realized, adulthood does not erase feeling teenage emotions all that much). I've had less time and frankly less bandwidth to devote more time to this blog - especially to create quotes at the rate I did the first 3 years. And something that has hindered me even more in attending to this blog and is in part why I started to do so was that starting around 2020, a lot of times, I could not open my inbox, direct messages, or activity page on this site. I don't know if the culprit of that was my browser, my old laptop, or our famously well-functioning website Tumblr, but this would frequently happen and would do so for weeks at a time. I'm not saying this was the only reason why there have been unanswered asks and submissions for years (see above: increasing Adult Situations and the Toll they have taken on me), but that certainly played a heavy hand.
I'm in some new circumstances and over the past couple weeks, they have been a bit more stable and consistent - I've actually made about 85 new incorrect quotes and have put them in the queue, an amount I don't think I've been able to manage since the early months of 2020 before quarantine. Opening the inbox and DMs seem to be less of a problem lately, so I've also put in the queue a good amount of those submissions I've had sitting in my inbox for a while and will try to do more, though unfortunately some of the blogs that have submitted quotes have since been deactivated. I'm going to try to answer some asks in the coming days, but again, a lot of these are months and years old, and a part of me feels a bit awkward only just responding now and I'm wondering if it's respectful at all, but I still wanna do it.
That is to say, even though I am in a more manageable situation, I'm not promising that I am now going to attend to this blog like I did in the beginning, or even that much more than I have the past few years. I have learned that circumstances can change with no notice at all. I'm also not saying there's no guarantee that I'll be even less present here or won't stop running this blog altogether when the current queue runs out - not that I'm planning on it, but I can't completely rule that out as a possibility. But even if I ever stop attending to this blog, I don't think I'll ever delete it altogether, if you're worried about that.
So, thank you for sticking around with this blog for the past 6 years! And for sticking with this post that got a lot longer than I thought it would be. This post probably sounds like a whole lot of nothing, but I still wanted to say it, and I thank you for putting up with it. Hope you have a good day! 💕💕💕
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lonely-north-star · 2 months
jewelry maker mammon x retail worker mc pt 2
hi guys, two people asked for part two and now I'm here. Did not expect people to find enjoyment in this.
Part one above, not sure how to shorten it on mobile. Once again, this is me projecting onto my MC because I'm not suffering alone. Anyway, more craft store silliness !!
-Mammon attends the hiring event, dressed in a button down shirt and his hair combed. It's his Lucky Interview Outfit™
-He's kinda nervous because he really would like to work here and doesn't want to blow his chance
-The store manager recognizes him, and Mammon can't tell if this is good or bad
-Good because he's already got him laughing, and it helps brush over the fact that there's a few gaps in his resume
-The manager admits he had hoped to see Mammon there and it's good to put a name to a face
-Asks Mammon what he wants to work as, which Mammon kinda shrugs at, saying he's pretty flexible, but reminds him he's already good with the beads
-Says they'll label him as a floor person and put him anywhere as needed
-His first day is filled with training which he finds extremely boring until MC comes in to the break room
-She stops in her tracks and is stunned to see him there, before she recovers and smiles at him
"You're gonna work here now?"
"Nah, they just gave me a vest and name badge for nothing."
-She huffs and side eyes him as she grabs her equipment, rolling her eyes when she puts her bag away. Turns around, handing him a yellow star sticker
"For your badge."
-Suddenly he's even more eager to finish training and get to work
-His first days, he works short shifts during her hours and trains on the register (because everyone needs to know they claim)
-MC falls short of shaking him, sternly telling him to ask questions, no, she will not get mad. Yes, she may look irritated but she always looks like that. She'd rather you ask.
-They let him take over on his third day and he has great interactions with every customer
-He gets two credit card applications immediately. Had to walkie for help because he knew the script, but not the process (because no one ever gets them)
-The manager group chat receives a single photo of his tally sheet from the store manager because "Five sign ups! Three protection plans! Where has this cashier been my whole career? 🔥"
-He quickly becomes a favorite because of how good his numbers are
-No one knows how he does it but as long as higher ups aren't breathing down their neck everyone is happy
-It's because he's extremely motivated by the sticker rewards MC gives out. They're scented
-He might be good at the register but he hates staying up there when it's slow because he feels trapped. He can only recover the queue line so much guys
-Will beg to go on the floor if he's met the goal for the week and there's another person scheduled. Or will work to make the goal first and then beg to switch places
-On Fridays he works mornings in order to do jewelry repacks (Repacks are boxes of mixed products that get sent to us that we have to sort into other boxes by department. These things are like 12 x 10 x 20 inches maybe?)
-They are PACKED with products. The strung beads specifically come wrapped in bubble wrap or sealed bags by the SKU. Same goes for other products like findings, wire, and string. You spend a lot of time ripping open the package, pulling it out, scanning it, and then putting it on the shelf
-But see, Mammon knows these aisles better than the back of his hand. He doesn't need the scanner
-He'll unwrap handfuls at a time of strung beads and immediately start putting them out. Anything that goes in the next aisle he doesn't touch because he will not be walking back and forth, he's going to gather it all up and do it at once
-He spends barely an hour on each box, and once he's done, he admires any of the new items that came in. As a treat.
-Replen manager comes to check on him and she's stunned to find him done. She buys him a pastry from across the street as a reward
-He does help out with other repacks, but it takes him longer since he's not as familiar with the aisles
-Despises craft paint with a burning passion. Do NOT put him in that aisle or he will throw a fit. Threatens to quit (wouldn't actually)
-Gets frustrated easily with that aisle because the paint tubes fall over too often. And his hands are too big to reach for the one that fell over, and he'll end up knocking more over because the shelves are too close together
-Has trouble folding T-shirts. MC has shown him multiple times but he can't stay consistent with it
-One time she found him kneeling on the floor trying to fold a shirt. Has not let him fold since
-Now if they're working together, she folds them and he puts them away. It's efficient.
-After three weeks, he's gotten pretty good with memorizing the store and product locations. He has come to this conclusion.
Hell: Craft paint, T-Shirts, Open Stock Paintbrushes
Heaven: Jewelry <3, Kids Beads, Seasonal, Yarn
Neutral: Fine Arts, Ribbon (Thin Ice), Stickers, Fabric, Floral, Baking (Hates the baking pans specifically though), Wood, Frames, the rest of the store basically
-He likes making things look neat (actually likes the way MC looks pleased when he drags her over to show it off)
-If they're working together, he might get slightly distracted and trail after her to chat. She only allows it if it's slow.
-If someone needs help she'll shoo him away/send him off. He'll come right back after he's done though
-Otherwise she's walking through the aisles recovering with him and doing returns, handing him stuff and pointing to where it goes as he rambles about a new commission he made. Or the newest beads they got in stock.
"Says B 23."
"And they said they we're gettin' it for their partner-"
"There. Next to the red gift bags."
"-but how do ya not know their favorite color?! C'mon! That's like the first thing ya learn!"
"What's yours?"
"Blue. Or gold. And yellow, when gold ain't an option, because yellow is a lot more common. But none of that neon crap! Nah, like.. like.. I'll show ya when we reach the bead aisle! Anyway, they came back all-"
-'Yellow.' She thinks. Fitting, for someone who brightens her day so much. She shakes the thought away.
-She won't admit it but she does enjoy it. It makes the time pass faster.
"Did you know the beads go on sale Sunday? And we get paid this Friday. Are you gonna buy any?"
"...Are ya messin' with me?"
"Why would I be?"
"I'm going to buy so many things."
-MC starts to dread Sunday, and knows she's gonna have to reign him in. Oh boy.
hahaha pt 3 is in the works, i think. Because I had more ideas, but this got long again. Rest of this is me rambling.
Anyway, today I worked on repacks for Research™. And because I didn't wanna hear people asking if things are in the back. NO. I DID IT ALL TODAY !! EVERY LAST BIT !! (for t shirts and jewelry at least)
Took me four hours to do three jewelry boxes, though I did stop multiple times to help customers and go fulfill online orders. And unlike Mammon, I did need a scanner for some of it.
T shirts I did five boxes and took ten minutes a box since I didn't need the scanner except a handful of times. So it definitely varies on what department you're doing how long you'll take and how familiar you are with the aisle. For reference, it took my coworker 3.5 hours to do two boxes of jewelry.
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sleepykye · 1 year
Drops down head first onto the concrete floor
I wanna kindly request Muichiro x reader where the reader that has a big habit of falling asleep. Might as well imagine her sleeping in a literal busy town
Stop falling asleep please...
Muichiro x reader
I gotchu my dear reader !!
Tumblr media
"Its so hot..." You felt like an ice cube that was slowly melting away because of the hot sun. Lately, the weather has been getting hotter and hotter. Your corps uniform didn't help make it better either, you got a uniform that was alike muichiro's uniform. You first got the one that was the same as mitsuri's uniform but after muichiro saw this and how uncomfortable you looked in the hashira meetings, he hunted for the guy that made your uniform and demanded one that is less revealing and covering more of your skin.
The top three buttons of your uniform was unbuttoned as you layed on the wooden floor. Sweat forming on your forehead every now and then. You sighed as you got up, deciding to buy a popsicle in a attempt cool yourself down.
The streets were bustling with people as they all seemed busy, the queue of the shops forming all the way to the other side. You were internally crying as to how many people roamed the streets and that it would be hotter. With your uniform unbuttoned, you knew muichiro was gonna come after you and get you to button it, as he doesn't want anybody else seeing you revealing your skin.
Talk about overprotective.. -,-
You walked along the path, trying to find the convenience store, however, that's when your habits starts kicking in. You eventually fall asleep....
You were even sleep walking ! You passed by the convenience store, still sleeping. You didn't even notice you had reached your destination. Until, it was definitely your lucky day to have run into someone none other than....MUICHIRO !
He was actually pissed when someone bumped into him. He was already angry and was not in the mood, until he saw that it was you. Sleep walking again, but this time, in the middle of the busy streets.
He shook you awake, before pulling you to the side of the street. Holding your hand while doing so, you were already following behind, your eyes slowly opening, your mouth already had a bit of a drool from sleep walking. You noticed someone was holding your hand, so you quickly took your hand away from his before realising that it was muichiro.
" Ah ! Fancy seeing you here mui ! " you said, feeling all the sleepiness wash away from you upon seeing him in front of you. Muichiro just face palmed his hand and told you " stop falling asleep please...darling. " you just pouted and told him that it was a habit you couldn't get rid of, no matter how hard you tried.
" By the way, where are you going ? Your uniform is also unbuttoned. " he said as he helped you button two buttons only, leaving the third button unbuttoned as it was hot. " The convenience store, I was planning on buying a few ice popsicles as it was hot. " you said, drool already forming on your mouth as you thought about it.
Muichiro looked at you, amused. Before stating that you had already passed by it. You stared at him, he stared at you. Blush already began to form on your face at the embarrassment. He just chuckled before saying " Come on, I'll help you buy them. Let's go. " as he held onto your hand.
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》 AITA for my attempts to avoid playing an online game with a friend?
disclaimer i apologize for how chronically online this whole situation might sound, also if my friends see this and recognize me, i am so sorry
about a year back i [18] got into tps game because some of my online friends were really into it. the friends relevant to this AITA are C [16] and B [17]
when i started out i was quite bad at the game, but C and B were cool about playing with me anyways. during the first few months i played very often but i then dropped it for a bit, now playing only whenever i have nothing much to do
so here's where the actual AITA situation comes in:
I picked the game up again, again only playing every so often. usually i would solo queue and play with random people but sometimes C and B would ask me to join a match if they were online too
while the three of us would play fine together, even with me being the least skilled, i at one point realised i preferred playing with C and not B. C and I would share out frustrations about bad teammates and also excitement over winning matches, overall itd be a lighthearted good time
B on the other hand is a different story. I like playing with them but a majority of the time id leave our online play in a bad mood. failed matches would be terrible, they'd sometimes type out insults aimed at the team as a whole [despite me being the only person who is able to read the messages since we chat outside the game] excluding themself as they highlight their much better play, sometimes even aiming a grievence at me directly for not keeping up.
i am ND and have terrible rsd, so i take messages such as "I hate you guys" "anon what was that" "you guys suck", to heart against my will. B always seems to be incredibly frustrated and dumbfounded whenever the team plays terrible, and if theyre meant to be jokes i honestly cannot tell. while i could try to jokingly insult back, since C and B are fine with trading insults between each other, my humor is just not the same
back on topic, on one occasion, we were matched with teammates who did not play very well with us, and we had a very bad losing streak. while i was used to having bad teamwork and repeat losses, B stopped playing with me on account of feeling very frustrated over our teammates and having been dropped down a rank because of it
these days, when C and B are online and I happen to be free, i avoid getting online myself even if i want to play. when im online and B joins, ill play with them begrudgingly because i know they're a better player than me and we have a good time when we are actually winning. if i can, however, I sometimes ignore invites to continue playing
so tumblr, AITA for what I'm doing?
What are these acronyms?
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@bigprincessrebel hi! I just saw your ask and ummmm so it's gonna have to be part of a somewhat bigger series of posts? I already have two asks about the morality of demons that I'm going to turn into one post, I've got a post about the functioning of the Celestial Realm vs Devildom and how that affects their morality/values in my drafts -> both would relate a lot to your ask. I also have a post about religion vs the the Celestial Realm & Devildom floating around somewhere that I should find cause it's also relevant. But I'm really busy these days so all that might take some time so till then here's a summary of my thoughts
I think it's dumb to believe Diavolo's a shitty ruler because he wants peace between the realms and demons are supposed to be evil? And to believe that the other demons won't like him because of that? Because:
1. The game literally said that Diavolo's voted the most popular demon every year
2. Lots of the background demons have made friends with not only MC (a human) but also with the angels. Hell Luke has demon friends outside of the main characters. Also like pretty sure lots of demons are romantically attracted to humans? Given how there was a queue to give MC Valentine's day presents
Okay but here are the more serious points:
3. It's heavily implied and straight up shown that the Celestial Realm does not equal Heaven the same way the Devildom does not equal Hell. (I have a whole post breaking this down and going into detail that I'll add when I properly answer your ask) meaning that in the same way that OM's angels' aren't inherently good, its demons aren't inherently bad. If you actually stop and look at it, you'll notice that the angels are more prone to everyday violence than the demons eg: Diavolo's solution to stopping an angry dragon being talking to it while Simeon's was to fight it (and we see that Diavolo's solution actually worked). Michael's punishments as an angel were scarier than Lucifer's punishments as a demon. Just generally how trigger happy Raphael is vs how weirdly kind Mammon is
4. OM! may borrow characters and certain plot elements from christianity but it's not a direct parallel or reflection of it so if you try to apply the logic of the "real" stories to these characters then the characters and the world they live in stop making sense and you get a warped version of the story where the demons are pure evil and Diavolo's a shitty leader for trying to go against their nature. The best way, in my opinion, to enjoy it is to acknowledge that there are similarities but ultimately analyse it independently. Using the lens of christianity to look at stories that don't completely follow it is how you end up with things like Disney's Hercules (a fun time but not accurate to the actual source material)
5. A BIG part of obey me is about overcoming prejudice. Like it's not even subtext. It's right there. The angels are shown to see demons as pure evil and a big part of the story is showing them that actually they're also just people. We see this in the Devilgram where Lucifer & Diavolo first meet, in the flashback where Simeon and Diavolo first meet, this is literally the entirety of Luke's arc/character development and in certain things said and done by Michael, Raphael and even Mammon. This....this huge part of the story wouldn't work if the demons actually were evil and Diavolo was just an idealistic idiot...
Anyway this was the summarised version, believe it or not!
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swordheld · 1 year
i have been scrolling through ur page and noticed that u tend to put long, thoughtful tags underneath nearly every post u reblog & i just thought that was very endearing since the general trend is short and concise. im not sure why i felt the need to write u and let u know, but i just felt very compelled to. pls never stop being u.
this is so very sweet of you!! it's an old habit that i have held onto for the longest time, mostly due to the fact of tags being excellent for organization (my beloved) but also as a kind of extra space for whatever else you'd like to include without actually including it in the post when others share it for themselves! it's that perfect mixture of private n public.
for this blog specifically it's something that i enjoy since it's really an exercise or activity in enjoyment / enrichment? i like to think about why i was so inclined to reblog it, to pin it up to this lil space on the interwebs that's all my own. whether that's the colors, or the wording of things, or just what it makes me think about or feel, it's just a really lovely way of considering it all a little deeper!
which is not something that comes easy, or at minimal energy, sometimes! my likes are extensive (i keep attempting to clean them out and bring back my queueing system but we are up to 5k and i am very tired at the moment, lol) for that reason, and it's like a small goal to try to chip away at them over time, to see what treasure i can discover today.
alternatively, it's also a really nice near - time capsule of a thing; to be able to comb through my archive and see what has changed in my outlook, what sticks out to me now versus then, is really fascinating to see how far i've come and what's changed. there's something so lovely about time being instilled so deeply into this lil mini game of online scrapbooking that i adore; so i'm peached n overjoyed that you find some joy in it as well!!
this is all to say: thank you sm and i hope you try it out for yourself if it's something you think you might have fun with! let me know how it goes :)
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wandafiction · 3 months
Moose - Just Us Chapter 77
Warnings: None
Word Count: 4790
Series List | Chapter 76 | Chapter 78
We were now waiting at baggage collection, Wanda pulled into my side as my right arm rests over her shoulder. The boy's eyes follow every bag that goes past, double checking to see if they are ours or not as they bounce on their feet excitedly. Luckily, they seem a lot more awake than they were this morning which makes sense since they slept on the plane. 
I rest my head on top of Wanda's feeling her relax against me more, closing my eyes for a moment as I breathe in her scent. When they open up I smile against her hair when I see the boys both grabbing each of our bags off the conveyor belt, turning around with proud smiles on their faces when they show us. 
"Okay so we have the bags. What now?" Tommy asks as he passes me my suitcase.
"Now we head out, we can grab a drink and some food from one of the shops here. Then you have to look out for a white hat volunteer."
"A white hat volunteer?" Billy passes Wanda's bag to her.
"Yeah, so they wear white hats and red vests. They are people who welcome you to Calgary and have bits of information and everything. I just need to know where to find our rental car." 
"Okay so we have the bags, we need to find where we are going and get coffee. Also go to the toilet now because we have a nearly 3 hour drive ahead of us." Wanda lists off as we all start walking out of baggage claim. 
Wanda holds her hand in mine swaying them between us as we follow the boys closely behind, as they follow the signs above to the exit. As the boys lead us towards the exit me and Wanda look out for a coffee shop in desperate need of a caffeine boost. When we finally find one we decide to sit down and to drink it so the boys can disappear to the toilet without getting lost.
"So what's the plan once we leave the airport?" Wanda blows on the top of her coffee before taking a sip.
"Well I thought since we have had a long day of travelling we can just have a relaxed night by the fire watching movies or playing a board game. Then tomorrow we can come back and explore Calgary and some surrounding areas maybe. Or make that a day or two thing. Then it's going to be snowing so we will be sort of stuck in the cabin for a while as the roads can be quite dangerous but it doesn't mean we can't go outside. There are a few look out sights around the area we can look at the mountains from. But we can ask one of the white hats for a guide."
"Okay. So we are definitely exploring, I mean you can't not explore. Where we go is up to you, since you've been here a few times so you know the good spots. The boys have only dealt with New York snow so it should be an adventure for them." She takes another sip of coffee as I watch the boys join the queue to get themselves a drink. "What about wild animals? How likely are we to run into them?"
"We will see them on the drive up to the cabin, but I own the land and paid to have it fenced. It's not fenced off that much that it causes issues with the wildlife, but it is enough so we can explore the surrounding forest a little. Although we should still be careful because the fence doesn't always stop the animals. But we have security cameras that are motion sensors and infrared so we can check for anything before we go out."
"Okay." Wanda takes in the information as the boys join us at the table.
"You mentioned there was a lake?" Tommy takes a sip of his hot chocolate.
"Yeah, it might freeze over during the week but if you want to we can do some fishing while it isn't. We can cook fresh fish too if that's something you want to do?"
"I've never been fishing before, so yes please!" Tommy shuffles excitedly in his seat as I smile warmly at him.
"What about you Billy?" He simply shakes his head.
"I never liked the idea of fishing, sitting there for ages with nothing on the end of the line. I brought the camera so I can take pictures and that. It's for a school project."
"That sounds cool, it's like the most picturesque place I've ever seen." 
"Yeah I've always enjoyed photography, capturing something in the moment that will last forever."
"Maybe I will join you on one of your photography missions. I think it's about time I draw the mountains again." 
"Awesome. I'm already so excited and I don't even know where we are going." Me and Wanda let out a small laugh at that before we both finish our drinks.
I stand up from my chair once the boys have finished their drinks, moving over to Wanda and holding my hand out for her to take as she stands up. The boys walk ahead of us on a mission to find us a white hat volunteer, while me and Wanda smile at the sight of the boys pointing out things around the airport as we wander around.  
"Look there's a lady in a white hat and red vest." Tommy points out to me and Wanda as Billy starts to make his way over to the smiling lady. 
Me and Wanda start to make our way over as Tommy runs over to join Billy who is already chatting to the lady. When Tommy points to me and Wanda the lady smiles wider, gently placing her hand on the boys back as they all walk towards us.
"Hiya folks, welcome to Calgary my name is Janet. Where have you guys flown in from?" I tilt my head slightly as I try to recall where I have seen this woman before.
"New York! We had to get up, like, super early!" Tommy complains, I let out a small laugh while I put my arm over Wanda's shoulder.
"Oh New Yorkers! Is it your first time visiting Calgary?" She aims the questions at the boys as they bounce on their feet in excitement.
"It's ours and mom's first time in Canada. Y/n's been here a few times." 
"Well that is so much to do! Here are these." She hands both the boys a guide then one between me and Wanda. "So where are you guys going?"
"We don't know." Billy shrugs as he playfully glares at me. "Y/n won't tell us." 
"Fine, we are going to my cabin at Cathedral Mountain." 
"Where's that?" Tommy tilts his head in question. 
"Wow you own one of the cabins up there?" Janet looks at me as a look of realisation crosses her face. "Y/n, I thought the name sounded familiar. You own the Stark cabin don't you?" 
"I do, yes. How did you know?"
"My husband and I own a cabin across the lake. My daughter and granddaughter are staying there for a few weeks." 
"Wait Mrs Bishop?" She nods her head at me and I immediately engulf her in a hug. "Wow it's been a while since I've seen you last. How is Eleanor? And Kate! How old is she now?" 
"It has been a while dear. Eleanor is doing well and Kate is 19 now." She moves out of the hug and looks to the other three who look very confused.
"Oh sorry guys. Janet, this is my girlfriend Wanda and her two boys Billy and Tommy. Guys this is my cabin neighbour Janet, I've known her since we first brought the cabin, but have only run into each other once or twice over the years. It must be three years now, wow you look good Mrs Bishop. No wonder I didn't recognise you straight away."
"It's nice to meet you." Wanda holds out her hand, but Janet pulls her into a hug which Wanda instantly relaxes into. 
"Sorry I'm a hugger dear." Janet mentions as she releases Wanda. "So how long have you been together?" 
"Well we met on the 10th of last month so just over a month and a half. But it will officially be one month, tomorrow since she asked me to be her girlfriend." Wanda beams up at me as I speak.
"Well it's lovely to meet you all." Janet leans up to whisper in my ear. "I'm sure Eleanor won't mind keeping an eye on the boys if you want to celebrate your one month."
I blush a little at the insinuation as Janet smirks at me, while Wanda looks at me confused. I shrug and Wanda doesn't ask any questions as Janet nudges my shoulder.
"Anyway Janet. We came looking for a white hat since I don't know where the rental place is." 
"How do you not know? You have been here plenty of times." 
"We used to hire a driver for the airport transport, but since this is more of a family vacation it's easier for me to drive." 
"Okay well if you go towards the main exit, it's like a tiny little booth on the right with one or two workers. You can't really miss it as it has a big sign above saying Calgary car hire." 
"Thank you Janet."
"Of course dear. Anything else I can help you with?" I look around to the other three who are simply watching the interaction shaking their heads at her question. "Very well, but you guys best come to my cabin for dinner at some point before you leave."
"Of course. Is there anything we should bring?" Wanda asks as we all start moving towards the exit, Janet walking with us.
"Just yourselves and some warm clothes dear." 
"Okay, how about Thursday?" Wanda continues her conversation as I spot the car hire place.
"Thursday is perfect. I will see you then, dear." She hugs Wanda then me.
"See you then Janet." The boys give her a small wave as she walks back to her post.
My hand moves down to hold onto Wanda's as I start to walk us to the car hire place, the boys on either side of us as we all drag our suitcases behind us. I smile at the man behind the counter who is too busy typing into his computer to even look up at us, holding a single finger in the air silently telling us to wait. I raise my eyebrows at the action and turn to look at Wanda who has the same expression on her face. We wait a few minutes before Wanda huffs.
"Excuse me, I'm sure you're busy but we've just got off our plane and would much rather be driving to our destination than waiting here for you to do your job." I twist my lips as Wanda leans against the counter, the man's eyes widening slightly at the angered tone of Wanda's voice. I may or may not be swooning over the fact her accent was audible too.
"Right, sorry. Hi, how can I help?" He straightens out some papers on the desk as he looks between me and Wanda.
"I pre-booked a car under the name Y/n Barton." He nods as he types away on his computer.
"I have you down for the white jeep wrangler Rubicon from today until the 30th."
"Yeah that's the one."
"Perfect so I just need the card you paid with and your driving licence." I pass them off to him and he looks at the passport then the card, then back to me. "The name on the licence and the card are different, can I also have a look at your passport."
"Jeez, you have stronger security than most airports." He lets out a small laugh as I hand it over.
"Unfortunately, it's a policy. We know that people change their names, but we need extra proof if it occurs so we can confirm that the names and address matches. Or something like that. If I don't do it, I get fired and I can't be having that."
He looks between the three items. 
"So because the surname on the license and passport are Stark I am going to have to change that in our database even if you don't go by that name anymore."
"No problem. I get it, you're just doing your job." The boys both scrunch their brows at me then up to Wanda who shows herself zipping her lips so the boys press their lips together and go back to looking around the airport.
"Okay so that's all sorted, here are the keys and paperwork with emergency numbers and terms and conditions. The manual for the car will be in the glove box. If you come out of here turn right and follow the signs for the car hire parking lot you should easily find your vehicle.I hope you enjoy your stay in Calgary."
"Thank you." I take the keys and the four of us start in the direction the young man had told us. 
Once we spot the car the boys sprint off both calling shotgun on the front seat, trying to push in front of one another, with me and Wanda laughing at their antics as we slowly follow behind them. Once a small amount of arguing starts Wanda simply tilts her head raising her eyebrows and the boys stop immediately, bowing their heads. 
"Right bags in the back, then boys in the back." Wanda takes the keys from my hand to unlock the car.
"But I called shotgun mom!" Tommy whines as he trudges to the back of the car.
"Actually I called shotgun, so you will have to sit in the back with Tommy mom." Billy tries to act smug, but zips his lips when Wanda quirks her brow again. 
"What do you think Y/n? Who should be sat upfront with you?" Tommy pleads with his eyes but I simply wrap my arm around Wanda.
"As the driver of the car I decree that your mother gets the passenger seat every time we share a car, but any other time shotgun rules."
"I guess that's fine." Tommy grumbles as Wanda kisses the underside of my jaw, before leaving my grasp to open the back door of the car. 
Once we are all settled in the car, and having let it warm up with it idle in the parking lot, I set the destination in the navigation system. I rest my arm on the back of Wanda's chair as I look behind me and out of the rearview window to see what I'm doing when reversing. I turn around catching Wanda staring at me with flushed cheeks before I put the vehicle in drive and get us going. 
"So we are going to be driving through Calgary, then will be driving along the prairie land. So everything is super flat until we reach the mountains, but it creates such a beautiful view. We will also be driving through a place called Banff, which is a nice little mountain town. We will explore these places probably tomorrow and Tuesday since it is not snowing. We can do some sightseeing and shopping, go to some cute cafés, that sort of thing. Then when it snows we can stay up in the cabin for a lot of it. Thursday we have dinner with the Bishop's. Apart from that we have nothing apart from relaxing to do. Everyone happy?" 
"Happy!" They all say in unison. Creepy.
I look over to Wanda who, at some point through my ramble, interlocked our hands resting it on the arm rest between our chairs. Her head is resting on her other hand which is being propped up by her elbow on the door, a fuzzy smile on her face as her eyes look into my soul once more. I divert my attention back to the road before looking in the rearview mirror to check on the boys who are on their phones. I feel Wanda squeeze my hand to get my attention, and I squeeze it back to let her know she has it while my eyes flick back to the road.
"I love you."
"Love you too Princess." I laugh when I hear the boys fake gag in the back and Wanda sends them a glare.
We've been on the road for about an hour, the boys and Wanda having been looking out the windows at the passing scenery since we got out of Calgary, their eyes lighting up at the sight of a few deers in the fields. Wanda perks up leaning forward to the stereo controls when a new song starts playing. The boys lean forward slightly and I smile and the happy smiles they both have.
"This is one of our favourite songs." Wanda blushes as she says it, and I only smile wider, turning it up more. 
(Shotgun - George Ezra)
Homegrown alligator, see you later
Gotta hit the road, gotta hit the road
Something changed in the atmosphere
Architecture unfamiliar
I could get used to this
I smile when the boys start singing, swaying their bodies side to side in their seats. I look at Wanda who is shyly whispering the lyrics. I squeeze her hand gently taking a quick look at her as I start singing the next verse trying my best to show her it's okay to sing aloud, as I look back to the road.
Time flies by in the yellow and green
Stick around and you'll see what I mean
There's a mountaintop that I'm dreaming of
If you need me you know where I'll be
I look back at Wanda when I realise she stopped singing, the boys only getting louder, and see her already looking at me with her lip between her teeth. Her eyes show me so much love and as I continue to sing as I turn my attention back to the road I see a smile grow on her face from my peripheral vision. I give her hand another squeeze and smile widely when I hear her start singing the chorus.
I'll be riding shotgun underneath the hot sun
Feeling like a someone (someone)
I'll be riding shotgun underneath the hot sun
Feeling like a someone
All of us are now swaying our bodies left to right, and I tap my hand against the steering wheel, as we get into our groove and start to enjoy the music. Wanda's voice is more confident and for never having heard I sing, I'm amazed her voice is beautiful and she has a husk to it that makes my heart soar at the sound. I just fell more in love with her if that is even possible.
We're south of the Equator, navigator
Gotta hit the road, gotta hit the road
Deep sea diving 'round the clock, bikini bottoms, lager tops
I could get used to this
Time flies by in the yellow and green
Stick around and you'll see what I mean
There's a mountaintop that I'm dreaming of
If you need me you know where I'll be
I'll be riding shotgun underneath the hot sun
Feeling like a someone (someone)
I'll be riding shotgun underneath the hot sun
Feeling like a someone
Wanda let's go of my hand as she starts dancing in her seat, moving her hand in time to the beat. At first she simply taps at the air but it slowly transforms into her hands waving about in the air looking like waves, or rolling her wrist with her fingers like she is trying to entice someone. She giggles a little when she sees me turning my head to look as she sings a few lyrics to me before I turn my attention back to the road. 
We got two in the front (hey)
Two in the back (hey)
Sailing along
And we don't look back (back, back)
Time flies by in the yellow and green
Stick around and you'll see what I mean
There's a mountaintop that I'm dreaming of
If you need me you know where I'll be
I'll be riding shotgun underneath the hot sun
Feeling like a someone (someone)
I'll be riding shotgun underneath the hot sun
Feeling like a someone
I'll be riding shotgun underneath the hot sun
Feeling like a someone (someone)
I'll be riding shotgun underneath the hot sun
Feeling like a someone, a someone, a someone, someone
I look in the rearview mirror and smile when I watch the boys sing to one another as they bop their heads, smiling at one another. I look back to the road and feel Wanda's hand creep into mine as she brings it up to her lips and starts to sing against the back of my hand. I take a quick look over at her to see her already looking at me with her fuzzy smile before she continues to sing against my hand and I look back to the road. 
We all let out small giggles when the song comes to an end and Wanda leans forward to turn the stereo back down. As she leans back she brings our hands back to her lips as she peppers the back of my hand with kisses, so I squeeze her hand in return. Once she has deemed all of my hand kissed, she brings it down to rest in her lap as she rests her back against the headrest. 
"Guys look." I point out the window to the mountains that we are now starting to drive past, the flat land left behind.
"Woah. It's beautiful." Wanda's jaw drops as she looks out her window.
"It only gets more beautiful from here." 
We have just passed through Banff which means we have another hour left of our journey, the boys are on their phones keeping themselves entertained as Wanda takes a small nap. I suddenly see something in the road that makes me wake her up knowing she won't want to miss it and grab the boy's attention.
"Princess, boys. Look what's on the road." Wanda's eyes flutter open just by the sound of my voice and the boys lean forward to look through the windscreen and I smile when I hear all three of them gasp.
"Holy cow! That's huge!" Wanda sits forward in her seat more as I slow the car down so I can avoid the animal.
"Actually mom, I think it's a moose." Tommy giggles as Wanda rolls her eyes before they go back to looking at the huge animal.
"It is indeed a moose. Looks like a fully grown male to me with how big it is." 
It's walking on our side of the road, I slow down even more to make sure I don't spook it as I check the other side of the road. When I confirm there are no other cars coming I slowly pull out onto the other side and up next to the moose. Wanda and the boys look up to the moose as we pass at a safe distance before I get back to our side of the road and slowly speed up.
"That was bigger than the car!" Billy squeals as him and Tommy look at the rearview window as Wanda looks in her side mirror.
"Yeah, that was probably about 2.5m to the shoulder. They are big creatures. Dangerous too."
"I didn't think they were that big. I always thought they were like deer in size." Wanda thinks aloud as she looks to the boys who look at her nodding.
"Well hopefully we see a few more during this week. We may get lucky and see some bears and wolves too." 
"Wait wolves and bears! Will there be any by the cabin?" I shake my head at Billy's question.
"Shouldn't be. The land is fenced off to a certain point so we are protected." 
"Damn I wanted to see a bear...or a wolf." I laugh as he slumps back in his chair. 
"Well there are plenty of times that you see them on the road, so keep an eye out everytime we drive. You might get lucky." With that both boys start looking out the windows desperate to find the animals they want to see.
Wanda pulls my hand up to her face, her hand moving behind mine as she presses it against her cheek. She kisses the palm of my hand and I start rubbing my thumbs over her cheek bone, I feel her lean into my hand more. She kisses it a few more times before placing it in her lap as she plays with my fingers, and I smile when she starts drawing random shapes and patterns.
"And we are here." I inform them as I stop the car on the gravel.
"Wow this is massive." Tommy says as he climbs out of the car with Billy.
"It is beautiful Y/n." Wanda leans over the center console to kiss my cheek before she climbs out of the car. 
I join them in grabbing our bags from the back before pushing the door shut and locking the car watching as the three of them race to the front of the cabin. I smile as they look through the windows of the cabin gasping at what they see inside. I make it to the front door of the cabin, watching their excitement grow as I unlock the door. They walk into the cabin, eyes scanning every detail as they spin around to get a full view. 
"Okay so Tommy your room is going to be up the stairs third door on the right, Billy yours is the first door on the right. The second door is a cupboard with some games and other stuff in it. Boys, your rooms have their own toilets, but make sure you lock both doors when doing your business because the other door leads to the shared bathroom. You have two sinks and there is a walk in shower, so you sort out who is showering first between you two."
"Okay Y/n!" They both shout as they make their way up the stairs holding their suitcases up so they don't bump against the stairs. 
"Where are we staying?" Wanda asks as I grab her bag nodding for her to go up the stairs.
"We are in the only room on the left hand side. We have an ensuite with both a big bath that fits two, and a walk in shower like at your apartment. The room has a built-in wardrobe, a few chest of drawers and the view is spectacular." 
She opens the door and her eyes scan the room as she walks around dragging a hand over every surface. She looks back to me after a while, and I let go of the suitcases when she runs towards me and jumps. I easily catch her as she wraps her arms and legs around my body while I spin us around a couple of times.
"You happy princess."
"I'm over the moon baby. This is so beautiful, it's amazing, it's….I love it. I love you. So, so much." I smile at her as I bring our lips together for a few seconds before resting my forehead against hers.
"Go have a look out the window." I put her down and she shuffles over to the window, a small gasp escaping her lips as she looks up to the mountains.
"I wish we could stay forever in this moment." I come up behind her wrapping my arms around her waist as my chin comes to rest on the top of her head.
"You get to see this everyday for the whole week Wanda." 
"I'm never going to get bored of that view." I kiss the top of her head.
"The view never gets boring, it's always as mesmerising as the first time I saw it."
"Y/n. Remember what I told you my dream home was?"
"I do and I know princess. We can have our own cabin in the mountains, in the woods, by a lake one day. You just need the boys to be in college." She turns around with a few tears in her eyes and I smile softly at her as I cup her cheeks.
"You remembered?" I nod softly as I lean down to peck her lips a few times.
"If it is a dream of yours then it is a dream of mine."
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