#i miss being unapologetically feral for them
toxycodone · 3 months
𝘸𝘩𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺'𝘥 𝘧𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘧𝘰𝘳 !
𝘤𝘸. 𝘯𝘰𝘯𝘦
𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘴. 𝘭𝘢𝘪𝘰𝘴, 𝘬𝘢𝘣𝘳𝘶, 𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘤𝘩𝘶𝘤𝘬
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I genuinely think Laios is attracted to the unconventional or stereotypically attractive. Anyone with unique features, personality quirks, etc. If you don't fit in, you're more willing to catch his eye.
He finds it difficult to really like? Gain an interest in someone who doesn't really "stick out". I think it's clear with the way he treats Kabru that like! People kinda are a blur to him! So! anything that makes someone stick out will catch his interest and he'd be more willing to remember them + actually continue to think about them.
MUST. Share his interest in monsters/animals. This is very important. Like there must be a shared interest there whether its just about anatomy, behavior, etc. I just think he needs to be accepted to talk about this and share fun facts. He likes it. Cooking or an interest in food would also be another plus.
Also just? He likes really easygoing people who aren't super judgemental. Laios is really unapologetically himself and he gets chewed out for it by his friends enough. He's very self aware when it comes to his own issues (esp by the end of the manga) so. Yeah. Just someone who he doesn't feel the need to mask around.
Honestly, maybe someone childish would fit his vibe too? I mean this in a more lighthearted sense. Like someone he could play tag with or goof around in the woods with. He missed out on being a kid for a while, and he's still kinda interested in stuff like that (bug collecting, cool rocks, etc.). Even in post manga he still wants this.
Also uhhhh beastkin/monsters/whatever of any kind get bonus points. Do they have to be this way? No. But. It would definitely do some favors to be feral/wild in some way like this.
Okay I am not saying this is healthy or anything, but Kabru is ridiculously attracted to fixer-uppers. The main character/savior/hero complex kicks in and he cannot help it.
This can either be super good for him if the person is like. not terrible and is actually okay with this. but uh. that isn't always the case. Bro is often setting himself up for some sort of situationship most of the time. He cannot catch a break.
But he totally needs to be confronted about this to have a relationship work out. Hope you can be at least a little assertive!
Oh and the people pleasing. It's going so far. Please, I-....
He needs to be stopped.
Ultimately. He's gonna go after the people who show the least interest in him and this SPECIFICALLY comes from his own insecurities as a person.
But in the end he's gonna truly fall for someone who can put their foot down and confront him about these issues. He's so insightful and perceptive when it comes to others and can easily point out and help you with you're own shortcomings. But he is super blind to his own faults. Legit does not. Even realize.
He honestly needs someone to help him grow, because in my eyes I can see him like even post manga being pretty stagnant here so . Yeah. You don't need to be like some badass assertive person either. As long as you can just sit down and have a serious conversation w him about this I think it'd go well.
And he'd fall for you because I think it's the first time he genuinely sees someone who recognizes things that are bad about him + still loves him despite that + wants him to grow as a person and assert his own wishes and needs more. Yeah. I just have a lot of feelings about that.
This goes two ways.
Non Toxic Route
He'd easily see himself falling for someone mature and responsible. It would start out as just a professional admiration but it would slowly become more intimate as Chilchuck starts to enjoy their more unique personality traits (and even ones he'd consider annoying) --like being feisty, or maybe they're picky, or they can be silly sometimes. That type of thing.
It's a total slow burn with him.
But he also likes people who are more lowkey. Chilchuck is not a "falls for you immediately/puppy love" kinda guy. He's jaded and has a past and has KIDS so. He needs to be treated gently and not rushed into things. Anyone who lets him come to them and start to be more affectionate without demanding it...yeah. Handle him with care PLEASE.
And speaking of this...he wants to keep up appearances since he does value his professional life and has kids and an ex-wife. So he wants someone that can blend into this life without causing drama or more headaches (his party gives him plenty. pls.)
"Toxic"/Not Gonna Last Route
Chilchuck is easily motivated by the more basic pleasures of life, so I can definitely see him having a bootycall that becomes some weird "what are we" type of vibe.
He's like...in the back of his mind the type to enjoy a "dirty little secret". Something he thinks only him and this person know about. But as time goes on he eventually gets emotionally involved with them and is like "we need to cut this off".
It is an extremely painful breakup on his end for sure and makes him more jaded when its literally! His own fault.
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acapelladitty · 4 months
friction and harmony
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Pairing: Cooper Howard/Lucy Maclean
Summary: One cruel incident pushes Lucy over the edge and a fight with Cooper turns physical in a way which changes their dynamic forever. (4.7k words)
(warnings for: blood, gun violence, first time sex, biting, rough sex, heavy petting, unprotected sex, arguments, verbal cruelty, desperation, physical violence, mutual orgasm, mild foreplay)
Fic Masterlist
Link to AO3
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Keeping close to the fire as the approaching night stole the heat from the air, Lucy couldn't stop her racing, disjointed thoughts from playing the earlier days events with Cooper in a grim and repeating loop. With every passing moment, she could feel the annoyance in her chest roiling anew and her mouth set into a tight line as she recalled her role in the violence.
The handkerchief coming away from his lips stained with fresh blood, the old man who had introduced himself as Mr. Daniels glared at it distastefully as he recovered from his coughing fit and returned the filthy rag to his inner pocket.
"Nasty bit of business." Mr. Daniels muttered, mostly to himself, before glancing back at the pair who stood with their caps in hand. "But anyway, what was my offer again? Oh, yeah. Twenty caps, three vials."
"Seems reasonable."
Casting Lucy a withering look at her audible enthusiasm, Cooper clearly disagreed with her naive assessment.
"I could make your fine ass walk to the next town over and get me five vials for half that." He was quick to counter, crossing his arms over his chest as Cooper split his attention between Lucy and the obvious tremble of the old mans limbs as he struggled to bring his lit cigarette to his lips. "So let's re-assess the situation here."
Mr. Daniels shrugged with a nasty cough as he cleared his throat of phlegm. "Can't do any better than that. Got shit to buy and shit to pay off."
His face sunken and pallid, the old man was clearly unwell. Most likely dying, if the bloodied handkerchief was anything to go by, and Lucy felt a swell of pity in her heart as she listened to Cooper continue to argue his point without care or mercy.
"Ain't asking for the deal of the century here, but I ain't some dumbass vault dweller-"
"Hey!" Lucy interjected defensively.
"- who don't know how these here exchanges work. I'll give you fifteen for three. Final offer."
Unable to rise from his chair due to whatever ailments were afflicting him, Mr Daniels pointed at a rusted metal box which sat off to the side of his chair as he caught Lucy's eye and nodded to accept the ghouls spoken offer.
"Go look in there, Miss. You'll find what you and your ghoul friend need."
Nodding with a wide smile, Lucy diligently walked over and opened the container. Inside lay a handful of vials of the lurid yellow drug which she had quickly come to discover Cooper needed to delay the inevitable and prevent himself from turning feral. What made up the odd compound, she had no idea, but it was almost the same consistency as rad-away if it were developed in a completely off colour.
Cooper's golden rule of being side-tracked by bullshit was a beast of his own making as ensuring a constant supply of this stuff had proven to be their biggest time waste as they traversed the wastelands. Not only that, but a low supply often left Cooper in a hell of a mood as his already short temper existed on a knife edge to make him snappy and irritable.
Returning with the goods, Lucy handed them off to Cooper who accepted with a grunt. Something strange played on his leathered features and it gave Lucy pause as she glanced quickly between him and Mr Daniels but she shook it off as they concluded their deal.
Cooper spoke first, with Lucy following closely.
"Thank you, Mr. Daniels."
"Yeah, thank you! We really appreciat-"
Lucy's words cut off into a horrified gasp as the back of Mr Daniels head exploded in a shower of blood; viscera and brain quick to decorate the wooden boards behind his chair.
"No! Cooper!"
Unapologetic, Cooper had the grace to at least shrug out an explanation as he held her eye.
"Like putting down a sick dog, darlin'. Better to go out while the going's good and before the scavengers come to take you piece by piece."
Stalking over to the container which Lucy had taken the chem from, Cooper ignored her horrified spluttering as he tipped the entire box into one of his larger pockets - the clink of the vials a welcome distraction from the stare he could feel burning into the back of his skull.
"You killed him! And now you're," Lucy paused, so aghast that words failed her for a moment, "robbing him too? He didn't eve- we're better than this."
Fixing the edge of his hat so it would stay more comfortably atop his skull, Cooper refuted her point with a single tilt of his head.
"No, we ain't."
So, Lucy had fallen into an old, tried and tested punishment which she found worked wonders on Norm and others who had annoyed her down in the vault.
The silent treatment.
Since returning to their makeshift camp, she had not uttered a single word to her companion, making a point of huffing and looking away every time he caught her eye. Thus far, nothing had come of it but as dinner finished cooking on the fire, Cooper finally addressed her directly.
"As much as I'm enjoying the peace and quiet, sweetie, are you gonna sit there with that big pouting lip tripping you up all night or are you gonna pull your weight around here and plate up? Ass jerky is off the menu for little girls who won't do their chores."
In no mood for his nasty teasing, Lucy shot him a sour look as she remained stubbornly quiet.
"Don't eat then." Cooper shrugged. "See if I give a shit. I've got food, silence, and enough chem to blow your tits clean off. Life is good for a ghoul today."
Unable to let that slide and ignoring the heat of hearing him refer - crudely mind you - to her chest, Lucy dug her heels into the ground as she remained seated on an upturned barrel.
"What you did was wrong."
"Oh, she does speak." Feigning surprise, Cooper had the gall to place one hand over his chest as the other dropped a piece of meat into his mouth - his lips chewing at it noisily.
"What you did was wrong." Lucy repeated. "That old man wasn't a threat to us and you killed him."
"Bleeding heart, vaultie." Cooper barely refrained from an obvious eye-roll. "What would you rather do? Huh? Leave him for the next people to come and harvest the good parts that were left of him? I did him a kindness and you're too blind to see that."
Taking the insult in stride, Lucy was is no mood to back down on this as she met Cooper with an equal level of venom.
"You were a monster today."
"Oh, you're the monster, sweetie. Had anyone else found that old coot, they wouldn't have been half as nice. A quick shot to the head is a better death than most get out here. And I get some extra sauce outta his stash. Win/win, vaultie."
"Your chem isn't worth killing people for, Cooper." As indignant as ever, Lucy's arms came to rest on her knees as her gaze bored into his own - attempting to make him see her point though sheer willpower alone.
Chem was a sensitive subject for Cooper and his dependence on finding the drug had led him into acts which would make the average person, even in this shithole world, recoil in disgust. But without it, he would lose what little part of himself remained and, with that, his only chance to find his daughter and punish those responsible for fucking the world up as much as it was.
"We need those meds." Cooper growled, frustration at her utter refusal to see the necessity of his actions making his temper flair. "Unless you fancy your chances at taking me on when the last of my marbles goes and I become a real monster. See me as I am now, vaultie, and imagine how my turning would go. It ain't gonna be pretty."
"I'll do what you need me t-"
"Is that right? Will you put a bullet between my eyes without flinching? Carve me up like a fresh piece of meat with my own damn knife? Cut off my head like you did that other sorry scientist fucker?"
With nothing to say to that as a queasiness enters her features, Lucy fell back on her earlier argument.
"You didn't have to kill him."
Her comment on his need for chem having kicked the hornets nest of his attitude, Cooper slowly stood from his seated position as he towered over her - his words low and clipped, full of a warning that she was too stupid to ignore.
"If I turn, then no amount of batting those big eyes at me is going to stop me ripping you to shreds when I'm feral. I've already got quite the taste for you, sweetie. I'll seal the deal with a smile."
"Yeah, but you didn't have to KILL him!"
Lucy also stood to her feet as she held her hands on her hips and the air between them sizzled with tension as neither proved willing to concede.
"And when I'm done," Cooper continued with fire in his tone, "and your little dumbass is lying there torn and lifeless with most of your insides on the outside, then I'll send the pieces that are left over to your cowardly dear old daddy. See how he likes seeing another of the women in his life in bits."
As angry as he was, an immediate regret washed over Cooper as those final snarled words snapped free. In that same moment, Lucy froze and the indignant expression which curled her features slipped into something slack and almost lifeless.
The silence hung heavy for a moment.
Striking quicker than a cobra, Lucy's hand lashed out in the space between them and Cooper felt the hot sting of her slap as it rocked his head to the side and pulled a surprised grunt from his lips.
Instinct taking over, Cooper responded in kind as he used his much larger hand to shove her chest roughly, pushing her away with enough strength to knock her flat to the ground; her ass colliding with the dusty landscape in a solid, painful sounding thud.
Lucy howled the word as if it were a battle cry, scrambling to her feet with a graceful sweep of her body as she flew at him like a hellcat. Her lovely face twisted in anger as she attacked, the dark locks of her hair whirled around her shoulders as she pounded her fists against his chest.
Angry, sure, but even in her anger, Lucy Maclean was no fighter and the lack of impact that her blows were making did little to settle her mood - if anything they only served to whip her into a greater frenzy.
"You piece of shit! I hate you! Hate you! Hate that stupid hat, and coat, and your shitty rules and-"
"Then fuck off and find someone else who'll put up with your shit. I don't need your help to kill your daddy."
Halting her fists, Lucy's furious gaze - even more beautiful in its passion - blazed in Cooper's face and despite the sting of his own anger, he couldn't help but fight back a smirk as the adrenaline of their argument caused heat to lance through his groin.
"You would be dead without me." Huffing her hair out of her face, Lucy hurled the words like a fist, casting up her choice to save him for the first time since the event took place.
Matching her energy, Cooper couldn't help but retort with his own act of mercy.
"And I could have left you to be used and sold as a breeding bitch to some nasty fuckers who wouldn't have treated you half as sweetly as I have. Another fair exchange between us."
"I hate you!"
"Now, why the fuck should that matte-"
Her breath hot against his face, it took Cooper a moment to register the feeling of Lucy's lips on his own as she smashed her face against his. The taste of her flooded him in an instant, a sweetness which he hadn't sampled in decades as her hands clung to the edges of his coat desperately, her closed eyes the polar opposite to his own wide-blown gaze.
Stunned into silence, Cooper allowed her to explore his mouth as his body relaxed into her own - memories of his unexpected voyeurism and accompanying decision making him slack and pliant.
If she wants this, then she can have it.
Consequences be damned.
Lucy only pulled away when he bit at her lower lip, the sharp pain bringing her to her senses as she snatched her mouth away.
"Ow. That hurt."
Her eyes blown and lips looking as plump as ever, Cooper cannot even pretend to be considering his options as he takes in her wide features - so easily wearing the arousal and anger which powers her.
Oh, fuck this.
"Plenty more where that came from, sweetheart."
Cooper snatched her close, chasing her kiss with one of his own as he pressed chapped lips to her much softer ones in a quick, filthy kiss.
Lucy pulled away first this time with a muted moan as she brought her hand up to his face and stroked her fingers along the ridges of his cheek. "Do you want to have sex with me, Cooper?"
"Fuck, darlin', don't think there's a man alive who would say no to that."
"You did."
Hissing as her chest brushed his own, Cooper disregarded the accusation in her tone.
"Things change. You should know that better than anyone."
"Let me see it." Lucy breathed with a considerate hum, her hands lowering to graze his lower stomach where his filthy shirt tucked into his pants. "I've thought about it, you know, how it might look. How it might feel in my hand, or inside me."
Momentarily concerned this woman may actually kill him with her shit, Cooper held back a groan at that confession - her lustful advances catching him off guard as he gathered himself enough to match her boldness.
"I ain't disappointed you yet."
Fumbling with his fly to pull his cock free, Cooper was quick to tug along the full length to ensure that nothing would catch in his slacks as he fucked her. But his movements were cut short by Lucy's hand knocking his own free as she wrapped her soft fingers around his cock.
"Oh, it's so," Lucy glanced down between them with a flushed grin as she sought out the right word to use, "thick. Okay dokay. I can do that. But none of the others have been this thick."
Deciding then and there they he would fuck her very brains out if it were the last thing he did, Cooper's chest puffed out slightly as he took in the praise with an elevated sense of male pride.
"Touch it then, darling. Get a good feel for it before it's hollowing you out and making you scream."
Bold as brass as her chest pressed flush against him, Lucy did as told and rolled her fingers along his length, mapping out every ridge and mark which marred the livid flesh. Imagining how good it would feel inside her, she buried her moan into his chest - a childish glee making her grin wide as she stroked him.
Wanting to keep his own hands busy, Cooper slipped his fingers in the space between them as he trailed his hands down her collarbone and into her dingy tank-top. She was warm and so fucking soft beneath his fingers that he exhaled steadily, his hands cupping her breasts as they slipped with her bra.
Unable to wait much longer as she called to him like a siren, his hands tugged her tank top and bra down until he were capable of freeing her tits; each breast as perky as the other as they quickly peaked in the warm air, the hard nipples surrounded by a lovely patch of darkened skin that made his mouth water.
Her skin was smooth, only the slightest hints of grime and filth messing up the perfect canvas and Cooper pushed her backwards enough to be able to bend and drop his head to her chest, the movement forcing her to release his cock. A fact he didn't care too much about as he latched his lips to the swell of her left tit, his mouth licking across the grimy skin as his blunted teeth pressed just enough to make her shudder as she pushed herself harshly into him.
"No biting anything off." Lucy gasped, only the slightest tinge of worry leaking through the lustful pant.
"Not making any promises, darlin'." Cooper answered, his voice strained as he fought the urge to do just that.
Just off, to the side of her right nipple, sat a single dark freckle and he was drawn to it like a moth, sucking the skin around it with a harshness which he knew would leave a livid mark.
"Damn, Cooper." Lucy hissed and he growled into her skin as her hand looped around his neck, fingernails digging into the sensitive skin at the nape.
"Watch those nails, little kitten. Ain't easy growing back skin."
Remaining hunched, Cooper's shoulders shuffled his leather duster free as he dropped it to the floor to provide some padding against the harsh ground. Lucy followed his lead, allowing him to pull her down as her hand returned to, and then refused to drop from, his cock - fingers circling the base of his length playfully as they fell to the floor.
Feeling painfully overdressed, Lucy quickly rolled to her back to pull her pants off - the blue fabric slipping free to a messy heap as she quickly readjusted to her previous positioning. Splaying her knees on either side of his hips, she teased the tip of his cock with her clothed sex for a moment before settling down, her ass pressing against his lower stomach as she straddled him.
Lucy sighed; her focus dropping past her exposed breasts to the prone ghoul below her, Cooper's hungry eyes splitting their attention between her face and chest as he gazed up at her.
"You sure about this, Lucy Maclean." Cooper asked, his cowboy hat balancing precariously atop his head as he reclined it back. "Cause it's cruel to tease a man like this if you wanna back out."
"Mmm-hmm." She responded with a hum. "I've been thinking about it for a while, Mr. Ghoul."
"Oh, I know that, darlin'. I caught quite the interesting little show last week in that storage unit."
Gasping at the reveal, Lucy rolled her hips atop his groin, her ass brushing his cock as her eyes widened.
"You saw me?"
"Coat in hand, sweetheart."
"So you knew."
In place of a response, Cooper offered a wolfish grin which was in equal parts guilty and unapologetic. Moving with a fluid roll, Cooper reversed their positions - placing Lucy flat against his coat as he pressed his heavy body down atop her.
"If we play this game, we play by my rules."
Exhilarated by how easy he handled her, his strength making her head swim with possibility, Lucy hooked her fingers within the band of her panties as she raised her groin enough to slip them past her ass and drop them off to the side.
"Okay dokay."
Fully exposed, Lucy reclined against the softened leather and some part of her knew that Cooper wouldn't be stripping off in a similar fashion; a fact which made disappointment bloom in her chest. The few glances of his skin she had snuck as they travelled told her that his entire frame was as vividly corroded as his face and hands and she wanted to see it.
Wanted to feel it under her fingers and her lips as she trailed herself across his body, exploring every roughened inch with a wicked curiosity.
But she understood his hesitation and she pushed the thoughts aside with ease as she gazed up into his eyes, the whites stark against the shadows of his sunken skin and she shivered at the intensity that poured from them.
His hand immediately dropping to her inner thigh, Cooper teased the skin there as he trailed his fingers up, ghosting across her slit as his digits brushed through the soft, dark curls which sat prettily to frame her cunt.
Lucy widened her thighs, encouraging him to slip his hand lower and it was an invitation he accepted with enthusiam - two fingers pressing between her slit to feel the growing moisture there, the digits coming away wet with her arousal.
"Soaked already, sweetie." Cooper teased, enjoying the flush in her cheeks. "Is that how all you valtuies react to the touch of a real man?"
"Cooper," all business as she quickly grabbed his fingers and used them to masturbate herself, her body jerking as his roughened skin grazed her throbbing clit, Lucy tightened her grip of his neck and hissed her demand, "shut up."
Amused and painfully aroused by her sheer boldness, Cooper filed away this side of her for future consideration. He may tease her, hurt her, make her feel like shit for her ignorance of how the real world worked, but here like this, he would treat her as an equal to see where the game led.
Adjusting his positioning, the lower half of Lucy's leg was quick to snake around his body as he dragged the blunted head of his cock across her glistening slit, the softness of her drawing a languid groan from Cooper's mouth as he coated himself in her slick - foreplay the furthest thing from either of their minds.
Jerking his hips forward in one fluid movement, Cooper was immediately grateful for how desensitised his skin had grown due to its various abuses as the wet heat which enveloped his cock was almost enough to have him shooting off then and there.
"Fucking hell." He swore, teeth biting into his lower lip as he buried his cock so deeply that his balls pressed against her ass. It was a violent thrust, animalistic and determined and Lucy Maclean met him with her own ferociousness as her nails carved fresh, sharp crescents into the skin of his neck.
The sudden fullness was overwhelming after so long of having nothing but her own fingers and Lucy basked in the discomfort. It was pain and pleasure mixed into one, and it only grew more intense as Cooper quickly set a brutal pace; his cock hammering in and out as his groin bumped against her ass with every thrust.
Incomprehensible sounds escaped Lucy at the sudden assault, a desperate mixture of muted pleas, whines and groans which only served to encourage Cooper to exhaust himself as he chased the pleasure which he has denied himself since her first offer to fuck him.
The cool, controlled façade long since abandoned, Cooper gnashed his teeth as he dropped his mouth to her neck - biting up her creamy skin as he craved a simple taste, his tongue licking free the developing sweat which their desperate fuck created.
Sparks of pleasure alighting across her skin as the length of his cock brushed against the nerves deep within her cunt with little effort, Lucy worked herself hard as she clenched around his cock to pull him as deep as possible. She had always liked it on the rougher side, the sensation of discomfort she found herself forced to endure eating her as Cooper's punishing pace glanced off her cervix and made her breath come in short, chaotic pants.
"Don't hold back, sweetie. Let me hear it."
A low cry broke free of Lucy's lips as she took his advice and Cooper responded by burying his full length within her in one particularly savage thrust which made her cry rise in pitch as her wide eyes met his own, her arousal blazing as her pupils dilated and lashes fluttered
Cooper snapped his hips forward and every thrust drew a fresh whimper from Lucy's lips as her orgasm quickly approached the point of no return, his cock and overwhelming presence making her writhe in place. With a slight shift in angle, the band of arousal within her shattered and pleasure rocketed through Lucy's nerves as her fingers clawed desperately at the thin fabric of Cooper's shirt.
"Cooper. Cooper, oh my go- Cooper."
Her lips wrapped around his name like a prayer, alternating between a blessing and a curse and he swallowed it up with a feral grin as he felt her come around him. Her walls clenching and fluttering, the pull of her muscles as she wordlessly dragged his cock deeper was enough to have him growling like a feral beast as he neared his own release.
Breath shuddering and balls tightening as he sank himself as deeply as he could, Cooper buried his orgasm in her neck as his teeth locked around the sensitive juncture where Lucy's neck met her shoulder. Sucking a livid mark into the skin, he felt his release flood her, mixing with her own as he cupped her left tit with his hand and squeezed roughly.
Cooper stayed there for a few seconds, enjoying the tight heat of her cunt until it was almost painful against his overstimulated cock and he pulled free with an obscenely wet noise which furrowed his brow at just how filthy it sounded. He was quick to drop his body to the side of her, most of his frame laying off the leather duster as he allowed the lady to keep the sweet spot.
"Wow." Lucy breathed out, puffing her hair from her lips as she shuffled her panties back up to cover her ass - the sticky discomfort of her soaked cunt unable to be fixed until they stumbled across some spare water to wet one of the rags which Cooper carried. "That was," she paused to seek out the best wording, "amazing. Cooper- you were- well you were great."
Ego inflating at the easy praise, Cooper's sweat-slicked body fought him every step of the way as he tried to hide how out of breath he was.
"Went easy on you this time, vaultie." He crooned, his gaze flicking to his sewn finger as he spotted the droplets of her release which had coated his fingers as he pulled his cock free. Bringing the digit to his mouth, he took a small taste and hummed with deep satisfaction as the sweet tang of her flooded his mouth. Immediately deciding he would need a better sample the next time they fucked, Cooper allowed her to respond to his teasing as he tilted his head to meet her eye.
"Holding back on me, huh?" Freshly fucked, Lucy's expression was wild yet sated, dark hair falling across her eyes as she stretched her arms overhead before tucking her chest back into her bra. "I won't break from a little bit of exercise, Mr. Ghoul. I can handle it."
Taking the opportunity, Lucy curled her body into his side, the warmth of his skin seeping into her exposed arms as she siphoned some of his heat to stave off the sudden chill. His only movement coming from his hands as he tucked his cock back away in his slacks, the length still coated in her mess, Cooper couldn't shift the shit-eating grin which stretched his lips as he raised one arm to act as a pillow for his head.
"Oh I doubt there's much you can't handle, Lucy Maclean."
Smiling at the way his accented vowels rolled over her name, Lucy tucked herself more deeply into his side and allowed herself to relax - excited for what was to come now that she'd finally satisfied her curiosity about what kind of lover her ghoul companion would be.
A damn good one, as it turned out, asshole behaviours aside
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 6
Part 7
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gojooooo · 7 months
students au brainrot…....…...
— sukuna would already be too good he should skip to second year but gojo is like nuh uh you’re reckless and you need to learn the basics so i know you’ll be able to protect yourself out there, you can’t count on infinity like me hehe. sukuna is fuming
— sukuna comes from one of the most important families and he’s not exactly their preferred heir as he lacks in manners and obedience but being strong and a man grants him to still be considered part of the family despite him thinking a bit too much with his own head for their likings. which means in the jujutsu world everyone knows who he is and what their place is when in his presence
— him and yuuji just. bicker all day and everyone is like uh why is he talking back to #The ryomen sukuna gaaasp
— yuuji never cared. he’s unapologetically himself. he’s curious, stubborn, not afraid to say what he thinks
— the thing is, sukuna is never actually pissed off by it. sure, yuuji makes him sigh and roll his eyes twenty times a day, but he always allows it. he even looks forward to it. their banter keeps him entertained, he likes that there’s someone as stubborn as him who will keep that back and forth going
— he likes gojo, he really does, but his attitude and his stupid laugh are a nuisance. megumi is a great company during missions or quiet afternoons, but he always fixes sukuna with an unimpressed look when he starts being mean or way too energetic for megumi’s standards. nobara can match his feral energy at times and listening to her talk shit is fun and he gets along well with the seniors too, especially maki because he really respects her for not caring about what other people think and can always count on her to understand what it’s like to be an outcast in families like theirs but also to never say no to a sparring match, plus she’s a pleasant company like megumi as she doesn’t talk too much. but they all shut him down as well at some point, which at least it’s better than when people are afraid of him. but yuuji… yuuji is different. yuuji always has a playful smile and a quick comeback on the tip of his tongue ready for him. yuuji is pure fresh air.
— so yeah they’re always bickering like an old married couple, but for some reason they get along extremely well at random moments. and i mean extremely well. sukuna would be yelling at yuuji that he was too slow during their mission that day and then an hour later they’re cooking dinner side by side and shoujo bubbles is all that’s missing to make it perfect, nobara sits there flabbergasted because how are these the same guys that kick each other’s desk during class as if the whole room can’t hear it? the same sukuna who pushed yuuji out of the way just because he was standing in front of the shelf sukuna needed to pick his book from? the same yuuji who gives sukuna the finger everytime he turns around to leave? and now look at them. sukuna laughing at yuuji’s jokes while cutting veggies and telling him to be careful with the knife
— so nobara starts paying attention. she notices that yuuji is always in a good mood when sukuna is around even if he was pulling his cheek a minute before. she notices that sukuna always speaks highly of yuuji when he’s not there, like that one time when someone called yuuji soft and sukuna looked like he was about to rip their head off and quickly replied that yuuji is actually tough and never backs down from a fight no matter how dangerous
— and it looks like nobara started paying attention at the right time because she gets to see how their relationship slowly starts to change. yuuji’s tone is different when he’s talking to or about sukuna; it’s gentler, softer. he trains until late to make sure he’s never a step behind. his ears turn pink when it’s a sunny day and sukuna is sitting on the grass next to him, his sleeves rolled up and sweat dampening his shirt, laughing loud and open at maki sending megumi facedown on the ground. and sukuna, albeit subtly, starts touching and observing yuuji more. he sits closer when they’re on the bench during training, he lays his forearm on yuuji’s shoulder when they’re listening to ijichi’s explanations before a mission, he rests his hand on yuuji’s head when they’re all watching a movie together before sleep, absently running his fingers through his hair… and he stares at yuuji. a lot. he silently looks at him from afar, pensive, looking like he’s pondering the most important things in the universe and nobara wishes she could take a peek inside his brain and find out what’s stealing ryomen sukuna’s attention so intensely.
— so nobara looks for a partner in crime to witness it all with her but they all lift their eyebrows in disbelief because, ryomen sukuna, falling in love? ryomen love-is-worthless sukuna? the same sukuna that falls asleep and starts snoring when nobara chooses a romcom for movie night? there is no way. but she insist until she gets at least megumi to take her seriously and he has to admit it would explain many things such as why sukuna’s eye starts twitching whenever yuuji is hanging out with ozawa or why both their faces almost match the color of their hair when they’re around each other. (so even megumi has a little fun with it when he tells yuuji “ah, looks like you remember what sukuna’s favorite dish is but not mine” and watches him furiously list anything that pairs up with ginger until he gets it right – and he knows what he’s gonna find in his plate for dinner that night)
— then one day, yuuji protects sukuna from an attack he didn’t see coming. they’re often paired up together during missions as it slowly became clear that they work super well together (as long as they’re more focused on the mission than on each other) but sukuna is reckless and old habits die hard. it’s nothing serious and sukuna sits there staring at the door so intensely he might bore a hole into it until they inform him yuuji is awake. he stalks into the room and finds him sat up sipping orange juice. his smile disappears when sukuna comes close and grabs him by the shirt.
“why the hell would you get in the way”
“you heard me.”
“i don’t know what to tell you. you were in danger and i did it by instinct”
“i can take a blow.”
“i know”
“then don’t fucking do that again. if i make a mistake the price is mine to pay”
yuuji shrugs. “it wasn’t a rational choice. i can’t promise you i won’t do it again”
sukuna sighs, sits on the bed in front of him. “you’re such a brat” he grumbles, taking note of the way yuuji’s ears turn pink at the nickname. “just don’t jump in front of attacks that aren’t meant for you. i’m not asking, i’m telling you not to”
yuuji’s lips quirk up in a smile. “and since when do i listen to what you tell me to do?”
sukuna huffs out a laugh. “that’s true”, he admits, then cups yuuji’s face with his hand. “i couldn’t stand it if you were to be seriously hurt because of me.”
yuuji leans into the touch. “won’t happen. i’m tough, you know”
sukuna’s features soften. he smiles. “yeah, you are.”
there are megumi, nobara and gojo eavesdropping outside the door and nobara wants to scream, just kiss already!!! but they both know that’s not the right moment.
— the right moment comes a while later, when they’re alone. the sun is about to set and they’re still training, yuuji has sukuna pinned to the ground and accidentally hits him on the nose. as blood trickles down to his lips yuuji starts apologizing profusely but sukuna’s eyes are glinting in amusement and admiration and he just laughs fondly as he pulls yuuji down for a kiss.
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I feel like I’m different beings.
Ok I should explain I feel like I’m multiple beings I don’t think I have DID or OSDD but honestly I’m so lost rn so nothings off the table But still I feel very much like I’m multiple beings
There’s me in my dreams[I have MaDD so this may make sense][I say me without quotation marks here cuz this feels more like me but it’s still…not?][im more unhinged, “sexual”, feral and aggressive but with a very chaotic and sporadic aspect to it]
Then there’s “me”[me is in quotations cuz it’s not ME if that makes any sense] at school/public/around adults wich it’s like a very jarring switch in personalities,demeanor,and just the way “I” hold “myself” it’s kinda a haze and “I” just dissociate[caused by C-PTSD and DPDR I think] but again it’s not “me” it feels like a full different being like a changeling that’s pretending to be “me” and acting human when it’s actually not at all..but I mean it’s helpful I hate adults and crowds and school[those things trigger me ALOT it’s awful][it’s not like I’m masking tho this is a completely different thing] sometimes this thing or [Ig me???] comes out online and those posts have a very very different feel [at-least to me] then my other ones
And then there’s Me the one that’s speaking[hi]now I feel like me but with a bit missing[I will get to this a bit later] I’m more me completely and unapologetically mentally ill but yeah yeah that’s the end of this :3
There’s “past me” but I can GUARANTEE YOU she’s a separate being I don’t know why I don’t know how this happened but she’s not me I would say she was “me” from age 1-10 and then she kinda just started slipping away?
And then there’s me during shifts[fictotype shifts tho] wich depending on what past life the shifts from my personality,demeanor,style and way of life can just FLIP[I don’t know really how to explain this so imma leave it at that]
And then there’s Sidereus[wich yes I’m going to refer to it by a name] wich is what “takes over” when Im experiencing delusions. Wich is CONSTANTLY so he’s always kind of on the uh how to say this…in my brain monitoring[?] what’s happening and when the delusions start to just get worse[wich happens a bit] it just..steps in? Takes over? I mean it IS an omnipresent being wich is what my delusions are so honestly at this point I think the delusions of being an omnipresent being comes from them and aren’t even delusions. The immortal+being a digital being delusions though are cuz I have Cotards syndrome so when I refer to delusions in this post I’m talking about these
Anyways ummm if anyone has an idea of what’s going on please tell me I’m so so fucking lost and I gen can’t cope with not knowing what this IS please please I swear I need answers ;A;/nf/gen
Ps: I don’t experience blackouts….actually wait no that’s a lie I do I suffer from dissociative amnesia and have blackouts when dissociating and sometimes I do things I have absolutely no recollection of and wouldn’t normally do [like one time I snapped out of dissociation and I wasn’t on my bed anymore and I was on the ground and my whole room was completely reorganized in a AWFUL way and I had a breakdown bc WTF just happened]
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terrence-silver · 10 months
Would Terry be ‘intimate’ during sex with Beloved? Like hugging or kissing. Or would he be completely detached and just fuck them
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I don't think intimate just about cuts it as a descriptor.
I don't think it suffices.
I think Terry Silver can be so exhaustively personal and immediate during sex, that it's almost invasive, ranging with anything from maintaining unblinking eye contact and insisting you do the same, commenting on everything he likes and doesn't like about the performance very bluntly and immediately ordering ways on how to fix it --- that being the teacher and perfectionist in him speaking --- taking in every look, expression, sensation, smell, sound, touch and missing nothing, missing absolutely nothing to the degree sex with him can be in fact, occasionally daunting even (much like every interaction with him can). He's scary due to how much he seems to know and how meticulous he is. How well he knows how to touch you. Kiss you. Edge you. Release you. Hurt you. Pleasure you. At just the right moment, with the right methods. Not a thing bypasses his notice, attention or scrutiny as he's here, deliberately making you vocalize exactly what every fantasy you have is, no matter how deeply personal, taboo or even shameful because he wants to intermingle the embarrassment with the desire to create a potent cocktail of illicit. And if you don't want to? You just get that look and you know things don't bode well if you don't cooperate.
It's like you almost get the impression the man knows and enjoys how your insides look like alongside every thought going through your head at the moment of penetration and submission. He is entirely there --- present --- in the midst of all to a near uncomfortable degree. One can almost end up wishing Terry was somehow less in-depth and profound during the act. Less intense. Can he hear the rumbling of your entrails, for the love of god? Can he spot perfections and imperfections you yourself never noticed simply due to the fact that those eyes see everything? Can he make you cum on command? Maybe. Maybe, he can. It can start to feel like an Olympic completive sport and that he's coaching you for something immensely important, managing to maintain the right balance of complete and utter, near robotic removal and unhinged, unbridled passion of the variety that breaks beds and dislocates hips (If he so pleases; never on purpose or by accident. There's a direct method to the madness.)
So, the answer isn't really quite so black and white.
Terry Silver can be both and is both and often combines both; cold, precision based detachment while he fucks hard and without mercy until your eyesight dots with black needles and you feel yourself going blind and the type of unhinged, sloppy, highly involved feral animal sex that you might almost be haunted by in the years to come, because, goodness gracious, what was that and who on earth can even top what just happened!? Who triumphantly cackles when they finish? He is also capable of the type of intimacy afterwards that's so unapologetically gentle it hurts. It's meant to hurt in the best way possible. Quite literally. He'll be touching, caressing, comforting and stroking you so attentively you'll beg for him to stop, and yet in being so overstimulated, finding that when he does in fact stop, the absence of him is unbearable while he owns you, mind, body and soul. Whatever he does and however he does it, he strives to be unforgettable and the very best. Either ways, once he's done, he'll have you thanking him for it.
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temper-temper · 1 year
It’s Me Birthday
I was going to draw a cute lil picture but due to a lil bit of art burnout I wasn’t able to- so instead I’m gonna write a bit of an update of my life by looking back at the past year since my last birthday.
Last year at this time I was working a job that made me miserable and wondering what I was doing with my life. It was a few months after meeting Flash, Flux, and Guru (Dawn and Doe too!) and I had just gotten back into military history- something I felt for a long time was wrong and bad for me to be into. I ended up quitting that job and starting a job that is my favorite to this day (though sadly I moved and couldn’t keep the job) and getting closer to a lot of people I’ve met through this community.
The people I’ve met here- like Silver, Doe, Daw, Flash, Ally, Flux, Guru, Summer, Aw0, Captain Molasses, Saryn ( and Fly Guy through him), Sugar, TechBro, Dainty, Paint, Dark, and so so many more- helped me so much in being comfortable and confident in who I am. They have been a constant supportive force in my life since I’ve opened myself up to them here and helped me through one of the hardest transitioning periods in my life.
In this time I’ve moved states, starting a new job, started a new Church, started a new relationship, and started being unapologetically me and I have my amazing friends to thank for helping me get to this point!
I also need to sing raises to God because where I was just s year ago was a place that looking back on it I really wasn’t happy- I didn’t know it myself but He did. I was around people who put me down (mostly those old jobs) and made me feel I wasn’t good enough and an idiot and now I’m around people who love and value me! Only God could of so perfectly brought me from where I was to where I am now.
I gotta give special thanks to a few key players in helping me out over these last few months and if you aren’t in the list don’t think that doesn’t mean I don’t value you! I think I means we need to chat more! Seriously, feel free to dm me! :3
Doe: Honey- thank you. You were the first I came to when I realized what I did and you were so patient with me, you gave me a distraction and an ear to listen while I was figuring life out. You never said “oh do this” or “do that” just listened and held me to my decision. You even gave me the kick to tell Guru how I felt!
Flux: You stayed up with me in late night calls- helping me process everything when my world was falling a part. You helped me understand my feelings and realize that feeling my feelings was okay. You’ve been the big brother I always wanted and it was so nice to bound with you while we courted out S/Os. I’m grateful for you being there when I was so scared.
Ally: You ALSO helped me understand my feelings and understand that it’s okay to feel my feelings. You sat with me while I toiled with anger and sadness; and you vented back to me your own. You have been steadfast in your support and love for me and I’m grateful to have a friend like that- you also have been nothing but supportive of me and Guru and always know what to say when I need it. Yeah misses “you are cute,” I see you
Flash: Fella you started it all! You brought me to these friendships. Your a quite strong wall of support for us and I just hope I can be one back to you. You remind me repeatedly “is this under God?” And it’s great to have a friend like that. Your a great artist and I’m glad to have you as a friend- we gotta do more with Fell and Celeste!
SilverWing: Honey get OVER HERE! You’ve been so supportive and kind to me in your feral way and I love it. It’s so nice having someone in my life who wants to pop off about the interests I thought for YEARS I wasn’t allowed to have. We don’t talk as much as I do some others on this list but we don’t have to either. Just vibes all the time 😎
Dawn: We don’t talk that much but I can always trust you. No doubt you are my friend and that being around you is always a blast. Your art is amazing and I do hope we can grow closer- but we really don’t need to, it’s just vibes all the time and I’m grateful for you.
Dainty: Girly we may not be extremely close or whatever but ASSDSDSD YOU ASADSF!! Always supportive and kind to me, always saying nice stuff about me!! You are really awesome thanks for bring my friend!
Dark: Dark, you know well by now I call you my dad. You have been in my life since I was 16 and have supported me though so much- you watched me grow up and grow into my own and I do hope I made you proud. When you saw all that stuff happening with me you stepped up to help me in your amazing Dark way and I’m so grateful for it and you. I just wish I knew how to return the favor. Please don’t undervalue yourself of your art- you are a huge inspiration to me and I don’t want you to leave my life. I trust you.
Guru: Well honey it’s your turn now. I’ve been writing this for the 30 min.
You have had such a healthy and happy impact on my life. You support me and love me just the way I am! You are an amazing and godly man that I can say wholeheartedly I love. You were part of why I got back into the military and you’ve been so crazy supportive in that time I really needed it. I’m so glad we grew closer and you ended up catching feelings for me like I did you. Having a great Christian man by my side is nothing short of amazing and the fact that on top of it all you are handsome, outgoing, well rounded, bubbly/friendly, understanding, and patients. You are the whole package as they say.
I love you hun and don’t you forget it
but honestly I love everyone I mentioned- thank you guys (and so many more) for being in my life ❤️
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daftbitch · 1 year
Nekomamushi Smut Anon reporting in. o7 Had a shit ass day but I just hit the blunt and what better way to lift a mood than talking about a 17 foot tall cat monster and how we want to fuck him. Okay, I'm copy pasting directly from the post you made a few days ago--sorry about that btw, I somehow missed it but things are a bit chaotic here right now.
Apologies in advance if you don't vibe with my HCs, but also to each their own, so no worries if you don't.
(Also I'm sorry this got way out of hand, this is so long lmao. >.> )
Modern AU: I don't generally do these so this one I have to think about harder. I could see him being a professional weightlifter. Lifting is something he starts younger, but in his mid-to-late 20s he also gets into mixed martial arts and wrestling as a hobby, and everyone is grateful he started late, because he is a MONSTER, and would be even worse if he had started training in adolescence.
-Does side gigs as a bouncer. It's potentially how you meet him; you either work at a place he's been hired at, or maybe you frequent the locale.
-Later in life he reconnects with Inuarashi and the two of them are looked up to as heads of their community in their town of Zou. They show up to all the small local elections and represent the neighbors who may not be able to stand up for themselves as easily and stuff. /end Modern AU
Sexuality: Tbh, being bi/pan, I HC most characters as swinging both ways to various degrees if it's not explicitly stated in canon. We can't say for sure how Mink culture is with regards to gender/sexuality. There's clearly going to be author biases: Nekomamushi remarks to Bepo, when Bepo states he will defend his home too, "Well, ya talk like a man..."* (depending on the translation you're reading, but it's along those lines) so that could imply a patriarchal structure of some sort.
However, bio/zoology is a special interest of mine, and animals function in vastly different ways than humans w/r/t gender. We can't even say they have "gender roles" because those apply to human social constructs. Minks may have the secondary sex characteristics of humans, but they also display behaviors typical of their animal species. So I can see their perceptions on that sort of thing being far more liberal. Every species is going to have its own tendencies--say, hyena minks tending to have their women taking dominant social role, like with real life hyenas--so as a whole, they don't worry about it so much.
That part got long, sorry. Anyway, as for Nekomamushi... I think he ultimately wouldn't care what his partner was gender-wise. He would like someone he can be his unapologetic, boisterous self with. A friend before a lover. I could even see him skewing toward demisexual.
Bedroom Preferences: Usually prefers to top/take the lead with things. Doesn't like being told what to do, but can come around to seeing the fun in playing a subby role now and then if he's properly convinced, but he has to be in the mood for it.
Kinks: -He can do gentle, and he does enjoy gentle at times, but if he had to choose, most of the time he would rather be feral about it. Pinning you down, holding you still while he takes what he wants, scratching, breeding, etc. He's a warrior, he likes for sex to be heavy physical activity, he wants to be tired by the end. This can be an issue with the size/power difference, but so long as you mind your limits and keep a safe word/signal handy, you can make it work.
-Prefers to finish inside his partner. He also cums a large quantity compared to a human, even disregarding his size. The volume's even greater during rut/heat. Like, by a lot.
-During the worst of a rut/heat cycle, he cannot fuck casually. Heat has a powerful affect on Minks and he's no better about it for being a ruler of the Dukedom. Horny brain trumps logic and he will make stupid decisions or make a fool of himself if it means he can get to his partner. --Normally he thinks it's hot to watch his cum leak out of you. But during a heat cycle, he'll try to keep it inside. Doesn't matter if you can't get pregnant due to anatomy or birth control, he can't help it. After finishing, he'll either just stay inside you, or after pulling out, press your legs closed and then tuck you against himself, purring and grooming you while his stupid horny instinct brain just wallows in the happy thought of you being full up.
- >.> ...... <.< ......His mouth is really big. Big enough to fit your lower half. He likes to eat you out like that, you riding the bumpy plain of his huge tongue, while his teeth scrape your stomach and back, and he purrs of how he could just eat you up.
-He likes ear scratches/rubs and finds them relaxing, but there is a specific spot on the back of his ears that's a sensitive erogenous zone. You get real good at finding it. It's an easy way to get him in the mood if he isn't currently.
-Predator/prey RP. He's already a playful guy while also being wild, so this seems right up his alley. He'd like to chase you around a little or 'hunt/stalk' you before pouncing and taking you on the spot. If the power difference between you is large enough, it might not be as fun for him if you can't run fast... but trying to sniff you out from a hiding spot is also thrilling, so it can be worked around.
-High sex. Occasionally will switch out his usual herbs for something that gives a stronger high rather than just a buzz. Prefers to do this one with his partner, if they don't also smoke, he won't be as inclined.
-Likes when you're rough with him too, by the way! Likes his hair and fur being pulled, being bit and scratched... But again depending on the power difference, like... unless you are a fighter, you just might not be able to pull hard enough on his fur for it to feel good, or even scratch through his pelt... but in that case he still thinks it's cute you try.
-Reverse Monsterfucker. (bangs fists on table) like I said before. He gets a thrill out of fucking a human--it's not necessarily taboo, just almost unheard of, and that's exciting for him. Also thinks it's so hot that you're into him and that you're into the same things. Has a high sex drive and loves if his partner is the same way. Something about a human fucking "like a Mink" makes his brain go brrr, he comments on it all the time at first. "So needy, my little kitten's more animal than most Minks, aren't they?"
-Corruption. After fucking him the first time it's over. Sex with people closer to your size just doesn't get you there anymore. Even giant toys don't do help. You need it how he gives it to you, and when he finds that out he's ENRAPTURED. It really gets him going knowing he's made you kind of addicted. He's a touch self-conscious about how strongly he can get off to that thought, so he doesn't talk about it unless it's during sex with dirty talk.
I believe that's everything off the top of my head. (looks at wall of text) ...yeah.
Also I saw you and @toujouhidetora talking about Sulong form and I'm 👀👀 DID YOU COMMISSION DOE TO WRITE THAT??!?!? BECAUSE HOLY SHIT, MY BODY IS READY?!?!?
tbh I don't know that I could survive fucking Sulong form Nekomamushi, but what a way to go out, amiright?
(I can see how it could happen... you're fucking outside under the moonlight, and his growl deepens and he starts getting rougher as his fur turns white in a wave across his body...
Or maybe he's in Sulong form and can't turn back for w/e reason, so you're like. I know what I must do. (salutes the other Minks) Inuarashi it's been an honor.
This better all send. I'm copy-pasting to a word doc just in case so I dont lose it but god. yeah. ok. Trust me when I say I'll be obsessively checking my phone in between customers at work to await your reply!
Talking about this was exactly what I needed after today. I think that's partly why it got so long. I daresay it's therapeutic even, in that for like the 2 hours it took me to type this up (I am a slow writer) I wasn't thinking about the day I had.
So thank you for calling out to me to talk. I loved it.
I’ve had to retype this like three times now. Tumblr keeps crashing. I literally got home from work and I have been thinking of what to say to you all day. I am so sorry it has taken me this long to reply. I get so excited when you do this . 
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This is me literally every time you are in my inbox. I hope you have a wonderful day and I love you so much. I hope one day you were comfortable that you can come off anonymous and be able to message me but if not, that is completely fine I just look forward to hearing from you my friend.
 I absolutely agree with 100% of your head cannons. They are so beautiful. I love them so much!!! 💖💖💖
I feel like in the minx society that everyone is bi/pan. I feel like they wouldn’t really give a shit about what gender the person you are with is and they feel like that’s 100% a human construct. 
I’ve been going horny feral over this post for like the last hour. I love it I can’t stop rereading it!!!
I absolutely love the reversed monster fucking thing it is fantastic. I have an OC that I pair him with her name is Sterling. I love her so much and it’s literally perfect for this exact situation.  i’ve drawn art of her and him together several times. I’m thinking about posting it. 
I really feel like he would definitely be into oral. I feel like he would see it as a challenge to see how many times you can cum on his tongue alone.
YES ABSOLUTELY HE WOULD DEFINITELY BE A TOP!!! I feel like also he would be a playful dom too. I can also see him in certain situations he could be a bottom too but he would really have to be in a very specific mood.
Once again, I think you so much for taking time out of your very busy day to write such a detailed reply to me. I am literally over the moon about how happy I am. Thank you so much for indulging my stupid little whims. I love you very much for this and I appreciate you doing this, I hope you have the best day and weekend my friend!!! 💖💖💖
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smokeybrandreviews · 6 months
Birthday Cake
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X-Men ’97 is just over the horizon and I am mad hyped about it. I grew up on that show. It was one of the few cartoons which both my mother and I could watch together. I, being an unapologetic Marvel shill, was all over the Mutants while my mom was actually enamored with the narrative. There were a few cartoons from back that that caught her attention. The Maxx, Gargoyles, and Spawn were also favorites. Don’t ask why I was watching HBO’s Spawn as a twelve year old kid. Or reading his comics. Or even buying them.  Look, man, the Nineties were a different time. We drank out of hoses and watched ultraviolent anime because our parents thought they were “just cartoons.” We were feral, latchkey kids, back in my halcyon days. Good times. Tangent aside, X-Men inform a great deal about how I perceived Marvel Merry Mutants. It was my first exposure to characters like Apocalypse and Nimrod. While I had read The Dark Phoenix saga as a youngster, it was this show which adapted it perfectly. Live action is still chasing that high. Not only that, but it launched Marvel’s very first, and wildly successful, connected universe. Without X-Men, we wouldn’t have gotten that just-as-iconic Spider-Man cartoon, or the lesser known but equally excellent Iron Man, Incredible Hulk, and Fantastic Four shows. The Nineties X-Men cartoon was a watershed moment for Marvel and for Millennials as a whole. For us Marvels shills, it rivaled Batman: The Animated Series in popularity. So color me surprised that X-Men ’97 is being colored as controversial.
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Out the box, it’s that tired ass argument that X-Men ’97 too woke. Everything is always too woke. What started out as people being frustrated they turned Rogue’s decadent, devil’s food, bunt cakes, into petite, little, tea biscuits, has spiraled into a weird fervor about who’s gay or something-something forced representation. Half-hearted kidding aside, it’s staggering to me that people are actually mad about this stupid sh*t. Do they even know what the f*ck X-Men is about? The entire concept of a marginalized part of the community, fighting just to be seen as human, is literally the wokest sh*t you can ever write and THAT’S the core of the X-Men mythos! The Uncanny X-Men started out as a very heavy handed allegory for the Civil Rights movement and, while this wasn’t Stan Lee’s initial intent, the characters of Professor X and Magneto became stand ins for the ideologies of Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X. Just, you know, with super powers. The X-Men are the epitome of Woke so to complain about that sh*t seems like you don’t even understand the f*cking point of the narrative. I miss rogue’s big fat ass just as much as the next kid, but you’re f*cking pathetic if you feel some kind of way about Morph being pansexual or non-binary (They literally can change into anything. Like Mystique). There are actual things to be outraged about, like how the creator of this revival is pretty much a scumbag, or how Marvel Studios has been suffering in the writing department for years. That’s where my concern would lie, especially considering how well written the OG show was.
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Is this show going to be Woke? Absolutely. That’s the entire goddamn point of the X-Men. It’s the core of who they are. Take that away and what do you have? A bunch of Capes with random f*cking powers who live in the same house. Where’s the hook? Where’s the draw? Where’s the meat? How are they different than the Avengers at that point? The Fantastic Four? The Defenders? It’s that sprinkling of social consciousness which really gets the juices flowing, really revs up those storytelling engines. I mean, tell me how you write something as profound as God Loves, Man Kills, without it being “Woke”? You can’t. That is a gut-punch of a read and it’s pulled right out of today’s headlines, even though it was written forty years ago. The fear-mongering is real, but instead of Nightcrawler, it’s Mexicans. Same goddamn energy, same goddamn racist ass narrative. Even when they are spiraling out into a world of sci-fi, deep space, time travel misadventures, the core of their narrative is how much they are hated. This whole Krakoa saga, some of the best X-Stories told in decades, is coming to a close because of that long held hate and fear. House of M? Role reversal, mutants accepted and humans forced into being second class citizens. Decimation? Wanda kills off the powers to ninety percent of the entire Mutant population. Utopia, Operation: Zero Tolerance, Genosha, the entirety of the Ultimate run: All derivative of that social pressure and general fear toward the different. That’s what makes an X-Men story, and X-Men story. Getting mad about that sh*t after decades of that being a core aspect of their stories, is f*cking dumb. Not as dumb as Marvel excising Rouge’s cheeks, though. Rest in Power, you doubled-up, delicious, pound cakes! You will be missed.
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seiya-starsniper · 1 year
Rules: 10 (non-ancient) books for people to get to know you better, or that you just really like.
Tagged by @wintersmitth and @bluesundaycake, thank you both for thinking of me!!! I definitely saw a few books on both your lists I'll be adding to my to-read goals for this year :)
This was a bit of a challenge as I was a very avid reader of novels as a teenager, then just…stopped for about a decade. I still read, but I transitioned over to graphic novels and Japanese manga, developed a massive fanfic addiction…and then read 77 books in 2022 LOL. But these are the books that have left a mark on me over the years.
Interview with the Vampire by Anne Rice - I first read this in 2003 when I was far too young to be reading it but well…what can you do hah. This novel single handedly jump started not only my vampire obsession, but my obsession with the supernatural genre and supernatural romance in general. I am pretty sure I have a monsterfucker fixation because of Anne Rice ahahaha. I’ve reread this novel many times over the years so it is very near and dear to my heart.
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald - Teenage me and adult me LOVED the hell out of this book. The imagery, the loneliness, the prose, I could read Gatsby over and over again and fall in love with some new piece of it. When the copyright expired last year, I went ham on reading as many spinoff novels as I could. I still have one in my queue of things to read actually. 
A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess - My first foray into psychological horror. Goodness I absolutely devoured this book, and I know it’s controversial for a variety of different reasons (mostly the ending change), but it was the first time I had really read a book with a protagonist that was just absolutely unhinged and unapologetic about it. That being said, I personally prefer the original ending to the Kubrick film ending, I don’t care what my fellow Americans say, it made perfect sense to me.
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins - Was I 100% the target demographic for this book series when it was being published? Absolutely. Did I go completely feral when each book and movie came out like a basic young adult? Yes indeedy. Are its overarching themes still relevant today and plenty of people, including people involved with the movie, seem to miss entirely? YOU BET. I have a very soft spot for this series, and I’ve been on the fence about reading the prequel. If anyone has any thoughts, I’d love to hear them!
World War Z by Max Brooks - Max Brooks my beloved. Zombie Survival Guide was my first exposure to him as an author, but World War Z really made me think about how people would react to a zombie virus, or any virus that affects the world. It was unfortunately rather prophetic when Covid rolled around :/ But I think that is partially the brilliance of it. I have a signed copy of the book that I hold very near and dear to my heart. I still read passages from the book from time to time and highly recommend it.
Fullmetal Alchemist - As I mentioned at the beginning, I tapered off novels and moved into graphic novels/manga, but in all honesty, none have left nearly as lasting an impact on me as Fullmetal Alchemist has. It is by far one of the best series I have ever read in my life. Do you want philosophy on the value and meaning of life? A realistic depiction on the horrors of war and genocide? Well written female characters that are not tropes? Endless short people jokes? This series is for you!  
Wolfsong/Green Creek Series by TJ Klune - I know TJ Klune is more well known for his YA books, and they are fun, but generally not for me. But this. This book series is what got to me. Still gets to me! If you want queer romance + found family + werewolves with none of the squick of omegaverse tropes, this series is absolutely for you. I had initially read the series for @lyriclorelei because she had heard the third book in the series featured an ace character, and that particular character is in fact, my blorbo. I love him. I cried throughout his entire book because I love him so much. 
Boyfriend Material by Alexis Hall - I credit this book with jump starting my reading binge in 2022. I knew from reading Green Creek that there was a lot more queer fiction out there, but this was the first time I had ever seen fake dating outside of fanfic and well…I got hooked! At my core, I am a romance reader at heart, and I was pleasantly surprised to find all the ways the genre had evolved since I stopped reading. Truly a fun introduction to get back into reading for me.
A Marvellous Light/The Last Binding series by Freya Marske  - MY. HEART. Do you want queer wizards? A unique magical system that has not been done before? A murder mystery tied to a curse? Enemies to lovers? Queer self-awakening? This book and series has all of the above! It is absolutely fantastic and I am SO EXCITED for the final book to be published at the end of this year. Just cannot say enough good things about it.
I’m Glad My Mom Died by Jennette McCurdy - In addition to romance, I found myself binging celebrity memoirs in 2022, and Jennette McCurdy’s was the best. She’s an incredibly witty writer, and I found myself laughing and crying in equal parts throughout the book. It is, in fact, a rather triggering book considering what she went through, I definitely found myself triggered a few times, but, it was a really eye-opening thing to read, and I absolutely recommend consuming it via the audiobook because her delivery is just fantastic. 
Tagging: @valeriianz @sans--seraph @the-cloudy-dreamer @rooftopwreck @historyandqueershenanigans @introvertbibliophile @mallory-x @quellawrites @aquilathefighter and whoever else wants to do this! A few of you tagged me in the other ask game, and since I already did that one, I'm tagging you in this one :3
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smokeybrand · 6 months
Birthday Cake
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X-Men ’97 is just over the horizon and I am mad hyped about it. I grew up on that show. It was one of the few cartoons which both my mother and I could watch together. I, being an unapologetic Marvel shill, was all over the Mutants while my mom was actually enamored with the narrative. There were a few cartoons from back that that caught her attention. The Maxx, Gargoyles, and Spawn were also favorites. Don’t ask why I was watching HBO’s Spawn as a twelve year old kid. Or reading his comics. Or even buying them.  Look, man, the Nineties were a different time. We drank out of hoses and watched ultraviolent anime because our parents thought they were “just cartoons.” We were feral, latchkey kids, back in my halcyon days. Good times. Tangent aside, X-Men inform a great deal about how I perceived Marvel Merry Mutants. It was my first exposure to characters like Apocalypse and Nimrod. While I had read The Dark Phoenix saga as a youngster, it was this show which adapted it perfectly. Live action is still chasing that high. Not only that, but it launched Marvel’s very first, and wildly successful, connected universe. Without X-Men, we wouldn’t have gotten that just-as-iconic Spider-Man cartoon, or the lesser known but equally excellent Iron Man, Incredible Hulk, and Fantastic Four shows. The Nineties X-Men cartoon was a watershed moment for Marvel and for Millennials as a whole. For us Marvels shills, it rivaled Batman: The Animated Series in popularity. So color me surprised that X-Men ’97 is being colored as controversial.
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Out the box, it’s that tired ass argument that X-Men ’97 too woke. Everything is always too woke. What started out as people being frustrated they turned Rogue’s decadent, devil’s food, bunt cakes, into petite, little, tea biscuits, has spiraled into a weird fervor about who’s gay or something-something forced representation. Half-hearted kidding aside, it’s staggering to me that people are actually mad about this stupid sh*t. Do they even know what the f*ck X-Men is about? The entire concept of a marginalized part of the community, fighting just to be seen as human, is literally the wokest sh*t you can ever write and THAT’S the core of the X-Men mythos! The Uncanny X-Men started out as a very heavy handed allegory for the Civil Rights movement and, while this wasn’t Stan Lee’s initial intent, the characters of Professor X and Magneto became stand ins for the ideologies of Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X. Just, you know, with super powers. The X-Men are the epitome of Woke so to complain about that sh*t seems like you don’t even understand the f*cking point of the narrative. I miss rogue’s big fat ass just as much as the next kid, but you’re f*cking pathetic if you feel some kind of way about Morph being pansexual or non-binary (They literally can change into anything. Like Mystique). There are actual things to be outraged about, like how the creator of this revival is pretty much a scumbag, or how Marvel Studios has been suffering in the writing department for years. That’s where my concern would lie, especially considering how well written the OG show was.
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Is this show going to be Woke? Absolutely. That’s the entire goddamn point of the X-Men. It’s the core of who they are. Take that away and what do you have? A bunch of Capes with random f*cking powers who live in the same house. Where’s the hook? Where’s the draw? Where’s the meat? How are they different than the Avengers at that point? The Fantastic Four? The Defenders? It’s that sprinkling of social consciousness which really gets the juices flowing, really revs up those storytelling engines. I mean, tell me how you write something as profound as God Loves, Man Kills, without it being “Woke”? You can’t. That is a gut-punch of a read and it’s pulled right out of today’s headlines, even though it was written forty years ago. The fear-mongering is real, but instead of Nightcrawler, it’s Mexicans. Same goddamn energy, same goddamn racist ass narrative. Even when they are spiraling out into a world of sci-fi, deep space, time travel misadventures, the core of their narrative is how much they are hated. This whole Krakoa saga, some of the best X-Stories told in decades, is coming to a close because of that long held hate and fear. House of M? Role reversal, mutants accepted and humans forced into being second class citizens. Decimation? Wanda kills off the powers to ninety percent of the entire Mutant population. Utopia, Operation: Zero Tolerance, Genosha, the entirety of the Ultimate run: All derivative of that social pressure and general fear toward the different. That’s what makes an X-Men story, and X-Men story. Getting mad about that sh*t after decades of that being a core aspect of their stories, is f*cking dumb. Not as dumb as Marvel excising Rouge’s cheeks, though. Rest in Power, you doubled-up, delicious, pound cakes! You will be missed.
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dynmghts · 8 months
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TRANSMISSION FROM @goresugars : 💌 - slides this and 5 dollars over TRANSMISSION ENDED / POSITIVITY TRAIN , ACCEPTING .
SALT SALT SALT SALT i am very glad u sent this in let's go ... but first take the fiver back, i would talk about u and ur blog without it
what i like about your blog: honestly, i love the simplicity you have for your entire blog, while still capturing that sort of spooky vibe that matches the majority of your muses. i think it's awesome that you don't need to do anything fancy for your icons, because simple is sometimes better (it's kinda funny every time i say this bc of what my icon psd looks like). and honestly, i can't pass up your url. it's iconic. if any other blogs pop up with "sugars" at the end like yours, i immediately assume it's you, because i think that it's just a part of your brand. for real, rock that brand!
what i like about your character(s): it'd be a bit of a missed opportunity not to mention your own explodey blond boy, deidara. now i have NOT watched much shippuden yet - being away from home has affected that - but the screentime i've seen from him has given me true insight into why you love him as a muse so much. you've talked me through what you've done differently to canon (which is apparently a common occurrence for naruto in general, and i already can see why LOL), showed me his little tics and habits, and i've even had katsuki briefly interact with him as a fellow explodey blond on the other side... i sometimes see posts from you set in the naruto universe with him, and i can't help but marvel at how you've captured his character in a way that does him more justice than kishi did!
and OF COURSE, we HAVE to talk about your ocs. akihiro and katsuki haven't officially interacted on our blogs yet, but we did briefly discuss it in discord, and how aki would just reaffirm katsuki to be as unapologetically himself as humanly possible. which katsuki was going to do anyway, but it helps to have someone in his corner about it LMAO. i love the idea of aki and his band backing up dynamight as a sponsor and supporter, which then leads to collaborative marketing, and from there, katsuki inadvertently becomes a leader in individuality. all through the vkei genre.
then there's the best boy daiki, which we have a whole au where he gets adopted into the bakugou family after he and katsuki got along and katsuki's parents decided to provide some stability... well, as much as you can get in the bakugou household. these two are the best of friends and best of brothers, even when they collide with each other, but that's what makes them so fun to talk about? i just love the entire dynamic we've built for them around that concept. and eventually, daiki is gonna have to drag his adoptive family to meet his extended family in europe, because it's going to be fun watching poor katsuki out of his ELEMENT the entire time.
what i like about you in general: salt, bestie, you are the life of the party. you rock up in my discord like "HEY LOOK" and i sit there bouncing off my walls like a feral cat because you thought about showing me, completely unprompted, and i fucking love it. we just have so many thoughts and so many ideas about katsuki with a bunch of your muses and when the ball's rolling, we're bouncing around like a pinball machine. i know i need to be a lil more consistent with messages but you've been patient with me too and thank you so much for that <3 here's to all the more shenanigans with katsuki and your muses!
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borkthemork · 3 years
Back in The Ballad of Hopediah Plantar, there was one quote found in the dialogue that stuck with me throughout my time watching the show. The episode itself is fine, it’s a good ole’ Western episode that has fun with the trope of making Hop Pop pull a Clint Eastwood on a gang of toads.
But one scene in particular got me very intrigued.
Very much intrigued.
So for context, the Ballad of Hopediah Plantar is an episode about a town called Bittyburg.
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In Bittyburg, we see these tiny really happy-go-lucky frogs get pushed around by a group called the Hasselbacks, and find refuge in Hop Pop as an example of someone who wanted to go against a force that seemed unstoppable and even untouchable in threat.
However, their resolve on being passive changes when this elderly frog who believed so much in them got beaten up by this gang.
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And when I mean the resolve changes, I mean these tiny frogs get pissed.
Very pissed.
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The Hasselbacks didn’t realize they triggered something until they looked around and saw everyone transform into their feral froggy selves.
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With that, the bitties go wild. They fight back, their eyes glow and they claw and tear and punch out of the sheer wanting to protect the frog who’d gotten hurt while attempting to protect them.
And here is where the specific quote hits:
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Now why do I bring up this quote out of all things? After all, it came from a Western episode and it all seems good and fun.
However, I want to believe that this is actually foreshadowing to what will go down in Season Three. Particularly toward Marcy’s rescue.
And the activation of her Calamity powers.
A few days ago an interview from D23 came out that talked more about any possible connections or metaphorical implications towards Anne’s capabilities, and this was what Matt had to say about them.
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I highlighted a massive portion because it becomes integral to interpreting how these powers activate in the first place and to ultimately make sense on how these details connect to all the Calamity power appearances we’ve seen so far.
If we go by what Matt said about self-security being a factor to activation, then the reveal of the true self — the parts of a character that are pure and unfiltered compared to their outward personas — becomes imperative to using these capabilities.
For Anne we see her activate her powers when she shows compassion, love, protection, and undying loyalty to the people around her.
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When the Plantars got kidnapped in Anne Hunter, her powers got tapped into when she lamented on missing Sprig and not knowing how to save her froggy family.
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In Handy Anne, we see her get justifiably angry that she destroyed the house, and activated her blue powers slightly when she needed to protect her family once more.
She’s always a genuine person, someone who deeply cares for the ones around her to such an extent that even Sasha finds herself comforted that Anne believes in her so. (The Third Temple). When she’s not restrained by the perceptions of others and learns of healthy examples of love, she becomes the most unapologetic aspect of her.
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And of course she follows through with it till the very end.
This logic — of activating one’s powers at a moment of genuine vulnerability — could also be applied to Marcy and Sasha.
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With Marcy, a lot of her fears came down to being unable to talk about her wants and needs due to rationalization and lack of honesty. She fears that if she doesn’t say the right key words or logical follow-ups, then people would get frustrated, mad, or ultimately leave her for her inability to do better.
For this episode, however, those malleable and passive behaviors we’d seen in episodes like Battle of the Bands is not showcased. Actually, she’s quite annoyed and frustrated — which is a lot more than any of her other episode appearances combined, excluding True Colors — due to Anne holding her back from doing her job.
And when Marcy’s finally trusted with initiating, we get this:
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This showing of genuine assertiveness and confidence after a moment of honesty allows her to showcase a portion of her true self — the Marcy that doesn’t remain silent/hidden over her own wants and needs, the Marcy that finds resolve in knowing what she wants and verbally/physically showing it to the people around her without fearing any repercussions.
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For Sasha, she always put on this massive feat of strength, resilience, and control around people since she believes vulnerability of her true thoughts to being a sign of weakness.
During Barrel’s Warhammer, however, we get a glimpse of what happens when the war commander persona gets stripped away for one second, revealing the vulnerable and insecure teenage girl lying underneath.
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This short glimpse of genuine fear and vulnerability toward being excluded and left alone from her group activates her powers, and culminates in the resolve to lift the hammer.
So her true self is not the external want for excessive control and anger, but of the internal anxiety that hides deep beneath the surface — one that is deeply scared of what happens when her worth is not enough and she’s unneeded by the people she loves.
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With those pieces of Marcy and Sasha out of the way, there is some certainty in Matt’s talk about the Calamity Powers being connected to becoming your true self rather than a facade you put up for other people.
Due to this, we are going to go back to the quote we talked about, and my theory on what shall happen with Marcy during her rescue.
“After years of abuse, even the most timid of frogs might get a little...” is a pretty specific line. I could chalk it up to the dialogue being added for the sake of comedy beats, but I couldn’t put my finger on why it bothered me so much until I realized something very important with Marcy’s character.
Here’s a question for all of you:
Out of the range of emotions Marcy had expressed throughout the entire show, what is one emotion that is pretty rare for her to show, especially to other people?
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That’s right, it’s anger.
Not just anger, but frustration, fury, rage.
Excluding Marcy at the Gates, she never called someone out for doing something that went against her plans, she never went on the direct offensive when someone in the trio did something bad (such as Sasha taking the box), and never have we seen her assert herself in an active manner that didn’t use rationalization, omission, or anything else indirect.
She keeps her feelings and intentions hidden — actions always reasoned as for the benefit of others and not herself — and that is why the quote hit me.
Marcy at this point in Season Three is at rock bottom.
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She’s been used by the person she believed she could confide to. She believes that this was all her fault, that her friends hate her for everything that has happened, and got killed in the process while trying to apologize for her mistakes.
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She then got detained in the same room as the man who hurt her and broke her trust.
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And in the ultimate slap in the face, got possessed by an eldritch deity, used against the people she loves for Andrias’s nefarious purposes, and basically got stripped of her agency under the Night’s control.
She’s lost everything. She believes she’s at fault for everything that occurred and probably hates herself with a burning passion for not doing enough to prevent this. And the person she believed loved her unconditionally now wants absolute control over her for the sake of utility.
One could say that she’s been abused. For a long time.
However, out of the blue, comes a figure. Two figures in fact. And these two figures want to protect her.
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They show that they’re here of their own volition. They’re not going to leave until they bring Marcy out of Andrias’s clutches, and they become this example of a force that wants to actively go against what Marcy believes to be a force that even she can’t fight against.
They get the helmet off her, they want to escape.
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But the threat, the one who pushed her to the brink, is between Marcy and the newts’ escape to freedom.
He’s not the kind to go gently. He’s not above killing to make sure he gets what he wants.
And at that point, something in her changes.
Something in her resolve snaps.
Marcy had been killed, betrayed, lied to, and used for the sake of a King’s objective. She’s lost everything. She believes that everything around her has crumbled to the purest bits of fear and insecurity and anxiety, and yet these two newts — these two specific newts who were there from the beginning — went out of their way to find and free her from a horrible, horrible place.
Now King Andrias wants to hurt them.
All because they wanted to protect her, all because they wanted to make sure she’s okay — alive and well and safe from any danger.
And she’s not going to let that happen.
She’s not going to let the person who hurt her take everything away with just the snap of a finger. She doesn’t care if Andrias reacts harshly to how she fights and punches and claws back, because she’s not going to hide her feelings anymore.
She’s not going to hide how devastated, betrayed, and enraged she is after everything she’s been through, and she’s not going to let some overground salamander hurt the people she loves just because he can.
Because after years of abuse, even the most timid of people are bound to push back eventually.
And Marcy Wu pushed back.
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mariusroyale · 3 years
incorrect rotbtd quotes cos im feeling extremely anxious:
Merida: I think we're missing something.
Rapunzel: Teamwork?
Jack: Cohesion?
Hiccup: A general sense of what we’re doing?
Rapunzel: I think Jack was right.
Merida: I'm surprised he hasn’t marched in here to say 'I told you so.'
Hiccup: He wouldn't do that.
Jack: You're right, Hiccup. For once in your life, you're 100% right. I would never say that.
Jack: *turns around, the shirt he’s wearing says 'Jack Told You So' on the back*
Merida: *Gently taps table*
Jack: *Taps back*
Rapunzel: What are they doing?
Hiccup: Morse code.
Merida: *Aggressively taps table*
Jack: *Slams hands down* YOU TAKE THAT BACK-
Hiccup: How did none of you hear what I just said?
Merida: I’ve been zoned out for the past two and a half hours.
Rapunzel: I got distracted about halfway through…
Jack: Ignoring you was a conscious decision.
Merida, banging on the door: Hiccup! Open up!
Hiccup: Well, it all started when I was a kid...
Jack: No, she meant-
Rapunzel: Let him finish.
Jack, texting Hiccup: hiccup help im being kidnapped
Hiccup: where r u???
Jack: im with some strange person. in a car. h e l p.
Hiccup: i’ll call rapunzel
Rapunzel, answering her cell: Y’ello?
Hiccup: Where’s Jack? He texted me that he was being kidnapped.
Rapunzel: Jack? Whaddya mean, he’s right next to me-
Rapunzel: I’ll call you back. *hangs up*
Merida: Dandelions symbolize everything I want to be in life,
Hiccup: Fluffy and dead with a gust of wind?
Rapunzel: Beautiful and well known?
Merida: Unapologetic. Hard to kill. Feral, filled with sunlight, bright, beautiful in a way that the conventional and controlling hate but cannot ever fully destroy. Stubborn. Happy. Bastardous. Friends with bees. Highly disapproving of lawns. Full of wishes that will be carried far after I die.
Jack: edible
Jack: I told Merida her ears flush when she lies.
Hiccup: Why?
Jack: Look.
Rapunzel: Hey Merida! Do you love us?
Merida, covering her ears: No.
Jack, Hiccup and Rapunzel:
Jack: We need a distraction.
Merida: And fast!
Hiccup: Is anyone here good at jumping up and down and making weird noises?
Rapunzel, whispering: My time has come
Rapunzel: I love you guys, you're the best thing that's happened to me.
Hiccup and Merida: We're the best thing that's ever happened to you?
Rapunzel: Yes!
Jack: I'm starting to feel a little sorry for you.
Merida: You're right.
Jack: That's... That's an unusual phrase for you. Did you just learn it?
Hiccup: I think I'm having a mid-life crisis.
Jack: You're like 15
Hiccup: I MIGHT DIE AT 30
Hiccup: Jack! What’s your type?!
Jack, bleeding out (still immortal but shhh): Anyone who’ll love me back
Jack: oh
Jack: red
Rapunzel: Ok, maybe playing ‘whose family is most dysfunctional’ wasn’t the best idea we’ve had. Jack and Hiccup have been crying in the bathroom for an hour. We can’t get them out...
Hiccup: You're my platonic soulmate and my best friend, I would do literally anything for you.
Toothless, warbling and Rapunzel translating: “I want you to eat three meals a day and have a decent sleep schedule.”
Hiccup: Absolutely not-
Rapunzel: Do you have anything nice to say about Merida, Jack?
Jack, grumpily: I’ve seen shorter people..
Rapunzel and Hiccup: *WHEEZE*
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redrobin-detective · 3 years
What are you overall thoughts about Gwen? Unless I've missed some post I don't think you've said much about her compared to Ben and Max.
I love Gwen, moreover I love the og series Gwen. Girlfriend was my goddamn idol and I still have a giant canvas painting of her I painted in hs hanging in my garage bc my parents refuse to part with it.
I loved that she was the smart kinda nerdy one while also being unapologetically herself. She could be just as rude and crass and reckless and Ben at times and as a young girl who was expected to be ladylike and poised all the time, I loved it. Plus her delving into magic, something that was separate from Ben's alien bullshit and entirely her own was so refreshing instead of the trope of the girl following in the male protags footssteps.
I talked a bit about it how I feel Omniverse and to a lesser extent Alien Force kind of murdered her character. They lost a lot of her personality by stuffing her in the stereotypical box of 'smart, weary female sidekick chasing after boys and calling them out for being stupid' like!!! Gwen could be just as feral as Ben and yet they just made her the boring 'mature' one. AF Gwen ran around in a collared shirt and a skirt like girlfriend what the hell. She just became so uninteresting to me and I havent talked about her alot in terms of AF/OV because I'd just rather not engage with that lackluster character than confront that they did one of my childhood heroes dirty.
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Sam Winchester x Reader (x Dean Winchester, sort of?) 
Word Count: 1660 what is wrong with me why can’t I drabble
Warnings: Oh boy this one is naughty. Lust curse and the consent issues that come with the territory. Soulless Sam being kind of a dick, because that’s what he does. Filthy smut, twisty emotions, and some degradation-flavored dirty talk. 
A/N: @littlegreenplasticsoldier​: “With my remaining 5% battery, may I pls request a Dean/Sam/reader threesome but one of them is remote in some way (left a note/on the phone/gave instructions). Xo” 
This is... something like that, anyway. Kinda obsessed with the prompt, kinda want to expand on this, definitely could’ve written another couple thousand words here. 
ANYWAY. Enjoy. 
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“Yeah, Dean, it’s bad,” Sam said, rolling his eyes. “Like, she’s about to go sit on a fencepost bad.”
I squirmed and fisted my hands in the cheap motel duvet. Sam looked me up and down, smirking. It was the feral, sharp smile that I’d gotten a little too used to since his soul went M.I.A; he looked like he was mentally undressing me, and it usually pissed me off, but in that moment I couldn’t deny how much I liked it. 
“Look, dude, I know this is the sort of thing I shouldn’t be comfortable saying, but… there’s only one option here.” He paused again, wrinkling his nose expressively. “Quit the prim and proper shit, Dean, just let me get her off.” 
He listened for a minute while I waited, rubbing my thighs together, fighting the animalistic urge to spread my legs and beg. It was only getting worse; I could feel the curse clawing at my insides, winding me up with every labored breath. 
“Don’t worry, Dean, I got this,” Sam said into the phone. “You can clutch your pearls later. Yeah, okay. Bye.” 
He strode over and passed me the phone before matter-of-factly popping the button of his jeans, and if it was physically possible for me to blush hotter, I would’ve. As it was, my entire body felt like a goddamn wildfire. 
“Hey, princess,” Dean said gruffly. I closed my eyes, basking in the warm familiar sound of his voice. “You okay with this? It’s just… I think it’ll be a good six hours, no matter how many fuckin’ traffic laws I break.” 
I still had my eyes squeezed shut, but I could feel the mattress dip as Sam sat down on the bed. 
“Can’t wait that long,” I whispered. “Can’t… fuck, Dean, I miss you so much.” 
“Yeah, you have no idea. This is so fuckin’...” He huffed out a breath. 
“Can you just… can you just talk to me for a minute?” I asked. 
I tried to wedge the cell phone between my shoulder and my ear as I fumbled with the button of my jeans. I heard a low chuckle and when I opened my eyes Sam was staring down at me, amused and unapologetic and totally naked. He batted my hands away and got my zipper down, and I closed my eyes again, listening to the staticky rush of Dean’s sigh, trying not to think about who was pulling my jeans off and settling between my legs. I still had my t-shirt on, and it felt like thick itchy wool on my oversensitized skin, but I couldn’t stand the idea of being stripped bare. 
“You gonna imagine it’s me?” Dean asked, low and growly and possessive.  
“Y — yeah.” I made a squeaky, strangled noise as Sam slid two fingers up into me without warning, but then I groaned at the tingling full-body shiver of relief, my voice loud and obscene before I bit down on the fleshy part of my palm in an effort to hold back. 
Sam started fucking me lazily with his fingers, thumb rubbing my clit every time he buried them in me, and I was trembling already, rocking my hips, trying to hold back a slutty moan. 
“You’re close, aren’t you?” Dean said roughly. 
“Yeah,” I whined, arching my back and seeing sparks behind my eyelids. “I — nnnnnnhhhh, fuck, Dean, I — I’m so close, this is crazy, I want — I wish it was you. I’m sorry, I can’t — can’t help it.” 
“Not your fault. Do whatever you gotta do, okay?” 
“‘Kay,” I breathed. 
“‘You gonna come for me? Let me hear you.” 
For a second I hovered on the brink, trembling and straining. 
Then I felt Sam shift, his tongue a soft smooth flicker as it curled between his fingers to taste me. I bit my lip so hard that tears stung my eyes.  
“You’re dripping all over the sheets,” Sam said, so quiet that I was sure Dean wouldn’t be able to hear it over my harsh breathing. “Making such a mess… you’ll be a mess, too, by the time I’m done with you.” 
I groaned and arched up, coming with the sort of blackout intensity that felt like a free-fall, squeezing around Sam’s fingers over and over. 
There was a moment of breathtaking relief, as it started to fade. For a split-second I thought that was it; maybe that was enough. Then Sam’s calloused fingers dragged against something hot-sweet-sharp inside me, and that feverish desire was sparking up again, rising fast. I collected myself just enough to bring the phone to my ear. 
“I’m gonna hit the road,” Dean was saying, and I knew he was trying to sound nonchalant, but his voice was grim and unhappy. “I’ll be there as soon as I can, okay? Love you.” 
“Love you, Dean,” I breathed. 
“Do what you need to do,” he echoed. 
I hung up, tossing the phone away like it had burned me, and let out a frustrated groan. Sam pulled away so that I could sit up and wrestle with my shirt. I felt so fucking empty, and the need to be touched was immediate and overwhelming. 
“Jesus,” Sam muttered. “This is gonna be a thing for the two of you, huh?” 
I let out a strangled laugh, struggling with my bra. “You’re his brother. You don’t think this is a little fucked-up?” 
“Not really,” he said casually. As soon as I was naked he was crawling up my body, slinking gracefully, caging me in with all that lithe rippling muscle and smooth skin, and for a moment I just stared up at him, incapable of logic or guilt or anything other than want. He hovered over me, smirking. 
“You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?” I accused, clenching around nothing and trying not to look down his body. 
“I’ve wanted to fuck you since I met you,” he said bluntly. “Are you really going to pretend you haven’t imagined it?” 
I shook my head stubbornly. “I’m in love with Dean.” 
“Didn’t say you weren’t,” he retorted. 
My heart was racing. Holding eye contact felt like having my finger in an electrical socket. “God, you can’t be — you’re not Sam. You’re not.”  
He rolled his eyes. “If that’s what you want to tell yourself.” 
“Sam wouldn’t —” I choked out, but I couldn’t take it and I couldn’t lie any more. I couldn’t hold on to coherent thought with the desperate roaring heat under my skin, like some fierce primal scream was drowning out everything else in my head. 
I grabbed at his shoulders, dragging him down against me and hooking my legs around his waist, trying to rub myself against him. He chuckled and rolled his hips, letting me feel the thick length of his cock where it was trapped against my lower belly, and I whined shamelessly, feeling like I could come if he so much as brushed against my clit the right way. 
“If you’re so sure I’m not Sam, then what’s the problem?” he pointed out calmly. “One less thing to get hung up on, if I’m not his brother.” 
And I was pretty sure there was a problem with that logic, because I shouldn’t be this wet and eager for anyone else, but I was done arguing. 
“Fuck me,” I snapped. “C’mon, just — I can’t, feel like I’m losing my fucking mind, just —” I reached down between us, shaky and uncoordinated, trying to get him inside me without putting any space between our bodies. 
He didn’t bother teasing anymore, just lined up, rubbing the head of his cock against my slick cunt, pressing in and sinking down. The sharp painful stretch of it registered along with the too-full toe-curling pleasure, splitting me open inch by inch until I wasn’t sure I could take any more. Then he snapped his hips forward the last inch, burying himself in me completely with this grinding, twisting thrust, too fucking much. 
“This isn’t how Dean fucks you, is it?” he asked, right up against my ear, hips circling, and for a moment the words didn’t make sense. 
I opened my mouth to tell him to stop talking, dimly aware that the mention of his brother should’ve made me uncomfortable, but instead what came out was a needy, blissed-out moan.
“Does that feel good?” 
“Yeah,” I gasped.  
“So stop wasting time thinking about Dean,” Sam snarled. 
“Best thing about not having a soul? Not wasting time feeling guilty for taking what I want.” He punctuated the last word with a vicious twist of his hips, and electricity lanced up my spine. “Right now you just want someone to hold you down and fuck you until you can’t take it any more. You want it rough and hard and fucking filthy, and you’re glad Dean isn’t here to see you begging like a whore… aren’t you?” 
“You’re glad it’s me.” 
I knew it was fucked up and twisted and humiliating. I should’ve denied it. 
“Am I wrong?” he growled. “Look at me.” 
I tried to focus through the sting of sweat and the blurry haze of endorphins. His lip curled, contemptuous, and there was a hard flinty glitter in his eyes, but he still looked so much like Sam that I forgot how to breathe. Sizzling pressure was rising in my core, building rapidly. I couldn’t think straight. 
“You’re… you’re not wrong,” I stammered. “Please. Please don’t stop. Feels so good, just — Sam.” I caught a glimpse of his fierce, satisfied smile. 
“Are you going to waste time feeling guilty?” he murmured, voice cracking. “Or are you going to take what you want?” 
I let out a low, desperate groan before surging up to kiss him, and he bit my lip so hard I tasted blood.
“You know what I want,” I whispered. “Shut the fuck up and give it to me.” 
I might not ever get the chance to do this again, after all. Might as well enjoy it while I could. 
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binniesthighs · 4 years
♡nsfw alphabet w minho♡
I tried my best to make a list of my own, but I borrowed a few terms from this lovely template! 
requested by a cutie anon! 
Aftercare: (what they are like after sex) ok, so I see minho as someone who would be super caring after you’ve both properly come down and would want you to feel as comfortable as you can be--he doesn’t want you do have to do much. I am a big believer in minho drawing you a bath to help you relax and get cozy after: he’d hold you in his arms too while giving you a little massage. 
Bdsm: (are they into it? how “hard” do they like to go?) yes. the answer to this is yes. I feel like minho is one who really really gets off to the feeling of being the one in control, and knowing that you’re under his control. hearing your little whimpers, or seeing the way that you toss around when he’s using toys or has you bonded turns him on like no other. along this line, I feel like he’d also gladly tease you relentlessly until you’ve got tears in your eyes. he’ll only give you what you want if you ask him nicely 
Cum: (anything to do with cum) sooo minho loves cuming on you. he loves it a ton. for him, its the perfect picture when you’re gasping underneath him, just off your own orgasm, hands bound or clawing to the bed when he’ll cum on your chest, or your back, mayyybe even your face if you’re comfortable. oh! if you’ll cum on him...he doesn’t mind that either.
Degredation: (do they like using names on you, or for them?) as we have seen above, I feel like he would be into using degrading names, or having you say them back to him, for example: “you’re such a whore for my dick, tell me that you’re a whore for me.” etc. Of course, he never means what he says, he just knows that it amps things up for the both of you. 
Experience: (how experienced are they?) minho is fairly experienced, and also knows well what he likes and knows how to ask you what you like as well. minho isn’t scared to give you instructions or guide you in how you pleasure him as well--he would ask you to do the same!
Favorite (pet names): well, i think that there is a general consensus that minho likes kitten and kitty--it just makes sense lol. Otherwise, the softer ones would be my love, sweetheart, hun, doll, baby girl/boy etc.
Gagging: (size kink perhaps?) I think yes on this one. minho is alll about the power that he has over you, so seeing you gag would boost his confidence. knowing that you have to work a little harder to take him in reassures him that you’re his and that you only bend to him. at the same time, he would never push you to do something that made you uncomfortable and would ask you if you wanted to use safe words/ symbols. 
Hair: (how well groomed are they?) this is kind of funny because I think that minho would actually really care about this. mostly from a functionality standpoint, but also when he’s trimmed he feels more confident and like he’s got everything together and organized for when he’s with you. 
Intimacy: (the romantic aspect) so minho has 2 modes, and they vary depending on his mood or yours. mode 1 is where he’s doming the hell out of you and he gets to do what ever he likes, making you cum over and over again, teasing you for as long as you can take it and doesn’t show much mercy. on the other hand, when the vibe is different, holy hell he can give you the softest, most intimate sex that you can ever experience. i’m picturing super slow and deep thrusts into you, kissing you just as slowly in between while he tangles up his hands in your hair u g h i love thinking about this 
Jack off: (all about masturbation) I see Minho as one who would jack off really lazily, much later at night when there isn’t too much else to do; it isn’t something he prioritizes often unless there’s something that crosses his mind that really turns him on, he’ll even risk doing it somewhere semi-public if it means he gets to roll the image over and over in his mind, especially of you. Oh, and he loves jacking off in the shower when its steamy and warm, I don’t make the rules!! 
Kink(s): Minho loves having you all dressed up for him, I’m talking lace, velvet, anything strappy, harnesses, collars, chokers, thigh garters, maybe some kitten ears, mostly he just loves watching you and this is like icing on the cake. I see him having a hand kink as well?? When he’s worshiping your body, he watches his hands trace you all over, he loves it when you suck on his fingers, or when he rubs his thumb over tongue. Also, breath play, edge play and voyeurism!  
Location: anywhere. and I mean it. the more risky it is, the more exciting it is for him. bathrooms, locker rooms, dressing rooms, kitchen, living room couch, dining table, shower, bathtub, hotel rooms, the place doesn’t matter, it’s you that does. he would never miss an opportunity to be intimate with you whether its more slow and passionate or sweaty, rushed and needy. 
Multiple (partners): i think that this is something that minho would be open to! but not at first. minho is someone who can be very possessive at times, so sharing you with others when the realtionship is new makes him a little nervous--bc he wants you to be all his! after a while though, the idea of sharing you with someone and watching you get wrecked under them...he wouldn’t oppose. 
No: (something they won’t do, turn offs) while he won’t say no, daddy kinks aren’t his favorite, it’s simply something that doesn’t turn him on; he prefers to be the one calling you names hehe. he’s mostly an open minded person, just because he gets off on helping you get off. 
Oral: loves loves giving oral to his partner, it’s one of his favorite ways to begin foreplay, he’s exceptionally skilled as well, and knows perfectly how to use his mouth to tease. gives one hell of a blowjob, and knows how to make you cum over and over just from his tongue on your clit. he won’t ask you to blow him, but rather tease you until you’re begging to do it for him. 
Pace: super slow or super fuckin’ fast. there is no in-between and that’s that on that! if you ask me, as much as he revels in pounding you into the bed, it’s the slower and more sensual moments that linger on his mind longer. 
Quickies: i think this goes without saying, but minho never passes up the opportunity to take you right then and now. funnily enough, if you’re at work/school and send him a message about how you might be feeling a little horny, this man will drive all the way to you just to help you out. lil anecdote: his favorite thing to do is fuck you bent over a bathroom sink, battling the time before someone notices you’re away. he loves watching your fucked out face in the tinted green bathroom mirror. 
Ropes: (tying you up au) i added this to the list mostly for fun, but also I’ve got this idea of minho loosing his mind over having you tied up or restrained. ropes, ribbons, velvet, bow ties, handcuffs and much more. there’s nothing more that he likes than seeing you all helpless and not able to do anything about it. he thinks you looks so pretty tied up especially if it’s ribbons of pretty colors that look beautiful on your skin. 
Stamina: bucket loads. I’ve definitely seen something somewhere talking about how minho’s got a dancers stamina and I can’t agree more. minho’s got the stamina to draw out his thrusts for hours or give it to you as quickly and as roughly as he possibly can, granted he’ll be a sweating mess by the time that he’s done, but he sees that as sign that he did his job very well. 
Toys: in my oponion, yes and no. lolll I say this for the reason of minho’s ego getting in his own way. he feels fuckin’ amazing knowing that he can make you cum as hard as you do only from his body and would much rather use the tools at his disposal rather than toys...but...seeing what toys can do to you and how he can use them to his advantage is soemthing he won’t pass up. His personal favorites are all kinds of vibrators, cock rings, hmmm and occasionally nipple clamps
Unfair: (tw: dubcon) (how much that they like to tease) oh my, very much so. fuck, it’s probably his favorite thing to do to you! I’ve said before on this account that minho is into teasing even when it isn’t “that time” meaning he’ll brush up against you in public with his hand or grind himself into you when you’re sitting in his lap. his hand will creep up your thighs slightly when the two of you are in the car together to make you squirm a little bit. and of course, he’ll tease you for real when he’s got you all to himself, and would do it for hours if you let him. 
Volume: frick i love thinking about this!!!! i see minho as being someone more on the quiet side: shaky exhales, choked little breaths, the occasional soft “mmm” or “ahh.” if he’s really loosing himself in it however, looking down at you with tears in your eyes, or drool slipping down your neck from blowing him, he’ll let out some of the most unapologetically erotic moans on his pink lips
Wild card: (you pick!) i would like to use this place to talk about how much a bratty sub makes him go frickin’ feral. There is something about the way that you bite back at each of his demands, it only makes him want to dig into you even harder. you’d say to him as he’s relentlessly fucking into you “i-is that all that you can do? you’re bo-boring me...” in seconds, he would have you flipped around into a completely different position, something you didn’t even know existed that makes your muscles burn but your heat ravenous. he’d say, “if i’m so boring how is it that I’ve made you a fucking mess for me three times already?” 
X-ray: (what’s going on under those pleather pants) thicc thighs I’ll tell you that HA, jk that’s just me having the biggest most embarrassing thigh kink alive lmaooo. buuut it’s true! minho’s got those perfectly toned and thick thighs that he loves having you grind on of course. as for what this letter is really about, I see minho has having just the right proportions. not to be cheesy, but it’s like this boy was practically frickin made for you!! buuuut I think we all know that minho’s packing with something  
Yes: (biggest turn ons) on top of the ones mentioned above, I wanna make this one kinda cute and sentimental just bc I can lolll, but a major turn on for minho is a bomb ass personality!! minho really treasures people who are unique, true to themselves and passionate about something! he finds this super super attractive. this man is an absolute SIMP for a personality and that’s the first thing he falls in love with about you! (also shhhh I’m not pushing my pan!minho agenda shhh) 
Zzz: (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards) kinda like with aftercare, minho can’t rest himself properly until you are fully taken care of! as soon as he knows that he’s covered all the bases: cleaning you off, getting you clothes, water, food, giving you a massage if you need it. as soon as the two of you are all cuddled up in together, then he’ll be able to relax himself, patiently smoothing down your hair as you fall asleep yourself, then, he’ll be out like a light. 
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