#i miss early Klance
jajanvm-imbi · 1 year
Wow I REALLY miss the early Voltron era (like seasons 1-3)
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sharpkatsudon2-0 · 7 months
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Guess who's back 🧚🏾‍♀️
I'm trying to be more active on IG but I kinda missed tumblr as well? So i'm coming back with a new acc aaaaand, a klance project!
let me introduce my upcoming mini comic : Room For Two
"The castle of Lions faces a temporary power failure and some paladins have to share a room for the night... Including Keith and Lance ! "
Fluff and a tiny bit of angst 🥲
I'll do my best to post a page/week + an early page on my Patreon so consider subscribing there ! 🧚🏾‍♀️✨
While waiting, here's the cover !
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autisticlancemcclain · 11 months
fic rec friday 32
welcome to the thirty-second fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.
1. A Dragon’s Treasure by @wittyy-name
As heir to the kingdom, Lance always thought he knew exactly what life had in store for him. That is, until a dragon kidnaps him at the age of sixteen. Suddenly his life is a lot less parties, lessons, and castles, and a hell of a lot more barren mountains, grumpy dragons, and boredom. From heir to prize, in just one night.
So now he’s stuck living in a cave with an adolescent, grumpy dragon who doesn’t seem to want him there but still won’t let him go. Not to mention his annoying habit of defeating every suitor who tries to come rescue Lance.
As much as he hates to admit it, he’s probably going to be here for a while. So he might as well settle in and get to know this dragon named Keith.
i accidentally lied last week this one is the last one from my rereadables collection. and for good reason!! dragon beauty and the beast tbh. and wittyy-name ALWAYS nails the complicated i-love-you-and-feel-trapped-by-you, complicated relationships kind of thing. and i fckn love it so so much 
2. Needle and Thread by VulpesVulpes713
Based on the prompt "kisses meant to distract the other person from whatever they were intently doing ". Keith tries to fix a tear in his jacket. Lance just wants some attention. The end result? Feelings.
this one is so cute they are so in love u know?? they just like to be around each other. always a fun read. vulpes is very good at klance with a crush on each other regardless of whether they’re already dating lol
3. Plans Are Overrated, Anyway by @chyeahlex16
"Lance, I-" "I know, I know," Lance said as he bustled around his nearly bare bedroom, tossing shirts out of drawers and pictures off of walls into his open suitcase on his bed. "I totally procrastinated till the last minute, just like you said! I don't need to hear the 'I told you so,' a little help packing would be nice!" "Lance-" "I bet you're already packed," he went on, oblivious to his best friend anxiously shifting in his doorway in frustration and anxiety. "Man, I can't wait until we get there-" "Lance! I have something to tell you!" Lance blinked, stilling his movements. He'd never seen his best friend so... guilty and anxious before. His brows pulled together in concern. "What's up, buddy?" "I'm not going to the Garrison with you." ~ In which I project onto Lance about things that I'm currently going through because I need to vent lol
HUNK AND LANCE HUNK AND LANCE HUNK AND LANCE. we do NOT have enough of it in this here fandom, ESPECIALLY prekerb, early relationship, and what a shame! i have always loved this fic’s exploration of their relationship and the ways they had to learn to grow into themselves, the starts and explanations for the way they were when we saw them. i love them
4. With These Hands by @azapofinspiration
Despite all the trouble they'd been through, Hunk figured everything had turned out all right. After all, he and Lance had managed to return to the castle!
Then Hunk sees the bruises and knows that things are not as good as he thought.
bro a-zap has always KILLED early season dynamics and their missing moments series is everything!! ive always needs three hundred percent more context on the mermaid episode and this fic provides not only that but also some excellent hunk & lance moments, with hurt/comfort that isnt imbalanced or infantilizing on either paladin’s part which is a low bar but awesome anyway 
5. Not As Clueless by @azapofinspiration
Pidge had always thought it was strange that despite being quite observant, Lance had completely missed the fact that she was a girl. However, it seems that that wasn’t really the case.
from the same series i just mentioned! lance IS observant, thank you very much, and i loved this take and interpretation. as much as lance does have a tendency to be dense about things, he also tends to be very observant bc hes a walking dichotomy. he notices things but his conclusions are often different than what others would make, and this entire concept is nailed in like 1.5k words
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!
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klaissance · 4 months
indulgent established klance long-distance boyfriends coalition paladins/BOM keith reunion event GO:
keith gets to the dinner early
he had to ask kolivan to put him on the list as one of the BOM agents going and if that dude ever laughed at anything keith would swear he was laughing at him when he uninvited somebody else to put keith on the list
it's this gorgeous bigass hall with lovely vaulted ceilings and the biggest longest table keith has ever seen
aproned aliens are in set-up mode, scurrying around setting utensils and plates and namecards and chairs all around this table
keith has his mask up and everything and he nods respectfully at some of the staff as he starts to walk the length of the table
it's been too long since he saw the team he knows that and they know it too
he knows they miss him, knows it in his bones that they miss him at least some fragment as much as he aches for them (which is so much all the time)
pidge hacked a touchpad to let it transmit through the signal jammer outfitted at the BOM base so he does get to message and call home sometimes but tbh he's not on-base very often before he's jetting off to the next crazy mission halfway across the galaxy
anyway he's in this hall scanning the namecards and letting his mind wander while he waits for the guests--but mostly his former team--to show up
he finds his own card next to kolivan's, only it just says "blade of marmora guest" anonymous and replaceable, just like usual
allura is set to be seated at the head of the table with the other important people and key speakers
keith smiles despite himself at the thought of allura pacing the halls of the castleship this past week, running through versions of speeches for anyone who will listen
the smile turns into an ache when he thinks of lance, perched on the kitchen counter, legs swinging, or draped across the lounge couch, head tipped off the edge, listening and humming appraisingly at all the right moments
turning those warm brown eyes to the ceiling and pretending to think hard on it when allura asks him if he thinks she's ready
"of course princess" he'd say, placing a hand on her shoulder and squeezing gently
"I think you were born ready"
because lance has always been good at that, at making you feel like the most capable person in the Universe
halfway down the opposite side of this grandiose table, keith finds what he hadn't known he'd been looking for: four name placards right in a row, each labeled with a name and "Paladin of Voltron"
takashi shirogane, pidge holt, hunk garrett, and lance mcclain
keith frowns sourly at the next name, some alien duke or duchess or whatever the fuck, somebody important who has just won the diplomacy dinner lottery by being offered the seat next to the blue paladin
he looks across the table from here to his own seat, looming positively miles away across and down this long ass mcfreaking table
who made this chart anyway???
keith is still grumping about it as people begin to show up and he shrinks a little into himself, scanning the room for those familiar faces, the anticipation buzzing under his skin
he's so lost in the looking that he forgets himself and gets totally ambushed by a voice right up against his ear
"Getting on just as socially as usual, I see"
he whirls ready to FIGHT but it's allura !!! and the relief and joy at seeing her in person for the first time in multiple space-months is such whiplash that he pitches straight into her open arms and holds tight
when he recovers he takes down the mask and squirms awkwardly
allura is gentle and kind, knows he hates the diplomacy part, knows he's only here because he misses all of them, one of them in particular...
they do small talk for a bit, allura growing worse and worse at hiding her amusement as keith continues to turn and stare at the door with increasing frequency
her eyes are sparkling the way they do when she gossips and she asks him point blank "so, you must be excited to see your boyfriend again"
keith's mind goes blank "n-no" yknow like a liar
she's downright snickering at him and he still can't resist scanning the room
she throws him a bone, tells him the other paladins are running late coming back from the parade but will arrive soon
keith is like coolcoolcool no doubt no doubt but really cannot stop staring at the door and feeling like he might throw up and is his hair okay he didn't really think about this before he showed up, hasn't even seen it in actually days because he's had the suit on, and the suit is DUMB what the fUcK--
they get approached by other diplomats from various coalition planets and allura turns on the schmooze
keith checks his touchpad--there are three messages from lance
"c u so SOON :3 <33333333"
" :D "
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haibunnyy · 2 months
Updade of a post on my old blog: Basically the idea is Voltron rockstar AU but its a retelling of Nana
Lance as Nana K. (Hachi)
Keith as Nana O.
A slow burn klance fic, following Lance finding his way through love and romance while struggling to deal with the realities of toxic relationships, situationships and self love. All the while watching his roommate Keith’s rise to stardom.
The idea has been festering in my head for like a week! So without farther ado, I present Heat Lighting
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
Lance feels his chest burning for air as he runs through the train station. The cold winter air crisps in his lungs as he pushes past the crowd. He’s never been the best at being on time for just about anything but this is something he could not miss. His eyes dart from track to track before finding his train and rushing on just as the doors shut behind him. He’s dressed in blue platform sneakers and cuffed blue jeans to match. On top, he wears a white oversized sweater with a blue-collar sticking out from the top. He had quickly thrown on a jean jacket over and felt a bit self-conscious about the denim on denim but he knew his outfit was still better than 90% of the ones around him. He hauls his luggage behind him as he looks for a spot on the already-packed train.
Maybe if he had gotten here early he’d have found a spot! He curses at himself looking for a place to sit. He stops in a row with a man, eyes closed facing the window, and headphones over his ears. Lance always had an eye for fashion and beauty. That is the first thing he notices. The man in front of him has to be a model. His features are sharp enough to cut paper. Purple eye shadow done breathlessly only added to his long lashes.
Maybe a rockstar? Sure dressed like one. The man is sitting with one leg over the other, black skinny jeans hugging his lean frame, a purple cropped top that exposed his muscular build underneath, and a leather jacket to tie it all together. While the man sleeps peacefully against the window, a guitar case takes up the free seat next to him. Oh, definitely a rockstar.
Lance carefully reaches across the seat to tap on the man’s shoulder, “Um excuse me- Ah-!”
The train screeches to a stop, ripping the ground out from under Lance as he loses his balance and lands in the lap of the handsome stranger slamming head-first into the wall of the train cart.
The man jumps awake at the sudden weight on him. He looks down at the man in his lap but doesn’t move.
“Uh, can I help you?” He asks with a small hint of a smile on his face. Lance shot up, his face flushed with embarrassment.
“Oh sorry! The train suddenly stopped and-“ Lance loses his train of thought meeting the eyes of the stranger. If looks could kill, write his obituary now! Amethyst-colored eyes meet his with a curious expression. Lance tilts his head to his feet as the stranger continues to stare. “I was gonna ask um- if this seat was taken.”
The man looks between Lance and his guitar before it clicks, “Oh sorry.” He stands up to put the instrument into the overhead. As he turns to do so, Lance shamelessly steals a glance at the man’s figure. His leather jacket is cropped and rises as he lifts his arms, his jeans tight and low rise. He catches a hint of a purple thong strap hugging the man’s hips. Lance has to swallow for air before counting ceiling tiles.
“T-thanks!” He mutters before taking his seat. As they wait for the train to start up again he turns to make small talk to the kind stranger but sees he already put his headphones back in. Lance huffs before leaning back into his seat.
“Attention passengers.” The overhead speakers roar, “There has been a delay due to the storm we will be experiencing a 2-hour delay.”
Passengers groan all around him and Lance can’t help but feel disappointed as well. He isn’t in any time constraint but stuck for 2 more hours?
“What did they say?” The stranger asked sitting up and taking a headphone out.
“There’s about a two-hour delay,” Lance says with a sad smile. On cue his phone chimes.
James <3 3 new messages
He can’t help but squeal. The man next to him jumps at the sound.
James: hey baby!
I’m so excited to see you
How far out are you now
Lance: there’s been a delay so I won’t be getting in until midnight
James: oh okay I’ll meet you at the station
Lance: it’ll be late I’ll just stay at a hotel it’s okay!
James: :( no. I want to see you! I’ll see you at midnight!
Lance giggles at the message and hugs his phone to his chest. How’d he get so lucky?
He notices the man side-eying him.
“Oh sorry.” He mutters realizing he’s just squealing like a school girl next to a total stranger, “It’s just my boy-“ Lance cuts himself off, “partner asking when I’ll arrive.” He didn’t feel like outing himself to a total stranger and potentially making this delay more painful.
“Boyfriend. It’s all good. Same way.” The man says nonchalantly.
Lance’s eye gleams. He knew a hetero could never have such taste in fashion! “Then yes! My boyfriend! He’s waiting for me in Arus! Is that where you’re heading?”
“Yeah.” The man mutters leaning his head against his hand.
“Oh if you don’t mind me asking, why?” Lance asks, hands on the armrest.
The man can’t help but notice the way Lance waits for a response reminds him of a golden retriever waiting for a treat. He laughs.
“I don’t think I have to tell a stranger who fell into my lap my business now do I?” He teases.
“Oh.” Lance leans back into his seat and thinks, “Oh! Well, the name’s Lance! Lance McClain! I’m going to Arus to join my boyfriend! He got accepted to a military academy out there! So did my sisters so I thought I might as well go too! You know!”
The man fakes a smile. “Oh yeah?”
“See now we’re not strangers! So why are you going to Arus?” Lance asked
Before the man could respond Lance jumped in his chair again, “Oh let me guess! You’re in a band! You’re going for a show! You totally look like a rockstar!” Lance can’t help but talk on and on. He is too in his fantasy about the man to notice his clear discomfort. Lance smiles, thinking how nice these two hours will be with someone to chat with.
Click the link above for the rest!
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rangoatemybabynsfw · 2 years
Gonna start moving some of my twitter threads over here, starting with some Klance of course! So if they seem familiar, it’s likely because you saw them over there haha.
So, thinking about Keith growing his hair out as a Galra culture thing. He asks Kolivan about his long braid, and Kolivan reveals that one grows their braid when they start falling in love with someone and the length of the braid indicates how long you've loved them.
So because Keith is definitely in love (you know who it is, come on) he starts actively growing his hair. No cuts, only the occasional trim of the split ends to keep it healthy. He likes the idea of taking part in his culture this way, showing that he is in love with someone via the length of his hair.
Then one day, Kolivan's braid is gone. It's been cut. Keith is worries about what it means.
Did Kolivan stop loving someone?
Turns out that when a Galra is ready to profess their love, they cut their hair and present the braid as a gift, evidence of how long they've loved their paramour from afar. If they accept it, they become a couple.
It took Kolivan fifteen years to profess his love.
How long will Keith's hair be when he does the same?
Earthside, Lance starts noticing that Keith is taking much better care of his hair, because of course he notices that sort of thing. He’s got great eyesight. Plus, you don't spend your whole life making sure your own hair is perfect and not notice when someone else is doing the same.
It's a good couple of months before Lance asks Keith about it. What's he doing with his hair? Giving up the mullet look? Trying to be the next Kolivan? All in that joking tone that he has.
Keith just sort of half smiles and says "It’s a Galra thing, I'll tell you about it sometime".
But Keith never really does tell him about it. Lance actually finds out about it from another Blade member. That it's tradition to grow out a long braid when one falls in love. Lance doesn't know how to feel about that.
Keith in love?
He feels strange about it. Keith's in love with someone, but he hasn't told anyone about this mysterious person. Not Pidge. Not Hunk. Not even Lance, his right hand man from the war. He thought they were friends.
Lately, when Lance really thinks about it, he gets mad.
Why wouldn't Keith tell him about them? This person Keith’s in love with? Then Lance realizes he's jealous, and he hates it.
Jealousy is such an ugly emotion and Lance has tried to curb that feeling since his younger days. Jealousy is for insecure people, not him. Not anymore. He’s so above that.
On one of their weekly hangouts Lance stews in it. He can't have fun with everyone because all he can think about is Keith. He imagines that Keith wishes he was somewhere else with his special someone. That he’s only hanging out with the team to placate them and he’d rather be anywhere else.
Lance can’t stand it, and tries to leave early, but he’s followed.
By Keith.
"Hey, you heading out?" Keith calls out, walking over to Lance under the darkening sky. "Ah, the sunset. You didn't want to miss it right?" he guesses.
 "Yeah," Lance lies. 
"Race you to the hill then, last one pays the tab next week," Keith suggests with a smirk.
Lance can't hold his frustration in anymore.
"Keith, what are you even doing here?" Lance asks and the mood drops. Keith's smirk disappears.
"What do you mean?" Keith quirks a brow with a frown. "Am I supposed to be somewhere else?"
Lance clenches his jaw and his fists at his side, trying to contain himself.
"You clearly have someone you're waiting on, why not just...go spend time with them instead of your old war buddies," Lance says bitterly. "It's gotta be more fun than being with us."
"I don't follow," Keith says.
"Damn it, Keith, your hair!" Lance finally exclaims while pointing at the braid over his shoulder. He used to think it was so beautiful and now he only holds contempt for it. "You've been growing it out for a year! Just...give it to them and go live happily ever after already!"
Keith blinks in shock at him, clearly surprised. His eyes lid and avert as he raises a hand to thumb the end of his braid.
"Someone told you about the hair thing?" Keith asks, and Lance nods. "Oh," he hums in understanding. "So you...think it's long enough to be a good offering?
"Are you kidding?! Keith if it were me I'd have taken just a curl!" Lance exclaims then smacks a palm to his mouth in shock. He hadn't meant to say that. "Just...ignore that. And go give your person your love token already! Tired of seeing you flaunt how in love you are..."
It's not true. He's not tired of seeing that. He's just tired of knowing it isn't for him. And with his unintended confession its super obvious how jealous he is of Keith's mystery lover.
He expects Keith to be annoyed, angry, or put off by this conversation, but Keith snorts. Chuckling, Keith walks over to Lance, pulling a blade from his hip. He twirls the knife once, grasps his braid, puts the sharp edge near his neck and flicks out, severing the braid in one unceremonious cut.
The mullet is back and the braid is now in Keith's hand. Lance just stares.
"I didn't mean like...right now," Lance mumbles. "Now you have to carry around a braid all night until--" 
"No, I don't," Keith shakes his head with a easy smile. He extends the braid. "This is for you."
Lance stares flabbergasted. Lance blushes and stammers in shock as he looks at it.
The braid, it was for him? this whole time?
"B-But I thought...and you...but this..." Lance stutters. "R-Really? For me?" he asks and Keith nods.
Lance takes the silken braid that's a mere six inches long but it might as well be six feet. A year's worth of Keith's love. He can't believe it. Lance looks up and Keith's got his own little blush going on with a fond smile.
"So...still want to watch the sunset?" Keith asks.
Lance finally smiles and nods. "You...ever gonna grow it out again?" he  wonders. 
"Only if you want me too," Keith says and snorts. "Don't want you to get sick of me 'flaunting my love' around," he jokes and Lance grimaces in shame.
“Sorry, that was...it was ugly. I...I was so jealous," Lance admits, still shamefaced. "I...actually think...long hair suits you." 
"Then I'll think about it," Keith smirks. "Come on, sharpshooter. Or we'll miss it," he says and takes Lance's hand.
They run hand in hand together up the hill, excited smiles on their faces as they look forward to their future together.
The End <3
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Personally, I was a Klance shipper who also enjoyed Sheith stuff from time to time, and I just never understood why people got so pressed about fictional characters? Legit makes me a bit ashamed to have been into the show.
You see this shit in every fandom though. And sometimes from the same exact people. Voltron just seemed to attract a lot of them, for some reason. Probably because it was a lot of young people's first time being in a large fandom from the start, so you had a lot of Big Fandom Names being in their early to mid teens and completely unprepared to handle suddenly being popular and influential in a big fandom like that.
Whatever the reason, it was a toxic shitshow outside of some smaller satellite communities for the most part. I'm glad you were able to largely miss that shit though. Fandom would be so much better if people just kept to their own corners, enjoyed their Thing, and left everyone else alone.
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piecesofneptune · 1 year
“Get to Know Me” Tag Game! I was tagged by the very cool @imdayyydreaming so thank you so much for that ^^ I’ve actually never done a tag game before!
fav ship: Right now my favorite ship is Chess Husbands just bc I can see it being a thing in current canon of BBC Ghosts. This changes pretty frequently though. I also like Lumity and Catradora, but definitely a bit less. Wish I could find some more wlw ships to obsess over
first ship: I first got into fandom culture through Voltron, so I was definitely on the Klance bandwagon. I literally don’t even remember how old I was haha
last song: “Way out There” by Lord Huron
currently reading: The Discovery of Insulin by Michael Bliss
last movie: Good question. I never watch movies 😭
currently watching: Horrible Histories since apparently I missed out on this formative childhood piece of media
consuming: Nothing at the moment. I had some leftovers earlier?
currently working on: A research paper on medical patenting and advertising in the early 20th century + this adorable little crochet panda that still needs legs
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forcing everyone to look at him,,,
I nominate literally anyone because I don’t know who to tag. If you’re waiting for a sign to participate, this is your sign! <3
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teaveetamer · 2 years
O.o woah hold up. People think Sylvix is Leo/Takumi?! Am I late to the party WTF. I never made that comparison at all LMAO. Did I miss something? Admittedly I never knew why Sylvix exploded in popularity the way it did. I always thought their support were just excellent ship fodder and never understood beyond this. But is that way??! Side note, I had always shipped Leo/Niles but I 100% agree that it's lacking that same oomph that Dimidue brings easily. Great analysis!
I mean I don't know how widespread it was but I definitely saw people making jokes around it when we were closer to release. Like I said there are some definite similarities. Long haired grumpy tsun with a soft spot for animals (and possibly children, if you interpret some of Felix's tea time topics like that) and issues related to his brother and who is initially extremely distrustful of the main lord of their route but eventually comes around (or, alternatively can be forced to tragically face the main lord and grapples with their complicated feelings toward the main lord) + intelligent, cool as a cucumber character who generally hides a lot of their pain behind an indifferent mask, and who secretly has a bit of a darker element to him, but is generally charismatic enough to get by. Also has big brother issues. Also a mounted unit who can effectively use magic (if you wanna invest in Dark Knight for Sylvain like that). If you wanna get real into the weeds, I could point to Xander and Miklan being similar in that Leo and Sylvain both give them a bit of an inferiority complex (Xander/Leo's A support, Miklan's... everything). Hopes also confirmed that Felix was a bit of a mama's boy, and I'd argue Takumi is also definitely a bit of a mama's boy, though that didn't really factor into the early comparisons because we were all under the impression that Rodrigue spontaneously asexually reproduced Felix.
Felix just kind of mixed in with some lone wolf myrmidon elements and Sylvain got some incorrigible flirt elements.
I don't think Sylvix is solely popular because Leokumi was popular because like, there's a lot of differences and obviously Sylvix has its own appeal outside of its similarities to Leokumi. But I do think a lot of Leokumis sort of naturally gravitated to the ship for a lot of the same reasons they liked Leokumi.
As for why Sylvix exploded in popularity... well
For one, that early buy in by an already sizable group of shippers in the fandom would have naturally created more content for the ship, so more people would see the ship, the more people see a ship the more likely they are to get on board, which leads to more content, etc. Feedback loop.
They've also got their own appeal. Cute aesthetic, childhood friends, super gay death pact, optional tragedy, tsun + incorrigible flirt is always a nice time, etc.
And I can't speak to this one myself but... Klance was also a pretty common ship people compared them to...
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astralscrivener · 6 months
For the Ao3 Wrapped Ask Meme: #19, #29, #30 :D <33333
No pressure to answer all of these love, I just wanted to give you some choice <3 I love you so much e, have fun! <33
WAHHHH thank you sweetheart i love you too 🥺🥺❤❤❤
19. what's one pairing you want to explore next year?
god there are so many. there are a lot of old pairings (romantic and platonic) i used to write a lot of that i really didn't have time to touch this last year. i would LOVE to finally finish s7 of the fix-it fic and get into s8 and adashi's broken-ass marriage. i want to lean more into romellura bc i miss them a LOT i had a very brief hyperfixation in like 2020? early 2021??? but i miss them
i also miss writing keith & pidge. i still think about the oneshot i did for them back in 2017 (or early 2018? i don't remember) a LOT. like they both had their brothers go missing !!! they're both lonely little nerd losers!!! i think they should hang out together about it !!!!
29. favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
i genuinely think that this line from bad luck charm (twist the knife again) ruined my mental health for a solid three months
He was a walking negative, dark matter. And the universe would try and try and try ceaselessly to get rid of him until it succeeded.
30. biggest surprise while writing this year?
i had a huge wave of inspiration between july and october. i got so much vld / keith writing done. i think it's bc there was some kind of mini klance renaissance going on but good god. the rush. i hadn't felt that since maybe early 2019. i missed it so bad and now i miss 2017 again.
also surprised i haven't written like. as much tender ship content?? it was a lot of keith-centric instead of like. klance. which was weird. i'm not opposed to it!! it was just more hurt and less comfort than i expected. we will not be unpacking this statement
ao3 wrapped: writers' edition!
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shatterinseconds · 3 years
does anyone know if there'll be keithtober and/or klancetober prompts this year?
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castletemprwine · 4 years
quarantine has me going back to my old fandoms and hoo boy,,, when i tell you i am sobbing over klance right now,, know that i am fucking SOBBING OVER KLANCE RIGHT NOW
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amaneyuqi · 4 years
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hgthephoenix · 6 years
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never forget the glory of the garrison trio
excuse me as i cry over my own edits jldhfhhldal why are they so FUNNY
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nerdlance · 7 years
tbh i want a scene in s5 where lance is battling in red - and like they havent formed voltron yet - and then all of a sudden red just..shuts down?? the cockpit goes dark and he no longer has control and hes just ???? kinda panicking a little. a lot when red turns around and starts flying away from the battle. everyones like lance wtf r u doing and even tho hes freaking out he just explains and tells them to keep fighting bc hes gonna try to deal with this but no matter what he does he cant get red to respond to him and they just keep getting farther and farther away. 
and red takes him to remnants of another battle. spaceship shrapnel littered amongst the stars. red pushes her way through it, opens her mouth, and swallows up a small, dark figure. 
and lances eyes widen bc theres literally one person that could be. he rushes from the cockpit and finds a bloodied, unconscious keith. and its probably a bad idea, considering how injured keith is, but lance desperately tries to shake him awake. calling his name until keith groans and his eyes flutter open and he croaks...”lance?”
lance laughs in relief. and he begins to ramble abt how i thought i lost u there for a sec and i never thought i’d be so glad to hear u say my name and then explains how red took him here and he helps keith into the cockpit and keith leans heavily against him, fighting to stay conscious
the cockpit lights back up when they enter it. and lance almost thinks that its responding to keith but he can feel red all around him, feel their connection, and its like red is saying her job is done now. its up to him again. so he settles keith down and tries to patch him up the best he can but theres not much he can do. so he straightens and scratches his neck nervously bc what now? “where should i take u?” he asks. where is the bom? why did they just leave him?
and keith replies, voice heavy and eyes heavier, “the castle.” 
“what?” bc lance was sure that keith would be adamant abt getting back to the blades. to his mission. bc thats just keith. 
but keith looks at him and, slipping back into unconsciousness, he says, “take me home”
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blamblambitch · 3 years
• klance getting a place to their own
• as they're settling in, keith mentions getting a rocking chair for the front patio
• he doesn't say why but lance knows
• so one day keith goes out to idk, get some groceries or something
• and is a little skeptical that lance doesn't insist on tagging along, but doesn't put too much thought into it
• lance has other plans
• he'd gotten a rocking chair, identical to keith's fathers old one
• it's been sitting in the box, hidden away for the past few days
• he's tried to get it out sooner like when keith's sleeping, but it's been hard to slip away
• keith's been a little bit too clingy recently
• which isn't good if you desperately have to go to the bathroom
• lance gets a tad confused at first by the instructions but figures it out
• luckily getting it put together before keith comes back
• keith pulls up, grabbing his things out of the car and walking to the front door, stopping in his tracks when spotting the rocking chair
• he stands there for a moment, memories flooding his mind
• keith goes inside to put everything away, lance popping out of nowhere to help out
• keith is still taken back by the chair, asking lance about it
• keith: that...that rocking chair..did you?-
• lance: maybe, maybe not
• keith stays silent and lance urges him to go sit on it
• keith obliges easily, lance following behind him
• as soon as keith's weight is placed on top of the wooden chair, his mind takes him on a trip down memory lane
• he remembers how his dad would sit out early in the morning to the later hours of the day, and into the night
• keith would ask why he'd be out for so long and the response he'd receive was
• "being out here relaxes me, helps me be in a better mood, reminds me of the times i've spent with those i love"
• even on worser weather scenarios, keith would see his dad out there for at least a little bit
• keith would join him most of the time
• sitting on his father's lap, hippo stuffed clutched in his hands, listening to the stories his father had to share
• keith wouldn't dare look at the thing when his dad passes away
• it taking a while before keith himself would sit on the chair throughout the years
• something he missed back on earth when being in space was sitting on the rocking chair when having a shitty mood
• the rocking and creak of the wood was comforting to him
• keith had gotten emotional, realizing so once being brought back to the present, lance placing a hand on his shoulder and asking of he were alright
• keith nods, openingly talking about his memories, letting out shaky chuckles in between
• seeing keith getting choked up was starting to effect lance, he would try hiding his sniffles
• true, the rocking chair wasn't the very one his dad sat in, this one was newer
• but lance getting this for him cause he knows it'd make keith happy, meant the world to him
• the two shared a hug, giving each other quick pecks and wiping one another's tears away
• keith ends up thanking lance so many times that if lance had gotten a quarter for each time he were thanked for the chair, he would've been rich
• and lance ends up getting a rocking chair too so they could sit together
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