#i miss my gf i wanted to stay with my dogs i miss baking with my bff and watching youtube vids about my dead idols
☹️hi i dont usually do this thing where i ask for art/thoughts on things but ive had a super bad day and i was just curious as to what your take on your wounded-on-krypton Kara would be doing with Lena if she hadn't of come out as Supergirl but they still met and fell in love- would Kara just be floating around Lena's apartment during quarantine listening to Lena read books and making her gf tea's and flying out to get her her supplies so Lena would stay safe from getting sick? I really love your art.
aww, I'm sorry u had a bad day, I made a little doodle and tried writing a little story for it as well that should answear your queastion about my scarred!Kara and her relationship with Lena if she didn’t became Supergirl (tho I'm not a writer, so its quality might not be the best)  hopefully it will make u feel even just a little bit better
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The first time she met Lena, Kara was going to L-Corp to get a prosthetic replacement from their new Cybernetic Futures program since she kind of destroyed her old one.
Okay, she definitely destroyed her old one, but to be fair, who knew kicking a cement boulder with a prosthetic leg made from human metals but with the force of an angry and very frustrated superpowered being would destroy said metal leg. Really, who could've predicted that?
Walking into the building with warm coffee in hand proved to be more difficult than Kara hoped, her busted prosthetic making her wobble every two steps since she didn't have a spare she could wear - this was the spare - and the slippery tiled floor didn't help. Making her way to the elevator she kept glancing down focusing on her steps, this meant she didn't notice when a woman absorbed in her phone walked straight into her path. On instinct, she relaxed her body as to not harm the human she collided with, unfortunately, that meant she lost her barely-there, to begin with, balance and was sent sprawling onto the floor and her coffee splashing straight at the woman's shirt. Perfect. Just what she needed today.
She had an apology already forming on her lips when she looked up and for the first time noticed the woman, no, the goddess she bumped into. Her hair was black, but when it caught the light it shone deep chestnut brown and cascading down her back, her skin was pale and looked so soft Kara found herself wanting to touch it, her fingers twitching at her sides. The woman's eyes were green, though her right eye seemed to be two shades lighter, more gray than green. She wasn't looking at her currently occupied with taking in the state of her clothes. And Rao, her clothes. The outfit was that of a businesswoman, high heels ready to kill, dark burgundy slacks with a matching suit jacket, loose black tie, and a white shirt. A white shirt that was now covered in Kara's coffee. Oh no. She needed to fix this, like, immediately. The best place to start is with an apology, right?
Lena was having a pretty normal day, all things considered. She should have known her days are never normal. She woke up early, ate a small breakfast, and went to work. There she had meetings with investors from 8 to 11, some paperwork to sign, a small meeting with the head of R&D at 12, and now she finally had enough time to take a break and maybe grab some lunch. With a certain sandwich place in mind, she made her way down to the ground floor and, while answering some last-minute e-mail made her way to the exit of the building.
Before she could even make it halfway to the wide double door, she felt something surprisingly solid and at the same time very wobbly bump into her, and then a sudden warmth and wetness on her chest. Looking down at herself confirmed what she already suspected, someone, spilled coffee on her. Thankfully it was only warm and not scalding hot the last thing she needed right now was dealing with coffee-induced burns. Making sure her shirt was the only thing damaged in the incident, Lena paid no mind to the person who bumped into her, that is until a very apologetic voice started talking to her. From the floor. Looking away from her ruined shirt, she took in the person frantically trying to apologize for spilling coffee on her, at least that's what she thinks the woman was trying to do, seeing as at his point she was rambling a mile a minute.
The woman on the floor looked young, probably around the same age as Lena herself, she had blond wavy hair gathered in a messy ponytail and hidden behind cute square-framed glasses, the bluest eyes she has ever seen. There was a burn scar covering most of the left side of her face and neck and more peeking out from under her shirt. Her left leg ended right below the knee, and the prosthetic she was wearing looked like someone put it under an industrial press and then tried to put it back into shape with a hammer. She was wearing blue sneakers, jean shorts, and a yellow tank top with tiny rainbow dinosaurs on it that gave her an unobscured view of the rippling muscles in her arms as she gesticulated wildly still rambling out something resembling an apology.
Taking it all in Lena came to one conclusion. She's cute. And so with warm coffee drying on her chest and a beautiful woman at her feet, really what else was there for Lena to do other than ask the blonde out on a date.
They moved in together after a year of dating. Alex asked if they were sure, but there wasn't a doubt in their minds that this was what they wanted. It felt right. And they were glad for this decision since a few months later, they and most of the world's population were confined to their homes.
Days in quarantine were spent working from home on their laptops with their legs entwined together and sharing a blanket out of the view of the cameras. When they weren't working they were finding new ways to entertain themselves. Slowly making their way through the classics of fantasy and sci-fi literature, with Kara floating them above the couch and Lena laying on top of her chest reading aloud from her Kindle was how they were spending most of the evenings. During the weekends when there was less work, Lena tried to teach Kara how to bake - with mixed results - and Kara made it her mission to recreate as many childhood experiences Lena missed out on living with the Luthors as possible. Her blanket fort wasn't the most structurally sound, but it sure was cozy. Movie nights were a nightly routine, and cooking dinner together became the most sacred daily ritual neither of them dared or wanted to skip. Weekly game nights through zoom were initiated almost immediately after lockdown and to no one's surprise, Lena and Alex's competitiveness did not lessen with the development of not being in the same room. If anything it became worse. Bets about how long will it take for the two of them to start fighting and accusing each other of cheating were as much a tradition as game nights itself. Most days though were spent working and lounging together with Kara occasionally flying out to pick up supplies they needed. And when one day Kara flew through the balcony with two cats and a dog saying there wasn't enough space in shelters, who was Lena to refuse those cute puppy eyes (it didn't hurt that the dog and cats were adorable as well).
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My (Un)Official Gf application
Hi! So...um...I’m lonely tonight. Thought I’d just go ahead and submit my gf application for anyone who sees it. 
The Basics:
Name: Hana Lee Zainea
Age: 17 (Still a minor y'all. Back off creeps)
Gender: Female
Height: 4′7.5 (yeah, yeah. I get it. I’m the little spoon.)
Weight: 125. I know it’s a bit heavy, but I’m working on it. I’ve cleaned up my diet entirely and work out almost every day now! We’re working towards 110 by spring.
Build: Curvy. (Hourglass figure? Not sure really) I’m not quite mid size either, but I’m working towards slimming down and building a more toned/muscular physique. Korra from lok is the end goal haha
Pronouns: She/her
Sexual preference: Bicurious? I’m not quite sure just yet, but right now specifically, I’m looking for a guy. I haven’t really come out yet and I’m not sure how my parents would react if I did. 
Enneagram type: Shifts between 6 on bad days and 9 on good ones
Meyers Briggs: INFJ (So rare, I know)
Zodiac Sign: I mean I’m catholic, so I don’t really believe in that sorta stuff, but uh, Libra if that makes any difference.
Reasons to date me: 
I’m small, so I’d always be the little spoon when cuddling. 
I LOVE making gifts and will NOT hesitate to send you letters in the mail, give you candy, make you drawings and handmade cards, and make you any kind of crochet/sewn stuffed animal ur heart desires. 
I do relatively good in school and can probably help you with homework judgement free. 
I’m an artist, so once you’re my so, there’s a good chance you'll be used as a photo reference for a piece. You might get a sick portrait out of this.
I’m laid back as heck and can pretty much vibe with whatever
I already made us matching bracelets. 
Available pretty much 24/7 to talk or at least text
I can cook pretty well and I personally think I thrive in a well stocked kitchen.
Reasons that you might not want to date me:
I’m waiting ‘til marriage. You don’t have to be a virgin at all, just know that you won’t get anything out of me until you put a ring on it and have seen me in a white dress walking down the isle. I just don’t want to give my body away to someone who isn’t willing to commit to me and my personality rather than just my body. We can cuddle, hug, kiss, etc but as soon as it gets dirty, it’s no. I’m sorry :(
I’m a bit clingy. I don’t mean to. I just get really excited about new people and want to spend time with them. 
I cry a lot. I’m a bit depressed and will sometimes cry for no reason. It’s not anything ur doing. I just need to cry.
I’m also anxious as HECK and sometimes it gets so bad that I’ll think I’m sick. I’m prone to intrusive thoughts and OCD too and will often worry excessively about if people actually like me or not. If you get a text that says “are you upset with me?” it’s not because u did anything to make me feel that way. I just do and if I’m not actually bugging you, just respond “not at all!” or something else consoling and I’ll be fine.
As far as looks go, I don’t have much to offer. I have huge brown eyes that I think are pretty, and I kinda like my small lips, but otherwise I’m not a stunner. I’m not super ugly, I just don’t look good unless I put effort into my appearance.
I have a CRIPPLING case of body dysmorphia. I avoid looking in mirrors a lot and often beat myself up for missing workouts even if I’m sore and could hurt myself/eating something mildly unhealthy, so that’s fun.
Things we can do together: 
Watch our favorite shows together. I like and will rotate between atla, the mandalorian, LoK, the office, the clone wars, and sw rebels, but we can watch pretty much anything together. I’m totally down for anything  and I’d love to get into more mainstream and conventional shows. I attach to shows pretty quickly and the night will mostly involve us wrapped in a blanket and me pointing at fictional couples (mostly Kataang and sukka) and going “hey babe look! It’s us!”
Cook together! If u don’t know how, that’s ok! I’ll teach you! We can cook your favorite together! My repertoire ranges anywhere from fried rice and spring rolls, to tacos, to pasta. 
Bake! Cookies, cake, whatever u want! My favorite are lava cakes that have an oozy chocolate center and lemon cakes with thick icing on them!
Work out together! Not sure what u like, but I really love yoga, and I’m trying to get into more light weight-high rep. stuff. Not full on bench press, but I’m working towards a heavier handheld weight. My goal by the end of 2021 is 20 pound weights, but we’ll see!
If you do art, we can create stuff together! If you don’t that’s ok too!
Go to all ur sporting events and kiss u before for good luck and afterwards for a job well done (even if u don’t win, you’re still my winner)
Road trips to Chicago! I live in MI, but I love going down there to spend the day. We can shop, go ice skating, go to the ghiradeli store and get ice cream, go to the art institute, go out to eat, etc. Then we can stay the night, have a nice breakfast in the morning, and drive back. 
While we’re in quarantine, write letters! I make mine look really nice. U don't have to at all, and I just like getting stuff in the mail!
Couples costumes for halloween! I have wayyyy to many ideas lol. Depending on what u like and what u look like, I can pretty much do whatever, but my top choice is Sokka and Suki from atla.
Coffee and study dates around exam time
Movie night with each other’s families. Once ur in my life, ur in my family’s too! Come over and we can make popcorn and play with my dog and u can meet my younger siblings! They’ll love u I promise!
My requirements: 
Be taller than me (I mean, it’s not that hard. I’m 4′7. I don’t think it’s too much to ask)
I get to be the little spoon. (Again, it makes more sense bc I’m really small. U can try to be the little spoon, but physically it makes more sense. 
U don’t need to remember any dates EXCEPT for my birthday, (October 12) and our anniversary. (Don’t know when that’ll be) I don’t need gifts, just a nice text or a hug and a kiss. 
Be 16 or older. Sorry youngsters. 
That’s literally it. That’s it.
A little warning/extra tip: My expectations are kinda “high” bc of fictional men, but honestly, if u pick up on their romantic gestures, it’s really not that hard to please me. Some examples of things u can do that’ll completely have me simping for u:
Kisses! (Especially when YOU initiate)
Holding me
bringing me a tea 
Stay loyal! I know I’m going to be. Like, for REAL. U got no competition
CONSENT. Again, I’m waiting til marriage, but still! I’ve never done this before, so if u touch me in a way that makes me uncomfortable, please respect my boundaries. I’ll respect urs too!
That’s literally it. That’s the application. 
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Steve Rogers x Reader x Bucky Barnes
Warnings: Story with smut, M/F/M, no stucky. Oral sex. OVER 18 ONLY
A/N: 4K Commission for: @deanxfuckingadorablexwinchester
Summary: You are feeling inadequate in your relationship with Steve and Bucky.
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The coffee shop was busy as you navigated through the small afternoon crowd to get to the display of muffins, stomach growling for something blueberry or chocolate- maybe both if they did that. You reached the display and bent down, eyes beckoning back and forth between the blueberry and chocolate chips. Deciding it was a self love day, you opted for both and wait your turn patiently in line. It smelled like brewing coffee and baking goods, and when your turn was up, your cell phone started to ring. Quickly, you ordered the two muffins and coffee, before handing over your debit card and scrambling to pick it up.
It was Bucky and you smiled as you said hello. “Did you guys just get back?”
“Yeah, sweetheart,” he said, he sounded a bit tired but his voice warm. 
“You sound tired, are you headed to the apartment?”
After a quick briefing with the team he said. He mentioned picking up take out on his way home and when you asked if Steve was around, he handed over the cell to his friend. Steve’s voice was warm and steady, he asked how you were and if you missed him. The café had become loud and you tried to whisper that you did, but he said he could not hear you and you laughed.
“Of course, I missed you, I always miss the two of you.”
“Good, we’ll be home soon,” he promised, excusing himself. “The meeting is started, see you soon, honey.”
The two of you hung up just in time for your order to be called – leaving a tip, you gathered the coffee and bag of muffins, claiming a spot at a table near the large bay windows. The weather was becoming warmer, summer was just around the corner and the thought of less layering made you sad; you loved the jackets and scarves, not to mention Bucky and Steve both looked great in wool winter coats. Bucky in a black one, while Steve opted for a dark blue coat. 
Relaxing in the seat, you took a sip from the coffee and eased into your daily social media feed, scrolling through photos and alternating between the blueberry and chocolate muffins. Nothing out of the ordinary, except you had been tagged in a photo by Steve, who had posted it this morning. Clicking on the notification, you saw that he had taken an aerial photo of the city, must have been from the quinjet. You were tagged in the corner of the photo and the captioned read: Finally coming home to my girl.
It was sweet and it made you smile, Steve was such a romantic and your relationship with him was public – the thing the public did not know, and only the people close to you did, was that Bucky was also in the mix. It had happened organically over a course of two years, it started off as mutual friendship after you were hired to work with the Avengers on PR stuff and media control. You had to conduct interviews with each of the members to get a feel of their character, Steve was a bit apprehensive at first but the two of you hit it off rather quickly. You had a pretty easy-going sense of humor and Steve could not resist but Bucky on the other hand was a different story.
He was stoic and shy, so you asked him to meet you outside the facility for the interview – you picked a stop near the lake and just talked to him, mostly asking one layer questions until he opened up more and things started to meld after that. The two men sought your company, especially since you practically lived at the facility – damage control was a constant need, but slowly you turned into almost like an assistant to the Avengers. You helped them normalize their lives, they were superheroes, but the media acted like they were celebrities – gossip and tabloids were constantly coming up with stories about them that were untrue. It was your job to paint them in a colorful light – not that that was hard. 
Enjoying your muffin, you clicked on the comments and smiled at all the positive greetings, welcoming Steve back to the city, but the further you scrolled down, it seemed the more negative. Just like a celebrity, huh? The good and bad things people will say, Steve had tough skin, but you did not. There were mountains of comments on how Steve could do way better which you could only assume was from people who had clicked on your profile – it was private, but your profile photo still showed. It was a typical posing photo taken outside a bar Steve, Bucky and you frequent. Bucky had taken it and told you to pose with your hand so your hip, you did, and he liked it so much he had a wallet size print of it on the dashboard of his car – the man adored you. 
Yet, people were cruel and you were dating two gorgeous men (although they only knew about one of them), and people were quick to point out all your flaws; you were not skinny enough, tall enough and did not live up to the male gaze standard society pushed. It hurt, even though you wish it had not. 
Sighing, you closed the app and tried to focus on the two muffins waiting to be consumed – except now, you were not feeling so hungry. Gazing around the café, you could not stop from comparing yourself to all the women walking around. Feeling insecure, and hating it, you quickly packed up and left – hailing a cab back to the apartment.
When you got home, the apartment was quiet; it was a two bedroom layout that was nestled in the middle of Brooklyn – a place you found to help Steve and Bucky feel at home, and also a place for the three of you to escape from the facility. Most nights the three of you shared a bed but occasionally Bucky would become sleepless and have nightmares, so he requested his own room for those times. But ever since friendship turned into something more, those nightmares were few and far. 
“Parker,” you cooed out, closing the door behind as you walked into the apartment – it was quiet until you heard the pitter pattering of small paws on the wood. It was Parker, the orange cat Bucky and you adopted. Steve was more of a dog person, but it did not take much convincing once Parker was home. 
“Hey, buddy.”
You kneeled and started to pet him, ignoring the buzzing on your cell – the whole cab ride home you were getting tagged in photos that paparazzi had taken of Steve and you over the last year. Again, superheroes were treated like celebrities and were followed around, even when they were trying to be normal – therefore you understood why Bucky stayed out of the public. Steve, well, everyone knew who he was in and out of the suit – so he learned to tolerate the photo stalking, although he was known to give a stern look here and there. 
“Come, Parker, let’s get you some food.”
The cat followed you to the kitchen and meowed as you took out his food, following you to his food dish. As you fed him, your cell buzzed again, so you gave in and walked over to the kitchen counter. It was a text from Bucky, saying the meeting was running later than he anticipated and the two would be home soon with food. You wanted to reply but you had an itch to go back on Instagram, so you did.
Boy, you wish you hadn’t. 
Twenty minutes later, you were on the couch in the living scrolling through countless photos of Steve and you, and a few of Bucky. There were posts dedicated to the notion that Steve Rogers aka Captain America would ever date someone like you – someone who was short and curvy (not that false curvy that was just ass and boobs). You were not a Victoria's Secret model, let’s just put it that way and while you were perfectly fine with your body, people could be hurtful with their words. Especially when they could hide behind a screen. 
There was a photo in particular that someone had taken of Bucky and you in a coffee shop, the two of you lingering near a window somewhere in Brooklyn – he was smiling at you, the one he often saved for you, real sincere and quiet, if a smile could be quiet. You were holding a coffee and smiling right back at him, and the comments were cruel.
He must be faking that smile; he has to put up with his teammate’s girlfriend.
She’s basic AF
You remembered that day, it had been the first time in weeks that Bucky had decided to venture outside the block of your apartment. He asked if you would occupancy him to get some coffee and Steve urged you to go, kissing you goodbye on the forehead as he held Parker in his arms. That day, Buck dressed in a black hoodie and jeans, black glove on his left hand. He quietly pointed out places he knew back when he was a kid, noting how much things had and hadn’t changed. You listened contently and when you were inside the café, he told you he loved you – it was the first time he had said it since the three of you all moved in together and he mentioned how much he wanted to kiss you but what would the world think about him kissing Captain America’s girl?
“I’m your girl too, James.” 
He smiled then and you smiled back at him, then he noticed a woman taking a photo from outside the café window. 
You sat up on the couch and glared at the screen in your hand – Steve always said not to get carried away with the negativity and even offered to take down his social media. A part of you wanted him to, but you knew it made him feel connected to the world, so you said it was okay. Turning off the cell, you placed it on the coffee table adjacent to the couch and laid down. Your hand ran over your stomach, poking at the pockets of fat under your shirt and sighed thinking about how perfect Bucky and Steve’s bodies were – perfectly sculptured works of art. It made you feel unworthy and you didn’t like that feeling, so you decided to just sleep until two arrived. 
“She’s not answering my texts, maybe she fell asleep.”
“Natasha just texted me, she’s been fighting with people on your photo again.”
Steve frowned and searched for his cell, Bucky watching as they waited for the elevator door to open. The latter was holding take out from the Chinese place you loved so much while Steve’s eyebrows scrunched as he read over what was happening on his last post. 
“What the hell is wrong with people, Buck?”
“They’ve always been the same, nothing’s changed much, has it?”
Steve sighed and followed Bucky into the elevator, and when the doors closed, he looked over to his best friend. “I hate bullies.”
Parker met the pair in the small foyer of their apartment, the cat purred and rubbed against each of their leg before Bucky picked him up and followed Steve further into the apartment. They saw you sleeping on the couch, Steve sat on the coffee table and picked up your cell when it began to buzz. Bucky gave him a look as he tapped on the Instagram notification and saw that you were being tagged in awful posts. It made him angry and Bucky didn’t have to look to understand, instead he walked around the couch to you and sat on the edge, effortlessly shifting your body. He reached down to touch your face and he smiled, looking at Steve.
“It’s good to be home.”
Steve grinned. “Especially when we have her to come home to. I got to say Buck, ever since we made the move in with her, things have never felt better.”
Bucky looked down at you, Parker still in his arms, and leaned forward to kiss your cheek, his lips on your skin stirred you awake. You jumped up in surprise. He grinned as you brushed back the hair from his face and looked over to Steve.
“You’re back!”
Parker jumped out of Bucky’s arms into yours and he nestled on top of your lap, purring as you petted his back. Steve asked if you were hungry and mentioned the takeout he left in the kitchen, you said no and the two exchanged glances. Steve held up your cell and apologized for tagging you in the photo.
“I should have known better; people tend to show their worst online.”
“It’s fine.”
“It’s not, you shouldn’t have to worry about this.”
Bucky reached for your hand and gave it a squeeze. He reminded you that people didn’t know your life and that at the end of the day, it only mattered what you thought of yourself – and a little of what Steve and he thought, he said jokingly. It made you smile, his sweetness but your brain hyper focused on the result of reading all those comments – no one thought you were good enough for Steve or Bucky. No one. Both men sensed that your smile and assurance that you were fine was false, so they exchanged a knowing glance. 
“You brought food, yes? I’m hungry.”
“In due time,” Steve answered, taking Parker from your lap. 
You eyed him and asked what he meant, but Bucky gently grabbed you by the chin, forcing your gaze to move to him. Steve’s footsteps were heard going down the hall, and you wondered where he had gone until Bucky kissed you gently on the lips. His lips caught you by surprise, but you melted back into the couch as he pushed you down, his body hovered over yours. You could not help but groan when his tongue played against yours and his hand moved to caress the side of your face – Bucky’s reputation as the Winter Soldier was the opposite of his ways of being a lover. He was gentle and tended to your needs before his own. 
“I’ve missed you so much,” he whispered into your ear, giving the edge of your lobe a loving nip. You groaned again, gripping his shoulder with both hands as his lips moved from your ear down to your neck, where he pressed little kisses until you grasped in pleasure. “That’s my girl.”
“She’s both our girl, Buck.” Steve appeared in the room, now dressed in gray sweats and nothing else. Bucky stopped his kissing and got up from the couch, saying something about putting the takeout in the oven to keep warm. You sat up and regained your breath as Steve sat next to you on the couch – his smile was boyish, but his body was one of a man. Your eyes never could help but take him in every time he walked into a room and it always surprised you when you were the one he was walking too.
“People have nothing better to do than break down those they have no reach to.”
“Wise words, Rogers. How did you get so smart?”
He shrugged, using his arm to pull you into his side. His fingers pressed into the side of your arm and he held you tight against his body. Your throat clenched with the feel of his skin and before you could even say something smart and witty, he had you on his lap. He was fast, like that, could have you coming in seconds if he really wanted to. Mostly, he liked to take his time. 
You looked down at him, his head dipped back against the couch. His blue eyes were staring up at you, like a shy schoolboy. Touching the side of his face, you asked how you got so lucky. He shook his head and kissed your hand, placing it on his bare chest. 
“Don’t do that.”
“Do what?”
“Bring yourself down, it hurts me to hear those things from you.”
“I won’t say them anymore.”
That’s not what he meant, but he knew no matter what he or Bucky said, they needed to show you how much they love you. So, he adjusted you on his lap, your knees nestled into the cushion of the sofa. Both his hands went down to your waist and he called out to Bucky, who walked into the living room. Your heart pounded as he made his way to the couch, settling down next to his friend; his smile made you smile.
“I love you,” you whispered to him, his eyes softening with your words. He wanted you to know how special he felt when you gifted him with those words, with the light you brought into his life. 
“I love you,” he mused back.
“We both love you.”
Steve pulled you down to his and kissed you passionately, his hands on your face. He whispered that you were the only one for him and no one could take that away. You felt his truth in his kisses and then you felt him hard under you, which excited you. But then he stopped kissing you, your eyes still closed when you felt Bucky pull you down to him. Your eyes opened to Bucky’s, who pulled you over his body, your back against his chest. 
“We’re going to show you how much we love you,” he whispered, his fingers dancing down the front of your stomach to the waistband of the joggers you were waiting. The excitement made your toes warm as he tugged at the strings, loosening them up a bit. Steve watched as Bucky’s hand disappeared under the pants and you moaned quietly when his fingers made their way under your underwear. He touched you slowly at first, hungrily pawning at you until Steve stood up and eagerly pushed away the coffee table away from the couch. He positioned himself on the floor, kneeling in front of the couch. Bucky spread his legs, using his hands to do the same to yours after Steve pulled off your sweats and panties. 
The cool air made you shudder until Steve placed both his palm on top of your thighs, as Bucky kissed your neck and his hands roamed under your shirt to your breasts. His touch was a bit rough as he pushed aside the top of your bra to get to your nipples, pinching them slightly. Your hips jerked up but you weren’t sure if it was because of Bucky or the fact that Steve’s head was now buried between your thighs, his mouth on you. It was probably both.
You moaned loudly and wiggled under Steve’s mouth, the feeling of his tongue licking you gave way to wanting him to stop and wanting him to never stop – it was so intense it almost hurt as you cried out. Your head rested against Bucky’s chest as his hold on your breast tightened. There was no control when you were with them, it was almost unfair but that thought always drifted away with every touch of their mouths and hands. 
“We love you,” Bucky whispered, his teeth pulled at your earlobe and you whimpered. “You’re the only one we want, right Steve?”
He didn’t verbally answer, but his tongue lapped faster at your clit and that was enough to speak more than volumes. You called out both their names and the two men worked faster, Bucky nibbling on your neck and Steve including his fingers in the quest to finish you off. It was insanely disorienting, but that’s what their love felt to you – two large forces constantly circling you, protecting you and more often than not, guiding you to a level of happiness you could have never imagined. You loved them deeply and profoundly, it felt implicitly wrong at times, for them to feel the same way. 
Yet, here they were – after a long mission and weeks of preparation for said mission. They had come home, to relax and have some form of normalcy to find you in need of comfort, and they do so without hesitation or complaint. They do it because they simply love you and had for a while now. They do what needs to be done, so you can feel love because nothing could ever be enough to show you the gratitude both felt. Gratitude towards you for choosing them both, for seeing that they needed you more than you needed them and for making space in your heart for the both of them. 
“Come one, sweetheart,” Steve purred and lifted you from under, your ass in his hands as he dug deeper with his tongue, his whole mouth on you. Moaning, you felt the intensity fire up, burning away all the negative comments and remarks, the ugly thoughts and feelings of unworthiness of being the lover of Captain America and the Winter Soldier, because that wasn’t it. You were the lover of Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes, two guys from Brooklyn, who had kind hearts and even kinder souls. You were more than worthy of that title and no amount of hateful remarks could ever change that – you saw that now. 
“I – I’m…”
The rest of the sentence disappeared into the air as the pair moved faster to satisfy you, knowing the way you loved to be touch and with that knowledge, the life time friends brought you to the edge then swiftly and delicately, pushed you off.
Your body shook uncontrollably, the air condition cooled your warm skin. Steve licked you a few times more before kissing the inside of both of your thighs. He sat back and rubbed at his chin; Bucky gave your breast a tender squeeze before releasing them. He kissed you on the cheek, removed his hands from under your shirt and pulled it down. 
No words formed from your lips, so you were grateful when Bucky grabbed the throw blanket from the couch’s arm and covered your body half with it. He snuggled you against his chest, arms wrapped around your waist. Steve stood up and leaned forward to kiss you on the forehead, proclaiming he was thirsty. He disappeared into the kitchen and you smiled, body relaxed against Buck’s. 
You glanced down at the coffee table and noticed that in his rush to get to you, Steve had broken the leg. “We’re going to need a new coffee table.”
Bucky chuckled. “Probably.”
Sliding off him, you laughed too and apologized for letting the social media comments get to you. “I’m the Avengers PR person, I should know better. I guess we’re all just human, mostly, anyway.”
He looked at you and smiled. “Mostly.”
“Who needs water?” 
Steve walked into the living room with two glasses of water, he handed each of you one and said that the takeout was still warm, noting that he was hungry. You downed the water and asked him to pass over your discarded sweats. Putting them on, you cleared your throat and looked to both men.
“I just want to say that I’m going to really try to not let those comments bother me, it’s dumb and they don’t know our lives. You guys are right, and that’s probably the first time you’ve ever heard that in your life.”
They both laughed and you smiled, feeling better. “I just…I love you two very much and I don’t want my own negative thoughts get in the way nor do I want outside influences to mess up what we have. Agreed?”
Steve looked over to Bucky, who nodded. “Agreed.”
You clap your hands together and sighed in relief, announcing you were ready to eat. The two friends watched as you walked away from them, their eyes on you until you left the room. Bucky stretched against the couch and got up, patting Steve on the back.
“How the hell did we get this lucky, punk?”
Pure luck, that was the only answer Steve could come up with. At least, that was what he felt every time he walked into a room and saw you, and he was sure Bucky felt the same. Smiling, mostly to himself, Steve shrugged. “It beats me.”
Forever tags: Forever Tags:@theweirdlunatic @supernaturallymarvellous@dancewaterdance02@yeahbutmarvel @infinity1321  @my-amazing-nerdyness @naih-reedus @maciiiofficial@casownsmyass @jade-taillia @fangirlextraordinaire@indominusregina@feelmyroarrrr @my-rainbow-wonderland @myhopeisinfinite @girl-next-door-writes@melonberri@superisatomboyuniverse @dracsgirl@moonlight53 @makemyownwonderland@dreamwhisper87 @trekken81  @barely-emily @milkywaybarnes @goodnightwife @mishaissocoollike@foreverybodythatunderstands23@gallifreyansass@flirtswithdanger@myplaceofthingsilove   @jchona  @alyssaj23 @blackhoneybucky@urbanspacedecay @castieltrash1 @hannahsakorax3@imagine-all-the-imagines @motleymoose@distinguishedqueenofbooks @kitkatgaming@fizzylollipop12@iamwarrenspeace@darkmystress00 @lunarwolfrose  @kapolisradomthoughts@sisinia13 @swiggityswagness @lianasparklezstuff@takemetoneverland91 @to-pick-ourselves-up-7 @sarah-mos@rubynationwins @padfootorionblack @kaywolves @wonderlace19   @courtneychicken@rayleyanns @whatmakesmebeme-tblr @thewinterwitch
@avengersgirllorianna@tatortot2701@brewsthespirit-blog @seabasschino   @ex-bookjunky@travelwithwords@supernaturaldean67 @thehuntchback @shoytai @besamiculo-puto @ign-is@zuni21798 @multipleuniversesinwriting @lauxeyson@pleasantdreamqueen  @damalseer@10kindsofderp@hennessy0274-blog @jodoethr @s-t-r-i-k-e-us @seeing-but-not-observing@happyskywhale@peekingsunshine @sebstanchrisevanchickforever19 @cinema212@geeksareunique @thilbob @hercrazyfandomobsession @wildefire @ @nosleeptillbucky @grace-for-sale @someonekindalikeyou @space-helen@sorenmarie87@wickedsingularity@steve-rogers-personal-hell @wintersire@whatshernamemaria @theheadcanonsawakens@iminlovewithasuperboy @loverbug1123@sugerquill @starmission@pineapplebooboo  @justanotherfangirl272 @battlebunnyteardropsinthesun
@liamssmiler@ludwigs-a-monster @mad-girl-without-a-box @k8tie-a-934 @dr-pepper-only @allltheships   @showtimeaholess @thxsoldixrrolxplay @esoltis280 @bass-clarinette@sebastianstanslefteyebrow @dsakita @cwar1864@theonlyparadox@faithtrustandpixiedust95@theweirdlunatic @marvhellove @kjs-s @aredlily@sami-raye@lucifersnipnips @feelmyroarrrr  @darkshadow3492 @lianasparklezstuff @ajduurikscjsja@morgan-atr @theflowerswillbloom@coffee-stained-tongue @lowkeyxloki@cannonindeez @astro-sim-dog  @tardisonthesupremacy@iridescent-gxmora @slither-in-a-half@fangirlftshipper@lost-in-the-stories @maheelumos123 @nurnwasburned-nowimhomeless@shamelessbookaddict  @stevieboyharrington@princess76179 @the-criminal-soldier@tylerrose931617 @danicalifonia25 @an-enchantingmuse@sheridans-dynamos @problematic-artist @fatefellshortthistime@ilovetvshowsblog  @piensa-bonito @sourwolf-sterek32@crazyinspiration @malfoysqueen14@drakelover78 @kcd15 @beautifulfound @fridolf-arach@nephalem67 @youclickedthislink@lilacs-lavender@imthegirlyourparentswarnedyouof @lovvliies@medievalfangirl @mother-focker @verybitteraboutjohnmulaney @thenightshadequeen
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narutoocgallery · 5 years
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I mostly want a full review of my character, You may publish if you like, i wouldn’t mind. :) Thank you!!
Name: Megumi Yoko
Age: (Part I) 12-13 (Part II) 15-17
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Blood Type: O-
Birthday: October 18 (Libra)
Personality: Peace loving, Elegant, Irresolute (very hesitant), Diplomatic, Idealistic, Avoids head-on arguments ( Just like how she fights lol) and Mellow
Good Trait(s): Diplomatic, Tactful, fair-minded, Peaceful, Calm.
Bad Trait(s): Detached, Indecisive, avoids confrontations, will carry a grudge
Like(s): gentleness, sharing with others, the outdoors, sweets, swimming, warm water/weather, the sounds of moving water, and Harmony.
Dislike(s): loudmouths, conformity, Dry areas, large social groups, Snow, Given to many opinions, Difficult decisions and Short range fights.
Hobby(ies): Swimming!, and Sewing
Fear(s): thunder/lightning, abandonment (or being alone), being forgotten or not remembering things, and being buried alive.
Strength(s): Water Areas (Ocean, Lakes, Rivers, etc) Water style jutsus, and Swimming,
Weakness(es): Lighting style jutsus, Strong Fire style jutus, Dry areas, and heat
Personal Quote: “…well ya know…”
History: (Sorry if this sucks)
Megumi was born in the hidden mist village, her mother and father were respected ninja of the mist. After Marriage Megumi’s mother was shortly pregnant And became a stay at home mom. Megumi’s father kept being a ninja and was away from home a lot, this was normal. One Afternoon when Megumi was 6 years old Megumi’s home was broken into by rough ninjas
Megumi’s mother was out-numbered and she knew she had no chance to live though this but she wanted to save Megumi. She hide Megumi away and told her to not come out no matter What she heard, Megumi was hidden in a closet ( if the rough knew about her or not they left her.) Megumi’s mother was killed, her body was left on the floor to bleed out.
Once it was quiet Megumi peeked out to only see her dead mother on the floor in a pool of blood. Megumi sat down next her dead mother, she was covered in blood but she seemed to have zoned out. She didn’t Leave her mother’s body until her father came home and pulled her away.
At the age of 8 Megumi started growing scales on her feet/legs. This was a passed down trait in her father’s family that skipped him but got to Megumi. She tried her best to hide them from everyone
at school and in the village but it wasn’t hidden for so long. The kids at her school found out about her scales and she became out casted and labeled as a “Freak”. This made socializing with others hard for her. She didn’t make a real friend until she was 12 and got put into a team with Yachi and Takeshi who became her friends.
Megumi’s Father wasn’t around as much as he wanted to, He had many missions he had to do and had to be away for long periods of time. Megumi’s father loved her without question and that is why he did so many missions. He always left her in the cable hands of the village elders who treated her better than any kids at school. Megumi had a hard time calling the elders her friends but they were all she had at that time.
Looks and Appearance
Body Type/Looks: Thin and Pale
Height: (Part I) 147cm [4'10] (Part II) 155cm (5'1)
Weight: (Part I) 33.9 kg (Part II) 39.8
Makeup/Facepaint: None
Hairstyle(s): (Part I) Long, Curly Purple hair tied up in a ponytail. (Part II) Long, Curly purple hair that is wore down and ends at her mid-back.
Accessories: Small Gord that holds Water/(part II only) Poison water.
Scent: Wet Strawberrys.
Scars or Tattoos: has some small cuts on her left forearm. (It’s always covered)
Jewelry and/or Piercings: None.
 Traits: Her Feet/Cafs are covered in scales, these help her swim and stay longer under water.
Ryuunosuke Yoko (Father)
About: Ryuunsuke is a respected ninja of the hidden mist, He is well known for his powerful Water wolf jutsu that he kept in his own family.  
Tomomi Yoko (Mother)
About: Tomomi was a beautiful women and was much liked in her village; She was once a powerful Ninja but stopped when she got married to Ryuunsuke Yoko; Soon after their marriage, She becomes pregnant. She has her first child; Megumi. As Tomomi was at home; their home was raided by thugs against the mist village. Tomomi was killed; She managed to save her daughter.
Sibling(s): None-
Relative(s): None besides mum and pops.
Best Friend(s):
Yachi (+Teammate)
About: Yachi and Megumi were put in team together, Over the years of fighting together they became best friends. Megumi trusts Yachi more than anyone else in the Hidden mist village.
Takeshi (+Teammate)
About: Takeshi and Megumi where put together in a team; Trust was low at beginning because of Takeshi’s quiet and miss-trusting looks. But slowly they began to trust and get along better, the more missions they went on and they got to know each other.
About:  Yori-sensei is the ring leader of Megumi’s Team. Not much is known about Yori, besides that Is powerful enough to go toe-to-toe with kakashi of the hidden leaf.
Student(s): Megumi couldn’t teach a monkey to breathe.
Gaara of the Sand.
About: Gaara and Megumi didn’t start out liking each other. Megumi was incurably scared of Gaara after his fight with Rock Lee and even more so when Gaara’s demon was unleased. Megumi avoided Gaara for a long awhile. Her fear disappeared when she finally saw that Gaara wasn’t the monster he used to be.
Megumi ran into Gaara (and his siblings) why out on a mission with her team. Her fear of him was still their but he proof that he has changed.
Rival(s): Nah.
Enemy(ies): nah.
Pet(s): No pets
Favorites/Least Favorites
Food(s): Namagashi (type of wagashi, which is a general term for snacks used in the Japanese tea ceremony.) Taiyaki ( “baked sea bream,” is a Japanese fish-shaped cake.)
Drink(s): Green Tea, Calpis Water
Color(s): Blue, Black
Season(s): Spring
Time of Day: Afternoon (2:00am-6:00am)
Weather: Semi-Summer with Clouds.
Flower: Dahlia
Animal: Wolf/Dog
Ninja Information
Birth Village: Hidden Mist
Current Village: (Part I) Mist (Part II) Sand
Academy Graduation Age: 12
Chunin Promotion Age: 14
Rank: (Part I) Genin (Part II) Chunin
Ninja Status: Villager
Are you in the Akatsuki?: Nah
Bijuu [Tailed Beast]?: Nah
Teammates: Yachi, Takeshi (Talked about in relationships)
Sensei: Yori-Sensei
Nindo: “Fight to be remembered.”
Chakra Element: Water
Weapon(s): (Part I) Kunai, Water (Part II) Kunai, Poison water
(Part I)
*Water Wolf Jutsu - Family/Clan based
Rank: B-Rank
Range: Vary
*Water Style: Wild Wolf Fang Jutsu- Family/Clan based.
Rank: C-Rank
Range: Long Range
Water Style: Raging Waves (Rank-C)
Rank: C-Rank
Range: Short to mid range
Ninja Art: Hidden Mist Jutsu (Rank-D)
Rank: D-Rank
Range: All Ranges
Water Clone Jutsu (Rank-D)
Rank: D-Rank
Range: All Ranges
(Part II)
Water Beast Jutsu ( X headed water wolf)
Rank: B-Rank
Range: Long Range
Water Style: Marine Battle Formation Jutsu
Rank: C-Rank
Range: Short to Mid Range
Water Style: Mount of the Serpent
Rank: B-Rank
Range: Long Range
Water Style: Poison Rain Jutsu
Rank: C-Rank
Range: Long to mid Range
Water Style: Poison Dart Jutu
Rank: B-Rank
Range: Long Range
Water Style: Water Whip Jutsu
Rank: B-Rank
Range: Short to Mid Range
Water Style: Black Rain Jutsu (??)
Rank: ??-Rank
Range: Short
1 - 5: Horrible
6 - 8: Below average
9 - 10: Average
11 - 13: Above average
14 - 16: Talented
17 - 18: Gifted [This is Sannin level]
Strength in Jutsu
Ninjutsu [ninja techniques]: (I) 11 (II) 13
Genjutsu [illusion techniques]: (I) 7 (II) 8.5
Taijutsu [martial arts techniques]: (I) 9 (II) 11
Kekkei Genkai [bloodline traits]: (I,II) 0
Doujutsu [eye techniques]: (I,II) 0
Kinjutsu [forbidden techniques]: (II) 2
Fuuinjutsu [sealing techniques]: (II) 9
Strength in Missions
Intelligence:(I) 9 (II) 11
Wisdom: (I) 7 (II) 9
Strength: Physical: (I) 8 (II) 9, Water: (I) 10 (II) 13
Agility: (I) 9.5 (II) 12 (she’s good at running away lol)
Dexterity: (I) 8 (II) 10
Stamina: (I) 7 (II) 9.5
Constitution: (I) 1 hit O.K (II) 4 (Can take a hit but not many, She’s a distance fighter.)
Charisma: (I) 4 (II) 7
Comeliness: Cute as frick (I think she is.)
Chakra Control: (I) 10 (II) 14 (She needs the chakra control for 90% of her jutsu,)
Cooperation: (I,II) 10 ( This doesn’t change much.) 
P.S Please take your time <3
Generally fine, with a few points to consider.
 a)      Her personality you describe as ‘peaceful’ and ‘calm’, which doesn’t sound like someone who carries a grudge. Also, someone who is indecisive wouldn’t make for a very diplomatic personality, I think.
b)     You can’t really like harmony but dislike conformity, as the opposites usually go hand-in-hand.
Again, generally fine, the level of violence and adaption to family life is realistic to Naruto. I like the idea of growing scales on the body. It’s a distinctive character trait – it’s a bit of a shame that you decided to cover them up in the character design – maybe as she gets older she becomes more comfortable showing them?
However, I’m not sure she would get bullied that hard over them. Biologically exaggerated Kekkai Genkais have been shown to be not uncommon in the Naruto world, and just having some scales on the bottom part of your legs doesn’t seem all that weird in comparison to be honest.
Also, why does her father leave her in the care of the village Elders specifically? You said the mother and father were well-respected in the village, but it doesn’t sound like they were actually on the council or anything, meaning there would be more convenient people to leave her in the care of; after all, Elders are busy people (I assume by Elders you mean members of the village councils – if you just mean older people in the village, disregard this last bit).
 Looks and Appearance:
Why does she smell of wet strawberries?
The biggest question here for me is how the leg scales help her swim/breathe underwater? If she had webbed feet I might understand that helping her swim, but scales wouldn’t do that. Also, scales wouldn’t affect her ability to breathe underwater – or do you mean just stay under the surface of the water? In which case the breath-holding thing would come into play again; most ninjas are trained to stay underwater as cover and hold their breath for a long time anyway. I can’t really see how this trait would help that.
Family and teammates look nice and varied. Maybe put a bit more thought into her parents’ personalities and values? Many of these would be passed onto their daughter as they raised her.
It’s good that your character is consistently scared of Gaara; that’s good and realistic. Maybe think some more about how their relationship would develop past ‘her fear of him disappeared’.
 Justus and Abilities:
Well-balanced; she’s not overpowered and you have a good spread of abilities and ability progression. I assume many of the jutsus you mentioned are made up by you so I can’t really comment too much on that.
You obviously thought and planned out a lot about Megumi Yoko and it shows. She’s neither overpowered not overly weak. I really like her, but I feel like you could make her stand out a bit more. With a very introverted personality, it can be easy for these kinds of characters to feel less well-defined than others. Looking forward to where you take her from here :)
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okmica · 6 years
Soft Bias Tag
tagged by the sweetest @glossyukhei
Who is your bias?  
What made you notice him?
i’m pretty sure i fell for him through the 00 line vlive. i remember starting this blog a hardcore ten stan. that all changed when i saw his eyesmile in that damned hoodie. i fell hard for that boy n i’m not complaining.
What’s your favorite thing about them?
he is so kind and gentle, opposite of me lol. i just think he is such a genuine person and all of nct knows how kind he truly is. mannerism is the way to me heart.
Who would initiate skinship more?  
hmmm prob me?? i love hugs; i’d be that gf that runs and gives him backhugs all. the. time.
Who would hog blankets more?
also me. whenever i share a bed with someone i end up stealing all the blanket. sorry jeno.
Who would be more clingy?  
probably a mix? i’m on and off about being clingy, i think he is also like that.
Who would say “I love you” first?  
him? it takes a while for me to say that to someone other than friends and family.
Who would be more easily flustered?  
lol uh mf me. i am already flustered just watching vids of him. i can’t make eye contact for shit and i stutter and blush all the time.
What cuddling position would you have?  
i’ll be laying on the bed while scrolling through my phone and jeno would roll over to wrap his hands around my waist, resting his head on my chest to get my attention. alskdfnlks im screaming
Which colors remind you of them and why?
light blue; gentle and familiar like the sky on a perfect day.
What season would you like to spend with them?  
fall!!! i rlly wanna go on a late night walk when it’s super cold so we can run around hugging and be annoying.
Who would steal the cookie batter? And who would bake the cookies?
i’ll be baking the cookies and he’s steal the batter. 
Which one of you would make bad puns and how would the other react?
i’d make the bad pun and he’d prob call me no jam...
Who would want to adopt 50 dogs and cats?
jeno, he seems like an avid pet lover.
Which one of you would nearly burn down the kitchen trying to microwave a pop tart and who would come to the rescue?  
hmm prob jeno. i’m pretty good at microwaving poptarts so i’ll be glad to rescue him.
Who likes to lean over trail railings and who pulls them back?  
jeno leans over railings and i’d pull him back. i am terrified of heights (i can’t even lean on the railings at malls), so i’m gonna make sure we both stay away from railings.
What would watching a horror film with them be like?  
tbh i hate horror films, i’ll only watch them if i’m forced. the whole time i watch them i just cover my face. so i’d just be burying my face in his shirt the whole time, screaming each time he jumps.
Who would be the cheesy flirt and who would be the smooth flirt?   
ok i suck at flirting so i’d be the cheesy flirt but fail miserably. i think jeno could be a mix of cheesy and smooth. he learns from jaemin.
Who is more competitive?  
uhhh me? i am super competitive; doesn’t matter if it involves the loml, i’m still winning.
Who would have to be given constant reminders (reminders to eat, don’t forget your keys, etc.)
i’m super forgetful and less organized than i want to be so jeno pls help me out.
Who sends memes and who sends cute “i miss you” texts at 3am?  
i’m the meme sender. i’ll reply to his 3 am imy’s with a derp of his face. but i do send those cheesy paragraphs every few weeks bc sometimes i’d feel guilty for not returning his love.
tagging: @marcus-lee9 @godtierjeno @tojaehyun @mnhynq @xero-chill @sakuurae @norencult and anyone elsee who would like to participate!
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mmakehappy · 7 years
1. What did you do in 2017 that you’d never done before? i’ll try to do this chronologically again: so at the beginning of january one of my best friends left to study abroad in rome which was sad and i missed her a lot. i saw rory scovel do stand up. i took an animation class which was fun for the first few weeks until i failed it lmao. actually my classes from jan to march did not go so well tbh but whatever i made it through. my sister came to visit me the weekend before st paddys day which was super fun and then we saw panic which was soooooooo fuckin rad i love them still wow! i went home for spring break and visited a local winery w my dad which was a lot of fun and then a week later uhhh me and @carrot-gallery became gfs!!! and my whole frickin life changed bc i love her so much wow!! but then a week after that i turned 22 and spent my birthday alone! which i tried to pretend didnt make me sad but by the end of the day i was very sad about it and thats when my sweet gf called me to sing happy birthday and i sobbed on my couch and ill never forget that!!! so okay then spring quarter classes started and i was a part of depaul’s visiting artist series which was super cool... i met a lot of new awesome people (both at depaul and the industry ppl that were our guests!) and made some great friends in that class! i was a house manager and camera op which was super fun. i went to a screening of my fave professor’s short film which was also rad. i saw a ghost story at the chicago critics film festival, which was amazing. i saw idiocracy in 35mm and then mike judge did a q&a! the very next day i was house manager for depaul’s student film festival at the music box! i saw chris gethard do a live recording of beautiful/anonymous and then also do some standup, that was awesome. i saw day wave live!!! amazing! i spent an entire dystopian day dealing with megabus. that was hell! i sat at an outdoor amphitheater and even tho i couldnt really see him i got to listen to seu jorge sing david bowie covers and life was magical for a few hours. my sisters came up to visit me and we saw aladdin the musical and had our minds blown, it was soooo fun! i went to the chicago pride parade for the very first time but i went by myself and at one point i was sitting on the curb just crying! not a high point but still memorable. i won a ticket to an advanced screening of the big sick where kumail & emily were there to do a q&a after the movie.... had a fuckin blast OBVIOUSLY and then saw the movie 9 other times in various theatres. i also made it into a commercial FOR the movie i just loved it that much lmao! i moved into a new (and my current) apartment! lorde released melodrama and fucking murdered me in my own home. otherwise i had a pretty uneventful but anxiety filled summer bc of financial aid stuff so that really sucked. i saw good time w taylor and the safdie brothers were there to do a q&a and they were such interesting guys i could listen to them talk for hours honestly. my mom and sisters came up to visit me and we took our mom to her very first cubs game which was sooo so much fun and they won that day too!! it was awesome and we had a great time :) watched the eclipse (or tried to anyway!!) fall quarter classes started and i honestly kicked ass at them, i got on the deans list (i almost typed honor roll lmao i mean its basically the same) i hung out with ari again which was cool!! we went to the aquarium! me and taylor saw beach fossils which was honestly the most buckwild concert ive ever been to i think, it was good shit. i got jobs at AMC (which i have since quit lmao) and starbucks and left my job at the paint place which was bittersweet! me and taylor saw mbmbam live!!! so fun!! and we watched trolls that night and goofed on it so hard!! i went home for thanksgiving and found out my big sister is gonna have a baby this year!! :D i saw mike birbiglia do stand up! which was soooo incredible of course (except i felt bad bc my mom was supposed to come w me but she couldnt go! so i brought taylor lol) UMMMMM MY DAM GIRLFRIEND CAME TO CHICAGO TO VISIT ME AND STAYED FOR A WHOLE DANG WEEK AND IT WAS THE BEST THING EVER SHE MAKES ME SO HAPPY WE HAD SO MUCH FUN AND I MISS HAVING HER RIGHT NEXT TO ME EVERY SINGLE GOSH DANG DAY <3 ;_____; and that was my year!!
2. Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year? last year i said id like to read at least one book each month and watch at least 100 movies - i did neither! im keeping the movie resolution though bc cmon 100 movies should be EASY for a film major wtf am i doing!
3. Did anyone close to you give birth? no but it will happen in 2018! 
4. Did anyone close to you die? not a person but we had to put down my sweet doggo, flash :(
5. What countries did you visit? still none :/
6. What would you like to have in 2018 that you lacked in 2017? More confidence that I actually deserve to be in college and that I can do this shit and I’m awesome <– that was my answer from last year and the year before but yeah. same. also money.
7. What dates from 2017 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? ummm march 25 when me and gf became gfs and also dec 17 when she came to visit :)
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year? putting myself out there by doing VAS/Premiere, getting on the deans list for the first time since freshman year and then also getting a new job
9. What was your biggest failure? this summer i didnt do shit besides wallow and cry and it sucked!
10. Did you suffer illness or injury? nope
11. What was the best thing you bought? every movie ticket and the bras i bought for natalie ;-)
12. Whose behavior merited celebration? natalie’s because she’s amazing and works so hard!!!! and she can always cheer me up and im so in love w her
13. Whose behavior made you appalled? mine bc i could never just get my shit together and do my homework when i was supposed to :) < thats from last year but lmfao same!
14. Where did most of your money go? RENT, movie/event tix, food, in that order
15. What did you get really, really, really excited about? THE BIG SICK, the new season of sv, p much all of the events that i listed in the first question lol
16. What song will always remind you of 2017? umm honestly probably any song from melodrama
17. Compared to this time last year, are you: a) happier or sadder? b) thinner or fatter? c) richer or poorer? I’m a. happier, b. probably thinner? or maybe the same idk, and c. definitely DEFINITELY poorer
18. What do you wish you’d done more of? read and write and watch movies and write and read about movies
19. What do you wish you’d done less of? Spending money and also being bitter about everything for no reason <– last year and the year before that AGAIN and also same!
20. How did you spend Christmas? working at AMC which i hated every second of :)
21. Did you fall in love in 2016? yes with my amazing girlfriend @carrot-gallery
22. What was your favorite TV program? silicon valley, AMERICAN VANDAL, the good place, great british bake off
23. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year? nah just politicians who like. actively want me to die lol
24. What was the best book you read? bitch,
25. What was your greatest musical discovery? mitski like why the fuck did i sleep on her..... tbh thats about it bc i still listen to the same music i did 10 years ago
26. What did you want and get? I wanted a steadier/better paying job and i have it!
27. What did you want and not get? idk i wanted to be financially stable on my own and i still dont have that
28. What was your favorite film of this year? ugh i hate this question! ok in no order: THE BIG SICK, GOOD TIME, A GHOST STORY, GET OUT, THE FLORIDA PROJECT
29. What one thing made your year immeasurably more satisfying? uhhh having my sweet girlfriend by my side each and every day 
30. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2017? sometimes chic, always sweaty
31. What kept you sane? Sydney, my best friend in the entire world. (This was my answer from last year and the year before that and the year before that AND THE YEAR BEFORE THAT but it still holds true) also everyone in the sv discord chat still AND natalie of course of course
32. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? kumail nanjiani duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, taika waititi, and martin starr always and probably more but i legit cant think of anyone rn lol
33. What political issue stirred you the most? yikes all of it. all of the issues (this was from last year but same lmao)
34. Who did you miss? i miss my dogs and my family and my girlfriend 35. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2017. You can set goals for yourself and talk about it all you want but it’s nothing until you actually start working towards it and doing something about it. <– answer from last year and the year before that and the year before that, still true!! imma keep that. also idk just like, there are good days and super bad days and ive survived all of them so its just a reminder to myself that ill be okay.
36. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year. These days will all seem better in time Waiting on that hindsight
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01. do i have a good relationship with my parents? well yes and no, they’re abusive fuckers and i hate them a lot of the time but they can also be really nice and cool and fun so idk, mostly a no 02. who did i last say ‘i love you’ to? my friend ella when we said goodnight 03. do i regret anything? pFFFFFT of fucking course i do, many many things 04. am i insecure? oh you betcha 05. what is my relationship status? single as a pringle, my gf that i’ve mentioned in some posts broke up with me a few days ago so lmao 06. how do i want to die? weird question but okay, in my sleep i suppose, like most other people 07. what did i last eat? uhhhh honey wheat twist pretzels last night 08. played any sports? competitively no, and i’m homeschooled so no school sports, but i’ve played gertball and volleyball and other backyard partyish sports 09. do i bite my nails? nope, i either keep them to the quick or long with nail polish so i don’t get that dysphoria ya feel 10. when was my last physical fight? i have no fuckin idea bro, we fight with our words in this household 11. do i like someone? i still got feelings for my ex so yeah 12. have i ever stayed up for 48 hours? tf no, i’ve stayed up for a solid 20-24 tho 13. do i hate anyone at the moment? not that i can feel no, i do have a strong distaste for a lot of people but not hate i don’t think 14. do i miss someone? oh hell yeah, i miss old friends and my aunt that i saw literally yesterday and i miss my kitty Trinity who passed away over a year ago 15. have any pets? yessire i do, four cats and one dog inside and like five cats outside  16. how exactly am i feeling at the moment? pretty meh, i’m real hungry tho, waitin on my brother to make sum mac n cheese for us, but overall chill ig 17. ever made out in the bathroom? i have only had one, count em, one, kiss in my entire life and it was nonconsensual and they were drunk so that’d be a no 18. am i scared of spiders? oh FUCK yeah i am, if i see one it’s usually fine enough as long as they’re stationary and not near me, but if it’s in my room i will hyperventilate and it will be dead shortly. i once had an attack bcuz my fucktard of a brother kicked on at me so that was fun 19. would i go back in time if i was given the chance? i mean probably but i don’t think i would change anything really 20. where was the last place i snogged someone? ‘snogged’? what are we british. uhh the above mentioned kiss was in my best friends guest room of their house, the same best friend that mauled me with their face 21. what are my plans for this weekend? idk, work on my play probably. i have to get it done by the 15th or i fail my grade so woooo 22. do i want to have kids? big fat no 23. do i have piercings? how many? i do, i have the standard two in my ears. i want an additional three that i’m gonna get most likely around christmas 24. what is/are/were my best subject(s)? i don’t think i really have one tbh, writing maybe? ohhhh no definitely art, i love art when it’s fun and they give good assignments 25/ do i miss anyone from my past? just Trinity i think 26. what am i craving right now? well i’m always craving thin mints but a bowl of that mac n cheese that my brother’s making would be absolutely fabulous rn 27. have i ever broken someone’s heart? i know of one instance, but there were probably others as well. i broke up with this abusive fuckboy and had to then talk him out of suicide immediately after so that was fun 28. have i ever been cheated on? no idea, probably 29. have i made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? again, no idea, but probably  30. what’s irritation me right now? nothing particular, just the usual homophobic/transphobic/abusive bullshit i get from people  31. does somebody love me? not romantically i don’t think, but i have people who platonically/familially love me yeah 32. what is my favorite color? i have three, sunset orange, black, and a very specific sea foam blue color 33. do i have trust issues? i do, but i think i’m getting better the more good and non-abusive relationships i have 34. who/what was my last dream about? so if i dream at night it’ll be like three dreams a night, the last one in the set of dreams i had was about greek gods and where everyone stood in the pantheon and why, no clue what that was about 35. who was the last person i cried in front of? uhhh i walked past my brother while i was crying on my way to lock myself in the bathroom 36. do i give out second chance too easily? oh fuck yeah, but i’m working on it 37. is it easier to forgive or forget? forget for sure, my memory is shit XD forgive tho, i never forget when someone has wronged me. usually the deal is when i’ve gotten over the pain, or forgotten about it, i’ll give second chances to the offenders, which i’m working on not doing 38. is this year the best year of my life? i mean probably, i’ve had some of my happiest and worst moments this year 39. how old was i when i had my first kiss? 13 40. have i ever walked outside completely naked? hell naw 51. favorite food? mashed potatoes for sure 52. do i believe everything happens for a reason? i’m Christian so i kinda have to lmao, but yes 53. what is the last thing i did before i went to bed last night? uhhh stuff 54. is cheating ever okay? only in very very specific circumstances 55. am i mean? a lot of the time i think so, but i also think i’m kind a lot more 56. how many people have i fist fought? uh, one? my brother lol, and it wasn’t even fighting i was just so angry i kinda flailed at him 57. do i believe in true love? i guess, i don’t know 58. favorite weather? rain, bonus points if thunder 59. do i like the snow? oh absolutely  60. do i wanna get married? eventually, when i’m ready and have met the right person yeah 61. is it cute when a boy/girl calls me baby? only if dating, and not boys cuz i’m not attracted to them so lmao 62. what makes me happy? oh gosh so many things. baking, cooking, hanging out with friends, reading, writing, petting/playing with cats, ferrets, snakes, drawing, coloring, watching tv, playing video games, music, etc. etc. 63. would i change my name? lmaoooo already did 64. would it be hard to kiss the last person i kissed? uh yah, for obvious reasons 65. my best friend of the opposite sex likes me, what do i do? well if my best male friend liked me then i would have to turn him down bcuz don’t like boys, and if my best female friend liked me i don’t know what i would do tbh, i might date them? as much as i love them and support them and they’re valid as fuck, she’s a transwoman who still looks like a guy so rip 66. do i have a friend of the opposite sex who i can act my complete self around? my best male friend absolutely, other friends unsure about 67. who was the last person of the opposite sex i talked to? female was ella and male was like a casual friend tim 68. who’s the last person i had a deep conversation with? damn, probably my best male friend or my ex  69. do i believe in soulmates? yepper (69? nice) 70. is there anyone i would die for? ending with a big one i see, okay i see how it is. yes, there are many people i would die for.
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mydreamosphere · 6 years
Annabelle me Herman kicked me to the curb he was Batman I was John Doe
Jeremy a rich ghost boy tried to take over my life, but we bonded in the end
Andi Mack was pregnant with Jonah’s child but they weren’t dating and Cyrus was jealous and tried to run away but andi told him it’s okay and to finally confess to Jonah/ Stewie was dating Brian and Brian was a bum ass nigga and an apocalypse happened and Brian proposed to stewie and became a better man, well dog, dog man? Man dog ?/ I was Geralt of rivia and went to a store with vesmer, and we laughed a lot, then I turned into a woman and my husband and his alternate universe selves fought and died and I became an alcoholic and ended up with another alternate in the end/ I was a power ranger, red one, trained a new ranger, all rangers came together after years and the we sang.
A vampire werewolf hybrid boy( he was born a vamp but made into a werewolf) was my friend but my bully and crush and turned me into a werewolf too and we had to do battle at the end and I’m sad cause he had to die but I loved him but I only just realized 😪
Magic world And human one, kinda hidden but not really. / Had massive amount of drugs, was in a true blood esque enviroment.
Club, took mad pills, nick was there, caught up and went on a date. We weren’t compatible, but we Rekindled friendship, I still loved him.
Extremely vivid dreams, lucid ones, feel so real, almost can’t tell I’m dreaming. Had powers and twin, dating same boy, interrogated ninjA turtles human versions, so hot. Fought giant troll beast creatures, killed one but he was cute.
Was in love with king of Spain even tho he’s married, I was his mistress and Assassin, we we’re sharing a cigarette and flirting, then he needed help with his sons’, Avalon, murder. Alex Lilly was there for some reason, all my old friends were Assassins with me actually. We last left off going through old castle ruins, but a spider got in the way, which the king found amusing XP
We were on water and ships and this guy didn’t want this little boy to be gay, so RuPaul raised him but he has to go away, and he cane back to visit with his boyfriend and it was so emotional and happy, then he went back to land and opened a matchmaker cafe and he had powers of love.
A movie about the apocalypse, people were turning into demons and the only way to avoid them was to remain absolutely still, I mean like the slightest movement and you were dead, it was one of the scariest dreams I’ve had. I turned into one and so did my friends, but we could retain our humanity, and we fought and found a way to the heavens and started to live in peace but god was trying to kill us all./ I found a man who could fly, and he lent me the power to do it, but I ended up being a natural with it and didn’t need his power, so he tried to get rid of me but I busted out of there and flew away.
An apocalypse and we had different groups trying to all meet up. I had oral sex with Mikey. Thanos came down and was looking for gamora, we got the help of the astrals from ffxv, but it didn’t work, and then went to destroy half the world. I killed a werewolf, but he had a boyfriend, they were werewolf priests ? It was weird, but I felt terrible and buried him. Then I was a surviver mountain-y guy with a pet bear, zombies were coming so I tried to find a place inside. I was gohan and was trying to steal moonshine from the Archean from ffxv with my friends that had a crush on me ?
My mom was giant, and kissed Eb. Eb cheated on Marcus. I was a white gay married to a bisexual gay that cheated with his old ex gf, we had kids, 4, and I loved them all. I went to a party and made friends except one of them thought I liked him cause I kept accidentally falling into.
Apocalypse I was Bayek of Siwa and then he died and then I was his eagle and it was sad and sweet. Years after apocalypse things are returning to normal in a pair of twins and they’re in love and yeah it was odd and animals evolved and adapted and were dangerous.
We were doing a play in front of the classical and in the basement was a monster witch, she tried to kill us all, even children, we ended up in a castle and the royals had powers too, come to find out she stole her powers from the old king and his magician, and they were the only ones able to get rid of her. I hitch hiked after leaving my brother, fought a bear, then I was at witch school and helping the head master defeat the evil assistant. I gave him head too.
This bitch was fucking with my friends so I destroyed her shit dumb Bitch, and we had a party to go to and she had no clothes
Freaky nightmare ghost
Murders and gore, a haunted house and a rabid buster.
Monsters and werewolves. Rival and me were wolves. In the end I rewrote history to fall in love with him.
Time hopped again, everyone was happy and alive. The best time so far, everyone was alive and I was in love with Anthony(tony).
Saw amazing band, on the ceiling, climbed and crawled around the ceiling and it was amazing. Jen turned a men tried to kill me and the bad mates got really violent, I turned out to be an old girlfriend turned into a man.
Kinda of a vuugle set up but at a restaurant setting but also a daycare. I was magic and he was a vamp and he confessed his love for me.
De-mitri was mad at me, and was my pimp, I lost my virginity. Madelane moved into my house, and Jonah from Andi Mack did too, was in love with Jonah. Stole my dad medicine.
Got shoot at, turned evil and ate my mother, wasn’t my fault, ghost friend made me evil but I got fixed. Joined a team, demitri was there, and healed people of nature, mall setting, couldn’t walk again. Turned out to be a past life. Witches tried to stop me from healing. Had sex with an evil henchmen and I was the top.
Dyed hair but eyebrows got dyed too, Luis cane down and I cleaned myself out for him, gross btw, and then turned into another cute boy who lied to me. So I stole his drugs and money with my mom.
Herman and me, sleep over. Love and stuff and sadness.
Was dating Sharon but he looked like fleury, he died, so I went to a witch, so remade him from clay and his hair took a year of baking and constant streams of my love and own power.
Sea monster, demonic, kidnapped women, criminal minds girls. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
Reunion, fleury and me flirted and yeah.
An old entity split into 6 people, and they kept meeting throughout history. They didn’t remember past lives, only one did at a time, and the one who did remember got taken over. Found out that it’s bad side also broke away and was trying to take over the 6 one by one. The only way to stop it was to dispel the negativity they felt.
Boyfriend was demon, loved him. Marcus had a son.
Mona demon, fought him, tried to win.
Boyfriend and Melissa, had sex with him, was too tight for penetration so I fingered him, I had to be the top. I miss him.
Friends stay at cabin, werewolf bites girl. Head werewolf was hot
Witch and powers, haunted house. Huey Dewey and Louie, I was Donald but we were all human ?
Madelane and me were friends again ?
I was getting bullied by a boy from Michigan, but then I fell for him, Jackson, then had to leave, I texted but he didn’t respond, I felt terrible but something happened to his family and he had written me letters, come to find out he was the reason I survived a tragic fall, ended up costing him his football career. We reunited in the end. Also ran into Raymond outside of ronzios. Worked at rack room, but spent a lot of time in game stop which was also a psychiatric place ? And I made friends there, karina especially, but went by rina, and was looking for Skyrim switch but bought Pokémon emerald cards instead.
Was going to classical even tho I graduated and bunked and mr bar found me and I told him off. Then I got an uber in this cool as trolley thing and fell in love with the rider alexgoober?, something Dutch like, and we did it and then he broke up with me but we were looking for each other again.
I was a drug dealer trying to avoid getting arrested. I was looking for Reid, and we found him.
Girl fights off monster bird, after trying to set it free, and then demons. Loses memory, and her amphos weapon. but is saved by mysterious power, fast forward to now she’s living with a new family in the city. Demons exist and the only thing that hurts them is amphos, a plant that contains light. There’s a church that exists dedicated to amphos, a d fighting the demons. There are hunters who have weapons that can’t meld with the amphos, and they’re are nuns that use them too and speak a language to fight the demons off. You can speak the language and you have a necklace that wards off the demons.
Buff boyfriend had sex and I love him. Ticks, cause of rain, one crawled into my thumb.
Demons and It, uncle fester but didn’t want to be called that. I was two brothers and they had a falling out after receiving superpowers cause one received better powers, and it went to his head, and the other felt left out and unimportant and unloved by his brother, and went to demon world and got back together.
I was me, and I was babysitting ravens baby, and Melissa was Chelsea, and Corey was there and victor, but Corey still looked the same, raven had a Disney thing to go to, and when she left an apocalypse type thing happened, sully was there too. I traveled to Spain I guess and was trying to learn more Spanish.
Girl, powers from a alien ai robot, meets other like her, gives some to her best friend.
Boyfriend, first date, cooked for me, lived in veazie, had a cat, six sinks, need him back.
Cameron Boyce moist, went back in time and changed things for the better. Jenny and me. Me and a girl and this gon like boy, loved each other, he could control weather, he got hurt when we were kids, and it was our fault and it changed him and he became possessive as obsessive. We had to kill him but we loved him.
Serial killer brothers, believed they were predators and everyone else was prey. Until they met me, another predator. I got to know and connect with one of the brothers and I knew if things had been different we would’ve been something. We convinced them to have a shoot out, and I won, I shoot him in the throat, but I felt bad, and he seemed so heart broken that I killed him. I held him while he bleed to death in my arms.
Madelane back in life a bit, dating a boy, in love, was Luis at first then it wasn’t m then dating luis gets involved and boy stays instead of leaving for school.
Older robin, killed people, protected best friend Isabel, killed her abusive bf. Then younger robin, flashback to how he became robin and met Isabel at smart school and wanted to date a cute nerd boy.
Are you afraid of the dark/goosebumps. Kids set of nuclear bomb, had powers, before that, main girl (wind/air powers), was dating boy (flame powers), but he was angry, third girl was younger (powers of light and flight). Horror characters like Chucky/slappy tried to kill original victims, plus the new kids. They defeated them and helped past victims. I ended up dating angry boy instead.
Melissa and me in Japan kids, someone has to stay behind in the past She does, her ring breaks like it did before and she finally realizes why, this time our friend stays behind with the ring
Toys could come alive, and wanted freedom to be, but mainly they just wanted to be with loving kids. We fought, and I killed a few. After understanding them, and realizing they just wanted to be loved, I befriended them, and reunited with mine. After everything was said and done, my old friend turned bully, who was trying to help the toys in their rebellion rekindled with me, for some reason he ended up being homeless and moved in with me and family, we fought once more and kissed and lived in love with my toys and each other. My toys lived in the basement floorboards, like the borrowers, and every night and morning I’d knock on them to let them know I still loved them.
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