#i miss their silly dynamic
poorly-drawn-mdzs · 8 months
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The indescribable tension between an overworked and underpaid smut writer, and his biggest fan hater.
(for @frummpets)
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alpacacare-archive · 8 months
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day twoe ah haha
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steventhusiast · 28 days
STWG prompt 18/5/24
prompt: better to ask for forgiveness than permission
pairing/character(s): steddie, the party
. . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
"Are you sure about this?" Lucas whisper yells as Will anxiously checks no one is looking down the Harrington house's driveway.
Dustin's crouched in front of the door, poking a hair pin into the lock with his tongue poked out, and Mike is leaning against the door, unbothered, so it takes a second for anyone to answer.
"I'm worried about him!" Dustin finally says, his motions getting more intense as he seems to fail to pick the lock. "I haven't seen him all week! He wasn't at work all week either, I checked!"
"He booked the week off." Lucas reminds him.
"Well then why hasn't he been hanging out with us?" Dustin huffs, and then goes back to his attempts.
"Who even taught you how to do that?" Will asks.
"Eddie, he taught me too." Mike says.
"He's gonna be so pissed at us." Will continues quietly, biting his lip, and Mike shakes his head.
"Better to ask for forgiveness than permission."
"Eddie taught us that too!" Dustin chimes in.
Ten minutes later, they've finally managed to get into the house. Lucas is privately surprised that Steve didn't hear them and come see who was trying to break into his house. Maybe Steve's not even home! Hopefully.
A quick survey of the ground floor reveals no movement, so the group make their way up the stairs until they're in front of the closed door leading to Steve's bedroom.
Dustin determinedly reaches for the doorknob, and Lucas tries to stop him once more.
"I really don't think he'll appreciate this, Dust-" He whispers, but Dustin cuts him off with his own (attempt at) whispering.
"I need to make sure he's okay!"
With that, the door is quietly pushed open, and promptly all of their jaws drop and they stand in the doorway in silence, processing what they see.
Steve is laying on his back, fast asleep with his mouth ajar, and tucked into his side is a very naked Eddie, whose butt is unfortunately peaking out from under the covers. He's asleep as well, his face pressed against Steve's hairy (and hickey covered) chest.
"I told you this was a bad idea." Lucas whispers frantically, gesturing at the pair. He looks to Will for backup, but Will is bright red and his eyes are still on Steve and Eddie, so he figures that's a lost cause and turns to Dustin and Mike.
Mike looks a little red and shellshocked too, but Dustin immediately starts whisper yelling some more.
"Well, he should've told me!"
"Told you what? That he's sleeping with a guy?"
"Not just any guy, Eddie! Why didn't he tell me?"
Lucas feels a hand grab at his shoulder urgently, but needs Dustin to understand what he's trying to say so he ignores it.
"He was probably scared you'd hate them for it!"
"For dating?"
"For being gay, idiot."
"I'm not gay, for the record. I'm bisexual." Steve suddenly pipes up, and Lucas and Dustin look over at him immediately with wide eyes.
Steve and Eddie have shifted a little now, Steve propped up against his headboard with Eddie lazily laying against his chest still. Thankfully, his ass is covered up now, but Lucas knows he's naked and that's enough to make him shudder.
"Hi Steve. Fancy seeing you here." Lucas tries with a (hopefully) charming smile. Steve snorts in response, and drops his forehead to rest on Eddie's hair for a second in defeat.
"This is literally my bedroom, Sinclair. How'd you guys get in anyway?"
"We picked the lock on your front door!" Dustin says, having the nerve to sound proud of himself.
"Right. Of course." Steve sighs.
"Eddie taught us." Mike chimes in, finally having gone back to his normal colour. Will's still flushed, but looks more present overall, and he nods along to his best friend's words.
Steve quirks a brow at the information, lifts his head again, and promptly flicks Eddie, who's still half asleep, in the head. He immediately looks more awake, and glares at Steve as he rubs where he got flicked.
"Ow! What the hell was that for?"
"You're the reason they picked the lock, Munson."
"Oh, look what you guys did. I got demoted back to Munson." Eddie finally addresses them for the first time, but thankfully he doesn't look too upset. More amused.
Actually, now Lucas thinks about it Steve doesn't look upset either. Pissed off? Yeah. But in that older brother way he gets with them, not actually mad.
"You're the one who told us to ask for forgiveness not permission!" Dustin defends himself, and Eddie gets another flick to the head for that from Steve.
"Well, are you going to ask for forgiveness then?"
"Screw you. We were worried about you!"
"Have you heard of phones before, Henderson. And the rest of you, really? Wheeler, I expect it from-" Steve starts, getting interrupted by an indignant 'hey!' from Mike, "But Sinclair? Baby Byers?"
"For the record I did not want this to happen." Lucas says defensively, and crosses his arms over his chest.
"Interesting considering you're still here when you could've abandoned them." Eddie snorts.
"The party sticks together."
"Still waiting on that beg for forgiveness." Steve singsongs, and Eddie sits up a little straighter as he adds on his own demand with a grin.
"I want full-on on your knees with prayer hands, begging for forgiveness."
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lotus-pear · 2 months
being a knkdz shipper means initially latching onto them bc of their sun and moon dynamic with dazai as the sun and kunikida as the moon only to realize later on that it's actually the opposite
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svtskneecaps · 3 months
ok among my favorite parts of qsmp is the fact that charlie slimecicle can only hold the act of being mad at mariana when mariana isn't in the room. like he successfully rp'd being mad at his deadbeat puta esposa for months while mariana wasn't logging on, like he complained about mariana at the wedding, during the election, in subsequent appearances, and then he's messaging mariana in the chat during purgatory and he's still holding it
and then they're both at spawn like as close to face to face as they get. and bro CANNOT hold the act it drops so fast lmfao he was like "yea cellbit i'm gonna kill mariana" and instead they have a genuinely heartfelt conversation and then rp sexo in the fountain
and i know i'm brainrotting purgatory rn but i'm actually thinking about this bc i saw a clip of mariana and slime talking during the awards show and literally. slime's face goes from 😡🤬 MARIANA'S HERE, SAY SOMETHING PUTA ESPOSA to 😄😁 the second mariana shows up on the screen
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like he's still pretending to be mad but dude is grinning like absolute crazy and i love that
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elexuscal · 1 year
what if truman from The Truman Show had just ended up being like
really boring?
like he was just literally a random baby when they got him. you have no idea what they'll grow into. he ended up being incredibly Cheerful and Quirky and waving at everyone and making faces into the mirror-he-doesn't know is a camera.
but they could have just gotten like. an introverted accountant who never emotes
what would they have even done?
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satorkiees · 11 months
attracted to you
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pairing megumi fushiguro x reader
content: reader is kinda petty, fluff, sun and moon dynamics
wc: 2k
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following the new semester, you had been enrolled into jujustu tech as a first-year due to a sudden complication involving your new ability to wield cursed energy. at first, having a cursed ability was a detriment as you grappled to come to terms with it. for months on end, you struggled to keep yourself and those you cared about the most safe but in the end he was there to save you.
12.04 am. 
that was the time your phone had read the last time you checked. wandering had become a waste of time and energy - both things you feared you had little of. due to your new-founded abilities, you had run away in a feeble attempt to protect those who were left around you. kyoto was a beautiful place at night, most of the negativity people forged dwelled beside them in their homes leaving the outside to truly capture mother nature’s beauty. the moon casted a soft silvery glow on the bench you had decided to reside on. the soft illumination of the moon casts delicate shadows depicting every tree in all of its depth. 
you let out a shallow breath that blended into the cold atmosphere of the upcoming winter sinking further into the bench. though you tried to look at the best in all your situations, this one was becoming increasingly difficult - without a home, a solid food source and having to fight cursed spirits more often than you’d like, you were certain you were going to die. settling into this nest of hopelessness that you had created for yourself, you decided that if you were meant to die, then you would and did your best to fall into a shaky slumber. 
megumi had been tasked by gojo for a “secret special mission” to go and walk his dogs around kyoto at the crack of dawn. having merely grumbled a response to his eccentric mentor, he simply put on his coat and got going. over the past couple of weeks, gojo had been rambling to him about a new first year sorcerer joining them but honestly megumi had no interest in any of gojo’s schemes. as the comfort of winter had begun to encase kyoto, megumi had gotten into the habit of walking his dogs early in the morning so he could admire tokyo when the world was asleep. taking his usual route around the school, he came across the park. one abnormally uneasy. 
the intense amount of cursed energy juxtaposed the source completely. as he saw you sprawled across the bench clearly in an uncomfortable position - he was unsure of what to do. for him, this park had always been a gloomy place - though inhabiting all of nature’s creations, she fiercely protected them. but there you lay as if you were created specifically to be there, a natural source of energy that lifted the spirits of everything around you. he let out a heavy sigh - megumi considered calling gojo to help him but when has he ever been reliable? 
as he told his dogs to stay put, his steps were slow and measured - as if he was walking on delicate ground. his eyes were attentive, noticing the dishevelled appearance you held and your shallow breaths. he wasn’t always one to trust his gut but he decided that it was time for a change of pace. his usually tense shoulders were stiffer than they usually were and as he tried to consider how you’d react to him, he tried his best to put a friendly face on. his movements were careful and controlled like someone navigating themselves through a maze, trying to find the right path to meet you. fortunately for him, you woke up without him making it all the way to you. about less than a metre apart, you shot up from your slightly delirious state and locked eyes with a suspicious looking man. trying your best to not overreact, you cocked your head hoping that he would explain why he was trying to reach out to you.
speechless, he continued to lock eyes with your own. despite the gloomy atmosphere, your eyes rivalled the glow of the moon and parallel the intensity of the sun. he let out an awkward cough breaking the silence.
“i’m megumi fusiguro and i go to jujustu tech not far from here.” he said awkwardly gesturing to its general direction. you simply cocked your head the other way, unsure of how this pertained to you in any way at all. noticing your reluctance to speak, he continued. “i may be way off here but i think i know someone who can help you out. you don’t have to follow me or anything as i am just a stranger to you.” he finishes
realistically, you thought that if this guy was a threat, you’d be able to handle him and even if you couldn’t - there wasn’t a whole lot of other options for you. “sure. lead the way.” you replied, pulling yourself a little bit further out of the nest of hopelessness you had built for yourself.
it was megumi’s turn to be surprised. “you’re sure?” you simply nodded your head, doing you best to stretch out all the knots scoured across your body. “if you end up being a bad guy, i’m pretty sure i could take you.” you said offhandedly. your confident demeanour was reminiscent of the sun's unwavering presence even if it wasn’t presently in the sky. it was as if you carried yourself with the knowledge that your presence held significance and impact - something he admired completely. as he began to lead the way with you trailing behind, a smile crept on his lips. weird. 
4 months had passed since megumi had found you on that bench, and 4 months since you had officially been a first year at jujustu tech. you had become accustomed to your surroundings, your lessons and the people around you. 
you, yuuji and nobara had crashed in megumi’s room despite his insistence on the 3 of you doing otherwise. as nobara and yuuji bickered over what movie to watch, you were left sitting next to megumi. ever since you met him, you’ve always seen him similar to the moon. with a quiet and contemplative demeanour that seemed to reflect the soft and gentle glow of the lunar orb. he was busy flicking through a magazine whilst his eyes held a mysterious depth, like a night sky scattered with stars, hinting at the vast universe of thoughts and dreams behind him. 
“could you stop staring me down?” megumi replied, using all of his might to not lift his eyes off his magazine. “how would you know that i was staring you down if you weren’t also staring me down?” megumi lost all of his prior urge to not look at you and burst out laughing. though it wasn’t unusual for megumi to laugh, it certainly wasn’t common either. so uncommon that it brought nobara and yuuji out of their little squabble. though you knew what you said was a little silly, you didn’t expect it to crack megumi up in the slightest. silently you kicked yourself for losing composure so easily whenever you became wrapped up in his presence. slightly annoyed, you stood up excusing yourself from the teasing from the 3 of your friends.
megumi was unsure on why what you said made him laugh so wholeheartedly; however when he was with you, he felt more inclined to smile and laugh. and who could blame him? your smile was like the sun breaking through the clouds after a storm, bringing warmth and light to those around you. your presence was as natural as the sun coming up every morning. 
so, when the next morning came and you completely ignored him, he was shocked to say the least. he thought maybe you were having an off day, however it seemed whenever he entered the room, the atmosphere completely dulled, putting an instant cap on your energy.
the usual warmth and energy you held was there, however it felt like he had been completely kicked out of your orbit. the only thing he could deduce from your behaviour was that you were mad though unsure about what.
that’s what led him here, sat closely together in a circle with gojo and yuuji. “they’re probably mad because you’re so mean.” gojo said in his usual melodramatic tone, yuuji enthusiastically nodding in agreement. “and you’re giving mixed signals.” yuuji’s nodding growing in tenacity. 
“so they’re mad because i’m not doing anything?” megumi replied quickly. 
“bingo!” yuuji exclaimed. “that’s why you’ve gotta tell them how you feel before you lose them forever.” now gojo was the one enthusiastically nodding. putting his trust in them, he simply sighed and thanked them for their help before swiftly kicking them out of his room.
after he got the flowers from the local grocers, he went to double check with nobara if what he was doing was the right choice. “why do you have flowers?” she said blankly as she opened the door and was met with megumi who was evidently sweating buckets. “for y/n. yuuji and gojo said they were mad because i’m giving mixed signals so i wanted to give a clear signal.” nobara let out a sigh and ushered for him to come in. as 
she rubbed her temples together and gave another exasperated sigh. “obviously give them the flowers but i don’t think they were actually mad. just a bit confused ‘cause you tend to get weird around them like bursting out into laughter randomly.” oh. he was conscious he was doing it but he wasn’t aware that everyone else was aware of it too. a red hue tinged his cheeks as he thanked nobara for her wisdom and made his way to your door.
here he was again outside of your reach, drawn to you like a planet orbiting a star. clutching the bouquet tightly, he mentally tried to rehearse his apology, trying to find the right words for his apology and confession but during all his years, he’s never been great with words. hos heart pounded his chest, as each second he lingered outside your door felt longer than ever. taking a final deep breath, his hand hesitated before finally mustering up the courage to knock gently. the sound seemed to echo loudly in hears rivalling the drumming of his heart, making the wait seem like an eternity.
“i’m coming! give me a sec.” you replied from behind the door as you were shoving miscellaneous junk behind your bed to give the illusion of a clean room. when you opened the door, you were met with megumi clutching flowers so hard that his knuckles were turning white. for the past month or so, you had been acutely aware of your growing crush on megumi. one that you had decided that would be forever unrequited however seeing him in front of your door, slightly flushed and nervous was new - a different side to him you had never seen before. 
“i like you and i’m sorry.”
“what?” your eyes widened
“what?” so did his.
“you’re sorry for liking me?”
“no i mean- i’m sorry for the other day when i laughed before you left, i was never laughing at you. i never am.” he said sheepishly. he felt his words tumbling out as clumsily as ever but he continued. “i feel like i can be more myself when i’m around you so i just tend to be more smiley when you’re around. i feel like i’m talking a lot and you’re not saying anything so-”
“can i kiss you?” you said cutting him off. he could only find it in him to nod. as you both leaned in closer to one another, the world seemed to fade away, leaving the two of you in your own little universe. one where the sun and the moon can coexist with one another at the same time.
you were the first to pull away. “i like you too, megumi.”
and just how the moon reflects the sunlight, he mirrored your own lovesick expression.
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a/n ; sorry for being gone so long. school's been rough. however i am so so sad watching s2 of jjk bc it's all suffering from here. like damn, let's just chill and let megumi have a nice life :(((( leave my pookie bear alone
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anotherfandomtrash · 1 year
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I want to have that these three have
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candle-buds · 5 months
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no1 asked but I found my apple pencil after losing it for like 2 years
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sysig · 7 months
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Now that they can, would they want to spend a lot of time together? (Patreon)
#Doodles#Adventure Time#Fionna and Cake#Simon Petrikov#Marceline#Hhhh I feel so bad for both of them 💔#Obviously Simon misses her since she's like the one tether he still has to ''his'' time - they were both born before all the Everything#And I'm sure Marceline misses Simon too but like - even this Simon isn't ''her'' Simon. They met when he was already affected by the Crown#They clearly love each other when they see each other when Simon is as much himself as he can be!#But I can't help but wonder if it would be painful to spend time with this sad lonely magicless man - and how guilty that would make Simon#He wants to still be a part of her life! But how much of himself does he even have to offer now?#And the guilt would go round and round - she sees it in him and he sees that in her and they just both feel bad!#I really can't blame him for being a little emotionally closed and her being distant - they're not who they were#With all that said I still really love their dynamic <3 They're /not/ who they used to be but they've still got such an interesting relation#I think in the moments that they do have together where they're both trying to be good for each other Marcy would really push her humour ♪#She's got 1000 years of silliness to get out of her system to her bestie! I'm sure she's got the material hehe#Even if he still sees her as a little girl - I mean that just adds to the joke if she says something a bit blue lol#I don't think he'd actually keep the sharp teeth - it's more of a visual metaphor of how Marceline sees him in these kinds of moments#It's hard to leave it behind!
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ultramarine-spirit · 10 days
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I love them, my sillies...
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dollsuguru · 23 days
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bbq-ishere · 2 months
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haven't drawn them in a hot minute
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soo-won · 5 months
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water tribe arc in a nutshell (inspired by this meme)
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terezicaptor · 16 days
I need like 300 fitbo fics where they tentatively work out their issues with each other and learn to trust and look out for each other and confront their traumas together and
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fannfish · 10 months
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(pose ref by: someone... look its really hard to track down the creator when all you have is a disembodied Pinterest post)
basically i drew the girls (mary rose and rosemary) having a romantic stroll yesterday and i was gonna post that but, i messed up on rosemary's face and i don't wanna fix it right now.
and then i drew this... look im bad at talking
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