#i missed obi so much
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i have very strong feelings for him
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legobenkenobi · 1 year
sometimes i think about how absolutely TERRIFIED Cody must’ve been during the Zygerria arc.
not only was he left alone in charge of the entire 3rd systems army (so 501st and 212th, obviously) but when they finally hear back from Anakin and Ahsoka, it’s without Rex and Obi-Wan.
and it’s not good news. they literally got shipped out to a slave conditioning camp thats ran by people who HATE them.
the two people hes closest to. and BOTH of them are in a slave camp that WILL kill them if they don’t do everything perfectly.
one wrong move, and the people who mean the most to him would be gone in an instant.
and then, to not even get them back first? to have to wait to see them even longer?
and to see matching scars on his little brother and his closest companion from the brutal torture they went through together. to know they survived something awful and he couldn’t do anything to help. to be constantly reminded of it when he looks at them.
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tamago-aki · 7 months
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clone wars propaganda... 🫡🫡
happy (almost one month late) valentines day... i love and miss them... thinking of turning this into a tshirt design maybe?? ✍️👁️👁️⁉️
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stealingpotatoes · 4 months
Thoughts on count dooku? Hes one of my all time favorite characters in star wars (i blame dooku: jedi lost by cavan scott)
HE IS SUCH AN INTERESTING CHARACTER like?? guy who basically sees exactly how the republic's gonna mess w the jedi but then leaves a bit too hard and ends up as a sith. thats so COOL we love a good accidental corruption arc and tragedy
ik we have TotJ to kinda make up for it, but clone wars underutilised that man to oblivion. like in the movies they poke at him being a former jedi (but maybe not enough) and they make him to be at least a bit complicated. then in tcw he just became a moustache twirling villain who's evil bc he's evil. like COME ON i get not doing it so much in the movies, you have less time, this is a 7-season show where the 3 main protags are all from dooku's lineage and you're not gonna ONCE explore this or how qui-gon's death changed all of their (ok less so soka's) lives forever???? not gonna explore how dooku is a fallen jedi like anakin will be or have dooku try to reason w obi wan over qui gonn???? nothing??? ur just gonna make him go round murdering everyone with no motivation and not be the cool collected elder-statesman-and-former-jedi we know???
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bisexualvader · 26 days
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Obi-Wan Kenobi in The Clone Wars
talking to himself a ghost in a cave
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Looking at the Star Wars fandom as someone who just watched the movies (and heard vague things about The Clone Wars from my cousins) is actually so funny.
Like wtf do you mean Qui-gon Jinn had an ~evil~ apprentice with long flowing black hair and a cool face scar named XANATOS.
Ok but that’s honestly on him for taking on an apprentice named fucking XANATOS DU CRION and expecting him to not be comically evil.
If he wanted his apprentice to be a good guy he should have named him something sensible like Bart Beepo.
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manicpixiedreamsaren · 11 months
rewatching star wars is like a fever dream
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illustratingari · 1 year
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Space Jesus, A New Genre
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brazen-kenobi · 11 months
Anakin threw his lightsaber. Sent it spinning into the midst of the droids, sending it into scrap metal. Using the force to control his weapons speed and trajectory. Swaying like a drunk in Coruscant’s seediest night club, [Obi-Wan] watched Anakin obliterate the remaining battle droids. If he hadn’t felt so ill, he’d have laughed or cheered. Good boy. Oh, good boy. You show the barves.
- Karen Miller, Star Wars: Clone Wars Gambit Siege
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fantastic-nonsense · 2 years
the real tragedy of The Clone Wars inventing Satine as Obi-Wan's doomed love interest instead of just using Siri Tachi is that we never got to see Anakin and Ferus Olin's epic rivalry playing out on the battlefield during the war while their masters desperately pretend they're not yearning to smooch each other in the background
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legobenkenobi · 2 years
Obi-Wan is NOT a foamy latte enjoyer. he is a black caff drinker through and through. he makes it in a Sprench Press (Space French press) because he is a pretentious motherfucker and he genuinely likes the bitter flavor of straight black caff.
Cody, however. Cody likes lattes and stuff, but he doesn’t have TIME for that!! he actually dumps 4 Five Hour Energys into his caff every single time like they’re espresso shots. he has also resorted to eating straight caff grounds when the machine broke multiple times.
not a single medic knows how he hasn’t had a heart attack yet. when asked, he says it’s “the will of the Force, because it’s the only way i can deal with you maniacs.” (this is entirely to mock Obi-Wan, btw)
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Mysteries and Migraines, the Third (part)
A continuation of an AnS poll story where your votes influence what happens next!
✨Feel free to skip to the poll at the end of the chapter!✨ Even if you don't want to read the whole thing, I'd appreciate any votes to help the story move forward! <3
Part 1 , Part 2
After a far more sinister discussion than Shirayuki had been expecting, and in turn a far tamer one than Obi had been expecting they finally settle on...something of a collaboration.
It’s not been long since Rata’s opened the shop and it’s quiet, that peaceful time of morning when the streets are still smooth with a crystalline dusting of snow, before the many ignorant boots of Lilias have made their mark.
Although he is not one for gazing at picturesque scenery, Rata makes an exception for mornings such as these. He has a good view from the window by his desk. Something about the way the sunlight glints off each perfect crystal formation covering the ground casts a feeling of contentedness over him while he sips his coffee. Nothing quite compares to the world before people wake up.
Rata indulges in his usual morning fantasy of living in a mountain somewhere in complete isolation, surrounded by rocks to study and harness in various ways, inventing marvellous things and documenting it all in journals that are to be discovered after his death, when he will be revered posthumously as a misunderstood genius and his inventions used to make the world a better place, then he turns away from the window to put his mug down and hears a Thunk.
Rata turns sharply. There is now an arrow sticking out of the wall by the bookshelf opposite the window. 
“What the-?” A chill runs through him but it’s quickly replaced by hot rage. He thrusts his head out the window, glaring around for any signs of the culprit but finding only the scene from earlier, snow still undisturbed and bird song complementing the serene atmosphere.
There is a note attached to the arrow on a thin strip of paper. Rata has half a mind to ignore it and not play along with this ridiculousness, but in the end curiosity gets the  better of him.
“Enjoying that coffee, plant thief?”
A knock on the door interrupts his puzzling over the message and he goes to open it, wearing one of his fiercer expressions.
Shirayuki and Obi are standing on his doorstep. This is not an unusual occurrence, in fact they are pretty much the only people who ever visit him by choice apart from Suzu, but Rata had been expecting some foolish youth coming for their arrow so his guests get the full brunt of his death glare.
Shirayuki flinches slightly, her hands gripping the handle of her basket a little tighter. Obi is unaffected.
“Morning!” he sings, “Guess who brought breakfast~?”
Rata’s eyes scan behind Obi’s jazz hands but the street is still empty, save the usual vendors setting up their stalls and chatting.
His customary door slam is prevented by Obi’s quick foot work. Rata looks down, unimpressed, at the boot caught in his doorway. Obi’s face presses up to the remaining gap between door and wall.
“Freshly. Baked. Rock. Cakes.” Rata sighs.
“Get in here, don’t make a scene.”
They are ushered unceremoniously inside and Shirayuki places the basket on the counter. The scent of baked goods fills the air and, despite himself, Rata approaches to examine what they’d brought.
Shirayuki proudly folds back the cloth covering, revealing a treasure trove of breakfast delights. Breads, cakes, jars of jam, a selection of fruits, and containers holding a pat of butter, smoked meats and cheeses.
The fragrant steam caresses Rata’s face, filling him with a longing that could only be rivalled by the seductive call of an isolated mountain cabin.
10 minutes, two rock cakes, a slab of buttered bread slathered with raspberry jam and a wedge of cheese later, Rata finds himself explaining the strange arrow message to his companions.
“How peculiar,” Obi muses, reading the message and rubbing his chin thoughtfully.
“Whatever could you have done to provoke this?”
“I’ve done nothing, of course,” Rata scoffs, “This is just some punk pulling a prank.”
Obi shakes his head, sucking his teeth. “I dunno Rata, I’ve seen some threats in my time and this looks pretty threaten-y to me.”
“Threatening. The word is ‘threatening’,” Rata grunts.
“Well yeah, I’d say all the words here are threatening, Rata, not just the one,”
“Rata,” Shirayuki cuts in to prevent said man from lunging at Obi with the butter knife,
“’Plant thief’ sounds quite specific. Have you taken any plants, or something relating to plants, away from someone recently?”
Rata rolls his eyes “What interest have I in plants?! Damn the things! I had to hear enough about them last night from Yuzuri and now the nightmare continues-“
“What was that?” Obi interjects, “Yuzuri? Whatever are you talking about?”
“You know, you were there! Yuzuri and her damn precious plant sample-“
“Aha! So you took it did you?!”
Rata stares at the finger pointed in his face and slowly looks up to Obi’s triumphant expression, eyes narrowing.
“…why would I take something that I have negative interest in?”
“I-I’m sure Obi just means, if you really hated hearing about it so much, maybe you took it to stop the talk from…happening…?”
Shirayuki feels her face growing hotter under Rata’s flat, steady gaze. He leans one elbow on the arm of his chair and idly rests his chin in his hand as he studies her. The corner of his mouth quirks into something almost resembling a smile.
“I guess you were too…preoccupied last night to pay much attention to Yuzuri and her incessant rambling.”
Shirayuki blinks at him, all but cocking her head in confusion. Obi quick-steps between her and Rata.
“You’re avoiding the question, old man!” Rata’s face snaps back into his trademark scowl.
“Did you, or did you not take Yuzuri’s plant sample last night?”
“I did not take it!” Rata says hotly. “I merely deposited it in a nearby plant pot.”
The wall clock ticks loudly in the silence that follows.
“I just wanted some peace, don’t look at me like I killed someone,” Rata grumbles, getting to his feet. “Now, I’m opening shop, so either buy something or be on your merry way.”
“Ah - what did the plant pot look like? What plant was growing in it?” Shirayuki asks quickly as Rata passes her. He gives her a withering look that blatantly shames her for thinking he would possibly register such things.
Rata pulls out the arrow stuck in the wall and tosses it to Obi before heading to his counter.
“You’ve got three seconds to leave, else I’ll call the guards on you.”
Obi beams, giving Shirayuki a double thumbs up (a triple if you count the upward-pointing arrow clutched in one fist). Shirayuki’s returning smile turns to a wince as she moves into a patch of sunlight. She squeezes her eyes shut and raises a hand to shield them from the light. Ah...Obi had forgotten that she was dealing with a hangover throughout all of this.
He finds himself suddenly filled with emotion over it; how admirable, that Miss would spend her day off tracking something down for Yuzuri, all whilst her body was battling against her...the sight of her trying to give him an encouraging smile while actually looking like she's going to hurl fills him with...determination.
As Shirayuki leaves through the door, Obi, moved by her strength and persistence despite her current condition, decides the least he can do is provide her with some sort of aid to help her carry on.
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peskyfirefly · 4 months
mishmish i finally started reading akatsuki no yona and MY GOD the YEARNING the OBLIVIOUSNESS the SQUIRREL
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THEY KILL ME!!!!!! bodyguard princess dynamics they ruin my lifeeeeee
im so weak for their dynamics and how they lean on/rely on each other aaaaaaaa 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️
also the squirrel is possibly the greatest character of all time idk lmao
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tennessoui · 1 year
just read the tasks of the previous ask about healer anakin and omg teen obiwan nearly getting shipped off :( feel like anakin would be upset about it and vokara che would never hear the end of it till Obi finally gets a master
dudeeeeeeee can you imagine like. baby healer in training anakin hears obi-wan is about to be shipped off to the AgriCorps like day of his flight out and he runs allll the way there from the secluded healer padawan quarters, blindfold in place because his master has fixed it so he can’t move it at all, and it’s the very first time he’s ever managed to navigate a strange environment just relying on the Force to tell him where to go but he can’t even appreciate or realize this for the accomplishment it is because kenobi is leaving and they haven’t spoken in months bordering on years but he’s leaving???
but he doesn’t get there in time :( and obi-wan boards the transit ship out :( and through various plot mechanisms and twists of fate, anakin doesn’t hear or feel obi-wan for years—he doesn’t know he’s come back and gotten a master, doesn’t know his master died, doesn’t even know he’s been Knighted until he himself is a fully fledged and mature Jedi Healer and he hears about General Kenobi and the 212th for the first time.
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akasmileygirl · 1 year
A year ago the DFB Frauen lost the Euros final. But they also showed how great of a team they are and why people fell in love with them.
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original-punks · 11 months
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