#i need a bucketful of coffee and for my hangover to go away
jungle-angel · 1 year
Random College!Rhett headcannons: Part 1 (Rhett Abbott x Reader)
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Notes: I haven’t seen The Line yet, but I have seen comedies like “Animal House” and “Old School” so I’ve gotten alot of headcannons from that and as a result Frat!Rhett has been living in my head rent free. I was a little bit nervous to do this, but all the same, I’m glad I did (lol). Sorry if it’s a little long, I had to pack alot in (if you catch my drift, lol). 
Tagging: @sebsxphia @bradleybeachbabe​ @bobfloyds​
Rhett is the president of the Delta Tau Epsilon fraternity at one of the colleges in Montana and oh does that house have a rep (but in the funniest possible way of course)
Kayce Dutton is his right hand man, new pledges always go through Kayce before going to Rhett and when Rhett’s away, whatever Kayce says, goes
The guys in the frat were kinda nerdy in high school so Rhett and Kayce have a particularly soft spot for the nerds. They’re also really close with the nerd frat on campus and any time anybody needs extra tutoring, they go to them
When Rhett met you, you were kind of a shy little freshman who was two years behind him. He really, really liked you because you loved to hide out in the library but you also loved to go out and have a good time
Your first party at the house though?? Holy shit, did shenanigans ensue
It all started with the new pledges engaging in a challenge to see who could shotgun the most beers in under ten minutes. One poor freshman got beer up his nose and it ended with one of Rhett’s frat brothers having to take the kid into the bathroom to help him blow it all out his nose. The kid was ok but the brothers kept an eye on him the rest of the night and well into the next morning
Three other pledges were on their knees, hands behind their backs while Rhett, Kayce and another guy were up on the staircase balcony dropping flaming hot Cheetos from above and the guys having to catch them in their mouths
Sooooo many drinking games in the basement.....quarters, bloody knuckles, boom cup, kegstands (lol)
Some of the new pledges got a chance to show off their stand-up skills and some of them had the whole crowd in stitches by the end
When you and Rhett officially started dating, you became known as “The First Lady Of The Frat” 
And ever since then the guys call you Mom and Dad
If you stayed over and the newbies were getting too loud, the older ones would shush them and be like “Mom and Dad are asleep” 
One time one of the brothers who was on the football team threw his back out during practice and was laid up on the couch with a little bell to ring any time he needed something and it was literally every two seconds that he was ringing that bell. Kayce ended up having to take care of him most of the day while Rhett had to meet with the Dean of the History Department, which was annoying as hell 
The morning after a rager, you often had to be on standby with the puke buckets which were a little less than pleasant
But oh did you make the best hangover breakfasts ever.....eggs, bacon, toast, sausage, coffee, a little bit of rosemary and olive oil bannock on the side. You’re everybody’s favorite cook which makes Rhett’s raging housewife kink flare up
When you’re cooking the hangover specials, he’ll come up behind you and pin you against the stove only to rub the raging hard-on packed into his Wranglers against the back of your thigh and against your ass
Had a long day and are kinda burned out from studying? Rhett will clean up his room and get it in a sexy mood before he lays you down on the bed and starts giving you a full body massage. If you need a hot bath, he’s running you one in the joint bathroom to help you relax. He’s tried out the mating press with you in the bathroom and it felt soooooo fucking good (lol)
On nights when the toga parties get a little too wild and you and Rhett need a moment, he’ll bring you up to his room which sometimes ends up with the two of you falling right into the bed 
There’s a heatwave hanging over the town and the campus? Rhett and his frat brothers will dig a big pit in the backyard, fill it with ice and let everybody relax in it. When it melts? MUD WRESTLING!!!!!!
If the heatwave lasts more than a week, Rhett and the guys gather everybody up and go down to the reservoir to make a giant slip n’ slide down into the water 
You had first dibs since you were the First Lady but as soon as you hit the water, you lost your bikini top. Rhett ended up diving in and searching for it only to come back up with your bikini top in his teeth and a big shit-eating grin on his face
When it’s tick season, Rhett will literally ram it into the guys heads that they’d better check themselves and each other before and after they go traipsing through the woods or high grass. If you’re trying to check an area that’s a little hard to reach, he’ll bring you upstairs to his room for a full on pussy inspection to make sure. He’s even got a kit that has a homemade oil mix in it that’ll kill the ticks. Sometimes he’ll just use it as an excuse to rub it all in there anyways just so he can hear you moan and get you off (lol)
When Rhett walks you home at night, the rest of the frat are stationed in the trees, in the bushes or in their vehicles parked on the side of the road to keep a watch out for the frat boys who are actual assholes 
And if Rhett can’t walk you home for one reason or another? Kayce and the rest of the boys basically become your secret service escort
But there was one night you knew you wouldn’t forget 
The guys were throwing a rager to blow off some steam after midterms
And they set up a dance floor in the middle of the living room
Everybody cleared the way for you and Rhett, the President and First Lady of Delta Tau Epsilon
You were almost in tears when the song started playing, looking into Rhett’s eyes as he whispered a very quiet “I love you”
When “Where The Streets Have No Name” by U2 started playing, you, Rhett and the whole house started jumping which shook the house (that was also the song that would play when the football team charged out into the stadium during a game)
And when you all started singing at the same time, it reminded you of a big stadium concert
But you and Rhett didn’t let go of each other the entire time, the both of you belting out the lyrics with the others
And ever since then, you, Rhett and his frat brothers remained close for the rest of your days
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cassatine · 7 years
Okay so! THE LAST JEDI. I wanted to do a coherent post and all but hings happened so. Spoilers ahead. Like a lot of spoilers. I recommend not reading if you haven’t seen the movie. No really don’t. 
The [tl:dr]: I loved it! I’m also glad I saw it twice. First viewing felt like a weird mix of things I’d expected (including things I expected two years ago and had started thinking would Not Happen) but the way it all worked together was a punch to the gut. Also I cried a lot, which is not great for visibility. Second viewing was more enjoyable. There’s something very smoke and mirror to the story; it plays with expectations and then turns things on their head. It’s a very clever movie, tho it’s definitely got its flaws. I hardly felt the two hours and a half, could actually have done with a longer runtime because some things moved really fast. It’s also very funny, when it’s not breaking your heart and stepping repeatedly on it. In a (mostly) good way. 
The more or less good:
Starting with that assault on the Dreadnought and Paige Tico’s death, the Resistance plot went where SW rarely does. Poe learning to look at the big picture and the sad economics of war and resistance, the bleeding out of Resistance forces, the unsurprising reveal that god guys and bad guys buy their military hardware from the the same sources, it’s a relentless onslaught. The New Republic is a non-entity, the First Order has weapons aplenty, and the stage is set for a new Empire to be born and a new Rebellion to rise, and it’s all very tragic, but it’s a Star Wars, so of course the good guys live to fight another day light the spark at the end, a source of inspiration for every child escaped from a Dickens novel across the GFFA
Finn and Rose’s plot was lovely - Rose was altogether amazing, and her line about fighting to protect what you love rather than destroy what you hate is... a tad cheesy i guess but in the best of ways. I love that she wants to protect her sister’s memory and that it’s freeing the farthiers that makes the Canto Bight events worth it (i mean they’ll probably be caught again in less than a week because that’s the way of the world, but attagirl!), and that “I saved you, dummy” line. That one reviewer that called her the heart of the movie was pretty much right. 
Luke throwing the saber behind him. Mark Hamill was nothing short of great, but this moment was so very understated and yet so defining, so meaningful. also: Rey’s reaction. 
Actually everything to do with Luke was pretty great. His backstory was kept sparse, but he’s basically following in his master’s footsteps by exiling himself on a nowhere planet after a massive fuck-up, very poetic. Being a Skywalker he’s got to take it one step further drama-wise, with the whole *the Jedi will die with me* thing. Vanity!, screams ghost Yoda. 
I love that it’s fundamentally a movie about failure, and what you do after. Luke’s failure of Ben looms large, and behind it there’s the Jedi Order’s failure but he’s not the only one. Poe fails at being a leader. Finn and Rose’s mission fails. Rey fails to turn Kylo, who kind of fails as a general rule. He failed and was failed by Luke, and he kind of failed Snoke as an apprentice, from a certain point of view. All the Resistance’s plans fail. Snoke fails and die. Chewie fails at keeping porgs away. It’s a debacle left and right, and then the 3D-marionette-Yoda gives us deep words of deeper wisdom than even Rose’s, reminding us that in every failure there’s a lesson. When it doesn’t kill you or you’re not a casualty for someone else’s lesson at least hahahaha. 
The Jedi Order’s founding texts and Yoda’s “page-turners they are not” yes thank you 
Snoke and his playing up Kylo and Hux against each other. From the moment he humiliated Hux publicly to his final words, Snoke is skin-crawling awful, moreso than in TFA. There’s not one moment I don’t want to point to and go “eeeeew” about, srsly.
Chewie eating a porg. I feel so validated. 
Kylo’s epic love story with bad choices. Attaboy. 
Force Bond. CAN YOU PUT ON A COWL SOMETHING thanks for this most cliché scene straight out of a romance novel I AM LIVING!!! fucking hell. On a similar note, Rey and Kylo’s handsex. fingertips sex? whatever, it was just wow, tag ur metaphorical porn star wars, please. also: Luke’s reaction. 
Vice-Admiral Holdo is the lady of my heart and if she had to die I guess her death scene was a crowning moment of awesome at least. I wonder if the discourse will now feature fights about “if it was that easy they’d have done it with the Death Stars” and “why didn’t they.” Not looking forward to that. Not looking forward any of the discourse. At all.
The Rey parentage reveal. The scenes on Ahch-to with the dark side spot calling to her and the vision were some of my favourites, and well, Rey Random’s always been my horse, so! Very satisfying. I’m kind of wary at this point, and not sure how much trust I can put in Kylo’s words tbh, but I’m choosing to believe. 
THE THRONE ROOM FIGHT WITH THE LOBSTERGUARDS??? The beginning with Rey and Kylo back to back was EVERYTHING and the whole thing was just perfect G O D
And then the Kylo/Luke fight happened and wow 
RENPEROR i mean - this is the one thing i wanted and had stopped believing in and i got it, he turned against Snoke in yet another crowning moment of awesome (HIS REAL ENEMY!!) and made Hux go long live the supreme leader - at which point i started to pity Hux. He’s having a no good, very bad, terrible day and he suffers so much it’s all kinds of amazing. Anyway, by the end of TLJ, Kylo’s more sympathetic than he was in TFA imo (for general audiences) and graduating to big bad. I kind of expected one or the other, but both at once? 
Something in me is disappointed at the Force plot - I wanted weird eldritch Force shit, and I guess I got some on Ahch-to, but nothing to do with Snoke. As much as I like pretty much everything, including how Snoke’s death subverted expectations and changed the game, I kind of miss the road(s) not taken. 
Speaking of subverted expectations - I think I need (more) sleep and another viewing or two or three to decide how much I actually like it all, but expectations were masterfully subverted. Who Snoke is doesn’t matter because he’s dead, Kylo is still conflicted, Rey kind of became a Jedi but wow does she flirt with the dark side, and Rey Skywalker was found dead and butchered in Miami. The Resistance ends up in tatters, Luke is busy with self-exile and never technically leaves Ahch-to
REY STOLE THE BOOKS oh my girl lbr i would have too
Luke’s final projection act and how beautifully set up it was and his reunion with Leia. Insert river of tears. 
The more or less bad and the stuff that made me sad:
Yoda looked fugly. I can’t not say it. 
I loved Amilyn, and her death was a crowning moment of awesome, but also, a woman died so a man could learn a lesson
on a similar note, a species (nick)named the Caretakers made up of feminine aliens engaged in (mostly) feminine-coded activities 
DJ was rather underwhelming as a character
Rey went really fast from murderous snake monster to ~touching Kylo’s hand - timeline wise, all this happens in huh less... than... 18... hours?? though Ahch-to is like, a vergence, which means time passes differently there, it’s just never made explicit, and it’s still less than 18 hours for Kylo Ben - head hurts - in any case just one more force convo laden with tension could have helped
*Everything* happened really fast tbh. There were a lot of twists and turns, and as I said it’s very clever, but sometimes at the expanse of character growth? it’s a bit bumpier a road
RENPEROR yeah it’s both in the good AND the bad because: i wanted it, i wanted it dearly, but also: what. no really, what. 
noooooo rey don’t close the door on kylo don’t nooooo
Okay that’s not much on the bad and there’s things i’m undecided on but that’s long enough. 
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adminbryantsaki · 4 years
Alpha! Werewolf! Aizawa x Female! Luna! Reader.
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(A/N: I am here again with the Bnharem’s collab! This theme is sex worker. I hope you enjoy this version of everyone’s favorite sleepy teacher, Aizawa.)
(A Luna is an alpha that can conceive. A luna has a harder time at conceiving and is more submissive if in a relationship with an alpha. Lunas have ruts and heats. These ruts are not as aggressive as an Alphas and the heats are not as aggressive as an omega’s either the heat or the rut is when the Luna is more fertile. Lunas can be marked and give marks to both Alphas and Omegas.)
Word count 8,535.
Rating: 18+, minors dni
TW: Omegaverse, Breeding, Werewolf, cum inflation, strip club, pregnancy.
If this isn’t your cup of tea, blend of spices, or brew of coffee, then move along.
Read the other stories here
It was late at night. You and your friend were walking home late after a party. The both of you had a bit too much to drink. An ad from the strip club caught the attention of your friend.
“Oooh! An ad for some sexy alpha men. Isn’t your heat rather close, Y/N?” You friend said a bit too loudly as they waved the ad in your face. You took the paper and stuffed it into your purse.
“Enough, F/N. Do you wish to get us followed?” You hissed and pushed your friend to your apartment building making it inside the complex before guiding your drunk friend up the stairs to the door of your apartment. Your friend had passed out on the way up so you had to prop her up while you fumbled for the key to your apartment. You let out a noise of relief when you finally found your key and unlocked the door to your apartment. You set your friend on the floor so you could grab a bucket for the morning. You dragged them to your small couch and pulled them onto the item of furniture. You pulled a blanket over them and went to your bedroom to change out of your own clothes. You sighed in relief when you took your bra off and chucked it onto the corner where your laundry basket was. You pulled off the scent blocking patches from the delicate skin of your neck and put them back into their packaging. You grabbed the small container of lotion you had and rubbed the serum into your skin. You hummed and got changed into your pjs. You looked over at your purse and saw the ad peeking out. You sighed and pulled the piece of paper out of the confines of your purse and stared at it.
‘Are you lonely? In need of a mate? Then pick from one of these fine Alphas courtesy of The Underground. Bring this ad for entry.’ The top line of the ad read. You looked down at the selection of alphas presented on the page. None of them really caught your interest. A few did look good but not what you would actually want as a mate. As you looked down the ad, you noticed all the typical over muscular apex alphas. One of them scared you with the flaming red hair and another weirded you out by having features similar to that of a killer whale. Your eyes settled on a dark-haired man that looked sleep deprived. He had a pair of wolf ears and slight stubble on his jawline. You couldn’t stop staring at the man. You read his description and found out that he was a werewolf. That you didn’t mind. He would be like a kind of guard dog along with being your mate. The idea of having an alpha werewolf as your mate made you blush hard. You set the ad down, crawled under your covers and drifted off to sleep.
The next morning you woke up to the sounds of your friend puking into the bucket. You sighed and pulled yourself up from your bed. Your senses seemed on overload. You checked your phone to see if your heat had started. It hadn’t yet. You let out a sigh of relief and got up to help your friend. You walked into the living room and saw your friend who was a beta so if your heat had started, they wouldn’t be affected by your scent. You sat next to them and held their hair back as they puked into the bucket. You rubbed your friend’s back as your mind wandered back to the ad you had perused the night before. You blushed a bit as you thought of the alpha werewolf. You shook it out of your head as you stood up to find a common cure that some distant relative of yours had told you would cure a hangover in a moment. You found it and put some into a mug to brew as a kind of tea for your friend. You turned your electric kettle on to boil some water. You stared off into space as the water boiled. The thought of what that alpha would look like up close and personal occupied your thoughts. Would he be completely covered in fur? Or only have the ears and tail? You also took note of the muscles that he had that were shown of him in the advertisement. You felt your face heat up as the kettle clicked off and you were taken from your mental fantasy to pour the water into the mug and carry the vessel to your hungover friend.
“Here you go.” You said quietly in a gentle and caring tone. Your friend groaned and looked up at you then at the mug.
“What is that?” They asked.
“Something that will help with your head. Trust me. It will be bitter but it will help.” You said as they received the mug from you and took a sip. Their face soured which made you chuckle.
“I gotta get changed and go to work. You can stay here for as long as you need until your hangover goes away.” You told your friend.
“Thank you. I’ll just finish this and go home. Thank you though.” They responded. You let them be as you went to go shower to get ready for the day.
Your friend was still on the couch by the time you had gotten out of the shower.
“Did you look over the ad, Y/n?” They called out. You glanced over at the paper that was laying on your nightstand.
“Yeah! I did. You might even be interested in some of them if you looked at it yourself.” You responded as your pulled on your shirt. You picked up the ad and walked out to the living room where your friend seemed a lot better than before.
“Here. Look at it. There’s a couple red heads and blondes that you might like.” You told them as you handed them the page.
“If you say so.” They said as they browsed the ad. You went back into your room to finish dressing yourself. You came out a few minutes later all dressed except for your shoes. You wanted to eat some food before you headed out the door. You grabbed a microwave breakfast burrito, unwrapped it, and put it into the microwave to heat up.
“Oooh! Some of the boys on here are kinda cute! We should go this Friday!” Your friend called to you from their seat on your couch.
“If you want to, I’m game for it… I do want a mate this time around.” You said as you stopped the microwave and pulled out your hot breakfast.
“Interesting. You know I can still help you if you want me to.” Your friend offered.
“I know… but I don’t wanna inconvenience you. You have an omega that you’ve had your eye on for a while. You should go for them. I’m not saying that you aren’t bad at what you do. I just prefer an alpha as a permanent mate.” You told you friend.
“I understand. There’s something about alphas that is just irresistible. I might hook up with one before I settle down with the omega. One of the beefy red heads looks interesting.” Your friend said as they eyed the ad again.
“Thank you. I’m glad we’re still on good terms.” You spoke. Your friend nodded and gathered their things and left with you as you went to work.  
Friday came sooner than you thought. You were getting all dressed up in your clubbing outfit. You were putting on your shapewear to slim down your hips, thighs, butt, and stomach. You slid on a simple black dress and went to go do your hair and makeup before your friend came to pick you up. You took your time applying the makeup to your face. Just enough to enhance your already natural beauty. You then curled your hair to have simple waves to accentuate your face. You just finished applying the final layer of hairspray when you heard knocking at your door.
“Just a moment! I will be right there!” You called from your bathroom. You adjusted your hair once more before walking to your door and opening it a bit to see who it was. It was your friend who was also dressed up. You closed the door again and unlocked it to let your friend in. They stepped in and closed the door behind them. You went to your room to grab your purse and the ad as you needed the page to enter the establishment. You pulled your shoes on then went to join your friend.
“You ready to finally get yourself an Alpha mate?” They asked. You smiled and nodded. They hooked arms with you and headed off to the club.
The pair of you turned the corner of the block that the club was in. You followed your friend down the alley where what seemed to be the bouncer was standing outside the door. He had silvery hair and what looked to be a permanent scowl on his face. The bouncer had a small tooth poking out from his bottom lip. His gaze looked over at the two of you.
“You two got the entrance requirement?” The bouncer asked. You nodded and reached inside your purse for the ad. The bouncer took the ad and looked at it.
“Alright. The both of you are in. Have fun you two.” The beefy man told the both of you and held the door open for the both of you. You entered and took in the environment of the neon lights, sensual music that came from the DJ in the corner, the smell of lust mixed with a heavy combination of several heat and rut scents clinging to the smog laden air made you feel dizzy; your head buzzing. You held onto your friend as the two of you were stopped by a dark blue haired woman with a low- cut dress and a high slit in her skirt that showed her fishnet stockings. The scent that came from her made your body feel heavy and your eyelids grow heavy.
“Hello, I am the owner of this fine establishment, you may call me Midnight. How may I help the both of you?” The woman introduced herself.
“My friend here is looking for an Alpha. I myself wish to hook up with one of your Alphas as well but not permanently.” Your friend spoke for the both of you since your head was clouded with taking in all the new sounds, smells, and sights that had invaded your senses. Your eyes wandered over your surroundings as you took the new environment in. You saw the Alphas that were shown in the advertisement. Along with some other faces that weren’t shown. You saw the other guy that had caught your interest in the back corner behind his turntables, monitoring speaker, and mixer. You scanned the room to see if you could find the werewolf that had piqued your interest and caused a fire to light in the lower part of your stomach. You searched the room in anticipation to see his face and take in his scent. You couldn’t seem to find him among all the other alphas there in the main room. Your mind went to the worse case and thought that he already had a customer for the evening. This idea saddened you a bit and you stared at the ground.
“That is excellent. I will need for you to write down your secondary gender to help with our ratings. After you have done that, feel free to look through our selection of Alphas and other dynamics.” Midnight requested of the two of you. You looked up and the both of you write down your specific dynamics. The both of you then handed your cards to the woman. Midnight looked over what the two of you had written and when she read yours, her eyebrow raised. She gave a book of the still available workers to your friend and she told you to go wait in the bar for her. You did as you were told and went to the bar.
The host that was seating people asked you if you were waiting for anyone. You said that Midnight had told you to come here and they guided you to a back corner seat and had you sit there. They took your order and went off to make your drink. You looked over to where your friend was being guided by Midnight to the tall, beefy redhead with flames all over his body. You chuckled to yourself as your friend had picked out the same red head that they were gushing about earlier that week.  You watched as Midnight introduced your friend to the red head and he stood up to his full height and introduced himself. You watched as someone delivered your drink to you the sheer size of the man and how he dwarfed your friend. Midnight left the two be and headed in your direction. You watched the man lead your friend into a private room. Midnight slipped into the seat across from you with her own drink.
“We don’t usually get Lunas coming here looking for an Alpha. They usually want Omegas. What brings you here, Y/N? Other than an Alpha to help you with your heat?” She asked as she sipped her drink.
“I want a mate. I want a partner to keep me company and to treat me right and not like some creature that is only meant to take care of the house and bend over when they want to rut into me then expect me to raise his litter on my own.” You told her. She smiled at you.
“I know exactly the Alpha for you.” She said and stood up. She held out her arm for you. You stood up and took her arm so she could guide your head riddled brain up the spiral staircase and to the quieter part of the apartments of the club.
“Who is this Alpha you are taking me to?” You asked as the environment and mood changed to one that caused a chill to run down your spine. You could smell a difference in the air as the scent changed from citrusy, warm, and spicy to cool, crisp, and relaxing. The scent was similar to that of waking up in a log cabin deep in the woods just after a night where the snow fell hard the night before and your partner had made a fresh pot of coffee and had brought you a cup. You hummed and closed your eyes to take in his scent. Midnight paused with you to let you take in the new scent. You opened your eyes and looked to her.
“What else do I need to know about him?” You asked as you had let his scent envelop you.
“He’s a werewolf, sweetheart.” The woman told you. Your eyes widened and you tensed up.
“Relax, he won’t bite you, much.” She told you as she stood by the door. You walked over to the door and stood in front of it.  
“The both of you will have to establish a safe word.  He won’t mate with you until you give him consent. He is actually quite the gentleman once you get to know him. Shouta will take care of you and your heat, he has been looking for a mate himself for a while now. You could possibly be the lucky one.” Midnight said as she opened the door for you. You took a deep breath and stepped inside the room. You looked around the room to take in your surroundings and look for your Alpha. He was nowhere to be seen. You heard the door close and lock behind you and a presence that set the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end.
“So, what did you come here for? Just another omega who can’t handle their heat? How pathetic.” You heard a deep, gravelly voice rumble from behind you. You turned around to face him even though you could barely see his form from where you stood in the dim lighting of his apartment. The man stood before you shirtless and wearing a rather tight pair of sweatpants that showed his already erect member. You panted a bit and spoke up.
“I’m not some typical needy omega!  I am a Luna that is looking for a mate. The owner of this establishment thought that you and I would be a good match up.” You told him in a slightly raised tone. He pushed off the wall that he was leaning on and looked at you from the shadows. He slowly walked to you and held your jaw in his hand.
“You think you’re so tough because of your dynamic, huh? Still pathetic. Why would Midnight pair you with me?” He asked as a strong wave scent of rain-soaked pine filled your nostrils and knocked you onto your butt. He smirked and walked over to his nest.  
“Tell me why I should even consider taking you as a mate.” He said as he laid down and watched you.
“I don’t just want a one-night fling, I want a permanent partner. One that will care for me and treat me like a human being and not just some breeder to crank out litters.” You told him. This caught his interest and made him look at you.
“Come here then, Little Luna.” He told you and made room for you in his nest. You obeyed and did as you were told and sat outside the nest. The werewolf looked at you and flicked his fluffy ebony tail at you. Shouta watched your chest rise and fall with your labored breaths as your heat slowly invaded your body, making you get hot and needy. You were doing your best to keep your scent to yourself. You huffed as your neck felt sore as you wanted to let your scent loose and fill the room with your heat scent. Shouta noticed the frown knitted into your brow. He leaned forward and whispered into your ear.
“Let it out, kitten, I want to smell you. No other alphas will come in here. They know not to mess with me.” He told you.  He hovered over your neck where you could feel his warm breath on your sensitive skin. You finally released your scent and the werewolf took it all in. He buried his nose into your neck and growled in your ear which made your heat become more wet with slick. The werewolf wanted to sink his teeth into your neck and make you his and his alone. He pulled away and sat back in his nest and stared at you.
“Why don’t you come in here with me, kitten?” He purred and encouraged you to come into his nest that seemed to be lined with a sleeping bag. You climbed in and melted into the soft fabric that was the inside of the sleeping bag. The man put a hand on your back and hummed as he rubbed your back.
“How long have you been holding your scent in? Your doctor should’ve told you that’s dangerous.” Shouta told you as he rubbed your back and looked down at your heat-ridden form.
“About a week.” You said just loud enough so he could hear you. He sighed and laid down next to you.
“Do you feel better now?” He asked as he stroked your cheek. You nodded and looked at him.
“Tell me your name, Little Luna. You probably know mine already from the ad.” He said as he stroked your hair out of your face.
“Yours is Shouta Aizawa. Mines Y/N.” You told him. The werewolf smirked and propped himself up on an elbow.
“Such a pretty name.” Shouta spoke. You couldn’t keep your eyes off of him. Everything about him drove you crazy as you resisted the urge to take him as your mate and get it over with.
“I know you said that you don’t want to just be some, thing to be bred but I know you’re in heat just by how strong your scent is. I’m willing to be your mate. Midnight was right. You are perfect for me. As for your heat though, you have no idea how much I want to fill you with my seed over and over until your womb is heavy with my litter.”  The werewolf confessed as his voice began to hint with that lust filled tone that you had heard from previous alphas that had courted you in the past. You began to stare at the wall.
“Hey. Eyes back down here, Y/N. I know that you don’t want to be an incubator 24/7. I don’t expect that. But I know that you want me to claim you right here and now and stuff that wet hole of yours full of my seed? How does that sound, Little Luna?” He asked as he kept eye contact with you. You were blushing redder than a beet when you looked at him. You nodded in agreement and he proceeded to move onto his hands and knees. He hovered over you and was so close that you wanted to pull him into a deep and passionate kiss but you stopped yourself.
“Before we begin, what should our safe word be?” He asked as he moved close to your neck and wanted to bite a deep bruise on the tender flesh of your skin.
“How does moonlight sound?” You suggested as his scent flooded your senses.
“A little tacky but it will do.” Shouta chuckled as he hovered closer to your neck.
“I’m guessing you don’t have a permanent mate by the lack of a mark on your neck.” He said as he put a gentle kiss on your collar bone. You held back a moan and spoke.  
“No, I haven’t. Please, just mark me already.” You practically begged for him.
“Then tell me what you want me to do to you, Little Luna~.” He said as he put another kiss down on your chest right above your breasts. Shouta pulled away and looked up at you.
“Go on and tell me.” He encouraged you. You sat up and looked him in the eyes.
“I want to have your litter so badly. Please. I beg of you, fill me with your seed. Fuck me until I’m sore and can’t move anymore. I want you to be mine and mine alone, Shouta.” You told him as you cupped his face and gave him a genuine pleading look. You looked so cute to him as he looked back into your eyes and saw the honesty in what you had said.
“If we are gonna do this then you should know that there is no going back. Once we are mated, then we are mated for life.” He told you as he ran a hand up your thigh. You looked back at him and nodded. The thought of a werewolf as your mate made you push out more slick that now coated your thighs. The werewolf smirked and kissed you before moving to your neck. He kissed and licked the area around the area he was gonna mark you with to put you on edge. You huffed and whimpered out as you wanted his knot to fill your empty hole. Shouta looked to you when you let out a whimper.
“Should we call you kitten instead of little Luna?” He teased you. You huffed and moved to turn away from him.
“Where do you think you’re going, kitten? We need to get you out of that pesky dress of yours~.” He told you and helped you sit up. He undid the zipper on your dress then slid the straps of your dress off your shoulders. He leaned to your left side and bit down on your soft flesh and sucked a pretty bruise into your neck before leaving.
“You’re mine now. Mine and mine alone, Kitten.” He told you before kissing all over your neck and licking blood from the mark. He pulled away from you slowly and kissed your cheek.
“Yes. I’m yours, Alpha.” You responded. He smiled and kissed you. He pulled the rest of your dress off your body and chucked the garment to the far corner of the room. You looked sadly at the discarded garment as you worried that you wouldn’t get it back.
“Don’t worry, kitten. You’ll get it back when we’re done.” His eyes flicked down to your waist as he noticed the shapewear on you and smirked.
“What makes you need to wear something like this?” He asked as he ran a thumb over the band that lay just below your chest. He looked up at you to see you blush and look away from him. He gripped your face and made you look at him.  
“What’s wrong? You can tell me.” He asked.
“I wear the shapewear because my lower half is too big.” You told him. He moved down to rest his head on your stomach.
“I want to see.” He told you as he looked up at you with his deep brown eyes and you melted. You stood up with his help and slowly pulled the constricting fabric down off your body until you were only standing there in your underwear and bra. His eyes widened and he leaned back.
“I don’t see anything wrong with your body.” He said as he pulled you down into his lap and against his warm and partially fuzzy chest. He looked down at you.
“Look at me, kitten.” He told you in the same commanding tone as earlier. You obeyed and looked up at him. He held a crooked finger under your chin as he looked at you in the eyes.
“You are beautiful just the way you are. There is nothing I would change. But I do have to say, I do appreciate your thick ass.” He told you with a smirk. You blushed and hid your face in the crook of his neck to take in his scent. He chuckled and slid his hands down to grip your butt. He grinned and slid a hand up your back to caress your hair and take in the scent of your shampoo. He hummed and kissed your head. He slid his hand back down to your butt.
“You’re so soft, I like it.” He told you as he let his fingers sink into the soft flesh of your hips. He guided you to lay down in the nest and look up at him.
“Remind me again what you wanted from me?” He asked as he looked down at you and gave you kisses all over your neck and torso.
“I want your litter. I want it so badly.” You reminded him. He nudged your legs to spread them open so he could lay down between your legs and rested his head on your stomach.
“Just how badly do you want this?” He asked as he traced patterns on your side. You huffed as you were growing impatient as you felt your heat grow more and more unbearable as you snuck a hand down to give yourself some release.  
“What do you think you’re doing? Did you think you could sneak a hand down there and fuck yourself when you clearly came here to get claimed, fucked, and bred full of a litter? I don’t think so.” He scolded you gently. He then arose from the nest and went to another part of his room to retrieve something that you couldn’t see. You rolled over onto your stomach and watched him come back with a long piece of grey fabric. You blushed as he stared down at you with the fabric looped in his hand.
” For being such a naughty kitten, you are going to get your wrists bound.” He said as he knelt down and bound your wrists together. He didn’t pull tightly, just loosely bound them so you couldn’t move them easily then put your arms above your head. He then climbed back into the nest and hovered over your body, situating your wrists so you couldn’t move them. You stared at his bare chest and gulped down the lump of anticipation that had formed in your throat. Once your wrists were secured in the wall of the nest, he looked at you and smirked. He spread your legs back open and slid between them. He folded your legs up so they almost touched your chest. You blushed harder as he stared at your slick hole. He moved down to kiss and nip at the soft flesh of your thick thighs.
“So soft and cuddly. I could use your thighs as a pillow for when I take a nap.” Shouta said as he pressed his cheek to your thigh and kissed it.  He kissed his way down to your entrance and attached his mouth to your hole and began to kiss and suck the slick off your lower area. You moaned out, shut your eyes closed, moved your hips against his mouth. He looked up at you and smacked your butt.
“Look at me, kitten. Keep eye contact with me the whole time.” He told you and made eye contact with you. He growled against your folds which made you squirm in his grip.  He chuckled and sucked you more. You leaked more slick and he swallowed every drop you would give him. You felt your head buzzing as he gave you so much stimulation that you could barely handle it. Shouta pulled away to grab the bottle of lube he had stored around the outside edges of the nest. He applied some to your hole and shifted up to put you into a mating press. He pulled his sweats down a bit and pulled his massive cock out to apply some lube and slide his member into you gently so you could adjust to his size. You moaned and desperately moved your hips to give yourself some friction. But the werewolf wouldn’t have it. He growled and spanked your supple ass again. He gripped your hips and held them in place.
“Did you want to do all the work? I can get you a dildo instead.” He said as he began to pull out. You whined and shook your head no. He pushed his girth back inside and made you wait a little longer.
“Don’t be impatient or I’ll get you kicked out, you got that?” He told you in a firm tone. You nodded.
“I’ll behave. I will. Just please breed me!” You cried out. He smirked and began to thrust slowly in and out of you. You moaned and gripped the blanket above you as his knot stretched you so nicely. He quickened his pace and sucked a mark onto your thigh. This caused you to moan out and let your scent pour out from your glands to fill the room. Shouta took in your scent which made him drive deeper into you.  
“I’m gonna fill you up good, kitten. Make you so full that cum drips out of your hole~.” He told you as he pounded into you. You nodded in agreement. You had waited so long to carry a litter. You were happy that you finally would be able to after so long. You were in pure bliss as your werewolf mate pound your dripping hole. He grunted in your ear as he whispered things into your ear that made the knot in your lower stomach grow bigger until it was threatening to snap. You whimpered and told him you were close. He nodded and the both of you released. He pulled out and got you some water. He held your head up and made sure you drank. When you were finished with the water, he looked at you.
“Do you need anything else before we go another round, little Luna?” He asked of you while he had a smirk on his face. You were still blushing hard and shook your head no.
You wanted to be leaving here with a stomach rounded out from being stuffed with cum and having your hole dripping with his seed. He lined up with your hole before sliding in. He looked to you to make sure you were ok before thrusting. He gave you his knot this time to give you a higher chance of getting pregnant. You had released sooner than you thought you would. You could feel the hot spray of his seed in your womb as he released. He didn’t pull out and instead he kissed you again as he began to thrust more as he was determined to give you his litter. About an hour or so passed before the both of you were spent and he finally pulled out, put his member back in his pants, and laid next to you. He turned to face you and intertwined his fingers with yours. He propped himself up on his elbow and looked at your cum-filled stomach and put a hand on it as he kissed your head.  
“Go use the bathroom love. Is there anything else you want?” He asked as you sat up and discovered just how sore your hole was.
“C-can you help me to the bathroom? My legs feel like jelly.” You asked him. He nodded and stood up. He picked you up bridal style and carried you to the bathroom. He set you on the toilet and left you to do your business and he went through his drawers and pulled out one of his shirts and pulled out a pair of fresh underwear provided by Midnight for the customers.  He walked back to the bathroom door, knocked a couple times and opened the door a bit.
“You can wear these for now.” He said as he handed the clothes to you and closed the door again. You got changed and finished using the bathroom. You called for him to come in. Shouta was waiting there so he could scoop you up in his arms and carry you back to the nest. You held onto him and he held you close. While you were in the bathroom, he had added a couple pillows, a heating pad, and some more water bottles to the nest and the surrounding area. He then set you down in the nest and sat outside the nest looking in on you.
“T-Thank you, Shouta.” You said as you put the heating pad on your lower back.
“I’d do anything for you.” He told you as he kissed your head and wagged his tail a bit.  
“Can you get some food for us? I’m hungry.” You told him. He nodded and got back up again.
“What do you want?” He asked.
“I’d like F/F.” You requested. He nodded and pulled a shirt on before leaving the room and closing the door behind him. This left you to get comfortable in the nest and doze off a bit before he came back. Your mate soon returned with your favorite food and something for himself to eat. He set your food in the nest next to you before he leaned in and brushed a few strands of hair from your face. He kissed your forehead which made you scrunch your face a bit and wake up.
“Have a nice nap, kitten?” He asked as you noticed the bag with your favorite food inside.
“I didn’t mean to fall asleep but I was so tired after we mated.” You told him while eating your food.
“I did you put you through the ringer earlier. You can stay until morning. Now that I have a mate, I need to move out. I want to stay loyal to you. Even more so if you’re gonna have a litter.” He said as he ate his food.  
“I have a small apartment that we can share.” You told him. He smiled a bit.
“I don’t have much. Just what’s here in this room.” He responded.
“I can help you pack up tomorrow. I live down the block.” You said smiling.  
“We can have some of the other guys help carry my stuff to your apartment.” He told you. You nodded and smiled. Shouta took the to-go containers and put it outside his room. He then walked back to where you were in the nest and laid next to you.  
“Thank you.” You told him. The look on Shouta’s face was that of a puppy wanting to climb into bed with you. You smiled and put your fingers into his ebony locks and stroked one of his wolf ears that poked out of his head.
“Get in here. Just be careful, I’m still sore down there.” You told him. His face lit up and he climbed into the nest and laid behind you. He wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you gently into his embrace. You couldn’t be happier than you were right now. You had a mate and a very large possibility of a litter on the way. Shouta had his hand over your swollen stomach and was kissing your neck and ear. He was happy too.
“Thank you for being my mate, kitten. I’m happy you asked me to be your alpha. I will help you through each and every heat that you have if you’ll let me.” He told you and slid a hand up your shirt. You blushed and pressed into him.  He smirked and cuddled you.  
“You just rest now. You’re gonna be growing a litter here soon, Kitten.” He told you. You closed your eyes and dozed off in his arms. He kept you close all through the night as there were others going to their rooms with people that had come in earlier that evening. You woke up a little bit and flipped over so you were facing Shouta. You nuzzled into his chest and he woke up too.
“What’s wrong kitten?” He asked quietly.
“Others are making noise.” You responded as you blinked up at him.
“That’s normal here.” He chuckled. You blushed and hid your face. He looked down at you.
“I have an idea. Why don’t you come under my shirt to keep you warm? How does that sound?” Shouta suggested. You liked the idea and with his help he lifted the hem of his shirt and slid under his shirt. You hummed and nuzzled his chest. He stroked the back of your head as you pressed your face into his chest and dozed back to sleep. He pulled the sleeping bag around you two and zipped it up before he fell back asleep.
 Morning came and you woke up sleepily. You looked up to see Shouta looking down at your sleeping form.
“Morning kitten, did you sleep ok?” He asked.
“Yeah. After I got under your shirt, I zonked out quickly.” You said giggling.
“Do you want breakfast?” He asked.
“Are you allowed to do that still? Even now that I’m your mate?” You asked as you didn’t want him to get in trouble.
“I’ll be fine. I’ll tell Midnight what happened last night and she will have some of the other guys come up when we’re ready to go.” He reassured you as he unzipped the sleeping bag. You whined as you didn’t want to leave the warmth that he gave you.
“You can cuddle me more once we’re settled in your apartment, ok kitten?” He said looking down at you then helping you leave his shirt which was now stretched out. He stood up and let you be wrapped up in the sleeping bag. He knelt down and kissed your head before he left to get food. He stopped at the door.
“What do you want?” He asked.
“Pancakes with chocolate chips?” You asked cutely.
“Anything for you, kitten.” He told you before leaving. You rolled over and snuggled back into the sleeping bag to rest your eyes more before you had to get up. A few minutes later, Shouta came up with some pancakes for the both of you.
“Hey, sleepyhead. Wake up. Your breakfast is here.” He told you teasingly and licked your cheek. You opened your eyes.
“All I see is you~.” You said while blushing hard.  
“Do you want me for breakfast too, kitten?” He asked as he leaned closer to you and kissed you. He lured you out of the sleeping bag and into the cold air.
“I know you don’t like the cold but the warm and fluffy pancakes that are dripping with syrup and waiting to be devoured by a rather ravenous kitten~.” He mused as he teased you with the pancake. You reached over to take a bite but he pulled it just out of reach. You whined and retreated back into the nest. He tore off a bit of the fluffy breakfast item and held it in his mouth. He made a come here gesture with his finger and you obeyed and he prodded your mouth with the pancake which you gladly ate from his mouth and then kissed him. You hummed and climbed into his lap. He tore off another piece and fed you bit by bit until the first pancake was gone. There was two more in one of the containers. He looked at the pancakes then at you.
“We have some time before Midnight kicks the customers out. Why don’t we have some fun~.” He told you as a sly smirk tugged at the corners of his mouth. You smiled and nodded in agreement.
“Where do you want me?” You asked.
“Lay down for me, Y/N.” He instructed of you. You laid down and looked kept eye contact with him. He smirked and pushed the shirt up past your stomach.
“Still so pretty~. “He told you. He reached over to one of the pancakes and ripped it in half. He then tore up each of the halves into smaller pieces and trailed them up your legs. He took the extra maple syrup and trailed it up and down your legs. He sat back and admired the pretty picture in front of him. You blushed hard and nodded to give him approval to start. He laid down and started at your ankles. He licked the syrup that had dripped down and almost onto the floor. He sucked a bit and licked up to the piece of pancake and he ate it before kissing your shin. He licked up to the knee and ate the piece of pancake that was there before going up to the rest of the chunks of pancake that were on your thigh. He reached your hip and sucked a mark into the soft flesh of your hip before moving back down, starting at the ankle of your other leg. Shouta copied the same process with your other leg until he was panting over your lower area.
“Now, for my meal~.” He hummed and went down on you.
He had finished just as there was banging on his door.
“Hey Shouta! You gotta wrap it up in there. Midnight wants the customers out in ten!” A loud voice called from the other side of the door. Shouta groaned and pulled away from you.
“Go put a pair of my shorts on and follow me. I’ll carry you down to Midnight and tell her that you’re my mate.” He said as he helped you up to your feet and helped you to his dresser. He pulled out a pair of black shorts and helped you into them.
“There you go. Do you think you can walk?” He asked you. You shook you head no and he picked you up to wrap your legs around his waist.  He kissed your cheek and carried you down to the main room which looked completely different than how it was the night before. You peeked out from under your hair and saw some of the others. You searched for your friend that should’ve been next to the fiery red head. He saw you and spoke.
“I sent your friend home when we were done. They should be fine.” He said and you relaxed. Shouta sat down with you in his lap next to a long-haired blonde that had the same voice as earlier. You recognized him as the DJ from last night. You hid your face in the crook of your mate’s neck as Midnight approached them all. She sat down and addressed them about what happened last night and reminded them some of the rules. Shouta held you tightly as she reminded the group about having the customers leaving before morning. Midnight’s eyes darted to Shouta and she smiled.
“I see that you finally found yourself a mate. You remember the terms that we decided on, right?” She asked. He nodded.
“I need help with moving my stuff into Y/N’s apartment down the street.” He asked.  A couple of the beefier men including the orca looking guy pitched in to help.
“When we’re done here the boys can help you.” Midnight said. A few of the other alphas in the room congratulated you and Shouta.  You blushed and hid your face in Shouta’s chest.
“I’m gonna go back up and get my stuff sorted.” Shouta told the group as he stood up and went back to his room.  He set you down in the nest before going about his room and sorting the small amount he had.  The loud blonde came up with some empty boxes and helped his friend pack his clothes and bedding. He walked back over to the nest and checked in on you a few times before he had to take the nest apart and leave you with the sleeping bag. When everything was packed, Shouta’s friend went down and came back with the bouncer from the night before and a new person that also had blonde hair. They helped carry the boxes and a couple pieces of furniture downstairs and out of the establishment. Shouta carried you in his sleeping bag after the other men. You led them to your apartment down the street and helped them inside. You instructed them where to put the boxes and furniture. They left soon after, leaving the two of you alone. He set you down on your bed and kissed you.
“Your place looks nice. I’ll go unpack. You rest, kitten.” He said as he kissed your head and left the room to go unpack. He dragged a box into your room where his dresser was and sorted the clothes back into the drawers as you slept. He wanted to stay close to you even now. He felt like he had to protect you. He could sense that you were pregnant even though you didn’t believe him. He finished sorting his clothes and went to the box of his bedding and made a nest around you. He slid in and held you close to his chest. He dozed off, now feeling safe in his new home and next to his new mate that he loved so dearly.  
Two weeks went by and you adjusted to your new life with your mate. You didn’t feel top notch though. You had nausea and fatigue. You didn’t want to move from the nest as the slightest movement would make you want to run to the bathroom and puke out your guts. You had developed the oddest cravings. One of your cravings was pickle juice as a brine for raw meat that you were craving. You also couldn’t seem to get enough pineapple juice, Gatorade, and milk. The smell of fish made you want to puke. Shouta was willing to get up at early hours when you would wake him when you had an intense craving for whatever you were craving that week. One afternoon, You, were sitting on the couch and devouring a tray of chicken nuggets with mac and cheese as Shouta came over and sat down next to you.
“Hey, Y/N? I wanna talk to you about something.” He told you.
“What is it?” You asked as you ate.  He looked at you with concern and spoke.
“Remember about two weeks ago when we met?” He asked you. You blushed and nodded.
“I think with all your recent cravings and nausea, I believe you’re pregnant.” He said smiling a bit.
“You really think so?” You asked as you finished your ramen and set the plate on the coffee table.
“Yes, I do. I went out and got a pregnancy test when I got the ice cream you requested.” He told you.
“Ok. Where is it?” You asked.
“On the bathroom counter.” He told you. You got up with some help and went to the bathroom to take the test. Shouta stood as well and took your plate into the kitchen to wash it. You came out a few minutes later and showed him the positive test. He picked you up and held you close. The both of you were happy and excited. Shouta kissed you and knelt down to your stomach that was showing the slightest bit.  He kissed your stomach and hugged you.
“Thank you, Y/n. I am very happy. You have helped me with that. I love you so much.” He told you and kissed you again.
“I will go set up a doctor’s appointment for later this week.” You spoke. He nodded and told you that he wanted to go with you to the appointments.  You set up an appointment and he made a special dinner for the both of you to celebrate. He pulled you close when you had finished setting up the appointment and held you close to his chest.
“C’mon. I made us dinner.” He said and led you to the bedroom where a pizza was laid out on the bed. He had redone the nest and climbed in. He helped you in and he shared a pizza with you. The two of you spent the rest of the evening dreaming of the future and what it would hold for the both of you.
 The end.
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httpdabi · 3 years
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His property
Word count: 6.0k
Genre: SMUT, maybe angst, romantic ? Lots of Dabi lol not sure if it’s yandere... yeah
Warnings: 18+, kidnapping I guess, fire play. Not sure how old Melissa actually is, so if she’s underage in anime, here she’s at least 21 y/I and allowed to drink
Qurikless OC being "saved" from not so hero person. :)
Being quirkless didn’t bother me that much. Sure, i was jealous when my friends started developing their own quirks, showing of. When they used to make a little show, competition which quirk is better, all I could do is sit in the side and adore them.
My parent were telling me almost every day to try to stay out of trouble. If there is a hero fighting a villain, I should just walk away. Because even their power can harm me. I learnt that I can just be at the wrong place In the wrong time and I could be in trouble. They always taught me to be extra careful.
When I was a kid, I used to depend on my parents too much. Today it was kinda different, I was giving my best to be independent as much as I can. Working at a small coffee shop, living in my small apartment. Trying to live as quiet as possible.
,,One caramel macchiato and one chocolate cappuchino” my co-worker said loudly for me to hear. Even tho it could be stressing, I loved my job. I loved making different drinks and talk with people.
I made a little ok sign and started making the ordered drinks.
The shift was passing real fast since there was a lot of work, there wasn’t even time for break. Of course, I could catch a minute and smoke one real fast. Being honest, I was fine with that.
After long ass night I changed into my dress and finally went home. Home wasn’t far from my working place, so if the weather is nice, I would take a walk instead of going home with bus.
,, Great” I hissed after trying to lit my cigarette. Perfect timing for my lighter to die. Little piece of shit gave up on me after such a hard time at work.
I sat down on the end of the bench, trying to find another one while the cigarette was still between my lips. There was nothing worse then forgetting your lighter or when it stops working.
,, Need a little help?” a man asked. I knew that few of them were sitting on the bench, but I didn’t pay attention that much. Before I could turn my head around to face him and take his lighter, his hand was in front of me, and he was lightning my cigarette up with his finger. Small blue fire coming from his finger, looking hella familiar. The purple skin with silver patches didn’t make a klick in my head either.
,,Thanks” I said fast, curious who it is, since my brain was telling me that I know this person. But once I looked at him, his head was already turned to another direction. Not wanting to bothering him or his friends, I just left believing it was someone I saw on my work. After all, we have a lot of costumers.
Time after work was my favorite, especially if I didn’t have to wake up early next day. A glass of wine, face mask, and phone in my hand. I couldn’t force myself to spend rest of the night locked up watching TV, so I enjoyed the beautiful weather on my balcony. I could see the little group of friends from my balcony. So I was lowkey stalking them a little, sad I couldn’t hear shit they were talking about. My little stalking was interrupted by a small vibration coming from my phone.
Of course it was Melissa. My one and only friend, quirkless bitch just like me. Usually I am not a person to use apps for meeting new people, but when I saw that there is an app for us quirkless sad motherfuckers, I had to instal it. And that’s how I met my soulmate Melissa.
Melissa: ,, What are you doing? I am on my way to your place´´
To Melissa: Chilling on the balcony and sipping on my wine. I´ll be on my way to buy us another bottle and strawberries.
I couldn’t even place my phone on the table and another message was already there.
Melissa: AMAZING!!! Can´t wait to get wasted with you. See ya in a bit loveeee u
Since The shop is near café and my home, there was no need for me to change. I was already in my pajama shorts and shirt, so all I did was wear my baggy hoodie over it. Taking my wallet, I sprinted fast to the shop.
The very next day, I had to work with a worst hangover ever. Melissa left my place around 10AM, groaning in frustration she had to wake up so early. But at least she didn’t have to work.
My shift began at 13PM, so I had some time to rest and let the painkillers work their wonder on me. Sadly the time before my shift started passed faster then I could imagine, and once again I found myself at my work.
From 13 to 16PM there isn´t much work. There are some people passing by after the end of their shifts, our usual costumers coming at the same time. But the exactly at 17PM is where the hell starts.
That was the very reason I liked morning shifts more, even tho I had to wake up so early. It was still less work then in late shift.
More and more orders were coming. Usually I would somehow manage to keep my shit together somehow, but this time I was real mad my boss didn’t get more workers. It could be much easier if there was 3 of us in the shift, instead of two of us.
Like we didn’t have enough stress already, there was a huge explosion near the café. Not paying much attention to it I continued making the drinks.
,, Get down!´´ my co-worker screamed and pulled me under the desk with her. I tried to peek and see what´s happening but in the very moment I did it there was another explosion, blowing me almost away.
In that moment I didn’t know if the explosion was beside our café again, or in it. But I could hear people screaming.
My co-worker started crying, telling me how my face is all bloody. Which was pretty weird, since I felt good. She was pulling me to the back side of the café telling me to use the back door and wait for her.
I did as she told me, seeing the mix of the red and blue flames freaked me out. It was the first time in my life to end up in situation like this, so a wave of panic took over me. Sobbing loudly, I sat down, hugging my knees. I was waiting for my co-worker, too scared to try and get help on my own, since I could still hear screams and people fighting.
Another explosion, probably in the café, since once again I was blown away. I could hear Ryuku and Kamui Woods asking if someone is here. But I couldn’t say a word, as much as I wanted to. I wanted to scream, but even a whisper was heavy at that moment.
Their voices were like echo, and the buildings around me started to get blurry.
I could feel my forehead being touched. My hair being placed behind my ear and someone telling me to wake up. Once I opened my eyes, I saw arm resting beside my head on the street. The same purple skin I saw last night.
I forced myself to look up, and the moment I saw that face, I felt embarrassed I didn’t recognize it before. Of course it was Leauge´s villain Dabi. Maybe the fact that I was trying to ignore the news around as much as possible, thinking if I stay in my safe zone I´ll protect myself. But of course I knew the League of Villains. Of course I knew Himiko Toga, Kurogiri, Shigaraki, Dabi and the rest of them. As much as I wanted to ignore everything happening in the city, I simply knew about them. Everyone does.
,, No´´ I whispered, not being able to feel pain or fear. My eyes looking beside him hoping hero or my co-worker will come and save me.
Dabi lowered himself trying to get my focus on him.
,, They are all gone. ´´ He said looking me directly in the eyes. Whit those words all the hope I had died. I closed my eyes while tears started to roll down my cheeks. This was it, I thought. Either way I´ll die from bleeding out or he´ll kill me.
,, Don´t worry babe, I won´t hurt you´´ He whispered, still playing with my hair. I had no power to say anything, all I could do is wait to fall into unconsciousness again.
His hands tried to pull me up, but somehow in that very moment everything started to feel heavy and I felt like I was about to vomit.
,,Fine, if you want to die, then die´´ He said, and once again everything else was black.
I woke up with sudden urge to vomit again. Being in dark unfamiliar room didn´t help either. The only thing that helped was the fact that I was alive. Before I could stand up and find bathroom, I vomited all over the floor. Maybe it´s weird, but I started crying, not only because I had no idea where I was, but also because I vomited. It´s a nightmare for me.
The door suddenly opened and at my surprise Dabi got inside. Which followed with me vomiting once more and crying again. Didn´t he let me die ?
,,Goddammit, I even prepared a bucket for you, can´t you use it ?´´ He said calmly. Grabbing my arm harshly, he pulled me up and forced me to walk out of the room.
,, I´m sorry´´ I sobbed, not wanting to make any problems. I didn´t want to do anything to provoke the villain.
,, Wait here´´ he said, forcing me to sit in the kitchen. Then he went back in the room I slept in.
The kitchen wasn’t big, but it wasn´t small either. There was a counter with drinks, and two tall uncomfortable chairs. On the other side were cabinets, sink, dishwasher, stove and freezer. Everything was in light and dark shade of gray.
,, Well, you can vomit like world champion´´ Dabi´s voice echoed thru the room. I could hear the toilet flush and his steps coming closer. It took him a second and there he was, standing in front of me. He went to the other side of the counter, took one glass and filled it with cold water.
,, So babe, what happened back there?´´ he asked, placing the glass in front of me. I was scared and confused, and I didn’t have any courage to look the man in the eyes or say anything.
,, I don´t know´´ I said quietly. He sighed and took a small box of cigarettes out of his pocket. Lighting his cigarette up with his quirk, just like he did yesterday.
,, You are lucky I noticed you trying to hide back there, since your little friend left without thinking twice´´ he said, as he puffed on his cigarette.
I wasn´t sure if I should feel sad, betrayed or mad. From all of the people back there, a villain saved my life. But I did feel thankful to him.
,,Thank you´´ I said, looking at him. His cigarette between his lips, eyes half closed.
,, What should I do with you´´ he said, finishing the cigarette and taking another one from the box. He placed the box in front of me.
When he realized that I won´t take one, he stood up and made his way toward me. Standing behind me, he placed his hands on my shoulders, slowly massaging them. His one hand pulled my hair back lightly, and other one placed his already lit cigarette in front of my lips.
,, Come on love, I know you smoke´´ he said, placing the cigarette between my lips with a little force. In a moment, his face was inches away from mine. I could feel his breath on my neck, making me freeze in the place.
,, Maybe I should keep you for myself here´´ he whispered, breathing deeply on my ear. ,,After all, I can protect your quirkless little body´´ he addes slowly.
There were many things going thru my mind at that moment. What did he mean ? How did he know I don´t have a quirk?
Days and weeks passed and there I was still at Dabi´s place. First few days I was left alone, either way he was really busy or just wanted to give me some time. Dabi let me sleep in his room, since I couldn´t force myself to sleep in the one I vomited. Maybe it was my imagination, but I could still smell the vomit.
His room was decorated in dark shades. One black king sized bed in the middle, dark green walls and black furniture. On the right side were huge windows and balcony. Since I was alone, I gave myself a little bit of freedom. After all, he didn´t seem that dangerous as everyone said.
At the beginning he didn´t let me cook or do anything that could be dangerous in his opinion. He didn´t trust me at all, being sceptic that I might poison him. He did try to keep me entertained, giving me Nintendo Switch with some games like Pokemon, Super Mario, etc. He also didn´t have any problem with Netflix or whatever I wanted. I know those are small things, but being with him, I expected less.
After some weeks passed, I was seeing him more often. He would casually get inside his room, since there was the balcony. Without knocking or any sign. Well, it was his room after all. Sometimes he would just bring us some fast food, ice cream and force me to eat with him. At least he thought so. I didn´t have any problem with it.
After 3 weeks passed, I started to realize that I was pretty much attracted to this man. I wasn´t someone who falls easily for a man, but his attitude, his cold personality, the way he moves, the way he talks, the way I could catch him look at me, it was all extremely attractive to me. It probably all started the day I caught him sitting beside me, thinking I was asleep. It was around 3AM when I heard him coming inside his room. He sat beside me, and started caressing my cheek softly.
In that moment all I could do was just pretend that I was still asleep.
After that night, he would come at night and just sit there with me, thinking I was asleep.
I opened the window and sat on the balcony, admiring the sight of the buildings and colorful lights coming form the streets, and cars.
,, I don´t remember allowing you to go outside.´´
He was standing to my left side, looking at the street.
,, Planning how to run away?´´ He added, not paying attention to me. He was wearing black pants, with dark grey oversized sweater. His presence was too much for me, it wasn’t that I was scared of him, but I was too shy, I couldn´t look him in the eye without thinking about him sitting next to my ´´sleeping´´ form and looking at me, playing with my hair.
,, You know what will happen if you even try´´ he said getting closer to me. I could feel his hands on my hips, holding them firmly. I could smell his strong cologne mixed with smoke. He told me if I even think about running away, he would burn me down even my ashes will disappear. Somehow he knew who my parents are, who my friends are and he said he would kill every single one of them.
At first I didn’t believe him, somehow I thought he isn´t capable of something like that. But I changed my mind once I saw him on the news, where it was talk about his victims.
His thumb was going in circles, making a small pressure on my hip. I didn´t think of running away. First of all I wasn´t brave enough, second of all, I was so unimportant to this world that I didn´t hear shit about me on the news.
,, Can I have my phone ?´´ I asked him, not thinking about his reaction or anything. I just wanted to contact my parents and Melissa.
,,Wha..?´´ he laughed out. His hold getting stronger, keeping me in my place.
,, Babe, do you think I´m that stupid ?´´ he laughed, turning me around to face him. If I wasn´t in a situation like this, I would probably feel the urge to touch his scars, being so close to me.
,, I just want to contact my family and my friend. I won´t do anything that might harm you´´ I said, not breaking the eye contact.
,, Harm me ? ´´ he laughed, his face inches from mine. This man was indeed driving me crazy.
,, Please, you can control me if you want. I won´t delete any message, I´ll do whatever´´ I managed to say somehow. His lips being so close, it was a wonder I could speak at all.
The moment his lips brushed against mine, I felt all possible feeling I could in my stomach. ,, You´ll do whatever?´´ he said, his head still tilled to the side, and lips brushing over mine. I could feel a small smirk forming on his lips.
,,I´ll think about it´´
After that day, he didn´t hold himself at all. Doesn´t matter what I was doing, if he felt like being close to me, he would just do it. If I was cleaning, making myself a snack, playing some games, he would just casually slip his hands around my waist.
Laying down on the couch, legs up on the wall, while playing Super Mario. There was one level I couldn´t pass as hard as I tried to. It was just too troublesome. Dabi was sitting in the kitchen, smoking and watching the gameplay. I could hear him mumbling something to himself, before he made his way and sat beside me, taking the controllers out of my hand.
I was surprised when he started passing the level without any trouble, defeating Iggy Koopa so easily.
,, YAAASSS´´ I screamed grabbing the sleeve of his hoodie and shaking it happily. I was dealing with that level probably two days in a row.
In the moment when I was about to ask him how did he do it so easily, he threw the controllers to the side, grabbing my right leg with his left hand, and my hip with his right hand. Pulling my body to his direction. I couldn´t even understand what was exactly happening in that moment, since it happened so fast. He placed my legs around him, and hovered over me.
,, Don´t I need a little present for this win?´´ he said looking at me, placing small kisses over my face. This time, I couldn´t suppress the need to touch his scars. The curiosity took over me, and suddenly I found myself, placing my index finger beside his lip. Moving my finger lightly to the left side of his face. The moment I did that he froze in the place, not kissing me, or doing anything. His body twitched once my finger was under his eye, touching the scars and the small patches.
He grabbed my jaw, and kissed me forcefully, forcing his tongue inside, not giving me a chance to breath. His other hand was under focused on pulling my shirt up, just enough for my bra to be visible.
,, You are driving me crazy´´ he said, his lips now on my neck, one hand still on my jaw and other grabbing my left breast making me moan suddenly. I could feel him smirk while leaving wet love marks over my neck.
Having Dabi around was something I hoped for now. I was hoping for those unexpected touches and waiting for him to come at night like he always did.
What surprised me was the fact that he actually gave me my phone. Telling me that he will control my messages and that if he notices I´m deleting them, things won´t be smooth as they are now.
Somehow, I didn´t even feel the urge to write something bad, to ask for help or anything ? I found myself wanting to be in his presence, I wanted him to be close to me.
He already contacted my parents and Melissa before, telling them that I´m alright. He ignored the rest of the messages they sent me. They wanted to see me, they were worried. Melissa thought she did something wrong, since I was ignoring her.
The moment I contacted her, my phone started buzzing with all the messages she started sending me. Where am I? Why did I ignore her ? What happened ? Am I ok ? What happened to my work?
To my parents I simply wrote that I’m fine and safe.
At my surprise, they told me they know where I am, and that we can work it out. They told me that he waited for them home one night. Telling them he felt they need to know where you are, and telling them if they try contacting a hero or police what will happen to me.
I told them that there is no need for me to go anywhere and that I feel safer then I ever was.
After I found out that my parents know, I felt the need to tell everything to Melissa too. She was my best friend after all and I knew she would understand me.
I explained everything what happened that night. Explained how he saved me, how he’s taking care of me and trying to give me everything I need. At first she was really surprised once I mentioned his name. I mean, who wouldn’t be surprised ? But if I’m happy, then she’s happy too. She never judged me even once.
Dabi wasn’t home, so out of boredom I decided to make some food. Maybe he’ll eat it too once he comes home. I decided to make Spaghetti with Quattro formaggi sauce. I noticed that he really likes cheese, so maybe he will give it a try.
After having dinner on my own, I decided to watch some movie on Netfix before I go to bed and once again wait for him. The movie wasn’t anything special, but I still forced myself to finish it. My mind was away all the time, not being focused on the movie at all. All I could think of was Dabi. If someone told me that I would be so desperate for LOV’s villain Dabi, I wouldn’t believe them. But there I was, waiting for him like a lost puppy.
Placing my phone on the Kitchen counter, I made my way to his bedroom. For some reason he was still sleeping in the other room. Making me wonder how does it feel to sleep next to him, and why he let me sleep in his room for such a long time.
I slowly lain down on the right side of the bed, focusing on the lights coming from the outside. Covering my lower part with the blanket. The soft lace pajama that was hugging my body, gave me some comfort in some weird way. I lain on my stomach and placed my left arm under my pillow. Closing my eyes, I inhaled a deep breath trying to keep myself awake.
It was around 2AM when I heard the door slowly open. I could hear his steps, I could hear how he’s in the kitchen, taking my phone, and shortly after placing it back again. I could hear the shower and his soft humming.
Not shortly after that, I could hear him coming. Slowly opening the door and making his way toward me. Sitting to my left side, he took a deep breath, placed his long lags next to mine, and slowly caressing my head. His fingers slowly found their way to my neck, moving left and right.
,,I know you’re awake’’ he said, as his finger slowly brushed the lace on my right shoulder down. In one moment, he was pacing a kiss on my shoulder, and in the next one he was hovering over me. I could feel him on my back. His face inches from mine. When our eyes met, I wasn’t sure if I felt embarrassed or glad.
He took a deep breath once more, and started placing kisses down my back, while his fingers were on my hips. With every kiss, I was going more and more insane.
Dabi got off me, and pulled me to lie to the side, once again facing my back.
,, Such a good girl for me’’ he said pushing my pajama slowly up, and touching my right breast slowly, while biting my neck. All I could do was move my head in the right direction, giving him more access to my neck.
,, Move your legs a bit for me babe’’ he said, placing his hand under my shorts. He didn’t give me a chance to do it on my own tho, forcefully moving my tights and slipping his hand under my panties. My head fall back onto his chest, moan slipping out of my mouth once I felt his touch.
,, Are you my good girl?’’ he asked, stopping his fingers form any movement. Feeling his hot breath on my neck, I forgot how to speak properly.
,, Y-yes’’ I managed to say somehow. Every kiss, breath, word, move from him, made me crazy wanting for more. I could lie to myself and say it’s only because it’s such a long time since I went in bed with someone. But I there’s no need for lies, I’m attracted to this man.
His fingers started moving in circles, massaging my clit just as I wanted. Placing his knee between my legs, giving himself more space for movements. I closed my eyes and moaned, once his finger enter me. Without any word his fingers started to move in and out, so slowly that it was painful. Loving every second of it.
Once again, he pulled me over, making me lie on my back, placing himself between my legs, pinning my hands over my head. No words could describe how I felt in that moment. This time I moved my head foreword and kissed him. I wanted more. He returned the kiss, and started grinding his lower part of body against me, making me feel his erection.
Whit every move he made, I wanted more and more.
When he let go of my hands, I immediately started touching his body, I wanted to feel his skin, his scars. The moan escaped his lips once I started kissing his neck. Not wasting any time, he pulled his whit shirt over his head and threw it across the room, giving me access to his well build chest. Without thinking twice, I started kissing his chest, the purple scars he had. His head was hanging low, breathing deeply.
His hand found it’s way to my throat, grabbing it harshly and pulling me up a little. ,, Time to undress you love’’ he said, his hand like a neckless around my throat.
Moving my ass up a bit, Dabi pulled my shorts and panties down, throwing them on the floor. When I was about to take my top off, he pushed me down smirking a little. Slowly playing with the lace on my right shoulder, he did something I didn’t expect. The blue flame appeared on his fingers, destroying the lace. First the right one, then the left one. His lit index finger went down over the material of my top, from my chest to my stomach, flaming it up just enough to destroy the material.
Once it was destroyed, Dabi pulled the rest of my top that was under me and also threw it across the room. Taking a good look of my naked body, he slowly went down, placing soft kisses over my stomach. The fact that I could feel his burnt skin too was taking me over the edge.
,,What if’’ he breathed out, still leaving wet kisses over my stomach and chest. ,, What if everyone knows to who you belong’’ he said, eyes looking up on me, trailing his finger around my stomach. His left hand holding my hip, making sure no movements were possible.
,,What do you mean?’’ I asked confused, not able to understand anything clearly anymore. There was no need for me to even think about it, because Dabi already made his decision to mark me as his. A loud scream escaped my mouth the moment I felt my skin getting burned.
His hand was still holding me firmly, but he immediately stopped what he was doing, and placed his hand over my mouth.
,,Relax, it will be over just in a minute’’ he said, kissing me deeply. He took the destroyed top and placed it between my lips. Making sure I was biting the destroyed piece of cloth, he slowly went down to finish what he started.
Making sure I won’t interrupt his work, he held my hands together firmly, while holding my legs with his weight down. Every move of his finger, burning my skin, was sending a wave of pain through my body. Closing my eyes, tears rolled down my cheek. Back aching up, screaming into the cloth in my mouth, nothing of it helped me calm down. But he was correct, it took him around minute to finish. Pulling the cloth out of my mouth, he kissed me.
,, Such a good girl’’ he said in between the kisses. Pulling my head up, I saw his name on my stomach. ,,Now everyone knows who you belong to’’ he added, leaving wet love bites all over my neck. From all the pain I felt when he was burning my skin down, everything after that felt like aftercare.
Dabi stood up, taking off his shorts and boxers before he climbed on top of me again. He kissed me once mere before he started rubbing his hard dick over my clit. He knew that I wanted more, but the he liked the fact that I was so desperate for him.
,, Dabi please’’ I moaned out, wanting him inside me already. Without any word or sign, he entered me roughly, not giving me any time do adjust to his size.
,,Of course I’ll give my good girl what she needs. You are too good tonight’’ He said kissing my nose, while my hands were grabbing the covers of his sheets to find my comfort in them.
He didn’t move for some minutes, leaving wet love marks over my chest. But once he was done, he slowly pulled his dick out so only his tip was inside of me. Then again, slammed it back inside. The harsh move, made me place my hands over his back, finding comfort there instead of the cold sheets.
He moved few times with the same method. Every time he would slam his dick back inside I wanted to dig my fingers inside his skin. But I was too afraid I would hurt his already burnt skin. I didn’t want to hurt him.
After he slammed too hard inside me, I accidentally dug my nails into his skin. It was probably not to hard, but still I caressed the place I thought I hurt and apologized to him.
,,You don’t have to worry about it love’’ he said stopping his movements. ,, My skin is already bruised, few new scars won’t hurt me’’ he added, giving me the permission to do what I want. Whit those words his movements started to speed up, making me throw my head back into the pillow and wrap my legs around him.
Dabi bit my shoulder, groaning into it, while he was getting faster and deeper with every move he made. Even tho I was still worried about his skin, I couldn’t help it, my nails were scratching it and digging into it enough to keep up with his moves.
,,I’m close’’ I moaned, while every thrust was bringing me closer to my orgasm. I didn’t have to repeat myself or wait, his hand found it’s way to my clit, rubbing it fast into circles. Which was enough for me to cum all over his dick while moaning his name out.
Without any word, Dabi turned me around on my stomach and entered me form behind once again. Holding my hips strongly while thrusting deep in and out of me. Being sensitive form my orgasm, with every thrust he did, my moans were louder.
,, Ass up’’ he said suddenly stopping his moves. Once I did what he told me, he grabbed my head and pushed it deep into the soft pillow and started to fuck me like there was no tomorrow. The sound of his skin slapping my own, the image of what was happening almost drove me close to my second orgasm.
My moans were huffed by the pillow, while Dabi was fucking me into the mattress.
,, Yess babe, cum for me again’’ He groaned into my ear, fucking me even harder.
,,So close’’ he moaned, touching my clit again and moving even faster and deeper if it was even possible. He didn’t have to touch me much, another orgasm was already hitting me hard.
,, Yess baby, so good’’ he moaned, while his dick started twitching inside of me. I felt his hot cum inside, closing my eyes, trying to catch my breath. Dabi didn’t stop, he tried to fuck his seed deep into me, until he thought it was enough.
Falling beside me, his arm over my back, breathing deeply into my neck. I wanted this moment to last forever.
His fingers trailing up and down my back slowly, while smoking a cigarette. The cold air coming form the opened balcony was a contrast to his hot fingers going up and down.
Once I noticed the cum that started to leak out, I stood up covering my body with the blanket, making my way to the bathroom to clean myself and wear another pajama.
When I finished, and changed. I found Dabi standing in the kitchen, already in his white shirt and his shorts for sleeping. Half of his cigarette was finished.
,, You coming back?’’ I asked.
,, Don’t you want to sleep alone ?’’ he asked turning taking one last smoke before placing the end of the cigarette under the water and throwing it away. I shook my head slowly, and made my way toward his room, hoping it’s enough for him to come back.
Once I buried my head into his pillow, I waited for him to follow me. But the steps were going to another direction, making me sigh deeply.
Shortly after that, at my surprise, Dabi appeared again. Holding some lotion in his hands. He sat beside me pulling the sheet down and my pajama dress up. Small smirk appearing over his lips at the sight of his name on my stomach.
Banding down, he kissed it few times before he applied the cold lotion all over it. Laying down beside me, he placed his arms around me and pulled me closer to him and hiding his face into my neck breathing my scent in.
With his presence and arms around me, it was the first night I could fall asleep peacefully not feeling scared of anything in this world.
Hope you liked it, too lazy to correct all the mistakes.
Also credit to the owner of the photo :)
Much loveeee
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hardskz · 5 years
a penny for your thoughts.
pairing — han jisung x female! reader
genre — trope inversion of the soulmate au, college au, enemies to lovers, angst and fluff-ish, smut; oral, possessiveness kink, praise kink, safe word, size kink, first time
synopsis — life isn’t easy when you belong to the 1% of the world population that has a soulmate, know who your soulmate is and happen to be utterly in love with said soulmate’s best friend. alternatively, jisung can hear all of your unfiltered thoughts and has heard enough of your horny fantasies to the point where he wants to throw up, so he takes matters in his own hands. 
note — i think i’m gonna cry this work is my 11k word BABY i’ve never been THIS invested over a fic. this is purely self-indulgent and an emotional rollercoaster ride if you ask me. this fic is all over the place it’s chaotic and i apologize in advance for many italics you are welcome i hope you CRY and SUFFER with me because completing this bitch was a midlife crisis in itself. that being said, i appreciate any form of constructive criticism so pls go ahead and rip my baby apart sdkjl
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“You’re staring again,” Hyunjin notes. Seungmin and Jeongin stifle a burst of laughter while Felix, whose head is resting on Hyunjin’s lap, sends you a look that resembles Candace from Phineas and Ferb whenever she finds her brothers creating some whacky futuristic shit, laughs like a madman and then resumes to call her mother with an ear-splitting MOOOM! because she’s so certain that her brothers are busted this time.
“Am not,” you huff as you tear your eyes away from the guy just sitting a little bit farther away from you, basking in the warm glow of the sun. Today he’s sitting in the perfect angle, giving you the best view on his side profile. His signature cap is perched right on top of his head but even then, you can see how his eyes brighten up and how the corners of his lips tug upwards as he laughs at his friend’s joke.
“You’re a worse case than the Mary Sue protagonist of every romance anime ever.” Seungmin snorts before he playfully nudges your side with his shoe. “Just say you want Seo Changbin to bang you and go.”
“Hey! We have a child present!” Hyunjin chastises, to which Jeongin rolls his eyes.
“I’m not a child. We’re all in fucking college.”
“Fine, not a child then. The baby has been corrupted! Don’t swear, it sounds so wrong coming from you!”
“Shut up. It’s called freedom of speech!”
“It’s ‘shut up Hyung’ to you!”
Felix groans in distress and is probably rethinking his life choices. Seriously, what does Felix, resident hopeless romantic, see in Hyunjin? Sure, he’s good-looking and a great friend when he’s not bitching around or hovering over the nearest trash can after taking too many shots. But a romantic? Please, Hyunjin can’t even eat without making a mess out of his shirt.
“I don’t want him to bang me,” you mutter and receive a collective ‘yeah sure’ look. “Fine, I don’t want him to bang me only. He’s nice,” you retort before your eyes flit back to him for a millisecond. By now, Changbin has put his hands on the grass and is leaning back, enjoying the sunlight while listening halfheartedly to the other guy blabbering.
“And hot. We get it. Now get dicked,” Seungmin deadpans, earning flabbergasted looks from everyone and a smack from Hyunjin.
“Show a little more empathy, you dickwad. She’s whipped.”
“Anyway—“ Felix sits up, earning a pout from Hyunjin but he blatantly ignores it, and directs the conversation back to the previous topic before the other two bump heads, “(y/n), you have his number. You’re not strangers, so why don’t you just make a move?”
You glance at him with horror in your eyes. “What do you expect me to do? Ring him up and ask him to hang out with me because I find him cute?”
“Uh, duh? Last time I checked, that’s how you ask someone out.”
“Absolutely not.”
“New idea.” Seungmin butts in. “Why don’t you ask Han Jisung—“
“Agreed.” Hyunjin shoots you a nod of approval before Seungmin can start yet another interrogation about your bitter hatred towards Jisung. Jisung, who happens to be said friend of Changbin that is laughing beside him right now. “He must think he’s so much better than us because he’s hanging out with the senior geniuses of the music production major. Then again, Seo Changbin and Bang Chan are on a different level than us commoners.”
“Speaking of Chan,” you quickly say to steer the conversation away from the personification of everything you hate. “Where is he? It’s so weird seeing the trio incomplete.”
This time, Jeongin chimes in. “Haven’t you heard?”
“Heard what?”
“Chan and that one language major — you know, the one who collapsed a while back?” When all he’s met with are clueless faces, Jeongin sighs. “Seriously, you guys should keep up with campus news. I swear, everyone and their mothers already know by now. But anyway, they’re soulmates. It’s also the reason why Chan has been pulled out of the boxing team until the end of the semester and had to cancel their training camp as soon as she broke down.”
Felix does a double-take. “But Chan’s the ace of the boxing club!”
“It is what it is.” Jeongin stretches his legs out, shrugging. “What else is to expect when you have the proximity link and need to be around your soulmate within a certain distance unless you want death?”
“Poor guy. Must be a smack in the face for him, now that he’s got a soulmate and happens to have the worst link one could have.” Seungmin says.
“The tattoos are worse though.” Hyunjin fires back. “I mean, you’re literally born with a tattoo of your soulmate’s name and then grow up knowing that you have one? And even if you never meet them, you won’t have better chances with others if you want some romance. Who in their right mind wants to have a lover who’s got someone else’s name tattooed on them since birth?”
“No one.” You chuckle. “Absolutely no one.”
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In another lifetime, another universe, you and Jisung would probably be on better terms. He’s sunshine on legs and looks decent from an objective point of view.
In another lifetime, another universe, you’d like to believe you’re childhood friends and have been neighbors ever since your first shit in your diapers. Perhaps you would be clowned from being inseparable once in a while, but you’d go with it and then shrug it off as if it was nothing.
In another lifetime, another universe, you’d like to believe that being soulmates doesn’t equal the downfall of two people. Sure, the fact that people are bound to each other and the danger of growing too dependent on that person remains, but it probably won’t be so frowned upon. Probably. Hopefully.
However, as much as you want to twist it, another lifetime is not this lifetime, the reality.
In reality, you and Jisung are only neighbors because the universe has some kind of inexplicable hatred towards you. Seriously, you must’ve done something wrong in your previous life to be punished in this one. And because the universe has sadistic tendencies and loves to make you suffer, the laws of the universe are just as equally fucked up.
The concept of soulmates is a lot of things, but most of all, it’s a mystery. There are endless possibilities for soulmate links, not all of them discovered. And unlike popular belief, soulmates do not have to necessarily share the same link. So voilà, even more fuckery from the universe.
There’s only one reason that justifies your wholehearted, unfiltered hatred towards Han Jisung. Well, only one reason that seems justified in this lifetime.
The tattoo is simple; just fine black characters under your collarbone that are nicely hidden under high-cut shirts.
But the fact that it’s his name tattooed on you since birth remains.
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“Let me crash here for the night.”
“Let me crash here for the night, please.”
“My answer is still no.”
The exasperation is plastered on Jisung’s face as he tries to keep his temper in check. Truth be told, it’s damn satisfying seeing him wanting to rip your head off but refraining to do so. Perhaps you’re enjoying this more than you expected at one o’clock in the morning. For the past five minutes, Jisung has been asking you to let him stay over for the night. You’d save him out of his misery and help a neighbor out who locked himself out of his apartment at this hour — well, if he wasn’t Han Jisung.
By now, he’s growing more impatient with every further rejection. “Oh come on, all my friends live on the other side of town and you can’t expect me to ask the old grandma next door! At this rate, I’m gonna freeze to death overnight!”
“Then go break a window or something,” you deadpan, ignoring the dramatic hand gestures he’s making to accentuate his words.
“The fuck? I’m not going to break into my own place.”
Not wanting to draw out the pointless conversation any longer, you’re about to slam the door shut when he blocks your action with his foot. “C’mon, just this one night. Please.”
He’s not budging anytime soon. His bullheadedness reminds you of Seungmin, who always tries to get Hyunjin wasted whenever you attend those Greek frat parties. Seungmin, who always succeeds in getting Hyunjin wasted, followed by Hyunjin hugging a bucket for the next few hours as he tries to get over the hangover. With a defeated sigh, you gesture Jisung to come inside and don’t wait for him until he’s taken his shoes off at the entryway.
“Look, I know you don’t like me—“
“Well, ‘don’t like’ is putting it very lightly—” you scoff once he’s caught up to you in the living room. It’s not exactly spacious; the couch takes up most of the room and college assignments are spread all over the minuscule coffee table.
“You could at least treat me like a decent human being.”
That statement is enough to get your ears flaming. You whip your head in his direction, voice getting louder. “How can I when your existence is making my life worse than it already is! And I mean it literally! Just seeing your name whenever I look at myself through the mirror sickens me!”
“Stop acting like you’re the only victim here.” Jisung snaps back in the same manner. If there was a little bit of etiquette in the first place, it has all vanished now. “I’m not having it easier when all I hear from you is the dozen ways you want Changbin to fuck you dumb!”
You freeze.
“Cat got your tongue? It’s already bad enough that you have those kinds of thoughts about my best friend every single day.”
“But I thought— y-you had the proximity link?!” This has to be a joke. A very bad one at that. His proximity link is the very sole reason why you lived next to him. His soulmate link is the only reason why you’ve been stuck together like glue since you could walk.
Jisung taps his foot impatiently, running his hand through his hair. “That’s what I thought too until I started hearing things that nobody said around me. First, it was just a few thoughts every other day, but now you’re like an annoying radio that I can’t switch off.”
“Why didn’t you tell me then? I would’ve—“
“Stopped fantasizing about Changbin’s dick? And then you would’ve jumped to the next person. I don’t care if you like him or not, it’s none of my business. Changbin’s hot, anyone with eyes can tell. Besides, it’s not like you have a chance anyway…”
You feel your blood boiling at his underlying message and cross your arms. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Jisung doesn’t bat an eyelash and says in a mocking tone as if stating the obvious. “No doubt that Changbin will make you feel good. But could you return the favor?”
That’s a low blow. Even for Jisung, that’s a low blow.
“I get that you’ve got a dirty mind. But those are just fantasies. Could you really execute them just the way you had in your head? You don’t even have experience in the first place.”
“If I sucked you off right now, you wouldn’t even be able to speak properly!” God knows what went over you when you countered. At this point, rage has taken over your brain and you don’t even realize what you just said right away. Not that it matters anyway; all you see is red.
Jisung just raises a brow, clearly unimpressed by your outburst. “Prove it,” he challenges casually and then flops himself onto the couch, legs spread wide. It’s an open invitation. “Go ahead, make me see reason with your oh so mind-blowing skills.”
The only thing you’re able to do physically is gape at him. He is joking, right? As if he actually means it—
“I knew it. Shameless in your head but too flustered to say it out loud, let alone following up with your bold statements.”
That seals the deal. You’re fuelled by anger and the desire to prove him wrong as you drop on your knees and are on eye level with his crotch. However, your spirit dissolves the longer you silently stare and realize that you have no fucking clue on what to do. Jisung is painfully aware of that too.
“I’m more terrified than turned on seeing your angry face.” He lets out an exasperated sigh before he pulls you up and directs you to sit on his lap. “Obviously it’s not working when neither of us is in the mood. You gotta get in the mood first,” he mutters, hands settling on your hips.
The look in his eyes is more composed now, but you can tell he’s being observant. As if you have clues written all over your face, he keeps you under his stern gaze. Then his eyes droop lower to your lips and he slowly leans forward.
Not even a second later, you firmly plant your hands on his shoulder and push him back. “No lips.”
If Jisung is judgemental about your sudden stunt, he doesn’t comment on it. “Anything else, your royal majesty?”
You’re too tired to react to his mockery and roll your eyes. “No marks.”
“I can work with that,” he mumbles more to himself rather to you. Then he leans forward again and buries his face in the crook of your neck. Surprised by his actions and new to the unfamiliar sensation, you tense up. Jisung seems to take notice of that too.
“Relax,” he orders, rubbing circles on your hips to help you loosen up.
Well, that’s easier said than done. It’s already bad enough that you’re gradually exposing yourself as the complete amateur you are, and out of all people who could’ve been the first to do any form of sexual advances on you, it just had to be Jisung. Perhaps you shouldn’t have rejected that one kid in high school who was the only one who ever had a crush on you. Even if that kid wasn’t your type and not a serious commitment anyway, maybe you would’ve at least some sort of experience with dick.
“A-ah—“ your breath hitches when he nips on the patch below your earlobe. He smiles against your skin as if he just made some scientific discovery and swipes his tongue on the same spot, eager to make you squirm. Not wanting to slip up anymore, you clamp your mouth shut with a hand.
“Let me hear you, baby. Just relax, I got you.” When the fuck did his voice start to sound lower and raspier? Where did ‘baby’ come from? All rationality and resistance leave your body when he wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you closer to him.
The cologne of musk lingers strong on him, almost intoxicating even, and you can’t form a cohesive thought anymore. The only things you are painfully aware of are an arm forcing your chest flush against his and his hot breath all over your neck.
You’re so far gone that you fail to notice that you’ve started grinding on his lap. Jisung moans softly into your neck as he encourages you to move with his hands.
“On your knees, baby,” he whispers after a while. A rush of disappointment runs through your veins once he detaches his lips from you and slides you off his lap, but all of that is forgotten once you see the prominent bulge in his pants.
Right. There’s a reason why you ended up in this predicament in the first place.
Jisung urges you to touch him with a simple nudge. “C’mon, baby. Take it off.”
You don’t waste time discarding his sweatpants. Just when you’re about to tug his underwear off, you notice the wet patch on the fabric. A surge of mischief washes over you as you boldly cupped his hard-on over his boxers, causing an obscenely loud moan from him.
He flinches, definitely not expecting that brashness from you, and throws his head back. “S-stop teasing me already and take that goddamn thing off or God help me what I’m going to do if you push my buttons.”
That. That was a threat. That dealt much more damage to you than you like to admit.
As much as you want to watch him break and see if he’d make his threats come true, you decide against your feelings and hook your fingers under the waistband and tug the fabric down in one swift motion. A groan leaves Jisung as his cock, fully hard and leaking precum, is exposed to the cold air. He’s certainly above average; on the longer side probably, and you’re conflicted on whether to think fuck, I want him in my mouth right now or fuck, how on earth is that supposed to fit into my mouth?!
You don’t get far with your inner conflict when a hand grabs a fistful of your hair and slowly urges you closer. The next thing you know, something is tapping your lips and before you fully register it, the tip of Jisung’s cock lies heavy on your tongue.
You carefully look up and meet Jisung’s hooded eyes. His shirt has ridden up a bit and flashes just a little bit of his toned stomach. That’s just enough of an indicator to see that Jisung is holding himself back, in case his irregular breathing hasn’t been a dead giveaway.
Jisung opens his mouth, about to say something, when you give an experimental suck on his dick. “Do something— f-fuck, a little more, baby.”
That’s enough to build your confidence up. You slowly take in more of his dick, sucking carefully and making sure to cover your teeth. The rest that doesn’t fit in your mouth is barely covered with your hands, and you messily try to coordinate your hands, switching between rubbing the base of his dick to cupping his balls.
“Mmh, use more pressure,” Jisung whispers, not trusting the stability of his voice when you fondle with his balls. A groan leaves him when you suck harder on his cock and switch back to swirling your tongue around. For a total beginner, you are holding yourself up better than he expected. Fuck.
“Focus on the tip fir— hhh- aa-ah...” His brain blacks out for a moment when you swirl your tongue around his tip and dare an experimental hum, the vibrations going straight down to his dick. The grip on your hair loosens, but it’s still firm enough to experience a sharp tug. “You’re doing good baby. So good.”
The combination of his sounds, the decent taste of precum on your tongue and the way his adam’s apple bops is enough to send you into sensory overload. You notice the way Jisung tenses his thighs, as to keep them still. You’re about to pull out completely to prevent your drool from getting on your face. However, before you get the chance to complain, he forces his length back on you that it grazes the back of your throat, nearly making you choke.
“Fuck, I— I’m gonna— s-soon—“ he hisses and you take it as a sign to speed up. At this point, your jaw hurts and a mixture of drool and precum drips down your chin. It’s borderline disgusting if you think about it, but the delectable sounds leaving Jisung compensates for it.
He sharply tugs on your hair, ordering you to pull off, but you slap his hand away. “I’m going to spill in your mouth if you don’t pull off right now—“ Jisung chokes on his words when you interrupt him with a hum as if to say so what? It doesn’t help that you’re looking up at him with teary eyes and a lot of conviction, even though you’re visibly struggling to keep half of his dick in your mouth.
When he cums, it’s accompanied but drawn out moans, and you forcing yourself to swallow the horrible texture. It’s not horrible per se, but you’d gladly refuse to swallow a second time if you were given the choice.
Jisung looks down at you with flushed cheeks and is about to wipe off the drool or cum or whatever liquid is staining your bottom lip, but you quickly block his hand. “I’ll clean up by myself.”
For a minuscule second, he looks defeated; he looks borderline disappointed, but before you can pinpoint his feelings for sure, his expression changes. “But what about you?” he asks, eyes raking down your body and stopping at the waistband of your pants.
“I’ll deal with it on my own.” You shrug, avoiding his eyes. All of sudden, you find it hard to breathe in the room as the realization settles into your brain. You just sucked off Jisung. Jisung, out of all fucking people.
“You sure?” Your eyes flit to him who looks like he’s been observing you the entire time. His breathing has calmed down, his lips look a little bit plumper than before and his hair sticks out in all different directions. Looking at his current state makes you feel sick, and your undying hatred for him starts growing again. It’s your fault that he looks so fucked out and—
Why the fuck did you even do that?
“Yes. Now stop asking before I change my mind and kick you out.”
Before he can have the last word, you turn on your heels and rush into your bedroom, ignoring the fact that your underwear is practically drenched.
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You wake up to the smell of pancakes emerging from the kitchen. “What are you doing?”
“I’m making breakfast?” Jisung throws you a questioning look and then plates the last batch of pancakes from the pan. “It’s the least I can do after you were friendly enough to let me crash on the couch.”
Your eyes wander to the countertop to the two plates stacked with pancakes. Jisung finishes up the second plate and hands it out to you.
You stare dumbly at the plate. It’s too early for your brain to mouth filter to work, so the first thing you spit out is, “How do I know you didn’t poison it?”
“Are you fucking serious—“ Jisung squeezes his eyes shut, mutters something inaudible under his breath before he puts on the fakest smile he can muster. “I can take a bite if you really insist.”
“Give me that plate.” You point to the other plate on the counter. Presentation-wise, it looks the same as the one Jisung is offering you, minus the visible steam.
“There. Wanna switch again or can I finally eat?” he scoffs when you walk past him to get cutlery and sit at the dining table; it’s essentially a round wooden table where one of the legs is about to break. Two plates and a pitcher at most take up the entire surface. You really should consider buying a new table, but you have better things to spend on rather than that.
From your peripheral vision, you see Jisung rolling his eyes. Perhaps you were making an entire unnecessary circus, critically cutting through the pancake and inspecting each and every side before stuffing it in your mouth. But again, in your defense, it’s too early in the morning to show basic etiquette towards him out of all people.
You have to admit that visually, the pancakes look good. What you didn’t expect were the pancakes to taste just how they look. It looks like you couldn’t contain your surprise in you, judging by the amused smirk that finds its way onto Jisung’s face as he claims the chair across from you.
“As if you could actually cook,” you splutter because there’s no fucking way you are giving him that satisfaction of the day.
However, it seems to bemuse him even more. “You literally eat this every day and know the recipe by heart. With the excessive number of times you recite the ingredients a day, obviously, something got stuck in my brain,” he explains while cutting through his own portion.
The rest of breakfast is spent in silence. You both finish at the same time and while you’re washing the dishes, he’s stayed put in the chair, mindlessly checking something on his phone.
“You didn’t have to cook, you know. You could’ve just left.” you start. It’s already awkward enough that he’s still here. Bloody hell, you should’ve just waited with the plates and ushered him out of your place instead of just getting away as fast as possible from the table. Now that you think about it, this was probably the only time you two were somewhat amicable at such proximity. (Even if you didn’t talk at all. Still, it’s progress.)
He drops his phone on the table with a soft ‘bang’. “It’s the least I could do. Besides, I was starving too.”
“In other words, you’re taking advantage of my fridge?”
Just as you’re drying your hands, he’s about to leave. “I’ll get going, lecture’s starting in a few. And, uh, thanks for letting me stay here.”
You just shoot him a weird look. “You already thanked me once. How often do you wanna repeat yourself?”
Jisung rolls his eyes. “Fine, next time I’ll just leave without a word then.”
It’s when he’s finally out of the door that his last words sink in.
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“Yo, I have pics of sweaty Changbin in a jersey. How much do you wanna pay for those gems?”
You nearly choke on air. “What the fuck?” Really, that’s the only appropriate reaction.
“Hyunjin, this needs more context.” Felix looks like he’s seriously second-guessing his taste in men before shaking it off with a sigh and elaborates. “He’s been trying to find out some scoop about Chan for the campus blog and caught him in his angry boxer mode and Changbin was also there assisting him. Hey, did you know that Chan doesn’t tape his hands before punching the bag? Fuck, that’s so intimidating but so hot at the same time—“
“Yah! I’m your boyfriend! How can you say that in front of me?!”
Changbin. Changbin in a jersey. Changbin in a jersey and drenched in sweat. And Hyunjin seriously has HQ pictures of that Changbin.
It really, absolutely shouldn’t have been the first thing that crossed your mind, but the idea of that Changbin — bonus if he still has anger pent up in him — barging into your place and instantly throwing you on the bed—
“I’m not a perverted creep who’s gonna buy pictures of him that he doesn’t even know exist. Besides, isn’t that a violation of his rights? He never consented to those pics. This is college, you’re only working for the campus blog, not fucking Dispatch.” you deadpan.
“So you don’t even want to take a sneak peek at a picture?”
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You barely stepped a foot into your apartment when Jisung storms out of his own place and stops in front of you. “You fucking liar.”
“Excuse me? What the— hmph!”
The next thing you know, Jisung forces his way into your hallway, slams the door shut and crowds you against it. His face is invading your personal space, eyes enraged and jaw locked. Even though his anger is far from justified as you haven’t glanced at him ever since he stayed over, a tiny part of you believes that you pissed him off for good. It's not the first time you witness him angry. However, it's the first time you witness him look as if someone murdered his family and was trying to get revenge.
“I thought you took care of it yourself!”
“Took care of what?”
“Did you already forget that I can read your mind?!”
You scrunch your nose, trying to connect the dots in his words. It doesn't take long for you to realize that there’s no point in trying. A frustrated groan leaves you. “Why are you getting so riled up? I just breathed and you stormed into my place!”
“‘Bullshit. You weren’t just breathing,” he snaps, and you flinch when his hand lands a few inches beside your face with a loud pang. “You were thinking of Changbin again! And I mean that in the thousand sex positions and locations you want him to bang you kind of thinking! And also—“
“Also what?”
“I know you’ve been pent up for days. Seriously, why don’t you just get off like every other sane human being?”
His brutal delivery leaves you flabbergasted. How the fuck does he know that? No. No. No. He doesn’t know. He can’t. Just because he can read your mind doesn’t mean that you didn’t pleasure yourself after giving him that blowjob. Jisung’s probably bluffing — he has to be bluffing.
“W-why should I answer you?” you stutter. Suddenly the walls look much more interesting. When was the last time you painted the walls? Maybe it’s time to switch things up—
“Are you really about to get all cocky with me? Give me a break.” Jisung chews on his bottom lip after little deliberation. “You wanna know why? Because one of my best friends is going through a hard time that can utterly destroy his entire future thanks to the fucking universe! If that isn’t stressful as it is, I also see and hear all kinds of things you want Changbin to do to you. And your fantasies are also affecting me.”
You stare at him as if he sprouted eight new legs. “So you’ve also been…?”
“Sexually frustrated? Fuck yes. And it’s all your fault. So take responsibility and do something against it before I do.”
“Are you threatening me?”
“So what if I am?”
A cold shiver runs down your spine once you meet his stone-cold gaze. Frustration is displayed all over his features, from his labored breaths to the raised brow. He’s not playing mind games this time, he’s actually frustrated.
There are a billion red flags, a billion blinking signs saying NO DON’T YOU EVEN THINK OF DOING THIS! DON’T BE A FUCKING IDIOT in your mind. There are so many countless reasons why you should listen to your head, but the way Jisung is lusting after you is terrifyingly attractive.
You don’t trust your voice to respond verbally. Instead, you look down at your trembling hand and tug at the hem of his shirt. It’s just then when you also realize that your thighs are clenched. Fuck.
Jisung takes the hint. In the blink of an eye, he’s yanking you to your room, kicks the door shut with a loud ‘thud’, and manhandles you on the bed. You’re too stunned to react, and gulp when he hovers over you and strips off his jacket, leaving him in a white shirt that doesn’t hide his toned arms.
“Use the color system, alright? Green when everything is alright, yellow when you want me to slow down, and red when you want me to stop for good?” he asks.
“I know what the color system is,” you mutter, tearing your eyes away from him.
“That’s not an answer to my question.” he presses.
“Fine, color system it is. There! Happy? Now get on with it—“
Jisung pins your wrists above your head vigorously. “You don’t call the shots here. I do.”
Your stomach swoops. You really should’ve listened to your brain. This Jisung isn’t comparable with the Jisung you sucked off a few days ago. That Jisung was cocky — he’s always cocky, what are you even saying — but he still gave you room to breathe. This Jisung is downright scary.
“Good thing for you, I know exactly what you want me to do—” he starts sinisterly as his thigh settles firmly between your legs, pressing up against your clothed core. You suddenly regret wearing a skirt. “—and trust me baby, even if I couldn’t read your mind, I would do all those things because that’s what I plan on doing to you regardless.”
The look he gives you should be illegal. He shouldn’t be in the position to look down at you, as if he’s the king and has free reign over the consequences you are about to bear. Your head suddenly feels dizzy, and it’s way too hot in the room. It’s as if your bedroom has morphed into some vacuum as you’re desperately trying to breathe. Your system ceases to function once he presses his thigh even harder on your cunt, and all you manage to make is a pathetic whimper.
A menacing grin makes its way to his face. He’s clearly thriving on this ego-boost and continues to grind his thigh on you until your hips start to sway along. It seems like you found your voice again once he leans down and nibbles on your neck. Your moans are barely audible at first, but they slowly turn into drawn out mewls and labored breaths.
Your eyes snap open when he suddenly retreats his thigh and holds your hip in a vice grip, stopping you from moving. “W-what the fuck? Why did you stop?”
“Tell me what you want me to do.”
“Huh?” You squint at him. “But you can read my mind!”
“I want you to say it out loud.”
There’s no way in the universe that you’ll do that. You’ll gladly wipe off that shit-eating grin out of his face whether he likes it or not, but with his hold on your wrists, that is deemed impossible.
You should say something out loud though. Yellow. That would save you from the humiliation. You could regain at least an ounce of control, not feel so pathetic anymore. It’s a simple word, just two syllables, six letters. The tables can be turned to your advantage. It’s easy.
You don’t.
“You’re embarrassed, aren’t you? You can’t say all those filthy thoughts in your head out loud because you’re ashamed, huh? Not when you love feeling so powerless, subject to anything I do to you. Face it baby, just admit that you’re a needy little bitch who wants to get off on my fingers so bad, and I’ll give you what you want,” Jisung growls in between hot, wet kisses he leaves on your neck.
“I—“ you whimper after some difficulties, “I’m your needy little bitch w-who wants to get off on your fingers.”
Jisung’s head pipes up, his face just hovering a couple of inches away from yours. With that little distance between you, you know it’s not a trick of the light and that his eyes are blown up with hunger, hunger, and more hunger. "Not just any bitch, but mine? Do you like it when I call you mine?"
You nod. From there on, it’s a chain reaction.
He wastes no time slipping his fingers past your panties, mindlessly trailing along your folds. You throw your head back in pleasure, bucking your hips into his touch. A cry leaves you the moment he slips a finger inside you, his thumb simultaneously flicking your clit. It’s sensory overload, rendering your rationality to a standstill.
Your utter downfall is marked once Jisung adds a second finger, never slowing down. He groans at the way you clench around him like a maniac, and the sounds he makes send jolts all over your body. You’re writhing under his grasp at this point, overstimulated by everything yet at the same time, you feel your arousal slowly fading.
“Does my baby feel good? Are you close?” Jisung asks, nipping on your earlobe.
“I don’t know,” you whisper.
“What do you mean, ‘you don’t know’?”
The pit in your stomach grows. You’ve never experienced claustrophobia, but right now, it’s like everything’s suffocating you. “A-as in I don’t fucking know!” you exclaim shakily.
Jisung stops his movements. The weight on your wrists is lifted, and he looks at you, face unreadable. “(y/n), color. What’s your color?”
“Green. It’s just...” your trail off, avoiding his eyes.
“I’ve never come before,” you confess in defeat. You really can’t believe that Jisung out of all people is the one to make the call of judgment. “I mean it! I’ve tried getting myself off but I never managed to... so cut me some fucking slack because I’m trying my best here and am still new to everything!”
Jisung stays silent. He stares at you in… confusion? disbelief? You really have no clue how to read his expression. Something negative for sure, though. He’s Satan’s spawn, for fuck’s sake. He’s probably thinking twice about going down on you, thinking about the gravity of a mistake he’s dealing with this time. He just has no clue how to articulate his irritation—
“You’re so cute, fucking hell,” he whispers.
You do a double-take. What? What did he say?
A small chuckle escapes his lips. As if he doesn’t mind. Wait. He doesn’t mind. “I’ll take good care of you. Trust me on this,” he says.
“That’s a little late coming from you, your fingers are literally up my vagi— h-ha-aah—“
“Just shut up and let me do the work.” Jisung rolls his eyes as he works you up again, fingers moving at a slower pace this time. Within minutes, he’s reduced you into a panting, stuttering mess. “You look so tiny and helpless underneath me. How adorable,” he coos, to which you just whine.
“Yeah? You like it when I call you tiny? Like it when your tight cunt already feels stuffed with just two fingers? Maybe we should stretch it to a third one, think you can handle that?” he presses on. That’s when he rams his fingers into a particular spot, making you arch your back. A knowing smile makes its way onto his lips. “Found it.”
“N-no, fuck— t-too much—” you babble, but he continues to abuse your sweet spot without remorse.
An unfamiliar pressure builds up in your abdomen, threatening to burst. Your whines grow louder, breaths shallower. You squeeze your eyes shut as you thrust your hips into his hand, desperate for more friction. “Jisung, I think I’m gonna—”
“Oh no, not like this,” he growls. “Keep your eyes open. I want you to look at me when you cum. So you’ll remember that it was me who made you cum for the first time. It’s me who’s making you feel good.”
That is easier said than done. You manage to open your eyes, though with a lot of difficulties. Scratch that, your eyes are barely open. Jisung is a blurry image, and you’re unable to register everything he says, the sound of his fingers squelching in your heat blaring in your ears.
You deem it fucking impossible to keep your eyes open when your orgasm hits you hard, body spasming from the sensation. But you keep on trying, keep forcing to set your eyes on him.
It’s all worth it though when the reward you get is a proud smile on his face, as well as streams of praises coming from his mouth.
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It’s a continuous pattern that goes as follows:
1. You spend your days glued to your friends.
2. At least one of them (usually, it’s Seungmin) preaches how you should get your shit together and ask Changbin out.
3. Somehow, Changbin manages to leave a strong presence in your fantasies and you end up daydreaming about a scenario that stars him, you and a bed (if you’re feeling more daring, any other kind of surface or object he could pound you into.)
4. Jisung notices and forces the horniness out of your system.
5. You tell yourself that it’s the last time Jisung has such control over you.
And then the cycle repeats.
But here’s the thing: you find yourself doing no. 5 you with less conviction the more it happens. No. 5 is a formality at this point. You don’t know when you went the wrong path, but are you really in a position to complain? Jisung is good with you, he’s good with his fingers, even better with his mouth.
But then there’s this side of Jisung after he’s ruined you. He knows what you want to eat after you’re all cleaned up, knows what show you want to watch, knows if you want to just drop dead in bed or need someone to force you to finish your uni assignments. In short: Jisung is good. If you ever said that out loud and someone caught wind of it, they might assume that you liked him.
But Changbin. You like Changbin. You like Changbin you like Changbin you like Changbin—
You like Changbin, right?
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“You’ve been looking at me as if I had the word CLOWN written over my forehead. Do I have something on my face or what?” you cross your arms and are met with your friends quickly averting their eyes from you.
Felix is the first one to break the silence. “Is that a new dress?”
“Not really. I recently found it when I cleared out my closet and decided to give it one more try. Why—“ you pause, and your expression turns grim once it dawns on you. “I look ridiculous in this, don’t I?”
“You look like a clown.”
“Seungmin-Hyung, did you really just???”
If your crippling self-esteem hadn’t reached its all-time low before, then it definitely did now. “Geez, thanks,” you deadpan.
Jeongin is panicking, trying to provide some damage control as Felix snaps at Hyunjin and Seungmin. “Nobody cares about your two cents!”
“Well, but she asked for our opinion!”
“Nobody cares about your honest two cents!”
“Let’s just have lunch at the burger place and talk about this later, Hyung!”
You’re still dazed, chuckling dryly like those cartoon characters usually do when their soul leaves their body after someone dragged them. The entire situation is downright sad to witness. Is this a sign that your period is coming soon? That’s it! That probably explains why you’re acting so uncharacteristically sensitive today—
“The dress suits you, (y/n). You should wear it more often,” Changbin says.
“Hah?” you flinch and you’re sure your soul actually left your body when you turn to face Changbin smiling genuinely at you. Out of your periphery, you see Jisung and Chan behind him, but that’s not the point.
What? The? Fuck? Did he really just? Did Changbin just… compliment you?
You don’t realize how long you’ve dumbly stared at him until Jeongin nudges you. “Uhhhh, thanks!” you squeak out, cringing at how your voice just went up by an octave. You can feel Jeongin facepalming internally at your response, but you don’t blame him; you’d most likely do the same.
Changbin just smiles before he turns away to get to his next class, tugging Jisung and Chan with him.
Nevermind. Wearing this dress was the best decision you’ve made in your entire college career. The way you suddenly beam almost gives Felix whiplash — it’s obvious in the way he stares at you as if he ended up watching a comedy instead of the melodrama he was expecting. Hyunjin seems just as flabberghasted, Jeongin is still cringing from the secondhand embarrassment, and Seungmin just grins.
“Ah, so lover boy is the reason, I see.”
You roll your eyes at him. “Oh my god, just shut up, Seungmin.”
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Jisung is eating you out with such fervor that has you sobbing and thrashing around. He’s merciless in every literal sense, keeping your hips planted on the couch with his hands to the point where veins are bulging out, and lapping up your juices with his tongue, continuing even though you already came. He only pulls away, lips glistening in your release, once you tug on his hair despite his orders to not do that.
“Already spent now? But baby, we just started.” he pouts. “Or is it because it’s me? Would you defy if Changbin was the one eating you out?”
You stare at him with blown out eyes. Why the fuck is he bringing up Changbin now? The words hang heavy in your throat and are threatening to burst, but the death stare he delivers stops you from doing so.
Something’s not right.
“Don’t tell me... you’re wet again because I just mentioned Changbin. Changbin this, Changbin that, huh? It’s always only Changbin, Changbin, Changbin. And I thought I was doing you good all along,” he rages, making you flinch. He can be terrifying when he wants to be, but this time, he seems completely out of it. “You know what? I’m fucking done with holding back. You’re mine, got it?”
With that, he dives back into your cunt, sucking harshly on your clit as he slides a finger in you. You try to pry him off, but his weight is restraining you to the sofa.
“Jisung, it hurts— ouch—“ Panic starts to rise in you when he finally detaches himself from your nub, but instead, moves down to your thighs and starts sucking on the skin with a force much harder than you’re used from him. “What are you doing? S-stop—!”
“You’re mine, you’re supposed to be mine. I am literally written on your skin. So why can’t you just wish to be with me? Do I have to mark you up so that you’ll finally get it?”
It hurts. It hurts. Once you feel teeth on your skin, you burst into tears. “Red, Jisung, red!”
As if it was the spell to break the cast, Jisung finally snaps out of it. His features break once his eyes meet yours. Regret sticks onto him like a second skin, and he slightly moves his hand in an attempt to reach out to you. Your muscles react faster though, and you instinctively pull your legs towards yourself and shy away from him. The way his face drops by another layer of remorse tugs at your heartstrings, but the impending fear overpowers everything else you’re feeling.
“What’s going on? What went over you?” you ask.
Jisung’s breath is shaky. He feverishly opens his mouth several times, but no sound is coming out. He’s struggling to find the right words, maybe trying to find a somewhat reasonable justification for his behavior. In the end, he lets out a defeated sigh. “I can’t do this anymore without having feelings—” his voice is weak and vulnerable and you’ve never witnessed him break down like this before, “—I like you. I like you the way you like Changbin. I just...”
“Leave,” you whisper, but in this silence, your voice rings out loud and clear. This is… too much weight for your heart to carry.
Jisung complies. He grabs his belongings from the floor, slips on his shirt, and leaves with his head hung low. His footsteps grow more and more distant, but then he stops.
“Are you really in love with Changbin?” His voice cracks.
You don’t muster up the courage to face him. “Just read my mind.”
It’s silent again. Too overwhelming. You’re waiting for yet another outburst of him, waiting for his “I want you to say it out loud”, because that’s how the conversation always goes.
The last thing you hear is the front door falling in its lock with a soft click.
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You like Changbin. You like Changbin you like Changbin you like Changbin you like—
You like him, right?
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Things have changed.
You and Jisung haven’t crossed paths ever since, not even passed each other by in the hallways. It’s weird since you’ve grown used to seeing him every day outside of your apartment complex. You’ve never really acknowledged each other’s presence with a wave or something in the sorts; it was just a second where your eyes met, and then your days went on.
That being said, you run into Changbin quite frequently. If you ever exchanged words, it’s nothing more than friendly small talk and the one or other compliment about his music. Talking to Changbin is nice; he makes you smile.
You know a little bit more about Changbin now, like his favorite ice cream flavor or the fact that he has a pokemon plushie named Gyu. It’s cute, and you chuckle when you think about how you’d pay good money for that information a few weeks ago.
Changbin is nice, and there’s nothing more to the story.
The chaotic quartett you call your friends however, doesn’t seem to buy it. They are loud and nosey and have eyes, so it was set in stone that they’d tease you about it sooner or later. It’s all fun and games, and you played along with it at first, because that’s how you guys are. But as time went on, when the banter became so repetitive and blown out of proportion to the point where they have made clowning you about your small interactions with Changbin the pinnacle of their entertainment, you’ve begun to be fed up by it.
“Will you finally stop bringing him up in an indecent manner every single lunch break? Or even better, stop bringing him up altogether?” You snap, which shocks everyone at the table because you never snap.
Nobody has time to react as you quickly stomp away to grab some fresh air. You mutter out every curse under the sun, not intending to let your anger take over you this much. You’ve only made it past the door when Felix catches up to you, placing a hand over your shoulder.
“(y/n), what’s the matter? Clearly, something’s bothering you. And I know it’s not because of just Seungmin.” Concern is woven in his smooth voice.
You have to admit, it was a smart and calculated move from your friends to send Felix your way. He’s always been the compassionate one out of your little friend group. Like a pillar, he’s the one who keeps you all grounded (and he’s the one to drive your asses back home after the wild Alpha Beta Gamma frat parties).
“I don’t like Changbin that way, I realized. So it’d be very much appreciated if you asses didn’t allude to that every time,” you huff.
Felix sends you an understanding smile. “We can work that out. You know that Hyunjin and Seungmin in particular can be insensitive and sometimes don’t realize they’ve taken things too far..”
“Fine, but that’s not the main thing that’s eating me up alive, Felix.” you sigh. The words seem to flow out of your mouth like a waterfall. “I’ve realized I’ve never really liked Changbin. Okay, fine, he was just a crush I had but I don’t like him.”
He nods slowly, his brain processing your ramble. “So you like someone else.”
“Yes. And I don’t know how to fix it because we got into a huge fight.”
“Talk to them. That’s the only thing left to do.” His response is immediate, and he says it as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Every relationship has its ups and downs, and if you want to be committed, you have to fight for it. If you were made for one another, you’ll make it.”
The last part makes you laugh internally. If only he knew.
“Let me guess, you expect me to barge into his place to sort things out,” you say.
Felix gives you the look of judgment. “I mean, you could also show some human decency and text him in advance so he’s also prepared. But that works fine too.”
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Come to think of it, you’ve never been to Jisung’s apartment. That’s about to change when you knock on his door sometime in the evening, shortly after sunset.
Jisung’s face immediately drops once he opens the door. “What are you doing here?” His voice is soft, drenched in regret.
It’s not that his appearance has reached rock bottom. He still takes good care of himself; however, you pick up the dark circles under his eyes and his complexion seems a little paler. Not sickeningly pale, but in a sense that he hasn’t seen the light of day for a few consecutive days.
You shift your weight on one leg and fiddle with your fingers. “Can we talk?”
Jisung gulps. “Yeah, sure,” he mumbles after a moment of hesitation before inviting you in.
“I’ve thought a long time about this. Everything, really,” you start awkwardly as soon as you’re both standing stiffly in his living room. “I, um…”
You cringe inwardly as your voice trails off. Truth be told, you’ve rehearsed what you wanted to say many times a few hours ago. Even wrote down the entire speech. Then threw the draft away, only to compose a new one. And then again and again and again. After what felt like an eternity, you had polished your final speech and memorized it from top to bottom, even making sure that your flow sounded natural. But now that this is the real deal, your mind goes blank. Of course, of fucking course, your illiterate brain had to give up on you in the situation that mattered the most.
Jisung purses his lips. “Do you want something to drink first? No need to rush—”
“I don’t like Changbin!” you blurt out. Jisung stares at you in confusion. “I mean, I used to like Changbin — I still do, he’s a nice guy! Don’t get me wrong — but that’s all he is. He’s… nice. I like him, as a friendly guy. I had a crush on him, but now it’s just, uh, like. Platonic! Yeah, platonic.”
Despite him nodding slowly, you know that he is still lost. You would be too if you were on the receiving end of this painfully clumsy delivery.
You give yourself a mental slap as you take a deep breath. It can’t get any worse than this. Definitely impossible. You’ve already proven to him how bad your public speaking skills are. Might as well get over it with the bluntest words. “I miss you. And not because of the sexual things we did, but everything else. I miss you coming over, miss the movie night, and all that. I miss you, Jisung.”
He stares at you silently. Your eyes search his face for any sign of emotion, and for one too many times, Jisung is impossible to read. Okay, perhaps you did manage to tell him what you wanted to tell him even worse than whatever the fuck your initial attempt was.
But then his blank armor cracks. Little by little, his eyes soften, disbelief and remorse on display for you to see. Jisung is looking at you as if his world has fallen apart even more. He’s looking at you as if he’s clinging to the last threads of reason, trying to make sense of the situation. He’s looking at you with eyes that could hold stars behind them, stars that were supposed to burn out yet shine brighter than the universe.
“How can you say that? I hurt you. I made you cry! I was being a selfish asshole who put out his anger on you!” he exclaims, voice breaking towards the end. Pain clouds his red eyes, and he’s fighting to keep the tears at bay.
You slowly prod closer to him, testing the waters. He doesn’t react once, not even when you stand directly in front of him. Not even when you gently place your hands on a shoulder each. Not until you say, “It’s alright. I’m alright. No hard feelings.”
That’s his breaking point. Tears stream down his face, while quiet hiccups jump out of his throat. “How can you be so nice to me?” His sobs are muffled as he eases into your touch, hiding his face in the crook of your neck. Instinctively, he wraps his arms around your waist, clinging onto you as if you’re his lifeline.
The answer is simple, you say to yourself, as you thread a hand in his hair. “We’re soulmates.”
The weight of the words hangs in the air, shattering the previous tension and all the worries in your heart. It’s liberating, finally being able to say it out loud without feeling like an abnormality for saying those words with happiness. You’re soulmates. You’re soulmates, and that’s okay.
Jisung’s sobs resound throughout the room, and so do his countless, tiny yeah, we are’s. You need a moment before you register the wetness on your face. It feels like an eternity standing in his warm embrace, even after there are no more tears left to cry.
“Can I kiss you?” Your voice is quiet, barely above a whisper, but Jisung catches it. two fingers gently lift your chin so that you’re facing him. You almost melt when your eyes meet, his gaze filled with adoration that makes you want to burst at the seams.
“Yeah. I’d love that.” Jisung smiles.
It costs you your willpower to tear your eyes away from him before they flutter down to his lips. Despite his bottom lip being a little cracked, they look inviting and you wonder what they taste like. You expect him to nudge you, expect him to tell you to hurry up and do something because you’re pretty sure you’re staring at his lips for far too long.
He doesn’t. The grip on your chin is loose as if to tell you to take your time and go at your own pace. But the longer you wait, the more reluctance builds up. It’s a lot of power he’s given you; hell, it’s the first time he hands the reigns to you.
“Can you… uhm… I’ve never done this before, so yeah…” you look at him with a crooked smile.
The breathless chuckle that leaves him sounds like music to your ears. Jisung moves his hand to the back of your neck before closing the distance between you.
The kiss is short and sweet, but that alone suffices to make the butterflies in your stomach burst. The faint taste of coke lingers on him, and before you know it, you’re kissing again. Jisung’s lips are like an addiction, reeling you back in for another one. Somewhere along the way, the kisses change. Innocent presses of lips are long forgotten, replaced by teeth playfully tugging on your bottom lip, and Jisung kissing you deeper to the point where he steals all oxygen out of your lungs.
Your hands slide down his chest, tugging on his shirt. Startled by your bold actions, he pulls away, but you catch him back into another liplock that leaves the two of you breathless. All you can think of clearly is Jisung Jisung Jisung—
This time he forces himself away from you. Gasping for air, he places his forehead on yours. “If we go farther than this, then I don’t know if I can control myself.” His warning is barely above a whisper.
“Then don’t,” you whisper back.
That’s all the reassurance he needs before leading you to his bedroom, all the whilst latching onto your lips once more. He doesn’t let go of you until your back hits the soft mattress and he’s on top of you. Warm, slightly calloused hands trail from your cheeks to the hem of your shirt.
“Green,” you respond, smiling up at him. The sun has long vanished at the horizon, replaced by the dim moon and stars. Despite only a little light surging past the blinds into the room, you can see Jisung’s features crystal clear. The endearing smile is cast into the back of your mind, so is the delicacy in his touch, fingertips lightly grazing your skin as he sheds all your clothes off until you’re left in your underwear. After hearing your complaints, he discards his own clothes with an amused glint in his eyes.
Jisung takes his time pounding every single detail of your features into his memory. His hands roam all over your body, inciting goosebumps. You lean into his touch with a sigh and flit your gaze to him once he stops on a particular spot.
The look on his face is unreadable, but the hesitation in his voice speaks for itself.  “Does this bug you?” he asks, uncertainty laced in it as he runs his finger over each character of his name that’s inked under your collarbone. You shake your head with a hum that turns into a soft moan once he leaves kisses on the spots his finger burned before, one for each letter. Eventually, his actions spiral out to sucking lovebites and rutting his bulge against your heat, enticing louder whines out of you. Your vision morphs into blurriness as you move your hips in sync with his, locking your arms around his neck to pull him even closer to you.
“(y/n), baby…” Jisung heaves for air, “Is it okay if I…?.”
“Please,” you mewl, “want you inside me.” Your desperation must’ve shone through your tone, as Jisung presses a loving kiss on your forehead before he reaches over to the nightstand for a condom, grinning like a lovesick idiot.  
In books and movies, this is the part where the virgin would reach peak nervousness. Too many fears would be inhabiting their mind; the fear of pain, fear of not fulfilling their partner’s needs, fear of the entire situation, essentially. Whatever they depict in those books and movies, it doesn’t match up with the warmth and want pumping in your veins. Even after Jisung slipped your and his underwear off and slid the condom on his leaking cock, there’s no sign of fear bubbling in you. It’s rather the opposite; you nudge him to finally slide into you.
“So impatient,” he tuts playfully, and because he can’t help being a bit sadistic, he teases your dripping entrance with the tip of his cock. Tears begin to form in your eyes from the frustration of clenching around nothing. You feel like crying for good once he slowly pushes into you. The stretch feels unfamiliar and completely different than what you’re used to from his fingers, but it’s not unpleasant as you throw your head back. While you’re adjusting to his girth, Jisung observes your every expression, faltering whenever you scrunch your eyes shut. 
“You still there?” he asks in hushed tones, caressing your cheek.
In awe about his concern, you nod. “I’m fine. It’s just… new. I’ve never done this, but I guess you already figured that out.” It takes you a moment to catch your breath, and then you give him the green light to continue.
The way Jisung has your hands firmly against the bed lacks the usual roughness; he isn’t gripping your wrists as if he’s about to cut off your blood circulation. This time, he has intertwined his fingers with yours as if he doesn’t ever want to let go of you. A firework of colors and stars is all you see as he thrusts into slow and deep and with all the passion he has to offer. His lips don’t leave space for a breather either; he kisses you with so much fervor that it swallows your heart up whole. At that instant, you realize that he’s claimed your heart and isn’t going to give that up any time soon. You don’t mind, because you know that you’ve committed the same crime.
It’s not long after until you feel the orgasm building up. Jisung brings one hand down to flick your clit, and just like that, you unravel beneath him. His own release follows suit, a muffled groan coming from his lips as he spills into the condom.
It’s quiet for a moment, no words spoken between you except for harsh breathing. Eventually, Jisung slides his softening dick out of you and disappears for a moment to clean up, returning with a damp towel for you to freshen up a little, as well as a glass of water.
“I think I won’t be able to walk tomorrow,” you say after you gulped down the drink in one go, voice devoid of emotion. A laugh leaves Jisung. The way you deliver it is so casual as if he didn’t just have his dick in you minutes before. “Also, isn’t this the part where we should cuddle?”
“So bossy, your royal majesty.” He even takes a bow before he climbs back on the bed, pulling the covers over your bodies, and scooting up to you. He says something else, but you don’t register what exactly. All you care about is being wrapped in his warm embrace. The stench of sweat isn’t prominent on him anymore. Instead, it’s a huge cloud of Axe overpowering your senses. You would complain, but you’re too blissed out to bother.
Jisung must’ve noticed at a certain point that you’ve wandered to daydream paradise. “You’ve been quiet for a while. A penny for your thoughts.”
“But you can read my mind.”
“I want you to say it out loud.” His answer comes like a shot while his hand is brushing through your hair. “That, and your thoughts are too jumbled and my head is going to malfunction if I try to decode everything running in your head right now.”
The corners of your lips quirk upwards. “I’m just thinking about how we did everything in the wrong order. It’s just now that we kissed, before that I only sucked you off or something. We’re so fucked up.”
“If you word it that way, we definitely didn’t follow the book.” Jisung laughs in agreement. The vibrations from his chest causes you to bubble up in warmth.
“I don’t mind, though. That’s not the point. I’m happy.” You don’t have to look up to know that his eyes lit up. “Jisung, I’m happy that you’re mine.”
The hold around your waist tightens, and you feel a soft kiss being pressed on top of your head. “And I’m happy that you’re mine.”
In another lifetime, another universe, you probably wouldn’t have to go through these struggles. Society would normalize having someone that completes you. You wouldn’t go through countless stages of denial, countless stages of frustration, and countless stages of doubt.
In another lifetime, another universe, you potentially could’ve been on even worse terms. Just like in those cyberpunk movies, maybe you two would be enemies, one fighting alongside the government, the other assisting the villain who tries to overthrow the system. Star-crossed lovers, that’s what you two would be dubbed as.
In another lifetime, another univer—
No need to fantasize about what could be. The only lifetime that matters is this lifetime, this universe, your reality. In reality, people like you live in hiding. In reality, society is doubtful towards people with soulmates. In reality, people like you are destined for a tragedy. It’s taken you a long time to wrap it around your head.
That’s alright though. You’re alright. You’ll always be alright. The universe might have not played in your favor in this lifetime, but you still found each other. Perhaps, the universe will be more forgiving towards you in your next lifetime. Or the one after. Who knows? Whatever happens, at least you know you have one person you’re bound to meet wherever you are, whenever you are. One person who won’t ever let go of you. One person you won’t ever let go of.
“Yeah, I’m yours.”
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eagehaunting · 4 years
Mystery March 2021 day 12: Friend
This is actually a sequel to the day 10 prompt! I hope you all enjoy!
A heavy beat from the drums of one of the bands made Lewis’s heart race. With each beat setting off a new wave of impulses and urges. Tapping his fingers against his tequila, Lewis wets his lips and tries to keep his attention solely on Arthur.
Arthur, who sips his Irish cream eagerly and softly pants. Considering that Arthur had been jumping around and dancing around him within a crowd, as musicians blare and sweat drenched people collide, it wasn’t a huge surprise. But Lewis almost wished he was in the crowd again, distracted by the loud noise, head too full of euphoria to pay attention to the pesky thoughts that kept poking at him.
Kiss him, just do it. Look at his face, look at his lips. Do it. Do it-
The tequila rushes down his throat roughly. Lewis resists the urge to cough against the acidic liquid. Thankful that it stopped his stream of thoughts and turning to god this is horrible.
Arthur casts him a glance, sipping his drink and letting it hit the table a bit harder than usual.
“You like it? Your drink, I mean?” He asks, staring at Lewis with wide eyes. So unlike him and yet so... nice. The wall between them felt lower, and if Lewis wanted to, he could step right over and grasp those flushed cheeks and got a taste of Irish cream-
Another sip. Clenching his eyes shut as the bitterness has him shivering. Finally Lewis nods and squishes his near empty cup, hardly realizing that it was close to empty. “I do actually. Thank you for buying me a few, it’s been nice.”
“Your f-face says otherwise.” Arthur murmurs, hardly lifting his mouth from his straw.
Lewis bobs his head in agreement, “I think I drank a bit too much. I’m actually getting a headache now.”
“Shit,” Arthur swallows thickly and his hand shoots out, grabbing Lewis’s hand- his drink, pulling his drink from Lewis’s clumsy fingers with more grace than he imagined from the drunk man. “We-well then maybe we should head out? I t-told Ya’ I wouldn’t keep you out here long.”
Before Lewis could object to his drink being stolen, Arthur’s hands stutter, and the glass tips over.
“Fuck!” They both say at the same time. Lewis snags a few napkins and frantically tries to wipe, Arthur scrambles to grab the glass, failing to avoid spilling the drink. “D-dammit, Lew, I’m sorry- shit. W-want me to buy a drink to go?” Arthur asks, voice high with worry. Lewis flickers up, frown falling with a sigh.
“It’s.. it’s fine. Really, don’t worry. Pl-plus, one of us should be a bit more sober when we go to get a cab out of here.”
Deflating, Arthur nods and miserably tries to suck down the rest of his. He downs a quarter of the glass easily before sputtering.
Look at him. We never see him like this. He’s so cute, so nice, why don’t we just say it-
Lewis’s eyebrows furrowing as he eyes the wet napkins holding his distraction.
Shit. He narrowly glances at the kernels of popcorn left in their mini bucket to his left, and the small bag of leftovers besides his feet.
Arthur’s lightly bouncing his toes. Eyes drifting over the crowd of people on the hill surrounding a stage, where a familiar band plays tunes Lewis could faintly recall singing along to on the way there-
Arthur gasps. Reacting to a new chord. He whips back to Lewis, bowing across the table and smacking his fingers against the grated table. “Lewis-! Ca-can we stay for just this song? I really like it and as soon as it’s over we can leave-“
Reaching over the table and lightly touching Arthur’s hand, Lewis waves off His rambling.
“Sounds perfect. I can order a cab now and clean up, and after this song we can leave.”
Arthur’s eyes light up, he nods eagerly. “N-need some help?”
“No, I got it. Just sit back and enjoy the song, okay?”
The song is bouncy, reminding Lewis of a tropical beach. Palm trees and sparkling lights that zip across the night sky. As well as the interior of a night club. He faintly pays attention to the song as he unzips his backpack and pulls out his and Arthur’s jackets, when the chorus catches attention.
I wanna ruin our friendship,
we should be lovers instead.
I don’t know how to say this, ‘cus you’re really my dearest friend.
Lewis’s heart stills. This has to be a joke. A cruel joke set up by the universe. A chill takes across his shoulders as the heartbeat like drums tap into his own, making his fingers twitch in time. Dropping the jacket onto Arthur’s lap, Lewis mumbles a command to put them on before gathering his trash and quickly escaping to throw them away.
See? Everything is telling you to go for it. He’ll accept, he has to, just listen!
His heart races, pounds. Every thought turned into a reflection of Arthur, his best friend, his.. crush. And all he wants to do is grab Arthur and pull him into a tight hug and hope that Arthur will understand what it means.
No. He cant. He can’t do that, what if it ruins everything? Arthur might hate him, might detest him, want nothing to do with him, leave him stranded.
But he might not.
Lewis’s heart stills, his skin prickling as a breeze presses against his front. Pushing him back to Arthur.
Turning around, Lewis catches Arthur’s eye. His new black hoodie makes his bright hair stand out, and highlights the warmth on his face. Amazing, his perfect, handsome best friend, waiting for him to come back so they can leave together.
I wanna ruin our friendship,
I don’t know how to say this,
’cus you’re really my dearest friend.
Lewis clears his throat as his feet move without warning. “H-hey, Arthur, can I tell you something?”
What was he even thinking to say? Hey Arthur, I love you in a romantic way. Arthur I want to be yours forever. I want to ruin our friendship, we should be lovers instead-
Whatever sat on Lewis’s tongue vanished in an instant as he came within three feet of Arthur. His hands raised and grab at Arthur’s shoulders. Before Lewis realizes it, he’s leaning in.
Arthur’s eyes widen, Lewis’s eyebrows arch.
Their lips meet, and both of them freeze.
Lewis’s chest feels hollow as his heart fills it all with a racing beat, making his arms, legs, and stomach shaky as the moment replays again and again in his head. What may have been two seconds, felt like an hour before Lewis draws back. Panting, face and body tense, head throbbing with a new type of pain. His eyes searching desperately.
Arthur stares at Lewis blankly, mouth hanging open and eyes wide, face filled with shock or surprise or something that Lewis couldn’t really explain.
Arthur’s lip quirks up in what could have been a smile, but it’s apprehensive nature makes Lewis’s heart drop, “Wh-what was... Lewis? Why... what’s that about..?”
“I...” Lewis’s hands dangle there, lightly trembling. The song switches to something else with a roar from the crowd, becoming muffled as realization hits. “Arthur, I- I’m sorry. I didn’t think about what I was doing.” Tell him, tell him, TELL HIM! “I-I really like you, Arthur.” Lewis’s entire body shudders, weakness taking hold of every muscle as he tries to avert his eyes, only to land on Arthur. “I always have, ever since we were kids. I wanted- the entire trip I’ve been wanting to tell you, but I wasn’t sure how- or if it was even okay! I wanted to just s-say it. I’ve been wanting to kiss you this whole night, but I didn’t mean to force you-“
He’s lightly hit in the center of the chest, before Arthur grabs his shoulders. Lewis’s body and heart stills.
“Wait- seriously? You too? I- I mean we can keep kissing too if you want! I-I know I was kinda shit a minute ago, but I was just surprised.”
Wait huh? Lewis blinks as Arthur tries to close the gap between them again, but he pulls back, holding Arthur steady by his shoulder.
The incessant thoughts that were plaguing Lewis that whole day vanished, leaving him with his rational and his logic and a heavy cloud of what just happened looming over him. A storm cloud twisting in his racing chest and reminding him every way that this wasn’t okay.
But the tequila clouds his thoughts. All rational hidden in the cloud of smoke.
“W-wait. Maybe we can ... let’s wait until tomorrow? We’re a bit drunk right now, and I think that maybe we should talk about this when we wake up.”
He can only imagine Arthur’s thoughts spiraling by the confusion in his face, but Lewis pats his shoulder to snap him out of it. “N-not that I don’t think we should stop kissing, but I didn’t want our f-first to be like that. Right?”
Really, Lewis didn’t want Arthur to wake up filled with regret tomorrow. A measly kiss could be written off, but making out entirely? No. Lewis wasn’t going to allow it to go that far. His body already forced them enough.
They can wait.
And in fact, they did.
It wasn’t long waiting for their driver, not was it long to sit in the cab. Lightly brushing their fingers against the others and avoiding directly looking at each other. When they got back into their hotel, Lewis had to coax Arthur into the night ritual of brushing their teeth and undressing, as well as drinking some water before they crawled into their one, shared bed.
Lewis wasn’t sure how he managed to fall asleep so quickly, with his racing thoughts all surrounding his best friend beside him.
When he woke up, it all hit him all at once. The kiss most prominently lingering in his mind.
Being on his stomach let Lewis feel the cold sheets beside him, and lewis cracks open his eye to confirm that Arthur wasn’t still sleeping. In fact, Lewis caught a glimpse of the pale man leaning against the counter, with the familiar drip-drip of their portable coffee maker. The sun shining against his skin, making Arthur glow radiantly.
He might hate you. A thought points out, and Lewis closes his eyes to try and will away the churn in his stomach. The fear, the terror, the guilt...
His best friend, may hate him entirely...
Then as he shifts in his seat, a throb prickles through his head and Lewis groans unintentionally as the hangover blooms. He won’t be able to fall asleep now... maybe he should get it over with and get up.
Whimpering, Lewis pushes himself up and rolls onto his back, rubbing his palm against his forehead.
“Good morning, Lewis pepper.” Arthur’s croaky voice says, calm and gentle, Lewis could hear the smile on his face before he even opened his eyes. “Sleep well?”
“Mm,” Lewis groans and finally looks over at him, “I have a headache.”
“Hang over?”
There’s footsteps coming at him before a clink. Lewis opens his eyes, and a glass of water and two capsules are pressed into his face. Lewis takes it gratefully and swallows it back. Pushing himself off the bed, Lewis stretches and breaths in deeply, taking in the aroma of coffee and sweat from last night.
Arthur clears his throat, suddenly right behind Lewis, and becomes startlingly apparent when Arthur taps his shoulder and Lewis whirls around.
“So,” Arthur’s mouth is twisted up in his typical Kingsmen grin, it makes Lewis’s chest warm, “now that we aren’t totally blasted, let’s chat?”
It takes Lewis a moment to get over the surprise and embarrassment lodged in his throat before he nods. “Sure. I know I didn’t explain myself to to the best of my abilities. Perhaps over some coffee?”
“Sounds good. I have some brewing already, and I got your thermos ready for you.” Arthur thumbs to the kitchen and behind guiding Lewis there.
“Oh, how sweet.”
“Well of course, I am the sweetest!” Arthur says with a lazy flourish. Grabbing the coffee pot, Arthur begins to pour and Lewis takes his seat. Arthur then splashes in a sugar packet, a splash of milk, and a second larger splash of cinnamon creamer. His favorite, Lewis couldn’t resist smiling as he takes a sip.
“Thank you, Artie. It tastes really nice.”
“It does? Need any more sugar?”
“Hm,” another sip, “one more packet.”
Arthur tosses one to Lewis and takes a seat, folding his arms.
“So, I feel like I should ask one thing of you, Lew Lew.”
Pausing, Lewis hides his blush behind his thermos. Arthur continues.
“Give me a warning next time you’re going to steal my breath away?”
Lewis sputters and coughs into his hand, looking away. “I-I told you, I didn’t know what came over me. I’m not going to do it again.”
“And I didn’t think it would have happened at all. But one moment I was drinking Irish cream, jamming out, and the next minute all I could taste was tequila!” Lewis rolls his eyes and drinks his coffee as a distraction, and Arthur breathed out with amusement. “Not that I wouldn’t mind it happening again.”
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rjhpandapaws · 3 years
For your ask event! What if you shuffled our playlist for a random song and then said who, or what ship, the song reminds you of?
Hopefully this isn't too vague 😅
//I love it!!! //The song is: We Don’t Have to Dance by Andy Black
Who: Both Hank and Gavin actually. This is a song about going through change, not being the same person in the eyes of someone you once knew and I feel like that fits both Hank and Gavin really well. Hank changed after losing Cole, and again after meeting Connor. Something made Gavin the way he is, you aren’t born that combative. I feel like he and Hank were once close and drifted apart after Cole died, Gavin couldn’t stand the sight of Hank slowly killing himself.
Ship: Hankvin. For most of the reasons above, and the fact that I feel like when they were in their more neutral states he and Gavin could have had chemistry. They were both told to be great detectives if a little unorthodox so I feel like they would bond over that. I feel like it starts as a FWB thing and then they grow feelings but after Hank loses Cole things fall apart, but it starts with whatever breaks Gavin. The loss of Cole was just the final nail in the coffin, the final excuse they both needed to finally go their separate ways.
Short under the cut.
Hank woke up to another person in his bed and a nice blacktop blur of how they had gotten there. Surely he hadn’t gotten that drunk? He remembered being coerced by Connor to go to Nines’s promotion party and not much after that. Connor had been there and he certainly would have cut Hank off before things had gotten that bad, but then again Nines had been there and those two had a tendency to get caught up in one another. Careful not to wake his companion he turned to see who it was that he had brought home with him. Hopefully he could get them to leave without too much of a fuss, he was bad when it came to morning afters, which is why he had stopped doing this kind of thing. When his eyes landed on Gavin’s sleeping form he was hit with a wave of nausea that had nothing to do with his hangover. He promised himself he wouldn’t do this again, not with him. Those feelings were still raw even after all these years. With less grace than he would have liked he scrambled out of bed, he grabbed a pair of sweats to cover himself and bee lined for the bathroom to spill his guts.
Gavin woke up in a room that wasn’t his own but still a little too familiar for his liking. It had been years since he had been here last. The previous night came to him in pieces. Nines had been promoted and Gavin had decided to throw him a party as any good partner would have done and the piece of shit tin can had immediately fucked off somewhere in the club with Connor. Hank had offered to buy a round of drinks and things were a little spotty after that. He and Hank had danced, maybe more than once and it had been nice if he was honest. That aside, he hadn’t meant for this to happen. It had been like old times last night, he had gotten to see a glimpse of the man he had once loved. He could leave while Hank was in the bathroom, it would be less awkward that way. They could sweep last night under the rug; and despite that he found himself getting up and slipping into his boxers and Hank’s shirt from the night before. He made his way to the kitchen and started on coffee and a light breakfast. Something to chase away the hangover. It was the least he could do.
“Is that my shirt?” Hank’s voice rolled into the kitchen laced with exhaustion, “I honestly thought you would have pulled a disappearing act by now.” Gavin bristled at the remark, sure he was one to fuck and run but last night had sort of meant something to him at least, “I thought about it.” He turned to hand Hank a mug of coffee and pain pills, his eyes falling to the faded tattoo on the man’s chest. This was familiar, like old times and it was comfortable, “I’m staying for breakfast and then I’m going to shower. After that I want to talk.” Hank shrugged, “You seemed to have things planned out so I won’t argue.” He took the pills and chased them with coffee, “Thanks for looking after Sumo.” “No problem.” Gavin returned his attention to the eggs before they could burn and they lapsed into an almost awkward silence. It was heavy with words neither of them wanted to say.
Hank got dressed while Gavin was in the shower and let Sumo back in the house. He tried his best to remember the night before and got as far as remembering dancing with Gavin. It had been nice, there was no denying that. He hadn’t danced with anyone since his ex-wife and that wasn’t a memory that he didn’t like to revisit. He took a seat on the couch and absently pet Sumo.  Gavin came out of the bathroom in his clothes from the night before and a towel on his shoulders to catch the water from his hair. He sat on the armrest of the couch at the end opposite Hank. “We can’t do this again.” Gavin said and his words hit Hank like a bucket of ice water, “I don’t have the strength to walk away from you a second time.” “Then don’t.” Hank said keeping his voice level, “Stick around this time, we can figure the rest out as it comes. I know last time was a train wreck, but we’re both different people now. It could work this time.” Gavin let out a dry laugh, “Or it could end worse than last time. We’re different, not necessarily better.” Gavin sighed and moved onto the couch, “But I know I’ll keep coming back to you. As much as I buried it I missed you.” “I missed you too Gavin, and if I’m honest I don’t think I could walk away again either.” He looked into those green eyes again and gave a slight smile, “We should give it time of course. See if we can handle being friends then go from there.” “Hank, I think we skipped friends somewhere between your fourth Old Fashioned and you feeling me up in the back of a cab.” Gavin remarked, “We can take it slow, but don’t push me away because you’re afraid.” “Then we don’t have to be friends.” He said with a smile, “But you have to tell the wonder duo. I’ll handle Jeff.” Gavin groaned, “Fine.”
(Prompt from this list)
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berrynarrybanana · 4 years
i want more berries
Tumblr media
A/N: She’s a long one. I used that gif on purpose, as well. I hope you enjoy this smut and fluff filled chapter. Please let me know what you all think so far :)
Word count: 13.3k+
Warnings: Smut, alcohol, mentions of death and loss
P.S tell me if there’s something specific you’d like to see in the next few chapters!
Bea’s POV
I had a dream about Harry. 
I dreamt that after our steamy rooftop kiss, he swept me away to his beautiful home in Malibu. I dreamt that we kissed for hours, his hands sliding under the hem of my dress to grip at my bum as I pressed my palms against his face. He treated me so well in my dream, letting me roll my hips against his for a little while before he slipped a hand around to my front. In my dream, his fingers stretched me out, bringing me right to the brink of an earth shattering orgasm. 
And just as things were about to get good, my phone alarm pulled me from my dream; like a bucket of ice water being dumped over my head. It was the worst way to wake up, the sun blaring through the window as I tried to open my eyes. I hissed out, turning my face into the pillow below me before reaching for my phone. I let out a sigh of relief as I turned the intrusive noise off, closing my eyes 
I had plans to be punctual for. 
A hazy memory of coordinating a birthday brunch with Gemma Styles came to memory as I sat up in bed, brushing my hands through my hair to get it out of my face. We made plans for twelve-thirty at a cafe just a few miles from our rental home and Harry’s Malibu Mansion. I set my alarm for eight in the morning, hoping that my hangover wouldn’t be that bad so I could indulge in a solo walk.
It was something I picked up on after moving out of my parents house, a habit that helped keep my mind clear and my calves toned. California had so many beautiful parks that I wanted to branch out and see a few of them, without the group tagging along. As I turned back, grabbing the water bottle I set on my bedside table last night, my bedroom door opened. 
Tara poked her head in, a mess of brown curls piled on her head and a gentle smile on her face. I smiled back at her, reaching for my two pain killers to help ease the ache behind my forehead, as a gesture for her to come in. She shut the door quietly behind her, plopping down with her legs crossed at the end of my bed. I took my painkillers, resting my water bottle between my legs as she moved around a little, trying to find a comfortable position where the sun wasn’t shining in her eyes. 
“Good morning,” I chuckled, handing her my bottle. “How are you feeling?” 
“Good.” She nodded. “I stopped drinking at bar four.” 
“Smart move,” I laughed. “What are you doing up so early?” 
“I heard your alarm.” She shrugged. “I just wanted to see what you were up to so early in the morning.” 
“Gonna go for a walk at Solstice Canyon.” I said softly. “Why?” 
“I just...didn’t know if you had plans with Harry this morning.” She said slowly, avoiding my raised brows. “You two were pretty cozy last night.”
“Not that I know of.” I said slowly. “Just brunch with everyone later. Why?” 
“I just think you should be careful with him.” She said like the words were burning her throat, spitting them out quickly before she snapped her mouth shut. 
“Tara,” I said softly, confused by her warning. “Why do you think that?” 
“Because he’s Harry fucking Styles.” She whisper yelled, leaning forward. “You made out with him on a rooftop bar last night like you were high-school sweethearts! You looked like Matt and Chloe, making out like the rest of us didn’t exist. I’ve never seen you kiss someone like that.”
“That’s not true.” I groaned, rolling my head back as I tried to find the right words to say. “You’ve seen me kiss people before, T.” 
“Not like that.” She repeated. 
I didn’t blame her for warning me about Harry. 
I was a little skeptical of the entire thing myself.
But I really liked him. 
My whole life, I had been looking for that spark you hear about in movies and read about in books. And I hadn’t really dated that much, but I had never felt that spark with anyone else besides Harry. Something about the way he looked at me, like I was the only person there, made my insides turn to mush and my heart pound in my chest. I rolled my head forward, looking at Claire as she started peeling the label off of the water bottle in her hands. 
“I really like Harry.” I said softly. “And you know how hard that is for me, T. I know I should be skeptical because he’s Harry Fucking Styles, but I don’t want to be! I want to actually try this time, to get lost in someone just because I’m young and I can. I want to be myself around him without worrying or feeling judged. I feel like I can do that with him, Tara.” 
“I want that for you too.” She whispered. “But his track record puts me on edge, Beatrice.” 
“Because I’m not a model, like the other ones?” I asked. “Or a singer, or an actress, or a famous daughter...I’m just me, right? I can’t help that, Tara. And I’m insecure about that on my own, you don’t need to remind me.” 
“That’s not what I mean, Beatrice.” She groaned as I got out of bed, walking towards the ensuite bathroom. “I just don’t want you to get hurt.” 
“I don’t care if he ends up hurting me, Tara!” I exclaimed, walking over to the sink as she rested her hip against the door frame. “It’s too early for this conversation. I haven’t even had time to process it all myself and I just….I just need to go on my walk.” 
“Okay.” She said. “I love you to death, Bea. You’re an amazing friend and you always look out for us. I’m just looking out for you this time.” 
“Thank you.” I said softly. “It’s a nice gesture, but I’m a little hungover and extremely overwhelmed. Maybe we can talk after brunch?” 
“I’d like that.” She said. “Have a good walk. Text me your location so I know where you are, just in case someone decides to kidnap you.” 
“I will.” I let out a soft chuckle, watching as she retreated. 
As I turned the water on in the sink, I heard my phone ringing from the bedroom. 
I quickly rushed over, not wanting the sound to wake anyone else. One concerned friend was enough for me this morning. I answered the call without checking the i.d, holding it up to my ear. 
“Hello?” I said, walking back to the bathroom. 
“Good morning.” 
My heart stopped in my chest at the sound of Harry’s voice. 
It was a deep, gravelly tone coated in honey and I wondered if he was still curled up in his california king bed. I rolled my lips in, trying to hold back a squeal as I waited for him to speak again. 
“How are you, honey?” 
“I’m good.” I said softly, crossing my right arm over my chest as I glanced down at my cobalt blue painted toenails. I wiggled them, trying not to giggle like a schoolgirl. “Are you still in bed? 
“Are you not?” His voice rose in pitch and I heard the rustling of sheets from the other end of the line. I failed at holding back a giggle that time, looking up towards the ceiling as I heard him mumble a curse under his breath. “It’s bloody eight in the morning and I know for a fact you drank your weight in tequila last night.” 
“Don’t be a hypocrite.” I laughed, rolling my eyes at his offended huff. “You drank the same amount and you had yours straight. The only reason I feel even slightly hungover and queasy is because of the champagne we toasted with last night.” 
“Y’had at least five watermelon margaritas in the time we spent together and one glass of champagne has done you in?” He let out a squeaky laugh and I felt like I could collapse on the bathroom floor then and there. “You’re a strange one, Beatrice.”
“I don’t know what it is in champagne that fucks with me, but I don’t like it.” I scrunched up my nose as I thought of the bubbly liquid. I was actually surprised that I wasn’t crouched in front of the toilet right now. “How are you feeling this morning?” 
“A little tired. I couldn’t really sleep.” He sighed. “I kept dreaming about you last night.” 
“Is that so?” I nibbled at the inside of my cheek. “What was your dream about?” 
“We were cuddling.” He said. “We were on the beach, at sunset, snuggled up together on a blanket. I could smell your perfume and everything. I swore for a moment when I woke up that you were right here next to me. But instead, I woke up cuddling a pillow.” 
“That sounds like a bummer.” I chuckled. “I hate to admit it after hearing about that Nicholas Sparks worthy dream of yours, but I also had a dream.” 
“Oh?” He asked, a curious lilt to his voice. “What about?” 
“Far less romantic things.” I felt my cheeks grow hot, nerves bubbling up in my stomach as I awaited his response.
“Beatrice Noelle Murphy,” He was mocking Claire’s tone from last night when she found me, his voice going up a few octaves as he feigned shock. “You had a naughty dream about me?” 
“I knew I should have kept that to myself.” I groaned playfully, stomping my foot against the tile for good measure. “If it’s any consolation, darling, you were very good to me in my dream, until my alarm woke me up, that is.” 
“I expect to hear all about this dream later tonight.” He hummed out. “So, why are you up so early? Should I be worried about any other men knocking at your door?” 
“Not at all.” I snorted out a laugh. “I was actually getting ready to go out for a little walk. It’s something I do at home and before we came here, I found this place called Solstice Canyon that isn’t too far. I figured I would go and take a look.” 
“I know that place.” He said. “It’s gorgeous.” 
The conversation died for a moment, both of us waiting for the other to say it first.
“Harry?” I asked softly. 
“Would you like to go with me?” I mumbled. “We can go for a walk and maybe get coffee after? And while we’re walking, maybe we can talk about whatever...this is?”
“I would really like that.” His voice was soft, back to that honey-tone that made my insides melt and my heart thump. “I can come pick you up.” 
“Okay.” I said. “I’ll send you the address.” 
“I’ll see you soon, then.” I could hear the smile in his tone, as if he were standing right in front of me. “I’ll text you when I’m on my way.” 
“That’s perfect.” I took a deep breath. “Goodbye, Harry.” 
“Goodbye, honey.” 
He was making it so hard not to fall in love with him. 
Harry’s POV 
Beatrice Noelle Murphy was going to be the death of me. 
When I pulled into the driveway of her airbnb, she was already standing outside. Her phone was pressed to her ear, a reusable water bottle in her hand as she paced back and forth. My mouth went dry when I started to pay attention to her outfit. She was wearing black leggings, a tight black tank top, and a pair of black sneakers to tie it all together. The stretchy material of her leggings hugged her curves in a way that would put regular pants to shame. I adjusted in my seat, clearing my throat as she looked up at me with that gorgeous smile. 
“Fucks sake,” I groaned, feeling all of the blood in my body rushing down to my cock. “I really don’t need this to happen to me right now.” 
When I put the car in park, I took a deep breath as she finished her phone call. 
I unbuckled my seatbelt, opening my door as she walked over. 
“Hello,” I leaned down, kissing her cheek before pulling back. “You look amazing this morning.” 
“Oh, this old thing.” She teased, glancing down at her outfit before looking back up at me. “Look at you, H. You don’t even look like you have a hangover.” 
“The magic of under eye cream.” I chuckled. “Shall we head on?” 
I pressed my hand to the small of her back, guiding her to the passenger seat of my car. 
Like a true gentleman, I opened the door for her. 
Like a true guy, I stared at her ass while she climbed in. 
When I walked back around to the driver’s seat, I cursed at myself under my breath for being such an asshole. She was a sweet girl and she deserved better than me ogling her five seconds into our walking date...if that’s what this was. I pressed the start engine button as Beatrice buckled in, sitting her water bottle in the cup holder with a soft giggle. 
“What?” I glanced over at her before putting the car in reverse. 
“I’ve just…” She started, struggling to find the words. “I’ve always wanted to ride in a Tesla because they’re so cool. And they’re environmentally conscious too, which is so awesome.” 
“You’re adorable.” I chuckled, glancing at my rear-view camera to check for oncoming traffic. I pulled out on the street before turning my head towards her with an amused grin. “Maybe you can give it a test drive before you go home?”
“I would love that.” She nodded. “So, do you know where the park is?” 
“Yeah, I’ve been a few times before.” I nodded. “There’s a gorgeous waterfall at the top and everything.” 
“I saw that online.” She hummed out. “I figured I would go by myself this morning and then later on I’ll take everyone else so we can go for a dip. They’re all still passed out.”  
“Smart idea.” I laughed. “When I left the house this morning, Michael and Gemma were passed out on the couch.” 
“Ah, to live the life of luxury.” Beatrice sighed, giggling right after. “I’m really glad that we’re doing this.”
“Me too.” I glanced at her, offering her a soft smile before I held my hand out. She wasted no time lacing our fingers together, settling our hands on her thigh as I continued to drive. “As a guest in the Tesla, you have complete control over the radio. I have Spotify or apple music, use whatever you want. The code for my phone is 020194.” 
“Your birthday, how original.” She chuckled, taking my phone. 
“How did you know that was my birthday?” I smirked, glancing over at her. 
“Fuck.” Her cheeks turned pink again and she cleared her throat. “Shut up.” 
“Might as well put on One Direction and prove how big of a fan you are.” I mumbled, flipping my turn signal on as she groaned. “I mean it, I would love to see you lose your mind.” 
“Not today,” She mumbled. “I have songs in mind.” 
I spent the drive listening to her playlist with inquisitive ears. 
Music was important to Beatrice, a small fact she’d shared about herself the night before. If she was playing songs for me to hear, I wanted to take them all in. The playlist was a good mix between Indie and Pop, a playlist that she named Iced Coffee because it was what helped her wake up in the morning. I made a mental note for every thing she said as she spoke, wanting to treasure every moment we had together. At every stoplight, she squeezed my fingers gently and I would smile over at her, resisting the urge to kiss her. 
At the last stoplight, she kissed me. I didn’t stop smiling for the rest of the drive, not even when I parked and walked around to open her door for her again. She blushed, ducking her head down as I kissed her forehead softly. I wasn’t usually so affectionate in the beginning of a relationship, but Beatrice was different. The physical pull I felt towards her was almost impossible to ignore. 
“Okay,” I said as we approached the start of the path. “This way is like, two miles, I think. If we go that way, it’s about five or six miles with a lot of hills and stuff. Which way do you prefer?” 
“Two miles.” She said. “I don’t want to tire you out if you’ve got a show tonight.” 
“How thoughtful of you, honey. I like that.” When she laced our fingers together again, my heart skipped a beat in my chest. It was a small gesture, but it meant a lot to me. She wasn’t afraid to be seen with me like most girls were. “Let’s get our hike on, yeah?” 
There was nothing but the sound of our feet crunching against twigs and scattered gravel for a while. I took her water bottle from her hand, holding it in my own as we walked up the small path towards the woods. The birds were chirping and the morning air was a little chilly as the wind rustled the trees around us. There wasn’t anyone else on the path, just Beatrice and myself. 
“This place is gorgeous.” She said softly. “Do you go walking a lot?” 
“I do.” I nodded. “I usually go running with my friend Jeff, you met him last night.” 
“Kind of.” She giggled. “I think I met everyone, but I really only talked to you.” 
“If I remember correctly, that’s all my fault.” I laughed my cheeks heating up as she squeezed my fingers. “I wasn’t exactly keen on sharing you with anyone else last night.” 
“I didn’t mind it.” She bumped her shoulder against my bicep. “I don’t know if it was just me, but last night felt….magical.” 
“I felt it too.” I glanced over at her, licking over my bottom lip. “I’ve...I’ve dated people. Like, I’m hesitant to say a lot, but I’ve been told I had a ho phase in 2015.” 
“Oh, you did.” She teased, looking up at me. “I’ve seen the gifs, I know how you acted on stage, Styles.” 
I rolled my eyes, laughing softly as she bumped her shoulder into my bicep.
“The point I’m trying to make is that I’ve never felt that way about anyone before. I couldn’t keep my eyes off of you the entire time we were together. It felt wrong not touching you in some way or another, even if it was just my hand on your leg or your arm pressed against me. It was like I needed you to breathe.” 
“I felt the same way.” She said. “And when I looked into your eyes, it was almost like I could hear exactly what you were thinking. You didn’t even have to say anything to me.”
“And that’s...that’s something, Beatrice.” I turned back to look at the path. “Does that scare you?” 
“Yes.” She admitted. “Because I’ve never been in love, Harry. I’ve dated maybe...two people, I think. And I always chicken out because I just never feel that spark that you hear about in movies or read about in books. Then last night I met you and that changed, I felt it for the first time and it shocked me.” 
“I’m scared, too.” I whispered. “Because I felt the same way and that means something big to me, you know? I’ve been all around the world and I’ve met thousands of people, but the moment I lay eyes on you it all changes? It’s just...monumental for me.” 
“Harry,” She whispered. “What does this mean for us?” 
“It means that I would gladly be your boyfriend right now if you asked.” I stopped in my tracks, looking at her in awe. Her cheeks were a soft pink, her freckles out as the California sun shone down on her like a spotlight. “It means that I want something with you, something serious.” 
“Just like that?” The corners of her lips twitched, but she didn’t smile. “You want me?” 
“I want you.” I nodded. “However I can have you.” 
“Then I’m yours.” She shuffled forward. “But you’re going to have to be patient with me, Harry. I’ve never done this before and I don’t know how to...be a girlfriend.” 
“It’s not very hard.” I hummed out, pursing my lips as I tilted my head to the side. “Feed me, water me three times a day, and tuck me in with a song at bedtime-” 
“Oh my goodness,” Beatrice tossed her head back, letting out a loud laugh. “You’re ridiculous.” 
“I’m just trying to give you instructions, honey.” I pulled her close to me by our connected hands as she tilted her head forward. “Gonna teach you how to be a proper girlfriend, yeah?”
“You’re so British.” Her giggle faded as I moved closer to her lips. 
When I finally pressed a kiss to her soft lips, everything changed. 
I let go of her hand, pressing my palm against her cheek as I moved my mouth against hers. I felt my insides catch fire as she licked over my bottom lip. Her hands gripped my hoodie, pulling herself closer to me as her water bottle fell from my hand. I wrapped myself around her and for a brief second, I was worried about being caught kissing her. But as my tongue slipped over hers, my fears faded. My thoughts revolved around the soft noises she made when we kissed and the way her hands slipped up my back. She tasted like mint and she smelled like roses. 
“Harry,” She pulled back, gasping softly as I kissed over her cheek and towards her jaw. “Hey, Harry. We’re in public, darling.” 
“I don’t care.” I mumbled, pressing a soft kiss to the skin just below her ear. “I can’t stop kissing you.” 
“The quicker we finish this hike, the quicker we get back to the car,” She said, clearing her throat. “That means we’ll get to make out in private, without a small, tourist family staring at us.” 
My blood ran cold as I realized what she was saying. 
I pulled back, looking to my left as the family watched us. 
“Sorry.” I cleared my throat, leaning down to grab the bottle I dropped. “Let’s go.” 
Beatrice burst into loud laughter as we passed the family, leaning against me as we stumbled along the path. My face grew hot as she patted my stomach softly, cooing up at me. 
“It was nice for a minute, wasn’t it?” She said softly. “Thank you for kissing the breath right out of my lungs. It was a nice moment.” 
“You’re welcome,” I turned my head, pecking her lips. “Let’s finish this hike, girlfriend. I’m in need of more kisses and I’m not wasting anymore time.”
Beatrice’s POV 
When Harry and I made it to the top of the path, the view was stunning. 
We sat at the edge of the pool, our feet in the water as we continued our talk from earlier. My friends were most definitely going to kill me for acquiring a boyfriend before noon, but I didn’t care. I was riding cloud nine as Harry kept me tucked under his arm. I learned about his family back at home in England as we sat, his voice full of excitement as he told me about his school friends and his Mum. He told me that he had a flight leaving on Tuesday to Heathrow and that he was planning to spend two weeks with his Mum in Manchester. I was excited that he was going to have time to spend with her after such a long tour, but part of me was sad that we would have to part at some point. I didn’t say anything, smiling as he talked about the intense games that he would play with his Mum and Gemma at home. 
“What about your family?” He asked, brushing his hand over my arm. “Do they all still live in Virginia?” 
“Yeah.” I said slowly, clearing my throat. “We don’t have...the best relationship. It’s not awful, but it’s not exactly normal.” 
“Do you have any siblings?” He sounded completely unfazed by my statement.
“Yeah, brothers.” I mumbled, my finger dragging over the spot on my arm where my honeybee was tattooed. “If I tell you something, promise you won’t apologize or freak out.” 
“Beatrice, you can tell me anything.” His brows pulled together as I looked up at him, giving him a soft smile.
“The honeybee that I have on my arm,” I started. “That’s in honor of my brother, kind of. He used to call me honeybee all the time because of my name, you know? My mom would call me honey and he picked up on that, but then he started adding the bee on later. Beatrice is kind of hard for a five year old to say.” 
“I can imagine.” Harry chuckled. “Why shouldn’t I apologize?” 
“Because he’s dead.” I cleared my throat, looking back to the waterfall as I took a deep breath. I wasn’t sad or upset as I spoke. I had told the story so many times, it was almost like it belonged to someone else. “We don’t have to go into the details if it makes you uncomfortable. I know not everyone is as cavalier about death and loss as I am.” 
“I want to know what happened.” He said softly. “If you want to share, I’m here to listen.” 
“We knew that he was going to die because he was diagnosed with Muscular Dystrophy when he was about five or six. Most kids don’t live that long with the disease, so we always knew. The way that I used to explain it as a kid was ‘it’s a disease that melts your muscles’ and while that’s not far off, it’s not exactly accurate. It’s a disease that deteriorates your muscles and it started at his feet and then worked its way up. And your heart is a muscle, so naturally, that was the last thing to go.” I turned back to look at Harry, his mouth shut and his brows knitted together in the center. “How are you hanging over there?” 
“I’m...taking it all in.” He said slowly. “I’m also trying really hard not to apologize to you right now.” 
“It’s a reflex for some people.” I chuckled, squeezing his fingers. “I know that hearing that is a lot to deal with for a first date, but it’s better that you know now.” 
“I call you honeybee.” He said softly. “Does that bother you?” 
“Not at all.” I shook my head. “You just...naturally started calling me that. I used to hate when my Mom or family would try to call me that because it was his name for me, but I like hearing it from you. It almost felt like a sign in some way, like...he was approving of it somehow. I know that sounds insane, but I have a gut feeling that you two would get along swimmingly.” 
“It doesn’t sound insane.” He pulled me tighter against his side. “And you’re okay?”
“I’m fine.” I nodded. “I’ve been telling that story to people for twelve years and if I’m being honest, it’s kind of just...an extremely distant memory. It’s sad and you probably think I’m heartless for being so casual about it, but I spent a lot of time blocking out memories with him as a coping mechanism and now I’m just...well, whatever this is.” 
“That is sad.” He whispered. “If you ever want to talk to me about him or anything, I’m here for you.” 
“Thank you.” I let out a heavy sigh. “So, now that we’ve had that talk, I have another brother named Jack. He’s younger than me and quite possibly the funniest human being I’ve ever met. He’s my first drunk call when I’m out because he’s the first person I want to share things with after they happen.” 
“Is that who you were on the phone with earlier?” He asked. “When I pulled up?” 
“Yes.” I nodded. “He was bugging me about being in California. He’s never been and he’s always wanted to see Los Angeles.” 
“Well, next time you want to visit, let me know.” He said. “You can stay with me instead of renting out an airbnb.” 
“If I let Jack anywhere near you, he’s going to want to talk music.” I snorted out a laugh. “He has FL Studio and he’s really into making beats which is something I don’t understand, but he loves to death. He’s really into producing and stuff.” 
“I wouldn’t mind talking music with him.” Harry chuckled. “I would love to meet him someday.” 
We decided to make our way back after talking a little more about my dysfunctional family. We were nearly to the car when I remembered that tonight was Harry’s last show on his first solo tour. When I looked over at him, he was deep in thought. His brows were knitted together and he was staring at the ground as we walked. 
“So, are you excited for tonight?” I asked. 
“Hmm?” He asked. 
“Tonight,” I said softly. “I was just asking if you were excited?” 
“I am.” He gave me a half smile. “Lots of people are coming though. I know Hannah, the girl from last night will be there. Kendall will probably be there, Niall is definitely coming, Louis and Liam are still a little on the fence about it so I don’t know if they’ll be there.” 
“Holy shit,” I breathed out. “Niall Horan.” 
“Oi,” He pouted, stopping in his tracks. “I’ll be the one on stage, honey.” 
“I know.” I laughed at his childish pout. “It’s just...Niall was kind of my favorite member of the band, darling.” 
“What?” He screeched out, his eyebrows shooting up. “Bloody Niall?” 
“He was cute!” I exclaimed, trying not to laugh at his distress. “You can’t deny the Irish charm, Harry!” 
“I can, Beatrice!” He groaned. “I’m British.” 
“Oh, I’ve noticed.” I let out a laugh as Harry pulled me closer to him. “Don’t be so pouty about it, darling.” 
“I’m jealous.” He said softly, squeezing my fingers.
“Is that so?” I asked, my breath catching in my throat as he rubbed the tip of his nose over mine gently. “What are you going to do about that?” 
“There’s my naughty girl.” He hummed out. “When we get to the car, maybe you’ll find out.” 
My feet moved faster than they ever had before. 
When we made it to the car, Harry opened the door, ushering me inside the back seat with gentle hands. He climbed in after me, shutting the door before locking it behind us. I wasted no time straddling his lap, pressing my lips to his in a heated kiss. Something in me took over my actions, any prior fears about being sexual with someone else long gone. I hadn’t done much in lieu of sexual encounters with other people, but I had done a few things. Getting fingered outside of a bar after Valentine’s day before delivering a stellar blowjob was one of those things, but I really had the alcohol to thank for diminishing my fears that night. 
Harry’s hands landed on my bum, his fingers digging into the flesh there as I dug my fingers into the soft strands of hair at the back of his head. I tugged softly, moaning as my hips rolled forward against Harry’s. This was new for me and though it was a little nerve wracking, I wasn’t worried. My body knew what it was doing, moving against Harry with soft little rolls of my hips. He seemed to be enjoying it, if the bulge in his pants had anything to say about it. I whimpered when he pulled back, gently tugging at my lower lip with his teeth when he did. His lips weren’t gone for long, his tongue joining in on the fun when he pressed them back to mine. My toes felt numb and my body felt like it was on fire from just his kiss. 
“Harry?” I asked, tilting my head back as I tried to catch my breath. He kissed down the column of my throat greedily, suckling at the sensitive parts as I grinded harder against him. “I need more.” 
“What do you need from me?” He whispered in my ear, his voice husky and raspy. “Tell me what you want.” 
“Fingers.” I moaned when he pushed my jacket off of my shoulders, leaning into kiss at my collarbones. “I need your fingers.” 
“Dirty girl.” He cooed, sliding his palm from my side to my front. I clenched my eyes shut when he started to rub his fingers over my core through my leggings. “You need them like this?” 
“No.” I cried out. “I want them in me.” 
“Fuck,” He gasped, lifting his hand to squeeze gently at my breast as the other hand tilted my chin down. He kissed me fervently, pulling back as he rested his forehead against mine. “Are you sure?” 
“Yes.” I nodded. “I’m so sure.” 
“Have you…” He stopped. “Is this something you’ve done before?” 
“Are you asking me if I’ve been fingered?” I tried to fight off my smirk, rolling my lips in as he nodded. “I have, actually. It wasn’t the best experience of my life and I didn’t cum, but I have a feeling that you know what to do with your hands.” 
“Fuck me.” He groaned, “just...tell me exactly what you need and I’ll make it happen for you. I’m gonna make sure you cum on my fingers, honey.” 
I nodded, licking over my bottom lip as he awaited instruction. 
“You can put your hand down my pants.” I said softly. “If you want to, that is.” 
“I really, really want to.” 
He glanced between us as he trailed his fingertips down my stomach to the band of my leggings. He gripped the fabric between his fingers, letting it pop back against my skin as I groaned out. He chuckled softly, kissing my chin before he dipped his fingers past the waist. I held my breath, waiting for him to touch my clit, but he didn’t. Instead, his fingers dipped past my clit, rubbing over my lips slowly as he used his free hand to guide my eyes to his. His eyes were a darker shade of green, one that matched the shade that I saw last night after I was knocked over. 
“You’re fucking soaked, Beatrice.” He let out a shaky breath. “Who did this to you?” 
“Maybe it was Niall.” 
Harry looked up at me, his stare going blank as he stopped the movement of his fingers. 
I tried not to break composure, watching him unravel before my very eyes. I’d heard Woman before, I knew how jealous he could get and what it did to him. I wanted that Harry right now. 
“What did you just say to me?” He asked softly, tilting his head to the side.
“I said, maybe it was Niall.” I hummed out, moving my hips. He stopped them, gripping my side tight with his free hand. “We were talking about him earlier, weren’t we? Maybe that’s why I’m so wet.” 
“Beatrice.” His voice nearly came out in a growl, his nails digging into my plush sides. “You’re playing a dangerous game, angel.” 
“What game is that?” I inquired, a smug smirk painting over my lips. 
In a flurry of movements, I ended up on my back beneath Harry.
He pulled my leggings over my thighs, pressing his fingers flat against my entrance as he knelt to the ground beside the car seat. Tesla’s had a lot of legroom to offer and I was suddenly a major fan of that. Harry pressed a quick kiss to my lips as he dipped his pointer finger into me. I let out a shaky breath when he curled up, massaging that spot inside of me gently. 
“Are you okay with this?” Soft Harry was back, but I assured him with a quick nod. “Tell me if it’s too much, okay?” 
“I will.” I mumbled. “I quite liked ‘Angry Harry’ from before.” 
“Oh, he hasn’t gone anywhere.” He let out a dark chuckle, pulling his pointer finger out before sliding it back in. This time, it was accompanied by his middle finger. His thumb ghosted over my clit and I let out a soft string of curses as he grinned. “Not so smug now, are you?” 
“That feels really good.” I whimpered, lifting my hips up. “Harry-” 
“So now it’s me that’s made you this way, eh?” He brushed his nose over mine, his breath washing over my face as he started to move his fingers faster. “I thought Niall made you this wet, angel?” 
“You.” I whined, shaking my head. “Just you, Harry.” 
“That’s my girl.” He cooed, pressing the pad of his thumb to my clit. He moved it in soft circles as his fingers worked in and out of me. “S’that good?” 
“Move your thumb the other way.” I let my eyes slip shut, a small ball of pleasure accumulating in my lower belly, tightening with each stroke of his thumb and thrust of his fingers. “Just like that, H. Fuck.” 
“You’re so tight.” He let his lips brush over mine. “So tight and wet, just for me.” 
“Yes.” I whispered. “Just for you.” 
“You’re so beautiful like this.” He mumbled. “The little wrinkle between your brow as you clench down on my fingers. You’re so desperate to cum, aren’t you?” 
“Yes.” I repeated. “Yes, please.” 
“Are you close?” He hummed out. “Are you going to cum on my fingers for me, angel?” 
I nodded again, a low whine in my throat as my hips and thighs tensed up. 
I was right there on the edge, ready to explode underneath him. 
“Cum for me.” He stamped a quick kiss to my lips. “Cum on my fingers, Beatrice.” 
I bit my lower lip, reaching out with my left hand to grip Harry’s hoodie as he worked me through my orgasm. My whole body tensed up before falling lax against his back seat. That little whine that was caught in my throat escaped, a few moans following after as Harry really worked me though with his fingers. I opened my eyes slowly when he pulled them out, lifting them up to his lip before he rested them on his tongue. I cursed as he licked my arousal from his digits, grinning when he was finally done savoring my taste. 
“Taste like berries.” He leaned down, pressing his lips to mine. “Do you taste it?” 
I whimpered, nodding as he lifted his head up. 
“That was amazing.” I said softly, sitting up before I adjusted the waistband of my leggings over my stomach.  “You are amazing.” 
“Hm, I told you I was the jealous kind.” He giggled, kissing me softly as I brushed my fingers through his hair. 
“I’m glad that added to the moment.” I said, my cheeks hot under his gaze. “It was a shot in the dark, but fuck are you hot when you’re jealous.” 
“Normally, it would bother me,” He said. “But something about you doing made it feel fun and exciting.”
“Good.” I kissed his forehead. “Trade spots with me.” 
“You don’t have to-” 
“Plant your ass on the seat, Styles.” I patted the empty space next to me, watching as he hesitantly climbed up. “Are you okay with this?” 
“Yes.” He nodded. “Only if you are.” 
“I’m going to warn you,” I placed my palms on his thighs. “I’ve only given one blowjob and I was drunk. So I’m going to need a lot of feedback here.” 
“Noted.” He nodded, glancing down at my hands as they slid up to the waistband of his athletic shorts. “This is a good start.” 
“Thanks.” I giggled, rolling my eyes at him. He lifted his hips as I pulled his shorts past his bum and down to his thighs. I left them just above his knees, my eyes immediately zeroing in on his cock. “Fucking hell, it’s beautiful.” 
“Beatrice.” Harry whispered, a pained lilt to his tone. “You’re killing me.” 
“I’m admiring it.” I mumbled, brushing my fingers over the veiny shaft. I took a deep breath before I swallowed around the lump in my throat. “So beautiful.” 
I brushed my thumb under the head, a small stream of pre-cum drizzling out from the slit. I had heard on the internet that the head of a man’s cock often matched the color of his lips. Whoever made that observation was a genius. The tip of Harry’s cock was raspberry red, coated in a light glaze of pre-cum. 
I had never wanted to suck a man off so badly before, my tongue practically aching at the phantom weight. I leaned down, taking a deep breath as I guided his cock up. The tip pointed towards his stomach as I leaned forward, pressing a soft kiss to the underside of its head. Harry hissed in a sharp breath, shifting beneath me as I looked up at him. 
“I’m not going to last long.” He whimpered. “I don’t think I can do it.” 
“S’alright.” I whispered. “Just tell me when you’re close and I’ll swallow.” 
I pressed a few kisses against the veiny skin, my lips closed as I pecked over it gently. When I had made my way all the way up to the top, I started back down again. This time, I incorporated open mouth kisses, trailing my tongue over the veins every few seconds or so to keep him on his toes. When I made it to the base, I pushed his hoodie up, trailing my lips up to his ferns as I felt his hands fall on my shoulders.
After I felt his fingers digging into my shoulder blades, I lifted my hand, pulling at my hair elastic. My hair fell around my shoulder and face like a curtain. Harry didn’t waste a lot of time, threading the fingers of his left hand through the strands at the nape of my neck while his right fingers brushed my hair back from my face. 
“You’re stunning.” He whimpered, causing me to glance up at him as I flattened my tongue. I slowly licked up the underside of his shaft from the base to the tip. I pressed a kiss to the tip, glancing up at him. “Just like that, angel. You’re doing so well.” 
It was hard trying not to smile as I wrapped my lips around the head of his cock. 
I brushed my tongue over the spongy head before suckling softly and pulling off. I pressed a quick kiss to the top before I repeated the previous move. It wasn’t long before I was lowering my mouth, pulling back up as I tried to master sucking without teeth. Harry didn’t seem to mind that I wasn’t looking at him while I tried to take care of him. I could tell that he felt good by the string of curses falling from his mouth every time I took my mouth off of him.
It was kind of hot, feeling his fingers slowly guiding me back towards his cock as he tried to refrain from bucking his hips up. My fingers found purchase in his thighs, trying to steady myself as I pushed farther than I had before. Harry was big in my mouth, his cock heavy on my tongue and his tip poking against the back of my tongue. Now, he was pressing against the back of my throat. 
“I’m gonna cum.” His voice was higher in pitch, a desperate whine pulling from his throat as I pulled back up and suckled on the head of his cock. I took a few deep breaths, glancing up to see his eyes glued to my face. He was watching my every move. “I’m so close, Beatrice.”
“What do you need me to do?” I asked, replacing my mouth with soft strokes of my hand while I looked up at him. “Tell me what to do, darling.” 
“Don’t have to take me all the way again, that was…” He let out a breathy chuckle, brushing his thumb over the apple of my cheek. “Just put your lips around the head like you were doing. Suck on me while you’re looking up at me.” 
“Okay.” I smiled softly, lowering my mouth to his cock again.
I wrapped my lips around the bulbous and leaking head of his cock, sucking softly like I had done moments before. I kept stroking his shaft with my hand, keeping my eyes on his as I did so. He took in a few shallow breaths, his brows knitting together and his lips parting. His eyes started to flutter as he tightened his fingers in my hair. When his hips lifted just a little off the seat, I knew that was it for him. Seconds later, I felt a few spurts of warm cum coating my tongue. I didn’t think too hard on it, swallowing it down as I stroked him through his orgasm. 
“Beatrice,” He whimpered, dropping his hands to my arms with a grabby motion as I shifted. “Come up.” 
I obliged, climbing into his lap as our lips collided. 
He wrapped me in his arms, slipping his tongue over mine as I whimpered. 
When he pulled back from me, he had a blissed out smile on his lips and wide eyes. 
“You’ve...you’ve only given one other blow job besides that?” He asked, his chest heaving just a little as I nodded. “Your mouth is a daydream.” 
“Harry.” I groaned, swatting his shoulder. 
“I mean it.” He leaned forward for a quick peck, brushing my hair over my shoulders. “That was amazing, Beatrice. I really loved it.” 
“I’m glad.” I brushed my nose over his. 
“Can I ask you something?” He said softly, reaching up to scratch the side of his nose. “I don’t want to sound like a dick for asking, but I kind of have a feeling and I just...it doesn’t matter one way or the other, I just want to know.” 
“Ask away.” I said. “You can always talk to me too, you know? It’s a two-way street.” 
“I appreciate that more than you know.” He hummed out. “But I’m just curious about...are you a virgin?” 
“Yeah.” I nodded without hesitation. “It’s not something I try to hide from people, so I don’t mind sharing that with you.” 
“Is that just a personal choice you’ve made for yourself?” He asked. “Because I don’t want to push you or make you feel like you have to do things like that with me if you’re not ready. I can wait.” 
“If I’m going to be honest with you,” I said softly. “I’ve not had sex yet because there’s no one that’s really tried to have sex with me. I haven’t been holding out for any one reason.”
“No one has ever tried to have sex with you?” He asked, his brows shooting up to his hairline. “I find that so hard to believe.” 
“Harry,” I laughed, tossing my head back. “Stop it.” 
“I mean it.” He exclaimed, pressing his hands to my hips. “When I pulled into the driveway this morning and saw you standing there, I got hard just like that.” 
“No!” I exclaimed, pressing my hands to his chest with a breathless laugh. “You didn’t?” 
“I did.” He nodded. “I was very upset with myself for it, honestly. Felt like a proper dick.” 
“I’m going to take a shot every time you say the word proper.” I reached up, tapping the pad of my finger against his nose. “And I really love this moment we’re having, but I desperately need coffee or a nap….or both.” 
“You can have both?” He asked. “You can have a coffee and then go to bed?” 
“Yeah.” I shrugged. “I drink a lot of coffee in a day, the first cup is like a small kick starter, but cups three through five are what really rev me up.” 
“Oh my,” Harry shook his head. “I’m going to have to keep an eye on you.” 
“Absolutely.” I nodded. 
Harry’s POV 
Beatrice and I stopped at Starbucks on the way back to her airbnb. 
On the way there, it was decided that I was staying to take a nap with her. She texted Gemma from my phone, asking if she could bring an outfit to the airbnb with one of my cars so we could all fit in two vehicles on the way to brunch. When we made it back to her airbnb, everyone was still sleeping soundly. Claire was curled up on the couch with Chloe just below her. Matt was tucked into Chloe’s side and Jackson and Tara were nowhere to be seen. 
When we walked in, I wasn’t surprised that Beatrice had chosen this as the airbnb they stayed in. It was extremely cute, little vintage touches splashed in here and there. There was a small acoustic guitar tucked in the corner of the living room and a light blue record player with a record collection on a console table in front of the window by the front door. Beatrice guided me past the kitchen and down the hall towards her room in the house. She explained that she got the room with an ensuite bathroom that I could use it while she snuck off to Claire’s. 
Showering together was slightly different than sharing a steamy moment in the back of my car. There was nothing to hide behind and I could tell the thought of that made her uncomfortable. I gladly accepted her offer and over-sized band shirt and soft sweatpants before going into the restroom. There were a few products scattered around on the small sink that made me smile. We shared the same face wash, which was a good thing for my skin. During my shower, I started to get lost in my own head. Beatrice was at the forefront of my mind, her face plastered on the big screen as I replayed our moment by the waterfall. 
I could tell there was so much more to her family problems than just the loss of her brother, but I didn’t want to push. She had already shared so much with me today and I knew that we would have plenty of time to share more in the future if she wanted. I could tell that she was already back in the bedroom connected to her bathroom as I stepped out of the shower and I wasted no time slipping into the clothes she lent me. The sweatpants were a little short, but they fit me perfectly around the waist and legs. The shirt she lent me was soft and it smelled like her, her perfume permanently weaved through the fabric. 
“Man does it feel good to wash away a hangover.” I let out a heavy sigh as I walked out. 
It was slightly darker in the room, the curtains pulled shut and the door closed. Beatrice looked over her shoulder at me, smiling brightly as I walked forward. I placed my hands on her hips, giving them a soft squeeze before I stole a few kisses from her. 
“Have you picked a side?” I asked, nuzzling my nose against the shell of her ear. 
“No.” She said softly, resting her hands on my forearms. “Which side do you want?” 
“The right.” I said. “I like sleeping closest to the door.” 
“I like sleeping away from it. Look at us, like peanut butter and jelly.” She giggled. “It’s about nine forty-five and we aren’t leaving for brunch until twelve-thirty. Gemma and I made reservations for a small cafe and they’ve closed their back patio off for us.” 
“That was nice of them.” I squeezed Beatrice with a soft hum before I let go of her. I climbed over the foot of the bed, tucking my legs under the covers. She smiled at me before tucking herself in “Do you like to cuddle?” 
“I always sleep on my front with my leg and arm tossed over a pillow.” She chuckled. “I have a body pillow at home that I snuggle with, but I’ve never cuddled with an actual person....besides Claire, at least.”  
“Well, I love to cuddle.” I tapped my tummy with my palm, smiling as she shuffled closer to me. She rested her head on my shoulder, but that was all. “Don’t be shy, honey. I don’t bite...well not when I’m cuddling, at least.” 
“You have jokes, Styles.” She mumbled, hooking her leg over mine as she rested her arm against my stomach. I kissed the top of her head, smiling as she let out a happy sigh. “You smell good.” 
“I smell like you.” I tried not to laugh, afraid to jostle her. “I used all of your stuff.” 
“Good.” She said. “You’re saving the planet at least. I like no waste, vegan products that come in bottles made of recycled material.” 
“Look at you,” I hummed out, rubbing my palm over her back as she tucked her arm under my back. “Responsible and ethical. Gemma will love that.” 
“Harry?” She sounded far off, her voice fading with each word. “M’falling asleep.” 
“Go on then.” I whispered. “I’m right behind you.” 
I didn’t get a response, my heart fluttering in my chest. 
The warmth of her body had me slowly falling asleep, my eyes fluttering shut as she gripped onto my borrowed shirt with her fingers. 
Falling in love with Beatrice was the easiest thing to do. 
Claire’s POV 
When I woke up, I felt like death. 
My mouth was dry and my eyes felt glued together with the makeup left on. I refused to take it off last night, despite Bea and Tara’s arguments and attempts to wipe it off themselves. Chloe and I were definitely the lightweights out of the group, a few drinks knocked back and we were two sheets to the wind. I sat up, brushing my hand over my face as I groaned loudly. If I remembered correctly, Chloe was just beneath me on the floor, sleeping on a pallet of blankets and couch cushions. That girl could sleep anywhere if she wanted. 
I glanced down to see Matt with her, his head tucked under her chin and his body wrapped around her like a koala. I smiled even though it hurt to see them so happy together. Chloe and Matt were the classic definition of highschool sweethearts. They had been together through everything and I was often envious of the love they shared. There was one other couple in our friend group, but they were different.
I carefully stepped over Matt and Chloe, walking towards the master bedroom of our airbnb. Before I made it there, I stopped at the door next to mine. I wondered how my best friend was doing after last night. She, much like every other girl I knew, always had a crush on Harry Styles. Last night, she lived out the ultimate dream of every fangirl. I twisted the doorknob, carefully sliding in before I shut the door behind me.
 Before I even stepped into the room, I realized that she wasn’t alone. She was curled into Harry’s side, her head on his chest and his lips pressed into her forehead. My heart ached at the sight, the soft look on Bea’s face an expression I hadn’t seen on her in a while. As I was slowly retreating backwards, Harry spoke. 
“I see you over there.” His morning voice was deep and my eyes widened in shock. “I’m sorry I stole your best friend this morning.” 
“Don’t be.” I said softly. “I didn’t even notice.” 
“What time is it?” He lifted his head, rubbing at his eyes with his free hand. 
“Um, eleven, I think.” I rolled my lips in, glancing around the room as he nodded. I felt like I was invading an extremely private moment “You guys can sleep a little longer. I just thought I would pop in to check on her.” 
“I can make myself scarce if you want to take over?” Harry chuckled, glancing over at Beatrice and then back at me. “I can start up some coffee for everyone.” 
“No, don’t do that.” I shook my head. “Beatrice is horrible when she’s been woken up by someone else. She’ll bite your head off.” 
“I’m awake now.” She groaned, turning her head into Harry’s chest. “You’re so loud.”
“We’re not that loud.” I snorted out a laugh. “I’m going to shower and get ready for brunch.” 
“We’re leaving at twelve.” Beatrice sat up, a grumpy pout on her lips. “How do you feel?” 
“I’m okay.” Beatrice patted the end of her bed and I glanced back at Harry before slowly moving forward. I sat on the edge, the foot of the wrought iron bed-frame pressing into my back. 
“I made you a birthday hangover kit.” Bea said softly. “It’s on your bed.” 
“Thank you, Bea.” I said. “But I’m actually not feeling that bad.” 
“I think In N Out at three in the morning might have helped.” She giggled, leaning back into Harry as he rubbed his hand over her back. “Did you have fun, birthday girl.” 
“Loads.” I smiled. “But I’m excited for brunch today. Harry, your sister is so nice!” 
“I think you met the wrong sister,” He hummed out, shaking his head. “My sister is a pest.” 
“Your sister is a saint.” I gasped. “I’m excited for tonight, as well.” 
“You know?” Beatrice asked. “Did I tell you last night?” 
“No, but Harry asked if it was okay.” I shrugged. “I told him that I’ve been dying to see him live, so we’re going, per the birthday girl’s wishes.” 
Beatrice wouldn’t willingly go to a concert on my birthday weekend if I didn’t convince her that I wanted to go just as bad. She stared me down, trying to gauge whether or not I was telling the truth to her. I rolled my eyes, pushing her shoulder before I stood up from the foot of her bed. 
“It was nice talking to you losers, but I need to go take a very long shower to wash away the hangover that is still lingering.” I held up a peace sign. “I’ll see you at twelve.”
“You’ll see me before twelve, I need help picking what to wear.” Beatrice called out as I shut the door behind me. 
It made me happy to see her so comfortable with a man. 
As I walked into the master bedroom, I rolled my eyes at the sight of Tara and Jackson curled up on my bed. 
Bea’s POV 
When Claire walked out, I turned back to smile at Harry. 
He’d slipped his hand up my shirt, brushing his fingers over my back while I talked to Claire. It was comforting, the feeling of him reassuring me when he knew I was in distress. I was worried that Claire would be mad at me for bringing Harry back. He had already taken over an entire day of our vacation. He must have felt the relieved sigh I let out when Claire told me she was excited for today’s activities. I wanted this vacation to be nothing short of perfect. 
“Did you have a good nap?” I asked, leaning back into his arms as he nodded. “Good, you deserved some sleep.” 
“You were very sweet to me in my sleep.” He pressed a few soft kiss against my temple. “No kicking or pushing, just sweet cuddles and a tiny bit of drool.” 
“I do not drool.” I turned my head, glaring at him. “Take that back.” 
“Oh, you do.” He giggled, shaking his head. “I won’t take back the truth.” 
“That’s awful.” I groaned, pressing my hands to my face. “We’re spooning from now on.” 
“I don’t mind that at all.” He hummed out, kissing at the skin of my neck now. “Being pressed against you while I sleep sounds like a great plan.” 
“Oh, yeah?” I giggled, turning my body around before I straddled him. “Well, you’re not the only one who’s awake, are you?” 
I glanced between our bodies, my cheeks growing warm as I felt Harry’s cock pressing into my core. I tried not to move, looking back up at him with a smug smile. He gulped, sliding both hands up my shirt as he leaned forward to press our lips together. I smiled into the kiss, pressing my hands to his shoulders as he bucked his hips up. A soft whine pulled from my throat as he did, a shockwave of pleasure shooting from head to toe. Harry broke the kiss, ducking his head down to continue his earlier path of kisses on my neck. 
“Harry.” I tilted my head back, letting out a soft sigh as he moved one hand around to my front. He let his fingers trail up, sliding over my breast before he pinched my nipple. “Oh.” 
“S’that good?” He breathed in my ear, tugging at the lobe as his finger continued to tug gently at my nipple. I nodded, feeling Harry smile against my neck. “Want it to feel better?” 
“Yes.” I nodded, gulping around the lump in my throat. I was so turned on by Harry, the tension in the room so thick I could feel it. “Please.” 
“Lift your arms up.” He whispered, removing his hands from my skin. I groaned at the loss of contact, but I did as I was told. “Good girl.” 
He pulled my shirt over my head, tossing it to the end of the bed. 
Harry’s eyes trailed over my skin, the look on his face almost unreadable. I felt nervous, being so exposed in front of Harry so early. But when he leaned forward to press a few scattered kisses over my collarbone, I didn’t feel so afraid. He kissed a trail down towards my right breast, kissing around my nipple as I rested my hands on his shoulders. 
“You’re so beautiful.” He whispered. “Can I?” 
His breath ghosted my nipple and I knew what he was asking. 
“Please.” I whispered. 
When his tongue licked over my nipple, I nearly lost it. Seconds later, his lip was wrapped around my nipple and my body was moving on its own. I rolled over his hard cock, whining as he suckled softly on the hardening bud of my nipple. 
“Hey, Bea,” The door to my room opened before I could process what was happening. “Can I borrow- holy fuck!” 
“Jackson!” I cried out, my whole body flushing cold as I realized what was happening. “Get out!” 
“Sorry!” He called back, bumping into the doorway as Harry lifted the blankets around my body. He let me bury my face into his neck as Jackson fumbled. “I didn’t see anything.” 
“Oh my god.” I groaned, gripping at Harry’s t-shirt. “That was mortifying.” 
“Don’t be upset.” He said softly. “He didn’t see anything.”
“I can’t believe he caught us doing that.” I lifted my head, pouting my lip out. “I can’t even imagine if we were doing more.” 
“It would be okay,” Harry smiled, reaching up to brush a stray strand of hair from my face. “It’s a natural thing.” 
“Why are you so cute?” I sighed out. “You’re fucking precious, Harry.” 
“I love when you call me that.” He said softly. “Everyone always calls me H because I ask them to, but I like when you call me Harry.” 
“I’ll keep doing it then.” I smiled. “Well, on that note, I’m not feeling so sexy anymore. I think I should get up and start getting ready.” 
“You are still very sexy.” He kissed my lips. “And I hope that you enjoyed what was happening before we were so rudely interrupted.”
“I definitely was.” I whispered. “I wouldn’t mind a repeat of that some other time.” 
“It’s a date.” Harry laughed, wrapping his arms around me. 
We climbed out of bed, making ourselves decent before we decided to go to the kitchen for coffee. I hoped that someone had started brewing the coffee that I prepped the day before. When I opened the bedroom door, Harry right behind me, I smelled it down the hall. Harry pressed his hand to my hip as we shuffled into the kitchen. Jackson’s face went red when he saw us and Tara watched Harry with a smirk as we walked towards the cupboard. 
“Good morning everyone.” I said, reaching for two mugs. 
“Where’s the coffee creamer?” Harry asked softly. 
“You drink your coffee black.” I said, my brows furrowing as I started to pour the coffee. 
“You don’t though.” He said. “Do you have some in the fridge?” 
“I can get it-” Harry cut me off with a peck to my lips. He walked towards the fridge, opening it up as I turned back to look at everyone. 
“Vanilla or White Chocolate Raspberry?”
“White Chocolate.” I said, narrowing my eyes at Tara and Jackson. “Don’t you two start.”
“We’re not doing anything!” Jackson exclaimed. 
“You’re looking at me like I have three heads.” I groaned, putting the coffee pot back as Harry poured creamer in one of the mugs for me. 
“No, I’m looking at you like I just saw you getting-” 
“Lalalala.” I said, holding my hands over my ears. “We’re not talking about it.” 
“I’m just glad you finally got laid, sister.” Jackson snorted out a laugh and I turned on my feet to glare at him. “It’s about damn time.”
“Jackson!” I exclaimed. 
“I’m kidding, I’m kidding.” He held a hand up. “I just wanted to make you do that thing with your face.” 
“It is a cute expression.” Harry hummed out. “Are you calm enough to hold your mug or do I need to keep it.” 
“I can take my mug.” I grumbled. “I don’t like the level of abuse in this house right now.” 
“It’s all out of love, Bea.” Jackson chuckled. “Now that you’re done fucking, can I borrow your shampoo?” 
Harry’s POV 
The peanut gallery nearly had Beatrice permanently red. 
It was adorable the first few times, but after that, I was starting to get annoyed for her. I could tell that she was a little embarrassed by their constant teasing, her body sinking with every comment made. There was an art to teasing your friends, and I felt like they were beating a dead horse. I kept my hand on her thigh the entire drive, squeezing it softly as she looked out the window. Every now and again she would join in on the conversation, but her voice wasn’t as confident and bubbly as it normally was. I also noticed that she’d started nibbling at her nails, her knee bouncing up and down nervously as she mentally spiraled, lost in her own head. I let out a heavy sigh, reaching for her hand with my own to keep her from biting at her nails. We pulled up to a stoplight and I turned my head towards her with a soft smile. 
“Kiss?” I asked softly, puckering my lips out. 
She leaned over the console, giving me a quick peck and a soft smile. 
“Oh, god,” Tara groaned from the backseat. “They’re at it again.” 
“Okay, that’s enough teasing.” Claire spoke up, a stern edge to her voice masked behind a thin veil of politeness.  “The poor girl can only handle so much in a day, let’s not push it.” “We’re just having fun-” 
“Well, it’s not fun for me.” Beatrice grumbled, sinking further in her seat. 
“We’ll stop.” Jackson said. “I’d much rather tease Claire for trying to use a street lamp as a pole last night.” 
“That was iconic, Jackson.” Claire said. “You wish you had my skills.” 
Gemma and Michael were lucky enough to get an empty car, everyone piling into the Tesla when it was time to go. I secretly wished that I had given Gemma the Tesla so Bea and I could go off on our own. When we pulled into the restaurant, everyone piled out except for Beatrice, Claire, and I. I looked in the rearview mirror, catching Claire’s sympathetic look. 
“Bea.” She turned towards her friend. “Why are they bothering you?” 
“They’re not.” She mumbled, turning her head back towards Claire. “It’s just...I never tease them for stuff like this. And Tara might have come into my room this morning to talk with me about everything and it was just….she meant well, but it made me mad.” 
“What did she say?” I asked, squeezing her fingers. “Was it about me?” 
“It was about both of us.” She cleared her throat. “But this is brunch and we’re gonna have fun. It’s not that serious, I’m just a little nervous because we’re all stuck together and this will be my first time really talking to Gemma. I don’t want it to go bad.” 
“It won’t.” Claire said. “And I’ll take care of the Tara thing.” 
“Don’t, Claire-” 
She cut Beatrice off. 
“I’m taking care of the Tara thing.” She said sternly. “Everyone else does it all the time and you never get to let loose and have fun. So fuck ‘em, babe.” 
“Thanks, Claire.” She smiled at her friend, a genuine Beatrice smile. 
My heart felt a little lighter when Claire slipped out of the car to catch up with everyone. 
“I’m sorry.” Beatrice mumbled. “I didn’t know everyone would be so….annoying about this whole thing.”
“It’s not your fault.” I whispered. “I think they’re just excited about the whole thing. Just listen to Claire and ignore them. You’ve got blessings from the birthday girl.” ‘
“She’s amazing, isn’t she.” Beatrice chuckled. “I love her.” 
“I’m starting to as well.” I snorted out a laugh. “She’s most definitely my favorite.” 
“Good.” She smiled. “I’m ready to go in if you are.” 
“Let’s just take a few more minutes to ourselves.” I said. “I want to make sure we go in with positive attitudes.” 
I told Beatrice at least twenty jokes, her hand pressed to her stomach when I opened her car door for her. There weren’t too many people out and about today, but there were a few lingering gazes as we walked hand in hand to the cafe. She didn’t seem fazed by the staring, but I was a little worried that word would spread. The last thing I wanted was to involve Beatrice and her friends in a swarm of paparazzi and fans. When we made it to the back patio, Claire saved two seats next to her at the end of the table. We sat down right across from Gemma and Michael who were lost in their own little world. 
“Good morning, sister.” I nudged her foot under the table. “Michael.” 
“Good morning.” They both parroted back to us. 
“I see you snuck out quite early this morning, Harry.” Gemma noted, looking up at me with a smug smirk. “Where did you go?” 
“We went on a walk.” I bumped Bea’s shoulder with my own, winking at her when she looked up at me. A soft blush blossomed on her freckled cheeks “We just went to Solstice Canyon.” 
“Oh, that’s a lovely park.” Gemma nodded. “Did you enjoy it, Bea?” 
“Yeah, I did.” She nodded back at my sister. “I’m sorry I hijacked your brother from you this morning.” 
“You can keep him.” Gemma snorted out a laugh. “Beatrice, has Harry told you about the time he played church mouse in a Christmas Play? He was about five or six then.” 
“No, he hasn’t.” Beatrice looked up at me as my face went bright red. 
“He wee’d himself on stage he was nervous.” She giggled, looking over at me. “But he was a proper cute mouse. I have pictures if you’d like to see.” 
“Why do you still have pictures?” I groaned. 
“Because you were an adorable little rat.” She smiled up at me. “Still are.”
Bea’s POV 
Tara and Jackson had never acted so rude before. 
I was so annoyed by their constant teasing in the car about Harry and I that I couldn’t even stand to look at them during brunch. Instead, I kept my focus on Gemma, Michael, Harry, and Claire. They were the highlight of my day so far, joking around with good intentions as we waited for the waitress to come take our drink orders. Chloe and Matt were lost in their own world, whispering down at their end of the table without so much as a second glance at everyone else. I never understood their ‘attached at the hip’ deal until Harry. I would gladly sit in a corner and talk to only him while everyone else dicked around. But I had a sister to impress. 
“So hotel sales sounds interesting.” Gemma said, taking a sip of her water. “How did you get into that?” 
“I fell into it really.” I shrugged my shoulders. “My mom works in hotels and I started helping her out when she needed an extra hand. Eventually, I caught the attention of one of our sales managers and she took me under her wing.” 
“And what exactly do you do?” Gemma asked. 
“So I do more event planning than anything, but I essentially set and build rate plans with our accounting team and I make sure that groups and stuff have the right rate. I do a lot of networking with people to bring in revenue for our catering and front desk team.” 
“That’s really cool.” Gemma said. “I would love to plan parties.” 
“It’s fun, but it can definitely be challenging from time to time.” I laughed. 
“Hello, everyone!” Our waitress bound up to the table, standing right next to Claire with a notepad in hand. “Are you guys ready to order drinks?” 
“Yes.” Claire nodded. “Can we do two pitchers of the O.G Mimosa’s and then two pitchers of the blood orange mimosas?”
“Absolutely.” The waitress jotted down the order, but my stomach churned at the thought of champagne. “Anything else?” 
“Yes, actually,” Harry said. “Is there any other alternative to champagne? I read somewhere that people substitute it with hard sparkling cider.” 
“Oh, yeah!” She nodded. “That’s actually how I drink it. What I suggest is getting the ‘orange juice bar’ which is just a few different flavors of orange juice and then two cans of cider per person. You mix it up yourself in a champagne flute so you’re in control of the amount.” 
“The two of us will do that.” Harry gestured towards me with a soft smile. “And two orders of the waffle bar as an appetizer for the table.” 
“Perfect!” The waitress nodded. “I’ll be right back with all of that for you guys.” 
“Thank you.” We all said in unison. 
“Hard cider?” Claire asked Harry, a knowing smirk on her lips as she sipped at her water.
“Beatrice doesn’t like champagne.” Harry shrugged, squeezing my shoulder softly. He’d slung his arm around the back of my chair earlier and I was grateful that I could lean into his side as we all chatted. “Figured we’d save her the hassle of a nasty hangover.” 
“That’s really sweet, Harry.” Claire cooed. 
“It really is.” I squeezed his thigh, smiling up at him as a warm feeling flooded my chest. “I really appreciate that, Harry. Thank you.” 
“Of course.” He hummed out, leaning forward. He gave me a soft kiss on the lips before kissing my nose. “I know you’re excited about the waffle bar, too.” 
“Extremely.” I nodded. “I can’t wait to try the blueberry syrup and the chocolate waffle.” 
“That sounds perfect.” Claire groaned. 
“What should I get for food though?” He hummed softly. “I’m really torn between the avocado toast and the french toast.” 
“I had a feeling that you would be an avocado man.” I scrunched up my nose, glancing over at him as he rested his chin on my shoulder. “I think I’m going for the french toast. I can’t stop thinking about how good that triple berry trifle was and now I just want berries.” 
“Yeah?” He chuckled. “Maybe I’ll join you.” 
“Or you could get something different and we can split and share.” I suggested, glancing back at him. “That way, if you don’t like yours or I don’t like mine, we can swap.” 
“You’re so bloody brilliant, you know that?” Harry smirked, leaning forward to kiss me again. “I like the way you think.” 
Gemma fake gagged from across the table and I rolled my eyes playfully as Harry groaned at her response. He stuck his tongue out at her and she mimicked the action. I laughed at the two of them as they continued to bicker back and forth as if they were all still five years old. 
“Think I’m going to get the calamari, Gem. What do you think?” Michael asked. 
It was my turn to let out a fake gagging noise similar to the one Gemma made, scrunching up my nose.
“Is that what you consider brunch food, Michael?” She laughed before leaning over to kiss his cheek as he blushed. “Whatever makes you happy.” 
“Squid makes me happy.” 
“Gross,” I mumbled under my breath. “Squid?” 
“Not a fan of squid, I take it?” Harry squeezed my thigh and I shook my head in response. 
“Not a fan of seafood either, squid.” I glanced over at him, a small shiver of disgust racking down my spine. 
“And to think, I almost ordered the calamari.” He hummed, a teasing glint in his eyes. “Guess it’s a good thing that I didn’t.” 
“Yeah, it is.” I said playfully. “There would be no more kisses for you after that.” 
“Well, no more squid for me then.” He leaned over, pressing his lips to mine. “Wouldn’t want to miss out on any of these sweet kisses, would I?” 
“I suppose not.” I giggled when Harry kissed me again, only pulling away because the waitress returned to the table. 
Our cider and orange juices were sat down in front of us before the pitchers were brought to the table. Claire wasted no time pouring herself a glass while the waffle bar was brought out. I was so excited to try my new form of mimosa that I didn’t even worry about the waffles. Harry noticed my excitement, grabbing a can of the hard cider. I watched him pop the top with his nimble fingers, my eyes glued to every movement of his hand as he poured the cider into the glass. 
“Which do you want?” He asked me, putting the can down. “I didn’t even know there was more than one flavor of orange juice.” 
“Do the dark orange one there,” I suggested, pointing at the carafe. “It’s blood orange, just like the seltzer.” 
“That sounds delightful.” He hummed, wrapping his fingers around the carafe. My mouth watered as I watched his hands work again, pouting and shuffling things around effortlessly. “Something on your mind, Beatrice?” 
“Hmmm?” I asked, snapping my eyes up to his. 
He was smirking at me, the carafe of blood orange juice still in his hands. 
“You seem a little distracted.” He said softly. “Care to tell me what’s on your mind?” 
“I’d rather not while your sister is at the table.” I whispered. “Thank you so much for this, darling. I really appreciate it.” 
“Of course.” He held his glass up to mine. “Drink up.” 
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ithebookhoarder · 3 years
Chapter 19: In Sickness and in Health (The Gangster’s Daughter)
Description: Life for Tommy Shelby was pretty ordinary; all he ever had to worry about were his family, their business and the Blinders. Nothing more, nothing less. Well, that was until his ‘daughter’, a twelve-year-old girl called Evelyn Westmore, was thrown into his life, dredging up feelings and things from the past he’d done very well to forget.
Also available on AO3:
Warnings: Original Character(s), Canon-Typical Violence, Grief/Mourning, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Implied/Referenced Drug Use, Explicit Language, Gangsters, Period Typical Attitudes, Parent Tommy Shelby, Implied/Referenced Dubious Consent.
The next morning was when Evie finally learned the definition of a hangover. A real hangover. Like, Arthur after a night at the Garrison hangover.
She had barely been conscious a minute before she realised her head was pounding. It was as if someone was driving a hammer into her skull over and over again.
She didn’t dare open her eyes, knowing instantly the pain was going to be too much.
“Fuck,” she whined, pushing her face into her pillow, wondering if by some miracle she could go back to sleep. Of course, it was clear that wasn’t going to happen. Not when she also currently felt like she was suffering from the worst case of sea sickness known to human kind. It made her stomach churn uneasily, and she could feel her whole body shaking.
Evie groaned, weakly turning over to try and sit up in bed. She knew for a fact that her hair was most likely a hell of mess, and the fact her breath felt like acid left her heavily confused.
She honestly had no idea what the hell had happened to her, or why the hell she felt the way she did. It was as if someone had scrubbed her mind so clean it was raw. There was a huge chunk of time missing from her mind from the night before.
What the hell happened?
With a sigh, she peeled back the covers and began to brave her way down to the kitchen below.
Tommy, needless to say, was waiting in the main room, a paper spread out in front of him and a cup of tea in hand. John was also in the kitchen, Arthur beside him as they scoffed their way through the food in front of them - courtesy of Polly.
The woman truly was an angel.
Her father glanced up as he heard Evie enter, only to start laughing at her miserable face. He was enjoying this; she could tell. If she’d had any strength she’d probably have tried to wipe that smile off his face. But she didn’t. She merely shuffled in, sat in the nearest chair and let out a small moan at the fresh smell of food in the air.
“Why do I have bulls stamping on my brain?”
“Because you thought it was a smart idea to challenge Johnny boy here, to a pissing contest,” Tommy remarked calmly, hiding his grin behind his paper. It was clear from his windswept hair and the smell of soot about him he’d been up sometime, already venturing out into the city. How he got the resilience, Evie could never explain.
“Which I won, by the way,” John protested, looking unfairly healthy as he helped himself to his breakfast. The smell alone was enough to make Evie want to empty her stomach everywhere.
“But she gave an admirable attempt,” Arthur heckled. “Worthy of the Shelby name I’d say. Almost drank a bottle of her own before she keeled over. Not bad for a slip of a thing.”
Evie groaned, dropping her face down into her hands. “I hate you all.”
“So you don’t want some hot coffee then?” Polly chuckled, placing the cup down in front of her. “Drink that. It’ll help.”
Evie took her at her word, all but downing the steaming drink, praying it helped in some way. “Why do you all drink so much if this how you feel afterwards?”
“You learn your limits,” her father chided. “You build up an immunity too.”
“Clearly I didn’t inherit your Shelby skill.”
“No, but you have determination,” Tommy chuckled. “Clearly you’ve had good teachers.”
“Or bad influences,” Polly countered, turning to glare at her nephews.
“One day, she’ll look back on this and laugh.”
“Not anytime soon, by the looks of her.”
Evie groaned all over again. “I’m right here. You don’t have to talk about me like I’m not - actually, better yet, why doesn’t everyone whisper?”
Evie was half way out of her seat and ready to murder Arthur in a heartbeat. It was only Polly’s warning glare that stopped her. That, and the sudden nausea caused by moving so fast.
“Sit down,” her aunt scoffed, placing a plain piece of buttered toast in front of her. “Eat that and then go back to bed. You’ll feel better. I promise. This lot will be gone soon.”
“Sooner the better,” Evie grumbled half heartedly, even though she didn’t mean it. Still, John clearly got the hint and took that as his cue to excuse himself from the meal.
“Right,” John grinned, donning his cap. “I’m off to the garage. Be back in a bit, yeah? Meeting Lizzie so she can cook.” The others nodded, murmuring various acknowledgements as he slipped out into the street.
“I have business too,” Arthur grinned, rising from his seat and patting Evie’s shoulder as he did so. “Just sleep it off, ey? And don’t drink anything Polly gives you. You’d rather die on your own terms than have one of her miracle cures.”
Arthur sniggered, leaping out of the doorway as Polly rose to slap the smile off of his face. Still, Evie took his word for it. She loved her aunt but she had a suspicion Arthur knew what he was on about. Especially judging by the slightly queazy look on her father’s face.
“The bloody cheek.”
“Leave him, Pol,” Tommy soothed. “He isn’t worth it."
“I wish I’d let Evie rip his throat out now.”
“Oh, there’s still time. Maybe later.”
Evie chuckled under breath. She’d hold him to that. For now, though, she was content to simply make her way through the plate of buttered toast and endless mugs of coffee Polly put before her. “Thank you,” she beamed, watching as Polly kissed her head before helping herself to her own breakfast.
That was how they stayed for the next half hour or so. Once they’d finished, Evie took the plates and went to wash up as a gesture of her gratitude. It also left her father and Polly alone, both of whom had been shooting odd looks at one another to the point where Evie almost wanted to call them out on it.
If they had something to say, they should just say it… unless they didn’t want her to hear?
So, she gave them space, washing dishes and listening to their soft voices echoing through the open doorway.
Evie didn’t need to hear more than the words ‘talk’ and ‘Lizzie’ to know what this was about. It had only been days since John had told her he was thinking of asking Lizzie to marry him. Evie still didn’t know how she felt about it, even though she wanted John happy and she liked Lizzie well enough. However, by the sounds of it, she didn’t have to worry about it any longer.
“Fuck,” Pol muttered. “You gonna tell him? Or am I?”
“I will.”
“Tell him what?” Evie asked slowly.
She couldn’t help it any longer. Her curiosity was greater than her fear of being scolded for eavesdropping. Besides, it was hardly like this conversation was that private. Else, they’d have taken it to the offices on the other side of the shop floor if they hadn’t want to be overheard.
She simply stepped into the doorway and waited for an answer.
Tommy sighed. He blew out a thin stream of smoke and looked at Pol. The look between them was enough for them to understand one another.
Polly blinked. “That leopards never change their spots.”
Just like that, Evie felt even sicker - something she hadn’t thought possible. It didn’t take a genius to work out what Polly was referring to. Part of her hoped she was wrong though, that her father and aunt hadn’t conspired to break John’s heart.
She watched her father go and turned back towards the stairs. All she wanted now was to crawl into bed and sleep the remainder of the headache away. “Fuck.”
It appeared she wasn’t the only one who would be suffering that day.
Thankfully, after a hot bath, plenty of coffee and a long sleep, Evie felt almost as good as new. She didn’t even mind the fact her father decided to wake her the following morning, ripping open the curtains and letting the morning sunshine burst into the room.
“Rise and shine, Evelyn.”
Evie groaned, pulling the pillow over her head in a vain attempt to block his voice out. “What’s the smile for?”
“Get dressed and you’ll find out.”
As if the shock of seeing her father in her room wasn’t enough to peak her interest, his proposition definitely did the trick. Evie was alert instantly. She couldn’t actually remember the last time he’d woken her up, let alone in such an odd mood.
She tried not to laugh as he tugged the covers off of her, doing his best as she clung on for dear life. Playful Tommy was rare. She half expected a cold bucket of water over the head or for him to be banging pans together instead.
“Dad,” Evie whined, surrendering and sitting upright. “What the hell is going on?”
“As I say, get dressed and come downstairs. We’ve got somewhere to be,” her father explained, gesturing to the dresser in the corner of the room.
To her utter surprise, a dress was already laid out and waiting for her - a beautiful sky blue dress, but one she’d never seen before.
Had he bought it for her?
“Polly picked it our for you so don’t keep her waiting,” he continued, as if sensing her questions. However, he gave her no more opportunities to ask them as he turned and left her to get ready for the absurd day ahead of them.
Evie couldn’t even begin to process it all. What had just happened? Was she still dreaming?
She managed to pry herself from her bed and wander over towards the dress. A single touch of the silky fabric was enough to prove this wasn’t a dream. This was very very real… and very expensive.
“Damn it, Pol,” she sniggered, reminding herself to talk to her aunt about wasting money on her like this. Whilst she absolutely adored the garment in front of her, she also knew they couldn’t really afford it.
Nevertheless, she’d learned a long time ago when to pick a battle with the Shelby family and when to simply go along with their wishes. This was definitely one of those times to go with the latter option. So, she stripped herself of her nightclothes and began to get ready for the day, washing away the sleep from her eyes in the washbasin and tidying her hair as best she could.
A few minutes more and she was ready. One final look in the mirror confirmed as much.
She slipped on her shoes and grabbed her coat, hurrying downstairs as fast as she was able. If her father was as excited as he’d seemed about today then she knew better than to keep him waiting. Even if she was nervous about what lay ahead, Evie couldn’t help but be a little excited too. However, as she hurried into the parlour, she was surprised to see it empty.
Her father was no where to be seen.
“What the hell?” she whispered.
That was when the door opened. That was when the last two people she’d expected to come strolling through together, did just that, grinning ear to ear.
“Polly what on earth is going o-” Evie began. She stopped, however, the moment she laid eyes on the woman next to her. “Ada?”
Like that, she was upon her, hurling herself at her aunt in disbelief. The heavily pregnant woman didn’t mind though, laughing as she cradled her back, peppering kisses to her cheeks.
“Oh my god. I’m glad to see you.”
“I missed you too,” Ada whispered. “It’s been too long.”
“What are you doing here?”
“Tommy invited her,” Polly smirked, visibly touched by the scene. “Family should be together on days like this one. We have a one day truce, thank god. I love a good wedding.”
“A wedding?”
She wasn’t the only one confused. Ada looked as bewildered as she felt. However, Evie finally took a moment to properly examine the moment. It was then she realised they were all dressed impeccably, with fine dresses and coats. Polly even had a hat on, something she saved for church or special occasions. How Evie had missed it was beyond her. Clearly, she was getting rusty.
“I thought it was obvious,” Polly chuckled. “So, shall we go? Otherwise we’ll miss the bloody thing… I never thought I’d see the day John Shelby re-married. To a Lee of all things.”
This was John’s wedding?
To a Lee girl?
Not Lizzie?
Evie blinked. She froze and stared at the woman in disbelief. “You’re fucking joking? Right?”
Both Ada and Polly shook their heads. “It was your father’s idea,” Polly explained, adjusting her hat in the mirror before opening the door and ushering them towards the car. “It was a deal proposed by the Lees. Tommy agreed on John’s behalf. Kill two birds with one stone.”
Evie had a suspicion someone would be killed if that really was the case. “Does John know?”
“They’ll have told him by now.”
“Fuck. Now I see why they all left together.”
It took an army to make a Shelby do something they didn’t want to do. John especially. Evie felt bad at the thought. What if he didn’t want this? Why was her family forcing him into this? Was it too late to stop it?
Then again, her father loved his family more than life itself. He wouldn’t do it if he didn’t have John’s approval or hadn’t meticulously thought this whole thing out. Had he even met the bride to be?
Evie sighed. Why were Shelby weddings always so complicated? At least this one wasn’t in secret, a fact she was grateful for as she turned to her aunt and took her hand. The fact she was here beside her already made her feel ten times better.
“Freddie not with you?”
Ada shook her head. “No, but it’s alright. I’m… I’m glad to see everyone.”
“We’re glad to see you too,” Polly hummed, kissing both Ada and Evie’s cheeks. “Now. Stop nattering and get in. We have a wedding to get to and I don’t want to miss this for the world.”
The girls didn’t need to be told twice. They knew an order when they heard it. They had a wedding to get to after all. John’s wedding… God help them all.
The ceremony was brief but pleasant. Even her father and Ada seemed to be getting on, grinning and teasing one another as Jonny completed the ritual, standing in front of the crowd gathered in the shipping yard the Lees currently called home.
Evie had never been to a gypsy wedding before. Not one like this, with so much colour and excitement for what was usually quite a somber ceremony according to the church she was used to. Yes, Esme - her newest relative - was wearing white as she made her way down the aisle, but that was pretty much where the resemblance ended. After all, when had church ever involved the use of a knife before? … or real blood?
Evie had clearly been going to the wrong services.
“That’s the mingling of the two bloods. Where two families become one family,” Jonny explained, grinning ear to ear as Esme and John clasped hands together. The look on their faces said it all. “I now pronounce you, man and wife! Go on John, kiss the bride, will you?”
The cheer was instantaneous, as were the celebrations that followed.
Evie was quick to hug and congratulate John and his new bride. To her relief, he seemed happy - excited even, and who could blame him? Esme was gorgeous. After a few moments of talking, Evie had also deduced that she was wild and almost as much of a true gypsy as Polly. She was also kind, witty and clever - she had to be if Tommy had accepted her to join their family, their side of this now resolved conflict. He wouldn’t have accepted just anyone and yet again, they were all forced to have faith he knew what he was doing.
That didn’t mean Evie had to hold it against Esme. No matter how she’d joined the Shelby clan, she was a Shelby nonetheless and Evie knew better than most how daunting it was to join such a clan as this.
“Congratulations,” she smiled once more, kissing John’s cheek and nodding at his bride. “Be good to one another.”
“We will be.”
“And welcome to the family, Esme.”
“Thank you,” she nodded, grinning as John slid his arm about her waist and held her close.
Evie took that as her cue to leave the newly weds to it. As it was, one of the younger Lee boys had decided to take advantage of the fact she was currently by herself, lingering by the now raging dance floor.  
He was quick to stand beside her, taking her hand and shoot her a teasing grin. “Fancy a dance?”
Evie automatically went to decline, but changed her mind. He was handsome and the night was young. “Why not?” she shrugged. It was a night of peace and celebration after all. “Just don’t blame me if I stand on your toes.”
With that, she let him grab her other hand and spin her into the crowd. She didn’t know the steps, if there even were any, nor did she know the song the band were singing. All she knew, was that she felt weightless, skipping about with her partner.
“I’m Antony,” he grinned, bellowing to be heard over the violin and drumbeats.
“Pleasure to meet you, Evelyn Shelby!”
Give it five more minutes, and several broken toes, and she’d see if he still felt that way after all.
Just because the light soon disappeared, didn’t mean the celebrations did. In fact, as candles and lanterns were lit, so too were everyones spirits; There were drinks being poured, games of cards being won, and at one point - gunshots and fireworks.
It was official, Evie loved weddings. Particularly, Shelby weddings.
She also liked dancing and was not looking to stop anytime soon. She’d danced with multiple partners, making her way around the floor before finally ending up beside her aunt. For a pregnant woman, Ada was doing rather well at keeping up.
To be honest, if Evie was having fun, then Ada was on a whole other level. It was almost hysterical watching as her aunt spun and cheered and staggered about the place. After weeks, months even, without her, she was glad to have her back and making mischief with her.
“Fuck. I missed dancing!”
“That’s not dancing!”
“It is!” she protested, snagging Evie’s arm and spinning her around and around. “I should know. I taught you, didn’t I?”
Evie erupted into laughter at the memory. “I think we broke Polly’s vase when you tried to dip me!”
“And her clock with that lift!”
Both girls erupted into further laughter, tears trickling down their cheeks. All Evie could see was the memory of her aunt Polly’s face as she’d come into the kitchen to find Ada lifting Evie over her head, surrounded by broken china and glass.
“God! I’ve missed you,” Evie whined, hugging Ada close as her emotions over took her for a second. Her aunt didn’t seem to mind though as she hugged her back tightly.
“I’ve missed you too. We should never go this long without speaking ever again.”
“Fine by me. After the baby’s born, we should go dancing together.”
“Fuck yes!”
As if proving her enthusiasm for the idea, Ada began to twirl all over again, faster and more manically than before. Apparently it was enough to worry her family. Arthur was by their side in an instant.
“Come on, Ada. Enough now. Enough,” he tried, to no avail. He went to reach for her, only for her to spin away faster. “Ada.”
Even Tommy was coming over from his seat, sighing as he approached. That was enough to knock the smile from Evie’s face, especially as she noticed Polly’s concerned expression. What did they expect? Ada had always enjoyed living vicariously and she’d been locked away for weeks.
“Ada,” her father coaxed, addressing her like some spooked animal. “Come on, have a rest. Sit down now.”
“Come and look, Esme! Look at the family you’ve joined!” Ada bellowed in reply. “Come look at the man who runs it, who picks his brother’s wives for them!”
Evie turned, an apology already on her lips as John and Esme were startled from their own celebrations. She could see John was about to say something less than nice to his drunk, pregnant sister.  
“He hunts his own sister down like a rat, and tried to kill his own brother-in-law!”
“Ada, that’s enough!” Arthur urged, as both Polly and Tommy closed in.
“Now, he won’t even let me have a fucking dance!-”
“-Not even at a fucking wedding,” she seethed, glaring at Tommy whilst Polly tried to wrap her arms around her niece and guide her to a chair.
“Sit her down,” John pleaded.
Jesus. Every Shelby was involved now. Only Finn appeared to be missing and he was too busy playing with the Lee children to care. Else, he’d have found it hilarious.
“Calm down, Ada. Calm down.”
However, Ada’s face was anything but calm. In fact, it looked horrified. Polly only had to glance down to know why.
“Holy shit.” She sighed. “Water. Right.”
“Bloody hell Ada,” Arthur groaned. “You do pick your times.”
“Her water’s broke!”
“I didn’t plan this!”
“Right we need to move.”
“Get off me, Tom.”
Everyone erupted into chaos. Evie lost track of who was talking or even in charge of the scene. She simply followed, excitement and panic coursing through her as she took Ada’s hand and squeezed.
“I’m right here,” she promised, helping towards the waiting car. “I swore it at the beginning and I meant it. You’ll always have me. I’m not going anywhere. Not until we have a screaming baby in your arms.”
So much screaming.
It was official - Evie was never having a baby.
“It hurts!”
“I know,” Polly cooed, manoeuvring the sheets about as she peered up from her position between Ada’s parted legs. “If it didn’t it wouldn’t be called labour.”
“I want Freddie!”
“Please!” she sobbed, laying her sweaty head back against Evie’s chest. Despite Polly’s warning Evie had chosen to stay. She wasn’t going anywhere. Even if she knew nothing about delivering a baby, she knew all about loving and supporting her family. She and Ada had been there for each other time and time again.
Nothing had changed, just because Ada was married.
“You can do this,” Evie whispered, kissing her aunt’s damp brow. “Freddie’s on his way. You heard Polly. Dad’s given his word. Freddie can come. He’ll be here any second.”
“So will this little one,” Polly urged as Ada yelped again, a contraction cutting off the conversation.  “Keep going. That’s right. Push.”
And to her credit, she did. Ada pushed, screaming and crushing Evie’s hand in the process. Yet, Evie wouldn’t have had it any other way. Her heart was racing as within the span of mere minutes she heard the soft cries of a baby.
Ada’s baby.
“Oh my god,” she whimpered, hugging Ada tightly as she tried to catch her breath. Polly and Esme were doing their part, cleaning and tidying everything below before presenting the baby to its mother. “You did it, Ada. You did it.” “I did,” she giggled, almost deliriously. She looked like she could have slept for weeks.
“Ada. Congratulations, darling. It’s a boy.” Polly’s voice broke them from their celebration as they turned their eyes downward to the cloth wrapped bundle now being passed their way. Soft, tiny fingers poking out were all Evie could see as she gaped at her new cousin.
She wanted to cry. Damn it, Ada and Polly actually were crying, as was the baby. It was a room of crying people. All shedding happy tears though.
“A baby boy,” Ada whispered, staring at the bundle in her arms.
Then they heard it.
The door banging below.
“Ada! Come on! Open up!”
“Freddie,” Ada whimpered, exhausted eyes turning to the hall. She didn’t even have to ask. Polly was already half way down the stairs. The already perfect moment would now be complete, as would their family now that the father had arrived. Just in time too.
He would get to meet his son.
Evie couldn’t have been happier for Ada, grinning as she heard Freddie’s frantic footsteps approaching. The look on his face as he burst into the room was awestruck.
Then again, seeing his wife, beaming ear to ear, cradling their newborn in her arms tended to have that affect on a person.
“It’s a boy, Freddie,” Ada whispered.
Freddie simply blinked. His smile grew as he took the invitation, approaching slowly before perching on the stool next to them. Evie was quick to move aside, allowing him to take her place as he reached over and took the bundle for himself.
One look was all it took.
He was in love.
“It’s a beautiful baby boy,” he gaped, much to everyone’s amusement. Polly even wiped her eyes hastily, as if trying to hide her tears of joy. “There you go. Welcome to the world, son. Welcome to the world.”
His tone was of wonder and of euphoria as he stared down at the boy in his arms. Who knew what he was thinking.
Was that how her father would have looked, had he been there for her birth? Would he have stared at her like she was his entire world? Evie gulped at the thought. It was stupid to think of such things, but she couldn’t help it. A small part was jealous as she witnessed the tender tableau before her.
The truth was, her mother had probably been alone. Who had she had as a friend to hold her hand or assist with the birth? Maybe their neighbours? They were always kind to them, looking out for the small family. Still, it wouldn’t have been like this, that much Evie was sure of. Not full of love and support.
Her mother had had her reasons, Evie knew that. It just didn’t make witnessing what they could have had any less painful.
“What are you going to call him?”
“Karl,” Ada grinned, answering Esme’s question. “After Karl Marx.”
“Bloody hell,” Polly sniggered. “Karl’s a lovely name, Ada.”
A lovely name for a lovely boy. Evie was about to say as much when there was yet another knock at the door. Well, knock probably wasn’t the right word, not when the door rattled under the weight of their visitor’s fist.
“Police! Open up!”
Everyone froze. No one knew what to do.
The Police? The Police were here? Why? How?
“Oh god,” Evie choked, reaching instinctively for Ada and taking her hand. She also watched as Polly was quick to snatch Karl out of his father’s arms and placed him securely back with his mother.
That was all they had time for as the door burst open down below. Everything that followed for the next five minutes was pure pandemonium. Evie didn’t even know where to look. She lost track with the sudden surge of bodies in the house, all arguing and brawling, dragging Freddie outside with them.
Esme was vicious in her attempts to defend her new family. Polly too, was screaming blue murder as she tried and failed to stop them. She was also gone, storming out mere moments after the Police had left.
No one needed to ask to know where she was headed, or whom she intended to see. “I’m gonna set this right,” she’d rambled, kissing a now hysterical Ada as she left.
How? How could anyone make this right? Evie didn’t know how it could have gone wrong. No one knew Freddie was here. Her father had given his word. He wouldn’t have lied to them… not today… not even he was that callous.
Evie wished she could be sure. However, she had bigger concerns than her father’s integrity to worry about; Ada was already pushing herself up, onto her feet, and trying to reach for her forgotten coat and shoes.
“I need to go home.”
“No,” Esme pleaded, trying to force her to sit back down by the fire. “You just gave birth. You need to rest.”
“What I need is my husband,” Ada sobbed. “I need to be out of this house!”
Evie took that as her cue to intervene, before her aunt did any damage to herself or anyone else in the room. “I’ll take you home, ok?” she offered, reaching for her arm. “We’ll take the car. Save you walking.”
Whilst well intentioned, the look Evie passed Esme told her it was hopeless. She’d soon learn Shelby women did only what they wanted, when they wanted. Everyone else could be damned. Right now, Ada cared about one thing and one thing only: keeping herself and her baby safe. That meant getting as far from Shelby territory as possible.
“Tell Polly where we’ve gone if she comes back, ok?” Evie stated, nodding at Esme.
To her credit, Esme didn’t argue. She hurried to gather Ada’s things, helping Evie to assist her aunt and new-born cousin into the back of the waiting car. She even offered to accompany them.
“I know about babies and what needs doing now,” she explained, hopping into the passenger’s seat. “I’ll be more use to you there than sitting on my ass here.”
Evie and Ada were visibly grateful for her company; They were going to need all the help they could get.
It was hours before either Evie or Esme returned. In fact, the sun was already beginning to rise as Evie rounded the corner of Watery Lane, the engine humming as it bounced across the cobbles. Whilst she much preferred riding to driving, she’d learned all the same during the war. When there hadn’t been any men to drive anywhere.
Like riding, she loved the solitude and freedom driving offered. She only wished she could turn the car around and drive away from it all… anywhere else… anywhere but here would have been good enough for her.
Her rage had been steadily building with every moment that had passed since Freddie had been taken. By now, she was shaking as she controlled the urge to march inside her house and shoot the lot of them.
Instead, she ground to a halt, slamming the car door harder than necessary and barging her way into Watery Lane.
She’d hardly made it in the door before Polly was upon her, wide eyed and panicked.
“Is she-?”
“She’s alright, Pol,” Evie soothed, glad to see the immediate relief in Polly’s eyes. That didn’t mean she wouldn’t be hurrying back to Ada the moment she could, to check on her for herself. “She’s sleeping. I made sure she ate and kept an eye on her. Esme did too. She’s there to help with feeding and stuff when the baby wakes. Ada just needs sleep.”
Her aunt’s face relaxed at the news, but her skin was still too pale. “She shouldn’t be alone. Not now.”
“She didn’t have much choice,” Evie spat, her eyes following to the guilty party. The one who had made this divide. “Isn’t that right, Dad?”
She hadn’t even acknowledged the others in the room until that point, but now her stare was ice cold as she focused on them.
She snapped.
She grabbed the nearest item - a teapot of all things - and hurled it at his head. Luckily, Tommy dodged, meaning it shattered harmlessly against the wall. But the look of disbelief on his face was accurate enough.
“Oi!” he warned, hurrying to reach her before she could throw something else. Had John not wrapped his arms around her, she probably would have. There were several teacups she had always hated in particular, lying within reach in an open invitation. “Listen to me! I didn’t do this.”
“Then who did?” Evie bellowed.
“I don’t know.”
“You don’t-? Bullshit.”
Evie spat at him, breaking free of John and pushing him off of her.
“Pack it in!” he begged, rolling his eyes. “Tommy wouldn’t do this.”
Whether they believed him or not didn’t matter. Evie knew in her heart they’d been betrayed. If not by her father then who was it? Who was she supposed to believe had this kind of information, other than family?
“First you dictated John’s life. Now theirs? Is there anyone you won’t control?”
“Don’t,” she seethed, panting from the exertion. “Don’t touch me. If you had anything to do with this,” she warned, “then I’ll never speak to you again. Ever.”
“It wasn’t me!”
“Promise! On your mother’s life.”
A stray tear escaped Evie’s eye as she turned and stormed back across to Polly. Such an oath had to be honoured until it was proven otherwise. But that didn’t mean Evie had to like it. So, she choose to leave her father where he stood: on shaky ground.
16 notes · View notes
flowesona · 4 years
guess how much i love you - soft yandere! seokjin x reader
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This is part of the MFEEU canon, written by the amazing and talented @worldwidemochiguy​. I hope I can do it justice :)
“What’s wrong, little Yoona?” Jin crouched down to see Yoona. She was sulking in the corner, having pushed away all of her pseudo-siblings until one of them finally resorted to asking Jin for help. Jin always had a way to make Yoona smile, yet even now as he pinched her cheek and gave her buckets of attention he could barely get a sniffle out of her.
Finally she gave some kind of reaction to him. As he continued to try to coax her into smiling, she finally pointed at something as the cause of her woes. Jin followed where her finger was pointing to the sofa, where Hanuel and Jihae were cuddled together with their Nintendo switches engaged in visiting each other’s towns in animal crossing.
“Why does Hanuel-eonni treat Jihae differently to me?” She whimpered. Her godfather smiled, turning her gently to face him.
“That’s because they’re in love. One day, you’re going to find someone you love like that.” 
“Really?” Yoona was looking at Jin as if he was some kind of prophet, enlightening her on the path to true happiness.
“Yes. You know that when I met aunty (Y/N) it was love at first sight?”
“Of course, Yoona. Of course, it wasn’t easy, but love never is.” Seeing how his discussion with Yoona had pacified her qualms slightly, he had an idea to make her happy.
“How about I tell you the story of how I met aunty (Y/N)? Should we find your Shooky and have a storytime?” He offered.
“I’m not a kid anymore!” Yoona had pouted, but eagerly climbed onto his lap with her round plushie in tow ready for his highly anticipated storytimes.
“N-no, stop!” Jin raised his head at the sound of the melodic voice. His focus switched from the seven takeaway coffee cups he was trying to balance to the source of the glorious sound. And it was love at first sight.
She was near perfect. Her skin glowed, her eyes were filled with an otherworldly mirth and her sweater hugged her body in just the right way. The only part of her that was marred was her arm, to which some unattractive boy clung. Not a hair on his body held any appeal, yet the girl seemed infatuated, giggling at every word he said as they waited for their order.
“(Y/N)? A cappuccino with a double espresso shot?” So that was her name? Jin watched as she took her coffee with a sleep-deprived grin. And he knew he had to have her.
He whipped out his phone and dialed Taehyung’s number quickly, still glancing at the couple as they waited for the vermin’s drink.
“I need your help.” He said quickly. “Fuck, she’s leaving.”
Taehyung quickly caught on.
“Follow her. See if she’s going home. Do you have her name?” Taehyung’s voice was background noise as Jin followed (Y/N) out of the shop. Snow was starting to drift down, sticking to his hair and dampening his clothes but in that moment his appearance was the least of his worries.
As he told Taehyung her name, her appearance, and the university he presumed she attended due to her sweatshirt being emblazoned with the name of a nearby establishment. 
“I found her. We’ll have all her details in a few hours. Come back to the offices and we’ll sort this all out, alright?”
It was only when he hung up his phone he realised that half of the various hot drinks he’d volunteered to bring back for everyone - planning to secretly use the outing as a opportunity to spike their beloved drinks with salt - had spilt onto the ground in his haste. But he couldn’t care less about his colleagues when fate had granted him a much greater design.
“We understand you applied for the assistant role last week?”
(Y/N) was hidden in the back of the university library, trying desperately to keep her voice down whilst attempting to quell the situation.
“As I said, you’ve got the wrong person. If you’ll excuse me…” 
“You are (L/N) (Y/N), correct? We have all your details on record.”
She didn’t respond.
“Well, if you want the position then come to our offices by 11AM tomorrow in business casual.”
The phone call ended, leaving (Y/N) with all sorts of unnerved feelings. 
Those feelings intensified as she stood outside the offices the next day in a simple blouse and trousers. Whilst the strange circumstances surrounding the offer were nothing to be ignored, she’d looked up the company name to find they were a reputable business, and their staff pay was nothing to sniff at. As a student barely able to afford a coffee in the morning, could she really afford to look a gift horse in the mouth?
The job was truly a blessing upon her life. Reasonable hours that perfectly coincided with her university lectures, decent pay and fellow employees who seemed to respect her.
She didn’t know why, of course. How could she know of the stranger pulling the strings behind the scene to get her into his arms?
“Sorry, could you drop this off with Kim Seokjin? He’s on the top floor. You can borrow my keycard to get there.” One of her colleagues asked, pressing a manila folder into her hand along with the keycard needed.
Her heart was pounding as she scanned the keycard to enter the new level of offices. Never before had she been around such high up executives, who could have her fired in a second if they so pleased.
(Y/N) approached the first man she saw.
“Excuse me, do you know where Mr Kim is?” She asked timidly.
“You’re speaking to him, darling.” He responded, turning to face her. (Y/N) resisted the urge to blush when she made eye contact with him, as he excluded an aura of attractiveness and wealth she could never compete with.
“Oh, right. This is for you, sir.” She handed over the folder, trying not to die from the embarrassment.
“Wait a second.” She felt a presence next to her. Standing by her shoulder was another man. To put it simply, he was gorgeous. From his clear golden skin to his sharp features, it was as if an ancient statue had been breathed into life.
“That was meant for Kim Seokjin, right? That’s me.” 
As if the situation could get any worse.
“Kim is a common surname, darling.” The former man commented as he passed the folder to the real Seokjin.
Noting the look of anguish on her face, Seokjin took one of her hands into his own.
“You’re new here, right? Don’t worry, it’s an easy mistake to make.” He offered her a warm smile.
“Thank you. I should go…” (Y/N) gently tried to pry her hand out of his hoping to end the whole interaction as soon as possible.
“Here, my card.” Seokjin pressed a rectangular business card into her hands, emblazoned with his name and number in stunning cursive. “Call me, and I’ll take you out for dinner sometime. As an apology.”
(Y/N) nodded, and he finally released her. 
The business card lay buried in her purse for days afterwards. She couldn’t bear to face him again to be reminded of her embarrassment. But her interia was only serving to anger Jin.
“It’s been three weeks, Jin-hyung.” Taehyung said cooly. “Maybe it’s time to try again.”
His office had become a second home for Jin, who would spend around an hour each day ranting and raving to his boss, who just took it all on board with a knowing grin every time.
“How?” Jin muttered. “How do I get her to talk to me?”
“If there’s a will, there’s a way.” Taehyung responded, tempted to return to his mountain of work but also not wanting to leave Jin to wallow in doubt.
Jin just kept pacing.
“You could give her a promotion? Or maybe you could turn up at her university and sit on a lecture or two. That way you’d have an excuse to see her when you like.” Taehyung pressed. “You’ve still got some holiday hours this year to spare.”
Jin didn’t reply, but his decision was already made.
(Y/N) was ready to go back to sleep. No number of espresso shots could cure her banging headache, as her hangover weighed down her body as if she was carrying a ten pound barbell on her back.
She didn’t noticed how someone new had slipped into the seat next to her in the lecture theatre. All that occupied her mind at 9am was the desire for sleep. The double life of being a student and office worker was wearing on her hard, and she was contemplating on handing in her notice. The only thing that kept her from so was the tantalising paychecks and the haunting beauty of Seokjin, the memory of whom which had remained in some unused part of her brain.
The professor had a droning voice. The monotone syllables were practically a lullaby, and surely resting her head for a few minutes wouldn’t hurt? Not when she was at the back of the theatre and was practically unnoticeable.
Jin smiled as he observed (Y/N) slowly drifted into a deep sleep. The poor lamb had overworked herself. If only she knew of how he wanted to make sure she would never lift a finger again. He’d bided his time, months of casual stalking building up the the moment he’d finally decided to sit next to her, and how fortune had smiled upon his to give him the chance to admire her without being ‘creepy’.
Her deep sleep remained uninterrupted as people started to leave the lecture theatre, and a daring plan started to form in Jin’s mind. It was dangerous to just take her in the middle of the crowd, but it wasn’t like anyone else was particularly attentive at 10am and besides, anyone who asked questions could be paid off without a worry.
Gently he scooped (Y/N) up under his arm. She didn’t stir, as he gently guided her to the exit amidst the groups of other lethargic students. Navigating the crowd with a sleeping girl attached to him wasn’t easy, but Jin managed to make it out of the building and into his car without her waking up. It warmed his heart to see her head loll against the soft leather of his car interior as he indicated for the driver to start the engine.
Halfway to their destination, (Y/N)’s eyes starting to peel open.
“Mmmm... where am I?” The confused words stumbled out of her mouth as (Y/N) rubbed at her eyes.
“We’re going home.” Jin responded simply.
“Home? Wait... why are you here? Aren’t you... you’re one of the bosses from work?” The gears in (Y/N)’s brain we’re starting to turn.
“Well... yes. We can call this a promotion, I guess?”
The warmth of his smile, the smooth feeling of the leather car interior against her back and the steady beat of her heart all worked to convince (Y/N) that she was alright. It wasn’t conventional, but the adoration in Jin’s eyes was like a dream.
Unfortunately, a serious event plagued their ‘honeymoon’ period.
On Tuesday morning, as Jin gently woke her up with a cup of coffee, he noticed something was wrong. Her face was hot to the touch, and she could barely open her eyes.
Evidently, the cold weather and her busy schedule had taken a toll on her health. For the day she was stuck in bed, Jin dabbing at her forehead with a wet cloth and feeding her spoonfuls of broth.
“(Y/N)? How do you feel, my love?” Jin posited as she was nestled up half paying attention to the TV he’d brought into their room.
Through her drowsy drawl, he could barely make out what she was trying to say.
“Why are you… so nice? No one has ever loved me, not like you do. It’s not normal, to have your boss slash kidnapper treat you better than your exes. I don’t know why I’m not fighting you like any sensible human should.”
Seeing tears start to well up, Jin wiped at her eyes, wanting to shush her but simultaneously wanting her to continue praising him.
“I’ve never had a boyfriend who cares for me like you do… this isn’t right. I must be dreaming.”
Jin gave her a soft smile, his heart drumming loudly in his chest.
“This is reality.This is love. And I love you all the way to the moon and back.”
Before he could go on to tell her of what lengths he would go to show her his love, she’d fallen asleep. 
He wanted nothing more than to stay by her side for the rest of the day, but the vibration of his phone in his pocket reminded him that he still had a job to do. He left the bedroom before answering it, closing the door with as soft of a click as possible.
“How’s it going, lover boy?”
“Shut it, Jimin.”
“You see, love triumphs all. When you love someone, you should stop at nothing to make them love you back.” Jin concluded. Yoona had been hooked onto his every word, Jihae and Hanuel long gone both from the room and from her mind.
“Yoona? Yoona, we have to go!” At the call of her father the young girl clambered out of her godfather’s hold.
“Do you feel better now?” Jin asked. She nodded happily.
“Will you tell me more stories next time?” 
“Yoona!” Yoongi finally found her next to her godfather. 
“Go find Mommy, she’s got your jacket.” Yoona nodded happily, rushing off leaving only the two colleagues.
“You’ve gone soft, hyung.” Yoongi commented.
“Show a bit more respect for your elders.” Jin snarked back, but he couldn’t hide his happy glow.
“Sure thing. Pass on my regards to your wife.” Yoongi said before turning on his heel to find his own family.
Now that he was all alone, Jin pulled out his phone to send a quick message.
‘Be home soon, love.’
(Y/N) responded about ten seconds with a gif of two dogs hugging, to which Jin chuckled.
‘I love you. All the way to the moon and back.’
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imanonymousfanfic · 4 years
Kid's Lipstick (2/2)
I enter the kitchen, head throbbing like I’ve split my skull open. I’m sluggish, barely able to stand like a bag of bricks in water. The smell of burning cigarettes and fried food sickens me, making me regret coming in already. I crawl into a chair, letting my heavy head fall onto the table with a loud thud. The impact rattles my skull sending a wave of pain through my head. I throw myself back, groaning out in agony as the throbbing increases. The others chuckle. They’re talking amongst themselves but I’m too destroyed to bother absorbing their conversations. I look over to Killer, who is cooking breakfast, staring directly at me as he blindly chops food.
“Water,” I ask him in a pained tone. He nods , grabbing a glass from the cabinet. I bury my face into my arms. All the bright sun shining through the windows is killing me. It’s unbearable. Heat cracks a joke about me, this I notice, making the rest of them laugh as they chomp down on their meals. Someone pokes at my arm, I peek, seeing it was Wire sat beside me doing it.
“Stop laughing, it’s not funny.” I mumble, my voice echoing from my folded arms.
“You were really drinking hard last night.” Haikei proceeds to tease. I sit up, looking at the man directly in his black circular shades. I snatch the cigarette sitting between his fingers and smush its lit tip into the table.
“Your smoking is going to make me more sick than I already feel! Kid said no smoking in the kitchen anyway.” I hiss, flicking the crushed cigarette back at him. An arm appears in front of me, placing a glass of water down. My dry mouth looks at the liquid hungrily, wanting to inhale an entire sea’s worth. I begin chugging its contents back hurriedly, feeling as though nothing will be able to quench my thirst at this rate. Before I can finish, I reach for the jug sitting in the middle of the table, lifting it to the glass without putting it down on the table. I keep filling myself until my stomach reaches its limit. I smack the empty cup down on the table, gasping viciously for air.
I burp loudly the sound of my greedy behavior echoing loudly through the room, shortly followed with an apology. I laze myself down on the table again, whimpering quietly to myself. Everyone gathered around the table is staring, eyes wide as they fork their breakfast into their mouths.
“What? Why are you staring?” I grouch at them. Oscar and Wire pull their gaze away. Silence fills the room with nothing but the sound sizzling food, which reminds me that I’m both famished and nauseated, a combination I hate more than anything. I know that my hangover won't end until I replenish my body, but the word food alone makes me want to regurgitate my own organs.
The door swings open and in comes Noe, grinning widely, seeming as fresh and energetic as ever. “Hey guys!” He greets. His eyes fall to me, peeking briefly from beneath his bucket hat. He chuckles amusedly. “Woah, you look like shit dude!”
“Fuck you Noe,” I spit, he brushes off the harsh response, patting my back as he walks past me and slides into one of the free chairs. The boys greet him, throwing in a couple jokes as they do.
“Well, I like the lipstick, it suits you.”
The room falls silent. I look to the others, who were all nervously exchanging glances, mostly between Noe, Killer and I. I look at the glass to see the burgundy print faintly along its rim. I rub at my lip, hard, seeing a minor shade red transfer onto my finger. I look back up at the guys to see they were staring at me as if I knew what was happening. I drop the glass and jump out of the chair in panic, fumbling over my words. I rush to the door, slamming it behind me in panic.
I rush to the medbay, hoping to catch Senior, he might know something. I throw open the door to see Kid sitting on a cot, clutching his temples with a pained expression. He and Senior both look over to me, Senior seeming caught off guard. My eyes meet Kids then Senior again. A smirk spreads across his lips. He already knows. My words stumble again, making a random jumble of sounds but no words come out. I throw the door closed and dart towards the sleeping quarters, the only place left that I can be safe.
I catch my reflection in one of the windows. I come to a hard stop, gliding on the freshly washed deck, nearly tumbling to the floor as I do. I study my reflection, seeing the familiar shade of lipstick staining my lips and the area surrounding them. It’s not a clown's job, that’s for sure..
Oh god... Oh god.
I take off once again, running down to my hammock and throwing myself into it, wrapping myself into a tightly enclosed cocoon. I pull my pillow to my face, screaming loudly into it, straining my throat as I do. As my voice dies out, I fall silent. I’m aching and frustrated and don’t remember anything.
“You know when we had that talk last night I was anticipating the situation to be resolved.” Killer's voice cuts the silence. Of course.
“I don’t remember a single thing after we talked.”
“That was obvious the second you entered the kitchen.” He retorts, seemingly monotoned. He’s not the least bit impressed with me.
I stir angrily. The shock in my system is fading but my heart is still pumping hard, mercilessly attacking my head.
“Are you here to make me miserable or do you have a point to make?”
“Hm,” he hums, “you can figure this one out on your own.” His tone harsh, different from usual. Instead of sounding like the heartless pirate he is, it almost sounds spiteful to my response. He turns, making his way out of the room shutting the door behind him, leaving me to sit in silence.
I really need to sleep some more.
More steps come and the door cracks open. Now frustrated,  I peel open my hammock and look over to see Noe walking over to me with a mug in his hand. The smell of coffee fills the room.
“What happened man?” He questions, plopping down against the wall next to me. He hands me the mug. I shake my head.
“I’m just really embarrassed.”
“Why? It’s not like you stripped and danced naked in front of us, although, that would have been fun.” Noe chuckled. I would have smacked him if he was in arms reach. I roll my eyes and plop my head down in my pillow again. He lightly sways my hammock, sitting silently in my company.
“How am I ever supposed to come back from wearing the captain's lipstick? This will haunt me for the rest of my days on this ship.”
“Stop being such a drama queen,” Noe shrugs, slurping his coffee loudly.
“Go fuck yourself Noe,” I mumble turning away from him, “you’re shit at offering comfort.”
“Sleep off the alcohol. We can talk when you’re less miserable.”
“Yeah hopefully then I’ll have the energy to bruise your face.”
The door to the sleeping quarters shuts.
I break from my deep slumber to loud stomping approach the room, the door slams open, almost falling off its hinges. The sudden commotion makes me jump and squirm in the hammock before falling out, landing fast first on the ground.
I groan loudly. “I don’t want to exist today,” I mumble, with my face still pressed into the ground, already feeling the bruise forming on my forehead. My head is still reminding me of my poor choices from last night. The extra sleep helped, but god I’m being punished for it. I roll myself over and look up to the silhouette blocking the light shining from the door. I can faintly make out Kids face. He’s pissed.
“I’m on watch duty aren’t I?”
“You were, I let you sleep in.” The captain growls down at me. For once he’s a little merciful. What the hell happened to make everyone act so weird?
He kneels down in front of me, lifting my head back and swiping his finger over my lips roughly. “There’s an enemy not too far ahead, we’re gonna them.”
I swat his hand away, tugging my head back from his hand. “Okay, I’ll get to the infirmary… and stop touching me.”
He narrows his eyes at me, making me freeze. I frown at him, what is happening? I scoot back a little bit and shakily stand myself up. Kid follows my actions, staring me down like I was hiding something from him. I know something is going on, and it's just hanging in the air, but I can’t deal with this now.
I bundle my hair up and tie it into a high ponytail, giving him the side eye as I turn to my trunk, kicking its side making the lid bust open. I tear off my crop top from last night and replace it with my work t-shirt, it still has a couple blood stains, but they match its icy blue color. Next is the gun Kid gave me, I load it, counting the bullets I have. He told me only to use it when someone attacks me while tending to someone. I’ve only had to use it a couple times.  I’m not supposed to fight, most of the time at least.
I fill the pockets of baggy pants with the bullets and slip my blade into my boot. Firmly sticking the cover inside so it doesn’t fall out. I throw my supply belt over my shoulder, tightly locking it over my chest and between my boobs. I catch him staring but his eyes quickly divert, his emotions making it hard to think about anything else. He remains still with his rage silently building as I continue to ignore the elephant in the room. I avoid look again, catching his gaze is typically the tipping point when he’s angry. I kick the trunk again and the lid falls closed. I make my way towards the door, spotting Killer strolling past, eyeing us down casually before disappearing again.
“You think you can just act like nothing happened.” Kid calls out to me. I come to a halt, nearly at the door and turn on my heels to face him again, almost jumping when I see his chest right in front of me. I look up to see his angered expression has softened slightly. I kick the door closed, unable to concentrate on him with the crew outside barking orders as they try to prepare for a fight.
I’m too tired to have this conversation now. Why now?
I sigh out. “Kid, I need to prepare the medical supplies. Seniors foot is broken, I have to work twice as hard.” My body itches. The curiosity in me is begging for answers but it feels more troublesome than rewarding at this rate. Everyone is acting off, and this is the last thing I need is to be messing up because of last night. “I don’t remember and I don’t want to try to right now.”
His eyes grow cold again, appearing angrier than before. Huffing out, he storms past, throwing me off balance as he does on his way out. I shouldn't have said that, in that way. It’s bothering me more than anything that he’s staying so calm about it. I spot the blond again by the door frame, silently watching me with his arms crossed, pretending to be casually hanging about.
“Yeah, yeah, I get the fucking message.” I huff out on my way out.
I beeline straight to the infirmary, helping only a couple men with ropes on the way when they needed me to. I open the door to see Senior sitting at his deck, leg propped up in his large cast. He’s reading that damn medicine book that's impossibly heavy with insanely tiny writing. He tilts the book at angle to give a look through his reading glasses, followed by a cocked brow.
“So.” He begins, just as I was hoping he wouldn't. I throw my head back, irked by his insistence to talk about Kid and I. He’s not the only one. It’s almost like the crew wants to be involved with this pointless drama. You would think as pirates they’d be too busy to worry about that.
“Not today, please.” I whine at him, grabbing one of the mouth rinses from one of the cupboards.
“That’s for mouth injuries.” Senior reminds me, without even looking up from his book. I often wonder if he has a third eye.
“Yes, well, I can’t get the taste of alcohol out of my mouth despite brushing my teeth twice today.” I throw the medicine back into my mouth, swirling the gross medicinal liquid around my mouth, making sure it’s coating my mouth entirely before spitting it out in a bucket.
“Maybe don’t get drunk.”
“I can break your other foot for you.” I snarkily respond slapping his casted foot. He hisses in response, giving me the stink eye. I wink at him, chuckling softly as I begin to  carefully pocket the medical supplies on my belt, organizing them by level of emergencies.
“Are you going to be alright on your own?” Senior questions me, now taking his feet off the table.
I adjust the belt over my shoulder, huffing annoyedly. “I don’t have a choice. I just hope none of the heavier boys need me to carry them.” Senior chuckles in response, clearly amused at the image.
“If it comes to it I’ll be out in a matter of seconds. You’ll be fine, it’s not an Emperor.”
I hum in response, thinking to myself quietly about last night. There’s not much I remember, just Kids eyes angrily staring me down as I make my way into his room. I drank almost half a bottle of whiskey on top of all that lager. Damn...no wonder my head feels like a balloon ready to burst.
I pop a pain killer in my mouth, chugging the glass of water on Seniors desk. “I’d usually kill you for that, but in your state I’ll forgive it.”
“You’re so merciful,” I sarcastically retort with an eyeroll, making my way back to the door. It swings open right as my hand reaches the handle and there stands his large figure. The light from outside burns my eyes, making me squint painfully as I stare up at him.
“Give us some privacy.”
I swallow the ball growing in my throat and step back, letting Senior step out on his crotches. Kid slams the door behind him, making me jump. His eyes are dark, filled with rage that I only ever see when he’s fighting. The ball in my throat drops, now pitting in my stomach instead.
He’s always been hard on me, snapping orders and reprimanding me when I’m wrong, but he’s never looked at me the way he does now. His nose crinkles as he snarls at me, bearing his teeth, ready to bite at any second. I look to his arm, seeing the veins in his arms bulging from his fist constantly balling up. He’s fighting with himself to stay calm. I can't look into his eyes, his gaze feral and ready to bite like a pack of hungry wolves. The anticipation for him to speak pains me. I continue to back up, stopping as my back hits one of the cots. I bite down on the inside of my lip, feeling my face wanting to show my fear, but that will only make this worse. I keep my eyes down to my boots, awkwardly looking down as I wait for his yelling to start.
“How dare you think you can talk to me that way.” Kid hisses at me through clenched teeth.
“Don't get mad at me if I can't remember what happened, stop humiliating me!” I bark back at him, my emotions finally getting the best of me. My spiteful cold attitude has held up so far but hearing the aggression in his voice breaks me.
His demeanour switches suddenly, and laughs tauntingly. “Can I remind you, you’re the one who went to bed wearing my lipstick.” His cruel teasing finally breaks me. I fold my arms over my chest, chewing hard on my bottom lip as I fight the tears pricking in my eyes. He waits for my response but nothing comes. I stare at the wall, angrily sulking, eyes watering and nose burning, viciously blinking the blurry vision in my eyes. .
He nods simply, his eyes boring into me. He’s quiet, meaning for once he’s thinking his actions through. He’s such a cruel man and I can’t stand being a victim of his merciless ways. He flashes me a dissatisfied grin. He turns away to the door, attempting to put an end to this conversation for now. If I leave it like this I will be in more trouble.
“Exactly as I thought from last night, you’re just talk.” He writes me off, waving his hand over his shoulder like I’m useless.
Asshole. I snatch the nearest item to me, a therapy ball sitting by my feet and launch the firm object at him. It smacks into his head with a loud thump before ricocheting across the room. Kid turns on his heels slowly, his eyes catching mine. His face contorted into a terrifying expression resembling what a demon would appear as in the skin of a human. His eyes pierce what little armor I have left. All my rage slips away, melting into panic.
My jaw clenches with my hands now shaking vigorously as I try to keep calm. I suck in air between my teeth, standing tall on the ground I decided to cross. “You cannot come in here mocking me and dehumanizing me for something I don’t even remember doing, you asshole!”
“You’re telling me how I can act?” Kid questions me, stepping towards me.
My words stutter uncontrollably, cursing the gutsiness my rage gave me. “I-I” Never once have I raised my voice at him and now I already regret it.
He kneels before me. I tear my gaze away, but he turns my face back to him. “What? So now the cats caught your tongue? Do I need to cut it off?” He laughs, now seeming more amused than angry at this rate. For the first time I’m struggling to understand what is happening inside of his head and I can’t stand it.
“So you’re embarrassed of kissing me?”  His question takes me off guard. My eyes widen as thoughts jumble in my head. Oh god. My exaggerated confidence has deflated completely, leaving me defenseless
He turns to the door, I release the air held in my lungs, hoping this is the end. He locks it, forcing every muscle in my body to tense. My goddamn luck betrays me everyday, but who am I kidding, this is Kid.
“So tell me why you came into my room last night telling me that I gross you out and I’d be the worst person to love, yet you still only think about kissing me?”
The air in my throat hitched, almost making me choke. Parts of the distance memory faintly come to mind. I don’t remember it, but I remember doing it. The blood in my face collects, turns my cheeks into an overheated mess, turning my knees to jelly. The incoherent words hang off my lips in a jumbled mess once more.
“So, you’re just too embarrassed to say you like me?” Kid asks me smirking even more now. Why is he smiling?
I dip away from his hand trying to grab me, his fingers brushing over my shoulder. The suppressed anger in him is building a tension in the room I can’t bear to face. He hasn’t been merciful, he hasn’t been kind, it’s so obvious now that since this morning it’s all been calculated. He wants me to confess.
“No, that’s not it at all!” I hiss in return. I dodge his grasp again, jumping away from his hand as it reaches for me. He turns to face me properly, slowly approaching as I calmly back myself away, feeling the walls as I go until I hit a corner. He leans down to me, his golden eyes flicking between both of mine, face sitting inches away. He hums amusedly, with his cool breath lightly fanning over my face.
“You can’t be embarrassed of your Captain.”
“I’m not,”
“Oh?” Kid sadistically smirked, “but you wanted to hide when everyone saw the lipstick on your lips.”
The words in my mouth stumble into a chaotic mix of sounds that mean nothing again. Kid laughs at me, before pulling out a lipstick from his pocket, brandishing it to me as he opens it to apply a fresh layer, covering his lips in the dark burgundy, watching me as he slides the make up across his lips. Once done he closes it, placing it back in his pocket, while his other hand wipes away the corners that he over-lined. He flashes me a toothy grin, running his tongue along his teeth, purposely torturing me with anticipation. He leans down closer to my face, the smirk fixed on his lips. All of my breath leaves my lips. He can’t be serious, not now.
“I enjoy seeing people suffer, you know that right?” I nod hesitantly in response. “Good,” he hums approvingly, wrapping his fingers around the belt on my chest. My heart stops, awaiting his next move. For once I can’t predict him and completely at his mercy.
He tugs on the belt, making me crash into him. Both of his hands cup my face, pressing his lips onto mine, holding me tight as he exhales the brewing emotions in him. He pulls away, parting the aggressive kiss, letting me breathe in finally. Completely overwhelmed and paralyzed by his actions, I stare at him with shallow lungs as I struggle to relax. I’m nauseated fromm my stomach nervously flipping. Why did he kiss me if he’s so angry?
“You came into my room last night yelling at me, telling me I’m the asshole for saying I liked you.”
“You are,” I quietly croak.
“Yeah,” he tuts back, an evil smirking spreading on his lips. My eyes grow wide, he’s planning something. He drags his finger over my bottom lip. “You’re not allowed to yell at your captain, throw bottles at his door, or-” The ball in my throat grows and regret fills me. I don’t want to drink ever again. “Be embarrassed of your captain.”
“I’m not!”
“You’re not allowed to lie either!” Just as I go to open my mouth again he kisses me, pulling me over his now kneeling leg, running one hand through my hair while the other pulls the hair tie out. My hands run over his shoulder grasping onto him as we deepen the kiss.
“You’ve fallen for my trap.” He laughs out, breaking the kiss. I tug my head back seeing the devious glint in his eyes. The panic sets in and I begin to struggle away from him as hauls me up and pins me to the ground. I push against his hands, quickly realizing my defeat. I whimper out, begging him to stop as he starts to cover me in kisses, planting his lipstick all over me, the creamy makeup covering me from my chest up to my forehead. I can’t help but giggle, but curse at him, infuriated by this. He pulls away, looking down at me with pride, appreciating his work.
“You can’t wash it off until the end of the day.”
“WHAT?” I yell, now trying to kick myself away from him.
“Discipline for your bad behavior.”
I hum angrily, eyes burning holes into him. I would be angrier if it wasn’t he wasn’t kissing me moments before. He picks me up from the floor, giving me the hair tie back. I snarkily sneer at him, tying my hair back up once again. He smirks at me again, headed for the door with me following shortly behind. I’m not ready for all the mockery I’ll be enduring for the rest of my life on this ship.
“Do I have permission to kick anyone’s ass who pisses me off?” I ask him.
He gives me a quick glance, smiling widely. “Only if they can handle it.” A smile creeps on my lips, I know I’m a bright crimson by now, but it’s all out of the way. Maybe my drinking helped me make better decisions than I thought. Part 1
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xyliane · 4 years
PROMPT THE SEVENTH: CHILDHOOD FRIENDS wait how can you childhood friends au killugon, I asked myself, forgetting that I had a whole-ass idea in my drafts already. this one’s a proper fic, too (minus editing cuz l o l it’s an AU writing challenge, not editing challenge). T, aged-up killugon, modern day au. ft ambiguous descriptions of social media, alluka, kalluto, and leorio in killua’s corner, and zushi and spinner in gon’s, brief discussion of getting plastered and dealing with a hangover. 5000 words.
The first sign that today is going to be an absolutely terrible day, is when Killua wakes up with a hangover.
This does not happen. Killua can count on one hand the number of times he’s gotten so drunk he’s had a hangover, and most of them are the fault of his little siblings. Little siblings who are now living together, whose couch he is currently painfully existing upon, half too hot and his toes way too cold. And the couch is too soft, an old secondhand thing he’d helped Alluka grapple up the stairs months ago after they found it outside an old dorm. He makes a notch in his very sore brain to blame the current situation on them. Kalluto might be kind enough to let a drunk big brother crash with them, but Alluka has a devious streak a mile wide.
Yeah. This is definitely their fault.
One eye slowly creaks open, surveying his surroundings through blurry vision. Nothing out of the ordinary here. He’s in the pajamas he’s left with Alluka forever ago, curled up under an old blanket he gave her for Nanika’s birthday. It’s covered in the Matrix code, all green letters on black wool. It barely covers him from chest to knees, which explains the cold toes.
Sunlight flickers through the curtains, cheerful and bright, and Killua pulls the blanket over his face. He’ll take cold toes over being blinded by his headache.
The second sign that today is going to be an absolutely terrible day, is when a noise like a chainsaw burrowing through a marshmallow erupts from his phone buzzing on the coffee table, just barely out of reach.
Killua attempts to bury himself under the blanket. He’s not dealing with work today.
And then he remembers: He doesn’t have work. Work can’t bother him today. Not just because it’s a weekend—work never respected the sanctity of weekends, no matter that he was at least partially in charge and used to have a fancy degree hanging on his wall. He doesn’t have work anymore. Killua quit.
Which, well. That explains the hangover.
He’s still blaming his siblings.
His phone buzzes loud enough to break the sound barrier, and Killua decides, fuck it. He doesn’t have anything to lose. If it’s the-place-formerly-known-as-work, he can delete everything. If it’s Mom or Father, he can definitely delete everything. And maybe it’s a friendly person, congratulating him on giving up a job that for anyone else would have been an absolute money-making dream. He’ll delete those too.
It takes a few tries to unlock his phone, and it unfortunately involves opening his eyes, squinting against the glaring light of the screen. But once he does, he frowns. Maybe he’s seeing double. Or a hundredfold. Because he should not have this many notifications.
awwww cute, i hope u 2 find each other! the top one says. It has several hundred likes. Why is it in his notifications?
Scrolling down reveals that it’s not an anomaly.
wtf man how can you find a TWELVE YEAR OLD from FIFTEEN YEARS AGO.
Me and my mom went on a cruise around there once, it was really pretty!
this is so sweet T__T maybe this is him?
And then another hundred photos of brown-skinned men with varying degrees of shirt-wearing, all black haired and most of them buff in very appealing ways and all of them beaming at Killua.
“What the fuck,” Killua croaks as he scrolls through all of the images and messages. Maybe this is a dream. A really weird, hangover-induced dream about how little of a social life he has, that his phone is possessed by someone else’s. A warning of sorts, that he should never have installed any social media on his phone ever, not even for hookups.
The reason for all the notifications lies at the top of his own page. Just a few sentences, all-caps, with an image of an old crinkled photo of two boys on a tropical beach, grinning at the camera. Killua sees himself, white curly hair flying in all directions and pale skin sunburned and ruddy with the briny wind, happier than Killua can ever remember being. Next to him, one arm slung around his shoulders and the other holding a bucket full of seashells, is a brown-skinned boy with freckles dancing across his nose and the tops of his shoulders, brown eyes wide and laughing and black hair thick and spiked from some mix of wind and seawater and natural gravity defiance.
He didn’t know he still had this photo. It had followed him from childhood all the way through grad school, a carefully guarded keepsake hidden away from the watchful eyes of his parents and Illumi, before ending up in a box or a bag at some point in the last few years. Part of Killua thought he’d lost it in the move. He barely remembers much about being twelve, about the cruise he’d been forcibly dragged on. But he remembers…
“Gon,” Killua breathes.
He gathers himself, wrapping the blanket around his head in a feeble protection against the morning, and lurches over to Alluka’s room.
He gets to bang on her door three times, confused spite winning out over his own pounding headache, before Kalluto appears out of their room, blinking blearily at Killua. “Shut up.”
Killua kicks Alluka’s door for good measure, and brandishes his phone in front of him like a weapon. “Not until you explain what the hell this is doing on the internet.”
Kalluto pales, then flushes, then pales again. “Oh. Um.”
At that, Alluka creaks her door open, guilty blue eyes far too awake for how close to noon it is. Killua kind of wants to kill her on principle alone. If he has to be hungover, so does everyone else.
“Explain,” he grinds out through his teeth.
The third and final sign that today is going to be an absolutely terrible day, is when Alluka puts on her most winning smile, the kind she uses to ward off angry customers and idiotic faux-academics on the internet. “Congratulations, Brother! I might have made you go viral.”
Killua throws his phone at her.
Today’s going to be a good day, Gon decides. He’s been in the forests of East Gorteau for the better part of a month, which normally isn’t so bad. But this group has been…They’re nice enough, when Gon’s not spending half of his time explaining that, no, that species of plant does not make a good stew, and no, that species is endangered please don’t hunt them, and yes Gon is sure he doesn’t date his clients even after the hike, and no the reason the tent fell over again is because it wasn’t properly set up in the first place—
All of Aunt Mito’s complaints about tourists on Whale Island make so much more sense, now that Gon’s leading backwoods hikes.
But last night had been fun! Spinner had met the group at a pre-set campsite not far from their pickup so Gon hadn’t had to work the whole night, and he could relax with his friend over good food, more alcohol than he probably should have drunk, and not having to explain to Mrs. Yuldvin the difference between marijuana, buckeye, and poison oak again. Spinner had even taken care of the fire, although she had left him to rescue the Podomos siblings from the ruins of their tent with nothing more than a smirk and a wave. Nevertheless, Gon smiled through his headache all morning, because soon he’ll be home, and he can sleep.
Zushi is waiting in the parking lot once Gon’s done packing up the last of the gear and saying goodbye to Spinner, jeep idling while he flicks through his phone, thick eyebrows drawn together in increasing concern. He doesn’t even look up until Gon drops his pack onto the hood of the car, and he jolts so badly in surprise that he tosses his phone in the air.
“Are you okay?” Gon asks, and tries to peek at the screen.
Zushi pulls it up and away, a frantic look in his eyes. It won’t really keep Gon from seeing what’s happening, not if he wants to, but Zushi’s height is enough of a deterrent to make it hard. “You were gone way too long,” he says.
Gon leans against the hot metal of Zushi’s car. It wasn’t an unusual length for a trip, not really—this backcountry needs the length to be able to see and understand the region. Not to mention the Small Billed Swan preservation society keeping the whole place locked down except to authorized guides and trekkers. Zushi knows this. They’ve been roommates long enough that this isn’t even the longest time Gon’s been gone.
“You knew I’d be gone til today,” Gon says.
“Yeah, but…” Zushi’s eyebrows descend even further, scrunching his whole face up in worry. “You haven’t checked your phone, right?”
“No?” Even if he did have cell service, Gon never brings his own phone. He borrows Kite’s satellite phone, because it is more reliable and doesn’t need to be charged constantly.
“Okay. Well.” Zushi takes a deep breath, then another, one of Wing’s old meditation techniques. Despite his exhaustion and single-minded determination to sink into a real bed and sleep for a week, Gon feels a minor pang of worry. On breath three, he unlocks his phone and turns it towards Gon. “You’re a meme.”
On Zushi’s screen is a photo Gon can’t ever forget about. Backed by Whale Island’s sunbleached white beaches and the humid brilliant colors of summer, Gon sees himself—twelve, smiling from ear to ear, hair a mess from swimming and his shirt practically covered in sand from digging up all the seashells in his bucket. He’s got an arm around another boy, who’s caught mid-laugh so his blue eyes burn the same color as the sky, white curls even messier than Gon’s hair. They look like they’ve known each other their whole lives, like they’d still be best friends even if they haven’t seen or spoken to each other since the photo was taken.
Gon hopes Killua thinks so, too.
He cradles the phone in his hand, carefully zooming in on their faces and the errant crinkles visible through the photo. His own faded copy is in a drawer, having survived a whole trip around the world and countless apartment jumps. This one looks just as well cared for, in its own way.
“That…is you, right?” Zushi asks carefully. “Because Wing was asking, and half of Kite’s guide company is yelling about it on your social media page that you don’t even use, and now people are messaging me, and they’re saying the weirdest things, and the post is from last week, so—”
“It’s Killua,” Gon says. A smile spreads across his face, a mirror to the one he’d had when he was twelve. “That’s Killua!”
“Who?” the others ask, but Gon isn’t listening.
He spins, frantically searching his pockets for his phone. “Spinner, can you do me a favor?”
She narrows her eyes suspiciously.
Gon knew today was going to be a good day.
It’s been a week, and Killua has quit all social media forever.
The steady buzz of his phone informing the apartment of his notifications is not his problem. Alluka’s the one who decided to hack into his phone and post something to his old public account, the one he mostly uses for photos of cats and complaining about terrible business precedents. He hasn’t posted much since school, and if anything, it should have simply vanished into the void of the internet.
He finds the culprit fairly quickly, and for once it’s not his sister’s moderate but dedicated video following.
“Old man, what the fuck is wrong with you?”
Leorio lounges in Alluka and Kalluto’s living room, freshly out of his scrubs and looking pleased as all hell. “I just reblogged a fun post from my friend,” he says somewhat defensively. “You were a cute kid, Killua. What happened?”
Killua feels a growl creep up his throat. “You can’t just do that,” he snaps.
“It’s not my fault the people like my well-coiffed but rugged appearance and dedication to social justice in medicine.”
“You have 500,000 followers because you made a joke post two years ago, and some authorized user reblogged it five times. It has nothing to do with your ugly mug.” If Killua squints and plugs his ears, he can even see why people think Leorio’s attractive or whatever: tan skin, lean but strong as hell, actually takes care of his hair, not to mention a damn good doctor with one of the most prestigious institutions in Yorknew who spends most of his free time running health clinics in impoverished neighborhoods. That’s all swell. But then he starts talking, and Killua has no idea where the off button is.
Leorio spreads a hand out, gesturing vaguely with the glass of iced tea that he’d helped himself to out of Alluka’s stash. “It has everything to do with my ‘ugly mug,’” he says. “Which is why I used my powers for good and spread your post. Don’t you want to find him?”
“Not like this!”
“You were not going to find him at all,” Kalluto’s quiet voice pipes up from the kitchen. They have night classes tonight, but Killua has a feeling that even if they were supposed to be attending their Yorknew Uni lectures, they would still be here making Killua’s life worse. “You’ve had that picture for years, and you did not even try to look.”
Leorio gives him a judgmental look over the tops of his stupid tiny glasses. “You haven’t?”
It would be a losing game to bury his burning face in one of the throw pillows, so Killua does his best to cross his arms over his chest and glower instead. “I…tried.”
“I don’t even know his last name!” Killua splutters. “I didn’t have his number or where he was from, other than his mom worked on the ship. And that cruiseline went bankrupt and liquidated everything before I could get out of the house, so I couldn’t even look that up.”
Kalluto crosses over from the kitchen and perches like a sweatshirt-wearing crow on the coffee table, their blue eyes carefully neutral under straight black bangs. “Alluka and Nanika would have helped. Or even Milluki, if you had explained the situation.”
“I was eighteen, okay? I just left home, and our parents were still being…shit, themselves, I guess.” He hadn’t even considered asking for help. Then again, he’d tried the moment he could, that first summer of undergrad where he didn’t have to come home and Illumi couldn’t spend half his time breathing down the back of Killua’s neck. He had a general idea of where they’d gone, maps of islands scurried away in the closet with the old photo and a bag full of seashells Gon had given him as a going-away present.
They’d been friends for a week, in the whirlwind way that only kids can be. The cruise ship was massive, and Killua’s parents were in meetings half the time and playing nice with the other rich people on board the other half. Killua had been bored witless, and Gon was everything he couldn’t have possibly imagined: encouraging Killua to go exploring, to stealing food from the kitchens, making him help clean up the decks, playing cards with the deckhands. Sneaking off the boat to visit an island without Killua’s parents while the ship was docked, scrambling over the burning hot sands and dashing through the jungle, diving into the waves fully clothed and competing to see who could find the biggest prettiest shells. Gon’d been Killua’s first friend, his first crush, his first…a lot of firsts.
Then the cruise had ended, and Killua forgot to give Gon his phone number. His address. Anything. They’d been so swept up in being friends, being best friends, it had seemed impossible that they would never see each other again.
Does Gon even remember? Why should he, when Killua hasn’t contacted him? Would they even be friends anymore?
Maybe he hadn’t searched hard enough. But part of Killua thinks he shouldn’t have tried at all.
The phone buzzes loudly, and Killua tries not to flinch.
“Hey, Killua. It’s okay.” Leorio leans forward, hands clasped over his too-long limbs and expression gentle. “If you want me to delete it, I will. Not sure I can help with the viral part of things, except maybe go through your messages and delete the gross ones, or at least find the weirdest ones for you to laugh at later.”
“Alluka and I have been doing this already,” Kalluto says, their posture a little too protective for Killua’s raw nerves at this point. “But perhaps you have some suggestions for what to do next, Dr. Paladiknight?”
Leorio smiles sympathetically. “Don’t read the comments? That said, most of your comments have been much more positive than anything I usually post. The masses seem to be genuinely rooting for you, kid.”
“I have only had to delete a dozen lewd messages for you this morning,” Kalluto adds, not mentioning the hundred or so that Alluka took care of yesterday.
Killua’s traitorous phone buzzes again, and that’s it. Time to bury himself in a pillow. Killua flops onto the couch, narrowly missing Leorio, and does his best to burrow into the cushions. “That’s just great,” he says into the fabric.
A comforting hand rubs against his hair, messing up the curls for a moment, and Killua refuses to admit that it’s nice, that he has friends like Leorio who even bother to care. “It could be worse. You could be dealing with this while still working a soul-sucking job making more money than most of us will see in our lifetimes, in exchange for giving up all of your morals.”
Killua groans loudly. “I’m not having this conversation with you.”
“You’re gonna need to do something, Killua! And hey, I might be able to set something up with my—”
“I already told you, no.”
“But it’s what you’re good at. And you wouldn’t be fucking people over to do it.”
“Just listen for one—”
Killua lifts his head enough to glare as murderously as he can at Leorio. It must work at least a little, because the doctor shuts up.
Meanwhile, Kalluto is scrolling through Killua’s phone, poking at the screen occasionally. In the awkward silence, their sharp gasp is loud enough to shatter a window, and they hurriedly shove the phone in the pocket of their oversized sweatshirt.
Leorio raises an eyebrow. “Everything okay?”
Kalluto squeezes their eyes shut for a moment, then carefully places the phone on the coffee table, screen pointed innocently at the ceiling. “You will want to look at this one, Brother.”
“This isn’t another erotic sandcastle is it?” he says.
Kalluto shakes their head, and Killua’s stomach lurches up his throat. Alluka has been the one excited about this whole thing. But Kalluto, as reserved as they are, is a massive romantic. The whole thing might be Alluka’s fault, but Killua knows it’s Kalluto who almost lets themselves believe it’ll work. Despite all of the false positives, the people who send messages that don’t sound right or photos that have the wrong smile.
Killua doesn’t want to hope. It can’t possibly be Gon. But his hands shake nonetheless as he unlocks his phone and finds a new message in his DMs.
It’s not from Gon.
Instead, someone with the icon of a small-billed white swan in a soft small-billed hat and a handle of @flymypretties has sent a photo of a brown-skinned man with spiky black hair absolutely covered in dirt and grime. He’s waving at the camera, a backpacking bag propped against his shoulder and the widest smile Killua has ever seen beaming straight through the screen and into his chest. Next to him and half out of frame, a tall tanned man with massive black eyebrows and a tank top showing off an impressive amount of muscle has his head in his hands. Killua feels a sharp stab of sympathy, somewhere buried beneath the racing of his heart.
look im sorry about this but this idiot can’t find his phone and we r kind of in the middle of nowhere so reception’s shit. he wants to know if you admit he found the biggest seashell on the beach, whatever that means.
For a long, long moment—seconds? minutes maybe?—Killua can do nothing but stare at the screen of his phone. Leorio and Kalluto both look at him with a mix of curiosity and worry, Kalluto starting to slowly reach for the phone.
In a completely childish protective moment, Killua grabs it against his chest, like the image will vanish if he doesn’t keep it close.
“Is it…?” Leorio asks.
Killua swallows heavily, trying to think around the roaring of the ocean in his ears. “I think so,” he says faintly.
Kalluto’s eyes widen, and they spin on their heels towards their room. “I’m calling Alluka!”
“Has he responded?”
“…what about now?”
Spinner throws her hands in the air so violently that her hat falls off. “For god’s sake, Gon, it’s been an hour, you don’t even have your phone, and you still need to go home.”
Gon huffs and pouts. They’re still in the parking lot over an hour after the rest of the trekking group has left, and all the exhaustion that had settled into Gon’s body from the tour has been turned into a jittery energy that keeps trying to leak out from under his skin. He wants to go home immediately and dig out his copy of the photo, rub out the old fingerprints he and Aunt Mito have left on it over the years. He wants to find his phone and message Killua directly. He wants to wait right here until Killua responds, no matter how long it takes.
He knows it’s childish, to be this selfish. Spinner has work to do, work that she already put on hold to help with the last day of the tour. Kite probably will want to know what’s happening, or at least why his lead guide and his chief guide organizer have been stuck in a parking lot. And Gon can practically feel Zushi’s obsessive scrolling through social media, frantically trying to navigate Gon’s feeds without actually having access.
Gon needs to find his phone.
“Spinner, what if—”
It’s not that Spinner’s a large woman. Out of the three people standing in the parking lot, Zushi’s far and away the strongest, even if he is about as threatening as a large, muscular teddy bear. And Gon has only packed on weight and muscle over his years of backpacking around the wilderness, no matter that he’s not super tall. But Spinner goes for longer, harder treks on her own than anyone but Kite, and she packs in her own climbing gear on top of that, so when she tosses Gon into the back of Zushi’s jeep, he flies.
“Zushi,” she says in a low exhausted snarl, and he jumps right off the hood of his car. Gon probably would have felt bad for him, if everything wasn’t spinning. “If you do not take your roommate home, I am not responsible for the consequences.”
“What if you hear back?” Gon groans around the aches in his side.
Spinner rolls her eyes, and Gon knows she’s just tired. “I’ll let you know.”
“But what if my phone’s gone? What will I do if someone stole it, or if I can’t—”
“I’ll call you go home already,” she says, and slams the door shut on his face.
For a long moment, the only sound is Spinner storming away, boots thudding heavily in the dirt until her car door slams.
The jeep shifts slightly as Zushi quietly lowers himself into the driver’s seat and puts the key into the ignition. Gon wants to tell him to follow Spinner, so she can yell out the window as soon as Killua gets back to her. But Zushi looks about ready to bolt. So Gon slumps back in the seat, the rumble of tires crunching through gravel making his already jittery nerves shake.
A small voice that sounds a lot like Kite tells Gon that it’s better to wait, that it will be easier to have a conversation and determine if this really is Killua after a rest and a shower.
Gon doesn’t want that, though. He wants…
It’s been a long time since he was on Whale Island. Longer still since he saw Killua. That doesn’t mean he stopped thinking about either of them, during the quiet moments out under the stars. They’re part of him, like his lungs are part of him—essential and irreplaceable, buried so far inside that removing them would change him irrevocably.
What is Killua like now? Is Gon just as important to him as he is to Gon? He has to be. Right?
They make it home without saying anything else. Gon floats in and out between bone-deep weariness and electric sparks of nervous joy, and Zushi flinches every time Gon jolts himself from one to the other.
“Hey, are you…I mean, maybe not okay, but.”
Gon lifts his chin up sharply at the sound of his roommate’s voice, and notices the familiar apartment complex in front of him. Oh, they’re home. “I’m good,” he says, and grins.
“Sure,” Zushi says like he doesn’t believe Gon.
A dubious silence stretches out between them as they gather the rest of the gear, dropping it in a heap on the sidewalk. “You were kids, though,” Zushi finally says.
Gon shrugs and slams the door shut hard enough to make the vehicle rattle. “I didn’t forget. So I don’t think Killua would, either.”
Zushi’s eyebrows wrinkle on each other, like they can’t decide whether to go up or down and settle on some combination of the two. “What if he did?”
“He didn’t,” Gon says, more sure of that than anything else in his life.
Zushi’s eyebrows dance again, but he doesn’t say anything else.
Between Gon’s camping gear and Zushi’s leftover practice pads, it takes longer than Gon’s excitement can take to get everything settled enough to look for his phone. Well, Gon would have liked to look for his phone, but Zushi makes a pointed look at the shower. There are only so many places the phone could be in the whole apartment, after all.
Gon’s just drying off when Zushi knocks on the door. “I found it, but it’s dead,” he says, voice muffled.
“Then charge it!” Gon shouts. After a moment, he adds, quieter and less snappishly, “Please?”
A faint laugh echoes through the apartment.
By the time Gon can make himself a very early dinner of whatever he could grab out of the cabinets without thinking, the phone is charged enough to turn on. Sure enough, there are a wide variety of messages, mostly from Kite’s groupchat asking about the viral post. A few are from former hikers, people who Gon liked enough to share contact info, offering to see if they can get in touch. There are even a few—okay, how did they get ahold of his old social media page? It’s practically defunct, since Gon’s never had a phone capable of more than the most basic apps. And those are…
It’s flattering in a way, but Gon’s not really into that. Or them.
Zushi catches sight of the grimace, and takes one look over Gon’s shoulder before turning beet red.
By the time he’s gone through and deleted the vast majority of what had been filling up his phone, there’s still no message from Spinner, and nothing at all from Killua. Gon sighs and lies his head down on the table with a heavy thunk.
The other chair scrapes heavily along the tiles as Zushi sits, a mug of coffee in his hands. “What will you do? When he messages you, I mean.”
When, not if, an unexpected certainty coming from Zushi. Gon has the best friends in the world. “Talk to him,” Gon says. “It’s only been fifteen years, right? We promised we’d be friends forever.”
“A lot changes in fifteen years,” Zushi says.
“Not that.”
“Then why didn’t you look for him?”
Gon frowns. It had taken a long, long time, but Aunt Mito managed to track down the cruise captain the last time they were in port, tracing through old charters until the right names came up. But when she’d called them up, she’d been met with stonewall after stonewall, pleasant-sounding voices insisting in no uncertain terms that she would never speak with a member of Killua’s family, let alone let her son speak to his friend. By the time Gon was old enough to look himself, he found nothing but a mansion full of people whose eyes matched Killua’s in everything except for his warmth, who refused to even acknowledge Gon’s presence except to throw him out.
That had been years ago. It’s not that Gon stopped looking. Not exactly.
“I did, but I—” Gon starts to say, but his phone buzzes violently against the table, and they both jump out of their chairs.
“Is it—?” Zushi asks, breath in his throat.
It’s a message from Spinner. you owe me big time, kid, she says, followed by a phone number.
Gon rips his phone off the cable, a wide smile spreading across his face. “It is,” he says, and dials Killua.
bzz bzz—
bzz bzz—
bzz b—
“Killua! Hi!”
“…Gon? Is that—It’s really…?”
“Killua, it’s you, I thought I’d never—”
“I did find the biggest seashell, and you know it.”
A breath, sharp and astonished. “The blue and white one, with green lines.”
“I found it, and I gave it to you.”
“I still have it.”
A snort of amusement, slightly damp. “I know. You promised you’d keep it.”
“I did. And I promised—”
“That we’d be friends forever.”
A laugh, delighted and teary at the same time. “I knew you remembered.”
“I did promise you that I would.”
(AUgust prompts)
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imeanshitithappens · 4 years
Happy Birthday
Bucky Barnes x Reader
check tags for story themes if you want 
This was it.
This was going to be your night.
You could feel it.
It was your birthday.
You had your favorite club outfit on.
You had drank just enough to feel good but nowhere near intoxicated.
You were hot, you were feeling good, you were confident, and you weren’t going to chicken out this time.
You were going to tell Bucky you had a gigantic crush and it was going to go great and you would live happily ever after while birds sang to you ever morning.
...or you would get smashed and avoid him all night and Sam would sing “I told you so” in a very high-pitched awful way while you were vomiting your hangover into the toilet the next morning..... 
which was basically the same thing right?
No focus brain you got this!
You had been working up the courage to tell Bucky how you felt about him for over a year. He had joined the a little over team two years ago and you guys had fallen into an easy friendship right away. 
You were one of the main engineers at Starks labs your job was supposed to solely be for Stark industries. However, after the fall of SHIELD the avengers had lost all the resources that came with working for an International agency and had become a little short in the equipment design and creation department. Pepper had begged you to not let Tony be the only one creating gear for the team (she didn’t get to see him enough as is).
You had met Bucky after you had unknowingly helped Sam pull a prank on him. I mean really you should have know. What else would the Falcon possibly use a device that magazined anything you shot it with then to terrorize his teammate.
After that you two had fallen into an easy friendship being Bucky’s go to for any and all gear he needed help with. He had a clear interest in science and invention and you never got tired of answering his questions on your latest project. You guys hung out often outside of work as well. Watching movies, going to coffee shops to read, and taking fun little “friend-cations” where you would take turns planning a day for the two of you to travel somewhere new and see who could wow each other the most. (Thank You Pepper for the quin jet loan)
It really wasn’t until not one, not two, not even three, but eleven different people had come and ask about your “relationship” with Bucky (The first of which was a very flustered Steve) that you had began to realize that there was no one on Earth you would rather send time with than Bucky Barnes. If that wasn’t love you really didn’t know what was anymore.
So tonight was the night.
You were out celebrating your Birthday and you had been trying to convince Bucky to come dance with you for the last twenty minutes Your thinking was if you brought him where it was really loud and asked him out if he wanted to let you down easy you would both just pretend he hadn’t heard you over the music Which subconsciously you knew was BS because it really wasn’t that loud and he had no problem hearing you in louder clubs (you knew that because you had tested it and tried to subtly ask him questions about his super hearing last week)
“C’mon Bucky it’ll be fun just a dance or two..” you whined 
“I’m really just not feeling it tonight doll” he said lowly
“But it’s my Birthday please..” you continued knowing you had definitely drifted into pathetic territory at this point.
“I know Honey and I’m really sorry I just am not feeling too comfortable with being in a crowd right now I’m so sorry” He couldn’t even meet your eyes at this point and you started to feel like absolute trash how dare you even think about making this man uncomfortable just for your own ease. You could tell him anytime it didn’t have to be tonight. Manipulating him like this for your own comfort wasn’t something a good friend would do let alone a good partner. 
“I’m so sorry Bucky of course you should do what you’re comfortable with I’m sorry to make you feel bad” You immediately tried to reassure him. 
He finally looked but to meet your eyes and smiled “I’ll make it up to you doll after this we can go do whatever you want ok?”
You smiled right back at him and said you were just happy to do anything at this point as long as he was with you. You stayed grinning at each other for another couple seconds when you jumped up and said you would go close your tab at the bar and then you could get out of here. Deciding that maybe you didn’t need an escape plan for your confession and it would be better for you to have an actual conversation about it either way. 
Once you had gotten back to the lounge area where you had been sitting with Bucky practicing your speech the either way to the bar and back. You realized he wasn’t up there anywhere. You checked your phone no messages. You told your self he was probably in the bathroom and it would be best to wait here for him to get back.
Another ten minutes passes and you start to get nervous. You’re pacing in the lounge going over every horrible situation in your mind about one of Bucky’s many enemies finding him when you spotted a familiar head of black hair dancing in the crowd with a very attractive looking blonde. Had he changed his mind about dancing? Why didn’t he text you? either way you were running down the stairs to go talk to him and pull him out of there. 
Once you had gotten him off the dance floor and outside the packed club you turned to him and started firing off things at rapid speed. “Are you ok? Did someone force you out there? Are you feeling ok? Why didn’t you text me? My friends and I have this code word we text each other when one of us this feeling unsafe in situations like that. We should make one too. Did she pull you out there? Are you ok?” You were breathing really fast at this point trying to both get details and make sure he was alright.
“Woah woah woah doll take a breathe relax,” His smile slowly spreads across his face while put his hands out trying to get you to slow down. “I’m ok. That girl back there she asked me to dance with her after you left and you know how hard it is for me to say no to a beautiful dame.” 
He was still smiling at you care free now rubbing your back to ease your panic. You froze his words on loop “Beautiful Dame” the phrase in particular ringing threw your head a few times. “b-b-but..” you stuttered trying to stop your self from over analyzing why he said no to you but yes to this girl. 
“I thought you had said you were uncomfortable with the crowd I thought we were gonna go do something” Your face had completely fallen at this point and your heart was quickly following its path to the pavement below.
He put his hands in his pockets and smirked “Get this she came marching up to me said she was looking for the ride of her life no strings attached...” He bounced he eye browse up and down looking to like you should be proud of him. “...and she said she was a dancer like ya know.. the exotic kind.” 
You really couldn’t blame her given the opportunity you would love for Bucky to take you on the ride of your life too.
“I know we were gonna go out to get ice cream or whatever and I should have texted you but I was just so excited! You know sleeping with a stripper is on my bucket list.” He continued sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck fidgeting
You did in fact not know that and were certainly better off that way. 
You felt like crying there was a sudden and very sharp pain in your chest that had sent goose bumps all over your body. You wanted to crumple to the ground. You wanted to scream and cry and time travel back to before you left him to close the tab. Maybe if you had him come with you this wouldn’t have happened. Maybe it would be you about to get your world rocked in a very pleasant and long awaited way and not the in shattering depressing way you were right now. 
After an eternity of you standing there with your jaw open and your fists clenched to your sides you said “oh.” softly 
“oh?” Bucky parrots back to you. “I need more of a response than that doll.” his fidget of choice this time to scuffed the toe of his shoe against the side walk. “I know it’s your birthday but I mean we were together pretty much all day and well... she’s really fucking hot and no offense but we can go out for ice cream and watch movies literally any other.” he forced a laugh. You could tell he was trying to make a joke to get you to smile, but you were beyond confused at this point. He had never acted like this as far as you could remember he had pretty much always put you first. Which is 90% of the reason you thought he liked you back to begin with. 
You stood there stunned and confused and heartbroken. Where was this coming from. Had you really just imagined all the chemistry between you? Did he know your plans and get cold feet? Did it really matter why at this point? Clearly he had no interest his being with you anymore tonight, and quite frankly you were starting to feel the same. “I mean if that’s what’s important to you..” you started to say still just barley holding it together. 
He darts forward gives you a quick peck on the cheek and starts towards the club even before you had finished your sentence. Not even looking back shouting somethings about making it up to you tomorrow. 
You stood there outside the club for maybe 20 more minutes ignoring the pity stares from the bouncer waiting for the Punked! camera crew to make an appearance. Holding in your tears and the broken pieces of your heart in your hands.
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youarejesting · 4 years
Hope in the Sheets.2
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Beta: @LunarLxve Pairing: Hoseok x Reader Genre: Friendship, Comedy, Soft boy, Fluff, SMUT, Friends2Lovers,
Summary: You held many titles: his neighbor, colleague, wing-man… well, more likely a wing-woman, yet most importantly, you were his best friend. You had been friends since you were born. Between the two of you, you were younger; barely, but he never let you forget it. He always seemed to ruffle your hair and tease you, which could get rather annoying but he made up for it by treating you to things. What if a drunken one night stand between you and your best friend Hoseok leads to more complicated situations? Your reckless twenties are cut short as you find yourself suddenly responsible for something a little more.
Warning: Implied sex, Implied impreg, Penetrative sex, big dick Jhope (bigger than average not like monstrous).
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You had drifted back to sleep, glad that it was a Saturday. The weather had been getting warmer, and it made the air slightly stale in the apartment. You had forgotten everything from the night before, in lieu of pleasant dreams. You don’t remember exactly what happened, but you were happy. A few key details you did happen to remember all included Hoseok smiling by your side.
He was smiling, holding your hand, the honey tones in his skin glowing in the sunset. His hickory brown colored eyes turning to meet yours. The thick love bands under his eyes were endearing; he said something, but you couldn’t hear him. His rosy lips made a heart shape when he smiled. 
His laugh was faint, or perhaps you just imagined that you could hear it, the corner of his perfect almond-shaped eyes turning up slightly. The scent of leather, cashmere cinnamon, liquor and peach, and freesia. It was a blend of Hoseok and your perfumes mixed together. You felt safe.
Knock knock.
Startled awake from the sharp sound, your eyes flicking open as if you had closed them for only a second. Blinking confused at the ceiling, long enough to question whether someone was really at your door. Perhaps no one was there, and you had just dreamt it. You closed your eyes, rolling over and burying your face in Hoseok’s shirt that you stole.
Knock Knock.
You rolled your eyes, swinging your legs off the bed and trudging to the door. You weren’t an aggressive person, but you were pretty sure you could commit several crimes to the person on the other side of the door. Throwing the door open, you were met with a freshly showered Jhope, standing in his baggy street fashion and dark shades, though they were probably for his hangover you thought they were particularly flattering. Sudden memories of the night previous flooded back, taking your breath away. 
Hoseok was touching your waist, slowly massaging your hips with his larger hands. You were feeling the two extra shots that you knew you shouldn’t have had. You were feeling good; finally, his attention was on you. There was no one else keeping him away from you, no ex-girlfriends, no booty calls, no friends with benefits. It felt nice to be the one he was looking as, to have his undivided attention.
This moment was like opening the floodgates, and suddenly you were chasing more. His affection was something you didn’t know you needed, but when he kissed you, it was all you could think about. It just felt like so much more. 
“Y/n?” Hoseok grasped, your shoulder confused, “Are you okay?”
“What?” Shaking your head physically as if to clear it only to regret it instantly when your nausea kicked in. Tequila wasn’t something you wanted to experience again so soon after last night. Honestly, you weren’t sure it would look as desirable on the way up as it did on the way down, and you weren’t ready to find out.
“I said I brought breakfast if you are interested” He held up a bag and a cardboard drink holder with two coffees, one Iced Americano and one Frappuccino. You took one of the two beverages and gestured for him to come inside, he laughed watching you walk away, leaving him in the doorway of your apartment. 
You sat as he unpacked the brown paper bag, presenting you with a mix of breakfast foods. It wasn’t exactly awkward, there seemed to be no difference between the two of you, but you were thinking about it, and more specifically, how to casually bring it up in conversation. 
“How are you feeling?” He asked, placing his hand on your knee.
“Um, I’m okay a little sore, but that is to be expected I guess,” you hummed. 
“I don’t remember past kissing some random girl at the club, but I guess she liked me cause she came home with me, I don’t remember much of anything at all except she was good. Real good.”
Like the weight off your shoulders had fallen straight onto your chest. It was almost strange how you could feel relieved and yet so disappointed. You could liken it to a friend cancelling plans —When your happy cause you weren’t feeling up to going out and doing things, but you also feel a little disappointed because you sort of wanted to see your friends—. 
So you were happy he didn’t know it was you, so your relationship wasn’t ruined, but at the same time you were sad because a part of you wanted him to know that you were the one he was with that night. 
Brushing it off and pushing the feelings into a little ball in your chest, hoping that soon the feeling would shrink until it was gone. 
“She sounds amazing.”
“I don’t know what it was, but I just felt really good physically and emotionally, I wish she didn’t leave.”
“I guess that’s life,” you smiled, and he couldn’t help but laugh and snuggle against you. The two of you relaxing and falling asleep on the couch binge watching reruns of old Drama’s. You don’t know how you convinced him to watch Boys over flowers start to finish. But that's how you spent the rest of your weekend. 
“Lil’ Darling, we have work tomorrow, let’s go to bed” He smiled, and you looked at him a little alarmed.
“Hobi, I don’t feel okay,” You said “I can’t explain it, I am not sick, I just don’t want to be left alone” You whined lightly. “I feel slightly off, wrong.”
“Is my lil’ darling anxious, I would offer you to stay, but I haven’t changed the sheets,” He said gently holding your cheek “What do you need me to do?”
“Please stay,” You clutched his shirt in a tight fist, “I want you to stay.”
“Only for you lil’ darling,” Scooping you up into his arms, he carried to your room. Stopping in the doorway, he chuckled. “You still have that old single bed.”
“Yeah you know I hate the idea of a guy staying the night, I don’t want them to catch feelings.”
“Well don’t worry about me darling, I won’t catch any feelings” He paused for a moment you watched him stare at your bed before taking a deep breath and looking down at you and grinning.
He placed you down on your bed and watched you quickly snuggle under your blankets and get comfortable. “It is going to be a tight squeeze lil darling” He laughed, turning the small lamp on beside the bed. He ducked off to the bathroom, and his absence left you feeling a little sad, you were never clingy; there was a reason you had a single bed.
You learnt from a young age that people would always let you down, so you never wanted to get into a serious relationship or rely on anyone ever. Even Hoseok had done so once or twice, but you could never hate him because out of everyone, he was the one who was always there. That’s why the two of you were sharing a single bed because of your commitment issues.
Hoseok returned, looking relieved when he saw you holding the small stuffed animal he had got you back when you were in the third grade. It was an apology for missing your birthday party, one of the three times he let you down. The second time had been when he told you he would take you to prom because you didn’t want to go if one of you were left out so you would go as friends, but then he revealed he was going with some other girl and you had to find someone last minute.
The third and final time he had betrayed you was when you had asked Hoseok to walk you home from the club, but he left home early, and someone had slipped something into your drink. Thankfully that was the night you became well acquainted with Jin and Jimin both who looked after you throughout the night. Jimin rubbed your back as you vomited into a bucket and cried for Hoseok while Jin tried to call Hoseok repeatedly. You had ended up in the hospital getting your stomach pumped, and he had apologized profusely. 
The stuffed horse you had affectionately named Mang, had long ears with a silk lining which you would rub your thumbs along each ear while overthinking things or generally feeling anxious. Hoseok smiled at the habit he had watched develop over the years, and he sat on the bed, taking the toy gently from you and smiled fondly at it.
“You still keep this old thing?” He looked at the stuffed toy that you had worn the ears on, and the mismatched eyes where you had to sew a replacement on as one was lost over time. You saw this face every time he looked at the horse toy whenever it popped up in your lives. You wondered if it was nostalgic for him to see. It was strange to think about how long it had been.
You watched Hoseok lay backhanding you the doll, it was awkward at first. Shoulders pressed together, you were pressed to the wall, and Hoseok was hanging half of the bed. “We used to fit a lot better when we were younger,” He laughed, making you crack a smile. “Lay on your side.”
You turned to face the wall, and Hoseok laid behind you, wrapping his arms around you, and pulling you close. “Look now we fit” His words sparked another memory.
“Hobi, I don’t think you will fit” The sight of his exposed member was honestly amazing. He had the perfect dick, it was bigger than average and an average girth, the head a perfect rosy color. He kept everything well groomed, and you wanted to taste him, feel the weight of him on your tongue.
You squirmed feeling the slippery sensation between your thighs, he asked you if this was what you wanted and reassured you not only that you could say no but also that he would be gentle. Even in his drunken state, he was still a gentleman. But there was not a thought in your head that wanted to stop this, so you agreed, voice husky. 
He opened your legs, holding himself up with one hand the other holding the shaft of his penis. Nudging your legs open a little more, he pressed slowly into you looking up to make sure you were not in pain, but his eyes continued to drift back down, not wanting to miss the way you looked being stretched around him slowly.
Once the head of his cock was within the warmth of your pussy, he placed his hand on the other side of your body, pressing his hips forward and rolling them slightly upward so that he could follow the natural curve of your body and bury deeper inside you. There was a moment where he thought he would pass out, his thoughts felt cloudy from the alcohol but also the feeling of your smooth walls concealing him.
You can’t remember how your position changed or how many rounds it had been, but you had ended up on your hands and knees. Hips tilted forward, presenting yourself to Hoseok and allowing him to slide in easily. Well lubricated by a mix of slick and cum, he entered with a quick thrust making you moan and grip the bed sheets. This angle felt so amazing inside of you, he was able to rub more against the front wall of your dripping cunt.  
He began thrusting, his hands grasped your hips, which he used to drive you back against him. The noises that left your mouth were a mix of moans of pleasure and forced exhales by the sheer strength off his thrusts, your arms gave out and your chest was pressed to the bed, your face against the pillow as your legs shook in pleasure. 
Your orgasm was building, and you came; the tight waves of pleasure between your legs made Hoseok stutter his hips thrusting forward. Managing to catch the headboard before he fell dick first on top of you. Cum pooling deep inside you as your cervix was contracting, kissing against it to let the seed filter into the depths of your womb.
You laid there thinking over that night, and just before you fell asleep a realization hit, Hoseok wasn’t wearing a condom, and you didn't take the pill because you are an irresponsible woman in her mid-twenties. 
In your defense you rarely find yourself in situations to need to be on birth control. Then there are the side effects the pill causes your body to go through, things like weight gain, acne, heavy periods. It all just became too many cons to one pro that you didn’t need.
You quickly grabbed your phone from under the pillow, Hoseok’s soft snoring keeping time behind you, opening your app, you looked at your period tracker and saw your ovulation day had passed, everything was perfectly safe. What would be the odds that anything would come out of one night? You could move on without any worries, no need to waste your time and money on the morning after pill either.
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Hoseok’s alarms went off first, and he quickly snoozed it, you both laid there still, desperately clutching to the last few minutes of sleep. Part of you wondered if Hoseok also thought about calling in sick just to have an extra day to laze around, but you knew he wasn’t like that. He was fairly hardworking, and in turn, the two of you had never missed a day off work unless you were violently ill.
But today wasn’t one of those days you were in perfect condition, which meant when your alarm went off, Hoseok was ready to get up. This would have been fine, but he pestered you until you were up and awake as well. 
“Come on, let’s get ready for work, and I will make breakfast” You rolled over giving him the stink eye. Raising his hands defensively, he walked out of the room with a five-minute warning. You begrudgingly got out of bed. Spending more time than necessary in the shower. When you left, Hoseok was a note on the bench with a plate of toast and beans. You must be getting low on groceries.
Dear Lil’ Darling, You have no food in the house. Let’s go shopping after work. Speaking of, I left early because I was called in by Taeil. Love you, Your hope and sunshine.
Opening the fridge and indeed your suspicions, and Hoseok’s letter was confirmed, it was particularly bare. There was an ancient jar of jam towards the back and alcoholic beverages here and there. You ate quickly and headed off to work, feeling bored with the lack of your best friend for the journey.
When you arrived at work, Taeil was there, as usual, chewing gum and searching his clipboard. “Hey y/n, you have a new partner as of today” You looked up at him, horrified. The only way you were able to stomach this job day after day was because of Hoseok.
“What do you mean, new partner?”
“Hoseok is training some of the newbies with Taeyong, and you are going to be paired with Winwin,” the disbelief must have been evident on your face as he gave you a pat on the shoulder. “It’s not forever.”
Your day went from bad to worse, when your lunch break didn't line up with Hoseok’s. On top of that, on your way out of the bathroom, a woman asked if you could watch her child while she went to the toilet. 
The child stared at you the whole time, his tiny fist gripping your necklace and trying to eat it. As time passed, you started talking to the baby, and eventually, you found yourself wondering. You were getting older, and some of your classmates had all started to have children. You had never really felt maternal, and you loved your mid-twenties dearly the freedom to go anywhere, do anything, no one waiting at home, no children to take care of.
But at the same time, you were scared. Things with Hoseok wouldn’t last; just like today, he will go in his own direction, find a woman, get married. The question was; Where would you be?
Hoseok met up with you outside the park, and the two of you took the bus, stopping at the shopping center. Hoseok grabbed the cart while you pulled out your list. This was one thing your mother always taught you to budget and plan things accordingly.
You walked down each aisle carefully, calculating prices and value for money. Hoseok laughed when he had first encountered you on a shopping trip, but now he was leaning down to the bottom shelf, reading the different prices of UHT milk. 
“This one is the cheapest,” he turned, smiling. 
“That’s so cute,” an old woman smiled “remember when we started shopping together when we were first married?”
“Oh, we are not—” you were cut off by Hoseok’s hand, which was sneaking around the small of your back and grasping your waist. He pulled you closer with a cheeky grin, his long thin fingers wiggling against your side, making you squirm and giggle.
His nose was buried in your hair, eyeing the older couple, “don’t spoil their fun, they are reminiscing their youth” Hoseok decided to help the older couple shop talking about helping them reach things off the top and bottom shelf and lifting anything particularly heavy. The whole time Hoseok was telling them how you were best friends through school, and you worked together.
“How sweet you have been together for so long, your home must be filled with so many sweet memories” the woman smiled happily.
“Of course, our home is small but cozy we can’t keep away from each other” Hoseok smiled winking at you he described a false home you definitely didn’t own. 
“We live on the outskirts of town, so we have a little more room and a little back yard. The sun comes in through the window in the afternoon, and the breeze blows the cream lace curtains gently. We sometimes have tea on the back porch when we have time.”
You couldn’t let Hoseok have all the fun, so you joined in, telling them about how Hoseok, on the weekends, would dance around the living room while cleaning, and you would tend to the gardens.
“Every morning, he makes breakfast and coffee and gets me out of bed, and every night I make his favourite dinners, and if he has been working hard, I make his favourite dessert.” 
After what seemed like the longest, but  very enjoyable shopping experience you had in a while, you headed out to the parking lot, waving goodbye to the old couple.
You decided to take a taxi home as there were too many groceries to carry on the bus.
“That old couple was so cute, they really thought we were a married couple” Hoseok laughter was infectious, and you couldn’t help but join in with his wholesome fun. “I think we would be a cute couple if we did get married.” 
You wiped your tears of amusement from your eyes, turning to see him watching the first few droplets of rain hit the window as the city passed by.
“If you were my husband, you would have to learn to take the trash out at night?” You hummed, “I can’t keep doing it for you.”
“Hey it is scary going out the side of the apartment at night, and it smells funny,” he laughed, acting sheepish about his fears, but you understood, you had your own fears that felt irrational sometimes. 
“If you were, my wife would have to know how to turn me on” His eyebrows wiggled suggestively, and he tickled his fingers up your arm making you slap it away, dismissing his comment as solely playful what if’s with no underlying meaning.
“You don’t think I could, that’s harsh Hoseok” Arms crossed in a mock upset, “why do guys stay with me then?”
“They don’t,” he laughed, normally you would laugh too, not one to get offended at a self-deprecating joke, but it kind of hurt as well. You got out, grabbing your groceries from the boot, the light sprinkle of rain turning into a heavy shower.
Your work uniform was a frilly dress that matched the cartoon funhouse you worked in, you honestly loved working the adult rides or the safari bus where you could wear pants or shorts and a polo top. 
It almost felt refreshing to be in the summer rain, you spun around a collection of shopping bags in each hand. The rain promised a fresh start, but you thought it felt more like a cold ending to something you cherished.
Clothes weighing you down almost as heavy of the doubt in your chest. You wanted nothing but to let this moment last forever. This perfect plateau, an in-between where nothing was happening, you didn’t want to grow up anymore. If you could go back, you would appreciate those days just sitting in the same room as Hoseok after school, watching TV together, and learning the choreographies in music videos.
Talking about your dreams, you would always say you didn’t know what you wanted; for Hoseok, he always said he would be a dancer. But, given a chance to go back, you would tell him, the only thing you want to be is with him forever. The idea of parting ways never seemed like an option, but you knew one day it had to come. Something about your drunken one night stand together made this whole twenty-something year relationship seem so fragile. 
“You are going to get sick, come inside,” Hoseok called, standing under the cover of your apartment building. When had you started crying? The odd mix of hot tears and ice-cold raindrops, reflecting how indecisive you felt.
“Hoseok, if I asked you to, would you stay by my side forever?” He was a smart guy and very perceptive he knew the difference between the rain and your tears.
He placed the groceries down under the cover and stepped out into the rain, taking you in his arms. You dropped the bags at your feet and wrapped your arms around him. “I am scared you are going to leave.”
“Hey, I could never leave you, you are my best friend, right?” He laughed, holding your cheeks softly, and you watched him searching your eyes for something, “You remember this?” 
He unbuttoned his uniform shirt and revealed his bare chest, you had seen his smooth, strong chest on many occasions but he drew your attention to a tiny tattoo just slightly off center in the middle of his chest. You often forgot it was there so used to it just being there. “What does this say?”
“Baseline,” you sighed, knowing exactly what he was going to say. 
“You are the baseline in my life and I will be there” He moved your shirt to show your collar bone where you had a matching tattoo delicately written on the clavicle. “We got them as a promise, remember?”
“Why are we here?” You asked Hoseok as he walked you into the tattoo parlor, you looked around looking curious but confused.
“Because I stuffed up, and I need to prove to you that I won’t leave you like that again,” Hoseok said, determined.
“It’s fine, that's what people do. It’s not something you can control; people are just born to let others down.” You sighed.
“Not me. Not your best friend Hoseok” He grabbed your shoulders, turning you to face him. Eyes pleading for you to realize how important this was to him. “I will stain this onto my skin, so I never forget.”
“What if you get married one day, and your wife doesn’t like the tattoo?” You asked him curiously as to what he was going to get, and where was it going to be big?
“That’s if I get married,” he laughed “when we turn forty if we aren’t married, let’s just get married, deal?”
“Thirty, and that's the baseline I won’t go any higher, or I will be too old to get married.”
“Deal! Thirty is our baseline” He linked pinkies with you as a heavily tattooed young man approached the counter.
“Sorry about the wait, how can I help you?”
“I would like a tattoo sir on my chest right here,” Hoseok said, his eyes never leaving yours, the artist asked him what he was thinking. “I would like ‘Baseline’ written right here.”
It was a spare of the moment decision that made you get the same tattoo, but instead of over your heart, you go it above your heart.
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Heartfelt moment over, and you were left with damp clothes and a few soggy groceries. Hoseok went home to shower, telling you to call if you needed anything. It truly was the closing of a chapter, the thin wall between you and Hoseok seemed like the furthest you had ever been apart.
That night you dreamt about him, in the fake house he had spoken about earlier that day with the cream lace curtains blowing gently in the breeze, letting the afternoon sun in through the glass door that lead to the back porch. You crossed the light wooden floors and stepped onto the back veranda to see Hoseok swinging in a hammock, his sun-kissed skin glowing gold under the warmth of the summer sky.
His hair gently tousled every now and again by the breeze, and his lips parted with a short sigh. You wondered what he was dreaming about while looking so at peace, his eyes slowly blinked open and you could see the love they held as they met your own. It was like getting winded you woke up from the sheer panic that coursed through you, sitting up your cheeks were damp and you realized.
You were in love with your best friend, Jung Hoseok.
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Tags: @brbkpop​ @take-u-2-an0ther-w0r1d​ @munchyn​
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trashforhockeyguys · 5 years
Don’t Hold Me -1- Carter Hart
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A/N: So, I talked about writing this a long time ago. And @oven-chicken-blog​ and I started talking about Carter a while back, so Carter miniseries is a go. As always, angst. Lots of angst ahead. Also, new chapters for this will probably be slow. There are also going to be some content warnings to go along with this. Including mentions of different types of abuse, panic disorders, and PTSD.
You loved living in Philadelphia. You loved U Penn. You’d never really thought about what would happen if you landed in a city full of people that you knew. To be honest, you didn’t think you’d end up in a place with several people you knew, not when you were going out of state for school. But when you landed in Philly and you received a text from someone you’d known for quite a few years, you were more than shocked. 
Yet, you liked it. Because you now had someone to look after you during the school year. You more than appreciated that you had someone, especially someone you trusted and someone you knew would take care of you. 
You already made several calls to him during the first semester of your freshman year, especially when you needed someone. He was the closest thing you had to family on this side of the coast. The fact that he’d known you since you were a child definitely helped. 
“Where are you?”
“I’m outside of the hockey house, off campus,” You quickly explained, “I- I need you to come get me. Please. I need to get out of here.”
He must’ve sensed the fact that you were close to tears, because the next thing you knew, you could hear him getting up and telling whoever else was with him to move their ass. He kept talking to you, making sure you were still there, as he moved. 
“I need you to tell me the address, sweetheart,” He begged, “I promise, I’m on my way, I just need to know where I’m going.”
You looked around you, trying to find a street sign and a house number. You could still hear the music playing behind you, and the sound of everyone inside cheering over something. You felt sick. You weren’t entirely sure that you wouldn’t throw up right there on the street. You took a few deep breaths before being able to focus enough to ramble off what seemed like the right address to him. 
“Patty, did you get that?” he called to someone else in the car. 
“Yeah, we should be there in twenty,” the other guy replied.
“Keep talking to me, okay? We’ll be there soon.”
You curled up on the curb, instantly regretting the short skirt and crop top you’d worn to the party. Maybe you should’ve listened to your brother, who tried to tell you not to go near the hockey guys. He was stupidly protective over you, but he seemed to be right this time.
You were shaking and starting to freeze. You wished you would’ve out on more clothes, or just stayed in your dorm room. There was a lot about tonight that you were already regretting. You should’ve listened. You shouldn’t have gone, you shouldn’t have started to drink. You should’ve been more careful. 
Without even thinking, you found yourself running into his arms. He was warm and safe. You knew, much like your actual brother, that he wouldn’t let anyone hurt you, so long as he was there to stop them. 
“What happened? Huh?”
“I just want to get out of here, please, Trav,” You begged him. 
“Okay. Here, take this, you’re fucking freezing,” Travis hastily took off his jacket and put it around you, “Patty, can you drive so I can sit in the back with her?”
“Yeah, I got it.”
“I’m sorry Nol.”
He laughed and gave you a quick side hug, “I’m just offended that you don’t have me on speed dial yet.”
“Not now Patty.”
You mustered as much of a smile as you could, “You’re Brother #3 in my phone, not quite on speed dial, but pretty close.”
“C’mon, I’m assuming your roommate is at that party?” Travis asked you, to which you nodded, “Alright, you can crash with us.”
Travis helped you into the car before running to the other side. Nolan climbed into the driver’s side and started up the car. You got situated and then ripped off your stupid high heels. They were another thing you regretted about tonight.
“I promise, I don’t always look like a cheap hooker,” You joked, noticing Nolan looking at you through the mirror.
“Never said you did.”
“I thought you promised E that you weren’t going to party,” Travis mentioned a few minutes later. 
“He’s not my mother, I’m legally an adult, I can do whatever the hell I want,” You grumbled. 
“Just because you can, Y/N, doesn’t mean that you should.”
You rolled your eyes. He sounded like your big brother, maybe because they were best friends and you knew Travis felt responsible for you. Either way, they didn’t control you. Even if they were right, they didn’t dictate your life. 
You were capable of making your own decisions and you could deal with the repercussions of them. You were old enough, you were in college, that was the time to make mistakes. And the time to fuck up. Yet you knew tonight was a bad idea from the start, but you wanted to feel normal again.
“Do you want to tell me what happened?” Travis finally asked. 
“Drunk hockey players,” you shrugged, “One of them just saw a short skirt, and nothing else. That’s all. I just didn’t want to stay.”
“Do we need to turn around so I can beat the shit out of him?” Travis asked. 
“No, he’s not worth it Trav.”
“No. But you are.”
You woke up on his couch the next morning, with little memory of what happened the night before. Patty was moving around in the kitchen, you hoped he was making coffee. God, you needed coffee. Your head was pounding. You probably shouldn’t have said yes to a glass of whatever was in that damned bucket. 
You groaned and rolled over. The sunlight was too much. Didn’t TK have any damned blinds in this place? Surely he got paid enough to afford some damned blinds, or maybe even curtains. Something to keep the sun from killing you.
“Here.” Travis was the one to bring me the coffee.
A mug was placed down on the table in front of you, followed by Aspirin, and another blanket was draped over you. You smiled before snuggling deeper into the couch. At least Travis got a comfortable couch. 
“How are you feeling?” 
“Like an elephant sat on my head,” You groaned. 
He laughed and sat on the edge of the couch. He started rubbing your back, slowly, just like he did a few years ago, back when he played with your brother. You groaned again and buried your head deeper into the pillows.
You tried not to think about what happened last night. You knew the party was a bad idea. You’d known that from the instant your roommate invited you. Hockey players were normally something you tried to stay away from, unless it was Travis and Nolan. You knew you could trust them, but that was as far as it went for you.
College hockey players were something that you tried to avoid at all costs. You Knew what they were like, you knew all too well. Nothing about them was good. Yet, when she’d asked you to go, you didn’t say no. Instead you pulled out your shortest skirt and a low cut top. 
“Are you okay? You were pretty shaken up last night.”
“I’m fine Trav,” you assured him, “It was a pretty stupid idea. But I’m fine.”
He gave your shoulder a squeeze. You couldn’t even begin to thank him enough for rescuing you last night, and all the other times that you’d called him before that. You used to call him instead of your brother, Ethan, because Travis asked fewer questions and could keep a secret.
He was good at picking you up, and giving you space, all while loving you in the way that you needed at the time. He made you feel safe and protected, all like Ethan did, just without asking why he was needed.
“Do you want to talk more about it?”
“Nope. I want to drink my coffee, and keep your sweats on, because they’re comfy.”
“I won’t be getting those back will I?” He questioned. 
“Nope you play for the team You can get more.”
He laughed. He knew you’d never give them back anyway. You always took his and your brother’s. Any chance you got, they’d always become yours. Truth be hold, he should be lucky that you hadn’t taken any yet this season.
“Hey! I made eggs, since TK actually went to the store yesterday and bought shit!”
“C’mon, eggs and toast, good hangover cure.” 
You cracked a smile. How many times have you made that very thing for him over the years? That was always your go to for everyone. You wondered if Patty remembered the last time you made it for him and Travis. 
“Oh, Carter is coming over,” Patty reminded Trav. 
“Shit, I forgot,” He looked over at me and tried to crack a smile, “Guess you’ll get to meet Carter, unless you want me to take you home?”
“No, because she’ll probably have someone in her bed and the room is going to smell like sex, and probably vomit, knowing her,” You explained, “So, I guess I’ll just stay? If that’s okay?”
They both shrugged, “He’s your age, maybe you two could be good for each other? Since you seem to be tired of Patty.”
“You are not setting me up with your teammate,” You snapped, “You know how I feel about other hockey players.”
“If I didn’t already know you, I’d probably take offense to that,” Patty warned, “But, having known you for over a year now, and fighting to actually get you to like me, I understand.”
“You’re lucky I can still stand to be around you.”
“Wow, I love you too, Kiddo!”
“Nolan! You’re a year older than me, shut up.”
Travis laughed and shoved Nolan’s shoulder. You loved the two of them in a way you didn’t realize you could. You’d been so cut off for so long and they seemed to slowly bring you back enough. You still weren’t 100%, there were still parts of you that weren’t fully glued back together. But you were okay. 
You didn’t know what you’d do without either of them to be completely honest. They’d become the family that you didn’t have while you were at school. They went far beyond just picking you up outside of parties, or rescuing you from your roommate and her constant visitors.
You depended on both of them in a way. Sure, Travis was as good as family, that was a no brainer, but Nolan was too. He’d been there for you since the day Travis first reached back out to you. You loved them both. But that didn’t mean you wanted to meet someone else. 
“I think I might just go climb into your bed Trav. My whole body is feeling it today, and you actually have blinds in your room.”
“Y/N! C’mon, it’s Hart. You even said you liked watching him in goal.”
“Just because I like to watch him play, doesn’t mean I actually want to meet him. I’m not in the mood today Travis,” You hoped he wouldn’t keep pushing you on it. 
You hoped he wouldn’t make you beg. You didn’t want to see anyone else. Your little circle of friends was enough. You couldn’t handle another guy in your life. Last night was a mistake, brought on by hours of your roommate bugging you to go. You were tired of always hiding out, but you also couldn’t handle everything that came with going out. 
“Okay. We’ll try and be quiet out here,” he sighed and kissed your forehead, he was one of the only people that you’d ever let do that, “Go back to sleep. I’ll check on you in a while.”
You tried not to think about the fact that you were running from someone you didn’t even know. Travis wouldn’t try to get you to meet anyone who wasn’t worth it, you knew that. But at the same time, after last night, you weren’t ready for any other surprises. 
You tried your best to ignore the sounds that followed the arrival of the young goalie. However, despite Travis’ promise, they weren’t quiet. You buried yourself under the blanket and closed your eyes. You’d been able to fall asleep during parties before, surely you could sleep through three guys practically screaming in the living room. 
You were just starting to finally doze off when the bedroom door slammed open. You practically jumped out of the bed, not expecting any of them to come bursting in like that. Standing in the doorway was the person you were trying to avoid. 
“Oh, shit,” His cheeks instantly turned red, “Sorry, I’ll just um-”
He backed out and shut the door. You could hear him chuckle as he made his way back down the hall, “TK, man you should’ve told me you had a girl over. I would’ve left you alone.”
You couldn’t help the anger that bubbled up as you threw off the covers. All you wanted to do was get some sleep, and then hang out with the boys that you consider to be your family. You didn’t want to meet anyone, you didn’t ask for Carter Hart to join you. You certainly didn’t exactly want him to think you were something that you weren’t. 
So, you found yourself throwing open the door and marching into the living room. Nolan already looked panicked when he saw you. Travis was trying to explain to Carter who you were. But suddenly all you felt like doing was yelling at all of them.
“What the hell? Seriously, what part of I wanted to sleep didn’t you understand Travis?”
Travis sighed and ran a hand through his hair before turning back to Carter, “Cart, this is Y/N, my unofficial little sister. She crashed here because her roommate is...a little too friendly with some guys on campus.”
“Wait, you’re Y/N?” Carter whipped around to face you, pure shock on his face.
“Well, I’m certainly not someone just warming Travis’s bed,” You snapped back, “I think I’m going to head out now.”
You turned and reached for the gym bag Travis gave you last night to put your clothes in. The walls were starting to close in on you, all you wanted to do was run. But when you started to make your way to the door, a hand reached out and grabbed your shoulder. Somehow you instantly knew it wasn’t Travis and you froze.
“Hey, c’mon you don’t have to leave.”
Before even thinking you spun back around, and slapped his hand away from you, “Don’t touch me.” 
You didn’t have to look at Travis to know that he was starting to panic. So was Nolan. They knew what your boundaries were. You couldn’t fully be mad at the young man in front of you, because he didn’t know. He didn’t know you, or what you could and couldn’t handle. It wasn’t his fault. 
“Don’t touch me.”
Your voice was smaller now. You sounded mousy. You hated that feeling that came along with this. You backed away from all three of them. You needed air. You knew Travis and Nolan would never do anything that you weren’t comfortable with, but Carter made you nervous. You knew he was harmless, Travis wouldn’t let him near you if he wasn’t. But still, he made you uneasy in ways that you couldn’t understand. 
“At least let me drive you back to campus,” Travis begged. 
“Trust me, I need to walk.”
“I love you Trav. I’ll call you later.”
You shouldn’t be running. You knew that. You should be able to stand your ground and meet Travis’s friends, his hockey family. They were more than important to him, yet the only one you could handle being around was Nolan. It had nothing to do with the rest of the guys and everything to do with you. 
You couldn’t expect any of them to understand why you were the way that you were. Travis knew because he was there during everything. Nolan knew because Nolan had witnessed bits and pieces. But there wasn’t an easy way for you to explain it to anyone else. So you hid. And you’d keep hiding because that’s what you were good at.
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thetradeway · 3 years
Session 48 14 Aug 2021: "Dhidth hwe huin?"
I’m late today. Ginger balls. Never admit you were wrong, and never apologise! Has anyone heard from Mina? She may or may not join us. Billy Corgan on a rollercoaster!
Matthew, wondering: “Does Billy Corgan have alopecia, or is that a choice?”
Duncan: “I don’t know, I’m not his mum.”
Matthew opens a 4% by volume Potion of Healing, and we get started. Everyone makes saving throws except Tarragon for their hangovers after the Midsummer festivities. Ahleqs is delicate but not too rough; he has however just discovered that he is no longer immune to alcohol. (He isn’t quite puking up pixies, so he’ll take it.) Gideon is bright as a button, as is Kessler, and Melaina. Ardvack complained that the sherry wasn’t up to snuff, so he didn’t drink much.
Gutpunch is snoring and emitting smells when the boys wake in their room. Tarragon returns as the sun rises. She returns to her chambers to find everyone else asleep; she joins them, and Mina joins us. The gnome bunked in with us is not emitting smells. There’s a bang on our door - it’s one of the Avowed, a runner.
“Your presence is requested in one of the Necessariums.” He’ll return for us in a few minutes.
Same thing happens for the boys; Ahleqs tries to wake Gutpunch, with no success. Ahleqs, blearily: “Necessari- what? What is this Hogwarts bullshit?”
Is Darkspire in with them? Yes. The Avowed asks if he behaved; yes, Ahleqs thinks so. Charity overhears this conversation, and butts in. He opens the door wide and tells Ahleqs to go back to bed; he does so. Charity peers at the Avowed’s face, the one who showed us to our rooms.
“Yes? What? Yes? I’m here. Everything’s fine, nothing occurred.” Assured that no crimes have been committed, the Avowed retreats.
Ahleqs asks Charity why there would be ‘incidents’. He says he has no idea.
We use our ten minutes to head to the Hearth for breakfast. Ahleqs has water. And a small pot of coffee. and one egg, and one bit of toast with some salt. “Is there any tabasco?”
Ardvack explains about the Necessariums. They are tall towers with lots of books; we can’t access them ourselves but the Avowed will get us anything we want. Kessler wants some books about tinkering and artificing.
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The vegetarian menu is vast, and very good.
The runner returns as we are stuffing more food in our pockets to take with us.
Ahleqs is delighted to see Mr Pickles in the Necessarium; he’s talking to a green dragonborn. Ahleqs doesn’t want to interrupt so he hops from foot to foot until the Al Miraj spots him. He is bidden to go over so Mr Pickles can take a look at him.
Mr Pickles says Ahleqs looks a little green around the gills; did he not hear about the revels last night, Ahleqs asks? Mr. Pickles was in the library having discussions. Should he order some tea? Yes, Ahleqs will have a small bucket of tea. Mr Pickles summons an Avowed.
Mr Pickles says there are wards on this place to cut noise and prevent eavesdropping from outside; he has some news for us if we will gather around.
An Avowed brings Kessler the books she asked for. (Carl wants some books too; The Very Hungry Caterpillar, A Tiger Came to Tea, The Borrowers, that sort of thing.)
MP introduces us to Bookwyrm, the First Reader of Candlekeep - the dragonborn he was talking to. He is in charge of maintaining the collection and acquiring newbooks. We want access to books about the Shadow Weave?
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The knowledge in there is dangerous, those books have been locked away. They don’t usually let people access them, but since Mr. Pickles is involved, he might be able to help - if we can do something for him in return.
Ardvack has a question; is this endeavour going to cut into our ten-day? No, since we will be out of the Candlekeep to do it. Bookwyrm can’t give us details until we agree to help, but Mr. Pickles believes it’s well within the limits of our skills to accomplish what he needs.
Tarragon agrees immediately, but mostly because Ardvack looks dubious. Ahleqs, assured by Mr. Pickles’s confidence that we can do whatever it is we’re being asked, also agrees.
Some time ago, Bookwyrm tells us, the keep was visited by a drow scholar who told them the location of a book the Keep have been seeking. Are we familiar with the caves below the Keep? No, but we’ve seen a picture.
They are beneath the catacombs, in the bedrock. They lead all the way to the Underdark. The book was supposed to be there. Someone went in search of it; a more than capable wizard, Olius Visk, but they were expecting him back a full ten-day ago and he has not been heard from. He is a young man, it is very out of character for him to miss the Midsummer Festival.
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What was the title of the book he was after? Bookwyrm doesn’t know. When the wizard applied to go after it, he didn’t mention which one it was.
Where is the drow? He left, as you can only spend a tenday here. He did not book in another visit.
We just need to rescue the wizard, not necessarily complete his mission, Bookwyrm says. If we do locate the book then we could bring that too. It’s not the Underdark proper, it’s not that far down - it and the wizard will be in the Upper Dark.
The First Reader gives us a book about the Underdark. Tarragon gets excited about the fungus that could be down there, and the potions she could make with them.
Will we need any further resources? Healing potions, at the very least.
When we are ready we’ll be teleported to the caves. We can get past the myconids that way, the ones that moved in and live off the mushrooms they grow on the refuse from the keep; they keep the drow and duergar away.
He gives us an orb to follow; Ardvack suggests giving Gideon the ring the activate the thing. While following Olius’ tracks, it will glow brightly to show us we are going the right way. Gideon blusters about the ring; “A fine piece of brass work! That will fit on my finger nicely.”
How many potions will we need? Tarragon, immediately: “All of them.”
They can spare a GHP and two RHPs - each. Oooo! They will give us twenty days’ of rations as well.
Can Carl come? We need Carl, probably more than Ardvack. Ardvack consults his book of manners, then laughs; “Ahahah, very droll.”
We decide to leave Popcorn in the stables while we go; he doesn’t like dark and scary places.
Tarragon is excited to be going into danger again; Ahleqs less so.
Ardvack, resignedly: “To almost certain death?”
Tarragon, far too excited: “To almost certain death!”
Ahleqs does a very shaky sigh.
A runner approaches with our Healing Potions, and we spend ten minutes farting about with our inventories.
Ardvack, bored, pulls a book from his pocket and begins to read; Ahleqs wants to know what it is.
Matthew, OOC: “What languages do you speak?”
Duncan: “Common, Elvish, Infernal and Light Crossbow.”
Are we all ready? Various themes on ‘yeah’, some more excited than others. Ahleqs casts Mage Armour.
Carl is brought from the Hearth (holding a book called ‘Ye Olde Very Hungry Caterpillar’), and we are teleported.
It takes a moment for our eyes to adjust when we arrive in the dark, wet caves. We head deeper underground, and of course someone (Mina) starts singing Jamiroquai. Well, someone had to.
Tarragon looks out for mushrooms for use in her recipes. There are lots, of various sizes. Some have bits that look like they’ve been cut off; as if someone has been eating or harvesting them.
Tarragon takes a bit of mushroom and eats it; it’s tasty. Ahleqs will watch her for about 45 minutes before he eats any himself. Ardvack stands as far as physically possible from all of the fungus.
Joe waits for his computer before telling us what has befallen Ardvack, who has gone ahead; Tarragon starts cackling. (She doesn't do subtly devastating insults, she does this.)
Matthew rolls a d4; he gets a 3. Does 16 hit him? “I think the 8 might do it.” The 16 does hit as he backs away from one mushroom into a violet fungus, for 8 Necrotic damage.
We roll initiative!
Melaina kills the fungus, but we don’t feel as though we’re alone. Tarragon holds a Thorn Whip in case she sees something within 30 feet of her that she doesn’t like, and warns Ardvack that this includes him.
We hear something shuffling towards us. Ahleqs is trying to hide when it attacks him twice for ten necrotic damage, and Tarragon gets it with her Thorn Whip. Ahleqs does Burning Hands at it.
Joe, laughing: “Really? You’re going to make a mushroom do a Dex save??”
He misses the one he was aiming at but hits the one he didn’t know was there, so… a win?
More turn up; Gideon does an Acid Splash, complete with quavery wizard voice as he announces it.
Ahleqs and Ardvack are closest and get a horrible, acrid stench as the acid burns the violet fungi.
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A fungus aims at Ahleqs but only manages to sort of caress his face with its tentacles, leaving a slimy residue; he sicks up all the water he drank.
Kessler gets one with her crossbow. “Remove your grubby bits from the Ahleqs!”
Tarragon, yelling “Danger and excitement!”, takes out her quarterstaff and runs at one; she hits, and is pleased when it doesn’t die just yet.
Does Ardvack want to chomp on a tentacle with someone else, do a sort of lady and the tramp manoeuvre?
Duncan, disgusted: “No tentacle sucking, this is not that kind of show!”
Mina, disconcertingly matter-of-fact about it: “Some people would pay good money for that.”
Ardvack chooses to hit the thing with his shillgjakjsgaklghjkghhhjbblhh instead. It crumbles into bits, but is also ‘a little bit on fire’.
Ahleqs spots some little orbs somewhere ahead up the path. He thinks they are probably magic, but has no idea what they are or what they do.
Carl does a ‘friendly yet violent pat’ on one of the violet fungi and does 5 splatting damage. It wraps its tentacles around him - and then lets go, shuddering. Carl goes in for a bonus action grapple-slash-fatal-hug. The fungus loses the grapple. “High point in Carl’s life.”
Sophie, OOC: “Are you going to give it a noogie?”
Ahleqs takes aim at the grappled fungus. Matthew, OOC, singing: “Now that’s fuckin’ teamwork!”
“If I move away they’ll get a tickle of opportunity won’t they?” Ahleqs stays where he is. “I do not consent to this.”
Gideon gets one with Magic Missile.
Joe: “How de do dis?”
Sophie, OOC: “With gusto!”
Carl maintains his grip on the fungus.
Melaina is feeling arrogant so she goes Sharpshooter. “Urgh, five, that’s not going to work is it?” But to her amazement, it does. 29 damage; a little bit overkill. It explodes into truffle oil, which showers Ardvack but completely avoids Tarragon.
Tarragon offers Carl her old quarterstaff, since he doesn’t have a weapon. He rolls an INT check to try and reply to thank her, but gets a 0. He accepts the staff with a nod of thanks; she smiles at him.
We have killed all the Violet Fungi! We have solved Joe’s Underdark puzzle, yay!
Yeah, nah.
The drift globe leads us around the next corner. Tarragon and Carl chase it, and see three little huts made of fungus and dried grass. Two look abandoned, but the third has light inside. The orbs Ahleqs saw seem to be drifting around it. Ahleqs rolls 19 Arcana; the orbs are warding or protection magic.
We decide to approach, because the inhabitants might know something about the missing wizard.
Kessler, approaching: “Helloooooo? Avon calling?” Tarragon casts Guidance on her as she goes by.
A bell sounds; Kessler recognises the Alarm spell. She calls out to say she doesn’t mean any harm. “Ignore the mech armour, and the idiots with me…”
Duncan OOC: “I want to know what happens if we find the ‘How not to be a goblin’ book and Kessler turns out to be a six foot five valkyrie warrior. Ardvack’s not going to know where to put himself, is he?”
An Unknown Woman appears from the hut:
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“What on earth are you doing down here?”
Kessler explains about the wizard and the book. Are we from the Keep?
So is she, it turns out. Will we be going back? Yes, unless we’re killed horribly.
Do we have a way to get back in past the myconids and such? (uh oh.) She says she was a speaker for the keep and was looking for some books, and got lost down here and got stuck.
Kessler rolls Insight with Guidance - 13. She seems convinced. We can pick her up on the way back? That would be amazing, she says. She’s smiling especially at Ardvack.
She has some warding magic up here if we want to rest? Ardvack tenses up. He makes an Insight check as well. He rolls a 9, but uses his Inspiration to re-roll - a 12. He feels a kind of kinship with her, as though her magic might have a similar source. He eases a little bit, and ventures a half smile, even though she’s wearing a 'very low-born outfit'.
Ahleqs, scandalised: “She can’t even afford a middle bit on her top!”
We don’t need a rest, do we? Ahleqs got hit a bit. Melaina doesn’t trust her, and doesn’t want to stop.
Tarragon asks the woman’s name. It’s Ava.
We could take a short rest, roll some hit dice? Have a sandwich? Get to know the locals?
Melaina: “Alright, but I’m not going to sleep.”
Ava points out the orbs. Anything on this side of them is safe.
This seems a bit too good to be true. Does Ahleqs get a sense of magic, other than the protective field? A nine; “She seems legit.”
She was looking for a book that the Keep wouldn’t exactly approve of when she got stuck here. She’s been living off the mushrooms. She was fleeing undead when she was chased into the myconid hives? A ghost or wraith or something.
She brings us some tea, apologising that it’s not quite as fresh as she would like. Something is definitely fucky; Tarragon takes watch, on Ava as much as for other dangers. Tarragon rolls 24 Perception, so she can see the colonies of ants coming to get us.
She sees that no-one’s quite at ease. Suddenly Ava’s skin sloughs off, peeling in big chunks, and a blood hag reveals herself.
Me, horrified: “Blood hag?? JOE!” Tarragon Thorn Whips her.
A writhing mass of hair bursts from the hag, and reaches out toward Ahleqs. She reaches out with her claws to Ardvack and Kessler, and hits both. 23 slashing to Ardvack - and 35 slashing to Kessler.
We roll initiative!
Melaina gets in amongst the mushrooms and tries to hide. “And now I’m going to shoot her in the face. Shit. No I’m not, with a ten.” She cowers behind her mushroom.
Gideon Thunderwaves her and hits, and retreats.
Tarragon casts Greater Shillsdghksdfkhsdg, and crit-misses. The quarterstaff bounces off and hits her in the face - she takes half the weapon’s damage and has Disadvantage on her next attack.
Carl hits her with his new quarterstaff and hits!
Ahleqs casts Mage Armour on Ardvack and Carl, using Sorcery Points to twin the spell.
Kessler bonus action slams her Greater Healing Potion. She uses her Thunder Gauntlets and forces Disadvantage on attacks not against her.
The Blood Hag uses something called Call the Blood, to do a Blood Choke Curse on Ardvack - his mouth fills with blood, preventing speech and verbal spell casting components for one minute. She uses her bonus action to Misty Step to Melaina and do another blood drinking hair, and a claw attack on her.
Ardvack’s turn; he riffles through his spells but they all have a verbal component. Matthew OOC, cross: “I needed that to be effective.”
Joe, pleased: “She’s charming, isn’t she? I thought you’d like her. But at least all the blood vessels in your mouth and throat have burst and you’ll keep having to spit blood for the next minute, so that’s something.”
Ardvack clubs her instead, and hits. He somehow manages to do 0 damage.
Duncan, OOC: “If you say ‘good girl’ or something while you attack, you could do some psychic damage…?”
Matthew: “If only I could speak!”
Melaina gets sneak attack plus Sharpshooter with her rapier - 31 points of damage. All of us, fanning ourselves: “… Damn.”
Gideon will cast Scorching Ray - all three bolts hit, for 21 damage total. The blood hag is pissed off, now, we are told. Gideon bravely retreats.
Tarragon misses again, and begrudgingly heals Ardvack. “Come on, it’s not that bad. Get up.”
Carl was going to use his Raging Cadaver ability, but Tarragon is now in the square he was going to rage to. He can probably navigate through the mushrooms. He does that, and then a slam attack. He does a zombie grab as well. He rolls 17 to her 14, so she’s grappled!
Ahleqs casts Shatter right in the huddle of Carl, Charity, Tarragon and the blood hag. But he would hit Carl, so he doesn’t. He does Eldritch Blast with Tides of Chaos and hits both times for 7 total Force damage.
55: His hair falls out again. “Oh… this again. Okay. I mean I was growing that, but whatever.”
Kessler wants to know if the mushrooms are difficult terrain; she can push through them. “I haven’t finished with you yet!” 16 with the Thunder Gauntlets hits for 12 Thunder damage, then 19 to hit for 11 more. The hag has Disadvantage on attacks versus anyone but Kessler.
Carl is surprised when the hag Misty Steps out of his grip. “He is very perplexed.”
Does 26 hit Ardvack? Er… Yes. He takes 24 piercing damage, and is grappled; her hair worms dig into his flesh and start to suck his blood. He makes a Dex save - or he would, but he might be dead…? No, he’s at 1HP. His lucky hit point.
Matthew is fighting his computer. “Dex save… Any minute now… It’s coming… I’ve pressed the button… It’s asked me if I want to make it public… seven.”
Joe has devastating news for him. The hag has reached out and torn his face off.
Holy Fuck.
What the fuck???
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“I wanted the pretty elf, but this will have to do!”
The hag makes good her escape as Ardvack goes down. Tarragon uses a free action to vomit.
Ardvack has an ability that brings him back with 8HP. “Dhidth hwe huin?”
Melaina shoots the hag in the back but misses; Gideon does a Scorching Ray.
There’s discussion about the face and the fact that it has Ardvack’s memories and personality; Mina, OOC: “Give it a few minutes, she’ll bring it back.”
Duncan, as the hag: “‘Can you take this back, it’s kinda bumming me out’.”
Tarragon does Cure Wounds at the highest slot available to her; Ardvack’s face is now a mass of scar tissue. She uses her bonus action to throw up again.
This is worse than when Wee Jock got Disintegrated. This is worse than the time we were all zombies, and we started off dead.
Joe, put out: “You’re so ungrateful. It took me ages to find this monster.”
Carl can reach the nasty lady. He can Dash, but he can’t do anything when he gets there. He holds out his hand for Ardvack’s face. She ignores him.
Ahleqs: “Okay… Okay… I cast Fireball. Oooh, it’s big!” He casts it at level 4, and places it so he’ll get the hag, but not Carl. The hag must make a Dex save. She gets a 22.
Duncan, OOC: “Well… Yes, she does and she doesn’t.” She takes half the damage, and is really pissed off.
Kessler: “Oi! Come back with that!” She pulls out her crossbow and shoots. First shot is a miss, and so is the second - a crit fail. Booh. Off target: You deal half damage for 1d4+1 rounds (3). She tries to intimidate the hag, who is unimpressed.
“Let me leave, or I’ll cast Cloudkill.” The bitch uses Invisibility.
Ardvack’s turn; he is now un-stunned, and remembers the sensation of having no face. He’s also still spitting blood. He takes out the mirror that Amelia gave him, and looks in it to see the horrible-ness that is his face, still drooling blood. He puts the mirror away. He gives Tarragon a pat of thanks on the shoulder as he turns away so no-one can see him and crawls toward the hut, “Because this is where I live now.” Even Tarragon feels a little sorry for him.
Before we go, Ardvack is crawling into one of the huts, yes? Yes. "I do not wish to take tea with guests." The most complete hut is the hag’s one; he sees some stones on the floor as if she’s been scrying. Next to them is a pebble with a purple ring on it.
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He makes an Arcana check on it to make sure it’s not a bum-stealing stone. 21; he knows the mark as the symbol of Shar. He may remember Shar from such activities as fighting a giant scorpion and an assassin, or raising an army of scarecrows to harass a halfling village.
We decide to leave it on that cliffhanger...
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